#and i met the girl who trained me and she's sooo cool in person and the team leader is so strange but i'd die for that dude
slowestpitstop · 8 months
i had fun and i looked hot and miraculously didn't end up hangover but also everyone kept asking me if i'm enjoying myself bc i apparently looked like i was ready to bolt back to my room any second which is not a good look i suppose
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megumis-lashes · 4 years
Hi can I request Megumi with a very touchy crush
Megumi with a touchy crush HCs!
Fushiguro Megumi x Reader ^^
An: Hello! Sorry for the late response but I hope you can enjoy this anyways! Since it’s not specified I made this headcannons since that was easier! If you want anything different in future requests please specify at least: format, POV and gender! If you don’t I’ll just do whatever ^^
Contains: Touchy reader/physical contact, Megumi x reader, written with a female reader in mind but generally left as gn!, angst if you squint lol, possibly mistakes as my genius self is writing this at like 12am, just fluffff :) oh and you’re shorter than Megumi lol. (Oh and sorry if Megumi is a tad OOC in the drabble cuz his reactions can be tricky to write for 😅)
Word Count: 1.7k (I got carried away once again lol)
Soooo.... Megumi with a touchy crush? Sign me up!
Now we all know that Megumi is rather reserved and pretty straight forward so I think at first his reaction to your touchiness may be a bit awkward
Not awkward in the sense that he’s uncomfortable being around you but more as in he’s a bit.... shy
He’s not adjusted to receiving a lot of physical contacts so initially, he wasn't quite sure how to react 
His overall awkwardness really depends on how long he’s known you 
If he just met you during high school he would probably be a bit shocked at how comfortable you were with casual physical affection
While you would think nothing of it and treated practically everyone you knew (and were comfortable with) like this, Megumi would still be surprised 
While Yuuji and Nobara would adjust to your touchiness quite quickly, Megumi would probably stay blushy about it for a month or so until he wouldn't think much about it anymore 
it’d be a bit different if he knew you for a while or even knew you as childhood friends
Typically being touchy doesn't become a habit overnight sooo he’d be a lot more used to it and barely think about it 
I don’t see him as one to openly accept or adjust to physical affection without being a bit shy 
He’d probably tease you or question you about it from time to time and be one to begrudgingly accept affection 
Totally be one to act really annoyed by your touchiness but in reality, he treasures the soft moments away from danger 
All of this would change when he realizes he has a crush on you though :0
Cue blushy, awkward Megumi and oblivious you featuring another oblivious idiot, Yuuji, and an all-knowing Nobara 
Megumi isn’t one to develop crushes immediately or overnight since he must value that person’s personality most of all 
He thought of you as purely platonically within these first few months of knowing you untilllll his brain just clicked 
He was like.... ‘Oh shoot... I have a crush....”
Having a crush is refreshing for Megumi but also quite distracting with how touchy you are
Instead of just ignoring the affection or casually playing it off, Megumi forgets how to react 
Now he knows that deep down he really likes receiving affection from you cuz he realized how he likes you more than just a companion or classmate  
Cue Megumi being 10 times more awkward than usual 
Normally if you were to walk up to him and throw your arm over his shoulder playfully or something like that he’d either ignore it, pretend it's not happening or just playfully shove your arm off his shoulder 
Now he just freezes and is like ‘oh what to do’
Would be that person who googles ‘how to act normally around your crush’ but at the same time think its stupid and stop reading the article like five minutes in lol
He’d probably have one of two reactions: 
Cease to function and just stand awkwardly still or
Awkwardly pull away 
Now as much as Megumi pretends to hate your touchiness, you do know that he’s okay with you playing around so this reaction is pretty unusual
You probably are a little confused as to why he’s acting like this 
Like huhh????? I thought we were good?????
Cue Megumi continuing to be awkward for a while 
Everyone became more awkward than usual since that day because the friendly atmosphere was put off due to Megumi being even more closed off than usual
He practically avoids you at this point
Ofc you start to feel bad about it
Like did you do something wrong??? Take it too far?? 
Touchiness has always been in your nature and seeing someone react so sharply to it makes you feel insecure about your habits so you lessen the touchiness within the friend group
and everyone notices
Yuuji misses your playfulness and Megumi is simply overwhelmed and lost within his own thoughts and emotions 
Nobara is the most.... suspicious 
While examining Megumi lately (not in a weird way she swears) she noticed the sudden change in behavior 
That’s when she realized ‘Does the Fushiguro Megumi have a crush????’ 
Ofc her curiosity gets the best of her so she just has to question Megumi 
So she does
After a small mission the team had gone on, she asked Megumi to talk 
‘So promise to answer truthfully.’
‘Yes I promise” 
‘Do you have a crush on Y/N?’
“Huh’ Megumi deadpans. This came out of nowhere 
As much as he wishes to play it cool and dismiss the girl’s thoughts, he physically cannot and instead goes into blushy cannot function mode
Nobara takes notice to this immediately
‘Aha! So I was correct! Take that Yuuji!’
Yes they totally made bets on this 
Once again Megumi is lost 
‘Huh? Bets on what?”
‘Bets on what?”Are you seriously that oblivious? On your crush! It’s so obvious it’s painful!” She sighed dramatically
Now Megumi is even more lost 
Like sure he was confused about where his crush stands but he wasn’t aware that he was obvious????
Nobara goes on to explain how stiffly he reacts to your touches and how his blush doesn’t really go unnoticed 
She also explains how you were moping around lately cuz you thought you made him uncomfortable
Shocked at this new found information he rushed out of their real quick to go... idk possibly confess but be more focused on apologizing 
AN: Here’s a quick scenario in first person of how that would go since I have zero self-control :0 
I was settled on the small bed in my school dorm room. Placed upon a stack of pillows was my laptop, through which played whatever random Netflix show I chose. It didn’t really matter what it was as the media was quickly discarded by my mind and treated as background noise. My mind was swimming with rather..intrusive thoughts. As much as I wanted to relax and shut off my mind for the night I simply couldn’t. My thoughts continued to drift back to a certain ravenette and the issues that had circled around him for a while now. Fushiguro Megumi, a boy I met a few years back when beginning jujutsu. We were friends... or at least I considered us friends and I had taken quite a liking to the boy. Despite his distant and rather closed off personality, I had developed a casual and comfortable bond with the male... or so I thought. All changed when he started acting strangely, almost as if I had hurt him or bothered him a little too much with my habits. Admittedly I was a bit hurt over Megumi’s actions but I was more confused. I had always been touchy, so why the sudden reaction to it? 
As if the world was messing with me, a knock sounding from my dorm room door shook me from my train of thought. 
“Coming!” I quickly pushed the blankets and began walking towards the door. The person behind that door was definitely not who I was expecting. Behind the door stood Megumi Fushiguro, pacing lightly as his hand slightly ruffled his hair.
“Megumi?! Did you need something?” It was strange to see Megumi at my door as it was nearing 9 PM and he was usually one to avoid unnecessary intrusions. 
“Oh hi Y/N. Sorry to bother you so late but I’ve come to apologize..” He explained, carding his hand through his hair nervously.
“Apologize for what exactly?” I questioned.
“For how I’ve been acting lately..” He stated. I shook my head. 
“Ahh about that... I’ve been meaning to ask you something..” I mumbled. “Megumi.. do I uhh.. make you uncomfortable? I mean I know I’m kinda touchy and I’ve noticed that you uh don’t-”
“No no no! That's what I’m here to clear up about... Look it's not what you think! You don’t make me uncomfortable I’ve just been too focused on my own thoughts to realize why you may think that...’ We’re both way too oblivious’ or at least that’s what Nobara says..” He trailed off. I sighed in relief. I was happy, albeit a bit confused but still happy that he didn’t despise me. 
“Ok ok.. I’m glad you don’t hate me at least!” I smiled, throwing my arm around his shoulder as I did in the past. “I do have one question though!”
“Ask away.” He quietly chuckled, finally at ease in my touches. 
“What do you mean ‘we’re both oblivious’? And what does Nobara have to do with this?” I questioned, leaning my head onto the taller male’s shoulder. His eyes widened a bit as he glanced away awkwardly. 
“Well, you see... I don’t really know how to say this but..” 
“Just spit it out already!” I playfully slapped his back. 
“I have a crush on you...” He mumbled looking away. 
“....huh” I deadpanned. “That’s why you were awkward all of a sudden? All because you like me? Wait you like me?!” I shook my head, leaving the casual embrace we had settled into. 
“Yeah... that’s not a bad thing is it?” He questioned, once again rubbing at his neck nervously.
“No no of course not!” I waved dramatically. “I’ll let you know that I like you too! Quite a lot actually!” I chuckled thinking of Nobara’s words. “Now I understand what she was saying about obliviousness... Now that I think about it you were sooo obvious! I'm ashamed that I didn’t notice sooner.” I sighed, coming down from my small laughing fit. 
“ Hey well, I didn’t know how to act! I was trying my best ok....” He mumbled. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his left cheek, chuckling at his blushy reaction. 
“Don’t worry about it! I mean we cleared everything up didn’t we?” I pondered.
“So uhh.. do you wanna be my girlfriend then?” He questioned, looking as flustered as ever. 
“I’d love that!” I smiled. Glancing at my watch my eyes widened. 
“Hey, it's getting late! Why don’t you come watch Netflix with me yeah?!” I pulled the ravenette into my dorm, leaving him little time to respond.  That night we drifted off together surrounded by the noise of old Netflix movies and warmed by the feeling of love. 
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night-rise · 4 years
The truth about Webby and Beakley!
Alright everybody, theory time!
This theory has been on my mind for at least a year now, I’ve worked very hard on it and I finally want to share it with you, the good people. Sooo please be merciful lol
This theory surrounds around our favorite girl and her cool grandmother. Webby and Beakley.
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For the longest time people have asked the following questions:
Where is Webby’s parents?
Who are Webby’s parents?
What happened to them?
Why is Beakley the only one taking care of her?
Although these questions are good and very important I fail to see people asking these equally important questions:
Why is Beakley taking care of Webby at Scrooge’s house?
Why did Beakley keep Webby hidden inside the mansion for literally all her life?
Why is she so well trained and prepared for almost every situation?
Why is she so protected?
This goes far beyond love. And after the newest episode of Ducktales there is not a doubt in my mind anymore...
Webby is being hunted.
Now that part is obvious I know. My theory mostly surrounds around WHO is hunting her. I have two suspects on who they are so far and I want to know your thoughts on them too.
This does contain spoilers which I will give you a heads up on before you scroll to it.
So without further ado, lets get into this:
Who is looking for Webby? Who would be wanting to hunt down the most precious duckling in the world? A girl that has captured all of our hearts?
First being the obvious, her parents.
Webby’s parents could still be alive or at least one of them could be and they are looking for their daughter. They could be bad and or dangerous people and Beakley wants to make sure they stay away from Webby.
But I think we both know it can’t be that simple. (It never is...)
No no no, there’s more to it than that...If it was just her parents why does Beakley keep Webby locked up and train her to prepare her for every situation?
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Precious I KNOW IT but she really is prepared for every situation!
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She went to go basically play the Hunger Games in one episode!
No, NO!
Something big is going on and it’s not just surrounded around Webby’s parents. They’re involved in some way yes but they are not the main concern. Who ever these people are, are a force that can’t be easily stopped
Which brings me to my second suspect...
The reason I’m speaking with you all today..
The people that I believe are hunting Webby... are..
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Did you think I was going to say F.O.W.L?
Nah, I know for sure it’s not them.
Sit back and get comfy cause this is where the fun begins. I’ll TRY to keep it brief
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Mrs. Beakley. A.K.A agent 22. Special agent of SHUSH. Tough as tough can be. The woman is basically Superwoman. She has the skills greater than probably SHUSH and FOWLS best agents combined.
But as tough as she is, is she really capable of taking on SHUSH? SHUSH who trained her. Who knows all of her moves. Who know all of her secrets. The thing is.. I don’t think she is.
Which is why I think it’s SHUSH who she’s hiding from or at the very least someone inside of SHUSH. Beakley for being as skilled as she is, should be capable of defeating anyone who would try to hurt her and Webby. So why aren’t they? Why aren’t they defeated? Why have Beakley and Webby been in hiding for 10 years? Why hasn’t Beakley confronted this force?
Because she doesn’t know who they are...
Or because she does know who they are and they are too high up the SHUSH food chain to do anything about it.
What she knows for sure is it’s somebody in SHUSH and or that SHUSH is involved.
Something happened. Something bad and Webby is in the middle of it. Possibly her parents were involved in it and somebody in SHUSH took them out.
Remember in the episode where Beakley was kidnapped by Black Heron and Webby and Scrooge went to save her? Remember how mad Beakley was at Scrooge for bringing Webby along? Do you remember what she said when they woke up? Something she said sparked this theory for me.
“What is my granddaughter doing here? On a SHUSH assignment of ALL THINGS”
Beakley wasn’t more concerned about Webby being near FOWL but Webby being near SHUSH. Even being on a SHUSH assignment is considered unnerving.
Why would she say a SHUSH assignment instead of a FOWL mission? You’d think they’d be more dangerous and the center of her attention considering one of their top agents was right in front of them. But it wasn’t. It had everything to do with SHUSH.
Beakley is hiding something.
SPOILERS FOR THE LOST HARP OF MERVANA BEYOND THIS POINT. (Scroll to the word “SAFE” for end of spoilers)
In the latest episode of Ducktales at the end Beakley told Webby that there’d be no more lies and then in the distance we hear “She is fibbing, fibbing, fibbing” Beakley is still hiding so much from Webby.
This season is all about FOWL. Who is FOWL connected to? SHUSH. It stands to believe that at the end of this season FOWL will reveal something so shocking about SHUSH and her grandmother to Webby that it will change her world forever. It will be the thing that leads into season 4.
Huey Dewey and Louie stories will be done. The next on the list will be Webby. And FOWL will be the perfect bridge into it..
So only one mystery remains. Why is Beakley working for Scrooge?
Why give up her SHUSH life? Something she devoted her entire life to.
Because she had to.
Because SHUSH wasn’t safe anymore for Beakley or Webby.
So she left.
Someone in SHUSH wants Webby and no one knows who. She can’t go to SHUSH higher ups because they might be in on it or responsible for it. There’s a parasite in SHUSH and no one can be trusted.
No one except....an old freelancer
But again, why Scrooge?
If Webby is in danger then why isn’t Beakley protecting her in some hidden island somewhere or putting her in some kind of impenetrable fortress? Why isn’t she in the safest place in the world?
Well... who says she isn’t? 
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Scrooge McDuck, our favorite uncle/zillionaire
This guy is unstoppable, he lives up to his reputation of being tougher than the toughies, and smarter than the smarties. Even sharper than the sharpies.
And he has the reputation of facing and successfully defeating any threat that comes his way.
Weather it be a battle of businesses
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Or the forces of darkness
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Scrooge always achieves victory. He has the money and skills to be unbeatable.
And the world knows that.
Not even just the world! But aliens on the moon know that too.
He lives up to his reputation. He lives up to it so well that challenging him borders on the lines of insane.
And Beakley knows that.
In fact Beakley uses that.
Ya see, hiding is a good strategy. A wise solution for this kind of problem. However it doesn’t stop people from looking. It just prolongs the inevitable. And you’re miserable all the time because you’re alone and always watching your back. Living with Scrooge gave Webby the chance of having a better life than that. So Beakley took the more aggressive approach.
She’s not hiding from this hunter. The hunter knows exactly where Webby and Beakley are. Beakley probably makes sure everyone knows where they are. Who they are near 24/7. A way of saying “Try it. I dare you, see what happens”
That’s why Beakley is living with Scrooge. Protection. Beakley IS in the safest place in the world. Under the protection of the most powerful man alive. Letting this mysteriousperson know that they can’t get Webby. That they’d lose. The scary part is this person is smart enough to know that and is not dumb enough to try.
Scarier thought is who is so powerful enough that Beakley would go through such extents to keep Webby safe...?
Let me ask you guys something...
Have you EVER seen Webby alone outside the mansion in any of these episodes? Ever once? She almost was in the episode where she met Lena, but that wasn’t very long. She has ALWAYS had someone by her side or out in public areas. Which makes me wonder...
What would happen if Webby ever is alone?
The thought alone scares me.
I don’t know for sure who is after our kick butt angel. But whoever it is they are dangerous beyond comprehension. It could be her parents or it could be SHUSH. It could even be both! Her parents working for SHUSH.
I don’t know but one thing for sure is our baby is in trouble and she needs to be protected.
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Well, it’s a good thing she has a loving family and grandmother to do that for her :,)
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Heyo I’d like to request a cake pls 🍰 Okay so I’m 5’4” (she/her), average body but kinda curvy lmao. I got brown eyes, light brown middle-length hair with bangs. Apparently I’m an INTP but also reaaally down to go out and party whenever possible. Also I’m the crackhead friend, funny, weird/dark humor, loyal, kinda arrogant whoopsie, realistic but I like to dream. I take care of my friends but I also love watching them do crazy shit. Also I’m the kinda friend that is always right about suspicious guys or fake friends. When you come to me for advice I’ll tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to. I’m absolutely stubborn, a perfectionist but sooo damn lazy so these things collide badly. I’m a sarcastic bitch and if you can’t handle some roasting or jokes I’m not the kinda girl for you. I’m a hard forgiver (really ugly trait of mine) and I’m the kinda person that when I forgive, I’ll never forget. I’m usually pretty shy in public or let’s say quiet because strangers don’t interest me. I love the friends that I got but I am open for new aquaintances. When you get to know me I’m absolutely crazy. I will show you my love mostly through actions not words. That’s also why I like to receive actions more than just some “i love you”. Text me, send me a meme that made you think of me, those kinda things. I looove going out and being drunk but most of the time I prefer to be alone or stay at home. Then I mostly watch anime, netflix, draw, play video games, read sth or idk just chill with friends. I mostly fall for the funny/tough guy and don’t need a sensitive boy. Sorry kinda long but well, hope that’s okay ✨
Ok so your my guinea pig for a new layout, hopefully this makes my hc a little more organized. Enjoy!
🍰 for @nozraelart
Romantic Matchup
Kuroo Tetsurou
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How yall met
Ok so you're in a lot of his classes
And yeah he thought you were pretty
But what really drew him to you was the things that would come out of your mouth
Like one day he just walked by your desk and heard you say
“All I'm saying is what if your getting choked all you need to do is say harder daddy and they'll stop”
Mans almost spit out his drink
So one day he was shocked to see you in the gym talking to the coach
Obviously, he was curious so he went over to investigate
Turns out you were going to be the new manager of Nekomas Volleyball Club
You grew quite close to him during practice which then transitioned into becoming closer with him after practice too
He asked you out after like 3 months of you managing the team
What they love about you
He loves your humor
Like yeah the dark jokes catch him off guard sometimes
But he thinks they're still funny
He loves how sarcastic you are
He has never been able to find someone who can take his jokes with a grain of salt
And not only are you able to do that but you're able to throw a jab or two right back at him
He loves that you're what he calls a “realistic dreamer”
Now don't get him wrong he's all about people having dreams or the future
Its when those dreams are very unrealistic when he gets irked
Like if someone said their plan for the future was to win the lottery and just live a happy life
Kuroo would be like 😐
But you don't do that!
Whenever you tell him about your dreams they’re very achievable and he loves that you know what you can achieve and what you can't
What you love about them
You love that he can handle your humor
Some people have heard your jokes and just decided to stay away from you cause it was too dark
Or some people have ditched you because they got sick of your teasing
But not Kuroo!
Once again he loves your sense of humor and he wouldn't change it for the world
You love that Kuroo does things to show you he loves you
From what you said it sounds like your love language is acts of service and/or receiving gifts
So lucky you Kuroo if the perfect boyfriend for that
He does little things like help you with school, help you reach something on a high shelf, he even helps you with some of your managing duties!
He also buys you things
Stuffed animals
You name it he’ll buy it
Favorite things to do together
Oml he's always down for movie nights
He loves nothing more than cuddling with you on the couch and watching movies
He also loves to just sit with you and read
Ok but have you seen him with glasses 👀
And this last one is more of a group activity but he likes to play video games with you and Kenma
Random Hc
He bought you this necklace
He likes to send you memes
They don't even have to be romantic
He just likes sending memes
He helps you get ready for parties
And by that I mean he makes you put on a fashion show and he helps you decide what outfit to wear
He confessed to you with the classic love note
Friendship Matchup
Kenma Kozume
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How yall met
Your Kuroko's gf so naturally you became Kenmas friend
But before he knew you as Kuroo's gf he knew you as the manager of his team
He didn't really care for you at first
Until you showed some interest in video game
Then he got to know you and realized how cool you were
Why you became friends
You saw him playing his switch at a training camp
So you decided to go see what he was playing
He was playing animal crossing and for some reason, he had what looked like Kuroo in a cage???
You: “Hey I have that game back home”
Kenma: oh … that's cool
You: Is that supposed to be Kuroo in the cage
Kenma: Maybe...
You: His hairs a little too neat here try this
He handed you his switch and when you gave it back Kuroo's avatar had the craziest hair the game could offer
Oh yeah that was the start of a glorious friendship
What yall love about each other
He loves that you encourage him but don't push him yk
Like if he's practicing a little harder you'll tell him that he's doing a good job
But you won't say things like oh you should practice like this all the time
He also likes how you tell Kuroo off for taking his games >:)))
You: Kuroo give him back his switch
Kuroo: But y/n he needs to eat
You: He is 16 I think he can take care of his basic needs
You love how low maintenance Kenma is
Like if you ever need a friend to just chill with Kenmas your guy
You also love that he's not the most social person either
So if you two ever go out together at least you'll always have each other to talk to
Random Hc
Now even though Kenma seems shy
When it's just you two mans is a CRACKHEAD
And even if you told someone how he really acts they would never believe you >:(((
Your favorite game to play together is Mario kart
But be aware that this game can get a little...violent
He lets you help him dye his hair
And if you ever want to dye yours too hell help
You guys pick fun of Kuroo CONSTANTLY
Kuroo rn 🥲
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Blushing in His Colours, Chapter 3
TITLE: Blushing in His Colours CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 3 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being a Daddy Dom, his adores and loves his little, worships the ground she walks on. She has vaginismus, but he couldn’t be more supportive with her. RATING: M
When Loki saw Mia the following day, a blush instantly graced her cheeks, making him grin. He went over to her and kissed her cheek in greeting, making the others around them all ‘oooooo.’ He glared at them in return.
‘The date went well last night then?’ Clint asked with a smirk.
They were in the kitchen having breakfast before starting their day.
‘A gentleman never tells.’ Loki said as he held his head high.
Mia went to sort out her breakfast, unable to stop blushing at being the main focus of the conversation within the team.
‘You’re far from a gentleman.’ Stark snorted.
Loki narrowed his eyes at him and folded his arms over his chest. ‘I’d beg to differ.’
Mia had her back to the group as she poured milk into her cereal. But she did speak up. ‘Loki was the perfect gentleman last night. More than rest of you are, that’s for sure.’
Loki grinned and looked rather smug. The team all laughed.
‘Oh no, his mischievousness is already rubbing off on you.’ Tony said as he put his face in his hands, then he looked at Loki. ‘Do NOT corrupt our sweet and innocent Mia!’
When Mia turned around, she met Loki’s gaze and he winked at her with a mischievous smirk. ‘I am making no promises.’
Because Mia’s job was to keep up their social media appearance, it meant she was often right in the action. Taking pictures of the team ‘behind the scenes’ providing it didn’t compromise any mission, as the fans loved to see what the superheroes got up to at times.
So she found herself in the lab with Loki, Tony, Bruce, Fury and Vision. She was typing some stuff up on her laptop in the corner, Loki kept glancing in her direction, unable to stop looking at her.
‘Oi, stop staring at your new girlfriend and concentrate!’ Tony remarked as he tossed a pen at Loki, but with his quick reflexes Loki was able to catch the pen before it hit him, glaring at Tony.
Mia had heard and she couldn’t help the big smile that spread across her face. She tried to concentrate on her work though, even if she could feel the God’s eyes on her often.
Later on, Mia disappeared to get something to eat from the kitchen. When she returned, she had food and drinks for everyone. Including Loki’s favourite flavour of muffins that she had baked a few days ago. When Loki thought about it, she often went out of her way for other people, especially him. She always seemed to get his favourite drink or food and would always beam happily when he thanked her.
The following day Mia was down on the training floor on the benches, watching Thor, Steve, Natasha and Clint training. She was taking a few pictures and posting onto their media. She was thinking about heading off, but Loki entered the hall and she decided to stick around for a bit. Smiling like mad when he waved at her.
He had his full armour on, like Thor, and jumped in to start training. Everyone knew he was deliberately showing off because Mia was watching, even she knew. But she found it flattering, and was always impressed with his skills.
But he was caught unaware.
He had just tricked the rest of them using his illusions and pinned Thor down with a dagger at his throat. When he got up off Thor, he looked over to Mia. He winked at her and grinned, but that’s when he was blindsided by Natasha getting him in a headlock with her ridiculously strong thighs and knocking him down to the ground with a loud thud.
Thor, Clint and Steve all burst out laughing. Mia laughed too and put her hands over her mouth. Loki got up, rather flustered as he flicked his hair back from his face and wiped the dust from his arms. He looked over at Mia sheepishly.
He wandered over towards her as she gathered her things up and stood to meet him.
‘Impressive.’ She smiled up at him.
Loki chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. ‘Aside from the end.’
‘Still impressive. Not many would be able to get up unscathed from being taken down by Natasha.’
‘True. And I was a little distracted by something rather beautiful.’ Loki reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear, then trailed his fingers along her jawline.
‘There’s uhm… the monthly Avengers interview coming up. I was wondering if you fancy doing it?’ She asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.
It was something new she had started doing, Tony was the first one last month. A small five-minute interview that Mia posted. Just to give fans a little personal insight into the team.
‘Of course. Give the fans who they really want.’ Loki smirked.
‘You do have quite the fanbase, actually.’ Mia laughed.
‘I do?’ Loki frowned, but was intrigued.
‘Oh yeah. They call themselves Loki’s army. Quite the army too.’ She grinned.
Loki titled his head, but he did look a little smug. ‘Well, they have good taste… Are you in my army?’ He raised an eyebrow.
Mia smirked, deciding to play a bit. Feeling brave again. ‘I dunno. Maybe I’m team Hulk.’ She shrugged.
Loki’s mouth parted in mock shock. ‘Well, I will need to work harder to get you on my team.’
‘Sooo… Is that a yes for the interview?’
‘Of course. Anything for you.’
Mia had asked Loki to meet her before breakfast the next morning in the living room, to do the interview. It would give her time to come up with some good questions.
But Loki decided he wanted to do the interview somewhere more private. So he went along to her room an hour before he was due to meet her.
He knocked and heard Mia call out to just come in. When he entered though, Mia was surprised to see it was Loki.
‘Loki! Hi.’ She stammered quickly, surprised.
Loki was also surprised, she was in her pyjamas. Light blue, with cute baby penguins on them. But his first thought was how adorable she looked, with her messy hair too.
‘Oh gosh! I was expecting Wanda. Sorry, I uh… Let me just get changed real quick.’ She said in fluster, practically sprinting into her bathroom.
Loki smiled and waited until she was dressed. That’s when his eyes were drawn to what she was watching. He was a little confused when he noticed it was on the cartoon channel. But he didn’t think overly much of it, until he then spotted something peeking out from underneath her pillow. Curious, he went over and had a look, it was a colouring book of Disney characters.
His first thought was, did she have a secret child here? But he shook that off, knowing it was ridiculous. He was slightly confused as to why she would have a colouring book. Then he just thought perhaps it was something she enjoyed doing in her down time.
Loki stepped away from her bed, just as Mia emerged from the bathroom. She was looking embarrassed as she stuffed her pyjamas away in a drawer.
‘Sorry… I uhm, should probably check who’s there first.’ She said sheepishly.
‘Not at all. I should’ve said it was me.’ Loki smiled and walked over to her, he rubbed her arm and then leaned down to kiss her on the lips, making her squeak a little and blush so hard. ‘I was rather hoping we could do the interview somewhere private? The others will be a distraction in the living room.’ He chuckled.
‘Yeah, sure. Where would you prefer?’ Mia asked, still slightly flustered from the innocent kiss.
Loki shrugged. ‘Here, if that suits you? Or we could go to my room if you’d rather?’ He asked.
‘Here is good.’ Mia nodded and went over to her desk, clearing some space.
During the interview, Loki couldn’t help but be besotted with her. It was a good excuse for him to be able to just stare at her without being called out on it from the others. He kept his flirting to a minimum, knowing this was going online.  
Mia managed to keep her cool when she asked him questions, she had set up a camera to film him so it was more personal for the fans. They went nuts over the first one with Tony, so she hoped this one would be an even bigger hit.
Once it was uploaded, Mia showed Loki some of the comments. His fangirls were going crazy over it. Especially when Mia had asked him what he thought about having a fanbase. He’d replied in a charming way, saying he appreciated having so much support.
He read one comment: Heck, Loki can rule over me any day! I would kneel for him without being told to!
‘Quite a few say similar. Your, uh, attempt at ruling Earth is all over Tumblr and YouTube. Many have made fan videos out of them.’ Mia said with a laugh.
‘Really? I thought everyone would have been repulsed by what I did.’
‘Not everyone. I mean, I’d kneel for you.’ Mia said without thinking as she shrugged. Then she realised what it was she had just said. Her eyes widened.
‘Oh, really?’ Loki growled a little, leaning down closer to her as he was stood behind her, while she sat on the chair at her desk.
Mia cleared her throat and tried to ignore the fact she had just openly admitted somewhat a fantasy to Loki and that his breath was hot against her neck.
‘This interview is already a huge hit, more so than Tony’s.’ She said to try and change the subject. But Loki spun her chair around so she had to face him as he put his hands on the arms and trapped her in.
‘No changing the subject, pet.’ He chuckled at her doe in the headlights look.
‘I… wasn’t… really… I just don’t know what to say after that.’ She blurted out nervously, her eyes skittishly moving all over his face, unsure on where to look.
But she was saved by the knock. Wanda had arrived, which Mia was slightly relieved for. Though she had a feeling Loki would try and bring it up again later.
He left the girls to it, heading back to his room.
His mind kept wandering to what he’d found in Mia’s room. Or what he’d seen. He went to his laptop and sat down, after thinking for a moment he went to google to see if he could find some answers.
After some researching, he wasn’t entirely sure how he ended up on a kink site. But there he was, reading all about a Daddy Dom/little dynamic.
Some of the characteristics of a little suited Mia to a T. It really got him wondering if she was in fact a little. He then realised that while thinking of her in this kind of way he was slightly aroused.
He looked through a Daddy Dom’s characteristics and was surprised to find he fit a lot of them. When he thought about it, being in that kind of relationship with Mia was very appealing to him. And he thought how it kind of made sense why one girl actually called him Daddy during sex once… Perhaps he just oozed Daddy Dom appeal, he thought smugly.
But he now had to figure out for certain if Mia was into this kind of thing… or if it was just a coincidence. He could of course just ask her outright, but he didn’t want to scare her off if that wasn’t something she was into. He wasn’t going to lie, now he knew about the subject more and had thought about it, he would be a bit disappointed if she wasn’t…
‘Hmm…’ He tapped his lower lip in thought, deciding how to proceed.
After a lot of mulling it over, he decided that trying to coax it out of her naturally was going to be his best route.
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spaceskam · 4 years
prompt from anon: I know you requested kylex, but I am a slut for your Malex college AUs sooo can I request prompt 1 for Malex??? I feel like Kyle could absolutely be involved 😁 01.  I’m getting progressively more annoyed at the people you bring back to our apartment and it’s not until a friend jokingly asks if I’m jealous that I realize I’ve developed feelings for you college au prompts
The door of the apartment swing open and Alex stumbled in with a parasite clung to his lips and ripping his shirt off.
Michael had to stop mid-bite through his dinner cereal as he watched his roommate and his roommate's face-eater stumbled to his room, the door slamming behind them. Alex's laugh rang out loud enough that he could hear it and it quickly made him lose his appetite.
With a sigh, he pushed himself to his feet and put his bowl in the sink. Michael grabbed Alex's shirt off the floor and folded it, placing it on the table out of the pathetic-ness of his heart. A moan that was distinctly from Alex's body could be heard on the other side of his bedroom door and Michael took that as his cue to sit outside until the succubus left.
In high school, he and Alex had been the best of friends. They were both chronic outcasts and got detention more than a few times together freshman year which was really how they met. Well, that, and they both stood against the Loner Wall during lunch. Turns out, loners could be loners together.
By the time junior year rolled around, they were inseparable. Where one of them was, the other was sure to be close by. It was just how they were. Alex eventually built the courage to come out and Michael had no problem with it which really only made them closer. Once they knew they were going to the same college, the only logical decision was to get an apartment together.
In theory, it was great. In execution...
"I am a horrible, horrible person," Michael groaned, pulling his knees up to his chest as he held the phone to his ear.
"What did you do?" Isobel asked dryly. Michael rested his chin on his knees and let his eyes drift to the concrete floor of the balcony. It was stained with paint from when Alex had drunkenly done an art project completely naked at 3 in the morning to celebrate the end of their first semester of college.
"I didn't do anything," he told her, "I just... Can someone become homophobic over time?"
"When Alex came out, I was fine. Happy for him, even," Michael grumbled, picking at a string on his basketball shorts, "Now every time he brings a guy over, I want to throw up."
"I know, I'm a piece of shit."
The first year of college had been great. He and Alex were closer than ever, they spent every goddamn moment together. Then sophomore year rolled around and Alex started getting more comfortable with his sexuality. Which was fine.
But then nights like these happened.
Before, in high school, when Alex told him about boys, he didn't really care. He remembered being happy for him and excited for him. Now, though, he just wanted to throw up every goddamn time Alex and a new boy stumbled through the door and headed to his bedroom. He didn't know why he hated it so much, but he did. He really, really did.
"Alex went through a lot to get here. You need to be a good friend and support his hoe season," Isobel lectured. Michael sucked in a long breath, tilting his head back in irritation.
"I'm trying," Michael said, "It's just annoying. And you know we don't even study together anymore?"
"You don't have any of the same classes anymore," Isobel pointed out. Michael rolled his eyes.
"So? I feel like... I don't know what I feel like, I'm just tired of him fucking guys and running me out of my apartment," Michael grumbled.
"Oh, come on, Michael, he is not running you out of your apartment."
"You think I wanna listen to him plow some guy for an hour?"
"An hour? Jeez, that–"
"That is not what you were meant to respond to."
Isobel let out a laugh that slowly died out when Michael didn't say anything.
"Honestly, Michael, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were just mad the person he's fucking isn't you."
"What the fuck, Isobel? No. No, that is not what's happening. Why the fuck would you say that? No, I'm not fucking pining for him, he's my friend. End of," Michael told her. She laughed in response.
"Awfully defensive for a guy who definitely is not jealous," she hummed. Michael felt like his face was on fire and his stomach tied in knots.
"Shut up."
Isobel was damn near cackling. "Listen, baby brother, call me back after you've had your epiphany because that closet of yours is made of glass, okay?"
"I am n–"
"I love you, talk to Alex about how you feel and maybe things will click," she said, making a loud kissy noise before she hung up to avoid any more protesting.
Michael found himself letting his blood light on fire for what felt like an eternity, waiting for Alex to get done with his meal. The more he thought about Isobel's words, the more it pissed him off. There was no way he wanted Alex like that. He had never even kind of looked at Alex like that.
Well, there was that dream that one time... Okay, that happened more than once. But that was normal when you spent every day with someone, right? Besides, he never thought about it while he was awake. That summer they went swimming and Michael got so burnt that Alex, while at all states of undress, kept touching him just to leave handprints on his red skin, typically his bare thighs, absolutely did not count.
"Call me?" Alex's pitstop said, stealing Michael out of the train of thought that was only getting worse. Was there a reason he always remembered so much whenever they got drunk and Alex impulsively got naked?
"Um," Alex said, "Sure, maybe. Bye."
Michael slowly slid the door of the balcony more than the crack it already was, pushing himself inside so he could have a talk with Alex.
"Oh, hey, didn't know you were home," Alex said when he came in, flashing that warm smile of his. He was in nothing but his briefs which was normal enough. They'd always been comfortable around each other like that. Now, though, Michael wanted to crawl out of his skin.
"Yeah, how could you? You were a little busy fucking some strange guy," Michael said casually, a little bit more venom than was really warranted. Alex's eyebrows tugged together in confusion.
"I mean, he's not that strange. He's in my stats class," Alex said, eyeing him slightly, "What crawled up your ass?"
"Nothing, sorry," Michael said, looking away as he clenched and unclenched his fists. He focused on what Isobel said about talking to him about it being bothersome. "But, uh, can we talk?"
"What's up?" Alex asked, still staring all skeptically. Michael looked back at him.
"I don't like when you bring guys over all the time. I feel like I'm being kicked out of my own house just so you can get laid by some guy with no standards,” Michael told him. He watched hurt settle into Alex’s pretty features and he wanted to take whatever he said that caused it back, but he wasn’t quite sure he wanted to. He did want Alex to stop being so ridiculous with the people he brought over.
“No standards, huh?” Alex asked.
“Is that all you got from what I said?” Michael scoffed, shaking his head, “Look, I’m just tired of seeing you with guys, Alex.”
“You’ve made out with girls in front of me,” Alex shot back, “Like, if I remember correctly, that was half of high school. Why can’t I have fun?”
“You can, I’m not saying you can, I just don’t want to see or hear it,” Michael said. Alex stared at him for a few seconds too long all the way up until tears started brimming his eyes and he looked away.
“Yeah, okay, I’ll stop,” Alex said, quickly walking towards his room.
Before Michael could even think about what he was doing, he reached out and grabbed Alex’s arm to keep him from going to hide.
“Why are you upset? I’m just asking for you to be considerate that you don’t live alone,” Michael told him. Alex turned to face him, anger etched onto his eyebrows.
“You know what I’m hearing? I’m hearing you say that you’re fine with me being gay as long as you don’t have to see it, the same fucking bullshit homophobes say. I thought you were my friend.”
“I am your friend, doesn’t mean I wanna hear you sleeping with someone else!”
Alex scoffed, “Someone else? What do you mean, someone else? What, you’re cool with hearing me having sex as long as it’s with myself? That’s fucking weird, Guerin.”
“No!” he groaned, pulling his hands to himself and pressing the heels of his hands against his eyes. Again, he was forced to think about the other part of Isobel’s statement. He could hear her voice, hear her mocking him about his stupid fucking Freudian slip. “I-I’m confused.”
Alex stayed for a long moment, giving Michael ample time to explain himself. Except he didn’t fucking know how. He didn't know anything.
"Confused about what?" Alex asked softly. Michael sucked in a deep breath as he thought about it. What was he jealous of?
"Isobel said I sounded jealous," Michael admitted. Again, silence.
"Jealous of what?" he asked. Michael breathed, keeping it as controlled as humanly possible. "Jealous of what, Guerin?"
“I don’t know! She just told me a few minutes ago!” Michael said, his words coming out a sheer whine. He managed to pull his hands away from his eyes just to see Alex staring at him like he was fragile. He wasn’t. Was he? “I don’t know. I just know I hate seeing you with guys and I didn’t used to hate it. I used to be happy for you. Now... I feel sick.”
Alex gulped so hard Michael could see it. Then he looked at Michael, really looked at him, fixing him with a simple look.
“Okay. I think we should both sleep on this new information and then talk about it tomorrow. You need to at least get somewhere on your own that I can work with. I can’t... I can’t, like, force you to know what you’re feeling. You need to find a way to articulate it, okay?” Alex told him. Michael nodded.
Alex took a step forward, giving him a hug goodnight before slipping back into his bedroom. Michael went to his own room, feeling more drained than ever as he crawled into bed.
He laid there for hours, tossing and turning and thinking. By the time morning came, he was exhausted even more, but he knew one thing.
He was absolutely in love with Alex Manes.
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peeves-a-legend · 3 years
Maximum Entropy
Original Fem!Elementalist x Wizarding World 
A.N. ~ Sooo... I made a new account finally!! And I wanted to restart my page with this piece that I had started a while ago. I hadn’t gotten around to finishing it, but I couldn’t let this idea slip through my fingers with the potential that it has (at least in theory lol). As of right now, the main love interest is undecided; I’m just going to let that unfold as a write. 
Summary ~ Beatrice Drayton is a fourth year at Arctosov Academy for Elementalists when a stranger comes searching for an alliance. Despite centuries of turmoil between hands and wands, she finds herself across the world, willing to work with the folk that bare wands. Harry isn’t the only one with a prophecy, and it just so happens that Drayton’s destiny relies on the success of Potter’s. End of HP book 4 and onward.
Warning ~ Language and probable violence (eventually)
Word Count ~ 4k
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Chapter One
There are only a few days left of this term. Only a handful of classes left to study and then I’m free of academic duties for the summer. The bitter Canadian frost had finally submitted to the heat that the lengthened days brought, allowing the vast Boreal to bloom lush with green. Up until now, the school grounds remained in a turbulent state of snow, slush, and mud. Spring was honestly my least favourite time of the year. Maybe if the school was farther South I’d appreciate the season for what it’s worth, but sleet storms and the rapid amplification of mosquito swarms were all too common in the Northwest Territories prior to the sun and shine of the summer months.
I ran through the sun-lit halls of Arctosov Academy in a desperate attempt to get to class on time. It’s moments like this where I’m grateful for the sleek material of the uniform that hugs tight to my limbs and torso. When I was given the purple and black spandex in first year I complained about the tight-fit jumpsuit till I was blue in the face. It’s so itchy. I’ll freeze come wintertime in this cloth. It’s too tight. Blah, blah, blah. Little did I know that I would eventually praise the aerodynamic nature of it when gliding through the crowded corridors.
 The halls of the school were simple, straight passageways that stacked 13 floors high, etched into the side of one of the many mountains that framed the expansive waters of Great Bear Lake. The walls that continued with the face of the mountain were made of tall, clear diamond windows. The bottom of the diamond glass meets a white marble floor while the top of the smooth surface contrasts sharply against the jagged ceiling made of mountain rock. The wall opposite to the lake view was different on all 13 floors. For example, the 9th floor hall (the one that I am currently sprinting down) has a wall made of solid gold. It looks quite gaudy if you ask me. I much prefer the wall made of pure orange flames on the 4th floor. Along each of the distinctive corridors are doors that lead to different rooms that lay in the belly of the mountain. Classrooms, dorms, restrooms, the gym, the dining hall, the kitchen, the library, multiple training rooms, and so on. The only routes that connect each parallel floor to each other are the stairwells that resided at either end of the halls.
 As I dodge through bodies, I can’t help but curse my luck. Not even a time-turner could spare me a few moments of peace between classes that I have back to back and over each other. My brothers and my friends tell me I’m just being dramatic, but it’s not like they would actually know the stress of going through the amount of training that I’m subjected to. To think that I’m only in fourth year!
 I reach the last door on the opposite side of the hall that I entered from and swiftly glide through the misty veil that floats where a door would be placed anywhere else in the world. Arctosov is all about the dramatics when it comes to decor. As soon as the frothy air clears I’m met head on with a group of fifteen or so third, fourth, and fifth year students standing in a large circle. My brother Zaidyn notices me first, taking a step over to make room for me in the ring. I mouth a silent thanks and he offers a small smile in return.
 Our attention is quickly turned to the tall and slender man that paces in the center of the group. At least he had stopped publicly addressing my tardiness every time I showed up to his class a little more than five minutes late.
 ‘…We will be spending a great deal of time in today’s lesson harnessing the energy in the room in combination with the particles that occupy this space,’ thin lips stated as narrowed eyes observed the group of students. ‘We will be conjuring vortex winds; a tornado if you will. But the key is to keep it controlled and clean. If I witness any funnels produced above the hip,’ Professor Turcoff said, addressing a poor third year directly now, ‘consider your Friday evening booked with a detention.’
 ‘Well he seems to be in a stellar mood today, don’t you think?’ Zaidyn huffed quietly enough so that only I could hear.
 ‘Want to work together?’ 
I nodded in response as the circle separated off into smaller groups setting to work. We found a less crowded area off towards the edge of the large circular room. All the training rooms are circular in shape with high steel walls, a steel floor, and a steel ceiling. It’s like being trapped in a tin can and we’re the beans. Cool beans, might I add.
 ‘Now I want you all to focus,’ Turcoff said firmly over the mild chattering that circulated in the room. ‘I don’t just want you to start pushing the molecules around in your vicinity. I want you to feel them. Connect with them. Turn the gases into a fifth limb. Then, and only then, will you have total control.’
 With that, I closed my eyes and opened my palms at my side. This was always my favorite part of conjuring magic. To just feel the vibrations of the atoms that are at my mercy for manipulation. The fluid motion of the air as it swirls around each finger, catching ever so slightly on the craters of my fingerprints. The fuzzy, almost ticklish sensation when my skin radiates deep crimson and ripe orange flames. When I suck the moisture from the air that is plentiful, turning the vapours into a blanket of water that obeys at my command. The deep and gyrating rumble that surfaces from all four sides of the room that I’m standing in, mountain rock waiting to collapse if I let it.
 But the others wouldn’t understand, you see. For the individuals that attend this very class with me cannot feel the lick of a flame. They cannot consume the hydrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere that is necessary for the flickering lattice of its corresponding liquid. They cannot part the earth at its surprisingly brittle seams, only to allow greenery of sorts to erupt from deep within those cervices. They can only control the air that streams gently over the purple fabric of our jumpsuits. Of course, there are other things that all benders are capable of, but the limit of those abilities is always an arm’s reach away.
 All because of one silly chromosome.
 Now’s a great time to mention that I’m the only girl in a school full of boys. Why? Because I’m the first female bender that had been born in over 4000 years. The third one ever, to be exact. For whatever rhyme or reason it is extremely rare for a female bender to be conceived, to the point where it is literally unheard of. At least until my existence, that is. 
All male benders pass down their elemental ability to the children they procreate. If a son is born, he will take after his father’s magic. So will his sons, and his sons’ sons. But if a daughter is born… it’s a slightly different story. 
Female benders harness power differently than their male counterparts. They are able to tap into magical stores that allow access to all areas of elemental manipulation, rather than a single vault. We assume it has to do with the fact that the first bender was a woman herself. Born from the earth and nurtured by the universe, or however that story goes. 
But why are female benders so scarce? Nobody really knows. I personally think it’s a method to mediate power. I could not even begin to imagine a world filled with all-powerful women with a temperament like mine. The globe would combust in a matter of seconds. Nuclear, man.
 I open my eyes and witness a knee-height funnel of air directly in front of me, swirling gently in a clockwise coil. With a slight curl of my fingers, the twister begins to steadily grow till it’s at the height of my belly button.
 ‘That’s tall enough, Ms. Drayton.’ But I wasn’t going to feed it any more than I already had. I am in control. The particles will not control me. I look to my brother who has also mastered the task at hand, posture poised with a satisfied smirk playing at his lips. The rest of the room seemed quite confident as well, mind a few individuals who had let the wind get away on them.
 The rest of class seemed to be swept away and before long I’m reaching into the skin-hugging collar of my jumpsuit to retrieve the time-turner from around my neck. Four down, only eight more classes to go till dinner. Kill me now.
 When I started school in first year, I was beyond excited to learn how to let my powers flourish. But if somebody would have told me that I would be taking four times the amount of school work as every other student at Arctosov, I think it’s fair to say that my enthusiasm wouldn’t have peaked so high. It is partially my fault though. I had been advised to extend my school years to double the standard duration. Unfortunately, fourteen years fell onto deaf ears. 
Finding shortcuts is my specialty. 
At least some classes are mandatory for all students, like elemental and magical history, calculus, magical and muggle variations of physics and chemistry, and other basic level classes that focus on universal bender abilities. I guess that knocks a couple extra classes off my horrendously long list of academic requirements. Unfortunately, that still leaves quite a hefty load of ability-specific classes on my plate.
 The day couldn’t have gone any slower. I mean, it was all fine and dandy until some imbecile pissed off Professor Yawny in Flora Manipulation. The idiot conjured a garden of nettle and didn’t know how to retract the growth, which ultimately led to the suffering of some unsuspecting bystanders. Got a hive or two myself, but nothing compared to the group of students that took the brunt of it on the front line. This little stunt earned the class a ten-page essay on retracting plant growth and the dangers of uncontrolled herbage. Honestly, just what I needed.
 As soon as the last period bell chimed (for the third time today), I quickly chucked my notebook and ballpoint into my bag and hurried out of Atomic Theory. I always change out of my jumpsuit before dinner. I hate eating in clothes that expose my well-fed stomach. 
I make my way up to the thirteenth floor to access my dorm. The thirteenth floor is by far the coziest of them all. Instead of cleared and pristine halls, upon entering the corridor one is met with a scattered array of sofas, tables littered with magical and muggle games, bookshelves cluttered with various paperback and hardcover copies, and the single Jadeite wall lined with primarily hockey and quidditch posters. A stereo plays some top muggle hits; the audio competes for volume with the crackling sounds that emit from the large pit in the centre of the hall where a seven-foot high flame resides. There are only two doors carved into the green wall: the girl’s and the boy’s dorms. 
The boy’s dorm is essentially a revolving door. People are always filing in and out of the community space. The girl’s dorm on the other hand was simply built out of respect. They never expected anybody to occupy the space, but knew that even though the chances were slim, a female student might enrol one day or another. Thank God for those engineers’ prognostic train of thought, otherwise I’d be either bunking in the fifth-floor supply closet or with a bunch of dudes.
 Weaving my way around a collection of occupied ping-pong and pool tables, I move quickly not to interfere with the final plays of said matches. These boys tend to get cranky with hunger and exhaustion during the final countdown before supper. The steady sound of the hall dies as I pass through the veil that mists over the entrance to the girl’s dorm. It’s a plain space, but what can I say, I’m the only chick to enter this part of the underground school. I’ve managed to liven the place up with some creeping vines and flowers along the tall, straight marble walls that lead to several bedrooms and baths. Even though the hall is meant to appear light and spacious, the lack of fellow roommates makes this place feel more than empty. Like a blank sheet of lined paper, everything here remains untouched and waiting for scuffs and scrapes of wear, something to push its clean order into the hands of disorder. 
Chaos theory loves to make a mess of things.
 I swing through the eighth door on the right into the space that I had claimed as mine. I got rid of the other three unoccupied beds and transformed the room into one that I could proudly call my home away from home. Just like every other room in the school, the dorm is circular, so placing furniture in a way that I didn’t hate turned out to be a real pain in my ass. It took me all of first year to decide where I wanted to place my bed, my desk, and my wardrobe in relation to the door. Once I figured that out, the rest was quite fun. Potted plants invade any and all counter space available in the room, while little knick knacks can also be spotted within the jungle. The skylight ceiling illuminates the white brick walls, casting an intense glare to any prying eyes above the diamond-glass. I think it’s chic.
 I rummaged through my wardrobe for a pair of blue jeans, sneakers, and my royal purple Arctosov crested pullover. One look in the full-length mirror, quickly fixing my hair to get it up and out of my face, and I set off towards the dining hall. I was at the top of the thirteen flights of stairs when a hand closed around my shoulder, slowing my quick pace.
 ‘In a rush are we, ‘B’?’ Jaxon. The only person in this school foolish enough to get between me and my awaiting meal. I sped up, forcing the gangly fourth year to keep stride.
 ‘You try tack on eight extra classes to your schedule. See how you fair come dinner time.’
 ‘I think you’re just complaining for pity,’ he teased, meeting my rib with his elbow. ‘“Look at me, the most powerful being alive. Tired, stressed, and hungry! You have no idea what it’s like to be so damn awesome all the time! It’s exhausting! I –”’ My hand shot out to push Jaxon off balance, nearly sending him down the last couple stairs in the flight we were walking down.
 ‘Your impression of me is beyond inaccurate.’
 ‘And your muscles are beyond underestimated,’ Jaxon shot back with a smirk, rubbing his arm where I contacted him with the blow. ‘Didn’t know you possessed the power of super-strength as well.’
 ‘Like you said, I’m just so damn awesome.’ Our grins mirrored each other as we bounded down the rest of the steps to the first-floor dining hall. This is how our banter went most of the time. It was quick, it was witty, it was smooth. He always knows just how far to push to elicit a shove back, and I always shove back. But he also knows when he’s about to push too far. Rarely ever had we actually fought with one another. In the last four years of school, we’ve only actually fought once, and that’s a story nobody talks about anymore. It was stupid, but it was explosive, and I mean literally explosive. Jaxon is a fire bender, so I’m lucky that I have the ability to take the heat. The library shelves that surrounded us during the dispute… well, they didn’t survive. 
Jaxon was my best friend. A brother. Nothing more, nothing less. In my eyes at least.
 Like cattle, students were milling into and about the dining hall trying to find a place to sit at the single spiral table that coiled into the center of the round room. Purple banners bearing our school crest hung from the high rock ceiling, flashing the menacing stare of the Kodiak that was featured in the heart of the emblem. The student body had encountered a few of the rather large bears during my years at the academy. I never thought I’d ever get the chance to witness such fear amongst a group of insufferably cocky teenage boys, and I loved every second of it. Bunch of pansies.
 ‘B!’ My attention is quickly captured by my two brothers sitting in the middle of the spiral of students. Jaxon and I walk down the winding aisle to sit in front of Zaidyn and Treston, who have also changed out of their uniforms. It is only when we take our seats that I realize that something is definitely not right.
 ‘Hey guys, why the long faces?’ I ask, hesitation evident in my wavering tone. If Treston looks startled, then something big must have happened. This sixth year is not easily phased. 
A couple of our other friends join the group, sitting on either side of Zaidyn and myself. They also become attentive to the tension held within the conversation. Bret and Oscar share a look between themselves then with me, silently looking for an explanation. I simply shrug my shoulders. 
This is weird.
 Treston is the first to speak. ‘Didn’t you hear?’
 ‘Hear what?’ Jaxon and I replied in unison.
 ‘One of them is here,’ Zaidyn continued. ‘Apparently wants to give a speech or something after supper. Not sure what about though.’
 ‘What do you mean here?’ snaps Jaxon. ‘I thought that they weren’t allowed on our turf?’
 ‘Yeah, I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate it if someone of our kind went poking a nose over the fence,’ Oscar added. Zaidyn simply shook his head in shock. ‘I mean, legally they can’t be here, right? Documentation exists for a reason –’
 ‘Documentation is nothing but a piece of paper and a couple of lousy signatures. Words mean nothing to them. They’ve always turned their backs on allies and their own. Don’t you ever pay attention in Magical History?’ It was meant to be a rhetorical question, but I can still see how my sharp words stung Oscar. He’s always had too much pride for his own good, especially when it comes to his grades in school. His glare notified me that I’d hit a weak spot.
 ‘Alright ladies, claws away,’ Bret chimed in. Always there to referee, but it’s usually Jaxon and I that he tries to simmer down. ‘I know it’s news that none of us want to hear, but if it’s true then we have to keep our heads on our shoulders and on a swivel. I can’t see anything good coming out of this, and I know neither can any of you,’ he said addressing the quiet group.
 ‘All I’m saying is that agreements were made for a reason. If they hadn’t been made, then the magical world would be in a completely different state as of right now. They should be considering themselves lucky that they aren’t extinct,’ Oscar sighed. I had to agree with him there. ‘Our ancestors were patient and wise, which is why we lost so much blood to the wands. But too much animosity had festered for far too long, and quite frankly I don’t consider myself patient or wise. You can’t tell me today’s generation would be so kind as to forgive and forget.’
 Oscar was right and we all knew it. Everybody in the hall knew it, too. We may have forgiven them, but we sure as hell have not forgotten. We are reminded every day we walk through these halls – the only halls on the planet that houses students of our kind. The number of benders left was a thought to make my blood run cold. Although, we are making a comeback; slowly but surely. I gave Oscar a small half-understanding, half-apologetic smile.
 Before I could add anything further to Oscar’s words of truth, a lavish dinner appeared on the table below our chins. Elk roast, wild salmon, kale salad, stuffed mushrooms, and more. I prayed that saskatoon pie was being served for dessert later in the evening. The apprehensive atmosphere quickly dissipated as we dug into our grub. Frowns were replaced with filled-cheek smiles, and the uneasy silence was enveloped in hearty laughter. Talk of the latest playoff news and summer plans seemed to entertain the table enough to keep the conversation going. It was interesting being a part of the guy’s gossip sessions during meals. Not that I would actually call it gossip; maybe more along the lines of petty pissing contests. Wouldn’t be the first time I sat through a mine’s bigger than yours argument.
 It was when our Headmaster stood up from the semi-circle teacher’s table at the back of the hall that the reality of the situation set in once again. Professor Fobert never has to gather the attention of the many eyes leering in anticipation, for their focus was already on him. Fobert’s aura demanded one’s gaze, it did not ask. He was tall, sternly featured, and looked tough as nails. His black-scaled tunic wrapped snugly around his torso, making the greying man look ready for battle at a moment’s notice. When the hall’s sound died down, all that could be heard was the vibrations from deep within the mountain’s abdomen, rock waiting to respond to our Headmaster’s request.
 ‘Good evening, students. I shall speak frankly and I shall speak clearly, that way you will not misunderstand what I am about to tell you.’
 Well that’s a new introduction.
 ‘I have never assumed any of you as naive, therefore I refuse to start now.’
 A very new introduction.
 ‘Most of you are aware that we have a guest joining us this evening. A guest that has come from overseas to speak to you all.’ It seemed as though our Headmaster couldn’t speak quickly enough. Every student in the room was now perched on the edge of their seat, listening intently for the next words to leave Fobert’s mouth. We knew where this was going, but nobody wanted to acknowledge the elephant in the room. 
Fobert opened his mouth to speak again, but words never escaped. Instead, a toothy grin tightened the flesh around his chin, and his eyes looked over the heads of the students sitting before him. Naturally, we all turned our heads in the direction of our superior’s gaze towards the entrance to the hall.
 If the hall was quiet a moment ago, it sure as shit wasn’t anymore. We didn’t even need a second take to confirm our suspicion.
 The man was about the same height as Professor Fobert, but the age difference was quite notable. Where Fobert was steeled with sharp middle-aged wear, the other man appeared worn with the drooping and sagging lines of old-age. He did not wear a tunic and pants, but a floor-length grey robe that matched the colour of his long, neatly kept beard. The cuffs on his sleeves tapered off in the shape of a bell at the knuckles of his boney fingers.
 Only people of wizarding blood dressed like that.
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liluwuzi · 4 years
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warntings: alcohol usage and roughhousing | 18+
word count: 1.5k
A/N: Hi, guys. I've been writing for a while, but goooosh, this is my first MHA-ff. Ok, not gonna lie, I did take a few breaks when I did start writing, sooo bare with me. :)
The vibration of the music interfered with the way of the alcohol was moving into your system. Unfortunately, your body wasn’t a stranger to the poison. You were at a frat party with your close friend Ochaco that you’ve known since grade school. A friend of the both of you invited to this party, although you did not see most of your friends including Izuku Midoriya. Izuku was the main person who invited you two to the party. You kindly declined, but he insisted that you should. He wanted his close friends around him when he found out that he made the football team. It was sort of odd that Katsuki Bakugo was a major influence in that decision. You meant to ask him about it, but it always slipped your mind. Ochaco broke you train of thought by tapping you on the shoulder. You, of course, kept moving through the crowd before she tapped again, making you turn around completely.
“What, what’s wrong?” You ask her, feeling a slight discomfort on your back side.
“Have you seen Deku?” Ochaco scanned her bubbly brown eyes around the room before they met with the blue eyes of the stranger that was behind you. “(Y/N)-.”
You felt a little nervous since your friend was acting quite strange. “Well, is he behind me?” You asked, chuckling slightly as you felt two intruding hands around your waist. “Izuku?” The alcohol in your system made you a bit light headed. Normally, you would have probably told your green haired friend off, but you felt comfortable in his arms. You, unconsciously, place your hands on top of the intruders.
“Tsk, tsk. Calling me by the wrong name already, sweets?” The intruder leaned towards the side of you, breathing heavily. “That’s your first mistake, freshmen.”
“You’re not-.” The young man’s hand travelled it’s way to your back side and squeezed your buttocks. You yelped, there was a tingle going down your spin or was it your kitty purring for attention.
Your friend finally came to her senses as soon as she seen that Dabi was about to have his way with you.
“Oh, hey, Dabi. We were just looking for our friend.” Ochaco chuckled nervously, twiddling her fingers behind her back.
The black-haired boy stepped away from you, you turned around to see that it wasn’t your green haired friend, but one of the seniors. The brother of your friend – Shoto Todoroki. You tried to speak, but words wouldn’t come out.
“What are you two doing here? Upperclassmen only.” He grabbed one of the beers that was on the table which was filled with plenty of alcoholic refreshments. “This isn’t a place for girls like you.” Dabi chuckled, opening the refreshment with his teeth before taking a swig.
Izuku did not inform you two that freshmen weren’t invited. This was your first college party after all. Before the both of you could even speak, there was an arm that wrapped around Dabi’s neck. The blonde appeared from the other side of his shoulder, smiling from ear to ear. His golden eyes scanned the two girls’ body and chuckled. Dabi didn’t look too pleased to see him.
“Dabi, are you hogging all of the beautiful ladies from me?” His friend slurred a bit before taking Dabi’s bottle and took a drink from it.
“You’re so annoying.” Dabi glared at the blonde. “Keigo, I’d like drinks without your lips on them.”
The one that he called Keigo smirked once again, which turned into a toothy smile. “Oh, where’s the fun in that, old friend?” Keigo approached the two girls with both of his palms out. “Who were you looking for again?”
You tilted your head a bit, confused by his gestures. You were clearly annoyed by the drunk bird brain. You decided to pour yourself a drink by the station so that you could ease up a bit.
“Izuku Midoriya.” Ochaco answered him, frowning that you’re drinking again. She knew how you got sometimes. Wreckless and fighting, mainly when you were with the infamous bakusquad.
“Oh? The boy with the undercut and green hair?” Keigo nodded, removing his arm around Dabi and directed his thumb behind him. “He’s out in the back. We were back there. Having a little fun.” There goes that smile again, you thought, sipping from the red plastic cup.
Dabi sneered at his friend as they both walked towards the patio. “Come.” He signaled you both to follow the two. You both followed them both outside. You felt the cool breeze against your skin since you were wearing a yellow crop top and a pair of jean shorts. The patio was a nice setting, there was a pool and a couple of patio chairs around it. The moon shined bright along with the pool lights.
Outside, you found a shirtless Katsuki that was laying down in one of the patio chairs. You could tell he was out of it. He had his hand on his head and his beer in the other. You felt your body warming up again, not because of your red cup.
“Deku!” Ochaco arms were now around the greenette’s waist. Izuku cheeks were as red as his swimming trunks. She frowned, pulling back from him. “You smell like beer.”
Keigo laughed, “I mean, their partying with the captain of the football team, what are they supposed to smell like?”
You rolled your eyes at Keigo’s behavior. How could Dabi even be friends with this asshole? They are polar opposites. Speaking of, Dabi was sitting on the other side of the pool with another beer, on his phone.
“You.. know, Ochaco. Don’t call me that in front of people..” Izuku finally returned the hug to his old friend, whispering something in her ear.
A set of eyes were on you, but you kind of just shrugged it off. Drinking the rest of your cup, your body was exploding with an energy of pure ecstasy and Keigo detected it.
“Sooooo, you never told me your name. You’re kind of quiet. You always like this?” He approached you, but this time he wasn’t smiling.
“It’s (y/n). And no, I’m not always this quiet. I am checking out my surroundings so guys don’t try to take advantage of me.” You smile up at the cocky Keigo and he returned that smile.
“(Y/N).. That’s pretty cute.” He ran his hands through your (h/c) hair, intangling his hands into your hair, pushing head forward gently into his chest. “Watch your mouth.” He whispered into your ear. “Then again, I like my girls with a little bit of bite.” Keigo then released you from his grip and laughed. You just glared at him, not sure what to say. You hands curled up into fists, you were ready to risk it all at this moment.
“(Y/N)! I think I’m about to take De-Izuku back to the dorm!” Ochaco’s sweet voice distracted you from your violent thoughts. Keigo was taunting you, he kept his eyes on you for the most part. You sighed, directing your attention to Ochaco and your drunken childhood friend. “Alright, I think I should go too…” You were feeling a bit weird after all.
“Oi…” The crimsoned eyes met with yours. You could feel Katsuki calling out to you. “Why are you even here, nerd?” He narrowed his eyes slightly before standing up from his spot. You noticed he was walking correctly, so he wasn’t that drunk.
“Let’s go.” He commanded, approaching you with that famous walk of his. Katsuki told his captain farewell along with his teammates. He grabbed your hand and made sure that he waited for Deku and Ochaco before heading out of the party with his hand intertwined with yours. This is the first time that Katsuki ever shown this type of emotion towards you.. Emotion because he hardly explains them in words.
“What the hell were you two doing there!?” He was almost yelling at the two girls. Izuku was clearly out of it. Your friend just looked at Katsuki and sighed. You didn’t want to tell him that this was Izuku’s idea, so you took another approach.
“Oh, I’m sorry, dad.” You had a pretty much sarcastic tone. “I wanted to have a little fun besides studying.” You rolled your eyes at the blonde.
“Tch, that was so stupid of you. I saw the whole thing. You were going to risk your college education over a stupid ass brawl.”
You rolled your eyes yet again. Who was KATSUKI BAKUGO lecturing? He was the main one that was getting into fights whenever you all were out at multiple parties.
“Newsflash, asshole! I do what I want!” You were ready to pounce on Katsuki and ready to show him what you were going to do to Keigo.
Katsuki snarled, yanking you towards him as you two walked. He placed his arm under yours so that you wouldn’t snatch away from him.
“You guys are staying with me for tonight and I don’t want to hear shit about it.” The blonde glanced toward Deku and Ochaco before heading towards the apartment buildings.
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evathenovice · 4 years
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I has a story here! A gift for @tyraeltheapprentice​ I hopes you like it! Just some soft interaction between Eva and Tyrael. Aand..y-yeah sooo- *Shoves here and hides*
Just my luck, Tyrael huffed. And it was usually her luck; storms and weird weather happened rather often when she traveled. Not even the thick lush of the forest could hold back the rain drops or icy winds that bombarded her. No, there was no traveling in this kind of weather. “We need to find shelter, and fast.” she groaned to her two familiars, who were unseen if any other were to come across her, but their presence was felts. 
Trudging through the woods with both hands to her hood to keep it in place despite the battle with the wind, through the bramble and the bush that was lessening,  seemed to be a small clearing. Normally the opposite of shelter from a storm, the small cottage that was giving off light and smoke made said clearing much more appealing. The woman lowered her head to push through the storm challenges and made her way to the door, banging on the wooden circle since someone had to be home if there was a fire going. 
“Coming!” A lighthearted voice came from the other side as the sound of metal latches and the creak of the wood followed suit. “Hello, this isn’t the best weather to be out in- wait! Tyrael?” 
“Eva?” Her golden eyes widened as she looked down at the redhead at the door. This was the last person I was expecting to find
“Oh my gosh get in here!” Eva’s small hand reached out to grab Ty’s wrist and bring her into her home, “Get in front of the fire, quickly” the shorter woman kept pulling deeper into the home and right to the fire. “You are soaked to the bone!” “I-Uh, yeah. The storm hit pretty hard,” Ty honestly didn’t know how to handle the other woman’s attention. Not that it wasn't appreciated of course, but it was just not the common treatment she expected from the former apprentice of her mentor. Heck they had only met perhaps a handful of times when Eva would come to the shop looking for Asra or drop off something. 
“Wrap up and then have a seat,” The redhead instructed, gesturing to her blanket and chair by the fire before stepping away to another room.
“Oh uh, thanks” Tyrael mumbled, wrapping the blanket around herself before sitting as she was told to. Looking into the fire as she scooted closer for warmth, a small smile touched her face as the salamander rolling around in the embers looked up at her in a brief pause before continuing its play, “hey there little fella.” Perhaps it was how tired she was, or the focus on the little creature in the firepit, but the traveler didn’t expect the warm fluffy towel that was dropped on her head. “W-what are you doing?” Eva’s hands started working the towel through her hair, gently patting and ringing out the water trapped in the strands, “We need to get you dry, or you could catch a cold” The other woman’s tone gave off the feeling that this was the most natural thing for her to do. 
However it was far from what the blue haired sorceress in training would say was natural. Such kindness, and unabashed care…. A small blush formed on her flustered cheeks as she sunk deeper into the cozy chair, wrapping the blanket tighter around herself. “T-Thank you.” she stammered, eyes going back to the little critter in the fireplace. 
“Not at all!” Eva hummed with a smile, patting and gently floofing Ty’s hair. “Hey Sausage, would you be a dear and go heat up the bathtub? I bet our guest could use a nice hot bath to get the cold out of her bones.” 
“Oh, uh, you don’t need to do that,” The guest tried to say, “I’m okay.” “You sure? I don’t want you to get sick, and your face is a bit flush,” Eva knelt down in front of the chair, gently pressing the back of her hand to Ty’s forehead to check for a fever. 
“I guess...That would be nice” Ty’ felt her face heating up even more at the gentle touch. Normally she would say she could tough it out, but the soft doe eyes staring at her.. It was hard to say no to. 
The salamander with a small gurgle of a noise crawled out of the fire, steam coming off its body as it made its way across the stone floor to the bathroom in the back of the hut to do the task. 
The redhead’s smile grew, “There we go. Now, how about something to drink, I was just stirring up some caramel apple cider. Definitely will warm you up from the inside out.”
“Oh uh,” but before the other woman could ask about what exactly *cider* was, Eva had scurried into the kitchen to get them some mugs, as well as a bowl of hot oatmeal for her guest. Ty arched her neck to look over the chair to try and see what was going on in the kitchen, hearing the shuffling of dishes and the hissing of a teapot. “Everything okay in there?” 
“Huh? Oh yes yes, I was just getting something warm for you to eat too. It’s just oatmeal, but I have honey and stuff I can put in if you want.” "Oh you don't need to add that for me. I like it simple.... Do, uh... Do you want to have some too?" She would have felt a bit odd eating alone in another person’s home. Besides, eating together and talking sounded rather nice. 
“Well I think I could have a little.” Eva chuckled, adding an extra spoon to the bowl before bringing it all out on a tray. “It will still be a bit hot, so careful not to burn your tongue, okay” She winked, pulling one of her bean bag pillow cushions to sit beside Ty. 
“I’ll be sure to be careful,” Ty chuckled softly, a soft hum spilling out with her exhale as she took a deep whiff of the cider, enjoying the mix of slight sweetness and spice, as well as the heat that was spreading into her fingers. 
“I gotta say I am so relieved you found my place,” The redhead said between small sips of her drink, “If I found out you were in my neck of the woods and had been out all night in this storm I would have felt so guilty.” 
“It wouldn’t have been your fault though, you didn't make the storm happen,” Ty raised a brow, a rather amused smile on her face at how… well, coddling and doting on her. It was rather confusing to try and comprehend why the girl was doing these things for her, but also it warmed her heart to see how caring and adamant she was, rambling on about how Ty could have gotten sick or lost and so on and on. “Well I didn’t, I am here so we don’t have to worry about that.”
Both the women chuckled a little and decided to change the topic of conversation, whilst sharing in the oatmeal, which Eva had thought had cooled down enough, but the sudden huffing and fanning of her mouth proved that wrong. “You okay?” Ty asked, sitting up in concern and reaching a hand to touch Eva’s shoulder. Getting a small thumbs up and a half smile, Ty chuckled a bit with a sigh, “And here you are telling me to be careful of my own tongue. Seems you need to be careful too.” “Hehehe, w-well I thought it was cooled enough for a little nibble” Eva giggled, “Now anywho, I was gonna ask, what were you doing out in this crazy weather anyway? You are a bit of a ways away from the shop, needless to say” The question brought a small frown to the taller woman’s face. Well, not so much the question, but the answer to said question. The memory of the argument, one of many, she had gotten into with Asra before storming off, not caring where she went so long as it was away from him. “Hey” Eva put her hand on top of Ty’s, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have pried. We can talk about something else if you want.” “N-no.. no it isn’t that it is just…”She let out a deep exhale, trying to quell some of the frustration that was growing in her again just by remembering the fight. “Asra. Let’s just say Asra…” “Awe geesh, I could have expected that” Eva rolled her eyes, patting Ty’s hand before leaning back in her bean chair, “That man might know a good collection of spells, but the way he talks to people is not as charming as he thinks it is.” “No kidding,” Ty tsked, but a small smile came back to her face knowing she was sharing her grievances with someone who could relate. 
Their talk went on, Ty sharing the details of her most recent argument with her mentor. Which led to Eva’ sharing her own issues she recalled when being an apprentice. Back and forth the women shared, finishing their bowl of oatmeal and going through two or so refills of warm cider as they laughed, groaned and confided in each other. Their latest bit of chuckles interrupted by a little gurgle of a noise.  
“Hm? Oh Sausage,” Eva reached and collected the salamander, who was now a few shades darker than he previously was to signal he was cooled down a bit. “That is right, your bath must be ready. It would have been painfully hot if you had gone in before, but you better take the chance before it gets too cold.” Eva set the little creature on the hot brick that bordered the hearth, “I can get some kind of pillow bed set up by the fire for you. Well, unless you want to share the bed with me. It is downstairs so it is nice and warm.” 
“Oh, no thanks I am sure out here will be fine” Ty shook her head and let the blanket around her fall off her shoulders.  “You sure? I mean I want to make sure you are comfortable” Eva started collecting various pillow seat cushions she had and a few blankets from a chest, “I don’t mind cuddling and Persephatta actually loves the rain so she won’t be coming in tonight, so it won’t be too cramped.” 
With a soft smile, the tanned woman shook her head again, “Maybe next time, but I feel I will be pretty comfy out here. And maybe Sausage can keep me company.” She looked down at the salamander that was already starting to get a little brighter in color from the hot bricks. 
“Well he does make a very good hot water bottle,” Eva chuckled, “Okay then, I will see to a nice makeshift bed. Should be ready by the time you are done. And feel free to use my robe in there, it should fit you as a nice thing to sleep in for the night while we have our clothes taken care of.” With a small nod, Tyrael found her way to the bathroom, which wasn’t very hard considering the small size of the cottage. Dipping her finger in the water to check the temp one more time, she went about adding a few of the bath salts and herbs that were set on a shelf for cleansing and calming purposes. For a while she let herself soak, sinking down till the water was just past her chin as she closed her eyes and let her thoughts drift. What a crazy day it had been indeed, but not without a happy ending. Her thoughts drifted to Eva’s kind words, and how they made each other smile. 
I could get used to such conversations... this feeling.... I hope we can meet up like this again. okay maybe with a little less storm. 
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vee-angel · 4 years
Sharking Sherry (Chapter 1, repost)
So I have, at last, managed to get the Introduction to the fifth and final member of the Pervert Pentet. I’m pretty excited about that because it means the first part of this series is done. I actually wanted to write Sherry’s story earlier, but I put it off a bit after I decided that it would be written in first person from the perspective of someone who’s a much bigger anime/hentai fan than me. It’s always tricky trying to realistically write a character who knows much more than you about something.
This is probably my most wholesome story so far, so there’s not really any content warnings needed, but as a bonus, there is a bit of a flash-forward to the point where all five of the character’s stories converge.
My name is Sherry Sugisaki, I’m twenty-two years old, single, blood type B, and as of today, I’m the official club historian for the Pervert Pentet!
The Pervert Pentet is a club that me and four of my best friends formed so that we could all get together and just be ourselves without other people calling us weirdos or sluts. Well, except for Piper. She calls everybody a slut, but trust me, compared to the other things that come out of her mouth, “slut” is a compliment!
Piper is kind of our leader. She’s the first girl I ever met who was an even bigger perv than me! She’s so smart it’s a little scary, and she always speaks her mind. The only problem is that her mind is always in the gutter!
Nancy is the muscle of the group. She’s the tall athletic type, and way prettier than she realizes. She can be a little intimidating, but I think deep down she has a good heart. I haven’t really gotten close to her yet, and Piper says I probably shouldn’t try to. Nancy says that she doesn’t want to hang out with me because she doesn’t like Asian people (except she said it in a way that wasn’t quite so polite), but I think maybe she just had a hard life and she’s not ready to trust people, yet. And she’s always hanging out with Teira anyway.
Speaking of Teira, she’s this rich, famous artist from Europe. Nancy went to one of her art performances a while back and Teira saw something special in her. Ever since then, Nancy has kinda been Teira’s sidekick. Teira can be a little scary too, but in a different way. While Nancy seems tough, Teira’s… well, creepy. She never smiles, never seems to have an opinion about anything, and she kinda has this icy-cold “I’d like to see you chopped into neat little pieces” vibe. In fact, the only time I’ve ever seen her look excited is when I introduced her to guro porn.
Bailee is the last girl who joined our club. She’s usually kinda dumb, exept sometimes she’s not? We’re all still trying to figure out exactly what her deal is. She’s sooo much fun to hang out with, though! And she’s actually into cute things, like me! As much as I love Piper, some of the things she’s into gross me out. But with Bailee, we can talk about cute boys, and go clothes shopping! Plus, she looks like the big-boobed girls in hentai, but in real life!
But you’ll get to know them later. They say to write what you know about, so I guess I’ll start by telling you about myself!
I grew up in the U.S. but my father is from Japan. My mom is from here, but ethnically, she’s half European and half Brazilian, which I think is why I have a bigger butt than most Japanese girls. My dad was the typical Asian father, which means that he worked all the time to provide for me and my mom, but I never really got to spend much time with him. I guess that’s why I started getting into Japanese culture at a young age. I was into all the normal stuff like Pokemon and Sailor Moon and Hello Kitty, so it was really exciting when I was little and my mom got me a subscription to this really cool anime streaming service!
But even though my mom really liked Japanese history and culture, I don’t think she realized just quite how naughty some parts of it can be. While other pre-teen girls dreamed of a storybook romance with a handsome man who buys them pretty dresses and mansions, I thought up pranks to play on my romantic rivals when we were all crowded into a little house along with our collective boyfriend! When I finally learned what other little girls fantasized about, it just seemed so boring! And lonely, too. I mean, sure, being in a harem seems like it might get a little crazy sometimes, but it’s also exciting. And besides, when things get really tough the girls always put their differences aside to solve problems as a family!
I guess watching all those shows gave me a sense of humor that wasn’t exactly “politically correct.” But honestly, it’s funny when busty girls get their boobs yanked out, or when lecherous milf-types molest shy, blushing lolis. Oh! And when bad-ass fighter girls get their clothes all ripped up during a battle and they suddenly realize that everybody can see that they’re not wearing panties and then they’re all like “Eep! Don’t look!!” That’s the best!
Okay, okay, maaaaaaybe it’s not just that I think it’s funny. Maybe it turns me on a little bit, too. But can you blame me? I mean, when you see a pretty girl on the street, don’t you just want to pull her dress up or yank her boobs out?? Of course you do! Everybody does, they just don’t talk about it. The only difference is that in my case I actually do it!
I’m getting ahead of myself again. I should back up. So when I was in middle school, my parents let me get a smart phone with internet access. And let me tell you, if you think anime is naughty, you haven’t seen hentai! I mean, there’s stuff that’s even too dirty for me! But eventually I came across one kind of video that made me obsessed. And for once, it wasn’t animated at all.
The first time I saw it, I was confused. It just seemed like a guy with a camera-phone following this cute girl in a skirt. But then this guy came out of nowhere and pulled up her skirt and yanked down her panties! She made this cute little “Eeeee!” noise while the guy ran off. It was so cute, and so funny, and so super hot! I figured that video had to be one of a kind, but boy was I wrong!
Apparently it’s called “sharking.” I never quite found a satisfactory explanation for the name, but it started in Japan (just like all the best pervy stuff!), and the idea is to run up to a girl and expose her while somebody else films and puts it online for everyone to enjoy! There’s all kinds of varieties. Top-sharking works best when you find a girl in a tube-top and you can pull her boobs out. Bottom-sharking works best for girls in a short skirt; and if you’re really lucky, you might find a girl who isn’t wearing panties! There’s even cosplay-sharking! That’s when you steal all of a girl’s clothes and run off with them, but you leave her a super cute, slutty outfit that she has to wear if she doesn’t want to walk home naked. Personally, just regular full-sharking is my favorite. That’s when you strip a girl naked and run off with her clothes while the camera guy follows her while she figures out what to do. It’s so exciting! I mean, at first the girl thinks it’s just going to be a regular boring old day, but then she gets to be part of this awesome sexy adventure where she’s naked in public! And nobody can even get upset at her because it’s not even her fault! Everybody wins!
I should know, I’m proud to say that I’m one of the few girls who’s been on both sides. You see, after I graduated high school, I got my parents to finally agree to pay for me to take a year off to visit Japan! It was everything I ever dreamed! I was surrounded by signs displaying happy anime characters, I got to ride public transit with groups of cute, giggly school girls and handsome, studious schoolboys. There were night-clubs with lolita-goths and J-pop was playing everywhere!
The only thing that could have made it better was if I could have had a romantic encounter with a cute boy. I think everyone who visits a foreign country kinda wishes that they could have a special lover to think back on fondly when they’re old and grey. Unfortunately, no matter how many blind corners I hurried around, I never accidentally collided with my true love. Not even when I had toast in my mouth!
I figured maybe I still dressed too much like a kid, and boys were scared that I was under-aged. So I decided to show off my assets! While I was far from flat-chested in America, in Japan my full C-cup breasts made me downright busty. And the Brazilian butt I inherited from mom put me way ahead of at least ninety percent of the other girls in Japan. So I got some new button up shirts that were small enough to hug my curves, and I left a few buttons undone. I also bought new mini-skirts short enough to ensure my panties would be visible with even the slightest breeze. Everybody in Japan is really into panties.
Unfortunately, most of the male attention I got from the new wardrobe was from middle-aged men who took advantage of crowded trains to touch my butt. But I wasn’t about to get discouraged! I mean, it’s not ideal, but if I’m getting attention, than I must be on the right track!
And then one day it happened! I was in a public park a short walk from where I was staying. I had my headphones on, listening to my Japanese language-learning app when this guy came out of nowhere and yanked my little school-girl skirt up to my waist and then pulled my white panties down to my knees!
I always thought that if I ever got sharked myself, that I’d do something really sexy, like wink or do a little pose or something. But honestly, the whole thing happened really fast so I hardly had a chance to react. And I didn’t even see where the camera guy was. I was just sort of… frozen. I just stood there with my panties halfway down my legs as the guy in the hoodie ran off.
A part of me thought that I wished I’d been more prepared for it, but on the other hand, that’s part of the fun! Unlike most Japanese girls, I keep everything totally shaved down there, so they definitely got a shot of my naked pussy. And there were going to put it online! How exciting is that! Once I pulled my panties back up they immediately got soaked. I felt like I’d just won the best prize ever! Now any-time somebody is looking at sharking videos on the internet, there would be a chance that they’d get to see me! I just hoped that the camera guy was good enough that I’d be popular.
I spent the next week looking at sharking videos more than I ever had before, but sadly, I still couldn’t find mine! I knew it would take time, but I just couldn’t wait. Part of me hoped that it’d go viral. Maybe it’d become the most popular sharking video of all time, and I’d get to be the poster-girl for the whole fetish! I’d be so famous that when people saw me in the street they’d yank up my dress and take pictures of my exposed body while I pretended to blush. I mean, I knew it wasn’t likely, but a girl can dream!
After a week of looking at every sharking related site I could I eventually came across this post written in Japanese that looked like it was a local casting call for a girl to be in a video! They must have been a really bad writer, because I could hardly understand it and my Japanese is perfect! I mean, I watched One Punch Man without subtitles and totally understood every word…. well most of them… I mean, at least half…
Let’s get one thing straight! I’m a Japanese girl so I obviously speak Japanese! They must have been speaking a weird dialect and that’s why I didn’t understand them that well, okay?!?
Anyway, the post said they wanted a girl to be in a sharking video, and I knew I wanted to be that girl. In all the videos I saw, it was always boys running up and exposing unsuspecting women. I’ve never seen girl-on-girl sharking! What a concept!
After a few messages back and forth, I ended up meeting them at this cute cafe by the beach. That’s when I got really excited! Bikini sharking is one of the best ways to get a girl totally naked in public! I’ve even seen it done where a guy gets two girls tops and bottoms off at once!
I didn’t catch the camera guy’s name, but the one who did most of the talking was named Kaito. I started asking them if there were any special techniques I should know so I could undo a girl’s bikini faster, but they seemed confused. I don’t know how, but there must have been a miscommunication. It seemed like they wanted to me to go somewhere private and stage a fake sharking. They said they were going to make sure to do it where no one would see me and they’d give me my clothes back at the end!
What a cheap trick! I told them that there’s no way. Either they have to shark me for real or I was going home!
I was pretty mad, so I laid out my terms and made sure they knew that there would be no negotiation! One: They had to strip me completely naked! Boobs, ass, pussy, it all had to be on display. Two: They had to do it someplace where lots of people would see. Three: sometimes in the really good sharking videos the guys would spread a girls legs or pull her butt-cheeks apart while the camera guy runs in close, that way everybody on the internet gets a good look at her vagina and butthole. I told them they had to do that, too! And four: Under no circumstances were they allowed to give me my clothes back or let me have anything to cover myself with afterwards.
If I was getting to be part of planning a sharking video, I was going to make sure it was the best one ever! There was no way I was going home unless it was completely naked!
Kaito and his friend whispered to each other for a minute, and then they asked me if I’d be willing to ditch some of my clothes in advance so that they could get me naked faster. Finally! They were saying something that made sense! And honestly, they had a point. I’m ashamed to admit that before that day I used to dress in a terribly un-sharkable way. Ever since then, the only question I ask when choosing an outfit was “How easy would it be for someone to get me naked in public?”
Anyway, I slipped away into a public bathroom to ditch my shirt, bra, and underwear. So now I was just wearing the zippered hoodie I put on when I thought I was going to get to shark a girl, and my mini-skirt. I told the guys that I was going to try to find a place off to the side of the boardwalk, far enough so that nobody could intervene, but close enough that everybody could still see my naked body.
I waited there for about five minutes, and I was starting to think they had gotten scared off, but then I saw the one with the camera sneaking up around the corner of a nearby building. I tried not to look directly at him, but I still wanted my front-side facing the camera.
My heart started racing as I heard Kaito coming up behind me! They must have been discussing technique, because he grabbed the bottom of my skirt and yanked it up until it gathered along with the hem of my hoodie. In an expertly practiced maneuver that seemed almost like a matador with a cape, he swept both garments up over my head and then down off my arms!
Suddenly, I was standing in the middle of a wide open public space in the middle of the day and I was completely naked! The sun seemed like a spotlight that shone down to reveal every private inch of my body.
Kaito tossed my hoodie and skirt and then grabbed my arms to bend me over a nearby bench. That’s when I saw the camera guy running in close while I felt his hands on my butt-cheeks. He reached down to the very bottom and spread everything open wide. The camera guy got in so close he must have been within a foot or two of my most private areas! I sure was glad that I’d shaved that morning; I mean, with the close-up he got of my pussy and asshole, everyone on the internet would have seen if I had even the tiniest bit of stubble.
I’d almost forgot! This was going on the internet! My heart was racing and I wasn’t sure if it was from fear or excitement. As scary as the whole thing was, I was still getting really wet really fast! I hoped that that camera could pick that up so that everyone would see how much girls like this kind of thing! I sort of moaned and wiggled a little bit, but then the two of them ran off. Thankfully they remembered to grab my clothes on the way, so that I wouldn’t have the option to cover myself!
I stood up to see two middle-aged ladies running up to me and yelling something at the men. I must have looked freaked out because they seemed a bit confused and frantic, like they wanted to help me but didn’t know how. Honestly, I was a little freaked out, too, but it was in a good way! Like when you ride a roller-coaster. Like, it’s really exciting and so scary that you scream but it’s also really fun! When I think back on it, I’m pretty sure I actually did scream when he first came up behind me and pulled all my clothes off.
The shorter lady had a jacked that she was unbuttoning, I realized that she was going to try to cover me up! What a prude! She must have just been jealous that a pretty young thing like me was getting to walk around naked in public and show off the goods when she was never brave enough to do anything like that!
I decided I was going to rush off down the boardwalk before she got a chance. I was still super nervous and excited. My heart felt like it was pounding in my throat and I was out of breath from the thrill of it all.
I had the temptation to cover myself with my hands, but I half-resisted. I must have looked kinda shy because I kept sort of covering my pussy, and then half-covering my boobs, and then I put both hands behind me to cover my butt. So anyone who kept looking for more than a second would have seen everything. And there were people everywhere, so even if I wanted to cover myself (which I totally didn’t), there was no way I could have.
I kinda figured that everyone would be staring at me and taking pictures and commenting on my body; I hoped that by the time I made it a hundred meters that I’d have a whole crowd of men around me, but honestly, no one said a thing! Some people glanced, and now and then someone would stare for a few seconds, but the majority of people averted their eyes and just pretended I wasn’t there!
They seemed almost… scared to look at me. This was even better than I could have imagined! I mean, at first I was a little disappointed that people weren’t excited to take in the sight of my naked, young body, but then I realized something! It wasn’t just fun and sexy to be naked in public, it also felt kinda… powerful!
Once I realized that, I stopped acting shy. I stopped trying to cover myself at all. In fact, I slowed down my stride and put on a cocky grin. By the time I reached the end of the boardwalk I was staring people right in the eye, but nobody had the guts to look back at me.
It was about a ten-minute walk back to where I was staying, but I decided I was going to make it take fifteen! There was even a spot where a dozen people were waiting for a train, and I decided to stand in front of all of them and check my phone for a good two minutes! Fortunately, I had the foresight to stick my phone, wallet, and apartment key in my sock before I had those guys steal all my clothes. I made sure to bend down in front of everybody when I took my phone out so they could have a chance to admire my naked butt.
I hoped that at least someone noticed how wet this was making me! I mean, I was starting to literally drip down the inside of my leg! I figured I’d better make my way home before my socks end up getting soaked.
When I got home I retrieved my apartment key from my sock and saw my neighbor coming home with a bag of groceries. I smiled and gave him a big wave, but he acted like he couldn’t see me. I unlocked my door and went inside.
The first thing I did was down a can of green tea, as fun as the whole walk was, my mouth was dry as a desert. As much as I enjoyed myself, it was nerve-wracking. The whole time I was sort of afraid the police were going to show up any minute, but that never happened.
All in all, the whole thing was way different than I expected. I guess that since I’m a perv, I expected that everyone else would be one, too. But everybody else was so well behaved. So I guess that makes me special!
Realizing that I was a pervert who walks around naked in public and gets off on exposing myself to strangers was the best moment of my life. It made me feel like I could do things that regular people couldn’t. Kaito sent me the video of my full-sharking the next day. Apparently, they had followed me almost all the way home without me even realizing it! They sure got some amazing shots and I’m proud to say that it has over a hundred-thousand views and counting.
I never found out the name of the guy who pulled my panties down that first day in the park. But a couple years later when I met Piper she’d tracked down the original video of me that he made. I posted a thank-you message in the comments telling him how grateful I was that he chose me, and how he changed my life for the better.
Ya know, it’s funny. Of all the girls that I’ve exposed in public and put online since that day, not a single one has posted a ‘thank-you’ message to me under their videos. Then again, I don’t do this for thanks, I do it for the knowledge that I’m helping others live the life that every girl wants! I’m helping them to be the perverts that deep down they all definitely wish they could be!
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oharaswife · 5 years
From Hate To Love - Alex Morgan x Reader - Chapter 1
A/N : Hello people, welcome to my new Alex x Reader story. To sum it up a little it will be an “enemies to lovers” kind of story with a lot of angst and drama. R is the new girl on the USWNT and for some reason Alex doesn’t like her at all, mostly because she thinks she’s an arrogant person, who loves breaking women’s heart aka a massive fuckboy. Also this is before the WC.
Warnings : Angst, light swearing
Anyway, hope you’ll like it.
When Alex first saw Y/N Y/LN, it was on her TV as she was introduced to the world as the newest addition to the USWNT. She remembered thinking that having a new talented attacking midfielder could only be a good thing. But after 5 minutes in the interview, her excitement turned into dread and slight anger. She knew the second she saw the smug look on the new player’s face that she wasn’t going to like her. She reeked of cockiness despite her clear lack of experience and that only infuriated Alex. Plus, the fact that she was depicted by the media as “The soccer player the USWNT desperately needed” only seemed to add fuel to the fire. Maybe they weren’t playing to the best of their abilities lately, but that didn’t mean they desperately needed someone new. Alex wasn’t jealous of the new girl, only hurt over the fact that her - and her teammates - had worked their asses off to get to where they were today, only to have all their work thrown out the window because some random 25 yo girl posted videos of herself humiliating people in amateur friendly games. How does a girl who’s never played a game on a professional level - or in any club related team for that matter - become a professional soccer player overnight, worse even, how does she get propelled to a national team without being properly tested beforehand? Part of her hated Ashlyn for showing a compilation of the girl’s feats to Jill who, shockingly, immediately took it upon herself to make her a part of the National Team as soon as possible. But another part of her, a very small part though, felt that the girl could be an asset to the team, at least on the field.
When she first met her, Alex promised Kelley she’d tried to be nice, having shared with her best friend her growing dislike for the girl. But the second the midfielder spoke to her, hatred started bubbling up in her guts again. “Hey gorgeous.” She had greeted her, a smirk on her face, which only angered Alex, because who says that when they meet their future “co-worker” for the first time. She still shook her hand, introducing herself quickly before instantly establishing a distance between them both, which Y/n didn’t seem to mind, or notice. During the two weeks that followed Alex barely spoke to the girl, unless it was on the field or during trainings. Her other teammates though had all grown really close to her, which caused Alex to isolate herself sometimes since they all gravitated around the new midfielder as if she was the new star of their galaxy. Even her own girlies Allie and Kelley seemed to have fallen for her, too busy flirting with her sometimes to notice Alex, which the latter didn’t get at all. How could they be friends with her when she enjoyed toying with women’s feelings? In just a few days, Alex had seen Y/N flirt with every woman she came across. She’d lost count of how many women she’d seen walking out of Y/N’s room when morning would come. Maybe she was a bit jealous of the attention the girl was getting all the time, but only because she felt like she was left on the sidelines most of the time. The only person she could talk to was Servando. Granted he wasn’t physically with her most of the time, but he was always there to listen to her when she needed it, even though she spent most of her time complaining about Y/N.
When Orlando Pride offered Y/N a deal with them, Alex lost it, complaining to Kelley about it this time.
“I have to put up with her smug face and consistent flirting with everyone on the National Team, I don’t need that in my club as well.” Alex had yelled, her anger getting the best out of her.
“Chill, Al. You don’t even know if she’s gonna sign with Orlando. She said she received a lot of offers from different clubs.” Kelley answered her, plopping on the couch next to her.
“Well I hope she goes to play in Europe, where I don’t have to see her. I can’t stand her.” Alex shot angrily.
“Why though? I think she’s pretty cool, and super-hot.” Kelley replied absentmindedly, but regretted her words instantly as she saw the glare Alex sent her way. She chose to drop the subject knowing how Alex would get whenever her name was mentioned. It wasn’t until a few days later, at another press conference that Y/N announced that she would be signing with the Thorns, much to Sonnett and Tobin’s pleasure, who felt like they’d found a sister in Y/N. Alex was only happy because she wouldn’t have to see her that often hopefully.
For now though, she was going to have to be around her for a month, as the January camp was starting today, to prepare for the 2019 World Cup in France.
Alex was happy to see most of her best friends again, at least the ones she didn’t get to see in the past month, but was secretly hoping they wouldn’t be obsessing over Y/N like last time. She was one of the first ones to arrive to the hotel. The team soon started arriving in groups, depending on where they were playing the rest of the year. The first ones to arrive were the Royal girls and Alex was excited to see Kelley again, especially without Y/N being around to steal her away, to steal anyone away for that matter.
The fact that I was rooming with my best friend did help, maybe we’d get to hang out as much as we used to, at least I hoped so. I didn’t know exactly when Y/N arrived, but since Tobin and Christen knocked on our door to say hi, I assumed the new Portland player was here as well. It wasn’t until we made our way to dinner that I saw her. She was in the hotel lobby with the rest of the girls, probably waiting for Preath, Kelley and I so we could all go and eat out, to catch up. She was in the midst of a hug with Julie when her eyes fell on me or more like on us. A small smirk made its way to her face while I just rolled my eyes, seeing Kelley sprint towards the girl and jump into her arms, engulfing her in a hug. Dread overcame me as I got closer.
“Hey Alex.” was all she said as she saw me, no unwanted compliments or sweet names which made me frown slightly. She usually couldn’t help but use pet names with me, no matter how much I hated it, or her for the matter.
“Hi.” I answered, not wanting to be impolite.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw Kelley give her a thumbs up, making Y/N roll her eyes.
“What was that about?” I questioned Kelley. But got no real answer from her, she just shrugged her shoulders before we all started walking outside. I made a mental note to ask about it again later, not wanting to drop the subject, especially if it had something to do with me.
Dinner went surprisingly well, at least at first. I was more involved in the conversation than last time we all were together, as Y/N spent practically the whole lunch talking to Sonny, Megan and Ashlyn. But of course, she had to ruin everything again. In the middle of dinner, she got up as the girls started cheering her on, causing the rest of us to look her way. She walked towards the bar, with her typical smug grin on her face. She turned around sending a quick wink to Megan before she reached the bar.
“What’s going on?” Kelley asked as the cheers died down and everyone started looking intently in the direction of the bar.
“She said that the bartender was beautiful, so we dared her to get her number in less than 3 minutes.” Sonnett answered before adding. “Which I’m pretty sure is impossible.” She added before checking the timer on Megan’s phone, ready to yell LOSER the second it would reach three minutes.
Why she always had to be such a fuckboy was something I didn't get. All I knew was that it was pissing me off. It seemed like everything she did was angering me, and I had no control over it. I was hoping she’d get rejected but as I saw the flirtatious smile on the bartender’s face, I groaned earning a confused look from Kelley. Before we even had the time to process it, she was returning to the table, faintly smirking as Megan stopped the timer.
“Sooo?” Ashlyn started wiggling her eyebrows. “Did you get it?”
Y/N stepped closer to look at the timer before her smirk turned into a grin, nodding her head.
“And it only took 2 minutes.” She shot arrogantly, as she proceeded to show the new marked phone number on her forearm, with the name Leana written next to it.
“Nothing to be proud about.” I heard myself say before I could even process it causing everyone to look at me.
“Al-” Kelley started probably trying to get me to back off, but she instantly got interrupted by Y/N.
“Why not?” She shot at me, with a daring look on her face.
“Well I don’t think you should be proud to be a fuckboy.” I answered truthfully, tired of having to stay civil with her. Weirdly enough, that brought a smile to her face as the rest of the girls just glared at me.
“You should probably stop talking now Janice.” Allie said. Even she was siding with her apparently which only fuelled my anger more.
“No, I’m curious. What’s a fuckboy to you?” She asked resting her chin on her hand, as she looked at me intently, her trademark smirk not leaving her face even for a second. I looked at her, as if questioning if she actually wanted an answer, but she only looked at me like she was amused.
“Well to make it short, a fuckboy is someone who doesn’t respect women, and doesn’t care about their feelings. Someone who only cares about sex and is self-absorbed. Someone who doesn’t actually have a heart and doesn’t care how many she breaks. That’s literally you.” I answered proudly, sure of myself and that seemed to make her face fall slightly.
“Alex for fuck’s sake.” Ali shot, clearly angry at me now, her head falling into her hands. But I didn't back down, I was only speaking the truth.
“Well it’s good to know what you really think about me at last.” She said after some time. I was waiting for her to retort, deny or maybe proudly admitting that she enjoyed being a player but none of that came. Instead, she eventually got up, excused herself, telling the girls she’s meet them at the hotel, and got up before leaving without another word leaving me confused.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Ashlyn shot, anger winning her over. They were all glaring at me, absolutely all of them, some were fuming more than the others. Even Christen who is the literal embodiment of peace, was looking at me with hatred.
“I’m only speaking the truth.” I retorted, shrugging my shoulders.
“No you’re not.” Tobin interfered. “You don’t even know her. You’ve never made an effort to actually talk to her. So how would you know if she respects women or not or if she has a heart.” Disappointment was written all over her face much to my surprise.
“I honestly didn’t peg you for the petty kind of person.” Sonnett finally shot before everyone focused on their lunch again, in silence this time, because of me.
Heading back to the hotel, Alex’s words resonated in my mind. I knew she didn’t like me that much, I just had no idea why until today. It was stupid of me to ask Kelley what I could do to make her like me more, not enjoying the fact that there was tension between me and my teammate. But clearly, she had an opinion of me and didn’t want it to change, so why should I try anymore. I walked back to my room, taking a quick shower before I walked up to the roof, knowing I would find comfort staring at the stars, or more like I’d get lost in them and forget what happened. I sat down, leaning against the wall on the roof and lost myself in my thoughts. It did hurt a little that Alex would think that about me, because after all she never actually talked to me. We only ever said hi to each other, never speaking more than 2 words to each other, unless it was soccer related. Had she actually talked to me, she would know that I do respect women, that I care deeply about women, but yes, loving someone was something else. I had a complicated story, but she wasn’t interested enough to ask for it, or hear it for the matter. Maybe I should just keep my distance and stop trying to get her to like me eventually. I didn’t know how long I stayed here, lost in my thoughts. It wasn’t until I heard the roof door opening that I brought my attention back to my surroundings.
“There you are.” I heard a voice say, before seeing Kelley walk towards me, followed by Ashlyn and Ali.
“Hey guys.” I answered tiredly, actually exhausted.
“We’ve been calling you non-stop.” Ali pointed to my phone that was lying on the floor as she sat down next to me, a worried look on her face.
“Sorry I got lost in my thoughts I guess.” I replied apologetically, as Ali rested her head on my shoulder, the other two sitting in front of me.
“You know you shouldn’t pay attention to what Alex says. I don’t know why she feels this way about you but deep down she’s not a bad person.” Kelley defended making me scoff.
“Yeah allow me to doubt that.” I said before adding quickly. “I don’t care guys really. I’ve had worse things said to me. I just won’t try anymore that’s all.” I lied. Of course I have had worse things said to me, but on a deeper level, I did care about what the forward thought about me. And obviously Ali knew I did.
“You do care Y/N.” She pointed. “You told me you used to idolize her. So, it would be normal to be hurt by her behaviour.”
“Maybe, but I’m not a kid. I’ll get over it.” I replied before getting up, ready to go back to my room as it was late. I saw the sad looks they exchanged before they all followed me out of the roof, and back to our floor we were staying on.
Tiredly dragging my feet, I was surprised when I saw Alex standing in front of the room I shared with Sonny. She looked at me ready to speak but I walked past her, opening the door turning around at the last second.
“Let’s not pretend we’re ever going to like each other. You don’t like me, and honestly the feeling is mutual, so let’s just stay professional and only speak to each other when necessary. I honestly don’t give a shit about what you think about me. And trust me you don’t want to know what I think about you.” I shot angrily, not giving her the time to say anything, before I turned to the girls who were previously with me on the roof. “Goodnight ladies.” And with that I slammed the door in her face, not giving a shit anymore. She thought I didn’t care about my actions possibly hurting the women around me, I was going to show how much that statement would apply to her.
Alex’s point of view
Having the door slammed in my face hurt more than I liked to admit. I wasn’t used to her being angry and upset. She usually always had a smile on her lips, even though it always seemed arrogant. I turned to the three girls who looked at me as if to say “You brought that upon yourself.” And without saying anything I walked back to my room, heading straight for bed, the images of the anger on her face filling my head. She obviously wasn’t used to girls not going her way, and not falling for her instantly. I wasn’t going to be one of her groupies, that was for sure. Here I was, going to apologize for being an asshole, and she was the one who ended up acting like one.
“You know you could actually talk to her.” Kelley said as she walked in the room. “I’m sure you would like her.” She added and that caused a wholehearted laugh to escape me.
“Yeah I don’t think so.” I answered making her roll her eyes.
“I’m pretty sure you like her, but she just infuriates you on some level, the only question is why.” Kelley added as she slipped into bed to which I didn’t answer with anything, not wanting to elaborate any more than I had to. I didn’t like her. I was in a happy relationship with Servando. The new girl just got under my skin and there was nothing I could do to stop that.
To be continued...
A/N : That ends our first chapter. There’s a lot of angst planned for this whole story but eventually the relationship between R and Alex will evolve.
Next chapter, there’s trouble in paradise for Alex and Servando, and a looooot more of jealous Alex in store. (Maybe some jealous R as well)
I live off feedback so let me know if you liked it !
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heckinhacker · 5 years
Could you write some Akali x female reader? Either fanfic or headcanons are fine, up to whatever you feel! Love your blog btw, I always get excited for your next post :3
Akali x Fem!S/O - meeting and falling in love 
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A/N: Decided to go for headcanons this time, but fanfic is a big maybe. :3c Good taste tbh I love Akali so much too. Never thought of writing about her so she might be slightly off. I mean- I always say that. Damn you self-conciousness! And Thank you for supporting and liking my blog! I am trying my best ;v; ♥ P.S: Bo’lii is from Akali’s short story, he’s the one who made her tattoos, I thought he’s worthy of putting in there, hope that’s not a problem
You were friends with Bo’lii, Vastayan tattoo artist with tongue cut off. You were around as much as you could, so when his clients come by, you are there from time to time. That’s how you met Akali.
Akali was coming around a lot, she loved Bo’lii’s work, even though it hurt. She looked like that kind of  woman which doesn’t mind spill some of her blood. Or someones. 
You couldn’t help yourself but start talking with her. It was nice actually talking with someone - your only friend couldn’t mutter a word, he could humm, laugh, but no words. You loved Bo’lii but still, hearing someone actually answer would be hella nice - and she seemed sooo interesting. 
“So…[y/n], right? You look like a nice girl. What are you doing by Bo’lii’s side? Was hurt by noxians too?”
“Weren’t we all?” you answer, rolling your eyes with a smirk. You both hear Bo’lii laugh. 
You ask her questions which she gladly answers. Like, where she is from exactly, why did she decided to leave her master’s rules, etc. She asks a lot about you too! 
You decide to tell her, as the second soul would know, about your heaaavy crush on that one thief who is around this hell of a tavern a lot. You love to be around Bo’lii, but being too much around him would suggest you are together, and no matter how much you love him, you’d love that person to think you’re single and free to take. (I am not specifying what gender this big thief is, butch lady or boya, whatever floats your boat ;) )
Akali chuckles, then hisses, since that made Bo’lii’s tools go into bad directions. He pouts, giving out unsatisfied groan.
“Yeah, I know. My fault.”
You laugh at that, sighing. You tell them you should go, since around this time your crushy crush is being around, and you gladly go.
After Akali’s done with her part of tattoo’s, she goes around tavern, seeking for you to laugh at your poor attempts of flirting - but she found new thing to laugh about. You just were there, sitting with [alcohol’s type/name] in your hand, sipping, nervously checking out your beloved thief. No poor attempt. Akali sits beside you with new mug full of your favourite liquor. 
“Nice try, [y/n]! I’ll drink to that, cheers!” she laughs loudly, taking a biiig sip of her beer. You laugh nervously, ending your one portion from earlier.
“Don’t worry, sooner or later they will notice. For sure.” she pats your back, while you give out more honest smile.
“Thanks, Akali. I appreciate that.”
“No problem!” you could feel her grinning from under that mask. 
Another time, you found Akali by pure accident, she was training, sweating like she was about to pass out and leaving on a big amount of trees visible marks from Kama’s slices and a lot of shurikens and kunai’s are left in them. She was heavy breathing, too focused on her training that she never noticed you approaching.
Or…that’s what you thought. When you tried to sneak on her, she almost pierced your head through with kunai, but it flew beside your head, making you yelp.
Akali, when she realised it was just you, sighed with relief. “Oh, it’s you. Poor lonely soul searching for love…” she sighs theatrically, wipping some sweat off of her forehead. “What’s up, [y/n]?” 
“Nothing. I just saw you and wanted to hang around. You’re cool, I want to get to know you…if that’s not a problem.” You admit with a little blush on your face.
“Oh! No, it’s okay. Come, sit around. Want some ramen?”
“You actually have warm ramen in the woods?”
“I have my ways.”
“Ninja ways?”
“Maybe, maybe not.~”
“Awh come on, Akali, do tell me!”
You both burst out in laughs, talking about everything and anything until it gets dark. 
Akali says that she will walk you home, you have no way of saying no. She didn’t ask you, she said she will.
And she did. Maybe that was not a date, but you decided to hug her and thank her for spending her day with you.
She pet your back, murmuring some quiet ‘thank you, too’, before letting go.
You exchanged goodnight’s and you vanish behind your house’s doors. 
You were chilling around with Akali through better and worse times.
Once she came to your house all in bruises, cuts and many other injuries.
You patched her up and let her stay for ‘as long as she needed’.
She was around a week, then she just disappeared, leaving you “Thank you so much for letting me stay, but I want no trouble for you. Take care! :)”
You smiled at her little note, murmuring under nose ‘You could at least stay for breakfast…’
Or that one time she found you crying around Bo’lii’s tattoo sanctuary, because your love interest was making out in tavern with some hot chick.
You could swear she was up to go and kill them, but you stopped her by your cry “No! Don’t! Please-!”
She came back and hugged you with Bo’lii, shushing you and telling you that they are not worth your time.
That were some examples. It’s been almost six months, and none of you three knew that your crush wanted you to be jealous, since they were looking out for you a lot, knowing you are looking, but not doing anything about it.
You were drinking and talking with Akali and Bo’lii, when they came by your table, sat by your side and got their arm around your shoulders.
“Okay, look, sweetcheeks. I am done playing around. I like you, you like me. Wanna hang around a little bit? Then maybe…”
You could almost feel Akali’s positive spirit levae her body. Even Bo’lii, who was sitting beside her looked at her with surprise. She almost stood up, given up, but you did stand up first.”
“Li-listen, [crush’s name], I really, indeed, was looking at you for a long time now. And saw you with a lot of other chicks, which hurt as hell. I am looking for love in this tavern.”
They stand up with proudness written on their face, but you place your hand on their lips before they can kiss you. 
“But my love is not found in your person.” 
You move them back and go to Akali and Bo’lii’s side of table, bending down a little to hug Akali with shaky arms, while you fought with your tears.
“I’m sorry…” you whispered to her quietly. “I’m sorry I never told you before. I’m so- s-so-…”
You heard Akali sniff, as she nod and put her hands on your arm, since she had no way to hug you back right now. She just got so happy, since she developed a crush on you some time ago and would tell you directly if she didn’t knew any better about your big crush.
You kiss Akali’s forehead, as she stands up, lifts you up bride-style and goes somewhere deeper into tavern. To Bo’lii’s room. There you talked about your feelings, kissed a little and became an official pair!
Your now ex-crush was furious as Bo’lii was whistling on his fingers, acting like he cheered on you girls. He stayed around the table, drinking by himself, leaving you both in peace and quiet.
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2-player-game · 5 years
Todoroki x reader. Prom
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I laid in my bed, dreading school. It was the day before prom and I had no one to go with! I haven't been asked and I didn't exactly know who I could ask, almost everyone was taken. I knew I was hopeless... I sighed, getting out of bed and putting on my uniform and brushing my hair. I ran out of my home and headed to UA.
Once I arrived, Aizawa startled me, "You're late, sit in your seat and start writing notes already" he said grumpily.
I hurried to my seat, "yes sir" I said, sitting down and pulling out a sheet of notebook paper. I quickly wrote down the notes.
When everyone was done with taking notes, we had some free time. Aizawa was taking a nap so we could basically dow whatever we wanted.
Deku and his friends approached me, we started talking about things like training. I wasn't too interested though. The main thing I had on my mind was prom, I couldn't ask anyone in the Deku squad to do with me since Deku and Uraraka are going together and Iida doesn't like dating at this age for himself. Ny mind started wandering. Maybe I could ask Todoroki, he hasn't asked anyone out yet and he has rejected everyone that has asked him. Maybe he was waiting for someone else to ask him?
I continued to stare at the duel haired man who was writing something in his notebook before I was talked on the shoulder. I squeaked out of surprise.
"Is something wrong, y/n?" Deku asked me, he looked kind of concerned.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just a little bummed out that I don't have a date to the prom is all" I laughed a bit to myself.
Uraraka's face lit up, "I'll help you find a date in no time!" She said, pumping her fist in the air, she said this statement fairly loud, which caused a few people to stare at us.
"Not so loud Uraraka" I said, smiling a bit, trying to shush her.
"Sooo, who do you have your eye on?" She asked, very determined to get me a date.
"Well.. Todoroki is probably my best bet" I answered, looking over at him. He was still staring at his notebook, like he was contemplating something, tapping his chin with his pencil.
"Todoroki? He has quite a strong quirk and is very intelligent. It's understandable why everyone is asking him to prom" Iida chimed into our conversation.
The lunch bell finally rang. I walked to lunch with my friends and we continued to talk about the dance. Everything was fine and we stayed away from the topic of Todoroki pretty quickly. Luckily Uraraka gave me a few tips on how to flirt with him. I don't think they'll work though, I don't think any kind of flirting works with someone as cold as him.
After lunch was over, I headed to my next class which was english with Present mic. I was the first one to enter the class, and I saw a note on my desk. I opened it.
Dear y/n,
It seems that I have caught feelings for the loveliest girl in school. You make my heart skip beats when I'm near you and I hope you feel the same. Meet me after class so we can talk.
The note was really sweet, but it seemed like the signature was scribbled out. I was a little confused, but since it was my only chance, I decided I would wait after class. It's not like I had anyone else to go with.
The bell finally rang and I packed up my stuff. I didn't leave since I wanted to see who wrote that note for me. I stood there at my desk, praying to god it Mineta wasn't my secret admirer.
I looked over, the last one left was Todorkoki. I motioned me out to the halls and I followed him outside the classroom.
I looked up at him, "Todoroki, did you write this?" I asked, I held up the note.
Todoroki stared at me, then looked down. He looked a little embarrassed, "yes, I did" he answered in a quiet tone.
I looked at him and smiled, "I would love to go out with you. C'mon, let's go to prom together" I said, looking at him, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks. It was all happening so fast I just said what came to mind.
It was finally the day of the prom, I had put on a lovely flowy white dress with red flowers on it and Todoroki was in a white tux with a red tie. It was pretty cool that we matched since it wasn't planned.
I walked over to Todoroki, I thought I looked calm but I guess I was blushing a bit since I was just so flustered to be near him!
"Hey, Todoroki" I said, smiling a bit. I fixed my dress and looked up at him, he looked great.
"Hello my love" Todoroki said to me, smiling slightly, he was blushing a bit.
After a while of chatting we started to dance a bit, it was a slow song which made it very romantic.
"You look great," Todoroki spoke up.
I looked up at him and smiled, "thanks, you look wonderful too" I said.
I paused for a bit, not looking him in the eye, "Shoto, why did you choose me?" I asked, "I mean, I'm not too smart and my quirk doesn't stand out. Plus I'm pretty average looking" I said.
He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him, his hand was very warm since it was the one on his fire side, "smarts, looks, or strength doesn't matter to me. I love you for you're personality, your caring, sweet and loving. How could I not like you?" He looked at me, leaning in to give me a light kiss. He paused. "Can I.. kiss you?" He asked in a low but embarrassed tone.
I nodded, sure of my answer.
He leaned in further and our lips met, it felt like fireworks going off around us. I could here some people cheering, mainly Uraraka.
The rest of the night was mostly spent with Me, Todoroki, Uraraka, and Deku, Iida didn't show up since he didnt like all the PDA or something.
"You two are so cute together!" I said to Uraraka and Midoriya.
Midoriya and Uraraka both blushed deeply, laughing awkwardly.
The night soon came to an end and everyone was finally going home, I was really happy with how the night turned out. Todoroki began to walk to my house.
We talked for hours about ourselves, talking and laughing. I learned that he can actually be pretty funny when you get to know him.
We finally made it back to my house, before I walked in I gave him a long hug and a kiss on the lips before walking inside.
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nebulous-wanderings · 6 years
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Tokyo Trip/Kurenai Enishi October 19-21, 2018
Wow look who procrastinated writing a blog post for this for 2 months (me). I made a mini-post when I got back but I didn’t really explain everything I saw and did in my 48hrs there so I’ll do that here. More pictures and me rambling about Tsukista below~
I only went on this little weekend trip because my friend and I had gotten tickets to see Tsukista’s 6th Stage Kurenai Enishi. I would’ve stayed longer but I wanted to save my vacation days for next year :P Luckily, my friend was able to meet me in Tokyo from the area of Japan she currently lives in and stayed with me for the weekend to watch the show.
I arrived Friday evening and checked into the hostel. It had the best prices for the area and was super clean and easy to check in and out - I would definitely stay there again! After that I met @lavendermintrose at Animate since I wanted to buy a penlight and shop around for a bit. We then made a spontaneous visit to the karaoke place with the Tsukista drink collab~
My other friend arrived at the hostel later that night, and we ate a late-night meal and were up until like 2am drafting fan letters on our phones to write onto stationary the next day.
On Saturday we went to Harajuku for breakfast (see first pic at the top) and scoped out the Tsukipro Harajuku Shop. We had timeslots to enter on Sunday, but we passed by it to take a look at how it was set up. After that we tried to get to the train station as fast as possible in order to get to the theater in time for the merch queue to start but Takeshita Dori was looking like this:
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which is sooo much worse than Times Square so we were crawling at a snail’s pace back to the station. After the trainride, we got off in Shinjuku where the theater was and it was a bit complicated to find since Google Maps had us cross through and mall and back outside to find the theater (that’s also connected to a movie theater). The line had only opened up 5mins before we got there but there were already so many people ahead of us:
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(the entrance is a little past that white sign board with colored rectangles). The wait didn’t feel too long ince they opened sales a bit earlier than the scheduled time and it moved pretty quickly.
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My and my friend’s matching tsukiusas (+ my Sing Together Forever usa). I don’t do itabags so I at least brought these little guys.
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The merch form~ They got stricter with the purchase limit for this stage (like one copy of each CD per person). (+ check out that girl's Aoi and Yoru itabag in the background)
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The hallway to the merch sale tables/entrance to the theater was lined with Kurenai Enishi posters with art of the nenchuu by Jiku-sensei. They matched the red walls nicely lol.
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(My face looks really weird in this pic so I covered it lmao) but I was super excited in line 😂 After buying all of out stuff there was a little over an hour until the show started so we got some food and the food court next door and started writing our letters:
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My friend wrote one for Yuusaku and gifted local omiyage from her region. I wrote one for Yuusaku and one for Yuusuke. Technically my friend wrote it for me since my handwriting absolutely sucks and we were pressed for time (I would’ve taken forever to write the kana) but I wrote the whole message and she just copied the Japanese onto paper. I handwrote the English I included at the end and also signed it. I included some gifts I brought with me from NY to give to them as well.
We got to the theater as doors opened and placed our letters and gifts in the boxes then picked up the premium seat bonuses (2 group bromides and a shrine charm in the 3rd pic from the top). The charm was one of six color combos depending on which day it was and luckily for me that day was the Rui/Iku colors! Ours were in the 6th or 7th row off to the right. The stage was very wide and we were right in front of the little side-stage area where the actors come out from.
I won’t spoil the plot but I will say that people cried during one of the more dramatic scenes. I wouldn’t say it’s as sad as Yunemigusa though lol (I saw ver. Red btw). It was really cool seeing the new cast for the first time, and I think they all did a fantastic job!
The Mutsuki-kun higawari had Gaku (Haru’s actor) as some evil guy trying to defeat Kakeru who is trying to become a stronger ninja. At first it was just a pair of sunglasses talking while Gaku did the voiceover from backstage but then he appeared on stage in a white lab coat. It was really funny, but I can’t put my finger on what exactly his character was supposed to be referencing lol. Also random note: there was a reoccurring mushroom joke that I also found really funny lol.
The songs in Kurenai Enishi weren’t my favorite per se (I’m not a huge fan of slow songs) but they matched the mood and tone of the show very well. However, I do love the theme song since it’s catchy and makes me want to chant along with it lol.
Since I watched the Red version with Procellarum as the focus, the dance live was their group songs and solo character songs from the 2nd season of CDs. The background dancers were the Six Gravity counterparts from the same age group. Rui is my fave and Yuusaku was soooo cute performing “Oh… Yes!” Ryoki did a great job as Iku, and his dancing looked so pro I was amazed. I was really bopping to You’s “Manatsu no Summer” and he went into the crowd for fanservice as usual lol. For the entirety of Yoru’s song, I was just staring at Yuusaku’s face cuz he’s so bright and sparkly~ He had a big smile on just like Tani’s Yoru and looked like he was having fun. During Kai’s “Beast Master,” I was on the side Haru was mostly dancing on, and let me just say Gaku went IN on the hip movements and overall risqué dance moves lmao. Can’t wait to see that again on the DVD 😂 Taka had big shoes to fill as Shun, but he was great throughout the play and dance live (sasuga idols) and his Shun voice was even super similar to Tomoyuu’s.
At the end they performed “Tsuki no Uta” with both groups which was a lot of fun. I was debating whether or not to change penlight colors at each verse but it would’ve been too difficult lol. I had them on Rui and Iku for the whole duration of the song, but did all the name-yelling fanchants which was fun to be a part of (this was my first time at a jp live event). At the end when everyone runs back and forth on the stage waving goodbye, I was sitting close enough to the stage to tell who in the crowd they were looking at, and I got waves from Iku (who probably saw me frantic waving my green and brown penlights) and Kai! Kai also did a finger gun shoot to the girl 2 seats away from me (sitting next to my friend) since she had a Kai uchiwa and she was crying tears of joy all after that lol.
The closing message for that performance was from Yuusuke, and I could tell he was a bit nervous trying to get words out but he looked genuinely happy to be up there on stage. (Honestly, stan Akiba Yuusuke, he’s adorable).
After it was over, I wanted to watch it again, it felt so short! But we met up with Lavender for some more Tsukista collab karaoke and talked about the show and fangirled over stuff. I kept getting Shun coasters when buying the collab drinks, but in the end I ended up with a Rui at least so all was well. I need some more Growth fans to karaoke with so we can all harmonize on the songs 😂
On Sunday, we went to the Tsukipro Harajuku Shop, but I’ll include that in a separate posts since I hit picture limit in this one already. Overall, I had a fun time and I’m super glad I was able to fulfill one of my goals which was to watch a Tsukista show live! I landed back home at 8pm on Sunday and thankfully I was able to wake up in time for work the next day (due in part to me sleeping most of the plane ride back). 10/10 would do a weekend trip (or longer) again for a stage play or concert 👍
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cachekakusu · 7 years
K, so ya girl made the trip to see Anastasia on Broadway because WHY THE FUCK NOT also I needed a much needed vacation lmaooo (RIP MY $$$ but I’m here for a good time, not a long time!!! And worth going to see the show alone!) I also saw it twice because I’m so Extra(TM). But anyway, here be a reallllyy looooooong ass flail-y recap and thoughts for prosperity!!! I’m also combining both nights because I can!!!
So the first night, I sat center orchestra so I can IMMERSE MYSELF IN THE SHOW and the second time, I sat mezzanine right and HONESTLY the theatre is so small that as long as you’re not super to the side, you’ll get an amazing view wherever you are.
When the EMPRESS WALKS IN, THAT SHIT SPARKLED LIKE A FUCKING THOUSAND DIAMONDS!?!?!? WOW LINDA CHO WAS ROBBED. The audience also gasped audibly during her entrance
People laughed when they took pictures IDK WHY IT’S SO FUNNY KJDSFS
The Attack (as I’m dubbing it) is so intense and visually stunning, especially the end
Also the “In The Dark of the Night” melody playing!!!! 
I also loved the Romanov Sisters “AAAAAHHHHHHH”  before the run away 
Ok MAX AS GLEB!!! I LOVED HIM he really was more awkward and less poised than Ramin was, at least in front of Anya but just as terrifying and intimidating.  I thought he was also funnier sdjfhdsjkhf. The tone of voices were pretty similar too so it was kind of easier to focus on his portrayal, which was amazing overall. 
Uhhh once Dmitry comes out, you can’t stop looking at him. JAWLINE. And also he gesticulates a lot sjkfskjj.
Christy really forreal literally has a sparkle in her eye whenever she sings and it’s amazing to witness SHE REALLY IS SUCH A SPECIAL PERFORMER 
ISTG, one of these days Derek and John are forreal gonna end up flipping Christy over when they lift her THEY ALMOST DID THE SECOND NIGHT AND I WAS STRESSEDT you legit could see her feet up in the air lmfaaooao
After Anya chases off those hooligans, she points the stick at Dmitry and says, “Come at me, I won’t hurt you.” in this playful almost flirty voice and it gave me......thoughts......
DEREK GETS SO SWEATY AT THE END OF MY PETERSBURG AND IT’S SO FUNNY KFHSKJF also he kind of warbled the last note in both nights but I  find it kind of endearing lmao bless him
There are a number of moments where Dmitry just kind of stares at Anya and then kind of catches himself and shakes himself out of it and it’s adorable like “hahahahaha idiot you’re falling in loooooooooooooove”
Uhhh OUAD is even more amazing because the ghost projections extend to the sides of the theatre so like SENSORY OVERLOAD I cried metaphorically
Watching the ensemble is so fun, when you can look away from Derek/Christy for a few seconds (WHICH IS HARD TO DO) lmfaoo, and in “We’ll go from There”, when it’s Dmitry’s turn to sing and he’s just hanging on the train rails, I was watching the two smoker girls (one played by Lyrica aka Odette/Ballerina), and at first, they have these disgusted looks that slowly turn into “Oh no, he’s hot” and LYRICA ESPECIALLY had that “gosh, he’s actually really cute” AND IT’S HILARIOUS (and I told Lyrica when I met her at stagedoor and she laughed a lot, saying she and Sarah have a lot of fun doing that scene)
Stay, I Pray You gets me on a deep personal level because the immigrant connection is real (”You are all I know. You have raised me.” WHEN WILL I NOT CRY!?!?!?) , also I love numbers where everyone just sings classic choral style also the harmonies at the end PHEW
Journey to the Past. No words tbh other than MAGICAL. 
I appreciate Land of Yesterday so much more as a visual performance because Caroline O’Connor is amazing. Her wit and her PHYSICAL STAMINA
MBP is one regal HBIC and Close the Door made me EMO
TCATCM is always such a hoot and John and Caroline are amazing together, the audience really just eats it up
I love arm
Christy’s delivery of “I remember” has gotten much softer it seems, and then they both kind of stare at each other for awhile, as if really realizing who each other is before they CRASH INTO EACH OTHER RIP ME 
both gasp lightly between “I’d find you....” “again”
*cue the disappointed sounds of the audience when Dmitry pulls back. SAME, MY DUDES*
also they both let out really audible gasps before Dmitry pulls back and it’s so !!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!?!?!?
When Dmitry kneels down, the background turns into this starry sky AND THE FULL EFFECT OF IT IS BEAUTIFUL AND I WAS AWESTRUCK
I always get so emo when character’s leitmotifs play but ANYWAYS when the Dowager came out, you can tell she just looked so done and tired AND IT BROKE MY HEART (she looked regal af though)
When Dmitry comes RUNNING OUT and just kind of looks around and you know he’s searching for Anya THE silly boy and then Vlad spots him and he’s fixing him up while he acts like a disgruntled son lmflaks
ANYA’S ENTRANCE IN THE ICONIC BLUE DRESS fuck, the sparkles on that dress is so mesmerizing and SHE WAS GLOWING but she only had eyes for Dmitry right when she found him and has this fond look on her face AND SDKJFHSKJ SHE LOVES HIM FLALSMA
(release “When She Walks In”, you cowards!)
I didn’t really cry cuz during both performances (I was TOO HAPPY TO SEE THIS ALL COME TO LIFE BEFORE MY EYES) BUT I did get super emotional when Vlad sang “Meant to Be” becaue HE JUST LOOKED SO HEARTBROKEN FOR BOTH HIS CHILDREN!?!?!?
QUARTET AT THE BALLET is one of my favorites AND I LOSE MY SHIT EVERY TIME!!!! Also LYRICA!!!!! What an amazing dancer and I found it really nice that it was a show within a show and they had their own curtain call for this
Seriously, which of the writers hates Cleveland sdkjfhsdjkfh that joke will never not be funny
Also, DMITRY BOUGHT ANYA A FUCKING DOLL!?!!? WHY IS HE LIKE THIS!?!?!? Let me stare off into space while I continue to process that information
Uh, when Dmitry checks in on the Dowager and Anya during their reunion, he has a little smile on his face before he angstily walks away (and out of Anya’s life forever!!! Or so he thought, haha that fool)
The Anya/Gleb confrontation is always such a cool and emotional scene, especially when the Romanov ghosts also step back behind 
After Gleb decides to let Anya go, and the Romanovs/Officers leave and you see them carry a body, as if physically and metaphorically burying the past IT’S SO. WOW. HAUNTING AND EVOCATIVE AND I THINK ABOUT IT A LOT
When Anya finds Dmitry and he kind of takes her in for a bit before going all emo on her and Anya kind of has this fond smile before getting all sad once he says, “I can’t be in love with someone I can’t have for the rest of my life” like GOD, YOU’RE A FOOL BUT I LOVE YOU!?!?!?
“*softly* I’m not your prince, Anya.”
*cue my tears*
THE KISS!!! SO MUCH CHEERING And lmao whenever Christy grabs his suitcase to step on it, IT’S SO HILARIOUS because even in her heels she’s almost eye level with Derek (a real testament to how big of a height difference they have) 
After Dmitry pulls away, they both have dazed smiles on and kind of look at each other for a beat longer RIP ME
The finale gets me so emo, the Dowager’s “Still...” and her opening the music box AND THE ROMANOV SPIRITS ALL COME OUT AND THEN THEY ALL ROTATE LIKE AN ACTUAL MUSIC BOX!!!! IT’S BEAUTIFUL
Also the bridge in the background changes from being real, to a PAINTING as if to really add to the fairytale effect of DIMYA WALKING TO THEIR FUTURE and then when it goes, “Far away...” IT CHANGES TO A SNOWY SCENE AND I!!! LOSE MY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stage door. K so honestly, I appreciate all of them so much they are all so nice and gracious AND DESERVE ALL THE LOVE AND PRAISE!!!!
Max was so nice (SUPER HANDSOME) and I told him that he was really funny as Max and he laughed skdjskjf
Nicole came out next and she’s adorable, protect her forever!!!!
Lyrica is WOW BEAAUTIFUL TBH and I told her she’s an amazing dancer and she said how she has so much fun doing the ballet (also she has the most legible signature and I respect that lmaoo)
Caroline O’Connor is a delight and is so nice and I told her that I love her jokes and her high kicks skjfhskdjfh and she laughed and she thanked me for buying the program lmfaoo that was cute
Mary Beth also came out and is so elegant and precious and Zach was following after her because he was carrying some box (??? hers??? WHO KNOWS) 
I’m lame and exclaimed, “You’re the music box!!!” when it was Zach’s turn to sign and he was all, “How did you know!?!?!? We have an avid fan over here, guys!” sdkjfhskjfh and I honestly would love to see his Dima cuz he’s really witty and a good egg.
I told John that he was the real winner in my heart and he laughed and said how they really enjoy making the vlogs and I jokingly asked when the next season was and he was very ;)))) about it SO THAT’S EXCITING BECAUSE I WANT MORE ROYAL MISFITS FOREVER!!! I also told him he deserved a full pack of gum sjkfhsjk and he said that he doesnt even like gum sjkdfsh 
Derek is unreal beautiful and lmao the thirst for him by everyone is real but he’s so nice with everyone. I just told him that his vocals in Quartet are particularly amazing sdfjhsjkfh and he laughed adorably (ok, everything he does is adorable lbr). I was kind of a mess trying to take a pic with him but he was really patient while I got my shit together and flkaoska he’s so tall he had to crouch down quite a bit (sorry for my shortness, my dude). Anyway, both pics turned out slightly blurry because???? He just has that effect, I guess!
Christy went last and lmao, I wonder if they purposely plan it that way  now because of how long she takes interacting with each fan. Even the security guard was impressed with how much she loves doing the stage door lmao. She really is as precious as you expect and I pretty much babbled my love for Anastasia and for her AT her because SHE’S EVERYTHING AND IS A LITERAL PRINCESS and emanates so much love and kindness. I asked for a pic and I’m such an awkward ass turtle, trying to decide which way would provide better lighting lmao she offered to do hold the phone instead and I didn’t even realize she was taking so many pics lmao. Then I told her I loved her and thanked her for being THE BEST ANASTASIA  A FAN CAN HOPE FOR and we hugged and she thanked me for coming and told me my hair smelled good sdkjfskf. The second night is when I gave her my gift (lmao, it’s supposed to be a giant easter egg that I painted with some candy in it but the top half came off when she was taking it out, hence why she’s only holding half of it in the picture akhad) and she’s honestly like a little kid with how excited she was about it and even held it out so the other peeps could see lolol. She saw the treats inside and I told her how I know she loves snacking and she kind of went on about the pocki sticks she was eating backstage (which she pronounces, “poke-y” lmaoo so I didn’t know what she was talking about til like, a day later) and how they’re so addicing lmao I love one (1) backstage snacker. And she keeps saying how they have the best fans and I’m like, “UH!!! YOU GUYS DESERVE IT, HONESTLY!!!!” and she does the “Awwww!!!” face (y’all know the one). OH she also tried guessing where I was from but I kind of blurted it out before she could and she was so “SEE, I WAS GONNA SAY ‘CALIFORNIA’! I shouldn’t have even asked!” lmao. I gushed at her again, thanked her and probably told her I loved her again before I finally said goodbye lmao. 
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I’m probably missing a lot of stuff, honestly it’s a blur and I’m trying to finish this up before I pass out from a food coma but ANYWAYS! 20/10 would fucking recommend, I love this musical so goddamn much and the cast and literally every one involved they’re all so talented and it will always hold a special place in my goddamn heart!!! *a million crying emojis*
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natsuhikoshidou · 6 years
Life Cheating Game - Epilogue
Chapter 6 | 
Sora Fushimi was aware of her own sullenness.
(It was easy enough for me…)
The scenery she saw from the Kitahiragawa Station platform, was blurry with the heavy downpour.
It’s like a mental scenery of my own bad mood, Sora thought.
(I guess it’s raining so hard that my boyfriend would cancel our date)
She smiled wryly in her head.
Boyfriend. Until two weeks ago, he was just her childhood friend, Natsuhiko Shidou.
When reminded of his face, it caused a sweet ache in her chest. But, now at the same time, she felt so much irritation it surprised herself.
Sora was on the way home from seeing the ‘World Toy Fair’ held in the city.
It was a fair she should have enjoyed together with Natsuhiko, but after a phone call she got from Natsuhiko late last night, Sora felt like it degraded into worthless entertainment. She essentially walked around the hall all day, but she didn’t find even a little bit of it fun.
If it was before she and Natsuhiko had become partners, maybe it would be different.
But, now, she felt the time spent together with Natsuhiko was far more important, than the new work of a board game brand she loved.
(Is Natsuhiko’s different? Is there something else, more important than me?)
She started thinking selfishly from being full of irritability. Sora was aware of that, and shook her head, as if to shake the thoughts off.
Natsuhiko wouldn’t do something like bluntly turn down a promise. Cancelling a date at the last minute, there must have been something that compelled him. Sora knew that.
(That card… it still smells really suspicious.)
The future predicting card, apparently entrusted to him by a girl that appeared in a dream.
Natsuhiko cancelled the date following the card’s prediction.
A few days before, when he told her the truth about the card, she approved its use, because Natsuhiko had become happy with the card’s power, if he stopped a date he was looking so forward to it was making him restless, then it gave her a bad feeling.
After having a heated debate, the circumstances of the two contradictions coexisting, that the future predictions are flawless, and the means to change it are also flawless, she couldn’t help but harbour suspicion towards it.
The price that the girl that appeared in his dream told him about. She also worried about that.
(I should try and emphasise how cautious he needs to be again. …With his girlfriend.)
Coming pretty much to a conclusion, Sora checked her wristwatch.
The rapid train will come in a few more minutes. One stop before Hachiougi, to the nearest station to her house, will take about ten minutes from now.
The probability that the rain will stop until then, is considerably low.
(Whatever. I have a folding umbrella, but in this downpour…)
Looking from the platform, the rain was enough to make her field of vision hazy. Not sure if it will weaken a little, the momentum was strong, so much it would break her weak umbrella.
(…Ah, right.)
Planning something really nice, Sora clapped her hands in her mind.
(I can go and meet Natsuhiko. Let’s just say, as a little punishment, for suddenly cancelling our date. Ok. That’s a good idea. I’ll call him when I arrive at Hachiougi station, and take cover from the rain at Natsuhiko’s house. If it looks like the rain won’t stop, I’ll try and stay over like that.)
Sora’s imagination broadened.
After the first thing Natsuhiko says when he answers the phone, his reaction when she says she wants him to come pick her up, Natsuhiko’s expression when he runs to the station in the rain, she imagined those perfectly.
(I’ll do that, ok. The rain had better not stop.)
Him in her pleasant thoughts, washed away the irritation that dominated Sora’s heart until a few seconds ago, a different frustration gushed up instead.
(The slow train’s still not here. Could you come a little faster?)
*(there isn’t really a proper name in English but a ‘slow train’ is a train that stops at every platform on a train line)
Staring at her watch.  She felt like the second hand’s movements were slower than usual.
Meeting with Natsuhiko. That thought alone made her feel this happy.
It’s like a miracle, Sora thought.
However, like he threw mud at that feeling of happiness, somebody suddenly came close.
“Hey! C’mon, please don’t ignore me!”
A man expressing an annoying smile, appeared in Sora’s vision.
As soon as he did, Sora felt her uplifted mood become cold.
“Do you have any plans after this? You don’t? Then come hang out with me! There’s a club my friend works at close to here. I can get in for free, so it’s cool, let’s go!”
He was a man who was the very picture of frivolous and thoughtless. He looked much more older than Sora. However, he didn’t look like a person who would work well on any student at all.
He expressed a faint smile, and yet, he didn’t have a cheerful look in his eyes. With pale skin and bony arms and legs, looking like a sick person, with a high pitched voice, the high tension he seemed to pierce through, Sora associated him with a drug addict.
“You’re cute, so you’ll be super popular in the club, seriously!”
Looking like he was tasting all of her in his muddy coloured eyes, Sora felt shivers.
Of course, this man wasn’t an acquaintance of Sora. She only just met him a mere few minutes ago.
When getting off one of the carriages of the slow train, the man dropped his wallet, Sora picked it up and gave it to him. Thereupon, the man might have misunderstood something, and suddenly approached her with an overfamiliar attitude, though Sora ignored it, he insistently tagged along next to her.
Maybe he’s just trying to pick up women, but to Sora she couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.
(Shit, is the train still not here?)
Trying not to look at the unpleasant man, she glared at her watch.
Even though she plainly had an attitude to reject him, the man wouldn’t give up trying to invite Sora. I wish I could close my ears like I closed my eyes, Sora thought.
This kind of man, would mistake it for her not communicating properly, and would casually resort to violence whether or not it’s with a girl. Sora was adequately aware of that danger.
For that reason, even though I’m pretending to ignore him—
“C’mon! It’s fine! Let’s go together!”
The man strongly grabbed Sora’s hand.
Sora tried to scream out. The man’s hand was cold from the rain, the moment she touched him, she felt a sensation like something disgusting crawled up her arm.
Completely different to when Natsuhiko touches her, it felt so unpleasant it scared her,
“Get off!”
Shouting with a powerful tone, she shook off the man’s hand.
When she did, the man’s state changed all of a sudden.
His thoughtless smile disappeared, his look became sharp, a look like a beast dwelled in his eyes.
“You… Don’t talk to me like that! You bitch!”
The enraged man, pushed Sora with both hands.
A small scream escaped her. Shoulders pushed, she began to fall backwards.
(It’s hopeless. I fell. I have to stay u---)
Both legs raised backwards. When they did, she stepped down somehow.
There was no floor, where both her feet fell.
Sora’s body seemed to be thrown off the platform, and fell onto the tracks.
Her vision rotated. She saw the ceiling of the platform. She saw the downpour.
She saw the lights of the high speed train, approaching the platform.
Paan, that was the alarm sound. She felt like she heard somebody screaming.
Sora’s head simulated the events happening after that on its own.
The strength of the impact her own body would feel , the amount of sprays of blood flying around, shapes of the flesh sticking to the underside of the train carriage, and then---
(Natsuhiko will never smile again after this…)
Perfectly, the feelings of the person she loves, up until the heartache.
 “--- Sora-chan!”
 When somebody called her name, her right hand was caught.
The feeling of floating while she fell completely changed, she was pulled forward in the blink of an eye by a strong force.
Her understanding of what happened was late.
She understood that the voice that cried out was a woman’s voice, and the hand that grabbed her was a woman’s hand.
“That was close, Sora-chan”
Before she realised, Sora was caught in the arms of a woman she didn’t know on the platform.
“Are you ok? Are you hurt?”
The grinning woman looked closer to the age of a girl rather than a ‘woman’. Her appearance was she had short, red hair that was close to pink. Her outfit was also strange, Sora was bothered by her large chest, which opened up her monotone unified clothes.
“Ah, no….. thank you.”
When her understanding finally catched up, Sora thanked her.
Sora, who felt like she fell on the train tracks, was helped up by this girl.
“Anyway, you’re…”
When Sora tried to ask the girl, an obstacle appeared.
“Sorry, sorry! That was a little too hard!”
It was the man who restored his thoughtless smile.
“Hey, do you know this girl? She’s sooo cute! If you’d like, both of you can come to the club!”
Even though he almost killed Sora, it really didn’t look like he was sorry. So much that, while he looked at the girl that saved Sora with unpleasant eyes, he invited her.
“Club? Is that fun?”
“Of course! It’s seriously fun, if you two come, I’ll treat you!”
“Hmm. It sounds fun. But…”
The girl stared at the man, and said without any emotion.
“I hate you. Disappear.”
That moment, like the girl said, the man disappeared.
It wasn’t even a metaphor, like he wasn’t even there from the beginning, he disappeared.
The people around didn’t notice. The people that got off the stopped high-speed train, they also passed through the place where the man was a moment ago.
Only Sora saw the moment the man disappeared.
(What was that just now.)
Without expressing it, Sora trembled in fear.
She had no room to doubt that it was sort of mistake in her vision. The man certainly vanished before her eyes.
She guessed what happened. Several hypothesis raised for a moment, but she disregarded most of them. It wasn’t a phenomenon that happened in the laws I know, only that vague conclusion remained.
“Woaah, Sora-chan, your hair’s so pretty!”
While the girl laughed innocently, she stroked Sora’s hair. Though she was holding her hand, it wasn’t like when that man touched her, she didn’t feel uncomfortable.
However, there was a strong feeling that something was wrong.
Something’s wrong. This girl is different from us.
“…What are you?”
Not ‘who’, ‘what’. Sora believed, that’s the appropriate question.
The girl she asked smiled. Her innocence disappeared, she put on a bewitchingness.
Then, without answering the question, she pointed to the platform stairs in silence.
There, there was the person Sora wanted to meet.
“Is that Natsuhiko? Why…..”
The boy who went from Sora’s childhood friend, to Sora’s boyfriend.
When Natsuhiko ran up the stairs, he breathed heavily, and looked around the platform like he was searching for someone.
“He came. The person Sora-chan likes.”
The girl next to her let go of Sora’s hand.
“You wanted to meet him right? Didn’t you wish for that?”
The girl looked at Sora’s eyes while she smiled. Sora looked at the girl’s eyes too.
Blue eyes. Depending on the light, they looked purple. She thought they were the colour of the sky.
“Yeah. Because I found a strong wish.”
“So you called Natsuhiko. You answered my wish.”
Without answering, the girl looked towards Natsuhiko.
She didn’t care about answering, that was the impression she got,  Sora also looked towards where the girl’s gaze was, and now met eyes with Natsuhiko. With a hurry he ran towards Sora, eyes wide in surprise.
His eyes, which had become perfect circles, turned towards the girl that was next to Sora.
“Ma, Maki-chan?!”
“Yoo-hoo, Natsuhiko. You came”
Returning to her innocent smile, the girl waved her hand with a flutter.
Maki-chan. Sora knew that name. The girl that appeared in his dream just before he received the card. That’s what Natsuhiko said.
However, existing in real life, and being able to touch her too, she’s not an inhabitant of his dream.
“H, huh? Sora, why? Eh? With Maki-chan, eh?” “Calm down, Natsuhiko. Catch your breath first.”
Sora said, Natsuhiko obediently took a deep breath and arranged his breathing.
“…Well, why did you come here?” “Um, when I was studying at the library, my bag suddenly lit up. When I looked inside, the card was shining, written on it was ‘go to Kitahiragawa Station’…”
Natsuhiko glanced at Maki-chan.
Maki-chan just grinned, and didn’t say anything.
“So then you came.”
“Yeah. Also, the card disappeared after that.”
Sora looked at Maki-chan’s face too. She also, just smiled.
“What does that mean, Maki-chan?”
“Ehh, what?”
Natsuhiko asked with a serious face, finally answering, her attitude was wrong.
“The fact that the card disappeared. Also, the fact that it told me to come to this station!”
“Huh, it disappeared. That sucks.”
“Answer me seriously. Also, who are you in the first place, Maki-chan? I thought you appeared in my dream, but you’re here…”
“I didn’t do anything like appear in your dream. It wasn’t a dream.”
“It wasn’t? A dream?”
“Right. But, maybe it is. But then, maybe it isn’t.”
“Maki-chan, you…!”
When Natsuhiko tried to roughen his tone, Sora held his hand to stop him.
“So, Sora…?”
Sora judged that he asked Maki-chan something and didn’t get an answer back. Although she didn’t currently understanding anything, she understood that much.
Thus, he should be careful asking Maki-chan any more.
Sora grinned at Natsuhiko, perplexed, and entwined his arm with hers.
“Talking to another girl even though you’re in front of your girlfriend, what kind of an idea is that?”
She said, making an intentionally sullen face.
“Eh? Eeeh? N, no, that’s not it, uhh…”
When Natsuhiko panicked with a red face, Sora though, how cute.
“Sorry, but I’m a human too. I can have feelings of jealousy.”
“I’m telling you, that’s not it…”
“I don’t want to hear it. Show me that with actions, not words. C’mon, let’s go.”
Enduring her want to grin, Sora dragged Natsuhiko over to the stairs.
“Ahaha. You two are close, aren’t you.”
Behind them, Maki-chan waved “Bye byeee”.
“Wai, Sora, wait. Me and Maki-chan still…”
“You and Maki-chan, what? I don’t like that overfamiliar way you refer to her.”
Though she originally intended to pretend, Sora realised herself that she felt jealous. It was probably because that Maki-chan or whatever, had a larger chest than she imagined.
“Haah… Sora, are you the jealous type then?”
“It’s only because I love you.”
When she immediately answered back, Natsuhiko made a little weird noise, “Fuee.”
Natsuhiko was concerned about Maki-chan for a little while, when they began to go down the stairs, he soon gave up, and held Sora’s hand tightly.
Natsuhiko’s hand is bigger. It felt like he wrapped her’s up, she felt secure. Since they also linked arms, feeling so much of his warmth, made Sora about to cry for some reason.
Sora was also concerned about Maki-chan. But, she felt like she shouldn’t touch on her. Like she just wasn’t an existence people should get close to. She felt bad, stopping Natsuhiko from pressing Maki-chan for questions, but it was because she didn’t know if he would disappear like that man.
“We finally get to meet like this. Though it wasn’t what we planned, we could have fun on a date after this?”
“That’s fine, but what about the rain?”
“What about it? If I’m together with you, even if we just sat on a bench by the station, there’s no time more blissful than with you.”
Sora said bravely, wanting to see Natsuhiko’s cute response again.
However, Natsuhiko immediately responded like this.
“Yeah, me too. Just being together with you, Sora, makes me incredibly happy.”
At the smile made towards her at the same time, this time Sora made a cute, weird noise.
“Uu… you’re mean.”
“Maybe. I was just telling the truth though.”
“I, I think that’s pretty mean!”
While both their faces reddened, they went down the stairs, joking.
The card disappearing, now he can’t see the future, or the means of avoiding misfortune.
Well, I wonder if there’s anxiety for us now, Sora asked herself.
And then, she immediately replied, there’s not.
If Natsuhiko has anxiety, I’ll try and make it disappear, she thought.
(That’s what’s important. Just being happy however, now.)
The two walked. Holding hands. Wherever. Together.
They believed, this is the shape of happiness.
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   Interlude: His Prologue, Or Possibly His Epilogue
 “Bye byeee!”
Linking arms happily, the girl waved her hands, seeing off the boy and girl going down the stairs.
“…..Fuu. I feel kind of deceived somehow.”
After the boy and girl’s bodies couldn’t be seen, she sighed and said to herself.
Though the station platform was overflowing with people, the girl who had an appearance that stood out wasn’t seen by anyone.
“Sora-chan’s amazing. It looks like she realised. …But, maybe she didn’t notice it. Maybe she was trying not to notice it.”
The girl’s thoughts continued to trail off until she got close to the truth, as she did,she put the brakes on when that intelligent girl almost figured it out. To put the conclusion ordinarily. She restricted the girl, trying to stop her thoughts at an ordinary category, you could say.
If she made even a tiny, little more leap in logic, that girl would probably come to understand where she was now.
But, that probably wasn’t what that girl wanted. She probably realised the place where she was was a separated fantasy, like a solitary island, in order to stop herself wanting to come to understand that, the girl wished for an the existence that secured reality.
“The anchor that tried to stop Sora from jumping was, probably, Natsuhiko, huh. Well then, if that disappeared, something more interesting would…”
However, she contradicted the particularly fun idea she thought of.
“…I shouldn’t. If that happened, it would be really hard for Sora.”
No matter how long’s passed, humans have always hated being tender-hearted. If humans even a little close to them disappear, their hearts and bodies immediately begins to wither away.
The poop boy was like that, the boy that destroyed the playground she had finally made was too. So was that boy who also looked like a rag from the beginning, but she couldn’t change the conclusion even though she expected it. They have no problems in the spectating part, but once they becoming playthings, humans are too tender-hearted.
“But, well, I’m just playing around though”
Anyway, she found that girl promising. No, she was satisfying, that was more appropriate. Basically, what she meant was, that girl was interesting.
“How promising. I marked her, without even thinking.”
Standing near the platform, she looked up at the heavy drops of the waterfall-like rain.
After that, she closed her right eye.
A scene appeared underneath her eyelid. A coffee shop near the station. The boy and girl there. In the shop, crowded with people taking shelter from the rain, they walked around looking for empty seats. Those two are really close, squeezing each other’s hands, talking to each other, laughing jokingly.
“Hmm, that seems fun. I wonder how it’s going over heeere?”
She opened her right eye, and this time shut her left eye.
A scene appeared under her eyelid. An extensive living room. A boy and girl in there. They talked about something with the lights off. The boy was polite yet proud, the girl, with an expressionless face like everything in the world was hopeless, listened to what the boy said disinterestedly.
“Ughh, how boooring.”
She knew a lot about this boy and girl.
The boy was a boy bearing a strong wish, the girl was a simple tool to grant that wish.
She had created that tool, and said the tool’s name was Ruma. Ruma, from ‘Haguruma’.
(*歯車 Haguruma, meaning ‘gear’ or ‘cog’)
“Sorry about that threat earlier. Well, she probably doesn’t remember it.”
Her voice, naturally, didn’t reach the scenery that appeared under her eyelid. The thing called Ruma wasn’t a high enough power to notice her marker.
For her it was a short time ago. She met Ruma in a future which has been erased in this world. That’s when she marked her, after that she’s been able to keep track of Ruma no matter what time it is.
Unlike her, Ruma is bound to time. So, she can’t go to the future or the past, and she can’t meet her. Even though something like time doesn’t exist. Because Ruma is a thing created for people, she’s bound to the concepts created by people.
“I wonder what that imperfect Ruma-chan is gonna do after this?”
An existence different to her, that resembles her, that she created herself. She bares an interest for Ruma. Coming to this time and granting a couple of boys’ wishes, it was all to find Ruma in the first place. But she completely forgot.
“Will she continue to grant this boy’s wishes? But, isn’t much more compensation needed for Ruma-chan’s power than mine? I haven’t made another mistake, have I?”
Ruma, that she met a long time ago, was a boring existence. The boy that wished with Ruma, has a fatal defect, similar to Ruma.
To tell the truth, the omnipotent and omniscient girl, saw Ruma and the boy’s future. The future not far from now, it’s a future of destruction. Even without losing the girl he loves, that boy has already begun to distort, he’ll soon break.
But, maybe that future might be changed.
Though she wasn’t sure if Ruma has the power to change the future, as she observed like this, she didn’t know if Ruma would begin to change again, like she did a little while ago.
She expected something like that a little.
“Watching humans is fuuun…”
Opening both eyes, watching the platform overflowing with people, she muttered keenly.
In the just recent past, the dying boy said.
‘There are things important other than myself’.
“Since Natsuhiko said that, I helped her. Sora-chan.”
While she spoke, she slipped out a chuckle. Because it was a lie.
Saving that girl, was just granting a wish. That girl wished to “Be together with Natsuhiko”. If she died, that couldn’t be granted.
Even though she didn’t specially ask “What’s your wish?”, she understands roughly what human’s wishes are.
Well, the reason why she asks every time, is because she thinks some kind of process for deciding simply is fun.
Except she didn’t find it fun, what would happen if she found that fun.
“But hey, I wonder what’s important then? Things being necessary apart from yourself, that’s an imperfect explanation, isn’t it? You’re imperfect with yourself, it’s the same as saying that…”
I don’t get it, she said while smiling.
She didn’t understand the importance of others. However, she knew the fact that those kinds of wishes exist from the boy’s desperate actions and thoughts. Even though she only knows that, it doesn’t change the fact that when she granting the wish as a test, she thought it was weird.
“I don’t understand, I don’t understand, I don’t understand…”
While she span around in circles, she repeated happily.
“Even though I don’t understand, it’s ok, because it’s interesting.”
Ruma, who was created the exact opposite from herself, says “There’s no point” at every little thing.
When she heard that, she thought ‘She really must be imperfect.’
She means, if there’s no meaning, then it’s interesting.
No, it’s the other way round. If it’s interesting, then there’s meaning to it.
If she doesn’t understand that, Ruma must also be incomplete after all.
“But imperfect things are interesting too.”
She closed her left eye once more.
Ruma, expressionless as always. And then, the boy Ruma granted wishes for.
In the same living room as some time ago, the two kissed.
“……Woah, that was unexpected.”
Kiss. An act that two people in love do.
So then, Ruma must love that boy. That boy must love Ruma.
“No no. The latter’s impossible. Because Akito-kun loved Sora-chan. That’s why he’s all over the place, isn’t it?”
Then, why? Why did Ruma and the boy kiss?
Interesting. Very interesting. Too interesting, even though she’s omniscient and omnipotent, she forgot.
“Even though Ruma-chan’s more closer to a human than me… I wonder if she can love humans?” At least, she couldn’t love humans.
If that’s the case, Ruma, created by her, also can’t love humans.
But, maybe.
“Did it change? Not just the future, but also Ruma-chan?”
Something like humans, they’re things that change. Thanks to that they’re imperfect.
The humans that affected the girl, they’ve also changed a lot.
Not just completely changing in a new direction, the girl had no relation to that. Simply, it was amusing to watch the humans change.
Ruma, closer to a human than the girl, also might have changed.
If she has, observing that change, is going to be really fun, isn’t it?
At that suggestion, the girl’s heart jumped.
“Ok then! It seems interesting, so I’m gonna watch, juuust a little longer!”
Leaping around like she danced, the girl, now decided to stay in this time for a little while.
In order to see Ruma’s changes, and the boy’s conclusion, with her own eyes.
 Even if there’s no point to it, if it’s interesting, then that’s fine.
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This book is a novel adaptation of KEMU VOXX’s song ‘Life Cheating Game’.
During the adaptation of ‘Life Cheating Game’, I absolutely had to take into account, the existence of KEMU VOXX’s similar song ‘Our Retribution Policy’. It hadn’t been made public on the internet, when recording the album, in the song ‘Our Policy of Retaliation’, the following lyrics were made.
 I hate that cheating bastard, that watched that girl die.
(Ano ko o migoroshi ni shita, ikasama-yarou mo nikui na)
Cheating bastard. And also, that girl, those words.
No matter how you think of it, I thought it seemed to relate to ‘Life Cheating Game’. While they talked about it on the internet, it seemed there were lots of fans that thought the same thing.
Now, with the novel adaptation, in the general statement about every song, which I received from KEMU VOXX, the official statement was clearly specified that ‘The cheating bastard is the boy from ‘Life Cheating Game’’, if that’s the case, I couldn’t end up ignoring ‘Our Policy of Retribution’.
The result of considering it, while the main axis of this book originates from ‘Life Cheating Game’, the factor of ‘Our Policy of Retribution’ was also incorporated in the form of interludes, that was written as a very extravagant format.
The fans speculating about the relationship between the two songs, I hope they are satisfied, if they have not finished the contents they can brag about it.
Not just the two songs below, but relationships exist in lots of KEMU VOXX’s songs.
The previous novel adaptions ‘Life Reset Button’ and ‘Invisible’, the songs bear a deep relationship with ‘Life Cheating Game’, using those points, I cooperated with the various authors in charge of those novel adaptations, with something like setting the scene in the same city, they have a relation with one another.
Certainly, I think you will enjoy reading all three books.
Also, the novel for ‘A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night’ from the same KEMU VOXX is going to be launched, I will certainly enjoy that too.
 Now, as first novelisation as Hitotose Tsubaki, though lots of parts were difficult, while I was supported by the editor in charge, I was able to finish it. Starting with KEMU VOXX, the wanting to engage in the production of books in every way, I express my deepest thanks borrowing from here.
And more than anything, my biggest thanks to you, who has read up until here.
 See you again, someday, somewhere, I look forward to seeing you again.
 Hitotose Tsubaki.
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Hatsuko (picture of Sora)
[Life Cheating Game]
Thank you so much!! Here’s Sora-chan!
Takamura Fumi (Picture of Ruma)
I’m Takamura Fumi, thankful for being in charge of illustrations. I feel like I wanted to draw Ruma-chan much more. Thank you so much!
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