#and i picked what people may think is the most annoying song now but i didn't catch up with stranger things so HA
bardengarde · 7 months
And if I sat here pondering the questor tapes and what the show would look like if it got picked up, and this mv I'm putting to "running up that hill" in my mind, who would stop me
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Enchanted to Meet You - Colin Bridgerton
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A/N: I am so hype for the new season, and Colin isn't even my favorite Bridgerton sibling. When I was thinking of who should get Enchanted, I knew the story had to happen at a beautiful ball, so really this was one of the only choices. (There may be more Enchanted inspired fics, who's to say!) Hope you enjoy!
TS Prompt #6: Enchanted
Pairing: Colin Bridgerton x Reader Word Count: 3.0k Synopsis: After years of knowing, and not liking each other, Colin and the reader meet again at a ball, and share a magical evening together.
"Isn't that your second glass?" Eloise asks, a glass of champagne in her own gloved hand.
"No. It's my third," you say. She doesn't even try to hide the un-ladylike snort she lets out.
"I thought your mother said one."
"She did," you say, peering about the crowded ballroom for her deep red dress. "But, as this is my third ball of the season, I thought it only fitting."
"I'm sure she'll see it that way, too," Eloise says sarcastically.
It was true, this was your third ball, but the three glasses of champagne didn't really have anything to do with that. The matching numbers did add some kind of magic to the night, but truly, you just needed them to get through the evening.
It was your first year out, and after three balls, you weren't sure you would ever find someone to marry. It wasn't like you hadn't had callers. You had blossomed in the last year. So much so, that people often did a double take when they looked upon you. It wasn't so much that they weren't interested in you, but that you weren't in them.
This evening was looking to be another night of forcing laughter and faking smiles with men you had no interest in. The thought of another glass of champagne was too enthralling.
"I don't believe it," Eloise says, leaving your side. You watch her nearly run across the ballroom, and run into the arms of a man. When they break away, you see it is Colin, returned from his travels around the world.
It is hard to believe, but he has become more handsome, in his travels. You spent years and years at the Bridgerton household, and never found Colin anything other than annoying. He was the brother closest in age to Eloise, and he spent most of his time picking on the two of you.
But walking towards you now is a man. A very handsome man, whose smile seems to make your insides melt. You think you might melt, too, as he walks up to you.
"Have we met?" he says, taking your hand in his.
"Are you joking?" you ask, watching as he places a soft kiss to your gloved hand. "Colin, it's me."
"Y/N?" he asks quietly, his brow furrowed as he studies your face.
"Of course it's Y/N, you idiot," Eloise says, slapping his arm.
"You . . . you look completely different," he says.
"Bad different?"
"No, no, not bad at all," he says. He stares at you for a moment longer, seemingly speechless.
"Oh cut it out, will you?" Eloise says, "Both of you are staring like you've never seen the other before."
"Well, he looks different, too," you say, "A good different," you add, looking to him. He smiles, his mouth turned up to one end in playful amusement.
"Eloise, I hope you do not mind if I ask Miss Y/L/N to dance," he says. Eloise begins to say she does mind, but your mind is only on Colin as you drop your hand into his.
You are trembling as he leads you out onto the dancefloor. You have danced this dance hundreds of times before, and have done so to this exact song at the previous two balls. But now, the man in front of you is Colin, and that makes it completely new.
When he pulls you into his arms, your chests a touch closer than societally acceptable, you aren't breathing.
"Hello," he says softly.
"Hello," you say, as the music begins around you. Your moves are instinctual, as you let him lead you into the dance. He is still studying you, his eyes on every angle of your face. You laugh at his ministrations.
"What?" he asks.
"You act as if you don't know me."
"Well, I don't."
"I've spent nearly every summer at the Bridgerton household."
"No, that was Eloise's annoying childhood friend, that wasn't you," he says, his eyes locking on yours.
"Well, it has been a while since we've seen each other. And I have changed."
"I can tell," he says deeply. Goosebumps appear along your neck, and you watch his eyes track them.
"You've changed, too," you say, "Traveling agrees with you."
"Thank you," he says. He spins you out of his arms and back in. "How are you enjoying your first season?"
"Truthfully, it has been pretty boring so far."
"Boring?" he asks in surprise. "Don't tell me you've been a wallflower."
"Oh, on the contrary, everyone seems to notice how much I've changed," you say with a grin, making him laugh, "It's just, I haven't found their company as agreeable."
"And how about my company?" he asks, his voice quiet again.
"I'm not sure yet," you say thoughtfully, studying his face. "But so far, you are certainly a far better dancer than any of the other men I've danced with."
"Really? I'm honored."
The music comes to an end, and both of your hands linger for a moment longer on the other. The dancefloor starts to shift as couples enter and leave. You are supposed to be dancing with Lord Charmbord for the polka.
"Care to have some more fun?" Colin asks.
"If you don't mind leaving Lord . . ." he trails off as he touches your wrist again, glancing at your dance card. "Lord Charmbord in the lurch, I'd be happy to prove that my company is much more enjoyable," he says. There is mischief in his eyes, and you know you will go wherever he wants you to.
"Where to?" you ask.
"Meet me at the fork in the gardens," he whispers in your ear, as he walks past you casually. Again, the goosebumps appear.
You walk off the dancefloor, keeping your head down so that no one, especially Lord Charmbord or your mother, see you slip out onto the terrace.
There are a few couples lingering out on the balcony, but they are too involved in their conversations to notice you move down the steps to the garden. You move silently as you look around for Colin, or anyone else.
Scandal would be sure to follow you if anyone were to catch you out here, but you can't bring yourself to care right now. This is the first time all season that you have felt anything, and you aren't going to let it go.
As you round a bend in the gardens, hands grab your waist and you nearly scream out. Quickly, though, Colin turns you around and reveals himself. You clutch a hand to your pounding heart.
"You frightened me," you say.
"I'm sorry," he says, laughter still in his eyes.
"No, you aren't," you say with a laugh.
"No, I'm not. But I am glad you met me here."
"Well, I was promised good company,” you say. Colin straightens, a smirk on his face, as he extends his arm to you.
“A promise I intend to make good on.” He leads you deeper into the maze like garden, as if he has explored it before. Before you can ask, he says, "You know, I used to play with the lord's son when we were kids. He knew where all of the hiding spots were in here, and challenged me to hunt him down. It took a few years, but I was eventually able to find all of his spots, and a few of my own."
"So if I asked you to hide right now . . ."
"You would not find me."
"You assume so little about my seeking skills?" you joke.
"No, just that my hiding ones are much more polished."
"Ah. Well, I should hate for us to have to split up, anyhow."
"As would I. You know, I still can't truly believe that you're you."
"I really haven't change, Mr. Bridgerton," you say.
"No?" he asks, looking you over thoughtfully. "Well, perhaps I have."
"You have."
"How so?" he asks, a small smile on his face. You look him over for a long moment before smiling back.
"You've gotten taller," you say. Colin lets out a tut of laughter.
"But, I'm sure it's also your travels that are to blame for the man I met tonight."
"I would agree with that estimate," he says, "I learned a lot during my journeys that I am not sure I would have ever discovered at home."
"I can't help but feel envious," you say, "I've always wanted to travel, too."
"Really? Where to?" he asks.
"Anywhere, truthfully. But I've always been fascinated by Florence."
"It is truly gorgeous," he says with a nod.
"You've been?"
"I have. They have absolutely the best food of any of the places I've been. But what's more is they even have the best dances."
"The best dances?"
"Yes, they've taken our plain old quadrille and changed it into something magical," he says. He seems to notice the excitement in your eyes, because his smile only grows. "I couldn't help but notice that you're an accomplished dancer."
"Oh, please," you say, self-depreciatingly, "I'm passable, but certainly wouldn't call myself accomplished."
"I had no complaints," he says softly. He waits for you to give him a smile before continuing. "And if you spent one day in Florence, I know you would out dance every woman in there."
"They are truly that good?" you ask.
"Would you like me to show you?" he asks. He has come to a stop in the center of the gardens. A large fountain trickles softly behind him, the air moist with the shooting spouts. You study him for a moment, waiting for him to say he was joking, to turn back to the Colin you had known.
"Are you serious?" you ask.
"Of course," he says, holding out his hand.
"There's no music."
"You don't need to hear the music to feel it," he says, taking your hand in his and pulling you in close. "Just follow along. It's got the same steps as the quadrille you know, but with a little more movement."
You nod your head and focus on the moves. Without music playing, it is a little harder to get into the rhythm, but he is correct, after a few steps, you can feel the music echoing inside of you.
His hand on your waist presses slightly, making your hips move more fluidly. You are certain if anyone were to see, it would mean scandal, but you cannot fight the smile growing on your face. Again, he shows you how to add more movement into a step, bringing the two of you closer again.
You have danced through one whole song in your head, and you don't want to stop anytime soon. Never in your life before have you danced like this. You feel so free, so graceful. And it is at this feeling, that you trip on an upturned stone and crash into Colin's arms.
The music has stopped playing in your mind. There is only the soft sound of water, the trill of crickets, and your pounding heart.
You have never been this close to a man. Your chest is flush against his. You can feel his breath, and watch as he looks down, too, at your bodies pressed together.
His eyes catch yours and everything seems to slow. There is only his warm brown eyes, locked onto your own, and the hand on your back that moves softly, comfortingly.
"Colin," you whisper. He smiles widely.
"I like when you say my name."
"I've said it a million times before," you say with a laugh.
"You've never said it like that."
"We should be heading back," you say. The hand on your back grows firmer, like he would do anything to keep you against him.
"No one knows we're out here," he says.
"My mother will come looking soon."
"Y/N," he whispers, his head ducking so that his words dance over your neck. You shiver slightly, and his smile only grows.
"I see what you mean," you say, looking back up at him, "I like the way you say my name, too." The look on his face is purely prideful.
"Don't go back inside," he says.
"We'll both be ruined."
"What if I don't care?" he asks.
"You do care," you say gently, "And so do I."
"Perhaps you're right."
"I am right, Colin," you say, beginning to pull away. He pulls you back in and your lips are a breath from his. His eyes flicker between your own and your lips, that are practically begging to be kissed. Your eyes close, against your better instinct, and you lean in.
In an impossibly quick moment, Colin has pushed you out of his arms and ducked into an alcove of the garden. You wait for someone to appear, for your reputation to be ruined, but no one comes. Another minute passes and Colin comes out.
"Perhaps, you should get back inside, Y/N."
"Where did you run off to?" you ask, jumping again at his appearance. Before he can answer, you sigh. "Right," you say with a laugh.
"Let's get you back inside," he says. "That was too close."
Colin does get you back into the ball without scandal falling on you.
When you find your mother again, her face is nearly as red as her dress. Clearly, she has not followed her own rule regarding glasses of champagne. She says that Lord Charmbord had been searching for you, but you can't even begin to pretend to care.
For the rest of the ball, your eyes are always on Colin. Unfortunately, you don't get to spend any more of the evening with him. The closest you get is a moment on the dancefloor where you briefly switch partners.
His hand meets yours at the same time his eyes do, and once again, the world around you is gone. There is only the music and his face, looking at you in a way you can't precisely name, but that you're dying to know.
But just as soon as it happens, it is over, and you are back in the arms of a man you have absolutely no interest in.
As the night comes to a close, you bid Eloise and Lady Bridgerton goodnight. You can't help peering around the both of them for Colin, but just when it appears he is not coming and you have turned towards the exit, he calls your name.
"Miss Y/L/N," he says dashingly, "I would be remiss if I didn't bid you a goodnight."
"Goodnight, Mr. Bridgerton," you say, watching as he bends down to kiss your hand. Quietly, so that only you can hear, he says, "Say it just once more, please."
"Goodnight, Colin," you whisper. When he stands up straight, he is fighting off a smile. He bids your mother goodbye, and then you are getting handed off into your carriage, and ripped away from what feels like the first real night of your life.
The ride home is quiet. You answer your mother's few questions, but when she can see you're in no mood to talk, she sinks into her own thoughts.
The countryside is dark, but as you look out upon it, you can't help but wish. Wish that this was the very first page of your story with Colin, not where your story line will end. That he was as enchanted by you as much as you were by him. And pray that he is not in love with someone else.
At home, when you finally get into bed, you are restless. You toss and turn well into the early hours, questions rolling about your mind, all about Colin.
Too early the next morning, you are awoken by a lady's maid. The day after a ball is always busy. Gentleman callers all morning, and mothers and daughters in the afternoon, to get caught up on the morning callers.
While your handmaidens go about getting you dressed and pinning your hair up, you can't help but relieve the night before. It sparkles in your mind - truly the most perfect night you could have imagined.
You pray that it is not the last, but you know that you have to remain practical. Besides the looks and smiles he gave you, Colin did not lead on that he was interested in marriage anytime soon. You, on the other hand, were very interested in getting wed off this season.
As you walk down the steps to your sitting room, you assure yourself that it will be okay, if Colin does not feel the same.
"It is too early for callers!"
At the foot of the stairs, you hear your doorman arguing in hushed tones. You can hear another voice, but not clearly enough to match the sound to its owner. Before you can open the door and find out, your mother comes bustling down the staircase and passes you.
"Who could it be at this hour!" she says, ripping open the door.
Colin Bridgerton is standing in your doorway, a bouquet of orange tulips in hand. His eyes are wide when they circle to meet yours, but then they soften.
"Y/N," he says gently. The doorman stutters a response at this lack of formality, so Colin corrects himself. "I mean, Miss Y/L/N. Mrs. Y/L/N," he says, turning to look at your mother.
"I apologize for the early arrival, but I wanted to be the first here," he says.
"The first here for what?" your mother asks in shock.
"To call upon Miss Y/L/N, of course. You see, I shared quite an exquisite time with her last night, and hope that I may spend more time in her good company."
"Really?" you and your mother ask in unison. You laugh, and feeling bold, walk towards Colin. Still keeping a respectful distance from him, knowing that your doorman was watching closely, you take the tulips from him.
"Really," he says. "I was enchanted to meet you again, Y/N. Please don't have someone waiting on you."
"Not at all," you say. "Would you like to come in for tea, Colin?"
"I would love to," he says with a grin that nearly takes your breath away.
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cherriesformatt · 4 months
sand || matt sturniolo
matt x fem!reader
summary: matt surprised you with your dream date because he saw some tiktoks you reposted about it
warnings: pure fluff
word count: 1,3k
a/n: I saw this on TikTok and it was just so cute I had to write about it. Thank you guys for all the love under few last stories. I am really happy ily all! Remember English is not my first language so be patient with me! Now enjoy its so cheesy...
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Matt told me this morning to get ready for a day because he is taking me out off town for a day. I was exited because the weather was beautiful today and it was so sunny and warm. May grey was making me wanna scream because it was so literally grey and foggy all the time so I was happy that sun was out (and if I'm lucky someones son is going to be inside me 😎 my fav joke to annoy matt). I wore a nice sundress and curled my hair. I did light makeup and I was waiting for Matt to pick me up. When he texted me that he was here I took my purse and sunglasses and went out. I locked my apartment and walked to the elevator that took me to the garage. I did not have a car so Matt always parked on my parking spot which came with my apartment. I smiled when I saw him leaning on his car.
"Hi..."I smiled at him and waved walking in his direction.
"Hi... you look beautiful baby" He pushed himself up and opened arms for me.
"So do you..." I smiled and threw my arms around his neck and kissed him lightly.
He was wearing denim shorts, white nikes and sleeveless black tee. His tattoos were showing. I loved them so much. His hair was fluffy and he had sunglasses on them taking some of his hair back. He looked so good.
"Get in loser were going to the beach" He said again after I moved away and patted my bum.
"Aw great I am so happy... the weather is so beautiful today and did you just quote mean girls? Who are you?" I said and got into the car after he opened the door for me. We were standing on the passenger side anyways.
"I know how you love the beach in spring time so I decided we could have some time on a nice beach...Malibu? And thats your fault you watch it all the time"He smiled.
I loved going up to Malibu. And yes I did love mean girls.
"I love you Matthew" I said happily and he laughed and closed my doors and went to his side. I loved him the most tho.
While we were driving I connected my phone to the aux and put some music on from our shared playlist so I did not have to listen to Matt's whine about my songs.
"So I am thinking brunch, ice cream and then beach or do you wanna take food to the beach? I have some snacks and drinks for us too" He said.
"We can take food to the beach" I said and he nodded agreeing with me.
"Cos he was sunshine I was midnigh...."I looked at Matt so he could finish singing.
"Rain...."He sang and I smiled.
"Oh how world would love you for singing Taylor" I laughed.
"It is you special only, I am not singing to anyone else" He said.
"You're in a good mood today.... Chris and Nick didn't have a chance to piss you off today?" I put my hand on his knee and stroked it gently.
"They were still sleeping when I left but I told them yesterday that were going away for a day and yes I am in a good mood because I missed you and you are so cute in your dress and I am exited about our date" He said and also put his hand on my thigh and left it there.
"Aww do its a date?" I smiled.
"Yes, it's a date...." He smiled as well.
Whole drive we were talking and singing and talking shit about other drivers and people because thats us.
When we finally arrived at Malibu we stopped to get some food and then we drove to the beach.
"What's that?" I asked when Matt took a bag from the trunk after he handed me food and drinks along with a blanket.
"You will see" He said.
"Okay..."I said looking at him suspiciously.
We settled down far from other people so we could have some privacy just in case someone would recognized Matt.
"So... I bought this" He took out glue and canvas from the bag.
"Oh my god....Matt how did you know I wanted to do this?" I gasped happily knowing already what is it all for.
"I follow you on TikTok you know" He laughed what made my laughed as well. I forgot I must have reposted some TikTok about this.
"Can I make a TikTok from this?" I asked him.
"Of course you can but let's eat first because knowing us we will get glue everywhere" He smiled.
"Probably.... Matt thats so cute I can't believe... you're the best boyfriend ever and like I never had to beg you for a good date.... you always just do this out of nowhere and it's been almost two years" I said.
Time with Matt was my favorite time of my life. He was my everything and I don't even remember who I was before I met him.
"Well.. I am trying out here, so are you, you're the best" He put some of my hair behind my ear.
I got up on my knees and kissed him. I loved him so much and it was all so cute that I couldn't resist.
"Our food will be cold" He laughed in my lips and I peck his lips one more time and moved to sit down on my spot.
We ate and opened some drinks. Then Matt went to throw away empty food containers while I prepared the canvas and glue.
"Ready?"I smiled and he gave me his hand.
I put some glue on in and distributed it all over his hand with my own.
Then we sticked our hands to the canvas.
"I hope it's going to work" I said while putting sand on one when he was putting sand on other.
Then we cleaned the access of the sand and only our sandy hand prints were left on the white canvas.
"Oh it's so cute Matt! It worked" I said.
"It did... here, you write our initials on mine and I will on yours" He handed me pastel pink marker. Pastel pink was my favorite color.
I did what he said and on the back I left a little note and the date.
"Let's go cleaned our hands?" He asked and I nodded.
We went to clean our hands in the ocean and came back. After we packed everything we took a walk by the shore and came back to the car.
"Would you like to stay at my place tonight?" He asked while we were driving.
"Yes... you have to show me how much you missed me" I winked at him and he laughed.
"You're impossible" He shook his head.
I edited the TikTok and posted it. It was very cute and I sent a picture to the group chat we had with his brothers.
"Your brother just called you a lover boy" I said and laughed.
"He can fuck himself" He rolled his eyes.
"Oh Matty but you are my loverboy...."I looked at him with a big smile.
"I will drop you off in your apartment actually" He said and it made me laugh even more.
"Okay okay I am done" I put my hands up in defense.
"Thought so..."He said and put his hand on my upper thigh under my dress. It made my body cover with goosebumps.
I smiled.
"Thank you for today... I loved every second of it" I told him.
"Don't thank me just yet...the night is still young sweetheart" He winked at me.
"Oh my god, he winked everybody" I said and put my hand on my lips acting surprised.
"Okay that's it, you're walking home, I am stopping right here" He laughed.
"You love me too much" I said.
" You right, I do..."He said back and took my hand to his lips and kissed it gently and then left both of our hands on his tight.
I was the luckiest girl in the whole world.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Hello what if in sagau the reader thinking about the idea to make big shelter for tramuatised creatos of alternative tevyat this time reader one night drinking with other archons (of course zero alcohol for nahida only some strawberry jucie or something) and in drunked state reader comes to idea of creating shelter for creators of alternative trvyats the archons thinks that just reader begin drunk.....but no reader is serous and day after the archosn must help reader establish the shelter for goodly victims of the cults and like that zhongli venti ei nahida and foclaors relaized how some of thier alternative version are insane(yandere cult au) or morons( most impostors au)
Oohhh, interesting, interesting...I'll see what I can come up with!
So...You may have had a little too much to drink when you decided to hang out with the archons, and you spilled your idea of wanting to create a shelter for alternate teyvat universes where the Creator gets treated like absolute crap.
At first, the archons present (there's only 5) were shocked—who would dare try and hurt their own creator in their own universe? Then, right after you pass out from alcohol consumption, the archons convince themselves that it was just the drunk-ness speaking and not actually your idea.
Boy, were they wrong when you showed them your latest creation.
Venti, Zhongli, Raiden Ei, Nahida, and Furina Reacting to Reader's Shelter for Other Creators.
(Warning! Might Be OOC & Using the General Sagau!Imposter!AU Stuff For This!)
Man really thought you were joking. When you weren't, safe to say he wished he wasn't trying to get himself wasted during that time.
He was very cautious not to trouble the residents of the Shelter you created since yk PSTD and all that, even if it is annoying that you spend all your time there and he wants to barge in and drag you out to go and have a drink or two.
He isn't sure how he feels exactly, knowing what the other versions of you went through...so safe to say that he tries his best to keep his distance. He personally finds it awkward, and he tries to excuse himself from the situation whenever you try to invite him to greet the other versions of Creator.
"Ehe, I'm honored, Your Grace, really! Unfortunately, Sir Captain Kaeya promised me a drink today at Angel's Share in trade for my latest song. I can't miss out on that, you know?~" You can barely tell nothing's wrong with how well Venti hides his emotions and tactics on a day-to-day basis.
He may eventually get along with the residents of your Shelter area, but as it stands right now...he's keeping his distance for them to cope.
Same as Venti, he really was not expecting this. Sure, he had only a cup of alcohol unlike a certain drunkard bard he knows, and he had contemplated whether or not you were going to do it...but seeing things and speculating things were two different concepts.
He is polite to the residents that have the courage to come close to him, smiling and politely keeping a good distance while also making sure he is not seen as a threat.
He tries his best not to do anything suspicious—he always makes tea in front of their eyes, the tea leaves freshly picked, dried, and then boiled in hot water. The last thing he wants is for any versions of his creator to pose him as a threat in your world. You especially help reassure others at the Shelter that Zhongli's tea isn't poisoned either, so that's good.
"Fear not—Your Grace has been with me these past few weeks, inspecting my tea before I bring it before you." Zhongli sips his own cup, and you follow suit, grinning because you know for a fact it ain't poisoned one bit. "Please rest easy, knowing you will not be harmed here."
Overall, he becomes this sweet grandpa who tells stories while also respecting other people's boundaries. If ever there is a threat, he's already shielding everyone with his ever-famous geo shield, but that's the furthest he does as you insist you take care of the threats yourself. After all...most versions of the Creator have major PTSD from seeing Zhongli wield his polearm.
Raiden Ei
She feels incredibly guilty, knowing that other versions of her raised their blades against their version of the Almighty Creator than to protect.
She practically froze when you drunkenly mentioned about the other versions of you, and it got Ei thinking how bad it was. Though she was reassured by the other archons present, she now wishes she had followed her gut. She was not prepared to meet the Other Versions of the Creator.
Very similar to Venti, she tries to distance herself. Unlike Venti, however, Ei directly declines your invitations to meet any of the residents at the Creator Shelter, thinking her presence would only do more harm than good. In a sense, she goes back in this similar trance during the Inazuma Archon Quest. While she's present in Inazuma, she doesn't step a foot near the Creators' Shelter.
"I apologize, Your Grace....It is best I tend my duties here instead of meeting the Residents of your protective Shelter. If, however, they ever wish to visit Inazuma, I will ensure they meet no harm whatsoever—and do my duty that which the other versions of me failed to succeed in—to protect them with my blade." Every single time you try to invite Ei, she makes this very long speech similar to this. Ei feels awkward, to say the least. After all, she doesn't know how to deal with emotions...
Though it may be irritating that you can't get her to see them, you respect Ei's wish and openly invite others to Inazuma. Safe to say that Ei keeps her word and does indeed protect the other versions of the Creator with her Misou No Hitotachi.
Nahida, Nahida...With the General Imposter!Sagau AU idea, Nahida is the only one of (when there was only 4) the archons available that would not attack you, but would rather help you instead. However, due to unpopular Sagau AU ideas, Nahida is also a part of the team that wants the Creator dead. So, in a sense, Nahida is a 50/50 amongst the residents, but it's safe to say that she's by far the archon most versions of the Creator would approach freely.
When she first heard you talk about the Creators' Shelter and their lives (albeit drunk), she found it both scary yet curious. However, since there was no proof of whether this was true or not, Nahida had turned a blind eye on the possibility for the time being, as it could have just been you drunkenly seeing and knowing things.
She was pretty much half-prepared to meet the Residents of the Creators' Shelter...but at least most of them like her? I mean, they allow her to hug her...that's a good start, right?
"It's okay, Your Grace's Guests! I promise, our world would never hurt you, no matter what!" She tries to use this opportunity to try and have the other versions of the Creator open up to other people—after all, their world of Teyvat was different, and vast! She didn't want them to miss it!
You know Nahida's Skill line, "Everyone Hold Hands!" ? Yeah, she wants everyone to get along and smile and be happy!
I am proud to say that Nahida keeps the Creators' Shelter up-to-date with the stuff happening in your Teyvat while also trying to coax them to meet other people. And she's doing a great job!
From the very little research I did, it seems that Fontaine's Stance in the Imposter!Sagau AU ideas is more sophisticated—but, if Reader turns out to be "guilty," then that could possibly mean public execution. In this case, with the knowledge gained, Furina's stance in this is the same as her personality likeability: 50/50.
When Furina first heard you talk about it, she thought that this entire thing you were going on about was interesting! She loves herself a good opera, and she would gladly play a role in your show! She just didn't like how it was versions of you from the Imposter!Sagau aus (she's the only one who'd probably remember what you called them and use the same terms), as it makes it hard to really prove to others that Fontaine was the best nation of Teyvat! Not that she wants to flex or anything (she wants to flex)
As it stands right now, Fontaine is pretty new. Most likely only a few recent versions of the Almighty Creator would have some form of PTSD with Fontaine, but most of general residents at the Creators' Shelter are from when Fontaine was yet to be released. This means that many people would cautiously approach Furina to ask what Fontaine would be like, while the very recent versions of you might be more frightened to go near her.
"Ah, yes! Fontaine has the best places to view the grandest and most extravagant buildings you will ever see! If ever you wish to visit, I shall personally escort you to the Nation of Hydro, and we may feast on both the justice we place put, and the opera we present to please! Now, I shall go and ask Your Grace if I may bring you Desserts from Fontaine—toodle-loo~" Furina gladly lets the other versions of the Creator see her enigmatic personality, not afraid to present herself as she usually does.
However dramatic and ever-flamboyant she may be, Furina isn't stupid. She can see wariness and suspicion seeping in to some of the most recent Imposter!Sagau yous, so she immediately yet cleanly makes sure she takes her leave, her curtain call with a promise to return in the near future.
She's probably the second-most visiting archon the Creators' Shelter sees, but Furina's visits are always short. At least she brings desserts from Fontaine to share with everyone!
And we're done! Boy, this took longer than expected...I hope you guys enjoyed it, though!
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I have not been keeping up with what's going on in the Sagau Genshin Community, so Furina's bit may be very off on what is actually going on in the general Sagau Community. Sorry on that part.
I was originally tempted to try and do my own interpretation of Fontaine's stance in the Sagau!Imposter category, as they are known for their justice and love of good plot story. If you think about it, Fontaine might be more intrigued with the idea than be heavily offensive about it—after all, Fontaine loves their opera. I vetoed the idea though bc this request needed a focus on the generic stance of an Imposter!Sagau Au so I scrolled through a few posts to see what others were up to.
But yeah, I'm alive! I honestly love how like—no one has made the "sagau furina" tag yet and I had to make it myself LOL. Man, I've really been dead on Tumblr, huh?
If you're still on the radar for The Lost Shining God of Celestia, don't worry—it's not being cancelled. I'm still on hiatus due to writer's block (it only has two paragraphs im sobbing at my inactivity), but I'll get there eventually! Sorry for testing you patience lol—
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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psychelis-new · 1 year
pick a pile: "What would your Guides like to tell you right now"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about a message your Guides may have been trying to deliver you but for a reason or another you may be oblivious to it or not realize it/not understand it properly/fear not getting it right.
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
I think you may have an idea or have a random sign in front of you or a message/call from your guts, but you're not quite aware of it, of its meaning, of what it is for. Or, you cannot see/understand it correctly (or fear this). It seems very confused, like those games you're given letters and need to form words from those but you really have no clue where to start from. Blank page. You know, you are probably also given the instructions to form those words, but you're not seeing them or are pretending not to. You're too focused on something else, on only one side of the matter. You're not looking at the whole picture, probably out of fear you'll hear something you don't want to hear. So you may even panic and stress a lot, and honestly this is of no help in seeing the missing piece, in finding clarity. Confusion brings clouds in thinking. And it brings stress, and anxiety and spiralling... you know the drill. Take a breath and try to stay grounded. I don't think you'll hear anything you don't want to hear. And even if this was the case, I somehow think you know it won't mean anything so drastic for you. It feels more like a childhood wound you need to heal, and to do it, you need to be "more of an adult" and take the courage to listen to your message. Have no fear. It doesn't have to be as it has always been. It doesn't have to be another "no". But you need to receive the right type of guidance to get over this problem that is keeping you in the past, caging you and making you re-live the old life. You're not going there, you're going somewhere else. Be open to what good will happen to you. And remember to take care of your inner child, they need your support, to know you can help and protect them, to know they're safe and things will go well and you're there with them (especially if no one was there for you when you needed). So stop with the stressing, take a breath and be brave. It's gonna be okay. And let it all in, people and love, of any type. Don't be scared, you can always choose what's best for you.
song: real boy | lola blanc
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pile 2
I think you're healing something, something pretty big too, but... there's something else that doesn't feel quite there yet. Something that bothers you and you cannot really understand what it is. It's like, you've tried to see the problem also from another perspective, but it doesn't work either. You seem a bit lost on this detail. Maybe cause you think it's important too, or cause... you're a perfectionist? What is this annoyance about? To find out, you are called to stop and meditate. It seems you're trying to avoid looking at it in a very deep meaningful way. You maybe thought you had healed that or it's not a big deal, but if it's so bothering you then maybe you need to check it better instead of just pretending is not there and occasionally get annoyed or confused about it. (If you cannot do it alone, ask for help in the process, please). If all you've done has been trying to be perfect to be accepted, you're asked to stop and see if this is really worth it, if this is really how things are supposed to be (spoiler: no, that's not so. You are deserving just cause you're existing). But in general, you've probably been stressing over many things, maybe you also had to take care of others or things you weren't supposed to care for... I'm suddenly so tired tbh. It feels like you're draining yourself with all these thoughts, preoccupations and stress over the smallest thing/flaw you can find (especially in you: were you judged a lot in your past?). But it's all in the past. It's what you used to do. And it has never give you anything much back, right?Except for problems and pain and uncertainty and... stress. Your Guides want to tell you it's time to stop with this self inflicted torment: you're here to enjoy too, it doesn't matter if you're not "perfect" (what does perfect even mean? We all have our own definition of perfect, and it can be something flawed too). You don't have to be perfect, and the things you do don't have either. You can be lousy, it's okay. And if someone cares, is cause of their own problem, not yours. It's time to start something new, to be more kind and generous with yourself, and forgive yourself if you have tried to be so strict on you and may try again: it will change, take your time.
song: bland | jonathan keevil
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pile 3
You may have problems in having others see the real you. And you're healing that part of you, the one that relates with creating healthy boundaries and standing up for yourself. The one that calls for you to follow you heart. The one that suggests that such a change is good, to not agree with others but having your opinins and ideas is fine. It's not lack of respect, is just you being you. Lack of respect is imposing your opnions and ideas on others without asking them anything, and never listening nor compromising. Is having others following you blindly. You don't have to follow anyone you don't agree with. Create your own knowledge, your own set of beliefs and values, and stick to them. Live your life accordingly. I think for some of you it may be about love too. You don't have to let the other take advantage of you or fear losing them if you disagree. Just be you. You're lovable and worthy. Don't let others tell you what to think or what you need, how can they know for sure? For a few of you, your counterpart/soulmate may be trying to contact you and remind you to work on this side of you before the meeting, which may happen not too far from now. But they want you to be ready and be you (as they're themselves). This way, they'll be able to recognize you as part of them. Don't let your insecurities and fears take over your life and govern it for you. You're in charge, only you. You can talk with them and show them there's nothing to really be scared of. It's not a life threat to say "no" and disagree with others. It doesn't mean anything. Also, if it ever happens with friends, family and partners: it's okay to not agree on everything. You can be two different people with different ideas and still love and appreciate each other (be more grounded when it comes to romantic love: a Disney-like relationship, it's not very likely to happen irl). You won't end up alone, or anyway you'll free yourself from people that you're not supposed to be with, so to welcome those you are. Go after what you want. Let your true self be seen and true needs be met by letting others know about them. No more masks.
song: me & u | cassie
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pile 4
There's only a little your Guides want to tell you. Probably cause you're supposed to find the answer on your own. They may be giving you a general advice/suggestion, a hint even, but you need to follow your guts and see yourself what to do next. I do think it's about a decision you need to make on your future or something you have to find out. Or even learn, for some of you. It's like something written, that needs to happen anyway, so you better be the one making this choice and/or getting to it. So rely on your courage and take a leap and see yourself what's next. Live through it. Enjoy the process. Create your abundance. I think this may be also about any of your manifestations (that's why all the secrets), and you may have an idea of how things may develop and you feel kinda hyped/happy/positive about it, but you're not so sure at the end of the day (yeah, human doubts!). Still, your Guides are saying that you have to realize it yourself. Probably cause the happiness will be enhanced, probably cause you have to learn something on the way. Maybe how to deal with these doubts/insecurities too and not let them come in between your manifestations anymore. Probably cause you need to be more courageous or open to receive. You're not like pile 1 though, your energy is more open and wild, more accepting. You know there's something in store for you, and you know your heart feels it as well. So yep, I do think it's all about learning to trust the process and yourself, to believe. Even if maybe you've been deceived or told lies most of your life. It can be different, you can trust now. Not everyone is a liar or will give you mixed signals. Not evrything will end up in you having to be okay with something else. Keep healing this emotional side of yours and support yourself through this amazing journey ahead (you're not alone anyway, your Guides aren't going anywhere ofc).
song: put your head on my shoulder | paul anka
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oneshlut · 11 months
Can you do The Amazing Digital Circus characters meeting the reader for the first time?
A/N: ofcofc!! thanks for the request, i ADORE writing for tadc! <33 (keeping these platonic since most characters i write for in tadc are platonic)
Another New Home (TADC & Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General meeting/friendship headcanons for ALL characters of TADC
Seeing as he's the ringmaster, Caine introduces himself first!
Tries to be a bit less louder than he was with Pomni. She's actually been talking with him lately, trying to get him to be a bit more friendly! And human!
Can you blame him for being slightly rude? He's not even human, so he can't be blamed for not understanding certain emotions.
But you help him understand! He'll ask you from time to time about what certain human things mean.
When you first spawned into the circus, Caine helped pick out a name for you! By that I mean he chose it for you. You didn't get a say in anything.
Your relationship now? Well, he makes sure you don't get abstracted! That's enough for a good friend, right?
Immediately freaked out hearing a new name in the theme song. DESPERATELY hopes you're not too weird, like Kinger or.. Jax? Well, she hopes you're not rude like Jax
After meeting you, she's pleasantly surprised! You two can kinda relate to your situation. Jax likes to call you two the "newbies".
Pomni tries her best to explain to you what the digital circus even means for you, what abstraction is, and what not. She may not be able to answer all of your questions, though.
Thinks you're one of the "normal" ones to hang out with. Tries sticking with you during Caine's adventures. (She just needs someone else that gets her. Luckily, you fit that role perfectly.)
If she's comfortable enough with you, some days she may visit you in your room! Pomni doesn't do this often, though, so feel lucky.
Overall, the two of you are existential crisis buddies! If you become friends with her, be prepared for lots of deep thoughts and.. well, confusion.
Ragatha is always eager to meet someone new in the circus! Despite how dire your situation may be, she tries her best to cheer you up.
Every morning she checks the doors before going down to the grounds, and that morning she found your door. Your design intrigued her, she just had to meet you!
She definitely explains abstraction better than Pomni tried to. When you get nervous about.. well, going insane, she heavily reassures you. Although Caine's adventures may seem like hell, they're actually pretty fun! Sometimes.
Ragatha shows you to your room, before she lets you get to know everyone else. She tries to stay optimistic for you, but you can kinda feel her underlying worries about the situation as she explains it.
She's definitely one of the easier people in the circus to get along with. If you get to know her a bit better, she may open up to you! Ragatha will try to tell you everything she knows about her past self, but she's left with very little wisps of what she used to be like.
Ragatha is on the more nicer and motherly side of the group, so when you can you try to spend time with her. If you put in the right effort, Ragatha will become really fond of you!
If you've read my other works, you'll know Jax isn't one for new people. And at the same time he is. He's really indecisive.
But meeting you wasn't too bad. You weren't overwhelmingly annoying, but you did have some elements to your character that he could tease or make fun of.
Your first impression of Jax was.. honestly kind of bad. He was a complete dick, what more do you expect? To say the least, his antics did not help your increasing confusion.
If you still hang out with him after your horrible introductions, he would be.. amused. Becoming friends with Jax was just setting yourself for failure. Walking into a bear trap.
He teased you, pranked you relentlessly, and made sure you failed horribly during Caine's adventures. Why? I dunno, it was funny.
Jax will tone down his asshole nature as time goes on, and the closer you are with him.
You'll know he's placed his full trust in you when he asks you to help him out with a prank.
According to Zooble, her name for you was 'weirdo' in her head until she met you. As is for everyone, I suppose.
Your first meeting was.. awkward? You had asked her how her limbs worked, detachable and all. It was intriguing to hear about, though.
One thing you shared in common with her was probably both of your lackluster attempts at Caine's adventures, before just deciding to give up.
When you were too tired to commit to an adventure, you'd hang out with Zooble. She was nice company, and much different from others who were much more chaotic. Spending time with Zooble gave your brain a rest, a chance to slow down. And.. it was nice.
Zooble may seem unwilling to befriend you, but I promise she's trying. Not many people actually try to befriend her, unless it's Jax. If you count Jax's pranks as a way of befriending.
In all honesty, when you first met her, you kinda thought she would be.. crazy. Like Kinger. Maybe it was her design, with all the colors in all its glory, but you found yourself pleasantly surprised!
As long as you aren't a natural annoying person, or push buttons like Jax, Zooble eill probably grow fond of you! She won't admit it, though.
Oohh, Gangle. She's a tough one. Right now she's focused on her comedy mask, and doesn't even notice you when you first spawn in.
When you come to say hi, she's still in sorrows. She wishes you could've seen her happier side when you first arrived..
You try to help Gangle fix her mask, but you.. kinda end up making it worse. You apologize profusely. Don't worry, she forgives you. She may have just cried a bit more.
The more you hang out with her, the more comfortable she will get with you. She's a tough one to break, so it may take a while for Gangle to become fully trusting in you.
Try not to make any sudden movements or bursts of affection, because she will cry. Gangle, being as emotional as she is, will probably break down if you're too nice to her. They're happy tears, I swear. She's just not as used to affection like she was before.
As you grow closer, you begin to notice the little things. Gangle begins to show hints of smiles, and if you're lucky, she'll giggle a bit at a joke.
If you're patient with Gangle, she'll get attached to you. Sorry, no take backsies. She's just happy to finally have someone to feel safe around.
Kinger is.. a wild card. Don't get me wrong, Kinger is one of my favorite characters, but you have to admit he's a bit startling at times. And confusing. So imagine meeting him after being transported to another reality, already confused enough with your current situation, and now having to deal with Kinger's personality.
Him being a bit, you know.. coo-coo, he kinda ignored you at first. Kinger thought he was just hallucinating again, as per usual. Then you spoke, and he immediately jumped.
Speaking to him leaves you a bit frazzled, but you don't mind. He asks a lot of confusing questions about you, like how many half-syllables are in your name. You don't even know your name yet..
But you spend time with him anyways, he can be fun at times! He's decently helpful on adventures, and is a joy to have outside of Caine's antics. (What I'm trying to say here is that you build fortresses together.)
Kinger categorizes all of his friends using chess pieces. He says your a knight. Not even he knows why, he just one day told you that you seemed like a knight.
Grow close enough, and this humanized chess piece will ramble on and on about plants and insects to you. When he's ranting, you can barely make out anything he says, as his words naturally seem to blend together. Honestly? He's probably neurodivergent.
One day he'll tell you about Queenie. But it's gonna take a while. Estimated 5 years. For now, you two are great friends! In a way, Kinger feels like this weird childhood friend you never had. And Kinger.. still sees you as a knight.
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not-goldy · 7 months
Thank you for your answer, I get it on some level. I’ve listened to their music for a while now but am new to this whole shipping thing, and it’s a wild ride for sure. Out of interest, which songs do people think are about JM? Apart from their actual song Friends? Why does part of me think that if this is the case maybe Tae needs new inspiration for his work or something. Someone of his own to love. He didn’t write he album though did he? It’s a crazy world out there I guess I didn’t release that a member would fuel the shipping wars, so wow if he does that.
It depends on how delusional one is. Could be a few or all of them if you're deranged 🤷🏾
I like to think of myself as moderately delusional so I stick to the basics.
You can check out his song about writing a letter to the moon which was inspired by a time he was alone in the park with Jimin late into the night
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From 4'Oclock.
Other than the setting and moon references, he actually ever did write a letter to Jimin which he cried while reading it to him. He poured out his heart in that letter. Here, read it and cry
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And theres one song he complained he wrote with the intention of singing it withJimin but a producer thought putting Jimin on it would be gay due to the lyrics.
Don't want to talk about the others cos it may sound controversial but do have a listen for yourself. And be mindful of the Jimin "symbolisms" or at least I like to call them that.
Whenever he talks about the moon in his songs we make the connection to Jimin- its obvious now due to JMs moon tattoos but there was a time people thought that was reaching.
The moonchild is Jimin. And it's not far fetched cos V is the same person who shared fan art of Jimin with the moon tats that he's currently spotting and all. Meaning he understands the connection between JM and the moon.
This has nothing to do with his songs but he used to complain a lot about a certain member gatekeeping Jimin to himself and not allowing him and Jimin to hang out. So for me when this theme recurrs in his music I feel he's alluding to Jimin cos why not dudes a menace🤣
Let's give Tae some credit. Don't blindly buy into the hateful rhetorics people spew about him.
He exposed the company for dragging their feet before allowing JM to debut. Exposed them for their homophobia towards Jimin. If anyone moves funny with Jimin trust him to expose them one way or the other. I'll actually bet my life on this.
Perhaps you should look into their friendship. V can be chaotic but he's loved Jimin so hard too and when he says he loves Jimin the most I don't think he's lying .
Jimin has a special place in his heart. Perhaps because he says Jimin was the one who showed up and out for him when his granny passed. I think he's going to be eternally grateful to JM for that.
Don't hate on Tae or Judge him based on his quirks. He's not one to fake his feelings so sometimes when he's annoyed with Jimin you can pick up on that energy. It doesn't mean he's evil. He just have bad days too.
Unfortunately the Fandom isn't as forgiving and would tear him apart for the least funny feelings towards Jimin.
They are friends.they are allowed to fight and make up. We shouldn't hold that over their heads when they "fight" argue or have a misunderstanding. Leave them room and space within their friendship to be ghetto with eachother. What matters is the bond they share the growth they experience as friends and how pure they try to be with eachother.
They are a work in progress
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What in your opinion is the most overtly gay song Taylor has ever written?
Ooohh, that's a really good question anon, thank you!
I'll be a bit annoying and not give a straightforward answer, because I think there can be multiple ways to see this:
Most overt to people who read queer flagging: If you know your queer flags and history, I'd say probably New Romantics and Right where you left me are the loudest on that front because of the hairpin drops and throwing bricks references.
Most overt to straight people: Now, I only have my own (gay) lens to interpret music and literature through, but I have watched a few 'mainstream' swifties react to and interpret her music on youtube. It's painful sometimes how many genius queer references are lost on the heteronormative listeners, but the one song that seems to have raised the most eyebrows from the average swiftie is Maroon. Probably because of the scarlet lips line. Also, Betty, before she hetsplained it 😉
Most overtly directed at specific women: This is really the category just for gaylors, you'd need to know your swiftgron and kaylor lore to pick these up. These are the songs that if you know, you REALLY know, because they are so loudly about a specific person. I'm personally still in shock that these songs exist 'in the open' and that's Wonderland and Hits different. They were both hidden away on target exclusive editions on initial release, probably because Taylor is well aware how gay these songs are to people in the know. The fact that Dianna Agron had her Alice in wonderland tattoo removed after the song came out is telling enough. And 'I slur your NAME til someone puts me in a (K)AR...??' so bold and so brilliant!! I honestly don't know how so many people ignore the fact that this song is literally addressed to a 'dream girl' (also a big Karlie reference btw)... but hey, that's heteronormativity working hard. 🙄 Also, when Taylor played this as a surprise song on the Eras tour she seemed really nervous singing the bridge, so I think this may be what Taylor considers her most telling song as yet.
Honourable mentions (because these are beautifully gay but didn't make the 'most overt' list): Dress, Gorgeous, False God, Ivy and Paris. God, so many to choose from!!
Wow, that was a really fun exercise, thanks for the ask anon! Lovely followers, please feel free to add your own takes in the comments x
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lqversinterlude · 1 year
Dance the Knight away (Steven Grant x Reader)
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Warnings - None! It’s just pure fluff, and a bit of swearing from the reader. She couldn’t watch her mouth at all!
Pairing - Steven Grant x Female Reader
Synopsis - The reader goes to prom with Steven.
(A/N: the title’s a TWICE song reference, stream their music! And, this is my first time writing a fanfic so, bare with me if it kinda sucks! I hope you enjoy it! <3)
(p.s - this is just a one shot because I’m not into writing lengthy fan fictions yet. :P)
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The evening was filled with laughter and joy, the music surrounds the area and the moon shines brightly from above. It’s been weeks since you asked Steven out if you could be his date for Prom Night and you’re hoping to see him during the evening, the big door creaks open and you see him, in his white suit, all fixed up with him carrying a bouquet of flowers in his hand, he searches the area to look for you, he finally sees you and decides to approach you in the middle of the crowd.
“Ello’ love, I’m really sorry it took me time to get here, now, here we are!” He waves at you and manages to stay enthusiastic as he apologizes for being tardy. He suddenly hands you the bouquet he was holding in his hand. “I wouldn’t want to forget about giving you something as my prom date like all the other boys would do if they get asked out by someone.” He rubs the back of his neck with his hand.
“It’s okay that you weren’t able to get here on time, at least you’re here with me, at this very moment, and that’s what matters to me. Oh, and thank you for the little gift, I appreciate it.” You smile and take the bouquet from his hand, you weren’t really amused that he had his time mixed up in arriving for the event.
You look at him, oh man, this guy hasn’t gotten any sleep at all, his eyes looking all sleepy and his hair, all messy, yet, that did not stop you from liking him. Although he may be your friend, you still happened to like him, and for unusual reasons, the way you had to think twice on liking a friend just feels different when it comes to him. He just happens to have this different “effect” on you that most of your friends don’t even have.
“Well, shall we start.. Dancing?” He offers you his hand as he looks around to see the people in the venue, dancing together. You take his hand and he pulls you close, he then puts one of his hands on your waist and one on your hand, you hold his hand and shoulder, you two start dancing. Moments after, he suddenly looks at you and asks “Can we take this outside? I’m so sorry but the environment happens to overwhelm me so much.. I just don’t like it when people watch us dance, although its a free space and everyone is free to dance together.” He apologizes yet, he tries to make sure that you don’t get pissed off or annoyed by his request.
You then smile, and take his hand, suddenly pulling him towards the door with caution, “It’s okay, there’s no need to worry because I can always take you wherever you’re comfortable with, so.. Let’s get out of here?” He just stares at you and freezes, you then ask him again as you noticed that he zoned out from all the nervousness that he’s currently experiencing, “Shall we?” He finally snaps out and nervously nods at you and looks back at the venue, the two of you finally leave.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Moments after walking down the long hallway of the building, the both of you finally reach the outer field, as the moon illuminates the field, the both of you run around the field with no one else watching, he then suddenly picks you up, bridal style, and he spins you around the field, he pulls you close and you rest your hands on his shoulders, “You aren’t that heavy as I thought you were, well, honestly, you’re actually that light, I can’t deny.” He playfully chuckles, he then puts you down and points to the Gazebo that’s built in the middle of the field.
“So.. Do you want to go there? Like look, no one’s around except us, it would be bonkers if somebody caught us hanging around here, yeah?” He asks if the two of you can get in the small building, you nod at him and the two of you enter.
The two of you are sat on a small side bench in an open space, “Huh, I guess the moon’s the only thing that’s watching us right now, unless someone’s nosy ass happened to follow us on our way here.” You shrug and point out the bright moon that’s illuminating the wooden flooring of the gazebo. “Well, Steven, listen to me, I have something to tell you, it will definitely sound so fucking weird at first but I hope you understand.” He suddenly brings his head up to look at you as you try to tell him that he hasn’t known for a long time.
“Oh? What is it? Care to tell me? It would be such a blunder if you don’t tell me what you’re willing to tell me at this very moment.” He smiles at you and rests his hands on his knees, he then smoothens out his vest that’s inside of his coat, he tilts his head and raises his brows.
You sigh and slap both of your knees, it took you moments to finally tell him “Steven, I like you, like more than a friend. Ever since we grew closer and closer, my feelings grew as well and I mean that. I was just too afraid to tell you in any other day because I have this really bad experience of getting rejected by my past crushes but, that never stopped me from telling this to you because I knew that I wanted to give romance another chance, again.”
He looks at you with awe, blush creeps up his face, realizing on what you just told him at that very moment, “Well, (Y/N), you’re a really brave one for telling me about your feelings, and it’s mental that you happened to tell me at this very moment, I didn’t expect any of that.” He chuckles.
“You know, it’s funny that I happen to.. Uhm, how do I say this, oh yeah! I happen to like you as well, it may sound a bit of a shocker but I hope that doesn’t overwhelm you as much as it does for me.” He takes your hand and rubs his thumb on top of your hand’s surface, he’s definitely flustered right now, “It’s just that.. It’s surprising that you happened to handle all the things I’ve been experiencing in my life and you happened to be so kind to me, unlike how other girls treat me because they think I was too “nerdy” or “strange” for their liking, not to forget, they thought my accent was too thick for them to understand.” He adds as he looks down on the floor with a saddened expression.
“Oh, forget about that bullshit.” You then pull his collar and bring his lips to yours, he hugs you tightly and he pulls away. “Oh wow, okay, that was nuts. I definitely did not expect that, darling.” He says after the two of you breaks away from the kiss, you definitely haven’t had your first kiss but now, you did, with someone who’s described as a “weird ass guy who looks like he hasn’t slept in days”.
He just sits there, in shock, not knowing what to say. Well, that must’ve gone too fast, didn’t it? It definitely is a crazy thing that you suddenly kissed him, with no hesitation. “You know what, I think my parents will kill me if they knew I kissed you without hesitation, especially my dad!” You joke as the two of you exchange laughters in the gazebo.
“It’s getting a bit late, isn’t it? Do you want to go back to the venue to say our goodbyes to our friends or do you wanna go somewhere else?” He glances at you as he stands up, “Well, Steven, you wanna go to a coffee shop?”, he raises a brow and shrugs, “Oh? What’s up? Don’t have money or something? I’m always willing to treat you, I asked you out on this little date, not you.” She smiles and grabs his hand.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
They both leave the area and end up spending time in a small coffee shop that happens to be in a walking distance, the day ends with the both of them falling asleep in (Y/N)’s house, her parents don’t mind as they’re both sat in the couch with Steven laying on her shoulder, the both of them still wearing their formal attire.
> end. <3
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captain-lessship · 2 years
Creepy Pt. 3
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Wednesday woke up, eye’s flinging open at Enid’s annoying Taylor Swift Song Alarm. She turned her head to see Enid getting out of bed with too much excitement. Wednesday raised up, arms folded across her chest.
“Morning, Enid.”
“Wednesday! Todays the big day! The biggest day of my life!”
‘Ah,’ Wednesday remembered, today was the Poe Cup, which last night after a Garlic-y tragedy and the glimmering opportunity to prove Bianca wrong, she agreed to compete in. 
Wednesday got out of bed and walked to the door, still in her black pajamas. 
“Where are you going?” Enid yelped, slightly worried Wednesday had forgotten about agreeing to compete with the Black Cats.
“I need to ask someone for some advice.”
You had been busy the last few of the days: you made canoes, the oars and tested them. You would have thought that after all the ones you made you’d have it down pat but you weren’t above errors.
You finally sat down to work on your own little project. You had found time to make the musical cog for the music box attachment. After you slipped on your glasses on and got all the pieces together, you were just about to put it together when you heard a knock at your door. 
You groaned, had you not worked hard enough for a few minutes of peace. You walked to the door and opened it. 
Wednesday looked up at you, “I have a question to ask you?”
You let her in, “What is it? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the Poe Cup?”
“How did you know?” She said, walking in and promptly turning to face you. 
“Ajax saw Enid’s blog and Ajax told me.”
She nodded lightly, eyes wondering around the room that looked much different in the daylight. 
“So, my question, on a canoe, where would be the best place to hit the canoe to sink it?”
You had now been given a hard decision to make: 
Tell Wednesday, take the risk that could sink your best friends canoe or don’t tell her, risk upsetting her which could very well land you in the town morgue or her never talking to you again. 
This might be poor reflection on your loyalty.
“Not the bottom, that’s the hardest part, the lower part of the hull, right where it barely meets water. You might have to hit it multiple places along that line.”
She nodded. Eyes scanning the room.
You grinned, “I thought you’d already know that.” You took off your glasses, “If you just wanted to talk or come see what I make, you don’t need to excuse it as ‘business’. “
“I admire your reluctance to fall into categories of popularity.”
You shrugged, “Well thanks? I used to care about that. I think most people do if they can’t find a place to fit in comfortably and completely.” You walked to your work table, sat down the glasses and glanced at the clock. “Say, shouldn’t you be going to get ready for the Poe Cup?”  
She stared at you, “I will be back. I may also need you help later. I will however take your offer of future conversations.”  Wednesday turned and head to the door, you followed behind to open it for her. “Are going to be watching?”
“I will. I just got a few things to do before.” 
She nodded and walked through the door but stopped, turned again. “Ticker.”
“Yes, Wednesday?” 
“Do you think we will win?”
“I don’t have a crystal ball but I would say you have a higher chance, Miss Addams.” You said, smiling.
Her eyes barely widened, “Goodbye.” You gently shut the door. 
With a quick walk, you sat down at your table. You put on the glasses and picked up the base, which was wrapped in thorns. 
After making a small hole, you aligned the music box, you screwed on the key. Now the base was done. 
You glanced at the clock again: forty five minutes. You decided that you could add the upper base where the figure would be. 
You picked up the small piece of granite and slowly pressed it flat, made a small hole and aligned it with the base. You sealed it with dab of epoxy glue. Perfect. 
Wednesday and the team were rowing as hard as they could away from Bianca’s canoe. They were definitely going to win, the notion that brought a small glimmer to Wednesday’s coal eyes. As they rowed to the dock, Wednesday found herself looking for you. She saw you in a heavy black jacket, a small smile and wind blowing your hair around your face. You waved to her. She waved back.
Enid helped her out of the canoe, then promptly ran to hand over the flag and in turn, get the Poe Cup. People were cheering and chanting, it was a nice piece of success. You stood away from the crowd, watching the gothic girl seem to become slightly annoyed. Wednesday didn’t like the attention but she couldn’t escape it for the moment.
A wet sounding thunk caught your attention, turning your head to see the washed up jesters. You pushed down a laugh as you walked to the dock and help Ajax up out of the water, then Xavier. 
“Dude… we fumbled big time.” 
You pulled a cloth out of you pocket and handed it to Ajax. “Well, yes. But you had a pretty good run.” 
Ajax was wiping his face when Xavier turned to you, “How did they win?”
You felt a twinge of guilt, knowing you helped do this, “They sunk Bianca’s canoe.”
Ajax looked up from the cloth, catching on. You just stared at Xavier, hoping he accepted that as a good enough answer. He looked you up and down. “How’d they sink it? Could anyone see it?”
You looked at Ajax, “No. it was too far out. I didn’t bring my binoculars.” 
Xavier, holding his hat, walked past you. He bumped your shoulder, knocking you to the side a little bit. You rolled your eyes. You and Xavier had always been at odds. Your powers being similar was the start of the conflict between you two and it had been going on for years. 
You just sighed and turn to see Ajax looking at you with a smirk. “You told Wednesday how to sink your canoes.” He crossed his arms. He was not mad in the slightest.
You confessed “Well, she already knew how to sink them, I just clarified.”
Ajax walked to you and flung his wet arm over your shoulder, “I got a feeling she might not despise you.”
You scoffed, “Well I am not much to despise. And I was also worried that I would end up being tortured.” 
aThe two of you laughed as you followed the crowd to the trophy presentation.
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stormyoceans · 7 months
top5 puentalay kisses/hugs?
im pretty late with this but i would never pass up a chance to be annoying about vice versa so here we go!!!!!!! (also im not sure if i was supposed to pick only one of the two but again I SIMPLY CANNOT PASS UP A CHANCE TO BE ANNOYING ABOUT VICE VERSA IM SORRY)
1. greyllery kiss in episode 8. this is their first mutual kiss after two one-sided kisses, three almost kisses, three cheek kisses, and one forehead kiss. not to mention the hugs, the cuddles, the promises, the sleeping in the same bed, the taking a bath together, and i could go on but imma stop here before i get involuntary committed. we waited so long for this kiss and when it finally happened it was everything we could have ever asked for and MORE: the confession, the music, the parallels with the glasshouse kiss, the fact that it happens when the lights are out because they love each other for who they really are and not for the body they inhabit, puen's single tear......IT'S PERFECT.
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2. glasshouse kiss in episode 4. i know having a one-sided kiss for second place doesn't seem fair but in my defense this kiss makes me go through such a plethora of human emotions that i feel like i need to go lay in the dirt for several hours to climb down from the sheer manic unhinged rabid energies that got me going on. y’all must be tired of hearing me say the same things over and over again about this kiss but. the build up!!!!!! the emotions!!!!!! the music!!!!!! IM NOT EVEN KIDDING WHEN I TELL YOU THIS KISS IS MY ROMAN EMPIRE.
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3. beach kiss in our skyy episode 2. our skyy may have given us only one kiss but WHAT A KISS IT WAS. it feels like a sum of all their previous ones, the cycle closing with a recollection of the past and a promise for the future, as the kiss itself lets us know that no matter what's gonna happen from that moment on, they will always love each other like the very first day. and if the reminder of the drunk kiss in episode 2 wasn’t enough to drive this point across, the song they used during this scene is the same as the one they played during the greyllery kiss, which you know. [FEMALE HYSTERIA]   
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4. foggy glasses kiss in episode 12. honestly can't think of any other scene in television history that was able to so perfectly portray a fictional character being left breathless, lightheaded, and weak at the knees by a kiss. the way puen is holding talay's head with BOTH OF HIS HANDS to keep talay in place which barely gives talay any time to take a breath...... the way they're so close and entangled in each other that you can barely tell where one starts and the other ends...........this kiss literally be turning both me and talay into the 🥴 emoji every single time.
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5. reunion kiss in episode 11. it was a tough choice between this one and the bathtub kiss in episode 10, but in the end i had to go with their first kiss in their real bodies, not just because of this, but because there's so much love and comfort and reassurance packed in it. this kiss is the meeting of two souls who have missed and found each other again. it's the promise of being together for the rest of their life AND I FEEL SO NORMAL ABOUT IT IT’S HONESTLY INSANE HOW NORMAL AND HINGED AND SANE AND FINE I FEEL ABOUT IT.
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1. reunion hug in episode 11. LITERALLY THEE SINGLE MOST SCENE EVER IN THE HISTORY OF TELEVISION IT CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY OF MY LIFE THE FOUNDATION OF MY PERSONHOOD AND THE CHEMICAL MAKE UP OF MY BRAIN. puen says "you must be very tired. from now on, things will be okay," and that's exactly the feeling this hug conveys: everything will be fine, you're home now.
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2. comfort hug in episode 6. my grasp on the english language is too limited to even attempt to put into words what this hug did to me the first time i've watched it. it made me mentally deranged in ways so profound they will only become apparent years down the line. to this day there are people out there wondering why talay even likes puen and the urge to shove this scene under their nose is immeasurable. FIND YOURSELF A PARTNER WHO WILL LISTEN TO YOUR FEARS, GIVE YOU COMFORT, AND HUG YOU THROUGH THE NIGHT TO MAKE YOU FEEL SAFE!!!!!!! (@GOD ME WHEN)
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3. reconciliation hug in episode 7. I NEEDED THIS HUG JUST AS MUCH AS PUEN DID TBH. talay initiating any kind of physical affection always feels incredibly special and precious, and it is so much more here because this is him finally realizing that puen's feelings are sincere. this hug is the turning point of their relationship as talay implicitly accepts puen's love and confesses his own. it’s just so emotionally satisfying [SOBS]
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5. hourglass hug in episode 12. the hourglass with the sand that doesn’t fall!!!!!!! i don't want time to go by without you!!!!!!! from this moment on it's you and me!!!!!!! ‘city’ playing in the background!!!!!!! the moon watching over them!!!!!!! WAILING WEEPING HOWLING SCREECHING CRYING SOBBING SCREAMING--
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quartztwst · 6 months
May I humbly ask about your animatic-making process?
i got you
1. Find an idea
I usually get my ideas from tiktoks or some songs.
I kinda try to fit the song to the character I want in it lmao
2. Download the audio
I’m an android phone user so downloading stuff is really easily.
I usually use YTMP3.com to download my stuff
there is a lot of websites with that link but l usually pick the second or first one
Then insert the audio in Alight Motion. I use Alight Motion a lot since there’s a lot of choices there.
Also I use the APK version so I don’t have to pay for premium features. ALSO THIS IS ON MY PHONE. I use an Ipad to draw….
3. (Optional) Storyboarding
The only animatic I did need to storyboard was Floyd’s little minecraft song angst video LMAOOO:
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a lot of people happen to storyboard their animatics so they have a plan but i literally storyboard in my head and if i think it looks good, i just put it in 😭😭😭
I literally have to go on my old tablet to fetch some of my old content here
In my drawing process, it’s kinda easy unless I’m using a bunch of colors.
I also try to change the styles up so you can differeniate the animatics from eachother like how in Jade’s Laufey video, the colors are warm and soon turn pale and cold. And in the To Love a Boy, it’s like pt 2 of Jade’s Laufey video but in MC’s perspective and in which the MC does not return his feelings so the colors aren’t warm as Jade’s perspective.
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And then in Azul’s Laufey video, the appearance and color palette’s looks very sweet and valentiney since it’s in the MC’s perspective on having a FAT FUCKING CRUSH on Azul
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Epel was the hardest because during that time, I was not that active on TikTok and school took my time so it took a lot of time to gain back the motivation and finish it
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ALSO, i literally draw on my Ipad now and I send the pictures to my phone to edit them so it’s an annoying process since I DON’T WANNA PAY FOR ALIGHT MOTION WHEN I CAN GET IT FOR FREE
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT TOOK ME A YEAR?? My “I Wanna Be a Princess!” MUSIC VIDEO… it’s not animatic but that took like a year to finish because I forgot about it but I did so well on it.
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5. Editing
Okay, I’m so happy that I actually got into editing for a bit because my videos would’ve looked so trash bro
LMSOOO but editing animatics aren’t really that hard unless you’re going for a specific transition or movement
I guess the transition that pissed me off the most were the ones in Jade’s Laufey video when it switches from warm to cold and Epel’s MLP video where it switches from silly to dark.
My editing process isn’t that unique. I just insert the song, move the pictures, and done 😭😭😭
6. Touch-ups
Touch-ups include subtitles, effects, filters, etc
I don’t really use filters for my animatics unless i’m going for something
BUT SUBTITLES?? yeah I use them a lot lmao
But also trying to fit the subtitles with the animatic is hard bc IDK WHAT TO GO FOR so i literally pull them out my ass
7. Post
I don’t do much about posting or what to say with my animatics
i just post them
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flyingfluse · 11 months
Did anyone ask me to write a song about Aziraphale? Nope. Did I feel the undying need to spend every free second of the last two months doing it anyway, loosing my sanity in the process? Absolutely. So here are the lyrics for Aziraphale Alone, a 8-9 minute classical music/musical inspired soliloquy of our favorite angel, diving into his brilliant and confused brain after the season 2 finale. Enjoy!
(note: I plan on posting a version that is less explicitly romantic, especially without a certain section in this song, for people who view their love as ace and don’t feel comfortable reading their ship in this light)
Aziraphale Alone
Heaven. Aziraphale is alone, lonely, exhausted. And a bit annoyed.
Endless white, so blank, so bright.
This place is unbearably dull.
No colours, no smells, no ringing bell
As the door opens to the shop of Mr. Fell.
No vintage wine, no books, no Sondheim!
No trace of humour or wits.
No Sundays in Parks, no clever remarks
And no dinners at the Ritz.
Aziraphale fondly remembers his time on earth with a certain someone.
At night my heart's turned into rivers of ink,
When there was magic in the air.
And in the blink of an eye I would sink
Into the depths of a warm yellow glare
Building a home, fragile yet quaint
With a good fortune to share
A place with the pleasure of no self-restraint
Where stars are made in the most fervid of flares.
Our timeless dance is enchanting the shop
No miracle could compare.
(reluctant) Then the music stopped. The curtain dropped.
(woeful) And no nightingale sang in Berkeley -.
(Composing himself) You and I have spent millennia working on opposite sites.
And truly I as a dutiful angel was meant to resent and despise
The foul fiend demon Crowley supposedly one of the worst of his kind,
But the meanest, most hurtful deed you ever did was uttering those lines.
Music picks ups speed. Choir joins in as well as the full orchestra.
(getting more and more irritated) How could you dare to simply declare
the absence of our song?
When I was right there, one half of the pair,
of the us you claimed you long to be!
But apparently so
there's so much I don't know!
As if I hadn't learnt a thing
seeing how they burnt your wings,
casting you down below!
I may seem naive, but there's one thing I now understand
That we can't achieve peace, when our castle is made of sand.
Our lovely reprieve has finally come to an end!
For there will be another storm we can't take cover from.
We must act now there's no time for laments!
And there was a solution how we could reduce any
risk of losing what matters most,
So then how could you choose to leave me and refuse
the chance we could have used to finally depose
The faulty regime, heaven's design
is flawed, I know, I am not blind!
That's why we need to find a way to make it right
For heaven's the root of truth, goodness in light.
Still certainly better than the other side!
There may be exemptions to the rule,
But hell is still callous cold and cruel
With torment and torture as daily routines.
Do you think I haven't seen
How you have suffered all these years?
How you have struggled to fight the fear,
That's lingering in your eyes, when you try to hide
your kindness behind a shady guise.
You say you're not nice, a demon who's wily
Wicked, vicious, who always lies.
You can fool everyone and yourself,
But I know your goodness far too well.
Your heart and decency break quietly, secretly
straight through the ceiling of what is allowed!
You act when something‘s wrong, knowing you could be gone
right when the graveyard yawns and hell breathes out.
(Softly) Can you blame me for wanting to see
You smile like you did back then,
When stars filled your eyes with wonder and glee.
I just want you to be that happy again.
You‘ve grown so gloomy, weary and tired.
So I tried to bring you the sun,
(hurt) But you‘ve clarified that‘s not what you desire.
I don‘t even know why I’m stunned,
I guess I was the silly one.
He remembers what followed after their argument.
But then you pulled me in, caught me by surprise,
Warning sirens were howling above.
But shock and confusion would quickly subside.
One glorious moment it all wore off.
One ardent touch and the world fell away
And with it the looming and intricate veil
Of pretence, apprehension, prejudice and pride,
I get lost in indulgence that we’ve been denied.
My hands wander up as my thoughts wander down.
The taste of your tempting lips lets me drown
Deep in your divine, deserving embrace,
Your sweet velvet wine, I could drink it for days.
A ravenous craving I’ve tried to control
To selfishly savour your body and soul.
The music crescendos, getting faster and faster.
Oh how I wish we could just run
Away and paint our own shade of grey.
A fervent mix of blue and red,
Two parts of a painting that finally connect.
You take the wheel, full speed ahead,
Home, to a place where we will forget
The watchful eyes and silent threats
and at last-
You‘re going too fast.
Endless white, it shines so brightly through the open blinds.
I shakily stand on this earth we were send to and
can't understand just what I should do.
These quarrelsome queries that I've grown so wary of
haunting my mind like ghosts in a tomb.
How to follow my heart with the song of the lark
bringing back bitter sweetness I‘ve tried to discard?
I just try to be good.
I need to be good.
Why is that so incredibly hard?
And maybe I’m where the problem lies, a
pathetic excuse for an angel for sure,
Destined to fail, disloyal, a liar,
Too soft, too scared and too insecure.
(Overcome with love) But you‘ve made a change, you helped me see
That I am worth the effort of
Risking paperwork to save me from quandaries,
That me being there is more than enough.
You‘re so much kinder than everyone else,
So how come that you are the one who fell?
Even though I have been also defying them,
so terrified of losing her love.
Can’t tell, what’s right or wrong, now that you're truly gone,
how can I move along in the above?
Still, my faith in god stand, I know she’s got a plan
So ineffable even to those who attempt
To end life here on earth, erase progress and mirth
It just can’t be true that all this was meant to be!
(He stops. Shocked. Scared.)
(slowly) Asking questions that’s how it starts,
First the fall, then falling apart.
Can it be that it’s hell I am running towards?
But maybe just maybe her divine intent
has always been for me to thwart!
(With growing conviction) God can’t be where the problem lies,
But there’s a blaze scorching the management board.
It’s said that you must fight fire with fire,
And I was the one given the flaming sword!
I can’t just turn my back and run,
I’ll get that book, take out my gun,
Won’t shoot past the ear, but aim for the head,
a moral argument they won’t forget!
I will make a change. I will make them see
We don’t need more floods but simply a dove!
Don’t they know heaven’s supposed to be
A place of kindness and love?
And you, my dear, left me no choice
But to walk this path alone
Like water off ducks, this picture of us,
Slid right through my fingers, turning to dust.
I left my home, lost all I loved
Though one thing I couldn‘t stand
Even if nothing lasts forever
I cannot lose my best friend!
You’ve rescued me so many times,
all part of our little dance.
And now that the music has picked up its pace
it’s my turn to take a stance!
I get it now! You won‘t come back,
but I won’t wait till they attack!
Got some things to suggest,
This time I won‘t stand still!
I’m a guardian angel and protect this world I will!
(Quieter, gentler, but with equal resolve)
Protect my world, I will.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
What would Munakata do if he was the one that's trapped in a musical? Would he be okay with it? Use it to his advantage? I mean people sing their thoughts or feelings sometimes and it doesn't register with other people except Munakata who is aware. How about Mikoto though? Imagine them being the only ones aware of something weird going on.
Honestly I bet Munakata would enjoy being trapped in a musical, he’d probably find the whole thing very amusing. Maybe the whole town is like under the spell of the Musical Strain and only Munakata and Mikoto are immune due to being Kings. Munakata initially suspects something is odd when he gets to work in the morning and Doumyouji and Kamo sing their reports to him but he thinks perhaps they are just trying to demonstrate their creativity. He praises their song and they both look confused, Doumyouji’s like are you sick Captain all we did was deliver our report. Munakata’s just like ‘interesting’ as he tells them they can go back to work. He decides to go check on the rest of the force, he finds Awashima having her morning coffee and anko singing a ballad about the taste of red bean paste. Munakata hums along a little and then goes to find Fushimi, who is singing a very depressing song about how all the things he hates. Munakata makes himself known in the hopes that Fushimi might sing his true feelings but alas, all Munakata gets is the ‘My Boss is Being Annoying’ song.
Munakata is clearly aware by this point that something is odd but it also seems fairly harmless so he isn’t entirely worried, though maybe he’s a bit disappointed that thus far he has not felt the need to break out into song.  I imagine he would be the type to use this to his advantage too, like he goes into the city to try and get some clues as to what’s happening and he does this by listening closely to everyone’s songs. Munakata is very much the type to pick out little details and he probably memorizes most of the songs right after hearing so he can go over them in his head later. He realizes fairly quickly that this is a Strain issue, whether it will wear off on its own or not is questionable so he may need to find the Strain (the music soars and Munakata waits hopefully to sing his findings but nothing happens).
While he’s wandering the town he just so happens to run into Suoh Mikoto, asleep on a bench. Of course Munakata can’t resist a chance to bother him see what kind of music Suoh would make so Munakata kicks him in the head and notes that park benches are not for sleeping on. Mikoto grunts and gives him a look all ‘so you’re not singing either, huh,’ and Munakata can’t tell if he sounds annoyed or relieved. Munakata realizes that Mikoto must also be immune, if he’s noticed the singing as well. Mikoto shrugs as he lights a cigarette, like yeah Kusanagi sang the bar menu this morning and then all those guys did a conga line about how much they respect me. Munakata rolls his eyes and Mikoto gives him a grin like did your guys not do that are you jealous Munakata. Munakata states he does not require his men to literally sing his praises and Mikoto’s like so you are that unpopular. 
So now the two of them have to work together to find the Strain, though it’s really more Munakata dragging Mikoto around while Mikoto just wants everyone to stop singing so he can have a nap. Munakata wonders if their immunity is limited to simply being aware of the singing or if they aren’t affected at all, Mikoto’s like no one wants to hear you sing. Munakata thinks it could be intriguing to see what sort of music a man like Suoh would produce, Mikoto’s like too bad you won’t get to hear it. They realize when they’re approaching the Strain’s hideout by the rising music, Munakata is secretly very hopeful that they might do a duet but then Mikoto promptly just punches the Strain out without even asking about fixing things. Munakata sighs all of course you must always solve things in the bluntest way possible and Mikoto shrugs like I don’t hear music anymore it must have worked.
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mobolanz · 11 months
For the OC asks: 25, 11, 6 and 8! You may choose the characters! :D
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When giving me a character choice, quite a guarantee I'm Going for all the three main girlies!:D
6. Which song off of your most recently played playlist are they?
Royal scandal my beloved<\3
The night I met you was just like magic.
I fell in love.
Just that rendered all spells useless against me.
Wanting to dream for thousand and one nights, she escaped alone.
She smiled slightly when she saw my unfamiliar clothes and curious shoes.
Still, we were in fact prisoners. Our status and birth are too different. Those without authority cannot even be by your side. I’m not good enough.
「Ah, don’t stop loving me~」
Only just for this night,
may we have this pessimistic affair, The farewell starts to fade
after the two have their first cocktail drinks,
Like a virgin night, why don’t you choose your favourite colour for tonight?
But I guess if you don’t want to then that’s fine;
I’ll just cry alone.
Mia :
(quite literally her theme song heheu🥀 (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧)
A still beautiful woman's face
Reveals a wild beast's fangs
"This is how I will live"
I lean down to your unmoving throat
And take a bite
8. If they had the option to travel to the past and change one thing, would they? What would they change?
Evelyn: She would. But it's pointless to think about because it's never going to magically hapoen anyway like she'd have believed once. Just go back to any mistake she ever made and... pick the other option. The perfect one.
But then how would she truly grow smarter if listening to a random voice in her head to go the other direction... what's so certain about it being the right choice
Besides... would she still be as lovely as at least very few call her now if she took the other way?
Cecille: Making sure to never encounter a good chunk of people. That way their annoying faces, and words wouldn't randomly come across her mind. And wouldn't suffocate.
Mia: can't exactly think of anything. Probably whatever it must've been that got her to give up so soon...
11. What is their weapon of choice (literal or figurative)?
Evelyn: I suppose that'd be a pistol. Man once she actually gets to use it would be messed up 🥹
Cecille : Dagger that's thin as a needle in the edge.
Mia: Has her own rapier, her ring transforms into it classic dark magical girl style :3
25. Are they quick to anger? What is most likely to make them angry?
Evelyn: nope. At least again, she's extremely restraint in negative (albeit natural and valid ;-;) emotions. To a core of even being angry with herself to being "so easily" driven to that. Should she almost snap, she'd hold it in her throat and pause for a few good seconds, lowering her gaze. One example though would be open narrow-mindedness and lack of care and outright nasty attitude. With that in mind she keeps herself in check because... maybe the other person has their reasons to act like that?
Until one time she just doesn't care anymore.
Cecille: Very much making it so it's rare for her to get to a shouting level, but her patience despite her exterior cool and collected demeanour is paper thin. I'd say getting all clingy and following her around and also not ceasing to talk like a megaphone in her ear. Touchy subjects brought up randomly would touch a nerve for her too. (She'd straight up slam at the table if it gets them to shut the hell up)
Mia: Oh. VERY. Be it especially the same moral lecturing on doing all for the sake of others and putting her feelings and needs aside. When that's what she's been doing her whole life. Especially should it come from someone without a care in their world, getting all judgemental and assuming the worst without ever pondering into the bigger picture of the situation. To put shortly Ignorant righteousness. Three, two, one, she starts spitting venom.
Some OC Asks
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robin's opinions on sparks albums 1994-2009
this is part three !
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Gratuitous Sax and Senseless Violins (1994): how could you not love this album. is there a person on earth who doesn't love it??
Bops: Of course I love When Do I Get To Sing My Way and When I Kiss You but aside from that I also <3 Now That I Own The BBC, National Crime Awareness Week, and Frankly, Scarlett/The Ghost of Liberace. That's like 9 songs... bonkers.
Flops: Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil... but ONLY because I never really seek it out. When I listen to it in the context of the album it's amazing. Also maybe She's an Anchorman.........? but that's just because I don't like it as much as the rest of them
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Plagiarism (1997): to be fair I haven't listened to it that much so these are basically first impressions
Bops: Popularity, The Number One Song in Heaven ft Jimmy Somerville, and Amateur Hour ft Erasure are all certified fresh (I'm running out of ways to say that I liked something)
Flops: anything with Faith No More bc they make it too screamy. Also some of the 'remakes' just sound like the same song repackaged, which seems a little lazy imo, but maybe I just need to pay closer attention
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Balls (2000) I like this one!!! A lot of people don't in the reviews I've seen!!!
Bops: The Angels (Sparks Alternative Version). It's so pretty it kind of makes me sad. Also Balls and More Than a Sex Machine
Flops: idk I like to listen to this one as a whole so it's weird picking out pieces of it that aren't as good. I used to be annoyed by how repetitive Bullet Train is, but I've moved past that
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Li'l Beethoven (2002): I used to be a Li'l Beethoven HATER but I've also kind of gotten over that. It's a good album.
Bops: My Baby's Taking Me Home (duh), Suburban Homeboy, Ride 'Em Cowboy I suppose
Flops: Kakadu Kantata, Wunderbar (I'm annoyed by how often it gets stuck in my head, which may not be fair to Sparks)
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Hello Young Lovers (2006): Around this album is where I start to get... skeptical maybe? I don't know what it is about 21st century Sparks but it takes me a while to get into their newer albums
Bops: Perfume, Baby, Baby, Can I Invade Your Country, Waterproof
Flops: There's No Such Thing As Aliens, We Are The Clash....... Metaphor sometimes (but it's really not that bad)
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Exotic Creatures of the Deep (2008) I kind of forgot this one existed and now I've started listening to it a lot more
Bops: Intro?? weirdly??, I Can't Believe That You Would Fall for All the Crap in This Song, Let The Monkey Drive (or Lighten Up, Morrissey depending on the vibe of the day)
Flops: Photoshop (I just don't like this one, although there are bits of it that remind me of Hippopotamus which could be worth exploring). Most days I don't like Strange Animal but I think I'll get there
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The Seduction of Ingmar Bergman: I have not listened to this one
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