#and for camilla it does come from character development
moonflower-ifs · 4 months
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The fresh air coming from the sea, the lull of the little crickets singing in the wind, and the smell of flowers growing closer the nearer you are to your uncle's house… Everything is as you remember from all the summers you spent here, in the woods, on the beach, in the nearby town. As if the time has never passed, as if stepped in directly in your memories.
Isn't it quite ironic this almost melancholic feeling, considering how much you didn't want to come here, isn't it? As soon as you got the invitation to his birthday party, you were ready to refuse, to say no. Even Maribel's attempts to convince you hadn't been enough to budge you, until one day you did change your mind… Alas, it doesn't matter the why or the hows: all that's important now is that you're almost there.
In the place where all of your friends await you, maybe this will be an opportunity to mend what has been broken, to restore the threads that have loosened… or to cut them for good. Still, you can almost taste blood on your tongue, or is it in the air?
Moonflower is strictly rated 18+ with horror nuances and mysteries. It will deal with and/or have explicit content and themes (language, sexual, drug/alcohol use, violence, and more).
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Customize your MC! Choose the name, gender, sexuality, appearance, and more!
Navigate the relationships of your "group of friends" and rekindle old friendships or crushes! Or let them burn to the ground! Maybe you could even play as a matchmaker… who knows?
Romance 5 of the main characters of the game! But be careful: you never know what'll await you.
Investigate and discover mysteries and secrets around you, some more hidden than others.
Who said memories can't hurt you? Probably no one.
But the most important thing is for you to try to survive this party. Don't let the atmosphere get to you.
(With the development, things could be changed, added, or removed.)
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¬ Ashton Moon, the actor ✾ he/him, 30 [RO]
You've known him since middle school and have been friends since, or better: he was your best friend / long-lasting crush. Now he's an acquaintance at best, if not a stranger in your life.
¬ Lucrèce Wray, the heir ⚘ he/him, 32 [RO]
You've always seen him as the long-time boyfriend and then fiancé of your childhood friend, at least until recently. Now he's just the jaded and cynical heir that is threaded in your life, for better or worse.
¬ Hazel Elwyn, the pharmacist ✾ she/her, 33 [RO]
Your childhood friend, who has been with you since you could remember. The constant presence in your life, except that now she's not as present as it used to be…
¬ Zane Scott, the photographer ⚘ they/them, 32 [RO]
They've been friend with Ashton long before being yours, but Zee wormed themselves into your life just fine. As of now, their absence in yours is palpable.
¬ Marilyn Casey, the singer ✾ she/her, 31 [RO]
You've met during a party in your 20s, as a friend of your friends, it was natural for you to see her around. Strangely enough, now she's the one who's more friends with you than others.
¬ Maribel Castillo, the waitress ⚘ she/her, 28
You were the one to introduce her to your group of friends. She saw you as her best friend, and she still does. Even now, she keeps trying to reach out to you, no matter what you do or try to do.
¬ Umberto Coiro, the rich uncle ✾ he/him, 58
Your dear rich and mysterious uncle, from your mother's side, who likes to share his riches with family and friends alike. He's invited you and your friends, to his birthday party, a quite late party, to say the truth.
¬ Camilla Evans, the cousin ⚘ she/they, 35
Your dear cousin, from your mother's side. She's the only other family member your uncle invited to his late birthday party. She might not be his daughter, but Cami is as mysterious as your uncle and as, if not more, enlightening.
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Characters References;
Ashton / Lucrèce / Hazel / Zane / Marilyn / Maribel / Umberto / Camilla;
Moonflower's Updates;
Other Ifs;
Normal Asks / NSFW Asks;
If the title wasn't enough: yes, there'll be a lot of flowers on here.
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delicatenerdbluebird · 9 months
My Random Takes on The Secret History (contains spoilers)
The biggest tragedy that comes with being Richard Papen coded is you need a group like Julian's Greek class to feel normal about yourself because the rest of the world makes you feel like a misfit.
That Richard and Camilla scene where she reveals being physically abused by Charles... I feel that scene is a strong criticism of abusive households. Like Richard was used to seeing his mother getting beaten by his father and sometimes he was also a victim of his violence. And in 'that' scene, he fantasizes about doing the same to Camilla and worse. This shows it's a never-ending cycle no matter how you see it. The kids are gonna end up developing fucked up fantasies if their exposure to fucked up things is constant.
I strongly believe Henry was gonna make Richard the scapegoat had something gone sideways. And honestly, it makes perfect sense. Richard insisted on joining their class. He was an outsider. Henry could have easily made up something like Richard was envious of their group, he was jealous of his and Bunny's closeness and so he ended up killing him, something along those lines that Richard wanted to be accepted and we would not accept him instantly, naturally because of our prior history. Knowing how Henry was good with words, he could have made Richard an obsessive, disturbed freak to the FBI for all we know. Remember how Henry saved him from getting frozen to death? This incident can be perfectly used to portray him as a mentally disturbed person who would rather freeze to death than go back to his home to a normal eye.
Now Julian. Oh, Julian I knew was the red flag the moment it was mentioned he does not accept students who have different ideas than his. But to think that fucker would turn out to be the biggest crankiest bitch?!! I mean I am soo mad he was the one who fed those Dionysiac ideas to them and in the end, he just ran away?! I was baffled by how he treated Henry during that confession scene he did not even listen to him completely... Henry does not stutter HE WAS STUTTERING and Julian shoved the letter back to him... I mean the disrespect! This scene (for me at least) was a reality check that no matter how loving, cool, caring, and impactful you might think your teacher is, at the end of the day, they are gonna be a teacher and you are gonna be just a student. It destroyed my heart when Henry said he loved Julian more than his own father 😭 The worst thing you can do is take advantage of the vulnerabilities of someone who not only respects you but also loves you dearly. This mf can move mountains and I would still hate his old rat ass!
Charles and Camilla Idek what to make of them. Charles turned from a pitiable character to an entirely disgusting one for me. I accept Francis' theory that he wouldn't have made that much fuss about his interrogating situation if Camilla and Henry weren't a thing. Remember when Camilla and Henry had some secret code and he got mad why he didn't know about it? I do think camilla and henry were always a thing before it became apparent to everyone. Besides the book is from Richard's perspective, and he does seem oblivious at times.
I am not aware of the popular takes in the fandom so I don't know if this is gonna be a hot take or not but Camilla gave pick-me-girl vibes. She did not have any girl friends and looked down upon Judy (I am not asking them to be besties exactly but a little respect won't have killed) Judy only developed a weird impression about them during that party scene when Camilla dropped her drink onto her and did not apologize (or was it the opposite? i dont remember exactly but the point is Judy is not the type to judge others for no reason...she judged them after that party) Camilla's attitude could be attributed to the fact that Charles was controlling but idk
The Secret History reminded me of The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot (some of the verses below):
We are the hollow men
    We are the stuffed men
    Leaning together
    Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
    Our dried voices, when
    We whisper together
    Are quiet and meaningless
    As wind in dry grass
    Or rats' feet over broken glass
    In our dry cellar
    Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
So basically I am yapping here because my friend hasn't finished tsh yet and I just needed to let it all out 😩
Not to mention I absolutely love my expensive gossip boy Francis 🥺 ☕
(Thank u for reading it this far!!)
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lemon-natalia · 7 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 24
oh Naberius why do you have to make everyone’s lives harder all the time 💀 he is being smart though, if challenging the others for their keys has just become acceptable, then this is the best time to challenge Camilla when she’s already injured and weaker.
‘Gideon realised they’d just lost her somehow’ there’s been this background conflict between the two since Ianthe lied about the keys, but i think from this point on Corona is subtly choosing to stick by Ianthe, which does not bode well for our protagonists  
wooooh yeah Gideon and Harrow have each others backs, hell yeah. compare this to when Gideon first challenged Naberius impulsively, Harrow’s come such a long way in understanding and trusting Gideon
uh Jeannemary i love u, and desperately hope u get the chance to kick Naberius’s ass at some point, but maybe stay out of this one ok
ok none of the characters in this currently are possessing brain cells, in what world is sending the two traumatised kids down to the death lab they have been explicitly warned not to go back to, where their mentors got killed like less than a week ago, a good idea?
i totally forgot that half the other houses straight up haven’t heard Gideon speak yet. imagine ur a teenager having probably the worst time of ur life so far, and the intimidating silent death cultist suddenly starts making sex puns
'never work with children, Griddle, their prefrontal cortexes aren't developed' Harrow, i love you, but you are like seventeen neither is yours. altho that is such a seventeen thing to say honestly
Gideon hugged Harrow!! also 'midnight hagette', 'crepuscular queen' this is so ridiculous, i'm cackling. Gideon is just as bad at coming up with nicknames as Harrow, they're a match made in heaven clearly
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astrum-aetherium · 1 year
Do you think Henry and Camilla were actually in love?
the question of all questions has finally found its way into my inbox. i don't know how long this will be, but just know that i could write a novel-length essay supporting my opinion. here's a shortened version.
i've spent a long time entertaining this thought, specifically as someone who is undeniably (and evidently) attracted to henry in more ways than one. when i initially read the book for the first time in 2019, i obviously picked up on the clues donna tartt scarcely dispersed throughout the length of the novel (with the glass shard scene posing a final confirmation of her intentions for the two characters), and i must say, out of my naive and obnoxiously teenaged simplicity of perception, i did accept their (strangely established) love and even root for it; especially during henry's last scene — the actual, outspoken confession and the secret whisper — and camilla's consecutive rejection of richard's proposal with the claim she still loved henry.
however, i have matured now, read the book a few more times, and found reason to change my viewpoint completely. no, i no longer believe they were in love per se — let me elaborate. before i do, however, i have to put a TW for incest on here. it is unavoidable when talking of henry and camilla. therefore, beware. lots of mentions of incest-related trauma and the consequences thereof.
the realization that i disbelieve in their love being romantic struck me upon my first reread, because i somehow suppressed the actual outrage of camilla and charles' incestual relationship. of course, i remembered them to be romantically involved with one another, but having read the book anew at a slightly older age, i started comprehending the sheer extent of the trauma that may originate from something like that. there is an undeniable possibility of it having started as a form of abuse instead of something purely consensual (which incest very, very rarely is), and that has led me to believe that camilla, at least in future years to come, would no longer be attracted to men both romantically as well as sexually. this may very well be a response to her trauma.
here, of course, it can be argued that it was all consensual and would thus not result in trauma, but i wholeheartedly disagree with that. incest, being taboo and socially unacceptable for very plausible reasons, would generate trauma regardless of the degree of willingness the participating parties portray. that is, of course, given the parties are aware of the taboo aspect of it in the first place, which charles and camilla obviously were. however much i believe it did not, in fact, start as something consensual (once again — it very rarely does), i understand where one might be coming from with claims that it did, as this is all fiction and we simply have no possibility of knowing for sure.
to cut this tangent short — i believe camilla would develop into a lesbian based on her incest-related trauma and would therefore simply mistake her "love" for henry for devotion to his authoritative and mystifying charms and leadership skills. she would believe to be in love with him because she would simply be unaware of her sexuality just yet, given she was still participating in incestuous activity with her twin brother, and would instead seek solace in the company of another man who she does not have a familial bond with. after all, even she and francis had a small little thing (a kiss from what i can remember), and he himself is openly queer.
as for henry, this is where things get a little more complex. i sort of deride his attraction to camilla, however real it may have been, as she is, after all, the only girl in their circle. of course, i keep thinking, of course everyone will be going after her. that poor thing — not even safe from her own brother.
from henry's point of view, i think he just projected the conventionally instilled idea of finding a partner to settle down onto the first intelligent woman he came across who matched his quite specific interests. and this is not to say that camilla cannot be loved for any other reason, but i simply, honestly and truthfully, find it hard to believe that henry would ever genuinely love someone. i know that we all like to believe that he has a soft side, but i more often than not don't. he does, after all, portray antisocial and even psychopathic tendencies. and people suffering from personality disorders like that are unlikely to ever perceive authentic emotions. i think his supposed love for camilla is a result of a conventional belief being applied to encountering someone who is so similar to you interest-wise that you initially feel like they are the one. he may have felt subconsciously "forced" to find a life partner, as that is the traditional standard for humanity that even his deviant mindset cannot undo.
this is what i honestly think. trauma-induced, misinterpreted, misplaced feelings for an authoritative figure juxtaposed with a misapplied, subconscious manifestation of a conventional belief. perhaps platonic love, but certainly not romantic; strong — yes, may as well, but not romantic or, for that matter, sexual (once again, due to trauma).
i do hope this communicates my position on the matter well. thank you for asking. i enjoyed gathering my thoughts and phrasing them in conclusive sentences at last.
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crybabydraws · 8 months
I'm a fan of Hazbin Hotel, but man does it have writing problems. I watched episode 5 and 6 yesterday and I think that if they did episode 3 differently it could've made episode 5 make more sense. Let me explain.
**Spoilers from here on, so if you haven't seen it and you wanna watch it yourself first then don't continue.**
Ngl guys. Episode 3 was a mess. I won't go into all the details, but I was just disappointed. To sum my thoughts up, I think Vaggie's arc should've been about her learning to trust people, they shouldn't have revealed who killed the angel; Camilla being the angel killer is kind of boring imo; and I don't care about the emotional ballad because I have no reason to care about Camilla or Vaggie's low point because it comes out of nowhere.
Now we're gonna talk about Charlie and Alastor in episode 5 because honestly what is going on??? Alastor hates Lucifer the second he walks in the door and immediately starts trying to act like he and Charlie have like a father/daughter dynamic and he's suddenly really protective of her even though this dynamic/type of relationship between the two has never been established before??? And I don't think he's just doing it to piss of Lucifer either. Like he's way protective over Charlie all of a sudden and judging by the song Alastor and Lucifer sing together, he's like maybe jealous of him or sees him as a threat??? Idk, guys, it's weird and I have no idea what the fuck is going on or why here. They barely have any screen time together and none of the interactions they have up until this point implies a more developed relationship than when he first started with the hotel. There could be a reason that we don't know yet especially with the connection between Lillith and Alastor that has been drawn before, but that does not expain this weird dynamic with Charlie that hasn't been established. This is my biggest qualm with episode 5. So how could episode 3 have changed this?
Episode 3 has Charlie entrust Vaggie with doing trust exercises, but Vaggie is not a very trusting person in general. She doesn't trust most of the people in the hotel even; especially Alastor. Since Vaggie is supposed to be running the trust exercises, Charlie doesn't really have anything to do except watch her, but what if she was somewhere else? You know what the ultimate trust exercise would be for Vaggie's character? The one person she holds dear accompanying an incredibly powerful and terrifying demon overlord on his day out with just the two of them. Vaggie's plot with the hotel gang would be her spying on Alastor and Charlie. She'd force the hotel gang to help her.
Now to focus more on the Alastor issue, Charlie asks Alastor if she can join him on his day out since she fully trusts that Vaggie can handle doing some trust exercises with the rest of the gang. At first Alastor says no and explains that he's got a very important meeting to attend today, but then Charlie shows him her power to turn into a tiny snake and tells him that no one will even notice that it's her (her dad could do it so why not her?) She also adds that if the people he's meeting with have anymore information about the extermination that it's important for her to know. Alastor caves and they head off. They have some banter on the way until Zestial shows up and talks with Alastor. Charlie is hiding in one of Alastor's jacket pockets (or maybe even just chilling on his shoulder since she's disguised as a snake.) until they get to the meeting with the other overlords.
After said meeting, we don't get to know who killed the angel. That whole scene with Zestial and Camilla is scrapped for this as well as the song. The meeting makes her realize just how dire the situation is with the knowledge that angels can be killed and that demons can kill them. Not only that, but the Vs, who control many parts of the media of hell, now know that and could release the information at anytime and start a violent revolt or even a war before she can prove that there doesn't need to be one. She feels scared and almost defeated after this, but Alastor comforts her saying he doesn't think redemption is possible, but if anyone can prove him and the rest of the worlds wrong, it's Charlie. Maybe they even sing a song together. Maybe she even talks about the troubles she has with her dad with him, hence why he doesn't like him immediately in episode 5.
After this moment, Vaggie, who has been spying on them almost the whole time, realizes that maybe she should be more trusting of people. Charlie finds her and the gang spying on them and concludes that Vaggie needs to do some trust exercises. The whole ordeal has brought everyone in the group closer together. They go back to the hotel where Charlie has Vaggie do the trust fall from the beginning of the episode. Vaggie, with baited breath and eyes closed, falls backwards. When she lands she thinks it must've been Charlie that caught her, but when she opens her eyes she's been caught by everyone arms including Alastor's. The only one who didn't catch her was Charlie who had her eyes closed the whole time trusting her friends to catch her.
They laugh about it and have some silly banter. Alastor watching them all laughing, looks at Charlie. She's still clearly shaken by the meeting. He gives Charlie a smile and reassuring hand on the shoulder looks to the gang all laughing together and says, "See, dear? You're already starting to prove me wrong." (or something like that) Charlie grins back at him and hugs him tightly as he begrudgingly, but also kind of not begrudgingly, lets her hug him and doesn't push her away. She lets go and joins the group followed by Alastor. The episode ends.
TL;DR: Allowing Alastor and Charlie to bond in episode 3 would've really helped episode 5 imo andd episode 3 had a perfect set up for that to happen. I still think even with this little fix you'd have to build up this dynamic more for it to really work tbh, but it's possible. Anyways, there's my little ramble. I do wanna know what y'all think of it, so if you have thoughts lemme know.
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blimpixels · 11 months
Wg comic story idea (WIP)
I thought of an idea to break in my newer OCs with a bigger story, and to properly establish Martha as a villain character as a foil for the others. Here's what I have so far.
Martha and Rose are on a "date" (Rose think's they're just hanging out) and Martha keeps berating her on her eating choices. So she keeps taking Rose's food and eating it to make fun of her because she thinks she can get away with it.
After their hangout Martha goes back home and does whatever and goes to sleep. But then she wakes up and gets ready to go to work but her pants are a little tighter and she gets pissed because she prides herself on being really fit and skinny So she swears revenge on Rose and plans to work off the fat but then she has another idea. If everyone else around her is fat, she'll seem skinny by comparison, so she doesn't have to exercise as much. (she's also a little lazy) so cut to their (Blake, Scott, Camilla, Martha) job. They work at a company that specializes in products and such concerning expansion stuff Camilla is working in her lab and Martha approaches her
"Good morning, Camilla. We have a new project for Research and Development. We're trying to combat food waste. Did you know that around 40% of all food is wasted every year?" "Yes" "Well making less food would be less profitable for our business partners, so instead we're going to develop a new product. Food won't be wasted if people eat more" "So you want me to make an appetite stimulant?" "Sort of. Yes. It'll be more of a line of food flavorings. Some for sweet foods, others for salty, etc. But we are going to use these specific ingredients in it"
Martha hands her a clipboard and Camilla reads it over "Martha, most of these are all highly addictive. There's some stuff on here I don't even recognize" "I'm just the messenger, Cami. Don't worry about the legality of it" "I'm not worried about the legality, I'm worried about the-" "Great! Get started immediately. All of your other current projects are on hold until this is complete" "…okay…"
Martha leaves the room with a devious smile on her face as Camilla gets to work on procuring the ingredients and synthesizing a sample Around a day or so later Martha checks back up on her. Camilla has a few samples ready but she hasn't tested them yet. Testers are basically volunteers that get paid a certain amount of money to test new products for the company. they're like gig workers or freelancers but they're freelancing their body to be used i guess. idk. anyways martha is a little more out of breath than usual. She gained a little more weight. like 5-10 pounds overall (which is honestly normal for most people, but not her) Camilla notices this. They both share a moment of staring at each other's bodies. Martha's clothes are a little tighter. A little more stomach. A little more ass. Camilla is currently smaller than she is. She and Scott exercise pretty regularly and cook at home most of the time.
Camilla breaks the silence "are you okay?" "I'm fine. Where are the samples?" "They're all here. I haven't tested them yet though." "Why not?" "You're supposed to do that. Aren't you the executive manager of the whole company?" "oh. Well you should've told me you needed some. I'll be right back."
Martha smiles, and leaves for a minute. She comes back, obviously pretending to be dejected. "We're all out" "all out? What do you mean? we have hundreds." "they're all busy." "busy with what? You said all of the other R&D projects are postponed" "Look, Camilla, we need to get this product out there soon before our competitors catch wind of it and develop their own formulas. It's not my fault we're out of testers. Just find someone from the department to test them. They'll be properly compensated." "But everyone else in R&D is still out from the last testing disaster. I'm the only one left!" "then you know what to do. I want some results by the end of the week. Or there will be no one left in the R&D department"
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gascon-en-exil · 8 months
A bit late and a bit long, but to add to the Edelgard being sexualized post, it bothers this anon that nobody in the fandom is willing to acknowledge the issue with the developers making the ONLY female lord in 3h the one that no matter the route is unequivocally in love with/obsessed with the main character. A lot of people criticize the increasing avatar-worship in recent FEs, but Edelgard is almost never included in that discussion despite her being the biggest and most blatant (1/3)
example of that type of writing in 3h. Hell, compare how Edelgards obsession with the avatar is portrayed in fandom as a cute, awkward schoolgirl crush while other characters like Tharja and Camilla has their avatar-obsession near always be portrayed as creepy, unsettling and unhealthy. The FE fandom just does not view her like the other fanservice characters, and hilariously your original post actually contains a mistake that is an excellent example of this: when artwork for year four (2/3) of CYL was revealed, people were outraged at notorious sexy artist Cuboon for DARING to sexualize Edelgard by giving her boob armor - except thats exactly what her Emperor class outfit looks like in 3h. It was pretty funny to watch people near combust over this "blatant sexualization" when it was always there and they just failed to notice. I guess nobody who played CF actually used her Emperor class. (3/3)
Well, as multiple comments on my latest video are pointing out, dark mage/bishop being male-only doesn't matter all that much because those classes suck. You could say the same thing about emperor. *rolls eyes*
But seriously, I can somewhat excuse that reaction because the boob armor is a lot more prominent on her brave alt than on the in-game model.
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That's just FEH being FEH.
Edeleth is a fraught topic no matter which angle you look at it. If you like or don't like how Byleth is a flat silent protagonist, how you feel about blatant Avatar pandering, which gender it's acceptable to ship Edelgard with, and of course the antis who call all Studentleth pairings grooming.
It must be tough shipping Edeleth sometimes and coming across discourse from so many different corners of the fandom...but considering how some of the ship's fans have acted (and continue to act) to me over the years, I find it very hard to be sympathetic. I believe I was being charitable in my Dimidue video when I called Edeleth - either M/F or F/F, of course - the most comparable pairing in terms of canon material.
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The Owl House Season 3 Review: Embracing Change
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Season 3 of The Owl House concluded with an explosion of heartfelt emotions that no human has ever felt. Luz and her friends are sent into the Human Realm on the Day of Unity with Belos seemingly destroyed by the Collector. Now, with him/them free, the Boiling Isles just became a playground from the god child. As the three specials progress, we get to see how Luz, Eda, King, and many other characters are impacted by the story.
My overall impression was that Dana Terrace and the crew did fantastic with what they were given. This made it even more satisfying to how almost all loose ends were tied up. I loved every second of the specials right up til the end. Although that a fantastic show like the Owl House has left us, we won’t forget it for a very long time. Now, with that out of the way, I want to discuss in detail each special and what I believe their individual themes are.
Episode 1 “Thanks to Them”: Moving Forward
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The first episode of Season 3 went off with bang, picking up where Season 2 ended with Luz and her friends in the Human Realm. Luz is grappling with the guilt of unintentionally helping Belos find the Collector while Amity, Hunter, Willow, and Gus adapt to their new settings.
What I love about this special is how the gang adapts to the Human Realm with Hunter thriving to become himself while Luz struggles with her own guilt. We get to see some levity for the gang before jumping back into the realm of chaos that will eventually come. Willow, Amity, and Gus acknowledge that their friendship took time to get there, implying their past experiences before. Halloween itself plays a roll in how we, as the audience, gets more backstory to Caleb and Phillip in the 1600s and their encounter with Evelyn. The holiday also has significance with how it’s a time where the veil between different worlds is at their weakest, thus playing into the gang finding a portal back to the Demon Realm.
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Hunter has the most development with him finally accepting himself as his own person (due to being a Grimwalker) while letting people into his life. His confrontation with Belos possessing him makes more impactful about how he wants to learn to carve Palisman and be a normal student at Hexside. I liked that Hunter was given more agency to his character and flesh out how he’s adapting to his life outside of Belos’ influence.
Camilla gets more context to her reasons for sending Luz off to camp as she wanted to encourage Luz’s more eccentric traits, but felt that the people around her didn’t have their best interests at heart. In the flashbacks, it was revealed that the principle influenced her decision by bringing up that she had a hard time growing up and fitting in.
Luz’s guilt and trauma over what happened during the Day of Unity doesn’t exactly hinder her ability to enjoy her time in the Human Realm. In fact, she even teaches Camilla what she learned about Glyphs. But, she feels that she’s undeserving of her happiness and keeps messing things up. This prompted her decision to stay behind on Halloween. This is pushed aside when her friends encourage her to come with them to stop Belos. While not immediate, Luz does develop to overcome her trauma and not let that define what she does.
Overall, “Thanks to Them” was a fascinating and lovely beginning to the end of Season 3 and made me excited for what would happen next.
Episode 2 “For the Future”: Understanding Yourself
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The gang returns to the Boiling Isles as the Collector “plays” with the residents as puppets while Belos tries to regain his strength. They are still reeling the previous events of “Thanks to Them” and still figuring out what happened with the Collector and the aftermath of the Day of Unity. We discover that the Collector is playing out “the Owl House” with King as a game of pretend using people transformed into life-sized toys. The gang find refuge in Hexside with other students under the command of Boscha manipulated by Kikimura. Belos is scrambling for a host to possess, resulting in taking control of Raine and manipulating the Collector once more. We get a cliffhanger with the gang reaching the Titan’s skull, Luz getting her Palisman, and the Collector starting a new “game.”
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King and the Collector both stand out in this special as two different characters with almost identical lives as the children of god-like beings who grew up alone. Unlike the Collector, King found his own family in Eda and Luz, growing more mature and understanding before and after finding out his origins as a Titan. Now he wants to try reasoning with the Collector into freeing the people and without violence.
There are good moments of character growth from various characters like Amity choosing her own path against what Boscha wants her to be and Hunter learning to open up about how he feels. Also, Willow gets some growth (plant pun, ha) to becoming more open with her feelings after bottling her emotions for the sake of staying strong for the group.
Finally, we get to see Eda Clawthorne after recovering from her Owl Beast form as she trapped in the Collector’s castle by the Coven Heads as toys while reeling from Luz leaving the Demon Realm. She doesn’t have a lot to do, but it’s great to see her after a long time.
What I felt was pretty underwhelming were some characters like Odalia being a caretaker for King and the Collector, and even the main antagonist Kikimura felt like a one-off bad guy. I would of liked to see more exchanges between Kikimura and the gang about the state of the Coven system and Belos’ reveal as a witch hunter. Like Kikimura still wants to follow the system blindly and make herself the new emperor in spite of its failings, while the gang make their arguments against it.
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Luz finally learns to overcome her guilt by having a heart-to-heart with her mother Camilla about how Camilla was much like Luz as a teen but wanted her to grow up without being bullied. This finally allows her Palisman to emerge from their egg after Luz realizes that she wanted to be understood for who she was and have someone know this and embrace her, flaws and all.
Sure, “For the Future” wasn’t the best overall, but it does get the ball rolling. Now, we finally reached the point of no return. Let’s talk about the final special and episode of The Owl House “Watching and Dreaming”.
Episode 3 “Watching and Dreaming”: Embracing the Future
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Luz Noceda must face her greatest challenge as Belos possesses the Titan to destroy the Isles once and for all in the final special and episode of the series. Luz, Eda, and King are trapped by the Collector in nightmares surrounding their fears and guilt, but are freed because of the Light Glyph. We get a sort of victory lap around the Boiling Isles as Luz, Eda, and King show the Collector the places that hold the most significance in their lives while teaching him about making friends. Luz is killed and then revived as Titan Luz by the Titan themselves and defeats Belos once and for all. After a time jump, Luz is attending the University of Wild Magic in the Demon Realm with Eda as headmaster, as well as a glimpse into everyone’s lives as they gather for Luz’s King-ceanera. One final scene ends with the entire party saying “Byyyyeee” to the Collector and the audience.
One of the more impactful scenes comes from Luz’s nightmare created by the Collector when each of her friends tells her off about being the villain and everything happening to them was her fault. The ones that hurt the most was Gus saying Luz is a hypocrite for getting her back to the Human Realm while their families are missing and Hunter for how Luz got a Palisman while he lost his own. These details seem like the kind of ideas in Luz’s mind that she make herself feel guilty over. I liked the part that Luz recognizes the trick by hearing “Witch’s Battle” instead of “Witch’s Duel” to cement her fan girl nature of spotting small details from the Good Witch Azura.
Another scene is when Luz, Eda, and King tell the Collector about how they’ve felt alone, abandoned, and misunderstood, but now want to show him how they became friends and a family. They lead him all over the Boiling Isles to have him understand how to make friends without forcing people. First to the Owl House where Luz tells the Collector about meeting her friends and then to the Knee where Luz connected with the Titan. She finally tells him that people are complex and need some kindness and forgiveness. I liked that she tries to teach the Collector about her time because it really did make a great deal of change within her.
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The Collector gets major development as we find out he doesn’t understand the concept of death and is using the games he plays as a way to “pretend” to have friends who won’t lie or trick him. Luz taught him about empathy and understanding in order to make friends, only to fail with Belos killing Luz. This leads up to The Collector finally understanding what he’s done as he breaks down in tears while Eda and King turn monstrous from grief. He tries to make up for it by saving the gang in the castle from falling. In the end, he returns to space in order to “grow up” but not before a farewell gift from King.
I loved that Raine Whispers gets a much more significant role in the final special by breaking free from Belos’ possession, trying to stop him, and as a part of the team who takes out Belos. This is great for nonbinary representation to go beyond and become more than just flat cutouts and more fleshed out.
We finally meet the "King and Queen, best of both things” themselves Papa Titan when Luz ends up in the In-Between realm. They explain to Luz, thinking she’s just like Belos, that their feelings to protect their families are genuine while Belos’ desire to save humanity stems from his need of control.
The final death of Belos caught my attention because he does the exact same tactics of manipulating people into getting what he wants and Luz basically being done with his games. This gives us that Belos hasn’t even tried changing his tactics even on the brink of death. We are also treated to the best scene with Eda, King, and Raine curb-stomping Belos to death, treating his death less epic and more hilarious.
“Watching and Dreaming“ was an epic series finale, the animation, story, and characters just flowed almost perfectly with a few nitpicks like the Light Glyph Deus Ex Machina. It almost felt like something that was part of an episode between specials. But that’s nothing with the incredible finale we got out of it.
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After watching all of the season, The Owl House gave an uplifting end to its run. The ending was a perfect sendoff to all that Dana Terrace and her team did for the show and what it has given us as an audience. The animation was a major treat with Titan Luz fighting Belos with all the flashy blasts and the smoothness of the movements. That wouldn’t matter if the story wasn’t almost flawless with everything that happened behind the scenes, which is honestly a miracle with most shows that ended abruptly. Most of the characters feel as if they came full circle in their development. I loved every moment of this show (with some exceptions but that’s not important) and hoped for another show like this in the future as an example for years to come.
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huntinglove · 4 months
3 & 7 for your hazbin s/i for the s/i ask game!
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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3 – Have you ever imagined any episodes or segments of your F/O's source starring your S/I? If so, what did they get up to?
Yes, but mostly to help me fill in the blanks of her development and storyline! Some of the things I've imagined with her are:
Her visiting the human realm and disguising herself among the people so she can visit her mother's grave and "chat" with her. She eventually meets this older looking man who's in there to take care of his great grandfather's grave, he tells her all about his war victories and inventions too!
Her having to quietly reflect on her morality after spending the day with Camilla and helping her manufacture and sell weapons to all sorts of people. Some that she actually agrees with and others who she genuinely despises, having no moral compass when it comes to war and battle really bothers her, in her eyes power should only belong to those who've earned it, because the ends always justify the means.
Her having Pentious meet her father for the first time, and both of them having some cat and mouse moments, but eventually getting along as they notice similarities between them. Eligos can't quite blame her for being in love with Pentious, he fell in love with a human as well.
7 – Within canon, is your S/I considered a hero, villain, anti-hero or a regular citizen? How does this affect their day to day life and their relationship with your F/O?
Eris went through minor character development in that sense, if I'm being honest!
At first, she starts off as a silent anti-hero, doing her father's bidding and looking forward to taking over the family business. Satan, Camilla and Zestial have a big part in raising and training her, making her one of the best warriors in hell, as well as a beginner artificer!
She holds on to tradition very dearly, so she scoffs at the idea of redemption for sinners, until she notices that one of her friends is actually residing within the hotel!
Her and Cherri keep a close eye on Angel and the whole ordeal slowly grows on her, noticing that her friend has people there for him now, people who actually want the best for him and who care about his real self, instead of the facade he always forces himself into.
When the whole clubbing night happens and her and Pentious help each other out through their woes, she feels strange for caring so deeply for someone and decides to "inspect" the hotel from up close...
It takes a while for Zestial and Camilla to notice she isn't in the Wrath Ring anymore, but once they do they reach out and question her about it, she explains the whole ordeal and her feelings and they help her cover up for her father and for Satan, so that she can stay undisturbed at the hotel!
She basically went from someone very set in her ways and putting the will of her family above her own to someone who wants to figure out what she wants for herself.
Little does she know that she could also be redeemed eventually, having been born from a human and having the soul of one...
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takerfoxx · 2 years
The Owl House, Season 3, Episode 2, "For the Future," First Impressions!
I knew this was gonna be big.
I knew this was gonna be emotional.
I did not know it was going to hit me like it did, or for the reason that it did.
I wasn't expecting this episode to speak to me personally the way it did, I really wasn't. I was gearing up to see what the Collector had done to the Boiling Isles; to be reunited with Eda, King, Lilith, Hooty, and the rest; to finally see Luz's palisman, to see what Belos was going to do, and all that other stuff that we've been speculating for months about.
Instead, this episode hit me in a way that I haven't experienced very often. It spoke to my own experiences.
I'll cover the lesser (but still very important) moment first, and surprisingly it came from Willow.
Now, I haven't talked much about Willow. She's fine! She's an important part of the cast! But let's face it: for character discussion, she just kept getting overshadowed by the absolute angst factories that are literally every single other main character. Even Gus had more going on in that department!
But like everyone else, it seems that I've been taking her for granted. It really does suck to be the reliable one, to be the one expected to carry the team, to be the one to set your own problems aside for the sake of other people. I've been there, many times. And honestly, like Willow, I'm kind of nearing a break down of my own. You really do start to feel like you don't matter, that your own hurt is unimportant, but if you don't take it on the chin and keep truckin', everything will fall apart and it'll be all your fault.
So yeah, I'm glad that they gave her that moment. Maybe it got tied up a little too neatly and could have stood to have been foreshadowed a little more in previous episodes, but then again, maybe that was the point.
The other moment should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me and has read my other comments on this show, and it serves as a MASSIVE emotional payoff to my one big gripe about The Owl House, one that I've had since the very first episode.
So, we all remember that camp Luz was being sent to, right? Remember all the fuss people kicked up over it, saying that it was basically conversion therapy and that Camilla was abusive for sending her there. It was a real point of contention for a while.
And I'll admit, I was one of those people. I'm neurodivergent myself. I'm autistic and have ADHD, and my parents tried a number of bullshit methods to make me "normal." It was all with the best of intentions, and none of them were as bad as sending me to conversion therapy, but it does mean it is something I'm pretty sensitive about. So when I saw that flyer, I just got the most uncomfortable feeling in the pit of my stomach. Like, how could you do that to your child? And since that was literally the last thing we saw Camilla doing until Yesterday's Lie (aside from a couple quick Vee segments), that feeling stayed for a long time.
Obviously everything we learned changed my perception. Like I've said before, I think the writers realized their whoopsie and made sure to address that, and they did so in the best way possible: weave it into the storyline and use it for character development. Vee's friends showed that maybe the camp wasn't as bad as we feared, Luz really did have behavioral problems that needed addressing, and Camilla was a harried single mother still grieving her husband just trying to do what was best.
But we also learned more about Luz. She wasn't acting out just because she's a wacky kid with ADHD. Maybe that contributed, but she was acting out because she was also grieving. Her father was her bedrock, the guy that truly understood her and kept her grounded, and with him gone, she was desperate for some kind of validation. Her antics were a cry for help, which is why the Boiling Isles was so good for her.
Seeing those two finally sit down and talk about what happened really hit me where I live. They're both neurodivergent weirdoes that have tried to hide what they are to fit in and were deeply hurt by losing the one person that understood them, and in the process unintentionally hurt each other. I loved this. It reminded me of Entrapta's "Imperfections can be Beautiful" speech from She-Ra.
And as it so happens, that bit of honesty is what was needed to finally awaken Luz's palisman. Everyone? Meet Stringbean!
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I love the cheeky little references to everyone's speculations of what Luz's palisman might be. And as it turns out, everyone was kind of right! In keeping with the theme of Luz's palisman choosing what it wants to be, it's a snakeshifter! Oh, that is clever.
But also, snake people were also right. Personally I was thinking spider, but even so. We have our new baby!
Oh God, Luz has a staff. Everyone, fear her.
Speaking of palismans, Hunter is still grieving the loss of Flapjack and NOT doing okay, but I'm glad he got that catharsis of realizing that Flapjack is still literally a part of him. It's small solace, but it is something. And as a lot of people predicted, he now has the magic that he formerly could only use through technology. The poor boy, though. I'm glad he and Willow are starting to inch toward one another. They do seem right for each other.
Okay, time to talk about plot stuff!
The Hexside stuff was a ball. I did sort of call Boscha's minions being Kikimora, though it didn't click that her big robot was involved until a few moments before the reveal. And give it up for the best tribute to the best principal!
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I miss you, Principal Bump.
Also, credit for Mattholomule for stepping up! Gotta say, he's looking a lot like his big brother now, so much so that for a second I really thought that he was Steve!
I do hope Boscha gets some comeuppance. Not a whole lot, just some humble pie. Willow really owes her a smack. Still, I did crack a smile when Boscha desperately begged for Amity back. Amity was Queen Bee, and Boscha was her sycophantic minion, and can't do it without her, lol!
Now, the Collector!
I do feel sorry for this kid, despite the damage he's doing. I mean, the Collector is just a kid, one that was alone for a really, really long time, was betrayed several times, and doesn't fully understand what he's were doing. Doesn't excuse the pain he's caused (okay, the Terra thing was pretty funny, and we all love to see Odalia get humilated), but it is understandable, at least.
We also get some lore! Collectors literally collect living beings, which explains what that long one was doing to the owl beast, and why the Titan Trappers called our Collector the Great Hunter. But they are also predisposed to wipe out mortals that interfere with their affairs, which our Collector doesn't care for.
Huh, I wonder who sealed the Collector. Was it their natural enemies the Titans, or his own kind for not going along with their genocidal tendencies?
Speaking of villains, damn it Belos, why you gotta be so creepy? Does that mean all of his bodies are former Golden Guards and he possesses each one once they've been used up? No, wait, he still has the broken nose Lilith gave him. Regardless, possessing Raine will not end well for him. But you can't say he doesn't know how to manipulate the Collector, the poor kid.
Man, I know he was probably hallucinating those ghosts, but it would be really cool if they were real and drag him down to Hell or whatever.
Glad Eda and Lilith are doing okay, and that Hooty managed to at least regain some sanity. Seriously, the hell is he even? Also, I actually like that Lilith is going back to her old hair color.
What else, what else, what else?
Okay, where is Steve and the rest of the CATTs? I want my boy! And Katya! I will continue to uphold my fanfiction queen until the day I die!
Also, damn it, Edric! Stop hurting yourself!
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discet · 2 years
AU like your “Marcy in the Boiling Isles” one, only both Marcy and Luz go to the Isles.
Not sure if they becomes friends at school or if they first meet in the Isles, you choose.
You know I never wrote about it here, but this was actually my original idea for a crossover AU. However unlike MitBI, this whole story would take place post Amphibia wherein Marcy is an isekai veteran of Amphibia rather than a fellow wide eyed adventurer.
(I realize that this isn't what you really asked for but for the record, I'm not super interested in fleshing out an AU with pre-development Marcy and Luz, cause while there are interesting nuances and differences in their characters, narratively doubling up on a 'Naive nerd explores a magical world' character would feel a little redundant to me personally)
I had a whole spiel of set up working through things, but Im pretty sleepy and the moment but here's a bullet point list.
After the events of Amphibia, Marcy moves out to Connecticut with her parents.
Marcy's parents are overbearing and all the more so after she disappeared for a year. Neither take responsibility for the part they played in Marcy leaving in the first place.
Marcy starts kind of acting out refusing to just be plunked back into the pressure cooker of a home without a fight. Gets in trouble at school a lot. Earns a bit of a reputation. Probably gets into some fights that, considering her Knight Guard training she manages to win.
Ends up befriending Luz as a fellow outsider. They hit it off quickly bonding over their shared interests to the surprise of no one. Notably not isekai though, for obvious reasons.
Despite making a friend, this does not reassure Camilla. The school informs her that Marcy was a problem child since she arrived.
Both are signed up for reality check summer camp. Marcy overhears Camila's speech to Luz about giving up her interests and sees too much of her own parents in Camila to pick up the caring underneath.
Both end up in the Boiling Isles following Owlbert. Luz has her trepidation, which is only made worse by Marcy basically having a panic attack cause God Damnit how is this happening again. From here I see
A) They end up staying with Eda. Marcy encourages Luz to come back home but Luz insists on staying. Marcy, unwilling to leave Luz behind or drag her back to a home life Marcy imagines is much worse than it actually is, decides to stick around. Hoping that she can spare Luz some of the pain she experienced during her own go around. (Not to mention to see if she can find a way back to Amphibia for her Anne and Sasha's sake. )
In this set up I think Eda appreciates Marcy's utter distrust for authority figures, scheming ability, and general scoundrel's attitude. Marcy's generally far more
In Witches Before Wizards(The episodes Luz is tricked onto going on a quest) we get this exchange at the end.
Luz: Eda, how did you know that wizard was lying?
Eda: Look, kid, everyone wants to believe they're "chosen". But if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special, [Chuckles.] we'd die waiting. And that's why you need to choose yourself.
Luz: *smiling gratefully*
Marcy: Also? For the record, being a chosen one isn't all its cracked up to be.
Luz: Wait, what?
Marcy: Yeah, that adventure I told you about? My friends and I were prophesied chosen ones, there to save the world. Which for the record, we did, and that was cool. But only after I was betrayed, impaled, and possessed by a hive mind of ancient beings.
Luz: You were impaled!?
Eda: What kind of demon is a Hive Mind?
Marcy lifts up tshirt enough to show burn scar.
Eda: Whoa nelly!
King: Holy moly does that hurt? *pokes it*
Marcy: No, totally numb. *after a couple of pokes Marcy swats King's hand away *
I think Marcy either finds a crossbow for herself or fashions one with whatever she can find
B) Marcy and Luz end up pretty separated from Eda so the option to just bail back to Earth isn't there and Marcy takes Eda's place as Luz's slightly jaded mentor figure. Which has a lot of inherent comedy to it I think cause
They are basically the same age
Marcy is by far the weaker of them when it comes social encounters.
This set up also has I think a lot more potential for a lot more contrasting plot points with canon Owl House.
I don't know where it goes ultimately, and its late so Im gonna stop here. But it was one that was cooking in the back of my head back when I first got my Marcy in the Boiling Isles question.
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kinghijinx22 · 2 years
Thoughts on the Owl House- For the Future SPOILERS
So I have a lot of thoughts on the new Owl House episode For the Future. I watched the early leak because I hate waiting and I really liked it. More than Thanks to Them which was already good but it had its faults and I’ll also explain what I think For the Future did better. 
I suppose I'll just say it now, but this episode does a better job at giving screen time and importance to more characters. Thanks to Them was pretty much just about Luz and Hunter and also giving some welcome development to Camilla, but everybody else in that episode felt very side-lined and unimportant. And this especially sucked as someone who really doesn't like Hunter. Because Dana and the crew unfortunately like to side-line the show’s queer and poc main cast to focus on their favourite generic cishet white boy Hunter. Even in a show that promised to give the spotlight to severely underrepresented minorities we have to pander to the privileged majority. For the Future more evenly distributes its screen time to a lot more characters which I prefer.
Willow finally got some much needed screentime and development which was nice to see because despite being on the main crew, she had easily become the most irrelevant of them by the end of season 2 which was a shame because she's a really likable character with a lot of potential. It's nice that she finally got something, with her having to overcome her own insecurities. Although even then she had to be rescued by Hunter, because of course we had to give Hunter something but at least Willow felt like she had something of her own going on instead of just being Hunter’s love interest like she was throughout season 2 and in the last episode. 
Our protagonist Luz, who just continues to be such a lovable and VERY relatable character comes to a really satisfying conclusion to her development which was represented by her Palisman egg finally hatching. Also her Palisman was revealed to be A SNAKE LIKE I SAID IT WOULD BE, although to be fair by the last episode they were practically screaming at you that it would be snake. It's the most emotional scene in the episode, with Luz coming to the self-realisation that the thing that she always wanted the most was to be understood, and with that her Palisman also realises what she wants to be. A Snake named Stringbean. Very cute. I feel like Luz is now on a good path after how beaten down she had become throughout season 2, with Camilla now fully understanding and accepting her daughter, and Luz understanding that she is being understood. I know that as a queer person who had to come out to my family and didn’t get the best reception, being different and wanting to be understood is very relatable to me and I’m sure many of the people who are watching the Owl House. 
This is also why I firmly believe that Luz will stay in the Boiling Isles. She was planning on staying in the human realm because she thought it’s what she had to do and was even going to tell her girlfriend Amity this which would have been absolutely heart breaking. Although by the end of the episode I think Camilla was able to convince her to the right thing, which is to do what makes her happy. This show since the very beginning has been about loving yourself and finding the people who appreciate who you are and not conforming to what other people think you should be. Separating Luz from the Boiling Isles, her loving girlfriend, her close friends and her found Owl family would go against the entire message of this show which is why I’m confident she will stay in the Demon Realm. 
Something else I predicted was the Collector taking over most of the Boiling Isles and turning them into puppets to play games. I said this would happen a long time ago, thanks to “seething seas and puppet strings” line from the season 2 secret message. We get to see what happened to everyone else who was left, like Eda and Lilith who are in hiding, King who is playing along with being Collectors friend and the Hexside students who are hiding out at the school and have developed their own little system and hierarchy. Speaking of which while I predicted some big things, there were many pleasant surprises like certain characters being more important and getting more screen time than I thought they would even beyond the main crew. Like I REALLY didn't expect school bully Bosha to temporarily play more of an antagonist role, especially after she was irrelevant for the entirety of season 2 thanks to the raise in stakes. Former bully turned Gus's friend Mat also getting some screen time was nice too. They really do a good job and giving development to a bunch of the school kids. 
Amity got some interesting interactions with Bosha which showed how far she's come since meeting Luz and from when she and Bosha hung out. It was an unexpected follow up but a welcome one. And speaking of Amity, there of course was some adorable Luz and Amity moments which is always nice to see because they continue to be just the best couple. Amity coming to Luz’s side to comfort her while she was missing her Owl family and kissing her on the head was such a nice and tender moment. I also have to say that Amity’s reunion with her siblings Emira and Ederic was also sweet and got the moment it deserved. 
Luz and gang’s fight against Kikimora and her big robot was really good, and seeing Camilla actually help by making a glyph of her own and throwing the baseball bat was pretty cool to see. Daughter and mother finally fighting side by side. While I said that Bosha played the antagonist, it was more because of Kikimora’s manipulation of her while she was emotional from having lost her Grudgby team, the few people who were still on her side. This manipulation is eventually seen through however, and Bosha along with the rest of the students hold off Kikimora while our main crew makes the teleportation spell to get to the Collector at their own Owl House they created above the Titan’s skull. 
I think now is a good time to say that there really wasn’t a big moment where the animation popped off like what happened during the big fight scene in the last episode, and like what the Owl House is kind of famous for at this point. Not really a big complaint, just something I noticed. Although something else I noticed was that I think this episode might have the most reused music I’ve ever heard in an Owl House episode. They reuse the Collector’s theme during one of their scenes, Steve’s guitar riff when Matt shows up I guess to make the brother connection, and most notably the Amity vs Hunter song from Eclipse Lake is used while Luz is flying on her Palisman for the first time, and the gang is drawing the teleportation spell. Again, this isn’t a major a complaint but between the lack of big animation shift and the reused music I can’t help but suspect a lack of budget while making this episode. The presentation is generally good as it usually is with the Owl House, but there weren’t any special touches that the more important Owl House episodes usually get, and none of the music was particularly memorable beyond the tracks they reused which is a shame.
I suppose now I’ll finally talk about Belos. Belos needed a new body because his monster one was falling apart and he ends up taking over Raine who was already taken over by the Collector and is manipulating the Collector without them knowing it's Belos. Don’t think I don’t notice the irony in Raine being the one who gets possessed. After they spent the second half of season 2 pretending to be controlled by Terra, now they are actually being controlled not only the Collector but then Belos. I was very much on board with the theory that Belos might possess the corpse of the Titan, thought it would happen by the end of this episode but I can still see it maybe happening in the next. Although Belos is honestly the most unpredictable factor right now, as I thought we were going to get rid of him in the last episode to focus on the Collector being the main antagonist for the rest of the show. We’ll see were the show goes with him. 
All the pieces are put into place for a final showdown by the end of the episode, with the main kids about to confront the Collector and I'm really excited to see how that turns out in the last Owl House episode, presumably titled Watching and Dreaming according to the leaks. All around this was a great episode that confirmed some of my big theories while also having some pleasant surprises and improving on the couple problems I had with the last episode. I’ll give it a score of 9/10.
Edit- WAIT I FORGOT SOMETHING. So Lilith points out that Titan magic cancels out the Collector’s magic, which is why the Collector’s people killed the rest of the Titan’s. I guess because they felt “threatened”, an excuse that fascists will often use to genocide innocent groups. I thought the Collector might have done it themself, but I’m pretty sure they specifically state the Collector’s “people” as in the species of star people that the Collector is. All very interesting information and explains how they are going to defeat the Collector. King will clearly play a big role, either with his magic, his “Talk No Jutsu” that he learned from Luz considering he seems to want to solve things peacefully, or both. Although I’d personally kick that little shit like a football after all the suffering he’s caused. I don’t care if they are a child who wants to play, there’ s a difference between drawing on the walls and literally controlling people against their will, tearing the world apart and separating people who care about each other. Think about how much Willow, Gus and Amity suffered from being separated from their families. 
I also just want to comment on Lilith’s new orange hair, which looks good and it’s nice to see her getting a hair cut and growing it orange again like when she was young. Throughout season 2 Lilith started to look more and more like her old self with the return of her glasses and the curling of her hair, which I interpreted as symbolism as her returning to her routes as she reconciled with her sister and reconnected with her parents. So it’s cool to see that continued here. 
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cricketnationrise · 2 years
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camilla + december 23 + falconer’s stadium parking lot?? congrats on 200!!
I haven't written Camilla before, so this was super fun to work on! Enjoy <3
_X_ _X_ _X_
Falconer's Parking Lot, Dec. 23
The things I do for you Jack Zimmermann, Camilla thinks when the wind kicks up while she waits outside the players’ exit.
She has gifts to finish wrapping, a guest room to get ready, last minute groceries to buy – but instead she is shivering despite her layers and the late afternoon sun.
Camilla had been planning on seeing one of Jack’s games, actually. Sometime in March, when she knew she had a week off. When it was a bit warmer. Her girlfriend had been baffled by Camilla going to hang out with an ex-boyfriend, but she and Jack had always been friends first – even after they started sleeping together. Once Jack decided he was friends with someone, he put 110% of himself into maintaining that friendship. They’d actually developed a fairly regular text thread, which – based on the everything she knew about Jack – was more surprising than him going into the NHL.
He’d used an emoji a few weeks ago and she almost fell off her chair.
Jack had actually called her to invite her to this game specifically – I know it’s right before Christmas and you’re probably busy but I’ve got a ticket, two if you want them – and there was something in his voice that piqued her interest. A hesitant sort of glee, like happiness was trying to burst out of him but he was reining it in for propriety’s sake.
So Camilla went to the game. It was a fun one, the Falconers beating Chicago by three points; Jack with a goal that even Camilla could tell was absolutely beautiful.
Jess: i’ve got dinner in the crockpot when you get back ❤️
She looks up from her phone to see Jack, game day suit on and a Falcs beanie – it’s a toque, Cam – covering his shower-wet hair.
“Hey, Jack! Great game,” she says, moving in for a hug. Despite the bulking up he’s done since the season started, Jack still hugs the same.
“Thanks,” he says, “The boys worked really hard, really dug in there, managed to get the pucks in deep, and Chicago was just—”
“Right, sorry, habit now,” he says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “How have you been?”
“You know how I’ve been. What did you want to tell me in person?”
“Because I gotta say Jack, I’ve never seen you look so settled.”
“Oh,” he says, looking pleased.
And he does look settled. There’s actual calm behind his eyes, settled in his frame; it’s like contentment has been knit into his bones. She’s never seen him this relaxed, even after winning games at Samwell – it looks great on him.
A gust of wind comes up again, and Camilla shivers again.
“Shit, you should come inside, we can talk in the player’s lounge for a minute, plus there'll be a snack and at least coffee to drink if you want to warm up a bit before heading out.”
“Jack, of course I’ll come in for a minute, but you’re babbling.”
“Right. Um.” He takes a deep, steadying breath, before meeting her eyes squarely. “Come meet my boyfriend?”
She can’t help the smile that bursts out. “Even if I wasn’t freezing right now, you have to know the answer’s yes.”
He motions her inside ahead of him. She revels in the warmth as the chat about small things through the hallways. Camilla notes with interest as Jack nods and waves at various staff that pass them by. It’s a marked difference from even two years ago. 
It suits him.
They pass into the player’s lounge and Camilla gets her first glimpse of a short young man with blonde hair who’s facing away from the entrance. Is that—? She manages to keep her excited cheer behind her lips when the man turns at the sound of their footsteps.
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65 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
for @the-lincyclopedia and Fandom Trumps Hate 2022
I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it! <3
“What are you saying, William, I’m not good enough to bond with alone? That dear Christopher must be present for us to maintain our friendship? I am hurt, nay, devastated. I have laid my heart at your doorstep—”
“Oh here we fucking go—”
“—only to have you trample it every time you cross your threshold—”
“Nursey, c’mon.”
“—Leaving me to barely survive on the meager dregs of your affection—”
“You are the single most dramatic person I have ever met,” Dex mutters, trying valiantly to hide his grin.
Or, 5 times Dex wishes their relationship was real +1 time he doesn't have to
85 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
for the mini fic game! “The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain.” Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
"And then I was gonna end with 'Boys like me belonged to the rain.'" Nursey finished. "What do you think?"
And Dex - well Dex had to think about that for a while. Because he knew how big a deal it was that Nursey was showing him his poetry at all. Knew first hand how hard they had both fought to get to this friendship. Been through argument after argument; careless comments and intentional hurts.
But they had gotten here. To a place where Nursey had shyly asked Dex's opinion - I trust you bro - and Dex, powerless to refuse, had agreed to hear it. He treasured that trust, held it close.
But he was fucked. Because Dex didn't have the words for this. Not the tactful, delicate words he knew Nursey needed to hear. His life was built around tools and numbers, not prose and poetry.
And Dex hated the poem.
Well -
It was written well, so well that even someone like Dex could follow the metaphors; Dex could be let in on Nursey's thoughts, just enough for a glimpse. But the glimpse was dark and twisted and Dex was furious.
There was no way he could say that. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, trying to come up with something, anything to compliment. And, as usual, words deserted him.
"You gonna say anything, man, you're looking sort of - tense?" asked Nursey. It breaks Dex out of his reverie and loosens his jaw but without his brain's permission.
"It's really awful, Nurse."
You could hear a pin drop. The silence feels like an actual weight on his chest and Dex knows, okay? He knows how badly he fucked up. Knows he won't ever get a chance like this again.
"I mean--"
"Wow, Poindexter, harsh," Nursey says, the light in his eyes snuffed out. "If you didn't want to listen, you shouldn't have said yes."
"Wait, Nursey, I meant --"
"Save it, Dex, we're chill," Nursey bites out, already shoving his things back into his bag.
"No it was written really well I just--"
"Save it for someone who cares," Nursey says, striding across the room, hand already on the doorknob before Dex finds his voice again.
"It's awful because at one point you felt like that Nursey."
Nursey pauses, not looking at Dex, hand still on the doorknob.
"Or that you still feel like that I don't know, but. But - Nursey. Derek. The sun is meant for everyone. And the fact that you felt the opposite strongly enough to write a whole poem about it infuriates me."
Derek has turned back now, just staring at Dex, wearing an expression that Dex has never seen.
"Because you deserve all the good things this world can possibly muster. You're kind, and smart, and strong, funny and surprising, and you just - you care so much about the world and the people in it. There's no way that the world could ever be so cruel as to just restrict you to belonging to the rain. You belong to the summer sun just as much, if not more."
Dex can feel his heart beating wildly in his chest. He has no idea where the words came from, but they seem to have dried up for now. He takes a deep breath and looks up at Derek and Derek is -
Dropping his backpack and striding toward Dex with such purpose that his breath catches in this throat. He still can't parse the expression on his face. No idea what Derek is going to do or say when suddenly he's there and reaching out and -
Lips. Full, slightly chapped, lips on his. Moving against his. Moving with his as he gathers enough brain cells to kiss Derek back. To throw his arms around Derek's waist. To sigh into his mouth, letting his tongue flick out and move against Derek's. Minutes, hours, or perhaps several sunlit days pass before they break apart, needing air.
Derek rests his forehead against Dex's, unwilling to separate further than a breath.
"Shit, Will. Warn a guy next time."
See the full post
96 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
haus kitchen, 10:43pm
“Is there anything you want for your birthday? I’m obviously making you whatever you want for team dinner, but, I, uh, want you to be able to unwrap something too, ya know?”
Dex is bright red, determinedly not meeting his eyes on the first weekend back from winter break. Nursey bites down on the urge to just blurt out I could unwrap you and makes himself actually think about it.
“Huh. I don’t know, I hadn’t really thought about it this year. My birthday always kind of sneaks up on me and this year with having to figure out what post graduation looks like?” Nursey shakes his head ruefully, “It just hasn’t been on my radar.”
“Nursey, I-there’s gotta be something you want.”
Well. Obviously. But he’s been getting along so well with Dex this year, the last thing either of them needs is Nursey’s awkward confession of feelings to throw their dynamic off again. Sure, there’s been moments that Nursey’s thought maybe just maybe but--
“Have you considered...a book?” he asks weakly.
“Wow, what a novel idea. I’ll bet no one has ever thought to give you a book before,” Dex deadpans.
“Ugh, Dex, a novel idea? Novel? How dare you my good sir,” says Nursey.
“Would you believe it was unintentional?”
“...I’ll allow it. That’s your freebie for today, though.”
135 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
what if Dex is actually bad at fixing things?
like what if he only knows how to fix one specific problem at the haus like he tightens a cabinet handle or something but then bitty sees him and decides that means dex is Handy(TM) and tells the rest of smh
and now dex is being asked if he knows how to fix everything around the haus and like his only skill is that he knows which end of the screwdriver to hold - he doesn't know how to hang a door or re-support the porch - and he tries to correct bitty but then nursey is like 'what you don't want to help the team poindexter?' and so then dex Doubles Down
tons of research, videos, how to guides, he actually gets a part time job at a hardware store "for the money" but in actuality so he can learn from the owner
and he becomes mr fix it out of SPITE
160 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
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novelsoverload · 1 month
City of Fallen Angels Review (SPOILERS!!)
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By: Cassandra Clare
Genre – Fantasy, Young Adult Literature, Fantasy Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Horror Fiction, Adventure Fiction, and Paranormal Fiction
Dates – August 8, 2024 to August 21, 2024
Page Count – 439
Method – Special Edition Hard Cover Book
Tropes – Unqualified Protagonist Succeeding Above Overly Qualified Supporting Characters, Love Triangle, Unambiguously Bad Boy Guy
Part of a Series – Yes
Book 4 of 6
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Ratings Storytelling - 10/10 World Building - 10/10 Characters - 6/10 Romance - 4/10 Character Development - 6/10 Overall Rating - 8/10
Review This book was HEAVY on Simon. I both liked and disliked that. I get why (later in the book) that we get a lot of Simon in this book. Honestly a lot of the characters drop in rating this book…so be aware of that from me. Simon started off this book BAD! He was not only dating Izzy, but also Maia…without either of them knowing it! I mean COME ON!!! Finding out that Jocelyn and Luke are getting married is so GREAT! I love their relationship, even though we don’t see much of it. I think that they will make a great pair moving forwards. I like what was done with Simon’s mark, I mean it’s the MARK OF CAIN! So, seeing what it can do is pretty cool! I think that after all that, and him telling his mom…Simon needed a break. Finding out about the memory thing, Encanto (persuasion) was interesting. I think that Simon really needs to suck it up and go to Raphael for help. I mean he honestly knows NOTHING about being a vampire. Honestly, I wish we would have gotten more about what Jace was going through, other than the weird dreams of killing or hurting Clary. I mean I get those showed a little about what he was going through, but we could have been given so much more about it. I think a lot more could have been given with him and his internal struggle to make him less of a baby. I love me my Jace. I do…but this book made him more pathetic…which I hate.
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Again, the HORRIBLE SEELIE QUEEN! I honestly hate her. Why is she so set on destroying Clary and Jace’s relationship. Like every time she is there, she tries to break one of them down! I want to know WHY!? While this visit wasn’t just to break down Clary or Jace. The seelie queen wanted them to know she had the body of a Shadowhunter. Which we learned later that one was found in seelie territory, werewolf territory and warlock territory. We learn later who is actually behind it all, Camilla. I understand why one was never found in vampire territory.
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Jordan Kyle…him getting Simon to move in with him. Keeping the secret of being a werewolf. All of it makes since when Jordan’s identity is revealed after SIMON DRINKS MAUREEN’S BLOOD AT THE BANDS GIG!!!! I mean come ON!!! But moving on from that because honestly, I can’t even. But good note about all that Maia and Izzy find out about each other, they both DUMP SIMON!!! YAY! Maia did attack Jordan, rightfully so. Which in turned caused Jordan to tell Simon the truth.
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The fact that Clary was able to (with the help of Izzy) take down a hydra I pretty cool. I mean she needed help and didn’t even bat an eye at the fact that someone (Izzy) was helping her. I think that the two of them will build a good friendship later on, or I hope so I mean I love the two of them as a duo. They complement each other and they can back each other more than I feel Alec or Jace could with them. I think it is a girl thing. Like they understand each other in ways. Onto Clary and Jace…jut WHY! Like I get not being able to communicate well. There are just some things you HAVE to talk about. Like…DREAMING OF HURTING YOUR GIRLFRIEND! I mean these two spend the whole book avoiding each other and woe is me and does he/she really love me…it broke the magic for me a little. I mean Jace does eventually tell Clary about the dreams, and they go together to fix it with the Silent Brothers help, but you know it’s TOO LATE FOR THAT! Lilith had her hold and got him to take a mark and controlled him!
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Camilla is an interesting character. She is an ex of Bane, she is the former leader of the Manhattan vampire clan. I think there is a lot to her that we haven’t seen yet, and I hope we do. I think that she wanted Simon to do a blood oath, what is with these in this book, and that she is very manipulative about EVERYTHING is a good balance to all the do gooders in the series. I feel like she has a lot to offer. This will be all Lilith stuff here…so be warned it will be a lot! So, Jocelyn is interested in the abandoned baby. Well, we find out why, it had demon blood in it. So that was interesting. It wasn’t until later in the book we found out Lilith was involved in it all…I mean just seeing Izzy, Alec, Maia, and Jordan finding all those dead babies was heart breaking. Honestly that would have set me OFF! We also find out that it was Lilith that wanted Simon and was sending people after him and that Camilla was working with her partly…I think. She ended up turning Maureen, at least I think she did. I am not 100% convinced it was her who turned her into a vampire! I mean the fact that she wanted to bring Jonathan back with Simon and have Clary there as a way to get Simon to do it and Jace being there to witness it…just WOW. The fact Lilith calls Jonathan her son is just creepy and the fact that Jonathan has GREATER DEMON BLOOD IN HIS VIENS!!! I mean yeah, he gives the ick bad, but like not greater demon bad. I wanted to scream when Jace was being pretty much controlled by Lilith, and she was the reason he was having the nightmares. I am not 100% convinced that Lilith is gone. I mean yeah, she was “killed” by the Mark of Cain while Simon was protecting Clary, I don’t really think we have seen the last of him.
Characters Clary - Main Character (Shadowhunter) - 3/10 - The fact that Clary didn’t tell no one JACE DIED!!! How stupid. Like seriously someone needed to know to be able to watch for the signs! CLEARLY, HE HAD THEM!!! Her spending so much time wondering if Jace really loves her is just so cringy. I mean come on BE SOMEONE WHO DOES SHIT!!!! Like I get that you worry, that’s normal…but it’s become her whole ass personality. That’s all she is! I mean yeah, she does some kick ass shit with Izzy and spends some time with her mom and Simon occasionally, but mostly she is just in a corner worrying about Jace not loving her!
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Jace - Bad Boy (Shadowhunter) - 3/10 - Jace…Jace…Jace…secrets lead to more problems than they are worth. I mean WE HAVE LEARNED THIS!!! I mean dreaming of harming and/or OFFING the love of your LIFE is pretty BIG!!! But that’s just me. Keep your secrets. And I guarantee he keeps the secret about Jonathan in his head and that THEY DID A BLOOD OATH THING!!! I MEAN COME ON!!!! Isabelle (Izzy) - Sexy Goddess (Shadowhunter) - 9/10 - Honestly, learning about why she doesn’t get attached to people breaks my heart. She knew about her dad cheating on her mom and that affected her all her all.
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Alec - Gay Bestie! (Shadowhunter) - 4/10 - Honestly, I love Alec. But in this book, he was being whiny and grumpy over Magnus having other people he has been with and loved. Like, I get being insecure especially as a newly gay person in a gay relationship. I have seen it before. But like he just gets upset that Magnus (who’s is unknown years old said to be 800ish) I mean of COURSE he would have other lovers. I can understand being a little upset or worried about him looking like Will Harondale…but he seems to blow it WAY out of the water with his emotions. I am glad they were able to work it out and I cant wait to see where they go in their relationship.
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Simon – Vampire Bestie - 5/10 - Simon dating both Izzy and Maia…BAD! I think that this is a little out of Simon’s character. I mean he went from being helplessly in love with Clary, to dating two very different but very strong and beautiful women at once. Two-timing both of them. While each girl never said they were a thing, but I know it still is a dick move. Him using Encanto on his mom…another bad move. He seriously needs to pull his head out of his ass and suck it up and talk to Raphael…or even Camilla at this point. He knows NOTHING about being a vampire…and he SUCKS at it. Moving in with a stranger…dumbass. Though it turns out good…this time. Drinking poor Maureen’s blood like a monster. I mean I get it; he hadn’t had blood in a while due to running away from home and all that jazz. Though he tries to make up his massive blunder by tell a POS
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321spongebolt · 4 months
"The Muppets: The Amazing Spider-Gonzo" Miniseries idea
For as long as I can remember, whenever I watched "Muppet Classic Theater", I remember laughing during Gonzo's mental breakdown at the end of "Rumpelstiltskin", mainly when Gonzo got caught with one of the ropes that would close the curtains (This is actually one of the scenes from said film that I thought was hilarious). It somehow gave me an idea for what if Gonzo dressed as Spider-Man and was able to swing from building to building with webs.
Looking back at said memory, I thought it could work for something I had in mind for what The Jim Henson Company/Muppet Studios can do for Disney+.
What I had in mind were either 6 or 8 episodes that will be about 30 minutes long. Gonzo has the titular role as Spider-Gonzo, with Rizzo serving as the webhead's sidekick, Spider-Rat (Rizzo will even lampshade how Spider-Man doesn't have a sidekick until Gonzo responds "He does now!"). Camilla will also have a hand in helping Gonzo and Rizzo as Spider-Hen (A chicken parody of Gwen Stacey, but without the Gwen Stacey death.).
For other roles I had in mind, Sam the Eagle would be J. Jonah Jameson, since I figured this role fits his character to some degree. Sam would constantly criticize Spider-Gonzo and Spider-Rat despite the good they do.
Kermit would have the role of Joseph "Robbie" Robertson, who serves as J. Jonah's right-hand frog, and will be his voice of reason. Behind J. Jonah's back, Robbie admires all the great things the Spider duo/trio do.
Miss Piggy would have the role of Betty Brant, who is the receptionist at the Daily Bugle, and find Gonzo and Rizzo pleasant. One episode would also feature her karate-chopping whichever villains break into the Daily Bugle.
Fozzie Bear would have the role of Hoffman (who believe it or not was a character created exclusively for Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man" trilogy). He'll come up with ideas for villain names or other ads for the Daily Bugle, which J. Jonah would dismiss, but then later claim it's his idea.
Kermit's nephew, Robin, I was thinking would have the part of Timothy Harrison, who for this adaptation is related to Robbie. And instead of having a terminal illness, this adaption will make Timothy have some kind of illness that can be curable (which will come into play for the show's final episodes in some form of an episodic arc).
For Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker, I've decided that they would be scientists that work for Oscorp. In fact, not only would they demonstrate how some of the gadgets and elixirs they made work, but for this adaption, with Gonzo and Rizzo working at Oscorp, it's possible that they would've developed Gonzo and Rizzo's Spider suits. Gonzo having the red and blue suit and Rizzo in the Miles Morales suit. Both suits would be wing suits that allow Gonzo and Rizzo to glide over air currents, but Rizzo's suit allows him to turn invisible. They would also have made their web shooters, with the webs reconstructed with silly string.
If there's anyone who could portray some of Spider-Man's greatest archenemies, I was thinking that Uncle Deadly (or alternatively a human guest star) could portray someone like Green Goblin or Vulture or other villains that fell into obscurity like Morbius the Living Vampire, The Tinkerer, Jackal, Black Tarantula, The Spot, Tombstone, or Swarm.
Other villain suggestions would include Crazy Harry as the Roderick Kingsley version of Hobgoblin (since I figured this would work his act of blowing stuff up with his TNT plunger) and Constantine the Frog as Kraven the Hunter.
And for the role of Aunt May, I'd choose a human guest star like Meryl Streep, or other any female actress in their 50s, 60s, or early 70s.
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johnradams · 2 years
Ok part two of my the crown opinions are we ready. I don't think Charles is portrayed as overly sympathetic. The show doesn't say that charles was right or justified to do any of the bullshit he did. It just makes his motivations very clear.
Previous seasons did a *wonderful* job setting up Charles within the show as soft hearted, introverted, intellectual and someone who struggles to verbalize emotions/connect with others. So now that we've come to the explicit details of his relationship with Camilla and the marriage completely shitting itself, it makes sense. He has a well set up thru line for his character.
Diana does too in a way but her development seems to happen off screen. She's a woman by season 5. She's jaded and ready to do whatever she needs to do to protect her happiness and her kids. Diana has grown up a LOT from her changing circumstances in s5. Charles and Camilla haven't grown up at all.
And I think... some part of that is that Diana had the experience of her fairytale happening and going bad. Charles and Camilla have been waiting and waiting and waiting and now they're finally at the precipice of going fully public. they're like giddy little teenagers again. It's annoying and also somewhat endearing.
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