#and also as someone who torpedoed a lot of friendships at the end of college bc i was busy being in a toxic relationship lol
smallboyonherbike · 2 years
guys i'm gonna see my college best friend for the first time since 2019 for her and her fiancée's joint bachelorette weekend tomorrow!!!!!! and then in a month they get married and i'm maid of honor!! i can't wait to cry my eyes out!!!!! and constantly take credit bc i introduced them sophomore year by convincing her to join rugby with me and fiancée was already on the team with me lol
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invisiblenotbroken · 7 years
Gas Lighting: Searching For Chronic Illness Diagnosis in American Healthcare System (Its' funnier than it sounds and just as frustrating)
Did I get lucky! I got to make a new friend. I hope you enjoy listening to Jen. She is an amazing poet and at the end of the interview you can hear two very powerful poems. She is hilarious and strong. She has been dealing with being sick and frail even though she has made massive changes (loosing 100lbs) and has just started in on her 40's. We talk about parenting with a chronic illness, the American healthcare system (buckle up its' about to get political), the importance of art when you can't get out of bed, and how important friendships are especially when you are dealing with chronic invisible illness. 
Ms. T's Answers {More Bad Ass Than Mr. T}
Jen Toal (with her amazing poetry she did not Age 40
PTSD, Chronic Pain, Extensive nerve injury  nerve injuries in both arms, Not Quite Fibromyalgia (is that a thing?), planters fasciitis, Anxiety/Depression
(...Hang on, maybe Ehlers-Danlos?? Amazing the things you can learn doing podcast interviews...) After watching Jen through the interview I was impressed at all of the crazy shapes she was making while stretching. She also has the swan deformity and so many other symptoms of the disorder I have.
I can remember school officials started stepping in around middle school to try to help Mom and I address my symptoms. They couldn't find much obviously wrong with me, except for some scoliosis. In high school I was given special locker accommodations each year to try to help reduce the load on my body and as an eighteen year old, our family doctor explained to me that I was experiencing the same daily pain as most eighty year olds. This was before the injuries of my twenties and thirties.
I didn't get far working with that doc because growing up means losing access to health care in our country. 
 In my early twenties I was working in tech support and saving for further college when all the nerves on both my arms were blown out by repetitive stress from typing. I spent the next several years in surgery and disabled. I got LOTS of doctor attention, but only on the subject of my work injuries. They were there to repair me from what they had done, not heal me overall. 
 The worst part of those years was being unable to draw. 
 In my thirties I found reasons to stop giving up on my life, most notably my husband, John, and our sweet child. John and I changed so many of our daily habits that together we lost three hundred pounds. 
 Losing 45% of my pre pregnancy body weight has done amazing things for my health, but it's not the miracle cure it *looks* like from the outside. For one thing, jumping up out of my sick bed to chase my snugly little kettle bell around gave me a wicked case of Plantar Fasiitis. It's a remarkably painful addition to my dappling of symptoms, but was acceptable collateral damage to me.
 1. Who were you before your illness became debilitating?
A child. 
 2. Is there anything you would do if you were not sick? 
There are so many things. I would have so much more of a career. I would travel. I would go out in the evenings and be around people. I would make so much more art. 
 3. What should other people know about our daily life?
That it's super easy for them to forget, but it's always there, reminding me. That it's exhausting to manage pain.
 4. What would make living and moving in the world easier for you?
Single Payer Healthcare and Universal Basic Income. 
 In my twenties I spent a lot of time with people who liked to play, "What if we won the lottery??" My answers always began with access to doctors and therapists.
 5. Life hacks?
Tennis balls are my latest favorite backpack staple. I sit and lean on them for point massage. They are especially magical for car trips, which have always been rugged for me.
My backpack itself is my favorite tool, but like many medications that come with side effects, the magic bag does sometimes get ridiculously heavy.
 6. Support from family or friends?
I married really well. My husband is marvelously supportive and encouraging. My mother would help more if she were closer. 
Friend community cares from afar, but we are all spread so perilously thin...
I saw this art show with a display that said, "We are living in an era that is testing the limits of everyone's compassion." I worry about all of us. Times are tough, and getting tougher, and I don't feel like my communities have the space to hold me up. Not because they don't care, but because they're fighting so hard to keep themselves going.
 7. Do you find that people do not believe you are sick because of your appearance? How has this affected you positive or negative?
Yes. All the time. It's horrible. I spend a bunch of time disappointing the humans around me because I look so healthy, especially after my weight loss, but I am still frustratingly limited.
 8. How has this affected your relationships?
It torpedoes them sometimes. On the other hand, it can allow for deep bonding when we understand each other.
 9. What are you afraid to tell even the people closest to you?
How bad the pain is. How pervasive it is. How scared I am of the future.
 10. Does the fact that your disease is invisible change how healthcare professionals treat you?
Yes. They often disbelieve me. I've been accused of being drug seeking. Which is pretty funny, given how much time John spends trying to convince me to take something.
 11. Best coping mechanism?
Diffuse awareness. Forgetting. Drawing.
 12. Favorite swear word?
John says if hell counts, it's hell. Lol
I have a hard time picking. Shit, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, godsdammit.
 13. What are you the most fearful of and what are you the most hopeful for in the future?
I'm terrified that I'll be unable to support my family in the ways they need me. I'm hopeful about the ways I have learned over the years that people make their livings with skills I totally retain access to, even as my spacesuit gets quietly wonkier...
Cardboard Decades
 when i say ricky was my best friend, what i mean is 
he was my first consensual sexual partner
i turned 5 while mom and i lived in his mother's house
he was 6
 i once pulled his little brother, fallen-comrade-style, 
across train tracks in the very nick
wouldn't know for decades how scared i should've been
 they taught me prank calling and ladybug sailing 
how to be kind to the kind doberman 
and keep my dolls far away from the angry one
 ricky and i were softness and exploration 
in an already cruel and confusing world
  i remember being 8 or so 
sun-drenched in the back of my grandmother's very nice car
i wouldn’t know for decades about love languages 
but i knew in california i was given things, but few hugs
and in texas, hugs, but few things
 i preferred hugs
 but it was well known that "daddy warbucks" 
and family had more money than made any sense
and they didn't get as much time to be affectionate
so it made sense
that they'd want me to have touchstones of affection
when i went back to my mother's wars
 how could they know?
 mom would send them letters, 
as she says, "full of things we never did. 
places we were never going to be."
 it wasn't just that we couldn't get above the poverty line
 i wouldn’t know for decades the term “human trafficking” 
 my poor mother.
 i also hadn't learned the different ways a car can sit 
that day i was walking home
with ricky
mom pulled over
countenance confusing
told me only i could get in
drove away
before telling me we'd never go back
 i would never say goodbye
 i wouldn’t know for decades
that the reason no one understands 
what i mean when i say 
we “moved a lot” when i was a kid 
is because i don't understand 
what i should be saying 
is we were homeless 
for more of my childhood
than i had realized.
 only way to explain 
we have to move whenever someone gets mad
 my doll protects me from the mean girl
i share a bed with 
 we take my most evil stepdad back
eleven times
 he's charming
and when he's around churches don't have to bring us things
 the motels. national parks. so many places 
i stop calling where i sleep anything other than "the house"
know if i learn the path from house to grocery, it’s probably time to go
 try out different versions of my name in different schools
  sometimes compassion is a shovel to the gut
often my mother wakes up screaming
 i’ll never know how many trains she pulled us from the teeth of.
 only reluctantly came to see the damage of 
rootlessness on a childhood
 perpetual motion was our only way of survival. 
 i ran into ricky a couple years later
awkward amongst other kids
eons away from the life we had shared
 i’ve been trying to shift my relationship with cardboard
dismantling all my boxes
learning to build some belief
 i might just get to stay
 advice i am giving myself
upon meeting new soul mates
 stand solidly 
if you are able
hold your form fluid 
brace for beauty
 and the way it always 
knocks you over
 notice press of globe
up through soles
 marvel at the moments experience
and universal 
shake hands
 trade knees
 compare the roads you have run
the trees you jumped out of
the places your jeans have worn through
 skip right past groins and sex
this isn't that poem
 and connection
can be better
for being less obvious
press your belly buttons together
a meeting of absences
 shared space to frame things
 frame things
redo this if it
feels more truthful
  consider the strengths of your mat
let the space placed around
your best work
have its own things to say
 say things
out loud
 experience is meant to be shared
 and no one needs your 
more than a soul mate
 trade scars stories 
(tattoos totally count)
 tell each other tales of the ways 
the world hasn't ended
even if it left a mark
 feel belly press belly
 you've been sucking down discord
all day
 like too little sleep
too much wireless
and a fundamental disconnect
from how our species evolved
to thrive
 agree to thrive anyway
 slice out space for each other
in the places you
forget to feel shame 
 allow yourself
and each other
  for everything you’ve ever believed was wrong with you.
 there’s never been anything wrong with you.
except not knowing there was nothing wrong with you.
 forgive yourself 
for lying to yourself
in order to stay small
 it’s okay to not be everything
 we are all of us everything together
and we forget we don’t have to 
do it alone
 give up the notion 
you may somehow 
be on the same page
 you’ve only just collided 
from across the cosmos
 the particular constellation 
of harmonic convergences 
your empty spaces 
as you pass through each other
 are not the same
as being the same
 we are stronger for our differences
 befuddling though they be
 decide this is the game
and that you are always winning.
 because you are.
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