#and by the end she’s always yelling at me abt school for some reason
iicheeze · 1 year
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girl || Haley [Last Name]
eldest sibling of the [Last Name] family
has anger issues
also has a massive ego
likes to takes selfies but somehow hates getting her pictures taken without permission becuz it 'captures her bad side'
very selective when it comes to men
realized she's a lesbian when she almost had sex with a guy
what happened to guy you ask?
she slapped him and went off to get dressed and yelled that she's a lesbian becuz of him
poor guy
also has a girlfriend named Yuriko
Yuriko's a transfer from Japan and they met when they were working
is Yuriko nice?
i guess u can say she is cuz she's very wifey
will Haley ever propose?
boytoy || Mark [Last Name]
youngest sibling of the [Last Name] family
he's pretty and he knows it
sucks ass at sports tho
would be a lady hooker if he can, but [Name] taught him to be a woman respecter since apparently their mom isnt there to teach them how to
is bisexual
sucks at cooking so he always relies on [Name] to cook for him when their dad ain't home back in middle school and high school (since Haley only cooks for herself)
basically relies on [Name] a lot but not so much since he can work fine alone
he just likes companionship
degrading kink haver || Lila [Last Name]
the Aunt of the [Last Name] family (dad's side aka dad's sister)
yes she does have a degrading kink
just lives at a house right next to the [Last Name] residence but stops by often cuz bitch ass Haley won't take care of her siblings correctly
tried teaching Mark how to cook but ended up roasting the egg and its now stuck to the pan
is a gambling addict
but when she wins some big money she'd invite Haley, Mark and [Name] to new amusement parks, shopping, etc etc
other than that a decent aunty
often asks Mark if he scored a lady's cooch cooch
he doesn't
hes a virgin
and Lila is very disappointed in that
dad || Jason [Last Name]
Father of the [Last Name] family
works as a car engineer
is NOT good with words
hated cats but when [Name] visited him with a cat in their arms, immediately bonds
is confused why [Name] is the only one with a Model husband instead of Haley or Mark having a spouse
(tbh he never expected the menace of the family to be happily wedded but good for u)
would be father of the year if only he just be truthful abt their mom
other than that hes a decent dad
cooks for the family, works for the family, (although grocery shopping would be hard but hes trying), and doesn't destroy his kids' mental health
good dad
(his pfp is from [Name], they sent him a cute cat named Maxwell from the internet and he kept using that pfp for almost a year straight)
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TAGLIST || @stellakito @crueldinasty @hysteriablues @hoesaria @dreamsofminnie @caffeine-mess @alatusorrow @lunaeclipsethesimp @lxkeeeee @myaaones @withloveminnie @shewolfniko @aeongiies @qwnelisa @liliumaraneae @candlebathwater @seirin-eyy @feiherp @nxsh30 @loivre @imdeadlyboredhelp @hotgirlshit5 @worldhardtibbysoft @mitsu-moshi @mono1606 @zomzomb1e @vvyeislazzy @crucnhice @omlxlaure @iethairs
@ownedbythescribe @mishtae @aloflapse @divinechicha @thefandomcrow @d4y-dr3am3r @tjjjrsj @certaindreampost @minninr @angelkazusstuff @zyilas @lumpywolf @haruaikawa @xiaosonlybeloved @reconaiise @yuyan @myoreiii @lordbugs @theaudacitiedmentose @scaravibe @exphhoria @venusflwers @ohmyfinggod @niyaiiz
SUMMARY II in which, a sassy and bitter househusband, and his beloved, idiotic streamer of a lover got married! what a lovely occasion. now, for the married life in a newer, and bigger apartment.
PAIRINGS || Househusband Scaramouche x Gaming Streamer GN Reader
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this story takes place in China, Beijing.
the reason [Name]'s family names are American-styled, it's because Jason is a transfer from America to China for college. He met [Name]'s mom, Lian Hua, by being roommates.
since Lian Hua left the family to pursue her dreams, Jason decided to name his children by American names, solely because he wants to cut any Asian ties that's connected to Lian Hua herself.
he even moved from Shanghai to Beijing because of it.
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nabwastaken · 2 months
so I watched Heathers live
so for those unaware, the musical Heathers is currently on tour throughout the UK and I got to see it since it's in my town rn! (Shoutout to my brother for buying the tickets). I saw it live so here's a few notes and my review on it
For context I have seen and listened to the Original Off Broadway version, but have not seen the West End proshot and only listened to the added songs for it.
Also I have horrible memory so I may get stuff or misremember stuff wrong. Feel free to ask me a few questions abt my experience in the replies/rbs
Let's jump in!
Notes and Observations:
Ram and Kurt were really good. Like, they had awesome comedic timing and were always a treat to see onstage
Heather Chandler STOLE THE SHOW!!! Her actress was so talented and she rocked the vocals of Candy Store so much. She had such a presence every time she was onstage
But my favorite of all of them was JD. God, he was so fucking good. The Freeze Your Brain climax? Mwah, chef's kiss that was amazing. I was legit at the edge of my seat throughout Meant To Be Yours. When he yelled “VERONICA!” There was legit a growl as he yelled it out.
Kurt's Dad in Dead Gay Son had a fantastic voice
One of the nerd ensemble members was really funny. Like in Shine a Light he just shoved himself in front of Fleming to dance and that was so funny
The accents were WAYYY better than on the West End cast album. Which makes sense, apparently JD's actor was Canadian
There were a few lyric changes. Can't name them off the top of my head but they caught me slightly off guard when I heard them (particularly in Dead Gay Son with a whole verse)
The added songs weren't that bad! I still prefer Blue to You're Welcome but seeing it live changed my opinion on it and Kurt and Ram were both shoving each other and fighting throughout the number and it was really funny (though it was unintended). Thematically I still refuse to get behind the song tho (but that's a post for another day) Never Shut Up Again was so good!! Heather Duke absolutely ATE IT UP AND LEFT NO CRUMBS. I Say No was.. fine tho.
And the lighting was spectacular. There was specially colored lights for each of the Heathers that would shine on them after their big numbers and during Never Shut Up Again there's a REALLY cool thing where they rip off Duke's clothes to reveal Heather Chandler's red ones and then the lights turned to red and started flashing everywhere in the theatre. And during Dead Gay Son all the lights were rainbow colored. AND WHEN THE SCHOOL BLEW UP ALL THE LIGHTS JUST FLICKERED AND STUFF IT WAS SO COOL
Shine a Light was great. Fleming was absolutely hilarious and they all had these bedazzled jackets. When she asked for volunteers literslly all the students behind her raised their hands but she kept going anyway. There was a bit where after the "Steve, I'm ending our affair!" Part a spotlight shone on a random man in the audience and Fleming just flirts with that poor man. Like it's a lot it and it was hilarious. Later on in the stage door she says that it's improv every night and at the start of the show she picks an audience member and then writes it down on the board.
Speaking of the stage door: Everyone was so nice! We got selfies with them (that I will not be showing for privacy reasons) and some of them even signed my program!
Overall thoughts:
That was really good! Solid 8/10 from me. It holds up on par and sometimes even better than the original off bway cast! If you live in any of the cities they're touring to next, I would highly recommend buying tickets and checking it out if you can.
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kuschelkissen · 4 months
reverse unpopular opinion: nagano trio
Ppl send topics and instead of salt or hot takes, you MUST talk abt smth you like about it. Good excuse to gush abt smth you already love, OR think and find smth positive to say. 
LMAO what have you done, as if I'm not already gushing over them at any given time during the day 😂
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Long post under cut, so you can skip more easily
I'm not even gonna talk about the shipping side of them because you see me gushing over that all the time anyway.
(Plus, I have a metaphorical goldfish brain, and I don't even remember how it all started 😅)
What is there NOT to like about them??
I really love their overall dynamic. All three of them, but also the individual pairs.
It's not really stated, but in my head, they're all childhood friends. Kansuke and Yui are confirmed to be, and Kansuke and Taka'aki... kinda? They've canonically known each other since grade school and always competed with each other, established to be "rivals" since then. So it's reasonable to assume that all three of them spent at least some time together, right?.
(And they still do, look at them hanging out together after work.)
(They're on a date)
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I love their bickering and teasing.
Yui calling Kansuke "Kan-chan", and when he objects, she goes: "Yeah, yeah, inspector Yamato 😉", clearly not taking him seriously (and he knows it. Just look at him "=_=").
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Then you have Taka'aki mocking Kansuke for being so obvious in his plan of helping him get back to headquarters. "I would have done the same for you, but I would've been way more subtle about it." - "Yeah you know what, you can stay here and rot for all I care! =_="
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Both of them are teasing Kansuke in the woodpecker episode about the bad plan of Yamamoto, just for him to go "?? It's not MY plan, so why are you acting like it is??" (Look at their faces, man, Taka'aki looks so playful 😂)
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And Kansuke is overall just... Kansuke. 😅 The first scene with him is yelling at Yui, and more or less the first scene with Taka'aki is him basically telling him to drop dead (and boy, does he look HURT by that??). AND YET??
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Yet, it is very obvious that he cares for both of them. They all do.
In their first case, Yui throws herself in the way of a bullet to protect Kansuke after he tried to protect her first (I think this is anime only).
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Kansuke tells her that he's gonna wait for her to return to him the police.
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Kansuke brought Conan to the Red Wall case not to help him, but so Taka'aki could solve it with his help and then return to HQ (which in the end was useless because Taka'aki actually cracked the message before anyone else lol).
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We find out that Taka'aki went against all orders to find Kansuke, who had been declared dead, and got demoted because of that (he dashed to his support...).
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Kansuke was ready to throw himself into a house completely ENGULFED in flames to save Taka'aki from death. And Yui DID throw herself into those flames! (still salty that they didn't show us how she rescued him)
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You have Kansuke and Taka'aki communicating completely nonverbal on more than one occasion.
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And then of course we have all the tragedies surrounding them.
The death of Kai Kuroto, Yui finding his dead body. Kansuke going missing on the search for his murder, declared dead, then found again in a coma, with his eye lost and leg damaged in undisclosed way (they hint that it's reversible in the Woodpecker case (Manga only), but who knows). Taka'aki getting demoted after throwing himself into the search for Kansuke, Yui on the other hand getting married to a suspect to further investigate Kai's murder.
And do I even have to mention the whole Family-murder past for Taka'aki?? Imagine coming home at 13 (?14?) from summer camp and finding your parents brutally murdered and your little brother traumatised (and we know he's only still alive because the murderer thought he'd lead him to his (dead) daughter one day! So it could've ended even worse!), then being separated from your brother by long distance (I checked, it's about a 3h ride by train from Nagano city to Tokyo.), AND THEN YOUR LITTLE BROTHER IS ALSO KILLED WHILE UNDERCOVER?? Give that man a fucking break!!
Also love how all of them had been a crime suspect at least once lol
And appart from all of that, I just love how the Trio just... accepts that Conan is ... different. There are no questions asked when he storms onto the crime scene, they'll let him watch the gruesome surveillance videos, no big deal, they overall just... treat him like an equal?
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I mean?! In their second appearance, Kansuke and Yui go all the way to Tokyo just to get him on the case! Sure, officially they get Kogoro, but Yui outright tells Conan that Kansuke came to get him!
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I also just love how they can keep up with him. Sure, you have Conan making hints for the other cops, too, and them then figuring things out, but with the Nagano Trio, they often figure out things ALONGSIDE of Conan, getting the same ideas, etc (well, Taka'aki and Kansuke at least, Yui only did that once in her debut episode you can blame Aoyama for sidelining his female characters once again) and like I said, I think Taka'aki in the Red Wall case is one of the very, VERY few occasions of someone cracking a code BEFORE Conan. I love it?! They're so fucking smart!
So... yeah?? I think I'm done gushing. For now. Insert Marge Simpson Meme, I just think they're neat??
And imagining them as a throuple makes it all so much funnier.
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mountainashes · 11 months
Washington Siblings Time lets goooo
Beth Washington
She likes instruments and can play quite a few different ones. (I feel like I saw a hc somewhere abt her playing guitar? It stuck with me).
She also plays some sports, but not as much as Hannah.
She was actually quite popular in school (based off her relationship stat with Jess being reasonably high).
She's lesbian.
Her 'role' in the group very much seems to be sort of like Sam's in that she's often trying to prevent trouble.
She's constantly looking out for her siblings, especially when they're in a big social situation like a party.
She wears beanies everywhere. Emotional support beanies.
Has a crush on Sam.
She's usually quite laid-back, but when she gets annoyed she's immediately furious. 0-100 real quick.
Hannah Washington
She likes insects a lot. Especially butterflies.
She can and will pick up spiders in her hands she literally does not fear any kind of bug or creepy crawlies.
She's quite artsy.
She's quite strong bc of all the sports she does. She, Sam and Matt often enough end up in weird little competitions and go on runs/hikes etc.
She was sort of the weird kid in most her classes, but wasn't often made fun of because of the people she was friends with and her siblings.
She's generally always a little caught up in her own daydreams.
She's trans.
She's neurodivergent. Idk what specifically but she is nd to me.
She's bi but it would take her forever to realise that.
As Beth describes her, she's often quite 'naive' and if it weren't for Sam, Beth and Josh she'd likely be the target of many jokes, some more harmless than others.
She's very optimistic, bright and chooses to see the best in people. She's not as social as her siblings and spends most her time with Sam. She likes being alone often, left to her own thoughts and fantasies and ideas.
Josh Washington
He's very into art and drama, especially horror of course.
He hangs out with Ashley and she helps him write scripts, while he draws things from her writing for her.
Despite this he is very jumpy and easily scared.
Because their parents are often super busy he very much took on the whole big-sibling caretaker role.
He's popular despite being really quiet and somewhat anti-social. He's the kind of guy who disappears off of any social media for weeks and is very difficult to get into contact with.
He likes playing pranks and jokes, but only when they're somewhat thought out. Like he isn't just going to jump out from behind a door and yell it's gotta be way more interesting.
He's trans (I don't have a specific hc for him I stick to I just know he's very genderfucky).
He's queer.
He hates Hannah's bugs and complains all the time about them but he'd never actually do anything to hurt them or upset Hannah.
He's quite pessimistic, sort of the opposite of Hannah. He's very paranoid of others and their intentions, and he often isolates himself because of that. This has a lot to do with his mental health though, he doesn't actually like being alone.
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mothmans-mothballls · 2 years
okay i’m gonna rant about it in a post bc i’ve been rabid about this for a few days. maybe it’s bc i read frankenstein in my free time and not in school where we would’ve analysed it or w/e but. when i read that thing abt 10 years ago i was so impressed with the subversion of how Victor Frankenstein was the actual monster and the creature was more sympathetic and intelligent than him. how he was the entire reason the situation turned as bad as it did. and i thought DAMN. way to go for an author of that culture and time period.
and i know that victorians were massive racists so that’s not necessarily what’s surprising, it’s just. how in my mind she wrote the OPPOSITE story of what I’ve now been led to believe she set out to write. never would i have EVER IN MY LIFE guessed that she found the creature to be unsympathetic and considered Frankenstein the hero. not for money could i have guessed it based only on the book
and i don’t know if i have a point to make and i don’t know where i’m going with this but i’m splitting at the fucking seams processing this shit. now for years i’ve described frankenstein as a story about the monsters you make of people you’re responsible for when you don’t TAKE responsibility, when you decide that they’re monsters and then work to make it true, when you abuse and neglect them, when you’re selfish, take your pick of stupid mistakes mr frankenstein makes
the creature is shown consistently to want to make friends? to be inherently gentle? to take an interest in things the victorians considered good, like the bible and intellectual pursuits? people who talk to him without seeing him LIKE him  and only become frightened when they find out what he looks like? his own creator hates him for the way HE MADE HIM and all the creature does for as long as he can bear is to try to reconcile this, to ask his creator to finish his work by helping shape his mind, by giving him a place to belong, anything. and all victor does is whine passively about the consequences of his own actions. by refusing to solve the problem like an angry tired toddler and then acting shocked when the consequences he was warned about come to pass. it’s not a black and white story but come on
i always assumed the “frankenstein’s monster is evil” thing came from movie adaptations that wanted a simpler story and a bigger shock factor. but even his other creator, his author, had no sympathy for him
and i’m trying to like. is this a mistake on the part of the author? is this a sign of the changing times that the same text reads so differently now? is it my own lack of knowledge of this kind of literature? is it a combination of some or all of these? is it a secret fourth thing? i’ve loved this story for what i saw in it. and like “if you see it it’s there” and all that. but intent MATTERS and what do i DO WITH THIS INFORMATION NOW
how do i ENGAGE with this work, knowing what i do now. how much is it my PLACE to do and what DO i do what SHOULD i do what CAN i do
i. i don’t have a way to end this. i’m not a literary analyst. i normally just rant in pms with friends or in tags. i wanted to yell into the void today
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mnxxxie · 1 year
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Bnha characters favorite portals songs <3
Includes: bakugou, kaminari, todoroki, Kirishima, midoriya, Mina, and tamaki
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Literally change my mind.
He likes the beat and thinks the lyrics are badass asf.. ofc he won’t admit it.
I mean this song is basically abt Melanie (in this case Katsuki) growing as a person.
His favorite lyrics:
“Pluto destroy me, kill me off slowly. I’ll bathe in my ashes, rise like a phoenix, show me who I am becoming”
“I’m turning to expired routes, help me move on. There’s nothing in this tired town, for me no more. What once was a home is a hell I can’t manage, so send me packin it up.”
The entire beat drop with the last section.
♡ Kaminari♡
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The entire reason he loves this song is because of the “yeuAh” at the beginning. He thinks it funny.
Let’s be honest here, he probably has no idea that the song is about periods because.. y’know.. he’s a little bit stupid.
Once he finds out that the song is actually a distrack of Oliver tree, he likes it even more.
He stay an Oliver Tree hater.💀
His favorite lyrics:
“Why you always act so serious? I said ‘baby boy you know I’m on my period’ YUH”
“It’s so scary, how my aura got him howling at my moon cycle baby”
“Now he kissing on the ground that I walk on. Tryna get another taste, but I’m all cramped up. Pain like a blade on the front lawn, but I don’t give a fuck ‘cause I’m so strong.”
“I could win a fight on my period. Matter of fact, right now I could built a pyramid. You’re messing with my cycle that is dangerous”
♡ Todoroki♡
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He likes Melanie’s clever use of the word “Larynx”. Since a Larynx is basically the human voice box, allowing you to speak, or in Melanie’s case, argue, it goes along well with the theme of her album because a Larynx (for people who don’t know the meaning) sounds like some sort of mythical creature.
Reminds him with his relationship with his father a little bit.
Likes the instrumentals.
He also thinks the transition between LEECHES to BATTLE OF THE LARYNX was pretty cool and very smooth.
His favorite lyrics:
“You used all your words for a quick game, blew it all before you won”
“Poke me to battle, I’ll jump on the saddle, I’ll smile as you fall to your feet”
“And they talk without thinkin’, they bark while they’re shaking, with teeth that are round and dull. And they yell while they’re chasing, while I’m steady pacing. My syllables hit the floor.”
“I’ll reck you, if you chase me. But I’ll be silent until you cross the line. . . Don’t you battle with my larynx tonight”
♡ Kirishima♡
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Idk this song kinda reminds him of his quirk in a way? He can’t really explain how.
The bone crunching is satisfying to him …
She thinks Melanie is very manly overall.
Admires Melanie Martinez for her unique style and her ability to simply not give a fuck.
His favorite lyrics:
The snap in the beginning
“I don’t wanna bruise for you, holding back my words until my face is blue *GASP*”
“I’m done. I’m done. Done doing back bends, I break and I snap, it’s no fun. No fun. Push myself into a box while you held out a gun. IM DONE”
“OouAHA HA HA ha heh HAH..!”
“Got me like a bad tattoo (oh-oh-oh) always under skin even when it gets removed (ooh) never got a chance to undo (oh-oh-oh) positions that you forced my way into.”
The bones crunching in unison at the end slaps
♡ Midorya♡
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He kind of relates to this song.
He secretly feels as if he actually isn’t up to being the #1 hero and tears himself down for it.
The lyrics remind him of the way he was treated for not having a quirk back in middle school.
‘VOID’ reminds him that he isn’t the only one who feels the way he does and it motivates him to work harder.
He listens to this song while training.
His favorite lyrics:
“It’s tasting kind of lonely, and my mind wants to control me.”
“Eh-eh-eh-empty. There’s rotten things left in me. Injected by society. No one here but me to judge me.”
“Pipe down with the noise I cannot bear my sorrow. I hate who I was before. I fear I won’t live to see the day tomorrow, someone tell me if this is hell.”
“My eyes are staring at me, and they seem so damn unhappy.”
“Ca-ca-ca-collect. My fickle insecurities. And turn hem into beauty. alchemize the dark within me-e”
♡ Mina♡
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She was a little skeptical at first ‘cause it kinda sounded like a title for an X video.. (iykwim..)
After the first beat drop though she was hooked.
Female empowerment all the way. This song hypes her up so much.
Also she love love LOVES songs with the creepy vibe, it’s safe to say Melanie Martinez was her favorite artist after this.
Her favorite lyrics:
“Drink from the leche of the sirens, summon the sailors in town. Strangle their fear of deciding. Which ones deserving to drown”
Every beat drop that goes “DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH “DROWNNNN”
“All of our sisters were killed and abused, by sword swinging men who would always accuse”
“The worst of a woman, who fights for our right, to be where we belong at the front of the line. Tired of silence and being polite, your legs turn to shimmering scales in the night.”
The end sequence that goes “nothing wrong with a little havoc. It’s fun when shit hits the fan. So guillotine their heads by shouting, cut them off, leave waters red.”
And ofc the signature “don’t feel bad when these fuckers all drown”
♡ Tamaki ♡
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He thinks the song is sweet and lowkey reminds him of Mirio.. *cough* totally not shipping..
(If this is a universe where y/n is in it, and they’re his s/o, then he’d 100% want to slow dance to this song with them..<3)
The shower/water sound effects are soothing to him and it puts him in a better, more positive mood.
His favorite lyrics:
“You are the light I’ve been searching for for ever, feels like man I’ve really never felt the rain.”
“But you, make me want to plan out my last days on earth eating you. Ohh the tips of your teeth fit perfect in me. you’re the shower of light I’d devour any day of the week. Baby cleanse me.”
“I was surprised to see heaven in your eyes. I never once was treated right. You’re what I’m missing in my life. As bright as the sun, give you your vitamin D. Let’s run, into another dimension. You make me feel like I’m on drugs.”
I might make a pt.2? 👀 (not proofread……)
I’m obsessed with this album… can you tell?
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jacaranda-bloom · 2 months
hi Dee! how are you? i hope life’s treating you good. i’m curious abt all your wips but the “Competitive Puzzlers” title sounds tempting. do you want to share more of it?
Hello Hello! I'm doing really well, hope you are too xx. I'm so sorry for my delayed reply - for some reason this only just popped up in my inbox! Thank you for asking about my Competitive Puzzlers story from the WIP Title Challenge.
Right, okay. The thing you should know about me is that I love puzzles, so let's start there. I used to do puzzles with my mum when I was a kid and there are even some framed puzzles on my parents' living room walls to this day. We used to go to this toy store after Christmas during the sales and find a couple to do while I was on school holidays over the summer (note - in Australia, we have 6 weeks of school holidays from mid-December until the end of January). It was always so exciting to unwrap the plastic on a new puzzle, and go through the process of laying all the pieces out on this huge board that my grandpop made for us that could be slid under a bed at nighttime out of the way. We'd all be in the living room, which was the only room that had air con, dad and grandpop would be watching (yelling at) the cricket on TV, mum and I would be on the floor doing the puzzle, my nanna in the kitchen pottering about, and my younger sister 'helping' us to find pieces. I just have such strong memories of this time and my love for puzzles has followed me into adulthood. Nowadays I do them online, which is far more practical, but no less enjoyable. I do them to destress and to clear my mind. Interestingly, I actually prefer doing single-coloured puzzles, gradient coloured, or ones with a large percentage of sky or water. I like the fitting the shapes together, more so than completing the pictures, which is probably not what most people enjoy.
Anyway, I somehow managed to find myself immersed in competitive puzzling videos on YouTube a couple of months ago and I was fascinated. It seems like such a wholesome thing, although I'm sure there are a machinations going on behind the scenes, and a story started to come to me...
So, Louis and Harry are arch rivals on the competitive puzzling scene. They pretend they hate each other, but really, they're wildly attracted to each other.
Puzzling isn't really that popular, but they've both been into it since they were kids. (I'll likely insert some of my own history - from above - or something similar for their backstories.) They travel the world, but they have to fund it all themselves from prize money as there aren't exactly sponsors lining up to sign them to lucrative deals. This will probably translate to long bus/train rides and crappy accommodation where they run into each other a lot.
Their rivalry starts to attract a lot of attention though, and they become somewhat famous on social media, which translates into mainstream media attention and they go on some of the late night shows in the US, do some print media, podcasts, etc.
They basically make puzzling cool again, and with that comes the sponsors and money.
[Spoilers ahead...] At the world championship tournament, they end up getting beaten by a 14 year old girl who only got into puzzling after she saw H&L on TikTok and started shipping them together. But of course, in the end, H&L are the ultimate victors because they win each other’s hearts.
That's about it. I think it'll be fun to write, and while I don't have a slot in my schedule this year, I'd like to write it early next year!
Thanks for asking @nouies ! xx
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asherasgayagenda · 1 year
you have an OC? :0< pray tell, pray tell!
kind of!! actually, I have a few (ashera is an oc/persona of mine I just stole their name)
I kinda talked abt this earlier w tia, but meet sade!
prns are she/her ("but whatever"), 19, got kicked out of some fancy university/boarding school thing after blowing something up (literal) and she worked as a mechanic for a friend, and invents some of her own random things for fun
I created her for a dnd/roleplay campaign thing (i'm new to this... aaaaa) where the premise is a group of people take over a mysterious archaeological dig (yume correct me if i'm wrong pLEASE)
here is some trivia abt her! besides personality and stuff:
- Sade got expelled from boarding school after causing an explosion. She never told her mother but her father figured out and (disowned her?? I don't know. they don't really contact anymore but it's a little more neutral than that.) - - the reason for that was she was nearing the end of her first year and she felt way too pressured to choose something and her father said something insulting about her sibling so she did what she does when she didn't know what else to do. blow something up. it got a little too out of hand because of a friend's accidental blunder (friend felt guilty so they provided sade with the connections after school) but she doesn't feel too bad. - Landed an apprenticeship-job thanks to a friend - Their father works at some government center. probably. Family is well off - She has a twin who kinda just set off one day. Her father didn't really object. She doesn't talk about them - - Said twin used to be really into runes and magic; archaeology and history. - - The "disappearance" of her twin is always somewhere in the back of her mind - Holy shit can she yell - Had a childhood friend named Jun (who is literally an entire bag of complicated character design and angst on his own) and it's not really important to the current storyline - Cannot ball - AUGUST BIRTHDAY
yes she has this twin who is the deuteragonist in another story of mine and is nonbinary and can walk through walls and move through time and jump parallel universes and they have a childhood friend who is so kohaku-coded buuut that is a different story (they're super cool too)
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ivydarkrose · 2 years
These aren't ship head cannons but there still head cannons.
When Nathan first realized he had feelings for Ciara he listened to Love Me Dead by Ludo and Vermillion Pt. 2 by Slipknot on repeat while thinking of her.
Candy Pop threated Puppeteer not to kill Nathan when be found out Puppet used to use him as battery, feeding off his sadness when he needed to. Puppet did take Candy seriously before he got chased down by him and his giant magic mallet. They agreed that as long as Nate doesn't die then their all good.
Nathan, Jason, and Puppeteer are very judgmental people and they probably sit at a table as of there the Heathers and talk shit abt people. They love drama.
Whenever he has nightmares abt past traumas and other things like that he'll either go to Ciara [assuming they were probably sleeping in the same bed anyway]or Candy Pop. They probably talked abt and like cuddle each other to sleep.
Whenever things like that happen he tends to slay away from sally since her Green eyes remind him of Crystal and that lead to a whole other level of mental breakdown.
Nathan is a he/they nonbinary, he first came out as nonbinary a few weeks after him and Crystal cameout to each other as pansexual, even tho deep inside they both knew all along, she was very supportive and would let him wear her cloths when he wanted to present more feminine. Tho he rarely did since he was afraid to get picked on even more then he already did.
He is really good at making his partners flustered, he loves doing it especially when he has nothing else to do. Though he gets flustered very easily too. It's funny to see him being a confident asshole to a defeated flustered goth either burying himself in either his palms it Ciaras chest.
He took orchestra in middle school and high school because his dumb 5th grade self thought he could learn guitar in that class since the only explanation they gave if orchestra was "string instrument" and he ended up loving playing the Viola. He still plays it sometimes and he's amazing at it.
Whenever jeff is whereing a new band shirt Nathan will scream at him to name three song.
Grande is like the dad of all the circus creeps. They honor him like a cult leader and it scares him.
Nathan owns a record player and gets yelled at by other to stfu because how loud he plays it.
Since the sound of dripping water is like crack to him he either leaves the tap on or he will put his headphones and listen to random water sound untill he falls asleep.
Whenever he comes back from intense sprees he will fall asleep almost anywhere and it will be IMPOSSIBLE to wake him up.
He's always tried and probably has insomnia, it started developing when he was trapped in that dark little room. Its comes from the fear that something will happen to people he cares for or that he will get hurt and won't be able to protect them from others.
No matter how much this man sleeps he is always tired, which is also the reason why he sleeps till like 4pm. Candy Pop will enter his room and watch him for abt five second's before violently waking him.
I would write more but I can't think of any right now but I can write more if you'd like.
I ABSOLUTLY LOVE these head canons, Some I can see him canonly doing too(if he already doesn't lmao)! Took a moment to read through, but seriously can imagine a lot of these. Really can see him picking up a Viola too, but maybe thats the my child self being hyped up as I could never play anything well myself lol. It just fits his vibe.
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serowotonin · 3 years
falling ; bakugou k.
pairing ( bakugou katsuki x fem!reader ) wordcount ( 2.4k ) genre ( fluff & basically pining )
↷ a hc-styled narrative describing the four stages bakugou katsuki goes through as he finds himself falling for you . . .
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STAGE I ( impression ) ;
the first time bakugou laid eyes on you was during the entrance exam at UA. 
back then, you were just another face in the crowd of faces he was going to have to beat to earn his spot in UA
the first time bakugou spoke to you wasn’t memorable to him either
like with everyone else, he was loud and rude and made it very clear he wasn’t interested in playing friends
after that you became a part of the class, just another extra, someone who’d just get in the way
that was all he thought you were… 
until you kicked todoroki’s ass one day during training
the teachers had paired everyone in the class and told you to practice your 1-on-1 combat skills using your quirk 
bakugou, who was paired with kirishima went first
you and todoroki were to be the last pair
despite a good effort put up by kirishima, bakugou still ended up winning that round
when it was finally yours and todoroki’s turn, bakugou paid extra attention
in his mind, he knew todoroki was powerful and someone to watch out for
but what happened was quite unexpected
you maneuvered easily through todoroki’s attacks with a combination of physical prowess and creative usage of your quirk
let’s just say his ice didn’t work on you and he was caught off guard, allowing you to snatch a win 
needless to say, most of your classmates were a bit surprised at first
bakugou included
they knew you were strong but they didn’t know you were that skilled
whatever the rest of the class thought didn’t matter to bakugou though
all he knew was that now he had to keep an eye on you
STAGE II ( perspective ) ;
after that event, bakugou did indeed keep his eye on you
it started off with him observing your moves whenever the class had to do any training exercises 
he saw you fight with todoroki a couple more times after that
those didn’t end in easy victory for you as it did before because todoroki was now more wary of you
however, the way you evaded and countered his attacks was something to be praised
in bakugou’s subconscious opinion at least
your moves were carefully thought out and bakugou could see that
he could see the effort and practice you had put into perfecting them
not only that, he could also see the natural talent that you had to be able to become this strong
and it wasn’t only your fighting capabilities
you were also smart
maybe he hadn’t noticed it before but he did now
you seemed to always know the answer when a teacher called on you and your grades were great
slowly, but surely, you gained respect in his eyes 
if he knew one thing about you, it was that you were maybe the tiniest bit better than the other extras 
for a while it stayed like this, him acknowledging you but never making it obvious and you just doing your thing
that was of course until one day in the morning before class started
mina, kirishima, and sero were talking about things as they usually were and somehow the conversation led to you
they were talking about how strong and smart you were and going on about stuff
bakugou must’ve turned his head in their direction or something but mina noticed him listening so asked him cheekily what he thought of you
“y/n? of course they’re strong. anyone could see that.”
he said that pretty loudly and didn’t seem to notice you walking into the classroom
and of course you heard
“did my ears deceive or did the bakugou katsuki just praise me?” you teased
he was pretty embarrassed, blushing and sweating a bit but trying to hide it
soon after though, class started and the ordeal was forgotten
but something about that interaction led to you and bakugou becoming closer
closer in that instead of passing the other off as another strong classmate as you usually would, you’d actually greet each other and talk 
you’d say hello to him in the mornings and goodbye after school and he’d just grunt or nod your way
but this was what it meant to be close to bakugou anyway
during the weeks that passed, bakugou found himself noticing you even more
before he only paid attention to your skills and thought about you as an enemy or rival of sorts
now it seems as if he’s just noticing the little things about you and your personality that make you who you were
he wasn’t doing it on purpose god forbid
no no it was just him being unknowingly observant
weeks turned into months and months turned into years
in a blink of an eye, you were all well in your second year
with everything that happened, you and bakugou became close
close enough for you to tease him at random times and close enough for him to ask you to fight him as training
by then it was safe to say bakugou knew you
he knew the little quirks you had 
he knew your different smiles, your different laughs
he knew your favorite foods and your not so favorite ones
he knew the many different little things that made you you
STAGE III ( contradiction ) ;
before the start of the third year, the class decided to have a little get-together party of sorts
to celebrate the start of their last year in high school and to catch up as everyone’s been busy with internships and whatnot
you spent the break away from tokyo so it’s been a while since you saw the rest of the class
naturally you were excited to be able to meet them all casually again before the intense studying and training that awaited you all 
bakugou, on the other hand, wasn’t too excited
frankly, he could do without seeing the class before school
but when he heard you were going to be there, he also agreed to go
so there you two were with the rest of the class at a cinema buying drinks and popcorn before your movie started
the neon lights and the prospect of popcorn lit up your face and bakugou couldn’t help but stare
there was just something, something he couldn’t quite figure out
it’s not that you were beautiful, it’s not that you looked cute in that outfit, it’s not that your smile was making his heart flutter
no it wasnt any of that true though they may be
you just.. you looked nice
thats why he was staring
yeah he hasn’t seen you in a while and you come back looking *nice* 
of course he would stare
anyone would
apparently you had noticed him staring though, so you sent a wink and a grin his way before turning back to the popcorn and drinks
in other words, you killed him
with ridiculously high levels of cute and nice
kirishima and sero were just watching the whole thing happen and hell was it obvious to them
their boi was falling hard
now they knew he’d never admit it and they knew you weren’t likely to do anything about his “crush” even if it was obvious to you too
while bakugou was busy helping you carry your popcorn, they devised a rather devious plan
operation: jelly burst
objective? none other than to make explody boiy jealous
for what reason? no reason really it’s just fun to mess with him and this is probably the first time he’s had this big a crush
once everyone finished buying popcorn and was walking into the cinema, operation: jelly burst was put into action
“hey y/n ! come sit next to me” — sero
so you did, nothing strange bout that, sero was a good of yours anyway, nothing strange at all
bakugou moved to come sit next to you too but kiri hurried past him and sat down on your other side before he could
“oh hey bakubro didn’t see ya there sorry”
the seat kirishima stole was the last seat on the aisle
and bakugou was forced to go sit somewhere else
poor guy</3
the seat he found was a few rows above yours though and all went according to the jelly burst plan
by the end of the movie, bakugou was in the foulest mood and no one, except for the 2 lads sitting on either side of y/n, knew why
operation: jelly burst didnt end there though
see they got him jelly but they haven’t gotten him to burst
the next week at school, kirishima and sero both acted really nice to you
it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary but they did talk to you just a tad bit more than usual
either way bakugou noticed big time and he did not like it
he did not like it one bit
the jelly was there alright
it was just boiling to unprecedented levels
pretty soon, the boys dumped the idea of operation: jelly burst 
mainly cos it was taking too long 
but also because bakugou had become at least 10x more hostile
except to you of course
for some reason, a reason absolutely no one could figure out(sarcasm intended), he was just
quiet around you
didnt yell but didnt really talk to you either
whenever anyone else, kiri and sero especially, tried to talk to him though, he’d shout louder and be a lot ruder to them 
he’s just agitated
and he knew why he was that way
he’s just in denial about it
he’s also in denial about the reason why
why couldn’t he just accept his feelings and act on it already?
kirishima asked him that one day in the dorms
he saw bakugou staring very intensely straight at you without blinking for a full minute
“look man, don’t even try to tell me you don’t like y/n. it’s obvious and i’m not an idiot. you aren’t either.”
“i know shitty hair. it’s just… i’m me. and she’s y/n. nothing’s ever gonna happen.”
“you don’t know that”
“but i do. cmon, she’s just so fucking perfect even with all her flaws. and i’m just the loud guy with exploding hands and no emotions.”
kiri was surprised honestly
this wouldn’t be the first time bakugou was insecure around him but the way bakugou talked about you and how he implied he wasn’t worthy
damn that hit kirishima 
“bakubro, i’m gonna help you”
STAGE IV ( intimacy ) ;
ever since he told kirishima abt what’s been bothering him about you and ever since kirishima declared he’d help, bakugou became more…
he was still loud, but he just became a soft kind of loud now(?)
it was like he got calmer and he was assured that things would be okay
of course things were not okay
why? because ever since bakugou fully accepted his feelings for you, he doesnt know how to act around you
the other day you asked him what he wanted to eat for dinner cause you were cooking tonight
his answer:
“-you can make anything you want. i’ll eat whatever.”
that and a lot of other little awkward incidents started occurring
also maybe it was just the weather but he always seemed red whenever you saw him
it wasn’t the weather though
it was him being shy and nervous and flustered
which made bakusquad extremely weirded out cause seeing him like that is like seeing aizawa cheerfully smiling and wearing bright color clothes
it was weird af and was just not right
anyway, mina’s advice to him was to try to get closer to you
“but we’re already close”
“no i mean closer on a personal level. ask her how her day was or ask her random stuff about her likes and dislikes or her hobbies or literally anything”
“oh… ok then”
and so he tried that
he tried getting closer to you by greeting you every morning and sometimes asking you if you slept well
you found it odd
it certainly was odd, but you didn’t mind
if you ask him why he asks about your sleep he just goes red and says he needs to make sure his opponent for his afternoon sparring session is well-rested and healthy
speaking of the sparring sessions…
he asks you to spar more often than usual and actually makes small talk during your breaks
he was also a lot nicer to you, offering to help carry stuff for you and assisting you in the little things
like getting a mug from the kitchen’s high shelves or picking up the pencil you accidentally dropped
what he did worked though and within a few weeks, the two of you got a lot closer
the next step, as mina put it, was “making sure she knew you weren’t interested in her as a friend”
now that was hard for bakugou to do
“it’s not that hard. you could just tell her.”
bakugou: ..??
“basically confess”
bakugou: wha- *shortcircuits*
he never thought about that
he actually has
he knew in his mind he’d have to do it eventually if he wanted to have you
but he didn’t think it would be *this soon*
“dont think that much and just tell her you like her”
“you’re making it sound easy”
“because it is!”
he groaned internally
he’s faced tons of villains and been in quite the number of fearful situations but the fear he felt now was completely different 
“look if you’re afraid of rejection just confess like this”
*sero clears throat*
“*y/n i like you and i would like to be something more than friends. i’m not going to pressure you into anything so if yoh don’t want to we can just pretend this never happened>:)”
bakugou ended up confessing the next day though
just not like that
it was a spur of a moment thing and he wasn’t really aware he said it until you responded
the two of you were sparring as usual and you had just gotten close enough to knock him down and pin him to the ground
in that moment you were just so beautiful and amazing and everything and he just couldn’t keep it in apparently 
“i like you”
“did you just say you liked me?”
“like not liked dumbass”
“:o present tense o:”
well long story short, you like him too and you tell him that and you two just sit there grinning like idiots 
from then on things didn’t change much
you and bakugou still talked, although maybe more than usual
and still sparred with each other, although maybe less seriously and more playfully
some were surprised when it became known you were together
some weren’t 
whatever other people thought though, they couldn’t deny one thing:
bakugou looked at you as if you were the world
STAGE ∞︎ ( fallen ) .
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note ; i started writing this soo long ago but then abandoned it cuz thats just me:”] bUT i decided that since its his birthday i might as well finish it up and finally post it u.u,,, also TYSM @animebsposts for helping me with this ily and ur amazing<3
taglist ; ( send ask to be added ! ) @lilikags​
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reineyday · 2 years
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this is for the made-up fic titles as prompts thing! thanks @kageillusionz for sending one in 💖 i'll do harringroveson but like, with wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff thrown in cuz your other prompt Has Me Thinking haha 😂 it gets REALLY long lol sorry (not sorry 💞)
one not so very special day (harringroveson):
this is one of those prompts where i have an ending in mind that plays off the beginning in a circular way, and it'll be a canon fix-it fic where everyone lives, amd steve fixes it with time travel lol
i like the idea that, at the end, steve is having a totally normal not so special day in march at school in 1985, but he's coming at it with the knowledge of what could have been in 1986, SO.
it starts with a flashback. steve's graduating high school soon (this is the semester after christmas s2 1984 but before the summer that is s3 1985) and steve is sitting with nancy and jonathan at the cafeteria and absentmindedly observing school politics in a way he isn't invested in anymore after, yknow, the upside down.
steve is the Fallen King of hawkins high, or whatever hargrove used to call him before the whole thing at the byers went down and he stopped bothering with steve altogether (which doesnt bother steve. honestly. itd be weird to be bothered abt being ignored by a guy who beat his face in right? even tho that guy was practically obsessed with him before that night?)
eddie munson, everyone's favourite weed dealer, is making a fuss at his nerd table (dustin mentioned a dnd club and steve thinks that table is probably it--look at him, he pays attention!) about being club leader again next year cuz apparently he's not graduating again
that obnoxious blond junior from the basketball team steve always found a little insufferable (jason?) is looking at munson with disgust on his face, and hargrove is sitting in the same row of tables with tommy and carol, cuz all the popular kids group up.
jason gets up to yell at munson but hargrove aggressively throws a wadded up napkin at jason's face and says smthg that makes all the other popular kids laugh. jason flushes and sits back down, embarrassed, and steve sees munson pause and look at hargrove who looks back. steve briefly wonders whether or not hargrove buys weed from munson like everyone else when hargrove's eyes turn sharply to look right at steve.
the flashback turns into a nightmare, and billy's eyes looked the same when he was staring steve down from across the byers driveway, from inside the camaro and possessed by the mind flayer, probably thats what his face looked like when he stepped right in front of el to die--
steve wakes up. it's march, 1986. hawkins is split into four by what might as well be the cracks of hell and billy hargrove died last summer. eddie munson died three days ago. steve is still here.
theyre going to go exploring the upside down again today for clues or something reasonable sounding for the plot lol, and steve signed up to go because he's done it already a few times.
they go down there and steve ends up exploring his house in the upside down. takes in his decrepit room, and marvels at how many things in his house havent changed since 1983, which is when the upside down is stuck for some reason they still dont know. he doesnt even have that many photos of him and nance up yet, bc he didnt actually care that much about their relationship till they trauma-bonded. it was too bad their coping mechanisms didnt match, but steve is well and truly over it after his embarrassing spur-of-the-moment confession in the woods.
something outside catches his eye. it's in the empty pool. steve looks out with dread and sees the spot where he assumes barb died--he's never known where exactly in the pool she got taken, and knowing actually only makes him feel worse about it so thats. great.
he walks closer to examine it, yknow, like an idiot (he thinks this to himself), and then falls in and gets spat out.
and then time shenanigans! im stuck between steve landing somewhere once before everything happening and just changing everything from there (like, he gets thrown into his body from That Night at the byers and decides "fuck government nda's" and shows billy the demodog in the freezer), and steve doing a batman and getting sent all the way to like, when brenner was starting the lab w henry and infrequently flashing forward, only able to stay a few days at a time
i think the latter will probably be able to more earnestly pull in eddie, since the former would have a larger focus on harringeove till billy decides to buy weed with steve or something lol
so yeah, let's say he does a batman and subtly guides the whole timeline to Be Better and maybe henry creel doesnt shape the upside down with what he knows but the force of the mind flayer still exists to be manipulated and steve does something about it almost by accident
and he becomes this weird older brother figure to el who he's trying to get to help him stop jumping forward (it's not something he can control and he's worried he'll jump too far into the future and never stop), and helps hopper find the lab and adopt her a lot sooner, and catches a tiny eddie munson (and tiny chrissy cunningham) at their tiny little talent show and steve encourages eddie to continue with his guitar and gives him hope for the future (and mb jump-starts a lil sexuality crisis on eddie's behalf lmao)
when billy shows up, steve tells him to stop being an asshat to max and then accidentally catches neil laying into billy, stops it, and for the first time confronts his alternate self and tells him about it bc steve cant stay but this is something that needs more stability, and the next time he jumps forward, he's found that billy and eddie and other steve have bonded over this time-jumping steve and steve realizes they can finally pull in the party cuz theyre old enough to Have Ideas now
btw i imagine the harringroveson romance starts there? like other steve would get a pov starting from when original steve makes contact w him and billy, who has thus far been aggressively annoying about steve's position as "king" at school, suddenly corners him all angry with his hackles up cuz of what original steve saw and did and other steve is like "oh my god dude what is happening" and then other steve suddenly remembers being a freshman and coming face to face with eddie munson for the first time and munson saying all this confusing shit about how he looks the same and how is he a student here, isnt he older? and when steve gave him a confused face, munson apologized and literally never talked to him again?? so other steve grabs billy and finds munson at his weed-dealing picnic table and they Talk and then keep talking and kind of? become friends?? safe spaces for each other, cuz all three of them are kind of isolated in their own ways yknow?
anyways something something they involve the party and manage to catch original steve's time-jumping consciousness by shepherding other steve and his consciousness in the upside down in the place where it all started for him and he catapults into his consciousness from the changed timeline and they seal the upside down for sure (maybe by trapping the mind flayer into a vessel that can never be manipulated by someone like henry again) and it's over, it's over and steve's graduating high school for the second time but he remembers this alternate timeline now and this is his life now and woah, barb is alive? is bob alive?? billy is alive and eddie is alive and steve is not only relieved but somehow halfway in love with both of them??
btw kage if u read till the end, i want u to know that both my ideas for the kkir ship for either of ur prompts started with iruka's seals master stuff going fubar ;P always a fun way to start kkir shenanigan stories!!!
and so it ends with steve coming into the cafeteria and sitting down and his (secret) boyfriends coming to sit by him, and he waves at nancy and barb, and steve decides he'll try to befriend jonathan too cuz he knows he's a decent person, and everyone is alive and here is steve harrington, eating lunch before heading to study period (where billy will attemlt to tutor both eddie and steve so that they will actually graduate in '85, all together), having one not so special day
after writing all this, it has occured to me that "one not so very special day" is also an extremely easy prompt for a domestic fluff fic lmao so u can also imagine older harringroveson somewhere in california like 10 years post-s4 where everyone lives, and it's just their domestic life. billy's a surf instructor. steve's a gym teacher. eddie works at a community centre and plays in a band at bars on weekends.
if there's a twist, it's that it's one of their birthdays--maybe steve's, and eddie and billy make fun of him cuz he usually wants to do smthg big to celebrate and shouldnt he wanna do smth for the big 30? but steve just wants to have a normal day cuz he's so content with them, every day. billy and eddie still call him things like pretty boy and big boy but also things like sweetheart and darling and steve blushes about all of it, about how used to it he is to hearing and how natural it feels to call them back the same way. they are very happy together.
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iwadori · 3 years
Hiiii can i request prompt 53 with tsukki? My annoying cousin u may know @chibiiichan(i cant tag her its a surprise) recommend ur account and well she never been right more than now I LIKE UR ACC TOO URM JUST TAG HER IN THE POST (bcs its actually her birthday next week monday so....the least i could do this bcs she likes tsukki and shes recently talk abt the iwazumi story of yours....lmao shes cringe but in the same time got mad n i was besides her hearing her whining like bruh 'its 1 am'...i know i should buy something for her but she got spoiled enough 💅...that mf-) thank you ✨
You were dying. You knew it. Your husband, Kei, knew it. Even friends you haven’t spoken too since high school knew it.
So why did you all pretend that everything was okay?
5 year old Y/N:
You were running around your neighbourhood park chasing after butterflies, without a care in the world. As you were frollicing in the grass, you manage to trip over a rock tumbling to the ground scraping your knee making it bleed. Looking down at your slightly injured knee, your lip begins to quiver which eventually leads to wails of tears streaming down your face.
“you don’t have to cry you know?” said a slightly quiet voice towering over you. Above you was a boy, quite tall with a fat pair of glasses, golden eyes and a head full of blonde locks.
“Well when I get hurt, I cry” you say matter oh factly (is that the phrase?) rubbing your nose as you sniffle. He held out a hand to you, which you immediately took shooting upwards and brushing yourself off.  
The boy, after looking at you wildly, turns around and walks back to the actual park. “Oi wait,” you call at the boy swiftly following him “aren’t you going to ask my name?”
“no.” he says simply, proceeding to walk ahead.
“well my names Y/N L/N pleasure to meet you,” you say jumping in front of him so he doesn’t move, waiting for him to tell you his name...which he doesn’t. “you don’t have to be so rude you know”  
“I’m not being rude” he says stiffly “ it’s just my brother says not to speak to strangers” a smirk appears on his face to say ‘you can leave me alone now.’  
As if on cue, his brother approaches the both of you given the boy a slap on the back making him cringe “Hey Kei, who’s the friend you’ve made here?”  
“My name is Y/N L/N and I'm here to be KEI’s best friend!” you said putting the emphasis on the word Kei after just learning that was the blondes name.  
Kei rolled his eyes and sighed saying “nii-chan can we go home now” he folded his arms in annoyance.
“No Kei, you’ve got to get to know your new found friend Y/N-Chan right?” his brother said teasingly, knowing it was the last thing Kei wanted to do.
“Yes ofcourse!” you say with a toothy grin, dragging Kei along with you to his demise.
Until the sun went down, you spent the rest of your time with Kei getting to know eachother (well him getting to know you more, since you did all the speaking.) Regardless of his previous annoyance in getting to know you in the first place, Kei would be lying if he said he didn’t want to know you now.
As the sun was setting, Kei’s older brother (who’s name you learned was Akiteru) called him to tell him he had to go home because dinner was ready. Before he left, you grabbed his hand and wrapped your pinky finger around his saying “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
back to present -  
In some odd way, this was Kei’s way of looking out for you. He knew what you had was uncurable and would weaken you even more as the days go by, so pretending like nothing was wrong seemed to be best in his eyes.  
Everything you and Kei did was a game or some nostalgic act that you once did when you were children. It was sweet to say the least, seeing Kei all engrossed and determined to make you happy.  
Your alarm rings snapping you out of you daydream, ‘it was time for medicine’ you thought with your face scowling at the thought. Immediately on time, as always, Kei comes In the room with all your medicine thats needed.
“Aren’t you my perfect little nurse Kei” you say teasingly giving him a wink, laughing as you see his face turn red.
“Do you have to do this every time y/n?” he asks rolling his eyes at your childish behaviour.
“Oh I'm just showing love to my best and favourite nurse” you continue laughing at your own words
“Im your only ‘nurse’” he deadpans giving you your medicine as you talk.
“Well that is more reason to make you the best nurse.” you say smiling.
Silence falls between you, and you stare down at your arm watching as your husband gives you the medicine making you frown. “Do we have to keep doing this?” you ask which is probably the 1000th time you’ve asked.
“Of course we do Y/N as I’ve said yesterday and the day before that and the day before that it-”
“But do we really?” you interrupt “I can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing this.”
“Do you doubt me Y/N, I can do this forever” he says “ I can take care of you forever”
“But I don’t wan-”
“I’m finished, I’m going to start on dinner” he gets up and leaves the room yelling “I’ll call you when it’s done.”
Sometimes you and Kei have these conversations. And all the time it ends the same way. You complain, he ignores and then you go and have dinner.
You can understand why he doesn’t want to have this conversation. Who would want to hear about their partners complaints about practically being alive. Kei was torn, ever since he met you all he wanted to was to keep you happy. But could he compromise his own happiness for it.
15 year old Y/N - flashback
“Kei Kei, aren’t you excited!” you yell smiling widley
“Excited for what?” he asks, amused by your enthusiasm “it’s just highschool.”
“Well it’s a new highschool! Karasuno high school, to be exact.”
“And that is still just a school.” he says
“Not just any! That’s the school nii-chan went too, and even tho he lie-”
“Let’s not talk about it Y/N” he murmurs “we should go now, don’t want to be late on our first date.”
Going to Karasuno was fun, at the start everyone was pleasant and nice. But after a week or two when you and Kei were still stuck to eachother like glue, people weren’t so pleasant. Kei was like a pop idol, being gorgeous and over 6ft at just the age of 15, caused alot of attention, especially when he was always around you.
At the start, the hate you got was bearable, it was the petty bitchy notes in your locker or just people blatanly talking badly about you infront of you. People didn’t do it when you weren’t around Kei, so when he had volleyball practice (which you were so excited that he joined the team) you were a big target for the bullies to come around.
Kei didn’t really know of the bullying that happened towards you, especially since he was mainly in practice or not around when it happened. But one day in practice he heard some of his teammates, kageyama and hinata who seemed to talking about a student in one of their classes that was always getting picked on by the other girls in the year.
“Yeah and I heard that Nana-san was planning on getting her and her friends to attack Y/N-san soon.”  said Hinata
“Shrimpy, who are they planning on attacking?” Kei asks to make sure he just heard the ginger correctly.
“Oh this lovely person in our class their name is Y/N-san” he says, looking at Kei’s reaction he also asks “Why? Do you know them?”  
Kei doesn’t respond, and immediately leaves the gym, ignoring Hinata’s and the other members of the teams yells of ‘Where are you going tsukishima.’ He didn’t care, he just had to get to you.  
He searched all the classes, asking every student if he knew where you were. Someone directs him to the toilets, where he burst through the door to see the other girls in your year surrounding you and beating you up.  
“What the fuck are you doing to them?” he yells startling the girls.
“T-T-Tsukishima-san" one girl says “It’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh fuck off” he says, with them still frozen in shock “I said go!”  
“And don’t think I don’t know your names either” he calls after them.
He rushes towards your bruised body on the ground and cradles you gently, confused on what to really do. “Oi Kei,” you say weakly catching his attention “I would’ve won if you didn’t come to stop the fight.” you joke making him scoff.
“Whatever you say Y/N.”
After you heal up, Kei already told on the girls that beat you up getting them suspended, and you explain how they were treating you because of their infatuation of him. And how they only did it when he wasn’t around.
Once he learns this information, he decides to quite the volleyball team, to your surprise. But you demands on making him not quit were ignored, as he excused it by saying “I have to make sure you’re always alright remember, and if that means quitting some volleyball team then so be it.”
That was one out of the many times that Kei put his happiness before yours.
Flashback over.
When you first got diagnosed, Kei was immediately researching on it as it was a very rare condition. But sadly, he only found what the doctor already told you both. It was uncurable and your immune system and your body will weaken as the days go by.
Which it did, you were a shell of your past self. It was always shocking for Kei to see, especially with you only being 25. ‘It wasn’t supposed to be this way,’ but he never let you see his sadness.
Whenever you knew Kei was sad you always reminded him “Kei, I may be dying but please don’t cry over me” every time you said, there was a slight undertone of humour in your voice which always worked in boosting Kei’s spirit.
The days passed and the years went by, and you and Kei were still alive and kicking it. Doing your daily routine of you making some joke, Kei giving you your medicine and then you eating dinner. You eventually stopped complaining, realizing and remembering your promise you gave to Kei at 5 years old in that park. “As long as we shall live, we will always look out for eachother as we are forever bestfriends, agreed?”
Of course you had your rough days, everybody did and it was even harder being sick with a terminal illness. But having Kei to guide you through the storm made It better for you.
However, Kei isnt a miracle worker. He couldn’t save you, noone could. And you both knew that. That didn’t mean it made it any easier when the medicine stopped working and your pain got too hard to bear. Kei couldn’t watch you do this anymore, “the choice is yours” he said with tears in his eyes.  
So you knew what you had to do, you got in your bed pulling Kei with you, and letting him envelope you in a big hug as you both cried.
“I love you,” you say “You know that right?”
“Of course I know that, idiot” he replies “And I love you.”
“Always and forever?”
“Always and forever.”
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Hot Drinks and Cold Hands
request: hello bug!! can i request a one shot of tsukishima with a s/o whos parents are getting a divorce? this is happening to me irl rn :|. his s/o is making jokes about it (“lol do you think i can guilt trip them into buying me a pc???”) and they don’t really seem to care abt it too much. in reality his s/o has just had to put up with their parents fighting all the time and are just angry bc they’ve always had to comfort their siblings. maybe one day their s/o shows up to school with eyebags nd they confide in him abt how they had to stay up all night comforting their parents and siblings?? nd it kinda takes him back bc they seem so tired compared to how they usually are (laidback nd humorous). and like s/o just kinda admits they feel terrible?? angry at their parents for bringing them into their fights but sad bc they’re siblings have to go through it too?? sorry this is so long dhjdjdjdj. feel free to shorten it or just ignore this req since it deals w somewhat heavy topics!!! thanks :]!!!
bug says things: hi!! i’m so sorry that it took me DECADES to finish this but I hope that this is what you wanted!!
also warnings!! the obvious: divorce, parents fighting, dealing with anger, crying, cursing and if there’s anything else i need to tag lmk!
word count: 3.5k oops 👀👀
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You could hear fighting from downstairs for what felt like the hundredth time today. They’re already getting a divorce, did they really have to fight like this? Especially since not only you were home but so were your siblings. Not to mention, you had just put your youngest sibling to sleep but their yelling woke them up. 
“Are they fighting again?” they ask, looking up at you. Nodding your head you see their eyes tear up and their eyebrows furrow. "I don't like it when they fight." 
The way that their young face looked so grown with worry made you angry. Angry that your parents had no regard for you guys as they had their daily screaming match. Angry that they couldn’t even for a minute let the house settle and have some quiet. Angry that right now you weren’t able to just be a kid and they might not either.
“Me either, they’re just...they’re just not happy right now,” you say as you push their hair away from their face.
“Are they not happy ‘cause I did something wrong?” they ask, their small hands squeezing the blanket.
“No! No, no, no you didn’t do anything wrong,” you exclaim. “Here, scooch over.”
They do and you lay down with them. They rest their head on your arm and you wipe away tears with the end of your sweater. Some snot gets on your jacket from their nose and you wrinkle your nose in disgust.
“Eeeww, that’s nASty,” you say jokingly, causing them to laugh a little. “Why do you have so many boogers in your nose?”
“Well when a mommy booger and a daddy booger love each other very much-”
“You are not giving me the talk right now with boogers, absolutely not,” you protest as they giggle again. You smile softly at this small victory before your phone lights up and you see a text from Kei.
Dino Boy: hey u up?
Dino Boy: actually nvm i know u are
Dino Boy: i might be a good bf tomorrow and pick u up some coffee so what do u want?
“Is that Tsukki?” your sibling asks peering over you at your phone.
“Yeah, you wanna reply to him?” you ask as they nod their head vigorously. For some reason--you couldn’t figure out why--all your siblings absolutely adored him. 
You hand over your phone and move to sit up. “I’m gonna check up on sissy next door okay? Text him that I just want a little pastry or something.” 
But they make a noise of protest. “I don’t want you to go yet,” they pout and grab onto the bottom of your sweater. An idea comes to mind as they reach out their arms. “Carry me!”
“What? You’re way too big!” you say as they do grabby hands, letting you know that they weren’t taking no as an answer. You roll your eyes as you turn your back to them. “You’re lucky that I have strong leg muscles,” you answer as they climb on your back and begin typing away on your phone.
“More like noodle legs,” they whisper to themself, but you heard them and pretended to almost drop them in response. “Hey! Not funny!”
“Eh, it was funny to me,” you say as you approach the door as the yelling gets louder. A frown lands on your lips. “Plug your ears okay?”
Your sibling nods as they put your phone in their pocket and cover their ears. You open the door and peek outside. The yelling immediately assaults your eardrums and you tiptoe silently to the room over, which housed your other sibling. 
“Are you really going to deny them Christmas with their own mother?”
“You’re acting like you’ve been such a saint to them, I exist too you know! They have two parents, not just one!”
Knocking lightly on the door with two quick knocks, one slow and two more quick, it opens slightly and you see your younger sister's concerned face before she lets you in.
“What do you want?” she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What does it look like? Impromptu sleepover,” you say plopping your shared sibling on her bed. She just rolls her eyes and sits in her chair pulling her legs up to her chest.
“I’m talking to Tsukki!” your sibling says showing off your phone. This seems to pique her interest so she moves to the bed and watches as your youngest sibling sends gifs and messages to your boyfriend. Bless him for indulging them. They can be...a lot sometimes but you’re glad he’s been a good sport about it.
“Why is your boyfriend such a dry texter?” she asks looking at you with an amused face.
“Pfft he’s not dry, he just...he’s just socially awkward okay?” you protest as she fights back a smile.
“Okay, sure, whatever you say.”
This is how the rest of the night goes. Trying to keep your siblings mind off of your parents screaming voices and letting them bother Tsukishima until they both doze off. You let them both have the bed while you steal a blanket and pillow from your room before coming back to sleep on the floor. 
Which in retrospect wasn’t the best idea because waking up with a sore body wasn’t how you wanted to start your morning. You check on your siblings to see them both fast asleep, so you Mission Impossible yourself back into your room--with your phone--as quietly as possible.
You get ready for the day, knowing that at least you could get some peace and quiet in the morning. Both of your parents start work in the morning so they always leave early, but you wouldn’t be surprised if they had started leaving even earlier to just be away from each other. 
It’s just- It’s so frustrating that they get to fuck off and leave you as a stand in parent. You’re basically still a kid and were you meant to just raise theirs while they got to get angry and leave in a huff? You didn’t make the decision to have kids so they shouldn’t be your responsibility...but you knew if you didn’t take care of them then no one would.
“Ugh!” you grunt as you kick a shirt that was on your floor. 
Whatever, whatever, it’s fine. You try to calm down a bit when your phone starts buzzing. Seeing that it’s Kei you take one last deep breath before you answer. “Hello?”
“Hey open your front door,” he says as you roll your eyes playfully.
“Well good morning to you too, how am I doing? Oh I’m great, you’re so sweet for asking,” you say and you can hear him huff into the speaker.
“Okay, okay good morning now please let me in...baby it’s cold outside,” he says and you can practically hear his lips curling through the phone. 
Damn him for being cute to get what he wants. “Fine but only in the good spirit of the holidays.”
You make your way to the front door and open it to see your tall tree of a man in all of his pink cheeked glory. You smile as you let him inside. “Aw is that blush for me?” you ask teasingly.
“Hardly, in case you haven’t noticed it’s freezing out there,” he says before leaning down to give you a quick kiss. When you pull away that’s when you notice the amount of drinks in his hands.
“You extra thirsty this morning or?” you ask trailing off as he shakes his head.
“No these are for-”
“Tsukki!!” your younger sibling yells as they rush him.
“He’s got drinks, be careful!” you fret but they’ve already secured their arms around him. You mouth him a ‘Sorry’ as the pink on his cheeks returns slightly.
“Hey short stack,” he says as he lowers his hand which holds a drink holder and four drinks, “Here’s your hot chocolate.” 
They gasp and take it from him. “Thank you Tsukki!”
You can see a small smile creep up on his face as he says, “No problem.” He ruffles their hair a bit with his free hand and they beam up at him.
“You got the goods?” your sister asks as she emerges from her room, eyes basically still closed from sleep.
“Right here ya gremlin,” he says holding out her drink to her. She grabs it and immediately turns around to head back to her room.
“Say thank you at least!” you call out to her before she stops for a second.
“Yeah okay, thank you Dino Man,” she says waving her hand before going back to her room.
You shake your head before turning back to him, “Sorry, she’s usually only like that when she’s tired.”
He shrugs his shoulders a bit. “It’s fine, I don’t care,” he says holding out your drink to you and you take it gladly.
“Thank you,” you say smiling up at him.
“We’re the polite one’s,” your sibling announces proudly, causing the two of you to laugh a bit.
He nods his head as he leans down to them. “I’ve noticed,” he says before you usher them off to go get ready for school.
You grab your coat and meet him at the door. “Sorry for them, they’re a lot to deal with first thing in the morning,” you say, locking the door behind you with one hand.
“It’s really fine, if it was too much I’d tell you right?” he asks, gesturing with his own drink and swinging his free hand by his side. (Which is an invitation for you to hold it, which you gladly do.)
“I guess so,” you say as you lean into him a bit as you two walk. He pushes up his glasses and looks away but you can see the blush at the tips of his ears. You smile a bit before holding up his hand in yours to give it a little kiss.
“Ngk, what was that for?” he asks, turning to face you so you could see his embarrassed features more clearly.
“You have cold hands, I was trying to warm them up,” you say innocently but he knows better.
“Right, sure,” he says as you break away for a minute to pull out your phone and headphones. “You know you should really invest in some better earbuds.”
You look at yours which are practically falling apart, but hey! You had some tape holding bits together so it was ‘fine’ for the time being. “I guess you’re right. Do you think I can guilt my parents into getting me new ones?” you ask jokingly and he practically chokes. “Hey, joking, joking.” You raise your hands up and he shakes his head with a mumble. 
“Here, let’s just use mine,” he says fishing them out of his backpack. You hum in agreement as he hands you one. Putting it in, you lean into him again and lightly shut your eyes letting the music wash over you.
Tsukishima's chest vibrates a bit, signaling to you that he had said something while you weren’t paying attention. “Huh?”
“I said are you okay? You seem exhausted,” he says as his eyebrows furrow in concern. For a moment his face reminded you of your sibling and for some reason that upset you. 
You didn’t want him worrying so you just smiled and laughed off his comment. “Yeah, I just stayed up too late last night.”
“Are you sure?” he asks, clearly not satisfied with your answer.
“Yeah! We had a sibling sleepover and they kept me up for a bit.” He’s pretty good at reading people so you tried your best to seem more energetic than before. “Also thank you so much for the drinks, I’ll pay you back for them tomorrow,” you say trying to change the topic.
At this he scoffs, “You know when I said I was gonna be a good boyfriend today I meant it. I don’t want you to feel like you have to pay me back or anything.”
God could this boy be any more perfect? He’s so sweet--even if he constantly denies it. Sure, sometimes he can seem like a cold person on the outside but he has a big heart and you were so grateful that he trusted it with you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he asks as you realize you had been staring at him with heart eyes.
“I love you, you know that right?” you ask and his eyes widen and his cheeks flush.
“I- Well, yes you’ve told me that before,” he stutters trying to hide his face behind his hand.
“Good cause I do, very much,” you reply, bringing down his hand as you pull him into a kiss. The amount of heat from his face almost makes you laugh but you hold it in. Content to just feel his lips move against yours. When you pull away you can’t help but smile as he sinks his face into his coat a bit. “Did that warm you up Kei?” you as he rolls his eyes which show the faintest bit of a smile.
“Oh shut up.”
You were able to get through most of the day without falling asleep thanks to the caffeine from your gifted drink, but you still couldn’t help but feel exhausted. And it’s not like after school you could’ve gone home to take a nap because not only did you have to meet up with one of your teachers because of your suffering grades, but even when you did get home you wouldn't be able to get any peace and quiet.
Leaving the meeting with your teacher--where you promised you would work harder--you emerged from the building to see your boyfriend waiting for you out in the cold.
“Kei? What are you doing here?” you ask as he notices you walking his way.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he asks, “I waited since you’re coming home with me to study.”
“I- But- When did you decide that?” you sputter out.
He shrugs his shoulder as he pretends to think. “Around the same time I realized that I was the only reason you were passing your classes. So come on let’s go,” he says holding his arm out for you.
“Psh, you’re not the only reason,” you answer and he gives you a look as you hook your arm through his.
“Oh right, of course,” he says and chuckles a bit when you stick your tongue out at him.
So the past 30 minutes had been spent working on your late work while Tsukishima helped you. But the longer you worked the more the page had begun to blur as your droopy eyelids threatened to close and not open again. 
He took notice immediately and tried to urge you to take a quick nap but you refused. This was probably the only time that you would be able to get a bulk of your homework and missing work done. 
Once you went back home all that work would have to be pushed aside so you could take care of your siblings. It’s something that has been stressing you out for the past couple of weeks. 
Before, you’d at least be able to finish some of your homework at night but since your parents couldn’t stop fighting the minute they both got home, that quickly changed.
“Come on, I doubt you can even see the paper like that,” he says looking at your squinted eyes which you couldn’t help but rub.
“M’fine Kei,” you mumble leaning your head against your arm.
He rolls his eyes as he scoots closer to you, “Like hell I’ll take that for an answer. You couldn’t even form two separate words.” 
You glare at him before turning back to your paper. “I’m really fine thank you for asking,” you say, tapping your pencil on the table. “How was that?”
“If I’m being honest, six of ten. You see, the average person would be fooled but not me," he says before becoming earnest, "Seriously, what’s going on?” he asks gently resting his head on your shoulder.
Now you don’t know if it was the exhaustion or the care that you heard in his voice but something in you broke--making hot tears run down your face no matter how hard you willed them to stop. 
“Fuck,” you whisper and he immediately pulls you into a hug.
“Hey c’mere,” he says and you grab onto him tightly. He lets you sob into his shoulder as he holds you in his arms. 
“I’m just so tired Kei, I’m so fucking tired. Of my parents fighting, of my shit sleep schedule, of taking care of my siblings. I love them, I do, it’s just- I don’t want to have to be a parent to them when I'm still just a kid! I’m just a fucking kid,” you say, your voice cracking against your will.
Tsukishima is the last one to know what to say to comfort people so he just holds you and rocks you back forth a bit. It breaks his heart to see you like this. He knew things were bad but he didn’t know they were this bad. Maybe he should’ve asked you about it more instead of let you brush it off. What if you didn’t want to talk to him about it because you were scared he’d judge you? Sure he was abrasive sometimes but never to you. God he’d never want to do that to you. He just...liked to tease. Maybe he had been a bad boyfriend to you.
“Fuck, I’m sorry for crying. I’ve just had a bad week,” you say as you wipe your tears and go to pull away but to your surprise he doesn’t let go. If anything he pulls you closer.
“Don’t be sorry I...I know that I can be...a bit of an ass sometimes but if you ever need me--and I mean ever--I’m here. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.” His face is now buried in the crook of your neck and you can feel his shaky breath on your skin. “If I ever made you feel like you couldn’t...I’m- I’m sorry.”
You immediately pull back in shock. “Kei no, you didn’t, trust me. I just- I just didn’t want to worry you. You have enough on your plate with volleyball and I just didn’t want to bother you with my mess,” you confess and he just leans his head against yours.
“You could never bother me,” he says and you laugh causing him to roll his eyes and add, “Not with the important stuff at least.”
“Excuse you, how to pronounce gif is very important,” you say.
“Nope, nope, no we aren’t getting into this again,” he says as he picks you up.
You quickly grab a hold of his shirt and he grins. “What are you doing!”
“I’m taking you to bed because you need to sleep and I don’t mind holding you for a bit longer.” 
He takes you burying your face into his chest as a sign of resignation from your previous argument. 
With you in his arms, he walks straight to his room and it’s only when he opens the door does he notice that you actually fell asleep in them. Besides the fact that that’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen, he’s now got to figure out how to keep you asleep when lays you on his bed. He opts to lay you down first before climbing under the covers to join you. 
His fingers push the hair out of your face and he leans down to give you a kiss on the forehead causing you to cuddle closer to him. His heart clenches when you absentmindedly reach out your hand for his. He brings it up to his lips for a kiss as he looks across to you.
“Goodnight,” he says before adding much, much softer, “I’m so in love with you."
Tags! @mixfi (idk if you were joshing when you said you wanted to be on my taglist but here it is!)
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allkinds-oftrash · 3 years
Ya girl is watching the latest HSM series ep and Imma live blog it hshshs and will add my reactions under the cut so it doesn't end up a long post. Anyways, let's goo:
They really said we're gonna let life imitate art with Nini and Olivia huh
Ricky was SUPPORTIVE??? Damnn I really thought we gonna get a classic Ricky tantrum....
But also wow sir that sounds salty and should definitely talk to someone abt how you're feeling...A therapist maybe 👀
I know we needed to contextualise how Ricky felt abt the song but I really wanted to see Nini's interview in full!!
Sebby you're so cute I do wanna see yall do DEH
Shjshshs not the rights not being available for another 5 years ��😭
I dunno how they're in great shape and closer to the Menkies Gold after not having a single proper rehearsal, but go off Miss Jenn
Omg honestly Kourt's costumes are always amazing and on point Imma excited to see it
Kourt is such a simp we love to see it
Carlos is so pissy this episode we love to see it shshhs
Also love the way Seb calms him down and keeps him nice it's such a funny dynamic
"We had 20 people make our Belle dress over 50 hours" Okay North High shut the fuck up
I'm calling it now the reason North High knows so much is cos Howie is the leak and Kourt has been unwittingly telling him. The way her phone keeps going off as they discuss how North High knows everything is really good foreshadowing if my prediction is right
Also like her phone went off just as Carlos said "How did they know that?" THAT'S PEAK FORESHADOWING
If Howie ain't in North High, I dunno what Tim is doing
"I have abs" We know sweetie
"I PADDED THE THUSH FOR YOU" "AWW THANKS KOURT I NEEDED THAT" THIS INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING THAT WAS SO FUNNY!! I love that it is now canon that EJ has abs but no butt love that for him
Okay but like damn these costumes are great!! North High can fuck right off with its high end ones I just wanna see lowkey homemade costumes by students; I'd watch a Broadway show if I wanted to see professional costumes okay
Damn Carlos has killer eyesight clocking in that mask in the trunk
Nini's little look over at Gina was like "Omg you guys my girlfriend is so cute and dumb" GINI STANS HOW WE FEELING?
Miss Jenn don't be that naive, your boyfriend probably put them up to it
That Insta page is prophetic with their timing tbh; all the info is a leak obviously looking at your Howie but like the timing of it all. Those kiddos don't know that they are discussing the stolen mask at this exact moment (Kourt has put down her phone after Carlos snapped at her so Howie doesn't know they are talking abt it rn)
"We don't dance with the enemy" *cuts to her dancing with Zackey later*
SEBBY WEARING THE TEACUP COSTUME OMG HE'S GOING MAKE SUCH A CUTE CHIP (yes I am still mad Seb/Joe was robbed but Imma fangirl over the costume anyway)
Wtf why does North High look so expensive - they are literally in the same district as East High right??? How did they get this much funding
North High is a very artsy and rich for a public school; they should have had Nini go here instead of YAC tbh (like this campus feels like what YAC should have been) NOW THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING STORYLINE
Seblos' dynamic IS ON POINT THIS EP I really love my bois so much and their back and forth is hilarious
Shhshs DIANE who loves volleyball and North High okay I totally believe it
Shshsh we love Gina knowing herself and practicing self control by volunteering to be the lookout
Omg yall listen to Carlos and stfu they are so lucky no one saw or heard them yelling Wildcats
Oh no no no no no Miss Jenn you gonna get sucked in; this is gonna be so messy
Omg I saw someone post about this scene before I watched the ep YALL ARE RIGHT THAT BOI HITTING ON GINA IS SO FINE Babes go for that one, not EJ
NOT THEM FAKE DATING UGH E W TIM STOP MAKING ROMANTIC PORTWELL A T H I N G I honestly do not understand how some of yall can ship it romantically knowing Sofia is a whole underaged babey and Matty is a whole ass grown man - like I get the appeal of the Wonderstudies getting together and they do have chemistry but the irl age gap is creepy and outweighs the appeal of shipping them romantically
As I always say; Portwell/Wonderstudies should be a BROTP not an OTP
Ugh Brotp Portwell would have clocked Lily right away; romantic Portwell making googly eyes at each other isn't helping anyone
Living for Nini getting the recognition she deserves - I really like her solo arc this season she's so much more interesting without Ricky tbh
Aww Kourt you simp I love her and I'm so happy she's happy I wanna be wrong about Howie being a North High kid
Where is the mask??
Lily really wishes she was Jesse St. James huh; you could never Lily so stop
Andrew Barth Feldman and his cute little French accent I love him so much
Hnng Miss Jenn gonna get manipulated by this hoe. Omg wowow Zackey really is a hoe, making out with another girl before the show THE AUDACITY OF HIM SAYING MISS JENN WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH I WILL THROW HANDS WITH THIS MOFO
Wait the kids didn't steal it BUT WHAT IF ZACKEY DID
Ssjsgfajhdfg I CANNOT WITH ANDREW'S ACCENT but I can't tell if its really bad or really good but I'm also confused why didn't they just cast a French person as Antonie shshhs Antoine is adorableee and a little shit the best type of character
Lily is so annoying b y e sis bye and Olivia Keegan is talented I just wish they didn't make her character such a cartoony villain type
"How about if we bop to the top" SEBBY I LOVE YOU AND NEVER STOP BEING SO CUTE I SWEAR and Awww Carlos called him Honey I am s o f t
Hnng why do these fools are really gonna give into North High calling them chickens
"She told us not to dance with the enemy. She's better than this" No Sebby, she's not *cuts to her dancing with Zackey* AND OMG THE WAY I SAW THIS EDIT COMING BEFORE IT CAME
Ooooh I like this song wayyy more whatever the mess The Mob Song became (when I first heard it drop on Spotify yesterday) Around You is such a great song musically and lyrically very relevant to these two and gosh I love their voices together
They have so much chemistry damn, go home Mike (well he technically has oop) and Mr. Mazzara
Oh god this is the scene from the trailer; she's gonna make a move on Ricky isn't she?? Leave him alone Lily he doesn't need a 3rd girl to be confused about he needs a therapist
Lily shut the fuck up with quasi; STOP TRYING TO MAKE QUASI HAPPEN
"I love Nini's song" Sure, Jan.
...Okay yes you should have called him out but don't bait him LIKE THAT oop there's the scene from the trailer
Ohmygod is Andrew Barth Feldman gonna hit on Ashlyn
Okay this is so cute but also I am VERY annoyed with the way this show handles its characters like they aren't relevant or important unless they get into a relationship or a love triangle?? That's such a shitty way to give out screentime and arcs to characters. Is it not enough to develop the characters on their own and strengthen their friendship???
HUH TIM why you so obsessed with compulsory heterosexuality??(well also homosexuality for Seblos but they are the only ones I'm not annoyed with their relationship cos its a hella big step for Disney to have a gay couple and their relationship isn't in our faces or overshadows the plot and its just spinkles of cuteness every time they interact - they are honestly who Rini wishes they were; besties in love. They are a couple that Tim should be taking notes from; leave the relationship drama in the background, focus on the theatre and friendship aspect of everything)
My mini rant aside; this is a very adorable interaction between Ashlyn and Antoine.
This is so funny he keeps picking out the hottest guys of the group; as if he himself isn't the French version of Big Red they look super alike ngl shshsh
Drama between Antoine and Red is already spicing up shshsh I cannot
Why are you so dramatic with the shuffle Lily gtfo of here...also this doesn't make sense?? She wasn't even on a BATB playlist; what if a non BATB song came on ahahah
Good to know they aren't big fans of The Mob Song like I am Awww EJ you cutie, okay I will appreciate the OG Mob Song just for you
I'm being robbed of Gaston for the last 7 eps I at least deserve an EJ solo for compensation
The way the set looks straight out of Broadway but also like omg the blue lighting and fancy stage gave me intense flashbacks to that Glee episode where Vocal Adrenaline sang Bohemian Rhapsody
Howie you hoe you gonna break my girl Kourtney's heart
Yeah...still not a fan of Antoine's Dance Remix
Yall know Gina would kill the dance number if she wasn't wearing that fit
First the Beasts led it (Howie sounded better than Ricky ngl), then the Lumieres (their voices worked hella well together; I always forget what a talented singer Frankie is THEY NEED TO GIVE HIM A SOLO SONG) and now the Belles are going at it (Ashlyn's voice is superior)
...Did anyone really win, Lily??? STFU
Oooh I did see someone talk about this when the Rose Song dropped last week, apparently its illegal to add songs to a musical you're doing for a school play; I really thought the show would brush past that irl rule but I guess they are playing into it
Okay Nini is being a little pissy about leaving her song out of the show and its a little selfish to wanna keep it at the risk of being disqualified but I also understand why she's hurt
Everyone is dog piling on her right now being against her idea and it feels like they are being against her song and her herself instead of them not wanting to be disqualified. Also like she poured her heart and soul into the song after Miss Jenn lowkey rushed her to write it. So I can see why this feels like a rejection of her and her song and why she's so hurt rather than her seeing the big picture right now
It doesn't help that Ricky said the final blow causing her to walk off
Okay maybe Zackey gets some rights for being chill and wanting the kids to be peers
THIS MOTHERFUCKER I KNEW HE WAS SHADY Also the way I gasped even though I predicted he stole the mask halfway through this ep shshsh
Stab him Miss Jenn STAB HIM
Bitch why you so threatened by East High if yall have such a Broadway-esque show planned??? They honestly should have stuck to the Little Mermaid; I really wanted to see the aquarium
"It's just a song Ricky" "A song can mean everything" Do you get deja vu? Anyone else getting intense flashbacks to Jan when DL first dropped and all the drama happened 👀
YES PLEASE STAY CO ANCHORS Gosh I love them so much esp once you take the romantic connotations out of their interactions
I love this long take of checking in with everyone's relationship status (still hate how romantically focused this show has become but still a cool shot)
Okay but like looking at Kourtney's face I have never wanted to be wrong so bad GOD I HATE IT HERE I really think he likes her and I hope they work it out
Nini setting up her own music acc feels like when Olivia rebranded her whole IG to be just for her music stuff - love this for both of them
I know everyone loves her as Nini but like I have always loved the name Nina and it really suits her to be honest also shows how she's growing up now and kind of leans into the lyric "I won't be confined to your point of view" from The Rose Song because Nini is the nickname Ricky gave her so it shows that she's outgrowing him too and I love that for her!
Overall thoughts; they really crammed all the North High drama into one ep huh. Personally would have liked it if all of this was spread out throughout the last few episodes; like different hijinks for every episode. I'm just a big fan of properly setting up the overall arc over the season instead of patching it together closer to the climax/end of the show. Cos now it lowkey feels like two different seasons - 2A felt like The Rini/Rina Show esp with YAC storyline and whatever was going on with Rina and now 2B is finally feeling like what this season should have been all this time
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sotorubio · 3 years
The escape room clip is a perfect example of your point about this team not taking the show as serious as David, but the show being better bc of that. There’s zero plot in that clip bc the plot happens in the last one with Bilal not being able to pay. The whole point of the escape room outing is to show him struggling to hide that from his friends, so once that’s done you don’t NEED to see La Mif solve puzzles for 2 minutes, but I’m glad we do. One, it’s necessary lightness in a thematically dark season. Two, you see how much these characters like each other, which means any fallout they have later will hit harder and give you a reason to care. Three, you see their dynamics, personalities, how they work together and how they don’t, so characterization without the shadow of drama. And finally, the editing choices (dramatic music when Tiff plays the piano, the screen splitting into boxes when they’re almost of time) are just fun. It’s not Cinema™️ but it doesn’t need to be. I thought even Tiff was bearable here lol.
i loved that clip soooo much + it rly WAS a great way to bring some lighthearted fun into the eps since the events have been rly depressing so far, ur right!! n the fact that zak was included just makes it so sweet 🥺
this is why i rly like that they're giving us frequent short clips instead of longer clips every now n then bc while it can sometimes get a bit overwhelming & sometimes it'd be smarter to make longer clips this style allows them to make a few "useless" clips. n obviously they're not actually useless since, like u said, they showcase the characters' relationships & the group dynamic but like. they're clips that could easily be dropped n it'd have 0 negative effects on the plot but they still choose to keep these little moments in! like zak & bilal eating in the school cafeteria also didn't rly tell us anything that we didn't already know but it deepened the brothers' bond even more!! this is EXACTLY what skamfr has always needed they've gone plot first into everything despite the fact that skam is a character! driven! concept! n that's been my #1 complaint throughout my whole entire experience w skamfr but NOW they're finally getting it... like this clip rly made me finally think Ah yeah this is a skam. for the first time since like, season 5 probably.
(ALSO YEAH UR BRAIN.. i didn't even realize how they're building this very loving & supportive foundation now so it'll just be crushing when they're driven into conflict GOD i was just blissfully enjoying the nostalgic lamifex dynamic but ur so right it's just the calm before the storm 😃👌)
"fun" is truly the best word to describe this clip bc it was literally soo entertaining like yes!! the editing!! the quick dialogue n jokes!! the seconds running at the end of the time stamp!! genuinely such a good time. also agreed abt tiff! i mean i won't be able to enjoy her presence ever bc she had absolutely no redemption plotline but what is great is that she's just a side character now & bilal has other meaningful connections w la mif so her existence doesn't ruin it smfjdkkd at least not in this clip + lucie is such a great actress her yelling every time they got an answer right was so funny
also i am aware that this does happen w every skamfr season like the first 2-3 eps r very strong n good n then it rapidly goes down hill like even the horrendous seasons that were s5&6 did have promising starts BUT it's never been this fun & promising before so i'm reallyyyy hoping they keep it up 🤞 like cmon if u gave me a hourregue season where the main character starts to secretly live under his high school w his little brother bc some adults were fine w kicking out two underage kids who r already living alone i would already be laughing by now bc of the extreme drama but w this team it's actually working bc they actually put effort into the skam-aspect & the characters so the audience actually cares. let me eat my words in a few weeks when they probably just go off the fucking rails w the drama again but for now i'm gonna cautiously enjoy all these new experimental clips they're giving us
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
too old to trick or treat (too young to die) // charlotte&lola (penny&jupiter)
Summary: Two Halloween costumes Tommy witnesses the creation of, twenty years apart. His cousin’s, and her daughter’s.
A/N: 4001 words. knocked this out in literally 3 hours. okay so The Road Warrior didn’t come out until December of ‘81, and Supergirl didn’t come out until ‘84, but whatever, the timeline has been massaged for a number of reasons, bare with me, suspend your disbelief abt halloween costumes. ANYWAYS this came to me very suddenly and i had to write it. i’ve had enough angst, so have cute charlie & penny halloween moments now instead please and thank you. @misscharlottelee as always owns my heart w/ her characters. also mild sexual references in the first part bcos of mishearing something/misunderstanding a situation.
[ part of the charlotte&lola au of Run to Paradise ]
In 1981, Tommy dresses as Mad Max for Halloween; all pulled back hair, and a truly awful attempt at an Australian accent. He’s even butchered a leather jacket he’d found second-hand, much to the rest of the household’s horror. He’s pretty proud, despite Mick telling him to shut up since Tommy refuses to stop using the accent. 
Mick’s not wearing a costume, and isn’t going out with the rest of the band and the girls, he’s only here to give his opinions on their costumes, and drink with them until they leave. 
Nikki’s made no secret of the fact that he’s going as that guy from A Clockwork Orange, which, okay, is actually surprisingly subdued for his usual going out attire, and Vince would not shut up about the all-white suit he bought to be John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. Something about both Vince and Nikki in all white makes Tommy think everyone’s going to ask if they’re both the same character, regardless of their various accessories, and they’re both going to be mad as all hell by the end of the night; if he had to hazard a guess, Tommy’s pretty sure he’s going to find it incredibly funny, and Nikki’s going to chase him down The Strip for laughing.
Lola’s had her hair in rollers all day, and came home the other week with a legally obtained, sparkly, black, singlet, which was kind of a big deal when Lola either lives in the bands’ clothes, or steals herself pants that actually fit. Her actual costume, however, is escaping him, right up until Tommy walks into the bathroom, to see Lola, in said singlet, black underwear, and nothing else, sitting patiently while Charlotte diligently applied dark eyeshadow further up lola’s brow than he’d been expecting.
“Frank N Furter?” Tommy asked, pleased and amused, still in his attempt at an Australian accent. Both Charlotte and Lola made a face at that, but Lola confirmed after a beat, lips overdrawn, shiny, a deep berry red. The idea that Lola had ever seen Rocky Horror Picture Show in cinemas enough to dress up as it’s main character was a strangely humanizing idea for the often-seemingly feral roadie. 
After a moment, however, Tommy takes in his cousin’s attire; she looks incredibly pretty, of course Charlie’s naturally pretty, but she’d gone out of her way to highlight it tonight. White dress, little tiara atop her head, makeup understated and still somehow glamorous, her hair’s still dark from where she and Lola had died it a few weeks ago in the wake of her split with Duff. Maybe they’d re-dyed it.
“You look pretty, Charlie, who are you meant to be?”
“You know you sound British, right, not Australian?” Charlotte doesn’t look up from where she’s working on Lola’s face.
“Shut up, you don’t even know anyone British,” Tommy counters, nose in the air, “and you haven’t even seen Mad Max, so shut it, you don’t know what an Australian accent sounds like.” And he’s haughty for all of a minute before he’s coming back with, “but seriously, who are you?” 
A wicked grin spreads across his cousin’s lips.
“That’s for me to know -”
“- us to know.” Lola corrects quickly.
“Us to know,” Charlotte agrees, “and you to find out.”
Super ominous. Charlotte’s been cagey about her Halloween costume since they’d decided to hit The Strip on Halloween as a group. Usually, Charlotte’s overflowing with excitement about her costume, back in high school, she’d roped him, Vince, and a few of their friends into being the Scooby Gang. She’s been various animals, movie characters, and last year, she’d spent almost a month putting together a truly gorgeous Cinderella costume. For all that she was detailed about her costumes, he’d always known her to play it safe.
But this year she’s been quiet. It’s unusual. Tommy blames Lola entirely.
The girls allow Tommy to stay in the bathroom until Lola’s face is done, and then, instead of leaving, they both demand he get out, closing the door after him, giggling conspiratorially like teenagers. 
“What’s their problem?” Nikki asks, attempting to apply eyeliner, though the only reflective surface he had was Mick’s sunglasses, and Mick looked about ready to throw him through a window for getting so close, and so Tommy moves on instinct, snatching the stub of an eyeliner pencil from Nikki’s grip, beckoning him out of Mick’s personal space.
“Not sure; they’re either hooking up, or plotting to kill us,” Tommy muses, trying his hardest to not poke Nikki in the eye. 
“Hot?” Nikki sounds like he’s not quite sure about that sentiment himself.
They can hear Lola and Charlotte talking in low voices, indistinctly in the bathroom, and clattering, and then - Take off your fucking heels! - Charlie, loud and nervous, followed by some begrudging grumbling from Lola. Scuffling, more clattering, and grunting.
“They’re definitely hooking up,” Nikki mutters. Tommy’s turning red. He’s not a prude, Christ, not even close, but... Charlie wouldn’t... right? Not when she knew how thin the walls were... Not with Lola, surely!
“Let go of me, I don’t need you to steady me -!” Lola now, and Nikki’s stepping back, laughing at the look on Tommy’s face. He’s not quite sure how he feels about the idea of him and his cousin both having -
“You’re shaking, you’re going to drop it!” 
Silence, a few more indistinct, now muttered words, far quieter, far calmer, then - a loud, strange rush of liquid, like the shower being turned on, but much more immediate and shorter. 
“Holy shit, dude!” Lola’s yell radiates through the whole house, followed by a loud clatter, like something empty being dropped on the tiles, and Charlotte’s response is too quiet to hear. It’s followed by what is distinctly the sound of the hair dryer, and by now, all three men in the living room are just confused. 
Vince finally surfaces from his and Tommy’s room almost ten minutes later, hair appropriately slicked back, white suit impeccable, making a beeline for the fridge, equally confused.
“What the fuck is happening in there?” He asks, joining the other three, currently cutting up lines of coke on a plate, in the living room.
“I still think they’re hooking up,” Nikki says, frowning down, as if the intensity of his gaze will keep his hand from shaking where he’s trying to cut the coke. 
“Wishful thinking,” Mick grumbles, sitting back and taking a long sip of his vodka.
“Pretty sure lesbian sex doesn’t involve hairdryers,” Vince has to agree, and Tommy’s frown deepens.
“They’re not -”
“Fuckin’ semantics, man, sex without guys, you know what I meant,” he headed Tommy’s protests off before he could properly speak them, and Tommy’s own frown deepened. Mick looks like he wants to protest, but also knows all three men far to well to have any illusions about the abhorrent range of pornography they had consumed. 
The hair dryer turns off.
“You wouldn’t have half a fuckin’ clue about what real lesbian sex was like,” is what Mick chooses, instead, to say, and Vince flips him off, right as the bathroom door bursts open, and Lola, comically wide-eyed, stumbles out, what looks like blood splattered on her shins and thighs, high heels in one hand.
“Holy shit,” she’s gasping, laughing, disbelieving, “you guys are not fucking ready for this,” she’s looking altogether like a delighted Frank N Furter about to reveal and revel in her latest creation. The guys are so caught up in seeing Lola in her costume, that seeing Charlotte coming out after her is like being hit by a train.
She’s covered in blood. Head to toe, apart from her face, which she must have been covering with her hands. Bright right. Face serious and eyes wide and Tommy knows that expression, that look, that blood -
“Carrie!” He exclaims, “Fucking Hell, Charlie!” He announces at the top of his lungs, and Charlotte’s expression cracks to a bright smile, to delight at being recognized. 
“It’s paint!” Charlotte announces, giving a spin, and suddenly the hairdryer, the chatter, the confusion made sense. 
“Charlotte, you look fucking killer,” Nikki’s got a look in his eyes that reads as both intimidated and turned on, a look usually reserved for Lola, but Charlotte doesn’t seem to notice.
“Peach and Eileen are going to fucking scream,” Lola was absolutely delighted at this prospect, doing a line of coke when Nikki offered it, before pulling on her heels. 
Charlotte is beaming, looking cool as hell, and delighted with how the whole costume turned out. 
Only later that night will any of the boys discover the murder-scene the girls had left behind in the bathtub in their excitement to hit The Strip. Tommy feels like he’ll never get the image of the blood splattered tub out of his mind.
Which is why he finds it so baffling that he’s blindsided by it exactly twenty one years later.
In 2002, Charlotte’s daughter, Penny, now all of twenty years old, the exact age Charlie had been that iconic Halloween, and Tommy’s kid, Jupiter, eighteen and a half, the pair raised practically as siblings, had been marathoning mostly-trashy horror movies all through the month of October in anticipation for the night itself, and Johnny Hudson’s Halloween party. 
Jupiter had announced their intention to dress as Nancy from The Craft for the third year in a row, which ties it with the costume they’d chosen for the three years prior to that, which was Eric Draven, the main character from The Crow.
“Yes, it’s because I have a thing for Fairuza Balk in that movie,” Jupiter had announced defiantly when they’d made their intentions known at a dinner that Lola fortunately had time enough to attend, in between tours.
“That’s how I picked all my Halloween costumes at your age,” Lola had admitted with a shrug, though that just made Tommy frown as he goes to take a sip of his drink -
“Tim Curry as Frank N Furter -?”
“Lola did you go as Frank N Furter one Halloween?” Penny, delighted at the concept, leans forward over her pasta, eyes alight with mirth at the idea, looking so much like her mother that it almost stings. Lola herself has gone red, trying to suppress a smile.
“Tom, that’s not a discussion I want to have right now, but yes,” she says, slight warning in her voice, and Tommy chokes on his drink, both because he doesn’t quite know what she means by that, and because it’s rare for her to call him Tom, but then she’s looking up at Penny, smiling enough that it creases by her eyes, “and yes,” she deliberates, before adding, “I’m pretty sure that was the year your Auntie Eileen surprised everyone and dressed up as Uncle Mick, top hat and all,” Lola said, voice warm and fond at the memory, “he had no clue how to take it, shocked him enough that he actually came out on the town with us; I think it’ll always surprise him when people think he’d be a cool Halloween costume.” And she looks to Jupiter at that, while Jupiter themselves made direct and unwavering eye contact with their own pasta, while Penny nudged them, voice turning teasing, picking up on Lola’s cue, gently ribbing her cousin about the time they’d dressed up as Mick for Halloween, if only to spite the rest of their family. 
The conversation moves on, and Tommy thinks fondly of the memory of how bright Charlotte’s smile had been after she’d come out of their bathroom, looking as thought she was covered in blood. 
So this year, Tommy’s hit with a strange sense of deja vu in the lead up to Halloween, with Penny being cagey, and obviously in cahoots with his own child.
“Looking badass, as always,” Tommy grins, showing off his cheap, vampire fangs, as he leans in the doorway of his kid’s bedroom. Penny’s applying lip-gloss atop their black lipstick, but gives pauses as they both turn to him, scrutinizing his party-store vampire costume. With his own kids going away for the night, Tommy had been more than happy to host a Halloween party of his own for friends still in the business.
“I feel like you used to put more effort in,” Jupiter says slowly, looking from the too-small, satin cape, back to his face, and Tommy shrugs.
“I guess I could always put on one of my old eighties stage costumes,” he muses, playing like he’s seriously considering it, acting as though he couldn’t see Jupiter and Penny’s expressions both turn horrified, “I’ve still got them somewhere in the back of my closet -”
“Oh Jesus, dad,” Jupiter hisses, “you know we all know too much about how Lola felt about that weird fetish shit you guys would wear on stage, please don’t -”
“It’s not fetish shit, Jup,” but Tommy’s grinning at how embarrassed they both were, “it’s hair metal, it was hip!”
“It’s a red and black leather harness at best, and tights; I’ve seen more conservative outfits at a BDSM dungeon -”
“Dude!” Penny’s eyebrows shot up, and Tommy’s mouth dropped open. Penny, horrified, looked to her uncle; “it was one time-” she says, trying to make things better, but doing the exact opposite right as Jupiter tries to tell him it was a joke. Penny and Jupiter look to each other, both horrified at what the other had said, how it must look.
“It was Johnny’s idea!” Penny blurted out, and looked to Tommy, as if realising she was digging herself deeper, “we went there as a joke!”
“That part is true,” Jupiter conceded, but Tommy kept his mouth shut, raising his hands in surrender, as if to say ‘that’s your business, as adults, but I’d rather not know’, and he’s quick to leave them to their mutual, horrified bickering. 
He hadn’t even thought to ask what Penny was going as. All he knows is that she and Jupiter had been arguing because ‘it’s a trashy movie, Pen’ - ‘I love it, so shut up; you get witch powers from being an angry loner, I get them from being prom queen’ - ‘did we even watch the same movie? That’s not -” - “then just picture the original, you liked the original!’ - ‘oh, I’m past the movie itself, it’s the - they’re both angry loners, Pen,’ - ‘yeah, okay yeah, but it’s a cool aesthetic, Jup, come on -’. That was a few weeks ago, Tommy still isn’t quite sure what it could be, beyond witchy powers. Usually Penny’s costumes were straightforward, or she’d at the very least announce them in advanced...
Tommy finds himself blaming his own, erratic and mischievous child entirely; just as Lola had been known to be a bad influence on Charlie, so too could their children mirror this dynamic almost uncannily. 
It only gets stranger when, an hour after doing Jupiter’s makeup, they both seem to be in full costume, and should be ready to go, they’re nowhere to be found, but they haven’t said goodbye.
Penny comes rushing past Tommy in a whirlwind, carrying something bulky in her arms, making a beeline for the downstairs guest bathroom.
“Pen, whaddya got there?” Tommy calls out, and Penny stops dead. She’s in a pretty, white dress, with her hair all done up, and a tiara sitting on top. It’s... familiar. 
“Glue?” Penny’s obvious lie has Tommy frowning.
“Glue?” He asks, with a huff of disbelieving laughter. When she swivels towards him, he can see that she’s holding a large, white, pourable bottle, the label of which, Penny is conveniently covering. 
“We’re sniffing it?”
“Penny, what the fuck?” Jupiter calls from the bathroom, and Penny takes off at a run, avoiding Tommy’s further questions, and Tommy himself, who, with a sudden nervousness at whatever the real situation was, follows quickly. All he can see is large, clear plastic sheets covering every single surface and every wall, like the lair of a murderer in a movie, and then Jupiter’s face with all it’s dark makeup and sprayed up hair, as they’re apologizing, and slamming the door in his face. He’s pretty sure he read the word blood on somewhere on the bottle that Penny had put down.
“Jupiter Carlotta Lee, I’ve told you before that we don’t fuck with real witchcraft!” Tommy jiggled the handle, but the door was firmly locked, “not after what happened with Nikki and Lita!”
“It’s not witchcraft!” Jupiter calls back, and Tommy can hear Penny groan about how he’s still going to kill them.
“Don’t murder your fuckin’ cousin in there, you hear me?” He jiggles the door handle again, harder this time, not quite sure of what was happening in there, but concerned nonetheless. 
“Hey!” Penny shouts back, “why do you think I’m the one getting murdered in here?”
“I was addressing both of you,” Tommy sighed, leaning his forehead against the door, defeated, “what are you doing? What’s so bad that you have to keep me locked out?”
“I’ll tell you when we’re done -”
“It’s messy,” Jupiter explained, and followed it up with a quiet, “okay, get in the bath, take off your shoes,” clearly not aimed at Tommy, before yelling back to him, “I’d rather do it, clean it up, and then beg for forgiveness in that order before you decide whether or not you want to murder us.” 
“Are you sure it’s safe to stand up there?” Comes Penny’s soft question to her cousin, followed by a phrase burned into the back of Tommy’s mind, somehow still there after everything it’s been through.
“Let go of me, I don’t need you to steady me -” 
And everything clicks into place, the blood, the outfit, the mess -
“Are you pouring fake blood on your cousin right now?!” Tommy’s tone is disbelieving, and he’s met with silence, and then the slow sound of liquid being poured.
“No?” Penny calls back, before spluttering a little, “it’s in my mouth.” She hisses.
“Then close your mouth!” Jupiter hisses back.
“I wasn’t talking to you, Pennylope; Jup?” Tommy squeezes his eyes shut as he remembers exactly how much scrubbing he and the rest of the occupants of the Motley House had to do over the next week, and even then the bathroom was never quite the same. 
But he’s met with silence, and then he starts to hear what can only be the excess fake blood dripping into the tub. And then the sound of a much emptier bottle being put on the bench.
“No, I am not currently pouring fake blood on my cousin,” Jupiter announces; Tommy thinks he can feel a headache forming with each moment that passes. There are moments exactly like this one, in which he is reminded that Jupiter is without a doubt his and Lola’s kid, which is both a blessing and a curse.
“Penny, stay in the tub,” he calls, “make sure you wash your feet off once you’re dry; a hairdryer helps it dry faster.”
Despite their confusion at how he would know such a thing, the pair in the bathroom know better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. Tommy, for his part, breathes a sigh of relief; this, at least, he knew how to handle. At least they put more thought into it than Charlotte and Lola had back in the day. 
Heading upstairs while they let the fake blood dry, he finds the photo Lola had dug up from her archives in her and Nikki’s garage. 
Eileen, Charlotte, Lola, and Peach, all in a row outside the Starwood, all grinning from ear to ear. Eileen as Mick, Lola as Frank N Furter, Peach as Supergirl, and Charlotte, beaming, covered in blood red paint, as Carrie.
By the time he resurfaces from the wave of memories that had overwhelmed him, Tommy gets downstairs to see the guest bathroom door open.
“How messy is it?” He calls, concerned. Jupiter sticks their head out. The hairdryer is still going. 
“Not as bad as I thought, should all just wash down the drain; the plastic on the walls was probably overkill,” they admit, and Tommy gives a thin-lipped grin, remembering the splatter that came up to knee height on the walls by the bathtub in the Motley House. Though, to be fair, Lola was simply pouring an entire bucket of thinned house-paint over Charlotte’s head - it was neither Lola nor Charlotte’s brightest idea, in hindsight - Jupiter, with a bottle of screen-grade fake blood from the looks of it, would have a much more controlled pour. 
And Penny would definitely have a much easier time getting it off.
When Tommy sees Penny, it’s like looking into a window from the past, the way she’s beaming, pleased and bright and covered in blood, she looks so proud to be horrifying.
“What now?” Penny asks, fond but exasperated, and Tommy snaps out of his thoughts, “what exactly about this,” she gestures to her whole self, blood soaked and standing in the tub, being hairdryed by Jupiter, “reminds you of mom?”
“What do you mean?” Tommy asks, playing dumb, and Penny’s expression softens, but she still rolls her eyes, arms out while Jupiter dries her.
“You get a look in your eye when I do something that reminds you too much of mom, and yeah it’s sweet, but this specifically is a really weird thing to get emotional -”
“This is your mom on Halloween, nineteen-eighty-one,” Tommy holds out the photo so she wouldn’t have to touch it, incase the blood on her hands was still wet, interrupting his niece.
“Oh,” Penny’s voice is so quiet, “for real?” She asks, eyes wide and misty when she looks at Tommy, and he gives a fondly amused look, and nod in response. “I didn’t even know,” Penny gave a quiet, disbelieving laugh, her own gaze turning adoring as she takes in the photo once more. 
Jupiter twists to look at the photo, still drying Penny, then looks in the mirror, then back at the photo, and scowls, but keeps quiet about how they’ve just realized, at least in terms of makeup and overall pallet, how similar their costume is to their mother’s. But they’re well aware that this isn’t their moment.
“Did Lola own pants?” Jupiter does mutter, more to themselves than expecting a response, and not getting one anyhow.
“Lola poured a bucket of red paint over her head in the apartment we shared, took five of us a full week to clean it all up after,” Tommy explained to Penny, smiling.
“No wonder you were worried about us doing the same thing,” Penny snorted, and leans in, looking at her mother’s smiling face; almost the same face she sees in the mirror, if not for the blue of her eyes.
“Yeah, but I should have known you two would be smarter about it, much as I love your mom, Jup, when we were young, she wasn’t exactly known for her common sense,” and as Tommy says it, even the quietly resentful Jupiter cracks a smile. 
“She looked so cool,” Penny muses, “they all do; that’s Aunt Eileen and Peach, right? The other two?” And Tommy confirms as much, also making sure to note that all four women were always better at Halloween than the rest of the band; in a move that Tommy’s seen Charlotte do a thousand times, Penny rolls her eyes, smirks, and says ‘yeah, obviously’ all smug and amused.
Tommy just smiles, asks if he can take a photo once Penny’s all dry, reminds them to call Lola and Nikki if they need a lift home, and waves goodbye to them when their taxi arrives.
The minute the taxi is off the property, Tommy’s cracking open a beer, and dialing Lola’s number in the minutes before his own guests are due to arrive.
“Lols, you’re never gonna fuckin’ believe what just happened.”
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