#and he and Anne just start laughing
winepresswrath · 2 years
Actually I think Antoinette deserves to get in on killing Lestat but that was either an absolutely genius example of Louis POV or the laziest and most disinterested attempt at character writing I have ever seen in my life.
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love-at-first-bite · 2 years
Sorry to still be a #Hater but, knowing I Will be playing 3 playthroughs of Persona 3 (2 Portable runs and one FES+The Answer run) sounds so much more fun and enjoyable than playing Persona 5 for a second time, vanilla or Royal I'M SORRY THIS IS A P5 HATE ACCOUNT NOW
#victor beeps#meanwhile i will play P4 one million times#i'm sorry!!!!! i didn't like 5's story as much#it starts off SO BAD (content wise. which is why i put the game down for like a year)#i love the phantom thieves. honest. but joker isn't my fave protag#I HATE MORGANA >:V I WANNA LIKE HIM SO BAD CAUSE KITTY BUT HE SUCKS#ann was done SOOOOOO dirty. and ryuji too <:/ (love both them so much tho)#yusuke is written as the ''weird kid'' and just feels like everyone is laughing at him all the time#i didn't find makoto or haru all that memorable compared to the rest of the party#i don't really have a problem with futaba's writing. i love her so much and love how they handled her mental problems actually#but the ''she's practically my sister'' line in Royal and you can still romance her :/ kinda yuck#also ummm biggest issue with 5 is that you can romance the adult women and joker's 16. one of them being your teacher :/ big yikes#and i don't much care for kasumi as others do. she's an interesting character yes but sorry#akechi my wonderful son it felt like his story was snuffed out super quick just to get to the end. also fuck pancakes shut up fuck you#i'm sorry i can't help but compare it to the games that came before. 5 was my first persona game tho#i just prefer 4. story and characters#a copy of p5r is at the gamestop for like 20 bucks and i do want it! but i just can't be assed to play p5 again at least for a long while#long tags of me being a hater man sorryyyyyyy if you read all these i love you <3
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hauntingblue · 26 days
Today I dreamed that I was in a ship with Anne and Eleanor and Anne got killed by her and I went insane with grief ajdjaksjk
#and other things like how eleanor and the british army started wearing spartan armor and using short blades like in the movie troia....#and i was like damn the neoclassicism runs deep here but you all look ridiculous#also real thing that would happen if anne died btw. this is a warning#silver reading billy ajdhajdjj is every9ne feeling better??#us this guy the mountain from got???? omg#the hammer..... omg#flint my god send a fucking boat..... flint.... they are living the horrors here flint#billy and silver post situationship breakup breakup#billy: i can keep your gf safe which btw your current partner cant...#and shes PREGNANT#ANNE KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!#she kinda did hehe#was silver in this mans camp??? thats why he comes from literally nowhere#oh no its thomas....#where could we had run away max??? btw i am pregnant and its yours#i dont understand what eleanor wants like why is england important for the island.... how can she not see how wrong they are#like she wanted pirates to become pardoned to be traders and they could do that without england and its whats happening#and why does max see england necessary in the equation too?? i guess its about that story she told anne to break up with her but yeah#'civil society' doesnt want max unless it benefits it and 'civil society' doesnt want eleanor either bc of her familys history so now what#you belong to the island still#silver: why would she sell this victory to us? flint: i can smell one of us here is pregnant#talking tag#watching black sails#not going insane with grief just yet anne and jack live laugh love another day
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lightasthesun · 1 year
not my family talking about how they want to be laid to rest around the dinner table on easter monday 💀
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poundingwaves · 4 months
After some much needed post-battle rest, Gorgug is still left with one mystery to solve. How the hell is he supposed to figure out Mary Ann’s phone number? First, he asks Fig for help since she’s apparently on lime level. She laugh reacts to his message and tells him she has absolutely no clue what Quokki Pets is but she’ll meet him at Basrar’s.
Fig offers to Wanda Childa Mary Ann to try to get more information out of her and Gorgug practically begs her not to. They agree instead to request Adaine’s research expertise. Adaine sends them a bulleted list of Quokki Pets facts including where to find the game. The three of them meet at the Elmville mall to see if Mary Ann actually left her phone number there. Adaine starts mage handing copies of the game over to Fig (disguised as an employee) who opens them to see if there are any notes inside. Gorgug purchases a copy for himself. Maybe actually playing the game could be a good idea (and impress Mary Ann if that’s even possible). 
After being booted from the store, Mary Ann’s number still eluding them, they consider that finding Mary Ann’s profile could help. They enlist their tech genius, so Riz shows up with his equipment ready to go. He hacks into the Quokki Pets message boards and finds a high level user located in Elmville with the name Mangostrawb. Gotta be her. So they look through her posts on the message boards and mostly just find her showing off her Quokkis, leaving scathing comments on non-optimized builds, or occasionally dropping tips for new players. After scrolling through dozens of pages, they’re positive Mangostrawb is Mary Ann but that’s still not exactly helpful.
They finally call it quits for the day and go their separate ways, vowing to keep helping Gorgug get to that bench. Late that night as he’s embarking on his Quokki Pets journey, Gorgug gets a text from an unknown number. He opens it. “you don’t just get quokki pets. they come to you”
Gorgug sighs and puts his crystal down. She's so fucking annoying.
And so hot.
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ladysharmaa · 6 months
Kate mini version
Anthony Bridgerton x Kate Sharma x sis!reader
summary: Kate's sister is sent to live with Kate and Anthony by her mother who had to travel to India and couldn't take her. Feeling that she was unwanted and intruding on the Bridgerton couple's lives, Y/n starts acting distant. When Anthony and Kate realize this, they try to make Y/n see how much she is loved by everyone
requested: yes
part 1 part 2 part 3
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Y/n was sitting in her carriage for 5 minutes, not having the courage to open the door. She was outside the Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton mansion, in other words her sister and her brother-in-law. Her hands trembled in her lap as she took a deep breath to try to calm her anxiety and her irregular heartbeat.
Her mother Mary had to travel to India and decided to not let her youngest go with her. As Y/n was still too young to consider it safe to keep her at home alone, even with maids, Mary asked Anthony and Kate to welcome her into their home.
Ever since Mary's older daughter found a husband and went to live a new life, Y/n felt that her relationship with her mother got worse.
The house was quieter, both of them no longer had the usual company of the other sisters. It made Y/n realize how she couldn’t hold a conversation with Mary, at least not like Kate and Edwina. It also didn't help that Y/n was extremely similar to their father, who had already died. It seemed like Mary was grieving again for her late lover, and Y/n was the cause of it.
So, like a snowball effect, Y/n couldn't help but think that Kate and Anthony were just taking her in out of obligation, since they were family, but that she was actually considered a burden for them.
"Would you like for me to open the door, Miss?" the maid who accompanied her asked with a gentle smile.
"There is no need for that, Anne. Thank you." she replied, snapping out of her thoughts.
With a last deep breath, Y/n opened the door just as Anthony and Kate were leaving the house. As soon as she saw them, Y/n bowed slightly. When she lifted her head again she found the two of them with a smile directed at her. But even so, she had doubts, after all, in this society, everyone had learned to master the fake polite smile. Kate hurried to her, pulling her into a tight hug.
"Y/n! It's so nice to have you here. The house can get so quiet when the Viscount is working. It'll be great to have our conversations like we had before." Kate whispered in her ear, Y/n only responding with a small smile.
Anthony approached the younger Sharma to greet her, Y/n bowing again. "Lord Bridgerton, thank you for your hospitality. It was very kind of you."
"By all means, Miss Y/n, you are family. Now let's come inside, Phillip can bring your belongings to your room." Anthony said, linking his arm with his wife and starting to head towards the room where the maids were setting the table for the tea.
Y/n followed behind the couple, her steps cautious. She looked at the huge mansion and sighed, her fears continuously running through her mind. This was going to be a very long month.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was still quite early, the sun's rays barely illuminating the mansion. However, Y/n was already awake and ready for the day. She went down to the kitchen, wanting to help the cooks and maids. It was the least she could do, since now they were cooking for one more person and the day before they had brought her a rather late meal since she didn't eat all of dinner.
The maids were surprised to see the youngest Sharma in the kitchen, tying an apron around her waist. However, with a lot of resistance on Y/n's part, they let the girl help. Y/n had a lot of fun, the maids had a good relationship with each other, throwing in some jokes from time to time that made her laugh.
Y/n was placing the last dish on the table. She had to admit that everything looked great. The food varied from fruit to various cakes and breads. Just in time, Anthony entered the kitchen, stopping in surprise when he saw Y/n there.
"Miss Sharma, I wasn't expecting you to be awake already. It's quite early."
"I'm a morning person, Lord Bridgerton." Y/n chuckled, running her hands down her dress nervously. She then pointed to the table, desperate not to remain in an awkward silence. "Breakfast is ready."
"I see that, everything looks great." he sat at the end of the table. Y/n remained standing, looking around, causing Anthony to hesitate before asking, "Aren't you going to sit down to eat too?"
"Oh! I already ate with the maids, thank you. Hm, is my sister awake?"
Anthony clears his throat, looking down. A frown appeared on Y/n's face when she saw the man's cheeks start to turn pink. "Your sister is still sleeping. She was not feeling well last night so she couldn't sleep much."
"Very well..." The girl nodded slowly. "I shall bring her tea when she wakes up. Until then, I was hoping I could go on for a walk in the gardens? Please?"
"Of course, Y/n, you don't have to ask." Anthony nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin after drinking some orange juice. "Do you want me to ask a maid to go with you and keep you company?"
"No, it's okay, I prefer to go alone."
"No problem. In the afternoon we should go to my mother's house to play pall-mall. It would be lovely if you decided to join us."
"Oh, I'm not sure yet. I wouldn't want to interrupt your family time." Y/n looked away so as not to show the sadness she felt.
She had never even met Anthony's family properly, only meeting them briefly at the couple's wedding. Either way, with all the stories she'd heard from Kate, she doubted she'd be able to fit into the family dynamic. She was afraid that Anthony was only extending the invitation to her out of obligation to now be living with them, after all, she had never been invited even when her two sisters were.
However, with all these thoughts, the girl did not see the frown that appeared on her sister's husband's face. What do you mean she didn't want to interrupt family time when it was part of it?
Although his family never spent much time with Y/n, it was just because since she was younger, they thought she would feel more comfortable with her mother instead of being dragged around with Edwina and Kate to every event. She had lost her father and moved countries, they didn't want to overwhelm her. However, Anthony's siblings really wanted to meet her, especially Francesca and Hyacinth, who wanted to have a new friend.
"Y/n, you are family. My siblings would love to spend more time with you, especially my sisters." Anthony finally said.
"I will think about it." Y/n offered him a small smile out of politeness. "I will be heading to the gardens. Let me know if you need me. Excuse me, Lord Bridgerton."
When Y/n finally left the dining room, Anthony rubbed a hand over his face in frustration. He really needed to talk to his wife about this.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Y/n was lying down on the grass, enjoying the sun's rays that warmed her skin, when Kate found her. After Anthony told her about what happened at breakfast, Kate knew there was something wrong with her younger sister.
Anthony's wife lay down beside Y/n, alerting her to her presence. Y/n lifted her head, offering her sister a small smile. "Are you feeling better?"
"Pardon?" Kate frowned, not understanding the question. Her mouth opened in realization as she remembered what Anthony had told her with a light blush. "Oh, yes, I'm fine. Nothing that a few more hours of sleep couldn't solve."
"I'm glad." Y/n closed her eyes again, enjoying the sunny day.
"Are you enjoying your time here? Lord Bridgerton told me that you cooked with the maids today." Kate said after a few moments of silence.
"Yes, they were lovely. I wanted to help."
"If you had a good time then there's no problem. But you know you don't need to get up early to cook for us. I want you to have fun and be comfortable while you're here."
Y/n remained silent. Her hand started messing with the grass, a way to distract herself. "I know." she replied with a small voice.
"Do you?" the elder Sharma raised her eyebrows teasingly.
But Y/n remained silent, a small frown forming on her face as she thought about what Kate said. In turn, Kate felt her heart tighten with guilt. As she looked at her little sister, she remembered when she was a baby and made exactly the same face when she thought. A sigh escaped her lips, missing having Y/n's company all day.
The three Sharma sisters used to spend every waking moment together, strolling around the garden or simply relaxing in silence. But now, with Kate married and Edwina being courted by the prince, they didn't think about how it would affect Y/n.
"Tell me what is really wrong." Kate asked with sad eyes. Y/n sat down, opening her mouth to start speaking, but nothing came out. "Y/n, I'm sorry I haven't spent much time with you. But I love you, and I want you to be comfortable being here with me and Anthony."
"You didn't just let me stay out of obligation?" the younger sister asked shyly, refusing to look into Kate's eyes, who had also sat up and was trying to lift Y/n's chin with her hand.
"No! In fact, I was the one who asked mother to let you stay with me instead of considering you going with her to India. We wanted you here. I miss seeing my little sister every day. It can get lonely when Anthony works, and I love having you here."
"Really? But when you're bored, don't you visit Lord Bridgerton's siblings?"
"Yes, but no one can replace you. And I'm always talking about you to them, from all the stories I've told, I think they like you more than me!" Kate laughed, her smile widening when Y/n also chuckled. "I'm sure they would be delighted for you to go with us to play pall-mall."
"Hmm, I'm not sure. What if they don't like me?"
"Oh!" Anthony's wife gasped as if it was the most ridiculous idea. "That's impossible! With your heart and your kindness, they would be fools to not like you!"
"I really missed you." Y/n admitted, resting her head on Kate's shoulder.
"Me too. And after mother comes back, our house is still open. You can come here whenever you wish."
"Thank you, Kate. I'm glad you found Anthony, you seem very happy."
"I am happy." Kate assured her. "And just because I am married now, nothing changes between us. You are still my priority."
"Thank you. And I believe a game of pall-mall is not the worst thing in the world. I will join you." the younger girl nodded with a smile, gaining confidence from her sister's words.
"Great! Then you'll also get to see Lord Bridgerton be a sore loser when I win."
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
She was already starting to regret her decision when she saw Anthony's family in the garden, already bickering with each other. She and her sisters were competitive, but not at this level.
"Dear siblings, if you could please just listen to me first." Anthony caught their attention with a sarcastic smile. "This is Miss Y/n, Kate's younger sister. She will be joining us today."
"Another Sharma? We are going to lose!" the younger boy, who Y/n assumed was Gregory, said.
Two other girls came to her, introducing themselves as Francesca and Hyacinth, Anthony's younger sisters. As they excitedly talked, Y/n's nerves began to disappear. Kate watched them closely, relaxing when she noticed that her sister was smiling, looking happy to be making friends. Her husband joined her, letting her lean against him and kissing her cheek.
"I told you it was going to be okay."
"Yeah, I know. But I was so sad that she thought we didn't want her here with us. It's my fault." Kate whispered sadly, feeling Anthony put his arm around her waist in comfort.
"It's not your fault, my love. We have to make her feel welcome, but for now, I think she's having fun." Noticing that Kate still wasn't convinced, he added. "What if the three of us went for a horse ride tomorrow? You once told me that Y/n always wanted to ride a horse, but she never got to learn since your father died. What if I taught her?"
"You would do that?" his wife smiled in delight. "Oh, Anthony, thank you. I'm sure she would love that."
"Anything for my wife and her little sister." Anthony smiled, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips. "I love you."
"Are you being this lovely just so I won't be so competitive in the game?" she laughed teasingly. "Forget it! Prepare to lose, my dear husband."
Kate turned her back on him, going to the others so they could start the game. Anthony enjoyed the view of his wife, wondering how he got so lucky. "I love my life."
While they were playing, Eloise told Y/n how women deserved to go to college and not live just for their husbands. Benedict appeared later, declaring that he was going to save her from her sister's obsessions, making Y/n hide a giggle behind her hand. In turn, he and Collin were extremely funny, especially when Anthony made a bad move and Kate beat him.
Y/n also had time to meet Daphne's son, who seemed to like her and demanded with a cry that she pick him up. She didn't complain, the baby was too cute to refuse anything.
She and her two new friends got tired of playing, preferring to sit under the shade with the baby and play a little with him. Meanwhile, they talked about everything and got to know more about each other. They only realized how much time had passed when Lady Violet Bridgerton called them to drink and eat something.
By late afternoon, Y/n was exhausted but happy. Her family was more complete, and she loved being part of its dynamic.
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flickering-chandelier · 4 months
The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine
Pairing: CEO Azriel x Coworker Reader
Summary: Azriel and Reader have been dating for a while, effectively keeping it a secret at work, despite their frequent make-out sessions. When a different coworker asks Reader out, Azriel gets very, very jealous.
Based on this request! 🩷
Warnings: Az gets a little possessive, some very brief smutty moments
Word Count: 3.7k
Anne, the secretary, called your name, poking her head into your office. “The boss wants to see you.”
“Thank you,” you smiled faintly at her, smoothing down your skirt under your desk, schooling your face into a neutral mask even as heat rushed through your body.
Tapping your foot, you waited impatiently in the empty elevator, going to the top level where you made your way to the CEO’S office. 
You knocked on the door and he glanced up at you briefly before his eyes landed back on the stack of papers on his desk. “Come in,” he said.
Once you stepped over the threshold, his eyes darkened as they met yours again. “Close the door,” he said gruffly, authority dripping from every part of him. 
Slowly, you closed the door behind you. 
Eyes locked on yours, he stood up, rolling up his shirtsleeves as he stalked toward you, revealing his muscled forearms. 
He stopped when he was toe to toe with you, his body towering over yours. He reached behind you and locked the door.
In the next moment, his hands were on your face and he was kissing you deeply, his tongue sliding into your mouth as you clung to him.
His lips trailed down your neck and you moaned softly, unable to hold it in. He covered your mouth with his hand, smirking into your skin. “If you can't stay quiet, I'll have to send you back to your desk.”
You nipped at his hand with your teeth and he laughed quietly, spinning you around and backing you up toward his desk, his mouth back on yours.
When your ass collided with his massive wooden desk, he lifted you up and sat you on top of it, spreading your legs wide and stepping between them, all without breaking the kiss.
His hand ran up from your calf to your thigh, under your skirt. 
“Az,” you warned, breathlessly.
“Hmm,” he hummed, his hand pausing its ascent, his thumb drawing soothing circles on your skin.
A knock on the door made you both freeze. He sighed into your neck in frustration before silently, expertly helping you to your feet, smoothing your clothes, your hair. 
By the time Azriel casually said, “Come in,” you were seated on opposite sides of his desk, looking for all the world like two coworkers who were having a professional meeting.
Azriel nodded to you politely as the intruder entered his office: your cue to leave.
You stopped in the bathroom before returning to your desk, dabbing cool water on your face, on the back of your neck. 
A year ago, when you had started working here, you remembered meeting your CEO and thinking that he was the most beautiful man you had ever seen. You had spent months daydreaming about him, longing for him to notice you, for him to linger by your desk or look at you during a meeting.
Then one day, it happened. At the end of the day, you were getting on the elevator on your way out and he was in it. Alone. 
You stood side by side, your heart pounding. Standing so close to him, the realization hit you how massive his body was compared to yours, and you couldn’t help but glance at him as you made the descent down to ground level.
He cleared his throat, and your eyes whipped to him. “You look nice today,” he said. 
Immediately, you felt heat rush to your cheeks. “Thank you,” you said, feeling breathless. 
When the side of his mouth turned up into a half smile, you simultaneously realized that you had never seen him smile before, and you would do just about anything to make him do it again.
His eyes bore into yours, alight with an emotion that you couldn’t quite place. 
Quietly, he said your name, taking a step closer to you. 
Azriel must have seen the lust written all over your face because he jabbed the hold elevator button with his thumb, not taking his eyes from yours as the elevator lurched to a halt. 
Another moment later and you were being pushed against the wall, his hands on your neck, in your hair, his lips devouring yours. 
“Is this okay?” he said against your lips, and you could only moan, could only wrap your arms tighter around him. 
That night, you ended up at his massive penthouse, tangled up in his sheets. 
You had been together ever since.
It was thrilling, if you were honest with yourself. Azriel had thought that it would be best to keep your relationship a secret at work. You had readily agreed, not wanting to deal with the potential backlash of people finding out you were sleeping with the boss.
The first time the two of you made out at work after the elevator had been a bit of an accident. You really did need to go to his office to talk to him about something. It was confidential, so you had closed his door behind you.
…And as soon as the business was over, the pleasure started. He had smirked at you, pulled you into his lap, and kissed you senseless.
After that, it became difficult to avoid. Any time the two of you found yourselves alone together, one of you was pulling the other into a kiss.
The fact that you had never been caught only spurred you on further. You did admit that sometimes it got a little reckless. 
But that was all part of the fun.
Unfortunately, you didn't see Azriel for the rest of the day, though you did get a lot of work done because of it.
That evening, you were peering into your near empty refrigerator with a frown, when you got a text.
Azriel: Come over.
You rolled your eyes, smiling. 
You: What's the magic word?
Azriel: Pretty please come over.
You: Much better. 😘
Azriel: So you're coming?
You: I haven't eaten yet…
Azriel: I'll order whatever you want.
You: !!! I'm leaving now.
Mere moments after you knocked on Azriel's front door, he had you pinned against the wall with his body, his length prominent against your ass, his lips on your neck.
“Bitter about how things ended at work, huh?” You asked as his hand traveled up your bare thigh.
He growled into your skin. “You've been on my mind all day.”
“Oh yeah? What have you been thinking about doing?” You teased, pressing your ass further against him.
Immediately he flipped your dress up and pulled your panties down. You dug your fingernails into the wall as he unbuckled his belt.
You moaned, leaning your head back as he entered you in one fluid movement. 
His hips slapped against you over and over again as he moved in quick, deep thrusts. You were both so riled up that it didn't take long for you to finish.
Once you were cleaned up and your clothes were back in place, he kissed you gently before taking your hand and leading you to his massive, unbelievably expensive kitchen that he never used.
Spread on the counter were take out bags from three of your favorite restaurants. 
You looked at him pointedly and he shrugged, smiling faintly. “I didn't know what you wanted, so I got your top three.”
Laughing, you stood up on your tiptoes to kiss him again before getting two plates from the cabinet and opening one of the bags. “You could've just waited to order until I got here,” you said, handing him a plate.
“I couldn't let you go hungry after I ravished you,” he smirked.
You carried your plate to the table, and he sat across from you, falling into companionable silence as you ate.
After dinner, you retired to his bedroom. He had an entire closet of clothes for you there that he had slowly built up after you started dating. You tried to resist at first, but you had to admit it was convenient.
You changed into pajamas and cuddled with him as the two of you fought over the remote. 
“Sweetheart, we watched your show last time,” he said, one hand on your chest to hold you back while he raised the other far above his head, changing the show you had put on to a documentary.
You groaned, flopping back against the massive mattress dramatically. “Az, you pick the most boring shows in the world. Can't you pick an interesting documentary about murder or something?”
He raised an eyebrow at you and you seized your opportunity, pouncing on him and wrestling the remote from his hand.
You rolled to the opposite side of the bed, cradling the remote in your hands and giggling while you changed it back to your favorite reality TV show.
Azriel let out a resigned sigh as he pulled your body back into his. “Alright, fine. You win.”
Grinning, you kissed him and settled into his embrace for the rest of the night.
The next morning, you woke up with Azriel's absurdly early alarm and swore.
“Hmm?” He asked sleepily, kissing you before he even opened his eyes.
“I didn't mean to sleep over on a weekday.”
“Why does it matter?” He mumbled into your skin.
“People can't see us showing up at work together.”
“I can call a car for you,” he said. “Or we can risk it and try to be sneaky,” he smiled, kissing a line down your neck.
“Don't you think we've been risking it enough?” You asked.
Azriel settled back against the pillows again. “I don't know. With you I feel pretty invincible,” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes and he laughed. “It's up to you,” he said, kissing you one more time before padding to the adjacent bathroom. 
You followed him, stopping in front of your side of the double sinks, pulling out your toothbrush in tandem with him. He faced you as you both brushed your teeth, gently brushing stray hair out of your face. You shook your head, smiling lightly, though you did love this side of him, the one that could make any menial task feel romantic. 
He kissed your temple after you had both brushed your teeth, and you took out the makeup and hair products from the drawer he had set aside for you as he stepped into the shower. 
By the time Azriel was out of the shower, you were still finishing up your makeup. He stood behind you, smiling softly, watching your reflection as he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on the top of your head, a fluffy towel wrapped around his waist. Even after all this time, he still gave you butterflies, still set your body on fire when he touched you. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he said softly.
You couldn’t help but smile. “You’re unbelievably hot,” you said, your voice teasing but your eyes alight. 
He barked out a laugh before kissing the top of your head and sauntering back into his bedroom. “Good to know you still think so.”
Shortly after, your makeup was done and your hair looked presentable, and you joined him in the bedroom, where he was pulling his pants on, still shirtless. 
“It was my first thought, you know,” you said, arms crossed, eyes intently watching his body, every ripple of the muscles in his forearms, his biceps, his stomach. 
“What was?” he asked, looking up at you as he slung his shirt on, buttoning it up. 
“The first time I saw you. All I could think was that you’re the hottest man I’d ever seen.”
His smile turned slightly predatory as he stalked closer to you, the top few buttons of his shirt left undone. “I know. I could see it in your eyes,” he murmured, bringing his hands to your waist, his lips drifting closer and closer to yours. 
“You could?” you breathed.
“Well, I saw some kind of spark,” he said, slowly moving his mouth to your ear before playfully taking your earlobe in between his teeth. “I was hoping it was for me.”
Your breath came out in a soft exhale, your heart rate picking up speed. “We need to leave soon,” you said, trying to focus.
“Yes, we do,” he murmured, before kissing you softly, cradling your face in both his hands. 
It took every bit of effort you had to gently push him away. “Get dressed,” you said breathlessly. 
He laughed, reaching up and buttoning his shirt as you pulled out a skirt and blouse from “your” closet. “As you wish, my love,” he said, his eyes shining with amusement.
You couldn’t get enough of him that morning. So, you decided to take your chances and ride with him to work. His sportscar’s windows were tinted so extremely that nobody could possibly see in, and Azriel made it a point to always be the first one in the office, so you hoped that there wouldn’t be anyone around to see you get out of the luxury vehicle. 
His hand rested casually on your thigh as he drove, and your eyes were glued to him. With his designer sunglasses, his pristine suit, his expensive watch, he looked like he should be on the cover of some magazine for rich men, making them all drool with envy. 
Sure enough, the parking lot was completely empty when Azriel pulled into his reserved parking space. 
He smirked at you, squeezing your thigh. “I told you it would be fine, baby,” he murmured, leaning in to give you a long, slow kiss. 
You let yourself sink into the kiss, into the feeling of him, for a few beautiful moments. 
After a bit, you went inside hand in hand, thankful for the empty hallways. In the elevator, he pulled your body to his, threading his fingers through your hair, kissing you until the doors opened. 
He walked you to your office and lingered in your doorway, still holding onto your hand, giving you one more kiss before he went up to his office, shooting you a bright smile over his shoulder.
Through most of the work day, you didn’t see Azriel and kept to yourself in your office.
That is, until Spencer showed up, knocking on your door with a smirk before entering your office, leaving the door ajar. It was toward the end of the day, and most of the office had cleared out by then. 
Spencer wasn't your favorite person in the office. He was a cocky asshole, to put it blatantly. Nobody really liked to work with him, but especially not the women. His ego was bigger than anyone's, though he had done absolutely nothing to deserve it.
“Hey,” he said with a crooked smile, leaning casually against the door frame.
“Hi, Spencer,” you said, trying to keep your voice mild. “What's up?”
“I was thinking that you and I should get dinner sometime,” he said, shooting you a cocky grin that you had seen him use on other women in this very office.
You raised your eyebrow, saying cautiously, “Like a date?”
He shrugged nonchalantly. “If you want to call it that.”
Fighting the urge to scowl, you said politely, “No, thanks. I have a boyfriend.”
He looked annoyed, like he wanted to say more, but thought better of it. He blundered through a somewhat awkward goodbye before he left you alone in your office again.
As soon as Spencer's footsteps faded, Azriel was in your office, his eyes on fire.
“What,” you said, surprised, “Did you hear all that?”
He growled, kicking your door shut before he was taking your hand and pulling you upright, kissing you hard, his tongue and hands unyielding.
You gasped in surprise as he lifted you in his arms and set you on your desk, still kissing you relentlessly, his hands wandering over your thighs, your cheeks.
“Az,” you breathed, but he cut you off with another searing kiss.
“You're mine,” he said against your mouth.
“Of course I am,” you said, leaning back slightly, trying to suck air into your lungs.
“Say it,” he ground out before kissing you senseless again.
“I'm yours,” you gasped, clutching to him. 
He pulled back finally, holding your face in his hands, gazing into your eyes. “And I'm yours,” he said.
“Az,” you said gently, running your thumb on his bicep in what you hoped were soothing movements. “I love you. You know that.”
“I know,” he said, breathing heavily. “I just-- that pissed me off. That guy really fucking pisses me off.”
You laughed, despite yourself. “Me too.”
He sighed, kissing you softly. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you said, leaning in to kiss him again. 
“I'm sorry I got -- you know,” he winced slightly.
“You don't have to worry about anybody else,” you said. “You're the one I want.”
“I know,” he murmured, kissing you softly. 
Spencer must have really gotten to Azriel, because he took you out to an extremely expensive restaurant that night, and he didn’t take his eyes off you for a moment while you were there.
You couldn’t help but grimace as you looked at the menu, some of the prices for an entree were more than you’d spend on food in a week. 
“Get whatever you want,” Azriel said, reading your thoughts.
“Az, these prices are ridiculous.”
He smiled faintly. “Get whatever you want,” he repeated, his eyes softening. 
You sighed, and when the waiter came by, you did indeed get what you wanted. 
As soon as you were alone, he reached for your hand across the table. “I am sorry about earlier.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “I just don’t get why you got so jealous. Spencer’s a sleaze.”
Azriel laughed lightly. “You’re the most important person in my life,” he said, his eyes sparkling under the dim lights. “I love you. I don’t like that an asshole like him thinks about you.”
You ran your thumb along his hand absentmindedly. “I’m sure he’s already moved onto thinking about somebody else.”
His eyes darkened slightly. “He better have.”
For the rest of the evening, his hands were on you, like he didn’t want to let you go. 
The following day, there was a mandatory meeting that Azriel was leading, one that both you and Spencer would be required to attend. 
You didn’t think much of it. You and Azriel had been in countless meetings together since you had started dating, and the two of you had always been perfectly capable of remaining professional throughout them, never raising any suspicion that you knew of.
Azriel, as always, was the first one in the boardroom, sitting at the head of the table with his laptop open, a stack of notes next to it.
He smirked and winked at you as you walked in and sat down a few seats away from him. 
“How are you today?” you asked pleasantly, as if you hadn’t woken up in his bed and already snuck up to his office once that morning. 
“I’m doing well, how are you?” he said in his boss-making-small-talk-with-his-employees voice.  
You nodded as a few of your coworkers wandered in, laptops under their arms. “Oh, you know. Can’t complain.”
Azriel turned his attention to the people settling in around the room, getting the pleasantries out of the way. This was a part of the job that he hated, you knew. He would much prefer to stay silent unless absolutely necessary, but he also wanted his employees to like him, to trust him.
Everything was pretty business as usual, until Spencer walked in and sat right next to you. Even from where you were sitting, you noticed Azriel’s muscles tense. There were half a dozen other open seats that Spencer could have sat in, and you were sure that Azriel was thinking the very same thing.
Spencer smirked at you as he opened his laptop. “How was your night?”
“Fine?” You said, using all of your focus to keep your eyes from flitting over to Azriel.
“Just fine?” Spencer asked, clearly amused. “Hmm. Sounds like it could've been better if you hadn't turned me down.”
Before you could form a response, Azriel cleared his throat, starting the meeting abruptly, his eyes practically burning a hole into the side of Spencer's head. 
Azriel, who was usually so good at concealing his emotions, at wearing his face in a mask of indifference, was visibly ruffled. There was a slight edge to his voice as he updated us, his eyes narrowing slightly every time they drifted over Spencer.
You wanted to reach out to him, to try and bring him back down to earth, but you obviously couldn't do that.
When he turned the focus over to someone else who started updating everyone about recent developments, his eyes landed on you and finally softened a bit. You smiled faintly at him and he seemed to relax.
It was an effort to focus on the meeting, to not stare across the table at Azriel.
Later, when Azriel said you all were free to go, you jumped up and exited quickly so you wouldn't have to deal with any more idiotic comments from Spencer.
You hid out for a little bit before you deemed it safe to go up to Azriel's office. You knocked lightly on the open door and he looked up from his desk and nodded toward the door behind you to close it.
You closed the door quietly behind you and went to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning into you. 
“It would be wrong to fire him, right?”
You laughed, leaning in to kiss him. “Yes.”
He sighed. “Right.”
Gently, you took his face in your hands. “Ignore him.”
Frowning, he said, “When he's making comments like that to you?”
“Yes,” you said, kissing him softly. “I can handle myself if he says something like that again.” 
He nodded. “I know you can.”
For a few moments, he just gazed at you. “What is it?” You asked.
Smiling, he said, “It's just… I love you.”
Kissing him sweetly, you said, “I love you, too.”
@loving-and-dreaming @birdsflyhome @hanuh @sheblogs @iambored24601 @thalia-as-blog @melmo567 @azrielshadows1nger @cigvrette-dvydrevms @evergreenlark @mariamay02 @yourqueenlilith @sillysillygoose444 @headacheseason @halibshepherd @ecliphttlunar @bookloverandalsocats
(sorry y'all I just realized that I didn't actually tag most of you because I'm Stupid so that's why you're being tagged now lol)
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harrysfolklore · 7 months
uncle harry
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gif by @kiwikiwiandkiwi <3
im so soft rn, enjoy !
The phone ringing in the middle of the night meant bad news most of the times.
However, when you and Harry were woken up by the sound of his ringtone, his mum on the other line frantically saying "It's time! The baby is coming!", you couldn't be happier.
Gemma broke the news that she was expecting a few months ago and Harry was man enough to admit that he cried a waterfall, not being able to contain his happiness over becoming an uncle.
And you were absolutely melted at the sight of him being excited about it, every single time he went out, he would come back with stuff for the baby, he face-timed his sister every night and overall he couldn't stop talking about being an uncle.
When Harry found out that he was going to have a niece, his excitement reached a whole new level. He started planning everything, from what he would teach her to the tattoo he would get for her once she was born, and once again, it made your heart burst to see your boyfriend so excited.
So now you headed to the hospital, ready to meet the brand new addition to the Styles family.
"I'm so excited," Harry said as he drove through the streets of London, holding your hand, "I can'y believe Gemma is a mummy now, feels like just yesterday we were pulling each other's hair and arguing over the last piece of cheesecake."
You smiled at him, kissing his knuckles softly and placing your intertwined hands on your thigh, "Feels like just yesterday I met her for the first time at your show, I was so nervous!"
"You really were, lovie," he smiled at the memory, "And you ended up becoming inseparable."
"What can I say? She's the cooler Styles."
Harry gave you a side eye and then laughed along with you, the rest of the drive was quiet and soon enough you were pulling up to the hospital where a few family members already stopped by to meet the little bundle of joy.
"Are you ready to meet your niece?" you turned to look at him as you unbuckled your seat belt, noticing that he had small tears in his eyes, "H? Baby are you crying?" you grabbed his chin and couldn't help but smile tenderly when he looked at you with watery eyes, "Oh my gosh, you're too adorable."
"I just, I can't believe I'm about to meet my sister's baby, that's insane."
You kissed his lips shortly, grabbing his face with both of your hands when you pulled away.
"She's already so lucky to have the best uncle in the world," you pecked his lips again, "Now let's go, I'm eager to meet her too."
You and Harry entered the hospital, hand in hand, ready to meet the newest member of the Styles family. As you approached Gemma's room, you could hear the sounds of laughter and joy coming from inside.
When you walked in, you were greeted by a room full of close family members, the room was pretty spacious and had a spare area where visitors could hang around without disturbing Gemma and the baby. Anne immediately approached both of you, happiness radiating from her eyes.
"You made it!" she said as she hugged you, turning to Harry when you pulled away, "H, baby! I'm a grandmother!"
"And I'm an uncle! Holy shit!"
You melted at the interaction, over the years the Styles-Twist family had taken you as one of their own and you were happy to be present for important moments like this.
"How is Gem? Is she awake? Can we see the baby now?" Harry eagerly asked after hugging his mom.
"She is fine, doing amazing," Anne said proudly, "Michal is inside with her, let's go."
Anne guided you to the door that lead to Gemma's private room, Harry squeezed your hand and you walked next to him, excitement evident on his every step.
Anne opened the door, peeking her head inside, "Your brother is here."
You and Harry walked in, Gemma was lying on the bed looking tired but happy nevertheless, a tiny head peeking from the blanket on her arms.
"About damn time, I was about to pick a different godfather for her if he didn't show up soon," Gemma sassed, making Harry turn his head back in laughter.
"Dammit, you're really a mum now," he approached his sister, you decided to stay back with Anne, "The bloke your brought to my concert years ago really was the one huh? Who would've thought."
"What can I say, mate? You trying to sabotage our date was kind of our blessing." Michal chimed in, standing next to Harry and patting his back.
"Congratulations, mate. I can't think of a better guy for my sister." Harry said as he hugged him, everyone looking at the scene tenderly.
"Are you going to stand there or are you going to hold your niece now?" Gemma wiggled his eyebrows at Harry, holding out her arms to him.
Harry took the baby into his arms, his face lighting up with pure joy. He cradled her gently, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Hello, beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. "I'm your Uncle Harry, and I already love you so much."
You felt your eyes get watery at the sight, Harry looked up at you and urged you to come closer to him and the baby.
"This is your auntie," he cooed to the baby again once you were standing next to him, "She's the coolest ever and makes the best pancakes, you're going to absolutely love her just like I do."
"She's gorgeous," you said as you looked at the baby's face, "Congratulations, Gem."
"Thank you," Gemma said softly, a tired smile on her face but her eyes shining with gratitude.
"Just so you know," Harry looked at Gemma with a serious face, "She's not allowed to have any boyfriends until she's like 30."
Michal laughed and agreed with Harry, you rolled your eyes at him and Gemma shook her head.
"Uncle overprotective, that's what you are," Gemma said, a yawn coming out of her mouth right after, "I can't even imagine how is it going to be when you have your own kid."
You felt butterflies in your stomach at this, Harry giving you a small smile and winking at you.
"Let me put a ring on her finger first please," he turned to look at Gemma, "Because unlike you, sister, I'm not having children out of wedlock."
"Come on, now!" Michal protested, making the entire room laugh.
Hours passed and Harry was glued to the baby, babbling nonsense to her and cooing at every little thing she did. Eventually Gemma drifted off to sleep and that was everyone's cue to leave and let both her and the baby rest.
"I'm so happy right now," Harry said as you drove back to your house, "I feel so happy for Gemma, and for our family."
"She's going to be the best mum ever," you looked away from the window to face him, "And you're going to be the best uncle."
"Thank you for being here with me today, for sharing this moment with me. I love you."
"I love you too," you replied, leaning in to kiss him softly. "I'm so happy for you, for all of us. Today was perfect."
"And I meant what I said back there, I'm not letting her have a boyfriend until she's 30."
"Whatever you say, uncle overprotective!"
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luvwestwood · 9 months
"Off Limits" - Gojo Satoru
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4,120 words.
warnings. n*sfw (18+), tongue piercing satoru, substance use, satoru is a plug, fuckboy! satoru, oral sex (he eats your pussy OUT) , both characters 🚬 🍃, resolved sexual tension, porn with a BIT of plot, mildly dubious consent, fucking at a party, he makes you squirt
notes. this was originally posted on my ao3, which is much more longer. i've shortened it down and fixed errors I made on ao3 originally (see if you could notice what it is 😭)for tumblr so its more of an easy read! <3
banner cred. @/yunonoai on twt/ig
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You had about an hour and half to get ready, before you had to make your way to the Mappa Frat House down the street. Chloe's brother, Satoru, and his friends were inviting you two to some house party they held every year building up to Halloween.
To be real, it took you A LOT of convincing for Chloe to have you come to the party with her. You were never a party person. The thought of throwing up your guts after your system has consumed all types of shit. Or the annoying guys that slap your ass from behind in hopes of getting time with you in the bedrooms upstairs.
You were the total opposite of Chloe, and honestly, you envied her. She was a social butterfly who could blend in with anyone if she needed to, and she was evidently liked by the other students of any clique out there.
Oh, and by party animal, I mean it. Dresses in every colour, length and pattern. Heels of every inch and style. She just knew what to do. Practically, if you got her to go to your party, that's how you'd know if it was a good fucking party. 
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Sitting in front of your desk finishing your makeup, which you were surprisingly good at, you giggle as you watch Chloe attached a lasso to her waist.
She had looked really cute in her Woody costume, and you were in fact, dressed as a sexy Buzz Lightyear. Earlier on at Ann Summers, Chloe was begging for you to match with her. You couldn’t refuse. It was a 2 for 1 sale anyway..
You smiled as she started to record a few tiktoks before hitting the road.
"I'm gonna have so much fun with this rope tonight."
"Mhm.." you let out a hum as you focus on doing your eyeliner. It was hard not to laugh at what she said, but you managed to suppress a giggle.
You lined some lashes with glue before placing them on your lash line. Your makeup was flawless tonight, and you were grateful because it had been quite some time since you've done a full glam. A bit of setting spray, and you spun your chair around to face Chloe.
It was as if she was a proud mother from what she was seeing in front of her. "Gorgeous! You look like a doll. A sexy one. Stand up really quickly, let's take a few pictures before heading out."
You stumbled a bit from the high heeled boots you were wearing, and you had to adjust the fabric your ass was practically eating as you stood up. You and Chloe took a few cute pictures before heading out to the Mappa House.
As you guys got there, it was already packed with all shit ton of people spread out on the front lawn doing all sorts of stuff.
The loud music from the inside could be heard from where you were standing. People were smoking, making out, doing keg stands.
Honestly, Chloe was right. You looked at a group of girls huddled and chatting near the door, and one caught your eye. The girl was wearing nothing but black tape on her boobs and underwear.
You nudge Chloe. “Chlo, what is she meant to be..?”
She giggled a bit before replying, “Who knows.”
You got a bit nervous as you walked on the path leading up to the main door. Spooky Halloween decorations were all over the House, and sometimes you were unable to tell what and what's not a decoration..
A man was standing just inside the door, it seemed like he was waiting for Chloe.
The guy dressed up as Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat. You'd never seen him before, and he looked a bit intimidating.
You heard Chloe call out to the man. "Kento!" ..So that's his name. You stood behind Chloe like a loser as she gave him a hug. She pulled away and stayed pressed up against him. 
He smiled, "I'm glad you came. And who's this pretty girl?"
Kento turned to you as you looked at Chloe, she held you close to her too and gave you a proper introduction. "This is my best friend and room-mate, I convinced her to come along tonight!"
You returned the smile to him, he seemed like an okay guy. "Hi, nice to meet you."
Chloe winked at you, and you smirked, knowing what it meant. You gave her the look of approval as she took her lasso and tied it around Kento, pulling him to a room somewhere in the house.
You laughed as you made your way to the kitchen, after they disappeared up the stairs. How outrageous.
It was more quiet, which you liked. Making your way to the far end of the kitchen, you opened the fridge and scanned what's inside. You decided to take a small can of Pepsi. You sighed as you turned around, closing the fridge shut with your butt.
The presence of someone behind all along startled you, leaning against the island watching you this whole time. 
"Oh my fuck. Why are you creeping up on people like that?"
It was a person, assumingly a guy, his face covered with a ghostface mask. He was dressed in all black. A simple black fitted tee and jeans. He had a fake knife strapped to his belt.
The mysterious guy took off his mask, and placed it on the counter behind him. Of course, It was Satoru, Chloe's brother.
You let out a labored sigh as you leaned against the fridge, unable to move.
"I'm surprised you showed up tonight, I thought you never will."
You slowly slid to the right trying to escape him, turning your back to face Satoru as you popped the can open on the counter. "...It was a last minute decision."
"Seems like you got a costume too, huh?" Eyes sliding down your body as he finished his sentence.
Your eyes widen, realising your ass was on show to him this whole time. I'll kill this man if he thinks I'm up to no good.
You quickly turn back around to face him with the front of your body, and it didn't do you any justice as he was just met with your almost exposed chest. Party in the front, party in the back.
"I'm not complaining, you look good." he reassured you, trailing his eyes down your body from head to toe.
"..Thanks." Quickly, you took a huge sip from the can as you looked at him. This drink will only un-calm my nerves.
"I'm actually not into parties myself either." he spoke, and you almost choked on your drink.
"You? THE Satoru Gojo? I wasn't expecting that."
"No, I just like more intimate parties. Big ones like these annoy me. I don't know and don't care about 3/4 of the people who are here."
He continued, “You wanna come with? I’m going upstairs. There’s one last free room. And that’s the master room.”
Chloe was already busy, and there wasn’t really anyone else you could talk to around here. You had no choice.
”Hmm, okay. I’ll follow.”
He made sure to grab his mask from the counter, and the two of you left the kitchen.
As you made your way up the stairs, you could feel other girls eyes piercing through your back like daggers. Luckily, they couldn’t recognise you that easily.
By the time you set foot on the upstairs landing, you called out to him. "Satoru," you continued, "Who's room is this even?"
"Suguru’s, but it's cool. He won't give a fuck."
You followed behind him for a bit until you reached the master bedroom.
”Lock the door if you don’t want people coming into this room eating each other’s faces off.”
You blankly stared at him for a bit before turning back around to twist the lock. The music from downstairs turned faint and so did the chatter.
For a frat house, Suguru’s room was actually clean, you expected dirty plates and what-ever-the-fuck to litter the rest of the room, but the only exception was the clothes scattered on the ground. You watched and sat yourself down on the bed as he rummaged through the drawers for something.  Is he… reaching for a.. 
He picked up a lighter from deep inside the drawer, taking a joint out that was untouched from the same drawer, but kept away in a tiny zip bag. Phew.
”You smoke?”
You looked at him. “What do you think?”
”I’m guessing no.” You didn't know if you were to be butthurt by his quick and certain answer, but you don't see a reason why you should be anyways. His words went a bit quiet as he concentrated on sparking the joint between his fingers.
He took a hit from the joint as soon as it was burning perfectly. “Damn, that shits good.”
”Is Suguru not gonna be pissed if he finds out you took that..?” You questioned him.
”..Who do you think sold this stuff to him?” He flashed his famous smile as he saw the priceless look on your face.
You chewed on your lip and looked at the ground. “Oh, right.. yeah.”
You forgot that Satoru was basically the one who sold 🍃 on and off the campus.
He walked over to you, and sat beside you on the edge of the bed. “You don’t wanna try?”
Satoru took another hit before blowing the smoke out on his right side, making sure it doesn’t hit your face.
“I don’t know. I’ve never done it before, plus I’m scared.” You continued, “More scared I’ll start coughing like a bitch that I’d make a fool out of myself.”
Even though the only source of light came from the bedside lamp, you could still see that his eyes were glossy, and at this point a tiny bit bloodshot. “I could teach you, here.”
He held out the joint towards you, the smell was so strong it was probably sticking to your clothes by now.
”Quick, it’s burning away for no reason.”
You held the joint between your fingers like a cigarette, and looked at him for assurance.
”No, not like that.” He took your fingers and placed it properly between your pointer and thumb. “You look like a loser if you hold it like a cigarette.”
”Okay, what now.”
”Do it, take a hit.”
You stared at it before bringing it to your lips. Satoru spoke from beside you.
”Like, almost as if you’re sucking. Make sure it really gets to here.” He points to his chest.
You slightly squint your eyes as you take a mistakingly big hit.
”Now hold it for a bit, then exhale. It’s gonna hit better.”
The joint left your lips as you held it for like two seconds, and you let out a laboured exhale.
“Good girl, see? No coughing.”
You passed it back to him and Satoru takes another hit.
”..How’d I know if it hit me?”
He smirked, “You’ll just know. Don’t worry, I got you.”
All of a sudden, it felt like everything slowed down and your face was being grabbed to the ground.
You felt a bit relaxed knowing that Satoru was beside you, and you managed to take a hit without embarrassing yourself and going all snotty.
Unwillingly, you take the joint back from his hand to take another hit.
”What happened to Ms. I don’t smoke?”
You rolled your eyes before you passed it back to him again. 
Satoru smiled at your reaction before speaking again. “You wanna play a game?” 
Stomach churning, and not really liking where this is going, you answered. “..like what?”
”I ask you a couple questions and you answer, then you do the same to me.”
You snickered. “Isn’t that just called ‘getting to know each other’?”
”Yeah, I just wanted to make it sound more interesting.”
“Okay, why not.”
“How about, if you refuse to answer a question you take off one piece of clothing.”
You looked at him with a , ‘nice try’ face. ”Nuh uh. Not happening. Just ask the questions.”
”Aww, it was worth a shot.”
“Start asking questions or I’ll change my mind,” you changed your position on the bed to lie down on your stomach. It was more comfortable than stiffly sitting on the edge of the bed.
”You ever had a boyfriend?”
”Once. But I was like sixteen.”
Satoru just nods. “Your turn.”
“Did getting your tongue piercing hurt?”
He turned to you and smirked, “I’m surprised you noticed it. But nahh. Not really, it was just the healing process that hurted.”
Your face slightly grew warm, “…Yeah, I noticed it yesterday.”
He just smiles, and asks his second question. “You ever gotten your pussy ate before?”
You swallowed your spit as you propped yourself up slightly. “I’m sorry, what?”
”You heard me.” He takes another hit of the joint even though it’s almost shrunken to the smallest it can be.
You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “…No.”
”…Good.” Satoru muttered, but you couldn’t really hear.
It was your turn to ask question again.
”..Why’d you want to get it pierced anyways?”
”Dunno. Why’d you think?”
Silence and tension grew between the two of you. You didn’t know if the naughty answer that crossed your mind was right or wrong. 
You didn’t know if it was the temperature of the room or the shit you smoked. You avoided answering his question.
”…Y-your turn to ask the question.”
His next question came out immediately.
“..Wanna see for yourself?”
Your breath hitched as he spoke. You didn’t know what to say. And you didn’t know what he meant.
”Is that a question you’re using up or are you just saying that… as a joke..”
Satoru stood up and walked over to the dresser, placing his costume props on top. In fact, he took everything out of his pockets and placed it on the dresser. 
You watched him glance at his phone for a bit, reading all the messages from his other homies before placing it down on the dresser and not replying.
A pool was forming between your legs, and you gently clamped them together while still lying down.
You’d be lying if you said you totally didn’t want to strip everything off and be naked by the time he turns back around. But you kept your composure.
Satoru turned back around, walking back to the bed. He sat on the same edge he was on a few minutes ago.
”And what if I do wanna find out,” You spoke, testing the waters.
His voice was laced with honesty. “I don’t want to push you out of your boundaries, we don’t have to do this. We can forget that this happened and my sister won’t ever know I was near you.”
A few thoughts were racing through your mind. I mean, Chloe was busy, you literally had weed in your system and you never thought you would’ve. There’s a first for everything, right?
You gently crawled over across the bed,  closer to him. “…No, I do want you to show me.” Your voice trailed off quietly, you grew shy as you drew back.
He turned his head behind to face you, and was able to see the sincerity in your eyes. Not gonna lie, he was very attractive. And I was literally begging to have his head between my legs.
You came closer to him again, and found yourself placing your lips on his first. The two of you melted into each other, with the lingering sexual tension finally resolved. 
The good girl act no longer existed, and time around you felt like it had stopped. This was something you needed, and you finally got it.
He was extremely gentle with his hands, and softly guided you to move back further onto the bed, placing your head down on the pillow.
You slightly squirmed as he placed his knee between your legs. He pulled away from your neck  before looking at you from above, caressing your cheek with his thumb. 
“Just relax doll, I’ll take care of everything.” He left you with a peck on the lips as he slowly peppered a trail of kisses down your body, going lower and lower.
Your breath hitched as he cupped both of his hands around each of your thighs, kissing your inner thigh as he looked up at you in between.
His hands were cold, and caused your nipples to harden from his touch. But the heat of your body cause him to warm up in no time. He paused for a moment. “Can I?”  Satoru points to your tiny shorts before you responded with a nod. You slid them off and threw them somewhere in the room. You’ll find those later.
You watched as he used his teeth to teasingly slide your thong off your body, down your legs. You grew goosebumps from the feeling of the fabric slowly gliding down your skin.
It was painfully slow, but it made you want him even more. He knew what he was doing, and for your first time getting eaten out, it was like winning the lottery if Satoru was the one doing it.
He took them from his mouth, and placed it in the back pocket of his jeans before kissing past your inner thigh, Satoru placed a wet kiss on your throbbing clit before doing a few small licks with his tongue.
The mixture between the metal of his piercing and tongue made you shudder, causing you to whine and clamp your thighs around his head gently.
You felt Satoru's soft hands grip slightly your skin firmer, spreading your legs more apart and keeping them wide open for him. You were expecting his hands to be cold, but surprisingly your skin was met with his warm touch. He sucked on your clit gently, before lapping at it again hungrily.
Your two hands were occupied themselves, one grabbed onto his hair and the other clutched onto the sheets beside you. He only pushed his tongue deeper into you, basically gently fucking your hole with it.
Practically losing your mind from how good Satoru made you feel, you could tell he was enjoying every single noise and reaction you made. You felt the way he smiled against your dripping cunt as he cycled from sucking to licking.
”…Don’t.. stop..” you continued, in short breaths. “…Please”
He hummed gently with his eyes closed, his lips glossed with his spit and the juices from your pussy, and the sound of someone’s phone ringing echoed in your ears, releasing you from your trance.
You looked down at him annoyed as he hauled his head up from your legs. “Not my phone, mines silent on the dresser.”
You turned to the far end of the bed to your left and saw your phone screen was flashing. Reaching for it, you saw Chloe was the one calling.
Turning the phone screen for Satoru to see, he squinted his eyes a bit to read who the caller was. “You can answer,”
Before answering the call you laughed a bit, as you saw how ridiculous you made him look after grabbing his hair.
”Chloe?” You watched Satoru as he tried to listen in on the conversation.
He whispered, “Put it on speaker.”
You nodded, and Chloe could be heard on the other line speaking.
”Hey girl, just checking on you. You okay?” You heard her and Kento giggle as she tried to speak over the phone. But it was a bit louder around her, so that means they were with a bunch of other people now.
”Yeah, I’m…” Your eyes widen and flutter as felt as Satoru placed his head back down between your thighs, slowly and slightly lapping at your clit again with the cold metal orb on his tongue causing you to throb again.
You felt as he carelessly swirled his tongue around like there’s no tomorrow, but this time he let one of your legs go and thrusted a finger in and out of your hole, emitting a squelching noise as he continuously sucked, stimulating you like crazy.
The pleasure overwhelmed you, and you had to bite down on your bottom lip to suppress a moan.
”Heyyy, you there?”
You were unable to answer as your own words became nothing but breathy as you try to form a sentence.
”…Y-Yeah, everything’s fine. I’m in the…b-bathroom.” You felt his lips curl into a smirk against your inner thigh for a second time as he heard your little lie over the phone.
You furrow your brows, making an “O” shape with your mouth.
Your hand holding the phone fell flat onto the bed, and by now you were no longer listening to whatever Chloe was saying on the other side of the line. Your mind was clouded, and the knot in your stomach tightened as you felt an orgasm approaching.
Lucky for you, Chloe ended the call less than ten seconds ago as it seems like she was busy with something else. Hopefully Kento.
He felt the way you quivered even more than last time, and held one of your legs over his left shoulder as he thrusted another finger in, still lapping and sucking at your dripping cunt as your breathing quickened, becoming irregular.
”Cum all over my face,” He murmured against your warm lips, and that did it for you. You liked the way he was gentle with his hands, slowly using one to rub your thigh on his left shoulder. He was deep in there, and he ate your pussy like it was a five course meal.
You watched as him as you rode out your orgasm, your head falling back against the pillow. Your mind was all over the place as you endlessly squirted all over his fingers that curled inside of you to aid your high, and felt as you slightly pushed your body more towards him.
“S-shit..” Was all you could say. You saw the way the piercing was exposed for a split second as he stuck his tongue out, the juices from your release dripping all over his mouth.
As he gently pulled away from between your legs, a ‘pop’ noise was heard after he gave your clit one last suck. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the way his face was soaking wet.  Luckily it didn’t go past his above nose. Or he’d be partially blind for the rest of the night.
The neck of his shirt managed to be slightly soaked with splatters from your juices. But he didn’t care.
“..You got a little something on your face..” You say, pointing to your mouth with your finger to tell him where it was.
He smiled, and you watched as he used his tongue to wipe the corners of his mouth, but took a random towel hanging off the door to wipe the rest off his cheek.
“Damn, Suguru’s gonna be pissed when he sees how soaked his sheets are.” Satoru laughed as he looked at you still with your legs spread out, trying to recover.
No can do, the towel that was previously used by Satoru was passed to you after.
The wet circle underneath you had expanded from soaking into the sheets for too long. Satoru grabs your shorts that landed just in front of the door and tossed them back to you, but as he walked away a knock could be heard.
It was Suguru, of course it was. “Yo, whoever’s in there is cheeky enough to lock my own damn door!”
You quickly slid on your shorts as you turned to the body mirror beside you, combing your hair with your fingers.
Honestly, you were a bit upset that your fun was cut short. But you couldn’t stay for too long or eventually someone would break the door down.
“Man shut the hell up, it’s me, Satoru. I’m in here.” He responded. You watched him in the mirror as he slowly came up behind you, turning you around and gave you a sweet peck on the lips. Making sure you knew he didn’t just want to leave you hanging like that. That you weren’t just a toy to him.
The two of you walked to the door, twisting the lock to it. “Here, you go out first. I’m right behind you.”
You nod as you left the room, and shyly smiled at Suguru on your way out who was dumbfounded, followed by Satoru behind you.
And of course, Suguru couldn’t help but notice your pink thong that was still hanging off Satoru’s back pocket.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ © luvwestwood ‘24. all works are owned by me, and originally come from my own head. please do not re-post on a third party platform without my permission!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ⤳ as always, thank you for the love on each and every one of my posts. 🎀🩷
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
You Were The First
Ominis Gaunt x f!Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: Ominis Gaunt has never known affection. He has never known how it felt to love---to be loved. She came and changed all of it.
Or, Ominis gets love because by god does he deserve it.
Warnings: Mentions/Implications of child abuse
God, I loved writing this. Thank you so much for the request, anon!
When Ominis Gaunt fell in love, he fell slowly. 
It was all the little things she did—the little things that made up who she was. Her kindness. Her patience. Her touch. 
Before meeting her, touch meant nothing but pain. It was kicking and screaming as his mother dragged him along by his arm, harsh shoves from uncaring hands toppling to the ground, a cruel hand curled over his own, taking any control he might have and forcing a curse out of him. 
He’d been avoiding it ever since. Even Sebastian and Anne knew his aversion, careful not to grab him or brush against him. 
But somehow, she made his walls come tumbling down. 
Perhaps he started to fall that first time she saved him a seat at breakfast. 
It was one of the first breakfasts of their sixth year—the Great Hall was bustling, students running back and forth to catch up with friends and share adventures from over the summer. That was exactly what Sebastian was doing; he could hear his friend’s loud laugh as he spoke to someone at the Hufflepuff table. He’d expected her to be doing the same, her popularity as the Hero of Hogwarts was unmatched. Surely everyone would want to know what she’d been up to. 
He’d just settled on the idea of grabbing an apple off the table and leaning against the wall well out of harm’s way when a voice called out to him. Her voice. 
“Ominis! Ominis, right here, I’ve saved a seat for you!” 
His mouth fell open—just slightly. “You… you saved a seat…?” 
“Yes, now get over here before Sebastian barrels past and steals it, I wouldn’t put it past him,” she said, smile obvious in her voice. 
And so he obliged. 
He settled down on the bench, all thoughts of retreating to some far corner vanishing as she began to rattle on about her summer. In turn, he answered all her questions about his own time, best he could with the way his head was spinning. Of everyone in the school, she had saved a spot for him. She allowed him to take all her time, steal away every morsel of her attention. There was a lightness that came with that thought. A warm feeling he couldn’t quite name—not yet. 
But now that he’d felt it, he knew he’d starve for it. 
The next step into his descent was the first time she placed her hand on his arm. 
Herbology was always a bit chaotic—not nearly as much as Potions, no thanks to a certain Gryffindor—but chaotic nonetheless. Professor Garlick had laid out all the necessary tools and supplies on each table, and after her brief explanation on how to prune and shape the plants in front of them, she set them loose. 
Sebastian stood to Ominis’s right, grabbing some small cutters and starting on his plant quickly. 
“Sebastian, you’re making a mess of it already. She said to start from the top and go down, didn’t you hear a word she just said?” a voice said from his left. 
Ominis chuckled. “Since when has Sebastian ever been one to listen to anything?” He reached forward, grabbing his own cutters. He heard his friend grumble under his breath. “Don’t pout, you know I’m right.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m not offended by it,” Sebastian said. 
“You’re offended by everything, Seb,” she said. 
“What is this? Attack Sebastian Sallow Day?” 
“No, but I’d be an avid celebrator if there was such a thing.” 
As Sebastian continued mumbling complaints, he felt it—her hand, just barely resting on his arm. “Sorry,” she said softly, leaning forward and across the table. “I’m just grabbing the fertilizer.” And then her touch was gone. 
It was nothing. Just a simple indication that she was there, making sure a blind man didn’t accidentally stab her with a sharp object. And yet it felt… different, somehow. His skin was tingling as he tried to resume his work with the plant. It was only later he realized that, unlike so many times others had made a similar motion, he hadn’t flinched or pulled away. 
In spite of himself, he sort of wished she would do it again. 
He came to a realization the first time she explained a Quidditch match to him. 
The realization was thus—she was even more kind than anyone he’d ever met. It was her very first match, and she had been elated to attend after Professor Black had announced the continuation of the sport at the beginning of the year. Normally, Ominis wouldn’t care too much about it. He rarely went to matches in previous years, only being dragged along by Sebastian when Slytherin was up in the running to take the cup. Crowds weren’t his thing. And trying to understand anything that was going on based solely off the oohing and ahhing of a crowd gave him a headache. But this year, Sebastian was making his debut as Slytherin’s Keeper, and that paired with her excitement to see the match was enough to draw him out to the stands. 
They sat next to each other, nestled into the crowd of Slytherins eagerly anticipating the game. He could only imagine how high up they were—there had been plenty of stairs to indicate it was nothing insignificant. The breeze that high up was cooler, and Ominis was grateful for it, allowing himself to focus on it instead of the people pressing in all around him. 
But when the match started, his focus shifted entirely to the soft voice next to him. 
In the past, he had always found the commentary on the match entirely unhelpful, and even more uninteresting. He could never get a picture of what was going on—the announcer would always press opinions on players and use the names of the different plays, which was ridiculous because Ominis had no clue what any of the plays meant. 
She, on the other hand, explained it all wonderfully. 
She wasn’t perfect—not even close, stumbling over words and gasping at times when an action surprised her. But for the first time, Ominis could follow. He found himself cheering, breath catching as he heard the whoosh of a broom overhead. The tone and expression in her voice was so lively, so dedicated, he wanted to take part in it. 
“Weasley’s flying fast toward the goals,” she commented. “Blimey, he should be Seeker with that speed. Imelda’s flown into his path, he’s going to crash—No, he dodged her, straight over her head—he’s throwing the Quaffle, come on Seb—YES!” 
He let out a cry of celebration as his friend beside him whooped and hollered, cheering loudly for Sebastian. It wasn’t long until they won the match, and the crowd of Slytherins roared like a raging sea. He followed her out of the stands and into the common room, where a party was already commencing. Sebastian managed to break away from his adoring fans. The Hero of Hogwarts leapt up and nearly pushed him over in a wild embrace. Sebastian laughed. 
“You were wonderful out there!” she said, pulling away. 
Ominis could hear the grin in his friend’s voice. “I couldn’t let your first match be a disappointment, now could I?” His feet shifted, turning to Ominis. “And really, Ominis, thank you for coming. I know Quidditch isn’t your favorite.”
“If I’m honest, I rather enjoyed myself,” he said. He nodded his head toward her beside him. “This one has a knack for explaining the game. She told me enough that I can sincerely say, well played.” 
“Then seems like you’ll have to go to all of the matches together,” Sebastian said. 
Ominis frowned. “Well, I wouldn’t want to impose on—”
“No, I like that idea,” she said. His heart beat a bit faster. “I want you to be able to enjoy it just as much as the rest of us, Ominis.” 
He couldn’t stop smiling the rest of the night. When Sebastian asked about it, he blamed it on having too much Butterbeer.
When he let her lead him by his arm that very first time, he knew he trusted her. 
He’d known for a while—but now, through his actions, he had admitted it to her. To himself. 
Winter had set in. The two of them left the Three Broomsticks, bundled up and ready for the cold. He reached for his wand, pausing when he heard her speak up beside him. 
“Your hand is going to freeze holding it out like that all the way to the castle. I can lead you, if you’d like.” 
He pondered it for a moment—only a moment—and then he gave in. 
“If you think it’ll keep me from getting frostbite.” 
He sucked in a breath as her arm looped around his. How had she done it so gently? After a second, when he’d begun to breathe properly, he nodded. “Off we go, then.” 
It was strange, how he had surrendered so easily. When he had first gotten his wand, the world finally felt livable. He no longer had to shuffle around, arms outstretched, waiting for his brothers to jump out at him. He could fend for himself. Prove his independence. There was no longer a need to rely on anyone. 
Why did he rely so effortlessly on her? 
The truth came to him with a sudden thought as she took him through the streets, navigating expertly through the throng of students returning to the castle. He trusted her. She had always looked out for him. Cared when he felt no one else did. She made efforts to be around him, to involve him, even when he tried to push away. Ominis Gaunt did not trust easily. But she had proved herself worthy of that sentiment in every turn. 
The slight tug of her arm in his jolted him back to that moment. “We’re at the stairs,” she said quietly. “There’s six of them.” 
He’d trust her with his life. 
They seemed to walk closer and closer together as the castle drew nearer. It was the cold, he told himself. Just the instinctual craving for warmth drawing their sides together. Simple as that. 
But they still walked arm in arm through the halls of Hogwarts, leaving the excuse of the chill and snow far behind them. 
The first time she held his hand, he finally felt alive. 
Their sixth years had come to a close and the Hogwarts Express was waiting to take them home. They’d spend the last few months in what he considered bliss. They stopped looking for excuses to take each other's arms at some point—just letting it happen. Strolls on the castle ground. Between classes. Anywhere and everywhere they went together. Sebastian teased them a bit at the action, but Ominis claimed it was just easier than using his wand. He didn’t have to concentrate on a spell while walking about. It was true—but really, it hadn’t been inconvenient the five years before that, had it?
But now his dear friend gave a low sigh beside him. “This crowd is awful,” she said, glowering at the students around them. “I don’t know how we’re going to make it on the train in time.” 
“I’m sure we’ll be—” 
He stopped mid sentence, feeling her fingers interlock with his. 
“I think I see a path, come on now.” 
She nearly tipped him over as she pulled him along. He managed to remember how to walk just in time to catch himself, allowing her to lead him through the hustle and bustle around them. How did this feel so entirely different than being led by her arm? How could he only focus on how soft the skin of her knuckles felt under his thumb? How could he feel like he was dreaming, but never felt more aware in the same moment?
They stopped in front of the train, doors open before them. She didn’t let go. Neither did he. But the train let out a whistle, and the sound brought him back in an instant. Their hands dropped, and the loss of the intimate feeling of her fingers between his knocked the air out him like the perfect Depulso. 
“We made it,” she said softly. 
She laughed. He might as well have been a fish for how much he was struggling to breathe. “I’ll see you soon,” she said, voice softening. 
“I wish I could say the same,” he said, smirking. He felt her hit his arm, stifling a laugh.
“You’re awful.”
“You’re the one who laughed.” 
“Goodbye, Ominis,” she said, still chuckling. After a moment, she spoke again, a little quieter. “I’ll write you.”
His stomach flipped. “I’ll hold you to it.”
Then she was gone, taking part of him with her.
He knew he was in love the moment he got her first letter. 
What was it some fool had once said? Absence makes the heart grow fonder? What a load of dung. 
Absence made the heart ache so much it nearly killed him. And it had only been a day. 
He knew it was from her the moment the lingering scent of her perfume hit him. He smiled. She kept her word—he had never doubted she would. He was just relieved she had done so so soon. 
Quickly, he pulled out his wand and transfigured the words on the parchment, running his fingers over them. He paused where she had written his name. Every letter filled him with warmth as he poured over the short letter. 
Dear Ominis,
I realize we only saw each other yesterday, but I wanted to assure you it wasn’t an empty promise when I said I would write you. 
I really don’t have too much to share—my mother was more than pleased to see me, of course. Wailed when I came home as if I’d come back from the dead. She’s still not used to me being away for so long. I’ve just begun unpacking, and honestly, it just makes me wish I was back at Hogwarts with you and Sebastian. 
How are you? I do hope you’re alright. I worry about you going home, you know. I can’t help it. I’ll be inviting both you and Sebastian to my home as soon as I’m settled in—please do survive until then. 
He closed his eyes as he felt her name beneath his fingertips. She was worried about him. She’d be inviting him. The warmth and elation he felt was so unlike the cold halls that surrounded him. He could survive—he’d do it for her. 
How she could make him feel happiness—hope—in a house so tainted with pain was beyond him. He never would he have thought he could have a moment of something good there, a memory worth keeping after he abandoned the place. 
Finally, he had a name for that warmth, the one that overtook him every time she crossed his thoughts. Love. Deep, profound, and lasting. It was more than he could have imagined, overwhelming and pure. How could he have lived to this point without it? 
He read the letter once more before pulling out his quill and beginning to write. 
The first time he thought she might feel the same coincided with the first time she laid her head on his shoulder. 
She had kept yet another of her promises. It was only a couple of weeks before he was off to her house, finally free from the suffocating marble halls of the manor. His escape lasted only for ten days, but it gave him what he needed to keep going. 
Though being with her was definitely what fueled him the most. 
Laughing with her and Sebastian made the stress of being around his parents melt off of him much faster than he would have imagined. Their ten days had been full of exploring the woods around her house, of playing Gobstones, of laying in fields and telling old stories. 
Ten days of her hand brushing his as they sat together. Ten days of catching his breath when she spoke. Ten days of falling harder than he ever thought possible.
Because now that he knew what it was he was feeling, it was there in everything she did. He was drowning in it, and he’d stay under with a smile on his face. 
Sebastian bid them farewell on that final evening. Ominis would be gone back home in the morning—he tried desperately to push that thought away, focusing instead on spending every moment with her he could. They’d wandered to the overgrown park not far from her home, coming to rest on a bench hidden away in the trees. Crickets sang around them, and Ominis basked in the cool summer night by her side. 
“Are you going to be ok when you go back?” Her voice was hardly more than a whisper. 
He gave a small smile, one he hoped was reassuring. “I’ve lived this long. Two more months will be nothing.”
She sighed. “It won’t be a full two months. I’ll make sure of it. If you can’t come here again, we’ll go to Sebastian’s.”
“You worry about me too much.” 
“I think I worry just enough,” she stated simply. 
Her words made his chest time. How could he ever begin to explain what they meant to him? She cared for him. It was enough to shatter him if he let it. He couldn’t say what he wanted to—not yet. He’d find a way, someday. But he told her what he could by reaching for her hand, locking their fingers together. And when she leaned into his side, head coming to rest on his shoulder, maybe, maybe, that was her way of saying she understood. 
His stiff body slowly relaxed against hers, and he thought about nothing but the slow draws of her breath, the way her hair tickled against his jaw, the love he felt for the angel of the girl sitting pressed against him. 
The first time she held him he fell apart. 
Their little trio had stayed up late in celebration of their last school year, playing Exploding Snap well into the night. The Undercroft echoed their joyous sounds as the hours passed by, until Sebastian pulled himself away, saying he wanted to pay a visit to the Restricted Section for old time’s sake. It wasn’t long until she and Ominis were saying their goodnights to each other. 
It had been a perfect last first day, exactly what he’d needed after spending so much time at the manor. He’d left for what he was determined to be the last time. There was no better way to celebrate. 
He could think of no better way of ending it than saying goodnight to the girl he loved. 
“Goodnight,” he said softly, a small smile on his lips. 
“God, I missed you,” she breathed. “Goodnight, Ominis.” 
But before he could open the door, her arms wrapped around his chest. 
The result was immediate. His heart raced, and his throat grew tight. He couldn’t breath—how could he, with her holding him so tightly? Her head was against his chest, and for a split second he was afraid she might pull away when she heard the pound of it. It was that moment of fear that brought his arms around her, holding her to him like he had nothing left. 
It felt like dying when she pulled away from him. She sucked in a breath. “Ominis, are you alright?”
“What… what do you—”
“You’re crying.”
She was right. He felt the tears, now, traitorously running down his face. He quickly brought up the sleeve of his robe to wipe them away. 
“Is it something I did? I’m so sorry, I didn’t—”
“No,” he said quickly. “No, you’ve done nothing wrong.” He took a shuddering breath. “I just… You’re the first person who’s ever…” 
Ever what? There were a million ways he could finish that sentence, and all would be true. The first who had ever held me. The first who has ever cared so deeply. The first to touch him with nothing but kindness. She was the first person to break down his walls, to give him life, to let him love and be loved. 
Somehow, she seemed to understand his silence. She took him into her arms once more, and he let himself come crashing down. Sobs worked their way through—both sadness and joy mingled together in an utter mess of emotion. How could he have gone his whole life without this? Without feeling safe, without outstretched arms to run to? But he had found it. A person he could call his home, who would hold him when he fell apart. He was grateful. So grateful. 
They never went back up to their dorms that night.
He was determined today would be the first time he kissed her. 
Since that night in the Undercroft, every touch between them felt natural. Part of their beings. He came to her effortlessly, letting his arms pull her to him. His hand felt foreign when it wasn’t in hers. But yet, he had yet to confess the depths of his feelings for her. 
He knew exactly why—she was patient. They’d started this whole thing nearly two years ago now. She’d always gone at his pace, waiting for him to be ready for each new step. They didn’t need to say the words. It was obvious to both of them. But Merlin, he wanted to. 
She needed to know just how much she meant to him. The joy she brought into his life without even trying. It had been a long time coming, but now, he was ready.
He’d taken her out to Hogsmeade. It was the perfect spring day—cool breeze carrying the scent of Butterbeer clear out of the Three Broomsticks. The sun was just beginning to set, and they were on course to return to the castle when he stopped her. 
“Could I take you somewhere?” he said softly. 
“Of course,” she said, a little perplexed. He smiled, taking out his wand to guide the both of them, other hand still in hers. He led them down a path, then turned sharply into the woods. The trail he followed was light barely there, mostly grown over by foliage. But he heard the sound of the creek and knew he was close. 
The trees gave way into a small opening, the melody of water trickling just beyond it. He smiled. 
“It’s lovely,” she said. 
“Good. I hoped it would be.” His wand returned to his pocket, and he took both her hands, facing her. 
It was her turn for her breath to catch. It was only fair after all the times he’d done so because of her. Did he look as lovesick as he felt? 
“You are everything to me, do you know that?” he said softly. His hand reached up, following the curve of her neck up to her jaw, where it came to rest. “Everything.”
The way she breathed his name sent shivers through him. And her breath on his lips—Merlin, how had he waited so long?
“I love you.” 
He didn’t give her a chance to respond—he’d let her say it soon enough. But he needed to prove himself to her, show her just what he meant when he said everything. His lips came crashing down against hers, and at that moment he decided every second not spent kissing her was a second wasted. Like everything about her, she was gentle. She was warm. She was soft. Like everything about her, he couldn’t get enough. He thought he’d give her a chaste kiss, but he was only a man, and a starving one at that. 
He only pulled away when his lungs felt like they would burst, and his chest heaved under her resting hand. 
“I love you,” she said, voice hoarse. “God, I love you.” 
He decided that night would be the second time he kissed her, too. 
After that he lost count.
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cheriladycl01 · 5 months
Billion Dollar Baby - Grid x Billionare! Reader x Lewis Hamilton (Rom) Part 1
Plot: Girlie loves Formula One, but she also loved Chaos and Drama so she offers the FIA/ the F1 Teams 300 million to do a race … for her under her rules!
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As a billionaire with a net worth of over 90 billion pounds to your name and your name alone and having multiple stable corporations and investments in loads of different sectors and having donated overly generous amounts to charity, you couldn't help but start to find more interesting ways to invest your money.
You had 7 homes, all around the world completely paid off with about double the amount of cars, whether they were super cars, vintage cars or personalized cars. A private jet, 3 vacation homes and an island.
You lived a lavish life but you worked extremely hard for it, there wasn't really a moment you weren't working.
But you had your hobbies, the theatre (specifically WestEnd), travelling (when you had time away from work) you'd been really getting into sport.
Particularly F1 was an interest of yours. You'd put forward money into McLaren and given them upgrades from your various companies both tech wise and team wear wise.
But you were so intrigued with the sport and the difference from F2.
In F2, the cars were pretty much all the same and it was fully on driver capability. Whereas in F1 you could be a cracking driver but depending on the team you were in you were in a shit box car.
And that's why you were now currently stood in the paddock at Silverstone.
You'd proposed ... to the FIA a race, where you'd pay for driver - team switches that you could choose and run it as a charity event so any tickets sold went to charities chosen by the drivers.
And everyone loved it. I mean why wouldn't they. It wasn't like the teams were loosing out on money because you were paying them to build another car and for the drivers it was just a bit of fun to experience another car.
So here you were, in front of 20 drivers, 10 team principles, some CEO's of the teams, some FIA representatives and some media personal.
"Hello everyone!" you smile awkwardly. Even though you'd done presentations in front of many many people this felt really daunting to you.
A chorus of mumbles and hello's back to you occurred before you stand there awkwardly. Someone was supposed to introduce you, that's what you were told when you first got here but no-one was attempting to come up on stage to help you so you just laugh.
"So apparently no one is coming up to introduce me... so erm if you don't know who i am I'm Y/N Y/L/N and I've proposed money to each of your teams and the FIA to create a charity race where I switch drivers into different cars... Formula 1 really intrigues me to see how you all are naturally talented drivers and that the car really does matter... and i think it will be really interesting for the fans. It's a great opportunity for the teams and drivers to make special merch and special helmets and I just think as drivers it will be a really great experience for all of you!" you grin and there was mumbles questions thrown at you till you PR manager came up next to you to calm everyone down.
"One at a time please!" he says in his gruff masculine voice.
"Are you choosing which teams we go to?" Lando asks first, and you nodded.
"Are teams making a different car? Or?" he asks and you shake you head.
"Teams will rebuild the exact car that they have now. It will just be other drivers inside the car. Do you guys want to hear where you'll be?" you ask and a chorus of agreement flows through the room.
"Okay, so first up our two Red Bull Drivers. Current Champions of both Constructor and Drivers. Max Verstappen, you will be going to Williams. And Sergio Perez you will be going to Haas!" you start and gasps surround.
"So we aren't staying with our current team mate?" Lewis asks looking over to George.
"Okay, as for the current Ferrari Drivers, Charles you will be going to McLaren and Carlos after your announcement of joining Nico in Sauber for 2025 i thought it would be fun to give you a ... test run so you are going to Sauber!" you cheer and they both nod.
"Okay then for my McLaren boys I got Oscar to Ferrari and Lando to ... Red Bull!" you grin and Lando looks down with a laugh and shake of his head. Being a McLaren sponsor meant you spent a lot of time around the paddock with the pair of them.
"Next our Mercedes men, Lewis will be joining Max in Williams" you smirk making Lewis shake his head, you'd always liked teasing Lewis having had a relationship at one point and ending on good terms due to work stresses and struggles.
"And George will be in Aston Martin!" you smile and he nods.
"As for Aston Martin, Fernando you'll be driving alongside Carlos as a Spanish Duo in Sauber and Lance well your dad offered me money to put you in Red Bull but thought that wasn't the spirt of the charity event so Alpine for you!" you grin and you can tell some of the drivers, including Lance are trying not to laugh.
"Visa Cash App Racing Bulls, fuck me that's a mouthful erm Dani Ric you my friend are going to ... Aston Martin nice one and my favrioute driver ... sorry Lando and Oscar but he's literally my son ... Yuki my love you'll be in Red Bull with Lando!" you smile and he fits the air happily before nodding at you in thanks.
"Nico, Kevin Haas hasn't actually been all that bad for you guys this year. You've had great drivers however ... Kevin to Mercedes and Nico to RB!" you smile.
"Williams duo. You guys will be moving up. Logan i think you'll really really suit Ferrari red and Alex you better like Papaya coz you'll be joining Charles in McLaren!" you smile and Logan's face lights up being in a top team. This was really his opportunity to prove himself and that he was a great driver.
"Alpine ... not been an easy season for you guys unfortunately ... Pierre you'll be joining Mercedes and Esteban you'll drive for Haas"
"And finally our Stake Sauber whatever your team name is called will be moving ... Zhou to Alpine and Valtteri to Racing Bulls!"
"I hope this interests you all and you are all excited for the race in two months!" you say and you stay behind talking to some of the drivers until one is left.
"Hey baby" you smirk at Lewis as he leans against the door frame.
"I don't think I'll ever get over you calling me baby" he smiles softly and you smile back.
"Of course you wont ... baby" you grin.
"I'm excited for this race but I can't believe you .. put me in a Williams!" he exclaims and you just laugh before flattening out the lapels of his blazer before looking up at him.
"Cant make it easy for you, I wanna see you fight. You've lost your spark Lew!" you sigh looking over him.
Yours and Lewis relationship came to and end in 2021, just after he'd lost the championship. Said he needed to be more focused on his career. Baring in mind you'd been dating for 5 years before that.
"I-I know, it's not been the same since ..." he trails off and you nod.
"Since Max won... I know!" he smile at him, rubbing his shoulder, but after hearing you he takes a step back.
"No, since we ended things!" he sighs and you look over him in confusion.
"Lew..." you start and he shakes his head.
"I know it was mutual, but you were it for me. You ... you still are Y/N. I want you back and I know you aren't ready right now but you are the one thing i will and always will continue to fight for, fuck another championship ... fuck even another race win. I want you back though and I promise you i'll prove it!" he says looking over you, tears filling in your eyes as he pulls you into his chest, hugging you while stroking your hair.
"Ohhhh Lewis, what are you doing to me..." you laugh, because if you don't you'll cry.
"I'll see you in two months Lew!" you smile and walk out the door. He looks a little gutted your leaving but you need him to prove that he'll try.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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penkura · 4 months
A Baby Sister
Note: I didn't realize it until I was writing this, but I legit gave all these men a daughter for their second child (or first or third for two of them on this). I can't believe I didn't notice, lol, I would've moved things around a little but, this is fine honestly. I tried to make it really cute and fluff, but the bonus turned a little angsty. :') The bonus is also what led to me wanting to write this. Enjoy!
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Rogue is three when you and Ace have your second child, another little girl you name Ann. She’s just as tiny as her big sister was, and while Rogue has your hair, Ann looks exactly like Ace, all the way down her freckles. Ace definitely cried again when he got to hold her, hell he was crying as soon as she was born, you totally expected it though.
Rogue hated the two days she wasn’t with you, both you and Ace deciding to give her some time before you introduced her to her newborn sister, she stayed with Luffy and Sabo during the time you were in the hospital. After you’ve gone home, Ace picked her up and she refused to let him go until he got her home, when she sees you she hurries over to the couch and hugs you so tightly that you really do feel bad for having not seen her the last two days.
“Mama, I missed you!”
“I missed you too, Rogue! We’ve got a surprise for you, sweetheart.”
She brightens up hearing that, excitedly trying to ask what the surprise was while Ace brings Ann over, handing her to you before he picks up Rogue and sets her in his lap so she can see better.
“Rogue, this is your little sister, Ann.”
Rogue is beyond excited, she wants nothing more the rest of the day than to hold her sister, to the point she starts crying and Ace has to calm her down when you have to take your newborn to feed and change her. Once she has her back, Ace starts to feel a little jealous simply because he also wants to hold Ann for a while. The whole thing just makes you laugh and appreciate that you have others who want to hold her.
“At least she’s not mad about having a sister.”
Ace just pouts a bit in return. “I want to hold her too…”
Law brings your son, six-year-old Rosinante, to see and meet his baby sister the day she was born. He takes him by your hospital room first, so your son can get some time with you before seeing his new little sister, even though he’s excited to meet her. He starts getting antsy and almost begging to meet her, before you finally laugh and look at Law.
“Why don’t you take him by the nursery? I’ll be fine for a bit.”
Agreeing with your suggestion, Law gives you a quick kiss on the forehead before taking Rosi’s hand and leading him down the hall to the nursery, stopping at the window and trying to find where your daughter was in the room. Once he finds her, he picks up Rosi and points where your newborn’s nursery bed is.
“See right there? That’s your sister, she’s got the bear you picked out for her.”
Rosi’s eyes light up once he sees where she is, seeing Law is correct, the little polar bear plush he’d picked out months ago was in the corner of the bed. She’s so small! He didn’t think she’d ever be so little, even after he met some of your friends babies, they were all a few months old.
“What’s her name, dad?”
“Cora. She’s got a hat on, but she has the same hair color you and I do.”
Rosi nods while Law watches him for a minute, smiling just a bit. He had been a little concerned about how your son would react when you decided to have another child, but you were able to convince him that Rosi would be a wonderful big brother, he had Law as an example, after all. Watching Rosi over the last several months, from when he grinned and hugged you when you told him you were pregnant, to when he was happy to hear he was getting a sister, you were proven right over and over again.
After watching him for a few moments, Law presses a kiss to the top of your son’s head and looks back to your daughter.
“Cora’s going to be depending on you, all right? My sister relied on me for somethings while she was little, so do your best, and your mom and I will help you both.”
“Okay, dad,” Rosi nods, before looking back to Law, “Can I hold her?”
“Yeah, of course. We’ll go back to mom’s room and get them to bring her in.”
Having been an only child, Penguin wasn’t sure how your four-year-old daughter Wren was going to react to meeting her little sister, Ivy. Wren had seemed a bit concerned at the beginning of your pregnancy when you were sick, and didn’t have much of a reaction when you told her the baby was a girl. She barely had any interest in meeting Law’s newborn daughter a few weeks prior, running off to play with Rosi instead.
Once your second child was born, Penguin brought Wren to meet her, but after finally seeing her new sister, she refused to hold her, instead holding onto Penguin and hiding her face in his shoulder. After you bring Ivy home, Wren still isn’t interested in seeing her much, attaching herself to whichever one of you isn’t holding the new baby at the time.
Eventually, when Ivy is sleeping in her bassinet one day, Wren stands up on her tiptoes to watch her baby sister sleep. She’s still not sure about this, having a little sibling so suddenly, but she’s starting to think it’s okay, after watching you and Penguin with her the last few weeks. Wren reaches out and barely touches Ivy’s tiny hand, almost beaming when her baby sister grabs onto her finger.
You and Penguin had been watching Wren while she stared at Ivy, just making sure everything was all right, and it makes him smile at the same time when she starts to accept her new baby sister. When you lean into him, Penguin hugs you close and kisses your temple.
“I told you everything would be fine. She just needed some time.”
“Yeah, I know…you’re always right in the end.”
Having twins was a trip already, you still don’t know how Sanji convinced you to have another child. Sora and Angel were a handful at times, but now that they were five-years-old, they could do more on their own, and Sanji used that as a reason for you to go ahead and have your next baby, which ended up happening immediately. You figured it would be a few months of trying before you got a positive test but nope, first try out the gate and here comes baby number three.
You don’t mind so much once your second daughter is born, a blonde little girl you choose to name Grace, she seems so much smaller than either of the twins were despite being born full term. She’s a perfect addition to your family though, and your twins think the same when they get to meet her.
Both are pushing the other away from the nursery bed, standing on the side facing out from your hospital bed, trying to get a good look at their sister. Angel is beyond thrilled at having a baby sister, while Sora just wants to see what she looks like.
Sanji eventually goes over and lifts up Angel, telling the two to be quiet because you were sleeping, and so was baby Grace. Angel quiets when she’s able to see her little sister better, Sora following suit as he can actually see her now. The two just watch her sleep, Sanji wonders if they’re actually happy or worried about having a new baby sibling until Angel looks at him.
“Can I hold her?”
“I wanna hold her!”
“I asked first!”
“I’m older!!”
Sighing, Sanji smiles in relief, glad your twins are excited about the new baby, until she starts to cry because they’ve disturbed her with their argument about who gets to hold her first.
Keitaro has just barely turned two when you have your daughter. You never expected to have two in two, but it happened and truthfully, you weren’t upset about it when you found out you had a little girl. She’s so tiny when Zoro holds her, he's completely in love the moment he sees her. Your children were both unplanned, but you don’t think you’d change anything about how your life is going, and Zoro is the same, he's told you that multiple times.
When Keitaro properly meets her, it’s a few days after she’s born, some rule the midwives in Shimotsuki Village still follow, they wouldn’t even let Zoro be with you when you gave birth, you really had wished you were still on the Sunny this time. It’s not really a formal meeting for the two, but you think it works just fine.
Keitaro sits up on the floor by your daughter laying on a pink baby blanket that Robin had given you for her, she just somehow knew you were having a girl. Your son just stares at her for a long time, a pacifier in his mouth that doesn’t let you see what he’s really thinking. He reaches over to touch her cheek after a few minutes, a small giggle leaving his mouth when she scrunches her face and pouts in her sleep. Zoro stops him before he does it too much, placing his hand in front of your toddler’s to keep him from making her cry.
“That’s enough, you don’t want her to cry.”
Keitaro whines before pouting himself, until he squeals when Zoro lifts him up and sets him in his lap.
“Her name’s Kuina. What do you think, buddy?”
He tries to sound it out, but he’s still too little to say it correctly, the name mostly coming out as ‘Koo-na’, which makes you smile even as he starts to get frustrated and nearly cries before you gently shush him.
“Shh, it’s okay. You can just call her baby until you’re ready.”
Rubbing at his eyes, Keitaro yawns and snuggles against Zoro, part of his frustration being from needing a nap. You both watch as your children sleep quietly, glad their first meeting went well, anxious to see how the two grow up now.
Your and Corazon’s first child, a baby girl, comes along just two months after you’ve taken in and formally adopted ten-year-old Trafalgar Law, when you’re both just twenty-three yourselves. Almost overnight you have two children to take care of, though Law isn’t that interested in your daughter at first. You get it, he’s still working through the sudden loss of his parents and little sister, he calls you and your husband by nicknames, not viewing you as his parents yet but that’s fine, you don’t want to rush anything with him.
It’s why you tell Corazon not to force Law to see your daughter right away, when the boy refuses to have anything to do with her and leaves your hospital room. You’re not upset at all, you know this must be hard for him. To lose and regain a family in a matter of weeks, then have a new sister so quickly as well, it’s a lot to take in at such a young age. You know he hasn’t gone too far, probably just sitting by your door, he’s just overwhelmed, you reason to Corazon, who nearly dragged Law back when he turned to leave before running out.
“He needs time, we need to give him that.”
It’s later that day, when Corazon has left to get something for him and Law to eat, that he leaves the three of you alone, finally convincing Law to at least sit in your room instead of outside the door. You have been holding your daughter for a while, noticing that Law is quietly looking over every now and then, and it makes you smile.
“You wanna come see her? It’s okay if you don’t. I won’t force you, Law.”
He doesn’t say anything, but eventually comes over, sitting beside you to get a look at your newborn while you adjust her blanket so he can see her face better. It’s hard for you to get a read on Law sometimes, he’s already good at masking his emotions, so you give him a few minutes of watching her before you say anything.
“Her name is Evangeline. What do you think?”
“…she’s small.”
“She is! She’s got her daddy’s hair too!”
“I was hoping she’d look like you.”
That makes you laugh lightly, nodding. It probably has to do with his sister having looked like his mother, you’ve seen the few pictures he has of his family. They were both lovely, Law looks just like his father. After another moment or so, you’re surprised but happy to see him reach over and let Evangeline hold his hand, the slightest smile on his face.
“Can you do me a favor, Law? Evie is my first baby, and I know you’ve had a bit of experience with your sister…can you help me and Rosinante take care of her? She’s going to need a great big brother to watch over her.”
There’s no response for a bit, but when he nods, you’re happily relieved. You were worried that he wasn’t going to accept another change so quickly, even though you knew it would likely take a long time for him to get used to this.
When Corazon comes back, he can’t fight the smile on his face to see the three of you sleeping, Evangeline still in your arms while Law is attached to your side, holding onto your arm.
Everything is going to be fine.
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ninthcircleofprythian · 4 months
Acotar Crack Headcanons
In which Reader introduces gold star stickers in the bedroom. Reader x everybody. Poly type deal. And it is most definitely a competition. There are sticker charts. Gold prize - for the male with the most stickers? A week alone with reader. No interruptions. No sharing.
(This crack list is brought you especially by the shared brain rot with @chairofchaos . Please enjoy our devolution into smut headcanons that tonight has brought us.)
Confused at first
When he realizes he’d be SO into the competition element
So competitive
“How many does this get me” as he’s just pounding
“And this?”
It devolves because you stop being able to give him stickers
“What about this, baby? What if you can’t walk tomorrow? How many stickers do I get then?”
You can’t do a damn thing about it as the sticker sheets fall from your hand
But when you’re done
The two of you curled up together
You take the whole sheet and start giving him stickers, one by one
He’s smirking as you line them up in rows along his chest and arms
Then you finally put one on his nose, grinning as you recall the feeling of his head between your legs
“It was that good, huh? Maybe we’d better try to one up ourselves. See how many stickers I earn from you then.”
Catches on quickly
He goes out that day to buy his own sticker sheets
Likes to give them to you too
Gives himself gold stars for how often he can make you moan
“Yep… that’s another one FOR ME”
Gives zero fucks about the overall competition
He just likes being in competition with himself
Puts the stickers on his nipples like pasties with a shit eating grin
You reach back to place a sticker on his thigh
He stills immediately
When you explain it, he’s so hurt about being interrupted
“What the fuck? What is this childish game?”
“Do not place your shiny sticker on me, woman.”
“I am doing sexy things here – leave me be”
He peels it off his thigh, sticks it on the small of your back and keeps going
He still kisses the star when he’s done
“So the stickers are a no?”
He’d sigh and kiss your forehead
“Just tell me first next time. I don’t like surprises.”
Has monkey brain - is super into it
Adds his own prizes to the mix
Is competitive but really just cares about making you feel GOOD
The stickers and prizes are just a bonus.
Walks around shirtless just to show off his stickers
“These are my rewards! Don't you like them?”
He has a sticker chart on the back of the bathroom door where he collects his stickers at the end of each day.
Eventually he just starts sticking them to random things around the house - mirrors, his daggers, the kitchen cabinets.
You give him a sticker on the forehead during oral
his little mechanical eye like gleams at you as he SMIRKS
he’s like 'hmm what's this?"
He takes one off the sheet and does his little smirk and the star just GLOWS
he sticks it on you down there
because he LOVES TO EAT
gives a little predatory grin as he crawls over you to move to the next thing
Gets distracted by you placing the sticker on his shoulder
Pauses mid thrust
“No no dont stop”
“What… what is that?”
“It’s a sticker. You’re doing a good job. Keep going”
“... what?”
He’s so confused
He doesn’t keep moving
You take the sticker back - “You stopped moving. You stop. You lose the sticker.”
He does NOT like the stickers
“Please put them away.”
He’s very butthurt over losing his only sticker
Immediately flaccid
Isn’t a part of the competition
That male is interested in Feyre and Feyre ONLY
Hears about the competition from Azriel
Immediately goes to Feyre
“We need to buy gold star stickers.”
“Trust me, Darling. Gold. Stickers.”
Your next visit to the river house becomes an adventure of finding all the places where the two of them left stickers while Rhys grins and Feyre rolls her eyes with a laugh
Your favorite find is under the tablecloth, where it’s next to a golden paint smear
“We recreated our mating night for the anniversary,” Rhys whispers to Cassian conspiratorially
He’s intentionally loud enough for all of you to hear
He doesn’t really understand the rules 
He just likes the idea of putting the stickers everywhere him and Feyre fucked so he can show off.
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zegrasdrysdale · 7 months
Could you write some thigh riding smut with Ethan Edwards? Reader and Ethan are just friends when it happens so maybe they’re hanging out and it somehow leads to sex. Bonus points if there’s jealousy and dirty talk lol
[ that way ] e. edwards
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paring : Ethan Edwards x fem!reader
summary : jealousy gets the best of Ethan's best friend when she comes into town to watch him play some hockey
warning(s) : smut ! spoilers for "my best friend's wedding" (1997 movie), jealousy, dirty talk, thigh riding, multiple orgasms, p in v penetrative sex, protected sex
author’s note : you asked, i rewrote multiple times bc i wasn't happy w it, it deleted itself once, then i delivered (i hope). enjoy &lt;3
The puck finds the back of the net. The lamp lights up and the horn goes off. Everyone that’s wearing a yellow and blue jersey in Yost Arena is on their feet immediately. (Y/N) celebrates with the crowd in her borrowed jersey. She smiles and cheers while all the Michigan boys come out onto the ice to celebrate their overtime win right in front of her.
Ethan looks up into the stands right at his best friend. He points at her with a smile on his face even though she’s about six rows off the glass. She waves at him before he goes back to celebrating with his team. He gives helmet taps and he gets helmet taps.
He looks good in full gear on the ice. She may have to come to Michigan more often to come watch him play. It's very rare that she gets to come out to watch Ethan play for Michigan. It's not like she hasn’t been watching him play their entire lives. Even when she wasn’t allowed to go out and watch him play.
One time when she was grounded at 13, she snuck out of the house to go watch him play despite knowing both of Ethan’s parents were at the game. They didn’t snitch on her though. She was thankful because she got to watch him score two goals and get an assist on the game winner. She's been like a daughter to them since she and Ethan met in preschool.
Slowly, the players make their way off the ice and she finds her way to the hallway with the door that leads to the locker rooms. She leans against the wall outside the door because she doesn’t want to see something that would scar her for life.
She shoots Ethan a text so he knows she’s waiting for him. He doesn’t respond so she assumes he’s either talking to his coach or taking his postgame shower.
To keep busy, she scrolls through her social media and likes a few posts. She tweets pictures of Ethan on the ice when he was warming up and when he scored a goal in the second period. They quickly begin to circulate on Twitter and Instagram.
The door opens and some of Ethan’s teammates begin to start walking out with their wet hair and casual clothes on. Some of them say hi and that it's nice to see her as they walk past. Rutger tells her that Ethan is coming out “soon”. Soon for Ethan Edwards is either five minutes or a half an hour.
“Soon” this time means ten minutes. Ethan comes out in a button up, his letter jacket, nice dress pants, and a Michigan beanie. “Hey,” he says. “Glad you could make it. Sorry I didn’t get to see you before the game started.”
She smiles and gives him a side hug. One of his arms drapes over her shoulders and her arm wraps around his waist. “I’m here for a few days so you can make it up to me,” she tells him. “What do you think of the jersey? Stole it from your closet after Seamus let me into the house.”
Ethan backs away and looks at (Y/N) in his jersey. She turns in a slow circle so he can get a good look at her in the jersey. “Looks better on you than it does on me,” he admits. “Good to know that you still rock my name and number on your back.”
(Y/N) laughs but she wishes she could rock his name in another way. “So what’s the plan for tonight?” she asks. “Just hang out? Watch a movie? Show me around Ann Arbor?”
Before he can respond, a girl comes running up from behind Ethan and jumps on his back. She wraps herself around him. “That was a sexy goal you scored tonight, Eddy,” she says into his ear. “Looked good doing it too.”
Ethan smiles and turns his head to look at the girl in the Michigan hockey hoodie. “You think so?”
“Know so,” she giggles. “You’re so hot when you put the puck in the back of the net.” The girl begins pressing kisses against his jaw. He laughs and (Y/N) bites her bottom lip so she doesn’t say anything. It takes everything not to say some snarky comment.
She knows girls constantly throw themselves at him. Ethan isn't afraid to call her after one of his one night stands. He is one of the most attractive guys she knows, he’s super smart, and one of the most talented hockey players that she's ever seen play. He knows it too and doesn't shy away from the attention.
It isn’t a secret that girls on this campus want to hook up with him or be with him.
What is a secret is her feelings for her best friend. She is no better than the girls that throw themselves at Ethan. If she could then she would, but they’re friends and that would be crossing a line that shouldn’t be crossed. There's no going back if that line gets crossed.
And she's terrified of crossing that line. It doesn't mean she doesn't get jealous of other girls that tell Ethan how sexy he is and how good he looks when he scores goals without crossing that line. She wishes she could be one of those girls that gets to throw herself at him.
"You and your teammates should come to the party that happening at the house tonight," she suggests. "I think it would be super fun to hang out with the hockey team. To hang out with you. You can even bring your little friend here. She looks like she could use a good party." The girl looks her up and down in Ethan's jersey.
That last comment really pisses her off though. She completely loses her filter, and she's not even sorry.
"Who do you think you're talking to?" she asks, eyes boring into the girl on Ethan's back. "You can hop right off my boy's back now and find someone else to fuck tonight because I promise you that he isn't interested in fucking you. Bye bye." She waves goodbye to put some emphasis on her words.
The girl lowers herself back to the ground with a roll of her eyes. Ethan looks between the nameless girl and (Y/N) as the nameless girl shoulder tackles her. She resists every urge to punch this girl in the face despite the pain in her shoulder as she walks away.
She looks back at Ethan when the nameless girl leaves the arena. She follows her outside so they can go home after a minute. He blinks at her when they get in his car before he says, "I don't think I have ever seen you get like that."
"Like what?"
"So possessive," Ethan tells her as he starts his car. He pulls out of the parking spot and heads toward the house he lives in with Dylan, Tyler, and Luca. "Almost like you were jealous of her."
Her head snaps in his direction to look at him. "I wasn't jealous of her," she lies. "I was protecting you. The amount of calls I've gotten at two in the morning because you're upset that another girl left you in your bed is a little ridiculous."
"You're not wrong about that," he comments. "I guess it is ridiculous."
Every time Ethan's girl of the night leaves him after a party or bringing a girl back after a game, he calls his best friend and she gets to hear all about the sex or how he thought she was the one that wasn't going to leave him.
She's gotten very tired of it so she's taking a stand for him.
"So, you never told me what the plan was for the night since it's my first night in Ann Arbor," she says as Ethan turns out of the parking lot. "We could go to that party she was talking about if you want, or I'm perfectly okay with staying in tonight since you have another game tomorrow."
Ethan glances at her as she drives. "Is there something you'd like to do?" he asks. "You're here for a week so I'm also okay if you don't want to go out tonight. There will be parties during the week we can go to if you're okay with snacks and a movie or two. I'm pretty sure my roommates are going out tonight anyway so we'll have the house to ourselves to catch up."
Ideas flow through her head. She wants to do a lot in the next seven days that she's in Michigan before she heads back to Alberta.
Tonight though, she just wants to spend time with Ethan without worrying about which girl is going to throw herself at him next.
"Movie night with snacks sounds really nice," she eventually tells him.
He smiles and makes a turn. "You can look through my Netflix when we get back to the house," he tell her. "I need to take a longer shower when we get back so while I'm in the bathroom, you can find a movie that we can watch."
She nods and scrolls through her phone while Ethan drives. It's not a long drive from Yost to the house he shares with three of his closest friends and teammates. It's maybe ten minutes before Ethan pulls into the driveway. There are no other cars in the driveway so he was right about them having the house to themselves tonight.
A very excited (Y/N) gets out of the car and Ethan is quick to follow her. She has an idea of what movie she wants to watch but she has to check to make sure it's on Netflix before she gets too excited about it.
Ethan disappears into the bathroom that's attached to his bedroom. She disappears into the kitchen to gather some snacks for them to eat while they have their movie night.
She makes some popcorn but also puts together a candy bowl filled with M&Ms, Reese's Cups, mini Twix, and Hershey Kisses. Sweet and savory choices for them. She even grabs two cans of soda that are in the fridge so they have something to drink.
When she walks into Ethan's room with the bowls of snacks and cans of soda, he is walking out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. She has to look away before she stares at the water droplets rolling down his chest.
"Jesus, E," she gasps. She almost drops the snacks and drinks so she can cover her eyes. Ethan uses his hands to cover his crotch like she can see through the towel around his waist. "You couldn't have brought clothes into the bathroom with you?"
"I did," Ethan replies. "I forgot underwear. I opened the door so see if you were in here and you weren't so I wrapped a towel around myself. You were in here when I came out to put on underwear."
She glances at Ethan as he pulls up the pair of boxers over his waist. His back is to her so she admires him from behind for a second. His thighs are insane and every single back muscle works as he dresses himself. He turns his head to look at her as soon as he's wearing a shirt again. She quickly looks at the snacks in her hands to act like she wasn't watching him get dressed.
"Warn a girl before you walk into a room with nothing but a towel on, Ethan," she tells him as she sets the bowls and cans down on the table next to his bed. She crawls onto the mattress and grabs the TV remote.
"It's not like you haven't seen me naked before," he says.
"It has been literally like fifteen years since I saw you naked," she retorts. "It's your fault we were even in that situation because you decided to cover both of us in mud. Your mother decided that it would be funny to bathe us together."
Ethan laughs and crawls onto his bed next to her. "My bad," he says. "Anyway. Did you find a movie to watch or are we winging it?"
She loads his Netflix account and replies, "I think I know what I want to watch but I have to make sure it's still on here. If it's not then we'll wing it."
"Okay," he slowly says. "What movie?"
As soon as he asks, My Best Friend's Wedding pops up when she goes into the romance movies section. Ethan raises his eyebrows and looks over at her when she clicks it. "Seriously?"
"What?" she asks. "It's a romcom. I know you don't watch many of those so I thought we could watch one of my favorite ones." Ethan frowns. "Come on, E. You'll love it. I promise."
He sighs as the movie begins to play. “If I hate it then we are going to watch Miracle or Mighty Ducks,” he tells her. Sounds like a plan to her so she nods in agreement.
She hands Ethan his soda and he cracks it open.
Picking My Best Friend's Wedding was kind of a hint in a way since Julia Roberts' character is in love with her best friend, who is marrying someone else. She didn't lie when she said it's one of her favorite romcoms though. She adores this movie and loves Julia Roberts.
He seems very into the movie though. Not once does he complain about how stupid it is. It's throwing her off a little bit.
Ethan reaches over her to grab one of the snack bowls around what she thinks is the halfway point of the movie. "I could've given it to you, asshole," she tells him. "You didn't have to reach over me when I'm trying to watch the movie."
"I just wanted some candy," he replies with a mouthful of chocolate. "I need to munch while watching the movie, (Y/N)."
She laughs and looks over at him as he stuffs a Reese's Cup in his mouth. She steals one of the Hershey Kisses out of the bowl and tosses it into her mouth. Ethan smiles and does the same. She shakes her head and goes back to watching the movie.
As she watches one of her favorite scenes toward the end of the movie, she's slightly on edge. She's very still the entire time. It's the scene where Julia Roberts' character Jules tells her best friend Michael, played by Dermot Mulroney, that she is in love with him and they share a kiss.
When she quickly glances beside her at Ethan, she finds him already looking at her. She quickly turns her head and looks away from him. Her cheeks begin to heat up like she’s embarrassed that he caught her looking at him.
He catches her chin and turns her head back so she’s looking at him again before she’s fulling facing the movie.
“Please don’t say anything or else I won’t be able to do this,” he says to interrupt her.
She raises her eyebrows in confusion as Ethan’s thumb brushes over her bottom lip. His eyes flicker down to her lips before moving back up to her eyes. The eye contact they’re holding makes her entire body shake with excitement and anticipation.
Ethan doesn’t make any moves. His eyes float and study every part of her face, taking in every detail that he can see in the mostly dark room.
Very hesitantly, she throws a leg over one of his thighs and she straddles his leg. Ethan pushes her hair behind her ear and cups her jaw.
The entire time, they hold each other’s eyes. The tips of their noses touch every time Ethan moves in then backs away like he’s unsure.
“Do something,” she whispers, desperate. Her hands rest on his chest. “Ethan. Kiss me.”
He wastes no time.
Ethan sits up and wraps his arms around her waist to pull her closer to him. He crashes his lips to hers like he’s done holding back. She leans into him and deepens the kiss, pushing him back until he’s sitting up against the headboard.
The movie is soon forgotten about behind her. All she can hear is her own heart pounding in her ears. She no longer had any idea of what is going on behind her because she’s so focused on what’s in front of her.
She feels Ethan’s hands slither up the back of the jersey she’s still wearing. She never took it off and switched to a pair of black Lululemon shorts after she took off her leggings. A smile forms on Ethan’s lips when he realizes that she still has on his jersey.
Ethan’s fingers run up and down her back at the same time hers find their way under Ethan’s Michigan hockey t-shirt. She presses her fingers into his abs and sighs. All she has wanted to do since Ethan built up the muscles he has now is touch them.
Now she can.
“Take it off,” Ethan mumbles into a kiss as he pulls at the jersey. “I love seeing you in it but it needs to come off right now."
She reaches down between them and pulls the jersey over her head, breaking the kiss in the process. When she gets the jersey off, she sees Ethan’s eyes are on her body. She bites her bottom lip and grabs the bottom of Ethan’s shirt.
Might as well get it off now before they get distracted again.
Ethan gets the cue and sits up. She pulls the thin fabric off of him and tosses it to the floor with the jersey. Her eyes meet his and she finds a hunger in them that she's never seen before.
Friends definitely don't look at friends that way so something is changing between them. Goosebumps form on her exposed skin as she realizes that this could be the beginning of something new. Their whole relationship is changing with every second and every touch.
He cups her jaw with both his hands and runs his thumbs over her cheekbones.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted you like this," Ethan softly confesses, looking between her eyes.
"I think I have an idea," she whispers as she leans in to connect their lips again.
Their lips make contact with each other and she presses her chest flush against his. In the process, she rolls her hips and grinds her clothed core on his thigh. She gasps at the pressure and Ethan's hands fly to her waist.
She tries it again and lets out a soft whine. She's surprised at how good it feels. Ethan smiles into the kiss as she begins to use his thigh to get off.
It makes sense to her that she would like this. She was just thinking about his thighs earlier when he was getting dressed.
The kiss breaks and she rests her forehead against Ethan's. Soft pants pass her swollen lips and Ethan smiles. "Gonna use my thigh to come?" he asks. "You gonna get off using my thigh, baby?"
"Mhm," she hums. "Feels good. Kind of in love with your thighs, E."
He laughs and helps her move her hips.
She can feel how muscular his thighs are through her shorts and his sweatpants. Just like she thought earlier - his thighs are insane.
A knot already forms in the pit of her belly. Her breathing has gotten very labored and she claws at Ethan's chest, definitely leaving behind some scratch marks he'll get teased for later by his teammates.
"Ethan," she breathes out. "Fuck."
He presses kisses to her jaw. "I got you," he tells her. "Go ahead. Come."
Almost like she was waiting for his permission, she comes with a cry. She ruins her panties and probably her shorts at the same time. Her fingers find Ethan's hair and she lightly grips his locks because she needs something to hold onto.
Ethan peppers her jaw and cheek with light kisses as she lays her head on his shoulder while she comes down from her high. He lightly brushes her hair out of her face and she hums a little "thank you".
"Feel better?" he asks. "Got it out of your system?"
She rolls her eyes and lifts her head as soon as she has enough strength to. "For now," she retorts. "Right now though, I need you to get inside of me because it's all I've been thinking about for years."
He smiles and quickly rolls them over so she's on her back. "Your wish is my command," he says as he hooks his fingers into the waistband of her ruined shorts and panties. "Hope you don't need to walk in the morning."
Her eyes widen as he pulls off the shorts and panties in one go. She lifts her hips off the bed to help him out. She's completely exposed to him now since she went without a bra under the jersey. She crosses her arms over her chest.
Ethan is quick to grab her hands and uncover her body. "Don't hide from me, baby," he tells her. "You're beautiful. I've always thought you were beautiful. You never have to hide from me."
She nods and Ethan gets on his knees between her legs. She watches as he pushes off his boxers and sweats. His dick pops out of his boxers and she bites her bottom lip.
Yeah, she’s not going to be able to walk in the morning. It really is a good thing she doesn’t have to go anywhere.
He leans over and reaches into his bedside table. He had a tiny silver package between his fingers when he comes back to hover over her.
“I need to make sure you are absolutely okay with this,” he says. “You aren’t going to regret this or anything like that. I don’t want you to think that I’m pressuring you-”
“Ethan, if you don’t fuck me in the next two seconds, I am going to get up and go find someone who will,” she interrupts.
His eyes darken when he makes the comment about going to find someone that will fuck her. “Oh hell no,” he mumbles before he tears the condom package open with his teeth. She smiles as he slides the condom onto himself.
Her fingers find a home in Ethan’s hair when he leans over her. She holds his locks from falling into his face since he does have longer hair. He lines himself up with her and meets her eyes. “I trust you, E,” she tells him. “I have always trusted you.” I love you.
With her reassurance, Ethan slowly pushes into her. She gasps and bites her lip. “Fuck, (Y/N),” he breathes out. “So tight. God.”
Being tired of hearing him talk, she leans up and presses her lips to his. She wraps her arms around his neck as he bottoms out in her. Ethan presses his hands into the pillows on either side of her head so he doesn’t crush her.
She rolls her hips so she feels Ethan move inside of her. A soft sigh passes her lips into the kiss. Ethan leans into her and deepens the kiss. Her fingers drag down his back as he finally begins to roll his hips so he moves in and out of her.
The sound of soft whines and moans fill the room until the sound of the bed creaking follows when Ethan speeds up his movements. She breaks the kiss and arches her back off the bed and Ethan kisses her chest.
“Such a good girl for me,” Ethan pants. “Making these pretty noises. Does my cock feel good inside you, baby?”
“S’ good,” she breathes out. “Feels so good, E. You make me feel so good. Fuck.”
He smiles against her skin. He pushes one of her legs up and lets it hook around his arm, and he’s able to move even deeper inside of her. She cries out in pleasure and her head begins to spin.
It’s been years since she realized that she was in love with her best friend. He is all she has wanted since they went to prom together in their senior year of high school.
Even if he doesn’t love her, the fact that he is on top of her means that he has to feel something for her.
This is a welcomed change in their relationship. Going from friends to this is welcomed.
Her legs begin to shake as her second orgasm of the night starts to build in her belly. Ethan changes his pace every so often but continuously moves deep into her so he’s completely inside of her.
She’s pretty sure her breasts are marked up because of the way Ethan keeps nipping and sucking at the skin. It doesn’t bother her.
Getting marked by Ethan is never going to bother her.
Ethan pulls out then slams into her. “Holy fuck,” she cries out. “Shit, E.”
“Just wanna make my girl feel good,” Ethan pants.
He does it again and she clenches around him. She comes without warning and with Ethan’s name on her lips. Her entire body shakes and her vision goes white.
It’s probably the hardest she has ever come in her life. No one has made her feel as good as Ethan has.
It must be a minute before she comes to because he has a cloth in his hand and is cleaning her up. Her breathing is extremely labored and her entire body feels heavy. He tosses the cloth to the floor with their clothes and she looks at the TV.
‘Are you still watching’ lights up the screen and she can’t help but smile at the realization of what just happened.
Ethan pulls the blankets over their naked bodies and asks, “What’s with the smile?”
She looks up at him and says, “I really liked it. I liked being able to touch and kiss you.”
“So, what I’m hearing is that you wouldn’t mind doing it again?” he questions.
“Absolutely not.”
A loud knock rings out throughout the room and Luca is on the other side as he says, “Walls are thin! I don’t feel like buying ear plugs so please keep it down! Also, it’s about damn time.”
She covers her mouth and laughs. Ethan rolls his eyes and gets comfortable. “I need to move out and get my own place.”
“I second that.”
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stylespctals · 2 months
The nanny | Part 1 - Pining
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Summary: where Y/N is the nanny for a little girl named Stevie Styles. Her job consists of traveling all around the world with the girls rockstar dad - Harry Styles. What happens when Y/N and Harry start having feelings for one another?
A/N: This is my first writing on tumblr sorry if i’m rusty! I’ve written fanfictions for other celebs but never harry, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1.4k
warnings: sickening fluff, sexual acts, mention of death, mentioning childbirth, harry being such a loving boy, y/n being shy
Read part 2 here
“Stevie I’m sorry your daddy won’t be home till later.” you say, trying to comfort the crying four year old.
“But I want daddy.” She screams. Starting to throw a tantrum; you don’t know how to stop it. Stevie has never thrown one before.
You became the nanny for Stevie two years ago when Harry realized it wasn’t possible to travel the world alone with a two year old.
Stevie’s mother passed when giving birth, her and Harry weren’t together. The conception was a drunken one night stand where Jessie- Stevie’s mother- convinced Harry she was on birth control. She wasn’t. Harry was so angry after that, but he also knew he was at fault for not taking an extra precaution. After she passed he mourned her pretty hard. He knew the effect it would have on his baby girl.
He realized he was relying too much on friends to look after Stevie when he was busy that he ended being forced to bring her to events she wasn’t welcome at. He knew he needed to get a nanny but he wasn’t comfortable leaving her alone with a stranger. That’s when he met you.
You and him met at a bar. Jeff invited Harry out to drinks with him and few of his and Glenne’s friends. You and Glenne were super close.
You guys hit it off super well and Harry knew you were the person he wanted as his nanny. He found out you are a nanny and immediately asked you if you would be his. He offered you triple what you other options would’ve paid, which made you laugh and assure him you didn’t need that and you would be honored to nanny such a sweet girl.
And here you are now, best friends with an international pop star and the nanny of the best girl in the world; trying to calm down the sweet girl.
“Shhh Stevie it’s okay, daddy will back soon I promise.” you say soothingly, trying to stop the four year old from squirming out of your arms.
“No!” the little girl screams, getting up and running to the couch; she puts her head on it and starts hitting it.
“Stevie Anne that is not a way to act!” Harry says sternly. Walking into a scene he never had before.
“Daddy!” she cries as she runs up and hugs his legs. Crying the hardest she ever has.
Harry frowns, realizing something is wrong.
He picks her up and places her on his hip, she wraps her arms around his neck and sits there and cries.
“What’s wrong love bug.” he says moving her curly red hair away from her face.
She’s a spitting image of Harry, except for her bright ginger hair.
You sit there and watch as Harry talks to Stevie in a calm soft voice and wipes her tears away. Smiling loving how different he is with her.
“I’m going to go put her to bed.” he mouths to her, Stevie was falling asleep in the comfort of her father’s arms.
You nod, he takes off towards the steps. You start cleaning up.
You’re in the kitchen when harry returns downstairs. He sits down at the bar stool and sighs.
“Is everything okay?” you ask. Grabbing him a glass of wine and sitting down next to him.
“Thanks.” he says taking a sip of the wine. “She was just really upset that i’ve been gone, it’s been a while since she’s been without seeing me all day. I didn’t know it would put this much effect on her but now I realize it is.” he says, rubbing his forehead while downing his glass of wine.
“Ay take it easy.” grabbing the wine glass out of his hand you go and set it in the sink. “You hate drinking while on tour. If you’re going to you gotta take it slow, alright?”
“Yeah yeah I know sorry i’m just stressed I feel terrible for making her upset. And i know she probably took it out on you, I hate to put you through that. She’s usually such a great kid and never has any problems.” he groans, putting his head against the granite countertops.
“H, it’s alright. This is what i signed up for, to be a nanny for this precious little girl through all the bad moments. Okay?” you say, placing your hand on his, making tingles run up your spine at the contact.
He looks up at you with this soft look in his eyes that you can’t decipher. He squeezes your hand with a smile and mumbles a thank you.
You smile at him and he pulls you into a tight hug.
You feel him take a deep breath through his nose; nuzzling into your soft hair.
He plants two kisses on your temple and pulls away, looking you deeply into your eyes. “You’re the best you know that?” he says, not taking his eyes off yours.
You get a little flustered under his gaze and look away blushing.
“Yeah whatever.” you shrug, hiding your eyes from his. His hand grabs your chin and makes you look at him again
“I’m serious Y/N. I couldn’t ask for someone better to do this with. I thought I was going to be alone raising her and I was so scared. Then you came along and you’re the biggest help and everything I needed to help me and her through this.” He says moving his hand to your cheek.
This brings tears to your eyes; you pull him for a right hug again and cry into his shoulder. “Thank you for letting me into her life. I don’t know what i’d do without you and her.” you sniffle, pulling away to wipe and your eyes.
He smiles and wipes your tears.
Oh my god you’re melting.
“I think maybe we should both get some sleep we seem pretty emotional.” he chuckles as he stands up out of his seat. He holds his hand out for you and you take it.
“Come on i’ll run a bath for you. You deserve it.” he says dragging you to the en-suite bathroom.
You swing your feet giddily as you pull yourself up on the counter and watch him prepare the bath. Is it bad you can feel yourself getting wet beneath your panties? Something about a man pampering you really gets you going.
“Okay all set.” he walks over to you and lifts you up off the counter. Making you smile. “See you in the morning sweets, I got a free day tomorrow and I want to spend it with you and Stevie, so be up and ready by 10! Have a surprise for you two.” he kisses your cheek again which makes your heart race.
“Goodnight, H.” you blush. Again. He gives you a wink then leaves the room.
You get undressed and into the bath.
You shamefully rub yourself to an orgasm thinking of your boss.
Harry’s fucked. Being in love with your nanny?
These type of things only happens in books.
I guess not for Harry.
You were constantly on Harry’s mind. He woke up thinking about you and went to bed thinking about you.
He also thought about you in other ways. Which he was a little shameful about.
With his hand wrapped around his shaft stroking himself thinking about you underneath him whining and begging him to fuck you.
He can’t even be shameful when that’s all on his mind.
He knows it’s wrong but he’s been in love with you since the beginning. He just doesn’t know how to tell you.
He imagines all the way he’s could confess to you, but, what if you don’t feel the same? That’s a nagging fear in the back of Harry’s mind.
What if you’re just in it for the money? What if you are doing this because he’s Harry Styles? That sounds so narcissistic he thinks but he can’t help his mind go there after that being the case in multiple of his past relationships.
He try’s to rid these thoughts as he cleans himself up, then nestles into his covers.
“I’m going to confess tomorrow.” He says to himself, not even knowing if that’s the truth or not.
Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed, I will have part to you tomorrow!
I also will be making a post about request if you have any!
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pseudowho · 8 months
Defending Your Honour
A series in which the JJK guys stick-it to the creeps and perverts bothering the reader.
A multi-fic in a series ❤️🫖☕
Part 1 (Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru, and Todo Aoi) link here!
Part 2 (Higuruma Hiromi, Ino Takuma and Itadori Yuuji) link here!
More JJK men and women to come
Trigger Warning: unsolicited dick pics, upskirting, catcalling, threatened sexual assault/reader followed into bathroom
Gojo Satoru
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"Baaaaabe," Satoru whinged from the sofa, at the exact pitch required to set your eyes rolling. You walked back to him, blushing as you felt his eyes roll languidly up and down your bare legs beneath his oversized t-shirt.
Plopping the popcorn bowl down, you sat on the sofa beside him, lazily draping your legs over his lap, tilting your head inquisitively towards him as he teased his long fingers over your thighs. He felt you look at him questioningly, and smirked.
"Nothin'," he shot, "s'too late. Was gonna ask you what movie you wanted, but you're too late. I picked already."
"Oh, really?" You teased, swirling a finger on his pecs, "And what did you choose?"
"Only the cult-classic noughties Anne Hathaway gem...the Princess Diaries. Two." You clapped, squealing with genuine delight as Satoru laughed, pulling you closer onto his lap by the legs.
The movie rolled, and you cuddled under Satoru's arm, taking turns, giggling as you fed each other popcorn. Your phone buzzed, once. You ignored it. Your phone buzzed, again. You ignored it. It buzzed again-- again-- again--
"Someone's popular tonight," Satoru teased, "you wanna get that?" You squirmed uncomfortably under his arm, your lip curled in disgust.
"No, just leave it. Nothing to worry about." Satoru raised an unconvinced eyebrow, but tucked you closer, deliberately missing your mouth with the next piece of popcorn he offered you, shoving it at a nostril instead. You laughed, batting him away.
A few minutes passed, and the incessant buzzing of your phone began again. Satoru felt you tense under his arm. He sat forward, pausing the movie and turning to you.
"Look, you know I won't push for an answer, but...is everything alright?" You turned away from him, lips curled up again, upset.
"This guy from work..." you started guiltily, fidgeting, "...he just keeps messaging me. Won't leave me alone, I-- I've been ignoring him for weeks." Satoru's face pinched in pain and concern. He reached out a hand, threading his fingers through yours.
"Babe...you could have told me." You shrugged, eyes tearing up now. You reached out for your phone, unlocking it.
"I didn't want you to think it was my faul--" you cried out in disgust, dropping your phone into your lap with a jolt, sniffling, face crumpling, "--I'm so sick of this, Satoru."
Satoru slowly reached a hand out to your phone, hesitating for you to stop him. You shook your head tearfully, gesturing loosely at your phone for him to take it.
Satoru's face morphed into something ugly as he scrolled through photo after photo of another man's penis, sometimes flaccid, sometimes hard, held in his hand, covered in cum, in different lighting, at different angles--
"This," Satoru spat, "is not your fault. None of it is." Satoru dropped your phone on the coffee table, turning fully to you again, "Do you know where this guy lives?"
You frowned at Satoru, nodding slowly, considering; "What...are you going to do?"
Satoru's lips quirked at the edges into a dirty little smile; "Nothing for you to worry about. Don't sweat it. I'm the strongest. You know it."
An hour or so later, the owner of the unwanted penis stepped into his apartment, still buzzing after sending you so many good photos, and from the office no less, it was so filthy, so naughty, he just, just knew you'd love it--
"Hey there, guy. I've been waiting for you."
Grabbed bodily by this unreasonably strong, tall, white-haired man, your assailant cried out in terrified indignation as Satoru threw him onto his sofa. Satoru sat on the coffee table opposite him, eyes covered by a black blindfold, spidery legs spread and blocking the man's exit.
"Unlock your phone," Satoru commanded, sounding almost cheerful. The man glared, snarling.
"I'm not unlocking my fucking phone--"
"Unlock your phone," Satoru ordered again, now cold, methodically dangerous, "now."
The assailant reached for his phone with a trembling hand, unlocking it. Satoru held out his own hand expectantly. The man hesitated. Satoru clapped his fingers against his palm, in a display of impatience. Begrudgingly, the man handed over his phone to Satoru, who hummed as he flicked through the disgusting messages the man had been sending you.
"You know," Satoru said conversationally, his words sending shivers of fear up the man's spine, "I kill monsters for a living...did you know that? Probably not." Satoru sucked his teeth, preparing a multi-participant messaging list on the man's phone.
"Got any sisters? Brothers?" Satoru inquired. The man nodded, uncertain. Satoru smiled, as if delighted by the man's cooperation, "Names?"
Shakily, the man reeled off their names, his stomach sinking lower and lower as Satoru asked for more names-- his boss, his best friend, his best friend's wife, his solicitor...
With a happy sigh of finality, Satoru clapped his hands together, throwing the phone back onto the sofa.
"Hope they like your photos, anyway," Satoru chirped to the man, who stared at his frantically buzzing phone as if it were an unexploded bomb, "no takey-backsies!"
Satoru stood, walking to the front door. He paused, turning back slowly, the very air within the flat seeming to crush in around the man with some inconceivable force.
"And if you ever go near my girl again," Satoru offered, calculating, menacing, "the next monster I'll kill is you."
Megumi and Nobara
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"She doesn't want to go to the book shop with you, she wants to come with me, there's this dress I think she'll look really cute in--"
"--she's my girlfriend Kugisaki!" Megumi snapped, tugging your hand in his so they sat flush against his thigh. You hummed, pretending to consider your options.
"I dunno Megs...if the dress is cute enough, maybe I'll be Nobara's girlfriend instead." Megumi spun to you, appalled, and you laughed as he and Nobara bickered with each other on the way to the escalator.
Ginza was busy, buzzing with the animated, vibrant ebb and flow of the wealthy, and the excitable tourists, and the perfectly-coiffed fashionistas. You, Megumi and Nobara tumbled through the crowd, being reshuffled by the constant bump of passers-by, and you ended up entering the escalator two people ahead of them.
Leaning round to shoot them an apologetic smile, you saw Megumi and Nobara remained embroiled in their sibling-ish argument. You rolled your eyes, facing forward, eyes up to the twinkling lights of the shopping centre.
You thought very little of the twitching of the back of your skirt, so close was the crowd. You heard a cough behind you, loud, barking. You heard another cough, and another, and another.
"Hey-- hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" You tried to turn at the sound of Nobara's voice, but failed, shoulders bracketed by the press of the crowd.
"Megumi-- that piece of shit took photos up your girlfriend's skirt! He's covering up the camera noise with coughs!"
You cried out as you were shoved forwards, your fingers cracking painfully against the metal of the escalator, and a man in a baseball cap forced his way past you, phone in hand. Nobara and Megumi shouted, in pursuit, Megumi pulling you to your feet as the crowd decompressed at the top of the escalator.
You were confused, humiliated and all turned-around as you staggered at the top of the escalator. Pitying eyes glazed over you in passing, the flow of people giving you a wide berth. You blushed, and clutched the hem of your skirt, feeling so exposed, pulling down the hem at the back.
Megumi had stumbled ahead in chase, but turned back and grasped your hand, his eyes beseeching you to chase with him. Nobara tore off ahead, rounding a corner. You nodded, sniffling, and Megumi raised your clasped hands to his face, pressing a kiss to your palm.
You sprinted together after Nobara and found her pinning the capped man against a wall, effortlessly gripping the front of his hoodie while he squirmed. She was going through his phone, lips twisted in distaste at the intimate photographs he had taken of you.
Megumi approached, fists clenching and unclenching, his nose scrunched in disgust. Nobara held the phone close to her chest, eyeing him inquisitively. Megumi shot you a sideways glance, and shook his head at Nobara.
"Save them for the cops," he snapped, "but for now..." Megumi turned to you; "What do you want to do with this bastard?"
Your lip trembled, and you bit it between your teeth to still it. You felt violated, furiously vengeful.
"I think," you shook out, "we should find this guy a skirt." With matching satisfied, wicked smiles, Megumi and Nobara rounded on your assailant.
The sales assistants manning the changing rooms did not dare approach the scene that was unfolding behind the curtains, some time later. While the capped man frantically sobbed, his knobbly-kneed hairy legs woefully exposed by the cute miniskirt he wore, Megumi kept him arm-locked against the wall, endlessly berating and insulting him, while Nobara knelt, taking miserably unflattering photos of his taint under the hem of his skirt.
You stood back, grimly satisfied as your assailant wept his apologies. As you wiped away tears of mirth, Megumi paused in his bullying for just a moment, to smile at you, eyes soft, warm, full of sincere adoration.
You mused to yourself as Nobara slapped the back of the man's thigh, making him shriek; it's not strictly morally just, you thought to yourself, but I don't strictly care.
Toge Inumaki
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You found yourself so nervous, the first 'first date' you had had in quite some time. Your date, Inumaki, seemed equally unsure, but rolled with a quiet mischievous confidence that sent butterflies through your tummy.
You had approached him, your outfit suddenly seeming so overdone compared to his hoodie and jeans, and you opened your mouth to apologise for being overdressed. The words stopped in your throat as Inumaki's eyes glimmered with joy, and he gestured up and down your body with one finger, before clasping his hands over his heart and tipping his head back towards the sky.
You pressed a hand over your mouth, blushing, and Inumaki stepped forward to grasp your hands and bring them away from your face, swinging them affectionately in his own. You bumped the side of your head against his, realising with a curling warmth, that he had plaited his fingers in yours as you walked together down the street.
The day passed, in a flurry of arcades, street food, souvenir shopping, buying small gifts for each other...the whole day had been spent in wordless gestures, familiar and comfortable. Inumaki's heart stuttered each time he managed to tease you into a twinkling laugh.
Heading home, hands still swinging together, rich steam and hoppy beer aromas tumbled out of the closely packed ramen shops. You and Inumaki found yourselves pressed uncomfortably close to a pack of young men as you squeezed through the crowd. One man squeezed pricklingly, unnecessarily against you as he passed, the street wide enough to render his intimacy completely unjustifiable.
Inumaki paused, watchful eyes seeing as you drew your shoulders up in defence.
"Oh hey baby! You on a date? Hey bro, your girlfriend just tried to feel me up!" You blushed in furious mortification as your shoulders drew even closer towards your chin, pulling your jacket around yourself, keeping your head down and hoping the assault would just go away.
The young man's pack of friends, four of them, laughed and jeered, taking swigs from cans of beer and turning to join in the game.
"Nice outfit babe! Think I've seen something like it on a street corner near here..."
"Yeah, that jacket ain't coverin' much, sweetheart!"
"Aww, you cold? C'mere baby, I've got something nice and warm for you in my pocket."
As the pack continued to laugh and jeer at you, your happiness shrivelled, and you were reduced to nothing, a pecked worm between birds.
Inumaki raised his hand, slowly drawing his mask down, revealing his unusual facial markings. The pack of men paused, then laughed harder. The original perpetrator raised his beer to Inumaki, and began to speak as Inumaki waggled his tongue in preparation.
"Think you've got a bit of Sharpie on your face, ma--"
"Kiss each other-- like you mean it."
Gripped by something other than his own thoughts and desires, the young man stopped, dropping his can to the floor with a metallic wet thunk...before turning to his friend and grasping his face, pressing a passionate, staggering kiss to his lips. The kiss was enthusiastically reciprocated, and two of the others fought each other for the right to lock lips with the final man.
"Put your hands down his pants."
The crowd around the young men hooted and whistled at the show, as the enforced make-out session grew steamier, beer spilling onto the floor around them, wet kisses sounding through the air, hands down pants, groping.
"Keep going-- really enjoy yourselves."
As the scene before you unfolded into something increasingly erotic and debauched, your jaw dropped, all of your own embarrassment forgotten, and Inumaki raised his mask with a cough. Pulling you to wind through the crowd of onlookers and raised, clicking phone cameras, Inumaki turned and shot you a wink.
You laughed, desperately appreciative, and already planning your second date.
Fushiguro Toji
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"Toji-- Toji-- I mean it, slow down, I need to pee!"
Toji sighed, brisk and pissed-off (his factory settings), and stopped pulling you along by the hand. He shot you a withering look, until you batted your eyelashes, clasping your hands together as you wiggled at him.
Despite himself, he smirked, glancing away so you didn't see (though you already had), and started scouring the street for public bathrooms.
"Come on, pea-bladder," he mocked, his deep voice slow and drawling, "let's find you somewhere to piss."
"Toji, don't be so gross--"
"Don't be so needy, jeez, or you're payin' for your own dinner." You rolled your eyes, punching his shoulder affectionately. Rounding a corner, a set of public bathrooms appeared opposite a row of shops.
Raising Toji's hand to your face, you pressed a kiss to the back of his enormous fist. Toji pinched your chin lovingly, before spinning you by the shoulders and planting a hefty slap to your bum.
"Hurry up kid. If someone prettier passes while you're in there, I ain't stickin' round." Toji laughed as your jaw dropped, aghast, and pushed you towards the bathrooms.
Toji chuckled to himself as you skipped away, his eyes only briefly registering the figure loitering outside the bathroom as you headed in.
A few minutes passed and you stepped, relieved, out of the stalls and walked to the sink to clean your hands. Sidling from his hiding spot round the corner, a heavy-jacketed man looked towards you as you gasped, immediately backing yourself away against a wall.
"All alone, baby?" The man challenged, tongue sliding across his front teeth as he approached you, a flick knife clacking in his hand. Steeped in terror, your eyes filled with tears, and you were miserably trapped in the corner against a toilet stall. You opened your mouth to beg for your life, but were interrupted by a low, dangerous voice.
"Nah, man. She ain't alone. But you are."
In abrupt, bloody violence, Toji swung a fist, shattering the man's nose and front teeth in an instant. The man's head snapped back and you screamed, spats of blood splattering down to mix with the stale-water-toilet-paper-mulch of the public bathroom floor.
Toji drew his fist back again as the man staggered, Toji's face twisted in filthy, murderous rage; "Chickenshit little coward, I'll fucking gut yo--"
Toji stopped stock-still at your pale little face staring up in terror...at him now, not your would-be assailant twisting like a maggot on the wet floor. Toji felt a hot rush of shame at having been the cause of your terror.
"Babe..." he started, lost for words. You trembled before him. Toji gulped, turning away from you, unable to look you in the eye. As your frightened heart slowed, Toji took a deep, measured breath in through his nose, and out of his mouth.
"I...frightened you. I'm so--" the words caught in Toji's throat, so alien to him. He took a deep breath and tried again; "I'm sorry. Let's finish this guy off together, huh? Before we take him to the cops."
You hesitated, before nodding, tearful eyes smiling up at Toji, sending his belly tumbling. Lifting the bloodied man up by his collar, Toji grinned devilishly at him.
"Swirly..." Toji began to chant, raising his voice as you started to join in, clapping in rhythm, "Swirly, swirly, swirly--"
Other passers-by found alternate public bathrooms that day, put off by the sounds of repeated flushing and strangled wet sobs.
Ahhh. I managed to find a bit of love even for Toji, who is so SHOCKINGLY in looks and character like my older brother 💀💀💀🫠
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