#and gears in my hc and au takes care and appreciate the people around him
atinyladybug-art · 7 months
I have a comic idea because i was looking at an Iceberg sketch and like
my headcanon was that Iceberg's scarf was given by Gears before Gears was promoted into O5. And its like this conversation between Ice and Gears where Gears is like giving Iceberg a parting gift for working together for years.
and its a red scarf and Ice is like "why red? it's not exactly my favourite colour nor does it fit me with my teal hair yknow"
and then Gears is like "You mentioned you miss what warmth and fire feels like so I thought a scarf being red might give you that sense anytime you wear it." and "its so i can see you in the crowd from afar"
and it makes me happy.
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shannie-writes · 6 years
10 Reasons Why...
Hi, my name is Chief and I may or may not be suffering from Seth Thirst™. Is there an anonymous group for IkeRev around here?
Okay, but seriously, I love Seth (if you hadn’t already figured that out). I was tagged by @otomepile to list my 10 reasons why I love my favorite IkeRev suitor. This is probably going to be longer than I anticipate and simultaneously not remotely long enough to express my love for Seth.
I’m going to be shoving this all under a cut. There are going to be pictures and I’m sorry for the long post. There will also be a few spoilers in regards to Seth, just as a heads up. Most are from Fenrir route, so if you haven’t done his route yet...my summary for Fenrir’s route is literally:
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So with that, here we goooooo~~
1. His whole damn look.
Yeah, I’m starting shallow. He looks so divine. His hair is silky smooth and I would play with it for hours. His eyes are gorgeous. His eyelashes give me life. I never thought I would love a guy in a bolo tie, yet here we are. He is a tall glass of water and I am as thirsty as a man lost at sea.
Also, because I’m a sucker for aesthetics, the in-game MC and Seth having alternate color schemes for their eyes and hair? Heck me up with that. I need them in matching outfits, stat.
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2. He is a strong boy.
It’s canon, y’all, this boy has the strongest arms in all of Black Army. He is unbeatable in arm wrestling. He has honed his arms for his weapon and for his bear hugs. I love bear hugs. Let this man hug you. Give him a hug. Feel those arms of his. They probably look delicious under that damnable coat covering every possible part of him. I will kiss every inch of them when I see them. Cybird, give me a CG of his arms, please.
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3. Knows how to have fun.
He enjoys life to the fullest and jumps right in when there’s fun to be had. Teasing Sirius with Ray and Fenrir? Check. Teasing Ray with Fenrir and Luka? Double check.
He is a bit of a drama queen, but in the best of ways. He plays it up to act like a ham and it makes me laugh. He does it to get a laugh out of you. Appreciate it.
Also, those long-ass names he gives things? I love those. I want to collect each of them and put them in a jar for a rainy day. They are so Extra™ and so perfect.
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4. He’s trendy.
Give this boy two hours and he’s got your room at the Black Army HQ up and running from a drab, empty room to the beautiful setup it has in the BG. He is the ultimate interior designer. This boy has feng shui down pat. I wouldn’t trust anyone else in the roster to do as well as a job as he does.
Not to mention attire, too? Seth is the ultimate enabler and he’s totally the type of shopping buddy to tell you “Buy it, you know you want it.” And suddenly you have five different shopping bags from four different stores and an empty bank account. But you have to admit, you look damn fine. Also, he’d totally buy you something while you’re out, just to show you how much he appreciates you. He is treating every outing with you like a date.
In a Modern AU he would be the guy who has all of the most updated gadgets to make his life as accessible to fashion trends as possible, probably sews, definitely makes a big deal about interior design.
Am I HC-ing in this post? Whoops.
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5. Confident af.
Seth knows he looks good. He spends a lot of time and effort to do so. He has no fear or hesitation both on and off the battlefield. He doesn’t give a shit what other people think about him. It could be interpreted as narcissism by some, but I don’t think it goes as far as that end of the scale. He knows what works best for him and works it with confidence.
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6. Emotional and Expressive.
Seth really, really cares for people. He cries when his friends and companions are hurt. He worries for your safety and comfort. His fuckin’ D: face cracks me up literally every time I see it. (Even though they mostly use it in humorous situations, so it’s kind of a given).
He may keep his true intentions secret, but he has a good heart. He wears it on his sleeve often and by god, I’m gonna take care of it.
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7. Knows how to read the mood.
To go along with the point above, Seth knows when to be serious and when it’s good to break the mood with some humor. He is very sensitive to the situation and knows how to play it out to make it a positive experience in the end.
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8. A subtle but heavy flirt.
I’m a sucker for a guy that will give you genuine compliments. Seth gives them in spades (ha). He is sometimes subtle with it, sometimes not, but if he thinks you’re cute, he’s going to tell you. If you look pretty, he’ll tell you. He is an open book and he is going to write you a love song and sing it to you every day for the rest of your life. He’s not saying it just to get in your pants (though it would definitely get him in mine eyyyy). He wants you to feel confident in yourself.
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9. Protector of women.
Even though he doesn’t always act like a macho man, Seth understands that women can get uncomfortable around men, especially when they have something to prove. He will stand up for your innocence and safety, even if it’s from his friends, or even himself. He uses his strength and position to make sure you are as comfortable as you can be.
Not only this, (and this is where the spoiler alert comes into play) he does his damned hardest to protect you from Amon. In Fenrir’s route, he is revealed to be a magic tower spy hiding in the Black Army for information. Yet, when you show up, the king pin for what Amon is fighting for, he doesn’t pass that info forward. A different disciple shows up and essentially calls Seth out for not saying that Alice has arrived, and Seth tells him to get the fuck out of his territory. Later in route, when you are locked away in the magic tower, Seth writes out a map of the tower, passing it on to Fenrir and Ray so that they can get you out of there safely. Seth isn’t where he’s at hiding in Black Army HQ to harm you or put you in Amon’s clutches. He is there for a yet undisclosed reason, but it has nothing to do with your presence and he doesn’t want you getting tangled up in it and end up being used by Amon.
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10. Feminine, but not gay.
Please don’t take this wrong. As a woman who is bisexual/polyamorous, I love seeing LGBT+ representation in my media. I think it’s great.
Seth is not. He’s not gay (obviously; he is a suitor in a dating app geared toward women). He is not bisexual.
Why do I say this?
Seth doesn’t like men. At all. He thinks they are stinky, smelly, sweaty, nasty, brutes, all the other synonyms you can think of. He wouldn’t ever find himself in a sexual/romantic relationship with another man.
It’s honestly so refreshing to see an effeminate man portrayed the way Seth is. It’s a step forward, in my opinion. He can be emotional, he can show interest in traditionally feminine things, he can express himself cutely with the way he talks, he can walk with a skip in his step, he can do all these things and more, and still come off as a super dependable, reliable, strong guy. And I love it.
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Thank you all for coming to my TED Talk on Seth. I may or may not be a little ob-Seth-ed over him. Pffff. Who knows, maybe this will help give him the love in the fandom that he deserves.
For the people I would like to tag? 
Please feel free to do it as well, if you would like! It’s nice to vent all the good things about your bias.
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