#and blend it with the Mystery Shack in Gravity Falls
fleshwizard · 2 years
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And you, where did you spend your lockdown ?
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themoonweaversden · 2 months
All 179-244 (or so) codes that were found so far (no spoilers)
333 Sundapple Lane Cozy Creek IL 60714-94611
AUDIOLOG (Knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
BUBBLES (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
CLEAR (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill First)
CONTRACT (Knob) (Sell your soul to Bill first)
L IS REAL 2401
Small (knob) (Sell your soul to Bill first)
Will update if more are found
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odie-mel · 22 days
Imagine that Dipper manages to time travel back to the era where Ford and McGucket are still in full swing of their investigations of Gravity Falls.
Like maybe a time historian and a time agent are sent to document the happenings of Weirdmageddon (a la the same time agency as Blending) and after the historian is documenting things one of them drops a time measuring tape - whatever. However you need to make the time travel aspect work.
Maybe Dipper, as an adult down the road, is house-sitting the Mystery Shack for Soos and while he's looking after things he finds the time tape measure in the shack. He pulls out the tape of the measure without really thinking and then when he really looks at it, he realizes what it is and it startles him enough that he drops it. When it falls, the tape goes back into the tape measure, triggering the time travel mechanism, but because it was dropped it doesn't travel back in time with Dipper. Again, whatever makes this a feasible storyline.
Dipper ends up working with Ford and McGucket while they help him figure out how to get home (he showed up in the Mystery Shack, before their very eyes, and now they're fascinated to study him as another Gravity Falls anomaly).
The amount of awkwardness he would be made to endure. Not just the nerdy, subtle (as a hammer, but they're both dense idiots) flirting betwixt McGucket and his own uncle but also the horrible Trainwreck that would have been the early Ford/Bill partnership. Poor Dipper would end up as an impromptu relationship counselor in a mad attempt to prevent Bill from manipulating Ford, and maybe change the events that led to his uncle disappearing into a portal realm for decades. Someone please save Dipper from the awkward situationship that is Fiddauthor, and the weird triangle demon that wants his Uncle carnally.
Subplot where Dipper stashes notes all over the shack for Mabel to find when she inevitably notices he's missing and she finds the time tape measure on the floor where Dipper dropped it. The twins found most of these notes the first time they ever came to Gravity Falls, and she would remember them because they were so weird - they were signed Dipper, how was that possible when they'd never been here before?, etc... Of course Dipper also wrote a note, maybe even more than one, detailing the exact time he'd been sent back to, but of course those particular notes were all impossible to find because they were all destroyed in the most narratively frustrating ways possible.
(Cue flashbacks where Stan finds one and promptly disregards it as more Ford weirdness and tosses it without a second thought, where Soos vacuums one up without noticing while cleaning around the shack one day to be extra noticably helpful to Stan, and another where Dipper & Mabel accidentally destroy one during one of their wild summer adventures, etc...)
I'm very tired, so this is half baked and not very well thought out. Please enjoy. Interact, even. Love you all, and see you tomorrow morning friends.
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uno-san · 1 month
Can i request a continuation of your first fic? Stan eventually admitting the Mr. Mystery who sent the flowers wasn’t a secret admirer but infact Mr. Mystery himself?
First of all, I am so honored to have a request for a continuation! Truly one of the highest compliments. And reading back on comments before, I should have made a second part long ago! I had so much fun writing this and thanks to all who have read my work. Part 1 can be found here. There's a small recap written in this part though so reading it isn't required :) Enjoy! Mr. Pines, Part 2 (Stanley Pines x Reader)
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Nearing the end of summer was always a melancholic event. In which the busiest season of the year would descend back down to hell and allow the workload to dwindle off to a manageable amount at the Mystery Shack yet leave you with a sense of grief at another amazing summer gone. It wasn’t like that before.
Ever since becoming a full-fledged adult with a life and responsibilities, the seasons and months had a way of blending together as one week after the next you were simply looking forward to the next paycheck. It was torture. Arguably not a way of living at all.
Keyword being before.
Sure, you could do without the new occupational hazard of being killed by a mecha-suit made out of feral gnomes, mind-wiping cultists, and God knows what else. Yet despite all the life-threatening danger, you’ve never been more alive! Everyday holds the potential for a new adventure and memories to make with the friends that you never thought you had.
That was the sadness about summer ending, however. Soos would remain at the shack but your other dependable co-worker, Wendy, would be off focusing on school. The same for Dipper and Mabel, who would leave Gravity Falls and Mr. Pines- Ah.
You were in the middle of sweeping the trampled wood floors of the Mystery Shack when the name made you stop in your tracks. It always did. Worse yet, it’d have you chew the inside of your cheek to stop them from heating up. It made you feel juvenile. Quickly your eyes swept across the shop and back as if you chanted his name three times. When there was no puff of smoke you let out a sigh of relief.
It was the start of summer where your more challenging trails began. That being Stanley Pines, the older man who was the owner of the Mystery Shack and your boss, who had given you permission to call him by his first name. Having done so, naturally, on a day where a secret admirer, or, ‘Mr. Mystery’ (Whom Stanley says he’ll sue for stealing his title) sent you a beautiful arrangement of flowers. God, you can still remember what a pain it was to lug the large vase back home. It was a wonder how Wendy was able to do it all herself without having a car to help.
To add to the confusion already surrounding that day when Stan hadn’t confessed to being the culprit, you were disappointed. Your shoulders slumped when Wendy had reasoned it had to be someone else. Instead of wanting to know who this secret admirer was you were instead interested in knowing when in the hell you developed a crush on the graying con man that was your boss. Not that there were tons of eligible bachelors in Gravity Falls but then they’d be in your age range! Or ones with no criminal record, strong arms, jokes, a handsome face that could draw you in at any moment to share a sweet kiss with-
Fingers snap in front of your face. The sharp sound caused you to jump in response and fumble with the broom to prevent it from falling.
“Hey, kid!”
Stanley’s hoarse voice rang out from beside you; your shoulders tensed while your newfound grip on the broom handle could have splintered it. He must have noticed the panic in your face as he quickly raised his hands as if to show he wasn’t armed.
“Oh, Mr. Stans, I-”
“Huh? I…don’t know if, what-” The perplexed expression he made killed you in a thousand ways before his head shook out the unnecessary thoughts, “NEVERMIND ALL THAT. Forget it. I just wanted to ask ya to get started on restocking the bumper sticker display, alright? Last time to peddle the stuff out while we have the most out-of-town folk. Can ya do that?”
You nod, “Of course! I’ll get started on it straight away, S-Stan.”
The smile you offered didn’t appear to reassure him any as he lingered a moment. His hands were firmly planted on his hips while he actually leaned down to inspect you. Drawing close enough into your space that you had to nearly arch your spine not to bump into the man. Under his gaze all you could do was swallow the thick lump of nervousness that always choked you when Stanley was near.
Suddenly he blinked. As if Stan had just realized how the distance between your two had closed without his notice. Awkwardly Stanley stepped back and coughed into his hand. Your overactive imagination could have sworn his cheeks were tinged pink, “Just, ah…checking to see ya didn’t have a heat stroke or nothing. You don’t, so, start drinking water before you start freaking out the tourists. Got it, kid?”
He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead stomping off to wrangle some poor soul into buying poorly-produced and expensive merchandise. You watched him from where you stood still, now overcome with a flurry of emotions from that blundered interaction. If a Gnome Mech wasn’t going to kill you then Stanley Pines sure as hell was.
With a shake of your head you did your best to gain control of yourself once more while the day threatened to drag on. On the way to the storage room you passed by Wendy. Who, as always, was laid back. She nodded towards you. You returned it without reveling in the silent approval of a teenager before you disappeared in the backroom to grab the needed box. Luckily it was light and allowed you to grab another heftier box full of other items that were in need of refilling and maintenance. It didn’t hurt to put a bit more effort into your job, after all.
Returning to the main room in front of the counter you could finally begin your work. It was almost therapeutic. Nobody bothering you. No immediate death threats or wild twins to wrangle in. Just you and a box of bumper stickers being neatly tucked away into different stacks.
You would have started humming to yourself if something hadn’t felt…off.
Something behind you had begun to radiate heat. Breathing down your neck and causing a nervous drop of sweat to run down your forehead. Slowly you began to turn around until a hot breath suddenly blew across your face, your eyes meeting with another pair with barely a head turn.
The shock of it had you bring your arm back to slap the stack of bumper stickers across the cheek of someone not all too unfamiliar. Who you now recognized as Thompson yelped at the contact and went to quickly shield his face with a previously unnoticed bouquet of roses, “Dude, duuuuuuude, stop!” He cried out while his eyes were skewered shut with pain, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
“I- What-” You dropped the merchandise in your hand as if they alone had somehow enticed you to assault a poor teenager, “No, I mean…Shit. I’m sorry, I guess?” In the midst of your guilt it was hard to pin the blame on anyone, “What in the actual hell were you doing-”
“What in the actual hell- HECK is going on over here?” Stanley’s voice cut through the confusion. His heavy footsteps nearly rattled the walls of the Mystery Shack as he came to inspect the commotion. Stanley’s eyes fell onto the scattered merchandise that caused his frown to be deeper set, eyebrows furrowed in a conflicting mix of emotions. 
“Alright, there better be a good explanation for all this racket. You’re distracting the customers- WHAT IS THAT?” His eyes grew impossibly wide as he gestured wildly to the bouquet.
You opened your mouth to reply before the bell attached to the front door rang to grab your attention. Stepping through was Lee, the taller blonde teen that you’ve seen attached to Wendy’s friend group, miraculously holding a bundle of roses in hand.
“He’s lying to you!” Lee shouted and clutched at his heart in either a romantic gesture or a heart attack, “I’m the one who bought it for you, not HE!”
“Lee,” Thompson began to what you could only describe as stage-whisper in his friend’s direction, “I didn’t get to my part yet, I got frickin hit!” His hand moved to reveal the slightly pink mark on his cheek.
Lee lost his composure, “Aw, really? Bro, that’s fucking hilarious. But like…c’mon, bro, you gotta do your part before Nate gets here.”
“Wait, Nate?” Your confusion deepened as they ignored you in favor of having a whispered back and forth, with Lee pushing Thompson forward who nearly collided into you with the shove. The look you gave him was of someone afraid of a bomb about to go off.
Thompson wiped the sweat off his brow before offering his flowers with the same hand, “I like, fricken LIKE you, dude! Just love your whole deal,” He confessed with cheeks as hot as the son while he practically had to spit the words out. His heavy breathing began to pick up. Opening his palm you noticed that there was smudged ink on it that he was now trying to read, “T-That’s why I bought you the flowers-”
“WHAAAAAAAT???” Stanley suddenly roared to life while his hands tightened into fists. In a tantrum similar to a child he marched up, glowing down at poor Thompson who’d gone stark white.
“He’s lying to you! I’m the one who bought it for you, not HE!” Lee repeated. Stepping forward he cast a concerned glance towards the statue that was once his friend to present his own bundle of flowers to you.
The pollen made you want to sneeze. Impressively Lee managed to ignore Stanley to continue addressing you, “It’s true, I’m Mr. Mystery. And it’s even truer that I’m into older, uh…” He looked you up and down, “Into older individuals.”
Your brows drew closer together in concern, “How old do you think I am?”
Lee bit his lip and raised his brows in what he must have thought was a seductive look, “Old enough, bro.”
Thankfully you didn’t have to respond to that as Stanley’s hand shot forward to grab at Lee’s flowers, tossing them to the ground as if he was spiking a football and causing petals to fly everywhere. Lee stared at his hand in shock before having his attention drawn to Stanley who had the both of them in his sights and looking ready to strike.
“I’m not going to take any kinda lying in my house! Neither you or dweebus here bought ‘em any flowers. You two dorks don’t have the kind of cash for that sorta gesture anyway!”
“Uh, we totally could,” Lee said in an offended tone, “Flowers are like, 8 bucks at the grocery store.”
“The ones delivered weren’t from no grocery store, it was a specialized boutique!” “How’d you know that? Huh?”
“Gardening. Is. My. HOBBY.” Stanley passionately replied through gritted teeth.
“No, it’s not.” Wendy answered, bored.
This was starting to give you a headache in more ways than one. Especially in the sense that the few customers in the shop were beginning to stare you down, no doubt finding this whole spectacle the biggest mystery of the day. It made you want to shrink away and disappear into nothing! Sure, you were just lamenting the end to an exciting summer but this wasn’t the type of bang you wanted it to go out on!
Turning towards Wendy you had prayed she would be of help to wrangle in her friends while Stanley and Lee argued in the background. To your disappointment Wendy was hardly paying attention. To both you and her actual job while she busily texted on her phone. You waved your hand out in front of her.
“Please, a little help?” You were nearly begging, “Think maybe all your friends hit their heads at the same time or something. I don’t even know how they knew about the whole flower thing- WHAT, THOMPSON?”
The nervous teen had managed to shuffle past his friend and your boss. Apparently he had given up reading his hand to instead have his phone pulled out. His eyes would flicker between you and the screen before he tried shoving his remaining flowers back into your face again as opposed to your conveniently open hands.
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May-”
“NO. No. No, no, no, noooo!” Like a sheep being surrounded by wolves you staggered back. Your growing panic is now drawing the attention of Stan and Lee who managed to stop arguing long enough to see you turn tail and run, “I’m going home until whatever this is blows over!”
What you expected to be an awkward exit quickly turned to a horror show as Lee and Thompson actually pursued you.
“W-Wait! We didn’t get to the part about how there’s soooo many other bachelors after you!” One of them yelled.
“Yeah, and that waiting too long to snatch you up will result in losing your love fooooreeevveeer,” The other, for whatever reason, said this more towards Stan. “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” You shouted off behind you while carefully dodging between both aisles and customers alike.
Seeing as you had two stalkers on your tale Stanley raised a fist, “Hey! No harassing my, uh- favorite employee! Wendy, get my crossbow!”
If they started arguing or not after that was none of your concern as you were apparently in a struggle for your life. If your heart wasn’t going to give out on you yet then the embarrassment would definitely get you by the time you get home. God, this was all starting to feel like a fever dream. Or maybe you DID die this summer and now you were in some sick limbo?
Whatever this was, it was clearly because of one thing. The incident with the flowers you received a couple months back, to be exact. After that day there had been no further gifts. How was it connected? Especially to Wendy’s friends of all people who you had the pleasure of not interacting with much at all this summer.
Perhaps they had been the ones to send the flowers in the first place? Attempting to draw you in further with a date to pull a prank on you. Trying to film your reaction for a video that they’d laugh about for ages to come and torment you with.
But no. That couldn’t be it.
Humiliation was certainly what they were achieving right now but if that had been the goal they would have pushed for it when the flowers had first been delivered. Give you a way to contact this ‘Mr. Mystery’. But they hadn’t. So what was the point of now?
You supposed this could haunt you later instead seeing as you had two hot pursuers on your tail. Both Lee and Thompson were still flinging compliments your way while Stanley struggled to catch up between having to clean up any spills along the way as well. Whenever you were able to catch a glance of him you’d shoot an apologetic look that he’d wave off.
It was another minute of dodging the two before you were able to loop your way back around to the front of the Mystery Shack, towards the parking lot and where your car was. To safety. A part of you was even willing to mow down a rowdy teen if you had too! But fate had other plans. The door swung open and you skidded to a halt; nearly crashing into the poor unsuspecting soul who-
It was Nate.
He saw you and grinned, slowly raising a damn bouquet of roses, “Heeeeey, just who I wanted to see! Wanna take a guess at who your secret admirer is? Hint, it’s me!”
Oh, come the fuck on.
Nate must have noticed a deranged look in your eye seeing as he took an awkward step back he clearly hadn’t planned on. From behind you could hear the heavy thudding of feet as Lee and Thompson had finally caught up. Great. You looked both ways. They had an expectant expression on their faces that you couldn’t make sense of.
“Alright, alright, break it up you hormonal goblins. Get BACK, I say!”
Stanley’s voice was like the calm in the storm. It gave you something to focus and center yourself on. You hadn’t even noticed him stepping closer to you before it was too late. Two strong hands clamped around the delicate curve of your waist while thick fingers tickled into your skin. The grasp had a shiver run up your spine. Then what started as a tender embrace quickly became a vice when you were lifted off of your feet.
You actually squeaked. In a display of strength you thought only adrenaline could achieve Stanley had hoisted you above his head and out of reach from your ‘admirers’. Like the tallest kid playing ‘keep away’ in the schoolyard. From below you could see the three teen’s jaws drop at the display while a nearby customer asked if this was part of the tour.
Stan must have heard it since a blush came to his cheeks a moment after yet he refused to release you, “We’ll, uh…just go for now. Break time and whatnot…WENDY, MAN THE STORE!” He shouted while beginning to push his way back towards the employee area of the shack. It wasn't until he was passing staring customers he coughed out a reluctant, “Stop watching and we’ll have a ‘buy two, get one full price’ sale.”
That disappeared the crowd quickly who were now buzzing with excitement at the prospect of a deal. Stanley began to walk you back. With no eyes on the two of you, Stan cautiously began to lower you down. Not to your feet, however. Instead you were brought back into his chest where you had more cushion to lay against. Despite the summer heat his body warmth only drew you in. Not to even get started on how hot your face already was from blushing for the last few minutes!
Stanley meanwhile had his eyes glued to the path ahead. Afraid that taking one glance in your direction would make him regret coming to your rescue at all and depriving himself the chance of seeing you blush longer. Though it was certainly a motivator to have a couple of guys flinging compliments your way so freely as well. God. Wasn’t he too old to be getting into a pissing contest with teens at this point?
Too old in general. Both with having a silly school crush on his employee and also trying to lug you around as if he was twenty years younger. Stan made it look easy but his back pain would be coming back with a vengeance tomorrow!
With your hand resting against his chest though it was hard to deny it was worth it.
Having led you towards the back office Stanley stepped in and used his back foot to kick the door shut behind you two, blocking the light from the shop to leave you in near darkness if it wasn’t for the rare ray of light peering from behind the closed blinds. Without the stark lighting the office was almost calming in contrast. That, or you loved hearing Stanley’s steady breathing more than you realized or the soft beating of his heart if you concentrated on your hand long enough.
Stan moved for the desk. It was crowded with various papers and trinkets he’d keep around to distract himself. At first you had thought he had been in search of something in particular until his hands shifted, with one suddenly slipping just under your butt to keep you hoisted up while the now free one began to clear a space for you.
Your entire posture stiffened once consumed with the realization that your boss was, to put it crudely, grabbing your ass. In spite of how rough they looked, his hands were tender. Mindful. Which judging from his expression you doubted he noticed where he placed his hand at all while tidying up his desk. You were grateful for the distraction. That way he couldn’t see the conflict in your eyes on whether you liked the contact or not after the day you had.
“Here we go…” His rumbling voice brought you back from the brink of a new meltdown as he settled you down onto the hard surface of the desk with your legs dangling over the edge. Yet his hands didn’t leave. Instead they attached back to around your waist with a feather light touch, as if the first hint of disapproval at the contact would knock them back. You showed no such sign, so they stayed.
“You, ah…all good, then?” Stanley seemed to have trouble meeting your eye, “From the dorks. I mean, they hang around Wendy all the time and get into shit, yeah, but they’re not dangerous or nothing. But if they had hurt ya-”
“I’m fine, Stanley,” You said with a soft and assuring tone, “Traumatized, maybe, but…Thank you for saving me.”
He nearly buckled at the ice-melting smile you gave him. For just a moment his fingers tapped against your skin as if they had been tempted to clasp around you tighter. They didn’t. Instead Stanley appeared to realize how close the two of you had gotten and shuffled out of the way, taking his body heat with him as he turned his back towards you to instead fixate his attention elsewhere in the room. Anywhere but you.
Stanley nodded after what seemed an eternity, “No problem. Besides, it’d be bad for the brand to have so many ‘Mr. Mystery’ running around! It’s protected IP!”
At that you found yourself chuckling, “Is this your way of saying you’re tired of hearing about the flowers?” Not that you’d blame him considering what a hot topic it was when it had first happened.
First, Mabel couldn't ignore any degree of romantic gesture without her wanting to be involved with it. Second, this was a small town with nothing to do on the good days. Toby Determined even tried to get an interview (How word got out was beyond you) and Stanley again had to come to your rescue by chasing him off with a broom. With today’s incident you began to worry that this would be a monthly chore for Stanley.
At the suggestion of Stanley getting irritated about anything involving you nearly made him jump to correct that assumption, “NO, I could listen to it aaaall day! Just not going to just stand around and let a couple of liars waltz in to take credit for it.” He said, “I mean, c’mon, they really think those flowers were from the grocery store? Please, I- whoever has way more class than that!”
You giggled at that, which was nice considering how embarrassed you were earlier. But Stan always did put you at ease with all the jokes or lax attitude he’d have to offer no matter the situation. What others found frustrating you found endearing.
“For all the class that he has, you’d think he’d have come forward by now, don’t you think?”
He gave you a look, “What do you mean?”
“Just that it’s been all summer since it’s happened. Not a word since,” You shrug and take your turn to stare somewhere else, “Sorry. I don’t mean to sound demanding or anything. But you gotta admit it’s rude to leave someone on edge like that, you know? Just makes me think they lost interest or something.”
Stanley didn’t reply. After seemingly going out of his way to avoid looking at you, you were all he could stare at now. His lips were drawn in a tight frown that settled unnaturally on his face. You were so used to his smiles. Now your boss had an odd expression of contemplation. The way his darkened eyes bore into you made you squirm where you sat, anxiously squeezing your legs together to try and keep your blush at bay.
It was an achievement that you were able to hold a normal conversation with him at all. After the shocking realization that you were disappointed that Stanley never took credit for the original gift, your time at the Mystery Shack had gotten far more difficult outside of the daily threat to your life. Especially when Mabel was like a bloodhound when it came to romance. And when there wasn’t any to be found you could be damn sure that she’d create your own, one way or the other. She was a menace.
“Kid, listen, I-”
“I guess I should-”
Your words quickly amalgamated until the two of you stopped to give the other an apologetic glance. Then silence again. Each prompting the other to continue their dialogue with a vague hand gesture. Both of your hesitancy grew with conflicted gazes.
“I-” Stanley slapped his hand over his face to muffle his groan, “Oh, goddammit.”
You flinched at the frustration in his words, “Sorry, sorry! I was just trying to say I should go back to work if they’re all gone.”
Preparing to hop off of the desk you were instead met with Stanley’s large hands suddenly pinning yours to the desk before you could push off. His fingers nearly interlaced with yours. They were trembling. He was towering over you again to the point you had to arch your back to make room for him. Seeing this he released one of your hands to instead place his on the small of your back, supporting your posture.
Stanley’s face was now inches from yours. What little light that came into the room reflected off of his glasses and obscured his eyes. Could he have been taking in your flushed face and wide eyes? Or perhaps he was taking notice of your parted lips. You hoped it was that.
“I…I wasn’t swearing at ya. Just frustrated that I’m not being as smooth as I wanna be,” Stanley spoke in a tone far softer than you’ve ever experienced. With his voice rumbling in his chest it was like a soothing purr. He then swallowed what must have been a lump in his throat, “Listen, it was…It was me who-”
You captured him in a kiss. It was neither passionate or loving, but something new. It was potential. In this instance it was the best kiss you’ve ever had with chapped lips. Intended to be a quick peck you could still feel Stanley’s hands grasp you tighter as his entire posture grew stiff.
A second passes and you pull back, “I’m sorry, I should have let you finish,” You laughed, both at your overexcitement and his stunned expression, “I’ve been waiting to hear you say it. Keep going, please.”
Stanley didn’t respond right away as he instead simply stared at you. It was blatantly obvious when the reality of the situation began to hit him as his signature grin stretched across his face. How could an old man be so cute?
“So, uh-” He cleared his throat, “Guess I was saying that I’m the Mr. Mystery. Both at work and as your secret admirer, though I guess not that secret if you knew…Anyways I really like ya! You’ve got spunk, looks, smarts. I mean, how was I not supposed to send any sorta flowers- You get the point!”
This time he drew you in for a kiss. His was more brash and needy as if you’d change your mind at the last second. Using his grip on you he brought you closer until your bodies were pressed against each other and he slotted between your legs to fit. So intimately close yet born from the innocent need of wanting to be near you. This kiss lasted as long as you had air in your lungs.
The both of you parted from the kiss with a dopey smile.
“I didn’t necessarily know, by the way…” You mention after catching your breath, “Just realized how much I wanted it to be you after Wendy suggested it had been sent by someone else.”
Stan hummed in amusement while his hand began to rub up and down the curve of your back, “That so? Guess all that was just your way of getting to confess, eh? Gotta admit, that’s unexpected. But sneaky. I like it!”
“What?” You tilted your head in question, “You mean what happened with all of her friends? I was just starting to think that was you.”
He shook his head. The sweet mood was paused as the both of you had a confused look while playing the strange events over in your head. Stanley snapped you out of it by giving you a squeeze; with it a reminder of your new flourishing relationship with your boss Stanley Pines. You looked back up to see his grin return and a new twinkle in his eye.
“Ehh, we can figure that out some other time, toots,” He said with a wave of his hand to push the thoughts away, “Besides, we probably have a few minutes to uh, make up for lost time, if you get what I mean.” Stanley wiggled his eyebrows at you and made you giggle.
“Depends. Does this count as my break, Stanley?”
“It absolutely does.”
“What? C’mooooon, man.”
__ Outside of the Mystery Shack, hidden amongst the trees and brush, was the sharp glare of the sun reflecting off of glass. Binoculars, to be exact. Behind them being a young girl who wore a thick sweater in spite of the heat. She was biting down on her tongue in concentration as she scanned the building from one window to the next. Where could they be?
From beside her the bushes began to rustle. The noise attracted her attention and she turned in time to capture the magnified image of Wendy’s growing teen pimples as she stepped out from the woods. Mabel chose not to comment on this.
“Status report!” Mabel said in a tone far too commanding for a young girl like her to have. Regardless of this Wendy saluted.
“Mission happened, I guess,” Wendy gave a half-assed thumbs up, “The boys kind of went crazy in there so we didn’t get the romantic confession you dreamed of exactly. But they’re alone, at least?”
“Why, they went crazy under my order, lieutenant! Their goal was to be crazy in love,” She emphasized her words with a dramatic close of her first brought close to her chest, “And nooooow I’m trying to see the romantic confession but they have the blinds closed! Could you imagine trying to hide your love?! It’s inconvenient!!”
As if paranoid something would happen without her watchful eye Mabel returned to her vigilant duty of watching a closed window. Wendy meanwhile had her gaze darted away a moment as if struggling to find what to say. Eventually she rubbed the back of her neck and coughed to get her young friend’s attention,
“You know, it’s…probably a good thing the window is closed if your plan did work, Mabel. I don’t think you’d want to see what you think you’d be seeing.”
“What do you mean?”
“They’re prooobably swapping spit right now, Mabel.”
Instantly the binoculars clattered against the hard ground as Mabel nearly convulsed, “Eew, ew, EW! And that’s too much of a picture for Mabel!” Quickly she climbed out of her hiding spot in the bushes to begin following Wendy who was laughing, “I gotta go wash out my mind’s eye now!” "That's probably for the best. Let's just trust them to move that last step themselves, alright, cupid?"
Both girls were laughing now as they returned to the Mystery Shack while patting each other on the back for a job well-done.
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vespaer77 · 5 months
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Pairing: Gale x Named OC/Tav Author play through, making it up as we go =) Rating: Eventual smut 'cause you know they bone. Cosmically.
Link to read on AO3
Summary: Tempest Tidewater's Terrific Teas, Tonics, and Tinctures had been her whole life. She'd built her little shop from nothing but an empty shack and a dream, turning it into a household name in Neverwinter for all things aches and ailments. But at the height of her success, a mystery had begun to unfold. Her supply chain had suddenly run dry, amongst strange rumors of troubles brewing near Baldur's Gate. Left no choice but to leave her life's work shuttered and dormant behind her, Tempest embarked upon a journey south seeking answers, never anticipating the wild adventure she'd soon be set upon. This is a story of friendships and struggles, of mindflayers and cultists, but mostly… of how an artificer and a wizard fell in love.
Tempest Tidewater could hear the rush of the river behind her. And if she kept her eyes closed and stayed very still, she could almost imagine she was back in Neverwinter, gathering mergrass by the shore and waiting for a ship to arrive from Baldur's Gate carrying herbs that were found in greater abundance near the Cloakwood. And though the fabled market district in Waterdeep would claim the greater bulk of the supply, she could still rely heavily on trade to bring her things like mugwort, belladonna, and autumncrocus. Even balsam and daggerroot. If she could've sourced the quantities she'd needed from the surrounding hillsides, she would never have left. But the latitudes just weren't as favorable.
And the shipments had begun to dwindle. She'd even started struggling to make simple healing potions.
She hadn't been the only shop owner to feel the pinch. The Chionthar was a huge artery, carrying a heavy and widely varying flow of trade goods down from the continent and out through Baldur's Gate, to seek foreign ports all along the Sword Coast. The fall of Elturel had only been the beginning. Soon after came troubling rumors of hoards of devilkin roaming the surrounding forests and villages. Then there were tales goblins and gnolls, raiding tollhouses and terrorizing towns and fishermen.
And then it was drow.
And then it was cultists.
But now it was like a dream.
If she stayed very still, she could imagine that she would just wake up, safe at home. That she would open her eyes and step out of her bed, warmed by the first rays of sunshine that spilled past her windowsill. Like the ones washing over her even now. She would dance down her creaky little staircase, humming a tune as she donned her cured leather apron to begin sorting her ingredients and measuring caustic solvents. She would eat scones with honey and start boiling the kettles to brew the tea.
And if she stayed very still, so still, deadly still and just kept her eyes closed, she could smell it. The tea. Lavender to calm, mint to soothe, rosehips to heal, and currant for a smile. And of course her prized morning tea - a black blend, lively and bright, yet also acrid and smoky. Heady, like the wood coals of a bread oven. Or a campfire. Or like smoldering flames.
Like ashes falling all around her.
Flesh burning, still on fire.
And then a sound came from behind her, or above or all around her. Large chunks of detritus, groaning before falling and splashing into the water. Sounds of fragile wreckage crackling with heat before submitting to the forces of gravity. She was not safe.
Her eyes flew open and she sat up straight.
It was real, all of it. The gangplank bouncing beneath her knees as she boarded the ship without looking back. The beautiful, hazy blue mirage of Blackstaff crowning the horizon as her ship passed Waterdeep. Even her capture by a nightmarish nautiloid ship. And finally, her infestation with an illithid tadpole. All of it. It was no dream, and she would not be waking up. Her life's work - the entirety of her savings, her education, and her efforts, the whole sum of all her meager accomplishments - lie shuttered and dormant behind her to collect cobwebs and late fees and tax penalties, possibly in perpetuity.
Tempest Tidewater's Terrific Teas, Tonics, and Tinctures.
Yes. Terrific, indeed. A terrific loss. The latest in a lifelong string of them. How could she ever rebuild?
How she longed for one more piece of Tangy Tidewater Taffy. How she ached for one single, soothing cup of tea. She could just lay back down and mildew into the wet sand instead, never open her eyes again and become as sun-bleached as a sand dollar before sinking away forever. But she'd made a promise to herself, long ago, when she left her childhood home. When she spent so long languishing in inadequacy at the top of a wizard's spire. When she felt so lost and so alone - a feeling that had never left her, if she was honest.
She'd promised herself that she would not let this world beat her.
So, she groaned and slapped her knees, and summoned the strength to stand up and brush herself off. She wanted to scream. She wanted to weep. She wanted to take this hurt that sat in her belly like a blade and wrench it out. Oh, how she yearned to find that stupid fucking marid that cursed her family line and punch that bitch in the throat. After all, woe betide anyone who dared to be born genasi. At least, in the pastoral communities that worked the land and fed the breadbasket of Neverwinter.
Already exhausted into apathy by her anger, she chose to inspect herself for hidden injuries then she turned a slow circle to get her bearings.
Despite the black smoke still pouring out of the purple, tentacled abomination lying crushed and dead on the beach, the sky was warm and blue and cloudless, letting cheerful sunlight glitter across the water. An insect buzzed past her nose to land on plump, abundant blades of mergrass swaying in the light, gentle breeze of late afternoon. It was a perfectly lovely day, all things considered.
Wherever she was.
To ground herself and wash the grime of battle from her skin, she took off her boots and waded out into the river for spell. There was time for aimless wandering later. The daylight was already fading, and she wouldn't get far before she'd need to forge together some sort of camp for the night. So she allowed herself a moment of peace to float on her back and let her hair billow and fan all around her. She let the water cradle her like the mother she never had. One that wanted her. She listened to the river as it filled her ears and she dug her heels into the gravel, heeding the mild, placid current as it filtered through her toes. It renewed and replenished her, feeding her courage and a connection to the world around her, a direction forward like the needle on a compass.
Which she found she needed immediately when she stepped out of the water and slipped her feet back into her boots. Ahead of her, twisted and face down where they fell, lie the crumpled forms of those who were less fortunate than her. The poor souls who did not survive the crash, or possibly even the circumstances of their capture to begin with. Their blood soaked the dirt in dark puddles beneath them, and insects had begun gathering to feast. Clouds of them hung heavily in the low, orange shafts of afternoon sun.
But then she saw something move. Something so small she nearly missed it.
It was a foot, just ahead, along the trail of the scar the nautiloid had carved into the earth. And then Tempest thought she heard a moan. Someone was alive. With any luck, it was one of the women she'd met while still aboard the ship. The githyanki had been a skilled fighter, and if one could forgive her ruthless demeanor, she was clearly beneficial to have as a traveling companion. And Shadowheart, while cagey and mysterious, was a cleric. It was possible the girl's skills in the healing arts could even rival her own.
So she finally moved forward. Solid strides with purpose, one foot in front of the other, and with each step she felt that purpose grow. With each step, faces and words and memories circled through her mind like water down a drain. A wizard who preferred her as a pet rather than an apprentice - a meal ticket, as long as her mother's monthly tuition kept rattling in his coffers. A mother who couldn't wait to sell her once she finally came of age, and at last could pretend her family curse did not exist.
And a kind mentor, the first and only to see beyond the places where planar elements had marked her, who had the courage to nuture an untapped spark of potential, and whose only crime was to simply die of old age, happy and fulfilled.
She wondered if Mister Henry would still be proud of her, now that she'd lost everything. Now that she'd conflated her own courage with foolishness. But then his voice called to her from the depths of her own memory, steeling her nerves as she knelt beside the dark-haired cleric who stirred in her slumber on the sand. It was something he'd told her when he'd first taken her in, when no one else would.
"Look for the light in the darkness, girl," he'd said. "It will always be there. They may be at odds, but they are still sisters. Where one ends, the other surely begins. Look for the light, do not fear the dark, and be ready to begin."
In many ways, her life had begun the day she'd met him.
And it would not end here on this shore.
"Okay," she murmured to herself, reaching to shake Shadowheart's shoulder. "It's okay. I'm okay.
"I'm ready to begin."
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thelastspeecher · 3 years
Amphibious Tendencies - Chapter 8: Agalychnis callidryas
Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9   Chapter 10   AO3
I wanted to get this chapter posted before the end of the year, ideally before the holidays, and I’m so glad I managed to get it done.  And don’t worry if you feel like this chapter has a distinct lack of McGucket content, there will be plenty in Chapter 9.  Enjoy.
Summary: Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy try to unravel some of the mysteries surrounding the Author, only to discover that someone they know has secrets of his own.
When going to sleep, the red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas) will conceal its brightly colored sides and feet to better blend in with the foliage around it.
             Dipper paced back and forth in front of the fake tree that had led him to the Journal.  The forest was still, the only sound being bird calls in the distance.
             “I’m sure you’re all wondering why I’ve gathered you here today,” he began.  Soos raised his hand.  Dipper stopped pacing.  “Yes, Soos?”
             “I thought Wendy would be joining us,” Soos said. Dipper sighed.
             “Unfortunately, it looks like she won’t make it,” he said. “She told me she might not be able to sneak away from her family.”
             “Aw, that sucks,” Mabel said.  She winked.  “Especially for you.”
             “What- not for-” Dipper stammered.  Mabel giggled.
             “Did you guys really think you’d go on another wild adventure without me?” a voice asked.  Dipper, Mabel, and Soos looked over.  Wendy was walking up to them, grinning.  A young man who looked like a lanky version of Manly Dan followed her.
             “Wendy!” Dipper said eagerly.  Too eagerly.  He hurriedly cleared his throat.  “Glad you could make it,” he said in a more subdued tone.
             “Yeah, it was a bit tough to get outta the house,” Wendy drawled.  She jabbed her thumb behind her, at the man she had come with.  “Hope you don’t mind I brought my big brother.  He’s my ride.”  Wendy’s brother waved cheerfully.  He was even taller than Wendy and like her, wore a flannel and muddy boots, though his shirt was gray.  “Bro, this is Dipper and Mabel.  You already know Soos.”
             “I see the family resemblance,” Mabel said thoughtfully.  Wendy’s brother chuckled.
             “Thanks,” he said.  He had a deep voice but spoke gentler and softer than Manly Dan.
             “Why haven’t we met you yet?” Mabel asked.
             “Jonah works at our cousin’s logging camp upstate during the summer,” Wendy answered.  Her brother, Jonah, nodded.  “It’s a coupla hours away, so he can’t visit that often.”
             “Yeah, I figured I’d supervise you kids before I drop by the Shack to help with the repairs after that earthquake or whatever,” Jonah said.  He raised a thick, red eyebrow.  “Wendy said something about a book and the mysteries of Gravity Falls?”
             “What exactly did Wendy say?” Dipper said suspiciously.  Wendy rolled her eyes.
             “C’mon, dude, Jonah’s cool.”  When Dipper still seemed doubtful, Wendy tried another tactic. “If you can trust me, you can trust him.”  Wendy looked at Soos.  “Back me up, Soos.”
             “She’s right,” Soos said.  “Jonah’s trustworthy.  He even worked at the Shack for a while!”
             “All right,” Dipper said reluctantly.  “I’ll start from the beginning, then.”  He cleared his throat.  “Soon after Mabel and I came to Gravity Falls, I found this book in the woods.”  Dipper held up the Journal.  Jonah nodded thoughtfully.  “It contains all the secrets of this strange town, but the biggest mystery is who wrote it. Who was the Author?”  Jonah furrowed his brow.  “Thirty years ago, the Author vanished without a trace.  But according to a new clue, we may have found his secret hideout.”
             “What new clue?” Jonah asked, visibly invested in what Dipper was talking about.
             “The Author wrote a bunch of secret messages in invisible ink, which could only be seen under a black light.  Using this, I was able to determine that the Author had some sort of hiding place in this area.  I found the Journal around here, so it’s not that much of a surprise.”
             “Did you dig it up or something?” Jonah asked.
             “No, I opened a panel in this tree and found a switch that opened up a hole in the ground,” Dipper rattled off.  Jonah looked at Wendy, who was looking at the tree thoughtfully.
             “Whattaya think?”
             “I think that branch looks like a lever,” Wendy said.  Jonah grinned.
             “That’s what I thought.  Care to do the honors?”
             “You know it,” she said with a wink.
             “That does look like a lever,” Dipper muttered to himself.  He turned away from the tree, frowning thoughtfully.  “But how could we get up there?  Maybe a ladder?  Or ladder-shoes?  Or-”
             “Kid,” Jonah said gently.  Dipper looked up at him.  Jonah nodded at the tree.  “She’s got it under control.”  Dipper turned around to see Wendy, who had managed to climb up the tree while his back was turned.  He gaped. Wendy took an axe out of her belt and used it to hit the lever disguised as a branch.
             “Boosh,” she said casually.
             “Wow!” Mabel gasped.  Soos let out a low whoop.  Wendy shrugged.
             “Yeah, Dad made us do a buncha lumberjack games when we were younger.  Guess I kinda ruled at it.”  She grinned at Jonah.  “Unlike some people.”  Jonah rolled his eyes.  He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, the tree began to shake. Three birds perched in the upper branches cawed in distress and flew away.  “Whoa!”  Wendy fell out of the tree.
             “Wendy!”  Jonah rushed forward, just barely managing to catch Wendy in his arms.  He stumbled backward as the ground below his feet began to sink, along with the tree.  They all watched the tree lower into a massive hole.  Finally, the tree stopped sinking.  Wooden boards sprung from the sides of the hole, forming a circular staircase to the bottom.  The base of the tree, at the bottom of the hole, opened up, revealing a door.
             “This is it.  This is the Author’s secret bunker,” Dipper said excitedly.  Jonah grimaced.
             “I was not expecting something this intense.”
             “Oh, this isn’t even half as intense as it usually gets,” Mabel said, waving a hand airily.  Jonah looked at her.
             “That’s…not great.”
             “Whatever we find down there, we tell no one,” Dipper said solemnly.
             “Unless we find a dead body or something,” Jonah said. Mabel’s eyes widened.  “I’m not saying we will, but I’m also not saying we won’t.”
             “There’s a non-zero chance of finding a body anywhere,” Dipper said with a shrug.  Jonah blinked, bemused.  Dipper held up a lantern.  “Who wants to go first?”
             They descended the spiral staircase, the lantern illuminating their way, light reflecting off of cobwebs that could have been decades old.  The stairs led them directly into a large room.  
             The room had clearly been prepared with some sort of apocalypse in mind.  A large metal cabinet in the back was helpfully labeled “Weapons”, a gas mask hung from a hook on the wall, and there was even a large metal sign proclaiming the room to be a fallout shelter. An uncomfortable-looking cot was shoved against the wall, like it had been pushed to the side to make room for more important things.  A calendar for 1982 hung above it.
             “This is stupid cool,” Wendy said, excitement coloring her voice.  Jonah made a non-committal noise.
             “It’s like a fallout shelter or something,” Dipper said, setting the lantern down on a wooden crate.  “It must’ve belonged to the Author.”  Jonah raised an eyebrow.  He looked over at the sign that read “Fallout Shelter” on the wall.
             “Uh, yeah, I think it’s a fallout shelter,” he said dryly.  Dipper ignored him, instead walking up to a wall with shelves reaching from the floor to the ceiling, each one filled with boxes.
             “This is going over my bed,” Wendy said cheerfully, taking the fallout shelter sign off the wall.  Jonah sighed and rolled his eyes.  “You’re not gonna get on my case for stealing or whatever, are you?”
             “No,” Jonah said.  “Clearly, whoever owned all this hasn’t been keeping track of it, so I guess it’s fair game.”
             “This is incredible!” Dipper gushed.  He stared up at the boxes.  Each was labeled with a year, the highest labeled “2070”.  “It’s like he was preparing for a disaster. But what kind of disaster would need supplies for over sixty years?”
             “Nuclear warfare comes to mind,” Jonah said. “This place is a fallout shelter, after all.”
             “Why would he be worried about nuclear warfare, though?” Dipper mused.  Jonah shrugged.  He looked over at Mabel.
             “Mabel, get your face out of the barrel.”
             “But there’s caterpillars in here,” Mabel protested.
             “Geez,” Jonah sighed.  His eyes landed on the weapons cabinet.  He stilled.  
             “Isn’t this insane, Jonah?” Wendy asked.  Jonah was silent.  “Bro?”
             “Huh?”  Jonah looked over.
             “You all right?”
             “Yeah, I’m…”  Jonah cleared his throat.  “It’s just…this all seems familiar.”
             “Familiar?” Soos repeated, holding the Smez dispenser he had found in the weapons cabinet.  “Why, dude?” Jonah shook his head.
             “No idea.”  He forced a smile at his younger sister.  “But, yes, Wendy, this is insane.”
             “Wait a minute…” Wendy said slowly.  She walked over to a map of Gravity Falls that had been taped to the wall.  She ripped it off, revealing a hatch that read “Caution Stay Out”.  The hatch slowly swung open.  Wendy grinned at the tunnel it had been covering.  “I think we’ve got some more bunker to explore.”
             “Whoa,” Dipper, Mabel, and Soos said together. Wendy looked over her shoulder at Jonah, who was still standing near the staircase.
             “Are you coming or what?” she teased.  Jonah managed a weary smile.
             “I have to keep an eye on you, don’t I?”  He walked over.  “As the one who found the tunnel, I think you should lead the way.” Wendy punched his arm playfully.
             “Don’t have to tell me twice!”
             All five tumbled out of the rapidly shrinking room the tunnel had led them to.  They landed soundly on the floor of a new room, one that didn’t have walls closing in on them.
             “What a rush!” Wendy gushed.  She looked at Dipper.  “Dude, that was awesome!  The way you got us outta that in the nick of time?”  Dipper rubbed the back of his neck.
             “Th-thanks,” he stammered.  Jonah eyed his sister concernedly.
             “I’m glad you’re not traumatized by that booby trap, but I’m a bit worried that you seem to have actually enjoyed it,” he said. “You’re not an adrenaline junkie or something, are you?”  Wendy merely gave him a crooked grin.  Jonah sighed and got to his feet.
             “Whoa,” Dipper breathed.  The others uttered similar hushed exclamations of wonder as they stood.  The room they had fallen into was similar to the first one they had entered.  With one major exception.  One wall of the room was covered with screens, switches, and buttons.  Another wall was covered with shelves, which were themselves filled with empty lab glassware.
             “It’s like a weird surveillance room,” Wendy remarked.  
             “How are we gonna get out?” Jonah wondered, going back to now blocked off entrance they had fallen through.  “Oh, Dipper, your vest got stuck.”  Jonah tugged Dipper’s vest loose.  As he did so, a piece of paper fell from Dipper’s vest.
             “Um, I’ll get that,” Dipper said quickly. Before he could do anything, however, Jonah picked up the paper.  “No need to-” Dipper said, hurrying over.  Jonah looked down at him with a small smile.
             “It’s okay, kid,” he said softly.  He handed Dipper the vest and note.  “I’m not gonna read your little love confession.”
             “How- how did-”
             “I was your age once.  I know how these things go.”  Jonah looked over at Wendy, who was laughing at Soos messing with the glassware.  “You’re also not doing the best job hiding the enormous crush you’ve got on my sister.” Dipper turned red.
             “I’m not- you’re-”
             “Like I said, it’s okay,” Jonah said firmly. “But a word of advice.  Come clean to Wendy.”
             “But she’ll laugh at me.”
             “No, she won’t.”
             “Then…do you think she might…”  Dipper swallowed.  “Feel the same way?”
             “Not a chance.”
             “Then why would I-”
             “Because keeping this bottled up won’t help you,” Jonah said.  “You have to move on, and you can’t do that while you’re still stuck on her.”  Jonah crouched so that he was at Dipper’s eye-height. “It sucks, but it’s something you have to do.  Trust me, I know about growing and changing better than anyone.”  Jonah patted Dipper’s shoulder and straightened.
             “The Author was pretty crazy, huh?” Wendy said.
             “Yeah, he seems paranoid,” Jonah said, stuffing his hands into his pockets.  He looked around.  His eyes fell upon a note taped to the wall.  Dipper followed his gaze.
             “What’s that?” Dipper asked.
             “Dunno,” Jonah said with a shrug.  Mabel, who was closest to the note, took it off the wall.
             “Experiment #210, the Shapeshifter, has somehow escaped. Consult B for suggestions on tracking and capturing,” she read aloud.  Dipper’s eyes widened.
             “The Author made a reference to someone called B in the Journal,” he said.  He took the Journal out and began to flip through the pages.  “I think he might have said it when he was talking about-” Jonah stopped Dipper’s page turning. Dipper looked up at him.  “What?”
             “That’s…” Jonah croaked.  He had gone deathly pale.  Dipper looked at the page the book was open to.
             “It’s just the entry on about cryogenic tubes and-” Jonah took the Journal from Dipper. “Hey!”
             “Is that why this is so familiar?” Jonah whispered. Everyone else exchanged nervous looks.
             “Jonah, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Wendy asked.  “You’re acting way weird.”
             “Just gimme a second, okay?” Jonah said.  He looked around.  Upon spotting a door, he walked over to it and opened it.
             “That’s just a closet,” Wendy said.
             “No.  It’s not,” Jonah said.  He grabbed a cord hanging from the ceiling of the closet.  A gush of water from the ceiling soon followed, accompanied by a loud klaxon.  The back of the closet opened, revealing yet another room.  Jonah entered it.
             “Son of a-” Wendy muttered.  She went after her brother.  Dipper looked at Mabel and Soos, who both shrugged.  The three followed Wendy and Jonah deeper into the bunker.
             “Okay, this is just being stereotypical,” Mabel said, her hands on her hips.  The room they were now in was a clearly abandoned laboratory, filled with strange machinery.  “Would it kill the Author to make his mad scientist lair be sparkly or pink or something? Maybe put a sticker here and there?” She gestured to the corner. “There’s even a cage that something must’ve broken out of!  Really, where’s the creativity?”
             “Whoa,” Dipper murmured, staring at the cage in the corner.  Sure enough, the metal bars had been brutally ripped apart.
             “I can’t believe it,” Jonah whispered.  All eyes focused on him.  He stood before a large cryogenic tube in the middle of the room. “This is what he was going to do to me?” he said quietly.  Wendy crossed her arms.
             “Okay, that’s enough.”  She marched over to Jonah.  “Dude, what’s going on?” she demanded.  Jonah sighed.
             “Wendy, I never told you this, but…”  He met Wendy’s eyes.  “I’m adopted.”
             “No way!” Soos gasped.  Wendy furrowed her brow.
             “That makes zero sense.  You look just like Dad!  And you act just like Mom!”
             “The personality happened accidentally,” Jonah said. “You tend to pick things up from the people who raised you.  But my appearance was on purpose.”  He looked at the others.  “None of you freak out, okay?  Or-” Jonah grimaced.  “-put me in a cryogenic tube.”
             Before their very eyes, Jonah’s form changed from human to something very different.  His skin was white and slimy, he had four legs that resembled a spider’s, and his head was roughly the same shape as a horse’s.  Four fangs stuck outside of his mouth, and each hand had three clawed fingers.  He looked at them with baleful red eyes.
             “The- the-” Dipper stammered.
             “You’re the Shapeshifter?” Mabel said.  Jonah’s flesh shifted and changed until he was back to looking like a younger, slender Manly Dan.
             “Yeah.  I am.”
             “That’s why you were acting so weird,” Wendy said. “Why you kept saying all this junk was familiar.”  Jonah nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
             “Kids can’t always be trusted with big secrets like that,” Jonah said gently.  Wendy rolled her eyes.
             “I think I’m old enough to know how to keep stuff under wraps.”  To demonstrate, she made a motion as though she was zipping her mouth shut.
             “No, I agree.  But after Mom…”  Jonah trailed off.  He cleared his throat.  “Dad wanted to wait a while longer, since you and our brothers were already dealing with so much.  You didn’t need to deal with this, too.”  A silence fell.
             “How’d you wind up being Wendy’s brother?” Mabel finally asked.  “Also, how’d you escape from the Author?”  Jonah managed a weak grin.
             “I don’t know the answer to the second question, but I know the answer to the first.  Angie found me in the forest.”
             “Wait, wait, wait,” Dipper said, holding up his hands. “Grauntie Angie found you?”
             “I’m not surprised by that,” Wendy said.  “Dr. Angie brings a lotta things home from her hikes.  I’ve heard Mr. Pines complain about it.”  Jonah chuckled.
             “Yeah, she actually wanted to keep me.  But she and Stan had their hands full with Junior at the time.  So they brought me to Mom and Dad instead.”  Dipper stared at Jonah.
             “Hang on, did you say that Grunkle Stan knows you’re…”
             “An alien?  Yeah, he knows.”  Jonah’s smile became more genuine.  “And he never treated me any different for it.  He’s a tough one, but he’s a good guy deep down.”
             “Back up, back up,” Wendy said.  “You’re an alien?”
             “You guys keep wanting me to go back to something I just said,” Jonah commented, amused.
             “It’s a lot to take in,” Wendy pointed out. Jonah shrugged.
             “Fair enough.  Yeah, I’m an alien.  According to Angie, at least.”
             “How could Grauntie Angie know that?” Dipper asked.
             “I mean, she is a biologist.”
             “Or…”  Dipper began to pace back and forth.  “The Author told her.”
             “Are you suggesting Dr. Angie was in cahoots with the Author?” Soos asked.  Dipper frowned, still pacing.
             “I wasn’t, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was. She’s a researcher herself, after all. She could have worked with the Author while he studied the magical creatures of Gravity Falls.  It would explain how she knows so much about the weird things around here.”
             “She also could have figured it out on her own,” Wendy said firmly.  “You guys haven’t had a chance to see her in action, but she’s crazy smart.”
             “I just don’t think Dr. Angie would ever work with someone who would cage up Jonah,” Wendy said.  “I’ve seen her talk to the gnomes and stuff, and she’s always very respectful.”  Soos nodded. Dipper stopped pacing.
             “Well, then…”  He looked over at the cryogenic tubes.  “Maybe she knew the Author well enough to get in here and rescue Jonah.”
             “No,” Jonah said, shaking his head.  “It’s- things are coming back to me a bit.  I remember someone green taking me out of the cage.”
             “Green?” Mabel asked, cocking her head.  “Like, wearing green?”
             “No.  I…” Jonah’s forehead wrinkled.  “I remember green hands picking me up and putting me in a box or something.”
             “Anything else?” Dipper pried.
             “Um.”  Jonah looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully.  “Yes.  Angie took me out of the box.  But that’s it.”
             “You really don’t remember anything about the Author?” Soos asked.  Jonah shook his head.
             “No.  I don’t. If I do, I’ll let you know.”
             “So, Dr. Angie did lie a bit,” Wendy said slowly. “She didn’t find you in the woods.”
             “I guess not.”
             “I bet she set up some sort of arrangement where someone rescued you and then handed you over to her.”
             “Maybe?” Jonah said, but he sounded doubtful. “Look, we need to stop jumping to conclusions.  That’s a dangerous thing to do in Gravity Falls.  You can never assume anything around here.  Just ask Angie when she gets back from her trip.”  He put a hand on Dipper’s shoulder.  “But be careful when you ask your questions, kid.  You might find out something you didn’t want to know.”
             “What does that mean?” Dipper asked.
             “Nothing, really,” Jonah said with a shrug.  He checked his watch.  “Aw, shi- shoot.  I need to get to the Shack.  I promised I’d help Stan out with the repairs.”  He headed for the entrance to the surveillance room.  “And I’ve never needed to hit something with a hammer more than I do right now.”
             They emerged from the bunker, blinking in the sudden light.  Once the bunker entrance was hidden again, Jonah turned to Wendy.
             “I’ve really gotta get to the Shack.  Whatever happened to it, Stan needs a lotta help fixing it.”
             “It was zombies,” Mabel provided helpfully. Jonah stared at her.  “We defeated them with the power of music!”
             “I…”  Jonah shook his head.  “This town, I swear.”
             “You’re an alien,” Soos pointed out.
             “Yeah, but even I can only handle so much weirdness before I need a break,” Jonah retorted.  “Wendy, think you can find your way home?”
             “Who do you think you’re talking to?” Wendy asked. “I’ve got feet, I can walk.” Jonah kissed her forehead. “Gross, dude!”
             “Nah.”  Jonah waved at Dipper and Mabel.  “It was…” He paused.  “…nice meeting you two.  See you later, Soos.”
             “Later, dude!” Soos called.  Jonah walked away, muttering something under his breath. Mabel sighed loudly.
             “I think we could use some food after all these…” She waved her arms around animatedly. “Revelations.”
             “I think there’s still leftovers from the breakfast Emily made yesterday,” Soos said thoughtfully.  Mabel let out a whoop.
             “Yes!  She doesn’t skimp on the sugar!” she enthused.  Soos scooped her up and placed her on his shoulders.  He marched away, both of them chanting about syrup.
             Dipper looked up at Wendy, who was still staring off in the direction Jonah had gone.
             It’s now or never.
             “Wendy,” he croaked.  Wendy looked over.
             “I…I’ve got something to tell you.”
             “I-”  Dipper squeezed his eyes shut.  “I’m- I’ve got-”  He took a deep breath.  “I think I’m in love with you.”  Silence. Dipper cautiously opened his eyes. Wendy smiled at him reassuringly. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t mean it, can we pretend I never-” Dipper said in a rush.  Wendy put a hand on Dipper’s shoulder.
             “Dude, dude, calm down.  It’s okay.”  She shrugged. “I always kinda knew.”
             “Wait, really?”
             “Yeah, man, you’re always like, muttering stuff under your breath,” Wendy said with a slight chuckle.  Dipper groaned loudly.  He sat down heavily upon a nearby log.  Wendy sat down next to him.  “Look, I’m like, flattered or whatever, but…I’m too old for you.  You know that, right?”
             “…Yeah,” Dipper muttered.  He put his head in his hands.  “Jonah said I needed to tell you in order to move on.”
             “Do you think you can?” Wendy asked after a moment.
             “I don’t know how to tell that.”
             “It’s something you feel.  Like a weight being lifted off your shoulders, that kinda thing.”
             “I just sorta feel…itchy,” Dipper said, idly scratching his latest misspelled mosquito bite warning.
             “Aw, don’t feel itchy!”  Wendy elbowed him.  “Look, man, my summer was boring as heck before you showed up.  I have more fun with you than practically anybody else!”
             “We fought ghosts together!” Wendy said firmly. Dipper managed a slight chuckle. “If you stopped being my friend, I’d track down that nixie and get it to turn me into a frog, too.”
             “Heh.”  Dipper stared down at his shoes.  “Did I…did I just ruin things between us?”
             “What?  No!”
             “But things will be awkward-”
             “Dude, I just found out my big brother is an alien. That’s awkward.  This is nothing.”  Wendy smiled at him.  “After all the stuff you’ve done this summer, I think you can handle a little awkwardness.” Dipper returned her smile.
             “Yeah, dude!  That’s what I’ve been saying!”  Wendy playfully shoved him off the log.  Dipper laughed.  Wendy pulled him back up.  “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
             “Okay,” Dipper said with a nod.  Wendy got up from the log and walked away.  Dipper watched her vanish into the forest, something heavy settling in his chest.
             Abruptly, Mabel popped out of the bushes, startling him.
             “And?” she asked.  Dipper frowned at her.
             “What did you hear?”
             “Everything, all the time!”  Mabel joined him on the log.  “So…I was right!  You’ve got a crush on Wendy!”
             “Yeah,” Dipper said, too weary to respond to Mabel’s knowing tone.  “Jonah told me to tell her.”
             “He’s smart,” Soos’s voice said from behind them. “Um.  I mean.  I’m not here?”  Dipper groaned loudly.  He put his head in his hands.
             “Mabel, how can things be amazing and terrible at the same time?”
             “I’m sorry, Dipper,” Mabel said, patting him on the back.  “Sometimes, crushes don’t work out.  I mean, look at me.  I’ll never be with the guy from the twenty-dollar bill.”  She grinned.  “But if it makes you feel better, I’ve already got five potential bachelorettes lined up for you.”  Dipper chuckled.
             “Thanks,” he said.  Soos sat on the log with them.  “I can’t believe we ran into another dead end.  There wasn’t actually that much in the bunker, and if Jonah doesn’t know anything…”
             “Yeah, the Author’s doing a good job hiding his secrets,” Soos said.  “At least I got his sciencey coat and briefcase.”  He held up the aforementioned briefcase, which he had grabbed, along with a lab coat, from the surveillance room.  The briefcase popped open, revealing a computer screen and keyboard. Dipper gaped.
             “Soos, that’s not a briefcase, it’s a lapop!”
             “And a really busted up one, too,” Mabel said, wrinkling her nose.  Soos inspected the laptop carefully.
             “I bet I could get this fixed up in a few days,” he said.  “Gonna need a lotta duct tape,” he muttered to himself.
             “This could be our next clue!” Dipper enthused. He took the Journal out of his vest. “Well, one of them, anyways.  I think we need to figure out who ‘B’ is.”
             “From the note in the bunker?” Mabel asked.
             “B’s also mentioned in the Journal.  Clearly, whoever B is, they were someone the Author knew well.  Maybe he even trusted them.”
             “I dunno.  Didn’t he say to trust no one?” Mabel said doubtfully.
             “That’s why I said ‘maybe’.”  Dipper began to flip through the Journal.  “If only I could remember where the Author mentions B…” He stopped at the page on nixies. “Can’t believe my nixie trap hasn’t been working,” he griped.  Mabel leaned over.  She pointed at the page.  Dipper slapped his forehead.  “Duh! The Author mentioned B when he was writing about nixies!”
             “It looks like B is Mr. Ponds’ wife?” Mabel said. “That’s what mate means, right?”
             “In this context, yes, I think so.”  Dipper closed the Journal, his mind racing. “The Author actually worked with a magical creature.  And presumably, he worked with her more than the two times we know of.  We need to track her down.”
             “Or track down Mr. Ponds,” Soos said.
             “Yes.  But I don’t know how successful we’ll be.  Like I said, my nixie trap isn’t working.”
             “Maybe you should ask Dr. Angie for help.  Mr. Pines told me once that she knows how to hunt. Add that to her being a frog scientist, and I think you get the best person for the job.”
             “We can’t wait for her to get back before we make our next move,” Dipper said.
             “We could ask Emily to help,” Mabel said. “Or even Grunkle Stan.”  Dipper frowned at her.  “Jonah said Grunkle Stan knows about the weirdness in Gravity Falls. Maybe he’d help us if we told him it would keep the weirdness away?”
             “I don’t think that would be a very effective argument.”  Dipper shook his head.  He closed the Journal.  “We’ll figure out our next step after the laptop gets fixed.”  Soos saluted.
             “I’m on it, dudes!”
             “Good, now that’s all figured out,” Mabel said, jumping to her feet, “let’s get back before Grunkle Stan eats up all the good leftovers.”
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saintvalentinex · 4 years
Blast from the Past
A/N: this was a paid writing commission from ____ who wanted to expand on their idea of Wendy’s mom! It was super fun to explore and I appreciate the opportunity! It goes from present day to flashbacks, flashbacks will be blended in and marked with italics.
Summary: an investigative reporter visits the town of gravity falls, oregon to look into the missing citizens. one stands out in particular.
Word Count: 3,230
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My name is Eleanor Parker and I’m an investigative reporter from Portland, Oregon. I’ve been sent out to the sleepy town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, to try to connect the dots between strange happenings and the missing citizens of this town. In the entire list of names that I was given, one stood out in particular. Adeline Marie Girard, mother of 4 and wife of Dan Corduroy.
Born in the town of Gaspé, in the province of Québec, she was the youngest of 6, and the only girl. A demolitions expert by profession, a nature lover at heart, she found herself relocating to the Pacific Northwest for a job. She was friendly, confident, and a down to earth girl that got along with everyone in town. Despite all this, I know two things:
Adeline Girard was reported missing August 28th, 2006.
She was not the first, nor will she be the last.
I stepped into the diner on a foggy September morning, the smell of bacon and pancakes immediately hitting my nose. Stomach rumbling, I took myself and my files to an empty corner booth, relaxing amongst the atmosphere of mystery.
“Well it’s about time I see a new face!” I looked up from the photo of Adeline to be greeted by a kind old face, eyelid droopy and painted blue.
“Well, I’m not staying in town long, but I’ve heard from everyone here that you’re the best waitress. So I decided to see what the fuss was all about.”
“Well that’s so kind! What can I get started for you, honey?”
I glanced over the menu and around the diner, noticing many of the same plates in front of the many different people. I felt Susan change, and I looked up. She was staring at the open file before me, right at Adeline.
“Do you know her?” My painted finger rested on her face, looking up at Susan with intent. She wouldn’t meet my eyes, but hurriedly glanced away from the photo.
“Your order?”
“Um… yeah could I please get a stack of pancakes, with blueberries instead of strawberries please. And uh… classic bacon, egg and sausage platter. Over easy. Thank you.”
Quickly scribbling, she ran to the kitchen to call the order, leaving me to Adeline’s unblinking face and the millions of notes of where she could be.
The windshield wipers looked like they were about to fly off the car in Adeline’s eyes. Her fingers were wrapped tight around the steering wheel, knuckles white with tension as she just tried to keep her focus on the road.
“It’s freezing…” Her mouth was set in a straight line, pressed together to try and keep her lips warm. The trapper hat was fixed firmly on her head, her blonde hair for once messy and out of control. Adeline reached for the heater before seeing brake lights, slamming on her own to keep from hitting the person in front of her.
Letting out a long and tired sigh, she heard her duffle bag fall from the backseat, hitting the floorboard with a dull thud. Her dynamite.
Reaching into the backseat, she kept her hand on the wheel as she fixed her bag, making sure to keep the charge in place. Quickly turning back around, she looked for any sort of road signs to find where she was located.
Oregon Border. 500 miles.
Just 500 miles to go, and then it was a new life, a new job.. a new everything. Adeline sighed to herself, tapping her fingers to the music as she enjoyed the slow crawl of the Washington freeway.
“Ma’am?” A gentle knocking on the window stirred Adeline awake, the smell of rain and pine coming through the cracked windows of her car. She looked up at the officer before her, a friendly enough looking fellow with too big of a smile.
“How can I help you?” Adeline asked with a slight crack in her voice, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“You know being pulled over asleep on the side of the road is illegal. You ain’t supposed to be doing that.”
“Oh… I’m sorry. I’m not exactly from around here and I just wanted to take a rest.”
“Where you from? Where are you headed to?”
“Québec, Canada. And I’m headed to Gravity Falls, Oregon for a job.”
The officer clapped the top of Adeline’s car, making her jump in her seat. He radioed to his partner, who got out of the passenger side of the cruiser.
“Well welcome to our town! You coulda just stopped about 5 minutes down that way and hit a motel! We can lead you that way if you need a guide and some safety in case you go back to sleep behind the wheel.”
“Uh…. no I think I’ll be fine officer….” Adeline paused, squinting to adjust to the early morning sun reflecting off his badge. “Blubs?”
“That’s my name! If you need anything just holler!” He walked back to his car, pulling his partner in before driving off ahead through the massive trees. She ignored the sinking feeling in her stomach, turning on her car and letting the engine run for a moment. Running her long fingers through her hair, she hummed to herself, getting back into a driving position to drive off.
Welcome to Gravity Falls.
The rain began almost immediately as she parked in front of the dingy diner, getting out and running through the door with a soft tinkling of the bell. Most of the counter was empty, minus a woman with a heavily painted face. The booths were another story.
Full of smiling and chattering faces, most looking up at Adeline when she walked in. She was used to all eyes being on her, but in this circumstance it felt.. different. Off. Heading to the corner of the restaurant, she took a booth to herself, putting her purse beside her.
“Well aren’t you just the prettiest flower that ever bloomed! I’m Susan, what can I get started for you?”
Adeline smiled softly at the woman before grabbing her matches out of her purse. With a cigar gently resting in between her teeth, she lit the stick on the bottom of her heel, lighting the cigar with a few puffs.
“Coffee, black. Um… do you have maple pancakes here?”
Susan kept staring at the woman before her, not quite sure what to make of this new customer.
“We have maple syrup for the pancakes?” She sounded unsure of herself, eyelid twitching a little as Adeline inhaled the rich maple smoke of her cigar.
“That’s fine. And eggs please, scrambled. No meat please.”
Susan walked away, calling out the order as the other customers chatted amongst themselves. The only person who came in here alone was that man who lived in the woods. No one really got a name from him, but they both seemed to be the same loner type.
As Susan came back with Adeline’s water, the blonde smiled up at her.
“Is there anything fun to do here? I have a demolition job here in a few days, and I was wondering of any… um… enjoyable activities?”
“Fishing! We also have downtown Gravity Falls. It’s not much but it’s something to do!”
“Thank you Ms. Susan, I appreciate the hospitality.” Adeline put out the cigar, smashing the tip of it into the cracked plastic ashtray that sat to her left. “Where’s the fishing spot?”
“Um… Lake Gravity Falls. About 5 miles from here.”
Susan and Adeline stared at each other before the younger woman quirked up an eyebrow. The waitress turned away, leaving her alone in the corner booth.
I sat in my car overlooking the lake, watching the people gathering around an older gentleman who seemed to be yelling about something. Quickly grabbing my notebook, I climbed out of my car, walking over with breakneck speed as I caught the end of his speech.
“I’m tellin’ ya! I saw a monster in the damn water!”
“Dad, you’re embarrassing me.”
What I could only assume was his son clapped his shoulder, pulling the man out of the crowd and leading him back to the bait shop by the shore of the lake. Everyone went back to their business, leaving me standing there completely out of place.
Lake Gravity Falls. One of the last places Adeline was spotted before she went missing.
I squinted my eyes, looking at the islands that seemed to sit in the middle, cliffs climbing and cutting into the sky. The boats littered the water, nature being the only noise filling my ears. Looking towards the shack, I let myself wander that way, away from the curious looks the townspeople gave me.
“Hello?” Opening the door, I listened to the staticky radio play in the corner, the smell of decaying meat filling my nose. Covering the lower half of my face, I let out a small gagging noise.
“What can I do for you?”
The man behind the counter’s face was hidden by hair and a giant hat. He was leaned against the glass top with one elbow, his body turned to face mine.
“Uh, I actually wanted to speak to your father. About his.. ravings.”
“Ah.” He spit out some dip, rubbing his bottom lip. “Let me get him. He’s out back.”
I watched him walk towards the door before quickly catching him with a cough.
“Actually I’ll just go talk to him. I might be able to get him to give me answers if it’s just us two.”
“All you’ll get from him, lady, is his crazy. But sure, go for it.”
Letting out a gentle sigh, I guided myself out the backdoor to be greeted by the smell of a cob pipe burning. The older gentleman sat in a rocking chair, staring into the woods as his lips twitched around the stem. Smoke billowed around him, almost giving him the aura of a wise sage.
“Hello?” I called out, closing the door behind me as I saw him jump slightly in his chair.
“Well I’ll be! You’re that reporter everyone’s talkin’ about in town!”
“I…” I let myself pause, squinting slightly. I don’t remember seeing this man in town, or even relatively close to the diner. He met my gaze, not breaking it as he took another puff. I waved away the smoke, giving a soft clearing of my throat.
“Yes. Yes I am. My name is Eleanor Parker and I was wondering if I could ask a few questions about an individual?”
“I can’t guarantee a remembrance but! I sure can try!” He let out a laugh, slapping his knee. “Who we talkin’ about?”
“Adeline Girard-Corduroy. She disappeared a couple years back but we don’t have any suspect of foul play.” I opened her case file, not noticing the man’s face starting to glaze over with disassociation. “She married Dan Corduroy and has 4 children with him. I’m looking for any eyewitnesses that might have seen her a few hours before her disappearance. The last recorded person I have was a day before-“
“The agents took her.”
I felt my eyebrows furrow, looking up at the old man. He refused to make eye contact, and my fingers fidgeted with the papers.
“Agents? What agents are you talking about?”
He wouldn’t speak anymore, and I stood up, brushing off my pants.
“Well… thanks. I guess.”
He quickly grabbed my wrist, causing me to startle as he leaned forward in his chair.
“It’s not safe to be chasin’ ghosts around here, understood? Sometimes ghosts deserve to stay that way.”
Pulling my wrist away, I stared at him until he broke eye contact to look back into the trees. I didn’t want to know what he meant by that, and I didn’t want to know why he kept looking that way.
Adeline arrived at the lake, nearly empty except for a single boat treading the water. Her cigar hung from her lips, thick and treading smoke. For a moment, her green eyes sparkled as she remembered when her mother found out about her new habit. Always trying to fit in with her brothers, she said.
Holding it steady in between her lips, Adeline put her hair up into a bun, tucking it underneath her trapper hat.
“Alright, fishing it is.”
Walking to the cabin that sat beside the lake, she watched as a little boy ran out, a man with wild eyes stepping forward through the door.
“Now you get back here- Oh! Now what can I do for you on this fine afternoon?”
“Renting a fishing boat. You got one available?” Adeline held the cigar down, just in case the smell was offensive to the gentleman standing before her. He eyed her for a moment, taking in the strange choice of attire before stepping to the side.
“Please, come in. The boats are docked on the side but you can pay in here.”
She treaded carefully on the wood planks, making sure to not get her heel stuck in an eye of the wood. Pulling her wallet out along the way to the counter, she quickly pulled out a $20, handing it to the gentleman.
“For any damages caused.”
“Damages? Ma’am you haven’t even gone fishing yet!” He looked shocked to say the least, hand tight fisting the bill all the same.
“It’s just in case, Cherie.”
She strutted out, letting her cigar rest back in her mouth, walking through a cloud of smoke and out the door, going towards her car and then the boat.
The bag was resting on her knee as the other boat on the water came towards her own. She side eyed it, making sure it wasn’t anyone who was going to hit her rental or steal her catch. Whatever would be left of it that is.
“You don’t have a pole!”
The voice was aggressive in volume, but tender in tone. Adeline turned her head fully to catch the eye of the red headed man with kind amber eyes, freckles splotching his cheeks. A beard was growing in, a beanie tucked under his thigh.
“I know.”
“But…. you.. need a fishing pole?”
“Do I now.” Adeline raised an eyebrow at her future husband, a smirk growing on her lips. He could tell it wasn’t a question, but more of a genuine comment. He fiddled with his own fishing pole as he watched her take out a stick of dynamite, flicking her cigar quickly to light the fuse.
Not only did the dynamite explode, but so did his heart.
Fish shot out of the water as Adeline laughed, landing in her boat and in his own. They locked eyes and he reached out his hand, a smile plastered on his face.
“Daniel! Daniel Corduroy! Everybody calls me Dan though!”
Adeline eyed his hand for a moment before reaching out her own.
“Adeline. Adeline Girard. No one calls me anything.”
Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and he couldn’t help himself. Dan absolutely had to make a fool of himself then and there.
“Want to go out to dinner with me?”
“So forward!” She laughed, Dan’s face going as red as his hair before she leaned over, puffing a little bit of maple smoke into his face before lighting another stick, tossing it over her shoulder. “What time?”
Months had gone by. Adeline was making money with her demolition job, her last one taking place in a week. An old church outside of town, beautiful, but an absolute mess.
As the young blonde sat next to her boyfriend, she leaned into his side, lacing her fingers through his own.
“Dan… I have a question for you.”
She stared at their interlocked hands before looking up at him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I have a job coming up here soon, and I don’t really have anything holding me back from going home. Except you.”
Dan looked at her, raising an eyebrow as he listened intently.
“Want to make this thing official? It’ll make it harder to leave… I might just ask for an official job here.”
“Are… are you asking me to marry you?”
“You’re so thick skulled! Yes! I’m asking if you’d like to marry me!”
Adeline laughed as Dan leaned in, capturing her lips in his own. Squeezing her hand tight, he nodded in agreement.
“Do you want rings? A ceremony?”
“Nothing too official… but you know that old church outside of town?”
“Of course I do. My parents got married there. Nearly everyone’s folks got married there.”
“It’s my last job. Blowing it up. Maybe… maybe we can have it there. After all, wouldn’t it be fitting? Our relationship began with a bang after all!”
Dan snorted, letting out a belly deep laugh as he looked at her.
“You’re absolutely crazy darlin’. But yes, let’s start off with a bang.”
It’s been years now since she arrived in town. Adeline settled with her new tight knit family, a young daughter heading the brood of four. Wendy. She always liked the name Wendy, and she wanted it for her daughter.
The daughter who was so much like her. The daughter with the same vibrant green eyes and tenacious attitude. She was going to be a little hell raiser and she knew it.
Adeline smiled to herself as she locked up the diner door, turning to wave to who she thought was Susan. The robed figure stared from under the streetlamp, their face completely hidden in the shadows.
Before Adeline could say anything, her vision was blurred. Wrong place, wrong time.
Walking along the bustling sidewalks, I was met with curious looks from quite a few citizens. Things were strange in this town, but nothing stranger than this club that was held in reverence.
Remembering things here wasn’t a good idea, according to the man at the lake. In the last few hours I researched them. The society of the blind eye. Keepers of memories no one wanted, or who they assumed would not want them. Lapses of memory were fairly common with everyone I had spoken to so far.
But how? There’s no way of erasing memories. No logical way anyway.
I didn’t fail to notice the feeling of dread digging its way into my stomach as I crossed the threshold of the town’s history museum. I saw a shadow pass by, and ran for it, skidding against the tile as I saw it round the corner.
As my hand rested against the wall, my vision went blurry mid turn. Finding myself suddenly unable to see, I reached out, trying to find something, anything, to make this situation better.
I didn’t find salvation. I found a pair of hands.
Adeline and Eleanor moved as one now.
Strapped in the chair. Sworn to secrecy, an oath they both would not remember.
Only separated by time and one detrimental flaw in the beginning. These hands were experienced with the memory gun, those were not.
As the women stumbled out the doors and into the moonlight, blinking eyes staring out into the night, one would head back to her car, wondering and questioning why she was in this Podunk of a town to begin with. The other would fade from the lives of those she loved, found and forgotten by another who she never met.
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Ideas for the potential Wingfeather Falls sequel!*
Takes place a year after the original so Janner/Dipper and Mabel are 15 or almost 15, Kal is 13 and Leeli is 11. Takes place in Gravity Falls this time.
Ford being shocked Kal has mechanical knowledge Janner, Dipper, Stan and Soos standing around discussing creatures from Aerwiar they can put as attractions in the Mystery Shack
Idk I just had a vision of Gideon trying to hit on Leeli and her screaming, “I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!” as she hits him with her crutch Artham and Fiddleford vs. the supermarket owner part 2, this time featuring them taking ALL the kids cart surfing Fiddleford’s son finds him and is like, “?!?! DAD I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD.” And Fiddleford’s like, “…I did not realize you still cared about me oh dear.” Wendy, Sara and Leeli having a casual conversation about the absolutely boss things they have done in their lives The Wingfeather children discover the spaceship There’s too many of them to all fit in the Mystery Shack so the Wingfeathers are staying at Fiddleford’s mansion. The children have dubbed it “Fiddleford’s castle” and will not call it anything else and refuse to explain and Artham has to Janner and Kalmar walking through the woods with Dipper and Dipper being incredibly unnerved by how quiet they are and how well they blend with the shadows and he asks them how they can do that and they’re like, “??? Do what?” The three boys get attacked by monsters in the woods and Dipper is shocked by how Janner and Kal immediately jump into battle and also how Janner just jumps in front of them both brandishing his sword. Kal has his bow and is deadly with it Dipper asks Janner about it later and Janner just shrugs and says, “I’m a Throne Warden. He’s the King. We were trained by the Durgan guild and an ex-pirate.” and that’s that Later Mabel and Kal are running around the Shack covering everything in glitter and Dipper is just. So confused. How is this the same child. Mabel gets Leeli a grappling hook and Leeli uses it to the fullest extent possible Kal tries to steal the grappling hook and that’s how he gets whacked by Leeli’s crutch and shunned by Mabel for the day (actually it’s like an hour max Mabel can’t hold a grudge against him) In an act of revenge he acquires one of Ford’s magnet guns and uses it to yoink things away from the girls He will not give the gun back to Ford The kids accidentally use the electron carpet, but it’s the Wingfeather kids and they don’t know how to fix it They try to get Artham and Fiddleford to help them and, welp Fiddleford’s like, “I got wings! :D” and Artham’s like, “…I have a beard. Not again.” Kal gets stuck as Leeli and can’t run fast and it drives him crazy Leeli is stuck as Janner and tbh she’s enjoying being tall and walking with both legs Janner is stuck as Kal and just very unnerved by the whole ordeal Then the boys make a bet on how well they can fool Dipper and Mabel and which one of them can keep up the ruse longer Leeli joins in just for fun They can fool Mabel a lot longer than they can fool Dipper Ford and Stan never figure it out Meanwhile Artham’s just like, “How do you have this much stuff in your pockets?” and Fiddleford’s trying to figure out how to fly with varying degrees of success Ford, walking out of the Shack: Fiddleford, I was wondering, could you- *sees “Artham” crashing to the ground repeatedly while “Fiddleford” tries to give him advice* I’ll-I’ll come back later…
Possibly Bill comes back If Bill does come back he’s incredibly unnerved by Artham and no one understands why (remember my time travel idea yeah that’s why) Thus Bill captures Artham to remove him as a threat Fiddleford rescues Artham The Wingfeathers using the holore stones to help them defeat Bill somehow The kids find a new cave drawing on how to defeat Bill that includes symbols from Gravity Falls and Anniera We finally get to see what the circle thingy would do
*Not all ideas may be used, ideas are subject to change without notice
( @ash-grimmy)
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stancheslovez · 5 years
I Come Back To You Chapter 1 (Stanchez)
Chapter 1
A week had passed since the Pines twins had graduated high school, and Dipper had suggested to his Sister that they should move to Gravity Falls permanently. In all honestly Gravity Falls was a far better place than the town they lived in back in California, the air just seemed so much cleaner too. Not to mention, the area as far more interesting than living in a big city which was always so congested. Sure, summer trips to Gravity Falls were fun, but the idea of just being there permanently was a pleasant thought that he and his sister had been talking over with each other for a couple of years now. They both had some friends there, and Dipper just felt more at home there each summer they visited.
When the bus arrived, Dipper grabbed for his bags and looked to Mabel. “Ready?” He asked, getting excited about being back in Gravity Falls once again, it was always exciting to come back more so since they were moving here with their uncles. “You bet!” Mabel replied, happily grabbing her bags as she followed him onto the bus. They’d sold most of their stuff beforehand so they could buy their things once there, it would save on shipping, so they didn’t have to bring a whole bunch of boxes with them.
She was just as excited as her twin brother, especially to see her uncles again, maybe finally get a boyfriend this time around or something if that was even in the cards. Mabel wasn’t as boy crazy as she had been back then, but she still wanted someone to love her.
A minor tremble could be felt in Gravity Falls, the place waiting for the twins to return, the small quake causing the Bill statue to tremble just a little like the demon encased inside was slowly waking from his slumber.
Stan stood in the kitchen of the shack as his popcorn was currently finishing up in the microwave when it had finished, he took it out and opened it up. “Do you think the kids want rooms of their own?” He asked, looking to Ford as he headed back to the living room and sat beside him. The man’s twin hummed in thought as he looked at Stan.
“Maybe, but we’ll have to ask them once they get here.” He suggested; glad they had built onto the shack a few summers ago just so that there was room for when the twins wanted separate rooms of their own. He took some popcorn from the bag that Stan had popped, stopping a moment when he felt the slight tremor. “That felt like a tiny earthquake.” He hummed, wondering what had caused it, but then again it could have just been the tectonic plates or something.
“Did you leave the portal on?” Stan asked after a moment.
“Nope, I distinctly remember turning that thing off before leaving the room,” Ford said, thinking about it a bit before nodding in confirmation. “But it doesn’t hurt to double check.” He hummed as he got up, putting the code in the secret door before heading downstairs to take a quick look.
Stan gave a small snort as he left. “Nerd.” He said with a hint of fondness as he put some popcorn in his mouth and eating it before turning his attention to the TV, their relationship was better these days and Stan felt better than ever. Even if they didn’t reconnect romantically, he felt that was fine, at least his brother was here, and they got along again. Besides, he was far too old for love anyway, though sometimes his thoughts would turn to the blue-grey hair in his dreams which smelled like alcohol out of nowhere.
He pushed that thought away…that had been a long time ago.
Ford returned a couple of minutes later, closing the entrance before heading back to the couch and sitting down beside his brother. “It was off; I’m not sure what the tremor was.” He said, not too concerned with the cause, though he did wonder about it a bit before his thoughts turned elsewhere. “We should make dinner for the kids before they arrive.” He said as his eyes turned to the time on the clock.
“What do we want to make? It’ll be about four hours; I know this nice chili Verde recipe from when I was in prison back in Mexico which will take about that long.” Stan suggested.
The other hummed in thought and nodded. “Sure, sounds like it’ll be delicious.” He said before getting up and heading toward the kitchen; he got out the pan to cook with and the meat they would be using for the chili as Stan set the popcorn aside before joining him in the kitchen. “Do we have any tortillas?” He asked as he got to work on cutting up the veggies and other things for the sauce.
“Yup,” Ford replied as he went to grab the bag that he had put with the rest of the bread items.
“Great, wrap them in threes, then put them in some aluminum foil. We’ll back them toward the end enough to soften them up.” Stan said and spent the next few hours cooking with his brother which he had found fun.
Soon the sign for Gravity Falls came into view, and Mabel beamed when she saw it. “We’re here!” She said, grabbing her brother’s arm in excitement and Dipper smiled, getting up when the bus slowed at their stop. He grabbed his bags and put them over his shoulder. Let's head to the Mystery Shack.” He said as they got off and he started walking; his sister grinning as she took off after him happily.
Once they reached the shack Dipper headed inside and looked around the living room before venturing further inside the house. “Uncle Stan, Ford?” Dipper called before reaching the kitchen and smiling as the scent of food hit his nose. “Kids, you made it!” Stan beamed as he made his way over, wrapping his arms tightly around the two in a bear hug.
“Ah! Squishing me!” Mabel squeaked.
Dipper chuckled a little as he hugged Stan back, smiling. “Hey, Uncle Stan.” He said happily as Ford came over and took them both in a hug as well, though not as bone-crushing as his brother had done a moment earlier.
“We’re so glad to finally be here!” Mabel said excitedly.
“We’re glad to have you both back,” Ford said, smiling. “Now, I’m sure both of you are very hungry after your trip.” He said.
“Starved, whatever you guys made smells good,” Dipper said, feeling his stomach grumble as he took in the smell of the food that was being cooked.
“Some authentic Mexican food straight from prison.” Stan teased.
“I love Mexican!” Mabel said excitedly.
Dipper nodded and smiled. “Sounds good to me.” He said as Stan got the food and hotplates.
“We even made some Mabel juice, though not the super potent blend,” Stan told them as Dipper and Mabel sat down at the kitchen table with Ford. “Alright, sounds good,” Dipper replied as they were served their food.
Taking a bite of his food, Dipper looked to his uncles, wondering what all they had done on their adventures while they were away for the school year; he always enjoyed hearing what all they had done while he and his sister were away.
“We fought a giant squid and were still being attacked by baby ones. I haven’t had so much calamari in my life!” Stan said, and Ford chuckled softly as he went on about other things they had done during the year over dinner with Dipper and Mabel listening, captivated by all that had gone on.
Once their storytelling of their events from traveling was over Ford sat up and looked at them. “Will you two be sharing a room again or do you two want separate ones this time?” He asked after a moment, knowing they both were practically adults now, and sometimes siblings didn’t want to share rooms when they were older. “We can share if there’s no room, we don’t want you living in the basement again,” Mabel said.
“Nah, we built an extra room on just in case you two wanted to have your own rooms,” Stan assured her.
“Yeah, so, no harm is done there.” Ford smiled.
Dipper nodded at that and hummed in thought. “Then sure, we can do separate rooms. Coin flip to see who gets the new room, Mabel?” He asked, looking to his sister who just gave a smug look. “I already claimed it!” She stated.
“Do I sense another butt kissing contest?” Stan grinned.
“Maybe.” Dipper chuckled.
“This should be entertaining.” Ford sighed, smiling.
“Very.” Stan nodded as Mabel stood up suddenly, taking the dirty dishes from the table since everyone was practically done eating and everything. “I call dishes!” She said excitedly as she put them on the counter, taking her sweater off and around her waist before starting the water and waiting for it to heat up enough with the soap.
“I’ll clean the living room!” Dipper added before leaving the kitchen to go work on the living room, and Ford chuckled softly while his brother got up from the table. “I’ll go make a scoreboard.” He said, leaving the room, god he’d missed these kids and was so glad that adulthood hadn’t changed them all that much.
Taking a swig of the liquid in his flask, Rick tasked himself with a project he had been pointlessly working on while Morty was out with Summer doing something, what that something was he wasn’t quite sure, but he didn’t quite care. It was most likely that Morty was at school, and maybe Summer was picking him up? He couldn’t quite remember, but he knew she had graduated a couple years ago and didn’t go anymore.
His thoughts were interrupted when Morty came running into the open garage and trying to catch his breath, making Rick look up from his work. “Uh…R-Rick, I think we have a problem…” The boy said, twiddling his fingers a little as he bit his lip before speaking up once again. “A kid at my school summoned a demon today, and he was saying weird stuff...” He said causing Rick to set his project down.
Project forgot he stood up and rolled his eyes. “A demon? What the hell is it with kids these days? Summoning demons…” The old man couldn’t believe kids these days were so careless with things like the supernatural, it was ridiculous what people did, like summoning demons for whatever the hell reason they had. “Alright, what does this demon look like?” He asked, grumbling a little as he made his way over to a box and started sifting through it for stuff that might help in the situation, though he didn’t deal much in the supernatural. No, science was more his thing, and sure, he dealt with the supernatural every once in a while…but it just hadn’t been something he had worked to make sure he was prepared for thoroughly.
“Uh…you know the triangle thing on money? Just like that except, symmetrical…and suave?” Morty said, thinking. “He convinced half the kids to give him souls, and he didn’t even do anything.”
Rick scoffed at this and rolled his eyes. “Of all the…you don’t willingly give your soul to a demon no matter how smooth talking they are!” He groaned, making an ah-ha noise when he found a box of salt, handing it over to Morty before grabbing a few other things. “Alright, let's go and get rid of this thing.” He said before hopping into his space ship and took off when Morty got in the passenger seat.
“The demon said he finally made it to a universe that didn’t have a ‘Gravity Falls’ in it, do you know what that is?” Morty asked, looking to Rick who stopped a moment to think, god he hadn’t thought that place in years…thought about that fierce as nails brunette he spent a lot of the time making love to when they weren’t off doing some form of crime. The only person he felt anything for as much as he had Dian.
“Gravity falls? It’s a small town with a lot of supernatural activity…it’s in another dimension. This is going to take a lot more than just us two Morty. That demon is not going to be easy to get rid of.” He said as he drove his ship.
“Have you met him before?” Morty asked, looking a little afraid, if he and Rick couldn’t take this demon, then who could? His grandfather could practically take on anything and outsmart them or annoy the holy hell out of them till they wanted to just die or try revenge that just outright failed.
“Sounds like Bill Cipher…and if that’s the case, we’re in a shit tone of trouble,” Rick said as the ship approached the school, the place was on fire and looked far more different than he had last seen it, now reshaped into the form of a pyramid. “Oh fuck…” Rick said as he observed. “Yeah, that’s Bill, fucking Bill all over.” He may not have met the demon, but he had heard of him somewhere in his travels, the guy was known as a nightmare demon, and he had caused quite a lot of chaos.
His thoughts were interrupted when Morty spoke up. “So…what do we do?” He asked, wringing his hands nervously and Rick sighed as he sat back, watching the chaos unfold in front of them. “We’re taking a trip to Gravity Falls for one…where is your sister? She was here to pick you up right?” He asked.
“I think so, I ran to find you as soon as I sensed trouble…” Morty said, upset. “What if he eats Summer?” He asked, freaking out a little bit as Rick grabbed a blaster from behind his seat, handing it to Morty before grabbing another for himself. “Let's go.” He said, getting out of the ship and heading inside. The place was total chaos, weird eyeballs turning people to stone and carrying them away while random monsters partied. Bill was in the middle of the gymnasium looking around. “Man, this dimension is defenseless! I’m a genius!” He said happily.
“Okay, that’s not good…” Rick said and hit one of the creatures before it could get either him or Morty as they looked for Summer and his grandson was trying his best not to hyperventilate while he shot at the monsters with his grandfather. “Summer!” He called, hoping that his sister heard him.
As he called for her Summer poked her head out of one of the classrooms. “Morty!” She called, and Rick grabbed Morty’s arm, leading him over toward his granddaughter as he shot at a few of the creatures. “Let's get the hell out of here.” He said once he had her and started for the door.
“What about Bill? What’s he going to do?” Morty asked, afraid as another wall burst into flames, by the time they made it out they would see that the influence was spreading at a steady pace. “You two get in the car, I’ll see what I can do,” Rick said before leaving to head back inside.
Morty frowned and turned to Summer. “We can’t leave Rick alone; he said he couldn’t stop Bill on his own!” He said, and Summer bit her lip as she thought a moment before grabbing his arm. “Maybe he has some extra weapons in the car.” She said before dragging her brother out to the car so they could get some blasters so they could help.
Rick entered the room, blaster, in hand as he took in the sight of the gym turned throne room, glaring at the triangle as he spoke. “I don’t appreciate you trying to take over my dimension.” He said as he held his blaster up and shot it at him only for the demon to stop the blast with his hand. “And I don’t appreciate old people trying to stop me, either.” He said.
The triangle grabbed at Rick, bringing him closer before frowning as he caught a very faint scent on the elderly scientist before him. “you carry a faint smell…you’ve Been to Gravity Falls! Are you a dimension hopper?!” He asked in a demanding tone as he glared at the man before him.
“I am, and I haven’t been to Gravity Falls in years, but I’m aware of you. I don’t know why you’re here in this dimension, but I’m going to take you out of it.” He said as he started creating a circle and chanting; Rick wasn’t much on messing with demons or anything, and he probably wasn’t doing this right, but at least it could stop this guy from ruining everything.
Before much else could be done Bill roared and smashed Rick hard into the ground, preventing him from trying much else. “No you don’t, old man! I may have lost there, but I will not lose here!” He roared as Rick cursed, groaning as he got up shakily as he looked at the triangle with a slight smirk. “Ooh, I’m scared.” Rick taunted, rolling his eyes as he got back to chanting as he tried to stop the demon, but Morty and Summer had come back, trying to shoot at him once more causing the triangle to roar once more as he reached for Summer only to be shot in the eye by Morty which sent the demon spinning.
“You little fucker! Always the eye! That’s it, you’re dead, all dead!” He shot random bolts of energy at kids, missing mostly since he was unable to see but some grazed Morty’s shoulder, it burned more than anything he had felt before.
“Morty, Summer! Car, now!” Rick yelled, knowing they wouldn’t win this one; he was going to have to break down and head to Gravity Falls if they were going to take on this demon. He ran to the car, making sure Summer and Morty got in before getting in himself as his grandson held his shoulder, trying his best not to cry with how painful it felt.
As Rick drove off Summer looked at the burn on Morty’s shoulder to see how bad it was while their grandfather pulled up a portal for the car to go through. His injury was significant and discolored, but it wasn’t bleeding much thankfully, but it took the same of Cipher’s seal as the ship landed in front of a shack that was in the middle of the woods. “Grandpa, where are we?” She asked as her eyes fell on the building in front of them, it looked like one of those dumb tourist traps, though it didn’t seem like it had visitors these days.
“Gravity Falls, Oregon…and this is the Mystery Shack,” Rick said.
“The place Bill Mentioned?” Morty asked, shoulder throbbing a bit, though it felt better since it was doctored, getting out of the ship with Rick and Summer. “Yeah, this is it.” Rick sighed as he looked around.
Stan turned off the TV when he heard something and narrowed his eyes. “Ford, did you hear that?” He asked, and Ford frowned, getting up from his chair. “Sounded like a ship landing or something…” He said as he went to the door, looking to investigate as he checked outside the window. “We have visitors…and hey came in a space ship.” He said, a little confused since they looked human. He turned to see his brother slipping on his brass knuckles before heading out the door. It was then that Stan stopped in his tracks as he looked at the man before him, going slack-jawed as he looked at the man with the grey-blue hair as well as the scent of booze that followed the man like it always did. “R-Rick?!”
Rick looked to him and scratched his head, feeling a slight bit nervous at seeing the other man before him. “Stan, hey.” He said before noticing the other man coming out the door. “Looks like you got that portal working...”
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sovonight · 6 years
i wanted to try compiling opinions on my gravity falls tea blends, if just for personal reference!
the blends i’ve made are dipper, mabel, stan, ford, the author, the mystery shack, and ford (alt). looking at it now i’m like, wow i made three separate ford blends isn’t that overkill, but y’know what it’s fine
people’s reviews:
there are customer reviews on the listings themselves, just click through to specific blends!
mabel, dipper, stan, ford, the author, the mystery shack, and ford (alt)
ford (alt)
i might be missing some in posts/replies/tags on tumblr, but can’t find em rn
and here are my own reviews/opinions. i don’t do much with steeping times (3-7 minutes or whenever i finally remember i’ve been steeping tea) and sometimes i leave the tea leaves in the cup ‘till the end of time, so it’s whatever. i always add sugar though, and occasionally add milk if the tea’s strong enough for it
my original review post
my review on the listing says, “it reminds me so much of bubblegum that i almost want to rename it that [...] while i already tend to let loose leaf teas steep in the cup forever i'd actually go out of my way to recommend it for this one; it lets the fruit come through a little better. and ofc, bubblegum is nothing without sugar, so please add sugar.”
my impression since then: adding sugar is correct. also this blend originally had sprinkles, and while i still support that decision, i removed it because sprinkles leave a bit of oil (?) in the tea when they melt-- not the best look for a light tea like this
my tiny review answer
i remember this one being a nice light fruit tea, but i’m reordering it for an updated opinion! if you don’t like slightly-sour fruit teas, though, you won’t like this one. also, steep it forever, the flavor is pretty light otherwise, and personally both dipper and mabel’s blends taste better iced
update, turns out it’s even better with sugar and milk! i just never had milk on hand when i last tried it so i couldn’t confirm until now. with milk it turns into a nice, warm, vaguely fruity tea that i’m a big fan of
the mystery shack
my tiny review answer
i remember this one as a “whenever” tea that wasn’t too light or too heavy, but i’m reordering it for an updated opinion. no milk, just sugar
my original review post (my impressions of dipper and ford there are obsolete, i redid those blends since that post)
my impression since then: he’s still perfect
make sure to add sugar. and optionally milk. and blow a kiss at that mug, why not
i’m ordering it again to give an updated opinion! from what i remember, the lapsang souchong was a Little much for me, even after editing it down. which is like... very fitting. secretly i call this the portal ford blend, especially with an extra-smoky spoonful of tea leaves, but i cannot let myself get into eras.
i wonder what high school/college ford’s blend would be like though
ford (alt)
my review on the listing says, “Now this is the sweet Ford tea I've been looking for. I steeped it for 4-5 minutes, drank it hot with cream and sugar, then drank it iced with cream and sugar, and it's about as delicious as Ford looks.”
i’m gonna level with you, i just wanted to say the phrase “as delicious as ford looks”. like it’s true i like the tea but i also wanted specifically to say it
i drank it again today (with milk and sugar, of course) and yep, i still like it. i would’ve done the whole plain tea -> tea with sugar -> tea with sugar and milk progression taste-test, but i did that thing where i microwave a bit of milk in a mug, pour the tea leaves in, and fill the rest of the mug with hot water and let it all steep. so. pretty creamy though.
the author
my original review post (my impressions of dipper and ford there are obsolete, i redid those blends since that post) 
my impression since then: while i wasn’t impressed with it initially, the more i drank of it the more i came to like it?? almost similar to how i felt abt researcher ford himself
when i brewed this in college i liked to dump the loose leaves into a mug, pour in hot water, wait ~5 min, and add in sugar and milk. i’d drink some while waiting for the shuttle, then put the rest in the fridge (i know it was still hot when i put it in the fridge and that i’m Not supposed to do that, but my fridge was basically empty in college so it’s Fine) and dash out to go to class
i’d come back from class and bam, i’ve got iced tea that’s been steeping for 4-5 hours! the flavors really settle in with the milk, the tea leaves really settle in to the bottom... perfect. drink that chilled delight up in a sweltering hot room and stay awake for the next 12 hours because i put the most coffee-ish tea into the author blend that i could find
it’s pretty much a caffeine boost, making it more like a tea that ford would drink (if for whatever reason he ran out of coffee), and less a tea that represents him
i don’t consider it an everyday tea for me because it feels a tad more dry than other teas (i attribute that to the blood orange) and that’s why i always made sure to add milk, but, drinking tea often already tends to dry me out. how do regular tea-drinking people do it
and here’s my reasoning for the teas in case you’re like “i don’t get you sovo how could these possibly fit these characters”:
passionfruit: the boy’s dedicated to solvin’ those mysteries
sour apple: dipper is sometimes a sour apple and that’s Okay
lemon grass: i can’t really explain this one except that you know how there’s that like, lemony plant stalk you’d sometimes see kids chewing in elementary school, and it’s kind of a childhood thing for me?? also it goes with the other sour tastes in this blend
blueberry: it’s in his color palette
fruit tea aspect: to match with his twin!
watermelon cooler: watermelon’s just such a fresh, pink, summery fruit! also, that mabel sweater that one time
wild strawberry: the description on the site gave off a sugary sweet dessert vibe and those are Definitely mabel vibes
spearmint: i wanted something with a brightness and glow about it-- also once in taiwan i had tea with a minty cooling effect to it and i loved that, it was perfect for hot summer weather. i’ve been searching for it forever because i remember nothing about what it looked like, just the flavor
rose petals: summer romance aesthetic
strawberry pieces: i wanted more pink, more color, and i think that’s something mabel would appreciate. also i love eating those little re-hydrated fruit pieces in tea
fruit tea aspect: to match with her twin! 
rooibos caramel: stan’s heart is like a block of caramel... kinda tough when you start out, but as it warms up it gets sticky sweet and tends to wanna stick to you. i heard from the reviews on the caramel teas that the rooibos version is slightly sweeter than the black tea version, and i wanted the sweetest caramel so i went with rooibos
mambo: i heard smoky, savory, succulent, and rich and slammed that “add to blend” button
lapsang souchong: oh “smoky aroma”? oh “sweet pine flavor”? oh “sometimes gets a bad rep for being brashly smoky”? come on into this blend please
ginger: it’s kinda sharp, a little dividing, and a little too much for some people
lapsang souchong & ginger: to match with his twin!
assam melody: “deep, burgundy-red”? “solid, ‘friendly’”? come be a base in this blend please
pu erh hazelberry: i knew i wanted pu erh for the earthiness, i just wasn’t sure which; i went with this one because it’s the most appealing dessert-like one of the ones i looked at, and You Know ford’s got a sweet tooth
lapsang souchong: partly to match with stan on the whole smoky pine aspect, and partly because ford shaves with fire and in fact, regularly plays with fire
cocoa nibs: it kinda complements the hazelberry & he needs a touch more than stan
ginger: similar to my reason for stan’s
lapsang souchong & ginger: to match with his twin!
the author
assam melody: provides the same character base as ford’s blend
toasted mate: i hear this is the closest you can get to coffee-levels of caffeine in a tea, and i needed that bc this is researcher ford we’re talking about
blood orange: blood splatter in the journal, anyone? splish splash
cinnamon: a dash of cinnamon goes into the cure for zombies, and also into this tea
ford (alt)
earl grey bravo: it’s a black tea base so i don’t stray too far from the original blend, a dash of grey, and a classic that always gave me a “refined” kinda vibe. i never used to think much of earl grey and took some time to come around, which is in line w my experience w ford. the citrus is almost a tie to the author blend,, blood orange becoming just orange
rooibos caramel: i needed to feed my sweet tooth and i'm pretty sure ford would support this decision
gunpowder: because gunpowder, but also because it adds a hint of smokiness that provides a similar-but-different alternative to the previous lapsang souchong. toned down and a little mellowed out, if you will.
cocoa nibs: a tie to the original blend that now complements the caramel
ginger: the ginger-and-caramel is what he shares with stan now, and i love that
the mystery shack
green rooibos key west: just west of weird, amiright??? also it’s got a bunch of summer-y fruit flavors, and the shack probably gets the majority of its business in the summer
earl grey moonlight: i was thinking about stargazing on the roof of the mystery shack and the moon turning into bill's eye, and stan working on the portal in the cover of night
pu erh dante: oh “soft earthy flavor”? “woodsy tones”?? “clean, damp forest aroma, dried mushrooms, leather and earth”??? yes thank you
orange peels: one thing i super associate w the mystery shack is all that arrow-shaped signage and all those yellow-orange question marks. so... yellow-orange bits of orange peel, acting as pops of color to guide your money outta your wallet
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muted-galaxies · 6 years
vampire falls
Vampire falls chapter 1- this is our town and we run the show
Under her feet the staircase creaked, the feet belonged to Mabel Maria Pines,the once bubbly care free resident of gravity falls oregon, known by everyone in town. That was of course a different time in the towns history, before the vampires made themselves know, before everything changed. Gideon Gleeful, of all people, was the ruler of the vampires. Mabel sighed in expiration, she was main bait for Gideon, he wanted her, her everything and it made her absolutely sick to her stomach to think about.
Mabel pov
I am part of what I like to call 'the resistance', It's mainly just me, Wendy, Grenda, Candy and Tambry because really? Thats all thats left of the town. We founded the resistance  when Dipper went missing, just a month after the vampires came out of hiding. Honestly when the vampires took over, we all did have little budge on changing our ways to fit what they wanted of us. When Dipper was gone that morning , either taken to be blood cattle by the vampires or drained by one of them, I don't know and i choose not to think about it, the whole vampire take over became more real to me.
When the vampires took over, they took all the men and I don't know why i have a feeling about the time period of most of the higher up vampires, none of them were born before the 20th century meaning the concept of women having any rights is alien to them. To blend in the one rule we did agree to quickly was the dresses which we paired with choker to easily block vampire bites.
We had taken over the mystery shack as our base, we've lived here for the better part of two years now, it's a pretty convenient place actually, surrounded by magic forest full of mythical creatures that hate the vampires as much as we do. Oh and i can't forget the underground bunker where great uncle ford did most of his research about gravity falls' weirdness.
Getting to the bottom step i looked around and am greeted with a sight that had grown to be normal to me by now,  wendy was sat around the table with an old, clearly loved but beaten, ipad.i took in a breath,let it out and  I walked to her sitting down near her. She looked up at me, her green eyes had lost the colour they once held,her hair scruffier than when we first met, the vampires took such a toll on all of us
"good morning Mabel , sleep well" Wendy said her voice was scruffy and scratchy but i payed it little mind instead  i nodded at her. Mornings could go better i guess but they could go a whole lot worse at that thought my hand found itself near my neck,near a bite mark sure its hidden by a choker but the memory of it will always be there to me.
I used to cry most nights,wanting my brother back by my side, some people just don't understand the bond we shared,he knew all my secrets and i knew his.He always had my back and i'm sure he would be for me right now in this situation,I think he'd stand by me ,would he be proud of me for standing up and taking on responsibilities?
"So do we have any plans for the vampires,then " i asked shaking my head to bring myself back to reality.I reached for an apple in the middle of the table and took a bite of it,savouring the taste in my mouth.Wendy shrugged at me before going back to her tablet, i guess she's stumped. It wasn't that i wanted to go out and kill but i will admit i get a bit of a ' thrill ' from it ,im going insane . stupid Gideon , stupid vampires .
Thinking back on everything i pick up on changes, drastic ones from the blissful preteen i was 2 years ago.The main thing that always seems to strike me,and others, is my looks im skinny yes but even describing me as that is too large , arms that are nothing more than skin and bones, a waist that used to be my proudest feature but weirdly enough a chest area that has stayed firm in place, reminding people of my femininity. Attached to my right leg, under my skirt is an old belt fashioned into a strap that can hold a knife for close up combat. As for the dress , i had no choice in the matter, gideon personally picked this dark purple harlot type dress. The one thing i do agree with of gideons clothing choice is the black laced gloves to cover my bruised hands.
I'm not special of course in the dress department, ALL females in gravity falls were given dresses against their will, all from different time periods, all with different connotations to the vampires. Gretta for example was given a formal, yellow coloured dress that honestly lasted 3 days before getting ripped and not repaired. Candy on the other hand had her dress picked out by amelie, one of gideons elusive sisters that appeared when he came out as a vampire, was a lolita style dress with alice in wonderland elements, i think it was the bow on top her head that made it feel that way to me. .
The two teenagers had identical black and white dresses that the middle class apparently wore in the victorian era, wendy has to stick to the dress as she leaves the shack with us regularly. Tambre gets to stay out of the dress and wear something more comfortable for her.
"We do have one plan i guess , we Strom the vampire castle and take back some of the boys that should help us on our attack ratio " Wendy said bringing me back to the whole situation right infront of me, i look at the ginger girl with a raised eyebrow before looking at the other two girls, they had the same look i did.
With confirmation from candy and gretta i turn back to wendy once again, putting my hand on the chair so i could properly lean forward at a slight angle.
"OK so the plan is we send candy and Gretta out first then we send out Mabel and Wendy , got it " tambre said speaking up from the other side of the table, she looked up from her laptop as  we all nodded at her.
She produced a key, holding it up to show us all, the silver had clearly seen better days yet parts of it still managed to catch the light,she then pushed the key across the table  over to me "trust me , I have friends on the inside,well one but who's counting " she looked over at Wendy who sighed in relief, i'd assume that's probably the first news she's heard about any of  her friend's in a long while,the slight relief she felt however was quick to go replaced with the same stoic face she always wears.
With that i pushed the chair back into the table and turned to candy and gretta "well if that's our plan i say we do some training" i said, they looked at each other before looking back at me nodding, i nodded back and the two of them made their way towards what used to be the gift shop. I'm about to follow them when i feel a hand on my shoulder digging in slightly.
I turn around to see wendy clutching my shoulder giving me a worried look all of sudden "we need to act quick,gideon will be getting restless,he'll come for you mabel and you know it" i nod at her holding my hands close to my chest before stepping back,shrugging off her hand slightly
"Prepare for the worst" i say streching my arms out infront of me, lacing my fingers together "expect the worst"
Gideon POV
In the depths of the castle we had taken over in the first few days, was where i decided to sit grinding my teeth together,rubbing my fingers together. The silence is blissful though to me it cannot and never will be complete silence.
Still i sat in my study "mabel darling,you've outran me for too long,you'll be right beside me, just you wait" i said to myself before picking up my goblet of someones blood, the girl had struck one of my heart strings about 2 years ago when she was 12 now she had grown into a extremely beautiful 15 year old.I got a taste when we came back out of the shadows,that one drop has driven me crazy and I wanted to get her as mine and only mine for the rest of her life.
The sound of another person being drained came from the other end of the castle,it was peaceful to hear  a humans poor scream as they hold onto the last bit of life they have , don't fight what's coming affter all this is our town now and we run the show, i put the goblet back down on the table,relaxed into my  chair but then again  one thing still troubled me, always in the back of my hand, where was dipper pines .
That boy was supposed to be the way i would get Mabel to give up her fight against us and be mine,bite that human, drain him infront of her in a helpless state and take her. I knew i'd have to find that boy if i were to ever taste her again, its only a matter of time, he cant hide from me.
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mrmichaelchadler · 6 years
The Unforgettable World of Gravity Falls
There are two kinds of people in the world—people who love “Gravity Falls” and those who haven’t seen it yet. Alex Hirsch’s brilliant animated show aired on Disney Channel from 2012 to 2016, producing only 40 episodes, but its popularity has maintained in the two years since The Mystery Shack closed up shop. One can still spot toys in stores and books are still being released continuing the adventures of Dipper and Mabel Pines. And fans hold out hope that we will someday return to “Gravity Falls” in animated form as they re-watch the episodes we have over and over again (at least my kids do). Now fans can have all the episodes and a full disc of special features in their collection in the new “Gravity Falls: The Complete Series” Blu-ray set. It’s an excellent release—the only negative being the poignant finality in the word “complete.”
If you’re unfamiliar, “Gravity Falls” is the story of twins Dipper (voiced by Jason Ritter) and Mabel (Kristen Schaal), who have been sent to the titular location to spend the summer with their “Grunkle” (great uncle) Stan (creator Hirsch himself). Stan runs something called The Mystery Shack, one of those side-of-the-road places you see on a road trip that promises crazy sights like bottomless pits and other eye-popping wonders. The thing is that Gravity Falls really is the center of a lot of mysterious, supernatural activity, which Dipper and Mabel get to investigate in every hysterical episode.
“Gravity Falls” deserves to be in the conversation with “Bob’s Burgers,” “Rick and Morty,” and “Bojack Horseman” when people discuss the best animated programming of the ‘10s. It is a beautiful blend of old-fashioned storytelling—the Pines kids and their array of friends and co-workers often recall the Scoobs as they investigate—with a modern sense of humor that never feels like it’s talking down to kids. It works for all ages, never overplaying its themes but incorporating them into the storytelling. It sounds cheesy, but the best fiction for kids doesn’t hammer them with a message but incorporates it into the characters and story. It’s a deliriously strange, fascinating show, with sources of humor and heart that always find a way to surprise. It also helps that the voice work is uniformly fantastic, especially Ritter and the always-great Schaal.
Hirsch walked away from the show in 2016 but has remained open to specials in the future. And he released a graphic novel this month continuing the adventures of Mabel and Dipper. Let’s hope he adapts into a new season soon.
The Blu-ray Complete Series set includes a full disc of new material. The episodes themselves look great in HD, although they look about the same as they do streaming off Hulu. This is more worth the purchase for the collectible factor, the extensive bonus material (including commentaries on every episode), and just to put money in the pocket of someone who may someday bring it back.
Buy it here
Special Features
NEW Audio Commentaries On All 40 Episodes With Creator Alex Hirsch And Members Of The Cast And Crew
NEW "One Crazy Summer" – A Look Back At Gravity Falls Featuring Interviews With Alex Hirsch, Actors Jason Ritter, Kristen Schaal, Jackie Buscarino, Thurop Van Orman, Carl Faruolo, And Niki Yang, Creative Director Michael Rianda, Producers Rob Renzetti And Brian Doell, Directors And Artists Matt Braly And Joe Pitt, Writers Jeff Rowe, Shion Takeuchi, And Josh Weinstein, Composer Brad Breeck, Art Director Ian Worrel, Artists Dana Terrace, Robertryan Cory, Andy Gonsalves, Sean Jimenez, And Alonso Ramirez Ramos, And Alex's Twin And The Inspiration For Mabel, Ariel Hirsch (105 minutes)
NEW "The Hirsch Twins" – Alex & Ariel Hirsch Remember Their Own Summers Growing Up
NEW Deleted Scenes – Over An Hour Of Never-Before-Seen Content 
"Between The Pines" – Behind-The-Scenes Series Finale Special
Shorts – Interstitial Programming Between Seasons 1 And 2
Promos – Commercial And Other Promo Materials From The Show’s Run
And More ... ?
from All Content https://ift.tt/2NK6Wyw
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sovonight · 6 years
Hello! I just found out about your gravity falls tea blends and I'm actually a bit mad at myself for not finding it earlier lmao. I wanna get a sample for a special occasion (my birthday probably) and I was wondering which one you'd personally reccomend, as the creator? Right now I'm torn between the Dipper and Mystery Shack blends tbh.
stan’s pretty popular from the feedback i’ve gotten! it’s probably my favorite too, just bc i spend 99% of my time in the mood for milk tea and stan’s just about the only one strong enough to handle milk
between dipper and the mystery shack, dipper’s a little weaker in strength but the fruit flavor is more prominent (and it’s a tiny bit sour too). i’d make my choice on whatever i’m more in the mood for– a light fruit tea (dipper) or a medium general tea (mystery shack)
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