#and everyone else has to read it too now 🤷🏻‍♀️
hanarchy · 4 months
ooooh i promised @wantbytaemin a post about hanji covers (not that you asked, i just want to talk about it more) and i just came back from listening to your suggestions several times and i have sooooooo much to say ok, so little numbered list again for ease bc i cant shut up to save my LIFE.
Here’s some wishes I would have for jisung if he listened to me
1. Straightforward/Live/Acoustic Instrumental music with some VOCALS!!
This is why i have my country girl agenda, like why i picked kacey musgraves. I love the tinyy snippets we have gotten of him just singing over guitar. The softness, and yes as you mentioned!! The emotionality he can put in his voice!! I would love to hear more of that. Just quiet, no electronic beats, not the usual slightly overproduced instrumentals he gravitates to, I want to HEAR his voice even when its quiet. acoustic, stripped. like fast car, absolutely.
I would just love more rock, more guitars, more real drums (FREE ME FROM THE KPOP DRUM MACHINE). This is why like. arctic monkeys are appealing to me. they have three instruments and alex turner pretending to be cool and the tension in a song like ‘do me favour’ is so thick. Would do Jisung amazing BUT. you’re SO right that he could also build that emotional tension that carrie underwood does on this with his voice (btw hearing this again after years made me listen to shania again, which, fun fact: first album i ever bought with my own money was shania twain ‘up!’) if he just WANTED. I hope he practices more, i hope he collabs with day6 or xdinary heroes. he has the bands IN HOUSE!!
2. More production experiments but specifically more stripped back beats and funkier basslines (and real drums but whatever).
Now this one he is on the way to himself I think.
His production sensibilities are just very pop-focused and i respect it and understand why and I also don’t have the terminology or knowledge to explain what makes both the brent faiyaz song you suggested and the internet different but like. He demonstrated on 1,2,3,4,5 and on Run what that could sound like for him. Those are maybe my favorite hanpop songs so far and i desperately want him to explore this direction more. The vocals on run are so good, relaxed, laid back, the change between lower register and high parts. Now the next thing he should do is make a song with a rap part that offers a nice contrast. Rhythmic, strong, kinda takes you out of it and then plunges ur head back under water. Or if it’s something more melodic, make it airier, more ethereal, more surreal. Like fka twigs yess exactly. nebula by cifika is different vibe but also so atmospheric and a bit otherworldly.
I also think this niche of rnb has become the sound of situationships and messy breakups and i loooove that for him because he occupies that in-between of love and hate so well. resentment, anxiety, uncertainty and yes. pettiness. Which brings me to my next and biggest point.
3. Explore more uncomfortable and ugly feelings.
Listen. This may be the parasocial relationship speaking but I know that kid has some powerful perfectionism and jealousy going on. There’s a self-hatred and a desperation there that, if he were to explore it, would make him unstoppable imo. Now I absolutely understand why his position and his genre make this impossible and I am absolutely open to having a discussion about whether artists are really obliged to share everything or not.
Like this is gonna sound negative to the average kpop stan but i KNOW he is a judgmental little dick. I know he has an ego that is barelyyyy being kept in check (by his own limitations and working in a group) but is also just kind of explosive and i KNOW he knows exactly how good he is but being anything other than humble and only boasting in the context of largely meaningless skz title tracks (im sorry but they havent made a title with an emotion other than ‘look at us being so great at doing our own thing’ since like… idk. levanter. many of them are bangers regardless but explorations of real emotions they are not.) is just not acceptable. This is why i bring up that pettiness so much (lol) bc its the hint of like. an unpleasant emotion that (record execs think) doesn’t sell to teenage girls.
Don’t get me wrong, the anxiety and the romanticism and the fear and the love are all real emotions too - many of them uncomfortable - and he has built and recorded great songs around them. I’m not calling him emotionally dishonest. But they’re emotions that are acceptable for a boygroup member to have publicly. Stuff like Paramore (i dont actually know their discography very well so your input was MUCH appreciated and i agree wholeheartedly) or the way alex turner or julian casablancas write unfavorably about women while it’s extremely clear that the only reason it’s unfavorable is because of their own shortcomings and smallmindedness and self-obsession is something that would simply not be allowed of a man that is being marketed by a kpop company. And yes i do believe it’s uncomfortable for him to explore publicly and there may very well be many other reaons and cultural barriers that i do not understand but this is my wishlist so it has to work with my limitations.
And well anyway I know I’ll never get it but i would just enjoy him leaning into that. Doing some introspection and some scary shit. I think it would be transcendent.
little tangent: (I love bands like hole and sleater kinney and bikini kill because theyre unapolgetic angry women but ironically i used to love kanye west for the same (not exactly but very similar because he was extremely unapologetic in his own confidence and ability and his personality in an industry that didnt want it at first) reason kfkfkdk. hes not ok to listen to anymore and frankly i dont like talking about him and the women in these bands would crucify me for putting him in the same sentence probably. But what they have in common is that they publicly explored and explore emotions that society thinks unacceptable. (If you ever want to hear an EXTREMELY intelligent analysis of kanye and his career, FD Signifier has two incredible videos on youtube that go so deep into like… pop culture, hip hop culture, black masculinity, mental health… just music history. cant recommend them enough))
4. storytelling
listen. what i look for in a songwriter i become obsessed with is so simple: emotionally honest to the point of personal detriment, tells a good story, self-obsessed in a self-hating way, driven by love and the belief in beauty and magic underneath it all and a good hook every now and again. jisung checks most of these boxes and i think tbh he could just learn a lot from country musicians or people like tracy chapman or bruce springsteen or leonard cohen etc etc etc
like do NOT get me wrong i dont think hes bad at it and i also think its likely there are many korean songwriters better suited but due to my personal mental illness this is just sth i think about a lot. what jisungs version of like… Johnny 99 would sound like…
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mjolnirswriststrap · 6 months
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Neighbor!Bucky Barnes X F!Reader
Word Count: 2,519 ⭐️Masterlist⭐️
Summary: I loosely based this off of a real life event of mine, so if things don’t make sense, ask God 🤣🤣
Warnings: Agegap, neighbor!bucky, adultery, 18+ not quite smut but I don’t want childen reading anything I write 🤷🏻‍♀️ suggestive or not.
Spending the summer with your aunt wasnt something you planned for when school ended. It meant church every Sunday, and Wednesday night. It meant no wifi and being stranded in a strange town on the border of Georgia and Alabama.
You’d never been to Georgia and the possibility of driving to Florida to go to the beach was enough to convince you 5 weeks wasn’t that long. The 10 hour drive there lasted longer than the summer escape.
The first few weeks were exactly what you expected. Church, shopping, eating your aunts famous fried chicken livers, talking on the porch late into the night. On the third Sunday, after church, she informs you that you’re taking a trip to Alabama. Her grandson is coming to spend the week. You both needed to go pick him up from her daughter.
It took 4 hours to get there, napping made it feel like 30 minutes. Your aunt pulled up to a trailer park, and you scan your surroundings. You were even further in the middle of nowhere, then what you were at your aunts house. You always wanted to know the way out. But here, a 2 mile dirt road separates you from the highway you turned off of. You take notice of the neighbors, one had a pool out front, some older ladies floating on pool noodles waved at your aunt, they must know her. The neighbors on the other side of your cousins house weren’t so inviting.
You saw a toddler sitting in the dirt crying. Watching up at his parents flinging spit in each others faces. You avert your gaze when the man flicks his eyes over to you. You know men like that, they’re terrifying and unpredictable. He could walk over to you and start on you just for glancing in his direction. Your aunt ushers you into her daughters house, not wanting you to see the altercation.
You hadn’t seen your cousin since you were a little girl. Now she has a little boy. It was weird. Your family was so large, it was impossible to keep up with everyone. You had many cousins you hadn’t seen since Christmas of ‘06. After a ham sandwich and barbecue chips you were ready to leave, it was more boring here, and your cousin even had cable. You aunt must’ve noticed your boredom, offering a swim in her friends pool out front.
“But I didn’t bring a bathing suit?” You say grinning, knowing you’d go naked if it meant you could swim. “Just wear your bra and I’ll go ask the neighbor if she has some shorts that will fit you.” Your aunt says, swinging open the screen door. You nod your head, quickly braiding your hair to keep it out of your face. You almost lose your spot, twisting knots into your hair when the blonde woman from next door walks in, smiling. “Hey, your aunt said you needed some shorts?”.
You hop up from the couch. “Yes, thank you, I don’t know if we’re even close to the same size but what can it hurt to try?” You give her a soft smile. She looked like a wounded animal. She was way too nice to be getting yelled at like that. You wonder what set him off. But you know better than to ask. “Tanya, your kids crying.” You both look behind her to the open door. The dark haired man was standing there, looking thoroughly disgusted. When his eyes find you again, you have nowhere to hide. “Your aunt says you guys are staying the night.” He informs you, walking away. You furrow your eyebrows, why wouldn’t your aunt tell you that herself?
“She did, James needs a ride into town tomorrow and your aunt couldn’t say no.” She gives you a tight lipped smile. She knows a young girl would rather be spending her summer somewhere else. Once you squeezed into the shorts, you bolted to the pool, with a quick introduction to Sherry and Barb, sisters who owned the park. They were nice, asked you questions and treated you like family. Your aunt must really know them, you had no clue how.
Tanya and your aunt walked across the grass and climbed into the pool. Tanya tightly held onto a bottle of Budweiser, letting you know the night was already starting. You dunk your head, wanting to wash away the sweat from your forehead. When you resurface you see James stomping towards the pool, his shirt missing and motor oil smeared on his chest. “Drinking beer but not watching your kid I wish I could be surprised.” That’s when you notice a little boy in his hands, floaties tightly wrapped around his arms and body. He snatched the brown bottle from her hands, tossing the boy into the pool. “I got shit to do.” He walked away, finishing the beer and throwing the empty bottle to the ground.
After two more hours in the pool, your cousin came out looking for your aunt, leaving you alone with the Tanya and the baby. “Are you happy?” You finally ask, only because you’re truly alone with her. Her eyes well with tears, she shakes her head no. You move across the pool grabbing the boy you’d become acquainted with. You pulled yourself out of the water, not bothering to dry off, but you wrapped the boy in a towel. The sun was setting and it wasn’t warm enough for him to be out here wet. “I’ll be right back.” You give her a firm nod, carrying him in the direction of her house. She just watched helplessly as you turn the corner out of site.
Your heart started beating faster as you walked up to the trailer, knocking on the door. You try to think of what to say as you wait for him to open the door. You hear cursing from the other side before it’s swung open. He stands there for a minute, holding the door open before you realize he’s inviting you in. You step up, still holding onto the toddler. You don’t move from the doormat, afraid of tracking water through the house. “You can lay him down on the couch.” He says, pointing toward the corner of the room. You nod, padding your feet across the cold linoleum. You didn’t even notice the boy fell asleep in your arms, swimming always tuckers out kids. You straighten your back when you feel water droplets sliding down the inside of your thigh, pooling water at your feet.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t even dry off before bringing him.” You look at the ground, wondering how you could fix the wet footprints that painted his floor. “I’m not.” He says but you barely catch it. “Huh?” You ask.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s just water honey.” You look up at him, not believing his sincerity. His blue eyes are piercing into yours. “Okay, well I better get back to the pool.” He watches you as you walk out of the door, he doesn’t make room for you to slip past him, causing you to turn your body towards him, he smelled good, you don’t know how. He was covered in black dirt from under the car, and sweat. He still wasn’t wearing a shirt and his tanned skin was so smooth, save for the happy trail growing up his stomach.
He was a lot older than you, more than 15 years, you’d guess. But you couldn’t tell standing this close to him. Your brain forces you out of the door. If you stood there in the tension for a second longer you don’t know what stupid thing would come out of your mouth. When you got back to the pool everyone had rejoined Tanya, even your aunt and cousin were drinking. You escape to your cousins house, changing back into your leggings and putting on your t-shirt. You check on your baby cousin, he’s sleeping in his room, not a worry in the world. You take the chance to spend a minute alone and turn on the tv.
You don’t even care to change the channel, SpongeBob played, lulling you to sleep. You’re awoken by your aunt, handing you the neighbor boy. “Will you watch him for a minute?” You just nod, and she’s out of the house. You peak through the curtain to see blue lights out front. Why are the cops here? You rock the boy to sleep, laying him down beside your cousin in his bed. When you walk outside everyone’s gone. The cops, your aunt, the neighbors. “What the hell.” You say out loud. You go knock on Sherrys door, hoping your aunt was there. But no one answered. Walking across the grass field someone caught your attention. It’s James, yelling at his trailer. “You don’t love me anyways, bitch.” He throws another beer bottle, this one smashes against the siding of the house. “I should’ve never fucked you and let you have my kid.” You stop in your tracks when he turns around, obviously drunk. “Hey.” He says, slowly walking towards you. “Are you okay?” You ask naïve as ever.
“I’m a good person, right?” He asks. You don’t know what to say, not wanting to tip him off that you were shitting your pants right now.
“Yes, you seem like a really good dad.” You’re trying to deescalate. “I am.” His voice is a little louder than it should be. “I don’t doubt it.” You’re still standing in the same spot, too afraid to move. “You’re nice.” He says, smiling widely. You give him one back, he hadn’t done anything to you yet, you weren’t going to give him a reason to.
It was no secret that you were nervous. Your breathing was fast and your eyes kept darting past him. “You don’t have to be scared. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” He throws his hands in the air. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He says, stepping closer to you again. “Everyone hurts me. Treats me like I’m not worth anything.” He lets his head hang, and you start to feel guilt building inside of you, this man just needed someone to lean on. “I’m not worthless, right?” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes. You know he’s drunk, but this pain was real.
“You’re worth more than you know.” It was cliche, but a true blanket statement, no one knows their true worth. “Thank you.” He says, wiping his eyes. “I just need someone to hold me for once.” You felt that, you knew exactly what he meant. “Wanna hug?” You offer, knowing that sometimes that’s all people need, church the last three weeks had taught you that. Sometimes a smile and a handshake is all the human contact people get all week.
He just looks at you, expecting you to close the gap between you. So you do, you walk towards him, fear in the form of sweat, still dripping from you. You give him a warm smile as you lay your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around his middle. His hands quickly found your hips, pulling you even closer to him. He squeezed you tightly, and you swear you hear him smell your hair. You try to pull away after an awkward silence falls over the two of you, but he won’t let you go.
“I’m sorry you’re going through stuff man, I am.” You say, patting his shoulder to tell him to let go. You feel his body go rigid against yours so you think he’s crying again. Drunk tears are never ending. “It’s okay.” You wrap your arms around him again, rubbing up and down his bare back. You try to pull away again, this time saying something “Don’t want Tanya to come out here and catch you hugging a stranger, probably best we let go now.”
His silence was a thousand words. Then he spoke, “You can’t do that.” He says lowly. You pull away and try to look at his face. “What are you talking about?” You ask, fear filling you again. He looks into your eyes, letting one of his hands slide down to the curve of your ass. You instantly put your hands on his chest and try to push him away. “You can’t be sweet to me and expect me not to like it.” His voice was different now, desperate. He presses his face into your neck, sloppily kissing up to your jaw.
Your heart is beating out of your chest now, and you stop fighting, not wanting to anger him. “You don’t want to cheat on your wife, you’re just drunk.” You try to break through to him. “You don’t know me.” He says, pulling you towards the back yard. “No I don’t, but you seem like a good man, don’t let a drunken mistake ruin what you’ve built for yourself.” You keep trying to persuade him.
“I wasn’t drunk earlier, when I watched you bend over in my living room, dripping wet. I wanted you then, just didn’t say anything.” He says, pressing you against your cousins house. He breathes in your face, and you smell more than beer on his breath, whiskey was pungently invading your nose. “So what? You like me or something?” You ask, confused on where this was going.
“Something like that.” He says, pressing his lips to yours. You’re shocked, you thought you were gonna be able to talk your way out of it. “This isn’t right.” You stop the kiss, nodding towards his trailer. You look between his eyes and try to find some common sense. “Then why does it feel right?” He grabs your hand, forcing you to cup the hard mass in his pants.
You gasp, you’d never felt one before, your virginity not up for debate, you’d never even had a boyfriend. “See, you like it too.” It’s like he’s trying to convince you. You look between him and the houses, searching for a witness. When you couldn’t find a soul, you stop fighting all together. He feels your body relax and takes it as permission to pull your leggings down. “Hey!” You say, but you guess it was too loud for his liking because he covers your mouth with his hand, looking you dead in the eye while his fingers push past your panties and dip inside of you. “You like being scared little girl?” He pulls his hand away from you, licking his fingers and tasting you.
Him reading you like a book was also a turn on. You stay silent, telling him everything he needs to know. He twist your body, pressing your face into the plastic. “Maybe you like it rough too, huh?” He slaps your bare ass, rubbing the raised red welt to soothe it.
You whimper, you’re going to let him have his way with you. If this was the only eventful thing that happens this summer, then what the hell. Tanya wasn’t happy and neither was he, who were you to interfere with destiny?
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goldfades · 7 months
𝐨𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧, 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞, 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐨 | delicate au, jack hughes
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౨ৎ ─ summary | leon gets picked by new jersey devils & a new rumor develops from photos taken at a draft afterparty. libby gets a dm from someone unexpected ;)
─ warnings | playful insults, more libby hating :(, stupid usernames lol i was running out of ideas, rumors idk if theres anything else!
─ ev's notes | im so excited hehehheheeheh, i hope y'all like this as much as i do! yall know how much i love feedback so PLS GIVE ME ANYTHING, im living off crumbs 🙁
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leontf96 yost ice arena
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Liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, umichhockey and 62,404 more
leontf96 | best 2 years of my life this far, don't even know how to begin to thank everyone on this team & the lifelong friends i've made 💛 thank you, michigan #goblue #96 signing out 🫡 april 8th, 2023
View all 6,934 comments
lhughes_06 | not leaving me just yet 🥳
↳ leontf96 UGH the only downside of this
↳ lhughes_06 love u too 🥰
jackhughes | welcome to jersey brother 👀
↳ leontf96 thank you brother 🥹
umichhockey | NOO NOT THE #96 OUT😪
↳ leontf96 i'll always be a wolverine
↳ lhughes_06 okay cheesy🥴
markestapa | legend ✊🏼
↳ leontf96 love ya bro 😤🥹
ethanedwards | 🫡🫡
↳ leontf96 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
adamfantilli | i'll miss you and ur clammy hands forever 🥲
↳ leontf96 i'll miss ur greasy mullet hair forever 😣
↳ lhughes_06 oh... 😟
↳ adamfantilli its the way we show our love luke u wouldn't get it😭
libbytf | you'll be closer to ur fav sister now!! yipee 💅🏻
↳ leontf96 YAYYAYAYAYAYYA (help me someone) 🤗
libbytf nashville, tennessee
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Liked by lhughes_06, leontf96, jackhughes and 102,872 more
libbytf | proud sister moment!! couldn't have been prouder of my baby brother 🩷 june 30th, 2023
View all 1,934 comments Comments have been limited.
leontf96 | coolest little brother ever (me) 😎
↳ libbytf okay someone has a big ego 😑
leontf96 | love you 😣
↳ libbytf love ya 💁🏻‍♀️
njdevils | are we gonna get a turner sibling duo?
↳ libbytf i cant skate to save my life so you'll just have to deal with the hughes 😶 love ya!
lizturnerfallon | growing up way to fast 🥺
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Liked by user671, jackhughes, user551 and 102,872 more
libbytfnews | libby spotted in nashville at a NHL draft afterparty! maybe with a new man? 👀 july 2nd, 2023
View all 5,934 comments
hearts4libs | omg she looks so happy!! YAYAYYAYA
libbytf96 | idc ab her new mans i just need a heartbreak album pls 💳💥💳💥
↳ hugheshockey86 dude its definitely jack, he liked this post?!?!?!?
puckbunny33 | no fucking way
user545 | good 😭😭 for😭😭😭 them😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Accept message request from jhughes (jackhughes)?
jhughes: have you seen twitter? we're trending 🤣 jhughes: looks like i'm your bf now 🤷🏻🤷🏻
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 years
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🕷Awakening Your Femme Fatale — Timeless Pick A Card
Why would you allow undeserving asses to look down on you when you are a literal Goddess? Every woman has that Lilith sleeping deep inside; just waiting for the right temperature to unleash her HOT GIRL POISON🕷
SONG for all piles: Forgive Me by BoA
MOVIE for all piles: Death Becomes Her (1992)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 2] [Part 3]
[Patreon] [Paid Readings]
Reading guide 1: My readings are always unisex, but Lilith in astrology is a definitively fatalistic Female archetype. If you identify as operating more on the Feminine energy, this PAC could be about what's hidden or awakening inside of YOU~💄Or, if you resonate with being attracted to the Feminine energy, this reading might shed a light on the type of ‘dangerous woman’ you tend to recklessly fall for… or secretly fantasise about🙃
Reading guide 2: Some of you may be wondering why Death Becomes Her is a movie vibe for this PAC, due to the fact that our main characters do not end well at all😜It is a cautionary tale of when Lilith goes berserk beyond control. When Lilith has no self-control, her sense of rivalry towards women and disappointment in men cause her to become a reckless danger to herself as much as she is a menace to everyone else. With great power comes great responsibility. The characters in that movie were not responsible the slightest bit except that man (Bruce Willis kyah!) who eventually came to his senses🤷🏻‍♀️Remember, not all men are as idiotic as they appear to be🤭
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Pile 1 – Amorous Manipulator
VIBE: Kimi ni Muchuu (crazy about you) by Utada Hikaru
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your hidden poison – 8 of Cups
Are you aware of the fact that people tend to run to you for comfort? Something about you draws people in; you seem trustworthy, protective, reliable and strong, and they feel cared for in your embrace. They feel understood. You provide a sense of camaraderie. Little do they know, you really don’t care that much. You’re just nice, kinda. You like to chit chat every now and then. But you’re usually crunching numbers in your head—thinking how best to use these people for later purposes.
You’re cool, detached, and calculating about your every single move. You never really show people what’s going on in your private life. People can’t figure you out as you seem flighty… more like, elusive. You’re like a bird or fish ready to escape anytime the temperatures around you get burdensome. Deep down, you feel like you’re the one who wants to run away from these clingy admirers. ‘I don’t understand why they keep following me!’
Thing is… you’re kinda hard not to notice, you know. No matter what type of beauty you are—and you might as well be cute as a rabbit—there’s an animal magnetism about you. People want to please you and gain your validation. In essence, you have the natural ability to attract a lot of simps! How you deal with that, entirely relies on your wit.
your potion of seduction – Ace of Pentacles Rx
Sometimes you feel suffocated about the way people view you. But everyone behaves irrationally nervously because you’re too blindingly hot for the average person. You break down people’s sensibility, rationality, and wit. You leave those you’ve kissed witless for days, weeks even. Because of your nonchalant hotness, some people fantasise about keeping you to themselves in the dark. People… fantasise about you a lot. Like, a lot. All kinds of things they would be embarrassed to let anybody know—unless they’re sinfully shameless—which tends to only increase their nervousness when they see you again.
Due to the degree of people’s endless fascination with you, you may not be inclined to entertain just about anybody. But sometimes, you see a few intriguing fools amongst your admirers and think to yourself, ‘Ugh, I need entertainment. Let me amuse myself with these fuckers and see what happens.’ The results are often devastatingly hilarious. Those who chase you end up looking pathetic in your eye.
Those of you who are more empathetic sometimes feel a bit sorry that people crave your attention—your company—that much when they should know better not to expect anything remotely sincere from you. But those of you who don’t remotely care, gosh dang, it’s all just a silly game of winners and losers. And you, will never end up the loser in this game of manipulation.
Realise to RELEASE! – Queen of Wands Rx
There’s something almost evil in the way you perceive a sense of rivalry with those whom you perceive as being on the same level of hotness as you. It pisses you off when your puppets are looking at someone else and praising them for whatever low-quality beauty/charm/behaviour you find distasteful to yourself. But hold on, I’m not saying you’re entirely the bad bitch for feeling this way every now and then, because… The truth is, some fucks really be doing you dirty by praising others in the presence of you!
There are those who feel dreadfully intimidated by your unmatched beauty and charisma that they—ever so stupidly sneakily—try to bring you down by elevating others in such a manner. Hoping they’d be able to witness your feeling uncomfortable because that would bring them the greatest sense of reclaiming their power from the grip of your hypnotising sensuality. Honey, you don’t even have to be the prettiest gal in your country, people still perceive your beauty as unmatchable because of your inimitable attitude!
Eh, if you’re totally in control of yourself, you don’t compete. You know there is no competition. How can there be? There can be only one you and nobody can emulate what you do. Like for real for realzz nobody can. Have you noticed that not even those close to you have any idea how to imitate your behaviours? You’re some kind of unreal hotness that’s on a whole of another level.
Lilith’s Revenge🔻💙
Scorpio’s secret transformation – Silver Magus (Merlin)
Pluto’s command for control – Priestess of Protection
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 2 – Dangerous Temptress
VIBE: Run Devil Run by Girls’ Generation
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your hidden poison – 4 of Pentacles Rx
At some point in life, an ass you would’ve trusted with your safety left you for dead when you needed shelter/protection/assistance the most. This kind of scenario might’ve been a recurrent pattern in your life. Constant abandonment and betrayals that have caused you to believe you’re very unlovable. People’s sharp knives of rejection made you realise you’ve never been anybody’s most important person. You’re never anybody’s top priority. That realisation hurt you so much but also gave birth to your almost dangerous courage now to face any kinds of hardships.
In this world, there is no challenge scary enough to stop you from getting what you want. You’ve survived the scariest chapters of your Life—you’ve dealt with periods of lack, cold and nothingness that would’ve killed most people; what could faze you now? You’re a motherfucker daredevil and people know that. People can see your nonchalant courage and they’re frightened as fuck. You notice nervousness in their eyes all the time. You know they think you’re reckless, but they don’t know your story. And you don’t care, obvi.
You’re fiercely independent. Through abandonment and neglect you’ve learnt to refine your manifestation skills. Now, there’s nothing you can’t have through your own efforts. You don’t need anybody and never will you need to rely on another only for them to let you down. You’ve got all your own bases covered and there’s still more to be hedonistic about. You’re royal, almost scary to the people who are way below you. They may worry that you’re being irresponsible with your resources. But you don’t care; you’re nonchalant AF. Easy come easy go, baby~ There’s always more to make.
your potion of seduction – Page of Cups Rx
Clearly, you’re a hard worker on top of being extremely intelligent. That’s how you managed to bring yourself to such safety after everything that’s happened in the past. There was simply so much lack and restriction it was literally embarrassing what the world had delivered to your doorstep. But now, the fact that so many pretty and expensive things come easily to you intimidates people and they might secretly feel envious of you. They will never say it out loud though, since they want to be on your good side—because they know they could benefit from your royal attitude when it comes to your spending.
Something about you spells CrAzY to a lot of people. Even the dullest dumbest ass can intuitively sense that you’re a daredevil for whom there’s quite literally nothing you’re too afraid to do/attempt. And you exude this dodgy aura that announces to everybody you’re not the bitch to mess with. Unless they wanna risk getting burnt by you. Your feelings run deep but you don’t let your emotions get in the way of your achieving your goals. To others, it almost looks like you’re a heartless temptress no man could hurt.
Your secret though, is that you treat practically everything in life as a Game. Whether you’re having fun, working hard, or dealing with tough situations; it’s all a Game you do not intend to lose. But all games require a loser, and you don’t even care if sometimes you lose a game or two; it doesn’t bother you. It’s all play and the world never runs out of Games anyway. There’s always the next thing to entertain yourself with. This do or die attitude of yours captivates everyone as much as they’re terrified of your fiery but cold intellect.
Realise to RELEASE! – 6 of Wands
A lot of people watch you and they form opinions around your public conducts. You know you command attention—both the bad and the good. Does it bother you though? Well… sometimes. When you’re not on your best day and you have a lot of sad thoughts, you get irritated, a little, that people only see the bad in your conducts. You want to burn every single one of them to ashes and never deal with people anymore. But you are so singular in your beingness, what can you do about it?
People talk about you because they know if they were to talk about themselves nobody would be interested. You’re the most interesting creature most people have ever known! Whatever you do, you’re on top of your game. And you always allow yourself to come first. To you, you’re your most favouritest person ever. Yeah, that’s a mouthful but say that again🤪You are your toppest top priority, and this is a hard skill to get because most people have never learnt how to survive on their own the way you have.
You’ve been to low places others wouldn’t survive in; they can’t understand why you are the way that you are. Who cares though. Live and let live. You’ve got your own abundance to take care of now.
Lilith’s Revenge🔻❤️
Scorpio’s secret transformation – Red Geographer (Marco Polo)
Pluto’s command for control – Priestess of Innocence
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Pile 3 – Glamorous Destroyer
VIBE: Monster by Red Velvet - IRENE & SEULGI
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your hidden poison – 5 of Cups Rx
Are you some kind of god? Well yeah, you ARE a Goddess! I sense you’re so otherworldly in that you’re not typically one who dwells on the past or even regrets that much, if at all. The world is so vast and it keeps spinning, there’s always a new day for a positive mind for braving new territories. You’re already a master at spiritual/emotional healing, but maybe… it’s also because you’re not so feeling.
You’re a realist, to say the least. You look at the world glass half full and everything that’s run its course, you let go without a care. You move right on to the next entertaining endeavour. In fact, you devour all of life’s little and big pleasures. You’re jet set; you don’t even plan that carefully. Details in plans bore you, you would rather do the deed first, then see what the experience gets you. If it falls short, you leave on the spot to find the next interesting thing… or person. You leave people high and dry. You don’t even give a fuck how that makes them feel. You have other people lining up for you to fuck over.
You are the epitome of a cruel femme fatale. You’re this uniquely powerful individual who has like the strongest mentality ever. I’m sensing, either you’re a very young person who has the most advanced Soul wisdom/perspective ever, or you’re very advanced in Life (age wise) and have learnt a lot of lessons that have made you the indestructible Goddess that you are today.
your potion of seduction – Knight of Pentacles Rx
You are unpredictable to a lot of people. Like, they can’t really figure out what your next step would be. One minute they’re certain you’re this typa person who’d choose this typa action, only for you to choose that typa shit no one would’ve guessed you’re that type to do that. There’s always an element of surprise to you. Some love it, some hate it. You attract an equal balance of curious followers and cowards who want to quickly run away from your hot mess.
Those who can’t see through your web of exaggerated narratives are deep in your clutches, they can’t escape your poison—they want your poison—until you decide you’re bored with them and toss them aside without having given them the high they thought they’d get. A few who do get the high…you’ve kinda ruined them in that now you live in their minds forever. And you’re a bad dream for those poor souls.
Now they can’t stop thinking about you but no longer can they ever have access to you. You’ve taken them to that guilt trip and it lives with them for the rest of their lives. Not only in your story, but in their story, too, they’re the villains who have disappointed or hurt you and caused you to toss them away👏🏻
Realise to RELEASE! – Queen of Pentacles
You’re actually super capable of taking care of yourself. But something about the way you look or speak or tell a story is very unassuming. Maybe you’re tiny and cute; maybe you wear dainty accessories or adorn yourself with bunny or turtle plushies. Giving others the impression of a harmless fawn who’s in constant need of cuddles and support. Your admirers flock to help and serve you. They want to be strong and useful for you. They want to appear big in front of you. Help you get out of trouble’s way when YOU are the trouble.
People are usually slow to realise—if ever—that you’re a glamorous destroyer of people’s sanity. People easily melt at your soft, or high pitched, voice. Something about the way you express yourself is hypnotising and magnetic. People can’t get enough of you nor can they feel like they’ve proven themselves enough to you. People want your approval because you’re so beautiful and talented in a way they think they can never become.
People see that you are deep and knowledgeable. Flailing here and there, they find you mesmerising with the skillsets that you possess but lacking in places they think they can fill in. It’s like, they’re thinking to themselves, ‘She’s a 10, but…’ Those ‘buts’ are but lovely to them. And they’d be blind not to see how little fuck you give about any of their opinions.
Lilith’s Revenge🔻💛
Scorpio’s secret transformation – Gold Geographer (John Dee)
Pluto’s command for control – Priestess of Healing
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eliteseven · 4 months
Jealous Shadowheart is my fav tbh but especially in Consonance. What is she going to be like when they make it big, she won't be the only one thirsting after Tav after all 😭😭 Lmao Astral Prism doing a Celebs reading thirst tweets video omfg
Lmao you’re not alone, according to like… all of my asks (and requests now!) she’s everyone’s fave!
When Astral Prism gets big…whew boy 😅 She realizes she should probably put a ring on it ASAP. (Not that Tav has realized literally anyone else exists, ofc. She’s still writing all her songs about Jen and pining for her even though they are very much a couple and share a home bc she’s down bad like that).
Reading thirst tweets is too good 😭 I feel like Tav is used to the fact that Shadowheart is simply ethereal and the focal point of the band, so she’s just nodding along in agreement to the tweets and occasionally lifting a brow at some of the more forward ones, but she’s pretty chill.
Tav is pretty humble and unassuming (read: oblivious) about how she herself is a catch, so the first time she reads the ones written for her she nearly falls out of her chair. They probably have to do multiple takes bc Shadowheart is like… muttering obscenities behind the camera 💀 (Wyll talks her down, Karlach eggs her on bc it’s funny, ofc). The woman simply does not like to share 🤷🏻‍♀️
And Tav truly is oblivious. I feel like she’s not super social media savvy and is unaware that she has like 2000 thirst DM’s sitting in her inbox bc she’s busy saving her fave vids of Shadowheart performing and like…recipe videos to show Emmeline 😭
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fuckyeahdindjarin · 1 year
Behind the Seams: Part IV
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{ Behind the Seams: Part III | Part III: Edgestitch | Series Masterlist }
Welcome to the second instalment of Behind the Seams! For those new to the series, this is a behind-the-scenes deep dive that I post in between chapters for those who are interested in taking a peek at my writing process (mainly because I update so slowly lol). There are spoilers for Edgestitch below the cut, so if you're not caught up, I suggest you come back when you are!
Current status: 3.6k unfinished rough draft
Initial thoughts: The last chapter laid down a few anchor points that I hope will carry the story forward for the next 2 to 3 parts. I still don't have an overarching plan for this series, and there is no 'plot' to speak of other than the unfolding of the relationship between Joel and Pin, and I'm good with that!
After the excitement of the last chapter, it took me a while to get back into the Seams mindset. While we resolved a tiny bit of the sexual tension last chapter, there is still a lot to unpack between these two. The camera is zooming in for this chapter, where we throw Joel and Pin together again, but in a less accident-prone manner as they take things into their own hands rather than leave it up to chance.
The challenge: One word - intimacy. On both their parts.
As Pin alluded to in the last chapter, it's been a long time anyone has even kissed her, let alone anything else. There will be some action in this chapter - I haven't decided to which degree yet - but I want to do it in a way that is sensitive to her history (even though I will leave it vague).
As for Joel, it's also one word - Tess. My Google doc right now cuts off at the beginning of the intimate scene, because I haven't figured out what he's thinking just yet in relation to her. As much as he's falling for Pin, I imagine he might be confused, guilty, probably in denial about his grief. I don't want Seams to get too heavy, and I might not be exploring these themes in Part IV just yet, but these are themes that I'm looking to explore in some way in the series.
Ellie: I was so bowled over by everyone's reaction to Ellie in the last chapter! That really gave me such a confidence boost, and I'm so happy to say that our favourite gremlin is making more of a cameo this chapter. She's great comedic relief while bringing out the dad side of Joel that I just love dipping into.
Joel: Many of you have brought up you're enjoying Joel's thoughts about Jackson and Sarah, and you don't understand how much it means to me. Getting into Joel's head has been one of my favourite things about this series, especially with him trying to figure out how to exist in this place after 20 years of just surviving. Ellie allowing himself to get back in touch with his dad side is another angle that I love delving into. The instincts have never left him, and I'm having so much fun bringing out that side of him.
Something fun: As I teased right here, the white undervest will make a return, and yes, Joel will be sweaty AF in it - I wonder why 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thank you for reading if you've made it this far! As with the last chapter, it helps so much putting my thought process into words, to make space in my head so that I can push forward with the writing. Thank you for indulging me, I hope you enjoyed this one ❤️ I'm always open to chatting, so don't be shy!
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nikethestatue · 8 months
this fandom might actually be the worst one I’ve seen!! I flip through a bunch of diff ship accounts bc listen, ship whoever you want, personally I am partial to elucien but I can admit there’s a lot of evidence for other ships as well. I like seeing all art for ALL the ships!! But then today I see a post about how we need Gwyn’s book because she is a victim of SA and it would be great to read a book about her healing journey.
Idk maybe it’s just me but I get annoyed when someone is always reduced down to their SA so I pointed out that Rhys & Lucien also had SA trauma and there has been no healing journey for them?? How are we going to fill an entire book for Gwyn?? Like, Sarah doesn’t seem to delve too much into healing journeys from SA (in ACOTAR at least 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk about other series) and tends to use it as a plot point to create a traumatic background character. It’s something that greatly annoys me tbh
And then I got yelled at?? And told to read the books again?? Like yes, I am a new reader, and yes it was a Gwyn Stan account (didn’t know that at the time, I literally just replied for the first time from a post I saw on my for you feed) - but nothing I said was anti-Gwyn (how could it be- she’s one of my favs too???) ?? I vaguely know there’s whatever ship war going on but I didn’t even comment on a ship post and I didn’t mention any other names/ships so I was genuinely confused about why I got yelled at on a post that only mentioned Gwyn.
All I said was I doubt Sarah is going to write an entire book about Gwyn’s healing journey ? It wasn’t even ship related so why did I get so much hate?? no wonder this fandom is filled with such toxicity, nobody new is allowed to join even casually unless they earn their masters degree of 16000 pages of analysis (apparently reading the books isnt enough?) and so it’s just filled with the same bitter people since whenever these books came out
Maybe bc I acknowledged I didn’t see her as a main character - because she’s not? She’s very much a side character but who cares? She’s still a favorite of mine? Two things can be possible at once, people!!!
Anyways, tldr I got a slap on the wrist and told I don’t know SJM if I think Gwyn is a side character and I’m just like ok I didn’t say she couldn’t be one later but based on the one book she is in… she is a side character?
I hate this mf fandom I should’ve stayed out of it. What did I even do?? I even apologized if anything I said about Rhys or Lucien was untrue?? And now I’m just annoyed because I should still be able to debate theories about my favorite books with people even if I don’t spend 24/7 reading PowerPoints on ship wars??
They got mad because you were right. That's it.
SJM doesn't write post-SA healing journeys. Again, you were right.
We've had male and female characters who were SAed, in TOG, Lysandra and Fenrys come to mind, in ACOTAR it's Rhys and Lucien and Gwyn, in CC it was Lidia (similar situation as Rhys/Lucien).
These aren't books for deep exploration of post-SA healing. I am sorry. This is an incredibly tough subject, without a singular answer. SO anything she'd do, wouldn't be taken well. Some will say 'too quick!' others will say 'not quick enough!' and everyone will have an opinion. The only reason Nesta got an extended healing (and not from SA) was because SJM used the same methods she used for her own issues. Working out, meditation, being with friends, balancing the physical and the mental, relying on her SO. Beyond that, all of SJMs 'healing' is training and being in love. Or nothing at all.
Gwynriels cant accept the fact that Gwyn is a secondary character. She is not more important than Emerie, or Mor, or anyone else, who's had terrible trauma. Her main was Nesta. Nesta's healed and Gwyn is secondary to Nesta. Gwyn's healing journey is over. She because stronger mentally and physically, she trained, she reached and conquered her 'mountain'. and that is all she needed to do.
They dont want to understand and accept that no one is interested in an 800 page of Gwyn's post-SA healing journey. Even they aren't. That's the truth. They want her with Azriel. Getting it on, having sex, being mated. They don't want to read any 'healing journey'. They want her going on missions, swinging her sword, being a badass, being with Azriel, having Gwynriel sex and having a normal fantasy heroine book. it's all performative. They just want Gwynriel. Is all.
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alyjojo · 5 months
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Next Major Life Change 🏃🏻‍♀️ - April 2024 - Virgo
Meditation: Random garbled messages, nothing in particular, but you were confident in saying these things, and when others would respond, you’d shrug your shoulders and say “I’m just saying.” 18+ reading, if you’re not 18+ gtfo for this one please.
What It Is: Mystic Healer 🏥, First Light 🌅 (bottom), Perfectionism, 8 Swords, Queen of Wands, 2 Swords, The Hanged Man
“Healing energy flows through you.”
“Beginning a new cycle.”
Be content to know perfection as a distant utopian goal to which we journey but never arrive.”
Your message is kinda cracking me up, very straight and to the point. Your next major life change is your HOE PHASE 😂 It’s time. You’ve kept yourself trapped behind a bunch of rules, standards, beliefs, lists, whatever else you pick and choose from, and Spirit is saying enough is enough. Quit waiting for someone that checks all 500 boxes and allow yourself to have fun with someone you have no intention of actually being with that long, yanno? Date. Have fun. It can be nothing, it was fun for a bit. Your inner hoe is trapped with 8 Swords, it’s definitely in there but it’s like you feel that it can’t escape, you’re the one keeping yourself locked up. Why tho? Even if you’re not single, what partner would complain by you looking hot and wanting to be more passionate?
Now for some there may be an issue with insecurity, about your looks superficially. You need to see things from a different perspective. What celebrities exist that you find attractive that maybe aren’t conventionally “attractive” and still you find them to be the cat’s meow? 😻 We all have one. You’re coming up as Queen of Wands so Spirit is flat out calling you very attractive - but the example is more like of course you’re not *everyone’s* cup of tea, how many people have you been ick about, that maybe ARE attractive? It’s energy 💯 You don’t seem to notice how appealing you are to others, or you feel this way inside and just cover it up. Like a nun. That’s hot I’m sorry, please let it out 😆 It’s possible for someone that there is a particular person you’re really into and intimidated by, because *they’re* very attractive, confident, passionate, and they scare you - or approaching them does. You could feel ignored, maybe you are ignored, maybe you’ve never even talked to them. So talk! Queen of Wands loves to be social, she’s usually pretty easy to talk to, eager even, because she loves the attention too. Compliment her and make her day (whichever gender w/e).
Why It’s Happening: The Tower, Ace of Cups, 5 Pentacles rev, Growth
“Feel open, willing, and proud of your desire to explore new opportunities for self-development.”
Either the last time you tried, it failed miserably and it’s taken forever to pick yourself back up from a perceived “failure” - which I don’t see. Growth is here, lessons learned, time has passed, you’re not the same person as whoever went through this rough time anyway, because you went through rejection. You fear that, but at the same time, it’s the worst that could happen. And you move on 🤷🏻‍♀️ Rejection is redirection, you don’t know what Spirit is saving you from - look at it that way. If you like someone, they could’ve entered a room one day and birds started singing, love at first sight energy coming through with The Tower & Ace of Cups. Was there a wind machine or are you imagining it? It’s probably lust but THAT’S OK - you’re human, congratulations. You want to feel swept away with passion, and I see that be possible for you, but you kinda have to open the door or even make a move - this person could be oblivious with 2 Swords. Especially if you go from never talking to always around. Something about this person makes you feel alive again, and heals something in you, which is the point.
If not a person, you could start working on your physical fitness, health, hair, makeup, a handlebar mustache idk what men do, get some joggers 😁, and open yourself up to positive attention from others. It will heal you to be flirted with, looked at, whatever the thing. Get yourself out of the house and among the people - feeling your best, whatever that is.
Advice: The Devil, 8 Wands, Knight of Wands rev with Dolphins 🐬, Affair (Venus Leo), Protection rev (Moon Aries), The High Priestess rev with Fish 🐠 rev and The Chariot
Oh man ok so, I don’t normally give this advice and wouldn’t except to very close friends, so use your discernment here. You need to have some hot & dirty nights with someone - that’s what I’m seeing 🥳. Messy, passionate, obsessive, chained to your soul, gonna fkn devour you - kind of nights. IF that’s something you’re wanting. Could just be talking about p0rn here and needing to get obsessive with that. Or take part in it even, idk. Explore yourself in new ways yanno. Your call. #justdoit so long as you feel into someone, attracted to them, they’re not a psychopath, I don’t see anything worrying it’s just the mom in me you know. There is something here about not wearing protection and that being reckless - don’t do that. Stock up 💯 If not that, this is saying let your guard down a little for people to show you something you wouldn’t let in otherwise. Maybe a reformed player is your future person. Maybe you’ll date around for awhile and realize you prefer this more than some committed long term thing. The High Priestess rev with The Chariot shows to be crystal clear with your plans. Don’t trick people, be honest. Fish rev, you’re not looking for a soulmate, you’re looking for a good time - not a long time. If that changes down the road…you’ll see, but for now it’s about fun. Or at least keep your expectations at that level and let Spirit surprise you if that’s their intention. The goal is to get in touch with a fiery, fun, and passionate person (you) that’s been caged up for too long, and it could’ve been you doing it to yourself! If it’s someone else you’re after, go get them! You could meet someone that checks all 500 boxes and still be bored or not even into them, just keep that in mind. Take healthy risks & feel good about it, that is what life is for ❤️ If going to the gym is your goal, be open about your journey, obsessive even, cutting out things that aren’t healthy for you anymore and enjoy this healing journey - which seems more literal than spiritual in your case. Spiritual too, quietly. As you build your confidence, you heal any past insecurities or abandonment issues, feelings of lack or wanting, there are lots of appealing fish, you don’t even have to be stuck with one, play the field. Someone here could meet someone they’re really into at the gym. If already coupled up, then you’re bringing the heat, or need to, bring some spice back into this connection 🌶️
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chvoswxtch · 6 months
hi again, court!
it's once again the anon that sent the massive ass paragraphs rambling about the punisher after i finished watching it. i feel like i should either just un-anonymise myself or give myself a name or something to make it easier to identify myself?? but idk?? i'm still new to tumblr so i dunno how these things work
anyways, just wanted to say, i also am just so happy that they are taking the reboot seriously!! i only really got into like the daredevil/punisher in like the past year or so. so i feel like i don't really have the same grounds to stand on as some longer term fans but i just remember being so disappointed with karen/foggy originally not being part of born again so i'm so so glad that that changed and we have the true trio back. and frank being in it just makes me SO happy because i have become incredibly incredibly attached to frank (it might be a little unhealthy but big strong men who are morally questionable is my type haha)
i totally agree with season 2 feeling rushed, it definitely felt like some of the plots were supposed to be fleshed out more or like storylines would have carried on into a season 3 and billy not being fucked up enough is SO FUCKING REAL. like frank literally BRUTALISED him but he comes out looking okay?? like idk?? it just doesn't look convincing i feel like ben barnes' acting is good and he plays the subtle psycho (though you're right, him being more outwardly bloodthirsty and vengeful would have been AMAZING) but the visuals don't hit right. but this is such a wider issue with pretty actors in hollywood?? especially cause they also did it when he played the darkling in shadow and bone. i dunno if you ever watched shadow and bone but like his character should have been way more scarred but they just didn't make it as brutal as it probably would have been in reality and it makes me so mad because i just don't understand why??
AND THE WILL THING, LITERALLY, WHEN HE FIRST CAME ON SCREEN, I LOOKED AT HIM AND WAS LIKE 'is that?? is that WILLIAM LAMONTAGUE??' and then everytime he came on and was being psycho, i was like 'someone get jj to sort her husband out' and also this is so DUMB but i love to think that this is what will was doing during criminal minds and that's why we never see him, he was just off being pilgrim and terrorising frank, obviously it doesn't really work timeline wise BUT the thought of it just makes me laugh so it is now my headcanon.
I HAVE FOUND ANOTHER MADANI LOVER. that makes me so BEYOND ECSTATIC. I CANNOT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY THAT MAKES ME. karen is literally a stronger woman than i could ever be. both with madani and tbh with frank, i dunno how she doesn't crumble in front of either of them. like i wish i had karen's strength. but like yeah if madani even LOOKED at me, i would be spilling all of my goddamn secrets. i'm so glad i'm not the only one who sees the lack of love (i may end up trying to fix that with some fics hehe)! i am such a whore for her, it's actually insane. like the past few days since i finished watching it, she has been on my mind 24/7, what i would let her do to me is EMBARASSING. i love that woman so much and i'm so glad i'm not alone.
i'm done ranting for now but i cannot promise i won't ramble in your inbox again. i truly have punisher brainrot (and criminal minds brainrot too but that's not important right now)
thank you for reading my ramblings again <3
welcome back nonnie!
totally up to you love! if you’re not comfy coming off anon & wanna give yourself a lil nickname, that’s totally fine with me :)
don’t even worry about how long you’ve been in the fandom, that doesn’t matter. you’re here & your opinions & feelings are just as valid as everyone else’s. to your point about big strong men with questionable morals: yes
I haven’t watched shadow & bone but I have seen ben’s character in that role and maybe he’s the problem like maybe they try to make him look bad & it’s just impossible bc it’s ben barnes 🤷🏻‍♀️
LMAO pls that would be so funny. hey will what have you been up to lately? oh nothing just terrorizing the punisher in new york no biggie
karen is a strong woman bc the second frank or madani looked at me like that i’d fold & be like yeah literally anything you want I will give you. if you do end up writing any madani fics pls send them my way! i’ll get around to writing for her eventually. it’s been hard for me to focus on writing anything other than bodyguard frankie bc that’s my baby
I don’t ever not have punisher or criminal minds brainrot so pls feel free to rant with me anytime <3
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quinloki · 6 months
Hi Quin! Every time I see you ask people to talk about their OCs I always consider it and then back out. Thought I'd go for it today though! I got an absolute shit ton of info on my main character here (it's a long read and even then it still doesn't really cover everything). And some other art of her scattered across my blog.
I have more OCs that always show up in my stories and have had them for a loooooong time. Over the past couple decades they have been inserted into many different worlds (though if you read my girl's info, I mainly mention the two most recent inserts which occured over the past 10 years), so it's always fun to see how certain story aspects and character traits adapt and translate! I have certain set things that always happen across the board in every world. It's odd to me though, because I recently saw somewhere that using the same character(s) over and over again is considered not good or something?? I've been having a blast 🤷🏻‍♀️
I always like to go all-out when I do inserts. Gotta have the opening and ending themes chosen, trailers made up, promo art, all that good stuff. But most important is lore! I love lore and background information - why the characters are the way they are and why they act the way they do. I know my characters well after all this time and love to go in depth with story to the point that my main story I'm currently working on spawned a full prequel story of its own.
Of course, my characters' current home is the world of One Piece! It's why I'm here and why I even made this blog. I'm really loving how this adaptation for everyone has turned out. Strangely enough, it almost feels like every world they've ever been placed in developed them for their story in One Piece, especially my main girl.
Anyway, I am going to stop talking now because I really could just go on and on about all of this. Thanks for the read, and I hope you have a lovely evening~
I think it's perfectly fine to have a set collection of OCs and move them about from world to world if that's what you want to do.
I recently saw somewhere that using the same character(s) over and over again is considered not good or something??
Frankly, personally, I'd trust nothing from a source that says something like that. Entirely too restricting. You can do whatever you want with your OCs and stories. Sounds too much like trying to force people into a box so they're doing "good" things like not writing kink or mary sues or x readers, or whatever else someone has decided is too weird and different to be okay.
It's all hogwash.
You're obviously delighted by what you're doing, so rock on.
I didn't read Carmen's entire post, but I do love her. I love the art, I love the grey morality, the fighter vibes and love of robots. I love the wanderlust and the things that follow her from one world to another.
I'm glad you decided to share \o/ It's brightened my evening getting to meet you and her =3 (Omg she spent time in the Sonic World, I loved that cartoon when I was younger - the real adventure long-form story one that had the arcs and bunny in it. I think I have it on dvd somewhere).
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lovecolibri · 1 year
All the BNFs over the last few seasons going “you just don’t understand long form storytelling” about other fans, when really it was KR who doesn’t understand long form storytelling…
Here's the thing. I think THEY understand long form storytelling. I don't always appreciate the attitude *some* people have about everyone else being stupid when many of those people are just trying to engage in fandom how it works for them (ie not getting their hopes up and trying to stay realistic etc). But at the same time at every turn this fandom as a whole has churned out fun AND angsty fic and spec in SPADES at every crumb and come up with 100 ways something could go and every single one of them was better and more well thought out than the basic, tired, boring shit KR did. People have taking absolute BONKERS shit and turned it into something deep and meaningful but the BIG thing for me is, IT'S ALREADY THERE! It's ALREADY FUCKING THERE in the fabric of the show and the previous seasons laying the groundwork. They aren't (at least not always) pulling thinks out of thin air. There's always some thread that ties into the heart of the show, and gives spec/fic/meta posts this air of reality because it's so grounded in what this show always did so well and what we can EASILY pull from canon to inform things about these characters. It's not THEIR fault KR is fucking bad at her job, hates writing plots, and HATES Buddie enough to tank two fan favorite characters (not just fanDOM but general audience faves too) arcs just to be petty about it. It's not their fault they thought the show was building up to something because it was THERE in the threads the show pulled and the lines that were delivered and the way Buck and Eddie continued to be exactly what the other was looking for even while being force-fed LI's by KR. She couldn't *completely* undermine their story because the foundation is already there. It's why I enjoy reading spec/fic/meta (though after the fact this year because I couldn't allow my brain to even think too hard about what we COULD get knowing what we were GOING to get) because from a FANDOM perspective there is SO much goodness there that you don't even have to work very hard to tease out of canon it's SO right there. But I was never of the mind it was going to happen this season because KR made herself pretty damn clear. 🤷🏻‍♀️
ANYWAY, yes, it's Kristen who doesn't understand how to tell a story. We been knew but Jesus H. Roosevelt CHRIST, now we fucking KNOW.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Hello helloooo 🎄🎄🎄🎄
🎄First of all, I want to know hows Mr. Skippy doing with his recovering?
🎄Second of all, I want to know hows your strength in this situation Skippy, along with your faith, and letting you know you are on my prayers and I hope you will keep your strength in difficult times but remember, God is the only one who has the last word 😎
I hope everything is going for the best!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
That being said, now I can throw my venom 🐍 and ask about the parasite 🦠 couple. 😁
🙈Honestly, I haven’t watched the documentary in Netflix, Im just not interested in making them more richer by watching it, but I know according to Netflix, their documentary are in the top 10 landing in first place.
All I know is what Instagram and tumbl are sharing, but, after reading a few comments with anons and others, yes, it shows many discrepancies about the whole ordeal on how they meet ect ect.
We need to understand something, no matter what that documentary is saying, they will always cover themselves and save themselves saying “It was the crown who made us lie and never us”… “It was the crown who forced us to do what we did”…
This way, and don’t know why, I feel it will be their goat gate to portrait themselves victim.
We have to understand, that their scheme will always blame it on anyone else except her. She will NEVER be charge with absolutely NOTHING and NONE of all the lies she had told specifically about the kids, will NEVER come to light.
It is too much of details about her pregnancy and the fact thar everyone, specially the crown has cover this fraud as well that it will never come to light because too much is at stake with the crown.
I have said it several times about what I think about the crown and why they play along and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to end this, and is because they have some real DARK 💩 and the parasite knows this as well.
I no longer buy the “Harry have no other choice because of the backers and have to play along”… No, thats not it, the lack of ⚽️⚽️ has never neen forced to be in that relationship, he chose to and fell in love with her, the picture I have seen, it shows him to be a loving “boyfriend-husband” and fail to believe he was “force” by her to show pure love, those things comes naturally and if he was ever threatened, even with a smile, he will show cues.
I am studying psychology right now, keep in mind that I have NOT yet graduated and still have two more years ahead of me, but, from what I have learn so far, I can conclude of him being in love with the parasite
This is a show that would last forever and unfortunately we will still listen and seeing on how the enemy can have a win win with this couple
Thank you so much for the lovely kind words. Mr, Skippy is home and pretty tired today, better day tomorrow I am sure! Oh, my faith stays strong, and I do feel God was waiting with me….🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
As for the two yahoos….well…nothing new there…they will self destruct and destroy themselves…getting closer …😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
Good morning star baby (it’s not morning here and I don’t think it’s morning where you are either at this point but the sentiment remains💜)
Makes sense, it’s nice in theory that they want to have a family vacation with you but if it’s not something everyone wants to do it kind of defeats the point 😅 very cool that you know how to skateboard! I have tried and my cousin is really good at skateboarding and she tried to teach me but I have very little balance and get too nervous to commit to being on the board but I do think that skill would translate well to snowboarding
Oh gosh my favorites of his that I’ve read so far are probably I had a dream about you (“you said will you love me even more when I’m dead? I said no and threw the pills on the sand”) and wishbone (“but I think I’d rather keep the bullet this time. It’s mine, you can’t have it, see, I’m not giving it up. This way you still owe me, and that’s as good as anything. You can’t get out of this one, Henry, you can’t get it out of me, and with this bullet lodged in my chest, covered with your name, I will turn myself into a gun, because it’s all I have, because I’m hungry and hollow and just want something to call my own. I’ll be your slaughterhouse, your killing floor, your morgue and final resting, walking around with this bullet inside me cause I couldn’t make you love me and I’m tired of pulling your teeth.”) and I relate to every bit of driving not washing and it’s so heart wrenching but it’s nice to be known like that, for there to be some proof that someone else has felt like you have
Im about an hour and a half maybe 2 off the coast, I looked on the world clock app for Texas and it said it’s an hour behind but I also just picked a random spot in Texas off the top of my head (Austin) and looked that up so there could be different timezones within Texas I just don’t know about it’s a big state 🤷🏻‍♀️ right now it’s 1:03 for me 💜💜💜💜💜
Lol good afternoon darling 😉 honestly it was close enough to morning haha, it was 12:03 where I am, and yeah I’m not in Austin but I think (I’m terrible at geography so don’t quote me on this) I’m almost directly north? Idk. But yeah we’re just an hour off :) and I do think you’re right, I think west Texas is a different time zone maybe? But again, geography, don’t make me prove it 😂
Yeah exactly! And yeah I love skateboarding :) in all honesty I’m not at all fantastic but I can go in a straight line without falling off lmao so hopefully it’ll work. But then again I can rollerblade/ice skate too so if skis are almost the same mechanics then maybe?? All I know is I’m definitely gonna try both 😂
Ooh I’ll have to check those out for sure!! Thanks for the rec!!! ❤️
Also, some exciting news (for me): I’m going to join the youth worship team at my church!! For right now I think I’m background vocals and keys, but I am going to end up leading a song, so I’m very excited :)
What’s new with you, darling? ❤️
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
re: ao3 isn’t a social media site and this new generation of… i’m not even going to call them writers because most of what they post on there barely qualifies as writing, it’s akin to the meme-y bullshit you’d see top trending over on wattpad for no reason because that too is a story site
i’m starting to be a little reluctant going on ao3 anymore even, all because of that and most of what i said in the previous post.
the other day, when i announced my hiatus, i just so happened to see a post talking about me and you-know-who, someone who follows her and stalks me because of course, lamenting why i don’t just give up already because like loving the dead has 7000 reads now whereas dead man walking and blood & chocolate have a tenth of that, with an implication that the algorithm must have some kind of fault to raise her up but not bury me—fic people in 2023 have this annoying mindset that “you have to say something nice or don’t say anything at all!” okay, fine, i won’t, seeing as you’re going to be totally belligerent about it out the gate.
but, sir, or ma’am, let me spell this out for you to understand. ao3 does not have an algorithm. it’s an archive—it’s even in the name, for god’s sake, archive of our own. because of the absence of an algorithm, reads are practically meaningless on ao3. she could get millions of reads and it quite literally wouldn’t make a difference on there. and arguably, reads on wattpad don’t really matter, either, because they are all about making money. they see shit on there with thousands of hits and all they see is dollar signs no matter how terrible and/or plagiarized it is.
it’s all so influencer-y, and you know how we (and by we, i mean people like me, who’ve been acquainted with sites like this for a long time) all love those.
“it has 7000 reads”, so? that’s not the work of an algorithm, that’s people going back and revisiting it to bump up the read count thinking there’s an algorithm. that’s also why temple’s fics have gotten nowhere on there, too: she never tags her fics properly so they sink like a stone.
either you and everyone else who’s gotten an account on there since 2020/2021 don’t understand how archives work and tiktok has completely scrambled your brains into thinking all sites move so quickly and all sites operate by algorithms and likes thereby artificially creating a vacuum, or you simply fail to see this because you’ve been conditioned and you refuse to think critically. except i think petty scumbags like her with egos the size of planet earth really will cater to your gullibility and make you believe that reposting shit and dragging out petty drama when i stopped caring a long time ago for as long as possible is the right thing to do when i really don’t understand what she’s trying to prove when it’s pointless. and no, if anything, if i recall correctly, that’s actually against ao3’s terms of service. only repost if you absolutely have to, like what i did with blood & chocolate. and if nothing else, if the t.o.s. doesn’t forbid that, it’s just bad etiquette, like i’m somewhat surprised no one has said anything about it to her or temple because she’s reposted a few things, too (probably because she sees that “hate mail” but i can’t really say for certain. i gave up trying to dissect her logic a long time ago and i still can’t crack it 🤷🏻‍♀️).
the other thing to drive this home is look at this:
Tumblr media
that’s just one example, too, there’s posts like this all over the place there, mainly in the band tags, which i find really interesting. yes, i’m as kinky as the next person but this is what i’m talking about with this new influx of users treating the place like just another social media site. listen, i come onto a site like ao3 like i’m going to the library or the bookstore, (especially where i live because the library in town completely sucks and i have to drive 50 miles just to even see a barnes and noble), not because i want more ~~~~m U t U a L s~~~~ good lord, you guys have seriously made that word and the word “partner” radioactive to me, like i’m going to die a slow painful death if i get exposed to enough grays of either one.
wattpad started falling victim to this about three years ago, except there you get shit like this taking the top spots in the tag and they rake in the money: on ao3, it just falls down the tag when a fic updates and it just winds up taking up space and it looks really bad as a result. yes, i opened up the death and exodus tags for you to have more people to hit you up, yes. you’re fucking welcome 🙃 (grateful i haven’t seen one of those in the testament and/or a.s.t. tags. the day there is, it’s all hands on deck.)
i’d say go to fetlife or, um… hello? WRITE A FIC THAT CATERS TO THAT KINK??? but i guess that would be asking too much, though, because not only does no one in this current generation listen but they apparently can’t read and string a coherent sentence together if the prevalence of “or whatever’s” and the like is anything to go by. and it’s just too much work, too, you’d be pulling from your trauma too much, it would hurt too much so you gloss over details and i feel incredibly short-changed—I don’t know if it’s because i’m older and in a different headspace, but i can’t be the only one who finds this weird: you put yourself in writing, absolutely without question, but heaven forbid anyone doesn’t like it. not everyone is going to like or understand you, and not everyone is as hypersensitive as you are that critical thinking goes right out the window, that’s just life. and storytelling is incredibly therapeutic, too, i speak from experience on that.
but really, when my mom was at her at-home job last year, she would get callers from around this age group (teenagers to about mid-20-somethings) and from what she’s told me about them, none of these people could speak coherently and they couldn’t think of the simplest things. “it’s this or something, whatever.” It’s the exact same story here. it makes me wonder when was the last time anyone in this age group has read a physical book, or a newspaper, an actual newspaper. when we were in monterey this past weekend, there were newsstands everywhere, and yup, you guessed it: most of the stacks of newspapers were fresh and full. most people are not buying them. most, anyway.
i see shit on twitter saying, “gen z is returning to physical books and flip phones from the 2000s!” but you look to find the gen z people they interviewed were well off to begin with so that’s not a good statistic to draw from, and where can you even find a flip phone anymore? i haven’t seen one of those in almost a decade. a digital camera, you can find, but i wouldn’t know where to find a flip phone anymore. the legit writers from this group that i do find every now and again are out there, but they’re not very visible. i have to sift through the inane illiterate bullshit that’s all but obliterated the very craft of writing a damn good story as well as my hope that i’m not really alone in this.
(or they follow the green druidess thinking she’s out here writing gone with the wind when her writing has gotten so bad in recent months. really, state of euphoria had what it had but i could follow it easily. i read like loving the dead out of morbid curiosity and i don’t remember anything that happened in that chapter.)
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askjingrandet · 2 months
hey um, so thanks for ignoring my previous ask since it's such an embarrassment to read that...even i found it cringe now and i clearly regret sending that, im sincerely sorry (should've kept that fantasy to myself, i hate it) 😞
anyways- as you can see, im the same anon who asked leon earlier on 'has he ever interacted with luke?' and i see y'all are gonna have a private party that involves sweets, meat, and alcohol-
since luke wanted to invite licht...i have this question...originally i wanna ask...would you invite clavis? 👀 BUT SIKE- i think he'll probably ruin it- you know so well that of course...hes a troublemaker and makes traps for a living- BUT- isn't he your drinking partner or partner-in-crime? guess its up to your decision 🤷🏻‍♀️ (maybe he's busy too-)
and nokto is probably busy wooing women around for information, so i don't think you can invite him, who knows?
may i do my sincere apologies to you, prince jin?
- you know me now tbh- idk-
Hey there now don't regret it, I actually didn't ignore it but have been wondering what my preferred look would be! I won't ever ignore an ask no matter how cringe you think it may be, though the pretty lady that helps me out says she's not dealing with anything super super dirty for me but she'll let everyone know if that happens.
As for the meal I'd invite all my brothers and the other princes, Emma, Sariel and Rio too of course they can all come the more the merrier! Chevalier never joins in on these things so I don't try to invite him along as much as I used to, and well Clavis and Nokto that depends on what else they have planned for their evenings entertainment.
No apologies needed anon and look forward to your other ask either tonight or tomorrow!
(Admin here, sincere apologies for getting Prince Jin your previous question only yesterday.)
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hannah-darlin · 2 years
Oh hello!! Welcome🌸
Heya the names Hannah! I’m a Digital Artist! I can also consider myself as a writer but just a bit I guess🤷🏻‍♀️ Also everyone here is welcomed and safe on this blog! So huddle along and vibe with me!😚
My Socials📱
TikTok (Where I’m the most active at)
Without further a do, please read my blog rules before proceeding if you want interact with me.👇🏻
All requests are closed at the moment. But for when they are open…
✍🏻As for art requests, same as writing, don’t request characters with too much detail, once again it’s hard to draw. And also no nsfw or else I’m sending you to horny jail!😾🔪
Ps: I have the right to decline your request or not so don’t go be pulling a nine on me kayy??🙏🏻
What kind of blog is this? What stuff to you put up?💬
This is a blog that I post my Drawings, Short story prompts and Fanfics!(Though I’ll doubt I’ll write so soon) Cause I like to share my stuff with everyone! I also like to chat random stuff with my followers! So feel free to fire away asks!
What kind of people do you allow on your blog?💬
I’ll allow anyone to interact with me. The only people that are denied here are just hateful/disgusting people in general that has nothing to do in their sad lives.
I’ll also mention that I block people with blank blogs. I don’t need any annoying or weird bots on my page. Here’s the reason why <——
💬✍🏻•Some silly little short gifs or prompts- ||Still thinking of what to put here (Saving this)
🗳•Obey Me scenario polls -||Just some little silly polls of “what would you do” or “what did you do to get this or whatever”. Mostly consists of crack. For short, you get to pick the choices. Definitely never thought of this to begin with because I got inspired/took an idea from someone.
🖼•My Art Gallery -||Drawings that are made by me! For now its Obey Me but I’ll add more drawings from other fandoms soon!||
-My OC reference sheets|Info
-All drawings
-My OC drawings
-My 2022 drawings
-My 2024 drawings
-This years drawings
-Obey Me Shalll We Date?/Nightbringer
-More coming soon…-
-Coming soon…-
(More posts/links will be put up soon!)
Oh and before I forget. The fandoms that I’m in, are the stuff that are my favorites! It’s in the tags below
With all of that done, if you like my content, please consider giving me a follow! Thank you and have a great day/night my lovelies!💕
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