#and i miss my friends here (they arent gone yet but they might as well be)
renga-nishizono · 5 months
whyyy why why why why whyw does this have to happen to me
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rosegoldenatlas · 13 days
its a weekend and usualy i might stay up later but i got so little sleep last night im just going to bed now.
things were both better and worse today
started out awful
but now im at my usual levels of meh so thats an improvement
ive recently been feeling bad over my ex which is. well its not that new but like its a lot of emotions ive been trying to ignore for a while that are now bubbling up to the surface (i made a few rant posts to try to get them off my chest though)
been lonely and lazy as ever but hey what can you do
although my parents are gone tomorow and i dont have to see them for the next 2 weeks! (though im going to be staying with my aunt and grandparents who. arent much better.)
im gonna get some sleep
you should get some sleep
hope you have a good day tomorow
stay awesome
Yas sleep my queen.
Well at least it evened out? The optimism in me is trying I swear. *logician takes the stage as per usual* if every day is just a tiny bit better than the last then eventually youll have a nice day or even a good day, that's just math. There will be bad days or bad moments but those don't have to control your entire day. Like when my parents called me fat and unattractive (the words were a little more flowery but still) or when they invalidated my gender presentation and sexuality (thank the gods I'm not out to them yet) There were some good parts of that day too! Like when they said 'the chemicals in the water turn the frogs gay' and 'vaccines cause autism' AND 'the estrogen in processed food is making men gay and feminine??' I had to try so hard not to burst out laughing. And I read a really good fanfic later that day.
Ughhh feelings over Exes suck. Try pinpointing the things you miss about them. For me it was a lot of the physical touch and the reassuring words and the times they would let me rant to them. Then you try to find outlets for those things, I asked my friends if they were okay for hugs and more physical touch, I asked if it was okay go rant to them if they got to rant back, I gave them reassuring words and then so did they. I'm glad that rant posts help you a lot too.
Yass engage in the sin of sloth with me my queen. Its great here.
YOOO THATS GREAT. As for the grandparents and aunts thing uh are they the type to just leave you be more often than not. That's how mine are but idk.
Day isn't gonna be too great. My family is forcing me to go swimming with them while I am sick (I have a really bad cough still but other than that I'm almost better yay) and also on my period (I get really bad cramps, like I can barely walk without pain meds kind) because 'fresh air will make you better!' (It usually makes it worse for me actually). But at least its usually only for three or so hours so not too too bad.
You stay royal your majesty.
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Logan's Birthday (1/7)
Logan was a smart man, he always had been, top of his class since he was little. But being smart only got you so far, there always came a time when you just werent smart enough.
For Logan, that time was adulthood. So many years worth of studying, gone at the slightest notion that someone else was- better. And of course, Logan knew exactly what made his competitors better, but saying it out loud, that was paramount to insulting the company.
So here he was, twenty-two years of age and stuck in an apartment, sifting through job applications and bills, as if he'd ever have enough to pay them off.
"Oh yes Logan go on take only honors and AP classes for the rest of your life, I'm sure it'll all turn out fine," Logan muttered bitterly.
He let out a groan of annoyance as the tv flickered through one of his least favorite commercials.
He'd always despised fashion and makeup companies, but the Kingsley company was another story on it's own. He couldnt explain it, for all he knew it was some odd combination of self hatred and toxic societal expectations, he just couldn't stand those twins, with their overly wide smiles and stupid overzealous compliments. But of course, most other people bought it. So Logan always assumed there was something wrong with him.
Eventually Logan finished with the papers, setting them aside and walking to the kitchen.
"Like anyone would pay thirty bucks for a makeup set that's going to fall apart two days afterward," Logan muttered, glaring at the tv. He walked over to the coffee machine and got started on his fourth cup for that day. It wasnt healthy, Logan knew that, he'd done an entire report on it in sixth grade, but it was the only way he could seem to stay up without having a breakdown.
Logan looked over at his to-do list for that day, he never seemed to finish them, so he had no idea why he bothered. He checked off the section labelled "bills and applications" before walking back to the coffee machine and picking up the mug. He watched the sunrise outside the window, he always liked sunrises more in the colder months, they were much brighter.
Logan finished his coffee and set the cup in the sink, checking his watch. His mother had set up a job interview for him, but all she'd given him was an address and a time, he certainly didnt want to be late. He walked to his closet and pulled out a blue sweater, black vest, black pants, and dress shoes.
"5629, Ridgeport Avenue, should be interesting," Logan muttered as he fixed his tie. He'd never exactly liked Ridgeport, it was a rich people and idiots thinking they could make it big on stupid ideas.
But what awaited Logan when he reached the location was far worse than what he was expecting.
"Mother I told you I dont want anything to do with this company!" Logan hissed over the phone, currently hiding out in the bathroom, he may have hated the Kingsley company, but he wasmt stupid enough to insult them where someone might hear.
"Its good pay! You can suck up your pride for once in your life cant you?" His mother replied.
"Me, a secretary for those- those-" Logan couldnt seem to find the right words for it, all he cod think was 'Ew' and 'Not in a million years'.
"I'll call you back after the interview," Logan said, hanging up and stuffing the phone back in his pocket. He fixed his hair in the mirror before rushing back out, after all, he did have a meeting in thirty minutes.
"Logan Sanders," The intercom sounded, the voice of Remus Kingsley flooded the room. Logan felt his stomach lurch as he stood up. He trudged down the hall, fiddling with his tie. He finally reached the door to Remus' office, and knocked twice.
"I'm not naked if that's what you're thinking," Logan held back the urge to vomit as he processed the sentence, and then he opened the door.
Remus Kingsley was a tall man, with a white striped birthmark in his hair, and a mustache that gave him the impression of a man who'd gorged himself on mud. His clothes didnt help much, a ripped jacket paired with a green shirt and twice as torn black jeans, his feet were even propped up on the desk for gods sakes.
"I'm here for the secretary position," Logan said as he closed the door.
"Well secretaries arent supposed to stand are they?" Remus said, moving his feet and gesturing toward the chair in front of the desk. Logan took a seat and finally let go of his tie.
"So what sparked your interest in the position?" Remus said, very obviously reading off notecards.
Logan bit back the urge to say 'brute force and a ransom note'.
"I've seen a lot of your commercials, the name was recognizable," Logan said.
"Oh so you've heard of us?" Remus said, now checking his nails. Logan was getting more annoyed by the minute.
"Yes, I have," Logan replied, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from growling.
"Great! You're hired! You can start tomorrow," Remus said with a grin, Logan noticed he was missing one of his front teeth. He slid a sheet of paper across the desk, Logan looked it over and pocketed it before getting up.
"Very well, I suppose I'll see you tomorrow," Logan said as he walked out.
"I could get used to seeing that face every day," Remus said, Logan felt his face heat up slightly, though he could scarcely tell if it was from rage, or from something else. He merely nodded and closed the door behind him on his way out, rushing through the lobby and out into the streets of Ridgeport.
"This is it- my life is over, this is how I die," Logan had decided to meet up for coffee with his friend Remy, and the conversation had turned very quickly to Remus' comment at the end of the meeting.
"I mean it could be worse, at least you're both in the same age-range," Remy replied, taking a sip from his iced coffee.
"I dont know how you're drinking that when its 27 degrees out," Logan said with a laugh.
"Nothing will ever be as cold as my heart," Remy said, grinning.
"Oh? Cold-hearted are we? Then please, do tell me where all those photos of Emile huddled up under your arm with his head buried in your chest came from,"Logan said sarcastically.
"Oh Em, the only person warm enough to melt my poor icy cold heart," Remy said, bringing a hand to his forehead and falling back slightly.
"Gods you're so cheesy," Logan said, rolling his eyes.
"You're just mad because you dont have a queerplatonic partner to give you forehead kisses every night before you go to sleep," Remy said.
"I dont need a partner of any kind, I'm fine on my own," Logan replied.
"Sure you are bud, sure you are," Remy said.
And that stuck with Logan the rest of the week. He had a lot more interactions with Remus than he'd expected to, sometimes they felt- planned. But Logan could swear up and down he was imagining things, there was no way someone as influential, nor as self-absorbed, as a Kingsley would've spared him a second glance.
And he carried this thought process with him, that is, until he found a letter on his desk. A letter, inviting him to the company Christmas party, from Remus.
"Did you get my letter?" Remus leaned on Logan's desk, that same grin he always wore plastered on his face.
"Yes, though I dont think you specified the office you want it delivered to?" Logan replied.
"Oh! My bad, I think it was right abooouuuuttt- here," Remus pressed a finger to Logan's nose, Logan tensed slightly, his cheeks flushed red.
"You turn a very pretty red when you're nervous," Remus purred, resting his head on his arms, which were now crossed over Logan's desk wall.
"I-" Logan wasnt sure what to say, here was all the evidence, right in front of his face, and yet he still didnt dare believe it.
And he didnt believe it, not until the day of the Christmas party, where he arrived in a limousine, hand in hand with the man, to a cruise ship of all places, wearing, for the first time in his life, a stunning midnight blue dress, that made him feel like he was worth a glance.
Though of course, no amount of party dresses could top that which he wore on his wedding night, a floor length gown of Remus' own design, studded with pearls and sequins, reflecting blue lights everywhere he walked.
"Remember how I said I wouldnt mind seeing a face like yours every day?" Remus said, smiling as he moved Logan's veil.
"Well, you wont have to worry about that now, will you?" Logan said, smiling, and he relished in the kiss that Remus placed on his lips, Remus' arm pulling Logan closer and closer by the waist, until the space between them was so thin that they were almost attached.
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Oh! What about a classification universe where everyone takes a test and gets their classification (little,neutral, caregiver). Everyone gets what was expected (Virge and Ro little and Pat, Lo, and Janus are caregivers). Everyone expects Remus to get neutral but he gets little. He tries to hide it for a bit until Logan walks in and finds out! (Maybe Pat could be Virgil's cg and Janus could be Roman's? What ever works for you!) Thank you!
Warning: there be a few cuss words here babies.
Remus fiddled with the corners of the envelope he held between his fingers. The friend group had all taken the tests together so they could find out their classifications at the same time. And now here they were, all sitting around in Patton's living room.
He wasn't nervous of course. He knew what everyone including himself would get. Patton was literally the dad friend so of course he would be a caregiver, and if Patton was the dad friend, Logan was the stricter, more cautious mom friend. Then there was Janus who was also a mom friend, but a little more relaxed. He would bet money that Virgil and his brother were littles. Vee already exemplified basically all of the traits and he and Patton pretty much already had a caregiver, regressor relationship going as it was. Then of course Roman was just childish and creative. But Remus? Remus was all crude jokes, chaotic energy and innuendo. He would not be a good caretaker and definitely not a regressor. So he was okay with being the only neutral in the group and told them all as much.
"Now kiddo, we havent even opened our envelopes yet! We dont know what any of us are going to be. Don't make assumptions."
Patton wagged a finger at him playfully.
Logan straightened his glasses. "Actually the true answer lies between both of your responses. While we technically dont know what our results are yet we can make an educated guess based on the traits we exemplify and how likely it is for us to be sorted into each category baised off our traits."
"Ugh! Let's just do it already! I'm tired of waiting!" Roman said exasperated before practically ripping into his. He beamed at the results. "We were right! 'Regressor: 4 to 7 headspace!" He cheered. Janus rolled his eyes with a smile. "Now that one was obvious." There are cheers and congratulations from around the circle and they move on to the next person. Janus is of course a caregiver, as are Logan and Patton. When the circle reaches Virgil he shrinks in on himself and fidgets with his envelope, looking at it like it might come to life and bite him.
"Here kiddo," Patton offered, holding out his hand "would you like me to read it?" Verge nodded and handed it to Patton, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking down.
Patton carefully opens the envelope and scans the contents before breaking out in a smile. "Regressor: 1 to 4 headspace!"
He immediately pulls Virgil in for a hug, likely to comfort him and quell any panic that might be arising as everyone else congratulates him. Virgil of course latches on like a sea monkey and rests his head on Pattons shoulder with a small smile, giggling as the dad friend whispers some joke in his ear, almost assuredly a pun.
Finally only Remus is left. With all eyes on him he smirks and tears open his envelope, ripping out the paper only to stop dead at what he sees in print. He only has a few seconds to think quickly, keep his poker face and turn it into a smile as he tucks his paper back in the envelope.
"Well no fucking surprise here! Nuetral!" Patton reprimands his language but they all smile and clap for him, although Janus looks at him a tad suspiciously.
"Well we should all probably get home. It is getting rather late." Janus commented.
Roman gets a ride with him and Virgil decides to sleep over at Patton's place. That left Logan and Remus.
"Do you require a ride home Remus?" Logan asked.
"Nope! Just gonna shove a broomstick up my butt and fly home on it like a witch!"
Logan looked unimpressed.
"...yeah I could use a ride."
"Well alright then." Logan smiled and grabed his keys. The two waved to Patton and Virgil before heading out the door. They got in the car and Logan double checked to make sure Remus had his seatbelt buckled. He hadn't forgotten the time he almost flew through the windshield and got glass in his forehead because 'seatbelts just take all the excitement out of driving'
Remus rolled his eyes but complied and satisfied Logan began the drive to Remus's house, playing some nerdy music on the car audio.
Remus didnt look at Logan the whole drive. He just stared out the window and felt his stomach turn as he recalled the actual contents of his results.
A regressor. But he couldn't be! It had to be wrong! Roman was the childish one with his disney and cartoons. Remus was...punk, feral, deranged some might even say...he was the furthest thing from a kid.
A few minutes later his thoughts were interrupted by his phone buzzing and he sighed. It was Roman telling him that Janus had agreed to try out being his caregiver and he was going to spend a few days at his house instead. He was going to have a few very lonely days ahead of him. But that might be for the best as he has to process everything.
Before he even realized it Logan was pulling up to his house. He thanked him devoid of his usual energy and walked inside. Missing the concerned look Logan threw his way.
The first thing he did was hide his letter under his mattress and then he stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out how this could have happened.
He came to the conclusion that he wasnt a regressor. The tests were wrong. Or at least he wasnt going to be. He was Remus for satans sake and he intended to stay that way. And if he ever started to feel SMALL. Well then he would just ignore it until it went away. That shouldn't be too hard right?
Wrong. It had been three weeks since they all got their classification and Remus felt like absolute shit.
Both Roman and Virgil had regressed a few times and were settling in with their caregivers. They seemed...happy. but Remus? He was just tired. Every once in a while (especially when things seemed to get ovewhelming) he would feel his head start to go fuzzy and he would begin to feel an odd sense of calm and a sinking feeling. However he was always able to push it down and shake it off before continuing on with his day like it hadn't happened. The only problem was it seemed to be increasing in frequency. It had gone from happening a few times a week to a few times a day and truth be told he was starting to get overwhelmed.
Then it happened. The worst episode hit him while they were all hanging out at his house. The others were having some sort of conversation but he couldn't focus on what they were saying. Too busy trying to get rid of it. It wasnt working though. He subconsciously leaned into the nearest person to him for comfort, which happened to be Logan. He raised an eyebrow at this as Remus was generally not one for physical affection. He wraps an arm around his waist anyways. If Remus needed him he would oblige. "Are you quite alright Remus?" He asked causing Remus to jump and realize what he had been doing. He had to get out of there. Now.
"Mhm! Yuppers, fit as a fiddle...I'm gonna go lay down. Bye!"
And with that he scampered off to his room. Curling up in his blankets he took his envelope out from under his mattress and glared at it as if that would somehow magically change the results. But of course it didn't. All of a sudden his emotions were alot harder to suppress and he was just so confused and upset and angry all at once. He felt something warm on his face and realized he was crying which made him cry harder, he stuffed a blanket covered fist in his mouth to try and muffle the sounds and hugged a pillow close to his chest.
There was a knocking at the door then. "Remus? Are you quite alright? You left rather suddenly and I thought it best to check on you." Logans voice drifted in from outside his door and part of Remus wanted to open it and launch himself into his arms and just stay there, cuddled up while Logan comforted him. But he didn't. He wasnt a baby, he could deal with this on his own.
When no answer came Logan tried to knob and the door creaked open. Remus cursed himself silently for not locking it.
Upon seeing remus curled on the bed, teartracks down his face and obviously upset, logan rushed over and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Remus? What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
That's when his eyes caught on the envelope on his bed and he picked it up. Remus emmiting a high pitched whine when he did.
Logan looked confused for all of a second before he put the pieces together.
"...you arent actually a neutral, are you?"
He shook his head sadly and Logan sighed, sitting on the bed with him.
"Remus, you didnt have to hide this. We're all here to support you." He rested a hand on his shoulder again and Remus leaned into the touch, giving Logan an idea.
"Remus, may I hold you?"
He practically jumped at the offer and noded vigorously. That's all he wanted right now.
Logan smiled softly and crawls on the bed, leaning up on the headboard and pulling Remus against his chest, where he instantly relaxed. He hummed softly to him and rested a hand on his back.
"May I see your results?" He asked and Remus nodded slowly. He trusted Logan.
Logan nodded and pressed a kiss to the top of Remus's head as he opened up the envelope and took a look at the contents inside.
Regressor: 3 to 7 headspace.
Logan nodded to himself and slipped it back in the envelope.
"Thank you for letting me see that Remus, can you tell me how old you are right now?"
"M seventeen." He mumbled and Logan sighed, changing tactics.
"How many times have you regressed in the last three weeks?"
There's a long pause and Remus shifts awkwardly against him.
"....none." he whispered. He knew it wasn't good to suppress regression but he had done it anyways.
Logan pursed his lips, but honestly he had expected this.
"Come on love," he coaxedRemus out of the bed. "We're going to get you out of the house so you can regress without being around everyone. Is that alright with you?"
He noded and followed Logan. They left with some excuse about running an errand and get in Logan's car. He made sure Remus was buckled and started the engine.
"Where we goin?" Remus asked curiously.
"The store." Logan responded. "I assume you dont have any supplies?"
Remus blushed and nodded his head. No use buying little gear if you told yourself you weren't going to regress.
They pulled into the parking lot of a store for that purpose a few minutes later and Logan took his hand as they walked through the parking lot which only served to make him feel smaller and push him further into regression.
When they entered the store Logan took him down a few aisles, stopping when they reached the toys.
"Okay, you may pick out two toys, I'm going to go and get you a few more things. Stay there alright?"
Remus nodded, in awe of all the options the toy isle held. While Logan was off shopping he picked out a nerf gun and an octopus plushie, running up to the cart excitedly to drop them in when Logan returned.
He smiled. "Did you find something you liked little cephalopod?" This caused Remus to nod and giggle happily and Logan chuckled back in response. He had filled the cart with other supplies. Sippy cups, pacifiers, a couple of snacks and small foods as well as some assorted juice boxes.
Remus looked at them all in excitment. And Logan led him through the checkout. Buckling him back up in the car with his octopus, the rest of the bags in the back.
Remus swung his legs happily in the passenger seat while he clutched his new stuffie. Gaining a small smile from Logan.
"Are you alright if we go back to my apartment cephy?"
Remus nodded happily and they made their way to where Logan lived. He was the oldest and so he lived on his own in an apartment just off his college campus.
He quickly unloaded all the groceries and picked Remus up, carrying him inside much to his delight.
The two spent the rest of the day together. Remus ate dinosaurs nuggets and ketchup for dinner which he used to create a whole mess that Logan rolled his eyes fondly at but cleaned up. Then they watched cartoons and snuggled together and Logan watched as he used a new coloring book. Praising every drawing even if they were slightly... unorthodox. Eventually Logan announced that it was bedtime for little boys and while Remus pouted when he was set down on the soft bed he couldn't help but look at Logan like he put all the stars in the sky and he gathered up the courage to ask him his question.
"Yes Chephy?"
"Will you be my caregiver?"
"I would be delighted to."
The day ended perfectly for both of them, cuddling on the bed until they fell asleep.
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aonogifreactions · 4 years
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a/n: i apologize for Luci’s hc being kinda written in general! as i’ve said, i tried to write it not too long, but after amaimon i went overboard, especially with Yukio xD also, regarding Shiro’s hc: the timeline is set when the twins are 3-4 years old, so he’s quite young there. under “read more” due to the length!
✰ Characters: Lucifer, Amaimon, Shiro, Rin, Yukio (written in that order).
✰ Words: 1,3k
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suspicious. VERY suspicious. resists the urge to squint at his "son", so he just keeps staring at him without saying a word and blinks occasionally. even if he looks similar to him or you, he still doesn’t trust it; he might be as well a clone that’s pretending to be his child.
actually thinks it’s a prank pulled by Mephisto, since his child mentioned time traveling.
he believes it’s his actual child once he mentions something that only Lucifer and you know - for example, the initial names you planned to give to your child.
very interested in his son’s own interests - he’d ask a lot of questions and smile proudly if he announced he helps his father reach his goal; when his child doesn’t follow his steps, he just nods and asks how his studies are going (because, quite frankly, I don't think he’d force his child to join Illuminati and do stuff related to it)
as the conversation goes, he starts to notice the features he’s inherited from his mother - both in his personality and looks. it makes him feel excited to be a parent, knowing his strong genes allowed his beloved to also create a beautiful child together.
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confused, a lot, but he won’t question it. he just does his thing, and to be honest, doesn’t care much.
that being said, he starts to care when he realizes his so-called “child” is following him everywhere and trying to eat chips from his bag. for some reason, he lets his son take a handful of chips, staring at him and squinting menacingly.
when his son is done eating, they both just look at each other with the same blank expression.
it clicks in his head once his kid mentions your favorite brand of sweets like it’s nothing; Amaimon looks shocked for a minute, then his usual, bored expression returns.
unlike Luci, he doesn’t ask much questions, but enjoys hanging out with him as long as possible. Amai notices his son’s personality is like his, but his appearance is exactly like yours.
he’s honestly more open to the idea of having a child; In a way that he doesn’t actually mind them existing, but when they grow up, he’ll have another person to do his shenanigans with. once he gets past the diaper stage, he’s fine.
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literally he just
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when he looks back at his son, he sees him lighting a cigarette.
“well, shit.”
Shiro looks at the exact same copy of him. both in personality, and appearance as well. and it terrifies him. yet, the only reaction he lets out is a loud laugh. (thank god that “copy” has been made naturally..)
again, like Luci, thinks that Mephisto is making fun of him.
his son, on the other hand, isn’t laughing. he looks quite unsure and almost sad; that’s when he says, “it’s good to see you, old man. it’s been a while.” he doesn’t end the sentence though, wanting to say he’s glad to see his father after a few years of seeing his name only on a gravestone.
Shiro, despite being quite some time away from death, understands what his son meant to say nonetheless; he then decides to spend some time with him, asking how things are going in the future. His son isn’t very willing to talk, but he tells him in a calm voice, “there have been some bumps here and there. but I’m fine now. they’re fine, too. so you don't have to worry about that two devils, either.” and smiles genuinely; it makes Shiro’s heart melt completely because he recognizes that smile - the smile he gets to see on your beautiful face every day.
when his son was gone, he still yelled at Mephisto. Poor demon, it wasn’t his fault this time, actually.
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opens the door and screams. the person on the other side also screams. Rin’s so shocked and confused he might pass out; he manages to stay on his feet, though. (even though,, he doesn’t know why he screamed in the first place)
when he calms down a bit, he immediately notices that the person standing in the doorway looks kinda similar to him - he’s almost as tall as he is, but his eyes and hair differ a little.
the person greets themselves with the same last name, then breaks the news - “i’m your son! nice to meet you, dad! you can call me by my name or Shiro, that’s a nickname I’ve received from my friends!” he says happily, scratching nervously the back of his neck.
Rin’s expression softens a little; he sees the way he acts and is almost sure the kid is telling the truth. He invites him inside and softly closes the door.
Meanwhile Rin tried to ask if he wants a drink, his son interrupted him whilst taking a photo frame in his hands and yelling excitedly, “oh man! that’s mom?! you have a good taste, dad!” Rin just blinked at him, mumbling a slight “thanks?”.
after the initial shock has passed, his son told him a little about himself and generally, they shared some good time together. that is, until his son asked if he knows what happened to auntie Shura.
Rin tilted his head to the side, his white locks tickling his eyes; he said a confused “no..? is it... bad...?” his worry has started to risen.
“well... she got pregnant with triplets! or.. will... get...?”
Rin choked on his spit, to say the least.
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Yukio’s been silently enjoying his coffee, quite early in the morning. After all, that’s what he deserves after that entire bullshit with satan and his eye.
Since the order allowed him to take some time off, he decided he’s gonna dedicate it for healing - both mentally and physically.
As the clock showed 8am, the sun rays hit his face harshly through the curtains - he decided to go to a store to buy some of the products you’ll use to make breakfast later.
He felt uneasy going to the store. He felt something was not right... but he ignored it, thinking it’s probably still because of the previous events. Going through the aisles and taking his sweet time, he grew even more confused, seeing that most of the products he was gonna buy is missing - they couldn’t have bought everything. Sure, lots of people left the store when he walked in, but it’s barely 8.30am.
Leaving the store with just a few products, it was hard to say he wasn’t annoyed. That’s when he felt someone tapping his shoulder, making him ultra-aware of his surroundings.
“Are ya lookin’ for this?” another male voice asked, smirking, “Sheesh, you probably look really annoyed, and I haven’t even seen your face!”
Yukio turned around, facing a male that quite resembled him - the same height, build, the only thing he was missing was glasses. Yukio, being annoyed as it is, wanted to politely brush him off, but he was interrupted mid-sentence.
“I’m Okumura. Your son, to be exact,” his features softened, eyes gazing at the pavement he stood on, “I got this stuff for you. This is what mom always needs for breakfast, right?” the male smiled gently, handing him the grocery bag. Yukio took it hesitantly.
“I know it’s all so weird, but, do you wanna maybe go on a walk with me? I like the weather today,” he fixed his [hair color]-colored locks, smiling brightly, “and I like spending time with you, dad.”
Well, Yukio’s walk to the store’s certainly gotten more interesting than he originally thought.
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edits arent mine! :3
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urmomification · 4 years
this is a very long post please im so sorry my brain it just
(tw for like slight possession n shit)
(sorry its all jumbled i write all of these in discord to my friend and copy paste them here please if u have questions ask me im always willing to talk abt this shit please it haunts me)
(context: i saw a tiktok abt the hc that both dream and techno are gods of some sort bc theyre mentioned in the tales of the smp by karl a time traveller and my brain just ran w it)
going back to the techno and dream are gods thing right so dream is a vessel for the god dream xd (??? work in progress youll know what im talking about at some point its really funny tho uve def seen clips of it) and he was possessed?? by the god after the server started (when he started going from super friendly with everyone to control/power hungry) when he started sacrificing everything for power so no one could have power over him? that was the god making him do it bc the god was terrified of not being in control since theyd lost it all to techno in their past. thats why we never see dream and techno fight and why we see dream extend help and support to him at times as well as respecting his boundaries and such bc theyre scared of techno (again w the best of 10 duel reference, techno killed the god in a past life which is why the god has been forced to use a human vessel to get anything done on the mortal plane) but when something that powerful spends pretty much any amount of time in something mortal and mundane like a person, the host body starts to change (hence the mask) i like to think that the god would be akin to that of a biblically correct angel?? like the ones w multiple eyes n shit yk so after time things start to happen to normal dreams body he gets extra sets of eyes and he gets taller and overall his body seems just Too Small for whatevers inside of him and thats why he (hc) started wearing the mask in the first place he knew something was wrong w him but he didnt want anyone to know even tho they would most likely help him he was ashamed that he was different in the first place so he started wearing the mask once the other eyes showed up. and i think that the god would talk to dream similarly to how technos voices work yk? except its just the one voice instead of many many small ones. and again with the mask thing when he lost to tommy and they took him in, part of his mask broke to the point where u could see just a bit of the right side of his face but enough to see that it Wasnt Right there were two eyes where there shouldve been one and spots on his cheeks bright enough to resemble stars and where the color of his pupil should have been is just a sickeningly neon green with nothing else behind it. so they let him keep the mask even tho they already know something is wrong but it clearly makes him Very Distressed when asked to remove the mask or told to give it up. blah blah blah god harassing its host bc it got them caught and thrown in a prison and dream goes ever so slightly insane having to share a mind and body with a literal ancient god w a vendetta against everything hes built whos forced him to sacrifice everything he loved and cared for out of fear yk the usual prison shit and then techno comes a long and breaks him out or whatever but on their way back to his house he drops a really cryptic line abt how 'its nice to see an old friend again' and 'i thought i got rid of u for good last time' and dream is just ???? what are u talking about?? weve never been friends and youve never gotten rid of me? what. until techno spins around and just 'im not talking to you im talking to the thing inside u' or whatever and dreams eyes flash some brilliant gold or sumn and boom this is ur fellow god speaking how may i help you and dream xd (that feels so wrong to say but) and techno bond or well ig just talk abt how the past centuries have gone and ig while xd is fronting (??? i think itd kinda be like DID in a sense w multiple people being able to front yk?) dream is in a sort of semi conscious state but still hears everything going on around his own body until hes thrown back into the drivers seat (i think that xd would only be able to front for short periods of time due to the vessel n shit that makes sense right) and hes so confused someone please help him hes just a dude who happened to get possessed by a god someone help him so when they finally get back to technos house he sits dream down and explains the best he can without literally melting dreams brain. which would also play into the 'technoblade never dies' bc hes. literally a god. mortals cant kill him unless they have idk some sort of super weapon idk and blah blah blah xd gets what they want and finally has the ability to leave finally leaving dream literally the shell of a man with no home friends materials or anything with techno to basically take care of him until he reaches some semblance of stability again (which would take ages, realistically (wdym realistically) going from normal, to a god sharing a body with you and speaking in you brain living as a single being together and hearing their thoughts, to back to normal but with all the memories of what you did and what they made you do and also no more god speaking in ur head it would take a hot sec to recover from) so he lives with techno (whos, not to mention, another god) for a while until he can fend for himself again and after a good year or so passes and no one hears from dream they start to look for him and see what happened bc he went from the biggest threat on the server to just. gone. no one knows where he went after whatever he did and they want closure. is he dead?? who knows. so george and sap set out looking for him and decide to ask techno for help since hes good w directions n shit also he was the last person to see dream alive so he might have an idea of where he is and they walk up to his house and knock on his door and techno opens it and just stares at them he knows who they are, dreams talked about them before but hes never met them really so he talks to them, getting through the polite hellos how are yous before sap finally asks 'do you know what happened to dream? no one knows where he went and we just want closure' techno huffs and tells them to wait there he (this is the basement door im using his arctic tundra house in my head) goes down the ladder to the second basement, they can hear him talking to multiple people (ranboo phil dream) but cant tell who everyone is before coming back up the ladder, back to the door. he tells them to wait outside he needs to get something first (its dream hes getting dream) theyre standing out by carls stable when the door creaks open and dream steps out looking around for who the fuck could possibly be looking for them he betrayed everyone and most people thought he was dead who could possibly be here asking for himself and not ranboo or philza and when he steps out, his green hoodie (memento made by ranboo to help him cope w the loss of the voice in his head) catching the morning light off the snow and he was happy and then he saw them standing by the house hed grown to call home at least for now he breaks. he missed them so so much it hurt. he never expected to see them ever again much less them come looking to see him but hes scared he realizes he doesnt know what to say there is nothing to say he fucked them all over he ruined everything and then hes being hugged. they missed him too. they dont forgive him jsut yet but they missed him and thats enough for him right now. the three of them stand there just being in each others presences and techno creaks the door open to make sure they arent trying to kill each other and sighs and leans against the frame smiling. hes happy again and thats the best he can do for him. he invites them all in and offers to explain everything to them to try and ease the blame off of dream bc in all honesty it was his fault but xd made it far far worse that it should have been (a bit late but foot note abt xd i think that they would be an idle god until someone w intense feelings of powerlessness and insecurity like awoke them from their techno induced slumber and inhabited dream to help him fulfill his desires for power and control) and by the time he and dream are finished its late at night and sap and george are ??? so u were possessed by a god who techno killed centuries ago in a duel and it amplified ur feelings of insecurity and ur thirst for control to the point of isolating urself from us and destroying everything everyone cared abt?? also technos an ancient god who lusts for bloodshed but also makes turtle farms in his free time?? are we getting this right????? and techno and dream are just yea thats abt it glad this all made sense then they all go to bed (its a small house dream has a lil shack like ranboos and sap and george somehow slept over there for the night) and in the morning sap and george leave again but promise to come back, they still arent ready to forgive and forget bc even tho it wasnt all his fault his emotions getting away from him is what caused this all in the first place so they do need time to process now that they know he isnt dead and dream continues to live near techno in almost full independence and eventually moves back with his friends even tho many still hate him. hes happy and for now thats enough. another foot note; even after xd leaves his being, he still has the extra eyes, glowy freckles n is xtra tall n shit that cant just be reversed but now that hes himself again these things take their tolls on human bodies so i think hed have something at least similar to arthritis bc of how his bones were literally manipulated bc of how strong ethereal magic or whatever is. so he would still wear the broken mask but he takes it off now and is ok with it being off hes working on getting better now that hes himself again and everyone living w/by techno is helping him with that. also i think that he would get blinks of xd's memories like from when techno was killing them and have sumn like ptsd panic attacks from it and techno feels super guilty abt it but theres literally nothing he can do except apologize and after the first few times dream stopped him from apologizing bc it is his fault but he didnt do it to him so it doesnt matter to dream at least and they live in pretty much harmony until dream finally moves back in w george and sap the end. he also started wearing the mask in the first place bc of the extra eyes but he played it off as being uncomfortable around new people and not wanting them to know what he looked like until he trusted them (bc that literally makes sense irl how funky is that) so sap and george never pushed him and when they caught him without it on on the rare occasion they wouldnt pressure him to leave it off or anything even tho they already knew what he looked like (when they respect ur boundaries </3) they just assumed that it was insecurity (it was but also mans had like 3 eyes so) and just left him alone
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Thoughts on 2gether ep12
I knew last episode was a false sense of security and now there’s
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(I love this gif so much, it works for all kinds of things that cause pain)
but seriously though, I am here for the drama like I loved how soft and fluffy it was so far but now gimme a little bit of angst for the climax please and thank you; but dont forget that happy ending ok? OK?????
I said last week and I’ll say it again, I really do love that Tine and Wat’s problems are coming from their own character flaws and issues and like yes, there’s Pam but she’s not... really the core of it you know? Like obviously the real problems here are Tine’s insecurities and overhinking and Sarawat’s not being very forthcoming with things he thinks will embarrass him in front of Tine which is kind of fascinating to me cause we saw the same thing last ep when Wat didnt want to admit the clip was for Tine at first because he was embarrassed/shy and now with the song I’m guessing it’s the same thing and/or it’s not ready yet and Wat doesnt want to tell Tine until he’s got it perfected
but it’s the combination of those two flaws of their that’s driving the drama right now - Pam being just the catalyst - and it’s all going to backfire spectacularly on Wat next episode
.... and I am here for it, this is character drama I can get behind
speaking of Pam, I wonder if that’s not another misunderstanding there when she said I love you? as in I love you romantically or I love you as a dear friend? And she also says she wants to go back to how things were before but before she wasnt dating Wat, they were just closer as friends than they are now
I hope that’s what they’re going for like she misses having Wat as a friend and wants to get their friendship back and not that she’s in love with him
I think it would work better thematically with Tine being insecure and seeing things through that lense rather than what they are in reality
but omg, my man Mil really pull through! I’m so happy he’s finally moving on from his feelings for Tine and by giving back the bracelet he’s basically telling Wat to not waste the chance he has to be with Tine now by not being careful
I read a comment after last episode that I really really liked saying that Mil doesnt really seem interested in Tine anymore but what he was doing in ep11 was mostly just to get on Wat’s nerves and trying to be friends with Tine at the very least (trying to explain himself about the attack because he didnt want Tine to be scared of him/to think he was that kind of a person) and I think this scene absolutely proves that and I love it
also the fact that he remembered that today was Phukong’s exam and sent him an encouraging message 💖💖💖
I love how Tine and Wat are walking with their hands around each other
and now we’re taking a shower together O_o
I’m not complaining
you know, I’m not getting any deeper into the kissing/sex debate because like I said last week, yes I agree that it makes sense for them to be touching more as in the show has set it up that they want to do it but this episode absolutely semented for me that the implications are there that they do do it off screen but we’re not gonna see that and usually I would be upset about it because 1) I am horny bird with a dirty dirty brain, 2) I loooooooove touchy-feely couples in general and 3) it makes sense for your couple to be physically intimate from a pure writing POV unless you’ve set up some reason for them not to be which is clearly not the case here
but... I dont know, with these two it just doesnt bother me as much as it normally would; I dont know why, maybe it’s that I adore how well developed their emotional intimacy is (and like you cant find THAT in most couples in TV either so that’s already a big plus) and that they’re clearly comfortable touching/being near each other/getting in each other’s space like a couple WOULD do, it’s the heavier stuff that is left off screen and that’s a writing choice they apparently decided to go with and well, it is what it is
the only complaint I have is that they really should have had a few more kisses, like not on FTTT’s level of making out like your life depends on it but at least little pecks here and there, I think that would have been perfect
ANYWAY, so those are my finale thoughts on that matter, MOVING ON phew
Tine’s so gone he’s smiling at a picture of Wat while being in the same room as him which is frankly #mood
Tine’s just like I do not vibe with this so I’m removing myself from the situation the moment Pam opened her mouth and he just TURNED THE FUCK AROUND AND WALKED AWAY
I thought Sarawat was the one to look out for when it comes to jealousy but Mr I’m gonna punish you all night long here is actually the real deal
Type and Man are EXACTLY that cat/dog meme and I’m living for it, this entire scene is just so funny and Type’s little “open it” at the end is just 🤣
I like how they’re building up Tine’s insecurities over Pam little by little by having Tine find similarities between them and then with the talk about first loves and letting us see how he comes to the conclusions he does so it makes sense how it all happens
holy shit I did not expect Man/Type to break my heart too but HERE WE ARE
that dinner scene was so hard to get through especially because what Man is going through realising he’s got nothing much to offer Type at the moment, financially speaking and that he’s still a first year and he’s got  a lot of things left to do for his own future and life and just... that hits hard
unpopular opinion but I actually like that Type left with the asshole boss because 1) that’s gonna make him realise that he does miss Man when he stops coming to him next ep and 2) like from Type’s POV it makes sense? he barely knows this kid that’s been chasing him non-spot and annoying him and yeah, sure he’s helpful and seems genuine in his feelings and Type clearly is starting to melt a little but but he also wants to not lose his job and offend his boss (he might be a total jackass but he’s still Type’s boss) so he’s got no choice but to prevent the situation from escalating
also I like to think that maybe part of why he decided to leave  was cause he was trying to protect Man by not letting him get in a fight with the guy
also did I say how much I am here for the drama next week when Man really does stop looking for him and Type realises oh shit I did NOT want that and yells at Man for disappearing on him after making him feel these things
which is basically like how Tine decided to go about confessing his feelings  not like a normal Braincell-filled person but accusing Wat of not taking responsibility for making Tine fantasize about kissing him and OMG these two really are brothers, arent they?
I really was hoping Wat would say Tine was his first love but THEN he proceeded to snatch my wig with saying that what he felt for Pam was nothing like what he felt for Tine that day at the concert and being so ridiculously OFFENDED when Tine said he and Pam were alike he was like wHAt?? you are like her??? PLEASE YOU ARE THE WEIRDEST PERSON I’VE EVER MET AND I LOVE YOU PLS NEVER LEAVE ME
anyway, I am fine
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next episode looks like it’s gonna be choked full of some of my favourite tropes and honestly I canNOT wait
but dont forget that happy ending though OK??????
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mx-casket · 4 years
Oop yall I'm feeding you a heaping helping of trauma sandwich! Since my mom has of yet to find my tumblr I can speak freely about this bullshit!
Note I really dont want this to be a callout post these are just things that have happened recently that get under my skin. Shes very sweet to other people but it seems like to younger people she can be especially rude especially if she has an established connection to them i.e. friends of mine, me, younger working people(she wouldn't have a connection to them but she does show a pattern of being harder on younger staff) Shes gone through a divorce and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on a lot but at some point this stops being "oh! You did something out of ignorance more then likely! You didnt mean to be rude or overrate! I'm sure you'll do better next time!" To "this is what I expect from you. I expect you to be this rude off of wild assumptions and fleeting feelings." I love my Mom. But there are days I truly dont think she really genuinely thinks of me as a human with feelings. I think she views me as her. As some kind of second chance for her. As a mini me.
We're gonna go through these in no particular order. I'd prefer not forcing you to read three hundred thousand words of my mommy issues so I'll try to be striaght to the point.
Recently she made a pretty fucked up remark to me. Since I've been a wee child I have had blonde hair and my mom really favored dumb blonde jokes when I was tiny. Sometimes directed towards me. She ment fun and games I'm sure but ended up causing some bad feelings as you can imagine. Well recently she made a blonde joke in front of me again and well I really didnt take it well. I asked her not to do it again. She apologized said she wouldnt. Then out of nowhere says "dont worry honey you're actually a beautiful red head!" (She has red hair. For context she had blonde hair as a kid and it turned red over time. My hair has yet to change to red thankfully. Tho she has suggested I dye it red more then once). I told her this made me super uncomfortable. I felt like she was trying to erase a part of me. I got no apology for that.
Recently went to a cave for my birthday. They're pretty prevalent around here and I love rocks so me, my brother, my best friend and my mom all went to this cave. We're using Google Maps on my moms phone and we missed a turn. I didnt mind until mom started getting more and more angry as time went on. At one point saying "I'm already over this trip" really fucking rudely. It made me feel awful. I tried to make sure the whole trip she was okay. I tried my best. But I still feel like I failed. And I really just feel like a piece of shit for not picking something closer and something that we all knew. I'm scared to take anymore trips with her that are over an hour long. She freaked out as soon as one thing went wrong and fuck man. That hurt. Felt like she didnt want to enjoy that trip. But then said she enjoyed it so much. Kinda ruined the whole experience for me :/
This one other people might agree with her on but I feel its important for me to put this in here. Personally I dont enjoy wearing bras. They're itchy, they never fit well, they cut into me ect. Ect. So I stopped wearing bras after quarantine started felt much better. Not only about my self image but felt a lot freer and not to mention more comfortable. And she recently has shown a distaste for my decision. She asked me "why dont you wear bras anymore" and I explained they were uncomfortable. She told me that when I started going to college again I'll have to start wearing them again. Now mom has never gone to college and this statement just came outta the blue. I've never heard anyone on my college campus say there was a rule against not wearing bras but alright mom. And her reasoning for this line of thought? "Well when I was in school a girl wasnt wearing a bra and had a white tank top on and she got sent home". Now gamers, I am 21 years of age. Going to college. And no where in the year and a half of me going to college has anyone giving a mcfuck about a tittie being out under a shirt. My response? Let me ask you something, am I in highschool? "No" am I wearing a white shirt rn? "No" theres the flaw in your logic. And what was her reaction to her daughter who would know much more about what the rules of a college campus considering shes gone to college??? "We'll see" in a very matter of fact tone. Like???????????????? You'll see what?????? Me not wearing a bra in front of my professors and no one caring because we're adults and we understand bras arent necessary for me to be see in public?????
Thank you dear reader for getting to the end of my bitch feast! I'm probably gonna worry about her finding my tumblr now. But even if see reads this I think I'm okay with that. It's not that I'm surprised by this anymore. I'm not surprised when these things happen but like can you not plz????? I just wanna live my life with some good vibes. And that's hard to do when all you give me are bad ones. I wanna include you in my life! I love you! But I have to spend mass amounts of my time avoiding you because being around you makes me feel awful. If feels like with every bit of negativity you're sinking me a little further down.
Maybe I just shouldn't take it so personally. I dont really know anymore.
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etherealgoddessblog · 5 years
Chan of Stray Kids: Love at First Sight
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I rush to the town swimming pool, afraid of the wrath of my waiting friends. I peer around and I realise that I was the only one there. Just then, my phone rings - it is my friend, “Dude, we are bailing out. Let’s meet up next week, same time.”
Are you kidding me? Here I was, at a pool with a bunch of crying kids. I absolutely hate sunlight and getting chlorine in my hair so I rarely came over here. I could have gone back home but I decided to stay. I didn’t come here for free. Might as well make the most of it. I change into my red Polka Dot bikini in the dressing room. I may be alone but I definitely look like a snack. Too bad there are only kids in the pool today. My friends promised that there’d be some tasty-looking guys here. I tie my hair into a cute top knot and set out to swim. 
Those kids do not even glance in my direction. Even the parents don’t pay any attention to me. I realise that I am not the centre of the entire universe as I splash in the swimming pool. The kids are good fun to be with. We play slow motion ballet and underwater tea party together. I love how creative kids can be! As if my friends and I would even enter the water. We would just drown in sunscreen while we tried to sunbathe.
After half an hour of swimming, the kids stop playing and start leaving. As I step out of the pool, some really hot guys come out of the changing room. They had freshly showered and were walking in a large group towards me. 
“Noona, come on out!”, yells this one kid I had been playing with. I emerge from the pool, water dripping all over my body. My curves glisten in the sunlight and my wet clothes stick to me tightly. I grab my pink towel and quickly wrap myself in it. All this while I was pining for some boys to drool over me in my bikini and now I was suddenly feeling self-conscious. What am I even playing at? The boys don’t seem to notice me. I am not even the center of this swimming pool. They seem more bothered about their beach ball than about me. Well, boo sucks to them because I love how I look today. 
The kids had changed and they set out for their home. I just lay down on a beach chair to dry myself off. From here, I could get a bird’s eye view of these dashing guys playing volley ball. It doesn’t look that hard. Or maybe they are so good at it that they make it look easy. 
Suddenly one special guy catches my attention. His skin is as white as milk. His back muscles flex back and forth as he swims in the direction of the ball. His arms have the perfect amount of muscle - he is not too bulky or too lean. Turn, boy. Let me see your face! He faces me and our eyes meet. We stare at each other for a while until one of his friends yells, “ Chan Hyung! Leader Hyung! Pass!” We both come out of trance and he continues playing. This boy looks like an angel… with abs. I want to run my fingers through the soft curls of his black hair. So he is called Chan. And he is their leader? Oh I just love dominating guys who know what they want and how to get it. So Mr. Chan is the leader among 9 guys. All of them look so good but this man is my prince. 
Wait… They are playing in teams: 5 vs 4. This is my chance. If I don’t seize my opportunity, I will live a lonely life. So I gather my guts and walk towards them, “Guys, can I join you? I play well, I promise.” What a fake promise. But I got to join Chan’s team as the fifth member. I played so badly. I knocked out my own members as I tried to catch the ball. I almost drowned because of the tides these guys were causing while running around in the pool. I got into Chan’s bad books when I distracted him by pouring splashing large bouts of water at him. He is not as angelic as he seems. Apparently he takes this game very seriously for some reason and I am more dangerous than the other team. He can’t win because of me. Angry Chan is sexy Chan. But we somehow tied with the other team. 
Suddenly, the ball comes in Changbin’s direction. I rush towards him so that I can catch the ball but two white arms snake around my waist and paralyse me. His grip is firm. Changbin safely catches the ball and finally scores a point. We win! I turn around to see Chan’s dimpled smile. He is ecstatic from the victory. “Yayyyyy!!!”, I scream as I wrap my arms around his neck. He in turn holds my waist. I look up at him, into his eyes and smile. Then I blush because I realise that our bodies are crushed together and my boobs are resting on his bare chest. I think he also noticed that we are wearing very less clothing. We let go of each other and smile. 
I want to get to know this guy more. I can’t leave him and go away just yet. So I announce, “Guys, I’ll treat all of you to ice-cream. As the worst player, I could do atleast this much. Let’s meet after changing.”
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I change into the clothes I had brought with me - a baby pink oversized hoodie and white shorts. The shorts can be seen only if i raise my arms. I let my wet black hair loose; it reaches all the way to my waist. I put on my white shoes and jump out of the dressing room. The boys were already waiting for me. Chan’s eyes sparkle when he sees me. He is wearing a baby blue hoodie. I want it so bad. Maybe I could borrow it if I were his girlfriend. 
“Your hair is so long, Noona”, observes Jeongin. I flip my hair in approval. Oops! I spray some water accidentally at Hyunjin and Seungmin. Felix continues, “You and Chan Hyung make quite a pair.” I blush so much that I can’t even face Chan. He shakes his hand in disagreement. That’s when Felix comments, “I meant, you guys look like ice-cream!” 
We had to walk a few blocks to buy them some ice-cream. I had to find a pretty place because they honestly shouldn’t think of me as a cheapskate. Chan and I order the same flavour: Raspberry. I spend a fortune on these 9 boys. The things I have to do for love! 
I have to sit opposite Chan because Jisung and Changbin called dibs on either side of him. We lick our icecreams appreciatively. All of us talk about random things and exchange numbers. I feel happy having made so many friends in one day. Then, Changbin grabs the Sriracha bottle and shows it to Jisung. He winks back. They are probably spicy food lovers. 
“I can’t handle this firesauce. But I do love a hip-hop group called 3Racha,” I explain. “I don’t know what they look like because they arent exactly an official group of JYP. They just release mixtapes but good lord! Theirs is the best rap I have ever heard! They only have private shows so common people like me can’t really meet them.” I continue fangirling, “There are three members - G.One, SpearB and my favourite, CB97. He is the one who produces most of their songs. I am in love with his voice and his music. I want to meet him so bad and tell him how much his music means to me!” I let out a long sigh. All nine of them are quiet all of a sudden. 
Chan breaks the awkward silence with a question, “Which is your favourite song by 3Racha?” I reply, “Wow by Spear B is a gag song but it always brings a smile on my face. It actually makes me feel confident about the way I look.” Chan asks, “Wow was produced by Spear B. Then why do you like CB97?” “CB97 sounds like an absolute gentleman in Wow. My favourite song is Start Line in which he raps in English about how he entered the world of music,” I reply. 
Chan grins but I can’t understand what his smile means. “Do you know 3Racha too?” It was my turn to ask. Changbin butts in before he can answer, “I am Spear B. We are all part of an upcoming boygroup called Stray Kids. So we used nicknames insteas for 3Racha. We were still trainees, you know.” He points at Jisung, “He is G.One.” Jisung assures me that it’s him with a rap from the secret tracks of 3Racha’s first mixtape. I am frozen. I muster up the courage to enquire, “So who is CB97?” Chan shyly raises his hand, “I’m your gentleman, Miss.” That Australian accent is unmistakably CB97’s. 
I bury my face in my hands out of embarassment. He pulls away my hands and gazes into my eyes. “Well, you did open that door for me,” I slowly remarked, recalling the time when we entered the cafe. “But you’re not better than Tony,” I stuck my tongue out at him. 
Now that we had all finished our ice-cream, we set out to leave the cafe. Chan opens the door for me again, with a smirk on his face. He blocks my way with his arm and says, “Now that you confessed your love for me, I would like to ask you out on a date. I want to get to know my future girlfriend a little bit more.” He ruffles my hair and comments, “I liked you ever since I first saw you at the pool playing with those kids. I heard fireworks when you came out of the pool. Then I felt that you were a keeper with your long hair and pink hoodie. So I do feel honoured that my ideal type is also my biggest fan.” “You are so cheesy, saying so many things about me like that. You might as well make a song about me!” I peck his cheek lightly and run away.
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Miroh 2
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Genre: Angst
Skz zombie apocalypse AU
It's very sad and violent in some parts, sorry.
"Balance! Balance is key Shuyang," Jeongin sighed while coming behind the boy and helping him plant his feet. Shuyang looked at him in slight confusion before one of the other young boys translated in chinese. Jeongin was given the difficult task of teaching these boys no older than fifteen and no younger than twelve how to shoot a bow and arrow. Smiling to myself I was beyond proud of Jeongin for not only strengthening his shooting skills but for being able to teach as well.
"Hyung have you not noticed how clumsy he is? I'm surprised we didnt put him in farming with Yeji," Hanyu chuckled as he shot and nearly hit the bullseye. "Stop being mean," Zihao groaned in english. Pulling myself to my feet I took over Jeongin's place behind Shuyang and placed my hands over his. "Slow your breathing," I said in his home language, "it's okay to miss. You are learning so breathe. Now balance and focus on your breathing."
"You know chinese," Jeongin gasped. "And english," I said while looking over at Zihao, "dad moved us around alot since he was a company translator. Does it really shock you? I lived in Taiyuan for five years, Texas for six, and Busan for eight years now. Korean is relatively my newest language."
"Hey I'm from Taiyuan," Xinlong said excitedly. Giving him a wide smile I turned my attention back to Shuyang and whispered for him to release the arrow, watching as his arrow finally landed on the rim of the target. "There you go," I encouraged, "now keep practicing."
As time went on, and corrections decreased, I had decided to leave the boys for a moment to survey the base. It wasn't as broken down as the infected towns but it surely needed repairs. The houses were run down and in a few years probably dilapidated but for now it was livable and somewhat warm. The shops we kept around were always busy with people making food, clothes, weapons, and more. Children were running around the property with no parents to corral them inside, only a few of us teenagers and early adults taking over the parental life.
"Y/N I thought you were with Jeongin," Seungmin asked while running up to me from the pig barn. He was wiping the dirt from his hands with a rag in his pocket and tried to clear his face but with little result. "I thought you were supposed to control the pigs. Looks like it was the other way around." Giving me an off smile he lowered his face and groaned, "younger sow has been testing Jisung and I's patience. It's too hyper to be cooped up in the barn but too lazy to burn energy when in the field and it's hard to catch it when I need it. Somehow it managed to learn to open it's own pen so I had to get Changbin to help me rebuild the door to move the latch."
His small smile made my heart swell, I rarely saw him smile during our time together so it's refreshing to see happiness in the same boys I worried about months ago. "I'm obviously not a builder," he added after holding out his cut up hands, "gonna have to borrow some of Hyunjin's bandages." "Need help?"
"I missed the way you patched us up. Its alot more comfortable than Hyung's tight and rigid tactic." Finishing up the last wrap I gave his hand a soft squeeze before putting the medical supplies back to its spots. "Had to learn somehow with Namjoon always managing to injure himself. I still cant figure out how he would do it but he always had new injuries each week! Mom was always finding small jobs to do so she was gone alot while dad was always at the companies he was doing work for. He tried to patch himself up but would always hurt himself more," I laughed, "I wonder if he found someone to replace my handiwork."
The room was silent for a moment but my smile never faltered. "I'm sure he's fine," I added, "I'm sure he is running around with Jungkook or Seokjin. They had a big group of friends apparently. I didnt get to see them often since he was scared I would fall for Jungkook but I think he was overreacting. Big brother stuff you know?" "I understand completely. My older sister was the same way with her friends. But she was more worried because I was a bit of a wild child in her eyes. She thought I would corrupt her friends." The room filled with laughter as we thought back to our pasts. Thinking about it now I never would have believed someone like Seungmin would be my friend. In high school I was always shy and a bit of a book nerd but wasn't afraid to stand up for myself. I guess that's how I meshed well with Jeongin when I moved to Korea, attending high school with him. Apparently Hyunjin went there too but I never really got to know him and didnt even know of his existence!
As we sat here I realized just how lucky I am to have met my boys. They helped me learn to grow a backbone and how important it was to not judge a book by his cover. "Well I better get back to the pins. I heard that Chan is going to take some of the men and younger males for hunting practice. You going," Seungmin sighed as he got up. "No I'm going to stay here and let my shoulder rest some more." "Right. But hey, thanks for patching me up."
**** Three years ago****
A loud crash erupted from the living room followed by an "Oh shit!" Glancing over at Jin who came and helped me make dinner tonight I wiped my hands on the apron he gave to me and followed the sound to see my brother trying to pick up the pieces of the now broken vase.
"Why does mom demand we keep glass items in this house," he growled before he cut open his hand yet again. "No Joon get the broom," I laughed. I quickly pulled him up to his feet and examined his hand to see a few thin lines here and there but nothing a few bandages couldnt cover. "You're a god of destruction," I giggled to myself before letting go of him and moving to get the broom,"dont move Joon! You'll break something else with your luck!"
"How is it that he is the older brother but you are the one who takes care of him," Seokjin laughed. "I swear the birth year on my birth and adoption certificates are wrong. I have to be older than him." "What will he do without you in a few years?" "I'll be fine!"
I always wondered where he went. Did he make it out of our town alive? Did he find the boys? I might never get answers.
A few hours later and I was huddled in my room by the fireplace, waiting for the boys to get back. Chan and Jeongin were out teaching the younger boys to hunt which was freaky in it's own sense but it was also scary that it was starting to get dark. "Y/N," Shuyang called while rushing in. "I thought you were hunting! What's wrong," I asked. Going over to him and rubbing his heaving back I could barely hear him huffed out "need translator. Felix cant understand. A man is here!"
"救命啊," I heard a young man scream as I raced up the staircase. "I dont speak chinese! Do you speak anything else? What group are you from," Felix yelled. "Hyung yelling isnt going to help. It's like when we did that when you were learning korean," Seungmin sighed. "Shut up! I dont see you helping! And where the hell is Shuyang?" Shoving the door open I walked in front of Shuyang and took a look at the situation. Seungmin was sitting in the back corner with his hands in his face, Felix was standing firm but with panic laced on his, and the boy who must have been the man screaming in chinese moments ago was pacing the room.
"My name is Y/N. I speak chinese well. Are you okay," I asked while slowly approaching the frantic man. " His eyes grew wide and he let out a "oh my god! I can speak a little korean but the words arent coming to me right now! My base has been invaded and we need help! I'm from Amber's section!" "Amber? Amber Liu," Felix asked after finally catching on. "They're invaded."
We filled the trucks with as many members as we could as we raced to the compound. In my truck we had Felix, Changbin, Minho, Jisung, Lucas, and I. The ride was quiet aside from the engine roaring as Minho raced us through the winding roads. "Please let there be survivors," Lucas whispered to himself, "let my friends be okay." Placing my hand ontop of his I tried to comfort him in any way I could but with little results. "How did this happen," Felix asked which I ended up having to translate. In the best korean he could manage in the moment he said "people were coming back from hunting and one was bitten while he was out. He didnt tell anyone and turned. It spread from there. Oh God Winwin!" Tears rolled down his face and he pulled his sleeves to his eyes to try to stop them.
"Its okay to cry," I hushed, "we are going to help the best we can I promise." Jisung eyed me as I comforted the stranger, knowing my heart was breaking for him. Placing his hand on his back, I could tell Jisung was trying to help too. We both knew what it was like to lose someone to this situation. When we first found eachother he had his older brother with him who got bit saving Jisung. I on the other hand had to shoot my mother when she turned and soon after my father. It's a pain that many in this world are forced to go through but it never gets easier. We all hope for a day this will end but at this point we know the odds are out of our favor.
"We're here," Minho interrupted before we all rushed out of the trucks and others pulled in. With a team of an estimated thirty we raced into the compound and began to shoot every Walker in sight. I stuck close to Lucas and Felix as we tried to find and gather survivors but only managed to find a small group hiding in a closed off room in the leadership tower. "Ten! Amber," Lucas cried as he rushed into the room. Doing a headcount I was able to see five survivors and then Lucas, my heart dropping at the alarming number. "We couldnt stop them," Amber shook, "I just had to find survivors and barricade ourselves until help arrived."
"We're here," Felix comforted, "now come on. We need to get you guys to a vehicle while we search for more." "I'll keep looking. I have great aim and can protect myself," I suggested. Nodding his head, Felix ushered everyone out while I raced around the entire compound. The bodies laying on the floor added to my fear and I prayed for atleast one more survivor. "Please! Anyone!" On the ground was a young male with a Walker ontop of him, snapping at his face. Pulling my arrow back I was able to nail him right in the back of his head and ran to help the young man.
He had to be close to Jeongin's age but definitely a giant in comparison. His eyes were soft but full of fear but I had to push my own aside to try to soothe him in this moment. "Are you infected," I asked. Shaking his head I immediately pulled him to his feet and handed him a gun from my bag and continued through the compound. After nearly an hour though and no other survivors in sight I knew it was time to leave.
"But Chenle! I cant leave him!" "Someone else might have found him. We have to go," I ordered before pulling him by his arm to the trucks that were already packed and preparing to leave. "Is that all of our team," Felix yelled through the crowd. "We are all clear sir," another called out. Helping the boy into the bed of the truck I crawled in to sit by him and the new members of our base, listening to the cries of pain as they went through their list of friends who were either infected or killed.
"Johnny," one asked. "Got bit. I watched someone shoot him soon after. Same for Mark." "Chenle?" "Infected." My heart went out to this group. These were their friends, their family, and they had to watch some of them die today. "I'm sorry I didnt get help soon enough," Lucas apologized. Amber placed her hand on his face and made him look at her, "you saved us Lucas. You cant save everyone but you saved someone! You did great." "Its not your fault," another girl added, "this wasn't something we could have stopped. Its life now."
Life sucks.
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fathertaurus · 5 years
So like I don’t even know what to title this it’s so long that this might be like 3 parts 🤷🏻‍♀️
“Come out tonight!” “Yeah, no.” David sighed on his end of the phone. “But I’m only home for tonight and tomorrow!” “Yeah, and?” Y/n rolled her eyes, David swore he heard it in her voice. “And I wanna see you! Ilya and Dima are coming out! Please?” “Yeah and they both get plastered and act like idiots...well at least Ilya does.” Another sigh and “I will pay for all your drinks tonight if you come out—“
“what’s the catch, Dobrik?”
“You have to keep up with Ilya and if you fall behind you have to take three shots to catch up each time.”
“...Ilya literally drinks like a mad man!”
The smirk was prevalent in his voice and y/n knew she had to say yes. “Fine. Deal. But someone is picking me up I am not ubering.” “Perfect, yes. Fine. You can even stay at my hotel if you get too fucked up.” “I wanna be the little spoon, Dobrik.” “Of course, babe. Whatever you say.” And at that the line went dead.
It was always a mystery how David just got what he wanted. It blew y/n’s mind she actually said yes to him. Her normal Thursday nights consisted of Netflix and some sort of postmates. But now? Now she was straightening her hair and making sure her makeup looked semi okay. Groaning and running a hand through her hair as she pulled on her black leggings and hoodie. Both totally not the typical bar crawl look but if she was going to get drunk y/n wanted to be comfy while doing it.
When David texted her y/n triple checked that she had a hair tie, her ID, and her phone before walking out her parent’s door and seeing Ilya’s car out front of her house. David was in the driver’s seat and shockingly enough the passenger’s seat was wide open. For her. “Get in the front” David called from the window when y/n reached for the back seat. “Oh shit, okay.”
David had his camera set up on his dash and his classic smirk was on full display. “Guys so tonight we all decided to go out and have a little fun. Well to make it a bit interesting y/n is going to try and keep up with Ilya’s drinking. You guys have seen him get hammered in the past...tonight should be insane!” At that y/n sighed resting her head on the window “I’m already regretting this.” Causing both Ilya and David to bust out laughing next to her.
After a little more impromptu banter David turned his camera off and “Alex and Dima wanna do a bar crawl. You cool with that?” Y/n shrugged and “well even if I said no it’s what’s gonna happen, yeah I’m fine with it. Again Dobrik. Little spoon.” Ilya chuckled from the back seat “don’t worry, I’ll try and go easy on you sweetheart.”
Looking back y/n saw an open bottle of vodka. “Are you already drinking?!” And there was David’s laugh again. “Dammit Ilya, pass it here.” And y/n took a couple swigs before handing it back. “Oh I don’t have a chaser...”
With David catching y/n and Ilya passing the bottle back and forth for a montage for his vlog there was only laughter and shouts of “chug” and “oh shit, that was a lot!” Y/n knew she could handle her liquor to an extent but that already tonight was pushing the limits. David decided that the two pre-gamed enough when the bottle was empty. Slapping his hand on y/n thigh “Alright! Let’s go!” And they all got out to find their high school friends. “Dave will you just keep my ID in your wallet?” But then Ilya spoke up “oh I got it y/n, here.” And he slid it in with his ID since he’d need them together.
While David got shots of the bar they were in y/n sat in between Ilya and Alex. She already started leaning against Alex and had gone quiet focusing on not spilling her beer on either of them. Her free hand had found Ilya’s thigh and so what if they’ve been sending subtle hints to each other every now and then.
“You good y/n?” Alex chuckled when all she did was hum. “Finish your beer yet?” Looking down she took the last swig and handed it to Ilya who finished his simultaneously. “Shall we move to shots? Tequila?” At that she perked up “what? Why?” “Cause, it’ll wake you up!” Smirking y/n nodded and Ilya ordered them a round of shots. But before they could drink them of course David had to be called over to get the shot.
“Oh shit so Ilya just ordered shots okay guys in three—two—“ But y/n cut him off. “Wait! Let’s make it fun. David come here.” “I’m not taking a shot?” “I know. Just wait.” And y/n tilted David’s neck to the side and “what are you—?” “Dobrik. Trust me.” It was soft, nowhere near her normal annoyed tone she had with him. Squeezing some of the lime the bartender had set up with the shots along his neck and then wiping the salt paper along his skin. “Put this in your mouth...mhmm like that.”
Ilya’s eyes were trained on the way y/n licked at David’s skin, her tongue purposely swiping over the pulse point. Taking her shot then moving to catch the end of the lime that wasn’t in David’s mouth with her lips. It was an interesting game trying to swipe their tongues together with the citrus in the way. Pulling away y/n dropped the now used lime in her empty shot glass.
“Oh-okay then!” David’s voice cracking in the process. “Can Ilya do that to you for some clickbait?” His hand that wasn’t holding his camera now was on her waist as if to make sure she stayed with the group and didn’t wander off. “Yeah, yeah if he wants to.”
Of course Alex is now somehow pushing his shot towards y/n and “yeah you two should do them.” Silently nodding towards Dima to come pay attention to what was about to happen.
Ilya’s laugh could be heard across the bar as y/n started to shy away from his brilliant idea of putting the lime down her shirt. “Ilya! I only have a sports bra under this sweatshirt and I’m not taking it off!” Well now of course he’s laughing louder and David joins him as they pull her hoodie off with surprisingly little struggle from y/n. “You guys are assholes!”
Of course Ilya had to drag out the whole thing. David being the one to squeeze the lime along her neck, collarbone, and chest, his hand somehow brushing past her thinly covered nipples. His smirk behind the camera catching her biting her chapped bottom lip.
Alex and Dima of course calling the guys idiots but also encouraging the scene before them. “Okay Ilya seriously it’s cold in here, please?” Her skin prickling the more it’s exposed. He pulled y/n away from David’s side and smirked as David shouted “and go!” His lips hitting her throat in an instant, purposely letting his teeth graze and tease as she leans into the touch. When he goes to grab the lime, Ilya missed the first time loving the small whine from him biting at the skin. Coming up to drink the shot he winked her way before tossing it back effortlessly.
Before putting her sweatshirt back on David of course encouraged y/n to take her shot. Dragging the lime along Ilya’s throat and handing it to him to put in his mouth she made quick work of licking and sucking at his skin before taking the shot and moving up to his mouth.
With his hands now squeezing her ass while pulling her into his chest. Their kiss becomes heated and of course their friends are yelling behind them until David is going “okay guys! Seriously!” Pulling away and y/n grabbing her hoodie from Dima who was shaking his head at her. “You’re drunk.” “Uh...yeah.” Like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
After that David declared that they were going to the next bar. Y/n had her sweatshirt on and was leaning into David slightly as she walked his camera recording her as he asked: “how drunk are you right now?” “On a scale of one to fucked up? I’m probably at like an elephant.” Of course this caused him to cackle and before she could stop it Ilya had thrown her over his shoulder saying they needed more shots.
“Put me down!” Ilya’s laugh was all she got in response. “They arent going to let us in if you keep her hostage like that!” David laughs as y/n slaps Ilya’s chest when her feet are back on the ground.
Walking in the bar Ilya and Alex are the first to go up and order drinks leaving y/n and David at their table alone. There was silence for a moment before David spoke up. His camera was in his hand but he had it facing y/n. “I’m gonna flip a coin, if it lands on heads you gotta do something for me...but if it lands on tails...” “you do something for me?” “Close. You do something for Ilya.” Then there was this darkness that even though the room was dark y/n could still see it in his eyes. Biting her lip she nodded. “Okay, Dobrik. Go ahead.”
Watching the coin land on the table in front of them was nerve wracking. Y/n’s drunk mind slowing everything down. So when she finally saw that it was heads David has already turned the camera off and scooted closer to her. “You can of course say no...” moving her hair away from her neck as his hand moved to wrap around her throat.
David felt her swallow and watched the way she leaned in closer to the touch. His eyes watching to make sure their friends were still getting drinks before he pulled her into a kiss that was all bite. Y/n moaning into david’s mouth when his grip tightened. His free hand moving to press down on her clothed core loving the reaction her body gave him.
And just like that he pulled away. Whispering in her ear how “if you’re good...you’ll get more later.” Now of course y/n is desperate. But before she could whine a response Ilya is back and handing her a blue drink. The two guys share a knowing look and “drink up, sweetheart.” Pushing the straw aside y/n brought the glass to her lips and drank it all in one gulp. Placing it down on the table in front of her before leaning into Ilya again.
“Oh yeah I might of cheated and had a drink at the bar.” A cackle leaving his lips when Ilya nods to Alex to show the three shots of whiskey. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” Turning to David who only smirked and gave y/n a knowing look. “Little spoon Dobrik.” Before she went and drank the first one cringing immediately. Alex laughing when she tried reaching for something for a chaser. “Just finish them! Jesus Christ!” Of course David is laughing now and y/n glares before taking the second one and getting it about half way down her throat before she gags and “—guys I need water or something...” the nausea that overwhelmed her stomach was all too familiar and David pulled a bottle from his sweatshirt pocket. “Thanks...” taking a swig before passing it back and finishing the two shots.
David watched as y/n tugged at Alex’s arm to dance with her. They all decided to get her a Red Bull to perk up and regretted it almost instantaneously.
“I’m not dancing with you!” Alex laughed as y/n pouted. “Why the hell not?!” “Because you don’t dance!” Ilya now laughing at the pout y/n had. “But I wanna dance now!” Now she’s turned to Ilya who pulled her into his chest and rocked them back and forth. The giggles that left y/n’s lips were adorable and of course Ilya ruined it by moving to tickle her. The loud laugh that left her lips was of course recorded.
After a couple drinks Ilya and y/n decided they both needed some air. It somehow had started snowing while they were inside so of course y/n took it upon herself to start making snow angels on the sidewalk.
David came out when Ilya texted him and of course was filming.
“Jesus Christ! Y/n get up come on!”
“You’re drunk! Get up!”
As her arms have stopped moving and y/n is just laying in the street. “What do I have to do to get you to stand up?” “I don’t wanna!” “Y/n...” and that’s when she gets a look from David, one she’s never seen before. Gulping they silently are challenging each other before Ilya is there and picking her up again.
“I got it!” He laughed before David coaxed them both to go to the car. “Little spoon!” As Ilya has her thrown over his shoulder squeezing her ass intentionally. David filming them as y/n is shouting to put her down. “I’m seriously too heavy for this you’re going to drop me!” “Never!” But as soon as he said it Ilya tripped over a crack in the pavement causing y/n to yelp. “I’m going to die!” David’s laughter wasn’t helping y/n’s distressed tone as she “Dobrik this isn’t funny!” “You’re right! It’s hilarious!” Lifting up her hand she flipped off his camera.
Ilya finally put her down in front of his car tapping her ass as he did so. “Really?” He just smirked and opened the passenger seat for her. Looking to see David talking to Alex y/n leaned up and pressed a kiss to Ilya’s smirking lips. He took to pressing her against the car’s frame hearing her hum in response. Y/n’s hands moved to his belt as she pulled him closer. Ilya’s lips moved from her lips and down her jaw. Biting and sucking at the skin along her neck before y/n whined. “Please...lemme..” and her hands are moving to undo his belt.
Obviously both too drunk to take in their surroundings until they hear David’s voice. “Jesus Christ guys! We’re in a parking lot!” Y/n’s hands had barely touched Ilya’s cock but of course now they were both eager. “Y/n get up and in the car. Now.” Sighing Ilya helped her stand up and kissed her once before letting her in.
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godaime-obito · 6 years
my fill for @kakaobiweek2019 day 8:time travel. Kushina takes care of things; on ao3 and under the cut!
Kushina isn’t particularly happy about dying. She imagines most people aren’t, but unlike them she’s not going to put up with it. The Shinigami can bite her, she wants back in. Honestly once she woke up she didn’t remember much of being dead, so she can’t really say how she got back to life again, just that she did.
She awakens spooned against Minato. It takes Kushina a long time to convince herself to move. The worst part of being pregnant was not being able to be big spoon properly anymore.
...Is she pregnant? She’s not sure how far back she is. Maybe she just isn’t showing yet? But, maybe, she got lucky and she’s farther back than that. If she gets up and runs through Konoha she might find Rin or even Obito. On second thought, the Shinigami better hope she’ll fin Rin and Obito.
“Pretty boy,” she shouts as she hops out of bed, “I demand an emergency ramen dinner for your team.”
“What? Kushina it’s the morning. It’s too early for dinner,” Minato says bewildered.
“It’s never too early for ramen,” she retorts and throws his usual uniform at him.
Kushina and team Minato arrive at Ichiraku’s as soon as it opens. The kids are exhausted from morning training and Minato is exhausted from delaying Kushina until the stand actually opened.
She decides to sit smack between Obito and Rim instead of her normal spot, but she’s still barely able to contain her enthusiasm at seeing them.
“How’s it going kiddos?” she cheers. Now to keep them from dying somehow.
“I’ve made a lot of progress on my mystic palm efficiency,” Rin volunteers, “Obito’s been working very hard on his kanton and we’re sure Kakashi’s going to be a jounin soon.”
“Wow,” Kushina says with a smirk, “a jounin already Kaka-chan? But you’re still so cute.” He puffs up in response and gets ready to go on one of his little rants, but Kushina can’t hear him over her own laughter. She missed these little rants, after Obito died, no matter how annoying they are.
“Good luck kid,” she says after her laughter dies out, “but don’t get so caught up on your rules that you forget your teammates. When you’re a jounin you��re a leader and you have to consider your subordinates.”
“They’re not my rules, they’re the ninja rules,” Kakashi retorts.
“Look here little punk,” Kushina growls, “I’ve been a jounin years and I think I know a bit more about how the rules work than you. If I hear you’ve been leaving your teammates in the dust I’ll make you regret it.”
“Kushina, darling, I’m sure he’ll give your words plenty of consideration,” Minato reassures her. Trying to diffuse her temper before she gets more worked up. She quiets with a huff and the rest of the meal passes by with the normal sound of Kakashi and Obito bickering, which cheers her up a bit. It feels good to be back.
Kushina tries to believe in Kakashi she really does. But… she knows what a stubborn brat he is. She may take some time off to us to stalk them around on the Kanabi Bridge mission. It isn’t easy to find the time or avoid being seen, but she’s able to help pick off the Iwa nin. Obito makes it home with his two sharingan eyes, and Rin and Kakashi come back intact too. Well, Kakashi still ends up losing his left eye, but you win some you lose some.
Naruto is going to be born soon, which brings her to her second goal: not dying. Things go wildly different. She thought there may be some ripple effect from the things she’s done differently or from Obito surviving, but this is a bit much. She really isn’t sure what she did to cause this. It’s October 10th and instead of the masked man with a sharingan there’s some kind of plant demon with what may be mokuton. They seem like opposite problems, but they must be connected. Thankfully Kushina was ready to be attacked and this fucker isn’t capable of teleportation and phasing the way the masked man was. The kyuubi is still safely sealed in her, and if she could just get it to stop regrowing when either Minato or she kill it they’ll be golden.
Just when she’s worried it might wear them down before they can kill it backup arrives. Mikoto arrives flanked by a few of her clansman. Kushina couldn’t have a better best friend. The literal fire power of their kanton turns out to be just what they need. Either they successfully burn away the plant demon or they at least manage to scare it off. Kushina can’t say what happens immediately after because she just gave birth and then fought a demon, so she very reasonably fell asleep as soon as it was over.
Kakashi and Obito are late to Naruto’s second birthday. Obito’s been rubbing off on Kakashi ever since Kanabi Bridge, when they finally learned to get a long, and it’s not that surprising they’re both late. She’s still annoyed though. She will find both of those brats and drag them here.
It turns out she doesn’t have to look very long, because they’re together. They’re lying on Obito’s couch, while Kakashi is, from what Kushina can see, attempting to discover how far down Obito’s throat he can get his tongue. Fucking Sixteen year olds.
“Boys!” she screams as she climbs through the window. “Stop being horny and celebrate my son’s birth!” she adds, smacking them both over the head, “Ingrates.”
“Kushina-neechan,” Obito stutters out, rapidly turning bright red. “It’s not what it looks like,” he insists.
Kakashi just looks smug. “It is what it looks like, if it looks like I was about to get lucky,” he says, “until you interrupted.”
“Kakashi!” Obito shrieks and reflexively sucker punches him in the gut.
“You can get as lucky as you want after the party,” she says, “Get moving.” She stalks out the front door and Obito pops up from the couch to run after her, grabbing their gifts off the table as he goes. Kakashi follows after them once he regains his breath.
Obito and Kakashi are both late to their commitments the next morning, but Kakashi is big spoon and really doesn’t want to move. Obito is still happily snoring and while they’ve slept in the same bed or on the same futon before it was never like this. Never in this context. He wants to stay a while and just watch Obito’s untroubled sleeping face. The last few years have gone unexpectedly well and strangely he for some reason feels like he owes Kushina. Maybe he should take her with them to get ramen later.
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a-writers-writing · 6 years
How It Began
A/N: yall miss me? ever since i left the newsies fandom, this blog has been kinda dead. ive been writing a lot more stuff for myself but not feeling thats its been good enough to post here. WELL im starting to get back into newsies because fuck i really miss some parts of this fandom... but im back!!! hell yeah!!! enjoy this!!!!! yall really better get used to pigeon of you arent already cuz that boy still is my #1 character.... also hey hes not. a self insert anymore hes his own darn character. any italian might be wrong bc im a dumb american and have to use google translate
How Oliver Fitzgerald came to be Pigeon the Manhattan newsie
Not edited 
Mid winter was hell for any kid living on the streets. Harsh wind cut through thin clothes like a newly sharpened knife.
It was even worse if you were running as fast as you could, slipping on ice as you tried to find an alleyway to tuck into. This was currently the case for Oliver. He had only been in New York for a few days after he ran away from home, but had already found himself in trouble. The other street kids in Brooklyn didn’t take too kind to him and now, in Manhattan, he had gotten tangled up with the Delancey brothers. They had asked him questions he was unable to answer, as he could barely speak English. When he gave a muttered reply in Italian, they battered on the insults. Oliver ran away, but the brothers refused to let him get away.
Luckily he was smaller and faster than both of them, making for an easy escape even as they chased him. By the time he had found a place to duck away he was out of breath and exhausted. He could hear their yells in the distance, but instead of continuing to run, he sat on the ground with his knees to his chest and slowly slipped to sleep.
Oliver didn’t know how long he was asleep for, but it couldn’t have been long if the dusting of snow on his shoulders gave anything away. He slowly lifted his head from where it was tucked into his arms to inspect what had awoken him.
A boy was kneeling in front of him, worry etched on his face. There was a slingshot tucked into his waistband and he was removing the light jacket that he wore. “You’se awake, thank God. I thought you had frozen ta’ death.”
Oliver furrowed his brow and leaned away from him. Who was this boy? Oliver had never seen him or met him, so why was he being so nice?
The boy noticed this and softened. “I ain’t gonna hurt you, kid. You’se okay. Here.” He held out his jacket for Oliver, who just eyed it cautiously. “You’se gonna become a kid-sicle if you don’t take it.”
Oliver reached out with a shaking hand and took it, then wrapped it around himself. It didn’t provide much warmth, but it was better than nothing.
“Can you walk? You ain’t hurt or nothin’, right?” Finch stood, offering his hand to the small boy.
Pidge took his hand and slowly brought himself to his feet, though his legs were like jelly and the soles of his feet ached. He braced himself against the wall, eyes shut as he fought through the pain.
“You really ain’t lookin’ too good… Here, get on my back. I ain’t gonna drop you or nothin’, just bring you somewhere safe. You can trust me, kid.” Finch knelt down again so Oliver could get on his back. After a minute, Oliver gave in.
Finch lifted him easily, arms looped securely under Oliver’s legs while Oliver wrapped his arms around Finch’s shoulders.
“So you got a name, kid?” Finch asked. He felt Oliver shake his head and nodded. “That’s okay, we’se gonna find you one then. There’s gonna be a lotta other guys at the lodge, just a warnin’. I know a few new kids ain’t too fond of a lotta people around. I’ll make sure they give you some space.” Finch continued to ramble, not even noticing Oliver had fallen asleep.
The noise in the lodge is what woke him again. Yelling and laughter caused him to hide his face in Finch’s shoulder, his grip on his shirt tightening.
Finch tried his best to look at Oliver and adjusted him slightly. “You’se okay, don’t worry. They ain’t gonna hurt you,” he whispered.
“Who’s ya’ new friend, Finch?” Elmer called over. The attention of the room shifted and suddenly grew quiet.
“Found ‘im nearly frozen to death afta’ I finished sellin’.” Finch looked back at Oliver before looking back to the group. “He’s kinda skittish an’ don’t talk. Ain’t got a name, either.” The group nodded, a few eyes lingering on Oliver. “I figure he’ll take my bed an’ I can teach ‘im the ropes a’ sellin’.”
Slowly the group went back to their activities, though they were much quieter now. Finch carried Oliver upstairs and to his bunk. There, he carefully set the smaller boy down. “They ain’t too bad, huh? You’ll get used to them pretty quick.”
Oliver nodded and took off Finch’s coat, handing it back to him. He was still shivering, but not as much as before.
“How ‘bout you keep this on ‘til we find you some new clothes. Can’t have you freezin’ out on me yet.” Finch smiled and wrapped the jacket around him again. “I’se gonna be right back. I think Romeo might have somethin’ ‘round your size. Stay here.” He gently patted Oliver’s hair before starting out of the room.
Oliver pulled his knees to his chest and looked around the empty room, a pang of anxiety sending chills down his spine. He knew Finch said he would back, but what if he didn’t? What if he was trapped somewhere he’d never been with a bunch of boys he’s never met that were all so loud and rowdy? He stood and headed to the window, looking out to the street below and picking at a string on the jacket.
A single pigeon flew up to the windowsill and sat next to him, it’s head tilting. Oliver smiled at the small bird. “Ciao, amico. Come va?”
“So you do speak, just not English,” said a voice from the doorway. Oliver jumped and turned, causing the bird to fly away. His face was flush with embarrassment and eyes were wide with fear. Anyone else that had heard him talk wasn’t too happy with it… He looked over the figure, his mind racing.
It was a tall boy with a mess of curly blond hair, his hat securely pulled over it. A cigar was trapped between his pointer and middle finger, tapping against his palm. Next to him was Finch with clothes draped over his arm.
“Don’t look so scared, kid. Race ain’t gonna hurt you. In fact, he’s the guy you’re gonna wanna talk to if you speak Italian.” Finch smiled and set the clothes on the bed.
Oliver looked to the boy— Race— with the same wide eyes, but the fear was gone and replaced with hope. Race smiled at him. “Ti piacciono gli uccelli?”
“S-sì. I piccioni sono i miei preferiti,” Oliver replied, now moving to fidget with the button on his shirt.
“How ‘bout the name Pigeon, then? Seems pretty fittin’.” Race leaned back against the door frame.
He nodded with a grin. Finch laughed softly. “Finch and Pigeon. How perfect.”
Oliver— no, he wasn’t Oliver anymore. He could finally leave that name behind. Pigeon could tell this was the place he could call home. He would certainly take a while to get used to everyone, but this place seemed like a good place to start.
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arysafics · 6 years
Now I’m Addicted
Chapter Eight
Normally, Clarke really looks forward to getting away to the beach for a weekend, just her and Wells. This year, the thought makes her queasy.
Clarke had been partly relieved to move make home with Wells. Living in a hotel had kind of sucked, and living alone was even worse. She still doesn’t know if she made the right decision. But she promised him she’d try, so she’s going to try.
And yes, it’s Bellamy she really wants, and not Wells. But she can’t have Bellamy. Bellamy doesn’t want her, and Wells does. So maybe she’s settling for second best, but it’s better than being alone for the rest of her life.
Despite her best intentions, and the fact that she really is trying, she’s not ready to go away with Wells alone. She’s worried the trip will just magnify all the holes in their relationship, before they’ve had a chance to really fix them. She doesn’t want to cancel the trip completely, so she suggests inviting a few other people to join them. Wells agrees surprisingly easily. Actually, he’s been very accommodating the past couple of weeks, almost like he’s walking on eggshells around her, afraid she’ll up and run again. But the truth is he doesn’t really have anything to worry about. Now that Clarke knows she has no shot with Bellamy, she has no reason to leave him. She wishes there was some way to prove that to him, so they can get start getting back to normal.
The beach house is huge, and Clarke thinks it’s probably worth a hell of a lot of money if Wells ever decides to sell it. Thelonius Jaha had left most of his money to charity when he died, but he left Wells the beach house. Not to sound selfish, but if Clarke’s mom does that, she’s going to be super pissed.
Clarke invites Octavia and Raven, and they both decide they’re bringing their partners. Monty and Harper can’t make it, and Jasper and Miller don’t want to hang around a bunch of couples for the whole weekend. So Clarke figures it’s going to be six people in the five bedroom house, with each couple getting their own bathroom. She’s actually looking forward to it.
But then she gets a call from Bellamy. She’s on the train home from work, and she almost drops her phone when she sees his name pop up. She dithers for a moment, her heart pounding, before she finally decides to answer.
“Hi,” she says, trying to sound as casual as possible.
“Clarke,” he says, and the sound of her name on his tongue makes her knees go weak.
“What’s up?” she asks him. He’s obviously calling for a reason. And that reason is probably not to tell her how madly in love with her he is, however many times she’s envisioned that scenario in her mind’s eye.
“Uh, well…” he starts. “Octavia asked me if I wanted to come to the beach with you guys this weekend.”
“I mean, I figured I should check if it was okay with you first.”
“You really want to come?” Clarke asks. She kind of figured he was avoiding her.
“Yeah, if you don’t mind,” Bellamy says. “I could really do with a vacation,” he laughs. Clarke squeezes her eyes shut, her stomach twisting at the familiar sound of his laugh. How had she not figured out sooner that she was in love with him?
“Of course it’s fine,” Clarke says, because why wouldn’t it be? They aren’t sleeping together anymore, so they don’t have to worry about Wells. As far as either of them are concerned, they’re just distant friends. Or acquaintances maybe.
“Great,” Bellamy says. “Is it okay if I bring someone?”
Clarke hesitates, probably too long. “Sure,” she says quickly, hoping he hadn’t noticed her hesitation. No, she doesn’t want him to bring his girlfriend, and no, she doesn’t want to think about what it means that he’s only been dating Echo barely a month and yet he’s bringing her on a weekend away with all their friends.
“Okay. I guess I’ll see you Friday.”
“Okay,” Clarke swallows. “See you then.”
  The prospect of seeing Bellamy scares Clarke to death. She hasn’t seen him since A: she realised she was in love with him, and B: he broke her fucking heart. So yeah, she’s a little nervous to say the least.  
Wells doesn’t seem to notice, though she’s mostly silent on the drive to the beach house. Or perhaps he’s just letting her have her space. Either way, she’s glad he’s not questioning her about it. There’s only so many times a person can use the excuse I’m just tired before it starts to seem like a lie.
Clarke and Wells get there first and claim the master bedroom. Clarke unpacks her suitcase into the wardrobe, to keep herself busy. The task doesn’t really keep her mind off Bellamy though, and she keeps listening for a car in the driveway, her heart pounding rapidly.
Octavia, Niylah, Raven, and Shaw arrive together, and Clarke finally has a suitable distraction from her thoughts, as she’d introduced properly to Niylah for the first time, and Raven and Octavia start telling a story about The Worst Driver in the World they encountered on their way here.
She’s so caught up in Octavia’s theatrics, she doesn’t even notice at first when Bellamy and Echo walk in the front door. That is until Octavia cuts herself off midsentence to greet her brother.
“Hey, you made it!” she says, walking over and giving him a hug. Clarke freezes, her heart suddenly lodged in her throat. Bellamy’s eyes seem to scan over the group until they land on Clarke. She smiles weakly, feeling like a nervous wreck. Fucking hell, he looks so good. And if in the back of her mind she’d harboured some doubt about whether or not she’s actually in love with him, that vanishes when he smiles back at her, and her heart squeezes itself so tight she can’t breathe. Not only that, but he pussy starts to throb, as if it can sense he’s close. Yeah, letting him come here was a huge mistake.
“Bellamy,” Wells says, raising an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
Oops. She may have forgotten to tell Wells. Or rather, purposefully not told him because it was too hard to even say Bellamy’s name out loud.
“I did ask Clarke if it was okay,” he mentions.
“He did,” Clarke manages, finding her voice. “I guess I forgot to tell you.”
“All good, I guess. You’re here now. And who is this?” Wells nods to the tall brunette standing next to Bellamy. Clarke hates her on sight. With one glance at Octavia, Clarke can tell she isn’t impressed with the arrival of Echo either.
“Ah, this is my girlfriend, Echo,” Bellamy introduces. “Echo, this is… everyone.”
Hearing Bellamy call Echo his girlfriend sends a dagger through Clarke’s heart. And it’s not like she hadn’t known she was his girlfriend. But hearing him actually say it out loud is something else entirely.
“Girlfriend, huh, Blake?” Raven teases. “Seems like someone is finally settling down.”
Bellamy rolls his eyes. “Give it a rest, Raven. We’ve only been dating a month.”
“Only a month and she’s already your girlfriend though,” Raven continues. She turns to Echo. “I guess you’re the one to finally tame the wild beast,” she winks.
Echo smirks. “We’ll see,” she says, glancing at Bellamy flirtatiously. Bellamy looks a little uncomfortable by the whole exchange. Clarke wants to throw up.
“Who wants alcohol?” she announces, heading for the kitchen where Wells had stocked the fridge with beer and cider earlier.
They all end up in the outdoor area out the back of the house, drinks in hand and an array of finger foods on the table in front of them. Echo is sitting in Bellamy’s lap, playing with his hair, laughing too hard at his jokes. Clarke tries to keep her eyes averted, but she burns with jealousy. She wants to be the one sitting in his lap and playing with his hair, feeling his hard cock pressing into her, teasing him until he can’t think straight. She also wants to kick Echo in the face. Instead, she tightens her grip on her bottle of cider and snuggles into Wells’ side. It’s not because she’s trying to make Bellamy jealous. She’s not dumb enough to think he would even care. But she doesn’t want him to know how much she’s affected by his new relationship. So she’s a little more affectionate with Wells than she normally is. The alcohol probably helps.
“Who wants to play a drinking game?” Octavia asks.
“I’m in,” Raven says. “What are we playing?”
“You know, I think I’m a little old for drinking games,” Bellamy grimaces. He looks to Echo. “You want to go to bed?”
“You know I do,” Echo says, leaning in to kiss him.
“Gross,” Octavia says, voicing Clarke’s thoughts for her. “We won’t miss you.”
“Hey, you invited me,” Bellamy reminds her as he and Echo stand up. Clarke watches them head inside, hand in hand. To her surprise, Bellamy glances back for a moment and meets her eyes. She quickly looks away, pressing a kiss to Wells’ cheek. Overcompensating maybe. When she looks back to Bellamy, he’s gone.
“Clarke? Wells? You want to play?” Octavia asks.
“I actually think maybe we should go to bed too,” Clarke says. Somehow the thought of Bellamy and Echo alone in their room is worse than actually being able to see them together, and Clarke feels totally sober all of a sudden.
“Sounds good to me,” Wells grins. “See you guys in the morning.”
“Party poopers!” Raven calls after them as they go back inside.
Despite what Wells might think, Clarke’s intentions are just to go straight to sleep. Only, once she’s in her pyjamas, and under the covers, she begins to hear… noises through the wall. More specifically, the sound of Echo moaning like a mad woman.
Clarke groans, putting her pillow over her face as Wells gets into bed beside her.
“God, I hope we don’t have to listen to that all night,” he says. “Surely he can’t be that good in bed?”
Clarke knows for a fact that he is that good. Although Echo does sound completely ridiculous moaning like that. Clarke likes to think her own moans are much sexier. She does realise that even though she can hear Echo quite clearly, she can’t really hear Bellamy at all. She takes some satisfaction in the notion that maybe he’s not having as much fun with Echo as he did with Clarke.
Clarke turns over on her side to face Wells. “Fuck me,” she commands him.
“You heard me.”
“Are you actually turned on by that?” Wells snorts.
“I just think we can outdo them.”
“Clarke, you’re not that loud in bed. I don’t think you can outdo Echo,” Wells rolls his eyes. “You know, that name actually suits her come to think of it.”
Clarke snorts. As much as she’d like to hang shit on Echo and her ridiculous name for the rest of the night, what she really wants is to get fucked. “I can be loud,” Clarke tells him. “Watch me.”
Wells doesn’t need to be told twice. And okay, pretty much all of Clarke’s noises are fake. But she’s pretty sure a lot of Echo’s are too. Sure, Bellamy is great in bed, but Echo sounds like she’s literally being murdered in the next room.
Clarke pretends to come when Wells comes, but even then, they can still hear Echo through the walls.
“How are they still going?” Wells asks incredulously. Clarke rolls her eyes.
“Let’s just go to sleep now, okay?” she huffs. She squeezes her eyes shut tight and tries to drown out the sounds of Echo.
  Clarke is awake early the next morning, long before anyone else will be up. Wells is still snoring softly next to her. It’s already warming up outside, and Clarke decides to take advantage of the solitude and go for a walk along the beach. She dresses in a pair of short shorts and a tank top and heads downstairs, stopping in the kitchen to grab a glass of water before she goes.
As she fills her glass at the sink, she looks out the kitchen window to see Bellamy lounging in the hammock on the front porch, reading, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts that Clarke swears are almost as tiny as her own. God, he’s so fucking sexy.
She lets herself watch him, his brow furrowed in concentration as he reads. She smiles to herself, her heart soft for him. So he has a girlfriend. She can still be in love with him and be his friend, right? It’s totally possible.
She puts down her glass and walks out onto the front porch. Bellamy looks up as the door slams behind her. He sits up, closing his book. His eyes rake over her body, lingering on her tits. She feels her clit twinge. So it’s not that he’s not attracted to her then.
“Hey,” she says. “I’m just going for a walk along the beach. Do you want to come?”
Bellamy considers. “Yeah, okay,” he agrees. He swings himself off the hammock, more gracefully than what Clarke would ever be able to manage, and follows her down the front steps.
They walk in silence towards the beach, Clarke with her hands in her back pockets for lack of something better to do with them. Because what she really wants to do is slip her hand into his. Or maybe just grab his face and kiss him.
It’s a five-minute walk until they reach the ocean, and it’s cooler out in the open air, and a little windy. The breeze blows through Bellamy’s already tousled locks, making him look like he’s in a beach themed photoshoot.
“So, uh, you and Echo, huh?” Clarke says. Why, she has no idea. She does not want to hear Bellamy gush about his girlfriend. “Seems like things are going well. If what I heard last night is anything to go by.”
Bellamy snorts. “You heard that, huh?”
“How could I not?”
“I will admit she’s a little over the top. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was faking it sometimes,” Bellamy admits.
“And how do you know better?”
Bellamy smirks. “Come on, Clarke. Don’t pretend like I didn’t make you come over and over and over.”
Clarke shivers. Fucking hell, does he have to make her want him so bad? “So we’re talking about that are we?”
Bellamy shrugs. “We don’t have to. How are things going with Wells, now that you’re…?”
“Back together?” Clarke finishes for him. Bellamy stops, staring at her. His jaw ticks.
“Back together?” he repeats. Clarke’s eyes widen as she realises what she’s said. “I was going to say monogamous.” Bellamy swallows. “You and Wells broke up? When? I mean… Octavia never said—”
“She doesn’t know,” Clarke says quickly. Her face burns. “I didn’t tell anyone. So please don’t mention it. No one knows.”
“Okay,” Bellamy nods. He seems unable to look at her now. They continue walking.
“It was right after… you ended things with me. And it was only for like a week. I guess I just wanted to see if being with Wells was what I really wanted,” Clarke shrugs.
Bellamy turns his head towards her sharply, his eyes piercing into her. “And it is, then?”
Clarke swallows. “Yes.”
An uncomfortable silence follows. Clarke isn’t sure why. All she knows is she’s completely on edge, half of her desperate to confess everything to him, the other half desperate to hold onto her pride. The prideful side of her wins out.
“You want to go swimming?” she says. Anything to break the silence.
“The water looks so nice,” Clarke continues. She tilts her head at him, waiting to see if he’s coming.
“I think I’ll pass,” he says. Clarke shrugs, as if to say suit yourself, and then she pulls her tank top over her head and her shorts over her ass. She can feel him watching her strip down to her underwear, and she’s totally not doing this to get a reaction from him, but if it turns him on too then she’s not complaining.
She looks back over her shoulder as she heads towards the water. He’s still watching her. She can’t help a smirk from spreading across her face.
The water is freezing, but Clarke forces herself to wade in anyway. She reaches her waist then dives under the water. She breaks the surface again, gasping from the cold, flicking her hair out of her eyes. She stands up, the water just reaching her breasts.  
“Come on!” she yells to Bellamy. “It’s not cold, I swear!”
“You’re lying!” he yells back, but he’s very clearly smiling.
“Don’t be such a chicken!”
Bellamy shakes his head, laughing. But then he’s walking towards her and into the water.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Bellamy swears as he gets deeper. “It’s fucking freezing, Clarke!”
“It’s not that bad!”
He dives under the water and surfaces half a metre from her. “You’re insane,” he tells her.
“Yet you followed me anyway.”
“You’re too persuasive.”
Clarke pokes her tongue out, and then splashes him. Bellamy raises an eyebrow, smirking.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, Griffin,” he challenges, stepping towards her.
“Oh, what are you going to do?” she teases. He lunges for her and she turns away, trying to escape his grasp half-heartedly, but he grabs her around the waist, pulling her back flush against his chest.
“No, don’t!” she squeals, laughing.
“Do you surrender?” he asks, lips against her ear. Clarke squirms, trying not to think about his wet skin against hers. But it feels like he’s touching her everywhere, and her head swims and her cunt pulses with need. She wonders if he’s hard right now, but she doesn’t dare make a move to find out.
“I surrender,” she tells him, and he lets her go. She turns around, but she doesn’t put any distance between them. His eyes flick to her lips and she wills him to kiss her.
“Clarke,” he says hoarsely. “I really want to kiss you.”
“So kiss me,” she murmurs.
Bellamy shakes his head. “I have a girlfriend, Clarke. I’m not going to cheat on her.” Right, Echo. “We should head back,” Bellamy sighs, stepping away from her. Disappointed, but knowing it’s better this way, Clarke follows him back up to the sand. She grabs her clothes from the ground but doesn’t put them back on yet.
“We should wash the salt and sand off before we go,” Clarke says, nodding her head towards the public bathroom by the carpark. There’s an outdoor shower around the side of the brick building. Clarke gets under first, and the water is cold but not as cold as the ocean. She closes her eyes to let the water fall over her face, and opens them to find Bellamy looking at her strangely.
“What?” she asks.
“You know your underwear is totally see-through right now, right?”
Clarke had not known, but when she looks down now, she can see that he’s right. The white material of her bra and panties clings to her, the water having turned them so transparent it’s like she isn’t wearing anything at all.
“Oh,” she says. “You’re right.” She looks back up at him. “You waited a long time to tell me that,” she points out. He must have noticed as soon as they got out of the water. And he definitely hasn’t been not looking at her.
Bellamy flushes. “Clarke—”
“I guess there’s no point in wearing them at all then,” Clarke shrugs. She reaches behind her to unclasp her bra and lets it fall from her chest. Then she peels off her panties and throws them to the side where her shorts and tank top sit.
“Fucking hell, Clarke,” Bellamy groans, shaking his head.
“We’re wasting water,” Clarke says, she reaches out and grabs his arm, tugging him into the shower with her. He’s stronger than her, he could resist easily, if he wanted to. He doesn’t.
He doesn’t move to touch her, but he’s so close that her nipples brush his chest, and he’s looking down at her with dark eyes, filled with want.
“Why are you like this?” he asks. Is that an insult or a compliment?
“Like what?”
“Irresistible,” he murmurs. His hands come to rest of her waist, and then he leans down, capturing her lips between his. Clarke whimpers as she closes her eyes, her arms circling around his neck. The water shuts off automatically, but Clarke barely notices. Bellamy presses her against the brick wall behind her, crushing her tits against his chest. He’s kissing her like his life depends on it, desperate and messy, like he’s trying to remind her she’s alive. She’d almost forgotten what it’s like to be kissed by him, and now that she remembers she doesn’t ever want him to stop again. She needs him to remind her how it feels to be fucked, really fucked. She wants him to fill her throbbing cunt with his cock, and come with him deep inside her.
“Bell, fuck me,” she moans. “I need you, I need you.”
“You need me, huh?” he says. “You need your pussy filled? You need my cock inside you?”
“Yes. Please. Please.”
“Of course you do, baby,” he murmurs, slipping a hand between her legs. “Bet you missed being fucked properly, didn’t you?”
“Uh huh,” Clarke nods as Bellamy plays with her clit. “I missed you so much.”
“Missed me? Or missed my cock?” He pushes two fingers inside her and she gasps.
“Both,” she moans. She tugs at his shorts, and he helps her pull them down to free his cock. “Oh god,” she groans. “I forgot how big it is. I need it inside me.”
“I know, baby, I know,” Bellamy coos. He kisses her again, gripping her ass, hoisting her up so she can wrap her legs around him.  He presses the bulging head of his cock against her entrance, and then he’s pushing inside her, stretching her pussy good and wide. Clarke almost comes right then.
Her back is against the bricks, and she clutches his back as he thrusts into her.
“Yes,” she gasps. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me, fuck me.”
Bellamy moans and the sound sends shockwaves through her. He drives into her over and over, the pressure building inside her. She needs to come so bad, and she’s right there on the edge. I love you, she thinks. I love you, I love you. And it would be so easy to let it slip off her tongue right now, in this moment of bliss. But instead she just cries his name as she comes, her walls clenching around him as she comes all over his cock.
“Come inside me,” Clarke moans as he continues fucking her against the wall. “I need your come in me.”
“Anything you want,” Bellamy groans, letting his seed spill inside her, filling her up with his come. It leaks out of her as he pulls his cock out of her and lets her back onto the ground. Bellamy steps back, pulling his shorts back up, not bothering to clean himself up. She wonders if he’s feeling guilty. He grabs her clothes and hands them to her, and Clarke quickly puts her wet underwear back on and then her shorts and top. Bellamy looks away, as if he hadn’t just had his hands all over her naked body.
“Are you okay?” Clarke asks.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Bellamy nods.
“What about Echo?”
Bellamy considers. “She doesn’t have to know.”
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
HS Epi Meat, p5 reaction
Meat Page 5.
We might be due another perspective switch - unless the plot stays with John until he's assembled all his friends.
When John goes to pick up Rose, it’ll probably be on LOLAR. Terezi might still be there, if she hasn’t gone clownhunting just yet.
If so, perhaps we’ll get to see whether Rose ‘n Terezi’s migraine was really due to the substance abuse + caleidoscopic colours of LOLAR + glitches… Or whether it was due to the GO timeline “supposed to” have gone differently, with John’s current retcon being the thing missing to happen. It takes a bit of effort, remembering what everyone was exactly up to on this part of the GO timeline and what would be a fortunate time for John to take it off the rails. For Kanaya, that might very well be the moment Jane set up her literal shop on LOFAF, selling her all those blood potions, for instance.
For Dirk, it might be before his conversation with Arquiusprite.
I'm getting the feeling that John might be jumping to exactly those moments in the scenes where the characters were at their lowest, self-esteem wise. Giving them a literal second breath. ;)
Not sure what we can expect from the ghost side of things though. I think they might not be duplicated, leading us to meet up with (Vriska) as we knew her, punk cut and all. Even though GO Terezi's ghost will be there with her too.
I'm half convinced Calliope will get copied somehow, but not entirely sure. The only 'real' duplicate Calliope had already, besides Alt Calliope, was her dreamself. He could snatch the body, but I was under the impression Caliborn consumed it in a literal sense to establish his dominance over the body.
Meanwhile, it occurred to me to that Andrew Hussie (the author avator) will make a comeback, probably a background cameo. I've only now realized that he's a literal ghost writer of his own story right now, in-canon. While outside of canon, he’s more becoming like Stan Lee, executive producing stories using characters he designed.
Anyway, let's start this up.
"The stands of the Cantown Memorial Arena" Okay, my first thought was this takes place on the meteor, but yeah, it's a building named presumably after the literal Cantown WV build in his station, back on Earth. Or the Exile Town that Bec Noir massacred. Though, does this indicate a perspective switch back to Roxy... Or is the CMA where Rumble in the Pumpkin Patch is recorded? Probably the latter, meaning the perspective is switching back to Dave! Uh, the alpha version, I guess I should call him? Post-canon, adult Dave?
"His shit eating was so brutal that no one, except maybe Jake, cares that he’s taking a phone call in the middle of a live broadcast." So, was it staged, or did Jake really get a power boost, coming into his role as the Page?
Also, I feel like if Karkat's run for president gets announced by Dave on live television, "and the crowd goes wild" will apply here.
"Dave takes a seat on the couch, right in Karkat’s butt groove." Okay, so he's not going just yet. ... Karkat's butt groove is available because the latter absconded the fuck out last we saw him, hahah.
"a piece of absolute garbage." Callback secured.
"DAVE: while the beatdown you just received was as thorough as it was humiliating im afraid as usual the solution to this problem should probably not involve your decapitation" While Dirk might be the one to keep this beaten dead horse of an in-joke going, Dave isn't going to be the one to cut its head off and end its misery. :P
"DAVE: jake just kicked your ass DAVE: thats really all there is to say on the matter" AWWWWW yessss, hahahahah. Dirk's laid down, on the ground, on his smartphone, just like Dave was after his beatdown by Bro. Awesome callback.
"DAVE: its really amazing how this meme we have going here continues to be exactly as funny as the day it was established DIRK: Isn’t it always though? DAVE: yeah" That's Strider Irony at its finest for you. You never can be entirely sure non-sincerity is what's taking place here.
" DAVE: how DID you get your ass kicked so bad DAVE: jake sucks and his raps are fucking awful" Oh, scratch that thing about his power level, then. ... The rapbots didn't join in to beat Dirk down, did they? ... Though I would like to see either them or their zilly versions again. :P
On the TV, Dirk makes an elegant hand sign that once might have represented solidarity with some ancient coastal rap group but now has been utterly divorced from its cultural context here on Earth C." Is it a sign associated with... the ICP? Yes, I guess whatever 'references' the kids make get picked up as divine decree...
"The camera pans away from him and over the crowd. It zooms in on a young crocodile wearing an oversized T-shirt with Jake’s highly marketable ass plastered over it and the phrase “Tally ho” written in big bubble letters." ... including stuff that was already dated when the gods were still actual kids. (By which I mean the phrase, not Jake's marketable ass.)
"DIRK: Holding back a little to achieve certain results doesn’t necessarily mean you’re participating in a farce or rigging the event. DIRK: We do this all the time. We hold back our thoughts, our true feelings, our full potential. We disguise how much we know about what and when, for many purposes. To ease relations, to let others behave naturally and make up their minds without undue intervention. To wait for the right moments to show our hands, to pick our battles. " Dirk is still overthinking things. :P He's also still a schemer, even though he's grown more mature. I think in this case, he might be trying to keep up Jake's taste for adventure and hone his skills? That might be related to the fact that he's one of the few in the know of what John is up to (also a thing he's withholding right now), and he might be trying to get Jake battle-ready in case he needs to be. ... In case he doesn't believe they'll stay irrelevant to the plot.
"DAVE: my dog you are full of some SHIT today arent you DIRK: Absolutely." It's a good thing Dave can see Dirk typing, otherwise I might have asked whether Dirk may have reinstated an autoresponder to answer when he's busy. :P
"DIRK: And when it comes to theater, there are just as many reasons for restraint. To build tension. To set the stage. To give the people someone to root against." Okay, that's actually kind of meta. Also, in-story, it might mean Dirk is deliberately trying to come off as weaker, to get people to boo at Jake so he can play hero?
"DAVE: i can see you on tv DAVE: theyre booing you dude" Okay, never mind.
"The excitable salamander manning the camera switches to a fish-eye lens for some unfathomable reason, giving the whole exchange an air of demented absurdity. Dirk’s sunglasses distort and stretch to dominate the entire screen." I'm all here for NPC races doing menial labor half-way competently. :P Also, I feel like there should be some sort of visual callback to that image of Dirk's sunglasses. Something to do with the black hole from Problem Sleuth expanding to suck the entire universe up, which was reflected in the Stiller shades, and the event in itself is being called back to now, in the Black Hole sucking up the Furthest Ring!
"JAKE: What about the agitated rabble? Theyre starting to throw things. DIRK: I don’t know. Do a dance or something. Sing a song. DIRK: They love anything you do. JAKE: Ummm. JAKE: Ok sounds stupid but ill try." Using Jake's charisma as crowd control? Dirk, you beautiful mastermind.
"Jake tips an imaginary hat toward center stage and begins doing the Charleston." Hah, right, this might be a callback to that other Page dancing old-time dances, hahah, Tavros after he assembled the ghost army.
"Just as Dirk predicted, the crowd immediately loses its shit, except for a single carapacian in the front row, who continues to glower at Dirk with an expression of absolute and total contempt." If Jack hadn't remained in the session, I would've designated this guy as his great-whatever-grandchild.
"DAVE: why do you want people to hate you so much DAVE: its fucked up DIRK: You’re reading way too much into it." I don't necessarily believe that.
"DIRK: If I wanted another round of embarrassingly indulgent and mutually masturbatory psychoanalysis, I would have called my daughter instead. DAVE: hm DAVE: do i need to point out how fucking weird what you just said was or can that start going without saying at this point" This. This is Homestuck. This entire exchange.
" DIRK: The point is, playing myself up as a villain figure in this hacky rap pageant has nothing to do with getting people to dislike me. Besides, everyone loves a good villain. When they boo, they don’t really mean it." That has me thinking of Thog, a villain from Order of the Stick, actually. But yeah, Caliborn, Condy and others were really good villains. Doesn't mean we didn't mean it when we cursed them, though.
"DIRK: I think you’d be surprised by how popular I actually am. DAVE: i dunno man" At some point, playing the villain stops being a role, if you're too thorough in antagonizing the crowd. Dirk may have gone overboard here - in his role in the pageant I mean, I don't think anyone loves their god any less. Just one more way to show that, victory state or not, their original issues still come into play and challenge them to grow.
"DIRK: The point is, this is much less about me, and more about providing a foil for Jake’s heroism and charisma. DIRK: It’s very important that his popularity continues to be cultivated, to maximize his political capital. DAVE: political capital" ... Oooooh! Thinking three steps ahead of everyone again, nice going Dirk! I think Dirk might even have foreseen Dave rallying Karkat to stand against Jane, but I wonder which side he'll be choosing!
" DAVE: what the fuck are... DAVE: ok how long have you known about the jane thing DAVE: i mean is this something you have been planning for like DAVE: a long time or DIRK: Planning is such an intense word." Oh, he's trying to pull the strings again, is he? What game is he playing then, what policies does he want to instate, if any? ... Is Dirk a supposed xenophone too, or just playing to the tune of the largest group of swing voters?
" DAVE: jane is a shitty candidate dude DAVE: shes going to be so shitty DIRK: I thought you’d feel that way." ... Pfff I just realized Dirk wasn't typing, since this was a phone call. He's saying this all out loud! Typing's the old way of conversation, we discarded it for the most part, everyone has their Gift of Gab now. Well, hopefully at least Dave's part isn't being recorded and broadcast.
"DIRK: I respectfully disagree. DAVE: i get shes a good friend of yours and all but even you have to admit how far up her own ass she is DIRK: Of course. I consider it to be among her best qualifications for the job." Dirk might just be thinking: a self-absorbed candidate won't notice being pulled around. Even though she's, you know, his dear friend and all, he's still planning on manipulating her. :/ Old habits and such.
"DAVE: christ DAVE: ok if nothing else have you at least taken into account the DEVASTATION to the economy this will cause???" Strider Irony(tm).
"DIRK: Dave, I think if you search your soul, you’ll come to the same conclusion I have. Jane is just what this planet needs. DIRK: We’ve all had our fun here, but it’s easy to overlook the fact that civilization on Earth C is hardly a sustainable proposition. DIRK: Just beneath the surface, it’s quite a dangerous and unstable place." Oh, cool, so Dirk was acting on the same things Dave noticed, just having drawn different conclusions. Guess there's more to playing god as a winner of Sburb than sitting on your butt all day long, huh?
"DAVE: i know that DAVE: which is why actually i think it would be cool to have a president that is good instead of bad DIRK: He’s not as great as you think. DAVE: what" See, I know Dirk'll say Karkat, but I kind of wish he'd say Obama. :P
"DAVE: who DAVE: obama?? DAVE: how dare you" XD PFFFFFffffhah, okay, should've seen that coming.
"DIRK: I’m happy for both of you, really. It’s nice that you encourage and support each other in this way. But you’re sending him on a fool’s errand which can only end badly." Like, I understand where Dirk's coming from, we know how unbalanced Karkat is at his worst. But Dirk's seems to be the conservatist route, while the current status quo is so unbalanced someone with at least a little liberal thinking should try changing policy, little by little. ... Okay now Homestuck has me doing political discourse. Hussieeeeeeee! ... Why am I now picturing a Homestuck AU about the climate change truant student marches of Europe?
"DAVE: wait DAVE: how do you even know hes entering the race DAVE: we like just decided this DIRK: A competent political operative has his ways. DIRK: Besides, it was always pretty obvious to me you’d react this way the moment the announcement was made." Okay, not ruling out entirely Dirk has something spying on Dave, but that would verge too much on what Bro would've done in his place. He probably just cold-mindedly assessed his potential response.
"DAVE: cause if youve already got jake on your side then i guess we might as well just fucking quit DIRK: I wouldn’t worry about that. DIRK: He and I don’t quite have the rapport we once did. DIRK: He’s “over me” and doesn’t spare opportunities to make ostentatious demonstration of this claim. DAVE: um DIRK: Basically he doesn’t like being told what to do. Especially not by me." Cool, okay, so... Jake is needy in his own way, in showing he can fend for himself, at least that's how Dirk sees it. Guess they still hang out a lot though, just no longer "like that". That must be a letdown for the shippers, but a boon for the people that felt betrayed at seeing Dirk & Jake back together in the Credits. I like that middle road, actually! And hey, the versions of Jake & Dirk in the New Game Plus timeline, or whatever we should call it, are still fair game!
"DIRK: So it’s fair to say as of now, he’s still fully in play. DIRK: Not that I should be encouraging you, really. DAVE: you are one doubletalking son of a bitch you know that DAVE: i cant tell if you dont want us to run or are reverse psychology mindfucking us into running" Very true, that. Why would he share the truth about Jake if he wants to win, unless he wants fair competition? Best not to dwell on it too long on this neverending stairway of hidden intentions, lest we fall down it.
" DAVE: not like i can just stand around and wait for president crocker to like DAVE: write fucking grammar laws into the constitution" Pfffff, yes, I had forgotten about Jane's grammar practices, hahah. Guess she has a good running mate in Dirk for that, at least, capitalization and everything in order when he's not rapping.
"DIRK: Sorry to cut this short, but diapers are starting to come down pretty hard right now, and some of them haven’t even had their babies removed. DAVE: what" what. I hope it's at least consort babies, they're arguably the most resilient, as semi-sapient animals.
"DIRK: That was a joke." Ah.
"Jake can’t help but watch the motion, raking his eyes over the muscles shifting beneath the skin of Dirk’s neck and arms.
There is something implacably magnificent about Dirk Strider, Jake thinks, untamed like a wild game beast of incredible size and strength." ... Well then! I didn't think the narration would offer us this view from the perspective of Jake, thought it would be reseverd for John! Not entirely sure how I feel about the privilege of seeing Jake pine for Dirk, though. :P At least it clarifies where the allure is in it, for him. It's an extension of his taste for adventure and his upbringing on an island full of terribly powerful beasts.
"Of course, their history together is never far from Jake’s mind, however many years it’s been since their last tussle of an amorous nature. The old dramas and triumphs in the days of Sburb. Dirk’s companionship has been taxing to the heart, to say the least, and yet he’s taught Jake so much—about combat, philosophy, life, love." Okay, that is just such a Jake thing to phrase it like this. I'm glad we get to see he's not so oblivious or un-elloquent in his mind as he presents himself to the outside world, consciously or not.
"But sometimes, despite their checkered and problematic past, Jakes wishes that he could seize Dirk by the proverbial horns and wrest him bodily into becoming a much more agreeable fellow." Heheh, so Jake actually would like to impose on Dirk some manners. At least with him it stays with desires, while Dirk really did try to impose on Jake when they were together.
"DIRK: How about you kick off the next round? DIRK: I bet this crowd will settle its shit right down the moment you drop the latest rhymes you’ve been tinkering with." This is going to be painful to read, isn't it? ... If we're going to read them at all. ... I swear, this might just lead into them having "the xest rapoff in the history of Earth C".
"Jake’s face lights up. He composes himself, adjusting a bow tie, although he is not wearing one, and making a vague gesture like he’s twirling one end of that mustache Dirk has not yet let him grow. Dirk lets him go with a gentle smile, like the sort you’d give to a dog for performing a trick adequately. Jake responds to the signal like an Olympic athlete hearing the starter pistol. He was born for this." All the best and worst aspects of Dirk & Jake as a couple are basically summarized here. I mean, Dirk is not even WITH Jake and vetoes some of his choices. Then again, Jake really does have TERRIBLE (but hilarious) taste in mannerisms.
"JAKE: Tally ho its me, jake mcgee! JAKE: Popping my pistols off, two shots and a kiss JAKE: My aim is tops, i never miss" ... I'm not disappointed, this really IS almost physically painful to read, as expected.
... Okay that was actually a very amazing rap. Well thought out, good use of the vocabulary, dated though it is. I liked "jake-eng's" and "jape-slings" in particular, especially since that was what Vriska dismissed him as, a joke, a jape.
"The crowd, as Dirk rightly predicted, has settled its shit right down. This is not due to any accidental brilliance on the part of Jake English, but rather due to an abashed but loyal brand of pity, the kind a devoted fan cannot help but feel when they see a beloved celebrity make an ass out of themselves during a live broadcast they have waited two and a half years in line to buy a ticket for." I think this might be Dirk's POV. Not everyone's tastes in rap are as dignified as his, after all. :P Consorts in particular might love this. Then again, we saw John embarass carapacians not too long ago, they're not immune to pitying people. But hey, on the brightside, maybe some of the audience <>'s Jake now. :P
"Dirk’s phone begins going off again." Unless it's something more ominous, this is probably Dave having the last quip.
"With a casual flick of his wrist, Dirk snaps out a bright red tranquilizer handgun and shoots Jake in the neck. Jake’s glasses crack when he hits the mat. A chorus of boos rises up from the crowd like groundwater. Dirk artfully dodges a bucket of obscene troll fluid to field yet another very important personal call." ... Did Dirk actually use a Crockertech tranquilizer on his co-god? What the hell, Dirk? Guess all is fair in the ring.
And I suppose it's not Dave then that is calling him this time, if he takes such drastic measures.
"DIRK: Yo Rose, what's up?" Oooh, if we get to see this, that would be early we get to see Rose again! Dirk and Rose'll probably be planning their next move now that John has left. (Which I take Rose to already know about, through her Seer powers, or a call with Roxy.) ... Maybe some of their plans only could have worked IF John left, if they wanted to regain some measure of relevance through them.
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bbhyuckie · 6 years
love triangle part two
welcome to part two of this painful mark/reader/yukhei fic. heres part 1
genre: angst and slight fluff
words: 2.3k
warnings: theres a lot of cussing in this!!
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you lean up without thinking and press your lips against his
and he is so so surprised but he’s been mastering hiding how he feels for years now
so he kisses you back like his life depends on it
and he doesnt care that you have tears trailing down your face or that he knows that this is all fleeting and an act of emotion from you
he just cares that right now he can be here for you
the kiss is chaste and sweet and despite the circumstances,, perfect
something about the contact makes the burning in your stomach subside for a moment
the stinging in your eyes is stopping
and even though you still definitely want to die you feel like you can stand on your own again
mark squeezes you tightly and places a kiss just above your eyebrows before he lets you go
your legs are wobbly and you miss him instantly
hes standing right there in front of you and you miss him
“stay here ok?” he says, running his hands up and down your arms “let me go grab my keys”
you nod your head
he turns away and youre left there alone with your own emotions for the first time
alone with the weight of yukheis laugh and that pitch in his voice you will never be able to unhear
left with how fucking stupid you feel because obviously he doesnt have an interest in you
left there feeling like a joke
and a bad one at that
you know that you must look ridiculous, standing out here like this
leaned against the sports building with your eyes puffy and your cheeks red and the bitter resentment for yourself staining your tongue
you dont want to be outside anymore
not when there are still people wandering around the campus with snooping eyes
you check your phone and see that theres no new calls or messages
and you think mark is taking too long in there because you want to be out of here now
you take a sharp breath in before pressing your palm to the door of the sports house and stepping inside
you dont know what to expect exactly, youve never gone in past the doors before
yukhei and mark always told you to just wait in the front after their practices or games
you slowly wander down the hallway until you hear something
and that something sounds an awful lot like the voices of both mark and yukhei
your blood runs cold as you walk up to the locker room you hear them talking from
and you realise they arent talking
theyre arguing
you push the door open slightly and peer in
yukhei is half dressed in his baseball uniform and if you werent violently stressed out about the situation at hand you would have appreciated his state of undress
mark looks like hes absolutely fuming
“--too fucking thick skulled to realise whats right in front of you” you catch the end of what mark is saying tightly, like hes trying not to yell
yukhei cocks an eyebrow and you know that look
youve seen it before and you always hoped you could forget it
when his eyes glass and his jaw tenses and his demeanor changes
youve only seen it a handful of times and every time it signalled the calm before the storm
yukhei walks closer to mark and it feels more like a prowl than anything
a challenge
“you wanna say that again, mark?”
yukheis words are cold and calculated as he peers down the bridge of his nose at mark
“which part” your skin crawls the minute mark opens his mouth, you know this wont end well “the fucking idiot part or the shallow slut part?”
yukhei stalks impossibly closer “look, mark” he says it like the name tastes bad in his mouth, “i don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you today, but you best figure it out on your own time.”
yukhei turns and makes for the door to the gym and you think it might be over
“are you actually that fucking blind?” mark asks, and he sound like hes genuine
yukhei keeps walking and mark follows and fuckfuckfuck
“i’m not done, yukhei,” mark says and he reaches out and shoves the taller boys shoulder
yukhei stumbles but catches himself
and as he turns you swear you could die
because the calm before the storm has passed
and suddenly its a downpour
yukhei lunges back at mark and grabs him by the collar of his shirt and pulls hard
in  heartbeat mark is up against a locker with yukheis hands caught up in the fabric of marks uniform and theyre both yelling and theres no way they can possibly hear what the other is saying and its so much
you dont remember when you walked in the room fully, but youre there now, just in time for the grande finale
“--if you want to keep pushing away the only person on campus that’s worth a shit, then be my fucking guest, yuk! maybe now she realizes what a piece of shit you are-- maybe, maybe now that you’ve shown your true colors she’ll get that you’re only interested in someone you can crawl into bed with and fuck a few times before you get bored!”
yukhei tightens his grip on mark, “and what if its true? why should you give a shit, huh?”
“because when shes too caught up in your dumb ass, she doesnt realize that someone here actually wants the best for her. so either figure it the fuck out or leave her out of your games.” mark nearly growls it out
yukhei looks stunned for a beat before he pulls his arm back and curls his fist.
youre a moment too late
the room falls quiet
yukhei yanks his hand out of marks uniform and turns around
“y/n, i--” yukhei tries
“mark, let’s go.” the shake in your voice cuts through
mark stares at you wide eyed for a moment before he wipes the blood from his newly split lip and grabs his bag off the ground
you turn and make for the door when yukhei tries again, weakly calling your name
and any other day under any other circumstances you wouldve stopped
wouldve listened
wouldve tried
but with the words he was yelling frenzying around in your mind
and the image of him slamming mark against the wall
and the image of blood oozing out of marks lip
you cant do it
“practice starts in five.” you echo his words from before and this time your voice is absolutely wrecked
you know youre crying again as you barge out of the locker room doors and nearly run down the hall to the exit
mark is behind you and he hasnt said anything yet
youre grateful for that
hes the only person in your life that seems to know when you dont want to hear anything more
by the time you get to marks car you cant tell what youre feeling anymore
overwhelmingly hurt, of course
but theres so much more underneath that
theres anger and longing and disbelief and just
an indescribable heartache
you never thought you would feel something like this
never wanted to
and all of it makes your stomach turn and if you hadnt been too nervous to eat at lunch that day youre sure youd be sick by now
you drop into his passenger seat and he climbs in the drivers side and starts his car
as youre pulling out of the parking lot he asks “do you wanna talk about it?”
“no” you say quietly
“okay” he says, nearly as quiet
he reaches over the console and rests his hand on your knee, gliding his thumb back and forth
the rest of the ride is quiet until he turns on a street heading to your neighborhood
“i don’t want to go home yet.” you say and it scares you how little you sound like yourself
your voice is shot and your nose is stuffy and it feels like youre in a foreign body with foreign emotions
“okay,” mark says in an instant, “where do you want to go?”
you think for a minute because you dont know
definitely not home
definitely not out in public
definitely not away from mark
“can we go to your house?” mark glances over at you “i can help clean you up” you motion weakly at his bust lip before you stare down at your hands
“yeah-- yeah of course we can”
mark knew he wasnt supposed to have anyone over when his parents were out of town
he knew good and well
and typically he followed that rule well and did his homework, played some video games and went to bed
but for you
for you he could make an exception
mark only lives a few streets away from you so you pull into his driveway soon after
he takes your bag for you and pushes the front door to his house open so you can go first
his house is perpetually new to you
you had only been over a handful of times, and always with the rest of your friends
it had never been you and mark before
it was always you and yukhei
your chest sank again as you realised that probably wouldnt be the case again
mark walked you through the foyer in to the living room
“you can get comfortable wherever. my parents are out of town for a while.”
you kicked off your uniform shoes and sank into his sofa
mark walked into the kitchen and placed both of your bags down on the island
“do you want anything to eat? drink?”
“water, please,” as the cottonmouth after crying began to set in
mark returned shortly after with water, a blanket, and the remote to the tv
as you sipped on your water mark threw the blanket over the both of you and clicked on netflix
you wondered idly how he remembered your favorite disney movie as he put it on the tv
you pushed yourself back into the couch cushions and pulled the blanket up to your chin as the emotional exhaustion hit you in full force
your body was screaming at you to go to sleep, to get some shut eye and stop feeling so awful
and the circumstances are perfect
youre warm and you feel safe and the theme song to your favorite movie is playing
before you know it youve dozed off
you dont dream and you dont really move very much
but you sleep deep and almost forget about all the shit youll have to deal with when you wake up
but when you do wake up
eyes drifting open
you really do forget about what you have to deal with
because mark is asleep and next to you and your head is on his chest and his arm is around you and its perfectperfectperfect
your phone buzzes from the kitchen and your bubble bursts, because you cant stay here and happy forever
slowly, you detangle yourself from mark and the blankets and tiptoe to the kitchen
you glance out the windows and see that its started to snow and its already dark out
you pull your phone out of your bag and wish for the blank screen you had seen outside of the sports house earlier that day
but luck does not seem to be on your side
theres three missed calls from yukhei, a string of message, and a text from your mom
you check your moms first, because truly nothing compares to  mothers wrath
momma bear: hey sweetie, where are you? are you coming home tonight? the roads are getting bad
you typed out a quick response of “hey mom! sorry, i fell asleep doing homework at jennies. do you mind if i stay the night here?”
her bubbles immediately popped up on the screen and you were filled with anxiety
momma bear: sure thing sweet pea, text me if you need anything. love you
“love you too!”
you breathed out a sigh of relief
and then remembered yukhei exists
yuk: talk to me
yuk: im sorry
yuk: what did you hear?
yuk: i didnt mean it
yuk: i didn’t know u were there i really didnt
yuk: y/n
yuk: at least talk to me
yuk: im so sorry
you clicked your phone closed and put it back in your bag before glancing back over at the living room
mark was still fast asleep, bloodied mouth slightly parted and head tipped back against the sofa
his arms and legs were situated a little oddly but you realized they were you shaped from where you had slipped out
without much thought, you grabbed a cloth and wet the corner, walking over to him gingerly
you succesfully washed away the blood and forming scab he had on his bottom lip without waking him
to be honest you watched him for a while
you watched the deep rise and fall of his chest
watched the way his hair moved when he readjusted
watched the way his eyes moved under their lids
and the memories of all he had said so much earlier in the day kept coming back to you
he could yell at yukhei all he wanted, but how could you be so blind?
of course mark was here
mark had been here from the start
always listening and never judging
awake at all hours when you needed him
guilt hit you in waves
because you knew that if you never came to the realization that he had feelings for you, he would have let you keep stepping on his feelings
because you thought you loved yukhei, but it had nothing in comparison to the way mark must have felt for you
a yawn racked your body and you looked up at the clock in marks kitchen
you had been awake for an hour, lost in your own thoughts and lost in mark
you decided that was enough for one day
so you tucked yourself back under the blankets, back into the couch, and back next to mark
you could worry about everything else tomorrow.
part 1, part 2, part 3
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