#and drawing stuff for it/my ahit au (as well as possibly my other aus)
ravensroleplays · 2 years
Yeah so...I mentioned in a post that I reblogged some time back that I’m just going to keep my BATIM AU pretty much the same...I was toying around with some ideas for incorporating Audrey, and the events of BATDR into my AU, but in the end I was like ‘nah’, and decided to just leave my version as is (though I don’t mind doing threads with BATDR roleplayers, or even discussing ideas down the road!)
I will, however, be making one change to my main BATIM AU/verse--I realized it didn’t make any sense for Joey not to be happy with Bendy when he was basically perfect in every way, so I’m going to say that, when Bendy first came to the real world, his inky body would sometimes start to melt when he got too happy/excited. Think Dani from Danny Phantom, and her unstable body, but with a bit less angst (at least, until Joey decided to kill two birds with one stone regarding Bendy’s unstable toon body, and his own illness...)
TBH, at some point I may or may not look over ALL the verses for my various AUs, and scrap a few...a certain one in particular now being kind of redundant with my upcoming original story, Oasis to Oakwood, which I’m planning to start drawing more for next year. Though hey, given that I’m planning to focus more on my original stuff, as well as other things, in 2023, I’m admittedly not entirely sure how much I’m going to keep doing stuff for my AUs...
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ahatintimestorybook · 4 years
AHIT Twin AU- Vanessa
Hey everyone! Here is the next chapter before I head back to writing angst for you all! Yes angst will be coming back! Prepare yourselves!!
Also just a big side note, as much as I want to do an arc with Luka and Vanessa dating, that’s hard for me due to the nature of their relationship. I’m someone who does shipping stories and I tend to make them romantic and cheesy yet adorable as possible. As much as I’d like to make a cute couple story with the two before...all this...it would be weird to make a cute story with Vanessa and Luka as we all know what kind of relationship the two have and what happens with Luka.
I might write one in the future, but for now I just plan on writing how they met (this one) and the downfall.
Hope you enjoy it!
Subcon Law Academy was one of the biggest and only law schools in Subcon, and is where 18-year old MJ and Luka would be attending. After doing everything they can since March to get accepted to the school it finally paid off as they were finally here, taking law classes and studying to become lawyers like their mother. When they arrived, MJ parked the car and got out along with his little twin brother.
“Can’t believe we're finally here!” Luka grinned.
“I know! All that work in pulling all nighters, studying, and everything else while balancing senior year of high school was worth it.” MJ added.
“Yeah!” Luka agreed as he gave MJ a high five. The two grabbed their stuff and were ready to enter the building when a limo caught Luka’s eye. He, MJ and a couple of other students stopped to see which celebrity had decided to enroll in law school.
From the limo a long haired blonde haired girl wearing a green outfit over a blue collared blouse, a maroon skirt, and black shoes came out of the limo. She was saying goodbye to the driver, once the driver left she quickly ran inside the building surprising everyone.
“Who was she?” Luka wondered.
MJ shrugged. “I don’t know, but that was pretty weird she just ran off like that.” He pointed out.
Luka flinched and turned towards MJ, “Pretty weird? She’s pretty, pretty.” He gushed.
“Oh brother.” MJ sighed, shaking his head.
Inside the law school building, the blonde girl left the bathroom, and now had her hair tied in a ponytail with a green ribbon. She was ready to walk to class when she tripped and fell, dropping all of her stuff. The girl huffed blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face.
Luka went over to the girl and helped her pick up her stuff. “Are you okay?” He asked.
“Y-yeah I’m fine.” The girl replied. She was about to pick up her dairy when Luka grabbed it as well, touching the girl’s hand. The two looked up at each other, and Luka blushed seeing the young girl in front of him.
The girl blushed seeing Luka, and her red ruby eyes glistened as she stared into Luka’s burning yellow eyes. “Uh...hi there.” Luka spoke still frozen in place staring at the young girl
“H-hello.” The girl replied, stuttering a bit.
The two were just staring at each other’s eyes as everyone around them just disappeared leaving the two alone. Luka picked up the book and handed it to the girl and saw her name written on it. “T-this is yours, right, Vanessa?” He asked as he read the name written on the book.
Vanessa nodded and took the book back before holding it close to her. “Y-yes. I’m Vanessa Queenzel.” She replied, introducing herself.
Luka’s eyes widen hearing the name. “You're the daughter of Elizabeth Queenzel! Your family has been helping Subcon for generations! You're like the ambassadors to Subcon!” He exclaimed. Luka paused himself, blushing in embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his head. “S-sorry if I sounded...creepy just now.” He apologized.
Vanessa chuckled, “It's fine.” She reassured him. Luka smiled and held his hand out for Vanessa to take it. Vanessa stared at Luka’s hand and smiled, taking his hand as he helped her up. The two were just staring at each other smiling and blushing, not saying a word.
Luka chuckled, breaking the silence. “I should introduce myself, I’m Luka Prince, but I should warn you if you see a boy that looks like me except wearing a ponytail, that’s not me, it's my twin brother.” He explained.
Vanessa giggled as she leaned in closer to the younger twin, “I like you Luka.” She commented. Luka blushed harder now. “Y-your really funny.”
“T-thanks.” Luka replied. Luka was blushing harder now and smiling like a complete idiot, and in front of the richest girl in Subcon. He didn’t know what else to say to Vanessa, he never dated nor talked to a girl. I mean he did, but this was different to him.
Now it was Vanessa’s turn to break the silence. “So what’s your class, by the way?” She asked.
Luka pulled out his schedule and Vanessa did the same, the two compared schedules and smiled seeing they had the same class together. “Well want to walk to class together, Vanessa?” Luka asked.
Vanessa giggled and took Luka’s hand. “Of course, Luka.” Luka and Vanessa walked to their class together, and as they were couldn’t stop blushing or glancing at one another. When they did one of them giggled making the other giggle as well.
MJ was sitting in class waiting for his little brother to show up. Class was about to start in a few minutes and Luka wasn’t in class like he promised. MJ sighed and grabbed his cellphone to send his brother a text message, but then he saw Luka walk in holding Vanessa’s hand talking to her.
“So that’s why you're here because you think law will help your family?” Luka asked.
“Yeah.” Vanessa sighed. “I’m not too much of a law major, but its one of the many subjects my family never learned, so I want to be the first Queenzel woman and family member to study it.”
Luka chuckled. “You are something Vanessa.”
“Ahem.” Luka and Vanessa turned to see MJ glaring at the two of them, his fingers drumming on the desk.
Luka chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. “S-sorry MJ.” Luka apologized. MJ glared and turned towards Vanessa. “Oh MJ, this is Vanessa Queenzel, Vanessa this is my older twin brother Michael or MJ.”
Vanessa looked at MJ, who the later raised his eyebrow at and then turned towards Luka. “W-wow you're not wrong, Luka. You two do look alike.” Vanessa noted. Luka smiled and sat down next to his twin brother. Vanessa then followed, by sitting in the chair next to Luka.
MJ raised an eyebrow at the rich girl talking with his brother. Vanessa then turned to MJ and waved at him. MJ gave a sheepish smile and waved at Vanessa back.
“Your brother is nice.” Vanessa told Luka.
“Oh he is!” Luka agreed. The two continued to talk till class started and the two went quiet.
During class, Luka and MJ studied and listened to what was going on in class. Though as the professor wasn’t looking Vanessa took out another sheet of paper and doodled all over it. The drawing was of Luka with hearts and cute words for him.
Luka smiled at the drawing, and as much as he wanted to comment on it, he had to focus on the lesson. MJ was annoyed by this girl, the two just met and now they're acting like they’ve been dating for over a year. Though MJ sighed he couldn’t just assume anything of Vanessa, but it just felt annoying the two were making goo-goo eyes and giggly with each other.
By lunch MJ saved a quiet spot for him and Luka to enjoy lunch together. However, when Luka showed up he brought Vanessa with him. “Hope you don’t mind MJ, but could Vanessa sit with us?” He asked.
MJ sighed. Guess brother time would have to wait till they get home. “I don’t mind at all Luka.” He sighed.
Luka smiled as he and Vanessa sat down to have lunch. MJ was relieved lunch was quiet between Luka and Vanessa. No flirting, no goo-goo eyeing each other, just enjoying lunch. MJ sighed as he took a bite of his sandwich.
“Michael.” Vanessa spoke up.
“Vanessa, just call me MJ.” MJ corrected her.
“Sorry.” Vanessa apologized. “MJ could I see what you look like without the ponytail?” She asked.
MJ looked at his ponytail and held it. “I really don’t put my hair down.” He hesitated.
“Come on MJ just show her for one second. It will surprise her.” Luka pleaded.
MJ sighed and rolled his eyes. He put his lunch down before messing with the blue hair tie he uses to tie his hair and removed it. He shook his head and Vanessa was even more surprised with how much MJ does look like Luka. MJ started to feel uncomfortable and went back to untie his hair, “There you saw it!” Once he got his hair tied back up he went back to finish his lunch.
Vanessa frowned feeling disappointed, but Luka reassured her everything was fine. “MJ is probably just shocked by this whole thing since well you know. Just give him time he’ll open up to you.” Vanessa smiled at Luka’s statement, and hoped so as well.
After lunch the trio went back to class and everything played the same again, however it was more tame then earlier in the morning. After class Vanessa was the first one to leave class, which confused the twins again.
“She’s in a rush.” MJ said.
Luka sighed. “I don’t know why?” He wondered as he and his brother left the building of law school to head back home. As they were walking back towards their car Luka felt the air gave out on him when Vanessa tackled him with a hug.
“Hi Luka!” Vanessa giggled.
Luka sighed seeing it wasn’t a mugger and turned to see it was Vanessa. However, before he could greet her he saw she had removed the ponytail and her hair was long like it was when school started. “Oh.” Luka replied, surprised. “You removed your ponytail.”
Vanessa gave a small smile as she ran her fingers through her long blonde hair. “Y-yeah.”
“I hope this doesn’t sound rude, but I like your hair in a ponytail, it's cute.” Luka commented. Vanessa quickly looked at him in surprise. However, Luka groaned as he gave a face palm. “S-sorry. T-that was stupid! Completely pecking stupid!”
“N-no! It's fine!” Vanessa reassured him. “I’m not offended really.” Luka started to calm down and faced the young girl. Vanessa sighed and twirled a bit of her hair. “It's a long story, you see my-” Vanessa was about to explain why, but was interrupted by her limo driver.
“Vanessa! We have to go! Your mother is waiting for you!” The driver called out.
Vanessa sighed. “See you tomorrow Luka.” She gave Luka a hug, which completely surprised him. As much as Luka was surprised he replied back hugging Vanessa. She said her goodbyes to Luka and ran off to her limo and got in. As the limo drove away she smiled at Luka before she drove away from him. At least till tomorrow.
“He’s perfect.” Vanessa sighed.
“She’s perfect.” Luka sighed as he and MJ were driving home.
MJ sighed and rolled his eyes. “Oh brother.” He whispered.
“I’m going to ask her out tomorrow!” Luka revealed.
“What?!” MJ snapped. Glad he was at a stop light otherwise he would have slammed the car in front of him. “Luka, you just met her and now you want to ask her out on a date?!”
Luka blushed nervously. “Well, yeah.”
MJ groaned. “Luka you and Vanessa just met. Think you could wait a while before asking her on a date?” He asked.
Luka went quiet and thought for a second. “Alright. Alright. I guess I’ll ask her out later.” He sighed.
“Good.” MJ replied. “I don’t mean to be overprotective. It's just I don’t want you rushing into a relationship that fast.”
“I know that.” Luka answered back. MJ and Luka sighed calming down after the whole ordeal. “So, what do you think of law school so far?” Luka asked; changing the subject.
MJ smiled. “I like it so far. We made an excellent choice.” He said.
“Same.” Luka and MJ smiled and laughed before MJ played music on the radio and the brothers decided to jam out to the first song that was being played.
Days passed being in Law School, and it was finally Friday.
“Want to go out sometime?” Luka and Vanessa both asked each other. MJ almost fell out of his seat hearing that question. Luka laughed, “I-I wanted to ask you out first!” Luka and Vanessa said again. “No I wanted too.”
Vanessa and Luka laughed seeing they were saying the same thing. “I mean I’d love to take you out Vanessa, when are you available?” Luka asked.
“Anytime after law school.” Vanessa answered.
Luka smiled. “Great! I know this great ice cream shop we can go to.”
Vanessa smiled and clapped her hands. “Perfect! It's a date!”
MJ sighed and sank down in his seat. He knew his brother was happy about getting a girlfriend, but why in the back of his mind he was so goddamned worried.
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