#and i am 100% hoping the switch doesnt get replaced because its the only console i can play without worry
submalevolentgrace · 7 months
gaming hype youtubers have absolutely conspiracy theory levels of unwavering belief that we are weeks, if not days, away from the announcement if not release of the "switch 2", a thing for which no actual evidence has ever existed beyond "yeah, it'd make sense for nintento to release a new console eventually, right?"
and they have held this belief of "imminent announcement within weeks" for YEARS. they used to call it the switch pro and are convinced they know the specs even. there are always constant "reliable rumours" that it's RIGHT ABOUT TO HAPPEN RIGHT NOW, for at least 3 years.
and when i say it's conspiracy level thinking, what i mean is, their basis is literally nothing, or sometimes contradictory evidence.
the switch is 5 years old, switch pro at next direct. gameboy games on NSO will launch with switch pro. oh, well, n64 games will be on switch pro. they're working on new mario kart tracks, must be for mario kart 9 on switch pro. no new games towards the end of 2022 announced? switch is winding down, switch 2 soon. a whole bunch of new games announced for 2023? they're getting the last games out, switch 2 soon. mario wonder will definitely be a switch 2 launch title. new nvidia chipset in the works? must be switch 2. indie devs at GDC saying they're developing with future consoles in mind? switch 2 confirmed but somehow still steeltight secret. investor meeting upcoming, they're going to announce switch 2. investor meeting where they literally say "we are only focusing on existing hardware this financial year" HOLY SHIT SWITCH 2 CONFIRMED!!!
last week they somehow CONVINCED themselves that there was going to be a surprise nintendo direct announcing the switch 2. it didn't happen, so in the great history of conspiracy theories, they realised their beliefs had been totally unfounded and they admitted error and they had been wro--- NO!! "SWITCH 2 DELAYED" THUMBNAILS
it's insane
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