#and halfway down the path home there were just 4 loose dogs up ahead so i had to make a different out of way route
dragpinkman · 2 years
awful walk 4/10
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nightglider124 · 6 years
5.000 Prompt #4 & #120 - Jinx X Kid Flash, please!
Nice. Er… the first one is probs a little shite; I really struggled with the prompt and idk why. 
Second one had me smiling whilst I wrote it tho.
And I know Wally in TTA has blue eyes but I really prefer him having green eyes like in YJ. Oh well, sue me. 
These are a fair bit shorter than any of my robstar ones but hey, there are 2 in this reply so.
Hope ya like them.
“You are going to have to eat something if you want to run from cops all day.”
It was warm, thesunlight drenching everything in its path. An interesting thing considering itwas getting on towards the middle of Fall. The orange and brown leaves had mostlyalready fallen to the ground, crunching beneath people’s feet.
Good things were ontheir way like Halloween and Thanksgiving and the nights were getting coolerand crisper; perfect weather for snuggling up to loved ones with hot cocoa.
Wally smiled as hisgreen eyes scanned the windows of the shops they were passing. He had so manyideas for Christmas presents but he was still about 2 months early so he was restraininghimself all he could.
He rolled hisshoulders beneath his red and yellow coat, flexing his fingers that wereintertwined with his girlfriend’s. He looked over at the pink haired beauty inquestion who had her eyes on the sidewalk they were walking upon.
It was nice thatthey could go out together without bothering with disguises or holorings. Thetown they’d chosen to call home together was quiet and whilst they savedinnocents when necessary, the public nor police tended to make connections orreally take an interest; a vast difference to Jump or even Steel city.
She must haverealised he was staring at her because she turned her head toward him,smirking, “What’re you looking at?” She asked, with a mock attitude.
“Just some hottie.”He replied, flashing his teeth as he grinned,
“Loser.” Shelaughed, rolling her eyes.
Jinx suddenlysniffed the air, the delicious aroma of food filling her nostrils, “Wal, do yousmell that?”
He inhaled thesmell of greasy fast food and smiled, “Oooh… hot dogs…”
As they turned thecorner of the street, they located the source. There was a silver trailer withan open front, a sign on the top and a crowd nearby. They could hear the radiobeing played whilst the cook did his job and the sizzling of fries and burgerson the grill were unmistakable.
Wally sped up,dragging Jinx with him. She smiled and rolled her eyes; she often wondered ifthere was ever a time that he wasn’t thinking about food.
He halted in frontof the fast food trailer, his eyes roaming over the menu whilst licking hislips. After what felt like forever, he finally nodded to himself and smiled,
“What do you want,babe?” Wally asked, eyeing Jinx.
“Just a hot dog,thanks.” She murmured, leaning into him a little,
Wally grinned atthe man inside, “Can I get 3 regular hot dogs please?” He asked, gaining anaffirmative nod from the vendor and forked over the cash,
Jinx’s bright eyeswidened and she pulled away to stare at him incredulously, “Seriously? You’regonna eat 2 hot dogs?”
He snorted, “Why doyou sound surprised?”
“I’m not. You’rejust ridiculous.”
“You’re justjealous because my metabolism is waaay faster than yours.”
“Uh-huh, that’s it.You got me.” She muttered, shaking her head,
After a fewminutes, the chef handed one hot dog to Jinx and the other two to the redheadedboy himself. Wally thanked him and the two continued to walk down the streettogether.
Before they’d evenmade 3 blocks, Wally had finished his first hot dog and was onto his second.Jinx, who was halfway through her sole hot dog, raised her eyebrows,
“Where do you evenput it?”
Wally chuckled,taking a huge bite of his secondary hot dog, “I told ya. It burns off before iteven digests meaning I never lose my abs.”
Jinx narrowed hereyes at his stomach, “Abs? Where? I don’t see them.”
He scowled at her, “Ha-Ha.You’re funny.”
She smiled and tookanother bite of her food, “I know.”
As they wandered, acomfortable silence befell them for a short time as the two simply ate theirfood. They reached the end of the street which led to an open park and stopped,Jinx swallowing her last bite of hot dog, scrunching up the napkin and throwingit in the trashcan outside the gates of the park.
“Y’know, it’sprobably a good thing you’ve eaten a lot anyway…” Jinx mentioned, slyly,
Wally paused beforehe could take his last bite. His eyes swiveled to her, unnerved, “Why?” Heasked, skeptical,
She smirked as shestared ahead at the park, “Oh no reason…” She paused, “you are going to have to eat something if you want to run from cops allday.”
By this point hehad finished off his hot dog but passed mid chew to stare at her wide eyed, “What?Why would we be running from police?”
Jinx shrugged, coyand tilted her head from side to side, “Do you remember that diamond bracelet Iwas looking at in the jewelry store?”
Wally slowly nodded,dabbing his face with the napkin cautiously, completely thrown by the thingsshe was saying,
She smirked, thatsignature mischievous glint in her eyes, “Well,it was so expensive but I reallywanted it so…” She scuffed her toe against the concrete briefly,
Whilst Jinx hadreformed and mainly did good things, working as a hero rather than a criminals,she was a bit of a loose cannon and occasionally relapsed on her promises ofnot stealing ever again.
His eyes widened tothe size of dinner plates and he felt his heart drop and a case of nerves buildin his chest instead, “Jinxy, you didn’t-”
Momentarily reliefsurged through him, “Oh-”
“You did.”
He almost fell onhis ass, he was so surprised, “What!?”
She gave him aslow, naughty little grin, “Check your pocket.”
Gulping, Wally slida hand down into his coat pocket. He closed his eyes and cringed as hisfingertips brushed over the smoothness of the diamond bracelet. He shook hishead, struggling to form words to reprimand her,
“Jinx! You know wedon’t steal-”
She rolled hereyes, “Being good is okay and all but sometimes, I miss the rush of being acriminal, that’s all.”
Wally flinched ather flippant behaviour, “That’s all!?”
“Will you shut upand start walking already?”
She smirked, “Don’tyou hear the police sirens? We gotta get going if we don’t wanna be caught.”
He merely blinkedat her, his mouth hanging agape as disbelief consumed him. She giggled and spunaround on her heel, sprinting through the gates of the park.
Now that shementioned it, those sirens were getting awfully close. His heart startingbeating rapidly and he gulped, shaking his head and chasing after hisgirlfriend,
“Jinxy! Get backhere!” He called after her, frantically looking back to keep an eye on thosepolice cars closing in,
He really lovedJinx but boy, did she like to throw one hell of a curve ball sometimes.
“I’m not trying to threaten you.” “Well I do feel pretty fucking threatened!”
Licking his barefingers free of pizza grease, Wally smiled lazily to himself, momentarilysatisfied by the entire pepperoni pizza he had just stuffed down his throat. Hewiped his hands on the sofa before sighing and leaned back against the pizza.
He heard asimilar sigh but it was more like a sad or unhappy one.
Wally looked overat Jinx who was sitting more or less like he was, her feet up on the edge ofthe coffee table and her hands resting on her slightly bloated tummy, full fromtheir pizza pig out. The boxes lay on the table, empty with nothing but crumbsleft inside.
“You okay, Jinxy?”He asked, speaking through his food coma haze,
She sighed andshook her head,
“What’s wrong?”He asked, suddenly concerned,
“Wally… you maynot like it but… we need to start eating better.”
He blinked beforehe suddenly found himself in a bit of a cold sweat, nerves rocking through him,“Excuse me?”
Jinx rolled hereyes and sat up straight, crossing her legs and turning her entire body towardshim, “Wally-”
He was confused.
“No, seriously.What?”
“The bad foodhabits aren’t good for us. If we keep it up, we’ll never be useful heroes toanyone.” She told him, tilting her head towards him,
He sat upsuddenly, his brows furrowed and he opened and closed his mouth several timeslike a fish out of water, “You must be joking, Jinx. Tell me you’re joking!” Heshrilled,
She cringed and rolledher eyes at him, “I just mean not as much junk, Wally.”
He shook his headminutely, “Look, if this is your way of trying to get me to participate more indaily training, then ya got me. I’ll do it. You don’t have to threaten me!”
Jinx raised aneyebrow at her boyfriend, “What? I’m nottrying to threaten you-”
“Well I do feel pretty fucking threatened!”Wally yelped, looking like someone had snatched his most favourite toy in theworld from him,
Jinx’s face wasblank and she folded her arms over her chest, “You’re overreacting.”
Wally threw hishands up in the air, “Hey, you’re the one trying to take all the joy outta mylife!”
The pink hairedgirl sighed, “Look, I-” She suddenly stopped and frowned, “Wait, junk food isthe only joy in your life, huh?”
His eyes widenedas he realised what he’d just said, “Wait-”
Jinx got to herfeet, her fists on her hips, “That’s it! I’m replacing everything in the fridgewith salad and fruit! How about that!?”
He slapped hishand to his chest, staggering back against the couch, “Jinxy! NO!” He gaspeddramatically, “Don’t… do… it!”
With that, hecollapsed back on the sofa, his arm and leg falling over the back of the seat.He panted harshly, acting like she was effectively killing him.
“Dear lord, don’tlet her do it.”
Jinx’s expressionwas deadpan and she dropped her shoulders as she stared at her boyfriend incomplete disbelief. She shook her head and rolled her eyes,
“Sometimes, I can’tbelieve I’m actually dating you by choice.” She sighed, collecting the pizzaboxes off the table whilst he continued to fake a heart attack over hersuggestion.
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