#and i dont want someone who wants to copy my style looking at my art.
Who sent in that last ask? That was pretty insensitive. Anyhow, don’t let that get you down, alright? People have to learn that art is something that takes time, and it can take YEARS for someone to finally make art that they’re happy with. I genuinely hope you have a great day/night!
no yeah that wasn't a great ask to receive! Thank You, i hope you have a kind timezone as well <3
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skunkes · 4 months
Did or does anything inspire your art? It’s so fun and unique
I do have artists (both Established and like Peers/Mutuals) I enjoy and I do pluck traits from art I like as I see fit to mold my own but I don't have any conscious inspiration ykwim...ive had ppl tell me my art looks like or reminds them of things i like, whether "vibe based" (stuffed animals) or a specific media (care bears) but i dont consciously draw inspiration from care bears ykwim... I could tell u i loved archie comics as a kid and i love the art style but thats not a good answer to the question bc it doesnt present itself in my work (and if it does its not on purpose) ykwim...i hope dis makes sense.
I always bring up Urasawa when this question comes up, like I love urasawa's art and often save lots of it for inspiration but my work doesnt really ever come out as an emulation of his as a result, it's more osmosed as I try to figure out how I want to draw, bc I haven't seen anyone who draws the way I'd like to yet. (Also using him as an example, as this is how I feel about all my other "inspirations").
Theres tons of different ways to draw every possible trait of a face or body etc, so I just do that, taking shapes and such from other artists i observe along the way without really picking up the influence (and if i do its never for very long), since I've yet to find anything im very happy with
#ive never understood how people do those inspiration boards and you can SEE how all the people they list influence their art#if i could scrounge together enough artists that inspire me then i dont think you'd even be able to tell unless you Guessed#if that makes sense#similarly i do have thousands of folders of artists and mutuals' art i have saved#to go look back at for inspiration...but its not direct inspiration#like zaftiguy2 on twitter (NSFW) is an inspiration of mine....you would never guess though bc what I osmose from his work doesn't#present itself very upfront in my stuff‚ if at all#does this make sense? i feel when ppl ask others this question is bc they wanna see more art adjacent to that of the person theyre asking#but unfortunately its not like that for me ykwim :(#id be much much better if there was someone who drew the way i want to draw that i could copy off of LOL#my art is so bad BECAUSE i feel like im making it from scratch. and im bad at coming up with things#anonymous#skunk mail#so thank u for thinking its unique bc i personally think its very generic as a result#like. entry level art style#off the top of my head artists i LIKE are kemafili manaohu and yawningyawns#on twitter....kemafili is on here though (kemafili1 on twitter)#those are artists i have in my ''fave'' folder. theres others i think but thats the only ones i can think of rn#i also have tons of artist folders saved in general but read my above statements about inspiration#eraserplains is another one... they're on tumblr too#i like raymodule (tumblr) and robottoast (twitter) but again not in a way where im like wow i want to draw exactly like that lets try
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catmask · 4 months
How do you feel about people taking inspiration from your art/making things with a similar vibe or elements of your work?
its complicated ig!
as a kid id copy a lot of artists id admire to learn how to draw since i didnt have any real 'traditional' art schooling, and i think thats sort of just the natural cycle of being an artist. its normal to follow in the footsteps of people you like/whos styles you admire.
i get sort of uncomfortable when people treat individual artist's styles like a sort of commodity that is solely owned/created by that person, or that can be taken/stolen from someone. in the end of the day if youre capable of drawing it with your own two hands, its still your art. no art exists in a vacuum, and we're all just building off the works we grew up looking up to.
at the same time, ive had people trace my work and not mention it was traced at all, ive had people pretty much piece for piece copy art ive done, worst over ive had people sell commissions that were traces of my artwork...... so, in truth i dont mind 'inspiration' or people taking ideas from things ive made, but everyone defines 'inspiration' so differently i always feel troubled answering this question.
i guess my answer is really, i cant stop you? and i want everyone to have fun drawing! i dont even think tracing is bad if its for practice, genuinely. if taking inspiration means you get broken out of a rut and can enjoy drawing again, then ill be happy to see it. it might feel a bit weird seeing a bunch of people around who draw exactly like me, but at the same time its not really hurting anyone either.
i guess itd just be like going to the grocery store in an outfit one week, and the next week everyones wearing the same outfit. i would not die but i would probably think 'oh! alright' and then go about my day
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meanbossart · 8 months
Some art-advice asks I've been meaning to reply to!
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I use Clip Studio Paint Pro, though I'm not sure what tips I could give just in general. Just experiment with new things often, draw as much as your lifestyle allows, watch how other people do their work but try to avoid "Dont do THIS thing ever" type lessons and tutorials. Use as much reference as you'd like and take your time! To this day a simple sketch can still take me several hours to do depending on what it is.
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Thank you so much!!! I didn't do any kind of formal art schooling but I've always been inclined towards arts and crafts, and started taking drawing semi seriously when I was about 17 (I'm 27 now). I draw a lot of inspiration from western comics and my favorite artists are jason shawn alexander and sean murphy.
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Oh I'm so flattered to hear my stuff's inspired you to take up drawing again, I have a bunch of little crafty hobbies but art is by far the most fulfilling one to me - largely because you're constantly learning and improving.
You're definitely onto something already, I am constantly looking at other people's art (even If it isn't a style I would want to emulate) and analyzing how the pieces come together to create the final product. In my opinion this is pretty much the best way you can go about learning besides real-life reference drawing. You can even take something into your software of choice/print it out and trace it (just to yourself, of course) to get a sense of hand-motion and line use.
As a beginner I think there's no shame at all in taking heavy inspiration from your favorite artists, as long as you aren't straight up copying things and calling them your own. Your personal style Is likely to come out naturally, with time. That's very much how I started myself!
Also, just be patient with yourself, try to have realistic goals for your skill level while simultaneously being proud of everything you do. Even if you absolutely despise a drawing, you still drew something! And even if it doesn't feel that way you most definitely learned from it. Use learning tools and tutorials to whatever point you feel comfortable with but don't get stuck on people's arbitrary rules - unless we're talking about something tangible like real-life application of traditional art tools, things like anatomy, perspective and light are to be referenced from - but It's not the goal to emulate them 100% unless you ARE going for hyperrealism. As someone who uses a ton of reference these days, I can tell you first-hand that I often find myself straying from it on purpose to make a piece look more interesting.
Lastly, draw things you enjoy! Don't let anyone else dictate what you SHOULD be doing and don't fall into the trappings of wanting to stick to one specific style, process, or subject matter.
Good luck!!!
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LOL thank you so much for your very evocative compliments! I haven't ever done a timelapse, not that I remember at least. I'm not sure how they work but I do so much of "I'm gonna try this thing 5 different ways and then decide what I like" that I'm not sure how comprehensive that would be LOL
I could put together a process showcase or something though, I feel like that might be better even, since I get to explain a little of what I'm doing through text and display how I use reference. Something to consider!
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
Okay just to preface, if you're from butters discord, i'm gonna be repeating a lot of what I said in the server, possibly more or less refined, we'll see how my brain goes
I really cannot believe plagiarizers, like you REALLY said "Don't flatter yourself,"... Don't flatter YOURSELF HELLO? You had the AUDACITY to copy someone and claim it as your own, not only that but you did a shoddy job at copying, the thumbnails weren't good, the titles weren't good and were too lengthy, like come on. (only applicable to this person in this situation, if you think your titles [or thumbnails] are too long or are bad they ARENT its perfectly fine the way it is and i love it :))
Additionally, what's so wrong with credit? What's so wrong with saying you were inspired?? Why have some people just devolved to assume that it's bad to credit and talk about/mention the people you're inspired by??? Oh I know why, because those people are short of an imagination, short of creativity, and they want an original idea! So of COURSE the only possible and excusable way to get an original idea is to COPY! Ah yes! Sounds about right, haha. 😐 (all sarcasm) Do people not realize just how lifeless copying is? It's literally just taking someones work and ripping out the guts of that work, the beauty, the effort, the PASSION!! If you copy someone's work, you are just as bad as AI "artists".
Not to namedrop (i mean atp most ppl know who was involved), but Oshin (@/Oshinsims on youtube) has SO much passion for her story and her storytelling and such, and it SHOWS!! IT DOES!!!! And you can tell she loves what shes doing, there's so much feeling, and emotion. But to take her work, and copy that word. for. word, it will not be the same, no matter what you do, it will NOT sound the same. Everyone is different, and we all have our artistic styles, and of course, Oshin's method of expressing and writing story will NOT be the same for everyone, you can draw inspiration, but you still have to put in your own work for it to sound like you and once something sounds like you, it sounds beautiful, it will look beautiful and you'll feel the passion. If I were to take Deja (@/dejasenti99) and then swap their storytelling with Bree (@/stellarfalls), Deja would not tell Bree's story and express Bree's story as good as Bree does, and vice versa, this is not a matter of storytelling, reading/writing skills or anything (because both of them are incredible people, and phenomenal creators and storytellers, do check them both out), it's a matter of style, and those two in particular have two very different styles, both styles can be good, but both styles will not give off the same feeling. Give two people the same outfit and they'll wear it differently. Give two people the same script and they'll tell two different stories.
Make your own work! Do your own stuff! Write your own stories! It's an effort and it takes time. But it PAYS. OFF. No amount of stealing and posting plagiarized work will help you improve and crediting/mentioning inspiration from others WILL NOT KILL YOU, do you understand? There's so many of my mutuals and my peers who would (and probably do) literally cry from happiness at hearing someone is inspired by them and their work. And also, plagiarizing is NOT EXCUSABLE! STOP PUTTING DOWN HOW BAD PLAGIARIZING IS, AND DONT TELL SOMEONE THEYRE BEING DRAMATIC FOR RESPONDING TO A PLAGIARIZER
I will note (make sure to read ALL. OF. THIS. PLEASE); It's okay to practice and use/copy other peoples' work as practice, but DO NOT SHARE WHAT YOU DID, this is PRACTICE/COPIED WORK and SHOULD NOT be portrayed as original work. By copying other peoples' work, you can get a gist of what you want to do and how you want to do things. In the art community, it is often encouraged for beginner artists to trace other peoples' work (specifically people who they draw inspiration from), but in doing so, they are told to NOT SHARE that copied work, this is practice and meant to assist the beginner artist in finding their own style. Take this as being a baby bird, you start out with assistance from your parent bird (other peoples' work) but eventually you'll get to a point where you're ready to fly out the nest and start flying by yourself (making your own work with an inspired style) You can copy other simmers' work [as practice], but don't share it because this is meant to be practice, and you need to work on applying what you've practiced onto your OWN. WORK. (renders/gameplay screenshots/story screenshots/storytelling/writing/character creating/sim style/ETC!) ^ If I worded ANY of this shoddily, please correct me/inform me and sorry for the repetition, but some of you need this drained into your brain lol ^
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tectco · 8 months
Hello, just wanna start this off by saying that I love your art. I've decided to ask my favourite artists for art tips as I wanna get into it, but no matter what I do it never looks right. So, any tips?
WOOOOO BOY, first off huge fucking compliment i honestly didn't think i was anyone's favorite artist (despite what my friends say) and i find it super cool of you to try and draw
Anddd nowww the cowards will run out as soon as you read more
okay so first things first, disclaimer! I AM NO PROFESSIONAL BY ANY STANDARDS, IM JUST SUPER INTERESTED IN ART, DO NOT TAKE MY WORDS AS GOSPEL AND YOU DO NOT NEED TO TAKE MY WORDS OF ADVICE (you didnt say i was but just to cover my ass)
I am still learning as an artist so this will just be advice that helped me, lets just hope i can remember what got me here, and this will be just me jotting down my thoughts as they come so maybe im not the best person to come to about this (i may repeat what other people say in terms of art so bare with me)
Now i dont know if you are an intermediate artist, beginner, need help in specific areas or whatever the hell else but! here's the three main points i always wanted to scream at artists who are just starting out!
Your art WILL look like shit in the beginning
References and inspiration are YOUR FRIEND
DONT be afraid to trace
(I know I know this feels like regurgitated and it probably is BUT HEY STICK WITH ME)
does your art looks fucking trash? THATS GOOD!! KEEP DRAWING!! My art looked fucking ugly when i started and some might say (me) it still does, but thats okay!! You learn more and more from just drawing without any tips, art is a pure skill that builds up, do not be discouraged!! The point of art isn't to be the greatest in the world, it's to be at peace with what you create so if your art looks good to you and you are in a happy place in your progress, you are basically successful in my eyes at least (this doesn't mean to quit learning obviously but it'll come in time, be patient, do not push yourself! that's how you stop loving art and we don't want that happening!)
Ever find yourself asking "man why the fuck does (include art shit here) not look accurate??" well here's a tip, USE REFERENCES! DO NOT BE LIKE ME WHERE YOU JUST WING IT OR ELSE YOU'LL BE CRYING OVER YOUR DRAWING TABLET LIKE I DID AT SOME POINT!! Pay attention to the shapes of the reference, break it down and draw over it if you need to, shapes are very important in art and you need to be able to draw whatever you want in the most basic forms (im no good example of this, i really need to practice more aughhh). As well as references, inspiration is KEY!!! Everything is inspired off each other, nothing is original, so steal from your favorite artists!! Look at their speedpaints, look at how they use colors, analyze how they draw anatomy in their style, see how they use shapes, etc etc, learn from who you consider are the "greats of their times"!! USE ALL THE INSPIRATION YOU HAVE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!!LITERALLY COPY THEM IF YOU WANT EVEN IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THEY DID THAT, YOU'LL LEARN WITH TIME!! just whatever you do, don't compare yourself so heavily against other artists, i know its hard, i do it myself even! If there is an artist who has a style you so so want, don't crumble if you can't draw in their style perfectly, you'll never win against someone in their art style. I suggest taking inspiration from multiple artists and mashing them together until it looks good in your eyes!!
That actually leads me to my next point! TRACING IS OKAY!! Now obviously I do not mean directly tracing over like some lines, showing it off/posting it and calling it completely original. I mean tracing over the references i mentioned before, or like what i said before, i believe you should actually trace from your favs! (don't call it original like i said before), tracing can help build memory on how to draw certain things like how i took a photo of my hands before, traced them, and then put it to the side to redraw it, making me understand futher how hands work! OR like how i traced a piece of art that i liked to understand how the artist drew their bodies, tracing is used by total professionals in the industry so do not be afraid!! You have total permission from me to trace my art and learn how to draw my wack ass bodies
and for a little extra bit, little bit of a hot take (I'm actually not sure how much of a hot take this is), i don't think you HAVE to learn the fundamentals to get into art. NOW BEFORE YOU RUN OFF SCREAMING AND SHITTING, IM NOT SAYING YOU DON'T NEED THE FUNDAMENTALS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!! I'm just saying that if you want to get into art as a complete hobbyist and just want to draw to yknow draw and be happy, you should just go for it! Again don't make art something you hate! I completely encourage learning the fundamentals but don't ever feel like you're failing just because you don't, get into it when you have the time! be patient with yourself, this goes for any hobby/skill but just sink some time into it, i promise you will get further in you hobby than if you push and rush yourself into complete burn out
Uhhh i think that's everything? Im not exactly sure how comprehensible this is or how the spelling is since i am not beta reading this! But apologies if this wasn't what you were looking for! (if anybody even read this far) and i hope that if you asked your other favorite artists they answered with anything better than whatever this is! I wish you alot of luck in your art journey and thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about art! OH AND REMEMBER TO TAKE BREAKS
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odysseys-blood · 10 months
then, can you give us a list of games you recommend?
i sure can thank u for asking! i'll try to make it a bit more brief but under my top 4 i'll add a readmore with a longer list in case u wana read that and not the like. Odysseys Blood Introductory Game Pack.
so starting with the top picks:
1. The World Ends With You
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i think a lot of people have a similar feeling about this game. you play as neku, recently deceased kid with no memories no friends and a whole lot of attitude and your main goal is to survive the reaper's game for 7 days to get a chance at living again. he trusts no one and believes in nothing but himself and being an extremely depressed middle schooler, i related to him but watching the way he changes over time and learns to open himself up. its kind of an eye-opener and i've seen the same though echoed through a lot of different people like me who wanted to really give up but this game does take you by the hand and oush you to try again. make connections. live and whileit may be a struggle its alright because you always have the option to keep going. also the ost is AMAZING and the art style is very unique and the story and characters captivate you so well. idk where id be without this game honestly. preferably if you do want to play its best to play the og on a ds (can be done w/ a hacked one) but if not its on switch and theres a sequel! which is ok but its not as great as original twewy
2. Tales of the Abyss
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ToA (or tota as most ppl tag it but i stick with toa to match the tags for other tales games. which are also good esp vesperia i just wont add it to this list bc its already gonna be a long one). what stood out to me a lot with this game besides the main cast who i love to bits, is its theme on religion actually. when i first played toa i was still in the church and the main theme of religion in toa can be boiled down to devotion is all fine and good, but don't let it rule your life. the fate that is written out for you doesn't rule you, you make your own choices. even if they seem futile, you still don't have to take your fate sitting down you can kick and scream and fight as much as you want towards another path if that truly is what you desire. and that resonated with me heavily. this one's a little more crunchy looking from its age but i still really like the graphics (and i played on 3ds lol) and the environments in tales games are all so stellar its such a good game. and oh my GOD the party interactions. tales games usually do really good at having main casts that are "6-8 people who have no business being stuck together but they are anyways" and i think the part for this one will always be my favorite. also last little bit but theres so much about identity in toa as well and the way the main character, luke, is written with his own struggles about feeling like his own person has gripped me to this day. ive heard this one is hard to find a physical copy of but like. again shoot me a message if u have a hacked 3ds
3. AI: The Somnium Files
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i've been here since day ONE (not exactly but theres a youtube page for one of the characters they were using to drop some info before the game released and i was watching while that was still going so. close enough). i am obsessed with aitsf. my icon is even the main character (edited a bit and w/ stickers). this game doesn't have combat like the first to and is strictly a visual novel and i adore the way it explores the central theme of love, especially familial love and its many shapes and forms and how sometimes even through blood it just doesnt. exist. but that doesnt mean you dont deserve love. someone will be there to give it to you and if not you take it however you can. this is much more apparent in the left half of the game which to this day has made the mizuki route my favorite. this one's eveywhere (playstation, steam, switch) and goes on sale frequently on steam for like $7. this one also has a sequel which is pretty good but again i think the original is much better
4. Heaven Will Be Mine
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honestly with how many people i see daily gushing over poetry and writing im surprised more dont play hwbm. its a space mecha visual novel set in the aftermath of a war where earth sent children to go fight an existential threat which may not have even existed and now all of those kids are adults who have grown up without the shackles of society on the earth which js funny enough, finally calling for them to come back. the writing is beautiful and fun to pick apart and if you're a fan of prose i definitely think you should give this one a try. double of you're lgbt in any way this game is good for its writing about queerness especially if you're trans. please play hwbm. this one's on steam and doesnt have a sequel game but the devs, worst girl games, also made We Know The Devil which i like less than hwbm but its still pretty good! that ones got gay religious trauma
continuing is just a list of more i like in no specific order. some of these may be a bit cringey but i like fun
Witch's Heart
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listen i know theres some strange bias some ppl have gainst rpgmaker pixel games but like. 1) odd but ok 2) witch's heart is such a beatiful story i need you to throw whatever biases you may have abt pixel games RIGHT NOW. my header text comes from this game. it means everything to me. do you have a wish you would kill for? does your wish mean more to you than another's? how much will you let your selfishness control you. for a game that looks so silly it made me cry a lot. this one's free on vgperson's translated game list and theres still MORE BEING MADE. SO MUCH GAME. FOR FREE. LOOK AT ME. ITS FREE. and heartwrenching.
To The Moon/Finding Paradise/ Impostor Factory
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this description is short but similarly a pixel game like the previous rec. its more understandably heavy considering you play as eva and neil who fulfill the wishes of the dying in their dreams. its sad. i cried. i cry a lot dont i? these r on steam
Just Shapes and Beats
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a rhythm game this time! it's got a cute little story mode but it is just a dubstep rhythm bullet hell i like playing. did you know i was a dubstep fan in middle school well now you do and im sad skrillex is mid now. its on steam and switch. not a good pick however if you are sensitive to flashing lights or have epilepsy im sorry. i believe there are safe modes but i havent tested them myself to see how well they work
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paranormasight is a horror visual novel illustrated by gen kobayashi who, if you can tell from the linework on the sprites and in the portraits and what have you, illustrated for twewy. i'll be real i was ready to screan and cry 30 minutes in but its not actually that scary im just a wimp. this one could be seen in a similar vein with witch's heart in the idea of: what would you do to fulfill your greatest wish. how many people would you kill. because you will be killing. on steam and switch.
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for being an otome bustafellows rly got me. while being an otome it is still plenty silly but heavy with fun characters. also i think this is the first time ive really liked an otome mc they tend to be very waify and kinda annoyingly written tbh but teuta is a VERY fun character and not at all a stand in for a self insert. or at least she isnt good at being a self insert which is fine to me because i love a main character that has their own personality. a guy dies like 10 minutes in. this ones on steam
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i seem to like a lot of visual novel games with time loops and dead main characters and this is another one. very dark but i love it to bits. also this one requires a warning list i haven't seen anywhere but i made one myself here. its on steam
Lethal League Blaze
Hatoful Boyfriend
Fallen Hero: Rebirth (and its sequel Retribution)
Code Vein
shout out also to What in Hell is Bad. not for kids at all this one is explicitly 18+ but for being a goofy eroge otome it has. gripped my by the nuts and it has not let go. ive only been playing like a month help.
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toestalucia · 3 months
OKAY quick event talk<3 (it was not quick)
bitter no1 thought, narmaya feeling constantly sidelined forced smile. naru getting hurt protecting thalassa & going 'dont worry im fine:]' is fine on its own, but in the bigger picture of the event...grrrrrrr cygames u need one more person on event checking still
anyway i thought naru keeping the danchou-chan, meaning she ended up saying danchou-chan-zeki while seofon dropped the -chan and jsut went danchou-zeki was a nice detail:') icarus is nice, i like him. tweyens constant 'seofon looks like hes having fun' made me a bit emotional pien. great to see kyuta again. tefnut go girl give us nothing(positive). the part where she was eating but it was raziel who had made the chanko,,,raziels constant 'did u call:DDD' 'no' + her introduction oh u r soooooo endearing LOL liked the lil abramelin part, thought of how ofc grans gonna be a bit sad thinking about it. having thalassa constantly in her mermaid form was great, although we r circling back to bitter no1 thought. i thought the flashbacks to weapon skills (like rage, phalanx) was sooo cuteT_T + seeing the different job outfits was fun. um. idk what to say about the new art KBJBJKADBJKDBJKAD....????????????????????? did not expect that
i probably wont go indepth with it tonite, but when seofon & tweyen first said they were going to see raiden & the whole 'we have to see if its a danger to the sky or not' aspect.......gran who Gets it, but also as someone who Was seen as an enemy of the sky i think they immediately feels very defensive about it....? on a personal level...? when its someone they hung out with before...? they wont discredit the suspicion seeing the circumstances + its the eternals, but.... did like wilnas telling raiden than him dying wouldnt solve anything, cuz tameemon would just possess his body or whatever instead.
also liked this wilnas line
Wilnas: Those who defy the laws of these skies are best suited to protect it.
scrolling down my notes doc, did like seofon & narmaya noticing ppl were approaching:') i like when they point those things out. + the lil bit about how they always treat captain. do want them to appear in an event together again, i think its neat seeing them both, would lov to see them interact/fight together
Seofon: Might've teased her a bit too strongly. I'll have to dial it back a bit next time. Vyrn: Better quit while you're ahead.
vyrn saying this when he constantly has to go 'captain was joking',,,,LOL
Bennu: Although I may still have the higher victory count, it's clear that your skills have surpassed mine, Singularity. Henceforth I shall address you by name out of respect, Captain.
liked this part too cuz i always end up talking about how much gran dislikes being called singularity LOLL regardless if its actually Real or not, gran is counting it as real
Captain recalls the various techniques and strategies learned from fighting alongside allies. Before long, all of that knowledge begins to flow through Captain like water, becoming the captain's strength.
back to this part but i trulyyy do lov grans skillsets & fighting style becoming a mishmash of the ppl they spar with/see fighting often/etcT_T.....monk quests whole 'captain is very good at copying images cuz thats how they have trained'.....its very thrown together, lacking parts etc since they nvr had a teacher, so having ppl around who Actually knows how to fight...........gahhh
speaking of monk i spent most of the event imaging gran forgetting theyre supposed to keep to sumo and easing into the closecombat moves theyre more used to -> immediately having to apologize with their entire might
ok thats all in my doc
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tainted-sweet-meats · 2 years
I saw a post today that I didn't want to like..yuh know fuckin hijack cause I saw an artist talk about it. but I wanted to talk about it cause I've had folks unintentionally do stuff in my favor that I didn't appreciate. I've spoken about it on my facebook but not here. I notice this happens way too much and I beg you do not confront me that someone is copying my style... I have been around since the 2000's online. I have had many claim my art, topics, and style inspire them... yes pple will nip from me cause I inspire them and I'm okay with that. As long as no one is being racist towards me and my work I don't care. I'm happy I can inspire others in such a manner..do not go under their art going "this looks like tainted sweet meats art"..its rude af and personally if I see you do it I won't tolerate that and most likely comment on that post congratulating the artist’s work and make you look like a fool ( I’m very petty on that front).I also teach folks paid art classes privately online and the ones I teach under my wings as an apprentice will have styles like mine... THIS IS ON PURPOSE... so cut it tf out... On said post I understood where the artist was coming from about just being used as an inspo resource rather than treated as an artist. An it took me so long to realize what folks were doing when inspired by me cause I was so used to getting white folks be super racist with my my art and extremely fetishy race wise with me in the art community that I couldn't tell the difference if this was like genuine inspo or like are you poppin your rocks off at the fact that a lot of my art is asian/black coded. If that yuh know *spice* was something you can sell off me type thing as yuh brand. Cause I've had it happen where folks copy my work and even one creepy artist stalked me for years ripping my ocs to resell them as “urban adopts” and mentally I didn’t see that as inspo an was like damn just hard R me and get it over with at that point. It was kinda wild.( dont worry tho that artist was quickly called out by black twitter for some racist stuff they drew..like making a black vamp oc getting hung...woo boi...that was...that was something. hoooooooweeeever, I did notice it triggered others in the past when I spoke about it to target folks who just genuinely loved me and my work and that made me feel a bit protective over folks who just enjoyed my work and I inspired them to draw.  I think in my older age I can tell the difference very quickly and don't mind folks getting inspired by my work as long as racism and fetish aint the reason cause at that point I wouldn't see that as art inspo just plain overall disrespect to me as a person. Wanted to say a thing cause damn I felt that post and understood it. but this is just for me tho and my experience... every artist is different.
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satellite-slickers · 2 years
okay thats it time to clear house there are fucking too many of you now. survival of the fittest those of you who are strong enough will die off and my notifications wont be filling with hundreds of them every day
the internet left is straight up canibalistic and impotent. you talk about a revolution and killing billionaires but the thought of giving up chick fillet or something else equally trivial is completely beyond you. how am i supposed to take you seriously anout wanting to go through the painful and potentially devastating concequences of forcibly changing society if you don't have the conviction to even give up your creature comforts. until you so called leftists grow a spine and actualy do the basics like get q long term strategy in place i am not going to believe that you have what it takes.
on the same note. yall are so fucking dramatic and love drama to the point that you will gladly tear into each other and try to paint other leftists as villains for not being ideologically pure as you think you are. you cant build a colelition or a movement if you arent willing to join with people you dont agree 100% with. and you cant do shit if youre more concerned with looking like the wokest person in the room than you are actually affecting systemic change
the harry potter game thing is a microcosm. i do not care qbout the harry potter game. as a trans person. i dont care. you're shadow boxing in platos cave trying to win a symbolic victory against a single terf. meanwhile our rights are being stripped away from us while you are focused on bullying people into not playing a videp game like thats actually going to fix anything. someone streaming that fucking terrible game and raising money to donate to a trans charity is doing infinitely more good for me and the rest of the trans community than the rest of you fuckers combined
ai art is fine actually. and while there needs to ne regulation about how datasets qre compiled. it is not plageriam and is not art theft and is not copying your art style the devil and is actualy good and cool you just have a fundumental misunderstanding of how the technology works. the exploitation and undervaluation of artists in our society is not new and is not because of ai art. you want to help artists? stop shadow boxing in platos cave and actually support artists and create networks with the aim of making sure that artists actually get paid and get credit for the work they do
people can ship or write or he off too whatever the hell they like its none of my business
i am not proship, not because i dont share their views about fiction. but because i dont believe that they go far enough. the anti anti movement had it right but the proship comunity is very much "fuck you i got mine" they want to play with their fanfic and read their stories and dont want to actually explore thought or principles beyond that. things dont matter and arent bad if they arent hurting real people? okay then. in that case pedophiles and zoophiles dont deserve harasment if they arent actually hurting anykne. incest is fine as long as its consentual and using mental health problems (hes insane, theyre psychotic, theyre a narcasist, they lack empathy conservatism appeals to the mentaly ill, trying to say that mass murderers or child molesters or corrupt politicians are that way because there is something mentally wrong with them) as a way to condem their character means that YOU are the terrible person. claiming that only people who aren't neurotypical can be monsters is abelist. theres no other way about it
some of you straight up dont have principles, you call yourself progressive but you are still working on that gut level "it makes me feel weird pr gross to think about and upsets me and therefor it must be evil" like a five year old, you never actually examined your beliefs and your feelings and developed a moral code that you stick to even when it is hard and it shows
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chiosblog · 18 days
Per l'ask game :D
5, 12, 19, 30 e 38
Grazie per l'ask!💛
5 - what made you start your blog?
I started like 3 blogs but all of them to post my drawings lol (this one is the only one still active)
I spent a lot of time as a teen watching people interact online so I wanted a piece of that
12 - whats some good advice you want to share?
Oof I'm not in a position to give people advices on life lol (experience vary so much that what i say may sound gibberish)
But I've learned a few art related things.
Never rely too much on other people art style to create a following.
I mean, I spent a good chuck of time mimicking and copying other people styles and that helped me a lot in learning to draw. Then it helped me creating a lil following, but after some time it all felt empty and kinda useless, it was like the only thing that mattered was gaining the attention of a few people who didnt really care other than a quick like (thanks twitter). I lost any interest in doing any drawing outside what I needed not loose that following.
When I started working outisde big fandoms I found what I see as my style, my own way of drawing, and I had back my genuine desire to create art in any form.
I know it is kinda personal so i dont know how many people had this kind of issue.
19 - favorite thing about the day?
When I come home after spending all day out, closing the door of my room just to watch pics of my silly men and chat with the best people in my life
At least till someone come banging at the door to make me do something i dont wanna do. That's why i love sundays so much. It's the designed day (i decided so) I won't keep up with anyone's shit. Just yesterday I had some guests home but they did not see my face all day cause they picked the wrong day to come by lmao
30 - what's one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
I know it sound boringly obvious but my obsessions are my only happiness atm(aka The A team)
For some reason they reset all the bad stuff and put me in a completely different mood its almost scary. I can happily jump around while im thinking of them and then, just a few minutes later, have the most plain and emotionless expression when i have to interact with other people. That is a problem cause my family keep saying i look depressed when instead it actually is a really happy period for me (they are the ones that make me depressed lol)
If obsessions fails to make me feel better I have a big problem lol
38 - fave song at the moment?
I think Mona Lisa by mxmtoon is one of the cutest songs I've heard in a while.
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sclfmastery · 4 months
as an artist, are there any super simple art tips that you know that improve a persons art a lot when they start using it? like, my teacher once told me to always have the corner of the mouth in line with the corner of the eye when drawing faces, and that's stuck with me for years, but i really want to know if theres any other nifty little tricks like that. BUT OBVIOUSLY YOU DONT NEED TO ANSWER im only asking because i really like your art and your lineart is really sharp in a way id like to one day be able to do some much simpler version of
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Let me just preface this by saying I squealed with JOY when I realized I'd been sent an ask not about my writing, but about my VISUAL ART. My BFA was in painting and what I teach at university is connected to the creation of visual art. So I just get SO happy to think someone else cares about my stuff enough to ask how I make it! Please don't ever be sorry or shy to reach out! <3
Aside doing an actual video (which I could try, one of these days, if you want, but I'm trad only so it'll be clunky lol), here are some thoughts that pop into my sleep-deprived brain:
--It's FINE to use a reference. In order to master line variation and, especially form and movement, you will want NOT to let tracing be a crutch. But unless you have plans to be a sequential artist who has to have a mental "shorthand" of how-to's with various features and body parts, it is ENTIRELY ok to use a live or photographed model. Whoever started the rumor that this is cheating was being dumb.
--Become fluent in various softnesses (and therefore values) of graphite, Conte crayon, and charcoal. Yes, even if you're a computer artist. Learn the relationship between line thickness, perspective, and depth of form. I can go into this more if need be. Your H pencil is going to be hard and pale, and your B pencil is going to be soft and dark. Both have their uses.
--True to a bigger point: Just like in Doctor Who you don't skip Nine, don't skip trad art design fundamentals. You don't have to stay there forever, but let it be your foundational training. You don't have to go to university for this if you're unable. There are free online courses called MOOCs.
--Don't start stylized. Copying things like anime or comic book styles is a valid way to warm up, but you are filtering your work through someone else's eyes. Try to start with the original subject (be it a still like or a portrait) and develop your own unique mannerisms from that point.
--Don't be afraid to stop and toss it, and start over.
--Hardest one: Don't be afraid to erase and redo the part you love best if it doesn't have a correct relationship to the other parts in the drawing, painting, etc. I guarantee you can make something as good as that passage again. It's not gone forever. Don't be afraid to rework.
--Walk away for at least 3 hours and come back. Is it all still resolved or do you need to work on something?
--When choosing a color palette, it can be helpful to already have a neutral midtone established. Also, don't be me and get too ambitious about your colors. Pick like three tops and just do variations of those.
--Do NOT draw a human subject and think of the parts by their names WHILE rendering them. Reduce them to design principles: not "this is the eye," but "this is the dark round shape surrounded by a lighter space." If you think "this is the eye," you will stop really closely looking at what makes this eye unique and just kind of "plug in" stock eye features. This is the biggest enemy of capturing a likeness.
--You can absolutely rework anything in any medium. There are just different methods for doing so, between say watercolors and oils.
--Work with white noise or music. A playlist that keeps you in the zone, undistracted but also calm, is the playlist that you want.
--Know when to quit. 'I rarely feel like my work is "done" but if I keep going, I over work and ruin it.
I hope this helped as a start! <3 I'd love to see your work!
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Any habits you like to share with the class?
OK welcome to the 7 deadly sins of my art farting career. Hopefully i will not get the punishments equal to these said sins in my life So buckle up cause were starting hot with lust.
Lust is a complicated one because im not twisting the anatomy to the point its not legit accurate. Looking at you superhero comics and games that are just boobs and ass mostly mortal kombat is a fall of this.. i just.. can't draw ugly people. Dont get me wrong i honestly am trying! Its just complicated. And dont worry i may write smut but i cant draw it either.. Ill try if im brave enough but i know better not to put it on my portfolio...or here..
ENVY ohhh boy do i have it. and i have ways to control this lil demon! Its okay to compare yourself to the masters/ other people BUT, not to the point where you think copying them 1000% will make you just like them! Mish mash your favorites to make your own style. Thats how i learned mine. Compete with yourself not with someone else. Take breaks from other peoples work if they make you the sads and focus on your end goals. ok now BACK IN THE CORNER ENVY!
Okay whos next *sees sloth playing animal crossing* Right. you.. I tend to get unmotivated by projects easily if im stressed the hell out or i dont like somthing in my sketchbook.. so i just put it away and go play some video games. IMHO this isnt 100% a bad thing.. we all need a break for a kit kat bar every now and then however HOWEVER!, Making excuses for weeks at a time effects your artwork later, So this is why you need to focus on the game but also allow yourself to take maybe 15 min breaks to do anything else besides video games. Water your plants, Play with your pets, Party in your room, EAT SOME FOOD!
Next is Gluttony and taking on too many things at once is a good and bad thing all at the same time. Welcome to the world of ADHD. This is mostly bad for me cause im a people pleaser and i want to please everyone except myself (yes my dad raised me as a doormat im slowly growing a spine.)
Now the biggest sin i have out of all of them...almost killed my chances of getting into this school.. PRIDE. Its okay to take pride in your work but, you have to learn when to step back and give what the client wanted..even if its in graphite form. Bite your lip and hold those words you were gonna say and just give what they wanted. You might just get in.
Next is greed and like i said before im a people pleaser not a greedy person so this one is off the table kind of however, i have seen people on my artstation and my linkdin accounts trying to work with me cause im going to this school and they gave off red flags. One was even a huhbot trying to sell me makeup. o
*looks at wrath* Okay buddy youre up! Now im not the 100% type to use blood, violence, and edgyness into my work. Its more i hate my own work and it drives me insane to where i wanna crumple it up, yeet it in the bin and start over..and this cycle can continue for a few days till i go into sloth mode. Dont be so harsh on yourself to where what your drawing is no fun! Try to think about it from another view if its not what you expected. You might be surprised on how it comes out.
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lastoneout · 2 years
Got asked if I had any tips for new artists during my stream today and I figured I'd put them here too:
Draw, seriously, just do it. This is the hardest part and also the most crucial. Just run at it screaming and refuse to back down. You just gotta do it.
Always do your wrist/arm/shoulder stretches before drawing and make sure to take breaks to stretch/re-center yourself if you've been going for a few hours or more! (Here's the stretches I do, and they help with gaming and writing and desk work too, they're just a good idea all around!)
Try to draw less from the wrist and more from the shoulder(move your arm more and your wrist less basically). That and stretches will help you avoid carpal tunnel which is never fun.
Consistency is only something you need to worry about if you're like, working in the industry/doing some types of commissions(like an twitch emote bundle or a comic book). If you're just starting out or only drawing for yourself it literally doesn't matter. Like, I don't think I've ever drawn a character exactly the same way twice, it's fine.
Don't do warm up drawings, do warm up scribbles. Doodles circles and squares and lines and swirls until you feel nice and lose, then start actually drawing.
If you're between 50-90% done with something and you REALLLY start to hate it, keep going. You just gotta power through, cuz chances are it's perfectly fine(or even really good) and your monkey brain is being a jackass coward chugging that impostor syndrome juice.
If you finish and you still hate it put it away until tomorrow or the day after and then look again. Never EVER trust your negative opinions about your art(or anything) if it's after like 8pm.
Re: the above points, as an exampke last night I HATED my new pngtuber model that I'd spent literally all day on. Went to bed and in the morning was like "oh this is good actually". Trust me, tired burnt out you is not a good judge of quality, especially the quality of something you've been staring at for like 4-5 hours.
If, after all that, you still hate it, that's okay too. It's a bummer, but don't try to force yourself to like something just cuz you spent a lot of time on it. Chalk it up to experience and move on to the next thing!
Do everything in your power to not compare yourself to others. It won't get you anywhere. Instead learn to look at other people's art and find what you like about it and try to break it down or do it that way yourself. Dont fully copy/trace ofc, but really think about how something looks and see if you can figure out why you like it and/or how it's done.
OH MY GOD USE REFERENCES. Anyone who says not to use references is talking out of their ass. You think figure drawing classes are bad?? That artists draw from life just for shits and giggles?? No, its because you need to know what shit looks like to draw it!!! USE REFERENCES!!!
Same with youtube tutorials, especially for learning to use digital art programs. Do take everything with a grain of salt ofc(we've all seen the "masculine vs feminine eyes" shit or the trash trend of "I fix my viewer's bad art uwu" ignore that crap) but you can learn all kinds of shit for free on youtube.
If you can feel yourself burning out fucking stop drawing a take a break. Even if you're in the middle of something, or part of you wants to keep drawing. Burn outs suck and it's gonna take a lot longer to get over it if you push yourself until you crash instead of just acknowledging that you're hitting your limit and stopping for a few days. The art will be there when you get back, your health should always come first!
If someone tells you thick line art or anime style or whatever is bad, ignore them. All art is subjective. Draw what you want how you want. Even if it's all thick line art or you stick to sketches or only do anime stuff or chibis or humans or furries or goddamn stick figures just draw literally whatever. If this is just a hobby for you there's no reason to push yourself. Draw what makes you happy, fuck everyone else.
Anyway that's all I've got for now, might add more tomorrow when I'm less tired(and I encourage additions for other artists as I'm self taught and had to learn most of this the hard way and thus I'm sure I've missed stuff) but yeah, just draw my dudes, this is supposed to be fun. You deserve to have fun.
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tamelee · 2 years
Can you do your drawings more the manga style? The others are fine but anime characters shouldn’t be drawn in a realistic style because it looks weird. Your art is good but maybe you can draw actors your one style and then anime for the other. I read you were practicing for the manga. Dont worry I want to read it! The thing about realism is that you cant represent a character factually in their true cultural foundation since it doesnt exist. The character doesnt exist. How can you draw Sasuke as a Japanese person and represent him as one in real life when you dont know what he looks like? Same with Naruto. This is no hate but just advice for your future career. I see many artist making mistakes like this and this is just a warning to prevent you from making it worse. I hope you can see it as such and not make a big deal out of it. I like your analysis’s though, keep up the good work have a nice day. Peace ✨
“Can you do your drawings more the manga style?”
No matter how much you try to formulate a question like this in order to make it sound “polite”, you don’t grasp the severity of the thing you’re “asking”. 
You’re asking an artist (in my case someone who’s practicing to become one professionally), to change their art-style. An art-style is something that belongs to a person. It’s something that develops and an artist can play around with it, but you (and anyone else) don’t get to decide how they should do that. 
It’s impossible, even if we "wanted to".
And quite rude. 
When I first started with commissions people always asked me to “draw me this like that artist does” and basically they always wanted a copy. It used to be so confusing to me, because if they wanted something that looked exactly like the other artist’s drawing.. then why ask me? Why tell me you “like my art so much”, come to me for a commission because of it, but then don’t want it the way I draw it?
It made me really insecure about the way I draw.. and it still does to be honest. 
“Copying” an artist’s art style can be a good way to practice art and figure out what you like, there is no shame in that, but it isn’t part of “us”. 
What do you even mean with “manga-style” anyway? You do realize that there is not one “manga-style” either right? Have you seen the ‘Naruto’ tribute drawings made by other Mangaka’s? They look very different from Kishimoto’s “manga-style”. 
Hirohiko Araki: 
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Mitsubishi Shimabukuro:
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Masanori Morita:
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Toshiaki Iwashiro:
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Kentaro Yabuki:
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Takeshi Obata:
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And these are only a few... (lmao to fan-artists getting criticized for slightly different facial proportions being part of their art-style when it's more than normal (in the Manga world), but ok.)
“The others are fine but anime characters shouldn’t be drawn in a realistic style because it looks weird.”
This statement in itself is ridiculous. Anime characters drawn (semi-)realistic-looking being “weird” regardless of how it’s drawn or by who, is your opinion. Your own personal opinion which is weird to send to someone. Meaning: your opinion is not factual. Now that, is not my opinion, that’s commonly accepted as a fact. 
Kishimoto himself drew his characters more "realistic" as well. 
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Not just him, but there is another Mangaka who did. 
“Dont worry I want to read it!”
I wasn’t.
“The thing about realism is that you cant represent a character factually in their true cultural foundation since it doesnt exist. The character doesnt exist. How can you draw Sasuke as a Japanese person and represent him as one in real life when you dont know what he looks like? Same with Naruto.” 
You talk like you have zero understanding of what “art” even means in the first place. 
I don’t even have to explain myself to you, but:
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.. these aren’t even all.. 
(Please guys, I’m aware of what is happening.. and yes I get them too. I’m not going to talk about other blogs, my blog isn’t a call-out blog, but this is going against my style specifically.. so here we are.) 
Adding “realism” is just an interpretation, a way to enrich the fictional fantasy of a character. It’s true that you can’t represent a character “factually in their true cultural foundation since it doesn’t exist” as you say. 
Because Konoha doesn’t exist. Ninja’s (from Naruto) don’t exist. 
Konoha isn’t an accurate representation of Japan and its culture either as Kishimoto is also influenced by different media from all over the world. His fantasy world in which this creation was born from exists, because it isn’t limited to one cultural region and it doesn’t have your personal boundaries. His childhood as far as we know was full with superheroes that were created from minds all over the world with super-powers that aren't tied to our realistic (cultural) representations. We can't manipulate Chakra like these characters do, now can we? 
That’s why it’s fiction. 
That’s why you’re right and also contradicting yourself because of it. 
Why the hell would I want to take the beauty out of something that not only entertains us, but perhaps even helped us cope or forget this dumb “real life” you talk about and bring it ‘back to Earth’ when the mouths that lick the asses of those that embrace this ‘cancel culture’-mentality so-lovingly want to steer us towards all these ‘problematic’ things they call “reality”. Seemingly: you.  
The beauty in art or fanart, fan work, fiction, fantasy is exactly that it does NOT have to represent anything exactly in real life, but it can be whatever the creator wants it to be. Interpretation is never the same for everyone. And frankly, you don’t have to agree with it. You can turn on your news-channels, discuss shit on Facebook or focus on something else if you want to see something that “represents your reality” and even then that’s questionable to say the least :’) 
Art, this platform, entertainment, humor or this story that exists from the mind of a man that somehow, someway came up with the most beautiful.. tragic, love story of all time, discussing it, getting lost in the charm or artistry that went behind in making it- it’s supposed to be fun. A way to escape that reality, but all this backlash and criticism towards not just fan-artists, but also fan fiction authors who do nothing, but share their works for free does not make it very attractive to do so. One day this fandom will die down, because of this, yet it doesn’t have to. 
People will always do what they love to do. 
Let them. 
“This is no hate but just advice for your future career. I see many artist making mistakes like this and this is just a warning to prevent you from making it worse.“
No, artists following your advice is the mistake. Uno reverse warning. 
Have fun on your journey drawing, writing or anything that you love to do. You’re the only one having access to your mind. In art specifically, there is not one art-style, it’s something you develop overtime through drawing the things you love drawing. Every time you’ll think to yourself “hey, I liked that, I want to incorporate that the next time I draw too!” It’ll build from there. 
“I hope you can see it as such and not make a big deal out of it.”
I hope you see the hypocrisy in this sentence. 
Have a nice day too. I left you a drawing. (It’s the latest one.) 
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. you know whats also bad about the red eyes? not only do they look awful on persephone's pink color, they're not even a unique feature? like we've seen hades' eyes go red, we've seen eros' eyes go red, and ares' eyes are ALWAYS red, so even this idea its her "unique queenly trait" doesnt even hold up?? because we've seen it on other characters before?like at least the blue glowing eyes looked unique and even gave her a possessed, otherworldly look, something with the red eyes just dont have.
2. The faces in the latest ep (not fastpass).... Ew
3. I saw someone praise lore olympus art, specifically the ones where Apollo is playing his lyre and Daphne is covering her ears while her hair is split in two (yuck! Bad decision looks awful) so we can see Apollo, the one where she transforms into her hibernation state (weird perspective, chin and neck, I think, also what the hell was that supposed to be?) and the last one before cutting to Thanatos (which, I admit looks a little better that the other but I still got distracted Apollo's arm among other things).
Now, Rachel is a professional artist like 15-25 years older than me (I dunno her age) drawing one of the most liked webtoons.
I feel like I'm nitpicking or being too harsh or crazy because I think it is a little terrible and this person thinks it's amazing and I know art is subjective and all but like the difference of opinion is jarring. I am by no means a professional and my art leaves a lot to be desired and I guess I don't have incredibly high standards (or do I? I'm second guessing). Is it really that good?
Because I know that Smythe commits more than a few anatomy atrocities. I wanted to redraw a few panels two years ago and I noticed a few things that Don't Work Like That.
4. ok but that other anon is right. we shouldnt have to go off old tumblr asks or random tweets to understand what's going on and who the characters are. rachel doesnt realize you have to actually write whats going on, not putting the readers on a scavenger hunt trying to figure out what they're even reading.
5. im honestly surprised LO hasnt ruined more mother figures at this point. maybe maia will be next and depicted as neglectful and hermes is only the way he is because hes acting out to be noticed by her, maybe dione will slut shame aphrodite, who knows, the possibilities are endless when its about ruining every mother figure to prop persephone and hera up and to avoid giving the characters actual personalities that isnt dependent on mommy/daddy issues.
6. I hate the clothing choice for Daphne in run for your life. It felt like she was drawn in a sexualized manner when she shouldn’t have been because she was running away from a r*pist. Like she almost had a nip slip, we almost got her ass, it was like Rachel was trying to fit her butt and chest in a lot of the frames like some video game with the token woman character. Like if a different dress was choosen or how she made Daphne tie the dress, I just feel like Rachel can’t draw outside of pinup sexy that well. Like sexy is fine for sexy scenes but running away from a r*pist is not sexy. (I probably sounded really lame, but the way Rachel presents the story in a feminist way but can only draw one way in not even the same style is annoying)
7. Things I think would have been better for the story instead of focusing so much on HXP
-Expanding on Minthe’s and Hades beginning of their relationship (he couldn’t of fallen for her since she didn’t laugh at him and when she yelled at him said it’s not your fault but you have the hat I think that would have added to his character more to see him more than a 40 year old who hits on barely legal)
-Leto’s kidnapping of Demeter. Both we/are close with Hera, and probably know or each other or may have been friends. Like I wanna know how Leto kidnapped her but also how are they interacting since they probably know each other and Demeter probably had Hera’s back when Hera ended their friendship.
-Ares return to Aphrodite. We don’t get to see much of her character but we know this is something she’s wanted, but they way it was handled was so flat, We assume Aphrodite told Ares that his gf slept with his father to save their son but we don’t actual read any words between the couple. And then they’re living together. I wanna see how they actually interact and stay together like their better moments. Like how well did he settle in, did they talk about how long he left for or is he mad like come on that’s something interesting but I feel like RS can’t write outside of HXP
-the deal with Echo. Why do people think Echo could possibly be Hera’s gf if she’s her assistant. Yeah they do dirty work together BUT I didn’t get a wiff or sexual tension or anything. Was it that she was there with the doctor? It just seems like Hera is that CEO trope who has the assistant always by her now.
-a little more of Pysche and Aphrodite friendship. Like Pysche says Aphrodite is lonely (and we can assume a part of that is Ares) but also because she “doesn’t have many friends” so why not a solo scene of just the two of them being actual friends. Like what did Aphrodite say when she brought back a purple nymph that was gonna help them with their work.
-Hermes not talking about Persephone. I feel like that 99% of what his character is and then just a little bit of himbo. 
-Maybe Thantos and Minthe started flirting/hooking up. We’re they friends first or flirts first? Was it after Hades and Minthe got into a fight or something else? What did Thantos like about Minthe and what does she like about him? Why did she stay with Hades with Thantos was there (it’s not like she wanted to be queen of the underworld) How did Thantoas and Thetis meet and become friends? Idk if I was seeing two guys and one of them actually liked my friend I might consider leaving Hades for him. But again hades did have the power to control everything in Minthe’s life (job, home, everything) I do like Daphne and Thantos But I feel like the transition could have been better if we knew more, but again RS can only focus on one thing and that’s HXP.
------FP Spoiler/Mention------
8. FP SPOILERS— I’m done. I’m really done. We called it. We FKN called it. They got married behind the readers back, Demeter didn’t respond to the question as she actively avoided it and time was up, Apollo is somehow involved in the trial- THIS WHOLE THING IS A MESS AND IM TIRED OF HOPING THAT IT GETS BETTER. Four FKN years of this??? I’m done with this Webtoon even though I’m FKN stuck in it. I’m so FKN done.
9. Fast Pass spoiler (kinda) OH MY GOD, I JUST REALIZED THE POMEGRANATE PIN IS JUST PASTED ON EVERY FRAME, NOT EVEN RE DRAWN FOR PERSPECTIVE, NO, JUST COPIED AND PASTED, REGARDLESS THE OUTFIT ANGLE AND LIGHTING, IT'S HILARIOUS!!!I mean, I knew the art was decaying, but this just made me laugh out loud of how bad it looked.
10. persephone’s pomegranate pin just looks like a giant fly that landed on her and won’t leave LMAO
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