#and i blame the kiddos i work with who are all to eager to go LOOK WHAT I CAN DO and show me their wiggly teeth bent nearly horizontal
woke up 30 min before my alarm this morning to find that the tooth pain i was dreaming about was, in fact, real and i had somehow tightly clenched my jaw in just the right way to put excessive pressure solely on my one tooth that already has a chip in it and i'm already constantly worrying about its structural integrity aaaaAAAAA
anyways it's been super sensitive all day and i've been worrying about it just shattering completely (irrational) until i realized that the terrifying occasional creaks i was feeling were NOT hairline fractures spreading but were instead a slight looseness in the gum that will surely/hopefully heal with time. i think
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hime-bee · 5 months
(since i know you also have a mega breeding kink, here's some arknights men who i think would have breeding kinks large enough to fucking repopulate the entirety of terra,,)
silverash (wow how original) has such a massive breeding kink that it's not even funny. and he's entirely unashamed about it, huskily cooing at how lovely and adorable you'd be with your tummy all swollen, even when he's balls deep in you and pushing you well into your nth orgasm. each drag of his cock along your walls serves a purpose, acting as a way to remind you that he's the only one who'll ever be able to see you come undone, as well as the only one who can possibly knock you up. and with each load he fucks into you, soothing away your broken sobs from the overstimulation, he's getting pretty successful.
it wasn't młynar's intention to get hooked on the very risky thrill of knocking someone up, much less a woman much younger than him. but the way your cunt hungrily swallows up his dick aaallll the way down to the base and the loud moans you make when the tip keeps bullying its way against your cervix leaves him little room to deny the fact that he gets off on the risk. and, well, the fact that you keep trapping him in leglocks and forcing him to spill everything inside is also a factor. (also did you know that horse pp actually flares during mating to ensure the semen stays inside and the chances of the mare popping out a baby are increased?? hope that fact stays with you the next time you think of the honse uncle >:3c)
despite his well-disciplined and down-to-earth personality, even chong yue isn't immune to the thought of encasing your much smaller body underneath his and filling your pussy with his seed until it takes. plus, given his draconic roots, being endowed with two wonderfully sized lengths gives him all sorts of advantages, especially when you're babbling nonsense as he stretches you wider than you ever thought possible. doesn't really help that ling and nian are eager to become aunties, pestering their dearest brother and you at every opportunity they can get.
lee was nowhere near lowkey when it came to his breeding kink, and he's made it nothing short of becoming your problem. gifted with a lung's hemipenes and kept tucked safely within a cozy little vent, he takes every opportunity to fill you to the brim with the promise of making you into a mother. and of course, he played the 'senior citizen' card the first few times he refused to pull out, claiming that he's getting too old to remember (lies) or asking you to "go easy on this old man~" (lies 2x) but can you really blame him? it's not every day he gets lucky with someone as cute and eye-catching as you. plus, those kiddos of his certainly wouldn't mind another addition to their little group.
that charming smile of his did absolutely nothing to prepare you for the depravity that tequila hid behind it. having practically sweet-talked his way into your bed, tequila made short work of ensuring that you'd never look at another man but him. his need to knock you up stemmed from his canine instincts and his need to monopolize you, because all those stewing emotions he's kept buried certainly aren't doing his mentality any good. not that he'd care, especially when he's sunken his teeth into your shoulder as he unceremoniously pushes his knot into you with a lewd pop! and starts filling your pussy to the brim with plenty of his release until it finally takes.
(hope you enjoyed some lil thirsts for these goobers, bc i want all of them to mating press the shit outta me mostly młynar. i would've have added more but its like 4 am as im writing and im very eepy. but hopefully this made ur brain go brrrrrr ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭)
Lati, you didn't have to call me out like that-- 😭😭 You're 100% right tho, I really do and I'm so predictable LMAO
Which is prolly why most of the guys you listed, I've either written, or have a draft planned for 😭 (RIP to my Lee and Tequila fics that haven't seen the light of day smdh). ANYWAY. Continue to cook, chef!! 😩💦💦💦 I wonder what kinda situation the Doctor would have on their hands if more than two Operators were trying to breed em 🤔 Personally, I think they should take turns trying-
(Also, God bless you for providing me and my followers with these scrumptious little meals, it's so nice reading these from you, Lati 😭💞 Especially when all I can really do is read rn-) AND I WILL BE SAVING THESE TOO LOL
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lordkingsmith · 10 months
Eugene Skullovitch canon and non canon kids
-stares at his sheer List of close friendships, implied romances, romances, and everything in between- I think Skull vies with Tommy for sheer amounts. Tommy or Billy, but definitely up there. At the very least I can say this is because he’s a reoccurring character over several seasons and movies and not because they were trying to force a hetero romance so nobody noticed the actor was gay. Skull’s naturally flirtatious demeanor and huge presence in the show is certainly to blame for this. So. I’m more than likely missing some, but -shrugs- I am doing My Best lol.
Canon kids:
Unknown mother;
Spike Skullovitch. Like Minh the other parent isn’t known or needed, so Spike never got her named. It’s led to a lot of ideas of who the mom is, au’s where he’s a putty hybrid, and just a whole lot of fun. But let’s focus on canon. Spike is the teenaged son of a now very famous and very rich Eugene Skullovitch. He spent the summer with his “uncle” Bulk. He’s got a massive crush on Mia and he wants to be a samurai and he’s always eager to help the power rangers. And can I just say I love this guy? He’s a cinnamon role. He’s a sweetie. He’s a baby doll and must be protected at all costs. He’s the sweetest of the confirmed canon kids we know of so far (I AM looking at Coinless!Adam’s unnamed son, yes I am. Child I wish we’d seen you before you died. I’d love to know your name) unfortunately the descendants don’t seem to get a lot of personality as a general rule, and even Spike’s a little light on personality. He’s got enough to make him stand out from his dad. But, I can’t help but adore him lol. Sir who are you and who’s your mom? Second bit doesn’t matter but I’d love to know you better.
Non canon oc and alternate reality kids and grandkids:
for the sake of not wanting to sound repetitive, not every universe will have Spike, just ones that make sense/would be interesting for him.
Kimberly Hart;
Stormy Hart, aged seventeen. Her parents are separated. Despite the rocky start with Eugene being Kim’s rebound, they got together again after the Candace Incident. Kim progressed on Eugene’s terms, and they had a kiddo right as they were applying for colleges. It was a bit difficult and they made it work, but when Stormy was seven they finally had to separate, though they’re not on bad terms. Stormy is Spike’s half sister, and has her own band. Has anxiety and depression. Doesn’t spend time with brother or Bulk, at least as much as she should. Mostly for her appearance. Got extremely jealous of Spike over the power rangers thing though! She generally lives with her mom, not her dad, hence why she doesn’t spend time with Spike. She loves her goofy half brother but she’s at the age where her image is important to her. She doesn’t have any colors associated with her.
Katherine Hillard;
I thought his mild attempts at flirting were cute. They got together after Turbo’s movie. Kat realized she was never going to replace Kim for Tommy, and broke up with him. She got with Skull after a few months and some very creative ways to ask her out. They have two sons. The oldest is Squire Hillard. Aged 17. He’s average height and kind of a brilliant himbo. He lets his reputation cover him like a mask, but he’s pretty devious when he’s properly motivated. A little bit of a tail chaser. He keeps striking out, but that never stopped him. While he is a power ranger (pink), he’s having fun running a podcast questioning who the power rangers are. This cover is so good not even Kat’s figured out he’s pink turbo ranger. Looks like a surfer bro. Prefers it that way. Half brother of Spike Skullovitch. Has had to save his half brother three times so far. Barely gets along with his dad, county Sheriff Eugene Skullovitch, but they’re trying. He’s closer to Kat and like her is a professional diver. He wants to get into the Olympics. His general outfit could best be described as “someone from the peppermint forest in candyland decided to become a pirate”. He actually has a rap sheet. He’s got middle child syndrome and you can usually find him with his friends, the other Turbo rangers, or with Bulk, or egging grandmas house with Devon. He’s giving Eugene a bald spot is what he’s doing. Spike does his best, but they really don’t see eye to eye. Squire likes his big brother, there’s just a bit of frustration with him.
Devon Skullovitch, aged eleven. Unlike Squire he’s not blond and looks more like Eugene and Spike. Bulk calls him the baby buddy, and it annoys him so so much. Loves video games and fixing cars. Can eat his weight in lasagna. Not associated with any color. Knows his brother is up to something, unsure what. Often getting babysit by half brother. Is known to egg his grandmothers house. A lot. It’s a problem.
Billy Cranston;
After being best friends as kids, then not, then sort of friends, then maybe more...they have two kids. Charlie Cranston, aged twenty two, and Oscar "Skid" Cranston, aged twenty. Charlie and Oscar are both via a science experiment, where Billy combined his and Eugene's genetic codes in a randomizer, to see if anything would happen that was viable as a sperm and egg equivalent. Yes, he got permission for this from Eugene. He sold the patent, and lives happily with his and Eugene's kids. Charlie is a blue solar ranger. She has been since she was seventeen. Billy didn't know at first and when he found out....he grounded her for not telling him. Then came back thirty minutes later, apologized, ungrounded her, and told her to be careful. Eugene doesn't get it as much but he's trying, he really is. He worries more than Billy, though Billy does often find himself staring up at the stars on late nights with tea in his hand, knots in his stomach and hoping he sees his daughter for Christmas. It's different, somehow, when they're in space and not in town.
Oscar is friends with a Bulkmeier, of course. He's the family "problem child", in a general sense. The prankster, and he's super smart. He is mild enough nobody really thinks he's as smartass and clever as he is. His entire motivation is cause as much chaos as possible. He used to prank his sister once a month until she left, and he's the one who let slip she's a power ranger because she was thrown through a building in front of him. She didn't know he knew, and he's been apologizing since via no more pranks, and gifts. so many gifts. Her favorite foods, updates on her favorite bands, jewelry she'd like. He doesn't have to but he feels bad. This was the closest they ever got to the family splintering. Trini, Zack, and Jason do their best to help the three deal with Charlie in space. Oscar works as a janitor, isn't really interested in dealing with school or anything. He likes doing his hobbies while having a stable job.
variation; they get together when he helps Skull with his newborn son. Spike takes care of his little siblings, and helped Oscar get his nickname and his current job. Billy is eternally caring to his adopted kid, and does the best he can by Spike.
variation 2; Charlie becomes Charlie from A Team. This time, Billy DOES ground her. she never hears the end of it
Farkas Bulkmeier;
Absolutely nobody was surprised when they got together. Eugene became a teen dad and Bulk didn't even think twice. He could fit boyfriend in one arm and baby in the other and he often did in the early days when sleeping with the two. For comfort and sense of protection. Skull was his best friend, and everything he'd ever want in a partner. They didn't bother with a ceremonial wedding, it was just going to get the paperwork signed and then having a big party celebrating with their friends. They have Spike, of course, and adopted one more. Between Spike and Amy, they're good. Sharkie offered to be a surrogate, and Billy offered a way to mix their genetics, but after a long talk with each other and them, it was just Spike and Amy.
Amy and Spike are the same age, with a four month difference. Spike's more emotionally mature than his sister, but Amy's more cunning and less naive than Spike. Currently both eighteen. She's jaded in a lot of ways and makes sure her brother doesn't have to be. Spike has had to ask her not to threaten any partners he might get with, because he can handle himself. She's had to occassionaly ask this goes both ways. Amy is considering being a mechanic, or a roadie for Skull or Spike. She likes feeling useful, she likes puzzles and chess and general challenges. Cannot cook to save her life, but she's a whiz at baking. She's better at math than anyone else in her family. But english is the bane of her existence. Is not associated with a color.
Tommy Oliver;
Tommy invited Skull to a carnival. After first being asked if Skull was a rebound-with a fast follow up to make sure Tommy wasn't taking him to something run entirely by putties-and then asking if he was sure sure Goldar and Skorpina wouldn't be there-Tommy decided he was going to make this a date. and the best one of Skull's life. The effort to help this guy have a proper, healthy, fair love life, meant it more or less accidentally lead to falling in love and while not marriage, they do live together. They have Spike, an adopted daughter Eliza, and a son together named Hunter. Rita thought it'd "bury the hatchet" and had the forethought to let them know she'd decided her first act of being nice would be something that would benefit them. Has not in fact, buried any negative feelings but the effort did mean something. Tommy's straight up told all three of his kids they're not allowed to go to Briarwood. Just in case.
Eliza "Lizzie" Oliver is 21, and wants to be a reporter. Thinks Tommy's worries are a little extreme when they directly affect his kids' lives, but she humors him even as an adult, because she loves him and wants to see him happy. A little selfish, but very smart. Good at picking up on subtext and helps explain things that go over her brothers' heads when she's with them. Tommy's too because he might be smart, but the man is kinda dumb. Not very organized, but somehow always has what she needs in her giant purse. Very resourceful, knows how to pick locks, and is capable of two types of martial arts.
Hunter Oliver-Skullovitch is 16. He's just trying to get through highschool guys, please let him get through highschool. He's been kidnapped twice, and he really just wants to be left alone. More of a punk than Tommy gets, but Tommy and Skull are supportive of his tastes and choices in life. Unfortunately everybody wants a piece of this kid, and while he's not associated with any color (by sheer force of will), this is not from lack of attempts. Hunter's just very very good at making himself too much of a nuisance to be worth taking. Like his siblings he knows two types of martial arts, can pick locks, knows how to get into vents, knows four ways to get out of ropes and other bindings, and can say "help me I've been kidnapped" in twelve languages. as well as "fire!" and "that's not a human!". He loves monster movies, because the monsters actually seem to pose a challenge. He and Tommy do have an understanding, and Tommy and Skull are both happy to let Hunter have a choice in becoming a ranger. He won't get forced into it, if he does he will do this fully with his eyes open and knowing what he's getting into. He will become a black ranger, when he's around 20, and it will be his choice.
Jason Lee Scott;
They were paired up for a school assignment a little after Tommy was reformed and saved from Rita. It was annoying, especially with Skull being so cagey and Bulk straight up threatening him if he went to the Skullovitch residence or business. When Jason dared, he realized why. And had to get saved from Mrs Skullovitch flirting with him. Which earned Skull a lot of verbal abuse as he pulled Jason far away from the house.
While he found our later she was drunk and had mistaken him for someone older, it was still rather panic inducing. Also embarrassing for the Skullovitch brothers and Bulk. He had to stop Stan apologizing on behalf of her, and understood Bulk’s anger. Jason felt the need to make it up to Skull, and they went from antagonizing each other to friends to semi-secretly dating each other. Everyone knew except Skull’s family. Jason didn’t even know what made him angrier; the fact Skull felt he had to protect Jason, or the fact that he lived in Tommy’s house whenever Tommy’s parents didn’t live there, and Skull’s parents didn’t seem to notice. They have one adopted daughter. Skull’s a guidance counselor at their old high school, and Jason is a karate instructor. Rebecca Scott is actually Stan’s, but Stan died and his girlfriend died in a car crash caused by monster activity, and the newborn was the only survivor. Eugene would have adopted her with or without Jason there. Luckily Jason was there, and Jason fell in instalove with the baby. She was very small and he loved her.
Jason and Skull got married to make it easier for Jason to formally adopt Rebecca, in case something happened and because everyone felt distancing her and Skull from the Skullovitch legacy was the best idea, and this could be accomplished by taking Jason's last name. He was only too happy to do this. He was disinherited by his dad, but it doesn't matter. The guy lost out on getting to know a great kid. Rebecca’s blind from the car accident, and has a dog and a cane to help her around. She’s 15, and nothing stops her. She’s got a lot of caution, but very little outright fear. The power rangers will protect the civilians, and her skills and disability aids help keep her safe as well. She loves to read, and has read every braille book in the library twice. She’s aware her dads are power rangers, and most of her extended family. They’re not going to let anything happen to her. And she’s going to make sure nothing happens to them. Rebecca is opinionated with a very strong sense of right and wrong. She’s actually rather blunt, but tries to be nice about it. She knows her mind and she knows how to direct people, but she hates being in a confrontation. Not associated with a color, but it’d probably be red or bronze if she were.
Trini Kwan;
He kept asking her out until she agreed to go out with him. And actually had a nice time. So she humored him again, and again, it was nice. They weren't seeing seeing each other though, and both of them had their kids around the same time. Skull had Spike, and Trini had Minh, and they liked each other fine and loved each other's kids. They had one more, together. August Kwan. He's thirteen, and a complete introverted social butterfly. He loves showing off and gushing about his interests but he hates dealing with too many people for too long. He's really into piano, like Skull. A composer for video game music sounds like a really fun profession, so maybe when he's older he'll work towards that. But he's thirteen, he's got time. He has a stuffed animal he's been attached to since he was two, is half convinced stuffed animal is sentient, and carries it around in his hoodie or backpack. He's not ready to let it go, and Trini fully understands, supports, and gets this. When he's ready, Banjo the seal plushy, will be put beside her own childhood doll Ticklesneezer. Skull's following along with the gentle parenting; he's a bit out of his depth but he appreciates and loves that their kids are being actively supported. He's working on it, and so far the kids aren't traumatized, so something must be working.
Rito Revulto;
Eugene managed to get him and Bulk out of being turned into chimpanzees by a (justifiably) pissed off Rito by convincing him of a role reversal; Bulk and Skull be the maids, Rito and Goldar act as Bulk and Skull. But this means Goldar and Rito have to commit to the things Bulk and Skull were doing. In this case, junior officers. It is a very weird set up, but Rito likes a challenge, he and Goldar decide it's fair, and the power rangers, Vile, Zordon and Alpha and Rita and Zedd are completely confused, but Rito tends to commit to whatever he sets his mind to, and Goldar has a very specific moral code he lives by and this falls in line with it. Vile occasionally tries to cause the comedy duo to go back on their word so he can get his tool-I mean son-back, but the rangers do step in enough to help them. As does Stone, Ernie, and the others.
Eugene and Rito bond over highly shitty parents and realizing they're very similar. They're both people pleasers whose trauma responses is sarcastic quips and being class clown types. Rito turned Eugene's parents into a couple of dogs, and while he contemplated doing the same to Stan, he simply made sure Stan got a big break in the music scene. He couldn't convince Eugene to leave earth at first, until Eugene got left behind by Bulk. There was really nothing left for him on earth, so Eugene took him up on it. They're pirates, and have their own ship, and their son Elio is the apple of their eye. Elio is 26. He's cunning, fast talking, fast thinking, fast acting and has very little fear. He's as courageous as Skull and Rito try to pretend they are. He's bold, and wicked, but he's a man of his word. He has a devil's lock coloring in his hair. Stark black hair and stark white in streaks has gotten him an affectionate nickname of Skunk, but when he likes someone he asks they call him Elio. He listens to his parents and is completely loyal to them, but not out of fear. They're genuinely good at being leaders of their group, and sort of seen as the father figures of most of the crew. Elio follows his dads because he genuinely loves working for them. He did have a splash of rebelliousness in his teens though. He learned the violin, not the piano. When not pirating, they live on Mirinoi with Bulk. He's been to earth a few times, and loves fucking with JJ Oliver, it's hilarious. Not associated with a color, but he'd happily get to know a certain shade of Green.
Does Bulk especially like the lifestyle choice for his best buddy, best buddy's partner and best buddy's kid? no. Can he deny this is the happiest he's ever seen Skull? also no. He is literally living out a childhood fantasy, and thriving. Billy, however, is this close to losing it and throwing all three in a prison on Aquitar. Skull's not even sure if this is from jealousy or being a power ranger. Or the fact Elio's flirting with every ranger close to his age as a battle tactic. Some more seriously than the others.
a tangential au is where Vile kills his parents and forces Elio to work for him. He did offer him as a valid vessel to Specter, but it didn’t work. This version he does get with JJ, who went undercover on the ship to figure out what exactly happened. They manage to get Elio and the crew out of Vile's clutches safely. Elio goes from being like Rito to a lot more like comic!Skull. Divatox is partly responsible for what happens, having gotten tired of the competition.
Adam Park;
Eugene doesn't believe in himself, but Adam does, did, and always has. They started dating after Adam encouraged him to play the piano in the talent show. Adam loves his music, and they're both encouraging of each other. Aisha is a surrogate for their son, Lukas. Given how close she was to Adam, it was only natural in her mind to offer. She loves him, loves he's found happiness, and when they decided they wanted kids she wanted to help that happiness grow. Lukas Park's 17, plays piano, and volunteers at the animal shelter. Adam's a doctor and while Lukas respects and likes this, he'd rather be a veterinarian. Or, like Skull, a professional classical pianist. They support Lukas with whatever he wants to do or be, and he loves the fact he's not being pressured. Skull once sat him down with a list of every job he's ever done (the list was actually more like an entire manila folder bursting out the sides, it was frankly impressive), a ranking system and how much each profession made. Everything from a cop to a detective to an undercover agent for the government to a waiter at a bar to a judge at a pet show to rockstar to pianist-it was comprehensive and a little overwhelming, but at the end of each profession Skull said if it was what he wanted, he'd be proud. At the end it left Lukas fairly calm and certain no matter what choice he made, it'd be the right choice for him, and his dads would support him in this. not associated with a color
Aisha Campbell;
She asked him out and he thought it was a joke. It wasn't. They found they actually challenge each other in interesting ways. She also hates his mom and her parents love him, so that helped a lot. They've got a daughter, Kensie Campbell. Aged 15. Excitable by nature, is in the drama club. Has a near perfect memory, uses this for shenanigans, mostly when sassing her many many honorary aunts and uncles or annoying villains and monsters. Eugene is so, so proud. Aisha sometimes worries the know it all attitude is going to get her in trouble. However, nothing's happened-yet-and Kensie does seem to slowly be learning how to read the room. She plays piano to help her think. Her favorite is moonlight sonata. It partially annoys Skull, but his favorite composer is Bach, so it's more of a principle thing. Kensie is a soccer player, and has a very close best friend. Skull's getting the "what to in case you're kidnapped by a monster with your best friend" speech ready, just in case a group of crime fighting teenagers with attitude show up. not associated with a color
Zack Taylor;
Zack's always tried to give Bulk and Skull the benefit of the doubt and never felt any true antagonistic feelings to them. Annoyance sure, but he doesn't hate them. Eugene took a while to warm up to Zack though, because nice doesn't mean trustworthy, and the two eventually started dating when Eugene realized no, Zack really is just that sweet. They run an ice cream parlor together and have two adopted kids. Achibald "Archie" Taylor and Marigold "Mari" Taylor.
Archie was adopted in his teens, and while this means he doesn't get to have as much time growing up with Zack and Skull as his dads, he's got the rest of his life with them as his parents, and that's the best thing he's ever heard. He was adopted out of the foster care system at thirteen, and is nineteen. He loves botany and magic tricks. Being a stage magician or professional botanist would be really really cool. He doesn't play piano or dance but he loves watching Zack and loves listening to Eugene practice at night. Is unsure what he wants to do with his life, but inheriting the ice cream parlor would be nice, if the botany or the stage magician thing doesn't work out. is not associated with a color.
Mari was adopted last year. She's fourteen and getting used to living with her brother and her dads. They're kinda weird, but she likes them. It is weird going to a new school in a new town, with a new last name. She doesn't really know what she likes, she's still figuring it out, but she knows she likes it here and that's good enough. She does miss her old friends and home a little, but she is making new friends. Zack and Eugene give her space and understanding, and Archie's been great with advice and settling in. not associated with a color.
They got together after Bulk left earth, but Sharkie did always prefer Bulk over Skull. They separated, but they're still friends. They have a son, Felix, aged 17, and he's seriously considering dropping out and going on a cross country road trip to find himself. He doesn't know what he wants or who he is. He's a lot like his parents, but he's not sure if that was just trying to make them happy or if he genuinely likes these things. They tried by him, he knows this. He's not even half bad. He just doesn't know if he's supposed to be having a midlife crisis at 17. Will be solar green ranger, and realize he enjoys country-rock (the kind of country rock that talks about murders, curses and being a gunslinger in a loveless land or people randomly turning into crows), has a knack for learning new languages, and likes ballet. He's been in ballet since he was four but so was Sharkie so the confirmation he likes it is nice. Also learns he likes playing piano, genuinely. Also nice. He comes home quite happy and a lot more settled into himself, and Skull and Sharkie are proud of him.
It was a complete accident, and they both feel really weird about it. But they kept the kid. Tuskin "Tusk" Skullovitch is lead singer in a punk band, and a bit of a bully at school. He's brilliant but finds it difficult to apply himself in anything he doesn't find an interest in. He loves puns, and loves confusing people. He likes studying rocks because rock music. It takes people a second. He's been smacked more than once over this, but doesn't mind. Bit clever, bit bored, bit of a troublemaker, bit of a pain in his parent's necks. Eugene does love his kid but wow, he's a little bit of a snot. Eugene's forced him into being a lifeguard over the summer to just-try and get this kid some sort of friendship with someone so he can have an attitude adjustment.
Marleau Eskin;
Surprisingly not the worst. He got her to be less of a bitch in an incident were they were taken together by a monster, and he actually lost his temper and snapped at her. When she tried to deflect by getting him to back down with a challenge (which to be fair normally worked), he raised an eyebrow, took a breath, and let loose. To say she had to do some soul searching after the extremely thorough roast would be putting it mildly. She stopped being as much of a mean girl, and he asked her out to prom. More as a dare, but she said yes. One thing led to another and while they don't talk anymore, they do have joint custody of their son Rusty Eskin. Marleau is the mayor of Angel Grove, Skull is a mechanic. It's kind of a whiplash every other month to go from mayor manor to an apartment over a carshop, but Rusty doesn't mind very much. Marleau's learned to be a lot nicer over the years, and she's a much milder version of herself to her son. Rusty on his part likes being at the carshop almost more than the manor, but it's less to do with Marleau and more to do with he hates the reputation he gets with "the mayor's son" and much prefers getting his hands dirty on a car with his dad. He likes problem solving, and fixing things. He likes shop class and he built his own motorcycle for one of the classes. He got his license and he's promised both parents he'll be careful. And he has been. He's also orange turbo ranger. This suits him more than fine.
Candice told him the truth about who she was, and to put it mildly, he was hurt. He had to put his foot down and tell her he needed to think about it. He really needed to think about what he was going to be doing, and what they were going to be. She waited, and he came back. And was accepting of it, mainly because she'd bit the bullet and been honest. However he had ground rules. She couldn't lie to him, if they had a kid (because things happen) the kid was going to be co-parented and if she wanted to raise future kids as an Eltaran fine but either they spent time on earth or Skull lived with them, or they did the best they could on earth. She was just grateful he was willing to try. Bulk eventually forgave her, when she went against her commander and stopped being the Bronze Guardian for the sake of her relationship with Skull. She fought in the Eltaran War against the Eltarans. While she was captured with the intent of re-educating, she was rescued by Jason and Billy.
They have a daughter, and Spike. Their daughter is Zephyr Skullovitch. she's sixteen, and she and Spike do get taught Eltaran tradition, as much as possible, on earth. Zephyr's got the Z name as she resembles Zelya more in a lot more ways. Spike's got more human dna here, but his sister's blue as a blueberry. Zephyr is best described as 'prickly' or 'grumpy' and the only person who gets her to smile is her brother. The pink ranger tries, but keeps striking out. Zelya wants to be an interdimensional diplomat, and travel universe to universe and see everything. She wants to see everything, know everything, experience everything. Intense, bull headed, one track minded, and has an almost destructive lack of self worth and imposter syndrome. almost. She might not believe in herself but her brother and her parents do. And the pink ranger chick. possibly. Zephyr is not associated with a color.
Matthew Cook;
Matt dives head first into the villain persona, and is happily doing so. He's thriving. Until he's forced into an ultimatum; save Bulk and Skull from certain death by the hands of Goldar, or vanquish the Solar Rangers. Against his better judgment, he saves Bulk and Skull. Skull, unfortunately for timing wise, had said he'd kiss whoever saved their lives minutes before Matt saved them. He's a man of his word, but he also punched him in the mouth immediately after. Matt's confused as hell. So instead of chasing after Kim, begins chasing after Skull because what was THAT. This leads to a very weird redemption arc because Matt has realized 2 things; he likes being kissed by Skull and he does not want Skull mad at him anymore. Cut to fifteen years later; they've got a kid of their own and no actual idea how they got there really. But, they're happy, don't hate each other's guts, their kid's thriving, it's all good. The entire empire of evil absolutely hates them though and Matt somehow managed to get himself on the shit list of Thor. As long as he doesn't go out while it's thunderstorming he should be fine.
Their son is ten, his name is Jude Cook. Jude is one of the weirdly luckiest kids alive. He's survived an insane amount of attempts on his life, falls, kidnappings, and things he should otherwise not survive. His parents have stopped asking how. Loki helped give them a son, which is partly why Thor's pissed, so they've at this point accepted demigod baby is just gonna do what a demigod baby do. It's probably for the best. Spike's his older brother, and is training with Loki to be some sort of spirit of shapeshifting mischief. They both love causing mild trouble. Like Skull, Jude's got a fear of flying which makes things a little interesting. Skull's got his sons and his partner on a very very strict promise; if the shenanigans could cause an enemy of something power, walk away. Walk far away. Neptune exists. We don't want to get on the bad side of Neptune.
in a tangential version, Billy coparents with the two, and studies demigod ten year old, and deals with the Norse gods being in his business. At the very least nobody's been sucked into Ares' prison jar, so that's good.
*Bonus Poly of Billy Cranston, Matt Cook, and Eugene Skullovitch has all above children mentioned. They live in a large house, Eugene's a famous rockstar and restaurant chain owner, and they actually use every room in said house. In this version they met via Matt asking the only person he knew with experience in bdsm for some help with his newly realized kinks; Skull's payment was pizza nights and then Billy got dragged in because he was certain Matt was abusing Skull, but realized it was fine, actually. And fun.
Au Grandchildren:
Prince Olympius;
Eugene and Bulk got dragged to hell, once, and found a little child demon who needed protection as much as they themselves did. The two survived long enough in the dimension with the kid to be rescued by Olympius and Spike. Olympius and Spike, though having known each other when they were younger, reconnected over this. Olympius named the kid Petrichor, and he was later given the nickname Pepper by the mystic red ranger Nick. Pepper is a fifteen year old power ranger, though he got his morpher when he was thirteen. His team is a team of nonhumans who all have unusual rare colors, with the exception of their sixth ranger, Deena, who is a human and a white ranger. Although Pepper is a demon that water can hurt, he is an aquaphile. He loves the ocean, he loves water planets, he loves the rain, and one day wants to study marine biology. Chipper, smart, but generally as easy going as Spike is. He is the crown prince, but knows he’s only in the position because he was adopted into it, and tries very hard to be a good prince. Be diplomatic, be strategic, have all the answers. One day he’s going to be depended on, and he needs to perfect it now. Olympius has cautioned him that even he hasn’t figured it all out, so Pepper’s going to be fine in that eventuality. Just so long as he tries, and he does. Pepper is the indigo ranger.
Mia Watanabe;
So that summer was…eventful. Skull got a grandson and a daughter in law in one fell swoop. He also moved to Panorama City because daughter in law was also a pink ranger and no, he’s not stupid. Rangers should stick to their cities with their teams. Plus Ji was making a stink and they found it easier to just smooth ruffled feathers than deal with him. Spike and Mia have one daughter. Ai Skullovitch lives with Skull while Mia and Spike are at school. She’s eight years old, and Skull loves her. Spike and Mia also dote on their daughter. The kid happens to be taste blind like Mia and feeding her and having her help in the kitchen’s always eventful. While Ji doesn’t spend much time with Ai he does give her presents and training. Neither Mia nor Spike want Ai to be a power ranger. At least. Not a Samurai Ranger, so things from Ji tend to get screened to make sure training and gifts are appropriate. Skull kinda likes being a grandpa.
Lauren Shiba;
Spike and Lauren literally had to go into hiding, and are currently holed up under assumed names with their kid. The little cabin property on the edge of a small tourist ski town in Idaho never came in so much handy for Skull. He was able to help them, and they and the four year old are riding this out up there till the drama dies down. Lauren and Spike got very good at training together, and got very close. However life got in the way for a while. Lauren had taken some time from everything to do some soul searching and finding herself, and Spike was doing a music tour. Mica is not an accident, but he's not approved of at all by Ji and the rest. Skull, however, loves him, and loves his son, and is trying to help them so the kid doesn't have to live his entire life in hiding. Mica's got brown hair, but otherwise looks a lot like Skull and Spike, which is a good thing. "Sam" and "Isabelle" are making the best of it, and are planning on homeschool if things don't change soon. Or chancing moving to Angel Grove. Skull just wants them to be happy and safe, and at least he's not alone in that.
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twothpaste · 1 year
Hiiii Clark I don’t know if you do or if you’re still taking these but I’d be interested to hear any thoughts or hcs you had about Leder :0
oh man, oh man. being asked about leder by the guy who did The Best (Only?) Written Leder Ever??? half the stuff sloshing around in my brain about this guy was written by you!! i'll bow my head gently and share what i've got, though.
i first played mother 3 a decade ago. to this day, The Leder Scene still gives me chills. i know some players aren't fond of the way the game delivers its big exposition dump, and i can't blame 'em one bit. but for me personally, it's an ethereal moment in time. something about the way the scene is set, the music, the red lighting, how solemn and straightforward it is. the way you first see leder's chained up legs, before climbing upstairs to hear him speak for the first time, and weave the whole story back together. lucas hearing it from a quiet old friend, of all people. the way he pauses every few lines to to ask if lucas understands, and kiddo has to politely nod along like "yep, y'can keep going," as leder painstakingly re-arranges his entire reality. the dawning sense of pity for this humble unsung martyr, and his broken community, and the world at large. agh. there's just nothing quite like it.
my favorite detail, one i latch onto, is that he's surrounded by books. on a literal level, i figure, aw, at least he had somethin' to read, all that time he spent locked up. symbolically, though? they must represent history, yeah? the one and only guy who remembers, imprisoned with volumes of forbidden knowledge. were these his own books? brought from the old world, and secretly stashed away somewhere? were they brought from different eras through porky's phase distorter? i feel like the former's more sentimental, but either works. got a postgame headcanon that leder founds a library in tazmily. books become a precious commodity in the postgame world. not a lot of written word remains from back before everything went to hell. they take whatever they can find and salvage, be it history or science textbooks or novels or picture books. their community'd be wise to cherish, preserve, and share this stuff, instead of locking it away. the idea of a valuable lesson learned. leder naturally being the one to foster a space where history can finally breathe.
i like to think he and lucas could become close friends. kid lucas would've always taken the time to greet leder, and leder would've always answered with a smile. postgame, my lucas develops a fervent interest in history, and stories about his community. i think he'd ache for that context. kid's got a sense of duty, too, not to repeat the same mistakes. leder'd be relieved to finally get everything off his chest. and, seeing the egg as a fatal mis-step, he'd be eager to amend tazmily's greatest mistake. giving future generations the opportunity to learn from their past. besides, leder n' lucas are both mild-mannered folks with a lot on their minds. i imagine the two of 'em could spend hours talking, or listening. maybe share some green tea. lucas goes exploring in the ruins of the world, and brings back tattered volumes for leder's library. they talk about novels they've read, and the good ol' days (with bittersweet retrospect), and hinawa.
on account of his absurd height, leder's probably got some sort of fantastical bone condition that makes it difficult to travel or get around much. on account of his age and world-weariness, maybe he's just fine with that. i imagine he's got a quiet, brittle, crackly voice, and you kinda have to listen extra close to make out every word. some of his neighbors are sheepish to get to know him again. but once their memories start returning, they recall him as a near n' dear pillar of their apocalyptic escapades. they eventually come bearing apologies, somber gratitude, and fond recollections. your premise of leder working as a sort of guidance counselor for recovering amnesiacs is brilliant - and the thought of him bearing that burden alone makes my heart ache. that he'd give himself up for so long, on behalf of everyone else, then go right ahead and selflessly do it all over again?? it's so heavy, but so real. i can definitely picture him falling back into old resolute habits, forgetting he's a deeply wounded person who needs time and care to recover too. maybe his fellow steadfast souls, like lucas' family, duster, my favorite guy bronson perhaps, could eventually lend him some shoulders to lean on.
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ayo!! congrats on 666 <33 I'm not sure if its much of a request but I love how you wrote the demon kids personalities! I was wondering what kids of personalities you would see the other brothers kids having? Hypothetically of course (unless 👀)
BRO- I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while! Fan kids are fun to think about, what can I say? Now, these kids aren’t canon to the Awfully Familiar series, the HOL is crowded enough as is… but I hope you enjoy anyways!
(I’m giving all the kids names just so no one gets confused with which kid is whose)
Levi’s Kid
Uh let’s use probability to figure out how rare children of our snek boy are. The Otaku left the house (unlikely), spoke to a human being (very unlikely), did the devil’s tango with them (impossible)
I’m kidding, but seriously what the fuck why did this human exchange student look so much like Levi? Was that a tail? Hehehe… what a weird practical joke…
(I’m calling this MC Percy. Three guesses as to why)
Okay, onto the kiddo’s personality. I’m picturing them being REALLY hyped and REALLY enthusiastic about their hobbies and isn’t afraid to yammer about them. They’re good at what they do and they’re damn proud of it! They turn their envy into *~inspiration~* and get better at the things they enjoy doing!
In all fairness to Levi, it’s a bit easier for his kid because Percy isn’t literally being eaten alive and consumed by this sin every waking moment of his life… perks of being half human! :D
Percy loves swimming, and the ocean, and fish, and they brought a shark back from the beach- wait hang on a second-
It’s not uncommon for Levi to be hardcore gaming while Percy swims around in the fish tank.
The pair of them have a very good relationship, Percy is kind of Levi’s hero with how eager they are to get better at the things they love doing and how they almost never self pity spiral. The one issue is… ugh… Percy is a 🤢…. Sorry. Percy’s a 🤢 🤢-
Other than that, the two get along swimmingly. (Ba dum tisssss)
Percy’s reaction to Levi’s cool military titles is basically “WOAH! YOU HAVE BOATS?! CAN I GO ON ONE?!” And Levi would be a monster to decline.
Percy wore a pirate hat despite Levi telling them numerous times that they were a part of the navy, they CATCH pirates. Which are apparently still a big problem in the Devildom…
Also, Percy and Lotan absolutely adore each other. It makes Levi very happy
Satan’s Kid
Satan’s a pretty charming guy, and it’s canon that he’s amazing at seductive speech craft so it’s no surprise that he was able to seduce a human.
You know what is a surprise? The fact that Satan, the smart one, didn’t think to use protection! Like- DUDE I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU.
Whatever, anyway, when this kid slammed onto the floor of the assembly hall no one had time to react when the kid suddenly grew horns… and fangs… and a tail… OH FUCK THE KID WAS GOING THROUGH THEIR FIRST TRANSFORMATION WHAT THE FUCK-
(For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to call this kid Lyssa, mainly because of the meaning of the name)
The first thing Lyssa did was launch themselves straight at the first person they saw, and I ask you to guess exactly who sits in the middle seat of the assembly hall. That’s right… Satan… yay…
This kid nearly clawed his face off in the span of two seconds and it took Lucifer and Beel working together to drag them off of him and then Asmo had to step in to use his powers to calm them down. Well. That was eventful.
So Lyssa has a volcanic temper and they’re honestly really bitter and upset at everything, which is something that’s supposed to come in adult life, not so early. So what’s up with this kid? Well, when you’re born with a burning rage deep inside you that can be set off at even the slightest inconvenience and because of that everyone around you immediately assumes you’re dangerous or crazy can really do some damage to a kid.
So who oh who is Lyssa going to blame for this…? Hmmm… who is responsible for the anger? *Side eyes Satan*
“Wow, this kid is blaming me for passing down my wrath even though I couldn’t control giving it to them and if I had the choice I would have made sure they wouldn’t have to live with it and they’re mad at me for subjecting them to existence itself… wow this feels so bad :( who would treat someone like this..?” “*Dad sigh*”
The two of them do eventually get along. It’s actually Satan who extends the olive branch and offers to help them control their anger. As the two spend time together, Lyssa’s intense hatred slowly subsides.
So… what’s Lyssa going to do now? They’ve spent so much of their life being defined by their anger… who the fuck are they????? U-uh… cats! Cats! Lyssa likes cats! Is liking cats a personality? No? Okay… um… Music! Music is relaxing! Lyssa likes music! Um… um… ooo- look at that! They like space! And stars!
You knew what they don’t like? School. Lyssa doesn’t like learning in a controlled environment where they’re being told what to learn. Leave them alone so they can go read about space.
Beelzebub’s kid(s)
*munch* *munch* *chew* *chomp* huh, *chomp* why does the takeout- I mean the human look so much like him…? They’re his kid..? *choke* *cough* *cough* …Huh. Want some chips?
Surprisingly chill first meeting. Well, Beel and the kid were chill, everyone else was freaking the fuck out.
I’m calling this kid Pepper. Why? Fucking guess.
Pepper themselves is just… chill. They’re sort of like a capybara, their vibes are just so immaculate that everyone wants to hang out around them.
Unlike Beel, Pepper’s penchant for food mainly comes from “food is good.” instead of “my body is literally eating itself alive every second of the day and I need to be eating something at almost all times in order to stave off a rampage.” Beel is very happy that his kid doesn’t have to live with food constantly on the brain.
All was well until three days into the exchange program when Pepper asked at the dinner table “so when are we bringing my twin down here?”
…twin genes man… twin genes…
Second kid, I’m calling them Cane. (CANE PEPPER, GET IT?! GET IT?!) this kid is less like a capybara and more like a honey badger. They don’t give a shit.
Here’s the thing though… they’re identical twins.
Cane is basically Beel but smaller. They follow Beel to the gym and usually get stopped at the door. “Kids aren’t allowed in the gym.” Ha, the rules don’t apply to Cane, they just cross their arms and raise their eyebrows and whoever is stopping them just steps aside. Don’t fuck with the honey badger kid.
Pepper and Cane are super close though, but don’t ask if they have a telepathic link or something, Cane will fuck you up and Pepper won’t be able to stop them. (I know a pair of identical twins, and the amount of times they’ve been asked if they can read each other’s minds is enough to make anyone homicidal)
Belphegor’s kid
*squints* how’d this happen..?
Whatever. When Belphie’s kid woke up on the floor of the assembly hall everyone took one look at this kid and collectively went “shitballs”
Belphie was in the attic and his kid was wandering around the house like they ran the place! What the fuuuuuuuuck was Lucifer supposed to do with this????
Anyway, meet Arien.
Arien, how does one describe this little hellspawn? Well, one would call them the brood of Lucifer or the spawn of Satan but that would be false because this manipulative evil devil-child that crawled straight out of a teacher’s nightmares is BELPHIE’S kid. And it fucking SHOWS.
This kid won the demon/human genetic lottery and they’re going to make it everyone’s problem. Basically, they’re sin is sloth, but unlike Belphie, Arien’s is more voluntary, if that makes sense. They sleep and slack off because they like not doing work, not because they’re always tired. They have this sort of lazy relaxed facade that vanishes the second it’s not needed, it’s honestly kind of terrifying.
They quickly learn that if they just pretend to be having troubles with being constantly tired, the rest of the house will go easy on them if they miss their chores and schoolwork.
Jeez Louise when this kid met Belphie…
They both just stared at each other for a solid five minutes before anyone said anything. Belphie somewhat nervously started up his “oh woe is me get me out of here :(“ charade, and the kid played along for a few weeks, until of course, they got suspicious.
You remember how Belphie guilt spiralled with L!MC? Yeah imagine that but 40 times worse, and he hadn’t even done anything yet.
But yeah, blah blah blah Arien breaks Belphie out, they don’t die, family’s back together, happily ever after. But not quite. Arien’s “oh no I’m sorry I’m sleepy…” charade was found out and boy howdy was everyone pissed.
Surprisingly, it was Belphie who gave Arien the wake up thwack, but Arien called Belphie out on his laziness so Belphie was forced to become a better example.
The way they fixed Ari’s behaviour? Extra chores, extra schoolwork, extra everything, and the boys did nothing to help. Basically, “this is how we felt! Deal with it!”
It worked… thankfully.
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Reading through your wedding post made me so happy, but then I read about Falco's family 😭 Do you think you could write some of your headcannons of you and Reiner watching Falco for a week while his brother goes on a business trip or something. I can only picture by the end of the week that the house is full of the kids because none of them want to go home because Falco misses his brother and hes sad!! 😭😭
I'm so happy you enjoyed it! And that's such a sweet and thoughtful request how could i say no :( my god it sounds like the perfect comfort fic to write and honestly Falco deserves it💛
And the kiddos comforting Falco is a really adorable idea especially since he's the one looking out for everyone and comforting them most of the time, i can only imagine how loved he'd be by them.
Falco spending a week with you and Reiner
{ Reiner x reader | tw:deceased parents tw:neglectful parents | reverse comfort, fluff | modern }
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{ "Tales of Enchantment" by Frank O. Salisbury 1874–1962 }
Around 5am, you and Reiner were waiting in the living room, each holding a cup of coffee. In the past days you got a call from Colt, asking if you can take care of Falco for a week, he sounded really apologetic and so you reassured him it's not trouble at all.
Apparently him and Zeke had a work related trip to a far away town, being understaffed in that town and all, the situation was dire and they couldn't refuse without their rating taking a huge hit not to mention morally too. But as a compensation, the company promised a higher pay to make their effort worth it.
You didn't notice the repeated knocking on the door till a couple seconds later, lack of sleep delaying your senses.
Opening it, you were met with an anxious Colt carrying his little brother in his arms, still asleep in his pajamas. Zeke from behind him carrying a couple bags and backpacks, he waved to you with a smile.
As Reiner took Falco in his arms and some of the bags too, you carried his Marvel school backpack and a list Colt made for all the things Falco needed and liked. He seemed to put a lot of effort in it, somethings in it you didn't even know yourself.
While tucking Falco in your bed, Reiner couldn't help but express his worry over Colt working himself to exhausting, both mentally and physically.
Yeah it was only a temporary thing till Colt graduates college and finds a stable good paying job, whilst taking care of his little brother as much as he can. He's been carrying Falco's responsibility on his shoulder since the funeral without a twitch or a complaint.
You think back to all the times you saw Colt, most being for mere minutes when he came to drop off the kids or pick them up just as his classes ended and before his shift at work started, barely having time for himself yet he chose to spend that little remaining free time on Falco and his friends.
You sit next to Reiner on the bed, gently brushing Falco's hair away from his face as he's sound asleep. He always looked up to his brother more than anyone else and would never let anyone talk badly about him.
It's like his own personal superhero.
"Do you think he'll be sad knowing he didn't get to say goodbye before Colt left?" You ask, still looking at Falco.
Reiner thinks for a moment before answering, "probably, but won't show it" he secures the blanket more around Falco, "sometimes I wonder who's more stubborn with showing their emotions, Gabi or Falco."
"I'd say Zofia wins the acting Oscar" you turn the lights off on your way out, "wasn't it for Udo, we wouldn't know how she's feeling half the time."
Around 10am, a very sleepy Falco merges out of the dark bedroom. Making his way to sit between you and Reiner on the couch, while carrying a blanket around him.
He leans into Reiner's hand when he strokes Falco's hair while you secure the blanket around him. Seeming unusual quiet, you and Reiner shared a knowing concerned look.
Offering to make him his favourite food for breakfast got a smiles out of Falco, Reiner even let him choose what shapes he wants his sunny side eggs as.
While he went to cook and prepare food, Falco shyly leans into your lap as if testing the water.
Please assure him it's okay to seek physical comfort from you, wrap your arms around him and he'll be embarrassed at first to ask to sit on your lap but will love it afterwards.
Just don't tell anyone about it okay? It's something his parents used to do when he was little.
When he heard about Gabi coming over today, he seemed to light up. While Udo and Zofia have weekend music lessons they couldn't make it till tomorrow.
While looking away, he asked if you could watch teen titans go with him.
The rest of the day went smoothly after that, Falco was a good kid in general and a really helpful and understanding person. He helped you both with chores and even attempted to cook pancakes.
While it came out burned, don't tell him that! He's really worried so please make him know you loved it and it was super delicious.
You and Reiner even took him to the dogs park nearby, he had pet so many good dogs till he couldn't count, even played fetch with one. After that you got ice cream on the way back.
When Gabi finally arrived, full of energy and enthusiastic about Falco staying over meaning she too will be staying over
All hell broke loose, it's like a switch had been flipped and the well behaved good boy Falco you know was completely weoponised by Gabi as she pulled him into her mischiefs
By himself, Falco is a good kid, well behaved, polite and responsible for his age. But with adding Gabi to the mix? They're a force to be reckon with.
You could see that Reiner was trying his hardest to deny that his closest cousin Gabi, was the bad influence on other kids all along.
You know? The one leading you off a cliff that your moms tells you not to follow? The rebellious kid with very strong opinions and the will to fist fight god? Yeah that one.
Apparently, no one gave Falco the cliff talk yet because he seemed far too eager to follow her to the end of the earth and down that cliff, he'd even jump hand in hand with her just to protect her from the sharp rocks under.
Gabi was actually looking forward to Falco staying over, since either way she'd spend a couple of days with you and Reiner whenever her parents are away or are too busy. She can't handle feeling lonely in the house, it's one of the worst feelings she's ever experienced.
It reached a point that Reiner gave her a copy of the keys, just so she could come in whenever even if you were at work. He too didn't like the idea of her being alone in a house all by herself, yet her parents didn't seem bothered at all.
But now she has a friend to spend the time with!
Falco was finding comfort in the fact that him and Gabi are currently in similar situations, while his was temporarily he felt better knowing he wasn't alone in this.
By the end of the the day, they managed to build a pillow fort in your living room. No one allowed to enter unless they're bearing offerings snacks
Around 10pm, when both of them fall asleep inside the fort. Falco hugging a pillow to his chest while Gabi still had a controller in her hand.
Of course Reiner took some pictures, how could he not? Especially with the way Falco's fingers were tangled with Gabi's as she had cookie crumbs around her mouth.
He also sent it to the groupchat Zeke made, reassuring Colt that Falco is having the time of his life whilst also sharing their adorable cousins with the rest of his friends.
The week went by faster than anyone could notice, good times always fly fast eh?
Each morning you and Reiner would walk Falco to the school bus before watching him sit next to Udo, sending him off with packed lunch and waving as the bus went away.
After school the rest of the kiddos will come with him home, keeping him company and helping him with homework too. They'd make sure to play Videgames right after.
Porco actually took over the duty of taking Zofia and Udo back to their houses, let's just say their mothers didn't like him at all, but reluctantly agreed after Reiner assured them he's a close family friend.
Each day around 6pm, Colt would video call him on his work break, sometimes with Zeke and other times alone. Falco would tell him about his day and Colt would praise him for all the good work he's done, he'd even share stories of his own and remind him to brush his teeth and eat his vegetables.
After each call, Falco will be noticeably more...down. can you blame him? He really misses him brother.
Sit next to him and hug him close please, he really needs it but he can't bring himself to ask for it. Soothe away his worries and don't mention it if his eyes start watering, just pull him against your chest and let him cry his heart out.
On nights he's particularly sad, he'd sneak into your bedroom to sleep between you and Reiner. It's something he used to do back when he was little, he can't help but miss his parents.
It makes him feel safe so make sure to keep a space for him in there always.
Please stroke his hair till he falls asleep like his mother used to do each night, and let him lean against you while watching cartoons like his father did.
You also noticed how...dotting the kiddos are around him during these times.
Gabi is more gentle with him, even willing to play the games he wants instead of hers. She always teams up with him and her words whenever they win make him smile.
Zofia shares her food with him, something so scarce. She gives up her turn on the tv for him and even defends his choice in what to watch if the others complain.
Udo is the one making him space on the school bus and walking with him home too. Helping him with his homework and holding his hand whenever he seemed to get sad.
Udo and Falco are a great emotional support to each other, they're not afraid to speak about their emotions to the other.
And naturally they're the most comforting, with Zofia botteling up her own emotions and Gabi wrestling through it, it's the two of them who work as the group emotional support backbone.
Reiner couldn't stop talking to you about how proud he is of Udo when he saw him comforting Falco these days, you couldn't agree more.
By the end of the week, the three kids were surrounding Falco on the couch as they played Mario karts.
Zofia was threatening to throw hands with whoever threw that blue shell at her making her last place, Gabi was too busy securing her first place spot.
Udo was leaving strategtic traps in his trail while in third place, making Zofia even more frustrated as she fell into every single one.
Falco was racing with Gabi in second place, attempting to push her kart or power through to the finish line.
When the black and white line came into view, Gabi and Falco's karts were separate by mere inches, both of them attempting to outrun the other.
And when Gabi managed to get a hold of the first spot for three seconds, a flying blue shell knocked her away. Making Falco the winner as he crossed the line.
To this day, Gabi doesn't know if which one of Zofia and Udo were the cause of her demise, but oh she will find the traitor and they will pay.
After that intense scene, they all shared a bag of cookies she brought from home! It was animal shaped.
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utterlyhopeful-fics · 4 years
Midnight Magic
A/N: Wrote a smutty part 2 to accompany you lovely folks! 🥰🥰
Henry Cavill x Reader
Also, if I keep tagging you and you’re not interested or want to be tagged; please let know!
Word Count: 1855k 
Warnings: MUCH PROMISED FLUFF, dirty talk, implied smut, foreplay, kissing, language, teasing
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Y/N wasn’t someone to demand attention but tonight was a different story entirely. Whether it be the holiday magic in the air or the sheer happiness exuding from her beaming smile, they’d never know for sure.  She glazed into the fireplace awaiting the arrival of her midnight kiss to show up. The embers flickered uncontrollably creating a spellbinding illusion of comfort. The cerulean blue hue of her dress was majestically magnificent, custom designed to perfection leaving little to the imagination. Paired with a sexy high slit revealed the majority of her right leg; just enough access.
This New Year’s Eve Henry had the peculiar notion to get dressed up as if they were enjoying the evening out. Y/N almost died of happiness then and there seeing the childish reflection in her husband’s hypnotic orbs. 2020 was one helluva year and though it brought them closer than ever as a couple, Y/N wasn’t blind to the hardships occurring throughout the world.  
His loins stirred excitedly as lust glazed over his features growing semi-hard. The only barrier holding them from going at it like teenagers. He licked his lips in anticipation eager to have his wife all to himself. No lavish parties or parades of people to entertain this year, just the lot of them, alone and horny. He continued admiring her from afar pouring two flutes of champagne for the pair.
“You look positively scrumptious this evening, Mrs. Cavill.”
Henry silently crept from behind sneaking up unsuspectingly slow. Goosebumps riddled her gorgeous skin rippling in masses. His breath ticked the tiny, delicate hair adorning her neck shooting a pleasurable surge to her limbs. Both endlessly love drunk on one another. His sensational touch alone kicked every sense into overdrive, heightened every emotion he emitted. Y/N reached back entangling her fingers with his newly deemed ‘quarantine curls’ she’d loved to tug on. Small bites traced down her neck leaving small marks in his wake of destruction.
“May I add how delectable you are in a tuxedo, Hen? My god, my poor ovaries must be working overtime.”
A salacious smirk broke out on his lips eyeing her lustfully.
“You haven’t the finest clue what I want to do to you right now, my love.”
Her hips grinded back on their on accord knocking the air from his lungs. All his remaining blood rushed to the tip of his cock as his belly stirred in playful chaos. They swayed back and forth to the melody playing in the background both reflecting on their last year together.
Henry lined himself up with the shell of her ear wrapping his bulky arm firmly around her waist drawing her as close as possible.
“I’m truly astounded this is our 12th year celebrating as a couple.”
Y/N smiled thinking back when they first met. The year was 2008, Henry was a newly promoted regular to a Showtime series called The Tudors. Y/N was a brilliant writer, the brains behind the complex operation. Henry considered her the beauty and brains; Y/N hated when he talked down about himself saying she’d never once doubted the man who became a wonderful husband and even better daddy.
One unparticular day he’d spotted her struggling to balance a pretty hefty pile of scripts and tumbled right into him. Luckily, his super-size and strength kicked in just in time catching the eye of the attractive stranger. In that moment, Henry knew there was something about this woman he craved to figure out. He was just the lucky bastard on the reciprocating end.
“And thank god your parents volunteered to take the kiddos for the evening. Some private adult time is just what the doctor ordered. We owe them BIG time.”
Y/N winked leading him to decipher the meaning behind her blanket statements. She stepped from his grasp breaking his hold on her. He whined at the loss causing Y/N to eye him curiously.
Oh, you little tease.
Henry’s frisky nature broke through lighting the atmosphere around them. Due to the ongoing pandemic and what not, Henry and Y/N found themselves in wintry London at their main hub of a home. Henry’s roots were deep-rooted and his plea so passionate as she agreed to move across the world with him. Their lives halted for the better allowing the family to spend more time than usual as a unit. Though initially hectic and overwhelming, they were secretly thankful for these little moments with their four children. It was a time they so dearly valued at their imaginative ages.
“Oh, I bet my pops could sense the sexual tension oozing off you, darling. You smell mouthwatering.”
“Hush! Besides it is completely natural to pursue a sexual relationship with my husband outside of our children. Gotta keep you coming back for more…”
“Oh sweets, you have no earthly idea how bad I want to fuck you every day of my existence. You are absolutely divine and somehow all mine.”
“I can’t take all the credit. Nobody’s ever made me cum the way you managed to figure out. You play me like a damn instrument.”
“With pleasure.”
“Ugh, you’re insatiable.”
“Oh, come on. Your sex drive is just as insane as mine. Admit it!”
Y/N bit the inside of her lip collecting her thoughts. Henry pried and teased her ribs forcing her to his whims.
“Fine, fine, you win! I’m a ravenous feign when it comes to you. You’d think having kids would cool my jets but then I see these gorgeous faces I birthed and it’s like I reset. Poof, just like that.”
“Well you’re a phenomenal Mum and quite the MILF too.”
Henry inhaled her perfumed scent taking a long sip of bubbly; anything to keep him from combusting.
“Let’s toast, love. We must.”
“My my, how time flies when you’re having fun.”
Her manicured fingers reached for the chilled glass looking up at Henry and his three-month-old beard. She rose her glass slightly higher in preparation for his speech. Her eyes gleamed with pride as she admired her husband.
“Thank you for loving me, Henry. Seriously, you changed my life in so many profound ways.”
The sap in him was beginning to show as his eyes watered with unshed tears; “My love, it is I who should be thanking for you the unending shower of love and affection. You are the beautiful mother of our four wonderous kids who are the absolute lights of my life because of you. You’re a woman worthy of many praises than my silly ramblings. Cheers to you and for another adventure of a year!”
She swatted his chest immediately shutting him up; “Don’t say that! I am just as equally lucky to have found someone who gets me for …me. It’s a wonderful feeling to have you by my side even if I did have to kiss a few frogs.”
“No doubt I the best possible selection.”
Y/N played along jesting back; “I wouldn’t go that far, maybe the easiest?”
Gob smacked Henry’s wit was rapid fire; “If memory serves, you were there too. And just as ravenous.”
“I was about to get nailed by an insanely hot British man. Can you blame me?”
“One look from you and I was a bloody puddle. I had to recite rugby players to keep from losing my shit.”
No matter life’s challenges the past years of their lives, their resolution to stay equals and lovers was stronger than ever. A sinful glow overcame Y/N as she stared directly up at him; “Cheers to you fucking me stupid then?”
“As you wish.”
She refused to glance away maintaining his smoldering gaze; her Y/C eyes screamed sex. His pupils dilated just as his heart speed up voraciously. Both subconsciously tilted their heads oppositely neither daring to move first, unwilling to yield. Y/N challenged his masculinity testing him. Many words could be used to describe Y/N but priss wasn’t one of them.  
“Oi, you are a true keeper.”  
Y/N checked the matching wrist watch completing her outfit; “T-minus 15 seconds until 2021 is here.”
Still unbreaking of her gaze, Henry stayed silent taking in the beauty of his wife. He could stare at her for the rest of his god given days and die a spectacularly happy man.
“Oh Hen, another marvelous journey with you. Can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for us.”
She stared down at his inviting pout unable to look away nor did she truly want to.
“Maybe thinking about another baby?”
Her eyes bulged from her skull as shock illuminated from her pores.
“You’re joshing me?”
His lack of response was more than confirmation enough.
“There’s something so ridiculously sexy about you being pregnant. I always knew I wanted kids but with you, oh with you I want to have as many as humanly possible. Our very own football team.”
Confusion stamped her features at his terminology. Sometimes Henry forgot they were from different countries.
“Football as in soccer. You know the game with the checkered ba—”
Y/N cut him off; “Jeez baby, save your mansplaining. I’ve been on this side of the pond long enough to understand your oh so clever references.”
The pros and cons bounced around in her head, doubt never far behind but the mischievous joy coming off him was tantalizing; “Let’s do it.”
Cheers rang ecstatically from the television as fireworks commanded their attention but they only had eyes for one another. Henry closed the gap kissing her feverishly. He was forever seared into her brain ruined for all other men. Lost in the moment, Y/N barely had time to set her glass down untrusting of her own balance anymore. Henry followed shortly behind. Now with her newfound freedom, Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck locking him in place. His questioning tone was almost cause for concern before his façade shattered.
“Really? I do so enjoy seeing you round with my babe. So, fucking irresistible.”
Henry’s jacket was long removed strewn over the couch. That left him standing only in his tight button up and trousers. Y/N merely leaned back his direction bringing his attention towards the zipper aligning her spine. Henry chuckled undoing her dress too easily watching the zipper flair apart. He couldn’t resist admiring the flex of her muscles and how striking she was. Tugging the material over the curvy hips, Y/N noticed Henry was far too overdressed.
“Take off your clothes, now.”
“You bossin me round, babe?”
His muscular tush ignited in minimal pain as her hand connected with his ass whipping rather harshly. A small red welt appeared instantly. Henry stood shocked as Y/N’s smug smile decorated her face.
“You really shouldn’t push me. I don’t like my authority questioned.”
Henry’s mood shifted at her use of roleplay knowing he was in for a well and good night. Henry stripped removing his boxer briefs last. Y/N strutted towards her bedside dresser pulling out a pair of metal handcuffs. Dangling them in front of him, she grinned bashfully; “You’re going to sit your ass on that bed and I’m going to tie you up now. Got it?”
Tags:  @thedeadhearted @giveusbackourbucky @henry-cavill-obsessed  @onlyhenrys @omgkatinka @thereisa8ella @threeminutesoflife @homewreckingwreck @gemini0410 @maan14@bluegalaxyprime @sofiebstar @whyyykitkat @encounterthepast  @readermia @ly-canthropewrites @scorpionchild81 @henrythickcavill @snowbellexx @stephartrave @agniavateira  @cap-barnes​ @henryfanfics101  @mary-ann84 @westcoast-nightowl @poledancingdinos​  @justaboringadult @peakygroupie  @nalathefirefly​ @vikingsbifrost​ @bloodyinspiredfuck​ @moderapoppins​ @cooldiva1234​ @icedcoffeeismythang​ @titty-teetee​ @summersong69​ @kaatelyyynn​ @missursulacalmet​ @michelehansel​ @iloveyouyen​ @shyshu​ @star017​ @raynosaurus-rex @radkesgirl83​ @starrynite7114​  @wheretheriversrunintothesea​ @i-love-scott-mccall​  @darkbooksarwin​ @ellieseymour70​ @designerwriterchic​ @studywithrosie01​ @dangerouslovefanfic​ @lebguardians​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @hen-cavill​  @cavill-sass​ @oh-for-fic-sake​ @icedbottles​ @buckysgoldenheart​ @brexrif​ @gryffindorwriter​ @laketaj24​ @foxyjwls007​ @lawsofthejungle​ @henrycavillfanpage​ @kaboogie21​ @fangirl199812​ @gothicninibalor​ @qualitynightkoala​ @strictlybuckybarnes​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​@hersilencescreams-blog​ @viking-raider​ @sesamepancakes​  @madbaddic7ed​ @fuckoffbard​ @funfickgirl22​ @inlovewithhisblueeyes​ @wolvesandhoundshowltogether​ @hoeforhenry​ @henrycavills-babe​ @abschaffer2​ @loving-this​ @one-of-those-fanfiction-blogs​ @lovelycavills​
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writeforfandoms · 3 years
Shake, Rattle and Roll 2
Chapter two!
You can find chapter one Here
Summary: Now you’ve got a dead body and a bunch of prospectors. Time to get out of this mess.
Warnings: More murder. Swearing. 
Eventual Ezra x reader.
Tags: @fandom-blackhole @pedrocentric 
“So who killed him?” Felicia demanded, irreverently.
You scoffed quietly and shifted around the others, making your way to the teenager. She was still staring at the body, barely moving. “Hey, kid,” you murmured, moving into her line of sight. “Let’s go get you a drink, hm? C’mon.” 
Gently, you herded the girl away from the body and into another room. She sank into a chair, and you crouched in front of her. 
“What’s your name, kiddo?” you asked her quietly.
“Not a kid,” she murmured, although it sounded more reflexive than argumentative. 
“You’re not old enough to legally drink,” you retorted. “So you’re still a kid. And I’ll call you that until I have something else to call you.”
She hesitated, blinking at you. Her eyes were wide but surprisingly dry. “Cee.”
“Cee.” You smiled at her and gave her your name in return. Her voice was quiet as she repeated it, but not shocky. She was still tracking things. “Cee, I’m sorry, I have to ask. Was that your dad?” 
“Yes.” She took a deeper breath, gaze flicking back to the doorway. 
“Okay.” You rocked back on your heels. “You have anyone else?”
“No.” She seemed reluctant to answer you. You couldn’t blame her - the state-run facilities were kind of rubbish. 
“Okay.” You took a deep breath. One problem at a time. “Okay. First we need to call this in to the authorities, so they can do all their… stuff.” You waved a hand, unwilling to go into further detail about what ‘stuff’ meant. Investigating, mostly. “You’re probably old enough that you could file for emancipation, and if this place is your dad’s, that’s good for you.”
“What?” Cee blinked at you, looking taken aback.
“I mean, unless you really want to go to a government-funded orphanage? I wouldn’t recommend it. They’re not great.” You wrinkled your nose in distaste. 
The two of you were interrupted by a knock on the door. “I had a feeling I might find the two of you together,” Ezra drawled from the doorway, gaze flickering between the two of you. “I have some unfortunate news.”
“More?” you asked, voice dry.
“The others have decided that the map Damon spoke of must be here,” Ezra continued, looking more at Cee than at you. “They are quite determined to find it, and to not be interrupted in their search.”
Meaning they weren’t calling the authorities, and would hinder anyone who did. That was not great. “Where are they starting?”
“The study, I believe. They left the cook in the kitchen with some… creative promises.”
Aka: threats. Got it. “Did they say anything about the kid?”
“No.” Ezra shook his head, looking at you. “I do not believe they cottoned on to the relation between her and Damon.”
“Thank Kevva for small favors,” you grumbled. “Okay. New plan. We’re getting you out of the house.”
“What?” Cee asked, looking at you.
“We are?” Ezra asked, his voice dangerously mellow.
“Yes, we are,” you said, glowering at Ezra. “I don’t give a fuck about the supposed Queen’s Lair. They can turn the house over searching for that map. But once they realize that she’s related, they’re going to expect her to have answers. You really want to leave a kid to the mercy of the four of them?” 
Ezra was silent, frowning a little as his gaze bored into yours. You stared right back, refusing to blink, willing him to just listen to you. You were speaking reasonably, after all. 
Apparently, the girl had been thinking, too. “This place isn’t dad’s, not really,” she whispered. “We’re using it tonight. He was almost out of money, that’s why he was so eager to get some diggers for the Queen’s Lair.”
You dropped your head forward, towards your chest, with a sigh. Fuck. Fuck! Your mind scrambled over possibilities, creating plans to discard them almost as fast. 
“Do you know where the map is?” Ezra asked, creeping a few steps closer. 
Cee looked between Ezra and you, calculating. For all that she wasn’t grown yet, she wasn’t a fool, either. She was weighing her own options. 
“Cee,” you murmured, lifting your head to meet her gaze again. “What are you thinking?”
Cee didn’t get a chance to respond. There was a crash from down the hall, then footsteps running down the hall towards the kitchen. A brief moment of silence later, there was the sharp report of a thrower discharging. You closed your eyes slowly. The cook, at a guess.
“You two stay here,” Ezra said, speaking a little more quickly now. “I will venture over and see what has occurred.” 
You blew out a breath and stood, stretching out your complaining knees. This was turning into a right mess. Even worse, a right mess with no backup. 
Okay. Priorities, in order:
Get Cee out. Get yourself out. Call the authorities. Then see about hiring Cee or something to help her along. Sure, you’d only known the kid for a couple hours, but no kid deserved this. 
Of course, convincing Cee to let you help her might not be so easy, after all. 
“Cee,” you murmured, turning to the girl again. “I want to make one thing clear right now, between you and me. I don’t care about the map, or the aurelac.”
She blinked at you. “You… don’t?”
“No. I stopped digging years ago and I have no desire to go back to it.” You took a deep breath. “Just… keep that in mind. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.” 
Ezra let himself back into the room. This time, he strode right over to the two of you, standing with his hands tucked into his pockets. “Well, from what I understand, the cook attempted to call the authorities, to report the, er, incident, as it were. One of the others took exception to that and stopped her in a rather permanent fashion.”
“Great.” You shoved one hand back through your hair in frustration. “Any idea if they’re continuing to search room to room?” 
"Your guess is as good as mine, birdie," Ezra admitted with a shrug. 
You huffed. "Alright, kid, you got a way out of here? Back door?"
"I can make it," Cee agreed.
"Might be needin' a distraction," Ezra mused, gaze sharp. 
You snorted. "That would help. You volunteering?"
"No. We are." Ezra shot you a grin, wild and mischievous. Oh this one was absolutely Trouble. 
The sharp bark from one of the others made you and Cee jump. 
"Everyone here, now!" 
Ezra nodded for you to go first, but you turned to Cee. 
"I know this isn't exactly ideal, but I need you to trust me when I say I will do whatever I can to get you out of here. Okay?" You spoke in a rushed whisper, maintaining eye contact with the girl. This was important. 
"Why?" She asked, rightfully confused.
"I'll explain later, I don't have time right now," you muttered. "But I need you to know that." You stood and headed for the door, passing Ezra wordlessly and ignoring his appraising stare. 
The other prospectors were already gathered in the main hall, joined momentarily by yourself, Ezra, and Cee. 
"Grab the girl," Mikken growled. Inumon stepped forward to comply, and you stepped in her way, heart hammering.
"What for?" You asked, suspicious.
"She's a liability." Mikken gave you a look that clearly questioned your sanity. 
"She's a kid," you protested. "She doesn't know anything about the map. She just works here." 
"Indeed, we spent the past several minutes conversing with this young soul," Ezra added. "As disappointing as it is, she knows nothing of the map, nor of Damon's plans. I am afraid if we wish to find the map, we will have to do so ourselves."
"Fine," Fero spat. "Then we split up and search the house."
Uneasy silence followed that statement as everyone eyed each other, wary and mistrustful. 
"Well then," Ezra started with an easy smile. "Mayhaps we pair off with our accustomed partners? We can divvy up the house by floor."
Mikken nodded once and pointed at you and Ezra. "Basement." Then he looked at Fero and Felicia. "Second floor." 
"And the girl?" Inumon asked before anyone (mainly you) could protest.
Mikken looked down the hallway, thinking for a few moments, before he nodded to a doorway. "Lock her in there." 
You turned to Cee and found Ezra already there, smile still firmly in place. 
"Well little bird, looks like you're in luck," he said, leading the way into the room. It was a library. An actual library. You felt your jaw drop a bit. You'd thought the study had been impressive, but this? This was magnificent. Ezra whistled lowly, apparently sharing your opinion. "In luck indeed! Little bird, you most certainly have luck on your side this fine night. I recommend you find something with which to entertain yourself and keep quiet."
Cee gave both of you one last look before she stepped inside. Ezra shut and locked the door, pocketing the key. 
"Shall we venture forth, then?" He asked, nodding to the basement door. 
A quick glance confirmed Fero and Felicia were already half-way up the stairs. With a sigh, you nodded. 
"Let's go."
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starcookiechu · 3 years
ROTT Review
SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE. You have been warned.
FYI: I just finished the movie. So my opinions may change a bit but here I am writing a full review.
Before I talk about the movie, I have to say this movie has fantastic animation. The music is as good as usual.
Ok now the story. Let’s start with the our Trollhunters.
Fair Lady Claire. My girlie Claire really brought her all into this. I’m really proud of the young woman she has grown up into. However for the sake of the plot and story they make her run out of magic juice quite a bit. But my girl is still the best and gives it her all.
Wingman Domzalski. I will be perfectly honest. Toby is kind of the annoying best friend at times and bothers me as a plus size person. (They really push the over eating thing to the point that it’s his biggest factor.) Toby is a very eager kid who is ready to get in the action. Never being negative to his friend but the best emotional support who will always be at his side. Sure Toby was used a bit as comedic relief in the movie but when push comes to shove, Toby will always be there to do the right thing.
Blinky is amazing as always. One of the best father figures out there.
Aarrrgh was there. Was great for the scenes he was in, but all together didn’t do much that altered the story.
Our Trollhunter, Jim Lake Jr. Someone I admire and basically see as my little brother/child. Kiddo really did it. I know everyone is upset that Jim’s arc was redone when we had the “Unbecoming” episode. If I could come to a peaceful middle ground, I saw we all need to blame Merlin. He really rocked Jim’s world and self worth. When the creator of the object you need to save the world with tells you “You’re not enough”, it really can be a great setback. But once we past that, Jim really pulled through. Amulet or not, he is our Trollhunter.
Mommy Dr. Lake was there. Barbara was mostly there for our emotions.
Dilf Strickler. I felt that he was changed a bit since we last saw him, but he had a new purpose. He was more cautious and happy because he had a chance at a happy life with Barbara. Which makes what happens to him more upsetting. 
Nomura my sweet. This movie did not deserve you. At least she was with Draal.
And Not-Enrique (seriously why didn’t they ever give him an actual name) just wasn’t in the movie.
How about some CreepSlayers?
Bumbling knight oaf Steve the Palchuckian was great as usual.
I will say though. The whole pregnancy plot was just a way to get Eli and Steve out of the way. I could feel that the writers maybe didn’t like Steve so much since Wizards. But Steve was once again someone to laugh at. Pregnant and out of the way.
How about some Akiridions?
Aja my darling girl, oh how you’ve grown. I understand some think she has changed. However I must say that her preparing a plan B on the side was smart. She isn’t just a princess on earth anymore. She is a queen on a distant planet. So if she thought evacuation was best, it would ensure that everyone would live. And avoid losing more valuable people from her life. So no, I can’t blame her.
DJ Kleb was there. He was kinda doin his own thing and messing with Steve. Brother-in-law stuff.
It was good to see Varvatos Vex.
Stu was the man in the background working on the busy important things like working on the amulet. Personally I feel like the series REALLY underutilizes Stu A LOT so I was so happy to see him being a part of something huge.
And finally some Wizards.
Douxie my love, you were amazing as usual. His powers have grown greatly and have contributed to the adventure. But god the writers really do love to take everything away from him don’t they. It’s unfair.
Archie was kinda just there and just... I understand leaving Douxie but that doesn’t mean I like it.
Nari the sweetest. I can only imagine the guilt she felt to end Nomura. Her self sacrifice was probably the one in the movie most called for.
Alright now I’ll talk about the movie.
I can whole heartedly say this movie was rushed. To be honest I feel like the original writers weren’t completely in this. At least it felt kind of not so much Trollhunters or 3Below vibes but more Wizards, if that makes sense whatsoever. Something is off.
I just want to blame Merlin for everything. To hell with that guy.
The beginning sequence was great. A car chase to a moving train. Which ends up with Toby of course screwing up and breaking the brakes. Of course. The train falling off the tracks which ultimately ends up with Nari gone. Oh yeah, and video recordings of Magic, trolls and being taken in by the police. Great.
Our heroes go back to base on the new and improved Camelot. Where we discover that Barbara and Strickler are now engaged. Happy news and would secure that Jim has another Father figure in his life and his mother’s happiness. Which explains Strickler’s “stay behind” advice. Now he has a family to watch over. He must be careful and warns that Jim’s actions could cost so much that he might not be able to afford.
Enters our Majesty Aja and the new stud on the block, Eli. Dang I wish puberty hit me like that.Truck-kun strikes again. And also enters... the pregnancy thing. I will say, I didn’t mind it too much... at first. But there are complications. Steve is too young to be a father and dang 7 kisses?? I can’t help but feel like Aja should have mentioned that or it was a last minute plan to write out Steve and Eli. (Which it was.) It was funny sure cuz omegaverse and ALIENS but all together it’s really iffy.
They really had Douxie preform a body-swap spell only so it would be undone. And undoing the spell only hurt them both?? C’mon. C’mon.
And they mention the Krohnisfere. We’ll get back to it. Jim gets a brand new amulet infused with Akaridion tech. However theres an issue. It was created by Merlin right? Who is a wizard right? Who uses MAGIC. Shame Douxie wasn’t there to help make it. Ya know. 1/2 of the original creator of the AMULET. So it’s missing a huge part and for the sake of the plot, Jim doesn’t test the Amulet which is out of character personally.
Toby makes a silly big deal over a penny. I was actually hoping they would make it a silly Chekhov's gun later on. But no, it’s just Toby being loud and comedic relief.
The titans are released and we visit a very pregnant Steve. Ok so it’s a rushed kind of thing. ok.
Aja suggests evacuation. You can say it’s out of character but we need context. When Aja helped in the Doomsday Battle, she was ensured a way out but if she let the people of Arcadia perish. She decided to stay and help. But now the Trollhunter himself can’t help. So to ensure the survival of everyone, evacuation. A best chance for everyone to survive. Plus she is now a Queen. She rules over a whole planet which must change her thinking.
Now our characters are split into 3 teams:
Blinky, Archie, Archie’s dad and Claire for the Krohnisfere.
Jim, Aja, Toby, Strickler and Barbara for the Glacial Titan.
Nomura, Douxie and Aarrgh for the Earth Titan.
Now here is where I have problems. WHY. DID. THEY. SEND. TROLLS. TO. BRAZIL. IN. THE. DAY. Nomura dying was just so out of pocket. Unnecessary. I couldn’t even grieve properly I didn’t have a chance to process. The best thought I could think was “At least she’s with Draal now.” 10 seconds later, Strickler makes the choice to sacrifice himself. Because of Jim’s heroic’s, Strickler decided to try to save the most important people in his life. The person who was always dishonest finally had a chance to live a happy life with his family. The one who played it safe now had to make the final impulsive move. And unfortunately, his death was in vain. These deaths were just so forced. It wasn’t in any way good. And Strickler being one of the best written characters just going in such a way was just off. He died for nothing. He could have turned back and fought another battle but... no.
(BTW Barbara was just there... for Strickler’s death.)
We move to Babara and Jim having a heart to heart. I’m glad she didn’t blame Jim but a small moment of anger. Something a little more real for me but no I guess. Barbara will always just be Jim’s mom. She mention’s Jim’s father and it passed so quickly I missed it on my initial viewing. I’m happy that Jim’s father is never revealed or made a bigger part in his story. This is good representation for those of us who did have our fathers walk out on us. That we can grow despite our parents failing us.
And finally team Krohnisfere. Archie just leaves. He’s gone. Poor Douxie. A mentor and now his closest companion.
Our heroes meet up to go against the Volcanic Titan. In comes Varvatos Vex on a Gun Robot. Nice to see some good ol Gundam with a character mentioned throughout the entire trilogy. However it doesn’t last. BTW for the sake of survival, Aja leaves Jim and Toby. Iffy.
Douxie pulls a “Jason stop. This isn’t you.” thing with Nari and is reunited with his friend.(+ points for the shippers. It’s kinda winning me over?) Also, Claire now has the power to teleport a Titan. I know she’s much stronger than she was for the Trollhunters Sn 2 finale, but cmon. You can’t just say she’s out of magic juice and then pull this. C’mon.
(btw did the titan make a War of the Worlds tripod sound? No? Just me?)
Nari sacrifices herself and takes the other god with her. Which takes away Douxie’s other companion. Mr. Stark I don’t feel so good. Why does this movie hate Douxie so much. (I am so sorry shippers. Angst.)
BLINKY DIDN’T SEE A PAGE? ADDRESSING IT IN THE SHOW DOESN’T GIVE YOU A PASS. I forgot the word but this irony isn’t greatttt.
Jim now has to pull out the legendary sword Excalibur. But he can’t cuz he hasn’t harnessed the power of friendship.
And Steve is giving birth. At the worst time. What is this a zombie movie??? C’mon.
Jim says “Magic is friendship” And Stu is finally being used for one grand act. Seriously Stu is just so unappreciated. So he fixes the amulet with magic.
Basically everyone who went on top of the Volcanic titan falls off at some point. Except Jim cuz of course some 1v1. 
ONCE AGAIN Claire is out of magic juice. Because... reasons.
Toby makes the choice to race to Jim’s side with the technology to cancel out magic. (Wait how does science stop magic again)
BTW, For the Good of all doesn’t hit as well BUT it’s not mentioning any glory towards stinky Merlin so I am happy with the change.
Toby races to Jim and his helmet falls off the taco truck. That honestly should have been a huge warning sign. I was worried he didn’t have armor but we know how this goes.
Jim defeats the final titan and everyone is happy. The fight is finally over.
Seeing Jim run to Toby was heartbreaking. Now this is the one scene where the movie really let out actually process a character’s death. How on earth can you process your best friend, your most faithful companion dying. Jim goes through too much I swear to god.
Now let’s discuss the time travel plot. I honestly feel like they pulled some kind of Attack on Titan ending. The main character burdened with knowing the future and what could have been. And if everything is meant to be how it will be, destiny will reconnect them again. (Jlaire reincarnation AU???)
I’m actually ok with this ending. I understand people would want the time stone to return only a few minutes. But even then, the kiddos still have police records, so many people dead at the titan’s hands (or feet) and now the world knows about the existence of trolls thanks to the internet. In New York no less. And people are still dead.
We return the the beginning of everything, reflecting the “Unbecoming” episode.
(NGL I’m bothered that they didn’t do anything to stop Steve from bullying Eli, but Jim can’t do it. He’s saving it for Toby.)
And now finally, let’s discuss Toby becoming the Trollhunter. From the beginning, Toby never considered himself good enough to be the main star. Always the wingman, the 2nd best. Support. Now it was Toby’s turn to climb the ranks and be the Hero he’s always wanted to be. It’s Jim’s turn to live an easier high school life. I don’t doubt that he won’t follow Toby. But now he knows what to avoid and how to make the story process more smoothly.
I understand some are unsatisfied with this ending, which is kinda trademarked with Dreamwork’s shows. I get it. But honestly as of right now, I think I like the ending.
The amulet didn’t choose Jim because this Jim is not the same Jim as in Sn 1 Ep 1. He is a new man. And I think we all can agree that it’s his turn to be happy.
I still love this series so much. It is my favorite cartoon. Of course it has it’s flaws, but this ending is at least satisfactory and not heartbreaking. Now it’s up to us to either continue the story or contribute our ideas in fanfiction. I look forward to everyone’s creations.
Don’t think. Become.
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Nolan Patrick- Coaches Niece
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A/N: this feels like a mess, and probably is, however i hope someone enjoys it originally it started out as a 4+1, but like i said, messy
Word count: 6.1k
TW: some angst, mentions of cheating, arguing
Pairing: Nolan Patrick + Fem reader
You are headed to Philadelphia for college, as well as for staying with your uncle. He is a man of few words, but he always means well. When you land in Philly and he is at the airport to pick you up, you are a little surprised. You suspected that you would have to hail a taxi to get to his place, but he sent you a text saying where he is in the airport. You are a little relieved, when you realize you don’t have to sit in a car next to a stranger for however long.
It is currently 6:37 am, and you haven’t slept a wink on your flight, so you drowsily head for the luggage claim. The other people from your flight are there as well. One of them is a kid in a flyers jersey, number 19 to be precise. He can’t be more than eight years old, but he has been babbling about hockey the entire flight. You know from him that the Philadelphia Flyers have a match coming up during the weekend, so when you walk out a little behind him and his parents, you aren’t surprised that your uncle is looking at them with a distant smile. Until he sees you. The smile, it’s more there as he walks up to you and takes the suitcases from your hands.
“Hey, it’s been a while kiddo. How was the flight?”
He greets as he pats your shoulder, careful to not overstep any boundaries.
“Hey Alain, the flight was okay. Some kid was gnawing half the plane’s ears off with Flyers trivia though, didn’t sleep much.”  
You hum a little teasingly. Knowing the fact that your uncle is actually head coach for the team.
“Better get used to that kiddo.”
He chuckles as you walk to the parking lot together. He opens the trunk of the car and lets you help him put your suitcases as well as your backpack in. You don’t miss the overstuffed hockey bag that lies there as well.
“Now, I know you probably want to go home and get settled or maybe sleep, but I’ve got morning practice with the team, so you’re just gonna have to suffer through it.”
That would explain the hockey bag. You just nod as you unlock your phone and start scrolling through the messages and snaps you’ve missed on the flight.
You’re sort of used to being around hockey, but when you enter the Wells Fargo Centre at roughly 8am, you would rather be at home to be honest. The arena is a bit cold and you’re glad you brought a hoodie inside, as well as your beanie. They are both pretty plain; you hope to blend in with the seats.
“Okay, I’m gonna go through the locker room, but you can find a place anywhere near the ice okay?”
“Sure, Al.”
You say as you pull the hood of your hoodie up over your head, and go in the direction he pointed out for you. You’re rounding a corner when you crash into something hard. For a second you’re wondering if you’ve gone even more blind, but soon knock that thought away. The wall is actually a person, and from his dropped bag, you’re guessing that he’s one of the team players.
“Sorry, didn’t see you there.”
He says with his slightly hoarse voice, whilst bending down to pick up his stuff.
“No worries, partly my bad as well.”  
You give the man a tired smile and head for the door that leads to the rink. You take a seat near the penalty box, propping your backpack up in one chair and lay flat out on the other chairs, so that your head is resting on your backpack. You don’t think anything of the run in with the player.
Unbeknown to you, he thinks of you. He just raises the question to his coach, who looks at him with disapproving eyes as he enters the locker room five minutes late.
“It’s my niece, she is going to be staying with me for a while, so you might see more of her around here, Konecny.”
This piques the interest of the single guys on the team. All except one. He doesn’t really care about girls right now, just wanting to make sure he does the best he can on the ice. That is until he sees the figure laying near the penalty box. His heart does a little clench when he sees this girl that is laying there seemingly unbothered by the ruckus the other players are causing.
You’re not exactly unbothered, but you try your best to keep it all under wraps. You don’t NEED any hockey players screwing you over. Not again. But you should have known, rowdy hockey players will always be demanding attention. And without fail you give it to them.
Your eyes are drawn to the players joking around on the ice, doing warm ups and various reps that your uncle keeps yelling out. The session is nearing the end and the players are all chanting for a practice game, and your uncle concedes, saying that nothing prepares you for a game like actually playing a game.
You sit up, deciding that trying to sleep is going to be futile, and decide to watch the training session, just to entertain yourself. You can’t recognize anyone, more specifically the guy you crashed into earlier.
Following the puck with your eyes, you admire the players chasing it, their technique is pretty good and while they aren’t as serious or quick as they usually would be, you can tell they are still as swift. They aren’t wearing numbers for training, but there is one guy that seemingly always comes closer to your side. You don’t take notice of it at first, but after he crashes into the wall separating the ice and the tribunes, you take a closer look. Starting to follow him around the rink, reading his play. It even seems like he has realized this, that he has caught your attention, because he now plays more all over the ice.
Hes tall, and you can see darker tufts of hair peeking out from underneath his helmet. There seems to be only one other player who has noticed his askew skating. They are currently playing on opposing teams and as they come closer to your side of the rink, you recognize one of them as the man you crashed into earlier. He body checks the taller man into the wall, playfully. You can see his lips moving as he chirps something into the ear of the taller man. You don’t hear it though. But you see the little smirk he sends in your direction.
You often come to the Flyers games if you can, and today after a series of away losses you really feel like supporting the team and your uncle. They end up winning against the capitals and some of the guys decide to invite you to celebrate with them, as well as to get to know you better. Even though it’s a wednesday you still say yes, as classes start later on thursdays.
You are waiting outside the locker room as first reporters exit, coaching and staff and later team members. Lately you have been texting TK, the guy you crashed into on your first day in Philly. It was actually him who had invited you out to celebrate, so now you were here standing outside the locker room, just waiting for them to emerge.
“Hey Y/N! How are you?” You look up from your phone and see TK and the taller man from the first day. You now know him as Nolan, or Nols, just to annoy him.
“Hey TK, I’m good, congrats on the win!”
You smile up at him, going in for a congratulatory hug. He lifts you up in his strong arms and spins you around once before setting you down. Nolan just looks at you a bit awkwardly, right hand rubbing his neck.
You ride with the two of them to the bar. It’s filled with the two of them recapping the game and the radio on low. You just sit in the backseat smiling at the two boys talking about the stuff they do best, always trying to do better. It’s a stark contrast to your ex. He usually blamed everything on everyone else.
While everyone is piling in the doors to the bar you enter last with Nolan, who has held your door open, and stuck by your side as you walked to the door. TK was quick out though, eager to get drunk in celebration.
“So what did you think of the game Y/N?”
He almost mumbles in that deep dark voice of his.
“It was a pretty good game, everyone played decently well.”
You smile at him as he opens the door to the bar. It is filled to the brim with people in orange, not only team players, but a lot of fans as well. It scares you sometimes, almost being in on the insanity that is hockey.
“What does pretty good mean?”
He wonders out loud.
“Well, you had some mishaps as well as shots and passes that should have worked out, but overall a good game.”
He looks at you curiously.
“You sound just like coach Alain.”
Trying to supress the laughter that threatens to escape you isn’t as successful as you’d like for it to be, but you think you manage to hide the smile on your lips.
“You have a pretty smile.”
Nolan mumbles, and you almost miss it as you walk over to the bar.
You question out of reflex. Looking up at the tall man, you expect him to repeat what he said, just for good measure as you almost missed it due to the loud music playing.
“Oh, nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
He says, ordering a beer. You just shrug, ordering a cider.
“Put it on my tab.”
He says to the bartender. You smile to yourself, but don’t comment on it.
“Well, I’m gonna go play some pool. You’re welcome to join if you want to, I promised TK a round before he gets too drunk.”
You could swear his face falls just a little bit as you mention his team mate, but you try not to overthink it as you make your way over to the tables where the team has gathered. You notice that Nolan has hung back a little. Not following as closely as he did when you entered.
You arrive at the pool tables just in time for a new game. You and Ghostie decide to play against TK and Carter, hoping to win.
Turns out, Ghostie is absolutely terrible at pool. Which means that against the goalie and the forward, you’re barely keeping up even with how much training in pool you have. It doesn’t help that the chirps go to Ghostie's head. Which makes him, if possible, even worse. Just for funsies you throw in some as well, just to mess with him.
Suddenly half the team starts cheering and TK yells out.
“Heyy Patty, just in time to save the damsel from playing another round with Ghostie.”
“I’m not that terrible.”
Ghostie protests.
“My back is literally breaking from carrying the team. I’m sorry man, but you're going to the bench.”
He hangs his head comically low, and you pat it, as he hands the pool cue over to Nolan. He proceeds to wink at you with that stupid smirk all over his face.
That was the birth of the meanest pool duo the team had seen in a while.
You’re in the middle of a lecture when your phone lights up with a snapchat notification. You have turned vibration and sound off, but your eyes are still drawn to the device. As they have been doing for the last few days. Professor Ericsson has been drawing on about the Hidden Markov Model for ages explaining the same thing over and over, going in circles making things more confusing than it has to be. That’s why you decide to pick up your phone with your sweater covered hands and open the snap.
It’s Nolan, he’s sent a message in the chat.
Hey, want to meet up and play some pool later? Just to make sure were on top of our game next time the team goes out?
You smile a little, looking at the screen.
Sure, but I’m in a lecture now, I’ll text you when I’m out.
You type out the message carefully before hitting send, before flipping the phone upside down so you can’t see the response before you leave class.
Professor Ericsson keeps you five minutes past his time, but luckily it’s the last class of the day and you are amongst the first out the door. Tired of all the talking, you plug your music in and open snapchat as you head towards the library.
- Oh shit, sorry
The message reads and you smile to yourself.
- No worries, out now tho:)
Your coat is off  and you sling your backpack to the floor before sending a second message.
- What bar? when?
The response is almost immediate after. You can’t help the little butterflies in your stomach, but you sure as hell can try to ignore them.
- John’s at 8?
He suggests, and you can’t think of any place or time better, so you agree and start studying the Hidden Markov model, trying to get it as well as the examples. Knowing yourself you set an alarm for seven, just to make sure you remember to meet up with Nolan. You have just gotten into the flow of things when said alarm goes off. That is also when you realise that you haven’t got a ride to the bar.
- Hey Nols, mind picking me up at the university? If you’re passing by.
You vaguely know where Nolan lives and hope he hasn’t left yet.
- Sure, on my way!
It’s an actual snap this time, a short video of him opening and closing his door with the text in the middle of the screen. Snapping a picture of yourself with a thumb up, you deem it as enough of an answer. You pack your backpack again and head for the main entrance. It’s cold out and frost is lying heavy on the ground. You pull your scarf higher up so it covers your nose.
Soon Nolan is pulling up and you get into the car, slinging your backpack into the backseats of the SUV.
“Hey, thanks for picking me up Nols”
You smile as he pulls out out of the campus and onto the road.
“No worries, I was gonna pass by either way.”
He answers, as you take in the inside of the car. It smells of energy drink and shampoo, which is explained by the red bull in his cup holder and his wet hair. He’s wearing jeans and a gray hoodie. You assume the jacket in the back is his.
“Straight from practice I’m guessing?”
You ask, looking over at him.
“Yeah, Alain was tough today. Fair warning, I think he might be in a bad mood when you get home.”
Nolan mumbles the last part, seemingly a little embarrassed. That’s when you remember you’ll have to let your uncle know you might be home late, just so he doesn’t get worried.
“That reminds me, I’ll have to shoot him a message.”
You say as Nolan parks the car. He exits before you, after grabbing his coat from the backseat. You type the message for your uncle and hit send. When you hear your door opening you’re a little surprised to find Nolan grinning down at you leaning lightly on the door.
“C’mon, we don’t have all day.”
He smiles. You exit the car, making sure you have your wallet and hear the door shut as Nolan slams it closed and locks the car. Together you walk into the bar. The bartender gives you a nod as you head for one of the open pool tables.
“Want anything to drink?”
Nolan asks politely as he hangs his coat on the back of a chair.
“I’ll just take a sprite, if you don’t mind.”
He nods and heads off to the counter to order. Meanwhile you grab a cue and line up the balls correctly in the triangle. The table is well used, evident by the green felt that has been worn white in some spots.
“I don’t mind if you drink, you know. Even if I don’t.”
Nolan says as he returns with one glass of coke and one with sprite. He sets the glasses down on the table closest to you.
“Nahh, I don’t like myself when I’m drunk anyway, plus I have classes in the morning.”
Nolan nods his head in an understanding way as he grabs a cue for himself.
“Want to split? Or should I?”
You smile, standing at the opposite side of the table to him.
“I’ll split if you don’t mind.”
He answers and goes to the right side of the table, and lines up his shot. You shake your head before you can even begin to admire him. Instead focusing on the game, seeing as he lands one solid into a pocket and the rest of the balls spread sort of evenly across the green felt. You nod in admiration; he still knows how to play.
“That’s good! Let’s see if you can keep it up.”
Chirping him seems to be the easiest way to carry conversation, without it getting too deep. Because if there is one thing you’ve learned about competitive boys, is that you don’t want to have a full blown conversation in the midst of a game. And the fact that he misses his next shot makes it a little more interesting. It goes back and forth like that for a while, you chirping him, and him chirping you.
You’ve played three games now, and even though it's him in the lead with one point, and you don’t want to lose, time is ticking and you should get home soon.
“Okay, this is not finished, I’m still gonna beat your ass in this game.”
You grumble on your way out to the car. Nolan just smiles at you, shaking his head.
“You know, the car isn’t gonna be cold enough for you to wrap that scarf around your head every time?”
He mumbles close to your ear, making you stop your movements as heat rises to your cheeks. He opens the door to exit the bar for you, and immediately you see a shiver run through his body as the cold winter air slithers in.
“No? But it’s still cold outside though, don’t you think?”
You say lowly as you lead the way back to the car. You’re feeling snug and warm, wrapped up in the gray, knit infinity scarf. Nolan never ceases to surprise you with his manners as he opens the passenger door for you, letting you enter the car first. As he closes the door for you, you lean forward and adjust the AC to low, just to mess with him.  
The entire ride to Alain's apartment is filled with Nolan huffing and pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over his knuckles. You guessed right when you thought he was stubborn. He hadn’t even looked at the AC controls, so determined that the car would heat up soon. You are pretty sure he regrets tossing his coat to the backseat again.
He is pulling up on the curb of the apartment complex, and for some reason you don’t feel quite ready to leave, but you know you’ll have to.
“Thanks for tonight, I had a good time.”
You smile, looking at Nolan. A soft, almost shy smile is on his lips.
“Yeah, me too. We’ll have to hang some time later.”
He says, looking directly at you. Maybe hockey boys aren’t as bad as you thought. You pick your backpack from the backseat and open the door, but before you close it completely you turn and look at Nolan with a mischievous look in your eyes.
“And Nols? You should probably turn up the heat on the AC.”
Studying is probably the most tedious fun thing you do. Because, while you love system engineering, it’s a tough major and some of the classes are kicking your ass. So when your phone rings repeatedly you take it as a welcome excuse to take a break. However, you regret it just a little when you see Travis’ face light up the screen.
“Waddup, you complete and utter nuisance?”
You answer him before he has the chance to say something first.
“Wazzup, you nerd.”
He smiles back at you.
“Not nerd, it’s called college degree.”
You shoot back at him, playfully.
“You mean to say that my work isn’t actually work?”
Travis acts hurt, you can see the joking glint in his eyes though.
“Yeah, but I can see that it pays your bills though, so let’s call it a job…. for now.”
He laughs while looking at something in the background, before looking back at you.
“So, what big engineering theme are we working on today?”
Travis asks like he cares. You know he doesn’t though so you don’t bore him with small details.
“The Hidden Markov Model, it has to do with probability and stuff like that.”
You can hear rummaging and someone talking in the background of Travis’ end. He looks up at someone before you hear them speak.
“Who are you talking to?”
You could recognize that deep voice anywhere, even though the crackling of your speaker. Of course Nolan is around.
“Your girlfriend.”
Travis answers with a smirk on his lips. Nolan doesn’t show up in the frame, but from the way Travis gives you a cheeky little side eye, you’re guessing Nolan is giving him a death stare.
“Shut the fuck up Teeks.”
You just chuckle, not thinking it is anything serious.
“I don’t date hockey players anyway.”
It’s meant to be light hearted, really, and you don’t think anything of it as you speak up. But when Travis looks at you, slightly shocked and Nolan does appear on the screen, you suddenly feel a bit judged.
“Wait, really?”
Travis questions, looking at you curiously, you don’t notice the way he side eyes Nolan though.
“Yeah? I don’t get the big deal?”
You are confused to be honest. Why would they care about who you date anyway?
“Well, why won’t you date any hockey players?”
Nolan asks. He is trying to play it cool, you can tell. And you have to wonder, if you have sent the wrong signals.
“‘S just, I dated this Penns player a while ago, turned out that he was too busy for me, or never really cared for all I know. He ended up cheating on me while he was away for some games.”
The feeling of  something gathering in the bottom of your stomach makes you feel sick, you would rather not bring all this back up again. It doesn’t help, when you look back up at the screen and see Nolan with furrowed brows and Travis looking generally uncomfortable.
“It’s stupid, I know. And I shouldn't judge people based on him. Anyhow, how are we feeling about the game tomorrow?”
You try to shift the conversation to something else. Of course you haven’t got that much luck.
“We’re playing the Penns tomorrow, you do know that.. right?”
Nolan utters, and all that goes through your head is FUCKFUCKFUCK. Because how in the everlasting fuck could you forget that they were playing the Penns tomorrow? It’s all Alain has been talking about for the last couple of days.
“I completely forgot that’s who you were playing.”  
The sigh that slips past your lips doesn’t go unnoticed by the two boys.
“Well, I’ll be in the stands cheering for you boys.”
Smiling feels heavy and you can tell they don’t really believe it. The silence between the two boys is confirmation enough. And it lasts for a second, until Nolan breaks it.
“Who was it?”
He inquires. The question itself feels a little prying, but by the way he mumbles it you know it’s not intended to be.
“Does it matter?”
You ask, voice almost cracking, hoping he will budge.
“Yeah it matters, he hurt you.”
And he speaks so clearly, there really isn’t any question about it. And in a moment of weakness and hurt you let it slip.
“Marcus Pettersson, okay. No biggie. I’m gonna go to bed now you should too.”
You add before hanging up.
You barely sleep last night, and the sleep you get gives you nothing at all. The hours spent at university are only manageable because of two cans of red bull. For some reason it makes you think of Nolan, about the smell of red bull in his car alongside the shitty shower gel scent that filled up the space. For some reason, the moment you pop open the can, you think it suited him.
“Wanna come out later?”
Alex from your last class asks you as the two of you exit the lecture hall. Usually you would have said yes, considering Alex is pretty cute and you have been harbouring a crush on them for the last few months. However the excitement you thought you would feel is not there. No, because your first priority tonight is a fucking hockey game.
“Thank you for asking, but I have some other plans I have to follow through with, but maybe some other time?”  
You smile at them as you both head towards the main doors.
“No stress then, I will definitely keep that in mind.”
Alex winks at you before holding open the door. You exit together, but each of you head for opposite directions. While they start to head for their car, you start towards the main entrance, where you hope your Uber is waiting. He is in fact not, so you take the time to plug in the earbuds and turn on some music.
When the correct car pulls up, you greet the driver and let him know you’re ready to go. After ten minutes you’re at the Wells Fargo Centre, and you pay, as well as rate the driver five stars.
Using one of the side entrances you start to make your way towards the rink. You’ve been around enough for people to recognize you, but it still feels weird walking around here and hear greetings all around the place. Even if you’re wearing the hoodie, people seem to know who you are.
“Hey sleepyhead.”
But you don’t expect to hear that voice. Not yet. You have barely closed in on the wardrobes. He isn’t supposed to be here. He is supposed to be on the rink warming up. Shit.
“What do you want, Pettersson.”
You almost snarl as you turn around to look at him. He doesn’t look as mean anymore, and the voice he uses isn’t as arrogant.
“To say hey?”
He questions as you look at him, raising your brows.
“It’s been a while.”
He adds, trying to sound innocent. You don’t buy it for a second.
“It’s been a while for a reason.”
You scowl at him, trying to walk away before this turns into something you don’t want to be involved in.
“Wait! Please.”
Marcus says, making you turn around.
“I married her you know.”
He confesses to you softly. And that’s what breaks you for the day. With the little sleep, last night, and him ripping at your old wounds.
“I fucking know Marcus, and that's the worst part! You told me you didn’t want anything serious, you told me you couldn’t commit like that. And not even a year later you’re married! Okay. I get that, I didn’t have to be the one. But I know I deserve the respect of being broken up with in a proper manner. So truly, I know, and I don’t care about it.”
Angrily you wipe the tears that have dared to slip down your cheeks, and nothing is upsetting you more than the fact that he can still make you cry.
“I just wanted you to know, I hope I haven't ruined you for anyone else.”
He almost whispers, and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“Don’t think so fucking highly of yourself, I’m for no one to ruin.”
You seethe and walk away for the last time. Some of the players from the home team are still outside the wardrobe, which is placed after the away teams. You can spot Carter and Kevin, even Claude is out here. But while your eyes only glide over them, your eyes stick to Nolan. He looks at you, knowing you just lied through your teeth to Marcus, and you hope to some sort of entity that he doesn’t out you for it. And he doesn’t. Even if he looks like he wants to say something.
You brush past the team, up to the VIP booth that has a bathroom connected to it. You look into the mirror, and see a distraught person looking back. With tears streaked through the concealer you used to cover up the dark circles under your eyes, they now seem more prominent.
Digging into your backpack you find some makeup wipes and clean your face before going to your usual spot in the regular stands. You sit there and wait for the game to begin. And when it does, it’s an intense one.
Your uncle seems to be happy for it, cause the guys are playing impeccably. Their passes are powerful and their skates cut across the ice faster than you’ve seen in a while. First period is pretty even though. Both teams are passing great, but at the end the Flyers pierce thought the Penns' defence by having Travis tackle Marcus and Nolan sending the puck flying into the goal. You jump in excitement as the horn blares across the stadium, although you see the angry way the Flyers are playing.  
Second period is the same, however the Penns seem to be gaining on the Flyers and not before long, Crosby scores on Carter. While the other side of the rink bursts into celebration, you sink down into your seat, next to the Flyers' penalty box.
A few minutes before the second period is over, Travis is sent to the box beside you. He gives you a worried glance, which you meet, but then you spot fans standing up in their seats and start yelling. You’re worried, and that worry is not unfounded, because Nolan has dropped gloves on fucking Marcus Pettersson.
You don’t notice it, but your every action is viewed by Travis. He watches with hesitation as you sink down into your seat, and then with surprise as you get up and put your hands to your mouth just as the first hit from Nolan lands in Marcus’ gut. Marcus folds a little, but manages to aim a hit towards Nolan's head. Never in your entire life have you been more happy for helmets. One referee has come over to them and is trying to get in between. Nolan lands a final hit before they each get pulled to their own team. Nolan gets called for a body check and is sent off the ice for five minutes.
Nolan is currently getting checked out by the physio team, and with his previous head injuries, you have to admit that you’re worried. Not one thought isn’t about him and his head, possibly his fists as well.
Before a sane thought can strike your brain you rush to the checkout room. Travis gives a small smile, before entering the ice again. You fly by all the security with a hidden pass you have kept underneath your shirt, and knock on the door before you think twice. But the second it takes them to open the door makes your head spin. You know what it looks like and you don’t want those rumors for either of your sakes. He probably doesn’t even want you there either.
You’re just about to turn around and leave, when Catherine from the physio team opens the door. She looks equals parts shocked and confused when she sees you.
“Hey, Y/N, he can’t really see anyone right now, as we’re still not finished with his check up.”
“Oh, that's okay.”
Your mind is going in overdrive, hoping he hasn’t heard who’s at the door. You don’t have such luck.
“Hey, it’s okay, let her in.”
His voice seems to calm you down. Something about how smooth his voice is. So you take a careful step into the room. Nolan, thank god, seems to be doing alright. His cheeks are tinted pink and he has a slight smile on his lips. That’s also the moment you realise he is shirtless.
Catherine walks up to him and you have no idea how she keeps her cool.
“Now, just stare straight ahead, please.”
She tells him, and his gray gaze settles on yours. Not wavering for a second, not even when Catherine shines a flashlight into his eyes. After a few seconds she puts down the flashlight.
“You seem to be all good, Patrick.”
She takes the hint, from your twiddling thumbs and Nolan's intense stare.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
She says as she closes the door behind her.
“I’m.. Nols, I was so worried about you.”
You decide to say, not knowing if there is a better option. He just pats the spot beside him on the bench, indicating for you to sit next to him.
“You know, I’ve been waiting to do that for quite some time.”
And for a second you feel a little angry with him.
“You’ve been waiting to possibly not be able to play again?”
The question comes out incredulous, and you don’t know how he could risk it like that. He sighs.
“No, I’ve been waiting to knock Pettersson on his ass for a while now. He is, if possible, the the most frustrating defenseman ever.”
He admits out loud. You can’t help but sigh as you know where he is coming from.
“That’s not the only reason though.”
Nolan mumbles, and you can feel his hand next to yours.
“I kind of figured.”
You whisper, letting reality sink in. But, just as you’re about to explain, Alain walks into the room. Things never seem to go in your favour.
“You good to go Nolan?”
He stops dead in his tracks when he sees you.
“Yes, sir.”
You feel Nolan automatically straighten his back, ready to get out there again.
Your uncle asks confused.
“I’ll just head out Al.”
“I expect an explanation when we get home, miss.”
You nod your head, and a feeling of blood rushing to your cheeks almost overwhelms you as Nolan squeezes your hand discreetly when you get up.
The Flyers end up winning on overtime, with Laughton scoring the second goal. And while all the players go out, you decide you need to talk to your uncle. You’re sitting in his car waiting for him to do his last few rounds, when Nolan shows up outside your window. He is quiet, when he should be riding on a high from winning. However when you open the door and step out into the frigid air, a warm smile makes its way onto his face.
“What are you gonna tell your uncle?”
You ponder the question for a few seconds, unsure of what to answer.
“I don’t really know. How do I tell him that I want to date one of his players?”
And that’s the one and only second you regret saying anything at all. Nolan's face moves from a slight worried smile, to a full blown smirk, confidence rolling off him in waves, and it’s worth all the chirping. Because he finally looks like he should after a win.
“You want to date me?”
You don’t want to smile, but when he wiggles his brows excessively, while getting closer to you, you can’t help it.
“Fuckin’ yes, okay? I’m sorry it took me so long to realize, Nols.”
He chuckles and wraps you up in his arms, and you positively melt right there. His arms around your shoulders and yours around his waist.
“I wanna date you too.”
Nolan mumbles into your ear, his deep voice vibrating through your head.
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psychemeanscure · 4 years
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“Did you really expect me to let you drive by my watch? I don’t trust you, move.”
As he expected indeed. He was supposed to protest even, if he only hasn’t sense her stern look as if she’s going to bait him alive thus he had no choice but to snort and just move from the driver seat to the passenger side. “Tss. I can’t understand you really. Most woman would rather go crazy if a man offers a gentleman act. Then there is you who’s totally opposite. Are you sure you were from this earth? Don’t you think you were actually from different planet, because I do think you a--- hmp! Hey! What’s wrong with you, woman?”
His prompt halt from his rants for he has been hit by a tossed pack of wet wipes, only to be answered casually of his bulldozer. “Wipe that stain of blood on your knuckles, it creeps me out even a while ago. Tss. Do you really randomly punch someone that even mornings aren’t acceptable? Poor day.”
Her nonchalant blusters surely after closing the small compartment in front of him, putting her phone from her coat’s pocket. While he in the other hand only had to groan unpleased, urging to follow her instructions anyway. “Now what a word to say welcome. You do love tossing things on my face eh? I can’t even tell if I had to say thank you or rant with your behavior. Jeez, I can’t understand woman really.”        
Unbothered anyhow, as she starts the engine instead and clasp the steering wheel. “So? Where are we heading, then?” getting a swift coy expression from him somehow like he himself is as well excited from his own idea for he encodes the exact location on its car’s installed GPS navigation device in no time. “There you are. Feel free to process anything. I can wait though.” Truly she should, as she even has to blink twice, eyeing between the device and the man who is looking at her with an elbow leaning to its car’s door panel to be able to rub his playful smirk by his forefinger. Expectant brows, waiting for her obvious positive answer. “What? You, in?”
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Finally, the snickering laugh she keep on holding vent into actions. “God! I can’t believe I am actually biting this idea of yours Jang Taeyoung.” Her unbelievable approval from herself truly that another laugh had to come into her again. “Fine. But just one thing, Jang. No shed of blood. please?”                
Contemplating from the thought but solve it in a way. “Hm?... I can’t promise though. But since you say so. Then noted, my lady.”
“Thank you.” Trusting his words definitely, as she steps on the pedal to finally start their drive ultimately.
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“Now wha--- Oh sh--- Yah!”
Her supposed to be question the moment they arrive from the location, only to be startled totally that she almost jumps onto her seat. For she certainly not notices the Jang Taeyoung beside her casually putting a peculiar mask she never expected. Given his intention to actually lean purposely straight close to her face with his intimidating aura. Who wouldn’t be surprise indeed. Opposite to now laughing him, that a frown came into her seemingly. “Stop laughing you, cabrón.”  Just to hear his proceeding faded laugh anyway. “Sorry. My bad. Did I frighten you?”
That she had to only look him with piercing eyes. “What do you think, loco?” Garnering another laugh from him then. “Shut up.” Her stern warning finally, thus he decides to bring back his composure. “Hoo. Alright. This is hell of enough indeed.” As he tends to fix his silver crystal-like mask by the rear view mirror of the car, that later made her cringe somehow. “Do you really have to wear that one? Weird.” Her criticizing statement definitely, only to earn a smirk from him.
“You think you were the only one who has a disguise? Mind you my lady, I have mine too.”
And it was enough for her to stilled. Not because of his fancy mask, nor the content of his remark. It’s because she is seeing a different Jang Taeyoung. A different voice she never knew existed. A face that could make anyone stutter. He is that one, the one who is right now. Sensing her astonishment someway, he retaliates another remark certainly. “Surprise? Nah, my volatile. Save that for later, for we have work to be done. Though you just have to sit here and relax. Alright?”
“It’s show time.”
By the moment his watch strike with another tick, and a chew of his freshly open bubblegum. He finally went open its car’s door, winking at her for the last time. “Watch me.” His last sentence as well, closing the door, leaving the still tongue-tied her who just had to watch his every move from afar. 
That’s what she did anyway, except for the fact that she’s still in processing things from her thoughts. Just later to notice his selected men who actually came for nowhere with mask on as well different from him though. “So he planned it all along? Look this peccable man, really. Tss.”
She doesn’t want to admit, but she does enjoy the little rebellious act he gave truly. That at every stumble and fall of the kiddo’s men makes her heart boil in rejoice. The way they smoothly ruin the things inside the warehouse and as how the shuttering expression of the young Alcaziar is nothing but achievement.  
“Oh ow.” Yet, just how she thought it went smoothly as she can see less men from the enemy. For it’s actually the other way around after learning there’s still tons of them coming. Then she decided. “Guess, a little contribution might help.” She starts without a doubt definitely.
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“Get in.” her firm suggestion indeed, the moment she roll down the backseat window by the driver side window switch. Turning to him who swiftly jumps inside it expertly, taking off his mask surely after another roll up of the window.  
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“Faster, Sung Eunyoung.”
His straight request later after taking its glances to the rear glass. Allowing a sinister laugh to subdue. “Catch morons, catch! As if you can.”  Proceeded with another laugh again, enjoying every show he started through the presence of his chewing gum. While she in the other hand, manage to drive every alley of narrow streets she can seize. She’s loving it as well. Given police cars tried to chase them as well as the enemy’s drive. And it only increases the wonderful excitement of emotions inside her that she can’t even help but to squeal from their blasting overdrive. “Wohow! I’m loving this very much! Really~”
“Want to make the live action more pleasurable?”
He even succeeded offering his own sunnies that she gladly accepted as well. “Truly.” And with the last puff from a random engine…
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“Bang yah!”
His urging eagerness and her screeching cheering surely vent into unison. Appearing clasp by each other’s hand from the menacing fun they just surpassed.  
“That was fun.”
Her flowing satisfaction from just finished fuss indeed. After a clink of each other’s canned beer while siting the nightly overview of Han River. “Loving my present?”
“Guess we did click as business partners after all, eh?” Her approving words after a sip of her beer somehow. “Really? I’m even close on hiring you as my drifting partner even. You do have a knack for escaping. I like it. Would you allow me though?”  
A shake from her head takes in, while he starts to sip with his own beer as well. “Shut it, Jang Taeyoung. I will never. Thanks anyway.”
“There you are with your rejection again. Tss. I’m sure you had done it before either.” He decides to sit on the trunk of the car near the rear window at that point making them a bit close since she was leaning to the backseat car door as well. Remembering a certain event somehow. “Well. Kind off. I once help Lee Chanwoo when his MCMC nightclub had been jeopardized. But the coño just complained about me bumping his car with another. Jeez.”
As she rests her left hand under her right elbow, sipping another taste of her beer. Yet, a simple nuance that made him praise her again. Savoring the once in a while moment where they were just randomly talking about things.      
“Wah… It’s been a long time since I talk with this classy, you, huh? I realize I missed it.”
An arching brow give in to her surely. “Eh? What are you talking about, I’m always classy you, lo---“
“Without insulting me. Yes, you do still classy.” Guilty indeed, but not quite as she remembers the reason why. “What is this? Am I to be blame now? It’s your fault anyway. If not, you being a troublemaker and sl---“
“Sly fox? Fine, I admit. I am that person. But hey! I only act like that with you though.”
His defense indeed, just to be responded by a rolling of her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. As if I care, mister. Care to share your first happenings with that knuckles instead?” her abrupt shift of topic somehow, after seeing his now band-aided hand, that he knew what she meant. The encounter before their prompt live action started. The one he chose not to be heard by her. “Ah… This? Nah. Not so important. No need for your concern.”
“Concern in your dreams, loco. Tss.”
Thus a nonchalant laugh came into him. He does love teasing her, really. “Oh come on, love. Don’t deny… I know you d---“
“Another word of that love of yours, Jang Taeyoung. And am I going to choke you for real.”
Threatening him finally, as she had been keeping that rant all throughout the day. But what can she expect for a sly like him either. “Ah. Is that so? Mi amor it is, then.”
“Yah. You’re not listening, are you?”
Ready to throw her empty can surely, if he still insists. “What? It was you who suggested that. It seems to be your liking. Don’t you remember?” He did exactly so. Not her disappointed by how he swiftly dodges it as soon as he gets off on the trunk, running and laughing by her gloomy face. “Come back here! You, loco!”
There she ends up chasing him without a doubt. If not for his assistant’s arrival to junk the car they had just used. They wouldn’t stop rather. “Take care of it, alright?” Tossing the key of it indeed, before turning to her who was halt from stepping into the passenger seat of another car they intended to drive. “Before I forgot.” Purposely stopping his words to leaning closer to her. “You look stunning back there.”
She sure not following what he meant by his whisper. The only thing she knew right then, was that he’s starting with his tactics on her again that she had to shake her head from the obvious. “Whatever, Jang Taeyoung.” And with his last coy smile, he finally closes the car door for her. And just how he simply got the chance to drive her home again.
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“Thank you for today, Jang. I sincerely am.”
Her overwhelming gratitude that he gradually welcomes even. Little not knowing, that it could probably also the last day they’ll be in sync.
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Fathers and Sons Part 1: A ROTTMNT Fantasy Fanfiction
Summary: When a old friend shows up, Leonard is forced to face a difficult past all while keeping Donnie safe. But will it be enough to escape unharmed?
Takes Place a bit after “The Thief and the Orphan”
Word Count:2478
Pairing: Ok if you ship ANYTHING in this I’m going to seriously have to reccomend you seek therapy. Or do a soul searching montage. Which ever your insurance will cover
Rating: PG for Mild Violence
“Ok hear me out-“
Len ,without looking away from the cabbage he was inspecting, says, “Danny I swear if I turn around and your’e holding a bag of onions bigger then Donnie I’m going to use your suits for my new quilt.”
Danny let out a small scoff (followed by the undeniable sound of someone setting down a giant bag of surplus). A small shoulder bumped his hip, drawing his attention down to the twelve year old soft shell at his side, giving him a sour look with puffed up cheeks, “Uh oh, I know that look. What did I do?” Len asks
“I am not a official unit of measurement Dad.”Donnie says in a way that supposed to indicate he was offended. But judging by the way he was pressing his mouth into a fine line he was trying hard not to smile. Len doesn’t share his attempt to hide a smile as he rubs Donnie’s scalp as though to ruffle his imaginary hair, “He tries to catch any sign that Donnie was upset ,he had a bad habit fo not always sharing his feelings, but the child seemed alright. Len, picks up a frost apple and turns it over to check for rotten spots. Danny snatches the apple out of his hand, Len looks to him and sees Danny giving him a questioning look before glancing at the child holding his fathers hand, leaning against him with a half bored expression on his face but also probably to give his braced leg a break, “Think we can afford a quick lesson?” Danny asks
A wave of uneasiness came over Len as he quickly glanced around the market. Thankfully the guards were too busy off getting bribes or drunk and the vendor is too busy having a staring contest with a spider on their stand. After a moment to think it over he nods to Danny though he unconsciously grips Don’s hand tighter in his. Danny’s crouches down to Don’s level, “What do you think kid? Ready for a lightning round?”
Don’s eyes widen for a moment before looking to Len. Despite the overprotective knot in his stomach he gives a nod. Don looks back to Danny with a look of determination. Danny gives a grin, pulling out the apple out from behind him and tosses it up into the air before snatching it and hiding it behind his back, barely keeping it in sight for more then a few seconds. “Alright, notice anything wrong with the apple?”
Don’s brow furrows in a way Len knew he was thinking about the brief time he had been allowed to see the apple. To a passerby it may have looked like a simply game a uncle was playing with his nephew but it was a good observation test to see how many defections Donnie could notice with as brief as window as possible. Which would prove useful if Donnie was ever staking out a score in the future. “It wasn’t fully blue yet, “ he says after a moment, “Which means it has plenty of time to ripe. And it didn’t have any bruising.”
“Almost right.” Danny drew the apple out again, angling the fruit so Donnie could see the top of it “The stem is twisted and withered a little which means the farmer who grew it took care to make sure it was stored properly.”
Don immediately frowns, “shoot.” He says tapping his foot against the ground angrily. Physically reprimanding himself for his mistake
“Hey now,” Danny rubs his scalp “you’re getting better. you’re catching on a lot faster then you Dad did.” Len made sure to cast the rat a sour look (mostly for the added insult in his direction)
Len can still feel Don’s disappointment as he leans against his Dad’s leg. Len didn’t always approve of doing tests like these in public. But he didn’t want Donnie to feel dishearten. HE hands the bag of groceries to Danny (who takes it with a soft grumble) and kneels down, a arm wrapped Dons shoulders, “Alright kiddo.” He says drawing Dons sad gaze to him, “Let’s say you wanted to ‘befriend someone here. Do you see someone who ‘d make a good ‘friend?’”
Eager at a chance to redeem himself, Donnie’s eyes dart around at a speed that Len knows means he’s focusing too hard, “Take a deep breath,”he reminds squeezing his shoulders gently, “there’s no time limit. ‘Friends’ will come around again.” Without looking at him, Don nods before closing his eyes and doing as he was told. This time when he looks around its at a slower more manageable pace, ‘I’d befriend the man in a brown cloak.”
Len looks at where Don’s looking at sees who he’s talking about, whose standing net in the shadow of another giant bull yokai, “Are you sure?” he asks, “Why not the two over there?” he says nodding towards the two squirrel yokai in bright clothes, “They look like they’d be good friends too.”
Donnie nods, “He’s a merchant pretending to be poorer then he is ,you can tell by his dragon scale gloves and glasses. And the guy with him is a body guard but the body guard looks tired like the merchant has been harassing him all night so even if I did.” Don pauses, “‘befriend him, the body guard probably wouldn’t try as hard to befriend me back.” Don’s eyes look to him for a moment as though to check his work, but Len just nods towards the squirrels, telling him to continue ,”They’re not actually rich, they look lost. The clothes are probably family heirlooms that they couldn’t bring themselves to sell, but they’re hands are really dirty which means they’re probably laborers. What ever they do have on them is probably a prized family possession. But it wouldn’t be right to befriend from them.” This time when Donnie looks at him Len gives him a smile and a nod, “good job baby boy, you got everything right.” He says gently pressing the corner of his mouth to Don’s forehead as he hugged him tightly around the shoulders. Even though Lens’ never been too sure about conducting these sort of tests in public, it’s worth it to see Don’s face blossom into a smile. Len rises back to a standing position. Mickey is already giving him a smile of approval as his flippers flutter happily, “Great job cookie!” he tells Donnie, squishing his cheek on Donnie’s scalp. Len takes the back of produce from Danny and returns to looking at the produce.
He had thought it was too soon to try and teach Don the skills he would need as a thief, and far too risky to do out in public, but luckily Danny always knew how to code the self titled “Thief Games” to make a observer think that , rather then teaching a child who to pick pocket and how to deduce a item worth stealing at a moments notice, that they were just teaching him how to make friends and playing games.
IT was inevitable, but that didn’t’ mean it didn’t make him anxious.
He was inspecting a group of half grown carrots when Donnie pulls on his arm to get his attention and immediately saw what had gotten Don so excited, a used book stand that had Don beaming up at him, “can I?” He asked , “Please? I have money.”
Uh oh. Len could feel his ‘overprotective dad’ instincts overwhelm his ‘dear moon Len the booth is literally a few feet away’ reasoning. He took a breath before he smiles, rubbing Dons’ scalp,” Ok take Mickey with you and do as he says. And here,” he reaches into his coin bag (thank the Mystic Moon for that extra good score they had hit before the snow had set in), he mentally counts up how much he’ll need for groceries before pulling out a few spare coins, “consider it a reward for doing so well,” Normally he didn’t like Donnie leaving his side in public, but it was worth it to see Don smile at him and take the coins, “Thanks Dad!” He says before hurrying over to the book vendor with Mickey trailing after him.
“Looks like you two are getting along again.” Danny says stepping by him. Picking through the produce,“I know things were hard there for a moment.”
“Yeah, we were training yesterday and he said,” Len pauses trying not to think about how the conversation had went, “some things that I know he felt bad about saying.” Len turns his attention to a giant bag of potato’s, when was the last time he had made fries? “Hes a great kid he just gets frustrated.”
“Hes at that age” Danny turns and leans at the stall, Len can tell he’s watching Donnie at the book stand. For someone who always claimed Len too overprotective, Danny was certainly a contender, “I can’t believe it was seven years ago you said you were going out to buy hair gel and you came back with a freaking kid.”
Len laughed, “Yeah,” it was weird how seven years could both feel like a lifetime and a blink of a eye. He could still remember when Donnie was too scared to leave his little corner of the house. He was so entrapped in those early memories that he almost jumped when Danny suddenly dumped his groceries into his arms causing Len to stumble for a moment, trying to keep from falling over, “Danny-“
“Mickeys started to look bored, I’m going to make sure he doesn’t start licking books-Mickey no! They’re covered in germs!” Danny said already hurrying over to where Donnie was desperately trying to pull a book away from Mickeys open mouth . It took him a moment to realize he wasn’t only left alone, but with bags of produce that even he was having a hard time balancing. He had thought is as overkill to bring the entire family along to of grocery shopping but the winter had been especially long. He didn’t blame any of them for running after him when he had went to get his cloak. He had actually been relieved to have help carrying the supplies back home but he should of known that was too good think their attention spans would hold out. With half humored grumbling he turns to the vendor,” Hey, can I leave this stuff behind with you until we leave?” Grateful when he nodded (before returning to his staring contest with the spider), Len somehow managed to shuffle behind the stand and drop off the bags food and the payment. He counted out his change again, they had ended up under budget (for once). Maybe he could go visit the sacred east booth, if they had rice flour he could make-“
“Hey babe”
Len drops the apple he had been looking at and grabbed at his knife when a another hand caught his and a arm wrapped around his chest, pinning his back against a chest. He wastes no time twisting to free himself before he feels the hand gripping his redirecting his knife holding hand so the sharp point was digging through the back of his shirt and over his kidneys under his coat so no one could see it. From a outside perspective someone might of thought that someone had jumped over to surprise a old friend. The person rests their cheek on his shoulder looking to him with a smirk “I can’t believe you actually let me do that Babe, how many times did you lecture Lief and Mickey for letting their guard down? oh how the mighty have fallen.”
Len grinds his teeth together, berating himself for a a few moments before forcing himself to calm down. The vendor hadn’t noticed what had happened, “What do you want Vito? I told you if i ever saw you again i’d skin you alive-“
“Ah you did didn’t you?” the silver yokai with a white mohawk and green markings around his eyes said as though just realizing he forgot his watch, or something trivial, “ But i just missed you so much i had to visit, babe. I must say, i’m digging the ponytail look you have going.” Vito used his hand to twirl his hair around for a moment ,”it really suits you.”
He’s too busy thinking of all the ways he wants to break Vitos army that he has to remind himself to stay calm. Despite how “attached” he claimed to be to Len, the Thief knew he had no problem shoving that knife between his ribs and leaving g him to bleed out “ I told you i hate it when you call me that Toe-“
“Ah but i think it’s cute, doesn’t it make you feel it make you feel special?” Vito presses his forehead uncomfortably close to Lens temple. Even after all the time Vito still smells like expensive cologne and candy, a sickly combination that makes his stomach twist,”How’s your boy doing? It’s been so long since i saw him-“
Len jerks around again “if you touch him-“
“I won’t i won’t. I happen to know he’s over book shopping with Danny and Mickey,” Vito let’s out a sigh “as much as i’d love to catch up with the boys, there’s someone who’s been dying to see you,” The hand on Lens chest rises up and plays with Lens bangs that slowly grow claws” and if you come quietly, you might live long enough to see your baby boy again,”
Len imagines catching his ankle around the back of Vitos ankle and getting them upper hand. But he looks to where the Mud Dogs are looking at books across the market. He watches Donnie look in his direction and his smile fade to terror. Of course he would understand what was going on, and in a way it makes Len hate Vito even more to make Donnie look so concerned for him. Donnie has already grabbed Danny’s hand but Danny is already looking like he’s about to charge across the market and kill Vito where he stands while Mickey grabs Donnies shoulders to keep him from running to him. But Len shakes his head at them as settle as he can. The pain swelling when Don’s eyes fill with tears. His natural instinct wants nothing more then to go to his child and comfort him. But HE knows he can’t do that if he makes the wrong move and ends up with a knife in his kidneys.
“Let’s just get this over with.” he growls at Vito as quietly as he can
“Aw that’s why i love you babe. You’re just so smart,” Vito twists the arm he has a grip on like someone would direct a horse and forces Len to walk ahead of them. The two of them disappearing into the crowd
Len didn’t care what happened to him
he just needs his son to be safe
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6 Lilymoore
iZombie Prompt Response: Why the hell is there glitter everywhere?
“I feel evil,” Peyton Charles whispered as she shook out a bag of sequins on her best friend’s bed. “You’re a fake ray of sunshine, Ravi. If Liv figures us out, I’m blaming you, just so we’re clear.”
“It’s payback, sweetheart,” the doctor grinned. “Major dares call me Princess Sparkles; I’ll give him sparkles.”
“I think he was just naming your beard, honey,” Peyton laughed. “Besides, you got all the glitter out eventually.”
“That’s not the point,” Ravi pouted. “Those two put me through multiple personalities every day, a man’s got to blow off steam somehow.”
“But what if they think the kids did it?” Peyton mused, referring to three orphaned zombie children Liv and Major had taken in after Seattle had been over-run by zombies and the city’s humanity imploded. “You know how orphans stress about reasons to end up back on the streets. Why put them in that position?”
“What makes you think they’re not in on the plan?” said Ravi mischievously. “Ollie and Annie are right little monkeys, not as saintly as you seem to think. Even that adorable Pippi isn't as innocent as she looks.”
“I give up,” Peyton grimaced. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, love,” said Ravi airily, spreading another handful of glittery sequins on the pillows. “There, that should do it.” He checked his watch and ushered Peyton out of the room. “We need to get out of here, those two should get back from their grocery run any minute.”
Not much later, Liv and Major returned with arms full of fresh groceries. “It feels nice to be shopping for a house full after so many years of living with just Peyton, that girl eats like a bird,” Liv commented, nudging the door open with her shoulder. “Where do you think the kids are?”
“It is suspiciously quiet,” Major frowned. “Do you think it was a good idea leaving the kids home alone?”
“We have to show them they’re trusted,” Liv pointed out. “You know better than most how troubled kids can be sometimes.”
“I do know, that’s exactly why I’m worried.”
“You worry too much,” Liv laughed, depositing her grocery bag on the kitchen counter. There was no response, however, and she returned to the living room curiously. “Major? What’s going on?”
“I told you so!” he said triumphantly, pointing at the staircase. A trail of glitter led all the way up the steps to the upper floor. “Why the hell is there glitter everywhere if those little monkeys didn’t do anything?”
“I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation,” said Liv calmly.
“Does nothing shock you anymore?” asked Major, quirking a bushy eyebrow.
“Not since I married you, babe,” she said coolly and her husband tilted his head thoughtfully.
“After all these years, I still can’t tell whether you’re insulting me or not sometimes.”
“It’s a compliment,” Liv assured him. “Look, I don’t think we need Clive’s detective skills to figure out where this mess came from. Do you?”
“Hell no,” said Major, shaking his head vigorously. “After all these years and I still feel like a naughty kid when Clive is around, the threat is too real.”
“Seriously? I’ll be sure to tell him that sometime.”
“Don’t you dare!” Major objected, grabbing his wife around the waist and spinning her to face him. “You’re really not funny, Mrs. Lilywhite.”
“Aww, here I had record-breaking comedic ambitions,” Liv giggled, pushing herself up on tiptoe to reach his lips. Before she could make contact, Major stiffened alertly and pulled out of her reach once more. “Quit making me work so hard for a kiss,” Liv groaned but Major wasn’t listening. “What the hell is going on?”
Major didn’t answer, too busy storming up the stairs. “I know who is behind this,” he declared as he went. Shaking her head in amusement, Liv followed. Looking positively manic, Major checked each of the upper floor’s bedrooms, one by one. “Aha! What did I tell you?” he said triumphantly. In the girls’ bedroom, he found Annie and Pippi giggling conspiratorially. “Ladies, what’s going on here? You wouldn’t happen to know where that glitter trail on the stairs came from, would you?”
“No,” said Annie, drawing out the word deliberately even though she was turning as flaming red as her hair. Major glanced over his shoulder at Liv, who was smirking knowingly at the mischievous girls.
“You’re actually enjoying this, aren’t you?” said Major in disbelief, frowning at his wife.
“Totally. Believe it or not, I used to be a teenage girl, you know.”
“I’m well aware of that.” Major threw her one of his crooked grins and pulled her in for another kiss. “Or have you blocked the nineteen-year-old who lived in my football jerseys from memory? You drowned in them back then and still would.”
“I see grossing the kids out so much they confess is your tactic here,” Liv teased. “I like the way you think.”
“Dad, cut it out,” begged Annie and Major looked up at the redhead with an innocent expression. “You’re scandalizing Pip,” said the girl, pointing at her foster sister. Sure enough, Pippi’s eyes were wide, but decidedly eager rather than offended.
“Speak for yourself!” snapped the youngest of their three foster kids, elbowing Annie in the ribs in frustration. “It’s so cute, I love it. My last foster family before you and Ollie helped me run away were always fighting. This is a good change.”
“Pip, you have got to be the only one in this house cuter than your Mom,” said Major decidedly. He scooped the twelve-year-old up and hoisted her over his shoulder to shrieks of delight.
Annie muttered something exasperated under her breath and Liv moved to stand beside her. “Something on your mind, kiddo?” she prompted. “Where is Ollie anyway?”
“Who knows?” Annie shrugged impatiently. “He’s probably the least used to this new family arrangement out of all of us.” She dropped her gaze, as if reluctant to speak her mind. “I guess it’s just been easier for Pippi to believe it’s real,” she admitted quietly. “I can’t get comfortable and then lose everything again.”
“Is that what you’re afraid of?” asked Liv gently. “Did something happen to make you worry about that? Because as far as we’re concerned, you’re our family now. You three made dreams come true that were only vague concepts until we met you all. It sucks that you had to lose so much to get here but we wouldn’t change a thing about this family, you have to know that.”
“I wish Ollie would stop trying to run away,” Annie sighed. “I feel steadier somehow when he’s home…no offense. If I could have as much faith as Pip does, I totally would.”
“You’ll get there, sweetie,” said Liv reassuringly. She had barely put a comforting arm around Annie’s shoulders when Pip popped up as if out of thin air and nuzzled against Annie too. When Major sat down on Annie’s other side, Pip scrambled onto his lap like a clingy monkey. “So, now that’s settled, does anyone have an explanation for that glitter trail on the stairs?”
Annie and Pippi looked at each other, stifling giggles once more now that the fear of being reprimanded was over. “Uncle Ravi and Aunt Peyton were here,” Pippi blabbed. “Only they said we weren’t supposed to say anything.”
“You just did, dummy,” Annie pointed out, rolling her eyes at Pippi.
The younger girl’s expression crumpled guiltily but Major instantly gave her a squeeze. “That’s my girl,” he said proudly. “What do you say we plan a revenge prank for Uncle Ravi and Aunt Peyton? This mess is going to last us a long time.”
“I’ll say,” Liv laughed, running her fingers through her husband’s sandy hair. “Hey Princess Sparkles, you’ve got glitter in your hair.” It was hard to say if Major’s groan or the children’s giggles were more prominent at her words, but Liv knew for sure they were among her favorite sounds in the world: the sounds of home.
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babysizedfics · 4 years
Little Accidents, Big Developments
Chapter 7: Sweet and Sour
[This is an age regression story]
Chapter Summary: Patton feels bittersweet, Virgil likes rattles, Roman wants milk, and Logan bottle-feeds the baby.
Chapter word count: 6,000
Other chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / bonus
Read on AO3 or below the cut!
Content warning: One bit was so cute that I squealed loud enough to make myself dizzy. Be warned.
‘Love you, baby,’ Patton called back to the staircase. He remained completely still, waiting in nervous anticipation and praying that he would hear a response.
Then, thankfully, a tiny, ‘Wuvoo,’ returned and it soothed the ache in his chest slightly.
With a far more relieved sigh than he would have liked to admit, Patton continued his journey to Roman’s bedroom. He could hear Logan murmuring words of comfort to Virgil, and there was simply no excuse for the way it twisted Patton’s stomach. Wasn’t he the one who was so eager to get Virgil to overcome his separation anxiety? Wasn’t he the one who had encouraged various activities that would hopefully have resulted in Logan being more at ease with the act of caregiving?
And yet seeing Virgil have no negative response to Patton leaving him and cuddling up to Logan had kindled a bitter fire in Patton’s stomach that, try as he might, he could not snuff out. 
Seeing Virgil literally shy away from Patton had been heartwrenching. His own baby, hiding from him.
Patton swallowed past the aching lump in his throat as he approached Roman’s door. It would be no good to cry in front of his little prince.
‘Kiddo,’ Patton called with a gentle knock on the door. When there was no answer, he spoke through the wood louder, ‘Roman, are you okay?’
After a few seconds of silence, Patton threw the door open, scared that Roman was hurt.
The prince was merely hunched over his workbench, obviously deep in concentration.
‘Darling, I’m coming over,’ Patton said louder, approaching the workbench.
The lack of response didn’t surprise him. It wasn’t uncommon for Roman to be so engrossed in a project that he lost awareness of his surroundings. Worrying as he had first found the state, Logan had carefully explained to Patton that this was known as “hyperfocus” and as long as they checked on Roman to make sure he wasn’t foregoing his basic needs, it could be entirely healthy. Patton caught a quick glimpse of purple and black material in Roman’s hands before patting his shoulder to get his attention.
Roman instantly yelped and threw himself on top of the bench, hiding the pile of fabric under his torso. ‘Don’t look!’
Without a moment’s hesitation, Patton slapped his hands over his eyes. ‘Okay, I’m not looking, I’m not looking!’ He wouldn’t overstep his son’s boundaries.
‘Oh, it’s just you. It’s cool, Padre, you can look. I just finished!’
When Patton pulled his fingers down, the workbench was clear of the body that had laid across it so hastily before. He noticed that the fabric Roman had been working on was rather familiar.
‘Is that… Virgil’s hoodie?’
‘It’s a junior version!’ Roman proudly proclaimed, holding up an exact replica of Virgil’s hoodie - besides the fact that it was missing the drawstrings and the zipper. And it was only big enough for a newborn baby.
Patton smiled encouragingly and did his best to be gentle when he said, ‘That’s beautiful, Ro. But Virgil isn’t physically a baby, I’m not sure he can fit into that.’
‘It’s not for Vee,’ Roman chuckled, then reached to the other side of his workbench and held up a pile of grey fluff. Patton recognised it instantly.
‘You fixed Meeko!’
Roman nodded. ‘I made him a little hoodie so him and Virge can match. And…’ As Roman shook the toy slightly, a faint rattle sounded from it.
‘Oh my gosh,’ Patton gasped through a wide smile, ‘he’s a rattle!’ Virgil would love it!
The smile on Roman’s face was a little shyer than was normal for the usually confident creative side. He dressed Meeko in the hoodie with nimble fingers. ‘Just, you know,’ Roman stalled by fidgeting with the plaid hood on the toy, ‘to say sorry for yesterday, I guess.’
Patton fought to retain the genuity of his smile. Apparently everyone was maturing besides him. Virgil had seemingly overcome his separation anxiety, Logan had learned to be more affectionate with his boys, and now even Roman was learning to apologise for teasing his brother. And that only made the bitter concoction of jealousy and dejection in Patton’s belly bubble away all the more viciously. In spite of that:
‘That’s wonderful, sweetheart,’ Patton beamed. ‘He’s going to love it.’
‘Yeah!’ Roman agreed enthusiastically, jumping up from his seat. His shyness had apparently been chased away by Patton’s praise. ‘Where is he? I wanna give it to him!’
‘He’s in the living room with Logan. We’re about to have a family Winnie the Pooh party!’
‘Oh, okay,’ Roman muttered, turning away. ‘I’ll just give it to him after, then.’
It wasn’t the excited response Patton had expected from Roman. Both of the boys loved Winnie the Pooh. Patton thought Roman would have been bouncing off of the walls by now. ‘Don’t you want to come to the party?’
‘Am I invited?’ Roman spun around and looked at Patton with wide eyes, finally appearing excited about the idea.
Did Roman think they were leaving him out? With a frown, Patton said, ‘Sweetheart, it’s family time.’
What really broke Patton’s heart was the way Roman deflated at that.
‘Of course you’re invited.’ Patton held his arms open wide. ‘Come here.’
Honestly, the cuddle wasn’t optional. Whether or not Roman had moved over to him, Patton would have been wrapping his arms around his little prince as tight as he could bear. Though the haste with which Roman launched himself into Patton’s arms did make it a whole lot easier.
‘You’re just as much a part of this family as any of us, little prince.’ Patton pressed a firm kiss to Roman’s temple.
‘I’m part of the family,’ Roman whispered into Patton’s shoulder. It was spoken like he didn’t believe it and was willing the phrase into his mind.
Patton squeezed him tighter to match the squeezing of his heart. His own son had not believed he was part of the family. How could Patton have allowed such a thing? Why hadn’t he noticed? Had he failed Roman as a Dad?
It wasn’t until Roman winced and ducked away from his hand that Patton realised he had been running his fingers through Roman’s very precious and carefully-styled hair.
‘Hey, watch the locks, Pops!’ The hug was broken as Roman stepped back.
And normally that was fine. Normally, Patton didn’t bat a single eyelash to how protective Roman was over his hair. He would just giggle, pull his hand back, and move on. But right now that had stung far more than he was able to explain. Especially to Roman’s concerned look.
‘Patton, are you okay?’
Biting his lip, Patton made a timid request: ‘Do you… Could you be little right now, Ro?’
He didn’t blame Roman for being shocked by the question. He never pushed Roman’s littlespace. It was different with Virgil; it was part of Patton’s job as his caregiver to incite his regression if he noticed the younger side was particularly anxious or overwhelmed. But Roman’s littlespace was entirely on his terms; it was voluntary and not necessarily done to relieve him of emotional distress in any way. Roman was the only one to decide when he became a child.
So was it selfish of Patton to ask for it?
‘I’m sorry. Don’t worry about it.’ Patton shook his head and looked to the floor. ‘Your silly old dad is just -’
‘Hi, Dad!’ Roman quickly interjected. He always greeted everyone again when he became little, and Patton always found it adorable. ‘I’m little now!’
With a rush of comfort, Patton looked up to see that Roman’s face was indeed overtaken by the familiar childish excitement. This was what felt right to him, no matter what. He couldn’t always handle the feelings that swirled around in his belly, but, by Jove, Patton could handle taking care of his little ones.
‘Hey there, sweetie pie! How’s my favourite little prince doing?’
‘Good!’ Roman bounced in place with a bright grin. ‘I really wanna give Vee his present! And then I’m gonna get him to bounce with me like Tigger! Th-then - then - then we can go on an expotition!’
It was a struggle not to melt into an adoring puddle on the spot. The slight stuttering informed Patton that Roman was incredibly excited, and it was just adorable that it was because he wanted to be with his baby brother. But there was the issue of Virgil’s newly younger mental age.
‘That sounds super fun, Ro,’ Patton agreed. ‘But I’m not sure if Virgil will be able to do all of that with you.’
Witnessing Roman go still and slump in on himself was a true tragedy. ‘How come?’
‘Your Mom and I did something new with him and it made him regress a bit younger,’ Patton explained, praying that this would not rekindle in Roman any jealousy of his little brother. ‘I think he will need lots of quiet and lots of cuddles. Do you think you can be a good big brother and be extra gentle around him today?’ Then Patton added, ‘He’s going to need a really good role model to look up to,’ remembering that he read something about using this phrase to help older siblings feel better about a baby in the family.
‘Yeah!’ Roman yelled. If anything he appeared even more excited after this revelation. His hand smacked over his mouth as he realised his mistake. ‘Oops, sorry.’ A muffled giggle came through his fingers, followed by an exaggerated whisper of, ‘Yeah, I’m gonna be the bestest brother ever-est.’
Patton chuckled and reached out to huddle Roman into his arms again. ‘That’s already true, baby.’
He was thankful that Roman simply hugged him back, and didn’t comment on the new nickname that had slipped through Patton’s lips quite unconsciously.
The hug did not last for nearly as long as Patton would have liked, but Roman was clearly eager to see his brother and was all but vibrating on the spot. Even if he had tried, Patton was sure he wouldn’t have been able to hold him back.
‘Hang on, sweetie,’ Patton called as Roman dragged him to the door. ‘How long have you been working on Meeko?’
Roman paused and frowned thoughtfully as he looked down at the toy in his hand. It was clear after a few seconds that he had lost track of time while working. It was a fairly common occurrence.
‘Do you remember when you started?’
‘Before lunch,’ Roman said quite proudly.
So Roman had been working, likely nonstop, for about 5 hours, Patton realised. It was important that he kept his worry from showing on his face as that might have made Roman think he was disappointed with him. He wasn’t at all, he just needed to make sure Roman was healthy. ‘Okay, little prince, let’s stop by the bathroom before we go down and I’ll get you some juice in a bit. Did you eat?’
Roman pointed to a plate on his desk that had crumbs on it.
‘Good boy,’ Patton praised with a warm smile. He gave Roman one more tight hug before taking Roman’s free hand once more and leading them through the house.
After a short bathroom trip and with no small amount of rambling from Roman about how cool Tigger was, they continued on to the living room. As they approached the door, Patton could hear Logan speaking in a low, hushed tone - it was identical in tone to when he counted aloud to calm Virgil down, and Patton felt the strangest thrill that his baby might have missed him after all if he needed to be soothed.
‘Knock, knock,’ Patton announced as he led Roman into the living room.
He was not met with the sight of Virgil crying and reaching out to him as he was so used to seeing. Instead, he and Roman had walked in on what looked to be an incredibly intimate moment between the baby and his mama.
Logan was sitting in the corner seat of the couch, reading from a large board book (which Patton did not recognise). In his lap, Virgil was curled up against his chest with his eyes closed and his pacifier bobbing slowly in his mouth. His fingers were wrapped around the handle loosely.
‘Pooh and his friends were still planting seeds when Kanga happened by,’ Logan read in a voice so soft it could have been a whisper.
No one got to hear what Kanga did next, as Logan suddenly noticed the two new presences in the room.
‘Oh,’ Logan murmured, his cheeks dusting a faint pink. ‘Greetings, you two.’
‘Hi, Mom!’
Patton quickly squeezed Roman’s hand to get his attention and mimed that Roman should keep his voice down because of the sleeping baby. ‘Remember what we talked about, honey?’ he gently reminded him.
‘Oh, yeah,’ Roman whispered, then looked over to the two on the couch. ‘Sorry, Vee.’
Virgil’s eyes remained closed and he made no movement. It was a near-identical image to the way Patton had found them cuddling earlier. It was undeniably sweet, though this time it was quite tainted by the frustratingly persistent sinking feeling in Patton’s stomach. If nothing else, Patton could at least credit himself for focussing on the positive, and not letting his involuntary bitterness permeate into the atmosphere of the room.
‘Mama Logan has done it again,’ Patton whispered, dropping Roman’s hand and reaching into his pocket to bring out his phone. Jealousy or not, this had to be documented. ‘And you said I was the sleep siren.’
Logan looked down at the boy in his lap with a breathy chuckle. He closed the book in his hands. ‘I had no idea he was so sleepy.’
‘He wasn’t before,’ Patton hummed, snapping a couple of photos with a soft smile.
‘Perhaps the reading has tired him out,’ Logan suggested, though it sounded uncertain.
‘Nah, it’s ‘cause your voice is nice.’
Both Patton and Logan turned to Roman in surprise. Had Roman - who was typically nothing short of stubborn in admitting the merits of others - just complimented Logan?
Apparently oblivious to the reaction from his caregivers, Roman skipped over to the sofa - the poster boy of childish innocence. Sparing a moment to place the hoodie-clad Meeko on the armrest, Roman turned to the boy on Logan’s lap.
‘Hello, baby,’ he whispered. Then he slowly reached out to stroke his fingers over Virgil’s hair as gently as if he were handling the most fragile small animal.
Patton held his breath and pulled his lips into a tight line to avoid making any noises that betrayed his excitement. With a swift swipe on his phone screen, he began recording a video.
‘Are you being gentle with your little brother, Roman?’ At Logan’s sly side glance, Patton knew he had clocked the video recording.
On his screen, Patton saw Roman nod without looking away from his brother. ‘I’m being really soft, look.’ He raised his hand from Virgil’s hair and lowered it again to stroke it slowly.
It was indeed a gentle touch, as the younger side made no sign of waking or disturbance to his sleep. Roman looked up at Patton with joy sparkling in his eyes.
Patton resigned himself to the fate of having multiple adorableness-induced heart attacks a day.
‘Well done, little prince,’ Logan murmured. There was a blur of bright colour on the phone screen as Logan dropped the board book to the cushion, and the unfamiliar cover caught Patton’s attention as the logical side continued talking. ‘Virgil is a lot younger than usual today, so we need to be extra quiet and calm. In fact, I believe he’s only -’
‘Logan, where did you get that book?’ Patton interrupted.
Silence fell, only broken by Virgil sighing deeply in his sleep. The look of guilt on Logan’s face was displayed quite clearly on the phone screen. Patton looked over the device to see it even more prominent in real life.
‘I, um -’ Logan cleared his throat gently and shifted a little to duck his head into Virgil’s hair. The height difference being so uneven meant Logan only succeeded in hiding his chin. ‘I summoned it.’
Patton’s own shock was reflected in Roman’s dramatic gasp. He looked delighted at this news.
‘Mom summoned!’ Roman giggled, looking over to Patton with a mischievous smile. ‘Dad, Mom broke the rule!’
‘Quiet voices, sweetie,’ Patton whispered, though it was too late. The auto-focus of the camera blinked as Virgil’s body began shifting slightly on Logan’s lap.
Patton quickly buried his phone in his pocket, knowing that Virgil took after his Mama when it came to being shy on camera.
‘Mama’s here, sweetheart,’ Logan assured their littlest one.
Being a few feet away from the rest of his family, Patton had quite the vantage point to witness all of their reactions. And so the way Roman’s eyes snapped onto Logan when he had referred to Virgil as “sweetheart” was achingly obvious to Patton. As was the reason behind his sudden pout and his whinge of, ‘Dad, my legs are tired.’
It seemed Patton wasn’t the only one who had been bitten by the green-eyed monster that evening.
‘Poor little prince,’ Patton cooed and moved to sit on the couch beside Logan. He held his arms out to Roman. ‘Come here, cutie - oof!’
It was worth a few bruises on his thighs to have his 5’11” kiddo practically pounce onto his lap and send them both tumbling back against the couch cushion.
‘Baba,’ Virgil’s quiet voice babbled.
Patton pulled both him and Roman upright to look at his sweet baby. ‘Hello, tiny stormcloud.’
How exactly was Virgil tiredly rubbing at his eyes so adorable? Patton had long since given up trying to answer these sorts of questions. It just was.
‘Hey, Vee!’ Roman whispered loudly, waving at his brother. ‘You’re a smaller baby today.’
At his brother’s voice, Virgil pulled his hand back down to blink slowly at Roman. Without responding, he whined a little and dropped his head back to Logan’s chest. His Piglet toy hid his face.
‘It’s all right, Roman,’ Logan said soothingly, ‘Vee is just a little more shy than usual.’
‘Oh…’ After a moment of quiet, Roman leaned against Patton more heavily. ‘Okay.’
Patton tightened his arms around Roman to try to comfort him.
‘You summoned?’ he mouthed silently to Logan over Roman’s shoulder, unable to ignore it anymore. It was completely unheard of for Logan to break the house rule about summoning and bending reality only in emergencies. He was the one who had enforced the rule so strictly in the first place.
‘Uh, did you have something you wanted to give your brother, Roman?’ Logan blurted, entirely ignoring Patton despite clearly having seen the question.
Time froze for Patton as he saw Roman reach out to delicately hold Virgil’s shoulders, then lean forward and press a soft kiss to his head. Virgil hummed and lowered his toy to smile at Roman when he had pulled back.
‘Oh my gosh.’ It was a good thing Patton was already sitting down.
‘That was very lovely, little prince.’ Logan’s voice was far less squeaky than Patton’s. ‘But what about the friend that you put on the armrest?’
‘Oh yeah!’ Roman gasped, apparently unaware of his influence on Patton’s blood pressure.
Leaning over Logan’s lap (and causing Virgil to push further against Logan’s chest), Roman grabbed Meeko and hesitantly held the toy in front of Virgil. It seemed he had lost some confidence as he fidgeted with the stuffed raccoon. ‘Um, I fixed Meeko and gave him a cool hoodie like yours.’
It took a few seconds for Virgil to lift his head back off of Logan’s chest, but when he did his face lit up. Pale hands slowly dropped Piglet to the couch as Virgil timidly reached his hands out for the toy.
Once Roman had handed him the present, Virgil’s dimples popped up with a smile. ‘Burble.’
‘Clever baby,’ Patton cooed. ‘It’s purple just like your -’ he paused at Logan’s pointed look towards Roman, ‘- your favourite colour!’ He thought it was a pretty smooth save.
The truly endearing moment happened when Virgil hugged the toy tight and it rattled at the movement.
Virgil gasped through his pacifier and looked down at it in shock.
‘Oh my, what was that, Virgil?’ Logan asked, clearly feigning excitement for the baby’s benefit.
A more pronounced rattling sounded as Virgil shook the toy more energetically. Then he squealed in what Patton assumed was excitement. His body started bouncing lightly on Logan’s lap as he held the toy up to his mama’s ears and rattled it again.
‘That’s a nice sound,’ Logan agreed with an encouraging smile.
Then Virgil held the toy up to Roman’s ears and shook it again.
Roman giggled at his little brother’s antics. ‘It’s a rattle, Vee!’
At last, Virgil turned to Patton and held the toy up to him, whining, ‘Baba.’
Getting the hint, Patton leaned forward so that his ear was by the toy and Virgil rattled it loudly again. Patton was glad that his happy squeaks were loud enough that he could still hear them over the toy.
‘Do you like it, sweetie?’ Patton asked, sitting back to observe Virgil’s adorable wriggling. He still shook the toy with both hands and giggled.
‘Can you remember the word we say when someone gives us a present?’ Logan prompted.
Virgil just fell into Logan’s chest, suckling his pacifier as he kept rattling his toy.
‘Sweetheart,’ Logan whispered, his voice sounding a little scratchy, ‘can you say thank you to your brother?’
‘Wawaba,’ Virgil muttered as he played.
Looking back up at Roman with a smile, Logan translated, ‘Virgil says thank you.’
There was a slight crack in his voice and Patton reached out to rub his hand over Logan’s chest as he cleared it. ‘Are you getting a cold, Lo?’
‘No, I strained my voice while reading to him,’ Logan explained quietly, then sent a pleading glance to Patton. ‘Could you perhaps get me a drink?’
‘Of course, Loganberry. What would you like?’
‘Hot water with lemon and honey would be perfect.’ Logan’s hand settled over Patton’s, holding it to his chest for a moment longer. ‘Thank you.’
‘Me too! Me too!’ Roman cried, waving his arm up in the air as if Patton wouldn’t be able to see him otherwise (despite the fact that he was acting as the creative side’s chair at that moment).
‘Yes, little prince.’ With no small amount of reluctance, Patton pulled his hand away from Logan’s chest and nudged Roman to get him off of his lap. ‘I’ll get you a sippy cup with apple juice.’
‘Perhaps Virgil would like a bottle of milk,’ Logan suggested.
Feeling a twinge of guilt at not having thought of that himself, Patton nodded and stood from the couch. Then he was stopped by Roman tugging on his wrist.
He turned back to the little with a questioning look. ‘Are you all right, little prince?’
Roman, strangely, looked shy. His eyes spared a side glance to Virgil (who was still rattling away and appearing completely enthralled by the sound) before they looked back up at Patton. ‘Can I have milk too?’
Though Logan didn’t make any kind of comment on the question, Patton could tell he was thinking the same thing as him. Roman was obviously getting jealous of Virgil and apparently wanted to act younger to combat that.
‘You can have whatever you like, sweetie,’ Patton said, patting Roman’s cheeks lightly and pressing a kiss to his forehead. When he pulled away he was glad to see the previous timidity replaced by happiness.
‘Warm milk and honey?’ Roman asked with an excited smile.
Patton returned it. ‘That sounds lovely. Do you want to stir in the honey yourself?’
‘Yes, please!’
Before leaving, Patton’s instinct was to reassure Virgil that he would be back within a few minutes. Though the baby’s attention was entirely held by the rattle. It would be best to slip out unnoticed and avoid any upset. (And avoid finding out if there would not be any upset.)
Making Logan and himself hot lemon water and heating the oat milk for the boys (he had sworn they still had a carton of Roman’s almond milk but he couldn’t find it anywhere), Patton had an opportunity to properly collect himself.
As he cut into a lemon, the rind burst with a spray of juice and the fresh scent of it rushed into Patton’s nose. It was intense and pulled at his chest as if a weight was attached to it and forcing him back to earth.
It took a moment for him to realise he must have been lost in his head with all of his insecurity and guilt. So Patton decided he needed to practise the mindfulness he and Logan always pushed so adamantly onto Virgil.
Remembering a grounding technique he had seen someone do on youtube, he cut a wedge of the fruit and without a moment’s hesitation, he bit into it - skin and all.
The bitterness attacked his taste buds and he winced, sinking his teeth further into the zesty flesh against his distaste. The juice stung a mouth ulcer that had been bothering him, but his head was suddenly crystal clear and his awareness sharp. He blew out a strong breath and tossed the wedge in the compost disposal, licking the last of the sour taste from his lips.
As he went back to stirring the oat milk, everything that had transpired over the past hour suddenly seemed so much less critical. Why had he been worried that Virgil no longer loved him? Of course he did! And Patton really was proud that Virgil had seemingly moved past the separation anxiety. It had proven to be less than ideal whenever Patton needed to go to the bathroom or make food, and any indication that his little stormcloud would suffer less from anxiety was positive.
Plus, seeing Virgil take to Logan so readily, and seeing Logan so comfortable in displaying affection was uplifting after the two’s awkward, rocky start when Logan had first become a caregiver. And Roman spending hours on fixing Meeko and adding the rattle to make his baby brother happy? That truly made Patton’s heart burst with love and pride for his little prince.
Ready to be back with his favourite people in the world, Patton returned to the living room with everyone’s drinks and the honey on a tray. Logan had evidently been reading to Virgil again as the regressor was slumped against his chest and blinking sleepily. Both Meeko and Piglet were huddled close to him as Logan’s soft voice filled the room.
It was a soothing image. Though it was tainted by Roman’s figure curled up on the other side of the couch, leaning away from the other two. The creative side was hunched over, resting his chin on his knees with a pout. 
‘Are you okay, Roman?’ Patton asked, walking carefully across to the coffee table where he placed the tray.
‘He wanted to play with Vee,’ Logan spoke for him, closing the board book once more. He continued despite the look of betrayal Patton could see crossing Roman’s face. ‘And I explained that Virgil is too young to bounce with him.’
‘But it’s a Winnie the Pooh party!’ Roman argued. ‘Tigger does loads of bouncing with Roo and Roo is really small.’
Patton smiled a little. The intention behind Roman’s suggestion was worthy of praise at least. ‘That’s very true. You’re so sweet to think of Virgil, honey.’
‘See!’ Roman stuck his tongue out at Logan.
‘But -’ Patton added, hating how Roman’s smile fell at the word, ‘- Piglet is very small too. And does Piglet like bouncing?’
After a few seconds of stubborn silence, Roman mumbled, ‘No.’
‘People don’t always like the same things, little prince. I’m sure you can think of something else you and Vee can do together.’
‘Of course he can,’ Logan agreed quietly, smoothing out a lock of Virgil’s hair that had stuck up from rubbing his head on Logan’s shoulder. ‘Roman is very creative and considerate, aren’t you, sweetheart?’
Roman absolutely beamed at the praise and lowered his legs back to the ground, sitting more upright. ‘Yeah, um, we can play with stuffies instead, Vee!’
The younger little raised his head at the suggestion seeming interested, but then he looked over at the coffee table and whined. The stuffies in his arms were hugged tighter.
‘I think we should have our drinks first,’ Patton said, understanding that Virgil wanted his bottle. ‘Can you be a big boy and come stir in everyone’s honey?’
Roman rushed over and, with Patton’s guidance, squeezed a good helping of honey into both Patton and Logan’s mugs and his sippy cup. When he reached for Virgil’s bottle to do the same, Patton quickly tugged his hand back. ‘No, sweetie, no honey for Vee.’
It was met with another whine from Virgil and a confused, ‘Why not?’ from Roman.
‘Babies can’t have honey,’ Patton explained easily with a hint of pride. He had done his research! ‘I read it online. It can make them sick and since Vee is a bit younger today, I thought just in case -’
‘Patton, my love,’ Logan’s voice interrupted him, much more low and gravelly than usual. It was probably because of his sore throat, but Patton couldn’t help but wish it made an appearance more often.
Did Logan even realise he had called Patton his love? The cool calmness of his features suggested otherwise. Patton himself could barely breathe at the term of endearment. He couldn’t imagine Logan consciously doing that and remaining completely calm.
‘Yes?’ Patton prompted, wishing Logan would repeat those words again.
‘Virgil may be a baby,’ Logan whispered his next words, ‘but he is not biologically infantile.’
Realisation slowly ebbed into Patton and he blushed. Perhaps he had gotten a little carried away in his baby research.
‘Give the poor boy some honey,’ Logan finished with an amused smile.
‘Sorry, I kind of forget.’ Patton giggled a bit at himself, unscrewing the lid of Virgil’s bottle to allow Roman to squeeze some honey into it.
‘Now we all match!’ Roman cried with a face splitting grin.
Swiping the honey bottle from his hand and squeezing a dab onto his fingertip, Patton replied, ‘We all match, my sweet little honeycomb.’ He poked the honey onto Roman’s nose and chuckled at his dramatic gasp.
‘Yuck, yuck, yuck,’ Roman muttered and wiped his nose on his sleeve with a sniffle.
The lids of the sippy cups and bottle were replaced quickly and Patton got Roman to shake them up while he passed Logan his mug.
As Logan had shifted to take his drink, Virgil’s diaper crinkled from beneath his onesie. The regressor sat more upright and made grabby hands at Patton, ‘Baba. Baba.’
‘Yes, baby, I’m just getting your bottle.’
His shirt was tugged from behind him and Patton stepped back to stop it from pulling so tightly against his neck, ignoring Logan’s quiet tut. The logical side had been trying to get Roman to stop tugging and poking the caregivers when he wanted attention, but Patton didn’t see that much harm in it. Virgil was allowed to whine and point at things, so why shouldn’t Roman be allowed to nudge them? It was one of the only things they could not agree on when it came to rules for their littles.
‘It’s fine,’ Patton insisted to Logan, then looked back to Roman, ‘What’s up, kiddo?’
Roman, already sipping at his milk, forewent any words and held Virgil’s bottle out to Patton.
After sparing a moment to stroke Roman’s cheek in thanks, Patton turned back to the couch, ready to sit down and take his baby into his arms and feed him as he had done so many times before.
Bottle-feeding had become a quintessential caregiving task for Patton since he had first done it all those weeks ago. It was initially done to calm Virgil down after a nightmare, but Patton had soon craved the feeling of immense tranquillity and love that had overwhelmed him as he held his baby and nursed his bottle. And so it became routine. It was enjoyable and comforting. It was important to him.
But seeing the way Logan’s arms tightened a little around the boy in his lap made Patton reconsider his eagerness to split them apart. Then, quite generously in his opinion, Patton offered, ‘Do you want to do it, Lo?’
The way Logan’s face brightened with a muted excitement chased away most of Patton’s disappointment.
‘If you do not mind,’ Logan whispered, clearly unwilling to betray how eager he was. He was sitting much more upright, at attention.
Patton smiled, passing the bottle into Logan’s hand and kneeling down to be closer to Virgil.
‘Hello, tiny stormcloud.’ Patton stroked his knuckle over Virgil’s cheek. ‘Mama is gonna give you your bottle this time, okay?’
Virgil closed his eyes and leaned into the caress of Patton’s finger. It took an awful lot of willpower, but Patton managed to pull his hand back and stand up again, leaving his baby in Logan’s responsibility. No, not his baby, Patton thought as he watched Logan take Virgil’s pacifier out and quickly replace it with the bottle with ease (he had probably been paying close attention whenever he had watched Patton doing the exact same). Not his baby. Their baby.
With a twinge of guilt, Patton realised he had been stood watching the bottle-feeding for a while and had forgotten that he had another little one to look after. Turning around, he saw that same timidity that he had seen a few minutes previously sully Roman’s expression.
‘I’m bored,’ Roman mumbled, his lips pressed up against the mouthpiece of his sippy cup.
Of course, sitting quietly while a baby was bottle-fed was probably not the most engaging activity for an older kiddo. Taking note of the jealousy that was clearly affecting Roman, Patton remembered reading that parents should spend some time bonding with an older sibling when the baby was busy. The advice was obviously intended for actual children, though that didn’t mean it couldn’t be effective with his little prince.
‘How about we bake some Winnie the Pooh cookies?’ Patton suggested with a big smile.
His enthusiasm was not reflected by Roman, who simply shrugged and said, ‘Okay.’
So Patton added, ‘Only big kids are allowed to bake, so this will be our special thing! Just you and me, little prince.’
‘Okay!’ Roman’s smile could have lit up the whole house. He bounced on his toes. ‘We can - we, um, we can make honeypot shaped ones and we can make the - the - the - the “haycorn” shaped ones too!’
‘That sounds wonderful, sweetie,’ Patton said, sure that it was past the point of trying to get Roman to be quiet around Virgil. The younger side didn’t seem bothered by it, at least. When Patton looked back at the pair on the couch, he was quite happily suckling at the bottle that Logan held for him. ‘Will you two be all right, Lo?’
The named side was focussing entirely on the baby in his arms and did not even look up to Patton when he muttered, ‘Uh, yes, sounds wonderful, Roman.’
Patton giggled as he was tugged out of the room by a very eager little prince. He had nothing to be anxious about. Logan was more than capable of looking after their baby.
With a rekindled sense of purpose, Patton stepped (or rather was dragged) into the kitchen, ready to devote his entire supply of fatherly attention to Roman.
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Mazikeen x Teenage! Reader
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You couldn’t believe how defenseless you were when those bullies came for you. How weak you acted cowering in fear instead of standing up for yourself. Your parents were cops for crying out loud you think you would have some type of fighting skills.
Hell even your little sister could kick someone’s ass if she needed to. Thanks to Maze but whenever the woman offered to give you some lessons in self-defense. You turned her offers down thinking that you wouldn’t ever need them, because most kids at your school knew what your parents did for a living. So that pretty much made you untouchable until today the wannabe gangster in your class. Targeted you as her victim because her big brother got busted the night before by cops. 
Because you were the kid of two cops Sam automatically blamed you. As if you snitched on her brother or something. Christ you didn’t didn’t even know who her brother was, and you highly doubted either of your parents made arrests. You tried to explain that cases like that were below their level, but that only made her angrier, and the beating more painful.
You made sure to stop by your friend’s house before going home. So you could use her make-up to cover up your black-eye, busted lip, and the little cuts on your cheek. No doubt your mom was still at work but Maze and Trixie  were both home by now. The last thing you needed were either of them seeing you like this. You were too old to be having someone else fight your battles you could handle this.
“Y/N” came the sound of your little sister’s voice as soon as you walked through the door. Two seconds later Trixie was leaped at you expecting you to catch her like you always did.
You did catch her but had to bite back a groan as pain exploded in your ribs. You grimaced for a second before fixing your face and spinning her around. “Hey kiddo how was school?”
“It was awesome we went on a really cool field trip” Trixie told you excitedly. Oh how you missed those days “oh yeah you can tell me about it later I got a ton of homework to do” You tell her before she can go into too much detail. Trixie nodded and dropped down from your arms. “Ready for your kung fu lessons little human” Maze asked as she walked came from downstairs.
Trixie nodded and just like that she was off “you want in the kid could use a partner” Maze asked you. You were really considering it but the throbbing pain in your side made you decide against it. “Naw I’ll pass maybe next time” You tell her and walk away as quickly as you can. Maze looks at you suspicously before heading to Trixie.
You spent the rest of the day hiding out in your room trying to come up with a solution for your bully problem. Sam had promised that there would be more to come. That she was going to make your life a living hell until her brother got out of jail. As long as he suffered so would you, and even though you hated to admit it. You were kind of scared of Sam she had a gang of friends to back her up. While you were pretty much a loner, and telling a teacher wouldn’t do any good. Most of them would just try giving the bully a stern lecture or call their parents. It never did any good you slam your face into a pillow and let out a scream. What were you going to do?
Maze wasn’t too suspicious when you opted out of kung fu lessons. After all unlike your little sister you never really got to excited about violence. You always preferred to watch or just play with your phone. But you never missed dinner or your little sitcoms that came on. Plus something just felt off about your behavior today. For one you were late coming home from school, you basically blew Trixie off, and she hadn’t missed that painful look on your face. When from the hug normally Maze would just text Chloe when you acted weird. So she would know to talk to you when she got home, but her case would keep her out all night. 
“Hey y/n your half of the pizza is getting cold might wanna come get it before Trixie devours it” she yelled. Banging on your door you were cocooned in your blankets with your head buried beneath the pillows. You hadn’t come up with any good plan to put a stop to the bullying . The frustration got to you so bad that you just ended up crying. Food was the last thing on your mind right now. “I’m not hungry You yelled back although your voice was muffled.” Okay something was definitely wrong with you.
Maze opened the door and was surprised to see you were in the dark. She flipped the light switch on and let out a sigh at the sight of you all wrapped up. “Alright bigger human come out of that blanket shield and talk to me” she demanded. At first you shook your head no but then realized she probably couldn’t see that. “No just go away Maze” You yelled trying to sound irritated but your voice cracked. She would definitely think you were weak and pathetic. One thing you forgot about Maze she wasn’t going to argue with you or bargain at all. 
You let a yelp as you tumbled onto the floor from the result of Maze pulling on the blankets till they unraveled. Luckily enough the blankets also cushioned your fall so it didn’t really hurt. But your bruised ribs didn’t take the fall so lightly either causing you to let out a pained groan while gripping your side. Alright I probably should’ve been gentler Maze thought. “You ready to tell me what’s going on? How did you get hurt?” 
You get up and take a seat on the bed but refuse to look at Maze or answer her questions. Filled with too much shame to tell her the truth and know she’ll see the lie coming from a mile away. What she does next surprises you Maze sits beside you and wraps a comforting arm around your shoulder pulling you to her. “Come on whatever is it can’t be that bad I won’t tell your mom if that’s what you’re worried about” she says with a smirk. She probably thinks that you beat someone up or pulled off a prank getting yourself hurt in the process. You could run with either of those lies but that would do no good.
“I got beat up by these stupid kids in my grade today after school” you whispered secretly hoping she didn’t hear you. Maze instantly went into to protective mode jumping up and pulling out two knives. “Someone hurt you who are they and where do they live? I’ll take care of them.” 
“Maze no you can’t hurt them they’re too young you would go to jail” You tell her with your hands held up motioning for her to calm down.
To your relief Maze put the knives away but then turned her attention back to you “why didn’t you fight back and kick their ass?” You look down a the floor when you answer “because I don’t know how to defend myself, and there was like 4 of them. Maze wanted to go back on the offense she wanted to know who hurt you, so she could take care of them. But you were right it wasn’t like in Hell there were too many rules here in place. You would have to take care of this, and she was going to show you how. “Come on kung fu class in back in session she says motioning for you to follow her.
You opened your mouth to protest but Maze stopped you with one determined glance. “The only way to deal with bullies is to show them you’re no one to be messed with. I’m going to teach you how and tomorrow you’re going to put it to good use.
“But what about mom? she’ll freak out when the school calls her” You say nervously. “Like I said we don’t have to tell your mom, and don’t worry I’ll make sure the school calls me instead” Maze reassures you. Finally she drags you downstairs where Trixie has eaten your half of the pizza, and is excited to help you learn kung fu.
Maze teaches all sorts of moves ranging from mildly painful to downright deadly, but warns you not to use the deadly ones. By the time y’all are done there’s a part of you that can’t wait to go to school tomorrow. Your mom comes in at around 1 am and just as promised. Maze doesn’t tell her a thing she decides that she’ll let Chloe know after you get your revenge.
The Next Day 
Sam wastes no time in hunting down before first period can even start. She locates you at your locker leaning up against whistling a happy tune. “You’re pretty relaxed for someone who’s about to be stuffed in your locker” she says cracking her knuckles. You just smirk and roll your shoulders and take a lazy fighting stance. Her three lackeys laugh at you and all of them start walking towards you. It doesn’t take long before a crowd has appeared around you and the bullies. Oh you were definitely going to enjoy this.
An hour later 
At first Maze was beyond annoyed at whoever woke her up at this ungodly hour and was going to maim. Whoever was on the other end of the cellphone until your principal told her. She needed to come down to the school now because they couldn’t reach Chloe or Dan courtesy of her meddling. She swiped your mom’s phone last night while she was in the shower forcing her to just to just leave without it this morning. She got Lucifer who was always eager to mess with Dan to get rid of your dad’s phone. Leaving her as the only option for the school to call.
She wants to observe the damage you did when she gets to the school, but sadly all four kids are in the nurse’s offices. With bloody noses possibly broken, black eyes, busted lips, and more. You sit in the principal’s office with a proud look on your face. When Maze finally arrives with a bored look on hers “you called me” she says jerking her chin at your principal. She took a seat beside you and propped her feet up on the desk.
The principal’s eyes widened slightly at Maze’s actions she wasn’t who she expected at all. “Um yes Ms.Smith it seems y/n assaulted four of her classmates today one of them has a broken arm and one a concussion-” she pauses on her explanation. At the sight of Maze holding up her fist which you bump before crossing your arms again. “Nice job kid” Maze praises you making the principal gape.
“You do realize she is going to be suspended possibly expelled for her actions” The principal exclaimed angrily. “Really because those kids assaulted her yesterday and y’all did nothing” Maze fired back. “That doesn’t give her a right to beat them up she should’ve came to us the principal protested. Although she gulped as Maze suddenly stood up and walked around the desk to her pushing her chair to the wall. You sat up in anticipation of what was about to happen.
“And exactly what would you have done to prevent from happening today? Would you have expelled or suspended them on sight or lead some stupid investigation?” The principal just babbled incoherently trying to explain the process because without any hardcore evidence of bullying. The school definitely wouldn’t have done anything solid today to protect you. “See so y/n had to take this situation into her own hands” Maze tells her leaning in closer to the principal. Who is starting to shake a little bit in the chair out of fear.
“Hey Maze come on you don’t want want to make things worse” You tell her with a nervous chuckle. No doubt afraid of what would happen when your mom eventually found out. Maze nodded and backed away but it was too late the principal had made up her mind. “Take your godchild and leave she is EXPELLED” the terrified lady yelled.
Later on that day
Chloe stared you down while you squirmed under scrutinizing gaze all the bravo you felt earlier gone. Your mom did find out when the school finally managed to reach her through her job, and told her what happened. Chloe made it home in a record time from the police station and found you with Maze recounting the event. Of what went down when Sam and her crew tried to force you in her locker. She was engrossed with your story until she saw Chloe behind you with one eyebrow raised.
You paused your story and slowly turned around Chloe pointed to the chair beside Maze, and you sat down. Your eyes now focused on the floor “Maze you can go we’ll talk later I need a minute with y/n” you heard Maze get up and leave. You were still to nervous to gather up the courage too look at your mom. You realized how wrong you were she was more disappointed in you for getting in trouble. Than she would’ve been if you had just told her the truth and gotten her to handle it.
“Hey tiger its okay you can look at me” Chloe told you. The nickname coming from your love of wildcats. You looked to the side instead making her sigh and grip your chin gently. Chloe made you look at her to your surprise she had a softened expression on her face. Not an angry one like you thought she would.
“Did those kids really hurt you?” she asked frowning slightly. You nodded wanting to look away again but Chloe wouldn’t let you. 
“Why didn’t you come to me y/n? I would’ve taken care of it.” Chloe looked sad at the fact that you didn’t trust her enough to come to her with your problems. “I didn’t want to disappoint you. I felt like I should’ve been able to handle myself you know You explained.”
“Oh sweetheart you never have to handle things on your own. No matter what it is you can tell me and I promise I’ll help you with it.” With those words Chloe pulled you into her arms you hugged her back a few tears falling from your eyes. 
“Does this mean I’m not in trouble?” you ask hopefully. 
Chloe laughs as she pulls away for a second “no you’re grounded indefinitely and no more kung fu lessons from Maze.”
“Hey that’s not fair Decker the kid did good” Maze yells from the stairs making you laugh and Chloe frown.
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killiansprincss · 4 years
Never Forget You Ch.10
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Summary: Season 6A Canon Divergence.
Emma is happy. Finally happy with her parents, son and boyfriend. But this happiness is taken away from her when the Evil Queen curses her and turns her into a toddler.
Heartbroken and angry, Killian and Henry run away to Neverland to wait for Emma to break her curse. But when she does break it and comes looking for them 25 years later, she soon realises this Neverland is very different now it is no longer under Pans rule.
Will she be able to save Henry and Killian in time, or will this new ruler of Neverland keep them hostage forever?
Also on A03
Henry Mills was sick of Neverland. He wants to go home more than anything. So when Killian said he wanted to meet him, and then Emma somehow magically contacted him, all the pieces just fell into place.
And now Killian Jones was standing just a few feet away from Emma Swan and the entire Charming family for the first time in 25 years.
Killian takes a look at Emma and the little brother he had met a few hours ago.
Emma looks the same as she did before she was cursed. A little more polished and not a strong lost girl in her eyes anymore. But it was still his Emma. Then he looks to David and Snow, who look a lot more mature than he remembered them.
“David. Lady Snow. Dave, you look..” Killian begins.
“If you say old, I will cut off your other hand.” David cuts him off leaving a smile on Killians face.
“It’s good to see you.” He settles on saying, still in awe that they were all here.
“Uncle Neal, come upstairs with me, I wanna hear about the uncle I never got to know” Henry says sensing the tension between his mother and Killian, gesturing for his grandparents to follow to leave the two alone.
“Swan. It's really you?” Kilian asks, still scared it’s some cruel trick.
Emma nods, trying to stop herself from tearing up. “It’s me. I’m really here.”
“You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this day.” Emma thinks he’s going to come over and kiss her, or wrap his arms around her. But he doesn't.
“Killian. I missed you so much.” Emma tells him, taking a few steps closer.
Killian takes a step back. “I can’t. This. I thought it would just be Henry. I didn't expect to see you here.”
Emma understands he’s hurt and confused, but that doesn’t mean seeing him back away from her hurts her any less.
“Henry told me everything. I know about the fairies and why it’s hard to leave the island. But we can figure it out together. Like we always do.” She tells him, slowly taking a step towards him. “We took down the Snow Queen together, we defeated Pan together, and we defeated our darkness together. Hell we even went back in time and made sure my parents met each other, we did all that together! And now, I’m here and we will do whatever it takes to take down that fairy bitch and go home. Have the future we always planned.”
She takes another step towards him and takes his handed hook in hers. They were so close they could hear each other's heartbeats.
“Killian I missed you so much.” Emma tells him, wanting nothing more than to feel the taste of his lips on hers.
“Swan. My years on this blasted Island have been the worst years of my life. But I can’t go back with you. If you take the boy, you’ll stand a chance of escaping. It’s not in my fate that I return.” Killian says despite how much it hurts.
Emma just shakes her head. “No. I can’t accept that. There is no way I am leaving this Island without you. To hell with what you think about fate, I know that is not what fate has in store for us. Zeus brought you back for a reason, okay. He would not have brought you back just so you can be in the place that makes you feel like you’re the worst person in the world.”
Killian can barely look at Emma. “You wouldn’t want me anyways. After all I’ve done. I’m not the man you deserve.”
Emma wants to laugh, “Are you being serious right now? After all we’ve been through? I made you a Dark One because I didn’t want to risk the possibility of losing you. I did lose you, twice! I came down to the Underworld to save you! And then I lost you, and that broke me. I didn’t know how I was going to survive without you, but then by a literal miracle, you came back to me! And then we were slowly planning our future together. And then I was cursed. I understand how you feel, but think about how I feel. I woke up one day with two lives in my head, not like my parents; their lives were mostly based on false memories.”
Emma takes another step towards Killian who tried to walk away. “I was having visions for years. I kept seeing this tall dark haired stranger with blue eyes. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was seeing you. I saw our moments together. I saw you because you’re my soulmate Killian my true love. If you don’t want to come back to Storybrooke with me, then that’s on you. Not me.”
“I need some air.” She says as Killian doesn't respond and goes outside.
“You doing okay kiddo?”
Emma looks up to see her father coming down the ladder, plopping himself onto the ground beside her.
“Let me guess, you heard our argument?” She asks, slightly embarrassed.
David chuckles, “walls in Neverland aren’t exactly thick like in Storybrooke. You want to talk about it?”
“What was it like?” She asks, “when you woke up from your curse? When you realised you had 2 lives in your head.”  
“Well I can’t say I know what you’re going through seeing as I was in a coma for 28 years til you finally showed up.” He says causing them both to chuckle. “But I think I know where you’re coming from, I remember you telling Alex a few times that you were seeing your soulmate in your dreams, I assumed it was Hook you were seeing. It’s like when I was cursed, I knew I was married to Kathryn and we had a life together, but anytime I saw your mother I saw visions of her, of us, in the Enchanted Forest, and I didn’t know what I was seeing, but I knew it meant something, which is why I kept going after her. Though I remember you trying to stop me!”
“Hey don’t blame me! You sent me through the wardrobe, how was I supposed to know my 10 year old sons fantasies about you two being my parents was real!” Emma says laughing. This was exactly what her father did, he would make her laugh to forget about her problems. “But did you feel bad, at all? About the things you said and did when you were cursed, how did you manage it?”
“Ah so this is what it’s about. You feel guilty that you grew up loved with your brother, whilst Killian and Henry suffered.” David says stroking his daughters hair, the way he always did to calm her down in the past.
“Yeah that and also I don’t know how to deal with these two lives. It’s not like when me and Henry were in New York, those were all false memories. I was an orphan, I know I remember that, but then I also remember my life where you raised me and I was surrounded by love.” Emma was feeling so lost since waking up, and she didn’t exactly know what the plan now was.
“Well, I know that after we broke the curse, I went to Kathryn and she felt the same, guilt over something we couldn’t control. But with you, you were in control of your life with us, you made friends and bonds on your own, you need to realise that your friendship with Alex and Phillip, that is still real. But Henry and Killian are also real, they didn’t forget you. It’s been a traumatic 25 years for them, give it time and we can figure out a plan on how to defeat the fairies of this realm.”
“And what do I do about Killian?” She finally asks.
“Give him space. He knows how much he loves you, it’s clearly been hard on him. True Love never fails, always remember that.” He whispers, and Emma knows he’s right. Love always wins.
Henry was eager to get home to Storybrooke, but he was aware 25 years had passed since he was last there and wanted to know how it had changed, and if it was finally safe.
“Wait so you and my mom have matching scars because of a sword fight?” Henry asks his uncle, fascinated to know all about him.
Neal nods, “oh yeah, mom and dad were not happy. I accidentally cut her first and she started bleeding, so she begged me to let her cut me so we’d be matching and they’d be less likely to be angry.”
Henry’s smile is animated, he loved hearing stories like this. “We’re they less angry?”
Neal looks to his mother. “No. I believe you were both grounded for 2 weeks, and swords were locked up. Though I believe your grandpa, Henry gave in and gave them sword fighting lessons whilst I was at work.”
Henry smiles, he remembers when his grandpa gave him lessons, and Killian too. “Awesome! Now I’ve got a cool uncle to teach me how to sword fight too!”
“What else do you want to know? I’m enjoying getting to know the nephew I had no idea I had!” Neal asks. He was similar to Henry in the way he just accepted the fact he had a nephew and was eager to learn all there was about him.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Henry asks.
Neal does a silent chuckle, of course this is what he wanted to know. “I do. Her name is Thalia, I’ve known her since I was younger and we were rivals during High School, we hated each other, but it was after we’d graduated we realised maybe we don’t hate one another.”
“Sounds like my Mom and Killian.” Henry says looking down at them arguing. They’ll resolve whatever issue they have going on soon enough, they would never stay mad long.
“I’ll tell you about Thalia, if you tell me about Killian-he’s so cool!” Neal whispers to his nephew.
Henry grins. “Deal.
“Thalia Cameron , you’re late .” Mrs. Groves, their History of the Enchanted Forest teacher, said as she saw Thalia tried to sneak in at the back of the class.
Thalia sighs. “I’m so sorry Mrs.Groves, I was working the breakfast shift at Granny’s and I lost track of time. It won’t happen again.”
Mrs. Groves walks over to her desk and hands her back her paper. “Maybe you should be focusing on your studies instead of your work. I expected better of you.”
Thalia rolls her eyes and turns her paper over. 67 out of 100. That was her worst score in a while. She wanted to do well in this class, she loved learning about where she came from and how Storybrooke was never meant to exist-but unlike most of the other kids in this class, her father didn’t have the greatest respect for Storybrooke or the Enchanted Forest.
“Hey don’t worry about it, she’s in a bad mood today. And that quiz was so hard, I only got a 73.” Neal Nolan whispers to her.
“Thanks Charming.” She smiles back.
God dammit Neal Nolan. Son of the Charmings, son of the family her father hates most.
Thalia’s father was a knight of King George, who was in charge of finding Prince James’, David, or Prince Charming as his kingdom came to call him. Thalia's father swore his allegiance to King George, and therefore hated the shepherd in disguise. Growing up she was taught to hate his family.
She was raised by her father and never knew her mother. All she knew was that her father was married to a woman in his cursed life, and when time started to move again but their memories had not returned, her mother fell pregnant. But then the curse broke and her mother abandoned her father and went back to her real husband. Thalia was born in the Enchanted Forest and when everyone was cursed again, baby Thalia turned up on her father's doorstep and was told it was his problem.  
Thalia's father hated what this curse had given him, and so he raised Thalia but he didn’t love her. Thalia was a reminder that he was much happier cursed, at least he had someone who loved him.
That evening Thalia was working at Granny’s again, a double shift. She wanted to work so she could save enough money and move out when she graduated High School. She loved this town, despite her father, and loved its quirks and magical mishaps.
Although she groans when she sees the Charming Family on table 7, her section. She better get good tips.
“Hi guys, what can I get for you?” She asks as she approaches their booth.
She can see Neal grinning as she takes out her notepad.
“What specials do you have?”  He asks with a cocky smile.
Thalia rolls her eyes.
“Don’t be a dick Neal, she’s just trying to work.” Emma, his sister tells him, causing him to roll his eyes.
She liked Emma, she was always really nice when she served her, she was so different from her brother.
“2 cheeseburgers, 2 grilled cheese with 2 potions of onion rings and 2 portions of fries please Thalia.” David, the prince tells her. Despite what her father told her growing up, he didn’t seem all that bad.
As she’s clearing up their table, Neal lingers. “You know I can lend you my Enchanted Forest History notes if you like.”
She looks perplexed. “What’s the catch Charming?”
Neal shrugs, “no catch. Just thought you’d need them, if you’re working here a lot and you’re getting good grades again it’ll get Mrs. Groves off your back. And then we can go back to competing on who can get the highest mark.”
Thalia smiles, “thanks, that would be great. And don’t worry I’ll be sure to whoop your ass on the next quiz.”
Neal's biggest regret was not having the courage to ask Thalia to Prom. They had always been rivals, but their senior year was different, they were being nice to each other and Neal hated to admit but he thinks he has feelings for her.
He ended up going alone, Robin took Alex of course and he decided he didn’t really want to go with some random girl he didn’t know that well.
“Hey Charming, couldn’t get a date?” It was Thalia. She looked beautiful in a crimson red dress and her brown hair tied up.
“No, I had a line of girls ask me and I had to turn them down.” He replies causing Thalia to roll her eyes.
“I’m gonna regret this, but do you want to dance?” She asks, Neal is as shocked as anything. “I shouldn’t mock you, I don’t have a date either. I was holding out for this one guy but he never asked.”
Neal kicked himself for not realising until years later she meant him. “I’d love to. Just don’t step on my toes” he teased
So Thalia took her hand and laced it with Neal's as they stepped onto the dance floor. The song was slow, so she wrapped her arms around Neal’s neck as they slowly moved to the rhythm.
“Wow you’re actually pretty good at this.” Thalia comments as their bodies are pressed close together as they dance.
“Well I am a prince, it’s expected of me.” Neal teases.
“God you never let that go, do you Charming?” Thalia teases back.
Neither know what happened next, except all of a sudden their lips were on each other. It’s like they’ve been waiting for this moment all their life, maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe they’ve been avoiding their feelings for a while. But it feels right.
Thalia breaks the kiss. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
Neal, still flustered, just says, “it’s fine. I-I liked it.”
Whatever he said or did, it wasn’t right, and Thalia ran off and he didn’t see her for the rest of the night .
“Wait you’re telling me you kissed her at Prom and then you didn’t go after her? And yet you’re still together?” Henry asks after Neal had finished telling his story.
Neal laughs, “it was pretty complicated. We were kinda stubborn and wouldn’t admit that we actually liked each other. It was only when she was moving out of her father's home that I had the guts to talk to her about that night and asked her out for real.”
It was actually Neal that managed to get her out of her house. When he saw her in Granny’s and her makeup didn’t quite cover the shiner and bruised lip her father so clearly had given to her, he made her come to Emma’s house for a couple nights until they managed to find her an apartment. But Thalia’s abusive shitbag of a father was her story to tell.
“Stubbornness is a Charming family trait, you and your sister get it from your father.” Snow comments. “Let’s hope you haven’t inherited it Henry.”
“I can’t wait to hear more!” Henry smiles.
“There’s plenty where that came from, now I want to hear about my pirate brother in law!” Neal says
And so Henry launches into one of he and Hook's adventures, when they save Emma from the alternate reality.
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