#and either way they're making me sob in my room
thebibliosphere · 3 months
Wait, is Jason in Gotham Knights body horror? Because it doesn't feel like his body even tho he's controlling it? (He died, he came back, it's not the same and never will be)
Or is it more analogous to puberty and feeling like you don't know anything about your body anymore?
Just having thoughts about that boy again
I think Jason in Gotham Knights is very much connected with his physical body. It's his biggest weapon, possibly more so than his guns, given his lasting connection to the Lazarus Pit and the power it gives him.
His backstory talks about building himself up to peak physical condition into the absolute unit he is now, and you can either see that as someone trying to reconnect with their physical self or someone vowing never to be small or weak again.
I tend to think of it as both. It's a reclamation of his physical form but also a transformation into something bigger and stronger that ensures he's the scariest, meanest-looking mother fucker in the room. Basically someone you can't underestimate as a threat.
(Try not to think too hard about the fact that he now largely resembles Bruce in stature, that he is now the group's heavy hitter, the most menacing and the most likely to strike fear into the heart of his opponents, and that Jason molded himself into the person he needed to be rescued by as a child. Don't do it. Do not. I am normal about this.)
But he obviously struggles with feeling present mentally sometimes.
You'll see him zoning out occasionally, touching the J-shaped scar on his face before violently shaking himself back into the present.
He has panic attacks while playing a dance video game with a coffin in it—a coffin his character becomes trapped in because he's not moving fast enough. (hello, trauma)
He's angry all the time and so relieved when Barbra expresses her own rage at something because, yes, finally, someone else is letting their emotions out instead of bottling it up (Dick).
His emails are littered with orders for self-help books, emails from his therapist moving his sessions around, and concerned messages from his friends (Roy comes to mind) saying if he needs to get out of Gotham, they'll make it happen.
Alfred holding him while he sobs over losing Bruce still breaks me every time. I have to pause the game and walk around my house until I feel normal again.
And then there's the cut scene where Dick asks, "Hey, remember that time we all [insert funny thing here]," and Jason admits, somewhat angrily, that no, he doesn't because Lazarus took entire swaths of memories from him and he hates how he can't connect with people the way he used to and he hates the way they all look at him (the way Dick is looking at him now) when he admits he doesn't remember something they clearly loved about the old him: the version of him who didn't have volatile mood swings or made people flinch when he did something as mundane as handle a kitchen knife -- the undead monster he came back as*.
The fact that Dick then contrives to recreate this memory so Jason can be included in a newer version of it -- while also giving him what is arguably a weapon -- fucks me up every time. Dick just yeets a kitchen knife at him, trusting that Jason will catch it, and then just steamrolls over Jason's rightful 'what the fuck' expression with "Hey, we're making food. Get dicing."
And Jason knows what they're all doing. He's aware of it, and he gets the teeniest, tiniest smile before smothering it out. Except he can't quite. He's still smiling as he chops the vegetables. And yes, they're all hopeless at cooking compared to him, and he knows he's going to end up taking over, but that's okay. Because this is for him. He gets to control it.
And that's how Jason gets to make a new memory, one where he is handed a weapon and gets to turn it into a genuine expression of nurturing and care.
Because he does care about them. He wouldn't conspire with Dick to bake Barbara's favorite childhood cookies if he didn't. He wouldn't try so hard to be gentle with Tim triggering the shit out of him while he's struggling with his grief. He just doesn't always know how to express it because he doesn't always know what he's feeling.
Is his anger valid? Or is this Lazarus Pit Rage? Is he being overly sensitive because of his trauma, or is everyone else underreacting because of their trauma? (Should he sign them all up for therapy, quite probably, yes.)
So, you could perhaps argue that Jason experiences body horror in the sense that he doesn't remember all the pieces of who he used to be. (Speaking as someone with severe memory loss from medical trauma, it's certainly a type of horror.) But I don't think it's because he's detached from it physically or doesn't feel in control of his body. I think it's his mind that worries him.
His body he can control. It's his mind that still sparks green sometimes.
*Re the scene with Tim when Tim calls the Talons monsters. "What about me? Do you think I'm a monster?"
No, they don't.
But Jason does. And it scares him shitless.
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
(Thank you for reading this and have a great day!!)
I definitely see dad Miguel treating reader like a child, no matter what age you are. You could be a strong, independent woman, and to Miguel... you're a baby🥺 Everytime you get frustrated when he tells you no, or doesn't allow you to do what you want, he thinks you look absolutely adorable, your brows furrowed and your nostrils flared, and Miguel just has to just lean down to your level and you think that he's gonna offer you an explanation and in his mind, he does, but all he really says is-
"I know what's best for you, mija."
And if you dare to say "you're not my dad!", he won't say anything because yeah, you're right, but he will stare at you intimidatingly until you either take your words back or change the topic.
I think Miguel is not someone who talks much (but he still expects you to converse with him regularly) and so when he doesn't wanna argue with you, he may or may not shoot a web to seal your lips shut, just so that you give him enough time to explain (which again he doesnt), but he does use this time to tell you that you're grounded and then again, uses his strength against you to pick you up like a little bratty kitten and drop you back to your room.
I also think that Miguel definitely sees you as this helpless creature that would absolutely DIE without him. It doesn't matter if you're a spider-person like him, no. To him, you're just a frail kitten that needs papa Miguel's help to shelter her from the pouring rain and bubble wrap you and cuddle you and just- protect you from this all too harsh world.
And you could be trying to break free from his grasp, going of about how he didnt need you to pull you from your universe, how you had your life under control and what not, and Miguel would just sigh and shake his head and mutter "Teenagers🙄" EVEN IF YOU'RE AN ADULT.
Miguel isnt someone who talks about his feelings, definitely not at first, he just bottles everything up until the lid pops off and someone else has to face his fury. BUT that doesn't he doesn't expect you to talk about yours. He's super observant so the moment he notices the slightest change in your mood, or the way you breathe, oh he's bugging you to tell him whats wrong. I mean he's breathing down your neck, which as you already know isnt great because he is the only person you're allowed to talk to (minus Peter B Parker and Mayday), and eventually, he may even tie you upside down with his web to make you talk. And he's just nodding and offering up solutions/therapeutic advices (not really, they're just compromises) while you're getting blood rush from hanging off the ceiling for so long.
Also going back to the "you're not my dad!" thing, I think if you say it enough times, it does start to hurt him and eventually he reaches a breaking point where he does end up getting mad and bares his teeth at you as he yells "I AM, NOW! AND IF YOU DON'T START LISTENING TO ME MIJA, YOU WILL REGRET IT! NOW, MARCH OFF TO YOUR ROOM!" And sure, you get spooked enough to run off, but not before you yell like a very cliche, angsty teen "I hate you!" and you slam your door close before he could scold you again. He still comes right up to your door, probably to ground you even more, but he doesnt have the heart to open the door when he hears your sobs. Damn, now you just broke his heart. So, Miguel leaves, deciding its best that you two get some space to cool off.
Now I see Miguel as the type of dad who doesnt really apologise (mostly because he doesn't feel like he's done anything wrong) but instead offers a parley or a white flag of sorts in the form of food (like some cut up fruits and veggies, or even your fav takeout) and sure, his heart is still heavy with guilt, even more so when he sees your swollen red eyes indicating how you've been crying for days, so he clears his throat, maybe shifts in his seat a little and asks about your day or something random, heartbreak intensifying 100X when you refuse to talk to him, making him resort to something thats... uncomfortable for you both.
A hug.
I mean this has to be the most awkward hug in history, because Miguel just swoops you up and places you in his lap, pulling you to his chest and telling you that he's not letting go until you talk. STILL NOT APOLOGISING, I mean there is a greater likelihood that you may end up apologising to him but Miguel sure as hell isnt saying the word "sorry" (unless you're dead, specifically if u die in his arms hehe).
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dovabunny · 10 months
GhostSoap AU - Replaced
Cw: angst
They'd been a (secret) thing for almost a year now. Soap was smitten, but respected Ghost's boundaries to keep it private.
But over all these months, Ghost never said he loved him too. He never makes future plans with Soap either.
He keeps turning down invites to go on leave together or meet his family,l. When they're out on missions will always elect share a room with Price over him.
Soap starts to feel like less of a secret lover and more like... Ghost's dirty little secret.
Like he's just being used.
(Read rest below)
It all blows up one night.
The gang had been at a local bar. Some flooze had apparently been making eyes at Ghost and Gaz noticed. Thinking he's being a good friend and wingman, he introduced the two.
Soap had to sit and watch Ghost talk to her at the bar for 20minutes.
Everytime she touched his arm or bought him a drink he wanted to rip her off him.
But what hurt more was that Ghost didn't immediately turn her down, instead entertaining her attention for a drink or two. He didn't tell Gaz he wasn't interested.
Soap was just a spectator.
"So? Get her number?" Gaz eagerly asked when Ghost returned.
"Nah. Not my type. Too chatty."
Gaz rolled his eyes. "Picky bitch. She was pretty. And if you're not into chatty why do you keep him around?" He playfully winked at Soap.
It was a joke. Didn't mean it didn't hurt.
Not when Ghost didn't even reply.
Soap announced he's leaving early. Ghost followed and caught up to him. The cold air did nothing to ease the burning hurt.
"You coming over to mine tonight, Johnny? I doubt they'll be back till after midnight."
Soap grit his teeth and kept walking. "Dunno. Maybe you should go ask your redhead slag."
Ghost glared, voice cold. "That's uncalled for, Johnny. She was just being friendly."
"Friendly, huh? Too bad she's chatty. Apparently that's huge turn off for you."
Ghost grabbed his arm and stopped him. His eyes and tone incredulous. "That's what this hissy fit is about? You're jealous and touchy over that comment? I thought you'd be happy I didn't take her number."
"I would've been happy if you didn't entertain her flirting at all!"
Ghost's eyes turned hard. "And what gives you the right to dictate who I talk to?"
Soap stared for a moment. It hurt. It fucking hurts but he needed to know.
"What am I to you, Simon?"
Ghost was quiet.
"A fling? A partner? A lover? A fucking sex toy? What am I to you!?"
Months of insecurities were bubbling up. The alcohol that loosened his tongue didn't help either as he yelled.
"Don't raise your voice to me, Sargent. I'm still your commanding officer." Ghost said in a tone reserved for intimidating interrogations and reckless recruits.
"...that's it? You're my CO and I'm your Sargent? That's- that's all it is for you?" Soap hated how his voice trembled.
"I didn't make any promises, Soap." (Soap. Not Johnny.) "You have no right to make demands of what I may and may not do, and I won't be chained down!"
"I don't want to chain you down! I just wa-"
"Sounds like you do. Bloody hell, if you didn't want to fuck anymore - fine. There's no need for the tears and the drama, Sargent."
It was only then that Soap realized he was crying.
Ghost cursed and kept walking without him.
Soap feels like he's been punched in the chest, a gaping void left where his heart and lungs should be.
Apparently all the secret kisses Ghost stole, how he held his hand when no one was looking, the way he held him when they were alone were all just what? Drama? In his head?
Soap spends the night sobbing his heart out off base in an empty parking lot with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
By morning he told himself there's no use crying over spilled milk.
But it wasn't that simple. For either of them. It was the start of the end.
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whenmemorydies · 2 months
Breakdown of a racist microaggression in Ice Chips 3x08
This title is misleading because any scene with Donna in it is likely going to be one gigantic macroaggression of some sort lol but I wanted to talk about this scene in Ice Chips and how subtly but impactfully it was played by all the actors in it:
Recall the beginning of 3x08 Ice Chips. Donna has just done her narcissistic thing in the parking lot of the hospital, ignoring-a-very-pregnant-and-about-to-give-birth Natalie's pleas to "shut the fuck up" and we are now in the hospital room with the two of them.
Donna is continuing to do her narcissistic thing and has begun to regale everyone in the room (which at this point is Natalie and a nurse) with stories about being a mother, asserting herself as an expert on the journey her daughter is about to embark on.
She tells Natalie and the nurse (who happens to be Black) about how badly she wanted to be a mother. She said its because:
I wanted someone to love me the way I had seen.
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So yes, alarm bells. Wanting a baby so you can feel loved? Probably not the best reason to bring a whole other person into the world.
Note: Mikey entered the world with so much of Donna's expectations and trauma waiting to receive him like his first swaddle. No wonder he knew from a young age that pursuing a singular passion of his own was not going to happen for him because he had people to look after (recall his discussion with Tina in 3x06 Napkins). Parentified, eldest siblings unite /sob.
But back to Donna, Natalie, the nurse and the hospital room.
Donna then hits us with this curveball - her feelings about the exact parent/child relationships she had seen:
You know, all those smug mothers down at the Jewel, blocking the aisle with their strollers.
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Donna is jealous of those mothers. She wants to be one of them. She wants to block the aisle at the Jewel (which a quick google tells me is probably short for Jewel-Osco - a chain of grocery stores in Chicago). She's so resentful of mothers with children, that she calls them "smug" for no other reason than they're probably not yelling at their kids in public (lol, also more yikes). She wants to be smug too. It's almost like Donna doesn't want a child, but what she thinks a child will give her: love she clearly hasn't experienced either as a child herself or as an adult . And also the power to be smug and take her place at the Jewel. Its almost like, to Donna, a child is an object, a means to an end.
But we're not done.
Then Donna says:
Do you know what Gina said to me? Gina fucking said to me - she looked down at my stomach - she says to me,
'You know, Donna, there are lots of good Chinese babies, honey.'
And then Donna turns to the only racialised person in the room, the Black nurse and says:
I mean, can you imagine?
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And to her credit, that nurse did not kiss her teeth (she has so much more patience and professionalism than me lmao) but I felt her reaction to my CORE:
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The biting of tongue, the looking up for divine intervention to get the person speaking to shut the fuck up, the looking down and pursing of lips when you realise no such help is coming, lmao.
I felt that reaction because I have been in this situation so many times as a racialised person (specifically as a non-Black POC). What is the situation exactly? The situation is a white person making a racist comment or "joke" in front of BIPOC folks in order to feel validated in their racism. The situation is getting BIPOC folks to collude/cosign in racism by doing it in front of them and trying to get them in on the "joke" too. This nurse was not having any of it.
For folks who are unsure about what was racist about Donna's comment: the "Chinese babies" Donna is likely referring to are the wave of Asian-American adoptions (where largely white Americans adopted children from China, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and other East Asian countries) that began during the Cold War. The racism is the exporting of Donna's previously discussed objectification of a child, to the East. If she can't make a baby to fill the emotional vortex of her heart, Donna can buy adopt a "Chinese" one (the use of "Chinese" to refer to a myriad of nations and people is also racist). To be clear: white people treating BIPOC folks as objects to fill their needs and not as humans deserving of dignity and respect, is racist.
And yes, this is Donna recounting what someone named Gina has said to her. Its not technically what Donna has said so she's innocent right? Wrong. Donna is recounting a racist incident in front of a BIPOC person whom she has no relationship with. She's not condemning the racism of her friend so for all we know, she may have the same views as Gina - that Asian babies are fine to be adopted if you're a white woman who's feeling very lonely and just wants a baby really badly. This is deeply uncomfortable. My skin was crawling during this scene.
Natalie, observant woman that she is, clocks the nurse's discomfort right away:
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And then Donna says:
The joke was on her. God rest her soul. I was two months gone with Michael at the time.
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So we know Donna is not condemning Gina for her racism. She's condemning Gina for assuming Donna couldn't get pregnant on her own. Great. So now we and the nurse have a better sense of Donna's position here (Natalie being Donna's daughter surely already knows her mother's position).
Understandably, the nurse does not take Donna's bait and does not affirm her statements. So Donna doubles down in her condemnation of Gina, trying to get the nurse to affirm her any way, any how.
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Natalie can see where this may end up going (when JLC does that upside-down-smile-grimace, even I know this is about to get messy lmao) so, being the well-practised parentified daughter that she is, she intervenes:
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Then Donna reassures Natalie and the nurse that she did call Pete and she did leave a message and that everything is good. Still Donna needs affirmation from the nurse (can we talk about white folks needing BIPOC folks, in particular Black women, to affirm and hold their feelings for them? Can we talk about the demands of emotional labour?) so she tries another tactic:
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The nurse can see right through Donna's posturing:
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But she remains respectful and professional, politely responding: Wow.
(which wasn't as sarcastic in the scene as it might read here lol)
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Natalie, like the nurse, can also see that her mother is, in fact, on one:
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When the nurse does not give Donna anything more than "wow", she gets visibly pissed off. She pulls a face like "That's it?! Wow? Don't you know how hard it is to walk while being in labour?!" JLC goes FULL upside-down-smile-grimace:
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But before Donna can embarrass herself further, she gets interrupted.
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By a visibly Asian nurse:
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And proceeds to shut the fuck up:
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The way I CACKLED at the end of this scene lol.
Anyway, I was rewatching this episode for another meta but as is often the case with this show, something else revealed itself in the rewatch, so here we are.
This scene in Ice Chips is literally only one minute long. But the subtleties of facial expression, the looks thrown, the silences, the script choices were *chef's kiss* for so accurately depicting a racist microaggression and the inherent narcissism of racism itself - above and beyond any other mental health diagnoses that Donna might have. This scene was a perfect example of someone having mental health issues and also doing tone-deaf and racist shit, and how blurry those things may appear when you watch them in action.
As humans, we can have multiple things be true of ourselves at the same time. Donna can be mentally unwell and can say and do racist things. Natalie can love Sydney - an unambigiously Black woman - like a sister and also love her unambiguously offensive (lol) mother Donna. Carmy can love his largely BIPOC staff but then treat them like cogs in a machine at work.
I'm not saying that humans contain multitudes, the end. If some of those multitudes are harmful to BIPOC folks or other groups that face systemic discrimination then it is imperative that we try to change the behaviours we have that are harmful. Donna has work to do, so does Carmy and so does Nat. But I'm also saying this shit is messy and its complex. I just thought I'd point out that 3x08 Ice Chips did a great job of showcasing a bit of that mess and a bit of that complexity.
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jasmineoolongtea · 3 months
Hi!!! How are you? I really like your blog and I saw you're taking requests rn? I have a little request, with either Gojo, Yuuta or Megumi, whoever you'd like to write it for/whoever fits better.
Basically, I just had a really big exam recently and the results came out and I didn't make it. It's hurt me a lot but I'm trying to be okay, I hadn't got a lot of time to study for it honestly, so I was like 50/50 confident but it still hurts seeing my efforts go to waste. And my parents are trying to be understanding, they really are, but it's not the kind of understanding I need right now. They're like, "Oh darling it's okay, you did your best even though we were confident you'd crack it easily," when all I need is to be held and told it's fine and that I'm worth more than just an exam. So I was thinking something where the reader gets off a call with her parents and is crying quietly in the bedroom because their attempts to make her feel better only made her feel worse and then the character (whoever you choose!) notices and it's just cute cuddles and reassurances?
a/n: hiii, i'm doing alright!! i'm so sorry to hear that and i've gone through the same things before. it does suck when that happens and it's gonna suck for a while but remember at the end of the day, it's just one exam and this one exam won't determine everything, plus i'm sure you'll bounce back even stronger in the future!! instead of just doing one i'll do all three of them and i hope that you feel better soon anon + sending a virtual hug your way ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕
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gojo satoru knows eavesdropping is bad, more so when it's deliberate. but in his defence, he only had good intentions when he approached your room with a mountain of treats and gifts practically ready to burst out of his arms the minute he saw your face.
well, at least that was the initial plan. that is, until he heard an unfamiliar and frankly terrifying sound originating from behind your door.
maybe he should have had more tact when opening your door, possibly even knocking beforehand as a way of announcing his presence to you, but in that moment, thoughts like those were the least of satoru's worries when he met your tear-streaked face peering up at him from your curled up position on your bed.
a loud thud echoes within the walls of your room, various objects suddenly falling from his grip as he makes his way towards you. you don't look at him though, curling further inwards into yourself as if in an attempt to hide your swollen eyes and flushed face away from him. you can't hear it, but satoru's heart cracks slightly at the mere sight of you like this.
"hey, sweets." his voice is soft, possibly the softest you've ever heard him speak. you're still turned away from his, your sobs dying down as you attempt to trap them in your throat. the bed frame creaks slightly with the new addition of his weight.
it doesn't take a genius to tell that you're clearly not in the mood for talking or jokes or any of the typical antics that he would pull out of his arsenal to see that smile of yours that he loves so much. it also doesn't take a genius to see that things like your phone aren't doing much to alleviate your pain since you keep glancing anxiously at it every 2 or more seconds.
he takes it upon himself to flip your phone screen upside down and place it inside your bedside cabinet, out of sight, and this earns him a shaky sigh of relief from you. the grip you have on your knees relaxes ever so slightly more but he knows that this isn't going to solve everything.
you don't react any further, it's as if you're frozen in your position, lost in whatever dark recesses of your mind you're trapped in. featherlike touches dance across your skin before being replaced by a much more solid, palpable feeling of his arms wrapping around your figure and suddenly there's a glimpse of light peaking through all of the gloominess.
the moment you register that it's satoru that's pulling you into him, you can't help but just let yourself go and sink into his steady grip as you bury your face into the expanses of his chest. finally just succumbing to the sheer exhaustion of just trying to hold everything in, you start sobbing unabashedly, letting all of the emotion pour out of you with satoru being more than ready to be the one to soak it up all for you.
a gentle hand caresses your back with drawn-out strokes as you allow yourself to be comforted by the steady beat of his heart, a reminder of his presence right next to you. "it'll be alright." he murmurs quietly, his words of comfort only audible to you, the only audience he cares about right now. you feel a soft kiss being placed on your forehead as his lips linger there for a moment longer.
satoru might not know why you're feeling so down but at least he knows that he can be the person to make whatever burden you're dealing with just a little bit lighter and sometimes, that's enough for the both of you.
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there's a lot that fushiguro megumi is known for being good at such as studying, handling pets and wild animals, being quiet and brooding (according to everyone else except himself).
there's also a handful of things that megumi is known for being bad at such as conversations, getting his hair to stay down and comforting people in most scenarios.
maybe it's just him but he always finds himself tongue-tied at the worst times and is secretly so busy with being worried over the idea of him putting his foot in his mouth and saying the wrong thing that might make things worse to the point where he just chooses to say nothing, not realising that this also doesn't help the situation.
so when he stumbles into your room, after hearing the tail end of your conversation with your parents over your phone that only resulted in you breaking out into tears and is now faced with a deeply upset you, safe to say that he's very unsure on what he should do.
carefully, he makes his way into the room and sits on the opposite end of the bed from you. as he gets closer towards you, you feebly attempt to wipe off the tears streaming down your face in an attempt to downplay how you're feeling, lest you worry him.
that should be the least of your worries, he thinks silently to himself.
the room is largely silent, both of you avoiding looking directly at the other, that is until megumi suddenly speaks up. "...do you wanna talk?" he asks, his voice slightly hesitant. the same old fears of potentially saying the wrong things, especially in such a delicate situation like this, are swirling around in his mind again and he can't help but listen to them.
you shake your head, glumly. he so wishes that he could take away your pain and sadness in an instant, even if he were the one to bear it instead if it meant that you would stop hurting, but unfortunately, the world doesn't work like that.
"okay." he pauses for a moment, as if pondering on what next he should say or do, in this case. he reaches out his hand and gently grasps your wrist, pulling you towards him and into his chest. like waves caught up in a current, you let yourself sink into his grip and fall into his comforting embrace.
for some reason, when all you can feel is the warmth of his body radiating off of him and onto you with the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest against your cheek, you can feel most of the sadness that previously flooded all of your senses start to melt away, like ice thawing when the sun comes out. you wrap your arms around him and in return, he rubs tender circles upon your back.
you whisper a "thank you" under your breath and he nuzzles his face against the crook of your neck.
megumi may be bad at talking or using his words to express what he's feeling or even to communicate with others, however, when it comes down to it, it seems that he doesn't need to rely on words to be there for the ones who truly matter to him.
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some people might think that okkotsu yuuta is being dramatic when he says that one of his worst fears is seeing you sad but to him, this fear and worry of his is very much a real one and it breaks his heart when he notices your once joyful expression has now morphed into something much more melancholic.
he's on his way to your room after seeing how downcast your mood was today, compared to your typically more cheery demeanour when he suddenly stops in his tracks after he picks up on another female voice coming from your room.
your mum's voice rings out from over the crackly speaker of your phone. "oh sweetie, i'm sure that was just a silly mistake and it'll-"
you cut her off bluntly, "i'm sorry, mum. i just think i need some alone time right now." and with that, you quickly hang up your phone in dejection, throwing it slightly off to the side as a deep sigh escapes your lips.
yuuta clears his throat awkwardly from his place in the doorway and you're suddenly now aware of his newfound presence in your bedroom. his tone is clearly apologetic as he speaks, "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to overhear your conversation, i was just on my way to check up on you after noticing how down you were today."
"i-it's fine, yuu." you reassure him, well as best as you can in your current state as you hastily try to hide any traces of your crying from him. "i'm just not really in much of the mood to talk right now." you don't dare to say more, afraid of the sobs that you've been choking down up to this point might break out.
he nods solemnly to himself.
"then do you mind if i come in?" he asks tentatively and you shakily nod back in response. he walks into your room and takes a seat next to you on the bed, though leaving a slight space in between you two as if he knows that sudden proximity to someone else, especially when you're in a state like this, might just be too much for you.
he raises his hand, stopping at a short distance away from your face and tilts his head at you, as if asking for permission. slightly confused you nod, thinking that he's going to cup your cheek or something, but instead, he brings his finger to your cheek and starts wiping away the tear streaks running down your face. his touch is so gentle, and the care and love he has for you is so evident through how delicately he's taking the time to caress your face as well at the same time.
you can't help but feel your lip wobble slightly with how tender he's being with you. the corner of your eyes start to burn a little bit as you attempt to hold your tears back though you feel your resolve wavering ever so slightly with each brush of his fingertips.
yuuta slowly moves his other arms around you and pulls you towards him into his embrace. you take that as him allowing you to latch on to him and so you do as you burrow your face into his shoulder, sinking into the comfort of his touch. he hums softly under his breath as he whispers words of gentle reassurance. it feels like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders as quiet sobs escape from you.
he pays them no mind though, only seeking to soothe you with his touch and reassuring affirmations. you squeeze his hand twice as a silent 'thank you' and he presses a fleeting kiss against yours in return.
to yuuta, this is nothing worthy of a thanks from you as this is merely a drop in the ocean if it means that your heart is just a little less heavy.
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luvsturniolo · 8 months
ー ★ !! inebriated
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pairing : chris sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : after being dragged to a party by his brothers, chris finds himself stumbling into a very drunk girl — who looks like she's on the verge of either puking or sobbing. he can't tell which.
a/n : i haven't touched my keyboard in literal months so i wrote this purely due to the fact that i needed to get back into this writing lore ! if this is super shitty & bad, i apologize. this is ur warning !!
also ! there will be underage drinking, so if that sort of thing bothers you in any way i advise that you click off of this rn and find another fic.
also x2 , this will be switching POVs a bit. i'll put their names above each scene tho, so it's not confusing.
wc : 8k
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"i don't know if this is a good idea." chris says, warily, as he and his brothers trudge up the stairs toward the loud dorm room. they're all the way down the hall, and he can still hear every single lyric blaring from the speakers.
"oh, don't be a fucking wuss." nick rolls his eyes, gently nudging his brother in the side with his elbow. nick laughs a bit, but when he notices the genuine uneasiness displayed on his brother's face, he feels a twinge of guilt in his gut. "okay, fine. i have an idea."
chris looks up at nick with a deep furrow in his brow, "i hope your idea involves us going back to our own dorm for the rest of the night."
"well, not exactly." nick tells him. "how about matt and i go to the party, while you wait out here in the hall all night?"
chris lets out a loud groan, twisting to sit down on the staircase. what annoys chris isn't the fact that nick is so uncharacteristically persistent about attending this stupid party. it's the fact that he offered this idea as though he genuinely expected chris to sit out in the hallway for hours.
nick rolls his eyes at chris's childish behavior, leaning against the wall of the stairwell, seeming to have completely given up on trying to convince his brother to come along with him. he simply watches with an amused face as chris throw a tantrum.
matt — who has become incredibly sick of listening to his brothers' bickering the entire walk across campus — finally decides to butt into the conversation. he sits down on the stair beside chris, draping an arm over his shoulders. chris glances at matt out of the corner of his eye.
"i have an idea, too." matt tells him with a gentle tone. "wanna hear mine?"
for a moment, chris looks uncertain. but matt is so good at comforting people that he can't help but give in, agreeing to hear his idea as well. "fine." chris mutters.
"listen. you come to the party with us for twenty minutes." he says, making chris immediately let out a fatigued sigh. but matt quickly continues to explain. "if you're still wanting to leave by then, let me know and i'll take you back to our dorm without any questions. but if you end up having fun, you'll stay with us and give us both twenty bucks for having to listen to you whine the whole way here."
chris doesn't hesitate to agree to this deal. he shakes matt's hand to solidify the agreement and the three of them continue walking to the party.
there's no way in hell chris is going to enjoy this. the booming music paired with the stench of alcohol and weed is undoubtably going to give him a splitting head ache by the end of these twenty minutes.
parties aren't exactly your cup of tea, to put it lightly. you've only been to a few throughout your entire collage career, and you've never found yourself liking them. there's always far too many people in attendance for you to be able to relax or enjoy yourself. so, you've managed to avoid them thus far.
but you've had an incredibly rough day today, and you're pretty keen on the idea of being able to drink your pain away.
you've been friends with jasmin and elaine since you guys were in middle school. the three of you were inseparable for years, and everyone knew it. you were always closer with elaine than jasmin, simply because your guys' personalities merged better. as a trio, you guys spent every single weekend together since you were kids. your families all knew one another. you gossiped together about boys and drama and school. you confided in each other, and didn't spend a second apart.
however, that all ended today. you found elaine making out with your boyfriend in your guys' shared dorm room a few hours ago.
you had been dating kade for two years now, and you introduced him to your friends immediately when you guys met. you were excited to show them the wonderful boy you'd fallen for. they seemed to like him, and you guys became a quartet. you, elaine, jasmin, and kade. it was perfect. for two whole years. but it's all ruined now.
as soon as you walked in on elaine and kade in bed together, you called jasmin to tell her the news. she seemed just as shocked and betrayed as you were, and she rushed to your side instantly. you'd been in her dorm ever since, marinating in your own pitiful sorrow.
the thing is, you've been cheated on before. yes, it hurts ; it hurts like hell. but losing elaine hurts far more than losing your silly boyfriend. plus, kade had always been a bit of an asshole. elaine was the one who disapproved of him the most. the two of them always argued and made banter playfully. god. now you feel like such a fucking idiot for not realizing sooner.
"hey," jasmin says with the softest voice imaginable.
she opens the door to the dorm with a gentle creak, carrying in your favorite candies along with her. she trudges across the room before sitting on her bed — which you've made into your own. the mattress dips under her weight before she sets all the sweets down onto the duvet.
you sit up with a quiet word of thanks. ever since the incident, you've been tangled up in jasmin's blankets with a pillow pressed over your head to drown out the noise of a nearby party being thrown a few rooms down the hall.
"where'd you get all this?" you ask jasmin as you shuffle through the candies, finding the sweetest ones and unwrapping them joyfully.
"paxton is throwing a party for his birthday, and he let me take a few things." she explains, picking up a few for herself.
you can still hear the music blaring from down the hall, along with the sounds of muffled voices and laughter. you immediately wonder if kade and elaine are there together. kade is fairly popular, so he was most likely invited. and elaine loves parties, so she would have attended with him.
the thought of them together brings a certain ache to your stomach, making you want to lurch forward and vomit everywhere. you don't, of course, but you definitely consider it.
"i really fucking love you, jaz." you say.
you look at her with nothing by admiration behind your gaze. she holds the eye contact before smiling gently. she sets down her candies and pulls you into a tight hug. you return the embrace, burrowing your face in the crook of her neck.
"you deserve someone who treats you like the most wonderful person in the whole fucking world." she says against your hair. "because that's who you are."
"i don't feel like that, right now." you tell her, pulling out of the hug to gesture at your appearance. your hair is greasy tangled, your face is puffy from crying, your clothes are twisted, and you probably smell like shit.
"how about this," jasmin says with a mischievous grin spreading across her lips, "i'll lend you one of my most gorgeous dresses, and then we can go to paxton's party together. every single person there will stop and stare, including kade."
jasmin stands from the bed and grabs you by the hands, giggling as she pulls you to your feet. despite wanting nothing more than to go back to rotting uselessly in her bed, you can't help but laugh along with her.
"let's show him what he's missing out on." jasmin declares with a glow in her eyes, that makes you feel like you're in a cheesy disney movie. but you're honestly loving every second of it.
"how long has it been?" chris asks, leaning against the counter behind him. he looks up at matt, but realizes that his brother is no longer in front of him. chris groans audibly. he should have assumed that he wouldn't keep his end of the deal. there's no way matt could walk him home if chris doesn't know where he is.
"it's almost ten o'clock." a random guy says from beside chris. he looks over at him and smiles gratefully, hoping he doesn't look too awkward standing by himself. "this party is shit, don't you think?"
"for sure." chris agrees, quickly. "i don't even drink, so there's nothing for me to do other than watch everyone else get shit-faced. which isn't exactly how i want to spend my saturday night."
the guy just watches chris with an amused expression. the way he's staring makes chris feel a bit uncomfortable, but he refuses to show any sign of uneasiness.
"you're nick's brother, aren't you?" he asks suddenly.
the guy has sandy blonde hair and a face splattered with freckles. his eyes are dark brown, and a bit intimidating. he has high cheekbones and a grin that would make anyone tempted to smile along with him. the stranger takes a long sip out of his red solo cup as he waits for chris to respond, setting it down on the countertop behind him without breaking their eye contact.
"yeah, one of them." chris replies, finally. "i'm christopher."
"mm. full name, huh?" the guy hums with a bit of humor laced behind his tone. chris doesn't say anything, simply nodding as a reply. "i'm paxton. this is my party, i'm turning twenty."
chris's face drops. he instantly wants to take back everything he'd previously said. oh, he fucked up big time. he knows that nick only wanted to come to this party because of the major crush he has on paxton. and chris just insulted the shit out of his birthday party, then acted passive aggressive when giving him his full name as an introduction.
god, nick is gonna kill him.
"right, well i have to go." chris says, quickly exiting the kitchen with no idea where to go next. he should probably have stayed and apologized to paxton, but he was too scared of possibly fucking up even farther.
while aimlessly wandering around the crowded dorm, chris bumps into someone. he instantly apologizes, looking down at her with remorse. but his eyes quickly soften when he recognizes her.
"y/n?" he mutters, shocked to see you. especially at a party like this, knowing how much you usually dislike them with everything in you.
"holy fuck." you reply, your voice slurred and intoxicated. "christopher owen."
YOU — fifteen minutes prior
"i don't even know what to do at a party." you complain as you examine at yourself in jasmin's mirror. she was right, you look stunning. but you don't look like you.
"we're not going to party." jasmin explains as though it's the simplest concept to understand. "we're going to make kade jealous, and then get super drunk so we're too hungover to face tonight's concequences in the morning."
she has to shout in order for you to hear her voice because she's in the bathroom, curling her hair. the bathroom door is cracked open, but yelling is still needed due to the party's music being louder than anything else.
you shrug even though she can't see you doing so. "well when you put it that way, it sounds like a lovely idea." you respond, also shouting.
"girl," jasmin says with an audible laugh, "all my ideas are lovely."
with that, she exits the bathroom. her dress is shiny and gold, contrasting beautifully against her dark skin. you watch through the mirror as she approaches you, her reflection standing directly behind your own as she begins to put on two chunky, gold earrings.
you're wearing a dress that's a bit shorter than you'd like, but jasmin claims that it's the longest one she owns. you keep pulling it down subconsciously, but it's riding up your thighs annoyingly. you're wearing shorts underneath, of course, because they make you feel less exposed by the lack of length the dress provides. jasmin also lent you a necklace, a few bracelets, and a pair of earrings to wear. the jewelry is all dainty and more jasmin's style than yours, but you couldn't deny how fucking gorgeous you looked.
"let's go!" jasmin says with a giddy smile, grabbing your hand as she pulls you toward the door. you laugh with your last remaining true friend, allowing her to drag you down toward the party. your guys' heels click against the wooden floorboards in the hallway, the sound making you laugh even harder.
jasmin doesn't even bother knocking on the door. the way you guys enter paxton's dorm unannounced makes you feel strange, until you're actually inside and realize that the arrival of two people means nothing in comparison to the amount of guests that are piled into the space.
for the first few minutes, you and jasmin walk around together, exploring. you've had a few drinks, but you're hardly feeling anything yet. you end up leaving jasmin when she starts flirting with a random girl on the dance floor, and you feel invasive to linger around with her.
now on your own, you head toward the kitchen for another drink seeing as you just finished your last one. it's kind of comforting to be in the kitchen because there aren't as many people crowding around you. it's easier to breathe on your own.
you find a cooler on the floor, wide open with ice overflowing the rim. wedged inside the ice are various alcoholic beverages to choose from. you think for a moment before bending to grab a jack daniels, deciding on something sweet rather than bitter. when you stand back up, you notice someone standing to your left. you nearly drop the drink in shock.
"god," you mutter with an airy laugh as you turn to face the person. but all traces of humor leave your face when you recognize the presumed stranger.
elaine's hair is beautifully curled, framing her pale face with elegance that makes you suddenly feel like your hair isn't done well enough. her icy blue eyes stare down at you with an expression you can't read — which pisses you off because you used to be able to read all of her emotions perfectly. but now it's like she's a complete stranger.
now feeling insecure in your own skin, you pull the hem of your dress down. elaine doesn't seem to notice, nor does she care how you feel at the moment.
"what?" you demand, clutching the bottle in your hand to ground yourself. "did you come in here just to stare at me, or what?"
"don't flatter yourself." she says bluntly, a tone she's never directed at you before. in all the years you'd known her, you guys have never gotten into a genuine argument. so it's incredibly weird to see her in this new light. "i came for a drink. and you're standing in front of the cooler."
you turn and notice that she's right. you're blocking her from reaching the cooler. you instantly feel embarrassed, but you're quick to hide it by crossing your arms and stepping to the side so she can get to the cooler.
you watch as she reaches for the strongest drink that's offered. typical. she wouldn't be elaine without being unapologetically herself.
"you might not have anything to say to me, but i have a lot i'd like to say to you." you tell her, keeping your voice level despite the way your hands tremble against your crossed arms.
"it can wait." she says, turning on her heel and exiting the kitchen without another word, her ash blonde hair swishing behind her with superiority.
"what the fuck?" you murmur, now alone in the kitchen.
your senses are suddenly overflowing with blinding rage. after years of being best friends, she sleeps with your boyfriend. and yet, she's the one avoiding you? there's no fucking way anything about this situation is logical. you're the one who's pissed, not her. she has no right to have walked away from you like that. you deserve an explanation. or at least a viable conversation.
you screw open your bottle and take a swig of the drink, deciding that you're going to need a whole lot more of this before your anger cools down enough for you to leave the kitchen. because if you were to leave now, you wouldn't trust yourself not to immediately go to elaine and start a fight that you're not sure you'd even win.
after about ten minutes of standing by the cooler, drinking away your anger, you decide to finally exit the kitchen. you leave the room, stumbling a bit as you do so. but you quickly turn back around, realizing that you left your phone on the countertop.
as you walk back into the kitchen, you bump into someone who's walking out of it. he quickly apologizes, seeming to be in quite a hurry. you decide not to look up at him, now being annoyed that someone even bumped into you. god, maybe drinking was a bad idea. now everything pisses you off, not just elaine and kade.
"y/n?" the guy mutters, sounding insanely shocked. you raise a brow before looking up to meet the man's eyes. you instantly begin smiling at the guy.
"holy fuck." you reply, your voice slurred and intoxicated. "christopher owen."
chris hasn't seen you since senior year of high school. and considering the fact that you guys are now in college, it has been quite a while since you've seen each other.
you guys weren't necessarily friends back then, but you knew one another well enough. you guys had math together for two years straight. you sat side-by-side, talking every day through the entire period. by the end of the year, chris had developed a crush on you, and you were completely oblivious to his feelings.
he had introduced you to his brothers and you'd hung out outside of school a few times. you spent the night at his house once or twice, when your home life wasn't the greatest. he had come over to yours a few times to study for upcoming tests.
you's met his parents, and mary lou absolutely adored you. she told you stories about her sons, including each of their middle names. following this encounter, you had begun calling chris by his full name — christopher owen. at first, you did it because you noticed how it annoyed him. but then, the name stuck. it became an inside joke between you and him, depicting a sense of intimacy in knowing his middle name. even more so since it was given to you from his mother herself.
but after graduation, you guys lost contact and haven't spoken since.
however, seeing you in front of him now, chris really wishes he had made more of an effort to stay in touch with you. you're just as gorgeous as he'd remembered, if not more so than before. your dress was incredibly flattering, and your hair was done up perfectly.
upon seeing you, he completely forgot everything that was previously plaguing his mind. he couldn't even form a sentence, leaving the two of you staring at each other wordlessly. he took on your appearance once more, suddenly coming to realize something about you.
"you're drunk, aren't you?" he says, not knowing whether or not to be surprised. on one hand, it's a college party and everyone is drunk. but on the other hand, you're you.
you were the most perfect girl he'd ever met, unaware that you were capable of having a single flaw. but as he looks at you now, completely plastered, he realizes that it's impossible for anyone to be flawless. even you. plus, there's something incredibly domestic, and human about seeing you like this. like it's illegal, like something is wrong.
"i think everyone's drunk, except you and your brothers." you tell him with a crooked grin that makes his heart begin to beat at an unhealthy speed. "plus, i deserve to drink after the day i've had."
it sounds like you're telling yourself that last bit more than you're telling it to chris. as though you're not even sure you believe it. he wants to question you, and ask what's wrong. but he decides not to. that'd be weird, wouldn't it? i mean, you guys haven't spoken in years.
"anyway," you say as your body sways from side to side, "i left my phone in the kitchen and i need to get it back before someone steals it. or even worse, before elaine steals it."
chris raises a brow at your odd behavior, but again decides not to point it out. you continue talking as if you can't help yourself. as if there's no off switch, keeping you from spilling too much. and even though you've begun to talk about random shit that means nothing, chris is listening to every single word intently.
"...but yeah, i think all alcohol should have screw on tops." you ramble, mindlessly. "if we could all simply unscrew the bottles without a problem, we wouldn't have to waste money on those shitty bottle openers. but- well, i mean, maybe that's the point. oh my god! maybe that's the reason they're made! so they can make even more money off the openers! even though we don't need to use them, and they don't need the money. it's still a profitable arrangement that they're more well off having created. oh, and-"
you keep talking and talking. and chris keeps listening and listening. the way you gesture around with your hands makes him happy, because you used to do the same thing back in high school. and the way your voice gets higher when you come to a realization is also a habit you've always had.
in the middle of your ranting, nick comes up to chris frantically. he doesn't seen to notice you as he steals chris's attention away.
"have you seen paxton?" nick asks his brother with an extremely worried expression on his face. "we were talking, and it was going good. great even. but then he left to grab a drink, and he hasn't come back. i'm scared i did something wrong to scare him away. it was going so well."
remembering his previous conversation with paxton, chris immediately is filled with guilt. nick looks so terrified of the fact that he fucked this up, not knowing chris is the one who ruined his chances.
"i saw him in the kitchen a little bit ago, but it's been a while." chris says. he's technically not lying. he did see paxton. he's simply leaving out a few details. sure, they're pretty significant details, but it doesn't hurt nick to not know. in fact, it probably would be worse if he did. he's helping them all, honestly.
"thanks," nick says hurriedly before patting chris on the shoulder and rushing into the kitchen behind them.
with nick gone, chris refocuses his attention on you. but he's taken by surprise when he sees that you're no longer in front of him. chris looks around, spinning in circles idiotically. but it's like you fucking vanished out of thin air.
you've missed nick. you haven't seen him in years. but judging by the anxiety-filled body language, you deemed that this was a brotherly conversation. quickly feeling out of place, you decided to take your leave and return to the search of your phone. but when you reach the counter it had perviously been abandoned at, you see that it's no longer there.
"there you are!" you hear someone say from behind you. the sickeningly familiar voice draws chills down your spine. even drunk, you could recognize kade's voice without having to turn around to see his face. hesitantly, you do turn around. kade is standing by the cooler, your phone held tightly in his hands.
"oh, you found it." you say casually, stepping over to your ex with an amount of false confidence that shocks even you. "i've been looking for my phone everywhere, thank you for returning it for me!"
kade clearly is taken aback by your nonchalance, making you feel extremely good about yourself. but when you reach to take your phone from him, kade holds it above his head. when you guys were dating, his height was endearing. you loved how much taller he was compared to you. but right now, it's really pissing you off.
"see, i was going to give it back." kade says, lowering the phone so it's now in front of his face. he begins to type in your password — which you haven't yet changed seeing as it all only happened this morning. "but i changed my mind."
"you're not fucking funny." you tell him. your voice comes out more emotional than you would have preferred, because now kade knows exactly how annoyed you are.
"hm," he hums, scrolling through your phone as though it were his own. "i think it is funny, to be honest. i mean, you should be thanking me. who knows who else could have found it? you wouldn't have wanted it to get in the wrong hands, would you?"
"it's too late for that." you say. "you're the worst hands for it to be in."
he laughs, audibly, at that. the sound makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. you want nothing more than to punch him in the fucking jaw.
it's so weird that your feelings could change so fast. this morning, you woke up and texted kade with enthusiasm. you guys kissed and cuddled so normally. similarly, you were hanging out with elaine at lunch today perfectly fine. but here you are now, with nothing but hatred for both of them.
"i saw you talking to that triplet guy," kade says, "i always get them mixed up. was that chris or matt? i think nick is the gay one. or is it chris who's gay? god. i can never keep them straight."
"why do you give a shit who i talk to?" you ask him, crossing your arms defiantly as kade continues to snoop through your phone with a straight face. "at least i didn't fuck your best friend while we were together."
this gets his attention.
"you know nothing about our relationship." kade tells you, an edge to his voice that would have scared you if you weren't so blinded by your anger. you watch as he tuts before turning off your phone and stuffing it into his back pocket.
"oh, so it's a relationship now?" you ask. if you weren't so drunk, you would have had the common sense to shut up and stop teasing. but your only goal at the moment is to get as far under his skin as possible. you want him to feel all the pain you felt this morning. "i thought you guys were just fuck buddies."
"i've known elaine longer than i've known you." kade snaps, taking a step closer to you. you back away, being forced to press yourself against the corner of the counter behind you. "she's the one who introduced us in the first place, you dumb fuck."
"yeah, and i'm eternally grateful for that." you say sarcastically, rolling your eyes with a light scoff.
"elaine has been my friend since middle school. we've been near door neighbors our entire lives." kade tells you, as though you weren't already made painfully aware of their intimate history together. "she means more to me than just sex."
again, anybody else would have been able to read the room by now. they would have stopped poking the bear and decided enough is enough. but you're far too inebriated for something so logical. so you continue to dig a deeper and deeper hole.
"yeah?" you question, tilting your head innocently. "you might want to make sure those feelings are requited. i saw her making out with ryan hart earlier."
you watch as kade's jaw ticks with irritation. the sight of him getting so worked up fills you with an inexplicable pleasure. you've been crying all morning over two people who betrayed you. and after arriving at the party, it's seemed like they don't even care about your pain. so yes, seeing kade get pissed off is extremely satisfying. and yes, you should have stopped there. but no, you didn't.
"she might mean the world to you, kade. but to her? you're just another quick fuck that she'll pretend never even happened come tomorrow."
this seems to have crossed a line.
before you even have time to register what's happening, you're scrambling to your feet with blood dripping from your nose. kade punched you square in the face.
now collecting yourself, you look up at kade with a scowl. but he's not there to meet you eyes. honestly, he's got it worse than you. he's currently on the floor, getting the shit beat out of him by none other than christopher owen.
chris must have seen what happened and decided to step in after you got hit.
and as immature as it sounds, you don't care stop him. you simply watch as chris tackles kade to the ground and punches him repeatedly. people are shouting at him to stop, but chris doesn't care. and nor do you. kade deserves this.
you suddenly hear someone yell your name from somewhere else in the kitchen. you look up and see matt. your guys' eyes meet, and he gives you a look that makes you feel guilty for not stopping the fight earlier.
"tell him to stop." he says wordlessly. "he'll only listen to you."
with a sigh, you end the fight with one single word. you say chris's name, and his entire body stops in an instant. it's as if you flicked a switch. he stands up, knuckles bloody, and turns to face you as the kitchen falls silent.
something you've come to like about college is the fact that people know to mind their business. they crowd around for the fight, sure. but as soon as the show is over, they leave as though nothing happened.
chris steps closer, so he's only an inch away from you now. he reaches around and pulls your dress up. you instinctively go to shove him away, but before you have the chance, he slides something into your back pocket, your guys's noses nearly touching as he does so. you feel the familiar weight of your phone in the pocket of your shorts before chris tugs your dress back down to cover them up.
"are you okay?" he asks, so quietly you nearly don't hear him.
you stare up at him, speechless. then, you glance down at his hands and decide to make a joke in order to ease some of the tension. "seems like your knuckles are in worse shape than my nose."
"you should see the other guy." chris says with a chuckle.
you crane your neck to look behind him. but kade is already gone. you're a bit disappointed that you weren't able to see the damage chris did, but you're sure everyone will be talking about it on monday when classes resume.
"let me do you a favor." you tell him, grabbing his bloody hand and holding it in both of yours. "since you did me one."
your favor wasn't what chris expected. when you took hold of his hand and pulled him upstairs, he thought you were going to kiss him or something. but you had other ideas — which he should have expected. from all the time he's known you, he should know better than to assume he knows what's going on inside your head. you're unpredictable. and he loves it. it's actually one of his favorite things about you.
"there should be a first aid kit under the sink." you mutter, dragging him into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you as if you were at your own house. "the code of conduct says you're required to have one under each sink in case of emergency."
"no way you actually read the fucking code of conduct." chris says with a laugh, sitting down on the closed toilet seat. he watches you with a gentle smile splayed softly across his lips.
"of course not." you say without looking at him, crouching in front of the sink and beginning to dig through the cabinet. "jasmin's roommate did, though. i've never formally met her, but jaz complains about how strict she is with rules and shit."
"right," chris says.
he's hardly listening to you, though. as much as he would love to involve himself in a conversation with you — no matter the subject — he's distracted. you look so fucking gorgeous right now, and he can't tear his eyes away. it's becoming a genuine problem. he's not only focused on your appearance, though. just the sound of your voice is enough to take his attention away from the words you speak.
it's been so long since he's seen you, and he's just trying to relish in the escapism that your presence offers.
"-- might hurt." is all he hears when he zones back in. and he doesn't have any time to think before you press disinfectant to his knuckles. the medicine against the open wound causes him to suck in a sharp breath. you watch the pained expression on his face, and you frown. "focus on something else. you have nine more knuckles to work with."
as soon as you tell him to focus on something else, his mind instantly goes to you. he pins his eyes to yours, and you return the favor. you continue to hold the eye contact as you move to the next wound. he clenches his jaw, but the pain is much more bearable this time round.
this goes on for about a minute or two. you guys stare at one another as his knuckles are slowly getting the attention they need.
this thing is, kade had piercings. and every time chris's fist wound come in contact with his nose stud or his lip ring, it would puncture his skin — creating the jagged injuries that you're treating so delicately, now.
"done," you say with a wide grin. the sight of you looking at him with a proud smile makes the stinging pain from the gauze worth every second. chris watches as you shut the first-aid-kit and place it back where you'd found it. as you stand back up, he looks down at his battered hands.
you did a great job, that much was inevitable. when you dragged him up here, they were bleeding and throbbing. but now they're numbed, and the band-aid you pressed across the hills of his knuckles are keeping them from bleeding. suddenly, chris remembers something.
"c'mere." he tells you. you look at him with a confused expression, raising an eyebrow at his sudden assertiveness. he instantly feels guilty, and quickly apologizes. "sorry, i didn't mean to snap like that. i just want to check your nose. make sure it's not broken or anything."
you let out an airy chuckle, "you don't need to do that. i'm fine."
"i insist." chris presses on, standing from the toilet seat and taking a daring step closer to you. he hears your breath hitch, and a smile tugs at his lips. "it's the least i could do after you patched me up like humpty dumpty."
you laugh at this, a bright smile lighting the dimmed bathroom as your eyes squint with joy. chris wishes he could bottle this moment up and replay it whenever he pleases.
"okay, okay," you say as your laughter dies down, "you can check my nose."
you move to sit on the toilet seat he had just recently occupied. chris doesn't crouch in front of you the way you did to him, though. he stands before you, his legs placed between your knees. he grabs you jaw, gently as ever, and tips your head up. he uses his free hand to graze your nose, feeling the damage. or lack thereof.
"yeah," his voice is so quiet you strain to hear it, "yeah, you were right. it's not broken."
despite the initial concern now being solved, neither of you attempt to move from your position. chris continues to hold your chin upward, and you continue to stare at him through your lashes. his thigh knocks against your knee, but again, neither of you aim to change anything about this moment — both of you being too afraid to lose whatever chemistry is going on.
suddenly, there's a loud banging at the door. "hurry the fuck up! some of us have to take a shit! oh my god!"
chris gets annoyed by the interruption, tempted to exit the bathroom and hurt whoever just ruined the moment. that way, his knuckles would be bloody again and you'd help him again. yeah, that sounds like a good idea to him. but just as the anger settles into his mind like a bird nesting, something rips his attention away.
you burst out in a fit of laughter. chris whips his head in your direction, desperate to watch the adorable scrunch of your nose, and the light reflect in your eyes. still laughing, you stand from the toilet and wipe at your eyes. you urge chris forward, saying it's a good idea to leave seeing as you guys have been hogging the bathroom for a while.
chris happily obliges. honestly, he would agree with anything you'd say right now. he would do anything for you, simply in the hopes that you'd glance at him for a moment as he does so.
as you both exit the bathroom and return downstairs, chris notices you stumble a bit. then it clicks in his head — you're still a bit drunk. sure, the fight may have sobered you up a great deal, but it's not instantaneous. the alcohol is still in your system, and it's still altering your actions in a slight bit.
this would explain why you're so giggly, and why your cheeks are so rosy. and for a moment. for an awful, awful moment, chris wonders if that's the only reason why you're even hanging around him in the first place.
"let me walk you back to your dorm," chris offers.
"you don't have to do that." you insist, staring up at him with wild eyes and tangled hair that he finds incredibly endearing.
"tell me where your dorm is, and i'll decide that for myself." chris says. "how about this. if you're in this building, i'll let you walk home alone. but if you're in the west wing, you have to let me take you back."
you groan with a laugh, tipping your head back as you do so. "i'm in the west wing."
"great," chris says with a smile, "let me take you home. again, it's the least i could do after everything you've done for me."
"you already made it up to me by checking my nose." you point out, tapping the bridge of your nose to prove your point. "you don't need to escort me home, i'm sure i'll be okay."
"i'm not just talking about the fight." chris says. "you've been great to me since high school."
the only reason you don't want chris to walk you back to your dorm is because of elaine. she's an incredible manipulator, and will talk shit about you at any chance she gets. especially if she sees you with a new boy. and you're honestly scared that chris might believe her.
but when chris brought up your guys's past, something in your gut ached. you felt an urge to hug him, and confide in him, and simply just exist with him by your side.
it's probably because you no longer feel like you have anyone to confide in. you lost your boyfriend and your best friend in the same day, and you feel bad about complaining to jasmin because she'd going through the same thing. she lost elaine today, too, and it's not fair for you to whine about it when she's probably just as upset as you are.
"thank you," you say as you and chris approach your dorm.
you guys talked the entire way there. well, more like you talked while he listened. you felt bad for speaking without giving him a chance to respond, but he insisted that he doesn't mind. and plus, you're only talking so much due to your nerves.
what if elaine tells him something bad about you, and it makes chris hate you too? what if she sleeps with him the way she did with kade? well, you and chris aren't a thing, so that wouldn't bother you. well. it shouldn't. but it does. the image of him and her? it's- ugh, it's fucking unbearable. and you have no reason to feel that way, since you guys aren't dating. i mean, he could have a girlfriend, and you wouldn't know.
"of course," chris replies as though he was doing something unquestionable.
you stand there for a second, waiting for him to leave. but he doesn't. he's waiting for you to let him in. but. god, you can't do that. what if elaine is in there? finally, you decide to bite the bullet. you fumble with your keys and unlock the door, holding it open for him to enter through.
chris thanks you quickly, walking into your and elaine's shared dorm room. it's decorated to be cozy and warm — a theme that the two of your agreed would make it homier. you love the interior designing, and it makes you happy. but now, you can't think about anything except the image of kade on top of elaine. on your guys's shared couch.
you enter after chris, not turning to facet before you lock the door with the key and stuff it into your pocket. but when you finally turn around, you instantly run into his backside. you side step, wondering what made him stop walking so abruptly. then, you see-
of fucking course.
kade is sitting on the beige-colored couch with a packs of ice pressed to his face in various spots. while elaine straddles his lap, holding the ice for him as she speaks in gentle, soothing tones. they don't seem to notice you and chris at first, seeming to be too busy flirting with one another. but this could just be an act. perhaps they're trying to look unbothered. and if so, it's working.
elaine leans forward and kisses kade passionately. it lasts long enough that you begin to feel uncomfortable. you turn to chris with a forced smile, "well. thanks for walking me back."
he looks at you with a worried expression, seeing directly through your facade. he knows you and elaine were best friends — your entire high school knew you guys to be the perfect duo. inseparable. and he also knows that kade is a dick. you're not sure if he's aware that you guys dated, but chris definitely hates his guts now, after what happened at the party.
"you can stay with me and my brothers tonight, if you want." chris offers. "we talked the school into giving us a huge dorm so the three of us could share. but it's bigger than we expected, so we have tons of room for you if you don't want to stay here for the night. and none of us would blame you, by the way."
he gives elaine and kade a side-glance. the glare that chris shoots them would likely have been deadly if they were to have looked up at him. but they're too busy with each other to even notice his eyes on them.
"i couldn't ask you to do that," you say with another forced smile, "i'll be fine for the night. you've done more than enough."
chris looks like he wants to protest against this, but he shuts his mouth and decides not to. he nods, agreeing with your decision. "i'm not going to force you, but the offer remains. even if you change your mind in the middle of the night, i'll let you in without any questions."
you smile at this. genuinely. chris has been so insanely kind to you, and you simply don't understand what you've done to deserve it. yeah, you guys were friends a few years back. but chris is being so generous.
overcome with emotion, you wrap your arms around his neck. you hug him tightly, and he hugs you back. you bury your head in the crook of his collarbone, and squeeze him as though you would break without him there to hold you together. like a vase that needs tape to stay standing.
when you finally let go, you're forced to wipe at your eyes to refrain from crying. that would be insanely embarrassing, so you refuse to let any tears fall. you're sure chris wouldn't mind, but you would. you'd rather die than let him see you sob over your ex best friend and kade. ugh. even his name makes your throat close up.
"this is so insensitive." elaine says, causing you and chris to both turn your heads in her direction. you'd forgotten about her. well, that's a complete lie. but you'd like to believe it.
she's still sitting on kade's lap, but they're no longer making out shamelessly. her arms are draped across his shoulders, and his hands are under her shirt, but it's better than before, at least.
"y'know that's the prick who did this to kade, don't you?" elaine asks, directing her question to you.
"i'm aware." you reply, keeping your voice as level as possible. the feeling of having chris behind you makes you feel ten times as more confident, knowing he'd back you up against kade. you don't feel small against her anymore like you did at the party. it's nice. having someone on your side as well. it's not 2 v 1 any longer.
"then why the fuck is he even here? it's not his dorm." kade asks with a scoff and an eye roll, as though the scoff wasn't enough. you feel as chris's posture straightens behind you, and you give him a side glance that only the two of you could notice. he understands, and instantly relaxes — knowing that this is your problem, not his.
"i was there when the fight happened." you tell her, ignoring kade's attempt to piss chris off. "where were you, elaine? having sex with damien? oh, or was it vance? sorry. i can't keep up."
elaine looks like she could explode with rage, her face turning red as her teeth clenching together. it's a sight that you'd love to relish in, but you learned your lesson earlier today. sometimes it's best not to add on more and more. that's asking for a fight.
so you simply give her a final smile, turning to chris. you give him an apologetic look before standing on your toes and pressing your lips to his.
the kiss was an attempt to make elaine and kade annoyed, but you find yourself genuinely enjoying it. you snake your arms behind chris's neck, and he places his hands on your waist, holding your firmly against him. time seems to slow around you guys, as if the universe had been waiting for this moment for as long as you were. it no longer matters who's in the room. you only care about chris.
"i'm so sorry," you whisper against his lips between kisses, "just go with it."
"don't you dare apologize for this." he says. you feel his grip on your waist tighten, and you smile against him, returning to the kiss with an entirely different intention.
before, it was just to piss off your two nemesis. but now, you're doing it for your own enjoyment. because you actually want to. because you actually have feelings for chris. well. you think? you never saw him as a crush before this. but now, you're not sure you'll ever be able to look at him in the same light.
christopher owen. your christopher owen.
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@kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @lovelysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo @knowingnothingnoel @its-jennarose @lea0518 @slaysturniolo @sturnlover @tcvazq @ifilwtmfc @poopydroopt @cl0esblogg @ellaynaa @itzdarling
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lecsainz · 8 months
hi! can you write some travis kelce x reader angst? thank you!
parings: travis kelce x girlfriend!reader
summary: the one where you decide to break up with travis because your future ideas are different.
an: about the super bowl, WHAT A GAME!
( my last work || go to my main masterlist )
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The cold Kansas City wind bit through your coat as you stood on the doorstep, clutching the handle of your suitcase. The walls of our apartment seemed to close in on you, echoing the weight of the decision you were about to make. You had known Travis since our college days, and your love had weathered through many storms, but now it faced a tempest that threatened to tear you apart.
The sound of the door unlocking pulled you from your thoughts. The familiar creak of the door swung open, revealing Travis, still in his Chiefs jersey, the exhaustion evident in his eyes. A victorious smile painted across his face faded as he registered the somber atmosphere.
"Hey, babe! We did it again!" he exclaimed, expecting your usual enthusiastic response.
You managed a weak smile, your heart clenching at the realization that this would be the last time he'd see it. "Yeah, you did great out there."
He furrowed his brows, concern etching his features. "What's going on, Y/N?"
You took a deep breath, your hands trembling as you clutched the handle of your suitcase tighter. "Trav, we need to talk."
His eyes searched yours for reassurance, but the heavy air in the room told a different story. "Okay, talk to me. What's on your mind?"
"I... I can't do this anymore, Travis," you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper. "Our paths, they're going in different directions. You want a family, a home. I want to build my career, travel, explore. I can't give you the life you want."
His eyes widened, disbelief and hurt clouding them. "What are you saying, Y/N?"
Tears welled up in your eyes as you fought to keep your composure. "I'm saying, I think we need to end this, Trav. It's not fair to either of us to keep pretending we want the same things. You deserve someone who can give you the life you dream of."
His jaw tightened, and he ran a hand through his hair, a mix of frustration and sadness painting his expression. "But I want you, Y/N. I thought we were building a life together."
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face. "I thought so too, but I can't ignore what I want, and I can't ask you to ignore your dreams. It's better this way."
He took a step closer, desperation in his eyes. "Can't we find a compromise? Work through this?"
You shook your head again, aching to reach out and comfort him. "We've tried, Travis. But compromises won't change what we fundamentally want from life. It's time to let go."
Silence hung heavily between you, broken only by the muffled sobs you couldn't contain. Travis reached out, his hand hovering in the air as if uncertain whether to bridge the gap. In that moment, your love, once fierce and unwavering, crumbled into the heartbreaking reality of your diverging paths.
With a heavy heart, you turned away, pulling your suitcase behind you. "I've already packed my things. I'll be staying with a friend tonight."
He remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. As you reached the door, you hesitated, a part of you hoping he'd stop you, convince you that you could make it work. But the words never came.
"I'm sorry, Travis," you whispered, opening the door to a world where your love was now just a bittersweet memory.
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serxinns · 2 months
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Alao you wanna read part two go here for more context on the og idea and concept of the fic story is made by @lets-get-kraken-boys
So I can imagine readers hanging out in the LOV just after everything they're done Toga, dabi, or any of the villains just messing with them cooing at them and doting on them which overwhelmed them and Dabi or Shigaraki prob said something that made them snap at them which caused them to be punished which to either be locked away in a room or just stay with kurogiri in the bar area
until Shigaraki calms himself down not wanting anyone to harm you so he leaves you with Giri so you can behave, 1st it's an awkward silence between the two of you until Kurogiri starts to try and make conversation you mostly ignore everything and just curl up in the ball and just put your head down worrying about your friends
"So do you wanna talk about it..." kurogiri attempted as he pushed a drink (none alcoholic ofc) to you as you looked at him he seemed genuine enough so why not "It's just..this! Everything! Everything is stupid!" you yelled Cleary frustrated at everything just happening to you "everyone's going crazy dragging me around like some toy not caring what I think about it! Trying to kidnap me!" You Slowly took a sip of your drink
Your eyes were swelling up with tears as you continued while Kurogiri nodded trying to understand you "And now Im here not knowing if my friends as ok and it's just too much" That's when you broke down sobbing as Kurogiri rubbed circles on your back "I hate everything I hate this virus I hate being chased around I hate everyone why can't everyone leave alone!"
Kurogiri kept comforting you, wanting to say the right words, but he didn't. He wished he could understand, but he didn't even know himself... "do you want a small break perhaps?" You looked up to him. "No, I have to get back to my friends! Plea- " "You're exhausted y/n trust me it's better to be with us than with them no I know what's best for you y/n I'll let everyone know that you need space only if you agree to rest"
You stood silent for a moment Cleary does not have the energy to protest nor to argue with him plus he's sorta right it was kinda better to be with them rather than your mentors and classmates at the moment but you needed to make a plan to escape but that will be when you gain the energy to so you slowly close your eyes letting the tiredness consume you laying on the floor sleeping kurogiri picked you up and slowly make his way to the makeshift bed putting a blanket on you and stared at you for a moment looking satisfied and slowly shut the door
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ramen-writes · 5 months
Prompt: The villian comes around the corner, sneaking into the hero's house while they're supposed to be celebrating with friends. Only to see the hero slumped against the wall, drunk.
The villian came around the corner. Only to see the hero all alone in her room slumped against the wall with bottles surrounding her.
"Wh- what are you doing?" The villain asks.
"Huh?" The hero raises her head to look at him. "Oh... It's you" she says sadly.
"Yeah it's me so get up and fight me" he says urging her to get up.
"Nahh let's just end it here, I am tired, you win I lose, happy?"
Confusion fills up the villain's face "N-no, not happy. See? I am not happy. What do you mean, what's going on? You always fight for this place and the people of it"
The hero hums "yeah I guess but it's not like I owe it to them" a hunt of resentment seeps through her calm voice.
"Wha- but you grew up here with these people shouldn't you want to protect them?"
"I can say the same about you too. You weren't the only one they treated like an outcast because of what you could do. I was treated the same way but when you decided to show up all powerful and mighty I had them choice to either join you and prove them correct or fight you and prove them wrong. I did what I thought was the right thing..."
The villain gapes and the hero continues "everyone looovves the hero until they get all up and close with them and realize it's not all fun", she goes to grab another bottle but before she can the villain quickly snatches it
"Hey!! I need THAT. How else am I supposed to act like everything is fine if I can't let it out in the solitude of my own home and drink my problems away" the villain sets the bottle aside, not listening.
" This isn't about the town's people is it. Someone close to you? Who? Viviana? Cobey? Never liked them, always thought they were kinda a weird duo to take up as a guard" the villain said clearing some of the tissues and bottles so he could sit.
"No it wasn't them" the hero mumbled out.
"Then who? I really don't think you are close to that many people" the hero hummed softly in agreement.
"W-wait I didn't mean it as an insult I just meant that there aren't many people who you trust... wait that doesn't make it better does it?" The villian winced.
"Well if it isn't them then who-" The villain's eyes widen as the realization sets in. "No..." He whispers and the hero just nods.
"Liam? How? He is the last person I would've guessed to be the reason for all this" he gestured to the bottles and pillows.
"He doesn't know that I am like this. I acted all calm and composed in front of him." She slumps "well I hope I did because otherwise I just seem like a sad lonely idiot"
"B-but that doesn't make any sense... Yo-you guys were in love. He was the only person I couldn't even think of trying to blackmail because he was so loyal to you".
The hero let out a chuckle. "It's not his fault really... Mostly mine for putting the kingdom and the people of it before everything else".
"Of course it's not your fault I just don't understand what happened". The villain says.
"He wanted to settle down, and I couldn't do that, he wanted a family and I couldn't give it to him, he wanted me to not put the city before everything else and I once again couldn't do it." she let out a sob. "I let something that took everything from me destroy the one thing I had left"
"Oh..." Is all the villain could let out. He didn't know how to comfort anyone or if he even should comfort her.
"The worse part is that he was so nice about it too" her voice cracks.
"He said that he couldn't do it, that he couldn't live like this when I put everything else before him. But he also said that it didn't mean that he wasn't going to be there for me. He said he would still be my friend and will always fight beside me" she let out another sob. "H-he wished me luck and said that he hoped that I could learn to put myself before the city... H-he said he would be there for me but that he can't wait forever and this is something I have to learn myself" by now she was full on sobbing.
The villain didn't know what to say or do. "You know...I had a similar experience too" he says. Where did that come from? Stupid.
But now the hero was looking at him with curious eyes. Those eyes wide, and for a moment almost forgetting the tears they had just shed. He sighed, it's not like she was going to remember this anyways and it's better than listening to her sob.
"She was the most talented and beautiful woman I had very seen. She still is..."
He glanced at her only to find her staring up at him urging him to continue. He sighed.
"She was the only on who understood me, she knew what I was going through without me even telling her. She didn't have her life any better than mine but she still went around with a smile on her face that made my day. She was the light at the end of the tunnel, the reason I decided to wake up every morning...and then I ruined it. I became this. Even after everything she did for me I knew I couldn't live like that forever and I didn't want her to have to either... But she didn't agree. She believed there was a better way. But I knew that was just hope and hope is dangerous. So as much I wanted to I couldn't let myself become the hopeful boy I used to be waiting for a day where everything would be fine. So I left..."
He finished and looked at her.
"that's not a good ending" she pouted.
"He let out a sad chuckle "No...it's not, is it? But I guess we can't always have a happily ever after" He glanced at her again.
Her bright eyes, the one that shined so bright everytime she smiled.
"Do you miss her? Do you regret it? does the pain ever stop?" Her voice cracked at the last sentence.
" Yes... I miss her every day" and he did but not because he didn't get to see her but because every time he did she acted as if she didn't know him, as if everything they went through didn't matter like becoming...this, erased everything else.
"And I do question if she was right. That if I hadn't become the villain everything would have been fine but I also know that that's just wishful thinking..." He sighed.
"The pain doesn't go away...well at least for me it didn't but it gets better over time. Surround yourself with the people who love you most and soon you'll understand that that's just how somethings happen. Unlike me you didn't lose someone, maybe as a lover sure but from what you told me it seems as if you aren't losing him as a friends or someone you care about and who cares about you." He says.
"What about you? Did you lose her?" She asked, her voice slightly more sober now.
"I like to think not forever" he said as a sad smile made its way onto his face.
That was one thing he let himself hope for, the only time he let himself be a little boy again and believe that one-day everything would be okay.
The villain let out a breath getting up.
"Let's get you cleaned up first alright?" The hero nodded as the villain helped them stand up.
The moment she was on her feet she stumbles forward. The villain caught her before she could fall. "Sorry... It's hard to walk after you just drowned yourself in..."
She squinted her eyes and looked towards the bottles "whatever that is. What is that anyways?" She asked.
The villain confused looked at the bottles and his eyes widened. "What the- you were drinking straight up hard liquor, no wonder you're like this. Come on I'll carry you"
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I'm too weak to stand by the time my wife and our midwife decide it's time to transfer me to the hospital to give birth to our son. I'm splayed listlessly in the birthing pool, my red-rimmed eyes half slipped back in my head. The baby is lodged so tightly in my hips that any tiny movement sends sharp spikes of pain through my pelvis. Pushing is white hot fire and absolutely out of the question so I'm left skewered on the girth of my baby, too out of it from pain and exhaustion to have anymore input on what happens next.
When the paramedics arrive they do their best to hide their shock when they find a 350lb bull dyke with a buzz cut and biker tats inked across her swollen GG breasts grunting in a pool so small I'm touching all the sides.
They move away to confer, likely about moving someone my size, but I'm too out of it to be offended. My big, hairy pussy is bulged out so far it seems almost impossible there's no head showing. My wife Monica moves to my head and kisses my cheek. I can tell she's scared but trying to put on a brave face.
The paramedic who is clearly in charge, a tall, butch Black woman with short nails and even shorter hair, jumps into the pool and introduces herself as Jean before announcing her intention to check me. I'm briefly relieved another lesbian is going to be the stranger who is digging around in my pussy then I feel her fingers enter my overstuffed hole and I can't bite back a weak moan at the intrusion. She rubs my bulge gently near my clit and makes a shushing noise. My eyes roll back in my head involuntarily at the intimate touch. I'm hurting too bad for it to be pleasurable but it gives me a tiny ounce of relief nonetheless.
Monica is staring down at me with worry on her face when Jean announces to her team that the baby is stuck on my pubic bone and the first step to getting it unstuck is to get me standing. I barely have time to protest before the 3 muscled young men taking orders from Jean are helping lift my bulk from the tub.
Even with five people supporting my weight I am unable to keep myself from falling gracelessly into a wide squat as the weight of my huge child drops down even further. My bulging pussy hits the water as I feel the unmistakable sensation of urgently crowning what must be an absolutely huge head.
I'm screaming about the fire in my crotch as Jean takes one of my meaty thighs, the biggest paramedic takes the other, and the other two support my back as I am lifted, legs spread around my crown, onto the floor beside the birthing pool.
The best case scenario, Jean tells me over my screaming sobs, is that I push it out right here and she and her team give me and baby a ride to the hospital. It looks like that might work for a few pushes but I'm fading faster than before and don't have much to give in the way of help. She briefly considers forceps but would rather get me to the hospital if my baby is still in danger of breaking my pelvis when I push him out. She reaches inside my rubber band tight lips to feel where the head had previously been stuck on a bone and noticeably pales.
She doesn't say anything out loud to alarm me or my wife but she tells her team with harsh urgency that we are transferring to the hospital immediately. I'm being moved again, still with my legs spread wide by men on either thigh, on to a bariatric stretcher and rolled out of my living room before I can even think to protest being rolled out of my front door naked, my crowned, leaking pussy bared for for all our straight, conservative neighbors to see.
I hear Jean telling Monica and our midwife that they're going to have to meet us at the hospital. Between my size and the seriousness of my potential injuries, they need all the room they can get to keep me intact until I'm able to be rushed into emergency surgery.
I don't hear whether my wife argues or not because I'm being lifted up into the ambulance. The jostling sends a sharp, warning pain through my pubic bone and I scream for them to stop moving me. Jean yells almost at the same time, glaring at her subordinates. She orders them to freeze with my feet tilted up into the ambulance and then leans down to place her palm firmly against my crown.
The counter pressure immediately eases some of the burning sensation around my lips and the ominous aching in my pelvic bones. I lay my head back and groan at feeling, for the first time since I hit transition, some of the pain lessening rather than intensifying.
I focus on how good it feels to have Jean pushing back on some of the insane pressure in my cunny while they settle me into the ambulance. A strap is placed around my straining middle and the stretcher is locked into place. One of the nameless young men starts an IV as the sirens start blaring and I feel the ambulance start to move.
Jean, still holding my crown, tells me her colleague is giving me something for the pain and that a surgical team is being assembled right now to meet the ambulance and rush me into the operating room.
"Everything's going to be just fine, Libby. You and your baby are going to be just fine as long as you don't push. No matter how bad you need to bear down, you can't. You will break your pubic bone and probably your tail bone and you really don't want to do that."
I don't. I've already started to feel the effects of the drugs and I'm still in more pain than I've ever been in my life but there is a thin, hazy distance from it now. I feel the warmth of Jean's hand around my crown and I blink up at her with what I think might be close to a flirtatious smile.
"Just don't move your hand, baby," I mumble and she clearly understands because her cheeks redden and she cracks a wide, slightly embarrased smile.
"Alright, Sappho. Glad those drugs are starting to work."
I probably wasn't going to respond because I was seconds away from passing out when suddenly the ambulance is hitting something with extreme force and my gravid body is bouncing up into the air. I see, as if in slow motion, Jean's steadying hand get ripped away from my pussy.
I'm slammed back down on to the stretcher and, inevitably, my bones shatter. When they give way my baby is ejected out to his shoulders before anyone can stop him to try to spare me even greater injury.
I'm writhing and screaming incoherently as I feel Jean gingerly pull my son out the rest of the way. I can feel his heft shifting around pieces of bone in me as he slithers out and I am acutely aware how badly I wish I could lose consciousness.
I don't. When my son leaves my body to be handed off to one of the men and my clenching cavity clamps down on nothing, I am catapulted into another stratosphere of pain. I start hyperventilating and am barely able to understand Jean as she straddles the stretcher in between my legs and starts to touch my lips.
"Libby, hold on for me, honey. I'm gonna do something and it's gonna hurt like the dickens and then it's going to feel amazing. Just keep breathing for me, sweetheart."
Why I look down right at that moment I will never know but I watch her gloved, fisted hands plunge into my pussy and my asshole at the same time. I use my last remaining strength to wail in protest as it feels like a white hot iron is being rammed through my pelvis. Then she does what can only be described as a punch with the fist in my cunt and I almost throw up with how suddenly relieved I feel because of whatever Jean's hands are doing to hold my gravely injured body together.
Don't get me wrong. I'm still in agony. But between whatever Jean's fists just did and the drugs starting to kick in even more, I'm barely able to do anything other than lay there and whimper.
When we get to the hospital the medics have just taken me down from the ambulance when Monica runs up. She takes in Jean, straddling the stretcher in between my legs and then the position of her fists in both my holes. My face is a rictus of pain and shock and I'm horrified to discover I can't talk. I'm not even able to close my mouth when I feel drool slipping down my chin.
I look up at my wife, who's being handed our 15lb baby. She walks beside my stretcher as I'm rushed in to the trauma bay. I fight with all my will to be able to muster up the strength to say one more thing to the love of my life before the drugs pull me under completely. The fact that I'm about to almost die on the table three times because I'm silently hemorrhaging into my abdomen as we speak is the only thing that comes between me and divorce later so stupid were the words I chose to say.
"Jean's hands feel so good in my ass and my pussy. God, it feels so good."
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oleander-nin · 11 months
Horrortober Day 20 - Captive(Yandere Rottmnt Donnie x Reader)
A/N, not important: This was supposed to be the final fic, but I didn't have one for today and this is my attempt to not delete my account or brain out of stress lmao. Me and @astral--horrorshow both had similar ideas, but they're completely independent of each other. We were both talking about them on discord then realized how similar they were, but neither was taken from the other👍. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Kidnapping, blindfold, needles, dehumanization, collaring, restraints, cage
Words: 2464
Summary: Draxum is working on eradicating the human race, but what happens when his son wants to keep one for himself?
The sounds of metal and cries pierce my ears, the blindfold and binds keep me hogtied and blind, not letting me do much else other than listen to sobs around me. My ears twitch at the sound of low footfalls, the clopping similar to that of a deer or horse nearing. I grimace, knowing the Baron was back. The quiet flapping of his gargoyles could barely be heard over the sobbing from the cage next to mine. I try not to let out a scream of my own at the loud bang of hoof against metal, and a skull against concrete. The sobs quiet, and the air goes still. I slowly let out the breath I was holding, my nerves firing off warning bells as I resist the urge to flail around and cry. It wouldn’t do any good either way. Those who fight back fall first.
Another pair of steps joins the Barons while he makes his rounds. I can sense how everyone else stills, all us captives going completely silent to try and hone in on the new visitor. I couldn’t tell how many of us there were. Anywhere from five to a hundred, I wouldn’t know the difference. I rub my face against the rough floor, hoping to loosen the blindfold so I could finally look at my prison. While there were many of us here, people came in and out every day, taking someone away or adding another to the lot. I could always tell when someone was taken. Their screams reverberated around the walls of our keep, cries and pleads not reaching the ears of whoever took them. I assumed it was the Baron, although I was not sure. It’s not like I could see the act either way.
“Take your pick, my son. It’s time you truly learn my work.”
I grimace at the Baron’s low voice, shrinking back into my cage as much as I can while bound. Of course he has a son. Of course he’s going to be just as rotten as his father, doing who knows what with the poor souls who get picked. My stomach rumbles and I chew on my bottom lip, grinding down on the flesh with my teeth. The blood soaking out may be gritty and limited, but it was better than nothing. I just prayed I wouldn’t puke.
The quiet scraping of free feet across the ground alerts me to the younger captors movements, my face moving towards the sound subconsciously so I could hear it better. A beat passes with no more movement, and I tense. Someone had been chosen. Or, hopefully, he would decide this was immoral and demand our freedom. I chuckle quietly to myself. Yeah right, like that would ever happen. A sharp sound in front of me catches my attention and I turn towards my cage, my face furrowing in concentration. 
“That one looks interesting.” An unfamiliar voice muses. His voice is sharp, unwavering, and oddly smooth. It alone was enough to make my blood run cold, but what really terrified me was how much closer it sounded than I expected. I could’ve sworn both of them were in the center of the room, but it sounded as if the voice was right in front of my cage. I shrink in on myself, tucking my chin to my collarbone and sitting on my ankles. Two sharp taps sound on the metal bars of my enclosure, a light chuckle sounding from the boy's chest. It wasn’t a friendly chuckle, nor a comforting one. I try to keep my breathing steady, refusing to cry and refusing to beg. I wanted to go down with dignity. I would refuse to bow to these monsters.
“If that’s the one you want to start on, then so it shall be.” The Baron’s deep rumble sounds, a sharp clap bouncing through the room. The sound of flapping fills the room, heading towards my cage and closing in fast. I sit back, trying my best to not shake. I couldn’t even tell if I was.
“Wait.” The younger voice sounds. He taps my cage a couple more times before I feel a scaly hand brush across my neck, taking hold of my collar and yanking me forwards. I yelp, losing my balance at the tug and falling onto my face before him. I struggle to move back to my kneeling position, the ropes keeping me bound threatening to pull my arm out of its socket if I keep trying. I lay down, defeated. I couldn’t get up. A deep heat settles in my cheeks from the shame of being at his mercy, and I can almost hear the smile in his voice at his next words. “I have a different idea for them.”
“Oh?” The Baron asks, his footsteps nearing as well. I try to pull back from the grasp the younger captor had on me, but his grip just shifts from my collar to my chin. “What are you planning then?”
“I want to keep this one. For my own personal studies. I can experiment on that one,” There’s a brief swish of the air when his hand undoubtedly moves to point at another poor soul in the vicinity. “But this one… I want to keep them.”
I hear a sharp breath from the Baron, his tone turning sour. “Donatello,” ah, so that was his name. I try and tug back again to no avail, my eyes widening under the blindfold as I realize he only has three fingers. “You cannot keep a human. They’re pigs. The rot of the world. You must understand that.”
I’m tempted to bite the fingers holding my face when I hear this, indignant anger bubbling in my chest. We weren’t the ones kidnapping people and caging them to experiment on. Sure, there’s a few bad apples in every batch, but you can’t doom the whole of humanity for a small handful’s doing.
The younger voice huffs, his thumb caressing my cheek. It was getting harder to hold back, every instinct screaming at me to pull back and run. “Still, why that may be, I think it would be interesting. Test their limits, experiment in different ways.” I can almost hear the sick smile in his voice. “Plus, it’s always nice to have company.”
“Do you even understand what goes into keeping a human? They’re very needy creatures. Not to mention clingy and violent. You’ll be responsible for its upkeep.” I feel sick the way they're talking about me, the hands of the scaled one still having yet to leave my face. He lifts my chin more and forces me to face him, my body screaming in protest from the position he was contouring me in.
“I do.”
The Baron sighs in defeat at his son’s words. I hear him take a step back, his voice steady as he walks away and starts to audibly mess with another cage. “Then I’ll allow it.”
I hear the screams of what sounds like a small child and my heart breaks, knowing slightly of his fate. While part of me was glad I had escaped it, I still yearned to switch places. Hearing someone so young scream in such ways was unbefitting. It wasn’t right. I feel the hand of the younger captor slip off my face, my own cage opening with a loud squeak. Strong hands hoist me up, fiddling with the ropes around my ankles and wrists. My two halves separate, my ankles freed from my wrists, but still stuck together as were my wrists to each other. I get slung over his shoulder, his muscle mass and metal backpack digging painfully into the soft of my stomach.
I consider trying to fight back, to even finally scream and curse them out, but I don’t. Every step he took sent his shoulder straight into my gut, and I knew it would be useless to try and resist. He seemed solid, and his shoulders reminded me of jagged rocks as they push against my torso. I try to shift myself into a more comfortable position, my body rocking hazardously in his grip. For one awful, awful moment, I’m certain he’s about to drop me, but his hands regain their steadiness as he tightens his grip to a painful degree.
“Move again and I’ll send you off to be experimented on instead.” He hisses, his voice as sharp as always. I settle down more, trying to ignore the painful lab of his arm.
He continues to walk for a while, his steps firm and sure. I wasn’t sure where we were going, nor what my true purpose was. This was out of the blue and completely unexpected, especially from someone who was supposed to be experimenting on me. I hear a door open and let out a small cry as I’m thrown atop a plush bed. I sit up, shaking my head to try and chase the disorientation away. A hand grabs my chin and holds me still, pulling the blindfold off of my eyes. I quickly close my eyes, shrinking back with a pained hiss. I’ve had the blindfold on since I was first kidnapped, covering my eyes and blocking my senses for weeks. I slowly open them, trying to get them to adjust to the new lighting. Once they can open, I glance around, taking in my surroundings as fast as I can.
It was a large room, one larger than I was expecting. There were different mechanical parts and machines strewn across the room, as well as a desk piled high with similar junk. I look in front of me, finally fully seeing my captor. He was only a couple inches taller than me, but his foreboding stature made him intimidating nonetheless. I scan him for a moment, my eyes taking in his green scaly skin and the metal shell upon his back. I lean backwards, wary of his domineering nature. He seemed to command respect, as if it was owed rather than earned. I felt no desire to give it to him.
“Why am I here?” I ask rudely, my tone clipped and eyes narrowed. The turtle doesn’t seem phased by my attitude, if anything, he was delighted.
“I’d suggest you’d hold your tongue. As lovely as your voice is, I do admit I have a short temper.” He walks across the room and picks up a small case, like he had been preparing for this for a while. “And I’m sure you would rather your tongue stay inside your mouth.”
I shift uncomfortably at his words, trying to decide what to do. I watch him carefully as he takes the case and opens it, four needles showing. My eyes widen at the sight as I back up on the bed.
He takes out the first needle and grabs a small vial from a miniature fridge next to him, getting the shot ready. “If you have any allergies, speak up now.”
I barely register his words, my eyes focused solely on the large needle in his hand. “What is that?”
“A couple of vaccines and boosters. It’s come to my attention that most of you have not had proper shots nor care, and while the others don’t matter, you do since you’ll be living here now.” He stalks forward with the syringe in hand as if he did this every tuesday, not a care nor concern on his face. I try to lean back, but he grabs me firmly by the elbow, not allowing me to move away. “I’d suggest you stay still and relax.”
I turn away from him, my heart thundering in my ears. I feel him inject the first into my arm, the sharp sting making me want to jerk away. It feels like hours, but he eventually lets go of my arm and backs away, disposing of the needles and setting the syringes back in their case.
“Now that that’s out of the way,” He starts, turning back to me. “It’s time we get started.”
“Who are you?” I interrupt, my mind hazy from the adrenaline coursing through after the shots he administered. He frowns at my interruption, his face pulled tight.
“I don’t like being interrupted. But, as you’re a human with no manners, I guess I can’t fully fault you. You haven’t learned the rules yet.” The turtle clears his throat, bowing with a dramatic flair. “I am Donatello, your new owner and savior. You, however, may refer to me as ‘Sir’ or ‘My Savior’.”
My nose scrunches up at his introduction, a chill running down my spine. My arm was sore, and my head was blaring warning bells left and right. This guy was seriously messed in the head. Well, of course he was. I was part of a group of humans he and his dad had kidnapped to experiment on.
“So, pet-”
“Not my name.” I interrupt, partly without meaning to but not fully regretting it. I refused to be called ‘pet’.
“Did humans never learn it was rude to interrupt or speak back to their superiors? Or is this just a you thing?” He hisses, clearly displeased. I shrug. My non-answer seems to anger the terrapin even more, his fists clenching at his sides. “As I stated before, I saved you. If it weren’t for me, you’d be cut open on a table with your guts spilled out. And while I would gladly return you to that fate, I felt it would be a waste to use someone like you in that manner-”
“Someone like me?” I interrupt again, tilting my head in confusion.
“Would you cut that out!?” He hisses, his face turning dark in anger. I shrink back, pursing my lips. I didn’t really want to anger him. I didn’t trust him. He continues to glare at me as he straightens his back. “As I was saying, you have something about you that I felt needed to be preserved. Therefore, here you are now. Serving as my pet rather than an experiment. And mind you, I’ll call you whatever I please.”
I glare at him, trying to pop his head open with my mind. Unfortunately, no such thing happened, and he continued to drone on.
“So, pet, I have something for you.”
He turns around and grabs something off his desk. I recognize it immediately, the bright collar jingling the bell as he moves closer. I try to lean back but he quickly hooks the offending item around my neck, his eyes and markings glowing for a moment as he holds the two pieces together. I rub at it with my chin, scowling. “There you are pet. Now you’ll never forget your place.”
It takes everything in me not to spit on him.
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fanficsformyfaves · 1 year
Loki Laufeyson x Fem Witch!Reader
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WARNING: SMUT 18+, ANGST, Oral Sex ( R Receiving) P in V Sex, No Protection (This is fiction, you are not, WRAP IT UP), Praise Kink, Mentions of Torture, Hurt to Comfort
PREFACE: Nearly a month after being rescued by Loki, Reader begins to warm up to him and even starts developing a crush on the all powerful god. One night, she has a particularly frightening nightmare about being kidnapped by Thanos and goes to find Loki for comfort
A/N: Flashbacks in Italics!
Dream Sequence in Bold, Italics and Colored!
Loki never faked his death in Avengers 1, but just escaped in this A/U
I have such an affinity for big scary villains having soft spots for 'that one person'
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"Please", I sobbed quietly,
As the titan walked closer towards me. The gauntlet on his wrist emitting different colored glows from each infinity stone.
"I don't know where the mind stone is", I lied.
I couldn't give Vision away and betray the family I made of the Avengers. They've saved my life on countless occasions and I couldn't let them down.
"Lies do not bode well with me, little witch. It is in your best interest to be complicit", he warns menacingly,
Before calling over his henchmen to pull my bruised aching frame off the floor.
"I will not ask again...where...is...the stone?"
"I don't know!"
He sighs heavily and points the golden fist right at me.
"Fine. Have it your way"
The gauntlet begins to radiate light and I felt it drawing my powers out of my body. The screams of agony I let out echoing around the room and down every hall.
To say it was excruciating would've been an understatement. I could physically feel the life in me being quickly drained and the remaining strength I had left leaving with it.
Just as I was on the verge of completely losing consciousness, I wake up screaming into the darkness of my bedroom.
This was not the first nightmare I've had since escaping Thanos and I was sure it wouldn't be the last, but this one felt all too real. Like, I truly was still on that spaceship, enduring even more of the torture.
It had been nearly a month since Loki found and rescued me. No one knew that either of us survived Thanos' attempt on our lives, so, we were left to hide out somewhere in Europe.
At first, I wanted to leave and find the rest of the Avengers, but Loki refused to let me go and enchanted the house we were staying in. It wouldn't have been a problem...had I not just lost most of my powers.
He was a god after all and I was nowhere near strong enough to break through his magic, especially running on an almost empty tank.
"It's not safe-"
"They're my family, Loki-"
"Then they should be able to understand that you are in no condition to fight!"
"I at least need to let them know I'm alive!"
"And risk exposing yourself to Thanos?! Are you really that stupid?!"
The tension between us was all you could feel. That and the deafening silence that followed his harsh words.
"Don't call me that-"
"Stop acting like it and I will"
I walk away and take a seat by the bay window. He sighs and bows his head.
"I saved your life. You might hate me for this now, but I do hope...eventually, you'll understand", he says,
Before making his way back to his room.
I couldn't really blame him for being the way that he was. He had lost so much already and I was the only person, besides his brother, to give him another chance at life.
Loki and I met long before the kidnapping, while he was in S.H.I.EL.D.S' custody. No one was getting through to him and Thor thought I would be the right person for the job, given my past.
"You sure about this, kid?", Nat questioned,
"I know enough about dealing with people like him"
She furrows her eyebrows curiously.
"What does that mean?"
"I was like him", I emphasized,
Before walking towards the chamber they locked him up in.
"Well...you must be the witch I've been hearing so many murmurs about"
I sigh through my nose, as he scanned me up and down.
"A lot shorter than I imagined"
"And a hell of a lot tougher than your futile attempts to get under my skin, so", I smiled sarcastically,
"Oooh, sharp tongue", he says,
Using his elbow to lean against the glass, as his deep voice causes my stomach to stir.
"You might just be the most interesting person I've met today. Well, that's not saying much, given your competition. My dull brother, the broody spy, metal man and captain wonder boy"
I scoff, folding my arms.
"I hear you use to be a villain of sorts. Why the change? I can tell you had potential"
"I found a family"
It was now his turn to scoff and turn away.
"The avengers?", he mocked,
Turning back to watch me step closer to the glass.
"You truly think they actually care about you?"
I take a moment to myself, before returning my attention to the god before me.
"I used to be just like you. Untrusting, malicious, a conniving little backstabber that was convinced that everyone was out to get me. I would hurt people before they could even think of hurting me first, sound familiar?"
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head at me.
"If you're such an expert on my character, then why not just kill me and get it over with?", he questioned,
"Because you still have a chance. I did and I know you do too"
"How incredibly naive. This little mind game of yours might work on the weak, but not on me"
"Its not a mind game, Loki. It's the truth"
He glares at me in an attempt to scare me off, but that wasn't going to work.
I knew back then if the team had just walked out on me, I would still be in the same exact position as him, maybe even worse off. So I wasn't going to back down without a fight.
"Was it easy for me to let my guard down? No, it was terrifying. I thought they would turn on me at any chance they got, but when they came back and saved me from Hydra...I knew I could trust them"
"How touching. Should I bring out the violins?"
I roll my eyes at his sarcasm.
"The point of all of this is that I'm not giving up on helping you"
"You're wasting your time", he said dismissively,
"Maybe, but that's not gonna stop me"
Unbeknownst to me, what I said actually got to him that night and for the first time in centuries, he truly felt seen as something other than a monster.
After his escape, I didn't see him again till Ragnarok, when we had to battle against his sister, Hela.
I was preoccupied with fighting off one of the undead that I didn't notice another one closing in on me. Just as the Draugr was about to swing his sword, his head was cut clean off his neck and the moment his body hit the ground, Loki was revealed standing right behind him.
"Hi", I greeted surprised,
"Hi", he nodded.
I look behind Loki and see Hela's wolf charging at us, when I use my powers to suspend the creature in the air and send it flying over Asgard's edge.
"I see you've gotten stronger", he says,
Causing me to shrug.
Once Thor put an end to Hela's reign of terror and got the remaining of Asgard's people safely onto the ship, we thought we were in the clear.
We couldn't have been more wrong. The refugees were mercilessly slaughtered by Thanos' guards and we were all imprisoned for days. All of us, except for Loki, who still pretended to be on the titan's side.
Eventually, when Thor was ejected out of the ship, Loki somehow managed to sneak the tesseract out and plan his escape, but when he realized I was still trapped there, he couldn't leave me behind.
I was laying in my cell, after freshly being drained of my magic, when a flash of green catches my eye. I tiredly turn to see who it was and in my half-conscious state, I could still recognize the man rushing to my side.
"Loki?", I called out weakly,
"Shhh, I've got you", he whispered,
Scooping me up into his arms, before using the tesseract to teleport us away.
I couldn't make out where we were, but he immediately lays me down on the bed and started checking me for injuries. Thankfully, only my hands had aged years from my powers being taken and they would eventually return to normal with time.
"Get some rest. I need to make some arrangements"
It didn't take long for me to fall asleep after that.
Back to present day, I find myself leaving my room and making my way to his. Hesitantly, I knocked on his door and awaited a response. The door eventually opens and I was met with Loki rubbing his tired eyes.
I could no longer keep my composure. I run into his arms, throwing my own around him and sobbing into his chest.
"I had a nightmare", I wept.
He sighs in relief, before holding me.
"I still see him when I close my eyes"
"Shhh, you're alright"
I pull away, sniffling and he wipes my tears away.
"Come in", he urged,
Gesturing to the inside of his room. I nod and walk in, taking a seat on the foot of his bed, as he followed suit.
"He can't get you. I won't let him", he reassured,
Taking my hand into his.
"You can't promise me that"
"That won't inhibit me from trying"
I take a deep breath, as he uses his hand to gently cup my cheek and turn me to face him.
"It won't"
"Could I um...stay here? Just for tonight", I sniffled,
"Of course", he reassures.
We get into bed and buried ourselves beneath the blanket. A few moments of silence goes by, till Loki spoke up.
"Was this the first nightmare?"
I was too embarrassed to reply, so I simply shook my head.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was ashamed. I didn't wanna worry you either"
"Ashamed? You've gone through the worst of it and here you were, worried about how I would see you? (Y/N), you don't have to pretend with me. You're allowed to express your pain"
Hearing him be so sincere and gentle was more than enough to calm my nerves. I scoot closer towards him and he welcomes me in with a warm embrace.
"You are here with me and as long as there is still life in my veins, I promise you, you are safe"
I crane my head up and he meets my gaze.
Maybe it was just the exhaustion that was getting to me, but in that moment, I felt something and I was sure he felt it too.
"Loki", I whispered,
Carefully bringing my hand to his cheek.
Without wasting another precious second, I press my lips onto his. If you had told me months ago that Loki and I would be here, in this moment, I would've laughed in your face, but right now...all I could think about was how good he felt against me. How effortlessly his skilled hands would caress the expanse of my back.
For a while, he reciprocated the kiss with the same fervour that I had, but then suddenly, he pulled away from me with a gasp.
"We can't"
"If you're doing this because you feel as though you owe me...don't"
I couldn't help but feel my heart ache at his words. He really thought this was just a pity kiss, when it was nothing of the sort.
With my hands still cupping his face, I spoke.
"Loki. You saved my life, yes...but this isn't just some act of me saying thank you. Don't get me wrong, I will forever be grateful, but this is not what tonight is about"
He watched me intently, anticipating what I had to say.
"Life could end at any given moment and I won't spend what could be my last days being afraid. I know should've said this sooner...but I've fallen for you", I confessed.
His shoulders relaxed at my words.
"You truly mean that?"
"With every fiber of my being", I reassured,
Rubbing my thumbs back and forth on the apples of his cheeks. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, before continuing.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that"
All the weight that had been burdening me for weeks had finally been taken off my shoulders. He brushes a hair away from my forehead, before continuing to speak.
"You saved me from the moment you met me. You gave me another chance at redemption...and I will never"
He presses a kiss to my forehead.
He pressed one more to my cheek.
"Be able to thank you enough"
He presses a final one to my lips.
"If you'll have me, darling, I would love to show you the depths of my devotion"
I couldn't help, but blush at his request.
"I'd love nothing more" I exhaled.
That was all the god of mischief needed to hear, before grinning like a wild cat and pouncing onto me.
Our lips meet in a heated exchange, as his hands used my hips to pull me in closer. Every inch of my skin was burning for more. All the secret pining and anticipation has lead us to this very moment and I knew there was no going back from here. Not that I had any plans of doing so.
At some point, he flips us over so that I was on top, straddling the expanse of his thighs. I pull away for a moment to grasp at the bottom off my sweater and pull it off over my head. I was now left completely topless.
A coy smile tugs at his lips and his hands make their way up my waist, till they gently settled on my breasts.
"Had I known this was what awaited me beneath your clothes, I would've invaded New York much sooner", he joked,
Making me chuckle, whilst biting back a smile and shamelessly rolling my hips against his erection.
"Glorious, every inch of you", he exhaled.
Every word he spoke had me losing my breath. Though, it should come as no surprise to me, as he was always so effortless with them. He didn't have to say or do much to make me melt and he knew it.
Growing impatient with me teasingly grinding on him, he flips us over once more, causing a surprised gasp to escape me.
"You will be the death of me", he murmured under his breath,
Kissing me again. His lips eventually trail down my neck, the valley between my breasts, till he wrapped them around one of my eager buds, using the tip of his tongue to draw firm circles. The sinful noises spewing out of me only encouraging him further.
Once he was done showering both my hardened nips with attention, he journeyed down farther, before yanking my shorts and underwear off and pulling my thighs apart. I couldn't help but feel a chill run up my spine, seeing him stare at me with now darkened eyes.
"At long last"
He drags a finger up my drenched slit.
"A feast worth dying for", he whispered,
Finally lowering his head. I gasp at the contact, feeling his tongue clean up the mess he caused. My hands flying up at his hair, grasping at the roots.
"Loki", I whimpered,
As my legs tighten around his head. I was only met with approving hums and his hands keeping my legs apart, allowing him to continue savoring the taste of me.
"Even the sweetest fruits fall bitter at your presence", he mumbled against my bundle of nerves,
Sucking it in like the last thing he'd ever have.
I already found myself trying to fight of the nearing climax that was threatening to overtake me.
It would've been less of a struggle, had he not decided to slip two of his digits into my needy cavern, repeatedly pressing into my sweet spot. He was oh so precise with his ministrations.
"You're close, I can feel it. Do not deny me of that. Come undone for me, darling. Show me how good I make you feel"
That was the final push I needed for the knot in my stomach to snap apart and unravel. My vision fading for a moment, as my body tensed to welcome in the euphoric high.
Eventually, I grow limp coming down from my orgasm and he slowly made his way back up to my lips.
"Do you taste yourself? So exquisite, so rich. I must have you"
"Then take me", I demanded,
Holding the back of his neck.
"I was only ever yours to take"
I could tell that unlocked something within him. Like I had just awoken a beast that was already trying to claw its way out. Giving me one last mischievous smirk, he sits up, pulling his own boxers off, revealing his painfully hard cock that was begging to be soothed.
"Do you see what you do to me? Driving me up the walls by simply just being? I will ravish you to no end"
"Stop talking and just do it"
He chuckles deeply and reunites our lips once again, before tossing my legs around his waist. He takes his member into his hand, pressing the red aching tip against my sensitive clit. My back arching off the mattress as a result.
"So responsive to my touch. Will you be good for me?"
"Yes", I whispered,
And before I knew it, he plunges himself into me, resulting in another gasp to escape my parted lips.
"You are just as I'd dreamt", he groaned into my ear.
After giving me a moment to adjust, he slowly pulled his hips back, before thrusting back inside of me.
"You feel so good around me"
It didn't take long for his pace to pick up momentum. Within what felt like seconds, he began pounding mercilessly into my heat. His arms bound tightly around me waist preventing me from slipping away, as if I had any plans to.
That same familiar feeling that overwhelmed me not too long ago already building up.
Loki wasn't that far behind either. I could tell by the tempo of his movements faltering with each passing second.
"I cannot hold back any longer. Come with me, darling. Now", he struggled,
As we both fall into it together. I claw down at the alabaster skin of his back, whilst he gripped onto me for dear life, emptying himself into my pulsing walls. He then collapses on top of me and we take a moment to catch our breaths.
By the end, the room smelled of sex, sweat and the apple cinnamon candle illuminating the darkness.
He then musters the remaining of his strengths to carefully pull out of me and place me atop his sweaty chest.
"Nothing and no one will ever hurt you again. Not while I can help it", he promised,
Kissing the top of my head.
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borathae · 5 months
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↳ Index [Chapter 03 - Freundschaft]
• Freundschaft (German; noun: friendship)
Focus on Pairing: platonic!Yoongi x Taehyung
Warnings: so many fluffy sweet moments, they finally fucking talk it out, they're actually best friends i'm sorry i don't make the rules, no but seriously they both needed this moment, this is also very emotional actually, i'm sobbing i love them SO MUCH
Wordcount: 9.5k
a/n: *cries* i love them so much holy fuck
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Yoongi and your grandparents stay downstairs for another hour before sleepiness starts to take a hold of them as well.
“Oh, I’m tired”, your grandmother says in a yawn.
“Me too”, your grandfather agrees, having to yawn as well.
Yoongi yawns with them, rubbing his eyes. He didn’t even realise how tired they were from using them all day. He never really gets tired eyes in the real world.
“Will you still stay up?”
“I think I wanna finish the chapter, yeah.”
“Alright”, your grandparents stands up.
“Well then, sleep tight my boy.”
“Oh, uhm, sleep tight too, H-Harald”, Yoongi stutters, feeling his cheeks heat up.
“Sweet dreams, dear.”
“You too, Agatha.”
They leave holding hands while Yoongi is left gawking at the empty room with a racing heart. They like him. Something inside him finally clicked which made him realise that he is actually liked by them.
Yoongi lowers his head, scrunching his face in giddiness. They like him. He continues reading with his mind going back to the interaction over and over again. It never loses its spark and maybe he plans on telling you about it tomorrow.
Yoongi lifts his eyes from the book. He already finished another chapter before being called. Taehyung is in front of him, wearing a jacket. He seems to come from outside as he smells like the night.
“Do you have some time?” he asks shyly.
“For what?”
“To spend it with me.”
Yoongi checks the clock.
“It’s half past eleven.”
“I know, but I wondered if perhaps we could go for a walk in the garden.”
“Did you ask the others?”
“Huh? Aren’t they sleeping already?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Do you want to go for a walk?”
“Fine”, Yoongi gives up and stands up with a sigh, “you’re not gonna leave me alone either way.”
“Thank you so much. Oh, how happy I am”, Taehyung says and hurries to the coat stand to pick up Yoongi’s jacket, “let me help you.”
“I can put on my own jacket”, Yoongi says and snatches it away, “I’m not gonna act like a lovedrunk idiot with you, just so you know.”
“So you won’t even hold my hand?”
“Don’t make this weird or I’ll leave.”
“Oh, I was merely joking with you”, Taehyung says, nudging his arm, “I am very well aware that you cannot seem to like me, which is very hurtful if I may mention it.”
“It’s nothing personal”, Yoongi says and puts on his shoes. He finishes his look with a headband which he pulls over his ears then goes to open the door, “let’s go. I wanna be done with it.”
Taehyung follows him outside, joining his side. Yoongi inhales deeply and exhales, sticking his hands into the pocket of his jacket to make sure Taehyung can’t hold them.
“Now we’re outside. It’s cold and dark. Is that what you wanted?”
“Please can you at least attempt to meet me with less hatred?” Taehyung asks.
Yoongi studies his features, “yeah, I’ll try. Where should we walk? It’s dark”, he mumbles with slight embarrassment in his voice.
“Follow me, I know the way”, Taehyung says and takes off.
Yoongi follows behind him. Fireflies guide their way. Taehyung seems to lead him to the animal shed. There is the faint red shine of the warming lamp in the distance.
“It’s peculiar isn’t it? To think that we lived centuries being able to see in the dark and now we are helpless.”
“Yeah, it’s weird.”
“We became so used to the conveniences.”
Lights flicker on just as they pass the lavender beds. Your grandfather installed motion sensor controlled garden lights along the path. They guide their steps, making it a lot easier to see.
“That’s better”, Taehyung says to which Yoongi agrees with a hum.
The two men walk a few steps and then Taehyung talks again.
“How have you accustomed to being human again?”
“It’s alright.”
“Truly?” Taehyung stops to turn and look at Yoongi, “you spent thousands of years wishing to be human and now that you are, you think it is merely alright?”
Yoongi touches the side of his neck, “it’s good”, he confesses, “I don’t feel comfortable discussing this with you.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t feel comfortable with you.”
“You’re so cold to me”, Taehyung says and touches his heart, “it breaks my heart. Oh, why am I still trying to make you like me?”
Yoongi knows that he is joking. He lets a small scoff escape, reaching out to push at Taehyung’s chest gently.
“Walk, you brat”, he says and joins his side.
Taehyung glances at him, feeling happy. Yoongi is like a stray cat. One must be patient and give him space to make him comfortable. Only then will one be rewarded with warm moments.
The two men reach the animal shed.
“Here”, Taehyung says and tugs Yoongi to the right.
“Where are we going? The path’s that way.”
“I know, but I want to go this way.”
The automatic light flicker on. They pass them and disappear in the darkness again. New lights flicker on, showing them the way. At the end of the path a burning fire waits for them. There is a blanket and some pillows next to it.
“Are we going to the bonfire?”
“Yes indeed”, Taehyung says.
“Did you prepare a picnic?”
Yoongi glances at Taehyung.
“I told you that I don’t wanna be romanced by you.”
“I am not trying to romance you, hyung. I am trying to bromance you.”
Yoongi scoffs at the silly wordplay, following Taehyung down the path despite his complaints.
“Fine. Any sign of you trying to make a move on me though and I’m gone.”
“I won’t make a move on you”, Taehyung promises and stops by the fire. He points at the blanket, “get comfortable.”
Yoongi follows even when he pretends to sulk. Taehyung takes off his shoes and gets on the blanket as well. Yoongi, who watched him, also takes off his shoes, stretching his feet to the fire afterwards. The warmth is intense, but he likes it. The night is really chilly here. Despite how warm the days are.
“What are you doing?”
“Preparing you a drink”, Taehyung answers him, “I also made a few snacks if you get hungry.”
“That’s what you were making behind me? Where I couldn’t look?”
“And you didn’t set the whole kitchen on fire?”
“As a matter of fact, I didn’t. You should trust me more, hyung. I am a very skilled cook.”
“Yeah sure”, Yoongi laughs.
“You offend me, hyung. I put a lot of effort into tonight”, Taehyung says as he pours red wine into a glass. He hands it to Yoongi, who accepts it. Once Taehyung filled his own glass, the two men clink glasses, avoiding eye contact. At least Yoongi does, Taehyung is very much staring at his face.
“To a lovely night.”
They drink the wine.
“It’s good. It’d be better to let it breathe for a bit.”
“I agree, but it’s still very delicious. The richness of the grapes truly coats the entire tongue.”
“Mhm yeah.”
“Eat some cheese to it, hyung. I cut it myself”, Taehyung offers, pointing at a prettily done cheese board. He decorated it with flowers from the garden and cut some baguette to go with it.
“Thanks”, Yoongi says and picks up some brie.
“Here. Pair it with baguette and fig. It tastes wonderful this way.”
Yoongi allows Taehyung to prepare the perfect bite, but flinches back when he attempts to feed it to him.
“I’ll do it myself, don’t make it weird”, he mumbles.
“Very well”, Taehyung says, “you are such an anti-romantic.”
“I can be romantic.”
“Of course. How does it taste?”
“Oh how wonderful”, Taehyung giggles happily, “eat as much as you want, hyung. I made it just for this occasion.”
The two men share silence for a while. Yoongi doesn’t think the silence in itself is uncomfortable, but the fact that he has to share it with Taehyung. While Taehyung thinks the silence in itself to be uncomfortable as his mind scrambles to come up with topics to talk about. He doesn’t want Yoongi to feel as if coming with him was a waste of time.
“What do you think of the wine, hyung?”
“You asked me that already.”
“Indeed? Oh silly me. I apologise”, Taehyung says and fumbles with his hair. He downs his wine and prepares another glass.
Yoongi watches him from the corners of his eyes. The nervousness is practically wafting off of Taehyung.
“It goes well with the cheese”, Yoongi says.
“Yeah. It fits well”, Yoongi praises and finishes his own glass, “can I have another?”
“Yes of course. Drink as much as you want to and eat! Yes, eat just as much!”
“I will, Tae. Thanks.”
There is silence again, but it doesn’t feel that uncomfortable anymore. They drink wine, eat delicious cheese and share the warmth of the fire. Taehyung knows that Yoongi isn’t the person who always needs to talk a lot, so the silence doesn’t feel that heavy anymore. Yoongi seems content, he seems to enjoy the food and wine and he seems to enjoy the fire. Taehyung still wants to talk with him. He hasn’t had a proper conversation with him in ages.
“Did you work on new music lately?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful. What genre?”
“Acoustic. Yeah”, Yoongi touches the side of his neck shyly, “I like it lately.”
“Indeed? I believe it fits you, hyung.”
“Because acoustic reminds me of feeling at home. You seem to be at home these days.” 
Yoongi looks away and lowers his head.
“I guess”, he whispers, hiding his hands in his sweater paws before stuffing them between his thighs shyly. 
“Do you have some of your music here? I would love to listen to it.”
Yoongi hesitates at first. 
“Okay”, he gives in and takes out his phone, “I uhm, saved them on my phone. They’re not finished yet, but I think that they’re already really good”, he says and presses play on a song. 
The two men listen to it intently, sipping on wine and snacking on cheese. Yoongi is shy. Even a blind person could see so. He is shy, but not uncomfortable. In his own kind of way he seems even proud of himself. Yes, he really seems content with his own work. 
The song finishes with Yoongi strumming on the guitar. Silence follows. 
“Yeah, that’s it”, he murmurs, flinching in surprise when Taehyung starts clapping. 
“Wow hyung, this was wonderful!” Taehyung exclaims, “I didn’t know that you could sing and oh so well at that.”
“Thanks. I think I sing well”, he agrees.
“You truly do. Your voice is very soothing and fits the genre very well. Do you have any idea on what you will call the song?”
“No, not yet. Maybe something nice.”
“Something nice would fit the melodies very well.”
Yoongi glances at Taehyung. He tilts his head to the side slightly. Taehyung meets his eyes.
“Do you really think it’s good?”
“Of course I do. I enjoyed it. Honestly.”
“Okay. Thanks”, Yoongi says and looks into his phone.
Taehyung glances at the screen. Yoongi is scrolling up and down on the same spot, almost as if he is waiting for Taehyung to ask him about it.
“Do you have more songs to show?”
“Yeah, I guess”, Yoongi says and presses play on the song. It starts off with the piano, but soon guitar and Yoongi’s gentle rapping joins the melody.
The two men listen to it as they drink and snack and share the warmth of the fire. 
They each finish their drink in the middle of the song and so Taehyung makes it his task to refill their glasses. Yoongi thanks him with a silent nod. The song ends abruptly. 
“I didn’t get to the end yet”, Yoongi says, “sorry, that was shit.” 
“No, it wasn’t. It was wonderful.”
“Yes, truly. I love your music, hyung.”
“Oh”, Yoongi lets out and blushes vividly. Thankfully for him, the wine and the heat of the fire already turned his face red, so a new layer of blush goes unnoticed by Taehyung.
“I was actually wondering whether you could write melodies for me. Unless you have more songs to show”, Taehyung says.
“No, all the others are still rough drafts”, Yoongi says and glances at Taehyung “what do you mean with melodies?”
“Well, you see”, Taehyung begins and takes out his leatherbound notebook from the inside of his jacket, “I have this poem, which has such potential for a song, but I am terrible at composing”, he explains and lies down on his tummy. His feet still face the fire, he is propped up on his elbows.
Yoongi stays in the same position, craning his neck to look. 
“Would you want to take a look?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Yoongi tries to see in the current position at first, but has to give up in the end. He lies down on his tummy as well, mirroring Taehyung’s position.
“It’s dark.”
Taehyung shines his phone flashlight on the pages.
“Does this help?”
The two men share silence. Yoongi reads and snacks while Taehyung stares at his face and feels nervous. It’s been centuries since he last showed his friend his poetry. And it has been even longer since he asked him to write melodies for him, maybe he never even did. Centuries make memories blur, so Taehyung can’t remember clearly. He feels nervous beyond recovery. 
Yoongi ends the poem with a quiet hum.
“And? What are your thoughts on it?” 
“It’s romantic.”
“Yes indeed. I thought about my favourite things to do with my loves and slow dancing came to my mind. So I wrote a poem about it.”
“It’s good”, Yoongi says and glances at him, “I have ideas for a song.”
“Truly? Oh hyung, this is wonderful news! I feel beyond delighted.”
“Do you want to make it jazz?”
“Yes! Yes, I would love to make it jazz!”
“Or maybe retro RnB with some jazz elements.” 
“Oh hyung, you are truly a visionary. I love every idea you have. We could make it so that the instruments get a solo part to really make them shine.”
“Yeah, I like that.”
“We have to start working on it once we are back home.”
“We will finally be able to have our music nights again”, Taehyung says and caresses Yoongi’s upper arm gently.
Yoongi fumbles with the edge of the page. He doesn’t dare to flip it because it would invade Taehyung’s privacy. 
“Do you want to see something else?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Taehyung flips through his notebook until he lands on the drawings he did for your bedroom. 
“It’s not finished yet, but this is my vision for ___’s bedroom. I am thinking flowers and branches reaching from the ceilings. What do you think?”
“Yeah, it’s good”, Yoongi says, tracing the floral sketches with gentle fingertips. 
“If you have any ideas which I could incorporate, please let me know.”
“I don’t know. I’m not good at painting. Or art.”
“Oh, that is a lie. You are talented.”
“Not like you. I can’t paint like you”, Yoongi says and shakes his head. 
“Yes, but you have your own style. Wonderful and beautiful because it’s yours.”
Yoongi glances at Taehyung. The latter smiles at him, flustering Yoongi to the point where he has to hide away. He lies down on the blanket, resting his head on his own arm. Like this, he is looking up at Taehyung.
“I can’t paint, stop fucking around”, he hisses, but Taehyung merely chuckles and reaches down to caress Yoongi’s cheek with the back of his hand.
“Very well, you stubborn bastard”, he says and flips his hand so his fingertips were dancing along Yoongi’s temple. He ends the touch with a slow trace of Yoongi’s brow, retreating it afterwards to instead flip through his notebook.
Yoongi allowed it to happen with silence surrounding him and his eyes never once leaving his face. He keeps staring at him even after the touch stopped.
“I have another poem. Do you want to hear it?”
“It’s in our mother tongue. Ever since I am with Jungkook, I find myself thinking in this language more often. In a sense, this poem is dedicated to him.”
“Read it to me.”
And so it happens that Taehyung reads his poetry to Yoongi, while Yoongi looks at him and enjoys the warmth on his toes. He listens to Taehyung’s words intently and wonders if the young vampire has always been so dreamy with his words. And then he wonders if he has always been so gentle and why he felt the need to touch his face in such ways.
Taehyung ends the poem with a shivering voice. 
“Oh dear”, he lets out and wipes at his eyes, glancing at Yoongi, “I am tearing up.”
“It’s okay”, Yoongi speaks softly.
“I always tell myself that I won’t become too emotional, but I truly can’t help myself. I am in love with him. Just thinking about him makes me want to cry. Oh dear, this isn’t like me at all”, he says and laughs softly, drying his eyes as best as possible.
“It’s okay”, Yoongi assures him and reaches up to wipe the tears from Taehyung’s cheek.
The latter falters for breath, gawking at him with widened eyes. The touch surprised him so greatly that he forgets to cry. 
Yoongi ends the touch with a gentle nudge to Taehyung’s chin, afterwards he retreats his hand and hides it under his head.
Taehyung doesn’t dare to speak. He is left staring at Yoongi and feeling short of breath. His heart is threatening to give up in his chest, his thoughts are messy but one thought is clearer than all else. Is this truly his friend? Such tenderness, Taehyung never experienced from him before.
“The poem is nice. I could write melodies for it”, Yoongi breaks the silence.
“You”, Taehyung has to clear his throat, “hyung, this would make me incredibly happy. Oh, hyung thank you.”
“Mhm, yeah. You could perform it for Kook once it’s finished. He will love it a lot.” 
“I truly hope that he will. Oh, I want to make this man so happy. Sometimes I fear that I am too much, that I will scare him away one day because I overwhelmed him with too much love.”
“There’s no such thing as too much love, Tae, there’s just a thing as the wrong receiver.”
“The wrong receiver?”
“Don’t lessen your love, Tae. A cactus dies in too much water, while a water lily thrives. There is no such thing as too much, there are just wrong receivers. Jungkook’s the right one, trust me.”
“Hyung, thank you I…” Taehyung exhales shakily, “oh, I have so much love to give to him. If I could, I would steal the stars just to give them to him. You have no idea, hyung.”
“No, I do”, Yoongi whispers and smiles softly, “he’ll cry so much when he hears the song.”
Taehyung chuckles and drops down, nuzzling his face into his own arm as he beams at Yoongi.
“He will. Oh, he is such a gentle soul.” 
“Yeah”, Yoongi agrees with a chuckle, “I hope he never changes.”
“Yes, yes I agree. He’s perfect the way he is”, Taehyung says with love drunk eyes, “I plan to take him on a summer holiday soon. Perhaps Greece. It is so terribly romantic there.”
Yoongi studies Taehyung’s features intently enough that Taehyung feels shy.
“What is it, hyung?” he whispers.
“I haven’t seen you so in love before.”
“That’s not true. I love ___ just as deeply.”
“You weren’t like this with her. You were a cunt and a show-off.” 
Taehyung chuckles, “I guess you are right. Oh, I regret a lot in my life. I try to make it right, but sometimes I am scared that I won’t ever be able to fix it.”
“Don’t try so hard.”
“But if I won’t, then it won’t ever be enough.”
“You’re already enough, Tae.”
Taehyung flusters, looking away.
He touches his own hair, scrambling for words.
“Hyung I…” he begins, “hyung, I feel wrong at times.”
“What do you mean?”
“I feel as if I am trying to force myself into a situation I have no right to be in”, he says and looks into Yoongi’s eyes, “when Jimin was dead, I did so much wrong and, and afterwards as well. And although I shouldn’t feel this way, I feel as if I was never meant to be part of this family again. Sometimes I am scared that all of you merely pretend to be alright with me being here.”
Yoongi furrows his brows.
“I know. How silly of me to think this way. How utterly and stupidly self-obsessed. The world doesn’t revolve around me and yet here I am, feeling sorry for myself.”
“It’s not self-obsessed, Tae. You have worries and still feel guilty for your past. I understand those feelings all too well, but you shouldn’t feel this way. You acted like shit in the past, yeah, but you’re not that person anymore.”
“Do you truly think this way?”
“I didn’t think that you would.”
“Because you are always so mean to me.”
Yoongi falters. Taehyung shies away, lowering his eyes.
“It hurts me so much when you’re always so terrible to me, hyung”, Taehyung confesses in a whisper.
Yoongi stays silent.
“I apologise”, Taehyung whispers, “it, it’s alright. I understand why you are this way. I shouldn’t ask you to change for me.”
“No, you should”, Yoongi interrupts him.
Taehyung lifts his eyes, holding his breath.
“I think I’ve been unfair to you”, Yoongi confesses.
“What?” Taehyung gasps.
“It’s hard for me to accept that you’re not the reckless, snobby brat from the past anymore. That’s all I’ve known you as for centuries, but I have to give you a chance to prove yourself as someone different. You’re allowed to better yourself. I’m sorry for acting like a cunt, Tae.”
“Do you mean that?” Taehyung presses out.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Hyung”, Taehyung tears up, “oh hyung”, he whimpers and squeezes his eyes shut.
“Hey, don’t cry kiddo”, Yoongi whispers, cupping Taehyung’s cheek to wipe the tears from his lashes.
“Oh hyung, I’m so happy”, Taehyung presses out and flings himself around Yoongi’s neck. He traps him in a tight hug, his arms are slung around him and his legs closed tightly around Yoongi’s waist.
“Yah! Stop that”, Yoongi complains, finding himself smothered in Taehyung’s chest as the latter rolls around the blanket with him. Yoongi ends up chuckling, “you’re so stupid, Tae. Let me go.”
“Oh hyung, we will be such good friends”, Taehyung giggles and nuzzles into Yoongi’s face just to kiss his cheek.
“Tae stop”, Yoongi laughs, pushing his face away gently, “you’re weirding me out.”
Taehyung pulls back, releasing Yoongi from his tight hug. The latter wiggles away instantly, nudging Taehyung’s cheek.
“You’re a brat. I regret everything I said”, he says, making Taehyung laugh. Yoongi smiles, giving Taehyung’s chin one last gentle nudge. Then he rolls to his back and sits up, taking his glass of wine to drink it as his eyes stare into the orange flames.
Taehyung sits up as well, studying Yoongi’s features.
“I feel happy, hyung.”
Yoongi nods his head, “me too.”
“I mean it.”
“What do you mean?”
“We will be such good friends.”
“I see”, Yoongi says and nods his head, “yeah”, he glances at Taehyung, “I don’t want you trying to romance me. It makes me uncomfortable.”
“I won’t try. All I wanted for years was to be your friend, hyung. This is everything I wanted.”
“Mhm, good.”
“I will however cuddle with you and give you kisses.”
Yoongi scrunches his nose up and clicks his tongue, “if you have to”, he murmurs.
“I do”, Taehyung says and scoots closer to hug Yoongi’s waist and rest his chin on his shoulder, “you will be so fed up with me by the end of it.”
“It’s gonna happen sooner than later. I hate PDA.”
“No, you don’t. You give ___ PDA all the time.”
“Yeah, I guess. She’s my love, yeah.”
“That’s good, hyung. The two of you are meant for each other”, Taehyung says and sits up. He wiggles his toes and drinks his wine. Then he lets out a loud sigh, tilting his head up to stare into the sky. Millions of stars look down at them, “this world is truly fascinating.”
Yoongi inhales and lifts his head. He exhales, “yeah, Namjoon did nice stuff as well.”
“It feels impossible for me to imagine. He traumatised me incredibly.”
“I know Tae. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi lets out and lies down. He starts counting the stars but soon gives up, “do you think that every witch that ever lived is here?”
“Mhm, yes I think so.”
Taehyung snacks on some grapes and enjoys a sip of his wine. He really likes the taste of it. It’s already warmed up from the fire, but he doesn’t mind. It still tastes sweet, tasting even sweeter because he is finally Yoongi’s friend. Taehyung loves being Yoongi’s friend.
“Do you think that witches return to be witches once they’re dead?”
“I don’t seem to understand this question, hyung.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
Taehyung turns, studying Yoongi’s features. The latter, who looked at the sky at first, shifts his attention to Taehyung. He seems flustered.
“Talk to me, hyung. There is something weighing on your heart, isn’t there?”
“No, there’s not.”
“You don’t have to lie to me”, Taehyung says and lies down on his tummy. The two men can see eye to eye this way, “you can trust me, hyung.”
Yoongi takes a deep breath and sighs.
“I was just wondering. What if a witch became a vampire against their will, would their soul return to being a witch once they’re dead? Would they be able to enter this world or will their soul be too cursed by vampirism to enter?”
“I have to think about this for a moment”, Taehyung confesses.
“It’s okay. It’s fucking stupid either way”, Yoongi murmurs.
“No, it’s not. I will think about it”, Taehyung assures him and rolls to his back.
They share silence. The fire crackles by their feet, the crickets sing their nightly song and the forest is alive in various kinds of rustling and animal calls. They’re both a little chilly. It’s been centuries since they last felt truly cold. They’re also very tipsy from the wine. It’s been just as long since they felt so truly drunk. It’s a vulnerable state they find themselves in. Human and so utterly prone to outside influences that it would be a scary state to be in if they weren’t so safe in each other’s presence.
“I thought of my answer”, Taehyung breaks the silence.
“Tell me”, Yoongi whispers and so Taehyung speaks quietly as well.
“I think that a witch will return to being a witch once they die. You said that they were cursed against their will and I believe that death will lift the curse from their soul.”
“So you think that they can find peace here?”
“Yes I believe so”, Taehyung says with confidence in his voice.
“Good”, Yoongi says and exhales shakily, “yeah, that’s good.”
Taehyung turns his head to Yoongi.
“Why do you ask such a question, hyung?” he asks and widens his eyes, “no hyung!”
Taehyung sits up, “no! Just no! Why would you think like this? Why?”
“What’s wrong with you?”
Taehyung shakes his head vigorously and grabs Yoongi by his shoulders.
“Why do you still think about dying? Why would you kill yourself just to enter this world? Why do you still think this way?” Taehyung presses out with a trembling emotion in his voice.
“What?” Yoongi gasps and sits up, “I wasn’t thinking for myself, you idiot.”
“But…what else were you thinking?”
Yoongi lowers his head and touches the side of his neck.
“My friends”, he whispers.
“Your friends?”
“The other Creators who died. Do you think that they found peace here?”
“Oh”, Taehyung lets out and touches his own chest, “I feel such relief right now. Oh hyung, you gave me such a fright.”
“I don’t want to die these days”, Yoongi says.
“Good. This is good”, Taehyung says and hugs Yoongi again even if the latter grumbles in distaste, “you just became my friend and I don’t want to lose you.”
“Okay, okay I got it”, Yoongi laughs, patting his head, “now let go of me.”
“No”, Taehyung murmurs, “I have to hug you, hyung.”
Taehyung gives him a little squeeze.
“I think that your friends are in this world”, he says into the crook of Yoongi’s neck. Yoongi feels his voice against his skin this way.
“You do?”
“Yes, of course I do.”
“Okay”, Yoongi says and relaxes, “maybe I’ll find them one day. How endless do you think this world is?”
“I can’t tell. I know even less about magic than you.”
“I never understood this world. This was always Namjoon’s expertise. I keep wondering how far away my friends are or how similar to the real world it is. What about time differences? My friends died thousands of years ago. They don’t know automatic lights or modern sanitary systems. Does their world look different than that of ___’s grandparents? Does every witch’s world look different depending on when they died? Isn’t it incredibly lonely like this?”
“I don’t think that I have answers to these questions, but I do believe that this world isn’t lonely.”
“You do?”
“Yes. The real world is lonely enough and I believe that the loneliness stops here. This isn’t a world of punishment, but of peace”, Taehyung says and sits up to look at the stars, “if you asked me, witches of every time period live here together. I think that this world evolved as the real world evolved. Your friends may have started off this world without electricity or running water, but as time passed and witches from different time periods entered this realm, it evolved with them.”
“Or perhaps this is a world of many different times. Maybe your friends still live how you lived three thousand years ago while ___’s grandparents live in their time period. Perhaps we can traverse time here and visit each other’s time.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“Whatever it may be, I believe that your friends are at peace.”
“I wonder if they would recognise me if I ever meet them again.”
“I believe that they would”, Taehyung says and glances at Yoongi, “perhaps we could look for them.”
Yoongi lowers his head, “I was wondering the same.”
“You were?”
Yoongi nods his head.
“Oh hyung, then we ought to do so”, Taehyung says, taking Yoongi’s hand.
“I don’t know if I want this.”
“But you said so yourself that you were thinking about it.”
“Thinking about it and actually doing it are two very different things.”
“And what would be so bad about actually doing it? How else will you make new memories? How else will you find out if they’re at peace?”
Yoongi looks at Taehyung. The latter meets his eyes.
“Thinking about it can’t hurt me”, Yoongi whispers.
“I see. Oh hyung, you live in your thoughts too much. What would have happened if you over thought ___ as well?”
“That never would have happened because she gave me no chance to even think about it. She just made me fall in love with her”, Yoongi says and makes Taehyung laugh with it.
“Yes indeed, she is so incredibly stubborn once she wants something.”
“Yeah, I hope she never changes.”
“Yes indeed. She is perfect the way she is”, Taehyung agrees and smiles with Yoongi. He squeezes his hand, “but you see? Because you had no time to over think it into ruin, you can now live in happiness. You told me that you don’t want to die these days hyung, and it is all because you didn’t overthink.”
Yoongi looks away, nodding his head in acknowledgement.
“So I think that we should attempt to look for your friends. It will make you happy.”
“I guess”, Yoongi touches the side of his neck, “not this time. We’ll visit this world a lot more. I’m not ready yet.”
“I understand. Then we’ll do it next time”, Taehyung says, caressing Yoongi’s knuckles, “I love it here, so I hope to visit it many more times.”
“Mhm yeah”, Yoongi agrees, “how do you like being human?”
“Oh, it’s exhausting”, Taehyung laughs, “it has only been two days and I already have enough of it.”
“Really?” Yoongi chuckles, “why? I think it’s nice.”
“Why is it nice? I have to eat and drink and constantly relieve myself, I get tired so easily, every little ache stays and I have been freezing my buttocks off for the past ten minutes.”
Yoongi laughs, “I like it.”
“Of course you do.”
Taehyung touches his own chest, “but I must admit that it is truly wonderful to feel my heartbeat again and that my warmth is honest. And I guess it is also wonderful to feel touch on my skin”, he says and lifts Yoongi’s hand into their vision. He runs his thumb over his skin, meeting Yoongi’s soft gaze afterwards.
“Yeah”, he whispers, “it’s nice to experience this. Hugs are the best because you can feel the other’s heartbeat. Yeah and kisses.”
“Oh, you romantic”, Taehyung says with fondness in his voice, “I haven’t kissed properly yet.”
“I’m not the one you will experience this with.”
Taehyung laughs, “you are truly ice cold, hyung.”
Yoongi chuckles, “I told you. I don’t wanna romance you.”
“Of course, this is what you say now.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, smiling fondly, “you’re a brat.”
He lifts his glass to his lips and finishes the wine.
“Do you want more?”
“Oh, the bottle is empty.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums, “I guess that means we gotta go inside.”
“Why? The night has only become comfortable.”
“Didn’t you say that you were freezing your ass off?”
“Yes, but I want to spend more time with you.”
Yoongi scoffs fondly, “we can spend time inside as well. It’d be less freezing.”
“Very well, but only if you promise me that we will truly continue this inside.”
“Yeah, we’ll continue this.”
“I take your words for it, hyung”, Taehyung says and gets up, “should we extinguish the fire?”
“Yeah, it’s safest. We don’t want to start a forest fire.”
“Do you believe that fires are possible here?”
“Let’s not find out the hard way. Can you get the hose from the shed?”
“Of course.”
While Taehyung hurries to the shed in the darkness and begins unravelling the hose, Yoongi makes it his task of cleaning up the picnic. He makes sure the glasses are as dry as possible and the plates are relatively clean before storing all of it in the small basket. He shakes off possible crumbs from the blanket and then folds it neatly. Taehyung returns while Yoongi is busy folding. He aims the hose at the fire, squinting his eyes as the fire dies down in puffs of smoke and protesting sizzles.
“We were lucky with the smoke”, Yoongi says.
“Yes truly, oh it’s taking its revenge now”, Taehyung says and coughs, “my eyes burn terribly.”
“Yeah”, Yoongi agrees, wafting the smoke away with closed eyes.
The fire is extinguished soon after and the two men can make their way back to the cottage. Taehyung stores the hose back on its spot as they pass the shed while Yoongi carries the picnic stuff.
“I can carry something as well”, Taehyung offers.
“It’s okay. I got it”, Yoongi assures him.
They walk side by side on their way back, carrying a certain light-hearted skip in their steps. It wasn’t there when they started this evening, but now it doesn’t seem to want to leave.
“You can leave the blanket outside in case of critters.”
They slip off their shoes and coats and while Taehyung is still busy with fixing his hair, Yoongi is carrying the basket to the kitchen. He starts unloading it, glancing over his shoulder when he feels Taehyung’s presence behind him.
“We should clean. It’s mannerly”, Yoongi says.
“Of course. I shall wash the dishes and you can dry them”, Taehyung says.
Yoongi rolls up his sleeves and begins storing the leftover food in small containers, while Taehyung is busy filling the sink with warm water. They try to be as quiet as possible in fear of waking anyone.
“Oh heavens, I am a fool.”
“What’s wrong?” Yoongi asks, looking over his shoulder.
“I forgot to roll up my sleeves and wet my hands already. May I get help?”
Yoongi closes the fridge and hurries to Taehyung’s side. He rolls up his sleeves, first the left and then the right. Taehyung looks at Yoongi’s face while the other looks at Taehyung’s sweater.
“That colour’s nice”, he says.
“Thank you. I think that earth tones really fit me”, Taehyung says.
“Yeah, it’s good.”
“I made the sweater myself. I still know the pattern, so if you want to have your own I could knit it for you.”
“It’s okay, you don’t gotta work for me.”
“But I want to.”
Their eyes meet.
“You would look very handsome in earthen tones, hyung.”
Yoongi flusters, looking away.
“I’m done”, he says and steps back, “that should hold.”
“Thank you, hyung.”
Taehyung begins washing the dishes while Yoongi is busy discarding the scraps.
“So should I make you a sweater?” Taehyung asks.
“If you want to”, Yoongi says dryly, but it is clear that Taehyung’s offer means a great deal to him. His cheeks are just the slightest shade of rosy.
“Oh, those are wonderful news. I shall start with it the moment we are home. No actually, I have to do ___’s bedroom first and then we also planned to write my song and I promised Jimin to help with renovations of his ballet studio. Oh, I am too busy.”
Yoongi chuckles. He joins Taehyung’s right side and begins drying the dishes he already finished.
“I shall start with your sweater in October. Early November, at the very latest. I promise.”
“It’s okay, Tae. I can wait”, Yoongi assures him.
“I shall make you many presents now that we are friends, hyung.”
Yoongi smiles, “okay, Tae. I’ll accept them”, he speaks softly, giving him a fond look through the reflection of the kitchen window.
Taehyung meets it and smiles. His heart is light in his chest, his shoulders feel like lifting. He feels at ease. Spending time with Yoongi until this evening was always filled with uncomfortable tension. They accepted each other’s presence for the sake of the polycule, but it was felt by both that it was just that. Acceptance to keep the peace. Taehyung felt nervous in Yoongi’s presence and as if he needed to pretend to be the most proper, guilt-filled person on earth. While Yoongi felt wary in Taehyung’s presence and as if he needed to keep a distance for his own safety.
They don’t feel this way anymore. The once awkward tension was lifted as they talked and acceptance turned into friendship. Of course one nice evening doesn’t mean that all the issues are gone forever, but both men sense that it will be different from now on and they are willing to put in the work to improve their relationship day by day.
It’s a nice feeling to have because it meant that they could both finally feel entirely comfortable whenever their polycule comes together.
“Hey guys.”
Taehyung and Yoongi are almost finished with the dishes when Jungkook enters the kitchen. The two men look at him. He is wearing checkered pyjama pants and no shirt. His hair is ruffled as if hands played with it. His skin is flushed and his neck carries red marks of kisses.
“Hello handsome.”
“Are you doing dishes?”
“Yes, we had a picnic by the fire pit.”
“The two of you?” Jungkook sounds rightfully surprised.
“Yes. It was a very lovely time.”
“Oh? Really?” Jungkook makes sure, looking between Taehyung and Yoongi. It is obvious that such news are unbelievable to him. He sniffles to make out their scent until he realises that he can’t do such things here.
“Yeah”, Yoongi says, “it was good.”
“Did you guys talk it out?”
Yoongi and Taehyung nod.
“We are friends now”, Taehyung says and hugs Yoongi.
“Okay Tae, back off”, Yoongi complains with a chuckle, which only makes Taehyung hug him tighter.
“You guys, this is the best news ever”, Jungkook gasps as his eyes light up, “wow, I’m so happy”, he confesses and giggles. He steps closer and gives them a little hug, “my two favourite men are friends now. I’m happy, hyungies”, he says and sighs contently, “I gotta tell ___ the news, but first I need to get her water.”
He struts to the cabinet and takes out two glasses. Taehyung and Yoongi, who broke the hug after Yoongi nudged him away gently, watch him.
“Did you make love?” Taehyung asks.
Jungkook grins confidently, “I don’t have to tell you.”
“Oh come now, don’t be so secretive”, Taehyung laughs.
“Mhm yeah”, Jungkook nods his head, “she’s resting upstairs.”
“Now these are truly wonderful news. I still haven’t gotten to love her here”, Taehyung says and nudges Yoongi, “you, hyung?”
“Why do I gotta tell you?”
“Come now, it is just the three of us.”
Yoongi gives up with a sigh, “congrats Kook, you beat me to it.”
“I’m the first one to do it here?” Jungkook gasps loudly enough that the others shush him.
“Her grandparents”, Yoongi whispers, pointing into the direction of their bedroom.
“I’m the first one to do it here?” Jungkook whispers, “oh my god, I’m such a perv.”
“You are the biggest perv”, Taehyung teases and snickers, “how wonderful was it?”
“It was amazing. Wow, I have butterflies” Jungkook gushes.
“Oh Kookie, this is making me so excited for my night with her.”
They both giggle excitedly.
“You two are idiots”, Yoongi whispers, “stop talking like this. She’s not a price to claim.”
“You joined us as well, hyung.”
“I only did so because you asked. Besides, if nothing happens I’m not gonna be disappointed. You guys are perverts.”
“Very well, I admit that we sounded very perverted. Please forgive us.”
“I can tell you that she talked about you guys and how she’s excited for whatever sexy thing you’ll get up to”, Jungkook says, “so she’s being a perv too, but you’re right sorry I talked about her like this.”
“Whatever”, Yoongi murmurs shyly.
Jungkook snickers and fills up the glasses. He takes a sip of his water and sighs contently.
“I’m upstairs then. ___ needs her water”, he says and steps closer to press a kiss to both Taehyung’s and then Yoongi’s lips, “sleep tight, you two”, he says and giggles, “I’m happy that you’re friends.”
And with that he leaves the kitchen with a confident sway in his hips. Taehyung and Yoongi watch him as he hurries upstairs and then distance drowns him out. It’s peculiar to them that they can’t hear how the door opens and closes or how Jungkook talks to you. Human hearing is truly so useless.
“So uhm”, Taehyung begins now that they are alone again, “what shall we do now, hyung? We cleaned everything.”
Yoongi touches the side of his neck, “I’m honestly kinda tired.”
“But hyung”, Taehyung pouts, “you promised me that we will continue the evening inside.”
“I know, but I’m tired. I don’t feel like talking anymore.”
“I’m so sad right now. Oh hyung please”, Taehyung takes Yoongi’s hand, “at least let us stay up for a little bit longer.”
“I’m sorry, Tae.”
Taehyung retreats his touch, “very well. Don’t clean the shower, I will use it after you.”
Yoongi steps closer and nudges Taehyung’s chin. The younger vampire looks at him with sad, puppy eyes.
“I had fun tonight. Yeah? Just too tired all of a sudden.”
Taehyung nods his head, allowing a small smile to wash over his face, “I had fun as well, hyung.”
Yoongi leaves soon after, but the evening wasn’t over yet. Taehyung decides so the second Yoongi disappeared upstairs. And so he waits, listening as best as his human ears allow him to. Yoongi takes around fifteen minutes in the bathroom and another five minutes taking a nightly pee. Then he can hear the guest bedroom door close.
Taehyung hurries upstairs and locks himself in the bathroom to take the quickest shower he ever took. He needs to be fast in order for Yoongi to still be awake.
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Ten minutes after Yoongi got under the covers and comfortable for bed, a knock on the door alerts his attention. The door opens without his answer and in steps Taehyung.
Yoongi lowers his pen, studying Taehyung by the edge of the bed. He is wearing his pyjamas and carries his own notebook with a pen.
“What do you want?”
“Can I stay here with you tonight?”
“Because Jungkook and ___ are occupying her bed and I would have no place to sleep.”
“Wonderful”, Taehyung says and gets on top of the bed, “we can keep each other warm”, he says and pulls the cover open to wiggle himself underneath it.
Yoongi watches him with a certain stiffness in his body. Taehyung sighs and grunts contently, shimmying closer to Yoongi until their arms touch.
“Do you have to do this?” Yoongi asks.
“Indeed, I do”, Taehyung says and sticks his naked feet under the leg of Yoongi’s pants.
“Yah! Put your icicle toes somewhere else”, Yoongi complains loudly, kicking at Taehyung’s feet.
“Warm me up, hyung”, Taehyung coos as he chases him.
“Yah stop it. You’re cold and I’m gonna kick you”, Yoongi warns as he still kicks his feet. He even lies down on his back for it, almost kicking off the blanket as he wiggles his legs. 
Taehyung laughs and retreats his feet, “I apologise. The opportunity was just too easy not to take.”
“You’re such a brat”, Yoongi mumbles, sitting back up. He fixes the blanket on his legs and looks back into his notebook. 
Taehyung snickers, agreeing with a nod of his head. He opens his notebook and clicks his pen. 
“What are you working on, hyung?”
“Nothing. I write down what I think.”
“Like a diary?”
“I guess.”
“That’s very good, hyung. I promise not to peek.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums, looking at him with gratefulness, “you, uh, what are you doing?”
“Oh, I am just continuing work on ___’s bedroom sketches. I want to finish them before we leave this realm.”
“Okay. I want to listen to music. I don’t want to talk when I do.”
“I won’t stop you. I shall listen to my own music as well.”
“Okay”, Yoongi says and puts in earbuds. Taehyung slips on headphones and mere seconds later, the two men share one bed but otherwise no words. It is silent and comfortable. Each does their own thing whilst sharing space. Mere hours ago, such an occurrence would have been a lot more awkward. 
They manage to get around an hour in and then Yoongi is the first to give up. He places his phone and earbuds on the bedside table together with his notebook and pen. He fluffs up his pillow next.
“Are you tired already?” Taehyung asks him.
“Do you mind if I still draw for a while? I will have to keep the lights on for it.”
“No, it’s okay”, Yoongi assures him and lies down. He wiggles for a bit to get comfortable, “good night”, he says and rolls to his side. Like this, his back is facing Taehyung. 
One must know that this is the first time Yoongi shows himself like this in front of Taehyung. One must dearly remember this fact to perhaps understand why Taehyung can’t stop staring at his friend. 
“Yes indeed. Have a good night, hyung”, he mumbles and turns down the light to make it easier for Yoongi to fall asleep. So this is how his friend looks when he attempts to fall asleep.
“The only reason I’m doing this is because I’m human right now and need sleep.”
“Of course hyung, I wouldn’t have dared to question you”, Taehyung says with a knowing smile on his lips. 
“Good. Good night”, Yoongi says and grows silent.
“Sleep tight, hyung.” 
Taehyung stares for a few moments, thinking to himself that Yoongi looks incredibly cute right now. He is resting in fetus position with his hands between his legs while the blanket covers him all the way to the back of his head. He looks even smaller than he actually is and Taehyung thinks that he is adorable. He stays quiet of course because he is aware that it would push Yoongi away if he tried to compliment him right now. 
Around twenty minutes pass and then Taehyung gets sleepy as well. He discards his phone and notebook and turns off the lights. He gets comfortable in the pillow, staring into the darkness where he assumes Yoongi to sleep. It is so peculiar to not be able to see. 
Taehyung tries to fall asleep, but fails because he has nothing to hug. He can’t find relaxation when he is so empty-handed. 
Taehyung takes a deep breath for courage and reaches out. His fingers touch Yoongi’s back. It’s incredibly warm and tenses at the touch.
“What?”Yoongi whispers quietly.
“Did I wake you?”
“I can’t fall asleep if I do not hug something. May I hug you?”
Yoongi exhales loudly, “if you have to.”
“Thank you, hyung”, Taehyung says and closes in on Yoongi. He drapes his right arm over him, pulling his small body against his chest. His legs lock with Yoongi’s perfectly, sharing warmth his way. Next he wiggles his left arm under Yoongi’s head, keeping it extended so both men are comfortable.
Yoongi is too sleepy to protest, letting it happen even if his brain is going crazy in panic. He never planned on being Taehyung’s little spoon and yet here they were.
“You are so comfortable, hyung”, Taehyung whispers, nuzzling his nose deep into the hair at the back of Yoongi’s head. He inhales deeply and hums.
“You’re so weird”, Yoongi murmurs, trying not to relax too much in case it comes off as needy. He’s not needy for Taehyung’s hugs. Not in a fucking million.
Taehyung ignores him for the sake of nuzzling and snuggling closer.
“What do you like best, hyung? Head pats, chest rubs or stomach rubs?”
“I’m allowing you to hug me, nothing more. Are we clear?”
“But hyung, I want to make you feel very cozy.”
“I appreciate it. Stay still. It’s cozy enough.”
Taehyung huffs out air, “very well.”
Yoongi tries to relax. He doesn’t feel sleepy when he is so tense and that means he has to relax. If he wanted to or not.
“I love back scratches most”, Taehyung breaks the silence in a soft spoken voice.
“Yes, indeed. But if I am the small spoon, I love it most to have my chest rubbed. It is very relaxing to me.”
“Okay, Tae. I’m sure Kook and ___ will be very willing to give them to you.”
“Hyung”, Taehyung complains and pinches Yoongi’s side gently, “I am not attempting to romance you. Friends can give touches to each other as well.”
“Yeah? Well, I’m not fucking comfortable with having my torso touched, okay?”
“Truly?” Taehyung props himself up on his elbow. It results in Yoongi’s head rolling closer to his chest naturally. He doesn’t fix it, “so why have I seen ___ rub your stomach before? And Kook caress your chest?”
“Because…” Yoongi rolls his head away, “I don’t gotta tell you.”
“Do you need time to grow comfortable around people’s touches?”
“Yes. You’ve known me for how long? You know that I do.”
���Do I make you genuinely uncomfortable right now?”
“I don’t know. I don’t want my torso to be touched by you yet.”
“I understand. I apologise for asking so many questions. I want to get to know you better.”
Yoongi hesitates. Taehyung listens to the deep inhale he does and how much deeper he seems to exhale. His back presses against his chest as he breathed.
“Just go to sleep, Tae.”
Taehyung drops back into the pillow and pulls Yoongi closer. The older man needs a moment to relax, but as those moments turn into two, three and four he finally grows soft in Taehyung’s hold. Taehyung wonders how much time passed between these moments, but it must have been a while because Yoongi’s breathing slowed down by now. But Taehyung still isn’t tired. His thoughts are racing, as is his heart.
“Yoongi?” he tries quietly.
Yoongi sighs, “what?”
“I can’t fall asleep.”
“Yeah? I can.”
“I keep thinking and it is keeping me awake.”
Yoongi sighs again, “do you wanna talk about it?”
“Fine. Tell me.”
“Why did you hate me for so long?”
Yoongi shifts, “this is what you’re thinking about?”
“Yes. I apologise, but I can’t stop.”
“I didn’t hate you. At least not since some time.”
“So why did you act so annoyed by me all the time?”
“I don’t know. I guess”, Yoongi stays silent for a while as he thinks, “it’s hard for me to let you in because whenever I did, you disappointed me.”
“I see.”
“And I’m still scared that you’re gonna hurt ___ and Kook one day. That I’m gonna let you in and trust you and then you suddenly have a change of heart and decide to become a reckless cunt again and hurt them in the process.”
“I see.”
“That’s why it’s hard for me to shed my feelings off. I want to believe so hard that you are better”, Yoongi says and touches Taehyung’s hand.
The latter has to gasp for air at the touch, feeling as if time slows down. It stands still completely when seconds later, Yoongi begins fumbling with his fingers. Mindlessly yet gently.
“But if I’m wrong? If you’re gonna hurt them and become wicked again? Then I let you in only to be disappointed again”, Yoongi exhales shakily, “for fuck’s sake Tae, please just don’t disappoint me again.”
“I don’t want to disappoint you, hyung”, Taehyung whispers, “and I want to be better from now on. There were many occasions where I was controlled by Namjoon. I hope you are aware of those occasions.”
“I am and I’m not blaming you for them. There were also too many where you acted out of your own free will.”
“I am aware of them and I will remember them so I can better myself. Please believe me, hyung. I want to be better from now on. Not only for the sake of ___ and Kook and Jimin, but also for your sake. I want to be a worthy friend of yours, hyung. One you can rely on and trust.”
Yoongi acknowledges him with a nod of his head. He drops Taehyung’s fingers to instead, close his hand around his’. Gently and without pressure.
“I’m sure that you will be, kiddo. Hyung’s always wished for your best”, Yoongi says in their native tongue. The underlying honesty of speaking in one’s native language, the language closest to the heart, doesn’t go unnoticed by Taehyung.
“Hyung”, Taehyung breathes shakily, fighting tears.
“Fuck”, Yoongi lets out a breathy chuckle, “you’re a bastard for making me talk about my feelings when I’m fucking sleepy. I turn into an honest sap.”
Taehyung giggles, sniffling his tears away.
“I enjoy this a lot, hyung. It’s so difficult to get affection from you.”
“That’s not true. I show affection. Just not like you, you public sap.”
Taehyung chuckles, “now you are just saying stuff for the sake of saying them.”
“Brat”, Yoongi murmurs and chuckles softly, “now go to sleep, Tae. It’ll get too late and we’ll be tired as fuck tomorrow.”
“I will try, but I don’t know if I will be successful. My heart is racing terribly after what you said.”
Yoongi chuckles, “try to”, he says breathily and grows softer in Taehyung’s arms.
Taehyung snuggles into Yoongi, closing his eyes while his lips refuse to drop their smile. He is so happy that he feels like bursting in fireworks and sparkles.
The last thing Yoongi does before he falls asleep is to intertwine his fingers with Taehyung. He isn’t awake anymore for the small gasp of disbelief Taehyung releases or the whispered “hyung” he lets out. Sleep has dragged him away and soon, oh so very soon because he finally has something to hold, Taehyung follows.
The night will be peaceful and neither of the two men will leave the hug for even one second.
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raapija · 5 months
Xan we get anything slightly angsty from the pookie au 🥺 theyre too content
Thank you for the prompt <3 I'm sorry for the late response. The amount of times I've started to write something, deleted it, started again, deleted, started, deleted... ugh... But now I've finally settled for this. I struggle to write angsty stuff, but I hope you like this one. It became a lot sadder than I anticipated...
This is inspired by this post, so give it a quick glance before reading.
this is set in 2020
summary: Lance calls Fernando after a tough day and it turns even worse.
warnings: angst, self-doubt, lance having a breakdown and fernando not helping
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Lance sat on the edge of his bed. The clock on his hotel room wall was too loud. It made his ears tingle with each tick, driving him mad. He got up, went to pick the clock off the wall and pulled the batteries out. He carefully laid them onto a small table and then returned to sit on the bed, now cross-legged and looking down at his phone.
The black screen of his iphone taunted him, begged for him to pick it up. It was beautifully laid on the red satin cover of the bed. Lance fought between calling and not calling. Maybe he should just go for a run to clear his mind, but the idea of hearing Fernando's voice... He needed it right now. The race had been a total fluke, finishing dead last and he had rushed through the media pen to get back to his hotel. Everyone was staring at him again.
Lance grabbed the phone, taking a while before unlocking the screen and going to find Fernando's number. It was under 'Nano ♥', like it had been for years. The emoji at the end pulled on his heartstrings.
Lance sighed when he heard Fernando pick up.
"Lancito? You okay?"
"Yeah, uh..." Lance hurried to answer. He picked on a loose thread on a seam on his joggers. The words were harder to find than usual.
"I miss you." he got out. He let his head hang down, gripping his hair and squeezing his eyes shut.
"I miss you too, baby."
"I love you." Lance added, his voice barely audible. Tears started to fall down, staining the satin under him a dark shade of burgundy. He gripped his hair tighter, so hard it hurt.
"Yo también te quiero, cariño."
Fernando's voice was so smooth, so calm. A stark contrast to Lance's sobbing, which became louder and he had to hold a hand over his mouth to keep them inside.
"Don't cry. I hate hearing you cry."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry either."
"I'm sorry..." Lance whispered. He was always apologizing. Whatever it was. Especially to Fernando.
"What is it, churri? What is making you sad?"
"I had a bad race. They're writing stories about me again."
"Don't look at those. They don't know you."
"I feel like everyone's staring at me. Like they hate me."
"That's not true."
Lance wiped the tears off his face, taking a couple deep breaths to calm down. He sniffled, and then continued: "I know it's not true, but everyone else doesn't. My family, my friends, the guys on the grid... To them that's real."
"No, don't think like that. Your family loves you, your friends love you. I love you."
The word 'love' was losing meaning over distant phone calls. Lance hated it, hated it to his core. He wished Fernando would just come back and hold him. Touch him. Even be there to just look at him.
"Where are you right now?" Lance asked. He knew Fernando was in the Middle-East, doing some sort of a rally raid. He had so many things going on, that Lance struggled to keep up. It felt like Fernando was grabbing at everything he possibly could, finding ways to keep himself occupied instead of coming home, instead of staying still.
"Somewhere, always somewhere."
"But never here."
Lance felt like choking again. He missed him. Missed him so much it was killing him, tearing him apart. If he had known love could hurt you this much, he would've never let himself fall for Fernando.
"I'm tired of being in love and being alone."
"It's okay, I'll find you again."
"But you're so far away from me. You're always away. And I'm always alone."
"I love you, I'm coming back, lo prometo. Te amo."
Again. Love, love, love, echoing in Lance's ears. Two years. Two years Fernando had been away. They saw each other maybe once a month.
"I don't know how much longer I'll be able to wait."
There was a pause in Fernando's end, then a sigh, and Lance felt the tears start to well up in his eyes again.
"I'm trying."
"I need you."
"Cariño, I'm sorry. I promise I find a way back."
Empty promises. Fernando's specialty. Lance wanted to stab at him, right in the heart. A new emotion took over, anger.
"You sons miss you, too. Lando, Oscar and Carlos."
Another pause. His kids were always a way in. Lance took it as a chance to take control.
"You were there for all their life and then you go away like this. Why? Why now? You hold everyone together and now it's all falling apart. You say you love me, but you're never here to love me. You're away so much, it doesn't even feel like we're together anymore. Why?"
"I don't know..."
"Figure it out!" Lance cried. What he was about to say next tortured him, it felt like his soul was being ripped out of him. "I can't live like this. I've given you three years and you've given me nothing. Every day you just go further and further away. Like you want me to leave you."
"No. Never."
"It's what it feels like..." Lance choked out. He didn't even try to keep the tears in anymore. He was too tired of it all.
"You can not leave me. I love you. I find a way, I promise. Lance, you can't."
Lance gave out a pained groan at Fernando's pleading voice. He wanted to throw his phone at the wall. Wanted to scream at Fernando, hit him, kick him, make him understand how much it hurt.
"It's killing me. I give you chance after fucking chance. I'm done with it. I'll only give you one more. One more fucking... -If you don't come back, that's it. I won't ruin my whole life for you."
"I will."
"One chance."
"I promise, I will come to you. Lance, I promise. I lo-"
Lance hung up on him, gripping his phone tight and swinging his arm back to throw it, but he didn't. He instead crumbled down onto the bed, crying into the sheets. He wrapped his arms around himself to imagine it was someone else holding him.
Lance wanted him to come back, to knock on his door in the morning and hug him and kiss him. But a small part of him also wanted Fernando to stay away. That small part ate at him, growing bigger and bigger. Lance wanted to kill it; burn it with fire and never think of it ever again. But it became stronger every day, almost enough that it could take over. Only Fernando could make it go away. If he'd only come back.
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motelsnleatherseats · 1 month
The boys had been walking on eggshells around John ever since he had caught them trying to get a little one on one time in the gas station bathroom. He could tell that Dean is still expecting him to change his mind and physically lash out at him with the way he tenses up around him. He hadn't seen any marks on either of the boys, so they either took his advice or they're too scared to jump back onto the hobby horse with him around.
Sam's the first one to try and regain their closeness. John could see it in the longing gazes he threw at Dean who skillfully skirted the eye contact. He saw when Sam sat a little too close that Dean would look for reasons to get up and find something that suddenly needed his attention. He could also see the hurt and rejection on Sam's transparent expressions, but it's best not to talk about it. This isn't something he should be encouraging, but he's aware of what's at stake.
John decided it was best to let them reconnect when he's not around, so he picked up another hunt in hopes they'll rekindle their deeper connection.
By the time he gets back 2 weeks later, he walked into the motel room where Dean was beside himself and there's no Sammy in sight.
"What happened? Where's Sam?" John asked, immediately knowing something was wrong from the look of panic on his eldest's face.
"I don't know, he took off--"
"What do you mean you don't know?" John barked, his hands hauling Dean up by the front of shirt from where he was sitting on the bed. "What happened?"
"He left! W-we got into a fight and he just got so upset! Please Dad, I didn't mean to--" Dean stammered, eyes brimmed with tears as he brought his hands up to hold John's wrists in an attempt to get out of his death grip.
"Why did you let him leave?" John demanded, giving him a rough shake. Dean knew the rules, Sam wasn't to be let out of his sight.
"I didn't!" Dean pleaded as the tears spilled over and ran down his cheeks. "He took off when I was sleeping, I looked everywhere for him, I swear to God," he sobbed, and John yolked him up against the wall, teeth bared.
"You had one fucking job. One, Dean. What were you supposed to do?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"What was your job?" John growled and Dean swallowed hard, wincing at the hold his father had on him.
"Look after Sammy."
"And you couldn't fucking do that. Now he's out there doing God knows what. I depend on you to keep this family together, goddammit," he seethed, his blood boiling. "You're supposed to make sure he's taken care of."
"I couldn't! I can't, not that way. I thought you were going to kill me when you found out. I was wrong to do it, he's my brother, it's not right.." Dean confessed, his heart hammering in his chest as he gazed at his father apologetically.
"That's right, he's your brother. You're all he's got. I'm doing my fucking best to hunt down the thing that killed your mother so you don't have to, and all I ask in return is that you keep him happy. No matter what."
Dean choked out another sob and John dropped his hands, watching as he caught himself on weak knees, slumped against the wall.
"Stop fucking crying. Get your shit, we're going to find him and you're going to fix this."
Once Dean had gathered himself, John loaded up the Impala and got them on the road to start asking questions around town in order to track down Sam, discovering that he bought himself a bus ticket and hightailed it to Flagstaff.
By the time they had made it to Arizona, John had given Dean his expectations in terms of what it meant to take care of Sam. Keep him close, keep him happy, regardless of what that entailed. Once they had tracked down Sam's exact location, John parked the Impala and turned to Dean, his gaze hard and commanding compliance.
"We do whatever we need to for this family. You're going to love him in every way he needs to be loved, do you understand me?"
"Good. Now go in there and bring him back."
↳ part 1 || part 2
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lilacgaby · 12 days
Gworly I've requested this to two people already and no one made😭(third time's the charm?)
But yeah is it alr if I request a bakugo OR/AND touya × Fem reader? (You can do either, or both. Totally upto you)
So the reader has strict parents + she's really really really insecure? Like this is kinda self indulgent but is it okay for me to ask or angst?? (I love destroying my brain) Like the reader is chubby and short and really insecure + her parents say smth which makes her even more insecure. She only has one close friend and she feels like they're growing apart. That's when katsuki/touya find out that reader has a crush on em through the doodles in her class notes (she forgot to take home ) and when they try to return it, they find her crying in her dorm(or room, if ur doing touya) then she kinda vents out her loneliness and they try to help her out?
I personally feel like this req is kinda long so you can do either one instead of both.
Tysm!! It's alright if you don't write about it, I still appreciate it!
Lot's of love, thanks again <3
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it seemed nothing was going right for you.
you've failed another test. in reality, you just got a b, but that was unacceptable by your family's standards. you knew they'd take away your phone if they found out, so you just kept it under wraps.
standards were high everywhere, and you couldn't help but to compare yourself to everyone. people like momo, who were both brains and beauty? it made you feel horrible, the green bug of jealousy a constant presence in your life now.
you were shy too, so you didn't really have a way to let out your feelings. your friends from junior high didn't make it into U-A, and they've slowly stopped talking to you. stopped replying to your texts, stopped answering your calls, stopped inviting you places. and while the girls were all sweet to you and invited you out with them, it always tugged in the back of your mind that they were doing it out of obligation. passing by isn't the same as being a real friend after all.
the only solace you found was from sketching. should you have been focusing on the lecture mr. aizawa said was really important for the next exam? yeah, but you were just so out of it.
you finally started to take basic notes of the subject when the bell rang, you sighed and quickly got your bags and almost ran out of class, leaving your book of 'notes' splayed out on your desk.
katsuki noticed it, everyone else had already left at this point, so he couldn't just hand it to one of the girls and go on with his day so.. he went over to reach it.
however, he noticed the drawings of him that were randomly drawn around your notes, that he noticed you didn't finish. the drawings ranged from chibi versions of him in his hero outfit, to a sketch of his side profile of when he was taking notes.
he decided to give it back to you, as you now interested him. he almost felt flattered at the way you depicted him.
he was in front of your dorm, about to knock in his usually brazen manner, but the sounds of choked back sobs caught his attention. were you crying? about what?
he knocked gently, and after he heard a bunch of scrambling around the room, you opened your door. your eyes were clearly pink and swollen, still wiping your eyes as you answered. "oh, bakugo? what are you doing here?"
he held out your notebook, making your eyes widen. "you didn-"
"i did. let me in."
you took your notebook and stood to the side, letting him into your room.
he scratched the back of his head, eyeing you. eventually he sighed and just came out with it. "so, i'm not really good at this shit but, what's up with you? you've been acting weird."
you opened your mouth to protest, but he put a hand up. "none of that 'i'm fine' bullshit. i saw how upset you were."
you looked at the floor, feeling tears blur your vision.
he awkwardly held his arms out and you crashed into his arms, your face in his chest, your tears staining his shirt as he held you.
he sat you on your bed, and you relented. telling him everything, about your parents, about how you felt so socially isolated, about how you felt so hopeless when compared to the others in your class.
he sat quietly and proceeded to alleviate some of your stresses one by one. telling you how you were still talented, regardless of a grade. how your parents were in the wrong and that you shouldn't be ashamed. how the girls and the class all spoke highly of you in your absence.
it felt nice to finally be understood, you thought as you rested your head on his shoulder.
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