#and i don't expect everyone to eat by my dietary restrictions but it was MY BIRTHDAY. my birthday where i invited them to the gluten free
riverofrainbows · 2 years
Something i realised is a hard boundary for me for any future partner is that they must never make me feel left out about food. I have a lot of food intolerances, however they are accommodateable, and i expect my partner to do that. Always, no exceptions. And I don't mean they can't try a new restaurant that only serves food i can't eat, as long as this isn't the only type of 'let's try a new food' they suggest. But if the theme is 'let's invite friends and have cake' and they don't get one i can eat too, or something as a replacement that has the same value (and not sad prepackaged cookies), then i will not play nice to that. I might even just fucking leave, because i will not put a brave face on and be all "No, its fine, how is the cake? I hope you enjoy it".
And i also won't bring my own food to an event someone else organises, especially not my partner's. I used to go to an event where they had, until then, always accommodated me (and others), and then suddenly they stopped and said that it was too much money and effort, and i could write an email before what food they will have and bring a replacement myself. Like no fuck that, i will not pretend they accommodated me through my own effort, if anything i will bring a wildly different food and tell anyone who asks what i have that they were unable to provide accomodation. And yes I do bring my own food to something like going on vacation because I'd rather not starve, but a hotel is neither my friend nor my partner nor an event that prides themselves on inclusivity.
For the longest time i accepted this stuff, but since then i made friends that saw it as a given to accomodate me, and i have raised my standards.
0 notes
nifolution · 4 months
I Quit 2
Warnings: The Thrombeys being themselves, recreational drug use
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is written in 3rd person. The Thrombeys’ opinions are NOT my own. Thoughts are in italics. 18+ only due to smut and dubcon situations. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated. 
Chapter 1 Series Masterlist  Main Masterlist
Chapter 2
The first two weeks of Y/N's employment went smoothly. Harlan did indeed have a taste for sweets. The rest of his palate she worked at learning, but he seemed happy with her efforts. When he didn't care for a dish, he would let her know and she gladly made him something else. Funny enough, the man would ask for tomato and mayo sandwiches, with just a touch of salt and pepper. Such simple requests from such an interesting man.
It was finally the day she was dreading, her first Sunday family dinner with the Thrombey clan. Fran had gossiped about the family with her while she began preparations. She explained who everyone was, their quirks, and entitlements. She had an asshole rating system that Y/N found amusing.
Fran found most of the family intolerable, except Harlan of course. “The top asshole, a number 10, has to be Harlan's grandson, Ransom. But don't call him that, ever. He makes the help call him by his first name, Hugh. He's handsome, for sure, but don't let his face fool you. He is a massive jerk and will charm you, use you up and spit you out like that.” She snapped her fingers and huffed.
“Luckily, he doesn't come to many of these dinners. Not that the rest of them are any easier to deal with. Seriously, they should have their own reality show so the world can see them snarl at each other like a pack of rabid hyenas. I suggest you steer clear of them when you can. These nights can get ROUGH.”
“Duly noted.”
Fran smiled before leaving to set the table. “Good luck tonight. And if you need a little mood stabilizer at the end of the insanity, just let me know. I got you girl.”
Y/N's anxiety increased with every new voice that echoed through the large home. She couldn't hear much of the conversations, but was confident Fran would fill her in if she missed anything juicy. So she continued cooking in peace.
Speak of the devil, the brunette rushed into the kitchen, “Top asshole and Harlan’s mother are m.i.a., but the rest are seated. Tell me the app is ready?” Fran already looked so done with the night.
”Right over there. Description card included.”
“Thank youuuu.” She took the appetizers to deliver to the table.
The family was just as she left them. Sitting proper with fake smiles plastered on their faces, while practically seething at one another.  Fran served the table with an equally forced grin.
Richard scoffed at the bowl. “What the hell is this?”
“Richard!” Linda chastised her husband.
Fran swiftly read from the card, “A roasted butternut and apple soup with ginger and coconut milk.”
Linda took a tentative sip and her eyebrows rose. “I see Rosalee has improved.”
Donna followed her lead, also approving of the soup and the improved quality.
Harlan spoke up, “I'm afraid Rosalee has retired. I've hired someone new.” He sent Fran to ask his new chef to come out, greet his family and serve dinner.
Y/N pushed the cart out to the dining area. Feeling like she was walking into shark infested waters wearing a wounded seal suit. All eyes were on her as she entered. Harlan introduced her and asked what she had prepared for them.
“I have for you a herb crusted crown roast of pork with a side of carrots and parsnips in citrus butter.”
“Um, excuse me, hi.” Joni raised her hand, pointing to the offending entrée. “We can't eat that. My Meg and I are vegan. Do you expect me and my daughter to just munch on carrots all night?”
Y/N nodded, “I have been informed of your dietary restrictions and made you both something separate.“ She placed the extra meal in front of them. ”Quinoa cakes with a tomato-zucchini and chickpea relish, drizzled with a balsamic glaze. But if you would like the citrus carrots on the side I can get that for you as well.”
“Dietary restrictions, my ass. It's not a restriction, it's a mental illness.” Walt began to rant, “You know how you can spot a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you. They'll never shut up about it. Those douchebags think they're better than everyone else. They look down on us meat eaters, keep trying to convert us. Well let me tell you, eating meat is my God given right. My right! Don't you realize you can't live without meat. Your brain will die. That's why you are all so miserable, you're slowly dying.”
Donna rubbed her husband's shoulder in approval. While Richard raised his glass in salute to Walt's bullshit. Linda pursed her lips, ignoring them and trying to have a chat with her father.
Joni was on the defense, “We are the healthiest we've ever been. It's good for the planet, the environment, which benefits everyone, need I remind you.” She ignored her brother-in-law's snickering. “Let's be real, veganism is the answer to this world's problems. It is. It's the only moral choice. It clears up your skin and makes you feel good inside and out. And we don't have to feel guilty about contributing to the exploitation and slaughter of innocent lives. Animals are just like us.”
“Just like us?” Walt interjected. “Oh really, should we have dad's dogs sitting at the table with us? I tell ya, if Meg was a boy, I'd be calling DCF because you'd be depriving him of nutrients he needs to grow strong and polluting his male DNA with soy.”
“You're the one with blood on your hands, Walt. All those poor cute animals you've killed….”
Richard scoffed, “You've only been,” he raised his fingers in air quotes, “vegan for a damn month.”
“Ya well, I saw the truth and I'm changing. You'll see it too or die with all those animal products clogging your arteries... Plus it's been two months. Thank you very much.”
“I will happily eat my steak and drink my milkshakes all the way to my grave.”
Joni rolled her eyes, “Uck, you are completely hopeless.”
Walt raised his hand to silence any reply from Richard. “Don't bother. It's not worth fueling her delusions.”
That seemed to put an end to that argument. The rest of the meal went well. Although out of the whole family, only Harland and Meg said 'thank you.' Not even the young boy spoke up. For being so rich and fancy, they certainly lacked manners.
Dessert was served without incident. Tiramisu and a mini vegan version for Joni and Meg. Harlan seemed to be in heaven, commenting on how rich and decadent it was.
After dinner was over, Y/N and Fran began clearing the table. Linda poked her head in, “Y/N, may I have a word with you?”
“Was there something wrong with your meal?”
“Oh no, no, dinner was lovely. However, I wanted to make sure you weren't making desserts like that for my dad all the time. He's getting up there in years and has to watch his cholesterol, his sugar intake, blood pressure, things of that nature. He can't be consuming food like you made tonight. He needs to eat healthier. I'd like to keep him around for a long time. I'm sure you can understand.”
“I fully understand, ma'am, but there is no need for concern. The food was chosen because this was a special occasion. It doesn't reflect his daily meals.” Y/N noticed Harlan a few feet behind his daughter. He winked at her before alerting her of his presence.
Linda clapped her hands, “Delightful. I'm so glad we have an understanding. I will make you a list of approved meals.” She smiled at her father before walking away.
Once Linda was out of earshot, Harlan leaned close to Y/N, “I'm not eating that pigeon food. You put her little list up on the message board in the kitchen and ignore it.”
Y/N thought she was safe. The family was dispersing out into the night. She turned on some music and began washing the dishes. Her hips swaying to the beat.
Joni snuck up behind her. “Oh I love this song.” She attempted to dance alongside Y/N, bumping their hips together. “Don't be shy. I could tell you recognize me. I get it allll the time now. You're correct, it's me. Owner, CEO, COO and CFO of FLAM.” She continued boasting about being a top influencer and her skin care products while Y/N stood there like a deer in the headlights.
An unwelcomed hand reached out to stroke her cheek, “Your skin looks so parched. You could really use a hydrating serum. My company offers the perfect product to help. It's an all organic algae blend that feels like the ocean on your face. So refreshing. And there's a vitamin C serum that will bring some life back to your overworked face.”
“Well let me tell you, FLAM is trending right now, it's going to be huge. You go ahead and follow me on twitter or instagram. I'm offering my first 100 followers a 15% off coupon. That will be available once I find the right graphic designer for my website. Those I interviewed so far just couldn't grasp my vision. This is a lifestyle I'm promoting. I have to trust they get my brand, ya know. But hold onto that coupon, it will be honored. So lovely to meet you, Evelyn.”
“Y/N,” she corrected.
“Sure.” Joni made her exit, blowing a kiss.
Fran entered and passed over the joint in her fingers. “It's like the fucking twilight zone isn't it.”
“You weren't kidding.”
The Thrombeys were the most insincere backstabbing piece of crap family she had the displeasure of meeting thus far. She wondered if any of them loved or were loyal to anything but money. Doubtful. Thank goodness she didn’t have to encounter them often. 
These people are something else. I'm going to need therapy if I stay here too long. 
Chapter 3
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kayhi808 · 1 year
The Assassin - Part 1
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Bill had gotten to the hotel early to pick up his clients and take them to the airport. It was an eventful night at the nightclub next door. Nightclubs aren't Bill's scene anymore but to keep his clients happy he elected for some VIP bottle service and that always attracts the women. The woman that did catch his eye, looked to be managing the place. She had sent over a bottle of champagne later in the evening, but disappeared soon after.
Bill had the beginnings of a headache starting and needed to get some coffee ASAP. He made his way to the hotel restaurant and saw the nightclub manager sitting at the bar sipping on a mimosa. He made his way over to her, headache forgotten. Dressed in jeans & a Chanel jacket, her jet black hair pulled into a sleek high ponytail, Bill noticed her shoulders tense as he got closer but she chose to ignore him.
"Good Morning. Bill Russo." She chooses to take a small sip from her glass instead of acknowledging him. "I wanted to thank you for the champagne you sent over but you had left early." His hand out, still offered to her.
She swivels to face him and takes his hand with a sigh, "Keiko Luciano. It was nothing. You dropped quite a bit of money for your friends," delicately shrugs. "It's the price of doing business." Bill's confusion at her name didn't go unnoticed. She had to deal with that all her life Japanese/Italian. It's what happens when the Yakuza & Mafia mix.
"I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with the owner."
"I am the owner, Mr. Russo." She swivels back away from him. Not used to being ignored by women, Bill is even more intrigued. Always up for a challenge.
Sitting on the stool next to her, "Can I take you to dinner?"
"Why? You don't even know me?" Sipping again at her drink.
"I can get to know you over dinner. I kept thinking about you last night. I can't believe I ran into you today," trying to lure her in with his charm & Hollywood smile.
Giving Bill her full attention, "Do you want to get to know me or do you want to fuck me?" Her eyes narrow while looking at him, "Last night, were you thinking about what an intelligent conversationalist I'd be or were you picturing me naked beneath you?" She gives him a small smile at how flustered she got him.
"The second one." Going for the truth. Not expecting her to ask him that. That was the last thing he expected. "I was picturing you naked. But I only want to take you to eat. I won't make a move. I promise," gaining his composure back. Still with a tiny spot of pink on his cheeks. "What do you say?"
"Tea, Mr. Russo. Not dinner. Little Colin's on Lextington, tomorrow at 3. I'm sure you can find your way. Don't be late."
"Why tea & not dinner?"
"It's less of a commitment. Dinner is similar to a proposal. Tea is like speed-dating." She signals the bartender for her tab.
"So, this is a date?" She lets a small laugh escape & it's all the encouragement Bill needs.
"I'm willing to fulfill a small part of your fantasy."
Cocking an eyebrow at her, "You think I fantasize about taking you out?"
"Everyone fantasizes about taking me out."
Billy's rich laugh fill's Keiko with warmth "Beautiful & modest."
"It's one of my many talents." The bartender comes by with her tab and she slip a hundred dollar bill into the sleeve. "I'll take care of whatever he's having & keep the change." Hopping off her stool, "Okay. I have to go. See you tomorrow."
"Wait. What are you doing here? Do you usually go to hotels alone to drink mimosas?"
"Who said I'm drinking mimosas? That was orange juice. Alcohol & caffeine aren't a part of my diet. That's why I suggested tea. I don't put toxins in my body, Mr. Russo."
"Do you have any other dietary restrictions?" This is one if the weirdest conversations he's had trying to get a date.
She sighs with a small pout, "I'm thinking of giving up meat." Running her eyes down his body, resting on his groin, "It's unsatisfying."
Folding his arms across his chest, "Is that right?" Again with his panty dropping smile, "You should give it one last chance."
"Are you saying you could change my mind?"
Leaning in, "It depends if I'm interested in you after we meet up."
This earns Billy a true laugh from her & a smile that reaches her eyes. "I'll make sure to impress you then."
Bill's set to engage in more flirty banter when a man with short blonde hair walks up to Keiko, "Are you ready?" Completely ingnoring Bill.
"Of course, Leo." She reaches down to grab his hand, entwining her fingers with his. Winks at Billy, "Don't be late tomorrow."
Billy can't do anything but stare as she walks out with another man. What did he just get himself into??
@idaofinfinity @imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @e-dubbc11
I know I've been tagging more people with Billy Mine, but I wasn't sure if you wanted all of my Billy fics. I didn't want to tag you if you weren't interested. 😝 This is just a drabble.
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niffala · 5 months
I Quit (Pt. 2)
Warnings: The Thrombeys being themselves, recreational drug use
A/N: Reader insert version found here. The Thrombeys’ opinions are NOT my own. Thoughts in italics. 18+ only due to smut and dubcon situations. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated.
Chapter 1 Series Masterlist     Main Masterlist
Chapter 2
The first two weeks of Elizabeth's employment went smoothly. Harlan did indeed have a taste for sweets. The rest of his palate she worked at learning, but he seemed happy with her efforts. When he didn't care for a dish, he would let her know and she gladly made him something else. Funny enough, the man would ask for tomato and mayo sandwiches, with just a touch of salt and pepper. Such simple requests from such an interesting man.
It was finally the day she was dreading, her first Sunday family dinner with the Thrombey clan. Fran had gossiped about the family with her while she began preparations. She explained who everyone was, their quirks, and entitlements. She had an asshole rating system that Elizabeth found amusing.
Fran found most of the family intolerable, except Harlan of course. “The top asshole, a number 10, has to be Harlan's grandson, Ransom. But don't call him that, ever. He makes the help call him by his first name, Hugh. He's handsome, for sure, but don't let his face fool you. He is a massive jerk and will charm you, use you up and spit you out like that.” She snapped her fingers and huffed.
“Luckily, he doesn't come to many of these dinners. Not that the rest of them are any easier to deal with. Seriously, they should have their own reality show so the world can see them snarl at each other like a pack of rabid hyenas. I suggest you steer clear of them when you can. These nights can get ROUGH.”
“Duly noted.”
Fran smiled before leaving to set the table. “Good luck tonight. And if you need a little mood stabilizer at the end of the insanity, just let me know. I got you girl.”
Elizabeth's anxiety increased with every new voice that echoed through the large home. She couldn't hear much of the conversations, but was confident Fran would fill her in if she missed anything juicy. So she continued cooking in peace.
Speak of the devil, the brunette rushed into the kitchen, “Top asshole and Harlan’s mother are m.i.a., but the rest are seated. Tell me the app is ready?” Fran already looked so done with the night.
”Right over there. Description card included.”
“Thank youuuu.” She took the appetizers to deliver to the table.
The family was just as she left them. Sitting proper with fake smiles plastered on their faces, while practically seething at one another.  Fran served the table with an equally forced grin.
Richard scoffed at the bowl. “What the hell is this?”
“Richard!” Linda chastised her husband.
Fran swiftly read from the card, “A roasted butternut and apple soup with ginger and coconut milk.”
Linda took a tentative sip and her eyebrows rose. “I see Rosalee has improved.”
Donna followed her lead, also approving of the soup and the improved quality.
Harlan spoke up, “I'm afraid Rosalee has retired. I've hired someone new.” He sent Fran to ask his new chef to come out, greet his family and serve dinner.
Elizabeth pushed the cart out to the dining area. Feeling like she was walking into shark infested waters wearing a wounded seal suit. All eyes were on her as she entered. Harlan introduced her and asked what she had for them.
“I have for you a herb crusted crown roast of pork with a side of carrots and parsnips in citrus butter.”
“Um, excuse me, hi.” Joni raised her hand, pointing to the offending entrée. “We can't eat that. My Meg and I are vegan. Do you expect me and my daughter to just munch on carrots all night?”
Elizabeth nodded, "I have been informed of your dietary restrictions and made you both something separate.“ She placed the extra meal in front of them. ”Quinoa cakes with a tomato-zucchini and chickpea relish, drizzled with a balsamic glaze. But if you would like the citrus carrots on the side I can get that for you as well."
“Dietary restrictions, my ass. It's not a restriction, it's a mental illness.” Walt began to rant, “You know how you can spot a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you. They'll never shut up about it. Those douchebags think they're better than everyone else. They look down on us meat eaters, keep trying to convert us. Well let me tell you, eating meat is my God given right. My right! Don't you realize you can't live without meat. Your brain will die. That's why you are all so miserable, you're slowly dying.”
Donna rubbed her husband's shoulder in approval. While Richard raised his glass in salute to Walt's bullshit. Linda pursed her lips, ignoring them and trying to have a chat with her father.
Joni was on the defense, “We are the healthiest we've ever been. It's good for the planet, the environment, which benefits everyone, need I remind you.” She ignored her brother-in-law's snickering. “Let's be real, veganism is the answer to this world's problems. It is. It's the only moral choice. It clears up your skin and makes you feel good inside and out. And we don't have to feel guilty about contributing to the exploitation and slaughter of innocent lives. Animals are just like us.”
“Just like us?” Walt interjected. “Oh really, should we have dad's dogs sitting at the table with us? I tell ya, if Meg was a boy, I'd be calling DCF because you'd be depriving him of nutrients he needs to grow strong and polluting his male DNA with soy.”
“You're the one with blood on your hands, Walt. All those poor cute animals you've killed….”
Richard scoffed, “You've only been,” he raised his fingers in air quotes, “vegan for a damn month.”
“Ya well, I saw the truth and I'm changing. You'll see it too or die with all those animal products clogging your arteries... Plus it's been two months. Thank you very much.”
“I will happily eat my steak and drink my milkshakes all the way to my grave.”
Joni rolled her eyes, “Uck, you are completely hopeless.”
Walt raised his hand to silence any reply from Richard. “Don't bother. It's not worth fueling her delusions.”
That seemed to put an end to that argument. The rest of the meal went well. Although out of the whole family, only Harlan and Meg said 'thank you.' Not even the young boy spoke up. For being so rich and fancy, they certainly lacked manners.
Dessert was served without incident. Tiramisu and a mini vegan version for Joni and Meg. Harlan seemed to be in heaven, commenting on how rich and decadent it was.
After dinner was over, Elizabeth and Fran began clearing the table. Linda poked her head in, “Elizabeth, may I have a word with you?”
“Was there something wrong with your meal?”
“Oh no, no, dinner was lovely. However, I wanted to make sure you weren't making desserts like that for my dad all the time. He's getting up there in years and has to watch his cholesterol, his sugar intake, blood pressure, things of that nature. He can't be consuming food like you made tonight. He needs to eat healthier. I'd like to keep him around for a long time. I'm sure you can understand.”
“I fully understand, ma'am, but there is no need for concern. The food was chosen because this was a special occasion. It doesn't reflect his daily meals.” Elizabeth noticed Harlan a few feet behind his daughter. He winked at her before alerting her of his presence.
Linda clapped her hands, “Delightful. I'm so glad we have an understanding. I will make you a list of approved meals.” She smiled at her father before walking away.
Once Linda was out of earshot, Harlan leaned close to Elizabeth, “I'm not eating that pigeon food. You put her little list up on the message board in the kitchen and ignore it.”
Elizabeth thought she was safe. The family was dispersing out into the night. She turned on some music and began washing the dishes. Her hips swaying to the beat.
Joni snuck up behind her. “Oh I love this song.” She attempted to dance alongside Elizabeth, bumping their hips together. “Don't be shy. I could tell you recognize me. I get it allll the time now. You're correct, it's me. Owner, CEO, COO and CFO of FLAM.” She continued boasting about being a top influencer and her skin care products while Elizabeth stood there like a deer in the headlights.
An unwelcomed hand reached out to stroke her cheek, “Your skin looks so parched. You could really use a hydrating serum. My company offers the perfect product to help. It's an all organic algae blend that feels like the ocean on your face. So refreshing. And there's a vitamin C serum that will bring some life back to your overworked face.”
“Well let me tell you, FLAM is trending right now, it's going to be huge. You go ahead and follow me on twitter or instagram. I'm offering my first 100 followers a 15% off coupon. That will be available once I find the right graphic designer for my website. Those I interviewed so far just couldn't grasp my vision. This is a lifestyle I'm promoting. I have to trust they get my brand, ya know. But hold onto that coupon, it will be honored. So lovely to meet you, Evelyn.”
“Elizabeth,” she corrected.
“Sure.” Joni made her exit, blowing a kiss.
Fran entered and passed over the joint in her fingers. “It's like the fucking twilight zone isn't it.”
“You weren't kidding.”
The Thrombeys were the most insincere backstabbing piece of crap family she had the displeasure of meeting thus far. She wondered if any of them loved or were loyal to anything but money. Doubtful. Thank goodness she didn’t have to encounter them often.
These people are something else. I'm going to need therapy if I stay here too long.
Chapter 3 
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pbandjesse · 9 months
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It was a nice day at work. I am feeling really tired tonight but I think that's mostly because I am cold. Very much ready to go to bed.
I slept alright last night but my nose was all stuffy and painful when I woke up and so I felt really really tired. James came and gave me a big hug as soon as I sat up after my alarm went off. It helped me feel better.
I got cleaned up and dressed. Wore the new crew neck my mom got me. I just wanted to be cozy. I was struggling a little. My fingers hurt really bad and I couldn't get my shoe on and James helped me because they love me and I was very grateful.
James and me left together. I always like watching them bike away. It was very cold today. Frosty. I'm glad it feels like winter.
I had a nice drive to camp. And got there alright at 8. I was happy to be inside where it was warm.
I had a productive morning. I had my breakfast and started working on writing up a description for the CIT program. I would use chatgbT to give me some framework and worked on using that to build up a really professional description. I am pretty pleased. I would print that and the schedule I made. Then decided to do more printing. I figure that since we are going to have a meeting about the 3 things we wanted to accomplish with John the consultant. Cit program, training, new programs.
Alexi would come in around 9. And everyone else would come in within the hour. Sarah worked on research for the training manual. I would go through some old documents and pulling things I think will be helpful. Games and reading and such.
It was a really productive morning though. I would take a walk to the lodge. I filled my water over there and chatted with Joe. He teased me about forgetting my stuffing from the holiday party, but I was glad to have my cookware back.
I looked at the books in the musuem. I went and looked at the nurses office because they are almost done fixing the roof. Very nice.
I would have lunch when I got back to the office. And while I was eating I decided I should come up with a document for meal ideas for dietary restrictions for the summer so I don't have to try and think of options when I'm very close to tears during the summer.
This would be like a two hour research project. Looking into other camps menus. I found an article about Jewish and 7th day Adventists camps and they had lots of options! So I researched how to make them vegan or gluten free or nut free. And I only had like 2 fake meat options.
After asking Heather, I found out where the kitchen orders their food from so I was able to compile links for ingredients. I was very proud of myself.
Once I was done that I had a zoom meeting with Hawa and Mike from the national guards and I'm thrilled that I have 2 workshops on the calendar with them now. One is a paint and sip style, that we are calling a "paint along", and the other I think will be a printmaking.
I had to make some invoices for them. And that took a minute. But that was just fine.
I would finish my day with designing some stickers ideas for each village. I had a lot of fun creating that. I want to play with the idea of merch for camp more. We will see if any of it actually gets used but still it's fun to design it.
I would also decide on my birthday countdown project. I'm going to do a sticker sheet/flash sheet, with a daily drawing. I'm excited. That will start on the 15th.
I said goodbye to everyone and would head out. I told Sarah I would check at Manor Mill for her last bowl while I was looking for my last 5 pieces. And it is such a quick drive over. I was happy to see my pieces. The colors weren't what I was expecting but I love love love my bear bowl. I'm going to keep my jewelery in it.
I went home and got here before James. I was happy to be home. I put some stuff away. And worked on sending some emails. James got home as I was starting to do my knitting for the day. I love how it looks so far. I know we are still really early in the project but I am setting a good precedent and already weaving in the ends. I will have to sew them down once the month is done but I am very pleased so far.
James would sit with me and tell me all about their day while I worked. And I would show them the documents I made and made me feel very smart and professional. I love my husband.
They got us frozen pizzas we could microwave for dinner. And after we ate they went to play DND with their friends. Well actually it's a different game but same idea. It was nice to see friends' faces.
I took a shower and washed my hair and now I am in bed in my cozy jumpsuit. I am very much ready to sleep.
I hope tomorrow is a good day. And I hope you all have fun. Stay safe. Wash your hands. I love you all.
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dohealthy03 · 4 months
A Plant-Powered Culinary Adventure: My Experience with the "300 Vegan/Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook"
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I recently embarked on a delicious journey with the "300 Vegan/Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook" (Digital - eBooks), and let me tell you, it's been a revelation! As someone who's been increasingly interested in incorporating more plant-based meals into my diet, I was looking for a cookbook that offered variety, ease, and of course, mouthwatering flavor. This digital resource has exceeded all my expectations.
Variety is the Spice of Life (and This Cookbook!)
One of the most impressive aspects of this cookbook is the sheer volume and diversity of recipes it offers. With a whopping 300 dishes, it covers everything from breakfast scrambles and vibrant salads to hearty main courses, delightful snacks, and decadent desserts. No matter your craving, there's a plant-based option waiting to be explored.
The cookbook caters to a wide range of dietary needs and preferences. Whether you're a seasoned vegan, a curious vegetarian, or simply looking to add more plant-powered meals to your week, you'll find something that piques your interest. There are even options for those with allergies or following specific dietary goals.
Deliciously Nutritious: Nourishing Your Body and Taste Buds
The focus on both taste and nutrition is another highlight. The recipes are cleverly designed to be packed with essential nutrients, ensuring you get the vitamins and minerals your body needs to thrive. But don't worry, this doesn't come at the expense of flavor! Every dish I've tried has been bursting with taste, proving that plant-based meals can be just as satisfying and enjoyable as their traditional counterparts.
The cookbook utilizes a variety of plant-based proteins, from legumes and tofu to tempeh and seitan. This not only adds an exciting textural variety but also ensures you're getting a complete protein source in each meal. Additionally, the recipes often highlight hidden gems of the plant-based world, introducing me to new ingredients and flavor combinations that I can't wait to explore further.
User-Friendly and Accessible: Cooking Confidence for Everyone
One of the things I appreciate most about this cookbook is its user-friendly approach. The instructions are clear, concise, and easy to follow, making them perfect for both experienced cooks and beginners alike. Each recipe includes a breakdown of ingredients, preparation time, cooking time, and detailed step-by-step instructions.
There are also helpful tips and substitutions scattered throughout the book, which I found incredibly valuable. Whether you're missing an ingredient or have a dietary restriction, the suggestions allow you to adapt the recipes to your specific needs. This flexibility makes the cookbook even more versatile and ensures that you can create delicious meals without feeling limited.
The digital format is another plus. Having the cookbook readily available on my phone or tablet allows me to easily browse recipes in the kitchen. No more flipping through pages with messy hands! Additionally, the digital format allows for easy searching based on ingredients, dietary needs, or even keywords like "quick" or "comfort food."
Overall, the "300 Vegan/Plant-Based Recipe Cookbook" has been a fantastic addition to my kitchen repertoire. It's a treasure trove of delicious and nutritious recipes that have made exploring plant-based eating a joy. With its variety, focus on taste and nutrition, and user-friendly format, I highly recommend this cookbook to anyone looking to expand their culinary horizons and embrace the power of plants on their plate.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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world-healt · 5 months
A Heartfelt Recommendation: The Healthy Heart Solution Kit Digital Ebooks
Maintaining a healthy heart can feel overwhelming in today's world. Between conflicting information and busy schedules, it's easy to feel lost. Thankfully, I recently discovered the Healthy Heart Solution Kit Digital Ebooks, and it's been a game-changer.
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Empowering Knowledge: Evidence-Based Information at Your Fingertips
This digital kit is more than just a collection of recipes. It's a comprehensive resource crafted by experts in cardiology, nutrition, and holistic wellness. The ebooks are packed with clear, concise information, all grounded in scientific evidence. I particularly appreciated the absence of fads and unrealistic expectations. Instead, the Healthy Heart Solution Kit focuses on sustainable, long-term strategies for a healthier heart.
Delicious Discoveries: Guilt-Free Meals That Don't Compromise on Flavour
Let's face it, healthy eating can sometimes feel bland and restrictive. But the Healthy Heart Recipes ebook is a revelation! It features a wide variety of delicious and heart-friendly meals that cater to different tastes and dietary needs. From vibrant salads and flavourful curries to satisfying whole-grain bowls, there's something for everyone. I've already tried several recipes, and my family can't believe they're actually good for us!
Finding Your Fit: Personalised Exercise Plans for All Levels
Physical activity is a cornerstone of heart health, but it's not always easy to find a workout routine that sticks. The Healthy Heart Solution Kit understands this. It provides a range of exercise plans tailored to different fitness levels and preferences. Whether you're a seasoned gym-goer or just starting out, there's a plan that will suit your needs and get you moving. I found the low-impact yoga routines perfect for incorporating some gentle exercise into my busy days.
Beyond the Basics: A Holistic Approach to Heart Wellness
The Healthy Heart Solution Kit goes beyond just diet and exercise. It also delves into the importance of stress management and overall well-being for heart health. The kit provides practical tips for relaxation techniques, mindfulness exercises, and getting enough sleep – all essential factors for a healthy heart. This holistic approach resonated with me, as I know stress can have a big impact on my health.
Investing in Your Heart: A Resource Worth Its Weight in Gold
While maintaining a healthy heart requires ongoing effort, the Healthy Heart Solution Kit Digital Ebooks has given me the knowledge, tools, and motivation I need to succeed. It's a valuable resource that empowers you to take charge of your heart health in a sustainable and enjoyable way. Considering the potential impact on my long-term health, I believe this kit is well worth the investment.
If you're looking for a reliable and effective way to improve your heart health, I highly recommend the Healthy Heart Solution Kit Digital Ebooks. It's a fantastic resource that will empower you to make positive changes that will benefit your heart for years to come.
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My partner is disabled and has a PA so he can live safely at home through the state program. The most recent one was extremely unreliable (one maybe two full work weeks in 3 months), and was slow and generally bad at the should-be-simple job of dishes, cook, clean a bit, emphasis on being sure he's safe and fed and has meds.
She quit to take another job. Then said she wanted to come back and was conflicted. I said I was conflicted too because we need better reliability. Tonight she rage quit by text with a bunch of judgemental crap about how there were too many dishes (claiming that a sinkful was three hours of dishes) and the stove wasn't clean but yet I dared to expect him to have a home cooked meal. Yes, you twat, he can't eat anything that isn't home cooked or it will in one way or another kill him. Yes there's dishes because that's our least important priority for my limited hours at home after helping everyone manage other needs. That is why we have funding for a PA. Because we're a house with 3 people with varied significant and mixed disabilities, one little kid and one person who works 50+hrs a week.
Rant to follow so I can lay it to rest.
Do not take caregiving positions if you don't understand that family life with disabilities can be complicated and messy.
Do not take caregiving positions then message family repeatedly that you are So So So 🥺😢 Sorry about their loved one's long term disability poor poor poor thing. Sniff.
Do not take caregiving positions if you're needy for frequent and effusive proclamations of gratitude from the people you're employed to help.
Do not take caregiving positions if you're someone who posts on social media about the families you're employed to help to get attention.
Do not take caregiving positions if you want to social media self-congratulate for seeing a positive relationship between the family members you're employed to help. Awwww.
Do not take caregiving positions and bring your paraphernalia along.
Do not take caregiving positions saying "of course" you can cook anything if you've never cooked for someone with dietary restrictions and can't handle or learn from feedback.
Do not take caregiving positions and lean on the person you're caring for as a free captive audience therapist.
Do not take caregiving positions and then expect to bring your family members along without permission.
Do not take caregiving positions then chew out the family for not being able to do what you think is "normal" around the house.
Do not take caregiving positions and show up after exposure to contagious illness.
Do not take caregiving positions then move people's things around/rearrange dishes.
Fuck that shit. It's hard enough having a stranger in the house, accepting help, interviewing, training, coaching, documenting, even if the family has financial assistance. Don't be a shitty human and make it harder on everyone.
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