#and donate when i can
melyzard · 9 months
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It's not over! It's not hopeless! Progress is still happening and we have a chance to undo the damage or prevent any further! We are not doomed!
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stil-lindigo · 7 months
This is a verified fundraiser for a family of four to evacuate to Cairo. The fund's creator, Amal Abu Shammala, reached out to me personally to share this since she's failed to get her fund on Operation Olive Branch and Let's Talk Palestine's fundraising linktree.
As of right now, she has raised €2,397/ €42,000. You can see the breakdown of what the money will be used for in the fund description.
Please give generously!
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tierras · 17 days
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hii everyone 🥀🪽 i wanted to share that i will be traveling to cairo at the end of november and will be meeting with displaced Palestinian families. til then, i will be fundraising for these families in hopes of providing funds for them to pay for their rent, clothing, food, medical expenses, and any other needs.
to meet my goal, i am also planning on having a couple raffles throughout the next two months so stay tuned <3
update 9/14: enter my first raffle!
but for now, please reblog/share and donate to my campaign
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lnmei · 2 months
Palestinian Fundraiser Donation Match! 🕊️🇵🇸
I decided to use a recent payment I received for an illustration to donate to every Palestinian who reached out to me this past week. Please share this list, and if you are able, pick at least one donation to match me! Many small donations can go a long way which is why I took the time to put together this post. (date: August 11)
@esraayyad14 | vetted here | match my €5 donation
@mohiy-gaza | vetted here | match my $5 donation
@azaxa | vetted here | match my €5 donation
@abedallhferwanagaza | unvetted but likely legitimate as reverse image search of gfm pictures turns up 0 results (post) | match my €5 donation
@mahmoud0hilles | vetted here (#198) | match my €5 donation
@noorabd1992 | vetted here | match my $5 donation
@ayaalanqarsblog | vetted here | match my €5 donation
@ahmedalnabeeh11 | vetted here (#218) | match my €5 donation
@ehabayyad23 | not yet vetted (created after all tumblr users vetting campaigns have stopped) but very likely legitimate as reverse image search yields no results (post) | match my €5 donation
@emanfamily81 | vetted here | match my €5 donation
@samarsh97 | vetted here | match my €5 donation
@mayadayyad81 | vetted here twice (#144) | match my $5 donation
@bisanalbalawi18 | vetted here | match my €5 donation
@malakabed | vetted here | match my €5 donation
@abdelmutei | vetted here | match my €5 donation
@lailashaqoura | vetted here (#152) | match my €5 donation
@fedao | vetted here | match my $5 donation
@motaz225 | vetted here | match my $5 (~$53 SEK) donation
@free-gaza2 | vetted here | match my $5 donation
@ahmadresh | vetted here | match my $5 donation
@falestine-yousef | vetted here and clarified here | match my $5 donation
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findingoblivion · 8 months
There’s a $500 laptop at the phone store across the street that would let me stream and start making money and building my community again, but realistically I can’t afford to spend that much money in one month, that’s more than my rent.
I know this isn’t the best cause or most important thing ever but I’ve had the same shit laptop that barely functions for 5 years now, and it’s probably going to die soon anyways, in which case I will be completely fucked as I am disabled and can’t make it to most in person jobs, I mostly work from home when I’m employed. Plus you know, there’s that whole thing where my entire life is online and all of my relationships are long distance.
So yeah, if you have a few spare bucks I’d really appreciate it if you could throw some my way. I can also do writing commissions for you for any fandom and premise if that’s something you’re interested in.
My PayPal is [email protected]
If you’d prefer to make a payment through wise or interac e transfer if you’re in Canada please DM me for those details. I can also share my AO3 and some other writing examples if you’d like.
Reblogs are also greatly appreciated!
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b4kuch1n · 8 months
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Hello! Honoring the call for a global strike, from now (24/01/2024) until the end of this week (6AM Monday 29/01/2024, Hanoi/Jakarta time (GMT+7)) I am offering one full-body sketch of any character you want for every e-sim you donate.
All you need to do is:
go to gazaesims.com
follow the instruction there and donate an e-sim of any plan
screenshot the confirmation of your purchase and donation
send the screenshots to me via either email ([email protected]) or Tumblr DM, along with the character you want a sketch of and any references you have on hand.
Standard commission/request guideline applied. I'll run streams in the next four days (and perhaps after as well) on Youtube doing these sketches live - those will be announced on this blog as they happen.
I'm not currently affiliated with the Cartoonist Cooperative or any other artists doing the same drive, but if my art's not what you're looking for, definitely give the Coop's site as well as the e-sim tag on Tumblr a look! And if you're not looking for sketch commissions from me or art commission in general at the moment, I encourage you to donate an e-sim anyway if possible.
Thank you for your work and support - I can't wait to draw your character!
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daily-linkclick · 5 months
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cheng xiaoshi.. at least put the ring on correctly...
a prompt for a kind anon over on the SGDLR Gotcha for Gaza fundraising event who wanted CXS putting on the flower ring for LG like in S2! the fundraising part has ended but please check out everyone who participated, and consider donating to other Gotcha events too!
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bibewilderedandbuck · 3 months
First time they say ‘boyfriend’ this or ‘my hot pilot’ that. What about the crew finding out tommy and buck fucked bc he thinks he cant donate blood?
Only the worker at the drive tells him that the only criteria for Not being able to donate in California is: close contact/lived with someone with hepatitis in the last three months, having tested positive for HIV, or undergone dental surgery in the last 72 hours.
Everyone looks at Buck expectantly and he nods holding out his arm. “Can’t believe i just told everyone that we had sex.” He doesn’t look the slighted bit ashamed.
Tommy slaps a hand on Buck’s shoulder and eyes the clearly visible hickeys that go from his ear to under his collar. “I think they already knew, babe.”
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broncoburro · 3 months
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The mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) is the national animal of Palestine. I've designed a vinyl sticker inspired by it. All profits will be donated to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund.
Order form and further information here. Reblogs appreciated.
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hey everyone - i know there’s a lot going on in the world right now, a lot of causes that need support and visibility now more than ever.
i’d like to take an opportunity to highlight a cause that’s very literally close to home for me: i live very, very close to springfield, ohio. the haitian community there has always needed help and support but now, with white supremacist rhetoric and bold faced lies being circulated nationally, with threats of violence and heightened ignorance being more common than ever, they need it perhaps more than they ever have.
there has been a lot of hate since trump and his little bootlicker attack dog jd vance have started this shit, but there’s also been an outpouring of love and community outreach in the weeks since springfield was thrust into the worst kind of spotlight.
the hatian community support and help center has been invaluable in helping hatian refugees get what they need to start a new life here. they are headed by a team of haitian immigrants that are personally familiar with what their fellow immigrants need. they have been instrumental in keeping their community from falling through the cracks.
i’m humbly asking, if any of you can - please, please consider donating to the HCSHC. every bit helps. and if you can’t donate, please, please share this around. if you’ve ever reblogged one of my posts or found them funny, if you’ve ever scrolled through and liked and reblogged what i’ve put here, i implore you to share this too. this is a very personal cause for me; i want to see these people who are new here, who enrich our community but are met with too much derision and spite, receive the help, respect, and dignity they deserve.
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wittyworm · 5 months
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Going to be making stickers and posters and spreading this around my town hopefully soon. the green square is going to have a QR code that will have a bunch of resources and ways to help. Iv gathered some of my own but if anyone has resources they think would be helpful or have suggestions on ways to best do this (its just me and my sister) id really appreciate the help.
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twitchyglitchy · 2 months
What do I have to do to get out of here? Who do I have to beg on my knees to so I can leave?
Get me out of my house
P@yPal: twitchyjayson
Current Goal: $55/$800
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abra-ka-dammit · 26 days
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Here I am again to beg for help paying for my (remaining) cats. Just when I thought I managed to get out relatively-cheap and easy with Zeppelin's quickly solved crystal scare the other week, Zelda cat started having severe difficulty breathing the night before last.
Her lungs look pretty wack on xray and ultrasound, with things that could indicate stuff like cat asthma or long term chronic airway disease, and theres a little air around one lung and under the skin of her chest somehow(???), but she's not presenting in a way that matches up to anything well enough for the doctors to know what's going on. Simply put, while I managed to squeeze the ER visit and 12 hour ICU stay into what had been cleared off my carecredit along with a little overflow on my near-maxed credit card, i cannot afford anything else. I managed to convince my mom* to loan me the $1653 and change in order to bring home a buster kennel and oxygen condenser along with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory meds: basically, I'm home-treating her for the Recover-From-able potential issues this could be. If this treatment plan ends without getting her back to a state where she can breathe "room air" again, the other things it could be are all things that would be irreversible, require serious surgery, or would otherwise ruin her further quality of life, so... you know. Let's hope this works, or once more euthanasia will be added to the bill.
Any help is greatly appreciated, especially since I'm inevitably going to need to go in for a follow up appointment whether this (seems to me like it) works or not, and unfortunately this all happened literally right before rent hit and I don't get paid again until friday of next week (9/13) so i have. no idea how im doing that yet.
*Part of the money my parents paid is refundable upon return of the kennel and oxygen machine but my father has already sent me long guilt trippy texts about how i'm ungrateful (apparently sobbing and thanking them as i continue to live in poverty to avoid further burdening them about my own human needs doesnt count) and essentially need to pick myself up by the bootstraps and afford my own cats (as though this freak timing, the ever worsening economy, or whether better jobs actually hire me is somehow totes under my control) so, yknow. yay for bonus stress
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head---ache · 8 months
Hello, as many of you may know, I'm from Chile, and I want to share with you what's happening right now, and that has been happening every summer for as long as I can remember.
Every summer, as soon as December hits, we start to see impressively big forest fires, especially in the south of Chile, where there's the most vegetation to get burnt. As summer goes on, the fires start appearing all over the country.
These fires are widely believed to be started intentionally by real estate companies, to be able to build more houses, because these terrains aren't being sold to them because of the vegetation they possess, but after they're burnt, they are able to buy them, and build freely.
Today there are currently many fires happening in my region, in my city. This morning I just happened to visit the capital (Santiago) with my family, and on our way back home we saw three different fires.
My cousin wasn't able to return home from work, she'll have to look for somewhere to spend the night, on a different city. Some of my brother's friends had to evacuate their homes. Public transportation is not working right now. The streets are filled with infite traffic, of people having to evacuate their homes. Some of my friends' relatives lost their homes, and don't know if their pets are okay. There's so many people that got lost during the evacuations, especially children. And I don't even know when I will be able to post this, because I do not currently have access to internet, nor electricity, and up until recently, water was also unavailable.
I also need you to know that many of these fires happen in hills, where, usually, the most vulnerable people are situated. Many of the houses that are in danger started as tomas, and some of them still are. A 'toma' is the conquest or occupation by force of a square or city, and most of the times, these happen so that people who do not have a house, can build a house. These houses are built by these people, and are extremely vulnerable. This is who is in danger of losing all their efforts, their belongings, and the roof over their heads.
All of this to say, if you see someone from Chile asking for help, please do, in anyway you can. Due to the current events, they probably need it.
Hopefully I can post this soon.
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solradguy · 3 months
The Internet Archive could be like "Dear readers, we must go to war post haste" and I would be like "Yes, m'lord" and start oiling my claymore
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blackbatofel · 4 months
What are Clark & Bruce's love languages for each other?
I think Bruce's would be acts of service and gifts. He's a fixer, and he'll jump at any opportunity to help others, specially those he loves. Thing is, he's also a bit controlling (understatement of the century), so he'll most likely do these acts of service without asking first (same with the gifts), and I can imagine that, at least in the beginning, it'll bother Clark. But he'll eventually get that that's how Bruce shows he loves him, and he'll make a point to ask him to not intervene whenever he deems necessary.
I can also imagine a situation where Clark tells him he doesn't like expensive gifts, so Bruce's solution is to make his gifts more personalized and meaningful. Bruce would give Clark the most earth-shattering sweet gift, like something he made with his own hands and worked on for months, and he would just shrug and say "it's nothing, I just thought you would like it" while Clark is on the verge of tears.
Clark's love languages would be words of affirmation and quality time. It's canon that he doesn't shy away from telling it to Bruce how it is (more often than not, that means calling him on his bullshit), and I don't think it would be any different when it comes to telling him directly how much he cares for him and showing his affection with words. Of course, Bruce would short-circuit for a second, but he'll get used to it. I also like to think that Clark would try to make time to be with Bruce as often as he could. He would visit him at the cave and accompany him while he works, or drop by during patrol just to say hi.
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