#and he's like so darkdevil knows who you are???
i-wakeupstrange · 1 year
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This is one of my favorite Spider-Kids moments ever. Why? Because:
May is (rightfully) So Done with Reilly's nonsense
That she doesn't even question why he can recognize her out of costume and starts using her real name.
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xycuro-illuminati · 4 years
Do you headcanon matt as a non-white? I ask because I remember you thinking it was bad for people to headcanon t*ny st*rk as nit white, but if you headcanon matt as a non-white latine isn't that the same thing? Sorry if this seems rude im just a little bit confused!
Alright, where do I start with this?
Firstly, I do not have anything against non-white headcanons overall, especially if they’re made by poc fans. I am Ecuadorian. I like Daredevil. Daredevil being Latine makes sense to me. There is a post I’ve reblogged a while back that talks about how Daredevil being Latine and or Filipino would make sense in terms of how he was raised and add something to his family backstory. I highly suggest you take a look at it and see where I’m coming from and why I headcanon Matt as Latine in the first place:
Here’s the post
I don’t remember saying anything about having an issue with St*rk being headcanoned as non-white, but if you’ve been on my blog for long enough, you would know that I hate the character and that I am vividly anti t*ny st*rk and anti m/cu. He is a bad person. I don’t know what else you expect me to say. This is not a good comparison to make in terms of characters and where they’re coming from, especially when it’s a character I like vs a character I hate. Any headcanon added to T*ny to make him more diverse is already a no to me, especially when I’ve mostly seen these headcanons be made by white m/cu stans. Idk why anyone would want to headcanon him as non-white, but if they're a poc fan, then sure whatever. I hate the character but I’m not going to shit on their parade.
It really depends on the context of the character and why the headcanon would be made in the first place. Matt is a second-gen immigrant, raised Catholic, in a small apartment in Hell’s Kitchen with a single father barely making ends meet, and Matt loses his sight when he was a kid. As the post I referenced said, Matt’s story is an immigrant story, who tries to make it by going to school and lands a stable job despite the obstacles life throws at him. T*ny was born rich and wealthy, who has everything he needs, and is basically the Elon Musk of marvel comics. I'm not saying rich Latinos don't exist, but what's the point in making him poc. Another thing to mention is that Matt is the only Daredevil in his universe, the other versions being Fisk’s grandson and Darkdevil who are in different universes. If people want a poc Iron Man, Riri Williams is right there.
Also, a lot of people who headcanon Daredevil as Latine are Latine themselves.
Basically, I like Daredevil and so I headcanon him as Latine (Venuezelan with Columbian and Ecuadorian family members) because of how it would make sense for his character and family background. So no, headcanoning a lower middle class disabled man that tries his best to keep his city safe non-white is not the same as headcanoning a privileged, shitty billionaire non-white.
I hope all of this makes sense and clears up whatever confusion you had beforehand.
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Ok we need to talk about the absolutely ridiculous mess of a character that is Darkdevil.
So this is Reilly Tyne, the son of Ben Reilly (the Spider-Man clone). At the age of 13 his spider powers manifest, as does the obligatory clone degeneration. Kaine (the other Spider-Man clone) takes in the dying homeless orphan and puts him in suspended animation for months to try to keep him alive while the Resuscitation Tube does it’s work.
In the meantime, Daredevil throws himself in front of a bullet (or 30) to save Kaine. Kaine, feeling guilty, tries to bring Matt back to life, first with the Resuscitation Tube and then by SUMMONING AN ACTUAL DEMON (Zarathos, the Spirit of Vengence (yes, like the Ghost Rider Demon) to be specific).
So the following scene went something like this:
Zarathos: “Sure I’ll save that dumbass if I get the kid as my new host.”
Kaine: “Nah fam that’s not cool.”
Zarathos: *demonic possession* “Whoops, too late. Also, he’s now like twenty-something and muscle-y.”
Matt Murdock (from beyond the grave): “Bruh, gtfo.”
Zarathos: “lol. Whatcha gonna do?”
Matt: “This, bitch.” *ghostly possession* “This host ain’t big enough for the both of us.”
*Epic Battle that we don’t actually get to see*
Zarathos: *pouting* “Fine, you win. But I’m leaving the age-change and tattoos and demon-y stuff.”
After all that, this 13 year old child (who was living on the street and presumably not going to school before this whole incident) just up and decides to go to college (applications, high school GPA, and entrence exams be damned!). And now we have our new lawyer-by-day, devil-themed-vigilante-by-night.
So let’s take a look at what Reilly got out of this whole deal.
Things Reilly got from Ben Reilly: Sticky-ness, spider-sense, deadly degeneration ‘disease’, a name (because he didn’t have one until age 13??), stunningly good looks, quips (Ben quips, right?), daddy issues.
Things Reilly got from Zarathos: Teleportation, ability to create flame-objects, ability to turn his body parts to flame, resting demon face, sweet tats, post-pubescence, death threats.
Things Reilly got from Matt Murdock: Hand-to-hand combat skills, real good reflexes and agility, sense of justice, propensity for dressing as the devil and beating people up, affinity for billy clubs, compulsion to put himself in dangerous (stupid) situations, dark broody-ness (this might have actually come from Ben but really don’t know enough about Scarlet Spider to say for sure), dramatic flare, tendency to harass Spider-People, apparently enough knowledge about things to get into college, an internship with Nelson and the Funky Bunch, a second soul inhabiting his body.
Did I miss anything??
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xxseekritsxx · 5 years
Spider-Man PS4 - Sequel Suit Ideas (Part 1)
As I’ve finally got around to actually getting Spider-Man PS4 last month (late to the party, blah blah blah, what the fuck ever) and playing it to 100% completion (just have to do this for “Silver Lining” and then I’ll 100% the entire game), I’ve been trying to get every single suit from the main campaign (done), all the DLC suits (will be done with this when I finish “Silver Lining”), and the ones added in via updates (done).
That said, I’m as ready for the inevitable sequel as everyone else. I even recently played an online quiz about identifying the various Spider-Man costumes, and that gave me some ideas to think about possible suits for the sequel that were not featured in the game already. I am going to share various different Spider-Man suits I found and/or possible suit powers for them if applicable. Everything below the cut:
1. Bullet Points suit- This costume comes from an alternate universe in the “Bullet Points” comic series that is set on Earth-70105. On this world, Bruce Banner still invented the gamma bomb but Peter Parker got caught in the blast and ended up becoming that world’s version of the Hulk instead. Feeling personally responsible for what happened, Banner sought to do everything he could to cure Parker. When his idea to attempt to get a blood sample from the Hulk to develop a cure was rejected by that world’s Reed Richards and SHIELD, Banner turned to another plan. Attempting to dissect a spider that also survived the blast, the spider soon bit Banner, bestowing upon him the spider powers.
Suit power idea- None that I can immediately think of, since he’s just got the standard spider powers and Bruce Banner’s intellect.
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2. Gerry Drew suit- Those of you who haven’t read the Spider-Girl comics probably would have never heard of this guy. Gerald “Gerry” Drew is from that series’ setting of Earth-982 where Mayday “May” Parker’s comics take place. He is the son of Jessica Drew, the original Spider-Woman. Gerry’s story is rather sad: When he was born, Gerry was diagnosed a strange blood-borne disorder due to radiation exposure in his mother’s womb because of his mother’s powers. When normal doctors/medicines couldn’t save him, Jessica recreated the experiment that made her into Spider-Woman and cured her of her own radiation poisoning. The experiment gave Gerry powers, but unfortunately didn’t cure him. The trauma caused from Gerry’s illness led to Jessica and her husband divorcing, and Gerry felt as if this was his fault, becoming withdrawn. Jessica tried to comfort him by telling him stories of her days as a superhero, and Gerry’s favorites were the stories involving Spider-Man. Inspired by his hero and determined to make his short time on Earth count, Gerry designed his own Spider-Man costume and convinced his mother to train him to use his powers. On his first day as Spider-Man, Gerry dropped by the Daily Bugle for a chance encounter with none other than J. Jonah Jameson and an older Peter Parker (who had long since been retired and lost his leg by that point, and is the screenshot used for his image). However, after a few misadventures with Spider-Girl and some training under Darkdevil (Daredevil’s successor), Jessica soon realized that Gerry’s use of his powers was accelerating his illness. Reaching out to Julia Carpenter (the second Spider-Woman), she told Peter Parker to get the original Spider-Man to convince Gerry to seek help. Peter dressed up in the old costume and did exactly that, leading to Gerry giving up the superhero life to focus on his health as Reed Richards worked to develop an ongoing treatment.
Suit power idea- Since Gerry’s strength is far superior to that of either Peter Parker or May’s, I’d say to give him some kind of strength boost ability. His durability is also such that merely tensing his muscles while getting hit by the punch of a trained heavyweight boxer caused the latter to break his wrists. Perhaps some kind of reverb effect where enemies take some reflected damage on contact (kinda like the Thorns effect from Minecraft).
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3. Spider-Man 2211 suit- Here we have a TimeSpinner named Max Borne, the Spider-Man from the year 2211 AD. He works as part of an organization that tries to prevent disruptions in time. As you can see, his costume contains four extra mechanized arms. He worked with Spider-Man 2099 in defeating the 2211 Hobgoblin (who turned out to be his daughter Robin), who tried to bring chaos into their reality by bringing another version of Uncle Ben into it, but Robin was erased from existence. Max was subsequently shot and killed by the Chameleon of his Earth, who was posing as Uncle Ben.
Suit power idea- This one’s a fairly obvious choice. While his armor possess multiple webbing capabilities that could easily make gadgets in their own right by themselves, the only real choice here is to give this suit the four extra arms (basically like the Iron Arms ability in the first game).
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4. Aracnído Jr. suit- Here is one of the more obscure ones on this list. Known on Earth-15349 only as “Junior” (his full name is unknown), he is the son of a Mexican wrestler that went by the same nickname. At some point, he developed spider powers through unknown means. One day, his father was injured due to unnecessary roughness by his opponent in the ring, Escorpión. The latter did not help despite Aracnído Sr.’s pleas. Before going to the hospital, Junior went to the locker rooms where he found Escorpión getting paid for letting Aracnído Sr. get hurt, the latter later dying from his injuries. Junior decided not to let this stand, and soon adopted a vigilante lifestyle. Taking up his father’s old name from the ring, Aracnído Jr. became the resident protector of Mexico City.
Suit power idea- None that I can really think of, since he doesn’t really have any abilities that set him apart from Peter Parker. The most I can think of would be for his costume to act as the sequel game’s version of the wrestler suit, or give him some Mexican wrestling moves.
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5. Imperfect suit- This particular is semi-obscure, so I understand if some of you haven’t seen this one before. This suit comes from the 2005 fighting game titled “Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects”. Aside from the new Imperfects team introduced in the game, every character came with an “evil”/“corrupted” skin, and this is what that looked like for Spider-Man. While that game itself didn’t do that well, I’m mainly including this because I like the way this suit looks. For those who played Marvel vs Capcom 3, there is a skin for Spider-Man with a near-identical color scheme to this suit. Perhaps this is where the inspiration for that skin came from? Or it could just be a coincidence.
Suit power idea- Since this suit was pretty much just an alternate skin in an old fighting game, I don’t really see any unique abilities this one could have for itself.
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6. Ben Reilly suit- The suit briefly worn by Ben Reilly when Peter retired from being Spider-Man to spend more time with Mary Jane to raise their child. Not wanting to just wear Peter’s original costume, Ben made a redesigned version for himself. Once Peter got back in action, however, Ben then made his more well-known outfit: the Scarlet Spider suit.
Suit power idea- The only thing I can really think to do with this suit is to just reuse the holo decoy power that came with the Scarlet Spider I suit in the first game.
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Unfortunately I’m going to have to cut this post short here and only halfway through the group of suits I wanted to discuss. Due to Tumblr’s stupid 10-image per post limit, I have to split this series of posts into multiple parts, and I am going to discuss six suits per post.
Anyway, let me know what you guys think. Do you like these suits? Do you want to see others in the next game instead? Any possible ideas for suit powers for any of the ones that I didn’t list ideas for myself? Let me know. In the meantime, I’ll see you all on part 2.
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i-wakeupstrange · 4 years
What do you think Reilly’s relationship with April would be like in the endverse? Obvs she’s allowed near the kids but she is kind of responsible for May’s.. you know :0000
i should, like, actually write my long Endverse fanfic (starring Future Darkdad) someday and give this an answer that way
but i’m far too lazy for that so the answer is: uhhhhhhhh IT’S COMPLICATED
i think there was a fight. i think it got ugly. because April didn’t just cause May’s “accident”. she murdered Kaine. that’s half his family gone. lost to someone he tried to help. someone he believed could be better. and those are the losses we see on page. who knows what happened to Peter and MJ. or the New Warriors. but i’m thinking, by the time Darkdevil and Mayhem cross paths, the guilt is starting to kick in.
maybe he almost kills her. maybe she almost lets him. and that’s what jolts them both out of their grief and rage. because it’s not what May would have wanted. and they might be the only family each other has left.
but that doesn’t make it easy. Reilly is, to everyone else, April’s biggest advocate. he was learning to be a lawyer before the world turned upside down. he can use those skills for her. besides, part of him still wants to believe she can be better. and she’s trying. but now, he thinks he understands why Kaine and Parker always fought. some wounds never fully heal.
the world never goes back to “normal”. but over time, in the tunnels, he builds a new life. lets himself have friends — for once! starts thinking that, someday, he could even do “family” again. he has some names in mind, at least.
and it’s April who tells him not to be afraid.
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i-wakeupstrange · 7 years
Dormagus/DarkDevil for the Ship Breakdown Meme er if you don't mind that is ^_^;
Of course not! I love talking about these dorks. This got longggggg, though, so it’s under a cut.
How did they they meet?
We’ve seen it! They “met” when Doc Magus (and Doctor Strange) had to take a trip into Darkdevil’s mind. But in the real world, so to speak, I see Dormagus showing up on Reilly’s doorstep about a week after the Venom thing. He insists it’s a “follow up” and he just wants to make sure Hornhead is still okay, but really, he just wants answers to what the hell he saw in that dude’s brain.
(That and even he can tell the guy’s dealing with a lot, and Doc Magus doesn’t mind offering an ear to someone who needs it. Even an infamous loner like Darkdevil. It’s mostly to sate his own curiosity, though. At first.)
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Reilly. He’s terrified. Not because he has feelings for a guy, no, but because he has feelings for his only friend.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
MAYDAY. Of course. She’s already a shipper in canon – just look at her with Courtney and Moose! So I think the second she realizes there’s someone out there who can make her grumpy cousin smile sometimes? She’s making plans.
(Stephen also approves. Not that he’d ever say so. He learned a long time ago that his son doesn’t listen to his advice.)
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Reilly kissed Dormagus after some big, almost-life-ending and maybe almost-world-ending super battle.
Who confessed their feelings first?
See above.
What was their first official date?
An awkward disaster. They’re been hanging out and fighting crime for months, at least, but when they try to put a label on it? They’re totally thrown off. Sitting in a coffee shop, in nicer clothes than normal, in total silence. Luckily, some evildoer throws a car through their window, and the ensuing fight snaps them out of it.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They’re not double dates! It’s just that Reilly wouldn’t stop staring when Wes and his tall, brunette amazonian girlfriend came in to Deacon’s Den for Game Night. And Dormagus had to ask if they could join, because the face Reilly made was hilarious, and the way he spent the entire evening stammering was even more so. And so he started asking every month. Because he’s a terrible friend sometimes. But they’re not double dates!
What do they do in their down time?
They were exhausted after their first patrol together. So they ordered takeout and played video games. This is still what they do most nights. Sometimes they read instead – Dormagus with his nose in a comic, Reilly with his in a textbook. Or watch terrible TV. They’re homebodies at heart.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
hahaaaaaaaa not an issue on Reilly’s side, excuse me while I sob forever
As for Doc Magus: his Dad “met” Darkdevil at the same time he did! Because Doctor Strange is so obviously his father, come on, even if they never actually use those words because DeFalco loves teasing plot points.
Clea meets Reilly when he and Dormagus have to travel to the Dark Dimension for some reason. They’re still in the denial stage at this point so she just grins and makes a lot of sly remarks. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Related to the above. Sometimes, Dormagus just has to leave Earth! Supernatural threats don’t exactly limit themselves to just one plane of existence. Plus, half his family is from another world, so that’s a thing too. The point is, it doesn’t really occur to him to tell anyone when he has to go. Dad and Deacon knows what’s up. Zane might miss him, maybe, but that kid’s got all the other Avengers looking after him. He’ll be fine.
What he doesn’t account for is Reilly. Who is freaking out and furious because his best friend dropped off the face of the earth for a month and didn’t even call.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
They both have their moments, but Dormagus wins this one, mostly because Reilly is just as oblivious to advances as Mayday. If not more.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Reilly lives off coffee. Dormagus lives off fast food. It is a miracle they’ve lived this long.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Reilly is a secret cuddler. Even he doesn’t know, at first, but when he’s tired his defenses are down. And there’s a lot of held back affection to make up for. This isn’t just in a romantic sense – May will definitely be shocked by a sudden hug someday. 
Are they hand holders?
Not normally. Reilly doesn’t like to be touched, except by people he trusts, and even then it takes time. Dormagus doesn’t push him. The closer they get, the more it happens, but it’s still a rare thing.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
They wait quite a while. Dormagus doesn’t mind, but it’s different than what he’s used to with the girls/guys/vaguely humanoid beings he dates. Then there was one of those “I thought I lost you” nights and, well, things happened.
Who tops?
eh, if you don’t mind, I’m going to skip this one.
What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into?
See above. They bicker all the time, but when Magus “disappeared”, it was the first time they fought.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Reilly, without a doubt. He’s been feeding himself since childhood. Sometimes even the kids he fostered with. So over time he just… starts doing it for Dormagus too. He doesn’t even realize it until Kaine asks him why his fridge is fuller these days.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Surprise, surprise. It’s Reilly. Dormagus has kind of a… loose understanding of time sometimes. And while he insists his place is an “organized mess”, that’s… arguable. This is ninety percent of the reason Deacon sticks around, honestly, and he’s relieved there’s someone to take some of the workload off his shoulders.
Who proposes?
You know… I was going to say Reilly, because while I see them both being skeptical about the concept of marriage, he would like to believe in the idea of someone sticking around. On second thought, though, I think that’s why it would have to be Dormagus. He’d want to prove he can be that person. 
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bachelorette parties or separate?
Oh, separate for sure. There’s some crossover in their friend groups, because superheroes, but Dormagus had a big bash with every friend he could contact on Earth and elsewhere. Reilly probably didn’t even have a party.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
If you think Reilly would pick anyone other than May, you’re wrong. Deacon for Dormagus. Gerry, Zane, and Normie are also there.
Big Ceremony or Small?
Between the two of them, a “small” gathering of family and friends turns out to be huge. So a bit of both.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?
Multi-dimensional road trip! Despite all he’s been through, Reilly’s never left New York, and his husband enjoys taking him around all the various worlds in the universe.
Do they have children? How many?
They adopted Benjy in Endverse. That’s my eternal headcanon. If that doesn’t count, however, then at some point they’ll have a little girl with amazingly unpredictable powers. Her name, of course, is May.
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