#and for the record I'm pretty sure I cried when you made art of Lea and Fen so you also get that honor.
baejax-the-great · 4 years
2 and 15 for the writer asks
2. Has a comment someone left on a fic of yours ever made you cry?
Yes! This one from Skeleton_ships:
Is it weird to say I've missed your Hawke? Because I absolutely adore Leandra, and you've fleshed her out so well and given her so much personality that she seems as real and full as any of the characters created by Bioware. 
That someone could feel that way about her just meant so much to me, and at the time I received this I was feeling really down about some of my FenHawke stuff. 
15.  Describe (one of) your wip(s) in the weirdest/most contrived way possible! 
A sad man hallucinates so hard that his widow and in-laws travel to the afterlife and pull him out of it. 
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