#and had to use all his strength to make Richard to heed to his command which fell apart after he died and Richard was unleashed
wonder-worker · 1 year
"Because Richard (III) usurped the throne, his retinue is inevitably seen as inimical to the crown and therefore in an important sense independent of royal authority. In the context of Edward IV's reign, in which the retinue was created, neither assumption is true. The development of the retinue would have been impossible without royal backing and reflected, rather than negated, the king's authority. Within the north itself, Gloucester's connection subsumed that of the crown. Elsewhere, in East Anglia and in Wales, that focus for royal servants was provided by others, but Gloucester was still part of that royal connection, not remote from it. In the rest of England, as constable and admiral, he had contributed to the enforcement of royal authority. When he seized power in 1483 he did not do it from outside the prevailing political structure but from its heart."
-Rosemary Horrox, "Richard III: A Study of Service"
#richard iii#english history#my post#Richard was certainly very powerful in the north but to claim that he 'practically ruled' or was king in all but name is very misleading#his power/success/popularity were not detached from Edward IV's rule but a fundamental part/reflection/extension of Edward IV's rule#even more so that anyone else because he was Edward's own brother#there's also the 1475 clause to consider: Richard & Anne would hold their titles jointly and in descent only as long as George Neville#also had heirs. Otherwise Richard's title would revert to life interest. His power was certainly exceptional but his position wasn't as#absolute or indefinite as is often assumed. It WAS fundamentally tied to his brother's favor just like everyone else#and Richard was evidently aware of that (you could even argue that his actions in 1483 reflected his insecurity in that regard)#once again: when discussing Edward IV's reign & Richard III's subsequent usurpation it's really important to not fall prey to hindsight#for example: A.J Pollard's assumption that Edward IV had no choice but to helplessly give into his overbearing brothers' demands#and had to use all his strength to make Richard to heed to his command which fell apart after he died and Richard was unleashed#(which subsequently forms the basis of Pollard's criticism of Edward IV's reign & character along with his misinterpretation of the actions#of Edward IV's council & its main players after his death who were nowhere near as divided or hostile as Pollard assumes)#is laughably inaccurate. Edward IV was certainly indulgent and was more passive/encouraging where Richard (solely Richard) was concerned#but he was by no means unaware or insert. His backing was necessary to build up Richard's power and he was clearly involved & invested#evidenced by how he systematically depowered George of Clarence (which Clarence explicitly recognized) and empowered Richard#and in any case: to use Richard as an example to generalize assumptions of the power other magnates held during Edward IV's reign#- and to judge Edward's reign with that specific assumption in mind - is extremely misleading and objectively inaccurate#Richard's power was singular and exceptional and undoubtedly tied to the fact that he was Edward's own brother. It wasn't commonplace.#as Horrox says: apart from Richard the power enjoyed by noble associates under Edward IV was fairly analogous to the power enjoyed by#noble associates under Henry VII. and absolutely nobody claims that HE over-powered or was ruled by his nobles or subjects#the idea that Richard's usurpation was 'inevitable' and the direct result of Edward empowering him is laughable#contemporaries unanimously expected Edward V's peaceful succession. Why on earth would anyone - least of all Edward -#expect Richard to usurp his own nephew in a way that went far beyond the political norms of the time?#that was the key reason why the usurpation was possible at all#as David Horspool says: RICHARD was the 'overriding factor' of his own usurpation There's no need to minimize or outright deny his agency#as Charles Ross evidently did
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teefa85 · 4 years
Before I do anything else, I want to post the second part of my two part fic series.  This time, from Hawkeye’s eyes on an all male team.  There is more dialogue from the game since there is more in game interaction in this configuration, but it still shows his feelings about things going on.  Along with some snark from Duran and a bit of adorable from Kevin...
           The tactical meeting dismissed, leaving Duran and his team to get ready for their trip back to Beiser.  There was worry that they might not be able to leave Palo, but thankfully Liza was able to inform them that ships were still going out.  Kevin had asked if they could swim instead of taking the boat but was overruled because neither Hawkeye nor Duran would be able to keep up!
           “Well, we should get supplies before we leave,” suggested Duran.
           Alma, the middle-aged woman who’d been at the meeting, stated, “Then come with me.  I’ll show you were we have some extra restoratives.  And don’t worry about paying us back…you are taking on this mission for our sake, after all…”
           “If we’re getting supplies, can I have something to eat?” questioned Kevin. “I’m hungry.”
           The two youths followed her out of the room, as did the few Amazons and the old man.  Leaving only Hawkeye and Riesz standing around.  He took her in for a moment, not knowing what to think.  What other royal princess would volunteer to go on a dangerous mission instead of delegating responsibility to one of her underlings? Not only that, but she was the Captain of the guard as well!  Something told him that it wasn’t just some ceremonial position they’d handed off to her…this girl had the look of someone who, despite her unassuming appearance, could kill a man with ease if needed!
           “Are you okay?” she asked, looking up.
           For a moment, Hawkeye stayed silent.  Then he closed the distance between them a little, looking her straight in the eyes. “I am sorry for all you are going through.  If I had been stronger, I might have been able to stop this before it got out of hand.”
           “Huh?” the confused girl replied.  “Whatever do you mean by that?”
           Taking a breath, Hawkeye told her, “I…come from Nevarl myself.  Ever since that witch, Isabella, joined us, she has been manipulating our leader for her own ends.  I tried to stop her, alongside my best friend…but we failed!  And I’m the only one of us who survived to keep fighting.”
           Riesz was taken back a little.  Sure, she had suspected the man to be one of the thieves when he’d been brought in. But while it would have been safer to lock him up in the jail, just in case, something told her that he was trustworthy.  Maybe it was the fact that he was traveling with people who were clearly not Nevarlans. Maybe it was the stories Alma had told her about the Pedda war, including mention of a Nevarlan deserter who had been one of her allies, telling her to give him a chance.  And yet, she was not expecting him to apologize, or to hear of outside influence starting the conflict.
           “I cannot forgive them for killing my father and abducting my brother,” she finally said.  “But I can tell you are sincere.  Please, do be careful on your journey…I do not want to see others hurt because they are trying to help me and my people.”
           Hawkeye thanked her, his mind trying to process everything.  This girl…she wasn’t like any royalty he’d ever heard of. All the stories told in Nevarl were of people who would use anyone they could with little care for their safety or security.  Of people who would bleed their citizens dry in order to have money for the sake of having money.  Yet despite only having just met her, Riesz truly felt like a person who cared for her people out of authentic responsibility, not merely something they claimed in order to get away with whatever they wanted.
           As he began to open his mouth, Duran came running in.  “Hawkeye!  We got the stuff we needed, and Kevin’s fully fed!  Let’s head out for Beiser!”
           The young thief turned with a sigh, telling Riesz, “Don’t worry, Princess! We’ll get you that info and reclaim your citadel before long!”
           “You know, you should call a princess ‘Your Highness,’ if you want to be polite!” Duran stated.
           “And you’re one to talk about politeness!” joked Hawkeye.  “Besides King Richard, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you act polite towards anyone!”
           Their playful argument continued as the pair left the room.  Riesz watched them leave, a smile crossing her face. She then grasped her hands in prayer, begging the Goddess of Mana to watch over the three travelers on their journey.  Not just for retaking Laurent…but wherever they roamed afterwards.
* * *
           A trio of ninja guarded the doorway to the highest point of Citadel Laurent. Before they even knew what was going on, the one in front felt a shuriken embed itself into his forehead! Down to the ground he went, his comrades following soon after to the strike of a sword and the claws of a fully transformed beastman!
           “And that’s a wrap for these idiots!” Duran exclaimed, sheathing his sword.
           Hawkeye added, “We’re getting close!  Isabella’s reign of terror over these people is almost over.”
           Duran nodded.  “Yeah. And we’ll definitely make sure to get her out of Nevarl once we’ve got the Mana Sword.  She may not be my true enemy, but I’m not gonna leave a friend’s home in danger!”
           Kevin rammed into the door in front of them, bursting it open.  Thankfully…nothing was broken, though Hawkeye did get a lie ready about it being damaged in a fight with the invaders if needed be.  He might believe Isabella’s actions were wrong and self-serving, but that didn’t mean that he should have to pay for damages to the citadel done by him and his friends!
           As Duran reached out to touch the Goddess Statue, a woman’s pained cry lit up the air! Hawkeye immediately rushed up the stairs to find Riesz, kneeling on the ground and with several bloody gashes on her body.  Bil and Ben stood over her, shuriken in their hands and ready to end it…
           “Riesz!” he called out, knives at the ready.  “Wait, Bil, Ben?  Stop! What are you doing!?”
           The two paid him no heed, as if they did not recognize Hawkeye at all! Instead, they ran further in, calling out for someone named “Belladonna.”  While Hawkeye didn’t know who that was, he had more important things to worry about.  Like making sure the injured woman in front of him didn’t bleed out.  He grabbed one of the Honey Elixirs that Alma had previously given them and had her drink.
           “…Th-thank you…  The enemy commandant is in that room over there.  I will…go…shortly,” she told him, struggling in an attempt at standing.
           Despite the pain clearly still shooting through her body, Riesz tried to pull herself up.  Only to collapse back on her knees.  Hawkeye could see the determination in her eyes, knowing that he’d probably act the same way under such circumstances.  Still, despite his usual reservations about royalty, he was not the type to let a young woman be put in needless danger.
           “Don’t be an idiot!” he snapped.  “You aren’t going anywhere with those wounds!  What would your subjects do if you didn’t make it back?  Wait here—we’ll take care of it, Your Highness.”
           He ignored Duran’s comment about how he was being all formal towards Riesz now. As well as the wolf whistle and comments about him being a player.  Instead, he kept his attention on the beautiful woman before him, her eyes still filled with equal parts determination and pain.  She spoke of her promise to avenge her father, something Hawkeye could understand all too well.  He would go through anything to avenge Eagle, and if he’d been in the same situation, someone else would have had to get him to stand down.  Meaning…he had to do that for her!
           Hawkeye looked Riesz straight in the eyes, a gentle expression on his face. “I’ve never been a fan of royalty, but I understand responsibility.  You can’t let down all those people who look up to you.”
           As he turned to leave, Riesz whispered his name in a gentle voice. Hawkeye could feel strength welling up inside of him.  He would do this…for Eagle, for Jessica, for Nevarl.  And so the girl in front of him could regain her home!  Sternly telling her to stay out of harm’s way, he rushed off!
* * *
           They were able to liberate Laurent and get the Nevarlan agents out of the citadel. Still, Isabella, no, Belladonna had gotten away.  Hawkeye didn’t know why she’d gone under an assumed name, nor had he ever heard of the “Dark Majesty” that she spoke of.  But he could tell that this man was bad news!  It looked like he had a tougher fight to reclaim Nevarl and avenge Eagle than he’d expected.
           Riesz thanked the group for their help in saving her home.  But noted that it would not bring her murdered father back. Hawkeye told her how his friends appeared to be under mind control—something he knew well that Belladonna was capable of, considering what she did to Eagle—and it was the same for all of Nevarl.
           “Belladonna…  She is the one who stole my father and my kingdom from me,” commented Riesz.  “She still has my brother!  I will never forgive her!”
           Hawkeye looked at her sadly, worried she would get in over her head again.  Or worse…she’d skewer Belladonna with her spear before he could finish his own job!  “Riesz, listen.  I know you want revenge, but if you destroy Belladonna now, an innocent girl’s life will be in danger.  Just give me a bit more time.  With the Sword of Mana, I know I can save Jessica!  That’s why we have to find it!”
           Whether out of guilt or worry, he knew not, Riesz looked at the floor. “This Jessica, is she…” But she stopped at those words.  “Never mind. I understand the situation.  Right now, my fellow countrymen and I need to focus on rebuilding my kingdom.”
           He thanked her for understanding and letting him take care of things.  Not paying any attention to the smirk Duran was throwing at Kevin.  Of course, when the knight mouthed, “I think she likes him!” to his friend, it was missed because Kevin didn’t realize he was trying to send a message!
* * *
           With the blessings of her soldiers, all knowing their captain wouldn’t sit and wait for others to rescue her brother, Riesz prepared to set out at the same time as Duran’s team.  Hawkeye did wish she would rest a little more, although he didn’t voice his concerns this time.  She did appear fully healed, after all, and he knew that if it were him, he’d have to be chained down to keep from going!
           ‘Funny…never thought I’d say I had something in common with a princess!’ he mused.
           “I will set out again to renew my search for my brother,” she informed them. “Thank you all for everything you have done.  May we meet again.”
           “Riesz, I wish…,” began Hawkeye.
           However, Riesz interrupted him as she put her hands up over her reddening face. “Uh, I-I must go now!  Take care, everyone.  Farewell.”
           With that, she ran off, leaving the trio standing in the citadel entryway. Hawkeye looked down for a moment, letting out a sigh.  He had wanted to echo her sentiment about seeing each other once more.  It would be a shame never to gaze upon such beauty again! Or maybe…
           “Hey, Hawkeye?” Kevin asked.  “Why did Riesz’s face look red?  Is she still hurt?”
           Before he could answer, Duran let out a little laugh, putting his arm atop Hawkeye’s shoulder.  “It’s simple! She’s obviously got a crush on him! What luck, having a cute princess want you!”
           The thief playfully pushed his friend away.  “Yeah, right!  I think I just knocked her off kilter!  She wasn’t expecting me to be so dashing.  It’s not like a princess would fall head over heels for someone from the nation that just torched hers!”
           “But you wouldn’t mind if she did?” questioned Duran.
           Hawkeye had no answer to that one…other than that it would be nice.  And expected to get teased mercilessly about it on the boat ride back to Beiser!
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