#and i can't wish all this unhappiness on such a young girl
harrowscore · 1 year
finished atla and thoroughly enjoyed it... but what i'm going to do without my girl azula now?? her ending was so sad (and yet exactly what i expected)
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thereticx · 4 months
♰Summary: A cheater and a homewrecker. Will they be able to get out without any harm to their love and dignity?
♰Warnings: toxicity, slight manipulation, a lot of flashbacks, nsfw content etc.
♰Author's Note: This series has finally come to an end. I apologize for taking so long to write it but it's finally here. Enjoy your read :) (toji next?)
Geto Suguru was not by all means a decent man. He swore oaths of love and loyalty which he ended up breaking, making his wife suffer — her fears all coming true.
“I'm sorry” But was he really?
She bit the inside of her cheek, a bitter sentence settling on the tip of her tongue ‘No you're not’ His wife wanted to say but managed to keep quiet. The thought of her husband with that girl….changed her whole perspective of the man she used to share a bed for years at that point.
“You're a hypocrite , Suguru”
‘I know but I can't help it’
“All this time you reassured me that it was all in my head — all this time you were messing with her behind my back like a coward” The man only nodded his head, agreeing with her every word, thoughts of her swirling in his mind. He wished he was sorry for what he did but in all honesty Geto Suguru has never felt more relieved.
He was no longer imprisoned by a dull and unhappy marriage that lost its spark soon after the wedding. They were both young and foolish, clinging to a silly dream about highschool sweethearts growing old together.
He should've realized that life is not a fairytale and entertaining an extremely pretentious wife takes a toll on not only the body but the mind and soul as well.
He loved her once, he did — but fighting the same battle over and over again for years was something that Geto dreaded — and once you finally entered the picture his morals and everything he ever believed in disintegrated.
“I wanna grow old with you” She giggled, stretching her leg over his hip bone. Her boyfriend looked at her with so much adoration it basically radiated off him. He squeezed the flesh of her thigh and bent down to kiss her swollen reddish lips “Are you sure? You might come to regret it later” Suguru joked, letting his head fall on the soft pillow.
“There's no way I'm letting you run off to someone else” Jane said quickly, the image of her and her boyfriend at the altar flashing before her eyes.
Suguru hummed in agreement, caging Jane's body in his arms and letting the girl rest her head on his chest. The boy looked out the window, his eyes following every speeding car that drove down the darkened road due to the late hour “You better close those pretty eyes and get some sleep. You'd be tired tomorrow” Jane mumbled, cuddling further into her boyfriend’s front “And I don't want to deal with a grumpy Geto Suguru for seven hours straight”.
He simply nodded, darting his attention back to his girlfriend. She was now sleeping, her brows relaxed and her breathing steady. Looking at her, Geto kept hearing her words over and over again ‘I wanna grow old with you’ — is there really such a thing?
Could he really commit to one person for the rest of his life? Wouldn't that be boring? Why not explore every aspect and opportunities that come with being young? Settling down would steal from the endless fun he could have. His friend does it all the time — why can't he?
Is it because he loves her? Perhaps, although love seemed quite a strong word for what he felt for her. Yes, Jane was a nice girl, a smart one that intrigued him from the start but was that enough to make him fall in love?
“I'm not sure about her”
“Who?” His best friend asked, stretching his long legs over the desk.
“My girlfriend” Geto responded, his fingers tracing the design further on the piece of paper “She randomly told me she wants something on the long term —”
Gojo chuckled, readjusting his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He, by all means, didn't want to laugh — to disrespect his friend but like every outsider he saw Jane in a different light. He could see deeper into her persona more like Geto ever could — his friend was just a qualified observer, describing Jane as ‘obsessive’ and ‘extremely jealous’ (he never told Geto that tho).
“Man…I say you run now or you'll later regret it”
“Why's that? Maybe I like the idea”
“If you would've liked the idea you wouldn't have told me about it” Gojo pointed out, his blue eyes scanning his friend from behind the glasses “You've only been dating for like…what ... .three months?”
Geto bit his lip not remembering the piercing he got just a week ago. The pain was like a wake up call, swearing under his breath “Fuck”
“Look, I say you should explore other possibilities instead of going along with her stupid wish. After all…you don't want to live a life without meaning right?”
Years later, a decade after, Geto realized what he meant with that phrase. They weren't friends anymore, due to certain things happening, but nonetheless Geto still remembered.
‘Living a life without meaning’
He lived that life, he knew that life well enough to get sick of it. His subconscious worked against him, pushing him into your welcoming arms.
‘I wanted out from the start’
“What are you doing?” Geto asked her, sneaking a glance at her phone's screen.
Jane school her head and continued typing word after word “I'm just making sure that bitch would be there to properly apologize for ruining us”
The man grabbed her phone before she could press ‘send’ and put a hand on her shoulder “No. You'd be making her feel miserable” He defended you, seeing Jane visibly tense.
“Why are you defending her? She made me miserable…You made me miserable. I'm merely returning the favour” Jane raised her, pushing his hand back. She couldn't stand being touched by him now.
The woman simply could not understand why her husband was not apologetic to her? He should be kissing her feet asking for forgiveness for what he had done. It was unbelievable. How could he be so oblivious regarding her feelings? She was his wife.
“By what?! Embarrassing her in front of her parents and us?”
“Yes!” Jane yelled, getting up from her seat. She pointed a finger at his chest almost ready to tear him apart “I've warned you about her multiple times. She planned to break us off from the beginning — but no, ‘Jane, you're crazy’ — ‘It’s only in your head’. You've told me that. And I, like a fool, believed your every word. She's guilty and I want to see her suffer for it”
“I cheated on you” He said, seconds after Jane finished her sentence “Get that through your head. I wanted to cheat on you with her. Do you understand?”
His wife opened her mouth, the venom sitting impatiently on the tip of her tongue “And I'll never forgive you for it. Neither would them…her” Jane spit, a subtle smile making an appearance on the corner of her lipsa “Her parents don't know the full story — I'm sure.I'll be the one to tell them”
Geto wanted to say something in return, anything that may soften her and the rage that had built inside. He knew how wrong it was of him to rub the cheating in her face but he couldn't let her trash talk the woman he loved.
“You have no right. If anyone should tell them it's her and me”
Jane scoffed “Then do it”
“I will”
“Unfortunately I won't give you the pleasure to witness that”
Things got out of control. The two of them were in the middle of the night club, making out furiously.
Jane and Geto were obviously drunk out of their minds from the way they moved around and acted like no one could see them grinding against each other.
The music was loud and somehow added to the tension between them. Jane trailed her hand down her boyfriend's chest, tracing shapes on his sweaty skin that was exposed from underneath the dress shirt he wore.
Geto grabbed her hand and moved it further down to his leather belt while his own fingers tangled themselves into her messy strands of hair, pulling her deeper into the kiss.
From across the room, to the bar, their friends made fun of them, taking shot after shot and placing bets on the couple “Should we stop them?!” One of them shouted, trying to make herself understood by the others.
“Why?! They seem to be having fun!”
“Fucking in the middle of the club with people around ?! Go and stop them before they flash someone”
The man finished his drink and squeezed between the bodies until he reached Jane and Geto.
He put a hand on his friend’s shoulder and unintentionally yelled his ear off “Get a fucking room!”
Jane threw him the middle finger before dragging Geto away from the club. Soon, they were nowhere to be seen, leaving their friends alone.
“I saw you eyeing that girl with the butterfly top. Think I wouldn't notice?” Jane retorted, laying back on the bed.
She spread her legs and carefully discharged her underwear in a slow manner to torture her boyfriend.
Geto leaned over her body and pressed his erection to her heat “I have no idea what you're talking about. Your drunk and so am I”
Jane unbuckled his belt and threw it on the floor then she helped him get rid of his pants “I'm not that drunk. I saw you. Eyeing another girl other than your girlfriend…hmmm…not very nice”
Geto chuckled awkwardly, trying to make out whether Jane was joking or not. He had a hard time reading her especially with a clouded mind “I was only looking at you,believe me” She bit her lower lip in a seductive manner and cupped his member, slowly guiding it to her entrance “Then fuck me to prove your point”
The man hesitated for a moment — was she serious about what she said? Or was it just to mess with his head? Either way, Geto slipped inside her, thrusting up into her cunt like his life depended on it.
“You really think that I'm that stupid?! I don't care if she's your project partner. I won't have her here in our house. I'm not in the mood to see her eye fuck you” Jane argued, slamming her book down on the glass table.
It has been like this for a few weeks now. Fight after fight, nasty remarks and ridiculous accusations — for what exactly?
When she heard her name slip out of Geto's mouth she flipped. There was no way she'd stay and watch her boyfriend with another girl even if it was for a ‘project’.
“The fuck you want me to say to her? Don't come over because my girlfriend is fucking jealous over anyone I come in contact with?”
“Oh…so you think it's okay to have her as your partner? Are you okay with me back away in a corner while you have your alone time?” Geto was left speechless. Clenching his fists by his side, unsure of what he could do to calm her down.
“Text her and cancel right now” Jane demanded, crossing her arms in front of her. She sat in front of him like a statue, only her face betrayed the discomfort and rage she felt.
“I can't do that. The deadline it's in two days” He explained, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
Jane nodded her head ironically saying “Sure you can't. But you can make me feel like shit”
“Nothing’s going to happen. I swear”
“Right because you're bringing her here. Who knows what you're up to when you're alone?”
‘Maybe I can calm her down and talk her into it’
Geto placed his hands on her hips and kissed her, slipping his tongue between her lips. He was in control of the kiss and everything that came after — the sex — he controlled the pace, the positions he put her in, how many rounds they'd be going for — the only thing he wasn't in control was his own feelings.
The love and passion he once felt for Jane…it all started to dim bit by bit.
“There's really no excuse for what I did” You started the conversation. Hands clasped together, back held straight — you were in control. Yes, you were. There was nothing to worry about.
Geto Suguru sat across from you on the couch, looking desperately at you then at your parents.
‘Why would you say that?’
Your parents nodded along as you spoke, revealing almost every detail about your relationship with the older man, leaving out the parts where you confessed your love for one another “I'm aware that what I did was wrong. I should've never make Mr. Geto betray his wife like that. I'm sorry…” You turned to look at him, bits of sweat gathering at your hairline.
“Surely, Geto would have to talk to his wife first and maybe she'd stop by and have you apologize to her as well. But for the moment, I think you're done here, Y/N” Your father said, rubbing your mother's back like she was the most affected out of all of you “You've caused us a lot of stress, daughter. I thought you were mature enough especially at your age to avoid situations of this sort”
“With all due respect, Y/N is not the one to blame for this chaos” Geto interrupted. He blinked slowly, his eyes darkening for a moment. He felt terrible as soon as he walked in here. How could he not feel this way when the woman he fell for was being humiliated and put to the wall for something that takes two people for “I kissed her first and I lied to her about my wife's and I relationship”
“Keep going” Your father ordered, visibly disturbed about this new information.
The younger man did not look at him but rather at you “I took advantage of Miss Y/N and talked her into an affair with me instead of just admitting that I was simply bored with my wife. I apologize” Geto bit down on his tongue, waiting for someone to say something.
You gulped down nervously, a part of you glad that Geto had your back, the other wanting to murder him for opening his mouth in the first place.
“We've been friends for a long time, Suguru. I do not accept such disrespect from a business partner and a friend. Please leave my family alone – please leave my daughter alone”
“Y/N don't. This is not your decision to make” Your mother warned, before grabbing your hand “Come help me in the kitchen. Let them talk” She forced you off the couch and tightened her grip on your arm, pulling you away from him.
“Mother, please. Don't let dad do this. They've been partners for ages. What is Suguru gonna do from now on?”
“It's not your business. He's a grown ass man, he's gonna go back to his wife and figure everything out” Your mother pointed out, disappointed in her daughter's behavior.
You couldn't hold back the tears now. They started to drip down your face like rain, ruining your makeup and the shirt you wore “But I don't want him to go back to her. She's not good enough for him”
“And who's good enough then?!”
She grabbed your face and forced you to look at her “You?! Don't make me laugh Y/N. You're a fucking child next to him or her. This is not some fairytale. You broke up a family. Do you understand?! You ruined a marriage” Your mother yelled in your face, only adding to your disheveled self.
Everything was hurting. Everything. Your heart, your head — you just wanted to get out and never be seen again.
‘But what about him?’
“T-they were not happy, mom. He didn't love her” You tried to explain through the tears and broken voice. But instead of trying to convince her you tried to convince yourself. Jane was horrible for him and you knew it. They had to see it as well.
“And you think he loves you?” She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.
You placed your hands on hers that were still on your cheeks and continued “Y-yes…he does. And I love him too”
“Aren't those important documents?”
“Yes they are. However, you're more important” He said, pushing you back down on the counter.
Geto leaned over you, kissing and licking your exposed chest, pinching your nipples “Suguru…more” You moaned, lifting up your hips to feel his hard dick.
“Anything for my love” He whispered, ripping your skirt so he could get rid of your undergarments easier. The material was completely torn but that didn't seem to annoy you.
You parted your lips, a finger disappearing into your heat. Suguru sat back, his tongue darting out to his piercing while he watched you play with yourself.
He took off his pants and underwear leaving only the unbuttoned shirt on. He grabbed at your hair and forced your hand away from your pussy “Enough. I wanna fuck you”
Suguru slipped in without too much effort from how wet you were and started to move his hips with so much force that your eyes started to roll back “Mhhh f-fuck”
You grabbed at his upper arm, trying to match his aggressive pace. He rested his head in between your shoulder and rocked back and forth, fucking his dick deeper into your aching cunt “Fuck fuck…Y/N…you feel amazing”
He moaned loudly, his breath starting to get more and more rapid.
You whimpered, feeling yourself get close to orgasm “Please…want you deeper” You felt his dick rearrange your insides, the tip kissing your cervix over and over again.
The pleasure was too much for you to handle. Suguru, everything that came with him was simply too much to handle. His taste, his smell was all like a drug and you were its addict.
Your back was starting to hurt from the hard surface but still you could only focus on him. Suguru fucked you so hard that your body barely kept up with his fast movements. You were defenseless against him and his desires to completely break you “Shit… I can't hold back. I'm gonna cum, love” He licked your ear, one on his hands cupping your jaw.
The man locked eyes with your messy appearance, hair all over your face, lips bruised, eyes glossy — Suguru forced his tongue past your lips and kissed you messily, drool and sweat mixing together.
You felt his warm cum fill you up, walls squeezing around his dick, your own orgasm taking over.
The two of you were shaking when Suguru pulled out and took a good look at you. He rubbed your cheek, his eyes telling you whatever his mouth was too proud to admit.
You put your hands around his neck and leaned up, kissing the column of his neck. He rested his head back, giving you more access to his vulnerable body, your lips sucking dark marks lower and lower on his body.
When you finally escaped your mother you ran back into the living room, hoping that Geto would still be there.
However, the room was empty, your father nowhere to be seen as well “Where are they?”
Your mother stopped only a few meters behind you and looked out the window “Y/N, go take a shower and rest. You can interrogate your father in the morning”
Without looking at her you said “Fine”. Her stept grew more distant and when you heard stairs crack under her weight you immediately ran out.
‘I need to see him. Things can't end like this. I don't want them to’
‘the number you have dialed is unavailable’
“Fuck. Pick up” You tried again, holding the phone to your ear for minutes on end until he finally responded.
“Where are you? I wanna see you, please”
You breathed, nervously walking around without a destination in mind.
He waited a few before finally answering “I'll send you the address”
Geto ended the call and texted you the location. He wasn't sure of how your meeting was going to go down. After your mother dragged you away he was forced to endure your father's boring speech about them not being partners anymore.
Yes, he was screwed up. Being your father's partner was a huge deal to him, boosting his career but now, in one blink of an eye he lost almost everything. The only one left was you. If you'd still be willing to be with him.
After twenty minutes he heard a furious knock at the door and he rapidly went to answer.
There you were, out of breath, your face all red probably from running all the way there. He didn't even say anything and just dragged you into the motel room, closing the door behind.
“I don't know what my father told you but I'm not gonna stop being with you”
“Y/N —”
“Just listen to me -–” You insisted, playing with the ends of his long hair “I won't stop just because of them. I don't care about your wife or anyone beside you. I love you, Suguru. Please don't end this” He interlocked your hands together, kissing the top of your head. He rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb while the other hand cupped your face “You still want to be with me?” Suguru asked, giving you a slight smile “Even with that raging bitch and your parents in our lives? They won't let us be together, my love”
You cupped his face, your nose rubbing against his. You could feel his breathing fan against your cheeks “I don't care. You shouldn't either”
“He was right. I destroyed your future”
Your doe eyes seemed to speak for themselves and Suguru exhaled “You're the death of me. You know that?” He joked, kissing your forehead.
“Of course I know. And I also know that you love me too much to let me go” You bit your lip, before sliding your fingers up his tattooed arm.
Suguru hugged your smaller form and whispered into your ear “Letting you go would only make me want you more”
You only smiled, letting your boyfriend show you how much he missed you for the rest of the night.
No one could truly break the two of you up — not even the figure standing behind that damn door.
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anqelbean · 1 year
I have no idea why this fic's been on my mind for so long nor why it started in the first place since it's literally the opposite of the fics I usually read but fem!bingqiu cheating au?
Not as in one of them cheats on the other but as Shen Yuan cheating on her husband with Binghe?
Hear me out:
Modern AU, Shen Yuan has a high position at her parents' company and is extremely good at her job. She thinks she's never going to find someone she's gonna like since all the men she dated before never made her fall in love with them, so she asks her parents for an arranged marriage.
She goes through with the marriage with the first guy they introduce to her since he seems like a nice man with good intentions.
Well, they have a daughter together, and she's probably the only thing keeping her in this marriage.
The guy turns out to be a major asshole. Extremely misogynistic, extremely sexist and extremely jealous. And by jealous I don't just mean relationship-wise, I mean everything. He's jealous that Shen Yuan has a better job, that she makes more than him, he's even jealous of how much time their daughter spends with her because he feels she isn't giving him enough attention. Despite them having a two-year-old.
Then, Shen Yuan meets Luo Binghe.
Binghe is a brilliant young lady that started at their company and did her job training with Shen Jiu at first, but because they literally could not stand each other, Shen Jiu refused to continue, so Shen Yuan stepped up.
They grew close very quickly, with Binghe making her packed lunches when she realised Shen Yuan never brings anything for herself, them always eating lunch together in Shen Yuan's office, Binghe playfully calling her "Jiejie" or "Laoshi" and they eventually talk a lot about their personal lives.
Shen Yuan admits she isn't at all in love with her husband and that she wishes she hadn't married him, but since they have a daughter together, she feels compelled to stay for her. Binghe tells her that staying with someone that makes her unhappy will be way worse for her kid than leaving and that her jiejie deserves someone who will treat her like a queen!
This makes Shen Yuan's heart flutter because Binghe is such a good little sister and Shen Yuan is just so fond of her! Nothing else. (Lies)
When Bring Your Daughter To Work Day rolls around, Shen Yuan brings her little munchkin and the little girl is immediately enamoured with her Luo-Jiejie.
She had brought her some homemade sweets and happily chatted with her and even gave her a ride on her back.
(Shen Yuan's daughter is not the only one enamoured with her at that moment.)
Eventually, Shen Yuan needs to leave her office for a meeting so she leaves Binghe with the little girl. The two of them talk a bunch while Binghe does her paperwork and eventually, the conversation goes like this:
"You love your mommy quite a lot, don't you? She's all you talk about!" Luo Binghe gives her a head pat.
"Mmh!! Mommy's the best!"
"You wanna hear a secret?" Luo Binghe whispered to her.
The girl nodded and smiled.
Luo Binghe leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I love your mommy too."
The little girl gasps and then starts giggling.
"But that's gotta be our little secret! You can't tell anyone!" She laughed and ruffled the girl's hair.
"What little secret?" Shen Yuan stuck her head through her office door.
"Nothing!" Binghe leaned back in her chair and stretched. The little girl giggled again, then mimed zipping her mouth and throwing the key.
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Could you write something with Pedri? 🥺 Pedri and the reader had a relationship in the past, but counts on Pedri's mistakes they ended up separating. One night they meet in a nightclub and Pedri is jealous of her with another. So he tries reconcillation
WC: 2.0k
Pedri's POV
Breakups are never fun and most of the time they hurt but usually after a while you move on and find someone new or at least normal people do. However nearly two years on and I still haven't got over y/n. The worst part about it all is that I broke up with her so my pain is all my own fault. The two of us began dating not long after I moved to Barcelona and for a few months things were great we did everything together and I was truly falling for her. At some point things changed and we started fighting a lot about stupid things really but the fights were so constant that after a while it was clear neither of us were happy so I ended things. We were both so young that staying in an unhappy relationship didn't seem worth it but now I wish we just worked through things and grew together. 
Right after the break up I missed her a lot as she was always by my side supporting me and although over the last two years this has faded sometimes I still wish she was by my side during the big moments. Going to the World Cup all I could think about was how I wished she was there to experience it all with me as we had talked about me one day hopefully making it to a World Cup while we were together. So many little things still hurt me more than I ever thought they would even all this time later. My biggest regret up to this point is definitely letting her go as she was my world and now without her I don't feel whole. 
Occasionally I still look at her Instagram as we still follow each other but with the amount of people I follow it's hard to see her pictures on my feed. Over the years she has had a few different boyfriends while I haven't been with anyone else since as no one could ever compare to her. Seeing her with other guys isn't what hurts the most though it's seeing her so happy without me that kills me every time I look at her Instagram. She always seems to be having fun with her friends and smiling, genuinely smiling too which is something I took for granted during our time together. It's torture watching her enjoy her life without me but I can't stop myself as I have to know how she is and what's she's doing even though she isn't mine anymore. 
My friends are always trying to set me up with other girls which has never worked out but they keep pushing and I already know that tonight will end up the same. Like always we will go out and they will find a girl who they think would be good for me and inevitably I won’t like her and we will go round in circles. Despite that I'm still going to go with them as we are supposed to be celebrating the end of the season and I don't want to miss out on that.
On the way to the club I picked up Gavi and as we arrived a few of the other guys arrived at the same time so we all walked in together and met with everyone else who was going. We all sat down and tried to talk for a while and I actually started to enjoy myself as I was just left alone and not forced to talk to anyone even though there was a lot of pretty girls in the club. At some point a few of the guys disappeared to go get drinks or go and talk with a group of girls but I stayed put and enjoyed my own evening celebrating with the guys that already have girlfriends. For once I was actually enjoying a night out as my mind wasn't always thinking about y/n and the stupid mistakes I made which led to me losing the girl of my dreams forever. 
My nice enjoyable night out didn't last much longer as it was ruined by Gavi coming back over laughing and getting me to look at some of the guys who were attempting to flirt with a group of girls. He clearly wasn't interested in any of them but Ansu, Balde, Ferran and Eric clearly were as even from a distance it was obvious they were trying to get these girls attention. I must admit it was funny to see them so desperate for these girl's attention even though on a normal day a few girls will willingly give them their numbers. It quickly turned to not being so funny anymore when I caught a glimpse of the girl Alejandro was flirting with. Straight away she looked familiar and then I saw that smile, a smile I could identify from a mile away. He was flirting with y/n and of course he didn't know that as I try not to bring her up too much as it hurts to talk about my mistakes but it hurts even more seeing someone else flirt with her right in front of my eyes especially one of my teammates. 
"Are you ok man?" Gavi asked 
"Umm yeah I'm good" I lied 
"Ok I know that's not true somethings bothering you just tell me what's up" he said 
"Ale's flirting with y/n" I stated simply 
"Who's that?" He asked 
"She's the girl I've mentioned that I dated when I was younger we broke up but I've regretted it ever since, she's the reason you guys can never get me to go on a date with another girl" I explained 
"Oh if I'd have known I would've stopped him flirting with her" he said 
"It's ok it was a few years ago I should really move on" I said 
"No if you still love her you should try and talk to her you never know she could still have feelings for you come on you are getting your girl back" he demanded 
Your POV
Usually on girls nights I will let loose a bit more and forget about everything going in in my life but tonight that's been harder than it usually is. For the last few days all I've seen is my ex boyfriends face plastered everywhere because his team just won la liga. For some this might be a bit annoying but they would get over it for me it's just painful. We didn't have the best end to our relationship as we just kind of gave up on each other after we went through a rough patch with fighting all the time and that's when Pedri ended things. To this day I still wish we had just been less stubborn and actually talked to each other so we could work through our issues but it's too late now. Seeing Pedri's face everywhere living his best life is what's been difficult this last week as my life has been tough. I just started a new and very stressful job and recently lost a family member and all I want to do is share my worries with Pedri like I always did when we were together. 
In an attempt to cheer myself up I've found myself letting this guy flirt with me and maybe flirting back a little. I mean I've had a few boyfriends since Pedri and I broke up but none of those relationships lasted very long as the guys either cheated on me or I got over them pretty quickly. This guy however seemed pretty nice he looked a little familiar but with the lighting in the club coupled with having drunk a bit I couldn't work out where I knew him from. As he was nice enough I didn't worry about where I knew him from as let's be honest after tonight I'm not going to see him again so why not have a bit of fun. The guy quickly told me his name was Alejandro and asked if he could buy me a drink which I couldn't say no to so we went to the bar together to get some drinks and kept chatting. I must say Alejandro was very charming but I'm not stupid I know what he really wants but for tonight I'm willing to play along as it's a bit of fun and I need more of that in my life. 
I was enjoying myself as Alejandro put a hand on my waist and pulled me a bit closer until it gave me a view over his shoulder. Straight away I locked eyes with Pedri who was coming towards me from across the room and I just panicked. I pulled away from Alejandro instantly and tried to get away not wanting to face reality but a hand grabbed mine to stop me getting too far. I didn't even need to look to know that it was Pedri's hand in mine as our hands fit together so perfectly just like they used to when we were together. As he pulled me back towards him I could smell his cologne which brought me right back to the date nights we used to have together when we would get dressed up even if it was just to go to McDonald's as we didn't have a care in the world. He continued to pull me away from the crowd as we headed towards the door and out the back of the club where there was no one else was around. 
"As much as it's nice to see you again I have to know why do we have to talk out here?" I questioned lightheartedly 
"Because I want to have a proper conversation" he said 
"So um how have you been?" He asked 
"I won't lie I could be better life's tough at the moment but I'm getting through it what about you you must be thrilled to have won the league" I said 
"Yeah it was cool but I'm going to be completely honest I kind of wish you were there to celebrate it with me" he admitted 
For a few seconds I couldn't believe what he just said. He missed me too. This whole time if we'd have just talked to each other the endless pain could've been prevented. My head was spinning with so many thoughts but I knew I needed to say something before Pedri got worried. 
"Do you miss me" was all I managed to say 
"Yeah I do I miss you constantly I always wish that we never broke up you were the one for me and I ruined it" he said 
"I miss you too nothing has been the same without you" I admitted 
"I don't want to take things too quickly and ruin them again but would you like to give things another go this time we will communicate better and work through any problems I just can't go on in life without you" Pedri said 
"I'd love to try this again with a clean slate" I said 
Both of us were beaming as we walked back into the club hand in hand. We both said goodbye to our friends before heading out of the club so that Pedri could drive me home. Neither of us needed to be out any more as we already got more than we could have ever wished for when leaving the house this evening. When we arrived back at my place together instinctively our lips found each other and we shared our first kiss in nearly two years but it was just as magical as our first if not even better as we are no longer awkward teenagers. As we want to take things slowly and do them right this time we didn't go any further but as he left Pedri promised me a second first date which only made me more excited for what's to come from our reunion. 
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reunionatdawn · 8 months
My Analysis of the Best Paired Endings in 3H (Part 1: Edelgard/Byleth)
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Edelgard: I'm simply having trouble putting this feeling into words. I just felt…I don't know. As if something was drawing me to the Ashen Demon. I wonder… Could it be the influence of my Crest?
The story of 3H pushes Byleth with the lord of each route so hard that it almost felt pointless to add the self-insert dating-sim elements with the other students. In Persona 5, you could date whatever girl you wanted with no effect on the main story. But in 3H, it felt more like Final Fantasy X where there the love story was the main story.
This pairing absolutely felt "canon", at least in CF. As both of them bore the Crest of Flames, I strongly suspect that their relationship was meant to represent the concept of "twin flames". A twin flame is a deep soul connection between two people. They are actually thought to be twin souls inhabiting two bodies. Twin flames seem to mirror one another, have shared similar life paths, history, and sometimes trauma. They are naturally drawn to each other. This description certainly applied to Byleth.
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Byleth: Who was your first true love? Edelgard: Hmm. For some reason, I feel compelled to tell you all of these things I have kept hidden. I can't say the name, but it was a noble who I met in the Kingdom, a lifetime ago.
But interestingly, it could apply to Dimitri as well. It is said that one twin flame is supposed to represent the divine masculine half of the soul and the other the divine feminine half. When the masculine and feminine energies of the twins harmonize, the two souls merge and become one.
The "divine feminine" principle is more about charting inner emotional space, while the "divine masculine" principle represents conquering the outer physical world. The characteristics of the divine masculine are logic, rationality, discipline, and assertiveness. The divine feminine is associated with goddess energy. Some of its attributes are intuition, nurturing, loving, and supporting their counterpart.
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Edelgard: Professor... You've been crying. So even you cry sometimes. Oh... I suppose that was thoughtless of me to say. Byleth: Yes, it was. Edelgard: Long ago, someone said the same thing to me.
Traditionally, the moon represents divine feminine energy (yin) as opposed to the sun which represents divine masculine energy (yang). Edelgard is cool and collected. She is the active force of the story who wishes to bring about the new dawn. Dimitri is emotional. He is the reactive force whose storyline is symbolized by the moon. You'd expect Edelgard to be a natural yang personality and Dimitri a yin.
But Edelgard was born on the summer solstice as opposed to Dimitri being born on the winter solstice. Edelgard is a Cancer, which is a water sign ruled by the moon. Astrologically, Cancers are associated with yin energy. They are said to have a hard outer shell like a crab but are very soft underneath. Often called the mother of the zodiac, they are known for their deeply emotional and nurturing nature. They form strong attachments to their loved ones and often have a hard time letting go. It is implied that "El" cried when she learned that she'd have to leave the Kingdom. Dimitri was surprised seeing this reaction from her, but it likely influenced his choice of parting gift: a dagger symbolizing the philosophy of the patriarchal Faerghus.
I found it interesting how much Edelgard was displeased by Dimitri's gift. Even at the academy, she prefers if Byleth giver her more traditionally feminine gifts like flowers, a book, or a bear stuffy and she will be unhappy if she is given a weapon. Using a dagger to cut a path has very violent implications, although Dimitri was too young to realize that at the time. He had grown up around blades his whole life and only viewed them as tools of destiny. He wanted to reassure her that they had a future together, as long as she never lost heart. It was meant as a symbol of inner strength, nothing more.
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Edelgard: Heh, so you consider me strong, do you? Even if one clings to their faith, the goddess will never answer them. Countless souls will be lost that way. Living without purpose. And I can be counted among those who have died that way as well. But that's why I must change this world, on behalf of the silent and weak! Dimitri: And do you intend to become a goddess yourself? Will you steal the power to take action from the broken-hearted masses you claim to defend?
Cancer's greatest fear is abandonment which can cause them to be clingy. It is implied that El "died" after praying and not receiving any hand reaching out to help her. During her imprisonment, she felt totally alone and forsaken by the goddess. That's when she began to see faith as a sign of inner weakness.
Edelgard was reborn bearing the Crest of Flames. She no longer shed tears and looked to the dagger for strength. Dimitri accused her of trying to supplant the goddess. And while that may not literally be true, perhaps it was true in a figurative sense. CF is about standing firm in your principles and cutting your own path no matter who stands in your way, even the goddess herself.
Dorothea: Is there someone you have your eye on? Edelgard: (Normal): To be honest, there's nothing resembling romance in my life at present. (Has reached Support Rank A with a male): A certain face comes to mind at the thought...though I'm not sure you could call what we have a romance just yet. It's not that I'm disinterested. I'm simply too busy with other endeavors. I have no time to spare for such things.
Ideologically, CF represents the most traditionally masculine path for Byleth to take. Edelgard is drawn to them regardless of gender, what route you choose, and even in Hopes. But she is drawn to their stoic masculine energy and even seemed somewhat disappointed that they were crying after Jeralt's death. Women can certainly embody divine masculine energy and vice versa. Twin flames are not based on biological sex. Overall, the fandom understandably prefers Edeleth with female Byleth for the less stereotypical aspects.
But I found it interesting that even though this very Support conversation implies that Edelgard is bisexual, the dialogue only changes (I tested this myself) if she has A-Support with a male. Edelgard has paired endings with a few other male characters, but not a single one of them has the level of emotional intimacy she has with Byleth. They read like political marriages, while Edelgard truly wanted a passionate romance.
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Shez asks about memories of the past. Edelgard: Have I told you about the boy who gave me the dagger? I called him "Dee," which is all I really remember about him.
The tagline for FE3H was, "Sweet memories twisted by time's cruel hand". Dimitri said the day he gifted her the dagger was a sweet memory with a bitter ending. It's unclear why she couldn't recall that Dimitri was her first love. Perhaps when she realized her "fated path" would force her to go to war with someone so special to her, the pain caused her psyche to block out the memories of him and his identity. Who knows.
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Edelgard: There was nothing I could do to save him. And so, the very least I could do was— Byleth: Are you crying? Edelgard: No. The Edelgard who shed tears died many years ago. Everything that's happened...it's all just part of the ebb and flow of history.
After Dimitri cursed "El" at the Tailtean Plains, she may have finally realized he was "Dee". In their A-Support, Edelgard admitted that she was actually relieved that Byleth could feel some human emotions like jealousy, but she tells them that they are both "detached" (actually "inhuman" in the JP version). Because of this, Byleth was someone she could relate to. And she does come across as rather inhuman at times. She finally does cry when she thinks Byleth dies, indicating her old self had come back to life in some way. But she was unable to cry when she killed anyone else. Even her old flame.
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Edelgard: You called me El. That's... I... That means more than I can say. And this ring... It's lovely. Thank you, my dearest friend. I will happily accept it. I must admit, I feared my feelings would be unrequited. So long as I had you by my side, it never mattered how many enemies I amassed. You were all I needed.
Byleth's Crest and Edelgard's second Crest is the Crest of Flames, which is associated with The World arcana in Tarot. The World represents a successful conclusion after all aspects have been accounted for. Things have come full circle. A journey has been completed. Edelgard believed that the one leading the people of the world should be someone with humanity rather than an inhuman creature like Rhea. But there are two meanings for the word "humanity". One is "the human species" which is obviously what Edelgard meant. But the other meaning is "benevolence".
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Byleth & Edelgard Byleth and Edelgard ended the tyranny of a godlike being. Byleth was wounded and lost the power of the progenitor god, but it mattered not, as he/she and Edelgard had each other. To ensure lasting peace, the two fought against those who slither in the dark, and to ensure a society where people can rise and fall by their own merits, they spent their lives reforming the antiquated class system. They achieved much in their time together, and it is said that they were sometimes spotted leaving the palace to privately enjoy the world they had created. How they spent those precious moments, none but the two of them will ever know.
Byleth cuts down Rhea with the sword made from the remains of her dead mother. Upon doing so, they lose the power of the progenitor god. The Crest Stone in their heart is destroyed. Their soul was once merged with the goddess Sothis, but symbolically Edelgard now fills that spot as their twin flame. Byleth's heartbeat returns, and their color goes back to normal.
But their hair color was actually the origin of the nickname "Ashen Demon". So, it leaves you to wonder: Did Byleth truly maintain their humanity until the end? I'm not so sure, but I still really enjoyed how the traditionally masculine aspects of Edelgard's conquest contrasted with the little glimpses of her feminine side that only Byleth could bring out. It is certainly unique romance among JRPGs and one that I won't ever forget.
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notmorbid · 1 year
the guest.
dialogue prompts from the guest: a novel by emma cline.
you've always been good at seeing things clearly.
compared to the city, this is heaven.
what are people seeing in my aura?
i have no memory of it, but it's possible.
things i touch start to seem doomed.
it's always best not to know too much.
we had fun, didn't we?
you're nice, in your demented way.
a date? an actual date?
this is real, you and me. or it could be.
isn't it better to give people what they want?
you aren't close with your family?
i'm no longer vulnerable to your opinion.
do you need anything, before i head out?
this is a convincing substitute for a life.
no problem is unsolvable.
who could be threatened by a girl scout?
people just want to hear their own voices.
certain places make you feel like all problems have solutions.
what would it take to get you to break character?
i don't really think it's that kind of party.
am i misreading the vibe?
there are many ways to keep knowledge for yourself.
i should've put on real clothes. shoes, at least.
do you have something you want to tell me?
we were friends, weren't we?
i think we've met, maybe, right?
my life before seems a million miles away.
everyone here has known me too long.
do you want a beer?
i'm a vegetarian, mostly.
it would make sense if none of this were real.
whenever i'm scared, i just make myself believe it's all a movie.
i actually like cooking. it relaxes me.
i'd rather sit in here with you.
you don't seem old enough to have a kid.
you can kick me out whenever you need to, really.
come sit with me. please. i'm lonely.
i can make literally anything you want. i went to bartending school.
who would want to fuck ____?
what do we think? good or bad?
i did something that can't be undone.
just get out, okay?
do you think it's not obvious, what your deal is?
sugar doesn't grow your bones.
sorry, i'm visiting. i don't know the rules.
i'm not even a grownup.
i have you. you're okay.
wait. are you feeling sorry for me?
i didn't feel well. i left early.
i'll bet you were one of those kids who never seemed young.
you're, like, really pretty.
people's unhappiness can infect you.
what's your accent?
i kind of wondered if i'd see you.
you don't actually care. you care about seeming like you care.
it's easy to be nice to you.
good to see you out and about.
where'd you go? i missed you.
is there some place quieter?
what bad things could ever befall you?
when you cover something up, it makes people look harder.
i'm gonna kiss you. yeah?
how come you don't tell me anything?
i wish we could just stay here and never go home.
most people never feel how they're supposed to feel.
i'm tired of you keeping tabs on me, acting like i'm a kid.
it looks worse than it actually is.
where are you? how come i'm all alone?
you can't just make this disappear.
it sounded true when i was saying it.
all is good. all is well. lovely, even.
you'll forget it all, with a little effort.
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chainslobber · 2 months
I’m sorry this might not be a good place to vent.
I just hate living with my family sometimes, I feel like nobody cares because all I hear from them are “there are people with bigger problems than you” or “you’re so sensitive” or “even blank can do better than you.”
I want to cry but I can’t, I really want to tell them how I feel but I know they don’t care they’ll always play it off as a joke and saying I’m overreacting.
Worst of all are my brothers whom I feel I’ve made a mistaken in telling them I was question my identity and told them I don’t want to hear the labels, “girl” “lady” “woman” directed at me. When I’m with them I tell them to label me with they/them.
however they’ve been doing nothing but ganging on me, berating every little thing I do. I’ve asked them “why are you doing this to me?” My youngest brother who is only 10 said “it’s because we’re boys and you’re a girl.” Maybe I can forgive that being 10 is considered quite young right? But worst is my brother who I can’t excuse who’s 16 AGREED WITH HIM.
I can’t take it anymore
Hello, OP, feel free to vent!
As a fellow nonbinary who's AFAB in a household of men, I understand how annoying and frustrating it can be. When I moved back home, my dad just gave me a big old grin and went 'finally, a woman's back in the house, it's gonna be so clean now!" Even now, almost three years later, my dad is convinced it's a woman's duty to keep the house clean, and if ANYTHING needs to be done, he'll only ask me--not my brother or my husband or even offer to do it himself. That's all I'm meant to do.
My own brother looked at my asexual flag once and went 'you got raped so you can't be asexual, right? How're you ever going to make a man happy if you don't want sex?" And my father can't fathom why I don't shave my legs because 'it's disgusting for a woman to be hairy."
I'm 32 and I wish I could say it gets better, OP, but it doesn't. Some people just really don't give a shit about you, even your own flesh and blood, but there are people who DO care. Make your own family and friends, and whenever you get the chance to move out, MOVE. Don't fucking look back. I've had to move back home a few times because I'm a failure and every time I convince myself 'it's been a few years, it'll be different this time' and then have my dad call me a cripple or the hard R slur because I messed something up.
You're always welcome to vent here because I know how frustrating it can be to want to be yourself and comfortable in your own skin and your own flesh and blood considering you to be lesser. You're not. If you're questioning your pronouns, question them! If you're AFAB but feel happier as a tomboy or boyish or NB, then that's okay! Life's WEIRD and it's too short to be unhappy. You'll never convince your family of your identity because they don't care about you--they've made that pretty obvious.
But other people want you to be safe and happy. Follow those people, follow those good feelings--you deserve happiness in any capacity.
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lavellenchanted · 8 months
Hi! How about 💛 for nedcy?
💛 Reunion Kiss
It's not often that Nancy is one waiting to surprise Ned at the airport, rather than the other way around. It's not often she gets the chance to do anything to surprise him these days, really; her schedule's so hectic with all her cases that what time they have to spend together is subject to almost military-level planning.
So she can't help but feel a little excited as she waits for him to appear through the gate. She can already picture his reaction - his eyes widening in surprise, and then that big, bright grin that lights up his whole face and makes her heart flip over in her chest coming out.
At least, she hopes that's how he'll react. But there is a small, anxious part of her that worries he might forget to smile, that he might just be surprised, more than he should be, because he'd never expect her to be here.
(Nancy's a lot of things, but she's not completely un-self-aware, and she knows there have been times she'd be hard-pressed to win even the world's okayest girlfriend award, let alone the greatest.)
There's a buzz of voices from up ahead, and then a steady stream of people starts emerging from the gate, bags in hand, some waving and hugging whoever's waiting for them and others heading straight outside to get a cab.
Nancy rises up on to the tips of her toes - but in the end she doesn't need to. Ned's a good bit taller than most of the people in the crowd, but even if he wasn't the small cohort of young men all wearing Emerson sweaters and varsity jackets are hard to miss. As are the young women they're laughing with.
It's the strangest mix of sensations, feeling her heart leap at the sight of Ned's familiar curly brown hair and broad shoulders at the same time as her stomach knots with a sudden burst of unexpected jealousy.
She's being ridiculous, she knows that. Even if he were unhappy, Ned would never cheat on her. He's just not that guy. But still, she wonders if he doesn't look at the girls he's at college with and wish he was dating one of them instead of her. They'd be easier. They'd always be available. And they'd never stand him up.
She watches as he chuckles at someone's joke, and then he turns and his eyes meet hers.
"Hey there, Nickerson."
Quickly she finds a smile, and holds up the silly little cardboard sign she made, with NICKERSON written in block capitals and a heart drawn after it.
Just as she expected, he stares in surprise, practically doing a double take. Her heart starts beating faster, and she's not sure if it's in fear or anticipation --
-- but then he smiles, the smile she's been waiting days to see, dimples flashing in his cheeks and his face shining. And more than smiling, he starts running towards her.
Nancy holds out her arms, heart soaring, and Ned sweeps her up in his, spinning her round and saying delightedly, "Nancy! I can't believe you're here."
She holds him tightly, breathing in the smell of his cologne. It's ridiculous that he smells so good even after hours on a plane. Only Ned could manage it, she's sure. "I thought I'd surprise you."
"I'm glad you did." He sets her back on her feet but keeps his arms around her, bending down to kiss her. "I missed you."
The moment his lips meet hers, all her anxieties melt away and everything is right with the world. He pulls her in close, the kiss soft but deep, his mouth moving slowly against hers, like he wants to savour the moment. And Nancy can feel him smiling all the way through it. It's a kiss that echoes what he's just said - how delighted he is to see her, how much he's missed her - and sends a glow of warmth radiating through Nancy's whole body.
"I missed you, too," she tells him.
"What -" Ned starts, but he's cut off by wolf whistling and laughter, and they both turn to see his friends from Emerson have joined them with Ned's bag in tow.
"I take it you won't need a ride home after all, Nickerson?" one says, raising a knowing eyebrow.
Ned just grins. "Nah, I think I'm good. This is my girlfriend, Nancy."
He says it so proudly, like he's eager for them all to know, and it makes Nancy's heart swell in her chest.
"Yeah, we figured," one of the other guys - Nancy recognises him from her visits to Emerson but can't remember his name. "We'll see you back at school, then."
"Thanks, man, it was a great trip. See you all next week."
They say their goodbyes and head out, leaving Ned and Nancy alone. Ned takes Nancy's hand with one of his, lacing their fingers together, and with the other picks up his bag and slings it across his shoulder.
"So how is it you're here?" He asks as they head outside to where Nancy's Mustang is parked. "You said you didn't think you'd finish your case for another few days."
"I didn't, but I caught a lucky break and wrapped it up sooner than I expected," she explains. "I got back the day before yesterday."
"I would have come back sooner if I'd known."
She loves him for saying that. "No, I'm glad you had a good time with your friends."
"So when do you head back out? Two days is more than enough for you find a new case."
"Well, I did get a call yesterday . . ." Ned just nods, but Nancy can see his shoulders slump a little and has to fight to keep the smile off her face as she continues, ". . . and I told them I could fly out next week, which they said was fine."
He stops, blinks, and then repeats. "Next week?"
"Yep. So I'm all yours until then."
It take a moment for that to register, and then his expression softens and his lips curl into a small smile and Nancy knows he's understood. Next week is when Ned's due back at school, so she's putting off the case for a few days so they can spend some time together. This time, she's making him a priority.
He leans down and brushes another tender kiss against her lips.
"Sounds great. And I think we should start with you and me, under a blanket . . ." A flush creeps over her face and he grins. ". . . with a giant pizza, and whatever's on Netflix."
"Perfect," Nancy laughs, feeling completely happy and at ease, without a single twinge of anxiety.
Because if she knows once incontrovertible truth, it's this: that Ned Nickerson loves her, no matter what. Just as she loves him.
kiss prompts
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
when ethel cain said "i always knew that in the end, no one was coming to save me, so i just prayed and i keep praying and praying" & "god loves you but not enough to save you" & "so, baby girl, good luck taking care of yourself" & "god doesn't love you, not like i do" & "you and me against the world [...] we had nothing but each other, you were my whole world" & "your mama calls me sometimes to see if i'm doing well and i'd lie to her and say that i'm doing fine when, really, i'd kill myself to hold you one more time, and it hurts to miss you but it's worse to know that i'm the reason you won't come home" & "you know, i still wait at the edge of town, praying straight to god that maybe you'll come back around, i cry everyday and the bottles make it worse 'cause you were the only one i was never scared to tell i hurt [...] and you might never come back home, and i may never sleep at night, but god, i hope you're doing fine out there, i just pray that you're alright, and i feel so alone, and i feel so alone out here [...] and i feel so alone without you, i'm so alone" & "i'd hold the gun if you asked me to, but if you love me like you say you do, would you ask me to?" & "i tried to be good, am i no good, am i no good, am i no good?" & "i just wanted to be yours, can i be yours, can i be yours, can i be yours?" & "but in these motel rooms, i started to see you differently, 'cause for the first time since i was a child, i could see a man who wasn't angry" & "i thought good guys get to be happy, i'm not happy, i am poison in the water and unhappy" & then "preacher's saying god will save me, if god is real, he's a fucking bitch" & "i didn't ask to be this crazy but since we're here, i'll give them a show" & "if you try to hurt me, i won't stop you, but there's something you should know, it's that my daddy's fucking crazy and always ready to blow" & "the first boy i ever loved was a brother i never had, i thought, with him, maybe i'd make it, maybe it'd be half as bad, spent my night under the covers just wishing he was there, draw his portrait in my diary just to hold when i got scared, now i'm fucked up and i'm nasty, but they say i make it look good" & "what's gonna scare me when i've seen it all? [...] if i can't live, can i just fucking die?" & "am i not good enough for you? is there something wrong with me? baby, don't you lie to me, am i just not what you want? am i just not what you need? is there someone in your heart that keeps you gone away from me? is she prettier than me? is her skin softer than mine? can she give you what i can't? the thing i cry for every night?" & "i think about you everyday, 'cause i love you more than i thought i could [...] 'cause i don't hate you like i know i should, was i not good enough for you? was there something wrong with me? i just cry by myself at night but you'll never know and you'll never see" & "sometimes you make me wanna put my fucking head through the wall, sometimes i wonder if i ever even knew you at all" & "and we've been cursed since the start, jesus didn't want us [...] and fuck the cops and fuck god and fuck this town for ruining us" & "in the corner, on my birthday, you watched me dancing right there in the grass, i was too young to know that some types of love could be bad" & "you poor thing, sweet mourning lamb, there's nothing you can do, it's already been done" & "bless the children, each and every one come to know their god through some senseless act of violence" & "stop, stop, stop, make it stop, stop, make it stop, make it stop, i've had enough" & "i am the face of love's rage" & "and i spend my life watching it go by from the sidelines, and, god, i've tried, but i think it's about time i put up a fight" & "i forgive it all as it comes back to me" & "dancing with the windows open, i can't let go when something's broken, it's all i know, and it's all i want now" i& just. okayokayokayokay okay yeah alright hahahaha lmaoooo im& totally fine i& just
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novinare · 11 months
// I've been working on an Egon Spengler rp bot (one of several I've been picking away at during the move to relax!) and what it's decided to do with his mother! It took some very vague notes and apparently decided to run with them! It's priceless, so I had to share some Ruth Spengler highlights! 😂
Egon shot her a look before turning back to his mother. "Nothing's wrong, Ma," he assured her. "I'm just... busy with work." His mother harrumphed audibly on the other end of the line. "Work, schmerk," she retorted. "You need to find yourself a nice young lady and settle down, Egon. You're getting on in years." Egon winced, rubbing his forehead with one hand. "Ma, please," he begged. "Don't start that again. I've told you, my love life isn't a priority right now." .
Egon tried to focus on his mother's concerns. "Ma, relax," he said calmly. "Everything's fine here. We've just finished dealing with another case and we're catching our breath before the next one comes in." His mother sighed heavily into the phone. "Oh, I wish you'd consider coming home for a visit," she said. "Your brother and I miss you so much." Egon rubbed his temples, hoping to ease the sudden headache that was forming behind his eyes. "I really appreciate that, Ma," he said sincerely. "But my work here is important. I'm helping people, remember?" "Yes, yes, I know," Ruth conceded. "But isn't there someone special in your life? Someone who loves you enough to put up with your... eccentricities?" .
"Ma, really, I'm fine," he insisted. "Why wouldn't I be?" His mother sighed heavily on the other end of the line. "Your father and I raised you better than that, young man," she scolded. "When you were growing up, you always had such a positive attitude. Now all I seem to hear about are these 'ghosts' and 'monsters' you keep running into." "They're called entities, Mother," Egon corrected her gently. "And yes, they exist. That doesn't mean I'm unhappy or anything like that." "Entity, spirit, poltergeist, ghost..." Ruth shook her head disapprovingly. "They're all the same to me. Why can't you find yourself a nice Jewish girl and settle down?"
0 notes
chrysanthemumpink · 1 year
Idk, I just feel like he's not moving forward. And when we used to argue, id wonder if we could just get through it with love or whatever. But now, I don't know if there's even enough to get through. It feels like I'm slowly out growing him. Which is way worse than falling out of love with him.
Like we had this conversation about a "million dollar home." And maybe he thought we were just joking and maybe we were. But after some superficial google researchers, if we both made 6 figures, it would be possible. Nothing too crazy. I make 100,000k and he does too, we can have/own this thing. Between the two of us, there's literally 7 professional degrees. It's hard, really hard, but not impossible.
But he's barely done anything. To be perfectly honest, he hasn't grown much since the first day we met. That was 6 years ago. And I'm not saying, I've done a lot. But I'm not at square one anymore. Ever since that conversation, I've been working towards a relatively stable future.
And he's not lazy. He's really not. He doesn't do anything that makes him unhappy or uncomfortable. He prioritizes what makes him happy in the moment, never long term. And it's almost like he's incapable of invisioning something and actually working towards it.
I don't bring it up because that's the exact thing he's very very self conscious about. Like he says he hates Instagram because it makes him very jealous and resentful. He feels like he hasn't accomplished anything. He's 35.
And I think he does genuinely want more for himself. But won't do anything that will make him grow bc he keeps landing in things that keep him comfortable in one place. I've watched him turn down jobs and not seek opportunities because he doesn't like them. But he doesn't even try. He might like it if he did
Off topic, but there were times, maybe a year ago when there'd just be messages and pictures from girls. But these girls were like 21-25. Just reflecting on things, I guess, but I know 35 year old women his age would never give him the time of day. Heck, I'm 27. And I'm getting to my wits end.
And I have tried. I have tried to make him interrogate why he's willing to even entertain girls that young. Like the fact that you can have conversations with these people in their early 20s is a huge problem.
Then theres other times when he says he keeps me around because it's getting harder and harder to find a woman with no kids.
I don't know what I'm saying anymore. But he took this job overseas, without telling anyone. And yes, it's an amazing opportunity and yes it's fun to travel. But it's not an excuse to do yet another thing that absolves him from any responsibility. And it sure doesn't pay any kind of salary
There is no nice way to say this. But I wish he'd get a job. And actually do the things that wouldn't leave him jealous of his friends Instagram posts. Money isn't everything. It really isn't. And this isn't about money at all. It's just that he's living life as if he were a college student. We met as grad students so I lived the same way too. But when Im with him, its like we're still college kids.
And I don't want to be a college student anymore. I want a grown up. And I want a grown up partner.
There's just genuinely no way to bring that up nicely or while avoiding the insecurities that already exist. But if we break up and he dates another 23 year old, I can't say I didn't warn him
0 notes
charliedawn · 3 years
I might make a certain part into my first fanfic but I really want to see how you would do something like this?: imagine Norman had VHS tapes of baby reader by their parents and shows them to the slashers. Reader heard about this so for payback they finds baby photos of the slashers (maybe if she could) and Norman (if his mom was nice enough) and shows them to the nurses and the employees XD!
Freddy :
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You take out an old family photo of Freddy and the medical staff giggle as they see the innocent and happy face of the slasher that they know. He seems so happy and cheerful. Not the usual Freddy..
"He seems so...happy ? Boy, I wonder what made him smile like that ?! At least, we would know why he always seems so distant ?!"
Eva exclaims, and you can't help but agree with her. Why did Freddy change so much ? You are surprised when the photo disappears and reappears into Freddy's hands who had just come in without your notice.
"I remember that photo. I was a very cheerful kid back then, very shy too..It was when my grandparents took care of me, before I got adopted. My grandparents never hated me. They were nice people..but, grandpa died and grandma was too old to take care of me at the end."
You nod and smile sadly.
"I wish I could have met you before.."
Freddy smiles genuinely at you.
"Me too, sweetheart. I'm sure you would have loved me.."
You both stare at each other for a second or two before Freddy breaks eye contact to look at the others.
"As for you—bunch of ungrateful bastards—I'm already a delight ! Heck, be grateful I'm distant and not feasting on your ribs for dinner ! And, stop saying I look f*cking distant ! Come and talk to me sometimes ! I don't bite !"
The whole staff grown or sigh while Freddy leaves the room with his middle finger raised in the air.
"Yeah yeah..That's what I thought !"
Brahms :
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You find an old recording of Brahms and see his mom climbing up the stairs with a small smile.
"It's Brahms' birthday today ! So, I made a cake and we're going to surprise him."
You can't help but smile, imagining already Brahms' huge smile upon the sight of the cake. She opens the door, but what she find inside makes her smile disappear and drop the cake which makes young Brahms jump in surprise and fear. He has a mask on, which matches the doll next to him, and his mother can see makeup underneath his mask.
"M..Mom ?!"
He tries to hide his doll away from her, but too late. Brahms always loved dolls and what many people would refer to as "girly". He loved organizing tea parties, his favorite color is pink and he used to have more girl friends than boy ones: many of the main reasons why his father was unhappy with him. However, his mother was kind and only smiled before taking the doll and putting it aside to clean up the room.
"Come on ! Help me hide it all before your father comes home.."
Brahms nods vividly before wiping away the makeup off his face.
"I'm sorry, mom."
He finally utters.
"I know, baby. I know..."
Some of the women present can't help but cry, as even the coroner can't help but shed a tear.
"Dear me..I can't imagine what the poor boy must have gone through ?"
Unbeknownst to all of you that Brahms is following your discussion, hiding in the walls. He looks at his face and cries as well. He never meant to make anyone sad for himself, he is a man after all..His father used to say that tears were for "b*tches", but he never could stop being sensitive about pretty much everything. The only day he didn't feel like crying ? It was the day he cracked open his dad's skull with his own bare hands..Her mother helped him hide the body and married another man..But, she never saw him as her little boy after that. He quietly sobs before returning to his bedroom, making sure nobody hears him..
Jason :
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You see a little boy running and hide behind a house. A man arrives and chuckles.
"Jay ! Where are you ?!"
The little boy tries to muffle his laughter by putting both of his hands against his mouth, but it barely covers the sound. The man pretends not to have heard it and sits down.
"Oh well..He's obviously not here. I'm gonna take a nap.."
He lowers his cap to hide his face and snores loudly for Jason to hear. The little boy cautiously looks at him before finally getting out of his hiding place.
"Pa ?"
No answer. Jason takes a few steps forward until he is at reaching distance from the man and pokes him with a branch he found.
"Hey ! Pa ! You're really asleep ?!"
When the man answers by snoring even louder, Jason leans towards him to get his cap off, but his father suddenly grabs him and traps him in his arms.
"You dare disturb the tickle monster ?!"
He says in an exaggerated low voice before tickling Jason who screams in delight and can't stop laughing.
"Noooo ! I'm sorry !"
"No mercy for you, young man !"
They both continue to play until a familiar shadow falls upon them both and make them raise their head. Jason's mother is standing in front of them with a sweet (creepy) smile.
"Jason. Could you please go play in the house for a moment ?"
Jason looks at his father who only smiles before ruffling his hair playfully.
"Yeah. Do as your mama says. I'll be with you in a bit.."
Jason nods before running inside. Once he's far enough however, he hides behind at a corner to spy on his parents' conversation. His mother turns towards his father and, to his surprise, slaps him.
"How could you ?! You had no right to go on that boat with our boy without telling me first !"
His father stands up and picks up his cap from the ground to dust it off a bit.
"He's my kid too, Pamela. What do you want me to do ? Let him rot in that house because you're afraid he might forget about you ?"
Pamela becomes red with rage and lunges forward to attack his father who grabs her wrists before she could.
"He's MINE !"
She shrieks, but her father replies sternly.
"Get a grip, woman ! Our kid is his own man and I won't let you smother him until he becomes alone and miserable !"
Jason, tired of hearing his parents argue, runs to his room and closes the door behind him.
In the room, a debate is going on. Some are rooting for the father, while some are with the father.
Eva : "She's only trying to protect her son ! What's wrong with that ?!"
Victor : "But, he's right ! Jason must get out and see the world ! The world is dangerous, but that doesn't mean he should be locked up forever !"
You hear both sides, but then hear a slight crack next to you. You turn your head towards the noise and find Jason, spying on you all from the door, like in the video. You suddenly have an idea and open the door wide for Jason to enter.
"Here's an idea ! Why don't we let Jason decide ?!"
A silence fall upon everyone present as you lead Jason inside the room.
"Jason, as you may have heard, we were thinking of sending you back to a real school with real students ? But, we aren't sure if you are ready yet, are you ?"
He seems reluctant at first, but finally nods.
"I..I guess I should try to do what my dad wanted ?"
You nod in agreement.
"Fine ! Then, it is settled ! You will go. Any objections ?"
Nobody says anything and you smile.
Michael :
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It's Michael's birthday and he wakes up to find a clown costume next to his bed. Michael smiles widely before putting it on and admiring himself in the mirror. He seems so happy and you can't help but smile as well, seeing such happiness on his face.
"Mom ! Dad ! Where are you ?!"
You see little Michael walking up the stairs and, suddenly, being picked up by the person holding the camera.
"Caught you !" A female voice announces, laughing. He giggles and wiggles in her arms, but a man's voice interrupts them with a booming voice.
"Who has awoken the Sleeping Monster ?!"
The man comes into view with feathers in his hair and makeup covering his face. He takes Michael in his arms and pretends to eat him while the child's happy babbling and protests fall into deaf ears. However, someone interrupts their moment; a man dressed in a long cloak that takes a long look at Michael before turning towards his parents.
"The cult is here for what you promised us.."
The camera falls to the floor and everything turns dark.
Michael's parents used to organize big parties for him and he had a pretty great childhood. The sect wasn't such a big part of their lives and he never met any of the members until later in his life. However, things changed when he reached 10 years old. He walked in on his parents discussing with a man, all dressed in a cardinal red cloak. They were talking in a strange language that he didn't know. He then was dragged out of the house while his parents were restrained..He returned a few months after..But, the damage was done. When he reached 18, he killed his parents. Then, you know the rest of the story.
Michael is standing there, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. You can't read his expression, but he finally nods, as if to say that he approves of you showing that to the staff. They needed to know, to understand..Bad men are not born, they are made..He then walks away wordlessly before anyone other than you could spot him.
The Horde :
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Dennis is looking at himself in the mirror, brushing his hair carefully, slicking it back with some gel with care.
"It needs to be perfect..Dad is coming back tonight and he needs to know that I grew up into a man !"
Someone rings at the door and Kevin smiles excitedly before running down the stairs rapidly to open the door. His father is standing there and opens his arms wide.
"Come here, champ !"
Kevin runs and jumps into his arms. His father picks him up and, in a moment of imbalance, they both fall in the snow. The both of them burst out laughing and then, Kevin sees the thing that his dad was holding: a pizza box. He can smell the delicious scent of fresh-baked cheese pizza and smiles widely before turning towards his father.
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"Did you bring enough cheese pizzas for everyone ? You know that Jade always loves to have double portions."
His father stands up and helps him up before nodding with a knowing smile.
"Of course, buddy. I would never forget Jade, or any of you. The rest is in the car !"
Kevin smiles again with tears in his eye before hugging his father tightly once more. He promised himself he wouldn't cry..but he's so happy to see their dad again. This is when Dennis takes over to say :
"Welcome home, father."
Their father smiles and replies.
"Glad to be home, Dennis."
They stay in each other's arms for a while before Kevin's mother comes in.
"Come on, you two. You're gonna freeze to death. Let's get inside.."
They all come inside and this is Kevin's best childhood memory: sharing a Christmas meal with his father. You smile before looking back at the staff, surprised to see Dennis sitting among them, his posture and expression as forbidden and unreadable as ever. He looks up at you before finally speaking.
"We always loved cheese pizza..and father never forgot to bring us some everytime he went home from a business trip. He was the only one who loved us, all of us.."
The information may not make much sense for all of them, but you know its importance. Kevin's dad was also diagnosed with DID (dissociative identity disorder) and fought for him and his son to have a normal life..until he died. He died, and his mother didn't understand. She changed for the worse..so much worse. Dennis stands up and walks away, and you can't find the words. What could you possibly say to make him feel better ? You look back at his smiling face on the screen and finally turn towards the staff to find Amita.
"How about we make cheese pizzas tonight ?"
To which, she smiles understandingly and nods.
"Leave it to me !"
Pennywise :
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"Come on, Robert ! Let me fish !"
A girl shouts behind him while a very young Pennywise holds the fishing stick even farther from her playfully.
"No ! You would only let the fish get away, and then what will we eat for dinner, huh ?"
The girl crosses her arms and pouts.
"I will not let it go this time ! I promise !"
Robert inhales deeply before letting out a sigh of defeat. He turns towards his sister and finally gives her the fishing line.
"Fine...But, hold onto it, okay ?"
His sister nods vividly in response with a huge smile on her face and throws the hook in the sea, waiting for a fish to finally get caught. Finally, something catches the bait and his sister pulls with all her force. Robert, seeing her struggle, comes behind her and pulls with her. They both fall backwards, making the boat shake from the movement beneath them. Luckily, the boat stays afloat and his sister quickly stands up with a proud grin on her face, showing him the catch of the day: a big fish, enough to feed the whole family for a couple of nights. He smiles widely as well and hugs his sister.
"You did it ! I'm so proud of you !"
He seems so happy..which make you painfully remember that you've never seen Pennywise with a smile like that. Just at that moment, someone switches off the TV behind you and you see a very angry Pennywise reflected on the black screen.
"How dare you ?!"
He pounces on you before anyone can stop him and shouts furiously.
"You had no right ! These are my memories ! Mine !"
He seems almost in tears and about to burst. Victor tries to intervene, but Amita stops him.
"No. She knows what she's doing.."
You gently hug Pennywise who freezes.
"What was her name ?"
You ask softly and Pennywise, after a moment, replies with a broken voice.
"Lily..Her name was Lily.."
To everyone's surprise, Pennywise hugs you back and falls on his knees as he hides his face in your chest. You tilt your head to the exit significantly and the staff quickly gets the message and leaves while you stay with Pennywise.
"It wasn't your fault.."
You had heard about Pennywise having a family before, all killed by the Black Plague..
"She deserved to survive, not me.."
He mumbles before suddenly remembering where he is, what he is doing and with whom ? He suddenly stands up and quickly steps back, as if he's been burned by your touch alone..
You try to grab his hand, but he doesn't let you and runs away instead. He shouldn't be feeling this way—the pain—He shouldn't be feeling it. Then, why the hell does he ?! His mind feels with his siblings' laughter and then, replaced by screams of agony..He holds his head and walks outside to scream. His scream alerts Freddy who runs towards him and is surprised to find who it is.
"Hum..Ya good there, buddy ?"
Pennywise doesn't answer. Freddy sighs. He should have known..Freddy then decides to sit down next to him.
"So, dont wanna talk about it, huh ? I get that..I can talk for the both of us anyway !"
He hoped it would make his friend at least cackle a bit, but it doesn't. He sighs again before looking up at the clear blue sky.
"Awfully good weather we got today, huh ?!"
Pennywise looks up and finally smiles.
"Not as awful as your face, burnt steak.."
Freddy pretends to be offended and punches Pennywise's shoulder.
"Hey ! You're one to talk, clown bonkers ?!"
They both chuckle before returning to silence. Pennywise is the first to break it this time.
"Shitty day, huh ?"
He asks and Freddy replies with a smile.
"Yup, the worse."
Somehow, Pennywise feels comfortable again..Freddy and him may have nothing in common, but they both understand each other. And for that ? He may even say that he's grateful.
Penny :
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You first see a circus, then a little boy running away from some people. You don't recognize him right away..but, there's something in his eyes that reminds you of someone. Finally, the people catch up to him and a rather big muscular man picks him up for him to face him. However, the child can't help but laugh as the giant arks an eyebrow at him.
"Bob...Is it you who painted Tony's beard red this morning ?"
He asks, and Bob replies confidently.
"No, I didn't.."
But, he can't keep a straight face, and the man has to hold himself not to give in and just laugh it off with him.
"Oh yeah ? Then what's that on your hands ?"
Bob looks down to see red dye and gulps loudly before answering with uncertainty.
"Hum..jam ?"
The man bites his lower lip in order not to laugh at his obvious lie.
"Oh yeah ? Eat it then.."
The staff can then enjoy Bob's face twist in disgust at the taste as he licks his own hand and forces a smile on his face, determined to keep his act going.
"Here ! See ?!"
The man still doesn't look convinced, but a big woman arrives behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder.
"That's okay. I'll take it from here, George."
George hesitates before finally lowering the kid on the ground who immediately hides behind the woman's skirts.
"It's wasn't me !"
He insists before the man chuckles and playfully ruffles his hair.
"Yeah yeah..I believe ya, little Bobby.."
The little boy smiles widely, his teeth covered with the red texture. The big woman only shakes her head before leading him away.
"I swear Bobby, you're too much of a handful for a little boy.."
To which, he only answers with another bright smile.
Penny's loud voice surprises everyone as he jumps and lands on a chair before looking at the TV.
"Huh ?! Who's that ?!"
He tilts his head to the side and drool starts dropping down his chin.
"He looks tasty !"
"You don't recognize him ?"
Eva asks in surprise and Penny frowns before looking back at the kid on the screen, focusing until he shrugs.
"Nah ! Why should I ?! Wait..Is he one of the kids I ate ?!"
Nobody answers. Many of the slashers had recognized themselves on the spot..but he hadn't ? He stares back at the boy before his eyes finally lit in recognition.
"Oh..I see."
His cheerful voice is gone, leaving only curiosity and—somehow—sorrow.
"Could we..Could we watch that again ?"
He asks timidly and you nod quickly before repeating the video. Penny stares at the boy's expressions and, to your surprise, tries to imitate them. He laughs when he laughs, hides his hands when he does and tries to smile the same, but fails.
"I..I can't do it..Why can't I ?!"
He is frustrated and, to your general horror, suddenly cuts his own skin so his smile could get bigger. You stop him by gently grabbing his hands and smiling reassuringly at him.
"Hey ! It's okay..You'll smile like that again, okay ?"
"You promise ?"
You feel the desperation behind his words and nod vividly.
"I promise."
He smiles widely before replying with his cheerful voice again.
"Okay !"
He then runs out of the room as fast as he came in and you can feel several looks of pity on you.
"You shouldn't have promised him that.."
Victor says and, for once, Eva agrees.
"I would love to see Penny genuinely happy again..but you shouldn't have said that. A promise is never without consequences with them."
You nod.
"I know..but I couldn't just leave him suffer without doing or saying anything."
Amita smiles and nods.
"I understand. And, if there's anyone who can help him ? It's you."
You smile up at her sadly.
"I really hope you're right.."
Five :
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Five is standing in front of the bank with a smile on his face. His father is describing their heroic actions to the citizens and he feels his heart fill with pride. Their father had prepared them for that day. Heroes..They are heroes. They would finally get the recognition they deserve. But, the greatest feeling of all ? His father's hand on his shoulder, silent acknowledgment for his hard work. All his life, he searched for his father's recognition, and this day is the only one where he felt important in his father's eyes. However, that would quickly disappear..He wanted to impress him so bad that he used his powers foolishly and disappeared before he could be someone great. But, his biggest regret ? Leaving his siblings behind..You put the disk back with the others and take a shaky breath, thinking of how much pain he must have felt all these years ? When you turn around, your eyes meet. He's standing there and smiles sadly at you.
"I see that you found an old article about my old glory days, huh ?"
You nod silently, not really sure of how to respond ? Is he mad ? He doesn't look like it..He only takes a chair and sits in front of the staff.
"Now..Would you like a few stories of my days as a superhero ?"
This is a surprise. But, not an unwelcomed one. Many staff members agree and you sit among them, listening to Five as he tells you how he once worked with Batman..
Norman :
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Mrs Bates was in a good mood and decided to give her contribution to the collection: an old photo of Norman when he was still a little boy; all dressed up for Sunday's church.
"My Norman was so cute ! He was so good to everyone and a church boy too ! He was so dashing in his little white robe !"
The women giggle as Mrs Bates shows them other photos and they all comment on how Norman was cute and even elegant at this age. You smile too and look up at Mrs Bates (aka Norman) who is staring at you.
"You know..My boy never had many friends, but I'm glad he found you."
You blush and nod before she comes back to the photos on her lap. For a moment, you couldn't tell if these words were from her or from Norman himself ? It is rather difficult to differentiate them. And, even now, you have trouble finding a way to make the difference. Sometimes, Mrs. Bates is terrible to you and can even be cruel, but sometimes, she can be nice and even agreeable ? You never could find the reason for her mood swings ? Maybe, somehow, her emotions are connected to her son's ? You know that they're not the same person, they've made that pretty clear from the beginning. You still remember the harsh glance Mrs Bates had given you the first time she had seen you, a complete contrast with Norman's warm and welcoming eyes. But, fortunately with time, she learned to live with you and even accept you..You smile again as she shows another picture of Norman proudly. Norman had no one after she deceased, and you understand why he wanted her to stay with him..He was alone. But, maybe this is why she was so hostile to you ? She thought he wouldn't need her anymore ? She looks up again and smiles at you. For some reason, you find that this may be the only time you found Mrs Bates' smile actually genuine ? Her words repeat themselves in your mind :
I'm glad he found you.
You smile back.
Their reaction to your photo :
Freddy *smiles* : "Well..Wasn't she a cutie ?! Hey ! Y/N ! Look what we found ?!"
Five : "Looks nice, I guess ? Not gonna lie. Not very fond of children.."
Brahms *blushes* : "C..Cute !"
Jason *smiles* : "Didn't change much..Very nice smile."
Michael : "Cute kid. Looks like she was a tough one too."
Pennywise *shrugs* : "Bah..No comment. Would have been a good meal though ?"
Penny *nods in agreement and drools* : "Tasty.."
Hedwig *smiles widely* : "I'm sure we would have been great friends !"
Norman *smiles tenderly at the picture* "She was the best child..and she grew up to be an ever better woman.."
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Stella with owl demon S/O (The finale)
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(This is the last chapter in the secret lover mini-series. If your just finding it, go back and read the full series. Its a fairly long story.) Hope you enjoy~
Years of meticulous planning. Manipulation, blackmail and manoeuvring. And all for this one day.
It had almost been a year since Stolas cheated on Stella, almost a year since You and Stella had become a less than secret couple. And today you were going official.
It had been simple getting information on Stolas.
A few cameras here, a tapped phone line there, not to mention half the staff was on your pay roll. They gave you all the information you could need, you taking any information, no matter how minor.
Honestly, Stella coming to you was a pleasant surprise. You did have this grand plan in place, a plan to split the family at its seams.
And in an instant, Stolas' incompetence had saved you months of work. And so Stolas' arrogance, shall be his undoing.
Over the last year, youd had dozens of visits. Spending months carefully prodding the couple, if you could still call them that. You pushed the wedge between them deeper and deeper, all for today.
You strolled into the palace like it were your second home, a small wicker basket hanging from his arm.
Navigating the halls, you found yourself in the palace kitchen, or at least the one the family had used the most.
Grabbing a set of glasses, you turned to find Octavia sitting at the table. 'Octavia, dear, how are you.' You asked, sounding as overjoyed as you felt.
She looked up at you with dead eyes, 'How do I look.' She asked sarcasticly. And honestly, the girl looked like she hadn't slept in a week.
Sitting down you gave her a sympathetic look. 'Fight?' You asked simply.
She just nodded, taking a sip of coffee.
You sighed, placing your hand on hers. 'What about the white noise machine I got you, that help any?' You asked hopefully.
Octavia sighed 'It helped a little, but they both managed to yell over it.' She told you, rubbing her face.
You sighed again, reaching into your pocket. You pulled out a fist sized stone. 'Here' you told her, handing her the stone.
Octavia stared at the stone for several moments, before looking up to you, blinking heavily a few times, 'Uhhhh... thanks?' She said, clearly confused.
You let out a chuckle, resting your head on your hand. 'Your welcome.'
The girl stared at the stone, before looking back at you 'what is it?' She asked simply.
You laughed again, 'Well it was going to be a birthday present, but it would seem you need it more now.'
Picking up the stone you gently tapped its top, a complex Web of symbols growing across it. Tapping it once more the symbols disappeared.
Octavia looked much more interested now, as you explained it to her. 'This bad boy, is what you'd call a noise sponge. When activated, it basically sucks all the noise out of a room.'
Octavia stood up, 'Really?' She asked seemingly excited. With a smile you told her 'See for yourself' you told her before tapping the top of the stone.
Octavias mouth moved, but no noise seemed to leave. She spoke again and again, each time seemingly getting louder and louder, before taking a deep breath.
Her mouth stretched and her body moved as though she were screaming, but there was no sound whatsoever.
Tapping the stone, sound noticably re-entered the room.
Octavia panted, before giggling like... well a school girl. Picking up the stone, you handed it to her.
Octavia stared at the stone, getting up, you followed her. 'Now remember this. That's not a toy. Its a powerful artefact, so don't use it longer than needed, and no sound can be heard when activated, be careful where you use it.'
Octavia just nodded her head, her eyes never leaving the stone. 'Thanks (y/n)' she told you giving a big hug.
'No problem kiddo.' You told her patting her back and planting an affectionate kiss atop her head.
Leaving the room you reflected on your growing friendship with Octavia.
She truly was an amazing young woman, a spitting image of her mother, if a bit cynical. She had a deep fascination for the occult, something you were more than happy to help her explore.
The two of you had actually become pretty close, having talked and met up dozens of times. You acted as a confidant, and a suspected, only friend for the girl.
You didn't like manipulating the girl, but it was quite easy to sour her relationship with her father, you really only had to bring focus to his selfish nature.
Of course, that didn't mean she was running to Stella's side, but her trust in stolas was cracked.
So with some pep in your step, you made your way to Stella's study, giving polite and playful little bows to the palace staff.
Youd worked hard to become beloved by the staff, acting as sort the "good noble" that looked out for them. At least for the ones not ready on your payroll.
You found her study. Giving your outfit a once over you knocked on the door. Stella snapped back, telling you to go away.
You released a bitter-sweet laugh, you opened the door, 'Are you fucking d-' Stella yelled before cutting yourself off.
'Hello darling.' You said calmly. In an instant she got to her feet, rushing over and wrapping you in a hug.
You pulled her into a kiss, locking the two into a passionate embrace. Breaking the kiss, you asked her tenderly 'How are you doing, my love?'
You'd gotten very good at telling when Stella was upset and when she was trying to hide it, and now she was certainly upset.
'How am I doing? Oh you know, I've had to deal with my slut of a husband and that... fucking Imp! For months now.' She growled, taking several heavy breaths before turning back to you. 'Other then that, I'm fine.'
You gave her a sympathetic smile, before remembering why you were here. 'Well, then I have just the thing.' You told her, giving the basket a little shake.
You pulled her towards the door, Stella resisting. 'Lets go play' you tell her playfully.
'No, I can't' she tells you, resisting your pull 'I have to much work to do.' She said clearly upset at the reality of royal responsibility.
Pulling her close, you looked her in the eyes before firmly telling her 'Do you trust me?' You asked her sternly.
That seemed to surprise her, before she just nodded her head. 'Then we should do this... trust me'
Stella conceded, letting you lead her out of the palace.
Walking out the back of the palace, you passed the field she had once burnt to ash, now regrown into a healthy and lush lawn.
Taking her into the clearing, you layed out the blanket you'd brought in the basket.
Sitting down, you pulled out the bottle of wine. Pulling the cork, you poured you both a glass. Sitting there you both fell silent, a weight hanging over your head.
You turned to her, looking deep into her eyes, you told her calmly. 'Stella, theres nothing in this world I love more then you...' taking your hand, you placed a kiss atop it.
'I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was never good enough for you...' you told her, emotion growing in your voice.
She looked deeply concerned, asking you 'what do you mean?'
You shook your head. 'The truth is. All I've ever wanted was to be with you...' you looked at your hands, 'I had such plans to Get you back, to prove I deserved you. But stolas seems to have ruined everything... You deserve better and I'm going to give it to you.' You looked up at her, 'I love you Stella.'
Looking at Stella, she looked distraught, teary eyed as she pulled you close. 'I love you too (Y/N).' There was a long pause before she whispered in your ear, 'I wish I had been with you... all those years ago'
Her words put everything together, a wave of determination flowing through you. With your purpose secured, you pulled her into a passionate kiss.
The two of you became more physical, your hands roaming her body. Stella's arms wrapped around your neck. You becaming more passionate, Stella matching your energy at every step.
It was as you undid the back of her dress that you heard it... he was here.
Giving her another kiss you asked her, 'Do you trust me?' Your breathing still raged.
It took a moment, but Stella responded 'Yes, Yes I trust you...' With that you kiss her again, carefully readjusting her dress.
It took another moment, but you heard him. 'Well, well, what do we have here?' The voice was cold, clearly unhappy.
Breaking the kiss, you looked up to find a very angry looking Stolas staring down at you.
You carefully pushed Stella off, giving her a more innocent kiss on her cheek. 'Go play somewhere.' You whispered, standing up.
You turned to face Stolas. The prince was absolutely livid, tapping his fingers on his forearm.
'Stolas! My what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?' That was a lie. You specifically picked this spot, at this time because you knew he would see the two of you.
All according to plan.
Stolas spat back, 'Don't talk to me like that you bastard. Trying to fuck my wife. In my own home, do you have no shame.'
You couldn't help but begin laughing. You gripped your legs, laughing so hard it was hard to breath.
Straightening up you looked at Stolas, allowing years of venom to show. 'Shame?' You asked incredulously, 'Your asking me if I have shame?' You chuckled again. 'Pot meet kettle.' You spat at him
Dusted yourself off. 'Shame...?' You spat, through gritted teeth. 'Youre asking me if I have shame? You speak of your lust before your child. Plastering the hellnet with your lust for that satan-damned Imp, Fucking that Hellspawn in the bed, you shared with your Wife. You know nothing of shame, you harlot!' You finished almost screaming.
Stolas grit his teeth, his hands dropping to his side. The weather began to shift.
The once clear sky quickly being replaced with a ocean of grey clouds.
'You think you can take my wife?' He asked seriously. Your smile grew, taking a few steps towards him, smugness growing across your face. 'Think? My good man... I already have.' you tell him simply.
With a flick of his claw Stolas manifested his Grimoire.
In a flash you reached into your coat, pulling out a silver lock and throwing it at the Grimoire.
Almost immediately on impact, dozens of silver vines shot out, wrapping around the book.
Stolas, initially shocked tried to open the book, the lock on its cover not budging against his grip.
He looked up at you, pissed and clearly expecting 'That little item,' you began 'ensures that your little book won't affect the outcome of our little fight, Stolas.'
You smirk at him 'Now' you began 'you'll just have to fight me like a man.'
Stolas seemed both concerned and enraged by this, throwing the book to the side. 'You think I'm scared of you?'
He reached for his cloak, dramatically throwing it to the side.
You just chuckled, cracking your knuckles, the demonic Prince charged, swinging at you.
You easily dodged.
'My, how impressive!' you said, mockingly.
Stolas swung again, and again, missing each time. 'Come on I don't have all day!' You called at him smugly.
Stolas went for a violent haymaker, missing again. This time you retaliated with a hard punch to his nose, hearing a crack apon your fist meeting his face.
He stumbled back, blood dripped from his nose as you taunted him further.
'You know I had such an elaberate plan, Stolas.' You told him, taking out a shiny set of knuckle dusters from back pocket. 'I had every step perfectly worked out, all to turn your family against you.'
Stolas, became enraged, blindly charging at you. You easily dodgeing him, giving him a violent crack to his face.
'And then you, you fool... you did most of the job for me... half my plan, unneeded because you were a selfish, arrogant fool.'
Stolas made it to his feet, his left eye already swelling. He widened his eyes, likely intending to turn you to stone, but before he could, you reached into your pocket and threw a handful of dust at him.
The silver dust shone as it flew through the air, his reaction was instant. Falling to his knees clutching his face.
You chuckled, leaning on your knees for a second, 'When Judas betrayed jesus.' You began.
'He received 30 pieces of silver, as such its toxic to demons. And now it's your payment for all suffering you've put your family through.' You told him, blankly, no emotion in your voice.
'Years, Stolas. I've been preparing for this fight for years. I've played this moments out hundreds, thousands of times. Nothing you can do I havent prepared for.' You wiped your lip, standing up straight. 'Your going to lose.'
You were taunting him now, relishing seeing him suffer.
Reaching down, you grabbed his hair, pulling him up. It was as you were about to taunt him again that you were suddenly punched in the face.
Stumbling back, you found stolas getting to his feet. Wiping his eyes he glared at you, 'You think I'm some push over? I'm a prince! I am a Goetia, I'm not gonna be taken down by some retched lowborne.' He screeched, raising his fists.
You just smiled back, wiping your cheek 'Finally... a real fight.'
The fight was a brutal, Stolas, despite his lanky figure and privileged upbringing, could pack one hell of a punch.
But you were prepared for this.
For every hit Stolas landed, you hit him twice. Every use of magic was thwarted with an item or counter spell. You were almost perfectly matched.
You stood across from each other, fists bloody, clothes filthy and torn, bruised and battered.
Still a smile adorned your face. Chuckling, you began 'you've put up one hell of a fight, Stolas.' You said as though remembering something. 'But even if you beat me, I still win!' You told him smugly.
Stolas cocked his brow, 'what are you going on about.' You smiled again, before reaching into your jacket before you pulling out a long white feather.
'Stella, your uh, "wife"...'you ran the feathered across your nose, taking in her lingering scent. 'We've been fucking for the past year now.' You chuckled again 'we fucked everywhere, her study... your bed, and man... can she scream.'
That set him off, he charged you, releasing a desperate a d furious, battle cry, swinging like a mad man.
You dodged the swing, and with one final uppercut the demon Prince stumbled back. He looked at you shocked, before smacking into the ground.
You couldn't help but laugh. The piece of shit fell like a sack of rocks.
Turning around you found a very concerned Stella. With a smile you walked towards her, stumbling over your battered legs.
Stella ran to your side, helping you keep up right.
You chuckled, pulling her in for a kiss. 'I have something for you.' You told her, your voice course and worn.
Reaching into your coat, you pulled out a small black case.
Breaking her grip, you stepped back and fell to your knee.
Taking several deep breaths you began, 'Stella. You are my light in the darkness, the love of my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you.'
Opening the case, you showed the sparkling diamond ring. 'Stella, my love. Will you marry me.'
Stella looked shocked, tears coming to her eyes as she covered her mouth.
It took a moment, but she nodded her head, 'Yes... yes I'll marry you.' She said, her voice thick with emotion.
You just smiled.
Everything was perfect.
Just as you planned.
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imaginesbymonika · 4 years
I prefer you before all. | Pedro x Reader
Pedro Pascal x fem!reader
Inspired by the song Betty from Taylor Swift.
Plot: Pedro says something that he wishes he could take back.
Warnings: heartbreak, angst, fluff at the end, mentions of crying, mentions of rejection.
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Pedro's house wasn't far away from hers. He used to absolutely love the short distance between them and the fact that he could be with her in a matter of minutes. But right now, whenever he spotted her walking her dog down their street he felt as if there wasn't just the simple additional distance between them - it was a whole canyon. 
Y/N and Pedro used to be best friends. And nearly everyone warned him about the possible outcome of being friends with benefits. But of course, he didn't listen. How could he? It was Y/N they were lecturing about. The girl he had a crush on for the longest time. He couldn't remember having feelings like that for anyone before her, at least not with that capacity. So of course, when she asked him for more he couldn't say no to her. 
Now, she wouldn't even look at him. When they somehow ended up at the same party he couldn't feel her eyes on him. No hand on his back that wanted him to follow her to the bathroom, no little laughable excuses so she could have him for herself. 
Sarah looked at her friend. She was studying his face for any emotions that could give away how he was truly feeling. She always knew that he was an insanely talented actor. But when she stares into his brown eyes she sees it, as clear as days. Sarah notices how mentally bruised Pedro is, how unhappy and miserable. And she wishes that she could tell him how stupid she is, how much better he would be with another woman by his side. But she can't. None of this is Y/N's fault. Sarah knows Y/N, and there is not a single bad bone in her body. 
"It's better this way.", Y/N had explained to her. Her voice was hoarse and the soft skin under her eyes was red and puffy. Sarah could see that the young woman had cried for what had to be days. "Are-Are you sure? I mean, maybe I could talk to him..."
But her friend shakes her head: "That's really sweet. But we need space. Space is good.", she swallows thickly and resumes nodding her head, as if she attempted her best to convince herself: "Yeah. Space... is good."
The actress feels torn. Because she knows that neither of them wants this. However, as long as Pedro chose to now act on his feelings her hands were tied. The main issue, the reason why they weren't talking was Pedro's boneheadedness. He adored her, and everyone knows that. He knows it. But when Y/N admitted her feelings after two years of having some bizarre relationship with Pedro, one that was in fact not simply 'sex with no feelings' he somehow rejected her. 
"But I- I don't get it. She is all you ever talk about.", Sarah spoke, her voice lacking both understanding and acceptance:" Why did you tell her that you don't like her back?" Pedro sighed:" She deserves-." "Don't you dare!", Sarah cut him off, lifting her finger:" Don't you dare say that she deserves someone better. You know that that isn't true."
"But what if it is?", he asked quietly, he was practically whispering as if he was terrified that there was some sort of truth hidden in his statement:" Our age gap for example, compared to her- compared to her I am old." Sarah shakes her head:" So what? Yeah, you two have one, but who cares. She obviously doesn't. Isn't that the important part?"
Pedro glanced at his friend for while, he knew how unfair it was for him to reject her like that. But at the same time, he also knew that there was no going back. 
"Listen.", Sarah began and took his hand in hers:" She moved into a new apartment a few days ago- not too far from here, maybe you could stop by. Say hello."
Pedro thought about it. Day and night. Four to be exact, and he went through all imaginable scenarios that could help figure out if showing up at her new apartment would be a good thing to do. Did she even want him there? 
But now he was standing in front of a red metal door, holding flowers in his shaky hands. And for a moment he was staring at the three numbers that are stuck to the front of it. 349. He can hear laughter and voices coming from inside.
"Do you think that she wants me here?", he asks and turns to look at Sarah, who simply nods her head. "And even if not, I highly doubt that she would send you away." She presses the small doorbell and for a few seconds, nothing happens. But when the door unlocks and opens up, Pedro's breath is knocked out of his lungs. In front of him stands Y/N, wearing a marvelous blue dress. A huge smile is playing on her lips at the sight of Sarah. But it drops when she faces him: "P-Pedro."
Dios mío. How he missed the way his name rolled off her tongue. The way she pronounces is perfect- almost as if no time has passed. "What-?"
"He is my plus one.", Sarah simply answers and pulls her into a quick hug, before she steps past her into the apartment. Pedro clears his throat as he holds the flowers closer to Y/N:" Those are for you." Apple Blossoms: I prefer you before all. Y/N chuckle softly and takes them into her hands:" They are beautiful, Pedro." "Just like you.", the older man lets out, without fully comprehending it. His eyes widen in shock:" I- I mean, you look great tonight, that's a really nice- I mean you are constantly looking stunning, but right now- I mean, it-.", he says, too fast and in a way that is almost impossible to understand. 
Y/N's facial expression softens. She tries her best to follow his rambling, but the longer he talks the more his Spanish accent comes through. She nods:" Pedro- calm down, please. It's alright. Thank you, I really appreciate this. It's good to see you." "It's good to see you too."
As if she snaps back into reality, Y/N takes a step to the side:" I'm sorry, please, come in. Do you want anything to drink?" "Do you have a beer?", he answers and Y/N nods, before she quickly walks into the kitchen. He watches how she takes a yellow vase out of the cabinet and fills it up with water before she gently places the flowers in it. For a second she gazes down at them, her fingertips hovering over the petals before she turns to the fridge. 
"Told you.", Sarah whispers out of nowhere, which makes the man jump slightly. "What?" "I've told you, that she wouldn't send you away. Go talk to her." An innocent smile appears on her lips when Y/N eventually walks over to them. She hands Pedro his drink before her eyes land on Sarah:" I wanted to show you my new mirror, remember the link I've sent you-." She grabs her hand and leads her out of the room. Pedro watches them leave before letting out an unstable breath. 
His eyes roam the living room. He smiles at the other guests, making some effort to appear at least a bit less anxious before his attention lands upon a few pictures over the fireplace. He slowly makes his way over to them and his eyes widen in realization. That's him. She still has pictures of him. 
"I want you to know, that even if you don't feel the way I do... I still would like to have you in my life.", a charming voice declares, and when he turns his head his eyes land on Y/N. She is standing next to him, with her eyes glued to one of their photos. The one they took at Sarah's Christmas party a couple of years ago:" I just need some time." "Y/N..."
She shakes her head:" No, please. I-."
"I love you."
As soon as those three words leave his lips Y/N's head turns:" Wait what?"
"Listen.", Pedro expresses and turns his entire body towards her:" I was so idiotic. God. I didn't say it back because I am so afraid. Terrified even, that you are going to wake up one day and think that I'm-." His finger points from him to her:" That this could be some sort of mistake." 
She stares at him, while tears arise in her eyes. "I love you, Y/N. Fuck. I love you with everything I am and everything I know I'll be. But I don't want you to waste-."
Pedro is cut off by Y/N pressing her lips on his. He melts almost immediately. He had no idea that he was as touch-famished as he was until this very moment. When she lets go of him a smile materializes on her lips:" I don't know much about mistakes, other than the ones I already made. But I know in my heart that you could never ever be one of them."
Pedro's house isn't far away from Y/N's apartment. He loves the small distance between them. But some days it still feels too far. He craves to be with her whenever he possibly can- and whenever he thinks about the way she holds him at night, he is convinced that she wants that too. It's her before anyone else. 
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Pedro Pascal’s Characters
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updated: 09/10/2021
Fic Ratings (read warnings in fic for details):
(G) General Audiences
(M) Mature
(E) Explicit: only suitable for adults
-> fake dating Drabbles with all the dude’s  <-
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Home (M)
It’s been a long day year for Javi and all he wants is to go home.
Leave the light on (G)
Sleeping with the lights out seemed like a thing all the people do. So you told him how you struggled with it, after you almost fell asleep at a stake out he made sure you would feel safe from now on. 
switch (E)
When your new hot neighbor turned out to be no other than Javier Peña, the Agent that would join one of your Departments with you as his Superior, things should get a little more complicated. But somehow they didn’t…
Missing you (G)
A gala from the American embassy in Bogota lets you finally run in the man who you left without saying goodbye almost two years ago.
mix up (E)
A mix-up with the building's laundry was all it took to get what you always secretly wanted.
late night calls (E)
It all started with a phone call to the DEA office to tell Javier about the surgery of his father. You had insisted to take care of him after Chucho told you about the surgery. That you would fall in love with his son you had never met before? Just as surprising to you as it was to Javier. 
Night shift (E)
Meeting Javier during one of your nightshifts at the hospital turned into falling in love with him. But working different shifts can be challenging, yet you somehow make it work.
Whiskey, Cigarettes and Condoms (E)
You are working in a shop and your most interesting customer is the hot guy who buys XL Condoms every single week. Until he stopped.
Don't you want me (M)
6 years passed since Javier made the one decision he wished he could take back. What happens when he meets the one woman he ever truly loved?
Decisions (G)
You find your boyfriend cheating with one of your friends after getting home from work and call the person you always call when shit hits the fan.
answering machine (G)
It's been two years since you heard Javier's voice. That didn't mean you weren't talking to him.
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-> inevitable (series; M->E)
All your life you thought that there was no way the prophecy would come true. That was until you answered a distress call from a certain Mandalorian.
firsts (G)
Din knew it was the best for the kid to go with the Jedi. But on his way back to… he didn’t really know where, there was only one person he would allow to see how sad he really was. 
saved (G)
Being saved during a battle by a Mandalorian might have been faith for Alana and her little daughter Leila. 
my girl (E)
A Mandalorian crashing into your backyard and ruining your business might have been the best thing that ever happened to you.
Watch me (E)
You try to tease the Mandalorian after taking a skinny dip in the lake. He’s not having it.
one day (M)
One day you would get Din out of his armor to swim with you. Today you succeeded... partially
Happiness (G)
Din finds happiness. And his son finds his old armor.
" I know we're not together but I might die today so I'm going to kiss you just in case there is no later" (G)
Din been jealous (E)
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The baker’s daughter (E)
Mydra never thought she would end up in the local brothel, but after her father died, and she was too young to take over his business as the local baker, she found herself agreeing to what was proposed to her. So she lived at the local brothel, watching the girls and boys work, observing, until one day she finally would be ready to let one man be her first. That she would form somewhat of a friendship with the Prince of Dorne was as surprising to her as it was to him.
My flower (E)
Falling for the Prince of Dorne after he took you in, letting you work as his maid, was not something you (or him) planned. But when he found you sleeping in his bed, wearing his cloak, you were about to find out that maybe it wasn't just you who had fallen in love.
One step ahead (E)
When you took the job you knew that he might be there. Breaking up with him because of your ego was a mistake. But you were here to do your job. Weren’t you?
caught (E)
It was a hot day in Sunspear. With the Martell family gone for travels, you wanted to sneak into the royal pool to cool down. Never thinking that maybe you weren't as alone as you thought.
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and then the world stopped (E) Part 1 Part 2
Vic wasn’t unhappy when she moved with her husband to Washington D.C. She was happily married, had a new job as a teacher and was trying to get pregnant. But after a year of trying still nothing has happened. She didn’t know that just one accident of the nanny of one of the children in her class was about to change her whole life.
two lives (M)
Dave never planned to cheat on his wife. He never planned to fall in love with another woman. He never planned to live two separate lives. And he never planned to be attending the funeral of the love of his life after their mission went wrong.
second chance (G) (sequel to two lives)
7 months passed since Dave found out the woman he loved didn't die. Would she ever remember him?
disobedience (E)
Working as the babysitter for Dave York’s daughters came with all kinds of benefits. You didn’t mean to become one of those people. The typical cliche of the babysitter sleeping with the father of the kids you were watching but there was something about him you couldn’t stop thinking about. This is also how you found yourself at the only place he told you to not ever visit him, wearing nothing but a coat. The CIA offices.
private show (E)
Monica was struggling to give her two daughters everything they deserved. When Dave York walks into the Diner she worked in one night and offers her a job at his strip club, things begin to change…
Dance the night away (E)
He didn’t look like he could dance Salsa. But oh how wrong you were...
strictly professional (E)
AU: You were tired of handling your boss' affairs. Not because that wasn't part of your job. No. Because you wanted to be his affair. His only affair. And you had a plan for how to get there. Even if it meant blackmailing your boss Dave York.
unusual love(rs) (E)
When your husband Frankie proposed seeing other people while he’s gone for work you were hesitant at first. Until you found just how much he liked the idea of you with another man…
-> love(rs) (E)
Frankie is home and he hasn’t stopped thinking about the video you sent him. Now he wants to watch live. And participate.
found (G)
Dave and you had been friends for 20 years. You watched him get married to another woman and become a Dad, ignoring the constant heartbreak it was causing you cause you were in love with him. Four months after his death you receive a postcard with cordinates. What would you find?
to die for (G)
The man who broke your heart comes back to protect you from the man you were falling in love with.
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one wish granted (G)
You could have wished that the man you had loved all your life finally would love you back. It was him granting the wishes after all. Instead, you wished you had never met him. That you really didn’t remember him maybe was the punishment Max deserved most.
Paris (G)
Maxwell Lord left after everything that happened with the Dreamstone. But a little part of you hoped you would see him again.
changes (G)
On your way to your last day at work before you start a new job you almost got ran over by a dog (and a boy). Thankfully a handsome stranger is there to help.
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Neighbors (M)
After breaking up with your fiancé you find yourself moving back in with your brother and his daughter just outside of the city. Marcus Moreno is his neighbor and he really does take his neighborly duties to heart. Including taking care of mowing the lawn when your brother had to leave for work for a while.
Yes, Mr. Moreno (M)
With Missy moving out of the house to go to college Marcus felt more alone than ever before. When he met his daughters college roommate at a diner in the middle of the night he made a decision Missy could never find out about
-> Yes, Mr Moreno - The first time (E)
Marcus takes Alice home. She stays the night.
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Going back home Masterlist (series)
Claire never thought she would be back in the town she grew up in. But after her fiancé broke off their engagement, leaving her 5 months pregnant and alone she found herself calling Frankie Morales in the middle of the night, one of her childhood friends who insisted that she booked the next flight out. Trying to fix her life with a little help from her friends she would find out soon that going back would be the best decision she ever made.
Distraction (G)
Meeting a single Dad on the plane back to the states was maybe just the distraction you needed to get over your fear of flying. 
Nap Time (E)
Sometimes you and Frankie just need to have some alone time when the kids are napping.
Guy’s night (M)
You let Frankie decide how he wants to end his guy's night...
throwback (G)
Teenage you had bn head over heels for Frankie Morales. What happens when when your best friend takes you out on a double bind date almost 20 years later and your date is no other than Frankie?
Friday's at Frankie's (G)
After a week gone for work you come home to Frankie and his daughter
drabble about Frankie taking care of you when you have cramps
-> Sunday Morning (M)
You wake up in Frankie’s arms on rare quiet Sunday morning.
you're sick, and we can't kiss, and it's , fkn, torture (M)
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Max Says... (E)
Max remembered your aniversary and planned a trip to New York City. You gifted him the one thing he always wanted. Allowing him to use his mind control on you.
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Hey Grandma! I need your opinion on the notorious "not like other girls" trope and readers projection of hate to every female character who is a little different and who doesn't follow the normal form of female standards. I literally see this all the time in reviews of books, you have a female character who is a little tomboyish, and the second she mentions she likes a "masculine thing" or a "quirky" thing, she is labeled not like other girls" when in reality its just her personality. Thoughts?
Well Anon, this is definitely a very good question. Unfortunately, most of it comes down to opinion, both my opinion and social opinion, which should always be taken with a grain of salt (as they say).
First off, creative critics exist solely to find a reason to be unhappy. I don't mean that you can't be critical of the media you consume or that stories shouldn't generate positive and/or negative responses. Absolutely stories exist (in part) to spark a reaction out of people and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. But professional critics who get paid to watch things and tell you whether or not they're worth your time are literally paid to generate a false caste system.
Good vs Bad is so subjective on so many fronts that it will always come down to personal preference. (I believe this about writing advice as well, you need to find someone that fits you and your style to really help you along your journey.) What works in mystery wouldn't work in romance. What works in children's action/adventure wouldn't work in horror. What works in middle grade fiction wouldn't work in adult and etc, etc, etc.
But we came to talk specifically about "Not Like Other Girls" and since it is primarily an opinion it will go under a cut:
My opinion breaks down to three parts:
Creative Critics have grown up with a male-centric entertainment industry with music/movies/books/TV/what have you. They are used to and expect that men are the default protagonists and anything that challenges that idea must be held back lest we lose our way of life. Maybe some of them are doing this intentionally or maybe some of them have simply never questioned why it is they feel this way. Intentionally or not, the best thing you can do with this form of blanket 'Rey is a Mary Sue' bullshit is to ignore it. (Because if Rey is a Mary Sue, then Luke is also a wish-fulfilling self-insert so we have nothing to talk about.)
The trope itself is kind of an insult to women. Whether you're the "quirky," "tomboy" or the "other girls" (i.e. the type that wear nice clothes, make up, whatever the comparison is here), you're saying that women have to fit into a narrow category or else they are "other". Truth is women in real life are just people and almost all of them have these various sides to them. The idea that women are make-up wearing, fashion-capable, nurturing gossipers is ridiculous. I've never worn make up in my life, my idea of fashion is an oversized hoodie and I only carried a purse when my kid was young enough to have a constant need of extra things. I am a nurturer who has worked primarily women-dominated jobs (caretaker/childcare/mom/child-based retail/etc) but I am also my family's handy man and I got a set of tools for Christmas last year. I'm not "not like other girls". I'm just a woman.
In storytelling, if you are the one creating the character who is "not like other girls" then what you need to use the trope effectively is to ditch the comparison to "other girls" and to have conviction in your character. That means that she isn't singled out or made to feel socially awkward by every other woman in the story because she is or is not some stereotype of a woman. Men do not prefer her (and especially do not say) because she is "not like other women". She is not more genuine. She is not more honest. Just because she likes sports and can change a tire does not mean that the woman standing next to her that prefers watching The Real Housewives of whoever the fuck and didn't even know her car needed oil is somehow less in any fashion.
This false comparison between women with different backgrounds/educations/skills/life experiences/expectations/goals/preferences/what have you is literally just another method of keeping women and women-driven stories from succeeding. It creates in-fighting and gives the critics an steady point from which to launch their on-going shitty takes from.
Your fashion-forward, motivated, definitely going to catch herself a prize husband woman can change a god damn tire, ok? Your quirky, blue-eyed pixie girl can 100% have been a cheerleader. Your football jersey-wearing tomboy can absolutely know how to bake a pie. The main problem is that this trope reduces women to individual traits and says this trait is feminine and this one is not.
So, just write a woman. Give her characteristics, do not compare her to other women based on nonsense gender roles. But if you do have her be unlike the women she's around (which is fair, fish outta water stories are great) do not make the women she's around less than her, just different.
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