#and because I must support fellow writers
mixtape-timeout · 5 months
Hi Stays, this is a post to warn everyone to be wary of a SKZ author here on Stayblr with the username @/gimmeurtmi
I followed them not too long ago, but they suddenly blocked me. I was confused why because I have my age in my account and followed all of their rules. However, I have some reasons to suspect that this user is a Zionist. As you can see I am very Pro-Palestine, it’s in my blog title and bio, and I think this is why they blocked me.
They made a post showing anger about Stays educating Felix on his live about Coca-Cola (For people who don’t know, Coca-Cola is on the BDS boycott list, they support Israel and built an R&D center in occupied Palestinian territory of Atarot) In their post they said it’s “pathetic” for Stays to inform Felix about this and that he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Felix made the effort to read about the issue on his live and chose to apologize to Stay for it, but this user thinks that boycotting a brand tied to a genocidal state is the same as bullying.
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((Screenshots are not mine))
They also showed strong support for the new SKZ collab with Charlie Puth. Many Stays are boycotting this collab because Charlie Puth is a raging Zionist, and the track also has an Israeli producer, Johnny Goldstein who is also a proud Zionist. gimmeurtmi even made a whole tag for this collab on their blog to show how much they’re excited for it, even though two Zionists worked on it and will be receiving royalties for it. You can also see the tags in the third post showing them speaking of Tommy Hilfiger, yet another Zionist, in a friendly manner.
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Furthermore, I talked to other Stays in the community about this because I don’t want to jump to conclusions and gimmeurtmi blocked other users who are showing support for Palestine, not just me. From reading their posts on their other blog (@/stuckonspidey) you can also see how far their beliefs about this go. That’s not to say them being Jewish means they must be a Zionist, because that’s a completely false idea. There are plenty of Jewish people who are not Zionist and support Palestinian liberation because we recognize that what Palestinians are suffering through is a history repeat of what our people went through. But this added with all the other questionable evidence makes me suspicious that this user is a Zionist, or at least an Israeli sympathizer who treats support for Palestine as an inconvenience.
From these posts on their main blog, you can see them refuse to condemn Israel or even say anything about their crimes when they got asked about it. Instead, they just talk about how this genocide has personally affected them. There are no posts (that I could find) of them showing any sympathy or support for Palestine, all their posts about the subject are just self-victimizing posts about how they feel. Yes, it’s a scary time to be a Jewish person as well, I know this as a person of Jewish ancestry, too. But fighting anti-semitism AND fighting for Palestine can and SHOULD co-exist. It’s a huge red flag that the only thing they have to say about the genocide is how Jewish people are the victims in this. They also made another post where they claim that “Zionist” is just a word people use to be anti-semitic. This is a tale as old as time that Zionists have used to excuse, deny, and even justify Israel’s war crimes. I was once told that a genocide of Palestinians doesn’t exist and is just an “anti-semitic blood libel”. This is the exact same rhetoric that Zionists in my community and Zionist news outlets use (which, I add, almost ALL news outlets are strongly biased to Israel because of America’s ties to it. Israel is heavily backed in support from some of the richest and most powerful countries in the world, it is not the victim and never was).
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I am not making this for drama. I made this post just to tell fellow Stays to be cautious of which writers you’re reading from and supporting. If you are against the genocide that has been happening to Palestinians for 75 years now, I suggest not supporting this person’s work, because at best they don’t care about what’s happening in Palestine, and at worst, they actually endorse it. There should be no place in our Stay community for this hateful ideology.
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serendipitouslife90 · 19 days
A/N: It has been 12 years since I have written anything. I keep dreaming of writing again one day. I barely have time for myself, so it never happens. Today I really wanted to break the ice. Just wrote a little drabble that has been on my mind and writing it in midnight middle of my sleep.
P.S. Don't have time to do any form of proofreading. Just typing in my phone.
Warnings: None.
What took you so long?
48 hours ago, if anyone had told Bucky that this would be his future, he would have awkwardly laughed it off. His life always seems to take the most dramatic and surreal turns.
(2 days earlier)
When Bucky had first talked to you, he was instantly smitten. When he had become friends with you, his crush only became worse. He started imagining and fantasizing the perfect life with you.
The relationship, however, is a far cry from his fantasies. He, filled with shame and regret, wanted to breakup but no one could fool you. You saw right through him. You figured out, quite quickly into the relationship that even the slightest of touches causes his anxiety to spike up. Bucky didn't want to burden you with his problems.
That's the day you assured him, in kind words that he needn't feel pressurized to meet any for of societal timelines in a relationship. You started meeting up with a therapist to get the right resources to be his pillar of support. You were working diligently, with his consent, on his issues. He was grateful. He fell in love with you so deeply that it scared him.
Recently, a tiny thought started reverberating in his brain.
"What if, one day, you realize that he truly doesn't deserve this? He is not worth it. It has been more than a year. What has he offered you? He could barely kiss you on the cheek."
The mere thought of separation just created a visceral reaction in him: his palm sweating, his stomach twisting and he just wanted to puke.
"What's the matter Bucky? I can feel your eyes on me," you said, eyes still on your phone, with a smile on your face. That beautiful smile and the voice laced with love is enough for Bucky to stop that mini meltdown in his head.
"It's just ... " Bucky sighed, his broad shoulders slumping forward.
You kept your phone down and looked at his dejected posture. You went near him and held out your hands. He grabbed it almost immediately and you patiently waited, giving him time to articulate his thoughts.
"It's just... It has been more than a year now and I still get clammed up to even kiss ya." He mumbled grumpily but you know the sweat in his palms indicated that this has been eating him for sometime now.
"Bucky... Why are you so hard on yourself?" You said, rubbing your thumb across his palm. "You have progressed so much. Give yourself some credit." A playful smirk appeared on your face when you continued, "Besides, I don't care if you don't even give a kiss at the altar. You are stuck with me."
Bucky's brain just short-circuited. His jaw slacked a bit.
"What?-" You asked, clearly oblivious to what you just said
" You... would marry me?" Bucky interrupted with shiny eyes, his face filled with awe.
"Is that a proposal, James? You winked.
His face blushed a rosy pink. Pure joy danced in his eyes as you lovingly replied,
"Because if it is, I am saying yes, in a heart beat. Let's go to the courthouse right now."
A sheepish smile appeared in his face.
He couldn't stop thinking about you being his wife. He had this goofy grin the whole day, making every other Avenger curious.
Your lighthearted words really did a number on your boyfriend, or must you say fiancé now.
This morning Bucky came to you with absolute conviction and said, "Are you sure you wanna marry me? I am going to hold you to your promise. I am taking you to the courthouse today."
"What took you so long?" You winked.
A/N: Holy shit! It is 5AM already. Gotta catch up on some sleep. Will be posting on AO3 later today. A little conversation with a fellow writer on AO3, LitaKino inspired me to write again.
P.S. And yeah, I am a bit outdated. "What took you so long?" is from the pilot of Dharma and Greg.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
can you do the "moody to everyone but you" trope with peter as the readers bf
A/N: I didn't intend to make him this agro, but hey, whatever happened happened (sorry, it is very late for me and I be very sleepy, bro. what is up, what is down, idk) and yes, I did indeed write this while my cat was sleeping in my lap and I didn't have the heart to move her so that I could get up and go to bed, so I just wrote this to kill time...
word count: 630
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“And it must have been a really crazy dream because she was just flailing around in my lap, I mean, she damn nearly fell off,” you gushed about your cat as your frozen fingers never got any further in their mission of unlocking your locker, “oh my god and the cute little snores and the quiet yaps that she did? Urgh, you should have seen it. I should have taken a video and texted it to you as a little good night thing, but my phone was way out of reach and I couldn’t just move when she was sleeping on me like that, you know? I was even trying to stay quiet so as to not wake her.”
Leaning against the lockers beside you, Peter absorbed every adorable word you offered him, rendering him a sappy marshmallow of a fellow, “oh my god, can we just ditch the rest of the school day and go hang out with your cat?” he groaned, joining in on your frivolous ramble, “I swear, she is the most precious creature on this entire planet.” 
Suddenly, in the rush of students wandering from point A to point B, you felt someone carelessly knock into your shoulder, causing your backpack to fling off, the flimsy way you had been carrying it, only half on and ready to crack it open as soon as the contents of your locker became available to you, wasn’t enough for it to survive the crash. Your eyes briefly flickered from your bag, now a puddle on the floor, to the familiar silhouette of Flash disappearing down the hallway. 
Letting the annoyance go as quickly as it had arrived, you turned back to look at your boyfriend, his demeanour flipped completely on its head. You saw it in his eyes, you saw it happen. In a matter of seconds, all he saw was red. 
“Hey,” he roared over the bustle, the soft features he always revealed to you swiftly hardened and exchanged with a look he never dared to aim in your direction, “watch where you’re going, ass hat!” 
“Peter,” you reached out to him before he could get any ideas of running off after the guy, “hey, it’s okay,” his nostrils still flaring, your soft voice managed to cut through his fury, “he’s not worth it.”
Jaw clenched, he glanced back up at the direction Flash had disappeared in, “are you okay?” he asked, forcing his eyes to meet yours as your hand soothingly ran over his forearm. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” eyes still on him, you bent down and plucked your backpack off the floor, “why do you always do that?”
“Do what?”
“Act like a completely different person around other people than you do with me?”
“Y/n, he walked right into you!” he held up in hand to support his point, “nearly knocked you over!”
“I already told you that I’m fine. Flash is always gonna be Flash, sometimes it’s best just to ignore him,” you shrugged, hoping that your breezy demeanour would rub off on him and he would soon return to the teddybear he usually was around you, “and don’t try and act like you don’t know exactly what I’m talking about,” you caught his eye as he stopped searching for the long gone bully, “why are you only nice to me?”
“Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?” he shook his head lightly, bewildered as to why you would even ask him, “you’re you,” he stated earnestly, “of course, I’m nice to you.” Disappearing in your eyes, he exhaled lowly and then found your hand, entangling his fingers in it, “so, back to more important matters,” a soft smile curled upon his lips, “are we ditching to go home and cuddle with your cat or what?”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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ghuleh-recs · 1 month
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*inhales deeply* Haaappyyy Birthdaaayyyy @miasmaghoul!!!!!!!! Ohhhh MAN we are all in for a treat today. As per usual, I have compiled a list of some of my favorite Miasma fics in honor of their special day—a greatest hits if you will. Not only are they an absurdly good writer, they are an incredibly thoughtful, kind, supportive and generous friend. All mushiness aside, if Miasma's writing isn't making my brain melt out of my ears (because smut), it's making me actually cry real tears. (No one who has read Suspended Reality will ever really emotionally recover.)
It was extremely difficult to narrow these down to a reasonable list so please feel free to add your own Miasma must-reads if I missed a good one. Please consider leaving a comment when you read any of these. You know. As a little treat. A little birthday treat. I just think Miasma deserves a treat ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Endless thanks to @askingforthesun @forlorn-crows @belle--ofthebrawl and @iamthecomet for their input (Miasma can you guess who rec'd what? hehehe).
recs under the cut.
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By Your Righteous Hand - Swiss x Rain - 3.1k, E
He’s across the room in a handful of strides, palming himself through his pants as he watches Rain’s fingers tease those strings. Swiss can see the strength in them, the deftness, the skill, and his body heats with memories of how they look around his cock. How they feel when Rain curls them inside him, how his thighs quiver with it every time. How they feel between his lips. Swiss should be embarrassed by the fact that he’s already panting, but shame is overrated. “I forget how weak this makes you,” Rain says, low and teasing. And it’s true – Swiss is not a weak ghoul, but for this? Well. “Kneel for me.”
Electric Light, Vibrant Sound - Cirrus x Cumulus x Sunshine - 2.9k, E
All of Sunshine’s senses seem sharper, somehow. The lights are brighter, the colors more distinct. The rainbow-colored confetti littering the stage seems to glow beneath her feet. Her nose tickles, filled with sweat, sulfur from the pyro and the confusing combined scent of her fellow ghouls. She sways as she walks, blowing kisses and waving with both hands. It’s a sudden distinct whiff of lavender and orange blossom that drags her back down to Earth, the ghoulette stumbling and catching herself on Rain’s sleeve. The new scents flood her sinuses and swirl into her lungs, spirals of springtime slicing through the haze in her mind. Sunshine shakes her head, one hand resting on her stomach as her eyes dart around the stage. She knows these smells, but in the fog of adrenaline and whatever else is filling her skull she can’t place it. Not until she sees them.
A Touch Too Much - Copia x Dewdrop - 9k, E
“Do you know what is wrong with him?” He doesn’t even try to keep the tilt of concern from his voice. Aether knows him better than most of the ghouls, it would be pointless to try and hide it from him. “Nothing’s wrong,” Aether replies. They stare at each other for a few beats and he does not elaborate, which Copia finds supremely unhelpful. He frowns, crossing his arms and stepping back while Aether rubs at the back of his neck. The ghoul huffs out a long-suffering sigh. “Strictly speaking, at least.” “If nothing is wrong, then what-” “He’s in heat, Papa.” Aether cuts him off in a rushed exhale. Copia freezes mid toe-tap. Oh. -- or -- Dew goes into heat on stage and Copia has to deal with the fallout. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
Believing is Seeing - Aeon & Aether & Dewdrop - 1.2k, G
"Bullshit," Dew scoffs, leaning his chair back to balance on two legs. "You don't really expect me to believe this crap, do you?" Beside him, Aether rolls his eyes. "Ye of little faith," he chuckles, nudging Dew's knee with his own. "I'm telling you, Dew, he's never wrong." "Whatever," he says with a dismissive wave. "He's probably about as accurate as that fortune cookie I got last week." Across the table, their supposed psychic chuckles. He scoots closer and leans on his elbows, cupping his own face in both hands, and something about the look in his eye makes Dew straighten up in his chair. "What're you so scared of?" He nods at the table, a slew of tarot cards laid out before the three of them. "That I might be right?"
Permafrost - Mountain x Rain - 11k, E
“Will you-” he whispers, feeling his skin prickle in the wake of Mountain’s barely-there touch, “will you help me now?” It’s pathetic and he knows it, but he’s beyond caring. Something dark flashes over Mountain’s face then, and Rain feels an anxious flutter in his chest. “I believe I said I was having fun watching,” he rumbles, and Rain’s stomach plummets through the floor when he remembers what game they’re playing. “Oh no,” he whines, biting hard at his bottom lip. “Oh yes,” Mountain growls, moving himself closer to Rain as the smaller ghoul digs the heels of his hands into his eyes. “But if you listen closely, maybe I’ll reconsider.” The words are liquid in Rain’s ear, flowing into the folds of his brain in a silvery spiral, and he feels himself melting into the mattress all over again. Powerless to resist.
A Little Less Conversation - Aether x Dewdrop - 2.8k, E
After a long day, Dewdrop finds himself at the mercy of a very loud motel. Thankfully Aether is a good distraction.
Brushfire - Cumulus x Dewdrop - 4.6k, E
She should probably retreat to a stall. Sink two fingers into her cunt and make it quick. What if someone walked in an found her humping the sinks? That surely wouldn't look very good. Cumulus bites into her red-stained lower lip and groans at the thought, knuckles blanching as her grip strengthens. She ruts against the counter, drags the hard bud of her clit over the edge of it, feeling her panties start to soak through. There will probably be a damp spot on her dress when she pulls back at the rate she's going. Her knees really start to shake, her breath coming in strained gasps, the heat in her belly already threatening to spread. One trembling hand flies to her chest, squeezes a prominent nipple and - "Well, isn't this a sight."
WET DREAM RAIN - Rain x Swiss - 1.4k, E
His fingers drift in aimless swirls over Rain's thigh, the water ghoul still snoring softly into his pillow. It's midday judging by the way the spring sunlight pours from between the heavy navy drapes. The air is thick with lavender and rose, sweet scents carried from the nearby gardens mingling with the heady aroma stuck in Swiss's nose. Rain is pressed against his bare chest, their sleep shirt caught up around their ribs. Swiss's other arm is around his waist, fingertips teasing the trail of soft hair poking out of Rain's boxers. His soaking wet boxers.
Bonds of Trust - Omega x Secondo - 3.4k, M
He crosses the room in a handful of strides, hands extended, and Omega visibly sags with a ragged sigh. He offers up what Secondo knew he was holding behind his back - a simple leather strap with a buckle on one end and a shiny silver ring in the center. "I need your help, Papa," Omega murmurs, and that's all Secondo needs to hear. "Then I will give it to you."
All Water Holy - Dewdrop x Rain - 6.5k, E
“Rain, I’m not- I’m not kidding,” he manages, but the laughter removes the seriousness and urgency from his voice and Rain can’t stop himself. “Not kidding about what?” he asks, mock innocent. He would have thought it would be taking more out of him to keep Dew pinned beneath him, but he seems increasingly weak the longer it goes on, wearing himself out. “Fuck you,” Dew spits, pained and forced to smile through it anyway, “seriously, I’m gonna piss myself.” Or, As always, Rain gets what he wants, and Dewdrop suffers (affectionate).
Once More, With Feeling - Cirrus x Cumulus x Sunshine - 4.3k, E
Every now and then, Cirrus wakes with a very specific ache. It’s a distinctly empty feeling. Like something had been taken from her in the night, stolen away while she slept a restless sleep rife with images of shimmering skin and ruby lips. She’ll wake panting and wide-eyed, delicate claws digging into the mattress with her thighs clamped so tightly together they threatened to seize up. Every inch of her covered in goosebumps, every brush of the sheets against her skin sending electricity skittering through her tense muscles. On days like these, everything is too much. On days like these, too much is exactly what she needs. And she knows just where to get it.
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
Like I mentioned earlier, you've got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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reminder: byler is officially going to be bones next season! ❤️
you and all your fellow bylers are currently having all your delusion mass screenshotted and put in my twitter mutual's archive... once s5 comes out and byler is bones, she'll make a video mocking almost a decade worth of your delusion. the video will become viral and every single person in the world will be laughing at you. ❤️
enjoy your delusion while you still can, you fool. ❤️
Ngl, this is simultaneously one of the funniest and saddest hate anons I’ve received. You should be embarrassed, but because you possess not a shred of self-awareness or shame, you won’t be.
The truth is, you’re clearly insecure and scared that we’re right because no one who is actually secure and happy with their ship acts this way. No one. If I were a Mlvn, I would simply enjoy Mlvn through fan art, edits, analysis, S5 predictions, memes, etc.- you know, all the things we’re doing here, like a normal fandom, in peace?
I wouldn’t spend my time harassing a group of shippers I believe to be “delusional,” who support a ship that I see as “bones.” We aren’t bothering anyone or harming anyone.
That isn’t even middle school behavior. That’s elementary school behavior. Your juice boxes are by the animal crackers and the Go-Gurt, btw.
So what if we're “delusional” (we aren’t, but so what if we are?) How do our so-called “delusions” have any effect on your fandom experience whatsoever? You’re making yourselves miserable by being bullies instead of enjoying Mlvn.
Additionally, Byler is beautiful and life-affirming and lovely and wonderful all around. There is nothing bad about rooting for queer joy and for Will (and Mike) to get happy endings together.
And there is nothing delusional about shipping a ship that is semi-canon where one half of it literally made a romantic painting for their bestie and the other half of the ship spent the entire penultimate season having heart-to-hearts with them. Nothing, nada, zilch.
You being bereft of subtext, fueled by flagrant homophobia, and blinded by heteronormativity isn’t our problem. It’s yours. And if against all odds, we’re wrong, that’s on the writers of the show. It still wouldn’t make us delusional or foolish, and there would be nothing to mock.
That’s because there is nothing foolish or wrong about rooting for queer joy. The only thing that’s foolish is rooting against it, which you’re doing now. We have nothing to be ashamed of, and you have everything to be ashamed of.
So compile what you wish. Continue down the astonishing path of total self-unawareness. Laugh, mock, and cackle. Guzzle down your homophobia. Place your head on your pillow at night in the smug satisfaction that you’re oh so enlightened because you aren’t delusional and see that Mike and El are explicitly dating on screen, so they must be endgame.
And we will see you on the other side. And maybe, just maybe, when you’re entirely wrong in 2025 and Byler is not, in fact, bones, you’ll rethink your life and work on being a better, happier, kinder person. I pray that day comes sooner.
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regulusrules · 6 months
My breaths are run by your compass [T] [50K+] (bbc merlin) — julius caesar AU. post-dotd, golden age. Merlin stabs Arthur but it’s all Arthur’s fault.
I will turn your fear into a handful of dust [G] [1K] (bbc merlin) — Growing old together fic. 5 times Arthur asks Merlin, “Do you fear me?”
My heart is readily yours [T] [11.7K] (bbc merlin) — s05e03 the death song of uther pendragon divergence. Ghost!Uther stabs Merlin in his heart, and Merlin collapses in Arthur’s arms. (my forever favourite creation)
To you I swear my solemn oaths [G] [3.8K] (bbc merlin) — s04e03 the wicked day divergence. magic reveal right before Arthur’s coronation.
In the Air We Breathed [G] [1K] (the last hours) — Will’s POV of James’s wedding while Jem was playing the violin.
Veiled Emotions [T] [50K] (harry potter) — separate one-shots of the marauders era, mainly Sirius and Regulus-centric. You can also find them posted separately here.
I literally live to recommend the beautiful works of my fellow writers. It’s mostly Merlin fics, but sometimes you will find other fandoms. You can either follow my blog or go directly to this tag → #regulusrules recs
If you’re new here, first thing, welcome! You’ll find me rambling 99% of the time about scenes, tropes and general fandom things. You can find all these in this tag → #regulusrules metas
I’m VERY open to asks! I love tumblr moots. Find all rambles, ask games, metas about my fics, or just random asks in this tag → #regulusrules answers
Do you accept fanart for your fics?
Yes! Fanarts are more than welcome. I will even feature them inside my fics. And if you want to create a cover/specific fanart for any fic, you can contact me through asks or messages and I’ll provide you with extra information about my personal reflection on it.
Can I add your fic on another platform?
No. If I wanted to, I would have. Do not add my works to any website. (Wattpad, Goodreads, Storygraph, etc.)
Do you accept translations for your fics?
Yes. Translations are more than welcome, but must remain on AO3. Also, apparently this needs to be said now, but I only accept human-made translations. Do not feed my work into AI machines to translate them. I do not approve of ANY use of AI in connection with my writing.
Can I download/bind your fics?
It’s up to you, but preferably please no. I don’t want these fics to be everywhere, but I can’t totally refuse because I understand the value of these fics to you. However, if you are binding them, 1. let me know and 2. bind them only for yourself. I do not allow any monetary profiting of my work. If you find someone selling my fics, please contact me.
Can I follow you if I’m one or any of the following: antisemitic, islamophobic, zionist, jkr-supporter, genocide-approver, racist, sexist, homophobic, disrespectful-of-any-human-being-for-any-reason?
Can I call you by your name? And what pronouns do I address you with?
Yes, you can call me LJ! My pronouns are she/her. I’m more than happy to get to know my readers and fellow writers, so feel free to swoop in and contact me anytime.
welcome to the wonderworld of regulusrules✨
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
Just spitballing a bit here.
Could it be that Poc on Poc, authos vs readers drama might come from the fact that the Poc readers feel like they're owed a certain story? JUST IN SOME CASES. Not always.When Poc authors advertise to Poc readers it often has a vibe of expecting that Poc readers should read your book in solidarity by default. Most of the focus lies on the story being Poc, the plot might come secondary, just so you know that the Poc aspect is front and center, and you, especially as a Poc, should support that Poc visibility.
There's a lot of that in the way of guilt tripping/it's your responsibility that a Poc author doesn't fail, and the pressure is bigger the more you and the author share that trait.
Just looking at Booktok, some advertise like: "Publishers said nobody would buy a (Poc) book. Prove them wrong." or "Support your Poc debut author, show publishers you want Poc written books." There are also some that advertise using a #Us-against-the-world rhetoric to put extra pressure on the Poc readers, moreso than white readers. It does come across as a bit of subtle blame shifting, that if the book fails, it's the fault of people not buying it, but especially if you're Poc, you're betraying your fellow Poc. Like you can't expect white people to care, but how could you, a fellow Poc, not support another Poc? Don't you want Poc authors to succeed? Especially when it's paired with certain lingo.
And then the readers feel like they're owed more in return, because you put all that pressure of them through the advertising, and you're selling them The Poc experience!! So of course when the book not only isn't what floats their boat to begin with, but now it has other things the Poc readers don't like, care for, or is otherwise one their DNW list, even in regards to Poc life, they're also going to be a lot less enthusiastic, and might be more likely to be negative about it.
I see a lot less drama in book spaces, especially Poc, where the Poc aspect is just there, and the plot is the main draw in the advertising. The advertising is cetered mainly around what the plot is, what the characters are like, and how that plays out. I'm guessing that is because people want to read something specific, and the culture is then just a nice bonus. Maybe it's also because older and experienced writers advertise more like that as well?
Like. If your fave books are murder mystery. Then you buy a psychological romance thriller because "You must support Poc authors, don't you want them to succeed?" is being washed into your algorithm, vs buying a "Here's a murder mystery AND it's by a Poc writer." from your fave bookstore, the latter is probably going to be altogether better experience than the former. Maybe you might even be annoyed enough to give a bad review because you're unhappy the book didn't fit your tastes to begin with, and then it maybe didn't deliver what you expected a Poc book to deliver in terms of Poc life either.
Conclusion: Don't make authors advertise their own books. And try not to advertise based on an expectation of solidarity, instead of really pushing the actual body of the story, maybe mention on the side it's also Poc written as a #bonus♥
Sure, but a lot of it is probably simpler than this: things hit closer to home, so people have higher standards and react more.
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positivelybeastly · 3 months
Love seeing such nuanced and interesting explorations of the Big Blue! Speaking of big, how would you think Hank would respond to someone more indulgent in his hankering for Twinkies and such? With some of his body dysmorphia, do you think he'd be surprised to find someone appreciative of added bulk to his blue?
Thank you so much for the kind words! Apologies for the late reply, been on hiatus and have just started making a poke at my inbox.
So, I have some thoughts on this, because this has come up in both 616 canon and in alternate universes. Let's start with the alternate universes.
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This is Hank McCoy of Earth-32098! He is friend shaped. He comes from a universe where . . . well, things are kinda cushy and moved past the need for conventional X-Men, really. Instead, there's an X-World, a Federation that Hank is a member of (which appears to be a Star Trek reference, given that he's on some kind of five year missions), and a lot of people have gotten old and settled down, hence the curious idea that Hank can go bald despite being furry. Then again, I've long been an advocate for Hank to be able to have facial hair despite being furry, so who am I to judge?
Hank looks relaxed and happy here, honestly! He's a bit rounder, but he is free, and I think that generally speaks to the fact that if Hank is eating well, then he's in a decent state of mind and he's being supported properly - he tends to do that genius thing of getting obsessed with an idea and not eating because must do science, so if he's eating well, he's being taken care of in a way that, generally, he isn't in Earth 616, or he's developed healthier behaviour patterns. There's no mention of him having a partner in this universe, but honestly, he's a jolly, happy fellow and his usual charming self, I expect he'd have no shortage of people interested in him. A partner encouraging of his shape and body would be a welcome surprise, I think.
Then we get into the less . . . positive, depictions of this.
First off, we have the Ultimate Universe, which is always a wellspring of healthy behaviour and kind words.
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Like . . . this Hank isn't even fat?
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He's just physically large because he's built like a brick shithouse. He has size 42 feet. You see him without a shirt on later and he's got full comic book godlike proportions going on, like, what here is even fat?
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It was the early 2000s, so this just feels like braindead bullying, to be honest, but given that this Hank canonically struggles with his self-esteem and body dysmorphia even more than his other selves, to the point where it drives him to destroy his relationship with Ultimate Storm and gets him killed, I feel like he would have definitely benefited from someone being able to help out his headspace and get him to unlearn some of the garbage his parents abused into him. As much as I like his relationship with Ultimate Storm, she was not a version of the character equipped to deal with Ultimate Beast's mental trauma and issues, and he ended up in a bad place as a result.
Then we get to . . . 616 . . .
Where Hank becomes fat when he becomes evil.
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I'm gonna link an article here, talking about fatphobia in comic books, but this is the salient part of the article, wrt Beast in particular.
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This is me letting you all know that this is something comic book writers are still deploying in comic books in 2019, all the way up to 2024. Fat = evil. Fat = gluttonous = evil. Because, you know, why bother examining the way that we tell stories in an age where we're supposed to be more respectful and tolerant and accepting of people? Why bother examining the tropes we use, in this, allegedly the most welcoming of all X-Men eras?
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And, you know, let's make some fat jokes here and there. Just in case you didn't get the message.
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It's especially transparent because Percy established on Twitter that Beast was 'stress eating,' because of how much of a toll protecting Krakoa was taking on his person. Except that that's not what was actually happening. You saw Beast eat on panel, twice. Both times, they were while he was explicitly saying he was evil, or doing something transparently evil. He isn't stress eating, he's eating to demonstrate to the audience that he's a gluttonous pig who can't stop what he's doing because he's just so hungry and evil and he'll devour anything and everything and blah blah fuck off.
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The stress eating garbage was Percy covering his ass for using shitty, outdated, fatphobic tropes to establish a visual language for Beast turning more and more evil. Because, you know, the fucking James Bond villain scar, the overgrown tusks (pig/boar imagery! Because he's a pig!), the actual visuals of him murdering countries and friends, aren't enough, you need to be shown that he's evil because he's fat, unlike our toned, lean, lithe heroes in X-Force.
It's such a shame because it's a good look for Beast, honestly. I love a blue furred Hercules as much as the next guy, but chunky thighs, love handles, a bit of roundness? It doesn't hurt. It's an attractive body shape.
I wish we didn't have to pretend it wasn't.
It's especially galling because we literally went from a bigger figure Beast in X-Force #48-50 when he became good again, to a lean, skinnier Beast in X-Men #1 coming next week because he's on a full on heroic team again.
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Bleh. It frustrates me.
You had a question! And I've gone on a long ass tangent about problematic depictions of body shapes in comic books! My apologies!
I think that Hank would do well with a partner who doesn't mind a bit of a roundness to him. As I mentioned, Hank has a tendency to fall into bad patterns of self-neglect when he's busy, and someone who can not only be there to make sure he's taking care of himself, but assure him that he's a handsome, beautiful Beast whether he be bigger or smaller would be good for him.
I don't necessarily think it would 'fix' his image issues or dysmorphia, because I don't know if that lingering doubt ever goes away for Hank, but it would definitely help. And it probably would surprise him, even more than finding out that people actually really dig the fuzzy blue monster look.
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hanilessa · 1 year
hi hani! first of all - congrats on reaching the new follower milestone!! as your fellow childe enthusiast and reader, i really hope that more people appreciate your work and efforts <33
for your event, i'd like to post this: childe; i aspire to become a creative writer
thank you for bringing us so many great works, hani, and this event too! sending love and appreciation!! <3
` Author’s notes: hi darling!! thank you very much for your wishes <3 i'm so SO happy! AND FELLOW CHILDE ENTHUSIAST!! IT'S SO CUTE!! i believe you can become an amazing writer. thank u for your request, dear! ♡
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Childe chuckled as he found another small piece of paper that was taped to your closet. He smiled gently and carefully peeled off a small piece of paper from the wooden surface to find out what you wrote about.
When a new idea suddenly appeared in your head, you always wrote a little hastily, so the words were written a little unclearly. Some words were written on a white piece of paper in slightly clumsy handwriting.
The main character must have some funny habit. This will help develop him better as a character.
Tartaglia chuckled again, shaking his head slightly. Sometimes it seemed to him that you paid more attention to the main character of your novel than to him.
Stupid jealousy for a fictional character appeared in his chest, but as soon as you appeared on the threshold of your shared bedroom, all his stupid thoughts disappeared from his head when he noticed your absent-minded look.
Ajax's heart began to beat faster when he noticed how cute you looked with a notebook and pencil in your hands, once again thinking about the details of your novel. Noticing the note you wrote this morning in the hands of your lover, you suddenly perked up.
"Ah!" Childe didn’t even notice how quickly you were next to him and took the small piece of paper from his hands. You made a frustrated expression and sighed. "I completely forgot that I made this note today! Do I really have to rewrite the entire chapter?"
Your thoughts were interrupted by the ringing laughter of the ginger man. You pouted offendedly and crossed your arms over your chest. When the man stopped laughing, he pulled you into his arms, hands caressing your cheek.
"You don't have to rewrite one chapter because of one mistake, my love." He spoke calmly to ease your worries and help you feel better. "I'm sure readers will love your character as much as you love him."
"Do you really think so?" You asked innocently, and your heart warmed, feeling the support and love of your Ajax.
"I do, darling." Childe smiled and chuckled, starting to grimace a little again. "But you should remember to give love to me too. I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of your main character! How about a kiss?"
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daitranscripts · 8 months
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Frequently Asked Questions
Update: 8/29/2024
I would like to remind everyone that I am just another fan, and this is a fan project. I have no control over character dialogue.
Remember to be kind in my ask box and notes. I cannot explain why some character lines were chosen to be cut from the game, nor is this the place to start character discourse. I am also not a machine - I am a person with feelings and other hobbies. I love to take dialogue requests, but asks that demand certain quests or are rude will be swiftly deleted. Repeat offenders, or especially rude anons, will be blocked.
Please be courteous! This is something I enjoy doing, and I ask that you keep the experience enjoyable for myself and your fellow fans.
What is this project?
DAI Transcripts is my endeavor to document and format all of the dialogue in Dragon Age: Inquisition (I hope that's obvious, otherwise I might be doing a pretty bad job). I started this project in 2019 as a spiritual successor to the discontinued @dragonagetranscripts. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
Why are you doing this?
Because god has punished me for my hubris and my work is never done. 
jk it’s actually because I was sick of watching bad let’s plays while trying to work on my longfic so I took matters into my own hands.  ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
How do you know you're using accurate dialogue? Where are you finding the deleted lines?
I type the transcripts by hand side-by-side with the game files, a plot flag editor, numerous youtube playthroughs, and my own game open. I also keep a number of handwritten notes on plot flag strings. I have played DA:I over 30 times, and crowd-source from the communities I'm in.
I do occasionally miss things or can't figure out exactly how a piece of dialogue fits, but I always note this within the transcripts. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Where did you learn to read the files?
I used to create my own mods for DA:I - There are a tutorials online that cover dialogue file editing you can find on the nexus. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Can you share the audio files?
Unfortunately, this isn't something I'm willing to take on right now. Each line must be extracted one at a time and renamed as you go, or every line within a dialogue file will try to export with the same name (some files have hundreds of lines). They are not logically named and it is a lot of trial and error. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Why do you use "PC" instead of "Inquisitor" or "Herald"?
The game files use "Hero," and to save myself the trouble of trying to differentiate between conversations that can happen before or after reaching Skyhold I decided to use the neutral "Player Character," or "PC". ㅤㅤ ㅤ
You typo'd/did a thing wrong/you’re missing race/class specific dialogue!
Please let me know in an ask - I hope to have a very accurate account of all the dialogue, so don’t be afraid to let me know if I’m missing something or have any egregious typos.
Please note: since this project has been ongoing for nearly 5 years, I bridged over the change in text editors. Additionally, I only started referring to the text files around 2022.
Posts made before April 2022 (around the middle of In Your Heart Shall Burn) may be missing dialogue.
Posts made before March 2023 (around the beginning of Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts) may have formatting errors due to the change from old to new text editor. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Will you do -insert quest-?
Short answer: Hopefully, yes!
Long Answer: I intend on working through the game from start to finish, first main quests, then secondary/companion quests, and then romances. DLC, location, and side-quest dialogue are on the list as well.
If you want to see something specific, just drop me an ask! I don't mind it at all, and sometimes it's a refreshing little break. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Who are you anyway?
I'm Plisuu in disguise :) I am a high school teacher, artist, and writer. You can find me on all social media under the same name, though I'm only really active on tumblr these days. ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Please take my money! How can I support you?
I have a Ko-fi, but honestly, the kind messages and tags I get on my posts are more than enough! The best way to support me is by sharing this resource :)
Feel free to share your fics with me as well, I love seeing how different folks use the dialogue given to us and spin such unique and varied stories.
Remember, my ask box and messages are always open!
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1016week · 1 year
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1016 Week 2023!
Hello and happy Monza weekend, fellow Piarlies! ❤️💙 It's with great love and excitement that we're sharing with you the idea behind our next Pierre/Charles event: 1016 Week! We chose Monza to do the grand reveal because we couldn't think of any place that has better Piarles history - and that's what this fanweek is going to be all about. Celebrating Piarles, and all their gorgeous history, and everything that they are. ❤️
You can find all the details and arrangements for the event below the cut! <3
How is this event going to work?
If you've ever participated in a ship week/fanweek before, then this will work exactly the same as that! We've created a list of seven Piarles-themed prompts, one for each day of the event, and the idea is that everyone creates a little something inspired by each prompt to post on its specific day.
1016 Week will run from the 10th to the 16th (🥰) October 2023. Creation time starts as soon as you've got your prompts - which is to say, as soon as you finish reading this post!
We'd like this to be a fun and stress-free challenge for everyone, so we've tried to build in plenty of creation time for you all. Furthermore, we will not be enforcing deadlines very strictly at all - so if you do happen to miss a day or two, absolutely no worries! We will keep reblogging 1016 Week content to this blog right through to the end of the year. 💙
What kinds of content can I create for this event?
Any and all types of creative fanwork - fic, art, gifsets, photo edits, video edits, playlists and more - are welcomed in this fanweek! The only criterion is that its main focus must be the relationship between Pierre Gasly and Charles Leclerc.
Furthermore, there are no content restrictions for this challenge - NSFW, dark, or otherwise uncomfortable topics are accepted. However, we require any such content to be clearly identified in your title/summary/blurb and placed under a read-more cut, so that those who aren’t comfortable with seeing it can avoid it.
Prompts are general, and creators are free to interpret them however you want! As long as it's about Pierre Gasly and Charles Leclerc, and has something of the prompt's general theme in it, anything goes. ❤️
Do I have to complete all 7 days to be allowed to participate?
Not at all! You are free to complete as few or as many of the prompts as you want, and you can submit as many or as few creations per day as the muse inspires. 😁
When you've finished your creation and you're ready to share it with the Pierre/Charles world, @ this blog and use #1016 week 2023 in your first five tags so we can find and reblog your work. Don't forget to add what day of the prompt week your creation is fulfilling!
For our writers and artists who'd like to add your work to AO3: we've created an AO3 Collection where you can post all your creations for this event! You can find it on the Archive as 1016 Week 2023 (1016Week_2023). Be sure to post to Tumblr as well, because we'll be reblogging all 1016week content to this blog too! 💙
Where and how do I sign up?
This is a super low-pressure event, so there's no need to worry about an official sign-up! You can just like or reblog this post (& give this blog a follow!) to show your support <3
It's our honour and pleasure to host this fanweek over at the Calamars Club Discord server. If you're not a part of the server and you'd like to be, just message a mod for the invite link. Your mods for this event are the epic team of @singsweetmelodies, @boxboxbrioche, @welightitup, @duquesademiel, @wolfiemcwolferson and @river-ocean!
@ Pierre/Charles shippers across Tumblr and AO3: we hope that this event will make you smile this September and October <333 We are so excited to share this with you all! ❤️💙
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druidessgeek · 1 year
Doric x female Druid reader
I know it sounds silly to have Druid with another Druid but hear me out. Doric played a more martial and offensive role in combat. The way I’m imagining a Druid reader is more in the support role that you have the option to be in game. Definitely Keyleth vibes but not outright. She hangs back, preferring to use her healing and buffing spells to help the party win the fight. Anyway, I originally wrote this really angsty but didn’t want my first fanfic posted for others to possibly read to be angst. No shade on angst writers I just didn’t want that to be my start
- [ ] Takes her a bit to warm up to you. She is worried she’ll say something stupid or sound like the inexperienced Druid she is.
- [ ] You catch her staring at you a lot though, and she tries to look away from you when you catch the tiefling’s gaze so after a long fight with a warlock trying to sacrifice innocents to his god, you finally sit next to her in front of the camp fire after catching her gaze on you.
- [ ] She is internally screaming when you start inspecting her injuries and casting a quick cure wounds on her scrapes.
- [ ] She confides in you after this. “I never learned much magic. You must think me a bad Druid.”
- [ ] You tell her that it doesn’t make her any less a Druid. That everyone has a role to play. Just because you chose the path of the healer, the nurturer, the caretaker, doesn’t make her path less valid
- [ ] “Any Druid who can take out a red mage while wild shaped is doing great at her vocation, love. Trust the process. Your time on this plane is far from over.”
- [ ] This makes the tiefling blush. You then make it a goal to see her blush at least once a day
- [ ] She asks you to teach her what the rangers couldn’t. Their knowledge of magic is respectable but no formal ritual, she knows even being good with wild shaping and a quick polymorph has left her behind in her Druidic knowledge.
- [ ] Her first lesson begins that night. She learns her first healing spell, which she then uses on a black eye you hadn’t noticed on yourself, touching it tenderly as tendrils of light soothe the inflamed bruise.
- [ ] You two are as thick as thieves after that. She comes with you when you go foraging on your travels. She can already identify most plants in the woods but some of them aren’t for food.
- [ ] You show her how to turn poisonous plants and fungus into potions to coat rocks for her sling. And you teach her how to make healing potions.
- [ ] You start noticing little flowers being left upon your things. Flowers she notices you cooing at gently under the canopy. Daffodils and bee balm in the spring. Goldenrod in the summer
- [ ] You weave them into little crowns and wreaths that you wear on your head and as bracelets, much to your fellow Druid’s poorly concealed excitement. She has to keep herself from picking every flower in the woods.
- [ ] The best part are the bees and butterflies that seem to surround you in almost a halo, sampling the nectars of the flowers, landing on your nose, and Doric, staring at you like you’re the goddess of nature herself.
- [ ] She has to keep herself from kissing you when you tell off an ignorant duke for assuming Doric evil. You even shield her from his judging gaze, returning it upon him and shaming him in front of the whole court for his willful ignorance.
- [ ] “If she’s evil for having horns and a tail, what’s that make you, my lord, for having none of this? Do they not have mirrors in your kingdom?”
- [ ] No one’s ever defended her like this. And it gives her hope. Maybe not all humans are awful. At least, not her human.
- [ ] She stays up with you on watches staring up at the stars while the others rest. She gives herself so little credit in her Druidic abilities but the way she looks up at the stars captivates you. Each constellation a unique personality, each star a close friend.
- [ ] You share your first kiss beneath those stars. She just can’t help it when she looks back down to earth and sees the most beautiful woman staring back at her like nothing else on the planet matters. She cradles your face in her hands and kisses you so gently, so tenderly that the sound of moth’s wings could have been louder.
- [ ] You’re both startled from your romance when you hear Edgin, wide awake and sarcastic as always. “It’s about time.”
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
say something nice about your favorite mutuals!
there's so many people i want to say something about i am genuinely considering making a whole separate post and pouring all my love and affection for everyone i am mutuals with because THEY DESERVE IT AND I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH :(((
@tiredmamaissy - my issy baby, she was the first writer mutual i had and i remember hyperventilating to my bf when I saw that notification massively because i was such a fan and it meant so much to me. she was also the first person to reach out to me privately when i got my first anon hater and she made me feel so much better about that whole situation, and i will forever me grateful to her for that
@neteluvr - kendra means so so much to me, she has been with me pretty much since the beginning, and she was one of the people that stuck with me and my writing and i love her so much for that. she commented on EVERY illicit affair/the archer chapter and her feedback made my world, i used to wake up at like 5-6 in the morning to see if she has commented because it meant so much to hear what she had to say. she's probably my first tumblr mutual and i've come to love and respect her so so much, to admire her beauty, intelligence and compassion, and my life wouldn't be the same without her, our chats, our mutual love for ts for sure <3
@lanasblood - my baby lana is doing her own thing at the moment, but i hope when she comes back she sees this because i love and miss her so much, our late night conversations mean the world to me and she's just overall such an incredible, beautiful, funny, intelligent girl, and her writing leaves me genuinely starstruck every time with no fail. BABY I MISS YOU COME BACK TO ME RN!!! :(((
@pandoraslxna - Luna is one of the first people I followed on tumblr and she was a celebrity to me for sure hahahaha, i remember sending her a couple of asks when i first started writing bc I was such a fan of her work and the way she carried herself on the platform. When she followed me back and started reblogging my works i literally screamed and cried, i couldn't believe it hahahaha. I love her so much, I consider her a friend and I'm so happy I met her. Her writing inspires me, her kindness and beauty and openness and unwavering support for her fellow creators speak for themselves, but i will just say i love her a lot and i'm grateful to know her <3
@blue-slxt - my baby blue is such a kind, beautiful, kindred spirit. i haven't known her that long but it feels like a lifetime? i feel so close to her and like i know her and want to know her and want to be around her more and more each day. she is so kind and compassionate, so incredible and heroic, i admire the hell out of her for what she does, for helping to save lives, to change lives each day, i am so grateful for her and i can't wait to celebrate more milestones with her <3 ilysm pookie :(((
@fleurriee - my beautiful flower, she brightens my day in a way you wouldn't believe? not only is she a phenomenal writer, and pretty much the only person (alongside lana) who can get me to like fluff hahahaha, but she is a beautiful, incredible, awe-inspiring, light of a human being. i adore her and miss her so much when she's gone, and i genuinely don't know what i must have done right to manage to meet her in the circumstances that i did <3
@jakexneytiri - dani, my beautiful baby, i love her so much? she genuinely radiates such kindness and positivity, she is such a beautiful soul, full of love and light, and she always makes me feel safe and like i can tell her anything and she would listen and not judge? i am so appreciative of her and everything she's done for this fandom, i appreciate how tirelessly she works to make sure this is a healthy, happy community, i love talking and thirsting with her about dilf jake, and i LOVE her creativity and passion she puts in every project :(( ily baby
@neytris - i genuinely ADORE su with all my heart??!?!?! like she is one of the absolute funniest, most beautiful, kindest person i've ever met and I DIE every time i see her posts, and reblogs, her tags, i feel like i want to be su when i grow up and that's that!!!! i love you bb and never stop being you, because you are absolutely the brightest star <3 this barbie is hyperventilating over THE barbie x
@sulieykte - i feel like talking about lys is redundant, because no words or essays or novels can describe what she means to me, i'm literally tearing up just thinking about it. she has genuinely been my rock the past few months and i don't know what i would have done without her? i cannot imagine my life without her anymore, without talking to her daily, without sharing my every thought, woe and achievement with her and knowing that she'll feel it and understand, the same way I do with her. she's my soulmate, my twisted sister, and i love her to the moon and to saturn :((
it's 11pm and i'm writing this half asleep and i promise i'll do a part two in order to appreciate everyone the way they deserve <3 i love you besties xoxoxo
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redpenship · 10 months
Hello, I was wondering if you have any sonic fic recommendations?
Sure! Here are a few that have left an impression on me:
led clock faces by @hetchless (WIP) Notes: I'm a big fan of the tone and rotating perspective between characters. You can tell there's a lot going on with the world-building and I'm excited to see where it goes! Every nugget of world-building or alternate characterization has me wishing for more. It's also criminally underrated, so I must express support and ask that you check it out as a fellow sci-fi AU writer.
do gems conduct electricity? and good fences make better neighbours by @chaoxfix (Complete one-shots) Do gems notes: Fascinating Rouge and Sonic character study based in an AU where Eggman used Sonic as a battery for his machines during Sonic Forces. I've been a Sonic fan for a pretty long time, but I used to not bother reading fanfiction for the series because I had always struggled to find anything appealing to me. This fanfic both convinced me to keep looking for Sonic fanfic and also pulled me back into Sonic a little bit more, which resulted in me purchasing Sonic Among Us stickers at my local anime convention. And they say fanfiction is free! Good Fences notes: Big brings Tails+Sonic soup and reflects on how the world is changing due to human colonial activity on the planet. His perspective is interesting to read through, it grants something of a layman perspective that you wouldn't get through Sonic due to how involved he is in everything. If you go into the comments, you might find me (on anon, because I hadn't committed to this account yet) gushing about how I had similar world-building perspectives in regards to Mobian-human relations. The morose take on flickies here is also very sad in a good way. Great work all around.
Clarity by @lunapegasus (Complete one-shot) Notes: Shadow wakes up with an alien third eye. A really good conversation with Omega ensues, and I literally gasped out loud at something Omega says when I read it for the first time. If you like Shadow, you should definitely read this one.
General author rec: @khalewren writes a lot of cute whispangle stories.
Unfortunately, I don't actually read that much fanfiction so I am at a loss for what else to recommend to you. I hope you check out what I've listed here nonetheless!
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dinotoro · 8 months
signing off...
okay this post was long due but i kept stalling it because i was hoping my feelings regarding this matter would change but it didn't. first of all, i would like to thank each and everyone of you who supported me in this journey. all the likes, reblogs and comments made me so so so happy. but at the back of the mind something else kept on working too...
if you are familiar with booktok, you must be aware of the whole hockey romance drama. it was a really famous one. incase you didn't know, here are some videos - link link. all of this made me question about if i should be writing fanfics in the first place.
let me make it clear though, i am not attacking my fellow fanfic writers. you all are some of the best people I have met, even better than some irl people. fanfic writing is therapeutic, it helps in practicing our writing skills - there are so many pros to it. however, i am losing my interest in it. the whole ethical pov of fanfiction is a bit of grey, but a little bit of daydream scenarios never hurt anybody. what i want to say is basically it's a me thing and why i am deciding to leave.
high school is almost ending and i will become busy with my academics. my craze about k-pop is slowly dying too. dw, i am not being entirely detached from the genre. it's just, studies are taking a toll and time and i don't contain the energy to write and fangirl properly.
i hope you don't hate me for what i said, and i am sorry if this offends anyone - I promise you I didn't mean it. your writings still bring me joy and some fanfics are better written than most of the published books out there. however, I just wanted to depart from this part. I guess my phase is slowly leaving as I am taking baby steps towards adulthood. I wish all of you a very happy future and thank you for loving this little blog and giving it so much love and support. I love you more than anything <3
tagging : @euncsace, @mochamvgz, @mangocustard16, @in2fly, @bluriki, @rsmura, @rizzkisworld, @cyberiwoo, @slytherinshua, @bunreis, @flickqr, @k-films, @kflixnet, @nyxvrse
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
My third time trying to send it, Oh My God, I apologise if you receive like... three asks. Me being dum-dum with smartphone. Apologise for my poor English, too. Hello, Jude!
I want to thank you for your fantastic WWC-if. I deeply enjoyed it, because it has a very interesting plot, very well written atmosphere/vibe, but your characters? Oh man, your characters are the most delicious part of your work (-s even). I find them so different, so unique, so deep and really well-written, because I feel them; sometimes hate them too, but for a good reason, that they make me go “ah shit I strongly disagree with you, but FINE”. Love them all, eat them all, too.
Moreover, I’ll be patiently waiting for your new works to be continued, really excited about them. I must admit, so far I’m captivated by Dante, because he’s such a monster (affectionate). I know, that he’s morally bad, does terrible things that contradict with our very normal and modern views, but you know what? It’s good! I love psychos (scientifically)! As a fellow creator I can see the appeal of that kind of romance — destructive and wild. I’ll go for Dante-romance just to witness his love burn and cause damage. I want to have options for Luce to hurt Dante back, make him mad, but, you know, in a very passionate way or something like that. When I see characters barking at each other and then make out, I feel happy, because it's interesting, even if one of them can kill you (whatever, I swear, I don't care, have my green light to make Luce suffer). I don’t expect (and don’t want to, to be honest) Dante suddenly to change ‚for the better‘ or set aside his views, background and other things, that make him, well, him, because of a magical power of LOVE. In fact, I hope I'll see this exact love bringing the worst in him, showing what he can (and probably will) do for Luce or to them. You know, distorted views of love and affection are the best yet rarest among the ifs. Authors are mostly scared to create a deranged character and show their love in an ugly way. However, few people and I surely crave it. I don't want to cry on your shoulder, but I'm really tired of 'toxic romance' to turn suddenly very sweet and nice, showing only some scenes of jealousy and possessiveness, and that's it, sadly. So... thank you for not making him another 'good bad guy', I guess (so far?)? Seriously, you're doing God's (Devil's, maybe) work here.
Long Story Short, thank you so much for your works, I wish you the best, a lot of luck and Inspiration. I like you as a person and as a dark writer! I will watch you making your progress from the shadows of the deepest lake on Earth. You have my support, Jude.
So many times I’ve gotten apologizes from people saying they don’t speak English as a first language and yet they’re so eloquent in their messages 💀
Yeah I’ve never been a fan of fiction that has the love interest do a 180 because they’re in love. So does that mean they’ll become the same person the minute the love interest leaves them? Then that’s not true change and it’s not real character development. It’s one thing for a person to show you how to view things differently but it’s not genuine if you’re doing it to please them. I don’t think I’ll ever do a fix-it romance
I do get why some creators are hesitant to create romances like these because you’ll likely be subject to backlash from people saying you’re promoting abusive relationships or what-have-you but depiction is not endorsement nor romanticization or justification. That idea seems lost on people sometimes. I won’t justify my characters bad actions as right I will simply explain why from their point of view they believe things they do to be ok and not because they want to fuck the MCs over (although sometimes that’s exactly what they want to do)
I love how my characters frustrate you! And thank you lake underground nonnie ☺️
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