#and forget each of these characters' relationships to cassian
andorshitdaily · 1 year
Wandor Wednesday Wars #1 - Round Two
It's a no-rules fist fight - no weapons allowed. Who scores a knockout?
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sad-scarred-sassy · 1 month
tamlin “trapped” feyre after all negotiations broke down with the certainty of knowing feyre would endanger herself and others temporarily
from the wu this fandom talks about it you’d think he’s mother gothel but like. it was only until he came back. it wasn’t like he had her isolated, restricting access to who got to see her. he offered to invite her sisters - she was the one who said no! i really don’t see how it’s comparable to feyre + the ic making nesta stay on a remote island for what it’s worth with two near strangers who she has little to no positive associations with if they can’t be considered the cause of all her trauma in the first place (in that they are fae etc)
whereas nesta’s sentence (bc let’s face it she was sent to azkaban as punishment with a fun caveat like “you’re free if you can cross the sea! and manage to maintain a sense of identity while around guards who remind you how terrible you are of course!”) is indefinite and it’s pretty obvious from everything that comes after that it’s just something she’s expected to make the best of as opposed to something that can get better with time.
and cassian being her jailer whose amicability she has to earn by performing rigorous physical activity she had no interest in even if she grew to love it.. i wonder if she’s had that experience before
sorry, i’m not disagreeing with you, i saw your post + i just die a little inside every time someone’s like “ew tampon” “wow i wish i had a cassian” like no. they’re not the same, you (not you, ily) just have the attention span of a gold fish on catnip
You know I restrained myself from posting more on this because I’m such a hater sometimes lol, gotta focus on more positive things sometimes but... I’ll get this out of my chest.
I wanna preface by saying I do not care if people like Cassian/Nessian, truly. I even like fanon Cassian and fanon Nessian. I also have seen very little people that like Cassian bashing Tamlin (probably bc of my filters and just the type of blogs I follow bc I do love them all) BUT☝🏼 what I do see is a lot of “Disclaimer: we know Tamlin is an abuser” on Tamlin neutral posts (when no other character gets that treatment) or using Tamlin as a cautionary tale of how he treated Feyre and then praise the other “mates” for being “the right ones” and treating them correctly or something, which does annoy me a bit, but alas.
In my opinion yes, you are right, what Cassian and the Inner Circle did to Nesta is a million times worse than what Tamlin did to Feyre, but nobody, nobody considers Cassian’s actions in Silver Flames as bad as they actually are. Nobody considers him an abuser like Abusive Tamlin™️. When talking about what Nesta has endured in SF people put all the blame on Rhys and Feyre (which yes of course) but they forget Cassian was also there, willingly.
I’ve seen people use the argument that both Nesta and Cassian treated each other poorly in their relationship, but I have to ask… what did Nesta do to him that’s worse than what he did… intentionally. She was mean to him and called him bastard like four times? And only when he trespassed her boundaries. Somehow this is comparable to him being her jailer, taking her to train in the middle of Illyria, being a dick when he knew she was struggling, telling her everyone hates her and he cannot understand why her sisters love her, controlling her food intake as if she’s a gym bro or something when she clearly had an eating disorder, not telling her that Feyre was not mad at her and letting her BREAK while making her carry a huge backpack and forcing her on a hike not talking to her for days, to the point she fainted and fell on her face near a cliff?? (this because she made Rhys mad). Anyway the list goes on.
And you know what I don’t care if people like this guy after all this, but it is just funny how somehow Neris shippers are the “morally dubious” ones lol (and don’t get me started on Tamlin stans aka the devil worshippers), because Nesta said she “deserved Eris” (as a punishment), babygirl your WHOLE relationship with Cassian has been a punishment, for what sins you ask? Being mean (as she should) and spending the High Lord’s coin.
And what makes it worse is that the narrative will always favor the Inner circle, Cassian will never pay for what he’s done the way Tamlin has (and still is) he will never even apologize because he was “holding out his hand” or whatever bs that was. (Honestly if I get proven wrong and he does pay and apologize then I may give him a chance, but I highly doubt it)
I won’t even pretend that I think Neris will be canon as much as I wish it was, even if I know that if SJM wrote it, it still would have had its problems but at least Nesta wouldn’t have ended up with the people who treated her like a criminal just because she wouldn’t kiss their ass. And on top of all, with a mate that doesn’t even have the balls to stand up for her. Holy shit.
Okay I got it all out of my chest I think, I’ll try not to hate so much but this shit bro makes me seethe. I’ll go touch some grass.
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oristian · 2 months
I want to express my thoughts on Nessian for a moment given the climate that the fanbase is in currently.
I still heavily ship Nessian, however I want to see them improve in many aspects of their relationship. Communication is something that they lack and they both wear their hearts on their sleeves—hence the foul words they have both thrown at each other, and the negative actions they both have performed against each other.
There are scenes between them that I cannot fully justify, but there are also beautiful scenes between them that have steadily accumulated upwards into them ultimately accepting the bond and being an endgame couple. Certainly, Cassian can do better as a mate. My breakdown of his character is that he is so fiercely loyal to his friends and family in that he is not able to defy their requests, or go against their will. There have been scenes, however, where Cassian has defended Nesta against his family and has spoken up for her. Do I still want him to defend Nesta as his mate and consistently take her side? Yes.
Some of my most favorite moments across the ACOTAR series were from Cassian, Nesta, or a Nessian scene. I was rooting for them from the second they sat down at the table together in ACOMAF.
I think the issue between them is that Sarah needed to establish conflict and tension that would ultimately unfold into their book—going from a kiss and a declaration of love [implied] to the Sidra scene in ACOFAS was whiplash. Sarah was not able to spin what happened between them in ACOWAR in a way that would set up the healing arc for Nesta, so she had to fumble their characters momentarily. She focused heavily on Nesta’s inner turmoil and the relationship with the Valkyries, and did not spend enough time developing Nessian as a couple. HOFAS only further confirmed such an assumption.
I also want to touch on the topic of Cassian and Mor. Many people harp on them and, yes, I have also said my piece against Mor. Cassian as a character is incredibly close with everyone in his life. He and Mor have been friends for centuries and their relationship dynamic is going to be that of people close to one another. Do I support the buying of lingerie as a present directly in front of Nesta? No. Cassian speaks highly of everyone in his life within his inner monologue, Mor included. People tend to forget that Cassian and Nesta still had that conflict between them in ACOSF where their initial relationship is rocky at best—Mor is his family, and someone he is close to, so of course he would praise her in his inner monologue. He speaks the same way about Rhys, Azriel and Feyre.
I want to be clear that this post is simply a pro Nessian post and I do not condone the actions of the Inner Circle against Nesta, nor am I pro Inner Circle; critical at best. I sincerely hope that Sarah hears the criticism that the fanbase has for Nessian and she is able to mend some of which she broke. I do not believe that Cassian will die, and I do not believe that Nesta will end up with Eris. I still very much believe that Nesta and Cassian have more to offer to the narrative and I do see them becoming the High Lord and High Lady of the Dusk Court given the contents of both ACOSF and HOFAS. My biggest ask is that they both outwardly say that they love each other.
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HOFAS SPOILERS, many spoilers from part 1 of the book and the bonus
because I don't see people having a "voice of reason" and I keep seeing posts like "Rhys and Nesta hate each other"/"Cassian should have taken her side" over the bonus chapter.
If you've read part 1 of HOFAS and you found out everything that Azriel and Nesta found out about the Daglan/Asteri and the Night Court involvement/legacy whatever that was with "the son of my son" and blablabla, please, tell me, how bad good is your critical thinking?
Because you bet Azriel went to Rhys and told him EVERYTHING, including how Bryce stole Truth-Teller. How there was an ASTERI/DAGLAN sleeping like a baby under the prison, under everyone's nose.
Did you also miss the part where said Asteri said they left a kill switch in Prythian and many other "seeds" of their powers? There was a question that said "have you looked beneath every sacred mountain? at their very roots?" Are you all forgetting Rhys and the other High Lords spent YEARS under one of those mountains? That Ramiel is an IMPORTANT mountain in the Night Court?
What the Asteri said shocked Azriel, you could tell from his reaction. It affected Nesta as well to the point where she told Bryce she's as bad as the Asteri.
So you think these two didn't go back home and dumped on Rhys (and Amren, and the IC) everything they learned? That Azriel hold back anything? Nesta might have, althought I doubt she did, but you bet Azriel told him EVERYTHING.
We're not gonna talk about how Bryce swore on her mate's life that she won't tell anyone about Prythian, and then 2 days later she's having a chat with the AUTUMN KING about Prythian. Like sis, you're straight up stupid at this point. Out of everyone, you tell HIM?!
So later Bryce goes back not to give back what she stole, but to ask for more. MORE. THE TROVE. And NESTA gives it to her. GIVES IT TO HER besides everything they found out about it. So yes, Nesta was stupid at that part.
But come in the bonus chapter and Rhys' breakdown.
Because man has a breakdown and take into consideration this:
he has a family, a baby, if he dies his wife dies
he's a High Lord in a court that comes from the bloodline of the people who defeated the Daglan and bonus points he found out the Prison should be under his rule as well.
they don't have Truth Teller anymore, but they also, at that point, don't have the Trove anymore
Bryce left behind her parents but Bryce is also the one who betrayed them and stole from them and at this point Rhys doesn't trust a word from Bryce's existence. From all he knows she might not give a shit about her parents and this could go two ways: 1. Bryce doesn't come back for her parents or 2. Bryce dies and The Trove gets in the hands of the Asteri setting a chain reaction that ends with the Asteri back in Prythian and wanting to kill them all
So yes, sorry babes, Rhys has EVERY RIGHT to get mad at Nesta. But more than getting mad at Nesta he was mad AT THE SITUATION AS A WHOLE. It's a normal reaction.
And Nesta's reaction? Oh babies, do you expect NESTA to be calm when someone, especially Rhys, yells at her? She's an old sister with anger issues. Trust me, she would have gone balistic on Rhys no matter what.
It's not because they hate each other, babes. It's because that's who and how they are.
Rhys, the one having to deal with a lot in order to protect not just his family but his court as well, and Nesta, the one who doesn't get shit from anyone and has anger issues.
And the "Cassian should've taken Nesta's side"?
Cassian KNOWS his mate. Nesta is not Feyre to need someone's support in an argument. Do you think Nesta would have WANTED Cassian to get in between or take her side? Cassian know what kind of relationship Rhys and Nesta have, he also knows his mate can handle Rhys or anyone else.
So no, it's very in character for him not to get between them.
You can love Nesta, you can hate Rhys. You can love or hate Nessian. But you need to admit that Rhys has his points and Nesta did wrong by giving away the Trove and that Rhys doesn't have to be okay with that.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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kayla-2 · 4 months
i dont get why feyre demolished her sisters apartment (+with all the other people there) and made her train, lock her up basically against her will with no escape except stairs which she could physically not do. Feyre had this massive ass breakdown when tamlin did the same to her. so why is she doing it to her sister. yes nesta had drinking problems and yes she was wasting money but don't act like feyre did anything to earn that money. they all live in velaris where nothing wrong goes on while other people in other parts of the court suffer and pay taxes because they arent seen as "dreamers" or wtv bs that is. personally i feel like nesta and feyre could have such a good relationship if rhys didnt keep coming in the middle of it. Also nesta's drinking problem was a problem but when the whole ic was drunk and im talking about mor when it says she's always drunk at rita's etc. so thats ok but when nesta does it, it's not?
i think each character could have had such a great story but sjm ruined it by going back on her own words. if acotar feyre saw acowar feyre she would murder herself. she became the thing she didnt want to be. its not even like any of the ic respect feyre. they hid the fact that she could die. thats so out of order because its feyre's body and she has the right to know. yes nesta told her out of her own spite but at least someone told her. and dont even get me started on acosf cassian because wtf was he even on.
sorry this was kind of me ranting. i would love to hear ur opinions on what i said and just ur thoughts in general (this isn't me sending hate btw) (it depends on my mood sometimes im anti ic sometimes im pro i think it depends on what specific media i see that day portraying those characters)
I don’t even think feyre should’ve helped n.esta, so I don’t know how to respond.
Feyre gave her an ultimatum, and she agreed to go to the house of wind. She wasn’t forced. Tamlin didn’t even speak to Feyre and abused her multiple times. It’s very irresponsible to compare the 2 situations as no one in the inner circle messed with N.esta like she asked until a year later and gave her unlimited money and her sisters tried to reach out and was pushed away. I know the fandom mysteriously forget n.etsas actions to vilify Feyre and the inner circle but I don’t.
Feyre wanted her train to help the powers that were tormenting her. I wish n.esta fans would actually understand her because you wouldn’t be upset about her training since lack of control is what was causing her pain. She ends up wanting to be trained and invited others because she didn’t want to feel weak anymore. Which she explicitly said like wtf?!?
She was drinking to escape and not dealing with her problems that different from causally drinking. If she had a job or money they wouldnt be able to do anything but Feyre has the right to say I’m not “funding anything that destroys you.” Which if you are a fan, why would you be upset??
Personally, Feyre did nothing wrong and n.esta would’ve died in that apartment if she didn’t do anything. Which she should not have. Especially since it’s bringing unnecessary hate to her. She’s not n.estas mom and don’t owe her anything. P.S it was not even n.estas apartment, she paid absolutely nothing and didn’t work. Why did feysand destroy their apartment they pay for?. They were already rebuilding old or destroyed buildings
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starsreminisce · 1 year
Gwyn and Azriel are perfect for each other. They embody the classic grumpy x sunshine, which is a recipe for a great friends-to-lovers story.
If Elain represented Azriel's dawn breaking him free from unrequited love for Mor, Gwyn is his sun – a self-sustained source of light that his shadows doesn't fear.
Since SJM doesn't read theories, the likelihood of Azris becoming canon is low (but not impossible). Nonetheless, it won't deter me and other devout members of the Azris church from analyzing every Azris encounter as sexual tension.
One of the most endearing aspects of Gwynriel is their ability to provide a safe space for each other, making it an ideal foundation for their romance. They help each other heal, with Gwyn having seen Azriel at his absolute worst without any discomfort in his presence.
Interestingly, Cassian, known for his easygoing nature, initially made Gwyn apprehensive during her training. If Azriel truly bothered her, she would have avoided him or quit the Valkyries. However, their interactions, carefully crafted by the author, suggest otherwise.
Through Gwyn, Azriel begins to accept the parts of himself he dislikes. Gwyn appreciates his scarred hands, learns to master his lethal gaze, and handles his usual cold demeanor without issue.
Conversely, when Azriel is with Gwyn, he becomes more expressive, talks more, smiles more, and seems to forget about his insecurities. Their comfort with each other is evident, contrasting with his interactions with Elain. Gwyn also takes a genuine interest in his activities, including her initiative to start the Valkyries and learning to handle daggers.
Azriel, in turn, acknowledges and admires Gwyn's strength. He has the potential to help her grow further, potentially taking on a protective role as she ventures beyond the library, given her recent participation in a blood rite.
Gwyn's reluctance to engage in intimacy stems from her need to feel safe, and Azriel's patience and understanding make him the right person for her. He knows when to push and when to pull back.
Gwyn possesses qualities that combine Mor's positivity and Elain's perceived introversion, aligning well with Azriel's personality. He could protect her during challenging moments and offer guidance, knowing she can also defend herself thanks to his teaching.
Their competitive streak adds a playful dynamic to their relationship, evident even in the events of SF. This playfulness could help Azriel become more relaxed.
Indeed, the contrast between their public personas and their private interactions adds depth to their relationship. It's fascinating to see how they each reveal different facets of themselves when they are together.
This dynamic promises to provide a fresh perspective on emotional healing, as it involves a female character playing a pivotal role in helping the male character confront and overcome his trauma. It underscores the idea that healing is not limited by gender roles and that support and understanding can come from unexpected sources. Gwyn's ability to aid Azriel in accepting and moving on from his past traumas is a compelling aspect of their relationship that adds depth to their story.
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cheynovak · 1 month
The shadowsinger  part 6  
Final part  
Characters: Azriel x F/Reader Y/N     
Summary:  Y/N, the niece of Lucien, has fled an arranged marriage, only to find herself hunted by her cruel uncle, Beron. Lost in the cold woods, she is discovered by Azriel, who is reminded of his own painful past. He brings her back to Velaris, but the journey is only beginning. 
Warnings: None 
English is not my first language 
*This story is my own original story, please do not copy my work, reblog/comments/likes are appreciated* 
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Many years had passed since that fateful night under the stars when Azriel and Y/N first acknowledged the bond that had always existed between them. Now, they lived in a serene house by the river, a place that mirrored the quiet strength of their relationship. Their home was surrounded by nature, with the gentle sound of the river providing a constant backdrop to their lives, a place where they could retreat from the world and simply be together. 
Despite the peace they found in their home, Azriel noticed how Y/N’s demeanour would change whenever they visited Feyre, Rhys, and their son, Nyx. She adored Nyx, her eyes lighting up whenever she held him, her laughter bright and full of joy as she played with him. Azriel could see it in the way she looked at the child, the quiet longing in her gaze. Y/N was a natural mother, nurturing and gentle, and it broke Azriel’s heart to see the sadness that lingered in her eyes when they returned home to their empty house. 
A few years back, they had decided to try for a family of their own. But while Feyre and Rhys seemed blessed with ease in that regard, it hadn’t been the same for them. Decades had passed, and each year that went by without a child only deepened Y/N’s fear that they might never have one. Azriel could see how the worry and disappointment wore on her, no matter how much she tried to hide it. 
He loved her more than anything and wanted to show her that his love wasn’t tied to whether they could have a child. She was his mate, his partner, and the light of his life. He had been thinking for a long time about how to show her just how much she meant to him, and the idea had slowly taken shape in his mind: he wanted to ask her to marry him. 
It wasn’t that they needed a ceremony or a title to define their relationship, but Azriel knew that this gesture would mean something to Y/N. It would be a way to show her that he chose her, not just because they were fated to be together, but because he wanted to, because he would choose her every day, in this life and the next. 
Determined to make it special, Azriel met up with Rhys and Cassian to discuss his plans. They gathered in a secluded spot overlooking the city, the night sky spread out above them like a blanket of stars. 
“I want to surprise her,” Azriel said, his voice steady but with a hint of vulnerability that only his brothers could detect. “I want to show her that I’m with her, not just because she’s my mate, but because... Well, you guys know what I mean.” 
Rhysand’s eyes softened with understanding. “I think this is a wonderful idea. It’s a way to show her, in a way that’s meaningful to both of you, that your love is a choice, a commitment.” 
Cassian grinned, clapping Azriel on the back. “It’s about time, brother. She deserves to be reminded of how much she means to you. And we’ll help you make it perfect.” 
Together, they planned the details, ensuring that the proposal would be something Y/N would never forget.  
A few days later, everything was set. Azriel returned home that evening, finding Y/N in their garden by the river, the twilight casting a golden glow over the water. She looked up as he approached, smiling softly as he took her hand in his. He said nothing just picked her up and flew her towards town.  
All the lights were out. 
He put her down softly, “Az, what is this?” She asked but he flew away again, leaving her standing in the town which usually was filled with small lights but was dark now.  
Azriel’s shadows filled the streets. She heard music and started to walk towards it. Y/N walked to the centre of the square, surrounded by the warm glow of candles and the soft petals of golden brown, almost orange roses that had been carefully placed by everyone she loved. Her favorite colour, they were rare, only blooming in autumn court, but it reminded her of Azriel's eyes.
The whole town seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her reaction. "Guys? What is this?" She asks looking at her friends.
Nyx's footsteps echoed in the quiet square as he walked up to Y/N, his bright eyes full of excitement, he turned into a beautiful young adult, but his eyes gleamed like a young child in a candystore. With a beaming smile, he lay a single rose at her feet. Y/N's heart melted at the sight of him. 
Next came Feyre, her smile warm and filled with sisterly affection as she placed another rose at Y/N's feet. Rhysand followed, his presence regal yet comforting, as he added his own rose to the growing circle. One by one, they all approached—Nesta with her fierce loyalty, Cassian with a grin that spoke of brotherly pride, Elain with gentle encouragement, Mor with a wink of approval, Amren with a rare, soft smile, and even Lucien, whose gaze held a mix of emotions as he set down his rose. 
The roses formed an almost perfect circle around her, each one laid with love and care by those she held dear. Y/N’s breath caught in her throat as she stood in the centre, looking around her, the significance of the moment dawning on her. The soft glow of candlelight reflected off the petals, casting a warm, golden hue over everything, making the scene look like something out of a dream. 
And then, through the sea of faces, Azriel emerged, his wings tucked close to his body, his gaze never leaving hers. In his hand, he held two roses, white and black, its purity a stark contrast to the vibrant colour that surrounded her. With every step he took, Y/N felt her heart race faster, her emotions a whirlwind of disbelief, love, and overwhelming joy. 
When Azriel reached her, he gently handed her the roses, his fingers brushing against hers. The world seemed to fade away as she looked up at him, her eyes already glistening with unshed tears. He knelt before her, the sight of him—a warrior, a spymaster, her mate—kneeling in such a vulnerable, loving gesture nearly took her breath away. 
From his pocket, he pulled out a small box and opened it to reveal a ring. The stone, a rich golden-brown that mirrored the depth of his eyes, caught the light in a way that made it seem almost alive. Y/N stared at it, too stunned to fully comprehend what was happening. 
“Will you do me the honor,” Azriel began, his voice steady but filled with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat, “of making me the happiest male in existence and marry me?” 
Y/N’s mind whirled, her thoughts a jumble of emotions that she couldn’t quite untangle. The square was silent, everyone waiting with bated breath for her response. But she was so overwhelmed, so caught up in the sheer beauty of the moment, that all she could manage was a small, squeaky, “What?” 
Azriel’s smile was soft, understanding. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his. “Will you marry me, Y/N?” he repeated, his voice a tender caress against her frazzled nerves. “Will you be my wife, my partner, and stand by my side for the rest of our lives?” 
The sincerity in his words, the love that shone in his eyes, finally broke through the haze of shock. Tears spilled down Y/N’s cheeks as she nodded, her voice growing stronger with each word as she whispered, “Yes… Yes, Yes, YES!" 
Unable to contain her excitement, she swung her arms around him, pulling him close. Azriel, caught off guard by the sudden burst of emotion, lost his balance, and the two of them tumbled down onto the bed of roses that surrounded them. Laughter erupted from both of them as they landed softly among the petals, the fragrant blooms cushioning their fall. 
Y/N didn’t waste a moment. She leaned in and kissed him deeply, pouring all her love, joy, and relief into that kiss. The world around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them lying there, surrounded by the glowing candlelight and the warmth of their shared happiness. 
Azriel pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, a grin spreading across his face as he whispered, “Of course I will.” 
Their laughter and the cheers of those gathered around them filled the night, but all that mattered to them in that moment was each other. 
Azriel stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the collar of his suit for what felt like the hundredth time. His outfit was a perfect blend of Illyrian leathers and a tailored black suit, symbolizing both his warrior spirit and the importance of this day. Despite his composed exterior, a current of nervous energy coursed through him, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts. 
Rhys and Cassian, who had been with him through countless battles and challenges, stood by his side, offering their usual support—though in their own way. Cassian, ever the jokester, couldn’t resist making light of the situation. 
“What’s the worst that can happen?” Rhysand said to ease his friend’s mind, Cassian clapping Azriel on the back. “Yeah! Worst, let's see, maybe if some other high lord would claim her as their mate and whisk her off to another court. No big deal, you can handle that.” He chuckled, giving Rhys a knowing look. 
Rhys shook his head, but there was a smirk on his face. "Cassian, you're not helping," he said, though his tone was light.  
Azriel, however, wasn’t in the mood for jokes. He turned to look at his brothers, his expression serious. “She can still say no,” he muttered, the thought clearly weighing on him. 
Rhys, sensing the genuine anxiety in Azriel’s voice, placed a hand on his shoulder. “Az, she’s not going to say no. She loves you. We’ve all seen it.” Cassian nodded, his earlier teasing fading as he added, “You’re right for each other, Az. She’s not going to change her mind.” 
Azriel took a deep breath, trying to steady the nerves that refused to settle. "I know. But...” Rhys smiled softly. "It's real, Azriel. And you deserve every bit of it." 
Azriel glanced back at his reflection, the nervousness still lingering but tempered now by the support of his brothers. He nodded, more to himself than anyone else, and straightened his suit one last time. 
"Alright," he said, his voice more determined. "Let's do this." 
Azriel stood at the altar, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to maintain his composure. The soft murmur of the gathered guests, the warm glow of the twilight, and the gentle breeze that stirred his wings all seemed to fade into the background as he focused on the moment ahead. Rhysand and Cassian flanked him on one side, their presence steadying him, while Feyre and Mor stood on the other, their smiles warm and encouraging. 
The altar was a simple, elegant structure adorned with flowers and draped in soft fabric, perfectly framing the scene. Azriel’s gaze remained fixed on the path ahead, where any moment now, Y/N would appear. The anticipation was almost too much to bear. 
Then, as if on cue, the music began to play—a soft, lilting melody that seemed to echo the emotions swirling inside him. The crowd turned, and Azriel’s breath caught in his throat as he saw her. 
Y/N appeared at the end of the aisle, her dress flowing gracefully around her, catching the last rays of the setting sun. She looked radiant, her smile nervous yet filled with love. Every step she took brought her closer to him, and Azriel felt his heart swell with a mix of awe, joy, and disbelief that this moment was finally here.  
Her gown was a breathtaking masterpiece, combining elements of elegance, fantasy, and intricate design. The dress was white white copper details, the bodice was fitted, with a delicate blend of golden embroidery that wrapped around her torso and regal floral patterns. The neckline was an off-the-shoulder style, gracefully framing her collarbones, shoulders and curves with soft, flowing fabric, giving an ethereal look. 
The skirt was full and layered, cascading in waves of rich, luxurious fabric, adorned with three-dimensional floral appliqués that seemed to bloom as she moved. The layers were asymmetrical, creating a sense of movement and depth, while golden accents shimmered with every step she took. 
The train was long and dramatic, with sparkling lights embedded within the fabric, twinkling like stars against the night sky. The intricate golden details extended down the train, creating a visual spectacle that was both enchanting and awe-inspiring. 
As she stepped forward, the entire ensemble came together to create an image of Y/N as the last shining star in Azriel’s universe, radiant and glowing. Azriel couldn’t believe his eyes, captivated by her beauty, his heart swelling with emotion as she approached the altar. 
He took her hand as she stepped up beside him, his breath catching in his throat. His mouth opened, but the words he wanted to say seemed to escape him, leaving him awestruck by her beauty. "Y-You... you look..." he stammered, struggling to find the words that could truly capture what he felt. 
Seeing his stunned expression, she smiled warmly, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "You do too," she replied, her voice full of affection and a touch of amusement. 
Their fingers intertwined as they stood together, the ceremony passing by in what felt like the blink of an eye. Vows were exchanged, and they slipped the rings onto each other’s fingers—rings as black as coal.  Mor, standing nearby, seemed momentarily confused by their choice of rings. But to Y/N and Azriel, it made perfect sense. 
As they sealed their marriage with a final, tender kiss, they both felt the familiar warmth of the magic that bound them, a new tattoo forming on their arms—a symbol of their promise, their eternal bond. 
Y/N hadn’t wanted just a ring, and neither had Azriel. The rings matched the ink on their arms, symbols of their unbreakable connection, a visible sign of the promise they made to each other.  
To be together,  
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Taglist: @paintedbyshadows @lilah-asteria
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I don’t really get involved with the Elain ship wars, but I think both sides - especially elucien shippers - seem to miss the point about an emerging theme in Elain’s story; and that is the importance of choice.
Throughout the entirety of Elain’s life, people have always made choices for her. Growing up, that was Nesta - always protecting Elain, and always speaking on her behalf. Later on, even though it was clear that Elain wanted to marry Graysen and live a normal, mortal life - that choice was also taken away from her, as she was forced to become fae and live in Prythian. Then, throughout the entirety of ACOWAR and beyond, we witness Nesta, Feyre and Rhys (as well as multiple other characters) speak about Elain‘s wants and needs, without actually consulting her.
The cherry on top, is a mating bond that Elain clearly doesn’t want. The absolute antithesis of choice, is forcing Elain to be with someone - just because a Cauldron (the same magical object that took away her mortal body and mortal life in the first place) said so. We even see Elain outwardly express her distaste at the situation;
“He brought you a present.” Those doe-brown eyes turned toward me. Sharper than I’d ever seen them. “And that entitles him to my time, my affections?” “No.” I blinked. “But he is a good male.” Despite our harsh words. Despite this Band of Exiles bullshit. “He cares for you.” “He doesn’t know me.” “You don’t give him the chance to even try to do so.” Her mouth tightened, the only sign of anger in her graceful countenance. “I don’t want a mate.“
And sure, I get that you and other elucien’s will argue that Elain will simply change her mind, and will fall in love with Lucien in later books. But, I personally think that if Elain suddenly has a change of heart, and does indeed follow the Cauldron’s wish and accepts the mating bond - then no matter how beautiful she and Lucien could be together, it’s a complete reversal of this theme that SJM has set up. If Elain ends up with Lucien because a higher power is pulling her towards him - is it really Elain’s choice, or the Cauldron’s?
And yes, Feyre and Rhys, Nesta and Cassian, Rowan and Aelin, Hunt and Bryce - are all mates, and all have beautiful relationships. But the fundamental difference between these couples and Elain and Lucien, is that they all had the chance to get to know one another before the mating bond snapped into place. And even though some of these couples hated each other in the beginning (ie. Rowan and Aelin), hate is still an intense emotion, there’s passion and fire mixed into it - something more. With Elain and Lucien… there’s nothing. It’s very lacking - Elain seemingly feels indifferent towards him. It just doesn’t feel like the start of an epic SJM romance - especially when Elain is fully aware of the mating bond with Lucien, yet is kissing another man while he’s in the same house. How many other endgame couples kissed another person after becoming aware of the mating bond…?
And let’s not forget Elain’s connection to Blodeuwedd - a connection that you appear to be aware of, given your posts and theories on the matter. But Blodeuwedd’s story closely aligns with Elain’s; she is forced to marry a man that she has no affections for, so she ends up running away with another. The entire premise of the Blodeuwedd folklore is about having autonomy to choose your own life - including the person you love.
And, Blodeuwedd certainly didn’t just wake up one day and decide that she actually wants to be with Llew - the man she was forced to marry. That would be a complete reversal of the narrative. I’m not sure why you expect the same of Elain.
I can see Elain and Lucien being good friends, but I think SJM has better plans for both of them. Plans that involve them both choosing a love they deserve.
"How many other endgame couples kissed another person before becoming aware of the Mating Bond?"
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That little excerpt right there is Nesta talking to Cassian. No, she may not have known what it meant but it was a feeling beyond her control.
From the second she met Cassian, she knew he was something to her. Just as from the second Elain looked in Lucien's eyes for the first time, she knew he was something to her.
Nesta was willing to die for Cassian in ACOWAR, a proclamation of her feelings yet she still chose to sleep with many other males after that. Because she was angry. Because she was struggling to adjust to everything that had happened. So she pretended she didn't want the very thing she was drawn to, something she couldn't stop herself from feeling. She, with an awareness of her feelings for Cassian (feelings she never asked for or decided for herself) chose to have sex with multiple other men. Which is a whole lot more than almost kissing just one.
And you claim Elain doesn't want a Mating Bond but please point me in the direction of where it says Nesta ever wanted a Mating Bond with Cassian. In fact, Nesta even tells us "husband" was as good as it got and that she specifically doesn't like the thought of a Mating Bond because it means parting with the last of her humanity.
Elain was in love with Graysen and engaged when she lost her humanity and the bond snapped into place. The girl is allowed to have a rebound / crush before making another lifelong decision.
And isn't it possible that if Nesta made the choices she did out of fear despite being drawn to Cassian, we might come to find out that Elain is saying what she says and doing what she's done because she too is afraid of being drawn to Lucien? Imagine thinking you know love with one person, being ready to marry them, then instantly feeling something more powerful than you could have imagined for another? That's going to be an overwhelming feeling, it's going to leave you questioning what you thought you knew and it's going to take some time before you're ready to face some hard truths.
"Throughout the entirety of Elain's life, people have made choices for her"
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Hmmmm, I guess Nesta knew a little something about that too. Yet she still learned to fully embrace being Fae, Cassian, and her Mating Bond. Despite that she didn't have a choice in what happened to her or being drawn to him from the moment they met.
Not to mention no one is making choices for Elain that she's ever argued against (until SF). Of course being kidnapped and put into the Cauldron wasn't her choice but it wasn't Nesta's either. It wasn't Feyre's choice to be kidnapped by Tamlin in book 1. And none of the sisters decided their mother should die or they'd go into poverty. Those things were a result of misfortune and not a choice or lack of choice.
Please give me one example of where Elain was told by friends or family "you will do this" to which Elain replied, "I will not" to which the other person responded, "I don't care, you're doing it anyway" and they forced her to do it. Elain has had just as much agency as any other character. The only things that weren't her choice are the exact same things every other person in the series has dealt with. It wasn't Rhys's choice to be tricked by Amarantha, it wasn't Mor's choice to have a nail put in her, it wasn't Lucien's choice to have Jesminda murdered or be SA by Ianthe or beaten by Tamlin or Feyre's choice to be locked up by Tamlin.
These arguments about choice in regards to relationships make me laugh because picking Lucien is still a choice. Is someone holding a sword to her head? Telling her she has to pick Lucien? Since the answer to that is no, the argument holds no weight.
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Elain and Lucien are basically a friend setting them up on a double date after divorce because "They'd be perfect together!" Elain can decide, "no, I'm not ready for a double date" and refuse. But she could also take a little time to do her own thing, realize she's past the crappy Tinder dates then finally agree to that double date and realize how amazing Lucien is.
I made some poor dating choices in my youth too and hated the guys my mother would have preferred I end up with. But eventually I matured, realized why the guys I dated weren't working out to well for me and ended up dating someone my mother adores. But for awhile, I of course knew better than her because what teenager / young adult doesn't? Turns out, she knew a little something about quality dating material and I was just too stubborn to accept it.
That's Elain and Fate is her parent. She's refusing to accept that Lucien is not only a choice but the right choice for her because she needs to prove no one can tell her what to do. And that's fine for now but with her emotional growth will come maturity and the awareness that Lucien is her Mate for a reason.
I also like how you conveniently left off:
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If she could change her mind on not wanting a male, then why couldn't she again change her mind on wanting a Mate?
You know why Rhys's parents weren't a match?
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Elain is absolutely soft and fiery at times and well liked by pretty much everyone but who is more cold and vicious? Lucien or Az? Rhys's parents weren't a match because their personalities were too different. Canonically, Elain and Lucien are extremely similar in their values, their interests, and how they handle conflict.
And I think you're missing the point of the fairytale.....
Blodeuwedd was about her being upset over not having a choice yes, but..... She was punished for the choice she did make, choosing to cheat on Llew (Lucien). And the part Az plays in the fairytale ended up getting him murdered by Llew.
And SJM doesn't do literal retellings, she samples from lore and fairytale and gives them a happy ending so her "Blodeuwedd" could end up realizing that sometimes things that happen to us are actually the best things for us.
These are fantasy books and they're less about the character proving "ain't nobody gonna tell me what I can do" and more about them learning to accept their Fates. By accepting their Fates, it sets into motion the chain of events which help them save their world.
Rhys suspected Feyre was his mate before he ever laid eyes on her and the bond snapped before he and Feyre were friends. Cassian suspected Nesta's was his Mate too which is the reason he kept holding his hand out to a literal stranger who seemingly wanted nothing to do with him.
Are their love story's less beautiful because they knew what those females were to them from the very start?
The mating bond has nothing to do with anything. The mating bond is someone, aka Fate saying, "Hey! I know this person and I think you'd be well matched!" The journey is the character then deciding when they're ready to consider Fates suggestion to see if Fate was right. And that's the thing Anti Elucien's can't seem to grasp. Because at some point Elain will get to know Lucien, even if it's just to see if they could be friends. But when they are two characters who are written as being extremely compatible in all the ways it counts, there's very little chance love won't be quick to follow.
Lucien is still a choice. The point is making the choice for the right reasons and not JUST because they have a bond. And when you look at the things Elain stands for then look at who Lucien is, it's very clear how well matched they are.
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jonathanrogersartist · 2 months
Revisited Rogue One for the first time in a few years, a movie that I've been critical of before, and I always hope when rewatching it that I'll suddenly fall in love with it, like the rest of the fandom has.
It's... good. Very well directed by Gareth Edwards, and some of the most epic imagery in Star Wars. Performances are solid. Mads is so good in his limited screentime, that he made me care about his relationship with Jyn enough to actually get a little teary when he dies. The score is achingly beautiful. And obviously that final act in general is a tremendously well done piece of action filmmaking. They delivered on the 'war movie' promise.
But this is the ultimate example of how a good ending can make people totally forget about an otherwise unwieldy and underwritten movie. The team dynamic is still barely existent. I’d even argue Vader’s scenes are totally unnecessary, and took screen time away from these characters to get fleshed out more. It's very telling that the most iconic moment of this movie, is one that doesn't actually involve its protagonists whatsoever.
This movie should have had the Rogue One team exist before the movie’s events, so they all have a built in relationship with each other, and maybe they’ve gone their separate ways, but they must now come back together for one last grand mission.
And honestly... just combine Jyn and Cassian into one person: a rebel assassin that is given orders to kill her Space Oppenheimer father, and she has to deal with the inner conflict of that.
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jyndor · 2 years
Listen I’ve been on the Rogue One fandom since the beginning and I’ve never been very much invested on RebelCaptain (I’m definitely not a hater btw!! most of my friends ship them but I was almost indifferent) but after seeing this people who got in the fandom watching Andor trying to talk shit about them or dismissing Jyn and Cassian’s connection - which is VERY clear - I’m totally invested in becoming a shipper lol and also the parallels between them in the show are so good. Maybe Andor is RebelCaptain propaganda after all XD
hi anon lol i understand they are actually very subtle in the film, it's definitely not like The Main Thing, and people don't have to ship it obviously - and I have some friends who don't ship it or aren't like, super into the rebelcaptain fandom for a myriad of reasons, but anyone who would deny that jyn and cassian have a connection of any kind, and that that connection (whatever it is) is fundamental to the story, idk it just feels like they didn't get the movie. i mean jyn's connections to EVERY member of rogue one are super important because the whole point is she's been abandoned by people who have been her home for her whole life, and so it makes her run away from the thing that her parents (all three of them) chose over her (in her mind) which is the rebellion. that's why cassian especially is so important to jyn - he doesn't leave her behind even when he should, he stays and he comes back for her over and over again. and he offers her a home, stands by her when no one else has done that. baze calling her 'little sister' as well as chirrut's undying support of her, bodhi's connection with galen even makes his connection with jyn feel like siblings idk. and kaytoo literally dies for her - and cassian of course. it's about the family who chose her. forget the romantic undertones of jyn and cassian's relationship, the whole film is about finding home after losing it.
andor is def rebelcaptain propaganda tho i mean they literally gave him a backstory closer to jyn's instead of keeping him a separatist child soldier to fit the rebelcaptain mirror theme. but of course if someone saw rogue one once or twice six years ago, and now is watching andor, they're not going to pick up on the agenda lol. but i'll be frank, there's always been a weird amount of the fandom that is like vehemently against them being romantic, a lot of fanboys tbh. the weird slash shippers who just have internalized misogyny and hate women being in ships anyway are common in most fandoms, but actually rogue one is a rare fandom where the biggest ship IS actually a mf ship.
I really do recommend the rogue one novel for so many reasons (I think it fleshes out the characters better than the film) but also like it doubles down on how important they are to each other.
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notasapleasure · 1 year
Counting on You | Chaper 3 | Archive of Our Own
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cassian Andor/Brasso the Ferrixian Characters: Brasso the Ferrixian (Star Wars), Cassian Andor. Also now all your favourite local Ferrixians! Bee! Bix! Maarva! And More!
Hi so it's been....a while. But suddenly I had time again and the chapter was finished. At a mere 20k. You see, each chapter has to have some hardcore fuckin and it took a while to set that up this time. Enjoy?
Massive massive thanks to @stripedroseandsketchpads for beta reading and reassurance!!!
What's the money he's accumulating even for? He has no plans to buy a bigger home, no ambitions to leave this atmosphere and explore the galaxy. He gives some of it to his family and some to the Children of Ferrix - there are festivals and celebrations it can be put towards. He gambles some of it away at card games in Paak's yard - but too often he wins it back, and more. He spends a good amount of it at Cavo's, on cigarras and nog. He supposes, if Cassian ever asks him to buy-in on one of his more ambitious jobs again, he'll have a ready-made deposit. But he keeps working, because, like everyone else on Ferrix, he knows the liquidity of the current climate can't last, and because, like everyone else on Ferrix, he can't imagine not doing the work when it's available.
Also, from time to time, there's an opportunity so tantalising that Brasso forgets all about the money and dives straight into anticipation of the heist. And that's why he's found himself trudging towards Caleen's hours before the Time Grappler's chimes are due to ring out, why his body feels as warped and creased as the panels of the computer consoles they robbed, and why, futile as it is, he keeps looking wistfully at the back of Cassian's neck. It's all about the heist, he tells himself without conviction.
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nikethestatue · 1 year
I saw the anon ask about Illyria and your response with self-insertion. I totally agree. Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion but I honestly don’t think Nesta’s mental health journey was even that great. Idk- I felt it was strange and out of character for Nesta to have resorted to the coping mechanisms she engaged in- sex and alcohol, to begin with. Nesta is an externalizer and I could see her spewing her vitriol…but sleeping around and alcoholism? It seemed out of left field to me. It just felt like such a missed opportunity to explore her powers & flesh things out. She was contained to the house of wind in this contrived scenario and it had this institutionalization feel for mental health, imo. We heal by quarantining ourselves from others and not engaging in the real world? I understand this is a fantasy world, but as we overlook these other grossly problematic plot-lines to praise the mental health journey, it’s difficult for me to pretend it was…good. Maybe that’s an unpopular take- people obviously love the book.
I understand the library is a safe-haven, don’t get me wrong, but the entire messaging from a mental health standpoint was- separate from the world and re-engage when you’re ready? That’s an exceptional mental health journey to people? Again, big institutionalization vibes. Don’t ever have a meaningful conversation with your sisters, but isolate yourself away and train and get dick therapy? There’s a reason they discourage dating in early alcohol/substance abuse recovery…it just fell flat for me.
I also agree with you about these very contrived friendships amongst the Valkyries for the same reason above. Let’s see how they actually engage in the real world. Outside of this institutionalized/residential healing center scenario. Then, I will buy that they are ‘sisters’ and have such an entrenched bond. It seems inauthentic.
I thought the entire ‘training to heal’ plot had big “the gym is my therapy” vibes. Not that exercise can’t be helpful with mental health, but the training focus, in addition to essential social isolation and banishment to a home you are literally stuck in that provides your every desire, is healing? The only part of the “healing journey” I found semi-decent was the hike, and even that was wrapped up in this weird threat to her life and that whole bizarre Feyre’s womb plot. And it was with Cassian, which is fine, but why are we not having a sit-down as sisters? That’s all just brushed over bc Nesta altered anatomy? I hate it. I’m sorry.
Anyways, I’m always shocked by how people relate to that journey and feel it was so amazing. To each their own, but blah lol.
I guess I’m not really asking anything, but I am interested in your thoughts.
I absolutely agree with you.
The idea of the Library is a good one in theory--a place for abused/traumatised women to have as a sanctuary. However, it also does have this vibe of an asylum for sure. Like if someone is unable to speak in 80 years, and hasn't dealt with their trauma to any significant degree, there is definitely an issue with this set up.
But I also feel like it's a strange theme of a lot of SJM's writings--this inability to move on, forget, forgive and be done. Like think about Mor, who is 540 years old, and can't forgive Eris for leaving her in the woods. Cassian destroying a whole village of people. Even Rhys, who told Tamlin that he can't EVER forgive him for how he made Feyre feel.
And the women in the Library seems like one massive exaggeration of all this perpetual trauma and inability to heal or move on.
Which, I think, goes back to the idea that SJM doesn't know how to tackle trauma. It's very superficial, and I really wish she didn't get into these grandiose subjects and pile it all on, and then come up with the most rudimentary of 'solutions'. Love. Working out. Friendship. All these external factors, which basically indicate that in her opinion only relationships can help you out of it. Not any type of self-help, self-actualization, self-guidance.
Ugh, and don't get me started on Nesta self-destructing with sex and alcohol. Absolutely makes no sense at all. But I think it was just an excuse to get Nesta into the House and keep her there.
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swift-creates · 11 months
category: Gen
fandom: Star Wars
characters and relationships: Cassian Andor and Strike (OC) - platonic, Cassian Andor x Jyn Erso - romantic, Kix, Alex is mentioned multiple times but never shown (as is Kerri)
warnings: Extreme cold, hypothermia, medbay setting (after the divider break), awkward love confessions, teasing about said confession, Strike is a little shit
@ailesswhumptober Day 17: Hypothermia / Heat Stroke / “You look a little pale” Day 18: Fever / Vomiting / Warm Soup
Stranded on an ice planet after a Rebel mission gone wrong, Cassian and Strike try to send out one last transmission to the people they love.
notes: divider by @djarrex (see more here). used the warm soup prompt quite literally and. for the comfort part of the hurt/comfort. but it's still p angsty with context. this is set in my Rebel AU (aka continuity i created solely to make my TCW blorbos friends with my Empire-era blorbos) and comes chronologically after Jai'galaar (unposted fic where she meets Alex) Yes this fic is an excuse to write Rebelcaptain.
context is basically Cassian and Strike were sent on a mission in the Rebel AU, and were stranded on an ice planet, unable to get offplanet or send any transmissions to anyone. Strike had a big fight with Jesse before they left and said some pretty extreme things and regrets it. also, Cassian is friends with the Ghost Crew bc i said so.
more things about Strike on AO3
“A cave,” he told her through chattering teeth. They stumbled into its gaping mouth, brushing the snow from their shoulders with shaking hands, and huddled at its back, trying to preserve whatever warmth hadn’t been stolen from them by the storm.
Strike curled into herself as much as she could, snuggled up tight to Cassian’s side. He stared at a frosted rock across from them, as if he could summon warmth and help if he looked at it hard enough, only breaking his vacant gaze when she nudged him. 
“Whatcha thinking?” she whispered.
He sighed, the silence settling back down after that for a moment, like ripples smoothing on the surface of a pond, before replying. “About what I never got to tell Jyn. About how much I… love her.” Strike put a hand over his, and he attempted a smile. “I guess now I’ll never get to.”
She looked away, closing her eyes briefly. “I should never have asked you along on this mission.”
“Hey, I’m the idiot who said yes. This isn’t your fault.”
“I think it is.” 
He put his arms around her, leaning his head onto her shoulder. “Well, I think it isn’t. Checkmate.” She let out a short huff of a laugh at that, her breath misting white in the shadows wrapped around them as they both contemplated their circumstances, weighing the options and both reaching the same conclusion. 
“Well, we’re probably gonna die here, so. Any last confessions? Rants you need an ear lent to?”
Strike went quiet for a moment, then spoke in a hushed voice. “I don’t want my fight with Jesse to be the last words we ever said to each other. And I would’ve liked to see Alex again, before.” The unsaid finality of their situation hung in the air, a vulture circling both their minds before she added, “And tell him to feed Badu.” 
Cassian snorted. “I don’t think anyone could forget. He wouldn’t let them.”
“Yeah.” She twisted to look at him. “You?”
He smiled wistfully, turning the holoprojector over in his hand. “I know I can’t. That any transmissions we send won’t make it through the storm. But I would’ve liked to tell her. I still do.” Strike thought of Jyn, waiting for a call that would never come, and buried her face in his jacket. 
“I’m sorry.” She said it again, even though she knew he’d say she didn’t have to. She just needed him to know she was. 
“Y’know,” he said after a pause, “kriff it.” He flicked on the holoprojector, and the small red light indicated that it was recording. 
“I know this might never get transmitted, and if it does, it’ll get to you until after we’re both frozen, but I don’t think we have the luxury of caring anymore. This message is the last from Rebel agents Cassian Andor and Strike Kamino.” She stared at him as he spoke, his expression now holding a resigned determination, then turned to face the projector when he looked at her. 
“First of all, someone make sure Light takes his meds. And feed Badu in the afternoon, or he’ll scream at you to do it in the middle of the night.” Cassian chuckled then, probably remembering the few disturbed nights when that had happened. “Alex. I love you so much it feels like I need you to breathe. I’m sorry I couldn’t come back this time.” She took a breath to compose herself, the memory of the stinging words she’d thrown at her brother flashing to the forefront of her mind.
“Jesse, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean any of what I said, and if I could take it back, I would. You didn’t deserve that.” She sniffled, wiped at her face with one hand. “Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, vod. Take care of yourself, and don’t let Kix get vasovagal syncope-d again, whatever that is.” She leaned back out of the camera’s range, let the blue light cascade across Cassian’s face uninterrupted.
“Kerri, you be good and do whatever Hera says. No staying up past bedtimes, no drugs and murder, and no boys unless I would have liked them. But I do have high standards when it comes to boys,” he admitted. “Help Zeb around the base, would you? Poor man’s stressed enough as it is.” He went quiet then, gaze falling from the holoprojector to the gray rock floor. 
“Jyn… I’m in love with you. I think I have been ever since Jedha. I just… didn’t know it. And when I did realise it, I- I didn’t know how to tell you.” He let out a soft laugh. “And this probably won’t even reach you, but I love you. 
“I just wish you could have told me if you felt the same.”
He stopped the recording, tucked the projector away into his pocket and let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. Wiped away the tear he hadn’t known was trickling down his cheek.
“That was just Jyn’s style,” Strike said after a short pause. “She would’ve loved it.”
He gave her a small smile. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” They huddled up again, pulling their jackets tighter around themselves and waiting for the inevitable. 
Neither of them were sure who gave in to unconsciousness first, but the storm raged on outside as they both fell still.
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Cassian knew he was awake, but he was warm for the first time in days, and he kept his eyes closed, content to just stay still and comfortable right there. But a while later, muffled voices intruded on his cosy darkness, and he squeezed his eyes shut harder, to no avail. A feeling like hands prodding at him poked into his shoulder, and he wondered wearily if this was what it felt like to become one with the Force. It was more irritating than the Jedi made it sound. 
“Cassian.” The call of his name broke through the blur, and wasn’t that strange, it sounded almost like Kix. That was worth investigating, and he blinked his eyes open to a haze of bright white. 
“Cassian.” His vision focused on the face hovering in front of him.
“Kix?” That was weird. “What happened?” 
“We found the two of you in a cave half frozen to death, is what happened. And we got your holo message, too. None of us were too happy about that. Jesse almost had an aneurysm, and Jyn wasn’t much better.” Two. Two of us, in a cave…
“Strike. Where is she? Is she…” He let his voice trail off, almost afraid to finish his sentence.
“She’s fine.” Kix’s expression softened. “We got to you two in time to stave off the worst of the damage.” Cassian slumped in relief. Okay. That’s good.
“I think you both are going to need to talk to your message recipients when you’re well enough for it,” the medic went on. “They were almost inconsolable, watching that and waiting for you to come home.” 
The message. Cassian recalled the holoprojector, the recording, what he’d said in it. I talked to Kerri, told her to be good. He vaguely remembered saying something about Zeb. And after that… 
Oh, sithspit.
He’d told everyone exactly how he’d felt about Jyn. 
“Morning, sunshine.” He looked over to see a sleepy-looking Strike under a thick bundle of blankets he imagined Hardcase hauling to the medbay to throw on top of her. “Disappointed we’re not dead?”
“I might have just doomed myself to a fate worse than death,” he replied, burying his face in his hands. 
Strike seemed to search her memory a little before remembering, and raised her eyebrows at him when she did. “Oh, kriff. Yeah, I agree. I’m so glad I’m not you right now.”
Cassian groaned loudly in frustration. “Thank you, you’re being so helpful,” he deadpanned.
“You’re welcome.” Strike leaned back in her bed for a moment before shooting up again. “I have to go find Alex!”
“Kix will skin you alive if he finds out you’ve escaped.”
“This ain’t a prison, it’s a medbay. He’ll probably throw me to a nexu, but. Worth it.” She climbed out from under the blankets and swayed on her feet for a moment before regaining her balance, pulling on her boots and darting out of the room. “See ya later, Cass. Have fun!” He stuck his tongue out at her, but she didn’t turn around to see it.
He sat there for another few minutes, contemplating how to get out of this situation he’d put himself in, before the doors whooshed open a few minutes later. He expected one of the medics, or Kix hauling Strike back in by the scruff of her neck.
It was Jyn. 
She stepped over the threshold of the door, and walked up to his bed wordlessly. Sat down in the empty chair beside him. And looked at him, fathoms of emotion hidden behind her hazel eyes. They were beautiful, green with a center of golden brown, and held so much he couldn’t read, wouldn’t read even if he could. He wanted her to choose to tell him, sit down and let him know what went on behind those eyes and why. He wanted to do the same for her. 
“I watched your message. We all did,” she said, and he cringed internally at the memory. 
“Wasn’t one of my finest moments,” he admitted. 
She looked down at her hands, fiddled with a round object that he realised was the holoprojector they’d used to send the recording. “You said you didn’t know how to tell me how you felt. And then you said you wished I could tell you if I felt the same way.” She took in a deep breath, and with a sinking feeling, he braced himself for her rejection.
“Well, I’m telling you now. I love you, you idiot who thought it would be a good idea to confess to me in a holomessage that might have never reached this base.” He looked sharply up to see her shrug with a small smile. “I just never had the guts or the chance to say it out loud.” Cassian stared at her, speechless, as a warm feeling of surprised hope started to glow in his chest, and smiled back. 
Jyn looked down, flipped the projector once, twice, looked back up to him with something almost shy in her eyes. He’d known Jyn Erso for a while now, and seldom saw her look shy. “Do you wanna…”
He took in a breath, feeling his stomach buzz in anticipation of the kiss she was asking for. “Kriff yes.” He sat up straighter in his bed, tentatively put a hand over hers. Holding her breath, she let him, then started to lean in-
“And if I find you sneaking out again, Rex is not going to be able to stop me from tying you up with your own whipcord,” Kix grumbled, dragging a smug-looking Strike back into the medbay. Cassian and Jyn both jumped at his sudden entrance, settling back into their seats and rapidly trying to calm down. 
“I told Cassian that this was a medbay, not a prison, but I guess I was wrong.” Despite her complaints, Strike gave her brother a satisfied grin, and Cassian groaned internally. I know that smile.
“Manita, what did you do?”
“I walked in on some lovey-dovey heart eyes nonsense between this di’kut and her cyare, declaring their undying devotion to one another or whatever.” Kix made a face at the memory, bundling Strike back into her bed. 
“You wouldn’t have had to see it if you hadn’t come looking for me,” Strike pointed out, crossing her arms as he rearranged the blankets. “Oh, hey, Jyn.” 
“H-Hi.” Cassian winced at the way her voice cracked and she cleared her throat. “I was just… checking in on Cassian.”
Kix looked at Jyn. Jyn looked at Strike. Strike looked at Kix. Kix turned to look back at Strike and raised one eyebrow ever so slightly Cassian might have missed it if he wasn’t so mortified at the whole exchange. 
Strike shrugged. “Well, he isn’t going anywhere.”
“Vod.” Kix nudged her.
“What? It’s true.” “Only because he’s a better patient than you are,” Kix groused, moving from her bedside to retrieve a tray of steaming bowls. “Here. Cookbook thought you two would need this.” He handed Cassian and Strike each a bowl, then hovered by a mug with the third. “Jyn? Soup?” 
“Oh, I don’t need- I was going to go soon-” Jyn started, but Strike cut her off.
“I think Cass here would really like it if you stayed for soup.” She made eye contact with Cassian, who withered a little bit at the barely restrained glee in her eyes.
Jyn looked at him, as if checking if he actually agreed, and he wanted to bury into his blanket and hide. Instead, he nodded — he did want her to stay, even if he would never say that out loud, and definitely not in front of Strike and Kix. “The soup’s good.” 
“Well, I’ve never turned down good soup.” She seemed to have regained her usual composure, and gave Kix a smile as he poured some into the mug. Cassian watched as she accepted it from the medic, the steam swirling up to frame her face as she took a careful sip. It rose in graceful curls and designs he wanted to trace into her skin, to hold her hand and gently smooth over with his thumb. 
He realised he was staring, blinked and shook the notion away. That was weird. Don’t do that. Even as he had the thought, he noticed her smiling over the rim of her mug and felt his face heat. 
“So, what is in this soup?” Strike asked loudly, and Kix shook his head knowingly. Cassian wanted to throw pillows at both of them. But then Jyn laughed, her brown hair cascading behind her with the force of her happiness, and he felt the violent urge recede. 
(But that didn’t mean pillows wouldn’t be flying once she left the medbay.)
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andorerso · 2 years
I’m sorry but I don’t know how are we supposed to keep shipping rebelcaptain now that cassian will have his soulmate and true love in andor. okay jyn had hadder but it was not the same at all and I think that the series will make rebelcaptain look so weak :(
hey anon, to be perfectly honest, I contemplated not answering this because I don't wanna feed the drama, and after this, I probably won't talk about it again (because I don't want to) but I honestly disagree with you on several points. I'm gonna explain why.
firstly, nowhere does it say that Bix is his soulmate/true love, but even if she is, I find those terms to be very.... exclusionary. there's no reason Jyn can't also be his soulmate. whatever happened to Bix, whether she's dead or they simply broke up for good, she's clearly not in Cassian's life anymore by the time he meets Jyn. now it's hard to judge this without really knowing what happened between them, but by the time the events of Rogue One transpire, it's been roughly five years, and I would certainly hope that he's moved on. by that, I mean that I hope he's found closure and accepted what happened. it's easier if it was just a separation they both decided on, but let's be real, I personally think she's very likely dead. and if she is, as tragic and cruel as that is for both of them, Cassian can't love a ghost the rest of his life. he doesn't deserve to be alone the rest of his life (which is admittedly pretty short lmao, but let's imagine for a second that he lives and gets with Jyn eventually). he doesn't have to forget her, but he can absolutely open his heart to find love again. this is all only an issue if you imagine that people can only have one soulmate in their lives which is imo a very romanticized notion. we compare and measure love like it's some sort of competition, but it shouldn't be. I personally think that what he felt for Jyn was (or at least could have been, had they lived) just as strong as whatever he felt for Bix. they didn't know each other for long, but they obviously had a very strong connection from the start. you can't deny that. it's all there in the movie, as well as confirmed by both Diego and Felicity, so it's as canon as it can get. and it's actually kind of beautiful that he gets to find such a connection again, that he gets to experience that again.
another thing to mention is that it looks like Cassian in Andor and prior to Andor is a very different Cassian than what we see in Rogue One. they all said this, we all saw the spoilers. this is his character journey to become who he is in Rogue One. why that's important imo is because people change, they grow, they evolve, and sometimes with that change, people who used to work well together no longer work well anymore. you can kinda see this with Han/Qi'ra imo, they're just different people by the time they meet again, and it doesn't work anymore. so I guess what I mean, it's possible that the Cassian he used to be was good with Bix, but the Cassian he later becomes fits better with Jyn. this is pure speculation, and maybe I'll be proven wrong, we can't know until we see the show, but it's something to consider. when you change so much, the things you need and the type of partner you want can also change. and honestly, how many times do people end up with their first loves in real life anyway? sure, it can happen, but it’s not the common thing.
secondly, I don't think it makes Rebelcaptain look weak. for all of the reasons I already mentioned, but also because we all saw the movie. we all saw the way they looked at each other and danced around each other. Cassian watching her take down the troopers, the "welcome home" moment, the elevator moment, the beach scene, and so many others... they're all still the same. why should we look at it any differently just because we now know Cassian had a serious relationship once? it provides context, but it doesn't doesn't erase or change anything about his current relationship with Jyn. he was absolutely enamored with her, and literally no one can convince me otherwise because I saw what I saw with my own two eyes.
and thirdly, Cassian could go on and say that Bix was the only person he could ever love and he'll never be able to look at anyone else again, and I'd still ship Rebelcaptain. I wouldn't be happy about it ofc because that's dumb, and yeah, I'd be pissed as hell, but Disney can pry this ship from my cold dead hands. (but I obviously don't think they're gonna have Cassian say smg like that because why would they?) canon doesn't really stop me, I mean hell, Rebelcaptain was never quite canon to begin with and they're both dead. that never stopped any of us from imagining them alive and happy and in love. we still shipped it. I have ships who only interact a couple of times and hate each other, and I still ship them. shipping is not about canon to me, it's about the chemistry and the potential I see between two (or more) characters. sure, it can be really nice when canon validates that, but at the end of the day I'm gonna keep shipping what I like. canon is often a lot about your own personal interpretations, you gotta read between the lines and decide what you think about what's being presented to you. in many ways, canon is what you make it to be. so I don't think this should stop any of us from shipping them if we still love them. hell, if anything, ship them harder! tell canon to fuck itself if you don't like what it's doing. ultimately, it's all we can really do anyway.
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starsreminisce · 10 months
lol imagine they've been hooking up this whole time. but also is just sex for Elain (it's a Archeron trait, Feyre "just fun", Nesta "just sex" and Elain "just hook up") they have sex to calm their restless soul. you may ask why not reject the bond? Lucien doesn't mention it bc he'll get whatever she's willing to give and she's also happy (if you ask her she'll deny it tho) that he's not bringing it up.
and then Just like Nesta when she was disappointed that Cassian never stayed after sex, a little part of Elain is disappointed that Lucien is "calming their bond" way too seriously (at least that's how it seems...) she wants to know if it's really just hook up or not bc she's not very sure if it's just that for her anymore.
so she decides to kiss Azriel to prove herself that whatever that is happening with Lucien is just sex and she can do whatever she wants (she has a choice after all that's what Lucien keep saying her) and maybe to see how he would react to all of this yk… (she's a mess don't mind her)
obviously the kiss doesn't happen but Lucien finds out and when he does he's obviously hurt and for a second it's evident in his eyes till he put on his mask and he's looks so nonchalant about it but it's enough for Elain that this was obviously more than just sex for him. that he's not only having sex with her to calm the bond or whatever. he was with her for her not the bond but only for her.
so one day she asks him that they should stop whatever they're doing and doesn't give any other explanations. Lucien, hurt and feeling used (I'm throwing angst) leaves the night court and resign from his position as an emissary (Feyre is devastated bc I'm a sucker for Feycien friendship but she supports both of them bc she can't possibly choose a side in this) he'll join Vassa and Jurian and tries to forget everything that happened.
a month later Lucien a mess but hanging there (bc Vassa and Jurian try to do everything they can to not let Lucien breaks) and all of a sudden Elain shows up in human lands as a emissary of night court to have a full access and supervision on human lands and keep the peace between the realms. so obviously she has to live with them (I'm not very politic sorry if this doesn't make sense lmao). Lucien isn't happy bc he think she's here to play with him some more as a punishment of... well everything but little does he know that she's been learning how to be an emissary with Feyre and Rhys so she can be with her mate and be useful. (she had a long conversation with them!!) when she sees how skeptical he's toward her she's a little sad but also not surprised. it was necessary for her to have some times for herself. so she tells him that this time they should treat the bond right to get to know it and get to know each other.
and that's how their healing journey starts...
(lmao this is such weak plot sorry I got carried away with your idea)
I love this idea so much!
Both her sisters used sex as a means of avoiding the main issues they were grappling with, so Elain's approach seems to be aimed at quelling their bond's instincts. Lucien and Elain appear to have a skill for compartmentalizing, allowing them to say, "The person I am around my mate is not me." This is especially true given Elain's more traditional view of sex and Lucien's history post-Jesminda's death.
The turning point at Solstice is evident, and Elain allowing Azriel to kiss her serves as a clear choice on her part. It's noteworthy that she took a more passive role, contrasting with SJM's tendency to have her female main characters make the first move, possibly to balance the dynamics in pairings where the male is centuries old and the female is barely in her 20s. There's a toxic side of me that wants to see how Lucien would react to test their relationship. On a more chaotic note, part of me imagines it as Elucien's way of inviting Az for a threesome hahaha.
At times, I wish their book would start after Solstice to canonize Az's BC. It would provide a parallel, mirroring how Azriel finds himself with Gwyn. The uncertainty about Lucien's reaction adds layers—sometimes it feels like he pushed for it, other times he might be hurt and withdrawing, or perhaps he's the one consoling her afterward, breaking another image she has of him.
It's my hope though that their connection isn't solely reliant on Rhys's intervention, but rather, they keep finding each other during moments of need or fate brings them together. The idea of them sneaking around and the chaos that would ensue if they were forced to come clean about it, facing the reactions of her sisters and the Inner Circle, adds a hilarious layer to the narrative.
On that note, I miss Feycien's friendship so much so I want her to yell at him for hiding this and he can shoot back with that she hid Rhysand from him aahaha
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peakysanakin · 4 years
a bit about Elain's trauma and why it correlates with her rejecting her mating bond with Lucien in the future, a thread:
(WARNING: this post isn't about ships, except Elucien because Lucien is a key factor in Elain's trauma. )
Everyone deals with trauma in their own way and that's totally okay. Some are destructive, some shut people up and others want to not feel anything. Elain, just as Nesta, went into the Cauldron and those moments were horrific for her.
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She is literally dragged and shoved into the Cauldron while she cries, struggles and kicks to escape the guards' grasps. The guards and the King keep laughing at her during the whole time.
Elain is used as an experiment for the Queens.
She is used as if she was a mere object.
Her body has been changed forever and she is practically naked, completely terrified and in shock from whatever she has gone through inside the Cauldron. (We know how terrifying and horrible it can be because of Nesta's experience.) Everyone is looking at her, some are even laughing.
Do you know how violating this could feel? To be left naked and vulnerable in front of people who have just terrorized you? How would you feel?
We don't know what she goes through inside the Cauldron, but it was probably very painful and terrifying. Then, she is thrown off it and she experiences this horrific scene, and her mating bond with Lucien snaps.
Another thing has been decided for her.
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Not only has her body and life been changed forever without her consent, now her romantic relationship has been decided for her as well. And it's with a man who participated in the plan that made this horrific moment happen.
Lucien is an accomplice of that. He isn't a bad person, but he is CLEARLY an accomplice. (GO NESTA!!)
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Elain is dealing with her trauma and she doesn't own Lucien anything. She suffered so much, she was broken and traumatized by what happened to her.
And Lucien and their mate bond are a BIG reminder of the day her body and life were changed against her own will.
We don't know much about her, but we have seen enough of her suffering and how traumatized she is in the books. Feyre always admired Elain's strength, because being kind and gentle in a world so dark takes balls, you know? Later on in the books, Elain is still kind and gentle but more reserved and quiet because she is dealing with her own shit.
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Strength doesn't equal to physical force. A big example? Queen Elizabeth I of England was strong and she never fought in a battlefield, but she was intelligent, cunning and brought a Golden Age to her country. She made a place for herself in a patriarcal society and that's how strong she was.
Elain's strength differs from Nesta's, Mor's and Feyre's. She isn't an active fighter like them, but yet she had the guts to fight in the war and stabbed the King on the neck to protect Nesta because she loves her sister and would die for her. Look at this.
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No one wanted her to fight, but she chose to. SHE CHOSE TO! This is important. She is scared in the battle camp and doesn't know how to fight or wield a sword, yet she trusts her friends and wants to fight alongside them. 
She might die in the battlefield, but at least she will fight fighting and not be a pawn.
She will enact revenge for what the King did to Nesta, to Feyre and to herself.
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MOREOVER –– Another big trauma (aside from happened inside the Cauldron and the dramatic changes in her life), it will probably be center around her body. 
Her clothes, body and beauty are mentioned all the time. ALL THE TIME. Elain, who was a very proper and modest lady (and didn't want to talk about periods even with her sisters), was seen naked against her will by everyone and she probably felt violated.
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Feyre mentions Elain's reaction when she sees her and Nesta wearing Illyrian fighting leathers. She mentions how Elain was offered something less scandalous and more proper. 
Imagine how someone so proper would feel after being used and seen all vulnerable and naked by so many people? To have been ogled against your will? To be seen as an “object” to see whether the Cauldron worked?
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Nesta is a sexual assault survivor and she also suffered because of their youth, Feyre's sacrifice to provide for them and Elain suffering from the Cauldron incident. She dealt with her trauma in her own way, just as Elain deals with it in her own way. And that's okay!
In Elain's book, her choosing who she wants to be with and how she wants to live from now on will be important. She will turn down Lucien, as it is obvious from what I explained above and because of the following:  Feyre and Rhys comment on how being mates doesn't equal to being right for each other.
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Sarah J. Maas said this as well.
She also said that a mating bond is something rare but that some people might be lucky and end up having two. But the main thing is: 
Elain will reject Lucien because they aren't right for each other and she will chose whomever she wants to because she loves that person. That's big and it will be key to the plot.
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Elain might end up being lucky and while falling for another person, a new mating bond might develop. But at the end of the day, it will be her choice. 
Not the Cauldron's choice, not society's choice or anyone else. 
Hers and hers alone.
You think she is boring? Well, we will learn more about her and we will see her heal from her trauma. Her body and her choices have been violated, but she will heal and grow for that and gain ownership over herself once again. 
Rhys, Amren and Feyre believe there is more to her than just the kindness she shows. 
“Maybe she was never given the chance to be that way.” “You think I stifle her?” “Not you alone. [...] But I wonder if everyone has spent so long assuming Elain is sweet and innocent that she felt she had to be that way or else she’d dissapoint you all. [...] With time and safety, perhaps we’ll see a different side of her emerge”
“You think Elain is boring?” “I think she’s kind, and I’ll take that kindness over nastiness every day. But I also think we haven’t yet seen all she has to offer.”
“Don’t forget that gardening often results in something pretty, but it involves getting one’s hands dirty along the way.”
“You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
“I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And it captured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you.”
“Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don’t underestimate her.”
Being a seer gives you many powers, but it would take me too much time so I recommend you to read this LONG AND AMAZING list of powers a seer might have posted by @miru5llec​ and you will be shocked and hyped.
If you like mythology and fantasy literature, you know seers are feared and respected. Kings have killed for having a seer in their ranks. They can reach levels of divine status and their ability as a seer gives them many more powers than those I have mentioned before.
Elain might not be physically powerful like Nesta or Feyre, but being a seer makes her more powerful than both of them but IN ANOTHER WAY. Look at the list above (linked) if you don't believe me. 
Her being on the Night Court makes Feysand's court the most powerful in Prythian.
That's why Elain is not boring and her trauma is valid. There is much more to her than what little we have seen. SJM has said so. Rhys, Feyre, Amren, everyone has said so in the books. We will learn about her, see her heal and chose who to love in her book.
“Why?” Elain demanded. “Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can’t have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
“But Elain said, “I went into the Cauldron, too, you know. And it captured me. And yet somehow all you think of is what my trauma did to you.”
We will see her develop her powers and learn how to use them. She is possibly the key to killing Koschei (the big bad villain) because she might have visions of where his heart is hidden in that fucking box and guide the IC to find it.
Furthermore, stop saying “I want Elucien to happen so Lucien can be happy.” or “Azriel deserves better than Elain because she likes to garden and is mated to Lucien.”
Elain doesn’t belong to Lucien.
Elain can garden, bake and walk around on her hands while singing La Macarena and that doesn’t make her any less strong than Feyre, Mor, Nesta or any other female character.
(Also, in this stupid ship war I have seen people pointing out how she wouldn't be able to give Azriel children because her body isn't Illyrian. This is disgusting. You are basically saying that all her worth lies in whether she can give someone children or not.
Do I remind you adoption exists? Rhys, Cassian and Azriel are brothers by choice, not by blood and they are BROTHERS. You can adopt and be a mother. And you can chose to not have children and that would be okay too. A woman's worth isn't in her uterus.
And that’s it. 
(I posted this thread on Twitter as well, so if you liked it you can go there and RT it or hit a like.)
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