#and i didn't have any wishlist then either
crystall-violetzz-xx · 2 months
Hi everyone♡
For safety reasons I'm not gonna say my real name but you can call me Crystal! I'm new to the community but I've been lifting for about six months. I started out with small stationary, like pens and highlighters, but lately I've been branching out towards small makeup and skincare. Unfortunately I literally cannot lift larger stuff due to the size of my area's stores, however I do plan to lift better stuff whenever I have opportunity to shop elsewhere (especially s3ph0ra. fuck them)
**DISCLAIMER** This community dislikes people who lift from small businesses and I truly stand by that. Just because the stores I lift from are small in size doesn't mean that the owners depend on them for money. I know for a fact that 9/10 of these people single-handedly own half of the area's hotels and Airbnbs so I don't think they'd even notice a couple missing pens & lippies <3 **
some facts about me♡
~ I'm a minor
~ I'm bi and my pronouns are she/her
~ I collect Monster High dolls, mainly G1. My wishlist is ENDLESS but my all-time favs are Vandala Doubloons, signature Spectra Vondergeist and signature Clawdeen Wolf💜
~ My fav colors are purple, pink & blue
~ I've been lifting for about six months but I got caught by a friend and it scared me sh!tless. She lectured me about the morality of it and made me promise not to do it again. Sometimes I regret lifting bc of that promise...
~ I've never been caught out of sheer luck, so I decided to reach out to some pros for advice :)
~ I love crystals and if I wasn't so useless in science I'd follow gemology as a profession
~ I have a dog named Aria but I also have some "unofficial" pet cats, most of which are named after crystals or minerals :)
~ My hobbies include gaming (mostly ps3-4), journaling, lifting, drawing & listening to music (very creative ik)
~My fav video game is TLOU2 or any Tomb Raider game
~ My fav movie is probably Spirited Away
~ My fav cartoon is either Steven Universe or She-Ra
~ My fav artists include Lady Gaga, Pierce The Veil, Ke$ha & Crystal Castles
~ I can't pick just one fav song 😭
~I've never lifted clothes but I really want to!
~ nobody I know irl knows I still lift and I plan on keeping it that way
I've been scared of posting on here bc I signed up with my one and only email address but oh well... I plan on posting a haul of my all-time fav lifts as well as some tips & tricks I've been studying lately. Also a huge thanks to @s0wh4t1f1l1ft she's such a sweetheart and she's been super helpful!! 💕 I didn't think Tumblr would have such an active and supportive community but I'm so glad I found it :)
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utilitycaster · 10 months
Hi I’m a new critter and I love your account and both your meta and your takes on “drama” I genuinely want to know (if you don’t mind saying of course) what you consider to be the most egregious, bad faith cr take that you’ve ever seen. I just like reading your criticism because it’s both incredibly articulate and smart but also very satisfying
Hi anon,
Thank you! I do have to say this is a difficult question with a boring answer but I'll give you a tangential one as well to make up for it.
Obviously, the misogyny and death threats in C1 are the worst! Anything that rises to the combination of structural oppression and literal death threats is going to be the worst, even before you factor in how utterly tiny the stakes were here (and, frankly, you shouldn't factor that in; doesn't matter what the cause is, big or small! Do not send death threats!)
The reason I tend not to talk about that is because there's very little to say. It's misogynistic death threats. That's awful, inexcusable, and dangerous in any context. But if someone doesn't understand how terrible this is, I don't think I can say anything to add to that.
Anyway because that was true, but obvious and not terribly revealing, I have been thinking a lot about mean-spiritedness in the fandom and I'll talk about that here. It's something I try to be cognizant of, because here's the thing: I talk a lot of shit. I'm aware I talk a lot of shit. There's many reasons why I talk a lot of shit. But I do try very hard not to be mean-spirited. I think there is a very clear distinction between criticism, even harsh criticism, of things you don't like, whether it's in execution, concept, or they just aren't to your taste; and mean-spiritedness, which is much more based in a desire to do harm to others.
I think again the example I've mentioned recently of people harassing Liam until he took a song off a Caleb character playlist is the pinnacle. This doesn't have any real goal re: criticism - it doesn't address an issue with the character nor the narrative and the only personal preference it reveals is "I, a random fan, don't like that this song was used in this context" which is not really relevant and you can skip it. Harassment is never justified, and even behavior that skirted harassment really served only to be a dick to Liam. It didn't have a single result other than "Liam takes the song off and feels kind of bad for a while," which I suspect was in fact the goal for most people, and that's pretty abhorrent.
Harsh criticism is not necessarily constructive, but it is with the intent to reveal - either a personal preference, or what you believe to be a flaw (structural, thematic, etc) within the story. It might not have a goal - personal preference really is just "I don't like this guy" and that's fine. Mean-spiritedness, however, exists just to spew bile and do harm.
So the following (most of which are paraphrased, but all are things I've personally seen on Tumblr alone, and nearly all are from the last year or so) aren't per se the most egregious or bad-faith takes, but they are absolutely mean-spirited. They have all destroyed my estimation of the people saying them for the most part beyond repair, and in many cases, if they have not hurt my estimation of the ship or character they were intending to support, they have certainly increased my estimation of the things they were intending to oppose. (And it goes without saying: any harassment - any - is automatically mean-spirited).
"I hope Fjord and Jester have divorced [author's note: they were not married] and I hope it hurt."
"I hope Caleb and that floaty fuck have broken up by the solstice."
"I hate Ashton, and Campaign 3 wouldn't be any different if they weren't there."
"My wishlist for this episode is that Chetney hits on Fearne and Ashton cockblocks him"
"I hope Fearne makes that robot eat his stupid coin"
"I'm not surprised that Yasha missed, because Yasha is bad at everything."
"Funny how Vex goes against her husband but does everything that Keyleth says" [Author's note: later proved to be hilariously untrue]
"No one cares about Travis's characters."
"Oh, Liam meant that Essek's own guilt would still exist by 'It won't help the inside?' I thought he was just being a fucking twat."
I think some people go into fandom not because they want to talk about characters, but because they see it as an opportunity to hit someone. I think some people believe they are entitled to a "win" (not normal to want nor possible to achieve and often less about the story and more about the fandom agreeing with them) and will engage in any tactic no matter how underhanded if they don't think they're getting it. That's what mean-spiritedness is in the end. It's not a single opinion, and often it goes under the radar compared to more stupid but less clearly unpleasant takes - a lot of the above didn't result in a ton of discourse because most people see these and rightfully go "oh that person is a tar pit" and block them - but it's certainly, outside of bigotry (which is also frequently also mean-spirited) - the most bad-faith approach to fandom on the whole.
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
girl i keep thinking about your enchanted au and I find myself craving more 🥹 I can’t wait for the kiss 😭💗 how is daniel doing with christmas approaching? are they going to spend it together? will he do the mandatory christmas cleaning with all of his animal friends? so many questions 🤓
Oh my dear! I know we've already gushed about the actual factual fireman's hose of ideas this ask inspired, but I am SOOOO excited to write it all🫨🫨!!! Here is the first bit, that includes our hive mind 😍
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Part 1 | Part 13
Part 14
Max opened his front door, wearily depositing his suitcase in the entryway and letting the door click close behind him. Jimmy came to greet him with a small chirp and Sassy wasn't behind him so that meant Daniel was either holding her or doing something silly so she was watching over him.
Now that he focused on the absence of Sassy or Daniel, he heard Daniel's voice coming from the open patio door.
“But Chellie I don't have Jessie or Rii to help. I can't clean by myself! There's so much” Max could hear Daniel's pout a mile away. He had no clue who Jesse or Rii were or what he was cleaning however.
“Well if you want to prepare for Christmas properly you have to clean, Bub.” Michelle's voice was at least suitably sympathetic. “Why don't you ask Max to help you?”
“Well I dunno if he even celebrates Christmas. That's a whole thing first.” Daniel sounded hesitant, his lips forming his words over the thumb that was in his mouth. No doubt he was biting the nail in worry.
Christmas was coming up, Max had forgotten with all of the recent changes. He normally went home for the holiday so he wouldn't have to think about decorating his place here. He doubted that would be happy news for Daniel to hear. Max didn't want him to think that once again he was changing his plans because Daniel’s presence was ruining them.
Max took out his phone to send out a text to his mother and sister suggesting they have Christmas celebrations here in Monaco instead of back in Maaseik. They both responded quickly in the affirmative and Max felt a small relief in his chest. That was one problem down, now to try to figure out what Michelle and Daniel were talking about in regards to preparations. 
Max never really paid much attention to the whirlwind that usually happened around Christmas time. He was always too busy with work. He only knew it was coming closer when businesses and cities would start wrapping their trees with lights and ornaments. Then he would get a text containing a wishlist from his family and then he’d have his manager buy all the gifts. Then, he would fly home to spend the holidays with his family, his mother’s house would already be fully decorated by the time he got here and his contribution to dinner was more often than not a salad that he made off to the side of the kitchen so as to not get in the way of his mother and sister and their big cooking.
Were there special traditions that they had in Australia? Did Daniel’s family do anything specific that he would be missing? He walked into the kitchen while typing ‘christmas traditions in australia’ into his phone. Quite a few things popped up, some blogs and a few news sites. A lot of them made absolutely no sense to Max, including Christmas meals of prawns and seafood barbeque. He hoped that wasn’t something Daniel was particularly married to. He wasn’t sure he could provide any surfing– there was no telling with the waves in Monaco, but there could absolutely be a beach day and a Christmas lunch. Max had no clue what a pavlova was, but it was on every blog as one of the top three things about Aussie Christmas so he needed to see if there was a bakery nearby that would be able to bake it for him.
He was so deep in his research that he didn’t hear when Daniel walked into the living room and shut the patio door behind him.
“Maxy! You’re home!” Daniel’s grin was bright and he skipped through the common areas to throw himself into Max in a big hug. Max made a small ‘oof’ sound but his arms wrapped around Daniel’s smaller form quite easily.
“I am back.” He confirmed unnecessarily. He’d only been gone for a few days (with strict instructions to Lando that Daniel wasn’t to get drunk again), but it felt way longer in ways he wasn’t sure he was ready to confront. An american holiday was coming up and the team had wanted him to film some content. Christian and Adrian had also used that time to lock him in the sim to go over data for the new car.
He had been fine when at the factory, being distracted by work. But when he got back to his flat in Milton Keynes, he had felt the absence of everyone acutely. He’d gotten used to having a full house. Jimmy and Sassy used to prowl around silently and give him their attention, nowadays they were chirping and meowing when not with Daniel. Max always knew where they were as if they were keeping him updated on their whereabouts. He hadn’t realized how much he’d come to appreciate or listen out for it.
And Daniel, of course Daniel was louder than the cats. And his presence filled the flat. When he wasn’t singing or humming, or shimmying, or frolicking, or anything that was the complete opposite of staying still and quiet, he was in the proclaimed cat nest whispering sweet nothings to the cats. Or chatting on the phone to his family (or Max’s, he’d overheard many short conversations between Daniel and Vic or Luka). Daniel was a very bright spot in his home life. And his flat in Keynes felt very dull and grey while he had been by himself.
Daniel disentangled his octopus limbs from Max and filled a glass with water from the tap and handed it to the slightly confused man. A blush bloomed on Daniel’s cheeks.
“Jimmy said you normally drink water when you come back and you haven’t yet.” Daniel whispered, a tad embarrassed. Jimmy chirped from the countertop as if cosigning.
“Thank you Daniel, and Jimmy.” Max accepted the glass and drank it down in a few gulps. He watched as Daniel started picking at his cuticles, biting the small bit of skin by his thumb. He was nervous. “Is everything alright, Daniel?”
“I… uhm. Do you have plans for Christmas?” Daniel rushed out almost in a whisper, as if he was afraid of the answer. Max knew he was.
“Mom, Vic and the boys are coming here. Is that ok?”
Daniel sagged with relief and Max felt his own shoulders lose their tension. 
“Oh good! Thats– thats good.” Daniel muttered to himself. He looked at his phone as if checking the time before looking back up at Max again with hesitant brown eyes. “Uhm, do you guys have any traditions that you do?”
Max made a show of thinking to himself, looking to the ceiling as if he was pulling from distant memory and not that he had spent the last maybe twenty minutes freaking out about the same subject.
“It would be better to ask Mom or Vic, I think. But, of course, we are having a tree and Christmas lunch and dinner. The boys normally wake up really early to open their presents and they help Mom make breakfast. I think there is a Christmas market as well.” He looked over at Daniel who was paying close attention with his active listening face. He looked like he didn’t want to miss a detail.
“Oh! Ok, I can call Vic. where do you keep– no that's ok I can ask Sassy–”
“Where do I keep what?” Max asked quickly, a bit of dread creeping down his spine. He looked over at the cat in question quickly, she tilted her head questioningly before he looked away. He needed to have a quick talk with Sassy so she wouldn't give him up. Never before now would he have ever considered his cat a secret keeper….but look at him now.
“Oh, well I just wondered where you kept your decorations, is all. When do you normally put them up by? Mama likes to get everything started on the first.”
Max felt a cold sweat on his neck and he swallowed the lump in his throat at the thought of lying to Daniel. He didn’t lie– didn’t see the point of saying something that wasn’t true, not even to spare someone’s feelings. But he couldn’t make himself come clean about this, he didn’t want to see the sadness on Daniel’s face.
“I need to buy new ones.” he blurted, not a lie. Not the whole truth either, but Max was considering it a PR win, a media spin. Like when a journalist asks him a question Vicky already told him he wasn’t allowed to answer.
“You do?” Daniel’s eyes lit up at the thought of christmas shopping and Max knew he said the right thing. He nodded, so he wouldn’t have to think of more incorrect statements. “Oh that's perfect! I’ll make a list!”
And then Daniel was off, and Max felt his shoulder’s sag in his own relief. Jimmy jumped off the countertop to follow after the Aussie whirlwind and Sassy stayed on her perch atop the fridge. She gave Max that look again, the one he was starting to recognize as being way too smart for any cat to be.
“He doesn’t need to know, ok. We keep this secret to ourselves.” Max muttered to his cat, complete with putting his finger on his lips in the shushing gesture. Sassy tilted her head again in the opposite direction before chirping again and jumping to the countertop. He offered up scritches and she purred in response, it seems they came to an agreement.
“Good girl, you’re the best Sass.” Max murmured lovingly.
Part 15
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thoughtspresso · 1 year
Predictions for Oshi No Ko Ending
1. Anemone will be the one to find Katayose Yura's dead body.
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In Japanese flower symbolism, Anemones or Windflowers represent death, bad luck, and forsaken love. And it just so happens we have a character named exactly that, who happens to be the only other character apart from Katayose Yura who loves being in the mountains.
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Anemone will likely be climbing the same mountains on Yura's wishlist, and just like before, The Crow might lead Anemone to the dead body.
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It's like Akasaka-sensei decided Spider Lilies are already too obvious a deathflag so he chose a different flower.
I'm taking the bet that Akane might be the person who figures out the connection between Yura and Kamiki, or Miki-san might simply show up on the news as a statement about his "dear friend Yura" who "disappeared".
Akane might also give the head's up to Aqua that she thinks Kamiki murdered Yura, and that would be a reason for the two to spend more time with each other again. (Might shove a wedge between Kana and Aqua again, if Aqua isn't already doing that himself lmao.) Either way, it'd be a convenient way for Akane to attempt to both "save" Aqua and also help him accomplish his goals without killing himself.
2. The person who texted Frill Shiranui is Miki-san.
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Sylvanes made a fairly solid guess that Frill Shiranui works for Kamiki Productions. Whether or not he was necessarily correct on this, I'm making the bet that Yura's "best drinking buddy" Miki-san is connected to Frill professionally, and goaded Frill into pushing Ruby into the spotlight.
Some speculators say this might have been Aqua's ploy, but I I think this was incorrect. Aqua agreed with Kaburagi that money comes first and Frill was a more reasonable choice commercially. He even said that Gotanda should "grow up" and not choose Ruby just because of his artistic integrity.
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Apart from the friendly, casual tone of the text message that really sounds like the "Miki-san" persona and the image of decanted whiskey as his profile picture, I think Kamiki is actually praying for Ruby's success as a star.
In fact, I think people misunderstood why he killed Katayose Yura. He didn't kill Yura because his serial killer MO was simply because he liked killing up and coming megastars who shone brightly. He killed Yura because:
(a) He hates Stars who lie, who sell a persona to their fans that is vastly different from who they are as people, which is why he hated Himekawa Airi and Hoshino Ai.
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(b) He killed Yura because he knew that the project being offered to her was the lead role in The 15-Year Lie. And simply, he wanted Ruby to play Ai's role.
In a twisted way, I think Kamiki believes he is protecting his children, and the public in general, from being lied to any further by celebrities like Yura who deceive the public with their feigned innocence.
Honestly? I think the reason he killed their mothers was to protect them from growing up with mothers who lie and abuse their kids.
3. Kana might play Hoshino Ai in The 15-Year Lie.
Okay, okay, okay, okay. I know. I know. Unhinged fan theory. I get it.
Even AquaKana stans think this is majorly unlikely to happen. I agree in that, I think it's insane. But I keep coming back to what Aqua meant when he said that, "Kana is so easy to manipulate", and "It's more convenient for me to build a good relationship with Arima right now."
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People tend to say, he's making silly convoluted excuses again, he just wants to spend more time with her. But I think a man who is resolute in his goal to off himself by proxy of martyrdom doesn't care to date the person he was protecting from a love scandal anyway.
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There are a few key reasons why I think Aqua's "using" of Kana will result in her playing Ai's role.
First of all, I think Aqua's plan is to play Kamiki, to portray him in the worst possible way, and expose him as the murderer through the film. Through this, Aqua will bait his father into murdering him too, and thus Aqua's death can be used as legal grounds for charging Hikaru Kamiki with Homicide.
As established above, I think Aqua doesn't agree that Ruby is the best choice for Ai's role. There are a lot of parallelisms baked in between Kana and Ai. Apart from the shot-by-shot remake of Sign is B, Kana is also the best person to get stabbed and deliver the lines, "Some day I hoped the lies would become true. / I did my best. I worked hard. I lied with all my heart. / To me, lies are love. In my own way, I thought I was showing my love."
Besides, you saw anyone else say these same things?
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Uhuh, you guessed it:
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So is Kana gonna get stabbed? Hopefully in a movie, yeah.
I think it could happen as a result of Kaburagi's dissatisfaction with Ruby's performance.
Kaburagi's "finalized" casting isn't final-final yet, really. We can see that he swapped Aqua to play Kamiki instead of Himekawa who will now play Ryosuke the university student/stalker here:
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Which makes sense! Aqua looks like his father, is closer to his age during the time of the events, and Taiki's age and height also better matches Ryosuke.
And even though the paper says finalized on Ruby's casting, Kaburagi's still not completely sold:
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I think the swap will come as a result of Ruby being severely overworked and unable to keep up with the demands of her role, and the Dome performance that she might want to prioritize. She may even outright collapse from exhaustion, as foreshadowed by Kana:
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Apart from Akasaka-sensei absolutely trolling us to death by Ai x Kamiki on-screen romance being portrayed by twins, then just outright pulling the plug on that for fun, I think it'd just make sense for Kaburagi to say it's better if we pair Aqua with Kana for this role.
Ruby doesn't even have to collapse or anything. She's so loved up with the idea of Gorou-sensei right now, Aqua could literally just tell her "this is what's best for the plan, you trust me, don't you?" And she would absolutely just go with it.
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I said before that I think up until Mem-cho pointed it out, Aqua was wholly unaware that Kana had a crush on him and joined B-Komachi just because of him. I think now that he has the awareness, he'll ask Kana to do it, first to help Ruby, but also because he can only trust Kana to play this role because she is "Special" to him.
A repeat of:
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It really is the only way that this scene therefore makes sense to me:
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Bonus: if the Shima D masterpiece film doesn't draw Kamiki's attention to her, Kana playing the role of Ai definitely will. And if she delivers the role with so much honesty, it might change the trajectory of the story altogether.
4. Aqua's plan will backfire.
I explained a little above and in a previous post that Aqua misunderstands Kamiki's motives.
While we all like to shit on Aqua for being the World's Nicest Master Manipulator, we have to give him credit for the fact that when it's used for saving other people, he's been really effective at spinning a public narrative in his favor. Like in the cases of Akane's suicide attempt and Kana's Love Scandal.
If the goal is to get Kamiki to stab him in plain view of the public, villify his father, and make it easy to convict him for homicide once and for all, I think he will fail.
Kamiki will not kill him or go after him. In fact, I think Kamiki will shed his Miki-san persona and reveal the truth: he was Himekawa Airi's rape victim, and Hoshino Ai was a manipulative person who seduced him with the prospect of true love, then abandoned him when she got what she wanted, which was a family.
In the absence of any evidence that he had anything to do with their deaths, Kamiki might even use this momentum of propaganda to make the public believe that he's happy to finally be reunited with his children that these terrible mothers took away from him.
Heck, Taiki might hate Uehara so much that he'd be relieved to learn about Kamiki? And if he really is connected to Frill, and if Kindaichi still cares about him, there might be real people who would back him up.
Then, it won't be until Akane works with Aqua and everyone to bring the murder of Katayose Yura to light that Kamiki would actually be brought to justice.
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wondrouswendy · 10 months
My Control 2 Wishlist
I've had this on my mind the last few weeks after seeing Alan Wake 2 and what Remedy's really capable of when they push the limits of genre and storytelling. No one asked for this list, but I thought it would be fun to divulge some of my thoughts on the matter.
More Music
This list would be remiss if I didn't say I wanted a real musical number for Control. I want singing. I want choreography. Drama. Poets of the Fall jamming out even more. Maybe more of Ahti's dulcet singing voice. Maybe even Darling's too? A duet?
I want even more variety with the genres, too. Give us a love ballad. Give us more storytelling through music.
2. A Mixture of Enemies
I want Jesse to fight more monsters than just the Hiss. I want her to fight paracriminals, especially.
3. More Altered Items and OOPs
Mostly the latter. I would love to hear more about the OOPs Northmoor bound and used.
4. More Inter-Departmental Drama
I want to hear what people think about Jesse as Director following the Hiss invasion. Do people still feel as inspired by her?
5. A LITTLE More Tie-Ins with Alan Wake
I don't want this to swing too hard in the Alan Wake pendulum, but I think there's so many questions regarding the world at large through Alan Wake's story, I want to see some plot threads get tied up through Control.
I still want the story to focus on the Bureau and its agents, but I think it's fine to bring in characters from AW2, namely Anderson and Casey. I also want to know how the Oceanview ties into everything.
6. More Kiran Estevez, and an Update on the Bureau at Large
What it says on the tin. Agent Estevez was a badass. Give us more. Also tell us about her ex-wife and about her rebound relationship she definitely had (or have her get back with her wife).
What happened to the Bureau over the last few years? What's going on? We need an update.
7. More Darling, More Trench
This wouldn't be a wishlist without including them. I'm biased. I love them so much your honor and I want Trench to come back, either as a mentor or in the flesh because why not? Give us a chance to even play as either of these characters for a spell.
8. More Uh, Horniness?
Look, I'm not talking about outright explicit sexual content. But let's be honest. Alan Wake 2 was a bit more horny than it had any right to be. Explain yourself, Sam Lake. Explain yourself, Remedy. Keep bringing hot people doing hot things, especially with the use of FMV. Your fans will love it.
8. The Actual Number 8: More Slice of Life
What I'm genuinely alluding to, all joking aside, is more slice of life interjected into the Bureau's dynamics. More everyday banter. Maybe I just want to see people flirt with Jesse a little. Maybe some gentle nudging from Polaris for Jesse to let down her hair a little.
9. A Follow-Up With Dylan
I think for Jesse's character development, it will be important to address Dylan and what's his status. By extension, I would love to hear more about his potential connection to Mr. Door.
10. More FMV
Goes without saying, but this should become Remedy's signature cherry on top with their games. They have perfected the style and I hope to see more of it.
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girlstacian · 1 year
The meaning of Sukuna Unwanted Child Theory
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Why is Sukuna an Unwanted Child or Born cursed? and what does it/he mean?
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Well...it could mean a looot...anything!
Let me state some theories here as briefly as possible. which may or may not have happened. Or are almost close?
1. His parents fell in love (which was perhaps very rare and never seen before) one parent was human and the other was a human-like curse creature like Mahito etc (Shit happens xD) Then she realized she was pregnant, couldn't believe it because it was supposedly impossible but the baby inside her wasn't growing normally or rather it was not a normal child and was very dangerous. Surrounded with darkness & curses, cuz her body/she didn't feel very well at all. Because it is not a human but not a real curse either. Something new was created! (The Fearsome Womb)
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2. His shitty parents cursed their own child or someone cursed their Child? (For their stupid rituals or Whatever the reason might be?) if it was his own parents then no wonder...I mean look at him, he's scary and everyone gets scared to death even his own parents! I don't know if it's a deformity or a disability or not? But they were shocked or not what they expected! And if they were Twins and the Twin Theory is true? then twins weren't wanted, a bad omen, also not on their wishlist! (Maybe they want a child who was beautiful, strong & a noble man who will become a warrior?) For their honor or some shit like that? (Or just a normal kid like everyone else has?)
3. When his parents (regardless of whether they were human or not it doesn't matter now) When he was left alone somewhere or maybe even given away to someone (regardless of his look or a twin). Only one thing comes to mind! The Monks/Cult/Buddhism! Did they find him or did they grow him up? Because monks would take in anyone who was abandoned, no matter what they looked like. Monks and nuns are very wise, helpful and they don't care who is good or bad. It doesn't matter to them! It is said that everyone has to make a decision and find/go their own ways ☯️ or something like that. (Maybe they were even a completely different kind of monk) mysterious, grim, or even evil?
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4. But the next Theory could be shocking! His mother could also have become pregnant not through love but r@pe? Creepy human-like curse creature had a crush on a human woman or didn't have a crush on her but stalked her and then r@ped her. That could also be the reason why she didn't want this hideous creature, her child. (But they all talking about Love? Gojo is talking about Love, has something to do with a curse? also Yorozu is talking about Love and so on) 🤷‍♀️ It also could mean differently (the strongest, power) 💪 the love of fighting like Son Goku etc xD
5. Or Kenjaku has something to do with all of this shit. By manipulating everyone or even being personally involved? And once again, as always experimenting also one of his family tree of maniacs had already tried it back then? Or he wanted to imitate and copy this rarity but failed and had to find a woman who is able to do that too without any problems. (The Perfect Womb Hybrid) or something like that?
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6. Idk...His parents just dumb/stupid/full of shit with a weird looking child full of maniacs. Lmao clear and simple 😂 that's all
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radiomurdeer · 7 months
Random ideas I'd like to see. These are by no means comprehensive or in any particular order and I'm down with lots of plotting/changes to initial idea, these are just some things off the top of my head to help facilitate plotting. You can view the wishlist tag itself by clicking here. This got long woops so I'll put it all under a cut.
With Anyone/General Scenarios
Hotel Dad Alastor - maybe he shouldn't have told Charlie he viewed her as his spawn. I feel like such a bold claim should have consequences.
Alastor is injured after the fight and is dealing with it. The other muse does not believe that he's fine (maybe he is, maybe he isn't) and wants to help.
Alastor is injured after the fight and is taken advantage of (dark thread)
corruption thread! slower burn, Alastor just being a general creeper and influencing those around him in a negative way. Or someone corrupting him but I feel like that might be harder to plot for.
muse as one of Alastor's contractees and has to deal with having a weird creepy boss
found family stuff I'm a sucker for it
Alastor joining the Vees. How willing he is can be variable. Maybe he joined when Vox asked? Maybe he lost the fight with Vox and one of the Vees ended up holding his leash 7 years ago. Maybe he finally relented after coming back from his sabbatical. Bonus points for anyone trying to convince him to change his name to Valastor or something equally dumb with a V to match the rest of them (he refuses, tyvm)
redeemed!Alastor - Great Alastor, altruist, did die for his friends. He's not happy about this. No one is happy about this. Falling from Heaven any% speedrun go! Or maybe Heaven figures out a way to use him against Hell?
human!AU with Alastor as serial killer dating a horror/crime writer like this post
IDK I just like political intrigue
With Charlie
AU where Alastor is, in fact, dating Charlie like he insinuated at the beginning of Episode 5 before switching tactics to be a father figure. This is probably not a healthy ship but it could be
Hotel Dad Alastor - you made the claim my guy, time to stick with it
IDK make him sit in therapy or something. He's not a resident, he's staff, but he should set a good example right? Or maybe she wants to try out some psychology stuff she's read about and get his opinion before testing it on the resident(s)
them working together on some project for the hotel or something else
field trips to Cannibal Town or elsewhere - for someone raised in Hell, she doesn't really seem to know much about her people
With Husk
role reversal, Husk owns Alastor's soul
Overlord Husk - stuff in the past leading up to the game where Husk lost his soul
aftermath and time following Alastor getting Husk's soul
With Lucifer
Lucifer and Alastor having to deal with each other, I just want banter and maybe reluctant co-parenting/co-hosting at the hotel.
Something based on the Mutual Satisfaction comic by @/Fernrynn on Twitter, first page is here but the rest is easy enough to find (tw: gore, canniballism), - Lucifer makes a deal with Alastor to provide his meals. Probably more of a horror thread tbh?
I like RadioApple of all flavors. Lucifer and Alastor dealing with starting to like someone they can't stand and having to deal with feelings is a fun dynamic.
With Vox
Them meeting and working together, Alastor taking a newly spawned Vox under his wing.
AU where they continue working together and the 'Vees' didn't happen (idk I love the idea of 'the Media Demons/Broadcast Husbands' getting a rep and showing up at the hotel in the pilot instead of just Alastor)
the point leading up to and including where Alastor and Vox split. I high key headcanon this happened in the 70s/80s when Valentino showed up. An ultimatum was given, and Vox chose Val. Super negotiable on the reason for the split though.
AU where Alastor loses the fight 7 years ago and ends up working for Vox. Or the other way around? Either is good.
Vox and Alastor team up for some reason during/after the series, possibly reconciling, possibly not
RadioStatic of all flavors, unrequited/unspoken/QPR/exes/anything. I fucking love RadioStatic
corrupt priest or corrupt nun AU? AU where one is getting tempted by a devil? both tempting an NPC? Idk Vox's priest getup in ep 2 and Alastor's nun outfit in ep 5 had me thinking
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dreamerwitches · 1 year
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We're long overdue a merch showcase yaaayy! I've had a lot of great finds recently!
This is all my Madoka merch in my little shrine (plus some dolls and stuff that dont fit elsewhere :P my room is stuffed... ) I'm so happy to have everything I have, especially any witch stuff. Looking at it, you'd think homura was my favourite character but no XD its mami lol I've just happened along a lot of her stuff and I wanted to collect all her plaits figures. I have all the plaits homura kyun-chara now!!! :D
My recent additions are the nagisa nendoroid and school uniform homura cupoche and figma. The nagisa was £60 from ebay. Yes, its a lot and the most ive spent on anything but my god, she goes for over 100 usually, it was a steal (box and all). The homuras were £20 each from vinted which is even more of a steal, i am ecstatic about them because they also go for extortionate prices. (the only bad thing is that figma homu doesnt have a smiling face :( )
My favourite item is probably either my Lotte or Elly since they're both rare and I got them for good prices but also all of my Nagisa merch because damn she has nowhere near enough figure merch... Also the witch stage sets cause they're SO cute
The handmade stuff is (left to right): Elly figure, a human Elly doll made by my bestie for a doll trade, Charlotte figure, a Sasa doll from Oriko Magica, plush Candeloro at the top, Charlotte doll, Valentines charlotte figure, papercraft Oktavia (very top), back down is a Manuke figure, maid Lotte figure with custom Mami and Homura dolls above, swimsuit Homulilly figure and a Walpurgisnacht doll~!
Nagisa is certainly one I don't regret spending money on but I kinda do with the plaits homura dangler just right of Sasa. I got her because she was a good price (though still from america so the shipping was a lot). She's rarer so I thought she'd never show up again for a good price but then after I bought her I saw another listing??? So she's not that rare?! Like, come on... T-T I love her but I remember when she came, I didn't get that excitement spark from her. Maybe because she was smaller than I expected. I can't help but look at her and think 'eh, was she worth it..?' I guess I'm glad to have another plaits homura piece of merch...
On my wishlist is of course any witch merch and plaits homura as well as nagisa and cute mamis. Ones I'd really like are the school uniform mami nendoroid and maybe the maiko one (less so but she comes with charlotte :P ). Definitely the movic witch sets, though im less fussed about the familiars. My big wants are oktavia, walpurgis, patricia and elsa maria. Also the homulilly from the rebellion set but im sure she is way rarer... Nagisa's kyun-chara. I missed a good listing on ebay for that once and i regret it T-T The Mami and Charlotte stage set. It's the last one I want from the set..!
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darkstarofchaos · 9 months
Unpopular Opinions: EarthSpark Wishlist Edition.
Was going to give some thoughts on S1 a while back but never got around to it, so eh. Let's look ahead to S2 with some things I'd like to see and some I wouldn't.
Ironically, the one character I wanted to see but didn't think would fit the show seems like he's actually going to appear. I've already written up an extensive Prowl wishlist, but to summarize: socially awkward and seemingly cold or rude, but nice once you get to know him; either not a cop or an ex-cop; disability optional but strongly encouraged. Also, if he's going to have low empathy or a strongly numbers-based approach to the world, don't villainize him for it.
Aside from Prowl, the only characters I have strong feelings about are ones I don't want to see. Basically all of them are MTMTE/LL characters, but the only ones I'm going to call out specifically are the DJD: I feel like they would need to be a season-long threat to be properly utilized, and since we've already had one major "hunt down Decepticons" plotline, I'm not interested in seeing another.
Not a deal-breaker, but I'd rather not see any more gender-swapping. I don't mind Ravage or Nova Storm and I warmed up to Frenzy, but Skywarp just doesn't feel like the same character. By which I mean I wouldn't be able to write her the same way I write him, because the way I write him would be a female stereotype applied to her. And I couldn't do her relationship with Starscream the same way either (same goes for her relationship with Thundercracker if he shows up). So as far as fanfic goes, she's literally a different character who I'd need to approach completely differently, and I just. If you need a bigger female cast and you can bring in characters like Hardtop and Skullcrusher, you can give little-seen female characters some time in the sun. Do that instead.
So first off, kudos to EarthSpark for finally producing a Megatron & Optimus dynamic where they actually feel like friends, but that's all I see them as, tbh. In fact, there's only one pairing I have any interest in so far, and that's MegaStar. And with that being said, I would like to see some development between them in the next season. But not Megatron trying to make things right with Starscream: Starscream deserves to have his desire for distance respected. Instead, put them in a situation where they're forced to cooperate and let them start to work things out from there. Maybe some apologies that neither is required to accept (we don't actually know what Starscream might have to apologize for in this universe, but I'm sure there's something).
As far as potential future pairings, I guess I wouldn't hate TaraProwl. On one hand, I would prefer as few IDW influences as possible, but on the other hand, the monsterfucker in me wants someone to pair Tarantulas with. But if they're going to interact, I need Prowl to not be a jerk and I'd love it if they didn't already know each other.
Other Random Desires:
Minimal IDW influences.
Normally I wouldn't think about this in a Transformers show, but after the Mother's Day episode: no more holiday episodes please (I will make an exception for an Independence Day episode that highlights recreational explosives as a horrible way to celebrate. Seems perfect for this show).
Still torn on whether or not I want to see Nightshade become aware of transphobia, but I'm thinking not. Won't say no to having more trans/nonbinary characters, though (I will make an exception to the no gender-swapping thing if the swapped character is explicitly trans).
More disabled characters! If not Prowl, then someone (was kinda disappointed that Twitch's optic got repaired by the Magic, not gonna lie).
Okay, that's all for now. Might revisit this when we get a trailer for S2.
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tritoch · 3 months
post-dawntrail miscellaneous wishlist
just some thoughts, spoilers for all of dawntrail
i need at least a little more for the WoL to do (i don't actually think we're the wol anymore tbh i think we're The Adventurer which is a terrible name they should replace ASAP), especially with whoever the antagonist is. this doesn't have to be big i'm fine with just a coouple dialogue options, it's boring not to have any relationship to a lot of the world and particularly to the antagonists. when sphene is like "i kept you here because the program decided you were the best combatant" i was like oh okay :\ and they didn't really do enough with her and you to justify your flashbacks and subsequent line imo.
i want to fight alongside bakool ja ja. please. i wanted him or koana to come to zone 6 instead of g'raha soooooo bad.
i want more kingship and rulership shit with wuk lamat. i think that stuff is fun and i think her arc going from "we should befriend all peoples!" to "my duties as vow of resolve require that i systematically murder (ghost-murder?) all your subjects, and i'm sorry for that." was really really well done. they've signaled the nascent political conflict of "hey you just installed your nephew as our king, killed our former rulers, and then claimed regency...?" will be a part of things going forward and i think that will be fun.
going forward i want the scions either Mostly Gone or Fully Present. i thought g'raha and estinien were used best in this expansion, followed by y'shtola and thancred and urianger, and i thought the twins were pretty ill-served. i also thought it was a glaring issue that we had no turali on our team aside from their princess/queen, and would've liked to pick up a team member from xak tural (not the cowboy kid, it'd need to be a different archetype).
more character interplay in general is needed. wuk lamat is too much of a centralizing hub in this expansion for the character interactions (you have more of a relationship with koana through her than you do to koana directly, that kind of thing), and we were sorely lacking in banter between members of wuk lamat's team.
more erenville. that dude has PROBLEMS.
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nvrlcnds · 21 days
closed starter: @kyglow muse: sade jackson, 27, interior decorator, pansexual. plot via wishlist: (x - best friends who sabotage each other.)
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"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Sade asked with a deep frown on her face. They had been going back and forth for the last little while -- they were never together but somehow managed to sabotage one another constantly. Tonight is the perfect example of it. She should have known to expect it by now, though she wasn't any better when it came to her best friend being on dates with other people either. Sade had crashed more than a few of their fun nights out, too. Now, her food was slowly getting cold and her date's food was untouched, due to them leaving. There was no doubt that she was going to have to pick up the bill. "Are you going to sit and eat or not? I'm not wasting my hard-earned money for nothing," she grumbled. "Remind me why I agreed to share my location with you again? You're gonna panic when I eventually do turn that off, hm?"
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thessalian · 3 months
Thess vs The Purpose of Demos
With it being Next Fest on Steam and everything, I got to thinking. Because, like, most AAA companies won't actually give you demos anymore. I think the last one I saw for any of the franchises I actually like was Mass Effect 3, and I would have bought that game anyway (though honestly, I would have bought it on the strength of the demo too, so hey).
So while I was walking out to the shops (taking a break in the weather that has been incredibly bipolar today - bright warm sunshine to torrential rain and thunderstorm with little in the way of transition), I got to thinking about how many games I've picked up on the strength of the demos alone the last few years. Now, I've played around 90 demos according to my looking over of my "Thess vs demos" tag (though I'm sure I'm missing a few), and a fair few of those I haven't got simply because they're not out yet. So ... here's the list of the ones that I have picked up, solely on the strength of the demos, either from memory or from my demo tag:
Dredge (pre-ordered, one of my favourites)
Wylde Flowers (played under a different name, again one of my favourites)
Spiritfarer (another favourite)
Grim Tides (bought both games in the series on the strength of the demo)
A Building Full Of Cats (Devcats is awesome, and I just keep adding their games onto my wishlist on the strength of that one demo)
Logic Town (I have over 200 hours on that damn game and it is my ultimate Zen)
I Was A Teenage Exocolonist
Growing Up
Witchy Life Story
My Dream Setup (think this one was a gift)
Lake (this one was definitely a gift)
Interior Worlds
Locked Up
Book of Hours
Room of Depression
Cook Serve Forever
Fall of Porcupine
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Harmony: The Fall of Reverie
Street of Secrets
House Flipper 2
Code Vein (gift; not my fault I can't play it due to janky keybinds)
WitchSpring R (was fine until they made it controller only post-demo)
So that's more than a quarter of the ones on the list. Of those, sixteen aren't even out yet, five of the ones I played were more up front about requiring a controller than the two at the bottom of my list of purchased games, three timed out before I got around to playing them, and at least thirty didn't make the wishlist at all, either because too janky, not my thing, or other priorities. The rest ... well, the rest and the "not out yet" is why my Steam wishlist is exactly 130 games big.
It makes me sad, honestly. AAA companies will do all the flashy marketing stuff and prevent any reviews from coming out until at least release day, pushing for hype-based pre-orders and refusing to let anyone know what they're actually getting. Meanwhile, here's me buying all manner of games I'd never have otherwise heard of, much less touched, based on Steam going, "LOOK! DEMOS FOR GAMES!" Half the time I wonder if it's that they have no faith in their product. Then I remember that it's more that they don't care; they just want as many people as possible to buy it immediately on release if not sooner. They're perfectly happy to put up any barriers they can to an informed purchase for ... just as a for-instance, people like me, who is literally unable to play certain games and really need to have any given game in my hands for at least a few minutes to figure out whether a game is one I can play or not.
But ... like ... take Veilguard, for instance. It doesn't look like one I can play. Watching the gameplay left me with a migraine that still hasn't 100% quit yet because of all of the camera movement, and the ARPG feel of the gameplay looks like something I might find it fairly painful to do - maybe even impossible, depending on the day. But if I could have it in my hands, see the accessibility options, find a playstyle I could work with, I would be a lot more inclined to buy it. Now I have people all over reassuring me that the accessibility options will surely be enough (even though they're actually refusing to talk about those in Q&As at the moment) and that of course I'll find a playstyle that's right for me ... and yet I have the memory of playing the closed beta of Secret World: Legends and being unable to play. Of getting Code Vein and finding that the limitations they set on changing keybinds means I can't use an entire ability suite. Of buying WitchSpring R and having to return it immediately upon starting the game because while the demo didn't require a controller, the finished game did. Getting Jedi: Fallen Order and discovering just how ARPG it is and how hard it is to find keybinds that work for me given my limitations. Of having a game I really want - actually owning it - and being unable to play because of things I didn't know before I bought the thing (or it was bought for me, which is somehow worse).
So ... yeah, I'm frustrated that the AAA gaming space would rather obfuscate with marketing hype instead of letting us make an informed decision, with the end result that I either avoid games for a long time (if not forever) ... or risk ending up with a new addition to the collection of very expensive games that I only find out after the fact that I cannot play.
...Basically, MORE DEMOS, PLEASE.
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ballsballsbowls · 28 days
I wanted to ask, since you read a lot of erotica and romance, do you have any recs for people interested in plot-heavy erotica? Thanks in advance!
I know how difficult and frustrating it is to see erotica (especially popular erotica!) that's got plotting somewhere between "shoestring" and "incoherent." In fact, there's a couple of semi-popular erotica authors that I gave up trying to read because they basically can ONLY write sex scenes and everything else is an incoherent mess. If feels as though you can really only write a lot of sex OR a lot of plot.
I'm still not getting as much plot as I'd like most of the time, but stuff that has helped me get a FEW tolerable books is:
I, pretty much universally, don't read books under 250 pages. I'm sure there's a lot of pretty good erotica for my ereader that doesn't meet that page count, but I suspect plotting it not its strong point.
Scifi/post apocalyptic/fantasy/paranormal is almost certainly going to have more plot and contemporary is almost certainly going to have less. Fortunately, I like those genres pretty well, so that's not really a hardship for me.
Obviously, mind the trigger warnings and all of that since I am useless for that stuff. Everything links to amazon because that's where I'm buying things, unfortunately. I've picked all of these up either for free or for 99 cents, so if you have time to wait you can get them pretty inexpensively.
Actually billed as erotica, either on Amazon or by author:
Beyond Shame - Kit Rocha
Post-apocalyptic/scifi with a political/gang plot, main pairing is MF but there's plenty of other stuff including MMFF. The religious theocracy part of it was a bit of a tough read this year, all things considered, but I really liked it otherwise. When I get my TBR a little more manageable, I intend to read the rest of the series, which goes on sale fairly often.
2. Initiation: Sex Wizards 1
Fantasy with mostly M/M and M/F but there's a lot of other stuff, too. I don't know that it has quite enough plot to make it onto the list, but I feel like there's enough worldbuilding to make up for it, hopefully.
3. The Rose Contract - Scottie Kaye
Fantasy political thriller with primarily M/F. This one maybe just sneaks onto the list as I'm not quite sure it has enough actual sex scenes to count in my mind, but it's billed as an erotica. These are also shorter than I normally read. I've read the first three books and do intend to read the others at some point.
Technically billed as romance, not erotica
Dark Deception by Sarah Piper
Paranormal vampire romance with substantially more sex than your average vampire romance and substantially more discussions of art history. Main pairing is MF. I bought the next book in the series.
I also have to recommend Emma Holly again for this, which is a copout as I have already recommended Emma Holly to you, but one of the most universal complaints that she got about Strange Attractions and the Hidden series both (both of which I've read and liked) is that she's got so many B and C plots in them that don't pay off because of the length of the book. Strange Attraction's entire haunting/hallucination subplot is pretty notorious for this.
I have a wishlist on amazon that's mostly 'porn with a decent plot' recs that I am desperately watching for sales, and I mostly got the recommendations from this thread, so I am hoping to have read a lot more porn with plot in the next eight months or so, but who knows. My TBR of dead tree books is about 50 books and on my ereader is about 250, so we'll see how fast I get to much of anything.
I debated sitting on this ask for another few days and thinking a little harder, but I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about you.
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bearpillowmonster · 1 month
Incredibles 3 Sorta Kinda Wishlist
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I have a lot of thoughts about Inc 2 but I decided to leave them in the past, is Inc 3 going to be what I wanted Inc 2 to be? Well...
A lot wanted/expected the second to be a time skip from the first when the kids are older, I get it, I'd like that but I think I understand why it wasn't treated that way. Incredibles is very specific, we see the period where superheroes are a thing and when there was an absence, that's sort of the gimmick. I feel like if Inc 2 didn't time skip then Inc 3 isn't going to either unless it's an end sequence, it just seems weird to cap off a trilogy that way.
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Oh...well, maybe, I didn't entirely rule it out but should we skip forward, we're sort of denying that opportunity that heroes will rise again and just skip right into it and deny Inc 2 of building that up. Besides, let's be honest, how many cared for those hero rejects in Inc 2? I remember Voyd...uhhhh, brick man! But we ALLLL remember Gazerbeam, right? Anyways, I think that should be more held for the end anyways because for me, Inc 2 was an 'of the moment' type of thing.
I tried to analyze how it exactly I feel about it versus a Marvel movie and you could argue that the first came out in a time where we had a few superhero movies, Spider-Man and X-Men for starters but it wasn't as common to see that as it is now, you can go to the theaters pretty much any given time now and nearly guarantee that a superhero movie will be playing but I'm going to argue against that because if you were to take a Marvel fan and show them the Incredibles today for the first time, I have a hard time believing that they won't think it special. Skipping into the era of superheroes WILL just make it a Marvel movie.
Another thing I kind of expect/hope to see is a fleshing out of the style or the "Andytization"
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I mean, you know, they changed his character and everything and his build is more shaped like the rest of the cast but I just feel different when I see the two side by side
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And I like vibrant lighting, heck, I just made a post about it not too long ago but the way it is in Inc 2 is...it's just too much
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I like that you can see the fibers on the shirts, whatever but it just didn't look fully there yet, like-like...wth, I'll say it.
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It looks filtered. So I hope that gets ironed out somewhat, maybe round out some edges.
but I for one want to see where this Violet relationship goes, how does she navigate school and secret superheroing and a boyfriend...she's like Kim Possible to me. And Dash with sports and all that but to be honest, I care to see new superhero themed activities, like in the first movie, we see Bob and Dash playing long distance catch and Bob lifting a train to weightlift, it's fun.
The babyfication of the merchandising with Jack-Jack and the raccoon went WAYYYY overboard before, I even see it today, like Jack-Jack had his own short in the first film but he wasn't the star of the show. I think I saw more of him than I did of the literal star Elastigirl, like-
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Make it well ROUNDED, no more "I need to succeed so that she can succeed so that we can succeed." I want our cast to have learned that they're a family and need to act as such through the movie, no coming together of the third act, we're already well acquainted, it's no surprise.
Another worry I have is Michael Giacchino. Sure, I've liked his tracks as of late, every now and then he drops a banger but nothing will ever stack up to the soundtrack of the first Incredibles movie that literally went to define part of my life so far. What did I walk out to when I got dressed for Prom?!
I don't remember Inc 2 whipping out anything like that. And Michael's been at it, really deep into Marvel, in fact, he's doing Fantastic Four which is uh, eerily similar to the atmosphere of the Incredibles (I didn't listen to the theme from D23 yet, I'm holding off) but it scares me to think that he's putting out so much that Inc 3 won't get that banger soundtrack, I just don't want him to think where he's came from...oh, he started in video games? Well, after that.
Now the villain, I want to see the place in ruin. We've somewhat seen how to superhero when the world doesn't want saved but what about the ridicule, people hating superheroes because they draw too much attraction and so forth. That sort of goes against what was established by the last two endings which I'd really hate to retcon anything but I like that plot.
We haven't gotten a superpowered villain yet (I don't think the Underminer is) and I'm fine with not getting one here, I will feel a bit cheated if we get the Underminer but that IS a thread left unresolved.
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firespirited · 11 months
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Ladies, gentlemen and enbans,
Meet my beautiful new second hand cane!
I've been procrastinating about buying one for a while with various foldable or footed ones in wishlists and today... there it was. and while I can't use it much due to the shoulder pain, it's already helped me stand in place longer than possible without it.
Sis saw a Facebook post about an indoor garage sale for today, within my walking abilities *but* up the hill (we live on one side of a three side "bowl" of foothills so technically everything is pretty much up or down but this hill is like 12 degree incline in parts)
I said I'd consider this adventure if we could do a trial run. So we made the trek with the dogs. Lily remembered that she could run, a huge yellow lab gave her a massive rock she was carrying in her mouth, there were acorns everywhere and a nice lil bridge at sitting height for us to stop and rest.
So today, we set out in the rain, minus dogs, to the unknown just a house with stuff for sale : would it be stuff left from a move, a death, just decluttering, expensive fancy stuff, kids stuff?
We arrived early (turns out dogs sniffing around takes up an extra ten minutes) and watched as half a dozen cars pulled up, which is wild. People are never early round here! guess the antiquing folks like to be there as soon as the doors open.
Two middle aged ladies ushered us all into their yard and then into the teeny tiny house to three rooms divided by a staircase, none of it seemed to follow geometry. Two daughters selling their mother's various collections to make space: mugs, books, vinyls, paintings, cat sculptures, silverware and lots of fabric findings. She had been a seamstress. There were tins filled with buttons, I would have bought some but knew I had to carry it home.
One seemed a little panicked after running around setting things down in the yard so I helped with a frame and asked how she was doing with all this and we chit chatted for a while. From what I understand at least one of the daughters is living there on a higher floor, the cats don't need rehoming and one had to be forcibly removed from a comfy nest in the fabric stash just before everyone arrived. 😁 They're doing ok but the clutter was overwhelming and they hoped some of it might sell and be taken away, simply, without third parties or listings. Quite a few of the furniture pieces got claims within the 45 minutes we were there so I think they'll be fine.
I saw the cane in a set of three at the entry to the yard within 20 seconds and I knew it was the one, it carried me through the rest of the visit in any case. Didn't ask about other medical equipment (Medical buyback doesn't give you much and buying from the medical shops is expensive so it's advantageous to all parties. I got my wheelchair for double the buyback from a dude who didn't need it anymore and it was less than a third of the price). But I get the impression she was fairly able bodied with maybe a little help walking only.
There was no sewing machine in sight so either it's gone to the daughters or it was sold for a lot more than today's low priced bits and bobs. I was kinda hoping I might get to witness an antique Singer in the footpedal desk or the square looking 70s Singer in the case when I heard the word seamstress - granny used to have both when I was little.
Clothes, shoes and grooming items were all missing too. The ladies might not be at the point where they feel ready for that yet. Maybe they needed the clutter 'space' to be able to do a more personal sort out.
So quite the adventure. I didn't get the "shop overload" because the lights and sound were normal, items were in boxes with the price per item or to ask (understood to be under 10€) no confusing pricing between washing liquids per wash, per litre, per kilo and special offer (aka what's the catch). It was cramped but no people megastress either so that was manageable.
I did start thinking about what we leave behind on the way home. Did chat a little with sis about our most prized treasures and how they're imbued with value that no one else would know about by just looking at them. We both felt a little gloomy over that so switched to talking about the types of person we'd seen.
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gunsatthaphan · 11 months
I don't know what I'll do if First and Khao are in 0 projects next year. I don't even care if they're paired up for a series or not, I just want to see them on my screen in some capacity.
I know that if they don't get any projects in 2024, it won't be because gmmtv didn't give them any (because let's be real, they're popular enough to where they're bringing them money, so if anything, I imagine gmmtv would push more projects onto them rather than take them away) but because they themselves decided to take a break for a year from shooting series, so I know I should be happy for them either way (because it'll be their choice) but I won't be able to stop myself from feeling fucking sad about it. 😢
Them being in series (at least one series for each of them) is literally the only thing on my 2024 Part 2 gmmtv showcase wishlist.
So yeah, I'm so scared of them deciding to take a break from acting for a year. I'm literally over here forming prayer circles that they won't do that. 😭
I don't think they'll be in 0 projects, maybe they'll be part of ensemble shows, something like Wednesday Club or Ploy's Yearbook etc... they did say they will have projects but projects can also be variety shows on youtube and all that so who knows 💁🏼‍♀️ maybe we'll be in for something like Hidden Hangout? I would love that.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves lol we still don't know anything. if it's true then I would also be super sad to not see them act but they'll still be around either way so I'm okay. plus we can always rewatch TE and OF lol. they should be able to do what's best for them and we should let them; I'll be happy with whatever they have in store for 2024 as long as I know they're happy with it 🥹🫶🏻
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