#and i don't think that's an unreasonable thing to want!
isa-ghost · 2 days
*breaks down ur door* ramon n phil hcs perhaps?
Phil headcanons masterlist
If Ramon knew where Phil was from, he'd desperately want to see the Hardcore World builds (not that Phil canonically built them), and all of Phil's farms (now those he DID build).
If Phil knew Create it'd be fucking OVER for the Federation, with his and Ramon's powers combined and the additional insanity that Tubbo and Pierre can bring? SHEESH.
Of the OG eggs that aren't his own, Ramon is Phil's favorite, but he'll never say that.
Hot take but (before Fitpac was anywhere near close to being a thing), Phil was the one standing in Spreen's place. At least early on, with how often he & Chayanne would join Ramon & Fit on adventures.
Ramon's death on that airship was the first moment it REALLY struck Phil that the eggs can die. Like that's a reality, not just a scary unlikelihood or something. It can and will happen in the blink of an eye.
Phil absolutely adores the way Ramon became such a fierce protector of the other eggs, especially his sisters. It's always touched him how adamantly Ramon fights to give his siblings the most normal childhood they can. He just wishes the lil guy would acknowledge he deserves that too.
Actually on that note I could write a whole ass analysis of how Phil and Ramon can sometimes think/operate similarly, but I'd have to binge a bunch of Ramon moments to get enough material. But like. Do you see my vision? With the way they're both self-sacrificial to sometimes detrimental degrees?
Present day, one of the memories that gives Phil the most bittersweet nostalgia for the "good days" on the Island are the ones where he & Chayanne and Fit & Ramon would be wandering the savannas just exploring and looting random shit. It was nerve-wracking, yeah. Every adventure with the eggs was, this is Mr. Hardcore we're talking about here. But there's something so special about the banter with Fit while they watched Chayanne & Ramon demolish whatever mobs they encountered.
Speaking of demolishing mobs, there is something so inexplicably and unreasonably funny to Phil about watching Ramon (or Dapper or Pomme for that matter) absolutely STACKED in a suit of armor or carrying some massive fuckoff weapon when he is just the littlest guy 🤏🏻🤏🏻 Like the absurdity of this funky lil orb creature with obnoxiously chunky armor and the world's bulkiest weapon is just Comedy Gold to Phil.
Although Phil only ever knew surface level stuff (if that), if he ever heard the extent of how ride or die Ramon was with Fit & his secrets about Whatever (data collection, Madagio, etc), it'd give Phil a whole new level of admiration for him.
Bird brain mimicry sometimes made Phil say "Ramon" with a (badly, Britishly) rolled R the way Fit always would.
He wishes the eggs were around for the whole Maze thing because he guarantees Ramon would've found some kinda way to either Create his way to a solution or brute forced it. That kid would've 100% cracked the code to that stupid fucking Maze.
Phil always loved the way Ramon was so observant. That kid would notice details of things or traits of certain people that nobody else would. Not only did it give him a special layer of thoughtfulness to put into the things he did for & gave to other people, but it's a valuable skill to have as a survivalist.
I can't believe I only just now thought if this one but Phil absolutely fucking TREASURES the way Ramon softened Fit up. He's always known Fit as this rugged, mysterious wild card with a dangerous streak, which– Don't get Phil wrong, he was & is down bad for it. But to see something finally put some long-term genuine warmth in those eyes and a smile lacking malice on that face? And for that something to be a brilliant, silly little kid that radiates the same kind of energy as Fit himself? Priceless.
If there was any egg Phil would consider capable of fending for themselves, it'd be Ramon. Ideally, no egg would ever have to. At least not forever. But if he had to name one he thinks could survive alone? Yeah, Ramon. And not just because he's the son of a 2B2T veteran.
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darkfictionjude · 11 hours
I definitely think there's sexism at play with Nia (although not quite as overt it was with Carmen), people are less forgiving towards female characters across all types of media. Especially ones who aren't humble/modest, morally good, supportive of or even subordinate to male characters (especially if the protagonist is male), conventionally attractive (I know Nia is, but just making the point generally), etc.
But in this specific instance, I think it's also because Nia is the only one with a prior positive relationship with the MC. I could see the MC feeling more strongly about Nia's actions than Lorcan's (who they never had a positive relationship with) and Imre (who they didn't even interact with or care about lol). With Nia, the MC has actually lost something, one of the few positive relationships they had. Maybe the only one if you consider Sally's to be “positive” but unhealthy.
Generally readers tend to feel protective over MCs against characters who hurt them. Sometimes to the extent that isn't viewing the situation fairly/logically, or giving the same grace to other characters as you do for the MC. I've seen authors receive hate over that for characters that are gender selectable too (e.g. Infamous). And this MC is an unreliable narrator and we haven't gotten an explanation from Nia yet or seen what she's seen firsthand, we didn't get a full conversation with her until recently. I think these factors make it harder to judge the situation and easier to view Nia negatively, because as the reader we're missing important pieces of the puzzle right now.
It also could be that what Nia did (distancing herself, ending their friendship, not seeming to care about them anymore (before the end of this chapter)) is something that's more relatable to real life and might even be something people have personally experienced. I see people hate bully characters more than outright murdering villains, because the latter doesn't feel real to most people, whereas there are a lot of people online who have experienced bullying at school. And whilst I understand that Nia doesn't actually like or respect any of that popular group apart from Imre, she's still willingly associating herself with people who are bullying Crown, someone they were friends with for most of their lives.
(I'm saying all this as someone who's looking forward to my MC and Nia rekindling their friendship. But I can understand why some people feel sour towards her, even if her actions are understandable and justified from her perspective. I would probably do the same thing as her tbh, probably even earlier on when she first witnessed a violent outburst. But even if you're being reasonable, your actions/words can still hurt someone else, and I don't think it's unreasonable for that person to feel negatively towards you as a result.)
Like I’ve said many times before I understand the anger over the abandonment, I think it’s extremely valid. My issue is with how the boys are given more grace in everything they do. It just seems hypocritical to be angry at Nia but then coddle the boys as if they’re little babies who don’t understand right and wrong
Imre is friends with those people too, he’s the king of the bully group and even though he doesn’t partake he associates himself with them willingly. Like I really appreciate you writing this all down, and I agree with it it’s just any form of media I’ve always hated how women are held to higher standards than men who are sanctified when all three of them aren’t that great. You want to say “fuck you” to Nia? Good. Deserved from the POV of Crowny. But like there’s no point in twisting the narrative to make it seem that anyone of them is worse than the others when all of them have issues and have not treated Crowny the best
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authormars · 3 days
Something that unreasonably pisses me off for no good reason:
When I post about the brothers and someone tags with shit like "x reader" or "x MC" or "But imagine if MC is there" and I think "NO BITCH I WROTE THIS FOR MY PARTNERS THAT CREATED FOR THEM SPECIFICALLY NOT YOU"
JK it's fine I just have a lot of anger in me over that one F!MC/M!MC drama a while back. I hate people who insist MC is meant to be female
One thing I won't apologize being mad over: Anyone who hates on my Dialuci ship posts or says "But imagine them with MC 🥺" I don't want to, get out
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myrkulitescourge · 5 months
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oh to live in a world where astarion had made it all the way through development as a tiefling
(gorg tieflingstarion head by @astarionposting!)
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wellcollapse · 6 months
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the way i would pay for oliver to write meta about buck's character
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unforth · 1 year
Since I've seen several posts floating around that try to rebut the points of @end-otw-racism by saying that AO3 is too big to moderate, can we PLEASE take a moment and remember that AO3 IS ALREADY HEAVILY MODERATED.
We all know the obvious one - that if you post anything about monetizing fic, you will be moderated into oblivion. We also all know why! This is essential to AO3's survival as a non-profit! No one would propose changing this!
But a lot of people seem to forget that AO3 is moderated in other ways! For a personal example, several years ago I got a "change this or we're removing your work" e-mail. The work in question? A collection of pseudo-ficlets that were somewhere between outlines and sketchy fics. What I got moderated for? I said in the a/n that if anyone wanted to expand my kinda-outliney nonsense into fully fleshed out stories, they were welcome to do so! I was told this was a violation of the ToS, because fics that are collections of prompts aren't allowed, and that if I didn't change the a/n I'd have to delete the work. Of course I edited the a/n, and my work was allowed, and I moved on. I did, immediately, delete another work I'd posted, which WAS literally sets of prompts I'd written free to a good home. It was clearly in violation of those rules, and I just hadn't realized content like that wasn't allowed.
Numerous things are forbidden on AO3 and will get moderated and potentially deleted, including:
"find a fic" posts
plagiarized works
virus spreading
actual CSAM
lots of other stuff as listed in the tos
If the foundation of your argument is "AO3 is too big to moderate" your argument is bad. AO3 is already moderated.
So that means your ACTUAL argument is "I think AO3 is moderated enough as-is and I don't think AO3 should be moderated in a way that might better protect fans of color."
Having that attitude despite the many, many, MANY fans of colors who say "hey, we don't feel safe here, can this be better moderated to protect us?" (when, by the way, the existing harassment policy SHOULD protect them but clearly isn't being implemented in ways that actually DOES protect them!)
Well. That's sure a take.
(TO BE CLEAR: I am anti-censorship. I am pro-moderation. I am pro-AO3. I fucking love your dark fic, your underage works, your non-con stories, your kinky pwp with "no redeeming qualities," your dirty-wrong-bad ego fics. I would NEVER want a solution that removed that content. And I believe AO3 is the greatest thing to happen to fic in my lifetime and I want it to continue to be the wonderful thing it is. I think that what AO3 already is can be reconciled with the demands of fans of color that they be better protected. I believe fans of color when they say that the current policies don't protect them adequately, that they don't feel safe, that this drives them out of white western fandom. I've listened a lot, and I've seen a lot, and I've learned a lot, and I want AO3 to be better than it is in this regard. I'm honestly kinda depressed how many people seem comfortable with the status quo.)
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zoey-angel · 2 months
My toxic trait as a stay is that immediately upon learning minsung moved in together I assumed it was by choice (not a randomized partner arrangement) and then concluded everyone picked their own roommate.
#Minsung do randomly end up together so often too but this is such a huge deal to live with one person alone and anyway#Why would skz randomize room assignments when last time they split into dorms by work schedules#They reasoned that 3racha should live together but now they're in three separate dorms#It's a bit unreasonable to randomize it unless they take an actual issue rooming with the person closest in schedule#Even if minsung specifically wanted to room together why aren't Chan and Changbin sharing a dorm for convenience?#You can say it's randomized but again... why would they randomize it if normally binchan would prefer to share rides and work out together#And you could say they just wanted a change but Changbin and Hyunjin were already living together so they didn't change roommates#What's the point of randomizing for a change if they get their old roommate?#I can't help but suspect that Changbin and Hyunjin chose to move in together#And then that means the others chose each other too because#Why randomize when they can have Felix and Jeongin share a dorm where they game together#Or Jeongin and Seungmin share a dorm as vocalists who go to vocal classes together#And if chanlix were a thing theoretically they would have been in the same dorm Iike minsung but they are not#If skz did choose to randomize the roommate arrangements they inconvenienced themselves greatly going against previous logic#If they didn't randomize it that marks to me the death of all but four fandom ships. I don't think they're all dating or even queer#But if they were then the room split would have looked very different#Me personally I love that jeongchan are rooming together because that's my favorite dynamic#And I shall consider this a game changer in the way I view Hyunjin and Changbin's dynamic as well#My brain is going a mile an hour
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frostbitedoesart · 6 months
Just making a general post real quick in response to an ask.
When I say I'm anti-ai I mean I'm against any sort of AI that steals from others or would otherwise be used to put people out of a job. I don't feel like having an elaborate conversation about the positives and negatives of AI and all that, so I'll state this as plainly as possible.
I don't like AI art. I don't like AI voice impersonations. I don't like any sort of AI that has to steal stuff from people without their consent in order to function. That is literally it.
I'm not against ALL AI. I don't think people that are okay with AI in general should be burned at the stake or something. I'm just an artist and writer that doesn't like AI being used in CREATIVE SPACES. That's it.
I didn't think I would have to clarify this but, here you go, for anyone that was bothered.
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gaywatch · 8 months
brittanyyyy how are youuu 🥺🥺 hoping you get to the best of your health soon 💕💕
Thank you for the concern, darling. <333 I'm still waiting on a call from the doctor I was referred to, but I've had one or two better* night's of sleep this week and cutting back on my schedule has helped a lot.
I'm gonna stay at minimal productivity until I start treatment (whenever that is, next few weeks to a couple months) which is a big blow to my plans for this year. But on the other hand when I can fully come back I'll be firing on all cylinders for the first time in my entire life and that seriously excites me. I'm gonna make so much stuff for y'all. Just all the things. But I gotta be able to sleep first, lol.
*Better sleep, for me, is still awful by normal standards. It means waking up every hour and a half to three hours instead of every forty-five minutes.
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good-to-drive · 9 months
whyyyyy do the beatles have so many solo stans this site is so weird
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hopefulqueer · 3 months
I'm starting to think the reason I'm not as good of a writer as I want to be is because I like writing more than I like reading.
#which isnt to say i dont like to read#but i find it so difficult to get interested in new fiction#why would i bother reading stories other people wrote when i could just write mine?#i don't have this issue reading nonfiction ive been so into nonfiction#and i feel like THAT has helped me write better just by teaching me about more things so i can make worlds make more sense#but one time i told somebody i was writing a story that's kind of a zombie apocalypse but for plants and they said#'oh that's exactly like this other book' (i forget the name) 'you should read that one!'#and it made me unreasonably angry#i don't care abt someone else's story with a vaguely similar concept. i care abt mine.#and i know this makes me seem like an asshole and i probably am for this specific thing#but i read every book i could get my hands on as a child#and then as soon as i was able to write my own stories that stopped being the case#like all that reading was just training me to do what i can do now#and i think if i could just get over my disinterest in other ppl's fiction books and start practicing deconstructing what makes a good stor#i would start improving my writing more#and short stories! fuck. i hate reading other ppl's short stories unless they're written by friends#but as im starting to submit my short stories to publishing magazines n stuff#im realizing i'll have a better chance of getting published if i read the other stuff those mags have posted before#and write what they want to have submitted. but then it's not necessarily what *i* want to write. u know?#i don't know how to fix this fundamental problem of me preferring writing over reading#(and this applies to fanfic too btw. i hardly ever seek out fic to read unless a friend sends it to me. and often i like it when they do!#but not as much as i like writing or reading my own writing.)#just why would i READ when i could be WRITING and writing is so much more FUN
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sunrizef1 · 3 months
TLH calling out VVD is nothing to do with Lewis' win. So what has wins got to do with any of this? It's curious you saying you 'love Lewis' but shitting on him in the same breath for not winning. Have you not been watching the races? Winning =/= performance. Good examples are Hulk last race / Alonso being the 2nd best if not best driver last year without a win in 12 years / Marc Marquez etc.
Also you're apprarently a Lewis fan but so blasé about AD21. Give me an example of a bigger robbery by officials in any sport? You can't, and fans are still angry about it. The point is sporting corruption shouldn't be celebrated - I heard many English commentators criticising the penalty, clearly they have more integrity than VVD, right? The fact he was cheering his countryman is no excuse.
I haven't seen him called a flop, they are calling karma, where sporting integrity only matters when its his own team apparently.. he gleefully celebrated a blatant robbery 3 years ago, fast forward now where he's crying foul at a 50/50 penalty being given(in a game his team were soundly beaten). Maybe direct your anger at the FIA who caused all this, not fans pointing out hypocrisy of a millionaire footballer.
I'm not sure where I shit on Lewis.
Its a fact that he has not won in three years. That's not something I'm chanting from the rooftops because I'm so happy about it. Its just an undeniable fact.
I'm a Logan fan!!! I'm well aware that winning does not equal performance because I cheered harder than I ever had for a p11 in silverstone!
I regularly refer to Lewis as an 8x wdc because of the robbery that Abu dhabi 21 was. But that was three years ago. Both max and Lewis have moved on within their personal relationship and they don't talk about it in public anymore.
I can't find it in myself to be hung up on something that happened three years ago when I could focus on his successes in real time.
I, of course, care that it happened. And I can acknowledge that its a robbery while also being completely fine with a football player i like being a fan of the person on the other end of it.
“Gleefully celebrated a blatant robbery”
Van dijk is one of if not the most prolific Dutch athlete of our time. Max seems to be on the way to replace him in that title, though, so it only makes sense that he would put out a 4 word tweet to celebrate this young athtlete who he's friends with and who probably looks up to him.
Virgil is not a pundit. Beside going to the occasional race, he does not align himself with f1 or its politics. I'm also pretty sure he's friends with Lewis! His opinion on formula 1 and the robberies that come with it do not matter. I wouldn't listen to him if he spoke about ad21 because he's a footballer. (He probably, honestly, had no idea something wrong had happened when he made that tweet.)
Football, on the other hand, I definitely would! And I do! He's the captain of his team so when he thinks somethings wrong, he's expected to speak on it. People all of over the world have been debating the legitimacy of that penalty since it happened. His own people think it wasn't correct so who is he to say “yeah it was a penalty”. You never want to lose a game so I think him having bias in decisions made against his team makes perfect sense. He's always gonna think 50/50 decisions should go his way because he wants to win.
And in reference to Lewis fans rt’ing his og tweet, they've been doing it for years. Every single time he does something or loses a game, that tweet is back.
Regardless of your opinion on both the game and Abu dhabi, this is gross, petty behavior
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Also “hand of god” is arguably just as bad but no one really adds an asterisk to that world cup win
They write it off as ref error and they stick the star on the jersey anyway
As a lfc fan, I see referee corruption every single weekend. We had the most incorrect decisions of any single team and even got an apology out of PGMOL.
I'm not defending ad21 because it was stupid and Lewis deserved the win.
I'm just saying that van dijk shouldn't be abused for tweeting a congrats. Max fans celebrate that win constantly.
An entire country still wants Henry dead for scoring a goal after the ref didn't call a handball.
Usa got knocked out of what might've been their only world cup win after a ref didn't give a goal.
England lost the world cup final after a false goal was given.
Deflategate saw a team win the Superbowl after fully cheating for the whole game.
Maybe I'm not constantly thinking about ad21 is because I'm so used to refs and officials being completely incompetent all the time.
Liverpool should've won the league and I think we would've been in much better shape if not for the game-losing mistakes refs made the entire season.
Another example of winning=/= performance is the fact that vvd doesn't have the balon dor he deserves. He was arguably the best player in the world at the time but he didn't win and the award was given to messi.
None of this is structured and I was just kind of rambling but my final thought is just that I think its kinda stupid to shit on a player for tweeting something vaguely positive.
TLDR: vvd’s a footballer, his opinions on football robberies matter more than his opinion on f1. Lewis is the goat but its stupid to shit on someone for being a max fan. Lh44 hive will not give that tweet up and bring it up constantly. Ad21 was a robbery but that's not vvds fault.
Edit: just realised they said the Netherlands were soundly beaten which is why vvd should be mad about the penalty…
It was 2-1! 😭
The penalties the only reason they won, what are you talking about???? Did you even watch the game??? 😭
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moe-broey · 4 months
Anyways I hope I'm not just the local Alfonse and Sharena blogger to you, I hope I'm also thoroughly Just Some Guy
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ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: April 19
"Save It for a Rainy Day" by Kenny Chesney
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cavewolf · 1 year
i think that . pocketcat's 'dirty furry' comment to daan is meant to be allegorical. to the fact that he is a closeted bisexual
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catboyfurina · 8 months
One of the really irritating things about that 'oh QPR is just friendship, clearly you've never had friends, lmao loser' discourse is that (and there are many irritating things this is just one of them) even in QPRs that ARE just friendships with a new fancy label.... like...? There are many kinds of friendship that people just have because it's easier than not. And there are friendships that you think are going to be incredibly lasting, but then they date someone new and suddenly you're no longer a priority. The QPR label lets people attach an intentionality and priority to their friendship that really is not guaranteed..... like also not every QPR is this way etc etc but even when it is Just Friendship T M its still like entirely reasonable to want to use that label to signify that it isn't casual
#beeep#like this isnt to say casual friendships are BAD but for alloros its kinda like. there is a typical way to denote a relationship#is intended to be very lasting and very stable and it has its own special word and its normal to look for it etc etc and#like why are u begrudging aros the same thing. just cus they dont wanna kiss??? ridiculous#<-guy who was having Emotions about how boyfriend is a really nice label cus it lets me know its On Purpose and not just Convenient#but like yeah. idk if im arospec or not im kinda giving up on the having a solid orientation thing cus thats hard but... the knowledge that#your loved ones will move on and find someone they love the most and then in the future youre nobodys priority and u cant blame them but it#hurts. well thats really scary. like constant unrequited love but nobody understands because the unrequited love is friendship and they lov#you like a friend ! except they don't realize how different the intensities are anyway. this was a fear of mine when i was id'ing as aro an#it isnt an unreasonable one i think. also may have been somewhat sponsored by being the Convenient Friend and not ever a Best Friend but#yeah. in conclusion. even if a qpr is just another name for a friendship there is a REASON they want to use that term for it and its not#just lmao shitty losers. its because the world is really hard to navigate alone and people want to signify that commitment ! raaaaaaargh#anyway im probably not fully aro ive decided. like probably the cupio label is not correct like i previously thought. but i think that#people are ridiculously mean to aros and like. kinda treat them like they are stupid????? or childish??? anyway#turns out i may not be aro however i believe in their beliefs (i could elaborate more on that but i suspect im running out of tags)
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