#and has a certain way of doing things and u obviously don’t fit into that mold
jrwiyuri · 8 months
That gorgug scene is so depressing to me… it’s so.. sigh
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wokelander · 2 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. president!leon, intern!reader, drug mentions, affair, cheating, smut, p in v sex, oral, blowjob, just general presidential gross behaviour
note. commission for @slovakbabe :33 sorry this is so late.. kept changing it ugh! ignore any typos / mistakes :3 feedback / rbs appreciated. inaccurate bc i’m british 💔 some details r taken completely from lewinsky-clinton case! like umm the dress duh.. and some of the trial talk! also the part w claire um! sorry the pov keeps switching oh my gosh!!! hope u like this and I hope it was worth the wait!!! tried to compress the plot to make it fit into the word limit so if it sounds jumpy excuse me… readers personality changed ack..
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God bless America, and God fucking bless nepotism.
You don’t know a thing about environmental quality, your carbon footprint is far bigger than your So Kates and it’s not something you’ve ever been concerned about. Dad was an advisor to whoever was in office twenty years ago and his last name takes you further than your English degree ever has.
The lady in charge of interviews tells you that you have a ‘good face’ and that must mean something. When you get the call a few weeks later you’re not surprised. Now your parents have something to gush over at soirées and afternoon tea parties - their girl is interning at the White House.
“He’s a liar, a total liar, you know, I don’t think he even knows what he’s doing, he reads off a script twenty-four-seven.” Claire can’t even pretend to be happy, she struggles to look at you when you drop the news over brunch.
“I mean he’s the President, Claire, lying is like his job,” you say to her, checking out your pores in your compact mirror, “and he’s hot, have you seen him in that Vogue photoshoot? The nineties one?”
“Yeah.” Her bottom lip juts out. “He’s also a sex pest, they just put whoever's got the most statutory rape allegations against them in office, the people’s vote doesn’t even count.”
“Jesus, he’s not that bad, Claire.” You stand up, dusting the crumbs off your lap and leaving a tip on the table.
“He knows Epstein.” Claire takes a moment to stand, but she follows when you start to walk away.
“Yeah, but not that Epstein, Claire.” In all honesty, you don’t know much about President Kennedy other than his sexual escapades, you know a lot about those. You know about his affair with Ashley ‘America’s Sweetheart’ Graham, and you know what she was wearing when they got caught by the media.
Graff earrings that weighed 52.55 carats each, you wonder how many children died digging out those white diamonds, a yellow cap-sleeve dress and white closed-toe pumps, four inches tall. She towered over him in the photos the same way his wife does.
“How many Epstein's are there?” She’s so intense, you feel the heat of her anger when your arm brushes hers.
“A lot, and not all of them are Jeffrey’s.” You turn to face her, giving her a smile in hopes of settling her down. “Now, I’m going to powder my nose in the ladies’ room and you’re going to wait out here, and when I come back you’ll be calm, ‘kay?”
When you return she’s not calm, and she’s not calm for the following week, but she wishes you good luck over the phone on Monday morning and it’s because Claire could never stay mad at a pretty girl.
You put on your best (read: shortest) dress, within regulations of course, you’re not looking to get fired on your first day, but you are looking to turn a certain head.
Your peers are dressed comfortably, to say the least, well, as comfortable as business wear can be.
Poor sartorial taste is always an indicator of wealth. The girl to your left might be a Harvard graduate, but if that tacky brooch says anything it’s that she came from a blue-collar neighbourhood. Her bouclé jacket is obviously thrifted and flats? Seriously? Ballet pumps in the White House must be a dress code violation.
The rumpled shirt of the boy directly in your eye line has got to be the biggest fashion faux pas you’ve seen like ever—Well, your sister wore white after Labour Day, and a chunky statement necklace a decade too late.
Smarts can only take you so far, but looks are everything. The clean-cut elegance of a Louboutin, a timeless red lip, and a nice ass in a tight skirt. Oh, you’ll be going places for sure.
(The second floor of the White House perhaps.)
Your superior, Helena, gets it. She’s tall and that always helps. Immaculately dressed in tailored pinstripe trousers, they’re not quite ankle-swingers, but short enough to show off her sleek boots.
Man, you should’ve gone to fashion school.
When everyone stands, smoothing the creases in their clothes, girls using their thumbs to clean the lipstick from the corners of their mouths - you’re a beat late, too many eyesores taking up the space in your head.
But there’s nothing for you to fix, you already look perfect, so you stand pretty while they tremble in ill-fitting dresses.
The camera adds ten pounds, President Kennedy is all the more handsome in the flesh. That face says Italian love affair, but you know that dick is American as apple pie.
His wife is close by his side, their arms looped in a show of sanitised intimacy. Sophistication is dead and gone, pillbox hats and pearls are out, Ada Wong is more seedy sex dungeon worker than Jackie O. It’s admirable really, you’ve got to have guts to dress like the mistress.
President Kennedy makes his way down the line of interns, and then, he pauses in front of you, close enough to smell his cologne. His eyes follow the clean lines of your outfit, and then he grips your hand too tight.
It’s when you’re mingling an hour later after your introductory session, Helena approaches you in her usual composed manner, and very simply says, “Be careful around him.”
“Who?” You ask though you know exactly who she means.
“Leon.” The informality takes you off guard, her brows furrow like his name is sour on her tongue.
“Oh.” You pretend to take this in, but you’ll suck dick to break the glass ceiling, you’d risk the Kennedy curse for that man. “I mean, I’ll try to be careful, but I have to be in his good books.”
Helena’s lips form a thin line. “Trying isn’t good enough.”
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“Big day ahead of you.” Ada sits on the end of the bed, fully clothed to the detriment of Leon’s dick. A non-existent sex life is a side effect of marriage he hopes scientists are working on daily to find a cure for.
“Isn't every day a big day?” If it’s not constant meetings and putting false hope in the heart of every American, it’s brunch with world leaders and dinner with the Pope where cocaine is served under a cloche.
“Hm.” She places her teacup down, gliding towards him and placing her hands on his shoulders. “Nice tie.”
“I know,” Leon says absentmindedly, scraping the powder beneath his nails out, a makeshift French manicure, “It’s Armani.”
“And not custom-made?” She pinches his cheek, gentle in the way only a paring knife could be. Leaves a wound that won’t ache until he notices it in the mirror later. “You’re slacking, Mr. President.
“And you’re exasperating, Ada.”
“Wow.” Ada’s brows shoot up into her hairline. “That’s a big word.”
“Yeah, I’ve been learning.” Leon sniffs as she looks him over with practised attraction.
“Aw, just so you can be mean to me?”
“You know it, beautiful.”
The only good thing about today is the interns. Fresh meat. Leon’s a cat person, he likes cougars and sex kittens, and he’s sure there’ll be plenty to pick from. Older women are easy to please and younger ones are easy to charm, the moment he steps into that room, getting his dick wet is the main priority.
Hunnigan doesn’t have to know that he doesn’t really care about where these girls graduated from. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton. They’ve all got pussies and that’s what matters.
Leon makes his way down the line like it’s a pageant show.
Too short, too shy, too tall, too thin, too fat, straight up ugly.
And then there’s you. Put together, smiling at him all coy like you want him. Girls like Ashley don’t ask for it, they beg for it—You look like you know what you’re here for, you don’t need to beg ‘cause he likes you already.
Leon gets the chance to talk to you an hour later, Helena shoulders past him as he approaches, Hunnigan a few steps behind him. He hopes Helena didn’t say anything in bad taste. In her words, Leon is a ‘Napoleonic little fuck’ and if it wasn’t for the pay, she’d want nothing to do with him. She’s not his biggest fan, so he prays she hasn’t fucked it up for him before he even got a chance.
“So, how old are you?” Leon asks brashly, his mouth twitches upwards when you tilt your head to the side and challenge him with your gaze alone.
“I’m legal if that’s what you’re after, Mr. President.” You could tie his balls together like cherry knots with a sharp tongue like that.
“How legal?” Fucking legal? Drinking legal? Voting legal?
“Very legal, Mr. President, I wouldn’t get you into any trouble or anything.” Your smile is cheeky, and your eyes glint, you’re trouble from head to toe.
“I don’t need you to get me in trouble.” Leon smiles back at you, that skirt is so fucking tight, he wonders if he could get you out of it.
“Mr. President,” Hunnigan warns, her wooden face seems to come to life, a small frown gracing her lips.
“Don’t be jealous, baby, you know I love you and only you.” Leon takes her hand, kissing her fingers until she snatches it back. He catches you laughing into your palm.
See? Easy to charm.
“Mr. President.” His final warning.
“I’m joking.” Leon’s face softens when you slip past her into the crowd, hates to see you go, loves to watch you walk away.
“You need to work on your jokes, Mr. President.” Ada grabs his shoulder from behind and he’s chilled to his core. Jesus. She’s so fucking scary sometimes. “I think you’re having a midlife crisis, they’re getting younger by the second, we should get you a shrink, Leon.”
“Yeah, okay, Ada, you can stop trying to pimp me out.” He’s eye level with her today. She’s opted for a shorter pair of heels, less threatening.
“Pimp you out?” She scoffs, “I just don’t want to be bailing you out, Leon.”
“Don’t need to be bailed out.” Leon shrugs. “I’m the President.”
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Being an intern, Helena tells you and the rest of your peers, it means you won’t get to brush shoulders with the President as much as you probably hoped. He doesn’t visit often. He’s busy—
But he comes every day like the sun.
He pretends to be interested in the environment, whatever it is that you’re meant to be doing, but Leon might be the biggest private jet offender yet.
You notice the agitation that crosses Helena’s face anytime he intrudes, it passes a moment later, back to her usual impassivity by the time he sticks his nose in your business.
“Merely interested,” Mr. President claims like he wasn’t looking down your shirt. “Just passing by,” he says when he places a hand on your shoulder and lets it linger.
He never goes further, and it drives you crazy. He’s the fucking President, he could get away with groping you in public, he could make you get on your knees right now and he’s holding back.
Being the President and all, you suppose he's immune to flattery, and that’s alright. You’re immune to diamonds and fast cars and designer dresses. Been there, done that. You won’t be swayed so easily, you don’t want his money, you want his dick and a little piece of his heart, a mention in his will, the key to the Kennedy estate.
You want to go down in history, any publicity is good publicity, you live and die by that. Weighing up the options, you decide playing hard to get is what might work best—He’s already got everything, and he already wants you, you know he does, but you’re going to take that away from him.
No more peeking down your blouse, no more wandering hands and no more flirting. You’re cutting him off, cold turkey. Like, yeah, hypothetically President Kennedy could get any girl he wanted, but he most certainly won’t be getting you, and every man wants what he can’t get.
By the end of the week, he’ll want to break you in like a pair of new dress shoes, he’ll be eating out the palm of your hand, and maybe your pussy from the back.
It works like a charm.
“You’re avoiding me,” Mr. Kennedy says, free of his security detail as he corners you in the hall, his nose brushing yours, eyes wide and desperate—It’s only been a week.
“What makes you think that, Mr. President?” You feign disbelief, placing a dainty hand over your heart. His eyes catch the light like a cats, a crescent of white eclipsing the blue.
“Leon,” he corrects, the usual smarmy smile wiped off his face, “say it.” His hand cups the underside of your chin, tilting it upwards.
You pretend to falter, gazing over his shoulder with glassy eyes like uttering his name is too much for a mere intern like you. It’s not, it’s really not.
“Leon…” You repeat back to him slowly, like you’re new to this planet and you’ve never heard the name outside of his utterance.
Slowly, Leon draws back, hands dropping to his side as he looks down at his shiny shoes. “Don’t… Don’t be like that.”
“Like what?”
“All shy, it don’t suit you.”
“Oh.” So he knows what you were doing. Maybe you’re not as smart as you thought.
His hands ghost over your body, and he asks if you’ll meet him after dark. You’re an opportunist, so you accept and find yourself doing overtime in the Oval Office.
He’s gentler than you expect, cradling your face as he rocks his hips into you. You don’t kiss on the first date, but you’ve never been opposed to some fun. Leon’s head drops to rest on your shoulder, you wonder while you pass a hand over his hair if the Barbie blond is natural or a personal choice.
This is terribly boring, you thought there’d be something exciting about fucking in the Oval Office, but you find yourself more interested in the interior design. Could use a column or two, ionic or Doric or whatever.
Oh gosh is that a photo of his mom—And his wife is a given, oh and Ashley Graham is there too, is that even allowed? He doesn’t have kids, thank god.
Leon finishes on your stomach, then he twists to face the closed golden drapes - a sight you’ve only ever seen on the silver screen. Like clockwork, he plucks the mini flag from his desk and uses it like a handkerchief, wiping his cum from your stomach.
Planting his seed in American soil, you guess.
His body trembles with aftershocks in your hold, and he offers a weary smile. “Was it… Was it good?” Leon’s eyes shift, he can’t hold your gaze as he tucks his limp dick into his slacks.
Awaiting your answer, he toys with the buttons on his shirt like a child looking for comfort in what they’re used to, that nervous look is out of place on his face.
“Of course it was good,” you lie, smoothing down your skirt, “you’re the President.” You don’t step into your heels yet, instead letting him revel in the inch or so he has on you, kissing his protruding collarbone.
That brings him to his senses, Leon’s chest puffs as he nods like it’s all coming back to him, his arrogance. “Right, yeah, I am.”
Before you leave, Leon takes your wrist in his hand, his nails look manicured. He’s got the nose for cocaine so you don’t put it past him. “Same time tomorrow?”
You smile at him sweetly. “Of course.”
Duh. You haven’t got a legacy out of him yet, nobody knows your name outside of your social circle and that’s not enough. Nice cars, colonial mansions—It’s not enough, you don’t need what you already have. When disposable income is all you know, when money grows in your backyard, it’s nothing about that. You won’t be done until you’ve run him into the ground.
Sure, you’re two yachts and a beach house in Miami rich, but you’re not the First Lady. You could boss around a maid or two, get a server fired when you go out to eat, but you don’t have world leaders rolling out red carpets for you to walk on when you land.
Honestly, if you weren’t so concerned with your figure, you’d think about poking a couple holes in the rubber—If that dick even works right.
A week later, you have him kissing your ankles while they dangle over his shoulders, the wet sound of his balls slapping your ass and strained moans as he tries to keep it down filling your ears.
Again, nothing to write home about, his tip barely manages to knock your cervix as he fucks into you with all he’s got, panting into your mouth while you kiss him. You gave up on faking it a couple of days in, you’ve a very good liar, but not a great actor.
You find that your disinterest gets him going, he sees it as a challenge, Leon takes pride in making you do as little as sigh when he thumbs your clit with deft fingers.
“Fuck, wait, I’m gonna—“ His eyes are lidded, staring at you expectantly while his hips stutter, dick pulsing inside of your slick cunt, his tip is wetter than you are. “Can I?”
“Yeah, sure.” You give him the green light and he spills inside of you, it trickles out, dribbling back down his shaft and leaving a residue on the underside of your ass. “I didn’t finish,” you tell him, unsticking your thighs from the glossy wood so you can shift back and spread your legs wide.
Slowly but surely, Leon gets the hint, slightly flustered by how straightforward you’re being. His thumbs part your pussy lips, tongue licking up the centre of your cunt, eating his cum out of your wet hole. You place a hand on the back of his head, pushing him into you, his nose bumps your clit and you gasp.
Oh god, why is his nose more talented than he is? You feel Leon’s fingers push into you, two to keep you happy, curling upwards as his lips latch onto your clit. You cum on his tongue, toes curling in your shoes, it’s pleasant and nothing more, like sun-warmed water lapping at your toes.
Leon moves to kiss you, his pink lips wet with your pussy, you want him to go home and kiss his wife with that mouth, you want him to wear your scent in place of his cologne. Your pussy is super prestigious, costs way more than Tom Ford.
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Foxes are nifty little things - sometimes they come in the form of young girls with nice asses.
You’re pissing him off.
Nice car, wow, Mr. President! My dad has one parked in the garage, but we haven’t used it in a while. It's too loud, disturbs the neighbours. Oh, Leon, you shouldn’t have! No, really, you shouldn’t have, I don’t wear yellow diamonds, haven’t you heard of colour theory? They so don’t suit my undertones. Wow, Mr. Kennedy! You were in an episode of Friends once thirty years ago? Oh, gosh, you played Joey’s distant Italian cousin? That’s so crazy, my mom and Jennifer Aniston work out together every Tuesday!
Nothing’s enough, and that’s never been a problem for Leon. Even girls who have everything, Ashley Graham to name one, swoon over classic cars and ball gowns and him. They go crazy over him, but you’re using him as a stepping stool for something else. What else? What more could you want?
Leon might be fucking stupid when it comes to politics, he doesn’t know what to say without prompts, he doesn’t know shit about Guam or Penamstan or much at all—But he’s not dumb, you’re using him, and he’s letting you use him. Walking all over him in six-inch pumps, leaving your lipstick on his collar like you own him, sucking his dick so damn good he can't get rid of you.
You’re like a bed bug. A really hot bed bug. You’re also young, but his cock doesn’t care for morals or ethics and it never really has. Dick wants what the dick wants.
He isn’t going to be stupid this time—You don't want to be impressed so Leon won’t waste time buying you jewellery you consider old fashion, no need to take you for spins in vintage cars, you just want him. He gets it - everyone likes him.
“You’ve never taken me home,” you tell him one night, the white hotel sheets draped over your naked body, angel wings or a shrouded corpse, he's not quite sure.
“There’s nothing interesting at home.” Leon’s bottom lip juts out, preening when you scratch under his chin.
“Doesn’t have to be interesting.” You’re buttering him up with kisses. “You like me, right, Leon?”
“I guess so.” He grunts when you give him a swift elbow in the gut. “I’m kidding, of course I like you.”
“Then why don’t you want to take me home?” Your greed is so violent it grows teeth, he feels your nails digging into his skin.
He gives you one look. “You should know your place.” In my life, at work. An intern and a mistress.
You’re not one to back down. “Excuse me?”
“I’m sorry,” Leon says quickly, fuck, man, you’re scary. Ada isn’t scary, she’s just a bitch, in a hot way—You’re, like, mean. You boss him around and for some reason, he listens. Jesus Christ, isn’t the power imbalance meant to go the other way around?
“I want to come home with you,” you beg, but it’s not really begging, it's an instruction, “I want to sleep in your bed, don’t you like me?”
“I do like you, baby,” he insists, sighing softly when you take your hands off of him, he still feels the sting of your nails on his back, “I like you a lot, you think I treat anyone else like this?”
“Yeah, I bet you do this to every girl.” When it’s just the two of you, when he gets you bare like this, your age shows.
“Not true,” he scoffs.
(Obviously, that’s true.)
“Okay, so then if I’m sooo special, you should take me home.” God, you’re gonna ask him to dump his wife next. This is the problem with rich kids, they’re as entitled as he is. “It’s not like you have kids.”
Leon’s carelessness is lined with caution. He’ll take a mistress or two, but he won’t take that home. That’s something you do outside of the marriage bed. But you’re a kid, you wouldn’t know that, this is probably the first time you’ve fucked a married man, let alone the President.
“It doesn’t work like that, baby,” he tries carefully, pinching your cheek, “you’re a smart girl, you should know better.”
“Don’t talk to me like that, I’m not a kid.” It’s spoken like an accusation, his fingers lose all dexterity when you push him away.
“I know, baby, but you’re being a little selfish right now, you know that?” Comforting you is a balancing act, he flicks through a Rolodex of tactics in his head. He lands on making you feel small. Guilt-tripping doesn’t work on girls who are spoiled rotten, begging just makes you feel like the shit. “It’s not just about you here, is it?”
When you don’t answer, he continues. “If I took you home, I’d put everything at stake, I know you know that.” Leon pulls you apart like orange segments while you turn his mind into your personal playground—It’s a fair trade.
You turn over quietly and he knows he’s won.
It goes on for a month, and then two, and then three and then more—Leon finds himself wondering when it’s time to introduce you officially as his side piece. Unofficially, most insiders know, but the press hasn’t picked up on it yet. If Ada knows she says nothing about it - she lets him be quietly awful.
Your duties with Helena dwindle and he finds you under his desk more often than not, lips stretched around his cock, your lipstick smeared on his shaft.
Leon slaps his dick against your cheek and you jump, shoulders up near your ears.
“Don’t do that.” You pop off his cock to scold him, the wet of your mouth engulfing him a moment later, head bobbing as you take him to the hilt.
“Sorry,” he nearly whines, lips parting when you mouth along his dick, licking the seam of his sac when you reach the base.
Your hand works his cock while you suck on his heavy balls, leaving your red kisses all over him, he’ll watch them run down the drain when he showers. He feels your teeth graze his sensitive skin and the knot in his lower belly snaps, seed spurting from his leaky tip and landing on your cute red blouse in white ribbons. You kind of look like a red velvet cake.
“Oh fuck, Leon!” You knock your head on the desk when you get up, rubbing the forming bump with a groan as you dab at the stain on your shirt with a tissue.
“I’m sorry, you surprised me!” He makes no move to help ‘cause when he does try you only seem to get more agitated at him.
“Fuck, just—How am I supposed to go home like this?” The stain is pretty much cemented, that shit is potent, goddamn.
“You can take my jacket,” Leon offers, ever the gentleman.
“Right, and let everyone find out?” You raise a brow at him.
“Thought that’s what you wanted anyway,” he huffs.
“I do, but not like this,” you groan, missing the trashcan when you toss the clump of wet tissues, “I want to be caught doing something romantic, or just glamorous, not with your fucking dick in my mouth.”
“Oh, baby,” Leon coos, “but you’ve always got my dick in your mouth.”
“Shut up, Leon, oh—Whatever, just, I’m leaving, okay? Don’t call me tonight.” You grab your handbag from his desk, heels click-clacking as you exit, a very proud and noticeable stain on your right tit. He likes that one better.
Leon doesn’t call you, he finds himself away on foreign business, swept up by presidential duties for once and too busy to answer any calls that aren’t to do with work. He’s in Paris overseeing whatever Hunmigan told him to oversee when the news breaks. He never sees your voicemails until they come to him in the form of transcripts.
Leon, oh god, I’m sorry—I’m sorry for being a bitch last week, but can you please call me back? It’s important.
Leon? I’m sorry, can you call me back? It’s really important, I’m—I’m not fucking around, I promise. It’s just that, oh god, Leon, I really messed up, I can’t believe… I don’t want you to hate me for this, I know you’re mad at me, but please can you answer? They didn’t let me in today, they said you were away and—I told them who I was, that I worked there, I gave them Helena’s name and they still, Leon they didn’t let me in. I thought they knew about us.
Leon, I can’t—I need you to answer me, I feel like I’m talking into thin air, can you please just call me back, please, Leon? It’s urgent. I fucked up, I just need you to answer me so we can fix this, I fucked up so bad and I’m sorry, Leon—I was, I was stupid, but I can fix it if you just answer me. I love you a lot, Leon, please answer me.
I didn’t mean to call her, Leon, I didn’t—I mean, she’s my friend, I tell her everything and I wasn’t thinking. I was just upset, I just wanted to talk to someone about it, I didn’t know she would—I didn’t know she would do that to me. I didn’t fucking know, I just wanted to talk to somebody, I just—Please, don’t be mad at me, Leon.
I was frustrated, I told her about the shirt, why I got mad at you—I didn’t think anything of it, I tell her everything so I didn’t think it would be—I mean, she was acting weird, I was gonna take the shirt to be dry-cleaned after you fucked it up, but she told me I looked fat in it and that’s so—Leon, that’s so weird of her to say, Claire would never say that to me and I was fucking thinking at the time, that’s so weird, she would never say anything like that to me—Shit, and she even said it weird, y’know? Like it hurt her to say it, and I fucking just left it in the back of my closet, I don’t know why, she just got in my head about it ‘cause she’d never say anything like that and I was so confused. Oh fuck. God. I really love you, Leon, like, a lot. Call me back, it’s urgent, please don’t do this to me.
The press conference is held two weeks later, and surprisingly, you don’t show your face or make a fuss. He thought you’d cause a riot, that you’d sell that blouse for millions, get it DNA tested, ruin his life in a few seconds. It might be shame or heartbreak, Leon doesn’t know.
He wipes his sweaty hands on his slacks. From beside him, Hunnigan gives him a slight nudge. “You call her a woman, not a girl, is that clear?”
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“I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” he says, posed up in front of an American flag like a pinup girl, “I want you all to listen to me, I’m gonna say this again, I did not have sexual relations with that woman.” He’s distinctly handsome on your flatscreen TV.
This man is full of nothing but his own prick.
How could you be so stupid? You should’ve kept it strictly business, but of course, you wanted more, you always want more.
While you suppress the urge to cry, your mom places a hand on your shoulder. “No use crying over spilt milk, honey,” she hums, going back to her fashion magazine a moment later.
But it is, he ruined that blouse, and you love that blouse. Not to mention you’re a laughing stock. You’re not the First Lady, you’re just some crazy bitch who lied about fucking the President.
It’s not fair, he gets to come away with everything intact, you’re the one who loses everything. Your internship, Claire, respect, everything. It’s all coming undone. All that dick you sucked landed you nowhere, and he—He just gets off scot-free.
You need to take him down.
Leon was smart enough to leave no evidence, he rarely messaged, he only called and call logs alone are never enough to prove anything. You’ve got all those gifts, but that means nothing to anyone, you can’t prove who got them.
What got you in this mess in the first place is bound to get you out of it.
You ask Daddy to get you a good lawyer and you open up your case against Leon Scott Kennedy. DNA testing is on your side, the results tell the nation that it is in fact his American seed on your blouse and that their President is a sex fiend who likes to break young girls with bright dreams and promising futures.
Which, of course, isn’t true, you knew what you were getting into, but you’d happily lie to get the last word. To wipe the smile off his smug fucking face. You still want to fuck him, you still like him a lot. He sticks to you in an unpleasant way, like his cum.
“He’s on TV again,” your sister lets you know, and you lift your head from a court document to watch your ex-boyfriend fumble his way through a thorough grilling.
Leon dodges questions well, but you can tell he’s getting nervous. His fingers twitch and his blinking becomes more rapid. “Uh, what qualifies as sexual relations?” He tries to throw them off with his stupidly hot smile, his dimples and white teeth and pretty eyes when he knows damn well that being balls deep in your pussy is a sexual fucking relation.
“She wanted me,” he says finally, and Hunnigan closes her eyes like she knows it’s over, running her hand over her face as Leon undoes a lifetime of her work, “she wanted me, who was I to say no—As an American man, it’s my duty to listen to our women.”
Oh, he’s so fucking screwed. Why did you fuck such an idiot? You should’ve gone for an actor instead.
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.
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President Leon S. Kennedy
July 19, 2024.
Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Americans, good evening.
Today, I’m standing here to take complete responsibility for all my actions, public and private. I’m here to admit to a personal failing, an indiscretion, that has hurt my family, colleagues, and the American people.
It is with great regret that I admit to having an extramarital affair with [REDACTED]. This was a serious lapse in my judgement and a personal failure, one that has brought endless pain to those around me, it was never my intention to disappoint the ones I hold so dear.
As I told the grand jury today, at no time did I ask for evidence to be destroyed or hidden, at no time did I ask anyone to lie for my wrongdoings. This is not a moment for excuses or justification, my actions were wrong, plain and simple. I misled both the nation and my wife with my previous statements, I understand that it gave a false impression to those around me, and to those who trust me. I deeply regret that.
My actions have caused the nation pain and needless embarrassment, and for that, I am truly sorry.
I had concerns for my family and protecting their privacy, the independent counsel investigation moved onto staff, family members, friends of mine and it has gone on for too long.
Our country has been distracted by this matter for too long, and I committed to taking full responsibility for this transgression. Once again, I apologise and aim to reclaim my private life for my wife, friends and colleagues. It’s nobody’s business but ours.
I humbly ask for your understanding and patience as I strive to earn back the trust of my fellow people, of our God, and of those around me.
Our nation faces significant challenges that require my full dedication, I ask for us to turn away from this spectacle, to move forward to come together and focus on the tasks ahead, to remain united in our efforts to build a better tomorrow.
Thank you for watching. God bless America. And good night.
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swtnrcmnt · 2 years
୨୧ — e.l relationship headcanons
yes this is tradition for every new character i obsess over :)
just an fyi ! this will fit a more girly, coquette!reader :) any race is welcome to read ofc ! i’ll also be including some nsfw headcanons to test the waters and see if i should write more in the future ! enjoy :)
- is the sweetest cutest golden retriever boyfriend
- and is the most awkward when he first meets you
- he follows you around like a lost little puppy
- oh also for sure gives u the princess treatment. like he will never let you hold anything.
- shopping spree? he’ll hold your bags. walking back to your dorm? he’ll hold your books.
- he’d do literally anything for you because he’s HEAD OVER HEELS
- if we’re going to acknowledge the ghostface thing, i feel like he would make sure that you never get hurt physically whatsoever
- mentally? he can’t really promise that lol
- back to my sweet angel boyfriend who does no wrong !! he would never hurt a fly
- would always be taking candid photos of you
- and you absolutely hate how they look but he thinks you just look so beautiful doing an essay or cleaning the kitchen
- also he’s a canon virgin lol, so i assume he doesn’t have much experience at all with girls
- maybe a first kiss, but still super nervous about making any moves on you like first kiss or even asking you out
- he doubts that you’ll ever like him so before you start dating and he has this big fat crush on you he’s like ‘oh she probably doesn’t see me as anything more than a friend’
- but he’s wrong (obviously)
- once he gets more confident with you and the whole relationship thing he’s a lot more touchy than you expected
- for ex: when you first start dating he’s shaking in his boots anytime he kisses you and would probably only kiss you in private, he’d be nervous to even hold hands omg
- but you’ve been dating for a while now, he won’t hesitate to pull you in for a kiss in the middle of a subway station, and always always has his arm on your waist, or is holding your hand. touching you in some way
- he loves cuddles !! he told me personally
- after a long day, there’s absolutely nothing we would rather be doing than cuddle up with you in bed :(
- he also definitely takes photos of you while you’re fast asleep on his chest. you can’t tell me that doesn’t seem like something he would do
- he also would take his phone out and use those snapchat filters that completely morph you into something else on you without your knowledge
nsfw headcanons for my thirsty girlies
- he’s so fucking nervous the first time
- mainly because it’s his first ever time
- but like the kissing, he gets more confident with it as the relationship progresses and would gradually start to show his kinks
- and he has an obsession with going down on you i don’t make the rules !!
- idk guys he gives off sub -> dom you know what i mean?
- i think it’s mainly because he’s a virgin lol
- and as i said he gets more confident in bed the longer you’ve been dating so i feel like he would eventually end up as a dom at some point
- i also just get the vibes
- he’s so so good at aftercare and takes it very seriously
- if you want a certain snack afterwards and he doesn’t have it, he will go above and beyond to find that snack for you
he’s so cute i wanna give him a kiss on the cheek
this is also kinda all over the place but let’s ignore that !!
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rollercoasterwords · 3 months
hi there! i saw a post you made ages ago about gender not necessarily being a static thing and being something that can change over a person’s lifetime.
excuse my ignorance in this but do you think that is something that applies to a person’s sexual orientation as well? i always appreciate your insight on these topics.
also, apologies if anything is worded strangely. english is not my first language.
no worries, i can understand u perfectly! and my short answer to ur question is yes
longer answer is i don’t think anyone is born w some innate metaphysical identity that they can unearth to discover their True Self; i think sex, gender, and sexuality are largely socially constructed, though obviously materially rooted. the comparison i sometimes make to explain this to students is to think about an accent—certain physical aspects influence accent (mouth shape, vocal chords, etc) but ultimately the accent a person has is almost entirely shaped by the world around them; babies aren’t born with some “true” accent they have to discover about themselves. but that doesn’t make a person’s accent any less real or “natural”!
i think where some people get defensive abt the idea that sexuality isn’t necessarily static or innate is that oftentimes conservative voices have used this specifically to say that being gay is a phase, etc. this is a very clever trick, in which heterosexuality is enshrined as “natural” and any sexuality departing from that is a phase, a choice, etc, such that many queer people have found themselves cornered into arguing that queerness is also natural and innate, just like heterosexuality. but the ‘born this way’ narrative will ultimately not lead to liberation, because it fails to question the basic premise that heterosexuality is natural and innate; in reality heterosexuality is just as constructed and contrived as any other form of sexuality, and in fact we often see the lengths that people must go to in order to hide this fact. kinda like the wizard of oz behind the curtain (the invention of heterosexuality by jonathan ned katz is a great book abt this!)
the other sticking point i think people often have with this concept is that they think saying sexuality isn’t innate means people can just pick & choose who they’re attracted to. but that’s not how social constructs work! again, going back to the example of accents, just because an accent is socially constructed/developed does not mean that people can just snap their fingers and get a new accent. this is because social constructs are grounded in material realities and have material effects; they’re not just playing make-believe. money is another good example of a social construct that has very real and tangible material effects; i can’t just take monopoly money to the store and buy something.
so…yeah. i think sexuality can be just as fluid as gender. maybe you’ll be attracted to something at one point in your life and that’ll change over time, or maybe you’ll identify with one sexuality and then later figure out a different label works better for you. when it comes to queer politics & queer communities, i really don’t see a point in trying to nitpick or analyze whether someone is REALLY x sexuality, or what the “correct” label is for someone to use, bc i find labels more useful for identifying shared struggles than for like. unearthing buried metaphysical truths about identity lol. i also have found that i personally am much happier not worrying about figuring out my “true” sexuality and just using whatever label best fits my experiences & how i’m perceived in the world
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akhillaous · 4 months
TikTok TSOA fans are so funny because they’ll swear up and down that they despise Achilles and “only read it for Patroclus who was sweet and innocent and did nothing wrong 🥹🥹” like ijbol u people are not serious. Hate Achilles all you want, he did do bad things, me personally I hate him for sacking certain Trojan cities and refusing the embassy, no one’s denying that he was wrong and that he was a bad person at times, but loving a character does not equal justifying their actions for one thing and to act like any character from the illiad was a paragon of perfect morality is fucking insane. ( Yes, even Hector, everyone’s favorite “🥺he was such a perfect husband🥺” man of the month ) It’s literally so crazy to say that Achilles was the only one of the two of them to actively commit bad deeds and war crimes during the WAR they were in. Just close the damn book I’m sorry but obviously a book with morally ambiguous and dark topics are not for you at this point. Like I get your point, what Achilles did was bad, it’s not like majority of people DONT agree with that point.
But characters are not supposed to be FLAT. They are not supposed to be all good or all bad. Your insistence that Patroclus was only a good person does not make him a good character. It actually makes him really fucking boring. I’m getting way too passionate about this but like I’m so over everyone acting like
1) Achilles was the worst person to exist in Greek mythology history when he’s not even the worst fucking person in the illiad itself 😭 ( that honor goes to Paris, Zeus, Aphrodite, and Agamemnon <3 )
2) A character can only be liked or appreciated or even just talked about if they fit modern ethical standards
Like every conversation I see about TSOA, any video on TikTok, there’s always a comment that has to bring it up like “I only liked Patroclus and he was an unreliable narrator so Achilles was actually much worse” Like okay we get it, God, fuck off please!
Also the whole thing between him and Apollo. PLEASE. Those two are two sides of the same exact coin. I think Apollo was justified in killing him but yall act like Apollo has not done the same if not worse than what he killed Achilles for. And that’s. FINE. I still love Apollo! For all the good and the bad that he does I think he’s the most interesting Greek God on the Pantheon and in the Illiad he’s actually one of my favorite characters to hear from. And I don’t expect the Greek god to act with good moral intentions. I expect him to act like a Greek god. I expect Achilles to act like a Greek demigod. Which is, exactly the way he acts. Maybe yall expected something different. If you wanted a short sweet story that happened to be queer with two perfectly acceptable, 100% goody two shoes main protagonists, please drop the classics inspired books and watch heartstopper.
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hsslilly-blog · 2 months
hiiiiii. i see your vision. tell us more about the fallout au pls <3
so! i think it should be set on the west coast because 1. i like the desert aesthetic 2. it could crossover with hollywood u at some point and 3. nishan big mt. the vault could be in southern california and numbered 105 (no of main quests in hss prime, minus the tutorial). not all the main characters are vault dwellers (the other ones are already in the wasteland). vault 105 dwellers: the mc, wes, sakura, autumn, julian & ezra. for now. this got really long so the rest is under the cut!!!
okay so i think this vault’s experiment would work like this: three dwellers would be appointed overseers every few years by the vault’s mainframe computer, picked from the overall vault population; each of these overseers would come from different “parts” of the vault though, depending on their assigned jobs. that way, each overseer would have a different personality, which would (eventually) clash as they make choices regarding the vault. this is how we get autumn, julian and sakura as overseers in the au.
the objective here is to see how this would even work. would these people find a way to work together? would they fight?(yes) how does a vault ‘controlled’ by three people even look like? would they listen to the other dwellers? would there be factions/divisions? the biggest ‘test’, then, would be: how would these three people act/react in a high stakes situation that could put the entire vault at risk?
a random person from the vault gets irradiated, somehow. the problem: this vault is missing the P.I.E. (post-irradiation equipment) device (in universe they call it a device like people say atm machines), which is Something vault-tec designed to be used in this exact situation. someone gets irradiated, they use this thing to buy them time until the vault doctors can quarantine this person/give them medicine/external help can arrive. but like i said, this vault doesn’t have one because of the experiment. so this is literally the one situation that couldn’t happen in this vault.
oh also! this person cannot be related to any of the three overseers. this way they don’t Really have a motivation to help this person. just sacrifice them or whatever for the greater good. BUT i think the person wouldn’t be That Random. the person who gets irradiated is actually someone the vault is very dear of/very popular. WHICH! fits the game.
in the pizza day quest you can choose between ezra or shane to go to the storage room. both very popular/well liked in game! and after Reflection. i think it should be ezra who gets irradiated because it would give wes motivation to go out with the mc. in the “best” case scenario, his best friend turns into a ghoul (and they don’t even know wtf is that). in the worst one, he dies and dooms the entire vault with him.
so ezra gets irradiated. the vault doctors can’t get near him to help him bc they don’t have the P.I.E. device. killing him is obviously impopular, but also doesn’t solve the issue of him being radioactive and possibly irradiating the rest of the vault as well. so sakura orders him to get isolated/quarantined in the vault’s prison cells/section. the other vault dwellers ofc love ezra and don’t want him to die, so they try helping him in ways they can (like, ezra still has to eat and stuff). and then it’s kinda like the quest and sakura keeps escalating things and punishing people for trying to help him. the other two overseers start to disagree but they can’t do much because they’re scared of sakura!!! lol. she has ‘alerted’ vault-tec and is certain that help is on the way (it is not) so people need to CHILL (said as she locks up another person).
the mc and wes get in contact with another vault (they get into the overseers’ office somehow. it’s wes) so they can get another P.I.E. device. kinda like the plot to fo1. the difference here is that the two of them are doing this behind sakura’s back and essentially escaping the vault. so they do that. what do they find on the wasteland. errrmn…. things. meanwhile the situation at the vault keeps escalating with sakura + ezra is still at risk of contaminating the entire vault so they’re running against time.
there are a few holes but that’s what i had thought of!!! i haven’t decided in which point of fallouts timeline it’d take place. maybe somewhere between fo2 and new vegas? so the ncr is already a thing in california and many vaults have already opened up.
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autistic-katara · 1 year
ok so tags, tags r so confusing and idk why
ok so the tags do seem confusing but they’re actually pretty simple (i’m gonna talk abt this through the lens of searching for fics btw)
so when u click on a tag and click filter (which is normally how i look for fics) the filters are split into 3 sections
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include, exclude, and more options. and if u look at them they have subsections, the subsections for include and exclude being the same, and i’ll explain what the subsections are below
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so this is ratings. all of the filter tags thingys are sorted by how many fics there are tagged/rated like this in this tag, in this case i clicked on the Stranger Things fandom tag and that’s the results (don’t think i rlly need to explain what the ratings mean or anything). when including stuff u can only select one (obviously) but u can filter out multiple
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next is the warnings, all fics r required to have at least one but u can add multiple. think these r all pretty self explanatory except underage which either means underage sex or underage SA (or possibly smthn more broad but i’m pretty sure it’s one of those, more certain that it’s underage sex in general) also no warnings and creator chose not to use warnings are 2 different things, if something is tagged creator chose not to use warnings then it could mean it has major character death or violence or whatever but the author didn’t wanna add a warning for some reason so be sure to check the tags.
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next is categories, this is about the different kinds of relationships in it. for f/f, f/m, and m/m f stands for female and m stands for male so they’re about sapphic, straight, and achillean relationships respectively. gen means no romantic/sexual relationships and multi means there r multiple kinds of relationships (e.g a fic where one of the relationships in the fic is lesbian while another is straight). other i think is just for stuff that doesn’t rlly fit in any of the other categories, like for example if it was [character]/gn reader (put a pin in the / we’ll come back to it later)
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up next is fandoms. now from here on all the things that show up in the filters aren’t the only options, they’re just the top 10. i don’t rlly have anything to say on this bit so i’ll just move on.
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next is characters, if u want a character to be in the fic ur reading u can filter in their tags. don’t rlly know what else to say on this other than again these r only the top 10 and i’ll talk abt a way u can search for others in a minute.
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next, relationships. if u want/don’t want a certain relationship to be in the fic u can filter them here. also remember how i told u to put a pin in that /? well yeah this is very important to remember: a / between 2 characters is a romantic or sexual relationship and an & is a platonic/familial/etc. relationship. srsly u don’t wanna mix them up.
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and last in the include/exclude section is additional tags. this is for just everything that would be tagged that isn’t any of the other stuff. like any AUs, if it’s got smut/angst/fluff/whatever, any extra warnings that weren’t in the big warnings section (e.g a suicide attempt or homophobic language), if it’s a smut the specifics about what kinda stuff they’re doing, etc.
but we aren’t completely finished in this section because we still have:
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this thing is just what u would use if a tag u wanted to read/block wasn’t in the top 10 of their category of this tag. u can just type it in here and it’ll probably come up but if it doesn’t u can just press enter and it’ll still work.
and that’s all for include/exclude but there’s still more options so i’ll get into that
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first is crossovers. pretty self explanatory, exclude crossovers means all fics that come up will only have one fandom, show only crossovers will include only fics that have multiple fandoms, and include crossovers shows both.
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completion status. completion status is (obviously) about whether a fic is complete or not. if a fic’s chapter count is like this: 7/7 it’s complete, if it’s like this: 7/16 or 7/? it’s not, and the filtering is pretty self explanatory.
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word count. if u want to read something idk shorter with a quicker payoff or longer with more content or whatever reason u can filter the word count. how it works is for example if u put 7000 in the “from” area and 20,000 in the “to” area all the fics would have 7000-20,000 words.
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date updated. if u don’t wanna read fics from before/after a certain date u can put the date into this and filter it (e.g i recently watches itsv and wanted to read abt my boy Miles but haven’t yet watched atsv so i put atsv’s release date into the “to” section so none of the fics would have spoilers).
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and finally there’s this thing which i honestly have no idea how to use so yk.
there’s also a way to filter only one language in incase u don’t wanna be scrolling and find a rlly good fic only to find out it’s another russian fic or whatever and a way to change what order fics come in (latest updated first, latest posted, most kudos, etc.)
anyways yeah hope this was helpful and made sense and if ur confused by anything just ask and srry if u meant how to tag ur fics not how to use the tagging system to search if u meant that just tell me and i could explain that too if u want and yeah happy writing :)
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years
ugh. getting so tired of how the feminine is considered inferior. how being a woman or someone of another sex/gender who is "too" feminine automatically makes ppl look down on u and makes the world less safe. how traveling is so much harder and u have to constantly be on ur guard for a potential threat to ur safety. how u can't just trust a stranger complimenting u or starting a conversation bc if u don't brush them off it might put u in danger. how u have to constantly be on ur guard and assessing like ur living in a horror movie or smthing. and yeah obviously there's other circumstances/groups this applies to as well in certain contexts. but u know what I mean?  
how women are encouraged to model their behavior and appearance off of what would be pleasing to the male gaze but it's not the same for men. men get to decide how women should be to be attractive but then they also get to decide how men should be. women are told what kind of men they should be attracted to and if they are attracted to a different image of masculinity or a different kind of man or not attracted to men at all then they are Othered and looked down on. 
(and it’s not even all men making the decision. it’s like this subset of men. like the men who aren’t like this don’t get a voice either. and the more a man deviates from what masculinity is “supposed” to be the more they are silenced. men who aren’t straight/cis/traditionally masculine often don’t get to be part of the convo). 
an actress that has lots of male fans who think she’s sexy is considered successful. but if a male actor has too many female admirers it’s viewed as tho he’s not a serious actor or lesser somehow or as if it’s a joke. probably partly bc a lot of times the male actors with huge female followings are the ones that fit the female gaze and don’t fit the traditional conceptions of masculinity that women are “supposed” to be attracted to. and thus deserve to be punished. which is unfair to them as well. 
and it’s self perpetuating in a way bc it’s an excuse to mock and degrade men and other genders who don’t fit this toxic mold. maybe partly bc the things that are sexy according to the so-called female gaze (and I don’t really like that word either bc I feel like it’s very reductive and gendered and generalizing and stereotyping but im using it for lack of a better term) are more difficult. like being respectful or cultured or smart etc takes work. and requires giving agency to the other person too. being powerful and just taking what u want is easy. so it’s better to pretend that that makes u a ‘real’ man or something instead of just a jerk. 
and yeah. it’s just tiring. how society punishes anyone who doesn’t fit this certain specific conception of “masculinity.” (which really has NOTHING to do with masculinity and everything to do with rebranding certain behaviors as somehow being sexy and justified and natural instead of just being a jerk. bc c’mon. the truth is men are perfectly capable of being empathetic and mature and compassionate and calm and respectful and controlled. being aggressive and arrogant and hotheaded and selfish and pushy isn’t manly or masculine. it’s just being a jerk. 
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enamelon · 1 year
Ok so first like I was listening to Tomcat Disposables and I am so smart for making that Darnold's song especially because "Do I belong in right and wrong?" because he couldn't bring himself to kill anyone, all he wanted was to be strong and fly kites and to "mind his own" literally "mind me not and I'll/mind my own my/mind's not one bite smaller or lesser then yours" I hope this makes sense because like it does fit him he just wants to be happy he didn't want all this!
And like for Forzen she also just wants to go home, he just wants to graduate but he's actively fighting because he has no choice in the matter and like I dunno I don't have any particular lyrics but when I think of him I think of "Am I being detained?/Am I under arrest?/Read me my rights please!/I want my phone call!" because it just it just fits
Ok so while Sububia Overture is obviously like...the glue song but the lyrics "So give your half-life crisis/I can tell you know where paradise is" perfectly mirror the Coomer clones scene (someone pointed this out to me but I can't remember who), so does "Guess it's true that a snowflake only matters in a blizzard!" and also the ending bit Love me, normally just.... "Giveth and taken away till things turn out a certain way/leave you wondering when they might go back to normal/Leave you wondering why they can't have just been normal" is just too perfect.
I have to leave for a bit but ll leave you with these then agress the other ones later
YESYESYES YEAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! i love all of these thoughts so much, some of mine is under the cut hehe
I TOTALLY SEE THE SAME STUFF FOR DARNOLD YIPPIE!!!!! i also think of the “I expect no dreams/And no sweet goodbye to me” being like him pre-au feeling forgotten by everyone because they don’t come back for him!!!!! he cut ties but he still feels a little sad from his expectations!!!!!! i also have like thoughts of like a fanmade ending where they’re all transferred to this like better program where they’re better and i think of everyone going to see him after he wakes up and he just tears up because everyone cared about him after all……
i love the thoughts for forzen teehee i think of those lyrics being the interrogation the science team does and gordon’s just so annoyed while this kid who wants to graduate and leave won’t shut up about beyblades and irate gamer akdjskjshdj
EDIT: OH I FORGOT A FORZEN THING when he’s like “You appear familiar dear/You look just like my bathroom mirror” i like to think he’s saying gordon reminds him of himself rather than sunshine like everyone else, this has turned into a hc of mine where he’s the only one who can immediately tell the difference between the two, everyone’s confused while he’s like “wdym they look totally different”
OUUGH. suburbia overture okay. i like this song a LOT and it’s a pretty long one so this will have a lot more
i think of suburbia overture being like. an introduction to the town? if that makes sense? a nice cheery and slightly creepy introduction of coomer and the town and everyone that lives in it! imo i thought of “So give me your half life crisis” directly referencing half life and coomer spinning around sunshine while basically being like “the half life you might have expected isnt here its ok to still be sad about it but we’re here to help!” the “What is he building in that painted lady/A participation trophy wife or blonde, blue-eyed baby” makes me think of coomer looking at bubby working on his rocket in the backyard and daydreaming about how life would be if they could make it out hehe <3 “Home is where the heart is/You ain’t homeless but you’re heartless” also makes me think of sunshine and how he was artifically made rather than being an actual person in the real world like gordon, “The dog bites the postman while basement eyes dream/Of a night at the drive-in with an AR-15” makes me think of coomer just looking up at the night sky knowing damn well it’s not real and not being able to keep his happy façade up, unrelated but i like to think on one of the “suburbiaaaaa”s coomer slides in front of benrey to give himself a dramatic lighting hehe benrey’s just like wtf in the back lmfao
HEHE YES VAMPIRE CULTURE!! if anything makes me think of the coomer clones THIS SONG IS IT. this whole song to me is like coomer’s anger showing through and how he can’t handle being in a fake reality anymore!!!!!!! i also think of him like tango-ing with the real gordon and singing about his wine-red blood in the lyrics about blood hehe “You don't make the rules, you just write them down and/Do it by the book you throw around!” ALSO MAKES SO MUCH SENSE W HIM SAYING THIS TO GORDON AND CALLING HIM OUT FOR HIS MORALITY DO YOU UNDERSTAND.
love me normally makes me SO ill like. can you see coomer feeling bad and looking up at the night sky again? but with sadness rather than anger? “The Lord looked down, said, ‘hey, you're only mortal’” just makes me think of gordon saying this to coomer and i auuuughhhhh…… they both just want to live and love normally….. i think of gordon hugging coomer at the end too because i’m SAPPY dammit anyway thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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theangryjikooker · 11 months
Why do people always go “it seems like they hadn’t seen each other in a while” when Jimin and Jk say certain things? You honestly don’t even have to ship Jikook to know that they probably see alot of each other atleast at the company if u don’t think they see each other outside of work. We know that Jk is extremely busy and with his album preps so he is at the company alot, and Jimin too is at the company alot. So why do u think they haven’t seen each other in while? Jimin commenting on Jk’s weight is absolutely normal cuz sometimes some pieces of clothing make u look slimer, or sometimes we all just comment on the same things over and over cuz it could be shocking while u are immediately looking at the thing you are commenting on. For example, u could tell someone they smell good once, but then later on u get a whiff of them again and comment on it again, not because u hadn’t gotten the smell before but because u just got it again. Same way u could comment on someone loosing weight once and then you see them again and u are still kinda shocked at how much they lost weight and u comment on it again.
Also, Jimin never asked Jk to stay and he said no. Why do y’all spread stuff without fact checking knowing how much hate Jimin constantly gets from taekookers and solos? Jimin was the one who asked Jk to go rest cuz he was tired and sweaty from practice. And you too admin, please try to fact check some information before agreeing with anons who are misinformed themselves. Jimin already gets alot of hate from taekookers and solos who have a boner for twisting his words to fit their own agenda, if we have to discuss stuff, lets discuss things that actually happened and not misinformation or lies cuz u cannot even come to an accurate conclusion with misinformation can u? Here u are thinking Jk said no to Jimin again after the rehearsal thing when nothing of the sort happened.
Lastly, Jk wasn’t trying to be standoffish with Jimin. That is how Jk copes with situations that are kinda uncomfortable for him especially when it concerns Jimin. This alone should show people that Jimin and Jungkook clearly don’t have the same relationship with each other that they have with the other members. We can speculate about the true nature of their relationship but we can all see that the way they act around each other is obviously different from how they act around the other members. Jk has always been the kind of person who would say a no even if he means a yes when he us flustered or shy. He could come off standoffish or cold around Jimin when he is trying not to give too much away. Jk literally told us years ago that he was usually cold to Jimin on camera and ignored him cuz he was shy. This statement alone should make us understand that he “acts” cold towards Jimin when he is shy and that is kinda his defense mechanism when he doesn’t know how else to handle situations or circumstances that fluster him or make him uneasy. Ofcourse this is only a suspicion based on the things he has said and done in the past but i think it makes perfect sense.
We have to try to stop over analyzing these guys actions and words sometimes people. Sometimes they are literally goofing around or making small talk just to keep things interesting and we take those things so seriously. Just like how Jk was obviously teasing Jimin when Jimin asked him to come back and watch him practice and he said no. Jk teases like that sometimes with all the members but pple only wanna make a big deal outta it when it comes to teasing. Before Hobi left for the military Jk told him he wasn’t going to miss him (he was obviously kidding) but no one batted an eye over it. But all hell would have broke loose and all analyzers would have crawled outta their holes if he said that to Jimin. Don’t y’all goof around with your friends sometimes? Don’t y’all tease each other? Isn’t it possible for your friend to ask u to do something and u tell them u don’t feel like doing it? Why are all these things normal in our everyday lives but y’all have to analyze the hell outta these things when it comes to Jikook. Why is it a big deal if Jk didn’t feel like going back to watch Jimin’s rehearsals? Why does that automatically mean he doesn’t care about Jimin? Do u always say yes to everything your partner wants? Do u go with them wherever they want you to go? Does saying no to your partner or friend mean u hate them? Why don’t we apply this examples from our own lives before judging jikook? Some of y’all are coming on here to say alot when u just literally denied your partner sex or something cuz u didn’t feel like it. Did u say no cuz u don’t care for them? What makes some of y’all thing to show that u care for someone, the only word that have to say to them is Yes? Don’t y’all realize how unrealistic this is? Jimin and Jungkook are idols and famous people yes, but they are normal human beings just like u and me so stop thinking there are certain things they shouldn’t do. Real life doesn’t work like that.
Oh my god. Literally woosh.
I’m not even sure where you got half of what you’re complaining about here or how it’s relevant.
If it’s not PJMs and other solos, it’s shippers. Please get the fuck away from me.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
when you start writing for ushijima >>>>>>>>>>>>>
can you tell im begging?
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inevitable | u. wakatoshi
➳ tags ;; fluff n smut, getting together, first times together, unprotected sex, intentional lower case 18+
➳ wc ;; 1.9k (WHAT THE FUCK)
➳ a/n ;; ask n u shall recieve (i had rlly bad brainrot tn actually)
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if you had to describe ushijima wakatoshi in one word, you think the word you would chose is inevitable.
in·ev·i·ta·ble | /inˈevidəb(ə)l/ adjective certain to happen; unavoidable
of all the ways you could describe a person, it's probably not the best word. you could think of a laundry list of other ones to describe - really. hard-working, dependable, strong-willed, mindful, cautious. he's a lot of things and you think that's why he's so good at what he does. he's powerful but he he's brilliant at where he uses that power.
you would also use words like that to describe him, if you had too. if you had to give someone the run-down of wakatoshi - you could probably give them a whole speech about his accolades. he's probably the kindest person you know and he does that mostly on accident. he helps little old ladies carry groceries and lets your niece climb his arms like monkey bars with the most plain look on his face.
he's a lot of things - funny on accident, charming on purpose. but of all the things he is - to you, the thing he is most, is inevitable.
it's not hard for you to admit that you weren't exactly.. welcoming to ushijima when you first met him. you were a barista and he was well.. a big, pro-athlete who came to buy straight dark coffee every morning. after his work-outs (or what you figured was workouts since he always looked pretty sweaty) he bought himself precisely one pastry and a bottle of water and went about his day.
and it went like that for months. obviously you found him handsome - the way you could basically autopilot your shifts but completely broke down when he was there was evidence of that. he was tall, broad, handsome and nice. the kind of man who meets your grandmother, you think.
he always asked about you and you gave him short answers. too nervous to elaborate but he made you anyways, somehow and some way. and he comes back to you every week with details of your life you'd only mention in passing. he'd chuckle - a soft little smile at the way your eyes went wide. for someone so dense, he wasn't all that out of touch when it came to you. one morning your hands trembling just a little more than normal when you hand him back his change
(he tells you later he paid in cash just to see you stumble)
and he asks you with a plain look. observant.
"do i make you nervous?"
that's when you knew, really. you stood no chance against the all-consuming force that was and is ushijima wakatoshi. the subtlety and nuance in all of his actions left you worse for wear and any suspicions you had about how he might be treating you were to be confirmed much later down that line.
he's dense in the same way avocadoes are fruit. it's true, technically - but in a lot of ways and functionally it's just not the same. you think that the better word to use for him is selectively intelligent - like he doesn't bother thinking about anything that doesn't interest him for more than two minutes. but on the rare occasion it does interest him, i.e how you interest him - he becomes some kind of expert.
you've always been a little stubborn when it came to love. heartbreak does that to you - and you were overly cautious with ushijima. you let your heart walk on eggshells. you didn't let his gestures or touches or glances mean anything to you. you didn't let yourself be swayed by the smell of his cologne - sweet and woodsy on the back of your throat. not by the way he placed his hand on your lower back to walk past you on days off.
and when he took you out, to see the movies and stargaze, you told yourself it isn't a date. you tried your best really. because there is something really unbelievable about ushijima wakatoshi liking you - beyond the fact that he's some pro-athlete.
there's something about him that's a little unreal. not that he's perfect, but that all of his flaws make him more attractive. it almost bothers you but he doesn't seem to understand when you give him those lengthy explanations. hands making all types of gestures, flustered as he smiles. he doesn't take anything from your little lecture that day, just gives you a once over as he drives you home.
"oh, so you find me attractive?"
you didn't stand a chance. he was, and is, inevitable. everything about him has this powerful but subtlety all-consuming nature to him. you think the best way to think of it is like letting yourself float. the way you release the weigh in your body and inevitable give into letting it hold you. even if waves came - you'd probably stay in that state.
ushijima is like that. a constant presence and overwhelming force. you get swayed without even thinking. he could probably become president, if he really wanted. lucky for everyone else, he just wants to play volleyball. you think that it's a shame in equal parts that it's a gift but you digress.
the point is that you could never really be away from ushijima. and as hard as you tried to avoid the growing affection - you find that ushijima is always a few steps ahead. always reaching far beyond you with big, strong hands.
you try so hard, to avoid the inevitable. you do it with your whole soul. you're honestly just.. intimated. you've never felt something like him before - not once in your whole life. you're afraid of what'll happen when you succumb to the waves so you dodge the deep sea for weeks and weeks.
he found you after your shift one day after 3 weeks of dry texting and avoided phone calls. wearing a suit and a purple shirt and a nice watch, he has flowers too. and you're in.. a barista uniform with tousled everything and smudged mascara.
inevitable is really the only word. as you stop dead in your tracks, and as ushijima pulls you aside with the mostly gentlemanly smile. you kind of wanna cry when you look at him.
"i've waited a long time but i don't think i can much longer,"― he shifts a little. he almost looks nervous - it's the first time you've ever seen him look anything but overwhelmingly confident ― "i like you and i'd like to be with you,"
he doesn't really offer you much other than a confession and his hands. the frustrating thing is that he doesn't need to. it's the first time he's seen you cry but he handles you well, does it easily like he does everything else. like somehow he's just good at it, soothes you while you sob into his chest and melt into his presence and let yourself fall underwater.
in a probably not so surprising turn of events, you find that ushijima fucks with the same approach that he does most other things.
with careful consideration that seems effortlessly. it makes you feel a little hopeless that he feels good at everything. even at comforting you.
the first time you have sex, you take off his shirt for him. and he takes your hand and puts it up to his chest. gives you the most gentle look. his heart-beat is rapid.
"you make me .. nervous too. just so you know,"
the one thing about ushijima is that everything about him is big and wide and broad. he kisses you like he's trying to circle the solar system - there's a slowness to it. a vastness as he has you seated in his lap with his hands exploring up your body. his hands are everywhere. he's good with them. not too gentle but not too rough as the spread your thighs open.
he cups your pussy and it fits in his whole palm. his middle finger teases your slit as his kisses travel south, down your jaw and onto your neck. they latch onto your chest with a little breathless sigh - like he can't even breathe. it makes you clench when he talks to you - raspy.
"you're.... beautiful,"
he makes you shy. so shy as you lean forward a little and rock into his hand - a burning need nipping at you. and his eyes widen and his cock stiffens and his breath hitches and you think this is the first time you've caught him off-guard before. you wanna bask in it but you're too desperately so you latch onto his lips again.
ushijima does everything right. with knowledge in it. he kisses you and sucks on your tits and plays with your clit with this.. knowing. he likes seeing you fall apart he thinks. he likes how you get when he takes it much slower than he needs too - how he drags you through one orgasm to another with this lithe. he lets you lean over his shoulder when he fingers you - and his two fingers stretch you out like four of your own.
his cock is big. bigger than you think any person could ever take. you stare at it for a long while, gaping at it. your hands barely fit around it and that image burns itself into ushijimas brain like a permanent memory. your mouth falls open and your eyes look hazy and ushijima thinks that he's never wanted to be inside of something so bad before.
"it's so big," ― you whisper, hoarse ― "i-it won't fit,"
"i'll make it fit," ― is his only reply, kissing the crown of your head ― "sit tight,"
he does, by the way. make it fit. he makes it fit good - makes it stretch your pussy out but you don't feel like you'll break. there's a little pressure inside, and your clit swells with desire and blood - but it fits. and his eyes are glued to the way your cute little cunt seems to be swallowing him like it's nothing. it's enough to make him lose his mind.
"c-can i move?"
you nod and he does. slow at first. he draws the noise from you - a slow and soft moan leaving your lips as he drags his cock in and out of you. but it gets faster, goes much faster than you thought it could.
eventually he has you bouncing in his lap, on his cock, with such force that you feel like you can't breathe. it feels unbelievable, sets off a supernova in your gut like at any moment you could come undone. you feel like you're breaking and ushijima doesn't help, soft grunts and whispered affections.
"you're so beautiful," and "im so happy" that make you feel dizzy. you'd probably give him anything he asks for. he bounces you on his cock and lets his thumb just rest on your clit and you're so close you can almost taste it.
"cum for me," ― like he's begging ― "please,"
what choice do you have anyways? you cum on his cock with a silent scream, like your voice is tearing a blackhole into space and you shudder while he holds you in place. he finishes only seconds afterwards.
"did it feel good?"
you give him a wide-eyed look. he's dense at times. you don't know how to hate him for it so you just sigh and nod, cozying to him.
he kisses your forehead, sweaty and tired.
yeah. you were right.
you never had a single chance of winning against him.
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reyna-isabellaa · 2 years
My thoughts on common things the show has been hated for:
“The main plots from book have now been replaced with political storylines which no-one asked for”
it’s clear here you did not read the books because Lissas entire plot is her growing into her political power and taking a seat at the table, speaking against injustice and against the crazy policies from extreme royals. Rose consistently explains the political context of what’s going on in the books and especially points about the commodification of dhampir women. This is all in the books AND NOW represented in the show. Don’t know what you mean about main plots because I see a lot of book plots being set up to play out through out the season. Main plot IS Dimitri training Rose to adequately protect Lissa when they graduate. That is EXACTLY what the show is about. if you watch longer than 5 minutes before throwing a fit you would see that. Each episode continues the story in an accurate compelling way, and the developing of characters and relationships begins to show. Most shows have 22 episodes and 10 seasons to see everything. we’ve been given four, of the very beginning, obviously not EVERY SINGLE little thing will be represented yet nor would a word for word adaptation make sense or be interesting because that first book has BEEN done already. But those general elements for the plots and characters are present.
“origins of mythology is gone”
This was NEVER represented in the books, in the sense that everywhere Richelle drew inspiration from wasn’t throughly explained and context for WHY each vampire is who they are. The intro DOES explain the lore for this specific story and weaves bits through dialogue. Don’t know why it was expected to do a deep dive to where certain things come from because that was never the books strigoi were strigoi, moroi were moroi, if you want that it’s interviews and discussions with the author in her inspirations not the show.
“romanian and russian backgrounds of most of the characters”
no one dug their feet in on this until the cast wasn’t fully white, characters were never stated to for sure NOT have these backgrounds. Representation is important and there is still time for this to be seen and represented. Like Dimitri still being from Russia but ppl constantly hated assuming he had no link at all and roza/comrade was gone (it’s not if u haven’t given the show a chance yet). I know this is important to people and don’t want to disregard anyone but using it to hate the show when the movie didn’t explore it that much either let alone the books that mentioned moroi ancestors being from there every once in a while which again could be mentioned in the show.
“Stunts are unrealistic”
they aren’t meant to be it’s a fantasy show with vampire hybrids who are LITERALLY build different to fight vampire monsters
“Outfits are all over the place”
ROYALS wear designer clothing and attend balls and ceremonies.
Non Royals try dressing up for these events but dress “normal”
Dhampirs dress in athletic clothing for training, all black uniforms for various events, and “normal” outfits.
The book discusses Rose dressed more practical as she began taking her training more serious, and the moroi esp royals would be in designer dresses and outfits, non royals wanting to imitate that on a budget which is exactly what’s is represented.
It’s clear the lack of understanding of how television works, we as book readers would LOVE to see every single last word played out EXACTLY how it was in the books but it’s not possible storytelling wise when creating a hit show that lasts and gains viewership. Some things and characters were changed because in the long run it will all come together and make sense both to book plots and the whole story the show is telling. If you weren’t so hellbent on hating this show you would see just how much Sisi, Daniela, and the whole cast play these characters so well, and what is being set up for the season and later seasons. The intention is to have all the books represented across many seasons and to even have bloodlines adapted. but it’s OUR support that will allow that to happen. So tired of the same ridiculous comments most of which stem from racism towards the cast and it’s unacceptable. Having a different/negative opinion is fine but hating and dragging the show down because you can’t open your eyes to what’s on the screen and making comments that are just false or hateful isn’t okay. I’d understand saying that you can’t enjoy this because the books aren’t playing out in the order you expected or wanted, or a character you liked was missing but saying the entire things is the absolute worst because natalie and aaron, the two most important VA characters are gone. natalie is in sonya and mia, a change, but one that connects these characters for many seasons provided direct links to each other to keep them in the show universe, not being gone for a season or two and coming back because a link between one random character to another small character back to another character do you see what I mean? anyways. I’m a virgo mercury and hate seeing things posted that are easily explainable and tear the show down because the cast doesn’t deserve that. Also yes Richelle does love it she doesn’t have to post or be on podcasts talking about how she appreciates the changes, ships victor and robert, loves seeing the show but she does!
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Oooo, can you imagine multiple alphas are after an omega PC? It's going to be chaos. They probably be waiting for when PC's heat struck to claim them. But, who will get PC first? Are they beyond kidnapping PC to make sure PC is theirs? *whisper* can u include all the alpha LIs?
Ooo boy this is just the game on hard mode 100% allure.
Decided not to include Black Wolf and Great Hawk - just couldn't think of how they would be different than usual.
NSFW below (tw for kidnapping, noncon)
The moment you arrive on that farm Alex wants you claimed.
That sweet omega scent calls out to them and they know they have to give you the job.
Still acts kind, still tries to butter you up so you'll like them more.
Uses helping you with more strenuous work as an excuse to rub the scent over you.
But if you come to work one day smelling like another alpha? Alex isn't going to be happy.
Might start a wresting match, just some 'innocent' rough play, so they can rub themselves all over you again.
Offers to let you stay at the cottage from that point on. You're turning a profit now! No need to worry about school or work or whatever it is in that town that keeps you going back!
If you accept then all is well. Alex can move you in and start claiming you fully.
If not, you might have to watch your drinks. Alex has plenty of drugs that can kick you into your heat, have you begging to be taken one way or another.
You'll be their woman/man eventually. Patience pays off, that's one thing Alex has learned with being a farmer. The more love and care you put into a new crop or animal, the better the results. Mating you won't be any different.
Wants to spend heats with you. Wants to breed you, work on the farm while you rest, then come back inside the nest and breed you more.
Very warm, comforting scent. Reminds you of summer afternoons, with a picnic.
You have to be marked by them if you're in an arrangement.
Initially takes you on because they're sick of being asked when they're getting mated, when they're settling down and having kids, aren't you sick of working so hard?
You're the perfect little distraction. With you around, their peers stop being so invasive.
You have to behave in a certain manner though, you have to behave as Avery's true omega. Its what they pay you for.
So who is this alpha you're walking home with? All bright eyes and laughter?
Avery drags you into their car, sight going red when that alpha hugs you. People are watching, they don't care, not in this moment.
Locks the doors and drives into an alleyway, not listening to your distressed cries.
Pins you down in the backseat and marks you while they fuck you silly. What kind of a slut are you that you just let alphas touch you so casually?
No amount of apologies are going to stop them taking you. What about Avery's reputation, you ungrateful whore? Have you forgotten your place?
If Avery needs to take you home and chain you up to be a house-spouse they will. Its very unlikely, they're more obliged to cut you off and blacklist you, but its possible.
Okay with you spending heats alone, due to their busy schedule.
Scent is complimented by expensive aftershaves/perfumes in a way that let's everyone know exactly what Avery's social standing is. It commands respect.
You're not getting off the leash. It's far too risky, you'll just have to follow Eden around forever now.
Knows when you've been touching others, spanks you for it and then ruins you till you forget anyone else exists.
Doesn't matter who it is or what context.
Has proven they're perfectly okay with hunting you down wherever you run off to and dragging you back.
People are terrified of Eden, no matter how much you struggle to get away from their grip, the most you'll get is someone yelling out to leave you alone.
Pretty much only death is going to stop Eden claiming you.
Very okay with hurting any rivals. If Eden comes into town to find you with a schoolmate, Avery, or if they treck out into the farmlands and find you with Alex, Eden could get trigger happy.
Drags you back home after, noone gets to see you vulnerable apart from Eden.
No more school. No more worrying about your orphan friend, no more money or debt. Just stay at home. Where you belong.
Never ever let's your bites fade. They're always red raw and fresh. Eden will take time to rub salve into the wound to calm it, but they'll never relent when it comes to marking. Even if it's just you two out here.
No walks by yourself in the woods. Those wolves find you too tasty, what if they take you away?
Natural and overpowering scent. A little sweaty by midday, but after a bath it's very earthy and fresh. Has plenty of blockers on hand to use when hunting. You're not allowed them.
The school trio is where shit gets messy as all hell- because they're the ones most likely to run into each other vying for your attention.
Kylar will protect you from afar, with their blow darts.
Constantly appearing out of nowhere and dragging you away from Robin or Whitney. Even if you just walk past one of the others in the hallways at school Kylar knows and will cling to you so desperately.
That line in the park where they tell you they know if you've been thinking of others? Yeah well it has more weight to it now than ever.
Gives you their clothes to wear, if they'll fit. If not, then they take every chance to break into your room and put their scent everywhere - especially your pillow so it can cover you in your sleep. Maybe you'll dream of them, like they dream of you.
More likely to pull knives when you're close to your heat, also more likely to come at Whitney rather than letting you drag them away from a fight.
And when I say go at Whitney, I mean jumping on their back and fighting like a feral animal.
Panics if they pick up a scent that isn't Robin or Whitney. What do you mean there's even more people to worry about? Where have you been sneaking off to without them knowing? Is that where you're spending your heats?
Speaking if heats, will go hysterical if you spend it alone, never mind with others. You're meant to spend it with Kylar, you're meant to let them breed you.
The most prepared to whisk you away at a moments notice once their jealousy hits its peak.
Going to breed you as soon as you're tied up in their basement, going to mate you and mark you up.
Has a sharp scent. Can be a little stale at times, but its not unpleasant. A little citrus-y.
A lower confidence Robin might let someone else take you, thinking they don't deserve to be your alpha - maybe there's others out there who can take care of you.
Sits rather dejected at lunch when Kylar barges into your conversation to kiss you in front of them.
Looks away when Whitney cops a feel against the lockers.
A high confidence Robin is more likely to say something about it, but they still respect your autonomy.
It's your choice at the end of the day, Robin just hopes you choose them.
Not gonna kidnap or noncon you over it. Prefers that you willingly give yourself- it means more to them, proves how real it is that you crawl into their lap rather than being pulled into Whitney's.
Very gentle during heats. Will try to hold off cumming until you do, to make sure you're taken care of and not in pain. Might stand guard for you if you decide to go it alone, but is scared they'll give into temptation and barge your door down.
Will scent you when you ask. Its a very soothing, clean scent. Not too overpowering or demanding, not too subtle. Just nice.
Oh no.
You thought you'd suffered humiliation before? Well now there's competition you'll see something fierce.
Constantly marking you. Constantly scenting, cumming on your face and rubbing the liquids in so you'll be very obviously claimed for all to see.
Will grab you in the middle of a conversation just to make out with you in front of your friend - especially if its Robin.
If you're talking to Kylar? Same thing only they'll ask their friends to grab the freak so they can't get violent.
Obviously fuck you in public when they can, but even Whitney knows how dangerous it could be to do that when you're in heat.
Whitney is strong, but the chance of some ridiculously strong alpha pulling them off of you and claiming you instead drives them insane.
You can go heats alone. Just don't spend them with anyone else.
Gloats when you ask them to take care of your heat. Yeah, of course you want them, who else would do a good job?
Another one who likes you in their clothes.
Surprisingly fresh scent. It's accompanied by smoke and the occasional alcohol, but naturally Whitney is actually rather clean to smell. It definitely turns heads.
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lavenderjacobs · 4 years
fluff alphabet - Sapnap
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➳ wc; 2,1K (she’s a long one lol)  ➳ pronouns; gender neutral<3 ➳ song reccomendation; heart eyes - coin
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A=Attractive (What do they find most attractive in a partner?)
nick’s an ass guy and you can’t convince me otherwise. he’s also just loves your thighs and your stomach. he loves how soft your skin is, and how good you smell. whenever he’s sad he just rests his head on your stomach while you tangle you fingers in his hair. 
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B=Best memory (Their favourite memory of you)
he cherishes your first kiss so much. he just has such a soft spot for that memory. the moment he finally found out you felt the same about him, the moment he finally found out what your lips against his felt like. it’s just something he had looked forward to for forever, and to him, it was perfect. 
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C=Cuddles  (What type of cuddles do they like?)
sapnap is a WHORE for cuddles. if it where up to him, you two would just lay in bed all day, tangled in each other’s arms. after a long day, he just wants to hold his favourite person and fall asleep with them, so he just wraps his arms around your waist while he uses your chest as a pillow. but if he’s in a chatty mood, he’ll just talk your ears off, ranting about something he finds interesting, while you’re all snuggled up in the crook between his neck and shoulder. 
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D=Dirty mind (Do they have a dirty mind?)
I mean, come on. it’s sapnap. we all know he does. he gets *excited* very easily, which can sometimes get in the way when you two are just trying to cuddle. he just has such a soft spot for your body and has to have his way with you once certain ideas have entered his mind. 
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E=Effort (How much effort do they put in the relationship?)
nick would definitely try his best. honestly you don't care if his plans actually turn out the way he intented them to, it's the thought that counts. and nick knows that. but theres just something about you that makes him want to spoil you and treat you like a princess. so prepare yourself for fancy dates, him making you your favorite food, all that type of stuff.
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F=First date (What was your first date together)
arcade date arcade date arcade date. sap is super competitive and I feel like he would thrive in an arcade. he would play it off like he was just trying to proof how good he was at the arcade games. but he'd just love to see how hard you would be trying to beat him. obviously he'd let you win a lot, and when he collected enough tickets, he would get you the biggest prize he could find.
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G=Gentle (How gentle are they with you?)
it....depends???? lmao. nick CAN be super gentle with you, he’s pretty protective of you and would never want you to get hurt, so he’s definitely very careful not to do anything to hurt you. but sometimes his instinct just kinda takes over and well, he can get pretty rough. 
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H=Hands (Do they have nice hands?)
hmmm nick has like,,very manly hands,, if you know what i mean. i dont know, they're just so rough but yet so pretty??? and they're like really big compared to yours so when he holds ur hand, yours looks so tiny in his. and omg he won't shut up about it. "LOOK AT YOUR HANDS THEY'RE SO SMALL🥺"
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I=Impression (What was their first impression?)
he just thought you were so ~cool~. like he immediately knew he wanted to be your friend. he was just so in awe of how funny, chill and charismatic you were. and it literally took two days for him to develop a crush on you. his friends would notice this right away and tease him about it so much omg.
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J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous often? If so what do they do?)
YUP. nick gets jealous so easy yup yup yup. jealousy, protectiveness, possessiveness, you name it. you two would often get in fights about this, but most of the time you would just think it’s cute how riled up he gets. he doesn’t get mad at you (because you’re his precious little baby and can do no wrong in his eyes :D) but god help the souls of whoever tries to flirt with you, because they’ve got a hell of a storm coming.
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K=Kisses (What type of kisses do they like/give?)
god nick’s such a passionate kisser. or at least he can be lol. he loves the way your face fits into his hands, and how soft your lips are. so he definitely is a fan of just some wholesome passionate kisses. but damn this man gets sloppy when he wants to. his lips constantly trails off to your jaw, neck and collar bones.
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L=Love  (Do they show their love?)
i feel like his love language would be like a mix between words of affection and physical touch??? he’s definitely very verbal with his love for you. he doesn’t shy away from saying i love you or letting you know how much he appreciates you in any other way.
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M=Memory: (Their favourite memory in general?)
there are certain moments where nick just sits back, watches, and realizes how amazing his life is. and how grateful he is to have you. for example, you were playing minecraft on his pc, and your house kept getting blown up by creepers, he found it adorable how mad you got every time. he just watched you play, while sitting on his bed. after a while, you looked over at him, and caught him staring. “what?” you asked after letting out a soft chuckle. he felt like he was gonna explode from how much he loved you. 
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N=Nickname  (What nicknames do they call you?)  
i’m getting very strong “baby” and “doll” vibes from nick. he loves baby-ing you and smothering you with other loving nicknames. just any petnames that show how much he loves you he’s all for. he would also love calling you “pretty” or “beautiful” for obvious reasons. 
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O=Over  (What happened the one time you ‘broke up’?)
nick HATES fighting with you, but once you two get into an argument he can get pretty carried away. he’s definitely the type to let his emotions get the upper hand on him. raising his voice a lot, stuff like that. but the second you leave to get some space he just breaks down. sliding down the wall and resting his face in his hands, just letting all the emotions out. he never meant to hurt you. when you came back to him, ready to be enclosed in his arms again, he had a hard time letting you back in. he just felt like he didn’t deserve you after he treated you like this. it took some convincing, but once you broke down his walls again, it was like he gave you all the love in his body. just smothering you with “i’m sorry”s and kisses. 
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P=Parents (What would they be like as a parent?)
dilfnap dilfnap dilfnap  omg he’d be such a good dad. like just very caring and loving, but also strict and stern when he needs to be. he’d constantly be telling stories to the kids about the absurd adventures him and his friends would get into, and omg the dad jokes he’d make. idk maybe it’s my daddy issues but dad sapnap lives in my mind rent free. 
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Q=Quirk (Something special about them)
he loves holding your hand. especially in public. if you’re in a crowded space, he just holds onto you very tightly as not to lose you. or if you two are just going on a walk together, his hands would just feel so warm and soft around yours. and omg he loves it when his hands are in his pockets, and you put your hands in there with him, and intertwine your fingers with his. hmmm he gets so soft when you do that.
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R=Romantic (How romantic are they?)
i- uh- I MEAN HE WOULD TRY he really would, and again, that’s all that matters. I feel like he would be the type to try to prepare a whole surprise dinner, he would cook all the food himself, he would set the table all cute, with candles and shit, but just completely ruin the surprise by accidentally giving it all away by saying something or just behaving very obviously suspicious. 
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S=Sad (What are they like when they’re sad?)
he just gets really quiet. he would never want to bother you or be a pain in the ass by complaining to you. but obviously you notice when something is wrong with ur bby boy. a sentence like “are you okay?” or “what’s wrong?” would immediately send him over the edge, burying his face in your chest, trying his best to supress his sobs. but he eventually calms down, and once he does, he’s able to just rant to you about whatever is bothering him.
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T=Together (What are they like when you’re together?)
i feel like it would really depend on his mood, like he could be either SUPER chill, just wanting to savour the time you two had together. or he could be really hyper, constantly talking, wanting to do all kinds of activities with you. he’d be the literal definition of :D
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U=Understanding (How understanding and empathetic are they?)
very. i just get such empathetic vibes from him. he’s such a good listener and he’ll just listen to you talk whenever you have something to be upset about. he never invalidates your feelings and omg he’d give the best advice. 
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V=Value (What do they value most about the relationship?)
he loves that he can 100% be his self around you. there’s no part of his personality that he feels like he has to hide, or tone down, whenever he’s with you. you also aspire him to be his best self, he just wants to be the best boyfriend in the world. all his friends have noticed this too, you bring out the best in him.
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W=Wedding (Would they want marriage? If so what would they like?)
eh. if you’re a person who really values marriage, he’d 100% do it for you. but it’s not like he HAS to. he gets a bit scared by the idea of this whole big event, where everything is about you two, he would way rather celebrate the love you two have in the comfort of your own home, just the two of you. the one thing he would love about a wedding, would be seeing you all dolled up, walking down the aisle, omg he’d be the proudest man ever to be able to call you his.
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X=X-Ray (How well can they read you?)
the SECOND you start to feel sad or depressed in any way, nick notices immediately. he knows you better than anybody else, and he knows exactly what to do to cheer you up. it’s like his superpower. if you’re feeling anxious he’ll just wrap his arms around you really tightly, holding on to you until you calm down. and when you’re sad, and in need for something to cheer you up, he’ll take you outside for a walk in the park, or he’ll just sit in bed with you, watching your favourite show. 
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Y=Yuck (What they would never want in a partner)
he hates when you flirt with his friend, even when you’re very obviously joking. his jealous ass can’t deal with that lmao. he also gets super pissed when his friends make flirtatious jokes towards you, they know how much it gets on his nerves and that’s really the only reason they do it. but omg he gets so pissed when it happens. 
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Zzz (How do they sleep around you?)
nick would be the cutest sleeper ever omg. he doesn’t like to admit it, but he loves being little spoon. he loves resting his head on your chest, while you play with his hair, patiently waiting for him to fall asleep. 
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kimetsu-no-imagines · 3 years
Pet Names w/ The Kamaboko Squad
a/n : man idk posts like this are always easy and simple so of course this is the first thing im doing warning -- manga/general spoilers for nezuko!!! Tanjiro - flower, petal, blossom, dewdrop... he’s a very sweet boy, but he’s also a gentleman, unlike inosuke some other people. likes calling you all sorts of....sweet, nature-y things. things that make you blush and feel pretty, because no matter what, no matter the time--he wants to assure you that you are the a b s o l u t e prettiest - but he does also like to just stick to your name-it feels....polite, and he’d die before he ever even vaguely disrespected you. - the pet names tend to come out a lot when he’s feeling emotional, too--lots of things like “i’m so happy i’m finally back home with you, flower,” after a long mission, or on the occasion that he has a nightmare, the frequent occasion, that is, “promise me you’ll never leave my side, petal,” through tears that he tries to reign in but...can’t - he just......loves being sweet and gentle with you, no matter the circumstance. after all he’s been through and had to deal with, being able to be like this with someone is very refreshing for him. Zenitsu - [insert increasingly loud approaching whine of your name here] - he’s not one to really......go for pet names. at least not very often, he’s too shy and too scared--not to mention he likes the sound of your name, he likes saying it, likes that he even has the privilege of saying it, of being so...familiar with you. - but on a rare, especially emotional or romantic or any kind of special occasion, more than pet names, he’s really just one to sweet talk you? - “you know... y-you’re really a blessing in my life, ____...” - baby is insecure, constantly worries about being too weak for you, what if you doubt his ability protect you, what if you doubt him as a man in general? - so he takes care to remind you just how lucky he feels to have you. - i think if he were to use a n y kind of pet name at all with you though.... - “love” or “dear”--simple, not as embarrassing or weird things as inosuke someone else that’s maybe more confident or brash then he is. if you mentioned liking a certain pet name, he’d jump to use it every now and then, too-just wants to please you. Inosuke - hear me out.........piglet. - at first it’s an insult, albeit a joking, playful one--you’re his favorite person, he’s not exactly jumping to try and fight you all the time like he is when he sees the other boys or anything, even if he d i d do so the first time you met. - “piglet” was meant to make you feel tiny, meant to boost his own ego--you’re his piglet, is the whole point, his tiny piglet that he has to protect all the time. - when you blush and seem to enjoy it after a while in a way that isn’t just laughing at him and poking fun back at him, he’s...... - frustrated. half-heartedly, not at all genuinely, but he throws a fit about it. - “... why are you getting all red? ... stop it. ... DAMN IT, I’M TRYING TO INSULT YOU!! WHY ARE YOU GIGGLING!?” - he’s not. you both know he’s not. - after he gets over his fit, the word “piglet” is said with a touch more... softness, affection, then before. he doesn’t seem to notice he’s doing it though. - don’t tell him. he’ll have another fit. Nezuko - obviously due to......circumstances, for the vast majority of your initial time together, she can’t say very much to begin with. it’s a lot of soft cooing at you and hugging on your arm and rubbing her face in your neck--she’s kind of like a cat. - after the red light district incident, when she can...somewhat, talk again, even if only briefly, before the muzzle is back on her--she says your name for the first time in the midst of tanjiro frantically making sure she’s alright. - it’s not until everything is truly over--muzan is defeated, she’s human again--that pet names are truly... a thing of your relationship. but once they are, they a r e. all the time. frequently. she doesn’t like to call your name very much--it feels like she’s making it seem as if she’s upset with you. - “darling”, “love”, “sunshine”--she’s.......unbearably sweet to you. and plus she likes to giggle at your flustered reactions. talks about how cute you are with her brother when she thinks you’re not listening. - “i called them sunflower and it looked like they were going to faint--i love them so much, big brother!” - tanjiro is a very supportive brother, tells you about the interaction later.
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asthmark · 4 years
❝ chemistry ❞ o.st
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synopsis → osaki shotaro moving to town means trips to the dance studio, boba dates, and the perpetual teasing of lee donghyuck. 
pairing → shotaro, reader
requested? → yes! based off @onlyjihoons​​’s shipping game answer ♡
word count → 5.5k (this was supposed to be 1k.... goodbye.)
a/n → i enjoy writing texting scenes WAY too much ;; tbh this is like 50% texts im cryign but i had to convey how much i love 00 line .... and also how firmly i believe in lee donghyuck devil supremacy. as always, feedback is greatly appreciated and enjoy! 
if someone were to ask you how you felt about your friends, you would without any hesitation, answer that you loved them to death. of course, if you were being completely honest, you would also have to add that you experienced the urge to strangle them from time to time. that might earn you a couple odd stares but you’re sure people would be more understanding if they knew who was in your inner circle to begin with.
for starters, there was lee jeno — tall, handsome, and the textbook definition of a gentleman. then, na jaemin, who you would consider to be the yin to jeno’s yang. an extremely energetic guy and, in your book, a total freak of nature ever since you found out that he inhales four shots of espresso on the daily. liu yangyang was a more recent addition to your group but, being as quick-witted as he was, he quickly fit right in. he also had a habit of going on somewhat aggressive rants in german which renjun found to be extremely amusing. speaking of, huang renjun was another one of your close friends — the shortest of the group, actually. (and, much to renjun’s dismay, that’s exactly how donghyuck liked to introduce him to people.) he was the type of guy you could trust to keep everyone in check which consequently made you mildly terrified of him.
however, it could never compare to the perpetual fear you have of lee donghyuck. 
of course, you love him to pieces but sometimes you really wish he didn’t find so much joy in, well, making everyone miserable. you couldn’t deny it was funny to watch him tease and taunt your other friends. you still remember him purposefully messing up renjun’s game at the local arcade just when he was about to reach his high score — and also the way renjun had tackled him to the floor right then and there, resulting in the six of you being banned from the place. or, that time he offered to pay for everyone’s starbucks orders only to tell the barista that jaemin’s name was ben dover. (to no one’s surprise, yangyang had found that joke particularly hilarious.) you can also clearly recall how hard you had laughed in both of those situations.
but, donghyuck never let anyone laugh for too long.
according to him it was ’only fair’ to make sure each of his friends was at the receiving end of his gags. so, despite laughing at his latest victim’s expense, each of you knew that donghyuck would make sure you were in the same position sooner or later.
you definitely weren’t expecting it to be your turn one dull friday evening.
things are going slow for you as you sit at your desk, typing away on your laptop. school has been out for hours and your professors have decided to be saints and leave you little homework for the weekend. beside you, your phone dings, alerting you of the new text message in your group chat.
[4:23 pm] hyuck: i’m bored 🥺
[4:23 pm] you: plz never use that emoji again
[4:24 pm] nana: it’s misleading dude
[4:25 pm] yangx2: yeah like when have u ever made a face that isn’t this 😈
[4:25 pm] renjun: donghyuck is the devil = confirmed
[4:25 pm] nana: CALLED IT
[4:26 pm] hyuck: u guys are literally so evil
jeno laughed at “u guys are literally so evil”
[4:27 pm] jeno: look who’s talking lol
[4:27 pm] you: dangg u know it’s bad when lee jeno disses u
[4:28 pm] jeno: ...ngl it kinda feels like ur shading me rn
[4:28 pm] you: u would be correct :)
[4:29 pm] hyuck: um HELLO can u guys go back to paying attention to me???
[4:29 pm] renjun: what do u want, diva?
[4:29 pm] hyuck: i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(
renjun disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
yangx2 disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
you disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
nana disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
jeno disliked “i just wanna spend some quality time with my best friends ;(”
[4:30 pm] hyuck: OH COME ON
[4:30 pm] yangx2: i think what u meant to say is that u wanna make one of us very miserable today, right?
[4:30 pm] hyuck: .....no comment
nana renamed the group chat “hyuck hate club”
[4:31 pm] hyuck: ok i’m honestly feeling so attacked right now
[4:31 pm] jeno: well now u know what it’s like to be friends with u
[4:31 pm] you: so true king omg ur on a roll
[4:32 pm] hyuck: hmm okay so either jeno or y/n is gonna be today’s target, got it
[4:32 pm] hyuck: anyway can u guys come down to the dance studio now??
[4:32 pm] you: what makes u think i would go anywhere near u when i know ur plotting ur revenge on me as we speak
[4:32 pm] hyuck: because maybe i’ll have mercy on u and just terrorize jeno instead
[4:33 pm] you: good enough for me! thnx bestie, see u soon!!
[4:33 pm] jeno: HEY
nana laughed at “good enough for me! thnx bestie, see u soon!!”
[4:34 pm] yangx2: u literally cannot trust anyone in this friend group
[4:34 pm] renjun: ikr isn’t it great???
you might have been slightly out of your mind to willingly go see donghyuck knowing you had teased him in your group chat earlier. although, if there was a slight chance he would show you mercy if you did hang out with him, you were going to take it.
the studio was where you had first met donghyuck, along with the rest of your friends due to the dance classes you attended. after bumping into each in between classes and during practice, you began to get well acquainted. turns out, the six of you actually got along incredibly well and after a while, you began to share routines and tips, even choreographing together from time to time. obviously, this led to the infamous group chat being formed and lots of time spent outside the studio as well.
but, none of you had lost that love for dancing. in fact, forming your little clique had only made it grow. as you opened the front doors of the building you had made so many memories in, you wondered if donghyuck wanted your insight on a certain routine or needed some help choreographing. of course, there was also the possibility that he really was just bored and wanted you to suffer with him.
what you did not expect, however, was to see him caught up in conversation with another person. you couldn’t clearly see them with donghyuck in the way; all you knew for certain was that your best friend’s mouth was moving a mile a minute. you tentatively tiptoe into the room, hoping to not intrude on their discussion. but, at hearing the doors creak open, donghyuck puts his rant on pause to enthusiastically wave you over.
you sigh, putting your belongings down and approaching the pair. as you near, you notice that hyuck has a huge smile — no, smirk — on his face. you internally curse yourself for believing that he would ever pass up an opportunity to torment you, especially in front of a stranger.
“this is a very dear friend of mine,” you hear him introduce to his acquaintance. “her name is y/n. she dances, too.”
“oh, that’s really cool!”
the stranger’s unusually cheery tone prompts you to finally peek behind donghyuck and put a face to the voice.
and what a face he has.
“this is shotaro,” donghyuck informs you. “he’s new to town and quite the dancer. caught him in the middle of a routine.”
your knees almost wobble as you take in the stranger — shotaro’s — kind eyes that almost sparkle. (you aren’t sure if it’s because of the fluorescent lights of the studio or just part of his charm.) his lips are curved up into a friendly smile that makes you feel slightly giddy. his hair falls into his face almost perfectly, not a strand out of place and you’re uncertain as to how that’s even possible since, as donghyuck had said, he was dancing. not to mention, there’s not a bead of sweat on his face. did this guy come straight out of a disney movie or something?
“excuse her,” donghyuck chuckles. “good looking people tend to make her freeze up. don’t worry, this happened when she met me, too.”
you offer your friend a glare and an elbow to the side and you swear you hear shotaro chuckle. you turn to him instead, putting on a welcoming smile.
“my bad, i just—”
“got lost in his eyes?”
you pinch the bridge of your nose. “donghyuck, please don’t make me have to attack you in front of our guest.”
more giggles escape shotaro. (you swear it’s the prettiest thing you’ve ever heard.) you curiously tilt your head at him.
“sorry, it’s just that, you guys are too funny,” he admits with a sheepish smile.
you mirror his grin, slightly relieved he was amused instead of weirded out. “yeah, well, just wait ’til you meet the rest of us. it’s like a circus show, you’ll love it.”
“hello, clowns!”
“speak of the devil,” donghyuck murmurs, watching as yangyang and renjun enter, followed by jeno and jaemin.
“woah, who’s the cutie?” yangyang asks renjun, in what you presume he thinks is a whisper. however, yangyang has never spoken quietly a day in his life. renjun simply shrugs at his question.
having clearly heard the compliment, a faint blush creeps onto shotaro’s cheeks.
“guys, this is shotaro,” donghyuck answers, tugging the sandy blonde forward.
he gives a somewhat shy wave. “hi, y/n’s friends.”
jaemin erupts into laughter. “uh oh, looks like he likes y/n more than hyuck.”
“don’t blame him,” jeno mutters.
shotaro’s forehead creases, face suddenly twisted in worry. “oh, i’m sorry, was i not supposed to say that?”
“oh no, don’t worry,” donghyuck denies, quickly. “i’m sure y/n doesn’t mind at all, right?”
if you could crawl into a hole to avoid the embarrassment, you would. of course, donghyuck was 100% right; you really didn’t mind shotaro calling the group that if it meant you could hear him say your name over and over again. in fact, his sweet voice could probably make the dictionary sound like the most addictive song. but, donghyuck had no right putting you on the spot like that.
jeno suddenly speaks, catching on to your flustered state and donghyuck’s evil grin. “so, it’s y/n’s turn today? sweet, i’m off the hook!”
shotaro furrows his brows slightly. “huh?”
“oh, it’s just an inside joke,” jeno says, smile reaching all the way up to his eyes.
you wish you could strangle him right then and there for finding amusement at your expense but the last thing you want is for shotaro to think you’re some sort of psychopath. (although, with a friend group like this, you’re definitely beginning to think that’s where you’re headed.)
“got it,” shotaro responds, breaking out into a grin himself. “you guys seem like a really close bunch!”
“the closest,” donghyuck corrects, overly sweet, as he wraps an arm around you. (you resist the urge to shove him off.) “you’ll fit right in!”
you believed that the torture was over the day donghyuck introduced shotaro to your group. you would probably just see him from time to time and the studio (hopefully without hyuck around) and it would all be downhill from there, right? the latest notification on your phone alerts you that you are absolutely wrong.
hyuck has added one (1) user to the group chat
[1:05 pm] hyuck: welcome shotaro!!
[1:06 pm] unknown: oh hey guys! :]
the emoticon almost makes your heart beat right out of your chest. you roll your eyes in frustration at how easily affected you were by this guy. seriously, why did everything he do have to be so cute? regardless, you quickly add his number to your contacts.
[1:06 pm] hyuck: why don’t we do a little roll call so shotaro can save ur numbers to his phone
[1:07 pm] yangx2: YANGYANG
[1:07 pm] yangx2: HA I WAS FIRST
[1:07 pm] jeno: ...
[1:08 pm] jeno: anyway this is jeno :)
[1:08 pm] nana: jaemin present!
[1:08 pm] renjun: hi shotaro, this is renjun
[1:10 pm] shotaro: haha cool thanks a lot, i just saved all ur numbers!
[1:10 pm] shotaro: but quick question, is y/n in this group chat? :0
you almost drop your phone at reading shotaro’s message although you’re unsure why. he just typed your name, get it together, you urge yourself.
[1:11 pm] you: heyy shotaro! i’m right here :)
[1:11 pm] shotaro: oh yayy! i’m so glad ^^
hyuck disliked “oh yayy! i’m so glad ^^”
[1:12 pm] hyuck: shotaro plz return my love what does she have that i don’t T-T
[1:12 pm] nana: a heart
[1:12 pm] yangx2: a brain
[1:12 pm] jeno: a conscience
[1:12 pm] renjun: a functioning moral compass
[1:13 pm] hyuck: wtf
[1:13 pm] shotaro: ahahaha it’s like i’m watching a comedy
[1:14 pm] you: told u it’s a circus
[1:14 pm] you: i say get out while u still can
[1:14 pm] shotaro: whaatt and leave u behind? no way!
nana renamed the group chat “shotaro x y/n supremacists”
[1:15 pm] jeno: my thoughts exactly
[1:15 pm] renjun: took the words right out of my mouth
you cringe at your friends’ blunt behavior, praying shotaro didn’t find their antics to be too strange.
[1:16 pm] shotaro: 😳
[1:16 pm] nana: aww someone’s shy
[1:17 pm] renjun: he wouldn’t last a day in itzy
[1:17 pm] yangx2: HELPP
you shake your head, laughing silently to yourself as you mute the group chat and place your phone back down. although, moments later, you receive a direct message. you presume it’s one of the boys trying to rope you back into the chat but the moment you see the contact name, you’re forced to do a double take.
[1:21 pm] shotaro: i hope i’m not bothering u but i just wanted to make sure ur okay .. you kinda went quiet in the gc :>
[1:21 pm] shotaro: it’s shotaro from the dance studio btw!
you can’t help but find the fact that he seriously thought you wouldn’t remember him adorable. how could you ever forget a face like his?
[1:22 pm] you: that’s so kind! i’m okay, i promise. i’ve just had to put up with those dorks for way too long, sometimes i just ignore them haha
[1:22 pm] shotaro: lol yeah they do seem like a handful! but i look forward to getting to know them better!!
[1:23 pm] shotaro: and u too ofc~~
it takes all your willpower not to spam dozens of heart emojis in an attempt to show shotaro just how he has reduced you to a lovesick fool. instead, your response is short and sweet.
[1:23 pm] you: right back at u, taro! ♡
“okay, take five,” donghyuck pants, pausing the music blaring from the speakers.
you gladly obey, wiping away the light sweat you had worked up from the latest routine you and hyuck were constructing.
you both belonged to the same dance class and frequently paired together for partnered projects. the rest of your friends attended different classes, which you constantly joked was for the best since there was no way one dance instructor could possibly handle the six of you together.
“how do you feel?” donghyuck asks you, running a hand through his tousled hair.
“the choreo’s great, i’m proud of what we got so far,” you reply. “of course, i would be happier if i didn’t have to get so up close and personal with you.”
donghyuck scoffs at your joke. “i can’t do anything about that. the teacher said the whole concept of the routine is supposed to be is intimate.”
you fake a gag, failing to contain a laugh when hyuck playfully shoves you in offense.
“i’m sorry i can’t be shotaro,” he adds, a smirk forming on his lips.
you roll your eyes. “oh, very funny.”
“c’mon, you’re acting like you wouldn’t kill to have him as your partner, especially with choreo as spicy as this.”
“well, it would beat being paired with you,” you remark, picking up your water bottle and taking a swig.
“hm, then looks like today might be your lucky day,” donghyuck replies, eyes trained somewhere behind you.
you follow his gaze, nearly choking on your water as soon as you catch sight of shotaro entering the studio. he meets your eyes, plucking out his earbuds and offering you a small wave.
“oh, hey guys!” he exclaims, cheerfully.
“hey ’taro,” you greet, rather quickly, earning you a knowing glance from your partner.
“’taro?” hyuck repeats, amused, as he folds his arms over his chest. “you guys are already on cute nickname basis?”
shotaro giggles, eyes squinting adorably as he does so. “it is a pretty adorable nickname, right? she’s the only one who calls me that!”
your heart beats faster when you see how oddly excited that seems to make him. did he somehow find it endearing?
“seems like the two of you are becoming quite close, hm?” continues hyuck.
shotaro nods enthusiastically before glancing at you tentatively, as if to check for confirmation.
“yeah, you could say that.”
your agreement causes yet another smile to grace shotaro’s lips — this time he seems relieved. you briefly wonder if the kid ever stops flashing those pearly whites of his. you certainly hope so, or else your heart may never catch a break.  
“well, since you’re comfortable enough with each other,” donghyuck begins, flashing you a grin.
you’re not even sure what he’s gonna say but you already feel the need to put an end to it. after all, nothing good has ever come of donghyuck’s mischievous grins. you subtly purse your lips and narrow your eyes in an attempt to get him to stop whatever chaos he’s planning to ensue.
nevertheless, he proceeds. “maybe you could help me out with this choreography?”
you want to facepalm at donghyuck’s lame excuse of a lie. however, on the other hand, shotaro’s face lights up in delight.
“you’re working on choreo? what for?” he inquires, curiously.
“for our dance class,” hyuck explains, motioning towards you. “i have a couple ideas so i was thinking you two could maybe try out some steps i’m planning to include. you know, to help me... visualize.”
“that sounds awesome,” shotaro responds, oblivious to your friend’s untruths. “i would love to help you guys out.”
“great!” donghyuck claps his hands together. “just a heads up, the theme of the routine is intimacy, so i wanna see all that charm of yours, shotaro. it’ll, uh, help me choreograph.”
you cringe at the obvious fib. meanwhile, it’s as if a switch has gone off in shotaro’s mind. his smile fades and his eyebrows knit together. “hold on, i-intimacy? does that mean—”
“that you’ll have to get a bit touchy-feely with her? yeah,” donghyuck interjects, innocently.
“y’know... i’ve really been wanting to dance with her.” he faces you, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. “just never thought it would be like this.”
you offer him an apologetic smile. “i know, it might be a bit... uncomfortable. you can back out if you’d like. i promise hyuck and i won’t mind.”
shotaro’s head shakes, vigorously. “no, of course not!” he must realize how quick he was to deny your offer, making him suspiciously eager to be close to you as he immediately adds, “i mean, it’s good practice.”
you suppress a giggle. “sure thing. hyuck, should we get started now?”
the boy in question dramatically picks at his nails, acting as if he had been waiting on you both for hours. “if you guys are done flirting, then, yeah.”
you roll your eyes, shooting shotaro a mildly annoyed stare. he grins, finding it to be equally amusing as it is endearing. (what can he say, the faint pout that appeared on your face was cute.)
“shotaro, how about you get in position right behind her.”
shotaro obeys, making sure to leave a significant amount of space between the two of you. however, donghyuck doesn’t seem to approve.
“closer!” he commands. “the concept is intimacy, not social distancing!”
shotaro shuffles forward, pressing his front into your back. you can’t help but notice how firmly toned his chest is. curse his dancers body, you think.
“okay, now, lemme see your hands on her waist!”
you feel the breath of shotaro’s shaky exhale on the back of your neck as he obeys, sliding apprehensive hands around your midsection. there’s silence on donghyuck’s end and through the mirror you watch him observe the two of you, no doubt acting way more pensive than he truly is. you know he’s just prolonging your flustered state by keeping you in this intimate position with the younger boy.
although, shotaro himself might know it too, considering the fact that he begins to rub comforting circles into your sides that he’s currently gripping, as per donghyuck’s request, in an attempt to calm you down. you nearly melt right then and there. at the same time, you hope he doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon.
donghyuck calls out your name, successfully startling you and putting an end to the peaceful atmosphere. “why don’t you go ahead and lean on his shoulder. just lay your head back nice and easy— good, very good! look at that chemistry!”
if you’re being sincere, reclining on shotaro feels way more natural and enjoyable than it should. he steadily holds you in place, almost as if he secretly wishes to never let go. you wouldn’t be completely opposed to the idea either.
“alright, last thing, guys! y/n, how about you hook your arm around shotaro’s neck?”
you do so, fingers brushing softly against his jaw. he shivers beneath your touch, erupting into giggles when you shoot him an odd stare.
“i’m ticklish,” he confesses, in a whisper.
you can’t help but smile widely. “is that so? hm, i might have to exploit that information sooner or later.”
“as long as donghyuck doesn’t find out,” he replies.
his comment certainly gets a chuckle out of you. “did you finally realize how evil he is?”
“if the torture he’s putting you through right now is anything to go by, then absolutely.”
“only a matter of time before it’s your turn,” you reply. you lean into his ear to add, “by the way, this is anything but torture for me.”
“hey! no whispering!” donghyuck reprimands.
for the first time, shotaro goes against the older boy’s orders to whisper back, “it’s mutual. if anything, i think this is the best thing i’ve done since i moved here.”
your heart melts at the sincere admission. you stare at shotaro in what you’re sure is a very obvious case of heart eyes. you’re taken aback to find that he, too, returns the lovesick look. perhaps he was immersing himself a bit too much in the intimacy concept...
“stop! pause! cut!”
you and shotaro (reluctantly) untangle yourselves from each other to face a seemingly unhappy donghyuck.
“can you guys please just focus on my instructions without falling in love with each other?” he pleads. “i mean, you haven’t even gotten out of the starting position yet.” he groans, exasperated. “actually, you know what, just take five.”
[2:03 pm] hyuck: good morning
[2:03 pm] nana: it’s 2 o clock in the afternoon but ok
[2:03 pm] hyuck: i just woke up, therefore it’s morning
[2:03 pm] shotaro: good morning :3 did u sleep well?
[2:04 pm] hyuck: i slept a wonderful 27 hours, thnx for asking!
[2:04 pm] yangx2: ?????? THERES NOT EVEN 27 HOURS IN A DAY IM SCREAMING
[2:05 pm] renjun: i was just gonna ignore him but i am genuinely concerned now
[2:05 pm] shotaro: woww,, well at least you’re well rested now! :]
[2:04 pm] nana: shotaro, i am begging u not to encourage him
[2:04 pm] you: all it takes is one (1) supportive person and he becomes an unstoppable force of evil
[2:04 pm] shotaro: o_0
[2:05 pm] jeno: besides ur like the only other person here with common sense besides myself and maybe renjun. i can’t lose u to donghyuck :(
[2:05 pm] renjun: ykw i’m not even gonna argue with that
[2:05 pm] yangx2: yeah shotaro is a good guy™
[2:06 pm] hyuck: i hate u guys and ur goldfish attention spans
[2:06 pm] you: sigh what do you need hyuck?
[2:06 pm] hyuck: i want boba :(
[2:07 pm] you: that actually sounds really good but idk if it’s worth being around u
[2:07 pm] hyuck: i’ll pretend like u didn’t just say that <3 what if i paid?
[2:07 pm] you: ....
[2:08 pm] renjun: ikr it’s making me super uncomfortable rn
[2:08 pm] hyuck: can’t i do something nice for my friends? :/
[2:08 pm] jeno: no
[2:09 pm] nana: nope
[2:09 pm] yangx2: nah
[2:09 pm] renjun: absolutely not
[2:09 pm] you: never seen it happen before so no
[2:10 pm] hyuck: u guys are so fake :( shotaro do u wanna hang out with me? if u say no i’ll scream :)
[2:11 pm] shotaro: yeah i guess i could :]
[2:11 pm] renjun: oh this just got interesting.. i guess i could tag along
[2:11 pm] yangx2: me too, i gotta be there to record whatever happens
[2:12 pm] nana: i’m in
[2:12 pm] jeno: same
[2:12 pm] you: hhhhh okay fine.. only to ensure taro’s safety
[2:13 pm] shotaro: (^з^)-︎♡
due to the fact that you believed donghyuck was going to try and officially initiate shotaro into your friend group with one of his infamous pranks, you decided to head to the boba shop. you hoped that if you showed up, you would be able to prevent whatever mayhem he had planned or at the very least, provide some damage control.
you pushed open the door to the quaint building, the bell dinging to announce your arrival. your eyes immediately lock onto the table in the far back since it was where you and your friends always sat — you had practically claimed it. you expect to see all the chairs filled but, to your surprise, only one person occupies the space.
osaki shotaro.
he beams, probably relieved to finally have some company in the otherwise empty shop. (after all, you weren’t sure how long he had been sitting there all alone.) nevertheless, you allow yourself to wonder — just for a second —  if maybe he was just that ecstatic to see you. the way he enthusiastically waves you over seems to be in favor of that theory. it’s almost confirmed when you reach he table and he pats the chair beside him.
you let out a soft laugh. “the whole table’s empty, ‘taro.”
“i know,” he admits. “i just really want you to sit next to me.”
you swear you could break down in tears simply from the way he’s looking at you; like you’re all he needs. it’s pure adoration.  you wonder if that’s how you look at him too. you can’t help but ask yourself if he, too, notices your longing stares.
you decide that you would be a monster if you denied shotaro his wish, so, you internally prepare yourself to sit next to possibly the sweetest boy you’ve ever known. yet, that proves to be difficult as said boy stands up to pull out your chair like the gentleman he is. you shoot him a grateful smile, mentally dethroning jeno as the most well-mannered person you know and passing the crown on to shotaro.
“so, how long have you been waiting for?” you ask, resting your elbow on the table and leaning into your palm to stare attentively at the boy to your right.
“actually, i only got here a couple minutes before you. we did agree to meet up here a quarter before three, right?” he asks, slightly confused.
you nod in confirmation. “honestly, i think we got set up.”
shotaro tilts his head. “really? why would they do that?”
“might have something to do with our ‘chemistry’,” you explain, quoting donghyuck.
the japanese boy’s mouth falls agape, as he comes to the realization. “oh, so they literally set us up.”
“mhm,” you agree, smiling ever so slightly.
shotaro must be paying closer attention than you thought because he picks up on your grin. “what’s with the smile?”
you shrug, feigning uncertainty. “i guess i just don’t feel so bad about being set up if it’s with a certain cutie i know.”
“oh?” he raises a brow, cheeks growing as he too mirrors your lovestruck look. “should i be worried about this guy?”
“certainly not,” you reassure him. “i’ve only got eyes for one.”
you see a faded tint of pink rush to his cheeks and you find it adorable how your confession flusters him. you can’t help but caress the supple skin as gently as possible. shotaro leans into your touch, his own hand coming up to cup your own, almost as if he were holding you in place. after a couple moments of basking in the intimate moment, you retract your hand.
“maybe we should try and get hyuck to include that in the choreo, huh?” you suggest, a teasing smile on your lips.
shotaro chuckles, “sounds good to me. i might even ask if i can fill his position, too. if not, i just might get jealous.”
you playfully shove him and he raises his hands in surrender. you chuckle, grabbing one of the menus that litter the table, planning to offer shotaro some help choosing an item from the list that is surely unfamiliar to him but it seems something outside the window behind you has caught his focus instead.
“looks like we have an audience.”
you take a deep breath at his words, preparing yourself for whatever it is you’re going to see upon turning around. when you finally do, all you manage to catch is five heads ducking beneath the windowsill, in a weak attempt to not get caught.
“of course,” you nearly laugh. “they’re so predictable.”
shotaro seems to find the situation humorous as well, if his amused tone is anything to go by. “to be honest, we should be thanking them. they got us together.”
“oh, so we’re together now?” you inquire, raising a brow.
“w-well, i mean, if you want to. i-i definitely want to.”
“no need for stuttering,” you reassure him, reaching over to stroke that one ticklish spot on his neck. “to quote a very wise — and handsome — young man, ‘it’s mutual.’”
he smiles at his own words being recited to him. “i don’t know about you, but i think we should seal the deal.”
“interesting. how do you suppose we do that?” you ask with faux curiosity. you certainly had some ideas of your own.
“maybe... a kiss?” shotaro leans forward, eyes closed expectantly as he taps his cheek. you resist the urge to pinch his lovely, round baby cheeks. he peeks one eye open to add, “for the audience, of course.”
you giggle, completely and utterly love-struck by the boy before you. in fact, you are so enamored by him that you decide to go the extra mile and press a sweet, chaste peck to his lips.
it seems as if he himself didn’t expect it as his eyes snap open, hand coming up to cup his lips in shock. when he finally uncovers his mouth, you see there’s a dazed, giddy grin on his face that let’s you know the smooch was very welcome pleasant surprise.
your phones simultaneously go off, alerting you of incoming messages. it’s a given that it’s none other than the group chat.
[3:15 pm] nana: that smooch was romcom worthy i’m so impressed right now
[3:15 pm] jeno: shotaro is living proof that being a gentleman has its perks! everyone in this gc should take notes!
[3:16 pm] yangx2: attachment: 1 video
[3:16 pm] renjun: can we get boba now?
[3:16 pm] renjun: oh wait my bad, congrats to the new couple :-)
[3:16 pm] renjun: to celebrate they should pay for everyone’s drinks.. just a thought
[3:17 pm] hyuck: ur welcome, y/n and shotaro ;)
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