#and b) this is more centric on Hannah and Sap. I know George and other ccs are there but Sapnap's lines during that part really got to me
awesamforehead · 2 years
What if, at the end of the milk bucket game, a bulletproof glass pane comes down at the end of each losing teams corresponding number? Separating the players and keeping the losers from escaping.
(aka this is me giving a 'reason' as to why Hannah and Suzyroxx couldn't move from their pen and gave it my own flair. Spoilers for day 5 of squidcraft 2)
sc!Hannah being confused when she got back to her teams cow pen. Her going up to it and knocking her knuckles against it, it sounded pretty thick.
And due to it being thick, sound is a little muffled. She couldn't hear her fellow competeters completely but she still gave her ggs. Her and Suzy gave their thoughts on why they couldn't get the buckets acrossed as fast, those things were heavy as fuck. She still got one final laugh out after she asked Aldo and Roier to sing her a song, only for it be some free style rap.
She almost forgot her situation until Sapnap's voice yelled through the glass, clear as day.
"Hannah! Look at me, Hannah! Don't look back!"
Against her better judgement, she looked back. Her heart sank to her stomach once she saw the guard approaching her, assult rifle in hands.
Hannah lets out a cry as she curls up her fists, banging them against the glass. Maybe if she hits hard enough, it will crack. Give leway, something. Seems like Suzy noticed the guard too, as she was also punching against the glass.
But no matter what they did; punching, kicking, throwing their whole body weight against it, the glass didn't budge.
Hannah leaned her body against the glass, winded from using all her energy. This was it, her time was up. Dammit, she wanted to go to the finals, not lose just before it. Now she has to die with a barrier separating her from her friends (Were they still friends at this point?). Reaching over to her right, she grabs Suzy's sweaty hand in a tight grip. Just as strong, Suzy grips hers back.
At least she wont be totally alone.
Hearing a bang against the glass, Hannah looks up to see sc!Sapnap leaning his head against the glass right up against hers, so they were face to face. Sapnap placed his hand palm open on the glass next to his head, and Hannah lifted hers up to place it right over his. She holds back a sob as she does this.
"Look at your friends Hannah! Don't look back, look at your friends, ok?" Sapnap's voice was still clear through the glass. His voice was steady and calm, but it did nothing for her nerves.
Hannah's sobs got loud as she heard the rifle behind her being loaded before the first gunshots rang out. She felt Suzy's grip on her hand loosen as her body fell backward on the ground, the momentum of the fall causing their hands to separate. Blood splattered widely on the glass, but none of the bullets broke through or even cracked the glass. Bulletproof.
Sapnap's voice got more frantic as he saw the gun point towards Hannah, "Keep looking at your friends Hannah! We'll win this for you! You hear me, we'll win this for you!"
Hannah didn't get to respond as she felt the searing pain before she hear the gunshot. Her knees fell underneath her, and she fell down to her side. Her ears were ringing, but she could still hear her friends crying out for her and banging against the glass.
She couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as her last breath. Guess they were friends in the end.
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