#and especially if they try to pretend they weren't doing it afterward
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
JESUS your prompt with Gil being a special force agent was sooooo good! The DRAMA! my heart! Pls do a part 2! the mission and if he fulfilled his promise! I need to know! May the drama, action and sweetness be with you! :D
Gil opened his eyes to a white ceiling and a dim light over him. Last he remembered was the operation and covering the stairwell. He was pretty sure it was going well, last he recalled.
He tried to raise his hand to rub his eyes but found it occupied. He looked down, and now he was pretty sure he had died during the sting and was now in his own personal heaven.
Thena was asleep in the chair next to his recovery bed, head on her arm, her hand holding his in her sleep.
Yeah, he had definitely died. He must have, for this to be happening.
"Hey, man."
Gil startled, looking over and getting just a peek at Kingo, where the curtain between their beds had been pulled a little too far. He could just see a little bit of him. "What happened?"
"It went fine until there were more unsubs than we thought," Kingo narrated, his eyebrow doing a lot of work to help him express what he thought of it all. "One of them tried to take the stairwell to escape and, well, that's where you come in, pal."
Right, now Gil could recall the weight of three men plowing into him, pushing them all down one and a half flights of stairs. And that was before he had to fight and apprehend them all, too.
"Good thing you were in there," Kingo puffed out a faint laugh. "That's the Boss, though--doesn't leave any stone unturned."
Yes, that certainly was their surprisingly fretful and caring boss. Gil snuck a look back at her on his other side, probably completely concealed from Kingo's view by his body. At least for the time being, so long as he could be cool about it.
"Relax, I know she's there."
"She came in a few hours ago, after everyone else and the higher ups had already come in to tell us the mission went well," Kingo snorted amidst his quiet laughter. "She took one look at you and didn't leave your side--obviously still hasn't."
Gil blushed, his hand aching to tighten around hers but not wanting to risk waking her and ending his little moment of bliss.
"She really cares about you, big guy," Kingo said softly from his half of the room. "Tries not to--I guess it wouldn't look too good for her rep. But it's obvious you mean a lot to her, at least from where I stand."
"Well," Gil sighed, now free to look at her all he liked with Kingo's graciously given secrecy. She looked even more beautiful than she did when she had her stern Goddess of War face on. "She means a lot to me, too."
"Oh my god, I'm going to sleep."
"You brought it up!" Gil hissed at his partner, who was already faking a deep, loud snoring next to him. Gil rolled his eyes, at least shifting to look at Thena again. As soon as she did wake up he was going to tell her to sleep in a proper bed, for the love of-
"Gil?" Thena blinked herself awake, pulling her head up and cracking her neck through her discomfort. She looked at him, finding him still asleep. She sighed, "what am I going to do with you?"
Gil let himself 'awaken' as he felt her fingers brush over his forehead. If he let this go any further he might not be able to live with himself. He opened his eyes and the first thing he did was smile at her, "hey."
"Hey," she smiled back, resisting the urge to put a nautical mile of distance between them. In just this particular moment, her concern for him won. "How are you feeling?"
"Well, I'm guess I'm pumped full of drugs at the moment, so not so bad," Gil noted lightly, much to Thena's chagrin. He was always like this, happily reporting that so long as things went well, then he could endure whatever collateral damage he had suffered in the process.
"You had quite a fall, Gil, and then quite a fight," Thena informed him more firmly, one hand still on his, the other smoothing down some of his bed head for him. "It's nothing to take lightly."
"But I still did it," he proclaimed proudly. She blinked at him in confusion, but his smile only grew, "I cam back to you...alive."
"I suppose you did," she cleared her throat, finally pulling back and standing, brushing off her skirt suit and smoothing down her hair.
He supposed it could have been the weird hospital lighting, but Gil really could have sworn there was a little bit of pink in her cheeks. "I will next time too, Thena."
She spared him another, quickly withering glare. Her hand brushed over his shoulder ever so lightly - and too quick for his hand to come up and reach for it to keep it there - before she went to retrieve his doctor, "consider it a direct order."
Kingo lay in his bed, wide awake and wishing he weren't.
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rockingbytheseaside · 4 months
✦ You surprise them with terms of endearment in their language
(Or, pretending that Teyvat uses certain languages based on the regions.) 
Pierro, Capitano, Dottore, Scaramouche, Pantalone, Childe 
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✧ You don’t remember what prompted you to emit this word specifically, however, its occurrence was as natural as the auroras in the Snezhayan sky. During a typical day, when you were casually conversing with Pierro, you just replied with:
“Of course, just be careful, mel.” (honey)
It was out before you could register it, and you hoped he didn’t catch on. But it's known that nothing passes by the Jester unnoticed. Pierro’s gaze was uncharacteristically stunned, yet it softened the moment he turned to you. 
“It’s been… centuries since you called me that.” 
You averted your gaze away in shame, muttering a small apology. But the Director stepped closer to you, his gloved fingers brushing underneath your chin to look you tenderly in the eyes. 
“No, no. I do not seek an apology. You often called me melimelum (honey apple) during our days of guilelessness. Go on. Utter these words for me once more. I must know whether you remember them as much as I do.” 
Meeting his gaze, you stammered upon your words but managed to convey “mi mel” (my honey) for him again despite your coy disposition. The Jester smiled as if an eon-long frost had been melted off his heart. Thus, he leaned closer to relish your lips in his, whispering.  
“That’s more like it, corculum (sweetheart). These words are always sweeter when uttered by your lips.” 
✧ It is no one's surprise that you and Capitano participate in convivial challenges. Who else would match the harbinger’s fierce ambition for competition if it weren't for you, his partner? From duels, training, and games, to even… endearing nicknames. Yes, just loudly calling each other cute nicknames until the other gives up, in the privacy of your own home. 
“You may be the strongest man in Tevyat, Capitano, but!” - you loudly proclaimed “I can still defeat you in a battle of wits.” 
“Your words bring forth a challenge that I seek, my beloved. If you dare to challenge me, know that I will not back down.” 
“Hmph!” - you crossed your arms, a triumphant smile already gracing your features. “My dear, sweet Captain. Don’t be so sure of yourself. It’s clear that I love you more.” 
“Absurd,” - Capitano clenched his fists, his resolve is unshaken. “My love for you brings mountains to dust and the seas to dry. It is clear that I love you more.” 
“Tsk, tsk. I can still express my love in a far wider range, geliebter (loved one).” - There it was. Your special attack as you spoke confidently back. “ You better not underestimate me.” 
The Captain froze, his stance now rigid. Even through his pitch-black helmet, you could see you seized him off-guard. A word he has not heard in centuries, even more so, you put in the effort to pronounce it correctly. The Harbinger stepped closer, his sharp fingers gently cupping your cheeks.
“My dear, cherished, loved engelchen (little angel). Where did you learn that from? Such sweet words will not be tolerated. I shall memorize the entire dictionary to out-win you in this battle of precious monikers.” 
“Oh yeah? We’ll see, herzblatt (sweetheart), because I did my research! So I win!” - you mumbled proudly, even when Capitano kept squishing your face by squeezing your cheeks lovingly. 
Your little ‘warfare’ was left at that, and you didn’t think much of it afterward. A successful conquest; or so you credulously thought. Little did you expect, that in a couple of days, Capitano would burst into the room, a thick book in his hand labeled ‘Dictionary & Encyclopedia of Teyvat's Ancient Languages’.
“My dear, you won’t believe this! I have found a compelling addition to what I must call you, notlazohtlé." (my precious thing)
“U-um, Capitano. You didn't actually spend days trying to memorize a whole… dictionary, did you?”
“Nonsense. A warrior never backs down from a challenge. Especially one bestowed upon him by his yōltzin.” (lover)
✧ When Il Dottore heard you speak, he had to ensure the grip on his book was firm. He swore he almost dropped it but made sure to conceal it, as his back was facing you while he stood in front of bookshelves. 
“What did you just say?”
“Habibi” - you retorted simply. “Or, do you prefer azizam?” (my dear)
There was a prolonged silence coming from the Doctor. The sound of this native tongue brought a conflicting range of abrupt disgust and wistful familiarity. Yet Dottore clenched his jaw; there wasn’t an ounce of humor in his voice, and he would much rather go on pretending he hadn’t heard you say those words. 
"What are those harebrained names you are calling me? Has your time in Sumeru made you so asinine?"
You were not surprised he reacted this way. Nonetheless, It was futile to hide your solemn disappointment, so you sighed - "Never mind..." 
The book he had been flicking through was gradually set aside. Although you couldn’t read his expression, he remained eerily still. 
"Say it again." 
"I said,” - Il Dottore suddenly turned, stepping closer to firmly set his hands on the table, looming over you. “Say it again." 
Oh no, you thought. “I said habibi. Like people in the Sumeru desert region often say… But I thought you’d loathe it so maybe aziz-” 
Your words were cut off, as the Harbinger cupped your jawline and made sure to silence your doubts with his own lips. The sudden kiss was as sweet and warm as honey, and as ardent and fiery as the blazing deserts of Sumeru. 
“I was not being serious.” - He explained after leaning away, even if his scoff came out stilted. He didn’t mean to be rude, instead, he was impressed you went your way to learn these expressions. His hold on your jaw abates in an instance “Call me whatever you want.
You blink - “Well, you studied like… twenty languages since you were a student. So I wanted to gauge your reaction. What about ‘my heart’? was it kalbi, or…?” 
“...Ya balsam qalbi (O balm of my heart), you just called me a dog.”
The Doctor couldn’t help but laugh at your antic. Your sweet attempts at endearment were beyond him, especially when you fumbled on pronunciation. Thus, he settled with teasing you, locking his lips back with yours. You could feel his love wash over you like the gentle breeze blowing across the sand; carrying away any lingering worries and leaving you with the joy of being with him.
✧ Scaramouche abhors seeing couples being all mushy and sweet in public. Lovers giggling when embracing under the shade? Ugh. Calling each other cute nicknames as they walk? Disgusting. Stealing discreet kisses while no one is looking? Nauseating! 
His reaction is nothing new for you, as he frequently crossed his arms in annoyance. Particularly after a nearby married couple passed by the two of you, one of them saying “Anata, don't forget to buy some sugar and flour on our way home.” - Just people going on with their lives. What you didn't expect was how the Puppeteer would latch to your arm and accuse you:
“Why are you not calling me that!?” 
You blinked in bewilderment - “...what?” 
Scaramouche huffed, his expression sour - “You know what! Dropping the semi-formalities and using Anata (dear). Don't make me repeat myself.” 
“But that's how married couples refer to each other.”
Silence. The two of you awkwardly stood still, frozen. And then it clicked. “I can’t believe my ears… The 6th of The Fatui Harbinger,” 
“Wait, I take it back –” 
“Is asking me,” 
“Don’t. Don’t you da–” 
“To use anata, like a precious spouse would do to their loved one! Aaa!” - you gushed and beamed, your tone countering Scaramouche’s flustered groans, while he tugged at his hat to conceal his furrowed eyebrows. “Should I welcome you home with a cute pink apron, telling you that dinner and a bath are ready, too? Or maybe, offer you something else… ” 
“You’re insufferable. I regret even bringing this up now.” 
“Fine, Fine. I'll stop." - you sighed after a hearty chuckle. “Sometimes, rigid formalities can appear as an insult too, you know. After all, what sort of sweetheart would I be if I didn’t consider your troubles."
You mused innocently at the mental image of using terms of endearment like a married couple. However, your imagination was interrupted as the Harbinger took it upon himself to grab your waist, pulling you flush against him.
"Did I tell you to stop? If we're going to pretend to be a cute, married couple - then do so properly. Besides, what was that part about offering something else when greeting me back home?” 
✧ When you prepare little surprises for your beloved Pantalone, you often come up to him with contagious excitement, eager to show what nick-nacks and artifacts you brought along. This time, you recently returned from an expedition in Liyue, and as always your affluent partner greeted you with honeyed enthusiasm, embracing you tightly as you spoke of your adventures.
“Pantalone, Pantalone!” - You exclaimed gleefully “I learned something new while I was staying in Liyue Harbour!” 
“Oh? And do tell, sweetheart, what is it that caught your curiosity this time?” - Pantalone spoke elegantly, helping you undress from your adventuring garbs. 
“I was familiarizing myself with certain literary texts and it led me down a rabbit hole of traditional phrases common in Liyue… And I figured out how to call you precious! Bǎobǎo!” (baby) 
Pantalone’s eyes shot wide open with renowned zeal. He grinned and clasped his hands, “Oh, my treasure! How adorable of you! And did you go all the way out just to learn this for me? Let me hear you say it again.”
“Bǎobǎo! It suits you! Or maybe you prefer xīn'gān?” (heart and soul)
Pantalone was ecstatic, his smile further widening - “My, my, you certainly worked on your pronunciation. Your stay in Liyue paid off then, because dear, you are making me swoon with your adorable surprises. Pray tell, what other phrases did you learn?” 
“Well, I was told that lǎogōng (hubby) is good.”
“Mhm, yes, yes.” - Pantalone nodded.
“Also huài bāo,” (naughty)
“And wǒ yào nǐ,” (I want you)
“O-.... oh,”
“And also shǐjìn yīdiǎn (go harder), but I was told this one is a little bit intense.”
The Regrator became motionless. You gazed at him with such pure naïveté, so oblivious that your charming perception didn't grasp the weight of these foreign words. He placed his hands on your shoulders firmly and inquired seriously:  
“My sweetheart. Who, exactly, taught you all this?”
“Well, so. There was this lady who had a small perfumery shop by Chihu Rock. I think her name was Ying'er.” - you pondered but smiled “She was a nice lady, she taught me all these phrases, and said they would work like a charm!”
Pantalone had to exert all his mental strength to avoid fainting or exploding. He is unsure of what exactly, but one more word from you and he'd drop to his knees with a ring for you. Rather than translating your earlier words, the Harbinger lets out a shaky sigh and focuses on controlling his hitched breathing.
“Oh, Shǎguā (silly). If you were unsure of the words' meanings, you could have just asked me and I would have demonstrated. Personally.”
✧ It was another day at Tartaglia’s family home in Snezhnaya. You visit him often and his family has long since welcomed you as part of their household. Especially the siblings, as Teucer and Tonia always welcome you with tight embraces whenever you arrive. 
When you found your beloved Childe in the kitchen, he innately greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, asking: “You’re right on time, sweetpea. We’re planning on making homemade meat dumplings. Maybe some borscht as a side dish too. Is that okay with you?” 
To which you simply nodded, already moving to help - “Of course, milyy (sweet). Do you need me to start with the bullion?” 
The Harbinger stopped. He never heard you use native terms, but when he registered your words, his head quickly snapped toward you in astonishment.
“Do my ears deceive me?! Did you just call me…!” 
Aha, so you got him. You tried to hide your giddiness, a faint grin threatening to appear - “Well, I just tried to use something new. You love nicknames, right? So perhaps…” 
“Say it again!” - The man practically leaped at you, his eyes now glowing with elation as he hyped you up to reveal your cards. 
“Okay, okay big guy, just take it easy. I just said milyy (sweet). Maybe you’d like it if I said… lyubimyy (darling)?”
Tartaglia gasps as your sweet words hit his ears, but then a wide grin spreads across his face. “Oh, is this a challenge? If so, fight me! I will shower you with more love for each sweet word coming out of your mouth. But I warn you, you'll have to use them a lot more often from now on.” 
He kisses your cheeks again, this time with even more passion and fervor while he cupped your cheeks. His lips felt like waves crashing against the shore, and each one left an invisible imprint of love and adoration on your soul. As you chuckle at his affectionate antics, small hushed voices interrupt you two. 
Teucer and his sister Tonia were peeking behind the kitchen door, giggling as they eavesdropped on you two. However, when Tartaglia caught their gazes, the rascals scurried away giggling.
“Hey! Quite sneaking in! Did your parents not teach you to give adults some privacy?” 
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Latin: melimelum (honey-apple), mel (honey), corculum (sweetheart) German: geliebter (Loved one), herzblatt (sweetheart), engelchen (little angel) Nahuatl (Aztec): notlazohtlé (my darling/precious thing), yōltzin (lover) Persian: azizam (my dear) Arabic: habibi (my dear), Ya balsam qalbi (O balm of my heart), qalbi (my heart), kalbi (my dog, lmao)  Japanese: Anata (informal you, dear for couples)  Mandarin: Bǎobǎo (baby), lǎogōng (hubby), huài bāo (naughty), wǒ yào nǐ,” (I want you), shǐjìn yīdiǎn (go harder), Shǎguā (silly melon) Russian: milyy (sweet), lyubimyy (darling)
*While I speak Arabic, and Russian and know a little bit of Japanese; If you have some additional info on the linguistic part, or speculation or spot some inaccuracies - please, please, please 🙏 kindly share them with me! I am open to fixing any mistakes. Or if you just have headcanons and love projecting certain languages onto these characters like I do - share them with me! 
Thank you 
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ithebookhoarder · 4 months
Hello hi ! 🤗
Can you do a "bau reacts" when they are undercover in public and about to be found out so the reader just starts making out with them to pretend they are just a couple?
(BAU Headcanons) Making out Undercover
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A/N: Mwahaha. Oh, this is a good prompt. Thanks for making me daydream all afternoon. Enjoy my lovelies 😉 Also, as a note, I'm writing the main BAU where I'm at watching it (season 13) plus Luke as he was requested previously 💕
Warnings: Mentions of threat, mentions of weapons, alcohol references, sexual references, implied cases / unsubs. (Let me know if I missed any)
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Aaron Hotchner
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We know Aaron doesn’t go undercover for most cases, so this would have to be a big case to get him into the field. 
This man would be in shock. Let’s be real. He would freeze in place and try to argue for a split second until he realises what you’re trying to do and why - even if you were already together. 
As soon as they’re gone though, you’d glance up and see his usual steely glare that tells you you’re in for a scolding once this is over. 
However, you’d have to be blind to miss the way he lingers for a moment, holding you close for half a second longer than necessary. 
“I feel I should remind you that we are in the field, and whilst it may have worked, I can’t endorse it as a tactic in future. Understood?” 
“So I’m hearing that we’re leaving this off of our case report then?” 
“Agreed. I don’t need to give Strauss anything else to use to go after us and the team.”
He would roll his eyes and take off after the Unsub, but you’d have to be blind to miss the way he smirks as he goes. 
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David Rossi 
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He’d be a little embarrassed but mostly quite smug about the whole thing, even if you were supposed to be undercover. 
“Well, I can safely say in all my years in this field I don’t think that’s ever happened to me before.” 
He’d also refuse to let you apologise for your actions afterwards either. 
One, because he’s kind of flattered. 
Two, because he’s been around the block a few times and knows that sometimes you have to do what it takes to solve a case or protect yourselves. 
Three, you were supposed to be a couple and kissing is what couples do. He’s only sour because if anything he would have liked to be the one who kissed you. 
“Relax about it, would you? I won’t tell you some of the things Gideon and I had to do back in the old days. That was before all this new paperwork and guidelines, so that’s all I’ll say on the matter.” 
You make a point of remembering to ask him about that at your next night off over drinks. 
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Derek Morgan
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Derek is always up for anything so I feel like he’d be pretty relaxed about being undercover with you, even if you weren't together romantically. He has no issue playing your pretend boyfriend for one night, and is quick to wrap his arm around you. 
Which is why it would be such a surprise to him when it’s you who initiated the kiss. 
Derek would freeze for like a second, but only out of shock. However, you know he wouldn’t fight you on it. 
The second his brain catches up to his body he would be kissing you back, doing everything in his power to match your energy and sell this kiss. 
If anything, you’re going to have to be the one to break away once the coast is clear and remind him you’re still technically in the field and that your team is probably wondering where the hell you are right now - and why you stopped responding to your comms. 
“I’m just saying, if we get to do that then we need to be partnered up more often.” 
“Yeah yeah, Morgan. Let’s just hope Penelope didn’t see that else we’ll never be hearing the end of it.” 
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Emily Prentiss
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She’s been undercover plenty of times in her life and spent a whole chunk of time actually fake-married to Doyle for an op, so she’d be the most comfortable and understanding if you grabbed her for a kiss - especially if you were meant to be a fake couple. 
She’d work it out pretty quickly and would respond in kind, pressing herself against you and running her hands all over you. 
“Quick thinking with the kiss,” she’d whisper as she brushed a kiss against your neck. 
She’d also know exactly where the Unsub is afterwards too, having kept watch in her peripheral vision. 
She wouldn’t even have to break eye contact with you before she informed you, “3 o’clock. He just left out the fire exit.” 
With that, she’d be off. 
She also probably wouldn’t even bring it up again until you’re both back on the jet. Then she’d be smirking at you across the top of her drink and chuckling to herself. 
“Normally I’d insist dinner first but given that we caught that bastard I think we’re even.” 
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JJ knows about going undercover and it takes a lot to rattle her. She would probably go along with the action, even if she’d stay kind of stiff for a good minute or so. 
However, she’s a good agent and knows about maintaining a cover so quickly catches on when you pull her in. 
She’d return the kiss, shooting glances out the corner of her eye when she thinks it might be safe to check on their target. If it doesn’t look like they’re buying it, she’ll turn things up a notch and spin you around so that she could take control. 
“My gun is under my jacket. Reach for it slowly if he comes any closer,” she’d warn, but thankfully you don’t need it. Eventually they leave, distracted by something else, leaving you and JJ to recover.
After catching your breath, you both take off in the direction your target just left in. You can tell JJ is trying not to laugh about what just happened, choosing to make it funny rather than uncomfortable if you weren't together romantically.  
Which means you know she’d enjoy teasing you about it in front of the others, making your cheeks burn as she announces on the jet: “For the record, even though it was a ‘cover kiss’ it was pretty good. Just saying. Maybe you should give Morgan some tips. That way he might get a girl to call him back after a first date.” 
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Luke Alvez
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It doesn’t matter if he’s ex-army or whatever. Undercover is not really Luke’s thing and even then, he is more used to infiltrating gangs than playing house. 
Basically, he would be surprised by your actions, despite being undercover together. Like, I can see his eyebrows hitting his hairline so fast, bless him. He’d look like a deer in headlights. 
“Woah, sweetheart, slow your roll-“ 
“- Luke. Shut up and kiss me. Now.” 
“I - ok.” 
Just like that, he’d take control, turning and pressing you against the nearest wall in an attempt to shield you from whoever was watching. He’d also be such a gentleman about it if you weren't already together romantically, keeping his hands on your waist and pulling away the minute he’s sure the danger has passed. 
Even then, he’d wait a minute before letting the two of you move from your position, just in case they come back. He’s your partner and he’s returning the favour for you keeping him safe, even if in an unsuspected manner.
“You good?”
“Luke. Shouldn’t I be asking you that? I was the one who planted myself on you.” 
“Potato, po-tah-to. Are they still over there?”
“No. They just left out the back.”
“Then let’s go, partner. Let’s catch this freak.” 
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Penelope Garcia 
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If Penelope is in the field then you know she is already hella nervous and out of her element. It doesn’t matter if there was a reason she was needed for this particular assignment, she would just take that as added pressure not to let everyone down.
Which is why I’m sure you’d feel worse about planting one on her - even if it does also help distract her from worrying for a minute.  
All I can imagine is her giving her trademark squeal of confusion and surprise, even if you gave her a hasty warning - and apology - about what you were going to do.
She’d be stunned at what was happening and probably takes a minute to realise she should probably try and kiss you back, or at least look less visibly startled about it. 
“I feel I should point out how unfair it is that this is permitted as ‘suitable workplace behaviour’ as we’re undercover, yet my flirtatious texts with Agent Morgan are not? I will be writing a strongly worded email when we get back, telling HR they can go shove their-”
“Pen? Hey, focus here. Unsub still watching us.” 
“Oh, right. Sorry! Ahem… as you were?”  
Also, you know that like a day or so later, once it’s all over, she sends you an email informing you that your new username on the BAU system is now ‘smoochykins’ and she will not change it until it becomes not-funny for her… which will probably be never. After all, Morgan has been ‘Chocolate Thunder’ for the last two years and is still going strong.  
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Dr Spencer Reid
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Spencer has been undercover before and is usually quite calm about it, even if it is faking a date or maintaining a story. Still, despite having to do your jobs, you’d hate to make him uncomfortable, knowing how he feels about any kind of physical contact - especially if you're not together. 
As he says, with the amount of bacteria shared by shaking hands you’d be safer kissing … guess it was time to take it literally. 
He’d be blushing like a tomato as you grab his jacket lapels and pull him close. And honestly? it’s kind of adorable. As is the way he tries to kiss you back, even if he still takes a minute to remember how to even move his body. 
I’m just picturing the Lila kiss in season one and how he eased into that and how stunned / embarrassed he seemed afterwards. He would pretty much be like that, but with a fake smile on his face as he rambled in your ear. 
“What was that?”
“I was covering our asses. We’re undercover, remember? We’re supposed to be a couple and couples kiss. Also, I’d thought you know, genius, that kissing and displays of public affection make people extremely uncomfortable.”
“No kidding… Morgan can never find out about this.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice. You got a deal, pretty boy. This is between us.” 
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Not Val bitching about me being "too passive"
I was tryin to be a team player to keep the peace or whatever but if that's is the thanks I get then alright! Guess you're not gettin any
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loggiepj · 9 days
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Summary: just an angsty one shot story 😂✌🏳️‍🌈
"TOM SAID she had been using Rooney to gain more credits to her work, always insisting to come along Rooney when she's in film productions, pretending she was only supporting her then girlfriend just so she could give her scripts to producers. And she did this while cheating on her behind her back."
You bit your lip to stop yourself from bursting into tears, hand on your chest, slipping to your collarbone then up to your neck as you willed yourself to breathe.
"That's awful," you heard Lizzie's beautiful voice slurring through the confines of the comfort room, through the door of the cubicle you were trapped in. "I can't believe she could do such a thing. She was so sweet and all, I thought . . . I thought—"
"Oh, we thought so too, Liz," another person chimed in, "but don't be easily fooled. I heard Rooney's lawyer will be filing a case against her sometime soon."
Your other hand went to embrace yourself, clutching against the side of your sweater as you might lose it.
"It was a risk on the producer's part to still include her in this film," said another, "knowing her reputation."
In the following silence, you could hear Elizabeth's sigh. "God, I wouldn't have known."
It was complete torture, having to listen through it all, having to witness how someone you had grown close to in the past few weeks could crush you down in an instant. Five minutes and thirty seven seconds, to be exact.
As if the gods above had acknowledged you had suffered enough, they eventually left the comfort room and began discussing about the next scenes as they walked through the door.
When you heard the door shut close, you broke down. The kind of cry where you seemed to be running out of air to breathe, as if you had been clawing your insides until there's nothing left. You didn't think it was possible to cry for someone like this. You felt like a kid, but you couldn't wail louder since anyone could just walk into the toilet.
The gossips you had endured during highschool, about you being gay, had nothing in comparison to what just happened. Especially the one who was involved was someone special to you. And it felt worse coming from her. To think that Lizzie would actually believe them, believe the rumors circulating about you. To think that she could be different from others. But you'd thought wrong.
It all started with Rooney. She was an actress you fell in love with when you got to work with her and Tom in Carol movie. You had been together with Rooney for almost six years. And yet for one simple action, a drunk crewmate kissing you on the lips inside the producer's room, mistaking you as his girlfriend, Rooney threw everything.
It was all one big misunderstanding. One night, you were just making love. The next, you weren't allowed to enter the penthouse you were both staying, considering Rooney owned that unit and you gave up yours when you moved in with her.
Her sister, Kate, the ever merciful one, contacted you afterwards the sudden eviction, saying that she would try to persuade Rooney to be at least forgiving to let you stay for the meantime while you were looking for another place to live.
But that didn't happen. After that incident, rumors of you cheating started to spread around in the industry, some were exaggerated to give that appeal. And no one trusted you anymore, that you would only use people to your own benefit.
If you weren't only friends with the director of the current film you were working with, you wouldn't have any project.
And then you met Elizabeth Olsen.
You can call me Lizzie, by the way, was what she said when the two of you first talked.
Lizzie had a very distinctive and elegant appearance. She had fair skin, light brown hair, and expressive eyes that were usually a striking green. She was almost an inch taller than you, but if she wore heels, you'd always look up to her whenever the two of you were talking.
You knew her from her massive role as Wanda Maximoff in Marvel Universe films, and you even used to idolize her as someone who's good in everything, no matter what genre the film she was in.
And you both just instantly clicked, like you were made for each other. You could talk to her for hours and hours through the production days, either before the filming would start, during breaks or at the end of the day. She would also share everything to you, with enthusiasm to your mutual interests, as if you were long-time friends. She looked at you without judgment, making you wonder if she knew about the rumors, the one thing that could destroy this newfound promising relationship. Knowing Lizzie wasn't into social media and stuff was what kept you asleep most nights.
You had even asked her to a date that weekend and you both enjoyed it to the fact that she almost invited you inside her nearby apartment when you gave her a ride home. There was this kind of feeling you feel whenever she was around, sometimes butterflies, sometimes longing.
But everything crumbled down when a newcomer saw the two of you flirting with each other.
YOU SPLASHED some cold water into your face as you prepared yourself to face the outside world, hoping it wasn't that obvious that you were just crying seconds ago.
When you went back to the studio to get some work done, you saw Lizzie on one corner practicing some lines with her co-star.
Maybe you were only overthinking it. Maybe she would see you through, talk to you about it, listen to your side of the story. But when you approached them, they only went silent.
"Hey," you greeted, trying to diminish any awkwardness.
"Hi Y/n," Lizzie replied with a smile, "we're just quickly rehearsing for the next scene."
"Oh, okay, sorry to bother you both," you said, "I'll just talk to you later then."
She only smiled back as she went back to her script. You would have just let it go if it weren't for the fact that she would always choose to talk to you.
LATER was no different as you went to knock against the door of her trailer upon hearing Lizzie's laughter inside. Abruptly, the laughters died, and you swore you could hear shushing. When her friend opened the door the second time you knocked, said friend only told you Lizzie wasn't in there even when you knew she was.
THROUGH the days that followed, it was slowly sinking in that maybe they got her too. That Lizzie believed them too.
You tried to give Lizzie the benefit of the doubt. That maybe she was only busy, knowing the most critical scenes were being shot. But you had probably sent her a lot of messages to which Lizzie had only replied words fewer and bland as compared to the older ones she had sent you.
WHEN you tried to approach Lizzie during one of the breaks, surprising her with your favorite cheesecake she said she liked, she thanked you rather hurriedly.
"Thanks, Y/n," she said. "You shouldn't have."
"It's fine," you said back, brushing her off as she tried to return the box to you. "I was in the area earlier when I passed by the store, and I remembered you wanting to eat another slice of it."
What was redness that you used to see adorned on Lizzie's cheeks, was inexistent as she hesitantly accepted the gift. You could tell she was sporting a smile you had seen her do whenever she was uncomfortable during interviews.
It gave you the kick to stop whatever this was you were doing. You then decided not to torture her anymore with how forward you were. It was clear she didn't want anything to do with you. That you were just mere friends in passing. That that date was only that. Nothing more.
"Lizzie!" someone called her from afar, apparently saving her from this awkward interaction. Saving you both.
"Shoot, sorry, Y/n," she said with an apologetic smile. "I have to leave, but thank you again for this. You're too sweet for this world."
You forced a huge smile her way. "Yeah, no worries. See you later."
BUT YOU had avoided her later. You had avoided them. And through the days that followed, you began distancing yourself from the cast and crew, knowing now what they had been talking behind your back. You just went to the studio to help work with the script then went back straight home. No more small talks in the hallway as you passed by them, occasionally wearing a hoodie over your face, wishing it was Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility.
At nights, you stared at the photos of the two of you together during production and even that one dinner date you had at a private restaurant, wondering how two individuals went from these to complete strangers.
You couldn't help but wonder if Lizzie has missed you at all. But when you glanced at her from a distance whenever you couldn't avoid not coming to the studio, laughing and making vlog with her co-stars and makeup artists, you could feel she was glad she dodged a bullet that was you. That she almost went out with someone like you, someone who couldn't be trusted.
You had even stopped eating your favorite cheesecake, knowing it would only remind you of her. Lesson learned. Never suggest your favorites to anyone.
THAT was when you started hanging out with Emma Watson, whom you had gotten closer as you were part of her writing crew in another film you were working for.
She had well defined cheekbones and chocolate brown eyes. But what stood out the most was her English accent. Sometimes, you just wanted to listen to her talk all day.
Emma already knew the rumors about you, and called them bullshit. Maybe it was the British in her, but she told you she didn't care about anyone's past other than first impressions. Besides, if she weren't a fan of your works, she wouldn't have given a chance to know you.
When she revealed to you she liked girls too, you grew more comfortable around her.
You also started to make friends with the other film's crew, and maybe that was what you needed, what you were missing. You no longer felt sad or lonely whenever you were around them. And having to fit two jobs in a day, it felt different having something to look forward to whenever you finished working for Lizzie's film. Good kind of different.
"WAIT, you're already leaving? Are you not going with us?" your director friend asked the moment he saw you packing things up, preparing to leave.
"What do you mean?"
"Liz invited the whole cast and crew for a housewarming party at her new house," he replied.
You had no idea but who were you to receive first invitation from her in the first place. You were a nobody.
"Oh I . . . I actually am needed to get this edit reviewed," you said, easily making up an excuse. Although technically, it wasn't a lie.
"That's a bummer. I was pretty sure Liz said to invite you too." He sighed. "Well, don't work yourself too hard, Y/n."
You only smiled back as you left, staying out of sight from others, keeping distance away from the lobby where you could see the whole cast chatting as they waited for the car service to get to Lizzie's house. And for a brief moment, you caught sight of the woman who once captured your heart, broke it and left to rot. Elizabeth looked so beautiful and fresh even after a day's production, and she was wearing that jacket she stole from you that very first day.
"HAVE you ever loved someone?"
You had been staring at your notifications, watching for what seemed like hours at Lizzie's messages asking where you were and why you weren't at her housewarming party.
You didn't even noticed Emma had asked you a question until she nudged your shoulder.
"Sorry, what?" you asked, slipping your phone into your pocket.
"I asked if you've ever loved someone? Any lovers? Girlfriends? Boyfriend? Flings?" she asked teasingly, "It's just I haven't seen you around with anyone."
"I mean, you've heard the rumors—"
"Fuck all the rumors, I'm not blind, Y/n," Emma interrupted. "You're actually gorgeous. It could cause a scandal."
Avoiding the girl's gaze, you laughed at her. "What are you suggesting?"
There was complete silence, making you look back at Emma deep in thoughts.
"What do you say about you becoming my girlfriend?"
"It's just for PR stuff and all," she reasoned. "And for promoting this movie."
"Promoting? They'd hate you. They'd hate me more."
"At least, it would be a distraction from the public. I haven't actually come out as gay but I've provided signs, yet people just turn a blind eye. And this will help confirm my sexuality. If they hated me for dating the rumored you, they'd hate me less for being gay."
You fell silent as you thought about it.
"My PR manager will pay you, of course. You're saving up for a house, right? I want to help you."
Then she looked at her hands on her lap, nervous. "Besides, you're the only one I felt comfortable doing this with." She then glanced back at you. "So . . . Are you with me?"
WHEN you started going out with Emma publicly, the photos of you together holding hands in public immediately spread through the news and gossip channels. You started to become famous, more on the bad side though, of how you were only using Emma again for your selfish reasons and how stupid Emma was for dating you.
At least, there were only a few articles about how disappointed they were Emma turned out to be gay. People were more disappointed she was dating a parasite.
IT WAS almost a month after when you received a missed call from your ex girlfriend Rooney. And she had called you multiple times until you blocked her number. And when she figured out you blocked her, she sent you numerous emails.
Emma was with you as you anxiously worked through the next scene's script.
"You okay?" Emma asked, her hand on your shoulder made you jump on your seat. "Sorry."
"It's okay," you managed to reply.
"What are you worrying about?"
You hesitated, frown growing deeper. "It's just . . . I think my ex girlfriend will finally end my career."
"She's going to file a case against me," you said, almost in tears.
"Is that what you think she's going to do?" She chuckled softly.
"What are you giggling about? It's not funny."
"Sorry," she went on still laughing, "but you have to see this."
Apparently, Rooney had posted a public apology addressed to you, clearing you out, redeeming your image, and admitting it was her jealousy that ended your relationship, that she was willing to destroy her career in exchange for yours. And that she wanted so badly to talk to you if you'd only let her.
It felt like a relief as you saw the ones who reposted the post, as you read the comments from people defending you and supporting you, that Emma was a better choice than Rooney. It felt like the weight of the world was taken off your shoulder.
Emma then wrapped her arms around you as you sobbed into her chest. And she only let you.
Some weeks later, Emma asked you out on a date. A real date, saying she was willing to try. Maybe it was Rooney's post that made her trust you. Maybe she was just scared. But you also wanted to try it with her.
Rooney eventually stopped contacting you. The damage has already been done. One day, you may be able to forgive her. But never to forget.
MAYBE the public apology was what made Lizzie finally approached you during the last few days in the production. She brought you a gift, the cheesecake that used to be your favorite. Now, you didn't like how too sweet it was, wanting nothing more than to savor Cornish pasty introduced by your girlfriend Emma.
"Hey, Y/n," she greeted. "I . . . I brought you this."
"Thank you, Lizzie," you said, accepting with haste.
There was awkward silence as she placed her hands inside the pockets of her jeans. "Last day, huh? You want to go for sushi later? My treat."
And maybe it really was the public post Rooney made that made her finally talk to you, as if she was still the same person she was the first time you met. And as if you were still interested in her as you were months ago.
"Sorry, I have to meet Em for dinner tonight," you said, smiling apologetically.
"It's fine, it's fine," she said, brushing you off with a forced chuckle. "So, it's true you two are dating, huh?"
You nodded, avoiding the brunette's gaze. "Yeah, it is."
"She doesn't know how lucky she is."
You paused, wondering why you were no longer feeling any butterflies in your stomach whenever she was around. "I'm the lucky one, actually. Goodnight, Elizabeth."
"G-Goodnight, Y/n."
Like you said, the damage was already done.
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akoyaxs · 1 year
Tunutu II
✮ Meaning: object of desire, crush
✮ Pairing: Aonung x fem!human reader
✮ Meaning: object of desire, crush
✮ Warnings: Reader POV, smutty smut smut, angst if you squint, slight fingering, P in V, kuru play, fluffiness
✮ Word Count: 3.8k (yes ik im so sorry my darlings, its not that much but i ran out idk what to tell you, i can only do so many mental breakdowns 🤷🏻‍♀️)
So yeah, this one is a little shorter but this was really just to tie it off with a cute little ending, so I hope you enjoy my loves 💗
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*Aonung is inspired by this beautiful art made by the lovely @nikyu0 ♡*
The next time you saw Aonung after that day in your room, you didn't know what you were expecting. Maybe, like he usually did with other girls, he'd pretend nothing ever happened. Maybe he'd taunt you and say it was all a joke, despite everything you said. 
If you're being honest- you didn't have high hopes. It's not like all your other experiences with Metkayina men had ended with them ackegknowledging you afterward, after half-breaking your back and saying you were the tightest thing they've ever felt. 
But you certainly weren't expecting him to stick to his words.
Days had passed since you slept with Aonung, days in which you didn't see him around the village or anywhere around Awa'atlu. Of course, your mind had just come to terms with the fact he was like all the other guys, and you really had been stupid, listening to the meaningless pillow-talk riff raff he'd cooed at you afterwards.
No one would say where he was, and Tsireya, Rotxo and the Sully's all acted infuriatingly knowing and smug when you sneakily asked them. Very casual. Definitely off-hand. Nonchalant for sure.
And you were. It wasn't that deep that Aonung, like you predicted and prepared yourself for, did not stick to his words about sticking around and everything. You were stupid and hopeful, and you didn't really blame him either.
So you were trying your best to put him behind you when a whole week had passed without you seeing him, and you were starting to fall back into your old patterns. It wasn't your fault you were a horny little thing, and especially now so that there wasn't someone to take care of it.
Which is why, on the eighth day, you could be found in the Tsahìk's marui. 
There had been an incident at training where Zei'ke had gotten a little bruised and battered. He was very good looking, so you tolerated his chatter. God- he really was even stupider than Aonung. Why did you always just go for big stupid hunks?
But at the end of the day, he was a big hunk, so you were happy to patch him up, applying ointment to his cuts and bruises, bandaging the worse injuries and massaging his sore muscles.
The trouble was, Tsireya had begged you to come swimming that afternoon, and this was your first time wearing swimmers out in the village. So maybe your bikini was a little smaller than it could of been, but who was it hurting, really, to be showing off the best assets you had to offer in a strictly na'vi village.
It certainly wasn't hurting Zei'ke, given the way his eyes stared not so conspicuously down your top when you bent over, or how the ties of your bikini bottoms peeked over your shorts.
What's the harm in having some fun, you thought.
It wasn't like Aonung was going to do anything, his absence had made it pretty clear that he was a liar, that it really was just about sex, maybe even just experimentation.
But when you moved closer, leaning up to massage Zei'ke's shoulders, you were surprised by the way he flinched back.
"What, am I hurting you?" you ask, frowning slightly. You had been careful, using your hands gently and besides, na'vi were literally impossible for you to injure.
"No," Zei'ke says slowly, blinking owlishly at you. His gaze flicks down to your breasts, then he clears his throat and looks away. You frown.
"Is there a problem with my clothing?"
"No- I just... I should go," he says hastily.
"Why?" you ask, weary and suspicious. You wonder vaguely if suddenly, everyone's starting to wonder if you're turning into the evil sort of tawtute. "I haven't finished massaging your muscles-"
"You shouldn't," Zei'ke says shortly. "He wouldn't like it."
That was new. Your eyes narrow as you try to guess what this skxawng is going on about, but you have a sinking sort of feeling you know exactly what's happening.
"And who are you talking about?"
Zei'ke blinks guiltily. Obviously he wasn't supposed to say anything, but if he was careless and clumsy enough to let the first words slip, you could pull the rest out of him.
"This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain future Olo'eyktan, would it?" you ask casually, shifting on your feet to look more careless. "You know, tall, stupid, very good looking. Name's Aonung?"
"No!" Zei'ke practically bursts out, before scrunching his face up guiltily. Even someone that thick would realise he wasn't convincing anyone. Your eyes narrow further.
"What does him not liking it have to do with anything?" you ask.
"He is my commander," Zei'ke says owlishly.
"No," you huff, growing tired of his incompetence. "Why would he not like it?"
"Because... well... you fucked him..."
"Charming," you mutter under you breath, rolling your eyes at his very limited vocabulary. "What does us sleeping together have to do with anything? I've been with other na'vi men, and that didn't change anything, especially about others?"
Zei'ke frowns, processing your words, and you want to take him by the shoulders and rattle him. It would be hard though, given he's double the size of you.
"You are his," Zei'ke says simply.
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"No other man goes near you," Zei'ke explains. "Sometimes we can argue with the claim, but he is to be Olo'eyktan, and we do not dare-"
"What is he playing at?" you snap. "We just fucked, I've fucked others and nothing ever happened with that? Just because he's the little prince he thinks he can control what I do?"
"Uh... I don't know?" he says weakly, and your scowl deepens.
"How did you even know about that anyway?"
"We can all smell his scent on you," Zei'ke says, face flushed with embarrasment. "You did not realise, tawtute?"
"Obviously fucking not," you growl. 
"Besides," Zei'ke says, obviously eager to take some of the heat off himself, "Aonung got upset with us asking about you. That's why I'm so battered."
At this, you freeze. Zei'ke can obviously tell he said something important, because he winces and scrunches his face up.
"I mean- no- I tripped-"
"Shut up," you say carelessly. "You saw Aonung?"
"Yes? I mean... he's been at training for day-"
With a furious growl, you push past Zei'ke, storm out of the marui, and stalk along the village. You can feel his eyes blinking owlishly at you, clearly torn between confusion and worry for what Aonung might do to him.
Rage is boiling in your veins. First, Aonung ignores you after promising a million things. Then he "claims" you or whatever the fuck that means. And now it turns out, he was here. In Awa'atlu. And he just didn't come and see you.
You storm across the sand to the warrior grounds, hands balled into little fists. All the sparring and beatings and fights don't faze you, you storm straight through all the tussles towards the familiar broad figure of Aonung on the very opposite side.
Fights pause and everyone stares as you stride past, all tiny and furious in your bikini and shorts, less clothing than they'd ever seen you in.
Finally, you reach Aonung. He hasn't noticed all his warriors have stopped fighting, he hasn't even noticed you storming towards him. He's busy sharpening a spear, discussing something with Neteyam seated beside him.
Neteyam is the first to spot you, and his eyes go wide. Before he can say anything, Aonung notices his friend's surprise, and turns with a small, puzzled frown on his stupidly handsome face to see you right in front of him.
Thank Eywa he's seated, because it makes your next action a lot easier. You slap him. Hard.
Several people gasp, everyone mutters, and all eyes are now on you as you glare up at him. Aonung's eyes are dark, but he doesn't say anything. He looks a little confused, and that makes you even more furious.
You shove him hard. Mortifyingly, yet predictably if you're looking at it logically, Aonung doesn't move a single inch, and suddenly you're right against his warm, muscular body. Stupid skxawng, his hotness making it hard for you to be mad at him.
"You dick," you growl. "You fucking idiot-"
Aonung clears his throat, clearly aware of everyone watching with varying degrees of surprise, interest and amusement as this little angry tawtute snarls curses at their commander. Neteyam, too, looks slightly entertained.
"Dismissed," he calls to his warriors. 
They all wander off, taking their sweet time to cast glances back at you, muttering excitedly between themselves. Neteyam stands awkwardly, trying to hide a smile.
"I'm going to go," he says decidedly. "I'll see you later bro. Good luck."
Aonung nods tightly, before his gaze flicks back down to you, glaring up at him with all your might. This fucking skxawng is going to be the death of you. He obviously wasn't going to be the first one to speak, so you took a deep breath.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"I was training my warriors," Aonung says bluntly.
"Fucking idiot," you growl. "What are you playing at, claiming me."
"I thought that was clear," Aonung frowns. "You're mine."
"Why does everyone keep saying that?" you grumble. 
"I told you syulang-"
"Don't call me that."
"That you would not need any others anymore," Aonung says simply. "I would take care of you from now on."
"Oh?" you snap. "Yeah, you've been doing a great fucking job, given that I haven't seen you in a week."
Aonung frowns deeper, and you take another breath.
"Look Aonung, I can deal with you not wanting to be with a tawtute, I've done this shit before. But don't be acting like you have anything to do with me if you so clearly don't give a fuck."
At this, Aonung just furrows his brow. He's so big compared to you, even when he's seated, you're still the same height. Then, tentatively, one of his hands reaches towards you. You watch it, all large and teal and the size of your fucking head, before it moves to rest on your waist. You don't push it away.
Instead, you just look back up at him. To your annoyance, your anger is fading away. No no no. You should be angry with him. He can't get off this easily. He can't just touch your waist and blink his pretty eyes and make you melt into a gooey puddle.
"I did not mean to upset you paksalin," he says in a soft voice. "I meant what I said- that you're mine and I would take care of you."
"Then why didn't you come and see me?" you whisper. "I waited for you- and when I went looking, no one would tell me where you were."
"I have been on a hunt," Aonung says gently. "My father wanted me to do... something for Olo'eyktan, but that isn't important."
"It sounds important," you say, stepping back slightly, remembering again how this was literally the future leader of the clan.
"Not more than you," Aonung says firmly, grabbing your hand and pulling you back towards him.
It was a moment that would be so cliche if it was anyone else, that you're suddenly right between his seated legs and inches away. But this is Aonung, and you feel your last strands of annoyance and restraint snap as you meet his gaze.
"You look amazing," Aonung whispers, gaze trailing down to your bikini. "I've never seen you wear this."
"Yeah- well I was going to go swimming with Tsireya and I- wait-"
Aonung's hand is already sneaking up your top, the other moving to undo the button of your shorts, and you grip his shoulders for stability.
"Aonung," you breathe. "I'm trying to talk-"
"Let me make it up to you paksalin," he whispers, already shimmying your clothes away so you're just in your bikini now.
"This is a public place," you try to say. "Anyone can see-"
"I dismissed them," Aonung says carelessly. "They know better than to come back."
Before you can do anything else, his hand is in your bikini bottom. You squeeze your eyes shut in slight mortification of how wet you already are, breath shaky and your hands immediately jumping to steady yourself on his broad shoulders.
"I'm sorry yawne," he says quietly, lightly kissing your neck as he lightly traces over your clit.
"That's not fair," you grumble shakily. "Apologising when you're already in my fucking pants."
Aonung just grins and trails his lips further down your neck.
"I want to kiss you," you mutter to Aonung.
"You can't," he points out gently, lightly tracing over your clit. 
"Bedroom," you gasp, as you meet his gaze. "Come on, pretty boy."
You're practically being carried by Aonung as you burst into your house. 
Lo'ak and Spider are on the couch, staring in disbelief and entertainment as you crash through the door in Aonung's arm in nothing but your bikini.
"Be careful with her bro," is all Lo'ak says, him and Spider both grinning stupidly as you flip them off and go into your room.
Really, you've taken na'vi cocks before, but it feels like you're being stretched to infinity as Aonung bullys his way into you. You know he's being gentle as he can, asking if you're comfortable, if you're alright, but you're being stretched as you never had before.
The stretch is a delicious burn as Aonung rocks his hips deeper, until he's as far in as he's going to get, before he pulls out nearly to the tip.
When you turn to glare at him, he snaps his hips forward again and you have no choice but to cling onto him. His lips find his way on your neck, your nails digging into his broad back as he rolls his hips and thrusts deep into you. 
It's rougher this time, you both know you can take him, and you're both more than eager to push to the furthest possible limits. Neither of you mention Lo'ak or Spider, neither of you care enough about them to bother to quiet or slow down. Each thrust punches your breath out of you, and Aonung's practically hissing at the way you're hugging his cock. 
One large hand reaches up to grip the bedhead and push himself deeper in a way that makes you practically scream, the other pulling the strings of your bikini so you're bare under him. It, too, is tossed away, like the rest of your clothes that still lay abandoned on the training grounds floor.
He hisses as your tits are freed, bouncing with every thrust and pushed up against his chest as he thrusts deeper and deeper, his large hands coming up to grip them on the border of being too rough.
After a few experimental movements that have you nearly whimpering, he moves deep and quick, spitting curses and groans at the feeling of you around him and the sound of your shameless moans in his ears.
He's whispering nearly unintelligible things against your neck, words of worship, mutters of how tight you are, little praise of how well you're doing. He's moving at animalistic paces, and you're unravelling into a moaning, trembling mess under him, teeth sunk into his shoulder to try and quiet your sounds, because you sure as fuck can't hold them in.
"Fuck Aonung," you burst out, sinking your teeth into your hand to cover up your sounds. He impatiently pulls your hand away and crashes his lips onto yours.
This time feels more experimentative for you- last time was his first with a human. Now you get to explore, and when you run your tongue lightly over his fangs, he moans shamelessly into your mouth and buries himself deeper in you.
It's starting to get too much, the coil in your stomach growing too close too soon, and your moans are starting to border on lewd whines and whimpers as you sink your teeth into his soft warm lips.
"Aonung," you hiss, "I'm- I'm close."
"Go ahead then," he grins, before sinking his teeth lightly into your collar.
With that, you unravel, crying out and arching so you're pressed right up against him. Your vision blanks out as everything disappears for a moment, the only sound in the world being your cries and Aonung's groaned curses.
He fucks you through your high, wave upon wave of overwhelming pleasure cresting in white-hot disbelief. You can feel him twitch inside of you, and you moan at a particularly hard thrust. Each rock of his hips knocks every breath, every thought out of you until your heart is pounding in rhythm with each increasingly rough, deep, animalistic thrust of his cock rutting between your legs.
Na'vi have seemingly impossible sex drives, which you're only too happy to ride out with Aonung. With your hands gripping for dear life to your sheets and his braided hair, you just hope to Eywa you don't black out. You highly doubt the creases in your sheets will ever come out; if they were living, your desperate shaky hands would have strangled them in your attempts to stay still.
Then your hand slips, and you grip Aonung's kuru by accident. He gasps and looks straight at you.
The look in his eyes has you clenching around him, all dark and hungry and curious and desperate at the same time, pupils blown so wide the beautiful blue of his eyes was all but a thin ocean ring around large black orbs.
"Sorry," you breathe, trying not to melt at the sight of him.
"No, paksalin. You can touch, I am yours."
Again, he has you clenching around him. The pure sincerity of his words goes straight through you, and you tentatively slide your hand down the thick braid that covers his kuru. His movements slow slightly, thrusting deep and slow so he can pay attention to what you're doing.
Then the glowing pink tendrils reached out to your small hands and enclosed one of your thin fingers. 
You, clearly, are not na'vi. But you can feel the neural connection, the intimacy of the kuru, feeling almost as though Aonung himself is coursing through you. The gentle tendrils are warmly pulsing with a soft pinkish glow, matching your and Aonung's heartbeat. You gave an experimental flex of your fingers, and Aonung gasped, hips jerking deep into you, and you both groan.
"Fuck paksalin," he mutters, starting to move again.
As you experiment more with his kuru, trailing it over your fingers, legs and finally breasts, Aonung grows more and more desperate, rutting harder and deeper into you. You can hardly breathe, given that he's practically punching breath from you with each deep movement.
You yelp as he speeds up now, brutal and animalistic as the last tenterhooks of his strained restraint snaps and he buries himself deep inside you. He's hissing a million unintelligible words against your skin as he spills himself inside you, rocking his hips the whole time until, with an ominous creaking, something snaps and suddenly you're being tilted backwards and sliding down the mattress.
Aonung just broke your fucking bed.
"Fuck, sorry," he mumbles, looking mortified, but you can't contain a small laugh, taking his flushed face in your hands and lightly kissing all over his blushing cheeks.
So yeah, he kind of broke your room. And that wasn't the first thing that happened, as your various exploits with the Metkayina prince continued over the next few days.
Sometimes it was in the healing marui you worked in during the days. Aonung would come in, grumbling some bullshit about training too hard and sore muscles or whatever, and you'd find yourself lying on the floor, his large head nestled hungrily between your squishy thighs he loves so much.
Or maybe it would be at the training grounds, where, at the slightest sight of you, Aonung would dismiss all his warriors and have you on your knees on the soft sand, taking him as far as you can in your throat, his large hands gently holding back your hair and passing you your breathing mask every 50 fucking seconds.
It could just as often be at your house too, bouncing on his dick, arched to the sky on your clumsily repaired bed, or pinned back against your lumpy old mattress.
You learnt things, that he felt pressured a lot of the time, that he was comfortable around you. That he could be the sweetest man ever, but you quickly learnt about his jealousy and possessiveness of you when it came to other guys.
It's not like that ever bothered you that much, but you put on a good enough show of no, don't be so jealous, just so he'd be on his hands on knees worshipping and begging for forgiveness that you would have given regardless.
And then there was the moments after. It's not like the heat and desire ever died, no, but there were moments where you'd just sit nestled up against his much larger figure, talking endlessly with him.
And somehow, you always managed to end up naked. And somehow, your clothes that would always be hastily discarded never returned.
You were starting to suspect there was a reason to why your clothes kept going missing. Something linked to beautifully woven and beaded na'vi-style clothes Aonung had promised to make you, something linked to the massive Aonung-sized footprints in the dirt outside your house, something linked to the familiar amber-seasalt scent that lingered in your closet.
First, it was your largest clothing. That massive jumper was the first to go, and Spider had just laughed uproariously when you told him it was missing. Then it was the baggy pants. Then the long skirts and flowy t-shirts.
The more clothes started going missing, the more you started to suspect. When you opened your closet one day after returning from the healing marui, you realized just how much had started to "disappear".
All that was finally left was your cargo shorts and tank you were wearing. You scowled, wondering what on earth were your clothes being used for, and where had they been hidden, when a glittering caught the corner of you eye, and you gasped.
You hadn't missed Aonung's remarks over the past few days of how amazing you'd look in na'vi clothes, but Eywa, you would have never imagined your simple, pretty, dumb man to be able to pull off something so devious and beautiful and well... clever.
Gingerly, you reached out into your closet to pull out the most beautiful top you'd ever seen in your life.It was intricately woven with hands you knew only too well. And you trusted them too.
The next day, gazes followed you throughout the village; eyes practically popping out of their sockets at the sight of you in the na'vi clothes Aonung had made. Sure, the coverage of the top was minimal, but the weaving and beading hugged your curves tightly, and the larger breasts you possessed drew attention from everyone alike.
All your patients in the healing hut stared shamelessly, the girls gushing with compliments, the guys quiet, no doubt knowing the wrong move would end up with them back here again after Aonung beat the absolute living shit out of them.
When the day finally ended and Aonung came into the healing hut, he just stopped. And stared.
"Do you like it?" you asked nervously. "They're beautiful, Aonung."
"Paksalin," he whispers, dumping the irrelevant shit he had been carrying and striding over to you. "You look beautiful."
You beam at him.
"You kept your promise," you whisper, moving over to touch his face.
"Of course yawne," he smiles. "I could not disappoint my tunutu."
You smile back, moving to pull your big stupid hunk into a gentle kiss. Eywa truly did bless you with him.
This is better than anything you could have dreamed of. Better than you had ever even hoped after you slept with him for the first time. Because you are absolutely each others. Now and forever.
My little desire.
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siscon-stsg · 12 days
Just saw the birthday posts... The punishment I get for not following you.
Possibly belated happy birthday!
Y!Big bro!Geto with a sorcerer!Little Sister!Reader.
He doesn't find out you're a sorcerer until he arrives to kill his parents and you.
He can't help but feel disgust at the prospect of hurting you, but he doesn't do exceptions for monkeys. He has to force himself to think you're not his sister anymore.
But then, when he arrives to kill his non-sorcerer parents... You fight back. You can see curses! No, it's not just that. You're strong. Huh, your cursed technique is so similar to his.
He wonders if you were so scared you did your best to stay under radar. In a way he's glad, he couldn't bear losing you (Despite his previous intentions being to kill you.)
He's elated during the fight. Basically grinning from ear to ear. It's the happiest he's been since forever. If only you weren't protecting those monkeys...
Whatever, it's not a problem. You'll understand your big brother at some point. You've always been so eager to please him after all. Oh, he wants that back.
He knocks you out and destroys the curse you were controlling. Then he turns his attention back to his parents.
Blood is all over his body. Disgusting.
Time passes and he's a cult leader now!
You're still a litte defiant, but it's okay. You grew up with monkeys, so he's not surprised you're only having your rebel phase now. And yes, that's what he tells himself.
He's always curious. But especially during the first few times he tries to teach you. Your technique is really akin to his. A sweeter version of his Cursed Spirit Manipulation. He smiles as he watches you pet a curse, before turning it into your version of an orb. A simple piece of candy. It looks sweet. It must be from how precious you are. His sweet sister.
But he asks anyway. Sure, it looks sweet, but what if it still tastes the same? He can't imagine you going through what he did, tasting those disgusting curses. Thankfully all his worries are shunned away as you tell him that they're either sweet or taste like your favourite food.
They're always a little weaker than they were at first though. Their powers dimmed by your innate positivity.
And yet, as time passes and you continue to stay locked up, they begin to taste and look just like his. This terrifies him. Why? Why, why, why? That's wrong. He can't allow you to suffer like he did!
He begins to let you out more often. Only around the temple, of course. He introduces you to Nanako and Mimiko. He puts a spin on your story, saying that you met in kindergarten and were sweethearts in primary school, before you had to move away, and now you're back.
You consider telling them the truth, but you're scared of what he'd do. And one look at their adorable faces and you know you have to preserve that. They seem to admire him, and you didn't want to hurt them. Or worse, have them think it's okay.
So you pretend.
The first time a non-sorcerer runs into you, Geto (He couldn't help but notice you've stopped calling him by his name) kills them. This leaves you traumatised for a few months, staying cooped up in your glorified cage.
Geto is worried about you during that period, making sure to check up on you even more often. He's bringing you the best food, best clothes, everything you could want. Of course, he's trying to convince you that that "monkey" deserved that.
Finally you're feeling well enough to go out again. You wander around the temple, particularly enjoying the gardens. Oh? Is this a lake? It's your favourite spot now. It's so serene.
And for the first time since he ruined your life, you're relaxed. You're sitting with him by the lake until it gets dark. You get tired and yawn, laying your head on his knees.
He wants to stay something, but decides against it. You look so content, comfortable. Oh, how he missed that look. His little sister was finally happy again.
He notices the shift right afterwards. You've become more cheerful. No, maybe not cheerful yet, but definitely more upbeat. Good. Perhaps you'd believe his cause in no time. And then everything would be perfect.
He feels as if an enormous weight was lifted off of him when he sees you turn a curse into a piece of candy again. It delighted him.
You start training outside. He never goes too hard on you, of course. He wouldn't want to exhaust you. He just needs you to remember you're a sorcerer, not one of those monkeys.
You've also started picking up the word from him. The first time you called someone a monkey was an accident. Some whore was being mean to you, and you vented to Suguru about that. He got rid of her completely, but for now he told you he just kicked her out. And you believed him.
During your training sessions you've learned how to stop the curses from becoming weaker as well as how to control them better. You also learned some hand-to-hand combat, as well as ranged and melee techniques. But you weren't the only one that learned something during these sessions.
You helped him make the orbs taste bland. They weren't as sweet as yours or anything, but they didn't taste like rags that have been vomited on. No, they were just bland. Like bread.
He's the one teaching you everything. Well, mostly everything. There are times when he's particularly busy. Those times, he lets his family teach you. You even have learning sessions with Nanako and Mimiko! Speaking of which, you've become best friends, with them seeing you as a mother figure. (He walked on you cuddling one time except for studying. He thought it was the sweetest sight ever.)
He starts taking you outside the temple once you're more convinced of his ideals. It's mostly when Nanako and Mimiko really want to go to a restaurant, and they want you there! (They also drag you to other spots, much to Suguru's dismay. But he wants to please his daughters as well as you.)
Speaking of ideals, he's delighted to see you accept them. Oh, you're so amusing when berating one of the money-making monkeys. He's going to have to borrow some of these texts. You start attending his meetings too, sitting either on his lap or beside his shoulder. He wasn't so sure of the idea at first, but once he saw you in his robes, he melted.
You were like a mini him! (Suguru started calling you mini him since then.)
And then there's your late night meetings. The ones that disgusted you back when he forced you into this life, but now you were convinced that it was okay.
Especially when he's eating you out so good. You can't stop calling out his name while he's ravishing your pussy so good. It's like you're a five star meal. Oh, and when he finally puts his dick in. He's always so gentle with you, singing praises as to how you're taking him so good.
You think that must be right, with how he's pounding into you.
"Fuck, you're so good. Best pussy ever. No monkey comes close to you, Sugar. My Mini Me. Mine, all mine."
Yours, yours, yours. These words easily slip out of your mouth.
Let's say in thie scenario everything goes right. His plan succeeds. He wins against Okkotsu, all thanks to you—your love proving to be stronger. You successfully eradicated a great part of monkeys, and more were on their way.
So this is your happy ever after. You, your brother husband, your daughters and the rest of your family.
Happy, forever and ever.
Grrrr I can't write, but you better accept this gift (ノД`)
I'm the Kenjaku offering anon, here with another offering, this one being a bit better, probably. (The other one is still better, because it's Kenny <33)
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equally doomed by the narrativesorcery siblings is NOT something i ever thought of THIS IS SO FUCKING SMART?!?!!?
suguru slowly stripping away reader's morals... selfishly carving her out into what he wants her to be, all for his own warped sense of reality and validation... both going just as insane together and now, they'll be together forever. 🩷🩷🩷🩷 AAAAA i'm passing out--
thank you so much for this, dear. 🩷 you're so nice and sweet for taking the time to write this for lil ol me's b-day! aaaaaa! 🩷 thank you thank you thank you!!
and yes....kenny supremacy. 🩷😍 my love my love my love my-
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thelonelyshore-if · 4 months
What if someone is very actively flirting with RO, making heart eyes at them, complimenting, smiling sweetly, etc. The MC looks at them from afar. They don't like it, they are jealous and upset, but they can't say anything because they are too shy and not sure if RO likes such attention from this person or not. So, MC just sends sad glances in their direction.
What will the ROs do? (if it's a crush stage)
Oooh fun question!! Putting this under a cut because I already know it'll get long lol.
Beck: Wouldn't notice at first. They'd be pretty caught up with flirting with the person, because they're someone who enjoys flirting. It probably wouldn't be until afterwards, when they're spending some time with MC, that they might notice something's amiss. Their mind would fly and they'd realize that Oops! They fucked up! "Hey, it's wild that they were all over me, huh?" they'd joke, silently terrified that they've Ruined Everything Forever. They'd be extra flirty and playful with MC to try and like...make up for it?
Croft: Lol they'd be completely stone-faced as they got flirted with. No matter how complimentary and sweet the other person is. They'd just deadpan 'uh huh' and 'wow that's amazing' until they got the chance to escape. If they looked over and saw MC looking upset they'd end the conversation immediately. They wouldn't be certain that they read MC's vibes correctly, but afterwards they'd complain about the person and be very clear that they wanted no part in it.
Jay: They're typically pretty friendly, and also are well aware when they're being flirted with. They'd be polite but distant with the other person, especially if they already have a crush on the MC. When they glanced over and saw MC looking upset, though, they'd make their excuses and walk off. If MC was comfortable with being touched they'd probably throw a friendly arm around their shoulder (panicking inside at the closeness) and try to convince the MC to go and do something fun together. They wouldn't address it directly, but would try to make sure the MC knows they weren't engaging in the flirting lol.
Perri: Would be petrified LMAO they have no idea how to handle flirting. They'd be so overwhelmed and flustered. And I could see a MC who's feeling jealous reading that as interest on Perri's part. When Perri figured out how MC was feeling they'd be even more horrified...but wouldn't know how to make it better. They'd probably just try to pretend nothing had happened?
Ravi: He'd give the person a placid, empty smile while listening to them flirt. He wouldn't engage...pretty much at all beyond that. Just smile and stare with slightly empty eyes. He has no interest in most other people. If he looked over and saw MC looking upset, though, it'd be over. "Thanks," he'd call over his shoulder as he walked away. Then he'd approach the MC and start talking to them, emoting more than he had in the past five minutes. Not saying anything specific, just trying to be very clear that MC is the only person he cares about in this situation.
Yasmin: She'd be actively flirting back with the person. Maybe give them her number, try to make a date. She's not in the market for a steady relationship...but if she had a crush on MC and she saw them watching and looking upset, it would make her feel. Odd. Unsure. She wouldn't understand why she feels so bad. Later she'd just. Ask them about it. "Did that bother you?" she'd ask bluntly. It might end up in an argument, with Yasmin flustered and frustrated and feeling Way Too Many Emotions...while also feeling bad about hurting MC.
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Matching Rings
A/N: I am really soft for Lucifer and I don't know why. Pray for me that I don't become a full on a Lucifer simp, I wouldn't be able to keep up with the amount of cards this old man gets.
Lucifer x gn!MC
!!Spoilers for the end of season 2 and beggining of season 3 of the OG!Obey Me!!
When it first came into your mind, the idea didn't seem that bad. It was rather romantic and a nice gesture, but now that you had the ring in your hand, you couldn't help but get embarrassed about the thought of giving it to him.
Since he told you that the ring of light was his most precious object and about how glad he is that you get to wear and be protected by it, you got the idea of getting him a matching ring. It only made sense in your mind. Since you're wearing a precious object of his that was thought to have been lost in the war. But now that you have it in your hand you couldn't come up with a way to give it to him without you being flustered. You weren't planning on asking for his hand in marriage, at least not yet, but the implications of giving him the ring it sure made you feel like it.
Since you got the ring earlier that day, you have been constantly pacing in your room trying to come up with a way to give him the ring. Each time you had to stop yourself cause it was leading no where and you could start feeling your face heat up. Over thinking about a date wasn't helping, simply leaving it on his desk was out of question, you did want to see his reaction after all. In the end all that was left, was for you to take a direct approach and just give it to him.
The only problem was that you couldn't really do it in the Serenity Manor, where his brothers could interrupt the two of you, so you decided to take him on a walk around the city. It wasn't often that he came to the human world. It seemed like an easy enough plan. Go on a walk, find a nice spot, give him the ring and explain it was only a nice gesture without looking to flustered and wait to get praised by Lucifer.
The plan was straight forward and simple, especially a few hours prior when thought about it. It still seemed easy when you convinced Lucifer to leave his work behind and to go out with you. But now, sitting right next to him, you could feel your face heat up and your hands starting to fidget. You didn't even notice that you've started to bounce your leg in a nervous manner, too caught up in your thoughts.
"For a walk that was supposed to be relaxing, you sure do look stressed" Lucifer commented as way to get you out of your constant over thinking. The startled look on your face at being caught was enough to get a chuckle out of him. "You don't think I haven't seen you fidget with something in your pocket the whole day? Or how you would open your mouth to say something only to close it and be all flustered afterwards?" The smug look on his face really belonged to the avatar of pride. If you weren't so caught up in the fact that he has seen right through, you would have wiped that smug smile on his face.
"And you've only decided to tell me about it now? If you knew I was trying to do something, why pretend that you didn't notice? Was I that funny to watch?" Usually when someone was trying to hide something he would call them out immediately. The fact that he let you go on your own pace was both a blessing and a curse and you couldn't decide which one it was.
"You didn't seem guilty or that you were trying to hide something bad, so there was no need for me to intervene in your plans" Lucifer said as a matter of fact. "But you were quite amusing to look at." Looking at the exasperated look on your face he couldn't help but laugh.
"You're making me have second guess myself about giving you that gift..." you sighed, closing your eyes as a way to compose yourself. You didn't really mean what you said nor were you mad at him, you were just embarrassed about having your surprise ruined like that. "A gift you say? Whatever it is that you have got me I am sure it will be something that I will treasure." Lucifer tried to reassure you.
Turning towards him you hand him the box with the ring. "Since you gave me the ring of light, I thought it would be only right if I got you a ring too, considering how special of an object it was for you." You mumbled the last part, but it was still loud enough for Lucifer to hear.
Humming to himself Lucifer put on the ring. "I guess it's good that I am not wearing gloves in my human world outfit. It would really be a shame to hide this from everyone." Slightly leaning towards you he kissed your forehead. "Thanks, my love, I really appreciate your gift." You were left staring at him with a dazed look on your face.
All the jittery feelings in your body were replaced by a soft warmth. "I am really glad you liked it, I spent a long time searching for one that would match the ring of light." You went on a small tirade about how you found the ring and how you also got his ring size behind his back, all too proud of yourself for a job well done, forgetting about how filled you were with anxiety not even five minutes ago.
Lucifer only stared at you fondly while nodding at certain parts of your story. By the time you were done he looked both amused and smug about something. "What's with that look on your face? You only have it when you're coming up with a punishment or when you find a new cursed record."
He merely smirked at you as he reminded of a detail that you have overlooked. The reactions his brothers are going to have when they see Lucifer having matching rings with you and all the conclusions they will jump too. You could feel yourself already feel light headed at the thought of them questioning if you proposed to Lucifer or anything like that. Surely Lucifer would be more than happy to stay out of the Serenity Manor for more hours, right?
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Day 13: learning a craft
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
“Are you sure that's how it's done, Henry?” Spencer asked, evidently confused by the instructions his godson was giving him. The two of you had agreed to watch the little one for the afternoon when JJ would be busy and right now you were doing some origami.
You weren't very skilled at it, but compared to your friend you became an expert. Although, to be honest, you couldn't blame him too much, since you knew beforehand that Spencer had always been a little clumsy with manual activities. Still, you liked watching his hands working, almost as if it were a wonderful spectacle.
"Yes, uncle. You have to turn this part first and then the other…” the little boy began to say, guiding the man's hands himself until he managed to finish the dinosaur he was trying to make.
“Did you never make origami when you were a kid?”
"Not that I remember"
“It is a basic activity to develop children's motor skills. Maybe that's why you're so clumsy”
“Hey!” he complained, frowning at you and hearing you laugh afterward.
The two of you had a good relationship inside and outside of work, which allowed you to make those kinds of jokes, plus it was obvious to almost everyone that you had feelings for him. And if you didn't feel it, at least you pretended very well, always giving him compliments and looking for his company most of the time.
“I'm just telling the truth, handsome.”
“I may not know how to make it, but I know it originated in China around the 1st or 2nd century AD. C. arrived in Japan in the 6th century and it was then that he integrated into the Japanese tradition. In the Heian period, from 794 to 1185, origami was an important part of the ceremonies of the nobility, since folding paper was a luxury that only well-off people could afford. Then, in the Muromachi period, paper became cheap enough for everyone, and the origami style served to distinguish one social stratum from another, for example, between an aristocratic samurai and a peasant. But this art in the West is relatively recent”
“Only you, Spencer Reid, can be a genius who knows the origin of origami without knowing how to form a decent swan,” you murmured amused, while you proudly showed him your newly made work.
You and Henry continued making figures, until you saw your friend struggling too much with his sheet and, feeling sorry for him, you sat next to him on the floor to explain to him how to do it. Your hands were on his to show him how and where to turn and although he had wanted to deny it, he became slightly nervous because of the closeness that suddenly existed between you.
“What is this done for, anyway?”
“Because they are pretty and they entertain children a lot,” you replied, shrugging your shoulders as you showed him the duck you had finished “And I think the older ones too, huh?”
“I think it was frustrating me more than entertaining me, but I'm lucky you're here” he laughed, admiring the figure you had in your hands and looking at the many others that were on the table. Henry was in who-knows-where, probably in his room looking for more coloring pages, so you were left alone with Spencer on the living room floor.
“Well, then maybe this will make you feel better,” you murmured, searching through your creations until you found the right one; it was a pretty red heart, carefully folded and made especially for him, “I thought about making you a frog, but I figured you'd like this one better.”
“Are you trying to seduce me? Because I warn you that I am a difficult man."
“Oh, Reid, I don't think so,” you laughed, moving your face close enough to hear him swallow and see his cheeks flush. “I think a woman determined enough can dull that brain and make your heart race.”
Spencer wanted to say something else, but you were interrupted by Henry, who indeed returned with his hands loaded with materials for more crafts. The rest of the afternoon he kept watching you when you didn't realize it, knowing that at some point he would end up giving in to those flirtations of yours and you would end up being his complete downfall.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger
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purplekiwis · 2 years
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Summary: It's no secret that as a figure skater, you're fed up with the local hockey team being treated like royalty... and your ex's status as a player isn't helping much either.
Genre: Exes to Lovers (Enemies to Lovers if you blink 😉)
Warnings: it's angsty and smutty
Wordcount: 8K
A/N: ummmmmm holy shit?! you guys really liked this fic 😫 i wasn't expecting this amount of love for this AU at all but your feedback has been making me so happy! i really hope you guys love this last part as well💙
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You couldn’t resist.
As much as you hated him you couldn't resist. 
You didn't even waste time putting on your pajamas. As soon as you got to your room, you threw yourself on the bed, unzipped your jeans and finished off what Harry had started with the recollections of what he’d said and done to you on repeat inside your head.
And you didn't even feel bad about it as you laid in bed afterwards… motionless, apart from your hand that was still gently touching under your panties, playing around with the wetness as you slowly came down from the high. Honestly, you just felt extremely relieved… and sleepy, you were getting sleepy.
But the more you calmed down, the clearer your ideas became, and something Harry had said stuck with you. That last thing before you left - “now you know what it feels like to be left stranded” what the hell was that supposed to mean?
There was only one thing that you could think of that could fit that narrative, and that was you ending things before he got to take your virginity. As in, you made him wait for months and then just when he was about to get some, you broke things off.
As much as you wanted to believe that was the case and reinforce the concept that he was trash, that didn’t sound like something Harry would hold a grudge on... especially since he could have taken it if he wanted to. He was the one who suggested you’d take things slow. Besides, it wasn't like he had any trouble finding people to fuck with… as you were well aware of.
So why was he upset?
You couldn’t figure it out, nor could you figure out his reasons for doing what he had done earlier. Not the part where he stopped - that part you recognized had been some sort of vendetta.... but why had he kissed you like that? That hadn't been planned. You could tell.
He couldn't possibly be that desperate, could he? He had to be having sex, right? You probably would be if you weren't a virgin and stuck in the ridiculous belief that you should wait for ‘the one’.
Honestly, what a stupid concept.
Months ago you were certain that Harry was ‘the one’ for you and look where that got you.
Luckily though, you never blamed yourself for what happened. It might sound surprising, but it hadn't affected your self-esteem much or made you feel inadequate in any way... If anything, it had only taught you how real people function. Prior to it, you had a very black or white view of how things worked in relationships. Perhaps it was your innocence... but you had always thought that only bad lovers could do bad things.
Turns out that good lovers also can, and good lovers also will.
And no matter how much you try to taint your memory of them with anger and resentment in order to make sense of it all, you won't get to. The memories will always be clear and sweet and full of joy, even when reality isn't.
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After what happened between you and Harry, moving forward in life was strangely uncomfortable.
Even though you thought about what happened by the bus all the time, it still didn't feel entirely real, or recent... more like a disturbingly vivid dream, or perhaps an old memory you only recently realized you had.
It didn't help that you hadn't told anyone about it - not even Niall - which was also weird. You felt as if you were keeping something from him, which to be fair… you were. It would have been easier to pretend nothing had happened if he hadn't been there that night, but he was, and obviously noticed how upset you were as soon as you got back in the car.
He still asked about it now and then, which was a little disconcerting and off character for Niall, but it was also the only proof you had that something had happened that night, and you weren’t completely hallucinating it.
In terms of your relationship with Harry, it had reverted to its previous state, which meant you weren’t talking or interacting in any way. You might have caught a glimpse of him at the rink or seen his car parked nearby, but nothing beyond that. He was gone like a ghost, once again, and you were mourning his absence.
But, as strange as it was to return to normalcy after such an unexpected turn of events, it felt good to be back on track.
To put on a costume, cover your face in shimmers, and take on the role of someone who wasn't really you. This girl was cheerful and optimistic; she wasn't depressed because a boy wasn’t in love with her. She had a lover who loved her back and held her tenderly while he danced with her over ice. And even if it only lasted for a short while, you got to share her joy, and felt it pour out of your own chest as the sound of applause took the place of the music...
And then that goddamn whistle blew.
Not just any whistle... but kind you improvise by taking the tips of your fingers to your mouth and blowing. It was familiar, for sounding so completely out of place amid the conventional clapping.
Your head snapped up to face the audience, eyes unapologetically searching for a particular face in the crowd.
That was his whistling. The one you hadn't gotten to hear in months. The one you never thought you would miss if it wasn't there, but you did... a lot.
Funnily enough, you'd reprimanded him for doing it before, for considering it wasn't appropriate for this type of competition, but he always said he didn't care what other people thought; he'd cheer for his girlfriend regardless and clapping just wasn't his style.
There was no way this could have been him, though...
Harry hadn't attended your championships since your breakup, and you couldn't think of a good enough reason for him to come back now… unless he had come to see someone else, but if he wasn't here for you, why would he be cheering so hard for the competition?
You'd already given up on scanning the crowd as you skated off the ice, but when Niall turned to you and asked, “What’s Styles doing here? Did you invite him?” that stubborn, burning itch was rekindled inside of you.
“No, of course I didn’t invite him.” Your voice was quiet, but it still sounded startled. “Was that really him, are you sure?”
“Yeah, I'm sure… but you can check for yourself if you want. He’s sitting right next to exit B.”
You tried to sneak a peek, but you didn’t get the chance to because as soon as you got close to the border Paul, one of the skating coaches you worked with, came over to discuss your performance. As much as you would have liked that not to be the case, there was no truth in saying that the coach's arrival took your mind off Harry right then and there, but you forced yourself to focus. There were more important things. He wasn't the top priority. He was a baffling enigma.
“Do you think we did well? I got the feeling my landing after the Toe Loop was a little wonky…” You asked, concerned about the ranking. You were pleased with how you had performed in the short program, but the technical errors made during the free skating segment worried you a little.
Niall grunted a laugh in response to your question. “You think yours was bad? How about mine during the Axel? I completely messed it up.”
“We'll work hard to improve those for the next phase of the championship, which I'm still confident you'll be cleared for.” Paul attempted to reassure you before you began hurling more questions at him. He wasn't usually one to try and avoid other people's drama, but he did during championships, since his stress levels were already at an all-time high. “The duo that came before you were technically very good, but they had a big issue with emotional delivery, which is not a problem for you two.”
“Do you really believe that we’re clear then?” asked Niall, who was beginning to look a little more relieved.
“I’d be outraged if not, but let’s wait for the judges' verdict... they’ll announce your score at any moment now. We’ll still have to wait to see how the other pairs do, but I’m not expecting any big surprises.”
Sure enough, not long after Paul finished speaking, you heard what sounded like the beginning of an announcement. “Oh God, I think it’s happening- quick, someone hold my hand.” Niall stepped forward as soon as you asked, and when your scoring sheet came, you both immediately focused on it - scrutinizing all the details of the technical elements and program components of your performance. “Please, please, please, please…oh my- Ahh!!” Your muttering turned into a shriek as Niall’s arms encircled your shoulders in a tight embrace. You both laughed out loud and started jumping up and down as soon as you hugged him back. It was a thrilling moment.
Despite a few technical flaws, you were able to match your score from the previous year, what indicated that you would not only progress to the next phase but most likely also make it to the podium.
“It was well deserved, my dears… bravo!” Paul, who had been peeking at the sheet from behind you, commended with a clap.
“We wouldn’t have done it without you, coach.”
“I appreciate the compliment, but it was your hard work that got you here. I only made a few tweaks here and there.” In all of his extreme campiness, the man grinned broadly and clapped enthusiastically. “Oh, what an amazing effort and outcome! I can't say I'm surprised when you are my favorite skaters to watch… together with the new girl who arrived from Xiamen, of course.”
“Mei?” A flustered Niall asked upon hearing the coach mention the girl he knew well.
“Ah yes, she’s marvelous! I tried to pair her up with Maurice as soon as she got here but sadly, she refused. Said that apart from you Niall, none of the male skaters were at level with her and well, what could I say? She wasn’t wrong.” Niall's flushed cheeks escaped Paul's notice because his attention was drawn somewhere in the back. It was well-off because if it hadn't been, Paul might have had the urge to play cupid. If there was one thing he adored more than teaching, it was putting pairs together, especially when they were actual lovebirds. “Oh no, I believe I just saw one of my students explode into tears...” Despite the way he took his hand to his chest in dramatic fashion, there was a hint of amusement in his voice. “Better go check out the situation over there now… but once again, my darlings… congrats, and good luck!”
“Thanks, coach.” You both spoke as Paul fled the scene. But as soon as the two of you were alone together, Niall turned to you and exclaimed, “Wow, did you hear that? How cool is it that she thinks I'm at level with her?” He grinned to himself like lovesick fool, “Do you think there could be any another meaning to that?”
“I think it means she thinks you’re cute.” That sounded like something one would say if they were interested. “And, has probably fantasized about being your skating partner, which won’t happen because I’m not up for trading you with Maurice either, but you should definitely ask her out.”
“Do you really think so?” You made a gesture as though the answer was obvious. “What should I ask her to do, then? I'm not even sure what options there are. I'm terrible at planning dates.”
“Hmm… she seems a bit competitive, so I imagine she would like something she could beat you at, like bowling or the arcade. But you could also play it safe and take her to the aquarium instead; that's always a win.”
“Oh man, you're really good at this,” He noted down your suggestions on his phone so he wouldn't forget them later. “Oh, and by the way, I didn’t want to switch partners either... you know how gassy I get when I'm nervous for a performance. I can't let her see me like that.”
“Yeah, I know. Don’t remind me.”
Since Niall seemed to be distracted by his thoughts and phone, you took the opportunity to approach the rink's edge and have a look at the benches near exit B.
The sight made your stomach drop.
Harry wasn’t there.
However, there was a vacant seat in the back, suggesting that someone had been sitting there up until recently. You thought he'd stick around until you left...
Your heart had been racing at the prospect of seeing him after the contest was over, but now that he was gone, you were beginning to suspect that you weren't the skater who had enticed him to attend.
That empty seat - it sent your mind into a tailspin and brought back the one reason why you had broken up with that…
Backstabbing traitor.
Honestly, you were furious at your own stupidity for harboring expectations. He didn't care about you. Never had, never would. He only cared about himself.
Niall joined you at the border, leaning against it like you were. “We have to go out tonight to celebrate. I don't even care if we make the top three; the fact that we're sure we'll go to the next phase is enough for me.”
You put on a brave face. “Where were you thinking of going?”
“I don’t know. Somewhere we don’t have to drive to. My goal is to consume enough alcohol to have no memory of how I got home tomorrow morning.”
“Huh uh, and then it's up to me to put up with your drunken gibberish and drag you to bed at the end of the night… got it.”
“Eh, I'm sure I’d make it on my own... it wouldn't be the first time.” He half- shouldered and after a brief moment of silence, offered a suggestion. “I heard there will be a party tonight at the sports bar. It'd be fun to go, but I don't know... there’s a chance the hockey team will be there.”
You took a deep breath in, “I have no problem going if you want... even if they're there. I don't give a damn about them.”
“Seriously? Awesome then! It's going to be fun; you'll see... and there will be other girls there too. I think Natalia will, at least... I saw her posting about it on Facebook.” Niall reported enthusiastically, already animated about the plans. You tried to look lively as well, or at least smile a little.
“Will Mei be there?”
“Oh, I have no idea. I hope not... or yes, I don't even know.”
You forced a smile again, thinking to yourself that that was exactly how you felt about a very, very infuriating player.
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It was almost certainly the worst party of the century, and you'd gotten dressed up for it.
There was music playing, but it was at such a low volume that it was completely drowned out by the sound of the television, which was, predictably, broadcasting sports nonstop. An NFL game was currently on, but you weren't even interested enough to bother finding out who was partaking. The whites were pitted against the blues. That was all you needed to know.
You and Niall had taken a seat in a quiet corner, wanting to hold a table in reserve for when the bar started getting crowded. That hadn’t exactly happened, at least not in the way you had anticipated. Several people had arrived, but none of them were especially fascinating to you.
There was an old man drinking alone, three suit-clad men in their 40s, a group made out of six male friends and two supportive girlfriends, a super fan of one of the teams playing who spoke more to the television than everyone else in the room combined, and, interestingly enough, Natalia.
She was the only reason why you stayed instead of going elsewhere.
When she walked into the bar and saw you and Niall, a look of great relief had taken over her entire face. She'd sat down at your table and hadn't gotten up since. Five consecutive beers later, Niall was already slightly boozed up.
Because of your early bird sleep schedule, you guys didn't typically come out for drinks much. As a result, it didn't take long for him to start getting a little drowsy while staring intently at the TV, leaving you to listen to Natalia's ramblings.
That was what you got for choosing soda over something stronger.
She had been telling you about how she’d went there to meet a guy she was casually texting with, but apparently the night had changed his plans and he had ended up going to another bar with his friends.
She still had plans to meet him there until the night was done but was currently pretending to be busy and unconcerned as payback. All he had heard from her in the last 2 hours was that she had ran into some friends and decided to hang out with them a while. “You know… just so he doesn't think I’m that interested,” she had confided to you after taking a sip of her beer.
Speaking of beer, Niall had practically passed out on top of his. He was officially knocked out, and you were going to have to take him home soon. This party was shit, but the mere thought of dragging your well-built friend up the stairs of your apartment was making you want to stay longer.
Fortunately, Natalia offered to help you carry him because she was also going in that direction, and ultimately ended up assisting you in putting him to bed, and using your bathroom as well. On her way out, you offered to walk her to the door, at which point she gave you a once-over and questioned, “Would you like to come to this other party with me?” 
You blew air out of your cheeks. “Ha, thanks but I'm not sure I want to go out again...”
“Oh, okay. It's just….you’ve dressed up so nicely. If I were you, I think I wouldn't resign myself to that lame party we went to. I would have thought it would be a waste of that outfit.” She bounced on her heels. “Just for a little while? It's not far. It's practically right next door.”
“Where is it again?”
“At the other sports bar—I know, it sounds dull—but this one is packed because the hockey team is having a party there.”
You knew which bar she was referring to, and its location wasn't exactly what you considered to be right next door. Sure, it was within walkable distance, but it was getting late. A little too late for a girl to be safe walking by herself outside.
You realized that keeping Natalia company just because you didn’t want her to walk alone was dumb since you would be putting yourself in the same predicament on the way home, but you still felt bad knowing she would be walking by herself there.
Besides, she was right; you deserved to be seen by more people. And, especially by a certain hockey player who had been dumb enough not to appreciate what he had while he had it. The only problem was that, as usual, he wasn't really in the mood for being appreciative.
He was in the mood to be nasty, and his expression made that clear when he didn't look the least bit pleased to see you arrive.
The razor sharp glance he sent your way caused your confidence to dwindle. He didn't want you at this bar, and fortunately for both of you, you weren't in the frame of mind to defy his wishes. As a matter of fact, you had already turned around and exited the same door you had entered through, but then you heard him approach you from behind. “What the fuck are you doing out here alone?” His intervention stopped you in your tracks, but you never turned to face him. He crossed the sidewalk to get to you. “Where’s Niall?”
“In bed.” You responded candidly. “I just came to walk a friend, but don’t worry… I'm already leaving.”
“Obviously. Unless, of course, you have any intentions of walking home with me, which I doubt.”
“Why would I ever wanna do that?” He asked brusquely, but his voice instantly grew softer when he noticed your dejected grimace. “Would you like me to?”
“Would it make any difference if I did?”
He shrugged. “Maybe.”
“You know what? Fuck you.” God, that felt great to get off your chest. “Seriously, why do you have to act so goddamn cold around me all the time?! It's aggravating!”
He snorted in disbelief. “Fuck me? No, fuck you. It was you who made me in this way! You broke me.” He got closer, until he was practically in your face. “How am I supposed to act Y/N? Tell me, how do you want me to act after what you did to me?”
“After what I've done to you? I was in love with you, you jerk!”
“Why did you break up with me, then?”
It didn't matter that you weren't scared of him, you still weren't immune to the pressure his eyes were putting on you. Your façade was crumbling. “You know why.”
“Cut the shit, Y/N.” He insisted, practically snarling. “You're lying to me, just like you did before. I saw it in your fucking eyes the other day, and I see it right now! Why did you break up with me?”
Harry’s agitating proximity was making you lose your cool. For the first time, you felt compelled to answer the question truthfully, so you did, “Because I found out you were cheating on me.”
His face fell. “What?”
“Don’t play dumb with me, Harry. I saw your dms all right? ‘can't talk right now, gf’s here. i’ll hit you up as soon as she leaves’, does that ring any bells? No? How about ‘nah, we’re fine. she won’t get sus.’?”
“I swear to God, I have no idea what you're talking about.”
“Really? Well then, maybe you forgot the texts, but I'm sure you remember the nudes she sent you, don't you?”
“What nudes?”
“Stop, okay? I saw it with my own eyes! She was sending you disappearing photos. I’m not stupid, Harry- I know what that feature is for! And then you asked for more, from different angles, and when she sent them you were all like ‘wow. those look amazing’… Oh! and of course, my personal favorite, ‘definitely much better than hers lol’.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I am talking about a skater who came here in the last competition. The one you were going to meet up with behind my back.” He appeared to be totally lost as his brows were furrowed deeply. “Oh wait, I think I get it now. She wasn't the only one, was she? That’s why you don't remember. You’ve probably lost track.”
“I never cheated on you.” It almost sounded true the way he said it. Shame that you knew he was lying. “I might have talked with a girl or two while we were dating, but never with that purpose in mind and I’ve certainly never made plans to meet any of them.”
Your scoff was loud and clear. “So you want me to believe that it was all a coincidence that after you cancelled our plans that day, I happened to walk into the locker rooms and there was a girl saying she was going to be meeting up with you at the time we were supposed to be hanging out?"
“And you believed her?”
“Why would I not believe her, Harry? She showed me the convo. She showed me your profile. It was you!”
“Hold on, wait- you said she was a skater?”
“Yeah, and-” Unexpectedly, Harry started laughing, as if he thought this was some kind of practical joke that you were playing on him. “What are you laughing about you maniac?”
He kept laughing, but his laughter had become cynical, like he couldn’t believe this could actually be happening. “That bitch. That big fucking bitch…” He wrapped his arms over his head and started pacing aimlessly. “She came up to you and told you that bullshit? How did she even know who you were? ‘Cause I didn’t tell her… wanna know why? Because of this! Because I know how bigmouthed skaters are and I didn't want her to start spreading shit around.”
You crossed your arms. “Oh, so you're admitting to it, then?”
“No!” Harry shouted; a bit louder than he meant to. “I mean yes, I talked to her, but none of what she told you is true.” You rolled your eyes, still not convinced. “I don't get how you believed her though. What, some girl comes up to you like “hey, sorry to break it to you but your boyfriend is a cheater”, and you just believe her? Is that really how little you trusted me? I mean, fuck Y/N…”
“That is not how it happened, asshole.” You responded defensively. “I overheard her talk with her friend, so I butted in on their conversation. I pretended I was just a fan of yours and asked her to give me the scoop. She got all haughty and told me everything, including the juicy bits.”
“What juicy bits? There were no juicy bits…” He brought his fingers to his eyes and rubbed them ferociously. His anguish was evidenced by the tic. “Why didn't you ask me? Couldn't you just make a scene? Slap me? Call me names? I mean, shit… If you had asked me I would have explained myself and all this shit would have been avoided. But no, of course you couldn't just ask. You had to break up with me through a text out of the blue, saying you liked someone else and leave me thinking you were in love with fucking Niall or some shit.”
“You thought I was in love with Niall? Are you actually insane?”
“Is it really so far-fetched? I mean, you two are always together, and when you're skating he's always holding you and touching you and whatnot. I always thought he was a bit too handsy with you, so it wasn't hard to assume...”
“Harry… Niall is my best friend.”
“What are you trying to say, then? That nothing happened between you two? Even in the past few weeks, whenever I would ask you something, you would always be like, “Oh, I was just with Niall doing this or that”. It was like- like you were rubbing it in my face.” You felt glad that Harry was finally speaking up and expressing his feelings, even if his words were still tinged with bitterness. “I went crazy on Tuesday when you told me he was waiting for you in the car. Just the thought of him taking you home and touching you like I used to made me so... resentful, I guess that’d be the best word to describe it. I wanted to get even with you. To make you feel used in the same way I did. To prove to you that I was better and that you had made the wrong choice by picking him. I wanted to give you a taste of what it was like and then take it away. Even worse, I wanted you to feel guilty about cheating on him, without any real gratification to back it up.”
You exhaled in disbelief, shaking your head. “So that's what that thing on Tuesday was about? It was revenge ‘cause you thought I had left you to go be with Niall? Christ, Harry… I never imagined you'd think it was him, much less that you’d care if it was.” You paused, taking a deep breath before telling him the whole truth. “I only said I liked someone ‘cause I thought getting dumped would hit you harder if you felt like you were easy to replace. I didn't want to give you the satisfaction of knowing you had hurt me, so figured if you thought I wasn't that into you, I'd have the upper hand in some way.”
“Fuck, Y/N…You really fucking crushed my heart that day. I've never felt more miserable in my life.”
“It was your fault for having conversations with other girls behind my back. And just to get things straight, even if it was just sexting and you had no intentions of doing anything, that still counts as cheating and it's enough reason for me to be glad I ended things with you.”
“I told you already, I never sexted with her. There was only one reason why we were talking and that was because I was going to buy something for you.”
“What-” You choked momentarily. “What are you referring to?”
“Your coach said you needed to get a replacement for something. Something you didn't want to ask your mom money for because she had just bought you a new outfit for the competition.” You blinked twice, as recollections prior to that day began to flood back to you. “Do you remember now?”
“What, you mean like the new blades for my skates?” There was an urgent expression on Harry's face, as well as a look of impending madness in his eyes. He nodded his head. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Did you notice her skates?”
“No, not really.” You replied honestly. You supposed that your indescribable rage at the time toward her and your ex-boyfriend might have prevented you from noticing that minor detail, but so what? Why was that relevant?
“She was wearing Riedells, but she used to wear Jacksons, the exact same model you have.”
His hands touched your arms as he came closer. “She added me on Instagram, and I saw that she was selling her old skate blades for a good price. She had to get new boots and ended up changing brands, so she opted to get new blades too.” You were a bit baffled, but nevertheless interested in seeing where he was going with this. “The point is she was looking to sell her Jackson blades second-hand, and I was going get them ‘cause they were practically new, and even had that cool purple finish you liked and all that. The so-called nudes you thought she was sending me were actually pictures of her skates because I wanted to make sure everything was in good shape before I bought it.”
His revelation shocked you to your core, leaving you shaking your head in bewilderment. “Why in the world would you do that?”
He locked his wide-eyed gaze on yours, as if the answer should be evident. “‘Cause your crusty, old-ass blades were holding you back! You were off the ice sharpening them every 10 minutes. Everyone could tell. Even your coach kept pointing it out.”
“Yeah but why would you do something like that behind my back?”
“Because you would have thrown a fit if I told you beforehand. You would have never let me get them even if it was a good deal.” He took his phone out of his coat pocket and started fiddling with it as he spoke. “Here. Just for the sake of transparency, I'd like you to read the whole thing. That way you can get rid of any suspicions you might still have.” After some scrolling, he found the old conversation, opened it, passed the phone to your hands and waited.
His body language indicated that he was impatient for you to finish reading, but he gave you some time to do so. “Are you done?” He inquired as soon as you stared at him. Face now dotted in tears from regret upon realizing he was telling the truth.
“I’m sorry, I-” Your tone was broken. The moment after you handed back the phone, you practically collapsed to the ground, shielding your eyes with your hands to try to contain your tears. “I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions based on what that girl told me... she was lying and I- I fell for it like an idiot when I should have known better. You were my boyfriend, and I- I should have given you the benefit of the doubt. I should have confronted you and asked for an explanation instead of just breaking up with you without telling you the real reason why.”
“Baby, hey…” Harry knelt beside you and supported your back, refusing to let you sit on the street floor. “We’ll figure it out, okay? We're talking. There's no need to be sad about it now. Come on, let's sit on a bench or something.” You stood up after saying yes with your head. As Harry sat beside you, his hand clutched yours. He touched it lovingly before and after he began speaking, “I'm really sorry too... for being too proud to question you about it. After your text, I kind of just assumed you had been using me to make Niall jealous and stuff. It made me feel stupid, which is why I didn't initially intervene when our coach messed up your practice. You were right, I could have said something, but as childish as it sounds, I saw that as a way to get back at the two of you.”
“I suppose we were both idiots, right?” You asked, turning your head to face him with a sniffle. “We’ve ruined something good just because we were too scared to speak of it.”
He chuckled briefly, almost painfully. “Yeah, I guess so…” His gaze paused on his feet for a moment before returning to you. “We could still um... try, if you want to.”
You sniffled once more, this time with a glimmer of hope. “Try?”
“Yeah, to get back together. If you wanted to, I can't think of any reason why we shouldn't.”
Your mind wandered for a moment. There was something missing from the proposal. Your heart liked it, but something more was needed. “Do you even like me, or are you saying that just because it feels like the right thing to do?”
“Do I like you? Y/N, I love you.” It was Harry's hands that lifted your face off the floor, so you had to look him in the eyes. Those dazzling, bright green eyes of his. “Do you love me?”
“Yeah, I do, quite a lot…” With a big smile on his face, Harry brought his gaze to your lips, a silent warning of what was coming next. It was a beautiful moment, but the brat in you couldn't resist, “…considering Niall is still unavailable and all…”
Harry's fingers wrapped around your jaw and squeezed your cheeks a little. “Not funny.” His lips touched yours.
Your lips touched his. “A little funny.”
“Don’t upset me.”
“Why?” You nipped his lower lip. “What are you going to do, Harry?”
“It’s dirty...”
“Now I really want to know.”
He flashed a sly smile, then leaned over and touched your ear with his lips. “I’m going to take you home with me and have you make up for all the time you made me go without that mouth.” Your breath caught in your throat as you considered what he had said, and once you finally let it out, it came out as a whimper. His hand squeezed your thigh in response. “Gonna lick you too... make you cum… how does that sound, princess?”
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A blur filled the distance between the bar and Harry's rented flat. The only thing you could recall was the warm dampness of his mouth stealing kisses from yours as he took your hand and led you there.
There were also reminiscences of kissing at the front door, in the hallway, on the bedroom wall, and finally on the bed, where you hurriedly undressed one another out of an intense desire to see and touch again.
Harry's eyes were filled with hunger. It was not surprising that a few moments later you were sprawled across the bedding, with a very hungry mouth lapping at the space between your spread-out legs. “You love it when I bury my face in your pussy like this, don’t you? Your thighs are shaking so much…”
“Can you really blame me? You're- ngh, so good.”
“Mmm, baby... when you're this tasty and creamy, it really isn't difficult. I could lick you around here all day…” He gave your pussy a thorough, slow lick, his green eyes fixed on yours. “Maybe I will,”
Holding his hair a little tighter, you let out a panting breath. “I think I'd cum a lot.”
“Mhm, you’d look so cute cumming in my mouth…” He lowered his head once more, this time offering not only his tongue but also some suction. “Are you gonna cum in my mouth, Y/N? Gonna let me lick it all up?” That was his final set of questions before he went down with the intent of not coming back up until he got what he wanted. From there, the rise was quick and easy. Within a minute or so, you were whining loudly and shaking all over.
“Mm-hmm… ah, mm… I'm gonna cum in your mouth. I’m gonna come in your- I’m gonna-” You muttered as you got closer and closer, until finally, that nice, warm feeling swept through your entire body, causing it to writhe on the bed.
Harry still licked you for a while longer, moaning at the taste on his tongue and mumbling something about how hot and wet it was. He was having fun, so you let him have it until your clit started getting tender, at which point he stopped and crawled up to kiss you.
He was being very loving and gentle, but his reproductive system had other ideas. The heat of his erection touched your skin, reminding you that he was probably already experiencing some discomfort from being so horny, so you told him to be still and got on your belly in between his legs.
“Fuck baby…” He moaned, letting his head fall back as soon as he felt your soft lips close around his tip and sucking it into your mouth. “That’s perfect… nice and slow, suck me just like that...”
You did as he said, not that you had other option because you had a sensitive gag reflex. You could never really get your head to sink all that far. As soon as your lips passed the halfway point in the length, you started to choke on it. You were a little self-conscious about it at first, but Harry had never complained. He loved your blowies regardless, and whenever you asked him if he minded, he always argued that what got him most was watching you suck with eagerness, not how far you down could take it.
Meanwhile, you always used your hand to make up for what was missing and tried to maintain eye contact because you knew he liked to look into your eyes - especially when they started to become watery from the effort.
“Yes. Right there, baby… that feels so good.” He praised when you began alternating between sucking and licking the underside of his glans. You could tell he was getting close. The taste of precum in your mouth had grown stronger, and the muscles at the base were starting to get twitchier. “Keep your eyes open, look at me. Shit, so fucking hot.”
You were expecting him to finish, but instead he breathed in deeply and gently guided your head away. “Did it stop feeling good?”
He smiled broadly and caressed your cheek. “No, it was too good, that's why I stopped you.”
“We didn't have to stop; you know I like how it tastes.”
“I know, but I don't want it to end like this; I want to try other stuff.” He explained as he guided your body up onto the bed and into a  laid down position. His proposition intrigued you, despite the fact you didn't really know what he was plotting. He had your trust, even when he placed himself between your legs and opened them wide. “Do you mind if cum over your pussy while I rub up on you? It's more intimate this way.”
“No, I don't mind. It sounds hot.” You replied with a small chuckle, so he drew closer and rubbed his erection on you - collecting the moisture between your lips and continuing to spread it up from your hole. When he struck your clit, you moaned and let out a small “…that feels good.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” His hands held your knees in place while his hips took care of the rest. Harry was right; it felt more intimate like this, especially because your pleasure was being shared rather than taken in turns.
Rubbing up on each other was all you did for some time, until things started to heat up more. Harry re-grabbed his erection, which was growing hotter and harder, and guided it down to your hole. “Don’t panic, I’m not going to push it in.” He warned before you felt his tip nudge your opening, applying just a bit of pressure. “I want you to want me to push it in.”
“God, you’re so hot.” It was impossible not to say it after hearing that sentence come out of his mouth. Especially being aware that his intention wasn't to encourage you to ask right away, but to assure you that he wouldn't do anything unless you wanted him to. He would always respect your limits, no matter how difficult it was for him to refrain from going any further while gently pushing the tip in and out. At times he would groan a little and push a little harder, but then, just when you thought he was about to give in, he would pull out and go back to rubbing around your clit.
“Push it in.” You blurted out suddenly when he was about to do it again. “I can't handle any more of this go, no go situation. It feels really good, but it's driving me insane, and I bet it's driving you insane as well.”
Harry chuckled at your directness. “Yeah, it is a bit. I'm dying to break you in as I’m sure you can tell. I really want to fuck you, but I’ll hold out until-”
“I don't want to wait any longer. We've already waited far too long.”
“Okay, um… if you’re sure you want to...” He smiled and caressed your legs as he spoke. “If we skip on the rubber, is that okay with you? It'll feel better like this… and since it's your first time, I'm guessing you want to know what the real deal feels like. I'll pull out before, so don't worry.”
“Yeah, I think I'd like to know how natural feels first...”
“You'll love it, I'm sure.” He climbed on top of you, seizing the opportunity to love up on you a bit when he felt you place your arms around his back to pull him closer. “I’m going to do the exact same thing we were doing before. The only difference is that this time I'll be pushing to get inside, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.” You nodded, pecking his lips again before saying, “You can go, I’m ready.”
Harry adjusted himself on top of you, getting into position, and then he pushed. Because of the foreplay, he didn't have to press all that hard for you to feel it slip inside. It didn't hurt nearly as much as you presumed. It was only a slight stretching, but it was a really pleasurable fullness. It was like, after all the buildup, your body was relieved to be getting what it had been craving.
Taking one step at a time, Harry’s hips swung back and forth to urge the rest of him inside as well. You were moaning under your breath from his thrusts, even though they were slow and tentative. “Are you alright? Is it hurting?” He asked when he noticed your noises becoming slightly louder.
“No, I'm fine- there’s no pain at all.”
“Good, that's awesome.” He said, clearly pleased with the news. “I'll move slowly at first. As we go, the pace will pick up a little. I promise to be gentle but let me know if you're uncomfortable with anything.”
“Okay but don't worry too much, I'm really enjoying it.”
“What if I do this?” As he asked the question, he moved his hips so that his tip was aligned with the inside spot his fingers always searched for.
“Oh- Mhm, that’s good.” It really was. It felt amazing- to be this close and full and have Harry holding you and grunting right next to your ear, all because your pussy was warm and making him feel good.
He began moving more freely once he sensed you letting go a little more. The sound of his hips slamming into yours was filthy, as were the sobs of pleasure coming from your mouths at every snap. “Fuck baby, you feel incredible around me.” Harry purred, “I'm glad we skipped the condom but being this close to you is driving my dick crazy. You're making it really hard for me not to-”
“It’s okay if you do, I don’t mind.”
You felt Harry’s head shake in response. “You before me.” He stated firmly, like that was an important criterion for him. His lips brushed up against your collarbone, then up to kiss your neck and your ear. “I’ll give you my dick all night if I have to. I don’t care how long it takes- you’ll cum on it.” He changed positions slightly and then, after checking his mouth for spit, lowered his hand and said, “…Perhaps a little extra would help-” before you felt his thumb start rubbing over your clit.
Your reaction was immediate – you twitched on the bed and made an obscene sound. Harry’s hips and thumb sped up in response to your moaning. “That's it, baby. Moan- show me what feels good.”
“Please nghh… I wanna cum, make me cum.”
“Fuck me, your pussy’s perfect.” By how tightly Harry’s other hand gripped your flesh, you could tell he was holding back not to burst. He usually held up well, but the time you guys had spent fondling had clearly affected him as much as it had you - not to mention the extra thrill of trying something new. “Come on baby, let’s go… just focus on the pleasure… think of how full you are-”
A moan and tremor accompanied your positive response to his words. “Mhm, that's me. You're full of me. It’s my dick inside you, making you feel good,” More spit was added to his hand, intensifying the sensations on your clit. “And that’s me here too… you can feel it, can’t you baby? Yeah, I know… do you like when I flick your little clit like that? It’s so wet… I bet it feels so good.”
Your unconscious was gripped by Harry’s words, that were forcing your mind to hone in on exactly what he was saying. “Oh my god,” You sobbed out loud as you began to feel your senses heighten beyond control and then, within mere seconds, your entire body was enveloped in a strong, warm sensation of pleasure all over again.
“Fuck- that’s right, baby. Cum for me- wanna feel you on my- Shit. Oh, fuck-” He pulled out at the last second – grunting as he jerked himself into spurting thick white cream over your clit and his thumb, that was still flicking over it to finish you off. “…Fuck yess.” That was his last growl, uttered once he started rubbing his dick on you again. His hand milked it down to the last drop, letting it sprinkle all over your swollen pussy lips.
Right after he finished, you looked into his eyes, and they were glowing. A big smile engulfed his face as he burst into laughter. His laugh was effervescent and contagious. You couldn't resist the urge to join him since the oxytocin rush was making you want to giggle as well.
“Are you okay?”
“Mhm, I’m okay. I promise.”
“Good, that's what I was most concerned about.” He explained as he stood up. “Let me just get something to clean you up while we unwind, okay? We made quite a mess.”
“Yeah, okay- thank you.” In an instant, Harry left the room and came back carrying a towel that had been soaked in hot water. He sat at your feet and began cleaning you gently. You smiled as you watched him. “Was it good for you?”
He returned your smile. “It was you, so… how could it not be good? It was like, way better than good… but uh, I want to know from your perspective. How did you like it?”
“It was perfect- everything was. Honestly, it couldn’t have been more perfect. I don't think many girls have a first time that’s this nice.” You tensed a little when you saw him inspect your hole; he touched it with his fingers and opened it to look. You had no idea what he was looking for, but you guessed he was just curious to see what had changed. “Am I bleeding?”
“Not that I can see, no. I was a little worried because I thought I might have been too rough. I don’t know, I wasn't planning on doing this today, but it happened and…” He paused, then knelt on the bed and kissed the area between your legs softly. They were appreciative kisses. “I guess I just want to make sure that you're okay and happy with how it went.”
Your fingers stroked his hair as he continued to kiss you. His eyes locked on yours. “I wasn’t expecting it to happen today either, but I'm happy it did, and I’m not saying it just for the sake of saying it. It was really perfect and no, not rough at all. It was really good... and special, like you wanted.” The sparkle in his eyes suggested how pleased he was to hear those words come from your mouth. “I’m really, really happy that it was you.”
“I’m really, really fucking happy that it was me too.”
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taglist: @victoria-styles
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just-a-strange-boy · 1 year
better strangers - part 2
part 1 * part 3 * part 4
The handsome stranger you hooked up with turns out to be your sister's new boyfriend. You find yourself conflicted, especially because he won't stop making advances at you.
Pairing: Stephen Strange x ftm!reader
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI), cheating (reader endorses it, even though they are literally cheating on reader's sister), unprotected penetrative sex
A/N: honestly, I don't know what "inspired" me to write something as cruel as this, besides the prompt of "infidelity" and maybe wanting to incorperate the tragedy to want someone you can't have in a very off-putting, evil way? ... I understand if this is not the one for y'all and wouldn't mind if you skip. Stephen & Reader are both so unlikable in this, maybe they do deserve each other :/
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Having fucked your sister's newest boyfriend during a purely anonymous hook-up was a fact that you did not know how to handle correctly, for a multitude of reasons.
For one, you couldn't possibly be honest and tell her about it, even if you had wanted to. Maybe it wouldn't have been such a shock to her to know that her brother was up for anon hook-ups, it wasn't her place to judge after all, but she certainly would not be too happy about learning how her current boyfriend had hooked-up with him, not all that long ago.
At the same time, it would be wrong to throw Stephen under the bus. Your meeting had been discreet and anonymous, had (as you presumed, at least) taken place before their relationship, though you didn't ask for specifics.
Technically you would have never gotten around to meet him ever again, if it weren't for this surprising circumstance.
It had been a no strings attached thing, sex that didn't mean anything.
It didn't even matter that you knew each other. You had no relation to one another, Stephen should date whoever he wanted to date. What had happened between you two was not of importance.
Besides that, you genuinely liked Stephen. Apparently, that ran in the family, because so did your sister. She seemed to be rather happy with him, from what you noticed at least, and while he didn't come around your shared apartment too often, you still had the opportunity to get to know more of him, this mesmerizing man you had previously wondered about.
He could have resented you. Could have avoided you, out of the sheer of embarrassment of having been intimate with one another and now ending up in this constellation. But he was so friendly around you, the both of you pretending nothing had ever happened, trying to act casual whenever your paths crossed.
Whether it was during shared dinner or just bumping awkwardly into one another whenever he did spent time around the apartment, Stephen usually paused for a quick chat, always inquired whether you were well, flashed you a smile, never seeming so troubled in the way that you were.
Because oh boy, you definitely were troubled. At this point it was just tormenting, the way that night had etched itself into your brain and replayed constantly because of Stephen suddenly being an actual figure in your life - even though it hadn't really meant anything. Silly of you, to tell yourself that. You couldn't forget. You couldn't shut out the fact that Stephen had fucked you and how good it had been. If it hadn't meant anything, you wouldn't have thought about it like this.
Every time he was around, as much as his presence was friendly and enjoyable, you couldn't help but to think about how intimate the prior situation had been. How he had looked naked, all of his hotness. How he had fucked your mouth. How he had spoken to you, deep and filthy. How he had railed you into the mattress afterwards, entirely unapologetic. How he had felt on top of you, how nice his cock had felt inside of you. How he had kissed you and called you handsome.
And whenever you tried to convince yourself how all of that didn't matter, your thoughts still circled back to one realization: Even now that he was in a relationship with your sister, out of all people, you still found him desirable. Not that it mattered how you thought or felt about him.
The one thing conflicting you the most though? Stephen wouldn't stop making advances on you.
It started maybe four to five months after your sister had initially introduced Stephen to you.
On some days, he tended to stay around a while longer after joining dinner. Occasionally, he stayed even longer than that. Sometimes until the morning, so once in a while you could most certainly hear them have sex, trying to shut out the noises with your headphones, rather listening to music than anything going on in the adjacent bedroom.
The day his advances started, he had just come around for dinner after work. Your sister was always keen on inviting him for that purpose only, knowing that in a stressful and time-consuming profession like his, home-cooked meals were a bliss. You couldn't blame him for making use of that and it didn't bother you much to cook for one more person.
Afterwards, Stephen had offered his help with the dishes, assuring your sister that it was okay for her to not join and you would do just fine with the kitchen-cleaning.
So it had only been the two of you in the same room, with your sister remaining in the other. Knowing she still could have heard either of you talking, you once again found yourself in a situation where you couldn't have possibly addressed what had happened between the two of you.
Sometimes you felt more than just an itch to mention it, just to figure out whether he was as conflicted about this as you were.
In all that time of their relationship, you had never managed to talk to Stephen about that night, what it meant (did it mean anything?), either because it had felt wrong to do so or because there hadn't been enough time to mention it.
He hadn't either. Maybe Stephen didn't even want to talk about it and that was only fair. Why should he have? Maybe it didn't even matter to him that it had happened. Maybe you shouldn't ever try to mention it – things were just fine like this. You were friendly and casual around each other, had been for the last months. It hadn't seemed to be an issue from the get go, not for the way you behaved around each other, even though it sure did add to your inner turmoil.
You went on and repressed the urge to mention it... because it worked.
It wasn't an awkward silence between the two of you in that kitchen: side by side, your hands wet with soapy dishwater as you scrubbed plates in the sink, Stephen drying the pots and pans with a dishrag.
He initiated conversation eventually.
“You know... I find myself wondering, with all these amazing meals you come up with. Where did you learn to cook that well?”, he asked you, speaking softly. Looking over at him, you found him glancing back at you in return, his ocean-blue eyes as attentive as usual. He had a mesmerizing gaze. You still hadn't forgotten how your eyes had been locked all while doing the most filthy things imaginable.
“Try and error”, you shrugged and smiled at him, “For the most part. I took cooking courses in the past. Cooking and baking...kind of helps me regulate my anxiety. That's also the reason why I stress-bake and your whole ward ends up with my stuff, because we possibly couldn't eat it all here by ourselves.”
“I consider myself very lucky. Everything you've ever made and I've tasted was very delicious”, Stephen assured you, softly adding your name. It was rolling off his lips so easily and smoothly that you had to scold yourself for even thinking about how nice it was to hear him say it. Though honestly, hearing him say anything was pleasant to your ears. His voice was heavenly.
“Oh, thanks. I live to please, apparently. And put good food in people's bellies”, you said, rinsing off the last plate and putting it aside, before turning to Stephen, holding out your soapy, wet hands – wordlessly asking for the towel to dry them off.
“You're welcome”, Stephen muttered and turned to you. Instead of just handing you the towel, so you could do it on your own, he reached for your hands to dry them off himself, finger after finger, slowly and carefully, stepping a little closer as he took care of your hands.
It was oddly quiet, oddly tense, between the two of you all of the sudden. There was an indescribable force seeming to pull you into each other and you weren't really sure what was going on at this point.
Stephen let go off your hands eventually and placed the towel aside, only to reach out to you again, daring to grab you by the waist, which was very bold. Before you knew it, he had pulled you even closer, pressing your body up to his, looking at you with the same intent and dark gaze, so close you could feel his warm breath on your face.
“What are you doing?” You found your face burning up, caught by the surprise of the moment, heart jumping in your chest, uncomfortably aware that your sister was in the room next door, while the two of you were in a position you shouldn't have been in. But you didn't withdraw from his hold, too overwhelmed with the suddenness, too tense with all those conflicted feelings welling up within you.
“I was just thinking about how I should have fucked you a second time back then”, Stephen whispered, barely audible.
Okay. You couldn't really reply anything to that. The words alone seemed to tie your tongue, even more so the fact that Stephen was addressing the subject so casually, while being so close to you, clearly flirting, saying something he shouldn't be admitting to.
Of course, you weren't able to deny you had thought about it too. Often enough. What it would have been like, had the handsome stranger stayed around to fuck you another and maybe even a third time.
But now? While Stephen was dating a close family member? It felt wrong to even think about what you would let this man do to you if you had the chance. It was most definitely wrong to let him do this. To you. But to your sister too.
“I should...um... sorry”, you eventually said and drew back, easily winding yourself out of his grip, because he let you go without protesting, and then you were fleeing the scene immediately, putting the distance between you, which was more than necessary.
You had no doubts that Stephen understood why you did. He had to know that it shouldn't be happening, that this was so fucking wrong on so many levels, that you couldn't allow this as much as your body was physically craving this man.
Anyone decent would know that it wasn't right. You knew it. He knew it. But that didn't stop the older man from coming onto you whenever he could.
Of course, it wasn't likely to happen while your sister was near or in the room with the two of you, but Stephen coming around the apartment made for plenty of troubling encounters that set you on edge.
It wound you up, because you wanted the other man, you wanted to be touched, to touch him – but you simply couldn't. Couldn't allow yourself to feel like this. Couldn't allow yourself to betray your sister and enable him to do it. You couldn't believe he kept on doing it. You couldn't believe you didn't mind as much as you should have.
And Stephen used this fact to rile you up on purpose whenever your paths crossed.
You were tempted to give in when you stumbled upon Stephen in the shower one morning.
All you had wanted was to go for a piss – it was maybe six in the morning – and you had been so tired that the sound of the shower running hadn't kept you from entering the bathroom. You had just ignored it honestly. Not that it would have been a big deal, after living with your sister for forever, used to sharing the bathroom. While you kept your individual privacy, something like using the toilet when you needed to wouldn't have bothered her much.
But it wasn't her, you recognized quickly.
The clothes currently residing on the hamper were clearly Stephen's, the figure in the shower cubicle was clearly Stephen's, and technically you knew that you should have fled the scene immediately, hoping your presence went as unnoticed as it could be, but you really needed to go to the toilet – the downside of only having one bathroom in the apartment.
You didn't really know what to do. Respect his privacy and leave him be? Talk to him and ask him whether you could just use the toilet for a moment? Your body remained frozen where it stood, barely having closed the bathroom door behind you, and you did the least reasonable thing – gawking at him.
The man didn't notice you right away, standing under the spray of the shower, washing the remainders of soap off his body. He had his back turned to you and you let your eyes drift over the broad backside, over his firm ass, those long and toned legs, undeniably handsome, by any means a true temptation. You hadn't forgotten his the front view either.
There was no way of denying that you were attracted to him – how could you ignore the sight of him – and he was basically served on the platter for you right now. Part of you was definitely subconsciously toying with the idea of being bold and joining him in the shower right away, if it only meant you got to touch him again... Even though you hated you would have been willing to do this in the first place.
“I don't appreciate being spied on in the shower”, the familiar, pleasant voice ripped you out of your thoughts again, and you took note that the man had turned around, looking at you through the glass of the shower cabin, presenting all of his naked glory to you, entirely unashamed.
“You'd only have to ask if you wanted to look.”
“I just wanted to... use the toilet”, you tried to justify your presence, but knew Stephen wasn't buying it by the way his eyebrows arched up at you. You weren't lying, but it must have come off as a silly excuse after staring him up and down.
His mouth curved into an amused smile. You wondered what was going through his head in the same moment. You wondered if he would have let you slip into the shower with him. What would he do to you if you'd only let him?
“Go ahead then, I don't mind”, Stephen responded then and while he was pushing limits, he had the decency of turning his back to you again, actually letting you pee in peace without making another teasing comment. But god, even when he wasn't chatting you up and tempting you with his advances, you couldn't stop resisting. You couldn't ignore him, looking at the man in the shower in the meanwhile and how his back muscles flexed while he was washing himself.
Shaking your head at the ridiculousness of the situation, you tried to get rid of the thought how desperately you would have wanted to join him, getting back up, flushing the toilet, and left the bathroom again, before Stephen could even make the offer to you.
It was only a matter of time though.
You eventually cracked when Stephen came to see you, and you alone, while your sister was working a night shift.
It was late, after ten already, and you had been huddled under a blanket on the couch all on your own, watching you favorite sitcom on the TV while enjoying a cup of hot tea, in your pajamas, wondering who the hell dared to annoy you at that time of day when the doorbell rang.
You hadn't expected a visitor, a little confused at first and more so disgruntled, but still opened the door up, especially when you realized it was no one but Stephen himself after peeking through the spy.
Admittedly, Stephen's presence might not have been expected, though it certainly didn't bother you.
“What are you doing here?”, you greeted him at the door, knowing that he knew about your sister working the night shift today, aware she wouldn't be here and still coming over regardless, clearly having something on his mind. He wouldn't have just come here for nothing. You dreaded the thought as much as it sent sparks of excitement through your body.
“I was wondering if you would perhaps... want some company?”, Stephen requested as you let him step into the hallway before even letting him give an answer, not wanting him to remain in the stairwell where any kind of neighbors could have paid attention to your conversation.
The man closed the door shut behind him, taking off his coat and shoes – it had gotten quite cold outside this time of year – and his blue eyes bore right into you again, the slight smirk on his lips as self-assured and confident as always, as he looked you up and down.
“Sure”, you shrugged without developing any second thoughts and simply accepted, now that he was basically already getting undressed, smiling back at Stephen with means of being a good host. “Do you want some tea? I'll put the kettle on.”
“No, I don't want any tea, thank you”, Stephen replied and with a long stride in your direction, he came onto you, trapping you between him and the wall in no time, cornering you with his broad frame – something you hadn't seen coming until it was happening, something that went far beyond of what was allowed, something that shouldn't have been happening at all.
He wasn't pressing up against you just yet, but it did strike you more than enough having him so close to you again. Because now he could. He was dominating the situation with ease while you went all weak in the knees, and there was nothing stopping you both now.
“But you know what I want, don't you? I think you might want it too”, he spoke then, his voice low and husky, though there was no need to whisper right now. If there was a time to speak all the words needing to be said, if there was a time to resolve the tension between you two, this was it.
After all, you were completely alone. For the first time since that one night, it was truly just the both of you.
“You think?”, you muttered back with a huff, grinning up at him, and your question was answered with a kiss as Stephen leaned into you, his large and gentle hands brought up to cup your face in them, bodies slotting together like they had only once before ever, and a spark of arousal surged through you, being as daring as to kiss him right back, hungry to finally taste his lips again.
It was so wrong, so forbidden. It was so honest, so passionate too. Because neither of you could deny the fact how much you wanted each other, so fucking much you couldn't resist each other, ignoring all kinds of human decency. Ever since that first time, ever since getting a taste of the man that Stephen Strange was, ever since the man had entered your life in the most unexpected way, you had simply craved more of him and you couldn't refuse anymore.
And once you began, you couldn't stop devouring each other. Even when you nudged him backwards with a push, seemingly trying to put distance between you, though only meaning to shove him into the direction of the living room, your bodies returned to each other, like forced by a magnetic pull. Your mouths kept slotting together, your hands stayed busy with pawing at your bodies, stumbling over your own feet and barely making it to the room without tripping.
Both of you were panting heavily by the time you got there, continuing to make out in the middle of your living room, hot breaths mingling between you, and as you stood still for a moment, you could feel your heart thrumming in your chest again, excitement winding your body up, finally able to be with Stephen.
“Let me see you”, the older man requested, closing the distance between you another time as he reached for the hem of your sleep shirt. In silent understanding you let him pull it off you, toss it aside, displaying your body so that Stephen could muster you much better in the soft light of the room. His eyes were set on you, fixated like he was drinking in the sight of you.
You returned the favor, tugging on Stephen's sweater until it was off, once more adoring the sight, finally putting your hands on him again, letting them travel over the plane of his chest, down his toned stomach and further down, going straight for his crotch and you cupped him through his trousers, feeling how quickly he was getting aroused under your innocent touch alone.
“Fuck, you really know how to get me going”, Stephen groaned, shifting his hips to press further into your hand, relishing in the attention given to his member. “I've been dreaming of doing this with you again. Using your mouth again. Maybe letting you ride my cock. Fucking my cum right into you until I have you dripping. All mine”, he admitted, the husky gravel of his voice and his filthy choice of words driving you mad with lust, causing you to squeeze him a little harder, kneading the hardening cock pressing against its restraints.
You were dying to feel him again, dying to feel him in your hand, your mouth, inside of you.
“You don't even wanna know how horny it has made me to have you around all the time”, you responded, proving that you had a filthy mouth too, tempting Stephen as you still massaged his clothed erection, wanting to keep him on edge, wanting to make him as crazy for you as you were for him, “Not to mention how often I came wishing my fingers could be replaced by your cock.”
“I'll gladly be at your service today”, the man then said, letting his hands travel along the pale skin of your chest in return, fingers grazing the fine lines of your scars, trailing over your skin, the wisps of hair on your stomach before tugging on the waistband of your pajama pants with the clearest intentions, snapping it temptingly. “Will the couch do?”, he asked, a devilish smirk on his lips.
“Anything will do”, you shrugged and both of you went ahead to step out of the rest of your clothing in a rush, adding to the heap of fabric scattered along the floor, hands never leaving the other person until you were both completely naked.
Stephen pulled you along to get settled on the couch, sitting down, sinking into the cushions, as you quickly climbed onto his lap, not wanting to waste another minute. Perched atop his thighs, Stephen's fingers dug lightly into the flesh of your waist, keeping you seated there as you plundered each others mouths again, though stilling any movement.
You were very aware that his cock must have been achingly hard, throbbing and begging for attention, already nudging you with interest.
“You're so hot. A sin”, Stephen murmured against your lips, your hands had wound up in his hair, mussing up brown tresses spiked with gray, “Maybe I ended up with the wrong sibling.”
The comment surprised you, but you decided on giving him a mischievous grin.
“Maybe you did”, you mused, too drunk on passion to even think about how wrong your words were. How you were betraying your sister's own trust and doing things you definitely shouldn't be doing, knowing fully well that this would hurt her and ruin not only their persisting relationship, but also your own.
But how could this be wrong if it felt so right?
“And I'll make sure to fuck you so much better”, you promised quietly and unashamed, one hand sneaking over Stephen's lean stomach again, and further down to his cock, grabbing the pulsating member, wasting no time as you led the glistening tip to your entrance, carefully easing him in, a moan and shudder leaving the both of you when you sank down on it.
Yet again, your gazes crossed once more, Stephen's blue eyes staring right into your soul, and parted lips were adorned with a satisfied smile as you took him in entirely.
“You really wanna take the risk?”, he muttered, seemingly unfazed by the lack of protection, thumbs grazing your hip bones, keeping you steady on his lap as you found support on his shoulders, keeping yourself seated on his cock, walls clenching around his largeness, while you were in absolute bliss about the feeling of being so full, heat flushing up your skin.
“I don't care. I want you to fuck me raw”, you pleaded and rolled your hips into him for the first time, starting to move on top of Stephen, leaning in to whisper into his ear, “I want your cum inside of me and I want to feel you for days.”
Stephen took in a deep breath. “Naughty”, was all he whispered back, suddenly so speechless as he grasped your waist tighter, holding you steady as he allowed you to ride him, movements slow and meant to tease, up and sinking back down to take him in completely every time.
You lowered your head, grinning into the crook of his neck where Stephen couldn't see it, panting hard and heavy against his skin, letting your lips brush against his pulse point, kissing his throat, knowing that although you could not mark him, you would make sure to claim him, have him wrapped around your finger – keep him on edge, just because you could, and make this unforgettable.
You wanted him to think about this forever.
Eventually Stephen gained more control over the situation and began moving with you, his own hips snapping upwards to push deep into you when you sank down to meet his thrusts, fingers painfully clawing into the soft flesh of your hips, low groans and ragged breaths filling the air, everything else around you simply fading away. He was hungry.
You rode him hard, vigorously, enjoying every single sound, every single reaction, every hard upward thrust you gained from the man as you bounced on his cock, so entirely at your mercy, surrendering to you so freely – like he wasn't just cheating, like you weren't just enabling him to cheat, like it wasn't your sister you both betrayed here.
But you surrendered to Stephen just as much, intoxicated with the man, his hands tightening their grip on your waist, his breath on your skin, his groans, and the way he fucked you so good.
You were so obsessed with him, enamored with his attentiveness, savoring every touch and kiss and thrust of him. Baring your throat to Stephen, you practically demanded him to claim you, to mark you, bruise you – not caring if you would end up with hickeys and traces of teeth on your pale skin, wearing them proudly, even in front of your sister, lying about them as you were obviously planning on keeping your little secret.
It didn't take long until you came hard on Stephen's cock, your entire body trembling, thighs shaking, while the other man simply kept thrusting into you relentlessly, moving until he himself found release, spilling his hot semen into you, both of you sweaty and panting and melting into each other, groaning into each others mouths and swearing obscenities, basking in the moment of your conjoined high.
He was looking at you then, those ocean-blue eyes still managing to capture you completely, that wicked smirk on his lips, the flush of sex all over him. Delectable. Stephen Strange was a sin. He brought out the worst in you and apparently, you did have the same effect on him.
This time, Stephen stayed. Because he could, didn't have anywhere to be, didn't have to fear being discovered in such a promiscuous position.
He stayed with you, enjoying the afterglow with you, cuddling together on the couch.
He stayed even longer, head buried between your thighs, bringing you to yet another intense orgasm with his tongue. And he stayed for a shower, where you decided to repay the favor and take good care of him, taking a second load, down your throat this time.
Even after Stephen left that night, you didn't have to be alone for long, didn't have to miss Stephen much. You both had a perfectly valid reason to be around each other plenty of times a week – and you continued this small game of sharing fleeting glances at the dinner table, teasing touches when passing each other in the hallway, Stephen arriving before your sister would be home from work and simply coming over when he knew you'd be alone.
There was no reason for her to become suspicious as she was under the impression you just got along rather well. Which you sure did. All you had to do was to keep feeding her pretty little lies.
Sometimes you wondered though... how much longer would you be able to keep this going? How much longer would you be able to endure lying to her, playing this game?
How much longer would you be able to ignore the nasty feeling of jealousy setting in the pit of your stomach and the dooming realization he would never quite be yours?
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ale-cart · 7 months
gleestuck dirkjohn (i am doing little heart eyes as we speak please please talk about them)
Vshshshs I'm here to talk about them B)
First, let me just say that these two are probably worse at procrastinating their relationship than davekat is here.
Like, they both eventually realize that the other likes them but it takes a whiiiile. Dirk, because his insecurities run DEEP. So of course John wouldn't like him because of this and this and that, and oh don't forget that there either. (FALSE, dirks actually really fucking precious he just needs a good pat on the back and some reassurance.)
And John...well... He's just sort of oblivious to most everything. Especially when it comes to dirks (obvious) crush on him. John just sort of waves people off when they try and tell him. "psh, no, dirks just really awkward with everyone!"
Which is mostly true, dirk is pretty awkward with everyone 24/7 but he gets the most stiff/fidgety around John and will even go mute with hidden embarrassment around the other. (John just assumes that's how dirk naturally acts.)
Once dirk joins glee, John immediately shoots to his side and they become a duo for (some) songs.
I haven't really thought of any songs for them to duo with ? I'll definitely need to file through all my playlists lol.
John makes things easier for dirk in glee and even helps him overcome the small stage fright dirk has.
Their first kiss was after winning their first regional, although they just got super awkward with eachother afterwards and pretended it didn't happen for a good few months after that.
When they eventually talked things out (via Dave and terezi, whom both were tired of the obvious sexual tension between the two (not like Dave could talk)) and eventually hashed things out so they weren't awkward.
They still didn't manage to end up together, and by that point davekat was already (trying) to be a thing.
FINALLY, after a few months later they finally achieve relationship status (because karkat got fed up and basically blasted both of them to eachother.)
I can definitely go more into detail with the shit they pulled with eachother and their awkward friendship dhdbdh but this is all I got right now :)))
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vwbugggie · 10 months
Fame D.R. First Shift!
Hey y'all!!! Recently I've been seeing a lot of posts about living in the end or living as if you already have what it is that you want. Obviously what I want is to shift so I thought it'd be fun if a wrote out how my first shift wake up would go. So let's all just pretend for a second that I've shifted (OMG!!! CONGRATS BUGGIE!!!! THANK YOU BESTIES!!!! <333 :*)
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Comments on my DR (opinions, ideas, etc.) are welcome as long as they are respectful towards me and others! Feel free to ask any questions!
If y’all with Fame DR’s (or any DR; but especially if we have DR’s in common) ever wanna chat my DM's are open, don't be shy! (No minors, sorry!)
Anti-shifters do not interact, I don't care what you think. If you are rude or disrespectful I will block you and delete your comment. I'm not going to argue with you because I simply don't care to. (If you see a rude or disrespectful comment before I can get to it I encourage you not to engage, ignore it, thanks!)
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[Also for background we weren't famous when I first shifted, this was at the very beginning of My Chem. Bullets was barely in the works and Frank hadn't joined yet. I hadn't met him, but I did end up meeting him the first day I shifted at the party we went to.]
So this is how my first shift to my Fame D.R. went:
[The day after my two weeks ended and I was officially unemployed, October 1, 2001. I woke up when I felt the bed dip next to me. I kept my eyes closed and didn't move. I felt someone lightly rub my back and gently say]
Gee: Good morning, Bug. Me and Mikey have to go run some errands, afterwards we're gonna pick up Ray, then we'll all come pick you guys up. Then we'll head to the party, ok?
[He looked at me and waited for me to open my eyes.]
Buggie: Yeah, sure 
[I say as I flipped over trying hide the fact that I was freaking out.]
Gee: C’mon Bug, wakey wakey
Buggie: I’m awake
Gee: Prove it
[Finally I opened my eyes and saw Gee smiling down at me, I sat up.]
Buggie: Errands, pick up Ray, then me and Abbi, got it. What time should we be ready by?
Gee: Well we want to be there by eight ish, it's (checks watch) 10:00 so probably 7:00? Gives us enough to finish errands and eat something, sound ok? 
Buggie: Perfect
Gee: Oh, and eat something will you? Real food, not just a Coke. Abbi's cookin', we woulda stuck around and ate with ya, but we’re late
[I nodded my head and held out my arms (a bitch needed a hug fight me)]
Gee: Everything ok?
Buggie: [I nodded my head] Uh huh, I just had a bad dream, would you get Mikey before you guys leave? 
Gee: Sure, I’ll go get him
[I held on for a second, after I let go he stands. A few minutes later Mikey appeared in the doorway.]
Mikey: Hey kid, heard you had a bad dream
[He sits on the bed]
Buggie: Yeah, I just wanted to say bye
[I hugged him, he rubbed my back lightly to comfort me]
Mikey: Wanna talk about it?
Buggie: I’m ok, I don’t wanna make y’all more late
Mikey: Eh, what’s a few more minutes?
Buggie: Really it was nothing, I don’t even really remember it anymore 
Mikey: Ok, but if you need anything just call
Buggie: I will, I’ll see ya later
Mikey: See ya later, kid
The second that door closed I fully freaked out, questioning if this was real, doing reality checks, looking around, grabbing things, you know trying to make sure I was grounded. I was trying to contain my excitement and keep quiet cuz I didn't want to alarm anyone lol. After I somewhat composed myself I ran to my phone to check out my lifa app (yes that's something I kept from old shiftok lol) I explored it a bit, until I was calm, then I decided to go to the kitchen and have breakfast with Abbi.
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Just a lil reminder this was me living in the end! I don't want y'all to think I'm lying or anything I just thought this would be fun and helpful for my journey :)
Anyway thanks for reading! Love y'all <3333
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kitkatt0430 · 10 days
I don't ship Katniss and Peeta. Idk why.
So the Hunger Games series, when I first read it, I basically devoured the first two books. And then I smacked face first into a wall trying to read the third. I ran out of steam. I needed to read something else because I no longer had any patience left for the writing style and needed something else. Badly. However, I was on vacation and it was the only unread book I that I had with me. It became a chore.
I finished it but my goodness I wish I'd read something else in between book 2 and book 3 so that I'd have actually enjoyed the third book. And that definitely affected my enjoyment of the main ship.
While I like the Katniss/Peeta ship a lot more than I used to - time and the movies helped - it's never gonna be a top ten ship for me or anything like that. Better Peeta than Gale, especially given what the overall narrative is meant to convey and what the two boys represent in that narrative structure. (I remember there being so much Team Peeta vs Team Gale nonsense thanks to Twilight being popular around the same time period and then reading the books and wondering why the heck anyone thought Gale was a potential love interest when Katniss clearly saw him as a brother? and then book three happened and I was more confused about the popularity of the Katniss/Gale ship than ever.) Katniss was always going to choose what Peeta represented over what Gale represented and that was foreshadowed before Peeta ever even showed up in the first book.
I do think her choosing neither of them would have been interesting too though, but obviously it wouldn't have been a satisfying decision for the main audience of the books. And not that I think Katniss should have never had a romantic relationship or anything like that. I just think it would have been interesting if, in the peace time afterwards, their shared trauma wasn't enough to keep Katniss and Peeta together. That they stayed friends and supported each other, but being able to heal and grow took them in different directions and they eventually met and fell in love with other people.
Their relationship in the books is so heavily overshadowed by the fake PR version of it that I think I never completely bought that Katniss' romantic feelings weren't something she'd convinced herself were there because she did love Peeta and want to protect him. There was so much emphasis on how it had to be real to convince Snow and it had to be real because everyone had to believe it and it had to be real because if she doesn't make herself believe it too then it's all for nothing. in the movies, I actually find her being romantically in love with Peeta more convincing, more believable that this girl who couldn't put on a show unless she was being honest genuinely fell for Peeta 100%. And I think part of that is the movies are removed from Katniss' direct thoughts in a way the books are not and so it's easier to see her actions clear from the uncertainty of her thoughts. And also to see that she really just cannot act for shit. That she couldn't pretend to be in love with Peeta unless she really was in love with him.
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purplelea · 2 years
Related to my other post about Neku the other day.
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This scene is what gives the best glimpse of what Neku was like before the Game. They just saw Rhyme getting erased, and Neku is hurt and lashes out on Shiki, opening about his feelings at the same time. We need to remember that at this moment, Neku is still amnesiac and doesn't truly remember anything about his past. Still, I believe he truly means those words since he never takes them back even after regaining his memories.
As I said in the other post, Neku doesn't hate people. What he hates is getting hurt because of others, and this is perfectly explained here: the word hurt itself is highlighted in his dialogue. But there's also something else, that we can find again in neo: it's this need of real, genuine human connection. Neku hates having friends because he thinks that the connection friends have is fake and based on lies. It tracks with what he says afterwards during his week with Joshua: you can't truly understand others, so any connection you will have with people won't be genuine and true.
At the beginning of the Game, Neku is selfish. There's no going around it: he pushes others away because they might hurt him, he tries to kill Shiki to save his own skin (remember Uzuki's words? "You're the star, kiddo. Just do things your way. [...] What are you waiting for? Do what comes naturally. Save yourself. Screw everybody else, right?"), he doesn't consider for a second that she needs him as much as he needs her to stay alive. Because of this selfishness, he doesn't believe that others can offer genuine kindness to others, that everytime someone does something nice to someone it's to get something from it—thus, the idea of people "pretending to agree with you" so you end up caring about them and getting hurt afterwards. It was all their big plan, right? And Neku doesn't want to walk into that.
So you'd think that because of that and his hatred towards liars, Neku would be mad at Shiki for lying about her appearance for almost the whole week, right? But our favourite emo boy simply tells her "Everyone has their off days, right?" when she apologises that they might fail the mission (and get erased) because of her. So what happened? What made him change that much? Well, the answer is simple enough: Shiki.
Shiki's kindness, her dream to make people happy with clothes, her insistence on the fact that "Not all lies are bad ones", her forgiveness and will go give others a second chance... Everything Shiki did, unknowingly, brought Neku to consider that maybe, just maybe, people weren't all that bad. Taking a peek into Shiki's world made Neku expand his own. She might have lied, but that was because she was scared and lost, just like him, and he sees himself in her—just two teenagers thrown into a game of life or death, holding on to their beliefs and trying to work together despite the hurt they're both carrying. I believe this is what makes Neku start to change—it's only the start, and his two other Partners will, too, help him to keep going towards that path of change.
It all comes up to that big lie in neo—that I already talked about here—the fact that he tells everyone that he doesn't know who sent him to Shinjuku. Neku, the blunt, brutally honest Neku Sakuraba, who hated lies because he firmly believed that nothing good could come of it, that they would only hurt people and especially people close to you like your friends, lying, openly, to the whole group of the Wicked Twisters—including Beat! Incredible. I just wanted to elaborate a little more on that, because that hatred ran deep, and despite everything, Neku managed to change that much.
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