#and his little brother is just so whiny and he thinks its funny because he has no emotional intelligence
hearts401 · 1 year
slamming my fists on the ground I WANT BAD BROTHER MICHAEL
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crazylittlejester · 6 months
I've seen headcanons of Warr's possible ancestors but just think how funny it would be if he was Twilight's descendant. Not only how that would affect their relationship but Warriors realizing in pure horror that by bathing manure off of Mask, he had once scrubbed horse poop off his great great GREAT grandpa.
no because this is a headcanon thats slowly been growing on me and I was thinking about this JUST the other day
its all fun and games until Warriors realizes he’s actually his little whiny brat younger brother’s descendant 😭 (he’d bawl his eyes out if he found out he was actually related to Time he’d be so happy, even if he initially went ‘ew’ or something just to be ridiculous and dramatic)
For me, Twilight is Time’s great grandson (that’s just my headcanon) but I think there would be a good couple hundred years between Twilight and Wars, a good few generations (maybe 3-5)
The urge to write a fic where the three of them figure this out is SOOOO strong rn
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tinyapplejuice · 1 month
Lawriecolt headcanons pls? 👀
•Lawrie’s the type of guy to deny that he likes Colt and even admit that he hates him but cannot spend a single day and every second where he doesn’t think of that pretty man and kissing his lips. Lawrie beats himself up for this.
•Lawrie gets easily nervous just by the slightest mention of Colt so everytime he sees Colt, he turns red. And Colt finds that really funny not like ‘aww he’s adorable!! ^^ teehee!’ no, it’s more like ‘hah he looks really goofy’. Bonus Lawrie tries to play it cool and it may or may not work BECUASE he doesn’t want Colt to tease him.
•Lawrie STARES like I truly mean it, whenever he sees that man. He will be quick to look and relish his beauty even though he despises it.
•Colt’s good luck, charisma, and gun tricks definitely caught Lawrie’s attention and that was probably how this rabbit hole started. It was probably a small encounter but he fell in love at first sight.
•Could I confess that Lawrie first probably brushed the thought of Colt before he started to think of him almost everyday and that turned into hatred before falling in love? UGHH HES SUCH A LOSER!!!!!!! LOSER ALERT!!!!!
•Colt is an absolute drama queen when he gets one small cut on his face, Lawrie is annoyed by it everytime whenever he hears Colt complain but that small cut doesn’t change his perspective on him.
•Lawrie may never admit but he respects Colt, I mean their jobs are similar. Colts a sheriff and he’s a cop and they basically get bad guys. I do think Colt takes his job somewhat seriously and doesn’t goof off. So Lawrie may regard him for his job but not his personality.
•Oh Lawrie hates Colt’s personality but at the same time, he gets butterflies from him! That charming smile, that little laugh whenever he’s proud of himself, that makes Lawrie go crazy!!!
•I could see like Colt teasing Lawrie whenever he does something better and that causes Lawrie to immediately go angry and red. He wants to rip that man to shreds in a loving way!!! But also in a non loving way.. Colt is definitely the one to push Lawrie’s buttons.
•Larry, sigh… he’s the victim of Lawrie’s rants.. he tries to reassure Lawrie that he’s going to be fine and such but he just has to witness his brother go in a love and hate relationship with the sheriff.
•Lawrie grits his teeth and it looks like he’s mad but he’s not. He’s just mad flustered because the very thought of Colt had appeared in his mind.
•Whenever Lawrie blurts out a compliment by accident, Colt will look at him and says something along the lines “hehe, I know right?” with a smirk.
•It will be both interesting and sad if their love is one sided. Like Lawrie is obsessed with Colt and truly loves him but Colt doesn’t mind or notice and just say that he’s a silly guy. UGHHHHH like Colt probably think Lawrie is just a somewhat decent guy to hang out with instead of having an actual crush on him…. GRRRR
I may or may not be a sucker for Larry and Lawrie ships (minus the weird and inappropriate ones) it’s not my intention to my ship headcanons but I JUST LOVE LARRY AND LAWRIE LIKE I DONT CARE IF ITS NOT MY OTP I WILL EAT ANY MEDIA OF THEM!!!!
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year
Why People Don't Like Ozzy (and why they do like other characters)
Every fandom has its favourites, and that of KG2 isn't exempt– just look at all the content of Penny, Ted, Nugget and Felix lol. But if there's one character that Kindergarten fans don't often think or care about, it's Ozzy.
At first glance, it seems obvious why. He's pretty whiny and a big downer, instantly dislikes the protag, and doesn't really have any shown positive qualities. He talks constantly about his allergies and asthma, obsesses over his routine, is willing to strangle Protag without a second thought, and the player is actively encouraged to kill him in Ted's mission.
But really, Ozzy's just, well. A five-year-old. Out of the KG cast, he's the one who acts most his age: he's rude at times, very focused on himself, and sulks about his favourite toy being broken– and those are all traits you'd expect from a kindergartener. He's surrounded by more emotionally compelling and mature characters, making him seem babyish in comparison.
His fears about his asthma and allergies are honestly valid, considering that the world in which he lives contains people constantly trying to off each other. He knows he's not well-liked, that his science teacher would (and does) use his corpse as a cadaver, that he could literally die from either of these things being set off.
Leading on from that, is his apathy regarding killing the protag really that surprising? He, like all the other students, knows what happens when people are sent to the principal's office or Danner gets out his laser gun. It wouldn't be surprising if he's just accepted death as part of his routine by then, unbothered by and desensitised to it just like the other kids.
He has problems with change, as little kids often do, and it's entirely reasonable that he's so upset about his friends getting "transferred". He just lost everyone he cared about seemingly because of the new kids, so his immediate response is to dislike them. He has a right to be worried and angry about Madison & co disappearing, most likely having seen plenty of people die in his school, but there's nothing he can do but take it out on Protag. Heck, if the player gives him the battery, he's even willing to give him a chance at friendship, saying that maybe the new kids aren't all bad and asking if Kid wants to play with him.
So why do people not like Ozzy, but find favourites in other characters? Take Felix, for example (on whom this fandom is typically divided into 2 extremes: loving and despising). He kills his brother remorselessly, is willing to further disable a paralysed child, cares only for himself and constantly belittles everyone around him.
But Felix is also a really fun character. His motives are great to explore, his relationship with Ted equally so, his manner of speaking is wonderful and he has some really good lines (e.g. "the real treasure is the friends we buried alive along the way"). He's so pompous that it's funny, he's always a blast to watch, and there's a lot of potential for angst for him.
Ozzy only murders one person, but that's the player. He's an obstacle, not meant to be liked. Felix murders his twin, but there's a whole lot to read into with that. He's a likeable character with an enjoyable story, and he typically comes with ball-of-sunshine Ted.
Ted is easy to like. People are sympathetic towards him because of Cain's Not Able and his seemingly horrible father. He's nice to Felix and feels had about killing Ozzy. His only motives are pleasing his brother, showing his loyalty and desperation to prove himself and be loved.
But he does kill Ozzy, or at least get Protag to do so for him, and plans the whole thing out independantly despite Felix saying that he would take care of it. He's not as dumb as Felix makes him out to be, can be cold-blooded and strategic when necessary, sticks to his plan no matter who it hurts (e.g. Carla with the gum, Ozzy himself) all in the name of showing he's capable. Ted isn't as innocent as people like to pretend, but he is more considerate than plenty the other characters.
Characters like Cindy and Buggs make Penny & Ted look like angels, and the big personalities everyone else possesses make Ozzy seem pretty boring. He's not particularly compelling, we're not supposed to like him, his only major plot point is that Ted wants the player to kill him, and he only ever shows concern for himself and characters whose only personalities are being experiments.
Even then, he refuses to hug Madison after she comes out of the lab, telling her to take a bath and calling her gross. We know what Madison has been through as the Protag so we feel bad for her, but looking at the situation through Ozzy's eyes is entirely different.
She's covered in something that looks disgusting and he's trying to get on him, and Ozzy hates getting dirty. All he's been told is that it's from the principal's secret lab, which only makes it seem more unhygienic. He's fully aware of the rules in science and labs at school, reminding Danner multiple times, and his mom has clearly enforced these before.
Again, he's five, so his lack of a filter isn't entirely his fault. He doesn't possess the emotional maturity to see that might upset her, he's just glad that she's back and scared of her touching him with her goo. He doesn't know she was kidnapped, he doesn't know what the goo is, he doesn't know why she didn't reach out if she was at school the whole time. He suggests something he sees as perfectly reasonable, and moves on with his life.
One of Ozzy's main characteristics is that he's a germophobe. Getting mad at him for that would be like getting mad at Ted for his arachnaphobia–even if Ozzy's ruder and more blunt about his fear.
Overall, people don't like Ozzy mostly because they don't find him interesting. He's not endearing or sweet, isn't shown as a nice character, and doesn't really have any spotlight moments like Felix or Penny. Nugget, too, is liked because of how new and unpredictable he is as a character, as well as some of his more emotional moments– all of which Ozzy lacks.
This has been on my mind for a little while, and it's been fun to put it into words! Thanks for getting this far into my little ramble, and I'd love it if you shared your thoughts!! Discussing things like this with people is always nice :D
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year
Req: Yoongi adopts/gets a cat and Jimin is allergic to it?
I think there's a theory that Yoongi has a cat and I would love to see this written, because Jimin is actually allergic to cats lol
Sorry to all the requests I put on hold to do this one. I had an idea right away and keep using all my spare time on it before it's gone.
Sorry my mental health took a bit of a turn so it got a little dark. Tw: anxiety
Caretaker: Yoongi sickie(?): Jimin
Yoongi feels his phone vibrate on his desk, pulling him out of work mode. He checks who it is, answering immediately when he sees Jimin is on the other end.
"Jimin-ah I thought you were busy today." Yoongi greets him teasingly. Jimin had planned to stay in his studio all day until he could finish the song he started to work on.
"I am busy, but I need help. Hang on.. I'll show you." Jimin puts his phone on speaker, playing back the melody he was working on. Yoongi cringed when he heard the awkward mesh of the drums and the guitar that sounded like they were playing two different tempos.
"What the Hell was that?" Yoongi laughs.
"Hyung its not funny!" Jimin pouts, but he knew Yoongi was just being honest. "Could I come over to work on it with you?"
"Of course."
"Thanks, hyung. I love you."
"You're welcome, see you soon Jimin-ah."
"You aren't gonna say it back?"
"Ah Jimin not you too." Yoongi whines.
"Come on hyung. It's not that hard."
"I'll say it if you pick me up some coffee."
"I need to bribe you for love now? Are you serious?" Jimin tries to keep his voice steady, but ends up giggling anyway.
"Love you." Yoongi mumbles into the phone, hanging up.
Yoongi jumps when he hears the doorbell, saving what he was working on. Aiish,was he already in the neighborhood? I didn't expect him to get here That fast.
"Coming." Yoongi goes to the door to let Jimin in. "You did bring me coffee. I love you." The 'I love you' is quickly followed by the rapper taking a big drink of the iced coffee.
"You're cute Hyung." Jimin giggles, seeing Yoongi's eyes go wide whilst he drinks.
"Huh? Thanks.." Yoongi looks away from him, cheeks flushing pink."Let's try to salvage your train wreck."
"Don't call it that! It's not bad! I just overlapped the parts wrong, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it." Jimin sasses with a whiny tone.
Yoongi smiles at Jimin's sudden outburst, chuckling. "Sorry, sorry. Let's go fix your mistakes."
Jimin rolls his eyes but accepts this response, letting Yoongi lead him to the studio he made in his house. Yoongi adds a second computer chair to the desk. "Do you have the flash drive?"
Jimin goes to sit, but an itch in his nose makes him freeze in his tracks. "Hang on.. Heh'itch...heh..Hehitch..ahh.."he wipes his palm over his nose to try to clean up his face."I have it.."
"Here.." Yoongi hands him a tissue. "Wipe your nose."
"Thanks hyung." Jimin wipes his nose, then digs the flash drive out of his jeans pocket, plugging it into the tower. "What is this mess? There's so many..untitled 2 untitled 2.1 untitled 4.3 what do you mean 2.1.."He passes the keyboard to Jimin.
"I haven't came up for the names of the songs yet so they're just numbers.. I don't wanna hear it yours don't look any better!" Jimin huffs,sniffling loudly.
"I thought you got over that cold. Are you okay, Jiminie?" Yoongi asks, fretting over his little brother.
"I thought I did.. I was feeling fine earlier.. maybe I shouldn't have walked here. It was bit wi.." Jimin felt his eyes watering as the itch returns, covering his face. "Heh'hehixh!"
"I think i have some cold medicine. Let me go see. Stay here." Yoongi gets up, letting Jimin open the song he was working on.
I don't understand how I could get sick so fast..
Then Jimin's answer appeared in front of him. When Yoongi left the room, a black cat waltzed in right afterwards, jumping into his lap with a loud purr. "Ah..Seoltangie.. I thought you'd be at your grandparents house.. no, no don't do that. I didn't take any allergy pills.. please.."
Seoltangie rubs against Jimin's hand, demanding pets, headbutting his palm. Jimin tries gently nudging, but the furry friend refuses to budge, just sticking claws into Jimin's thigh to make it harder. "I'm sorry.." Jimin winces when he pulls on Seoltangie to try to get her off.
"Yoongi-yah!" Jimin calls desperately when he feels the sneezes come. "Heh'itchii...Hehtichi...! Hihtrchxxi!" He turns away from the cat, the sound of Jimin's sneezes scaring them away.
His throat felt tight, making his breath come out as short wheezy gasps. "I..I can't pet you..right now.."
"Sh*t..Sh*t I'm sorry Jimin. Come here Seoltangie." Yoongi rushes into the room, scooping up his feline, earning himself a scratch in protest. "I know you don't like being picked up but you can't be in here." Yoongi carries Seoltangie to another room in the house, closing the door behind him.
Jimin tries to get some of the cat hair that clung to his hands off, but another round of sneezes makes it impossible. "Heh'itchi..Ha..Hativkch! HETHIXH..." he rubs his hand across his dripping nose, instantly regretting it when it only makes matters worse. "Hehticu! Hegitidh..! He'iychiugh..." Jimin whines, unable to cover his face because of the black cat hair that was now sticking to his hands from the mucus that coated his hands.
Yoongi rushes back into the room, using a wet wash cloth to clean off his hands. "Take that shirt off, I'll lend you one of mine. I'm sorry, Jimin-ah. I completely forgot i took her home..."
"It's okay.." Jimin let's Yoongi pull off his shirt discarding it in the corner of the room while he makes sure he gets all the fur off his hands Jimin a bag. "Here..Valentino just sent me these so they shouldn't have any fur on them."
"Thanks h...heh'tichi..!" Jimin sniffles miserably. "Ugh.. my head hurts.."
"I'm sorry, Jiminie. I have cold medicine but no allergy pills. I'll have to go to the store.. will you be okay?" Yoongi helps Jimin get a new shirt on.
"Yeah, I'll be fine..I should really carry some with me.." Jimin grabs another tissue, trying to dry his eyes. "I'm not deathly..ah..ahiych!"
"I'll be back as soon as I can then. Make yourself at home." Yoongi leaves his sneezy dongsaeng to go to the kitchen, bringing him a cold compress from the freezer. "Here.. this should help with the swelling in the meantime." He gently places it over Jimin's eyes.
"Thanks Hyungie..." Jimin sniffles, leaning back in the chair.
"Don't fall." Yoongi spins him slowly making the back of the chair lean against the desk. "Just in case. You have problems with chairs."
"I'm not gonna fall." Jimin giggles, Yoongi getting the reaction he wanted.
If he can laugh, then he should be okay for a bit..
"Mao! Mao..!"
Jimin could hear Seoltangie from the other room. "I'm sorry baby, once I take some medicine, I'll pet you.." jimin felt guilty for not giving her attention and for scaring her, but his allergies got worse, making him go from being able to handle holding cats for a bit with just a runny nose and watery eyes to becoming a sneezy mess with a swollen face and red eyes that itched and watered no matter what he did to them.
Jimin shivered, removing the compress. As soon as he sat up the sneezes returned. "Hehith! Heyghi...Heh..ha..Hehtichxxi!"
I need to lay down.. my head is killing me..
Jimin goes into the living room, finding a lint roller on the table to defur the couch. "Heh..tishf..!" Jimin sniffles, removing enough fur to comfortably lay down without making his allergies worse.
I made it to the store. Do you want anything while I'm here?
Yoongi texts Jimin, still feeling guilty for forgetting such an important detail about his dongsaeng. If he remembered he could've secured his furry companion and warned Jimin to bring allergy pills.
Yoongi keeps his arms pulled close to his chest while he navigates the convenience store, trying to move as quickly as possible. He already felt himself being watched, a phone pointed in his direction. He opted to pretend he didn't notice them, knowing if he spoke to them it'll only draw more attention to himself.
Yoongi didn't get an answer from Jimin, so he just picked up some honey butter chips and some ramen.
"Suga oppa could I please have a photo with you?" A woman bows to him. Yoongi recognized her as the one who's been following him around the store.
"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.." Yoongi turns her down politely.
"You can't spare a few seconds? I'm a really big fan of yours. I've been following you for almost three years now." She picks up her head, trying to use her pouty lips and long fake lashes to get her way.
"I need to get home to my brother. He isn't feeling well.. I'm really sorry.." Yoongi bows to her, going to the counter.
"What? Who's not feeling well? What's wrong? Do you need any help? I'm in school to be a nurse." She follows him to the counter, continuing to talk to him while the cashier rings him up.
"Hello, how are you, S- sir?" The cashier doesn't look at him when she speaks, her voice shaking with either nerves or excitement. She clearly knew who he was, trying to ignore the fact and be professional.
"I'm doing well, thank you. How are you?" Yoongi speaks to the cashier with a smile, ignoring the woman's questions.
He jumps when he sees her arm moving in his peripheral vision, moving her arm to hold her phone above his head to snap a photo leaning on his shoulder, wrapping her arm around his waist, hitting the button.
Yoongi shakily removes her arm from his waist, taking a few steps away from her. His heart accelerated, his anxiety spiking from her blatant disregard for his personal space. "D..Don't.." He pushes his voice out, but he hardly heard it himself.
"Miss you can't take photos without someone's permission. I'll have to ask you to leave." The cashier informs her coming to Yoongi's rescue.
"No, I got his permission. He said he just didn't have time, so I took it without having to waste any. Oppa, it came out a little blurry. Could we please take another?" She goes for his arm, but he quickly steps back, folding his arms over his chest.
Yoongi shakes his head, no words coming out this time. He couldn't remember the last time he felt his throat tighten, anxiety freezing his vocal cords. She goes to step forward, but the cashier intervenes.
"I said you have to go. Now. Do I need to get a manager?" The cashier puts herself in between Yoongi and the woman. "Get out." She keeps her tone firm, eyes sharp and cold.
"Fine. Suga isn't even that big of a deal. He's not even attractive like Jin oppa or Jimin-sii and you aren't even a good dancer! You're also fat!"She storms out of the store.
Yoongi feels the tension ease from his shoulders when he hears the bell from the door. He takes a few breaths before finding his voice again, pushing the anxiety down.. "Th-thank you. I'm sorry.." Yoongi bows despite his legs shaking.
"You don't need to thank me. I only did my job. Do you need a minute to calm down? I'm so sorry you had to put up with that.."
Yoongi leans against the counter, taking deep breaths to try to calm himself, closing his eyes.
"Do you want to sit down?" The cashier asks voice thick with concern.
"No..no I'm okay.. I really do have to get home.. I'm sorry.. what was the total...?" Yoongi pulls himself together. He hated making others worry about him. She finishes his purchase quickly, handing him his receipt.
Yoongi digs into his pocket, pulling out a guitar pick. "Here. A small thank you.."
Yoongi returns home, finding Jimin mostly asleep on the couch, arm draped across his face.
"Jiminie I'm back.." Yoongi gently runs his palm against Jimin's chest, the vocalist stretching out with a yawn that breaks into a cough.
Jimin slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes."Welcome home Yoo..Heh'tichi..!" He quickly covers his fac before the next one comes. "Hehticu..!"
"I got you some medicine and a decongestant spray. It should help with the sneezing." Yoongi digs in the plastic bag, pulling the contents out and setting them on the table.
"Hyung your hands are shaking.." Jimin reaches for Yoongi's hand, eyes widening when he sees Yoongi flinch away from his touch. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I just got a little spooked at the store, that's all. I'll be okay now that I'm home. Don't worry. Let's get you taken care of so we can work on that song." Yoongi opens the box, popping one of the pills out of the blister pack. He wanted to get his mind off of that woman, her words weighing heavy in his chest.
She only said those things because she was angry..
Yoongi repeats in his mind for the fifth time since he left the store.
Jimin didn't push him to talk about it, accepting the pill, downing it with some water. He knew better than to push him to talk, he'd tell him when he was ready. "Thanks for going to the store hyung.." He gives him a warm smile, wiping his nose with the side of his hand.
Jimin picks up the nasal spray, wanting to ease his swollen sinuses as soon as possible. As soon as the nozzle touches his nostril it triggers a flurry of sneezes. "hetichi! Hehitusu! Hiheiychi!. Hah...He..hetich!" He drops the spray to cover his nose, the snot coating his hands. "Ugh..that hurt..."
"You okay Jimin?"
"Yeah..my head just hurts so much.. I gotta go wash my hands though.." Jimin goes to stand, but a wave of dizziness engulfs him, tunneling his vision.
Yoongi grabs his arm to steady him. "Woah, I got you.." he pulls Jimin back to the couch. "Wait until the medicine kicks in, I'll wash you up."
He goes to the room where he left the wash cloth, retrieving it to wash Jimin up going to the bathroom to rewet it. Yoongi looks at his reflection, quickly looking away when he thinks he sees fat in his cheeks.
I did put on that much weight?
Yoongi shakes his head, pushing the thoughts away. "No, two pounds isn't much weight..it's fine. It's fine.." he quickly returns to Jimin, wiping the cloth across Jimin's face. "There, that's better, now give me your hands."
Jimin presents his hands to Yoongi, allowing the rapper to clean him up. "Sorry Hyungie, I'm gross.."
"It's fine. It's my fault for not warning you about my cat being here."
Yoongi holds his hand up, checking to see if he is still shaking. If he wasn't watching closely, the small tremors at his fingertips wouldn't be noticeable. "Let hyung help." He takes it from Jimin, putting one hand on the back of Jimin's head, the other he uses to gently push the nozzle into Jimin's nose, quickly spraying.
Jimin's nose twitches when Yoongi removed it, quickly covering his face. "Heiycu..! He..hehitch! Heh..heh...augh..." The last sneeze builds up, but never actually comes. He rubs underneath his nose. "That hurt.."
"You okay, Jiminie?" Yoongi rubs the nape of Jimin's neck. "Do you want to try the other nostril?"
"In a minute..i..I think I gotta sneeze again.." Jimin says in a nasally whine, feeling the itch returning. He continued to try to coax the sneeze out, eyes watering from the pressure. "Ha..Heh..itchii!"
Yoongi waits to see if any more were going to follow, trying to soothe Jimin with a gentle words, continuing to massage his neck. "It'll pass when the medicine kicks in."
Jimin nods, another round of sneezes building. "Heh'itchiiu...Heh'tefh! Ha..Haiugh!" He sniffles, licking his lips as his nose drips down his face.
Yoongi gets him a tissue. "You okay?"
"Yeah..sorry.. i don't feel like I have to sneeze anymore.." Jimin turns his head to try to clear his nose. "Okay..I'm ready."
Yoongi picks up the spray again, sticking it into Jimin's other nostril. This time, when he sprays, it doesn't trigger any more sneezes. "There. All done."
"Thanks Hyung.. I'm starting to feel better now.. the pressure is easing up.. can we sit out here for a bit before we work? My head still hurts.." Jimin asks, leaning against Yoongi's shoulder. The older was acting like he was fine, but he still didn't know what happened at the store.
"Of course." Yoongi leans his head on Jimin's, putting his hand close to Jimins, twitching his fingers twitching, brushing against the youngers knuckles.
"You want to hold hands, Yoongi-yah?" Jimin smiles, wrapping his hand around Yoongi's. "You're cute. You don't have to be shy." He squeezes his hand.
"This girl grabbed me while I was at the store..it freaked me out.." Yoongi says softly. "I thought I was okay with touches now, but I guess I was wrong. She wanted to take a picture but I told her no, but she took it anyway, leaning really close to me.. It was hard to breathe.."
"It's completely normal to get scared when a stranger grabs onto you. I do when I feel strangers grabbing at me at the airport.. I'm sorry you had to go through that for me.." Jimin runs his thumb across Yoongi's knuckles, nuzzling into his neck. "Thank you for taking care of me."
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cowboy-robooty · 8 months
Robooty Reviews: Royal Servant (3/10)
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Read this way back in middle school... shared mangago lists with one of my friends and recognized this one and decided to reread. Lord. Who Likes This. The story is about Kyon and his master Lucaon and theres like some plot bullshit since in this world theres these guys who are royals and got these powers that they never fuckin use and live longer too and are strong n all that. and the only way to kill one tho is to give them this special poison that is completely undetectable and the only way to cure it is if the person who administered it fixes that shit. But yeah Lucaon hates servants and Kyon is a servant and Lucaon is a classic stoic scum gong and falls in love with Kyon but only starts being nice to him once Kyon literally spends 20 chapters on the brink of death lol bro got a fever and slit his wrists and fell into an ice pond and then got a fever again and pneumonia and Lucaon went "..... ok ill be nice to you now"
the art is good for this story dont get me wrong but its really really really stiff expression wise. maybe i'm just a little stupid and i need to see a huge cartoon tear drop to tell a character is sad but for realsies I do think that the art is pretty, but the expressions when bitches are fucking dying and shit could be a little more extreme. its okay to sacrifice their pretty boy looks for one pannel trust me..
The romance itself is just like whatevs. I will admit I am a fan of how kyon will just take anything like bro does not give a fuck okay cuz hes madly in love with Lucaon and doesnt care what he does to him. Im pretty sure in one chapter Kyon is just walking in the halls and Lucaon lunges at him and bites him until he bleeds and kyon passes the fuck out from the attack and its just like ok lol. LUCAON DOESNT GIVE A FUCK HES SO MEAN TO KYON UNTIL HES SUDDENLY NOT BECAUSE HE HAD HIS SCUM GONG REALIZATION WHEN KYON TRIES TO LEAVE HIM 15 MILLION TIMES AND ALMOST DIES IN EVERY INSTANCE OF TRYING TO LEAVE. the upside to kyon is that hes a simp and a pussy and he is a bit of a little bitch but he isnt a whiny bitch about it. like lucaon is his tormentor and he finds out that THERES A POSSIBILITY that he could be the cause of Lucaon's demise and immediately is like okay ill kill myself i need to get out of here and thats why he almost dies 10 million times trying to leave bc he only tries to leave bc lucaon's blonde ass brother is like dude. you might cause Lucaon to die since you're a secret spy with your memories wiped. AND ITS KINDA FUNNY BECAUSE HE STRAIGHT UP SEES KYON ALMOST DEAD IN BED AND GOES "GOD I WISH THIS BITCH WOULD JUST DIE ALREADY" LOL!!
When i was younger i was a fan of the pink haired guy (lucaons other brother) and his servant who is his boyfriend and treated as an equal and yeah younger me was right tbh kind wish the story focused on them instead. but ngl i hate the entire family drama thing bc like its the plot and all that but im like WHO GIVE A FUCK? this manhwa is just mid. mid as fuck. I'll admit when i was younger i re read the 20 chapters where kyon is on the brink of death like 50000 times over and over again because i loveeee suicide and i lovee when kyon tries to kill himself a million jillion times and Lucaon is like FUCKING STOP. theres like idk tiny hints of goodness. I can enjoy a good scum gong alright and I do like when Lucaon is like "brah... ive seen you cry more times than smile..... thats kinda fucked" MMMMMMM YES. FEEL BAD. FEEL REMORSE. but its just not worf it okay the manhwa sucks and its 100 chapters or some shit like that bruh moment. I also do like how at the end Kyon acknowledges that hes going to die before Lucaon and Lucaon needs to learn how to love other people than him because he doesn't want Lucaon to be stuck on him forever and ever. I think it was a nice bittersweet thing. In short. just not my thing. mid. equivalent to eating spoonfuls of peanut butter for dinner. Like you can... wont be very satisfying tho
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willowisapillow · 1 year
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So currently I'm back to my Koopalings obsession, especially with Wendy, who has currently became my 3rd favorite Koopaling 💕
Its funny cause I used to really hate Wendy when I was younger, because I thought she was this whiny, super obnoxious spoiled brat (I blame the cartoons for me having that mindset), but over time, I've started growing to really like Wendy for being a Mario female character who isn't portrayed as helpless or a damsel-in-distress, and I've also started easing up my feelings towards Kootie Pie/DiC Wendy a little bit. I kinda have a soft spot for her now, but she still gets on my nerves sometimes.
While I was in a chat with some close besties of mine on Amino, I came up with a few headcanons for Wendy that are heavily inspired by elements from the New Supers games, the comics, some of the sports-themed spinoff games, and the Super Mario 3 and Super Mario World DiC cartoons.
And before I start the headcanons, yes, I am fully aware that the Koopalings are confirmed to not be Bowser's biological children, and are just his minions, but I don't care about that. I've always seen them as being his adopted children rather than just his other generic entourage of minions. It was also pretty weird with how the Koopalings themselves never really acted like siblings towards one another, and instead just acted like fellow comrades in some sort of military army.
Now for the Headcanons:
• My version of Wendy is like a mix between Chloe from Miraculous Ladybug, and Charlotte from Princess and the Frog. She's a very spoiled girl who loves expensive things like jewelry. While she doesn't cry or throw temper tantrums over the most trivial things like in the cartoons, she still has her short-tempered nature, and can be pretty scary when angry. However, she tends to not let her emotions get the best of her, and uses phrases such as, "I'm too pretty to be angry" in order to calm herself down and cope with stress.
• Just like in the DiC cartoons, she thinks of herself as Bowser's favorite child since she's the most responsible when compared to her brothers. She loves getting the spotlight and attention, and loves being congratulated by her father for her bad deeds and behavior. She also tries her hardest to impress Bowser, and her biggest fear is him being disappointed in her for not being able to get something done on time.
• And like in the DiC cartoons, she still refers to Bowser as, "Daddykins", though she mostly calls him that whenever she wants him to buy her something. Though like her brothers, she does refer to him as, "King Dad" sometimes.
• She doesn't just see Bowser as a money maker who can buy her anything she asks for, she does genuinely love him for all the stuff he does for her and the rest of her brothers. Though I like to imagine that the bond they have is similar to Mr. Krabs and Pearl from SpongeBob. Wendy gets super embarrassed by some of the stuff that Bowser does (especially if they're in public going somewhere fun like an amusement park), but she still loves him deeply in the end.
• She really doesn't like greasy foods such as fries, burgers, or pizza. She prefers to stay on the healthier side, like eating fruits. Though she doesn't like veggies that much, either.
• That doesn't mean she doesn't like candy either, Wendy enjoys her sweets just as much as she loves fruit. Her favorite type of sweets are chocolate based. She loves mint chocolate chip ice cream, hot cocoa/chocolate, and chocolate gâteau. The inspiration for this headcanon comes from Chocolate Island from Super Mario World, the area where she inhabits.
• The characters she has the most beef with are Bowser Jr, Roy, Daisy, and Peach. For Jr, the two are always butting heads with each other because of the arguments they have over who's the favorite child of Bowser. For Roy, it's because he's always trying to push her buttons because of how obnoxiously, "girly" she is. She usually claps back at him by making remarks about his low intelligence. For Daisy, she thinks that she keeps cramping her tomboy style, and sees her as a poser. And as for Peach, she just can't stand her goody-two-shoes nature, and how saccharine she acts. And the fact that her father kidnaps her not just because he wants to take over the Mushroom Kingdom, but also because he's in love with her annoys the hell out of her. That's why she never calls her "Mama Peach" like the rest of her brothers, and instead calls her by her last name, Toadstool, but in a very patronizing manner.
• When she's not battling Mario and Luigi, or starting drama with others, she enjoys hanging out on the beach, swimming, and ice skating. Wendy's favorite seasons are summer and winter. The inspiration for these headcanons comes from Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and 2, where she serves as the final boss for the water-themed worlds. The other inspiration is from New Super Mario Bros. U/Deluxe, where she's the final boss of the ice-themed world.
• Her favorite music genres are pop-punk, and punk-rock, which is inspired by the person she was named after, Wendy O. Williams. She's the lead singer of the punk band, Plasmatics.
• She loves fashion and designing clothes, with 80s themed fashion being her most favorite type of clothing. This was inspired by her old DiC voice actor, Tabitha St. Germain, who voiced Rarity in MLP: FiM. Rarity is a fashionista in the show, so I'd thought it would fit Wendy lol
• In some media like the Super Mario-Kun, it's shown that she has a thing for Mario, but I just don't see it, tbh. I just like to imagine that she pretends to show affection for Mario in order to piss off Peach and make her jealous.
• Wendy enjoys singing and doing karaoke, but she's VERY tone deaf, and her brothers often call her singing, "the equivalent to nails on a chalkboard". Bowser doesn't like her singing that much either, but he's probably one of those parents who still cheers on and supports their kid, even if they aren't good at doing something.
• Wendy and Birdo are practically besties. They share the same love for expensive jewelry, singing, the spotlight, and they got similar looking bows, too. The two usually spend their time at Coconut Mall shopping for clothes, eating food, or just gossiping and spilling the tea on drama that's been going around in the Mushroom Kingdom.
• Even though she does enjoy a fair fight and will accept a loss, that doesn't she isn't cunning nor sneaky. She'll try different methods of making a competition slightly easier for herself, or her team.
• Out of all of her brothers, the only one she really gets along well with is Ludwig. The two are the most responsible out of all of the Koopalings, and they share similar leadership qualities. Wendy enjoys listening to the music that he plays on his piano, but hates it whenever Ludwig starts being brutally honest about her horrendous singing skills.
• Despite her big-headed and bossy attitude towards her brothers, she does love and care for them all deep down, and always has a blast with them whenever they take a ride in the Koopalings Clown Car, or start vandalizing the Mushroom Kingdom. She won't say it straight to their faces though, because she doesn't like to be corny or sappy lol
And that's all of my headcanons! Hope you guys enjoyed them, have a great day or night, and make sure to stay safe out there.
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blank1eboi · 2 years
so my mom got me into stranger things right. we binged all of s3 today because i'm sick and why not. these characters are giving me brainrot.
steve? gets sillier every scene. what a silly guy. my mom says he and robin look like little sailor babies in their uniforms and i thought that was silly. also? shut up. everyone in this group is a nerd. you are a nerd, just maybe.. not in the same way. ur little car stunt? that poor car but also FUCK YEAH GET EM!
dustin? perfect silly guy and everyone who hurts him makes my blood boil. he just a little guy. he looked so silly in his snow ball outfit. his relationship with steve makes me so happy they r like brothers.
hopper? idiot. silly idiot. why are you emotionally constipated so BAD. at least he is LEARNING how to communicate properly. i'm proud of him. silly guy.
joyce? good mom. im proud of her and she goes through so much shit. i hope she and hopper can properly get their shit together but also kinda not because let me tell u it can be FUNNY. she needs a break i think. give joyce byers a break.
robin? <3 i got so excited when i saw her ace ring my mom had to pause it so i could do a mini-ramble about ace rings. she is also a nerd. she does not act like it at the very beginning of the season but she is SUCH a nerd.
erica? sometimes she can be VERY RELATABLE. very mood and i am happy she is safe. also top tier sibling relationship when she said she believed dustin ab the crazy shit just not that lucas could ever be involved.
nancy? kind of an asshole again but that's ok. she's p chill otherwise and i think she just has too much trauma and isn't very good at handling it. also BAMF. nancy wheeler BAMF and you can rip this from my cold dead hands. her hair looked very pretty this season too. i love her
mrs wheeler? the beginning of the season, that thing with billy? that had me wince quite a few times. icky yucky. but. also good mom at end of it after nancy got fired and just. after the thing with billy she was p cool.
(idk if u can tell but these characters are in ZERO order it's just who is on my mind)
billy? VERY ICKY. s2 and almost all of s3 i had ZERO sympathy for him. then his dad was an ass and when he sacrificed himself because he thought of his mom that was actually like. ouch, but still i hate you. also his hair is ugly change my mind.
max? actually kinda of hated her the first few episodes she was in. like. she was kind of a bitch. she grew on me tho!! and by the time she and el started talking i was happy to see her. she's also. not as whiny as most of the boys in the group so. that was nice and her hair is always cute.
el? able to consistently get on my nerves and make me happy. it's a little funky. GREAT style tho i would steal a lot of her clothes. her relationship with hopper makes me go <3
suzie? did not like, personally, but i wouldn't protest if she showed up again. also if she wasn't annoying and made dustin sing hopper wouldn't have that shit happen to her and i would like her more.
bob? i was sad and i probably cried idr. he grew on me and i think he was sweet. he made joyce happy and he made me happy that he liked to help even when he had no clue what was going on and sometimes his advice didn't work.
mike? whiny bitch. learn how to be a decent friend and i'll give u another thought. why is nothing ever your fault? have you ever considered that it MIGHT be at least partially your fault?? ass.
will? honestly, the kid grows on me. he's always caught up in some shit and its hard to actually get anything from that but what you do get... he mostly seems like a sentimental guy who just wants to play games with his friends. i can respect that.
lucas? if he does dumb shit in s4 i WILL call him out. no hesitation. he is prone to doing dumb shit with zero regard for the consequences it seems. he's at least useful when you need him and can find him.
jonathan? he switches between "oh he's p chill actually" and "JONATHAN WHAT THE FUCK" so. idk. u kno what i mean. he's pretty smart tho he carries the party when they're stressed and i'm proud of him.
um. i think that's it. i started this post the day that i finished s3, got tired and went to bed, and now it is a whole 5 days later and i am one ep off from finishing s4. yay?
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seagoatapothecary · 11 months
Althea’s Tale
An Excerpt from “Chapter One - Summer Awakening”
5th day of Croon - Year 181 of New Tala
Fishing Full Moon
Tomorrow I am 13. To celebrate Mama got me this bound blank set of leaf paper to write on. My brother Lars got one for his 13th year as well, but all he does is draw crude images in his. And my sister Deb is too young still, her 13th year isn’t for another 4 more years. It’s tradition in our family to have a ceremony called an Awakening the night before you turn 13, but I’m not sure why our family still does it. Both Mama and Daddy says at one point a long time ago families all throughout Manipor practiced an old tradition called Manpora but that was before New Tala when all of the Domains came together. No one does that anymore except our family, at least in our village of Sommentown. We get made looked at funny for holding to old traditions and not being like everyone else. According to Mama the people of Manipor, when it was its own Domain, would receive spiritual blessings on the night of their Awakening after giving a gift of themselves to Tala, the earth, by burying it in the ground under a sacred tree. It sounds a little much to me, but I understand why Mama holds to it since her family is one of the old clans of Manipor. When I asked what her blessing was after her Awakening she smiled and said, “a blue bird”. I have no idea what she means by that. I think Lars’ blessing was just becoming more of an idiot. I’m wearing a red dress with a crown made of flowers that Mama made for me, no slippers so I can feel the summer grass between my toes like one of those fancy furry carpets that the merchants sell during festivals in town. The dress is probably the nicest I’ve ever worn and Mama bought special cloth from a textile merchant during the Midsummer Festival. I’m not sure what else to write about in here and it’s about time for my family and I to walk to the woods behind the house for my ceremony. I will write later I guess.
6th day of Croon
It’s the next day. I’m 13. I woke up this morning thinking that something would happen to me overnight, but nothing seems different. Daddy told me think of it as a metaphorical awakening and that it’s symbolic of me getting older. I guess. Being older here just means more chores at the house. Speaking of I have to go get ready for breakfast because it’s my turn to cook. Happy 13th year to me. Bye.
12th day of Croon - Year 181 of N.T.
Last Half Moon
It’s been 7 days since my Awakening, almost a full week. And it’s been bad. Lars has been sick and Deb whiny and won’t help out to make up for Lars being sick. Daddy hurt himself trying to load goods to sell in town by himself and now Mama and I are pulling all the extra work. We had to take the cart to town ourselves yesterday and unload everything while Old Man Grune watched us and made inappropriate comments about Mama’s “shape” and about how us manporas would get him in trouble with his wife. That’s what the people in town call us because we still follow old traditions. I think it used to be really bad to call someone that because that’s when Mama told him to shush. I told Mama after we left I hope his store shelves get covered in stinkweed and then it smells like rotted flesh. We must not be very good manporas though if no blessings come across our family. Maybe I gave a bad gift. Mama told me to give something meaningful for me. I chose one of the sunflowers I grew over summer because it took a lot of work. Now it seems silly to give something back to Tala that grew out of it to begin with. I hope Lars gets better and Daddy’s injury heals quickly. Harvest is approaching and Mama and I can’t do it all, and Deb is no help.
16th day of Croon
Deb is now sick. Somehow it’s worse than Lars because someone has to be with her at all times. Lars is better and Daddy is healing but Mama’s salves are only doing so much. They don’t know but I heard them talking about how he’s still having trouble putting weight on it even though the wound was healing. Mama had gone in to town yesterday to request the physician come look at him but when she came back they were not with her and she seemed upset when talking with Daddy. “Lars, they don’t respect us, they can’t treat you like this when we provide so much for them” I heard her say to him. Lars is Daddy’s name too just like my brother’s. I think Mama means that the people in town don’t like us because we are manporas. It’s wrong for them to be so mean, I don’t even know why practicing these traditions is so bad except that the rulers of New Tala say it is. I wonder how the physician would feel if all of a sudden he needed one of Mama’s tinctures or Daddy’s leather wares and we told him no. Hopefully Daddy can get better without the physicians help though.
32nd day of Croon, 181 year of N.T. First Crescent Moon
It’s hot. Mama and Daddy are worried because it hasn’t rained, and Daddy can’t walk right. His wound is closed but he makes a big face when he tries walking and I hear him curse and swear out back when he thinks we can’t hear him. Lars and I help out a lot right now, and even Deb helps Mama some in the house since Mama has to help Daddy sometimes too. I heard that Old Man Grune’s got stinkweed growing on his porch steps and it seems he can’t get it to go away. The best news I’ve had since my Awakening.
8th day of Sol, 181 year of N.T.
Something strange happened. But I’m not sure what it was. I think No. It was just a coincidence. We’re all just stressed because of Daddy and the Harvest Moon Festival coming up.
17th day of Sol
Daddy is still on a crutch and says he’s getting better, “just old bones healing slowly” he says. The Harvest Festival is in 5 days and Daddy says we will all, Deb included, have to be helping prepare this week. Mama and I are going ahead the day before with Deb to start setting up the market stall and our smaller wares and items while Daddy and Lars will head out the morning of, leaving early with the leather goods and larger items such as crafted furniture and tools. Usually we all go together but with Daddy not moving well we have to set up the stall ourselves and this gives Mama and I time to set up without any pressure from lookers’ on. Daddy may think he’s healing okay but he’s still worried about people in town seeing him moving slow so he thinks this way will keep them from suspecting too much. “An injured man cannot provide quality work, and cannot provide for his family.” I prayed last night to the Goddess that everything will be okay. The Awakening may not have done anything for me but maybe prayer will.
21st day of Sol, 181 year of N.T. Harvest Full Moon
Mama, Deb and I are all packed up and fixing to leave for town. We get to stay at an inn! We’ve never not stayed at our own place, and I know it’s just in town which isn’t anywhere new but it feels exciting. The inn in town is not much, but it’s nice enough and large enough to house traveling merchants every festival season along with any business and people that follow. While Mama says she’s glad I’m writing in here, I’m not allowed to bring it with me in case it gets lost or left behind. “You should never leave your thoughts lying around for other’s to find, they are yours to keep and treasure.” I understand this but hope I can remember everything that happens and write it all down I love the town festivals and getting to meet all the strange people from strange lands. Although this year I’ll be more tied down at our market stall since Daddy won’t be able to unload and stand around much to sell wares. Anyways, we are about to leave so we can get to town before the sun fully sets. I can’t wait to write about the Festival when we return!
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starsoirees · 2 years
thinking ab the RAD yearbook... how when yearbook photos are taken, you'd barely been in the devildom for a month but lucifer is fussing over you making sure you make a good impression, as to not ruin the school's (diavolo's) image. He fixes your tie, presses hairs into place (frowns when they dont stick), smooths your coat, etc. he forces the brothers to polish their shoes and press their uniforms the night prior, and anyone who isn't up to dress code has a harsh punishment coming their way. he always looks perfect, so the most he does is press his uniform and perhaps take a little more time for his hair in the morning. photo is positively radiant (the brothers try to mess up his picture every year... they've tried everything.. hair dye instead of shampoo, hexed face wash, ruining his clothes, nothing works. its very frustrating). lucifer the beautiful fallen angel.. you're pretty sure he has a dedicated fan club that practically die from excitement every time the yearbook is released
mammon is the bane of lucifer’s existence. this little bitch can never wear his uniform correctly he just can’t figure out how to tie his tie goddamnit. he also complains endlessly about yearbook photos. how “it’s such a fuckin hassle” and “the stick up lucifer’s ass is shoved up even farther on picture day.” he is a model though, so he knows the right angles, and which side of his face is best, etc. so his pictures always come out looking absolutely gorgeous ur so jealous. just before he’s about to take his picture, if you run up to him, ruffle his hair, kiss his cheek, and tell him he looks cute he’ll have the goofiest lovestruck grin immortalized in the yearbook forever. If mephistopheles were to edit the yearbook photos to embarrass people, he literally wouldn’t touch mammons lol he thinks it’s so funny as is. mams is already so embarrassed. literally if anyone brings up the cute little blush on his cheeks it’s on sight. 
leviathan is just. there. this is like one of the only times he’s actually at school (other than student council meetings) because he mostly does online classes. probably complains about missing an episode of The New Girl Next Door Leaves Every Night at 1AM So I Decide To Follow Her And It Turns Out She’s A Thousand Year Old Vampire Who Is Madly In Love With My Older Brother And Wants to Have His Babies or something like that. is kinda used to causal comfy clothes, so having to wear his uniform correctly makes him whiny and uncomfortable. he really likes loose things and the uniform is so crisp and tight and he swears his tie is cutting off blood flow to his head. probably has more of a grimace than a smile in the photo because of his discomfort. hates looking through the yearbook when it comes out. he has two brothers that are literally models and he looks like some creepy otaku :(( is very down on himself, and really self-critical, please give him some hugs and tell him u think he looks cute as hell in the picture. he’ll deny it and then cry into ur shoulder. help. 
satan doesn't do much. fixes his bowtie (his bowtie is so cute and goofy i love him) and combs his hair through. probably the most normal and the least amount of a headache for lucifer (much to his dismay). maybe his camera smile looks a little menacing, but you know his true smile is sweet and soft. doesn't really care much about the yearbook, but will deface lucifer's photo (its a yearly tradition, thinks up new designs the whole year in preparation. will be overjoyed if u ask to brainstorm with him). overall satan is a cute ass dork and u love him for it. 
asmodeus obviously takes yearbook photos very seriously, and engages in an intense spa day before hand. hair masks, face masks, nail masks, foot masks, everything. frets over his hair for ages, lucifer has to come and practically drag him away from his mirror because they're going to be late. would be the type to ask the photographer to retake a picture a billion times because he tilted his head in a weird direction, or his tie wasn't even, or his lashes aren't curled enough, or the lighting was a little too dark... always goes last. will force you to let him do your makeup and hair. ur just so cute he can’t help himself. once yearbooks come out he’ll gush about how cute you look and literally kiss ur tiny little paper face. 
beelzebub is literally a pain in the ass. like, i love him, but his uniform probably has food stains and crumbs everywhere. lucifer has given up at this point. beebs doesn’t even smile. he’s just sitting stoically. literally just :| want food. it kinda works for him tho hes like hot intimidating beefcake who hardly ever smiles while u know hes the sweetest gentle giant towards u. like his genuine smile is so cute and aaaa omg i want to squish his cute little cheeks. but like literally crumbs everywhere lucifer can’t get him to be crumbless they're everywhere. beel gives 0 shits tho he literally couldn’t care less about the yearbook. mephi could literally photoshop a naked feminine body on to him and he’d just be like. “ok. *nom nom nom*” will literally glow if u tell him he looks cute in his yearbook pic though. 
belphegor is annoying but just because he is #2tired2care. his uniform is messed up because he napped in it waiting for his turn and now his hair is messed up and his tie is crumpled. would literally be late for his picture because he fell asleep somewhere waiting. probably has half-lidded, sleepy eyes and a drowsy smile OR just a sly smirk. definitely leaves immediately afterward to the hol and naps the rest of the day. also doesn't give a shit ab the yearbook v2. he’s got better things to do than care about a single yearbook pic. he’s got hundreds more. 
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hi. this is crack. pt2 posted here
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leonsi · 2 years
seeing all these rottmnt/2012 crossovers bash on the 2012 bros’ relationship with each other is kiiindaaa upsetting as someone who’s uncomfortable with expressing and receiving overt affection
but hey what do i know i probablyy just have all toxic unhealthy relationships where we never understand each other and share mutual trust and love *twirls hair*
the 2012 bros may not openly express their love like the rottmnt boys do, but that doesnt mean its not there. and acting like the rottmnt relationships are automatically better and the only Right standard for healthy relationships seems pretty,, juvenile and inexperienced imo. love isnt only expressed through physical affection and saying things like “i love you,” openly, and assuming there is no love in a relationship without those things is… odd.
love is not only in words or hugs. the 2012 boys can love each other just as much as the rottmnt boys without being open about it. 2012 raph, especially, loves to show affection through acts of service, physical affection, and quality time, but he doesn’t like any of this to be commented on because it makes him uncomfortable. and thats okay! he doesn’t need to express affection openly to have it be there.
just as rottmnt donnie can express love and affection outside of hugs and words, so too can the 2012 boys. they all have their own unique ways of expressing love that the others all respect and recognize, and dismissing that feels less like it’s intentional, and more like the people writing these crossovers just don’t recognize alternate forms of expression exist. which, again,, reeks of inexperience.
( also semi-related tangent speaking of donnie he literally fucking . put a shock collar on his brother like he’s a dog in an attempt to change him. and brainwashed his brothers. and frequently puts his own wants and needs over their own - which is totally fine, if it didn’t happen all the time. it’s kinda laughable to say 2012 raph is worse than rottmnt donnie honestly
siblings hit each other. okay. siblings hit each other. i need y’all to recognize this. i will power drive my little brother into the floor over the last oreo. siblings hitting each other is not abusive (TYPICALLY) because there are established boundaries both parties abide by. like i will never touch my siblings if they are in a bad mood, trying to concentrate on something, or otherwise in a bad position (like standing somewhere dangerous, by a corner etc), and i will never intentionally hurt them. if i think they are actually hurt, we stop immediately until they tell me theyre fine. roughhousing with your siblings is fun. it is bonding. its a self-esteem booster to be able to pick up ur freshman brother okay.
the 2012 bros always abide by these rules. they never hurt each other beyond what the other party can handle, and if they do, it is very clearly treated as a bad thing by them or the other brothers so they realize they went over the line, and they resolve it by the end of the episode (as is the way of formulaic kids shows).
rottmnt donnie. put a fucking shock collar on his brother. and this is funny to him. and not something he ever learns from. and totally not weirdly sexual. But 2012 raph is the bad guy? ok )
i mean. i dont know what i expect from a fandom full of chronically online children who truly dont have experience with relationships. but it just really irks me for some reason and its currently one in the morning so im feeling whiny about it.
affection outside of words and hugs exists. affection outside of words and hugs exist!! and if you know that then you know that the 2012 boys love each other so so so much, just as much as rottmnt. just because they express it differently than in sanitized queer TV shows and not overtly, so you kinda have to pick up on nuance, doesnt mean they dont love each other. let people love other people in non-overt ways!
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
Darling Lumine Brainrot! {Part 1}
A brief summary : I love my female traveller with all my heart, she’s cute and she deserves to have harem and i’d fucking kill to be a part of that istg But as much as I love my girl, Lumine this much—Sometimes, I just want to…You know—absolutely fuck her shit up.
SO—I’m taking a break with some reader-inserts Sinfics and hand you some Darling Lumine Sin plots I always had in mind just because I can. Here’s a series of my own interpretation on how every guy in Teyvat would non-con the love of my life.
Hopefully, I'd meet more fellow Lumine Simps out here because you all know how difficult it is to be hornii alone.
(I blame @cinnamonest for these brainrots. hi mom are u proud.)
[Warning : Yandere | Non-Con | Incest | Gaslighting | Emotional Manipulation | AeLumi Ship | This is just pure brain rotting sin omg what have I done]
Yes, we’re starting off with him because I'm a degenerate and a firm believer of twincest is wincest. Yes.
Let’s think of the time before they reached Teyvat, before they were separated—Just a pair of twins going from one world to another, exploring the universe for countless of years.
I am a firm believer that Aether is that overprotective big brother that won’t let any guy near Lumine within a 5-meter radius. It’s just a behavior that he had ever since they were children, you know? They’re twins; born at the same day but Aether just happen to hear that he came out of the womb first so—He’s really taking the big brother role seriously.
He’s overbearing and strict, always warning Lumine about other people, ESPECIALLY with men. “All men are wolves” this “All men are pigs” that—It’s practically embedded in Lumine’s mind at this point.
Because of this, Lumine probably grew up very distant with other people—Growing up to be that timid and quiet little sister Aether wanted her to be. She’ll depend on him, because she believes in her brother’s words. Surely, he knows what’s really good for her, right? This is just what other siblings do to protect other siblings, right? So, it’s all good!
…But it doesn’t necessarily mean that she have to agree with his ways.
And that becomes a problem, you see. It's a different story when those doubts suddenly becomes too big of an issue. Maybe Lumine starts asking too many questions, finally coming into terms that maaybe—This isn’t really how you should treat your sibling, is it?
“That guy was just handing me flowers, what’s so bad about that?” “That guy was telling jokes, why am I not allowed to laugh if I find them so funny?” And you know—She’s right…But is big brother going to listen to her at all? Of course not.
Out of every guy we have on Genshin, Aether himself is the greatest candidate to be her first—Just playing that possessive big brother role who absolutely refuses to hand her over to anyone. And you know, he can’t risk having her do shit on her own, to rebel at such a young age even though she’s already a full-grown adult and is the same age as he is, but he tries not to think about that So what can he do to preserve her while she’s still pure? Oh, right—Taking her first before anyone else.
Her insistent questions only makes the situation worse—Why is she asking so many questions? Can’t she see that I’m doing all this for her own sake? It’ll drive him in the verge of snapping, making his hand move on its own and before she knew it, she’s on the ground with her deranged brother hovering above her.
Aether looks unfamiliar to her in this angle—So feral, the first time she seen him so enraged that it absolutely sent shivers down her spine. Who was this? Why is he suddenly touching her in weird places? No, brother or not—You’re not supposed to touch others like this, right? W-What…
Lumine can struggle all she likes but Aether knows how equally confused she was—She doesn’t know what was about to happen, even if her body can feel it and it sends fear in her system…He’ll take advantage of that. I mean—She was the one who suddenly decided to become all whiny with his way of “protecting” her, maybe she’ll appreciate it more if he were to use his actions this time. He’ll show her that she’s been bad, that she did something wrong and has to profusely apologize for it. She needs to know the reason why she should never defy or talk back to her big brother like this ever again.
Aether doesn’t like seeing Lumine cry, it’s just that brotherly nature of his—But this time, he’s actually glad that she’s crying. Oh, it hurts whenever he pinches her nipples and pump his fingers down her soaking hole? Good. It proves that his punishment is working, she’ll learn her lesson soon enough.
This is just what happens when you do bad things, okay? Lumine bleeds the first time he let himself in inside her flower, struggling and writhing in pain underneath him more than ever. But that’s just normal—Don’t worry, Little Sis, you’ll get used to it soon.
Honestly, Lumine should be glad that it was her own brother to take her virginity like this, because unlike all the other men in this universe—Aether would always stay by her side. They’ll remain until the end of time and he’s most certain that he’ll never stop loving her even then, he’ll always be here to provide for her! Lumine will never have to experience the heartbreak of losing anything if Big brother is by her side.
Doesn’t that sound nice? So, stay still and be the good little sister that you were always supposed to be.
And yes, he knows it hurts. It hurts for her a lot. But one day, he knows Lumine will crave this feeling. She’ll crave the feeling of his dick against her clenching walls, so he'll let her cry and moan all she wants for now. But no matter what happens, no other guy can fuck her like he does because nothing beats your first time especially if its with your own brother. No one can compete against family, right?
The frustrations of a big brother who wanted to fuck his little sister for years goes a long time—Maybe an hour or so, and only then will he stop. It’s the biggest satisfaction he felt after all these years, finally seeing Lumine lying lifelessly on the ground, covered in sweat and his cum trickling down her thighs. Her mind is in absolute shambles, barely functioning as she tries to cope with everything that just happened…It’s the perfect time to completely break her spirit.
The perfect time to drill his words inside her head, clearer than ever—The consequences of her actions, probably would end up making her blame herself for being so nosy of her big brother’s ways. She might end up apologizing, thinking that it’s her fault…The brain functions in wonders, you see. It’ll believe anything whilst in a state of trauma because it’s the easiest thing to do.
I’d imagine fucking becomes a regular routine for the twins—Aether making Lumine feel like she’s nothing without him, without big brother fucking her pussy every other day. Aether just knows how to manipulate her like that, it’s a big brother’s natural talents after all~
That is...Until came the day where they reached Teyvat and the whole thing with the Unknown Goddess occurred, finally separating the two of them for years. Can you imagine the absolute terror Lumine faced the moment she woke up alone without her big brother to depend on? She panics, because she doesn’t know what the hell she’s supposed to do.
Go on a journey without him? Ridiculous. He has to be in this world still, she just knows it and when he finds out that she ditched him—He’ll get mad for sure…But—he’s all she had, she can’t just sit around and wait for him like he would’ve wanted.
A journey with the goal of finding her lost brother, she have to find him quick. The sooner, the less…complicated it becomes.
This world is so vast, so many people to interact with, and the feeling of finally taking control of her own body and actions it’s…undeniably refreshing. It’s a feeling that she had longed to feel for so long, the feeling of freedom...God, If Aether were to hear her thoughts though, she’ll probably get severely punished for it.
…But Aether’s not around here, is he? At least not yet. She can do whatever she wants until then, can’t she? Surely, he won’t be too mad if she takes a little bit of her own time exploring this world, would he…?
It was a cute thought, just really unfortunate that her brother is just as determined in finding her…Maybe more than she does.
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fluffymcu · 3 years
Hi this is quite quite unhelpful but I'm dying for some Tony x teen reader. Maybe with the reader being a mentee or something. I can't think of a exact scenario but the people in this community have started to severely neglect poor Tony 🥺🤣
It’s not unhelpful at all! I love Tony! And I completely agree there’s not enough Tony content anymore 😔😔😢
I’m a bit rusty but let’s give this a go!
Tony was like a dad to you. After spending 2 years helping him at the compound after school and meeting all the avengers on the way, they became like your second family.
Your situation at home wasn’t exactly ideal. You never really went deep into that but let’s just say you enjoyed spending your time out of the house. So naturally you always looked forward to heading over to the compound to help Tony.
As the months went by, your relationship with Tony grew into a father-daughterly bond. And if course, Peter was like a brother to you, since you’d known each other since 4th grade.
You were currently on your break right now. Tony was in a meeting with the team so you had a couple of hours to yourself. You were scrolling on your phone while the tv played in the background. You had made yourself comfortable on the couch, bundled up in blankets.
You were the type of person to get pretty bored easily. Peter was out doing his evening swing around the city so it wasn’t long before you fell asleep, bathing in the warmth of your fuzzy blanket.
You don’t know how long you had slept but apparently you slept until the meeting had ended because you woke up to light chatter and a whiny Bucky.
“Ughh, Tonyy, get your kid off the couch, she’s been here ages. I wanna sit down.” He whined, softly kicking the foot of the couch to wake you up. You stirred softly and turned your body to snuggle the backrest. “Hey. Get up. Come on.” He said with an unimpressed face.
You groaned in annoyance and shrugged a shoulder at him. “Bug off. I’m sleeping.” Bucky rolled his eyes.
“I’ll sit on you.”
You turned and opened an eye to peek at him. “Don’t. You’re like 300 pounds.”
“Well, get up! There’s no space for anyone else. And for your information, I’m 225.” He deadpanned, beginning to poke at your belly until you’d move.
“Hehey!” You flinched harshly, letting out strangled squeaks since you realized you were pretty tucked in your blanket.
“Aww, you made yourself a little burrito and not you can’t get out; how fun.” Bucky teased with an un(apologetic smile, continuing to poke your belly.
“Aaah! Stop! Ihihit tihihickles!“ You laughed, wriggling in the blanket like a worm. “Gaaah! Buckyhyhy!”
“Tony come onnn, your kid’s being stubborn. She won’t get off the couch.” Bucky yelled, smirking at your giggles and poking at your sides, alternating spots to keep you guessing. You were still half asleep, making you laugh harder than you should be at the tickles, snorting and squealing every time bucky would poke you.
A moment later, Tony strolled in and took in the scene. “Kid, come on, Bucky likes his couch time. And plus, your break is over; back to work. Let’s go.” He said, waiting for you at the end of the couch.
Bucky still wasn’t letting up, but neither were you.
“Noho! You had a 3 hour long meeting and ended it right when I took a nap. Now you gotta wait on me until I finish.” You giggled, turning on your belly, hoping that would stop Bucky’s attack.
Tony raised an eyebrow at your smart reply and looked at Bucky. “Did you hear what I just did?” He asked.
“If I say yes, will you help get her of the couch?” Bucky asked. Tony sniffed and wordlessly walked over to your “sleeping” form and looked at you for a moment.
“Well, kid, if you wanna play it that way, I guess I can indulge in this little challenge you’ve gotten yourself into..” he shrugged, sitting and straddling your back, making you stiff up.
“H-hey, what are you doing?” You asked, wiggling a bit to try to get out. You should have tried to get out of the burrito when you had the chance!
“What do you mean?” He asked, digging his fingers on each of your sides, scratching at your ribs making you scream and flop around as much as you could. “I’m getting you off the couch.”
“Nohoho!! Tohohony plehehease!” You cried, pulling at your arms to get free but the more you tried, the more energy was zapped out of you. You couldn’t even kick your feet out since they were tucked in too!
“Gonna have to get rid of this…” Tony started, ripping the blanket off and technically freeing you, but quickly targeting under your arms. “Theeere we go, now we’re talkin.” He smirked.
You were screaming and kicking, finally able to turn around under him to fight him off. However you were already too weak to fight him with your whole strength, so he was easily able to keep the upper hand. “Well that was a mistake.” He shrugged, clawing his fingers and vibrating them into the middle of your belly. You arched your back with a scream and grabbed onto his hand in hopes of tearing it away.
“STOHOHOP TOHOHONY!!” You laughed, letting out tired giggles. “BUHUCKY HEHEHELP ME!!“
Bucky laughed loudly. “Are you kidding me? After you so politely told me to bug off and continue to hog the couch? Haha- you’re funny.” He chuckled, shaking his head. Tony chuckled along with him and lifted up your shirt. “Oh, what do we have here, Ms. Y/n?” He hummed, digging a finger into your belly button, making you arch your back with a high pitched squeal. “I see… an adorable little belly that’s hungry for raspberries.” He teased, scratching at your belly button relentlessly.
“PLEHEHEhehease dohohohont.” You laughed, throwing your head back in defeat. “I’ll get uhuhup! I prohohomise!”
“A bit too late for promises, hun.” He quipped, leaning his head down to blow a long raspberry on your belly, shaking his head into it to make it that much worse.
The scream you let out was surely heard throughout the compound and you pushed at his head with all the strength you had left. “DAHAHAHAD!” You instantly gasped as you realized what you slipped out and felt your face heat up hotter than and oven. “WAHAHAIT!”
Bucky gasped a bit and Tony was surprised by the word but didn’t relent in his attack. Bucky was grinning widely and Tony poured his lips to tease you. “Awww that’s too cute. You called me dad.” He teased, digging his fingers back into your ribs, giving them a few shakes to make you squeal.
“NOHOHO I DIDNT, STOHOHOP!” You we’re so embarrassed and upset with yourself. How could you let that slip out?
“Aww, I’m pretty sure you did. I heard it. Did you, Buck?” Tony teased, looking up at Bucky.
“Definitely heard it.”
“Yup! 2 against 1, y/n/n. You definitely said it.” He smirked, blowing a raspberry in the crook of your neck while squeezing at your sides. Your saliva caught in your throat with a squeal and you began coughing. Tony quickly let up and helped you sit upright. “Wooah, you okay? Don’t wanna kill you now. You alright?” He asked, rubbing and patting your back as you coughed a few more times.
You nodded shyly with a frown on your face. Tony noticed and his smile dropped a little. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Bucky took this as a cue to give you both some time, so he walked out the living room with a smirk on his face. He’d get his time on the couch later.
You sighed and shook your head. “I didn’t mean to call you dad. I just- I don’t really know why I did. I’m sorry. If you want me to stop coming to help for a while I understand.” You shrugged lightly. Tony furrowed his eyebrows and and placed his hand on your shoulder.
“Woah woah woah, what are you talking about? Why would I want you to stop coming over? You’re family, y/n!” He exclaimed, taken aback by your reaction. “I mean that. I know your situation at home isn’t good. And I also know what we mean to you. But now its time for you to know what you mean to us. And I’m sorry it wasn’t made clear before. But you’re literal family to us, y/n/n. We love you. You know how many times Peter has called me dad before? Now, are we related by blood? No. But he is literally the son I never had. He’s my kid. And so are you! Not one person on this team is related to anyone else here by blood… but we’re as close to a family as anyone can be. And don’t ever think for a second that you’re not part of it. You don’t have to be embarrassed that you called me dad. I actually found it quite endearing! And I’m glad that you see me in that way, cause I see you as my daughter too.” He smiled, kissing your forehead gently with much love.
You had tears in your eyes threatening to fall. Your own parents had never said something so heart-touching like this to you. You felt your heart burst with love and you instantly threw yourself into Tony’s arms in a tight hug. He quickly returned the gesture and held you tight. “Thanks, Dad.” You grinned, hugging his impossibly tighter.
Tony smiled and ran his hand up and down your back, his heart warming at your new name for him. “Of course, honey.”
Blood don’t mean a thing.
Ooof I’m really rustyyyy but hopefully y’all enjoyed 😂💙
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The Stalker
Part 7
Modern!Ivar x Curvy!Reader, Able-bodied!Ivar x Dark!Ivar
Hey Guys!! i know its been a really long, i’ve been struggling a lot lately and i had the motivation to write! i hope you enjoy!
First peron POV (this s my first time doing first person POV in this series so let me know if you guys like it!)
The night with Ivar was so much fun, i can’t remeber the last time i had this much fun with someone. From pillow fights, jumping on the bed, ordering as much room service as we could. Ivar and i laid on the bed spread out with full bellies.
“i don’t want to eat anything every again” Ivar said taking a deep breath after.
“Hey, last time i checked you were the one who ordered it” I said back, just getting a grunt in response.
He slowly got out of bed and started walking towards the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Not thinking anything of it i just rolled over and started admiring the room and the extravagancey of it.
A few minutes later, Ivar emerged from the bathroom and motioned with his fingers to go over to him. Without a question i obliged, i don’t know how he had this effect on me.
i followed him into the bathroom and when i walked in a saw a drawn bath, with candles all over the place. This was the most romantic gesture anyone has done for me, it felt as though i could start crying. Too many emotions just ovewhelming me.  
“Oh Ivar” is all i could manage to say. The smile on his face brightened the candle lit bathroom. He walked towards me, putting his hands on my hips, gently lifting my shirt.
No one has ever seen me naked or even almost naked, well technically Ivar had but i did everything in my power not to think about that. I did not stop him from lifting my shirt over my head. He ran his hands ever so lightly down my sides to the top of my shorts.
He kneeled down, sliding them down my legs, peppering kisses to the top of my thighs on his way back up. Once standing again, he looked me up and down.
I moved my arms to cover myself, which he didn’t see immediately because he was taking off his own shirt and shorts leaving him in his breifs.
‘Wow’ is all i could think, he was lean, toned, and out of my league. The thoughts wouldn’t stop, thinking about how handsome he was, and then how i looked.
I was taken from my thoughts by feeling his strong hands gently pull my arms to my sides
“Never hide yourself from me, you’re the most perfect woman i have ever seen, you are all i have every wanted.” His voice was soft and calm.
His hands slowly reached behind me to unclip the hooks of my bra. i grabbed his arm to stop him.
“Ivar, no one has seen me like that before” i said matching his volume
“not even you” I managed to whisper
“i know little dove, if you want me to stop, i will and i will let you bathe alone.” he said. He didnt sound mad or annoyed, he sounded sincere.
“im just scared, that you will see eveyrthing, and wont like it.”i said, a slight saddness in my voice.  Because i had not told him to stop, he started to slowly unclasp my bra as he said
“In my eyes there is noting more beautiful than you, you are my light, you are my love, you are my everything. I love you Y/N, and i love your body” he began to slowly pull the straps down my arms, i immideatly moved my arms to cover myself. He did not stop me.
He peppered kisses from my neck, to my chest, down my stomach until he got to my navel. He looked up at me throuh his eyelashes, as if asking permission. I nodded and then closed my eyes, i did not want to see his reaction when he saw me. All of me.
I felt his hands leave my body and i kept my eyes closed, expecting the worse, but not too long afer i felt his arms wrap around me again. I opened my eyed to the most piercing blue eyes looking at me.
“you are so perfect” He whispered
By this time he had taken off his briefs, we both stood there completely open and exposed to each other.
He moved his hands to gently hold my jaw, unconsciously my hands left my chest, now completely exposing myself to him, to hold onto his arms.
He leaned down and pressed the sweetest kiss to my lips, it was as if his lips were made for mine, the way we fit together was so natural. I felt safe, i felt protected, and mostly i felt something i never thought i would. Loved.
We bathed together, just admiring each others presence, me leaning back against his chest as he cupped the warm water and poured it over my shoulder. a sweet gesture that meant more to me then i think he thought.
There was nothing sexual about this, it was sweet and loving and more than anything i ever wanted. 
*A few hours later* 
We laid in bed together, me curled into his side listening to him talk about his upbringing, school, and his family a little more. It fet so nice to just lay here with him and hear his stories, i listened to every word that left his mouth. He stopped abruptly and looked down at me with a pouty look on his face 
“can i ask you something?” he said with a whiny voice i giggled softly and nodded
“can we switch positions? Will you hold me?” i gigglle lighlty again and without saying anything i flipped over onto my back and he immediately curled into my side, laid his head on my chest and threw a leg over my waist. 
It must have been a funny sight, a man almost double my size laying onme like a child. But i loved it, i gently played with his still damp hair and listened to him continued with his stories. 
The conversation gradually shifted to the party we would be going to the following day 
“stay by my side tomorrow night, i dont wanna lose you” 
“ivar its just your family” 
“exactly! i would not want you getting stuck in a druken conversation with one of my brothers” I giggled lightly and ruffled his hair
“It will be okay Ivar” 
i saw his tone change almost immediately, he got tense all of s sudden as he sat up and leaned over to his bag 
“i actually have another question for you, i told them all you were my fiancé, so if thats okay with you ill introduce you as that. I have this to make it more believable. I know that after we leave here we will probably never see each other again, but after the party you can keep the ring as well. ” and he handed me a small ring box.
i opened it to reveal the most beautiful ring i had ever seen, not to mention it was also huge 
it was the ring i had always wanted.... and he knew it. I tried to shut those thoughts out of my head. 
i just nodded slightly and handed him the box, he placed it on the bedside table and shut off the light. 
When he laid back down he didn’t try to hold me, or cuddle into me again, he just laid next to me. 
The entire mood changed immediately, back to grey. 
I wanted to scream or cry, or bury myself away never to be seen again. 
I had finally opened back up to him, just for him to remind me that this is temporary, that we were nothing, and that when we got back. i would never see him again. 
i turned on my side facing the wall, i didnt want him to think that i was being petty or that i was mad at him. it was just, looking at him made everything harder. 
i fell for him, hard. I was in love with the man who had stalked me. He was the first and only person to see all of me. But we were nothing, and were not going to be anything. 
The thoughts kept pouring into my head, keeping me awake. I could not sleep knowing that the only person i have ever loved, stalked me and then madem e fall in love with him, not by force. 
Pretending to be in a relationship with him tomorrow won’t be difficult, because it came natural to me. I loved him, and i wanted him. Despite everything, i wanted the man who had stalked me. 
I heard his soft snoring, and i let out a small cry. I did not want him to worry, so i waited until he was asleep to let it out. 
All i wanted was to turn arounf curl into him, but i couldn’t. it would make it hurt more. 
i let myself cry until i was too exhausted to keep my eyes open, falling into a restless sleep. 
@youbloodymadgenius​ @lostgirl14480​ @artstyle​
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beanboisforbrains · 3 years
resisting the urge to send all of them at once
🤔☘ answered here! Answering the rest out of order because the last one is long LMAOOO
👌 What are some matsu duos that you think are underrated?
WAKABA BABEYYYYY! CYBER AS WELL! NEARLY ALL THE CHORO DUOS TBH. Choromatsu has incredible middle child energy, its so fun seeing him try to be a big brother to Jyushimatsu and Todomatsu, especially when they call him out. Combined with the fact that he flip flops between being nagging mom friend and intensely delusional, it makes his interactions a real treat.
Also, up until like 3 months ago, parka wasn’t on my radar at all. Then I saw a parka compilation on youtube and my third eye opened. They’re so cute, I like parka a lot. I think they’re kind of underrated and I can’t believe I didn’t even think about them until recently sfkjds.
🎉 What do you like most in a skit?
I like sextuplet centric ones that take place in the “canon” timeline. When the six of them are together and the duo interactions makes different aspects of their personality shine, its just soooo *chefs kiss*. Even silly little skits, like Totty Quiz and all The Late Night Himatsuya skits, bring the biggest smile to my face. UGH skits where there’s a balance between being nice to each other and being absolutely brutal, LIKE ACCIDENT, OH MAN *EVEN BIGGER CHEFS KISS*
😍 What’s a moment that made you fall in love with your favourite character?
I love you for asking this but also do you know what you’ve unleashed.
Before watching the show, I was already prepped and primed for becoming a Karamatsu girl. One year and a half of screenshots and clips about this man from someone trying to get me to watch ososan... I didn’t know much about the show, but I knew blue man funny and cute. 
I also really liked his design, even though they mostly looked the same to me back then skdfnskd. HIS SUNGLASSES AND LEATHER JACKET LOOKS GOOD OKAY. AND HIS ROLLED UP SLEEVES!!! His bravado was/is so cringe but also endearing? From the clips I saw, it seemed like he really cared about his brothers and wanted the best for them.
When I started watching season 1 EVERYONE WAS SO MEAN TO HIM 😭😭😭 S1 OSOSAN WAS SO RUDE TO HIM FR
Thus began the babygirlification of Karamatsu Matsuno. I was like damn nobody love you in canon, so I’m going to love you. I liked the fact that he was still nice to his brothers even though they could be so aggressive to him. BUT I ALSO LIKED THE FACT THAT HE JOINED IN ON THEIR STUPID TRASHY ANTICS. I LIKED WHEN THE NARRATIVE WAS DEPICTING THEM AS ASSHOLES, HE WASN’T EXCLUDED. 
I’m glad I didn’t interact with the fandom until I caught up to season 2 and had already formed my own opinions about the bros, because I can definitely see myself warping my interpretation to fit the fandom standard. Karamatsu was the nice oneTM but from season 1 there were moments where we could peak behind the curtain, behind the façade. His actions were so outrageous, I was like okay, at least some of it’s got to be an act. Moments where his bravado falls because things aren’t going his way and he gets all whiny are some of the best. IT’S THE GAP MOE APPEAL.
Honestly at this point, Karamatsu only had a slight edge above the rest. I liked all the bros relatively equally. And then Osomatsu kicked Jyushimatsu in a huge oh shit moment. Immediately followed by oh shit moment #2; Karamatsu punches Osomatsu and drags him outside.
Emotion 1: Super surprised. Karamatsu has been wimpy this entire season, but when it comes to his family, he’s able to recognize the responsibility he holds as the second son. He can confront even the oldest if its to protect his brothers.
Emotion 2: That was kinda…THAT WAS KINDA… 😳 😳 😳 Karamatsu stepping up was so insanely attractive to me LMAOFIDSJKKDJFS
Once he truly got his hooks in, there was no escaping. Now practically everything he does I find fascinating/lovable/endearing/s-se-*gunshots*
I know I just spent 400+ words describing what I like about Karamatsu BUT I STILL THINK ITS VERY HARD TO PUT INTO WORDS WHY EXACTLY I LOVE HIM. ITS JUST THE VIBE. Something about him activates the “go stupid” part of my brain so intensely. I just want to
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hamaon · 3 years
audio drama natterings
- i love hearing this voice-acted jin guangyao because there is often NO correlation between his tone of voice, actions, and intentions. he can be saying one thing and doing another and you just need to do the math, with the benefit of hindsight, to figure out what third thing he was actually thinking at the time
there are also many times he is just being genuine, but picking those up probably needs, again, the benefit of hindsight
- su minshan has an amazing voice. whiny nasal baby, i love him
- no comment on the audio drama actor, but there were some clips with interviews with the voice actors from the animation included in the files, and holy shit, lan xichen. a voice to make love to
- yi city is an interesting self-contained tragedy, but it’s slim enough that i doubt that there is any alternate reality where that’s the part of the story that caught my particular attention. but still, if that had happened, most likely i would have hatched into a xiao xingchen fan
- nie deputy meng yao singing a distressed abandoned baby to sleep before continuing to sort out a battlefield, is there anything this man can’t do
i’m losing my mind over this a little to be perfectly honest, there was never any doubt in my mind that “gentle dad” is one of jin guangyao’s most dominant personality traits, but to have it validated so
- meng yao finally, after years and years of abuse and dead ends, decides to take matters into his own hands, hard work isn’t getting him anywhere, and nie fucking mingjue, who lives several realms away, just happens to walk in on him the one time he kills a man for personal gain
what were the ODDS
i’m also trying to figure out the logistics of this:
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like. how. i guess no one had quite as much faith in jin guangyao’s abilities as nie mingjue
(also love how in the audio drama meng yao just keeps getting shit from every direction, so it’s absolutely not a question of whether he’s just exaggerating how bad it is for him 24/7)
this is the drop in the relationship. up to this point nie mingjue has been one of the only people who don’t (seem to) care about his background, but this is where his own version of meng yao starts overwriting reality. the moment there’s a crack in the presentation, it’s over for good.
he still appears very considerate (and in his own mind he is definitely being extremely reasonable! for nie mingjue he IS being extremely reasonable!) about meng yao’s incoming punishment and will leave it to the jin, but meng yao’s own estimation of his situation is that he will be executed.
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dude relax, he didn’t even hurt you.
it’s an interesting pattern though, jin guangyao’s primary motivation is almost never harming others, and he often goes out of his way to avoid it, too. this is the first time he could have killed nie mingjue easily, made it look like an attack from the wen like he was doing with the jin guy.
fun contrast with the temple, where things are looking dire until you start unpacking what’s actually going on
- one of nie mingjue’s most dominant personality traits is concerning himself with the quality of character of people who are not him
- it is very commendable of nie mingjue to not let corrupt people in charge keep getting away with this shit, and to continue hounding the jin about xue yang. the eternal question, though: why is he taking this up with jin guangyao instead of someone who, you know, is in charge
- lan xichen really, really, really wanting to be sworn brothers, c’mon mingjue-xiong aren’t you ready to be nicer to a-yao, please please please, and now that we’ve all agreed to it and don’t need an auspicious date, we can do it the first thing tomorrow (almost literally what he says)
- lan xichen fucks on the first date and gets married on the second
then stays married to that person for fifty years, perfectly monogamous
(- one of lan xichen’s most dominant personality traits is being the teacher you can actually talk to)
- i like how nie mingjue’s attitude toward jin guangyao varies even when their relationship is at its tensest point, he can be civil and almost light-hearted with him and then soon enough take a swing at him, it’s... uncomfortably realistic, honestly.
- corrupted cleansing, very good here also. rip nie mingjue before your time but it’s just a nice tune. though here the quality is partially improved by the fact that it actually sounds like the original cleansing, just a little off sideways
- the paperman extra, i’m in awe. jin guangyao has noticed lan xichen isn’t feeling too good, distracts nie huaisang (who is getting a lecture) from bothering er-ge and gets him to lavish er-ge’s paintings with praise instead. wow.
- there’s something sadly poetic about lan xichen being stressed mostly because of jin guangyao, who is also the one who notices and immediately starts working on alleviating that discomfort
- things jin guangyao feeds lan xichen: only the best perfectly selected tea for the lan, let’s try it wangji. his favorite fruits, already waiting for him inside. that peppy tone of voice when they meet in the present day for the first time. imagine being the man someone of jin guangyao’s caliber of caregiving gives his full devotion to. zewu-jun luckiest motherfucker in the world. (he deserves it)
- lan xichen getting that laser-focused intimate care his family is completely unable to provide
- the cl- the clothes washing extra. i genuinely think lan xichen is just inexperienced, if it was just lol lan muscle he couldn’t interact with the world without destroying everything around himself. he shows signs of being interested to learn. let him hone his house spouse skills. he deserves it
- i thought i was desensitized to this backstory, but the brothel flashback actually made me cry, what the hell
- scenarios where meng shi who has any choice chooses the same profession make me uncomfortable. this is a woman suffering in sex slavery who was destroyed and killed by it, and she always wanted out. for positive representation, how about sisi instead. or literally anyone else
- it’s almost funny looking at the temple scenes in hindsight, because. the sound direction, the sense of threat. and what is implied to be the source of that threat? the question of what jin guangyao is going to do, how dangerous is that thing he is digging for, what will he use it for
and the answers are: he was running away, it was his mom’s corpse he wanted to take with him because he adored her even when the rest of the world thought she was garbage. also, no one was ever in any danger besides jin guangyao himself and his sect and allies.
i will fight people about this btw, everyone comes out of the temple as unharmed as they were always intended to be. he has ample opportunities to kill every single one of them and he never acts in a way that shows he has the slightest inclination to actually do so. he threatens people into behaving and then tries to leave. and in every adaptation so far when he is leaving he's going to leave the captives behind, untouched.
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