#and i just can't help but think about how lonely she must've been
angyo · 4 months
I unironically love csm 167. Not for horny, but because it's so fucked up on so many layers and if it follows up on even 1 of those layers of fuckery it's gonna be explosive.
He's already been sexually assaulted so many times. Every time he has a dream it gets monkey's pawed into fucking him up worse. He doesn't know what he wants. Deep down he just wants to be loved and be able to trust that if he puts his soul into the hands of another person it won't get crushed. But his love for aki and power was used to break him. His love for reze and makima betrayed. His love for nayuta and the dogs used to goad him into violence. Everyone he opens his heart to either dies or uses him, so all he has left is this hope that sex gives him the love he so deeply needs without the commitment that makes it dangerous. He thinks getting his rocks off might give him the same love he needs without the possibility of having it stolen from him. An orgasm is an orgasm, even if the other person immediately betrays you you still got "love" in a far more transactional and solid sense.
But that's not how it works. Post-orgasm is a very vulnerable time, especially if it's from a high tension surprise hand job (rape) in a backalley. It's his last dream that hasn't been ruined yet and it happened after a castration attempt and will likely end with Asa looking at him like a disgusting monster and vomiting on the ground.
Of course the war devil can't process love. She and Asa share a body and swap a lot of emotions but they're still different people and when something they now feel strongly goes so directly against all of their lives experience they'll react in unpredictable and possibly dangerous ways, ESPECIALLY war. Yoru got the memory of the first kiss meaning asa probably got it too. Asa's not stable, she's so desperately lonely this revelation that denji never stood her up must've felt so relieving. But yoru was in charge when asa got this flood of emotion. War isn't about love or compromise, it's about stealing from the weak and kind, asserting absolute authority, and a lot of rape and pillaging. Of course when faced with such a human and kind emotion as love war doesn't care about anything but satiating the most immediately available impulse in a way that asserts her "superiority" and leaving before she'd have to actually confront the emotional turmoil she caused.
Oh she's fucked. Just like denji she is desperately lonely and always has love ripped away from her in the cruelest ways. But unlike him, she just pretends she doesn't need it and tries to feel superior so she doesn't have to feel the real depth of her loneliness. Yet she can't help but love anyway, and every time she falls into the trap of caring it dissolves all of her defenses and when it's betrayed it breaks her core. She is sex-repulsed, which is understandable for a teenager and possibly a sign of asexuality but thematically can be tied to her fear of opening her heart to damage. There's a difference between finding it disgusting on a reasonable level and being so viscerally disgusted by the thought it can drag you into hell. Sex is vulnerable. Your expose a lot of really sensitive organs to each other and stimulate hormones that make you open yourself up and expose yourself to risks like stds. When it feels like all her vulnerabilities get hammered against her of course she'd be scared of such a vulnerable act.
And now she's got cum on the only hand she has left, denji's spit in her mouth, and the lingering feeling of his dick on her, again, ONLY REMAINING HAND. And he's going to need aftercare, and really substantial care because she just sexually assaulted him and he doesn't know she's 2 different people. He's either gonna be so immediately depressed by the anticlimax of his first time he starts isolating or so desperate for this sex to be the time it finally means love he clings to her but it's gonna be terrifying to her because yoru took her subconscious vulnerability and externalized it to hurt the guy she just realized might be the only person to actually give a shit right now. She loves him and as soon as she lets that emotion wash over her it gets used to melt him into a puddle of desperation and vulnerability right in her arm that is so far beyond anything she can emotionally handle it could make him hate her forever. The only one who ever gave a shit and in the span of a couple minutes her body has been used to deconstruct him into a million little pieces she couldn't possibly put back together.
Not to mention the fact that in assaulting denji yoru also sexually assaulted Asa but denji doesn't know that. They both need immediate calming that isn't going to happen.
And she can't run away from yoru. The girl who assaulted her, exploited every vulnerability she has, and ruined her only chance is in her head. Even if denji realizes his worth and runs away asa is still stuck. Her assaulter is in her head, and the only hand she has left is covered in jizz.
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franzkafkagf · 5 months
okay so i want to hear about your take on aegon i know you like him and all (so do i no matter how much i wish not to) but whyy
yess thanks for asking, I love being insane about him<3
I think Aegon is such a wildly tragic character– many asoiaf characters are but I'm so drawn specifically to him; he didn't want power or responsibility or the crown. It all was bestowed upon him against his will, and he shouldn't; putting on the crown is his definitive death sentence. The coronation scene has got to be one of my favorites in the season– he is quite literally walking up to be butchered like a sacrificial lamb, there are tears streaking his cheeks in the scene! I love the tragedy of it, the way it couldn't have been avoided anyways; his fate was sealed from the very start! He was quite literally dead from the very beginning.
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I'm going off a mix from the book and the show but I actually love what they did with the character in the show? The book version does have some hard-hitting moments from him that are missing ("What sort of brother steals his sister's birthright?") but there wasn't that much there in terms of characterization and relationships. And wow, did they deliver on that in the show; I'm gonna give whoever came up with his mommy issues a forehead kiss.
Because YES! He and Alicent are reflections of one another– Alicent suffered under the heavy boot of Otto, turned into the perfect daughter, turned into the perfect queen for him. She recognizes that this was wrong and abusive of him, then she turns around and does the same thing to Aegon– the poison DOES drip through, the wheel is NOT broken!! It's BRILLIANT.
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@atopvisenyashill put a GREAT tag under one of my posts–
#he looks like her and he’s weak like her so why can’t he get strong like her.
While Alicent persevered, Aegon crumbled under the pressure. He is miserable when we meet him– and he should be! He is unfit for the role of king, but it is his destiny nonetheless, everybody tells him so. It destroys him.
It's so sad too and I cannot help but to feel bad for him. No one knows where he is in ep 9, I don't think he has anyone to confide in; it must be lonely. Everybody seems to have written him off already– he is a drunk and a failure at being heir, being a son, being a father. He tries to prove them wrong later, and does in some aspects.
His loneliness plays into another aspect of him that I really love; his desperation to be loved. He will never be enough for anybody, he probably knows it deep down.
"[Aegon is] desperate to be loved but destined to be hated." – Tom Glynn-Carney
Obviously there is the carriage scene with Alicent that shows this. But I also really love the moment in his coronation, where he basks in the people's affection and cheers. He is poised to bleed out in front of the throne, he was crying and fighting for his life not to take the crown just minutes before. But now he's here and they love him and he can't help but love that.
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He takes the crown to protect his family (the show does hint at that with Alicent telling him as much in ep. 6– in the book it's much more explicit with Criston pressuring him on the day of the coronation itself) and then his son DIES because of it! And he drinks and rages and drinks some more; he must've blamed himself. He goes to battle, flies too high (figuratively), and he FALLS; he burns and falls to the ground. He isn't made to be king. He knows. He does it anyways.
"You have already written yourself into legend, you survived dragonfire" – Larys Strong in season 2 (probably)
He survives, he is gone for over a year, unable to do anything but he SURVIVES. He escapes the capital, takes Dragonstone, he falls AGAIN, he loses most of his family; but he still goes on. Fueled by what? Maybe anger, or bitterness or just pure lust for revenge. It doesn't matter. He must've realized somewhere on the way that this was always meant to go this way, ever since he put the conqueror's crown on. It doesn't matter.
And then he dies and it's not grand or spectacular or anything like that. He drinks poisoned wine, nobody even sees him die, they only find him after. It's so uniquely lonely.
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migosis · 11 months
after a long, hard day at work (erik killmonger x OC)
summary: exactly the title. Nyla treats her man after a long hard day at work.
warnings: D/s, smut, c*ck worship, alladat nasty sh!t, its k!nktober!!!!
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When he arrived home, she was to be kneeling at the door upon his arrival.
She figured today must've been very busy for Erik since she didn't hear from him at all since the morning. He hadn't even replied to the lovely photos she'd sent fresh out of the bath. She'd oiled herself up and admired herself in the mirror. She looked so good it that it would be selfish not to share it.
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After dressing, she kneeled at the elevator entrance awaiting Erik's arrival, a ritual she performed daily. She was in lounge clothes since she stayed at home today and did some light cleaning. She wore a soft v neck t-shirt that hugged her torso with loose-fitting pajama shorts that tied at her waist. Her back was straight, and she allowed her hands to rest palm up on her knees.
She was thankful to hear Erik's voice on the other side of the door within minutes. She tensed a little, already sensing his frustration from the tone of his voice. He breezed in, acknowledging her with his eyes only. He sat his briefcase down haphazardly and paced the room as he spoke firmly.
"T, I get it, but we're not folding. The terms of the contract stay the same. They will sign it if they know what's best for them."
"We wait it out until midnight. They really don't have a choice unless they want to be indebted to colonial forces forever. Trust me on this. They think they're going to force our hand, and that's not the precedent I'm trying to set."
Now Erik paused in front of her as he listened to the voice on the phone. She proceeded to carefully untie the laces on the oxford dress shoes before he stepped out of them. He sighed harshly and hung up the phone. He ran his hand over his face, and his shoulders dropped a little, decompressing from the day.
He used the back of his hand to stoke her cheek. His knuckle tilted her chin upwards as he leaned over to kiss her intently. Relief flooded through her body when he touched her.
"I'm sorry about that princess." He held her elbow as he straightened his back, pulling her to her feet.
"That's okay. I hope everything works out. Are you really sure they'll sign?"
She helped remove his suit jacket and hung it up in the closet. He nodded.
"You're trusting your gut. That's all that matters." He smiled at her, happy that he had her to come home to.
"How was your day?"
"It was fine, a bit restless. I mostly just organized and cleaned a little. I got some of the holiday decorations out, but there's a couple of boxes I can't get to, so I'll need your help."
"Baby, it's only October."
"Yes, but I need to take inventory of what I have so I know what else I need to buy. They're already putting the Chistmas decorations on the shelves."
"Alright, Alright. Have you talked to Pandora lately?"
"We talked a little last week."
"You should link up with her soon."
"Okay. She's pretty busy with the baby, but I'm sure she probably could use some support." She hadn't seen her best friend since her baby was born 8 weeks ago since they we're hours away from one another.
"How about when I get down those decorations, I pull out your art supplies?"
She didn't want to be disrespectful by rolling her eyes, so she just looked away with her arms crossing her chest. Anything that required much of a creative drive hadn't been on her radar lately.
"I just don't want you in this big ass penthouse lonely and bored."
"I'm not lonely or bored." She defended.
"But you're isolated, and I don't like that for you."
"I get out... I go to.. the store. And on walks." She tried to sound convincing but failed miserably. "I've been filming more book reviews for YouTube."
"You have and that's great. But that same community you're building online is just as important in real life."
She raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, I get it. I'll reach out to Dora."
"Did you see my pictures?" She said with an upbeat lilt in her voice.
"I did. They were real nice baby, made my day." He pulled her close to him, arms resting on around the small of your back. Her eyes sparkled at his praise.
"I can make it some more, that is, if you have time for me, Sir? It seems like you had a rough day."
"I have a few loose ends to tie up, then I'm all yours. Wait for me in the office?"
She kneeled at Erik's desk, but when he walked in, he relieved her, insisting she sit in the armchair near the corner of the room. That meant he'd probably be longer than she wished for. She cozied up with a blanket and a book while Erik typed and took a phone call. After reading two chapters, she glanced at him over the book. He was concentrated on whatever he was doing as he looked between two monitors. She strolled over, settling behind him. Briefly, she looked at the monitors, but the spreadsheets that overflowed with data made her head hurt. Knots of tension in his shoulders began to unravel while her hands worked. Once her fingertips kneaded his temples, he sighed in relief and relaxed in his chair.
"Thank you, princess. I'm almost finished. Please be patient."
Since he said please, she didn't allow her disappointment to show.
"Kneel next to me. Legs open, head down." He kissed her on the forehead before turning back to his screens. The command ushered in wetness between her legs. Her heart beat quickened with so much anticipation that she had to focus on her breath to stay calm. About ten minutes later, she saw Erik's footsteps move around her. The room was still before he returned again. She heard the book she was reading earlier plop closed, then clinking over near the bar cart.
"Look at me." He sat relaxed in the armchair she occupied earlier. He leaned back slightly, chin up, shoulders back, and arms propped up on both sides of the chair. His button-up was untucked, the first few buttons undone, and the tie he'd worn earlier was no longer confining his neck. He beckoned her to come to him with one hand motion.
She crawled over to where he sat, maintaining eye contact with him. He admired her as she kneeled before him. She smelled the bold amber liquor in the tumbler Erik sipped on.
"Would you like a taste?"
"Yes, sir." He held the glass to her lips for her. When he pulled the glass away a few dribbles flowed down her lips. Erik caught them with his tongue before they could even reach her chin. His lips enveloped hers, demanding entrance. She allowed his tongue to survey her mouth, their tongues wrestling like this until they were out of breath. Erik's hands groped her breast, which made her nipples press firmly against the fabric of her shirt. When his lips left hers, she let out a small breathy moan.
"Take this off." When her top half was exposed, she grasped her breasts roughly as she bit her lips, demonstrating how needy she was.
"That's my job, hands at your knees."
She whined but the sounds soon turned into pleasurable hums as his lips sucked her nipples. He nipped at her flesh with his teeth, it causing her stir underneath him. From the table beside him, he picked up a ball gag and brought it to her pink lips, already plump from their kissing. When she did not open her mouth him he looked at her curiously.
"What is it?"
"I don't wanna wear that. I just want to taste you." She placed her hand on his knee, brushing against the fabric as she moved up his thigh.
"But you were so good just now, waiting on me. Can I say thank you first?"
"You've just been on my mind all day." Her doe eyes made it hard for him to refuse, but the truth is that he'd been craving to see the face she made when she came.
"It'll be quick then. That means you're already wet for me. Plus, I want that mouth nice and messy. Now, move your hand until I give you permission."
She retracted her hand placing it back on her knee. This time when he brought the gag to her mouth she opened it. When Erik peered at her he saw gratitude in her eyes.
She looked beautiful. He reached inside her shorts, easily accessing her, as she was free of underwear. His fingers pressed into her folds. She mewled and melted into him. Her essence glistened on his fingers when he pulled them out to examine them.
"Look at that princess, I was right. You want me to keep going?"
"Uhm huh." She slurred behind the gag.
"Say please."
"Puhles." She struggled.
There he was at her entrance again, slipping in two fingers this time. Her eyes fluttered, then closed completely as she focused on the sensation. She pushed downwards, encouraging him to go deeper. His fingers curled inside of her, pushing against her pillowy folds. Her moans rang in his ears despite the ball gag. A pool of saliva that collected began to ooze from her mouth onto her chin and dripped on her chest. The messier her chest got, the more her pussy seemed to follow. Erik had easily slipped another finger inside of her and she'd been so close to cuming that Erik needed to support her weight. He could feel her clenching around him periodically.
"Be a good girl and cum for me." The hand that wasn't inside of her rubbed against her clit. Her warm juices splashed as kept his pace, even as her insides contracted against him. Indistinguishable sounds broke free from her throat as her body seized. He watched in satisfaction as the meat on her pudgy thighs and backside shook. Her empty, unfocused gaze stared beyond him, drunk with pleasure.
Erik removed the gag from her lips replaced it with his fingers. She sucked them slowly and hummed in delight.
"I love seeing you on your knees. It makes me want to fuck you."
It was times like this when the words he said sent shivers down her spine that made her wait worth it. She loved that he wanted her, she loved being a slut for him. Erik stood from his seated position, allowing her to see that he was fully bricked up inside his pants. Her mouth watered in excitement. She looked up to him eagerly, anticipating his movements.
"Fuck my throat," She pleaded, "Please, Sir." She had almost forgotten her manners in her desperation. She rose on her knees so that she was eye level with his dick. She watched as he took his time unbuttoning his shirt. The more of his skin that he revealed, the more she craved contact. His frame was thick, and sturdy. It became hard for her to sit still and she no longer knew what to do with her hands, so she went back to squeezing her nipples that were slick with drool. It was when he removed his undershirt and began to unbuckle his belt when she interrupted.
"May I?"
He dropped his hands at his sides and moved closer towards her obliging her. Her fingers couldn't move fast enough to unbuckle his pants, and move his boxers out of the way. Her mouth was on him immediately, the pants and boxers still hung around his hips. She swallowed his length entirely. He let his head hang back as he growled under his breath. When he looked back down at her, he struggled to keep his composure at the sight. Her pretty chestnut eyes blinked up at him through full, curly lashes. She engulfed him again, and remained here until her throat strained. When he left her throat she gasped and moaned out.
"Take your time, baby. I'm not going nowhere." She nodded, only slightly embarrassed at her neediness.
"I love this big dick." She took him in her hands and slapped him against her tongue a few times. "You making me so wet."
She lifted him up and slowly glided her tongue under his shaft up and down, feeling each and every vein there. She left soft, wet kisses on his balls before licking them lightly, suctioning them with her lips. Her tongue rhythmically massaged the flesh. His groans only fueled her to take more of him into her mouth, as much as she could fit. She focused her lips again at the tip of his dick, while one hand massaged his balls. She tightened her lips around the head of his dick and watched him. His eyes were low but focused. His abdomen tensed beginning to thrust further into her as her teasing would only suffice for so long. She allowed him to set the pace, and when he began to hit the back of her throat, she nearly orgasmed to the lewd noises that came from her mouth. It was like there was a secret g-spot there that made her insides do summersaults when Erik poked it. He gently guided her movements with his hand on the back of her head. He felt amazing gliding down her throat, but she could take more. She dropped lower under him, sitting on her ankles, and placed her hands on the outside of his thigh, encouraging his movements so that he could literally drop the dick down her throat.
He groaned as he slid down her throat. "You are my lovely little cocksleeve. How's that feel angel?" She moaned and blinked back tears.
"Move your hands so I can give you what you asked for." She relaxed her muscles as best as she could and concentrated on breathing in through her nose when Erik would slide out. She loved the sensation of her heavy tits bouncing each time he'd hit the back of her throat. Saliva rolled down her chin and collected at he base of his dick. When he slid out of her, her only purpose was to clean him off.
Nyla was perched in front of him, watching his muscles move as he removed his clothes completely. He stepped backwards and sat down. When she tried to come closer to him, Erik shook his head. "Stay." His eyes were dark and stern.
She pouted in protest. He leaned back and stroked himself as he took in her body. The evening sunlight that filtered through the curtains hit her perfectly, amplifying the warm red undertone of her skin. Swollen lips, wet eyelashes, and a complete mess all over her breasts. Hesitantly, she moved her hand down her body into her shorts. She looked him in his eyes and raised her eyebrow as if to ask, 'Is this okay, is this what you want?' Her clit was moist and puffy. She circled her clit and cried out with need. When he did not stop her from touching herself, she took the lenience and ran with it. She leaned back, removed the shorts and it was a matter of seconds before her pussy welcomed her fingers inside. She did not take her eyes off of him or his dick. His chest moved up and down as he breathed and his forehead was now covered in a thin sheen of sweat. He looked so strong and godly gazing down at her while his muscles worked to pleasure himself. She took note of his movements so that when she took over, she could recreate them herself.
"Can I please cum? Can I cum with your dick in my mouth Sir?" He made her plea a few more times before he called her over with a hand signal and a nod. She crawled the short distance to him. She kissed his feet, his calves, and all the way up his thighs. Before she could begin, Erik grabbed her by the neck and kissed her sloppily. She used the wetness between her legs to make his dick shine before taking him in her mouth. Once she found her rhythm she played in her pussy until she came again. Her eyes rolled and fluttered with him still inside of her. She felt Erik's dick twitch in her mouth at the sight. She brought her face close to his and encased his dick between her breast, moving up and down slowly.
"Don't cum yet, cause then I'll have to stop. And I still haven't decided where I want your delicious cum? What do you think?" She licked her lips. Her movements, paired with her provoking words, were hypnotizing.
"Its your world baby." Is all he managed. She smiled internally, feeling empowered. His orgasms was hers. All hers.
"Good, I just want you to relax honey." Erik smiled at her endearment, her care meant the world to him. "I love you," she said lowly.
"I love you." Moments between them like this made the world feel like it was at a standstill, like only he and her existed and nothing else mattered. She took him in her hand and rubbed him against her face, scattering warm wet French kisses all over his groin and dick. She massaged him, only using her hands for a while, returning to his balls and further down to his taint, pressing gently.
"Fuck, baby." His breathing hitched and his toes curled so she took it easy in that area. While one hand stoked him, the other gently made its way up his torso. You brushed your lips and tongue against his torso, the sensation of her breath made goosebumps spread across his body.
"You are so handsome, you know that? I don't know how I got so lucky." Erik's head rested against the chair with his legs outstretched. His eyes were closed, only opening occasionally. She used both hands, twisting and stoking, letting her mouth drip onto him to keep it moist. She applied slight pressure to the tip, and when she noted Erik's hips tilting up towards her, she slowed her motions again.
"I could do this for hours. You taste so good."
She circled his dick around her lips basking in how nice and hard he was. When he briefly opened his eyes and saw the pleasant smile on her face, he began to moan, knowing she truly enjoyed this did something to him. Her intimacy and devotion made him feel seen.
He slid into her mouth with ease. She allowed herself a moment to rest there, paying him true tribute. She hummed and slowly began bobbing her head up and down, then added her hands to the combination.
"Mmmm, just like that." He groaned. "I think I want my cum down your pretty throat, would you like that?"
She moaned in response.
"Hands behind your back." He grabbed the curly bun and guided her head down his shaft, his hips thrusting up slowly. Her mouth opened wider and wider, and her tongue moved out to accommodate him. She held her head there until she began to struggle for air. He repeated the same again, leaving her gasping for air. As he held his position in her throat, he pinched her nose for a few seconds. Her throat spasmed around him before he released her and pulled away. Warm strings of saliva hung from her lips. The whites of her eyes turned began to turn crimson.
"Please, give it to me." He soothed her, wiping a tear that began to form at the corner of her eye. Her begging made his dick ache in bliss, a culmination of how he'd felt the past thirth minutes bathing in her mouth. He was back inside of her mouth, fucking her throat rapidly. She held her head still for him like a good girl would awaiting his cum. On her tongue, she felt his dick begin to throb. She could feel warm spurts ooze from him, marking her throat, and she swallowed each one as they came. His moans of satisfaction made her more fulfilled than she could ever describe. He squeezed the tip so that any remaining landed on her tongue. She licked her lips and placed subtle kisses on his dick that laid in his lap.
Her eyes ran over his body. He laid back, limbs limp in exhaustion. Once he gathered himself, he looked at her in pure amazement and appreciation. He could tell she wanted to be close to him, occupy his space.
She straddled him, laying her head on his shoulder. He palmed her thighs, giving them a nice jiggle before lightly rubbing her back.
"Are you good princess?"
"Yes, sir. Thank you for letting me please you."
"Thank you, princess. Where'd you learn to be so attentive?"
"What do you mean?"
"You anticipate my needs. And that... that wasn't no regular head."
"Well, you anticipate mine too. You deserve honor. Just because you're my Dom doesn't mean I can't reciprocate. I belong to and submit you, without you asking."
"Damn, say that last part again?" He bit his lip before meeting your eyes and joining you in laughter.
"I belong to you, Sir." He traced her features with his eyes before gracefully placing pecks all over her face.
Several hours later, chimes from Erik's computer caused him to stir in his sleep. They'd fallen asleep in his office. He was disoriented until the glow of the screen caught his attention. He shifted under Nyla's weight causing her to grip him tighter and persuading him back to his sleep. It was 12:05am and chimes became continuous beckoning him to the computer. He sat her down where she curled into ball and sulked over to the screen. Several new emails sat in his inbox. The first was the official signed contract agreement. The next was a link to an article from T'Challa headlining to new deal.
Wakandan officials agree to allow U.S. based descendants of slavery asylum after rampant white supremest attacks.
"Damn these muthafuckas are fast. I knew those terms were fucking irresistible."
He picked Nyla up to carry to to their bedroom. She groaned at him disrupting her sleep, but he ignored it. "Baby, guess what? They signed the contract."
"Okay baby. Just have them call me tomorrow, I'm sleep."
Erik laughed off her nonsense and covered her body before sinking into the bed himself. He closed his eyes, noticing how light and refreshed he felt. Although he felt a sense of relief about this deal he groaned internally when he began to think about work. He recalled Nyla's words from earlier about honor. He knew that he needed to honor his body and mind because the exhaustion that encompassed him at the moment was not for the weak. He felt a sense of calm wash over him as he made the decision to take some time off of work, perhaps go on a vacation for the holidays.
taglist: @hearteyes-for-killmonger @loveeeeandaffection @iamrheaspeaks @adasosweet @goddessofthundathighs @thiccdaddy-mbaku@nahimjustfeelingit-writes @eye-raq @madamslayyy @sweeter-thejuice @wawakanda-btch @theunsweetenedtruth @wokeblock @smutty-smut-smuty @wakandamaybe @stainontheground @killmongerkink @soufcakmistress @mysticbear21 @nickidub718 @blackpinup22 @killmonger-fics @goddessofthundathighs
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animentality · 11 months
I can't stop thinking about how Bhaal would force the Dark Urge to kill their parents, people who loved them, because he didn't want them to have a support system, or attachments to anyone that wasn't him.
And how absolutely, mind-numbingly, soul-shatteringly lonely that must've been, to walk the earth being terrified of getting close to people, until the fear wore off and the rage set in, and then the dark urge began to embrace the urge, because what else could they do, who could they turn to?
And that rage would explode out of them and they'd kill and slaughter and butcher and that little lonely child would disappear as a wrathful adult would take their place and destroy families and murder innocent children and destroy communities, and why?
Because it would've been unbearable, to look at people who loved one another, and be filled with bile, knowing you could never have what they have, so fuck them all, tear them apart, so that they might know how lonely you are inside, or even better, if they survived and inherited the same rage that wore your skin like a mask. Maybe then they'd know just a fraction of what you feel.
Misery loves company and the dark urge was a slave to the god who created them, you literally see what would've happened if they disobeyed. Bhaal would kill them. He would literally extract their blood and guts and organs and destroy them if they refused to be his vessel. Or he would have one of their worthier siblings do it. But either way, the dark urge was trapped, and so they embraced the only joy they could.
I also can't stop thinking about how they were destined to kill themselves in Bhaal's honor. A little puppet on meat strings, a morbid toy for a wrathful god to play with and use until it no longer amused him.
If they couldn't live in this world, then why should anyone else?
If they were to be punished for loving, and being loved, then they should share the wealth, they should punish and destroy people who loved, and were loved, so that they would know the depths of the dark urge's feelings, buried under years of fear and regret and wrath at the unfairness of it all.
But at the same time, they must've also, in a divinely horrifying way, been trying to speak to the world too, through the only way they knew how. That was their atrocious way of communicating, of living what little life they had. Playing with corpses, clutching leftover skin, washing their hands in bones and ashes.
They were desperate and cunning and sad and totally insane.
Their heart must've been a nest of wounds.
And that's why I love the redeemed dark urge storyline so much.
Kressa's husband says something about how the dark urge would've chosen to die rather than be brought back and humiliated, that they would've preferred death to disgrace.
But I think that's the beautiful thing about it.
The dark urge needed to die, in order to live again. They needed to be torn away from Bhaal's grasp and remember what it was like to love people, and be loved back.
All those people you help. The tiefling refugees, the grove, the last light inn, isobel and aylin, the people of baldur's gate.
Your companions, who all believe in you and hope that you can resist your own blood, your bhaal corrupted soul.
Orin destroyed the dark urge, and in doing so, she gave them a new chance, a new life, away from father.
There's just something so...so compelling about that whole story line.
You can be good.
You can be good, dark urge.
You don't need to punish anyone. You can have a family again. You can love people.
It will destroy you in the end, but as you know now, as you understand, wizened adventurer and champion that you are now, being destroyed isn't the end.
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thewriterghost · 6 months
Lovely!!!! Would you write something about Bucky x reader/ friend who moved to another state for work? They used to be really close and talk a lot but as things go with life and distance they drifted a part a bit? But maybe from time to time she’ll think she’ll see him from behind or a side profile walking home at night and think of him and send him a “thinking of you / we should catch up! text not realizing that from time to time that who she saw was Bucky. He will check in on her and see how she’s doing in her new life
Hello!! I'm so sorry, this is so late 😭 between school and internship I hardly got any time to write. In fact, I wrote this at work lol, hopefully you like it! Let me know what you think!
Summary: You moved away from the compound because of school. It's been a lonely few months now. That's definitely the reason you think you're seeing Bucky from the corner of your eye every time you look around, right?
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An autumn breeze catches you off guard, right when you are leaving your school building for the day. It was warmer during the day, you think as you walk to your bus stop. It's a lonely time of day, an orange glow of sunlight illuminates the empty bus stop.
As you make it a point to crash every red or yellow leaf you see on your way without being too obvious, out of the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of a familiar metallic glow. That same feeling you always get around him, the butterflies and the hippos come back to your stomach, making your heart beat a million times a moment. Your eyes snap towards it, but it disappears all too fast for you to spot, leaving you with disappointment and longing.
You miss him. You try not to, but it's not easy not talking to him everyday like you did before, not being able to hang out on 3 am when both of you are too stubborn to go to sleep, or not being able to just exist at the same place at the same time with various animals in your stomach (figuratively).
You grab your phone from your pocket and click on his name on your messaging app. You hand hovers over the text box for a while, until you decide to just write to him. It's not like you haven't been talking since you left, it's more like you didn't want to talk all too much because of how much you'd want to just drop everything and go to him. Still, you think, enough is enough.
"Hey, you busy?"
You wait for a moment, anxiously nibbling on your lower lip. It doesn't take him more than 60 seconds to write back.
"Nope. You?"
You write back, biting down a smile.
"Nope. Just got out of school, going home."
You can almost hear his grumble-ish answers through your phone. A message pops up.
"Isn't it late? I thought you got off at 4."
You must've told him your schedule, but your mind doesn't come up with a memory to support it. You shrug it off and type.
"Yeah, I had to make a presentation and I was the last one of the class so the professor just agreed to do it now rather than next week."
"Does that mean you're free next week?"
You can't help but smile brightly. Looks like you're not the only one missing the other.
"Does that mean you miss me?"
You can almost see his scoff. You giggle to yourself.
"Does that mean we can meet?" He answers. You jump at the opportunity almost too fast.
"Yeah, sure. When are you free?"
"Whenever you're free."
"You don't have a mission or anything?"
"I'll bail." His answer makes you laugh out loud, maybe the first sincere laugh since you've been here.
"If it's not going to be a trouble for you."
"It won't. When should I pick you up?"
You check your schedule on your mind. You would be free tomorrow afternoon.
"Tomorrow afternoon? 2-ish maybe?"
"Sounds good."
You contemplate on whether to write it or not, but then think why not and type.
"I missed you, you know." And you put the phone on your pocket, face starting to burn up.
Your phone buzz, and you get the phone out faster than light.
"I missed you too." Your eyes glance over the letters more than once, each time smiling even more, until you find yourself giggling to yourself at 6 pm on an empty bus stop.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Another text appears on your screen, leaving you happier that you've ever been since the last few months.
Next day goes too slow for your taste. You keep finding yourself shaking your knee up and down with anticipation.
You are out of the door when the clock hits 2 pm. As you arrive at the school gates you realize you haven't told him where to come. You pull out your phone to type, but stop at your tracks when you hear it.
Sitting on a black motorcycle, blue eyes and black jacket catches you off guard. A smile creeps on to your lips.
"Hey." You return the sentence as you find your feet and move towards him. He has a gentle smile as well, uncharacteristically for him as people would say, but not for you. You've seen him like this before. When you were up all night and baked not one, not two, but three batches of cookies together, you've seen that same smile everytime your eyes have met. Or that one time when it was raining too hard and you were too sick to go to mission, and he stayed to look after you, cuddling you since he can't get sick because of serum.
He takes your helmet from the back and after looking at you with that sweet smile of his for a moment, he puts it on for you, clipping it with delicate movements.
"Hop on." He instructs and you obey, hugging him from behind with a pair of red cheeks which thankfully can't be seen thanks to your helmet.
As he takes off, you don't bother to ask where to. After a brief 10-15 minutes, he stops in front of a small cafe near a park.
"Were you around here yesterday?" You ask, recalling the silver glimmer you saw yesterday evening.
"I was on a mission." He shrugs.
"Huh." You mumble. Seeing his puzzled look, you add. "I thought I saw you yesterday, after school. Right before I texted you, in fact."
"You must've missed me a lot." He smirks, opening the door to the cafe for you. Always a gentleman.
"Must've." You return the smile as you walk in.
As you both get your coffees and pastries, you decide to ignore the fact that he probably was here yesterday. In fact, he probably was around since you moved here. Watching out for you, worrying about you, missing you.
"What are you smiling about?" You come back to real life when he gently nudges your shoulder with his.
"Oh, nothing." You shake your head. "I was just thinking, we should meet more often. It's been too long."
"Yeah, agreed." He replies with a smile of his own. You don't realize the look in his eyes, confirming your theory.
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leahplayz13 · 4 months
Rockstar Revelation
Chapter 2
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[Male reader-insert, amab, masturbation, reader is mistaken as a woman but doesn't correct anyone. Andrew x Male reader.]
"Andrew I didn't know that you knew how to play the electric guitar. Can you play that again? I think I have some lyrics that can go with that." Y/N smiles while Andrew nods and begins to play the same chords. Y/N waits a few seconds, trying to get into the beat, and then begins singing. "I don't know what I am, but I want you to show me. I don't want to have the capacity to feel lonely. I want you to destroy me, so I'll feel better. I don't wanna leave this moment ever, ever, ever. I wanna leave this world with you. I wanna become something better with you. I wanna fuck our bodies into broken shells. I wanna lose ourselves forever. I wanna put you in my mouth. I wanna crush you in my jaws. I wanna" Y/N stops singing after realizing what she sang and seeing Andrew looking at her.
"Sorry, I got a little into it." Y/N rubs the back of her neck, feeling a little embarrassed. "Wow, that was wow." Andrew's face looks shocked and amazing. He then brings a knuckle to his mouth and starts nervously biting it, a habit he usually has. "What's wrong?" Y/N walked closer to him.
"Nothing," Andrew responded quickly as he backed away from Y/N. "It's just that I was wondering if you want to join me for dinner." Andrew bit down on his finger so hard that blood drew out of it. "Sure, I don't mind; I've only been eating takeout, so it would be nice to eat a home-cooked meal for once," Y/N smiles, trying to reassuring Andrew. "Oh, really?" Andrew sighs out in relief. "Well, um, you know where I live, so um, I'll text you when the food is almost finished." Andrew has to stop himself from jumping up and down. "I'll see you later," Y/N smiles as Andrew walks out.
|When Andrew gets home|
"Ashley, get your ass up and help me cook," Andrew yells as he walks into the shared room. "Can't we just eat takeout?" Ashley groans as she rolls over to look at him. "Where the hell have you been?" Ashley gets up to interrogate her brother. "None of your fucking business," Andrew pushes past her to put down his guitar and then walks to the kitchen. "We have a guest, so help me cook," Andrew says, tying his hair back. "Oh my god, is it another bitch you met and also no slut you've been with liked your cooking, so I don't know what the difference would be now?" Ashley laughs at him, but stops laughing when she sees Andrew coming towards her with a knife.
"For your information, you're the one that always made them spit out the food because you overseasoned it with chili." Andrew traps Ashley against the wall, holding a knife against her neck. "Not my fault; they can't handle a little chili." Ashley wanted to kick and fight her brother, but she was scared he might actually stab her. Andrew then walked away from her to finish cutting the chicken. "So do you want me to-?" Ashley started to speak but got cut off by a glare. She waved him off and went to sit on the couch.
After awhile, the food had finally finished cooking, so he texted Y/N to come over. When Y/N arrived at the house, she rang the doorbell, which Ashley answered due to Andrew being in the bathroom. She eyed Y/N up and down. "So you are?" Ashley looked at Y/N in disgust, even though she knew exactly who was at her door. "Im (stage name), but you can also call me Y/N." Y/N smiled, trying to be as kind as possible. "Hm." She eyed her down again before being pulled by the hair by Andrew to get out of the way.
"Sorry about her, you must've been so hot waiting out here in the heat," Andrew apologized as he let Y/N in. She smiled. "People pleaser," Ashley whispered as she walked to the couch, but almost trips due to Andrew "whore." Andrew then walks towards Y/N and shows her the dining room.
Ashley got up from the couch, practically slitering her body towards the dining table. "You wouldn't want your little sister to starve, would you?" Ashley smiles while sitting next to Y/N. "So what do you like about my brother? Do you like him because of how he looks? Or do you like the way he talks? Or when you're in bed with him. Oh no, wait, its his di-" Ashley gets interrupted in the middle of her sentence due to Andrew kicking her shin. "Shut the fuck up and eat your food." Andrew glares at her. Ashley just glares back.
"Yall two are just the cutest. I used to have fights just like this when I was younger. Y/N completely ignored the context Ashley implied in her rant and ate her food with a smile. Ashley and Andrew just stared at her and then went back to eating. After everyone was done eating, Ashley went into her room while Andrew and Y/N talked. "I had a nice time. I think your sister is nice, just a little weird." Y/N smiled, and Andrew laughed. "Weird is the right word, I guess." Andrew rolled his eyes, recounting the crazy things his sister has done in the past. Y/N then leaned on Andrew and then titled her head up to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank's again," Y/N stepped back. "I'll call you when I get home." Y/N smiled and waved as she walked away. Feeling proud, he smiled to himself, doing something so ballsy that he was feeling a little mischievous.
When Y/N got home, he washed up and laid down. Tomorrow was the day he would tell Andrew he was a guy. Or maybe just let him find out. Y/N took out his phone and called Andrew, which he answered after a few rings. "Yeah," Andrew answered. "Just calling to tell you I got home safe." Y/N sounds energetic, while Andrew found himself sounding tired and bored, which Y/N noticed. "Oh, shit did I wake you up?" Y/N apologized. "No, no, it's fine. I'm not even sleepy." Andrew got up from his bed and walked into the living room when he saw Ashley turn and groan.
Andrew and Y/N talked for awhile, so whenever Y/N's voice started to sound more sleepy and sexy to him, he thought he was going crazy and thought he was disgusting for thinking like this, but his body seemed to disagree with him, so when he looked down, he cursed himself. "Andrew you alright, you haven't said anything." Y/N sounds concerned. Andrew responded back quickly to reassure her, but while he was talking to her, he quickly took off his pants, covering the sound with his voice. He knew what he was doing was wrong.
Andrew and Y/N talked for awhile, so whenever Y/N's voice started to sound more sleepy and sexy to him, he thought he was going crazy and thought he was disgusting for thinking like this, but his body seemed to disagree with him, so when he looked down, he cursed himself. "Andrew you alright, you haven't said anything." Y/N sounds concerned. Andrew responded back quickly to reassure her, but while he was talking to her, he quickly took off his pants, covering the sound with his voice. He knew what he was doing was wrong.
As Y/N started talking again, Andrew took his cock into his hand. All he could do was picture Y/N, her soft hands stroking him to completion, and her lips that would kitty lick the head of his cock, teasing him. The tension in his body built as he stroked himself faster as their conversation went on. "And they just kept cheering for me; it felt amazing," Y/N recounted. The sound of her voice was so nice. Andrew could feel it—the heat spreading through his body—but honestly, it went straight to his dick.
In a few quick motions, Andrew was reaching his peak. Andrew shoved his face into the couch and let out muffled moans as he came. Andrew stroked himself until he felt the right amount of sensitivity. He pulled up his pants, instantly regretting what he had just done.
"So, Andrew, do you want to go to the mall with me tomorrow?" Y/N asked while smiling at his phone, hoping to see Andrew outside work again. "Sure," Andrew answered out of breath. After Andrew got off call with Y/N, he went into the bathroom and splashed water on his face as he stared at himself in the mirror. "I can't believe I just fucking did that." Andrew pulled his eyelids down. "And I have to fucking see her tomorrow." Andrew splashed more water on his face, then turned off the faucet, turned off the light in the bathroom, and went to bed with his head in his pillow.
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icedmetaltea · 4 months
Just lettin ya'll know I'm ok
(random irl stuff to journal below, keep scrollin)
Wanted to wait to come back till
1. I wasn't dealing with mega gender dysphoria, my masc/neutral days are few and far between but by god it's been nonstop masc/neutral days lately and been a lot of just hating my body (and myself in general)
2. got the ebt stuff figured out, which I haven't yet, my doc put in a ref for a different place to sign a thing, waited 2 weeks for them to call, only to find out it was the wrong place and now I have to wait for the next place to call... which like yea I'm worrying about food but talking about it in therapy has helped somewhat. She reassured me even if that doesn't work we WILL find some place that'll sign the form I need to be eligible again
3. I wasn't dealing with as bad of depression/anxiety which like... idk. I've definitely been doing better anxiety-wise but idk if that's bc it hasn't been as hot lately or I've been feeding myself better. I know I must've been eating under 1200s calories the past few weeks bc the scale finally stopped going down and I know for a fact my anxiety gets bad when I'm hungry so I think for about a month I was unintentionally starving myself, SO making myself eat at least 2 nutritious meals a day now
At the same time I think perhaps my pmdd symptoms are... reversing time schedules??? Usually my anxiety/depression gets way worse before period but now it seems like it's fine before and terrible during/after????? Makes zero sense but who knows. Also it's a couple days late now so health anxiety is going off the shits about PCOS or something again UGH
Making SOME progress with therapy, am able to be outside for 5 mins without feeling that horrific sense of dread so that's something.
I've also been coming to the realization that I may have some form of DID?? Not the type where you lose time/blackout/completely have entirely different memories and starkly different personality switches but I've definitely been noticing now that I've been putting more attention to it how I go into different "modes" and sets of interests throughout the weeks and I mean... it's not secret I have imaginary friends I talk to on the daily. I've had an issue figuring out where "they" end and "myself" begins since childhood. Plus I already deal with derealization/dissociation/occasional age regression so it's not out of the realm of possibility. May bring it up next therapy apt. Kinda worried to bc I never want to get rid of them and I'm worried that would be one of the goals, like... just no. I can't think of anything more lonely.
But yea just random stuff I needed to get outta my system, sorry about all the suicidal stuff, it's just really hard. The future seems so bleak. And if one thing sets me back, like doctor stuff, food issues, etc my brain is like "DEATH WOULD BE EASIER LOL" BUT there's a chance trump/a republican candidate won't win, a chance climate change will be reversed/humanity will adapt somehow, a chance I'll be accepted for disability and live a halfway decent life, and if not... well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But for now there's food in the fridge, for now mom and dad are alive, for now we're ok.
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
My Mate-Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: Your team has to find a way to save Rockets life. New enemies appear and sovereign being known as Adam Warlock is entranced by you. How will he react when he meets you?
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(Wrote an Adam Warlock one shot a long time ago, but wanted to write an official one with Will Poulter as Adam this time. Hope it's good and I apologize if it seemed rushed and credits for the person who made the gif. Also I'm laughing at the haters who now love Will Poulter and made fun of my crush on him long ago.)
I was taking down a couple of Christmas lights that were still being clung to the ceiling to one of the buildings, a party we had thrown Peter a few weeks with the help of everyone. Though I do wish Peter would've helped, I went to see him but saw him drunk with plenty of bottles scattered around him.
"Mantis, do you think you can wake Peter up?" I call out to her.
"I'll try my best, I'll ask Nebula to help him wake up." Mantis began to search for Nebula and watched them together enter where Peter was. Groot was nearby helping Rocket with a couple of things.
I stopped what I was doing and could feel something wasn't right. Looking around I noticed no one was around and in an instant I felt a gush of wind and the sound of a broken window. I fell back but regained my posture and I looked above and saw Rocket being taken away.
"Rocket!" I cry out when I see Rocket with his eyes closed now.
I began to climb up a couple of stairs and tried reaching at whoever suddenly came to kidnap Rocket from us. I continued to run through the roofs and could hear see below me, Nebule and Groot trying stopping him but he kept avoiding our attacks at first. I grabbed hold of my sword and started walking quickly towards a tall man in red and golden armor.
"Hey! Golden boy!" I shout raising my sword towards him not planning on sparing him if he were to harm Rocket in about way.
The man furrows his eyebrows together continue to hold the raccoon. I hear quick footsteps approach me and look back to see Peter and Nebula.
"You want the easy or hard way, buddy?" Peter says holding onto his blasters.
The tall man in front of me finally speaks. "Who is she?" I ask the man asks continuing to look at me.
Everyone looks around not knowing who he is referring to. "What?"
"Her. That woman next to you." My eyes widen when I see the tall man pointing at me.
"What the hell is he talking about?" Nebula says glaring at him and standing in front of me with Peter.
Peter seemed uneasy and takes his fighting position, "Look man, just go back to where you came from-"
"Every since I was released from the cocoon I've been having strange feelings, confusion and loneliness being the most effective. Now I realize what I need, You."
My eyes widen being surprised at what he's saying and seeing Peter turn to glance back at me with a weird expression.
"You're not making any sense man." He tells the sovereign. "(Y/N), sneak out as fast as you can." Peter mutters under his breath.
"I've been so lonely, I only desire to be with my mate. That human is pleasant to my eyes. Thus I choose her." He says looking at me.
"Whoa whoa I make my own decisions with who I decide to stay or leave. I barely know you!" I exclaim yet can't help the blush spread across my face.
Peter continues to try and block me from him. "Ayesha must've sent this himbo. Alright! You can have her only if you leave." Peter makes a face and see Nebula shaking her head.
"You are not going to put her at bait." She warns him.
"I have a plan.."
"Some of your plans don't work out Peter!"
"I have a right in all of this. And you!" I pushed right last Peter and stepped closer to the tall golden man. "Kidnapping is not okay, especially if you plan on taking something that doesn't belong to you." I point and felt Nebula pulling my arm so I can step back.
We stared at the man who seemed confused and stayed silent for a couple of seconds. "I can't?"
I sigh loudly and face palmed myself. "Are you serious?!"
The man now seemed completely taken back, almost on the verge of tears at my sudden raise of voice. "I was taken out of my cocoon early." Is all he says.
The man seems like a being built like no other species has. He's clearly Ayesha's son. He looks like a god, tall, muscular and seems threatening..but he's…kinda dumb. I tilt my head wondering how he acts looks completely to how menacing he could look to others. For the short while I've see him he acts child like, irrational not knowing exactly what to say or do..
"He's an asshole, that's what he is." Peter says interrupting my thoughts, he now steps forward with me. "Hand us our friend over." Peter says when the man held onto Rocket.
"Alright, we already gave him a warning." The three of us began to fight him, or attempted to since he was too strong for us, Groot also tried to but got cut with only his head remaining. Nebula was quickly thrown to the ground and beaten with only Peter remaining trying to fight back.
I threw Peter my sword so he would continue the fight and I quickly was about run to Mantis's side when I heard her cry until I was tripped and quickly caught myself and saw the man standing back in front of me.
I positioned my fists up ready to fight him back. "I won't go easy on you." I threw the first punch, punching the side of his face, then was about to do it again but he began avoiding it, not fighting back at me.
I groaned angrily and tried to hit him but he would avoid me. "Quit dodging me and fight!" I shouted at him when all he did was simply trip me again. I glare at him and quickly got to my feet.
"You really are a strange man."
"Thank you." He said almost smiling.
"That wasn't a compliment." I bluntly tell him
"My name is Adam if you are wondering."
"I don't care. You hurt my friend." I managed to hit him again and quickly Peter came to my side and began to help me defeat Adam but we were unsuccessful and he left.
Time is quickly running out for us. We've been in search of the High Evolutionary, our friend Rocket is fighting for his life. We had arrived to counter earth and I was guarding the shop with Gamora, well new Gamora from the different timeline.
"I missed you, you know." Was the first thing I said, unsure of what to say since the silence was a bit awkward. I awkwardly adjusted my blue suit and started playing with the sleeves.
"I don't know who you are." Gamora replied glancing back at me.
I decided to say nothing more and crossed my arms over my chest. We used to be an amazing team with her, if it weren't for Thanos past Gamora would still be with us.
"Hey..look." both of us stood up and when we did the ground began to shake. I ran closer to inspect outside and saw that the planet was blowing itself up. This was all planned then. Everyone will die here.
"Gamora, I need you to try and contact either Peter or Drax."
"Hey! Where are you going?!" She shouted when she saw me running outside of the Bowie.
"Trying to save any one I can!" I continued to run outside and saw many of counter Earth's citizens running for their lives, others unfortunately died in the fire. Some of them recognized me of when we landed and began to follow me when I began to motion for them to follow me.
"No where the hell is Mantis and Drax?!" I ask myself and panting while continuing to run.
Another loud and huge explosion happened and I watched the High Evolutionary's ship now beginning to ascend. That's where Peter is! I began to run now faster when the ground beneath my feet started to shake.
"Shit!" I cursed now running faster towards the ship again, I nearly fell when the ground started to crack and fall down. Damn it in not gonna make it!
I continued to run until I didn't feel my feet on the ground, I slipped down and I reached my hands out and tried holding onto the ground above me tight. I cried out and tried pulling myself up but the ground continued to shake and I slipped again. I closed my eyes tight and was prepared to die.
Only that I didn't fall. Well, I did fall but I didn't hit my head as hard as I thought. I opened my eyes slowly and found myself inside Peter's ship, I looked to my side and saw a small creature, a Blurp wagging itself and his what I assume owner now fainted by my feet.
"Adam?" I stared down at him surprised and I reached carefully down and poked him. He's unconscious. So he's the one who saved me.
I jumped in my spot when I heard Gamora cursing and she appeared in front of me. "Where were you?! Never mind help me get him up, I'm going to tie him up."
Gamora walked past me and made it to Adams side. "Now!" She ordered. If I were to disobey her we would have a fight, so I did as she said and helped Gamora tie Adam down. The small Blurp had peed when Gamora shouted at it and felt safe with Adam so it stayed with him while Gamora and I went back to control the ship.
The Guardians of the Galaxy and I were safe, everyone of us survived though mostly disbanded. The High Evolutionary was now dead for all the suffering he placed on innocent animals. Knowhere was now a refuge for people in need. Gamora went back with the Ravagers…Mantis left to discover herself..and Peter left back for Earth.
Drax and Nebula would look after the many experimented children we rescued on the enemies ship. They would make sure they would find a home and look after Knowhere and the rest of it's citizens.
I felt like staying. I wanted to continued helping people, so I stayed with the original Guardians. Rocket and Groot.
Now we had a new members, new Guardians to protect the planet. Kraglin, Cosmo, Phyla Vell and Adam Warlock with his pet Blurp.
I zipped up my suit and got myself comfortable sitting next to Adam. "I never properly thanked you for saving back then." I said nudging him and saw him tense up.
"N-No problem, (Y/N). Glad I can finally be of proper help. I apologize for calling you..my mate." He muttered the last bit and seemed embarrassed by it not scratching his golden hair
I giggle and smiled looking at him. "It was weird but adorable of you to stay that." I reached down and scratched Blurps head and saw it scratching itself with it's back paws.
"We should hang out more often. I know of a place that makes delicious meals, Kraglin and Cosmo recommended it to me. I'll even teach you good songs to listen to, every great 80's and old songs Peter and I used to listen."
"Hang out? Like the t-two of us or the whole team?" Who knew I could have a god stuttering over a simple thing.
I shrugged my shoulders and saw Blurp raving over to Adam and sitting itself over his lap. "I would like to know more about you, so yes, only the two of us should hang out. I don't think our Captain would mind."
I raised my voice and saw Rocket holding onto his gun and turning back to look at us. "Whatever love birds. You can do whatever you want with each other after we finish this mission."
"I am Groot."
"I know it'll just be a date. Why you gotta mention that?!" Rocket said looking up at his partner.
Adam and I stood back up and I reached up to grab his shoulder and felt himself tense back up and shiver. "You're invited to join us next time. So, Adam…"
I turn to look up at him and smiled, "Ready for our date after this?
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sunshinelivesforever · 10 months
My Opinion on Calypso and Caleo in HOO
Alright, it's time to talk about this because I love the smell of fresh controversy in the morning. So today, I'm going to be expressing my opinion on the character Calypso and the ship Caleo in The Heroes of Olympus. Keep in mind that this is simply my opinion. Feel free to disagree.
I'll be honest and straightforward. I don't really like Calypso and I don't ship Caleo.
Sure, I get that it must've been hard for Calypso. She was cursed to fall in love with heroes who eventually had to leave. She was abandoned on an island with no one else for company just for supporting her father in a war, resulting in her missing eons of change in the world. She must've been really lonely and upset and sick of having her heart broken. But that's no excuse for her to be so mean, especially because she wasn't like that when we saw her initially. In TBOTL, she was so sweet. How can someone so soft-spoken and polite become so nasty? I was hoping that after she stops being mad we could get to see the Calypso we saw in the original PJO series. But apparently, that Calypso is gone. It seems like her entire personality was changed just to make her a "tough girl" (which isn't exactly the character's fault). It's just that so many writers assume that to make a female character strong she can't have any soft traits. But in TBOTL, Calypso was strong and caring and kind at the same time. So if you ask me if I like Calypso in BOTL, yes, absolutely. But if you ask me if I like Calypso in HOH and TOA? No, I don't.
I also don't like her relationship with Leo. Okay, maybe I'm a bit biased about this since I'm in love with Leo myself, but the whole thing just happened so quickly. We needed an entire book for Frazel, an entire book for Jiper, a whole dam series for Percabeth and you're telling me these two fell in love in the span of four chapters? Like, is falling in love really that easy? I don't think so. What Leo and Calypso have just doesn't seem deep enough for me. And their relationship is kind of toxic as well. Like in TOA, Calypso never tried to understand Leo or actually acknowledge his help. She acts as if Leo is worth nothing. I deeply dislike the way she treats Leo. And for Leo, I feel like he doesn't genuinely love Calypso. I feel like he wanted to go rescue her because he felt like he finally had someone who chose him, someone who needed him. Because for once, he wasn't the seventh wheel. The odd one out. The second option. Also, I kind of get the feeling that Calypso was there just so that Leo could get a love interest and not be a seventh wheel. But Leo deserved more than that. He deserved a different kind of love. He deserved coming home to find that he belongs, to find that there are people who care about him, that his friends need him. He deserved acceptance from his surroundings to actually not feel like a seventh wheel. He needed to find that coming back to life was worth it because he has friends, he has a family. I feel like just a romantic relationship can't give him that, especially one with Calypso, who knows nothing of his trauma and experiences.
So there you have it, that's why I don't like Calypso and don't ship Caleo. Please don't hate on me for this because it's just my opinion. Keep in mind that you can have a different opinion and disagree with mine, and that's okay.
Yours in demigodishness and all that, peace out. :)
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icanttypo · 1 year
Yknow, at first, when I saw the latest episode, I had been a bit disappointed with the route that they took Simon and Betty's romance; but after thinking it over quite a bit, I think I appreciate the route they took, despite how differently it makes me see the characters. Sometimes, the right thing for a story isn't always the best thing, just like how in life, not everyone makes the right choices all the time. Emotions make life beautiful, but they also muddle things up.
I've never been one for a teacher x student type romance. That whole power imbalance always leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Since Simon was just a guest speaker, it wasn't quite the same, but I think a lot of people, including myself, saw those parallels. But, I think the whole idea of unhealthy/obsessive/codependent love has always been centeral to their relationship.
Unlike some may assume, the unhealthiness doesn't stem from that part, though. Yes, there's a small age gap. Yes, Simon made a ton of mistakes. But with further analysis, nothing about it is painted as your stereotypical incredibly unhealthy teacher/student ship. Instead, it's their issues and strengths that create chaos.
There's nothing about their relationship that can be considered grooming, and I say this as someone who's personally been groomed. They didn't get into a relationship until after Betty tried to leave the second time, and there's absolutely nothing about Simon that screams "predator." You know how he is with Marcy and Finn, and pretty much every child he comes in contact with (when he isn't throwing away their favorite books). Hell, even Ice King had standards and lines he wouldn't cross. Their issues stem from their insecurities as professional nerds, and as two broken, lonely, people.
When you're a student, especially one who's passionate about the subject matter you're learning about, you can't help but put your teachers (the good ones, I mean), on a pedestal. They're these untouchable gods who have somehow cracked the answers to questions you haven't even asked yet and who are there to guide you. And as a teacher, you want nothing more than to see a student thrive, be happy, and enjoy your lessons. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing your student take your lesson, and run with it, and go farther than you ever could. From the start, these two towed the lines of codependency.
Simon was laughed at by his fellow professors and other archeologists for believing that the Enchiridion existed; which couldn't have been a good feeling as a professional. Sure, after the expedition with Betty, he was rewarded with all the glory one could wish for; but that isolation must've been horrible. He must've been seen along the same veins as the "Ancient Aliens" guys, as a crackpot conspiracy theorist, barely deserving of his PHD. I can imagine just how much of a relief it'd be to have someone so brilliant as Betty agree with your findings, and be willing to help you prove once and for all, that you aren't crazy.
Betty seemed to struggle with connecting with her peers. I'm mostly gathering this from how willing she was to sacrifice everything for Simon, I'd bet he was the only genuine close relationship, romantic or otherwise, that she had. We (or at least I) don't know much about Betty's backstory, but I think at least that much can be surmised. In Ep 8 FC, she mentions her mother, and in season 9 or 10, we see her calling someone before she met Simon... But, that's about all we have for close relationships. How many people would you jump through a portal for? Become god for? Sacrifice your sanity for? To have someone you admire, think that you're basically the strongest, bravest person they ever met in the world and to actually be needed by them... From what we know about Betty, she definitely had a savior complex of some sorts. Happens to the best of us, but still. She got so used to sacrificing things for Simon that she never thought about going back to Australia with him to continue her study, or both studying different things together, just helping him.
They both gave each other what the world deprived them of: validation, love, and respect. But because neither of them had anyone else to rely upon, to provide them with those bare necessities, they became unhealthy for one another. Neither of them has truly lived without the other because they were eachothers home. Their food, water, and shelter.
So, in a lot of ways, I think it was for the best they added this extra layer. It helps you truly understand the imperfections of their relationship, just how desperate both of them were as two nerdy little archeologists, to find and keep the love they had alive.
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allthefakepeople · 2 years
was the archer written about kit tanthalos? sources say "yes" (i am sources)
hi everyone
the first time i listened to the archer by taylor swift after i watched willow i blacked out and realized how it was literally written for Kit Tanthalos of Tir Asleen and after some coaxing from @spybrarian and @aro-of-artemis i have decided to share my thoughts with you all... warning: this will be long Combat, I'm ready for combat
(kit is always ready for a fight, whether that be physical or with words. she never feels like she can let her guard down)
I say I don't want that, but what if I do?
(she pretends she's not as combative as she is sometimes, but she just comes across as the opposite)
I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you
(she has so many things she wants to say to so many people. jade, airk, sorsha, and mostly madmartigan)
Easy they come, easy they go I jump from the train, I ride off alone
(just how she doesn't have many other connections besides jade and how that must've still been lonely sometimes. also in ep 2 when she wanted to keep moving to keep searching for airk but everyone else wanted to stop and look around for elora, including jade who i'm sure she was trusting to understand how important this is for her)
I never grew up, it's getting so old
("you've just proven to everyone in that room exactly what you are. a petulant child who needs to grow up" but also kit definitely gets tired of herself sometimes)
Help me hold onto you
(she just needs someone to hold on to, she hopes it's jade. she needs help remaining vulnerable)
I've been the archer I've been the prey Who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?
(just this whole chorus is so much of kit's internal conflict. like she's been the one causing the pain to others, while also being the one who has been hurt. she has this mentality that she's better than others, but is that just a shield to hide behind when she's actually incredibly vulnerable)
Dark side, I search for your dark side
(there are definitely times where she wonders 1. why jade sticks around for her and 2. hopes that the reason she does, is because she also has the anger inside her that kit does. she definitely sees parts of that fire in jade and it's probably one of the reasons she was drawn to her when she was a kid. she has to find that "dark side" to encourage herself that she's not actually a bad person deep down)
And I cut off my nose just to spite my face Then I hate my reflection for years and years
(she can't look at herself without seeing the reflection of her father and her mother... she's not sure which part she hates more)
I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost The room is on fire, invisible smoke
(i'm just obsessed with the way this describes anxiety, but also this reminds me of kit at the end of ep 6 when she's truly at her low point and she goes off on elora before falling through the crystal)
And all of my heroes die all alone
(i mean... kind of self-explanatory but still... just kit and her hero worship of madmartigan)
'Cause they see right through me They see right through me They see right through Can you see right through me? They see right through They see right through me I see right through me I see right through me
(just how no one sees kit for who she truly is, not even jade, until ep 7. like they all think she's out of her depth, no one is willing to get close enough to understand every little piece of her, jade has gotten the closest but even she falls short sometimes "can you see right through me?" and that tears kit apart sometimes. especially after ep 3 because she was so sure that she and jade had an understanding and it was all blown up by the truth)
All the king's horses, all the king's men Couldn't put me together again
(ep 6 kit core. again, just how she's pulled to pieces by everything up till this point and nothing could really bring her back to who she was before she left tir asleen, maybe even since her father left.)
'Cause all of my enemies started out friends
(having to fight her own twin brother, even if he's potentially "better" now, was incredibly taxing for kit)
Who could stay? You could stay
(by the end, jade and kit have come to a different understanding about each other and "where the princess goes, i go" has a new meaning. and jade will stay if kit only asks... would kit ask though?)
basically my conclusion is somehow taylor swift wrote a song specifically for Kit Tanthalos before she was even a concept so... if you have any other contributions about this or just want to scream (or whisper or talk) about me about willow/kit/tanthamore/anything else my askbox/dms are always open
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sea-side-scribbles · 4 months
Solas wakes up in the strange new world of his own making and it terrifies him. Ridden with guilt, he joins the Inquisition and begins his lonely research in order to correct his mistake.
He doesn’t expect to find consolation in the presence of a human who wields ancient elven magic without knowing it. Who is way too gentle for an elgar’thanelan, but doesn’t know that either.
Solas, for his part, doesn’t know how to stay away.
Dorian wonders if the mysterious elf just enjoys playing with a Tevinter. He wouldn’t expect anything else.
Chapter 1- 13 | Right after uthenera, Solas is found by a Dalish clan. This goes well until it doesn’t. (Basically my excuse for world building and hilarious misunderstandings.)
Chapter 14 | Solas joins the Inquisition.
Chapter 20 | Dorian appears in Haven.
Later that day, Solas met the Herald again in her tent. She looked worried, leaning heavily over a pile of scrolls. “Have you seen Dorian?”, she asked when she noticed him. “He didn't come back from his last task and nobody in camp seems to know where he is.” Solas wasn't surprised. This man didn't care about helping others at all. “I assume the kind of work we do here is not of his liking”, he answered dryly. Her expression became stern. “Solas, what happened while you've been together?” He put up his most innocent face. “Nothing, Herald, everything went as planned. We found the crates and delivered them where we were supposed to.” “But he came back without you.” “Yes. I met Fiona and we spoke. I assume he did not want to wait for us to finish the conversation. I did not notice him leave.” Ellana shook her head.
“It was impolite of him to leave the camp without a word to you.” Solas attempted sympathy. “He wouldn't.” She straightened herself and looked him in the eyes. Solas held her gaze. “Please, find out where he is.” Solas struggled to keep a neutral face. “He is probably back in his cabin”, he tried to appease her. “Then look for him there and find out if he's alright. We can't shrug this off. This land is dangerous.” “I don't believe the red lions would eat him. They should have a better taste.” “Solas!” Her voice echoed through the tent, causing heads to turn into their direction. “I am sorry”, he answered without a flicker in his voice. “I am sure I will be back soon with good news.”
On the way through Haven, his irritation broke through. Would this man ever stop wasting his time? Why couldn't he at least be reasonable? If he planned to stay on good terms with the Herald, he should have the decency to not vanish out of sight without a word. Solas hoped she'd see through him when it turned out he simply had no manners.
At the cabin, he knocked impatiently and then waited, crossing his arms. Time passed, but nobody answered. Was he asleep? Solas knocked again, louder. Of course, Dorian would make this complicated! After waiting for another while, he tried the door. It was locked. “Dorian!”, he shouted, but the house remained quiet. Now Solas considered to break in, but how would that look? The Tevinter wasn't deaf. Just most likely somewhere else.
With a higher pulse than before, Solas looked around, thinking. Another likely target would be the tavern, but usually not this early in the afternoon. However, it wouldn't hurt to look.
As expected, the tavern was almost empty. Varric sat alone at a table, an unfamiliar sight. He was occupied by a stack of vellum that quickly filled with his writing, so he probably wanted it this way. But when Solas approached him, he looked up from his work, immediately attentive. “Is there a problem, Chuckles?” He must've read Solas' expression, even though he hadn't meant to show it. Solas was once again surprised how these new people could read emotions out of – basically nothing. Facial expressions, body language. Signs that were only visible with the eyes. Solas walked to his table and asked quietly: “Have you seen Dorian lately?” “Sparkler?” Varric always used his nicknames as if they were self-explanatory. “Yeah, he went into the Chantry last time I saw him.” Solas almost exhaled loudly when he felt the tension leave his muscles. Finally, an answer.
“The Chantry”, he mused, shortly nurturing the impression of Dorian kneeling before Andraste's idol and praying for forgiveness. “Is he...Andrastian?” Varric shrugged. “Who isn't? But I never heard him sing, if you mean that. Something the matter?” “Nothing important.” Solas waved him off. “I do not mean to bother you.” “But 'bothers' are usually the stuff for good stories...” Varric lifted his quill. “Not this one, for sure.”
Solas left him to his manuscript and made his way to the Chantry. Usually, he only sought it out to borrow books from its library. At this time of the day, the great hall was crowded with clerics and praying villagers. Vivienne stood in her preferred alcove, conversing with her noble guests. Solas glanced over them as he slowly crossed the room, hidden in plain sight. Nobody gave the elf in rags much attention. The closer he got to the war table, the smaller the groups became, keeping a respectful distance to the Inquisition's leaders. He turned left to enter the library. When he stood under the archway, he spotted a white robe.
There he was, enjoying his leisure time.
Solas stared at him, feeling vindicated. This whole search had been a waste of time, as he had known all along. At least the Herald would stop needlessy worrying now. Dorian, who suddenly felt watched, turned around and found Solas standing at the entrance and – watching him? A second later, the elf turned to leave. In the heat of the moment, Dorian called out for him. He just couldn't stop his stubborn mouth.
Solas froze when he heard his name, pressing his eyes shut. Of course, Dorian wouldn't let this opportunity go. Well, so far, he hadn't been much of a challenge. Solas took a deep breath and went back into the library.
“May I help you with something?”, he asked as impassively as possible. Dorian already doubted his eyes. Most likely, Solas had only inspected the bookshelves. But why did he flee afterwards? “I was thinking that you liked to tell me something”, he replied and held the elf's gaze. “What would that be?” “I don't know, but if you're staring daggers into my back, it makes me question.” “I am sorry if I appeared staring. I did not intent to.” Dorian wondered if this was another misunderstanding that would turn into an awkward situation. Still, he wasn't willing to give up so quickly.
“Then you're looking for a book? Perhaps I can help you?”, he played along. “I am familiar with the books in this library. I have been here often myself.” “Then you had no reason to come here other than to...relish the sight?” He posed, hands against his hips, one leg forward, upper body turned slightly to emphasize his exposed arm. Solas suddenly felt very warm inside. “I do understand you”, Dorian downright purred. “I could stare at myself all day, you know? If only the mirror wouldn't get in the way of occasional combats. But I suppose you staring at me is an acceptable replacement.” Solas couldn't turn his gaze away. The noise of claws scratching a wall came to his mind.
Dorian endured the awkward silence. This was safe territory, just a game. And Solas had brought it upon himself. No need to spare him. “Now, don't be shy. There's no shame in admitting it.” Eventually, Solas fought off the heat inside him. He wouldn't be such an easy prey. “The Herald wondered where you went”, he destroyed Dorian's ridiculous hopes. “I will ease her worries now.” After that, he quickly left the Chantry, eager to get out. Dorian didn't call for him this time. He pinched the bridge of his nose so hard that it hurt.
Back in the tent, the Herald awaited the message with wide eyes. “I found him in the library”, Solas told her. “As I expected, he took some time off.” Ellana visibly deflated. “Mythal enaste”, she sighed, running a hand through her hair. To Solas' displeasure, she looked more relieved than upset.
“Cullen was here in the meantime”, she suddenly changed the topic “He had a report for me I can't ignore.” “Is it about the templars?” Solas tensed a little. Would the Commander finally succeed to hold up their mission? But Ellana shook her head. “It's about our soldiers. A troop is held hostage in the Fallow Mire by a…human tribe called the Avvar.” She bit her tongue at shemlen. “They demand to meet me in person, otherwise we won't see these soldiers again.” “Can you afford the time to travel there?” “It's only a one day's ride. If we leave in the morning, we can set up camp there in the evening.” “We?” She gave him a crooked smile. “I won't go there alone. I'm thinking of a party including Varric, Blackwall, Dorian and you.” She tilted her head, watching his response. “If you can afford leaving the mages.”
Solas was so glad she considered to take him along again, he was sure he'd even endure the presence of the Tevinter. He dearly missed the travels. “I would gladly fight alongside you, Herald.” She lit up.”Please, just call me Ellana.” Solas noticed that the distance he kept to the Dalish woman crumbled. “As you wish, Ellana. Is there anything else you need taken care of in the camp now?” “No, I think they'll do fine without us from now on. Cullen agreed to the latest plans. You're free to prepare for the journey, if you like.” “First, I will inform the Enchanters of my absence. They will know what to do as well.” “Good news!”, she sighed. “I can't get enough of it!” They said goodbye a lot cheerier this time.
In the evening, Solas met Blackwall on his way back into the village and used the opportunity to chat about their upcoming mission. “Where's the honour in that?”, the Warden flared up. “Taking those soldiers hostage, just to play a game with us? It's the right thing to teach them a lesson!” “I agree. The Avvar do not seem to aim at a peaceful meeting.” “Clear as day they don't. We better stay prepared for an ambush.” “It will be another one of those days, I am afraid.” Blackwall pressed out a laugh. “Yeah, we attract problems where we stand, don't we? But, like that, we're always there when a problem needs solving.” “That is true. If the Avvar wish to meet the Herald of Andraste, they shall do so. I am willing to bet against Varric that they will regret their wish soon.” “Huh. I guess Varric would be with you on this one. He's more into the crazy bets, the kind that's impossible to win. Like, saying the Avvar will ride on three-headed dragons with butterfly wings that spit Fereldan whiskey. Such bets.” Solas chuckled. “I do not believe the Avvar have dragons as pets.” “Then there's no bet.” They both chuckled quietly.
“Speaking of games. Fancy a round of Diamondback?” “You dare to challenge me again?”, Solas teased him. “The last games were only warm-ups. I figured out your tactics now. This time, I'll destroy you.” “Now, here's a bet for Varric.” “Oh, shush. You'll see.” Chatting along, they went to the stables.
When Dorian saw Ellana in the great hall, he approached her. To his surprise, she spoke first, eyes full of sorrow. “Dorian, I'm so sorry for what happened in the camp.” “You are sorry? My dear, you are a treasure. There's nothing you need to apologize for. It's me who disappeared.” She came closer, so she could whisper to him: “I know why you left. Enchanter Daegal told me what he did. You can be sure I gave him a mouthful.” “Oh...” Dorian blinked, confused by her support. “I...I don't know what to say. Thank you. I'll bestir myself to be in a better mood next time.” Her worried eyes were still on him. “But is it the Breach? Did you talk to Solas?” “Trust me, the Breach doesn't influence me this badly. I sense it, just like you certainly do and every other mage, but I made my peace with it.” “You know, nobody would judge you if you asked for help. You wouldn't be the only one. There's so much fear and despair in this place. And death. I don't think I would stay here if I wasn't the only one who can seal the Breach.” “Ah, yes. Terror, despair, rage...” Dorian threw his arms up. “– a sense of betrayal, no? Feels just like home.” Ellana smiled weakly. Dorian knew she didn't have to.
“So, if you feel better now, I wonder if you'd mind going on a rescue mission with me.” “A rescue mission?” Dorian appreciated the change of topic. “Sounds just like the kind of heroic act people would expect from me.” “Cullen got the message from one of his scouts today. A troop has gone missing in the Fallow Mire. They've been kidnapped by a tribe of Avvar and they demand to meet me in person or they won't release them. It's odd, I know.” “It's obviously a trap.” “I also doubt they just want to talk. So, you're coming?” “To a 'Fallow Mire'?” He tapped his chin. “How to dress for that occasion?” “Probably not in your finest attire...Oh, I see. I'm sure Blackwall can borrow you something if you ask nicely.” “Then again, I rather look pretty when I die. I'm good, thanks.” She chuckled. “If you change your mind, just tell him. He'll be with us.” Her expression stiffened. “Him and Varric and Solas.” He knew she watched his reaction. “Ah, three mages then? Unguarded? Are Fereldans ready for that sight?” It seemed to be the answer she had hoped for. Beaming, she said: “A Tevinter and two apostate elves? I don't think they ever will.”
They laughed and Dorian was glad he kept his thoughts to himself. He knew he'd have to travel with Solas one day or another and complaining wouldn't help. Of course, he'd feel a lot better if the elf wouldn't come along. But there was that tiny bit of hope that he'd come around. For the mission.
“We'll depart tomorrow morning”, she interrupted his thoughts. “Morning? A terrible word.” “We'll arrive in the evening when all goes well. There's a safe route the soldiers already cleared off bandits and wolves.” “Excellent! We just breeze in and save the day. It's always a pleasure travelling with you, Herald of Andraste.” While she laughed, he had another thought. “By the way, have you seen the tavern from inside yet? I can't remember I ever saw you there.” She tensed.“Ah...actually...no, I haven't. I'm always busy and the sisters bring me food to my house, so...” “Then let me invite you for a drink, as a compensation. You deserve to take an evening off after all the work you've done.” “Well, I...” Dorian tilted his head. She deflated. “Alright. Just let me talk to Threnn first and I'll be right back.” “Don't let me wait too long”, he curred. “You? I could never.”
She held her promise and followed him nervously into the Tavern, where they met Varric, Sera and Bull. While they played games and drank this awful Feraldan mead, Ellana loosened up more and more. Later, Bull began to sing along with the minstrel Maryden, who took pleasure in the spontaneous duet and made them took turns in singing the stanzas. Eventually, more voices joined and created an almost in synch tavern choir, even if somewhat atonal. Surrounded by the ruckus, with Sera dancing on the table, spilling mead and Varric counting his winnings, Dorian and Ellana raised one last glass to each other.
The next day, they all gathered at the gates, where their horses and entourage were ready. Well, not all of them. The Tevinter was still missing. “Where's our princess?”, Blackwall roared. “Should I go and kiss him awake?” “Careful Hero, you only scare him unconscious”, Varric quipped. “He shouldn't be so picky, he already fought demons.” “But he didn't kiss any of them.” “Hey, there's no need for that. I'm sure he'll show up soon”, Ellana interrupted them. Solas noticed that her sympathy for him hadn't changed.
Indeed, Dorian appeared at the gates a few minutes later. “There he is!”, Varric noticed him first. “And not a second too late. People already started to queue up for kissing you.” Dorian got the hint. “Warden Blackwall, I had no idea. I hope you brushed your teeth for this?” Dorian stopped by the Warden's horse, looking up to the man. “Because you think a barbarian like me wouldn't do that anyway?” “My, my influence is showing. What will come next, you brush your hair too?” “Guys, how about you spare your fighting energy for the Avvar?,” Ellana reminded them.
Their bickering made her nervous. Her clan mates could be mean too, but she knew when they were joking. And most real disputes would be solved collectively by the clan. Her clan members knew each other, they families had known each other for generations, they could tell each other's history and were bound not only by blood, but also by fate. Even the other clans at the Arlathvhen were well-known families. Their history was part of every clan's memories and their mutual fate brought them closer. There was always a sense of respect between Dalish elves, whether they spoke to an adult or a child. They honoured each other's families and clan mates.
She wasn't used to be with people she simply didn't know. Who have never been part of her childhood. Who didn't play hide and seek with her in the woods, or shot arrows with her at self-made targets, never bathed with her in a river, testing who could hold their breath the longest. Who's father she never met and who's mother's songs she never heard. Who she never came of age with and shared the responsibilities that came with it. Even after all this time, her knowledge about her companions was vague at best. Varric, Blackwall and Solas especially didn't even seem to have a past, or families they found important to talk about. So she had avoided the topic after a few attempts. Of course she respected them. But did they respect each other? She couldn't tell.
She wondered why Dorian would be bothered by a Grey Warden so much. The only shemlen even Dalish elves honoured. Was it really about hygiene? She considered to ask him when he would be covered in mud from the Fallow Mire. Gladly, her reputation as “Herald of Andraste” gave her words more weight. She could almost feel like a Keeper's First again. Then her heart sunk at the thought. She missed her Keeper.
Blackwall apologized to her, then the party began to move in a somewhat awkward pause. “Strange. Nobody came to say goodbye”, Dorian realized, looking behind his shoulder. Ellana answered with a trace of guilt: “I asked Cassandra to keep our departure private this time. I...I just don't need that stampede every time I go somewhere.” “Ah, but the fanfares, the singing maidens, the flowers and flowery words? I was looking forward to them.” “The flowers would be frozen now anyway and it would hurt to get them thrown at us”, she deadpanned. “Nothing we need to witness.” “The joys of the Frostback Mountains, I assume.” “By the way...I'm sorry I ask this now, but...what are Avvar exactly?” Ellana threw into the group. Dorian began to entertain her with the works of Genitivi he read, being the most educated about this matter. Varric stayed with them, probably to hear who their enemies were. Solas rode alongside Blackwall and they whispered words only they could hear. Like that, Haven soon vanished behind the horizon.
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the-sky-queen · 9 months
@totaleclipse573 So I've been thinking about Evelyn and Blake and wondering how they met.
Because like, it is honestly a miracle that they managed to meet and actually stick together. Blake was raised as the CHOSEN ONE. He is destined to burn the world down. He's supposed to be perfect and unfailing. He's supposed to carry out his purpose by himself. Asking for help is a foreign concept to him. Anything he can't do by himself must mean there's something wrong with HIM.
So how did Blake ever decide "I'm gonna stick with Evelyn," and not run off at the first chance he got?
I think it must've been an injury. Maybe right after a battle with Sonic, Blake broke his ankle. He was forced to hide somewhere to recover and who should happen upon him but Evelyn. So she helped patch him up and get him back on his feet, even though Blake kept yelling that he was fine and didn't need any help. But Evelyn wouldn't leave. She stayed with him while he healed and eventually Blake found himself not WANTING her to leave. And he realized . . .
Evelyn was becoming his first friend.
So even once he was healed, Blake didn't try to leave. He stayed with Evelyn. He couldn't go back to being so lonely. He wasn't allowed to have friends growing up and against his better judgement . . . it turned out that having even just one was really, really nice.
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chaoticpinetree · 2 years
So I had a flight today, it was an hour late which was annoying because you know, well, over an hour more at the airport, but I listened to. So many TMA episodes before, during and after the flight. Except the start because I slept through that, like half an hour, then woke up in the air. And I had a brief moment of looking out of the window and gasping like wow... I can see the constellations... And then they turned the lights back on in the plane :C
Anyway so TMA!
So let me start by saying that the fact that Jon tried cutting his own finger off is absolutely deranged, so is the fact that he goes oh well Boneturner would be useful I guess and Melanie goes hah funny thing about that— And then it turns out that Helen is just hanging out around still. I still think that Jon is taking the whole 'being Helen except not' thing too personally.
"If I'm an it, Archivist, what does that make you?" exactly
So! Jon got Daisy out! And if Elias is to be believed (obviously he's a lying bastard who can't be trusted but you know, I guess sometimes he tells the truth) he's the first person ever to do so, which is... Quite impressive. What's slightly terrifying though is that The Buried is just absolutely filled with these tormented people who can just... Never die. Just... Jesus. Literally hell?
But Jon and Daisy are out! And Martin was the one who left the tapes! I wonder if they actually helped. They must've done something. But Jon's rib couldn't've been meaningless either, I think.
Well anyway they're out so that's good, Daisy is now traumatised which is slightly less good, but at least she doesn't want to kill Jon anymore and so Jon has someone around who doesn't want him dead, so that's something!
And Peter Lukas is being shady (or, hehe, foggy) and manipulating Martin while Martin knows... I wonder how that'll go. I mean probably pretty badly, the comics from the Lonely angst were some of the ones that convinced me to listen to TMA lmao
ALSO the fact that Daisy figured well, Basira is trapped here anyway, so she broke into Peter's office, stole an employment contract and signed one for herself queen
But yeah. Anyway and also this exchange?
Daisy: You need to stop moping. Jon: I what? Daisy: You need to stop swanning around, being all sad. Jon: I, I’m not swanning around Daisy: "Boo hoo I am so alone and a monster” Jon: I am alone. Martin is— Daisy: Busy doing paperwork. Not like he’s dead. Besides, he’s not the only other person here, you know. There’s me, Melanie, Basira— Jon: Traumatised, traumatised, and paranoid because of me.
10/10 brilliant lmao. There's so much here. The fact that Daisy can pinpoint Jon's issues and make fun of them in such a perfect and accurate way. The fact that Jon only focused on the fact that Martin is gone (well also Tim and Sasha) and Daisy's like dude we're still here. Well obviously a lot can be unpacked, one would argue that two traumatised people who also both tried to kill Jon in the past + one paranoid person who does not trust Jon at all, maaaaybe aren't the best company. But hey.
Anyway also this exchange between Elias and Martin: Martin: You love manipulating people. Elias: That makes two of us. Like bitch what? Martin? I mean sure he's got an inner bastard but come on, Elias. Come on. We all know you're a bigger one.
And I also listened to 141 which is pretty neat because Jon forces a statement out of someone and I'm just like *sees a monstrous trait out in the daylight* *screams from excitement* and I think the short argument between Jon and Basira after that was... Interesting.
Basira comes off as a hypocrite this season, because like, she wants Jon to be more cold and ruthless like Gertrude was, but whenever he displays any trait that could count as such, whenever he shows his inhuman side more, she's unhappy about that. Meanwhile Jon is indeed, as Daisy said, moping, and the thing is that he can't be like Gertrude. Because he does not see people as tools to be used and discarded, sacrificed to stop any apocalypse. He specifically said multiple times that he does not want to lose anyone else. That he went to the Buried himself because he didn't want to risk anybody else's life and he figured if he fails, worst case scenario is the world simply loses another monster. Which, like, damn, dark much, but well it kind of shows that Jon, if he was ever to become like Gertrude, would need a lot of character development—or, well, character corruption I guess—and I don't think that's going to happen because he's just so far from that kind of person that it wouldn't be feasible, especially since we've only got 1,5 season left now.
Well anyway so I don't get Basira because she's like 'yea ruthlessness to save the world' but when Jon forces a statement out of a random guy she's like 'oh :/ but he's gonna have nightmares until the end of his life now :/' like well yes but he's unharmed and alive?
EXCEPT I also agree with Basira on the detail that she thought Jon should care about this. Because he should. Except part of me is also not surprised that after not being trusted, after Basira wanting to use him, after she told him to be more like Gertrude and to be stronger because well she needs him to be, why should he be blamed for finally listening? But well.
Well it's all a very messy situation honestly and I understand why it's hard for everyone I'm just. Rambling a lot of my observations.
Basira: Have you got a pen? Jon: Uhh – Yeah, i-in the drawer. Basira: *opens the drawer* Ah, John. What’s this? Jon: Hm? Oh. That’s… I, th, uh – that’s my rib. Basira: *short silence* Right. Jon: Yep. Basira: And… the jar of ashes. Jon: Not – not, m,mine – I mean, it belongs to me, I, I, I guess, but it’s not – stationery is in the, uh, other drawer. PLEASE lmao 10/10 too
Anyway the description of the next episode left me SO excited so I'm gonna go listen to that now :3
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A love triangle?
First chapter
Second chapter
Third chapter
Tumblr media
Tw: Fire, jealousy
(Y/n use She/they pronouns btw)
"Hm...hm...Almost finished!"
Ah...I can't wait to show them my present! I worked so hard for this gift! I'm quite excited!!
I just hope they like it...I don't really have a whole lot of money but I made sure to buy the right kind of gifts for them...
They said that they stays in their hotel most of the time...poor them...they must've been so lonely during those days...maybe I can ask if I can bring them breakfast...? Or something...just to get to know them better...
After finishing my last preparations, I got up from my chair and stretched out my arms...I yawned and rubbed my eyes...I looked outside the glass door where I can already see a few customers leaving...
"Its time"
I quickly went outside of the staff room, I saw that everybody already left except for one person in the back.
I instantly froze when I spotted Y/N sitting at the table in front of the counter...Y/N has their elbows rested on the counter and their head resting on her hands...they seem to be sleeping...
I took a deep breath as I walked over to them
Ah...They're probably asleep. I don't blame them, they're probably tired.
You slowly placed the present on the table beside them...you carefully took their hands in yours and rubbed their hands gently trying to wake her up
You gently shook their shoulders and whispered
"Wake up, Y/N..."
As soon as they heard your voice, they snapped awake instantly causing you both to jump slightly...
"H-huh? how long was I asleep?" They slowly turned around to look at you, You noticed there was dark circles under their eyes and their cheeks were pale...even so...they still looks gorgeous as ever
"Not long...only 10 minutes or so" You answered smiling slightly at them
"Oh...um...sorry for sleeping here without your permission..." they mumbled as they looked away from you shyly
"Don't worry about it, you're my friend after all"
"Yeah...I guess you're right"
They picked up the present, looking at it closely
"Do you want me to take you home?"
"No no!...I'll just go home by myself. It's okay..." They replied standing up
"Oh! Thank you for the delicious coffee by the way, it's a shame that you're coffee shop was not that popular..."
They chuckled softly making you blush
"Actually...could i possibly have another cup of coffee first? Just to ease my head before going home"
"*sigh* Finally...I can be alone with you..."
You looked at Sébastien as you skipping though the hallway
"Hahaha...you're acting so childish" He said chuckling lightly as he walked along beside you
"Well excuse me for not being able to help myself..." You pouted
"And why is that?"
"...I miss your presence..." You stated simply and seriously
"...I haven't seen you for over two years now...I don't think its fair that you just disappear like this on me..."
"I know I haven't been there for you that much...but it doesn't mean I don't love you...you know that right?"
You nodded as you stopped in front of the elevator
"I know...thanks Sébastien" you smiled as you reached for his hand pulling him in and pressing the number five button...as soon as the elevator doors shut you wrapped your arm around his waist while leaning against him lovingly
"Thank you for coming over tonight...I know that you probably has some work to do but...you're still sticking with me for all this time...except the last two years ..."
"Of course Y/N, You are very important to me...I wouldn't trade our relationship to anyone..." He said as he wrapped his arms around you, placing his chin on top of your head
"Mmm~ I love you sooo much Séb"
"By the way, who gave you this?" He said pointing at the present you were clutching so tightly in your hand
"Oh! that's just my friend...he gave it to me an hour ago..."
"Right...Jacob isn't it?" His face suddenly looked serious.
"Yeah, but I don't think much about him though..." you shrugged nonchalantly
"Really?" He said with a sarcastic tone
He's usually not like this...does he feel that upset?
"C-c'mon...I really don't think about him much then a friend, besides...I have you! Don't forget that~"
He giggled lightly at your reply, he loved seeing you being playful like this
The elevator opened at the fifth floor as you let go of Sébastien...he walked over to you as you continued talking to him
"...um...I'm sorry if I upset you...anyway what did you wanna do for today?"
"Hmm..." He crossed his arms while thinking, then he smirked
"You'll see soon enough~" he chuckled as he ruffled your hair playfully
"Pffft...sure..." Your face lit up once again, you sure miss this feeling around him
You walked towards your room...524...and unlocked the door
When you pushed it opened you noticed that the bed sheets are neatly folded and a note lying on it
"Happy valentines day♡"
You smiled a bit at the sight of the handwriting and smiled even brighter when you read the note
"Surprise! I know this isn't much but...you deserve it!"
"Aw...you didn't have to do any of this. Oh...and thanks for paying for my bills too..."
"It's nothing...you know I'm rich! That shouldn't make a difference for me. And remember, I told you I love you."
You blushed as you looked away from him
He smiled softly at you as he sat down on the edge of your bed and pulled you into his embrace
"Hm..." Sébastien looks at your sleeping form, his fingers softly caressing your skin as he smiled at you...
He couldn't help himself but smile at you every time he sees you like this, so peaceful and cute. He can't believe how lucky he is to have met you and fell deeply in love with you...you always know just what to say to calm his nerves or ease his stress...
But just as he looks at the present Jacob gave you he felt a wave of emotions washing over him...
how long has it been since he last talked to his...best friend? he's not sure if he can call him that...maybe an old partner will suit him better...
They used to work for each other and made a lot of money...
it's a shame that Jacob wasn't loyal to him back then...if he did join him back then, maybe they could work together...but instead they decided to fight each other over everything and anything...
But then again, that doesn't matter. What matters now is that he found someone new...a beautiful person that makes him happier than anyone else...
"I love you, Y/N..."
He kissed your forehead softly before standing up and walks towards Jacob's present
He held the present in his hands with an empty expression
He then smiles as he opens it with a pair of scissors . The moment he unwrapped the paper he immediately started laughing...the contents inside of the box is nothing but a black sweater which was clearly handmade...
he chuckled silently at the small gift...he didn't expect his friend to give her such a wonderful gift...
He took out a lighter from his pocket and turned the lighter on, the flame flickered for a second before he...well I don't need to describe it to you...you probably know what happens
But don't worry! He'll replace it with a better one when you wake up :)
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mylawcitrus · 6 months
On a recent Tumblr experience:
I went live. I had a lonely heart and shit to say. So I just went there and ranted, told the story of my exes, started to talk about technology, about stuff people did, stuff that happened. I can't remember how or what exactly I disclosed things, but I do remember that I was more or less trying to look good, and I still had long hair. And the first person who said hi to me was someone whose username I couldn't really read.
I endedd the call, and went to see who that was. I was just starting a job in a new company. And so I learned that she was from Turkey. I said hello, and she answered in English. She started it. "How you doing" and a wink. I was like... not a Friends reference where I'm the one getting hit on. After my ex sang Wicked Game on a videocall. Not that. And so I learned that she didn't actually speak English, and used translator. But that was after I asked to see her. I must've been really pushy, but I think I was just making like, a blunt suggestion: "did you wanna keep talking? I have a link". And she went to my Whereby.
There, I remember her saying "you show? For me? Wow". And she liked it. So much I asked her to show and she did, kind of like someone who's never done it before, except that she was not a freaking teenager, she was quite near my age I think, or somewhere in the late 20s. She even had a Master's degree, I learned.
Then we smoked a cigarette together. And we tried to talk. And I learned a sentence: "I like you", in Turkish. That's how I wanted to end the call. And so I did, I she messaged me every day. Including like, while I was supposed to be working. So it got a little problematic.
But then, she quickly started to do lives herself. And it was all her friends. She had many, oh my. A lot of Turkish Tumblr users, that surprised me. So the room was packed, and I had no idea what they were talking about. And I know it was a local thing, because the chat was all in Turkish. And then the people, sometimes 4 at a time, who broadcasted, were also Turkish. I didn't dare to ask. Maybe she wanted me to.
And now that I remember, she saw me play the guitar. And I can't remember what I played, maybe some Tim Reynolds, but she stayed and enjoyed it. On Tumblr Live, you could see who joined in the order that they joined, but you couldn't see who had left. I assumed she stayed the whole time, and I was like... "really? Someone would do that?" And I even had the idea of blogging about Tumblr Live, but nobody else did, and the commpetition was Twitch.
So the idea died, and my relationship with this girl, Mehtap, also kinda did, even though she's friends with me on Facebook. We can't speak without translation. I sent her a message last time translating from English to Turkish, copy pasted it, and sent it over Messenger. It shows "sent" and not delivered. I'm not sure what that even means.
But I got included on a Tumblr list of one of the funniest people I saw on live, @wh0-is-sh3, and it's a thing that I was hoping would work but I'm absolutely not familiar with Discord and I'm still stuck at Skype contacts and messages that haven't gotten a response, and I don't understand Snapchat except that people scam others too easily, and this is it.
My biggest interest when I came to Tumblr was posting poetry, some of which I've deleted because I found it to be too painful. But that's how I met @smakkabagms and, later, @heartofmuse. Then I had the privilege to be followed by the @bottlecap-press, who posts very innovative poetry and helps new authors get visibility.
If you're looking for the everyday thoughts I used to post, not in poetry form, I'll ask you to follow my on https://www.threads.net/@ivoescobar89 -- I'm on there most frequently.
Thanks, and if you have a similar meetup story, let me know in the comments and DMs.
If you have time, check out my Linktree on the bio.
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