#and everyone else has snazzy cool alien characters with cool names
I just played a barbarian janitor named larry who looks like a weird edit of Robert Pattinson as a janitor that came up when I googled ‘hot janitor’ and he rages when people make messes and has all his attacks reflavored as cleaning supplies and despite being planned with the dm in the 10 minutes before the one shot, he might be my favorite character ever
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takrat · 3 years
I hope its okay that ive stolen snazzy-suit's name for this... I wanna go ahead and share my take on the District 9 AU. Oh yeah spoilers for the movie
Irken/child shippers DNI (yes dib is older in this au but z*drs do not fucking interact)
District Doom AU notes under cut:
So its not a perfect parallel of the movie but roughly here are the character parallels: Dib is Wikus (son of Prof. Membrane the founder of PEG labs--"MNU" who's primary goal is researching the aliens for SCIENCE! and Dib desperately wants to be a part of it), Zim is Christopher (former Irken Scientist and lead Invader of his squad in Impending Doom I who were aboard the Massive before catastrophe hit), Gir is Oliver 😊, Skoodge is Paul aka the alien that gets shot early on in the movie but don't worry he's okay now, Gaz is here but idk she's just vibing on her own, oh that assistant guy to Wikus? Uhmm probably gonna be Dwicky or something
After an encounter with a Florpus Hole, the Massive is seriously messed up and finds its way to Earth, hovering over a miserable city, miserably out of fuel with dozens of miserable Irkens aboard. Its systems are horribly damaged so there is no contacting Irk for help.
At the very oldest Dib is 19 and the Irkens have been there for around 20 years, possibly only 15 or so?
Because the Massive's systems are all offline, theres no online PAK charging stations--after about ~20 years, the Irkens with standard issue PAKs are growing weak and dying off (Zim has an Invader's PAK--his charge can last much longer)
The Tallests are there basically in hiding. Purple hates earth donuts.
Dib is put in charge of Operation Eviction, moving the Irkens to a new district further away from the city because they are just so fucking ANNOYING nobody can stand them--while this isn't what he wants, he still goes with it because he hopes to study the aliens up close. It'll be the first time he's been allowed in District D--not just snuck in as a kid and either got kicked out by security or almost blown up
Zim and Skoodge have been collecting fluid from scattered Irken technology for many years, fuel for the Massive so that they may return to Irk and send aid (and also come back and destroy Earth)
Commence chaos and commotion--Dib finds himself with a dead Irken's PAK attached to his chest that is slowly turning him into an Irken. and also he confiscated the fuel which was taken to high security PEG labs
I cant believe they fucking killed skoodge
PEG doesn't have a large focus on alien weaponry like in the movie (they do have some, but studying the aliens and their tech in the name SCIENCE! is their whole deal)
Dib and Zim clash and have to end up working together. Dib is able to get them into PEG labs to get the fuel, Zim can get the PAK safely detached from Dib without killing him and reverse the side effects once they get aboard the Massive. There's a lot more character development and friendship that i just don't have the brain power to work out right now
Unfortunately Prof. Membrane is a bit less redeemable in this au.. hes more antagonistic but I really don't want to fuck my man up too bad cus I really like this guy. Hes not horrible, but he does see whats happening to Dib and wants to study him, reasonably though I think that comes across as very scary to Dib and he freaks out. So not entirely sure why Dib has to run away and seek refuge in District D, but I think he's just scared? Miscommunications with him and Prof. I'll flesh it out later whatever
They go to the Tallests' little hideout and Zim tells them his plan for saving them all.. they think he's crazy but send him and Dib off with some cool gear (probably hoping he'll end up killed or captured by PEG labs).
Zim is outcasted among the stranded Irkens because he's generally assumed to have caused the Florpus hole (yea it was him), but he's been desperately trying to prove himself and make up for it (and hes really the only one with any initiative to save them and return to Irk--everyone else is too stupid, hopeless, or cowardly).
They break in whatever. end up running into Skoodge who's kind of just been chilling in the labs and going through some boring experiments
"Skoodge? I thought the humans killed you" "Yeeeaahh but im okay now"
However, Skoodge exempt(?), there's been some Fucked up tests going on to captured Irkens and Zim is really angry and distraught. Dibs also freaked out--like yea he assumed the scientists were doing scary tests and in fact wanted to perform them, but actually seeing the results and how it effects Zim, and getting to know Zim and the Irkens as people, really snaps him to reality and how messed up what PEG labs is doing
Now this would be the end where Zim takes off in the Massive back to Irk and Dib ends up retreating to District D and ultimately transforming fully into an Irken.. but the au definitely doesn't end here. But I dont have the brain power to think any further. Let's see if District 10 ever really does come out like the directors promised
They get the fluid, escape, Zim gets the control module up and running God DAMMIT who is supposed to be that stupid bald military guy in this. That guy in the movie. Okay there's some guy ill figure it out later.
Zim was gonna just fix Dib up, leave him, and take off for Irk, but after finding out about what PEG labs has been doing with experimenting on his people, he has to use all of the fuel and get help as fast as he can, so Dib is left behind.
Anyway if anybody has any ideas im begging dont hesitate to share 🥺 ive also got a bunch of doodles for this? So if you think I should post them sometime let me know. I need to stop typing because my hands hurt now
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heckin-harrington · 7 years
87 question tag!
87 random questions
I was tagged by @steveharringtonofficial ♥︎ thank you my friend!
I’m tagging: @mileven-353 @lovelydacre and anyone else who wants to do this! (ofc, don’t feel pressured to)
1. Where do you live? Texas
2. One cool item you own? A bracelet from an African Bushman tribe :)
3. Moon or stars? stars
4. Places you’d like to travel to? back to Africa, Japan, and Australia
5. Favourite song? The Only Reason - 5sos or High Enough - Damn Yankees
6. Do you have any fears? lowkey the dark, heIGHTS, roaches
7. Do you feel different than you did last year? eh, slightly worse slightly better ???
8. What is your race? white
9. Pet peeves? people my age who call me pet names bc they’re ‘older’ than me, people who think they’re the shit, just negative humans in general
10. Any siblings? one sister, two stepbrothers, and two half brothers
11. Are you a gamer? i wouldn’t consider myself a gamer but i love me some horror games and Crasj Bandicoot
12. Sexual orientation? i hate labels and i just like nice people so i’m just here :)
13. Does a broken mirror mean bad luck? eh
14. What do you feel is your mental age? maybe a little older than i am now (16) but not much, maybe 18 or so
15. How old were you when you started dating? 15 but nothin’s happened bc it gives me hella anxiety
16. Where do you do most of your online shopping? amazon or hottopic
17. Favourite animal? cheetah !!
18. What’s one film from the 2000s that you like? all my fav movies are from the 80s but i love all of the Disney Channel Original movies and ofc the HSM trilogy
19. What’s your favourite scary movie? IT bc it’s the only horror movie i’ve ever seen :,)
20. Fun fact about yourself? i’m on the autism spectrum :) i have asperger’s syndrome
21. Shoe size? 8
22. Which fictional character(s) do you relate to the most? Hermione Granger, bc i’m a huge book worm/nerd and Steve Harrington, bc i act all macho and confident but my self esteem is low but i would protect my friends at all costs
23. Where do you see yourself living in ten years? hopefully Africa working with cheetahs or San Diego working at the safari park there
24. Ever wore clothes that were just wayyy too tight? yup yup yup, theatre perks
25. What’s on your mind? my dream from last night... oh how i wish i was still sleeping to carry it on
26. Are you religious? yeah, but not a bible thumper
27. How tall are you? 5’3”
28. Favourite band? 5sos always and Def Leppard
29. Do you remember 2009? I was 8 so no, not really
30. Cats or dogs? cats
31. Fruit or vegetables? fruits
32. Do you want to get married? not currently but everyone says i’ll change my mind
33. Do you want children? no but again ^^ but if I were, I’d want a son
34. Flamingos or peacocks? flamingos
35. What superpower do you wish you had? teleportation or time travel
36. Are you a germ freak? to an extent
37. Did swearing baby, ghost car, or ghost caught on tape scare you as a kid? what???
38. Do you prefer sweet or salty? both
39. Tea or coffee? coffee
40. Are you superstitious? depends
41. Do you like stripes? yeah i guess, i don’t wear ‘em tho
42. Favourite shows as a kid? Blues Clues, Dora, Bindi the Jungle Girl, or Power Rangers: Jungle Fury
43. Favourite shows growing up? all the good Disney Channel shows
44. Favourite musical? Rock of Ages
45. Favourite movie? Monsters Inc. or any 80s movie
46. Birthday? September 30
47. Are you a grammar Nazi? sometimes
48. Ever gotten drunk? nope
49. Do you have a carrier bag? yes
50. What would you do if you were the opposite gender for a day? good lord, i have no clue. probably play with my hair (like style it ‘n such) and sing all the good guy songs from musicals
51. If you were the opposite gender what would you change your name to? apparently if I was a guy my name would’ve been Seamus (aye Irish squad where y’all at) but I’ve always liked the name Tristian
52. What song is stuck in your head? the Stranger Things rap... *sigh* leTS GO BACK TO INDIANA—
53. Celebrity crush? Michael Clifford, Joe Keery, and Dacre Montgomery hULLO
54. If you could live in a non-English speaking country, where would it be? Namibia (i have a fascination with Africa y’all)
55. Are you a good dancer? hA NO
56. Have any allergies? tree nuts
57. Any bad habits? i bite my nails and procrastinate like there’s no tomorrow
58. Ever broke a bone? nope but i have busted open my head twice
59. Are you a city or country person? city
60. Do you like your home country? yeah, America is pretty snazzy
61. Sunflowers or daisies? sunflowers
62. Tulips or roses? roses
63. Oak or maple? maple
64. Disney or Nickelodeon? Disney with a splash of Nickelodeon (iCarly, Victorious, and Drake & Josh were my SHIT)
65. WYR be obese or anorexic? obese
66. WYR be over 6 feet or under 5 feet? under 5 feet
67. Rubies or sapphires? sapphires
68. Are you stubborn? yes
69. Have you been in scouts/Girl Scouts? Yup! Currently an Ambassador Girl Scout :)
70. What type of music do you listen to? 80s hairband, pop-punk, emo, a lot of stuff actually
71. Favourite vine? “welcome to t-t-t-t-target!! *airhorns*” and sO MANY MORE
72. Beaches or castles? beaches
73. Pick the closest book to you, and write the line for page 36, line 16: “When they get to me, I cop a plea that I wasn’t in control of the car, that I was scared and pleading for the guy to stop.” -Mindhunter, John Douglas
74. Anyone in the same room as you right now? in the car with my stepdad
75. Which is worse; throwing up or diharreah? throwing up, i cry when i do... it’s a mess
76. Butterflies or lady bugs? lady bugs!
77. Do you say “K” when you’re not mad? nope, i just say it on a daily basis
78. How do you react when purposely scare you? i scream... then slap
79. Most overrated celebrity? beyonce or the kardashians
80. Do you have a globe in your room? nope
81. Do you have a dream catcher in your room? nope, I used to
82. What do you see when you look out your window? my neighbor’s house or if i look out my closet window, the street and coldesac
83. Have you been on an airplane? yup, many a times
84. Do you believe in aliens? obviously
85. Do you believe in ghosts? yES
86. Do you believe in God? yeah
87. Do you believe in yourself? haha nope
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