#and i did cry at the epilogue when the music crescendoed
honest to God, there are literally only 3 things that will ever make me revisit the Skip Button Ending:
1. Needing to check details of it for my NEA - which I won't really need to do as the ending is burned into my brain (and not in a fun way)
2. Checking out the eventual Japanese subtitles, as I'm curious as to how they'll translate "the end is never the end". My bets are on 「終わりは決して終わり」
3. To just sit in the Memory Zone and chill for a while, before resetting. No need to visit the bad parts of the ending. Just sitting in the calm little nook of the game that the Narrator has shaped entirely to his liking.
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BTS Mafia AU- Jung Hoseok
Heyya there :)) So I've just written up Jhope’s version on the beautiful request from @atricksterwithwings​ and I hope you enjoy it! Hoseok deserves all the love in the world :))
A/n: There are mentions of depression and antidepressant tablets in the writing below and I request you not to read the fanfiction if any of these themes are triggers to you. Please remember that if you do suffer from depression, that light can be found in the darkest of places and that help will always come if you ask for it :)  
Note: The scenario requested was: BTS Mafia reaction to seeing their s/o after two years apart. 
Much Love :)
Part 1: Jin and Namjoon 
Part 3: Suga 
Part 4: Taehyung
Part 5: Jungkook 
Part 6: Jimin and Epilogue 
‘’Uncle Hope!’’ shouted Hee Young, waving her small arms as she spoke. As her name suggested, Jimin’s daughter really was the bringer of joy and prosperity.
‘’What is it Hee Young- ah?’’ he cooed, looking down at his beautiful niece. Jimin had been the first of the seven to tie the knot and the young dancer loved his Wife and daughter immensely. At 6 years of age she did well to bring her favourite Uncle out of his recurring depression. And dare the members of Bangtan suggest, she single handily saved one of the largest Mafia groups from perishing completely. Jung Hoseok, the eyes and ears of Bangtan Sonyeondan was a man held together by antidepressant tablets and memories of you. From the way you would smile, when he saw you after months overseas, to the tears clouding your eyes when he told you he’d be leaving again. He remembered everything, and perhaps, that was problem.
‘’You promised to take me to dance practise today! I want you to meet my teacher too!’’ said Hee young, eyes sparkling as she tugged onto her uncle’s sleeve. Today was Young- Hope day, a day dedicated to Hoseok and Hee young spending time in each other’s company. Allowing Jimin and his wife some well-deserved relaxation.
‘’Anything for you princess.’’ he replied, beaming down at her. Hoseok loved children and he had often dreamt of having his own. But most dreams never really came true did they? You had disappeared, not a trace left behind and he had done well to brace the impact of true loneliness with courage. Hee Young gave him strength to continue with his work, her enthusiasm and dedication to simply being happy was something Hoseok related with you. And maybe that was the real reason he’d trail behind the little girl, in the hope of salvaging whatever small ray of sunshine was left in his life of death and destruction.
‘’Let’s go! I’ll be late otherwise! Miss always hates it when people are late…she says…ummm’’ said Hee young, scratching her scalp in thought. She’d taken after Jimin in more ways than one and Hoseok found it hard to hold back his laugh at the antics. ‘’….punctuality is the true essence of discipline.’’ She continued, finally finding the right words.  
Hoseok stood dead in his tracks, his face turning pale. He had heard the phrase before. It was a rule you would always abide by, you even had the exact same message taped up on your door. You always hated the idea of being late, going as far as missing lectures entirely, rather than walking in just a few minutes after the lecturer himself. Surely it was a coincidence, they were just 7 words, loads of people knew that quote, right? He swallowed his breath as shivers began to break through his spine. Where had he kept his pills? He thought, mind racing at the prospect of having to delay his niece further. Hoseok hadn’t realised but he had begun to hyperventilate, sweat gathering on his brow and upper-lip. It was only when a small hand encased his own that he was brought out of his trance.
‘’Uncle…Appa put your sugar sticks in the car this morning, you know, for emergencies. But you don’t need them right now. You’re doing great!’’ Hee Young whispered. She was an incredibly smart child, and was well aware, that her father would only call them Sugar Sticks so as to keep her from being frightened at the thought of antidepressant tablets. More importantly, why her uncle had to have them. But she remained silent about these facts and knew better than to dig up old graves.
‘’I am okay now Young- ah, let’s go.’’ Said Hoseok, the colour returning to his cheeks as he grabbed the keys to their SUV, his other hand never letting go of Hee Young’s.
Kim’s Ballet School wasn’t the most famous institution in the country, but Hee Young had fallen in love with the pretty building that lay seemingly hidden in a layer of Moss. She had insisted upon nothing else but enrolment into the school for her 5th birthday and Bangtan pampered her too much to refuse. A year later, she was preparing for her very first recital and her favourite teacher had wanted to discuss the prospect of additional training with a parent or guardian. It was the perfect excuse for Hoseok to meet her beautiful teacher. It made her ache every time she saw her precious uncle cry to the photograph in his locket and although she had never seen it herself, she knew Hoseok’s heart had been hurt deeply by the woman in the image.
‘’She’s just in there, rehearsing. Go in and talk to her Uncle, she’s really sweet, I promise!’’ said Hee Young, pushing Hoseok into the dance room. ‘’I just need to say bye to my friends outside and I’ll be with you in a second.’’ she said, giving Hoseok a cute smirk, only to turn around and race to the doors.
You had been practising for your own performance, a rendition of Swan Lake and were given permission to rehearse in-between your classes. You're final assessment wasn't far away and dance had been the only thing on your mind. Jeté, Arabesque and Plié. You mouthed your steps to yourself as the music overtook your senses, eyes shut as you let each note take over your soul.  It hadn’t occurred to you that someone had been watching your performance.
Hoseok stood in the corner of the hall, pallor white, and palm gripping the ballet bar as you danced in full flesh before his eyes. The ballet skirt flowing as you moved, your hair slipping out of the loose bun and your cheeks flushed from practise. It was as if Hoseok was caught in the dream of when he had first met you- One of his absolute favourites. You however, would’ve remained completely oblivious to the observer, had the music not reached its crescendo, causing you to pirouette right into his toned frame.
Heartbeats escalated, arms wrapped around his shoulders and your breath fanning his face. Hoseok couldn’t understand whether or not this was reality and in all actuality he had wished to never find out. You were alive and well. Two years apart had done nothing to age your beauty and he felt strength course his veins as he held you again.
‘’Hoseok?’’ you said, unable to keep yourself from whispering the two syllables into the silence of the room. It was just a dream, there was no way he was here in front of you. This was a dream and you were bound to wake up any minute, covered in tears and sweat but completely alone.
The sound of his name from your mouth had sent him into overdrive.
He pulled you flush against him and tightened his hold, moving to dip his head into your neck. It didn’t matter to you if this were a dream, in fact at that moment, nothing mattered. Encasing yourself into his body, you breathed deeply and inhaled his scent. Fresh Laundry and Rose. He was still the same Hoseok and memories of the only man you had ever fallen in love with circled your mind, sobs wrecking your heart as you held him tight.
‘’Don’t ever…Leave, just don’t-‘’ murmured Hoseok into your skin, as his limbs gave way, no longer being able to hold the both of you. He crashed down onto the floor pulling you with him, and you scurried closer, trying to minimise any gap between the two of you.
‘’I won’t, I won’t, I am here Seok…I love you-‘’ you replied. After what felt like centuries, you drew away in order to study his face and he shuddered at the loss of contact. You noticed his lips were swollen from the tears but you knew nothing could ever be more beautiful. And without a second thought, you took them into your own, kissing him senseless.
Hee Young stood by the door, peeping into the dance room as she saw her uncle breakdown and resurface from his own turmoil.
‘’Dreams do come true.’’ She whispered, smiling at the sight. 
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exidtotheleft · 6 years
The Devil’s Trill | 09
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Musician AU/Fluff
Summary: Min Yoongi is a harsh music critic and judge known for his brutally honest input. When it comes your time to face his judgement, things go down different than you expected. The judge may end up becoming more than just a person to be feared to you.
Chapters: Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Epilogue
You were positive that the judges, as well as the audience, were drooling over you and your performance. No one had expected to hear someone play a baroque jewel the way you did today. Playing a piece as difficult as the Devil's Trill with a full cadenza was such a risk that people almost never did it. 
As you opened the piece on the stage for the state competition, you could practically feel the crowds gaze on you. All eyes were locked on nothing but you. You demanded their attention, and they gave it to you completely undivided. 
It was safe to say that there was a number of people in the audience that had never heard this piece before. You were there to make sure that their first time hearing it was a time worth remembering. You were certain that you were doing that. 
When you faded away from the double stops and melodic beginning of the piece, the transition you made to the upbeat and driving section of the piece was so sudden and intact that you were sure it scared the crowd. You made sure that the music coming off your strings leaked with character. From the scrapping sounds you created on the lower notes to the intensity and resonance of the higher notes. Then getting suddenly quieter when you started up with the trills and working in a crescendo to keep them interested. And you were doing just that.
You didn't break your focus through the entire thing. You didn't stop to look at Yoongi or think about Stacy. You didn't even waste a moment to think about the judges that were watching your every move. You just played. Played like you meant it because you truly did. You could feel yourself practically dancing along with your violin all the way through the piece. And as you neared the end, you began to ask yourself why you had been so afraid of this piece. You broke your streak of focus and thought back to how terrified you were of this piece when Yoongi had first put it on your stand. You thought he was crazy. But you would never think that about him again now that you were here. He wasn't crazy he just dreamed big, but not to big for you.
When you approached the cadenza of the piece you stopped for a moment, opening your eyes and looking at Yoongi. A smile rose to your lips as you glanced at him, but his look stayed serious. The smile on your face dropped as you started playing, you looked away from him again and looked down at your fingers as they attacked your strings. You were sure that you had the judges full attention once you ended the cadenza and Yoongi played his final chords on the piano again with you. 
You held out the last note, and it went silent. Like people didn't know what to do. They didn't know if they should clap yet because of how entranced they were. But when you took your violin out from under your chin, then the roar of applause started. It seemed to drag on and on. But once Yoongi stood next to you for your bow, the unexpected happened. People started to stand. You watched amazed as one by one, row by row, audience members started standing for you. You truly couldn't have asked for more.
The both of you took your bow and walked off stage side by side. Tears of joy pricked the corners of your eyes and once again, once you were off stage your arms went around your accompanist's neck. But it was much more sure than the last time. During regionals, it was like he didn't know what to do when you did this. But this time, it was like he had the same idea as you. His arms went around your waist and your feet even lifted off the ground a bit. "I knew you would kill that piece." "Did you see that?!" You asked before pulling back from him a bit. "They stood for us." You added, a radiant smile across your lips.  "I knew they would." Yoongi added before putting your feet on the ground and loosening his grip on your waist. "One of these days you're gone throw yourself on me like that and break your violin." "I'm being careful!" You argued while stepping away from him. You started walking to where your case was. "Did you check the program?"  "No. Why?"  "Stacy played Wieniawski's variations this morning." You said as you put your violin in its case. You honestly had a feeling of doom pit in your stomach when you had seen that piece next to her name. Not being able to hear her was very unsettling to you. The variations were just as difficult of a piece yours, and it was a very good piece to compete with because of the range of skills its shows off.
"Don't worry about her—" "I can't just not worry, Yoongi." You said before shutting your case, not facing him yet. "If she takes another win from me, I'll..." You couldn't even finish the sentence. You didn't know what you would do if she took this from you too. It would destroy you and all your hours of work. You turned to face him. The tears of joy you had had from your performance were gone. They were almost replaced by nervous ones, but you really didn't want to cry in front of Yoongi. So you held it in.  "Shall we watch who ever is left?" You asked as a way to cover what you were feeling.  "If you want to." Yoongi agreed. You nodded in response before picking up your violin case and walking next to him into the house of the theater. You took seats in the back row where not many people were. Listening to your competition.
"All contestants head to stage!" A back stage worker announced. Everyone competing today had lined up backstage. When the instruction was given, everyone that was lined up stepped out onto stage into the bright lights, and the applause of all the people watching and waiting for the winners. 
Once everyone had lined up on stage, you looked down at your feet and closed your eyes. You took a breath to get out the nerves you were feeling. Shaking out your hands as well. This was incredibly nerve wracking to you. 
"You're alright." Yoongi leaned over next to you and said. You looked down still, but opened you eyes, nodding. Knowing he was there was really giving you some comfort in all this.
You looked up again when the announcer over the intercom thanked everyone for coming, but you only started listening to the voice when it announced what the circumstances were for this night.
 "The top ten from tonight's competition will be taken to nationals on February 23. Best of luck to all who participated today." 
The announcer said before taking a short break and announcing who was in 20th place and so on. Everytime a name passed by that wasn't yours, it was like your knees got a little weaker. When they announced who was in 10th place, your nerves kicked back in again. Your hands started shaking even more. That was until you felt the person standing beside you grab your hand. Holding it in a way a parent would hold their child's hand. Just for comfort or a feeling of safety. You took a breath.
 "9th place..." 
 "8th place..." 
 "7th place..." 
 "6th place..." 
 "5th place..." 
 "4th place..." 
 "3rd place..." 
 "2nd place, Stacy Thomson." 
 "1st place,  _(y/n)_"
You let go of Yoongi's hand and practically ran to the small podium. Standing on the tallest box and showering thank you's to the people putting the medal around your neck. Every musician took their bow and you ran off to Yoongi, holding up the golden medal for him to see. "I told you not to worry." He reminded. You giggled happily before turning over your shoulder, looking on at what was going around behind you. Your eyes landed on Stacy immediately. She was standing at the edge of the stage, speaking to an older woman. You knew exactly who it was though. It was her mother. They both turned to face you. You had a strong feeling that you were the subject of their conversation. 
You turned to look at Yoongi again, not wanting to pay attention to them at the moment. "'You hungry?" You asked. The two of you hadn't eaten much today, so you had a feeling he would be.  "Yeah. Did you want to go somewhere?" "Sure. We have nothing else to do." "I actually know a place not to far from here, it's pretty fancy if you don't mind." "I don't mind at all. Let's go." You both made your way off the stage and you grabbed your case from the seat you had left it in. Pushing past the crowds of people trying to leave. "Congratulations." You heard someone next to you say. You looked at them and smiled. It felt good to be recognized. "Thank you." You mused before walking through the corridor outside. 
Once you had passed everyone and were out of the crowd, you walked straight to Yoongi's car. Putting your violin on the floor of the back seat. "Where exactly is this restaurant?" "It's about fifteen minutes away from here." He answered before backing out of his parking spot and joining the line of cars that were trying to leave. "It's an Italian place. Since it's dinner time you're supposed dress nice there but that shouldn't be much of an issue for us."  "Yeah definitely." You leaned your arm on the seal of the window, looking outside. It was currently about 5 p.m. so the sun was low in the sky. It wasn't setting yet but it would be soon. 
You both road in silence the way to restaurant. It wasn't an awkward silence but a comfortable one, which was an often occurrence for you two. You both seemed to think a lot and that's why it wasn't a weird atmosphere. Most of the time, though you didn't know it, you were thinking about each other. "Here we are." Yoongi said quietly to break the silence.
You looked up at the artistic building. The exterior was very pleasant to the eye. It was painted a typical brown color, but the shape of the windows and the trim around the roof gave it a very European feel. "How do you know about this place?"  "I've judged at the same theater we were just at before and all the judges went here after. I haven't been here since then though." He explained while pulling his keys out of the ignition. You opened the door and stepped out of the car. Yoongi following and locking the car behind you. 
When you walked inside, there was a line formed at the front desk. People were being guided to tables by hosts while others were told to wait. "Just for two?" The hostess asked once you reached the front of the line. Yoongi nodded yes to her  and she grabbed two menus. "One just opened up. Follow me." She commanded with a polite smile. You followed her as she speed through the busy restaurant and took you through an archway to the patio outside. "You don't mind sitting outside do you?"  "Not at all." You answered before Yoongi could. You weren't sure where he stood on that, but you wanted to get away from the noise. The hostess sat you at a table in the corner of the gated patio. "This is really fancy." You commented while looking around you.  "Told ya." He said while leaning back in his iron chair. "It's really good too. I got the lobster last time I was here and it was seriously the best lobster I ever had."  "Are you gonna get it again?" You asked when you realized he hadn't opened his menu.  "Yeah." He admitted. "Do you want wine?" He asked. "Sure." You agreed.  "Red or white?"  "Red." "Good choice." Yoongi agreed. You looked in the menu you had been given. It was filled with all kinds of things. But your eyes landed on the pasta section. This was an Italian restaurant anyway, you wanted to get something authentic. You closed your menu when you decided that the lasagna was what you wanted. 
"Do you know what you want?" You nodded at Yoongi in response. He soon looked over his shoulder at a waiter that was near by and called him over politely. Yoongi requested your bottle of red wine and you both ordered what you wanted. He soon came back with a basket of bread sticks and the glass bottle of wine, opening it for you and everything before placing it in a bucket of ice. A bus boy walked behind him and placed the wine glasses in front of both you. "Every thing else should be out soon." He informed before leaving you two alone again. 
Yoongi didn't hesitate to grab the chilled bottle and fill your glass with the red liquid before pouring it into his own, putting the bottle back in the ice. "To first place?" He asked, holding up his glass. He held it a bit oddly. Instead of slipping the stem of the glass between his fingers, he held it similar to how you would hold a normal glass. You giggled and held up your glass as well. 
"To first place." You confirmed before you both tapped the glasses together and took your first sip. The wine was very flavorful. Not too bitter and not too sweet either. It was just perfect.  "Are you nervous for nationals?" Yoongi asked, putting the glass down.  "Yes." You admitted without hesitation. Looking away from him. "I really thought I would be untouchable during this competition. I probably shouldn't have let my pride have such a hold over me huh?" You asked, looking up and out. Gazing at the scenery off the patio. The sun was setting now. 
The orange hue of the sky lit up your whole face and the clouds reflected in your watery eyes. Giving you an angelic glow. Yoongi looked at you as you stared into the sky. He was completely taken aback by you, even if he would never admit it. He pressed his lips together when he felt his heart thud and butterflies fly in his stomach at the sight of you. That was the moment when he realized exactly how beautiful you were. 
"It's best not to worry about it." Yoongi said to break the moment. He couldn't just watch you like that anymore, he was trying to conceal how he felt about you until this competition was over so he didn't distract you from your violin. The view you were giving him was making that hard for him. "You've done everything you possibly can. You've put so much time into this and your dedication impresses me."  "But what if it wasn't enough." You interrupted looking away from the sunset and at him. "I put everything into this but, I'm just afraid I don't have enough to put into it."  "If for some reason you didn't win, you need to know that you won me already, and that's not an easy thing to do. Everything you gave was enough for me. It will always be. Those judges are dead to me if they choose that Stacy girl over you. I see so much more in you than I do in her."
You looked at him as he rambled on. Hearing that from him really got you. People don't typically compliment others that heavily anymore. You were no exception to that. You couldn't even remember the last time someone spoke to you like this. You looked away from him when he was done. Your eyes began tearing up but you fought the oncoming tears back. You just reached forward and grabbed a bread stick from the basket. Breaking it as a way to distract yourself. "You okay?" Yoongi asked with a tilt of his head. 
You nodded, looking at the bread in your hands that was over your lap. "It's just that, no one's ever said any thing like that to me." You explained drifting off towards the end.  "I don't know why that is."  "I'm gonna start crying if you don't stop with that." You said with a little laugh before finally talking a bite of the bread in your hand.  "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Yoongi asked while propping his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand.  "Stop." You joked with a giggle. "I'm serious."  "So am I. I remember the first thing I thought when you stepped onto the stage the first time I saw you was 'she looks so perfect.' I mean that." 
You were sure that you were blushing. "You're so cheesy." "Every time you look at me when you play, I get chills. Seriously, I do." You giggled a bit more, your tears were threatening to fall down, but before they could, the waiter came back with your orders. You wiped under your eyes and blinked away your tears as the waiter put the plates of food on the table before both of you and even lit a candle that was in the center of your table since the sun had fully set. Yoongi answered his routine questions of "can I get you anything else?" As you drank from the wine glass, waiting for him to leave.
"You're even cuter when you blush." Yoongi commented while unrolling the cloth that had the silverware in it. You swallowed your drink and put the glass down, looking right At who was across from you.  "Stop this, you're not even my boyfriend." "Whatever." Yoongi said quietly, looking away from you as he cut into the lobster on his plate. You could tell by his quiet reaction, and by what you already knew about him, that the thought that ran through his mind after you said that was "not yet."
You unrolled the silverware from the cloth and cut into the tall slice of lasagna you had ordered and took a bite of it. It was by far the best lasagna you had ever tasted. "How is it." Yoongi asked. "Coming here was a great idea." You said in response.  "I knew it would be." Yoongi agreed before dipping more of the lobster in butter and taking another bite.
You know how they say people eat in silence when a meal is good? Well that's exactly what you two did. Not a word was shared by you too until each of your dishes were done. Once you had finished your lasagna, you took your half eaten bread stick and dipped it in the remaining sauce before eating it. But you were done after that. The lasagna was very filling and you were done after the one slice of it. "Finished?" Yoongi asked after you had both stopped eating for a moment. 
"Yeah." You responded, leaning back in your chair. You watched as Yoongi called the waiter over again and paid for the dinner. 
The two of you would be leaving for nationals after your morning classes tomorrow. It was about a three hour drive from your college to the city Nationals were held at this year. Last year you had to fly out to get there, but you got lucky this year. You and Yoongi decided it would be best if you left the day before so that you didn't feel rushed the morning of the competition. So you had already split the cost of a hotel room for one night. 
"We should get going." Yoongi said when the waiter came back with his card. "Tomorrow is gonna be a long day."  "Let's go." You agreed, standing up. Yoongi followed next to you as you walked back through the restaurant and out the front exit.
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kitsoa · 6 years
Lyric Comic Q&A
So it turns out when you work on a project for half a year, you get a lot of Thoughts and want to express them whether people are actually curious or not. Without further ado, your un-requested Birdmen Lyric Comic Q&A
(Warning: I’m long winded)
*Why a Lyric Comic?
Dude, lyric comics are cool. I’ve always been fascinated by the beautiful, multifaceted artistic experience they provide, because of my love for music and art. Furthermore, I am often plagued by cinematic trapped in my head, spurred by the movement and lyrics of my favorite songs. Since I have no means or experience in the animation category (which would free these phantoms from my head) the lyric comic was a godsend of a medium for this inspired idea of mine. Kiki-kit of the Gravity Falls fandom and Tides-miraculous’ lyric comic in the Miraculous Ladybug are my main inspirations, I’ve adored their sense of motion and emotional savviness. It’s quite the powerful medium.
It’s also a good medium for me personally. I am a ‘looper’ with my music, allowing me to listen to something over and over without tiring. This is useful in the drafting stages! I loved the challenge (though I definitely didn’t anticipate it’d take this long).
*Why this song?
“Out of Mind” was one of those songs that spoke to me, in an overly cathartic, heart-yearning-- almost funnily sardonic ways. Birdmen being on the brain, I started to easily see how much the singers voice reflected that bombastic frustration our Eishi is so known for. The Pre-Chorus “Are you kidding me?” speaks to me the most, reminding me of his cry of frustration during his first blackout, screaming against his fate as he fell from the sky (this exact image did not make the final cut in the end, but I certainly vied for it until other themes overtook it-- let’s face it, there are many screaming Eishi’s to choose from).
This period of time between Takayama’s disappearance and the inevitable reunion is super intriguing to me. Eishi’s in the role of the heartbroken singer, hopelessly betrayed and unable to get over the good thing they had.
*Breakdown the story:
The progression goes like this:
Eishi’s loneliness consumes the first verse, Takayama’s empty seat, Eishi standing alone… all the while peppered with Takayama’s broken promise, which culminates with Eishi’s defiant Death Tweet. The Refrain then serves as these hallmark moments that define them. This is what they had. Every rescue, every proclamation or venomous defying of fate-- it’s what made them. And you’d have to be out of your mind to think that these moments could be forgotten.
Verse 2 is all about that shift in Eishi to follow him. Wistful memories drive Eishi as he chooses to leave and depart from everything he knows, just to get him back. Meanwhile, that opinion of Takayama is still weighed down by that grating irritation (like hell he’s in touch reality, how could he do this?) culminating to his call for him in the Himalayas. The Refrain fires again with the same point as the last but this time I tried to go for a more fervent angle, some of the scenes actually focus on Takayama’s feelings for Eishi and ultimately the pull they have towards each other.
The Bridge is where things get desperate. The moments in the manga where Eishi is in physical pain because of the Whiteout shake me so much. It reminds me of a straight up panic attack. I let this crescendo with the music, making the black void swallow the chaos in a quick snap. Building to the final chorus.
The whiteout is special because Eishi both yearns after this figment emotionally (his friendship with Takayama) and intellectually (what the hell is it and what does it mean?). It represents his unique position in the realm of the story being able to see it, but it ultimately captures the almost divine force behind the relationship of Eishi and Takayama. The outro then brings us back to Eishi failed call at the Himalaya’s, the whiteout ripping him up and forcing Takayama to save him. All the while calling back to that first interaction between them. A mysterious moment that obviously held more weight than any world shaking rescue. And I cap it off with a warmer depiction of their reunion.
*Are you shipping in this comic?
Despite the romantic song, my affections for the pairing, and any other subtext I’ve provided, I went in with the project with a platonic angle. Like I’m not lying. I’m on the ace spectrum or whatever so I kind of interpret every strong bond in the same realm. So that means, if you think it’s a romantic interpretation-- then you’re right. If you think it’s not, you’re also right. Love comes in many forms. Have fun kids.
*What was your process?
Listen over and over and figure out where to phrase the panels. I then divided the lyrics up accordingly in a draft and reviewed the pacing over and over again. Does it flow? How many words would comfortably fit with each panel?
Determined the thematic arc. At this point I already had a few anchoring moments so I wrote a description of the panel in the draft. I went with the formula of Verses= move the ideas, Refrain= emotional accents, and the Bridge is like… the climax with an epilogue of an outro. This was tricky step. I debated a lot of ideas and some lyrics didn’t feel like a good fit until I really sat on it for a while.
Fill in the draft. This is where I sketch the general shape of panels. This is also where I look at the gestalt of the thing and make sure the composition is easy on the eyes. I tried to make it dynamic and zig-zaggy so as not to be boring. This is the step where one gets really excited about the project. Cause it’s no longer trapped in your head.
Gathered references. Surfed the web, made some myself.
Made time to sketch, I did a lot of them at my summer job, made sure to draw about 2 or 3 a day. I had the time then because it was before I took on my day job. I was very surprised to find that I rarely went back to edit a picture or dispose of a draft. I went through with the mantra that I was going to finish the picture no matter what.
Stayed disciplined with said time. I would not let myself take a break from drawing because half the success came from the fact that I was on a roll.
When I finished them I then went through the process of scanning them (my scanner broke between the first 20 panels so RIP)
Coloring Stage
...Good lord. This is where I probably went the most wrong. Make sure you have a good process in place before starting out this stage.  I was not one to digital art much as of late so my familiarity with my program was lackluster (and it also is literally the worst program  in the world), and my laptop couldn’t handle more than 10 panels. So hurray for a very desperate fix. I did everything from my brothers computer, in his room. Sometimes at terrible hours because that's the only time I’m home.
Color planning. I rushed this process but I pulled up the textures and color pallets and reference images from internet searches and stock piled them. While planning I approximated the overall ‘tone’ of each pane; (is it a dark shade, a light shade, blue, or red in hue…) and then I adjusted that so the colors didn’t repeat or blend unless the panels where connected in the same scene. There was a lot of problem solving in the actual coloring so some of this was not as smooth and I paid for it later.
Sketch Editing. I was able to go back in, move around things and edit certain aspects of the sketch without compromising the entire work. This was a life saver.
Actually coloring. Because I color sketches it’s actually a painstaking process where I can’t use a wand or a fill. I’m not familiar with certain masking and coloring methods that would have sped the process up and I wanted to be consistent. This would take 3 to 5 hours a panel which I would do in small bursts.
Deciding font. I was hunting around for a good font for ages until I just decided… to use my own handwriting. This meant that I had to makes sure my tablet pressure specs were up to date and I had to practice my style. It’s not perfect but its cool.
Apply font to panel. There were moments when I literally said ‘screw it’ and left my handwriting a little more sloppy than standard.
Consultation. I worked with my graphic designer friend on improving the placement of text and the color choices. This was an interesting step she is a saint.
Every single panel is extremely large. I had to resize each one. Before this I had many tests in the drafts to see how certain sizes would load or format.
*Will you make another?
Probably. Like, there is nothing more satisfying than getting something stuck in your head out of it. I have a lot of tunes I am fond of but barely any qualify for lyric comics (need to have a good pace, easy to latch on musical phrases, thematic content that works etc.) The fandom is important too. Now that I think about it I have storyboards for an old DCMK ‘lyric comic’ idea to Imogen Heap’s “A-ha” (it was like some hidden dark side!au shit I still come back to it). I can’t let my interest wan or it straight up dies. Birdmen is a really unique series for me because its held on for a remarkable amount of time and strongly at that.
Fun Facts:
I colored a total 77 panels, 11 of which were scraped versions of the core 66 because perfectionist tendencies.
It took me 3 months to sketch all the panels out, sometimes drawing 3 a day. I would often cradle my sleeping kitten while I drew.
Panel 54-- the final chorus, whiteout splash page-- took three days to draw. At first it was two pages taped together, then it was three. I had my friend mend the images together into a massive pic for me to color, then break it apart for blog distribution. The full version is used in her video edit of the lyric comic.
I didn’t use pressure sensitivity on my tablet until I got to the last chunk. RIP
It usually took me over a day to do one picture.
I do not have a computer in my room that utilizes the art program I need. I literally did every panel after #10 in my brothers room. Sometimes hella late at night too. Props to my generous brother, he tells me he likes the company.
I took a few notable breaks. All of Inktober was used on the art challenge. The weeks leading up to Birdmen Week. And at least half of the Christmas season was spent on coloring hiatus.
I like adding a ring around the pupils of the seraph eyes. This is not canon, but an error that I really liked. You can see it as a sort of glow.
I am having my friend edit the panels into a video for your convenience. I have no idea how long it will take but I’m tired.
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Peter Pan x Mermaid!Reader | Part 10
Summary: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9    Epilogue
Fic Type: Peter Pan x Mermaid!Reader Series
Warnings: Blood! Murder! Attempted Murder! Drama! Love!
Author’s Note: This is the last installment of this series, and the Epilogue will be up tomorrow. Masterlist will be up Monday!
Devin’s plan was reckless, dangerous, and haphazard. But Y/N couldn’t have cared less. She would have given anything, even her life to escape. She knew Devin was right. Pan would never let her leave, unless he was dead.
Y/N slid a sheathed knife into the shaft of her boot, and set off to find Pan. This task, as it turned out, wasn’t hard. He had slipped off into the jungle, just outside the camp boundaries. She found him leaned against a tree, eyes open and glaring, obviously deep in thought.
“Pan?” She called softly as she walked up to him.
He shook himself out of his thoughts, and looked up to see the girl who had greeted him. “Y/N.”
“Why… Why-”
“Why did I bring you back?” Pan arched an eyebrow. “Because you belong here.”
Y/N shook her head, walking closer. “No I don’t.” She murmured. “I don’t belong anywhere. Not in the sea, not on land, and certainly not here.”
Pan pushed himself off the tree, leaving hardly a foot in between them. “You belong here because I said you do.” His voice, like his features were unreadable. “I was bored, needed a new game to play.”
“So that’s all I am?” Y/N stared deep into his chartreuse eyes. “A game. A toy, a mouse for a cat to play with.”
“That’s all you ever were.” Pan spoke without thinking, and instantly regretted it.
In the split second in which he was contemplating what to say next, Y/N had a knife in her hand. The moonlight glinted off the blade, flashing silver. The cold color reflected the fear and doubt in her eyes. She turned the blade in her hands, plunging it towards his heart.
Pan easily stopped the blade, and it fell from her hands, hitting the ground with a soft thud. He stared with horror at the girl he loved as she turned and fled.
“You failed.” Devin growled down at the girl who sat by the edge of the pond, weeping. She sat on the shore, not an inch of skin touching the water.
She didn’t reply, didn’t even turn to acknowledge him. Her shoulders were quaking, her entire body trembling like a leaf in the breeze. Her lack of attention only angered Devin more.
“We had one chance. ONE!” He shouted at her. “He saw us planning it. I know he did. He knows EVERYTHING! And now- now he’s gonna be after us! I DEMAND- I DESERVE TO BE IN CONTROL!”
Devin continued his tirade, accenting his words with cursing, staccato, vibrato, and harsh crescendo. All the while, Y/N continued to sob. He worked himself up, voice echoing across the water. His teeth were bared, muscles tensed, and every aggressive action was strongly pronounced for unwatching eyes. He was maniacal, sardonic, bordering on psychotic.
“YOU WANTED DEATH?” Devin practically howled. “I’ll show you death.”
He caught the weeping girl’s arm, yanking her harshly to her feet. Fires of fury and hatred were smoldering in his narrowed eyes as he weighed the pros and cons of the various and creative means available to him for exacting revenge. Devin, fueled with righteous hatred, easily dragged Y/N with him. Through the jungle, down a path she was unfamiliar with. His footsteps pounded on the earth, snapping twigs, crushing flora, and sending fauna scurrying in fear of his god-complex.
They stopped once they reached a clearing. Through blurred vision, Y/N could make out a tightly knit circle of trees bushes that ringed the clearing, shielding the sea of green from outside eyes.
Devin dragged her to the center of the clearing, rolling his eyes at the sounds falling from Y/N’s lips. It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. Y/N sank to her knees, not caring for the damp mud and lush ground plants that dirtied and stained her clothes. Her tears mingled with the suffocating humidity and her gasping wails echoed around the clearing. There was not a witness in sight to comfort her, save the trees which held their breath as they watched the events unfold before them.
“Useless.” Devin muttered. “Half-blooded monster.” He pulled out a knife, turning it over in his hands. “You see… No one loves you. Not Peter Pan, not your father, not your mother, and certainly not me. I poisoned you, if you were wondering. I simply slipped dreamshade into your soup the night before you left. Because… if I couldn’t have you, no one could. You were my leverage against Pan, the one thing I had over him. And I couldn’t just let that slip through my fingers now, could I? No, that never would have done. But now… You have betrayed me. You’re useless to me. Nothing but a little monster, a piece in a game. But now that game is almost over. I have won, beaten Pan at his own game.” Devin’s smile was maniacal, broad and polished with a lust for power. “Of course, we can’t let you have a quick-and-easy death. Oh, no. You betrayed me, darling. And you must pay the price.”
With those words, Devin lifted the knife over his head. The moonlight glinted off the blade, flashing silver. The cold color reflected the hunger and hatred in his eyes. He brought his arms down, plunging the blade deep into Y/N’s stomach. He twisted it, wrenching the knife out of her stomach. Blood spilled from her abdomen, the crimson blossoming across her corset, staining her white linen shirt. In a matter of seconds, she slumped to the ground before her former lover, her last sight the lips of the boy who had kissed her, loved her, and lied to her.
Pan was practically frantic. Devin and Y/N were nowhere to be found, and Pan cursed himself. It was his fault. He knew Devin had poisoned her, and he should have killed him while he had the chance.
The lost boys were on recon, scouring the forests in search of either party. Peter himself was headed to the the shore of the pond Y/N frequented. Upon arrival, he saw footprints. Fresh. He assessed the situation, noting the struggle. One thought pulsed through his brain. Y/N was in danger. He followed the prints, crashing through the forests, and the flora and fauna of the region were disrupted for the second time that day.
Pan stopped short when the trail ended. In front of him was a clearing, a field of green. No. A sea of green. Dread settled over him as he sprinted into the clearing, remembering the Shadow’s words. Make haste, lest you find the one you have been searching for asleep in a sea of green.
“Y/N!” Pan yelled, as he spotted her body, still amongst the grass.
He collapsed next to her, unable to tear his eyes away from her blood-stained body. The red of her blood contrasted sharply with the soft greens of the clearing, such a gruesome sight looked out of place in such a tranquil place. She looked peaceful. He scrambled to find a pulse, every fiber of his being praying she was alive. He grasped her wrist, thumb searching for a pulse. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was there, but slow and thready.
Carefully, oh so carefully, he gathered her body in his arms, paying no heed to the blood spilling onto his clothes. As he stared down into her face, he realized that she had never looked so at peace. How could he of ever acted so spitefully towards her? With a wave of his hand, the wound in her abdomen mended itself, her organs pierced themselves together and skin fused over the hole, leaving not even a scar.
Breaths were drawn shakily by both parties as Y/N’s eyes slowly opened.
“Peter.” She whispered, her words nearly torn away by the breeze.
Pan smiled, actually smiled. Not a smirk, or a sneer, but a grin filled with relief and happiness. She was alive.
Peter Pan was many things. Loving, was not one of them. He hardly showed any emotions other than anger and smugness. Oh, and his keen sense of pride for himself and Neverland. This was not to say that he didn’t experience other emotions. But could hardly keep up his domineering and cold exterior if he showed them, could he?
Besides, not showing emotion would protect his heart. His trust had been shattered too many times for him to even imagine letting anyone in again. Or so he had thought.
Then, along had come the one person that was the exception to his rule. She had made him feel things he had never truly felt before, and as a result he had pushed them, and her, away.
But now… After everything, he had no choice but to give in.
There she sat, on the other side of the bonfire, laughing and talking with all the other lost boys. The young ones, Timothy, Flynn, Caspian, Aravis, crowded around her, listening to her tell a story. She punctuated her words with dramatic facial expressions and over exaggerated gestures. Even some of the older boys like Owen and Baelfire were listening. Felix and James too were attempting to not look like they were paying any mind to the children’s story, but they too were enraptured in her words. All too soon (but also not soon enough) the story was finished, and the boys went back to laughing and talking and dancing and eating around the fire.
Peter pulled out his reed pipes, and lifting them to his lips, began to play. A haunting tune filled the air, winding through the atmosphere, carried on the warm breeze. He watched Y/N through the flames, and as she met his eyes, she smiled. She could hear the music.
She walked over to him, her white linen dress swirling around her. She sat next to him on the log, listening to the tune.
“Peter.” Her voice, like her smile, was soft.
He raised an eyebrow at her. “Do you know where you are?” He asked, setting the pan flute down.
She replied with love and sincerity. “I’m home.”
Tag List: @masters-madness @truestbeliever28@dreamsandtropics@gunnergirl117@sarcastichater@myfandomismyreality @sneakered-salamanders @fulltimeoncer @nyckiss @gunpowderandlead1213 @nevereverlandboys @mega-unicorn-poop
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