#and also the writing brain is going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
imagine-shenanigans · 9 months
also in case anyone is wondering why i write the way i write its because i love horror and i'm primarily a horror writer when I do short/original fiction (not that i have in awhile mind you) and i come at scary things with an attitude of "you cant be scared AND horny but if you are it makes things a lot more interesting" that some people don't appreciate
and also i wanna fuck monsters real bad
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kae-karo · 2 years
For the weird questions for writers- 3, 4, 5, &22? (if you want to lol)
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3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
hmm,,,writing ritual,,,i'll be totally honest i'm not sure i have a ritual? mostly i just Get Brainrot, Go Feral lmao. or does it count if my writing ritual is: open google doc, write a little bit, check tumblr, check twitter, check tumblr again, check twt one more time, convince urself that there's nothing to do but write, go back to the google doc, read the last few paragraphs, write a few more sentences, repeat ad nauseum lmaoo
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
hmmm,,,,,,ngl pretty much anything to do with divinity? worship and divine especially i think. sacred. devotion. specifically when applied to characters, not in a traditionally religious sense. i really don't know why? maybe there's some psychoanalyzing to be done, i never grew up particularly religious so perhaps i find it especially fascinating or emotionally provocative. either way, makes my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
hmm. once again, not sure i have any outright superstitions apart from like...write whatever possesses you lmao. i also firmly believe that every story/bit of writing that looks bad up close just needs some breathing room, and that taking a week or so break from it before returning to it proves that it's never actually as bad as you thought. this is a tried and true superstition lmao.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
alskdfklsdf uhhhh i have a google doc, within which there is a folder called Writing within which there is a folder for whatever fandom i'm in (atm, it's genshin) within which there are folders for any stories that ended up getting separated onto different google docs (ie the fake relationship zhongluc, which i wasn't sure i'd write a second part for, now has a folder for the collection of docs). then there's a folder for uploaded fics (to clear them out of the main fandom folder)
in the main fandom folder, it's basically a google doc per fic, although my prompt file has a ton of fics all lumped together. i'm pretty inconsistent with titles so they're a little all over the place lmao but usually whatever i put in the title is enough to remember what the fic is about (if not the actual title). basically, all the wips live here, and when they're done they get (completed) added to the title which bumps them to the top of my folder lmao
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beyond that, i have a private discord with a writing section that has a channel for aus that usually just correspond to chaptered fics and would be where i take notes on timelines or motivations or scene ideas/dialogue ideas as well as add any worldbuilding notes if they come up or are relevant (or i'm likely to forget lmao), plus a misc project channel for oneshot ideas/random thoughts related to writing
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this is basically the wild west, especially the other projects channel lmao beyond this there is no organization
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