#and also i dont know how i would ever ask to write something w someone else. like ''heyyy so theres this idea we talked abt/i had/whatever
junietuesday · 1 year
on the one hand ive never really written a full-scale fic collaboratively and it sounds like it would be SUCH a fun time to brainstorm and write a big epic fic w someone else bc you get to bounce ideas off each other, have another person to work together on building the prose with, someone to pick up the slack when you falter and you for them, just have someone by your side through the process just as hype as you abt the fic, etc. etc. but the problem is that i dont know if i can actually give up any creative control. like i know from the times ive planned ideas w others and school group projects and just my whole personality that im totally happy to accept others' ideas when i like them, but when i have a Serious Disagreement w someone else abt creative direction, its like, i cannot let go if i think my idea is right. and i would be too shy to confront my cowriter abt it but if my idea really doesnt go through i will be bitter abt it forever </3
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sourlove · 5 months
"Listen, I know this might seem sudden, but I have to get this off my chest. I think I've fallen in love with you."
Slowly, you turn to face owner of the heterochromatic eyes gazing up at you. From where he was tied up. On a chair. In your basement.
"...come again?"
The man you had just kidnapped, with the intent of holding for ransom, blushed. "I think- no, I know I've fallen in love with you."
You smiled faintly, emphasis on 'faint' because there was nothing you wanted to do more than pass out and wake up from this nightmare. Todoroki Shoto was nothing but a spoiled, rich kid on paper. Sure, his father had significant power but that also meant you could charge much more for his release when you kidnapped him.
Unfortunately, hindsight was a coldhearted bitch. How were you supposed to know that he had his own fucking gang? What 23 year old man had that kind of power?? Why is it that the one time you decide to test your luck to get some extra cash, you kidnap a mafia boss???
"From the moment you tried to use that chloroform on me, I-I felt something," Todoroki rambled, interrupting your thoughts. "I was confused at first at the audacity but once I pretended to faint and you dragged me, very painfully I must say, to your van, I knew it had to be fate. I had read about fate before, but I never imagined that it would be this..." He trailed off and stared at your face in dreamlike wonder. "...beautiful."
You laughed awkwardly, silently noting the possibility of brain damage from when you moved him. "That's great man, but look-"
"It's more than great!" He leaned forward, his eyes gleaming excitedly as the ropes strained against him. "Nothing has ever made me feel this way before: flowers, money, the works, but the moment you tied me up, I knew we were-!"
"Look the whole kidnapping thing was a mistake. okay?" You interrupted abruptly. You ran your hands through your hair in frustration. Who knows how long you had until someone found you?
Todoroki's smile melted of his face. "A...mistake?"
"Yes! Exactly! It was just a wrong place, wrong time kind of situation! And I am sooooo sorry so let's just forget this ever happened and I'll even drop you off wherever you need to go." You finished with a nice 'im-so-sorry-for-kidnapping-you-please-dont-kill-me' smile.
He stared at you blankly for a full minute, making you sweat nervously. There was obviously a screw loose in his head and you really hoped you hadn't provoked him too badly.
"So you mean you never planned to kidnap me?" he asked quietly.
You shook your head. "I didn't. I'm sorry? I think..."
The silence echoed throughout the basement as precious seconds ticked by. Your hands itched to do something, but what? You weren't a murderer and there was no way you wouldn't face some kind of consequence so the only way out was to convince him to let the matter slide.
Todoroki chuckled at your dumbfounded expression. "Do you really I would believe that you kidnapped me, Shoto Todoroki, for a mere ransom?" He smiled adoringly up at you and you felt a chill run down your spine. "You wouldn't do something like this," he nodded down at his binds "For someone you don't love."
You backed away slowly. "Hey, you've got the wrong idea, I-"
"No, no I don't have wrong ideas," Todoroki drawled. "In fact I think I might be very right about this one soon."
"W-what...?" Suddenly, a loud pounding came from your front door above the basement. Loud, angry voices spilled into your home and stomped around, obviously looking for something. Or someone.
Todoroki looked almost apologetic as he smiled. "It looks like you'll have to make your choice now, my love. You just ran out of time."
You swore and hastily began cutting at his rope bindings as he watched in amusement. Fuck it. It was better to hang off the arm of this psycho than get caught by his men as his kidnapper. And he knew it too. You wanted to punch his stupidly pretty smug face.
"I'm so glad you decided to see thing my way, darling," Todoroki sighed, wrapping his arms around you. "And since you wanted me so badly, I'll give you exactly what you desire." He pressed your foreheads together just as the basement door splintered open.
"From now on, I'm never letting you out of my sight~"
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senanatheskenana · 2 years
Genshin Characters’ Voice line About you
"Oh (y/n)? They're wonderful! They just work so hard, and they're so compassionate... It almost makes me want to work even harder with how much they do to help me!... What?? Of course, I wouldn't have a crush- feelings for them! It-It would be completely unprofessional to feel something like that for a fellow knight!"
"So you've heard of them too... I'm not surprised, they're just so cool that I'm surprised they dont have as big a fan club as Barbara. I guess if they had a fan club, you could say that I'm the founder of it!"
"Such a cutie- we've known each other since our days in the Akademiya. They were just as formidable then. Hm?  If you're insinuating that I liked them back then- or now- well, that's, unfortunately for you, none of your business, traveller."
"I've asked them countless times to the tavern but every time they refuse- say, I dont suppose you could perhaps convince them to meet me somewhere? Every time I do it they play hard to get- they call me a flirt. Oh? You think that I should ask them to go somewhere more romantic? Hmm, I'll think about it, but while I'm doing that you ask them first. There might be a reward in it for you~"
"W-What? No, I dont really know all that much about them. I hardly ever talk to them, so of course, I wouldn't know that. I'm not being defensive, that's ridiculous- the idea- no! I... Is this- Has Kaeya been telling you that I like them? N-No? Oh. You didn't even ask about that... I have something I must do- Goodbye, traveller."
"Ah yes, (y/n). The single most perfect thing in Mondstadt- if not Teyvat... And perhaps the only thing I can't write a song about. It's just not possible to write something that lives up to them in person. It's like drawing air, you just can't do it"
"When I first met them, it took me by surprise. I hadn't seen it. Perhaps it was better that way because I could experience it all like fate wanted me to."
"I sometimes find myself drawing them without realising. I dont know why but even during experiments I sometimes get distracted by thoughts of them. I've made plans to see them, to try and pinpoint why these things are occurring."
"They're just as irritating as you- not leaving me be, following me around like a puppy... Well yes, I suppose it would be strange not having them around. And it is sort of sweet that they keep trying. Dont get any ideas, it's just that"
"Proper procedure would dictate that I begin our courtship with perhaps a bouquet or an offer of attending a social function together. Do you think that they'd prefer red or yellow roses? "
"Why are you asking me about... them. I-I don't know much about them, I wouldn't put them in danger like that. The closest I could ever hope to get to them is always too far for them to see me. Don't be stupid, an Adeptus and a mortal could never hope to live together happily, it will always end in regret and grief."
"When we get ready to dock, I climb into the crows' nest and can you guess what the first thing I look for is? Bingo! I could spot them from a mile away even in the fog because my heart recognises them before my eyes and tells me every time"
"I have a  certain Qixing member I dine at Wanmin Restaurant with- all professional of course... Most of the time. You can't expect me to be a businesswoman all the time can you?"
"Back in Snezhnaya, I have a childhood best friend. I also have a lover. I'm fortunate enough that they happen to be the same person. Why are you so curious about this? Are you surprised that someone can love a war machine like me? Or is it the other way around? Trust me, if you met them you'd understand how easy it is to fall in love"
"I haven't felt like this in hundreds of years. Every time I see them, I feel the memories crashing back and I see the future through their eyes. I sometimes feel terrified of getting close because I know they will one day pass on too. But I also remember that if I dont the only thing that changes is my happiness. "
"Am I really that obvious? Do... Do they know that I feel this way? Oh, so it's only you that realised- whew, that saves me a little embarrassment "
Hu Tao
"Every attempt I make to ask them out, it always ends in them backing away. Should I start asking them to go somewhere instead of coffin picking?"
"Of the people I've met, only one other do I remember as much as you. (Y/N) would pick herbs on the mountains and I would watch from the bottom to catch them if they fell. Sometimes I wish they would be a little more clumsy"
"I guess you could say I know them. Pretty... Intimately if I do say so. I didn't imply anything, you're just inferring things, traveller haha~"
"We first met at a clan function and we hit it off right away! We would sit around the teapot and pour each other tea and pretend to be an old married couple. I suppose we still do now, but we dont have to pretend anymore"
"The thing I regret most about leaving my home behind is... (Y/N). There hasn't been a day where I haven't whispered 'i love you' into the wind in hopes it might one day reach them. I haven't forgotten them and I only hope they haven't forgotten me. No- it's selfish to hope that they wouldn't move on after so long."
"My favourite part of fireworks shows is when (Y/N) runs over to tell me how beautiful they were. I'd throw a show every night if they were watching it each time!"
"I... I seldom find comfort in the company of mortals. I dont often find comfort in anyone's company. But I suppose if I had to look back, the one thing that really does bring me peace and happiness is (Y/N). Perhaps, this is a story best left untold for now, Traveller"
Kujo Sara
"My strict schedule hardly permits my free time. What little time I do find I usually spend escorting the shrine attendant (Y/N) around the island. 'Below my salary' you say? It's not that. I just quite enjoy being around them. Please keep this confidential... "
"Ah, speaking of (Y/N) could you please deliver this letter to them? I'd love to do it in person but I'm extremely busy. Thank you so much! Just dont read its contents, they are strictly for their eyes only. Strategies? Wha- oh yes! That's it. Off you go now"
"Nervous? I-I look nervous. I... I guess I'm a little nervous to see (Y/N) again. It seems that every time I see them I get a little more schoolboyish, and I feel my face flare up. Oh, they're coming! Does my shirt have creases in it? Good!"
"How does my hair look? And my horns? What about my- What do you mean I'm panicking? Nah, I'm just trying to make sure that I impress them. An oni's got to look his best when they meet someone like (Y/N) after all"
"Have-Have you seen (Y/N) recently? No! You dont need to go and find them, I was just wondering. I think I might have upset them... I didn't mean to but I panicked. They got a new outfit and I got really nervous because they looked so... I could feel my tail wagging and I didn't want to embarrass myself- so I ran. God, I'm such a coward. "
Yae Miko
"They're quite cute to tease, hehe~ It's so easy to make them blush and I just can't help myself when I get the chance to fluster them."
"When Ayaka first introduced us, I was worried that they might be intimidated... But I'd trust that's not the case considering that we now share a bedroom. I have a feeling that Ayaka knew what she was doing, haha"
"I know I tend to ramble on and on about plants- but they said that they like it. (Y/N) says that out of anyone, they would want to listen to me do it... What? N-no, I dont think that they like me- well yes they like me- what I mean is love- I mean that would be quite nice but- oh, I'm doing it again."
"I dont tend to get along with Scholars, more often than not I end up frustrated with their pride and arrogance. Of course, there are exceptions. Tighnari and (Y/N) are amongst the only people associated with the Akademiya that I could call...Lo... F-Friends."
"I protect Auru Village so of course, that means (Y/N). They are probably the one I keep an eye on most. I just like to make sure they are always safe. When someone encounters a rarity in the desert, they protect it with all their heart."
"I'll never forget our first dance... it was wonderful. I was so caught up in the movement that when I stopped spinning my head kept going and I got dizzy- but the first thing I saw clearly was them. For the first time, I tripped over my feet, oh I was so embarrassed! When the crowds finally dispersed, they remained and we ended up waltzing into the night."
"Dont be stupid. I dont have any sort of emotion for that mortal. They're just another annoying human. They're tenacious I'll give them that, always trying to talk to me. It's like they're asking me to hurt them... What do you mean you think I'm scared? Of what? Why... No, i dont get scared of feelings- I-I just dont have them for them!"
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ssparksflyy · 5 months
literally any kind of Leo x latina reader please cause im just in love with how you write him
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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leo valdez dating hcs! ✶ ࣪˖࿐ *
pairing: leo valdez x latina!reader warning(s): swearin + gringas this one aint for u pookies ♡♡ a/n: BRO. i had to rewrite this completely twice bcs i kept on forgetting to save it nd it would all delete 😭 also ty girlie ♡
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leo valdez, certified loverboy
his lips gotta be surgically detached from you cause damn
this boy loves kissing u
big big fan of u wearing lipgloss/lipstick cause then it gets on his lips nd leaves him all heart eyes
its like his own lil trophy
nd hey it reminds the other girlies that hes taken !! not available !! go find someone else !!
so u best believe u do it w a SMIRK.
best dance partner to ever dance partner
his hands go all over u girl
but that usual firm grip on ur waist omfg 😵‍💫😵‍💫
also does not gaf if he feels like his legs r about to fall off, if u wanna keep dancing then dance he shall
only other people he would dance w are little kids who ask him to ♡
good asf with kids im afraid
he claims that its because their imaginations are still big, hence making it easier for him to actually enjoy having a conversation with them instead of like ... politics ( hes never had a convo about politics )
he so wouldve loved spending time with family if he had the chance :((
he so becomes besties w ur mama tho ♡♡
( if shes mortal ofc )
they instantly clicked when u introduced them to each other :))
ur mom loves how sweet he is nd how much he cares abt you ♡
you left for a second to go to the restroom nd came back to the comadres looking at baby pics
like ?? u left for 2 seconds ??
wdym hes already getting the family chisme shes just met this man ??
its that leo valdez charm or somethin
cause like if ur dads a mortal he also really likes him 😭
ofc hes gotta pull the whole overprotective dad bit first
but once they get talking he slowly gets more comfortable w him :))
he also appreciates how much he cares nd how he puts u first ♡♡
i feel like mortal parents would just care if they treat u right nd are loyal
or maybe they dont nd actually become stricter
who knows anyway back to repair boy
THE roses man
his fav flowers
he thinks it romantic its classy and hey who doesnt love a good red rose
he could spend days making you a bunch of metal flowers nd painting them nd make a bouquet
but he gives u a metal flower everyday !!
so u best believe for special occasions he buys u a big ol ramo of roses nd a cute lil plushie or somethin ♡
v cute v cute v that sould be me
u best believe when u move in together
oh yea. ur future is already planned out together
theres always something bomb for dinner
whether its homemade or ordered in, u eat good every night ♡
"but i cant cook!' dw pooks he can !!
he asked ur parent for ur fav homemade meals nd asked them to teach him how they make it :((
best believe u wake up to breakfast made every weekend
nd ofc all he asks for back is kisses ♡
im tellin u. an addict. cannot get enough. its not normal man
youve got a stash of candies in one of ur cabinets for whenever u crave themmm
constantly gotta restock up tho cause they do NOT last
u guys def talk crap in spanish
i mean obviously , who doesnt
but if u desperately need a gossip sesh but r like surrounded by ppl you whip out the spanish ykyk
sigh, i want a leo valdez ♡♡
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a/n two: hope u enjoyed !! idk if these r kinda short but tbh im so sleepy nd havent had good sleep at all this week so im ending it here, have a good day/night !!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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persephone11110 · 6 months
drifting apart || j.seresin
“I don’t know if this is something we can fix.” prompt credit: @allthingsmusings
seresin children oc’s: Rosie Seresin, JJ Seresin
t/w: jake tries to keep the girl, divorcing, part of the reason why bradley and jake hate eachother so much, seresin children, alot of hurt and no comfort, mention of rooster, ooc jake idk tbh
word count:1.8K
AN: I think we noticed of how much of Jake kick ive been on. Instead of my usual writing I decided to break both characters heart.
*bolded slanted words means flashback*
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Never in millions did Y/n Seresin believe there be a day when her and Jake Seresin marriage would falling apart. You no longer felt enough for Jake Seresin, you no longer felt the dire need to keep pretending that your marriage was alive.
You sat on the edge of the bed with a picture in one and with your wedding rings in the other.
The wedding picture,Jake standing behind you in his dress blues, wearing the biggest grin any person could humanly pull. His wedding rings in your hand, he must’ve known deep down that the love between them was going down the drain.
Jacob John Seresin I was not someone who gave up easily, he proved this throughout their twelve years of marriage. He did this when it came to asking Bradley to marrying his kid sister, he did this when it came to flying in the air-having the desperate need to come back to his family—the love of his life.
To see your husband rings on the nightstand only meant one thing, Jake Seresin was giving up—he was throwing the towel in.
He himself didn’t believe Y/n wasn’t worth fighting for.
You wish you could turn the clock back and go back to the times were there was love in the air. You wish you could pinpoint were the two of you fell out of love with eachother.
Did he stop loving her after JJ was born?
Was there ever another woman?
Hell you knew you were no Aphrodite, but you liked to think your husband loved your curves from carrying your two children. The way freckles graced your face—the c-section scar that was left after having JJ.
Maybe he didn’t.
Your twisting the wedding ring that once symbolized love and hope. Your nervous for Jake reaction which was understandable, the papers were hidden away in a kitchen drawer,the kids had been spending the night at Uncle Mav’s house.
You had the house alone to yourself, as Jake had spent the second night in a row at Javy house.
You looked at the closet as it no longer held any of your stuff, the kids room also lacked many of their things. You had already decided on 50-50, Jake keeps the house and she would downsize to a townhouse. They would split custody with the kids, you would keep your minivan, as Jake would barely be here because of deployment.
There’s no reason for this to be messy unless Jake made it that way. Unless he fought to you to the very end—leading them to go to court.
A couple months from now, Y/n would no longer be a Seresin. You would be Y/n Rose Bradshaw, the woman who’s husband left her. The woman who wasnn’t strong enough to hold her marriage together.
Your standing in the kitchen allowing the running hot water to burn your hands. As you dwell on the past without realizing Jake had finally came back from Javy house. He came back to an empty house, the kids were gone—you were almost gone.
“Seresin” The blonde man smiles at you, a toothpick is sticking out the side of his mouth.
“Likewise, the name Y/n”. You tipped your beer at him.
Dimples appear on both corners of his mouth.“Whats an civilian like you doing here, Y/n?”. His toothpick is discarded on a napkin.
“Well Seresin if it concerns you so much I’m here with my brother who just so happens to be a naval aviator”. You blink your eyes, not wanting to be caught rolling your eyes at him.
“Seresin why are you harassing my little sister?” Bradley appears, dragging his eyes between the both of them, his lips curl into a small smirk,“I’m leaving you two kids alone, but I’m telling you Seresin dont piss her off, that right hook has done damage”.
“Y/n Bradshaw”.
“Jacob Seresin”. He drawls at you, his sweet southern accent making your stomach twist into pieces.
“Y/n” his voice is loud, he gently pulling you away from the sink. You could barley make out his words but you did hear the water cut off.“What wrong sweetheart?”, his voice is so concerned—an emotion you missed hearing in his voice.You missed him so much.
He grabs your hands,“Come on talk to me”.
“Its fine Jake” you gently pull your red raw looking hands from his giant gentle ones. “You must be hungry Jake”. You pull away from him walking to the microwave and pressing the numbers, to reheat his dinner. “How was Javy’s?”.
Nice going Y/n the man may not be in love with you anymore but he knows you and your tells.
“Red, whats wrong?” he sighed, staring you down like your one of the kids hoping to make you confess." His big green eyes staring into yours, the same green eyes that made you fall in love with him. This is the last time you’ll see them, this is the last time you’ll both be in the same house, in the same room together.
“I’m tired Jake, I’ve had a pretty long day”. You licked your lips their suddenly dry.“Tell me about Javy’s”. You hands him a saran wrapped dinner plate.
“Weres Rosie and JJ?”Jake asks you, tugging you into a chair before sitting down.
“Their spending the night at Uncle Mav’s, they’ve been dying to be in that damn hangar with him”.
You could tell he’s itching to really ask you whats going on but he doesn’t. Jake takes a mouthful of food first before eyeing you again. “Thank you Red”.
He taking a sip of beer before he’s back to eyeing you again with suspicion.“Baby your scaring me”. Your fidgeting with your hands unable to contain yourself much longer, you let go of Jake’s hand and stand up.
You looked up the ceiling praying to god that shit doesn’t hit the fan the moment you turn back around to him.
You grab the papers from out of the drawer.
“Whats that Y/n?”. Jake asks a level of fear rumbling in around inside of his stomach.
You don't answer him at first, you could feel his eyes boring into yours as you hand the papers to him.“Jake their papers”.
Jake’s jaw clenches as his hands smooths over them
It had taken forever for you to accept the end of your marriage, standing in the shower crying so the kids don’t hear you. Laying in a bed with one side made, asking yourself what happened, hearing knocks at the door thinking it was the day you get Jake’s belongings.
Sitting next to your lawyer with a quivering hand holding a tissue for your wet face and runny nose.
Jake Seresin doesn’t easily get scared, he’s seen death happen in front of his very own eyes—almost losing the love of his life and his son. To begging death to give him a second chance, being the man that majority of the navy hates.
You standing there with a pen in one hand your wedding rings in the other did.
“Fucking talk to me Y/n”. Jake might aswell get on his knees and beg, that just what his tone sounded like.
“I want a divorce Jake”.
Jake heart is slowing down, hating the way how certain your voice sounded. How you given up on him,on the marriage already.
“Are you fucking kidding me Y/n ?”, his voice is rough, his arms crossed onto the table.“You can’t just hand me papers and expect me to sign them without hesitation”.
“Yes I can Jake, everynight since your last deployment Ive wondered if theres a point to this—to us”.
His jaw clenched,the anger in him rising ,“You can’t use my job aganist me Y/n you knew what the navy needed from me the second we met”.
“You’ve been spending nights at Javy, you left your ring on the nighstand”. Your voice is heavy with emotion, your casting a gaze at him.
“Because of that, Y/n we have kids together, there’s other ways to fix our marriage”. Anxiety is bubbling inside of him.“Tell me why”. He goes with unable to pull any words together.
You snort at that,“Jake your gone for months at a time, your aren’t here to be with kids and when you are here, you don’t want to be”. Your voice breaks,“Just let me go please”.
He was losing you and for the first time in awhile Jake didn’t have a solution to his problem. He couldn’t drink his problems away, he couldn’t pull maneuver out of his ass to save his life. Jake Seresin has to sit here and lose his wife to his own selfishness.
“Red I’m in love with you, I can’t just let you go”. You blink with confusion, and it breaks Jake heart watching his wife underestimating the love he had for you.
Jake chair flys back onto the ground he’s on his knees with his head in your lap crying,“ Give me a chance please darlin-let make it up to you”.
“You can’t fix whats broken Jake, you can’t undo years of pain in a night”. You could feel his tears through your silk pajama pants, he squeezes his eyes shut.
“I’m sorry Y/n”. He grabs your hand and holds it with a firm grip.
For a second you think about taking him back—ripping up the papers and throwing them away but you can’t. You pull his face out of your lap and sigh—you prayed for this day to never happen but it did. You leaned back—grabbing the papers and the pen.
Your letting go for him.
“Just sign em Jake”.
Your starting the process of going back to becoming Y/n Bradshaw.
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tetsuswaifu · 2 months
Can you do HQ boys hcs w an astrology girlie ( like she can do brief analytic about others personality based on their d.o.b ( yerr ofc not always 100% correct)) thank u so muchhh 🥰
Haikyū!! Astrology HCs
⋆ ♱˙𓆩☠︎︎𓆪˙♱ ⋆ feat: (Bokotu Kōtarō, Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurō, Suna Rintarō, Oikawa Tōru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Akaashi Keiji) x f!reader
word count: 1030(including names and signs)
a/n: i used a website to get their big 3 signs, i dont know what time and where they were born so i put them all born at noon and in tokyo to try and get the most standard chart for all of them. also got more information from other websites to get an overall understanding. i hope this was to your liking and the format you wanted, i was struggling to figure out what would be best 🫶🏼 also hopefully got these readings somewhat right , lmk if i missed writing about someone you wanted specifically, thank you again for the request, youre welcome love, have a wonderful day/night ! 🫶🏼
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read my work :)
sorry not proofread completely
・❥・Bokotu Kōtarō・❥・
-☀️Virgo🌙Aries ↑Sagittarius-
this man is so enthusiastic and supportive of you being into astrology. he loves how passionate you are about it and eagerly listens any time you have an analysis on someone, especially if it's him. he might not understand it but he's your number one supporter.
this man is so eager to know everything about his birth chart, like he's calling his parents to get the details right.
you tell him his virgo sun explains his hardworking and detail-oriented nature. his aries moon adds to his energetic and impuslive personality, and his sagittarius rising shows his adventurous spirit.
he often asks you to explain his horoscope to him, like he's convinced astrology is the reason for his mood swings. "babe, is my moon in a bad spot today? i feel off"
i feel like he would definitely try and learn it to impress you, but would get things mixed up and signs crossed, creating hilarious misunderstandings, "oops"¯\_(ツ)_/¯
・❥・Kozume Kenma・❥・
kenma is an open-minded person, but initially he is skeptical to it. he doesn't believe it much but he does enjoy seeing you excited about it. he's also an observant person so if you gave him an analysis of someone, he would def look for signs and mentally take note. sometimes you're right and he will be taken aback by how on point your description was.
you would explain his libra sun makes him a balanced person and diplomatic, while his cancer moon gives him a sensitive side which can lead to moodiness from him. his capricorn rising makes him appear serious and stoic to people who he doesn't normally interact with.
kenma will give in sometimes and ask for a horoscope, especially if he's stressed about a game or project he's working on, "this game is kicking my ass, can you tell me if luck is in my favor today?"
if kuroo is ever being extra around him, he will always say something along the lines of "he's being such a scorpio today" to you and you can't help but laugh. even if he is being sarcastic he's right most of the time.
・❥・Kuroo Tetsurō・❥・
he is so playfully curious, definitely teases you about it. he absolutely would be respectful about it though. whenever you have an horoscope, he listens intently. mentally combs through his astronomy knowledge to see some cross over, but he would also enjoy debating you about the validity of it. having that banter with you, being flirty and playful during those talks
he is interested in his birth chart to see if any of it is actually true, so he wants all the details. his scorpio sun gives him a magnetic and ambitious personality. taurus moon is strong in him, making him emotionally steady and practical. you explain his aquarius rising makes him unique and progressive, often very friendly and confident.
off the books he's checking to see your compatibility online. he learns a thing or two from his research. he's very perceptive and uses your astrology insights to plan surprises for you. he knows when you might need excitement or extra comfort.
"does my scorpio sun make me intense enough to handle your love for astrology?" always smirkin'.
・❥・Suna Rintarō・❥・
he doesn't care much about astrology, but likes hearing you talk about it. well he loves hearing your voice, he's always interested. he will be sarcastic towards you about it and joke around from time to time.
he'll send you astrology memes and tiktoks that he stumbles upon, often making you laugh.
his aquarius sun makes him independent and a great listener. aries moon gives him a self-sufficient and fiery personality, sometimes having a reactive behavior to him, but also caring deeply for the people in his life. on the flip side, his taurus moon gives him calmness to combat his fieriness. 9/10 he's a steady type of guy
on the down low he probably looks up teammates birth charts to get a better understanding. "no wonder the twins are the way they are."
・❥・Oikawa Tōru・❥・
this man is genuinely so interested in astrology and anything you tell him. he does his own research so he can have an educated conversation with you about it. he believes it helps him understand himself more and appreciates your daily horoscopes.
he loves discussing the compatibility between your signs and jokes about how they are destined to be together.
his cancer sun makes him a caring and sensitive person, always in touch with your feelings. his sagittarius moon is strong in him, making him focus on what can be done and not what can't. libra rising gives him all the charm and charisma. "you think my signs make me perfectly balanced for you?"
・❥・Iwaizumi Hajime・❥・
he's a pragmatic guy but open-minded to it. haji is skeptical about astrology but he appreciates how much it means to you. again, another respectful guy, willing to listen but doesn't believe it himself. he does ask questions though to better understand you as a person.
his gemini sun and moon make him adaptable and curious. it aids him in being communicative as well. the virgo rising in him gives him humility and practicality, making him very structured.
sometimes you will give him astrology advice if he’s stressed, giving him it as an option in case if his other stress-relievers aren’t working
“does my double gemini signs make me twice as unpredictable?”
・❥・Akaashi Keiji・❥・
-☀️Sagittarius🌙Taurus ↑Pisces-
a very thoughtful listener, for sure. he enjoys what you have to say about astrology, finding it interesting himself and enjoys learning from you.
he appreciates your thoughtful way of analyzing personalities, often nodding in agreement with you.
his sagittarius sun makes him inquisitive and independent, he's got a philosophical side to him. taurus moon in him makes him emotionally stable, no wonder bokuto and him work so well. pisces rising makes him intuitive and friendly, accepting people for who they are.
akaashi is the type to get you books and star maps, or anything astrology related that looks legit. he finds your insights helpful for personal growth, which in turn, brings you guys closer.
"either our stars are aligned or your influence is just strong on me" with a wink, of course.
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1eoness · 1 year
Could you make a Dom!Leon x trans ftm reader NSFW fic with some fluff thrown into there?
୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ author rambling; HI i am eating pineapple rn and i never forgot this request. just to clarify and for some context, i dont have experience of writing !reader anything out of sub afab so im sorry if this is super inaccurate or inapplicable or unsatisfying and im open to criticism on this :( :) idk im so sorry aghdfhdsfhdj i really need to work on this. oh and i read some ftm smut for this so ty to those writers :> pls criticize anything off (with reason ofc). [btw i feel like this is super bad im sorry im not feeling creative rn i have writers block :((( ]
anyway 'DOM!LEON KENNEDY X TRANS FTM READER NSFW WITH SOME FLUFF THROWN IN THERE' COMING UP. i'm sorry this took so long for such short content too :(
cw: fluffy dom!leon kennedy, trans ftm!reader (w/ bottom surgery) [i can always redo this if you don't like me mentioning top/bottom surgery]. praise, oral (reader receiving)
synopsis : re4r leon and he loves u and ur worried little face and he's gonna kiss it better (and fuck it better, maybe).
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ -♡- ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
leon loves you. he knows you're constantly worried over him being troubled over his trauma but he wants you to know, between every crevice of his clouded thoughts, that he loves you and it's the surest thing he knows. it's hard to admit but even when he loses himself, it will always, and forever be clear to him that you have his heart and there's a reason why.
you were about to get under the covers to go to sleep (after a day that felt longer than it should be.). though, you lowered your headphones to the lower end of the volume once you saw leon through the bedroom doorway.
"baby, i wanna tell you something." leon said, his quiet and soft voice only going a decibel higher as he crawls to you on your bed. he hated seeing you about to sleep with such a worried look on your handsome face.
you thought he didn't notice? even if you're his neutral-faced boy, he knows when the air around you feels more somber than usual. "do you ever feel.."
"like a plastic bag?" you quipped quickly. (i'm sorry if you don't get it)
"no, damn it." leon's mutter-reply followed with a quiet chuckle that you echoed. he likes that about you, your incessant annoying humor (but you'll never beat him in that). he sighs, and tries again. "you know, like... you're kind of.. stressed over someone else's troubles?"
to be honest, he doesn't really know how to go about it. he doesn't want you to think you're burdening him—though, you could never ever make him feel like that. leon nears you, hovering above you and adoring your face wherever his mind runs. for some reason, before you guys go to sleep he just does this. he also likes talking to you before you both go to sleep ♡.
you hum, just a little bit sleepy. "what do you meann?" you ask quaintly, and leon's heart melts at the tone of your slightly languid voice. you sounded so cute. a rather random yet soft laugh escapes before he dips down to give you a small kiss on your cheek.
"...y/n, i'll just be straight—i don't want you going to bed looking so.. upset." leon mutters softly, rubbing over the skin of your cheekbone with his thumb. maybe he shouldn't have gone into detail how heavy his mission felt. because when he was done talking, you gave him some short comfort and impulsively stood up and said that you needed to wash the dishes (and the dishwasher was literally running when you said that).
at first he thought he did something wrong and upset you, and the guilt immediately seeped in. naturally, he didn't want it to go undiscussed, that would murder him! so he went to find you ASAP. but when he went to check on you in that dim kitchen, he saw you with your back turned and trying to silence your tears. apparently, you felt so bad for him it was enough to hurt you, too. you were just too sweet—leon also felt bad. he gave you some space for a bit, though he's sorry because he really wants to be there for you and he can't afford to leave you by yourself sometimes :(
you looked a little to the side from his forward words. you didn't really know what to say in response, you were just.. tired, and also worried. leon understands this, picking up on it and showing it by giving you a reassuring, subtle smile. he wants to see you smiling, too, and he knows just how to do it. it's his favorite thing about his little boy ♡.
"..come, baby." he coos quietly as he began to take a hold on either sides of your face, knowing you don't need discussion right now. maybe loving is enough. and loving you is a way of reassuring himself, you just need to accept that :( so you be good for him and let him give you the praise you deserve (and so much more).
he kisses you on the forehead first. he loves cradling your handsome little face, placing safe pecks all over it. especially on that spot a little adjacent from under your eyes. leon hums when his lips reach your jaw, peppering it with innocent love. but will it really only go that far? "because you're the most perfect boy ever." he reasons hushedly, his left hand holding the side of your neck and caressing it gently.
oh, it's going to be one of those nights where he kisses you all over and doesn't leave you alone.. but you know better than to complain.
"y're so clingy..." you decided to joke, though you both knew you loved it. while you giggled at his antics, you can feel him smiling into the skin of your neck. he's so ready to spoil you rotten.. and you had no idea:( ♡
he moves his broad hands under your shirt, handling your being with tutelage. the fuss of the sheets make hush noise as he moves downwards, worshipping your body along the way by placing kisses over your clothed stomach. "...so?" he laughs softly against the skin of your lower inner thigh, the fluttery feeling of his lips planting a kiss on it making you shudder. he sees you, and how you turn so bashful all of a sudden.
"..tickles?" leon mumbles amusedly.
"yeah-" you mutter in response before he abruptly did it again on your stomach this time, which made you giggle. you were just too precious to him!
he holds your thighs in his hands for a minute, resting his head against your left thigh. you see the muscles on his arm flex subtly while he does so, your stomach tumbling at witnessing his strength at such a mild moment. for a minute he just gazes at you fondly, a hinting coyness hiding beneath his expression.
you were making it so tough for him. he just wants to kiss you all over . hell, he might even want to merge corporealities with you.
he doesn't speak, his eyes trailing down to your pelvic area while unnoticeably smirking to himself. you were so cute to him, so what else can he do but lift your thighs over his broad shoulders?
but he looks up at you, immediately. his fingertips are teasing at the hem of your bottom clothing, insinuating what he wants to do for you as he lightly taps at your skin. "baby, may i?" he asks with a sudden comforting tone. he'll never make you do something you don't wanna do. but like said, if you accepted, there's no promise that he's going soft on you.. but that's because he just wants you to be all nice and happy! a very innocent motive ♡
"mhm.." you hummed lowly, willingly giving him your greenlight. and has leon said he loves you?
"thank you, love.." he mutters shortly in reply before pulling your pajama bottoms just a little down. down enough for him to free your pretty shaft. he sees you blushing, covering the bottom half of your face with your sleepy hands.
and this man.. was so hard to predict!
the soft hunk of a man wants to wrap his right arm around your abdomen, pull your hips up to his face. "leon!-" you gasp abruptly with that same low voice.
"shhh, baby." leon mumbled while his left hand snaked around to cage your right thigh firmly to his shoulder. his knees dip on the comforters, pulling his boy's lower body up like he was challenged to lift a feather.
you quickly brought your hands up to take your headphones off, but leon suddenly spoke when you pried the muffs off your ears.
"keep them on." he cuts your actions off. the subtle demand of his tone says you're going to keep them on. he, somehow, reaches to turn the volume up on your headphones. you were puzzled, not knowing what he was aiming to do with such-
"a-aah!-" you yelped in utter surprise. a dribble of spit threads from his pretty lips and down onto your length..
he's hunched over as he takes your tip, then more in his mouth. he glances at your dumbfounded eyes, and you swear you could see him smirking to himself. but before you could think further, he was suddenly suckling onto your cock so firmly you started to squirm.
but that's why leon's holding you so tightly, so you can take it the way he needs you to~
you felt restricted. leon wants to steal your senses, inject pleasure in your veins like he were trying to fucking save you. he's beginning to get so hard that it makes him whine against your shaft, and he's so hard that you're making it difficult for him to think rationally.
"l-leonn! slow down!~" you cried without sense, which only urged his fingers pressing into your skin as he held you in place. he takes an inch further, his mouth working eagerly, making sure you can understand his carnal urge of making you cum with his mouth. "uh-uhh!-.... nghhh-hh..."
"mhmm..mmmm..." he hummed roughly, following with a soft growl as he slurped you up stupid. you kept moving. why were you moving so much? you were so sleepy just a minute ago.. oh, well; leon thinks. but is this man really oblivious to the fact that he can make you feel so, so good?
of course he wasn't. your erotic whines got louder and louder by the minute as your headphones disabled you from being conscious of your tone at all. your voice fell muffled upon your ears but leon was devouring it, using your moans and sobs as a motive to eat you up until you're heart-eyed. you couldn't even make sense of the music anymore as leon's mouth clouded your empty mind.
i'm gonna drown you in pleasure, baby.. leon thinks to himself while he's busy adoring you and the way your cock twitches onto his tongue :(
you were flailing slightly while leon went down on you, seeing you and your eyes struggling to keep open. he trails his left hand up and down your thigh, the sensation feeling a little ticklish. your chest rose and fell warmly, trying to reach out to stop him with a weak hand but he wouldn't let you and he feels (mildly) sorry. but it doesn't make him halt— he looks at you with sweet eyes that say 'please cum for me~'
you whined weakly at this, voice going raspy as you full on started to cry. you felt so vulnerable and so good at the same time and you trusted leon so much. you could feel it, could feel him about to siphon your orgasm out of you. just the way he wanted it..
the faucet began to spill and you were crying, the tears trickling down your cheeks messily and around your headphones, too. leon looked at you with mostly with affection, but also with a bit of sympathy. you must've had such a hard time, huh? he's so happy he can make you feel better..
"u-uhh, f-fuck, leon!! n-nno- nggh..a-ahh!-" you didn't even know what you were blabbering or retorting for anymore, but your hips twitched in his grip as you began to tremble within the fuzzy feeling of your orgasm. you were being such a pretty boy for him like this, all sensitive and crying after one minor blowjob. how were you going to handle the rest of the night like this?
it was hard to ignore his boner at this point. "mm..mhh, fuck- such a good boy f'me, huh?" he groans while he sucks on you at a slower pace, trying not to overwhelm you too hard (but still overwhelming you :( he's sorry, he swears.). "god, you're so cute.. but you have him so horny and frustrated now, what did you just do to this boy? he isn't frustrated at you.. but..
he isn't letting go of your thighs any time soon.
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fuyuu-chan · 5 months
hellu! how are u? i adore the entirety of ur blog, its very cute! : D
i was wondering if you could write vyn with a reader who lets their emotions overtake them? like theyre very sensitive! then they meet a calm vyn that affects them to be more at peace w/ themselves.
thank u sm! i hope ure doing well!! 🤍
Love Who You Are
Fuyuu-chan: Hi Hi. I'm good, how about you?? Thank you for requesting!! Love your idea, also idk if i did this right 🥹 but i hope you like it <3
Pairing: Vyn Richter x Reader
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You were just here to browse for a new book to read when someone approached you out of nowhere.
"Excuse me...are you perhaps interested in that book?" Someone asked.
You looked from the book you were holding to the person who probably asked the question to you.
"Are you talking to me?" You asked as you let your eyes scanned your surroundings only to found you and this guy.
"Yes I am" he nod and smiled slightly. You looked back at the guy again.
"Oh well...to answer your question..yes, I took an interest on this book, why do you ask?" You asked.
"Oh its nothing...its because its my first time seeing someone took an interest on that book...not many people like those types of book" he explained.
You frown slightly which made the man taken aback. "Oh...are you telling me...never mind" you said as you avert your gaze for a few seconds before turning back to the man. 'Is he telling me I had bad taste in books?' you thought. Seeming to notice your silence the guys asked. "Did...I say something wrong?"
"...umm do you meant that in a bad way or like??" You asked.
The man took a second only to realize what he said earlier. He probably had offended you accidentally considering your also a book lover. "Oh no I'm sorry...I meant it in a good way...that book was actually nice to read while relaxing, I was just surprised to see someone also interested, since whenever I came here no one really looked at that book." He explained. Usually people take his compliment but you...thought it was an insult? Sure maybe bevause of his wordings and all but... People still usually assume its a compliment or sometimes they just dont ask about it.
"Oh...I see" you nod in acknowledgement. "I..never got your name by the way?"
"Ah how could I forget to introduce myself... My name is Vyn Richter, what about yours?"
"(Name), nice to meet you Vyn" you said.
Ever since that encounter you two usually met coincidentally there at that book shop and sometimes at the café across from that book store.
Of course with those encounters you two exchange a word or two that extends to conversations that extends for quite some time. So at the end of the day you two got to know each other.
Your time with Vyn only grows and he got to know you. He got to realize about your sensitivity for words at your first meeting.  So he make sure that he watch his words much more carefully so he won't accidentally offend you like last time. He also realized your sensitivity for loud noises.
That happened when he invited you to catch up after not meeting each other after a busy week. Vyn invited you to catch up in the usual café you two always meet up.
As usual you also met up at the same time as always. But you noticed, lots of people starts to pack up the café. Like every once in a while you would hear the bell meaning some new people just entered. Then you realized then. "Is it holiday today?" You asked Vyn as you put down your drink.
"I think so..." He said as he looked down and took his phone that is on the table. He opened his calendar and looked to see if it is holiday or something.
He looked up after confirming. "It is holiday" he said as he smiled. "Oh...this café must be really famous" you said as you drink again.
Vyn nods. "Even if it weekday it doesn't have much people but I didn't expect to see this many now that its holiday." He said as he looked around.
"Mhm" you hummed trying to calm yourself down since its starting to get loud by people's chattering.
Vyn who looked back noticed how quiet and how you look uncomfortable. Not to mention the urge for you to cover your ears. (He could see by your body language) After gathering his thoughts he asked. "Hmm its getting a bit hot here too, do you want to go somewhere peaceful and have some fresh air (name)?"
You who was looking down the entire time to calm yourself looked up at the mention of leaving the once peaceful café. You immediately nod and so Vyn stands up as he extends his hand to you.
You took his hand out as you two left the café and goes to a park where its just you two. You sat down at the vacant swing as he too sat down next to yours.
He glanced at you checking if you starts to calm down. "Are you alright?" He asked. You looked at him and smiled softly. "Yeah thanks for offering to leave"
He shook his head. "No problem. Though I'm sorry for not noticing immediately that you dont like noisy places"
"No no I should be the one saying sorry....we were having a good time but had to stop because of..me" you looked down as you said that. "My fault too for not bringing my earphones"
"You should not blame yourself (name), besides I was also about to offer to leave the café because it was getting hot there and so we could also watch the sunset here" Vyn said as he smiled to reassure you and sure enough you smiled back.
"Thank you..." You said as you looked at the view in front of you. "You're welcome, you should tell me next time if you got uncomfortable too" he said as he also looked in front.
After that day, he made sure to bring extra earphones just in case it became too loud for your liking. And considering your comfort Vyn started to invite you to his home to just relax while listening to his collection of classical musics, have tea, read, bake or anything else because at least there its just you two and peaceful for you.
It doesn't mean that you two won't hangout anymore to other places, you two would still do that. He would let you choose the places you like to go to and when its his turn to pick he would search/research about some places where its quiet, where there is no much people. 
You notice how caring Vyn is, how he watch his words (even though you two became comfortable with each other and even though he made a mistake or two you completely understand since you know he mean no harm). Vyn also doesn't judge you like how people would normally do instead he helped you.
He also doesn't push you to get over the things your sensitive at instead he told you its alright to just be you, since he would be there no matter what. There always at your side but if you want to actually do it he would tell you to do it at a slow pace or a pace were you are comfortable.
Vyn is literally there that helped you through it all and most importantly he helped you to be at peace with yourself. Because of how calm Vyn is, you got affected that you also starts to be calm too (with his help of course).
When in the past you hated who you are and your sensitivity. Vyn...vyn loved who you were and guided you. In the end he is also the reason you start to accept yourself, love yourself, and starts to be a new person.
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hanlimz · 2 years
cass. pls dont say that and just. LEAVE. expand. i would like to hear your thoughts 🎤
bc truly spider-man/peter parker was my first love and personally i have had the idea for a jake as spider-man au for quiet a bit now but it has never really taken off but now i NEED to hear all your thoughts.
(also if u have any good spider-man au fic recs pls send them my way thnx 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩)
PLSSS I COULD TALK FOREVER!!!! BUT OKAY—here are some bullet points plus a small blurb/summary/idk? i literally am going to write so much im so SORRY??? (this has convinced me n i will be writing a fic LMAOO)
(+ two vvvv good spiderman fic recs!!)
it’s safe here (with me) by @enhypenandpaper !! | very cute story, well-written, i love when writers can put their own unique spin on scenes that inspire them it’s rly motivating and wonderful (i need to rb this on my fic rec blog asap) (jake x reader)
i’ll save you (again) by @jayflrt !! | amazing stupendous wonderful show-stopping ,, literally one of my Favorite reads on this app .. this author manages to encapsulate both spiderman And jake sosososo well .. they also make it a point to rly flesh out the other friendships mentioned and I Love That (jake x reader)
general hcs (?):
won is the dorkiest spiderman ever .. stutters over his quips, never has anything cool to say to the villains he fights, doesn’t know how to respond to ppl thanking him
one time someone he saved tried to ask for his number and he panicked and said he was banned from both t-mobile and verizon (he’s not btw)?? 
another time he just got done saving a group of ppl n said “no thneeds necessary” ?? bc he was trying to say “no need to thank me” n “no thanks necessary” at the same time
but he’s also the sweetest .. any time someone asks to “repay him” he’s a double it n give it to the next person kinda guy .. he always tells them to stop by the soup kitchen or donate old clothes to thrift stores or just be kind to someone else
also ,, on another note ,, won has the Biggest crush on u and knows u like to help out at the local preschool, so he always tells ppl to buy and donate extra school supplies
sometimes when he’s out patrolling late at night, he’ll see u on ur way home from the library n quietly follow u to make sure u get home safe
tries to talk to u once after seeing a spiderman article open on ur computer and u indulge him for a moment, saying how bad u felt abt the daily bugle’s tabloid pieces .. won’s p sure his heart exploded
but overall, he’s very gentle and kind .. ever the king of duality tho .. he can beat a bitch up when need be, but most of the time—won’s just a high school senior trying to get into MIT and make the person he’s been in love with since the beginning of fall semester feel the same way abt him
ANYWAYS in a high school!au setting i see a lot of ppl like to hc jungwon as class/stuco president, but i think he’s definitely more on the quiet side .. he’s popular, yes, but not too popular if that makes sense. for him, though, this is perfect ... he flies under the radar, and him missing school a couple days in a row every month or so goes virtually unnoticed. HOWEVER, you’ve always had a sneaking suspicion .. it’s not like you and won are Rivals—there would be no merit in picking an unnecessary fight with the boy who volunteers at the soup kitchen on the weekends and feeds the stray cats near the gym and asks the lunch ladies how their days are going—but, there’s something strange going on. you’re sure of it.
jungwon comes into school one day w a busted lip and a black eye. everyone is fawning over him, asking him what happened—did he get mugged, did his face hurt, did he give the other person a run for their money? you don’t bother checking in on him when he takes his seat next to you. you just hand him his calculus test (he did better than you again n it’s infuriating) and clench your jaw, willing yourself to disappear. that familiar, green monster hangs in the shadows behind you, and its breath fans across your neck as it attempts to coax a physical manifestation of jealously from your lips. eventually, you excuse yourself to the nurse’s office and skip the rest of the day.
later that night, you’re trying to study in your room, but you keep getting distracted by the daily bugle’s twitter updates. spiderman is out and about again, and they won’t let the poor guy’s good reputation rest. it’s all “spiderman fights villain and knocks over streetlight onto local man’s car” and “spiderman forgoes saving lady’s churro to destroy half of grand central station”—and, honestly, you feel a bit bad. he’s trying his best. but, as rain patters against your window, the sound threatens to lull you to sleep. exhaustion overtakes your body, your eyes are drooping, and your head keeps falling from your hands. and then BOOM—the loudest noise you’ve ever heard startles you from your fatigue-induced trance. with a look of fear in your eyes, you glance over your shoulder to look at the window and the sight that greets you is enough to freeze every molecule in your body.
the aforementioned hero is clinging to the side of your building, banging his fist on the glass and practically begging to be let in. his movements are frantic and a bit scary. you open the window as quick as you can and let him slide through the small gap you’ve created. there are copious tears in his suit, blood flows from a nasty gash on his shoulder. rushing around on some crude form of auto pilot, you grab a clean shirt from your closet and press it into his wound. you tell him to hold it there and instruct him to sit in your desk chair. he's sopping wet from head to toe, and all you manage to think about is how glad you are that your parents are away for the weekend.
eventually, after only almost vomiting once, the cut is clean and bandaged up. "you're so lucky that i've been trying to get rid of this shirt forever, mr. spiderman," you scoff as he perches on the sill of your window, preparing to swing away into the night. "if i had grabbed one of my favorite outfits, i would've killed you before that wound could have."
a giggle escapes from his lips, and for a moment, you find yourself taken aback. he sounds like a high schooler—young, lively, and everything but the twenty-something year old man you thought he would be. "sorry about that ... i'll have to swing by and drop off some laundry detergent one of these days," he laughs. his voice sounds so familiar, but your mind is still reeling from your recent discovery. the hero offers you a wave and gestures toward his previous seat. "sleep well—and, good luck on that calculus homework."
the next day at school, jungwon is nowhere to be seen. you thank whatever happens to reside in the sky that he can't see the bright red 67 at the top of your most recent calculus test. the next next day, however, jungwon comes in with his arm in a sling. as his seatmate, you're the one that has to help him out for the rest of the week. but, when you're sitting in free period, you happen to take another glance at the bandages around his shoulder as jungwon naps next to you. a sharp column of ice pierces through your lower abdomen; under jungwon's sling, the lowest layer of bandages are covered with dried blood and sweat.
they look eerily familiar. almost like the ones you used to patch spiderman up over the weekend.
but, jungwon couldn't be spiderman. he couldn't be—he's too sweet, too gentle, too kind. peeking over at his backpack, you note that it seems a bit bulkier today; a recognizable purple cap winks at you from the unzipped main pocket. a chill tickles the length of your spine as you register what happened to be resting against his class notebooks.
laundry detergent?
you pause for a moment.
oh god.
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darlingpassion · 4 months
Something just occurred to me that I dont think we've ever talked about. A very terrible one, so- trigger warning for sexual assault (the whole Lottie conception thing).
So Rena fucks black-out-drunk Smartass on a really bad night after a terrible fight with King. She was under the influence of hard drugs, but, still- she was more Aware, then he was. He resembled her husband, and in her fucked-up, drug-addled mind, gravitated towards him. Used him. Left early and got pregnant.
It was a fucked up situation all around but Rena was definitely the instigater and in a bad place head-wise; emotionally erratic and a loose canon.
Well... in the universe where they all know eachother eventually- does Shiny k n o w??? Does Poppy know??? If King found out about Lottie, Rena would definitely tell him the whole story. But I don't think she'd go around telling just anyone (or if she'd even care. Or think about it at all. Getting drunk and fucked up and doing 'fucked up shit' (little baby firefly reference for you to lighten the mood XD ) is an all the time kinda thing for her after all). And I doubt that Smartass would, either. So...
??? What do you think? Maybe King tells them. How do they react? 🤔
(Oh god what of LOTTIE found out. She already doesn't want her mother, now she's about to kick this woman's ass)
This... I knew we had to confront it when we started to ship our OC's together, but I was afraid to 😅😭😅😭
Hooooooooo boy. Ok. Lemme break this down. I've been simmering on this ask for the past couple of days cause I wanna D I S C U S S this-
First off- whether or not Poppy and Shiny know what Rena did.
Hm... I feel like it's kind of yes, kind of no? And Shiny knows more than Pops does. Obviously, they don't know who the mother is, and if Smartass can't remember that night, then he's either blocked the memory out or he was that black out drunk. I don't think the darker side of this would really sink in for Poppy early on because, although she does know creeps exist, she imagines them being more confrontational; she did kind of grow up sheltered, and the only creeps she's encountered in Downtown are those who aren't subtle. So she doesn't think about the consequences of leaving your drink open in a crowded bar, or someone waiting until you're inebriated and not sound of mind to invite you over to their place (i really really really want to write Poppy getting drugged at a bar while hanging out with Greasy or Shiny, and they notice and take care if shit. Kind of like your Jim x Reader drabble). It took her a while to realize that how she and Henry met was also pretty predatory on his part, though.
Remember when I told you I imagine Poppy actually being there the night Lottie was dropped off on their doorstep? I also see her, after getting over the shock of a baby in this mobster house, trying to help Smarty retrace his steps so they can figure out where the baby even came from, "Ok, do you remember where you were nine months ago?" "Who the hell keeps track a'that!?" "Nobody, but in this case, we really need to figure that out-" Whether Smartsss remembers and tells her or not, after thinking it over, I think Poppy would suspect that Smartass was also taken advantage of and is scared and sorry for him. She'll ask him if he's OK and assure him it wasn't his fault, even if he tries to brush it off. As usual, Poppy would go into well-meaning-but-kinda-overbearing mode. She hopes that maybe the mother was also drunk- it's still bad for them both, but it's better than if she soberly saw Smartass in the state he was in and slept with him still. She wouldn't be sure if she should keep Lottie's hope up for her mother in this case since they only know Smartass' side, and will listen if he or Lottie says they aren't interested in the possibility that her mother may come back.
Shiny on the other hand, she's encountered nearly every type of fucker you could think of, especially now that she works in the adult entertainment industry. She's even fallen victim to some of them in the past. It's part of why she's so ready to square up and gouge someone's eye out if they give her the wrong vibe- hell, when she's out with her gals, especially Poppy, she's sniffing out for creeps while having fun. It's just second nature to her at this point. So when she was told about baby Lottie and heard that Smartass had no memory of that night, her alarm bells were already ringing in her head. Even if she annoys Smartass, she does see him as kind of like a little brother... A little brother who's a little asshole and got little man issues, but a little brother all the same (yes, that means she sees Stu as her little brother too. And he's a whole lot nicer than her other adopted brother XD), so she's also got that protective streak in her despite constantly teasing him.
She wants to find the bitch who took advantage of him, and tells him they should go find the mother- not for Lotties sake, but for his. Shiny is headstrong, so it'd take a lot for the guys to convince her to don't bother if Smarty doesn't want to go through all that trouble. Shiny wouldn't approve if Poppy tried to encourage Lottoe to be hopeful about her mother. Even if she wasn't such a monster like Shiny is imagining her to be, she still left her daughter. In Shiny's eyes, that's inexcusable. But maybe this is why Shiny hates Rena so much; she got the vibes from that woman without even finding out she was Lotties mother.
So even though Poppy and Shiny don't know the whole story, they both do end up suspecting and worried for him. Shiny would have no issues against telling Lottie that her mother is a bad person, and Poppy is trying to figure out what to tell Lottie when she asks (honestly they'd probably sit down together and go back and forth, especially if this is after Lottie asked Poppy if shes her mother and Poppy needs advice). If either of them met Rena after this?? And found out what she did???? Hoooooo boy.
Shiny is gonna start swinging, regardless if they've fucked or not. Enough said. Rena is a weapons expert, but Shiny inherited her dad's honey badger crack-head determination. It's anyone's fight at that rate.
Poppy? Ohhhhh ho ho ho, it depends on their relationship. If she just remained uncomfortable around Rena (which would happen in the Pocho, or any weasel ship, timeline. I don't care how alluring Rena turns it up, Poppy ain't cheating on her S/O), then this gives her more incentive to stay away from her. I can see her confronting Rena, even if it has been years at this rate. How could she have gone after a drunken man?! Even if she was having a bad day!? Don't even get me started on Poppy's thoughts about Rena only coming back into Lottie's life when she wants something. The mama bear in her would really rear to the surface if that happened.
If she and Rena started a relationship though??? Oh... Oh hell no. This is so much worse than Rena dropping Poppy for Henry. Poppy also confronts Rena here, but she's so much more angry and disgusted than she was with the topic of Henry. If Rena doesn't show some kind of remose for what she did, Poppy will break up with her... She might break up with Rena anyway- which is pretty big in and of itself because, as I'm sure you've noticed, Poppy has never been the breaker in a relationship. How do you think Rena would respond to that?
Now granted, Rena was also under the influence. But as you said, she was more aware. I think maybe this might make Poppy hesitate? She doesn't indulge in drugs (except that one time Wheezy got her high on weed by accident *cough*) and she prefers to drink on specific times, so she's not so in-tune with how inebriated someone can get and how in control they can be. Shiny, however, she is a hard drinker and smokes (she sticks to Marijuana herself, but she has had a few friends who indulged in more serious drugs. Her slasher self, though, indulges in them greatly), so she does know that there are various levels of sobriety and intoxication. And she's pretty sure Rena wasn't black out drunk like Smartass, especially since she actually remembers that night.
Poppy, conflicted and unsure: Shouldn't we... Aren't we supposed to take her condition that night into consideration, too??
Shiny: that's actually a good point, Pops.
Shiny: *turns to Rena* do you remember what happened that night?
Rena: Yeah-
Shiny: Then kindly go fuck yourself with a sandpaper wrapped cactus that's tipped with E. Coli.
Now as for King... Poppy would have mixed feelings. It's obvious he's not like Rena and doesn't agree with what she does, but why are they still together?? Yes, he loves her, but... *looks at Rena and her cheating hoe-ass* yeah... Meanwhile, Shiny is suspicious of him if he's still with Rena afterall this. What kind of skeletons does he have in his closet?? Other than the obvious. She would try to keep Poppy away from King if this happened in the Kingpop timeline.
As for Lottie. Poppy wants to protect her, so she'll try to stop her from kicking Rena's ass. Yes, she's got training from the navy, but she won't let her little neice get hurt! Let her take care of this, sweetie. You and your father need to get away from this woman. Shiny would jump into the fight first... But she'd let Lottie get her kicks in too. And they can go get a drink at the bar afterwards and either sit in silence or talk about it, whatever Lottie would want.
So, tldr, Poppy and Shiny may not be told all the details, but they would start to suspect on their own. And Riny and Renpop would be nonexistent in this AU.
Fuuuuuuucccckkkk this hurt my heart so bad, especially the part of me that loves the Rena ships despite how dysfunctional they'd be. But we needed this too. What do you think?
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 2 months
would u tell me a bit about some svsss thoughts, au‘s ideas or wips of yours?(<- half way through a 9 hour train/bus journey & really bored) please?🥺
i could tell u about my tgirl-sqq/sy au that i’m never gonna write, cuz i genuinely don’t enjoy writing? or maybe show u a picture of my sisters newborn (cutest baby u have ever seen)
omg PLEASE tell me ur thoughts on tgirl sqq I love trans sqq (any direction but esp transfem it's so special to me)
let'sss see, I have a lot of wip and au thoughts at the moment as I nervously procrastinate several important projects 😅
I had a cold earlier this week so I wrote half of a fluffy fic inflicting my cold onto SQQ:
“Liu-shidi is out at the moment,” Shen Qingqiu said, an awful rasp to his voice that Luo Binghe hated.  “Surely Shizun can call him back?” Luo Binghe pleaded.  “For what?” Shen Qingqiu asked, waving a sleeve. “A small cold? This master has managed worse. He’ll return when he returns, and until then it's not so bad.”  “But Shizun–” Luo Binghe tried to object, but Shen Qingqiu gave him a stern look that caused Luo Binghe to fold at once. He redoubled his efforts of looking sad and concerned and despondent as a quick countermeasure, and Shen Qingqiu sighed.  “It’s not so bad,” he repeated. “This master can still perform his duties just fine. Most likely it will pass before Liu Qingge even returns.”
outside of that, i have been on a major qijiu brainrot kick (i have a 8k fic for them i should be posting as soon as i decide if it needs a stronger dose of sqq or not + decide how to end it (sob)), and also reading a ton of disciple days/canon timeline bingqiu and having big feelings about how much i love them. ive also been returning to my unhorny women and gender studies liu qingge omegaverse fic that i am always contemplating but never actually writing, in which liu qingge is a not-like-other-girls omega in PIDW omegaverse and tries to marry shen qingqiu due to fantasy comp het
besides that, here are some concepts ive jotted down in my notes app this week loll:
dragon!YQY hoarding peak lords
this is literally all i have written down for this but i want it to be something SO BAD. save me dragon yqy. dragon yqy save me
Yue Qingyuan is cursed into an endless sleep The other peak lords call on Shen Qingqiu to enter his mind and wake him up as the person closest to him, only... SQQ actually barely knows this guy! He and Binghe take a dream journey through YQY's subconscious and eventually find that SJ is haunting him and eating his power which is keeping him asleep. They must either banish him ORRR.... Sun and Moon Dew mushroom time
i dont think ill write this so if anyone else does....... please take this idea and run w it haha
Sy transmigrated into the little palace Mistress??? Ahhh...
i THINK this came after reading stiltonbasket's SY!QWY fic, because i was thinking about the old palace master being a huge creep and shen yuan dealing with that from inside huan hua palace. i really see shen yuan going on a journey of gender discovery (his own gender AND the perils of misogyny that he never understood as a cis internet man(he thought he was cis at least)) and political intrigue as he tries to get to the heart of whats wrong with huan hua while dodging and or attempting to track down luo binghe. plot??? idk her
Deaf Shang qinghua!! Mbj doesnt notice
someday i must write this bc i love writing my favs as deaf or hoh. id love to explore shang qinghua as being both physically and culturally Deaf and how that plays into his interactions with the world post-transmigration, where there is even less accommodations or access for someone with a disability and he is cut off from his community, especially in terms of his work on an ding and relationship with his martial siblings. mbj not noticing a major facet of his life feels in character and like great drama lol, and i think the conclusion is definitely mbj learning ZGS that teaches him and he ends up liking using it way more than speaking verbally, both for sqh's ease and because he doesnt like to talk lol
i hope this is what u meant hahaha i could talk abt wips and svsss ideas all day. they are living in my head rent free 24/7 。゚(TヮT)゚。 i hope your trip goes by smoothly and quickly!!
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aorelemos · 7 months
First attempt at 'fanfic' (hananene)
since this is like my first post ever and also I dont use tumblr... like, ever i thought a good way to get myself introduced to this platform would be to show off a little bit of writing i did, tbh its not very good and also like *very* unfinished but I'm kinda just putting this on here so i can get it out of my system, also i doubt any of my friends would be interested in it (also since its very unclear the kind of idea i was going for was like.. idk nene gets sent into an alternate universe where Amane is in her position)
Im gonna copy paste it below this bit of text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yashiro skipped down the halls of the Old School Building on a mission, she absolutely could not wait to tell Hanako about her little adventure - turned misadventure- turned real life fantasy, a fantasy which obviously involved her dearest Teru Minamoto and how he’d chivalrously stopped her from tripping down the stairs due to her untied shoelaces, however he’d tripped himself and that's wher-
wait. We're saving this for Hanako.
As Nene continued humming a lovey-dovey tune, she’d made it to the bathroom. And despite being in such an old and honestly kind of creepy building, this bathroom had quite the atmosphere (probably in part thanks to her amazing and feminine cleaning skills) The light that seeped in from those stained glass windows always helped to add a kind of warmth to the somehow pleasant bathroom, She didn’t know how to explain how it felt, only that it always gave her a comforting feeling.
After basking in the light of the soon-to-be-setting sun through the panes, she turned to the last stall furthest from the door and knocked, “Hanako~ You in there? Oh my, I’ve just had the *best* day of my life to ever happen ever!...so far. Anyways! Minamoto, he- Oh wait, no, you should guess! (it was really quite romantic!)” Nene gleefully and excitedly spoke, almost shouted to the door, not making any room for even a breath of air, however, Nene got no response. “Hanako? Hanako, are you seriously ignoring me?” Nene whined, looking around the room to see where her silly friend had gotten to, continuing to ask for him. It had only been minutes and yet Nene had gotten sick of her no-show friend. As she turned, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.
Something felt, different. nothing in particular had changed in the warm and not so smelly room and yet, she didn’t feel that same comfort she normally did... “Not my problem” Nene being Nene, brushed it off. However, she did wonder “where is this boy?” It wasn’t like she *cared* y’know, she just wanted to tell someone about her absolutely strikingly romantic experience she’d had and that someone happened to be Hanako, she still wanted to ask why he wasn’t in his usual spot, it wasn’t like she *didn’t* care, she wanted to make sure he was alright, yknow?
 After a moment of stalling she’d made up her mind, if he wasn’t in here, she was going to find him no matter how long it’d take.
Taking one last glimpse of the room to make sure he hadn’t been trying to pull a silly prank by hiding from her (which he had not) she strode out the doorway, Yashiro began to skip through the old school building on a mission… She really, really, really couldn’t wait to blab on about her close encounter with Minamoto because wow! Somehow he’d managed to look even more handsome today than any other-
Yashiro paused in her tracks, she’d spotted a familiar face standing before her in the hall, she knew he’d spotted her too. Yashiro noticed his peculiar choice in clothing (why was he wearing the current school uniform?) however she dismissed it and opened her mouth to greet him-
 “Hanako-Chan! Why- no, How are you wearing that?”
The young black haired boy exclaimed to her, not dismissing her current uniform. Yashiro paused in her tracks, feeling somewhat offended “Ha- Hanako- kun, were you calling me a- a-?” she looked down at the new leggings she’d bought just that day, she knew they made her legs look big! the expression on her face was one of shock and heartbreak ‘I KNEW PEOPLE WERE GOING TO CALL ME A DAIKON AGAIN I SHOULDNT HAVE EVER WORN THESE NEW LEGGINGS! I SWEAR IM GOING TO RIP THESE RIGHT OFF RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW... UGH … AND OF COURSE *HE* HAD TO BE THE ONE TO BRING IT UP, OF COURSE IT WAS HANA-. wait. Did hanako call me… 
 Nene asked aloud once she stopped her mind from wondering about her legs and instead, she inspected the boy before her, Well, It definitely looked like Hanako, with his bright and curious eyes, “Uh, yes, H-Hanako-Chan are you feeling okay?” not listening to him, she continued to glare. Soft black hair and a devilish smile, that was still the same however he also looked… different, Yashiro could hear footsteps coming closer but that didn’t matter, what was it that made him seem so different- Oh gosh! He looked- He looked alive! “Hanako-chan are you? Are you uh-” Nene also couldn’t ignore that he looked… much taller and much more… well, handsome. Nene felt her ears flush at that last thought and slapped her hands to her face ‘I can’t get distracted here, there's clearly something wrong’ she thought.
Nene noticed that she and the young man infront of her had been quiet for too long. Hm? When had he gotten that clos- “AHHHHHH!” Nene shrieked as she felt the boy grab and move her into a stairwell, she felt as his fingers trailed down her arms and his hands gently yet forcefully fondle her face, ‘this has surely got to be  one of the worst cases of grabby-hands Hanako has treated me with yet!’ she thought, feeling the temperature of her face rise as the now very handsome (despite only being a few inches taller now) hanako traced her arms, neck and face. As she noticed her own heated cheeks, she then noticed his, for a supposedly dead-man.. He had very rosy cheeks.. And why were his hands so warm? As Hanako’s hands stopped trailing over her upper body, she convinced herself to look at him, two bright warm eyes met her back.
“Are you alive?” they asked eachother in sync. 
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mosviqu · 1 year
could u assign ur moots as a particular fic you’ve written??
ANON this is the most fun mutual game ive ever recieved thank u 😋
@csenke is definitely how we make sunny days. her vibe is very much sweet and calming and very very comforting. this fic is very golden hour late autumn vibes which fits her a lot hhh. but also i feel like i should say liebestraum bc....duh.. 🙄
@zzoguri is sympathy subtraction. and mon now, this fic is special to me. but i somehow think you have the same comforting vibe but also you and your work kind of radiate the same longing as this fic does?? also u are a really great friend to me and u kind of fit the vibe of vernon in this fic but also the whole friendgroup.. idk it just fits okay
@satoruly is annoying (derogatory) and listen NOT because you're annoying because youre NOT! but i rlly enjoy the vibe of this fic and somehow i think it fits you...? its kinda fun but also kinda silly but also kinda sweet and i think thats a perfect mix for you
@sungbeam is potential. i dont even know why ?? maybe its the dynamic of the friendgroup and also yn and chenle that kind of reminds me of beam. there is a lot of care in the relationship they share and also a lot of identity crisis in chenle that reminds me of u beam NOT IN A BAD WAY THO its just that i see you as a very complex and interesting person and i think chenle in this has a lot of depth. also just fyi this fic is my top 5 ever and i adore beam a lot so
@decembermoonskz is i'm not angry anymore (well, sometimes i am) for the band vibes idk TT but also there's something about the time i wrote this fic in that reminds me of you. it's my comfort fic in a way and you izzy are my comfort person too
@flowerjun is you're not the only one !! this fic is somehow wholesome but also bittersweetingly sad and something about that is very kyuzu to me :,) also kyu i miss u and i love u. this fic has little sister vibes and thats you to me.
@injangism is all is on my side. a lot of love and longing and missing someone went into this fic and the way mc and jeno love is the type of love we have to each other - never ending, selfless and pure (in my opinion... idk if it shines through in the fic haha). ily sm xx
@kimsohn is sweet like candy :p cool but lovely vibes, very much maya. mc of this has your vibes in my opinion?? also this fic was very fun to write and i always have fun when i talk w u !!!:pp
@winterchimez is the storm's fury and now do NOT ask me why... it's literally league lore...? TT but again the vibes kinda fit and it's one of my only fantasy fics and i think this genre kind of radiates your vibes for some odd reason
@heemingyu is lee felix's guide to hating you. idk i wrote this fic a LONG time ago but i remember it as being very fun but also kind of personal to me ?? i don't really have much reasoning for this becuase sometimes i speak vibes only but if this fic had a trailer/moodboard/something it would be sana vibes for sure
@justalildumpling is just saying NO ARGUING idk for some reason j gives me yangyang vibes in this fic especially. very real, very fun, very self-aware, very silly and very adorably delusional (that fits you as a sunwoo stan). altho i will say you are cooler than yang AHAHA.
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kiwibirdlafayette · 13 days
Hey there! What happens in your Mamma Mia/Trollhunter AU? And how do you feel about the Childhood Friend Romance trope, have you seen it done poorly or good? I’m thinking of how to write Draal’s death for my own fanfic, but what kind of heroic sacrifice should I give him?
Heya! Sorry its taken me a hot minute to get to this ask I honestly kinda forgot I had a TH Mamma Mia AU its been so long xD
From what I can find (since I dont believe I ever wrote anything down and only really made one drawing for it xD) I remember it mainly followed the plot of the musical, with Deya as Donna, and Aaarrrgghh as Sophie (and ofc Blinky is Sky because troll dads solos i've never faltered on that) IIRC, the changeling trio (Otto, Strickler and Nomura) were the mystery dads, but it was more about who 'created' him because I might have been goin by canon troll creation headcanons with the whole rock magic shit xD I also didnt ship any of em with Deya but it still couldve been crack at that. GummGumm experimentation couldve been a thing too.
It was nearly a fully troll dads AU but my OTP brain was like nah man I don't wanna make potential other pairings besides Blink n Aaarrggghh so theyre Soph and Sky (plus. lay all your love on me troll dads. can you just imagine AOUGH /pos leavin yall w that image)
Childhood friends to lovers is a really good trope! I've definitely seen it done really well and also not that great, and I've used it myself as well (Trollhunters marching band AU, c!Skizzpulse, origins Syndisparklez) I find it tends to work better when its not so much a blatant "ok now were older and adults we obviously have to go beyond just friends its obligatory" but more like "ive known you a long time, and maybe i fell in love you for other reasons then that but you're still my friend and we just get each other because we're already so close", like its gotta develop beyond just growing up in someway for me to really be invested in it xD
and oo sacrifice love me a good sacrifice :eyes: I don't know the plot of your fic, but if ya do wanna have him sacrifice himself, doing so against the will of the others is always peak angst (i.e., like Jim is meant to die or something, and Draal takes the fall instead before anyone else or him can give in)- that could be stuff like being the vessel for taking in the evil to prevent it from harming anything else, or taking out the big bad with him to save the rest of them :3 Trading his soul for someone else to live would also be kinda cool, or if you want it a battle scene, using himself as the weapon that ends the final boss smiles
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voiceofsword · 2 years
sry to bitch in your inbox abt this but im so glad you pointed out how so many modern enstarries Dont read the stories and base everything off fandom perception.. i saw these users joking about which character would say slurs and someone was ADAMANT rinne would and tho i knew it before it Really struck me then
a) none of them have ever engaged with this text in any meaningful way, ESPECIALLY not the first games' stories, because surprise! characters in es! did Canonically use slurs! and back then Nobody Liked It. we didnt joke about it. most people i know completely stopped paying attention to the characters who did until they apologized. (tho ofc its more a problem w the writing than the characters, but still. we were young. we had the spirit.)
b) people really like using rinne as a punching bag because they dont read the stories and know literally nothing about him except funny drunk drugs gamble man "fuckboy" who harasses niki and the other bees and its. infuriating.
i dont understand how anyone can claim to like a media without ever properly engaging with it, i dont understand how people have fun misunderstanding characters so drastically, and i also think joking about slurs has gotten wayyy too normalized where people feel comfortable saying these things about these characters they allegedly like. and characters like rinne (with a constructed mask of obnoxiousness and such) are the perfect target for these people. which SUCKS. all of it sucks.
NEVER BE SORRY!!!! i hope this is alright to post i thought your ask was good and insightful and i'll add onto it a little bit with my own thoughts (heart emoji)
yeah um ! was definitely a ride. i wouldnt recommend it to everyone but at least we have hindsight and things like slurs and general offensive terms/behaviors can be warned for, so that much is nice. i remember being really upset about a few of these, and then getting back into enstars earlier this year and reading a few of the more current stories + !! stories i was happy to see that the writing has developed CONSIDERABLY in terms of this especially after beasts. something ive noticed a lot of newer fans do (referencing my previous post irt the feeling morally superior) is that if you like a specific character for whatever reason youre actually a horrible person because that character said something awful once. of course youre allowed to dislike characters for whatever reason but dont tell other people they should perish because they like them (as if liking them means you implicitly agree with said views, more often than not One line in a miriad of stories that you might not even have read). but like you said, characters making ignorant comments (an unfortunate occurrence, although rare, it still happens) is not a reflection of 2d pixels on a screen but rather a team of writers..... idk. its a complicated situation. i see both sides and i think people are justified in liking or disliking but this is a game about idol boys (and girl) got dam
yeah i hate how people treat rinne a lot. like because characters like him and eichi are villains that means everything that they do or say is, at worst, a straight, physical threat to everyone around them, or at best, an annoyance that can make the fandom feel justified in making them the butt of reoccurring jokes. idk what else to say about him that i havent said already but its also 3 am now and i SAID i was gonna go to sleep an hour ago but i think i might just be a filthy liar
ALSO its probably because enstars is long, there's a lot to read and although tl's arent necessarily hard to come by you actively have to seek them out. again i understand how this might be a nuisance but instead of sitting down and listening to summaries or analysis ive noticed that a lot of short form consumption content lends itself to people just. posting the most reactive interpretations, and people playing a game of telephone with said information until a lot of the fandom has come to accept this misinformation as true. LIKE SOMEONE ON TIKTOK SAYING HAJIME AND WATARU WERE RELATED? IDEK IF THAT WAS A JOKE OR NOT? and yeah the use of slurs is like ridiculously normalized now im not one to say whether people can or cannot reclaim slurs and people are free to do as they like if they can. i see this one thing specifically with tatsumi a lot where people jokingly bring up how said character is homophobic or make homophobic comments towards characters even if theyre being like. excited or happy. and idk. personally it makes me sad. like maybe its fandom culture now maybe im old (is 23)
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e77y · 5 months
relating to that vent, i getchu so bad. i feel like in general, the internet might worsen compulsions & obsession within ocd + etc. i have a similar feeling (wouldnt say identical cause i know u from tumblr n yaknow yaknow) that tells me everything i do needs to be 100% morally correct or [insert awful things] will happen to me or someone i love. and this is easier to deal with when you're offline, because there's a limit on the people that can get mad at you. half of the world won't get mad at you because only 0.00001% (or whatever) of the world knows you, yaknow. on the net, it feels like everyone who has an account knows you. your brain telly you anyone who has an account on here might see what you posted & they might be mad at you & they might make a callout post or whatever. even though they don't know you. which is a terrifying thought for many. i dont think youre alone in this, genuinely. and i feel it can be improved. some stuff that's helped me: - making separate accounts w private stuff (doesnt rly work on tumblr but like a private account on insta & etc etc) - rationalising thoughts (an example of this would be thinking: is it really likely many people will agree with someone being mad at me? or: how many people actually do see my posts? is that proportional to the amount of followers i have) - and talking ab it w friends. genuinely, the communication + processing of these thoughts & feelings is soo helpful. sending u soo much love <3 if u wanna chat a bit ab it you can dm me :) (ask can be published or responded 2 privately, whatever u prefer!)
Thank you so much for this message omg :’) ❤️❤️❤️❤️ So thoughtful. This made me tear up a little haha. I’m posting it here so I can look back at it later; hopefully that’s okay.
I’m really glad to hear other people feel the same way/have the same worry… like logically I know that it’s something a lot of people worry about, but idk; my brain has a way of convincing me I am the only person in the world who has done anything ‘bad’ ever LMAOO. So this was really nice to hear
Also I’m a very talkative person! Like I’m definitely an introvert, but I do like to talk about myself and my interests and my feelings etc. Especially when I have a forum (cough Tumblr) to post into the void 😭😭 So I guess that’s part of my issue; IRL, there are less people to be upset if I do/say something ‘bad’, and most of them are my close friends and know I don’t have bad intentions. But online, I walk on eggshells bc 1) strangers online DON’T know my intentions and 2) I just think my mutuals are really cool lol. So I don’t want to do/say anything ‘bad’ or even embarrassing in their presence yk? And online, their ‘presence’ comprises literally all the time w everything I post
I should probably make a more private account 😅 This one is kind of that (just bc it has far fewer followers than my other blog), and I have one on Instagram with like two people following it that I haven’t touched in a while, sooo maybe I will go back to that for more personal vents and whatnot 🫡 I try not to post anything TOO personal on Tumblr, anyway. I just also really like creating fan content, which sort of inherently puts me in a public space even if I don’t WANT to have an ‘audience’ (regardless of how small that audience is; ik there are people who look up to my writing, and that puts a lot of extra pressure on me, but I don’t want to stop writing, either…. Agh)
Idk this is probably overly personal and also very disjointed bc I just finished writing a 1,800 word essay and my brain is mush lol. I’m just sort of reiterating everything you said. Sorry for making you read all this lmao 😭🙏 But thank you for the kind words, seriously ❤️ I really really appreciate it :’D !!!!!!!
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