#and by blast I mean holy spam
passionpeachy · 10 months
hi!! i'm so sorry to hear about your blog, holy shit. something similar happened to me last year so I get how shitty that is.
i'm not sure if it'll work for you, since it's not the exact same situation, but you could try to contact Tumblr directly. in my case, my blog had been deleted by a bot after being flagged as spam (still don't understand how that happened) and once i tweeted about it Tumblr put it back up within days. so maybe there's a chance for yours too? it seems they respond really slowly to emails, but if you blast them on social media they respond much faster.
i'll be sharing posts from your new blog either way!! i love your art so fucking much you better believe i'll be sharing it forever. ♥
You're so sweet, thank you so much. It really means a lot to me to have cool mutuals to support me 🤍
I can keep trying, but they already told me twice now that they can't do anything about it. Which is confusing because tumblr's twitter account told me to contact support to help in restoring my account? Yeah, not sure what to do now except keep reposting my art.
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dual-fantasy · 4 months
sorry im absolutely gonna Spam your inbox but with rdr2 as a topic i think eagle flies should be brought up more. here and everywhere. hes one of the most tragic characters to me ever. no one, everyone, your mama by onionbaby is his song. The way people interpret his behaviours is so upsetting to me. because he Doesnt hate his dad(or, he Didnt hate his dad without dutch's input). I wouldn't even say he had a strained relationship with his dad, Until Dutch encouraged, and was even one of the main causes of, his impulsive behaviour(stealing the horses back, messing with the army, attacking the oil fields - and, though it's not explicitly shown a lot, him starting to lash out at/distrust rains fall.) Nobody mentions how drastically he changes between meeting arthur(letting arthur take the lead and steal the papers, only coming in to save him - which he also Dies doing later on) and meeting dutch (who takes advantage of how sad, angry and Young he is.). also the fact that he Dies Protecting Arthur is something . so glossed over . Dutch absolutely Wouldn't have let him/wanted him go back in(and i personally think dutch absolutely wouldve told them arthur got captured already, or killed like he did with john on the train robbery.) He Deeply trusts and relies on dutch, as both a father figure and someone to advise him, and he Still went back for arthur. Also, i've always seen him as being like.. 17. The most common interpretation i see is him being early/mid 20s but i just . Dont see it . he means So Much to me. People need to talk about him so much more. this ended up way longer then i wanted
holy fuck. anon this is so awesome. I have nothing to say bc this is just absolutely wild. pls send more paragraphs about this guy this was such a blast to read
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mushroomwithsomeink · 4 months
Alright so for the Bloodborne ask game!
1.Favorite boss fight? 4. Favorite weapon? 8.Favorite NPC?
33.Favorite area?  36. What's the hardest fight in the game?
39.Hot takes on any Bloodborne lore? and 49. What's your favorite thing about Bloodborne?
1. Base Game: Shadows of Yharnam easily, while they don’t have cool lore to add into the game, but they make up for it in spades in terms of fun factor. The learning curve, and figuring out which Shadow to go after always manages to offer me tons of excitement and joy!
DLC: It has to go to Ludwig, fighting him for the first time I didn’t think of him much till the second phase hit. Good lord… that second phase man! It’s a literal spectacle in of itself, and the music is the definition of heavenly~ (tis unfortunate I can’t solo him anymore like the first time, always gotta consult Valtr’s help for him now.)
4. Ooh tricky, if we’re talking dex my favorites have to be the Rakuyo and Burial Blade, both of these weapons are really fun to use and the transformation from their normal form to their trick mode is so cool! As for strength, using the Holy Moonlight Blade also oozes fun factor for me, I know it’s not as good as Ludwig’s Holy Blade but… come on! Its a magic sword that glows teal, and shoots arcane waves and blasts at your opponents how is that not cool!
8. Doll will always be my one pookie, always gives me a sense of comfort whenver I return to the dream, just sucks we can’t hug her. Honorable mention goes to the Oedon Chapel Dweller, he’s been my homie in the entirety of Yharnam especially with how hostile nearly everyone is towards you.
9. Byrgenwerth, it be very prettyyyyy, love looking at the lake and moon.
10. Laurence, I can never consistently kill this man. the first time I did I called for help online bc I got fed up with attempting him so many times. And the second time I just spammed Blacksky eye till I extinguished him. I don’t know why but the moment he loses his legs my attempt just gets thrown out the window for me, that’s not to say that his first phase is easy for its still plenty difficult for me.
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Oh and- the Pthumerians and the Chalice Dungeons should’ve had more of a presence in the story, their placement in the game feels like an afterthought!
49. 😤 The fashion my dude, and the weapons! I could go on for HOURS about how I love these two specific aspects of Bloodborne. But that would mean clogging this entire ask up and I wouldn’t want to do that to you. Look if these things were actually real, I would get them in a heart beat.
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asleepinawell · 2 years
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All jobs at 90!
Put some thoughts about them all below the read more if anyone if interested
Casters - favorite role. while not as mobile as ranged physical, you still have a good bit of freedom to move around (blm is...interesting for that) and who doesn’t love casting fancy magic spells.
smn - This was the main job I leveled as and I am very attached to my carby. After playing a lot of other jobs I see how people find it a little too mindless, but I enjoy it. Summoning a giant dragon? Yes please. Also excellent starting class for new people.
blm - This was one of the roughest jobs to level at early levels. It’s kind of cruel that it’s a starting job. It can be very confusing to figure out, but it really shines later on (66+) and becomes a lot of fun if you enjoy making big explosions. It was a wild experience leveling it where your rotation shifts around a lot as you go and new abilities are sometimes very ????. Definitely very hard to play well but so satisfying by 90.
rdm - This is the job I play the most these days. I love the utility of rdm and that I can just spam raise the group if needed. I’m a very average player at best so jobs that make me feel like I’m being useful to the group are my preference. Also the complete combo at 90 is intensely satisfying though I really need people to stop dying in the middle of my combo. I consider myself equally a rdm and smn main these days.
Healers - second favorite role. I enjoy healing a lot though I mostly stick to alliance raids for it. I healed some of the treasure maps and deep dungeons recently which were both a blast.
sch - Despite getting sch leveled for free with smn, this was the last healer I picked up. It’s the most confusing in my opinion despite the toolkit not being that dissimilar to sge. It’s very fun once you get the idea, but definitely my weakest healer. The faerie tether is hilarious and I like having a little buddy to follow me around. I know they’ve said pet classes are tough to make for some reason but I’d love more.
ast - The micromanager healer. There’s always more buttons to be pressing with ast. Not a healer I’d take into newer content where I need to pay attention. It is, however, extremely fun and has some of the prettiest effects. Being able to set up big heals on a timer in advance is strange and means you’re sometimes wasting stuff, but ultimately it works out. Also love handing out cards
whm - Not the most interesting of healers but definitely the easiest to take into stuff I’m not comfortable with yet. whm can just panic heal the crap out of the group if needed. blood lily hits like a truck and is immensely satisfying and holy spam in 4-mans for packs of mobs is so sexy to both the healer and tank.
sge - Sage was my first healer and still my favorite. It’s got fun lasers and a pretty straight-forward toolkit. I’m glad I learned shield healing first since I think it would be harder to have learned it after doing whm or something first. Also quite good for soloing stuff because kardia is amazing. Definitely pleased they switched the addersting to proc off group shields now too.
Tanks - I hate tanking with strangers so I mostly do it in trusts and fates. I occasionally tank alliance raids which are fun except for all the tanking drama.
gnb - Favorite tank. Very straight-forward, cool moves, no mp management. Great aesthetic. Definitely the tank I’m most comfortable with. I do a lot of fates with it.
war - Of all the jobs in the game this was the only one I’d say I flat out did not enjoy. The animations and attacks feel so slow and clunky. The rotation is boring. The self-healing is very ridiculous and nice though.
drk - First tank I picked up. Loved the story, got lost in how it worked at later levels. Aesthetics are A+ I just don’t know how the fuck to play it. The mp management also drove me bonkers
pld - Last tank I leveled. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. It’s pretty easy and once you get a little self-healing it really shines. I soloed a lot of hoh with it and had fun. The invuln is very nice and the effects are pretty. My biggest gripe is there’s too many abilities to fit on the controller crossbar. I just could not make it work and it’s frustrating.
Melee - Least favorite job role. I loathe positionals. I hate how much mobility is limited by needing to stay within melee range. Also I am just Not Good at melee and that makes me feel bad playing it.
sam - Tied with rpr for fave melee. Love the moveset, love the fact it’s really straight-forward. Definitely feel slightly less useless on this one than other melee. Love having a rainbow moon button for the finisher.
rpr - This was my first melee class and it possibly has the coolest animation effects of the melee classes. It’s very swish swish and fun and looks cool. The positionals are less annoying than other jobs for some reason.
drg - I love the drg moves and animations but I am just not very good at it and end up feeling useless in group content. Doing buff/debuff upkeep on it gives me a headache. Of the available options though it is probably the best melee to pick up when you first start the game. I feel like it could benefit from having some of the buffs condensed.
nin - I have a love/hate relationship with nin. It’s very cool and a lot of fun and I am so so so bad at it. I cannot stress enough how bad I am. I have no problem remembering the mudra combos I just can’t seem to get jackshit in dps out of it no matter what I try. And it gets a little ‘too many buttons to hit’ by 90. The opener and burst for it is ridiculous in those terms and I always am like wow I did it and then realize I somehow missed one thing.
mnk - I’m kind of neutral on monk. The animations are super cool. The forms are interesting in the flexibility they give you but I prefer the drg loop rotation rather than having to track the buffs/debuffs and choosing attacks each time.
Ranged Physical - I enjoy these but not as much as caster. I love how mobile they are and they all feel very unique.
dnc - This was the first one I picked up. Dnc is very pretty and fun and I like the group utility it has. It’s also a low-stress job for me since I don’t feel bad if my dps isn’t fantastic. It definitely doesn’t feel as interesting at 90 as some of the other jobs though. Also why is it when some asshole early pulls it’s always a dnc?
brd - Bard is fun though it was painful at lower levels. Definitely picks up later on. I don’t mind bard but it’s not my go-to. Also think it’s a decent choice for a new person playing.
mch - I ended up liking mch a lot more than I expected. Guns just aren’t very interesting to me, but the combat ended up being fun and I loved the bioblaster gun.
I think overall it’s pretty clear I value jobs that are a little more straight-forward and easy. I’m not a great player and I probably never will be so having something that’s easier to manage so I can focus on not fucking up mechanics is nice. There’s a balance needed for making the rotation interesting enough but keeping it simple enough for me to autopilot when needed. While I don’t feel any pressing urge to be the top dps in a group (though it’s a nice ego boost when it does happen) I do feel shitty when I’m clearly underperforming. I like the cooperative aspect of the game and I like to feel like I’m contributing and carrying my own weight, It’s one of the reasons I like utility stuff and healing a lot.
While it’s a ton of time and effort and a mind-numbing amount of roulettes to level all the jobs to 90, it’s also really cool to get to explore all the different jobs. Definitely glad I did it.
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omniliquid · 1 year
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Wanted an easy run for my 3rd ff5fjf2023 run so did a team 750 run. Blue mage and chemist make omega and shinryu as cheesable as anything else, and aqua breath makes level grinding very easy.
Omega was beaten by feeding it a kiss of blessing (maiden's kiss + holy water), which bypasses berserk immunity and prevents it from counterattacking, and 6 turtle soup (antidote + turtle shell) to cut its defenses, then just spamming mind blast and healing as needed. Krile stayed petrified because I had switched out item for mix on everyone and thus couldn't use a gold needle to cure her (this is a thing you can do with the custom classes mod).
Shinryu has much higher attack power so was beaten with dark spark (bringing its level from 97 to 48), level 2 old (so its level ticks down over time), and spamming level 5 death until it hit (level [x] [effect] spells bypass all status immunities). Mixing some dragon's powers gave dark spark a higher chance to hit, but shinryu's 95% magic evasion means that being able to survive a while is important so coral rings, mighty gaurd, hastega, mighty march (for regen) and liberal use of white wind and healing mixes were also employed.
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muffinrecord · 2 years
Anniversary: Who to spend rolls on?
Someone asked what characters would be best to focus on for anniversary on reddit a couple days ago. I decided to include my response here too. I’m only talking about characters that I have some familiarity with-- I know that First Sunrise Shizuka is good but since I haven’t used her very much, I can’t give a detailed opinion.
Who you roll for depends on what your priorities are. I'll try to cover all the bases here from Casual play to Ranked to Kimochi. These aren't presented in any kind of order besides unlimiteds being at the bottom and limiteds being at the top. Also, this isn't an exhaustive list; I'm leaving off a few like Tsubaki and Final Tart because you'll need to spend money to get them.
If you want someone for casual gameplay, Ashley Taylor or Yachiyo Nanami (Anime ver.) are incredible. You really only need one or the other-- Ashley is better for more long-term generic farming since she has four blasts disks (less likely to pull an unwanted disc), but Anime Yachiyo is probably the best solo casual mirrors unit in the game right now (note: this doesn't apply for ranked). If you want to get one, you only need two slots because that's enough for them to murder everything with blasts. Personally, I think Anime Yachiyo is stronger than Ashley now but both are very good.
Kanagi Izumi (Vampire ver.) is very good as a solo magia unit and will make some challenges a breeze. She combines constant magia use with evade spam, meaning that she'll deal out lots of damage while taking very little of it. She's been outclassed by other units for things like Ranked and Kimochi, but she's still extremely solid and one of the best magia solo'rs in the game.
Madoka & Iroha are one of the best units in the game and can turn a bad team into a good one. They have Accele draw on their SE active and have incredible sustain. You'll see them used in all sorts of gameplay from casual, to high-level Kimochi and Ranked. They're just... They're just always good. If you had to choose from anyone on this list, I'd pick them.
Kuroe is shaping up to be a very powerful MP battery for Kimochi. It's arguable who is better at mp generation: Kuroe or Madoka & Iroha? We saw more Kuroes than Madoka & Irohas in the last (Aqua) Kimochi for the top players so factor that in. She also can get rid of Status Ailments on her Magia/Doppel which is something MadoIro can’t do.
Kyoko Sakura (Doppel ver.) is another EXTREMELY good unit. She's great for casual gameplay, Kimochi and for Ranked. She can easily get to Magia on turn one (some ranked strats have her there just because she can get there without needing to spend a disc) and she has blast draw. She's probably the best choice for Flame units right now if you don't know what to get.
Ultimate Madoka-Senpai is necessary for high-level charge strategies. There's honestly not more to say than that; in fact I'd go as far to say that she's 100% required if you want to do well in some of the Kimochi fights. Last year I remember Raz saying that she's the best unit to go for during Anniversary and it wouldn't surprise me if that was still the case.
Yachiyo Nanami (Tanabata ver.) is a very powerful charge unit. She has Charge draw and she has the highest +charge bonus right now. She's very popular in Ranking and Kimochi.
Holy Mami (Anime ver.) is a great forest choice. She's one of the best damage units for Kimochi (for forest) and she can generate MP like crazy. Despite her ugly sprite, I find her gameplay to be really fun and she's made a lot of challenges into a breeze. However, I would say she isn't as necessary to have as other units on this list... But you'll be really happy if you do have her.
Nayuta & Mikage (Christmas ver.)-- I'm a little more hesitant to recommend this pairing, but they're a very powerful support. However, if you have regular unlimited Mikage, you can probably skip getting them. Still, they're extremely good and worth mentioning all the same. *Note, I don’t have as much experience using them as some of the others on this list.
Akuma Homura-chan is the best Ranked unit in the game right now-- she's basically designed to be a monster for Ranking. Her SE active fucks up the enemy from using magia (and will destroy any anti-debuffs the team has), she herself gives 2 anti-status ailments to the entire party, she has 3 accele and 2 blast disks meaning you can use Tanabata Yachiyo with her without worrying about drawing charge disks (easier to get a puella combo that way), she can get to Magia easily and her magia is based around making the enemy deal less damage and get less MP, aka fucking up any possible good Ranking score for the enemy. However, she's not as good for casual use imo. Making the enemy deal less damage is important in Ranking but why do that when you can just kill the enemy faster for casual stuff?
Mikage Yakumo is the best unlimited support in the game. She has it all-- Attack Up and Damage Up on her Doppel/Magia, she has accele draw and mp on her connect, and she's adorable. She's a must-have and I always see her in Kimochi due to how damn good she is. Even one-slot is good enough for a lot of content.
Madoka Kaname might be a day one character but she is still a solid choice. I think she's overshadowed by Madoka & Iroha a bit, but she also excels at things they don't too. She's a great mp battery-- but if you intend to use her for Kimochi, make sure you don't unlock her doppel.
Mayu Kozue is insane for Kimochi and another practical must-have. Her Magia gives mp regen and can allow for some players to constantly be using Magia and Doppels EVERY TURN in Kimochi. Outside of Kimochi she is not as critical to have on your team, but she’s still very powerful.
Kushu Irina is an extremely powerful dark magia user. She has three accele disks and is great for Kimochi strats (for her respective element). Her personal and magia/doppel give Magia Damage Up to all allies, which is crucial for dealing more damage in Kimochi.
Sudachi Sawa is practically a necessity for Ranking. She's the best tank in the game (though that doesn't actually mean very much since tanking sucks in this game). The reason she's the best tank in the game is from a number of factors, but basically she gets to Magia really quickly (REALLY QUICKLY) and can provoke on her active SE. You can also arrange her SE so that she can grab aggro without even needing to use provoke, which is kind of crazy for a tank with so much bulk? However, she's not going to be as great for casual gameplay because tanks just aren't good for casual gameplay.
Sae Kirino is extremely good thanks to her charge draw and her charge conservation on connect. She's not as necessary as some units on this list (Kaoru can be used for charge draw instead if you're struggling) but she's still really great and perfect for casual gameplay + some kimochi.
Shizuka Tokime is a good generic flame unit. She isn’t as necessary as some on this list but I’ve found her extremely useful for almost any situation when it comes to needing a flame girl, and she gives some decent buffs to her whole team for five rounds (attack up/defense up), which makes her useful for difficult content like witches’ paradox. Also, imo she doesn’t need a ton of slots to be excellent; I def used her with two and gotten shit done. She gains mp really quickly which is a bonus too.
Little Kyubey is cool but has been completely powercrept. There are a few things Little Kyubey can do that no one else can, but I haven't touched mine since I got Ashley a year ago and Anime Yachiyo has stolen its job for casual mirrors gameplay.
Ultimate Madoka is nice but not a must-have and she's suffered from power creep. She's not going to be helpful for Kimochi or Ranked, but she might be alright for casual play + lower levels of hundred evils, but she's kind of... eh I guess? I dunno.
I'd stay away from any defense-types/tanks unless you're going for specific mirrors ranking strategies.
Ao Kasane is a really good support unit but Mikage outclasses her in some places-- however she was crucial in the latest aqua kimochi thanks to her ability to remove Granted Effects and Buffs from the enemy, so make of that what you will.
Rena & Kaede (Swimsuit ver.) are probably the best Aqua magia unit in the game, but that REALLY isn’t saying much. Their gameplay feels outdated in comparison to newer units. Still, if you need a magia-focused aqua unit who does aoe damage and not single target, this is the best one to focus on probably.
Kyoko Sakura (Swimsuit ver.) is a very good flame blaster, but she’s fallen more by the wayside thanks to units like Ashley and Anime Yachiyo.
Holy Alina is the only forest blast unit in the game, but she too is powercrept by Ashley and Anime Yachiyo. 
Mami Tomoe (Swimsuit ver.) is powercrept by Holy Mami (anime ver.). She’s good but she earns mp so much more slowly in comparison. 
Yozuru Sasame basically fills the same niche that Ashley Taylor/Anime Yachiyo fill, but worse. She’s not a bad unit by any means though; she’s just been powercrept. Basically you can say that she’s the unlimited version of Ashley and AniYachiyo. The biggest drawback on her is that she lacks a 100% Anti-Evade like those two have, but that can be fixed with the right memoria. Her best asset is her personal memoria, so make sure you get that max-awakened!
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shirozora-draws · 3 years
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Had a rather brutal work week and am making good on my promise to stop drawing so much in order to finish a fic, so no new sketch dumps posts. Instead I’m doing what I said I would a while back (and then promptly forgot bc undiagnosed AD[H]D brain is a helluva thing) and posting the JPG version of the GIF if anyone wants to see an HQ version.
Also posting a close up of the Darksaber animation because I’m so fucking proud of that sizzling Darksaber edge that makes me think about circuits in Tron/Tron Legacy and also why the fuck not.
Lastly, good god y’all, I’m nearly at 600 followers and the vast majority of you showed up when I started putting out some Star Wars doodles. It is incredible, humbling, and quite frankly terrifying to see so much of my art get put on blast for positive reasons (I was once put on blast in a fandom wank LJ comm bc someone got sick and tired of me spamming a fandom comm with my art lololol those sure were the fucking days). You guys have given me so much encouragement and confidence in how I draw (mainly, sketch a fuckton of nonsense messily with pencil and don’t bother trying to turn everything into a polished colored piece), and I am forever grateful. 
(also learned a former Pixar artist would use a bajillion lines to build up their forms [go check out concept art for Ratatouille and Brave] so, y’know, everyone has a process, the process can get you actual factual work, and I am not hopeless)
Meddling in a galaxy far, far away from the likes of Rian Johnson come on bro meet me in fucking pIT LET’S GO and seeing all of your tags/replies (this never happened to me before so I didn’t know you could reply to those replies? I’M SO SORRY I DID SEE ALL YOUR COMMENTS)/mentions/gif use (holy fuck is that how Tumblr gifs work???) and seeing your comments at AO3 and faffing around on the dinluke server has been pushing the bounds of what I can do and offer as an artist and writer, and that is incredibly precious to me. Suppose it’s a good thing I showed up here as a tired working Millennial and not years earlier when I was still stumbling around like a fucking fool and getting involved in Fandom messes I shouldn’t and hating my art style for never being Good Enough.
Sometimes Good Enough is fucking rad. Embrace that shit.
... okay I’m sorry I didn’t mean to word barf so much but I’ve been running on 4 hours of extremely frustrated sleep due to having OT and not being able to write/draw so enjoy the details, I’mma bounce.
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crystalelemental · 3 years
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Off-type.  Honestly not too bad, we’ve definitely had worse.
I’m kinda surprised Princess Hilda can off-type here, but nice.  Kukui and Hilbert really are a fantastic partnership for her.  She actually survived initial sync, which was what let her respond with her own, then queued up her Diamond Storm before Exeggutor could get their move up, netting us the KO.  Very close match but well done.
I initially tried Karen here with Grass Gals, but they needed the permanent field effect.  So we dunked on Bruno a bit with the Psychic team instead.  Lusamine is unstoppable, as always.
NOW we can beat Karen, thanks to permanent field effects in round 3.  Permanent sun means that Lyra doesn’t have to sync, we just spam SS Erika, who is more than capable of blasting her for like 20k+ damage.  So good.  Dawn’s the real hero of these off-type fights though.  Whenever the foe is physical, she can tank for ages, and a complete full restore is so valuable for keeping her going way longer than you’d think.
Koga was always going to be a pest, so I brought Iris.  Sadly, even I did not predict how much of a pest he would be.  He almost got to sync.  Fucking Swag Bag 5 on Silver Wind activated and kept undoing debuffs that would’ve spelled his doom.  Then, somehow, despite -6 special attack, he one-shot Sonia.  Thankfully she’d done her job but holy fuck how?  I won’t pretend like this wasn’t closer than usual for Iris, but also...we weren’t in any serious danger.  Sure we lost Sonia, and eventually Elesa, but flinch hax and a sync that’s a guaranteed KO is nothing to scoff at.
So naturally this meant wrapping up with Goth Gals.  Permanent Ghost Zone is funny because Shadow Force all day once the center goes down.  It wasn’t even close.
And with that, all challenges I wish to attempt are done.  Now I can rest easy.
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artyrogue · 3 years
Blind Date Gaming: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R
Well today's date was a blast from my past. Remember way back when in yesteryear, before the advent of anime in the west? Probably not? Well hey, let's go back in time to when Sailor Moon was like the only anime being shown on TV. Okay, so yeah, it's really not super-great and all (at least the dub wasn't...), but whatever, it was my jam as a young impressionable lad of...what was I, like 10 or something? I can't remember, but since my old grey brick Game Boy was the cornerstone of my youth, I am a little excited to revisit a merging of two old passions. That's right! We're gonna play some Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R!
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It starts with a cutscene, of course. This IS based off an anime, so we gotta get a fill of some anime girls with their obligatory high school problems! Sadly for me, it's all in Japanese, but I can provide some crappy machine translations to no doubt elucidate the action-packed dialogue!
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"Today, every one of them..."
Oh. Guess I shouldn't have just kind of took a random screenshot in the middle of nowhere. Well, uhh...I'll ad-lib. Today, everyone is apparently milling about whatever Sailor Moon's hometown was. Serena was being a git and verbally harassing everyone she found on the street. That kind of accurately described the first phase of gameplay in this game: an 'adventure' where you have to talk to the right person, then talk to someone else, etc. until the game decides that surprise! You found the area's boss! (My apologies to the script writers here for my clear bypassing of their hard work.)
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why hello there fellow school girl, let us talk about boys and how hard maths are
I get some bad vibes of two sorts: One, adventure games where you just try things randomly until you click the right thing and the game decides to let you progress; and Two, Mario is Missing. An odd marriage, especially considering the random boring mini-games they sprinkle in here and there, like matching cards, guessing if the next card will be higher or lower than the current card, and of course the staple of youth fun, sliding puzzles.
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At least Final Fantasy gave you money for completing these dumb things....
Well, luckily the game isn't just mingling. There's a platforming phase where you use magical powers to jump, shoot foes, and do battle with evildoers from the Sailor Moon universe! Though I really don't recall any of these enemies since I never watched this season of the show, so I can't speak to their accuracy to the source material. The platforming is accurate for girls wearing high heels, though. These jumps're so stiff, you can mount 'em on a ladder and do high dives offa them.
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I can only assume these are the Japanese temple versions of Jehovah's witnesses
The bosses are unsurprisingly dull! Pretty much the only cool thing about them is their animations, which are alright and fairly fluid. Combat is summed up as ‘spam the attack button and don't even try to dodge, because who cares?’ You have more health than every boss in the game. Which is a good thing, ‘cos it's not like you can actually move around and dodge anything anyway.
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Ahh yes, the handstand of dominance. A most impressive display for an inter-dimensional being bent on destruction!
So after thumb-wrestling a boss, you get kicked back into story mode. It shifts the scout you play as, but who cares, they all blabber to randos on the street. Come on, just let me fight things! This sucks! While the best aspect of the street-roaming phase that gets changed up is the road layout, later platforming levels get a little cute with their traps and enemies. Still, though, it's all stupidly easy and kinda boring. Except that one time Sailor Mercury was dodging spike mace balls in a sea of scaffolding. Dang, I liked that episode of the show!
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Why can't they ever have spiky cubes? Why always balls? C'mon devs, get creative!
Also, I feel the need to point out that the background artists definitely got paid more than the foreground artists. There is so little effort put into the foreground, you may as well be playing an old Game Boy g...oh. Right.
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Mmyep, this sure looks like release material and not placeholders during development.
The story starts getting kooky near the end, at least from what my illiterate self can tell. Your first foes are some David Bowie wannabes. Next, a cloaked fortune teller pops in to ruin your self esteem and flash their $40 glass orb (as they do). Eventually, you meet the REAL enemy pulling the strings. It's...a planet? I think? A planet with a dirt lip and a mohawk. Sure. That's fine, I don't see anything that could go wrong with that.
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"...my life is Wiseman. This is my heart." Yeah no, I don't think you should have put 'Organ Donor' on your driver's license then, buddy
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"Moon Crystal Power!" The faces are definitely part of the power summoning rite. I get a similar look from my wife when I take the last ice cream bar from the freezer
The ending was lackluster, really. I mean, don't get me wrong, the character portraits were pretty good, but you don't get many more unique ones in the final cutscene. But hey, at least you can use the existing ones to redo some popular internet memes.
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Overall, not really that great. It was pretty disappointing, but I mean, that's kind of spot-on for all of my revisits to fond childhood memories. So what I've learned from this date is that holy moly did I have terrible taste as a kid! While my younger self might have sprung for it, I ain't going on a date with this one again. Nopes all around! But at least I found a baller Sprite of Passage from one of the lame mini games! Have it as a reminder to never revisit your childhood. Keep that past rosy!
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do you have burials at sea for sailor scouts?
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: The Rose and the Thorn: Chapter 12 (Mafia AU)
Summary:   Blue and Rus finally get a chance to talk. 
Tags: Spicyhoney, Cherryberry, Mafia AU, Flower Shop AU, Violence, First Meetings
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
Read on AO3
Read it here!
His confidence in his brother’s love didn’t exactly take a hit on the way downstairs to dinner, but it did give a wobbly sort of jiggle when Blue didn’t say a word to him. Not on the way down, but maybe that was because Edge was right there, Rus told himself. The silence lingered as they stopped off at small washroom to clean up, but that was even worse as a place to chat, adding in the echo of the water running from the fancy taps running into the basin to fill the room along with their Edge-shaped chaperone.
Blue didn’t say a thing aside from faint noises of acknowledgement as Edge made politely chitchat and led them back to the dining room, Rus trailing behind them.
Honestly, Rus hadn’t really thought a meal could be more awkward than breakfast that morning and he was rather unhappy about being proven wrong. Sure, Edge was unfailingly polite, even pulling Rus’s chair out for him like they were on a date in a fancy restaurant. And the food looked delicious when the Dogs brought it out in courses, a creamy tomato soup and salad before a delicate pasta dish, and a sweet orange and honey sorbet for dessert that should’ve had Rus licking the dish clean.
But it could have been a bowl of fried sawdust for all Rus tasted it. For the first time ever, he found himself missing his brother’s somewhat dubious meals. Maybe his recipe for spam fried rice wasn’t gonna land on any Michelin star restaurant menu, and it didn’t taste like the sweet frozen dreams of the sorbet, but the heaps of love that flavored it helped, a lot, more than Rus ever realized.
Guilt was a lot less tasty, Rus found, sitting penny-sharp on the back of his tongue and refusing to be swallowed away. His brother was mostly quiet, picking at his own plate and hardly taking a bite. Even odder, so was Red. Quiet, anyway, he cleared his plate without hesitation, but didn’t say much, and he kept giving Blue little sideways looks. If Rus didn’t know better, he’d almost say the mean old gargoyle was concerned, if there was room in the shriveled, leathery pouch that passed for his soul.
Edge said little, too, his eye lights flicking only briefly to their brothers, and that didn’t exact make Rus eager to drum up any conversation about the newest season of ‘The Umbrella Academy’ on Netflix. In the end, the silence was mostly broken only by the soft clatter of silverware against china, and the Dogs as they cleared it all away.
Rus idly stirred the bright stripe of honeyed syrup into his sorbet, forced himself to take another creamy mouthful. He wondered if the leftovers would find their way downstairs again, if that was the norm or if it were only for special occasions, like a pair of unexpected ‘guests’. Maybe Mona and her co-workers would get a chance to try a little of that pasta, standing around together laughing as they enjoyed some decent food before they went out on the stage. He hoped so, hoped that after a day of their sort of work, they had a treat at the end of the day. Meanwhile, all he had to show for his efforts today was a little healing and a lot of gardening. It was something, he supposed.
For all his past fantasies of interesting places out further in the world, out in some wonderous, mythical place where Humans didn’t look at him like they’d rather he was dust to brush off their shoes, Rus found he was missing the shop. If he’d thought his days were a little repetitive, now he recalled the simplicity of it wistfully; days of designing floral arrangements in complimentary colors, chatting with the customers who wandered in, and making up little backstories for them in his head, idle little daydreams to pass the time. All that silliness and he couldn’t have guessed how far off he was on Edge’s story, winced inwardly to even think of his past assumptions, funeral director, really? Of course, if Red ever set foot in his store, instead of any mental storytelling, he probably would have been discreetly reaching for the can of hornet spray his brother kept under the registers. You know, just in case.
Almost the moment Rus finally set his dessert spoon into his little empty dish, Blue was on his feet, politely wiping his mouth on his napkin, “Well, thank you ever so much for dinner, but I think my brother and I are going to have an early night.”
“yeah, sure, gotta get your rest, baby blue,” Red said easily. He slouched back in his chair, his bony fingers laced together over his broad middle. “gonna have a busy day tomorrow.”
“what…?” Rus started, confused. The rooftop garden wasn’t in that poor condition, was it? He wouldn’t have believed Blue’s expression could get any tighter until it did and Red didn’t wait for Rus to come up with a better question, only eased down from his chair, the wood creaking as it was relieved of his weight, and slouched out a side door that led who knows where in this maze of rooms.
The moment that door closed, Blue turned on his heel and headed for the other one, saying shortly, “Brother, let’s go.”
He went out without waiting, the door swinging shut behind him, and Rus sighed inwardly as he headed after him. Only to squeak in surprise as he was suddenly spun around, Edge pushing him gently back against the closed door, not quite pinning him there with firm hands at his shoulders. His crimson eye lights were a steady glow, not a flame so much as a softly burning coal, and his deep voice sent a shiver down Rus’s spine as he said, teasingly, “Aren’t you going to say good night?”
“good night?” Rus parroted, dumbly, and honestly, at some point he was going to managed to keep his wits about him with Edge so close. Today was not that day and could only stare up with wide sockets as the corner of Edge’s mouth rose in a faint smile. He was so close, close enough to see the slight crow’s-wing shadow on his cheek bone from his injury earlier, imperfectly healed.
He leaned down and Rus’s soul pounded so loudly he could hear it throbbing inside his skull, wondered wildly if Edge could hear it, too. But instead of kissing him, Edge only murmured right next to his auditory canal, “Sleep well, pretty flower shop boy.”
It took a second for that to register and when it did, Rus made a face, scrunching up his nasal nodule at that addition to his new nickname. Not that it mattered, his cottony thoughts weren’t able to come up with a decent protest. His skull felt like a heavy sunflower atop a too-narrow stem as he gave a wobbly nod, biting back a protest as Edge drew back. He didn’t try to kiss Rus, only ran a gentle finger down his jawline, his gloved finger velvety soft.
“you don’t want me to--?” Rus trailed off weakly, unsure what he even meant to ask. Stay? Go to his room with him? The words eluded him and finally Edge made the choice for him, not at all the one Rus expected or wanted.
“Go talk to your brother,” Edge chided. Rus winced, looking down, and he was right, of course he was, he and Blue hadn’t really talked since they got here. His secrets were getting revealed in the worst ways possible and he honestly needed to explain to his brother before he got the wrong idea. He nodded again, unhappily, and when he dared to peek up again Edge’s expression was softened. His voice dropped to a low rumble as he murmured, “Besides, there’s no reason to be hasty, is there? Some things are more delectable when enjoyed slowly.”
The lazy curl of his tongue behind his fierce teeth as the word delectable rolled off it was terribly distracting, oh, holy angel, help me.
“i…i should…” Rus’s own stupid tongue could barely form simple words, much less multiple syllables, why couldn’t he even think properly? Why was Edge so…so…
“Go,” Edge told him, softly, and Rus did, stumbling out after his brother. Who was waiting in the hallway and if his expression had been cool at the dinner table, now it was positively frozen.
“Come on,” Blue said, low, and Rus followed him through the hallways, trusting his brother to know the way and keeping meekly at his heels until they were at their room.
The moment the door closed behind them, Rus started, “bro, let me explain.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Blue loosened his tie, tossing it across the back of the loveseat and that carelessness took Rus aback almost as much as his words. It wasn’t at all what Rus expected, dull-edged and exhausted, and he faltered. He’d been braced for his brother’s temper, his disappointment, any number of things, but not this empty resignation.
“what? of course it matters, bro.” Rus hesitated, glancing around the room as he remembered Blue’s worries about being overheard, and yeah, he trusted Red about as far as he could toss the bastard, and Rus was pretty sure he couldn’t even lift him. “okay, come on.”
He didn’t give Blue a chance to protest, caught hold of his hand and dragged him into the bathroom, closing the door behind them. Then he turned on all the taps to full blast, steam rising from the shower and the basin as the water roared. “there!” Rus said triumphantly, “you were worried about people listening in, now no one can hear us.”
The room was getting warm fast, and maybe that helped melt a little of the iciness still on his brother’s face. Blue looked around, nodding a little, “That’s actually quite clever.”
“i saw it in a movie once,” Rus took a deep, shaky breath, “okay, now, let me explain.”
“What does it matter?” Blue sank down to sit on the shaggy rug in front of the vanity, wrapping his arms around his knees as his sockets fell closed, hiding his starry eye lights as he said, dully, “I’ve already lost you. I tried so hard to keep you safe, but I couldn’t—I failed you.”
“what?” Rus spluttered. This wasn’t going at all like he’d expected, somehow managing to be even worse than any of his pained imaginings, “no, you—bro, just listen, please!”
Blue only shook his head, asking low and raw, “How long have you been sleeping with him?”
“i’m not!” The ‘yet’ seemed to hang between them, unspoken but not unheard. Heat bloomed in Rus’s cheek bones, bright with embarrassed shame.
“Is that where you disappeared to that first night?” Blue accused. His sockets flared open as he scrambled to his feet and there was the anger Rus expected. Except not, this wasn’t the familiar exasperation at his schoolyard troubles or his messy habits, those had no place in the cold fury in his brother’s expression, or in the acid of his voice as he asked, “Off to bed down with him, is that it?”
“we didn’t!” But the taste of guilt was thick in his throat, that had been his intention, hadn’t it? Did it even matter when Edge was the one to turn him away? “it… didn’t…wait, this is getting twisted around, you don’t understand!”
“What’s to understand? That you somehow got involved with that…person…and then dragged me and our shop in with it!” Blue heaved in a ragged breath, bursting out, “You should’ve known better from the start, this isn’t what we need!” He waved a hand at the bathroom, the opulent mirror fogged, the many showerheads pouring a wasteful waterfall down the drains. “All this flash and nonsense! We’ve always had each other, you and I, I always tried to teach you to be better and now you’ve brought this down on us!”
It was so unfair, Rus was near speechless, thick tears clogging in his throat and sockets. “it’s not like that!” he croaked. Then cringed at the scathing glare his brother sent towards him, and he’d never been so angry before, never, why…?
“Are you suggesting I imagined his tongue down your throat?” Blue said, so terribly cold and now the tears were burning, brimming threateningly, his soul pounding achingly with every word.
“no, but—”
“They’re criminals, all of them!” Blue snarled, “Every Monster here! Criminals! Stars only knows how much dust is on their hands!”
Rus couldn’t even protest that, he didn’t know, he could only dig for his own accusations, thin and shrill, “that didn’t stop you from making deals with them! your oh, so, important work tomorrow that you need to rest up for!”
“I am trying to get us out with our store and souls intact,” Blue said bitterly. “What sort of deal are you trying to make that involves spreading your knees? You’re so eager to be used up and tossed aside, I hope at least it pays well!”
Rus could only stare down at his brother in shock as tears welled in his sockets, spilling over in hot trails down his cheek bones, watching as Blue’s anger dimmed, remorse setting in, “Little brother, I—”
No. He couldn’t listen anymore, couldn’t stand here and hear his brother’s hatefulness. Rus closed his burning sockets and willed himself away.
The little breakroom downstairs was darkened and empty, all the gaiety of earlier drained away. Rus stumbled out of his shortcut over to a corner, sinking down to bury his face into his upraised knees, and if his thoughts were clouded earlier, now they were positively lost.
What was he supposed to do? His brother hated him right now and surely Blue would forgive him, (please, oh please), but a lifetime of trust between them was damaged by his foolish secrets, those bitter words still echoing in his skull. Used up, tossed aside, and he could hear Blaze’s crackling voice as he told him that once the Fells got sick of their toys, they broke them.
Idiot, careless, useless idiot, and that cold, inner voice wasn’t Blue, but their Pop, idiot, idiot, he always said, and it was true, wasn’t it. Here they were with everything they’d worked so hard for spiraling the drain and Rus was still caught up in the misty fantasy, letting it carry him along like a toy boat in a stream, only eventually the river would peter out and leave him stranded out alone in the vast ocean.
He couldn’t count on Edge to take care of him forever. He’d get sick of Rus eventually, probably soon. Once he figured out Rus wasn’t anything close to as interesting as he’d first thought, Edge would cast him aside, and the only question was whether it was before or after he and his brother kept their promises. Even if they did, were he and Blue going to be able to step back into their shop, work together as brothers without this hanging between them?
He didn’t know and Rus curled up tightly, muffling his sobs as he cried, and wishing desperately that he’d never sold Edge that first single red rose.
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asleepinawell · 2 years
the fact that the prae cutscenes are unskippable in even duty support is one of the funniest and most sadistic things square has done
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voltronfandomhag · 5 years
Hey, I saw your post talking about the Voltes V fanboy who attacked the official forum. Good times! Do you remember RedLion? How about WetDiaperBoy? LotorsSlave? lmao
Wow, would you mind messaging me your forum user name? Because you must have gone way back on that board to remember the likes of RedLion or WetDiaperBoy. Holy cow!
And for those of you unaware, anon here is talking about a few of the troublemakers and trolls who haunted the now defunct official Voltron forum over the years. Since I’m certain very few of you know about them, I’ll go into a little more detail.
RedLion: Was most infamous for his unrelenting negativity, repetitiveness, and endless complaining about the Voltron comic published by Devil’s Due. The fact he didn’t like the DD comic wasn’t the problem. The problem was his habit throwing a tantrum across multiple threads on both the Voltron forum and the DD forums about everything he disliked in the latest issue. Pretty much any deviation from the 80s show upset him. When people finally snapped at him or asked him to give it a rest, he’d then bemoan how he couldn’t post an opinion without being attacked. Like, dude, it’s not your opinion that’s the problem so much as it’s your burning need to post said opinion 75 to 100 times in the same thread. All this from a man who, at the time, was in his late 50s.
WetDiaperBoy: A particularly infamous troll who went on a rampage when the board’s sole admin went on vacation. Antics included trying to impersonate the admin, sending messages to various board users threatening to ban them, creating an army of sockpuppet accounts with increasingly offensive user names, and spamming the forum with racist, homophobic, and sexists posts. This lasted until admin returned from his vacation a few days later.
LotorsSlave: Stereotypical fangirl: obsessed, belligerent, unable to accept the character and shipping preferences of others, and not very bright. She’d start threads on the board detailing her personal fantasies about Lotor to near TMI levels then whine about how no one responded to them. The fact Kallura was more popular than Lotura was also very upsetting to her. Like, I understand the frustration that comes when your preferences go against fandom norms. That’s pretty much the story of my life in fandom. But that doesn’t mean everyone who doesn’t share your preferences is an idiot who needs better taste blasted into them. 
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annakie · 5 years
Notes on a blog cleanup.
I’ve been going back through my earliest blog posts (I joined this hellhole in May, 2011) to try and find a particular post I made, and decided to do some cleaning up of the early-blog cringe. Then I got a little addicted to it. 
So I started keeping this running log of notes as I went through.  Enjoy.
Basically the first few months my blog was more or less just a Doctor Who blog.  Just going back reliving those early Doctor Who memories, back when Season 7 was airing... and tumblr was at the height of the Doctor Who craze.  I’m only deleting the cringe-est of cringe posts from back then.
Fuck, this is making me want to rewatch Doctor Who.  I haven’t rewatched Doctor Who in like a half dozen years.  Probably more.  I mean I still keep up with the show when it airs but except for a few select episodes (mostly The Husbands of River Song, I’ve seen that like five times, it’s so good) I almost never actually go back and rewatch episodes.  This is a bad idea.
Also remember when we all felt the need to comment completely useless things on people’s posts who clearly didn’t care or add to the conversation.  Did a lot of that.  Deleting a lot of this unless it’s something I actually want to remember for some reason.
Any proof also that I may have liked Bedknob Cumberbund.  Only a few Sherlock posts but yikes?  Was that me?  Luckily no SuperWhoLock so far, but not surprising because I watched Supernatural enough to catch up to it and watch like season 8 live, and I think I tapped out mid-season 9 and was never THAT into it.
Adam Baldwin Appreciation Post... DELETED.  Yikes.
Apparently I once tagged something “otp3”?  *facepalm*
Found a post I reblogged where someone was DEMANDING CREDIT if someone reposted any pics from a set of pics of an actor because they spent a lot of time working very hard.... removing the watermarks from the pictures.  Imagine demanding credit for stealing the credit from someone else’s work.  Nowadays I’d just block the OP if I saw that on my dash. 2011 tumblr was a lawless time.
Getting in a few months to where I THOUGHT I had started tagging my posts, but instead I was reblogging with other people’s tags when that was able to be automatic.  I keep finding posts with like super thirsty tags that I am 99% sure were not mine, and deleting the tags or usually just the entire post.  Also lots of times I just kept tags that were like “mine” for things I clearly did not make myself.  Been kinda lazy about fixing this.
A LOT of “this post has been hidden for possible adult content” posts, and there’s no way to either see the post or delete the post.  Neat.  Also I’m sure almost none of them were anything objectional because even back then I didn’t relog NSFW stuff ever?
Oh no I’d reblogged a “Wake me up when September ends “joke” post.  Sorry Greenday.  Deleted.
Fuck, I’m rewatching Doctor Who.  How did this happen?  I’m on Aliens of London already?  This is so bad.  Why am I doing this?  Oh, nostalgia.
God I used to be so salty about Doctor Who / people who were assholes about Martha Jones.  I’d actually forgotten just how bad I was about that.  On the other hand, holy shit people were assholes about Martha Jones and I’d forgotten how shitty people were in her tag.  Even back then I’d block those OPs but still.  Yikes on both sides.
I’ve deleted over 300 posts now and I just made it to October 1st, 2011.
This is giving me the opportunity to go back and tag a bunch of posts as personal posts though so that I have a better record of what I was doing back then, which is nice.  I didn’t really start tagging personal posts as much until probably 2012.  Finding some pretty good memories that I’m glad I am tagging for keeps.
Hahaha remember when Netflix was going to rebrand the dvd side of their business as Qwickster?  My blog does.
Tags on a HIMYM post about shipping Ted and Robin more than Barney and Robin?  Definitely not mine. Ick.  Also remember having good feelings about HIMYM before the finale gut-punched your love of the show out of you?
October 15, 2011 I reblogged a post about Elizabeth Warren.  I was clearly ahead of my time.
There’s so many posts now that are just broken because the posts are deleted or because things were reblogged as links.  Remember when that was a thing?
Anyway I’m on Boomtown now and uh, Micky Smith is still great?  I can’t believe people hated him after the first episode where he was (understandably, humanly) cowardly.
Early December 2011 and I’m getting real tired of my own fandom wank.  I cared so much about a fictional character.  Kind of not regretting deleting more of this but hey I wrote a lot of essays, why not keep that proof?
Also I’ve started requeueing some good posts from way back when now, so expect a blast from the past on your dash starting a couple of weeks from now.  It’s a bit hard finding stuff that’d be considered truly good even today since gif size was so much smaller back then.
Seeing so many old familiar names of mutuals on my dash is nice though.  I miss some of these people... and a few are still around.  Hi there, friends I made through Doctor Who in 2011!
January 11th 2012 - I was watching Supernatural and damnit I reblogged something SuperWhoLock.  I hate you, January 2012 Me.  (OK actually I don’t because January 2012 me made a courageous decision that changed my life for the better in so many ways, but I’m still judging her choices in tumblr posts.)  At least the blog overall is starting to go down to like 60% Doctor Who and 10% Parks and Rec and 30% Other, including some socially conscious posts.  The cringe has lessened, but still there.
Also I’m on The Parting of the Ways, and yeah season 1 of New Who was just as uneven as I remembered it.  Eccelston did the best he could with what he was given, which was sometimes great, and the rest of the main cast was admirable as well.  Mickey, still underrated.  Captain Jack... still amazing.   And the Doctor did him so, so wrong by leaving him behind.  Gah. 
Anyway, in two nights I’ve now gone back over 750 pages of 15 posts per page, I’m on page 2488 of 2981.   I’ve deleted over 600 posts (40 pages worth) because they were dumb, bad, irrelevant, broken or just something I no longer want on my blog anymore.  I’m still only in mid-January, less than 8 months after this blog was started, but also I think I’m getting near the point of where I set up a queue and did a lot less post-spamming.  I may pick this project back up sometime next week, since I’m about to have a very busy rest of the week. I think the worst of the cringe is past, though.
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whetstonefires · 5 years
So the weird anti person i attempted to engage as if they were arguing in good faith and just really dumb got back to me really fast, flatly denied that dropping personal attacks like ‘you are a degenerate’ in someone’s inbox is harassment, announced they don’t actually do it (much) anyway, they just announced that they will sort of because they have the right to say what they want,
said that supporting someone’s right to do something and supporting them actually exercising that right are different things so there’s no contradiction between saying the first and attacking the latter holy fucking carp no
hell to the no. what the fuck do they think a ‘right’ is.
(like. at least say supporting in theory is different than in practice! that indicates a conflict in your own approach that can in principle be resolved! or at least compensated for! there’s self-awareness there!)
argued that ‘seeing mean comments isn’t harm’ so yeah legit sticks-and-stones argument here from someone who made a point of stating they don’t support harassment
just. so much bad faith and counterfactuals and false equivalencies and self-contradiction and total inability to behave like a person.
And ultimately declared they were having a blast and attempted to provoke me into fighting them, so obviously there’s no way in fuck I’m a self-harming idiot enough to do that haha you grotesque hell goblin.
(Not that long ago I was exactly that much of an idiot. Please learn from my example. When you are shaking with rage and the other person is laughing, either commit grievous bodily harm if appropriate or walk the fuck away. From the oozing sore of a mind attempting to get its pus all over you.)
See, I can call them names all I want on my own blog without @ing them and it’s not harassment! And honestly people can reblog their post and call them horrible names in exactly the way they are doing and it’s not precisely harassment atm because they are actively and gleefully picking fights.
they are literally asking people to attack them. punch them and you will take all the damage. do not engage. they’d probably be thrilled if they did get hostile spam in their inbox.
Tumblr is horribly formatted in many ways and it’s harder to ensure bad stuff is tagged than on AO3 but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything really grotesque outside a readmore, so even on tumblr sharing a work of fiction is not starting a conversation, especially not in the same sense as throwing down a gauntlet in the second person no less.
Like. I should have known this was a troll but it sounded just reasonable enough to be a dumb person in over their head and throwing a tantrum, right? Bah.
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lauraswan347-blog · 5 years
The Online Casino Suggestion For The Very Best Chance Of Successful
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
(1) Hi, you fluffiest raccoon on planet earth! *snuggles* So Zelda is your favorite game? I haven‘t played a single one of them sadly but my big brother lets me play Breath of the Wild soon on his switch because it really really interests me. I always saw Link in other Games like Smash Bros and all the stuff I saw around the internet made me curious. So I will definitely play Breath of the Wild soon. And about the Witcher. Well, it wouldn‘t hurt if you played the first two games first,
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Edit: Ahahahahha, either Tumblr messed up with new settings and buttons or this extension that I added to have the old blue back but added more buttons too and I accidentally posted before answering lol
You come back after the log off protest so you can read it no worries, Peridot!! Because I may finish this but rather late for you so you go to bed, aye? Talk to you in a week! :3
(this may look like a full answer but it’s just in process buddy. Imma tell you above the keep reading when it’s finished. Gods, sorry for wrong posting hahaha!!)
You most WONDERFUL MUFFIN, I’m happy to get to be answering to you again!! How have you been? I hope you’ve been doing better regarding that other issue. It’s not easy or light so you take your time recovering and making your peace with it, aye buddy? I’m still sending you my good vibes and wishes, standing with you even if only from far away. You can do it, buddy. Take your time. *pets you*
And yes, Zelda must be my fave! Sometimes I feel shy saying it because there’s always the idiot that says that if you haven’t played all the games in the franchise you’re not a fan and that’s stupid to me lol. But yeh, I really love all the Zelda universe aksljdfadlkjg :3
Link is one of my absolute FAVES and babies and I protecc. I think that you’ll like him and the games. Did you know his name is Link because when they were planning the first games, the creator wanted you to see yourself reflected in the character? So that’s why he has no voice (other than his yelps and yells) and is mostly named ‘Link’, because he’s supposed to be a link between the player and the game, it’s supposed to be someone you channel yourself into even if just slightly. Also explains a bit of his physical looks; they say they wanted Link to look like a girl with boy attributes or like a boy with feminine attributes so anyone could feel related to him :3
BUT ENOUGH OF MY RANT, it’s just my love for this boy and everything of the Zelda universe is MY LOVE KLASDJKLADGJ 
Ooooooh, I see what you mean with the whole thing about the Witcher and whether I need to play the first 2 first. I’m catching that it’s sorta like Dragon Age? Like, there’s a kaload of books and info and the other 2 games that come first, but I’m not missing anything like...I can make sense to it. Still, however, it would be more...rich if I could play the first 2 games. I’d understand the story and the lore better, I’d have a better comprehension of the world and the history, and I’d know characters better and deeper.
Still, playing straight from the 3rd game is fine. I’m just missing things in that sort of way but it’s understandable and fine. That’s how I catch it, at least! :)
Well, if that’s the case, I may give a thought to getting the Witcher 3 one day. I do have heard it’s like a classic or a very dear game to many, many people, so I sure should try it out. Thanks for filling me in on whether it was fine to play the third alone or not!! Imma search for the books, as well. Reading is quite a passion for me and if I can complement reading with gaming...gawds, that sounds like HEAVEN
One of the many reasons I’m so intimate with XV is that it’s got a deep and intimate deal with father-son subjects, which makes me sort of weak. And knowing this about the Witcher makes it even more interesting!! Because it sounds like such a complex character with a complex purpose. One looks at him and it’s easy to think that he’s just a tough guy that, I don’t know, is a mercenary and looks for prizes and fame or something, or like he’s defending his dead wife’s memory and taking revenge, something savage and brutal like a Tough Guy, you know?
But the fact that he’s actually looking for his daughter? FUCK, THIS FUCKS ME UP INT HE BEST WAY POSSIBLE *SHRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK*
I’m SO in love with storyes that don’t revolve around romance. Like, side romance is FANTASTIC, but when it’s like....the center itself, the core? BORING. But family or friend bonds? Siblings? F A T H E R  A N D  D A U G H T E R???????
PERFECT. BRILLIANT. There’s no better character arc/construnction than that of a tough guy fighting for the reasons that can come off as “not rough”. Looking for a daughter is SAVAGE AND BRUTAL AF but it’s not that common ya know. It’s usually revenge,t he love of his life, or something like that. But a tough guy looking for his baby girl? YAS. FAHK. I NEED I NEED I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED
Hahaha, don’t worry about ranting to me about the game!! I understand your joy and excitement, and it’s okay to keep talking about it. It DOES sound like a PHENOMENAL game so of course you’d love to talk more and more about it!! :D
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