#and can really make u feel stupid .and make you ignore the fact that thats not true
awrkive · 3 days
r we getting tlp3 anytime soon 😖😖😖
anon asked: Could you please give us a little tiny spoiler about tlp pt.3?🥹🫶🏻
hi first anon! no i dont think i can give u guys a date yet. im actually currently joining an architectural competition at uni so thats keeping me a bit busier than usual, but i am writing tlp 3 during my breaks so ... thats that. ANYWHO. i will make sure to update u guys when its ready to be out!
anyways, to second anon. a tiny spoiler under the cut proceed if u wanna.. 🤓
You’re pretty much drained the moment you arrive at your place.
Sighing heavily, you punch in the passcode and almost feel your knees buckling at the sight of the interior of your apartment when the door opens.
It feels like it’s been so long since you’ve been here, and coupled with the discussion that you had with Doyeon two days ago, everything suddenly feels overstimulating and there’s a certain burn at the sides of your eyes that urges you to cry. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you breathe in and out as you enter the threshold, noting the fact that anybody is not home. Or Jungkook isn’t present anywhere in the living room. You’re a bit grateful for that if you have to be honest to yourself – after all, the last time that you talked to him, it did not exactly go as well as you’d like. 
He could be in his room, though. That’s what you assume as you go straight over to the kitchen in hopes to heat up the take-out that you bought at the driveway. But the to-go container from Chipotle at the island catches your attention, as well as the laptop that is left open beside it. 
So Jungkook is home. 
The question is, where could he possibly be, leaving out his stuff here in the kitchen? Might be in his bedroom to grab something real quick? 
You don’t mean to do the next thing that comes to your mind, but your feet – your stupid feet – track back from the microwave to the island, and your eyes betray you as they go look and read the words on Jungkook’s macbook. 
The tab that's left open shows an apartment listing website, and the following tabs beside it are some familiar real-estate names you’ve come to visit on the internet before when you were looking for a place yourself.
It makes you freeze in your spot, eyes glued to the daunting images of the apartment layout that Jungkook must’ve clicked on awhile ago, and you take note that he’s seemingly, specifically, looking for one-bedroom and studio apartments. 
Your mind goes into a sudden haywire at the sight. 
What does this mean? 
“Oh, hey,”
The embodied voice makes your head snap to its direction, and you see Jungkook standing in front of you in his sweats and shirt – his usual home clothes – with a charger in his hand. 
“Jungkook.” You say, or more like, breathe out. There's a heavy feeling that sits in your heart when you look at his face – but most of all, it beats a little above normal.
But Jungkook looks just as surprised as you. 
“I… I didn’t know you’re coming ho– back.” He says, and you feel a sudden twinge inside that you ignore when you caught him pointedly avoiding the word home when pertaining to your place. Somehow, it felt intentional.
But you give him a smile. Probably a weak one. Probably doesn’t really look like a smile at all and more like a grimace.
If Jungkook notices, he doesn’t say anything. Just goes straight to the direction of the high chairs on the island and plug in his charger on his laptop. 
Then, he turns to look at you. “Uh.. you just got off from your shift?” 
“Uhm, yeah. You too?” You say, nibbling your bottom lip with your teeth. A nervous habit. 
“Nah, got off a few hours ago.” 
“Oh. Okay.” 
You nod your head. You stand there for a while, letting the silence that’s admittedly awkward hang in the air. 
It’s weird, really. Jungkook and you usually have a lot to say to each other – but right now, there doesn’t seem to be a single thing that you can bring up.
There's a certain kind of melancholy in the case. 
“Well, uhm. That’s Zillow.” You say, pointing to his laptop. The moment the words left your lips you swear you could have slapped yourself. 
How stupid to ask him about it. How incredibly stupid for that thing to be your choice of topic after weeks of no proper communication with him. 
Jungkook seems just as taken aback by this, though, turning his head immediately to look at his laptop. There’s a slight jerk in his movements when he glides his fingers across the trackpad that closes the entire window of the internet and shows his PC wallpaper instead. 
“Oh. Yeah. That was… Zillow.” 
Stupid, stupid you makes everything even more awkward when you say, “You’re looking for a place?” 
Jungkook stares at you for awhile. There’s a pregnant pause, and then he nods his head. A bit hesitant. But his voice is full when he speaks. 
So he’s moving out. That’s what you think as you avoid looking at his face, letting your gaze fall back on his laptop.
You give him a small smile. 
“Ah. Good luck with the search, then.”
Your hope you hide the way your heart completely breaks when you say the words. 
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vanibear · 2 years
Genuine question: do you think people are more likely to paint sora as (emotionally) naive, rather than a more book-dumb kind of way? like being too trusting of people, that kind of thing
ahaha anon So i kind of accidentally wrote an essayish in response, but it ended up moving on from ur question to expanding on thoughts i have abt characterizations of sora, oopsie 
but TLDR: To answer your question anon, i actually think its about equally both, and i think perceiving him with a lack of emotional maturity can bleed into perceiving him with a lack of intelligence; sentiments like friends as your power and leaving no one behind can seem naïve and irrational if one doesnt think that sora comprehends his odds and still chooses to proceed because his heart believes it is right. while sora does have a ways to grow emotionally, especially in regards to his own feelings, i dont think that he lacks knowledge when it comes to relationships and understanding others emotions, which is actually rather his strong suit. i also think that sora is generally very smart, and just dont quite understand why people portray him as not quite being so
~ the aforementioned ramble ~ ooo good question ! hm. i think more often i notice people characterizing him in a book dumb sort of way, but honestly that could be bc it bugs me more. however, we dont know if sora did well in school or not/what level of education he got, so instead of a strictly textbook smart sense, i see it more as a lacking the characteristics of someone who is book smart sense? basically, people painting him as airheaded, oblivious, or not very eloquent; i think especially with jokes or complicated subjects going over his head. but, if you look at his dialogue (and, while this is more subjective, puzzles and challenges he has to overcome in the gameplay), thats usually not the case? hes delivered plenty of introspective and articulate lines; hes witty, sarcastic, and even sometimes rude; hes incredibly adaptive and resourceful considering the situations he’s thrown into, and hes a quick learner, as shown by his keyblade skills.
however, i think some of these perceptions do come from how he is a very emotionally driven person. he follows his heart and is loyal and trusting to a fault, and that can cause him to take actions that seem impulsive, illogical, and naïve. however, i think sora is very knowledgeable of emotions because of how he connects with people. he’s incredibly empathetic and understanding of others and has made friends with nearly everyone he meets because of that; which i believe is an incredibly difficult accomplishment. while his feelings can lead to mistakes, they are also his greatest strength; he will try his best to fix those mistakes. where i believe he really struggles is in processing his own emotions.
and on that, sora is pretty self-deprecating, and laughs off a lot of things, which sometimes can cover up just how talented he is because even he denies it. i think that oftentimes, sora himself believes that he’s dumb, or lesser in comparison to others, which can lead to people taking that at face value if they dont look deeper
however. sora is still a cheerful and silly guy, and thats an important part of his personality too! he is an energetic, optimistic teenage boy who really just wants to have fun with his friends and thinks that everyone should have a happy ending.
sora has a lot of different dimensions to him, but unfortunately characters that have a seemingly cheerful disposition and noble motivations that come off as idealistic can often get sanded down to being stupid because they’re seen as too naïve to understand the gravity of their situation.
to clarify, i dont think that soras never been dumb. keyboard (and keyblade) smashing is probably not the best idea if a computer isnt working. but, in my opinion, i think sometimes we dont give sora enough credit in our depictions of him, and tend to exaggerate certain qualities of his while forgetting others
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Hiii can u do a sort of love triangle with gavi and pedri ♡♡
A/n: my requests are open so feel free to send me more requests. 
If you guys want me to do another one of these but the other way round let me know 
wc: 2200+
When moving to Barcelona I thought I would really struggle to make friends but right when I arrived I managed to make two great friends and now we are as close as anything. Gavi and Pedri aren't the people I thought I'd make friends with when I moved here but after we happened to meet and they were so nice and helpful I wouldn't have wanted things to go any other way. Being friends with them is like having two bodyguards at times they are always keeping an eye on me and protecting me when we go out anywhere together which I really appreciate. Its come to the point that I don't know what I would do without and I hope they feel the same way about me. 
It has been far too long since I've last seen them both has they have been away for the World Cup but now they are back and we are finally going to see each other for a movie night which we do all the time but it's been a while since we've done one. Since we planned this I've been really excited but also a bit nervous as things have changed since they left. After they left and I had so much time to myself I spent too much time thinking and I realised that I have a crush on Pablo which I had been trying to ignore and push to the back of my mind for months. I feel so stupid because I told myself not to catch feelings for either of them as I know that if I say anything it will ruin everything as if he doesn't feel the same way it will ruin the whole group dynamic as things will be so awkward. While they have been away its been fine as when we talk over FaceTime I can hide it but I'm not sure that I can do the same thing in person as they know me so well that I just know I'll give it away. 
To distract myself from how nervous I am about tonight I have spent most of the day in the kitchen baking as the boys both love the cookies and cupcakes I make so I thought I'd make some for us to have as snacks and as my way of showing how proud I am of them both for their performance. As a distraction it has been working pretty well as I've been busy and had music on which has kept my attention away from my worries but as soon as I stopped my worries came flooding right back into my mind. I can't stop playing out every possible scenario in my head which isn't helping at all as none of them end very well in fact they all end with me losing my friends and being all alone again. 
The boys have their first training back with Barca today but afterwards they said they would stop off at mine and pick me up so we can go back to Pedri's place as thats where we always hang out  which means I don't even get any time to prepare myself because as soon as they get here I'll have to see Pablo straight away. Since finishing baking I've been looking at my wardrobe deciding what to wear as I want to be comfy but I also still want to look nice as for some reason I still feel the need to impress Pablo. After ages of debating with myself I settled on some sweatpants and a crop top so that I didn't look like a complete mess but was still comfy although it still didn't feel right but it will have to do as the guys will be here soon. 
Pedri's POV 
Training seemed to drag on forever but eventually it finished and Pablo and I quickly got changed and headed to my car to go and pick y/n up. We have been friends for ages now but we haven't seen her in a while as we were away for the World Cup and she had to stay for school and work so the both of us are really excited to see her again. For a while now I've had feelings for y/n as in feelings that go beyond just friends but I haven't said anything as I don't want to ruin our friendship or make things awkward with Pablo as he will still want to be her friend I know. Sometimes seeing her is hard because I just want to say something or for my feelings to go away but of course they don't so I just put on an act and pretend that everything is normal. 
Pablo and I got in the car and since he’s been fiddling with literally anything in sight which isn't normal for him. He has been acting off in general today to start with he was way too excited about training in the freezing cold but since we finished he's been nervous as anything and I just can't figure out what's going on. Usually he will tell me everything but today there is definitely something he isn't telling me and I have to know what it is as this isn't usual for him. 
"Hey man are you alright you seem really nervous" I said 
"I'm fine its just y/n" he said 
"What about her?"I asked 
"Well I really like her and while we've been away I have been thinking more about it and I want to tell her how I feel but I don't want to ruin everything as I don't think I could handle not having her in my life" he admitted 
As soon as I heard those words came out of his mouth I felt my heart sink. I should've known that he liked her I mean now that I think about it it’s so obvious she's the one person he FaceTimes all the time and he doesn't stop talking about her. Knowing that the both of us have feelings for her makes me feel even worse as I know these sorts of love triangles never end well for anyone involved. 
"If you think telling her is the right thing to do then you should do it as whatever happens is meant to be will be" I said trying to be supportive 
It hurt having to say that but I know that once Pablo has his mind set on something he doesn't easily let it go plus if he truly feels as strongly for her as he says then maybe they will be good for each other. Part of me is hoping that she will reject him and then maybe I might have a chance but I know deep down the right thing to do is back off and let them figure things out. Over my life I've had a few crushes that weren't reciprocated so this will just be another one to add to the list although I never stayed in contact with any of those girls so that will be a new aspect I have to figure out. I don't have long to figure it out though as soon we will be at y/n's picking her up.
Your POV 
My doorbell sounding throughout the apartment made me jump to start with but pretty much straight away I got up and ran to the door to greet the boys as I just knew it would be them. When I opened the door I was right and both Pedri and Pablo were stood outside my door smiling. I gave both of them a hug but held onto Pablo for a bit longer but not too long as to give away my feelings. As we left I grabbed the cookies and cupcakes which they both tried to steal so they could eat one before we even got to the car but I didn't let them. When we got to the car I went to open the door but Pablo managed to get in there first and held it open for me before then getting in the back of the car with me. Usually when we are all together unless we use my car I sit in the back as people always try to take pictures of Pedri and Pablo so I hide out in the back on my own so that I don't have loads of pictures taken of me. It was strange having him sat next to me to begin with but I did like having him sit with me and it made me wonder if maybe he feels the same way I do. 
When we got to Pedri's place he went and grabbed more snacks for us while Pablo and I sat down in the living room. He sat down first while I put the cookies out but when I was done I decided to test the water and sit right next to him on the sofa. For a second he looked at me before getting comfy and putting his arm behind me resting on the sofa clearly trying not to cross a boundary by touching me. We looked at each other for a second before quickly looking away again and I just know my cheeks were bright red but I was trying to pretend it wasn't happening. Things really feel like they have changed slightly between me and Pablo as we would never act like this with each other before but I don't want to get my hopes up as it could be anything or me just imagining things. 
Things were normal for a while once we started watching the film but about halfway though I felt Pablo's hand drop to my shoulder so of course I looked over to him and he just smiled back which made the butterflies in my stomach even worse. The longer we sat there the more confidence I built up so after some back and forth in my mind I decided to lean into his side and rest my head on his shoulder. For a few seconds he tensed up and I worried that I'd done the wrong thing but after a while he relaxed and moved his arm again this time around my waist. That was all the indication I needed to know that he must have some form of feelings for me as although Pablo is touchy with other people he would never do this if he didn't have feelings for me. 
We stayed in that position for the rest of the movie and only when it was over did we move slightly to put a small gap between us which was mainly to avoid Pedri asking questions. After the movie we all talked for a while until it was getting quite late and although I was willing to stay up later Pedri wanted to make sure I got home as I have work in the morning so I agreed to let him take me home along with Pablo. This time Pablo sat in the passenger seat but he kept turning round to talk to me and involve me in the conversation which quickly turned to football and what they were doing in training. 
Once we got back to my place me and Pablo said goodbye to Pedri as Pablo doesn't live far so will usually walk the rest of the way from mine. After Pedri left things got a bit awkward as it was clear that both of us wanted to say something but just didn't know how to start. Seeing as we were just stood outside in the cold and dark I decided it would be a good idea to at least go inside as then we can talk for a as long as we need to. Without thinking too much I grabbed his hand and walked up to my apartment and I only realised what I'd done when we got it my door and I had to let go of his hand to grab my keys. When we got inside things were just as awkward for a few moments until Pablo broke the silence. 
"I'm just going to say it I like you y/n and not just as a friend I know that this makes things awkward not just between us but also with Pedri but I can't hide it anymore being apart from you for so long made me realise just how much I love you which is why this is so hard to say" he rambled 
"Hey stop rambling I like you as more than a friend too" I admitted 
"Hearing you say that makes me feel so much better now I can finally ask will you be my girlfriend?" He asked 
"Of course I will" I answered 
He looked at me smiling for a moment before asking if he could kiss me which of course I said yes to. Pretty much as soon as I said yes his lips crashed against mine in the most amazing kiss I've ever had. I didn't want it to end but eventually we both pulled apart and he gave me one last kiss before leaving to go back to his place leaving me stood in my hallway smiling like an idiot at the fact that Pablo is now my boyfriend, life couldn't get any better. 
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muzanswaifu · 3 years
Okey so idea(Kind of)Sanemi x reader but the reader is very innocent and naive and sanemi cant help bit want to fuck the so hard they completely ruin the innocence
Okay im gonna just do headcannons/bullets for this real quick but lemme know if you want a full fic!
Sanemi x Innocent!Reader
Warnings: dubcon, oral sex, squirting, loss of virginity (thats up to you though), a hint of sexual slavery, yandere?
Some background info: you are a nurse at Butterfly estate
He doesn't like that you ignore him, act like he isn't important, act like there isn't an absolute God in front of you
Your eyes don't wander, don't pry, you don't feel up his muscles for a second longer than you have to, you just do your job, fuck it's annoying, you're annoying
"Does this hurt?"
"This may sting a little bit..."
At first sanemi thought u were making fun of him with all your little apologies and checkups to make sure he wasn't in any pain
But with after seeing you converse with other patients, he quickly learned you were just like that - caring, nonjudging, unassuming
He watches as the other male patients hit on you, flirt with you while you're just trying to do your job. You feed into their futile attempts, giggling at their little jokes because you don't understand that they're trying to get in your pants like the fucking idiot you are
But he prefer you not know anyway because he deals with them for you, and it makes him hum satisfied when you seem to be more attentive to him when those men aren't bothering you anymore
But he grows tired of seeing you so naive, so pure in your ways, especially with him. You blush so furiously when you feel his hand creep up your thigh when your checking on his injuries, slyly shuffling away to make him stop. He allows it, this time, because the shy look in your eyes makes his cock twitch, but you shouldn't be disobeying him like that. Don't you know who he is? Any other woman would be presenting themselves to him already, but you don't. And it's all because you're too damn virtuous. You unbearable fucking prude bitch.
He doesn't want you acting so innocent and holy around him, you're better than that, he deserves more than that
Sanemi wants to watch the sparkle in your eye dwindle to a glint of dumb lust as he ruins you for everyone else.
It's so clear that you haven't been fucked good, if at all. He can tell by the way you walk around so uptight and sinless. If you'd just let him break you, maybe you'd loosen up a bit.
You'd be the perfect bitch for him too, new and perfect for him to mold to his liking. He'd have you screaming in ecstacy while he wrecks you over and over and over again, sobbing his name just like you should. He hopes you have some form of physical training because he won't hold back in his strength, not until you're broken and fucked and stupid
He's bidding his time, waiting for the right moment to catch you alone and helpless. Probably after you've run your last errand and are cleaning up for the night. He's the only one in this building because of his status (one you don't seem to even give a shit about) so you can scream all you'd like and no one can bother you two.
You're shy to his advances, thinking maybe he's just a flirty individual, many men are to you, but he's coming on strong and it's scaring you. He catches on, and changes his tactic accordingly, drawing you in more playfully and seductive. You eat that shit up and he could almost laugh at how naive you are.
Really? Cheap compliments are what get that stick outta your ass? Figures you have shitty taste
A few teases here, praises there, you hardly noticed the hand sliding down your hip. In fact, you lean into it, and that's when he knows he's got you.
This is when you get sheepish again, cowering away and admitting that your not very experienced. He acts shocked to save your feelings but what the hell did you expect when you don't put out? It doesn't matter though because now you're only for him
But he'd be nice with you at first, he's not a monster after all. You're prepped nice and thoroughly, licked and kissed all over your little pussy so you'd be ready to take his cock to the hilt. He wouldn't stop till you had come all over his tongue at least three times
Once to figure out what you liked, the second to enjoy himself, and the third to get your hole dripping for him
He'd let you work on him after too, let you mouth at his cock like a little kitten, not caring if you even knew how to suck him off properly. Just seeing the purity in your eyes when you put your pretty lips on his dick for the first time would be enough to satisfy him. He could split your cute little throat open another time
But after that, playtime's over, you've had your fun. You had to be torn apart sometime, you should be grateful it's him and not some worthless bastard who couldn't even last two seconds
God, your so hot when you cry like that, tears pooling down your cheeks and stuttering pleas spilling past your swollen lips begging him to slow down and be more gentle. Yah, fuck that.
Eventually you learn to shut up and take it, it's not like he's listening to your whining anyway. Your desperate mewls and sobbing are such a turn on for him, like predator devouring it's prey. Even when your being fucked into oblivion, you still whimper like a little brat
It hurts huh? Then why did you squirt all over his dick just now? Give him a fuckin break
You're not a filthy whore yet, he admires that, even tells you he does, he likes that little bit of defiance. But you'll cave eventually, even if it's not tonight. No, tonight you don't even last all that long, passing out only a few hours in. Sanemi's aggravated at most, but your weakness was to be expected, he would just have to wait until you wake up to ravage you again.
And it'll be fun to train you like this! For him at least. Turn you into his perfect little cocksleeve, one that spreads her legs obediently whenever she sees him and can sit pretty on his cock for hours on end while he recuperates. And even then, you're leaving with him of course. Why would he let you stay where you can't warm his cock at all times?
when you're such a stupid slut for him, your almost bearable.
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laneydays · 2 years
you owe me, part 2 // billy showalter x reader
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i dont rlly like this put here u go the long awaited part 2.
part 1 here
we're gonna IGNORE the fact that i was supposed to publish this like 5 days ago im so sorry for lying i had school and family stuff and guitar lmfao
anyways school is cancelled for the rest of the week cuz of a hurricane, i might start writing another oneshot ;) maybe vance? dont know! but i hope u guys like this, felt i couldve done better but eh :)
after billy showalter had showed up by your house on his bike, your day was just a little brighter. he had really cared enough to go out of his way to deliver one more paper, just for you. he remembered, that you read the paper and kept it to make art or decorate your room with. even if reading the paper made you look like a total old man nerd, he went that extra mile for you. or in his case, a few blocks down from his route. the thought made you feel giddy and high.
you had came back in the house with a little more pep in your step, a stupid grin on your face that kept coming back whenever you looked at the flower pressing that you preserved on your dresser. the muscles in your face hurt from how good you felt. it was funny, to you. teachers would always say how one small thing a person can do can make another person's whole day. no one ever listened, including you. you thought it was bull, so it was amusing how the paper delivery boy proved you wrong. even if the flower seemed to shrivel slowly after a few hours, you couldn't help but think about it. billy showalter, of all people. he must be a goddamn saint if he can make me change my mind about him after a day, you thought. 
"holy shit," donna had blurted out from the phone when you told her. you had hushed her, even if no one was there to hear you besides your sleeping dog early in the morning.
"he totally likes you." she teased. you almost stumbled, clutching the phone in your hand a little tighter. "thats funny, donna. well, i don't like him," you scoffed.
you told her that to get her to leave you alone about it. (you doubted she would) but you would be lying if you said billy showalter didn't intrigue you with his actions toward you. nevertheless, you owed him big time. so, begrudgingly, on the monday before school, you emptied your piggy bank and counted the dollar bills and cents to pay billy back for everything he did. it was five bucks. you sighed, it was a decent amount of money to owe a boy. and it made you realize just how nice he was being to you.
you pocketed the money, getting ready to go to school. you jumped down the stairs, alerting your dog. they circled around your feet, barking and jumping excitedly. you rubbed their ears, talking to them in a high pitch.
your parents said your name, making you look up. "i thought we told you not to jump down the stairs. you'll break something," they instructed with a disappointed voice. your mother was at the table, and your father cleaning dishes at the sink. you winced slightly. "yeah, sorry."
you sat down at the table, eating the slightly burnt piece of toast your mother had set out for you. chewing on it, you watched your mother open up the paper as she sipped her coffee. you nearly choked, coughing. she was reading the paper.
she looked at you. "yeah, where did you get this? we don't get the paper," she asked. drinking your water, you tried clearing your throat before you replied. "yeah.. you know billy showalter delivers the paper, right?" you said slowly. your father chimed in, "of course. he stops by every sunday to get what we type up." your mother turned back to you, finishing for him. "but he doesn't stop by our house." 
you smiled sheepishly. "yeah. well, we're partners in class for a project. he stopped by yesterday because i told him i read the paper."
your dad looked over at you with a confused smile. "you read the paper?" he said, obviously making fun of you. your mother gave him a look before sipping her mug again. "how sweet. he's such a lovely boy. i'm glad you're becoming close," she said to you. "yes, it's about time you got a boyfriend," your father finished. you finished your toast, extremely flustered while your mother scolded him for assuming things.
you took a shy drink of water. "i have to go to his house later today. for the project." smiling, your mother held your hand. "good, that's good." 
"don't come back late," said your dad. you stood up, grabbing your backpack and slinging it over your shoulder. "yeah, don't worry." you kissed your mother on the cheek, and hugged your father goodbye. 
"be polite, and tell billy and mrs. showalter thank you," she said before you left. you agreed, closing the door. you took a breath, trying to console yourself and your embarrassment.
you walked to school. it was starting to get colder out, now. and you wished you had brought a thicker jacket. you spotted more kids walking as you got closer to school. you rubbed your arms, feeling the chill of the weather.
hearing your name being called, you turned around. gwen was jogging to catch up to you, finney following right behind her. "hey," you said to the small girl. "hi," finney finished for her, as she was catching her breath. you three walked together to school every day. it was a shame donna couldn't, her house was further away from yours. "kinda cold out, huh?" gwen said. you scoffed, "no kidding. wish i had brought a different covering."
as you got closer to school, you turned to the siblings. "i have to go to the library, i'll see you later nerds." gwen hugged you goodbye. "why the library?" finney asked. you turned away. "for a project. see you." they waved you goodbye as you entered through the double doors. there were less kids in the halls because you were a little early. 
you weren't lying to finney, you really did have to go to the library. you wanted to put effort into it the same way billy was, so you thought you'd find a book or two to help you with research.
upon entering, the library was pretty much empty. it was silent except for the pages being flipped by the librarian behind the counter. she muttered a 'good morning' under her breath as you walked in.
the isles were empty, but you saw a silhouette of a young boy. you searched through the books, in the history section. taking out many, reading the backs and then returning them to the shelf. you were impatient, and already becoming antsy. you wish you could just find a book already.
you turned the corner into the next isle, stopping when you saw the boy. it was griffin. he was reading a book, when he noticed you standing there and looked up. he was surprised to see you, you noticed. "hi, griffin," you said with a smile. "hi." he replied. you approached him, sitting next to him. "what are you reading?" griffin tilted the book so you could see the cover. it was the shining by stephen king. "stephen king? he wrote carrie. you like him?" he nodded at you. you were a bit shocked that a kid as young as him would be into that stuff. but he was smart, so it was probably okay.
"what are you doing here?" griffin asked you this time. he was right, you weren't usually in here. "i'm looking for a book. for a project."
"is it the one with billy?" he asked quickly. you almost stuttered, he was fast. you swallowed. "yeah. how'd you know?" you asked. griffin closed his book. "he told me." you smiled. "oh yeah? what else did he say?" you joked. the boy looked up at you. "he said you make him nervous sometimes."
you pressed your lips together tightly. a weird tight feeling in your stomach. "oh." griffin shook his head lightly, his curls bouncing. "but in a good way, he said. i don't know." the weird feeling was replaced by a new once, a weird kind of knot. you smiled sheepishly. 
"he likes you. you should be friends," the boy said. you looked away, trying to tame the heat in your face. "o-okay. i just need a book first," you laughed. griffin asked what type of book you needed. you told him what your project was about, and he got up enthusiastically, taking your hand and dragging you into an isle.
"this one," he said, taking out a book and holding it out to you. taking it gently from his hands, you read the back. it was great for your project. you looked back up at him, smiling. "this is perfect. thanks, griffin!" 
he smiled bashfully, his freckled cheeks rosy. you looked up at the clock, at the time. "the bells gonna ring in a minute," you looked at him. "want me to walk you to your first period?" griffin smiled wider. "okay. but its in the sixth grade hall," to which you replied that it was okay. you checked out your book, and the younger boy hung onto your hip the whole time. 
the bell had rung as you walked out the door with griffin, the book tucked into your backpack safely. griffins classroom was a little further than expected, but it was okay. you said goodbye to him and went back to yours. you kept thinking about him as you sat down, and how you really saw him as a little brother. it was a sweet feeling. 
the period was unfortunately very boring. you were learning about the layers of the earth, and honestly, you weren't really paying attention. you were just doodling all over your paper. until you felt a pinch in your back. you turned around to see robin arellano. "you free after school today?" he whispered. you shook your head. "no, i have to work on a project with billy showalter. sorry." robin's eyebrows furrowed, confused. "huh? showalter? for real?" you nodded, shrugging with a smile before turning back to your paper.
you continued drawing before a piece of wrapped gum dropped on your paper with a smiley face and an '-R' written on it messily. you turned around, blowing robin a joking kiss. he 'caught it' in the air, and held it to his chest. you held your hand to your mouth, trying to stop yourself from laughing as you unfolded the gum wrapper and placing it in your mouth. 
the bell rang, the class was over. you didn't listen to whatever your teacher was saying, and you just packed your stuff to leave, stopping by the door to wait for a slow robin. he caught up to you, and you walked together.
"so, you and billy?" he asked. he had a teasing look on his face. what was it with people joking about you and billy? "yeah, i have a project with him in civics." robin rolled his eyes, looking off. "just say you're going out with him. i've seen you giving him heart eyes across the lunchroom before." you turned to him swiftly, pushing him harshly. "shut up! i do not!" you growled, a furious heat in your cheeks.  robin held his hands up, trying to defend himself from your wrath as he giggled uncontrollably. 
you sighed angrily. "i'm serious, though... its just a project," you mumbled. robin flashed a smile. "sure, okay. i'll see you later." you were about to make him stay so you could keep defending yourself, but you just sighed once more as you watched robin head off to his next class. you would keep getting teased. and you would be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on billy showalter.
you sat down in your next class, trying console yourself. it's not like you liked him that much. maybe the reason you disliked him at first, was because you wanted an excuse. but it was hard, with his stupid smile and his stupid laugh, and his stupid hair and his stupid job. it was stupid. you were stupid. you hated having crushes.
the rest of your classes went by faster.  they mostly consisted of you laying your head on the desk and sleeping, and or ignoring anyone who tried to ask what was wrong with you. the only person you'd answer was donna.
"you're a mess," she shook her head. you peeked up at her. "no kidding." she sighed, slumping down next to you. "maybe you should just talk to him." sitting up straighter, you took a deep breath. "i will. when i see him." 
donna looked at you pitifully. she knew how much you hated these type of things. you looked back at her, reading her eyes and sighing. "don't look at me like that. i'll get over it, i always do." donna pushed your arm slightly. "but do you want to get over it? it's nice when someone likes you, yknow," she told you. you didn't reply, you only put your head in your hands and groaned.
lunch came quickly. you sat down with robin, finney, donna, and gwen, chewing on an orange slice. they were talking about whatever while you zoned off, thinking about the upcoming week and your assignments. until there were fingers snapping in front of your face. you looked up to robin leaning toward you and snapping from across the table. you smacked his hand down with a growl. he sat back with a grin. "stop daydreaming about your boyfriend," he giggled. your eyebrows furrowed and you stood up in your seat, your hands placed firmly on the table. leaning forward, you gave robin a mouthful. "he is not my boyfriend!" you exclaimed with a heated face. finney and gwen looked at you both with puzzled expressions, while donna seemed concerned.
"leave them alone, robin," she whispered. taming your outburst, you looked away shamefully. you saw griffin and billy sitting with each other. and bruce yamada, was his name? sat with them, too.
"wait, you have a boyfriend?" gwen said dumbly. you sighed with a dry chuckle. "no. it's a long story." gwen and finney looked at each other before the curly haired boy shrugged. he looked at you again. "is it billy?" he questioned innocently. you shut your eyes tightly. "ugh," you groaned, and that told the siblings what they needed to know. 
you felt the dread set in your stomach as you walked to your period after lunch. it was funny to you how people described getting butterflies as a cute fluttery feeling. you didn't get those. it was more like fuzzy worms crawling inside your organs. both of them still came from the same thing however; and it was liking someone. the someone that happens to be out of your league, and the someone you completely denied your feelings for a few days ago. you huffed, you weren't gonna be a pussy about it.
you sat down in your seat, watching as students piled in after you. you didn't care, until billy walked in. your chest tightened a little and you watched him sit down in his seat, his hair framing his face perfectly. he looked back, and caught your eye. he gave you a comforting smile, and your heart squeezed, giving him a simple wave back.  
no! don't let him seduce you with his attractive antics! you furiously told yourself, placing your fuming head in your hands.
everyone was seated, your teacher beginning to speak. "settle down. settle down," she projected. people got quieter.
she interlaced her hands together. "alright, this period will be dedicated to working on your project. i will pass out a paper to fill in information, but remember it will have to be put on a project board. you may use your notes for it aswell," your classmates got louder once again. she cleared her throat angrily. "don't think this is a free period. i will be watching you and making sure you're actually working," she snapped. they muttered words under their breath.
"thank you. now, you may join with your partner while i pass out the paper."
everyone stood up, giggling and gossiping. you pushed your chair back dramatically, making your way to billy. you made eye contact, but you immediately looked away as you sat next to him. "hey," he greeted. "hi," you replied.
he coughed awkwardly when your teacher came to you, giving you one paper. you looked up at her confusedly. "don't we need another?" she nearly rolled her eyes at you. "we're sharing," she sighed. you slumped down in your seat slightly at her annoyed tone as she walked away. 
billy looked at you again. "so, do you have any ideas?" he asked. he wanted to get you talking. he wanted you to talk to him, and hear your voice.
you perked up. "yeah! i do. i actually went to the library this morning because it felt like you were doing all the work, and you're probably smarter than me and i wanted to carry my own weight, y'know? so i got a book," you rambled, taking out the hardcover book. you mentally pinched yourself at what you said. sometimes billy made you want to talk ten times more or never talk again. the latter seemed more appealing when you looked up to see an embarrassed look on his face, his cheeks flushed. 
"i-i'm sorry," you stuttered. "i didn't mean-" you cleared your throat. just stop talking, you screamed internally.
"you're smart, too," billy mumbled. you almost crumpled the paper from how tight you gripped it. you laughed nervously, averting your eyes to the paper. you tapped your pen anxiously on the table, extremely aware of the noise it made. "so, do you still want me to come over after school? to study, i mean. you got the supplies, right?" billy nodded at you. "yeah, i did. my mom freaked out i was having a friend over."
you stopped tapping the pen. "oh, was she not expecting it? sorry," you fretted. billy shook his head. "no, no." he looked away bashfully. "it's just, erm. she- uh," the boy stuttered. he cleared his throat when he saw you blink. "nevermind," he muttered. 
it took a lot in you not to laugh at his embarrassment. and billy recalled the conversation he had the previous morning with his mother, and it made him even more embarrassed.
he had just gotten back from delivering papers, feeling extra good about the gratitude he saw on your face. his dog barged in before him, alerting his mother standing by the coffee maker.
"what took you so long?" she tapped the counter suspiciously. billy hung up his bright jacket on the hook by the door. "i delivered an extra," he replied. his mother sighed. "you know you're supposed to stick to your route, billy."
he shrugged, sliding into a chair at the table. "it was just someone from school.." he said shyly. unbeknownst to him, the woman felt a knowing switch in her mind. 
"and i hope you don't mind them coming over after school. we have a project together," he stated innocently. she folded her arms, a grin on her face. "are you two dating?" 
billy choked. "mom! no, i- they're just-" he stumbled over his words angrily, a furious flush on his face. he stood up, stomping upstairs to his room while his mother giggled. 
he shook his head back into the present. "let's just work on this," he sighed loudly. you grinned at him warmly.
the class period consisted of billy doing most of the talking. he was really serious about school. you would add on your own knowledge and he would smile excitedly and scribble it down on the note paper. it made the wormy feeling in your stomach disappear. maybe the worms actually turned into butterflies.
eventually you took out the book you had checked out after you two went through all of the notes. you opened it up to the table of contents, sliding it over between you two and letting billy read the contents. you pointed your finger at a chapter, "i thought this one had a lot of good information." he nodded, flipping the paper to the right page number and leaning towards you to read what was inside. you held your breath as you saw the details of his face, the curl of his eyelashes. he looked up at you again to find you were already staring, and he swallowed, leaning back after he saw your face close to his. 
you checked your watch awkwardly. "it's almost time to go. we can finish the notes at your house, yeah?" you asked. billy agreed. "yeah."
the teacher tried to tell everyone goodbye, but without success. the bell rung and everyone bolted. you waited for billy by the door as he got his stuff, and you two walked out together. 
the halls were crowded, you and billy pressed shoulder to shoulder to get through without running into someone. you felt a sharp tug at the back of your hood, making you step backwards and grab billy's shoulder for balance, making him stop as well. 
you turned around to see robin with a shit-eating grin on his face, looking from you to billy and back to you. huffing, you fixed your hood. "you scared the shit out of me. come on, you're crowding the halls," you snapped, taking robins hand and dragging him forward next to you and billy as you kept walking. the bandana wearing boy couldn't help but giggle at you two, and you almost pushed him into the wall telling him to shut up.
you made it out of the school, turning to robin. "fuck you," you said bluntly. he held a hand to his heart, "you make me blush." you sighed. "you make me blush too, unfortunately. tell finney and gwen i'll see them tomorrow, i'm going with billy for the project."
robin winked at you. "right, the project." you held back an angry remark, holding your breath instead and grabbing billy. "let's go.." you muttered. the blonde smiled awkwardly as he led you to the bike rack by the school. 
you stopped as you watched him put in the lock combination for the bike. he held the handlebars. "wait, i don't have a bike," you said quickly. billy hesitated. "oh, right."
he thought for a moment. "you can ride on the back. just.. hold on," he told you, swinging his leg over. you nodded slowly, stepping over and sitting down, holding onto the sides of the bike. to say this was a very awkward situation was a huge understatement. nevertheless, billy pushed onto the pedals, harder because of your extra weight. he tried very hard to not show how weird he felt in the moment. he had scooted forward so you had room to sit, but it was tight, and you were nearly pressed against his back. he didn't know if it was the sun but he felt incredibly warm in the moment.
he must have ridden over a tree root, because you both felt a bump, and you reached forward on instinct and clutched billy's shoulder so you wouldn't fall over. "sorry," you breathed onto his back. "it's fine," he said. no, it wasn't fine, he almost crashed the bike but it was okay, he didn't want you to fall.
finally, you arrived at his house. you stared up in awe at it, the front door a pretty blue color. you finally jumped off the bike, billy kicking the kickstand down by his garage. "sorry if my mom is weird," billy told you, unlocking the front door with the key in his pocket. 
he opened it, and you walked in. the inside was even prettier. you knew billy lived in a pretty white kid home, but it was still nice. until you heard barking, and saw a golden blur and felt a pressure on your chest. you were on the ground now, a golden heap of fur between your legs and barking at you. now winded, billy's dog began to lick your fingers. 
he immediately grabbed it, yelling "no," or "bad dog." you held yourself up with your hands. billy turned to you after calming his pet down, rushing to help you up and rambling nervously. "are you okay?" "i'm so sorry," "are you hurt?" he helped you up on your feet, and you patted his shoulder reassuringly. "i'm okay, don't worry." he sighed. 
"who's this?" a voice said. you turned your head, to see a woman with a striking resemblance to the boy next to you. puffy blonde hair, with pink lips and glittery blue eyeshadow. you smiled. "hi, i'm billy's friend. i came to work on a project with him, i hope you don't mind." the woman smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth. "oh, yes! billy told me about you, it's so nice to meet you!" she gushed, grabbing your hand and clasping it between her red nail painted hands. 
"would you like anything to eat, or drink?" she asked cheerfully. you shook your head. "i'm okay. thank you, ms. showalter." 
she smiled. "of course. you two hurry on up and get your work done," she ushered. you and billy looked at each other. he pointed to the stairs.
you sat down on a chair in his room, spinning and admiring the interior. the habitat of billy showalter. he had a few posters up, and a messily made bed. "cool room," you said. he sat down on his bed, opening his notes. "thanks. i have the poster board over there, so we can start working on it now," he got straight to the point. you sighed, throwing you head back as you spun. "oh, right," you groaned. 
billy stopped for a moment, watching you spin around endlessly, and then back to the binder in his hands. he looked back up. "we don't have to do this, you know." 
you stopped spinning, feeling dizzy as you turned to him. "i thought you wanted to?" you asked, confused. he sighed. "you think i actually like doing schoolwork?" you bounced your leg. "yeah, you're like, the grade golden boy," you stated, waving your hand around. billy shrugged. "i'm still a teenager."
you watched him as he put the binder back in his backpack. "then what did i come here for?" ouch. did you not want to be here? billy inhaled. "we could do teenager stuff?" 
"i don't do drugs!" you said frantically. billy stuttered in shock. "i don't either! i meant like, cards or something!" 
you blinked. oh, that was embarrassing. you couldn't ever see billy doing that stuff either. "okay, okay, good. keep being golden."
speaking of golden, billy's dog burst through the door, trotting laps around you and the boy excitedly. you ran your hands through its thick fur, it turned around to sniff and invade your personal space in reply. you laughed, it tickling your ears with its breath. "what's the name?" you asked. billy watched you carefully. he was glad you liked dogs. "cooper." you rubbed cooper's ears, staring into his big black eyes. "he's cute."
he watched you, his heart swelling. he was really, really glad you liked dogs. 
"so, you got a girlfriend?" you asked out of the blue. you were actually curious. not that you would be jealous or anything. he just looked at you, a furrow in his brow. "what? no." you looked at him in return. "a boyfriend..?" billy shook his head furiously. "i don't have anyone." you gave him an 'oh' face. he hesitated, looking away. "do you?" 
you set your hands in your lap, cooper licking your fingers. "no, i don't. do you like anyone?"
"maybe," he replied. "what about you?"
you broke eye contact sheepishly. "maybe." 
it was quiet for a few moments, neither of you looking at each other. you coughed. "so, what about those cards?" billy got up from his bed, you on the floor. he got the pack of cards from his bedside and sat down on the floor directly in front of you. "you know how to play uno?" you squinted. you had seen them in the grab 'n go, but you never cared to buy them. "no." 
he smiled at you. that god awful, perfect smile that made you want to crush him. "cool, i'll teach you then." 
he distributed the cards between you, each getting seven. you had grinned idiotically while you watched him struggle to shuffle the cards. 
"okay, so basically, you have to match the card to the one the other person puts down. so if i put down a green 8, you have to put down a green card or an 8. but there are also special cards, and they can make the other person draw more cards, or skip them. but the objective is to get rid of all your cards. you get rid of them, you win. got it?" he looked up at you from his eyelashes. you nodded. he explained it well. "okay."
he set down his card. a red 4. you looked through your cards, making sure he didn't see any as you set down a red card. he set down his, and it kept going between you. either of you would put down a plus two or plus four and the other would groan dramatically, the other laughing. billy won, eventually. so you played again, over and over. and billy beat you every time.
"you've gotta be cheating," you huffed. you were a sore loser. he squinted. "beginners.. misfortune?" he said questionably. you threw your cards up. "man, thats not even a thing, you just wanna make me feel better." he chuckled at you. "yeah." billy scratched cooper's chin. he sat next to both of you the entire time, wagging his tail when either of you got excited. 
you were interrupted when billy's mom called you and him from downstairs. "i made dinner!" she sang. you checked your watch. "ah, i didn't realize it was that time."
billy and you headed downstairs. you smelt the food she prepared, and it smelt good. "thank you for dinner, mrs. showalter. i hope you don't mind." she set down the hot plates on the table, your silverware already out and ready. "of course not! billy's father is coming home late because of work, so i really appreciate the company. and billy does, too," she winked at you, making your cheeks warm. you sat down at the table, billy across from you next to his mom. she instructed you to eat, and you started. it was delicious, noodles and cheese and bacon bits sprinkled on the top. good thing you remembered your table manners, or else you would have wolfed the whole thing down.
"so, you two. how's the project going on?" she asked you. you stopped eating for a moment, looking at billy who was already looking at you. you tried to hold back a smile. "it's, uh, going good. we have the notes ready." 
she nodded. "that's good." it was silent after that, just the sound of the forks on the plate as you ate. you looked at billy again, who was trying to hide his smile as well. you decided not to tell her that you two were just playing cards the whole time.
you all finished up, bringing your plates to the sink to wash them. "billy, would you take out the trash, please?" his mother asked over her shoulder. he nodded, pulling the trash bag out of the trashcan and leaving your view. mrs. showalter stood next to you, drying the plates you cleaned. "so, are you two dating?" she asked innocently. 
heat bloomed in your cheeks, and you scrubbed a little harder. "aha, no, it's not like that, we're just friends." whether you were trying to convince her or yourself, it didn't work. she sighed. "denial, denial. from a mother, i see how my boy looks at you. and i see how you look at him. look a little harder, okay?" she murmured sweetly. you handed her the last plate. you hated it, but she was right. 
billy came back, and told you it was getting late. almost 7:00. you went upstairs to retrieve your stuff to go home. 
you had to say something to him now. "i never got to thank you, by the way. for the newspaper," you said slowly, slinging your backpack over your shoulder. billy was sat on his bed.
he shrugged. "it's no big deal."
you sat down next to him, looking away and fiddling with your fingers. "no, it is. i don't know why you did it. but thank you."
thats why billy did it. he would never admit, but he was a sucker for praise. hearing it coming from you felt ten times better. he could have kissed you, if you were looking at him.
"you're welcome," he whispered. 
you turned to face him. his heart was beating, and he wouldn't be surprised if you could hear it. the air felt thicker and heavier than it did a minute ago, as he stared at your face, which seemed to get closer the more he looked.
his eyes were so pretty, and so brown. his skin seemed glowier than it did in school. 
you looked away again, trying to steady your breath. "christ, showalter." 
billy frowned. "what is it?"
you ran your fingers through your hair. "i don't even know. you make me feel things i don't want to," you huffed. billy's chest squeezed. reluctantly, he touched his pinkie to your hand next to his. you flinched slightly, but interlocked pinkies with the boy. a simple, innocent gesture that made you feel fuzzy. 
you inhaled sharply. "i should go home now," you said quietly.
billy stood up, holding his hand out for you to take it. fighting a smile, you slid your hand in his and got up.
"you're free to come any time," mrs. showalter said gently. "it's our pleasure having you here," she winked. you grinned faintly, thanking her for her hospitality.
"i'll walk you home," billy volunteered. you furrowed your brow, "are you sure? i know its-"
"no, i want to walk you," he insisted. you nodded, smiling at him. "okay."
he pushed the door open for you. the sun was down, the sky a beautiful mix of purple and orange. you walked silently, side by side with the delivery boy, your hands interlocked. 
you didn't want to hide your feelings from him anymore. when you did, you felt that wormy feeling. but when you were with billy, it wasn't there. mrs showalter was right, he did look at you. he saw you. he saw the way your hair rounded over your head, the curve of your brow and the dip in your nose. he saw the way you looked away when you got shy, and the way you fidgeted and held your fingers, and the way you would flinch ever so slightly when he made contact with you. and he loved every part of it.
you saw billy, not just in the halls, or on the streets. you saw the corner of his lips twitching upward into a smile, the scars on his palms, the golden glow of his brown eyes. and you were attracted to him.
your house got closer, the slightly scratched up door in your line of sight as you walked beside billy on the sidewalk.
just say it.
you breathed. "i think i like you, billy." 
both of you kept walking. you didn't hear the quickened pace of his heartbeat, or see the growing hotness in his cheeks, or feel the slight sweatiness of his palms.
"i think i like you, too."
you stopped, your front door not even 15 yards away now. you turned to him, slowly. he looked at you, from the corner of his eye. you gave him a closed-mouth smile, to which he smiled back instinctively. a pure, genuine smile. both of you laughed slightly, your hands still interlocked. 
you felt weird now, like you had just taken multiple shots of pure caffeine. but you stayed in place, your knees threatening to give way as you and billy showalter stared at each other.
you slipped a hand into your pocket. "right, i, uh. i wanted to pay you back for, everything. i owed you," you told him awkwardly, holding out the crumpled dollar bills. he frowned at you, asking if you were sure, that it was really okay and you didn't have to pay him. 
you shook your head. "no, i want to. let me do this." you flipped his hand over, sliding the money in his hand. "so we're even now." 
he closed his hand around the money, a smile growing on his face. "yeah, we are." 
you averted your eyes bashfully, looking to the ground. his converse were almost touching yours, by an inch. you stepped back, a sweet, nervous look on your face.
"i'll see you, then?" you said unsteadily, backing towards your house.
billy nodded, shuffling his feet. "yeah. you bet." 
you grinned, your fingers wrapping around your doorknob. "okay. bye, billy." 
he raised his hand in response, watching you close the door, and standing there for a second before turning around and making way back to his house. all with a stupid smile on his face.
you stood behind the door for a while, rubbing your eyes and your warm cheeks. it felt like a dream. a really good dream.
you ran immediately to your room, ignoring the yelps of your dog and your parents greeting as you dialed donna's number with shaky hands.
you liked billy showalter, a lot.
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baxndaid · 2 years
ty! can i request a jealous reader with itto, albedo, diluc, and kaeya? sorry if thats too many characters you can pick if you want !!
but also; likea happy ending pls :)
- 🎀
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prompt ; you get jealous of their close interactions with others
notes/warnings ; some slight swearing :)) emojis + rlly short
i love this idea and i hope u don't mind but i added a character for funsies, enjoy !!
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i. albedo
don't get me wrong, you like sucrose but sometimes you feel as if he gives her more attention than he does to you. not only in alchemy projects, but in general, and you can get pretty salty about it. 😇😇
well fuck u albedo babe !! (literally haha jk 🤨🤨🤨)
you begin to hang out with kaeya more, speaking louder when albedo was near you two, laughing, and playfully hitting him after he made a horrible joke he was proud of. though he tried to avoid eye contact when he walked by you and the captain at the tavern, you could feel his eyes glaring at you from the back of the room, ignoring what his students had to show him. the thing he hated the most was that you acted so oblivious and innocent, like you didn't know what you were doing to him.
man shut yo bitch ass up 🤣🤝🤝
once you reached albedo's base on dragonspine, you found him sitting on a wooden chair, leg on top of the other and a strong glare targeted at you, almost like a parent about to scold their child for coming home late.
"well?" he said, standing up and walking closer to you,
"huh?" obviously, you loved seeing the alchemist jealous, it was a rare sight, so you wanted to stretch this predicament out as much as you could. sure it was kind of cruel, but you deserved it !! #gasslight #girlboss #gatekeep
after a few more minutes of interrogation, the scientist finally snapped
"i do not want you to go near him, please"
ii. itto
itto is really stupid
like hes STUPID stupid ykwim
he wont realise that constantly talking and fawning over somebody else, especially in front of you, would most likely make you jealous. everyday, once he got his ass kicked by kujou sara, he would come to you to recover and have his wounds treated. whilst you bandaged him up, he would relentlessly talk about sara, and how he admired her courageousness and whatever (you stopped listening whenever her name was mentioned) after all, you worked under her excellency, kokomi, the shoguns army weren't worth your attention.
but apparently they were worth ittos attention 🙄👎
you finished placing bandages on the feral onii as he finished talking about his latest clash with the kujou captain. sometimes you wished you could just bandage his mouth closed and make him pay attention to you for once, his loving, awesome, significant other, but noo he just had to be annoying and-
"ow ow ow hey!"
looking up, you realized you had tightened one of his bandages too much, the white cloth pressing onto his wound. you mumbled a few apologies before looking down again, thumbing with your left over medical supplies. you felt his sharp claws reach up and stroke your chin, holding your face up for you to see him. eyes softened, he leaded in and gave you a few pecks on your forehead and one on your upper lip.
"wanna talk about it?"
iii. diluc
diluc is too chad to feel jealous, the only person he would feel even mildly jealous about is kaeya 👹👹🙏 but you on the other hand?? naurr you get jealous every week
you see how he and jean interact with each other, with such respect, honour, and suffocating friendliness, but you've convinced yourself that politeness was all it was, after all, you admired jean and you always would. Donna, on the other hand, annoyed you quite a bit. her hands always wondering on him, (though he normally shook her off), flirting with him, fantasizing about him, it was enough to make you sick just thinking about it.
she was well aware that the two of you were together, did that stop her? no 🤡
in fact, it made her more persistent, pushing you away or belittling you when diluc was around, and going back to her normally shy and quirky nature. diluc has told you that he had no interest in her, and has even gone as far as suggesting a ban on her appearance to his tavern. you turned down this offer, it was just a little bit of jealousy after all.
iv. kaeya
mf deliberately makes you jealous just to piss you off and get your attention, hes done it so many times your basically used to it, which means he has to find other means of getting your attention 😇🙏
v. venti
nobody flirts with him so why get jealous?? asf
but, you do get jealous about how much attention he gives to his alcohol and the tavern 🙄👎👎 LIKE not you acting goofy getting drunk off your ass !!
and of course, you always have to drag him home and stay in bed with him until he passes out. though, when you do confront him about his alcoholism and how you would like to spend time with a sober venti, he resorts to singing you songs he wrote just for you, taking walks around windrise and picking the pinwheel flowers near his statue, and of course taking rides and sightseeing with dvalin, just as a reminder that he loves you, his muse, dearly.
though, we all know the next day his goblin looking ass will find its way back inside of that damned tavern 👺🤬
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ganyuslily · 3 years
having a crush on you — genshin headcanons
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characters: albedo, childe, kaeya, scaramouche, xiao
category/extra notes: fluff, oblivious reader, like so oblivious in some parts it makes me wanna bang my head why did i do this
a little summary: how do they act when they have a crush on you and how would they confess?
a/n: i wanted to write pining hc but then i read the definition of pining and i was like “i think i understood that wrong” so this is just them having a crush on u enjoy
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probably doesnt even notice he has a crush on you at first
but one day he notices how he got kind of disappointed when he heard knocking on the door and it wasnt u but timoteus
and hes like ?? why was i disappointed
and then he finally understands that he has feelings for you
doesnt really know what to do abt it
probably tries to ignore it at first
but when this feeling of happiness and excitement bubbles in him every time youre around he accepts it
gets even more smitten when u come to him with food or tea when he forgets to eat while working
or when you braid his hair
i feel like hed be one of those people that want to keep you close
like he gets a little bit clingy and he wants your touch
hes probably extremely touch starved but thats a topic for another day
if he learns that u had a bad day or ure sick or anything he drops what he has to do as quick as he can
i feel like hed admit he likes u by accident
like just randomly while spending time together or something like that
“i like you”
everyone in liyue harbor is aware of the fact that childe is head over heels for you. well, except for you
its kind of funny to be honest, but he also feels like hes loosing his mind
how are u so oblivous??? it honestly baffles him
just yesterday he took to the fanciest restaurant
and the day before out shopping
and the day before that invited u to go stargazing
and u still did not get the hint that he likes you
(maybe a little bit more than he should)
i mean, come on, these are not things you do with someone whos “just your friend”
AND maybe it wouldve been okay if it has been going for like a week, but no, hes literally been hinting that he wants to be more than friends for months at this point
obviously, the most rational thing would be to just ask you out, but childe fears rejection
it is not something that hes used to and so the thought of that even being the possibility makes him unsure
so he probably wont do anything about it
hell just take care of you from afar, as a friend (even though he longs to be so much more)
probably needs a push from something to happen, for example someone taking interest in you
and so it probably just ends up with zhongli flirting with you for childe to finally do something, because the ex archon was just getting annoyed at how he was not confessing
“zhongli what do you think youre doing”
when he gets to the conclusion he has a crush on you hes like “oh shit”
doesnt know what to do
his first instinct is to run and just push you away
and he attempts to do that but being away from you hurts him so eventually he comes back
and you were so worried because you thought that maybe you said something or that something happened to him and he just falls for u deeper
his flirty demeanor probably kind of settles and he flirts with just you
you dont get the hint tho, u think hes still just being kaeya
doesnt matter how many times he picks u up or takes you out on what are in his eyes obviously dates
probably just gets frustrated and just says it
although it doesnt come easy for him, he feels so vulnerable and scared that ull say u dont feel the same and hell make a fool out of himself and oh archons why did he decide to do that—
“i like you” “oh, i like you too! i was waiting for u to say something” “..what”
tries to get rid of what he deems a “useles stupid crush”
but obviously he cant
so he just accepts it with a sigh
is really delicate with you, treats you like you could break at any moment
everyone sees he clearly fancies you, but they dont dare to say anything when they see you drag him by his hand throughout the city
(and even if they wanted to, his gaze is enough to make them fear for their life)
he looks at you softly and tries to be a little bit more gentle
you appreciate it a lot
probably just straight up tells you one day
although it took him a lot of mentally preparing himself
looks at you when youre talking abt your day and goes “i like you”
when u answer the same thing the first thing he does is ask if he can kiss you
(cause god knows he wanted to do this for the longest time)
doesnt know how to express his emotions correctly so hell show his affection in the weirdest ways
“do you want me to kill them for you?” “what? no, no!”
doesnt know what to do at all
like he just freezes when he realizes it
desperately acts like nothing happened and tries to continue with your relationship as before but its just so hard
notices the smallest things
and he gets just really flustered when you come up a little bit closer to him
or when you accidentally touch
hes a blushing mess
doesnt confess though that wont happen easily
at all
it would either have to be you doing that or you being in a near death situation when he realizes he almost lost you
and that moment he decides lifes to frickle to wait and be scared of his feelings for you
“i, i thought i lost you— you were there, just, just laying, so lifeless, and and i thought i was too late and—” “shh, xiao, its okay. im here, im fine—” “i like you, i like you so much”
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sssrha · 4 years
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transcription of slides under the cut:
[SLIDE 1] the vibes ao3’s top 9 mdzs ships give me (a really stupid thing i made on a lazy saturday)
[SLIDE 2] wangxian: the wholesome canon relationship (with a hint of spice)
ok maybe calling the union between a demonic cultivator and a secret sex fiend “wholesome” isnt exactly accurate…but that’s where the “hint of spice” comes in
other than that tho? i remember seeing a meme somewhere about wangxian and sangcheng and wangxian was described as “domestic gays with a house and a white picket fence and two kids” and honestly? yes 
not that they cant be freaky. id say their particular brand of freakiness is vaguely surrealist suburban horror. make of that what you will
[SLIDE 3] xicheng: either its “pair the spares” or just about trauma
their dynamic is 500% “karen/enabling husband” but like in a good way
objectively the best-dressed couple you will ever meet. like seriously why are you even trying? theyve got you beat
jc would own a flower shop and punch you in the face for saying a single bad thing about his flowers. lxc would own a tattoo parlor and hand you a lollipop and tell you how proud he is of you for not crying while he gave you a tattoo
they dont strike me as a “every evening we relax and watch the sunset” type of relationship B U T every other week they go stargazing with a detailed map of the night sky
[SLIDE 4] xiyao: either a) the angst of betraying/being betrayed or b) the angst of killing/being killed
high society gays. they would both unironically wear tuxedos to a mcdonalds. lxc would see it as a fun couples thing and jgy would do it to assert his dominance
i swear they would be among the smiliest of the major couples. only one of them would give you a happy smile
dont mess with them. no like dont mess with any of the couples but so far jgy is the first one who would make your life living hell and keep you around long enough to suffer the consequences
[SLIDE 5] sangcheng: being simultaneously over- and underestimated
i saw a meme about sangcheng and wangxian where sangcheng was described as something along the lines of “wine aunt and vodka uncle” and honestly? yes
they’re both human disasters. nhs would have various splotches of color on his clothes and you cant tell if it was intentional or if theyre actually stains. jc is very neat and organized but will have a mental breakdown at the slightest inconvenience
sometimes they just sit down across from each other and. cry. its how they bond
idk why it popped into my head but they’re both ace Because I Said So
[SLIDE 6] xuexiao: cute domesticity but also murder
i refuse to believe that xy is anything but unhinged in every universe. whether or not thats a good thing is up to you
xy could and would murder you in your sleep and not feel bad about it until xxc told him off. even then he might still decide it was worth it
xxc doesnt exactly know about The Murder Stuff(TM) but he knows some shit is off but he trusts xy enough to not comment on it
they would meet and hook up in a bar and mutually decide that they may as well stay together for the rest of their lives the next morning
[SLIDE 7] xuanli: the token straights (but also? theyre really cute???)
i did not expect them to be as cute as they were but here i am
anyway jyl has jzxuan wrapped around her little finger and shes just too nice to use that to her advantage
if jyl asked jzxuan for some chocolate jzxuan would just buy her the entire hershey company and forget to give her an actual chocolate bar and jyl is too sweet to actually say anything about it
they would definitely have like 20 children. theyd fucking love being parents. the moment having another child became dangerous theyd start adopting left and right. theyre rich they can afford it and their hearts are big enough for all their kids so why would they not?
[SLIDE 8] songxiao: childhood friends to lovers AND perfect power couple
i know they have more nuance than this but i cant help but think of them as The Perfect Couple(TM)
not shipping-wise!! i mean like. theyre both law-abiding citizens. their house looks like a model house. theyre dressed super neat and handsomely. they both know cpr and first aid and one of them is a lawyer and the other is an award winning writer. idk who is who but yk.
they are who people call to deal with problems instead of the police and they delight in that fact. that is what i mean by them being The Perfect Couple(TM)
[SLIDE 9] chengxian: disasters through and through
uhh i am going to be spending the entirety of this slide ignoring the fact that i personally consider them siblings
they would live in a dingy studio apartment in the heart of a city and theyd both never be home
theyre both super fucking rich but theyd never have any money on hand so dont be surprised if they just starve out on the street one day because theyre just that stupid
they collectively have the self esteem of rotting cabbage but theyre keeping themselves and each other alive purely out of spite and sheer force of will
[SLIDES 10] nielan: childhood friends to lovers AND himbo power couple
psst heres a secret: neither of them are actually himbos
H O W E V E R they both 500% pretend they are. they intentionally act as stupid as possible just for the fun of it
the best part is when they stop acting stupid when something important happens. crouching-moron-hidden-badass at its finest
also the older brother energy is overflowing. it does not matter who you are or how old you are. if you meet them then youre going to walk away with two new big brothers
[SLIDES 11] the end (unless i gather the willpower to make a part 2)
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perceabeth · 3 years
annabeth felt like she wasnt wanted even when she was bc her dad was getting a new wife and some more kids? idk its pretty accurate to how kids feel when that stuff happens. it complements her character in a way that i actually REALLY like? its like shes stubborn and believes shes right and she IS smart but that doesnt mean she cant be wrong or eventually open u to others perspectives. and idk if my kid said they were being bit by spiders and there were never any spiders or bite marks i would think they were making it up? not in a negative way but just in a way that kids OFTEN do. sorry but kids do make stuff up and all you can do is listen to them. it doesnt make someone neglectful for listening and still just not believing someone.
even wayyy back in titans curse it shows that annabeth feeling unwanted was more of a misinterpretation or miscommunication than any actual hostility. her dads kinda an idiot ngl but athena randomly stuck some absent minded professor type who was obsessed with his work with a kid? i dont think he even did anything to contribute to annabeths existence so this is one of the few times where pregnancy isnt the least bit the guys responsibility and he just wasnt prepared for it. idk as usual way more than the humans it comes down to the godly parents being terrible
and when did they leave her for dead? she ran off and ended up at camp half blood. tbh literally the safest place for her if shes being hunted by monsters? and what are they supposed to do, drag annabeth kicking and screaming to a place she doesnt want to be? thats technically more dangerous for her? just for her to run away and end up dead the next time? all they can do is let her know shes welcome whenever she wants, which they do?
idk i think i kinda vibe with percy cuz my household was seriously unstable and volatile growing up, while in annabeths case it seems miscommunication and annabeth not realizing what she had? that doesnt make her stupid or bad, just fallible and... a literal child? children often arent appreciative that doesnt mean they're brats or spoiled or ungrateful, it means theyre kids.
sometimes when u do things like this, just. stop and think to urself: am i reading a post to find a way to argue, or am i, in fact, interested in what OP is saying ? if u are not interested, just stop reading !
no, actually, i would say u are wrong !
first of all, she was seven years old when she decided to run away. do u know how many seven year old kids try to run away from home? just about everyone. if ur child runs away, it is ur responsibility to look for her lol. u can't go 'aw no she's gone? ok whats for breakfast x' babes that's insanity. besides, she must have been on the news all the time considering she was traveling with Thalia, and we all know how much press coverage Percy got based on how much trouble he attracted as a child of the big three- Thalia's mum was dead, Luke's mum was driven mad. What excuse do the Chases have for never coming looking?
she was seven and a demigod, a fact both frederick chase and his wife were fully aware of :) another thing they were BOTH aware of: the existence of this camp for kids like her. Why, my love, do u think it's normal for them to not only let her run away, but also not even consider for ONE secnd making the trip up to Long Island to drop her off so at least they'd know she was safe? A child is, whether u like it or not, a parent's responsibility, actually, and Annabeth got dealt a shit hand.
ok, they didn't see the spiders, but they did see the webs, did they not? usually when a child is traumatised and begging for help, u don't ignore it because that's how children are- u ask them to describe their experiences, and if it does persist, it's cause to have them checked out, actually! ur thinking of imaginary friends and a child's inability to make out fiction from reality- but in this case, it is actual trauma. just bc they're children does not mean u can dismiss their fears and thoughts!! refusing to care for a child's mental health or seeking treatment for it is, in fact, a form of child neglect which is child abuse.
her stepmother made her feel like she was putting her children in danger- that is not something that a seven year old concocts in her own mind. she was still learning how to join her letters or what a fraction was, she was incredibly young lol. she ran away from home and literally would have rather starved or gotten eaten by monsters than return. that's how unwelcome she felt in her own home- whether or not that's how the parents felt as well, it was their responsibility to keep her safe, to bring her back and assure her that she had a place with them- not when she's fourteen and missing and possibly on the brink of death, but when she's seven and tries to sneak out of the house. furthermore, it should never have been Annabeth reaching out to them twice after she ran away to amend things. Frederick should have been on his knees at Camp begging for her to give him a second chance he was a grown man who destroyed a child? And after ALL of that, he wanted to move her to San Francisco, where he knew was far too dangerous for a girl like her. He repeatedly chose just about anything over her. Risking a child's safety? abuse, baby!
and this argument is probably the worst defence of Frederick and I see it so often it's ridiculous. YES, I understand that he didn't do anything that would warrant a child. I GET that- but he had options, did he not? He could have dropped her off at CHB, given her up for adoption, have someone in his massive family care for her? Are you telling me that if handed a baby that u don't want, you would just leave it on the pavement and go about ur day? that isn't an excuse lmao a baby has done NOTHING to hurt u why would u punish it?? that is the single most terrible excuse i'm so sorry i know i'm being extremely nasty to u but unfortunately u are just. one of the thousand people coming to me like this and my patience has worn thin. this rly isn't personal i promise lol
You vibe with Percy, that's cool but just because his home was one form of godawful does not mean Annabeth was privileged to be born into her family. the thing is, it doesn't seem at all like miscommunication- but it's written off as miscommunication. that's where the issue lies. Because her storyline is far worse and Percy's narrative dismisses it because he had it rougher. through the course of the books, Annabeth has a lot of personal biases and she learns to undo them. She's wrong a lot, emotional, hurt, stubborn, as u said- but based on textual evidence and extrapolation, this was not the same case :) obviously, u are welcome to walk away from this thinking i'm wrong, and that's fine, but please don't send me another message lol i'm not gna sit here justifying what feels quite obvious to me in the books!
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anakinlove · 4 years
i saw your request for soft anakin thoughts and after that incredible review of immoral i just had to comply with your wish-
i couldn't really think of anything amazing so let's just go on a first date with him
• anakin is a big man who strikes fears in the hearts of his enemies
• but you're just so cute he can't help but melt into a puddle when he sees you
• he finally plucks up the courage to ask you out after like a year of pining after you. he knows you're an incredible person who everyone wants a piece of so he's reluctant and draws back at first
• it take the clones, obi and ashoka egging him on and giving him confidence boosts for him to finally get the choobies to do something about his obvious feelings for you
• you see a group of them in the library one day. they're all frantically whispering in anakin's ears and you're Kinda Scared
• "is this the book you needed?" he asks while reaching up and picking up the thickest encyclopedia from the top shelf
• you look down to the cover. '5,000 facts about ancient weaponry'. then you look at the list in your hand of rom-com novels you actually came for and give him a confused look
• but you see the light in his eyes and you just can't bring yourself to kill it.
• "yes. that's exactly what i came here for, general skywalker, thank you."
• he blushes and stumbles over his words, "n-no it's- i mean, call me anakin." in his head he's speeding over all the different ways the clones have told him to ask you out, but right now none of them feel right
• "okay... anakin," you say, liking the way his name rolls off your tongue. "i'm y/n, but you can call me tonight. at 7"
• he almost faints. "huh"
• you laugh, "sorry, was that way too forward? it's just that i would love to take you on a date"
• his cheeks go pink and his flesh hand starts lightly tapping against his thigh, mirroring the fluttering beat of his heart.
• "that- i would like that very much, y/n"
• "will the troopers be coming with?" you tease, glancing behind him to see a bunch of them staring at the interaction with wide eyes.
• anakin tries to let out a deep, natural chuckle, but it comes out strained. "ignore them, they're idiots"
• you dress up cute for the summer evening date, and so does he holy fuck
• a loose, tan colored blouse sits on his upper body, and his slim black trousers make him somehow seem taller
• but his hair
• holy fuck his hair
• he has it pulled back into a loose bun, a few strands left behind which frame his face. like chocolate feathers against vanilla milk
• you're quick to compliment him but he's a stuttering mess. he can't believe how shy he gets around you after dealing with sith lords with the confidence of a king and the humor of a jester, but now it seems as though he's but a commoner outside of the palace looking in
• and you, mother of moons, you're the queen
• after a few drinks and some small talk, he relaxes. he's able to finally tell you he loves that color on you, and that he could listen to you hiccup after a big swig all day.
• now it's your turn to be shy, but your bashful giggles and the way your cheeks lift up with every stupid sentence he says once again renders him speechless, and he wants to bite one of them to see if they'd melt in his mouth because they look like they would
• so it's been the cutest date ever and he's dropping you off at home. and he's been so chivalrous and sweet all night and now it's coming to an end and you both kinda don't want it to but you're both also terrified of what inviting him in for a coffee means. so he just places the gentlest most tender kiss on your cheek, holds back from biting it, and feels it heating up before his lips even pull away
• when you hug him, anakin swears his heart skipped a beat. he feels ripped in half when he has to go back to his own dorm
• he doesn't sleep all night, replaying the date. there's something about you that reminds him of his home. no, not the rough and the coarse and the irritating, but the love and the warmth and the familiarity
• there wasn't much of it on tatooine but it's like you took his best moments from his childhood - winning pod races, hugging his mother, playing with his friends - and you amplified them
• and it's really hard to handle that kind of joy when you've never much joy before, but anakin takes a deep breath and lets himself fall into you.
• your name becomes synonymous with safety, your voice is the sound of love, your smile a gateway to heaven
hope u liked this wtf it got so long i'm sorry but i hope it quenched your need for soft anakin (although that is a plant that will never be watered enough)
Dude. DUDE
like this is my canon first date with Anakin everybody oh my god 
like you did this FOR WHAT
can I legally print this and put it in a frame on my wall like a fancy poem 
Its the way I would steal the ancient artifacts book and never give it back for me 😌
its official im drawing it thats amazing oh my god this mental image is the most I have ever been attracted to the man
the kiss on the cheek🥺
dude i love you im in love with you thank you i literally will do anything you want ever oh my god
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killuababie · 4 years
Cursing like a sailor
Summary: Manager!Reader who curses a lot.
Pairing: Inarizaki x Manager!Reader, Aoba Josai x Manager!Reader.
Type: Platonic Headcanons.
A/N: AHHH ILYSM AND DW I WON'T EXPOSE YOU 😳 BTW IM SO SORRY FOR FINISHING THIS SO LATE :( also cursing a string of words is such a big fat mood that's deadass the best thing ever.
You're their first manager, hence they're HYPED! Also the fact you're a foreigner, a British person they're like aHH GO CRAZY GO STUPID, well Atsumu to be very specific.
At first everyone is so nice and welcoming towards you. Esp Aran, he's your best boy and you're absolutely whipped for him, also y'all give hugs every day. Kita is extra careful towards you and would definitely ask you about your culture. Osamu would love to make traditional food related to your culture. Suna is whipped but he's waiting for that one moment so he could record some spicy stuff like atsumu getting his ass beat by you
Atsumu being the bitch he is, is always up your ass and you, istg you try so hard to be so nice to him.
One day he's trying to impress you since you stepped into the school. He was DEDICATED he's actually desperate to get a compliment from you.
You being their manager to the court room and he's trying to impress you with his serve but it hits you in the face instead you deadass just yeet and fall. Rip y/n-chan 2k20
HES SCARED. Scared is an understatement. Everyone is almost about to murder him and yeet his ass into the 8th dimension
But he's TERRIFIED when he sees you get up and look dead in the eyes as blood drips down your nostril
At this point he's screaming.
You: Atsumu, you pisshead dickface motherfucker if you don't fucking stop pulling your shitty shenanigans on me, I'll rip off your filthy shiteating useless head off and play volleyball with it 🥰🥰
Nah they're ALL terrified of you now. Atsumu's soul has left his body and he's paper white pale.
Suna is concerned about you but he's THRIVING recording the shit go down. Man's got priorities 😔
Aran and Kita being the sweet babies go to you and take you to the infirmary. Osamu definitely whips a new one into Atsumu.
And since then they haven't got enough of your cursing. They definitely didn't develop a kink for it
Being their manager...
I feel sorry for you because Oikawa 🥰
But the fact that you were a British person made you popular in classes but when you joined the boys vbc your popularity went 📈📈📈 and Oikawa being whipped for you was exhausting for YOU.
When you first introduced to them as their new manager, you could literally see hearts in their eyes, like deadass.
Iwaizumi was the most protective of you, while makki and Matsun coming after them. Kindaichi would get beetroot red whenever you talked to him. Kunimi being the calm one would sometimes stutter while talking with you. Yahaba and Watari drool over you. Well Kyoutani... He ain't even come so 👁️👄👁️
They warm up to you quite quickly esp Oikawa.
Being their manager is not an easy task. Being their only manager means finishing your duties, help them think of new strategies, take care of their health esp Oikawa because bih he works way too much and then the hardest of it all... his fangirls.
Since you're new you don't really curse out loud but definitely mutter under your breath.
It's competition season and ofc being the smart person you are you haven't slept in 2 days. You could feel it in depths of your asshole that you're gonna break your cursing wall today.
Ofc the moment you step out the bus y'all are gathering attention and you quite soon lose the sight of Oikawa. Unfortunately, Iwa-chan has to ask you fetch him.
You deadass drilling holes into his back while walking up to the little group before warning the girls "now the the show is over and I need y'all to please fuck off 🥰 also Oikawa I think you have got too much shit in your ears for you to not hear my fucking calls."
You drag him to the team while cursing the living shit outta him. Man's low-key turned on tho
When he meets the team he's like "Wow y/n-chan curses more than Iwa-chan" and they're all confused.
Soon as the time passes they get the proof for themselves and Iwa is low-key shocked and he's DEFINITELY crushing on you now.
You 🤝 Iwa: planning Oikawa's murder infront of him.
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thompsborn · 3 years
do you have any spare ironhusbands or sambucky headcanons?
oh my god okay i’ve been so fucking wrapped up in both ironhusbands and sambucky and absolutely nothing else for WEEKS because of tfatws (obviously if you have seen my endless spam of reblogs but can you BLAME ME) and the portal closed has ironhusbands so i’ve been just. oh my god i am happily drowning in this and them and i do not need nor want air. ok.
also these are all hc’s based just in canon not au, and lol warning this got so long help me, though my brain is so scrambled from tfatws finale that all sambucky thoughts are scrambled and jumbled so i wasn't able to coordinate them as well as ironhusbands so the ironhusbands section is definitely longer pfighf i'm so sorry i'm like this
when they met at mit tony didnt know shit. like. like nothing. he didnt know a single god damn thing about anything. like he was a genius he could solve any equation given to him and baffled professors when he was handed like two supposedly impossible equations to this fuckin fourteen year old and he just looked at them with like a mcdonalds burger or some shit hanging out of his mouth and just answered them no problem, but he was still such a hopeless idiot, and rhodey, also a genius attending as a sixteen year old, had to teach him the basics of life, like. making toast. tony how do NOT know how to make toast. its TOAST. you put it in the TOASTER. have you NEVER SEEN A—OH MY GOD HOW DID YOU FUCKING CATCH IT ON FIRE—
he does not perfect the clearly impossible task of making toast until he is 17 and rhodey buys him a cake to celebrate the momentous occasion even though tony went though 528 toasters
you are gold by the national parks. thats it. thats all i have to say. listen to the song and look up the lyrics. you’ll get it.
and also paper planes by jon bellion but specifically for after rhodey tells tony he’s gonna join the air force and tony is worried but doesnt know how to show it and they have like a chill night in and all tony can think about is how stupid he is and how he’s such a coward because he cant get himself to tell rhodey that hi!! i love u!! and im scared to lose u and that you’ll get hurt and maybe die or smth!!
when rhodey finds out about how tony was raised (going with mcu, where tony wasnt physically abused but more emotionally neglected and ignored by howard and always talked down to and compared to others and wasnt treated like he was worthy and never was told he was loved and everything like that) he gets PISSED. like he is MONUMENTALLY angry. and it takes YEARS for him to find out about this too. and it actually puts a bit of a strain on their friendship for awhile when they meet too
like rhodey knows about the starks obviously and he assumes tony is going to be this obnoxious arrogant rich boy asshole and is so not looking forward to being roommates but he was raised to have an open mind and give everyone a chance, but tony was raised to be wary of everyone and keep his walls up and his emotions in shackles because whatever he shows can be used against him, so they clash, you know? they dont fight or anything but theres tension bc it isnt right and they dont get each other.
rhodey tries to be nice and tony doesnt understand nice because his only example of nice is jarvis and his mom and even then his mom and jarvis are always off with his dad so he barely sees them so its still rare for him to experience the nice of them so he doesnt know how to be around someone nice all the time, and so he gets defensive and thinks about how howard drilled it into him to be wary and he thinks maybe rhodey isnt ACTUALLY nice but someone PRETENDING to be
and rhodey starts to feel justified in assuming the worst about tony stark because tony is all cold and distant and rude and is about to stop the keeping an open mind thing about a month into their first year but then he comes back to their dorm early from class one day and tony doesnt come in so rhodey is just standing there and watches for a minute as tony sits there staring down at his twenty sixth attempt at a letter he wants to send his mom becauss he knows his mom likes letters even though he could just call but they havent really called him (howards fault but he’s fourteen still and its hard to rationalize that howards busy life and controlling thumb extends past his son) and rhodey is just confused because tony just suddenly sighs and sniffles a bit and murmurs “this is so stupid” and crumbles up the paper and throws it in the garbage and rhodey cant help but peer into it and barely sees the words hey mom scribbled at the top and that. that. hm. okay.
so rhodey keeps trying because he wasnt supposed to see that but he did and now he kind of has a feeling that maybe tony isnt all that cold and distant and rude as he seems, maybe he just doesnt really know how to be any different, so he thinks about all the subtle little ways that his family has shown him they care about him and starts to invite tony to go get food or to study together even though neither of them really need to study or to help each other with assignments or just anything thats mundane enough to not raise suspicion but still starts to open the door and make tony relax around him just that little bit and then before tony realizes it the end of their first year is there and theyre like friends or something and it hits him that he’s gonna miss rhodey.
for the first time ever there’s someone other than his mom and jarvis that he’s actually going to miss.
rhodey grins at him and says that they’ll be roommates again next year because they have to be and that the summer will be over before they know it and the sentiment is nice but tony spends the summer alone wandering around a house too big and empty after being in a dorm that’s small and has a friend.
but rhodey doesn’t know this. like he knows that tony isn’t the kind of guy he originally assumed but he doesn’t know that he’s literally ignored and neglected and like emotionally and sometimes verbally abused so he’s kind of surprised when the next year begins and they DO end up being roommates again (because tony kind of asked his mom, on a rare day when he got to see her and howard wasnt around, to get mit to make sure they could be) and tony just HUGS him like its been years and they’ve known each other forever but he goes with it and hugs him back because maybe tony’s just more affectionate once he gets to know someone and rhodey is okay w that.
they get closer as the years go by and they graduate from mit together and they’re BEST friends and at the end of the year rhodey invites tony to spend new years eve w his family but tony cant bc howard is having some kind of gala starting at 5 because hes weird and dumb and tony hates it and he also isnt given the option of not going even though he doesnt want to but the entire way there howard drills into him about not fucking up and berates him for all the times he has in the past and when they get there tony is already just not feeling it so he’s like nope!! no!! i simply cannot!!
so he goes in and finds an exit thats in the back and he leaves and finds a fucking payphone of all things and he has rhodeys home number memorized for years now and he calls and someone he doesnt knoe answers and theres music in the background and voices and tony’s entire stomach is in his throat and his heart is sunken into his twisted gut because he just wanted one night where maybe he could smile next to his parents and feel like he fit with them but he couldnt have that and he asks to talk to rhodey and then he is and asks if its too late to accept his invite and rhodey is like yeah of course do u need my address bc its still only 5 pm and its a 2 hour drive between south philadelphia and manhattan so he’d make it with plenty of time before it got to midnight so yay
and tony is like. oh. hm. i dont know how to drive actually. that was a thing that no one ever thought to teach me even though i asked about it about ten million times. and rhodey is used to tony not knowing how to do things that most people their age can (see: the toast) and plus its not uncommon for people from new york to not drive anyway so he doesnt think anything of it and instead asks for tony’s address to come pick him up instead and they’d still make it back by like 9-9:30 so that would work too
and thats when tony is like. well.
about that.
he might be calling from a payphone.
on a random street corner.
and its kind of raining. and he’s cold. and he’s a bit dulled out from everything so he doesn’t really think about the fact that admitting this is going to lead to having to explain what happened and also why and that is happens often. but that doesnt matter because he kind of just wants to be with his best friend and not back at that gala with his dad right now.
rhodey is like,,, ok. ok. wheres a coffee shop nearby u can wait in. and tony thankfully is by a 24 hour one and tells him the name and the street corner its closest to and rhodey is like i’ll be there asap and tony goes and he waits.
a two hour drive turns into an hour and a half because rhodey is Worried™
but when he walks in tony goes from being all dulled out to being all HOLY SHIT because rhodey has a SPLIT LIP and he’s like WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHAT THE FUCK WHAT
and rhodey’s like no no its good my uncle was having fun and trying to wrestle with me and he accidentally elbowed me its all good man dont worry about it
tony isnt used to accidentally being hurt tho so he’s still like hmmm but he takes rhodeys word on it and they head out and tony wont say what happened or why he was calling from a payphone ?? which btw tony literally only was able to do bc there happened to be dropped change on the ground because boy would not have change on him ok, but rhodeys like alright lets go with this for now
so they gets to the rhodes house and it is in full swing with family and extended family and adopted family bc they are 100% the family that just adopts the neighborhood kids and the people who have no one else and like ex boyfriends and ex girlfriends even after the relationship ends bc they still are family despite not dating whoever it was they had been dating in order to be introduced to them so its a LOT of people and tony is like. this is semi familiar in terms a lot of people but this is NOTHING like what he has ever seen before holy fucking SHIT
rhodey is just like oh u have a small family then? so ur used to smaller gatherings?
and tonys like wtf are gatherings
and rhodey is starting to get a feel for what might be wrong but just takes tony inside to get him changed because he’s not spending new years eve at the rhodes house in a fucking expensive suit ok
tony is completely out of his element and like he’s not the only white guy there bc again the rhodes adopt people and those people are of every race and nationally you can imagine but he just isnt used to the vibe there are people laughing and sitting close together and playing games and theres music playing but not like classy music its music people can dance to and are dancing to and the food isnt the food he’s used to at galas and shit and nothing is what he’s used to and he just sticks to rhodey’s side like a fucking lost puppy and tries his best not to look like an idiot when rhodey introduces him to people and a lot of them know who he is but dont judge him or assume shit about him bc obviously if he’s friends w rhodey then he’s a good guy and they want to know him and thats enough
but tony is v overwhelmed bc what the FUCK IS HAPPENING this is nothing like anything he has ever experienced EVER
so eventually rhodey can tell he’s getting overwhelmed and takes him inside and lets him have a breather and then asks him about whats going in and thats when rhodey learns about what tonys life at home is really like and. anger.
SO MUCH anger
because not only has every single assumption he has ever made about tony been proven wrong, but now he knows that the best person he knows has never been treated the way he deserves and has never known a true home and comfort and love and safety and
and he’s gonna fix it
and this is the first step
so he takes tony back out and they’re still just friends but this is the day they both quietly realize they might kind of definitely like each other as more because tony is still so confused by the fact that what he knows isnt the normal and overwhelmed by how much there is and how different it is but rhodey holds his hand as a grounding point and whenever it might be too much they move off to the side where they arent completely gone but its less hectic and a bit more quiet and its just nice
tony goes to rhodeys house for every holiday despite whatever howard says
rhodey decks howard the only time they ever meet before tonys parents die and he has the most shit eating grin on his face afterwards that tony cant help but lose his shit laughing his ass off
anyway i didnt mean to ramble for so long about that specific idea so i’ll end the ironhusbands ramble with this one last thought, which is as follows:
rhodey gets hurt in the air force at some point, and it isnt that bad tbh but he does have to go the hospital and shit and gets stitches or whatever idk i dont know what specifically happens i just think it’d be just bad enough that it takes him a few weeks to be able to go back to work but he’s not like OH GOD HURT yk?
but like stated above tony was scared and worried when rhodey told him he was gonna go into the air force so he hears about this and they’re probably like almost 30 at this point because they’re dumb and it takes them forever to get their heads out of their asses (i say this even though in the portal closed it takes them even longer but i digress) rhodey has like his mon his sister his niece visiting him and they were worried but they know hes fine so theyre just talking and in a good mood and then—
door slams open. tony stark enter stage left. disheveled suit, fresh from a meeting he definitely was not supposed to leave, having flown in from maibu the second he heard and then had happy drive him and then got impatient because of traffic and ended up sprinting like ten blocks while happy was like what the FUCK
of course rhodeys family are well aware that these idiots are desperately in love with each other so they’re just like lol ok and just leave the room while tony starts fretting over him like he’s about to die himself if he doesnt know if rhodey is okay and rhodey is like tony tony dude tones stop tony im okay tony stop it
until finally tony just fucking breaks down like full on tears in his eyes voice cracking hands clasped as he leans against rhodeys bed and tells him that he was so scared and he is so scared all the time whenever rhodey is out there because all he can think about is losing him and him getting hurt or dying and it’s maddening and this is when they get their heads out of their asses and kiss for the first time
(irony at its finest bc later when they are married and tony becomes iron man rhodey refuses to not have a suit of his own because if tony is going out there in a metal flying tin can then he isn’t going alone and wow what a power couple)
firstly i’m going to go post tfatws, but i’ll make a bullet point before going into it so if you wanna read up until that point you can but most of this will be random little headcanons based post tfatws
also it isnt like a whole plotline thing like the ironhusbands ones ended up being these ones are more random and kinda all over the place but loosely connected
update from after writing this: i lied
let me start by saying my interpretation of why they are the way they are in civil war is because of steve
thats not saying steve is the bad guy i mean to say that they’re jealous of each other because they thought that THEY were steve’s best friend who the fuck is THIS guy i dont want him here go away
children. they are children.
which i find very funny to imagine from sams pov because he literally is a licensed therapist and would 100% recognize why he’s acting how he is but he’s petty enough to do it anyway
and also he literally was helping steve track bucky down but i like to imagine that sam didnt think they’d ever really find him again and it’d just make him and steve like super mega best friends or something because hes a CHILD
and then from bucky’s pov steve goes through all this trouble to find him and protect him and then this random guy is acting like steve’s best friend and gets to sit in the front seat ??? bullshit. absolutely bullshit. worst thing ever. so stupid.
its so funny to me okay its SO funny
its like that schoolyard thing where your friend makes another friend and you hate it so much that you do something stupid like color on their drawing or put gum in their hair or whatever but they’re adults with 1. super soldier serum or 2. a superhero reputation/avengers status and suit with wings. so thats a thing.
post civil war i dont think they get much yk. because bucky is out in cryo and team cap is on the run and i doubt theyre able to return to wakanda much, if at all, and then it’s infinity war and then it’s endgame and after endgame there’s the aftermath and the aftermath is a mess
i like to think they have some moments before tfatws though. not many but enough for that slight foundation thats we can kind of see in episode 2 yk.
okay NOW it gets into post tfatws so!!
SO post tfatws everything is different because now they not only have spent all this time together, but they understand each other in a way that they didn’t before. in a way no one ever has. not even steve, who may have known them before, but he isn’t here anymore and he wouldn’t understand who they are now vs who they were before and it’s different.
bucky finds comfort in sam’s home town. sam finds comfort in watching bucky find a home there and he doesnt know why.
also sam treats redwing like a puppy and lets him fly around on his own and gets pet and stuff and bucky acts annoyed but the longer it happens you can tell he’s like “oh my god why is this thing endearing”
bucky has nightmares and sam knows this but bucky doesnt know that sam also has nightmares until one night when they’re still in sams home town and they’re staying on the boat because sams nephews are having a sleepover with some friends and they didnt want to get in the way or smth idk i just want an excuse for them to be on the boat and somewhat secluded from people but bucky already woke up from his nightmare and is out on the deck to get some fresh out and then oop
sam havin a nightmare too
because fucking of COURSE sam has nightmares he has been through some shit too!! not being able to catch riley and everything that happened since meeting steve and thanos and he turned to dust alone in the bushes ok like yes everyone that died were traumatized undoubtedly (peter my baby boy baby im so sorry that you got the worst of it) but bucky was around people but sam was laying on the ground and probably just watched his hands as he disappeared and he was alone and like. jesus christ ok.
and then steve trusted him with every weight and everything that comes with the shield not knowing how much more the shield has when he gave it to a black man and just like he has nightmares everyone in marvel does its a fact
but bucky finds out like this and he is shocked even though he realizes he probably should have been able to guess that this is a thing and he knows so much more about sam now than he ever did but this is how he learns more. he learns about riley. he learns so much.
sometimes bucky has those like “oh shit” moments where he’s like “maybe i was kind of a dick to someone who didnt deserve it” and he already had one of those with sam about the shield but he has another one because he assumed shit about sam when they were being all childish and jealous about someone else being friends with steve but like fuck
steve and sam probably got it
the not catching someone. the way it felt to try and to reach out and to miss and to have to choice but to watch as they fell.
what’s different is that steve got bucky back. he got to have that relief, eventually, even if there was the pain of knowing bucky had been taken by hydra, but at least he knew bucky had made it.
sam didn’t have that. riley didnt make it.
therefore, bucky has his “oh shit”
and bucky was already going soft around the edges with sam (as clearly seen in the last two episodes of tfatws, ESPECIALLY the finale because like did tou SEEZ ALL THE HEART EYES oh my GOD) but it’s this that really makes something in him melt and he just. he loses the last remnants of whatever tension or resentment or whatever negative feeling he may have been clutching onto.
there wasnt much left. but now theres none. now its all washed away.
its gone, and he gets it.
sam is a licensed therapist and he knew the reason he was being all dumb and childish and jealous with bucky was because steve had another best friend but also because steve’s other best friend was the guy that had been a big factor in how him and steve understood each other and how they bonded and it
it had kind of felt like they lost part of that when they found bucky again in civil war and he kind of wanted to blame bucky for it even though he didnt actually blame him at all so all it translated to was that dumb kind of jealous thing instead
but now it’s just them. its sam and bucky and it isnt steve and it isnt about steve and it shouldnt be because its about them. its about the boat and the water and the way they sit and watch the waves while the silence settles over them and the way that bucky says, “im sorry.”
its the way sam says, “me too.”
and bucky says, “you dont have to be.”
its the way they stay there until sarah comes to get them for breakfast and sams nephews convince them to play with them and their friends and the world is still shit and there is so much to do but
but its this and its them and that can wait
it can wait
they can take their time if they want to
maybe they’ve earned that much, at least
(it isn't a fast development because they're a complicated pair and there's so much to the two of them that need to figured out individually before they can even realize how well they work together, but the steps are so much easier knowing that they have the other in their corner and bucky knows that sam's home town is a place he's welcome to go and sam helps him make his own dreary little apartment into something that feels real and tangible with a bed and a couch and when they've become something that resembles stable and they've found a balance and they're okay, that's when they realize that maybe they can try for the more that sometimes bubbles under their skin and that they started to think about the more they spend time together. the warmth that sam feels every time he sees bucky playing games with his nephew and the smile that bucky has to fight to hide and still can't fully suppress when sam stands tall and proud with the shield in its rightful place, and it takes time, it takes work, it takes carefully placed bricks to build the foundation they need, but they get there, and when they do...
when they do, they're already happy, and it just makes them happier, and that's what makes it so much better.
that's what makes it worth the wait.)
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
feel like i should attach a disclaimer first: THIS IS ONLY AN OPINION EVERYONE ELSE IS FREE TO THINK AND DO WHAT THEY WANT lol 😂 anyway, i totally get that people who are invested in teh and oh aew’s relationship are allowed to be upset but the way some are reacting to this like the show is complete trash is. unsettling to me. they never promised smooth sailing idealistic romance. after itsay idk how u thought ipytm was going to be that anyway. maybe my younger self would’ve agreed with calling the infidelity plot point horrible, but as you grow older u just really start to see how things are never black and white. the show never glorified the fact that teh’s emotional state is volatile and he’s facing temptations. the intent of this isn’t shock value and its odd to me that people think it is. it all comes down to the fact that sometimes certain media exists because it’s purpose is to be critically analyzed by the viewer.
to give an extreme example: the book trilogy hannibal; the author isn’t saying cannibalism is okay. he isn’t trying to sell some pro cannibalism agenda. are you going to “cancel” thomas harris saying that was his intent?? its up to YOU, as the reader to understand why characters are written as they are. this is why the meme: “idk why literature teachers always say what could the poet have meant when they said the curtains are blue? maybe it’s because they were blue!! 😭😭” is kind of stupid because, the whole point is to teach consumers of media to critically think?? yeah, maybe curtains were just blue, or maybe, it’s up to us to dictate our own reading experience and attach meaning to it. the same way the purpose of showing teh having sex with oh aew for the “experience” can be interpreted as disgusting, because IT IS!! THATS THE POINT!! but its also not the ONLY point of that scene and its a disservice to that beautifully shot last 20 mins or so to reduce it to being only that.
(((i had to talk to someone about it, doreen, i’m sorry it had to be you but you’ve been really open minded about ep 3 so thats why. i hope you don’t mind)))
hello anon!
thank you for sharing your opinion (and for the much needed disclaimer!) and sorry for the late reply. I was thinking about not posting this because the discourse is so immense but I didn't just want to ignore your message. Especially because I agree. but maybe I'll delete it later sjfhsk
I'm usually hesitant to read too much into other people's opinions when it comes to certain shows because I sometimes let my own opinions get spoiled lol. That's why I usually stay away from discourses etc. But the reactions on this episode are insane. Never seen such a huge shitstorm tbh and it's just making me shake my head. Which is NOT me undermining anyone's opinion in any way or saying it's unreasonable but the extent of that backlash is disproportionate in my opinion.
Like of course I get why it's upsetting but some ppl are acting like they've never seen a story like this? One that's been told and retold countless of times - All because it's teh and ohaew? And more importantly I completely agree with you - Some are acting like they promised us idealistic romance; Which they didn't? I'm not saying it was bound to happen but they're no superhumans. Which brings me to what you said here:
"maybe my younger self would’ve agreed with calling the infidelity plot point horrible, but as you grow older u just really start to see how things are never black and white. the show never glorified the fact that teh’s emotional state is volatile and he’s facing temptations. the intent of this isn’t shock value and its odd to me that people think it is. it all comes down to the fact that sometimes certain media exists because it’s purpose is to be critically analyzed by the viewer."
I have nothing to add because I completely agree; especially the part about Teh's character. 👏🏻
On that note I'm gonna end it here. This will be the last ask I will answer about this episode - if you or anyone else wants to talk more about it, my dms are always open! 😊And thank you again! 💜
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inchandescence · 3 years
To Anon
Question:  Yeolmaes hate baekhyun mostly because his stans are the ones sending most hate to chanyeol and baekhyun never said anything about it, instead he kinda validated their feelings by not showing up to the box premiere, avoiding mentioning him at all costs and straight up saying he doesnt like musical movies Understand that yeolmaes have to deal with hundreds of hate messages written in Korean everyday and they are at a breaking point considering most of them come from bbh’s own fans How is it possible to like chanyeol and baekhyun at the same time in a situation like this? Do you even take chanyeol feelings into consideration? No? Not even once? He has to deal with thousands of nasty comments coming from bbh fanbase while bbh comes on Twitter reminding them how cute they are and how much he loves them If you cbkists choose to ignore this and baekhyun is actually in a relationship with Pcy it just means that you all couldn’t give less of a shit about chanyeol as a person with feelings and are just a bunch of selfish pricks
Answer: Anon...sighs you can't see something from one point of view only really, but it's okay i get you, ok so let us talk about this one by one: 1. You said: Yeolmaes hate baekhyun the most because his stans are the ones sending most hate to chanyeol and baekhyun never say anything about it -When you perceive the assumption that baekhyun stans hate chanyeol the most, did u believe it right or did u question it, like why its baekhyun stans, if its true then since when they started hating chanyeol, and why do they hate chanyeol, does their reason make sense or its just stupid like how other bbhls who hate other exo members too (for example some bbhls hate jd bcs both are main vocalists and they think jd is stealing bh's spot as a vocalist) -But at the same time, we cant find the exact number that would proof that bbhls are the ones who hate chanyeol the most, we only can see what twitter shows us, and it happened to me too that i see bbhls throw hate to chanyeol the most -But at the same time too, I've been seeing yeolmaes who throw hate at baekhyun too since years ago without me knowing the reason why they do that, and I keep questioning it everytime why yeolmaes suddenly started hating baekhyun so bad, when did it start -AND at the same time too, I've been seeing other exo member stans throwing hate to either baekhyun or chanyeol -But my twitter algorithm is the same as you anon, it shows that bbhls hate chanyeol the most and yeolmaes hate baekhyun the most, so I do often make the assumption that bbhls and yeolmaes are always on each other's throat -But yet again, I don't know who started hating the first time, is it bbhls, is it yeolmaes, and why they did that -This knowledge is unknown to me so based on this, to me the most right way is to think that both sides are wrong because hating is always the worse way to deal with things, the fact that we know is chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends they are always there for each other, usually when ppl see im saying this they will say its fake and its fan service, but people can choose to not see what they dont wanna see, so the easiest proofs to prove that chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends is one chanyeol is the only member in exo that baekhyun wished happy birthday on his instagram, two both of them support each other for candy and 1 billion views by coming to the mv bts, three baekhyun and chanyeol go to vocal lessons together, four chanyeol had taken a photo with all of baekhyun's bucheon friends before so in that photo baekhyun, chanyeol, and baekhyun's bucheon friends (istg if people see these as fan service then it doesnt make sense right?)
Before we go to the next thing, I have this assumption that chanyeol and baekhyun are two members that have the highest popularity in sk, either they are the top 3 or top 4, and my reason is bcs everytime there are individual album/photobook covers sold offline, their individual covers sold out the fastest, everytime, even with nature republic stuffs, ok so there's this possibility that we keep seeing yeolmaes and bbhls on each other's throat everytime bcs well both of them are two of the most popular exo members in SK (i mean even in china, chanyeol and baekhyun are the most popular members with sehun, there's data for this)
2. You said: Baekhyun never say anything about this, he kinda "validated their feelings by not showing up to the box premiere and voiding mentioning him at all costs and straight up saying he doesnt like musical movies"
-First of all, let's look at a bigger picture, is there any idol in the k-industry like ANY IDOL that ever said to their fans "guys don't say that to my member" IS THERE. ANY.? what I know is: there is none, none at all zero zip nothing, and if there's at least one or two idols, then its just one or two idols right -And thats it anon, thats just about it, idols dont have the absolute freedom of speech, they never do, and its hurting them all of them, all they can say is: "I love EXO, I miss EXO members the most, EXO is my home" and most solo stans who see that will just say "its bs" yet solo stans are also asking for proofs that the members relationship are fine -None of these kpop idols ever say anything about hate speech from their fans that are thrown to their friends/bandmates, and this kind of thing happens in every fandom anon, not just chanyeol and baekhyun, it's just how korean entertainment industry is, idols never have the ultimate freedom to say or do anything
3. Not showing up to the box premiere, avoiding mentioning him, saying he doesnt like musical movies -That not showing up to the box premiere really changed the way you think huh anon, yeah I think that event also changed many yeolmaes' perspectives sighs okay, not showing up to the box premiere is like a very open information we can easily see it from one tweet that didnt mention baekhyun name during that event -BUT for other cases "avoid mentioning him" and "saying he doesnt like musical movies" is not a very open information, by this i mean u have to read alllll of the things baekhyun say, look at the trans for all of his vlives/shows/etc, read the whole trans for baekhyun's last vlive before he goes to the military, so u or other yeolmaes after that situation are either trying to "search for baekhyun's act or words that deny fans opinion about how they hate each other" bcs u still "have hope in baekhyun" or "search for baekhyun's act or words that support my perspective about how he hates chanyeol and never defend cy from bbhls" -"Validate their feelings" how? once again, it's just what bbhls think, did baekhyun do and say all of that because well "his motive is to support bbhls that hate chanyeol" and who are you, who are we to say that, are we our bias? can we go inside their minds and goes aha! this is why they do this and that! well no. because once again thats the entertainment industry, the chances for idols to "explain" all of the bad situations esp when its about how their fans act, is very veryyy low, or like the chance is even minus
-We are just fans who watch them on cam, without knowing what's on their mind or what is everything they are going through behind the camera, we know nothing, all of our opinions are just perspective that our mind created that turned into assumptions, we could never know the truth because kpop industry prevents their artist from showing the truths that may "hurt" people, who actually deserve to be hurt, but those people are the "money makers" for the company, it's bad it's toxic it's awful that just bcs they have to "maintain the money makers" idols can never get that freedom -Same goes with baekhyun, gdi we dont know him, we really really dont know him, his mind, his motives and reasons for his actions, who are we to judge him and call him selfish? -But what we know is baekhyun helping to defend chanyeol when that fake rumor was spreading by tweeting the mosquito thing, what we know is baekhyun and chanyeol doing their choreo for DFTF together that was practiced since early 2021 until before they enlist, what we know is baekhyun saying chanyeol he's fine when fans asked on japanese fansign, what we know is them still doing vocal lessons together, going to vocal lesson tgt too on march after the box premiere (bcs chanyeol's hair was grey in the vlog) before they enlist, what we know is baekhyun loving and singing "tomorrow" tgt with chanyeol, so what we know is they keep spending time with each other as bandmates and friends 
"do you ever take chanyeol's feeling into consideration, you all couldnt give less of a shit about chanyeol as person with feelings and are just a bunch of selfish pricks" 1. Baekhyun tweeting that mosquito tweet to defend chanyeol -Responses>> People went: oh he's just defending himself, he's being selfish once again, he doesnt care about chanyeol 2. Baekhyun answering fans question about chanyeol's condition -Responses>> No one translated this after few days OP has translated Original post Jan 29: https://twitter.com/tomo_exo/status/1355177834185064451?s=20 First ever translation on FEB 13 (AND FROM A CBKIST): https://twitter.com/NTH_2705/status/1360626904756228096?s=20 Also this cbkist isnt always active translating, I know her, she's not on Twitter as much as other trans account and she doesnt understand japanese, so she actually found the post on weibo and translated it from chinese thats why it was translated 2 weeks after, but before her? does ANY account translate this? well no. 3. Baekhyun and Chanyeol doing choreo in DFTF tgt -No BTS, no anything from SM, people who hate seeing them tgt can ignore easily, chanbaek stans can only watch the part over and over 4. Baekhyun and Chanyeol practicing their hitting the woah part in just usual mv -Again no one commented about this, except chanbaek stans bcs this is easily ignored 5. Lesson With Baekhyun -Responses>> yeolmaes went "chanyeol don't do this, chanyeol im not watching this, chanyeol what are you doing, i want chanyeol only, oh god why is chanyeol with him again, chanyeol is feeding chanbaekist, his fans (bbhls) gonna come at us again, fuck this im not watching" and bbhls went "the translation is wrong look theyre trying to sabotage bbh" and yeolmaes replied with "good for him haha, ya serves him right for being selfish" and also "why is it always chanyeol who does this kind of thing and never baekhyun? oh right because hes selfish hes sm golden boy he never gonna do this bcs his channel is own by SM" "look he promoted kyoongtube even in the nng" "look SM posted kyoongtube but not NNG u can see whos the mistreated one him"
All of those 5 things I mentioned, even tho some are small things....they got mostly negative responses from yeolmaes and bbhls who are not cbkist dont they? The things that prove chanyeol and baekhyun are always there for each other and they are bandmates, true friends, nothing change between them And yet, what did bbhls and yeolmaes do? Throw negative shits and comments to those things, esp Lesson With Baekhyun, and until now still hate Baekhyun... when Lesson With Baekhyun, is a vlog recorded by Chanyeol alone, he taped his phone in the car, he added Candy MV BTS with Baekhyun calling him "chanyeol ah" and baekhyun smiling while holding the food, a vlog where he praised baekhyun's vocals, prepared playlist for him, sing tomorrow together with him, laughing during their vocal lesson, and just...doing things tgt
And yet people still call it a fanservice? feeding chanbaekist? baekhyun is still selfish? when chanyeol worked hard preparing that vlog, providing it for us, baekhyun and chanyeol practicing their part tgt for DFTF, baekhyun tweeting the mosquito tweet
When Chanyeol and Baekhyun have done so many things together, after the fake rumor, after the box premiere, proving they are still good friends... so do you even take chanyeol's feelings into consideration? oh wait not just feelings, his efforts, his time, him uploading to NNG about him hanging out with Baekhyun, have you ever take that to consideration? or just ignore all those facts because "whatever i still hate baekhyun" 
So two options: 1. Hating and keep hating and telling others selfish because yall hate the fact that baekhyun never do this and that, that yall wanted him to do, but actually we don't know the reason why, we just don't know anything at all, accept assumptions that "baekhyun validated fans feeling" and thats according to you, your mind, your perspective, oh wait... it's all about you? 2. Know and accept and support and love, chanyeol and baekhyun's friendship, because thats what we know, thats what themselves say to us, thats what themselves been doing, accepting the fact that "chanyeol and baekhyun are good friends" and know we are not in the position to turn the friendship into bad relationship bcs what? bcs it comes from chanyeol and baekhyun themselves, not yeolmaes, not bbhls, not even exols, and so be a fan that know chanyeol and baekhyun have good relationship, keep reporting bbhls who said bad things about cy and vice versa, bcs what? we never want chanyeol to see that after lesson with baekhyun, apparently his "fans" still think baekhyun, his best friend and bandmate, is still a selfish person who doesnt care about chanyeol, so chanyeol is happy that we know and appreciate his relationship with baekhyun, with exo members because we care about chanyeol's feelings, because we trust his actions, his words, and we love everything he does, and also we love everyone around chanyeol that he loves
So choose... and last thing, are social media and on cam interactions, are enough to "measure" a group of people's relationships, so if your best friend never post any picture of you on their instagram and never tell stories about you to other people who well, actually are also strangers, living thousand miles away from you and your best friend, then it's okay for those strangers to say that your best friend hates you? avoiding to be affiliated with you? a selfish person? Have people ever think that it's tiring that just because you're a celebrity, you have to show everything, including minds, feelings, emotions, actions, personal reasons, to your fans? For them to be validated? And for them to turn into facts? Well, at least for me, the things I don't know then I don't know, I don't have the right to judge, and the things I know, especially positive things, that came from my own idols, that's what I'm holding on, that's what I support. *extra note: exo members always call us as EXO-Ls, not bbhls, not yeolmaes, not anyone, but EXO-Ls, so when they say they love us, "loved ones" are those who say themselves are EXO-Ls, who loves EXO as 9 members, because that's the fact
Have a good day anon, stay safe and healthy, God bless you, spread love and not hate
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eviclair · 4 years
I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of your actual thoughts(tm) on khr, so what’s your constructive review on the series as a whole? Like some positives and negatives w/ the writing, characters, etc. If u don’t feel like answering, feel free to ignore this LOL.
 tl;dr because this is 800 words of nonsense. i think you should know i would not know a constructive review if it bit me in the ass.
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my guy i have not done a full read of khr in maybe two years and i know that does not sound like a long time but i have the long-term memory of a fruit fly. please bear with me. luckily for both of us i liveblogged the last time i read so i at least have my own sparknotes jdflaksjddaf
first off! khr is a satire manga!!! i cannot stress this enough, i can and will fight you to the death about this!!! “oh but it gets serious later” it grows a PLOT, thats not the same thing. khr is stupid as hell and that is both on purpose and my favorite thing about it.
i fucking love shonen man!!! its all about FIGHTING and LOVING YOUR FRIENDS and HAVING EMOTIONS and. bro im a water sign. my mars is in gemini, there is nothing i can do about this, god made me and said “get that bitch some found family and also some incredible violence” and we all just have to live with that. 
khr is so much all of those things that i did not realize they were being made fun of until very long after the fact so my current opinions are very much not the ones i started with jaldkhjdfhd but man. once i clued in i both loved it so much more and became 100% incapable of interacting with fandom in any meaningful way L M A O
i just. the main conceit is that theyve weaponized the deus ex machina eleventh-hour shonen power up. the “my dead family came back to life to kill me” trope is used three separate times. the big bad student body president is a delinquent. theres an entire subset of above magic god powers thatre just
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the tyl bazooka was just ripping on the Timeskip Arc until the Timeskip Arc actually happened?? like fuuta’s special thing is that he can communicate with the Meta Planet to divine Character Rankings, i dont know what to tell you!!! the truth is out there!!! 
like DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER that time tsuna experienced a villain’s flashback sequence FOR HIM because i fucking do, i think about it every day,
so in the sense of “please critique the writing”, i cant do that because im pretty sure 98% of all the tropey bullshit is by design. do i wish people like the kokuyo gang got more characterization outside of being ride-or-die villain sidekicks?? of course i do but thats my own damn fault for seeing cool side characters and losing all higher brain function. on the other hand, hibari being the person he is and having absolutely no backstory or motivation beyond “get out of my school” is really fucking funny and keeps me warm at night, so. win some, lose some.
(the 2% of the writing that isnt tropey bullshit that i CAN critique is whatever is happening with kyoko. Bad Female Cast is definitely a shonen trope but its a shitty one and i want it to die. within maybe four minutes of kyoko being introduced she tries to body a man and then thats just never spoken about again?? wheres that energy queen?!!! let kyoko say fuck!!!!)
((this applies to haru too in the sense that all she really does is make moon eyes at tsuna but the way in which she does so is honestly so fucking funny and unhinged that it comes back around to being great. like yeah yep yes ma’am thats 100% bonafide Girl Who Throws Skittles In A Puddle And Calls It Potion right there please may i have another))
If khr took itself even 4% more seriously it could be really deep and compelling and i think that frustrates a lot of people, but i think i like it better this way?? half the fun for me is reading in between the lines!! the subtext, however unintentional it may be!!
examples: yamamoto is one of my favorites just because theres SO FUCKING MUCH to unpack about him!! canon gives us a lot of information about him just by virtue of the fact that he’s a Main Character, but paradoxically he himself is never really the focus. he just Does Shit and you have to figure out why on your own and i LOVE DOING THAT.
i dont love mukuro because he’s a fleshed out and nuanced villain, i love him because he says shit like “i went to hell six times” and never expounds upon that or “i can definitely trust the information i got from this magic monocle called Demon Spade’s Super Evil Murder Eye or whatever the fuck” and then expresses surprise when daemon spade is an asshole. he goes and willfully fucks up the only job anyones ever given him (impersonate 80 year old leonardo lippi) because he Just Has to shapeshift into a young hot dude and hand deliver byakuran, the boss of the Flower Family, the Family that names all its members after Flowers, a bouquet that means “i am in disguise ;) cant catch me bitch ;)”
i dont know man. i just like puzzles and khr is a gift that keeps giving.
(sidenote that should’ve maybe just been the subject of the post but re:i cant shut the fuck up about anything ever, i love tsuna so much. so much. his personality!! his relationships!!! his growth!!! his growth!!!!! his growth!!!!!!! khr has its claws in me because i see tsuna do something cool or brave or even deeply stupid actually and my whole heart goes AAAAAAAAA bc thats him!!! thats my son!!!!! my baby boy whom ive raised since birth!!!!!! suit me up and call me a reborn kinnie, fuck!!!!!!!!!)
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powerosewaterpuff · 4 years
yk so i was watching bmw (boy meets world :) ) while procrastinating an essay so oF COURSE i decided to write some more of my reverse robin au (that pertains to jason being the oldest of the batkids w/ him and dick growing up together) except fLUFF bc i cannot handle angst rn (oR cOulD I wE wiLL nEvER kNoWwwW)
oh and disclaimer there may be several medical inaccuracies so please feel free to correct me :)
jason often gets night terrors, ones that can get particularly awful when bruce goes on an overnight business trip. so one night bruce is in new york after being forced into it by lucius, with dick being adopted for some time now. dick was awake because he was having trouble sleeping, for no real particular reason in all honesty. he heard a short yell though, coming from the room next to him and he dashed over, tripping over his blanket and still gripping zitka tightly. he knew that he wasn’t supposed to fight yet, but he doesn’t really think about that as he yanked jason’s door open.
he then saw his brother laying on his side, turning back and forth, breathing heavily looking so visibly pained it was hurting dick. he rushed over to jason, his eyes darting around because he just didn’t know what to do. taking his chances he tapped jason’s shoulder gently, and he already felt like it wasn’t the right move but he sucked it up and tried again, only this time to some result. jason shot up, gripping on tightly to dick’s arm, his eyes hazy and unfocused and his chest heaving.
dick remained still, only slowly trying to push jason off of him and back into his bed. jason’s grip didn’t let but he laid back in bed, squeezing his eyes tightly as if he was trying to push away everything he had just witnessed. dick took this as an initiative to gently climb into bed, as jason fell back into a less violent but equally as stressful sleep. he placed zitka next to jason, who still hasn’t let go of his arm, and awkwardly sat up in bed, almost acting as a protector. slowly, dick began to doze off, feeling a lot more comforted in his brothers prescence then he had been in his own room.
jason on the other hand, doesn’t remember much of that night, as he rarely fully remembers any of his night terrors (only the scars they leave behind), but when he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn with a few fragments of something he would prefer not to remember, he puts it together rather quickly. he guessed it would happen, and he could’ve told bruce and he knew the guy would drop anything in a heartbeat, but that pissed him off, more so then it justifiably should. he wasn’t a child and he hadn’t been a child for a long fucking time, and it was stupid that he couldn’t deal with a single night without bruce. jason then turned onto his side, disgruntled with a new found rage directed at himself that he might take out on someone else, when he found dick, sleeping at an awkward position.
he was leaning on the headboard, but was slumped down and drooling a bit, which would have been hilarious blackmail material on any other given day. but today, jason felt a pit in his stomach. the only rational thought that his mind could conjure in its fear muddled frenzy was please tell me i didn’t hurt dick, pleasepleasepleaseplease. he quickly checked over dick’s face, cupping his checks and looking for any signs of a bruise. he had given bruce a particularly nasty one earlier in his tenure at the manor, after bruce attempted to restrain him while he was having a night terror so he could avoid hurting himself, instead jason kicked him in the jaw. he even felt bad about it the next day, which was an odd surprise for him at the time.
after checking over dick hasilty, he could see he wasn’t all that hurt, even though if he looked hard enough he could see inklings of nail shaped markings in dick’s right arm just under his shirt sleeve. jason felt a bit of bile rising up, as he gently shifted dick into a better sleeping position, and pulled the blanket up to his chin and slipped a pillow underneath him. dick opened his bleary eyes, mumbling jason’s name in question, and squinting his eyes. jason rolled his eyes but nodded, “yeah, it’s me. now sleep–why’re you shaking yer head? you don’ wanna sleep? too bad.” jason pressed another pillow onto the side of dicks face in a teasing attempt to smother him to sleep, but dick only proceeded to giggle, and snuggle closer to jason, who had sat up already. jason tossed the pillow to the side after a few seconds of play fighting, dick was going to be too sleepy to remember this break in the ‘teasing older brother’ façade. so, he ran his hand through his little brothers hair and laid back down, tracing soft circles into dick’s scalp absentmindedly. and feeling a rush of gratitude that bruce had brought this little circus boy into his life. he really didn’t know what he would do without his little brother. (needless to say, dick became a constant comforter in jason’s night terrors).
jason blames dick for everything. if a vase got knocked over, it was a dick. if the tv wasn’t working, dick had been playing with the satellite. if his phone was missing, dick stole it to play games. if his sweater had a stain, you better bet it was dick. the boy in question, of course, adamantly denies these facts and does have a way of persuading bruce (he is the golden child after all, jason could testify to that), but bruce also knows both of his boys are annoyingly good liars. so every incident is treated like a little miniature crime scene, and it never fails to make jason howl in laughter at dick explaining how he couldn’t have possibly used up jason’s shampoo because he has his own washroom with his own shampoo and so w h y jason w h y would i steal your shampoo. (jason’s usual response is a deadpanned ‘why wouldn’t you’, and that just gives bruce another headache as the two bicker on and on and on.)
the pair of them usually go biking together, and it’s usually quite tranquil to start. until dick makes a sly comment that jason’s old bones must be so tired from cycling, so why not take a break? jason snide reponse is how the fuck are you touching the pedals with your stubby ass legs. that’s really all it takes for them to delve into a full on biking race. it never really ends well, but the two always come out rolling in laughter so whose to complain.
dick thinks real housewives of beverly hills is better then new jersey, and jason is adamant that new jersey is superior in every shape and way. the two agree that atlanta is the absolute winner no matter what though.
jason is dick’s english tutor. and it’s safe to say that it’s an experience. dick already knew a fair amount of english growing up, his father had been a wonderful teacher but it wasn’t exactly up to gotham academy standards apparently (jason knew the feeling) and his accent was still quite prevalent to have him be considered an esl kid, so jason ended up being his tutor once dick started going to english class at school and after his time with an esl instructor. jason, who has an untapped passion for literature that not many can match, is absolutely dedicated to teaching dick, because fuck man this is genius! genius, dick! and dick isn’t exactly a fan, but he does secretly think jason should be a teacher, he’s better then any of the teachers he’s had that’s for sure (his father would’ve really loved jason too, that was also for sure). and dick is considering buying him a little briefcase with his little initials on it. ((it happens, and jason tries really really hard not to cry))
bruce is absolutely that parent that secretly takes pictures of every single moment possible. he isn’t a photographer, in any sense, but he likes to capture natural moments, and he has a series of pictures dedicated to the one trip him and the boys took to Barbados where he started this habit. he wasn’t and still isn’t a big fan of beaches, they’re hot, crowded and just too much for bruce to feel any kind of comfortable in. he remembers sitting under a floppy beach umbrella, feeling the knot in his chest sit heavily on his heart, fire ants scurrying across the underlining of his skin, burning under the side stares of those passing by. it wasn’t until he caught a glimpse of dick riding on jason’s little shoulders, as they trotted around waist deep in the clear ocean water, that the fist squeezing his heart like the rotten fruit it was began to ease. he glanced down at the camera that alfred had subtly slipped into their bag after dicks insistence, and lifted it up to fiddle with it slightly. then raised it up to take a swift picture. capturing jason mid laughter as he leaned back, in a joking attempt to shake dick off who was in the middle of a yelp but had entrenched his hands in jason’s mop of curly hair. it was hilarious imperfect, but bruce would not want it any other way. not at all.
(jason found it once. he saw the picture at the corner of his eye sitting by the keyboard of the ‘Batcomputer’ ((dick was so shitty with names, thank god he didn’t come up with flippy man as his code name )), and he hesitated for a moment before hastily grabbing it. examining it with an unexpected amount of gentleness, he rubbed his thumb against the glass above dick’s hands in his hair and felt something snake around his heart. slowly and methodically seeping into it until he felt like he couldn’t fucking breathe. then he heard damian trotting down the stairs as he explained the details of his anthropology class to dick who was hopping down behind him. jason shoves the picture back and grits his teeth together to ignore the sting that was absolutely not in his eyes)
aAAAND THATS ALL!! i’ve had these in my notes for a while so it’s relief to get them out there hehe so i really hope y’all enjoy ive legit been falling in love with this reverse au bC THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL U G H IVE NEVER BEEN EXCITED TO WRITE SHIT UNTIL NOW SO Y A Y FOR INSPIRATION
Y A Y :)
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