#and darius probably also
sheerakk · 1 year
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chilly-lily · 2 years
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swan2swan · 4 months
Hey, CampFam, so...a thought just occurred:
Kenji isn't calling his mom this week.
There's gonna be a news story about how Daniel Kon died in a dinosaur attack, and his son was unavailable for comment. Also that Yaz's campus suffered a dinosaur breach and three people were killed or wounded, also there was a van that got rammed off a bridge. A van whose plates will be matched to a Ben Pincus, whose friend was living on the campus, and who was spotted with Sammy Gutierrez a day or so prior at a roadside show disruption. No bodies will have been recovered, but neither will at least one of the bodies from the campus.
Obviously DPW will provide forensics on the Becklespinaxes' waste (assuming the PH level is low enough), and probably find that only two humans were devoured (maybe even positively identify whom), but the fact remains that for at least a week....
All of the Nublar Six's families are going to think their children are dead. Again.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Remember how they pointed out that Palistrom wood was becoming rarer? Because Belos kept over harvesting it and not giving it time to grow back?
The University’s tree is blue. Its a big ass Palistrom tree
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silverthelovebug · 1 month
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Brooklyn and Ben definitely convinced Yaz to start smoking with them. Brooklyn pulls Yaz aside and is like “Bro. I think you would benefit from a bit of weed”. and Yaz is mad sus. she couldn't smoke in hs bc of track and just never got into it. but Brooklyn has her hit a joint and Yaz is like “Wow… I love… not being anxious for like five seconds ….”
(Sammy does the minimum dosage on edibles)
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carpisuns · 2 years
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doodle dump for the huntlow fic ever by the illustrious @lollytea
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Some art based on some Thousand_Spring's works on Ao3
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logicalbookthief · 2 years
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I do not eat bread. Wheat is of no use to me. The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the colour of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you.
The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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crimeronan · 2 months
I can’t help but think about this situation from everybody out of the loop’s POV but IN PARTICULAR I am enamored with whatever the hell Darius is doing. I imagine he finds out after the fact because Lilith is Losing Her Shit. Like,
Lilith, kicking down Darius’ door mid-spiral, manic enough to honestly be considering lunging at the next person who speaks to her uninvited even if it’s Belos back from the goddamn dead: MMMMY KID BURNED HER HER WHOLE BRAIN TRYING TO ERASE HER OWN MEMORIES AND IT IS ALL MY FAULT I’M A TERRIBLE INFLUENCE AND A WORSE MENTOR-
Darius, who has been Minding His Goddamn Business: …I’m sorry, Amity did- okay, actually, you know What. That is absolutely something she would do. I am shocked this didn’t happen earlier, honestly. did she get the memories back.
Lilith: I… YES?? Mostly?? To my knowledge?? I Think???
Darius: oh, wonderful. well. better learn her ticks for when she’s gonna death spiral again. was she doing the rambly-avoidant thing? I bet she was doing the rambly-avoidant thing.
Lilith: (That One Face. Horrified and taken aback. You know the one.)
Darius, going back to Minding His Goddamn Business: look. she’s Fine. in like 2 days she’ll be back to beating up the Golden Guard and they’ll be even more insufferable about it because he’s seen her brain. it’s FINE. she’s like you. she needs to have a good mental breakdown every now and again to keep functioning. enrichment or whatever.
Lilith: …I never said,
Darius: look me dead in the eyes Lilith and tell me Hunter wasn’t the one crawling around in her brain.
Lilith: Fair Enough.
Also enamored with him approaching Willow afterwords (no idea how he would have found out that she was also in there but. I’m sure someone would tell him Eventually) and just being like. Hey. Did u have fun crawling around in the terror dome. I would just like to mention that u are totally allowed to use whatever you saw in there against Amity if she’s being insane okay. I trust your judgement as one of like 3 people here I actually respect. Anyway, if you ever need a normal conversation my door is open but only in the afternoons cause I’m not getting up that early in the morning. Have fun getting entangled with my baby idiots forever. use protection. Cool talk I’m going to go push Terra off a balcony now
this is all Delightful. yeah this is about how it'd go. darius is like [looking up] do i have to be responsible or did you guys sort it already?? oh thank the titan. i didn't want to get up
darius approaching willow afterward to be like "i see you're in the polycule now. oh, you're not?? nah you will be. anyway bye" thank you darius. that's the least helpful anyone's ever done it....
i think darius and lilith being bitchy @ each other is peak content and ALSO that darius immediately clocking that hunter went into amity's mind is peak content. darius is like yeah hunter would never let amity fry her brain. where would he put all his terrorist energy without her.
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 2 years
camila, next to a chalk board with far too many papers taped to it: so hunter is a.... grimwalker? and that means he doesn’t have a bilesac, which is... bad? eda (expert in palismen & being chronically ill): right, but you said that little bird of his healed him, it lit up his chest, right? and a bilesac is supposed to be attached to your heart, so there might be something like it he has that can ward off infections, and with that extra bit of magic his palisman gave him, I’m sure it’s stronger than ever lilith (historian): i don’t know. i’m still worried about the possession. i can’t imagine a near death experience was great for his heart. then again, i suppose someone with an galdorstone can’t really suffer from a heart attack. raine (former teacher, mainly here for emotional support): didn’t you say luz got the mold once, too? i’m sure whatever his biology is, it’s strong enough to at least handle that darius (the only one of them who’s ever met two grimwalkers): he’s been living in the castle his entire life and he’s worn a mask the entire time! who’s to say he’s even had a mold before? i’m sure it would have been fine before, but even with a palisman’s help, a possession isn’t something you recover from easily. what if he doesn’t even have--what’s the human word for this, again? camila:.... antibodies? darius: YES!!! WHAT IF HIS IMMUNE SYSTEM IS FUCKED UP!
hunter (can hear them yelling from the other room): do you think i should tell darius this isn’t the first time i’ve gotten sick? luz (has watched eda have similar freakouts about her being human): let’s just give them some space for now
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neunhofferart · 4 months
Not sure if there's anything official- based only on a vaguely similar shape and location and seemingly supported by the map pictures released by Dreamworks TV recently, would Yaz's island be Frank Island in Yellowstone National Park? Only for JWE2 building reference purposes 😁
It's possible it was used for some visual inspiration, but I think the EXACT location in Wyoming was probably meant to be a little vague, as a fictional location.
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yardsards · 1 year
a pet headcanon of mine is that after they're done with the sigil removal, emira expands her horizons and starts studying the psychological side of healing, pulling in some resources from the human realm and combining it with boiling isles methods (i imagine the field of psychology in the boiling isles, while existent, was often pushed aside as just a lesser branch of the healing coven back when belos was in charge. i do imagine there's often magic like the memory tweezers involved)
and i imagine she ends up focusing in on like, art therapy and self-expression, because she knows how important that can be, after having her individuality stifled so hard when she was young
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numericalbridge · 8 days
Somewhat ooc silly scenario i thought about while writing the first draft of the King & Darius story: imagine if post canon Darius is hesitant to call Hunter 'little prince' after everything that had happened, but he does enjoy giving nicknames so at some point he calls King 'little king', and Hunter is really not amused.
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swan2swan · 4 months
There really is something terrifying and yet beautiful about how Darius's love of dinosaurs was quickly surpassed by his love for his friends and found family.
The revelation that as soon as one dinosaur killed one of his fellow campers, he was done with them? After they'd put their trust in him? Whether he was in love with them or not? That was all it took, one death? One loss? And it was Over? Even the keepsake he shared with his father was cast aside, because the thought of loving something that had brought so much harm was too much? Even with all of his knowledge, the weapon that kept his friends alive, that an animal is just doing what an animal does, he still vilified them and pushed all of that aside?
That is such beautiful, terrifying Character Growth.
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Hunter is the type of person to say “I’d die/kill for you….ask me to die/kill for you”
One of the hexsquad: No Hunter
They eventually call Darius about what his son is saying
He probably says it at first and his friends laugh because they think he's making a joke, but then he's vaguely offended, thinking they're mocking him, and kinda goes "I can do it" and they go "oh no" because they realize he's far too earnest to be joking 😭
Especially if one of his tasks as Golden Guard was to protect Belos in case someone tried to attack him at the castle (and I imagine it was, since he used to stand at the side of the throne during meetings and such and he's, well, a guard), being willing to give up his life for someone else is definitely in his mental list of things you definitely do for family. And granted, of course people are willing to do things like that for their loved ones and it's not inherently a bad thing, but as usual the bad part comes also from the way in which Hunter is seeing this, because to him it's almost like a duty.
Now I personally believe Hunter never actually murdered anybody as the Golden Guard, but death wasn't exactly something unknown to him, considering... well, everything about the Emperor's Coven. At some level he probably was prepared for the possibility of having to kill someone at some point and not exactly on self defense, but because he would be ordered to.
So I imagine at some point someone in the Hexsquad probably also says that as a sort of lighhearted/affectionate joke, like they're hanging out at the Deamonnes and Hunter just went to the kitchen to bring Gus a box of bloodberry juice or something and Gus is like "I would kill for you, man" as thanks and Hunter suddenly is all serious like "I would kill for you too!!!" and it's funny for all of five seconds but he means it too, he would kill someone for Gus and he also hurries to say he would do that for the rest of them as well, he loves them!!!
... Frankly, given the Hexsquad's history I feel like at some level they all would kinda agree that, yeah, given the need for it, they all would definitely commit murder for each other, they all know this.
However, they still call Darius because the child soldierism evident in Hunter's vision of it does probably need to be talked about before Hunter can make statements like that without worrying anyone. Although at some level they all also need to have some talks with their parents because they might have gone through too much to handle problems like "normal" teenagers 😭
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septimus-heap · 1 year
Really though I do think marcia would be SO popular on here if more ppl knew abt her. She has so much potential. She's a girlboss, she's autistic, she's a wizard. She's even a milf
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