#and his bases are jhope & jimin in bts
ikeuz · 1 year
do yall wanna know a fun fact ab my dad
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aajjks · 1 year
Dark Knight feeling, Die or Kill (m)
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A collaboration based on fictional iconic superhero characters, with the bts members; with a twist of obsession and desire, you won’t be able to escape, no matter how much you try, who’s going to save you from them? hint: no one.
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written by: @justanotherstarlightmonger
member: seokjin
character: silver surfer
synopsis: Kim Seokjin, the silver surfer, finds his heart of titanium swaying for the first time in millennia, for Reed Richard's prodigy apprentice, who unfortunately calls the planet his master wants to devour, home. Caught between a life long oath to an intergalactic planet devouring fog and the all encompassing obsession the surfer developed with OC, Seokjin will fight tooth and nail to have it all.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bighitfics
member: yoongi/suga
character: captain america
synopsis. “You’ve been asleep captain yoongi, for almost 22 years” yet I wasn’t surprised by the revelation not one bit just disappointed and perhaps a tad bit disheartened.
The only thing that came into my mind at the moment was her.
My Y/n.
The one thing in my life that kept me going.
The one stability that I had.
The girl who believed in me when the world stranded me.
The girl I’d fight hell just to hold in my arms.
I close my eyes and all I could hear was her sweet voice sobbing and begging me to return back.
Then the crash happened and the rest is history.
The defeat and acceptance of never seeing her again for the sake of others still fresh in my memory.
Where’s she now? Still living in illsan? Does she know that I’m here….that I’ve been found? Would she be waiting like she promised?
“You’re gonna be okay?” the guy asked while I looked around the city that had so sense of familiarity still trying to find some sort of relevance to ease my mind but it was utterly useless because everything was foreign as though I’ve been transported to a different planet.
“Yeah I just…I had a date.” I answer him.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bahbah-bee
member: hoseok/jhope
character: Batman/Bruce Wayne.
synopsis. Billionaires don’t develop attachments. Superheroes don’t make deals with villains. This was something ingrained in Mr. Hoseok through experience. Gotham didn’t need to know the truth about Batman, and in return all the dealings of the underworld were taken care of. It didn’t matter if people got hurt, as long as justice was served. At least, that was until he met you.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @ratherbefangirling
member: namjoon/RM.
character: black widow
synopsis. Namjoon was stolen from his birth parents by the agency. Since then he's learned many different things, lived many different lives, felt many different things. Black Monster. The best of the best. That's what everyone knows him as. Is it too much to ask that someone knows his name. Is it too much for the extraordinary to ask for the ordinary. It might be, but black monster always gets his way no matter what.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @pynkgothicka
member: jimin
character: scarlet witch
synopsis. Jimin has kept up your fantasy-esque life up for all you can remember. So why is that idyllic life showing cracks all of a sudden?
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bebejungkook
member: taehyung/V
character: Angel (x-men)
synopsis. To everyone in the city, Kim Taehyung is a mutant and the heir to the Kim fortune, helping keep the city safe and secure. But to you, he is your guardian Angel, saving you from harm and gifting you with wisdom. You go to him for guidance and comfort, how could he say no to his sweet and innocent little dove? His heart beats for you only and he would do anything to protect and keep you safe, after all he is your guardian angel.
release date: [TBD]
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wrïtten by: @aajjks
mëmbër: jungkook
chàracter: Spïder-Mân
synöpsïs. He wöuldn’t lêt you cräwl äwäy from him, you bëlongêd to him.
fïc téäsër: xx
rëlëäsë dätë: [TBD]
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mini-jiminie · 13 days
To be fair, if you take away isolated/romantic-leaning moments from an already tiny percentage of their life we get to see of any couple, you could come to the conclusion they're platonic. This isn't to say jikook are 100% romantically involved, I just think saying some in-between moments look platonic also doesn't mean much because you could say the same about basically any romantic relationship that isn't in the holding hands all time honeymoon phase.
Obviously you are more than free to have your view and that's valid, but I will also say that the "isolated" or selective moments we freak out about are cultural. I'm not sure if you speak korean or follow any korean jikookers, but the stuff they freak out about is actually more of the mundane and not something western fans would be screaming about in a compilation edit, and is actually more consistently across bts content over time. For example, their general dynamic or the ways they speak to each other. Of course they go crazy over the big stuff too like hickey gate (because wtf was that in any culture?), but their entire dynamic over time seems to be more centered for korean jikookers, and that's not just a one off.
Also this is just purely me spit-balling, but while I've always struggled to come to any conclusion about their nebulous relationship, I feel like being friends with loose boundaries doesn't make sense for them as individuals. Maybe this is unpopular, but I think jimin actually has some of the most traditional and strict views on hierarchy and respect in the group based on things he's said or the way he lectured tae (and roped in jungkook too LOL) about being respectful to the hyungs, yet with jungkook it absolutely flys out the window. And seemingly ONLY with just jungkook, who more often than not comes off as the hyung in their dynamic. Similarly, I think jungkook, despite having a rather laissez faire demeanor, is also one of the strictest about setting boundaries in the group. He has no problem pulling away from physical touch if he doesn't like it or calling out fans even if he does so respectfully or, god, the whole perilla leaf thing. Both of them clearly have clear boundaries, boundaries regarding specific things that seem to only loosen in regards to each other.
Just imagining here, but say you knew these two people in real life, say it was a guy and a girl, where they had these incredibly loose and unique boundaries from the rest of their friends, and then ON TOP OF THAT they gave each other hickeys when they were drunk, or sucked each other's ear, or whatever else. Would you assume its entirely platonic? Better yet, would you feel comfortable dating one of them and believe there was nothing between them? I know damn well I'd be paranoid calling every night they were on tour like "hi honey, you hanging out with him again after the concert?" "oh he's just laying on your bed?....again?" "oh the best part of tokyo was you guys staying up all night... just on your phones.....in the hotel..." "oh you guys are dinking again tonight? Make sure there's no bridal carries this time! LOL LMAO hehehaha"
Sometimes I feel like the alternative also seems stranger. Like you mention them not meeting while jimin was so busy, but (tinfoil hat time) the separation felt purposeful to me. You're right, he had no issue meeting yoongi and jhope, sure they were also working more often so he might have run into them at the company, but also he mentions making an effort to keep up with tae. You could argue he just didn't care about keeping up with jungkook, but then they enlisted together and we see them in AYS, jesus, jimin literally started the whole thing to spend time with jungkook, that's not a friend he just stopped caring about. You could also argue that he just wasn't keeping up with friends who would take him away from work (you know like that one friend who you only ever go drinking with), but jimin said himself how him and jungkook talk about music/work for hours and practically forget everyone else while doing so. To me, the lack of contact just felt targeted? specifc? in a way that it wouldn't for just a "friend". I don't know, its just like even in their distance, the line for platonic/romance seems blurred sometimes. Even their mental distance, like in AYS over the whole sausage vs. ham debate. Jungkook didn't give a single fuck that tae thought it was sausage, his only concern was jimin agreeing with him, and that isn't the first time he's been like that only with jimin. I wouldn't care if my bestie disagreed with me, especially if we were amongst our friend group anyway.
Its like that year when jimin flew back for jungkook's bday. I'll say I've always been on the fence about this because while its a nice gesture, part of me is also like well either way he had to fly to hawaii and flying back to korea only lengthened that fly-time a little more than if he'd flown across the US anyway. But then jimin went out of his way to post that fake-out video and iirc he was the one that ordered the cake. Then there's just something about the photo of jungkook. Idk what it is, but something about it made it feel....idk.
Despite me writing this absolute essay, I'm actually constantly on the fence with them too about the nature of their relationship. But there's just always this thing, this like presence in the background, this tension or something that feels off for just friendship.
I love reading people’s opinions on jkk because they’re such a fascinating pair! Essays are more than welcome!
I 100% agree that yes, there is such a poignant difference in the way they interact with one another. They seem to be each other’s exception to…everything really. The cultural and social barriers that govern how they interact with other people blur when they’re together.
I have noticed that in group settings, jk tends to revert to being the maknae™️; his hyungs' youngest little brother. He'll extend this attitude to jm as well. I feel like it's only in a group setting that those two will enforce that age hierarchy and jm will really play into that 'older brother' role. It kind of gives me a bit of whiplash when you see jk alone with jm compared to how he is with his older members.
As you mentioned, jm is one of the most diligent when it comes to adhering to and enforcing age hierarchies. You’ll never catch him slipping when he’s with his older members (but he’ll be slipping and sliding everywhere when with jk). Him being so lax with jk is one of those things that really have me questioning the nature of their relationship. Recently, I was pretty taken aback in ep 6 of ays when jk brings up meeting as 'same-age friends' in another life. Jm's never really addressed jk speaking to him informally. I was pleasantly surprised when he was so open to entertaining jk's idea. I found it really sweet how the conversation was: 'well, how would our relationship have turned out if that age barrier wasn't there to begin with?'. If jk proposed that scenario to say Seokjin, he would've gotten his ass cleared before he could even finish his sentence.
One moment that went triple platinum in the jkk space in 2017 was this behind-the-scenes episode from Bon Voyage S3. Jm takes a photo of jk and when he lingers to look at his phone screen, jk calls out to him and says:
‘애기야 가자’ (let’s go, baby).
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Yea no, it does feel like a bit of a fool's errand when trying to justify why they could just be platonic cause, the majority of the signs point to them being....not.
Also yes, I would be one insecure s/o if I was with either jk or jm. Cause what?? absolutely no way would I be fine with my bf doing the things he does with a 'friend'????
Nevertheless, there is a part of me that won't allow me to fully commit to the idea of a romantic relationship. I hate to bring this up because it was such a gross invasion of his privacy but, that video of jk with that woman in his apartment could be one of those contradictions.
You make a lot of exciting, rational and thought-provoking points, anon. I'm happy that you've shared your thoughts with me!
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leonaluv · 6 months
honestly i do pity the fs for a lot of kpop idols it must not be easy for them even if they are happy together also why im glad its not me thats dating them in that sense. which member of bts will have it easier than other members? will they gain a fan base of their own as well?
Jungkook will be able to prepare for it, and he has plans on how he will reveal it. he is ready to defend himself and his partner. Yes, his spouse / partner would have a huge fanbase as well people will be more supportive. ( 7 wands , the lovers )
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Jin will have it hard to but just the typical response of how most idols get treated with dating news, and marriage but the fanbase will be supportive, have huge support as well. ( five cups , four of wands)
Jhope will also have a plan for how he ready to reveal it, but the spouse/ partner will also receive a lot of hate. yes a fanbase ( 7 wands, 9 swords)
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Namjoon spouse/partner will be attack quickly, they will dig up information so fast, try to cancel that person. Namjoon himself will still be happy that it isn't as bad as he thought it would be. ( ten cups , 8 of wands reverse)
Jimin spouse will face tons of negativity and have a fanbase but anti fans. Jimin will lose sleep and be anxious over the hate train. ( 9 swords, five of wands reverse)
Suga will not be surprised by the amount of hate, but he will speak up about his lover. he will receive some hate messages on weverse but not as bad as V . ( the sun reverse , ace sword reverse)
V spouse will gain a fandom of their own but will be mostly about how much they dislike the spouse . V will get tons of hate again . 9ten of wands reverse , empress reverse )
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jimin-bangtan · 4 months
Jimin's Thorns & Studs
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I have wondered for a while about Jimin’s photocards for his album, FACE. In particular, I wondered about the thorns & studs pictures.  I wanted to know the difference between the thorns and the studs and finally came up with a theory of my own.  
I have decided that the thorns are on places where Jimin was injured and/or where pain was or is associated with those parts. The thorns going down the left side of his neck are what convinced me of this conclusion. We know that Jimin has chronic, and sometimes severe, neck pain.  It is so severe that he has missed (a surprisingly few number of) performances and has even sought hospital care. He also has received shots, and we have seen him wearing kinesiology tape or pain-relieving patches.
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If you pay careful attention, there are many times where Jimin is in interviews or activities where he briefly touches, massages, or presses on his neck, as if it’s a casual gesture, but when I actually feel his neck is bothering him.  When you begin to notice it, it is surprisingly often and has been occurring over a very long period of time. It’s either an unconscious gesture or he’s become a pro at making his reaction to his discomfort less noticeable or more natural.
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Thorns are also on his left eyebrow and left ear. I don’t know anything about the eyebrow other than it is on the side where he has a smaller eye. Yes, his left eye is slightly smaller (often on the right side of a photo). The difference between his eyes seems more pronounced when he’s tired. (Keep in mind some photos or Lives are mirrored images.) To me, his imperfections, however, make him more beautiful, not less. I don't know why the eye is smaller, but Jimin chose to acknowledge it along with all of the other vulnerabilities he was courageous enough to reveal. I'll say more about that when I address the studs.
The ear issue, I suspect, may have been from when BTS was filming the Run music video and JHope & others hit the side of Jimin’s head with a pillow during the filmed pillow fights. I can’t locate the behind the scenes footage from this video shoot where I saw JM lightly remark that he used to have an earring in his ear, suggesting it had been torn out while filming one of the pillow scenes. It’s possible an injury occurred then or at a later time, injuring his ear rim.  He stopped wearing that top lobe earring for some reason, but his ear appears repaired or okay now. It may have been painful when it first happened, which explains why thorns were used. 
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The studs, I believe, may represent things that have caused him some distress or have been problems to him. They also could be things that aren’t painful but that he was born with and were not necessarily caused by injury.  
The 3rd picture at the top shows Jimin wearing the studs but also a lip ring. Since it likely would have been awkward to put a stud on his lip, I believe they possibly used the ring for the same purpose as the studs. Jimin’s natural and attractive lips should not have been a problem, but I do feel they have caused complications for him, where people describe him or call him nicknames based on his lips, often intending to be affectionate or cute, but could possibly be an issue to someone with insecurities and who has a feature that is more pronounced and noticeable than most others around him. He also has had shadows created by incorrect lighting for his top lip that has caused him problems on Lives and in non professional photos. He has even had makeup artists do strange things to minimize (or maybe enhance) the normal appearance of his lips. 
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There are better instances showing the shadows but these are the best I could find at the moment.
Jimin also has studs around his smaller left eye, which could be a minor birth defect or from an infant injury (that I vaguely recall him speaking about but can’t locate the documentation).  There is a larger stud on that same eye, which could imply that there might have been an injury too - or it is possibly minorly painful at times. There is a stud on his other eyebrow too, but I don’t have any information on that issue. 
The earlier makeup artists were excellent at using skillful technique to balance his eyes or minimize attention being drawn to his smaller eye. He also often likes hair hanging down on the left side, even if it’s just a strand or two.
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It is worth noting that we are only seeing the front of Jimin’s face, neck, and shoulders.  It is possible there would be thorns and studs throughout his entire body, front and back, if shared. Also, worth noting is that considering the amount of pain Jimin must often experience with varying degrees of intensity, he has done exceedingly well to work through the pain more often than not and to not even complain about his circumstances. 
Another noteworthy observation is that in spite of whatever thorns and studs issues Jimin was born with or encountered, he still continued to grow and to be a decent, generous, kind, successful person.  He could have used them as excuses to be selfish, harmful, or unproductive, but I have lost count of the number of people who have interacted with him who have explained the positive impression he has left on them. Jimin continues to be a beautiful person inside and out.
Jimin’s album, FACE, was about him looking at himself and confronting all the external and internal wounds and issues that have affected him. I feel the significance or meaning of the pictures may have been overlooked by many.  Jimin revealed a lot of vulnerable information about himself and his pandemic experience through his songs, but I also feel he revealed a lot of vulnerable information in the photos connected to the album that may have been about his overall life and career as well. Set Me Free, pt2 sounded like it was about more than just pandemic pain and isolation. We should all be so reflective as to confront, if not reveal, our own thorns & studs. Cheers to Jimin for being so brave and open about his own.
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uyuforu · 11 months
-> Read the Rules before requesting
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Jungkook *
Sun • Moon • Mercury • Venus • Mars • Jupiter • Saturn • Uranus • Neptune • Pluto • North Node • South Node • Lilith • Chiron • Fortune • Vertex • Houses • Ascendant • Juno • Groom • Briede • Union • Karma • Eros • Boda • Lovelock • Destinn • Child • Ceres • Pallas • Vesta • Sappho • Psyche • Fama • Harmonia (…)
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Moon Personal Chart • Venus Persona Chart • Juno Persona Chart • Groom Persona Chart • Briede Persona Chart • Boda Persona Chart • DSC Persona Chart (...)
-> Is Jungkook a womanizer?
-> Jungkook's Love Languages
-> JK's FS appearance indicators
-> JK's FS and jealousy/ rumors/ gossips & the public
-> JK's Ideal type (based on DSC Persona Chart)
-> JK's Fama in Natal Chart + Briede Persona Chart
-> When will Jungkook marry?
-> Does Jungkook's FS has tattoos?
*why only jungkook? = jungkook is the only member from bts that confirmed his birth time so only jungkook's astrology readings would be accurate. Until other members confirm theirs, I'll do Jungkook astrology first.
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Uyu's Astrology Observations
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myobsessionsspace · 6 months
Nah cuz when I joined the Fandom, I saw everyone saying it's members + Fandom.. that J is Jin Jhope and J M is Jimin. So i thought ok... 🤷‍♀️.
Then I saw jkkrs proving he didn't had J when he first got tattoos. And how he doesn't cover it unlike crown tattoo and how it's a bit darker than rest. So I was kinda convinced JM is just JiMin.. based on their evidences n how Fandom always used to read JM as JiMin (which stopped when he confirmed its not for all members lol). Didn't thought about darkened letters much as rest might have ve faded due to boxing.
This year, he said J is simply for Jungkook. I was a lil sad given I used to think it's Jimin for almost 3 years lol..but whatever, I respect and believe what he said. So seeing this 2018 incident didn't shook me much because Jimin might be playing around drawing a fist while it had nothing to do with real tattoos.
But every now and then, the only doubt I get is why J ? Not company, not members, not fans, not himself use J to represent himself.. it's ALWAYS been JK. He's JK, not J. So I'm confused why he'll randomly throw a J on top of M on a fine morning.. if he wanted, he could've just tattooed JK somewhere near bts logo or debut date tattoos lol. And to make me even confused, I KNOW a person who's acronym is JM... which is especially used by JK 👀
Idk... 🙂
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I’m with you!
I’m never gonna call Kookie a liar. Point blank period.
I will call Kookie smart, I will say he’s got more to protect and is not a newbie in the industry.
For as much as he tries to be honest and open with us, he’s still a grown man who has to protect him and his. He’s entitled to chose what he doesn’t and doesn’t want to share.
We take the answers he gives us, but questions, we can still have questions right?? 😁
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fruitgummies01 · 17 days
Just a question out of curiosity.....That you said you became BTS's fan after jhope was already Enlisted which probably means after 18th April 2023 and initially you were kinda in tkkrs space as in u saw more of their content cause of algorithms or wtv So how did you become jikook's fan? What i mean is in 2023 there isn't much of jikook seen together like in all previous years, because previous yrs it's like jikook were attached at the hip compared to that they weren't really seen together much and i guess even after April 2023 there's Taekook appearances here and there too so without having much of jikook content at hand how did you thought that they were probably closer than others?
This is just a question out of curiosity cause honestly i thought that most of the people who would join around 2022-23 will always have this impression of jikook that they're just co-workers who work for the same band and nothing else lol. Not like antis don't try to spread that agenda everywhere since forever.
Hmmmm. I'm deciding whether to make this a long or short post haha, because I really have so much to say about this. When I first started getting into BTS there was just soooo much content, but one of the things that would constantly and consistently come up with be tkk content. And I don't even mean in the shipping sense (at least not at first). Large update accounts would post about them frequently, and almost all if not most posts would be about them under any content. It was like BTS as a group and then tkk, those were the two things that I was seeing on a regular basis. Being a new person to the fandom, you take what you see at face value, especially if so many big accounts seem to be cosigning what is being said (and again based on what you said, because there was a lack of any jikook content, a lot of people just weren't pushing back on a lot of things that were being pushed). . And because the algorithim is what it is, I started getting recommended tkk videos. And again because I didn't know any better, I would watch them and that again would shape my opinions of the other members without fully knowing it. I started to believe that tkk was the foundational friendship/rs/whatever you wanna call it ship within the group that everything pretty much revolved around if that makes.
Looking back on it, a lot of the videos that I would watch to get myself acquainted with the group painted Jimin as the one being all over Jungkook and not respecting his personal space and wanting attention, and they used (what I would find out later) to be manipulated videos or videos taken out of context. So I began to form these somewhat negative opinions of Jimin (which is ironic because he is now my bias).
But to answer your question, how did I become a fan of jikook, it sorta happened in stages. I already had in the back of my mind when I would watch compilation videos of BTS, that I really wasn't seeing any um, emotional chemistry between tkk (that's another story), but I over looked it because I just figured it was because I was new. I think I mentioned this before, but Tae being seen with Jennie in Paris was a HUGE eye opener. And honestly, I might still be wrapped up in that side of the fandom had that moment not happened. But I'm so thankful it did, because it allowed me to see with my own eyes, in real time just how they lied and gaslighted fans into believing that the whole thing never happened by making up these wild theories. That people just believed without any pushback, and how that information was just parroted back to other people in this sort of weird circle. My brain just isn't wired like that, so I stopped watching those compilation videos and edits because I realized none of those people were reliable (no offense), and went back to watch all official content (that actually painted a completely different picture).
Watching Jungkook's weverse lives played a big part in changing my opinion on Jikook and Jimin. That man would bring him up without fans having to say anything, and be happy to talk about him. And what's apparent about Jungkook in getting to know him, is he never fakes anything, so if he's talking about him, it means something to him. Both Jimin and Jungkook would also say things insinuating that they had watched the other's weverse lives, which I thought was interesting. That weverse live with JK in bed trying to entice Jimin to do a live was also another turning point. I still laugh thinking about JK saying he would take his stuff to wash up AT Jimin's house, when he could've just done so BEFORE leaving. JK was on a mission that morning haha.
I should say after all this lol, that I am still not 100% sold that they are in an actual romantic relationship. I see A LOT of signs that point in that direction, but with cultural differences anything could be possible. I do see a beautiful and deep bond, especially with these AYS episodes and them enlisting together right afterwards. Even though they were planning to spend every day together for 18 months, they still carved out time in their insanely busy schedules to spend even more time together filming AYS. Regardless of what their labels are, it's clear that they are both priorities in each others lives. I think they both need each other in real ways that are very different from the ways they need the other members. I wrote a lot so I'll stop here, but I could go on, but won't haha.
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seoul-bros · 1 year
Jimin and his hyungs
When Jimin was on Jimmy Fallon last week, he was asked who in particular from the band, he was keeping in touch with and he gave a special mention to JHope and Suga.
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Based on the evidence of the last week I feel like these two have really had an important role in guiding Jimin through his solo debut.
It is true that RM also contributed with lyrics for Like Crazy and Face Off and Jimin has been loud in his praise of RM as a songwriter.
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But I feel like J-Hope and Suga have been providing the emotional support and reassurance that Jimin needed putting his first solo album out into the world. Especially given the very personal nature of its content.
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Yoongi is definitely the mother hen of the maknae line. Suga gave Jimin a comfortable platform in which to talk about the experience of putting together his first album. He was also keen on Jimin performing at the music shows. Jimin was clearly nervous but he promised that he would be there to support him.
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(As an aside, I already did a post on this episode after my first watch but I've seen it a few times now and if you want to understand BTS, Suga, Jimin and the YoonMin dynamic don't miss it.)
We found out this week that Suga is a man of his word. Suga came to the pre-recording of Music Bank
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and J-Hope came to the live show.
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Just as some may see RM as the brains of BTS, Sope represent its beating heart. Both have their own interests and ambitions but they understand the importance of everyone in the team having the chance to grow and succeed and they are prepared to put the time in to support those individual dreams.
Post Date: 01/04/2023
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this news is about them signing their group contracts not their solos contracts that's a whole different thing will likely come out later by next year when jhope and jin exit the military.
See what I mean about akgae assertions made entirely to soothe their anxieties whether or not it's based in fact?
Anon, the fact is you have no idea how their contracts are structured. You don't know if each member's contract includes clauses for both group and solo projects and management. You don't know if the contracts are structured collectively or not. You don't even know if another set of contract signings related only to solo careers will be announced when Jin and Hobi are discharged. In fact the only reference to 2Seok in the main press release, is in the signing of the same contract renewals that were announced today, those two singled out only because they cannot physically sign the document until they're out of the military.
And this is aside the fact that BigHit has a fiduciary responsibility to not misrepresent anything about the nature of these contract renewals to their investors. Meaning if they were aware the members are signing solo contracts with other companies, undercutting the exclusivity HYBE enjoys managing the artists that account for 60% of their topline, they could get sued to hell and back by their investors for it.
So, in response to news that the members have agreed to renew with Bighit, you're already filling in the blanks to create a scenario in which the member you want to leave and sign with another company can still do so. I mean, it's possible theoretically speaking, but the point is neither you nor me has any basis or evidence to support that assertion. The member you bias choosing to remain with BigHit to manage his solo career, is an anxiety you have, that you've now created a scenario to soothe yourself.
My little unsolicited advice: It's been a hellish six months. I get it. Many things happened and are still unexplained and people just want the absolute best for the members they love. But these guys are not rookies. The industry is ruthless and corporations have their agendas, but if their company was out to sabotage them, BTS as a group would've been dead in the water long before you ever heard about them (just look at the trainwreck k-pop has been in all year). The members are the only people who know what they want, they have significantly more information about the state of their careers than anybody telling you anything on Tumblr.com. Take a page from our resident muggle Jimin and step away from the internet for a bit.
Stream his music, buy his album for your niece or dad, introduce your friends to those Ethereal Beauty Jimin videos on Youtube.
While their mouths are still agape, hit them with the MV:
Good luck and borahae ami.
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bts-fanfic-sideblog · 2 years
ok so day 2 of trying to reach the bts fanfic people that followed me last time because i deleted my first account because i’m dumb
small little tidbits about my fic idea that i wrote down on my first account that i’m rewriting here
an as always: chubby!reader
reader’s cat absolutely hates everyone except yoongi because cat solidarity
while taehyung brings them to BTS to figure out what to do, the reader basically waits around in a seating area holding their cat by the armpits and baby talking to them. and since taehyung was the one that brought them in, no one is gonna tell them off
namjoon is the head of the BTS organization (obviously) and makes all the deals and BIG decisions including letting the reader stay
jin is the right hand man that works closer to their “employees” even though namjoon does his best to be friendly with everyone he can
yoongi is the information dude, whatever you need to know he’s on it. he keeps tabs on whatever enemies BTS might have and any plans they make to cut them down
jhope and jimin are basically PR people and try to keep their reputation good, i haven’t decided whether BTS is like a mafia disguised like a business, or just straight up an organized crime syndicate thing
taehyung, like i said in my other post, is the hitman or hired killer. he’s not the only one, but he’s the best they have
jungkook i think is just gonna be some kid that jin vouched for, he doesn’t have a specific role to play, he’s more like a errand boy. i think i’m gonna make him the reader’s first friend and the one who first voted for the reader to stay at BTS’s HQ
since BTS basically has no idea what to do with the reader, they basically just stick them in a room and hope for the best
since the reader is a college student (i haven’t decided the major yet) they ask to keep their school stuff at the BTS base because their professors will not take “i’ve been taken by the mafia” as an excuse because the education system, am i right america
reader literally does not give a shit, at least they don’t have to pay rent anymore
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astrolaurical · 2 years
Has anyone else in bts has met their fs apart from v?
There were rumors yearssss ago that Jin was in a steady long term relationship with his gf and had been dating her for 5 years. If that was back in idk 2018 and if they are still together then I’m assuming they would be planning for marriage. I’ve noticed that Korean couples tend to date for a lot longer than other Western couples until they get married. A lot of my Korean friends have been in relationships for 5-6 years and still going without being engaged. It has to do with housing though. In korea, you put your entire mortgage cost in your deposit, so if your house was 2.5 million won, you would pay that upon buying. Then all you would have to worry about forever would be utility costs,etc. So most people live at home with their parents until they have saved enough to move out and buy their own place (think of any kdrama you have watched where the lead arrives home after a busy day at work and crawls into her bed at her parents house but then the next night goes on a date with her bf and he has to drop her back off at her parents house. Super awkward, especially when parents catch you making out like in Extradionary Attorney Woo.)
Joon did say that Jin’s house looks like a newlywed’s house 👀. Man is in his early 30’s and is a worldwide superstar. If he got married in secret, I wouldn’t be surprised. I would keep it a secret too. This fandom is so possessive and toxic.
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But I don’t think he’s married. It would have gotten leaked. THEIR PASSPORTS HAVE GOTTEN LEAKED. Of course his marriage license would have too. Nah, he’s probably just shacked up with the love of his life. And good for him. He deserves it.
As for the other 6 members…This is all based on astrology and my own opinions. I DO NOT AND WILL NOT PULL TAROT CARDS ON THE MEMBERS. When you try to reach into another person’s energy, others can then reach into yours. Karma- what goes around comes around.
Yoongi- his aura has been so bright lately. I’ve been leaning towards maybe? He went through his Saturn Return and seems to really have found his purpose (making long term goals, etc.)
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Namjoon- based off of Indigo, uh no. He’s still getting into karmic relationships. He needs to do some soul searching and self reflect. Like dude, ask yourself: why do you have like 10 songs all about fake love? WHY DO YOU KEEP REPEATING THE SAME PATTERN? It’s bound to repeat until you learn your lesson.
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Jhope- idk honestly. He’s so protective of his energy, like a smart person should be. When asked if he would be getting a kiss for New Years, he had that great meme face of disgust. Was he disgusted at being asked such an intrusive question because it violated basic social norms and personal privacy or because he was disgusted at the thought of getting kissed by someone other than his sweetheart? (The answer is the 1st one. Media is too invasive.)
Jimin- ha no. Man’s has been burnt out and depressed for a while but everyone pretends they do not see. 95ers are also entering their Saturn Return year (welcome pal) so he is focusing on trying to survive an existential crisis
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Taehyung- see here or here or here
Jungkook- he likes to party and date around (I’m just the messenger. beef with the stars.) He is also superrrrr immature in love (uh perilla leave debate, anyone) so if he does find his fs, they have a lot of work on their hands putting up with not getting annoyed every day not even being able to have basic independence. TLDR: no. He needs to grow up and do some self reflection a La Namjoon. The virgos need to go on a meditation retreat together.
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I like Tae’s vibe. I actually like the New jeans approach of multiple low budget MVs instead of 1 big bang cause it increases more revenue without triggering the hyper competitive K-pop space.
What do you think?
and this suits Tae, something about him just gives off not interested in the K-pop space. In fact, the only member I think who actually respects K-pop is probably Jimin. I judge this based on the artists they look up to. Jhope & RM like Jcole & Nas, American rappers. Forgot who Suga likes. Tae looks up to older jazz artists. JK likes American pop artists and Jimin likes Big Bang & independent artist. Idk about Jin honestly.
I’ve listened to Jimin’s playlist on AM: Springtime sounds and none of these songs are big title tracks/ singles. These are low key artists singing about their lives and loves. Jimin listens to Alec Benjamin, a guy with a great voice, small but loyal following and purposefully left the music industry behind after making a breakout hit so he could sing about his stories. My flex is that Jimin and I listen to the same type of music.
Went off on a tangent but my point is: These guys obviously have different views as to what a successful artist is. And they are all following that path. I think for Jimin a successful artist is producing good music for loyal fans rather than a general audience. I could be wrong of course. If so, Like Crazy’s success would be heartwarming as everyone and their mama knows that it’s carried by fans sharing & streaming.
The funny thing with Jimin though is that even if he tried to be a low key artist he couldn’t. Yes he does his own thing, sings about his story, doesn’t get major airplay and is listened mainly by a loyal fanbase who lives him and shares his music.
However his loyal fanbase is hugeee, so by virtue of that he’s left the lowkey artist category and also the K-pop category behind. What you mean you wanna release your long awaited album as an mp3?
Thinking about that sometimes makes me laugh. Jimin just wanna be lowkey, regular K-pop male artist singing his tunes then boom #1 on hot 100, Ryan Gosling giving him a guitar, song going platinum in the states(I’m calling it), fans demanding to buy his song. He’s non existent on socials rn and still trending
To be honest i kind of find Jimin fans funny. He said in Suchwita he wants to top billboard continuously. And everyone kinda knew he meant as BTS but his fans said “oh YOU want it? Here you go baby have a #1 on hot 100”. Making it look like it’s easy. Lol I’m sure Jimin knows his fans have plans for him.
They keeping him in the top 50 global just cause and I don’t think they gonna stop. Right now they have a goal to rechart LC also just cause and I’m interested to see how things unfold.
All of these are gifts they want to give Jimin. Almost like they’re proving to him we are here, we support you and we appreciate your music, and to cause a ripple in the company doesn’t hurt either.
Ok, this is the only ask I will answer regarding Tae's music so don't come sending more, please!
I don't want to answer Tae music stuff, other anons!
But I'll answer this one because I appreciate that you took time to share all this.
First question. Our opinions vary greatly.
I think with how competitive kpop is, you need that big trigger, especially if it's a debut album. Tae needed to risk it but didn't. For me, this all feels safe although it wasn't intended to come across that way.
I think that his visual album should have been released all at once. I know this way is done to create anticipation but I haven't been pulled into his story yet. Maybe that will change once the 3rd mv is released or his photos tie more stuff together?
It's interesting that you find the aesthetic fitting because I don't lol I do agree that Tae is not kpop at all but this album concept feels off to me. Like it's fabricated and doesn't show the real Tae. I feel like his fans would appreciate that. Perhaps the concepts worked for New Jeans since it's quirky cute. And I remember writing a few weeks ago how Tae had changed his style and if that was reflective of what he would show in his upcoming album. And we are seeing change but not in any sort of direction. I don't see the essence of Tae in this. Or his new style.
I like to see the essence of the artist even in their on-stage personas. I'm not seeing it here.
But maybe this is just me being intense as usual.
Second question. Jimin. I do agree that Jimin tries to tell stories through his songs and he does that beautifully. Even if his songs differ greatly, like Promise and Set Me Free pt.2, they both have that air of Jimin in it. But I'm not being biased, I'm not a fan of both.
I do think the pandemic caused the change in direction of Jimin's artistry. But I hope that he has seen the reception, BB charts and worldwide records, and sees that his music is meant for a wider audience even if the stories are personal to him. We can see that FACE was his struggle and rebirth so I'm looking forward to his next album, which he said was going to more upbeat.
With the right team and tools, his songs can achieve greater success. It is heartwarming that Jimin lovers are still carrying his song still. It's our token of love and appreciation but I hope that the his next project has the company support he deserves added to the fan support he has rightfully earned.
Hopefully we get to see this soon enough.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I really like how you think. Maybe you won't like my take on Tae's music but do you want to be friends? Message me?
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
So today is Namjoons birthday of which I didn't know by the way because I saw nothing on twitter and that maybe be because I'm on pjm twitter and they don't give a fuck. But there was nothing on the trends or anything. I saw jimin's IG post just now and only then I knew about his birthday. Happy birthday to a music lyrical genius a dime in kpop.
This got me missing BTS and their content basically everything about them. I miss them, I miss them so much. The hiatus didn't really affect me last year because when it was announced I was going through it academically. And this year I was so caught up with jimin and face I even forgot about them. But lately especially today I found myself missing them.
I miss run BTS I miss their YT content. I actually miss armies before the hiatus turned them to a toxic fandom. I miss their fun tweets and spaces on twitter. Alot has been happening in this second chapter that has made me hate some members well not hate per say but I don't like them either. The second chapter has revealed alot about the members and the fandom its self
There are some members who's personalities are just off like literally off. And I sort of like get why that certain member doesn't have alot of friends judging by the way he acts, he doesn't have friends not because he's an introvert but because he's got a bitch ass attitude personality
As much as alot has happened in this chapter I miss the old BTS the BTS before the hiatus. As much as I want BTS to come back of which they will. There will be a huge change in the group's dynamics. You can clearly see right now that jimin prefers jhope and Jin over the others in reality where as it always seemed like he was closer with jk and Tae. I know that their bond is deeper than it seem because they don't show us everything at the same time it might not. Sometimes there's no deeper meaning to something it is what it is. Because I'm here wondering that now it is clear pretty much visible that soulmates vmin is no more. Are they going to act like the divorce doesn't exist
If the group comes back are they going to act like jk is not preferred member. That out of all of them he's the one they see potential in. Are they going to act like one member hasn't received royal treatment that they didn't receive in their debuts nor in their prime time as a group. Or are they going to act like it didn't happen just like jimin's no1 which their refusing to acknowledge because of reasons only they know or is because till today they don't believe that he actually did that on his own idk. And then there's jk looking at his attitude now and all that he's said and done is he going back and pretend to be a sweet maknae. The one who's always quite in interviews. Is he going to pretend like he didn't really said he wants to be bigger than BTS' is he going to pretend like he basically said he's better than everyone like he didn't say he was the chosen one.
Are the members and the company going to sweep everything that happened under the carpet and pretend like everything is okay because it definitely isn't. If it ain't some members not talking about BTS come back it's some using the groups name as a click bait.
Idk if I made sense but I'm just curious about alot of things and I just miss BTS.
Overall jimin has always find a way to make me mind my own business and loudly remind me that I'm just a fan quietly. Because tae was Mia during his debut but he posted him on his debut on IG. He supported every member on their debut. Sometimes I think jimin does such things to people to kinda say he's got a problem with me but I don't. Or sometimes things are not as deep as we make them to be because they don't show us everything but based on what we see mhh mhh mhh
Again jimin has reminded me to mind my business loudly and that I'm just a fan I should know my place because I could be ranting that jikook is not real only to find out that after military they're moving to that mansion JK's building in itaewon because "we don't know everything"
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This man won kill me chai
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So I was thinking about that interview where Jimin states that he's always achieved what he wanted - wanted to audition so he did, wanted to debut and so he did. And it just struck me that out of all the members he's really always been the one that's really wanted to be an idol.
Like RM wanted to be a rapper initially, Suga - a producer, V and Jin never really had that goal and got scouted independently based on their looks. JK and JHope did want to be idols but JK was ready to abandon that to become a dancer and Hobi was ready to quit too once upon a time. I'm not saying these guys didn't want to be a part of BTS - there's no way you'd work that hard and be that successful if you're being half hearted about it.
But yeah I was thinking it makes sense that Jimin has the most traditional idol album rollout of them all. He's wanted to be an idol since the beginning - nearly lost the chance to debut because of his short training period multiple times - but he really fought tooth and nail to be in BTS and finally debut as an idol as he wanted.
Also remembering all those people who thought Jimin wouldn't do much as a soloist because he loves being a BTS member so much. They really didn't know him at all did they? Anyway so glad in one month we're going to see exactly what he's been working on.
As much as I'm not a fan of Weverse magazine, the last interview Jimin gave in June 2022 has the answer and anticipates everything we're seeing now in terms of promotion and his goals.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
i'm not being hypocritical, i'm being realistic. the members can show support (and do!) for each other in private, but i'm talking about what we see of the members and what they tell us. taehyung didn't show up for jungkook's birthday. jk didn't show up for jimin's schedule too, you're right. i didn't even mention jikook but since you did let me make it clear that i don't think they're dating. i don't think anyone in bts is dating a member. if they were dating i would expect jungkook to physically show up for jimin like jimin does for him. jimin is the type of friend that shows up for everybody whenever and wherever so it's not out of character for him to cross oceans for his friends. while jk is an introvert so i never expect him to do that for anybody (unless it's a romantic partner)
so if taekook are a couple, how come jungkook and taehyung are never there for each other on important occasions? (again, unless we speculate with no proof. and yes, proof does matter otherwise we'd be venturing on deulu land). taehyung went back to korea to support a wooga member last year (i can't remember who) but he can't do the same for his boyfriend? i even remember it happened one day before jk's birthday and people speculated he came back for jk, only for jk to confirm on live that he only saw jimin and jhope (and jin who was there on live).
if jungkook says taehyung didn't show up for his birthday even though taehyung was in the country then that tells me they're not dating. because it's not unrealistic to hold couples to that standard. if they are a couple, certain behaviours will be expected of them by observing fans who want to have a healthy mindset and not go off of theories.
we all have the same amount of information about the members and we all make different conclusions based on what we know. if some people see a romantic link between jungkook and taehyung, then it's healthy to have certain expectations of them that keeps us grounded. we can't just say "it doesn't matter if they do this or that. they're still a couple" based on what?? there's no definite proof that proves they're dating each other, people can only speculate based on certain behaviours. and nothing about their behaviour so far screams "we're a couple!" their behaviour is pretty platonic unless you're biased and leaning towards shipping them as a couple. but what kind of boyfriend doesn't show up for his boyfriend's birthday?? multiple times at that. if jihope can never miss jungkook's birthday even if they're across the ocean, then what's taehyung's excuse for missing it even though he was in the country? in 2019 BTS were on vacation and all of them were in different countries (except for vhopekook who were in korea i think) and yet jk said he'd only seen jihope during the whole month of vacation they had. mind you, jimin was in france and took a plane to seoul just to not miss jk's birthday before resuming his trip. if a friend can do that then why couldn't taehyung who was in the country?
i know this ask has been focused on the birthday aspect of things, but i can apply this logic to many of taekook's behaviours that are inconsistent if we consider them to be a couple. but this has been long already so i won't indulge into that topic now.
Hi again anon!
Well, this is a better way to start a conversation than immediately calling me out for gaslighting. Thanks for clarifying you’re not a Jkkr, I get a lot of those.. so I was assuming a bit there.
The main difference between you and I is that you are looking for proof for a normal relationship, between people who are out and in the open. And that would make you correct. And if I were to look at Tae and Jk like that, I would maybe also not think they were together. But, say I’m correct.. we would be talking about a relationship that is hidden from the public and possibly from even more people than just the general public. I don’t think a queer relationship between two bandmembers would be allowed in SK. So when you start looking for normal signs of a relationship, you will come up empty handed. I can indeed not give you proof of that. If it was possible to actually proof Taekook at that level, these conversations wouldn’t happen.. Jikook as a ship would not exist. So in that sense you would be right.
But I look at it as them being closeted. And I do think there is evidence in support of that, though it is not the hard kind of evidence you would need to be convinced. But then again, it’s impossible in a situation like this to find that sort of hard evidence. I disagree for instance that Tae and Jk’s interactions are purely platonic. There’s several (quite a few actually) instances of attraction, jealousy, flirting, and even occasional lust between them. Body language is often overlooked as proof, because it is to a certain level up to interpretation. But when the same instances of body language keep repeating themselves over and over, I think that as a whole can be looked upon as evidence. The same goes for the times Tae and Jk got told to separate while on camera. One time might be excused as an incident, but it’s happened quite a few times, which establishes a pattern. Basically the whole fandom agrees that Tae and Jk were super close in the early years, their friendship was even highlighted and used in official content a lot. It is also clear to almost the whole fandom that something changed. I know the official explanation is that they drifted apart (due to awkwardness or Tae having made others a priority), but to me that doesn’t account for the quite obvious change in official content. Their change in closeness could not have been that bad for the company to stop making official content with them, not unless they were actually on the outs and didn’t even want to work together much, but that clearly wasn’t the case. If you look at content from that time, they were just as comfortable with each other as ever.. they were just shown differently by the company. To me that is visible proof for something not adding up. And yes I do combine that with how I see Tea and Jk interacting.. so maybe that is speculation. But to me speculation can absolutely be true. I always say that I am not a 100 percent sure, we cannot be. But I do trust my own observational skills and my way of reasoning.
To you that means nothing and I totally understand that. It’s like me, a stranger on the internet, telling you: “trust me bro”. And you shouldn’t trust me because of that. But I am not here to convince anyone of my thoughts. I know I cannot proof everything. I have a clear view in my head of what I believe happened. I am sharing my opinions on here and I try to explain to others why I see what I see.
You are saying: “if they are a couple, certain behaviours will be expected of them by observing fans who want to have a healthy mindset and not go off of theories.” and: "if some people see a romantic link between jungkook and taehyung, then it's healthy to have certain expectations of them that keeps us grounded.". But they aren’t trying to proof they are a couple, if they actually are closeted that would even mean they actively try to proof they aren’t at times. I am also not trying to proof they are a couple, I just think they are. I am sure enough of my observations to blog about it the way I am. That says something about me and my thoughts. But I understand that is not enough for you. I feel comfortable enough with not knowing everything, you don't and that's fine.
so if taekook are a couple, how come jungkook and taehyung are never there for each other on important occasions?
I think that is just as much an assumption as me thinking they actually have been there for each other.
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