#and he could still be his goofy silly self because he's always reacted this way to trauma
lakemichigans · 2 years
eddie never should've existed and they should've killed steve instead
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m0mmyxsuckyxsucky2 · 3 years
Omg I'm sorry i request too much but i rlly love ur work an as u can see I'm a simp for Mettaton so PLEASE can i request oneshot with Mettaton where the reader know how to sing and play the guitar and they sing on Mettaton's show without him knowing so it's like a surprise ( the song is Why'd you only call me when you're high by Miley Cyrus ) and if you could also show us what happens after the reader is done singing like what Mettaton thinks after. Thanks and sorry againnnn <33
(Mettaton x singer! Guitarist! Reader)
Listen here, never ever be guilty when requesting😾 and you’re welcome, you can request again if you want to ofc :)
I’m gonna be real honest, This was hard. Especially when I had to study for up coming tests, but I still did it ;D
I’m sorry if this came out late! I was really busy
Today’s aesthetic is gonna be purple!
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You sang the lyrics, while playing your guitar. As mettaton was dramatically posing. he was battling frisk, not paying attention to your voice in the background. Of course, you understood that. But The longer he didn’t realize it was your voice, the faster you got irritated. You wanted his attention, and right now too. But you also wanted to make his battle with frisk special, so special that he wouldn’t ever forget it. Particularly your voice.
The battle was tense, frisk was giving mettaton more views but The reason also was because of your voice and the way you play your guitar. It is ...quite fascinating actually.
Then suddenly You smiled. Just smiling at the silly memories you and mettaton made. It always gave you a boost when singing. After all, mettaton was your idol. Why wouldn’t he be inspiring?
The battle was getting closer to its end, Now That made you anxious. How will mettaton react? Will he be mad that you interfered with his show? Will he break up with you..?
The last part made you shiver, no it can’t be. He would never break up for that.. right? You stopped singing and took a few breaths before continuing. The crowd were clapping and most of them were singing with you! You were amazed by how supportive they were.
The battle was about to end, while you said the last few lyrics. The closer it was, the more you got anxious. Mettaton lost his arms and his legs were getting looser and looser. ‘This is it. It’s time..’ you made yourself mentally ready.
At this moment the song ended, and mettaton both lost his arms and legs. His battery is about to literally die. so you took the opportunity to run to him and Hug him tightly. (You were lucky enough that your guitar wasn’t damaged when you let it fall)
The hug it self was really emotional, but when he rested his head on your shoulder to initiate a hug, made you shed a few silent tears.
“Your voice was beautiful, d-darling” mettaton said out blue. Which made your cheeks warm up “uh, surprise..?” You let out your goofy smile just as you stopped hugging him. “See you in alphys lab” you waved bye to him. “Of course darling..” he shut off.
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I’m sorry that this came out late! As I’ve said I was really busy studying.
Also tumblr decided to crash and delete half of the things I wrote, so that’s why it’s so short. (Not me getting really mad about that)
You can request about mettaton again or any other undertale characters! :)
(If I made any grammar errors or misspellings, just ignore those because I’m sleepy as heck)
P.s my country is in lockdown so I’m free the whole week, request if you want to!
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sanris3 · 3 years
A fine line
Pairing: reader x san Genre: friends to lovers(?)/angst Summary: You realize you're in love with your best friend San and unsure how to approach it. Playing with the thin line between friends and lovers. author notes: This is my first piece in a while, I hope everyone enjoys it! in a silly goofy mood at 5am Word Count: 1.6k
The both of you definitely started off on the wrong note. When you and San were first introduced to each other, it was difficult to get close to him. He radiated this intimidating aura and with your shy self, there was no way you'd approach someone like him. You had mutuals through a couple friend groups, it was only natural that you'd end up friends. However, there had been a misunderstanding through a mutual friend and you never thought to clear the air.. because after all, you weren't in a position to fight for the friendship anyway. The both of you left it as it is. Fast forward to 2 years later and the two of you are closer than ever. There was a stark difference between your personalities, hobbies, hell- even the way you both processed things were different. But oddly enough, you guys make it work. You were the epitome of 'opposites attract.' You'd never expect that a toxic relationship would deem you two as inseparable. San struggled a lot and you were there for him whenever he needed a shoulder to lean on. No one understood him but you oddly did. Looking at his situation, you found yourself looking in the mirror recognizing you had been in his position just a year ago. You desired to be there for him. You were reminded of the turbulent moments and unexplainable behaviors that took place- and unknowingly, you began to prioritize him. Not in a romantic way- more so, just ensuring San is doing okay because after all, he is your best friend. All you could think about were the empty moments you experienced when you went through the same thing, you didn't want him to believe no one understood him, because you did. How delightful would it have been if you had someone like this to root for you back then? San allowed himself to become comfortable with you. Sharing each vulnerable thought was a common conversation you two had and honestly- it was fascinating to learn how aware he was about his emotions because all this time, you believed he was emotionally constipated. Even after being friends for so long, the conversations you had never reached the depth that they did now. This was a sign he genuinely acknowledged you to be his closest friend. You'll never overlook the excitement you experienced at the realization he trusts you at his most vulnerable moments. It was happiness. This is what it feels like to have a friendship reciprocated. Vulnerable. Stable. Consistent. Several months go by and that relationship ends. You adhere to his side until the end, making sure he's completely taken care of; and even though it's challenging, you walk him through the emotions, keeping him together at his roughest moments. You had become his pillar. And that's exactly what you did, until, he suddenly cut off contact with you. You understood his heartbreak. He needed time to heal, but that time apart managed to lead through the most confusing part of your friendship. You missed him terribly but what could you do? He needed his space and you respected that. You hear from him for the first time for what feels like forever and you notice something is off. There's something about his aura that shifted- and you couldn't figure it out. Both of you are nervous to talk to each other after the sudden break but as always, you get through it and pick up on the flow once again. But this time it's different. There was a new feeling of awareness in your stomach when you got a notif from him- and for so long, you assured yourself it was because you missed him. Which was true. (at least for now.) There were many instances where you wanted to reach out and invade his space but that would only harm your friendship, and that was the furthest thing you desired to do. But you couldn't help yourself, you grew anxious that he would disappear on you again and started attaching yourself to him a different way and it was a scary feeling because you knew where this would lead to. "She was my person. It was rocky but I've never loved anyone so hard," he says amidst another vulnerable conversation. You try to bring him comfort by wrapping your arms
around him, gently pulling him in for a hug as he sobs again for the night. Your hands rub against his back, gently finding a pace. You feel his grasp on you tighten, hands clinging to you like you'll slip away. But you stay there, bringing him all the comfort he needs, he was still healing. There was that feeling again. Like always, you brushed it aside and never dared to ponder upon it. For the first time, your heart sinks when he's talking about her. It's a good day for both of you. Throughout your hangout you're able to pick up conversations like before, San is starting to smile again and joke a lot more often, the bright San you knew was returning and you were genuinely happy for him. "I knew you'd turn out okay, if I did, you would. It just took some time." you blurt out in the middle of silence as the two of you are watching a movie. He stops in his tracks to turn towards you, "Thank you." His lips curve up into a warm smile with his arms reaching out, unexpectedly pulling you into his arms. "You know, I'm sorry for disappearing. You've been nothing but good to me through everything. I'm grateful to have you around, I promise I'll return everything." You go along with it, loosely wrapping your arms around his frame. "It's okay." You answer with a pause before continuing. "I missed you a lot." "I did too."
There it is again. That feeling. As time went by, it was growing difficult to ignore the little jump in your heart seeing anything of him. A text? A call? Hanging out? Your wavering heart couldn't ignore. The overwhelming feeling was too much for you to handle so that day you ignore San for your sake. You took the day off to think about your feelings for the first time. Why him? Why now? It was hard to understand the sudden change in heart. You pondered over and over again if this was true. Overthinking leads one thing to another and the next thing you know, you're on your bed crying endlessly in the sheets. Out of all people, your feelings were stirred up by Choi San. For the next few months, it was a brutal game of push and pull. Not between you and San, but you and yourself. Slowly, you were filled with frustrations no one but him had answers to, it was driving you insane; One moment you would see San as a friend, then it would be more than that. The friendly gestures you were recieving from him were transforming to a different meaning in your heart. The pet names, the random compliments, the sporadic oversharing- oh you wished that it would stop. But a part of you knew you were acting like this due to the fact you were hyper aware of your feelings.
At one point you wondered what it would be like to feel his lips against yours. It was a confusing cycle you couldn't stand to seperate from him. How bad could it be if you started and ended things on your note? But if you revealed your heart, what if it backfired? There was a chance you'd lose your best friend and it was too risky to cross that line. You were desperate enough to go on dates, and of course, San encouraged you through all of them. There was a clear answer to your questions but the little hope you had in you, kept praying. Just maybe. You wanted San to feel the same way. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system, or you were tired of stringing yourself along- so you initiated the conversation about dating again. Of course, you were extremely careful with how you apporached the situation; One mess up and it'll change the dynamic of your bond forever. You thought about what would happen far ahead. Sure he accepts your feelings and there's might be connection but what if you guys aren't compatiable as lovers? would the both of you have the courage to love like you haven't been hurt? "San- Can I ask you for advice on something? Or not really advice.. but your input." The brunette gears his attention towards you fully, emmitting the same flustering feeling in your stomach. But you don't react physically.
"Is it something serious?" "Yeah sort of-" "Is this another joke you're play-" "I'm serious!" "Okay, what's up?" "what do you think about dating a friend?-" "what?" "just answer the question." "I'm scared it'll happen again." " yeah same, I get you." The both of you return to the movie, carrying on like the conversation didn't happen. The air turned thick. At one point the comfortable silence grew suffocation. Did he catch on or are you thinking too much? For the first time you realized how dangerous that fine line between friends and lovers were. In the end, you didn't want him to take responsibility for your actions. Why should San suffer because of your feelings? that was the last thing you wanted. Sure, you won't be able to kiss him and hug him, or feel his embrace in a much more intimate way- but he was by your side and that mattered. With that, you were happy and content. Even if his heart wasn't yours. "San?" "Yeah?" "I'm really grateful you're my best friend." "I could say the same."
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fickle-tiction · 3 years
Gotham’s Ticklish Prince
This started out as a headcanon, and then it spiraled out of control. You’re welcome.
One day Bruce Wayne makes headlines. This isn’t surprising, or even noteworthy. He’s always making headlines for some silly nonsense he does as Bruce, to draw attention away from Batman. What is surprising is when he walks into the Hall of Justice and sees his face smiling back at him from about 10 different magazines strewn all over the meeting table.
Specifically, he sees himself curling inwards, eyes crinkled, nose scrunched, mouth stretched into a wide surprised smile as Mike, his date to last night’s gala, stands behind him. Thankfully, Mike’s hands are out of frame so no one can tell from the picture that he’s squeezing Bruce’s sides from behind.
“Oh look.” Arthur says, coming out of nowhere with a shit eating grin on his face. “Gotham’s Ticklish Prince decided to show his face.”
If Bruce didn’t have years of training and self discipline under his belt he would have flushed.
A Different magazine comes flying at him and smacks him in the stomach before he can even blink. Bruce catches it on reflex and looks down, only to be met with the headline “Gotham’s Ticklish Prince Has A New Squeeze” and, to his internal horror, it shows a picture snapped about two seconds after the first one. Bruce is clearly laughing in delight as Mike squeezes his sides, in full view of the camera. Several smaller pictures are beneath it, catching Bruce as he latches onto Mikes hands, turns and leans in close to tell him to stop. He didn’t have to flip to page 4, where the story apparently continued, to know what other pictures they surely got. Mike hadn’t stopped after one squeeze, and Bruce was too into character, and for once too unaware of any paparazzo nearby, to make him stop.
He knew he should have skipped the gala last night. Getting only 3 hours of sleep over the course of 4 nights and then slipping into his Bruce persona was always risky. Normally the two whiskies he had wouldn’t affect him at all, but the exhaustion plus the fact that he liked this Mike guy and was feeling comfortable and loose, clearly created a perfect storm. He remembered Mike sneaking up on him, he remember his guard being down just enough for it to catch him unawares and cause a reaction. He remembered how good it felt, but he won’t be letting himself go there. No. No thank you.
What he didn’t remember was the paparazzi being right there.
Or what would happen when those pictures surfaced at HQ.
Bruce finally looked up from the front cover of the Gotham Globe and was met with identical smirks from Arthur and Clark. Well, that explained the newspaper smacking him in the stomach earlier.
“It’s a character.” Bruce said, voice flat as he tossed the magazine onto the conference table. It wouldn’t help his situation if he tried to throw it out or look like he was hiding something.
“Right.” Clark didn’t sound like he was buying it at all. “So you knew you were being recorded. That’s why you put on such a convincing act.”
Again, Bruce didn’t outwardly react at the news, but inside he was curling into a ball, ready to wither and die at any second. They fucking got that on video?
Naturally, the huge screen on the wall clicks on at the moment, showing a video of Bruce doing something on his phone. He had actually been playing some asinine game as he waited for Mike to come back from the bathroom. Bruce Wayne couldn’t be caught doing anything more than slicing up fruit on his phone, after all.
“I see Victor’s here.” Bruce says dryly, as though his eyes aren’t glued to the screen. His face remains impassive, but inside he’s once again screaming for his past self to turn around as Mike comes into frame behind him. He’s so busy watching Mike smirk and start sneaking up behind him (and, really, how did he not notice this last night? The guy is being so damn obvious about it.) that he doesn’t notice Clark and Arthur inching closer to him on either side.
Bruce feels a hand latch onto either of his sides just as Mike reaches forward and does the same on camera. Thankfully, Bruce’s guard has been up since he first saw his goofy face smiling back at himself when he walked into the room, so he does nothing more than cock an eyebrow and look at first Arthur, and then Clark.
“It’s a character.” He repeats, ignoring the staccato squeezing at one of his worst spots.
“I’m not going to react like he does, even though this tickles like hell. Bruce Wayne is an airheaded goof ball. Batman might be ticklish, but he doesn’t let it show--what the fuck?!” Bruce looked down to see a glittering gold rope wrapped innocently around his ankle. “Diana! What the hell?! I’m going to--” He cut off, clamping his mouth shut as he felt words trying to spill out. Words he most definitely did not want to say in the present company.
“Going to what, Brucie?” Diana asked, smirking as she held the lasso of truth in her hand. Bruce glared daggers at her, lips clamped tightly even as the squeezing on his sides turned to wiggling fingers and, to his horror, he felt his resolve breaking. 
“I’m--” Bruce huffed, biting his lower lip to keep from both speaking and laughing. “--I’m going--” His mouth was trying to curve into a smile, but Bruce was nothing if not stubborn and refused to let it happen.
“We’ve almost got him.” Arthur smirked, venturing a little lower and pinching just above Bruce’s hipbone. 
Clark noticed the jolt that caused and immediately followed suit on his side.
“I’m-Going-To-Pretend-To-Hate-all-of-you-to-keep-up-my-image.” Bruce was forced to say, as he finally caved and latched onto Arthur and Clark’s hands. Not that it did him any good. He might be The Batman, but outside of his suit he didn’t stand a chance against Superman, Aquaman and Wonder Woman, if she decided to get more hands on.
“You don’t actually hate it, do you.” Clark marveled, giving that spot above his hipbone another gentle pinch. Thank God for his super hearing, because without it he probably would have missed the squeak Bruce let out.
“I-” Again, Bruce was trying to clamp his mouth shut, but it wasn’t very effective since his mouth was stretched into a wide grin. “I have an image to maintain!” It was supposed to come out as a growl, but instead it sounded more like a whine as Bruce’s dam broke and laughter started pouring out of him.
“Well, if you’re trying to maintain the Ticklish Prince of Gotham image, you’re doing a fantastic job.” Arthur mocked him, now fluttering his fingers up and down Bruce’s side rapidly. 
Bruce was lost to the laughter, something that hasn’t happened to him since he was a kid. He began backing up, trying to back away from the tickling fingers flying furiously up and down both sides of his body. Absently, he noted that Diana must have let him go because he didn’t trip over the lasso as he tried to get away. He did, however, back himself into the wall without realizing it since his eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to contain the wild laughter pouring out  of him.
“Fahahahack!” Bruce cursed himself as Clark and Arthur boxed him in, each still tickling away. Clark was now experimenting with Bruce’s stomach while Arthur, the bastard, was worming his way under Bruce’s arm. 
They let him try to defend himself for a minute, wordlessly taunting him as they both danced around his arms with half-hearted attempts to get at his armpits. Finally, Arthur spoke up. “Clark, do you mind doing something about these?” He asked, tracing his fingertips gently up and down Bruce’s forearms. Bruce was well and truly gone if even that tickled like hell.
“Wha-” Bruce asked, laughter starting to die down as he got a short break. He cracked his eyes open, realizing for the first time he had been hunched in on himself, arms clamped down tightly, trying to protect as much of his sides as he could. 
“Oh, it’d be my pleasure.” Clark grinned. Lightening fast, he grabbed up Bruce’s wrists in one strong hand and pinned them to the wall above his head. Bruce’s eyes widened comically, too far gone to have any hope of controlling his facial features.
“Hey now.” He said, voice breathy as caught his breath. “You’ve had your fun.” Instead of the gravely voice they’d come to expect, Bruce’s voice was closer to that of his alter ego Bruce Wayne’s now. Nearly high pitched, and just short of panicky as he flexed his arms against the steel grip they were in.
“Tell me Bruce,” Arthur started, fingers slowly crawling up his ribs towards their destination. Bruce’s nerves immediately jumped to attention because they were already so worked up. “Are your armpits ticklish?”
Bruce tried to glare at him, even as his muscles twitched beneath Arthur’s fingers and his mouth started curving into another grin.
“Diana left.” Clark added, grinning at the man he had pinned to the wall. “And she took her lasso with her. I guess we’ll have to find out for ourselves.”
“Fuck.” Was the last coherent thing Bruce said for quite a while.
When Clark and Arthur finally let him go, he slumps to the floor in an exhausted heap and marvels at the last time he laughed that much (The answer: never.) or the last time he felt this exhausted without getting his ass whooped, or whooping someone else’s.
Once he’s regained some of his dignity, Bruce goes to the security feed with the intention of deleting the last hour of footage. He surprised to find it’s already gone, the tapes spliced seamlessly, with only a minor blip to show anything is missing. 
Victor, naturally, saved the entire thing to his personal servers. Just in case.
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cannibalcreeps · 4 years
First kiss with the hiliker brothers separately
Aww first kisses with the booooois UwU 
4111 word count
 hopefully you guys enjoy it ^ ^  -------- One-Eye: 
He is so soft, his skin, his hair, his hands, his gaze and gosh his lips, those were the most softest part of this adorable man. But also stinky, sweaty and a little slimy that smelt of sour cheese, no matter how gross he was, One-Eye was like velvet, smooth and soft to the touch, very unlike his two brothers that seemed to be so hardy and covered in wrinkles and calluses. 
So it was no surprise to you when you first placed your lips against his, they were amazingly soft, gentle and inexperienced. You hadn’t really meant to kiss him at the start, it truly was an accident that turned into something you have secretly been desiring ever since coming across the three brothers and you were over the moon that the first of the three was One-Eye. The two of you were doing washing duties, usually you did it on your own or Three-Fingers would do the chore, but today One-Eye wanted to help you since there were some extra loads after the four of you took out a school bus filled to the brim with a college football team, which meant cleaning up any of their stinky clothing for the three boys to wear or use. You were arms deep in scrubbing some pants while One-Eye sat patiently beside you, only handing you dirty clothes and taking the wet ones to put into the other basket. He was such a helpful man, beaming all the while you talked about random stories from your past or some trivia you knew about, sure One-Eye didn’t understand but he was hanging on every word that left your pretty mouth. As you continued on rattling about the types of birds that collected items to woo their female counterparts, you wracked your knuckles against the side of the washing bucket and let out a hiss from how sore it felt, due to how raw and soaked up your skin had gotten from the water. You shook your hand and held it against your chest, having an annoyed look on your face, One-eye reaching over to touch your sore hand gently and let out soft murmurs, lifting your hand up to press a small kiss against the redness, making your cheeks just as flushed. “Thank you, you’re so lovely” You whispered to the cannibal, causing him to give you a large, goofy smile at being able to make you feel better. With your hand now better, being as it was not really that bad of a bump, you went to reach down into the water to grab the scrubber, not realizing One-Eye was doing the same to be helpful, you looked his was in surprise exactly the same time he did and bumping your faces together. Though not only did you smack cheeks but your lips had grazed over each other making you both lean back in surprise, shyness hitting you both at what just happened. One-Eye was first to react, letting out a small nervous snorted laugh, as though what just happened was a silly accident, his eye glancing away and then back at your face as though waiting to see how you would react to the incident. You had taken in a small sharp breath as so many thoughts rushed through your brain, but the loudest was screaming ‘Fucking Kiss Him!’ and so you did. You practically attacked the cannibal's face, hands lashing out and grabbing onto his cheeks, his face going from shy nervousness to complete shock at you coming at his face like this, eye going wide and his arms going up as though he was going to protect himself from an attack. Your lips pressed up against his, unmoving as you both were still against each other until you stopped to get a gasp of air. You had not yet kissed any of the boys since they took you, only just five weeks ago this man you were pressing up against almost ran a pole through your skull and now you were staring into his blue eye that looked surprised by your bold action. Sure you had fucked, or more like been fucked, licked, bitten, grabbed at and pushed around by the other two, with One-Eye not yet joining in possibly out of unsureness or shyness, you assumed as you really didn’t know why he didn’t at least attempt to fuck you like his brothers did. But none had ever properly kissed you either, so the fact that this gentle giant was now the first to kiss your lips was heartwarming, in a twisted way. The man reached up slowly to press his fingers against your bottom lip, tracing over the plumpness and across your cheek until he cupped it, his eye staring at your features as he leaned in closer and continued the kiss, going in soft at the start before pushing it into something more deeper and hungrier, as though he was pent up with need and want, hands moving from your face to your waist to drag you against his body. He was so soft, but his gentleness was starting to tighten and hurt, your pleased moans turning into pained gasps as his grip began to bruise your skin. You had to stop him, pushing back against his chest and speaking sternly “No!….no, not so rough ok”. Your tone surprised the man, his aggressive lusting melting back into his submissive, confused self, his head tilted and expression showing he didn’t understand what he did wrong. “Oh….hun, I…. you were just being a bit rough that’s all” you whispered “You just need to be more gentle, ok?” He nodded in agreement as you stroked his chest gently, leaning in to place a small peck on his nose which caused that lovely goofy smile to come again. “Going to be hard to not want to kiss you all the time now” After a few more kisses, this time more gentle and soft again, you two would return back to finishing the washing, not wanting to receive a stern chiding from Three-Fingers for slaking on the chores. --- Saw-Tooth: Itchy, rough and calloused, this man’s touch was always so intense, even just moving you around left small bumps and bruises on your skin. At the start of living with the three brothers Saw-Tooth would handle you like you were some toy, his expression so tense and he always scowled as he shoved and pushed you around whenever he wanted to have you do something, unlike his usually grunts and gestures to his brothers, mostly the reason he manhandled you so much was simply because he enjoyed feeling your softer skin under his damaged, rough hands. The large man had never kissed you, even when he placed himself onto you or touched you in any sexual manner, Saw-Tooth would always turn his head to the side if your faces ever came into close contact, eyes shifting down or to look elsewhere on your body, as though he was not ready for such an intimate act while you both were just letting out your pleasures. The closest he has ever gotten was running his slimy, fat tongue along your neck and up to your cheek, which may as well be a guilty pleasure of yours despite how grossly stinky their breaths were. It was now week 5, a whole month and 1 week had passed since you began your new life with the three boys and things were looking better than they were from week 1. You’ve proven yourself more freedoms, though there was always one of the boys by your side at all times, you were allowed a little bit of privacy when going to the bathroom or having a little nap inside the hut, but outside you were always watched and supervised. The pushing and bullying had gone down a bit, as though the excitement of a new plaything had died down and they were becoming comfortable with a fourth person living amongst them. Saw-Tooth was still forceful and gave you a bit of a stank-eye here and there whenever you did something odd or stupid, even if it amused the other two boys. You were mostly always watched by one of the younger boys, but today was the rare chance of Saw-Tooth watching you and it was purely not his choice. The large brute had gotten two make-shift spears through his thigh and hip thanks to some very determined hikers who fought back, though it was all in vain as all had ended up being slaughtered and stored to be the next few days’ meals. So now Saw-Tooth sat on the large wooden chair on the hut’s porch, a glass of unknown red fluids in one hand and his damaged leg covered in bandages, his eyes watching you craft some new arrows. You could feel his eyes boring into the back of your head, wondering why he couldn’t just stare into the scenery instead of making your feel scrutinized and judged, even if he was simply just staring it was making it difficult for you to work on the fletching of the arrows you were crafting, with a annoyed mumble you looked back at the staring giant and raised a brow. “Is there something you need or are your eyes just glued staring towards me?” You snarked, a little cheeky grin splattered on your face. The big cannibal let out a short huff and narrowed his eyes, but he kept his gaze on you as he lifted a hand and gestured for you to come over, in which you complied though you stilled let out a few annoyed grumbles that you were being disrupted, but it was better to do as you're told than anger a very wild beast, not that you think Saw-Tooth would ever kill or maim you for simply ignoring him but he sure would leave a large hand mark from where he may grab and pull at you. 
When you walked over and were at grabbing range, he reached over and took hold of your arms in a surprisingly gentle way, pulling you towards him so that you straddled his good leg, his hands moving from your arms to rest on your hips instead, thumbs pushing your shirt up to rub at your skin. “I don’t think your legs healed up enough for any rough action” You commented, putting your hands on his chest to keep yourself propped up, watching his expression to see how he would react to you slowly explore his features. He was definitely not a pretty man, he was always so sweaty and hairy, covered in scars, lumps and either drool or blood, it being his own or a victim you'd never know. Your hands would caress up past his neck towards that shaggy, tangled up beard of his, always dirty and filled with fluids or dirt, he smelt as bad as he looked but by now you were getting used to the scent, he would only close his eyes and let out a soft grumble when you pressed you thumb against his jaw and traced the bone structure towards his ear and past up into his messy hair, feeling how oily and tangled it was. He was silently enjoying the gentle caresses and affection, allowing you to run your fingers through his hair and drag your nails along his scalp causing him to let out a more deeper groan at how wonderful it felt. You were smiling to yourself at how much control you were currently having over the usually cruel giant, how he was just melting like butter under your touch. Biting at your bottom lip, you took the chance to run your hands back down towards his mouth, the exposed flesh and teeth from where his upper lip was so deformed it gave the man a forever scowling expression, pressing your thumb against his bottom lip caused Saw-Tooth to open his mouth and trace his tongue along your thumb, his dark eyes now open and stared into your own which made your breath hitch in surprise at how gentle he was being right now, considering every other time you felt like you were almost going to die with how rough he always was. You had to take the chance now, with how relaxed and sweet Saw-Tooth was currently being, you knew you would never get such a rare moment for a very long time. Removing your thumb from his wandering tongue and large bottom lip you placed both hands on the sides of the man’s face, checking his reaction to see if he was going to pick up on what you were planning and throw you off, but there was nothing other than a blank calmed expression.  So with sharp intake of breath you leaned in fast and closed your eyes as you were heading in towards his mouth, the large cannibal’s brows going up in surprise but he did not move away or make a sound as your lip clashes against his exposed teeth and enlarged bottom lip. It was not exactly the softest kiss, his taste was sour and oddly meaty, with how deformed his mouth was you didn’t really expect much action for a kiss, but when Saw-Tooth began to shift your eyes shot open and you were about to get off the man only to be stopped as he wrapped his large arms around your back and pulled you in deeper against his body and mouth, opening it up to drag his tongue along your lips, forcing it past them to get inside. You didn’t struggle against Saw-Tooth, you knew better than that, it was better to comply and welcome his advances, which to be honest was not really that bad of an idea with how sensual and intimate the large cannibal was being for once. His grip was usually so harsh and tight, but at this moment he was being so gentle, you were surprised that he wasn’t squeezing the life out of your body with how his arms enveloped you, his tongue rolling against your own causing you to let out moans, you eyes had once against shut as you soaked in the loving attention. But like all things in this forest, it was short lived.  A sharp, high-pitched laugh snapped you out of your hot and bothered state, almost causing you to bite down on Saw-Tooth's tongue as you pushed back off him and out of his arms in surprise at being caught by a snickering, grinning Three-Fingers and wide-eyed One-Eye. The eldest brother let out a displeased grunt and shot the youngest a frustrated look as he giggled and babbled in a mocking way before pointing to four dead bodies the two of them had just dragged from the forest, this catching Saw-Tooth’s attention enough to slowly get up and help the boys with the fresh meat. You were quite flustered and just as frustrated, letting out small huffs and muttering under your breath about their bad timing, but work was work and you had to return to crafting the rest of those arrows, plus you knew once the large man was finished helping he was going to give you more than just a kiss. --- Three-Fingers: Cruel, cunning and conniving. The youngest Hilliker was an evil little weasel, always skittering around and giggling his manic laugh, he was terrifyingly accurate with his kills and hunts, if you hadn’t been taken in you knew you’d be slaughtered like a pig. But now it was week 5 with living with them, you had proven yourself trustworthy enough to take on hunts and killing people, as well as basic chores to earn your right to belong in their strange mutant family and now you were currently on a walk with the thinly, small cannibal to check on the traps littered around the forest. The first time you went on trap checking with Three-Fingers, he was very pushy and snappy with you at times, though still showed patience as he understood you were new to this type of work and had to learn. Now though, you could handle the traps without being watched over, you were quick and diligent when setting them up and though you didn’t need it, you loved whenever Three-Fingers came over and praised you with shoulder pats and happy chittering noises. The two of you had spent almost four hours going around checking the perimeter of the forest, reaching the area of the large waterfalls, the sky was starting to darken with heavy grey clouds, you were looking up at them as Three-Fingers was tightening a trip wire. “Hey….I think we should start heading back, looks like it’s going to start raining” you piped up, looking over at the youngest Hilliker as he finished off with the trap and made his way over to you, glancing up at the sky as well, baring his teeth slightly as he nodded and let out a few incoherent grumbled words which you assumed was a ‘yeah, let’s go back’ You doubted you both would make it back to the hut in time, the clouds above growing darker and angrier to the point it had pushed both you and Three-Fingers to start running, but nature was not having it and heavy rains started falling from the sky, a crack of lightning following right after. The two of you were soaked like drowned rats and home was still another hour and half walk away, your shoes completely filled with water with mud all over your legs, you knew if you stayed out in the rain any longer you were definitely going to catch a cold. Three-Fingers was looking around frantically, grabbing your hand as he pulled you through the density of the forest, you trusted his sense of direction, but there was still a slight doubtfulness in the back of your mind saying that he got you both lost, thankfully that doubt was squashed out when you saw  the small cannibal had taken you both to a cave, pulling you under the rocky cover. The both of you were quick to start a fire and get your wet clothes off until you both were just in your underwear, which mostly consisted of you wearing a dirty undershirt and some fairly loose, dirty, boxers whilst Three-Fingers had the most nastiest tighty-whities on, or what should be whities as they were no longer white and now stained in multiple colours of brown, yellows and red, despite your attempts to washing their clothing the stains never came out. You were huddled around the fire, hands out to feel the warmth as you shivered, the rain heavier than ever with the lighting cracking across the sky, you were trapped until the storm passed, it wasn’t safe to travel in such a heavy storm in the mountain forest after all. The scrawny cannibal had settled right next to you, watching as you shivered from the cold so he scooted closer and reached one of his arms around you and pulled you in close to cuddle up. He was such a boney, thin and pasty man unlike his more plumper, larger brothers, but that didn’t stop his hugs and cuddles from being just as warm and soft. You leaned in close to Three-Fingers, feeling his oversized deformed fingers wrap around your shoulder and pull you in against his pasty chest which you placed your head against and stared into the fire. Despite the situation, it was almost romantic, sitting by the campfire and holding onto each other, the two of you rarely ever got to have such simple, quiet moments when it was always so hectic at the hut with the brothers and even when you both did get more private alone time it was always short lived, though at least with Three-Fingers, sex was much more gentler than with Saw-Tooth, but it was still just as intense, and just like his brothers, he never really gave you a proper kiss other than running his tongue over your cheek or biting your neck. A large crack from the lightning snapped you from your thoughts, looking out the entrance of the cave at the rain, Three-Fingers chittering softly and running his deformed hand through your hair. “I’m all good, it’s just cold” You said softly, looking up at the cannibal with a sweet smile who responded by leaning in and placing a small peck on your lips which was a surprise for so many reasons and by how the cannibal cackled your reaction must have been priceless. This cheeky bastard thought he could place his very first proper kiss on you so lightly and like it was nothing, oh no he was not getting away with it and you voiced that very loudly to him as you grabbed the sides of his face quickly “Oh no you don’t, we’re doing this now” You laughed, attempting to pull Three-Fingers down to give him a proper kiss, but the man was giving you a bit of a struggle as he bared his teeth in a playful manner and leaning as far back away from you as he could, letting out his signature laugh as you started to wrestle the man  for that good kiss. “Hey! Get your scrawny ass here and let me lay one on you!” You were trying to pin the wriggling Three-Fingers but only being able to land the kisses on his cheek or nose. You finally were able to pin him down long enough to narrow your eyes and go in for one more strike, if you missed this was going to be the last time and it seemed the man knew this too as he stopped struggling and accepted your smooches that you have been so aggressively trying to place on him. Finally being able to place a kiss on the toothy feral cannibal was satisfying, you would finally get to taste and feel him against your lips and to be honest it was not exactly the best but it was the best you’d ever get in your current situation. Just like his brothers, Three-Fingers taste so sourly disgusting, like you were kissing a rotten cheese carcass that had sharp teeth and a perverted tongue that was currently pushing itself into your mouth. He was making the kiss deep, his hands reaching up to tangle through your hair, his long pointed nose pressed up against your cheek. You laid atop of him, heart beating and face flushed, completely ignoring your surroundings for the passionate kiss with the deadly murderer that the both of you hadn’t even realized the storm had passed on. A deep moan lifted from your lips as Three-Fingers hands started to explore your body, his mouth leaving love bites along your jawline and towards your neck, forcing you to sit up more and straddle him. He grabbed the ends of your undershirt and you began to lift your arms up to allow him to take it off only to let out a yelp as something bit your thigh. You looked down to see what in the world was making your leg itch and feel sore only to see that during the passionate kissing you both had rolled onto an ants nest that had now gotten riled up and the ants began attacking by biting you both. You let out another ‘ow!’ as you got bit again and jumped up from the ground, swiping at your legs and helping Three-Fingers to his feet who was doing the same, scowling all the while at the mood being killed by a bunch of insects. “Christ…damn it.....” You hissed, looking around at the ground and then towards the fire by the entrance, noticing that there was no more storm. “well at least the rain stopped.” You pointed out, rubbing at your now sore red bite marks, the ants were harmless but their bites still itched. “Let’s get dressed and head back, rub some creams on these…” Though he was annoyed, Three-Fingers nodded in agreement, his poor bottom had gotten attacked by those little bastards and now itched like crazy, but the thought of you rubbing cream all over it ass cheeks lifted up his spirits. The both of you would put on your now, slightly drier, clothing and kick the fire out. It was a long walk, but you both eventually made it back to the hut and you both couldn’t wait to lay down on the bed and wrapped each other in the warm blankets, right after tending to your little ant bites. 
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ugh im feeling so soft rn and cant stop thinking about how kakashi and gai are so close gai can (this is canon) grab his leg, touch his hair, LITERALLY CARRY HIM, and lay their futons next to each other while on their honeymoon. we also know thay gai has seen kakashis face. like... gai is kakashis person. kakashi isnt this comfortable with ANYONE. i could write an entire essay if i wanted to. theyre just... hnnnnn
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Kakashi let’s Gai Touch his hair, his leg, check him over for damage, and that is all after Gai says hello like this. ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 By wrapping an arm around Kakashi’s neck from behind, and hugging him.
We know Kakashi can be very on edge about this kid of thing, as when they’re teenagers he reacts to Gai trying to tackle hug him by putting a kunai to Gai’s throat. So clearly Kakashi has gotten to a point where he recognizes where it’s Gai doing this and knows to keep his guards down. We also know he doesn’t like being hugged by just anyone, because when Naruto hugs him in excitement once Kakashi straight up tells him ‘let go of me’. Physical touch is very personal to Kakashi, and he only grants it to certain people.
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We almost never see Kakashi fight back to back with anyone else. The only other person i think he could is tenzo, but no one else. To fight back to back means to allow that person to have his trust in keeping him guarded, and Kakashi does not trust that deeply easily. Even with his speels about teamwork and doong everything you can for your teammates, he is still very closed off and only trusts certain people. The level of trust he displays with Gai isn’t seen with others. Naruto and Sakura can foght side by side with him, but only Gai fights back to back with him.
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Pure unadultered goofball. Kakashi is goofy with everyone when he’s comfertable with them of course. Anyone who knows this man know’s he’s a giant dork.
but his goofy levels skyrocket with Maito Gai. There is no chance he would have a race in Konoha with anyone else right after the destruction of the village by pain. There’s no way he would interupt said race mid jump by throwing a pan/ladal at them and hitting them right in the head to distract them. Gai gets a personal look into just how ridiculous this man can get. Something no one else really gets to see.
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If anyone else had tried to do this to Kakashi, i have no doubt he would have committed murder. This is not a fun position to find one self in, and he’s definitly emaressed. But he also trusts Gai and knows that this is probably one of the least embaressing things he could do.
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Look at that trust. Gai has Kakashi’s back even when they were kids and Kakashi was doubting himself a lot harsher because of Obito’s death. When Kakashi was left alone with almost no one to have his back, Gai was there (thanks to writer sexism we don’t really get to see Rin support and fight by Kakashi’s side while she’s alive, which is bs). Gai has always been there for Kakashi and Kakashi knows that. There isn’t anyone else that he would trust to question him when needed but also support him and listen to him when they know that his plan is the best to go with (except Tenzo who has done countless missions with Kakashi)
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Kakashi would cannonly fo anything he could to make sure Gai is safe and healthy. He understands Mirai’s wishes to see her father because he would gladly do whatever he had to in order to give Gai back the use of his leg.
Kakashi, Who has lost his eye in battle and for years either fought have blind or using an eye that drained his chakra at ridiculous rates. Who understands that war comes with loss, and people will die or lose limbs because of battles. Who has two students who lost an arm fighting against each other.
The only person he is shown to worry about, Is Gai. Because Gai is the most important person to him. The person who has always been there for him. He would give anything to give Gai use of his leg back, because for years he thinks that’s what Gai needs to be truley happy. He has seen Gai struggle with his injury and become upset because of the injury. He has seen how it has adversly affected Gai, and so he thinks healing it would make Gai happy, and Gai being happy is such a priority for him that he’d be willing to do whatever it take’s to make Gai happy.
it’s not until Gai tells him that he’s happy how he is because he has Kakashi by his side. Because while he lost use of his leg, he didn’t lose Kakashi and actually got Kakashi to be closer to him. Even going so far as for them to end up living together and going on vacation together. Kakashi’s most important person is Gai, and Gai’s most important person is Kakashi. They make this clear during the race scene and again during this scene above.
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I just want to add this because it just... Gai could have used any two characters to visually represent the joining of these two beings in Tanabanta. He choice himself and Kakashi.
This short silly little scene shows how deeply Gai cares for Kakashi. I know it’s a side show and completly silly, but it’s so adorable. Gai litterally made a story where him and Kakashi get married, and it’s not played off as a joke. zthis is absolutly seriouse and it’s adorable
I can’t find a picture, but Kakashi also choice Gai as his right hand during the war when he was made Captain of the third division.
he had to choose from everyone who he knew, who he trusted the most to have his back and help him lead the third division, and he chose Gai without question. There was no one else he would have as his co-captain.
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The minute Kakashi got this turtle he could have done a lot of things, but the thing he did speaks volumes to how important gai is to him. He saw an SOS and without question, he went to Gai’s side. He didn’t care what might have happened, and when he found out what it was (gai being seasick) he wasn’t angry at all. He came to Gai’s side without question to make sure he was ok, and upon finding out that Gai was fine he left. He didn’t even bother to say hello to Naruto or check up on him because he knew Naruto was in good hands. That with Gai and Tenzo watching him, he was fine.
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rpd-rookie · 4 years
Made in Heaven - Chris Redfield x Fem!Reader (NSFW)
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Author’s note: This was request by @deshibasarathings​. Sorry it took so long. I really wanted to write something original and that looked different from all the other Chris fanfics I read on this subject. Hope you’ll like it
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Language, Alcohol 
It was summer 1998 and as America was still lovingly dancing on “Truly Madly Deeply” on Friday nights, watching Titanic for the umpteenth time at the nearby movie theatre, wearing tight crop tops, colourful scrunchies and Dr Martens, and occasionally gossiping on the Lewinsky scandal at lunch break, Raccoon City was living its last frivolous moments, and the saddest part was that no one had a clue.
“A fresh beer and a girl. That’s all I’m asking for.” Joseph Frost jumped over the door of the old convertible green mustang with enthusiasm, his usual excited smile stretching his young tanned face. “That’s it, you’re sure?” His dear friend, Forest Speyer, asked with an ounce of sarcasm that he didn’t get.             “Fine. A bunch of fresh beers and a girl.” He winked, clicking his fingers cheekily towards Forest who sighed out of exasperation. “Always so optimistic, I see. When will you finally get that there is no woman for you when you go out with Redfield and me?” He scoffed and Joseph’s smile faded away in an instant to turn into a rather sad pout. “Tell him, Chris.”       “Actually guys, I’m alright with just having beers tonight.” Chris confessed as he put the keys of his car in his pocket. “As if it’s gonna change anything. All the chicks will be crawling at your feet anyway, begging you to notice them and forgetting the existence of our delusional friend over there.” Forest waved towards Joseph who glared at him, slightly vexed. A chance the man was not resentful. “Then I’ll introduce them to Jo.” Chris tapped his friend’s shoulder and Joseph regained his smile. “That’s what I call friendship. Thank you, buddy.”       “You know that abstinence won’t make Y/N give herself to you, right?” Speyer mocked; hoping that teasing Chris a bit would make him follow him on the path of seduction, however degrading he had planned it to be. “Jealousy, however …” He raised his eyebrows and Chris shook his head.   “One-night stands are your thing, Forest. Not mine.”       “Weird cause I can remember a couple times when I saw you discreetly leave the bar with a girl on your arm. But that was certainly before Y/N’s sweet round ass joined the team.” He mimed a squeezing motion with both his hands, his tongue raunchily caressing his lips as he sneered, a gesture that made Chris punch him in the arm in retaliation.
He knew what Forest wanted. His friend’s little game was pretty clear even for someone as blunt as Chris. But he was not in the mood to play tonight. And to be honest, he hadn’t been for the last six months or so, ever since you had entered his life with your wit and charming smile and had brought him back to his old high schooler self, meaning goofy and rather unconfident (minus the acne and the greasy hair obviously). “You don’t get it, do you?”       “No, I don’t. Do you get it, Jo?” Joseph Frost shook his head in a rather silly way, a bit like a contorted puppet. “See. No one gets it.”       Chris sighed. “Come on, man! You’re not a fucking priest! So stop drooling over that chick and stop waiting for her. She clearly doesn’t give a damn about you contrary to other millions of women as gorgeous as her who’ll gladly throw themselves at you in a heartbeat. And I’m pretty sure some of them are in this bar, right now.”      
The worst thing about Forest Speyer – apart from his disgusting machismo and his arrogance - was that he was often right, his insight being most of the time spot-on.     And as the three friends entered the bar, Chris couldn’t help but notice his colleague was once again astoundingly correct since the second he stepped a foot in Jack’s Bar, adjusting his brown leather jacket around his muscular body, a pair of Ray-ban Aviator à la Top Gun hanging from the collar of his military-green V-neck, more than one head turned to goggle at him and only him.             But it wasn’t Chris’ nature to brag or to strut and so he simply approached a clean table with his friends, ignoring the stares, and waved hello at Cindy Lennox behind the counter. She immediately welcomed them with her usual warmth. “Same as usual, boys?”       “Always.” They answered in unison and the waitress chuckled before disappearing to pour them their drinks.     “What about Cindy?” Joseph whispered with a naughty smirk as he bent over the table to make sure his friend would hear him over the sound of the music.   “Damn, you’re horny, Jo!” Chris declared, slightly shocked that his friend would consider getting laid with the woman that had been serving them beers every Saturday night for the last two years. “Of course, I’m horny. I haven’t fucked in weeks guys.”   “Meaning months.” Forest corrected. “Besides, I think Cindy’s got a man.” Joseph cursed, disappointed. “All that is Irons’ fault. Do you know how many extra hours I did because of that bastard?”           “No” Chris and Forest said at the same time with an amused smile.       “Well me neither. But a lot, I’m sure.”
“Aren’t you tired of bitching about Irons, Joseph?” Joseph’s olive face suddenly became very pale as he jumped on his chair. “Y/N! You scared the shit out of me. Thought it was Irons for a sec.” You frowned, not sure how to react to the comparison. “Really? I didn’t know I had a pervy man’s voice.”   “That’s not what I meant.” He mumbled and you chuckled finding certain amusement in his discomfort. “Oh Joseph, always so talented with women, I see.” The men around the table chuckled apart from Joseph who was as red as a tomato now. “Anyway, I was at Jill’s. She told me I could find you guys here.”   “You wanted to see us?” Speyer grinned and winked as he elbowed Chris’ ribs who immediately glared at him. “Jeez, discreet. Thanks.” He murmured and looked at you. Your brows were furrowed because of how strange the situation seemed to you. You had never seen Chris and Forest acting that way. “Are you guys drunk already?”         “If only.” Joseph sighed as he took a mouthful of his beer.           “Don’t mind them, Y/N. That’s just the way they behave outside of work. Lame I know.” You nodded despite being totally unconvinced. Now you understood why Jill was never willing to join their little merry band on Saturday nights. What better way to avoid toxic masculinity than staying home watching a good old movie, dressed in pj’s?          
“And there it goes away again. Y/N enters the room and bye-bye friendship.” You wondered if you should say something about this, genuinely curious to know what Speyer meant, but the second you opened your mouth to ask for an explanation you chose to revise your decision. “I wanted to say goodbye.”       The three pair of eyes widened at you in shock. “Goodbye?” Chris repeated, his incomprehension easily readable in his chocolate brown eyes. “My resignation letter was accepted. Got the news today.”         “Wait. What? What resignation letter?” The questions came as thick and fast as sub-machine gun bullets. You agreed that the news was more than unexpected but the way Chris sounded was more than surprising. It was a if he was distressed. And he was in a way. What do you mean you were leaving? You couldn’t leave. And especially not drop the news at the last minute.   “Yeah. I didn’t tell you guys about it because I wasn’t sure Irons would actually accept it but I’m quitting the S.T.A.R.S. and the RPD.”
There was a heavy silence that even the shitty music in the background couldn’t make less awkward. But that silence was necessary. The boys needed to digest the news. “May we ask why?” Despite not being a close friend, Joseph looked rather confused and even a bit sad. Clearly no one had seen the bomb coming. And who would have? After all, you were such a workaholic; always telling people how much you loved your job. This resignation, that didn’t sound like you.       “Long story. But let’s say I don’t think my place is with you anymore guys.” A lie but you thought it was better to avoid the truth, knowing that your three colleagues would certainly hit the roof – especially Chris - if they happened to learn the real reason behind your resignation. “So, I’m gonna take off now. Enjoy your night and don’t make Jill blow a fuse while I’m gone. And hands off Rebecca!” You pointed a menacing finger at Speyer who immediately laughed. “Can’t promise you that.”
You waved them goodbye with a faint smile and walked away towards the exit of the bar, saddened that this was possibly the last time you would ever see the Three Musketeers (as you liked to call them).         They watched you leave in silence, still not believing the unexpected news. “Can’t believe I’m actually gonna say this but … the office’s gonna look so empty without Y/N” Forest declared.         “Tell me about it.” Chris’ voice was suddenly weary and miserable. To him, you were the sunshine of the office, the star of the S.T.A.R.S, always illuminating people with your good mood and your joie de vivre. Hell, you were probably the only one who could laugh to his dad jokes without pretending.     “Then what are you waiting for then?” Speyer said to Chris. “Go after her.”     “I can’t.” Chris sighed. “And what for?” He took a long mouthful of beer that almost emptied the glass. Perhaps getting drunk would help him digest the fact that you were leaving.         “ So you’re just gonna let her leave without telling her how you feel? I thought you were more courageous than that.” Chris’ stein hit the table with a loud clink.       “And what would it change?” Chris almost shouted. “She’s leaving. She’s made her decision. Telling her how I feel won’t change it.”
And yet he chose to give it a try.
He rushed to his car to drive after you. He rapidly found you, walking up towards the main avenue near the police station certainly to catch a train to go back to your place near St Michael’s Clock Tower. “Y/N” He shouted and you frowned, astonished to see him here. “Chris? What are you doing?”             “ Let me drive you home.” Normally, you would have refused, being the kind of woman that liked to do things by herself. But there was something in the way Chris was looking at you that actually convinced you to get in his car.            
The ride back to your place was rather quiet, the only voice echoing in the Mustang being Freddy Mercury’s singing on the radio. “I always knew you were a Queen fan.” You said to lighten the mood. “Is it written on my forehead?”           “Just on your jacket, Made in Heaven.” You winked and smiled when Chris finally chuckled. “How’s gonna call me that when you’re gone?” Your grin faded away as you wondered almost the same thing. Who will you call ‘Made in Heaven’ after you’re gone? That was a nickname reserved for Chris, one you had found when you were having trouble memorising everyone’s names at the office and that had stayed because of how smiley Chris was each time you were calling him that. “I can ask Forest to call you that if you want. I’m sure he’d love to.”         Chris had a faint smile. “Certainly. But it won’t be the same.”     You could tell he was really affected by your departure and was struggling to say something. But even if you wanted to know what was going on in his head right now, curiosity eating you up, you decided to give him time. Surely was he just trying to gather the courage he needed to talk.
When you both arrived at your place, Chris was still silent and thoughtless. “Do you want to come in?” You thought that a drink might do him some good and help him. He accepted the offer and followed you towards your apartment.
The main room was messy and cluttered with a dozen of boxes already. Most of them were full of old books, VHS and CDs. “I see you’ve started packing.”         “Yes, sorry about the mess. I just want to leave as soon as possible. Beer?” Chris nodded and you disappeared in the kitchen, leaving him alone in your living room. “This doesn’t sound like you.” Chris finally said and you froze, your hand holding the fridge open. You briefly closed your eyes and sighed soundlessly. Of course, he had noticed. “What do you mean?” “Quitting. Leaving. This isn’t you.” You took a deep breath and joined him back in the living room where he was standing straight as a ramrod, a confused frown wrinkling his forehead. “The S.T.A.R.S is your life. You said it yourself. So enough with the ‘my place is not with you’ bullcrap.” He almost sounded angry but you knew all to well that you were not the target of his anger.     “It’s complicated.” You confessed as you handed him the bottle of beer.           “Y/N, I know I’m not the smartest man but I think I can understand the real reason why you want to resign if you just tell me. Aren’t we friends?”           “Of course.” You harrumphed; astonished that he might doubt that.     “Then tell me. Spit it out. What happened? Why are you leaving?”
You looked through the window, scanning at the small buildings surrounding your apartment before finally deciding to draw the thick curtain to hide yourself from whoever might be watching right now. Chris observed you wondering why you were doing this and tried to say something when he saw you heading towards your phone. You gestured him to stay quiet as you unplugged the device. “Alright. You’re starting to scare me. Can you tell me what’s going on?”         “Let’s say I’m in deep shit.” You waved Chris to sit on your couch next to you and he obeyed, staring at you with confusion and worry. “Weeks ago I started secretly investigating on Irons after the secretary he had employed last April weirdly disappeared.”                       “You did what?” Chris harrumphed. “Are you crazy? Do you know how dangerous this is?” You nodded. “He found out.”           “Shit, Y/N” Chris cursed. He was furious. “I had no choice, Chris. Something weird's going on. I can feel it. And I’m sure something happened to his secretary as well.”           “She quitted! Daniels from the reception said he received a letter.” Chris replied.       “Then why is her stuff still at the RPD and why hasn’t her rent been paid since last month?” The man frowned, trying to find a coherent answer. But he found none. “I found her diary when I sneaked in her office. She wrote that Irons used to get off in his office watching a portrait of a hanged naked woman. And did you know that he was accused of rape back when he was in college? This son of a bitch …”         “Alright. Stop, Y/N!” Chris cut you off and took a deep breath to evacuate the panic that was rushing in his veins. “How much in trouble are you?”           You shrugged. “Enough to be the object of intense surveillance.”
Chris hid his face in his big hands. He was scared for you, genuinely terrified even. “What can I do to help?” He asked. “Tell me. I’ll do anything.”             “Chris.” You sighed. “Y/N” He grabbed your hand. “I care about you. More than you imagine. I can’t let anything happen to you.” You had a faint smile. How could a man be so adorable, compassionate and caring? “You’re an amazing man, Made in Heaven. You do know that?” Chris returned your smile. “But I can handle this on my own. Believe me. Just promise me to keep this a secret and act as if you didn’t know anything.             “You can’t ask me to do that, Y/N. You can’t…”
You cut him short by pressing your lips against his, which made Chris almost gasp in astonishment. But the surprise didn’t last and he soon responded to your kiss with an adorable tenderness. “Promise me, Chris.” You whispered still so close to his pink lips as you kept looking at him in the eye, waiting for his answer. “I promise.”       And he kissed you again. It was soft and sweet and tasted a bit like beer but you didn’t mind. In fact, you even allow yourself to touch his chest and bring your body closer to his. The hardness of his muscles against your palms made you shiver and Chris felt it. He smiled and he caught your lips again as he pressed his big hand on your lower back. You cupped his cheek to deepen the kiss and then everything suddenly became more passionate and burning.
Chris’s lips ventured towards your neck to leave a series of hot humid kisses and possibly hickeys that would certainly last a few days. But you would bother about that later. For now, you just wanted to melt under his touch. So, you instinctively tilted your head backwards to give him full access to your soft neck, moaning because of how delicious his mouth felt there.         Your little noise of pleasure instantly awakened something inside Chris, something he felt deep in his guts, deep in his pants. His kisses became hungrier and more needy. He wanted to hear you again.
He laid you down on your back and lay on top of you, his lips still devouring your neck and his now adventurous hands wandered towards your chest. His body felt slightly heavy but you loved this unusual exquisite proximity. “Chris.” You sighed as he suddenly groped your breasts through your shirt. When he tried to unbutton it you put yours hands on his to stop him. “What?” He asked “You don’t want this?”             “Sure I want this. More than anything. But I don’t want you to … I don’t want to hurt you. I’ll still leave tomorrow. You do realise that right?” He stared at you and you could read the sadness slowly growing back in his chocolate brown eyes.                   “It’s goodbye then” You nodded. “Yeah. Yeah. It’s goodbye.”     “Then let’s make the most of it.”
To your surprise, Chris’ face met your cleavage rather quickly and he began kissing it as he blindly yet clumsily unbuttoned your shirt. You watched him do for a small moment and when you noticed how aroused he was, you decided to free him from his clothes as well. You  took his letter jacket off and grabbed the hem of his t-shirt to pull it off. And goodness, how dreamy he was. Those muscles. Those arms. Those shoulders. Those pectorals. Those abs … aaaah. It frustrated you as much as it aroused you. How could someone be that perfect? You bit your lower lip and dared caress him and as your hand slid against his warm skin, right between his abs down to the button of his jeans, following the dark hairy line below in navel. “Like what you’re seeing?” He snickered and you smiled, loving his sudden confidence. “Do you?” He grinned and let out a small laugh. “Of course. You’re beautiful” He complimented as he freed your boobs from your bra without taking it off only to take one of your nipples in his mouth. “Holy … ah.” You moaned uproariously as you let your head fall against the armrest of the couch.
You felt Chris smirk against your tender flesh. The bastard knew what he was doing and he was fucking proud of it. You could play that game too. You grabbed him by the belt, pulling him closer to your body for your pelvis to meet his. However, what you didn’t expect was for his prominent bulge to feel so hard and huge against you even through the fabric. Chris was certainly quite a big boy.     Slowly, you unbuttoned his jeans and lowered them all along with his briefs. His cock sprang free, confirming your previous hypothesis about it. It was indeed big, bigger than anything you ever had, and hard and long and… You slightly squeezed your thighs and rubbed them. You were wet. You could feel it. And you wanted desperately some friction.             You quickly glanced at your womanhood and let your fingers crawl under your skirt and soaked panties. Your clit was engorged and your lips were swollen. And Chris was watching you silently, wondering how the wet pink flesh felt. “Wait. Let me” He lifted up your ass and pulled down your panties to carelessly throw onto the floor. Your legs spread, he looked down between them, staring at your glistening fold with a dark hunger in his eyes. He caressed you softly, very softly and you moaned between your closed lips as you instinctively embraced his delicate touch by moving your hips closer to his hand. You wanted more. And he would give you more.     
His fingers parted your lips to meet your clit with his thumb and he brushed your warm entrance to finally insert a finger inside you. You whispered his name with pleasure and it jolted Chris as if he had received a punch in his lower stomach, but a delicious exhilarating punch. He started pumping his finger in your pussy, forcing a cry of pleasure out of your mouth, and soon he added another digit to go and tickle your g-spot that he found with incredible accuracy. When you started convulsing and felt your orgasm building in you, you pushed Chris’ fingers away to pull his body against yours.
Laid on you, Chris instinctively began to rubbing him against your, his cock grinding between your legs, so close to your entrance. You grabbed his back and dug your nails in it. The friction was sending you slowly back towards heaven. “Oh my god, Chris.”     His pace accelerated until it began relentless and soon, he started panting rather heavily. “Fuck.” He cursed as he quickly lined up his cock in front of your hole to enter your pussy, unable to resist the urge of filling you up anymore. He didn’t sink in you as easily as expected and so he grabbed the armrest of the couch to use it as leverage and push himself deep in you. That thrust made you draw a sharp breath and a whimper of both pain and pleasure escaped your sealed mouth. That girth, holy shit! “Damn, you’re so tight.”  He started moving in you. He was slow but intense but little did you know that he was just warming up. “Fuck, Chris!”
You screamed when his cock started rubbing against a zone inside of you you never thought existed. You clang to the sofa afraid to fall under the strength of his deep hard thrust. You were loud and you couldn’t remember the last time you’d ever been that loud. Your previous boyfriend would have asked you to be quiet and think about the neighbour but Chris, Chris seemed to like your screams. It was all over his smiling face.
He suddenly grabbed both your legs and placed your feet on his shoulders. A position that allowed his long shaft to go even deeper in you, which you never thought was possible. And judging by how red and twisted his young features looked right now, he was definitely enjoying the position. Actually, he loved it so much he quickened the pace and started growling. You marvelled at his sweaty strong body and at his face tensed by intense pleasure “Gosh, Y/N. You’re driving me crazy.” You smiled.
You could watch him fuck you like that for ages. It was a real boost for your self-confidence. And God knows what you were capable when you felt confident.             You spread your thighs and wrapped your legs around Chris to hoist yourself against his chest, his cock miraculously still inside of you. Guess having such a size had many perks. You wanted to ride him and he immediately got your intention. Hands squeezing your rear, he leant against the backrest of the couch and chuckled as you comfortably placed yourself on top of him and started undulating on his lap, his cock amazingly buried in you. “Gosh you have no idea how beautiful you are.” You blushed and he tucked a strand of your hair behind you ear. Your eyes met and you stared at each other quietly before you eventually felt the need to grind against him. The depth of his thick dick inside of you was sending shivers in your entire body. That was incredible. You kept a pace that pleased you both. “You’re so good.” He confessed as he took a deep breath. “Are you gonna come for me, Made in Heaven?” You teased.      “That’s very likely.” He chortled, amused by the nickname.         Your hands leant on his muscular thighs, right behind your back, and you began bouncing on his cock with an incredible agility and eagerness that left Chris amazed. And you could tell by the way he was panting that he wouldn’t last long. Not a surprise. This love-making was certainly the most exquisite you had ever had. His throbbing cock hitting you deep inside was amazing, just as the melody of sweaty skins meeting each other accompanied by the wet sound of your cunt and the creaking of the couch under both your weights.         
Chris placed his hands on your bouncing breasts to grope them. “If you keep going like that I’m gonna cum in you.” He declared between two groans. “Please do”. He made you lean forward and brought your breasts to his mouth to lick them and suck the nipples. “I want you to” You gripped his hair without even realising it. It was a reflex, a way to have him … feel him closer to you, to tell him not to stop. “I want your cum in me, Chris.”
That was too sexy and naughty for Chris who let out a frustrated animalistic growl as he squeezed you butt, digging his nails in the tender flesh. He began pounding you from underneath, hard, fast and deep like a jackhammer, his balls slapping against your butt. You cried out. The sensation was divine and took all your words away. Now only plaintive onomatopoeias seemed to be able escape your agape mouth. Well, onomatopoeias and some very casual “Fuck, Chris” that would make your lover chuckle or smirk proudly.
And that’s how you felt it coming. That so well-deserved orgasm, ready to burst like a firework.  It made you cry out and nestle your head in Chris’s neck, your body convulsing like never before. But Chris wanted to see you. He wanted to see your face as you were cumming for him. He wanted to carve that moment to play it over and over after you were gone. And so he pulled up your hair to make you look at him. But you couldn’t. Your eyes were tightly closed and refused to open. And then, it all came out. And you screamed his name, on and on, loud, so loud you were sure the neighbours would probably shout at you tomorrow but you did not care. You let your juices flow along his cock and your wall clench around him.   “Damn. Fuuucck.” He growled and his moves became very sloppy yet more brutal and deeper. “Don’t you squeeze around me like that” But you couldn’t help it. That climax felt too good. Chris felt too good.
It sent him over the edge. He came hard in you, hot and sticky semen spurting in your vagina, painting your walls like nothing else. And you loved it, enjoying it the warm sensation with an amazed amused little laugh that made Chris chuckle despite his tiredness. “What’s so funny?” He asked.           “Nothing. Just telling myself that this... was made in heaven” You winked and he laughed. You were gonna miss him.
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uh-ohspaghettio · 4 years
Wang Fire the Date Crasher
Description: it’s Katara and Aang’s first date and what kind of overly protective brother would Sokka be if he didn’t spy just a little
Ao3 link
“I thought this was a date” Suki pouted while gazing at her boyfriend as he continued to adjust how he sat in order to see something behind her.  He looked like an overgrown child trying to get a view at the circus.
“We are on a date” Sokka said absentmindedly while still distracted with whatever was behind her.
 “Well explain these” Suki argued as she reached across the table to tug at the fake beard Sokka was wearing and with the other hand tugged at the long black wig sitting atop her head. They had actually seen the wig in the market along with other Mai related memorabilia- ever since Zuko was crowned as firelord not only has his status rocketed but Mai’s had too along with her style. Many young fire nation girls sought out to copy Mai’s signature hairstyle.
Sokka sat down properly and swatted away his girlfriend’s.“Hey hey be careful this beard has been through many adventures I don’t want it to be ruined” The warrior complained as he readjusted it. He then paused and struggled to find an actual answer to his question while Suki stared at him quizzically. “ uhhhh….roleplay??” Sokka finally answered almost as a question. The smart kyoshi warrior of course didn’t buy it for a second and decided to turn around and finally sneak a peek at what Sokka was struggling to look at earlier,
As she turned she immediately recognized the waterbender and the tattooed avatar sitting across from each other. Suki snapped back around to Sokka who donned an apologetic face and smacked him in the arm.
“Sokka! You just did this so you could spy on their first date!” she  yelled at him in a hushed tone so as not to create a scene in the public restaurant. She couldn’t believe he would do this, well actually she could, but she skipped out on training today for this so Suki felt justified in her reaction.
The water tribe boy resisted the urge to rub at the arm that got affiliated. His girlfriend was by no means weak but he wasn’t about to show how much it actually hurt.
“I-no-I just-I didn’t” he blubbered while trying to scramble for an answer but realized it was pointless “ fine you caught me” he resigned after a few moments.
“Why?! I thought you loved Aang, and don’t you trust your sister?!” she questioned him.
“I do! It’s just she’s my little sister and I don’t know I just want to be there for her incase something bad happens” he explained with a sigh, his secret plans were revealed. “Even  if it does give me the oogies” he adds as he sees the air nomad across the room holding his little sister’s hand while they made goo goo eyes at one another.
Suki was still mad but she let out a little smile from the heartwarming sentiment. “As sweet as that is, you know better than anyone else that Katara can hold her own. You really have nothing to worry about, let’s just have a nice evening together, without you being all overprotective. Sokka reluctantly agreed. Suki was right, as always, he had nothing to worry about.
Suki took off the wig with relief because it was getting a bit hot. Sokka was quick to try to grab it and put it back on her head “What are you doing?! what if they see us?!” he exclaimed.
Suki began to laugh at her goofy boyfriend “I don’t think they’ll notice” she retorted while gesturing to a giggling Aang and Katara across the restaurant. “Besides I don’t think these disguises are all that convincing” she claimed as she dropped the wig on the floor by her feet while shaking out her hair actually attached to her head “Why don’t you take off your beard too?”. 
“I - uh- I can't, I kinda glued this to my face” Sokka admitted while mumbling towards the end of his statement.
Sokka agreed to not pay attention to Aang and Katara’s date and just focus on having a fun evening with Suki. That being said he did look over the kyoshi warrior’s soldier every now and then, just to be sure.
They went on to discuss the new girls who had joined the Kyoshi Warriors. Although the war had ended not too long ago there were many girls asking to join the warriors or to just learn self defense. It certainly kept Suki occupied, even more so because Ty lee offered to teach everyone how to block Chi which will be a great asset in battle but longer training sessions. Despite this she enjoyed it and the rewarding feeling all the same.  They continued chatting and every once in awhile Suki would joke about Sokka’s first interaction with the warriors, which Sokka did not laugh with out of stubbornness but he was grateful that Suki had set him in his ways, she’s really astonishing and he can’t believe he ever underestimated her. They continued like this until Sokka heard something that made him go stark white.
Three tables over there was another couple enjoying their evening, or budding couple. Aang and Katara sat across from one another not saying anything. This was their first date and although they both knew they had feelings for one another both of them have never actually been on a date before and they weren’t exactly sure how to interact. After a minute of awkwardly blushing at each other and passing pleasant casualties they both started laughing at themselves.
“ I don’t know why we’re both being so awkward, this really shouldn’t be different from all the other times we hung out” Katara pointed out. 
“Only difference is I can do this,” Aang replied as he reached over to Katara’s hand that was resting on the table and held it. Katara blushed and giggled at this air nomad’s cheesiness and he began to laugh along with her. He really didn’t know what he was doing but it sure felt nice to hold her hand and Katara felt the same way. Aang was relieved Katara didn’t pull her hand away, he knew she had kissed him after the war ended but he had felt so bad after the night of the play, he didn’t want her to feel her boundaries were violated again. He hated that he made her feel pressured, he wished he knew how to do any of this. He wondered if any of the past avatars could give him guidance on this but he’s not sure that was the intention of being given worldly wisdom.
“What are you thinking about?” Katara questioned. Noticing Aang’s change in expression.
“Just how funny it is that I ended a 100 year war but I’m struggling to talk to my best friend, I always thought if I got the chance with you I’d know exactly what to do and I’d sweep you off your feet” Aang replied with a sigh.
“Don’t be silly, you have already swept me off my feet” Katara stated, making Aang give her a quizzical look. “Remember when we accidentally sent off the fire nation booby traps when we first met? You picked me up and carried me off to safety” Katara answered with a smile remembering that hectic day. He had remembered that day, before they had found the old fire nation ship that day was one of the funnest he had in awhile. After it had been announced he was the avatar none of the other kids wanted to play with him. Having Katara penguin sled with him made him feel so happy. He was terrified that when it was revealed he was the avatar, Katara would’ve reacted the same way as his best friends and distance herself from him but he’s incredibly grateful that she didn’t, even though he did put her tribe in danger. He doesn’t know how he’ll ever repay her for giving him a family when he lost his and everything he knew.
“I guess I did” Aang smiled back at Katara.
“Besides, do you think I have any idea what I’m doing either?” Katara pointed out to Aang. Although she was older than him by two years she didn’t really have any experience, all the older boys went off to war, the only boy she really interacted with was her brother. Sure during her adventures she met a few boys she found cute but none of them had the connection that she and Aang had. As much as her friends like to tease her about Jet and Haru, Aang was her first kiss, so she’s just as new to this as he is. “We'll figure it out together” she finishes as she squeezes his hand that she was still holding and leaning over to give Aang a kiss which he embraced happily. As they broke apart from their tender moment Katara noticed something, or more accurately someone, out of the corner of her eye.
“I can’t believe him!” Katara suddenly blurted, making Aang jump a little breaking him out of his trance. He instantly became alert, expecting some enemy from their past to be in the restaurant ready to fight because of the anger in Katara’s voice. When he looked around and didn’t see anyone that looked remotely threatening, Aang just stared at Katara with a puzzled face until Katara pointed to a table close to the entrance of the restaurant that had her brother wearing his ridiculous Wang Fire beard and Suki with a wig by her feet.
“Ugh, does he really not trust me to go on a date by myself” Katara complained who had turned away from her brother who hadn’t noticed that she saw him and neither had Suki. “I mean I never pulled something like this with him and Yue or him and Suki, he could at least do the same” Aang gave a shrug in consolation and was not really sure what to do in this situation. He wasn’t surprised that Sokka would do this but he was disappointed and Katara’s moment was ruined.
Suddenly Katara had a devious grin slide across her face. “How about a little prank on my brother?” Katara suggested. Aang nodded, happy to do whatever she had in mind.
Sokka had noticed Aang and Katara getting up from their table, he tried to just look down in hopes of the pair not noticing him. He shushed Sukki which caused her to glare at him until she noticed that because of the location of the table in proximity to the door that Katara and Aang would walk by them. She put her head down as well making it seem like the noodles before her were the most interesting thing in the world. Although she was against her boyfriend’s idea of spying she still felt bad for being here, but she wasn’t gonna waste an opportunity to get some delicious food.
As the new couple walked by Sokka and Sukki’s table they overheard their conversation.
“I don’t know Aang don’t you think we’re a little too young to be that intimate but I am willing to try it could be fun” Sokka overheard her sister say. Sokka went stark white, she couldn’t mean what he thinks right? They wouldn't, right? Especially not Aang, isn’t he a monk- do monks even? Is Aang even old enough to-? Oh god he doesn’t want to be thinking about these things he’s starting to wish he never came.
Suddenly his sister walked back to his table where he was having a crisis. “No not actually, we’re only kids” Katara suddenly spoke up answering the questions she knew her brother probably had. “But that's what you get for spying” she stated, she then walked back to Aang who was blushing bright as a tomato because of the nature of the prank Katara pulled, he was expecting something like using waterbending to splash Sokka’s drink in his face. The young couple left the restaurant hand in hand as Sokka kept his hands in his face and Suki was left spitting out her tea with laughter.
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tae-cup · 4 years
If The Sky Falls | Of Eternity and Euphoria (4)
Pairing: Kim Seokjin x Reader
Summary: Jin is known as a stable god, always surrounding, like the sky. Then he meets you and everything shifts. 
Warnings: Ehhhh maybe some talk of blood and violence? Only in the middle part, no biggie. 
Word Count: 4.5k Words (Oh this was shorter than I intended, but I promise it’s good okay)
A/N: I swear I’m giving this one a good ending. *slaps self* I will not indulge in angst nope nope nope
This chapter contained more woman empowerment than I thought. Guess I needed it out of my system. 
Series Masterlist
Normal Masterlist
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The ceremony is long. Lovely, yes, but long. The handsome man beside you nudges your arm. You were a low level goddess working for the underworld under the bride’s supervision. You helped to guide lost souls to the palace to find a resting place. 
So why you were sitting next to six of the big seven gods and their girlfriends had you puzzled. Yes, you had grown close to __, the bride, and yes you had good relations with Yoongi, but you never considered them close friends. In fact, you didn’t have many friends. When you arrived, you had found an empty seat next to a certain sky god that had your name on it. Why? Only the gods know. Literally. 
“Hey, at least try to look interested.” Jin chuckled under his breath. He did a remarkable job at restraining a goofy smile from his face. 
“I am!” You whispered back furiously. “Why can’t they just kiss and get it over with?” 
“I’ll keep that in mind for the future.” 
“Future?” You played dumb, despite knowing his insinuation. It would have gone over well except for the redness that crept up your cheeks. You knew he was your soulmate, you had known for the past hour. The second he had accidentally brushed against your hand, you had felt the spark. He didn’t even react, which led you to believe he didn’t realize what happened. Of course, he knew. He wasn’t stupid. 
He glanced at you and then turned his attention back to the ceremony. Jin kept feeling the need to hold your hand, twitch his hand and brush over your knuckles, to wrap an arm around you. The god of the sky was soft already. It really wasn’t fair. Then he started to wonder why a girl as fragile looking as you managed to guide souls to the underworld everyday. It was dark in the underworld, a fog covering the ground at all times. You had a soft voice, he guessed you rarely raised it, much like him. 
Yes, you guided souls, but you also preferred a gentle approach to it. You led with a gentle voice and warm hands. For your safety, you did carry a knife. It was just a precaution if you met an angry spirit. You had been a bit traumatized from your first encounter where the spirit sought to scratch your eyes out, but you managed to get away. You took a temporary hiatus from your job and the rulers of the underworld understood. Still, you were made for this job. Your body had ached to go back to it. So you went back a week later with determination and a weapon. You were strong mentally, but not physically. It took guts to move through the darkness and fog for years on end. 
Still, there wasn’t much bloodshed in the underworld. Souls didn’t have blood and you rarely saw violence. It was a peaceful existence, but it was just that; existence. You had seen the god of the sky on occasion, but you had never touched and you always stayed in the background. You were pulled out of your thoughts as cheers rose from the crowd. 
Yoongi kissed his bride passionately and you ignored the twinge of jealousy. Was it so wrong to want to exist for something other than your job? You were basically a servant to the king and queen, but they never acted like it. It always felt as if you were a part of their family and then they’d remind you of your place. Again, it was an existence, but not much else. You just told yourself that the so many souls would be lost without you and perhaps you were a little too selfless in that sense; sacrificing your self worth for another.
Jin stood and you did as well as the happy couple walked back down the aisle. Taehyung whooped and clapped, Jimin squeezed his date’s hand and clapped politely, Jungkook watched quietly, Hoseok cheered the loudest, and Namjoon smiled fondly. Jin absentmindedly took your hand, making your cheeks heat up. He led you out to the reception. 
“So, soulmate, tell me about yourself.” 
“No fucking way!” You laughed loudly. 
“Ah, my little goddess has a dirty mouth.” Jin tsked, swirling the wine around in his glass. 
“It’s the alcohol.” You scoffed, taking another sip. It was a wedding. There was free wine and you planned on getting drunk. Anything to make you feel normal again. A hand reached out, covering your glass and you whined. 
“I think that’s enough, then.” The god smiled gently, but firmly. “You can get drunk on me, then, okay?” 
You opened and closed your mouth, unsure if you were supposed to defend your right to drink yourself silly or listen to him. You decided to listen. You set the glass down onto the table and sighed, sinking into your seat. Jin observed you quietly before moving to hold your hand. 
“How long have you been down here, darling?” 
“For as long as the underworld has been established.” You shrugged. That took him aback, eyebrows shooting upward. 
“By gods, you’re almost as old as me, maybe younger by a few millennia.” 
“You got a problem with that?” 
He flashed you a winning smile. “And here I thought you were fragile and innocent.” 
“I’m not as young as ___, if that’s what you’re wondering.” You shot a look over at Taehyung’s lover. She was lithe and ethereal, every part the goddess that you failed to meet standards for. Jin laughed and it reminded you of a windshield wiper. 
“Of course not, my love.” He soothed, almost sarcastically. You rolled your eyes. 
“It might surprise you, but I don’t like death.” You mused. He looked confused, prompting you to continue. “I don’t like the idea of people being gone forever, even if I know they will have a peaceful resting place. I...I had a bad run in with a lost soul once.” Your mind flashed back to the attack. Sharp, claw-like, nails swiping towards your face, your racing heartbeat. “I guess I just feel weak for hating violence so much.” You poured out the contents of your head. You hated confrontation, people paying any attention to you. You preferred to blend into the background. Maybe it was the alcohol that made you so bold to tell him this, maybe it was the soulmate bond. You were a private person. 
He squeezed your hand tightly, pulling you out of your thoughts for the second time that night. 
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m not a fan of violence either so we have that in common.” His voice was smooth, calming, like the sky itself. He was someone who oversaw all the other gods, but everyone knew Namjoon had most of the power in the group. They regarded him as the smartest because, well, he was. Jin was the father figure, though. Trustworthy, reliable. But when you looked into his eyes, you saw something broken. Having to be strong for thousands of gods was a lot of pressure. Even those closest described him as reliable. Obviously he must have other emotions. So who was he talking to about his issues? Even you understood that wasn’t healthy. 
“Jin?” You watched him intently. “Are you...okay?” 
Something changed in his eyes, an uncertainty. He opened his mouth to respond when the scream hit the room. 
Jin let go of your hand immediately, standing and approaching the woman. You felt your breath catch in your throat. The last time you heard a scream so distraught was when you were the one screaming. 
“Ms. Lee?” You muttered under your breath. Then you stood, seeing the other gods and goddesses go still. You frowned, worried for Jin. You knew he cared more about others than himself. 
At the words of an attack, you felt your blood go still. I just feel weak for hating violence so much. Your words flooded back to you and clearly to Jin as well because he glanced at you. As gods began moving, you stayed planted in place. 
“Great! Then we’ll go to war!”  Jungkook shouted. You winced, hands wringing together. 
It was a free for all as the bangs outside continued. You watched three women being ushered away as the other gods took a defensive stance. You simply crouched behind a table, peering over to survey the surroundings. You hadn’t brought your knife, it was supposed to be a goddamn wedding. Yoongi frowned, using a hand to take off his tie and shrug off his jacket. A scythe materialized in his hand. If there were intruders, he’d defend his territory. You could tell Jin looked upset that he couldn’t defend the sky. Lee had made it sound like the sky kingdom had fallen. 
“On my wedding night, seriously?” Yoongi drawled, pounding his scythe into the ground to get the attention of the other gods. “I will fight and defend my land. You all don’t have to, but I would appreciate the help.” 
Jin nodded along with the other five gods. “I may have lost my home to whatever is out there, but I pledge that I will defend yours.” He stated, placing a fist to his heart. The other gods murmured their agreement. 
Then they got ready. Jin must have assumed you had left already because he didn’t spare you a glance. Electricity cracked through the air as Jin pulled several bolts out of thin air. The atmosphere felt very dry and warm suddenly. Your hair was raised. Taehyung had a silver trident in his grasp, looking very godly. In fact, all the gods had deepened their auras. Jimin glowed a pink-ish red fury, a bow and arrow in his hands. Jin glowed a light blue, like a pure sky, and Taehyung evened him out with a deeper blue, like the depths of the ocean. Yoongi’s aura was as black as death itself. Hoseok had a yellow aura, almost like pure light. He had a whip and chain. You wondered if he used it for his chariot that brought the morning sun. Jungkook looked the most furious. His aura was a brilliant red, like anger incarnate. He held a sword, long and sharper than any blade you’ve ever seen. Namjoon looked eerily calm. He had a green glow and in his hands was a notebook. 
Despite the innocent nature of that notebook, the others eyed it warily. 
“Ready?” Yoongi called, to no response. Everyone focused on the doors. Then the glass shattered and the doors flew off their hinges. 
Hoseok hooked his chain around an enemy god, tripping them. Then he used the spiked whip to knock him unconscious. Next, Taehyung pushed his trident through a female, her eyes drained of life. Blood slid down the silver painting it a rusted red. 
Electricity buzzed through the body of another, Jin whispered a prayer for every foe he disposed of. Yoongi reapd several souls at once, scythe slicing in a large arc. 
Jungkook went on a rampage, sword plunging into any enemy he saw. Jimin watched the surroundings from his perch on the chandelier. He had killer aim. You assumed it was from his work as cupid, but that was early on, way before Agape existed and took over that role. His shot was still deadly accurate. 
Namjoon was the most interesting. He darted around, haphazardly ripping pages out of his notebook and placing them on the backs of enemies. Swords, knives, and many other weapons would suddenly protrude through the paper and consequently the enemies. His weapon intrigued you the most. He seemed exhausted. You would be worried if you weren’t so panicked. The commotion was so loud that no one could hear or bother to notice the sobs that wracked your body. You were having a panic attack. Your throat closed up and you couldn’t breathe. Your heart pounded against your chest. 
Then Namjoon found you. He was going to place a paper on you without thinking, moving on instinct. You scrambled away, throwing your arms up. You knew what those papers did. He instantly stopped, eyes dilating in recognition. He finally seemed aware of what was happening. 
“Y/N?” He glanced around. “What are you still doing here? You shouldn’t be-” He knew you didn’t fight. Most gods knew that. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t leave in time.” You whispered, fear lacing your voice. You could barely get out your words before choking back up. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” He slowly folded up the paper and pressed it into your palm. “Keep this for safety. Place it on an attacker and I’ll know their location instantly. It will also release a poison that will hopefully bide you time. Only use it in an emergency.” He looked over his shoulder. “I’ve got to go. Hang in there.” 
Then he left. You tried your best to calm yourself. Then there was a loud shout, more like a roar. You almost fainted when you looked over the table. Every instinct screamed run. You knew a titan anywhere. This seemed to be a low level one, but it was a wonder there was one at all. You thought the big seven had managed to contain all of them, banishing them to Tartarus. 
The other gods instantly stopped. Even the enemies seemed surprised. The only beings that could match and maybe even overpower the gods, were titans. The smallest of titans could do damage. You could see the unease, a sudden quiet. 
“This is a useless plight. Kronos is coming back. you’ve already let so many slip through the cracks.” The monstrous man laughed. He had on a suit, like he was to attend the wedding as well. But his hands...oh his hands. He had long fingers and even longer nails, like claws. You felt your hand instinctually go to your face where the ghost of nails slid into your skin. It made you wince. 
“We’re going to obliterate you right here, right now.” Jungkook cried, covered in the blood of others. 
You felt yourself peering over the table, worried for your friends. Worried for your soulmate, the man you had spoken to for hours tonight, the man you could see spending the rest of your life with. He stood on guard, but you could tell his resolve was cracking. 
“Jungkook.” Jin warned lowly and the younger god couldn’t help but listen. The other gods slowly stood down, seemingly admitting defeat. The other gods didn’t seem happy, but they looked behind the titan to see several others. They paled at the sight. Then Jin happened to glance at the table to see you peaking. His eyes widened. Why were you still here? Were you injured? You looked distraught. He internally cursed himself for not checking before. Then he grimaced knowing what he needed to do. He had to stall and he knew the exact thing to do. Though the others would probably scold him after. 
“Mister...?” Jin spoke, trying to keep his voice from wobbling. He was in no condition to fight a titan. Maybe a million years ago, but not now. 
“Call me James.” 
“Oddly normal.” You heard Yoongi grumble. Jin kept a straight face. 
“Well, James, you know why I don’t trust stairs?” 
cue incredulous looks from every god left standing. They all knew what he was up to. Even Hoseok looked horrified. Is this really what he’s doing to bide time? Was on the mind of every god. 
“Why is this important-” The titan started, agitation evident. 
“They’re always up to no good!” Jin cracked, laughing so hard he bent over. He was trying to keep them occupied. The other gods held back a groan. Even you looked confused. Was this seriously his plan?
“-Just give us Olympus and we’ll leave you all alive!” James just shouted louder. 
“Hey, hey James,” Jin continued through his laughter. “How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles!” You couldn’t help but laugh a little. Taehyung looked unamused, hand shooting up like a child at school. 
“I have to disagree! I’ve tried to tickle an octopus before-” Taehyung began, looking annoyed only to be cut off by a firm hand on his shoulder. He stopped talking, mouth snapping shut as Yoongi shot him a deathly glare. 
You tried to contain your laughter even harder at Taehyung’s outburst. James began a long and angry monologue, looking more like a scolding parent than a titan. You had tears in your eyes, but at least they weren’t from pain. You were laughing at the hilarity of the situation. Sadly, you let one whimper of laughter escape your throat. Everyone’s eyes whipped over to you. 
“Who’s back there?” James barked. You ducked down, placing both hands over your mouth. Jin’s expression broke. Through the soulmate bond, he could feel your panic. Now your heart beat with anxiety once more. Your thoughts were so loud that they stabbed his own mind. Please don’t take me. Please don’t kill me. His heart broke. 
“No one!” Jin cried, a little too forcefully. James tilted his head curiously at the god before a wicked smile graced his face. 
“Oh? Is it a girl?” The gods were old school, as per usual with ancient gods. They just valued women’s lives above their own, believed they needed to be protected. And so many women had grown up like this that they had begun to believe it, even you. Still, you couldn’t help but frown at his condescending tone. Maybe you wouldn’t have joined in, but if you had your knife you knew you could do some damage. When Jin didn’t respond to his question, he continued. “Oh! Maybe your soulmate?” 
His question made Jin flinch and he knew he had given himself away. The other gods shot their brother a concerned look. They understood that to have your soulmate taken away, still alive or dead, that it was painful, especially if you’ve met but not completed the bond by kissing. You knew Jimin must be feeling the effects now because he had his hand clutched to his chest, trying not to give away his pain. 
“Get her.” James’ eyes darkened dangerously. 
A hand roughly grabbed your arm and you yelped in pain. You knew there would be bruises. You felt yourself shaking as they dragged you before these men, all who knew you in some form or another. You recognized fury in their eyes. They could all feel Jin’s anger, his pain, his concern, as they were all closely bonded to each other. You were thrown to your knees in front of James. 
“Hello. What’s a pretty flower like you doing in this underworld?” James tipped your chin up with his long nails. You scrambled backwards, bumping into his other underlings. 
“Get away from her!” Jin shouted, electricity crackling the air once more. You were shaking, but you just looked at James with as much anger as you could. You had spent so long being afraid of titans, but maybe you had just been angry? 
“I hate you.” You spat at the titan. 
“Darling has a fierce mouth. A wonderful catch, Seokjin.” 
Jin let out a growl from the back of his throat, lunging forward and taking out the underlings. His hands pulled you back and behind him. You rushed away to the corner of the room, as far away as you could go only to have a cage materialize above your head. You let out a shriek. Hoseok ran over, always being the kindest of the gods. 
“Hey, Y/N. Look at me.” Hoseok soothed. “We’ll get you out of here.” 
You wrapped your hands around the bars, knuckles turning white. Hoseok was shoved out of the way and Jin’s face took up your vision.
 “Jin?” You whispered, your voice weak. You felt light headed, dizzy. 
“Love, I’m right here. Wherever you go, I’ll be right here.” He reached through the bars and place a finger over your heart. “And I’ll find you, have faith in me.” 
You nodded, then you gently cupped his cheek with your hand. “Don’t give up Olympus for a girl you met a few hours ago, Jin.” 
“You’re not just any girl.” He murmured softly, placing his hand over the one on his cheek. “But you have my word, you’ll come back to Olympus, not the Titans.” 
“I’m not gone yet, please just stay while you can.” 
You stared at the three other women through the bars of your cell. You were all separated, but you could still see each other. When you looked at these women, all you thought was strong. Three strong women. Yes, they had shed tears, but they were long gone by now. You just looked sadly at ___’s tattered wedding gown. You felt pathetic, having been unable to stop your tears. You’d calm down and then remember your situation. In the beginning, the women had tried to comfort you, but now they stayed silent. Their presence was comfort enough. 
You passed the dirtied cardigan over to Jimin’s lover through the bars. She looked tired and you were aware she was a demigod. How did a part human part god have more strength than you? She took it with a small smile and you sighed, hugging your knees to your chest. 
How long had it been? A few days? A few weeks? Probably not more than a few weeks, but ___ looked extra thin and you knew she was a demigod. The other goddesses didn’t complain, knowing she was probably suffering far worse than any goddess. 
You could stand the hunger. You just couldn’t stand the isolation. No one had come to check on you. You were sure they had forgotten you at this point. No, Jin wouldn’t forget you. None of the gods would even be able to. The pain from your soulmate bond was signal enough. If it ever stopped hurting, then you would start feeling truly hopeless. But the pain told you he was still thinking of you. You fell asleep for the, you had lost count, time and welcomed the darkness of your mind. 
“Y/N? Wake up!” A panicked voice called. You recognized it as Taehyung’s lover. 
“How long has she been like this?” Jimin’s girl had a worried tone. 
“Is she dead?” you could recognize the demigod’s voice anywhere. 
“No, she can’t be dead, she’s a goddess.” Yoongi’s wife murmured. 
“Then why isn’t she waking up?” You were slipping consciousness again and the voices were blurring together. 
“She’s a goddess but can still experience pain. Everyone reacts differently to hunger and it seems her body is trying to preserve her body fat.” 
“Lucky, I can’t even get a wink of sleep.” 
“That’s why you’re so skinny now.” The voice was more concerned for her friend. 
“I can’t help it.”
“Mortals’ bodies are so finnicky.” 
“Hey! Stop that-”
When you shifted slightly, you felt the crinkle of paper. Hidden in the folds of your dress was the paper Namjoon gifted you. You knew what you had to do. 
“Guys.” You managed to croak out, forcing your eyelids open. They stopped, turning to you. “This, you need this.” You said faintly, shoving Yoongi’s wife the piece of paper. 
“Y/N, how did you get this?” That was enough to tell you that she knew how to use it. Then you slipped into the darkness again. You never wanted to wake up. 
The pain in your chest was gone. You felt safe. A warm embrace enveloped you. This must be a dream, a pleasant trick of the mind. You hummed happily, burrowing into the warmth farther. Wait, the pain in your chest is gone. The soulmate bond. Your eyes shot open. You were met with a blinding light, a large room, and the lack of presence of the women who had comforted you. You coughed, tumbling out of the bed and crawling to the door. You needed to get to Jin, he couldn’t have forgotten about you already. In your stupor, you failed to notice the figure who was groggily getting out of bed. 
That was Jin’s voice. Your eyes sprung to the bed. 
“Jin!” You cried, flinging yourself into his arms. He landed with an oomph back into the bed, arms immediately circling around you. 
“Y/N, oh my gods, I thought I lost you.” He choked. You smiled a little, you gently unwrapped yourself and moved to sit at his side. 
“Jin, I know we have the soulmate bond but-” 
He stopped you in the middle of your sentence. “I know, we can take it slow.” He smiled. “I’ve been around long enough to know a girl doesn’t instantly fall in love with you, even if she’s your soulmate.” He winked. “But, can I at least?” He leaned forward. 
You leaned forward as well and met his lips with your own. It was a quick kiss, simple and soft. It had the timidness of first love behind it. You pulled away and took his hands in yours. 
“I think we’ll be okay.” You chuckled. “How long was I there? Are the other girls alright? What happened to me? How long have I been out?” You blurted. 
“Woah, Woah, okay one question at a time.” He laughed. “Well, the other girls are okay, but both you and ___ were in critical condition. ___, because she’s a demigod and you because your body went into hibernation. ___ is still out, but you were asleep for maybe three days. It was terrifying. We had to force feed you to stay alive.”
“How did you save us?” 
“More like you saved yourselves.” Jin chuckled. “While us idiots were arguing about how to enter the complex, Yoongi’s wife burst through the door, collapsing with you in her arms and ___ was carrying the demigod. That earth goddess is stronger than we give her credit for.” 
“Did they tell you what happened?”
“Well, a little birdy told me that my darling had given them the key to success. The next time a guard visited, ___ used the paper and managed to grab the keys from the dead guard. Then she unlocked her cell and the rest of yours. They fought through several unprepared gods. You women are a lot more resourceful than the rest of gods think. They should trust you guys more.” He shrugged. 
You frowned at this information, worried for the demigod. “Is she okay?” You should go see her. As if Seokjin read your mind, he wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Wait, you can see her later. Please stay with me a little longer.” 
You sighed and leaned in to his touch. His breath sent shivers down your spine as it fanned across your neck. You twisted your head, engaging him once more in a kiss. This one was more forward than the last one, an aura of passion clouding the room. He turned you so you were straddling his waist. Your hands pressed against the side of his face. When you pulled away, you were both panting. You pressed your foreheads together. 
“Don’t scare me like that again, I was terrified seeing you in that state.” He whispered. 
“I won’t again, I promise.” 
And he pressed his lips to yours once again. 
Me reminding myself that I don’t write smut. 
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Hi 😊 Would you mind terribly doing the valentine's alphabet for Spina? I could really use some Spina content in my life.
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Spina’s a hugger. A bear hugger, to be exact. He hugs when he’s happy, hugs when he’s sad, and when trying to cheer someone up, his go-to response is to hug them. Just being around Spina means accepting the risk of getting hugged at some point. Thankfully, he gives good hugs, and also has the sort of presence that just reassures people. Spina’s go-to affection is physical affection, but he’s pretty versatile if a friend needs something else. (This man has stayed up all night with Babe watching bad movies, just because Babe was too upset to go to bed but didn’t want to be left alone.)
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
He knows what sorts of bouquets to get for different occasions; when his Grandma was sick in the hospital, he brought her a new bouquet every week, so not only does he know what flowers to choose, but the neighborhood florist knows him. Ralph can get a good deal on a nice arrangement for a birthday or anniversary, but should not be left to grow plants on his own without supervision.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
Like...  in it’s casual form, he’s not a fan. Ralph isn’t gonna go buckwild over some Hershey bars. But chocolate cake? Maybe some hot chocolate on a snowy day? Oreos? Completely different story. Ralph isn’t crazy about chocolate, but he really loves chocolate things. (He has tried to do a somersault for a back of Oreos, and it has not gone well. He broke Bill’s mom’s vase and was banned from her home.)
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
He...  likes bowling, for some reason. Not only is it a great opportunity to have fun with his partner, he loves the atmosphere, is delighted by the horrible junk food...  and gets to show off, because Ralph is an outstanding bowler. There’s no pressure to bowling; it’s an easy way to have a good time and get to know someone, with plenty of opportunities to goof around.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Ralph Spina was hugged enough as a child, okay? Physical affection isn’t just something he’s cool with, he loves it  ---  so long as it’s coming from someone he knows, not some bearded stranger in a Walmart. As stated before, he gives really great hugs. It’s like...  being hugged by hot chocolate.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Oh no. Nooooo. He is a bad flirter. It’s not even for lack of trying, either; he just tends to come on either too dorky or too friendly. He tries to hit on someone, and next thing he knows they’re having an intense conversation about the person’s recent car troubles. Ralph never leaves bars with new contacts, but he has given out plenty of numbers  ---  for local mechanics, bakers, handymen, etc. He’s just too friendly. You’d think it’d work to his advantage, but it doesn’t. (He does have an arsenal of really corny icebreakers and pick up lines, but he’ll only break those out on special occasions. Dorky.) 
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
He’s more comfortable getting silly gifts than serious ones, cause he always feels like he’s getting something wrong. When he puts his heart into a gift, though, the person he gives it to can’t help appreciating the effort.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
He’s quicker to fall in friend-love than romantic-love. There’s just...  so much more to worry about with romantic love. Honestly, Ralph would do best in a friendship-gradually-turned-romance, because then everything evolves naturally; he’s already with someone who likes him, who he knows and feels comfortable around. Ralph’s heart doesn’t have to be won, he gives it away freely...  but falling in love is a whole other ball game.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Ehh, he’s gushy about it. It’d probably come out by accident the first time, around six months into the relationship  ---   but if his partner reacts well, Ralph takes it as encouragement. He’ll say it a hundred times. A thousand. He loves saying it. He’ll say it to get out of doing something he doesn’t want to do, to make his partner smile, to end a petty argument...  these are three of the most powerful words in the human language, and Ralph tosses them around like silly putty.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Nah, not jealous  ---  he gets insecure. It’s not something he’d be able to ignore, seeing his partner get cozy with someone else. Ralph would take it hard. Instead of being angry at them, he’d internalize it, getting mad at himself. Even if it’s something he knows they should just talk about, he’d avoid the topic with his partner, hating the fact that he’s not enough for them.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
First things first  ---  Ralph doesn’t kiss, he gets kissed. He’s rarely confident enough to make the first move himself, so it usually take someone pulling him in and just laying it on him. At first, he’ll stand shock-still, uncertain what to do...  then he’ll melt into the kiss all at once, pulling his partner close as he realizes exactly what’s going on. Ralph isn’t an adventurous kisser at first, but gets more playful as time goes on. He likes tiny love nips, getting his partner to giggle, and he loves it if they can sit on his lap, so he can wrap his hands around their waist while kissing them. He’s not demanding; he’ll gladly accept whatever kisses his partner gives him.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
The answer really should be family first, but Ralph’s honestly closer to his friends. His parents disagree with a few of his life choices, so, much as he loves them, it’s his buddies he goes to for emotional support. Babe and Bill are great for a night out, Gene and Renee are great for a night in, Julian’s...  well, Julian’s great if you want your night to end with a small fire or a trip to the emergency room, but he’s also great in general. Ralph loves lots of people, but he could go on for ages about his friends.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
No...  no getting up in the morning. Whoever invented mornings had a vendetta against sleep, and Ralph ain’t about to humor them. Sleeping in while snuggled up against a partner is plenty romantic, thanks, and there’s always time to do more later on in the day.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
You gotta understand, Ralph gets into his own head a lot. He’s a little self-conscious, so it’s easy to overthink what he’s doing; he doubts himself. He’s got a couple of kinks he’s really eager to try out (really into voyeurism/pushing his luck in unconventional places) but his partner’s comfort is foremost for him. He’ll check on them multiple times, asking how they’re doing. If his partner’s smiling or laughing a bit during the act, Ralph is more confident  ---  having them too serious just makes him nervous. He’s not too confident in his own body, so being complimented during the act would make him melt. He keeps up a steady rhythm, and is surprisingly good at holding out for a long time  ---  until he’s at least pushed his partner over the edge.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
On the contrary. When he likes someone, he can get tongue-tied to all hell. A crush once thought he was choking on a piece of shrimp; he was just trying to ask her out.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Someone who isn’t high-strung   ----  laid back and able to go with the flow, taking some time just to enjoy life. Ralph would need a partner who gets along with people as easily as he does, probably an extrovert; someone with a sense of humor; a great storyteller; somebody fun. He really needs someone to laugh and be goofy with, but also someone who can be serious in a crisis. They’ve got to have
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
He would absolutely be willing to ask  (unless his partner beat him to the punch). Ralph’s big thing, though, it that he wants a proposal to remember  ---  it’s gotta be good for his partner, cause that’s what they deserve, right? So he’d agonize over picking the right ring, probably cycling through a dozen or so choices before a very annoyed jeweler convinces him to buy something. Then he’d have to practice the proposal a dozen times, planning out different ways to do it...  which is all great, until his partner walks in to find him kneeling in front of the bedroom mirror with a ring out, proposing to his own reflection. That takes some explaining...  but in the end, everything works out.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He’s got a romantic cheeseball heart, but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid about it. Ralph’s been burned before. He knows love can hurt, and only idiots rush into it without being prepared. He wants to be the romantic flowers-and-candles guy, and in a relationship he will be, but if it blows up in his face he’ll end up blaming himself for doing something wrong.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
He spent several years head-over-heels in love with Nancy Drew. His older sister was a fan of the books, and Ralph was a fan of the pictures on the covers. Swore he was going to marry Nancy when he grew up and everything. No one knew how to break it to him  ---  he had to figure out what fiction meant on his own.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
Ralph’s seen it firsthand, growing up with his parents.  If couples exist with the audacity to swap spit while their kids are in the room, yeah, true love’s gotta be out there somewhere.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
He’s had a few instances of liking someone hard, when they just didn’t feel the same way. Ralph didn’t resent them for it, and he tried not to dwell, but it still stung, man.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
As a kid, it was always an excuse for his parents to have a night out, while the Spina kids got to stay home, watch crappy movies, and eat too much chocolate. As an adult...  it’s an excuse to stay in, watch crappy movies, and eat too much chocolate. He loves Valentine’s Day.
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
Sure! He likes the idea, but wouldn’t be devastated if his partner didn’t want it. To Ralph, it’s more important to just be with them, not to put a legal ring on it.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Absolutely, but he hardly ever uses them seriously. “Honeybuns”, “sugar plum”, “babydumpling”...  they’re all designed to get his partner to turn an alarming shade of red in public. Even if they occasionally get him smacked on the shoulder, it’s worth it. He just can’t take pet names seriously.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
He’s a lover, not a fighter...  but Spina loves hard. If someone he cares about is in trouble, he’s not afraid to step in  ---  and usually has his buddies behind him to back him up. His buddies, all substantially better fighters than he is, and perfectly willing to throw the first punch. Spina’s flavor of protectiveness is all about the folks at his back, but he won’t let anyone mess around with people he loves.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
He wishes the number were higher. Maybe about...  4 - 5? Ralph is no master seducer, but if someone comes onto him, he’s not about to say no.
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unohanadaydreams · 5 years
How The Current Captains React to Falling In Love!
Shunsui Kyōraku
He would be ecstatic, but I think he would hesitate to tell someone he loved them. Outwardly, he would be reveling in being intimate, showing them off, and lavishing his love with gifts and physical affection, but I think it would take a little time for him to say the actual words “I love you” in a way that isn’t purely playful.
His cheer isn’t false, but it’s often amplified for other’s (and his own) benefit and the wait for him to share the more somber, sincere heart he hides on his colorful sleeve will be worth it.
Her love would be realized like the stages of grief. She won’t be able to sleep from the heavy amount of denial looming over her dreams of the person she loves. Despite that, she will be extremely jealous of those who attempt to court them and her attitude would turn away those who aren’t truly determined to be with her.
She’ll fluctuate from hot and cold for quite a long time until she’s sure of their feelings and can settle into her own. A lot of indignant shouts and backtracking of words. A lot of secret gifts and longing looks as well.
Rose Ōtoribashi
He’ll probably realize it all at once. It hits him like a guitar riff; he knows he’s in love. One day, they were someone he could enthuse about hobbies with in passing and then before he knew it, they peeled back the layers and exposed the silly, hopeful man he reserves for those he cares about.
He won’t hesitate because if he falls in love with someone, it’s because they’re already comfortably fit into his life. He’s a staunch friends before lovers kind of guy. Expect a mix tape full of love songs when he realizes how he feels.
Isane Kotetsu
She’s certain that it’s one sided at first, even if it’s obvious to everyone else that it’s not. She will be very cautious, but still hopeful; she WANTS to fall in love, but she doesn’t know if she can handle being rejected. She can think of a million reasons why she’ll be disappointed. She might even pull away a bit emotionally. But anyone who loves her back will be there to reassure her and she’ll blossom under the shower of affection. (Also she panicked to her sister, who absolutely told the person she loves what’s going on).
She shows her love in a nurturing way. Meals cooked with love, clothes folded with care, and a shocking thoroughness when it comes to physical intimacy for someone so outwardly timid.
Shinji Hirako
He panics in the aloof way that only he could. He starts teasing the person he loves more, trying to get rise after rise from them, hoping to get the ultimate read on their feelings once they’re frustrated and their guard is down. He probably knows that the person he loves shares his feelings, but he wants to be SURE. He dances around his feelings, using that reason.
Once he’s gotten them to blurt out their feelings, he’ll smirk and say he already knew, but the inner relief and security it gives him to hear it will be immense. He’ll take to spontaneously slow dancing with them a lot, humming a jazz tune. He’ll bully those he thinks are a little too close to them, in his deadpan way. He’ll seem almost a little overbearing because he’s so relieved after his initial panic.
Byakuya Kuchiki
He has a good handle on his feelings, but when he realizes he’s in love, he’ll feel completely overwhelmed. He’ll throw himself into work further to distract himself. Finding out isn’t exactly unpleasant for him, but it feels suffocating at first, because he feels it so intensely.
He won’t hesitate for long, because he understands what he wants from life and love is on that list. He definitely is already close to the person he loves; after his first wife he can’t bring himself to be as spontaneous as he used to be. He’ll try to make the moments he lets down his guard and shares his feelings feel like a fantasy (think a picnic under the light of a full moon), but he’ll do it at his own pace, with a sense of privacy. (Which is sort of ruined by Rukia suddenly calling the person he loves her sibling).
Tetsuzaemon Iba
He might take a while to figure out that what he’s feeling isn’t a combination of lust and contentment, but when he does come to terms with his feelings, he’ll be direct if not nervous. He’ll probably stutter when he says “I love you” out loud. He’ll try to mask how he’s truly feeling (nervous) with a forced macho attitude and pre planned “cool” actions, but it’ll be easy to see through.
He’s chivalry incarnate and will treat the person he loves with honor and dignity even if it’s tinged with nervous energy. He’ll kiss them on the cheek when he drops them off at work, but he’ll blush when he turns away for doing it in public and call them “babe” or some other “cool” nickname. It’ll take him a long while to be more comfortable about his romance in public.
Lisa Yadōmaru
It’s rare for her to feel romantic love, but if she discovers she’s harboring those feelings for someone, they don’t stand a chance. She is bold and even more sexual in public and private to the one she’s chose and twirls them around her finger easily. Not because she wants to control them, but because she wants them as close as possible; because she wants more of what she’s feeling and she’s going to get it.
She’ll delight in small acts of exhibitionism (lifting her skirt in public to her lover, quickly, for example). Brag about the one she loves in matter-of-fact way. And want to explore new things with them day after day.
Kensei Muguruma
As he’s fond of saying, he won’t be mature enough to hold back his feelings. But he always won’t lay it all out from the start. He’ll test the waters he’s comfortable with before he dives into saying “I love you”. He’ll get more intimate sexually, be more concerned with their health and day to day routine, before he starts to admit that he wants to fall asleep and wake up to them. And only them.
Outwardly, it might seem like he treats the person he loves in a more strict manner, but he really just being loud and proud in his own way. He might bark out annoyance at the person he loves for being late, but he’s really broadcasting that he gives a shit they’re late in the first place. And the lingering hug he gives makes it clear.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya
Although he’s always acted mature and is older, he is definitely childish in love. He’s scared to admit his feelings, but tries to (in his mind) subtly let the person he loves know that they’re cherished. Truly, he’s not as sneaky as he thinks; he’s possessive enough that everyone gets the message that the person he loves is important to him.
He is finicky at first and goes back and forth on if he should or shouldn’t pursue the person he loves, but he ends up admitting his feelings before he can push them away. He’s pretty smug about being with his lover and will feel secure because he feels more grown up for being in the relationship.
Kenpachi Zaraki
He’ll be a bit surprised. He didn’t know he had such depth to him, because he finds contentment in surface level stuff (fighting, napping, and sake). But he’s all for it. He’s a force that will not be deterred and to other people he’ll seem obsessive. Because he sort of will be. It’s a rush, like crossing blades, but different, and the person he loves is the only one that can give it to him.
He’ll be possessive in public, always having a hand on them or carrying them around, because he wants every eye that looks at his lover to know very well that they’re HIS. He’ll be paranoid about if he can really trust the person he loves at first, but once their loyalty is clear, he’ll feel less on edge. The person he loves will be privy to gentle naps on grassy knolls after an insane about of sex.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
His love is very rare to appear, so out of anyone, he’ll spend the most time ruminating on it. He’ll slap down a thesis and make sure through self-experimentation that he isn’t just very curious about them or falling victim to the human weakness of loneliness. He wants certainty. And even then, he’ll be elusive and slow to act in a way that anyone would recognize as love.
He’ll show his affections by wanting them near him, always, but in a work environment. He’ll want them to improve and be their best, but by reprimanding and insulting them to greatness. He’ll want to possess them, so he’ll put a tracker on them and maybe even a self destructing bomb so if he can’t have them no one can. His love is hard to understand and his intimacy will burn slow like a frustrating Victorian novel times one hundred.
Rukia Kuchiki
She tries to smother her feelings as soon as they pop into existence. She views letting someone see all the tender parts of her heart as one of the scariest things that could ever happen. Nonetheless, she can’t help but feel giddy about her discovery and will vent out her feelings with lots of cute bunny drawings and blushes that refuse to leave her face.
If she admits her feelings depends on the person she feels them for. If they can’t kick her hard shell open and be earnest then she’ll probably dance around her feelings until they bow out and move on to the next partner. She’s slow to melt, but once she does, they have one of the most genuine, goofy gals in the entire Soul Society at their side for life.
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silver--storms · 5 years
The Only Opinion That Matters.
This was a request from the lovely @mountainofthesunn
“Can i request the boys meeting your best friend for the first time? They know her opinion is valued the most. Like how they react to the whole situation, i guess lol. For the HC/blurb stuff”
Is this a Head cannon? A Blurb? An Imagine? Who knows, but I hope this is close to what you had in mind, love! 
This was a blast to write, I tried to make them all start and end the same way to give a good comparison.
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When you told Jake you thought it was time for him to meet your best friend, expressing how important her opinion is, you watched the color fade from his face.
He spent the week before practically interrogating you for little details about her, from music to movies, anything he could find to use as talking points when they met, he wanted to know. 
The day of, Jake fusses over what he’s going to wear, he thinks it’s important for how he’s perceived. He said “Something nice but not trying too hard. Subtle.”
Jake insists on leaving early, giving him the advantage of settling in at the restaurant before she arrives, taking in his surroundings. The three of you had decided on Mexican for dinner. 
Jake plays with his lip and is quiet the whole drive over to the restaurant. When you ask what’s wrong, he grabs your hand and says he hopes he passes the test because he knows how important this is to you. You laugh at him, assuring him it’s not a test.
Jake views everything as a test or a challenge, this was no different. You couldn’t convince him otherwise even if you tried.
Upon meeting her, Jake goes for a tight hug instead of a handshake, being his usual warm self. 
Jake sits back and let’s you two catch up before jumping into the conversation, observing the way you two communicate.
He asks her plenty of questions, intently listening to each answer she gives him, at this point so enthralled he probably forgot you were sitting there next to him.
At the end of dinner Jake’s charm has completely won your best friend over, she gave you a knowing look and nod of approval. 
On the ride home, you looked over at Jake who was beaming, you chuckled “I’m assuming you think you passed the test?” Jake looked over at you with a worried look, “Did I not?” you smiled at him, “With flying colors, babe.”
Jake smirked, grabbing your hand and kissed it “Good.”
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Sammy surprised you with having a few days off between shows, you were ecstatic he was visiting you, but you remembered you have plans this weekend to have dinner with your best friend.
You were nervous to ask Sammy if he wanted to meet her, not knowing if it was too soon, but Sammy was all about it. He said it was way overdue and perfect timing.
Sammy had known a little bit about her, overhearing some of your phone calls in the past, but didn’t want you to fill him in on anything beforehand. 
Sammy said he wanted it to be as authentic as possible. 
He suggested you all go out for pizza on Friday night, keep it casual. 
He wore his favorite blue flannel, black jeans and his hair up in an adorable messy bun, his signature look. 
Sammy insisted he wasn’t nervous or worried about it at all. He said he was excited more than anything. 
He was cool, calm and collected all the way up until you all sat down together. 
You could tell he was nervous by the way he kept playing with his hair while your best friend drilled him with questions about himself. He answered them the best he could, being put on the spot was not his forte, looking to you at times for your input. 
Sammy absentmindedly played with his pinky ring, another nervous habit he had, completely locked into the conversation.
Of course Sammy just had to bring up who has the best pizza debate, being from the Midwest he said Chicago, your best friend arguing LA and you caught in the middle. 
Feeling forced to pick sides, you threw your hands up “Look, this is between the two of you, leave me out of it!” the two of them laughing at how distressed you got. 
Sammy playfully nudging your arm “Hey, you wanted us to meet, this is what you get!” both of them laughing at you.
At the end of dinner Sammy paid the bill, saying it’s the least he could do as a ‘thank you’ for keeping you out of trouble when he’s away on tour. You scoffed at him and rolled your eyes at the two of them.
You and Sammy walked her to her car and said good night. 
Driving back to your apartment Sammy told you how much he liked her and was glad you had someone so down to earth around you, especially with you living in LA.
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Josh brought up meeting your best friend before you even had the chance to. He knew it was her birthday this weekend and even though he only had a couple of days with you, he wanted you to spend time with her. 
Josh was so excited to meet her, you two had been friends since kindergarten, he knew she was the most important person in your life. 
You made reservations at her favorite steakhouse for the three of you. You texted Josh to wear something nice and to be ready by 7:00pm.
When you went to pick Josh up he had a silly smile on his face and one of his hands behind his back, hiding something.
He was wearing all white, with polka dots on his shirt and brown shoes. He looked nice when he dressed down from his usual flamboyant self. 
Josh got into the car revealing a small box gift wrapped with a tiny bow on it. You smiled at him, “You’re cute.” he smirked, “You can’t go to a birthday party without a gift, that’s just rude.” 
 “Josh, it’s just dinner, but you’re sweet.” you teased,  but his thoughtfulness made your hear flutter.
You asked what he got her to which he replied “You’ll just have to wait and see.” with a mischievous grin. 
Arriving at the restaurant Josh immediately pulled her into a big hug “It’s great to finally meet you!” 
Your heart fluttered at the interaction between the two of them, “Perfect” you thought to yourself, your two favorite people in the same room. 
You got seated and Josh handed over his present, watching excitedly as she opened it.
He got her a small gold necklace with an owl pendant, her favorite. She loved it and thanked him. 
You turned to him slightly, totally shocked at how he knew she was obsessed with owls. He returned your look of confusion with a wink and a hand squeeze under the table. 
Josh ordered a fancy bottle of wine for the three of you, declaring loudly “You only turn 25 once, we’re going to make it special.” he chuckled, “Happy Birthday.”
You swooned over the gesture and how easy they were able to vibe together. 
You were very impressed with how Josh held himself. You had never seen him so calm and laid back as he was tonight. 
You could tell he was trying really hard to make a good first impression.
The night came to an end and on the drive back Josh wouldn’t stop dissecting the night.
“I’m so glad she liked my gift, I was so nervous.” he admitted shyly “She’s a very chill person, I liked her a lot.” you kissed his cheek as he payed attention to the road “I’m happy to hear it. You did great babe, thanks for doing this.”  
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Danny had been bothering you for a few weeks now, asking when you’d get to meet your best friend. 
You finally found time in all three of your schedules to get together for an hour or two.
It was Danny’s idea to get together for coffee, wanting to keep it low-key.
Danny chose to wear his go to comfy sweater, dark jeans and his hair half up, half down.
Danny treated the three of you to coffee, all sitting down around a tiny table next to a window.
Danny wasted no time with small talk, asking your best friend about her interests and what she was studying in college. Why she chose that major and how she is liking it so far.
He didn’t seem nervous at all, engaging in conversation with a sense of excitement. 
He made a genuine effort to get to know her as much as possible, he knew how close the two of you were and who is important to you is important to him.
Danny and her were both well traveled, talking about all their favorite spots they’ve visited and what countries were still on their bucket lists.
You watched Danny as he so effortlessly connected with her. You had never had a boyfriend try so hard to get to know the people you loved, it was so endearing. 
Half way through the conversation Danny offered to grab everyone refills, like the gentleman he is, as he got up and left the table your best friend gave you a telling look.
You got nervous, she had been known to not like a lot of your boyfriends in the past, all of them she’s been right about. Danny knew this, her approval was the only one that mattered.
She leaned in close to you “If you don’t marry him, I will. He is phenomenal, the sweetest man ever. “ you laughed as she continued, “No, seriously, it’s been like what, an hour and he’s easily my favorite boyfriend you’ve ever had. I more than approve!” you smiled at her, glancing over your shoulder, watching as he struggled to carry all three mugs back to the table with a big goofy smile as you two locked eyes.
Turning your attention back to your friend “Yeah, he’s pretty great, isn’t he?” you beamed. 
On the car ride home Danny asked “So, how did I do? Did I get her blessing?” you giggled at how formal he was being, “Yes, she loved you” you smirked “But who doesn’t love you?”
As always let me know what you think! :)
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cheneyq · 5 years
Fat Girl Worries Part Eleven
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Pairing : Original Character x Harry Styles
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven
Skylar’s P.O.V
I groan when I stand up, the space between my legs aching. I remember everything that happen yesterday and my core throbs. I shuffle to the bathroom and close the door, looking at myself in the mirror as I quickly comb through my hair and then brush my teeth. I washed my face and dried it.
Leaving the bathroom I bumped into Harry, he smiles a goofy smile and pulled his hand through his hair. "Good morning." he mumbles, leaning down to plop a big kiss on my mouth.
I laugh and push him away, "Morning breath." I say and scrunch my nose up. "Who cares." He says with the same smile, "I do." I laugh and place my hand on his chest, holding him away from me. "But I want to kiss you." he whines, sticking out his bottom lip.
My eyes travel down to his lip and I smile, he slowly leans in, taking advantage of my hazed state. His lips press to mine firmly and I kiss him back, hands traveling up his chest to go into his hair and he groans. I smile and pull his head away from me, grabbing onto the roots and his eyes are closed as he groans again. He definitely likes getting his hair pulled.
My eyes roam over his naked torso and my core clenches, clit throbbing once again. I pull harder so his head tilts up as I stand on my tip toes to lick up his neck, kissing his jawline. I kiss down again and softly bite his collarbone. His groan is loud and I shush him.
"Do you want us to get caught?" I ask and push him into the bathroom, quickly following. "I don't give a fuck who sees us." I laugh as he turns me around and bends me over the sink quickly, I try to keep in my moan as his hand moves over my ass, then between my legs, he push my pj shorts to the side and groans.
"No underwear?" He questions, finger sliding through my fold, "You're already so fucking wet, and I haven't even really touched you yet." His voice is deep and husky.
He reach around and cups my mouth and slams into me, my body moving forward. I bite the inside of my cheek when he continues slamming into me, his paste fast, breathing shallow.
I clench around him, loving the feeling of him inside me, his paste fastens and I keep clenching, milking him. "Fuck, Sky, stop doing that." he moans into my ear when he bends over me. I smile and clench harder. He stops for a second, dick deep inside of me as he concentrates on not coming.
He changes his angle a little and starts moving again, dick hitting my g-spot. His other hand moves around and starts circling my clit. I bite his finger still covering my mouth as he moves faster. I come quickly, but I don't let go all the way, not wanting to squirt and soak us both. Harry pulls out of me and comes into his hand. I move to the toilet and pull my pants down and clean myself up. Harry is still breathing hard, coming down from his high. I move to him and wash my hands, smiling up at him and kissing his cheek while he leans against the counter.
"We should do this every morning." he says and I laugh as I quickly leave the bathroom and head to my room, getting dressed. Someone knocks on my door and I open it, my mom smiles at me. "Good morning sweetheart, I have a surprise for you." I smile and frown at the same time.
"What is it?" I ask immediately, my mom laughs. "If I tell you it won't be a surprise." she says, "Come on, its outside." I follow behind her, we move past Harry as he leaves the bathroom. I smile at him then move down the stairs.
I gasp when I get outside, my car is here. "How?" I question, looking at my mom with a frown, she just smiles and point at someone who jumps out from behind the car. "Ashton!" I yell and start running, jumping into his arm. Ashton laughs and holds me tightly in his strong, tall frame.
"Oh my God." I mumble into his neck, he laughs again, rumbling through his chest. I pull away and grab his face, "You've changed!" I yell and he laughs. I press my face to his, just breathing him in and pulled away again.
I frown when I look at him, "Why are you crying?" he laughs again, "I'm not, its your tears." I didn't even realize I was crying. He moves forward and kiss my cheeks before he puts me down. Something behind him moves and my eyes widens when I see Xander, my ex. "Oh yeah, he's here too." Ashton mumbles, barely looking at Xander before he turns to go say hi to my mom, I turn and see she's crying as well.
"Hi." Xander says, standing there with his hands in his pockets. "What are you doing here?" I asked, confused. "Thought I'd come say hello, see the new place." he steps forward and leans into me, planting a kiss on my lips, I was shocked. I pushed him away softly, laughing awkwardly.
"Uhh, what are you doing?" I questioned. "Saying hi." He smiles, his scent taking over my senses. That adorable smile I fell in love with, his hazel eyes staring into my soul. "We broke up though." I turned around to see Harry leaning against the door frame, his face like stone as he stares at me, watching the awkward interchange. I turn and smile awkwardly.
"I know, but I was hoping we could talk about that?" that smile, the same smile that made my knees go weak, one I fell in love with. "Talk about what?" I ask, voice soft. "Maybe talk about the long distance thing?" he reached over and tuck my hair behind my ear, hand staying on my face.
"I've missed you so much." he whisper and leans in, both hands on my face now as he kiss me. I kiss him back for a second before pulling away. "We can talk about that later?" I walk backwards and away from him, turning and heading towards the house, I look at Harry, his face stoic. His eyes lock with mine and I lose my breath for a second.
"Let's go eat." I say to Ashton. "Great, I'm starving." he says and hangs his arm over my shoulder. Everybody is in the kitchen, moms chatting away happily, everyone talk except Harry and I. We share looks, I wiggle my eyebrows and walk upstairs. Ten minutes later Harry comes up as well. We have twenty minutes left before we have to leave for school.
He enters my room and close the door leaning against it, not saying anything while staring at me.
"What?" I ask finally, his face still like stone, arms crossed over his white shirt. "So you're going to just let me fuck your brains out while you have a boyfriend back home?" He asks. I frown and walk over to him. "He's not my boyfriend." I say. "Well then why the fuck are you kissing him like he is?" He snaps, getting in my face. I frown, "What's going on with you?" I ask, reaching for his face but he pulls away, I drop my hand.
"What the fuck?" I frown. "I'm sorry okay, I don't know why he's here, I didn't know he was coming, he tried to kiss me and I pushed him away." Harry scoffed, "That was hardly a push, you didn't even try to hide the fact that you enjoyed it." he looked disgusted. "Fuck me and ten minutes later kiss someone else? Behaving like a fucking whore." his voice was low and eyes dark.
"Don't say that." I say and look away from him. "What, that you're a whore?" he says right in my face. I close my eyes and turn my head back to him. His eyes travel down my face and stops on my lips. I raise and eyebrow.
"Well you're really shitty at hiding the fact that you want to kiss this whore." I spat back. "I don't want to kiss you." He says, "Not after he did." I move even closer to him, face an inch from his, his hot breath fanning over my face. "You sure about that?" I ask, I can see his pupils dilate, the way I effect him. "Disgusted, that's what I am, I don't ever want to touch you again."
I don't know why his words even hurt me the way it did. I step back. "You're over reacting Harry, It was a peck." I move around him and stop. "Next time your dick bothers you, find someone else to fuck, because this, whatever was going on, is over." I surprise myself at how cold my voice sounds. Harry clenches his fists to his side and I move to open my door, Ashton almost tumbling on top of me, probably standing by the door eavesdropping.
Ashton turns bright red when Harry and I both stare at him, "Oh, hi, I was just up here uh, " He looks around "Searching for the bathroom." He looks behind him and laughs loudly, "Oh! Silly me, there it is." he points and then starts backtracking, "I'll, just like, be in here, yeah." he closes the door and I cringe at his awkwardness.
I go downstairs and smile at my mom and Xander sitting and talking. "Well I'm heading to school, have fun today." I smile at Xander. "Yes I have to leave for work too." My mom smiles. Xander get's a look in his eyes, I know that look, that's mischief.
"Let me sneak into your school with you, see what it's like." I laugh at his silly suggestion, "No, we're going to get caught." I say, grabbing my bag. "Come on." He smiles, and then gives me the puppy dog eyes, reaching for my hand. I smile and shake my head, "No, sorry mister, you'll just have to stay here and relax, get some sleep and all of us can go do something later on." He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer, I shrieked and swatted his arms and he laughs. He hugged me to him like he always use to, resting his head on my stomach. My hand automatically went to his hair, without me realizing it I was playing with his hair.
"I'm leaving." Harry says and walks past us, he looks pissed. "Uh yeah, I have to go as well." I say and pull away from Xander. "Keys please." I say to Ashton, holding my hand out. "I was thinking I could drop you off and pick you up later?" He smiles, "So you can use my car, right?" I question and he laughs, "Exactly." his smile almost wraps around his face.
The drive to school is quiet, me chilling in the passenger side, switching through songs. "So." Ashton starts and I glare at him, "Don't, I don't want to talk about it." He looks at me surprised and then back at the road. "How did you know what I was going to say?" I laugh. "Because you've been my best friend for years, I know how your twisted mind works. Turn left here." He turns. "Well, I accidentally overheard some argument words." I roll my eyes. "Accidentally." I air quote. He laughs, "SO, you fucked your step brother?" He asks, I groan. "Yes." I admit, even though I know he already knows. "You little slut." He says excitedly. "Oh my God, how was it?" I blush at his choice of words, even though I know he does not mean it. "Really fucking good." I admit, groaning again, "Did he at least do it good?"
"Better than Xander." I admitted. Ashton had a big grin on his face, "Finally, someone who is going to distract you from Xander so you can move on from him." I glare at him as we pull up to my school. "You want me to forget about him but you bring him here with you." he rolls his eyes. "I had to, he's paying for the flight tickets back." I laugh. "And my mom wouldn't let me drive down alone so I had to bring him with." I laugh again, finding it funny that his mom is forcing him to bring his cousin with him.
I look around and see Harry sitting at the same table as yesterday, Cindi standing between his legs, arms wrapped around his neck, a pain shoots through my chest and I look away. "Earth to Skylar, what's wrong." I look into his eyes and look away, he follows my gaze to where Harry is sitting. "He told me they broke up, like he called her in front of me and broke up with her." my eyes water. "You know how I feel about cheating, I don't want to be the other girl." Ashton grabs my thigh and squeeze it. "Fuck him." he says. "Want to make a scene? I'll totally help you fight them." I laugh and stare up at him. "We're not going to fight anyone right now." I laugh and he looks disappointed. "But I can use a hug." his smile returns and he leans over, plants a kiss on my cheek and hugs me to him tightly. "I love you, loser." he says, "I love you too, loser." I get out, "Have a great day, sweetie!" He yells as he pulls away.
The day starts okay, nobody bothering me. It's lunch time and I walk into the cafeteria, I spot Louis and some other people sitting with him, I smile and move over. "Okay if I sit here?" I ask and he smiles, "Of course, guys this is Skylar." he says and introduces me to the other people at the table. "Hey." the guy to my right says, he has a cute smile and soft brown eyes. "I'm Zak." he reaches his hand over for me to shake, I take it, smiling back. "Skylar, but you can call me Sky." he smiles and look down, grabbing a fry and popping it into his mouth. He was really cute. 'Are there just cute guys in this school?' I think to myself. I hear Zak chuckle and he looks at me, "What?" I ask, frowning at him. "Not all the guys here are cute, and I prefer the term 'Handsome' to cute anyways." I can feel my face heat up and I grimace, covering my face. "Yes, you said that out loud." He laughed, and I laughed with him.
"You're new, right?"he asked, his smile warm while he continued to eat his fries. "Yes, moved here from Philadelphia." his eyebrows raised, "Wow, that's impressive, I love Philadelphia." I smiled. "You've been there?" I ask, "Yes, my dad use to live in center city." I nod, "Which part?" He looked like he was thinking, "Either Walnut or Chestnut street, something nut." I laughed, "I use to live on Christian street, not far from Chestnut or Walnut."
His eyes lit up, "I use to love to go to Rittenhouse Square, just chill on one of the benches or sit at the goat statue." I laugh, "Oh my God, I loved sitting with Billy." My heart swells and it feels like I'm going to cry. Zak's eyes soften when he looks at me. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to make you emotional." I shake my head, "It's okay, I just miss home a lot." he nods, understanding.
There's a loud choir of laughs coming from one spot of the caf and I turn to see who's being so loud. "Of course." I mumble.
Zak turns and look as well. Harry is sitting on the table again, what's with him and sitting on tables? Cindi and Morgan are laughing their asses off at something Niall had said. There's a whole flock of people around them. "You know them?" Zak asked, "Unfortunately." I mumble and he laughs. Harry's eyes move towards us, like he knew exactly where I would be. We stare for a few seconds before I look away.
"Wow that was intense." Zak said, looking at me surprised. "The tension." He adds and I laugh, "I just can't tell if it is sexual or murderous." I shove his shoulder and he laughs. I turn back and see Harry walking this way, heading outside, discreetly showing me to follow him.
I chat with Zak for a few more minutes, going over the facts that say I shouldn't follow him, because fuck him, but I want to know what he has to say. I push my chair out, "I need some air." Zak smiles, "Want me to join you?" I shake my head, "No, just need to clear my head for a second, but I'll see you later." He nods, "Yea we have gym together." I smile and say goodbye, following out the same door Harry left out of.
"Sky." I stopped and looked around me. Where is he. I hear a chuckle to my left, between the two buildings and I spot his mop hair. "What do you want, Harry." His hands grab at my hips and pulls me to him, turning my body so he has me trapped between the wall and his chest. His lips are soft as he kiss me softly. I turn my face away from his and he sighs, leaning his forehead on my shoulder.
"I don't want to kiss you right now, Harry." He looks up, hair falling out of his man bun and into his face. "I'm sorry for being an asshole this morning." he leans in and kiss my cheek, I pull away again. "Harry, I said this is over." He takes a step back, "Why?" He looks so hurt, I just want to reach out and touch him. "Because Harry, you're still with Cindi and I'm not okay with that." His chest raises and falls, sighing heavily. "This morning she told me we should stay together until after prom, she wants the crown." I try not to laugh, "And you? Do you want the crown?" He shakes his head.
"Then you're not doing this for her, for prom, you're sticking with her because she's hot and good for your reputation here at school. You're not doing this for anyone but yourself." He looks away, jaw clenching. "You're great in bed, really you are, but it's not worth it if you're not gonna be committed to only fucking me-" He frowns, "Who said I only wanted to fuck you?" He looked away, "You're talking about commitment like you're thinking we were going to date."
I laugh, which causes him to frown again, confused. "That's hilarious." I mumble, "What?" He asks, "You thinking that I would want to date you." The words came out with the intention of wanting to hurt him, before he could say anything else to hurt me. "You couldn't handle me, Harry. You're Not ready to get into something real, like yeah you're an amazing fuck, but not boyfriend material, at all." His face is emotionless but his eyes say everything. I step forward and place my hand on his chest, snaking it up and onto his neck. I pull his face down to mine and kiss him, really kiss him, pouring everything into it, all the emotions I'm feeling right now. And he's kissing me back, pushing me back and against the wall, hard, I gasp and his tongue slips into my mouth, deepening the kiss. All the emotions make me want to cry, I don't know why.
Of course he's boyfriend material, he's probably wonderful if he doesn't have to hide his girlfriend away.
The bell rings and we pull apart. "See you later." I mumble, pushing past him, he grabs my hand, pulling me back to him, his lips lands on me once more, it's sweet and soft. I moan when his tongue slides over my bottom lip.
It's so nice, but I pull away, "I'm sorry, but I'll see you later." He lets go of me and watch me walk away, eyes showing just how hurt he really was, but I didn't see it.
I slip into the changing room and quickly get dressed, moving out and into the gym. I'm the first one here as I head towards the bleachers.
"How's your face?" Someone asks and I smile when I see Mr Payne. "Better, thanks." I say. He laughs and looks towards the doors, it's still just us. "I made her run for fifteen more minutes yesterday." he says with a sly grin, he's officially my favorite teacher now. I laugh thinking about her complaining about having to run.
"What are we doing today?" I ask, nervous for gym class. "Pair work, gonna do some easy exercises. You have anyone to do it with?" I think of Harry first, but I shake my head. "I don't know." He places his hands on his hips and thinks. "Well if you need someone, I can step in." my face blushes bright red. "Won't that be inappropriate?" I ask. He frowns, "I don't think so, can't let you do pair work alone." I nod and look away, the door on the boys side open, some guys walking out. A tall one waves at me and for a second I forgot that I met him earlier.
Zak and a few guys walks over, he plops down next to me and leans back, smiling at me. "How was the rest of your day?" He asks, the other guys with him are standing with Mr Payne, talking about football.
I lean back as well, "It was fine, I just want this day to end." I say, the door opening and Cindi and Morgan walking out, Morgan looks at me and then looks at the ground like she's ashamed. I frown, weird. Slowly everyone starts piling in and Harry comes in, walking with Zayn and Niall on both his sides, a guy who I think is Jason, is walking backwards while talking to them.
"How was your breath of fresh air?" Zak asks right by my ear and I jump, forgetting he was there. "You scared me." I say with my hand over my chest. His face was still close to mine and he smiled, "So, how was it?" I blush, "I don't know what you're talking about." I say and look away. His breath hits the side of my face when he chuckles.
"So you're telling me there's nothing going on between you and Harry?" I don't think my face can get any redder. "So if I put my arm around your shoulder right now, Harry won't react at all?" He questions and I turn to look at him. "Nope, won't react at all." I say, hoping to God that Harry won't show anything, even look at me after what happened earlier, but when Zak places his arm around my shoulder, hand dangling down the front, Harry's eyes zone in on it. Face turning a little red and stone cold, his whole body stiffens as he stares.
He's reacting, definitely reacting.
Zak leans in, "Definitely reacting, now tell me that's not a face of jealousy." Harry finally stops staring when Cindi throws her arms around his shoulders and kisses him, he closes his eyes and his arms snakes around her waist, one hand landing on her ass and he squeezes.
White hot jealousy rushed through my body as I watched him put on a show for me. His eyes opened while they were kissing and landed on me, I couldn't look away, not even when his tongue slipped out and into her mouth, not even when he bit down on her lip and pulled on it, I couldn't look away.
"Skylar." Zak said and I finally turned away, when my face moved a single tear rolled down my cheek, I tried to quickly hide it but Zak has already seen it. "Don't." he said, frowning, "Harry is not worth it." His hand still on my shoulder, now squeezing softly.
"Wanna hurt him back?" he asked, I stared into his eyes and nodded, "Kiss me." He said softly. He was being serious, "No." I say softly, looking away. I'm not kissing anyone else today. The whistle rings through the gym,
"If you guys are done, can we please start." Mr Payne's voice boomed through the gym, Harry pulling away from Cindi, making a show of adjusting his pants and I roll my eyes. Cindi smiles and wipes her lips with her thumb.
"Next time then." Zak says, I turn to him frowning. "Next time what?" He smiles, "I'll kiss you." I laugh and stand up, listening as Mr Payne describes what we'll do today. "So split up into partners of two." I miss the way Harry turns his head to look at me, I smile as Zak takes my hand and leads me away from the group so that we can start.
The forty five minutes go by fast, and I'm actually having fun with Zak, messing around and not doing the things Mr Payne tells us to do. I was laughing loudly at Zak when he attempts to do a burpee, almost falling on his face.
When we leave the gym Zak is walking next to me, joking about something he saw on Youtube, he was a great guy so far. "So, let me get your number so I can text you later." he says, smiling sweetly. "718 577 8555." I say, smiling when he pulls his phone out quickly, almost dropping it and asking me to say it again. I repeat the number and he dials it.
I laugh when I pull my phone out and answer it, "I didn't give you a fake number, Zak." He laughs as he ends the call and quickly save my number. "I was just testing it." I hear someone hooting at and I turn to see Ashton waving his arms at me, pointing at his wrist and then tapping it.
"Boyfriend?" Zak asks and I shake my head, "Best friend." I say and laugh when he hoots again, "I'll see you later." I go on my tip toes and hug him around the neck, he hugs me back tightly and I move to go to the car. "I'll call you later." Zak says and I smile, getting into the car.
"Who's that?" Ashton asks. "His name is Zak, his name rhymes with snack, and that is exactly what he is." I say and Ashton laughs as he pulls away, "What happened to Harry?" I roll my eyes. "That's so over." Ashton laughs again, "Yeah, whatever, we'll see about that."
Some Comment would be nice. <3
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Fjorester — episode 51
Okay so for a Valentine’s episode we didn’t get quite as much romance as I was hoping but in retrospect, we had a ton of cute little moments???
Like this ship is nothing if not constant in its delivery of wonderful little bits of growth and development and this week was no exception
So here are some of the gems we got this week:
Cad: How’s everyone else doing?
Jester: How are you, Fjord? You got hit too, didn’t you?
Fjord: Yeah, I thought I got bit by a cow, actually.
Jester: Oh, that’s right.
Fjord: I could use a little lovin’
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Followed by Jester quickly searching her spells
And then Cad —bless him— cockblocks Fjord with his player of healing
And Jester is all “oh yeah great :)”
But Fjord looks clearly annoyed and grumbles about how she did spend a spell on Nott
Listen this boy is trying and she’s not making it any easier for him after the whole pirate thing and I am hERE for it
Fjord and Jester’s banter regarding the sending spell.
F: “Jester, remember, you can cut it short, you don’t have to say all 25 words.”
J: “I think you have to use all the word otherwise the spell doesn’t work.”
N: “She is a magic user.”
J: “Yes, I know these things.”
F: “Not the only one, I’m talking-”
J: “Do you cast sending? Did you want to send a message to Yezza?”
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F: “Yeah, I’ll do it.”
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J: “Can you do it?!”
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F: “Yeah, you want me to do it?”
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J: “Yeah, do it.”
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F: “Okay. Yezza, cough for the number of people that are around you, you can reply to this message... Nobody’s there.”
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J: “...”
J: “You’re a dick.”
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F: “What?”
J: “I don’t believe him. I’m gonna cast sending.”
Now listen I love this for a number of reasons that I need to yell about for a quick second okay?
Firstly? I’m gonna be distracted for a second to reiterate that Fjord refusing to call Jester by any kinda nickname other than her full name still kills me to this day
Secondly? He’s goofing around with her. They are both in on the joke. Laura’s said before that Jester knows full well when she’s fucking with people and when people are fucking with her, but that she loves the game of just saying yes and going along.
Thirdly? Look at his face, the goofiness, and her smile while he’s doing it... Fjord’s noticed Jester being more quiet than usual (as pointed out by Travis during Talks) and here he’s making an effort to make her laugh.
Fourth and foremost tho? This kinda fucking with each other is the kind that only happens when you’re comfortable with people, where you’ve got a level of trust where you can be a little abrasive in your humor without fear of being judged wrongly for it. Like, that’s a huge deal with someone like Fjord who’s spent most of his life trying to fit in, to be the perfectly nice and charming gentleman that no one will believe is evil because of his blood, he works so hard to maintain that image of perfection, that for him to be able to joke around and Jester calls him a dick and he knows she doesn’t mean it, it’s wonderful and I love it okay?
Okay okay okay I’m moving on
Fjord: "right so we just go into the darkness, rid them of, you know, that spell and we'll be lickity split out of there no problem
Jester: but we are not going to the Garrison, we are going to rescue Yezza
Fjord: i’m... being sarcastic, Jester
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Followed by the cutest face journeys ever
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It should be illegal to be this cute
I know Fjord technically wasn’t around when Jester went down but the terror on Travis’s face was enough to feed my angst-loving heart for months
Also, since we kinda skipped the whole thing with Cad healing her, we are all free to fill that in with all our angst versions of the scene
It’s free real state.jpg
When they are talking about trying to control the Roc
F: Yeah, but if I fail I get ripped into pieces
J: We would definitely protect you, Fjord.
F: uh?
J: We would protect you.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It’s fine. I’m not emotional. I’m totally not crying over this being a cute little callback to her promise to heal him if he starts to hurt. Nope.
Jester immediately reassuring Fjord about how cool and special his power is when Nott starts poking fun of him because she knows he’s a little insecure about it and wants to lift him up.
Jester brings it up and it’s something that could entirely be played for laughs, the rest of the party quickly moves on to another topic regarding their next steps of the plan but then, unpromptedly, Fjord brings it up again.
F: Jester, what do you need to complete this tattoo?
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N: what are you gonna do?
J: Captain Tusktooth
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J: I gotta make a trail, wherever we go
J: Fjord, can I look at your tusks
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F: What?
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J: Can I look at your mouth?
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F: what are you-? N-no...
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J: I pull his lip down.
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J: Are they pointy or are they still filed?
F: They are doing their thing...
Matt: They are starting to grow.
J: I’m gonna do one of them a normal tusk and then the other tusk is like a little-pointed tusk on this guy.
F: ...thanks.
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J: Yeah.
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I looooove this interaction okay??
Firstly, Fjord’s panic is always wonderful. He’s clearly so awkward about having her so close, touching his mouth, looking attentively... it’s such a nice thing and even if he’s clearly self-conscious about it, it says a lot that he doesn’t push back
Secondly, it’s a nice excuse for Jester to check on his tusks progression since she promised to keep an eye on him to make sure he didn’t nervously chip at them anymore
Thirdly, we know that Fjord’s tusks and overall orcish blood have always been a source of insecurity for him, something he considers monstrous and ugly, so for someone to react positively to them, to celebrate that side of him, must be such a wild experience to him.
Fourth and foremost, though, I love how this connected to the tattoo. Because Jester didn’t have to keep the Tusktooth mark as a brand. It’s a dumb name he picked in a moment of panic, something that belongs to their time at sea, to a life of pirates and ships and dark magic... and yet, she keeps it and brings it along with her to the mainland. Jester could be spreading the name of the Traveler, as she’s supposed to, or of the Mighty Nein, to further their fame... but instead she’s picking him. And by checking his tusks and adapting the design to fit their growth, she’s showing that the tattoo is about him, rather than an inside joke. That it’s supposed to reflect him, specifically. Idk why but that really touched me. That was saying, this isn’t some silly name or a mask, it’s about you and how powerful and cool and famous I know you will be someday, and I’ll be here to support you for it.
Actually, thinking about it, I think it mirrors Jester’s form of worship for the Traveler in a lot of ways: spreading their name, leaving their mark, telling people how cool they are... it’s interesting and I wonder if it will ever create any friction between him and her deity when the time comes for them to meet or for Jester to make a hard choice between them.
Anyway, I got a little side-tracked, but that’s all we got. 
Did I miss anything?
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sadienita · 6 years
Boyfriend Seventeen
From the moment you met he was intrigued by you
Something about you caught his attention
He found his thoughts drifting back to you all the time
So whenever he was around he made a point to talk to you
He came across as very self-assured
A little quiet but pretty sure of himself
Though maybe if you weren’t so nervous yourself you would have noticed that he was also a little shaky
You two start to become friends and he realizes that the nerves are in fact feelings for you
It takes another week or two of Seventeen him hyping himself up before he has enough courage to confess
He’s nervous when he approaches your door holding the box of chocolates he got you way too tightly
He starts questioning whether you even like chocolate
Maybe he should just turn around
Almost doesn’t knock but he does
When you open the door he feels like he’s had the wind knocked out of him
How do you manage to look prettier every single time he sees you?
He manages to mumble out an awkward “I really like you and I think we should go out sometime.” Hoping that he sounds more confident than he is right now
You accept the chocolate and the date and he takes you out to a little cafe
You sit together in a quiet corner and his nerves start to ease as he chats with you
The conversation flows so well and time flies and soon he’s walking you home with the promise of a second date in the near future
You still go out for little dates
He likes taking you to cafes because the atmosphere is so chill and he doesn’t want dates to be stressful for either of you
He also occasionally takes you to the arcade
It’s always a lot of fun and it slowly gets more and more competitive the longer you’re there
You now have a running tally for who’s won the most games across all of your visits
He also likes staying in for video games dates
It also gets competitive but you’re still both laughing the whole time
He normally loses the games because he gets too distracted by you
He’ll tell you he’s just letting you win
But truthfully he thinks the faces you make when you play and the way you react to the games is cute and he ends up more focused on you than the game
He does eventually ask you to be his officially
You were both acting like it by the time the third date had gone by but he knows he should actually ask
He thinks a lot about how he wants to and it takes him a little longer to do so than he probably would have
But he does eventually decide to take you out to one of your favourite cafes and asking you there
He doesn’t want it too be too stressful but he does ask you seriously
It makes you a little flustered but you already saw yourself that way so you of course say yes
He still tries to be cool and calm around you
You get to see him laugh at times and be a little goofy
But he still wants to impress you
He really does want you to see him as cool and not a total dork
The Long Run
As time goes by he gets more comfortable being himself
It takes some of you showing him your dorkier side
But he opens up more and more over time
You get to see him be goofy and silly with you
He gets louder when you play video games together until you’re both yelling and laughing
He likes to give you surprise kisses only because they make you giggle and that makes him chuckle
Sometimes playing games is quiet though
While you sit between his legs on the floor with his arms around you as he helps you play the game
And just as you’re getting it he starts peppering your neck and shoulder with kisses to distract you
“Sorry princess, can’t have you beating my high score.”
For a while he knows that he feels something and it’s beyond really liking you
It takes him a while to place it as love
Both of you feel it but you’re both too nervous to say it first
He keeps telling himself you probably feel the same way right?
He’s nervous when he says he has something to tell you
He’s surprised when you have something to tell him too
Why you suggested saying them at the same time you’ll never know
But it leads the to cutest “I love you” at the same time ever that’s followed by smiles and sweet kisses
He misses you a lot while on tour
He doesn’t always say “I miss you” but he makes time to talk to you as much as he can
He sends you snaps of funny moments and anything he thinks you might like
He wishes he could stop you from feeling lonely while he’s gone
When he gets back he’s extra cuddly
He opens himself up emotionally too
It’s a slow process but as you build trust and love he tells you more and more
He’s always worried that’ll be too much to put on you
It never is
When he realizes he wants to propose at some point he also realizes the public should know you’re dating
The reaction wasn’t too crazy, there had already been dating rumors for years so most fans expected the news sooner or later
Wonwoo then starts planning his proposal
He puts a lot of thought into choosing the place and the ring
You’re so perfect for him he wants the moment to be perfect for you
The proposal is cozy and small and absolutely perfect
He cracks the biggest smile when you nod yes while he pulls you into a hug and wipes away your happy tears
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nadziejastar · 5 years
The organization members death were underwhelming. Your thoughts on their deaths???
Yeah, I have to agree. I take it you mean the Organization members in KH3. The True Organization was so underwhelming.
Master Xehanort—The game never properly explained his motivations, so I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about his death. He had a very abrupt “redemption” where he and Eraqus were all buddy-buddy again, which came out of nowhere. I had no idea what was even going on in his boss fight. What were those black-clad figures fighting with him? How did Sora know he needed to trap him using a portal? Nothing was explained. In theory I liked kid Xehanort’s reunion with kid Eraqus. But it didn’t have enough impact because there was nothing building up to it, other than a single scene of them playing chess.
Xemnas—I liked his final words before disappearing, but it felt like they came out of nowhere. There was no evidence Xemnas ever felt that way. Why was he so lonely? It seems like he was supposed to be seen as tragic, but again, there was nothing leading up to it. I felt like we got robbed. We never learned why he couldn’t use the Keyblade. Also I was very disappointed that we never saw Aqua or Ventus react when they learned that Terra was possessed and that his Heartless and Nobody were the ones that were causing all the chaos in the world.
Young Xehanort—This guy was super important to the plot. He was the one who was traveling through time recruiting everyone. Supposedly he was tracking people using the Recusant’s Sigil. He was tracking Sora in KH3D, and the Ultimania said he had his eye on Isa for a long time. Unsurprisingly Young Xehanort is the one who retrieved Isa in KH3D. But he didn’t feel all that important, really. His time travel ability was left mostly unexplained. His death was completely forgettable. We never even learned why he was the Mysterious Figure in BBS.
Ansem Seeker of Darkness—Again, another resolution that felt like it was supposed to have way more building up to it. Why did Riku say he’d miss him? That truly came out of nowhere and surprised me. At first I thought it was Nomura breaking the fourth wall. He said in an interview that he was sad that certain characters would never be appearing again, and he did really like Xehanort. But I did notice that ASoD’s characterization was strange in KH3. Perhaps Riku was meant to be referring to the Terra part of him. After all, the relationship between Xehanort and Terra, and how those two personalities were split was supposed to be important to the cancelled game. And Riku recognized Terra at the end of KH3D.
Vanitas—I got the impression that Vanitas was supposed to be a lot more important to the plot than he really was. He felt so useless in the grand scheme of things. I thought he’d have a lot more to do with Sora, too .Also, in KH3D, he didn’t have a physical form. Sora saw him with Young Xehanort, but he was simply reacting to Ventus’s heart. I think Vanitas was supposed to have a lot more plot involvement, like with Xemnas’s search for the Chamber of Waking. And after Ventus went back to Sora, maybe Vanitas could feel what Sora felt.
He was also Ven’s dark half, which should have been more significant. I always thought Ven would have to go through some kind of character development where he reintegrated Vanitas back into him at the end. But Vanitas just…disappeared. Also, the fact that he looked like Sora was not treated like it was a big deal. Sora was just like, “Oh that’s weird.” Kinda like Roxas and Ventus or Kairi and Xion. It was just…never commented on. I was amused by the fact that Vanitas didn’t suddenly do a 180 after he was defeated. But he still didn’t leave a significant impression on me in KH3.
Riku—When I first learned that Riku was a Seeker of Darkness, I thought it had the potential to create some awesome story moments. But his defeat was ridiculous. I expected Riku to have some kind of clash with his dark half, where he’d get character development confronting his inner weakness. In KH3D, there was a lot of hints that his struggle with the darkness was not over.
When I first played KH3D a long time ago, I was actually annoyed because I thought they were dragging out Riku’s struggle instead of just accepting he was a good guy. But I think I kinda see where they were going. Riku did need closure on what happened to him in KH1. Sadly, he didn’t get that. Instead, the boss battle with his dark self was treated as this weird Riku/Naminé shipping thing, which really caught me off guard. I had NO idea what was going on with the weird Spirit Riku. That just made no sense and I really wondered what the hell Nomura was smoking when he wrote those scenes. In hindsight, I just see it as a contrived excuse to bring Naminé back. But when I first played KH3, Riku Replica’s death really left me scratching my head.
Marluxia—I couldn’t really feel anything for Marluxia’s defeat because I had no idea why he was even there. He received almost no backstory. So even in KH3, to me he was little more than “the flower dude”. I was aware that he was in KHUX, but I had no idea that game was going to be so important when I played KH3. Silly me, I was under the impression that the HD remasters were made to give players everything they needed to prepare for KH3.
KHUX was included in the form of a movie. And I mistakenly thought that movie was created to give players all the info they needed from KHUX that was relevant in KH3. But that really wasn’t the case. Apparently, I was supposed to know all about who Strelitzia and Skuld were, which I did not. When speaking to the Nameless Star, I admit I didn’t have a clue who it was and I had a hard time caring, since they had absolutely nothing to do with THIS plot arc.
Larxene—Larxene was the same as Marluxia for me. She was little more than “the bitchy chick”. I was looking forward to learning more about her and Marluxia, but that didn’t happen. Apparently she was just tagging along with him? That’s why she was a Seeker of Darkness? I thought that was lame. I read on the wiki that she had a sister or something.
But you see, if those types of things were supposed to be relevant, why was none of it included in the HD collections? That was baffling. In KH CoM, Marluxia and Larxene wanted Sora so they could use the Keyblade for something. They both seemed pretty amoral. In KH3, they made Marluxia seem like Isa or something, where he lost his heart, was possessed the whole time, and needed to be saved. Then he would be absolved of all his sins. But unlike with Saïx, that was never really hinted at? I never got that sense from Marluxia.
Luxord—Again, why is this person here? How did he become a Seeker of Darkness? Who is he? What was his life as a human like? I had a really hard time caring about his boss fight because he felt like he was just included for nostalgia. Same with Marluxia and Larxene. They just needed a few familiar faces to fill out the ranks. I’m sure that there was originally supposed to be a good reason he was a Seeker of Darkness, but they obviously had no time to get into that. I like Luxord. I think he’s really cool and gentlemanly. But we still know nothing about him.
Xigbar—His “death” was also lame. The moment he jumped off the ledge was made to seem all dramatic and final. And you know, I would have really liked if it was left like that. Xigbar committing suicide truly was the perfect ending for him. But surprise! It was all revealed to be a ruse. Why did he have to pretend to kill himself? Wasn’t he supposed to be a Nobody? Why didn’t he vanish after his defeat like all the other Nobodies did? Made no sense.
Saïx—Well, it’s no secret that I hated his “death” and everything else about his characterization in KH3. His whole subplot was USELESS. The whole point of his story was so Lea would have someone to rescue, so his training as a Keyblade wielder paid off. Terra, Aqua, and Ven had each other to go home with. Sora, Riku, and Kairi had each other to go home with. Donald, Goofy, and Mickey had each other to go home with. Isa was Lea’s person to bring home. Lea’s home is NOT Twilight Town. And he’s not going to be hanging out with Roxas and Xion all day.
Lea was supposed to bring Isa back. That means taking the initiative, like he did in KH3D. It was heavily implied that he needed to be saved. Even on the clock tower, Lea said he was dragging him home. Isa was the original person Lea promised to bring back. But…he did nothing of the sort. Lea didn’t bring Isa back OR drag him home. Saïx came to the good side on his own after having a random change of heart for no discernible reason. Lea forgot all about him until he randomly showed up on the clock tower. He wasn’t concerned with bringing him home. His relationship with Lea and his boss fight were treated with almost no seriousness whatsoever. Instead of a fight to the death, Lea casually said he’d clobber him tomorrow, like they were going to have a boxing match or something.
Then he had a “redemption” that was so lazy and poorly planned, it had to happen off-screen. Isa was never meant to have a redemption, so one had to be shoe-horned in, using the secret reports of all things. Obviously Isa was a very low priority in KH3. It also made no sense. If he wanted to atone, why did he become a Seeker of Darkness? Could he not bring back Roxas and Xion AFTER Xehanort was defeated? They weren’t Guardians of Light, so they weren’t needed in the final battle. They didn’t need to come back anyway, but still. It was just done for fanservice. And apparently he fought Lea in the final battle because he was too stubborn and embarrassed to admit that he wanted to “atone”. It was all an act. Everything about Saïx was a total waste of screentime IMO. I’ve never seen a work of fiction give a character such a transparently ill-fitting and contradictory backstory in my entire life. I’m not even being hyperbolic, either.
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