#and dont get me started on the way they treat irl asian people its so fucking stupid
flareboi · 1 year
white women who are obsessed with kpop are genuinely the one of the insufferable types of people in the world
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sunieepo · 10 months
i find it fascinating how "pro-localization, anti-translation" a lot of online leftist spaces are, to the point where its Assumed this must be the Correct opinion on translations and if you disagree its because youre a dumb monolingual (rather than leaving it to a matter of personal taste, even for an asian-american like myself... lol)
*especially* when you consider that heavy localization has prominent roots in xenophobia and anti-multiculturalism
and that heavy localization has, in the past, been used to scrub all evidence that a piece of media originated from a foreign country. or in the case of nintendo, has been used to remove canonically transgender characters. or in the case of smt, has been used to change entire characters' identities in racist ways. etc...
the very concept of changing a piece of media's literal translation so that it's "more digestible" for the target audience culture is (imo) inherently anti-multiculturalist, and honestly just flat-out unnecessary in 2023, in the age of the internet, where we as a society are starting to have more and more cross-cultural communication.
i think we (especially asian americans...) have a right to feel uncomfortable with the very vocal crowd of pro-localization people in the leftist space who posit that their *preferences* should be taken as fact.
so yes, i do take issue with every post that supposes i must be a monolingual for not liking it when localizations change characters' names to american sounding ones because obviously ethnic sounding names are too hard for kids to pronounce, right? since obviously there are no real life children of color with ethnic names who get mocked for their names irl or are forced to use americanized names around their peers.
i could go on with 30 more reasons why heavy localization bothers me, but im tired and i wont. im not even saying i think localization is inherently wrong! just that i wish i was allowed to dislike more extreme versions of it without being treated like im dumb for it.
i understand that fully 1:1 literal translations are impossible. i understand that languages dont work that way. but in MY PERSONAL OPINION, that doesnt mean we need to go the total opposite direction and just completely radically change shit to make it ~easier for people to digest~. i am diametrically opposed to that as a concept; i find it borderline anti-intellectual, even.
but w.e i know this is the internet so no one will take this post in good faith, will they, lol.
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whiteanti · 5 years
this is honestly such a big issue within our communities, the "reclamation" of slurs. and i hate it so much esp when white passing ppl do it like hello? i dont like it when they call themselves people of color either bc they dont fucking know the struggle of being racialized, they only know how to whine abt not being white enough for the whites n poc for the poc. i wish we had another term to call ourselves bc white passing weirdos and spicy whites took the term poc and fucking ran with it
(1) lmao theres this person whos url is [redacted] whos south n se asian but is like ¼ chinese and and made ch*nk jokes then ppl confronted them on anon n they said its just whites trying to police their “pocness”… and what bugs me about ppl like this is how they dont reclaim slurs they just use them to be edgy online. it doesnt matter how much % dna u have of an ethnicity if ur not racialized as it dont fucking use slurs u know u’ll never be called they have literal worms for brains
ok sorry for reformatting like this I’m just already anxious as hell bc of exams rn so I rlly can’t deal w getting into fights w ppl like that but anyways ik who ur talking abt and its the same person as I was but I don’t have any receipts and I haven’t interacted for the past couple of years so I’m not gonna assume u know. also idk if these r the same anon but these r kinda similar so I’m gonna out them together. my reply got rlly fucking long so its under the cut 😛
anyways I feel like a lot of ppl esp on tumblr ‘reclaim’ slurs for the edginess of it bc they’re teenagers in a white society trying to figure out how to b a poc in a way that isn’t acceptable to white ppl and/or they think its CoolTM bc all their mutuals r doing it. like to a certain extent I get it bc when I was 13/14 I was like that as well. I called myself a chink bitch and all that shit but also I was a fucking dumbass kid who was doing both of the above. but ppl who r 17/18/19/20+ who carry on doing these crazy fucking jokes and tell kids who r impressionable and young that this is a good and healthy way to reclaim their identity? wack. the way ppl treat each other and the way ppl have normalised treating themselves w absolutely no respect in the name of activism or whatever is….. just crazy. calling urself slurs to degrade urself isn’t funny reclaiming shit ur just making urself feel worse. theres literally nothing positive abt it ur making no impact, ur doing positive for ‘the cause’ or urself either. so thats my thoughts on most of the ‘slur reclamation’ that happens on tumblr. 
onto what ur actually saying sdkjfhs I basically agree 100%. ppl who r white passing shouldn’t b able to reclaim slurs bc they’re never gonna have the slurs used against them if they’re white passing? bc like being able to reclaim a slur basically has 2 parts a) was the slur targeted at u (e.g. a butch lesbian can’t reclaim f*g even if its used against them bc it’s meant for gay men and they’re just being mistaken to b a gay man) and b) are u ever actually gonna get targeted by the slur (e.g. a white passing person is never gonna get called a racial slur in the street bc they look white). if u fit both them congrats u can reclaim the slur! but generally I find it rlly iffy if ppl just start throwing around slurs or calling other ppl that slur esp if its not widely reclaimed in the community (big example: YELLOW) 
but also if ur white passing and u decide that ur gonna reclaim a slur ok thats fine bc technically ur a poc but u literally can’t get angry at poc who freak out when u say it bc??? u look white??? what do u want us to do look up ur fucking family tree before u start throwing slurs around??? like anyways I’ve always had a whole mess of issues w white passing ppl and tbh mixed white poc to a certain extent esp when y'all act like the shit u get from poc is just as bad as racism…. like getting ‘rejected’ by a poc culture aint as bad as literal racism but anyways. white passing poc r like….. what u want me to do……. feel sorry for u?? apologise??
like white passing ppl have a unique place in society to b able to stand up against racism in white spaces bc y'all do know what its like to b a poc to a certain extent and obviously have access to white spaces as well. white ppl trust u as an ‘ambassador’ for poc bc u look white but every time I interact w u guys either irl or online u side w white ppl/racism bc its so nice to benefit from appearing white but not so nice to have to stand up for poc. like this is so many ppl ESPECIALLY white passing e asians u guys r transparent as hell. obviously not every white passing person is like this but from all the white passing ppl I’ve interacted w like shits the same bruh. 
ok like 50th anyways but ANYWAYS like I identify myself a lot as a poc online bc theres a lot more solidarity politics(? idk if thats the right term but lmao) on here than irl. the internet is a good way to connect w different ppl that u wouldn’t otherwise meet irl so thats why. its a hard issue bc a lot of the time ‘poc’ merges ALL of our experiences together whether ur rich, poor, white passing, an immigrant, black, asian, etc, etc, etc and we all obviously have different experiences of racism and how we interact w our race/ethnicity and as I’ve said before whilst ‘poc’ is a kinda useful term sometimes for solidarity and talking abt racism generally but its overused a lot. theres no harm in being specific abt the kind of racism u face if its specific to a certain race or ethnicity or group or whatever. 
also tbh a term for non-white passing poc would b useful that doesn’t surround the idea of white passing ppl being the norm. (something like visible poc? idk) but anyways this has gotten so long I’m just ranting/rambling at this point so I’m sorry for answering ur asks so weirdly?
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