#and diana finishes up baby one
intotheelliwoods · 5 months
oneion..... will be released to you all as soon as we draw stuff for him hehe o7
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britneyshakespeare · 9 months
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A featherless biped
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flamingpudding · 5 months
do you still take requests? if you do can you write your take on this idea https://www.tumblr.com/ilydana/746501696852819968/cloneclonedbatman?source=share
Thanks for the Ask! That's is an interesting one!
Also as long as I can write something to it I don't mind getting requests, if I can't I will let people know if I can. So no worries about that K?
Out of courtesy and because I believe its is the right thing to do here the Link and a Tag to the original writer @ilydana I hope you don't mind that I am taking inspiration from you for this.
Also I don't know Conners Timeline well and I like to base my writings on the Wayne Family Adventures settings so.... yea sorry if I got some facts wrong....
Clone double Wamy
Thinks were never easy for the Waynes, Bruce realised that when he sat in the meeting room. Usually he would have confronted his best friend in a more private setting, like when it was just the two of them or only Diana with them. But his best friend had been grating on his nerves with this for a while now. Bruce had honestly believed Clark had gotten better with the whole Clone thing but apparently he hadn't.
"All I am saying is that Conner is a person and to stop referring to him as 'it'." Bruce wasn't sure what had this brought on but maybe it was also having listened to his own kids rants about the way Conner had been and sometimes still was treated by Clark. Usually when someone called his friend out on it he would laugh awkwardly and say it was a slip of the tongue. That he still wasn't completely used to the idea of having a clone.
It's been years and Bruce wasn't buying that excuse anymore.
Well his persistent nagging had now caused this petty fight in front of everyone. He knew his children present, Dick and Tim, would have his back as well as most of their friends. But he also knew that those that prefer to keep the peace would try to argue in Clarks favor to sweep this hole problem under the rug once more.
"You don't get what it is like to be cloned or how long it takes to get used to it!"
His eye twitched under his cowl, he could also feel his kids tense up, especially Tim. His entire family had expirence when it came to cloning. The number of labs from the LoA they had shut down and destroyed was a testament to it. But there was one thing his entire Family aside from Alfred didn't know either.
"I actually do."
He stated calmly watching Clarks reaction as he stared unwaveringly at his best friend. He could see the colour drain, the paling and the pure look of disbelief he was getting, while Nightwing and Red Robin stood up to stand behind him with crossed arms. They probably thought he was referencing the time they had to fight Damian's Clones that sadly couldn't be saved like Conner had been.
"What do you....?" His best friend started but wasn't able to finish his question as Bruce decided to rip the bandaid off.
"The original Bruce Wayne died before he even was one month old. My parents, unable to cope with the loss cloned the baby with the help of a pair of scientist from Illinois." If the situation was different he might have laughed into the faces the people around him were making, not very Batman like of him but it was kind of funny. Still he was thankful for the comforting hand his son, Dick, placed on his shoulder or the way his other son, Tim inched closer protectively like. These two while probably shocked still stood by his side.
"And i was not the only clone that resulted from my parents original grief."
He left it at that as he stood and left the meeting without any further explanation. Bruce had made his point clear, now the ball was in his friends court. He was thankful that his kids followed him out as he went straight to the Zeta-Tubes to return to the Batcave. He knew his kids had questions for him, but he was not willing to answer them in front of the other heroes and thankfully his kids knew that that. So they silently followed him until they were back to the cave.
"B?" Dick asked tentatively once they were back in the came.
"It is as simply as I stated. My parents grieved the loss of their original son and unable to cope they cloned their own child with the help of a pair of scientist." He reiterated his earlier statement not looking at the two at first. For a brief moment he was thankful his other kids were out and about busy with other things.
"A pair of scientists?" Tim propped further and Bruce sighed wondering how much he should tell or if he could keep some things secret.
"Family actually. Estranged but they were... are family." He nodded. "The Fentons. Jack Fenton was my fathers cousin. Because of his field of research he got estranged from the family, not fitting into the perfect image my great grandparents had in mind for the Waynes originally. My father contacted him for help regarding the cloning back then."
"You said you weren't the only one?" He gave Tim a small smile, it was just like him to catch on to the small details and focus his questions on that.
"I didn't know until many years later when my parents died." He smiled a little remembering back to his training with Lady Gotham and how she asked him if he had siblings and then proceeded to introduce him to his clone twin. Ever since then Danny had become quite the fixture in his life, a reconnected family member. Though they had needed a lot of help when it came to actually speaking with each other but that thankfully Danny's sister Jazz helped.
He couldn't help the laugh that escaped him when he noticed Dick's stare of realisation. "Uncle Danny!"
Bruce just smirked, chuckling lightly as he gave his eldest a slight nod. "Danny."
Dick was the most familiar with Danny having meet the other a couple of times when he was younger and just started out as Robin. Bruce wasn't ashamed to say that Danny and Alfred had been the two he had asked for advice the most when he had taken Dick in back then. Danny had already expirence in raising kids from an even younger age than Bruce had. That their two cousins Dan and Danielle were in a way clones too was however something he would not be telling his kids yet. Frankly it wasn't his place and honestly if Danny hadn't become as comfortable as he had with this fact over the year he wouldn't have outed his clone twin to his kids either.
"So...." Tim started, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "...what now? Not that it will change anything now but uh...."
"Nothing really? I mean if Clark still got a problem then well I guess we don't have a super uncle anymore? But hey maybe we could introduce Uncle Danny to Conner?" Dick shrugged turning to Tim.
"But that would mean we admit to Uncle Danny that B let us in in the secret and that could make things awkward and..."
"Tim you are overthinking! It will be fine!"
Bruce smiled as he watched his two sons start to argue wether or not to introduce Danny to Conner. Well even if they did Danny wouldn't mind it. In fact Bruce had kept his clone twin updated on a lot of things that happened with his work as Batman. One of the reasons was that Danny had started out in the hero business way sooner than Bruce had but also because Danny was his last resort contingency plan against everything.
His twin would probably laugh in their faces and ask why it took them so long to introduce them and then drag his own daughter to meet Conner so they could have some 'clone'-bonding time and knowing Danielle, she was going to drag Dan along and then Bruce himself too. Bruce chuckled at that thought, he also knew that if Clark doesn't clean up his act than Danny would most likely swoop in and adopt Conner right out of under Clarks nose.
Well all he had to say if it came to that was that his best friend wouldn't be able to blame anyone but himself then.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 9 months
christmas stocking
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words: 1.3k
warnings: established relationship, reader has really good relationship with parents, implied bad family situation for rafe, christmas celebrations
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @drudyslut @drewsbaby @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
“hey momma.” you say with a smile as you answer the phone, clicking it to speaker so you continue to work. 
“hi baby girl!” your moms voice rings out through the speaker. “did you figure out what time you're leaving?”
“looks like tomorrow at 10 am, then we should be to yours by dinner.” you hum, glancing at the clock while continuing to pack up. “oh, change of plans by the way. rafe is coming with me.” 
“oh yay!” your mom squeals. she only met rafe once when she came to visit you in the outer banks at your new house, but it was so early on in your relationship that she didn't really get to know him well, and things are a lot more serious now. “i can't wait to have my babies home for christmas.”
“does that mean andrew will be able to make it?” you ask, inquiring about your brother.
“they'll be here, but leaving the day after christmas for his wife's family.” 
“okay, that sounds good. itll be nice to have the four of us back together, plus rafe and diana.” you hum. ever since your brother went away for college when he turned 18, and you left two short years after to move to the outer banks, it was hard to get the whole family together, even for the holidays. you spent the last two christmases in the outer banks, one spent alone in your new house, the other with the camerons.
you were shocked by how different their christmas was than what you were used to. it was cold and devoid of any traditions besides what was seemingly forced on the kids of the family. you ultimately had a good time with rafe, but you missed the familiarity and fun that you had with your family. 
rafe was originally going to stay in the outer banks, not wanting to intrude on your family, but you finally convinced him last night that everyone would be happy to have him.
“okay so tell me about what i can get for rafe.” your mom says, and you just know she's bent over the counter with a notepad and pen in hand, not wanting rafe to be left out of opening presents.
“ready to go rafey?” you ask, looking at the back of the car, trunk filled with your suitcases, while the back seat has already wrapped presents, both for your family and ones for rafe, as well as his for you.
“i am. last chance to say if you forgot something.”
“nope.” you shake your head, “ive gone over my checklist three different times.”
“alright, off to your parents then.” rafe says, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your lips before taking off down the road.
“can we stop? i gotta pee.” you say, looking at the sign for an upcoming rest stop.
“again?” rafe sighs, but there's a small smile gracing his features as he turns the indicator on, pulling off to the road stop.
you hop out of the car, but rafe follows right behind you, not letting you go in by yourself, always extra cautious when you're out in public, especially away from the outer banks. 
“gonna get us snacks.” rafe says, keeping his eye on you as you head into the bathroom, only turning to the vending machines when you disappear behind the tile wall. 
“hey baby.” rafe says softly, stroking over your thigh to wake you up. “we're almost there.”
you stretch with a yawn, rubbing at your tired eyes. you blink them open, realizing the roads are now familiar, about to pull off the highway at your home town exit.
“thanks for driving, rafey.” you say, leaning over the center console to give him a kiss on the cheek. you clean up the car a bit while he finishes the drive, gathering up the wrappers of the chips and snacks and shoving them into a bag to throw away later.
“im so excited.” you say as rafe turns down your road, and your parents house comes into view.
“i can’t wait to get to know them.” rafe says, pulling into the driveway. you can’t help the squeal you let out in excitement as you rush out as soon as the car is in park, briefly turning your head to make sure rafe is following you as you step onto the porch, not bothering to know before flinging open the door, knowing that your parents are no doubt waiting right inside for you.
“mom! dad!” you shout, jumping into their arms as they swallow you into a comforting hug. you press a kiss to both of their cheeks before turning to rafe.
“i brought these for you.” rafe sticks forward his hand, in it a bouquet of flowers, presenting them to your mother.
“oh, rafe, darling you shouldn’t have.” your mom coos, pulling rafe into a hug before rushing into the kitchen to place the flowers into a vase. rafe gives your dad a firm handshake before offering to help carry in your bags.
you smile and look out the door as they chat casually, happy that rafe seems to be fitting in instantly.
“its just so different.” rafe says softly, stroking his hand absentmindedly over your back as you’re curled up next to him on the couch.
“what do you mean?” you hum, pressing your lips against his shoulder, even though you can guess what he’s talking about.
“your family is just so… easy going. and you all get along so well.” rafe says, looking around the living room at your parents sharing a couch, and your brother and his wife sitting in matching armchairs, all chatting happily amongst themselves.
“im lucky to have such an amazing family.” you say, looking to rafe. “and that you’re a part of it.” “i dont want to intrude though, baby. so if you have any traditions you want to be just amongst your-” “shh.” you cut rafe off, a smile on your face. “we all want you here. my mom was so excited when i told her you were coming. you love me right?” you ask, which rafe of course nods. “and we are planning to be together forever right? so of course my family is going to want you around, to include you in our traditions.” “sorry, dears, i couldn't help but overhear.” your mom says with a slightly blush to her cheeks. “forgive me for eavesdropping, but i actually have a gift for you rafe.”
rafe begins to say that he doesn’t need any gifts, but your mom cuts him off with a quick stern look, one he’s seen in you many times.
your mom returns to the room with a small wrapped box in her hands.
“thank you.” rafe says sincerely, setting the box on his lap. you smile, already knowing what is inside, seeing it before when andrew first brought diana to christmas celebrations.
rafe opens the box carefully, attempting not to rip the paper and make a mess, aware of the eyes on him.
“a christmas stocking.” rafe says with a smile as he pulls it out. you wait for him to notice, and you can tell from his body language the second his eyes read over his own name, hand stitched by your mother, signifying rafes place in the family. he tenses for a second before melting completely, body slumping against yours.
you wrap your arms around rafe, knowing this is an emotional moment for him, his moment where he realizes how loved and accepted he is.
“we are so happy you’re a part of our family, rafe.” your mom says, accepting his hug when he stands to embrace her and thank her for the gift, looking to the mantelpiece with all of the family stockings hanging, where his will soon join.
your dad strikes up a conversation with andrew, and you know its to take some of the pressure and attention off rafe as he ducks his head into your neck, pressing soft kisses to the skin there.
“i told you you wouldn’t be intruding.” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair.
“yeah, yeah.” rafe says sarcastically. “you’re right.” you give him a look, before he concedes with a nod. “as always.”
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dysfunctionalmaki · 10 months
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Say My Name
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You work all around at the local country club, to your advantage you flirted and used your beauty to get what you want, though with this certain woman your own way can't seem to work.
Warning: This work contains smut and foul language, minors DNI!!
─── ・ 。゚��: .☽ . :☆゚.───
“Oh god—” You could just feel this woman's grip on your hair the more you burrowed your face in between her legs, she was begging, aching, and pleading to cum. Looking up to this beautiful older woman, you can't help but smirk at the fact that she's practically wrapped around your fingers. Who knew that the powerful business owner Diana Prince was such an obedient woman towards you, years younger than her and let alone the waitress at the local country club.
You made yourself busy as you focused on working your tongue against her clit, flicking the wet muscle against it, holding both her legs as they involuntarily jerked with your motions, hearing her loud moans, heavy breathing you knew she was close. “Please, baby… please make me cum…” she begged once more and you decided to be kind, letting go of her legs you went on to reach both your hands up to her breasts. Fondling them as you devoured her pussy, mouth pressed against it, giving short licks on her nub before sucking on it every now and then. Finally, Diana hit her zenith, cumming against your mouth, just how she always liked you made sure to lap up every single drop of her juice.
Helping her ride off her high, once she actually finished you slowly backed up, then she looked at you with her hazy eyes. “Great job as always, Y/N.” she complimented, you can't help but shrug with an evident smile on your face. “I make sure to do my best, Ms. Prince.” you teasingly say before sitting up, so you could prepare to clean her up. “Is this how you're going to live out your early 20s? Eating pussies and serving martinis for a living?” Diana asked as she watched you make your way into the bathroom. “That… That doesn't sound so bad.” you say loud enough from the bathroom.
Cleaning up your face before heading back into the bedroom with a small washcloth, you went to sit on her side of the bed, then you headed to clean her up after eating her out to both your heart's delight. Once you cleaned her up to her satisfaction, Diana sat up for a moment and reached for something from her handbag, taking out a cheque then she went on to write down the amount she's giving you and her signature on where it's needed. “Here, buy yourself something nice. You deserve it, no man can bring me that orgasm you just gave me.” Diana says with a sigh, you take the paper as you read what it's worth, your eyes widen then you look at the older woman. “What? No one's ever given you that much?” you shook your head. “I usually get 500…” it came out as a whisper from you. “Well, 5 grand's a lot compared to that.” she added.
“Now… come here and let me kiss the mouth that made me cum so good.” she purrs and you weren't going to deny that when you're just handed five thousand dollars, you could feel how needy her kisses were and you made sure to give what she needs. Her tongue swirling against yours, soft groans and moaning against your lips when you brought your hands back to her breasts to gently fondle and lightly pinch her sensitive nipple. With that happening, it was safe to say that you stayed the whole night in her condominium at the city, as the morning came she was gone and left a note on the side table.
“I’ll be gone for a whole week, I'd be a fool if I assume you aren't going to be in between someone's legs in a day or two, just make sure you'll be here at the same time next week.
You went to take the note and place it in your bag, taking a shower in her bathroom then you went on to leave the building. You immediately check your cell to text your friend Yelena, telling her all the details of the sex and how much you earned after it. Getting into a taxi you asked to be dropped off at the Stark Country Club, you'd be a fool to quit your job even if you earned five grand in one night. As you got there, you quickly changed into your uniform, a polo shirt that hugged your figure perfectly and some short shorts that showed off your perfectly maintained legs.
It was no doubt that you're a head turner for men and women in the club, the older gentlemen would even ask you out for a drink every now and then but the women? They aren't as obvious as the men but they sure have imaginations and thoughts probably even dirtier than most.
“So, Prince is that rich?” You hear your friend's voice from behind while you are taking the orders and placing them on a tray. “I mean probably? Nobody just casually hands out that kind of cash.” you say to Yelena while waiting for the other meal since your dear customer asked for all the food to be served at the same time. “As good as it sounds, I don't think the whole sexcapade is my thing.” Yelena says before helping you with another tray, you both put on your pretty smiles when you served the meal to the customers and when it's just the two of you again the conversation started once more.
“I mean it's okay, we earn a fair day's pay after a fair day's work, the whole sexcapade thing is just a sideline… or–” “For your pleasure” Yelena finished your sentence. “Yes, for my pleasure.” you say with a sigh. Yelena left the conversation since she had more tables to serve and you're stuck at the lobby to accommodate more people to have drinks and some finger food. Until a certain group of older women walked in, there are two redheads and a blonde, you stared at them for a moment until you didn't realize you were holding eye contact with one of them.
“Oh- Hi! Welcome to Stark Country Club, how can I assist you today?” You put on your pretty smile that usually works on older men but these women seemed unfazed… Well, you just didn't notice the redhead at the back. “Hi, dear, call me Natasha or whatever, we would just like a couple of drinks before we get to the golf course, is that alright? Your choice, give us what's best.” The redhead at the front said before walking with her friends on one of the tables, you hear them gossiping as they left but you couldn't decipher what they were saying at all.
You walked towards the bar and Bucky the bartender looked at you with his brow raised. “That's your potential foursome?” He teasingly asked and you can't help but roll your eyes. “Hey, don't blame me, rumors get around here.” Bucky defended himself. “Whatever I do I make sure to do it outside my work.” you say before looking at the menu to choose what drink they should have. “They're asking for three scarlet cocktails.” it was house special and you've had a couple of regulars who would order this drink from time to time.
When Bucky finished making the drink you set it on the tray before making your way towards the three women, you did notice the blonde one was eyeing you but you paid no mind to it, you were struck with the quiet redhead who was just scrolling through her phone while waiting for the drinks. As you arrived at their table, Natasha smiled at you and you made sure to smile back, placing their drinks on the table. You were about to leave until Natasha spoke up. “Wait, I was wondering if you know someone named Yelena working here?” she asked then you bit the inside of your cheek unsure of what to answer since she's technically a stranger.
“Oh, I'm no creep I promise, she's my younger sister.” She took her phone and showed a photo of her and your best friend, after that it was shown that you nodded your head. “She does work here, would you like me to call her for you?” and the redhead shook her head. “No, no, she's working and I don't really want to bother her, just trying to see how she's doing.” Natasha says which made her friends look at her. “I'm sorry to interrupt the conversation but you look really pretty.” The blonde commented and you can't help but blush a little before saying thank you.
When you tried to steal a glance from the quiet redhead, your eyes locked with her for a moment since she's off her phone, all she did was smile at you and sure as hell your breath was taken away. You said your usual line “If you need me just give me a holler.” And they simply smiled with a nod to acknowledge you. Making a beeline back to your station, Yelena passed by and she stopped in front of you. “Don't tell me that's who I think it is.” your friend commented before looking behind you once more. “If you meant your sister, she's hot… so are her friends.” Yelena practically glared at your comment then she looked once more to confirm who the people are with her sister.
“She’s with her college friends, Carol the blonde one and Wanda the other redhead.” Yelena said then you nodded your head. “So… what are the possibilities if I hit on your sister?” you asked and she lightly smacked your arm. “No.” she simply says before getting back on track on doing her job. You were just standing on your station and occasionally serving other customers every now and then, until you felt the need to use the comfort room. Making your way towards it, you check if the stalls had people then you went to fix yourself, checking if your hair still looked good, your makeup still on, and as you were applying your lipgloss someone walked in.
You paid no mind to it until you noticed the reflection on the mirror, it is Wanda. She stood next to you and did the same, she was touching up her light make-up, and there's just this awkward wall between you two. “Sorry if my friend Carol made that comment.” she simply says then you looked at her. “Oh, it's okay, it's just a simple compliment it wouldn't hurt anyone.” you responded happily then she smiled at you. “Well, for what is worth she isn't lying at all.” Wanda commented. The sudden compliment somehow made you blush, you were used to receiving compliments so why are you blushing when this woman just gave you one?
“I can say the same, Miss…?” You look towards the redhead, she finishes applying her lipstick and she looks right back at you. “No need for formalities, it's Wanda, Wanda Maximoff.” She introduces herself before holding her hand out, you took it with yours and you shook her hand. “Now, I think I've got a reason to come here every now and then… Y/N.” she says with a smirk when she looked at your nameplate, she went to leave first and gave you a wink before closing the door. Looking once more in the mirror you were more than surprised with the encounter, sure it was awkward but that woman was something else.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Space Emperor Tim decides to take a break from Earth. He fills out the paperwork that he developed as Robin for official on break status. He fills out the paperwork for vacation from WE. He finishes his active cases and very valiantly restrains himself from taking up new ones. His version of vacation reading is a file cabinet of cold cases so he puts those together for his personal entertainment for his vacation. He sublets his civilian apartment. He makes rigged bets with Jason, Dick, and Stephanie to get them to watch over his part of Gotham while he's gone.
Then he, Kon, Cassie, and Bart jump in the spaceship and head for the empire. They have new costumes to show off and laugh at one another about. They are going to decompress and Cassie will be searching the empire for a therapist for each of them. While she understands Tim's reluctance, Gothamite, she would like the team birb to at least get some healthier coping mechanisms figured out. She would honestly like all of them to have some better coping mechanisms.
The thing is though that Tim never actually, verbally told anyone he was going anywhere, much less leaving earth. The only one who did actively let anyone on earth know was Cassie, she told her mom and she let Greta, Anita, and Cissie know. All four have been promised souvenirs. Mrs. Sandsmark let Diana know that Cassie would be on vacation and unavailable for hero things for a bit. Kon is distant from the Kents, if they even know he exists given Clark's hot and cold attitude towards him, but to be polite Kon left a letter for Ma and Pa that he was going on vacation with his team. Bart's guardian situation is also very up in the air so he didn't bother to tell anyone. All the Bats are in the dark. Only Young Justice even knows that Bart has a spaceship. And turns out that Tim is the only one who uses his official on a break paperwork. And Bruce never read any of his (very edited) reports from his time with Young Justice.
The first clue that the Bats get that Tim isn't actually there in Gotham is from a reporter who asks Brucie how Tim is doing on his vacation?
Meanwhile Tim and his life partners are touring the empire and they've added another planet. And there's an imperial design contest for the best palace for the empire because the empire is hoping that if their baby has his own home here in the empire instead of living out of his ship or using the residences of their former leaders, he might stay for longer periods of time or be there physically more often. Tim is trying to discourage the palace thing as a waste of resources and get people to design gardens instead. Bart may or may not be conspiring with scientists to create a Death Star without the planet destroying capabilities as his own entry to the imperial palace contest. Kon is making sure Tim doesn't notice Bart's plans by dragging Tim through markets and looking for the best examples of ugly-cute baby emperor and consorts merchandise. So far the winner is a set of dishes and each piece has what is presumably their very stylized faces on them. Cassie is taking her turn of being the imperial bodyguard and making sure none of their fans get too overzealous. She is absolutely getting the dishes for the people back home.
Fuck. I love this so much.
Also, referring to YJ as Tim's life partners??? Yes. Absolutely. Idc if people ship them or just see them as a queerplatonic poly relationship. They are for sure life partners. That's the most adequate description for the four of them. Even if some of them choose to date some of the others, if they all date each other, or none date each other, they have a very special bond. No matter the distance or time apart, they are life partners. Gods, I'm vibing with that description so much.
Anyways, Tim being the only one to fill out his vacation/time off paperwork makes so much sense. I also hc that half of the reason he "hides" so much is just that he forgets he has to inform people of shit. He's so used to not telling people what's going on with him that he legitimately gets surprised when they get mad or worried at him because of it. He also goes out of his way to keep tabs on his loved ones and doesn't quite understand why he would need to inform them since they don't need to tell him about their plans. For this hc, I think that YJ had some bumps with this tendency of Tim until they worked out that they just need to ask him. They have a gc where they will ask Tim questions to keep everyone up to date.
Also, hell yeah to the merch and plates ideas. I wonder how YJ is going to explain where they got plates of the core four's faces (since some folks, perhaps Dick, will ask where to get more).
If Tim did request for gardens, I'd love to see what different ones look like. Since they are alien planets, they probably have different ecological systems. They would also have separate ideas on what's considered "beautiful" or worth keeping in a garden-like exhibit.
Thank you for also going in-depth on Kon, Bart, and Cassie's backgrounds. It was cool seeing how they communicated with their respective social groups
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flawless {vada cavell}
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Pairing: Vada Cavell x Reader  
Warnings: smut (18+) smoking weed, vaginal fingering, oral sex, language, talk of the shooting,  joking about the queen of england (please don’t come for me lol rip)
Vada and reader are both 18+ in this
Word Count: 1.7k
hey y’all, I’ve had this one in the works for a while now, but it’s finally done! Next part of this hell with hopefully be done in the next couple of days!
“And don’t even get me started on the Queen like I’m lowkey not even sad she died. No cap, the old bitch definitely had something to do with Diana’s death, that shit is suspicious as fuck” Vada’s rambling trailed off at the sensation of your fingers running up her leg. The prickle of her unshaven legs tickled your fingertips. Her baseball shorts rode up her thighs as she sat on your bed. You were supposed to be getting ready for Nick’s party, but Vada had somehow roped you into smoking before you went so she could chill more.
“Baby, what the fuck are you doing?” You practically jumped out of your skin at the sudden rise in your girlfriend’s voice. The smoke from your joint left the air between the two of you hazy. The mischievous look that filled your face was enough to tell Vada you were up to something.
“Oh I was just wondering when you stopped being my girlfriend and became Bigfoot” you fired back. A laugh fought its way past your lips as one of her eyebrows shot up. Vada snatched the joint from your free hand, narrowing her eyes at you as she took a hit.
“I’m wounded that you tried to use my dude Bigfoot to insult me” Vada was a little out of breath, and her voice scratched as she spoke. Her attempts to contain her cough from the long drag failed for a moment, but it didn’t stop her from taking another hit before handing it back to you.
“Like Bigfoot is THE MAN, he’s my icon, the legend” with each word her voice raised an octave to the point she was almost yelling, her hands waving about to emphasize her point. “I think I might love him” Her voice trailed off to a whisper as she finished, her eyebrows knit together in confusion.
You sat up in bed and leaned on your elbow to look at her. Her eyes were red now, and a dreamy haze seemed to cloud them. She leaned forward to take a drag from the joint still between your fingers, she didn’t pull away though. She seemed to linger for a moment, contemplating her next move. Her lips brushed against yours as she exhaled, milky smoke filled the space between the two of you, and began to enter your lungs. She didn’t move for a moment, allowing you to get the smoke, before she dramatically pushed up from her spot.
“I’ve always wanted to do that” Vada giggled, rolling ungracefully across the bed.
“You are an Idiot, Vada Cavell” you took another hit from the joint before setting it in the ashtray on your bedside table.
“Well, I think you’re beautiful” Vada’s voice shifted when you returned to the bed. All the chatty energy had faded and left something else in its wake.
“Nah, I think you're just high, V” you tried to shake her off, you knew there would be no way you would make it to Nick’s party later if you let her get her way.
“No, I’m being for real y/n, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” Vada took your hands, settling them on her hips. From all her moving around, Vada’s shirt had bunched at her waist. The exposed skin of her stomach was warm under your hands.  Her own hands started to caress your back under her soccer championship hoodie.  
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere, V '' but Vada knew she had won when she felt your hands tighten around her waist, pulling her closer. Her lips brushed over yours.  
“Oh I think it will” Her lips were soft and pillowy against yours when they finally met. Your hands left her hips to settle on her neck, tugging lightly on the hair there. Vada’s soft moan vibrated against your lips. You tugged again softly just to hear her moan against you again before you let go. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders as your fingers hooked around the tie holding it back.
The taste of weed still lingered on her lips when she finally pulled back to catch her breath. Her hair fell over her shoulders and tickled the side of your neck. Sunlight trickled in through a crack in your curtain. Sometimes when the light hit the brown in her eyes, it turned them almost golden. Like pools of honey. Now, with Vada’s knees on either side of your hips and hands roaming your body as you felt the sun hit your skin, you didn’t want to go to Nick’s party anymore.
You kissed for a while, Vada’s lips never leaving yours for more than a second to catch your breath. You could feel her getting impatient. The way she kept shifting, trying to get you to move your hands a little higher. The way her hands pushed your shirt up until it gathered at your chest. Her fingers played dangerously with the band of your sports bra, just begging you to take it off. And Vada did win as usual, your shirt hitting the floor with a soft thud.
Reality came crashing back to you like a freight train when Vada’s fingertips brushed over the healed gunshot wound on your thigh. A painful reminder of the first day you met Vada all those years ago. Though neither of you talked about it often, the incident left more than just physical scars on both of you. None of you deserve it, but that’s just how the world is now, cruel and unfair. But at least you had someone to weather the storm with.
You could practically hear Vada’s breathy laugh bring you back to the present ‘I can’t believe you just called it the incident’. You remembered the night Vada had told you all about her therapy sessions, including all of the hassle she had put that poor woman through. In this moment, you were thankful the weed allowed your mind to shift easily from the pain. A droopy smile fell on your face at the thought of Vada.
“What’s got you all smiley now” her breath tickled under your nose as her fingers carded through your hair.
“Just thinking about you” you whispered, seeking the side of her neck. Your lips left lazy kisses around her ear. Your body craved her, to feel her touch again.
“Now who’s pulling the flattery card” Vada snorted, her freckle-spotted nose wrinkling against the side of your face.
You too began to grow impatient, and It didn’t take long before Vada’s back hit your mattress. Your heartbeat thudded in your chest as you fumbled to get her stupid basketball shorts and boxers down. Her squirming settled when your hand found her wet heat, her eyes fluttering shut.
“God, you're so wet” you murmured against her lips, but you knew you wouldn't get a response. You never did, not when she was like this. All of her chatty energy and confidence disappeared when she was under you. A whine left her lips when you moved your hand away. But she was settled quickly when her sports bra joined your shirt on the floor
“Fuck” Vada moaned out breathlessly as your mouth closed around her nipple. You take your time there, kissing… and biting just to hear a soft gasp fall from her lips every time. It doesn’t take long before Vada grows tired of waiting. Her hips shifting under you in an attempt to draw your hands back to her. Eventually you did give in to her, and when you did, the moan that fell from her lip when you gently began rubbing her clit was so worth it.
Vada drew your lips back to hers, her hands wrapped in the hair at the base of your neck, tugging you back to her. Her kisses became sloppy, desperate little whines fell from her lips as she gripped tighter at your hair. Her movements became more and more frantic, her hips shifting and thrusting up to meet your fingers on her clit.
“What do you need, baby?” your movements slowed, and the whine that fell from her was almost pathetic. Her hands tugged harder on your hair, her lips brushing against your neck, anything to get you to continue. “You gotta use your words, baby” you prompted again.
“Your mouth” her voice was low as she tried to stop the moan that threatened to fall from her at your slow movements on her clit.
“Good girl” you wanted to tease her, you really did. But Vada’s arousal was almost dripping onto your mattress now, and you felt bad. The stubble of her thighs tickled your cheeks as you placed kisses there. Her hips shifted, she was getting impatient again. Your hand left her clit to hold her hips in place, and she whined at the loss of contact. But you didn’t leave her for long, your tongue soon replacing where your fingers had been. She hummed, finally satisfied with getting what she wanted.
“Jesus” she moaned out, not quite expecting your finger to press against her entrance. Vada’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment with how easily your finger slid in. Her head fell back and she no longer tried to stop her whimpers.  She was a mess under you now as you slipped in a second finger without losing your rhythm. You knew she wouldn’t last long like this. Not with your tongue lapping at her clit too.
Her nails dug into the back of your neck tugging again on the hair, as she tightened around your fingers, she was close now. You curled your fingers, as you sucked gently on her clit. Her thighs were shaking against the side of your head now. You entwined your fingers with hers as she came. Vada let out one more moan as her body went rigid under you.
The California heat combined with your recent activity left you sweating and trying to catch your breath as you rested your head on Vada’s thigh. Her thighs were still shaking under you, and her breaths coming out in pants, jostling you.
“Let's forget about Nick’s party” Vada’s breath was hot against your neck when she finally reached down and pulled you back up to her. But she didn’t have much to worry about, any thought of that party was long gone.
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heecyon · 1 year
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pairing: ceo!park sunghoon x coffee shop owner!fem!reader
genre: one night stand, fake relationship, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, and accidental pregnancy.
summary: Park Sunghoon was done with his grandfather begging for an heir. Being the CEO of the Northern Branch, Sunghoon wasn't ready for a relationship just yet and neither was he ready to have a baby. So, after being arranged a blind date, he meets you, and soon convinces you to run away with him far away from your dates, as you were arranged a blind date as well with a different guy. And after a night of talking, flirting and alcohol, you both ended up in an hotel bed. Being attracted to an stranger wasn't in your plans, but soon everything goes to hell when you discover that you are pregnant with sunghoon's child.
release date: between late november and mid-december
2nd installment for CEOs & ARRANGEMENTS with enha 02z
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“So, you’re a CEO?”
Sunghoon’s cheeks blushed from the amount of alcohol that he had chugged down. And you were not innocent, either, your hair was kind of messy from how much time you had combed it back with your fingers, and your mind was racing in a million places because of the two bottles of Henri Bourgeois that you had shared with the flushed boy in front of you.
“Yep, Park Sunghoon, Northern Branch.” His voice came out like a tumble, his mind not processing what his sentences meant. He was not a person to drink, he usually did not do it, especially with a person he just met, and especially not in his hotel room, but tonight he felt in a place of trust, and you felt the same, except that the only difference was that you were somebody to drink with friends, but not with people who you had just met.
You pressed your elbows against the table, your teeth clutching against the tip of your nail. “Who would’ve thought that I’d be sitting in front of the famed Park Sunghoon? I guess it’s a one-in-a-million-type of situation.” “Especially, if I’m getting drunk on glasses of wine while having him sat across from me.”
“Who would’ve thought? I just came to New York to finish some unsolved company partnerships, and now I’m ending my trip with a forced blind date that I just escaped from, with a pretty, tipsy girl who I took with me in the process.” He answered sluggishly, his brows lifting up with sarcasm as he spoke.
Your brain suddenly stopped tracing around, by just emphasizing one word he said.
“You think I’m pretty?” Your voice came out like a wave, a small smile setting on your mouth.
“Why wouldn’t I? You are the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.”
“It makes me happy that you think I’m pretty, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t think that I’m pretty. I’m pretty sure that I’m pretty.” You suddenly rambled, the words came out fast as a train, all because your nerves and the alcohol took complete control over you. But, Sunghoon just found it funny in his drunken state, he found it adorable, to say the least.
He was almost slushed on the table, his arm being completely settled on the wooden board.
For you, he looked so handsome, his arms were toned, and it was visible against his dress shirt, his fingers slender and delicate, you were convinced that his hands were soft as silk pillows.
But his face was absolutely gorgeous, with features that could've been chosen by the Greek Gods themselves.
"You are so handsome, like really handsome, the type of handsome that was kissed and blessed by Aphrodite and Princess Diana." The words vomited out of your mouth like a splutter. You weren't expecting your drunken state to reveal such a thought, but when you looked at Sunghoon it didn't seem to bother him.
"Kissed by Aphrodite and Princess Diana? Never heard of such compliment." His voice came out slurred and dazed, but it sounded as if he was in a dream-like state.
His lips were red and glossy, his eyes shone from the reflection of the New York lights. The more you looked at his lips, the more you wanted him to touch every part of your body.
"Well, now you've heard it…"
He tapped his chin for a moment before unexpected words came out of his mouth.
"What if I told you that it would be a real compliment if you told me that I was kissed by you?" Your heart skipped a beat as your stomach fell and came back up from the impression. Your heartbeat quickened and did everything it could to go back to normal.
You got up from your chair, walking towards him with tremendous mischief. I'm pretty sure it was the immense amounts of alcohol acting up for you.
His figure sat in front of you, his gaze analyzing every single part of your body, especially your lips, and the shimmer on your eyes.
"Do you want me to kiss you?"
"Oh, Cindy! I want you to do that and more."
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Never in your life did you think that you would be taking a pregnancy test inside a pharmacy bathroom.
But you were going through desperate times. It needed to be done as quickly as possible. It was mostly because you needed to calm your frantic nerves and also get out of any doubts that you had. The worst part was the fact that you wouldn't be worrying about this if you just didn't run away from your blind date with a complete stranger.
Complete stranger that could possibly be the father of this possible baby.
You just needed to confirm if you were actually pregnant.
Two lines.
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katewritesthings · 9 months
Love Me Like I Can - Prologue// Introductions
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This is just prologue to test interest. Most of Diana's songs are by the artist JoJo. ( For the song Joanna, just pretend it's Diana)
pairing: Joe Burrow x Singer! Original Female Character
•summary: Inspired by Scandoval and Taylor/Travis. R&B singer Diana Hayes navigates falling in love after a cheating scandal captures the attention of America and a certain Bengal.
•warnings: Cursing. Cheating. Sexual Situations. Drinking. Drug use. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Prologue // Introductions
October 18, 2023
Finding out was a complete accident. Diana was not the type of person that had the unquenchable curiosity for what is on their partner’s phone. In hindsight, maybe she should have paid even a bit of attention to Connor’s. Maybe the revelation wouldn’t have blindsided her, hitting her like a ton of bricks.
Every step that led to her finding out was motivated by trying to support Connor. His band, Bedford Scrolls, had just finished playing their final show of tour in their hometown of Boston and she was trying to get the best videos and pictures she could of him playing his bass. The entire tour was being documented on the reality show that the band starred in, but Connor always liked personal videos he could post on TikTok. She opened his camera roll to see if the pictures she took turned out the way she wanted when she scrolled one picture too far. The rage of betrayal washed over Diana as her stomach hit the ground. She was staring directly at her best friend’s bare chest. On the phone that belonged to her boyfriend of seven years. Unable to completely process the situation at hand with the screaming of the crowd surrounding her, Diana opened the camera roll to the grid revealing the pictures that Connor had taken in the past three months. There were numerous pictures of Hannah in various states of undress peppered in between the pictures of Diana  In a flash, she began selecting all of the photos that didn’t contain nudity and AirDropped them to herself while trying to navigate herself back to Connor’s dressing room.
After she felt the buzz of confirmation from her own phone in her pocket, Diana opened Connor’s phone app and dialed Hannah’s number. If the show had just ended that meant that the traitor was currently at the band’s hotel. With a huff, Diana mentally cursed herself for getting Hannah put on the band’s payroll. “Hey, baby! I thought you’d still be on stage!” The familiar voice of her best friend hit her ears as she navigated backstage to slam open the door to the green room. Connor and his three bandmates were freshening up while a few other friends lounged about.
“How long have the two of you been the absolute scum of the earth,” Diana heard her own voice sneer. The question captured the attention of the entire room she had just entered and silenced the woman on the other end of the phone.
Miles, the band’s lead singer, looked like he was about to open his mouth to ask for clarification for the whole room before Connor cut him off. 
“Let’s not do this here, Di. Let’s go somewhere to talk about this in private. You don’t want to embarrass yourself,” he said, voice even and calmer than he should be. Diana saw red, knowing what he was attempting to do. Connor had a habit of wanting to paint their relationship as picture-perfect, he wanted to do damage control and convince her to let this go. Unfortunately, this was not a random girl in Miami like at the beginning of their relationship. This was a new level of betrayal.
“Fuck that, Connor. What’s embarrassing is knowing that I thought you were good enough for me. Let everyone know how you’ve got more naked pictures of Hannah on your phone than I could count,”
Gasps and sounds of shock almost drowned out the sound of Hannah ending the call. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back to Diana. She felt like her throat was closing up as she began to process what this meant for her. Not only did this change everything when it came to her personal life, it was going to cause huge issues in her professional life.
Diana had been in the industry since she was 14 and nominated for her first Grammy. Even as a young teenager, there was a soulful warmth in her voice that combined with her range led to her first album winning Best Contemporary R&B album in 2012. Her career continued to steadily climb over the next few years as she dabbled in acting and released three more albums in 2014, 2016, and 2018, but she had never felt the security of someone on a bigger label. It had been almost six years since she had released music and that was supposed to be coming to an end. 
Diana had been planning on recording her third album after Bedford Scrolls’ tour and recording of Band Together had finished filming. Connor’s manager had promised her that if she went on tour with them and was featured in the season, it would drum up attention for the announcement of her return to music. He had talked her into signing a contract to appear in at least six episodes this season and the reunion. He even hinted at the possibility that she could use the networking to secure a documentary about making the album. 
All Diana could think about at the moment was how all of that was now a pipe dream. In her anger, she threw Connor’s phone across the room and let her phone carry her to the back exit of the venue. Emotions were swirling through her head and the thought of the material she had worked on about and with Connor now made her sick. She was going to have to start over, but couldn’t until the reunion was filmed in mid-November. 
OCTOBER 20, 2023
Musicians and stars of the reality show Band Together, CONNOR LEWIS and DIANA Hayes are officially no more, representatives for the pair have confirmed to TMZ.
After seven years, the couple has reportedly decided to go their separate ways. As surprising as this news is, it’s not nearly as shocking as news that Connor is rumored to have an affair with cast member, employee, and friend Hannah Maloney.
The Show Band Together follows the musical career of Connor’s band Bedford Scrolls as they navigate the messy life of music from writing to touring. Diana has been featured occasionally on the show in past seasons but was heavily featured in the trailer for Season 3 which premiered October 8. Hannah is a close friend of Diana’s who eventually became an assistant for Bedford Scrolls and is also featured on the show.
In the promo for Season 3, it was suggested that Connor and Diana were in an open relationship. This rumor was quickly shut down when Diana shared the promo to her Instagram stories with the caption “I’m not that cool. Bisexual =/= polyamory”
Show sources let TMZ know that the break up was recent as the couple has been seen together at tour dates for Bedford Scrolls as recently as Wednesday. Fans also report this as they say that Diana was Connor’s biggest fan at the final show of the tour, but left the venue alone in tears in a cab shortly after the set ended.
October 29, 2023
Edibles singer DIANA HAYES was spotted in NYC, leaving Electric Lady studios this morning. This is the first public sighting of Diana since news broke of her split with ex-CONNOR LEWIS. 
Last week TMZ reported that the couple split after Connor had an affair with Diana’s best friend, HANNAH MALONEY. Cast members of the reality show Band Together, and bandmates of Connor, have seemingly confirmed this by posting pictures of them with Diana in support. The hashtag #TeamDiana was trending for most of last week.
Sources close to Diana inform us that she has been staying at a rental in New York and has been offered support from big names such as Taylor Swift and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson and even romantic offers from bachelors such as Drake.
Eagle-eyed fans are curious to see how this drama unfolds in this season of Band Together. Click here to catch up on this season of Band Together, airing now! 
November 28, 2023
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@DianaMusic: Wow. Where to start? 
First of all: Thank you all so much to for the outpouring of love and positivity you have sent my way over the past few weeks. Without the support I have gotten I would not have even been able to process the insanity that has happened, but with your care, I was able to throw myself into healing creatively. With this healing journey comes some good news and the bad news. 
First, this will be my last season of Band Together. 
More importantly, over the past few weeks, I have been processing through creating. This means I have recorded 4 new songs to put on an EP called, “Run” that will be released at midnight. It has been so long since I have released new music into the world that I began to question whether I had anything left to say, but now I do. This EP is just a taster of what is to come next year and I cannot wait to grow and heal with you all. 
What didn’t kill me better run. Liked by joeyb_9, conlew, and 1,423,798 others
VIew Comments.....
@taylorswift13: So proud of you! @IslaNg: They better fucking run! @hallebailey: This EP is about to be my personality
Anxiety (Burlinda’s Theme)
December 29, 2023
The past three months had been a whirlwind for Diana. After the revelation that Connor had cheated on her, she immediately threw herself into writing new songs. Before her flight from Boston to New York landed she had already written two of the four songs on her new EP. Diana and Anxiety were the outcomes of her mind working on overdrive about how the public was going to perceive the breakup.
Realistically, Diana knew that there would be people who blamed her, that’s just part of being a woman. Unrealistically, she was convinced that the public would take Connor’s side due to her unofficial hiatus from the public consciousness. Bedford Scrolls released their last album in September and had been touring and promoting constantly since. 
What the songwriter didn’t expect was for scandal to take the nation by storm in her favor. The nation tuned in every week to watch Band Together in hopes that they find clues of the affair in the season. As the episodes aired, it became clear that Diana was a devoted supporter of Conno meanwhile he took the chance to insult her every time she wasn’t in a scene. The footage broke Diana’s heart and ignited a vitriol for Connor like never seen before. Even Connor’s bandmates only spoke to him to berate him at the reunion for the reality show
The finale for the show had aired Sunday and it had been the only episode, bar the reunion that had been filmed after Diana had ended her relationship. She had never seen support like the outpouring of comments left when people watched as she asked Connor if he ever really loved her at all. Some fans had even correctly theorized that she had written Dissovle after filming had ended that day.
Diana had taken her new friend Taylor’s advice when she reached out and had booked as many performances as possible so she could turn the attention back to her career. She knew it was opportunistic, but after what Connor and Hannah did to her, Taylor reassured her that she deserved to secure her own future with the publicity. 
Diana had just finished singing acoustic versions of Dissolve and Man as the intro to a funk cover of “Any Man of Mine” by Shania Twain began to play. “I decided to do this song because I recently realized that it’s not selfish to want your partner to please you or be dedicated to only you… Here goes.”
DECEMBER 31, 2023
Last night, the reunion of Band Together aired and exposed much more about the affair of CONNOR LEWIS and HANNAH MALONEY than we previously knew.
Isla, the drummer for Bedford Scrolls, posted on their instagram stories earlier this week defending their support of DIANA over their own bandmate Connor, saying: “You’ll see guys, some shit comes out at the reunion. Like, we found out shit we had no clue about and some stuff that was said that was absolutely heinous. As a human, it would be hard not to take Diana’s side after watching.”
After watching the reunion, it is clear what Isla was talking about. Diana, Connor, and Hannah were all in the same room for the interview where Hannah admitted the affair had been happening for almost a year.  
Things only got more heated from there as the host Andy Cohen asked Hannah why she loved and believed she could trust Connor. Hannah answered with a sexually explicit answer saying, “Connor and I are in love in such a deep way, it’s different than their relationship. He wouldn’t even go down on Diana and he’ll eat me any chance he got.”
If that weren’t enough fuel to the fire, Connor had to be removed from the stage for his safety after saying something under his breath that fans believe to have been, “Could you blame me, who wants to go down on a redhead?” because Miles and the guitarist, Zach, had gotten him into a headlock.
Fans are speculating that this might be the end of Bedford Scrolls as we know it.
JANUARY 1, 2024
Diana was doing her best to try to avoid every bit of media she could for as long into the New Year as possible. It turned out, as long as possible ended up being 3 PM. Biz, Diana’s sister had burst through the AirBNB bedroom door tha Diana was currently holed up in, trying to smoke a bowl watch the newest episode of the new Percy Jackson.
“Did you see the Cheifs vs Bengals game yesterday,” the younger girl excitedly shrieked as she dramatically flopped herself on the bed next to her sister. “Uhm, is this an alternate universe? When have you ever seen me watch a sporting that I didn’t sing at” Diana shot her sister a look of confusion and taking a hit from her glass pipe.
“Because! Your name came up, watch this video!” Biz excitedly thrust her phone into her sister's hand.
The sound of her own voice was audible in the background of the video as a player with the number 1 on their jersey was being interviewed.
“I see you all are fans of Diana,” the interviewer joked as a player with a wrist splint in the background was seen in the background mouthing the words to “Man.”
“Yeah, we Team Diana in this locker room!” The player said laughing.
“Oh, yeah? Is her music on a lot in the locker room?” 
“Not like we have a choice though, with how obsessed Joe is,” the player let out another laugh pointing at the injured player in the background. Chuckles from nearby players were heard. “Shut up, Ja’Marr,” the injured man, presumably Joe shouted from the back.
 “All I’m saying is you kept saying this song was about you when you first heard it,” Ja’Marr called back over his shoulder. “Diana if you’re watching this: Hit up my boy Joey B! He ain’t afraid to e-” The video was cut off as Ja’Marr was put in a headlock by Joe.
Diana stared at her sister’s phone, uncertain who or what she just witnessed, waiting for an explanation. When none came, she looked up to find Biz’s expectant face looking hopefully back at her.
“So?” the brunette questioned, “Are you going to do it?!”
“Do what? I don’t even know what I just watched,” Diana stated, still confused. 
“You just watched Ja’Marr Chase ask you to hit up one of the most thirsted-after quarterbacks ever: Joe Burrow, and imply that said quarterback would like to get freaky with you,” Biz explained. “You have to respond.”
Diana’s cheeks filled with warmth as she mentally replayed the video in her head. She had no idea who this person was, but she had to admit he was attractive. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have her agent try to reach out for his phone number. ===== Next Chapter.
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What about I could do this all day but with Arthur curry, where he is being flirty and complimenting the reader all day, even she and others are like he can't keep going, and he does and maybe it ends with him taking reader out on a date and then she starts flirting with him all day
.⋆。Keep Going。⋆.
Arthur Curry x plus size reader
Sick of Arthur’s relentless flirting, you strike back.
Warnings: flirting, idiots in love, fluff, pick up lines are from google
WC: 730
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
He was desperate, charming, delusional and all around annoying but there was no way you could hate him, he was just too endearing. Arthur had been following you around the Justice League tower all day like a lost puppy, showering you with any compliment he could think of. 
“I’d bet you’d look great dressed in kelp.” You came to a screeching halt and whipped around, brow raised at the huge man who was walking behind you. “Y’a know when we get married, you’ll have to wear something seafood-like and I think kelp would compliment your skin perfectly.” Your face, which already seemed permanently heated from all the attention, got even hotter.
“Oh my god.” You groaned, hiding your face behind the file you were holding.
“Actually, I think coral might look better on you, maybe a starfish or two.”
“Arthur!” You hissed, hyper aware of the fact that you were in a building full of superheroes who did not appreciate fraternisation in their League.
But Arthur just smirked as he leaned against the wall only a few inches from you. “C’mon, just let me take you out already.” He practically begged, a stark contrast from his casual stance. 
As hard as you might try, you couldn’t resist those big amber eyes looking down at you like you were his whole world. Sighing, you gave him a nod. “Fine, one date! Just one!” Immediately his back straightened and he wrapped you in a tight hug, making you yelp.
“You better go put some socks on princess cause I’m about to knock them off!” And with that, he bounded away, chattering to himself about what kind of date he would take you on.
“Are you sure about picking that one? I know lots of better men and women that would do anything for a chance with you.” Diana practically materialised by your side, gazing disapprovingly at her teammate. 
You chuckled. “Well, he is kind of cute.”
It wasn’t just one date, it was five. Barely 10 minutes into your first date (he brought you to the fucking aquarium) you were lost forever.
The flirting never stopped either, in fact, it somehow got worse. Every second sentence that left his perfectly kissable mouth was either a compliment or some lewd joke that was so bad it even made Batman blush. So you were expecting Diana to come crawling to you, begging it to stop for the sake of everyone else.
You started that morning, as soon as Arthur stepped from the zeta tube. You wolf-whistled and gave him a slow once-over. “Damn baby, if you were a Transformer you'd be Optimus Fine.” He froze comically, his eyes wide, his jaw dropped open in shock. He pulled himself together quickly and wrapped your wide hip in a bruising grip, smashing his lips to yours.
As Arthur scoured the fridge in the League kitchen several hours later, you walked into his peripheral vision and smirked as your own gaze fell onto his pert backside. “Do you drink a lot of Sprite? Because you look so-da-licious!” His head whipped around with a sickening click.
“What did you just say?” You shrugged.
“You heard me, sexy.” He groaned as his eyelids fluttered. You winked at him and turned to leave, abandoning Arthur with his little ‘problem’.
The conference room was dead silent as you all looked over your individual assignments with the occasional shuffling of papers or the sound of someone clearing their throat. Your new boyfriend sat beside you, one large hand planted firmly on your plump thigh, his fingers gently rubbing circles into the soft skin. 
Just as you finished off your reading a deafening sound came from the man beside you as he violently sneezed into his elbow. Immediately, everyone looked his way. “I would've said "God bless you" after that sneeze, but it looks like he already has.” Now all eyes were on you as you smirked evilly. They all groaned collectively at the bad line. 
Arthur’s hand tightened on your leg in warning. You squeezed his hand in return. “Stop.” He muttered under his breath as the others returned to their work, Diana smiling suspiciously.
“Stop what?” You asked dumbly.
“You will run out of pick-up lines eventually and when you do, I’ll be there.”  “Oh love, I could do this all day.” You retorted with a kiss to his bearded cheek.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 3 months
TimKonBartCassie Clone Baby AU
Part 2
He jolts awake from if you call weird dream's about a gun slinging toddler with a flying a dog a restful sleep, to awake in a second.
It takes about ten more seconds for him to realize he is in his room at Titans Tower, his kid is gone which he is not currently too worried about once he remembers the conversation from last night.
He's already heading back to the lounge figuring it a good place to hunt down a secret keeping Impulse and everyone else.
Kon is holding him the baby asleep, while Bart rests in Cassie's lap. Various baby items from bibs, diapers, and clothes are neatly placed to the side of the couch.
Kon greets him with a soft smile that he can't help but return before sliding down next to Bart.
It's comfortable and he's grateful that's no one's mad, that they all just accepted Luci once again he's surprised by how family just goes with it no matter what.
He loves them so much.
It's only been about two minutes before Cassie breaks the silence.
"Alright, we don't know how much you remember but you passed out, we figured the sleep deprivation caught up, Kon carried you to bed, we wanted to wait until you were awake to finish the discussion about everything."
Tim breathes he wants to know everything Bart knows but logically this doesn't just concern them if Jason has a kid he has to inform him. Nevermind that he needs to get back to Gotham and talk to everybody.
"Ok, I think we all should head to Gotham, I can call a family meeting, Bart can finish saying whatever he knows to everyone, because I don't think it's fair that we sit with information that could effect everyone, but I don't just want to decided or do anything I already did, something pretty big without talking to you guys."
"I agree mostly the cave would be the best place, I'm not exactly ecstatic about talking to everyone. I think Rob's right, also I want Jon to meet his nephew."
Kon brings up a point that he hadn't factored in Bruce is a grandfather now Dick is a uncle so is Jason and Damian. He also kinda really wants to show off his baby he finally understands why Bruce keeps photos of them all in his wallet.
"I agree Diana is gonna be all over our little hellraiser and it's a lot easier if we just gather everyone up and do one giant explanation, than doing it a million times. Also I don't know about anyone else but free babysitting is a perk, kiddo didn't want to sleep at all most likely cause Mom passed out on the floor but who knows?"
Tim can't disagree other than, wait why is he mom?
"Tim you talked in your sleep and were very offended that Dad has baby memorie before Mom cause you created him."
Kon laughs distracting him with his sparkly eyes, how unfair.
"I didn't mean to say that out loud and yes I did all the complicated stuff so I will be Mom if I want to although I will share with Cassie if I have to." He pouts. 
It's surreal that he really does mean that and for some reason mom or dad it doesn't matter one bit he has a little baby, his own baby bird.
"Alright boys I think we should get a move on, Tim send out a message and have Batman gather everyone up, he will probably have an easier time then we would."
He grabs his phone he didn't even realize that he had it luckly it's late enough in the day that work and school for everyone shouldn't be a problem.
He texts both Bruce and Alfred that something happened no one is hurt, but he needs everyone in the cave from Supers, Bats, Titans, Outlaws, Wonder Woman's essentially if we would want them to know something important they need to be there as fast as possible.
Not even ten seconds later his phone rings which he expected.
"Tim what's happening?"
He's terrified it's really setting in that he has a a kid.
That he has to tell Bruce.
Yet he's relieved it's Batman, It's Bruce, it's Dad.
He fix anything and hopefully teach him how to change a diaper.
He can't stop the sob that follows.
"I just need you to do this, please Dad it's... I did something stupid, but so amazing and just please I need you ok. I am coming with Young Justice it involves all of us and make sure our family's there, just please. I can't explain over the phone."
"Ok sweetheart I don't know what's going on but it will be ok. Anything can be figured out. Alfred is calling everyone will be here in about an hour. Are you ok? Injuried?"
"No I'm ok just make sure everyone's there Dick, Alfred just we need them. I'll be there in about an hour and a half. I love you."
He hangs up.
Bruce is terrified he never dialed so quickly in his life and his son sounds well upset doesn't even begin to cover it, but he knows it's important he only had to look at Alfred before he was calling Jason who was already with Roy picking up Lian.
Dick, Damian, Duke, Cass already are waiting in the cave he practically screamed for them to get down here.
Alfred quietly informing them that something happened and that everyone needs to get to the cave.
Bruce can't move he hears Jason come in but he can't greet him.
Soon the Titans arrive conversing with mainly Roy and Dick.
Clark, Diana and Barry arrive soon after.
He sees Jon talking quietly with Damian finally he gets up.
Looks at his children, teammates and everyone he could possible think of might need to know about a catastrophic event.
He clears his throat.
"I received a message from Young Justice, I don't know what happened, all I know is it's something major apperently no one is injured but they need us I expect whatever is going on is upsetting they will need our support."
He looks at his boys and Cass trying to push reassurance but he doesn't succeed.
Clark and Diana look two seconds away from flying to Titans Tower only stopped by Alfred.
It's been a little over an hour and Bruce wants nothing more than to hunt down his son, and wrap him in his cape but he's stopped by Zeta Tube turning on.
Everyone turns.
Out steps an exhausted looking Connor Kent, followed by Cassie Sandsmark who shoot a quick smile at Bruce which immediately confuses him.
They both block the zeta glaring at everyone until Bart Allen appears holding up a clearly exhausted Tim who still has tear tracks on his face.
He looks like he is gonna drop at any minute but before Bruce can rush to his son.
Tim steps away from all three wrapped in Superboy's Jacket.
The leather falls.
There's a baby.
A exhausted grin comes across Tim's face before he speaks.
"I had a baby, these are the parents also Bart has a story to share...... Surprise?"
Before Bruce can even blink Dick is across the room followed by Jason.
Jason who quickly steals the bundle with a soft coo.
Dick kisses Tim's forehead before picking him up
"I gotcha little brother, to the med bay we go."
Jason follows a step behind purposefully keeping the baby in sight of his third son.
It takes less than a minute before Alfred is checking over Tim only to be quickly interrupted by Kon who is laughing.
"Rob, that phasing could use some work, yes we have a baby, he did not however give birth to it in the traditional sense. Not that I don't agree with the coddling he deserves it. What I want to know is why exactly did you people just steal our kid, if Mom needs a break he's got three Dads over here."
Dick interrupts from his place by Tim's side.
"My little brother is my priority he will be taken care of by me. I assume little brother goes where baby goes so baby will also be taken care of by me. I also could care less of how Littlest Bird came to be, all that matters is my brother and the baby are healthy and ok."
He glares straight at Connor which Bruce quickly joins him how dare that boy. His baby had a baby. He needs his family.
Everyone is still frozen other than his boys.
He walks over to Jason to get a closer look at his granddaughter based off the pink blanket.
He wants to hold her and keep her safe until Tim can but Jason looks two seconds away from shooting anyone who gets to close so she will be perfectly safe.
He will check on his baby instead.
He kisses Tim on the forehead who is being prescribed rest and fluids by Alfred. He will also not be walking anywhere for the foreseeable future he is assuming that there wasn't an actual birth but any excuse to carry his children he will take it.
Damian, and Cass have joined around Tim. Clearly both on guard with their brother so clearly vulnerable. 
"I am really glad you guys are taking it so well, but Bart has important information for us all, and Jay, I would like my baby and maybe a hug from Dick in that order."
Quickly she is given back to Tim and Dick joins wrapping around them a soft smile directed at them both.
"Yeah it might be best if I start talking, cause I think Rob is gonna kill me if I don't."
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aviolettrose · 6 months
We deserve more of the "Cosmic-fuck-ups", aka a trio I didn't know I need.
The Outlaws (Jason, Bizzaro, and Artmis) are part of the JL, after Jason and Bruce had a looooooong talk.
They also live in the space stations, that's how they met the titans and so on.
So one day, (Artemis and B are not on the station atm) Jason sees Donna and Kyle there, and they start to hang out (in a living-room/Kitchen fusion and they hang out in the living room area on the couch) and drink (Because Jason, the "baby" of the group, is finally 21) and they just have a good time.
Roy and Kor'i are there because they just finished a mission and see Jason having a good time with them.
They are confusing because how do they know their Jaybird, and why are they having such a good time with him? How dare they?
So they sit down in the kitchen area and just stalk them, trying to figure out their insiders (what is so funny about 11?(imagine that they went to earth-11, where the characters are gender bended))
After a while, Artmis and B came back from their mission and are joining Roy and Kor'i, and they just sulk together.
A few hours later, Diana and some of the older titans (some of Roy and Kor'is old teammates) walk by and are just confusing because, why are they looking like they plan a murder? And as if they're ready to attack?
"Roy? Kori? Are you okay guys?", Dick asked.
"Not now, 'Wing."
"Artemis? What's wrong?", Diana asked her
"I'm tired, I'll go to bed. Don't worry Diana."
Artemis goes over to the cosmic fuck ups and just leans over to Jason.
"Babe, I'm tired. Do you want to take a shower with me, bring B to bed," and she leans down to his ear and starts to whispers," and then have some fun? I missed you on this mission.", and she just leaves the room because she knows Jason is going to follow her.
Of course, Jason excuses him, wishes them a good night, and follows her.
The New Outlaws : 1
The old Outlaws : -1
The Cosmic-Fuck- Ups: 0
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Picasso: Dad!JakeSully
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 1k
Request:  hi! can I request a dad!jakesully with a daughter reader?? i love the way you write those chapters they are great!! it's totally up to you what you write about just lots of fluff and love between the two :)
A/N: Sorry for the late response, I've been student teaching for the past two months and going to class two days out of the week, and I've been sick so much, so I'm trying to write when i can :)
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Each of your siblings had a role in the family, your twin neyetam was the mighty warrior, lo'ak was the troublemaker, Kiri was the healer, Tuk was the baby that had everyone wrapped around her finger and then there was you the artist. You had been artistic from an early age, what started off as bracelets and necklaces, evolved into paintings and much more, to the point where you started expressing yourself through your hair.
Norm and a few of the other scientists were showing some pictures from the earth, and that's how you learned about hair dye and hair color. They had given some hair to test the dyes out that you made to see how they would look before you dyed your actual hair to see what you liked and didn't, and provided you with many reference photos.  
You were currently sitting up against a tree working on some color ideas, for your hair right now you were leaning towards pink, liking how it stood out against the black.
"Whatcha working on babygirl?" Your dad asked taking a seat across from you.
"Hair color idea, norm, and some of the scientists had shown me of people having different hair color back on earth and it kinda got me thinking." You said showing him the self-portrait you had been working on.
"Your talent amazes me each time I see it." Your dad said looking at your artwork.
"Thanks,dad, so what do you think? Do you think the pink would look good on me?" You asked him.
"Angel you could pull off any color but I think the pink would stand out more. Are you thinking of adding color to your hair?" He asked."Uh maybe? Would you be mad if I did?" You asked him nervously.
"No I think it would suit you, you've always been different from everyone, and I think it's time that the outside reflects the inside." He said making you smile.
"So you're not mad that I'm not a warrior like nete or a healer like Kiri?" You asked him.
"No babygirl, I've known since you were little that you were an artist that's why I always pushed you to explore that. I don't care that you aren't like your brother or sister, I love you for who you are, nothing more, nothing less." He said placing a kiss on your forehead.
"Thanks daddy. I love you too." You said to him.
"Your welcome. Plus I love the designs you come up with for the war parties and ceremonies." He said making you laugh as you two started heading home.
A few days later one of the scientists Diana was helping you add the pink strands to your hair while you worked on a painting for your dad after his comments the other night when your dad walked in.
"Daddy what are you doing here?" You asked him as he took a seat across from you.
"I came to learn how to do your hair that way I could help you do it next time." He said.
"Really? You? Mr. I've had one hairstyle since I was born, wants to learn how to do hair?" You said teasing him.
"Oh it's like that huh? Then you can forget about getting your hair done." He said.
"What? No I'm sorry daddy." You said setting your painting down and crawling over to him and into his lap.
"Nope it's too late, you have bullied me for the last time." He said.
"Nooo I'm sorry daddy, it was an innocent joke. I love you and your basic hairstyle." You said making him roll his eyes.
"I love you too, now go finish getting your hair done before I change my mind." He said squeezing you and kissing your head before you went back to your chair.
It took about an hour to add the color to your hair which gave you time to finish your painting, and for your dad to learn how to do it next time but Diana said that she would help you in case he messed up.
"So what do you think dad? Does it look as good as it did in my painting?" You asked him.
"It looks even better. The pink definitely suits you and now I'll really really be able to tell you and neyetam apart." He said making you roll your eyes.
"Thanks dad. And I made this for you." You said handing him the painting you had worked on.
"Ohh angel this is so beautiful, thank you." He said hugging you.
"Your welcome I sort of got inspired by what you said the other night." You said as you two walked home.
You guys return home and your mother froze when she saw your hair instantly making you feel nervous as your siblings looked at you in shock.
"So what do you think mom?" You asked her nervously as she ran a hand through your hair.
"It looks pretty, who did it?" She asked."
Diana, but she showed dad so he could do it next time. I'm sure she could teach you if you wanted." You said.
"I would like that. You look pretty my dear, now I'll be able to tell you and your neyetam apart." She said as you and neyetam shook your heads.
"Do we really look that much alike?" You both asked.
"Yes you do, this will make telling you two apart so much easier." Your parents said as you two laughed.
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cutiecorner · 6 months
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fanfic • agere • regressors Bruce Wayne and J'onn J'onzz, Caregiver Diana Prince • AO3
My baby J'onn fic is finally done! First time in a while I've finished a fic. I hope y'all enjoy!
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J’onn needed a break. With his new duties on the watchtower, he was in a constant state of stress. Was he dispatching people to the correct assignments? Were more needed? Should he be recruiting? Every moment not at the console was a second wasted where he could be helping. But after a few days of no sleep, there came an intervention. Bruce and Diana had managed to get him to a private room to talk.
“J’onn, please listen to what we’re saying. You need to go on leave.”
“I won’t hear it, Diana. I go where I am needed.”
“You’ve been running yourself into the ground. If you don’t find a way to cope with your stress you could be put out of commission,” Bruce’s voice was gentle but stern.
J’onn looked at the ground like a scolded child. He rubbed his temples in frustration, he knew Bruce and Diana weren’t going to let up. Of course the two most stubborn members of the league were tasked to bring him to his senses. Unstoppable force, meet immovable object.
“Earth is my home now, I need to protect it. I won’t let what happened to Mars happen again,” J’onn’s voice sounded strained, scared. He hung his head. Diana and Bruce sat on either side of J’onn, both instinctually touching him. Before J’onn could protest, emotion washed over him. Worry, resolve, love. He wasn’t intentionally reading their minds but the contact transferred underlying waves of emotion. He tried to avoid touching others for that reason - it was too much, too intimate, but with his friends… it wasn’t unwelcome. He let out a deep sigh. Feeling how worried his friends were broke his stubborn will. He knew it was time to relent. 
“Alright. I will take a few days off.”
Diana smiled her perfect smile. Bruce looked pleased in his own private way. However - J’onn could sense there was something unsaid. Diana’s hand reached behind his back and laid over Bruce’s, seemingly encouraging him.
“That’s wonderful, J’onn. Thank you. Now, Bruce has something he’d like to share with you.”
Bruce looked away, rubbing his neck. Bashful was not a common look for the dark knight. After a moment, he spoke.
“I… wanted to talk to you about a coping mechanism you might find helpful.”
Bruce looked at Diana for comfort, who squeezed his hand in return. This was difficult for him.
“You are aware of my … regression, yes?”
J’onn was. He had witnessed it one time, briefly. After a particularly tough mission Bruce was critically injured. He pleaded with J’onn to bring Alfred to the watchtower, and the two stayed together all night. The next day, Bruce explained why he needed his guardian’s help.
“Yes, I remember.”
Bruce cleared his throat. “Well, it was originally involuntary, but I have found that voluntarily regressing with people I trust has had a positive effect on my overall health.”
Diana chimed in, “Of course, it’s not for everyone, but we thought that the concept may be useful to you,” she took J’onn’s hand, “You take care of everyone in the league, it might be nice to have someone take care of you for a change.”
J'onn took a moment to think it over. He did quite enjoy spending time with his friends, and he didn't get the opportunity often. Maybe participating in this earthly activity would help him understand them more. 
"I… will try."
Diana smiled even wider, before wrapping Bruce and J'onn in a hug. 
"I promise, you're in excellent hands!"
The next day, J’onn, Diana, and Bruce planned to meet up at the watchtower. The watchtower had become J’onn’s home, and he was most comfortable starting their day there. He walked out of his quarters with a knot in his stomach. J’onn could take down powerful mutants without issue, but social settings were always difficult for him. He was anxious for what was to come, as he didn’t know what to expect. However, as the beam of light rose from the transporter, he felt his worries melt away. Diana and Bruce were in civilian clothing, Diana toting a large duffle bag. Bruce looked cautiously around, fiddling with a loose string on his jacket. J’onn greeted them with open arms.
“My friends, thank you for doing this.”
Diana wrapped him in a hug.
“Of course J’onn, anything you need.”
Diana looked back to Bruce, catching on to his nerves. She reached out and held his hand.
“We should get going,” she said.
The trio went to J’onn’s quarters, secluded from the noise and eyes of the other leaguers. Diana loved being in J’onn’s room, it felt so lived in. Given J’onn lives in the watchtower, his room had been renovated to be more like a studio apartment. An extra large bed in the corner (to accommodate his unmasked form), a kitchenette full of his favorite foods, a seating area, and of course, his cat Double Stuff. He greeted them at the door, purring and rubbing against their legs. Diana adored how J’onn’s eyes lit up as he picked up the huge orange cat.
“Sweet boy, you’ve noticed our guests,”
Bruce gave him a tentative pet, and his purring grew even louder.
“He loves you already,” J’onn smiled.
The three of them took a seat on the large, plush couch in front of the TV.
“I can tell you’re both nervous,” Diana said, “but of course, there’s no need to be. I’m here to take care of you, not to judge. You’re welcome to express yourselves in any way that feels healing to you.”
Her warm voice put both heroes at ease. J’onn looked over to Bruce, who still looked a little uncomfortable. He tugged at the collar of his coat, which was still buttoned. Why didn’t he take it off? Oh. J’onn put the pieces together.
“Bruce, do you need help with your coat?” he asked.
Bruce nodded shyly while J’onn scooched over to help him unbutton.
“I did some research into human developmental stages. I remembered that children of a certain age may not have developed fine motor skills.”
Diana nodded, impressed. “Very good, J’onn.”
J’onn felt warmth bloom in his chest. Very good. His hard work to fit in with human society often went unrecognized - it felt so good to be praised about it. Bruce sighed in relief as J’onn removed his coat.
“So,” Diana began with an excited lilt, “I brought a few of Bruce’s favorite activities. I’ve looked after him a few times before.”
Diana unzipped the duffel bag to unveil a treasure trove of colorful supplies - picture books, crayons, blankets, various toys. J’onn was unfamiliar with most of them. He had never spent an extended period of time with such a young child.
“Is it okay if I move your table J’onn? It’s nice to have an open space for this.”
At J’onn’s nod, Diana picked the table up with ease and set it to the side. Next, she rifled through the duffle bag, taking out a large blanket. After spreading it out in the empty space she scattered a few of the toys - a little toy telephone, a small plastic creature, some things with wheels - J’onn marveled at the unfamiliar objects. Bruce was more than enthused about them, though he tried to conceal his giddy smile. He slightly rocked in place, looking at Diana with bright eyes. 
“Go ahead, my love.”
He hopped off the couch and sat on the blanket, immediately going for the little plastic beasts. J’onn cocked his head to the side. Bruce looked up at him.
“J’onn?” He said, in a small voice.
“I am just confused. What is… that?”
Bruce’s face lit up.
“Brachiosaurus!” He smiled.
“A brachiosaurus? Is that an animal? I have never seen one.”
“Dinosaur!” Bruce giggled, holding up the toy.
Diana chimed in. “They are an extinct species, J’onn. They lived on earth thousands of years ago.”
A tinge of sadness tugged at J’onn’s heart. Extinct… The faces of his family and friends flitted across his mind. He stared off into the vast space outside his window. 
“J’onn… are you okay?”
J’onn snapped back to reality, and confronted the concerned faces of his friends. Diana put a hand on his, transmitting love, warmth, worry, understanding. She knew exactly what was wrong after what she said. J’onn took a deep breath and steadied himself. He held Diana’s hand, gently conjuring feelings of calm and comfort in her mind. Bruce was not in this loop - he toddled on his knees to J’onn, eyes brimming with tears.
“It is alright, Bruce, it is okay,” J’onn said, holding Bruce.
“I want to know more about these creatures. What do you know about them?”
A small smile returned to Bruce’s face, and he cozied himself into J’onn’s lap.
“This is a Broch-i-o-saurus. They lived in the Jurassic period, ‘n they were herbivores… they lived in North America, that’s where my house is…”
J’onn nodded along, charmed by Bruce’s soft, gentle voice. He stumbled over his words every so often, his brain going too fast for his mouth to keep up with. All the while, Bruce was moving the Brachiosaurus as if it was traveling down J’onn’s arm. He leaned over and grabbed a second dinosaur, this one standing on two legs with small arms.
“Tyran-o-saurus Rex! Rah!” 
Bruce held it up to J’onn as if the animal was biting him. J’onn let out an ‘aah!’ and fell to the ground. Bruce continued his dino torment, both creatures attacking J’onn. Diana laughed from the sidelines. 
“I’ll save you J’onn,” she smiled, and picked Bruce up by the waist.
Bruce giggled and kicked his legs as the amazon hoisted him into the air, then she gently placed him back on the blanket. J’onn scooched closer to Bruce, picking up and examining the last dinosaur. It had a long head, just like his natural form! 
“What is this one Bruce?”
Bruce perked up and looked up at J’onn,
J’onn giggled, “He looks like me!”
Bruce cocked his head. J’onn looked at Diana,
“Do you think my natural form might… frighten him?”
“Of course not, J’onn. He knows you would never harm him,”
After a moment of thought, J’onn let all his muscles relax. He felt his form start to shift, elongate, transform. When he opened his eyes, he had grown by a foot, his arms and legs stretched out. I hope you’re right, Diana, J’onn thought, expecting Bruce to be scared. Instead, he smiled and clapped his hands.
J’onn returned his smile, holding the parasaurolophus next to his head.
“Just like twins,” Diana laughed.
“J’onn, you know you can stay in your natural form. We want you to be comfortable.”
Bruce clapped in agreement.
“Thank you,” J’onn said.
J’onn and Bruce proceeded to play with their dinosaurs, sorting them, stacking them, crashing them together. J’onn felt his self consciousness melt away as he played. As the time flew by, Bruce showed J’onn how each toy worked. Before they knew it it had been hours.
“Would you like a snack, little ones?”
“Snack…” Bruce cooed.
J’onn tried to gather himself to speak, but he found it difficult. His thoughts were soft and scattered.
“Choco?” He compromised with one word. 
“Of course,” Diana said, petting his head.
Diana returned with cookies for J’onn and applesauce for Bruce, along with a cup and a bottle. She pulled Bruce onto her lap, resting his head on her chest. She secured a piece of fabric around his neck. J’onn wanted to ask what it was, but he found himself unable to speak. He whined. Then, a thought came to him. He touched Diana’s hand, transmitting an image of the fabric to her mind. She was thrown off for a moment, but quickly adapted.
“It’s called a bib, it keeps Bruce from getting messy.”
J’onn nodded with a smile, content. 
“Baba…” Bruce was pawing at the bottle.
“Thirsty, hm?” Diana popped the bottle into his mouth, and Bruce happily drank the milk. J’onn tipped the cup to his mouth, but spilled a little bit down his chin. Diana was quick to wipe his face.
“Maybe I should get you a bib,” Diana smiled.
J’onn thought about it and gave an affirmative nod. Diana placed Bruce in J’onn’s lap for a moment while she fetched a second bib. Soon, she returned and secured it around J’onn’s neck - then she picked up the cup and secured a lid to it.
“Sippy cup,” Diana tapped the cup.
“...sippy,” J’onn repeated.
“Good job!”
J’onn felt that telltale warmth in his chest. He bonked Diana with his head, transmitting happiness, love, appreciation. After a minute of thought, he transmitted a small explanation to both Bruce and Diana. A memory of him on his homeworld, touching his forehead to his loved ones. It was a common form of affection on mars. Bruce bobbed up and down excitedly and fell toward J’onn, bopping him with his forehead.
“Good… job!” J’onn parroted, with great effort.
Soon, all of the snacks were eaten. “All gone!” Diana said, holding up the plates.
“All..gone!” J’onn repeated.
Bruce was softly snoring in Diana’s lap.
“I think it’s about time for a nap,”
J’onn made a confused squeak.
“Na-ap?” He drew out the word.
“It’s a short sleep humans take sometimes. Would you like to join? You don’t really have to sleep, sometimes it’s just nice to be still.”
J’onn nodded, not fully parsing the instructions but willing to participate. He followed his friend’s lead, floating over to the bed and lying down in it. J’onn wasn’t really used to the bed yet, he usually floated while sleeping on Mars. As he lay nestled between Diana and Bruce, he decided - he liked the bed best with his friends in it.
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please old man/bookclub five headcanons, I loved ur last post about him!
hope you're feeling okay :]
I'm going to assume normal bookclub bc idk what s4 "bookclub" is. But I can totally ramble off about him in a casual club for books.
*he reads the books too fast and gets more peeved at the others who end up going very very slow. If someone doesn't finish a book, he admittly makes a comment "why are you in a book club if you can't finish a book is beyond me but-" old man shrug. It's not a fight worth having, he's just being a dick.
* brings the members strawberries and other fresh produce when he can. He likes showing off the stuff he grows and brings snacks.
*gets REALLY into the books. It's like he gets a micro fandom to be in every month. He reads it though like 3 times and then listens to the audio book once. Looks up if there's anything else. Maybe even discovers fanfiction...but he tries not to get that desperate.....he's read a few for particularly addictive books.
*has given a huge ramble about how the Great Gatsby would have been better and a lot of stuff settled if Gatsby and caraway kissed. He does it so casually too like he's not trying to make a progressive point or spark bigger queer discussion. He just genuinely thinks that's the answer to the book. More man kissing.
* speaking of, the more queer books they end up reading, the more he questions his everything. He probably has gone up to Viktor about stuff in these books and try to weasel out a "no it's not like that. Your totally a normal cishet man five." but neh it's ALWAYS "yeah that seems very realistic to the queer existence. Why so curious?" And he ends up not being able to admit he connects with said books. Viktor knows but he's not going to hound his brother any time soon. Five knows once he leaves the closet,there's people waiting to be supportive.
*the old ladies there can't stop babying him. He tries very hard to be as old man and as mature as he can but they don't listen and pinch his cheeks and pat his head. He is trying to do less sudden grandma wrist breaking to he takes it for the most part. They can be wrong. He will keep doing what he does. And he hates to admit the attention from women in his age range is nice. Sad he can't make any moves.
* for the holidays the bookclub goes caroling. Five isn't a fan but tags along. They most likely end up at one of his siblings houses and he gets cold feet. They can't see him in a dorky sweater and singing. Last Christmas he threw a fit about sweaters. But if he doesn't move, the club will leave him in the snow. Ruthless old farts.
Allison answers the door. Around 5 old people, 4 local parents and......five??? They stare daggers at eachother as five poorly sings oh holy night with the group. Then leaves. The other members noticed the tension but didn't want to say much.
*Lila tried to join once to get 'in' with the parents that are involved but was so booooored. "Five, no one should be having this much fun talking this much about a book. Period. Im almost concerned that you have finally gone senial."
*if five didn't like a book, he makes a PowerPoint on why and how. He is very detailed in his opinions. He wishes the others would do the same but no body can match his freak.
*he brings mr. Pennycrumb with him bc service dog and everyone there loves him.
* I think everyone assumes five is just a very lonely mentally or physically ill young man and try there best to be nice. He isn't fond of there borderline pity but he enjoys there company none the less.
* Diana from the PTA makes the best lemon cookies. Five eats more than he should.
*on top of book club, they like to take outings together to walk around and see the community. Do easy elderly friendly geocashes and eat at local cafes. Five likes when they go to the library because then they can snoop around for more books.
I hope you like these :3
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misshoneyimhome · 10 months
How can you look at those pics and want to trade Princess Diana reincarnated…I want him biblically, if I was his partner and saw those I’d be ready on my knees for him when he got home ready to have some baby making practice🥲
Darling, I can practically hear my own ovaries clapping 🥺❤️ I mean, yes! 😍 in a way, I'm actually conflicted by him - I mean, he still seems rather boyish, and you know that insanely charming lover-boy smirk that makes your downstairs lose all control - yet, there's just something about him that screams baby-daddy 😅🫠
Small warning of language (I think...)
A small bump I William Nylander
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"Hey y/n!" Axton called out as he shouted down the halls of the Scotiabank Arena.
"Hurry up, we don't want to be late," Jace added.
"Yeah, coming!" you exclaimed cheerfully, following the enthusiastic young boys closely.
"There you are," Aryne said as you, Jace, and Axton caught up to the group of wives and girlfriends of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
"Sorry, took a bit longer. Turns out I'm rubbish at mini hockey and had to do five push-ups as a punishment," you chuckled, explaining the outcome of the game you’d played with the boys before the hockey match tonight.
"Maybe you just need more practice," Axton sweetly suggested as he settled into his seat. "That's what Daddy always says."
The sweet little boy beamed at you.
"Well, he's probably right about that," you replied with a smile to the youngest of the two, before all of you focused on the ice where the players were about to warm up.
However, the match didn’t start off too well.
The Bruins took the lead halfway through the first period, and then scored a second goal just 8 minutes into the second.
But the Leafs fought back strongly. Matthews scored the team's first goal, and just two minutes into the third period, Domi levelled the score 2-2.
Time passed, and despite the Leafs’ impressive comeback, the Bruins struck back and took the lead once again 10 minutes later.
However, just when everyone believed the Leafs were finished, Matthews pulled off the unexpected and scored, levelling the score once more, just 8 seconds before the final buzzer.
Despite the Leafs' incredible comeback, the Bruins came back even stronger. After nearly five hard-fought minutes, they clinched the game in overtime, ending it 4-3.
The corridors were filled with light chatter as everyone awaited the players' emergence from the locker room. That was, until Jace, Ashton, and some of the other kids started playing mini hockey and suddenly shouted out loud.
"Mooom!" Jace's voice echoed through the halls.
"Oh, shit," Aryne murmured. "I wonder what they've done now…" She sighed deeply, glancing at you with the newest addition to their family in her arms.
"Do you want me to go and check on them?" you offered a sweet smile, well aware of the boys' tendencies that might lead to a disagreement.
"Oh, no, one of them started crying... But maybe you could hold her while I go and check?" Aryne suggested with a concerned expression, and you eagerly nodded in response.
The newest Tavares member was absolutely adorable, and you couldn't help but smile as you cradled the baby snugly in your arms, ensuring she was secure in her comfortable blanket and protective headphones to shield her from the noise.
And just as you hugged and gently swayed to keep the baby calm, William emerged from the locker room, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of you.
You and William had been together for a couple of years now. And initially, your relationship was actually just all fun; a rebound from your previous relationship to be exact.
However, there was something about William that kept drawing you back to him. And he simply cherished having someone he could always rely on and spend time with.
At first, it was all casual, no-strings-attached sex - meeting up after a game or when he returned from a road trip. But then it evolved; you started spending the night, then several days, and eventually ended up staying at his place even when he was away.
And this routine continued for several months until William's teammates encouraged him to bring you to a match. So, he did, leading to his teammates then noticing the chemistry between you. And soon after, he had to acknowledge that there might just indeed be something deeper between you two.
Since then, your relationship had been absolutely fantastic. You had so much fun together, trusting each other and feeling completely at ease in one another's company.
To put it mildly, William had fallen harder than he ever anticipated, and now he couldn't imagine letting you go.
However, despite the wonderful connection you shared, there were serious topics that didn’t come easily. Moving in together was one of them. It wasn't until after you’d met his parents and they’d pointed out how strange it was for you to pay rent when you practically lived at William's place.
And another one was the future.
William just didn’t speak much about it. At times, you even wondered if it was because he didn't envision a future with you or if he simply didn't think that far ahead. And as it turned out, it was more the latter.
William enjoyed living in the moment, which for now, meant focusing on his career and having you by his side.
So, you brushed aside any concerns about the future and focused on the present.
However, when William saw you holding little baby Tavares, something did stir within him. The sight of you with a baby, wearing a wide smile on your beautiful face, sparked an unfamiliar feeling. As he slowly walked towards you, a smile appeared on his lips, and he couldn’t help but imagine how it might be if one day that baby was yours and his.
"Hey," you smiled at him as he approached. "Ready to leave?"
William nodded.
"I just need to wait for Aryne to come back and take her," you said, meeting William's gaze for a moment. "What?" you chuckled lightly, noticing a different expression on his usually smug face.
"Nothing," he simply smiled and shrugged before Aryne came over to take the little one back into her arms.
"Thank you, y/n... You're a natural," she smiled at you before you bid your farewells and left the arena.
However, the image of you with the baby lingered in William's mind for the rest of the evening. It was a new vision he hadn't considered before, but there was something about it that felt just right.
You, however, didn't dwell much on it. You had a great relationship with the Tavares family, enjoyed spending time with the boys you occasionally babysat, but that was the extent of it. You didn't think it was something William would dwell on, so why should you?
On the following day, the topic of children continued as the Maple Leafs players were invited to meet with the SickKids of Toronto.
It was a tradition for the team, and after not being able to do it since 2019 due to the pandemic, they were all eagerly looking forward to it.
For the players, it meant a lot to give back to the community - whether through financial donations or simply being present as role models, it brought them immense joy nonetheless.
And that day was filled with nothing but happiness – as much as possible, of course. As William walked into the room to greet the children, wearing his jersey, and seeing their faces light up with excitement, it meant the world to him. Being part of an event that spread so much joy to children who faced constant struggles meant everything.
The atmosphere buzzed with laughter as the players interacted with the children, sitting down to create homemade friendship bracelets. Some of the kids crafted bracelets spelling out names like "Felix" for Auston, and they all took selfies together, sharing their stories. These heartfelt moments simply struck a chord with everyone.
Throughout the day, the media team made sure to capture these touching moments. And when the day ended and the players bid goodbye to the young ones, they were all deeply moved, though they didn't show it openly because of their tough-guy image.
But once they were all back home, things were different.
"Hey, baby, how was your day?" you asked as your boyfriend entered the condo.
He wore a soft but slightly sorrowful expression as he joined you in the kitchen where you were by the stove. William moved gently, wrapping his arms around you, and resting his head on your shoulder before placing a tender kiss on the crook of your neck.
"Emotional," he simply replied. Feeling his body leaning into yours, signalling his need for softness and intimacy tonight, you turned your head slightly and met him in a gentle kiss.
"Well, I made one of your favourite meals," you spoke softly, prompting him to glance over your shoulder at the dish you were preparing. Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes with gravy and lingonberry. "Thought it might be an emotional day for you guys, so..." you offered a sweet smile.
"Have I ever told you that you're an amazing girlfriend?" William remarked, nudging you gently as he kept his arms around you while you finished preparing the meal.
"Um, no, in fact, you should tell me more often," you chuckled.
Then with laughter and smiles, you both set the dinner table and prepared to enjoy the delicious meal together.
But during the meal, you couldn't ignore William's subdued silence.
"Hey, what's on your mind?" you softly asked as you both neared the end of the meal. "Talk to me, Willy…"
"Just thinking… about those kids," William spoke almost in a whisper. "They don't deserve this... But they have no choice. They deal with these struggles every day. I mean, what if it was our kid?"
His question caught you off guard. What if it was our kid?
Our kid...
It echoed in your mind before William interrupted your thoughts.
"Are you okay?" he chuckled slightly, noticing your stunned expression.
"Huh… oh yeah, sure," you offered him a sweet smile. "I just..." You hesitated, unsure whether you should explore the topic further. But William was already on to you.
"Talk to me, y/n/n," he gently urged, repeating your own words.
"I just wasn't sure if you'd thought about... that."
"About what... kids?" William chuckled lightly, and you nodded, looking down at your plate, softly fiddling with the last meatball. "Well, maybe I haven't thought about it much... But after seeing you with Johnny's children yesterday and I’ve been spending time with those kids today, it did make me think things," William added with a chuckle. "Also, I come from a big family – and I know my mom would love to have grandchildren one day, so... I don’t think it's too crazy to consider."
His voice was tender, prompting you to look up and search his eyes, hanging onto every word.
"Me neither," you softly spoke, flashing him another sweet smile. "So, maybe it's in the cards?"
And William couldn’t contain his excitement either. "One day, maybe… yes," he simply replied, before both of you finished your dinners, smiles lighting up your faces.
For the rest of the evening, everything between you was soft and tender.
Thoughts about finally opening up that conversation about the future, went thought your minds, and as you both went to bed together, you fell asleep with smiles on your faces, envisioning a family together in the future.
The following morning, the images of a future family with William still lingered in the back of your mind. Despite trying to push them aside while getting ready for work, it wasn't easy to ignore.
What made it even more challenging was when the Toronto Maple Leafs' media team posted photos from yesterday's meeting with the SickKids.
Sitting at your desk, you scrolled through the photos and watched the short video of the guys interacting with the children. And it touched your heart deeply. Seeing the lads engaging with the kids, their smiles evident even behind face masks, hit harder than expected.
Especially the pictures of your boyfriend.
The way he connected with them, showing so much love and care, made your heart skip a beat. You could almost feel a flutter in your lower stomach.
"Shit," you softly mumbled to yourself, trying to calm your beating vagina, as you kept looking through the pictures.
It was in that very moment, you became surer than ever that one day, you wanted nothing more than for William to be the father of your children.
Imagining little versions of him running around, with his blond hair and blue eyes mixed with your own genes, causing as much mischief and noise as he’d done with his siblings.
Holidays and vacations spent together as a family, with extended family joining in to celebrate festivities; that was your biggest wish for the future.
So naturally, throughout the workday, your mind lingered on thoughts of your incredible relationship with the love of your life, especially now that you'd shared your thoughts about the future. It simply all felt so perfect.
And later in the evening, as William returned home from an afternoon training session, you had subtly decorated the condo to set a romantic mood. He immediately noticed the candlelit ambiance throughout the living room but was more captivated by something else: you.
Clad in your finest lingerie, wearing a seductive smirk, you stood in the doorway, your gaze fixed on him.
William couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he approached you, his hands gently finding your waist as he drew you close.
"So, is this what I get for mentioning kids?" he smirked, his touch gentle yet firm against your body.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his face down just slightly. "Perhaps," you chuckled. "Well, at least the practicing part – you know, before we're ready," you winked playfully.
"Hmm, well, it's good to practice really hard," William replied before connecting his lips with yours, allowing a soft exchange before lifting you up and carrying you to the bedroom for your own private 'bedsheet training session.'
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