#and brother whatever they were doing to kaltenecker was Not That
scattered-winter · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Kaltenecker the cow?
A FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!! idk if he'll be in the rewrite because he. doesn't really have much effect on the plot. but I treasure him in my heart always <3
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godestof3worlds · 4 years
On The 2nd Day of Christmas my true love gave to me... Two Turtle Doves
It was supposed to be an easy mission. Hack into one of the empire’s planet side base, collect the information, and go on our merry way on finding  Haggar . But that did not happen.  
There was an explosion, sentries attacked, the ceiling caved in, and now we pinned under the rubble. I can see the others, only a couple of feet.  
To my right, I see Keith who seems to be unconsciousness, without his helmet, and the closest to me, so I can see the injuries he sustained from the fight, and the cave in. He seems to have blood flowing steadily from his hair line, a bruise on his temple, and I think I see blood from his calf where a really big piece of black ceiling is pinning him down.  
To his right, I see  Allura . I can’t see if she’s bleeding, but I think I see a piece of ceiling on her arm. Her Bayard is a couple of inches from her hand. She still has her helmet on as far as I can see. I turn my head to my left and see the yellow and blue paladins.  
Hunk is closer to me, just a little farther than Keith is from my other side. He still has his helmet on, and from what I can see, he seems to have a little bit of blood falling from his cheek, but it doesn’t look too serious.  
On Hunk’s other side, Lance was there with his helmet knocked off his head. I couldn’t see any visible wounds, but his breathing looked a little off. Not anything that looks too drastic, just a little hitch in breath every other minute.  
I am on my stomach with my helmet still on my head. I felt something was on my ankle, but from the position I was in, I couldn’t move too much or risk aggravating it further. I groan. This was not comfortable. I had little bits of ceiling digging into my body where the armor wasn’t the strongest.  
I try to activate my coms, but all I get is static. When the ceiling collapsed, it must have interfered with the signal. Luckily, the Atlas were nearby, so when we don’t make it back on time, we should be fine. I just sigh as I try to get comfy, and once I get situated, I start trying to call out to the others, hoping could wake them.  
“Keith? Come on team leader, I need you to wake up,” I try to reach him, but I could only just hardly graze his armor, “Come on Keith,” I repeat.  
I see his face shift to one of pain briefly that was accompanied with a groan before silence was the only thing I could hear.  
“Keith?” nothing changes, “ Allura ? Come on  Allura , your  Altean  ears should be of some use in hearing,” I call out to her, but there is no response except what I think is a small twitch of her ears. I turn my head over to Hunk who I know I wouldn’t be able to reach him if I couldn’t reach for Keith.  
I hear something fall that makes an echo, but once I do strain my ears, I hear nothing else.  
“Hunk? I really want you to wake up, please,” I beg, but nothing happens. “Lance? Come on Lance, stop trying to get the beauty sleep you need,” but he doesn’t stir either.  
I start to worry, but I try to stay calm. Panicking wouldn’t help, I don’t know if the air in here will stay clean, but we are going to need to make sure we have clean air for those among us who doesn’t have helmets. I clench my fist as I try to distract myself. I have no new projects as of late since we’ve been so busy with  Haggar , so I can’t let my mind drift off to that. I try to think of some type of memory, and my mind comes up on the Christmas before the Kerberos mission.  
It was a simple day. We woke up early, ate donuts and Christmas cookies as we opened up presents. Then my mom went to make a proper breakfast as Matt and I started messing around with gifts, I got parts to make a computer while my older brother got parts to make a telescope. A simple Christmas with family.  
I always assumed that family was something that was made by blood, like it was the final piece of code for a program, but the events after Kerberos, during the Garrison, Voltron, I realized that blood is just another variable to the finished program. It was optional because I realize I made a second family while looking for my blood family.  
Lance and Hunk were the first people who made me realize that family did not rely on blood. I was always occupied with looking for the lies that Garrison hid from the public, that I forgot a lot of things like school work, something so irrelevant now, taking care of myself, and taking a break. Hunk was the gentle, older brother. He was understanding, and always gave the best hugs that would just squeeze the sadness or whatever is troubling you out of you momentarily.  
Now Lance was the annoying older brother who loved to tease others, but could be serious when he wanted to be. He would probably be the encouraging one who would want his siblings to do everything and anything.  
Shiro  was the oldest brother of all of us, being the one who if we did get in trouble, and we didn’t want to go our ‘parents’, he would be the sibling to get us out of trouble. He was gentle and encouraging and was always there for us (except for the time he wasn’t, but that’s neither here or there).  
There was Coran, who was the crazy uncle who everybody loved. He seems like the family member who would have wanted to do crazy Christmas sweaters. He’s the one who you could talk about serious things to, and never tell others unless he has to. He would be the one, alongside Hunk, who would try to bring peace in a family feud.  
Allura  seemed to be the middle child who everybody relied on. She was the sister who seemed to bring two halves of the family together, the one who had to be the loudest to be heard.  
Keith seemed to be the quiet, reserved brother who silently supported others. He’s the one who was the most protective of us all and tried to make it seem like he didn’t care, but you could tell.  
Then there were the pets. There were individual pets and the family pets. The space  floofs  and the cosmic wolf,  Kosmo , were individual pets, space  floofs  mine and  Kosmo  Keith’s. The space cow,  kaltenecker , and the space mouse,  platt ,  Chulatt ,  Plachu , and  chuchule , were the family pets.  
The adventures in Garrison were like a road to family with Lance and Hunk.  
The adventures of space were a different road, that Lance, and Hunk joined this time, that led me to being a family with Keith and  Shiro .  
The adventures of Voltron were another road, with Lance, Hunk, Keith, and  Shiro , that led me with forming a bigger family with  Allura  and Coran.  
The crazy adventures we all had led us down the road, with Lance, Hunk, Keith,  Shiro ,  Allura , and Coran, that led us to having additions with the space mice,  floofs , cow, and wolf.  
The highway of roads we all took made the Voltron family who we are. I smile a little at the thought of our chaotic Voltron family having a Christmas dinner.  
Once I thought thinking of the holiday, I hear something shift above. Then a shout.  
“Pidge! Lance! Hunk!  Allura ! Keith!” that sounded like  Shiro .  
“We’re down here!” I shout back, my voice sounding a little croaky. I smile to know that the Voltron family should like another day.  
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dork-empress · 6 years
Keith/Lance Hay
Part of my Voltron “Bed Time Stories” Oneshot Collection
Read on Ao3
Lance's family has hired Keith as a farmhand, and Lance learns more about him.
Lance glared down silently from his perch in the loft. Below, Keith worked mechanically, shoveling out the dirty hay and putting in clean, the lovely sounds of Kaltenecker and the other cows providing a strange yet calming ambience from outside.
Lance was the youngest of his siblings, and the last to remain on the farm with his parents, Veronica having accepted some fancy scholarship to some fancy school (smartass). While they had family in the area, they were all concerned with their own lives, and, well, Lance’s parents weren’t getting any younger. So, they’d decided to hire help, in the form of Lance’s greatest enemy, Keith Kogane.
Keith had gone to school with Lance. Lance had always found him to be a kinda smartass stuck up silent type, that the teachers adored. Or, would have anyway, if he wasn’t always causing problems. He’d eventually been kicked out of school, for reasons Lance didn’t know, and Lance thought he had seen the last of him, until his dad introduced him as the new hired hand.
Keith had worked hard, quickly earning Lance’s family’s approval. But not Lance’s. Definitely Not Lance’s. He didn’t know what Keith’s game was. Did he not get enough of showing up Lance in school so now he had to follow him to his HOME to do it?
Well, he wasn’t showing him up today, not with how slow he was going. Keith paused every few seconds, leaning on his rake and wobbling where he stood. Lance practically expected him to fall over where he stood.
He did not. What he did do was stack the hay into a huge pile and then flop on it. He lay there, unnaturally still for a moment, until Lance heard a snore echo around the stable. Ha! He had caught him!
Quickly making his way down the ladder, Lance stood over Keith, proud in his imagined victory for a moment. Keith was face down in the hay, and Lance wasn’t too sure how he was breathing. He didn’t look incredibly comfortable either. But whatever, Lance was here to gloat, and so he kicked Keith in the shin.
Keith’s head jerked up with a surprised snore. “Looking for a needle?” Lance asked.
“Huh?” Keith asked, blinking his eyes open and rolling up. He had hay stuck in his hair. Lance had to fight down the instinct to think it was adorable. “Oh, god, did I fall asleep?”
“Hey, it’s no shame,” Lance said, thinking that it was, “Some people just aren’t cut out for farm work.”
Keith got up, brushing himself off and leaning on his rake again. He looked...well, honestly he looked awful up close. His eyes looked like he’d taken suction cups to them. His skin was pale, and his clothes rumpled. “I’m sorry, look, I’ll get back to work right now,” he said, going to rake up more hay, “Won’t happen again, I promise.”
Lance scoffed, “I’m not your boss, dude,” he said, as Keith went to continue his work, with more effort and less results, “Are you sick or something?”
“No,” Keith protested, “I’m just….I’m just tired,” he fought back a yawn, “Didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Too busy partying, huh?” Lance asked.
“What?” Keith looked up at him, “What kind of guy do you think I am?”
Lance had to blink at that. Honestly, he, uh, he didn’t know that much about Keith. He had just kind of, um, assumed a lot. “Well, what WERE you doing?” he said, preserving his pride.
Keith shrugged, “had to stay a little late at the drugstore I work at. It wasn’t much but it kinda screwed my schedule up.” He yawned again.
Lance’s friends deepened. “You have a second job?”
“Mmhmm,” Keith said, his hay pile flopping over so he had to start again, “it’s not bad, not a lot of people go there at night once the pharmacy’s closed. Mostly I just study.”
“Study?” Lance asked, confused, “I thought you dropped out?”
Keith winced just slightly, “Uh, yeah,” he said, “my brother has me taking online classes, though. Said I need to get my GED at least.”
The more he explained, the more confused Lance got. “But...why don’t you just transfer to another school?” He was still school aged, and a promising student. There weren’t a LOT of schools in the area, but surely one would take him.
“Need to work,” Keith said. Lance didn’t bother asking this time, just waited. “My brother...he got back from Afghanistan a few months ago, after losing an arm.” Lance gasped. “He gets some disability, but it’s not enough. And he’s having trouble getting hired for it.” Keith shrugged, as though to say ‘that’s life,’ and not a horrible tragic backstory. “He doesn’t WANT me to support him, but we don’t have much a choice. Besides, he did so much for me, making sure I didn’t go into foster care when Dad died. I want to help him.”
He finished his pile of hay, and moved on to work another, but Lance wasn’t having it. He grabbed the rake from him, surprisingly easy as Keith was normally faster than him, but he must really have been out of it. “You lie down,” Lance instructed, “I’ll finish up in here.”
Keith gave him a flat stare. He reached to take his take back, but Lance held onto it. “I don’t need your pity, Lance.”
“Not pity,” Lance said, “you’re doing a shitty job. I can do it in half the time when you’re like this.”
“Don’t you have your own tasks to do?” Keith asked, trying to snatch the rake again, but it was half-hearted.
“You can help me do them,” Lance said, “AFTER you’ve rested. Now get down, mullet, before I push you.”
Keith hesitated, but as soon as he started lowering himself, he collapsed back into the hay, curling up on his scratchy, uncomfortable mattress.
Lance sighed, looking at him. Keith fell asleep instantly, and Lance couldn’t fight the thought he was cute this time. He shook his head, determined to talk to his dad later about giving Keith a raise.
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Everyone is writing depressed Lance on the way back to Earth (and I just want to feel included) omega Lance
Lance was gutted. He felt like a worthless fool. A worthlessly embarrassing fool. He'd slipped. He'd let let whole team have a glimpse of a side of him he'd rather they'd never seen. He was Lance. The comic relief. The seventh wheel. The temporary Red Paladin who'd stupidly fallen under Allura's spell! He didn't get it. He couldn't figure it out, no matter how he thought, it all came back to, why?! Why had he let himself develop feelings for someone so... perfect, and brilliant and so far out of his league? Hey gorgeous personality, her beautiful appearance and enchanting smile... he'd thought he'd loved her... but he'd never realised to what degree... they'd been so close, now it all they had was awkwardness. And since when had all his pretending become reality?! He might have flirted with Allura since day, but he'd known he never had a chance. He was just a boy from Cuba... and a boy who's heart already belonged to another. So now, here he was. Listening to the others chatting, as his shook. Crying silent tears so as not to burden the others. They were all so happy. So happy that Keith had come back... even if he wasn't the Keith remembered. The Keith he remembered was barely the same height as him. He was the Keith with a quick temper, always baited by the slightest quip... but this Keith... he didn't know what to do. What to say. Keith had come back radiating an aura of maturity. An aura telling Lance his feeble jokes and bad flirting weren't going to be appreciated. He was now someone Lance didn't recognise, yet his stupid feelings wouldn't leave him alone. His verbal banter with Keith had kept him going. When everyone was busy, all it'd take was a look, or a gentle teasing of Keith's mullet and that was it, they'd fall into an almost family like fight, no real bite in their words, but nothing akin to love. That had been enough, but now he didn't even have that. He was alone in Red, Kaltenecker his only companion, and the memories of his death to keep him company. He was lonely and miserable. Hating himself for how desperately he wanted one of them to reach out, to simply ask if he was ok. It was pathetic. He was pathetic. They were going home, but what happened then? Shiro was back. Which once again meant there were more Paladins then lions. If they were to build a new castle with the help of Earth and the Galaxy Garrison, then they'd insist on staffing the castle with their people. Most suitable Paladin's would be selected, though it was up to the lions if they accepted them. None of them had asked to be Paladin's, yet the others... the others filled their roles so perfectly. There really was no space for him. Hunk's laughter filled Red. Pidge teasing him over something trivial, while Hunk spluttered and laughed. It hurt to hear. They were all so happy. So full of hope. While he was alone. He didn't even know if they knew he'd died. He could still feel the coldness nested in his heart, at first he'd thought it from Allura accidentally breaking it, but now he was sure it was from his death. He was supposed to be dead. He was supposed to be dead and now he was sitting here like some abomination "Paladins, we'll set up camp for tonight on the planet ahead. We need to plan our trip home, and there will be much to do along the way" "Alright Allura. Because you asked so nicely" "Don't be hangry, Hunk. We'll feed you once we get there" "I'm not Hangry" "Sorry Hunk, I've got to agree with Pidge on this one" "Ha! See. Even Shiro agrees!" "Shiro, man. I thought we were friends" "I think we could all use some rest and food..." "I don't know if I'm ever going to get used to this confident Keith" "Don't start on me Pidge" "I'm just saying! You've changed" Allura giggled as something rustled in the background "Of course he's changed. He was gone for two years!" "And he comes back with such a pretty girlfriend" "Shiro, Romelle isn't my girlfriend" "Why not. She's pretty" "I can't believe you. I save you and this is how you repay me?" "What can I say? My little brother is so grown up" "Keep going and I'll put you back in a pod" "Now boys, no need to fight" "That's right. I'm recovering, go easy on me" "And he's only got one arm!" "And grey hair! You've gotten old!" "There's nothing wrong with my hair!" "Yeah, nothing a little dye wouldn't fix!" "Shiro, ignore Pidge. I think your hair suits you" "Shut up, Matt!" "Thanks, Matt" See. They didn't need him. They hadn't needed him when they'd stopped on Olkarion to explain the situation. They hadn't needed him when Matt had decided to join them. None of his friends had even noticed when he'd returned to Red ahead of time, only caring that he'd been in his pilot seat when they took off. It wasn't like he hadn't asked if there was something he could do, but Hunk had brushed him off, while Pidge had told him to leave it to the "big kids". He hadn't said a single thing to any of them since, that was a nearly a movement ago... * Landing on the planet, the others had landed so there wasn't actually any space for Red near them. The plateau they occupied was nestled between two sharply sloping rises, neither of which had enough space for Red, and the next closest space was a good three to four hundred metres away. Whatever. It was better this way. No one would hear him crying in his sleep, and no one would bother making the walk. He'd just get some sleep, and be yelled at in the morning for keeping them all waiting. Standing, Lance ran his hand over his pilot's chair sadly. He was going to miss Red. Even if she might not feel the same "Red, can you please open your mouth? I need to let Kaltenecker out for the night" Obliging, Red lowered herself, opening her mouth and allowing a cold gush of fresh air to fill her cockpit. Kaltenecker mooed, not at all impressed over the frigid air "I'm sorry girl. You know the rules" Kaltenecker went out at night, otherwise she'd mess up Red's cockpit in more ways than one. Leading his stubborn cow down, he tethered her right beside Red's jaw, before backtracking and grabbing her water pale "I know girl, but you've got plenty of grass?" Kaltenecker looked so completely done with him. He really must be pathetic "Don't worry. I'll make sure you go to a good home when we get back to Earth" Flicking her tail, she turned her back on him. Opening the doors to the cargo bay, Lance looked at the pathetically small piles of belongings he had. He'd tried to make the effort to keep things neat and organised in a manner that would make Shiro proud of him, but what was the point when he never talked to them? Back home, his mother had always been on his case about making his bed. About how an omega needed to know how to run a household. How to cook. How to clean. What to say. What not to say. What to wear. What to be. Every part of his life was ruled by his secondary dynamic, and it wasn't until he'd joined the Galaxy Garrison that he'd realised he was incredibly lucky to know everything his mother had taken the time to drill into him. Male omegas were a joke. An abomination. They weren't even permitted into the Galaxy Garrison, but Lance had gotten his letter of acceptance before he'd ever had his first heat. No. That came two weeks later when his mother and father were away on a business trip and he was supposed to watch the house with his older brothers, but they both had girlfriends and he'd been left alone. The moment he'd realised what was happening, he'd been filled with terror that just thinking of the memory still triggered that same terror. His mother had come to find him half dead, unable to care for himself during his heat. His brothers had been been smacked with her shoe until they'd both been reduced to tears, while he had been taken to the doctors and given a new and highly experimental shot, designed for long term suppression. He still got "heats" but instead of loosing control of himself, it instead consisted of a week of cramping and headaches, while his own sweet scent was completely obliterated. Something he considered a small price to pay to achieve his dream of being a pilot. Scents were one of the first things noticed when finding and selecting a desirable mate, but he couldn't smell the difference between an alpha and beta, or even a omega for that matter. The only scents he could pick up were from deodorants, or soaps, or shampoos. Things like that. When Hunk and Pidge had incorrectly assumed him a beta, he hadn't corrected them. Being a beta wasn't exactly high in social standing, but it was miles higher than a male omega. Shaking his head over the state of Red, Lance ignored it completely, making his way over to the pilot of blankets that now served as his bed, and crawling into them without even bothering to undress, or bothering to eat. The Olkari had made sure they were all stocked with enough rations to last them a phoeb. His having magically appeared one day in Red's cockpit without his knowledge. He would have liked to have thanked Ryner, but she was always so busy with everyone else that it always felt rude to interrupt. Now he'd probably never have the chance. Curling around his Bayard, he cried himself to sleep. Lance was awoken by angry pounding. His heart was racing, being woken by anger was perhaps the scariest way to wake. When his dad had lost his job, he'd drowned himself in drink. Being the youngest, Lance hadn't known to run and hide like the others. His father had knocked him around more than once, before his mother had thrown him out to get sober. When his dad had come home, things had gone back to normal... but the fear remained. It was an irrational fear his seven year old self couldn't understood. Every time his father would raise his hand, even if it was to ruffle his hair affectionately, his heart would race as he flinched away. Veronica had let it carry on for your years before finally explaining to him. He didn't hate his dad for hurting him, his dad hated himself enough over it for the both of them. But trauma is a funny thing. Climbing to his feet, he wrapped his arms around himself as he walked over to door in Red's mouth, pressing down on the hand pad to reveal a very pissed Pidge "What the fuck, Lance?!" "What..." "Don't what me. Your stupid cow was down at camp this morning. If you can't look after her, you never should have brought her with you" "Is she ok?" "No she's not. She's cut her back leg on something. Allura's going to take her so Romelle can treat her wound" "I..." "Just get your act together, and stop sulking. You're not the only one hurting right now" "I get it. Sorry, Pidge" "So you should be, we don't need the stress right now. We're heading out, so try not to fall asleep" He knew Pidge wasn't a morning person, but shit. He'd made sure Kaltenecker was tethered properly. He'd even double checked she was. Now she was hurt, and it was his fault... Once again the kept their coms at they flew. With no teladuv, they'd fly for six or so vargas, land on whatever moon or planet was closest for a short "lunch" break, then fly for another 6, before making camp for the night. As usual everyone was chatting off and on around him, while Lance stared down at his Bayard. Allura has said he was meant for greatness, and he supposed idiocy counted. The world's greatest idiot. That was him "So Lance, what's the first thing you're going to go when you get home?" Lance jumped at the sound of his own name, taking a few ticks to place the voice. Keith's mum... why was she talking to him? She should be happy with Shiro and Keith... she'd practically adopted Shiro on the spot "Knowing Lance its going to be something stupid, like chatting up girls by telling them he's some big space hero" "Either that or he's going to stuff his face. I can smell the garlic knots from here" Everyone laughed, Shiro pointing out that Hunk was probably going to be the one to stuff his face. Lance's face burnt. Keith had probably told his mum just how much of hopeless flirt he was, and about all the times he'd been rejected "Ha ha, good one guys" "See, he doesn't even deny it" "Seriously man, there's more to life than girls" When he didn't reply to Matt, Pidge giggled "Awww, I think we hurt his feelings. Lance, its ok. I'm sure someone out there will like your bad jokes" "It's fine. I'm going to take a nap" "Food and sleep! What a life!" The conversation moved on from him, Lance crawling from his chair, making his way to behind it as he hid his face against his knees. He just needed to make it home. If he made it home, he'd never see any of them ever again. When that nights planet was decided, he was the first to land, turning his coms off and heading out of Red before the others had even finished powering down. Relieving himself quickly, he ignored how light headed he felt. He probably should bother to eat, but it was just so much effort. Walking back to Red, he could see the others already making camp. Shiro supported by Krolia, Keith standing beside the protectively. It was a bitter feeling. Heading back into Red, this time he actually bothered to find a ration pack, and bottle of water. If he got sick, they'd all get madder at him. Settling down in the back corner of Red, he picked at the granola like bar with disinterest, while trying to figure out how to actually contribute to the team. He didn't want to be dead weight anymore. Lance was crying softly when something wet ran up his face. His breath caught as he tried to escape the situation, only to be yipped at as something solid pressed against his chest. Wiping his face, the omega blinked, sniffling as he realised it was Keith's wolf "Did you get lost again? I'm not Keith..." He couldn't even remember the dumb dogs name, but staring right into his eyes, it lowered itself down, huffing as it did. It's two large paws firmly against his chest, so there was no way he was going anywhere. Thumping it's tail, the wolf nuzzled at his face "I'm not your human..." Lance hesitated before wrapping his arms around the beast, nuzzling its soft coat as his soft cries turned to sobs. This was the first real warmth he'd felt in quintants that hadn't come from a cow "How come you're here? Keith's gonna be mad when he realises you've been slumming it with me" Carding his fingers through the blue fur, the wolf didn't pull away, though it did stop nuzzling at his face, instead resting its face on his shoulder "Sorry. I should let you get back" When Lance's fingers loosened their grip on the fur, the wolf let out a whine, as if telling him not to let go "Do... you maybe want to stay here a little while? I was going to go to sleep" Keith must have taught the wolf "sleep" as it pulled away, before laying beside his leg "What am I going to do with you?" Sliding down his bed, Lance tentatively snaked his arm around the wolf, burying his face back again the fur as his he pulled a blanket over the pair of them, and settled down properly "I don't know if you can understand me, but thank you... all I ever do is mess up... so.. thank you" That night was he first night since his death that Lance didn't wake from a screaming nightmare. Instead he woke to Keith's wolf liking at his face, and pawing at his chest "Alright, I'm up. I'm up!" Yipping, the wolf disappeared and reappeared, playfully lowering its self before each jump "You need to go back to Keith. He'll get mad" The wolf cocked it's head, as if telling him he was stupid "I don't have much for breakfast..." The granola bar from the previous night was still beside his pillow. Pulling the wrapper off, Lance threw the bar, the wolf catching it happily "You need a name. I don't know what Keith calls you, but I'm going to call you Storm. Thanks for last night, but I'll be ok. Go back to Keith before he gets too worried" Yipping again, the wolf disappeared, this time not reappearing the cargo hold. Today's topic of conversation was Keith's missing wolf. Lance hadn't turned on his coms until after they'd left the planet, so had come in late to the conversation "She was gone all night" "She probably just found a rabbit" "Her fur was damp... Coran, didn't you say that planet was devoid of water?" "Right you are, Keith" "Which means she was off getting into trouble" "She seems happy enough" "Maybe she's been raiding the supplies?" "Don't even joke about that, Pidge" "Why don't you follow her?" "Because following a magical disappearing space wolf is just that easy" Lance didn't even realise what he'd said until it'd slipped out. Allura had been asking a simple question "Wow Lance, someone's salty" "Lance, you didn't need to be rude to Allura like that" "I'm sure Lance has his reasons" No! Why was Allura making it sound like she deserved it... "That's not what I meant..." "It's fine, Lance" "Way to bring down a mood. Wanna play "eye-spy?"" "No, you cheat" "I do not cheat! You just can't match my level of intellect!" "Oh I beg to differ, Katie" "Are you challenging me, Matt?" "I just might be" "Bring it on!" Someone groaned, but Lance didn't want to hear it. Cutting the transmission, he pulled out his Bayard, activating it. Staring at the blade, he placed it in his palm, balancing it while sighing. He'd suffered with depression for years, even before presenting, but he'd never hit a low like this. Each time he'd felt low, he'd always forced himself to carry on, but if he was leaving them all, what was the point? He'd never tried to hurt himself intentionally, outside of punching the occasional wall or door, but maybe that's what he needed. Inside Red, he was safe. His emotions numbed to some degree by their mental link. Maybe that was why he was feeling so disconnected? He just wanted to feel something other than depressed, and pain... that wasn't sadness. With his shirt hiked up, and his pants unbuttoned, Lance had his bottom teeth captured between his lip as he stared down at his right hip bone. He'd always been so gangly. Too tall to be an attractive omega, and his curves were barely existent. Pressing his blade to his hip, he hissed as he nicked the skin, and drop of blood rushed to form. Shit... he'd actually... he didn't want to do this... yanking the blade back, the tip caught on his hip bone, cutting through his skin for a good inch and a half before he even realised what he'd done. He'd never been great with a blade, but now he'd panicked uselessly and done the very thing he'd decided not to. Blood poured from the wound while Lance cursed himself. Pressing his hand firmly to the site, he forced himself up, gritting his teeth as he stumbled into the cargo hold. Leaving bloody hand prints across his supplies, he finally found his first aid kit. Who the quiznak thought letting him a blade was a good idea? It took him nearly half a varga to dress the stupid wound because the bleeding didn't want to stop, and then his pants rubbed against the gauze, making him yelp each time he tried to move. The others would love this. He'd hit the bottom, tried to hurt himself, scared himself out of it... only for him to hurt himself and get blood all over the place.
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sp4c3-0ddity · 7 years
Can you do a plance fanfic, high school au where cliche prom happens and the squad goes (with shallura, Hunk/Shay and loner Keith please XD) and Lance notices that Pidge isn't there, he finds her at a smoothie place and hangs out with her, missing the biggest night of the year for her ;v; please
eh probably not exactly what you had in mind, but it’s something. ~1400 words. hope it was worth the wait!!
Lance’s stomach growled as he steppedinto the bright lights just outside Kaltenecker’s Creamy Treats. He rested hishand on his abdomen and glanced longingly up at the neon green sign, bemoaninghis utter lack of cash. He’d spent all the money he had on him earlier in theevening, when he and his friends went out for food before the dance.
Lance was about to resolve himself to ahungry evening of wandering around town while wearing a tuxedo, about to step past the smoothie shop’scheery exterior, when he caught sight of a familiar figure at a table by thewindow.
Pidge sat with her back to the window,a pair of green headphones snuggled over her ears. Her backpack was open besideher chair, and she stared intently at her laptop screen. As Lance watched, shereached for a paper cup at her elbow and brought it to her face.
And, perhaps strangest of all, thething that really grabbed Lance’s attention,was that she was sitting in Kaltenecker’s Creamy Treats watching a video whilewearing a floor-length green-and-silver gown.
Lance crossed his arms and narrowed hiseyes suspiciously; when he’d asked a month ago if she wanted to go to prom,she’d said no. Yet here she was,dressed to the nines in a setting that’s only dress code was no shoes, no shirt, no service.
He knocked on the glass window,determined to get to the bottom of this.
Pidge didn’t react…because she woreheadphones.
Lance tilted his head back, resigned,and marched into the shop, a bright and cheerful song greeting his ears, and makinga beeline for Pidge’s table. He dragged a chair from a neighboring one andplopped into it backwards.
Pidge smiled at something on herscreen, and Lance raised his eyebrows, waiting, waiting, waiting…
Her eyes flitted up to his face brieflybefore drifting back down, but then they shot back up and widened. “Lance?” Pidge pressed a key on hercomputer and slid her headphones down to sit around her neck. “What are youdoing here?”
Lance crossed his arms and rested themon the back of his chair. “Missed me?”
“Not really, no,” she said. She tappedher fingers on the table, gaze drifting to take in his appearance, and said, “Ithought you went to prom.”
“I thought you didn’t,” Lance retorted.
“I didn’t,” Pidge said, toying with astrand of styled hair. And now that Lance saw her face, he could see she wore atouch of makeup too, a hint of dark eyeliner and shiny lip gloss; simple butelegant, and decidedly Pidge.
“So you dressed up to buy a smoothie?”Lance inquired with a pointed smirk.
Pidge slurped at her drink, loudly and deliberately. “It’s actually amilkshake,” she said, “like you’re one to talk.” She eyed him up and down, taking in his clothes with an intensity that warmed him.
Lance tugged on his tie, loosening it. “Excuses.” He waved a dismissive handand pointed at her. “Why’d you change your mind about going to prom?”
She snorted and set her drink down. “Ididn’t; I just accepted a bribe.”
Lance squinted at her. “I don’t follow.”
Pidge shut her laptop, apparentlygiving up on finishing whatever she was watching when Lance interrupted. “Iwasn’t going to go, but then mybrother suggested I should.” She rolled her eyes. “And my mother gave me moneyto buy a ticket.”
“Didyou buy a ticket?” Lance frowned; surely he would’ve noticed if she had…
“No,” Pidge admitted. She reached intoher backpack and pulled out her wallet, flashing a few twenties at him. “Isaved it instead.”
“Sneaky,” Lance conceded with anappreciative nod, “but that doesn’t explain the dress.”
Pidge tugged on the straps securing thedress to her bare shoulders. “My mother bought it for me,” she said. “It seemedlike a waste not to wear it.” She sighed and added, “She also wanted to takepictures.”
“Did she not expect you to have a date?”
Pidge shrugged, resting her elbow onthe table and leaning forward. “I told her I didn’t want one, and she acceptedthat, surprisingly.” She smiled. “She canbe reasonable sometimes.”
“And she didn’t expect you to at least go with friends?” Lance raiseda skeptical eyebrow at her.
“I told her I was going to meet youguys there.”
Lance stared at her for a beat, thenburst into laughter. His shoulders shook with the force, and as he struggled tocatch his breath, he said, “You dragged usinto your lie too?”
Pidge rolled her eyes. “Why? Was it toomuch to hope you’d back me up?”
“What about when Allura and Hunk startposting group pictures on Instagram,huh? I know your brother follows both of them, so he’ll see.”
Pidge scowled. “He knows I skipped.”
That startled Lance into blinking ather. “Oh,” he said. “So it’s just your mother being left in the dark?”
“And I intend to keep it that way.”Pidge bit her lip and frowned at her closed laptop. “She thinks I’m not takingadvantage of my senior year, as if I’m going to regret skipping prom in tenyears. And I don’t want her to worry about me.” She crossed her arms on her computerand pillowed her chin on them. “I don’t really care for it though; it’s just astupid dance.”
Lance stared at her, taking in hersomewhat somber tone, the pains shewent to just so that her mother wouldn’t worry. He sighed and said, “You could’vegone with me.”
Pidge glanced at him. “I didn’t reallywant to go at all,” she insisted, “withmy friends or not.”
Lance rolled his eyes, pretending likehis heartbeat didn’t pick up, and said, “That’s not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I meant you could’ve gone with me.”
Pidge met his eyes, a slight furrow onher forehead as she puzzled through his words, but then her lips parted inunderstanding. She sat up, a slight flush on her cheeks, and said, “Well, youdidn’t ask.”
“What? Yes, I did!” Lance waved hisarms, heat rising to his face. “I said, hey,Pidge, do you want to go to prom? And then you said no!”
“Because you never said anything aboutgoing with you!” She sat up andgestured to him. “Besides, people go all out when asking someone to prom; it’snot like that question – and the way you phrased it – made it obvious you wereasking me like it was some kind o-of date!”
Lance rubbed his face, not a littlefrustrated – and mostly at himself. “I didn’t think you’d appreciate it if Iwent all out,” he confessed. “You don’t really seem like…into those giant gestures.”
“I’m not…really,” Pidge said, tonesofter, “but it might’ve spelled things out a bit differently.” Then sheinhaled sharply, and when Lance looked up at her again she stared at some pointpast him, eyes just a bit glassy. “Besides, you…asked someone else later.”
“I…yeah,” Lance conceded. “I didn’twant to go without a date.” He guiltily shifted in his seat; maybe there had been a better way to handle Pidge’srejection, something other than asksomeone else in a flashier way than he’d asked Pidge, who seemed a little hurt...not that he could blame her.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better,”Lance continued, drawing Pidge’s eyes back towards his face, “I did end up going without a date.”
Pidge snorted. “Oh, really? And whathappened to Nyma?”
“She…got arrested”—Lance tapped hisfingers on the table—“for stealing a car and taking it for a joyride.”
Pidge chuckled. “Oh, my God.”
“Yeah,” Lance said with a smile of hisown, “so I went without a date, got tired of fifth-wheeling, and left. And I’mstarting to think I wouldn’t have had much fun with her anyway.” He shrugged.
“You’re just saying that to makeyourself feel better,” Pidge said, her tone less harsh than her words.
Lance winced. “Maybe.”
Pidge eyed him for a long moment, thenasked, “Do you want a milkshake?”
“Uh, what?” He blinked at her insurprise; he had not been expectingthat.
Pidge pulled a twenty from her walletand passed it to him. “I’m rolling in dough at the moment thanks to mysubterfuge.” She smirked at him. “Why don’t you buy yourself something on me?”
Lance stared at the bill for aheartbeat, then grinned and took it. “Careful with your generosity, Pidge,” he said as he got to hisfeet. “I may just buy out the whole shop.”
“I trust you not to,” Pidge said, hersmile turning a little softer.
Lance saluted her andwent to order a milkshake of his own.
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rookiek13 · 6 years
If you're still doing the bingo wump :) platonic Klance with Lance apologizing right before passing out (the first option in the bingo at the left) :)
Yay! First whump for bingo! Yes, I’m still doing these. 1 Keith &Lance, with Lance apologizing before passing out.
“Keith.” Lancewhispered, “I’m scared.”
Not the kind of thing he’dusually tell his rival. He had an image to maintain. But this was anunusual circumstance, so he thought he could be forgiven.
“You’re doing okay.”Keith-not-Keith didn’t look up, one-hundred-and-thiry percent focusedon the shrapnel wound on Lance’s leg. It was ugly and painful andlooking at it once was enough for Lance.
He closed his eyes. Thenausea had become a hard pressure. Everything had gone wrong and nowhe was going to die somewhere in the void of space and he’d never getto tell his Mama he loved her, or Luis, or Veronica. He wouldn’t bethere to sample Hunk’s cooking until his friend threw him out of thekitchen, or tell Pidge lame jokes until she looked up from whateverscience-y program thing was frustrating her, or listen to Allura andCoran talk about Altea and freak out when he milked Kaltenecker.
Calm down! Keith’sgrizzled, cooler alternate-reality brother is right here! He’ll getyou patched up and into a cryopod. You’re going to be okay.
Heswallowed down the nausea and focused on breathing instead.Not-Keith’s brows were furrowed in concentration, hands deftlybandaging the wound.
“Hurryup Lance!”
Not-Keithglanced up as he moved. He gestured to his helmet.
“Notyou. My Lance.” Because of course he’d gotten into a situationwhere someone needed to make that distinction.
Alternate-realityKeith tied off the bandage and inspected his work. Like the Keith inLance’s reality, alternate reality Keith’s default setting wasbroody. Really, the only difference was maybe a couple of years and ascar on his face.
“Lan…- My Lance and the red lion are on their way. We need to get down tothe hangers for pickup. I can carry you if you don’t think you canwalk.”
Lancepushed himself up on his elbows. His limbs felt like jelly and hischest was tight.
I’ma paladin. I can do this.
“Okay.”He said and let Keith-not-Keith haul him to his feet.
Puttingone foot in front of the other was hard. He stumbled more often thannot. He blinked the sweat from his eyes. The halls all looked thesame on the galra ships… and he didn’t even know where he was tobegin with. This Keith seemed to know, at least, and there wasn’t anyinterference from galra droids. Just empty hallways and their echoedfootsteps. The anxiety dogged his steps, stole the breath from hislungs. He was shaking, but still Keith did not stop.
“Keith.”he whimpered. “Keith. I don’t…I’m… I think I’m dying.”
Keith’sgrip on his wrist tightened. “I’m gonna get you out of here. You’renot allowed to die, okay? Who’s gonna call me mullet and tell me toget my head out of my ass when I make bad decisions?”
“I…this me does that?”
“He’sthe right arm. Someone’s got to do it.”
“Oh.”was all he said. Some deity up there had slid the shader bar on hisbrain and turned the purple halls to gray. That… That was bad.
Andthen he passed out. Somewhere in the frightening darkness he heardhis name, and a lion’s roar.
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breeeliss · 7 years
Oh no, why was the season so bad in your opinion?
i mean, there were a lot of reasons, but if you want the short version a lot of this season felt very all over the place. and by that i mean a lot of what was set up in season 3 in terms of character development, character motivation, and allusions to future important plot points were pretty much abandoned during this latter half of the season in favor of focusing on the coalition and this big blow to the galra empire they dealt in the last two episodes (which, after the finale of season 2, this didn’t even compare). 
i’m probably gonna go episode by episode for this because there’s just so much that bothered me so if you want to read the rest of it just peek under the cut
tl;dr: this was by far the weakest season 
episode 1so admittedly the blade of marmora stuff was just aesthetically cool. i got really excited when it was keith on one of those missions. the get up looks great on him and he just does so well with their fighting style. seeing the brief fighting moments with him and how BOM functions in general was really cool and i liked that bit. 
the only problem is that it came out of nowhere
at no point in the entirety of season 3 did keith indicate that he was thinking of going to train with the blade. we learned that because shiro told us that. and like….keith training with them isn’t a bad thing. but it certainly becomes a huge thing when he’s pulling away from the team so much that shiro had to hop into the black lion and take control of the team again. and then once shiro is finally back in the black lion, keith straight up decides to leave team voltron because he wasn’t meant to be the leader anyway. 
there’s so much about this that’s weird and it has a lot to do with the character development keith was set up with in season 3. he was a reluctant leader. this wasn’t the job he wanted but it’s the job he has to do because there’s no other choice. he’s learning to listen to his teammates. he’s becoming more comfortable leading. he’s taking shiro’s direction and using the advice of a more seasoned leader to try and improve his own leadership. he actually did a really good fucking job of it and i was excited to see that improve. …..and then it all gets shot to hell because, oh well, keith can’t lead, shiro’s back in the lion, guess it’s time for me to peace out. 
there was not enough of a look into keith’s motivations so it all felt very sudden. and it’s also at this point that the lion switching that happened before feels even more useless than before. 
why bring shiro back and have him not be able to pilot his lion if you were going to give it back to him anyway once keith left the team? why give keith a character arc to develop his leadership if you were just going to have him leave the team? why make lance go through an emotional arc where he has to put aside his ego and trust in his skills in order to pilot the red lion and become a better supportive teammate for keith if literally none of that is going to be referenced in the new season? at this point, it feels like the only reason this lion switching happened was to give allura a lion and develop allura. 
anyway, the group hug at the end was cute i guess. 
episode 2perfect. so perfect. and not just because i love pidge. the flashbacks to her brother, her search for him, that fucking heart breaking moment with her at the rebel cemetery, their reunion, them fighting together, all of it was perfect. best episode in the season. no complaints. 
episode 3so, positives out the way first. the kaltenecker scene is still genius. pidge showing matt around the castle was precious. not super warmed up to matt yet but i like the relationship that he has with pidge and i love how much happier pidge is now that he’s here. that’s wonderful. 
zarkon is darth vader now i guess. also his return was the single most anti-climactic part of this season. i literally almost forgot he came back as i was typing this. he seems to be obsessed with finding lotor while his wife fucking does everything as usual. 
this episode was pretty tame although it starts to show why i’m annoyed with lotor this season. beforehand having his motivations and intentions kept secret was cool. he seemed to be going against his father’s methods while also trying to act in the interest of the empire – like a “i’m going to do this my way” kinda guy. that’s starting to fall apart this season in a way that’s not mysterious or appealing but in a way that’s just flat out confusing. 
he has so many different plans doing on. the trans reality comet to make those ships. trying to go through the rift. and later on in the season, actually trying to help the voltron coalition for reasons we’re not totally clued in on yet (but more on that later). i don’t know what lotor wants. i don’t know what’s driving him. i don’t know what he’s after. i don’t know why he hates his father so much. i don’t know……literally anything about him. and it’s been a whole season. i know what he’s doing, but i don’t know why and it’s making him a very confusing character. 
also….his generals ditched him very quickly. killing narti i actually kind of liked (even though, fuck, i liked her) since it seems he values his personal goals more than his generals. and based on how much his generals practically worshipped him before (especially acxa) i would’ve though they’d take that as a warning. except, the minute lotor became a fugitive they totally abandoned ship bc they wanted to save their own skins. that’s a…..huge 360. and of course lotor escapes anyway so their fates are in limbo and for now they’re not in the story anymore. that whole thing just seemed rushed and like it should’ve taken more episodes to accomplish. 
episode 4hated it. i can’t believe i sat through it. ignoring the fact that hunk got demoted down to fart jokes (except let’s not ignore that fact because what the fuck) it was a useless episode. the coalition stuff in general was an interesting detail to place in the first episode but after that it seemed heavy handed. to devote an entire comic relief episode to a heavy handed process of putting on performances to gain coalition support seemed really useless. it also didn’t help that….we didn’t see….anyone really join. we’re told they are. but there was no emotional speech. no shots of people signing up. like it was stripped of all emotionality and therefore became annoying. it was campy and childish and honestly really fucking annoying. 
episode 5 +6just gonna add these together since it’s essentially a two parter. 
matt’s role sort of really delved into the background in a way that i didn’t like. he’s kinda just there now – could’ve been easily replaced with literally any random rebel officer. i expected him to be a captain and i expected him to run shit. instead he spent days of his life just listening to radio frequencies and he answers to this mysterious captain of the resistance (olia? who are you? what’s your deal? we’re not told? okay cool?) and that’s p much it. sorta expected him to play a bigger role in things but whatever. 
it was a cool couple of episodes but so much of it was fighting. what made the end of season 2 so amazing was the emotional aspects of it brought in. the BOM agent sacrificing himself. the fight with zarkon where the stakes were incredibly high. voltron almost dying. shiro talking everyone up. everyone literally willing to die to take zarkon down. it was done really really well. 
this time for some reason the big “oh my god we might die” moment didn’t feel as dire. and i think it’s because everyone was so fucking calm with the reality that they were going to freaking die. there was no emotional impact in this part of the episode at all and it’s what makes these sorts of fights cool. when things get bad, that’s the time when we need to see people’s emotions and honestly the end of this season felt so effing stale. about the only really great part was the allura and lance bit at the end of the episode. and even though it kinda came totally out of left field, it somewhat saved what was an otherwise bland final battle. i mean come on they were on a fucking bomb that was going to blow up five solar systems you’re telling me they were just cool as a cucumber about that? bullshit. 
keith gave me a heart attack for half a second i’ll admit, although the power of his almost-sacrifice was lost because he was fucking gone this whole time. now had he done that as the black paladin/leader of voltron, hell yeah i would’ve started crying. instead i was anticipating his death and planning to be fucking livid about it later. but hey! no problem! because lotor came and saved the day. and…..is trying to cozy up to the coalition. 
which is the single most random thing that happened this entire season. it makes no sense. why is this happening? i know we’re not meant to know and i know he probably has his own plans as to why he’s doing this, but again. because his motivations are completely shrouded, lotor helping keith isn’t interesting. it’s just confusing. he’s a black sheep that just runs on his own agenda and we don’t know why and we don’t know what that agenda is. so that episode ended and i was just really really perplexed. 
final thoughts: all the interesting character arc set up from season 3 was scrapped, any further character development was also sidelines this season, idk what the fuck lotor is doing and it’s annoying now, why is zarkon back he’s literally so useless now, fuck the coalition i don’t care about it give me exposition instead, and i want keith back on team voltron….
i’m……..going to rewatch season 3 and pretend none of this ever happened. 
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mariaashby64 · 7 years
Random Review (2)
Voltron season 4 review.
Overall this season was somewhat darker while still enjoyable, and it had many thoroughly hilarious moments. The visuals were amazing and the plant designs still managed to awe me. Fighting and the choreography of the battles were stunning and well planned. We also get some good moments from all the characters, some more than others of course.
Like my last review I will be covering:
Graphics and sound
Any extra points
And that’s about it for the spoiler free overview. I will be getting into the good stuff below.
 It’s an, interesting carry on from Season three. It kinda felt like some of the stuff we were working towards in season 3 got discarded this season. Example, last season we saw Keith struggle with becoming the leader but this season he backs out and Shiro can now piolet the black lion. However I thought the coalition plotline worked really well and had a good payoff in the finale. I perhaps would have liked to of seen more of the alien races and how they would have fought in that battle.
Episode 2 was fantastic, though it could have perhaps been shuffled around with the other episodes because matt didn’t seem to show up in episode 4. Either way it wouldn’t have changed the narrative because ep 2 is pretty self-contained.
I know we had a short screen time budget but I didn’t feel as rushed this season. Plenty happened in each episode and they stuck pretty straight to the main narrative whilst providing some good side moments. The only noticeable things that were cut out were: 1, The Blade of Mamora mission. I know Keith went out on his own mission but we never got any updates or anything from their point of view. I can understand this decision but it just means we don’t get to see Keith or how his time away from the paladins affected him. At the same time it does put us more into the other paladin’s shoes as they don’t know what’s going on with him. 2nd, We didn’t see much of Lotor and his plans but I would also put that down to the writers keeping Lotor’s motives in the dark. So it works in their favour.
But overall the writing was good and I am interested for the next season.
I didn’t see this and anyone’s particular season but there were defiantly some highlights.
Pidge: Starting with Pidge because she is my fave. She has been working her butt off to find her brother and I’m so glad she finally did. I love her relationship with Matt and how they are both science nerds. (can relate). Also the scene where she gets mocked at school for being smart draws on similar feeling from me so it was a case of making my favourite character even more relatable. I love how her alias was actually the nickname her brother gave her. I didn’t know that before and it’s adorable. Her action scenes were great, and she makes a really good team with Matt whether it be in the science or combat department.
Matt: I was very interested to see how he would integrate with the team. Especially after Keith left. (My sister made a comment of, the reason they got rid of Keith was so Matt could replace him.) I thought episode 3 did a good job with that. I loved how Pidge, Matt and Hunk are now the nerd trio and that Matt gets to ride tandem with Pidge in the green lion. And how could I forget that Matt also fell head over heels for Allura,that was hilarious. But anyway from what I saw in the last episodes I think Matt will be hanging out with the rebels when he isn’t with the team.
Lance: Seems to be back to his usual self. I think the show business gave him a boost in confidence. Although he doesn’t flirt with Allura it’s funny to see that he still doesn’t want any other man with her. His speech to Allura in ep 6 was touching and really showcased why the blue lion picked him in the first place. It added to the side of him we saw in season 3. His ability to act as the heart of the team.
Shiro: Shiro comes back and the first thing we see him do is argue with Keith. But anyway it was nice to see him back in action. Whatever the writers had instore for him we didn’t get to see. Though I suspect it may come up in the future.
Allura: She fits nicely into her role and it was cool to bring up her quintessence abilities again. And she is still absolutely badass at fighting.
Keith: Yeah, I’ll admit I’m a sucker for Keith in his Mamora outfit. I can only hope our emo boy is able to re-join the team next season, he’s still one of my favourites. Despite being gone for half the season we still get a character arc from him. In the first episode we see him struggling to come to terms with the Mamora principal that the mission is more important than the individual. Then at the end Keith realises that sacrifices will have to be made in order to save the day. And that he is even willing to sacrifice himself for the effort. I mean kudos to the writers for putting that arc in there.
Hunk: My poor boy. Sidelined again. I really did like it though when Matt acknowledged Hunk’s work in the science department. I would like to see more of that trio nerding out in the future. I thought perhaps, when Hunk was made fun of in the coalition performances, that there might be a payoff where Hunk saves the day, but that didn’t really happen. But we did have that moment in ep 7 where he works out the planet is a bomb. So he does come through in small moments but it would be nice to see more episodes displaying his skill, like the first 2 seasons.
Coran: It was actually interesting to see Coran take a serious episode. It really showed another side of him that we don’t see. A less confident guy that only wanted the best for his team. However the episode still managed to be hilarious.
Lotor: Like I said earlier, we didn’t see too much of him but I think it works well with the end of the season. We don’t really know what Lotor is planning and we don’t know how Lotor will use Voltron to his advantage. We know Lotor has been exiled before and I hope we can get some good backstory next season. Also I don’t trust him, I think he will side with Voltron until he gets what he wants then break away. It quite interesting having him as a third party.
Lotor’s generals: Narti did not deserve this! But I did think her death did create and interesting dynamic in the group. Zethrid and Ezor feared for their own lives while Axca still tried to remain loyal. When Lotor’s plan failed that was the tipping point. I also noticed Azca said there was one last option for them to go, I assumed they were going to Voltron but it was Lotor who got there first. It makes me question whether she had the same plan or is talking about another party. (I wouldn’t be surprised if they turned up at the Blade of Mamora)  Last of all we didn’t get to see any hand to hand combat from these girls. And that’s a shame but I guess the screen time budget couldn’t allow it.
Boy we got the whole plate. Whether it be feeling sad, laughing at jokes, confused in shock or rallied in a powerful moment. The Voltron team did a good job in bringing out the emotion. A lot of this comes from the creator’s ability to make an atmosphere. Music and visuals played a big part. (Plus the voice acting, Bex how dare you make me cry). What scenes affected you the most probably depended which characters you cared about more.
Episode 2 was a great one for me. The Part where Pidge found Matt’s “grave” was gut wrenching even though I knew he couldn’t be dead. But it still made me get caught up in the moment. The only thing that ruined it was the overused trope of “someone died/it’s a funeral so it’s raining” cliché. It kinda dragged me out of the scene, but it was still great.
There are plenty of other scenes I enjoyed. There were heaps of moments where I laughed. Voltron likes to take the viewer on a bit of an emotional roller coaster and it works pretty well for me.
Holly flip! Where is this improvement coming from? Like man, I thought the last season look amazing but this one took it up again. The planet had awesome designs and the space background had me awed. I always love the environments they created. Multiple times I found myself caught out just admiring how good the graphics were.
There were also some examples of animation we don’t usually see, especially in episode 3. Though I did find it strange the absolute absurdity of it just made the scene even more hilarious.
Fight scenes were great, whether they were in the lions or hand to hand, they still looked amazing to watch.
Music was also another thing I noticed. It was done really well and added nicely to certain scenes. They were also probably good enough to listen to on its own.
 Extra points:
This season had a very military feel to it. The tactics of the coalition were cool and the final fight was awesome. Death seemed like a much more real threat this season. And there were plenty of moments that carried a lot more weight.
I’m also glad the Kaltenecker was included in this season after disappearing in the last one. 
Just like the first 2 seasons the writers have once again ended on a cliff-hanger and I will be excited for the next season.
Thanks for reading to the end. I’ve decided this will be a bit of a thing now, writing reviews (when I can). If you don’t agree with everything I’ve said then that’s fine, you don’t have too. This is my own opinion after all.
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Singularity: Chapter 11
AU where instead of landing in the trash nebula, Pidge finds herself on the same planet as a certain Galra prison camp.
(Holt family reunion fic; no romantic relationships)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Read it on Ao3
Read it on FFN
Chapter 11: Isometric
An epilogue of sorts Also a chapter told entirely in Matt’s POV cuz I love him
The liberation of Vallen was over before the castle even landed. And while Shiro and the princess—Allura, Katie said her name was?—spoke with the prisoners there, Matt and his father had been pressured into the infirmary. Katie had gone on about what she called a ‘healing pod’, insisting that they both needed to spend time in one. After weak protests, Katie had won, and the strange mustached man had helped each of them into a white bodysuit.
The last thing Matt saw before succumbing to the cold and to the sleep was Katie’s face, smiling happier than he’d seen her in ages. “I’ll be right here when you wake up,” she’d told them. “I promise.”
Then his eyes had closed.
Hours later, the cold air receded and he woke up as the pod opened.
The room was dark and still. Faint mechanical hums stood out in the quiet, and the only light came from the pale blue glow of the healing pods. Next to his own, his father rested peacefully.
He stumbled, disoriented, taking in the room around him.
Katie lay curled up on the floor. She wasn’t in her armor, instead wearing a baggy green-and-white shirt and a pair of gray cargo shorts. A laptop lay beside her, long since powered down, and one of her hands rested lightly on the keyboard.
Matt smiled, sitting down beside her. “Hey there, sis,” he murmured. He pushed the laptop away, closing it firmly. He took her hand in his, drinking in how peaceful she looked.
Safe. He reveled in the fact. We’re safe. She’s actually here.
“You’re awake.”
Matt looked up, glancing towards the doorway. A figure stood there—a teenage boy. He was wearing all black, and his dark hair hung loosely around his face. In his hands he carried a pillow and a large blanket.
Matt tried to remember his name, but he’d never seen any of the other paladins out of their armor. “Hi.”
“We weren’t expecting you to wake up yet,” the paladin (was this the red one?) continued, walking over. “Estimates said you still had a few more hours.” He knelt beside Katie, setting down the blanket. “She’ll be sorry she missed you.”
Matt relaxed, smiling. “I’ll still be here when she wakes up,” he murmured.
“She tends to do this a lot,” the paladin told him. “She’ll stay awake for as long as she can…and then she’ll just crash and fall asleep wherever she happens to be.” He gently lifted her head, slipping the pillow beneath. “We’ve all sorta gotten into the habit of finding wherever she’s passed out and then carrying her back to her room. But tonight…I thought she’d rather stay here with you.” He shook out the blanket, spreading out over Katie. He paused, glancing at Matt suddenly. “Do you, uh, do you want me to get you another blanket or something…?”
Matt laughed. “Thank you, but I’m okay.”
The paladin only nodded, seemly unsure of what to say next. “I, uh….”
“I’m sorry,” Matt said, shaking his head. “I don’t think we were properly introduced.” He held out his hand to the paladin. “I’m Matt. Matt Holt.”
“Keith Kogane,” he replied, shaking Matt’s hand.
Matt paused, furrowing his eyebrows. “Wait…Shiro’s little brother?”
Keith froze. “I…brother?”
“Yeah; you were at the Garrison, weren’t you?” Seeing Keith’s wide-eyed and flustered look, Matt nearly laughed. “Dude, he practically adopted you. So you may not be related by blood. Whatever. You’re still brothers.”
“No, no, I get that,” Keith hastened to assure him. “I just…didn’t realize he talked about me.”
Matt laughed. “Shiro and I were roommates, back at the Garrison,” he said with a smile. “He’s my best friend. Of course he told me about you.”
They settled into comfortable silence, sitting on either side of Katie, watching the stars go by through the window. Katie shifted in her sleep, burying herself deeper into her pillow, mumbling something about peanut butter and someone called Kaltenecker.
Matt chuckled, watching her fondly. “I’m glad she’s getting some rest.”
“Yeah, I think you can speak for all of us there,” Keith muttered. “She hasn’t really been sleeping well lately.”
Matt furrowed his brow. “Is…she okay?”
Keith exhaled, long and slow. “She’ll be fine,” he said eventually. “It’s just been rough, these past few weeks.” Matt was silent, and Keith took that as a signal to keep going. “She just wasn’t in the best place when we found her,” he continued. “She told us about what happened. We headed straight there…but you were already gone. After that, well, she was angry. At the Galra. At Zarkon. But mostly, I think, at herself.”
“Thank you for being there for her.”
Keith seemed a bit taken aback for a moment, but he quickly relaxed. “Of course. She…really means a lot to me.” He pulled his legs up against his chest, resting his chin on his knees. “I never really had much of a family back on Earth,” he confessed. “Team Voltron is about as close to family as I’ve got.”
Matt quirked a lopsided grin. “Well, any family of Katie’s is family of mine. So, in that case, welcome to the family.”
Keith let out a laugh, but he seemed a bit tense, uneasy about something.
Matt’s smile faded, and he looked at him curiously. “Can I ask you something?”
Keith looked at him askance. “Yeah, go ahead.”
“Back on the ship, with Reggar,” Matt started, “Katie…she called you Galra.” Keith froze. “But you don’t look Galra,” Matt continued. “And you’re from Earth. Right?”
Keith sighed. “I don’t even know the full story, to be honest,” he said. “But to answer your question…yes. I’m part Galra. I don’t know how much, but….” He cast his gaze downwards. “I only found out recently. I’m still coming to terms with it myself.” He seemed to be bracing himself for the worst, closing his eyes, hugging himself. “If…if that makes you uncomfortable, I understand,” he whispered.
Matt’s eyes widened and he shook his head quickly. “No! No way.” Keith looked up at him in shock, and Matt cautiously reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. “Dude. You saved my life. You saved my baby sister’s life. I trust you.”
Keith melted. The look in his eyes was filled with such surprise, such compassion, such adoration. Then he smiled.
Well, Matt thought wryly. I guess I’ve got a brother now. But he found he didn’t mind the thought. Welcomed it, really.
Between them, Katie shifted again. “Would you nerds just cut it out already and go to sleep?”
Keith snorted, and Matt struggled to hold back his own laughter. “Sorry, Katie.” He glanced over at Keith. “You wanna just, like, crash here for the night?”
“In…the infirmary?”
Matt was already lying down, yawning. “Mm. Always liked slumber parties.”
Keith laughed. “I’ll go get some more blankets.”
The rest of the team had come to join them within the next few hours. Hunk had procured what tasted like the alien equivalent of hot chocolate, and Lance accused them of having a slumber party without them; but the two of them joined Matt, Keith, and Katie in their impromptu blanket fort, passing out mugs of the hot cocoa. Shiro had come into the infirmary not too much later, and, at the insistence of Matt and Katie, had sat down to join them. When Allura and Coran had entered, it was to the sight of their five paladins along with Matt all swaddled in blankets and contently drinking hot chocolate. “It’s a very important and common Earth ritual for unwinding after stressful events,” Katie told them, to which the rest of them dutifully nodded. And when Sam woke up, they had another blanket and steaming mug waiting for him.
Both Matt and his sister wrapped their arms around him, and the three of them embraced. “Hi, Dad,” Katie squeaked through her tears.
“Oh my little girl,” he whispered. “Katie, darling, I am so proud of you.”
As he pulled away from the hug, his eyes fell on Shiro, standing nearby with a soft smile. Shiro reached out to shake his hand. “It’s good to see you, Commander.”
Sam chuckled, completely forgoing the handshake to instead pull him into a hug. “How many times do I have to tell you this, Shiro? Please. Call me Sam.”
Shiro let out a laugh, reciprocating the hug. “Yes, sir.”
“Come on, I need to introduce you to everyone!” Katie bubbled, taking her father by the arm. “You met Lance and Keith earlier,” she said, gesturing to the group of boys, “and this is Hunk—”
“Doctor Holt, it is such an honor to finally meet you,” Hunk gushed, shaking his hand enthusiastically. “I’ve read all your books. Going Beyond Terrestrial Engineering is what inspired me to enroll at the Garrison.”
Sam laughed good-naturedly. “I’m glad to hear that!”
Katie’s eyes were comically wide, and she had both her hands pressed to her mouth, doing nothing to smother the massive smile on her face. “Hunk!!” she squealed. “You didn’t tell me you were a fan!!!”
Hunk’s flushed, his expression morphing into one of embarrassment. “I—”
“Dude,” Lance interjected. “I had a poster of Shiro on my wall. No one’s gonna judge you.”
Matt nearly choked on his drink. “You what?”
“Alright,” Shiro said firmly. “Enough of that.”
Sam laughed again. “It’s good to meet all of you,” he said. “Hunk, I would love to speak with you further on your studies.”
Hunk’s eyes were sparkling. “I—yes, wow, thank you!”
Sam turned towards the other two in the room, the Alteans, and he held out a hand to them. “And you must be Allura and Coran?”
Allura was wiping at her eyes, trying to compose herself. She clasped his hand firmly. “Welcome aboard the Castle of Lions,” she said. “We are all very happy to have you here with us.”
“Absolutely,” Coran agreed. “Number Five has told us a lot about you. And it’s always exciting meeting new humans!”
Out of nowhere, Katie’s eyes widened, and she gasped. “Oh my god, Matt, I almost forgot! I’ll be right back.” Without another word, she took off.
When she returned a couple minutes later, she was carefully cradling something in her hands. “Um, these are yours,” she told Matt, holding out her hands towards him. “I’ve been holding onto them for you.”
He glanced down, surprised. “My glasses?”
She nodded, almost sheepishly. “They were part of my disguise when I was sneaking into the Garrison,” she confessed, “and so I sorta brought them out here with me. For when we found you.”
He took the glasses almost reverently. “Katie, I—” His voice cracked. “Thank you.”
“Oh, hey,” Lance said suddenly. “That actually reminds me. Pidge?”
Katie turned towards him. “Yeah?”
“I know I’ve asked this before,” he began, “and you said Pidge was fine…but do you want us to start calling you Katie? Now that, you know, they’re here?”
She paused, then smiled. “I like being Pidge,” she told him. “I’ve gotten pretty used to it.”
Matt frowned, taking that it. He glanced at her curiously. “Do…do you want us to call you Pidge too?”
For a moment, she seemed taken aback. “I—I don’t know,” she fretted. “I mean. You can call me whatever? I guess? Either is fine. Katie’s fine. I mean, I haven’t been Katie in so long, it’s kinda nice, ya know? But I don’t want anyone to get confused or anything. And you don’t have to go out of your way to try to use a different name if you don’t really want to—”
Sam put a hand on her back, and she paused in her rambling. “Alright,” he said gently. “Katie. Pidge. You’re fine.”
She breathed deeply, relaxing into his touch. “Thanks, Dad.”
“While this has been a nice respite,” the princess said, “we really must get focused back on the main plan here.”
“The princess is right,” Shiro agreed. “We have a lot of work to do.”
Lance sighed. “Yes, sir, Space Dad.”
Matt frowned. “Right away?”
“That’s the life of a Voltron paladin,” his sister said with a shrug. “We do not get a break.”
“There is still some time before we reach our next position,” Coran said. “We need to get the  castle to a point about equidistant from Olkarion, the Balmera, Beta Traz, the weblum…. It will take a bit for us to get there.”
Shiro furrowed his brow. “Can’t we do a wormhole jump?”
“Ah, we could,” Coran replied. “But it’d be best for Allura to save her energy. We’ll need that for later.”
“So what I’m getting here,” Hunk said slowly, “is that we do get a break?”
Allura sighed. “For a little while longer, I suppose. But please, be ready to go once the castle is in position.”
Lance was grinning, nearly bouncing up and down on his toes. “You got it, Allura! Alright, I wanna try to figure out that Altean pool. I’ll catch you guys later!” Before anyone could say anything, he took off.
“In the meantime,” Allura continued, glancing towards Matt and his father. “We should get the two of you a change of clothing. And would you like a tour of the castle?”
It was later when Matt went looking for his sister. He wandered the castle aimlessly, remembering what he could from the tour Allura had given them. Afterwards, she and Coran had headed to the bridge; the rest of the team had splintered off throughout the tour, mentioning other preparations they needed to do before they went on for their next mission.
When there was no answer at the door to Katie’s—Pidge’s—room, he frowned. This was correct, wasn’t it? He double-checked, seeing the telltale green light on the panel by the door, and nodded to himself. Yes, this was her room. So where was she?
He wandered a bit further down the hall, knocking on the next door he saw. A “Come in!” came from inside, and so Matt slid the door open. Lance turned to face him, pulling his shirt on. “Oh, hey, man.”
“Have you seen my sister?”
Lance frowned. “Did you try her room?”
“She wasn’t there.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Huh.” He left the room, coming to stand beside Matt in the hallway, clapping him on the shoulder. “Alright, she shouldn’t be too hard to find. Then again, knowing her, she could be asleep in a vent or something.”
He started wandering down the hall, and Matt paused, staring after him. “She what?”
“She falls asleep in the weirdest places,” Lance called, not even bothering to turn around. “If I find her, I’ll tell her you’re looking for her.”
Matt sighed. “Thanks.” He turned, heading in the other direction. After a while, he found himself back in another section of the castle he recognized. Wasn’t this near where he’d woken up? Yes, he was pretty sure that the cryo-pod chamber was that door at the end of the hall—
There were voices coming from one of the open doors ahead.
“We’ll need to take off your shirt so I can take care of this properly. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. I’ve got my binder on.”
He paused. Wasn’t that her voice? And…Keith? Matt poked his head through the doorway to check it out.
Pidge sat on what looked like an examination table from the doctor’s office. Her green-and-white shirt was lying beside her, leaving her in a strapless top of some kind––a chest binder, she’d said?
Keith was perched next to her, holding her arm in one hand and some kind of jar in the other. He was gently spreading a layer of salve over her left shoulder. “You shouldn’t have kept this to yourself.”
“It’s fine,” she insisted. “Barely feel it.”
Keith’s hand rubbed a bit closer to the red mark on her shoulder, and she flinched. He stilled, glancing at her and raising an eyebrow. “You sure about that?”
“Shut up.”
He sighed, setting down the jar of healing salve and picking up a roll of bandages.
In the doorway, Matt stood watching in shock. “What happened?”
Pidge turned to him in surprise. “Matt!”
“Are you okay?!”
She let out a groan. “I’m fine!”
Keith rolled his eyes. “Keep telling yourself that,” he muttered. He held up the bandages. “Now hold still.”
She kept her eyes downcast as Keith carefully wrapped the bandages around her shoulder, stubbornly refusing to meet the frantic eyes of her brother.
“Katie,” he pleaded.
She broke.
“It’s nothing to worry about,” she insisted quietly. “I don’t need a healing pod or anything. I had my armor on. And even then, it just grazed me.” She glared at her clenched hands. “Stupid Galra and their stupid laser guns.”
Matt sighed.
“Alright,” Keith announced as he finished. “We’ll need to replace the bandages periodically. Find me tomorrow morning and we can take care of that.”
She nodded, rotating her shoulder experimentally. “Thanks, Keith.”
He just smiled and ruffled her hair. “Next time, maybe tell someone when you get shot,” he admonished, standing up.
“Yeah, yeah, responsibility and stuff.”
He sighed, shaking his head. He clapped Matt on the shoulder on his way out. “Don’t let her over-exert herself,” he instructed Matt as he headed into the hall.
“I heard that!” Pidge called.
He wandered off, leaving Matt and his sister alone.
Pidge tugged her shirt back on sullenly, wincing a bit as she flexed her shoulder.
Matt was silent for a minute. When he finally spoke, he simply stated, “You got shot.”
She sighed. “I really am fine,” she assured him. “It’s nothing major.”
“Nothing major?” Matt repeated, flabbergasted. “It—you—,” he sputtered. “Katie!”
Pidge smiled wryly. “You know, that’s the same thing Lance said when I got back to the castle and he found out I’d fractured a rib.”
She winced. “Sorry. But that’s all taken care of. See? I’m all better now.”
“Except for the burn on your shoulder.”
She closed her eyes in defeat. “Yeah. ‘Cept for that.”
“Why didn’t you mention something earlier?” he asked, sitting down next to her.
“I didn’t want to worry you.”
“Katie, I’m your brother. It’s my job to worry about you.”
“That’s just the thing!” she exclaimed. She paused, exhaling heavily. “When I left Serva, it was only a few hours before they all picked me up,” she murmured. “I managed to get a strong enough signal out and they found me pretty much right away. And after I told them all what happened….” She broke off. She pulled up her legs and hugged them to her chest, resting her chin on her knees. “By the time we got back to Serva, you were already gone,” she murmured. “And we didn’t know where you were, or how to find you. We didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to do.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “And it’s like everyone was trying to fill that hole. For days. They were just…always there. Asking if I was okay, if I needed anything, if I wanted company.” Her voice was rising in pitch, frantic. “And…on the one hand, it’s really nice. To know that they care about me like that. I mean, we’re a team, and we’re supposed to support each other. But it kinda goes deeper than that too.” She rested her forehead on her knees, burying her face. “But on the other hand…it’s suffocating.” She paused to take a breath, and sighed. “What I’m getting at here, is that I’m not fragile. I’m not gonna break. I can take care of myself.”
“I know.”
“I mean, Shiro was always like an overprotective mom. But the rest of them? Since when does Keith have feelings?!”
Matt laughed, thinking back on his conversation with the Red Paladin the night before. “Yeah, well, that’s what it’s like when your family gets hurt. And you told me yourself: they’re like family.”
“Yeah,” she whispered. “I guess so.”
They fell into silence.
“So…,” Matt mused. “Shiro mentioned you have another mission coming up.”
“Yep.” She made a popping sound with the ‘p’. “Beta Traz.”
“What’s that exactly?”
“High security space prison. Built specifically to contain one prisoner. We need to break in there and get him out.”
He nudged her playfully. “Is that all you guys do? Prison breaks?”
She huffed. “Feels like it sometimes,” she told him. “Jailbreaks and liberating planets.”
He paused, thinking. She was fourteen. And already, she was facing things that no one should ever have to. She was a child soldier conscripted into an intergalactic war that had been raging for thousands of years.
“So you’re going into combat,” he said softly. “Are you sure you’re gonna be okay? I mean. With your injured shoulder?”
“I’ll be fine,” she promised him. “Lance and Shiro will be there.”
That’s another thing—the rest of the paladins weren’t too much older than her. Shiro was really the only adult. How old were the other three? Seventeen?
Pidge was watching him curiously, and after a moment, she reached out to take him by the hands. “Hey, Matt? I know that the stuff I do can get scary,” she murmured. “It gets dangerous. I’ve…I’ve had a lot of close calls. But also, at the same time, this is the most incredible experience I’ve ever had.” She sighed. “I know you’re always gonna worry about me. Cuz we’re family. But just keep in mind,” she instructed, a smile starting to tug at the corner of her lips. “I’m gonna do some insane stuff and you’re probably gonna freak out. But just know that I’ve already done a whole lot of insane dangerous stuff; I know what I’m doing.”
“That’s really not making me feel any better.”
She laughed, and the tension started to ease.
“The thing is,” she added after a moment, her smile falling. “Things are gonna get real crazy, real fast. I mean, we’ve got Beta Traz to deal with now. But it’s only gonna get crazier after that.”
His brow furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“We have…a very extensive plan. Beta Traz is only one step.”
“So what happens next?”
She took a deep breath, looking him in the eye. “We find Zarkon,” she said. “And we take him out.”
Many thanks to all my readers for coming along on this crazy adventure!!!
And a HUGE Thank You to my wonderful beta @kabber​!!! Seifert, my dear, I don’t know what I’d do without you. Love you!! Thanks for putting up with me and my constant rambles.
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tunasama13 · 5 years
Chronicles of Space Oreo (aka our leader was de-aged and was made half cat) PART 1
The battle had gone, almost perfectly, or so Keith thought, it wasn’t until everyone heard a loud metallic squeal on Shiro’s end, and then, Voltron seperated.
Keith was seriously regretting checking on his friend, especially considering that he couldn’t lift him if he was injured. But as soon as he got in the lion. He realized Shiro was nowhere to be seen in the pilot’s seat. Keith started to hyperventilate, ‘Oh no, oh no, he isn’t anywhere! I-i failed-‘ His thoughts are cut off by the softest of... mewls? He looks farther down the pilot’s seat, there is a tiny little rascal in that chair! Upon closer inspection, he can see it’s actually Shiro! He has the same hair and eye color, but he has larger eyes than usual, he still has his scar, which makes it kind of sad. The size of his best friend was the main thing he focused on, he was the size of a 9 month old kitten, or the size of one of Pidge’s garbage fluffs turned vertically. “Okay little guy, i’m going to have to have the others get you back to the Castle...” Keith says softly, registering the way the cat-baby-thing purred at the familiar sound of his voice. Keith lifted him into his arms and discovered he was VERY light, the exception of the armor that made him a tad bit heavier. “Guys, something happened to Shiro, Hunk, i’m gonna need you to push Black back to the Castle.” Keith says gently, as not to startle Shiro the little gremlin even more. “Keith! What happened? Is he okay?!” Allura yelled over comms, this time, Gremlin-Shiro flinched and made a loud, terrified noise. “LDJSHSG-SHHHHHH!” Keith fumbles over the comms, holding Shiro a little tighter. They suddenly felt a shift in the ground below them, Yellow was moving her sister, whom was unconscious below them.
As soon as Black and Yellow (hehe) got back to the Castle, Keith runs to the rooms Allura and Coran are in. The two Alteans turn around and freeze when they see what- no, who Keith is holding in his arms. “Keith? How did this happen?” Allura asks questioningly. “I think it had something to do with that god be damned witch...” Keith growls in anger. “Well, whatever happened to him, he looks at least 25 decaphoebs younger!” Coran says. The other three ran in almost immediately, ho boy, now THIS is gonna be fun! Shiro purrs loudly, burrowing himself deeper in the warmth of Keith’s arms. “Keith... where’s Shiro?...” Lance asks sadly, fumbling with his hands nervously. “I-is he- oh! EEEEEE!!!” Pidge responds to the little bundle in Keith’s arms. Shiro had responded to Lance’s sad tone by lifting his head from Keith’s chestplate. “HE’S SO TINY...!” Hunk squeaks in response to Pidge’s doting. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE HIM WITH THE MULLET! Now look what happens?! Our only hope of survival through this whole journey IS A QUIZNACKING BAB-“, “LANCE!” Keith yells in response. Lance, realizing he just cursed in Altean in front of a little gremlin, slaps a hand over his mouth.
“We still need to figure out what he is though...” Says Allura, she lifts Shiro from Keith’s arms. Keith takes note of how Shiro purrs even louder now that he sees someone who has a motherly demeanor. ‘Wait, wasn’t he a fatherly figure to them?’ Thought Platt. ‘Now we better hide in a hole for the remainder of when HE’S around...’ Plachu responded.
Shiro peeped as Allura analyzed his form, “Oh I know...” Allura coos to him. “Oh! Of course! Reversal of the aging process! But... cat ears?” Coran pipes up from the screens he looks down at. “Did Haggar seriously give him cat ears?!” Allura grumbles. “Well, at least they didn’t turn his brain into a bowl of space goo!” Coran says with a relieved tone. Shiro seemed to hear and tried to stand, but, he ended up falling flat on his front, he hissed at this and tried again. “I guess the Paladins will have to take care of him...” Allura sighs, “And probably soon, it looks like he’s getting hungry!” Coran responds. In response, Shiro made the loudest meow ever. “Um... make that now!” Coran says.
The Castle had figured out even though Shiro had little teeth, his digestive system couldn’t handle solid foods, so the Paladins found Kaltenecker and had her provide some milk to give the munchkin. While Pidge, Hunk, and Lance got in a fight about who was going to feed him, the mice worked together to feed baby-kitten Shiro, whom yawned as soon as his little fangs popped off the weird looking bottle nozzle. “I think someone’s sleepy!...” Pidge said, looking down at the mice. “HOW IN EARTH’S NAME DID THE MICE OF ALL THINGS FEED HIM???” Lance asked, really dumbfounded. Chulatt, Platt, Plachu, and Chuchule simply were very proud of themselves.
As they walked to a spare room in the Castle they used for storage, Shiro made a little whimper, Lance thought it was he was grumpy from the lack of sleep. They were proven wrong when they looked down and saw him looking as sick as a dog! “Wait, I think he’s about to-“ Pidge said before Hunk’s chest and Pidge’s shoulder was covered in puke. “Oh...oh my god...” Hunk said. Shiro’s large eyes fill with tears noting the shocked expression on his “uncles and auntie’s” faces. “Hey... hey... your not in trouble... you couldn’t help it...” Lance coos, remembering the time that his niece Nadia accidentally toppled over and broke a pot while learning to walk (her :0 face still makes him laugh to this day), his sister Veronica had scooped her up and said those words to her. His words fall on deaf ears and Shiro starts to cry. While Pidge and Hunk rush to the bathroom to clean up the mess on their shirts, Lance takes Shiro into his arms, a little vomit never hurt Lance, as he lived in a house where the stomach flu spread like wildfire (remembering all those times he locked himself in his room with his brothers Luis and Marco, who somehow never got sick). He starts to sing to the crying... cat-human(?) in Spanish in order to calm him down. Shiro cried harder as the singing went on, until Allura noticed the commotion. “Allura? Uh, I think I need a little help?” Said Lance, “Let me guess, he got sick after getting fed and he is crying because of it, right?” Allura guesses. At that point, Allura took over, she lifted Shiro into her warm arms. Shiro stops crying but hiccups every few seconds. “Shhhhhhhh... it’s okay...” Allura coos to the gremlin. Like magic, Shiro stops hiccuping and he sneezes in response to a little fuzz in the air. Later, the two look down to see him curled up against Allura’s chest, sleeping and purring. “Take him to the room, and be quiet...” Allura says. “Yes m’am...” Lance says in a half quiet, half pleased tone.
After Lance put Shiro to bed, he thought it would be best to stay with him if he happened to panic when he woke. Settling down in a beanbag chair, he made sure Shiro was all covered up before pulling out a picture of him with his niece and nephew. “Don’t worry... I’ll be home soon...”.
To be continued...
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dani-fandom · 7 years
My in-time thoughts on VLD Season 4
*cracks knuckles* Alright kids buckle up, because this is about to be an entire dissertation on season 4.
So I’ve watched the season twice now, and though I originally really disliked it, I’ve softened up and wrote down all my thoughts as I was watching it the second time around, plus some general overall thoughts at the end.
It’s gonna be under a read more because trust me. It needs to be.
Episode 1: Code of Honor
My least favorite freaking episode
This episode makes me want to die
Kolivan to smaller blade: Do not engage
Me: okay so that’s Keith then
So, like, how much of their mission depended on that guard being asleep at the station
Because he would have noticed the hack if he was awake
Okay, but like, Keith’s right, you asshole
He had the intel
It’s too bad we never see Regris’ face but oh well
This is 100% a fake Shiro, he would never be so short to Keith
But, Keith does need to get his head out of his ass and work with Voltron
Keith: this is your dream, Shiro, not mine
Man I hate clone Shiro
I am 100% sure that he’s a clone
Even if he flies the Black lion
She’s a flip
It’s actually really cool how they’re putting on shows for the people
It should be taken seriously
“It won’t take long” then why did you just reach the Galra cruiser as the show started
*sings softly* I will go down with this ship (Regris’ theme song)
Keith shut the fuck up, you need a lecture
Do not interrupt Allura you bitch
I get it, Lotor is important, but you have a job
“The Mamora can go on without you, they have for thousands of years. Voltron cannot.”
I’m very salty about Kuron being able to fly the Black Lion
You are a fake ass bitch, Black Lion
jk, I love you
but seriously
“I knew this would happen eventually” okay but like, Kuron, you let Keith go on these missions
Like, it’s mostly your fault
My sister watching the Galra attack: I hope Keith learns his lesson
Me, internally: no he just continues to do whatever the hell he wants
My sister: This fake Shiro is better than Keith at this point
Me: oh worm?
“You keep saying you’re sorry but your actions speak otherwise” yes Allura drag him
The group shot is cute
But fuck it
Voltron fandom: hey can you like not hyperfocus on Keith and his plot in every single season
Voltron writers: ok lol *immediately boot Keith from the team and we never see him again until the end of the season*
Voltron fandom: confused.gif
Episode 2: Reunion
Matt and Pidge are the best siblings ever
He brought her CAKE
I love Matt
I love Matt
I live for Pidge beating that Uniloo trader
Such a badass
She just swoops in and takes out those Galra fighters in front of the freedom fighters
She’s so cool
Man those rebel ships really aren’t designed for maneuverability are they
I wish Tiosh didn’t die
She seemed cool
“You look so much like him, it’s the eyes.” And the entire rest of the face like they are basically carbon copies
Freaking family of nerds
The lighting is so soft in the flashbacks I love them
“The most powerful processor is right here and it can never be hacked” uhhh are you sure about that
Me: this episode is titled “Reunion” and we see them together, and I saw the leaked stuff
I know we know that Matt isn’t dead but damn if I wasn’t about to bawl with Pidge
That whole scene? I was wrecked
I don’t want my daughter to cry
Looking at it now, assuming the markers are all rebel fighters, it might be safe to assume that the ones with the lights on are still alive, which is why some of them were on and some were not
I live, breathe, and die for the sibling fight
They never explain what the bounty is for
Like, damn, Matt what did you do to have a bounty on your head???
What kinda technology does the Garrison have that they can fix eyes???
The whole ending scene is adorable
Episode 3: Black Site
At first I didn’t like Matt’s reaction to Allura but tbh same
He is a walking shitpost/meme and I love him
I live for the slow pan to Shiro’s face
The sibling tour is the coolest thing ever
Also, like, is Haggar never going to bring up the whole, “hey so we were married and you threw me into a rift to save me” thing to Zarkon?
Like, never?
Didn’t she, like, bring him back to life?
“Hey, this is pretty goo…d.” I love him
I live for Matt being a proud, supportive older brother
I feel so bad for Narti
She deserved better
Also, Kova is never talked about
The entire Kaltenecker scene is sent from God himself
Lotor is talking out of his ass so obviously
It is so cringe-y
I hate Haggar
Why did she have to hack into Narti???
Im so upset about this
“What are we, animals?” I LOVE MATT
Also he was complimenting Hunk
Thank you
Everything about the Kaltenecker scene is executed perfectly
Ezor is so beautiful
Like I cannot stop staring at her when she is on screen
I have no idea what Hunk, Matt, and Pidge are saying, but I love them
Nerd squad!!!
“We have to help” Allura if only you knew
If only you knew
I literally screamed when he killed Narti
Like, oh my god
Narti didn’t do anything wrong
Zethrid and Ezor are so sad, I am so sad
I am so upset
Episode 4: The Voltron Show
Why does this episode exist
It did nothing for the plot
We already knew that they were doing the shows, we didn’t need to dedicate an entire episode to them
Also we didn’t need to dedicate an entire episode to humiliating the characters
I mean, seriously, Humorous Hunk who is clumsy and farts a lot?
We didn’t even get development surrounding Coran (besides seeing his awesome room)
His framed picture of Alfor??? I love it
It was just him with a weird brain bug
I almost screamed watching it crawl into his ear
I still have goosebumps
It was basically just a waste of 24 minutes
They could have done so much more with it
This could have even been episode 1, which would lead more into Keith leaving because he wouldn’t want to do the shows
Episode 5: Begin the Blitz
Ezor I love you
Also I just noticed how her head tail thing is wrapped up in her helmet
Yeah, Acxa. Narti trusted Lotor and she got shanked
Okay, so we see that he and Zethrid are on the other ship, but then when the ship goes through???
What happens?
They say it fails, but shouldn’t they both be dead?
Shouldn’t they have been torn to shreds like the other rift? Or did they just go straight through, and not make it to the other reality?
Rolo and Nyma and Beezer!!
Im kinda glad they’re back tbh
Also the Galra he body slams kinda looks like the “Operation Kuron” Galra, but I’m not 100% sure
Okay literally we never see any female Galra generals until this season and we see three with like ten minutes of each other
Im not complaining, but like, wow
“Roger, Ribbit” is…is that a Roger Rabbit pun
Well, bye then, roger ribbit
Nice knowin ya
I love those three Galra we see on the surface
The one that just hops away is my favorite
I mean, I know they’re probably dead but still
Why doesn’t Voltron always use Hunk’s laser cannon???
It works, it takes out multiple ships at once
But they like never use it
“For Narti” get him, Acxa
I love my plotting alien ladies
I wish they would join up with Voltron
But no, instead we get Lotor at the end coming to them
Also, why would they put their captive in the ship with the major destructive lazer?
Like, this is Lotor we’re talking about
Why would you do that
Episode 6: A New Defender
I hate the description of this episode because I was so sure that they were going to have Keith save the day and I am so tired of him being The Most Important
I’m screaming over Lotor deciding to take a nap in deep space
Like man did you really not know those beacons existed?
The visuals of the star are stunning, honestly
Moral of this episode: when Lance says you should go, you go
They wouldn’t have been stuck if they had just jumped into action
But no, they had to stay and look
“Maybe we can get through this energy field” really, Kuron? Maybe? That’s real reassuring
I’m just not going to talk about how those lasers should have hit them as they jumped
They totally should have gotten hit
Are Galra sentries just the Voltron stormtroopers?
I straight up thought Allura was gonna die
I almost screamed
Also did she just never bring up that she discovered Haggar was Altean in the end of Season 2?
Like, really?
Lance’s speech makes me want to cry
I love him
I love him
He’s so supportive
He’s the one keeping them all together, I can’t get over it
I’m so happy that Allura is the one who saves them, but also that Lance is the one who gave her the pep talk
I feel so bad for Coran, I can’t imagine how helpless he must feel being told to just get away
I hate Keith’s self-sacrificial personality
I hate it
Hate it
“I HATE YOU MOM” Lotor, probably
I hate this end
I hate it
I don’t want another Zuko
I mean, I know he’s totally doing this for himself
But still
I hate it
I don’t want him to be Zuko
OVERALL GENERAL THOUGHTS: This season was okay. It wasn’t my favorite (they go in this order: 1,3,4,2) but I didn’t dislike it as much as I did season 2. I will say that if you remember that Season 3 and 4 were originally supposed to be one combined season, it makes zero sense. Perhaps they omitted an episode in the middle to make it seem like two separate seasons, but still. Suddenly Keith is the Black paladin, and then just as suddenly he’s leaving Voltron? They introduce Lotor and then have him separate from his generals and go to Voltron in the same season? Like, if you look at 3 and 4 as standalones, they operate better than they would have together. If it had been one big season, that would have been horrible writing and pacing. It’s better apart, but still.
But anyway, this season was aight. I loved “Reunion” and “Black Site” more than life itself, but I feel like episodes 1 and 4 could have been handled differently. If they really wanted to do the shows it should have been in episode one, where it is already mentioned that they do the air shows. This would further drive Keith from the team, because we all know he would probably rather die than do those scripted acts. But this way we’d kill two birds with one episode, and I wouldn’t have to spend 24 minutes cringing over the secondhand embarrassment in episode 4.
What they could have done with episode 4 instead if they had smushed 1 and 4 together:
Backstories for Lotor and the girls, or even just how they all met each other. We get a very vague sense of loyalty between them in season 3, but as soon as he guts Narti that all flies out the window with little explanation
Why was their bond so strong that the death of Narti would cause even Acxa (whose defining characteristic is that she’s the most loyal to Lotor) to turn against him?
What did they mean when they said that his plan failed “again?” What other plans have failed before?
Why was Lotor exiled?
Exploration of the whole Zarkon + Haggar = Lotor thing
Seriously, the timeline is all screwed up
It makes no sense for them to have had Lotor pre Zombie-fication, plus, Coran definitely would have mentioned that, and/or Allura would have known him prior with how close their parents were
And he refers to his mother as “Honnerva” like who told him that that was her name? Haggar didn’t even know that was her name until the end of last season so who was telling him that?
It’s obvious that Zarkon didn’t remember that Haggar is Honnerva, and for some reason she didn’t tell him when he woke up/when she brought him back to life again
Side note: I bet the reason he’s covered in armor now is that he actually looks like a wreck, like skin sliding off and all that gross shit
Everyone wants to talk about how horrible his childhood must have been and yadda yadda, but why not show us? For all we know, he could have been pampered to no end, or he could have that heartbreaking backstory that everyone wants him to have
Deeper look at the Operation Kuron
Also, fake Shiro never mentions his headaches in this season
But, like I was 1000% convinced that Shiro was with Matt and the rebels, so where is he actually?
Did the Black Lion send him back to Earth?
Closer look at the rebels/freedom fighters
Besides episode 2 we don’t really get a good look at them
Olia is never really introduced, she’s just suddenly there in the Voltron meetings
I didn’t even know that was her name until after I had watched the season twice
It’s hard to feel for characters that get killed when we don’t have a face to associate with them
Star Wars does this very well, in my opinion, making you care about characters/pilots right before they meet their untimely but ultimately predictable death
In regards to the last two episodes, I really really really hate that Lotor is now going to be seen as a “Prince Zuko” type character. You can tell by his voice and expressions in the end that he is in this totally for himself, but we know he is not above groveling and humbling himself to get what he wants. I would love to say that the Voltron Coalition is smarter than that to let Lotor join them, but I do not have that much faith. I already know that Keith is gonna be the first to be like “but he saved us! #NotAllGalra!” or whatever. Idc about that, what I do care about is the fact that he is a lying son of a bitch and I will not feel bad for him until I have a reason to, and we do not have a reason yet.
I feel like it would have made more sense for the girls to be the ones to intercept and save the day. They said they had one more option, but we never see it. I thought it was obvious that they were going to try to appease Voltron but??? I guess not?? Not knowing where they are going is less of a cliffhanger than if it was Lotor who disappeared into deep space, searching for another rift or something. It would have made more sense for Lotor to completely switch places with the girls from episode 5 to 6. Let them get chased by the Galra and have them stumble across the transmissions, realize that that is their chance to help and get on Voltron’s good side, and succeed. Let Lotor be like “I have one more option” and don’t tell us. That is a better cliffhanger (in my opinion) than having Lotor being all snarky in front of Voltron and the girls off who-knows-where.
As far as character development, to quickly sum, Lance went backwards/stayed where he was (I mean we see him care about Keith leaving in ep 1 but that’s it and he’s a flirt again until the very last episode), Pidge went forwards (I guess technically), Hunk went forwards a bit (wasn’t reduced to a food joke, and was actually badass and praised for his smarts more than once), Keith just seems to be regressing, Allura got development in the end I guess, and I don’t care about Kuron so we’re just gonna ignore him for now.
I didn’t really care about ship interaction one way or another, so I won’t comment on that stuff.
I just want to put this out there, I love all of the characters. I love Keith to bits and I just want him to be happy and feel loved. I really hated how they took him away from the team. I hated it! It just feeds into his idea of not being needed and I hate it! (Do I think he left even partly because of what Lance said last season, not really tbh) Like Kuron said himself he was fine with just helping in other ways. I don’t understand why that couldn’t have been the end of it (for a bit at least) and let the other paladins tell Keith how much they want him to stay and work it out with them. I don’t get it.
TLDR; This season was okay. I’m in the middle with it, I just wish episode 4 either hadn’t existed or was made into something else. And I don’t want Lotor to be another Prince Zuko.
0 notes
Paladin Pickup Lines!
Before you say anything it took me 20 mins to come up with that title so you stfu about cheesiness, aight? A headcannon of all of the paladins (And the Alteans) best pickup lines. Also language warning. I apologize in advance for anyone who wanted serious pickup lines from Pidge, but yknow.
-Of course he’s first, why not? -This boi.
-Every damn cheesy pickup line ever.
-It’s so sweet and dirty and the same time. You’ll be torn between blushing and slapping him.
-Most notable three pickup lines?
-”Do you need a glass of water? Cause baby, that ass is on fire!” He tried it on Keith. Things happened. No more explanation needed.
- “Those clothes are nice, but they’d look better on my bedroom floor.” Keith: I don’t get it. Lance: ¯\_ಠ╭╮ಠ_/¯ Bro.
- “Who stole the stars and put them in your eye(s)?” This one made Keith blush. A lot.
-He sometimes has troubles figuring out who isn’t taken, but that never stops him. He has an incredible radar for age and sexuality though, it’s scary~
-He tried. Not really, but you get the gist of it. 
-Purposely fucks them up, probably.
-It’s canon that he’s a genius, so I wouldn’t be surprised.
-Honestly, he just changes them to more mothman-ified or gory version every damn time to scare off whoever Lance made Keith’s target that day.
-He succeeded(s) every time.
-Until the fateful Coran incident, that is.
-Somehow he always knows who’s old enough for him to be flirting with and who’s taken. It’s scary. 
-He tends to use more goofy ones, less cheesy, more funny?
-Most notably uses, “Do you need a glass of blood? wonk wonk”, “I love you almost as a much as mothman. Like a three out of a possible five.” and “Hey Lance.” Yeah, I ship it fite me  
-Another funny one is when Lance tried to help him ‘learn’ to properly flirt. Keith: “Hey, cutie, are you a tall glass of-” looks at Lance over the shoulder of potential date, to see him gesticulating wildly, like so. (づಠ╭╮ಠ)づ “-vinaigrette?” Lance: ლ(ಠᨎಠლ)
-Honestly, Keith just thinks it’s cute when Lance tries to help him. That’s all.
-Dis chick.
-You think she’d be outta the loop after ten thousand years
-But nope.
-Pickup lines are FIRE.
-They are the reason pickup lines are still worth using.
-Her pickup lines are that good.
-Like she’ll tie someone’s shoes and tell them “I don’t want you falling for anyone but me.”
-”Wow, and here I was thinking I had already seen the most beautiful sights in the galaxy.” 
-Or “Wow, I thought I had seen every star in our galaxy, but I guess I missed you the first time around” Just a romantic little suave cornball. Lance would be weeping in his grave if he were dead.
-She will use these pickup lines on anyone she finds attractive that is confirmed to be single and old enough to be legal. Our girl aint a pedophile.(Actually that rule applies to everyone, just keep that in mind for the rest, alright?) BI AF, tbh. Alteans would just form relationships with whomever they found attractive, gender aside, probably.
-This girl is good at pickup lines. Not much else to add.
Pidge/Katie Holt
-Oh. Every bad Kabe Don meme ever. Including the one below, that’s been used multiple times. Always on Keith, because HEIGHT IS A THING YO.
Tumblr media
-Actual pickup lines are questionable at best. “I’m underage, Fuckass.”, “I’m not legal, but you are kind of cute.”, and “Stop shipping me with an adult fuckheads.” “My love for Harambe is better than this shit. And he’s a dead meme.” “I am ten years younger than Shiro whaT ThE HELL?!” “Your face is slightly less annoying than Lance’s.” “My older brother and dad are in the military, fuck off.”
-Honestly, their game is weak.
-Most people actually think they’re cute when they do this though, kind of a Gap Moe because of their language and appearance? Space Dad has had some incidents where he had to intervene with someone a little too insistent about Pidge really being legal, which they aren’t... in the end things were fine and Shiro and Pidge ended up bonding over it, so it wasn’t so bad.
-A meme in life, a meme in death, a meme in love. Matt would be proud.
-The puns. They are disgusting. Mostly baker-food themed, disgusting lovey dovey puns. All the time. 
-”Is your dad a baker? Because you are pretty sweet!~,<3″ How’d he say <3? The world will never know...
-He finds all the food themed pickup lines he can and changes them to be nicer. All the time.
-A giant fluffbutt. Just super nice. Refuses to swear at all in them. And never uses pickup lines on anyone who looks remotely young or like they could be taken. Almost never uses his lines tbh
-”Are you a magician? Because everyone else disappears when I see you!”
-This man will bake you anything if he likes you. ANYTHING.
-T H I S MAN Forgive me father, for I have sinned.
-He usually doesn’t use pickup lines, but when he does, it puts Allura to shame.
-He is a pro at having a good pickup line for any damn situation.
-It’s fucking s c a r y
-Oh your care broke down? -Insert mechanic pickup line?-
-And the transition is always flawless too. 
-If he thinks you’re attractive and knows you’re legal, he will not stop until you are a stuttering, blushing mess.
-”I used to think my favorite constellation was Orion, but I think I just found my new favorite in your eyes.”
-”I used to think beauty wasn’t real. Then I saw you.” -These, but like 10x smoother. Seriously. And he doesn’t discriminate. He will use pickup lines like that on anyone he thinks has a nice personality. Haggar’s just jealous of Allura, obvi
-He and Matt used to practice together all the time, Shiro really didn’t need the practice, not that Matt would have told him.
-This man is literally space Nigel Thornberry
-What do you think he’s gonna do?
-In all honesty, he never uses pickup lines
-He’ll just offer to share his weird hair growth products or whatever. 
-That’s all.
-Okay, I lied.
-He will call you smashing. 
-But that’s it. 
-He has absolutely no flirtation ability at all.
-Yeah. I made my fav character the special guest. Don’t judge.
-”Are you my weird hovering platform thing? Because you MOOO-ve me in a way like no other.” -That’s it.
-He is a literal cow.
-What more did you want.
So, first off, credits to my friend for helping me, sort of even though her help was just making me procrastinate. Second off, I stayed up way too late to write this, woooo~ As a little update, I’ll be working on the food one tomorrow/this morning when I’m not tired and cranky. Cause I really just want to sleep now. -Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this monstrosity! -Mun Fyre
0 notes
sp4c3-0ddity · 7 years
I looked through a prompt list and found “please don’t leave me alone.” Can I have some Plance?
And here we have 3000 words of mostly one-sided (i’d apologize but) plance with a healthy side order of Lance&Hunk friendship. Takes place sometime between episodes 4x01 and 4x02, probably. I’m sorry this took so long, but I hope it was worth the wait!!
Lance stared at the bits of metal and plastic in his hand, noting with dismay the exposed wires and the fraying coating near the end. "Pidge is going to kill me," he muttered mournfully to the broken green headphones. And despite being surrounded by advanced alien technology for the last year, he couldn't even begin to figure out how to fix them.
"They're just headphones," he said to Red, who stared silently down at him. "They're replaceable, probably." Brightening, he realized, "I'm sure I can ask Coran or the princess if they have a substitute on the Castle, and maybe Hunk can help me find a way to make them...compatible."
Red's skepticism bled through their connection, and Lance crossed his arms and turned his back to the Lion. "Oh, what do you know?" he said. "You're just a...whatever you are!"
Skepticism turned into amusement, and an image of the same headphones, whole and without a single scratch, entered Lance's mind. "I can't fix these," he told him doubtfully.
Red sent him a vibrant impression of color, of yellow and orange, and Lance rolled his eyes. "Look, Pidge is the best with electronics in the Castle," he reminded him, "so I'm not sure what Hunk and Coran can do for me." When Red rumbled irritably at him, he jumped back and said, "All right, all right! Wow, you're rude. Blue would never have--"
Red - remarkably jealous for a machine, albeit a sentient one - crouched and growled at him. Lance laughed and said, "Okay, look." He stepped towards the hangar entrance. "I'm leaving to talk to Hunk right now. See?" He took another step, and another, and once he stood poised to exit, he glanced over his shoulder to see Red sitting upright again, satisfaction replacing any lingering displeasure.
Objective unlocked, Lance went in search of Hunk first, his feet steering him towards the kitchen since that was where he usually spent his time when they had some to spare, and as expected Hunk stood at the counter, wearing an apron and staring into a mixing bowl as if it personally offended his mother.
"Uh, Hunk?" Lance prompted, startling Hunk out of his staring contest with what looked like pink cake batter.
"Hey Lance," Hunk said. He used a rubber spatula - apparently those were cross-planetary - to scoop a bit of batter out of the bowl and held it out to him. "Do you mind giving it a taste? I'm trying to figure out a way to make a substitute for baking chocolate."
Lance narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the glob of pink. "Doesn't baking chocolate come in a block?" he said.
"Yes," Hunk said, sighing, "but once I have something that tastes like chocolate I can do something about the texture." He prodded the spatula towards him. "Please?"
"Uh...okay." Lance took the spatula, but before he licked at the batter, he smirked and said, "I'll taste it and tell you what I think on one condition."
"Oh, no," Hunk said, shaking his head. "Last time we did an exchange like this I got stuck cleaning up your half of the room before inspections for almost two months."
"Come on, Hunk!" Lance complained. He resisted the urge to gesture with the spatula and inadvertently spray the kitchen with pink gunk. "Please, do a guy a solid! I promise it'll be something you might even enjoy. And"--he waggled his eyebrows at Hunk, hopeful--"you'll help out Pidge too."
Hunk crossed his arms. "Did she put you up to this?"
"Aha, funny you should ask." Lance rubbed the back of his neck, then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the broken headphones. "How mad do you think she'll be?"
Hunk raised an eyebrow at him, looking between his face and the headphones. "You really want the answer to that question?"
"Rip it off like a Band-Aid," Lance goaded him.
"Hmm. I'll tell you if you taste my chocolate substitute."
"Damn, you drive a hard bargain," Lance complained, but he finally tasted the spatula. "Huh," he said, surprised - though in retrospect, he really shouldn't be since this was Hunk. "This is actually...close. Maybe a little sweet for baking chocolate, but good." He wrinkled his nose then. "I can't say I like the texture though."
Hunk frowned and took the spatula back. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Anyway, about Pidge's headphones--"
"Yes?" Lance leaned towards him eagerly.
"The best I can say is better you than me."
"Very helpful, Hunk." In petty revenge, Lance stuck his entire hand into the mixing bowl until it was submerged in the pink batter.
Hunk tackled him.
"Oh, thanks a lot, Hunk," Lance grumbled, staring at Pidge's broken headphones - now spattered in pastel pink faux chocolate gore.
Hunk stood beside him, now looking worried rather than indignant. "You should've thought of that before you stuck your grubby hand into food."
"I wash my hands! And you let me lick batter off a spatula!"
"I wasn't planning on using it again after that," Hunk retorted reasonably. Before Lance could argue anymore, he grabbed a washcloth and started dabbing at the spots of pink. "Look, the damage from the batter is only superficial. Besides, we have something else to worry about."
"Pidge's reaction?"
"Pidge's reaction."
Lance sighed and rested his hands on his hips. "So can you fix them? Or should I ask Coran? And why can't we just...make her a substitute, like with you and chocolate?"
"Uh, well..." Hunk clasped his hands together like he always did when especially anxious.
Dread sat like a stone in Lance's stomach. "Oh, no, please don't tell me this is like a family heirloom."
"Um, actually, it was a gift from her brother, so it...kind of is?"
"Quiznak," Lance said, burying his face in his hands. "She is going to kill me."
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Hunk tried to comfort him, patting him on the back. "Like I said, it's better that it was you."
"I'm sure that's a great comfort to you, Hunk," he said tersely, "but that really doesn't make me feel any better."
"It should though!" Hunk said with a sly smile that didn't suit the situation at all. "You're the only one she doesn't mind using her headphones."
"That's because I stole them," he confessed, eyes downcast.
Hunk stared at him, wide-eyed. "You did?"
"Hey!" Lance interjected defensively. "I only take them when I can't sleep, and when I wake up I put them back."
"Oh, wow, I've read this all wrong," Hunk said with a frown.
"Read what?" Lance asked him suspiciously.
"Oh, nothing!" he hedged, but from the nonchalance he tried too hard to fake, Lance could tell he was lying. Before he could call him on it though, Hunk said, "But yeah, she's definitely going to kill you."
"Then help me!" Lance insisted. "You're better with this science stuff than I am. So help me, Hunk, you're my only hope!" To emphasize his point, he grabbed Hunk's shoulders and shook him.
Hunk took hold of his wrists and pried his hands away. "I know you're trying to appeal to my love of twentieth century science fantasy," he said, "but that won't get Pidge's headphones fixed any faster."
"So is that a yes?" Lance asked hopefully.
Hunk rolled his eyes. "I'm a little offended you doubted me, Lance."
Lance mockingly put a hand to his chest, but his heart beat quite rapidly under his palm so perhaps it wasn't so mocking after all. "You had me going for a tic there, buddy."
"Well, it may still end up being a lost cause," Hunk admitted as he scrutinized the pink-spotted broken green headphones lying on the kitchen counter. "But I'll see what I can do."
Two vargas later, they enlisted Coran in their mission.
"Electronics are not my area of expertise," Coran told them, frowning at the - now no longer flecked with pink - broken green headphones he held. He still examined them, holding them close to his face. "I am passable with engines, perhaps--"
“More than passable," Hunk muttered as an aside to Lance.
"--but not electronics. Especially not ones as...primitive as these."
Lance exchanged a glance with Hunk, who didn't appear offended at the indirect insult. But he shrugged, frowning. "So you can't help us?" he asked Coran.
"Or maybe a substitute would be...helpful?" Hunk also suggested.
"Yeah!" Lance agreed, nodding. "If there's a substitute for small personal speakers aboard the Castle, then you can refit them like we did for the gaming console Pidge and I bought!"
"You didn't do anything to help with that, Lance," Hunk pointed out.
Lance grumbled, "I thanked you and made you a milkshake."
"It was a good milkshake," Hunk conceded with a nod.
"Truly delectable," Coran agreed, thumbing his mustache.
"So...do you have speakers we can alter?" Lance wondered hopefully.
"Yes, I think I can arrange something," Coran said. "I suppose I'll use these"--he held up Pidge's headphones--"as a model. Come along, Number Two."
"I'll make milkshakes!" Lance said, walking in the direction of Kaltenecker's enclosure while Hunk followed Coran. Once their footsteps faded, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.
Maybe the substitute wouldn't be perfect - maybe Pidge would be upset that she could no longer use the headphones from Earth - but maybe what they built for her would be better than nothing.
He was so deep in thought, fantasizing on how, exactly, he would present his new invention to Pidge - and of course he would assign Coran and Hunk due credit, of course - he didn't notice that he'd run headlong into someone.
"Ah, Lance!" Pidge cried, grabbing onto his sleeve to avoid toppling backwards. "Watch where you're going!"
"Why aren't you watching where you're going?" he retorted, fingers curling around her slim arm to keep them both upright.
Pidge regained her balance with minimal flailing, and he let go, stepping away. For a few tics, he scrambled for some excuse to make, as if she'd already accused him of theft and sabotage, until he noticed the expression on her face.
"Pidge, are you okay?" he asked, leaning towards her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she said. She turned her face away from him, clutching her computer close to her chest, but he still caught sight of her distressed, downcast eyes.
Lance glanced over his shoulder in the direction Pidge was heading. "Are you going to the Green Lion's hangar?" he asked.
Pidge nodded, eyes flicking up to his face and then back down. She made to step around him but he slid sideways, blocking her way. She tried again, on the opposite side, but he followed. "Lance," she hissed, scowling.
He was so relieved by her change in demeanor that he almost didn't mind the irritation directed at him. "What's wrong?" He raised an eyebrow at her and smiled what he thought his most winning smile.
Pidge blinked at him. "I'm fine," she said, "like I already told you. And unlike some people, I use my free time to be productive." She tapped her fingernails against her computer pointedly.
Lance frowned at her. "Oh, very funny, Pidge," he said, rolling his eyes. "I'm plenty productive. In fact, I'm going to make milkshakes for other people right now! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm sure Kaltenecker - the cow we adopted together - is dying to be milked." Annoyed, he started towards the enclosure, until he reconsidered and asked, "Do you want one?"
"One what?"
"A milkshake." He shot a glance at her from over his shoulder. "I'll bring it to the hangar, since you're so busy." Along with whatever Coran and Hunk scrambled to put together as headphones, he hoped.
She stared at him for a few silent tics, a small frown on her face that Lance longed to wipe away in some way, even if she had just insulted him, which... "I'm sorry," she said.
He gaped at her. "What?"
Pidge looked at the floor between their feet. "It's not much of an excuse, but I just...I'm stressed." She rubbed her face. "You don't deserve what I said, even if you are a...goofball."
Lance rolled his eyes. "You were doing so well," he teased, but Pidge's apology made something warm bloom in his chest, and he couldn't help smiling at her. "So do you want a milkshake?"
She returned his smile. "Sure," she said, "so long as it doesn't have Hunk's chocolate substitute in it."
"Ah, he made you try it too?"
Pidge made a disgusted face. "Yeah. The texture was awful."
"I know, right?" Lance laughed, then said, "Well, I'm off to relieve Kaltenecker of her stress."
"And I'm off to...my Lion's hangar," said Pidge, turning to go. When she was almost halfway down the hall, she glanced back to look at him, smiling, but a tic later her eyes widened comically and red bloomed on her cheeks, as if she hadn't still expected him to be there.
Lance waved, wondering why his own face felt so warm, and walked in the other direction.
"It was easier than we thought," Hunk admitted when he came to the kitchen later, holding up a set of speakers arranged to look similar to a pair of headphones from Earth.
Except with a few more small attachments and cables to compensate for the differences in technology. But all in all, even Lance's unpracticed eye conceded that the solution was surprisingly elegant and convenient.
"Wow," he said, grinning when Hunk put the new headphones in his hands. "You even found green ones?"
"Actually, we convinced the mice to paint them." Hunk smiled and added, "We even recycled some parts from the broken headphones, so Pidge still has a piece of her family here, huh?"
Lance traced the Voltron 'V' painted onto the earpiece in white. "Yeah," he said, "but those are some creative mice."
"It's kinda freaky how smart they are."
"Must come from sharing a telepathic bond with Princess Allura," Lance mused. He tested the headphones by sliding them over his head so that they fit snugly over his ears. "Okay, say something," he told Hunk.
"What should I say?" Hunk asked, eyebrow raised in bemusement, and voice muffled by the headphones.
"Perfect," Lance said, offering him a thumb's up as he took the headphones off. "These are perfect. Thanks, Hunk. And..." He waved his arm with a flourish towards the glasses on the kitchen counter. "Your reward awaits."
Hunk snorted but took two of the milkshakes. "I suppose you're taking those to Pidge now?"
"Yep," said Lance, his levity evaporating. He sighed. "Let's get this over with."
"Honestly, Lance, you shouldn't be worried. Pidge might get mad, but she'll forgive you. They're just headphones."
"Yeah, but they're from her brother," Lance said with a frown.
"She'll find him soon though," Hunk said brightly. "Besides, it's you."
"I'm still not sure what you mean by that."
Hunk rolled his eyes. "Well, if you can't figure it out, I won't tell you."
"Why the quiznak not?" Lance whined, narrowing his eyes at him.
"Not for me to say."
"La la la, I can't hear you!" Hunk said, stalking out of the kitchen with two milkshake glasses in his hands.
"How can't you hear me when I'm the one with noise-cancelling headphones?" Lance retorted, but by then Hunk had already disappeared out the door, leaving him to puzzle over his words.
Which were a problem for another time, Lance decided as he carefully stuffed the new headphones into his pocket and grabbed the other two milkshakes from the counter.
(Surely Pidge would forgive him quickly enough that he could enjoy a milkshake with her. Surely.)
Pidge sat at the desk she'd set up in the Green Lion's hangar, poring over something on her computer screen, when Lance walked in. She didn't look up at the sound of his approach, at least not until he stood beside her desk.
"One milkshake for the lady," he said, smiling and sliding one of the glasses across the desk towards her.
"Thanks," she said. She took it and sipped from the straw, her attention not quite faltering from her computer.
A flicker of irritation that Pidge was ignoring him made him roll his eyes and push aside some electronic parts to clear enough space on the desk for him to sit. He paid no mind to her indignant hey!, and remembered the quickest way he was sure to earn her attention.
"I...have a confession to make," Lance started, heart pounding fast as he set his milkshake on the desk.
Pidge sat up straight, her eyes going as wide as saucers at his words. "What?" she said.
"I kind of broke your headphones." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the new - and improved - headphones. "And then I convinced Hunk and Coran to make a new pair." He smiled at her tentatively. "And even the mice painted them green. See?" He pointed to the Voltron 'V' on the side.
Her shoulders slumped, as if with either relief or disappointment, but her eyes were still wide and startled as she reached for the headphones. He gave them to her, and she examined them more closely, her eyes lingering on the attachments that made them compatible with a music player from Earth. "I...thank you," she said. "Tell Hunk and Coran I said thank you."
"Tell them yourself?" Lance suggested with a shrug, relieved by her calm acceptance.
Pidge nodded and said, "I will next time I see them." Then she shot him an incomprehensible look.
"And I guess I'm...sorry too," he said, grinning ruefully. He rubbed the back of his neck and added, "That's what I get for stealing them from you all the time."
"I know," she said. "I noticed."
Lance froze, gaping at her. "You noticed?" he said. "How?"
Pidge snorted, setting the new headphones aside as she regarded him. "You're not as subtle as you think, Lance," she pointed out.
"I'm perfectly subtle, thank you very much!"
"Please," she scoffed, rolling her eyes, "you wouldn't know subtle if it danced naked in front of you."
"I absolutely would!"
"Wanna bet?" Pidge said, raising an eyebrow at him.
Pidge scrutinized him for a moment. "Why did you think I care so much about those headphones?" she asked.
"What does that have to do with being subtle?" Lance asked, confused.
"Just answer the question, Lance," she said, sighing.
"They were a gift from your brother, right?" He started to second-guess himself - or Hunk, who'd informed him of this particular fact - until Pidge nodded.
"Yeah, but, well, I'm finding him soon, aren't I?" She smiled, if a little tremulously. "I have the information I need to leave tomorrow if I can, Lance."
"That's...great," Lance said, hating the way dread sat heavily in his stomach. "Alone?"
She nodded. "It's better that way." She didn't look at him when she said it, instead occupying herself with playing with the straw in her milkshake.
"Oh, well, I'll...leave you to finish up your preparations," he decided. He turned to go, but then a gentle pressure on his wrist stopped him.
"Please don't leave me alone," Pidge said, meeting his eyes when he looked over his shoulder at her. "I, uh, I just...there's a lot going on, and I'm leaving soon, and--"
"I understand," Lance said. He sat on the floor beside Pidge's chair and leaned against her desk.
To his surprise, she slipped her hand into his and squeezed his fingers. "Thank you, Lance," she said. "And I know you'll get bored if you're just sitting there--"
"With you?" Lance quipped with a laugh. "No way."
A flush filled her cheeks again. Amazing, he thought as she rolled her eyes and wondered, "Do you want to borrow my new headphones or not?"
Lance grinned and replied, "I would love to."
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