#and also ive got like my own homebrew feywild shit ive been doing
moss-and-marimos ยท 11 months
saw ur post about needing to infodump ur dnd campaign. this is my invitation to u to do so :)
ouuyghhhhhhhhhh I love doing world building stuff so much, I have this huge world ive been homebrewing to hopefully eventually run a campaign in and I just have so many characters and locations ive made for it and I like them so much Inchunder- one of the locations is called inchunder, its a town and its called that bc the sidewalks are always an inch underwater because its always raining in the town, its a haven of sorts for those that like the rain or the cold or the dark, and was magically made to rain by a wizard or something a long time ago, its a chilly place, people usually wear cloaks and you can see your breath when you walk around, people who make cloaks and cobblers are some of the main professions in the town, well-renowned for their waterproof shoes and clothing. Some other important jobs in the city are lantern-lighters, metalworkers, and glassblowers. Watch out for potholes, because there is a very rare chance if you step into one deep enough you wont come out, and will get transported somewhere else. Fireplaces are a staple in the city for heating. Tidal Town (filler name)- for lack of better name atm ive been calling this place tidal town, its a coastal town mostly made of white stone and copper, most of the structures are made of pillars with domed oxidized copper roofs with spires or statues on top, the architecture is intricate and well-maintained, very ornamental, the town is very isolated and a sort of retirement place, most of the people there are older people who dont want to be disturbed. Most houses are single story, with only 1-2 people. in the center of the town is a sundial that tells the time, and allows people to know when the tide is coming in or out, because this town floods and un-floods with the tides. there are also kelp and seaweed gardens scattered about in box gardens. Most of the people who live in the town are tritons, water genasi, or other amphibious/water breathing creatures. There is a section of the town that remains entirely underwater, but thats deeper and not accessible to creatures who dont breathe water. The town's main exports are jewelry and embroidered clothing, as well as other methods of ornamentation. Hybrid City (again filler name)- The hybrid city is exactly what it sounds like, its a city for people without anywhere else to go. It's a haven for creatures who dont fit in anywhere else, and has different districts for different species, who all have their own developed cultures. Genasi hybrids and half elves are especially common here. There is a lot of variation in clothing styles here, but almost all of it is colorful and considered to be fashionable. There is also a lot of variety to fit the specific needs of various species, and tailors are a common profession here that can be paid very well, as are textile and fiber artists. For example, a fire genasi might need cooler clothes, like sleeveless shirts and pants that can be hemmed, whereas a water genasi might need warmer clothes. The variation in body types also contributes to this, as tabaxis will have different needs than centaurs for example. This city is quite literally in the clouds, and was established and is maintained by air genasi. Insect/music Dungeon- I'm not sure exactly if this'll be a oneshot or if its part of the world but im putting it here anyway because its cool, the insect dungeon is what it sounds like, an insect themed dungeon. The entrance is above ground, guarded by an older man who is an anthro giant African snail, and a younger man who is a weevil knight. Inside, there are a collection of insect themed puzzles, for example one themed around cicada years, and the floors go down and down deeper into the earth, structured like an insect nest. The final boss fight is probably an egg sac of sorts. The dungeon also has a music theme, with things like cricket songs being a theme, and one of the items you can get being a magic lute painted like a pair of insect wings.
theres more but this is basics of the ones I have pretty thought out, theres also specific characters that live in those towns if you want to hear about them :D
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