#and i love my silly little trainwrecks šŸ„°
i genuinely love the first episode of community so fucking much because it's everything that could've been but was not yk?? like you can tell what it was supposed to be,,, you can tell the relationships that were supposed to be central to the whole thingy,,,like Britta was smart but just passive (in a weird way,,, i still think they did her character dirty by dumbing her down like season 1 Britta and the ones after that are so different and you can't change my mind about it and it's not even about negative or positive growth) and Troy and Pierce were supposed to be the comedic beloved-ish duo rather than Abed and Troy,,, and they were not doing the weird Annie and Jeff thingy at that point (jeffannie makes no sense and I can't believe it's actually canon-ish because while there is a big age gap , the way their dynamic is shaped also feels very age centric wherein Annie constantly feels infantilised and Jeff has all the power) and the way dean pelton is a distant figure who's scatterbrained but trying to make best of the situation but still somehow making blunders (which is precisely why he's such a big part of community tbf because while he might not be a student, he's as much of a part of the community of people trying to function as people) (also will never not love his speech) and the way Abed and movies were always supposed to go together and to some extent the way Jeff and to a lesser extent Britta were supposed to be his entry into the group understanding him and the way he and his brain functions and embracing him and how Pierce was supposed to be just too out of touch of the present (because he'd grown up in a different time nad age and was unable to embrace the change that followed) and the way Shirley was supposed to be limited in a way to her character as a mother with anger issues and be very restrained with the group in a manner of speaking (i don't think I'm explaining it well but eh)
but then it formed, it breathed life into itself in the form that it took a life of its own, as if it doesn't really matter what it was supposed to be rather what it ended up being,,, and I understand that this is the way that shows work and the way plotlines and story arcs bring characters to different point in their lives but it feels different here (for me at least because this is the first time I've been able to look at a show in the way it was supposed to be and the way it ended up being and still love it so completely)
also it's very weird not hearing the community theme song in the first episode and just hearing bg music and I can't-
(also also I understand that there are things that it could have handled better but as a show I will never not love community and rave about it and love it with all my heart)
regardless I will always love this episode so much because If nothing else,, it is what started everything else :))
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kexing Ā· 2 years
Triage eps 4-5 notes:
Everything with Professor Sakda and his evil gopher minion makes my blood boil. You are doctors it is your sworn duty to take care of people, your patients rely on you and put their lives in your hands, they are completely at your mercy and to take advantage of that in such a way is horrifying.
Little evil gopher is also really bad at killing a comatose guy. Oh wow, I just cannot believe that Varit had his life saved with MEDICINE given to him by a DOCTOR in this HOSPITAL whose job it is to KEEP HIM ALIVE. Who could have possibly seen this outcome coming.
Canā€™t believe Tinā€™s finding time to investigate a medical conspiracy on top of everything else.
Art is a bit silly and intense but no one can say that he isnā€™t a solid dude. Heā€™s halfway to buzzed and he gets a random phone call from the doctor he only met yesterday, and when he gets asked to make sure Tol doesnā€™t get drunk heā€™s just like ā€œIā€™m on it!ā€ and preforms remarkably well.
Oh nooooooo, Tinā€™s so much more sad and affected by Tolā€™s death now on top of feeling responsible for Art being involved. Jinta believes in you, Tin! You WILL get it right!
All of Tinā€™s friends are so concerned about him not taking care of himself and trying to get him to sleep without knowing heā€™s doing an endurance challenge assigned to him by the universe.
Some people get nauseous or start seeing spiders when sleep deprived, Tin falls out of the timeline and sees the spirit of his dead not-boyfriend.
Ascended!Tol: Please take care of my heart
Tin, falling in love: Wow, that's so romantic to say šŸ„°
Ascended!Tol: No, Doctor there is literally something medically wrong with my heart and we really should check on that next loop
Tinā€™s timeloop schedule is so fully booked up itā€™s tiringĀ meĀ out. Would love it if he could take a cycle just to nap and play with Zebra.
Gah, Tin and Varit's scene made me tear up, just taking the moment to sit together and talk so gently to calm Varit down and listening and being there for him. I love Tin so much šŸ’œ (but oh boy not Tin going "I can fix him" about Tol's delinquent behavior šŸ¤£)
This loopā€™s Tol is just getting fully hit with very capable and pretty doctor swooping in out of nowhere to save his and his friends lives in the most caring and reassuring way, and he isĀ veryĀ visibly affected by it.
Every episode it gets funnier just howĀ badlyĀ Sing is handling his feelings for Gap. Gap at least is only outwardly denying it and seems to have largely accepted his unfortunate crush. Sing on the other handĀ both cannot talk to him normally nor can he tolerate Gap talking with anyone else. Toi could barely stay in the room with such a trainwreck.
Okay but what about Seunam? This shopping date is very cute but you canā€™t just show the little kitty getting brutalized in the previous loop and then ignore it in this one without giving me a reason it didnā€™t happen again!
Evil Gopher back at it again with making me hate his guts extorting and blackmailing Mai with her motherā€™s treatment. And yeesh, Maiā€™s dealing withĀ a lot.
Hey, itā€™s the magic love clock tower! Was wondering when this beauty would show up.
yeah šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ this show has some Real dark turns and unfortunately we canā€™t say things like that donā€™t happen in real life because they do šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
right? WILD lmao
art is a good friend!!!!
oh love, get ready for tolā€™s death affecting tin because it happens a lot šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but yeah, jinta believes in him and so do we!!!
TIN HAS THE BEST OF FRIENDS!!! and maybe thatā€™s where his superpowers come from aldkskkdsk
ohhhhh keep that scene of tol appearing to tin in ep 4 on your mind!!! *wink wink*
LMAOOOO yeah, ghost tol was Very serious but tin is already falling aldkskkdskkdks
nobody can convince me that tin didnā€™t hit the fuck it in certain loops and just went hang out with his cat and watch some movies akdjskdk ITā€™S TOO STRESSFUL
tin is such a good guy. he can fix tol, trust me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
tolā€™s not godā€™s strongest soldier as he believes to be. pretty doctors WILL affect him šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
SINGGAP MY BELOVEDS ALDKAKDKSKDK sing is incredibly funny like. bestie tries to hide how whipped he is but WE SEE YOU
lmaooo true but donā€™t worry. the kitten will be okay!!!!
yeah šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ poor mai!!! girl goes through so much!!
THE MAGIC LOVE CLOCK TOWER aldkskdkskdk yes, it is very important and very precious to us ā¤ļøšŸ’™
happy watching!!! šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°
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reinemichele Ā· 3 months
Well, I've been wanting to make a post about what I like about show!daniel, but I want to write most of it on a day where I'm not in as much pain and I can articulate myself better, but for now:
Daniel is a complete dickhead. He's a bitter, mean old man. He makes a point of putting his flaws on display so that other people can't hurt him with jabs about his failed marriages and children who resent him. He goes out of his way to avoid using any tact, using his journalism as an excuse even when that's the reason his interpersonal relationships all collapse, to the degree that it's like he has no self-preservation in front of 2 bloodthirsty monsters. He's a total asshole. He has plenty of regrets, he's scared of his own mortality, he's in pain, and he's making it everyone else's problem.
... And I love that! šŸ„°
Maybe it's the cat person in me, but I really enjoy fictional characters who are deliberately written to be unlikable. I find it really refreshing and, in a way, cathartic, because I'm also a complete dickhead. In a world where the vast majority of characters are these silly little caricatures of humanity that have carefully selected flaws that can be excused away, that don't have bad intentions and all their conflicts revolve around a comical misunderstanding... I enjoy it a lot whenever characters are just allowed to reflect the selfishness and pettiness of human nature.
I feel like that kind of realism is doubly satisfying when this is a character in his 70's; kinda like what eric said about the idea younger people have about old men being wholesome, older people in fiction don't usually get to be cranky and shitty. They're kinda pigeonholed into being grandmas knitting, cooking, slipping their grandkids money, or grandpas helping build something or paint or give the right advice, etc. And that's ridiculous, right, because we all know that old people aren't all cookie-cutter shaped and can be horrendous trainwrecks. There's a lot of shit daniel does that reminds me of my own asshole grandparents, or the patients my mom gets for hospice that come with a warning. (These are her favorite patients, so that's probably part of why I gravitate towards asshole characters too.) These defense mechanisms exist to protect yourself from being hurt and maintain the fantasy of being in control, when people inevitably decide to withhold compassion/kindness/human dignity from you.
So, like I said, it's refreshing and inch resting to me; I like that he says something mean in a deadpan voice and 2 handsome young-looking vampires start giggling and twirling their hair, I like that he gets to have a sort of "coming out of the closet" realization after a lifetime of failed connections and loneliness, I like that he gets to become a sexc gilf vampire, I hope to god he gets some good dicking down in-universe/on-screen, and I'm happy that eric got his wish of playing a vampire. I had no idea that I wanted this, but apparently this is the kinda gay rep that I, personally, wanted!!! It's exciting, it's fun, I'm having a great time
... Well, this got way longer than I was intending to write today... but I didn't really want to Just say that I enjoy that he's an asshole; I wanted to elaborate on why instead of it sounding like a juvenile jokey post
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Britta making out with Paige because both thought the other was a lesbian is the kind of 'straight' allyship we need,,, and then Annie moving in to kiss Britta?? so straight,,, so canon,,, so iconic :))
and troy leaving his date that he technically went on with Abed and the woman,,, the moment that they (the date and him) get time alone together ?? makes perfect sense,,, talking only about Abed and how abed's interests are valid?? understandable ,,, leaving her the minute she admits to being unable to understand Abed's appeal and charm?? usual best friend activities,,, ofc
at the end of the day I'd just like to say that community is a straight show with only straight couples :)) (with a straight face i swear :))
also i know it's unrelated but i love the Jeff Abed dynamic so much and no we're not gonna talk about the slap (i have too many feels and that's a rant for another day)
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