#and i hope it's not the end for trevor and hetty
aflawedfashion · 7 months
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Trevor & Alberta | Ghosts 3x02
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kiwi-and-pasta-at-3am · 2 months
- Trevor comes out as bisexual
- Jay comes out as bisexual
- Sam comes out as bisexual
- Sass comes out as bisexual
- someone comes out as half Italian, can't recall if it already happened but there's always an half Italian bitch in American casts I swear
- Nigel gets an arc or something where he creates actual existing relationships with the other ghosts and Sam and maybe also becomes a slightly better person
- Crash. Literally I just want Crash to be there and do something. Like we didn't get much of hambone but he ended up having one of the most gut wrenching backstories and I'm kinda hoping the same thing happens here
- Alberta and Pete develope more as a dynamic duo without getting romantic yet
- Jay gets to be unbothered, moisturized, happy, in his lane, focused, flourishing
- Trevor and Sass kiss/fake a relationship to make Hetty jealous and have her realize her feelings or something
- we get to see jay interacting with Sass in his dreams AT LEAST ONCE MORE because i can't believe they just threw the dream thing in there and then just forgot about it
- h-money 5 minutes uninterrupted makeout scene, bonus point if she picks him up
- obligatory point stating this list is satire (mostly) just in case
- puritan lady is an antagonist for more than an episode please please please please please let her arc be a bit longer, don't immediately resolve it in one ep
- something happened that makes me bawl my eyes out
- tomorrow they make a statement where they say they pranked us all and that actually season 4 will start airing in about a week and we won't have to wait till October
- jay & Sam cute date, idk how this would work out I just want them to be happy
That's about it
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Season 3 x 5
I'm hoping this one's good but last episode left big shoes to fill...
With that, live reaction below.
Starting off right when they take the body away. Thor is excited about telling the story of watching his body decay.
Jay OMG.
HETTY you're not helping.
Oh, Pete's such a good guy. Laughing at the Donut Holes. LMAO.
LMAO - Trevor "Epic" to his body being found.
YOU DON'T NEED to borrow the money from Isaac. It's YOUR money.
TREVOR! telling on Jay.
Founding Farter???
WHY TREVOR?? You're not helping? (Although I do like Isaac listening to him). 'cause he's right - bad business people.
Trevor didn't go to Warton. He went to Penn.
LOL - no they aren't. I might be able to like this episode.
NANCY! Love the ghost dating.
Carol asking Pete if he's dating someone? OMG.
Hetty/Sass wanting to know what's in her purse. They are hilarious.
DONT LIE AGAIN. (Didn't you learn the last time?). I do like Carol assuming that it's okay to move on and being happy for him.
PETE getting mad about this. "I SERVED MY TIME."
LMAO - Jay is right. BUT OMG Isaac walking in on that.
Also you can only touch things when the same person touching it - how does that work for HMONEY????
AWWWW Alberta! DAMN ALBERTA. He was so thinking that.
OH FUCK TREVOR. You put in it a brokerage account.
ALSO why does it take him so long some times and not long other times?? Wouldn't the computer time out??
OMG $200,000 - I love it. WAIT FUCK. OMG Trevor made them ALOT OF MONEY.
NO NO NO. Isaac, it's HER MONEY.
Or Trevor's Money since he did the work.
Trevor's impressed.
I'm DYING. This is terrible.
Ohhhhhh, Carol is like "I don't know from experience." Yes, you do.
A cat magnet???
I do like this solution. I mean, like Isaac should realize that THEY OWE HIM NOTHING.
"Isaac's House of Horse Pie?"
OKay, NOT A REAL PERSON?? That's a bit far.
He did deserve to be stepped through. BUT PLEASE DON'T CAVE.
He took a bath in tomato sauce?
I don't think that's fair to Jay AT ALL.
Unclogging videos?
"In my experience... logistics." Oh, god.
Alberta calling him hot stuff.
I do like that Pete's finally standing up for himself to Carol. I love Pete! He's finally doing it. That he's told her that he knows about the affair (which she should've realized) and that it was all faked with Alberta/Nancy. It also explains why he doesn't say anything about his feelings for Alberta PRIOR to that first episode with Carol even if it was obvious.
OMG Hetty/Sass and Candy. - DAMN. Might be my favorite side plot.
Sass - they choose Higginstoot????
Awww Isaac's Table. For Isaac and his friends.
Love Hetty calling it a terrible business decision.
Isaac- LMAO.
Awwww that was sweet. I do like the ghosts being about to be surrounded by people and smells again - They were missing some friends though. Alberta? Pete? Nigel (his fiancé?)
HOLY SHIT - this is an Alberta fantasy yes? or or is that his power??? I'm Curious WTF.
I'm screaming.
OVERALL Good Episode after all.
Come Talk to Me People!
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vodkawriter · 2 months
Okay so... this is an idea not the full first chapter obviously.
Sam was with Jay in the kitchen when the doorbell rang.
“It's a girl!” Shouted Flower “Oh, such pretty hair she has.”
Sam smiled at her and went to open the door, she looked at the ghosts, turned and smiled before opening.
“Welcome to the Woodstone B&B!”
The young girl smiled nervously at her, murmuring a soft ‘thanks’ before following the blonde inside.
“Do you have a reservation?” Sam asked already behind the front desk, searching on the computer.
“No, actually I came here to ask you something” the girl said, nervously twisting her fingers “my name is Haven, I was born in this house fifteen years ago.”
Sam looked at her in shock, hearing the gasps from the ghosts, mainly Isaac.
“That's not possible, there was an old lady living here.”
“Well, from what I was told, she wasn't at the house in that moment” the girl stated “she was out of town for a whole year.”
“Then how is it that you were born in this house if no one was living here?” Sam asked visibly confused.
“Oh no” said Alberta before steeping closer to Sam “we should probably talk about that year.”
“I don't know” the girl said “I just know that I was born here, my parents left me at an orphanage and all I had was a letter and this” she held a heart shaped locket “unfortunately it didn't have a picture.”
All the ghosts had started to speak at the same time, minus Hetty and Trevor.
“SILENCE” Sam shouted “I mean, we need silence to have this conversation, why don't you come with me to the kitchen? I can make you a cup of tea if you'd like.”
The girl nodded, following her to the kitchen while the ghosts trailed behind them.
“Haven, this is my husband Jay, Jay this is Haven” Sam introduced them.
“Nice to meet you, Jay” the girl smiled.
“You too” Jay answered.
“Well, what does the letter say? If I may know that is.”
The girl handed her the paper and sat next to Sam.
“My dearest daughter, my beautiful princess” the girl started, knowing the contents of the letter by heart “we know you might have so many questions one day, about us and why we left you in this place. Unfortunately we won't be able to answer them, but the one certain thing we can assure you of, is that we love you, so very much.
Parting from you is one of the hardest decisions we have made.
I hope that the questions you have, may be answered one day at Woodstone.
P.s: Please don't date until you're like thirty, I know what I tell you, I'm a man.
P.s 2: Don't mind your father, but please, no Irish men.
Love, your parents H and T.”
H AND T? Sam was reading and reading the end of the letter, looking desperately at the ghosts. Especially Hetty and Trevor, both of them were looking at the girl.
“WHAT THE HELL?” Sam stood up, standing next to a shocked Jay “This is literally not possible, is it?”
“Actually, it is,” Trevor said, stepping forward, “we need to talk about that year.”
“We must” Hetty whispered, her eyes never leaving the young girl. Her auburn hair a match to her own, her blue eyes just as blue as hers “because she is Trevor's daughter… and mine too.”
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flutterbyoz · 8 months
I've been burnt by ships in the past, badly in some cases so I decided to try and not to get too involved in a relationship unless I knew it would end well.
Having been a huge fan of the UK Ghosts since the beginning I naively thought I'd be safe with the US Ghosts thinking they'd be similar with few ship possibilities outside the living couple.
I was proved wrong.
Hetty and Trevor kind of snuck up on me, I wasn't expecting a ship, let alone one so interesting and addictive, to appear and they very quickly steam rolled their way right through my defences.
There are so many reasons why I love them, their chemistry for one but there are numerous other reasons too. The fact that on paper they probably shouldn't work and yet they seem so right together, the apparent lack of anything in common but in reality there is quite a bit of common interest and ground between them, the way they both try to pretend that there aren't a lot feelings between them whereas in reality they do care a lot about each other, to name a few. And also, they just make me smile. If I'm having a rough day I watch them and instantly feel better, their ridiculous and adorable relationship just brightens the day.
This may be a little too deep for a sitcom but it's the truth. They are a couple who I really have no idea what the future holds, whether they stay as they are, break up or become something more I don't know. I think season 3 may take a step back on their relationship just because they did have quite a bit of time in season 2 (though more is always welcome!) and the fact the new season is shorter. I could be wrong and I hope I am, I would gladly watch an episode of literally just them being their ridiculous and adorable selves.
Whatever happens I love these two so much and while I can't really imagine them being the over the top romantic couple, a little more than friends with benefits would be great but so would staying as they are too
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fallowtail · 6 months
Am I the only one who genuinely sees Hetty caring more about Trevor each day? She seems so excited for his happiness lately! And...also...hurt when he is upset with her. Even though she kind of ignored him when he "broke up" with her, she was worried about him when he first brought her into the room. Maybe it is just wishful thinking, but I am seeing a deeper meaning in their relationship. I hope it is true.
No I agree! They're definitely still orbiting around each other. I think Hetty does care, she just doesn't know how to care- Hetty's very, very fickle and not great with her emotions, she's constantly being a hypocrite and flipflopping around with where her empathy gets placed which is a very fun character flaw of hers, you never really know how she's going to react to things because while we see often that she does care about her friends she's very selfish. You can see that while she starts and ends the break up scene being shitty, in the middle she does start to look contrite and guilty- until he leans into the Alberta-knows-about-your-plan thing and she pivots back into being Fixated on her scheme to get sucked off, which to her is the most important thing in the world (they have different goals- Trevor wants to be alive again/pretend he's still alive, and Hetty just is fed up with being a ghost and wants to get sucked off no matter what it takes). I think if that hadn't happened they might have made up there instead of breaking up, and you're right that she did initially care/seem concerned when he said they needed to talk. The fun thing about them is they really struggle to communicate with each other and they both goofed that conversation up, though to different degrees- Hetty can't handle criticism or the implication she's done something wrong, because she always has to be right/have the upper hand (and she also genuinely doesn't think she has done anything wrong but instead of hearing him out she instantly tries to shift the blame), so she immediately switches into trying to manipulate him, and then Trevor responds to her manipulation by bringing the fact that other people (Alberta) think she's being awful, but this backfires on him, lol. It was very cute how in the new episode she gets all excited about the Tara Reid thing with him, the way she elbows him with that genuine scrunchy happy face was adorable. It was very cute seeing her happy for him even if she switched to team get-rid-of-Jeremy because she's always gonna be on the side of Business. I really don't think they're done with each other because the nature of their relationship within the show-canon is that they love to hate each other, they're combustible and they butt heads but in a way that makes them- well- horny, LOL, and the way they bicker is definitely a part of that. The very bratty way Trevor tells her that "you can't make me (do what you want)" in the new episode felt very charged in a way that their dynamic building up to the initial kiss had been, so I'm remaining hopeful we'll see some more from them, since we know Asher and Rebecca are both wanting to do more :]
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audrey-carr1 · 2 months
The Heiress and the Lady of the House (part 3)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
A/N: I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out where I want this story to go. I think I have an idea now. I have also decided to switch to first person, I find it way easier to write that way and hopefully you all find it easier to read. I am going to switch over the other parts as well. We even have two new characters to join the fun!
word count: 3k
warnings/tags: fem!reader, original characters, usual shenanigans, mentions of hetty/trevor
End of November- end of month 1 
Hetty's been avoiding me. It's been two weeks since we danced and kissed, and she hasn't spoken a word. Now she'll barely look at me, and if she does it's like she sees straight through me. I notice her hang around Trevor more. Whilst at first, I thought it was Hetty being her usual cryptic self, I notice that her touches on him linger more than she usually does. Recently, thought I saw Trevor checking her out. Yet again it’s Trevor he checks every girl within the Woodstone property line out, so I’m not sure I can look into that entirely. 
“What is wrong, you have long face like horse,” Thor asks.
“Oh nothing, just silly girl stuff,” I say 
“Would you like to talk about it? Thor really good at listening and giving advice. If you have enemy, I show you how to crush skull. Very easy,”
“She’s not having enemy trouble, she’s having love trouble.” Sass interrupts
“Shush!” I say hoping he lowers his voice. 
“Am I wrong?” Sass says with a know-it-all all smirk.
My lack of answer causes his smirk to grow into a smile. 
“I appreciate the concern, but I feel like I should talk to Het-” I catch myself, “I should talk to the person who is giving me a long face before I go sharing my feelings,”
“Nice save,” Sass says before leaving with Thor. I groan inwardly. 
I don’t have much time in the day to talk to Hetty as I'm constantly tied up with guests. The upcoming holidays have brought a larger amount than what I had initially thought, so I feel like I’m being pulled in hundreds of directions. I barely have time to spend with the ghosts, let alone any time to myself. Thankfully Sam and Jay had the insight to allow me to hire a little holiday help. A couple of friends from university have been wanting to meet up with each other, so I offered them seasonal positions. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. Before they arrive, I sit the ghosts down to tell them of the upcoming changes. 
“Everyone I want to let you know that I will have a couple of friends helping me to keep this place running. They do know that I can see ghosts, and they as of recently know about you. They will only be here until after the New Year, then it’ll be just us all over again,” I explain, “My friend Nadine is going to stay with me in my room while my friend Riley will be staying at my house. This way we don’t lose any rooms, and I do not have to have any shenanigans from trying to bunk you people up. Nadine is a chef, so she’ll help me with the cooking. Riley is my jack of all trades so he’ll do anything I ask.” 
The ghosts nod their heads in agreement and simply go about to milling around as they usually do. 
“y/n can we help with decorations? Now that we have you around, we can help get the house all festive since we can touch things!” Flower suggests.
“I love it! That’s a great idea Flower!” I say.
“What is?”  Flower questions
Oh, Flower. “Alright, I should have expected that,” I say before going off to the basement.
Soon the ghosts and I begin to bring out the holiday decorations. Instead of putting up a commercial tree, Thor and I went out to the forest to cut down a pine on the property and brought it back to the house. Pete and Trevor string the lights while Flower begins to sort through the ornaments under the guidance of Sass. Alberta and Isaac string together the popcorn garland, and Hetty oversees the entire operation. 
“Aren’t you going to help Hetty?” Isaac asks
“As Lady of the House, I am helping! By supervising,” Hetty says nose slightly in the air
The front door chimes before a familiar voice yells out “Hello!” 
I gasp, quickly leaving my post at the popcorn bowl to go to the lobby. 
“Nadine! Riley!” I practically squeal. 
I first run to Nadine, we exchange kisses on the cheek before embracing in a hug. Then I go to Riley who picks me up and spins me with ease. 
“Oh, it’s been too long!” He says squeezing me in his arms. 
“Alright, you can put me down, stronghold,” I laugh as he places me back down on my feet. As he puts me down, I happen to look in the direction of the room I just left. I see the ghosts peering their heads around the corner like children before quickly going back into the room. The only one who does not move positions and stands in full view is Hetty with an unreadable expression. I assume it’s Hetty being curious, and I shoot her a wink before I take Nadine and Riley into the kitchen.
“How have you been since graduation?” Nadine asks while she and Riley sit at the table
“The same, honestly just trying to find my place in the world. Now that I’ve become a heiress, I feel as if I’ve been operating on autopilot,” I reply. I grab a snack tray from the fridge before making my way to them
“Yeah, how come you never knew your grandmother was super loaded?” Riley questions before popping a grape in his mouth. 
“Honestly, we never talked about it. She always made sure I knew the importance of hard work probably so when I became an heiress I wouldn’t act like an entitled one. My parents said they saved for me to go to any school I chose. The money I received from their death went to an account I only used to pay for my car and rent. Now I work to keep myself busy, and this isn’t bad gig. I have 8 forms of entertainment plus guests to keep me busy ” I say
“Speaking of 8 forms of entertainment, what about that ghost you said was cute,” Nadine asks.
“Can you keep your voice down? They’re dead, but they hear everything. They would never let me live that down if they found out,” I say feeling a blush on my cheeks.
“Have you told them how you can see them yet?” Riley asks.
“I haven’t spoken to anyone about it, besides my two trusted friends,” I say referring to them. 
“They don’t ask questions?” Nadine questions
“Oh they are plenty curious, but I tend to avoid the subject as much as I can. We just figured out that I can do more than see them. Anything I touch, they can also touch,” I tell them. 
“Oh, so they can eat and drink now?” Riley asks now sitting up in his seat. 
“Not necessarily. We tried that, and it ended with a lot of food ending up on the floor,” I say remembering the memory of Sass trying to eat pizza and failing miserably. 
“I guess you can say it goes straight through them,” Riley says knocking his head back in laughter. Nadine and I look at each other and roll our eyes. 
“Oh come on guys, that was funny!” Riley says trying to get us on his side. 
“Sure it was,” Nadine mocks. 
“But back to before, how is it exactly that you can see them? We know that you had that drowning incident, but that doesn’t really explain how you can see them,” 
“Well, it’s not like exactly read up on it. I just know that I had a near-death experience, and I guess since I was in between two worlds, I can see both sides,”
“Yeah, but you’re saying only the ghosts have powers. Your boss Sam sees ghosts, but she doesn’t have a power,”
“She was only clinically dead for 3 minutes. I had a full-blown Meredith Grey incident, and I was dead for a while,” I say. 
“Well “Meredith Grey” maybe a part of you is still trapped on the other side, you never fully returned,” Nadine says
“I don’t know Nadine, like I said I don’t really read up on it. I just accepted that it happened. In fact this is the longest I’ve talked about the incident outside of therapy,” 
“Sorry, we don’t mean to push,” Riley says putting his hand on mine
“No, I understand, I would be curious too,” I say turning my hand over and giving her hand a squeeze. 
“Are any of them in the room now?” Nadine asks looking around for a sign of them
“No, in fact, I don’t hear them either. Let me check that they haven’t fallen in some hole or have been ghost-napped again,”
“Again?” Riley asks.
“Long story,” I say getting up from the table.
I turn the corner exiting to be met with 6 guilty faces. It’s like watching children getting their hands caught in the cookie jar.
“Oh, this is the kitchen guys, not the living room. Onward men…and women,” Isaac says as they hurriedly leave. 
“I thought we were going to the kitchen to eavesdrop on the living to see if we could get any hot gossip,” Flower says before Alberta drags her along with the rest of the group. 
“They were eavesdropping weren’t they?” Nadine asks.
“Oh most definitely,” I say chuckling to myself.
“Were they all there?” Riley asks.
“Most of them, Trevor and Hetty were missing, but they tend to go off a lot more often as of late,” I reply walking back to the table.
Riley and Nadine share a quick look before quickly returning their gaze to me. 
“How about I give y’all a tour?” I ask. 
Beginning of December - month 2 
I turn the corner to go towards the lobby, and I almost trip over a left-out decorations box. Before I fall to the floor, Riley is there to catch me. Thor was right, I really need to watch my step around here. 
“Watch it, Princess, would hate to break the merchandise,” Riley laughs as he steadies me on my feet.
“Oh, you two get a room already!” Nadine teases from the top of the stairs having seen the scene from the top of the stairs. She descends the stairs and goes out the front door. No doubt going on her morning run. 
“Oh my knight in shining armor, you couldn’t afford me if you tried. I’m quite expensive with the most expensive tastes,” I tease back. 
“Oh you wish,” Riley says picking the box and taking it to the basement. 
I roll my eyes. “Oh, I most definitely do. I’d take a night with those muscles any day,” I say before he’s out of earshot. I turn back to my task, and I see Hetty.
“Hey Hetty,” I say giving her a smile.
“What is the relationship between you and this Riley?” Hetty asks looking me in my eyes. 
“Um friendly? I guess,” I say raising an eyebrow in confusion.
“You guess?” Hetty’s eyebrow also raises in question. I try not to focus on the warm feeling I get when she looks at me like that. 
“Riley and I are just friends, and we have been since my freshman year of university,” I tell her. 
“So you recently saying you "wouldn’t mind a night with those muscles" meant nothing? ” Hetty questions
“Meant nothing,” I assure Hetty. 
Hetty purses her lips, pondering my answer. She lets out a “hmph” before going on her way. 
“Hetty?” I ask before she leaves completely
“Sorry, I have to meet with Trevor,” Hetty says without missing a beat
“Oh, I was going to ask if you wanted to go for a walk. The guests don’t check in for another couple of hours and-” I begin. 
“Sorry dear, I simply must go,” Hetty says before trotting off. 
I try to ignore the burn in my throat. I shake my head at the feeling of loss and jealousy. 
I try to keep my mind focused on the guests and running the B&B as efficiently as I can. “No use crying over spilled milk,” I tell myself. 
Riley, Nadine, and I work quite well together. Riley is a great fit at the front desk charming the guests as they check in. Nadine has been a great help in the kitchen, she always seems to know exactly what it is that I need. I dip my tasting spoon into a new pasta sauce recipe I’ve been wanting to try. 
“How does it taste?” Nadine asks
“It’s fine, I think I’m missing something,” I say. 
“Here let me taste,” Nadine says. I hand her the tasting spoon. 
“Taste like you need just a pinch more garlic and maybe a dash more of the red wine,” Nadine says handing the spoon back to me
I do as she suggests, and I moan in delight as I taste the now-perfected sauce.
“Oh this should be bottled,” I say. 
“The heiress is going to start a sauce company? What will Ragu do?” Nadine laughs as she finishes dipping the dessert fruit in chocolate. 
“You want some of the leftover chocolate?” Nadine asks dipping her finger into the bowl. 
“Is the sky blue?” I ask turning my sauce off and putting it off the heat. I wash my hands and also dip my finger in the bowl. As I bring my finger to my mouth, a bit of chocolate falls on my chest. Before I can get to it, Nadine has reaches her finger over to grab the missed chocolate and brings it to her mouth. 
Hetty enters the kitchen at the exact moment Nadine's finger swipes the chocolate from my chest and to her lips. 
“Oh I see we just let everyone eat off of each other,” Hetty says in annoyance before exiting the kitchen. “She might as well just lick it off you the next time,” 
“Nadine, excuse me for a moment. Ghost duty calls,” I excuse myself placing the dish towel in my hand on the counter. 
“Oh yeah, of course, I’m going to finish putting up the small decorations if you don’t mind,” Nadine says untying her apron. 
“No you go ahead, I’ll finish in the kitchen once I’m done,” I say leaving the kitchen to catch up with Hetty. 
“Save me some chocolate!” Riley calls from the lobby.
I find Hetty upstairs living room. 
“Hetty, what is going on? Your temper with me seems to be at a short fuse,”
“It has not,” Hetty says avoiding my gaze. 
I hear Riley call for me, and I wish he had better timing. 
“You might want to go see what your muscled desk boy wants,” Hetty says. 
I nearly scream in annoyance and frustration, but I decide not to.
“This conversation is not over,” I say before I storm past Alberta heading down the stairs. Alberta heads into the living room with Hetty and blocks Hetty from exiting. 
“Hetty what is going on?” Alberta asks
“I haven’t the slightest idea of what you’re talking about,” Hetty says 
“You are driving that girl up a wall, and not in a good way,”
“I have not. I have been simply-” Hetty begins.
“Ignoring her,” Isaac says cutting Hetty off as he enters the room. 
“Oh great another gossip,” Hetty says as she sits on the couch,” Please tell me what my other grievances are.”
“Hetty we are worried about you. When she first got here, you were so excited to have as you said “another woman of high status” to join you. Then you walked around like the cat who got the cream once you finally kissed her,”
“I did not,” Hetty says fidgeting with her hands. 
“You most certainly did!” Alberta laughs, “ She must be some kisser because it was almost as if you sat on the washing machine again. 
Hetty blushes at the memory, she hates her how her friends can see through her facade.
“Hetty what is it that makes you act like this?” Isaac says sitting next to Hetty
“That’s the issue, Isaac. I do not know! I haven’t felt like this since I tried to run off with that painter,”
It dawns on Isaac,” Hetty do you know what it means?”
“Obviously not,” Hetty says waiting for Isaac to enlighten her. 
“Hetty, you two were practically inseparable. The two of you were practically finishing each other’s sentences, going on walks, and having movie dates,”
“Oh remember when you told me that you enjoyed how the sun made her eyes sparkle on your walks,” Alberta chimes in. 
“Remember that one time, we caught them cuddled up watching Bodices and Barons?” Isaac adds.
“Oh, how could I forget they looked so cute! (y/n) draped over Hetty with Hetty’s arms possesively wrapped around her,” Alberta says. 
“The both of you are absolutely incorrigible,” Hetty says in defeat.  
“And you’re blushing and in love!” Isaac says kicking his feet in the air. 
“I most absolutely am not,” Hetty says snatching her hands away. 
“Hetty and (y/n) sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G,” Alberta begins to sing. 
Hetty simply puts her face in her hands. Hetty was so out of sorts even her mannerisms were becoming too unladylike for her. Hetty decides it’s time to grab the bull by the horns.
“If you two are done acting so childly, I am going to go and find and talk to (y/n),” Hetty says rising from the couch. She blames the butterflies in her stomach on the sudden change of posture rather than nerves. 
“Finally! Have fun and don’t come back until you look like you’ve had fun with the washer,” Alberta calls. This sends Isaac and Hetty in a fit of laughter. 
Hetty leaves the room and goes to enter your bedroom. Hetty begins to debate on whether she should enter or not, and then on a whim decides to enter the room. Upon entry, she has to fight to keep down a gasp as she watches Nadine kiss you. She quickly leaves the room and feels the butterflies in her stomach turn to lead.
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missielynne · 5 months
I really loved yesterday's Ghost episode. It was a powerful and thoughtful story. I loved getting to know Hetty too.
My only (small) gripe is about Trevor. Now, I loved that it was Isaac who was there for her afterwards. They have been good friends for so long. But I was a bit disappointed that we didn't get a small scene where Trevor talks to her privately, too. Maybe I'm a hopeless shipper, but I think those two deserve a moment to discuss Hetty's past. A moment where Trevor comforts her in some way and is understanding and accepting. Another person for Hetty to lean on, but one she knows in a more intimate way. (Someone who has made her happy.) I love seeing the soft side of him, and I think there's more between those two than just the sexy times 🩵
I feel like because he does care about her for sure, that we might see a scene with just them. At least I hope we do too because you're right. I mean, I love her relationship with Isaac and them being two fancy people together, and he IS her friend and he does care, but I definitely feel a greater sort of tenderness in Trevor's openness and informality, if I make sense. He's very open. He told her her didn't care if their sexual relationship was out in the open to the other ghosts but he was also empathetic enough not to just blurt it out when he knew that would make her unhappy.
I am glad that he wasn't in the scene with Sam and Hetty because yeah...I think I would prefer it just being them without even Sam. Cause I think Sam herself kind of puts Hetty in "mom mode" which would inhibit the kind of openness she has with Trevor. So I hope they do have a scene with just the two of them too, even if all he says is something like "I'm sorry for what happened to you. If you ever wanna talk I'm here." Or something like that.
Cause she knows that if she asks, he doesn't hesitate to put her first even if it puts him at a disadvantage (like when he agreed to give up his room because being at Nigel's mercy made Hetty unhappy even when he got the short end of the stick. And she was shocked that he could be so nice and he's like "Yeah thats the sort of guy I am.") I need more of that just like you do.
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y'all o.o
that episode was so wild xD.
I'm still in shock lol
Okay so first of all uhhh I loved the cute Nigel and Isaac moments xD. And also this episode was hilarious lol. Having said that, I hope the bachelor party side of things is never referenced again 💀 XDD
I was warned and I still lost my mind slfjdhs
Anyway! Missed seeing much of Hetty and Pete today, but I'm sure we'll see them again soon :). And we did see them, it was just mostly in the beginning. Pete's outfit joke (and the fact that he kept saying it) was so funny xD. And Hetty doing her darndest as a wedding planner lol. Also her friendship with Alberta is so sweet :')). And calling her "Bertie" stooop they're so cute 😭🥺🥰.
I'm happy Alberta got to have a romance with a guy :D. And the poltergeist ghost lore was really cool :O :D! Poor Saul is kind of going through it overall though xD. But hey, he gets to travel :D. It has its benefits and its drawbacks compared to a car ghost lol, but it seems pretty chilling :)). It's too bad him and Alberta didn't work out :(, but they were cute while they lasted :D. And poor Jay xD. Glad bro's finally free lol. Even if he had to, but didn't actually have to, hug Jean in the process lol.
Trevor, the bad influence 💀. Lowkey despising what he's caused, but hey at least he made sure they both had fun and also equal experiences lol xD. I just hope it doesn't cause any problems in the future xd <3. Also AAHHHH they're getting married soon :'DD!! Stoppp I'm so excited :')). I love my idiots so much <33.
Also Thor's reaction to the stripper was hilarious xD. I just loved that moment lol. Also Sma at the end o.o. I mean get it girl but xdd girl xD. Also her just saying "yeah sure 😐' when they asked was wild but so real xDD. She'd had a rough week lol.
To sum up, here's what I sent to the person who warned me this episode was wild:
"am i watching a ghost get seduced by a dinosaur stripper"
And I think that's all that needs to be said 😌
Anyway, I did genuinely enjoy this episode xD. The second hand embarrassment is just strong with this one lol (as it tends to be in sitcoms slfjhdks xD). But!! Was living for the cute Nisaac moments :D, and we got some cool ghost lore! Plus, good for Alberta :)). She got some water lol. But yeah! Hilarious episode, really fun xD :). Loved it!!
And now I'm all caught up :D! It's been a fun (and wild) evening y'all :)). Thanks for joining me lol (am I a talk show host)!
Byeee :))!!
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
CBS Ghosts - Pilot - Sam sees Ghosts
AHHHH it’s the end of the pilot - Where Sam Sees the Ghosts and The Ghosts get excited.  
Discussion and Gifs - may contain Spoilers below:
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I love that Jay looks so proud and Happy as the guys get to work - noticed that the man ordering people around call some of them “roofers” so like - they had roofers, but didn’t fix that over the fountain?
ANYWAY, adore Sam looking around in awe.  I’m glad that she isn’t traumatized by the place (’cause that would’ve been bad) and instead is SO THRILLED to be there and see a dream come true.
Sam, you have no idea how much this dream come true really is. :)
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LMAO - Trevor just awkwardly standing out of the way when Sam talks to him.  He was just expecting to see that she was okay, and he’s smiling at her even though he doesn’t expect her to see him.  It’s kind of sweet.
And he’s such a puppy that he gets excited that she compliments of him.  
He’s so cute in this scene - me, you chose me?  Heart eyes.  Poor boy.
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I love that it takes him a second to realize what it means - like at first, he’s like “Wait, you’re talking to me” then “aw she likes me” then “shit - she talked to me - she saw me - holy fuck, must tell the others!”
And goes running.  
Interesting question - do you think Trevor (aside from his pants) is the worst secret keeper of the bunch?  He doesn’t seem to hesitate to share this while I could see Sass being like “how can I make this fun by NOT sharing this?”
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Well, it took all of ten seconds for the happiness that Sam’s okay to be thinking about themselves.
We love our selfish ghosts :)
At least, Hetty looks torn.
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I love that they’re putting Thor and Pete next to each other.  They’ve got such a different perspective on things - excitement vs boredom in Alberta’s singing scene and here where Pete’s like “Boo Hotel, but they were here for a day and I missed them” while Thor is like “Clutter, damnit, Clutter!”
It’s so vastly different and the FUN thing is that Thor is the oldest ghost, so he knows what it’s like to have all that activity in the house, while Pete’s the 2nd youngest and he hasn’t experienced the full house (as far as we know) - Sophie’s been ill most of Trevor’s time there, and when Pete died, it seem like there wasn’t much activity then.  
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Trevor’s so cute here.  He’s so excited to tell them - and he’s clearly hoping this will ease things with Hetty, so he looks to the right where Hetty is when he says “Sam seems to like me” - underlying tone - you should like me too.
Also Where the F are Alberta and Sass.  This is a big moment - they were literally there like MINUTES prior.  
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LMAO - dude with no pants raises his arms and doesn’t notice because he’s too excited.  
Let’s look at these reactions:
Thor - Stares.  
Pete - glances away and tells Trevor to put his hands down.
Flower - is trying to look closer (Wow Flower).
Hetty - grabs onto to Isaac for assurance and looks down and away after a second
Isaac - kind of tilts his head, interested.  
LMAO  they are so funny.  I wish we’d seen Alberta and Sass’ responses here.  Although we did see Sass look up when Trevor gives his pants and underwear away in TP.
Side note - knowing that the actor is wearing special underwear and came up with this joke makes this even funnier.
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Awwww, Jay painted the room the color she wanted.  It’s so sweet - also how the F did the ghosts not notice Jay doing all this work???  
Anyway, Jam is so so cute here - too bad, Sam’s about to get freaked the hell out.
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AWW HETTY IS THE FIRST - Straight through the wall/closet?  Hetty’s so obvious as a ghost and probably argued that as the Lady of the House and Sam’s relative that she be first.
I can imagine Isaac arguing as the leader (captain) he should be first.  Hence, his walking in through the door second.
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I love how Jay’s just like “Yeah, a lot of yellow, but it’ll grow on you.”
Because he assumes that’s the problem.
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It’s interesting that Sass, Trevor and Pete all walk in at slightly a second behind each other and together.  Wonder how they decided that.  
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Finally, Alberta, Flower and Thor.  It’s interesting that they stand a distance away, Hetty still the closest.  
Also, Love how Sam’s trying to rationalize.  She did believe somewhat in ghosts for ages (hence the sage), but like it’s one thing to ‘believe’ and another to see it.  
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Aw, poor Jay - he’s just like ... it’s paint, babe.  What’s the problem.  Sam and Jay are completely having two different discussions.
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Trevor and Pete as the youngest ghost have this conversation - they’re SO happy to have the possibility of Sam seeing them.  
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Awww, Jay is so cute - “I’m your husband, remember?”
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How long has Isaac had this speech prepared and has he ever gotten to finish it???
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OOOOH, interesting Flower begins to look somewhat sad when Isaac says “poor spirits” - I feel like she might be the only one that doesn’t talking about this being ‘purgatory’ that she wants to escape from.  Or maybe I’m reading that look wrong.
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Poor Sam, That’s a terribly scary thing to happen.  How did she not run for the hills??? I would’ve.
Woohoo!  Feel free to discuss and reblog :). 
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bubblespalace · 1 year
im going in and trying to prove H-money has feelings attached
Before I start, I just wanted to say, I know they prob won't ever be in a relationship relationship, but I really love them together. I think they are just adorable and I want Trevor to give her what she never seemed to get in her life, love.
So this is me trying to analyze every little moment between these two to show that there is something there other then just pure lust.
Ok, one of the first things I noticed, was wayyyy back in season 1. Yup, that's right, we got moments even in season 1. Remember in the Halloween episode when Hetty was talking about someone and she said she obviously had better ankles then her? Well if you look closely, Trevor, who is right beside her by the way, looks down toward her ankles. Nobody else does this. SUPER DUPER small but my brain noticed it. Maybe hinting at an attraction even before they first hooked up?
Second, when Trevor was going head to head with Hetty about the back rubs situation, he talked about the Cutting edge. If you haven't seen that movie, it's about a hockey player who teams up with this spoiled figure skater to compete in Olympic Figure Skating. Well, guess who that figure skater is a lot like in terms of personality, Hetty! SIGN??? I THINK YES!
Okay next, apparently Trevor wanted to try Pillow Talk and Hetty was totally against it. She finally gives in and says shes willing. Trevor is excited and says: "the walls are coming down!" Probably meaning he wants her to be more open with him.
Let's go back to season one again. If you notice wayyyy back in the first episode, when Trevor runs into the parlor screaming with his hands up, exposing his man parts. Hetty doesn't look away right away. This isn't exactly a big one considering Flower literally leans in to get a better look but, hey, I'll take it.
Trevor and Hetty used to butt heads all the time! They fought about pretty much everything y'all! Maybe because there was so much sexual tension between the two making it impossible for them not to fight.
When Hetty is sentenced in The Heir and Trevor lets the conjugal visits thing slip, you see worry from him. This could be interpreted as him just being sad he would be losing a sexual outlet for a year, but I'm taking as a 'I can't not see her for that long' thing.
Lastly, when Hetty death stares him for saying the conjugal visits thing, the stare turns a little soft towards the end. It was like a "Wow, I hear genuine concern from that." I was just so happy seeing it. Like seriously, I was crying 😭.
Maybe I'll do a part two if I find more moments I can dissect. I'm just hoping these two get deeper. I really want that!!! Comment if you took the time to read my long ass rant! 💞💞👗👖
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
i think given that trevor was excited that hetty was willing to do pillow talk and was all "the walls are coming down, baby", that they'll eventually develop hetty/trevor into a romantic relationship, which I'm not against, but I do hope they continue more with the friends with benefits type of dynamic for a while? whatever they end up doing, I just need more scenes with hetty and trevor together, their chemistry is so intriguing and fun
Yeah theres definitely a lot of stuff in the text of the show that seems to say they're planning to turn the relationship romantic at some point, like I said most mainstream cable shows aren't going to put two main characters together without going traditional with it, but I too would be down to have the show explore their dynamic within their casual friends with benefits relationship more than they have already. I think there's a lot more they could do with the two of them in that casual limbo space, that I don't think the show will do, so I'll prefer to live in my personal reality of the show that lives in my head 😭😭 I've done this with many shows so I'm well practiced in this area 😂
And if I'm being brutally honest, the Ghosts CBS writing team are not exactly the most skilled or talented bunch (no offense 😬 maybe the studio is penning them in or something) and it doesn't really seem like they have any idea how to develop the fwb dynamic any further than they have and based on the description for the next episode it seems like they're pulling the trigger on their romance plot pretty soon, so idk how much more you and I are gonna have their fwb dynamic in canon, we may only get that in fanfics from now on 😭😭😭
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foughfaugh · 2 years
idk if saying this makes me insane but i hope trevor and hetty end up being some weird fucked up couple. like they make absolute perfect 100% sense to me, despite the fact that i did not see this coming in the slightest.
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Season 3 Episode 1
Live thoughts of the new episode tonight below the cut! Even though I've also used the tag.
8 minutes. So nervous. Why am I so attached to these ghosts??
It's just like - I haven't thought about ghosts and actively avoided spoilers so...
but now, it's here and I'm nervous.
Here's hoping that it's not my favorite!
Alright, here we go....
OMG the previously on....
LMAO Jay running to check the kitchen. Damn, Jay.
I do like this scene.
"Just a basement ghost" - LMAO. Nancy.
OMG OMG is it is it - it's not Nigel. Sad.
Thor and Flower?
FUCK is it FLOWER????
Sass is taking this well.
Alberta & Thor such different reactions.
Nigel & Isaac only caring about their engagement party???
Everyone is hating Pete right now. Poor Pete.
I like seeing the guys from the first few episodes of the show. LMAO A TOUR OF THE HOUSE??? They've lived there for a while.
Trevor and Sass are not great for this.
OMG Thor's so going to get attached to the owl.
So no one actually saw Flower get sucked off? So is this a misdirect?
I feel like it just like... can't be real.
LMAO at Thor being sure that Flower is an OWL.
Damn it, Thor has to have the power to burn it down.
I'm still mad Jay counted Trevor not being sucked off as a loss.
LMAO this scene with the upstairs ghosts/cholera ghosts.
They should be nicer to them!
Isaac!!! DAMN YA'LL really need to be more considerate of Flower's potential loss.
LMAO Nancy being unhappy about the Cholera ghosts being upstairs.
LMAO the owl being relocated in the house.
I really love Pete's growing a spine storyline so far - Nancy is the biggest push for that, I love it. He needs it.
Still ten minutes to go.
I'm kind of sad that they *didn't* all see it. Because I feel like they should've all known.
Tiny dinosaur??
LMAO at Sam trying not to have the guest blame the owl but it's obvious.
Aw Sam. I wish more of the ghosts showed sadness.
Hetty! OMG!
aww the cholera ghosts being all friends to flower.
Growth for Hetty - until the "not sucked off".
LOVE JAY trying to be there for Thor. This whole convo.
LOL Jay slapping his ass.
a mug shot!
LMAO the only shot. Like Trevor's shot from his obit.
Love the memorial.
Thank you Alberta!
Aww these are so cute! I love the moments being shown here.
Aw Jay and the owl attack!
I'm still on edge.
And we'll find out it was Steph's boyfriend.
Just the tail end left.
One minute - they'll turn it around.
Although that would be SUCH a copout.
LMAO Jay is like whispering bad things to the basement ghosts.
LMAO Nancy making them return to the basement!!!!
I mean, good for her, she was definitely the happiest ghosts and deserves it but like - WE DIDN"T GET TO SEE WHAT MADE HER GET SUCKED OFF???
Also, the 30 seconds for next episode - Sass' ghost power??? So curious.
Alright. Decent episode. Could've done with less Jay hate on Trevor, but I did like Jay's putting his foot down and trying to help them out.
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ramonahblog · 2 years
Review Ramble! 
Season two! Woo!
Spoilers for CBS Ghosts season two, episode one.
So it starts off recapping season one. Frankly I can’t be bothered to recap so you all are going to have to figure it out or just watch the show. 
Jay is hoping his bump on the head means he can also see ghosts. 
Well damn it. It was a cruel tease. Jay is hugging some random Living. Also he called everyone by name except Trevor who is stuck with No Pants lol. 
Random Living is a delivery guy. 
“Damn it,” - Jay. Appropriate, very appropriate. Poor guy just wants to see and interact with the ghosts! You know what? No one was using their powers so I’m holding on to my theory that Jay can see the ghosts but only when they use their power. 
We’re not counting the guests from season one finale because they both left the B&B and left a scathing one-star review on yelp. Do people still use yelp? Did people actually use yelp? 
Nigel is at the manor, watching some show with Isaac, Hetty, Thor & Sas. He’s rather uncomfortable. 
Sas is the one encouraging direct communication. Guess the incoming B&B guests are intriguing enough. 
So the doorbell rings. 
Pete finds the guests suspicious and is going all detective on their asses. 
Meanwhile in the Shed, Isaac is attempting to persuade Nigel to come up to the manor.  Apparently there is Ant Drama in the shed. 
The British soldier that is Nigel’s ex (I’m not even going to try and remember his name, he’s Ex-Boy from now on) is still in the shed. Isaac is uncomfortable. 
Also cut to both Ex-Boy and the other one (Music Boy?) watching Nisaac. Oh, good for Isaac, he went direct and asked. 
Yeah, it’s two seasons in and I’m still horrible with names. 
It’s about Thor. Poor Thor. Although I’d probably be just as uncomfortable with Thor as Nigel IRL but I’m watching tv so who cares. 
Isaac mentions he will ask Thor to tone it down which isn’t going to end well, I can tell. 
Ooh, Ex-Boy is smarting at this scene. Considering the Drama he caused in the season one finale, is he going to cause more Drama? 
“And see what they’re doing,” - Trevor
“They’re like sixty,” - Sas 
Don’t age-and-kink-shame Sas. 
Alberta brings up the possibility of spying on the guests to ensure a good review and not for the ghosts' entertainment (but probably mostly for the ghosts’ entertainment). Jay is against this idea.  Sam pretends to agree but then goes to Alberta’s plan. 
Oh return of the Basement Ghost that pretended to be Pete’s GF that one time. She’s come up to say Thor is in the basement and ruining the mood. 
Lol “British Boy Toy” from Basement-Ghost. Excellent. Can she stay upstairs? 
Ooh, Sas is demanding Isaac to apologize for Does Oskar-the-Squirrel have BFF competition? 
Isaac is refusing because the thing with Nigel is new.
Well, Hetty at least thanked Basement Ghost. Progress for Hetty!
Meanwhile with Spying, Jay ended up putting it together. 
So the show the other ghosts are watching brings up loyalty to friends. Sas and Hetty are pretty much passive-aggressively guilt-tripping Isaac. 
You know what, the conflict wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. 
Omg Thor likes watching ants as well. These boys are bonding. YAY BONDING!
And I forgot about the Complaining Guests. Oops. 
“Tom and Debbie suck,” - Jay who said it so passionately. Also Alberta agrees and we all know Alberta is always right. 
Oh Trevor has rushed in to say they don’t like Sam’s perfume (and he doesn’t agree with them). Backstory for perfume: Sam’s mum gave it to her before she passed and there’s only a little amount left so Sam uses it sparingly. 
Jay was already upset at the constant negativity to Sam but now he’s mad. 
Jay is marching out. What is he going to do? 
“And her voice is mellifluous,” - Jay. Did he finish a crossword puzzle again?
The guests have got to be wondering how Jay and Sam know about their complaints. 
Oooooooooh, it turns out the guests thought the yelp reviews were anonymous. Omg the other review that Jay-and-Sam read was the wife’s sister’s place. Omg. 
Okay, the guests left five-star reviews and claimed that their yelp account was hacked. Jay asks if this will be the last time Sam uses the ghosts behind his back - so is that going to be an oncoming plot thread? Who knows? 
Now excuse me, I’m off to read that fic of Nigel and Thor watching ants.
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wromwood · 3 years
This Thursday, get ready for some “Thorapy.” It’s time for a new episode of CBS Ghosts.
- Sam and Jay make a huge breakfast spread for the ghosts to butter them up. (This references the established fact that ghosts LOVE to smell food in order to relive enjoying it.) They have to sensitively break the news that the ghosts need to bunk up in order to free up bedrooms for future B&B guests.
This is a really cool opening scene, as it shows that Jay and Sam know the ghosts well enough to know just what will make them happy. For example, Jay looked up the Lenape recipe for cornbread, which even makes Sasappis say that it smells just like kohesa (mom) used to make. 
Trevor gets a copy of the 1998 Women of Wall Street Swimsuit calendar. Trevor points out that Sam called him a perv when he first asked for it, although Pete is the one who realizes they’re being buttered up. (He remembers his parents taking him to Toys R Us before they broke the news that they were getting divorced)
-  As the ghosts decide who is going to bunk with who, Trevor suggests that Hetty bunk with Isaac. Isaac doesn’t know why that’s ok, which makes the other ghosts look a little surprised/nervous, establishing that most of the ghosts can tell he’s gay. Trevor gives another reason for it (They’re both old timey) and Hetty (who hasn’t pieced together the gay thing) agrees.
I gotta say, while Isaac’s brand of closeted gay ghost didn’t amuse/entertain me at the start of watching the CBS show (in my opinion, the BBC’s Captain is just a lot better), the build up and dynamics in this episode really WORK, as we’ll see later.
- Sasappis manages to use reverse psychology and swing things so that he rooms with Pete instead of Thor. (He mentions how Thor’s room is better and has a big TV, which makes Trevor INSIST that he, Trevor, should room with Thor) This is really good in establishing something that was mentioned a few times before, but which I felt only had a little “proof”: that Sasappis is very clever and snarky, and knows how to get his way. I like it. Up until now, he just felt sarcastic, dry, and snarky, so it’s good to see his cleverness really shine.
- Heeeey, Isaacc and Nigel are walking together and having a good time! They have walks DAILY, which is super sweet.
- Aww, Nigel heard that Isaac needs to move in with someone, so he invites Isaac to spend his nights in the shed with him. (Apparently, Nigel has a cot.) But Isaac backs out, giving obviously fake reasons (rolling around in his sleep) why it would be a bad idea. He’s obviously nervous. Poor fella.
- Sam and Jay have a “No ghosts in our bedroom” rule.
- The issue in this episode is that Thor talks and apparently has nightmares in his sleep. He’s so agitated upon waking up that he slices through Sam with his axe. (She’s fine, of course. It’s a ghost axe. Still, it was surprising to her and to me, so very effective) Trevor, obviously, isn’t happy, but Thor doesn’t want to open up.
- “Hey, No Pants!” Jay about Trevor.
- After Sasappis died, he and Thor shared a wigwam, which is how Sasappis learned about Thor’s nightmares, and why he immediately swung the rooming situation to not room with Thor.
- Jay is actually the one who supports the idea of Thor needing a therapist (which was first said as a joke by Sam), as he feels bad about someone having nightmares for centuries. He comes up with the plan that Sam hires a therapist, lies that she’s agoraphobic (needs a house call), and HOPES that Thor decides to open up about his issues once they spring the plan on him. The plan is obviously shaky, but I’m more surprised at how Jay is super eager to help the ghosts and Sam is super reluctant. We HAVE seen Jay ghost-positive in recent episodes, so he doesn’t feel off character. However, Sam being reluctant feels just a BIT odd, especially with how she ends the episode on a very ghost-help-positive note.
- Dr. Long, the therapist, arrives. Thor is, of course, mad because he already didn’t want to talk about his dreams. (Thor knows what a therapist is because he watched old reruns of Frasier). But good old Sasappis convinces Thor to talk about his feelings through reverse psychology, implying that he doesn’t want to open up because he’s too scared. Man, Sasappis is on a ROLL today.
- Apparently, Isaac is now avoiding hanging out with Nigel, and implying that he and Hetty sharing a room now could get pretty amorous in hopes of distracting the others. (It doesn’t really work) Again, while his actions are a little drastic, they’re understandable, and his anxiety is super apparent. I feel for him.
- During the first therapy session, Thor reveals his last dream was in a vast plain with his friend Oskar. He’s very cold and every bone in his body aching.  Near the fire is a rock. He grabs it, raises it to the sky, and smashes his friend’s head in with it. Blood is everywhere, and there are brains up his nose. When the therapist asks if this dream reminds Sam (Thor) of anything that actually happened to him, Thor says yes.
This reminds Thor of the day he killed Oskar. (Sam plays it off as her “betraying” her friend Oskar)
Now that’s an effective reveal.
(Also, I love the therapist’s comment on how Sam should “feel free to not take so many long pauses,” when she speaks. Sam has to do this to listen to the ghosts before repeating what they’ve said.)
- During the night, Isaac actually tries coming on to Hetty, saying things like he wants to kiss the nape of her neck. Hetty is actually thrilled to be seduced, saying that she imagined romantic tensions happening between them. She WANTS this.
“My nape... kiss it.... kiss my nape.... My nape....”
This is hilarious. When I saw this moment in the commercial, I was worried it would be too awkward, but I found it super funny. Isaac doing his best straight seduction, Hetty being legit thrilled... The delivery is everything, and these two actors nail it.
Isaac immediately “falls asleep” to get out of all this, btw.
- Thor has another nightmare, worse this time. Everyone else can hear it from their rooms.  (Or at least Trevor, Alberta, and Pete) Buuuut Jay and Sam’s room muffles the sound enough so that the other ghosts beg to sleep in their room.
- WOAH we see Trevor get his hand SLICED off by Thor’s axe! It grows back after a few seconds, but like Alberta says, that was WILD!
- Thor feels he doesn’t deserve to move on, that he deserves to be in his culture’s version of hell. At Sam’s encouragement, he tells the full story.
After he was abandoned, Thor wandered for months before finally meeting Oskar. (They even made bracelets out of tall grass for each other. Very cute.) But they got hungrier as winter went on. Thor got so hungry he couldn’t think. That’s why he crushed Oskar’s skull. He didn’t even cook him. He ate Oskar raw, ate his legs, his heart, his “tail”.
That’s when we learn Oskar is a squirrel. Thor thought he mentioned this earlier. This is very funny, and I’m surprised I didn’t see it coming.
This doesn’t make Thor feel less guilty. When Thor needed someone, Oskar was there. When Oskar needed Thor most, Thor ate him. I like seeing this regretful, and honestly sensitive, side to Thor. He must’ve gone through a lot on his own.
Sam and the other ghosts reassure Thor that all he did was make a tough decision in a horrible situation. Anyone else would’ve done the same. Thor feels better now and hugs it out.
- Thor’s situation inspires Isaac to apologize to Hetty for his actions last night. He admits he may have been trying to prove something to himself, and that he has developed feelings for someone on the estate. This is when I realized that the episode was gonna get REAL. There was no goofy music. No blatant and tone-changing punchline. Isaac looks nervous, and like he’s gonna drop a hard truth.
Hetty reassures Isaac that they’ve been friends for 130 years. He can tell her anything.
That’s when Isaac ADMITS, he literally SAYS, that Nigel caught his eyes. He COMES OUT to Hetty. (Hetty is slightly embarrassed she didn’t see it)
This may just be me being used to the ever-closeted Captain, but I was so PROUD of Isaac for admitting that, even though he’s visibly scared.
Isaac goes on and says he doesn’t know why this was so hard for him. He says he was worried that if he admitted it, then everything “that came before” would be a lie. Hetty hugs him and says that all he’s been the past two centuries is her friend, and that could never be a lie.
Isaac doesn’t feel ready to admit his feelings to Nigel, but he’s so glad he has sometime to talk to until then.
THIS is why the show has a chance. THIS is what I hope to keep seeing. These honest character moments that aren’t sabotaged by sitcom antics. I LIVE to see these characters as actual friends, as people who support each other through hard times and confrontations.
As a fun way to end the scene, Isaac and Hetty laugh as they reminisce about a worked in the 30s named Clive who really “filled out” his khakis. Hetty remarks that they should’ve been doing this for years.
- Sam and Jay have a sweet moment where Jay wonders if Sam isn’t overwhelmed with “ghost problems,” but Sam admits that she feels that her talent has a purpose. That maybe she’s SUPPOSED to help the ghosts with their problems so they can move on, and that she’s fine with that. Jay tells her he’s married to a superhero.
Good. Keep having moments like this and maybe only like this. Convince me that Jay is a good husband. Those first few episodes were rough for him, but he’s getting better! Keep it coming!
- Pffft. The last scene shows Sam with the therapist again. She’s describing a dream where she’s riding a black stallion with Jason Momoa. It turns out this is ALBERTA’s dream. She’s wondering if there’s a way to make the dreams happen more often.
- Thor bursts in to ask one more question to the therapist. He wants to talk about the night when he was supposed to be “sucked off” and Flower admitted she liked him, but then neither happened. He wasn’t sucked off and Flower took her confession back. It’s almost too bad the show ends right after Thor starts talking about this. I really want to know the ramifications this had on him.
And that was “Thorapy”! Overall, this was a REALLY good episode. CBS Ghosts is definitely proving why it should keep going, and how it’s worthy of being an adaptation of the BBC show. They just have to iron out a few more kinks and then it’ll be even greater.
See you all next week, in the year 2000....
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