#and coincidentally people are forgetting that the president isn’t all supreme
mobliterated · 11 months
I implore you all to not get all of your political news from this website and other social media only
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cksmart-world · 3 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart              July 6, 2021
OK, hold on, Utah wasn't part of the South, so why do people plant the confederate flag in their lawn or on their pickup? They must be rebelling against something — but what isn't exactly clear. Do they want the return of slavery or just mint juleps and chitlins? Some attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6 were waving the rebel flag right along with Old Glory in a kind of patriotic schizophrenia. Maybe they skipped their meds. With the stars and bars in hand, they called Capitol Police traitors and beat them with bats and flag poles. At least four Utahns have been charged: Willard Jake Peart, Toquerville; Brady Knowlton, St. George; Michael Lee Hardin, Kaysville; Landon Copeland, Washington County. Rebel flag or not, they were attacking the United States of America. A small detail, we know, but kind of important. These days, the confederate flag appears at white nationalist rallies and in the South it's still as common as catfish and sweet potato fries — among white folks, that is. And sales of the rebel flag are up all around the country, especially in rural areas and the West, including Utah. These patriotic rebels don't hate the USA, they just want to replace the government with something other than democracy so they can get their freedom back.
Burgess 'I'm-So-Righteous' Owens has jumped on the Free Britany Bandwagon just in time to... um, let's see... just in time to save the pop star after a 13-year court-ordered conservatorship. He joins Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene — two other patriots who know how to protect freedom when they see good headlines. In February, The New York Times released a documentary on Spears, which showed scenes of #FreeBritany followers demonstrating against her imprisonment (conservatorship). It brought a new round of publicity and the entrance of our three musketeers: Gaetz, who is under investigation on child trafficking charges; Owens, who has filed for bankruptcy numerous times and claimed brain damage to cash in on a suit against the NFL; and finally the newest GOP flamethrower, Taylor Greene, a former QAnon fan who has questioned the existence of deadly school shootings and whether a jetliner hit the Pentagon on 9/11. They have invited Britney to testify before Congress because, like Gaetz, “she has been mistreated by America's legal system,” and, coincidentally, it will kill on TV ratings. This may look like brazen opportunism, but our heroes would never do a shitty thing like that. They are, after all, Republicans.
Voting rights, schmoting rights — what is the big deal. The recent Supreme Court ruling on an Arizona law has messed with the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Totally cool if you are a real American white Republican candidate. This is not 1965 and there is no longer any racial discrimination in this country, said Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts in 2013, when the court eviscerated Sec. 5 of the historic legislation. If Whitney Houston can sing the national anthem at the Super Bowl, how could this possibly be a racist country. Last week the high court skewered Sec. 2 of the law, so there is only a snowball's chance in Phoenix of challenging any state's voting laws in federal court. What a relief — look at Georgia, if all them African Americans didn't vote, there would be two more Republicans in the Senate. The Arizona law, Republicans said, was necessary to prevent fraud. But the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that there was no record of fraud but that it would impact minority voting. Nonetheless, conservative justices Alito, Thomas, Roberts, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Coney Barrett embraced it because if Blacks and Latinos can't vote like white people, well, then they should go to better schools and get better jobs and maybe take up golf.
Post script — Well, patriots, that just about does it for another week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of Donald Trump's legal fees owed to Rudy Giuliani so you don't have to. Surprise, The Donald is stiffing Rudy because although the one-time New York City prosecutor and mayor sacrificed his reputation for Trump, he failed to keep the former pres in the Oval Office. Oh yeah, Rudy's fee is $20,000 a day — pocket change for cheapskate Trump. By the by, the once and future king hinted to Sean Hannity that he is going to run for president in 2024 — just shocking! But can he seek election from jail? As the world knows, the Trump Organization and it's CFO, Alan Weiselberg, have been charged in a 15-count indictment on tax fraud. Of course, it's all a witch hunt — the biggest in history — so Republicans don't really care. The Big Question: will justice finally catch up to the Lizard of Lawlessness? Stay tuned. On a brighter note, last week the USA turned 245 and patriotism was on display everywhere. On Coney Island before an audience of several thousand Joey Chestnut bettered his own record and wolfed down 76 hotdogs in 10 minutes — 7.6 dogs every 60 seconds. Talk about patriotism. Let's see the Proud Boys do that.
So hey, Wilson, do you and the guys in the band know any Britney Spears tunes? Didn't think so. How about lizard songs? No? Well, how 'bout some Southern culture those rebel flag wavers are always talking about:
Southern man, better keep your head. Don't forget what your good book said. Southern change gonna come at last. Now your crosses are burning fast. Southern man. I saw cotton and I saw black. Tall white mansions and little shacks. Southern man, when will you pay them back? I heard screamin' and bullwhips cracking. How long? How long? Southern man, better keep your head. Don't forget what your good book said. Southern change gonna come at last. Now your crosses are burning fast.
Southern man
(Southern Man — Neil Young)
PPS — During this difficult time for newspapers please make a donation to our very important local alternative news source, Salt Lake City Weekly, at PressBackers.com, a nonprofit dedicated to help fund local journalism. Thank you.
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melindarowens · 7 years
Five Reasons Why America Is About To Become A Very Conservative Country
Authored by Daniel Lang via SHTFplan.com,
For generations, we’ve seen the political landscape in this country teeter back and forth between the Left and the Right. Usually about every 8 years or so, whichever political party is dominating Congress, the Executive Branch, and the state legislatures, is kicked out by voters and replaced with the other political party.
However, there’s something very different going on this time around. Donald Trump’s ascent to the oval office represents a major shift in our society and culture, and I’m not talking about the intermittent shuffle of politicians that we see every few years. Instead, the pendulum is about to swing very hard to the right.
I think that the political landscape in America is going to be drifting towards conservatism for the next 20-40 years. Though it may not be identical to what we view as conservative today, and it certainly won’t be the phony neoconservatism that dominated the past, it will be right-wing nonetheless. Here’s why:
1. The Supreme Court Is About To Change
President Trump has already chosen one Supreme Court justice, and there’s a good chance that he’s going to wind up choosing several more (much to the dismay of the Left). Because of their advanced age, we may see three more Supreme Court justices retire or die over the next four to eight years, two of whom lean to the left.
If Trump lasts two terms, we’re definitely going to see a Supreme Court that is dominated by conservatives for the next 20-30 years. So even when liberals take back Congress and the presidency on occasion, many of their most radical ideas won’t be able to take hold for many years.
2. Immigration Is Going To Decline
The percentage of the population that is foreign born hasn’t been this high since the early 1900’s, and most of those immigrants are liberal. That’s why our loose borders, combined with The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, have probably done more to bolster the ranks of the Left than any other law.
But just as our nation’s political landscape tends to swing back and forth between the Left and the Right, so to does number of immigrants in America. In the short term, we can expect people like Trump to restrict the border and maybe pass laws that will decrease immigration to some degree.
But there’s a long term trend to consider as well, because the election of Trump likely represents a turning point for our society. Considering how crucial his immigration stance was to his victory, it’s clear that a growing number of Americans want the border tightened up, and the number of immigrants moving here to decrease. And rest assured that in the near future, there will be more conservatives voting for politicians who will try to lower immigration rates, because…
3. The Next Generation Is Incredibly Conservative
Over the years we’ve seen each generation of Americans become a little more liberal than the last, but that’s about to change. According to a study from last year, Generation Z, which represents kids born after the year 2000, is the most conservative generation since World War Two. To give you an idea of just how right-wing the next generation is, when asked if they are “quite conservative,” 14% of teenagers say they are, compared to just 2% of Millennials. That’s a mind boggling shift, from one generation to the next.
4. Liberal Birth Rates Are Declining
The Left is about to pay a huge price for denigrating the family and traditional gender roles for so many years. Because liberal women tend to be more career minded and wait longer to have children, they often have fewer kids over the course of their lives. That’s why liberal states always have lower birth rates than conservative states.
All of the states with a birth rate of of 60 or less per 1000 people are liberal, and all of the states with a birth rate of 70 or more per 1000 people are conservative. That may not sound drastic, but consider that these states still have a sizeable mix of conservatives and liberals. Even the most liberal states have millions of conservative residents and vice versa, which offsets the results. If ideology is really driving birth rates, then liberals are probably having very very few children. They’re probably not reaching the minimum replacement rate of 2.1 children per mother.
When you consider how many values kids learn from their parents and carry into adulthood, it’s obvious that the Left has a serious demographic problem. The only way they’ve been able to create more liberals, is through immigration and through indoctrination in the school system. Unfortunately for the Left, they’re not going to have a stranglehold on our schools for much longer either.
5. Leftist Academia Is In Serious Trouble
From Kindergarten to college, our schools are breeding grounds for liberal ideas. That’s become abundantly clear in recent years, as we’ve seen the horrifying rise of political correctness and social justice beliefs on college campuses. These institutions are little more than indoctrination centers for the Left.
But this isn’t going to go on for much longer. We have a whole generation of kids who were buried in over a trillion dollars worth of debt, just so they could get worthless liberal arts degrees that won’t ever help them get a job. They paid tens of thousands of dollars to be indoctrinated by liberal professors, before going back home to live with their parents.
That’s why student loans constitute a bubble in our economy, and once it pops, colleges are going to have to cut back on many classes that don’t actually increase the earning power of students. Coincidentally, the fields of study that harbor the most liberal professors, are the ones that don’t help most students get jobs, like the arts, humanities, liberal arts, gender studies, etc. Someday soon, colleges are going to be forced to trim the fat, and many of these Marxist professors and diversity administrators are going to get the axe. Their positions are incredibly superfluous.
As for the leftists public schools, let’s not forget that the number of kids being homeschooled is growing rapidly, and most of their parents are conservatives. They’re raising a new generation that isn’t going to be brainwashed by government run schools.
And let’s not forget that the mainstream media, which has been largely wed to the left, is dying. So basically, every institution that the Left uses to teach its ideas, from the media to academia, is slowly crumbling away.
In summation, everything liberals have relied on to bolster their ranks, propagate their ideas, and pass their laws, are failing. So there shouldn’t be any doubt. Over the next few decades, America is going to become a very conservative place.
source http://capitalisthq.com/five-reasons-why-america-is-about-to-become-a-very-conservative-country/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/06/five-reasons-why-america-is-about-to.html
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
Five Reasons Why America Is About To Become A Very Conservative Country
Authored by Daniel Lang via SHTFplan.com,
For generations, we’ve seen the political landscape in this country teeter back and forth between the Left and the Right. Usually about every 8 years or so, whichever political party is dominating Congress, the Executive Branch, and the state legislatures, is kicked out by voters and replaced with the other political party.
However, there’s something very different going on this time around. Donald Trump’s ascent to the oval office represents a major shift in our society and culture, and I’m not talking about the intermittent shuffle of politicians that we see every few years. Instead, the pendulum is about to swing very hard to the right.
I think that the political landscape in America is going to be drifting towards conservatism for the next 20-40 years. Though it may not be identical to what we view as conservative today, and it certainly won’t be the phony neoconservatism that dominated the past, it will be right-wing nonetheless. Here’s why:
1. The Supreme Court Is About To Change
President Trump has already chosen one Supreme Court justice, and there’s a good chance that he’s going to wind up choosing several more (much to the dismay of the Left). Because of their advanced age, we may see three more Supreme Court justices retire or die over the next four to eight years, two of whom lean to the left.
If Trump lasts two terms, we’re definitely going to see a Supreme Court that is dominated by conservatives for the next 20-30 years. So even when liberals take back Congress and the presidency on occasion, many of their most radical ideas won’t be able to take hold for many years.
2. Immigration Is Going To Decline
The percentage of the population that is foreign born hasn’t been this high since the early 1900’s, and most of those immigrants are liberal. That’s why our loose borders, combined with The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, have probably done more to bolster the ranks of the Left than any other law.
But just as our nation’s political landscape tends to swing back and forth between the Left and the Right, so to does number of immigrants in America. In the short term, we can expect people like Trump to restrict the border and maybe pass laws that will decrease immigration to some degree.
But there’s a long term trend to consider as well, because the election of Trump likely represents a turning point for our society. Considering how crucial his immigration stance was to his victory, it’s clear that a growing number of Americans want the border tightened up, and the number of immigrants moving here to decrease. And rest assured that in the near future, there will be more conservatives voting for politicians who will try to lower immigration rates, because…
3. The Next Generation Is Incredibly Conservative
Over the years we’ve seen each generation of Americans become a little more liberal than the last, but that’s about to change. According to a study from last year, Generation Z, which represents kids born after the year 2000, is the most conservative generation since World War Two. To give you an idea of just how right-wing the next generation is, when asked if they are “quite conservative,” 14% of teenagers say they are, compared to just 2% of Millennials. That’s a mind boggling shift, from one generation to the next.
4. Liberal Birth Rates Are Declining
The Left is about to pay a huge price for denigrating the family and traditional gender roles for so many years. Because liberal women tend to be more career minded and wait longer to have children, they often have fewer kids over the course of their lives. That’s why liberal states always have lower birth rates than conservative states.
All of the states with a birth rate of of 60 or less per 1000 people are liberal, and all of the states with a birth rate of 70 or more per 1000 people are conservative. That may not sound drastic, but consider that these states still have a sizeable mix of conservatives and liberals. Even the most liberal states have millions of conservative residents and vice versa, which offsets the results. If ideology is really driving birth rates, then liberals are probably having very very few children. They’re probably not reaching the minimum replacement rate of 2.1 children per mother.
When you consider how many values kids learn from their parents and carry into adulthood, it’s obvious that the Left has a serious demographic problem. The only way they’ve been able to create more liberals, is through immigration and through indoctrination in the school system. Unfortunately for the Left, they’re not going to have a stranglehold on our schools for much longer either.
5. Leftist Academia Is In Serious Trouble
From Kindergarten to college, our schools are breeding grounds for liberal ideas. That’s become abundantly clear in recent years, as we’ve seen the horrifying rise of political correctness and social justice beliefs on college campuses. These institutions are little more than indoctrination centers for the Left.
But this isn’t going to go on for much longer. We have a whole generation of kids who were buried in over a trillion dollars worth of debt, just so they could get worthless liberal arts degrees that won’t ever help them get a job. They paid tens of thousands of dollars to be indoctrinated by liberal professors, before going back home to live with their parents.
That’s why student loans constitute a bubble in our economy, and once it pops, colleges are going to have to cut back on many classes that don’t actually increase the earning power of students. Coincidentally, the fields of study that harbor the most liberal professors, are the ones that don’t help most students get jobs, like the arts, humanities, liberal arts, gender studies, etc. Someday soon, colleges are going to be forced to trim the fat, and many of these Marxist professors and diversity administrators are going to get the axe. Their positions are incredibly superfluous.
As for the leftists public schools, let’s not forget that the number of kids being homeschooled is growing rapidly, and most of their parents are conservatives. They’re raising a new generation that isn’t going to be brainwashed by government run schools.
And let’s not forget that the mainstream media, which has been largely wed to the left, is dying. So basically, every institution that the Left uses to teach its ideas, from the media to academia, is slowly crumbling away.
In summation, everything liberals have relied on to bolster their ranks, propagate their ideas, and pass their laws, are failing. So there shouldn’t be any doubt. Over the next few decades, America is going to become a very conservative place.
from CapitalistHQ.com http://capitalisthq.com/five-reasons-why-america-is-about-to-become-a-very-conservative-country/
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