#and i might block you if you're weird or try to um actually me
warlordfelwinter · 2 years
my favorite half remembered possibly non canonical but i dont actually care doctor facts are:
- beat a kid to perma-death with a brick at school for trying to kill his bf and his government employee brother covered it up
- made said bf with chronic drums in the brain disease play the drums in their college jam band and either koschei was very talented or all their songs had the same bpm
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powderblueblood · 9 months
🎵+ our girl lacy hehe
send me 🎵+ character name and i’ll write a lil blurb inspired by a song from their playlist (you can also request songs and i will do my level best. god is a dj and i'm god)
and i'm playin the victim so well in my head, but it's me who's been making the bed or lacy visits her dad in prison and reflects on the life she's created*
*as part of the hellfire & ice universe
warnings for mentions of past parental abuse, incarcerated parent, slight drug mention, cussin up a storm as always
also the amount of time this has spent buried in my drafts! it's not right! but it is okay i hope thank you love you anon <3
You had been putting this off for as long as was excusable to put it off-- as long as you could push it, you'd push it. Busy with school, with work now since your gig at The Bookstore had started (which he'd hate), with your... friends (which he'd hate even more, if he knew exactly who that company included).
But eventually, you do just have to bite the bullet and pick up the phone.
The bullet tastes rancid and the visitation room is always freezing. Doesn't matter if you wear your warmest coat--the mink that he bought you, that still smells of smoke from a garbage can at Roane Quarry--you're still practically vibrating by the time you sit down.
"You always ran so cold, baby girl."
Your father smiles at you through the glass. His eyes are wrinkled at the edges, kind of tired. They've got him behind there like a caged animal. Like you're supposed to tap on the glass of his enclosure and see if he'll respond with glee or fury. He's docile today. It's a change; the last couple of times you'd accompanied your mom here, he'd been seething.
"I think it's an iron thing," you muse vacantly, winching your shoulders in.
"Should eat some red meat."
"There's been a concerning lack of filet mignon in my life lately."
That makes him chuckle and that makes you smile. The orange jumpsuit reflects badly against his skin, extra harsh under the burn of overhead fluorescents. Makes you both look sickly; worse than you are. Misery loves company. There's no way you can tell him that you're actually...
"So how are you doing?" He asks you this question and there's a weight attached to it. He must know, right, he must have figured the shitstorm of trouble that you'd been in for in the aftermath of his arrest. The blowback on you. On your mom, who you were white-knuckling yourself into having pity for.
Your lips purse, tugging to the side. Again, no clue how to answer a question like that. Is he expecting game face? Is he expecting... honesty? You can't read it. So you shrug. "You know."
"I don't, Lacy. That's why I asked."
He has a terrible stare, your dad, the kind you can never get out from under. The kind that makes you feel like you're being constantly watched. In the walls, this guy. As if he knows everything already.
"Well, ah-- school is fine, I'm doing about the same as always," you try to smile as casually as possible, "An even keel of greatness, as you used to say, and extracurriculars are... yeah. I, um," and you attempt a throat-clear, "I dropped cheerleading."
Your father pinches his chin between his pointer and his index as you speak, scratching at the side of his face. Contemplative. The smoothness of this expression doesn't break as you drop that on him.
"Why would you do that."
Your toes curl up in your shoes, ten little ice blocks you're begging to thaw out. Your pulse quickens with such a rapid pace that you feel it in your skull. So, you try and answer like he might.
"Conflict of interest."
"Conflict being?"
"Tina and I came to an impasse."
"Pass it." His laconic brilliance outshines yours.
Your throat tightens. "Why?"
This makes his expression falter, his hand drop from his face. There's a weird rush of satisfaction in that, seeing a crack in the facade--but then you have to deal with what leaks out of the crack in the facade.
"What do you mean, why? Because. This is who you are. This is what you've worked for."
Sshrrk, slicing right through the prime rib of you. He doesn't even need to hear you out, because he knows you, he created you.
He saw you attempting to alter and distort yourself in order to be something perfect and said, good.
Necessity is the mother of invention. Take their standards and make it look like you could maintain them in your sleep, bleeding, blindfolded. Be better, and make it look beautiful. Make them love you, then make them fear you.
And if it doesn't fit, shave parts off of yourself until it does.
You doubt that your uniform would even fit anymore.
Your teeth grit so hard that your jaw starts to ache. "I just don't understand why I should--"
"Why are you letting them win?" he asks.
"I'm not," you insist and it turns your stomach, "I'm not letting them win, it's just-- Daddy, you don't know what it's been like out here for--"
"Of course I do. I bet they're saying horrendous, gut-punching things about me, about what I've done, about you-- but what makes you think that freezing them out is the answer?"
You choose not to mention that you'd actually thrown a Molotov cocktail at them the night of Steve Harrington's party. Reason being?
"Self preservation."
"Your fragile ego can't take it?"
"I'm not fragile."
"No, god, you're solid as a rock. At the first sign of trouble, you turn heel, you quit."
"Dad, that isn't fair."
"This life isn't fair. And frankly, Lacy, I don't have faith in your capability to make it on your own."
Something about the way he uses your nickname makes it feel like it's tied too tight around you.
"You're scholastically intelligent, sure, but you're a shell. You have no inner structure. If you don't pack yourself full of something, whether it's pom-poms or prom invitations or fucking diet pills to keep you pretty, you will fall in on yourself." A pause. "You're not a well-rounded person. But it doesn't matter, not if you can make people believe that you are."
"Is that what you did?" Your voice is nearly slurred. When your father wants to cut you down to size, it's the one time that sound moves faster than light-- and it makes your head spin.
"Worked out pretty spectacularly for you, Daddy." It knocks out words you ordinarily wouldn't say.
"You're the child. You're supposed to learn from my mistakes."
"Can I count them on one hand?" Sometimes he'd knock you back for it. But this time there was a sheen of bulletproof glass between you.
"Is doing yourself up like Saint Jude Thaddeus and siphoning money out of made up charities one of them?" You wonder if he could crack it. Use that handset as a hammer and gather his might and crack it.
"Is Al Munson another one?" That one lingers between you a moment. "He's a two-bit do nothing deadbeat lowlife that's never come clean out of a job, straight or otherwise. Or so I've heard. People talk. He's like a folk hero now. Does it embarrass you that trusting him was all it took to topple everything?"
A beat. The sense memory of his hand cracking against your cheek is so visceral.
"Does it embarrass you that your charm offensive wasn't offensive enough to fool someone as surface level as him?"
A beat. The feeling of letting him have it, as they say, is all the more real.
"Does it embarrass you that you should've known better?"
A beat. You feel like you've just done a bump of something very dirty. Something somebody would sell out of a tin lunchbox. Immediate headrush.
"You got sloppy trying to fill that gaping maw inside you. And what do you have now?"
"What do you have, Lacy?"
And the descent of fear.
You open your mouth to answer, but decide y'know what. You hang up the headset, and leave him there.
Bussing it back to Forest Hills, your blood slowly starts to recirculate in your veins. With that, second guessing starts to flood in. Should you have said that. Were you right. Did any of it get through. Were you cruel. Did he read you.
Coat shrugged around you, you discover Eddie sitting at the picnic bench on your lot. Handful of pebbles in one hand, old SpaghettiO can in clear sight. A flash of pink presses out of the corner of his lips in sheer concentration-- you watch him miss three shots before you call to him.
"Knew you were flukey."
Eddie's head cranes over his shoulder and he grins a grin so loud and lively that it puts color back in your cheeks. They apple up; you're smiling too.
"Where the hell have you been?"
You cross to the bench, propping yourself up on the table beside him. He keens into you, bumping his head against your fuzzy elbow like a happy cat. Playfully, you nudge him away, but he's relentless.
"Prison. Where the hell do you think?"
Eddie hits pause, stares up at you with eyes brimming with shit, dude and fuck, dude. "Oh. Did it suck?"
You start to shrug it off, to completely glaze over it like the donut of daddy issues you'll force yourself to swallow later. But then you take a second look at him, his big eyes yelling you can tell me, y'know.
"It was fucking awful. Like, horrible."
His spine bolts up a bit. "You okay?"
This one you roll around your head a bit. "Right now, yeah. Maybe it'll hit me later."
"Okay. So worry about it later." Eddie's nonchalance when it comes to dad talk is reassuring. To you, he's a zen master when it comes to disengaging with the goading nature of toxic fathers.
"Worry about it later!" you echo brightly.
"I'll stick around in case, for later." He's a good friend. And your stomach sort of flips.
"Take me to the movies?" An afternoon in the warm dark sounds good.
"Fuck you, what if I had plans?" Eddie pushes back only because it'd be weirder if he didn't.
"You don't," you say, pushing back too, "Unless aiming rocks into that soup can is a prelude to something much more spectacular."
"Maybe it is. Maybe I'm finally trying out for basketball." He misses another shot.
"At the eleventh hour." It's a little transfixing, watching him aim and score. Moreso than when she ever stood on any basketball sidelines. "Why are you so bad at this. You're usually kind of good at this."
"These rocks are too small!" he exclaims, animatedly frustrated. Another one, making a sharp ting! off the can's jagged rim. "But seriously. I got banned from the trailer for playin' my gee-tar too loud while Wayne was sleepin'."
Because vaudeville was always one of your fascinations, you mimic your shittiest Southern accent in tribute to his uncle, "Goddamn, boy, ain't nobody teach you any manners?!"
"Was you brought up or dragged?!" His is so much better than yours.
You chuckle. He chuckles. There's a moment, the two of you looking at each other with the softness of two people with nothing but dumb bits and dangerous families. What ludicrous kinds of lives you lead.
"So, movies?" Eddie says, like it's his idea. You let him have it. It's nice to share.
"We'll always have the movies."
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
My Reaction to Episodes 7-10 of Wolf 359 (But first, an update on my reactions for those who are curious...)
Thank you to everyone for your enthusiasm. I wasn't expecting this much excitement for my reactions/liveblogs, but I love it! 🥰
Shoutout to @commsroom for sending me a list of episodes with post credit scenes which include ep 5 cigarette candy, ep 37 overture, and ep 43 persuasion. Thanks Comms Room!
I did go back and listen to the post credits scene for episode 5 and OH MY GOSH HILBERT. WHAT. What. Why. Why? like dude. You're in space! Of all the places to be conducting highly dangerous and deadly and unethical experiments on human test subjects. I've insulted Curtain (tmbs) and Uncle Andrew (narnia) a lot on this blog but I gotta give them credit: at least neither of them were stupid enough to do their experiments in space. Though in Andrew's case, I think that's mostly because he couldn't get to space in 1900s London even if he wanted to.
I currently have Wolf359 Tags blocked to avoid spoilers and will try my best to react blindly.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
Anyway on to the actual reactions. I did not intend on feeling ill today, but while I take a late lunch break, perhaps I can give a few episodes a listen.
Episode 7:
Interesting that the AI has her own emotions and can fight with them. I wonder what information she's withholding from the captain?
Wow Hilbert should have been a professional chess player instead. I think that would have saved everyone a lot of trouble.
Oh hush up Hilbert I don't trust you. Um...why do I think that Specimen 34 might have indoctrinated Hilbert in his (her? its? their????) cult?
Hopefully that lie will buy a little time.
"Soon you will be allowed to surrender to the growth of your biological superior" ... you know, for a "biologically superior" plant, it might want to try being a tad less ominous.
Mincowski, I like you, and I agree thus far, but listen. Hilbert is worshiping a plant now. This is a huge crisis. What if he uses it to cheat at chess?
Hera and Mincowski. Please. I think this is important. I think Hera needs to be more honest, at least for my sake, because I want the tea.
...Seed of life? ...THE OPPRESSOR? What. who is the oppressor?
Eiffel. Please just get to the point. 👏 Hilbert. 👏 Is. 👏 Worshipping. 👏 A. 👏 Plant. 👏
✨Maybe you should do something✨
Oh they're calling him a plant worshipper now. Finally, acknowledging it for what it is.
Oh dear. He's back.
Wait. That can't be the end. The crew was gonna watch Home Alone 2!
Episode 8:
Huh. This is a cool title. "Box953", which is 359 backwards. Hm. You also get 365 if you scramble the numbers and rotate the 9.
Okay. No more about Commander Mincowski. What happened to the plant, oh I'm sorry, "the blessed eternal". That's such a long name. Can I just call him Percival? Percival the plant. Percy for short.
Talent show???
I do not want to know what Dr. Hilbert's talent is. Creating plant monsters?
Yeah. It is scary that you agree with Hilbert. Again, did I skip an episode??? Where did the plant go??? Where is Percy?
How often has Hilbert been knocking people out? I don't like this.
I'm sorry. You have a room with HUNDREDS of crates that you've never been into? Oh. Godard Futuristics? Corporate sponsor? I sense some backstory.
...Russian dolls???
Oh no eyes, don't like that. That's weird.
Box 239...paper? Santa letters??
Box 56...canon? Yeah I agree what is all this random stuff for?
Oh that's faster. A log that will tell what's in the boxes. 217 has Lego blocks? 300 has pieces for 3 full suits of armor? Is this like an amazon delivery ship?
"Please handle with a vague feeling of existential dread" always a great thing to read.
Box 953- reserved for Douglas Eiffel. Don't open.
What does that mean?
Hilbert. You were worshipping a plant. The commander singing is not a crisis. Oh, pirate costumes! This is shaping up to be quite the performance!
Does everyone else get a box too? And how is a room with hundreds of boxes go unnoticed after a year and a half. Are the boxes not in order?
Hilbert. I would also fire a shot past your head. The captain needs her ice cream! This insubordination will not stand.
Hilbert doesn't scream for ice cream. Hilbert only screams for the blessed eternal.
Oh and apparently ice cream too. Prioritizes.
And where is Hera? Oh Hera is here? Proud of her for getting into theater.
1,000 and something crates?
Oh. The errors and access denies hurt Hera? That's awful.
Wow. That's a big box.
"Keep closed at all times". Very ominous. Don't like the cold.
HUMMING FROM INSIDE THE BOX? That sounds like a heartbeat? Don't like that. Don't like it at all.
Yeah Eiffel. You can go. You can go and figure out why nothing on the ship makes sense.
Okay. Box open. Don't like those noises.
Oh good he's back. ugh we still don't get to know about the box?
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Hilbert this was the ONE TIME you could have used your evil science talents for good you had ONE JOB.
There...there was a heartbeat in there. It scared me, and it could have been another evil plant, but...but what if it was a little friend? What if they killed him 🥺?
I wanted to know too Eiffel. I want to know too. This is so sad.
What were the boxes for? Why did Douglas have his own? Why couldn't Hera access it?
Well this was frustrating. I hope you all enjoyed it though.
Episode 9:
Yeah Eiffel. Space is dangerous. Maybe you should all just go home. After all, why do you have to stay here?
Yes please define safe. I don't think that's a simple question. I still wanna know about the blessed plant Percy. And the box.
Canaveral? Command? ...okay backstory the command center stopped giving them calls...I feel like they should have questioned that a bit more...
"The golden rose is ready for melting. Proceed with designation alpha. Beware 5: The empty man has awoken."
Nope. Turn around. Go home. Clearly something nefarious is a foot and WHO OR WHAT IS THE EMPTY MAN? Well, there are only two men on this ship that we know of, plus one woman and an AI. Oh, and about a thousand mysterious boxes which could contain alien life capable of surviving in space that just got launched into space, so I suppose one ought to account for that. Oh and the evil plant monster that seems to show up whenever the crew wants to avoid each other.
Godard futuristics again. Yeah they sure do have some explaining to do. TWO WEEKS TO GET A MESSAGE TO EARTH?
Don't like that.
Don't like Hilbert's response either. He said "what? why?" not "no, why?". If the answer is no, just say no.
Oh more info!
"The andromedas are broken. The northern light should be reversed. Alert 4: The empty man approaches."
Um. What do the numbers mean? And are they telling 5 to beware of the empty man, or someone else to beware because 5 is the empty man?
"The frozen pages are blank. Decide what to do with the time that is given to you. Emergency 3: The empty man hungers."
Okay. So it looks like the numbers might be an extremely fast countdown.
Well at least there haven't been any more messages.
A lockdown is nice. Unless the monster is already inside.
Good idea: don't give Hilbert a gun.
Yep. there comes another message Eiffel. You had to tempt fate...oh shut up Hilbert I don't want to agree with you.
"The broken flower is in the vase. Don't listen to your eyes. Danger 2: The empty man sees you."
Maybe the empty man took the eyes from the Russian dolls.
Why. Why were they having a talent show? Should capturing and killing the plant not be priority one?
"There's no way out. There's no way out. But there is a way in. Danger 1: The empty man shall knock."
Okay so this is the second message with danger. It's an alert and level system. Beware, Alert, Emergency, Danger, with levels 1-5, with 1 being the worst. Okay.
...weird that they are warning them, and yet they seem to know exactly what the empty man is going to do. That doesn't really make sense.
Oh do NOT like that sound.
"0: The empty man is with you. Extreme Danger 0: The empty man is with you. Extreme Danger."
Is...are they the empty man? Or is the empty man...
"The proceeding six pulse beacon relays that you have received have been part of a psychological experiment. Please disregard the content of these messages and return to regular operational activities as soon as possible. Please report and clearly label any unusual crew behavior, deviation from protocol, or undue lack of decorum that resulted due to the transmission of these messages."
Sounds exactly like what the empty man would say.
Also if the "empty man" was with them...and apparently they can't trust their eyes...then theoretically, the seventh message might not say what they think it says. (Conspiracy theory????)
But my wild theories aside, this was extremely unethical. And I think we ALL know who would call that an experiment. HILBERT.
Wait Douglas used to work at pizza hut? Now he works in space? Uh, congrats on the promotion I guess.
Episode 10:
Oh Nitrogen tanks. Eiffel...I think you might have messed up...
And...boom goes the Nitrogen!
"One of these days I'll actually kill you" I hope you don't. You two need to team up against Hilbert and his crazy-crazy experiments.
Wait...did they just discover a secret room? ONE HERA CAN'T EVEN SEE?
...so they're all working with limited information...
How did they hide such a huge room? Wouldn't they need to account for that while flying through space.
Dark medical lab. Well. That could be where Percy is hiding out.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Don't like it. I agree. Why wall it up?
Elia Selburg? I can't spell but let's see. "mixed results...specimen growth and development promising but extremely high levels of toxicity unintended side effect. Contact with live specimens extremely dangerous as shown with recent exposure trial. Captain Lovelace has ordered termination..."
Hold on. Lovelace? I've heard that name, I've seen that name before I blocked the tags I think.
Maybe it was walled up to keep something in!
Oh no. Looks like Hera agrees with me.
"What has it been eating?"
Probably the other spiders.
Well Eiffel's done for once again. He was a good character while he lasted. 🫡
Why would you not tell the crew about the secret lab with dangerous spiders? Tell them so they know to keep it walled up! WHO is keeping all these secrets and WHY are they keeping all the secrets?
The sneeze of death. Put your finger under your nose. That will do it.
Nice of him to leave Hera in his will.
Aw the spider is cuddling for warmth. Eiffel has a little friend. A poisonous, deadly friend who has killed and will kill again.
Oh no he snapped.
...but was that the only spider...????
At least Eiffel is okay. And it does look like it was just the one...
...I hope they're right. If they really wanted to be terrifying they could have had it be a pregnant spider. You kill one of those things and BAM! All the baby spiders, hundreds of thousands everywhere. Everywhere. Don't ask how I know this. You don't want to know.
Oh...archives and notebooks. Interesting. I hope we get a chance to look through those.
Well I have actual work I need to try to go but this has been fun. I hope I get some more answers soon, but I am enjoying the mysteries. Thanks everyone for reading, and have a great day!
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s9e22 stairway to heaven (w. andrew dabb)
confederate flag in the banana split...? apparently last episode s8e6 southern comfort that was covered in them too was set in missouri as well
sam, now you're sleeping on top of the covers in jeans too? we're regressing
SAM What's wrong with you? I could have shot you. [checks his watch] Why aren't you sleeping? We got in like two hours ago.
probably feel slightly more rested if you were in comfy clothes under the covers. just sayin
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obligated to point out bedroom vanity sink situation
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DEAN I called Cas. He said there's something going down in Missouri. SAM What kind of something? DEAN He said he couldn't talk about it over the phone. SAM Why? DEAN Because he is a weird guy, okay? He's a weird, dorky, little guy. But he happens to have an army of Angels behind him, and, even though I hate to say it, if we're gonna take a shot at Metatron, they might be useful.
SAM Well, do you think we need the First Blade? Why don't we just leave that here? DEAN We talked about this, and we decided that -- SAM No. In all fairness, we didn't decide. You did.
appreciate that
DEAN Okay, I decided that a hockey stick that can kill anything might come in handy, so sue me. SAM How many times have we been around this block? Magic that powerful comes at a price, and right now we don't know what that price is.
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s4e20 the rapture
you end up with a gutter bunny sam situation
DEAN I'm fine. I'm fan-friggin'-tastic. SAM And I'm glad, honestly. I'm not saying we bury the thing. I'm saying we just save it for when we really need it. Crowley. Metatron. The big boss fights. You don't have to have it with you all the time, right? I mean, just leave it. Please. DEAN [setting the blade to the side] No problem. SAM Thank you.
let me guess, he doubles back and grabs it anyway
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haha okay andrew dabb. did follow up saying some really shitty stuff, so we can gloss over the shade
SAM Uh, roll call? You hold, uh, roll call? CASTIEL They like to hear me say their names. DEAN I know a couple of women like that.
what a weird, weird line to go with (castiel's). it wasn't creepy before but it sure is now!
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boop boop command shell results lemme click
DEAN Cas, I know you try to be a good guy, okay? I do. You try. But what you got here, this is a a freakin' cult. CASTIEL Dean. DEAN And the last time you had this kind of juice, you did kill humans and angels, and you did nothing but lie to me and Sam about it the whole damn time! SAM Can we, uh -- can we take this somewhere else, guys? [They enter CASTIEL's private office] SAM Will you stow the baggage, Dean.
understandable baggage, but also yes
CASTIEL No. If you don't want my help, then I will follow Josiah's trail to Colorado. I have to do something, Dean. DEAN All right, fine. But Sam's coming with you. SAM What? CASTIEL Because you don't trust me? DEAN To help.
well sam and cas quality time, then. can chat about wtf is up with dean. and sam seems to have fully stowed his baggage, i mean, breaking the wall in his head kind of feels unforgivable but i guess not
CASTIEL Abaddon is dead. SAM And then some. CASTIEL Oh, no. SAM Okay. Um...Ominous.
CASTIEL He does seem angry. I mean, he's always a little angry, but now it seems like...more. I think a part of him actually believed that I ordered those angels to, you know...Sam, you don't, do you? SAM No, man. Cas, listen. You got a weird thing going on back there. Those other angels, the way they stare at you, I-it's like you're part rock star, part L. Ron. CASTIEL They've put their faith in me. SAM And maybe that's the problem. I mean, people have been doing messed up crap in the name of faith -- in the name of God -- since forever.
sam's being so earnest and open
FLAGSTAFF Not funny "ha ha." But you thinking you help people -- it's amusing. I help people. A clogged artery here, a tumor there. I do good in this world. You -- you believe every problem can be solved with a gun. You play the hero, but underneath the hype, you're a killer with oceans of blood on his hands. I hate men like you. DEAN Honey, there ain't no other men like me.
kind of fair, kind of not. but poking the already pissed off bear who you think is a murderer anyway, maybe not the best call?
also sure, tessa. why not
DEAN Yeah. See, that just doesn't sound like the Cas I know. TESSA But doesn't it, though? And the Cas you know, would he raise an army of angels without telling you? 'Cause this Cas did.
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ouch. and surprising no one, dean does in fact have the first blade. he's a few stabbings away from his own gutter bunny moment, i think
glad they clarified in conversation that she threw herself on the blade
SAM We had a deal. DEAN Yeah, well, it was a stupid deal. SAM Really? 'Cause if you'd stuck to it, Tessa would still be alive. Without her, we ain't got jack. DEAN Yeah, you think I don't know that? You think I wanted that to happen? SAM I don't know, Dean. Did you? CASTIEL All right, that's enough. Stop it.
sorry, dad 😔
so cas has to kill dean or everyone will leave. sure, why not!! it's not as bad as the leviathans but good grief i'm tired of this
METATRON So? Well, that's an old writer's trick -- flipping the script. You start by building up a seemingly unbeatable enemy, like the death star, or a rival angel with a bigger army. That way, I look like the underdog. But then, oh, no! The competition gets greedy. He starts pushing things too much. With the help of my combustible double agents. And then, after a rousing speech, his true weakness is revealed. He's in love with humanity. And now...I'm inevitable.
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*taps the sign*
also the pause "he's in love .... with humanity" was that one for the destiel shippers :p
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CASTIEL Long enough to destroy Metatron, I hope. But without an army... DEAN Well, hey, you still got us. CASTIEL Dean. Those bombers -- you don't really think that I -- DEAN Cas, you just gave up an entire army for one guy. No, there's no way that you blew those people away. CASTIEL You really believe we three will be enough? DEAN We always have been.
trying to remember when they actually solved a big problem with cas. he was there with getting lucifer in the cage... blowing up dick roman/in purgatory. hum. too tired i think, will have to look it up later
GADREEL I've...made mistakes. But haven't you? Haven't we all?
understatement of the century lol
little slice from the first blade for his trouble, again surprising no one
well that one had some fun punchy moments, jackles is getting to use his detached face a lot, sam's still on the empathy overload train. but i am so weary of the angel plotline
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champagnepodiums · 1 year
this is a completely different topic from what you've been discussing here...
but, um, the way fans nowadays babify drivers is so weird... not only that but also some of the tweets that cross limits while jokingly 'shipping' drivers. maybe that's just how most of the new fans tweet / talk abt drivers but psychoanalysing every little thing abt them and the extent to which some of them are babified is genuinely kinda insane to me lol..
i believe that also plays a big role in how the casual fans/on insta/even media to some extent behave towards certain drivers, especially the ones who are believed to have only female fans, which is so not true. it also doesn't help in reducing the amt of misogynistic comments made by men bcuz it makes them believe more in what they say abt watching the sport only for looks etc etc. but this just leads them to not take such fans seriously at all and yeah i mean ppl will probably say enjoy the sport like u want to and all but it would be easier for other fans as well if such ppl were a little more normal in the way they talk abt drivers i guess.
i know there's nothing anyone can do abt it and it's probably just the way the new generation of fans behave and act but i just wanted to get this out of my head..
okay so like no offense to you, everything I'm going to say right now is not directed at you, personally anon because i do think you mean well and i don't think you had any idea that you have touched on things that i feel strongly about but also things that are kind of sore spots for me atm but there are a few things i want to go over:
do we all know what psychoanalysis actually is? its not just this anon but i see this word tossed out so casually and like it's this terrible, awful thing and i do not think as a whole, this fanbase actually has a good grasp on what psychoanalysis actually is. it's become this word with a negative connotation and I just think we should generally have a conversation about that. Now, I am not any of your guy's mothers nor do I have the time to handhold everybody through this explanation for you today so I invite you to read this. I would like to tldr it to make a point and it's this quote from the article: "Psychoanalysis, in providing multi-layered and multi-dimensional explanations,  seeks to understand complexity." When people are psychoanalyzing drivers (and it's something that I've been accused of more than once), usually what is happening is a person or a group of people are trying to use the information that we know about a driver through interviews to understand this driver. And sure, sometimes lines are crossed but I do not think psychoanalysis is some terrible thing that is ruining this sport.
Men are going to devalue women in motorsport spaces no matter what- I would suggest you reflect on the idea of women not participating in babifying drivers (which I think you're talking about fangirls essentially which i have thoughts on fangirls in general but im staying on topic kind of) will somehow make men respect women in motorsport spaces. i do not want to assume anything about you, anon but i have a sneaking suspicion that you might be younger (and that's okay!!) and i just -- it really doesn't matter how "good" of a fan you are, men will find a reason to discredit you. i spent a LONG time trying to be a perfect motorsport fan and you know how much respect it has earned me among men? absolutely none. men are either going to respect you as a motorsport fan or they're not, it doesn't really matter what sort of fangirl type behaviors you partake in (or not). I'm not saying that women who aren't interested in the fangirl behaviors are wrong or anything but trying to refrain from them in hopes of avoiding misogyny is honestly a waste of time (I've been in sports fandoms for a decade so while this probably sounds harsh and pessimistic, I've been around the block a few times and if i could give any advice to 16 year old me, it would be to not give a flying fuck about what men in sports fandoms think of me).
I think i had a third thing but it's gone now lol. I think motorsport fangirls are amazing and kickass and honestly so incredibly knowledgeable about motorsports and i will always defend and advocate for their right to exist in motorsports. anon, if you're still reading this i really hope you know i'm not yelling at you or anything, like i'm not mad or anything. if you wanna keep talking about it, feel free, you can even dm me!!
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qualquercoisa945 · 2 years
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I posted 4,182 times in 2022
That's 1,505 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
4,171 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 211 of my posts in 2022
#kho don't look - 13 posts
#ask memes - 5 posts
#themb - 4 posts
#icarus answers - 3 posts
#please - 3 posts
#a h - 3 posts
#okay but like - 2 posts
#oh yes - 2 posts
#my god bless whoever made this - 2 posts
#i will die on this hill - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#yes he's a tragic motherfucker and the fact that i stole his name probably says something about my mental health
My Top Posts in 2022:
song: downtown blues by ben below feat. rachel l hughes
lyric: one winter you're an over achiever, next spring you're just another deceiver
2 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
uh oh besties. i might come back. with pokemon fanfic.
3 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
"i like your president!"
thanks i stole it from the shoelaces
-my friend
4 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
i feel like an important context to me as a person is that like.
so i used to watch a lot of steven universe comic compilations back when i was like... 11, i would say
and like obviously there were comic DUB compilations but what i mean is comic compilations, which were just the comics passing through the screen with music in the background
and i remember the main channel that i watched would change the music up like, once every like 10 to 15 episodes right, of the comic compilations series
and one of the songs they picked, for, again, 10 to 15 episodes of a steven universe comic compilation series, was a mountain goats song
and keep in mind i was like 11, at most 12 right? like i had never heard of the mountain goats before this, i BARELY spoke english, and i wouldn't Truly Care about the mountain goats until i was 16, so at least 4 years later
and um, the way i PROPERLY got into the mountain goats was like, a friend of mine recommended me this year and i spent an afternoon listening to it and cleaning my bedside desk on january 2nd, 2021
but like, me and that friend would sometimes get on voice chat and listen to tmg albums like he'd show them to me and my now partner
and anyways imagine the whiplash when i realized that someone out there set 10 to 15 episodes of a steven universe comic compilation series to no children by the mountain goats
anyways if you've ever wondered why i can't take no children seriously, that is why
4 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
--☆ Basics ☆--
hi!! my name's icarus, amongst other names, which you can find here!!
i'm 17, and i use the following pronouns:
and any other neos!! those are just my favourites
i like tons of things, but my main special interest that i will actually post about is pokémon. i have autism and adhd, so hyperfixations come and go as they please, so i can't promise any consistency in what i post, but i can promise i'll try to be at least mildly entertaining while on my bullshit
--☆ Disclaimers ☆--
while i forget to tag things very often, i am always open to being told i have to tag them!! please tell me if you need anything tagged, i can't promise it'll be consistent but i'll do my best
while i don't have the patience nor do i pay enough attention to enforce a dni, i want it to be very clear that i am pro black lives matter, pro queer people (including trans people, neopronoun users and xenogender users) and most things that people find "weird" or "cringy", and anti ableism, anti terfs, anti transabled, anti transage, anti transrace, and generally anti things that actually hurt people. proceed at your own discretion, and be aware that i might block you at any point if i find you interacting with me makes me uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form
--☆ Useful Tags/Links ☆--
Writing Masterpost
PFP Credit
Banner Credit
Ask Memes (tag i use so people (including me) can find the latest ask meme i reblogged)
Icarus Answers (tag i use so people can see all my asks)
Icarus Rambles (tag i use so people can see all my original posts that aren't writing)
(under a cut, so the post isn't any longer than it already is)
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See the full post
6 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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afaramir · 5 months
3, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 30? 💕
hi hi ria!! blessings of rain be upon ye...
3. how you feel about your current wip
i am RATTLING the bars of the cage in my brain!!! by that i mean the faramir goes to rivendell au is possibly my favourite best thing ive ever written i am just stuck in the mudpit of the current conversation and i would like to. not be there. but i really do love working on it it feels like gradually assembling a structure around a framework and when i step back and really look at it its just. jrr tolkien and i are having A Conversation. you know? like yes!! i AM transforming the work!! i AM deciding whether he would fucking say that and i do think i am right at least 92% of the time!! ive had the concept of the au in my head for probably 3-4 years at least and i feel like. well i was never really going to feel Ready to write it. and yet i am grabbing it in my hands and doing it anyway and it IS making me a much better writer and i can Feel it. yeah i love it.
and umbar fic/situationship au is just me pushing the bounds of do it weird/do it horny/do it self-indulgent and it is. SO MUCH FUN. i think there has always been a little block in my head stopping me from doing that i mean like everything i write is kind of like. this is specifically created to cater to me. but the panopticon in my head is a crazy thing. but step by step we are defeating it. this is like the next step up from just so long as this thing's loaded which was kind of my first time pushing those bounds and. i mean there are a lot of things about that one that i think i could improve now (this is my REAL answer to that "would you rewrite anything" question from the other ask meme) but it definitely got me here. never underestimate the power of a rarepair to make you WEIRD. (<- abby rarepairnationcore sentences...)
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
what is this a job application? LOL just kidding but i do suck at these. um. atmospheric. character-driven (yes this is two words but it is true). interrogative (i am IN THERE with. either the original text. or the minds of the characters. shakes u like a snow globe WHAT is going on in your head).
24. how do you recharge when you're not feeling creative?
im really bad at this. like actually spectacularly abysmal. i mostly sit around feeling sorry for myself for three to nine months. until i eventually buck up the motivation and executive function to actually (re)consume a piece of media and more often than not it will seize me by the throat and lead me out of the pit. yeah this does usually work best with things ive seen before that will awaken a dormant fixation.
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
going to the grocery store. doing my dishes. LOL ok when i am Not Writing A Novel-Length Fic i knit. one day i will start doing it again i want to make. the extensive sweater vest collection of my dreams. but i already have this repetitive stress injury because i type for eight hours at work and then come home and type for four more and i think if i started knitting again on top of that i would immediately crumble to dust. and um. is that it? that can't be it. i do calligraphy sometimes. WAIT LOL I BIND BOOKS. -> @hexagonspress
27. your favourite part of the writing process
omg ok i'm not sure if this is like my Top Number One Favourite but ive recently started really enjoying drafting out ao3 tags and start/end notes it's really fun to work out what things i want people to notice that i might wanna talk about in the end notes and compressing everything down into tags (to varying extents) is also just a neat way to think about like. what was i trying to capture/convey with the fic. e.g. whether i wanna be really wordy with it and get it all out in there or just have the reader go in pretty much blind.
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
maybe i'll never shut up about TO THE VERY DEAR MEMORY OF [ ] but like...you guys. i love it so much. it's so so experimental because the place in my mind that is wrapped around yancy becket is so....complicated and full of grief and fundamentally altering to my brain chemistry and i can only capture it through the world's craziest extended metaphors but i kind of feel like i pulled it off. it is like truly the tip of the iceberg of a LOT of stuff that is really fundamental to honestly a lot of my? lotr work? i mean the way i think about water metaphors...the fundamental dead brother complex baked into my writer's brain...it's all pacific rim in there. this fic marinated in my head for THREE YEARS. that is the longest from inception to completion that any of my (published) work has existed (unpublished is a whole different story. there's a longfic that i created at the beginning of my freshman year of college and has stuck around into postgrad. i mean. girl). i wrote the poem that each first line of every section is extracted from in my parents' house during covid lockdown. and then it just had to sit and develop and develop until the yancy becket death anniversary this year yanked it forcibly out of my head and into a fully-formed format.
fic writer's asks
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 1 year
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 19
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*Warning: Adult Content*  
I have realized that I am not suited for social situations whatsoever.
In hindsight, this is something I should've learned earlier on but at this moment it's become clearer than ever. 
The moment, in particular, I'm talking about is how on Friday at lunch, the peaceful cafeteria table that once belonged to 'The Triplets' aka Lylah, Wren and I, has suddenly been surrounded by a colony of football jocks, courtesy of Jay. 
Jay's seated next to me with his arm around my shoulders, telling me all the latest news about him and the team.
I'm in a sandwich between him and his friend Yvonne, a female alpha with russet brown skin, her hair styled in cornrows that stream down her back.
She keeps cracking purposely stupid jokes in an attempt to make Lylah laugh.
It's been unsuccessful so far but she is relentless.
I don't miss the little smile Lylah's trying to hide.
"You'll go to my game tonight, won't you?" Jay asks me, flashing me a charming smile. 
"O-Oh, uh-.." I start to stutter, losing the ability to speak as everyone's eyes watch me expectantly. 
I look to Lylah for help and she nods at me excitedly, encouraging me to reply.
"S-sure. Can't wait," I finally manage to get out.
A chorus of whoops and hollers resound around me and everyone looks excited.
Except for Wren, of course.
He blows his long hair out of his face disinterestedly.
But other than that, he's been acting normal so I try not to think anything of it.
After lunch, we're walking through the halls and Lylah is nearly bouncing off the walls.
"Isn't this so amazing? We were personally invited to the game," she exclaims, latching onto my arm and pulling on it. 
"Yeah but anyone can go. You don't need an invite," Wren huffs. 
"Oh, stop being such a negative nancy. You better come tonight hoe."
"Um, well..." Wren looks conflicted, avoiding eye contact with us. 
"Come on," Lylah insists. "The Triplets have been in a funk all week! We need something to lighten up." 
We both give Wren pleading looks and he eventually gives in, a smile breaking out on this face.
A smile that fills me with relief because I haven't seen it in a while.
"Ugh, fine. But I know y'all just wanna go for the players, not the game."
"Hehe, you caught me," Lylah sticks out her tongue and winks teasingly. 
Wren rolls his eyes in mock annoyance.
"You're shameless," he says and we all laugh.
We're at Lylah's after school getting ready to go to the game when it crosses my mind that I haven't seen Daemon for a few days.
He's been busy with his pack work and Lucien's been the one driving me.
It's weird but I feel like I miss him.
No, I just miss arguing with him.
That's it.
I miss blowing off steam as he gets all pissed off, his voice deepening to that angry rumble as he gives me that devouring look of his.
Ugh... here I am thinking these things again.
I pull out my phone to text Lucien that I'm going to the football game tonight.
He just tells me to be safe and to get back home before eleven.
He's so nice.
It's almost strange to me how nice he is.
The fact that fathers like him exist is crazy to me.
I've tried with all my might to remember my real father but my memory of the past is so hazy days.
I still remember the horrible pain and things I endured but things like how people or places looked back in Dark Moon are so hard to recall.
Sometimes it feels like my brain is shutting down, like it's trying its best to block the memories of that place out.
My father is even harder to remember than my mother.
He was actually the Head Alpha of Dark Moon when I was younger.
I don't even remember his name.
He abandoned the pack when I was six and that's when his brother, Alpha Ferix, took me and my mother in.
He also stepped up to take the place of Head Alpha in my father's absence.
I don't feel much for my father.
Contempt, maybe.
For being a coward and running from his mistakes.
Alpha Ferix always told us that the reason my father left was because he didn't have the courage as Head Alpha to go forward with a crucial attack, so Alpha Ferix had to step up and do it himself.
After that, my father was shunned and abandoned us out of shame.
During those conversations, I remember how my mother would never speak.
Her mouth would always be pressed in a firm line and her eyes cast downward.
There was no light left in her after that.
She fell ill to a parasitic disease that was rampant at the time.
It's called Xaerva.
Usually, a person's immune system can fight it off but the old and weak are easily susceptible.
My mother wasn't old but all the fight she had in her left with my father, her mate.
She didn't have the strength to win against the disease.
Her blood poisoned and she died. 
And that's how I ended up all alone with my uncle, who's also my stepfather, Alpha Ferix.
It's confusing but he basically forced my mom to take him as a replacement 'mate' instead of my father.
But she hated him.
And she took that hate to her grave and died after four years in that hell with him.
I used to be angry with her, for leaving me to suffer but now it just saddens me.
I wish we could have escaped together.
It's all in the past now.
I just don't want to think about it anymore.
I try to push it out of my head as I attempt an eyeliner wing in Lylah's bathroom, failing terribly.
It looks like a thick slug attached itself to the corner of my eye.
How does Lylah do this every day and look killer?
I'm hopeless. 
Lylah knocks on the door, not waiting for me to invite her in before she barges in.
"Lylah," I screech, attempting to hide my face behind my hands. 
But she's already seen it, evident from the snort that leaves her mouth.
"Oh, Ash, that looks rough buddy," she laughs as she pulls out her phone to snap a pic. 
I scowl at her, trying to block her camera with my hand.
"Very funny."
Then I watch as she pours some type of clear solution onto a cotton swab.
"Let me fix that for you," she says, wiping at my eyes.
So I let her get to work and by the time we're all done getting ready it's nearly seven, which is when the game starts.
I can't believe we took three hours to get ready.
Time flies when you're trying to do eyeliner, I guess.
When we get there, I'm overwhelmed by how packed the stands are.
We manage to find a spot near the field but it's near a group of loud Alphas who definitely look too old to be high school students.
Lylah whispers to me that they're probably alumni.
Jay lights up when he sees us, waving at us from the field and we wave back.
I don't really understand what's going on the field so I just cheer when everyone else does.
It's enjoyable, at least until the group of guys starts bothering us near the end of the game.
"Hey, what's your name, sweetheart?" one of them asks Wren, scooting closer to where we're sitting. 
Wren just frowns at him, ignoring the question.
"Awe, don't play hard to get," he continues, his friends snickering and egging him on. 
"Guys, I need to go to the restroom," Lylah suddenly says, grabbing our arms and standing up.
This earns a round of dissatisfied grunts from the Alphas as we leave.
Ew, they're total pigs.
Living as Omegas in an Alpha-dominated society kind of sucks.
They think they can just make advances on us whenever they want. 
As I look back, I notice one of them staring at me intently.
I realize he's the man I saw at the garage when I ditched school with my friends.
The one Daemon was begrudgingly talking to.
Just like then, I don't like the look in his eyes. 
"Thanks for that, Lylah. Ugh, those creep,!" Wren shivers in disgust.
"Fucking grown men acting like sleazebags."
"What's new?" Lylah sighs as we walk down to the bleachers to the half-sized chain link fence that separates the platform we stand on from the field.
We choose to stand there until the game ends rather than go back to our seats.
With a final touchdown, the coach blows the whistle and our side erupts in cheers. 
"Did we win? Did we win?" I ask excitedly. 
"Yeah duh, Ash. Look at the scoreboard." Wren laughs and I do, seeing that we won by double, 30 - 15.
I watch as our team celebrates, lifting Jay up in the air in elation.
Then they let him down and he pulls off his helmet, spotting me up at the front.
He jogs over and Lylah squeals. 
"I'm glad you're here," he grins up at me and a crowd starts to surround us. 
"Wouldn't miss it," I say, flushing a little. 
Then he starts doing something I did not see coming.
He starts pulling off his jersey, making everyone start to scream.
I watch with wide eyes as he pulls it clean off, revealing his sweaty bare chest.
Lylah is squealing like there's no tomorrow, gripping my arm so tightly it feels like my circulation is going to get cut off. 
Then he hands the number eighteen jersey up to me and the screaming around us only gets louder.
"For you, gorgeous," he winks and I think I hear people fainting.
I take the damp shirt in my trembling hands, not believing what just happened. 
"T-Thanks," I say breathlessly, overwhelmed by everything.
"Oh my God. Let me smell it," Lylah yanks my hand that's holding it up to her face and breathes in deeply, coughing a little as her eyes squint.
"Okay, it was better in my head," she quickly pushes it away from her face in disgust and Jay bursts out laughing. 
I can't help but smile as Jay animatedly goes over the highlights of the game, making exaggerated hand movements.
The crowd dissipates after a while and Lylah pulls Wren off somewhere, saying she'll let us have our 'alone time.'
"So, how was I?" Jay asks. 
I don't know how to tell him I couldn't really tell any of the players apart with their helmets on, especially because I didn't know his jersey number until now. 
"Amazing. You played so skillfully and scored..so many goals," I gush, trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about.  
Jay raises an eyebrow, a smirk on his face.
"Something tells me you didn't know which one was me."
I blush, wringing my hands in his jersey.
"Guilty. But I do know you carried the game. Congrats, Jay." 
"That's enough for me," he flashes me another grin before a teammate calls him over to talk to the coach.
We bid our goodbyes and I walk back to the bleachers, getting swept up in the crowd of people streaming toward the exit.
I check my phone, seeing that it's already 10:30.
I need to get home. 
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thecontumacious · 3 years
YOUR WRITING????? HELLOOOO???????? i'm in love holy hell-
is it alright if i request luxiem with an introverted artist s/o who wants to draw their love but has trouble speaking up about it, worrying it'll come out weird ? it's alright if you can't do it!! thank you so much for your writing!!
Luxiem x Artist!GN!Reader
a/n: ehe, i'm glad that you enjoy my work, anon! i appreciate the lovely words~ fun fact: i am an introverted artist myself so this was also a bit personal for me! thank you so much requesting and i hope you enjoy the hcs <3
warnings: slightly suggestive on vox's part (when isn't he tho) and i want to apologize in advance for my vegan/vegetarian fellows because i implied in luca's hcs you're eating meat >-<
disclaimer: the art i inserted belongs to me!
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you switch your vision continuously between your lover and your blank canvas, drawing utensil in one hand and absolutely anxious to get that single stroke down.
“oh, come on, you’ve drawn multiple times before. why can’t i do it now?” you mumble to yourself, biting your lip afterwards and then looking back at him. he was, of course, preoccupied with his stream and handling the game on screen. you’d plan on asking him to be your… model, but had never gone to it mostly because your courage hadn’t been up to par. however, when you intended to draw him today, you are held back and the nervousness settles in.
“what if it comes out weird?” you whisper, putting down your drawing instrument of choice back down. you were a fantastic artist! your family, your friends and your boyfriend told you that! you’ve made amazing pieces in the past and even drew some lovely fanart for the members of nijisanji. how is it so hard to draw your own boyfriend though?
was it because the stakes were much higher this time? an obligation to make this drawing very good because it was of your boyfriend? was it because you were worried he didn’t like the way you saw him in your art? okay, that might be exactly it…
you groan and collapse onto the couch, completely stumped and wondering if your dreams of finally drawing your vtuber lover will ever come to fruition.
“babe? are you alright?”
you look up and notice the person of the hour, the exact person you couldn’t exactly face this moment. you shook your head, laughing nervously while brushing your hand away in the air. he cocks an eyebrow at you, noticing the blank page of your canvas and the forsaken drawing tool.
“art block?” he asks, taking a seat next to you.
“n-not really…” you avoid his eyes and this was enough to raise suspicion. he studies your features carefully, in search for the source of your distress. school? work? or was it mere mental exhaustion…? he sighs when he can’t decide.
“who are you trying to draw anyway?”
your heart stops and you begin to contemplate whether it was a good idea to spill what’s been bothering you. when you sneak a glance at him and see his genuine worry, you finally choose to tell him.
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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“okay, vox, d-don’t laugh at me, okay!” you hold the drawing media against your chest while curling your lip.
vox only does the exact opposite of your request, “and why is that, dear? were you planning to draw me nude?”
you slap his arm, face warm from his idea and just how close he got to the actual answer. on the other hand, vox can only enjoy himself after teasing you
“n-not nude!”
“oh?” vox tilts his head to the side, smirking. “so it is me?“
“i- um-“ you look away again, overwhelmed by the embarrassment of being caught in his traps once again. you are at a loss of words, hastily trying to recover.
you then feel fingers grip your chin and you are face to face once again with vox, who is no longer laughing, but rather smiling gently.
“what are you so embarrassed about drawing me, my dear?” vox lets go of your chin and moves his fingers to card through your hair lovingly.
you sigh, “it’s just that… well, i was worried that it wouldn't come out as good. i really want to be able to draw you as i see you, you know? i really want to do you justice in my drawing, vox!”
vox‘s eyes are wide and he can’t help but let his heart skip a beat at how determined (and also really nervous) you are about drawing him.
he knows well enough how good you are at your craft and you always manage to produce such beautiful pieces. yes, he’s seen your times of creator’s block, but to think you’re so anxious because of him…
vox beams at you and brings you close for a tight hug, patting away at your head.
“my love, i know you. of course you will do great with your drawing of me. i have no doubt in your skills. you know what i’ve always told you, right?”
he pulls away a bit to see your face and then you frown.
“if it looks perfect in my eyes, then it’s perfect the way it is…”
“there we go,” he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead. “i promise you, that whatever you come up with, it will look absolutely beautiful.”
you whine, burying your head into vox’s chest. “goddammit, it’s like you’re hypnotizing me or something…”
you feel the rumble of his chuckle and it makes you smile, despite the slight anxiety.
“perhaps it’s my demonic nature,” the demon says, wrapping his arms around you once again. “while i’m at it, may i hypnotize you into drawing me nude?”
“don’t push your luck, demon!” you punch into his chest but you can’t help but chuckle at his goofiness, as always.
“oh, i just thought it would motivate you to draw me, you know? draw me like one your french girls~”
“i’m kidding!”
“you sure you don’t want to—ow! okay okay!”
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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“ummmm, i don’t know if i should be telling you—“
“oh, come on! you’re like, really, really good at drawing. is there anything you can't draw?” mysta exclaims, crossing his arms as he looks at you confused.
“w-well, it’s not that i can’t draw him. i’m more worried if the end result will look… weird.”
“wait, him? who are you drawing anyway?? wait, hold on, is it vox??” mysta leans over towards you and you can’t help but laugh at how silly he was being. “or–or like luca??? no, no, it has to be shu. you said you were worried about coming out as weird so it has to be shu’s fucking complex style, right?”
“why is this becoming a game show?” you say through your laughs, “i might as well not tell you, mysta.”
mysta lurches back and gasps involuntarily, offended (?) what 💀
“it’s gotta be shu, right?” he frowns, curling his lip
“i don’t know, is it shu?” you giggle
“babe!” mysta whines, collapsing onto your lap and proceeds to poke at random spots of your body. “come on, come on, come on. tell. me. tELLLL. mEEEEE.”
he keeps bugging you by poking and inserting more of his guesses, and you are more baffled by the fact he hasn’t even mentioned himself—
“babe, babe, babe.”
“mysta, mysta, mysta.”
“tell me who it is.”
“well, i don’t know!” you chortle, “you haven’t given me a final answer!”
“alright i’m gonna go with…” mysta puts a hand to his chin and looks up. at this point, you genuinely don’t know whether he’s actually making a real, serious deduction or if he’s only going for the act.
“come on, great detective mysta rias!” you cheer him on half heartedly
mysta grins and suddenly sits up next to you.
“it has to be…
your jaw drops as you stare at mysta.
“what?” the said detective tilts his head when you don’t say anything (frankly bcs you’re absolutely surprised he actually got it and how you need to respond). mysta then begins to glow, “OH? I GOT IT RIGHT? YOU’RE DRAWING ME?”
you look away, still unprepared for an answer.
mysta shifts so he’s in your peripheral view again with the biggest grin on his face, “you’re drawing me, right? right?”
you push his face away, “y-yeah, i am.”
“awee! but wait, why are you nervous of drawing me? wait, am i that hard to draw?” mysta begins to study himself up and down, and you groan. “no seriously, what are you nervous about? you’re like a really good artist though!”
you turn to mysta and sigh, resting back on the couch
“look, thanks mysta, but… i don’t know. i just want to make sure i don’t mess you up, you know? i really want to draw you as i see you,” you frown, fiddling with your fingers.
mysta is quiet.
of course he would be! you’re so keen on making sure your portrait of him would look nice! but on the other hand, he feels sorta guilty for making you so stressed like this;-;
mysta crawls on top of you and holds your face, smiling brightly.
“hey! i believe in you!” he tells you. “i mean, if it doesn’t come out the way you want it, i’m still fucking ecstatic you drew me??? come on, a talented artist like you drew me??? that’s got to be like top tier.”
you giggle and lean into mysta’s hold
“you really think so?”
“yeah of course!” he leans in and pecks your forehead. “hey, don’t worry about it, alright? i’m gonna love it no matter what!”
you hug mysta and nuzzle into him. “okay, thank you, mysta.”
“so, you wouldn’t be mad if i drew you like this?”
mysta: (-`д´-)
also guys, pls tag me if ya'll ever see or do mysta with clown makeup AJSJSASJAHS
edit: GUYS LOOK 😭😭😭 thank you @holmes-cringe-compilation for the adorable doodle!! mysta should see this istg
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other boys utc!
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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“well uh…” you fiddle with your fingers and begin to weigh your choices.
on one hand, you weren’t worried because this was luca after all… but then again, you were also nervous about luca thinking of it the wrong way
maybe it was better you didn’t tell him?
“it’s just someone with like… uh, a bit of a harder reference. like really complex designs and facial features i’m not used to is all, luca,” you smile, raising the canvas to your chest
luca tilts his head and you’re worried he’s gonna start asking questions, but he hums a minute before shrugging
“well, i hope you get it right, babe! good luck! also, what do you want for dinner? i’ll get going to the kitchen!”
“anything you want babe,” you smile as you pat his head.
“alrighty! ribs okay with you?”
luca nods, kisses your cheek before scrambling off to the kitchen.
you were so distracted by him that you almost forgot about your earlier predicament. it definitely wasn’t something you absolutely had to do or anything… okay, maybe it was.
maybe… maybe you could try drawing him again?
luca heals all injuries after all <3
you pick up your drawing elements, taking a deep breath to actually try drawing this time.
with a reference of luca on one hand, you begin to roughly sketch the basic shapes but somehow, it just kept going in the wrong direction or something… or whenever it did, it felt so off?
nope, not doing it today if this ain't me
you collapse once again, fighting the strong urge to toss the damn drawing media you had out the window
“hey, babe, do you want it spicy this time?” you hear luca yell from the kitchen
“it’s up to you, luca!” you answer him
“sorry couldn’t hear you!” that’s when you begin hearing luca stepping back into the living room and before you could even remember to close your reference, it seems luca has seen it already
oh dear
“oh? was that a picture of me?” luca steps closer and no matter what you did at that point, he’s already beginning to suspect
“ummmm no?” you casually flip your phone over and just as expected, luca’s interest becomes more piqued
“yeah it was!” he defies before completely leaning over the couch to reach for your phone.
“no luca wait—“
but with his physical features, your phone was in his in no time splat
“see? it’s me! oh, you’re trying to draw me?” he asks
no denying it now…
“um- well, yes…” you scratch your head awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.
“wait wait wait, i’m hard to draw?” luca pouts.
“wait luca it’s not like that…”
“ahhhhh i’m sorry for stressing you out like this!!” luca rounds the couch and collapses next to you, comical tears forming at the end of his eyes
you sigh, reaching for him. “luca, nooo it’s not like that… it’s just that i’m so nervous about getting it wrong because i really, really want it to look good. and well, i don’t want to disappoint you…”
“eh? disappoint me?” luca looks up and then sat next to you. “you’re worried it’s gonna look bad?”
“yeah,” you bite your lips and avoided his eyes.
“hey, hey, look at me,” luca’s hands touch your jaw and you reluctantly look at him. but his purple eyes are calming and you bare the embarrassment for him. “i don’t think you’ll ever disappoint me, like ever, babe. whatever drawing you make either of me or anyone else, i think it’ll look super pog anyway! because you’re talented like that, you know?”
you pout, “really?”
“obviously yeah!” he brings you in for the biggest bear hug<3 “you are a real pogchamp! i’ve seen you struggle with art block before so, i know you’ll get there!”
“thanks luca,” you mumble into his chest.
“hey, so like after dinner, can i help you out?”
“help me out?”
“yeah like with your drawing of me! i’m right here sooo i’m gonna help you out like with the posing and details and stuff!”
you grin, kissing his nose, “of course you can, boss.”
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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“j-just someone…”
“someone?” ike tilts his head at you, before biting his lips in thought.
here’s the thing with ike though
he’s more than likely going to figure out what’s bothering you and he’s not going to exactly budge if you don’t cave in
“okay, okay i’ll tell you…” you take a deep breath. “it’s you i’m trying to draw…”
“me?” ike sits a bit straighter, eyes wide and jaw open.
“y-yeah,” you look down and begin to fiddle with your fingers, nervous of the outcome.
ike on the other hand, can only smile gently. “awe that’s so nice, sweetheart, thank you. and what’s bothering may i ask?”
“w-well, ah, you know…” you laugh nervously
“no i don’t know,” ike giggles as he leans against the couch before batting his eyes at you innocently.
this little menace( ̄个 ̄)
“ikeeeee,” you pout
“what?” ike laughs. “i don’t actually know! only you can tell me, darling!”
you groan out of frustration and how terribly right ike was
ike leans in and begins brushing through your hair with only the sweetest and patient smile. he says, “what’s worrying you so much, hm?”
you pout, proceeding to lean your head onto his shoulder
“i’m really worried that i won’t be able to draw you like how i actually see you… i really really don’t want it to look weird and you look so pretty!”
ike was honestly taken aback by that last compliment and he could only chuckle at your cute protests
but other than that, ike is so terribly touched by how determined you were to reach this high of a goal or this invisible obligation to have to draw him in a certain way. out of all people, of course he’d understand how it is since he is himself a creator
he looks at you then places a long gentle kiss on your temple
“hey, listen to me, will you?” ike says, just above a whisper
“hm? sorry, i was rambling, wasn’t i?”
“oh, nothing like that, sweetheart,” ike lays down so now you’re laying down with him on the couch
he begins to comb through your hair again, pecking your forehead
“i understand the stress. this weight on your shoulders. i know what it feels like. to have to put out the best results for someone so we don’t disappoint them. but believe me, y/n when i say you are a very skilled and talented artist. how many times have i just stared at your art pieces and just fall in love with you more and more, huh?”
“shut up ike,” you giggle, causing the novelist to chuckle too
“nope, i won’t do that,” he said. “anyway, what i said is true. yes, i know there are days where you just can’t produce the best of your work but you know what? it’s still beautiful because of just how much effort you put into it! it’s the process that matters really. so, whatever you come up with in my portrait, i’ll love it regardless because you poured your heart into it.”
ike’s words entrance you and the earlier anxiety evaporates gradually
“i know you’re just nervous, so, i’m here to give you uh.. a little push! a little push to get to drawing!”
you chuckle, sitting up to look at him properly. you lean down and kiss his lips, after which you beam gratefully for his beautiful words
“thank you, ike,” you lay back down with him. “that really helped a lot.”
“it’s my pleasure, sweetheart.”
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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“it’s me, isn’t it?”
“wh- how did you??”
y/n.exe has stopped working
“wait actually?” shu chuckles to himself. “so you’re drawing me?”
“y-yeah! well, i’m trying to…” you frown, looking down at your drawing utensils disappointed. there wasn’t even a single stroke there, you couldn’t even bring yourself to do it, can you?
“trying? are you on an art block?” shu asks
“not really… it’s more like, uh, um…” you look away again but shu leans over so he’s in your view again. when you still don’t want to look at him, shu grins at you and you can’t help but get infected by his contagious smile.
“okay, okay, it’s because i… really wanna nail this drawing of you, okay? i’m scared that i won’t be able to do you justice in this one, so i don’t wanna mess it up.”
shu hums
then suddenly, shu takes your drawing equipment and begins to… draw something?
you tilt your head towards shu, but he only grins and tells you to wait
“okay?” you lean over but you couldn’t exactly tell what he was really doing
after a while though, shu finally stops and hands your drawing medium back
you look at it and burst out laughing
“it’s cute isn’t it?” shu smiles
“is this me, shu??” you show him the simple doodle of yourself, in black lines and a some bright colors to emphasize your unique features
“obviously! pretty cool, huh?” shu begins to wiggle his eyebrows and you slap his shoulder while still laughing. “not so nervous, are we?“
you realize just what he’s done just like magic amirite and you smile, scratching the back of your head bashfully
that’s when shu suddenly pulls you into his lap and wraps his arms around your waist
he goes to peck your nose, laughing when he saw you blush
“oh, you cutie,” shu says through the laughs and then leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. “hey there.”
“hey,” you giggle
“look, i know you’re worried about drawing me. but you’ve been through this, haven’t you?”
“yeah, i have. but i’m drawing you, shu. it’s a bit different…”
“i know but i also know that you’re gonna nail it anyway. why?”
“i just know,” shu grins. “you’re so skilled at what you do, babe, there’s no reason to be so worried. and even if it doesn’t come out the way you want it to be, i’m still going to love it either way. it’s because you did it and no matter how you look at it, it’s gonna look so good to me.”
“that’s because you’re biased, shu!” you smile
“oh hush we don’t need to talk about that,” shu nuzzles into your neck. “jokes aside though. if it doesn’t look good, you can always try again! you don’t have to rush anything. take it slow and have fun with it. see, i can even help you!”
shu pulls away and crosses his arms, looking off to the side with a proud smile, “how do i look? this is a good pose, right?”
you snort at him and grabbed the drawing media, beginning to draw shu as he was
“okay, stay still, shu yamino!”
“got it!”
after a while, you finish your initial sketch and is ecstatic to see yourself starting
you flip the drawing media towards shu to show him
the moment he sees it, the sorcerer grabs it and grins widely
“see! you’re doing great! oh wow, this is actually like super good,” shu takes a minute to study your work in progress and when he’s silent, you get worried
shu looks up at you and smiles gently, “it looks really good, babe. it really does.”
you sigh of relief, “thanks, shu.”
he places the drawing media down and pulls you in for a hug, burying your head in the crevice of his neck and shoulder
“please don’t worry about it, babe,” shu whispers, patting your head. “i’m sure it’ll look so good. just take your time and relax, have fun with it. your model and reference is literally right here!”
you smile, “thanks shu. i will.”
after that, you immediately get to work with the hype of your initial sketch
and shu is more than happy to pose for you the entire time
“okay turn this way, shu. i need to get a better look at this part of your face…”
“like this?”
“mhm, now stay still.”
“you done yet?”
“babe, it’s been ten minutes and i haven’t moved an inch-“
you chuckle, “you said it yourself you’d help me out, shu!”
shu is about to protest but he grumbles, “you’re lucky you’re cute.”
“yeah i am, aren’t i?”
guys, should i post the fanarts in full? fun fact #2: i'm editing this while listening to vox's endurance asmr stream im dying rn
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prompts 8 + 9 for Buck omgggg 🥲🥲🥲
Can’t Lose Him
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of hospitals and injuries, minimal swearing, mentions of pregnancy and Chim’s accident, big brother!Chim
Prompts: #8: “you promised me you wouldn't be reckless! You promised me!” #9: “Does he know about the baby?” 
Category: mix of angst and fluff
Word Count: 2.4k
Author’s Note: I loved writing this so thank you for requesting! :) 
Pacing the room, Hen reached out for your hand. “C’mon, your feet must hurt. Sit down” you sighed, once again you were in a hospital waiting room in the middle of the night with the team and Maddie because Buck’s idiotic self got himself hurt again. 
“I’m okay Hen, thank you” you gave her a slight smile. Bobby was talking to the doctors because you couldn't bring yourself to hear what he’s done this time. Bobby returned, Athena by his side now. “Oh honey,” she pulled you into a hug, you could feel yourself melting into her arms, she sat with you and her arm wrapped around your shoulder. Bobby sat to the other side of you. 
“The doctor said that the pressure of the block cracked a rib, which then punctured a lung. He also has a mild concussion but they say it shouldn't be too bad” 
“Is he out of surgery ?” 
“He is, but he’s in recovery now. It might be a little bit before we get to see him” Bobby gives your shoulder a squeeze, you nodded.
Taking a look around the waiting room, Chim held Maddie as she slept with her head on his shoulder. Eddie sat to the other side of them, on the phone with Carla and Christopher. Hen was now talking to Bobby about something. 
This wasn't an unusual scene but a familiar one. Regardless of what was going on or who it was, the 118 always shows for their own. 
A rather tall man came into the waiting room. “Buckley ?” he called out, everyone stood, the doctor seemed surprised to see so many people at 4 in the morning. Your hand was resting on your stomach, you could feel eyes burning into your side. Looking to the left, Chim’s eyes were fixed on your hand, you nodded in his direction with your brows furrowed. He shook his head, you didn’t think much of it. 
“We can take one person in if someone would like to go in now? He’s still asleep but he’s stable as of now” your heart sunk at the term “as of now”, shaking the feeling, you look over at Maddie. 
“Do you want to go in first ?” 
“You go ahead, I'll walk with you and then I'll see him after. I might take a lap, my back is killing me” she gave your hand a squeeze, the two of you followed the doctor to a room down the hall. 
She came in for a moment to kiss her brother’s head and then left you alone in the room with him. You sat at his bedside, your hand held onto his. His hand was cold, the monitor was still going and you could hear his heart beating through the deafening silence but it felt strange. 
Every time you found yourself back here, it felt odd. 
Buck was a warrior in every sense of the word, he pulled through, always. 
“Oh baby, what did you get yourself into” sighing and leaning back into the chair. Once again, your hand comes down to rest on your stomach, the other hand still holding Buck’s. His hand twitched slightly, he was starting to wake up. “Don’t move hun,” your hand rested on his chest softly, Buck’s brows furrowed. 
“Wh-who are you?” his head tilted slightly, your heart dropped. The panic started to set in but you knew better than to let him see it. 
He’ll come around, he’s just woozy from surgery. 
“Why are you here?” he asked once again, “I'm-” you started but was cut off by a little chuckle from Buck. “You ass!” you let out a breath, “god, you scared me”
“Sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you” 
“Yeah? So why am I sitting in a hospital room while you’re all banged up” 
“We could bang if you wanted” he gave you one of his stupid wicked smiles
“Evan Buckley!” you scolded him, “now is not the time” your hand held onto his arm, your finger tracing over the tattoo on his bicep. “You really scared me, the whole punctured lung this isn't a cute look Buck” 
“Really ? And here I was thinking that I was pulling it off” 
Something flipped in you, you went from relief to anger in .2 of a second. “How could you?” hitting his shoulder, you stood up. “Ow! What did I do ? I'm just laying here” Buck whined, you know you didn't actually hurt him, he's just being dramatic. 
“I know it’s your job to run into burning buildings but would it kill you to be safe? You can't fucking save anyone if you’re dead Evan!” 
“Woah, calm down first of all, and why are you calling me Evan ?” 
“Is that not your frigging name ?!” 
You were starting to lose your patience. You loved Buck, any and everyone knew that but you couldn't deal with how stupid he could be sometimes. He’d run straight into danger to help others but not once would he stop to think of what could possibly happen to him. 
“Where is this coming from ?” he asked you, looking at you. He reached for your hand but you pulled away. You find yourself pacing again, trying to calm yourself before you strangle him with his IV line. “What do you mean ‘where is this coming from?’ you had a giant block of concrete on your chest Buck! If Eddie didn't find you, you'd be dead, you were on the verge of death as it is.” 
“You don-” 
“I don't know that ? I know you’re dumb enough to run into a collapsing building, especially after Bobby told you not to go back inside” you gave him a look, your back up against the wall. Buck’s face went pale, he looked as if he saw a ghost. 
“What? You thought Eddie wouldn't tell me about your little stunt ? You should know better than that.”
“Y/n, baby, I didn’t think anything would happen to me” 
“You never think Buck, that's the problem! You promised me you wouldn't be reckless! You promised me! but you never listen, you never do. One of these days, you're going to walk in and not walk back out.” storming out of the room, Buck sat on the bed, his mouth hung open and confused as to what brought on the fit of rage you just had. 
Maddie walks into the room, “where’s y/n?” she sits beside him. Buck rubs his forehead, “um- she just went for some air” 
It was around 5:30 in the morning, you sat outside on the hood of Buck’s jeep. You had dropped him off at work and taken the jeep for the day, hence why you had it right now. 
That’s how you’d describe your surroundings. There was no one in the parking lot, you laid back on the hood as your hand came down to your stomach once again, staring aimlessly up into the sky. It wasn't dark but the sun hadn't fully come up yet. It was right before dawn, the world felt like it paused, not completely, but just enough for you to take in these few moments of peace. 
The weight shifted on the jeep, you opened your eyes to see Chim climbing up to sit beside you. “Hey, everyone’s looking for you” he says, laying back onto the hood beside you. “Yeah, I just needed some air” lying through your teeth, you give him as best of a smile that you could muster up. Chim’s eyes fixated on your hand once again, you watched him, practically hearing the turning in his head. 
“What's going on in there? The rebar taking its effect now?” you joke, he rolls his eyes. 
“Does he know about the baby?” he asks, you sit up and turn towards him. You hadn't told a soul. 
“How did-” 
“Maddie does it to- the hand on the belly thing. She's been doing it since before there was a bump. Just a motherly reflex I suppose” 
You stared off into space, Chim sat beside you quietly. “Does he know?” he asks once again, you shake your head. “I know it’s not my place,” he rests his hand on your shoulder, “but I think you should tell him. It might keep him from running into buildings without thinking.” 
“Did that work for you ?” 
“What do you mean ?” 
“When Maddie told you that she was pregnant, did you think twice before running into a burning building ?” 
“Honestly, at first it didn't. It didn't seem real until I saw the bump and heard the heartbeat. Then it all made sense ya know ? I couldn't risk getting hurt because I had something to live for, they were waiting for me to come home” 
“That's the thing, I don't want to lose him, Chim. I can’t lose him. I love him and I need him here, the baby needs him. There’s no way I can do this by myself” 
“You can, I know you would be able to do it by yourself but you shouldn’t have too. Buck’s an idiot but he loves you.”
Chim sat with you for a few more minutes, you considered everything he told you. How Buck might not change right away nor did you expect him too but if there was even a chance of him changing, you’d want him too. “Ready to go back in?” Chim slides off the hood, holding his hand out to you. You hold his hand and he helps you off the hood.
“We have a stop to make first” you walk in the opposite direction of Buck’s room. Chim follows you down to the gift shop, which was closed as it doesn’t open until 7.“Are you kidding me?” you groan, leaning back against the door. “We’ll figure something out,” Chim looks around. Eddie comes around the corner, “what are you guys doing here?” he walks over. 
“I needed something for Buck” 
“What did you need? Can’t it wait until they open?” 
“Eddie, I'm pregnant” you just blurt out, Eddie’s jaw drops, literally. 
“Congratulations!” he pulls you into a hug, “wait, you’re happy about it right?” he checks, you nod. 
“I need one of those stupid “world’s best dad” shirts for Buck but it's closed” 
Eddie looks at Chim and then looks around. “Are we gonna?” Chim points towards the door, looking at Eddie. “Yup” Eddie looks around once more, “lean your head towards me y/n” your face screws into a weird expression but abides anyways. Eddie pulls a bobby pin out of your hair, turning to the door and jams into the lock. He wiggles the pin around until the lock clicks open. 
“Voila” he smiles as pushes the door open. The 3 of you walk in, Eddie stays by the door to make sure no one was coming. “Chim, find a pen and paper for me please ?” you walk away to find the shirt you were looking for. Picking up 4, you shove them into a bag form behind the counter. You toss $30 onto the counter and scribble a little note for the person that opens that read: 
Had an emergency, needed a few shirts. Hope this cash covers it. Thanks! :) 
Eddie relocked the door before heading to Buck’s room. Everyone was now in the room, scattered in different places. Bobby was leaned up against a wall, Athena stood beside him, leaning into his side. Hen sat on the little counter by the window and Maddie was still in the chair beside his bed. Eddie went over and joined Hen by the window, Chim stood behind Maddie, his hand coming up to her shoulder. 
“Y/n..” Buck whispers as you walk in, you take a seat on the end of the bed by his hips. “I’m sorry” he says, his hand reaching out for yours. 
“You’re an idiot but, I guess, I forgive you” you say and Buck smiles at you. “What’s in the bag ?” he asks, you rest the bag on your lap. “Something for you boys” The guys exchange looks, Eddie and Chim knew you needed something for Buck but what did you get for them? 
Pulling out the shirts, you handed one to Buck first. It was a plain blue t-shirt with big white bold letters that read “world’s best dad”. Buck looked down at the shirt and then back at you, he repeated that process a few times and after a couple minutes he finally asked you. 
“Are you ?” he whispers, the room is silent. 
“Am I?” you ask.
“Pregnant ?” he finishes the question and you smile. 
“Yeah, I am” your hand rests on his, he pulls you into his side for a hug. You hug him, trying not to squish him and hurt him even more. 
“Okay,” you sit up and toss another shirt that said the same thing to Eddie. He caught it and smiled, “because Christopher couldn't have a better dad than you” Eddie gives you a smile and whispers a thank you. 
The next shirt gets tossed to Chim, he laughs. “You got one for me too?” he asks, pulling the shirt on over his sweater. “Yeah because baby girl Buckley is gonna be one lucky baby, despite your not-so-funny dad jokes” Maddie laughs at the comment, Chim does too. 
The last shirt goes over to Bobby. He gives you a look, “what’s this for ?” he asks, “Because not only have you been amazing with May and Harry but you’ve got a fire station full of ‘children’ that rely on you. Just a thanks for bringing them home in one piece, well for the most part” you pat Buck’s side.
The room is filled with happiness and love, the 118 was together once again, not just as firefighters but as a family. 
taglist: @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover
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imerdwarf · 4 years
You're Worth Saving
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Requested by anonymous: Hello you wonderful person! I dare to send in another Buck request, because COME ON HE'S SO LOVELY! ok ok, so maybe where you're also an avenger but you are really silent and distant to everyone (not shy, but alone with your mind), so it happens that buck wants to pull you out of this hole cause he knows how you feel and in the end he succeeds and the teams sees you smile for like the first time since you joined them and they're happy? Gosh i hope this is not weird.
Pairing: Bucky X Avenger!Reader
Warnings: soft!Bucky, introvertism, happy ending 💜
Author's Notes: Hello YOU wonderful sweet anon! How are you doing today? I hope you're doing great. Thank you so much for sending me this wonderful request, I really hope you like it and please feel free to send in more requests at anytime! 💜 Please let me know if you like or hate this, I'll be happy to rewrite it 💜🥺
Divider was made by me 🥰
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Your mind was such a beautiful distraction. It's a place where unimaginable scenarios would be stored just for you to be able to stare at a blank wall and dwell heavily on them. Living 99% of the time in your head became a little dangerous but it was a much happier place than reality.
The team would often find you in this daze like state where you'd just stare at the wall ahead without blinking sometimes. They would try to coax you out of it by asking a question, a question you would ignore because you didn't hear them. Their voices were silenced, a contrast to how loud they were in your head.
Nobody really knew why you were like this. It's been this way since you arrived at the compound months ago. You kept to yourself, ate by yourself, worked out when everyone else was either watching movies or asleep, and you would just keep silent. Even on missions, you never spoke a word.
The team were actually very worried about your well-being, as clearly this was not natural. For the first time since the civil war broke out, Steve and Tony were actually in agreement about bringing a psychiatrist in to help you until Bucky intervened and wanted to help you himself first.
Bucky would have considered himself a professional by now. He knows what it's like not to fit in anywhere, how easy it was to feel so out of place. He understood more than any psychiatrist what a better and safer world it was inside your mind.
"Buck you can't help them. Y/N is too far gone." Steve spoke regrettably, sadness evident in his tone. He believed they failed you from the beginning and it was easy for Steve to take the blame so nobody else would have to feel guilty.
Bucky shook his head before he ran a hand through his hair, scratching at the root before letting it drop down by his side again. "I have to try Steve. I've been there before, I know what they are going through. Trust me."
Steve sighed, knowing he wouldn't have won the fight. Bucky was determined and it was impossible to change his mind about anything.
"I do Buck. Just bring them back to us, please."
With Steve's permission granted, Bucky wasted no time in getting to work. He started off being as subtle as possible by sitting as close as he could to you on the couch. The goosebumps that pebbled your skin when his knee brushed your leg gave him a lot of hope, that you were in there somewhere.
Bucky was hopeful he was getting somewhere with you. Because each time he took a seat next to you, you'd angle your body to face him and wait for him to start talking about his favourite movies, his favourite songs, his new profound hobbies he's been getting into lately. Your eyes would glisten with hope that you were actually listening to him. And you were, you paid great attention and everything he told you, about the Hobbit struck a chord in your heart. You had felt so lost for so long that even you were worried you might not be here anymore.
Then a few days later, he started to talk to you like a normal person. He would talk about his favourite books and why he liked them so much. He loved The Hobbit series because of the adventure Bilbo goes on and how easy it was for the words to suck you into the story. How easy it was to forget how to cope with real life.
"Bilbo goes on an adventure of a lifetime and sometimes as the road gets tough, he regrets it but he knows there is something worth waiting for at the end of it, he knows there is something worth saving. He meets new friends and they stick with him the whole time." The emotion in Bucky's voice rang home for you. "There's always something to live for. Bilbo never gave up and neither should you because I'm with you till the end of the line."
You knew he was saying 'if Bilbo Baggins could do this, so could you.'
Days turned into weeks and instead of just talking, Bucky escalated his plans by doing stuff with you. He started off gently by taking you for a walk around the rose garden Tony had at the back of the compound. Bucky noted how your eyes changed, you looked at the gorgeous fruit trees and rose bushes in such awe. The flowery scent tingled your nose.
Then he would go further by taking you a few blocks away to buy you a coffee. And when New York was hit with a heatwave, he took you to the beach where he heard you giggle for the very time because of the flamingo floaties he had around his arms.
The team saw a huge improvement. They saw how you clinged to Bucky and watched him intently as he made a couple of sandwiches and some tea for the two of you to watch with a Disney movie.
And it was just under a month when he heard you speak for the very first time.
"Thank you." Even though it came out in a hushed whisper, he would take it over the deafening silence anyday.
"For what doll?" Of course he already knew, but he wanted to hear more from you. He wanted to hear your voice.
"For helping me."
Bucky nodded slowly, a smile gradually grew on his lips and he pushed just a little bit further.
That evening, you almost talked his ear off. You opened up about your feelings, what kind of envisions lived in your head and how much happier they were than real life. Bucky shared some of his too, comparing the two it was apparent he knew exactly how you were feeling and he understood just how scary it really is. For you, it felt like this huge boulder had been lifted off your chest. A chance to finally let everything out and breathe again.
"How did I help?"
"You made me realise that there is something worth sticking around for, something worth coming back to." You told him with tears in your eyes.
His hands rubbed your back soothingly, "You know doll, sometimes in life, we hit a crossroads. We don't know where we are going or what's on the other side of the road. And if you pick a path, you're going on new adventures everyday and I am right here with you." Tears shamelessly rolled down your cheeks from his words. You've never felt so safe in the whole time you've been here.
The morning after, the team were seated around the dining table eating breakfast and talking about an upcoming mission when you strolled through the doors with a grin on your face and Bucky right behind you, just like he had been throughout this ordeal.
"Holy shit. He did it!" Tony slapped a hand over his mouth, overjoyed with so much emotion. Steve nodded to his friend, proud of him that he stuck with it when it couldn't have been easy.
"Oh my god, you actually have teeth!" Sam joked which earned laughs from both you and the team.
"I do!" You giggled, your eyes squeezed shut as you laughed. It felt good to laugh. "I um, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the distance and the silence and-"
"Listen, don't you worry!" Tony told you as he walked towards you to throw an arm over your shoulder. "We are just glad to have you here and it's a new day, we can start afresh!" Tony walked you towards an empty chair at the table and made Sam move seats so Bucky could sit down next to you. He squeezed your thigh in reassurance that he was here for you and he wouldn't be going anywhere.
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cherri-cherri · 4 years
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Pairings - Yuuji Itadori x Reader x Ryomen Sukuna
Synopsis - Ever since Yuuji moved away to Tokyo, you've been noticing some odd changes from him, it's almost as if...he was becoming another person all together.
Theme - Monster by Imagine Dragons
A/N - An idea hit me in the head while I was working and I wanted to try this out so badly with both Yuuji and Sukuna! A concept of 'What if the vessel wasn't just the vessel?'. The vessel would eventually merged with the being to become something new altogether, and I thought...yes. why the heck not. This is gonna be a long one, So let's hop right it! Because I really like this idea, theres a good chance this is going to be either split up into parts or I'm gonna keep visiting this every now and then.
Warning - The characters in this story will be aged up due to NSFW content here. Dirty NSFW scenes sprinkled in, Gore Warning, Abuse, Etc.
He didnt want this...
All he wanted was to keep those he cared about safe. Lying to you at the time seemed like a good idea, especially since you weren't tied into the mystical world he was now tied to, and he didn't want you too. But now, perhaps he should've told you everything.
About the finger, about the school, and...
About Sukuna.
You couldn't exactly remember why you originally said yes to the pink haired boy when he asked you to join his occult club activities that night. Maybe it was because of the fact you have nothing really better to do, or maybe because traveling through a forest of possible gruesome death seemed the most attractive thing to you at the time, yet you an Yuuji grew close together that night. Truth be told, walking through those woods during the dead of night was actually creepier than you thought but he was there by your side to comfort you the entire time, holding your hand while cracking a few jokes every now and then to calm your nerves.
"You're not scared? You seem so..well calm?" You asked, looking up at Yuuji with furrowed brows as he just smiled down at you. "Nah, not really. It's just darker and a few trees are around. Not really anything scary, right?" He said, rubbing the back of his neck while chuckling.
Maybe it was because of the warmth of his hands wrapped around your own or how comforting the presence he gave off was to you but it was probably then that your feelings for Yuuji began to grow.
"What you're going to Tokyo?" You questioned, watching Yuuji prepared a few boxes to pack his things. "Yeah, transferring schools. I'm, um .. I'm recieving a sports scholarship at a school there." Placing a few more of things away was when he finally turned to see you, clearly upset over just now being told this. Sure, you should've been happy to see your best friend be able to leave to accomplish more out of his life but it was the thought of him leaving you here that hurt the most. When he saw your face and the conflicted look on it, Yuuji stepped over towards you before wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in your embrace.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I just—" before he could finish his sentence, you stood up on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck and simply smiled to him. "You don't have to say a thing, Yuuji, I'm happy for you. Just promise me that you'll stay safe out there for me, 'kay?"
Your words alone reminded him why he had to leave, why he had to go and leave you here. It was to keep you safe, safe from curses and safe from the curse lying dormant inside of him now. "R-right...Thank you, Y/N"
The school days were quiet once when Yuuji transferred schools. Sadly enough, the occult club had to disband after he left due to them not having enough members with Iguchi still hospitalized. Now it just seemed..boring without him there but he still seemed to have brighten your day with the photos he would send you every day of the bright city lights and bustling streets. His little messages and calls always well timed to reassure you that just because you aren't blocks away from each other anymore doesn't mean you won't still be friends.
So far, you've became pretty happy with Yuuji and how he's able to come so far in Tokyo. He speaks greatly about his sensei and his new classmates known as Fushiguro and Kugasaki, who from the sound of it, are a bit of a handle but great friends who still treat him well. Every week when he had his day off, he would spend time on video call to talk to you and even show you cool things that he either found around the city or around the school's campus.
Tonight however..he was late. Sure, it didn't bother you really if he was punctual or on time since this was Yuuji we were talking about here but there was a tad bit of worry lingering in your head. Soon enough, as soon as that ugly feeling of worry and doubt began to surface, Yuuji's icon appeared on the screen on the laptop as it began to ring to which you quickly opened.
"Yuuji, hey— oh my god, your face." You said right away, gasping a little at the cuts and bruises littered not only on his face but from the looks of it, his arms and shoulders too. Has he been fighting? "What? Oh, oh! These! Yeah, Fushiguro and Gojou-Sensei kinda roughen me up a little today during training but it's no sweat, really! Barely feel a thing," Yuuji tried to give you a reassuring smile while patting his right shoulder only to wince a little in pain from the impact of the pat.
"First the weird scars on your face, now bruises? Dude, I get that this is a sports thing but don't you think it's a little extreme?"
Hearing the worry in your voice, Yuuji rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand nervously as he tried to think of a way to reassure you until a deep voice came from that same hand, chuckling softly.
"What's this? A woman talking to the brat...? How amusing." Sukuna.
Hearing the voice, Yuuji instantly flinched and lowered his arms out of the camera's view. Panic shot through his body as you stared at the screen with a raised brow. "Oh, is someone there with you now? Didn't know you had a roommate."
Oh good, you didn't see him. It wasn't as if he was afraid of you meeting Sukuna, he was afraid of telling you the truth about everything. About how he was now a vessel for ancient being, how he was studying cursed energy and jujutsu, how he died yet came back to life..dumping so much on you with the chance that you might never speak to him again out of fear, out of disgust. That you stop being his friend, and that he would never..he would never—
"Yuuji?" Tapping the screen a little on your laptop as it shook the camera, he soon stared back at you and laughed nervously. "O-oh right, he's only here for a little bit of time, so I figured what's really the point in telling you"
"Really now? Could've swore I was here to stay with you forever. You could at least introduce me to your friend here." Sukuna felt a great amusement watching Yuuji squirm just to keep you in the dark. Yuuji quickly began stammering on his words, throwing you off as he made a quick excuse to leave the call early. Before you could even say a single word, he clicked ended the facetime before sighing to himself and leaning back against his chair.
"...What is the point in keeping me hidden? We are practically one now, me as you and you as me, Brat." Sukuna said, his mouth now appearing on the left side of his cheek with the eyelid opening to stare up at the boy. "Are you scared of me paying your little toy a visit? Young and no doubt a virgin, I could have some fun with her—" Yuuji quickly slapped a hand against the mouth in attempt to hush the curse only for Sukuna to migrate to the hand.
"I won't let that happen, Sukuna." Yuuji said, frowning as he heard the curse chuckle. He didn't like the sound of how he described his bond to the soul sleeping inside of him, how they were one in the same. Shaking his head, the boy tried to reassure himself that he was nothing like Sukuna and simply went to turn off the lights and sleep on it. The last thing he heard before slumber took him were the ominous words of Sukuna,
"You'll see I was right soon enough, brat..."
A week later, Yuuji came back home to visit you. It was one of the days where the school allowed their students a break from their studies and classes and so he wanted to spend it with you as a surprise. And indeed you were surprised. When you had rushed downstairs, you did so wearing only a red sleeved t-shirt that the pink haired male might have left behind with a pair of gray shorts, and so when you opened the door to see the cheery face of your best friend well...it may have left you a bit flustered.
"Hey, Y/—" you quickly shut the door in his face, collapsing on your knees as you felt your cheeks beginning to burn. 'Why of all days, Itadori?!' You thought to yourself as she slowly stood back up and cracked the door open to see Yuuji's baffled face. He looked like a puppy..a sad puppy who was just kicked off his owner's bed and it broke you. Before long, he was now in your house and sitting in the living room couch while you were in the kitchen preparing tea. Your father was currently away on business while god knows what your mother was..it was just the two of you.
And it was awkward.
As you prepared tea on the kettle, Yuuji couldn't help but look at the shirt you were wearing as a small pink blush was lightly spreading on his cheeks. In a way, it filled him with a strange feeling seeing you walking around in something of his, seeing you wearing his shirt made him..prideful. didn't help with how short your shorts were either, it was practically hugging onto your as—
"So, it's just you? Dude, you should've told me you were coming! I would've been more prepared..I barely have any snacks or anything here right now." You grumbled, snapping his attention away to listen to what you were saying. "Hey, no worries, Y/N. Honestly, I'm just hungry for something else..." that last part through him off as he covered his mouth. That wasn't his voice. No, it was but that wasn't him speaking.
As he turned his head to the side to the balcony door, there the boy saw it in his reflection. The eye of Sukuna staring right back at him, causing him to quickly cover the eye.
"Huh? Alright, well what are you hungry for? Theres probably some ramen around here someone or we could just go out to a place to eat if you want.." you questioned, back turned away from him as you began to take the now whistling kettle off the stove. No, he couldn't deal with this now, not while you were only feet away from him. Yet the more he watched you in the reflection, the more he saw your curves in those pretty little shorts or your braless breasts bounce with ease under his stolen shirt...
Shaking his head, Yuuji soon stood up from the couch and placed on his jacket. "I'm sorry, N/N, But I have to go—"
"Wait what but–"
"Sorry, u-um, Gojou-Sensei said something came up and I have to go back! I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you— I promise!" Before you could even protest, he was already out of the door and gone. As he left, you could've swore you saw an eye on his cheek where one of his scars were but that was impossible, right?
He honestly had no idea where he was going to run off to but the boy knew that if Sukuna had a chance to take over and you were in front of him, would've hurt you or worse. Seeing your disappointed face yet again almost shattered his heart completely and when Yuuji finally came to a halt, he found himself beside a small stream and sighed. This was all for the best. It was to keep you safe, or so he kept telling himself.
"Damn, to think you would actually run away when she was begging for you to take her there. What a wimp.." Sukuka said, mouth manifesting on Yuuji's neck as his eye looks up at frowning boy. "Its not often you get an open invitation from a woman. If I was in control, I would've taken her then and there and ram my co‐" Yuuji quickly slapped a hand over the mouth as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, him now thinking back to you and how pretty you looked wearing his shirt. "S-shut up. Don't go saying such gross crap."
"You know you feel the same. I can see that she affects you even now judging by the sight of your pants. You wanted to stuff her with your seed just as much as I did." Sukuna said, the mouth now on his hand. Much to Yuuji's surprise, his dark brown eyes quickly shot down to his pants and just as Sukuna said, there was a raging boner standing up at attention. Swallowing his guilt, he tried to cover it only for his pinky finger to slowly graze the fabric and giving his cock a small jolt. The boy hissed a little and quickly placed his hands to his side.
"I-i..I just.." "No need to be embarrassed. That girl isn't anything typically special but just seeing her, seeing her ass in such revealing clothing. Women of this era must be extremely dirty~" Sukuna chuckled "and hearing your thoughts, you certainly surprised me, Brat..." the more Sukuna spoke, the more Yuuji thought back to you. Seeing your breasts and ass was truthfully hot, even if you weren't exactly his type, he still found you beautiful. Slowly without him even noticing, his hand slowly motioned for his cock once more and in the silence of the forest, Yuuji Itadori thought only of you during his time in pleasure.
It wasn't until later on into the night that Yuuji had finally texted you back, saying he would back tomorrow to make things up with you. Sure, it did cheer you up that he would be back but the way he was acting lately made you feel like something was wrong. If you ever asked, he would change the subject or just smile at you awkwardly as if admitting to hiding something but you won't force him tell you what was wrong. When He was ready, he would tell you for sure and you'll wait for however long he wanted.
"N/N, Everything alright?" Yuuji asked, gaining your attention as you snapped back to the present and out of your thoughts. Looking around, you found yourself staring ahead at a bag of popcorn and the large bright ights of a ferris wheel constantly in motion. That's right, the local fairgrounds, Yuuji had wanted to go one more time before he returned back to Tokyo and since you always liked the food here, you of course said yes. "O-oh, yeah! I'm fine. Just looking ahead at the wheel. Remember last time we were here some kid ended up puking on Sasaki from a cart above us?"
"Haha! Yeah, she smelled of salty tuna for weeks afterwards and it left a stain on her uniform" He laughed, staring at the wheel as he thought about the memory. As you stared at him and watch his smile, it had then reassured you that this was still your best friend and you smiled back. For a moment, the two of you were having a blast at the small fair, playing some of the games set up by the booths (and being turned away after Yuuji broke a few with his strength..) it felt like old times all over again. "Wanna play another game or play at bumper carts? We still have some time to kill before you gotta go back?" You asked, carrying some of the plushie prizes the two of you (mainly Yuuji) earned, you looked over to your side and saw a cotton candy display before your attention turns back to Yuuji, The two of you decided just for a moment to sit down at a small metal bench to rest your feet for a moment
Seeing the display, an idea popped up in his head and the words of Gojou appeared in his mind. 'You want advice on how to swoon a girl? Well take small hints when she gives them to you, if her eyes are lingering on something then that's probably a sign she wants it—'. Seeing as how you kept looking up at the cotton candy, he thought this might have been his chance and sat down his own plushies. Without saying a word, Yuuji got up and walked over to the stand, leaving you there by the table alone with your horde of plush creatures.
Seeing you seating there at the bench by yourself, a group of punks who looked to be close to your age strolled up to you, two of them taking a seat on each side of you while the third one was standing right behind you. "Fine evening, isn't it, love. What's a sweet little thing like you doing here by yourself, you looking for some fun?" The purple haired male said on your left side, lowering his shades as he stared noticeably at your chest. "Actually, I'm here with a friend and this seat is for him so if you could jus—" "oh a 'friend'? But I don't see this friend now, so maybe you could tag along with us back to our place and we'll show you a fun time." The punk behind you said, his hands now pressed firmly on both of your shoulders as he leaned in a bit closer to you, causing you to flinch at his touch. "I, um.."
Turning your head back to in front of you, you saw Yuuji there holding a blue and pink cotton candy stick and face emotionles. "N/N, huh? That's a cute name. This your friend, N/N?" The purple haired punk said, chuckling while rising from his seat "....." Yuuji remained silent for a bit as he stared off at the hands touching you, gripping onto your shoulder and clearly making you uncomfortable. He was typically known for being a calm guy but see this angered him beyond words.
'You see what they're doing to your woman, brat? You're just going to let it happen..?' Yuuji heard the inner words of Sukuna in his head, his eyes dart away from you to the guy standing in front of him, smirking as he touch the cotton candy from the pink haired boy's hand and taking a large bite of the webby treat. "This doesnt have to get rough, all you need to do is walk away and we'll show N/N-chan here a good time she'll never forget." He said, licking his tongue over his lips.
As Yuuji's lips parted, he heard a groan coming from you as you squirmed in the other guys hold with the second punk was now leaning into your neck. Seeing your frown of discomfort, they way they were touching what was rightful his , All he needed to hear were those small words from Sukuna.
'They're touching your woman, they're hurting her. Finish.. them.. off.'
Yuuji stood there for a moment, remaining silent as he lowered his hand, a shadow now cast over his face. Opening one of your eyes as you squirm in the punk's hold, you saw something that made your heart almost stop beating altogether. That smile on his face, that malevolent smile and empty eyes as he held onto the purple haired Male's now broken arm.
The next thing was a blur. The screams of your harassers echoed around you and you heard a wet sound looping over and over again as well as hard thuds. Opening your eyes, you saw it. Two of the thugs bloodied and bruised as their limbs were bent in ways you couldn't imagine, one of them dangling up above you on a tree branch while the other one was limp inside of the cotton candy stand. Looking around for the third one, you saw him behind held against one of the food stands while Yuuji was there gripping his hand over the punk's neck. You couldn't exactly show him any mercy and yet Yuuji was clearly taking things too far, even when the guy tried to beg for mercy and claw his way out of your friend's hold, all Yuuji did was stand there with a grin you've never seen before. It wasnt one of his innocent smiles or mischievous grins, no, it was one of pure sadism. "P-please stop, I'm sorry..I'm sorry.." "you didn't stop when she wanted you too, So why should I?" Yuuji tilted his head to the side a little, chuckling a little as his grip tightened and the man gasped out for air "you'll pay for what you did. You'll all fucking pay..."
The air in your chest almost stopped filling your lungs completely as you watch this. That wasn't the Yuuji you knew, he would've never went this far just to prove a point! Slowly taking a step forward and then another and then slowly speeding up, you reached out and held onto the arm Yuuji was holding the punk up with. "Yuuji, stop it! You'll kill him if you keep this up!" You yelled only to feel a blow strike your face and send you tumbling back a few feet, causing you to scream out in pain. "Stay out of this." Was all he said until freezing and slowly turning back to see what he had done.
Crimson was spilling from your nose onto your shirt and it was gushing out by the bucket to which you quickly covered as you stared up at Yuuji with teary eyes. Regret instantly overwhelmed him as he dropped the thug and slowly reached over to you, his senses coming back to him. "N/N?" He questioned, almost checking to see if you were alright but you backed away as he stepped over to you. What has he done..? Why did he..? He watched you slowly back away with each step, fear in your bright (E/C) eyes and it broke him. "Hey, w-what's wrong? I was only trying to protect them from you, you don't have to be scared."
As people began to crowd in, brought in by the noise of fighting and your scream, Yuuji hand ghosted over the skin of yourself shoulder and you flinched. You flinched at his touch..So many feelings began to overwhelm him that he didn't notice the look of horror in your eyes as you watched what thought were scars slowly twitch and open up, revealing bright red eyes staring directly at you.
"They were going to hurt you," 'She's scared of you now after all you've done' "I saved you! They won't touch you like that again!" 'She sees you for what you are, brat.' "I just wanted to keep you safe!" With each yell, Yuuji watched as you grew more and more scared, the people around all of you terrified as they watched and some even grabbing whatever they could that could be a weapon. Gripping his head as he felt an intense pain through his skull, it was then he noticed..how small you looked as he towered over you. When did you get so small? He thought to himself, bending down to grab you when he saw his arm.
His nails were a dark purple shade, sharper and three black markings were on his wrist. Turning his head a little to one of the booth's and staring into the window was when the truth hit Yuuji hard. His body was different and taller now for some reason and Sukuna's markings were slowly appearing over his face. He was..slipping?
"Y-yuuji, what the hell is happening to you.." he heard you whisper yet before he could respond, there was the sharp pain of something blunt hitting his shoulder. Looking to his feet, he saw a medium sized rock and there another and another. The people were launching what they could at him, yelling at him to leave the girl alone and to leave. Yelling for his death, calling him a monster, calling him a curse. He stared at you for a moment, seeing how now tears leaking from your eyes and Yuuji stepped away before fleeing.
"Yuuji, wait!!" He heard your frantic yell from behind him but it didn't slow him down as he kept running further into the distance and leaving you behind. Your yells becoming drowned out by the mad laughter of Sukuna echoing in his mind.
No, he didn't want this at all. The day was meant to go differently, it was meant to be just the two of you having fun together and end with the ferris wheel and him finally telling you that he...
Thunder crackled outside of the decrepit shrine the boy had taken shelter in, rain pouring outside by the gallons. As he watched the raindrops in silence, Yuuji saw how the scenery slowly began to shift around him as the sky became more malevolent and the cold concrete he was sitting on now a pool of crimson water with piles on top of piles of bones surrounded him. The memories of the fairground echoed in his mind over and over again on loop of him hitting you and your look of fear haunting him, causing his eyes to water.
"Aw, are you going to cry, brat..?"
Yuuji remained silent as he waited for Sukuna to appear at any moment, yet he never came, only his voice lingered around him. "This is all of your fault.." Yuuji whispered, staring off into the rain. "My fault? I don't understand. If I recall, you were to one who eat my finger. You were the one who signed up for being my vessel, everything that has been done was all you..I merely watched from here."
"Bullshit! You made me hurt her..you made me like this!" Yuuji screamed out, flashes of who he did to those thugs showing through his mind, "You made me hurt them!"
"...No, that was all you. You can blame me all you want but I felt what you felt, saw what you saw and you loved every second of that fight. Whipping those who displease you in place, kicking the asses of the men who touched what was yours. Gotta say, made me tear up watching everything unfold" Hear the curse's chuckle echo around in the shrine, Yuuji quickly stood up and yelled out for Sukuna to show himself, only for him to collapse on his knees when feeling an sharp pain in his torso.
"No need to show myself, I'm already with you as close as I can."
Gritting his teeth in pain it was then that Yuuji saw his reflection staring back at him in the water, grinning ear to ear with malice in those sharp fangs.
"You see , Brat, becoming my vessel didn't just mean I was trapped inside of you..no no..You would slowly become me. Your small soul means shit compared to mine and it will be swallowed whole by me. I just needed us to be bound for some time and you would be mine..."
As the reflection spoke to him, Yuuji screamed out in pain as he felt his bones inside of him crack and twist as if they were rearranging themselves. His stomach felt as if it was being cut open entirely as the flesh began to slowly pull apart while tearing open the yellow hoodie in the process, the meat of his torso was forced open as a tongue lulled out and licked his abs like they were lips. The sides of his waist felt as if someone was taking a pair of axes and were merely swinging it down as flesh began to bubble through and bones formed one by one until two new pair of arms were fully shaped. Taking a deep breath, Yuuji slowly chuckled as one of his hands reached up to his head and gripped it and the others wrapped around his waist.
"You should be honoured, Yuuji. You get the privilege of becoming one with me, my power is now yours and yours mine." His lips, against his will, began to speak the words of Sukuna as they formed into a forced grin. "N-no..I haven't told her yet. I haven't told N/N that I love—"
Once when he blinked, Yuuji found himself no longer in the shrine but sitting inside of his desk in his old desk with you standing beside him. Seeing you before him, safe and smiling at him, the boy quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around you which took you for surprise in the process but you simply allowed him to let it all out when you hugged him back. "Well hello to you too, welcome back to earth, how was your trip to space..?" You said, chuckling before feeling something wet on your shoulders. His tears.
"Y/N..I..I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything, I should've told you everything. I should'nt have hit you. I just wanted to protect you because...because...I love you!" His words surprised you but you simply smile. "I love you too, Yuuji."
Staring back down at the reflection before him of the boy hugging onto you tightly as he weeped, dark brown eyes shift to that of a bright velvet shade. Sukuna chuckled while stretching out his newly formed body. How good it felt to be back in control, to have actual flesh again and to see this brand new world all to himself. Sure, his power was not what it used to be but he would regain all of his fingers soon enough. As his domain faded away and he found himself back in the decrepit old shrine, he smirked to himself while debating his next order of business.
"Y/N L/N...Maybe I should do this body a favor and seize you for my own."
He wouldn't answer any of your calls or texts. No one has heard or seen of him but now there was a witch hunt for your best friend. As you laid in your dimly lit bedroom with bandages over your nose, you stared down at your phone anxiously awaiting something from Yuuji.
Hearing the sound of your phone vibrating, you quickly shot up from the covers an grabbed the phone, unlocking it right away and placing it to your ear.
"Hello?" There was nothing but silence on the other end, the soft howling of the wind being the other thing you could really make out. "Hello..?"
"N/N.." your heart practically stopped for a moment but you felt almost a wave of relief hearing his voice on the other line. "Oh thank god, Yuuji..Are you ok—" "N/N, open the window." Was all he said before then line went dead and you were left sitting there baffled. Did he make it back to your house? Slowly crawling out of the bed and slipping on your bedroom slippers, you walked over towards the window and moved the blinds down only a little to peep outside. Standing there in your backyard, shirtless and with his hands in his pockets was Yuuji, seemingly back to normal and everything. There were not increased height, no weird markings, he looked fine and apart of you wondered if it was just the force of his punch that made you see him change. No..because everyone else saw his appearance too.
Taking a deep breath, you lifted up the blinds and unlatched the window. The second that it was free and opened up, Yuuji had jumped above onto the roof and crawled inside to your room. "Y-yuuji, you have a lot of explaining to do— Whoa, whoa!" You took a step back cautiously but he soon grabbed ahold of your wrist and pulled you close to his chest, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head in the crook of your neck. "I know I do, but first I just want to say I'm sorry to you, Y/N. I never meant to hurt you.." he said, whispering in a soft tone as his hold on you tighten a bit.
"I'm leaving here after tonight but I just had to see you to tell you that I..I love you. I love you, Y/N" Taken back by his words, you felt yourself being pushed onto your bed and watched as the boy loomed over you before crawling onto the mattress.
He loved you. Those words practically made your heart skipped over so many times that you were positive that you had stopped breathing. "Let me come with you, Yuuji." You said, reaching up to his face and caressing his cheeks, "I don't know what's happening but you can trust me. I won't let you go through this alone and I'll always be here with you."
He didn't say much after that. All he did was lower his head a little until your lips were merely inches away from each other before he pressed them together. The sensation you felt was one like fireworks. Those butterflies in your stomach exploding and multiplying over and over again as you felt his tongue licking your bottom lip but you pulled away before he could fully explore your mouth.
"Always..? So you will always stay with me, N/N?" He whispered, head dipping down to your neck as he left a trail of kisses down your warm skin until he kissed the base of your throat. "Yeah..I will." "Do you swear..?" His hands began to grip your hips, running the tips of his fingers against your clothed thighs while he began to press his own hips to your own.
"I-I swear.." you said, staring up at Yuuji with a small smile. He stared at you for a moment, smiling down at you before sitting up, his large hand covering the upper half of his face.
"That's all I need to make you mine." Sliding his hand upwards was when you saw it. Those spare eyes once again on Yuuji's cheeks, staring at you as if it you were nothing but glass. That sincere smile that calmed your soul became a mischievous grin, showing the sharpened fangs he now had. You watched as those pitch blackp markings began to spread over his skin and yet the moment you sat up, two fully grown arms pinned you down onto the mattress. "Almost as naive as the brat himself but I suppose there is some charm to the naivete of a woman. Makes it easier to influence, to change.." 'Yuuji' said, dipping his head down to your ear before biting down on the lobe of it. You gasped out, squirming in his hold.
"Let me go, Yuuji! I don't know what's going on but I want to help! Just let me help you!" You yelled out to him but soon silenced yourself as you noticed the scenery of your bedroom changing. All of your furniture began to disappear one by one as a red hue began to spread around the two of you
In the blink of an eye, you were taken to Sukuna's innate domain. The water that replaced the softness of your bed now causing your back to soaked and your hair now spread out and floating in the depths. "Yell all you want but that brat can't hear you anymore. Gone forever in a dream that will never come true, but I promise I will keep you company in his stead. By the time I am done with you, will forget all about him. All you'll want is me, all you'll ever need is me. The name Ryomen Sukuna will burned into your soul and you'll learn to worship me, N/N..."
With a single swing, the soft yet wet cotton fabric of your shirt and shorts was torn off of you with ease and revealed your now exposed flesh to the cold. Sukuna stared down at them, his tongue licked over his long and sharp fangs as his eyes motioned down to your folds. His hand traveled down your thighs before his finger swiped against the outer circle of your lips yet he looked displeased from what he felt. "Dry as a drought but that's fine. I'll be fucking you regardless" he said, his index finger slowly pushing inside of your virgin cunt causing you to gasp out for air and arch your back. "You tighten just now, dirty whore...Did you often fantasise Yuuji stuffing his cock inside of you...?" he whispered into your ear intimately, he kissed the bottom of your ear and moved onto your neck, sucking until he found the soft spot that made you inhale deeply. 
Sukuna sucked on your neck while constantly kept inserting his finger in you, pumping in and out, eventually adding a second digit. He curled his fingers and caused you let out a faint moan as his finger crept closer to your sweet spot over and over. It was too much, you thought as he bit down onto your soft skin, and you were feeling so good from it so far and it made you ashamed. this demon, this thing was in your best friend's body and now he was using it to currently assault your body but the feeling of it all was too good. You had to keep your eyes shut for looking up at Sukuna tugged at your heart as all you saw was Yuuji.
"Oh you are loving this..." parting from your neck,he looked pleased seeing the angry red hickey left behind.
"I-im not...I'm not..." A moan escaped your lips, feeling something wet replace his fingers. Lifting your head, you saw a mouth on the palm of his hand and its tongue gently licking the nub of your clit almost like a lollipop. "Feels good, doesn't it, N/N..?" His tone was nothing less than mocking, the mouth taking ahold of one of your lips with its teeth causing you to scream out. "I said, it feels good doesnt it? Speak when your master is speaking to you. "
"Y-yes! It feels amazing!" You tasted so sweet on his tongue, circling your clit, lapping at your clenching entrance, kissing your folds. "A-Ah~" You whimper when he folds your legs to your chest, He takes another nip at your clit, as he listened to your hushed whines. Your moans were music to his ears, yet what he wanted from you was his name. The thought of his former vessel's love screaming his name turned him on, the thought of keeping you only fueling the flames. It was harder and harder for him to contain hisself when you're drowning in the pleasure of his mouth licking and sucking at your sloppy pussy.
"I'll take you as mine. You'd like that wouldn't you? Being the woman of the king of curses, waiting for me to return to fill you to the brim." sweat felt like it was pooling out of your body from the attention he was giving to on your clit. Your bucking hips were a clear sign that you were close and so, he pulled his hand away.
"You don't get to come yet. You're only allowed to when you're milking my cock."
The things he did to were things no man has ever done before. Scratches and cuts littered your flesh and bruises were on your sore ass and stomach. There a few times to where you had even blacked out from the amount of pleasure he had given you..
Now you found yourself with you riding his swollen cock as he stared up at you with satisfied eyes, grunting while large hands were pressed against your abused breasts as his hips pumped up into your leaking cunt. Your head felt like it was spinning as you screamed out, orgasm crashing hard as your cunt tightened around his shaft.
As you felt his throbbing cock inside of you, his hand grabbed ahold of your chin and your lips made contact. Sukuna only pulled away when he silently cursed, his seed releasing inside of you for what felt like the billionth time. Taking a deep breath, he stayed inside of your warm hole, not wanting a single drop to spill and kissed your cheek.
Fucking you only assured his choice of keeping you as he own. Sukuna was going to original kill you while taking Yuuji's appearance after taking you but holding you close like this as you soon became limp (no doubt exhausted), your warmth against his own and staring down at your cum stained face..it made something inside him feel strange.
A weakness no doubt, but one at the moment that could keep him entertained. Combing a loose strand of hair behind your ears, Sukuna chuckled.
"From this day forth, you will be my bride. Consider yourself lucky..."
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nakamoto-aesthetics · 3 years
Guardian Angel | Johnny
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synopsis: on the way from a friends house you bump into a man who was trying to harm you but luckily a guy named johnny saves you before you were taken. from there you get to know him a bit and things get… interesting. (the synopsis makes the story sound boing but i promise it’s not :)
pairing: johnny suh x fem!reader
genre: angst, fluff, a lil smut
warning: something similar to human trafficking in the beginning (if you’re sensitive to that topic please don’t read this fic), heavy make out shesh, not proofread!, other than that there’s nothing i can think of
a/n: also remember that this is a FIC and not real life, please don’t welcome strangers into your home :))
word count: 4.1k
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“where do you think you’re going in that cute little dress baby?” an unfamiliar voice is heard as you walk down the fairly dark street. you don’t say anything and continue to walk not paying any attention to the voice. there was no one else really around, barely any cars passing by, let alone people.
“I asked you a question, I expect an answer” the tone was firm, his footsteps getting faster and so do yours. you hurriedly pull out your phone, quickly forming a plan that involved some of your friends but that all crashed and burned once you saw the dead battery flashing on the screen. your heart sink and tears instantly pooled in your eyes, threatening to fall from your eyes. that was your only escape, what were you gonna do now?
you were just trying to get home that was all. maybe you should’ve let your friend drive you home but you didn’t because you didn’t want to cause your friend an inconvenience. you were beginning to regret that decision, all because of that small reason. at least you would’ve been home safe and sound but no, you decided to be the unselfish and independent person you are, and look where it got you.
“hey!” a hand grips your shoulder from behind and swings you around. “I asked you a question when I ask a question I expect an answer” the guy wasn’t a foreigner, he was most definitely korean. he seemed to be in his mid-30s, the age definitely showed. there were creases and wrinkles in some areas of his face and his clothes were all black including his shoes. you try to pull away from the grip but he only grips your shoulder harder, hurting you more than you would like to admit.
“maybe I need to refresh your short memory,” the guy chuckles lowly, his finger shifting your head up to meet his eyes. “where are you going in that cute little dress?” his eyes looked you up and down, his free hand gliding down your waist, slowly traveling to your ass. your face stayed straight the entire time even while tears fell down your face. you knew who had the upper hand power in the situation, you knew there was little you could do even if you didn’t dare say it aloud.
“still not talking? well maybe I should force it out of you huh?” he tilts his head. no, because the whole time you were creating a plan b in your head since plan a failed. there was no way you were going to allow yourself to be trafficked.
“well then, you made this choice for yourself. i’m sorry to do this sweetheart” his hands grope your ass and that's when you strike. you move your leg up to kick him in the balls but he’s faster than you, grabbing ahold of your leg before it collided with his area.
“is that what you were doing this whole time, creating that wack-ass plan? you didn’t think i’d see it coming that’s so cute,” he fake coos. “i’ve been doing this longer than you, i’m smarter and faster than you love” he throws down your leg and in the blink of an eye, you are turned around in his grip with an arm around your neck. your hand flies to his arm and you pull on it, not wanting to be choked to death.
“is there a problem over here miss?” another unfamiliar voice calls, making both you and the guy look over to where it came from. it was a tall guy with light brown hair. he had tan skin and different pieces of clothing put together that oddly worked. his eyes were a soft brown, not too harsh. he was… kinda cute if you were being honest. he was also In the process of taking his headphones out of his ears, for what reason? you didn’t know.
“there’s no problem here, keep on walking buddy” the male answered for you.
“I asked the lady not you” the new stranger spoke harshly to the trafficker and look at you once again. “are you okay?” he knitted his eyebrows. your eyes caught his, filling with tears, threatening to spill from your eyes. he nodded softly understanding how you were feeling through your eyes. he then looked at the male behind you.
“let her go, I don’t wanna hurt you” he said firmly.
“oh yeah, what can you do?” he looks him up and down and laughs at the guy, walking back to his original place, which was a block or two away.
“Im can do a lot” the stranger walks in front of you and the guy, making you both stop once again.
“listen man, this is my girlfriend. we’re just having a little disagreement aren’t we honey?” the guy tightens his hold around your neck. you open your mouth trying to suck in more air but his hold gets tighter. you tap on his arm in hopes that he’ll release you but he doesn’t. there was no way you were gonna agree with him.
the stranger doesn’t think furthermore and before either of you knew it, your head was being moved out the way carefully and a punch was thrown at the guy's face. you heard a crack of a bone and quickly moved away from the area, running out the man's hold.
it was like an action movie, the man was the villain and the stranger was the hero, and you were the one in need of help. the fight ended with the stranger still standing and the man now on the floor. he wasn’t moving but his chest was still rising and falling. he wasn’t dead although you weren’t sure what was gonna happen in the next few minutes but you weren’t gonna find out either.
“are you okay?” the stranger rushes over to you, sliding off his jacket and handing it to you.
“that won’t be necessary” you chuckle and wave your hand at his jacket.
“please, I insist” he places the jacket around you, not wanted to make you feel uncomfortable by touching you.
“thank you” you look down and smile softly.
“it’s no problem, I could never just walk by if I saw something like that” he smiles gently. “do you want me to walk you home? you know, to make sure you get there safe?”
“uhh… why not” you smile and begin to walk in the direction, he comes up beside you and walks along with you.
you pulled his jacket closer to your body for warmth as you kept your eyes glued to the sidewalk, scarred by what had just happened. you’ve never experienced something that traumatic before. you could’ve been snatched up a while ago if it hadn’t been for the guy walking beside you right now.
“thank you” your voice was quiet in a way it had never been before.
“anytime” he glances over to you, seeing your small frame wrapped in his jacket.
“I really do mean it, if you wouldn’t have been there I don’t know what I would've done”
“yeah, i’m glad I was there too. it hurts me to see things like that happen” he shakes his head. “I wish I could protect everyone around the world,” he breathily laughs. “that’s probably why I want to be a police officer” your ears perked up when you heard that. you looked up at him with surprised eyes and he looked at you nodding his head.
“it’s always been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid. when I read my first comic book I loved everything about it, I knew I wanted to be some kind of hero after that. I wanted my parents to buy me every single superhero costume so then I could feel like that character, with all the powers and stuff.” you breathily laugh at that, he notices and laughs with you. “anyways that’s enough about me, I wanna know about you” he looks attentively to you.
the conversation continues until you got home. you learned that his name was johnny and that he was 25. he grew up in his hometown chicago but his parents are both korean, and he moved to seoul for better job opportunities. you gotta admit, the guy was interesting and you wanted to know more about him, you thought he was pretty cool.
“so… this is it?” johnny stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks up at the house.
“yep” you look at the house and back to him. it got quiet for a few seconds, neither of you wanted to say bye to each other. johnny wanted to get to know you more and you wanted to know him more also.
“listen, I don’t know if the feeling is mutual but I wanna talk to you some more so how about this, I give my number and you get to choose if you want to text me” he offers and you instantly take it up. he smiles softly and enters his number in your phone. once you receive it back you see the name option blank.
“you’re not gonna name yourself?” you cock your eyebrow at him and he lightheartedly chuckles.
“I want you to have free will and set it as whatever you want. I want you to always feel like you have a choice when you're with me y/n” a smile was blatant on his face, allowing the corners of your mouth to pull up also.
“well thank you very much johnny,” you say, staring into his eyes, which seemed to catch the light from the streetlights in a way you’d never seen before. would it be weird to say that you wanted to get to know the sweet guy in front of you more?
“um.. i guess i should get going, it was nice meeting you y/n” his hypnotizing but kind eyes still staring into your soul. you never wanted to part away from them, from him. johnny was captivating, too captivating to let slip through your fingers.
“it was nice meeting you too. see you later johnny” you dismiss him yet his feet don’t move, they stay in place and so does he, looking at you with eyes of fondness. this continues for about a minute before you break the silence/slight sexual tension.
“uh- actually, do you wanna come in? i’m not going to sleep right away, honestly might have some trouble falling asleep” you shake your head, looking down and pretend to find your nails interesting.
“a-are you sure? i wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable-” he seems caught off guard by your words, obviously snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.
“not at all, now come on. i’ll put on a movie and get some food and drinks. it’ll be good” you smile brightly, grabbing his hand without thinking and taking him up to your front door. you unlock it quickly and turn on the lights, stepping into your clean house.
“this is a very nice environment you have y/n” he looks around staying still in his place, nodding his head, seeming genuinely impressed with it.
“thank you, it took a bit of work to get to this point” you chuckle, taking off your shoes and then his jacket. “oh, here you go” you hold the piece of heavy fabric out to him. he utters a ‘thanks’ once he sees it and takes it.
“you can put your shoes there” you point to the shoe rack beside to door. “and your jacket can go there” you point to the coat racket right next to the shoe rack. he doesn’t say anything and does as you say.
“now make yourself comfortable i’ll be right back” you point to the couch and then walk away but not before you caught his eyes. damn those eyes..
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“now why did she do that? i swear horror movie characters are so fucking dumb” you roll your eyes and johnny laughs, agreeing with you.
“i mean what would you do in her position” you look at him. the light from the tv illuminating him perfectly. it was dark everywhere else so the only light you had was from the tv.
“i would’ve saved the friend and then booked it not stand there like an idiot waiting for someone to kill me” he looked at you right back, giving you that same look from earlier but his eyes were a bit brighter, filled with joy.
“exactly! so why can’t she do the same?” you sigh.
“y/n it’s just a movie” he chuckles.
“i know, i know but they really irritate me yk? like why stand there knowing damn well a killer is in the house with you i mean it’s-“
“alright it’s time to turn this off” he backs out of the movie, returning to the netflix screen where you started.
“hey!” you look at him with confused eyes.
“you were way too into it, it‘s not good for your blood pressure.” he says and looks at the tv, going through the comedy section.
you kept your eyes on him watching the way his eyes watch the screen attentively. you nibble on your lip, beginning to get lost in your thoughts. he could be your friend, best friend, boyfriend... husband- too far y/n, too far. you just met the guy but you felt like you’ve known him for a long time. you could see him being a potential boyfriend honestly. it’s been a while since you’ve had a boyfriend, really only focused on work. it wouldn’t be a bad idea. johnny seemed nice and he was interesting in a way nobody has been before, you could stay up talking to him and it wouldn’t get boring ever. what if you guys-
“y/n?” his head turns toward you and he catches you staring back at him with your lip between your teeth. he smiles softly and that’s when you are dragged out of your thoughts.
“here” you say out of nowhere making johnny laugh harder than before, his head is thrown back and his eyes are closed, filling the atmosphere with his beautiful laughs. meanwhile, you sat there a little confused and startled, blinking multiple times.
“huh?” you furrow your eyebrows.
“nothing” he waves his hands continuing to laugh.
“yah!” you hit his arm playfully. “i was lost in my thoughts im sorry” you look down feeling your cheeks heat up.
“while staring at me? what were you thinking about?” he says after his laughter dies down.
“uh.. nothing important, what did you pick?” you look at the tv trying to change the subject and you’re thankful that it works.
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“that was a great movie, what’d you think?” johnny looks over to you and you nod tiredly, letting out a yawn. “oh somebody’s tired” he says and you don’t know if it was because you were tired but you thought it was cute.
“i enjoyed it and yes i am tired” you lazily chuckle and rub your face.
“alright, i’ll leave-“ he goes to stand up.
“no-“ you say abruptly and grab his wrist and his eyes shift down to your hold on him. “i mean… no you don’t have to, it’s late and i don’t want you going home at this time of night” you checked your phone with your free hand, completely forgetting about your grip on his wrist.
‘4:08 am’
“damn it’s four already?” your eyes bulge out your head and look up at him, his eyes still watching the way your skin was touching his. “you mister aren’t going anywhere, wouldn’t want anything to happen to you” you move closer to him and he notices this. you take your hand off his wrist and interlock your arms, resting your head on his shoulder. maybe it was the sleepiness that put you in this position but you didn’t mind it one bit, too tired to care.
he seemed surprised tensing up almost immediately but relaxing once he realized what was really happening. you were like the little bear that found comfort in the big bear. johnny brushed the extra pieces of hair out the way, how was it that he’d just met you but he felt so connected to you as if you were a lifelong friend he hadn’t seen in a long time. he didn’t under but at the same time, he didn’t want to understand it. he’d rather just let whatever this was flow at its own pace.
“do you think we’re moving too fast?” you say out of nowhere, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“i was just thinking about that and i think we should just let it happen naturally. whatever happens, happens” he says in a sweet voice and caresses your arm gently with his free hand. “if it feels right then act on it right? anyways, that’s the motto”
you move your head to look up at him and nod, intending to catch his eyes and you do. you’re only inches away from each other’s faces, eyes shifting from his eyes to his lips and so do his before either of you knew it your lips collided. johnny holding your jaw between his index and thumb. you wrap your hands around his neck and sit up slowly shifting onto his lap. your heart began to race as you kissed him deeper, johnny too, feeling his heart pumping with adrenaline, moving his hands down to your waist and gripping it. you moan softly against his lips as his hands travel inside your shirt. he felt like pure ecstasy against you. his touch, his lips, his words, everything him felt so good with you.
his hands then slid down to your hips and he gripped them, continuing to kiss you like no tomorrow. he pulls away from your lips, you following his lips for more, and he chuckles; before you knew it his lips were on your neck, pressing soft kisses to it making you moan softly. when his lips found your sweet spot he attacked it, leaving a dark red hickey in that place. you began to move your hips against his, hungry for some type of stimulation down there. his hands fly to your hips and he rests his head in the crook of your neck, letting out soft grunts.
you bite your lip and pull him up to kiss his neck, one of his hands rest on your shoulder. once you find his sweet spot you do as he did and leave a dark red hickey. you pull back and look at it proudly.
“an eye for an eye” you wink at him.
“yeah, yeah” he smiles and pulls your face closer, kissing you again, this time using a bit of tongue. you moan instantly, letting him win and he explores your mouth as your hands glide down his chest, you could feel all of the contours and lines of his muscles and abs, letting you know he was fit. which only made him sexier. your hands slip under his shirt and you explore the area. he was too hot for you to handle, you could pounce on him again even though you kind of already pounced on him. he’s just too hot.
you pulled away abruptly and he looked at you with a confused expression. you smirked and stood up, him still looking at you, obviously confused. he reached for your wrist but you pulled it away and before he could say anything, with the help of his thighs you got on your knees. his confused expression was now gone as he watched the scene unfold, his jeans were so tight against him and you knew that. his hard-on wasn’t small either, it was actually pretty big, you could still see his print though it was dark and you wanted to help him out so you teased him by gliding your fingers up his thighs and then teased his dick by running your finger up and down his hard-on.
“stop t-teasing” he breathily moans, watching your every move.
you smirked, looking up at him and unzipped his jeans.
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did you guys fuck? no. just oral sex, that was all you guys agreed to. johnny thought it would be a bad idea to have sex during the initial meet. he said it would be best to give it at least a few weeks. he truly did wanna get to know you some more as did you and that’s why you were okay with not going that far.
you slept in your room after you guys were done giving each other head. you’d given him a blanket to sleep with and a comfortable pillow instead of making him use one of the uncomfortable decor ones on your couch.
“thank you johnny,” you said as he grabbed his coat. you let him stay for breakfast, that you and him cooked together. (he wasn’t going to let you cook it by yourself)
“for what? i should be thanking you. i had fun” he says as he puts his coat on.
“because i had fun too. the most i’ve had in a long time so thank you for that”
“it’s nothing really, i’m glad i could reflect some light on” he laughs and slips his shoes on.
“i hope we could do that again” you hint your fondness toward him.
“of course we can you just gotta let me know. i’m always free” he looks at you with that look once again and you can’t help but let it slip out.
“why do you keep looking at me like that, you’ve been giving me the same look since you met me” you say softly so then it doesn’t one out harsh and you know it doesn’t when he responds.
“because...” he moves closer to you which makes your heart skip a beat. “i actually like you y/n, and i mean it. you’re so different from other girls i’ve met. i’m not just another handsome guy to you. you take an interest in the things i say and the stories i tell you, not many girls do and i thank you for that alone. thank you for listening to me.” he moves even closer to you, grabbing your hands which makes your heart begin to race. “so when i look at you like this, i’m thanking you.” he doesn’t say anything after that continuing to stare deeply into your eyes.
you felt so drunk in the moment, hypnotized by his eyes and soft words. you could already feel how head over heels you were gonna be for this guy, that's if you guys kept it up, which you think you will. the chemistry was way too strong for either of you to let go of.
“thank you” you whisper and he nods gently not breaking eye contact. “you should get going, i wouldn’t want you to be late for work. you still gotta get home in time to change out of these clothes... do you need a ride or?”
“kind of... only if it’s not too much trouble” he answers.
“of course it’s not, come on” you quickly get your stuff on and take him home.
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“this is it” he says and you stop the car once you’re in front of the house.
“okay, i’ll see you later” you look over to him and he’s already looking at you. nothing happens for a few seconds but then johnny leans over to you and kisses you. you sigh into the kiss and grab ahold of his neck and kiss him back as his hand rests on your neck, he kisses you just as deep as last night but before anything serious happens he pulls away and lets a ‘text me’ roll of his tongue before he exits the vehicle and walks to his front door, unlocking it and walking inside. all without looking back.
you however, were in complete awe. he kissed you like that and then left. damn was he a good kisser, you could still feel the sensation of his lips on yours even after he was gone. you touched your lips and then smiled, pulling off.
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bonus: later that day; the evening
you decide to pick up your phone and do exactly what he said earlier.
you: what was that all about earlier? - y/n
johnny🥰😫: so you decided to finally text me😊
johnny🥰😫: and what was what about👀
you: you know what i talking about. the kiss in the car
johnny🥰😫: you know, it was just a see you later kiss
you: mhm, okay mr. suh
johnny🥰😫: what?😂
you: imma give your ass a ‘see you later’ kiss and then walk away. see how it makes you feel
johnny🥰😫: bring it on then sexy, let’s see what you got
you: oh i’ll show you what i got👀
johnny🥰😫: are we still talking about kissing?😳
you: maybe, maybe not🤷‍♀️👀
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NCT Masterlist
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ssamie · 4 years
six. “friends die together”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide 
masterlist.           suicide freak!
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kenma slowly opened his eyes. the dim rays of the sun were slowly peeking through his bedroom window as he stretched and rolled around his bed, wrapping himself up in a blanket burrito as he felt his eyes slowly fluttering close once again. 
it had been atleast a week since he's actually gotten sleep, and now he's just trying to relish in the feeling of rest before he completely disregards it again. 
all of a sudden, his phone rang. 
"what the.." he mumbled with a groan 
it was currently five in the morning, and he knew kuroo was smart enough not to call him. especially since kenma would usually just be gaming or would just straight up ignore him. 
"hello?" he muttered to the phone, not bothering to check the ID 
"good morning!" y/n's chirpy la-di-da voice resonated from the phone 
immediately, kenma groaned and rolled his eyes. he had to fight the urge of hanging up the phone then and there. 
"what do you want? and why are you calling me so early in the morning?" kenma asked 
"now, now! don't be so stingy kenma-kun!" she laughed "i just wanted to check up on ya, that's all" she said, followed by soft humming of a melody 
kenma blinked as he groggily listened to her words. "oh. okay.." 
"thanks for that, i guess.." he said 
"aww! your voice is all deep and gravelly in the morning! very hot." she chirped 
kenma sighed. he could practically sense the stupid flirty smile appearing on her face. "and you sound oh so happy. as always." kenma chirped back sarcastically
a small smile grazed his lips as she started laughing on the other line. 
"oh, kenma! you're so funny!" she chuckled "when have i ever been happy?" 
"wait what-" 
"anyways, kenma-kun.." she trailed off, her cheerful tone now dropped as an eerily serious and guarded one replaced it. 
"y-yes?" kenma gulped 
"im afraid im in a tight spot as we speak. its quite critical. please come to the location i will send you." she spoke in a monotonous tone 
"huh? wait!" kenma exclaimed. he sat up on his bed, subconsciously reaching for his nekoma jacket which was messily laid out on the foot of his bed. "what are you talking about?" he asked, his hands were shaking, as well as his voice. 
"its a crisis! only you can help!" she said 
"okay. i-i'll be there.." 
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humming under her breath, y/n patiently waited for kenma to arrive. she didn't have so much faith at first, but once she heard the soft thumping of feet on the ground, she grinned. 
"w-what happened?" kenma asked through ragged breaths as he skidded to a halt infront of her "a-and what are you wearing?" kenma asked 
he took notice of her rather formal attire, laying underneath the sand colored coat she had. his brows then shot up as he calmed his ragged breathing. 
"is this because of your weird detective work thing? did you get trapped?" kenma asked worriedly. when she didn't answer, he simply panicked even more. "why did you call me?! you should've called those other detective people!" kenma exclaimed 
"i got in myself" she admitted with a small innocent smile 
"what?" kenma deadpanned, now starting to regret running atleast eight blocks just to help her 
"well, you see.. i heard there's a way to commit suicide by getting stuck in an oil drum. so i decided to give it a shot" she said with the same innocent smile. she then chuckled sheepishly as she started sinking deeper into the oil drum. 
"but now that i've wedged myself in this deep, i can't get out on my own" she said 
kenma simply stared her down, looking unamused, tired and annoyed. "i see." he says 
"i think i might die" she pouted as she sank deeper into the drum. 
kenma grunted and sat on the ground, sitting a few feet from the drum she was stuck in. he was kind of impressed on how her whole body hadn't snapped in two yet. 
"well, isn't that what you wanted?" kenma said with a huff of annoyance 
"i like suicide" she said with a scoff, sounding somewhat offended "but i don't like suffering and pain! why would i?" 
"i see" kenma said with a sigh. he sat up from the ground and narrowed his eyes, trying to look for a way to free her from the oil drum
"also, i learned this only after i stuffed myself in here, but it wasn't even a suicide method!" she laughed 
"but, it was actually a torture method from the-" 
before she could even finish her sentence, she was cut off as kenma pushed the oil drum over, sending her and the drum rolling off. he let out a huge breath of air as he cradled his aching hands. 
"ni-nice job, kenma-kun" she squeaked out as she wiggled free of the drum. "but now.. we have only an hour left before school starts" she said as she patted down her clothes and combed her fingers through her hair 
"and i heard from nekomata-san that he has some news that you boys would surely love" she said as she stretched her aching muscles 
"are we really gonna move past the fact that you wedged yourself in an oil drum!?" kenma exclaimed in aggravation 
". . ." she looked at him with a dumb smile before sending him a wink and a thumbs up. 
"yep! we sure are!" 
"i hate you so much" kenma muttered 
she smirked teasingly and loomed over his shoulder "hehehe~ well if you hate me so much, then why go through all the trouble to help me?" she cooed 
kenma scoffed and flicked her away. "because we're.." he trailed off "nevermind.." a small blush covered his cheeks faintly, but it was enough to get her attention. 
she chuckled lowly and poked his cheeks. she narrowed her eyes and tauntingly stared him down. "oya? what's this, kenma-kun? do you like me or something?~" she teased 
kenma flinched and covered his cheeks with his hands "no! no i don't!" he quickly denied "i just thought that.." he muttered quietly
"since we're friends and all.. i thought it'd be right to help you.." kenma admitted bashfully 
stunned from his words, she couldn't really do anything but stare at him blankly with widened eyes. "we're friends?" she asked 
kenma spluttered at her response, suddenly feeling anxious and embarrassed, thinking that he overstepped their 'relationship' 
"um- i mean.. i just thought that since we've been hanging out but.." kenma said nervously. he fiddled with his hands as he looked down at his feet, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes. 
"sorry, i guess i overstepped. sorry for misreading things" he apologised 
finally realising what she's done, she gasped in horror as she looked at his heartbroken expression  "oh my gosh." she muttered "im so sorry!" 
she frantically patted his back, and stroked his hair "i-i meant like- i didnt know you considered me as a friend!" she exclaimed  "i kind of thought you just see me as a suicidal leech or something!" she shrieked 
"im sorry kenma! kill me now!" she exclaimed dramatically 
kenma finally looked up to see her tearing some of her bandages off, only for her to tie it tightly around her neck. 
"im sorry!" she cried as she squeezed tightly, trying to strangle herself to death 
"wait! don't do that!" kenma said in panic. his hands pried the bandages off and hastily threw them away. 
"you don't have to kill yourself over me" kenma sighed 
she sniffled and crushed him in her arms "kenma! you are most certainly my most treasured friend!" she cried 
"i would die for you and with you!" 
"let's not go too far" kenma said with a small smile 
"shall we start with the double suicide now?" she asks, fully ignoring his interjection 
"no <3" 
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"fukurodani?" she muttered, looking quite confused and clueless 
"yes. it seems a three-day practice match has been scheduled" nekomata said with a smile  "their coach suggested the idea and who was i to decline, am i right?" nekomata chuckled 
"this will be a good opportunity for the team to train and explore new ways of playing for future tournaments." nekomata then looked at y/n and sent her a close eyed smile. "and a chance for you to test your managing skills, y/n-san" he said 
she nodded in agreement. 
"well then, now that that's settled.. you’re free to go! rest up and eat well! you'll be playing nonstop starting tomorrow" nekomata said as he ushered them out of the gym 
"thanks, coach!" the team yelled 
as the team arrives by the gate, they started to disperse. fukunaga, inouka, teshiro, and shibayama ended up declining the offer of an afterschool hangout. they claimed they needed the rest for upcoming games, so they left them be. 
"bye guys! bye y/n-senpai! see you tomorrow!!" inouka yelled from across the street. the energetic first year was waving both his arms around while shibayama drags him along. fukunaga sends them a quick nod and a small wave before they completely disappear from sight. 
"hm, so what do you guys wanna do?" kai asks with a smile 
"let's eat!" lev suggested with a grin 
"sure. where should we go? i don't really have a particular craving right now" kai said as he looked at his friends expectantly 
"we should eat at the diner near that convenience store" yaku says "it's cheap and they serve great food" 
simply humming to herself, y/n takes a quick look at the boys who seemed to be lost in their own conversations. her (e/c) colored eyes then landed on kenma, who seemed to busy with his game. 
kuroo was holding on his bag, making sure the pudding-head wouldn't walk into oncoming traffic. she smiled at the boy, taking in his overwhelmingly beautiful features. 
yamamoto was beside her, ranting about his friends from karasuno and their 'goddess of a manager' 
"we’re here!" lev unnecessarily announced as he skipped into the said diner.  "what should we eat?" he asks 
"fish-" ; "meat-" 
yaku and kuroo freeze and look at each other. their eyes silently roam one another as they look at the other with judgment. 
"hah? are we really doing this again, yakkun?" kuroo scowled. the taller bedheaded male leaned down to get all up in yaku's face, while the latter simply did the same 
"dont call me that stupid nickname, bedhead!" yaku scowled as well "and fish? pssh, what are you a grandpa?" yaku said with a snicker 
"could you stop making comments proving you lack docosahexaenoic acid?" kuroo sneered in aggravation 
"you're ought to eat more fish to fix that.. maybe even your height problem!" kuroo taunted 
yaku scowled and gripped the taller boy's collar "your stupid face is begging to be hit!" 
"no! kuroo-san, don't let him hit you!" lev yelled "he's feral!" 
"oi! shut up!" taketora hissed as he covered lev's mouth with his hand 
yaku turned to face lev, evidently irked and angered by his comment. "hah?! come here, you tall lampost! -" 
"wah! yaku-san i didnt even do anything!" lev exclaimed with teary eyes as the shorter boy continued to kick him 
kai and taketora then took initiative to calm their friends down. partially because they didn't want anyone injured. but mostly because they were fighting infront of the diner, and it was starting to get embarrassing. 
"ke-n-ma~" she cooed in a sing song tone 
kenma sighed and quickly glanced at her, before averting his attention back to his game "what?" he said 
she smiled and laced their arms together. she then pointed to a bridge not so far away from where they were standing. "you see that bridge?" she asked "and the pretty river under it?" 
"oh god. i see where this is going." kenma groaned. he turned off his game and followed her finger, eyeing the bridge she was talking about. 
"wouldn't it be so nice if we just jump off-" 
"how about we don't do that?" kenma cut her off with a sigh 
"but you're my friend right?" she whined childishly "don't friends die together?!" 
"how about we don't die at all. doesn't that sound better?" kenma tried to convince her with a sheepish smile 
her smile fell as she narrowed his eyes, seemingly disgusted and offended by his statement. 
"what? no, not at all." 
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angloie · 3 years
"I found this little thing on the side of the road!"
solangelo + fluff!
warnings: swearing, my hasty writing.
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Even before the rain, Nico was having a pretty shitty day.
Well, actually, for him everyday was a sort of bad day. Muscles sore from training, headaches from shadowtraveling- dont even get him started on the ignorant lady he bumped into on his way to get some food. It was a shame, really. Nico was scowling so hard at the fact that his mood was ruined without food. Frenchfries? Hamburgers? Chicken nuggets?? Gone.
It was just pretty peachy that he was drenched from the downpour of rain, right?
"Im home," Nico announces when he opens the door. Shoes padded down on the newly soaked ground. His scowl only deepened. "Will?" He calls out when he hears no reply.
Radio silence. 
"Mmphh! Ha ha! Q-quit moving," A familiar voice muffles from the other room. That must be him, Nico thinks.
A quiet question pops into his head about Will, his boyfriend, having some sort of affair. Then he’s reminded by the fact that Will is very much a dork and would have ahard time finding anyone else. That's pretty reassuring. 
"Hey, Will," Nico knocks on the wooden door. A strained laugh, and then more muffled noises. He narrows his eyes.
“I’ll be there in a sec!” Will shouts as footsteps shuffle on the hardwood floor. “Gah!” He opens the door, face only thing visible. The rest of the room is covered by the barrier of wood.
“Welcome home!” Will smiles brightly. Gosh, Nico could never get tired of it. Unlucky of him, before Nico can smile back, a crash is heard from inside the room.
“Hm?” He tries to peek in. Will blocks his sight with his body. “What’s going on in there?”
“N-nothing, love, it's nothing,” The blonde laughs nervously. At that point, another chorus of crashes begins. “Shit.” He mutters under his breath.
“Are you sure?” 
You're a horrible liar. Nico wants to say. 
“I heard that, you brat!”
He wedges his foot in the crack of the door, wedging it open. Will pushes back lightly, the nervous look in his eyes intensifying. Weird.
“I’m coming in.” He eyes Will. “Since there's 'nothing'.”
“No! You really, really, don't wanna do that.” Will avoids Nico's gaze, a bullet of sweat running down his forehead. Now that he thinks about it, was Will out in the rain too? His orange shirt was a bit damp. So was his hair.
Nico might be on the small side, but boy can he pack a shove. Not enough so that he injured Will, but enough to knock the door open wide. He thinks the door might've flewn of it's hinges.
“I wouldn't recommend tha-" The son of Apollo tries to reasonate before he scans his eyes in the surrounding area. Okay, there's books scattered everywhere- some of Will's medschool books- a shattered glass pot, water spilled on the ground, and- is that-
A cat?
“I found it on the side of the road, and,” Will makes hasty hand gestures, trying to come up with something. “It was cold, so I just-”
“Its cute,” Nico walks past the shattered glass and who knows what. He just hoped there's no cat poop. Gross.
“Why didn't you tell me?”
“I... Just didn't think you were the type to be interested in stuff like that. You know, fluffy and cute kittens. Mr. King of Ghosts.” He tilts his head to the side in wonder, watching Nico pick it up and pat it on the head. The kitten, a mix of white, brown and black mewls in response. It's whiskers brush against his pale hand.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing! turns out you are!” He smiles. “Aww, my wittle Nico has a soft spot,” 
Nico blushes, but doesn't argue further nor does he disagree.. “So what?” The tips of his ears turn a light shade of pink, a drastic change from the ghostly pale.
“Nothing. It's cute. You're cute. And by the way- You have a name for it or something?”
The kitten mewls again as Nico pats it, him contemplating ideas in his head. He looks over to Will. He's blushing, a lazy smile plastered on his face. 
“Can we even take care of it?”
“Um, I bought some stuff before you came, actually. A litterbox, food, water bowl and some milk formula. The basics.” Will walks over from the doorway to him. “We can always ask Frank to do is a little favour.”
“Gods, please don't put that image in my head.” He rolls his eyes. “How about...” Nico holds up the kitten. It's eyes blink at him. “Acinonynx?”
“Yeah, I have no idea what you just said.”
“Then I guess Mr. Cuddles will do.” The newly named Mr. Cuddles jumps out of the boy's grasp, opting to jump out of the warmth and into a glass-coated floor instead of staying put. 
“I don’t think so, Mr. Cuddles!” Will catches it before it reaches the ground, the both of them sighing in relief. “Before we do anything else.. we gotta clean up.” He says shakily.
“On it.”
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cats catscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatscatsca-
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blubberingmess · 4 years
Ready to comply [Android!Bucky x fem!reader]
Summary: you accidentally drunk-'bought' an android, what could go wrong?
Warnings: a lot of cursing and mention of sex. Heavily inspired by the video game called 'Detroit: Become Human', don't worry everyone can still read this.
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      "No, don't leave me! Please."
      "I have to... It's for the best, Maria."
      "No! Alejandro, don't do this to me!
      The sound of the old show from the 2030s and the crunch of the chips on every bite you make were the only things that can be heard inside your small, dingy apartment.
"You really need to take care of yourself! I mean, look at this! Why is there a bra on the freaking counter?"
Ah yes, and also the loud nagging of your big sister. You love her, you really do, but sometimes you just want to just punch her in the face for being so loud every time she comes to visit.
You simply ignored her and continue watching the show in front of you, shoving a handful of chips in your mouth and crunching down on it a bit loudly on purpose. The sound of heavy footsteps can be heard emerging from the kitchen area and stopped in front of you.
Looking up with an unamused expression on your face, you are met by your sister's glare with her arms cross over her chest. Her luxurious clothes and accessories just makes you wince at how bright it is, the urge to obnoxiously hissed at her and hide away from such brightness is strong.
"You need an android."
You were about to actually hiss at her when you were stopped by her sudden suggestion, although, it's more of a command rather than a suggestion. You blink, slowly registering what she just said.
"The fuck do I need an android for?"
Your apartment might not look the best but it's home. Your sister just isn't used to such place, living the life as a supermodel and traveling around the world. Your apartment looking like shit is not a good valid reason for you to buy one. You can take care of yourself, plus, those things are expensive and may you add, weird.
You're not against them, to be honest you're fascinated by CyberStark's inventions; A fan of Stark himself. His inventions just gives you the creeps becasue of how human-looking they are. Kept you guessing who is an android and who is a human when going out.
Thankfully enough, CyberStark designed their androids with an LED in their right temples, one of the distinction of androids between humans. But still...
"Your apartment is a mess. You aren't taking care of yourself or even cook yourself some decent food--"
"I can cook! I just don't feel like it," you protest, clearly offended.
Your sister ignores you and resumes on listing off the reasons why you needed an android with with you groaning every sentence. Finishing off with a, "-- also, you haven't gotten laid in months."
You clicked the pause button on the remote and toss it beside you, mouth agape. "Why the fuck do you care about my sex life all of the sudden?! And for your information, I'm broke. I can't afford a normal android, more so an android with a dic-."
She sighed. "Do you even have a job?" Yes, I hack shits for a living.
You pursed your lips together before answering with a casual chuckle, "Of course I am, sis." You quickly moved the subject before she could ask anymore, "The point is, I don't have enough money to buy myself an android."
"Even the cheaper ones? They only cost ten grand."
Not all of us are getting paid just by posing in front of the camera, sis.
"Even the cheaper ones," you repeated, shoving a piece of chip in your mouth. You were about to grab the remote you tossed beside you but stopped when you heard her speak.
You widened your eyes at her outstretched hand, more specifically, the black card. "Woah what? Are you serious? No."
"Yes. Give it back to me as soon as you bought an android. Don't forget, I'll get notified on every purchase you'll be making so don't you dare waste my money."
"What if I want to order some parts for my Nitro? Or my computer suddenly blows up?"
"Not a surprise, but no. Just an android. Order some foods if you want but that's all."
"Um... thanks."
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      The nearest CyberStark branch isn't what you called 'near', it's about a mile away from your apartment; a few minutes drive using your beloved motorcycle; Nitro.
You decided to give yourself just one glass of wine a few hours ago just to let yourself unwind; think about your life choices. But the more you think about it, the more you didn't noticed that 'one glass of wine' became a 'one bottle of wine'.
Now here you are, currently in the middle of the empty sidewalk, staring up at the brightly lit logo of CyberStark all while trying to stay upright.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped inside the shop and widen your eyes in awe. The inside is very bright and clean in contrast to your outfit which is a mismatched pajamas; is a bit wrinkly and slightly dirty - is that a ketchup stain? Whatever.
You're the only customer inside, thank God.
"Hello ma'am. How may I help you?" You yelped at the sudden voice and glanced at your left to see who it was. A blue LED on It's temple; It's a female android with blonde hair and blue eyes, attractive and unnaturally symmetrical - a typical look for androids, they have to be symmetrical and pleasing for the human eyes.
"Um, yeah. I'm looking for an android?" You mentally smack your head at the stupid question.
The female android nodded it's head, gesturing towards a line of different kinds of androids. "What kind of android are you looking for, ma'am?"
"I don't... I don't actually know." It feels weird talking to someone who looks like a human but is clearly not.
"We have androids that are specialized for house work." Gesturing at the left said of the shop where there are different kinds of varieties of androids are staring into space, only blinking every few minutes.
The female android gestures towards the right side of the shop where another line of different looking androids are. Just like the left side, they just stands there, only blinking and staring into space.
They look... so lifeless.
"On the right side, we have androids that are specialized for caregiving; seniors and toddlers. To the back we have..."
The voice of the android was suddenly blocked off from your ears, focusing at the large box in a vertical rectanglar form that's being carried by two androids while a human man beside them talked, carrying a clipboard in his hand.
They carefully placed it on top of a small platform before opening the metal box and almost choked on air at what you saw.
Even with its eyes closed, you could tell that the android is handsome. It's a model you've never seen before, a new model perhaps? It's hair is brunette; neatly trimmed to the sides while it's thick, curly on top. It's dressed in the usual android uniform of CyberStark, with the necktie and such. You could tell that this android is much more built than the other models, and maybe a bit more taller as well.
"What's that?"
The female android stops and searched her eyes to where you are pointing at, LED flickering from orange then back to blue.
"Android B107, the latest android of CyberStark." The two androids and the man from before walks away after making sure the said B107 is all ready and set for the day.
You walked towards the said B107, giving it a once over and hum in appreciation.
"Does it work?" You shove your hands inside your pockets (thankfully your pajamas has pockets), casually and unashamedly checking out the currently asleep android.
Damn, look at those thighs.
The female android's LED started to flicker once again before answering, "Yes." She walked up to the platform where the B107 and pressed a button on the small white stand, tapering up where a small red button is located, before stepping back.
With a single push of the button, the BB107 came to life. You watched in awe as it slowly opens it's eyes, blinking a few times before it focuses down on you.
He looks so soft and innocent, like a puppy.
"Pleasing to the eyes indeed," you whispered. You watched at how his bright blue eyes scanned your whole face before staring up ahead like the rest of the androids, blank and spaced out.
You hate it.
Turning your eyes back at the only android you can talk to at the moment, you asks,  "What does it do?"
It's LED flickered from blue to red real quick as soon as you asked the question. "I'm sorry ma'am, but it's classified for now," it answered monotonously.
You quirked an eyebrow at it and unconsciously started fiddling the small device inside your pocket. "What? Then why is it placed here then?"
"I'm sorry ma'am, but it's classified for now." Again, with that monotonous, android-esque tone in its voice.
A scoff left your mouth and sassily roll your eyes. "Then tell me something about the android that isn't classified. Geez."
Both of you unbeknownst at the small movement from the B107, it's eyes locked down on your frame. Eyes slightly narrows as it tried to read the datas and information in front of his lens, almost all are empty except for your name and a file he can't access.
[(Y/n) ::surname not found::; ::age not found::; ::year of birth not found::  occupation: unknown;]
[History; not found]
[File.exe 09002576] - [File can not be opened]
The B107 analyzed your movements and the way you lightly swayed side to side.
[(Y/n);; intoxicated]
"B107 is a prototype, first of its kind."
That immediately got you hooked and without having a second thought, you whirl your whole body towards the blonde and grinned.
"I'm buying this one."
The blonde simply shakes it's head. "I'm sorry ma'am, but the B107 is not for sale."
You inhale, grasping the small device a bit tighter. "Oh? Why's that?"
"Just like the recent models, CyberStark have yet to introduce the model before deciding if they should sell models like B107 in the future."
You hummed with a quick look around the empty android shop, before pointing behind the android. "What about that one? I'm sure it's for sale."
The gullible android turns her head to look at where you're pointing at and saw a stray dog peeing on the large glass window of the shop. Before the android could even turn back around, you immediately sticks the tiny cube like device on It's arm.
The android immediately started sizzle and popped the moment the device came contact with it. It's outer skin deactivated around the area, the white plastic coming into view.
Small sparks are coming out from its LED light before the android completely stopped moving, standing still with its eyes wide open.
You're no monster, you just turned it off; reset all of it's data and delete all the scans of your face the android made.
"If I told you to sell me the android, Sell me the fucking android," you slurred, already feeling your head spin. You quickly grabbed the small screen from its hand and blindly scanned the black card before tossing it behind you without a care.
The BB107 watched it all happened before him and can't help but feel... slightly amused. The corners of his already lightly upturned lips lifts up more into a tiny smirk while his eyes remained blank.
The B107 averted it's gaze from the deactivated android and look back down at you, hands unwrapping from its back and down to it's sides.
"B107... B... B... Bucky. Yeah, I like the sound of that. Your name is Bucky." You snapped your head on the now 'dead' android and points your index finger to your 'Bucky'. 
"You heard that? His name is Bucky." Before swinging your attention back to your android, puffing your chest - a futile attempt to look superior since he's basically towering over you with or without the platform, not to mention, much more powerful.
"You probably know this by now; noticed you scanning my face. My name is (Y/n) and I'm your owner now, do you understand?"
[Face scan>>(Y/n):acquaintance]
Bucky nodded his head once, not hiding the smirk from his face. "Ready to comply, (Y/n)."
The sound of his voice is so deep and smooth, so... arousing.
You physically shook your head at the thought of jumping the android's bone, you don't even know if he is one of those kinds of androids, yet. Maybe next time.
Also,'Ready to comply' ? That was new.
"Good. Now let's go, I'm hungry." You wrapped your hand on his cold ones and intertwined your fingers together. Surprisingly, the android lets you.
Unbeknownst to you, you didn't actually activated the small screen after you took it from the female android and just unceremoniously tossed it behind you.
You didn't actually paid for the android. That means you don't own the B107 in anyway, and yet... he lets you drag him out of the CyberStark shop like you do.
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Chapter 2
How's the AU? Didn't find one with Bucky yet. Let me know if there is, I wanna read one 🙏💛
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