#and i couldn't find this on here anywhere
eii, i LOVE your fics your writing is like SO GOOD.
Também tenho um pedido, vocês poderiam fazer um leitor Poly! Plastics X onde a leitora tem TDAH mas não faz nenhum tipo de tratamento porque os pais dela não levam o diagnóstico a sério então em algum momento ela começa a ficar sobrecarregada e brava consigo mesma por não conseguir se concentrar e por pensar demais então ela acaba se afastando um pouco da Plastics para não ser um fardo e isso fode um pouco a cabeça dela, nisso a Plastics vai percebendo aos poucos e correndo para fazer uma intervenção e ajudar a leitora.
Desculpe se fui muito específico, eu meio que me identifiquei e queria um pouco de conforto :/
Searching for Quiet
|| poly!plastics x fem!ADHD!reader
(i myself am poly)
|| Warnings; reader struggling with ADHD (descriptions of what she's going through), short drabble
|| Summary; when reader's ADHD becomes too much for her to manage on her own, she distances herself from the plastics. Not wanting to be a bother to them. The plastics don't let reader get away with that, though.
Requests open!
Started; september 24th
Finished; september 25th
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The classroom felt overwhelming. Everyone was talking while they worked on their assignments. Everyone expect you. You couldn't focus on the paper in front of you. Your foot tapped impatiently, the noise around you feeling impossibly loud and overwhelming. Making your skin crawl. Even though in reality, it wasn't quite as loud as it felt. It was more of a casual buzz of conversations; but the way they mixed into each other and overlapped was not helping you.
As you continuously tapped your foot, you clicked your pen at the same rate. Usually repetitive motion of some kind helped your ADHD to focus on what you're doing and not the rest of the world. Today apparently wasn't the case. It was all too much.
Too loud.
Too crowded.
Regina, Gretchen, Karen and you all sat around the same four desks, you could hear your girlfriends talking with one another but couldn't pick up on what exactly they were saying. You did however focus on the gum in Regina's mouth, the tapping of Gretchen's nails on the desk, the subtle rocking Karen did in her chair.
You flinched as you thought of everything around you and that was your last straw. You needed to get out. Go somewhere quiet. Anywhere that wasn't here. Maybe under a staircase or the library if a class isn't in there.
Before you knew what you were even doing, you were out the door. The teacher had called your name but you didn't hear. Even if you had, it wouldn't have stopped youz
Taking off at a light jog through the halls, you rounded a few corners until you were at the library door.
You slowly opened the door and peeked your head in, only to find a class there so you closed the door again and headed to the nearest stairwell. The stairs were open underneath, so that's where you decided to hang out until you weren't overstimulated.
Settling down against the wall, you took a deep breath and sighed. Burying your face in your hands. You were there for maybe ten minutes before you felt a hand on your shoulder; causing you to flinch.
You were met with Gretchen's worried gaze," Y/N?" Her voice was soft as she sat with you and you relaxed a little in her presence," you okay, baby?"
You shook your head and leaned against her. You weren't as overwhelmed as before but you weren't 100% either.
"What's wrong?" Her voice was soft as she held you, trying to be as soothing as possible as the door to the stairwell opened. Regina and Karen ran over and relaxed when they saw you. Which made you confused so you looked to Gretchen for an explanation," we got worried when you ran out of class and searched the whole school for you."
"Do you need a hug?" Karen asked with a small smile, arms stretched out.
You couldn't help but smile as you nodded and stood, getting your hug from Karen who kept you close.
Regina stood off to the side, arms folded as she watched you and Karen while Gretchen stayed seated where she was.
"So. Gonna explain what all that was about?" Regina asked. Trying to seem annoyed to mask the worry she felt.
"I just- was overwhelmed by everything. I was frustrated and didn't want to worry you guys so I left." You explained in a mumble, burying your face into Karen's neck. You heard Regina sigh.
"That's stupid."
"Regina-!" Gretchen frowned.
"Ugh, not like that. I mean it's stupid you wouldn't just talk to us. We were right there. We could have helped."
You took in what she was saying. They could've, but there were so many things that held you back from asking for their help.
"It's just something to work on!" Karen said with a smile as her hands went to your shoulders, you looked into her eyes," right, baby?" She asked.
"Yeah... we- I'll work on it."
Gretchen got up and gave you a hug from behind while Karen wrapped her arms around you again. Then held her hand out to Regina, who rolled her eyes but came and joined the group hug.
Yeah. This helped. You made a mental note to try and start asking for help when you need it.
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Redson (from lmk) oneshot? If I need to be specific the darling maybe attempted to escape or leave ^^
Sure! It may be a bit short... but here you go!
Flash Fire
Yandere! Red Son with Escaping! Darling Short
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Violence, Anger issues, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Isolation, Accidental burning/Just burning, Toxic relationship, Implied punishment near the end, Forced relationship.
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Ever since he took you here... heat has been all you've known. Lava lakes surrounded the fortress, always making the building hot. Meanwhile, your captor himself, was a demon of fire...
Your past two months have been suffocating.
You've been spending the past few weeks exploring the fortress's many rooms and hallways. You've had to be careful as you do so, not wanting to make Red Son suspicious. You've seen the demon when he's angry...
It isn't pleasant.
Red Son had done a lot to try and garner your attention. He's given you your own room in the fortress, he's been as patient as he can be. Sure, sometimes you've had... hiccups...
But far as he knows, you've been obedient for the past couple weeks! Lately he's trusted you around the fortress more without supervision. Red Son thinks he's broken you in, made you his perfect lover...
In reality, you've been playing a game the past few weeks... remembering every routine... every room...
Then, today, you finally made your big escape.
Sweat clung to your skin as you run across the heated ground. After running across the bone bridge, you're careful to look around. Lava pools greet your vision... the heat immense.
It's hard to breathe.
You begin to realize you didn't plan well when escaping. You knew the building well, yes... but you have failed when it comes to planning how to navigate the volcanic mountain. You bite your lip... yet are determined to not give up.
Escaping is difficult, nearly impossible as you try not to burn yourself. The heat from the lava pools makes your lungs burn. The smell of heated rock stinging in your nose.
You thought you were doing well despite you feeling your skin flare. If you could just sustain it all a little more... Maybe you can find help. You were running mostly on instinct, not quite thinking of what you'll do next... anywhere is better than here...
Then you feel a rush of heat and fire, like an eruption went off behind you.
You're quickly tackled to the ground, the black ash ground coating your clothes and skin. Heat washes over you... hotter than a summer day. Hands hold you down... it feels as though fire is touching your skin.
"ARE YOU CRAZY?" An unfortunately familiar face roars, making you look up in pained fear. Red Son, your captor and forced love, glares you down. His eyes burn with a bright inferno as he growls down at you.
"What has gotten into you!? I thought you learned by now leaving me is futile! Are you trying to get yourself killed! You can't survive alone on this volcano!" Red Son rants, anger and annoyance in his voice but... you can faintly tell he's distressed.
You failed to realize Red Son no doubt knew you couldn't escape. He was not only used to the heat, but capable of teleportation through fire as a demon. In your desperation... you failed to realize how easy it would be to catch you.
You're not being rational... stuck in isolation for months... you just want to go home.
"Should've known you'd try something...." Red Son scoffs, getting off to pull you up. "You were being way too nice...."
Shame and pain render you silenced. Red Son's grip is burning due to his rage. The heat threatens to harm you more than it already is if you push him too far.
Red Son is dangerous when angry... his rage like that of a flash fire... the tension in the air just needing one spark...
Then you'll be engulfed in flames.
"You get on my nerves, know that?" Red Son growls, preparing a portal back home. His home. "I treat you like royalty in a fortress and you do what? You run! You run and pay me NO mind!"
Fire crackles in his other hand before a portal of flame opens. He glances at you with a frustrated gaze before roughly tossing you in. You yelp, fire singeing your skin and hair as you collapse onto the dark floors of the fortress.
You look up to see Red Son step out of the portal, the flame extinguishing as he glares down at you. You recall you're back in the room he gave you. You flinch under his gaze... the burning pain on your skin is a reminder of your failure...
Along with the burning pain of shame in your gut.
"You're never leaving my sight EVER." Red Son scolds, roughly yanking you to lay on the bed. You hiss in pain, but he ignores it. Reluctantly he ignores your pain... even if you couldn't tell.
"Can I even trust you again after this? It's taken months to get this far!" Red Son rambles, exasperated. "You have been such a pain, why won't you love me?"
His last words sounded almost like a plea. The sound of a child, now man, who has been starved of proper love. It almost ignites pity...
But your new burns, accidental or not, remind you he doesn't deserve that.
"... I will not stand for this." Red Son admits, turning to face you. You ironically freeze upon seeing the burning rage in his eyes.
"Look at me." Red Son threats, fire sparking in a hand as he pulls you closer with the other. "You will not do this again..."
He pulls up your shirt, revealing your skin. He then hovers a burning hand over your stomach. You squirm, know what's to come, but it doesn't stop...
"I'll make sure you never do it again...!"
Red Son's threat is the spark needed to ignite the tension in the air, to ignite his wrath...
A flash fire of pent up rage soon enveloping your skin just as you feared... making your screams ring throughout the room...
You really will never run again after this.
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sungstars · 8 hours
love game | kjw x fem! reader
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synopsis: you and your boyfriend love playing an interesting game at parties, but he couldn't let you win.
word count: 1.4k (not proof read sawri)
content warning: established relationships, infidelity(sort of), yn is a bit unhinged(you'll see), jungwon is down bad and also unhinged, fingering, idols added for world building, dom/sub dynamics, mentions of edging
author’s note: i wrote this based off of this request! this was heavily inspired by the beginning of season 3's chuck & blair's relationship in gossip girl. i hope that you all enjoy and again, requests are open! i really tried my best on this without making it too long.
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"have you seen jungwon anywhere?" you exhaled, already irritable that your boyfriend left you pretty much as the two of you got to this house party you didn't even want to attend, shooting a glare the boy in front of you, jake.
jake looked around nervously, obviously trying to come up with a lie to cover for his best friend that wasn't obvious.
that's the thing you didn't understand, how men could think that you were dumb enough to believe they didn't know anything. you always knew, you were just giving him the opportunity to answer honestly.
"he. . ." jake began, looking down at his cup, "look, i don't know. go ask sunoo or something."
you rolled your eyes, brushing past jake but not before hitting the bottom of his cup to make it spill all over him, “oops. go ask sunoo to help you clean that up.”
you’re pretty sure you heard jake call you a bitch under his breath, but you didn’t have the patience to go back and forth with him. not today.
there weren’t many places that your boyfriend could’ve ventured off too, so you decided to start downstairs.
as you descended down the stairs, you noticed that there were people gathered in a circle with an empty soju bottle in the middle.
spin the bottle? how high school. you thought to yourself, but if jungwon was down here, you knew he probably encouraged the idea.
scanning the room, you didn't see your boyfriend, but your eyes landed on a particular raven haired boy who you knew couldn't keep his mouth shut if his life depended on it.
you plastered on your sweetest smile as you sauntered over to him, making sure to pull your v-cut sweater down even more.
"hi sunghoon," you purred, eyeing him up and down, "i feel like i haven't seen you in so long. what have you been up to?”
the boy’s eyes scanned you as well, stopping to look at your cleavage before finding your eyes, “oh hi y/n, has been a while hm.. still with that boyfriend of yours?”
god he wasted no time, did he? you wrapped an arm around his bicep, looking up with the best blowjob eyes you could give, “mm jungwon? we are kind of. . . in a rough patch. why? did he say something?”
“not at all,” sunghoon gave it no thought before wrapping an arm around your waist to feel your boobs press against his side, “though. . . i did see him play spin the bottle with everyone and go into a room with that girl. . . what’s her name? jaehee! that’s it.”
you innocently tilted your head to the side, a pout forming on your glossy lips, “mm. how long have they been in there?”
sunghoon pondered for a second before looking down at you once more, “they should be out any. . .”
his sentence was cut off by the closet door slamming open and hitting the wall behind it. your boyfriend, jungwon stepped out of it with disheveled hair and his sweater now wrinkled.
his eyes scanned the room before landing on you wrapped in sunghoon’s arms, lips quivering up in a smirk before turning back to jaehee.
“—second.” he said, his arm immediately dropping from your waist and downing whatever was left in his cup, “i should probably get back to the party. good seeing you though.”
unfortunately for you, sunghoon began to catch on to this pattern between you and jungwon a while ago. and as hot as you were, he didn’t want part of it—at least to jungwon’s knowledge.
you sauntered up to the pair, a mean look plastered across your features as you stepped in front of them. jaehee froze in spot, eyes growing as big as saucers and looking over to jungwon.
“spin the bottle?” you ask, scoffing as you gave jaehee a once over, “with her?”
jungwon chuckled, pulling jaehee closer to him, “c’mon. like you weren’t over there feeling up sunghoon. ‘oh sunghoon, you are so strong. please put me in a headlock.’” he squealed in a high pitch voice to mock you.
“jaehee,” you turned your attention back to the girl who felt like she would turn to stone if she looked into your cold eyes, “you know jungwon has a girlfriend, yes?”
jaehee shifted away from jungwon’s grip if it was searing hot, eyes planted on the floor, “well. . . he told me that you two were on a break and it didn’t um. . . he didn’t care so why should i? he wasn’t going to mention it and i wouldn’t either. . . if i had known i would’ve—.”
“wouldve what?” you cut her off, stepping closer to her and forcing her chin up with your index finger, “told me you groped my boyfriend for 7 minutes because everyone encouraged you to go into the closet with my boyfriend? c’mon jaehee, i wasnt born yesterday. i always know. tsk. . . such a shame. a pretty and smart girl like you garnishing a reputation as a boyfriend stealer.”
the girl’s eyes filled with panic and tears threatened to spill over, “n-no. . . i’m sorry y/n. please, forgive me.”
you dropped your hand from her chin, rolling your eyes at her and taking a step back, “because i’m not entirely a cold hearted bitch, i accept your apology. i’ll act like this never happened and you won’t mention it again. everyone in that circle is probably too drunk to remember this anyway, and if they mention it, you best act like you don’t know who jungwon is.”
she nodded quickly, you would think her neck would’ve snapped off as she scurried up the stairs and as far away from the two of you as possible.
you turned your attention to your boyfriend who was looking at you in disbelief, “you are so fucked up, y/n.”
shrugging your shoulders, you grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him into the exact room he left with jaehee.
as soon as the door was closed and locked, your back was pressed against it and jungwon’s mouth was on yours.
you pushed your tongue in his mouth, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck as he pulled your leg up and over his hip so he could press himself into you.
that’s what you really loved about jungwon, he got hard over any physical contact between the two of you.
he was so attracted to you, it took nothing to get him to submit most of the time.
his hand snuck it's way under your skirt, fingers pushing your panties to the side, "it's sick how wet you get from this."
you let out a moan when his fingers came into contact with your clit, rubbing it in figure eights, "it's sick how much you enjoy doing this."
jungwon chuckled, attaching his lips back to yours as he continued rubbing you, "mmh, but that's what makes this game so fun. it's the same routine, no wondering what will happen next except how you'll scar whatever girl fell into my trap."
your lips carved into a frown, grabbing his hand to stop his movements on your cunt, "excuse me?"
"it's not an insult," he quickly added, "but it'll be the same. i'll finger you, you'll go down on me but won't let me finish until you cum at least twice, and then i fuck you and we're done."
as true as this was. . . you didn't like that he was basically mocking you. jungwon and you did have the same routine every time you played this twisted game, but that doesn't mean he had to say it out loud and ruin the fuck.
"hm," you simply said, dropping his hand from your grip, "continue."
"i'm not trying to insult you," he whispered against the shell of your ear as he slid two fingers into you, groaning at how they sucked him in, "i'm sorry if i did."
"it's fine," you bit out, trying to focus on how his skilled fingers moved in and out of you, "but you're wrong."
the way jungwon curled his fingers inside of you had you see stars, and almost change your mind about what you were about to say.
"wrong about what?" jungwon pressed his palm against you, giving your clit the pressure you needed, cunt clenching around his hands desperately.
a squeal escaped you as you felt yourself reach your peak, gripping his shoulders tightly as you rode this high out, "'m gonna make you cum until you're crying and begging me to have mercy on you."
jungwon removed his fingers from your panties, adjusting your skirt before bringing his hand to your lips, "suck."
you grabbed his wrist, moving his hand to his face, "no, you suck, and just for that, another orgasm added to this list, fuckin' brat."
oh it was going to be a long night.
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atriza · 3 days
Time is Ours
Yandere Five Hargreeves x Reader
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Summary: Five Hargreeves becomes increasingly possessive of you as his only anchor in a chaotic world filled with time travel, loss, and destruction. His obsession grows as he watches possible futures where you slip away, die, or love someone else. Unable to bear the thought of losing you, he constantly appears by your side, disregarding your need for space. His intensity escalates, revealing a darker, desperate love fueled by the need to keep you with him forever, even if it means bending time itself. Five refuses to let anyone take you away, seeing you as his only salvation.
Word Count: 812 words.
**Content Warning:**
This story contains dark and potentially distressing themes, including obsessive behavior, violence, manipulation, and psychological distress. It portrays a relationship that is unhealthy and toxic, where one character exhibits controlling and possessive tendencies that lead to extreme actions.
If you are sensitive to these themes or find them triggering, please consider skipping this story.
Have Fun Reading!
Five Hargreeves had seen the world burn a thousand times. He had witnessed the end of everything. But nothing terrified him more than the idea of losing you.
You were the one constant in his chaotic existence, the only person who understood him — or at least, the only one who tried to. In a life filled with death, time travel, and broken family ties, you were the only thing that felt real. The only thing worth protecting.
And that’s why he had to make sure you stayed by his side.
It started with small things. Five would appear wherever you were, no matter how much distance you tried to put between you. If you were in the kitchen, he’d teleport in, grabbing a cup of coffee like it was the most natural thing in the world. If you were out running errands, he’d suddenly be beside you, hands in his pockets, offering to walk you home. His presence was always there, always lingering, as if he couldn't bear to let you out of his sight for too long.
At first, you thought it was just him being protective. Five had been through so much, and you understood that his past had left him scarred. But as the days passed, his behavior grew more… unsettling.
One evening, you were sitting in your room, reading, when you heard the familiar zap of his teleportation. Without looking up, you sighed, “Five, you’ve got to stop popping in like this. You’re going to give me a heart attack.”
But when you did glance up, something in his expression stopped you cold. His green eyes were darker, more intense than usual. He wasn’t smiling. He wasn’t cracking a sarcastic comment like he usually would. Instead, he stepped closer, his gaze never leaving yours.
“Why do you keep avoiding me?” His voice was low, controlled, but you could hear the tension underlying it.
“I’m not avoiding you, Five,” you replied, though your voice wavered slightly. “I just… need space sometimes. Everyone does.”
“No,” he said, shaking his head, as if the very idea was absurd. “Not you. Not from me.”
He moved swiftly, closing the distance between you in an instant, his hand gripping your wrist tightly. Not enough to hurt, but enough to make you realize he wasn’t going to let go.
“I don’t need space,” he continued, his tone almost pleading, though there was an undeniable edge of possessiveness. “I need you here. With me. Always.”
You pulled back slightly, your heart racing. “Five, you’re scaring me.”
His eyes softened for a moment, but the intensity never left them. “You don’t understand, do you? You’re the only thing keeping me grounded. Without you, I—” He paused, his grip tightening. “I can’t lose you. I won’t.”
“I’m not going anywhere, but—”
“I’ve seen every possible future,” he interrupted, his voice rising with frustration. “Do you know how many times I’ve watched you slip away from me? Die? Get taken from me?” He was pacing now, his agitation growing with every word. “Do you know how many times I’ve had to watch you love someone else?”
You froze at his words. “What are you talking about?”
“I’ve lived lifetimes without you,” he continued, ignoring your question. “I’ve seen the future where you leave me. Where they take you. And I won’t let it happen. Not again. Not ever.”
“Five, you can’t control everything—”
“I can,” he snapped, turning toward you. “And I will. I’ve seen too much. Lost too much. You’re the only thing I have left.”
His confession was raw, full of desperation, but it was the intensity behind it that terrified you. This wasn’t love. This was something darker. Something far more consuming.
“You think you can just leave? Walk away?” He laughed, a bitter sound that sent chills down your spine. “No. You don’t get it. We’re connected, you and I. Time is ours, and I’m not letting anyone or anything come between us.”
“Five, you can’t just keep me here,” you said, trying to reason with him, your voice trembling. “This isn’t right.”
“Isn’t right?” He echoed, stepping closer again, his hand reaching up to cup your face, almost tenderly. “What’s not right is the world without you in it. What’s not right is losing you. I’ll protect you, keep you safe from everything and everyone that could hurt you. You just have to stay with me.”
You swallowed hard, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. “Five, I—”
“I’ll make sure no one can take you away,” he whispered, his face inches from yours, his voice like a cold promise. “I’ll make sure you’re always mine. Forever.”
He pulled you closer, his arms wrapping around you tightly, like he was afraid you might disappear if he let go. And maybe, in his fractured mind, you would.
“Time bends for us,” he murmured, his breath warm against your neck. “It always has. It always will. You’re the only thing that matters. The only one who understands me.”
As you stood there, trapped in his embrace, a sinking realization set in. Five Hargreeves wasn’t just obsessed with you — he was willing to bend time itself to keep you with him.
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
IN CELEBRATION OF XISUMA IN MCC: one of my favorite xisuma clips of all time. "i made bedwars :(". important additional knowledge: they then proceeded to suck ass so badly. and this is also after they had already sucked so badly,
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ramen8008 · 2 months
Give me Percy asking his mom if he can invite some of his orphan friends for the holidays. She says yes of course so he does. He invites Leo, Hazel, and Frank. And though Sally knows of them this is the first time she meets them.
So she opens to see this kid wearing nice clothes as if they are just wrong. His hair made as he continuously resists the urge to run his hands through it. He's shorter than she imagined. He's also too skinny. And it turns out he's Leo Valdez, the kid who can summon fire, who built not only a giant mechanical dragon but also the flying ship they travelled thousands of miles on past multiple oceans and monsters. The kid who Hera and Gaia presented themselves to as a kid, the kid who's the only one in centuries to possess the power he does only for it to be one that was a reminder of what killed his mom. And he's in her front door, a too skinny, fidgeting kid with a small gift bag.
Then it's Hazel and Frank (and Nico but she's mostly used to him). The girl who came back from the dead, the one who can bring out cursed jewels from the Earth, who was a black girl alive at the time of World War, and here she is. And she's this adorable kid who's well dressed and presented who calls Sally "Ma'am" and thanks her.
And then Frank who can turn into any animal in existence, the one who killed a titan while he was turned into a bear, the one who's a master archer, the one who's the son of ARES. And he's this pudgy yet buff adorable kid who seems awkward and gives her a small thanks as he hands her a cake box.
All this and she's amazed because although she knows, seeing them like this just reminded her that they're just kids.
Anyways they have a nice dinner, Paul plays games with them, Hazel has a sailor's mouth when she's playing card games, Frank has a horrible poker face so he just turns into a reptile or something to hide his face, Leo is always trying to cheat but never admits it, ( he makes a little robot to freak Paul out so he can change his dice).
Nico ALWAYS wins in card games except uno in which he loses horribly each and every time.
They all compete to wash the dishes and help Sally but she tells them no and to Percy's disappointment tells him to clean the dishes. Which he does, by controlling the water. And they lose it. They try not to show but they can't believe that Percy Jackson, the one who has defeated Kronos, who went through Tartarus, who fought Ares when he was 12, rejected immortality, and so much more. And here he is washing dishes for his mom while pouting about it.
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forbescaroline · 7 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 75. nate archibald and serena van der woodsen - gossip girl
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delzinrowe · 6 months
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yangjeongin · 9 months
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inators · 2 months
From that one prompt that said 'Heinz Doofenshmirtz has died'
The main console nearly bowed to the power of Perry's fists as he slammed them down, chair behind him clattering to the ground from the force at which he stood. He glared up at the screen, murder in his eyes and a ferocious curl to his lip. That was not funny.
Major Monogram and Carl glanced at each other, then back down at Perry with some amount of trepidation. Everyone knew of Perry's less-than-professional connection to Heinz Doofenshmirtz; they just didn't know how deep that connection ever went. "We understand that this might come as a bit of a... shock. We just got the news ourselves."
Perry's fists clenched even harder, if such were possible; his nails dug into his palms as he ground his teeth. Heinz, dead? Impossible. He had just thwarted him yesterday. The resultant explosion from his self-destruct button shouldn't have been near enough to cause serious harm. Not to the most resilient man he knew. Could it be? Did someone finally manage to thwart his nemesis? But that was his job. Who else... What else...?
( If this was Peter's work, he thought savagely, then OWCA would have a rogue agent on its hands in no time flat. )
「Show him to me,」demanded the agent without preamble, his signage snapped out restlessly. He held up a finger when Carl opened his mouth to object.「Now.」
Carl pressed a button. A pneumatic tube appeared next to Perry, which he tried not to hurry into. His mind was still reeling from the news... If it was news. Some elaborate plan, perhaps — or a duplicate, a clone, a doppelgänger of some sort. He'd cloned Perry before. Why not himself? He felt sick. His stomach was tying itself in knots. It was as if his body knew, even if he refused to believe it himself. Don't be dead, Heinz, he prayed, his heart beginning to ache as its beat thundered in his ears. Don't. Don't. Don't.
The morgue was clean in a way that was disturbing even to Perry. Every inch of it gleamed with a sickening promise. I will take him, it whispered as Perry exited the tube. I will take him and tear him apart.
He was so small.
Perry swallowed hard and approached the gurney, his body beginning to shake. Monogram and Carl stood nearby the tube, but he didn't care about his audience just now. Heinz — wonderful, ridiculous, extraordinary Heinz — lay there cold and lifeless. His arms were missing; someone had put them to the side in preparation for the autopsy, he guessed, but it only served to make his nemesis look... Tiny. Frail. Helpless. His fingers danced over his narrow forehead, down his cheek and along his neck where he finally stopped to check for a pulse. He bent, listening for a cough, a breath, anything, but nothing came. His own breath caught in his throat. No. No-no-no.
Ever so slowly, ever so painfully, Perry realized that yes, he was looking at his esteemed beloved cherished nemesis. He could remember every burn, every scar, both pink and grey, old and new. They were all there. Every single mark, every single story, mapped out on the stiff body displayed before him.
Perry choked.
Was he sick, or was that a sob? There was a constriction in his throat that he didn't recognize, and a wetness in his eyes that he refused to name. He breathed hard through his mouth, tried to let the pressure out, but he couldn't. For once, Perry the Platypus couldn't control himself. His fingers clenched on the side of the gurney as he tried and failed to stem his tears, determinedly blinking them away. Heinz wouldn't want him to cry. He would never want Heinz to see him crying. He needed to be the personification of unstoppable, dynamic fury that Heinz knew. For Heinz, he needed to be Agent P.
I never got to tell you, he lamented, and let his fingers trace over Heinz's cheek again. I never got to tell you... but I will show you.
He took one last look at Heinz, not knowing what his expression looked like — not wanting to know what his expression looked like — and turned away, heading back for the tube.
"Agent P — " Monogram tried; but Perry shouldered past him and took the tube back to his lair, where he shouldered his jetpack and headed straight for Doofenshmirtz Evil, Inc. He would find out who did this if it took his last breath.
And they would pay.
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praxieserver · 1 month
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drew a parody of the 3rd Volume Cover for the webcomic "Sign" a while back hehe
Muriel Goshenite belongs to @avielex!
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faunandfloraas · 1 month
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illdothehotvoice · 1 year
I got the Mr. L voice clips I've done what I've set out to do.
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lovesick-level-up · 4 months
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Pride Hatsune Miku Stamps
@lavendergalactic's pride week: day 6 - a character that is just so insanely queer
its her!! its miku!! the og, the best, the goat, etc. she is just, so insanely queer, lets be real. everyone can relate to her, and no matter how you headcanon her, its all valid, because she is that sort of character. also, we've never made stamps before, we have no idea if these are any good lmao. but we'll add them to our rentry soon.
feel free to use with credit as long as you aren't on our dni, but don't claim as your own! like/reblog if you save or enjoy!
and bonus ones of the rest of the main vocaloids + gumi!! because they also definetly fit this prompt too lmao.
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fleshmouth · 6 months
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See How (See how it goes)
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lopposting · 5 months
today im thinking about eugenie canonically educating P on diversity
You're not the only one who's curious. Most people get around to asking where I'm from. My looks give it away, don't they? Suffice it to say I'm from the country of the morning, beyond the ocean. But I wouldn't be much of a tour guide. All I know about it is their weapons. My family was a house of weapon specialists. It's quite a reputation to live up to! They almost took charge of planning for the Grand Exhibition. But that's their reputation, not mine! And they deserted me when I was little. I don't even know who they are, and my reputation is my own. I suppose my only connection to them would be... weapons. So I'm an orphan -- and that hardly makes me "exotic" in Krat. Can I help you with anything else?
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