#and i really hoped the getaway would help clear my head and help my mood but...it hasn't soooooo
naamahdarling · 5 months
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pufflyhallows · 4 years
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Gif not mine
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: Business is going bad after the war and Fred is not feeling so great, so you decide to cheer him up with a special trip.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut, language, tiny tiny bit of angst, still fluffy tho
a/n: this is my FIRST smut EVER so... be nice? also, Fred fucking LIVES bc I’m in denial forever lol
Word count: 4,3k
You wanted to surprise Fred.
He had been feeling down lately. Ever since he and George reopened the shop after the war, things had been a little tough. The movement was still quite slow, given the fact that people were still recovering from the war, mourning their lost ones and starting new lives. It was a difficult time for everyone, and of course it affected Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes as well.
What ached your heart the most was the fact that there wasn’t much you could do to help him. Every day you watched as he took longer to get out of bed in the morning, how he sounded slower and quieter when talking to you and, the worst part, how he acted quite mechanic when doing his chores around the shop, the same ones he enjoyed so much in the past and had always gotten done with a bright smile on his face. And although he never stopped caring for you or being loving to you, the bedroom had become… inactive. And you missed it. You missed being intimate with your boyfriend, but every time you tried to initiate it, he would softly decline, claiming to be too tired. You believed it. You could see he was indeed exhausted. And not only physically, but mentally too. Perhaps the latter was actually the one weighing more.
George, however, was quite the opposite. He kept his optimism high and was always the first to wake up every morning, excited with the new day and new possibilities. He would often go out and promote the shop, talk to people and sometimes even manage to bring a customer in.
This big difference between them worried you. No, you did not expect the twins to act the same, but you hoped in secret that Fred would follow his brother’s steps and cheer up a bit.
Cheer up. Yeah. That was exactly what he needed. And what better way to cheer up someone than a surprise trip? That’s how you were going to take his mind off of work. With Hermione’s help, you planned a very romantic weekend trip out of town. You talked to George beforehand, of course, but he assured you he could take care of the shop by himself for two days. He agreed Fred needed this.
“It’s not like we’re getting many customers anyway,” he had said.
So, as Friday approached, you felt the excitement building up. You managed to act completely nonchalant around him, making sure he didn’t suspect a thing. It wasn’t a big, expensive hotel because you knew he would worry about money and that was the opposite of what you wanted for this trip. Hermione had helped you pick a small, comfy hotel that was quite charming and fit your pocket perfectly. You wanted to make sure Fred felt loved, cared for and relaxed. There was also a little extra surprise inside your suitcase that you really hoped he would like…
What you didn’t know was that Fred felt guilty. He reckoned he hadn’t been the boyfriend you deserved lately, but he couldn’t help it. The stress was almost eating him alive and his mind was always wandering back to the shop, worrying about its future. You had been so kind and patient with him, he knew you deserved better than that. The whole thing was snowballing and sometimes he couldn’t see it ending.
That Friday, when you got home from work, the shop was still open and there was actually a customer inside, talking with George. You felt relief wash over you, because you knew what that meant: Fred was probably in a good mood.
You walked straight to the flat, not daring to interrupt George, but you stopped in the middle of the stairs to watch. He was speaking with such enthusiasm, showing and explaining his products to the young boy, that it filled you with pride. You caught his eyes for a brief moment and noticed the smallest of smirks appear on his lips. Smiling back, you nodded at him. Fred was nowhere to be seen, though, so you went upstairs.
There was a delicious scent coming from the kitchen. The older twin was there, cooking. You smiled to yourself at the sight. His favorite The Weird Sisters record was playing somewhere in the flat, adding a familiar, comfortable feel to the whole scene. Fred’s back was facing you while he chopped… carrots? on the counter. He didn’t seem to notice your presence just yet, so you took advantage of that. Placing your bag on the nearest chair, you walked in quiet steps towards your boyfriend. The fresh mint aroma coming from him meant he had probably just showered. Oh, and how you missed showering with him.
You couldn’t refrain your smile from growing even bigger once you noticed Fred’s body was swinging from side to side, so imperceptibly that you almost missed it. Carefully, you wrapped your arms around him from behind, resting your cheek on his back. You felt him tense up for a mere second before realizing who it was. He soon relaxed, letting go of the knife and placing his clean hand on yours.
“Didn’t hear you coming in,” he stated, voice low and raspy.
You hummed in response and placed a soft kiss on the nape of his neck. Fred turned around and briefly met your lips with his.
“It’s gonna take a while. Why don’t you go take a bath?”
“I will,” you nodded, running your hand from his chest to his shoulder and squeezing it gently. “How was your day?”
He shrugged. “Okay.”
“Okay”, you repeated. “Well, I hope I can make it better. I have a surprise for you after dinner.”
“A surprise?”
“Yes. I have an idea of how we can spend your days off.”
“Hm… Making plans already, are we?”
“Very good plans, yes. But you’ll have to wait until dinner.”
“Or you could tell me right now so I won’t have to.”
“But where’s the fun in that?”
You smirked and gave him another peck on the lips before rushing off the kitchen and leaving your boyfriend to his curiosity and imagination.
The warm bath made you think about a lot of things and you came to realize you were very lucky. The war was over and there you were, taking a bath in your boyfriend’s flat, the person you loved the most in the world. So many people lost their loved ones, their homes, their entire lives in that war. You knew you had many reasons to feel happy and should not take them for granted. Life was good for you right now, and you acknowledged it, promising to yourself that you were going to enjoy it the best you could, with Fred by your side.
George joined the two of you for dinner, which turned out to be the best you had in months. Not because of the food, although it was perfect, but because it felt like everything was back to normal, like all the meals you had shared before the war. Maybe it was the idea of a day off and the mention of a surprise from you, but you could see that Fred was already less gloomy or aloof.
After the meal, as if sensing you wanted to reveal your plans to Fred, George excused himself to his bedroom, claiming he still had to finish some work. You wished him goodnight, not missing the discrete wink he gave you.
“So…” you started, watching as Fred emptied his glass of pumpkin juice. “Remember when I said I had an idea on how to spend your days off?”
“Oh, yes. The surprise.”
“Well… I figured you could use a little rest from everything, so I made a reservation at a very nice hotel for the two of us to spend the weekend at.”
“You what?” Fred asked, a small smile starting to grace his lips.
“The portkey is set for our departure at 10 a.m. tomorrow.”
“Nope. No buts,” you shook your head. “I have already packed our bags.”
“Y/N, doll, I don’t know what to say.”
“Tell me I’m amazing, the best thing that ever happened to you, an angel sent from heaven…  Something humble like that.”
Fred chuckled, that contagious sound you missed hearing so much. “You’re amazing. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, a true angel sent from heaven.”
“I know! We’re gonna have so much fun,” you smiled excitedly, clasping your hands together.
“What exactly are your plans for us, though?” your boyfriend questioned, curiosity dripping from his lips.
“Oh, you’ll find out once we’re there.”
“The surprise doesn’t end here, I see.”
“Exactly. I have everything planned, baby.”
The look in Fred’s eyes seemed to indicate he had an idea of what you had planned, but he did not say a word about it. He would like to see the surprise reveal itself in the right moment. He wasn’t going to spoil your plans in any way.
You always had your doubts when it came to ads, but this time you had to admit this was spot on. The hotel looked exactly like its pictures and descriptions.
“Mr. and Mrs. Weasley?” the receptionist asked as soon as you stepped in the lobby.
It was something so small, so simple, but it made your heart flutter and stomach fill with those restless butterflies. Mrs. Weasley. Were you ever going to become that? You wondered if Fred even noticed the little misunderstanding.
“Um,” you cleared your throat. “Actually, it’s just one Weasley. Fred Weasley. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
Your slight flustered manner didn’t go unnoticed by Fred. Despite the obvious nervousness, he thought it was rather cute. In fact, he liked to hear you be called that. Perhaps he should do something about it…
“Oh, I apologize. Mr. Weasley and Miss Y/L/N,” the receptionist corrected herself as she checked the reservation’s book. “You’re right on time, your room is ready for you. I just need your wands for ID confirmation before I give you your key.”
Both of you handed your wands to the young woman behind the desk and she did as she was supposed to. Sooner than you had anticipated, you were in the lovely suite you had reserved.
Fred placed the small handbag on the bed – blessed be the extension charm, that’s all you had to carry for that trip – and walked around the room curiously. You went straight for the big window and opened the curtains. There it was. The view you had seen on the ad and that had made you instantly choose this hotel.
“Fred,” you called softly, looking behind you. “Come see.”
Your boyfriend let go of the catalog on the nightstand and approached you, eyeing the outside in awe.
“Wow,” he breathed. “It’s beautiful.”
“Isn’t it?”
When making the reservation, you were met with the question: would you like a room with view to the street/village or to the beach? And you chose the beach, although the village was a lovely sight. Now, seeing Fred’s reaction, you were absolutely sure you had made the right choice.
The hotel was in a small village where both wizards and muggles lived. With a little help from magic, the wizards could go unnoticed and the muggles lived everyday life without a single clue of the existence of such peculiar neighbors. The beach was right behind the village, and your room being in the back of the hotel, you had a wonderful privileged view of nature’s beauty.
“Wanna go down there?” you asked.
“What’s in your plans?” he asked back, switching his gaze from the window to you.
“Beach,” you replied with a small smile. “Basically the entire day at the beach, lunch at a muggle restaurant down there too. But dinner here.”
“I’ll follow your script, doll.”
Fred placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer, pressing his lips ever so gently on yours. You instantly let go of the curtains so you could run your fingers through his soft hair. The light fabric fell back to its place, covering the windows again and leaving the room a little darker than before. Fred’s gentle kiss wasn’t so gentle anymore.
No, not yet.
You broke the kiss and pulled back, biting your lip as you started to feel that you might not be able to wait until the right time for your surprise.
“I’m starving,” you whispered against his lips.
“Me too,” he pulled you closer again.
“Let’s go, then.” You managed to get out of his embrace and grab the handbag before heading to the bathroom to change into your bathing suit.
A hungry Fred was left standing by the big window.
It had been hard.
It had been hard seeing you in so little clothing, dripping wet, skin glistening as droplets of water reflected the sunlight. But Fred managed.
All he had in his mind every time he saw you leaving the water was how he wanted to take you then and there. He had to distract himself from those thoughts, paying attention to what you were saying but not too much to your moving lips. He knew you had something planned and he was appreciative of how much effort you had put in this weekend for him. That was the only reason he wasn’t indulging to his not-so-pure thoughts.
Lunch was a good distraction too, specially since you had to convince a muggle child she had imagined it when she saw Fred stop his falling fork mid-air.
Now, as the two of you walked hand in hand back to the hotel, he wondered if he was going to be rewarded for the self-control test he had just passed. You were humming a song as you observed the houses, trying to guess which ones were muggles and which ones were wizards.
“What’s next?” he asked.
“Dinner!” you answered excitedly. “But, if I were you, I wouldn’t go overboard.”
“Why, if I may ask?” but Fred already suspected why.
“Well… there might be plans for after dinner as well.”
Fred held your hand tighter and pulled you towards the hotel in a faster pace. You chuckled, feeling the excitement grow bigger and bigger.
“Dessert?” the waiter asked as he took the empty plates from your table.
“No, thank you,” Fred replied before you had the chance. “We’re calling it a night, aren’t we, sweetheart?”
“Actually,” you smirked at your boyfriend before looking at the waiter. “I’d like chocolate pudding, please.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
As soon as the waiter left, Fred gave you a look.
“What?” you asked nonchalantly.
“I thought you said we wouldn’t go overboard.”
“I’m not going overboard. I had a small plate,” you shrugged.
“Right,” Fred sighed, bouncing his leg under the table.
When your chocolate pudding came, you grabbed the spoon and took a small amount to your mouth. Fred watched your every move, arms crossed and brows slightly furrowed as he saw you slowly lick the spoon. You pretended you didn’t know he was watching, eyes on the tiny bowl in front of you, and you mouthed another spoon, unintentionally getting pudding all over your lips.
Your boyfriend gulped as he watched you run your thumb over your lower lip, getting rid of the chocolate there, and gently suck on it.
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N,” he mumbled.
“Hm?” you looked at him innocently.
“Just eat the damn thing.”
“You want some?” you raised the spoon at him.
“Yes, I want some.”
You felt your cheeks burn just a little bit with his remark, heart begin to race as the ideas for what you wanted to do to him tonight started to flood your mind.
“If you wait patiently, you might get what you want,” you teased, looking back at the bowl and already serving another spoon, which you quickly brought to your lips, licking all the content off of it.
Fred shook his head, one corner of his lips going upwards ever so slightly, eyes glued on you.
“You sure you don’t want to taste it?” you offered again, lips glistening as you cleaned them with your tongue.
“I will taste it,” his eyes pierced through your body and suddenly the hotel was too hot.
You had barely served the last spoon of pudding when Fred stood up and let the waiter know you were headed to the room.
“I haven’t finished yet,” you protested and he immediately took the last spoon from your hand and into his mouth.
“Now you have,” he said as he pulled you from the chair.
The way back to the suite felt much longer than it actually was, but as soon as you reached the door, Fred’s lips were on yours. You had trouble to get the key with your boyfriend’s hands all over you, pulling your body hard against his.
“Fred,” you breathed, stepping back. “There’s another surprise.”
Before he could say anything, you unlocked the door and went inside.
“Sit down,” you slowly pushed him to the bed. “And close your eyes.”
Fred complied with no protests, but you could see he was getting flustered, probably guessing what was coming.
You blew out most of the candles illuminating the room and left only a few to create the romantic atmosphere you wanted. You went to the bathroom and changed into the expensive lacy lingerie you had bought for this exact occasion. It was red, a color you had learned Fred was very fond of when it came to this kind of clothing, and had one small, delicate bow right between your breasts.
“Are your eyes closed?” you asked from the bathroom, hand on the doorknob.
“Yeah,” you heard in response.
“No peeking ‘til I tell you to,” you warned.
You opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom. Fred was still sitting on the bed, one leg bouncing impatiently, and a slight frown between his eyebrows.
Slowly, you approached the bed and stood right in front of him.
“Open your eyes,” you whispered.
As soon as he did, Fred sucked in a shaky, quiet breath. He eyed you from head to toe, not hiding his astonishment.
“Baby,” he mumbled in a deep voice, already feeling his pants get a little too tight as his eyes still traveled through your entire figure.
“Do you like it?” you asked.
“Mm-hmm,” he nodded, biting his bottom lip.
“Good,” you smiled, placing your hands on each of his shoulders. “Now let me show you how proud I am to be your girlfriend.”
Your lips met Fred’s in a slow, deep kiss as you climbed the bed and straddled him, your arms thrown around his neck. Fred let out a soft moan when he felt your weight against his lap, his hands going up your back, fingertips sending shivers down your spine as they searched for the bra clasp. However, you stopped them and placed them back on your hips.
“Not so fast,” you whispered against his lips.
Before he could protest, you kissed him again, now pushing him all the way back to lay down on the bed. Hovering above him, you started pulling up his shirt, which he quickly got rid of for you. You chuckled. Maybe you weren’t the only one who had missed this.
Now that you had free access to his torso, you began to place soft, wet kisses on his neck, slowly moving down to his chest and stomach, painfully taking your time.
You could feel Fred’s breathing get deeper and deeper as you kissed his abs, working your way down to his pants. Once there, you stopped the kisses for a brief moment, so you could focus on getting rid of that piece of fabric. Again, Fred quickly helped you out until you were both just in your underwear.
The sight sent goosebumps through your body and you inevitably bit your lower lip. He was already so hard, you felt the anticipation building up inside you.
You decided to torture him for a little bit – just a little bit – and carried on with the kisses, not taking off his underwear quite yet. However, Fred’s impatience was growing and he didn’t think he would manage to wait for too long. His hand found your hair and he started stroking it, running his fingers through it, a disguised way to guide your head to where he needed you the most. You realized his intentions, but you did not stop him. You let him take you where he wanted and soon your lips found his still covered length.
“Shit, Y/N.”
You smirked.
Slowly, you started pulling down the last piece of clothing until you completely freed him. He was so beautiful. You still had a silly smile on your face as you ran your tongue all the way up from the base to the tip, where you placed a gentle kiss. Fred’s soft moan reached your ears, a beautiful sound that made you even more wet.
You took him in your mouth and started sucking the tip in a slow, teasing pace, while your hand loosely stroked him. You didn’t want him to cum yet. You wanted him to last. And you were going to make him last.
Fred’s hand never left your hair, and he began to slightly pull it, asking for more. He needed more.
“Y/N,” he moaned. “Y/N, please.”
You ignored him and kept going in that insanely slow pace, taking your time. What was the hurry?
You heard a low groan, and felt him move his hips against you. You stopped.
“Behave yourself, Weasley.”
“Baby… Please.”
You smirked again, giving him one last stroke, and you let go of him.
Fred looked at you in a way you hadn’t seen in a while. His eyes were dark, full of pure lust. But also desperation and discontent with the sudden lack of touch.
You crawled on the bed until your face was right above his, and you kissed him. It was a deep, passionate, hurried kiss between two people who were eager for each other. This time, you didn’t stop Fred’s hands from going up your back and unclasping your bra. He took it off and you quickly felt his left hand on your right breast, squeezing it. His right hand, however, was going up and down your side, sending shivers through your bare skin. He rested it on your waist for a little bit before going down to your ass and squeezing it tightly. You moaned against his lips, your own impatience growing.
You only stopped the kiss to get rid of your panties, the last piece of fabric separating you from him.
Fred watched as you got off of him and started to pull it down your smooth legs. He could feel his cock throbbing at the sight of your completely naked body. You were breathtakingly, heart-racingly beautiful. He loved the lingerie, he really did, but he loved your body a thousand times more. And he would never get tired of looking at it.
When you straddled him again, skin to skin now, he thought he would cum right then and there. You smiled at him, that beautiful smile that never changed, and kissed him one more time. Fred placed his hands on your waist, squeezing it gently, as if to encourage you. Not wasting another second, you guided his tip to your entrance and slowly sank down on him, allowing him to get all the way inside you, quite easily given how wet you were.
“Oh fuck, baby,” he moaned.
Letting out your own whimpers, you placed your hands on his chest and started riding him, still slowly, still teasingly. Fred’s moans soon turned into groans, complaints. He was getting tired of the teasing, he was already on edge. He couldn’t take it anymore. With a swift move, Fred shifted the both of you so now he was on top. He started thrusting into you, quite roughly, earning a loud approving moan from you.
“Fred,” you gasped, digging your nails into his shoulders.
He kept going, pounding harder and harder, moaning as he did so.
You started kissing his neck, biting, sucking, anything that would leave a mark.
“Yes, baby,” you cried out as he thrusted even deeper.
The bed was making a discreet creaking sound that you weren’t sure if the people in the other rooms could hear. You hoped not, but honestly? Right now you didn’t care. The sound of Fred’s heavy breaths, moans, groans and whimpers were all you were paying attention to. Beautiful sounds that had the power to shut down anything else in your mind.
The rhythm he had created was sending you to heaven with every motion. His lips soon found your own again and he kissed you as if he hadn’t done it just minutes before.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m close.”
“Me too.”
As you felt your body tense, Fred came inside you with a low groan, slowing down just a tad bit. He kept thrusting, however, knowing you were about to reach your climax too. And not long after him, you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you, and your body relaxed completely.
Both of you were panting against each other’s neck, your arms still loosely around his shoulders as he slowly pulled out and collapsed on top of you.
Hugging him more tightly, you felt Fred leave small kisses on your neck, and you closed your eyes, enjoying the extra-tingly sensation. You started to run your fingernails up and down his back, the other hand caressing his hair.
If you concentrated hard enough, you could hear the waves crashing on the beach, the giggling of children playing down there, and the muffled music coming from the muggle restaurant. You felt so at ease.
After a long moment of peaceful, comforting silence, Fred looked up and smiled. “I love you so much.”
You smiled back. “I love you too.”
Not bad for round one.
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
Secret Love Song - Matthew Gray Gubler smut
The one where there’s only one bed and you’re dripping wet.
Warnings: smut, p in v, no foreplay on this one, unprotected sex (do not recommend), idiots in love, 1 bed trope, curses, dirty talk
A/N: Day 9 of kinktober prompts: 1 bed and see-through clothes!
Matthew’s P.O.V.
I should have known that bringing her out here would be a mistake. I’d done it with the best of intentions, of course, but now that we were alone, in the middle of the woods, in a cabin with a single bed while a storm raged outside the wooden walls, I couldn’t really remember my own reasoning.
Why did I think a weekend getaway alone with my best friend would help me get over my not-so-platonic feelings for her? 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” I tried again, scratching the back of my neck while I tried very hard to ignore the way her white dress clinged to her beautiful body, the rain making it more transparent than any innocent clothing item should be. “I swear, the description said there were two rooms! I don’t know what happened…”
I was beyond frustrated with the whole situation, much more than it was rationally justified, but I’d been struggling with trying to keep appearances with the woman I was very quickly falling in love with, and this whole situation wasn’t helpful in the slightest.
“Matthew,” she called my attention, a cold hand suddenly on my forearm, making me look at her in the eyes for the first time in a while. “Relax, it’s not a big deal. I mean, you definitely should get a refund when the weekend’s over, but we already drove all the way here and I really don’t want to get out there again right now.”
As if to punctuate what she’d just said, a lightning stroke right outside the main window overlooking the lake we were supposed to hangout on, and she all but jumped on my arms, effectively sticking our wet bodies together. 
“S-sorry,” she whispered, immediately letting go of me, and I found myself shivering more from the coldness that the absence of her touch brought than the iciness I should have felt by having the wet fabric of her dress against me. “I just really hate lightning,” she explained, avoiding my eyes as she looked around the floor we were dripping all over, and I couldn’t help but to smile.
“I know.” That made her look up at me again, and for a second, nothing was said. Nothing needed to be said. It was one of those moments where words felt absolutely meaningless, and time seemed unreal, as she stared back at me with those bright eyes I loved so much. “Of course I know. I’m your best friend.”
Way to break my own moment.
Clearing my throat, I destroyed the connection by looking around the room in the hopes of finding anything that could distract me from how much I wanted to kiss her right now. “Hey, so, do you want to take a shower?”
She took a second to answer, but when she did, I felt like my heart was going to beat right out of my chest, through my throat. “With you?”
My head whipped around to look back at her so quickly that I swore I got whiplash. “What? N-no! I-I just meant, y-you should probably get on the shower already, I don’t want you getting a cold…”
She was pressing her lips so tightly they were starting to look pale, and it made me stop talking all at once. “You were kidding,” I realized, and then her giggles escaped, warming up the room and my heart at the same time.
“Of course I was, Matthew. But would it be so bad?” My eyes grew twice their size at her question, until she started laughing again. “Oh my God, what is going on with you? Why are you acting so awkwardly around me, Gube?”
Groaning, I ran a hand through my wet curls, looking up at the ceiling in the hopes of finding the courage to get through the night. “You’re gonna be the death of me, Y/L/N. Go. Under the shower, please.”
She was still giggling as she picked up her backpack, stopping on the threshold of the bathroom door to look back at me and say, “Ok, but I’ll be waiting for you.” And with a wink, she was gone. 
I gawked at the closed door for a long time, trying to understand what the hell was happening, if she was still joking or if she really wanted me to follow her into the bathroom. I hadn’t heard the sound of the door locking when she closed it, but could that really mean that she wanted to…?
I spent so much time staring at the stupid freaking door that I only realized how long I was standing there like an idiot when I heard her twist the doorknob, appearing right where I’d last seen her right after.
“You’re still there?” She asked, looking sincerely worried about me while drying her hair off with a towel. Before she could approach and make my head even more screwed up than it already was with the smell of her shampoo, I jumped into action, grabbing my own backpack and taking long strides towards the bathroom.
“Yeah, just… gonna take a shower now…”
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Matthew had been acting weird for at least two months now, and I had no idea what was happening, if I’d done something to offend him or hurt our friendship in someway or another. Just the thought of that being a possibility made me feel physically ill. 
I didn’t want to lose Matthew. That was the whole reason why I’d been trying to keep my feelings for him in control. But now I was wondering if I’d even managed to do that, or if I’d screwed it all up and he was just too great to tell me about how awkward I’d made things between us. 
Because that was the only explanation I could come up with to justify these weird vibes that had taken over the once perfect connection we shared. He’d realized I had a crush on him, and now he didn’t know where to go from here. 
But I wasn’t ready to give up on him yet.
We’d left the curtains open so the moonlight could still illuminate the room a bit, as we made our way to the single bed in the room. Thankfully, it had stopped raining, but the eventual thunder that struck through the room warned us that there was still more to come before we fell asleep.
“Night,” Matthew whispered before turning to the other side, wrapping himself up on the covers that were available to us. My heart hurt as I looked at my best friend and considered all there was to lose if we left things unspoken, unresolved. 
I’d hoped this idea of his to take a trip just the two of us would take away the awkwardness and restore what we had, but it was clear that wouldn’t be the case. Not without some actual effort from at least one of us.
“Matthew,” I started, turning to put one hand on his shoulder, but at the sight of him flinching at my touch, I quickly removed it, dry swallowing at the hurt in my chest. At least, it gave me the strength that I needed to keep on going with this conversation. “We really need to talk.”
I was actually expecting some resistance from his part, but after a few seconds of silence he let out a sigh, pushing away the covers that were over his body and sitting up on the mattress just like I was. 
“Yeah, I think so too.” The room felt heavy, far too uncomfortable with this silence that neither of us seemed to know how to break. Just when I was about to open my mouth to speak, another thunder echoed throughout the room, making me jump on the bed and fall over Matthew.
“I’m sorry,” I said, but we were laughing, and just like that, the mood was shifted and we were back to being best friends again. “I miss you, Gube,” I admitted in a single breath, getting lost in those hazel eyes that I knew so well. I heard it when his breath hitched, but he didn’t push me away, which I considered a win. No, instead, he collected my hands in his and started to rub them with his thumbs, and it felt so good to have his touch on my skin again, so right, that I almost felt like I could cry.
“I know, sweetheart. I missed you too.” I wanted this moment to stretch. I wanted to remain in it forever, I didn’t want to have to break it by starting up the conversation I needed to have, because I didn’t want to face the reality of being in love with my best friend, who would never love me back.
But I knew I couldn’t. I had to be a grown up and deal with this. We needed to talk about it, before it was too late. It was now or never. “I know you know I’m in love with you.” Ok, maybe too abruptly. I could see that by the way his eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “Look, Gube, it doesn’t have to be weird. I’ve been feeling this way for ages, and if you’ve only noticed these last few months, that means we can get over this. I don’t want to lose you. I want our friendship to stay the same.”
“Wait, wait, wait, hold on. You’re in love with me?” He asked, and now I was confused.
“Of course I am, but you knew that…” Whatever it was that I planned on saying, it was interrupted by Matthew’s hands on each side of my face, his lips on mine. He swallowed whatever it was I intended to say, and he kept swallowing each of my attempts to break us apart where I hoped to understand what was going on. “Matthew, what the hell is going on?” I finally managed to ask when he had to let me go so we could both take a breath. 
Matthew’s P.O.V.
“You love me,” I repeated, like a dumbass, still having the hardest time believing my luck. This amazing woman, who I was lucky enough to call my best friend, actually loved me too. 
“Yes, I do,” she confirmed it, although she was frowning. I knew she was confused, and I wanted to explain what was going on inside my head, what I’d been hiding in my heart for so long now, but I also desperately wanted to kiss her until we both were out of breath again. So before she could ask anything else, I leaned over her, fusing our lips together, and forcing her to lie back over the bed, before I climbed on top of her.
She tasted like the mint toothpaste she had lended me because I’d forgotten mine and I never thought I’d love a simple taste so much. I suppose it was due to her, though. It was because the lips I was currently prying open belonged to the most beautiful woman I knew.
When it came the time to separate again, I opted to keep my lips on her soft skin, first giving her a quick kiss on the cheek - something I’d done countless times before, but it’d never made my heart so full as in that moment. Then I kissed just behind her ear, appreciating the way her breath hitched as I allowed my hands to slowly explore her body, carefully pushing up the t-shirt she had worn to bed.
“I’ve wanted this for so long,” I admitted, hearing her moan at my words or at the pressure of my hardened cock against her navel. Just the warmth of her skin was enough to drive me crazy. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”
Her eyes met mine then, and I could see she was trying to find some sign of mockery on them, but I was too busy wanting to feel her, all of her, against me at last. “I’m in love with you too, Y/N. I’ve been in love with you for so long. Please, let me show you.”
She looked up at me slack-jawed, one of her hands right over my speeding heart on my chest. After what felt like an eternity, she nodded, allowing her body to fall back on the bed, before pushing up my shirt, signaling she wanted it off.
“Please, show me.” I didn’t need to be told twice. After throwing my shirt on the floor, I worked on getting hers off her body, quickly doing the same to her little shorts. Then she was naked in front of me, sprawled over the bed, just like I’d dreamt about so many times before, and I couldn’t believe it.
“You’re so beautiful.” And she was. She was prettier than anything I’d ever seen, more perfect than I’d ever imagine her to be. “I want to kiss every inch of your body.” By the satisfied little sigh she let out as I caressed her body with my hands, stopping to gently grope on her breasts, it didn’t seem like she minded my plan.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
Matthew’s stupidly pink lips engulfed my pebbled nipple and I fucking cried out at the warm sensation, even before he began to pull and suck on it. I was just so fucking sensitive, every nerve end on edge at having my best friend touching me like this, saying everything that I’d wanted to hear for so long.
I still couldn’t believe it, but it’s not like I had the time to let it sink in. And I wasn’t crazy enough to stop this from happening. Whatever it may happen in the morning, I was going to allow myself to enjoy this evening, enjoy the feeling of his huge hands running over my body, the weight of his on top of mine, the pressure of his long cock against my lower belly as he subconsciously rutted against my bare pussy, his eyes connected to mine, sparkling with emotions I couldn’t begin to understand. 
“Matthew, please…” I begged, needing to feel him inside of me now. I couldn’t handle the foreplay, not right now, not after how long I’d waited for this. “Please, get inside of me.” That seemed to surprise him, by the way he let go of my breast with a wet sound, still not stopping with his exploration of my body, though.
“Are you sure?” He licked his lips as his hands went lower and lower, until he was cupping my wetness. “I don’t m- Oh.” I had to bite my lip to suppress the giggle that threatened to escape and perhaps ruin the mood at the surprise in my best friend’s face over just how wet I already was. But then he continued to touch me, rubbing his fingers from my hole to my clit before coming back down and pushing two of them in, and I writhed over the covers that had been hastily thrown around the bed, my moans floating around the room. “You’re so fucking wet.”
Hearing Matthew cursing was already an arousing situation for me, but when I was the cause for it and he was knuckle deep inside of me, I felt like I was losing my mind as I jutted my hips up, trying to keep the friction going. 
“Yes,” I whispered, enjoying the lust-filled gaze he was directioning me. 
“Who made you this wet?” He asked, and I swear, if I could, I would have laughed, but as it were, Matthew’s digits brushed right over that special place deep inside of me, and my moans turned into whines. “Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy. Hold your knees, spread them open. I wanna see you while I take off my pants.”
Just being this vulnerable, my glistening pussy completely exposed to him, made me even more wet. I was about to beg him again when his flannel sweatpants suddenly dropped to the ground, and I was looking at the most beautiful cock I’d ever seen. He was already dripping precum, and my mouth watered at the sight, but at the same time, my pussy clenched around nothing, desperately needing that thickness inside of it.
“Just fuck me already, Gubler.” He was on me in a second, one hand rubbing the head of his cock on my clit, while the other caressed my face. I could feel his heavy breathing on my skin, raising goosebumps where it touched.
Matthew’s P.O.V.
“Are you sure about this?” I had to ask. I couldn’t deal with myself if she were to regret this in the morning. “We can stop now, if you want. We can pretend this never happened. But if we go through with this, I won’t be able to let you go. I’m warning you now so you can make your decision.”
When she rolled her eyes, I felt my chest warm up as a huge smile took over my face. “I swear to God, Matthew, if you don’t get your dick inside of me…” I didn’t let her finish, immediately thrusting in until I bottomed out. Her mouth fell open, her thighs automatically closing in around my body.
“You were saying,” I jested, waiting for her to adjust to my intrusion as I nibbled on her earlobe. The only response I got was the thrust of her own hips, signaling that she wanted me to move. “I love you, Y/N,” I whispered in her ear before I abided by her wishes, slowly but passionately starting to fuck her into the mattress.
“I-I love you two, Gube. Fuck, you’re so deep.” I took advantage of her throwing her head back in pleasure to bite on her neck, eliciting the most delicious gasp from her. 
“Yeah? You like how I feel inside your little pussy?” The way she groaned at my words made me smile, prompting me to pick up the speed of my thrusts. “Do you like the way I fuck you, baby? Is it everything you wished for?”
“Yes, yes!” She repeated over and over again, moving her hips to meet my thrusts. “It’s even better, Matthew, fuck!” Sweat was dripping down my forehead and onto her face, and she simply licked it away when it reached her lips.
“I want to stay right here forever,” I warned her, leaning down on my forearms so I could connect our lips once more. “You have the best pussy, God!” Suddenly, she gripped my biceps, carving her nails on my skin. By the way her moans were spilling out of her lips, I knew she was getting close. “You wanna cum, baby? You gonna cum for me? Milk my cum inside this perfect pussy?”
I sneaked a hand between us so I could press my thumb against her clit, drawing quick circles over it, and in seconds, she was trembling, crying out my name as tears spilled from her eyes and I had to grit my teeth to force myself not to shout as I followed her, cumming inside of her.
“We good?” She asked when we were finally able to speak again, our breathing patterns now back to a regular tempo, and I had to laugh. Before throwing myself next to her in bed, I leaned down to kiss her nose and her lips once more, pulling her warm body so she’d cuddle me.
“We’re more than good. We’re together now. It’s perfect.”
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jayz4dayz · 3 years
5 for Meariri?
Of course! This was a lot of fun to write! 
Prompt: “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?”
It was hot. Hot and sticky and miserable. Truth be told, Mary wished Kirari would have chosen a less humid location for a getaway. Technically, Mary wasn’t even supposed to be there considering this was a student council event. She wasn’t fond of a single person on the council aside from Ririka, who was the only reason why Mary agreed to go in the first place.
She just couldn’t say no to Ririka who was so excited to go and was happy to invite her to come along. Besides, sharing a hotel room alone with her girlfriend and relaxing without the burden of school work for a few days didn’t sound like a bad idea at first. Anyone would have jumped at the opportunity to go on an all expense paid trip to an exotic tropical island in another country with their significant other after all.
What Mary wasn’t prepared for was the blazing hot sun, humid weather, and having to shop for a new bathing suit and temporary clothes with Ririka because their luggage got mixed up with someone else's at the airport.
What she certainly wasn’t prepared for was the overly flirtatious clerk at the swimsuit shop who was all too eager to help Ririka find a perfect fit. Ririka was oblivious, of course, and didn’t understand that the young man was heavily flirting with her. But Mary knew and it was starting to piss her off the longer his eyes greedily awaited for Ririka to exit the dressing room in a bikini she had picked out.
“I don’t know, it looks a little tight in the bust,” Ririka said shyly from the dressing room.
“Oh yeah? Why don’t you come out? Then I can see if you need a bigger size or maybe take your measurements,” the man grinned, reaching for the handle of the door.
“Um, no. I think the fuck not,” Mary stopped him in his tracks. “I’ll be the judge of that, thank you.”
The man raised a brow at her. “Alright, ma’am. See if your friend needs a bigger size then.”
Friend. The word made Mary bite her tongue for she wanted to say she was much more than Ririka’s friend. It left a bitter taste in Mary’s mouth as she grumbled, walking into the changing room.
Almost instantly, her sour mood shifted the moment she saw her girlfriend shyly holding her arms as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The bikini was an aquamarine color and fit her body near perfectly. It showed off her well toned stomach and seemed to fit in all the right places. She was stunning as always, only now even more so.
Ririka smiled slightly, blushing when she saw Mary’s wide-eyed expression. “H-how do I look?”
“Hot,” Mary breathed out. “I-I mean you look great!”
“Thank you, love. Do you think it shows off too much of my body though?” Ririka asked, lowering her arms.
To Mary, it didn’t show off enough. Not that she’d ever admit. However, it was revealing enough that she knew people would definitely look twice if they walked past Ririka. It was hard enough for her to keep her own eyes off of Ririka, but perhaps that was only because she was her girlfriend. Besides, Ririka was going to be wearing this bathing suit for one reason and one reason only: to swim. It was either this or a wetsuit, which both Kirari and Mary discouraged her from doing since the ocean water was relatively warm and it would have just been a hassle.
“Would you like a one piece instead?” Mary snickered.
Ririka pouted. “Well, not really. I kind of wanted to get a tan.”
“Babe, you don’t tan. You burn,” Mary scoffed. “And this’ll mean you’ll need to put on extra sunscreen.”
“Hm, maybe you’re right. I’ll just get a one piece,” Ririka agreed, beginning to strip down.
“You could get both,” Mary suggested. “One for the beach and one for the pool at the hotel or for other occasions. That is if it’s in our budget.”
Ririka grinned. “Money’s not an issue, so I think I will! Thank you, dearest.”
Mary maintained her tsundere attitude, rolling her eyes when Ririka briefly pecked her lips. However, she failed to hide her blush or the smirk that made its way onto her face from the sudden affection from her lover.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s just hurry up so we can meet the others at the beach spot,” Mary chuckled.
Ririka’s hand intertwined with Mary’s and she grinned as they walked along the sandy sidewalk. Seeing Ririka smile warmed Mary's heart; she rarely saw her girlfriend smile. She was used to seeing the creepy smile of Ririka’s mask, something Mary was grateful Ririka left behind for this trip.
Mary received several glances from onlookers, which she normally wouldn’t pay any attention to. Until she realized they weren’t staring at the two of them, they were staring at Ririka. She was in her two piece and Mary supposed that and Ririka’s platinum hair drew a bit of attention. She protectively held her girlfriend close to her, scowling at whoever stared at her for too long.
Ririka paid no attention to that or the people who looked at her. She only smiled brighter, thinking Mary was only being extra affectionate to her which she’d gladly accept. She’d never deny it since Mary typically only showed her affection when they were alone or occasionally when they were with friends.
“Clingy today, hm?” Ririka teased.
“Maybe,” Mary grumbled, her cheeks reddening.  
Ririka recognized that tone of voice. Mary was greatly irritated by something. What it was, Ririka couldn’t figure out yet. It was hot outside and she knew how much Mary hated hot weather, but soon they’d be in the cool, soothing water of the ocean. So she didn’t dwell much on the thought.
Once they arrived at the location, they were greeted by Kirari and Sayaka. Kirari immediately handed her sister a bottle of sunscreen, to which Ririka began to complain. The two started to bicker while Sayaka insisted for Ririka to apply sunblock. The conversation bored Mary, so she walked over to an empty area and took her beach towel out of her bag. She laid it across the sand before sitting down, watching sea birds dive into the ocean.
Eventually, Ririka walked over to Mary in defeat, plopping down on the towel. She laid her head in Mary’s lap and pouted, looking up at her.
“Riri, you’re gonna get sunscreen on my jeans!” Mary laughed, brushing a loose strand of hair out of Ririka’s face.
“Kirari put too much on me,” Ririka cringed, trying to rub the whiter areas on her arms that still had sunblock on it. “I don’t burn that badly.”
Mary snorted. “Yeah you do. Even worse than I do.”
“Whatever,” Ririka groaned. “I want to swim eventually. Maybe I’ll see some fish.”
“Nah, chances are you’ll only see Midari trying to drown,” Mary replied. “If you’re lucky, you’ll see Yuriko-senpai drown trying to save her.”
Ririka looked out at the shore, seeing Midari chasing Yuriko with a dead or perhaps horrifyingly still alive sea jelly as the poor girl shrieked and tried to evade her. “Hm... or Yuriko will try to drown Midari herself.”  
“Yeah and Midari would probably let her,” Mary snickered as she too watched Midari torment Yuriko. “Maybe that was her plan all along, the damn masochist.”
“I don’t know,” Ririka sighed in disinterest. “Will you go swimming with me?”
“Later maybe. I don’t wanna get covered in sand if I can avoid it,” Mary responded curtly. "Besides, then I'd have to change out of my jeans which I really don't wanna do."
Ririka grinned, wrapping her arms around the blonde’s waist. “Do you want to just stay like this for a while then?”
“I can get used to this,” Mary smirked in agreement.
And so they did, enjoying the ocean breeze and each other’s presence. For a while at least, until Kirari and Sayaka returned. Mary only glared at them as they approached, hoping they were only coming over to grab something from their bag or that they’d walk right past them.
“We’re playing badminton,” Kirari announced with her signature sly smile, wrapping her arm around Sayaka.
“That’s nice. Have fun, I guess,” Mary raised a brow at them in dismissal.
Sayaka’s face was bright red, regardless of her efforts of trying to remain in her professional Secretary persona. “T-the President is referring to the four of us.”
“Tch, I’m not playing against her. She never plays fair for gambling or sports,” Mary scoffed.
“Your incapability in athletics is no excuse for accusing me of not playing fair, Saotome,” Kirari faked a pout that made Mary’s blood boil.
“We’ll play only if I choose who’s on each side,” Ririka chimed in. “And Mary is very athletic, Rari. Her flexibility is impeccable.”
Mary’s face felt hot as Ririka winked at her, catching on to the double entendre. “T-thanks.”
Kirari pursed her lips. “Very well then. I have no issue with this.”
Ririka grinned and looked at Sayaka who was still practically attached to Kirari by the hip. “Sayaka, are you alright with being my partner for this?”
Mary instantly felt a stab of betrayal and she could tell by Kirari’s sudden shift in expression that the feeling was very much mutual. The younger twin squinted at the blonde, silently voicing her displeasure with this sudden arrangement. Mary shot back a sinister glare with just as much venom.
It was clear neither were expecting Ririka to choose Sayaka. It would have been less surprising had she chosen Kirari, even. Perhaps this was all for Ririka’s entertainment, knowing that Kirari and Mary would rather eat sand than pair up together for anything.
Sayaka gave Kirari a look of panic to which Kirari gave a slight nod, kissing Sayaka’s forehead before releasing her. Sayaka’s expression immediately softened.
Sayaka gave a light smile. “I would be honored to be your partner, Ririka-san.”
Jealousy tugged at Mary’s heart. She despised feeling jealous of Sayaka, someone she knew followed Kirari around like a lost puppy and devoted her life to her. Maybe it was because she knew Ririka shared the same face as Kirari that made her feel like Sayaka was some sort of threat. Mary of all people knew that Ririka and Kirari were two very different people, regardless of their similar features. Yet it still got under her skin.
“Now that it’s settled, I’m going to ask Runa to be the score keeper,” Kirari spoke up; her tone was bitter.
Mary sighed, getting up and dusted off the sand from her legs. She watched as Kirari and Sayaka walked towards the volleyball net which she was sure they were going to use for their game.
Ririka smiled mischievously at her to which Mary responded with the roll of her eyes. “Was it really necessary pairing me up with Kirari?”
“Of course it was,” Ririka nodded. “You said you wanted things to be fair. Had Kirari and I been on the same side, there would be an unfair advantage since the two of us are unstoppable at pretty much every sport. Had I paired us with each other’s significant other, all of us would be distracted. This pairing assures that Kirari won’t try to cheat because you’ll be there to catch it, though I’m not sure how she could cheat in badminton. Regardless, this will be a good way for the two of you to work on your team work skills and maybe help you bond with each other.”
It made sense at least, but the last thing she wanted was to be on the same team as Kirari Momobami. Hell, she would have rather been paired with Sayaka and accepted whatever loss they took if the twins dominated in the game. She couldn’t have cared less about victory or loss seeing as how she didn’t even want to play in the first place.
Being paired with Kirari complicated things. She knew how competitive Kirari was and she did not want to hear Kirari’s constant complaints and reminders of how shitty of a player Mary was if she didn’t put any effort into the game.
So Mary was trapped, and very much frustrated with the whole situation. All she could really do was sigh and grin and bear it for the time being. It was just one game after all. How bad could it be?
Mary severely underestimated just how competitive Kirari was and Ririka for that matter. Her girlfriend was right in saying that she and Kirari would have absolutely had an advantage had Mary been paired with Sayaka. In all honesty, it looked more like the twins were going against each other rather than all four of them.
Mary and Sayaka couldn’t keep up with how fast Ririka and Kirari were. Their speed and accuracy was almost inhuman; Mary and Sayaka more or less gave up and just watched the twins compete. It’s not like they were able to attempt to score anyway; Kirari and Ririka were always quick to beat them to it.
Because of the twins rarely missing a hit, the game stretched on far longer than Mary wanted. Both sides were tied and still needed several more points to win. Even Runa looked like she was growing bored, scrolling on her phone since she knew this game wasn’t going anywhere.
The only good thing about this was that Mary got to watch her lover sweat and see those beautiful muscles go to good work. She looked so beautiful, even like this. Her eyes had a fiery tint to them, glowing from her competitive spirit. It made Mary's core burn with desire.
Ririka was panting heavily by the time Runa called for a break so the twins could catch their breath. Mary and Sayaka were hardly breaking a sweat, not that they had a reason to anyway.
“Sayaka and I haven’t scored a single point, so I don’t understand why you didn’t just ask Ririka to play with you,” Mary commented.
Kirari panted, tying up her hair that had long since fallen out of its braids. “I’m beginning to regret not doing so. You haven’t been very helpful.”
“Because you won’t let me hit the feather thing!” Mary shouted in defense.
“It’s called a shuttlecock, heathen,” Kirari huffed. “And I know you’d likely intentionally miss and allow the other team to score so you can get this game over with.”
“Honestly at this point, yeah,” Mary confirmed. “I just wanna be done with this and spend the rest of the day with my girlfriend.”
“Well I refuse to lose in front of Sayaka,” Kirari muttered. “So you’re sorely mistaken if you believe I’ll concede to defeat so easily.”
Mary sighed. “If I make an effort to help you win, do you think the game will end sooner?”
“Perhaps, but if we lose even after you give your all, you know I won’t let you hear the end of it, don’t you?” Kirari smirked.
“I expect nothing less and I really don’t give a shit,” Mary grumbled.
“Oki! Let’s resume!” Runa shouted in a clearly faked cheerful tone. “But I’m changing things up. The team to score the next point wins!”
“Why the sudden change of rules, Runa?” Sayaka asked.
Runa sighed. “I’m tired of being the scorekeeper and I wanna go swimming, so let’s get this over with.”
That news was music to Mary’s ears. Now that it was just one point she had to worry about, her mood finally turned competitive. She wanted to end this. She wanted to win this not just to keep Kirari off her back, but to impress Ririka as well.
Everyone got into position. It was Ririka’s turn to serve and Mary didn’t keep her eyes off of her. Ririka glanced over at Mary, giving her a quick smile before serving. Kirari was quicker than Mary, hitting the shuttlecock back onto the other side. Mary rolled her eyes and watched as Sayaka hit it next, sending it towards her.
After sending it back and forth several times, things became rather intense as now all four participants kept their eyes glued on the shuttlecock flying through the air. Mary knew Sayaka was expecting her to always send it to Ririka, so she decided to catch the violet-eyed girl off guard.
Thwack. Sayaka and Ririka watched as the shuttlecock glided through the air. Mary watched as if it were in slow motion as Ririka ran to hit it and surprisingly didn’t miss. However, she crashed into Sayaka in the process, falling on top of her. It wouldn’t have been as bad had Ririka not accidentally placed her hands on Sayaka’s breasts, making the entire scenario all the more awkward. Both Mary and Kirari watched with wide eyes, completely ignoring the fact that the shuttlecock had already landed in their zone.
“O-oh my god, I’m so sorry, Sayaka!” Ririka squeaked and instantly lifted her hands, her face turning bright red from embarrassment.
“That’s… that’s…” Sayaka couldn’t even finish her sentence for she also was too embarrassed.
Mary snapped out of her gaze when she heard laughing next to her. She snapped her head towards Kirari who looked all too amused by this.
“Ara, ara, what I would give to be in my dear sister’s position right now,” Kirari grinned cheekily.
"Does that not make you even a little bit mad?" Mary hissed.
Kirari chuckled. "Of course not. I find this to be quite amusing."
"Of course you do," Mary growled.
“Ririka-chan’s team wins!” Runa announced, startling all of them. Apparently they had forgotten she was there. “Game over! Finally.”
“Good,” Mary grumbled, storming off away from them.
She heard somebody call out after her, but she paid no attention to it. What happened was a complete accident, she knew she shouldn’t have felt angry or jealous. The fact that it happened to Sayaka and not her was perhaps what made her the most upset. But she knew she had to let it go. It was a stupid thing to be upset over.
She plopped down onto her beach towel with a huff, glancing towards the crashing waves in the distance. She saw Midari’s arms wrapped around Yuriko’s waist as they allowed the water to rush past their knees. Mary wished that was her with Ririka right about now. Perhaps not in the water, but instead in the comfort and privacy of their hotel room.
“Are you alright? You looked really upset,” a familiar voice said from behind.
Mary slightly turned her head and her face softened upon seeing her girlfriend. “Yeah, I’m alright. I’m just tired.”
Ririka knelt down, her cerulean eyes full of concern. “Are you sure there’s nothing bothering you? You can talk to me, you know.”
‘Yes, the fact that I haven’t had a damn minute alone with you yet today and people left and right have been looking at you in a way only I should be,’ Mary wanted to say.
Mary shook her head. “Like I said, I’m tired. Don't worry about it. Do you still want to go swimming?”
“Of course!” Ririka grinned. “The badminton game really made me hot so I want to go cool off. Are you going to join me?”
“Maybe I’ll dip my toes in,” Mary smiled, hoping to lighten the mood. “But don’t push your luck.”
“Alright, I’ll see you there then,” Ririka said softly, kissing the top of Mary’s head.
Mary watched Ririka walk over to the shore before wading her way into the water. She chuckled when she saw her dive into a wave and move her platinum hair out of her face when she returned to the surface. She looked happy. Seeing that made Mary happy. Though her day hadn’t gone as planned in the slightest, she was at least relieved Ririka was having fun. She rarely got a break like this and genuinely had fun. School work and helping Kirari run their psychotic family was stressful enough on top of maintaining their position as top gamblers. Ririka deserved a chance to breathe and be herself for once.
Mary got up and rolled up her pant legs before walking over to the shore. She noticed that Ririka had swam much deeper into the water, but wasn’t too concerned. She shivered slightly when the cold water touched her feet, but it was refreshing nonetheless. It was hot anyway, so it felt nice.
She stood there for a moment enjoying the breeze and the shifting sand beneath her toes, finally feeling calm. That is until she saw a lifeguard run past her and into the water. She was swimming closer and closer to where Ririka was which caused Mary to panic.
All she could do was anxiously wait and watch as the lifeguard tugged Ririka parallel to where they were until they reached the shore. Mary sprinted to them, still in a panicked state of mind. Ririka held onto the lifeguard’s arm, her face red either from exhaustion or embarrassment… or because the lifeguard was very attractive.
“I-is she okay? Is she hurt? What happened?” The blonde asked frantically.
The lifeguard gave a friendly smile. “Your friend got caught in a rip tide, but she’s alright now.”
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Ririka stuttered in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry about it,” the lifeguard assured her. “Just be careful swimming in this area of the beach. Alright, beautiful?”
That was it. That was the comment that made Mary nearly lose it. It was too much. With all that had already happened, the flirting from the clerk earlier, the looks from people on the street, Ririka falling on Sayaka, and now the attractive lifeguard flirting with Ririka, Mary's jealousy had finally gotten to a point where she was about to snap if she didn't get so much as a minute alone with her girlfriend.
“Thanks for saving my girlfriend, ” Mary said in the nicest tone she could, emphasizing on the word 'girlfriend.'
“Just doing my job,” the lifeguard nodded. “You two have a good day now!”
Mary crossed her arms, trying her hardest to not let her inner emotions show.
“Mary?” Ririka asked with caution. “You okay?”
Mary huffed, looking up at her. “Yes. I’m perfectly fine.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” Ririka smirked.
Mary’s face turned bright red. “No! I just...yes. A little.”
Ririka knew that was an understatement. She took a step closer to her lover, looking down at her. Mary was pouting and refusing to look at her now. Ririka placed a hand on Mary’s cheek, turning her face to look at her.
“You know I only have eyes for you,” the platinum haired girl whispered seductively.
“I-I know that! I’m not doubting your loyalty or anything! I just don’t like people looking at you the way I do,” Mary admitted, placing her hand over Ririka’s lovingly.
Ririka chuckled. "There's so much irony in this situation."
Mary raised a confused brow. "Huh?"
"You think I don't get jealous whenever someone looks at you with lust in their eyes? There are girls and boys in school including in our friend group who I know would give anything to be in a room alone with you," Ririka explained.
Mary was all too aware of her popularity at Hyakkaou. Heck, every Valentine's Day she received love letters from people she'd never even met. Being a top gambler had its perks, but Mary didn't necessarily consider that to be one. Especially now that she was no longer single and had to reject people instead of just brush them aside.
"Our friend group? Who?" Mary asked with a bewildered expression.
"Ryota," Ririka said softly.
"Okay, Suzui doesn't count. He gets flustered around everyone. Remember how much he blushed when he saw you without your mask for the first time? He's just a bundle of awkwardness," Mary explained with a scoff. "Who else?"
Ririka hesitated. "Yumeko."
Oh. Now that Mary could understand. Yumeko was a touchy person by nature, but she was different around Mary. Perhaps it was because she had feelings for her or maybe it was because she was close to Mary. Whatever the reason, Mary could see why Ririka could be jealous of her.
Mary rubbed her neck awkwardly. "Yeah, okay. I can see that. I've never had feelings for Yumeko though."
"Really?" Ririka asked with wide eyes.
"I care about her and all, but she has a hard time with boundaries. You always respect my boundaries and care about how I feel. Even today, you checked in on me when you felt like something was wrong," Mary blushed.
"And something was," Ririka nodded. "Communicating is important, my love. Without talking to me about these things, our relationship wouldn't be solid. We agreed from the start to be honest with each other about everything, right?"
Mary smiled fondly. "Right."
"So be honest with me now. You haven't gotten what you've wanted all day," Ririka sighed, placing her hands on Mary's hips. "What would you like to do now? What do you want?"
Mary licked her lips and breathed out. "You."  
"I'm all yours," Ririka whispered.
Ririka's eyes sparkled with desire. Her eyes fluttered shut as she pulled Mary close, pressing their two lips together. Mary smiled into the kiss and the world around them fell away. All they could hear was the crashing waves behind them. It was a moment, a single blissful moment that felt like a lifetime. Kissing Ririka always had that affect, like she was the only other person in the world.
The two broke free for air and pressed their foreheads together.
"I want more," Mary panted. "Somewhere alone with you. Do you think we can go to the hotel?"
"Hm, perhaps. Though the rental car is closer, don't you agree?" Ririka smirked.
The heat between Mary's legs grew more prominent now and had this been any other time, she would have obliged. But she wanted absolute privacy with no risks of being intruded.
Mary shook her head. "No, I want to be alone in a room with you. I need you, Riri."
Ririka grinned, briefly kissing Mary's lips once more before holding her hand, gently tugging her to walk away with her.
"Then what are we waiting for?"
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Chapter Four.
a/n: this was one of my fav chapters to write, so hope you all enjoy! I think you’re all gonna like this one hehe :’) pls reblog to share and leave feedback as it continues to motivate me <3
SERIES MASTERLIST | word count: 10.1k
come talk to me about WTSGD! i’d love to know your thoughts!
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October 31, 2017 
A lot had happened in the last five months that felt like an eternity. 
After Luci’s very first performance for Miss Saigon and her unfortunate breakdown that was caused by one of the biggest critics of Broadway, practically insulting her, she performed almost every night after that. 
When one bad review on her performance was ratified by hundreds of tweets and reviews, saying that Luci’s performance was one of the best they’d ever seen, she’d say she did her damn job. The night of her breakdown, she received a text from Nina, who sent her a link to a few reviews on her Broadway debut. Those articles directly addressed how unprofessional and poorly written Adam West’s review was, and that he needed to open his eyes to observe and admire brilliant, wonderful, and beautifully performed talent. On top of the important names next to Adam West, theatre-Twitter seemed to agree with the positive articles that were written about her, tweeting that Luci was the next face of Broadway; and who cared if she started her career in commercials and Off-Broadway because getting the role in Miss Saigon had proved that she worked her way up and that she was good. 
After reading the articles and tweets, her mood had drastically shifted. She was so overwhelmed by the positive comments that defended her from a misogynistic man that she cried again, but it was tears of happiness this time around. She walked out of her apartment, headed to Harry’s door to show him the uplifting reviews, and he was happy to see that she was ecstatic—he was happy for her. 
They had definitely become closer since that day. 
Harry and Luci hung out a lot. Whenever they had the chance and they both weren’t busy, they would knock on each other’s doors or text one another, asking to hang out. For the most part, he opened up to her, showcasing his true personality and becoming more comfortable around Luci—enough to joke around and be himself. He loved the way he didn’t feel like he had to be someone he’s not; everything felt true and real. 
It was refreshing for Harry to have a real friend, a best friend, other than Jeff and Mitch. Although he developed a small crush on said friend, it was nice to just have a chat and walk around the neighborhood with her. He’d been talking himself up to ask her out, not knowing if she’ll say yes or if she even feels that way about him; but from what he could tell, he thinks that she’s sort of infatuated with him. Luci would flirt with him from time to time, and would tell him that he’s adorable and sweet, making Harry’s cheeks redden from the sweet talk. 
Luci’s situation with Daisy and Samuel never got better. Ever since she started to perform more and more—sometimes even more than Daisy—they would be nothing but rude to her. They weren’t used to someone taking their spotlight; it was like someone stepping right in front of them on center stage to steal the show—especially if it was someone they despised and was new to Broadway. The two tried to take it up with Tal, demanding and arguing about how they deserved to perform every single night, but Tal kept her word to Luci and the rest of the industry: that she would stand up for her cast and run the show herself. 
Throughout the months, Luci had been talking with Harry about something very, very important. It was a few weeks ago, during their walk to a bagel place in the morning, when she first brought it up. 
“Remember that lady who came up to me after the show?” She asked as they walked along the sidewalk. Harry nodded, letting out a ‘mhm.’ “So, she’s a talent agent…” Harry raised his brows, thinking she was an agent for Broadway. “In Hollywood.” Samantha Stone was one of Hollywood’s greatest and biggest agents; she mostly worked with actors who were first starting out in the industry before making them successful. Samantha was always on the hunt for new and fresh talent; she walked the streets with an eye like a hawk. 
In early September, Samantha was in New York for a small getaway, as well as to meet one of her side pieces in the city. She figured she could watch a show or two since she was already in the city, and it’d been ages since she'd seen a Broadway show. Deciding on Miss Saigon because she saw the tweets and reviews of Luciana, she decided to give it a shot and see what her hype was about. And it did not disappoint. She was so intrigued and invested in the story, and was absolutely blown away by Luciana’s performance. Naturally, even though she shouldn’t be working, she waited until the cast was coming out of the theatre to approach her. 
Luci was in complete shock because she’d never had anyone walk up to her, telling her to give her a call because she was a talent agent and hoped to work with her soon. When Luci got back home, she looked up Samantha Stone and her breath hitched as she found out who she had worked with and what she did for a living. 
“Holy shit!” Harry completely stopped walking, making Luci stop as well. They stood on the side of the sidewalk as people passed by them. Harry beamed excitedly, but soon his smile softened, noticing Luci’s didn’t match his. “What’s the matter? Why aren’t you excited?” 
“I-I don’t know. I just get nervous thinking about it, like she wants to work with me.” Luci fiddled with her fingers. 
“Isn’t that great?” Harry asked softly; he didn’t see what was wrong with that, but he was being patient with Luci to try and understand what she was feeling and thinking about.
She nodded. “It is. I’m just nervous; I hate disappointing people. What if I call her and I do an audition or whatever, and she realizes that I’m not meant for the job? She’s the biggest agent in Hollywood, Harry. That would mean I’m not meant for any job,” she explained worriedly, anxiety bubbling up in her stomach as if it’d been simmering for hours on the stove.
Harry slightly frowned. He couldn’t imagine how it must feel to doubt one’s own talents, and he absolutely hated that Luci was doing it. 
“Luciana, listen to me.” Well, that definitely caught her attention. “You’re remarkably talented, end of. If you end up being dropped by that agent, then fuck her. She shouldn’t be a talent agent if she can’t see clear talent right in front of her. Literally everyone in the same room knows you are so incredibly gifted. Plus, wouldn’t you like to try it out? It doesn’t hurt to try because you have nothing to lose. You’ll still be on Broadway; and then you’ll try again later if right now is not your time.” 
Smiling, she appreciated his words. She nodded, knowing he was completely right. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot.” Her response seemed to satisfy Harry. “Thank you.” 
“Of course. I’ll always be here for you.” She smiled. “Still gonna help me grade papers?” 
She chuckled as they started walking on the pavement again. “Yup. Believe it or not, it’s actually fun grading papers.” 
He turned to her shockingly. “Oh, really? Then maybe you could be my TA and I’ll have you grade all the papers.” Luci laughed, saying that she didn’t mind; she adored moments when they were playful. Their friendship was refreshing to the both of them. 
A week after her conversation with Harry, where he reassured and encouraged her, she called Samantha, who was delighted to hear from Luci. Samantha asked if she wanted to meet for lunch; Luci was hesitant, but she remembered Harry’s words, and it really didn’t hurt to try, so she agreed and they met in Midtown at a Thai restaurant. 
It was a casual luncheon where Samantha got to know Luci before she decided if she wanted to sign her or not. Luci completely rocked her socks; she was funny, kind, and very humble—traits that not a lot of stars had. So, Samantha immediately thought she was perfect and very likeable. After thirty minutes of eating and chatting, Samantha pulled out her business side, along with a contract, and discussed what this could mean for Luci. She went over her contract very quickly, and Luci knew she couldn’t keep up so she pretended to listen, nodding and letting out a ‘mhm’ to be interactive. 
Samantha had a pen ready for her to sign, but if Luci knew anything, it was to not sign contracts right then and there, and to go over the contract in further details on her own. So, Luci told her that she would look over the stack of papers once more before she got back to her potential agent. 
Luci wished she took a business class to understand such things about contracts and how to handle things herself, but she thinks that she might enroll in some classes some time soon. She attended Boston University and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts in Theatre Arts. On top of auditioning, solo acts, musical pieces, and countless shows for the four years she was there, she maintained a 3.5 GPA in her general education, and that’s something she’s incredibly proud of herself for. There were a few classes during her freshman year that she failed, making her consider dropping out, but she picked herself back up and promised herself to work harder, and she did. 
When she got back home, she tossed the contract on her coffee table as she sighed, grabbing a glass of water. She had felt stressed out about the situation, but then she remembered that Harry’s sister, Gemma, was a lawyer in London. So, she sent Harry a quick text, telling him about her situation, and asked if Gemma was able to help out. Harry was on his lunch when she texted, but he quickly asked Gemma and she was quick to comply, anything to help her brother’s friend.
The day after, Harry and Luci both sat down on his couch, FaceTiming Gemma on his laptop; it was the very first time his sister and Luci were meeting each other. Harry warned Luci that Gemma was a bit tough with his new friends, but once the two women chatted for a few minutes, Gemma was smittened with her; Harry was shocked at how quick they seemed to become friends, but he cherished it because he liked Luci…a lot. 
Luci had sent over a scanned version of the contract, so they went over it together with Harry sitting next to her for moral support; and from what Gemma said, the contract was clean. The most important thing that Gemma was looking for was that Luci had a say to back out of the contract, and it stated that clearly. Gemma told her that she could sign the contract if she wanted, and that eased Luci’s anxieties, making her thank Gemma almost a million times for her help. 
The next day, Luci met up with Samantha for brunch with the signed contract in her hand. Samantha was delighted to see that it was inked with her signature; she told Luci that this won’t be the only thing she was going to sign because so many people are going to want her autograph. That made Luci smile, giggling a tad bit at the thought of it. 
By the beginning of October, Samantha called Luci and informed her that she was booked for an audition for a supporting character in Ocean’s Eight that was to be released late next year. Luci was surprised at how quickly Samantha was able to get her an audition, but they didn’t call her the best for nothing. 
With only two weeks to prepare, Luci put her time and effort into rehearsing the few pages of the script Samantha had sent her. Luci didn’t have a talent coach whatsoever, so she tried her best to see every aspect of her acting, jotting down notes on the margins so she could further better herself. She was hiding her stress and nerves quite well as she tried not to freak out about how insane this opportunity was to even audition. 
When her audition was only two days away, she called Ren for the traditional pep-talk that inspired and motivated her to do better and to try her best because that was all that she could do. She wished that her family was physically next to her so she could feel the comfort and warmth that they provide because after all, they are home and always will be. 
Luckily, some producers were in New York holding auditions, so she didn’t have to fly to California for a day or two. She’d never felt more intimidated and nervous than the moment she stepped inside the medium-sized room that was painted in a light gray tone. A long foldable table was in the middle of the room with a small camcorder on a tripod next to it. Luci’s had many auditions, but this…this was real shit, the real deal. She was standing in front of Hollywood and big name producers who’d never heard of her name until the moment she walked in and they had a glimpse of her portfolio. 
She introduced herself, masking the nerves that were crawling up and down her body with a warm smile—not too bright, but enough to show her gorgeous grin. They asked her to read off of page twenty-three to twenty-five; taking a breath, she gave all that she could. And in her opinion, it’s the best acting she’d ever done, which is saying a lot because she thinks she did quite well after every show of Miss Saigon. 
The producers’ faces were unreadable as they simply looked at one another, writing a few notes on their yellow notepads. Luci wanted to lurk, to see what they were writing as she hoped they weren’t disappointed or had immediately crossed out her name from their list. 
They thanked her for coming in before dismissing her; she thanked them as well, waving as she walked out the door where she released the biggest sigh. It wasn’t from relief because she was still on edge of the result of her audition, but she felt like she had been holding her breath for the ten to fifteen minutes that she was in that room. Her heart was pounding quite sturdily; and if she was being honest, her mind had completely blanked out once they yelled ‘action,’ but that was usual for her. 
Now that it was ten days after her audition and Halloween, Harry practically begged Luci to get out of her apartment. She knew that she couldn’t stay cooped up in her room as she overthought the audition constantly. She began to get headaches from overthinking every single thing she did in that audition, and it drove her insane. 
So, when Harry suggested that she should go to the Halloween party that Daisy was throwing on the rooftop of her building, she dreaded it at first, but the thought of going out was calling her. She assumed Daisy wouldn’t want Luci to be at her party, but she invited the entire cast and a few more people that she knew personally, so it wasn’t like Daisy was going to speak to her. Since it was a party, everyone could bring a guest or a few friends, so that was when Luci begged Harry to attend with her. 
“Please, come with me.” She had her best pouty lip on, looking at him with doe eyes. Just by that look, he almost gave in, but he wasn’t sure if this type of party was for him. Harry was a mellow and chill guy; he didn’t need rooftop parties and unlimited amounts of booze. He was fine with a small gathering, a few movies and board games—now, that was his type of party. “The party would be so much more fun with you there.” 
Harry playfully scoffed. “Please. Luci, I’m the most boring guy there is.” 
Her brows furrowed in disagreement. “No, you’re not. I happen to think you’re quite fun.” He smiled softly at her in appreciation. “Please. We wouldn’t even have to stay that long.” 
He could tell that she wanted, no, needed him to be there with her. She wasn’t very close with her cast mates—despite all the months she’d been part of the production—besides Nina. But Nina knew everyone so Luci would be left awkwardly standing there, waiting for her friend to come back. 
“How long would we stay?” 
Her eyes brightened with hope. “However long you want.” 
“An hour? Hour and a half, tops?” 
“Sounds perfectly fine to me.” 
“And what would we wear?”
Luci was a bit shocked by his question. “You wanna match?” 
“I mean, that would be fun, right?” She nodded, agreeing. “Since it is quite last minute, I say we dress up as the 70s or 80s era. Pretty easy, right?” 
She liked the sound of that. “Yes, let’s do 70s! I wanna raid your closet because I know you have some gems in there.” 
Harry laughed out loud—her favorite laugh that was music to her ears. He knew he had a great sense of fashion, and he’d always go to the thrift store to pick up something that he’d never worn before. It wasn’t like he was not going to wear it, he just needed to be more comfortable with himself to wear the clothes that he buys. So, for now, he settled with black skinny jeans and patterned-print button downs, which is the most ‘flashy’ he’d dress as…for now. 
“I knew I liked you for a reason because I was hoping you’d say 70s.” Luci felt her cheeks warm up before they went to Harry’s apartment. 
It took an hour and a half to find an outfit that Harry liked; it would’ve been shorter, but with Harry’s 70s playlist that was playing in the background, they took breaks to dance and sing. Harry had a beautiful voice, Luci thought; and she wondered if he was ever in a band before or wrote music because he does have an elaborate music taste, and that added to Luci’s liking for him. 
They proceeded to go to Luci’s apartment so Harry could help her find an outfit. He brought his wireless speaker so the music wouldn’t stop; and she continuously threw the articles of clothing onto her bed—where Harry was lying on his stomach—every time he shook his head no. 
With the same amount of time it took Harry to decide on an outfit, Luci settled on hers. She looked in her full-body mirror, twirling around to see if it looked okay and if she was satisfied with it. Harry remained on her bed, admiring how beautiful she looked as he thought that she was way out of his league. As Luci was dancing and prancing around her apartment, Harry was deep in his thoughts; he didn’t know if asking Luci out was the way to go. Not only would he lose her as a friend when or if she rejects him, but he couldn’t bear the ache he would feel in his heart. 
For his own sake, he needed to protect himself before the heartbreak; and if that meant refraining himself from making a move, then that was completely fine to him. 
“Ready?” Luci called out from the doorway. Harry got off the bed, looking her up and down. 
She was wearing peach colored pants that flare at the bottom, sitting high on her waist; a white silk blouse with orange accents, a long brown coat because it was quite chilly outside, and pink glasses that were transparent. He thought she looked absolutely beautiful, and her outfit was meant for her. The colors matched Harry’s outfit as he wore rust-orange pants that sat wide at the bottom, a flashy patterned long-sleeved blouse with the collar matching his pants. Luci gave him a similar pair of glasses as hers, so they weren’t wearing shaded lenses in the nighttime. 
“Yup. You, uh, look really good.” 
Luci smiled, shrugging one shoulder. “Thank you! You look good, too. This color looks amazing on you.” 
Harry looked down at his outfit, hiding the blush that formed on his cheeks. “Thank you. I like it a lot.” 
They headed out and towards Daisy’s apartment building where the rooftop was large enough for everyone to stand comfortably without feeling like they were shoulder-to-shoulder. There were plenty of lounge chairs, and a few tall bar tables next to tall heaters, considering it was just below fifty degrees. 
Some people were making their way towards Daisy's apartment since it was too cold outside, but Harry and Luci decided to stay, both agreeing that the heaters were keeping them warm as they sipped on their drinks. 
“Luci!” Nina walked over towards her, giving her a hug; Luci made sure not to mess up the placement of her fairy wings. 
“You look amazing!” Luci complimented as Nina put her hands on her cheeks, thanking her friend. Luci could tell that Nina was a bit drunk already as her eyes were drooping and she couldn’t stand straight on her own two feet. 
“Harry! I’m so glad you’re here.” He smiled saying hello to her. Nina and Harry met in July when he had gone to see another show. He was giving Luci another bouquet of flowers—the same bundle that he gave her the last time since she told him that she really liked them, and they looked amazing on her windowsill—and she dragged him to find Nina since she was performing the same show. Nina immediately gave Luci that certain look that said ‘he’s really cute,’ and Luci just nodded, giving her an apparent look as well. 
“Did you bring anyone?” Luci asked, knowing that she was talking to a few guys; her favorites, from what Nina told her, was Laurent and Alec—the two guys that are in her Soul Cycle class, one on Monday and the other on Friday. 
Nina shook her head. “No. I wanted to get fucked up today and didn’t want any of my mans see that shit. Oh! Can I take a picture of you two? You both look so cute!” 
Luci looked at Harry, silently asking and he nodded. She stood beside him, not knowing whether to put her arm around his waist. They’d never taken a picture together before, after all the months of knowing each other. Luci handed Nina her phone before she turned on the flash, taking a picture of the two. Harry hesitantly puts his arm around Luci’s shoulder, making her look at him, smiling. She then wrapped her arm around his waist as they both smiled at each other before looking back at the camera. Nina was squealing behind the phone because she just captured the cute and quiet interaction between them that made for a sweet candid. 
Nina handed Luci’s phone back to her before she told her that she was going to talk to some other people. The two women hugged, and Nina said goodbye to Harry. 
Harry leaned into Luci’s side, bending down slightly. “Send me those pictures, yeah?” 
A chill ran through her body at the sound of his voice so close to her ear. “Sure,” she croaked out, sending the pictures to him. 
After a few moments of light conversation and humming the beat of the music, Harry asked, “So, which one is Daisy?” 
Luci looked at him, quite shocked as to what sparked his interest in her, but she didn’t say anything. She looked around until she spotted her in a leather catwoman suit, hugging her body tightly that Luci thought it was cutting off her circulation. But she had to admit that it looked amazing on her. 
“That one.” She slyly pointed at Daisy who was talking to some of her friends. Luci was surprised to see that Samuel wasn’t here, considering that he was part of the cast. Daisy and Samuel seemed to be in their ‘off again’ stage of their relationship; and no one who was part of the cast or who was close to them could keep up with how many times they’d been through that stage, but they seemed to like each other too much to call it quits for good. 
“Hmm. She seems nice.” 
“Yeah, she does—to everyone except me.” They were both looking at Daisy, and it was like Daisy could sense a few eyes on her, so she looked around and made direct eye contact with Luci. She excused herself to her group of friends before making her way towards her and Harry. “Speak of the devil.” Luci sighed, making Harry chuckle. 
“Luci! I’m so glad you made it.” Daisy faked a smile as she greeted Luci with a hug, which surprised both Luci and Harry. Daisy pulled away, immediately locking eyes on this. “Oh, who’s your friend?” Instantly, Luci knew why Daisy was so nice to her; it was because she spotted Harry and didn’t want him to think she was such a bitch. 
With her brows furrowed, Luci shifted a little closer to Harry who was standing there and not saying anything. “This is Harry.” 
Daisy flashed him her stunning smile that wooed almost everyone. “Hi, I’m Daisy.” He shook her hand, introducing himself. “Your outfit looks really good.” She complimented him. 
“Thanks, Luci helped me pick it out.” He smiled at Luci, who was smirking. For a second, Daisy rolled her eyes before she returned to her big smile. 
“Would you like to get a drink with me? I see you’re almost empty.” Daisy’s eyes pointed at his cup, which only had a small sip lingering at the bottom of his clear plastic cup. 
“C’mon, just one drink?” Her voice was innocent and sweet, nothing like the cruel and rude Daisy that Luci knew all too well. 
What Luci expected Harry to say was that he was okay and that he didn’t want a drink with her, but he responded quite the opposite. 
“Okay, sure.” Luci’s head averted towards Harry as she looked at him with shock and a face asking what the fuck he was doing. But he shrugged as Daisy clapped, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the bar. Luci huffed, watching the two walk away and she was left by herself with a watered down drink and the cold air. 
She figured she’d wait for him to come back to where she was sitting, hoping he wouldn’t take too long. 
But twenty minutes had gone by, and Luci started getting annoyed.  
Thirty minutes, and Luci tells herself that she doesn’t care and mindlessly goes on her phone. 
An hour had gone by when Luci huffed, mentally saying that she does give a shit and goes to find Harry. 
How long could one drink take anyways? Definitely not an hour, Luci thought. She searched the rooftop for the two, only to hope that Harry was looking for her too. After ten minutes of looking around the rooftop, passing her cast mates who were asking her to take a shot with them—she took another one, adding more alcohol into her body—she couldn’t find Harry. She started to think the worst; he could’ve possibly taken Daisy home, or Daisy could have taken him up to her room—either way, she didn’t like any of those options. 
For a minute, she mentally debated if she should check Daisy’s apartment, which would be better since it was warmer indoors than it was out—she was convinced it got colder once Harry left her side—but the negative side of her mind, who was taunting her like the devil on her left shoulder, told her to check if Harry was inside because she wasn’t going to like what she was going to see. 
Either way, she needed to find Harry and she didn’t want to go home without him, so she went inside the building and took the elevator down to Daisy’s floor. There were people walking in and out of her place, so it wasn’t that difficult to find which one was hers. With the same amount of people inside her apartment as there was on the rooftop, Luci made her way through the nice and luxurious apartment. She was just on the edge of tipsy; the drinks with her coworkers had gotten her there. Heading up the stairs, she passed by people who were making out, cuddling on the steps, and talking. 
Once she got to the end of the hallway, she had almost given up on her search for Harry until the door at the end of the hall opened, revealing Harry who was leaving and quietly closing the door. 
Luci stood in the middle with an expressionless face. He hadn’t seen her yet, but the way she wasn’t giving any emotion didn’t mean that she didn’t care; the thoughts in her mind were invading every inch that there was just too much to focus on. 
Harry turned around, stopping in his tracks once he faced her. 
“Hey,” he greeted softly. 
“I’m sorry for leaving-”
“Were you…” Luci referred to what was happening inside the room as she couldn’t finish her sentence because the thought and the words simply disgusted her. 
“Why do you seem unsure?” She was testing him; she heard the hesitancy in his voice, like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to tell the truth. 
A new attitude rose him. “Why do you care?” His voice was a tad bit harsher, but he was a little confused on why she was questioning his actions. 
She inhaled and exhaled deeply, crossing her arms, avoiding his question. “I’m going home. Are you coming with or…?” Harry bit the inside of his cheek, remembering that she hadn’t answered his question, so he’ll ask again later. He nodded, and Luci turned around; he followed. 
The entire ride on the subway and walking towards their apartment building was quiet. They didn’t even sit next to each other like they always did; just across one another, avoiding eye contact.
It was when they were both in front and unlocking their doors was when Harry spoke up. 
“Luci.” She stopped her movements, turning around slowly as did he. This time, she looked at him so deeply in the eyes that it was physically difficult for her to take her eyes off him. “Why were you mad at me before we left?” 
On the ride back home, Harry thought about the events at the party. He’d never seen Luci so annoyed at him before, so it got him thinking a lot about what she felt for him. She was jealous, anyone could see that, and he wanted her to say it out loud why she was jealous because he could name a few reasons. 
“Did you have a good time with Daisy?” 
Harry breathed out a chuckle. “You’re jealous,” he stated immediately. 
“Answer my question-”
“Then answer mine.” 
The tension was so thick that with just one small poke of a needle, it would collapse and break. They’d never had this type of conversation before, where the tension was rising and the room felt warm; they were always playful and laughing with each other that neither of them thought they were capable of having this certain type of energy with one another. 
“I was mad because you left me alone at the party…with Daisy of all people,” she said honestly, leaving a few things out. 
“Is that all?” He raised his brows, crossing his arms. 
Luci shook her head. “That’s not how it works, Styles. I answer yours, you answer mine.” 
A smug grin landed on Harry’s face. “Did I have a good time with Daisy?” He repeated her question. “To be honest with you, no. She was pretty drunk, so I took her to her bedroom—that’s why I was in there, She was…nice.” Luci sensed a ‘but’ trailing. “She even asked me if I’d wanna go out some time.”
“What’d you say?” 
He tsked. “Not how it works, Suki.” Luci rolled her eyes, letting out a soft huff. “Hey, they’re your rules.” He chuckled. “Now, answer this: why were you jealous?” 
There was a surge of confidence that Harry’s never felt before; maybe it was because he knew things Luci didn’t know herself, but watching her unfold those realizations was definitely feeding his ego. 
Luci sighed deeply before she started. “Knowing that Daisy could possibly get anyone she wanted was a bit of an insecurity of mine when we were on our way to the party. That was because I knew she’d want you. I mean…look at you, you’re literally so gorgeous.” Harry blushed. “And I knew that it was inevitable that she would ask you to hang out; I was just surprised when you said yes.” 
He nodded. “I rejected her when she asked if I wanted to go out.” A bit of weight lifted from Luci’s shoulders, but not completely as there was still something heavy she’s been wanting to say. “Why’d you hope I’d say no? Besides the obvious that she’s mean and rude to you.” 
Alright, time to fess up, Luci. 
Luci inhaled deeply, hoping her confession wouldn’t have him running for the hills. “Because why would you go out with her when you could go out with me? Like, on a date…” Her anxiety was up to her chin as she locked her hands behind her back, preventing them from shaking any more than they already were. 
That one simple question had answered all of the other questions swirling in his mind; not the ones that were asked in the rapid fire round of questioning and answering under the thick cloud of tension over them, but the ones he asked himself a few months ago when he was doubting that she’d ever felt something for him because all this time, she had felt something, and she just asked him out. 
His heart flipped. “You wanna go on a date with me?” 
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to ask, but I didn’t know if you were interested in me or not,” she said shyly. Luci hadn’t asked someone out before—someone she was really interested in. She’d either wait until they asked her and if they didn’t, she’d move on and pretend that her feelings for them never existed. But Harry was different; seeing him with Daisy tonight had made her realize just how much she felt for him. He made her laugh, smile, and he was such a kind person. 
“I’d love to.” He suddenly answered, taking her back a little. 
She looked at him with wide eyes. “R-Really?” 
“Yeah. I’ve been meaning to ask you too, because I’m very much interested in you, but I didn’t know you were interested, well, until tonight.” Luci giggled. 
“I made it pretty obvious that I was jealous, huh?” 
“A tad bit, but it’s sweet; and I wasn’t gonna go on a date with Daisy. She’s no Luciana Ivy Suki.” He teased, making her face heat up at the sound of her full name coming from his lips. She wanted to kiss him right then and then, wanted to taste the sweet taste that he was storing in his mouth; but she refrained from doing so, figuring that they’d wait until after their date—whenever that was—to wait to kiss him because it would very much be worth the wait. 
“Okay, I’ll, uh, plan the date then.” Her lips turned up, feeling a certain ache on her cheeks already from smiling too much. 
“Can I plan it too?” He genuinely asked. 
“I did ask you, Harry.” She raised her brows teasingly. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll plan the next date then.” He blushed. 
Luci tilted her head, smiling sweetly at his words. “The next date, huh? We haven’t even been on the first date; what makes you think there’ll be a second one.” 
“Oh, love, I think there will be.” Harry stepped closer to her, heart pounding in his chest; Luci gulped at the closeness. For a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her by the way he was looking at her intently. And for a moment, she was gonna give in and say ‘fuck waiting,’ and kiss his pink lips until he leaned forward and kissed her soft cheek for a brief moment. “Can’t wait for our date. Let me know what the plans are.” 
“O-Okay.” The touch of his lips on her skin had stunned her, and she wanted them back on her instantly. 
Harry opened his door, giving Luci a small smile before walking in. She started to slowly back into her open apartment, holding onto the door handle tightly. Before they closed their doors, they stared at one another, admiring each other before they said: 
“Sweet dreams, Luciana.” 
“Sweet dreams, Harry.” 
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November 8, 2017 
Harry strongly knocked three times on the door right across from his own door with a bag full of takeout, another bag full of snacks, and a small brown bag that had a white box inside. 
The door swung open; Luci smiled at the person behind it. 
“Happy Birthday, love!” Harry greeted.
“Aww, Harry, thank you so much.” She was surprised that he remembered, let alone bring a celebration to her as she eyed the bags in his hands. Luci turned twenty-six today; her day was full of greetings from her cast mates, her family, and FaceTime calls from her brother and parents. She was going to make a trip back home for a day or two since she had to perform on Friday, but she was going to see her parents during Thanksgiving, so FaceTime calls had to suffice till then. 
Stepping to the side, she invited him in. He hugged her tightly, kissing the side of her head as her face heated up. They walked to the kitchen, and Harry set the bags on the countertop, unraveling the tie of the takeout. 
“First, I’m sorry for just showing up unannounced and invading your place.” He added a breathy laugh. 
“No, it’s okay! You’re welcomed any time,” she genuinely said; Harry made a mental note of that. 
“Second, this is not a date. I know you didn’t want today to be our first date, but I couldn’t just sit in my apartment and not do anything on your special day! So, here I am.” 
“Here you are.” Luci couldn’t help the warmth that rushed to her face and neck. 
“Third, I brought Chinese since it’s your favorite food. And I just so happen to know a lovely place that has the best Chinese in Brooklyn, which is my favorite place that I’ll take you to soon, but know that you’re so incredibly special because I never take anyone there.” He took the takeaway boxes out of the bag, opening them up as steam released from the boxes. 
Luci leaned against the countertop. “And what makes me so special?” Teasingly fluttering her eyes. 
Harry stopped what he was doing, looking at her intently. “You’re so sweet, funny, and incredibly kind. But most importantly, you’re grounded and humble; and you’re special to me.” His dimpled poked through his skin as he smiled, meaning every word. 
Heart flipping, stomach in knots, and tears washing over her eyes, Luci walked around the counter to hug him, head resting against his chest as she whispered a ‘thank you’ in his ear. 
For the rest of their night, they ate the authentic Chinese food while Harry told her about the restaurant he got it from, including the workers who owned the place. They also talked about work, teased, flirted, and bantered about whether fruit belonged in salads—they do not. 
Harry gave her the brown paper bag that held her gift, and she opened it with shock. He gifted her a gold circle pin that was customized with her initials engraved in the middle, and the saying ‘Shine bright, Dream even bigger,’ separated at the top and bottom. He’d noticed that she had pins on her travel backpack, and would occasionally wear one on the side of her baseball cap. It was the most thoughtful and attentive gift she’d ever received, and that earned Harry a tight hug and many thank you’s. 
After the night was coming close to eleven-thirty, Harry called it a night as he still had to wake up early tomorrow for work. Their goodbye at her door was a long one that was filled with tight and long hugs as they swayed for a moment, enjoying the warmth of each other. They promised each other that they would find a day that was open in their schedule so they could finally have their date; they even pinky swore on it—Harry kissed her pinky, vowing. 
Luci watched Harry open his door before walking inside his apartment; she blew him a kiss as he caught it, placing his palm on his cheek, making her smile. 
As they closed their doors, Luci couldn’t help but think that she just had the best birthday ever. 
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November 17, 2017 
Luci’s leg nervously shook as she waited for her digital clock to hit 2:30 p.m. 
Today was Luci and Harry’s first date, and will hopefully be written down in history. She’d been anticipating this day for a while now, and she couldn’t believe the day was finally here. The few days after she asked him out, they tried settling on a date, but the two weeks after Halloween were booked for them. 
Luci was performing most days out of the week and Harry needed to figure out his teaching plans since it was close to Thanksgiving break and winter break. But when Harry found out that he had a random Friday off, he immediately told her, and to their luck, Luci wasn’t performing that day. So, they were settled on a day, and Luci couldn’t wait to take him out. 
She told him that he was going to need to dress warm since they were going to be outside for most of the day, so he opted for light blue jeans that were a bit baggy, a white t-shirt, a black coat that had faux fur on the thick collar and cuffs; since he, assumingly, was going to be walking around a lot, he wore black old school vans. Harry looked in the mirror, ruffling his hair in his hands to get it to stick the way he wanted it to. His hands slightly shook as he was fixing his hair, and he realized he hadn’t felt this nervous in a while; it had been a while since he’d gone on a date with someone he truly liked. 
When it hit two-thirty, Harry opened his door and locked it before taking a step forward. He took a breath, shaking his nerves off; as he was just about to knock, he heard Luci shuffling around inside her apartment as her keys jingled in her hands and her boots thudded against the wood. He put his hand down, thinking it would be nice for her to just see him right when she opened the door. After a few moments, Luci felt like she had everything she needed, so she swung her door open to only find Harry standing right in front of it, hiding behind a familiar bouquet of flowers—her favorite ones from him. 
“Hello.” He smiled, dimples clearly present. Luci felt like she could cry on the spot from just being so overwhelmed with her nerves and the anticipation leading up to this day, this moment. “These are for you. Hope you never get tired of them.” Harry handed her the bouquet, and she hugged them to her chest. 
“Harry, thank you. Believe me, I would never.” The start of her cheek aches had begun, and it had been about thirty seconds into their date. But cheek aches with Harry were her favorite type of aches, so she didn’t really mind it. 
She went back inside her apartment as Harry followed her in; she put the flowers in a vase before fixing them a little, making sure none of them were drooping down on the edge of the glass vase. Placing them on her windowsill, where she usually puts the flowers Harry gifted her, she smiled gratefully at them before turning her head and smiling at Harry, extra grateful. 
“Shall we go?” He asked, and she nodded. 
Harry followed Luci down to the subway station as she got on the M train. In eleven minutes, there were four stops; the subway was quite packed with no available seats, so the two stood, holding onto the silver bar in between them with their bodies close in proximity as they stood. Harry took the chance to look down at her, simply admiring her beauty as she mindlessly looked around, not noticing his eyes lingering on her. 
When their stop was on Essex Street, they got off, transferring onto the F train towards Coney Island; and Harry suddenly knew exactly where they were going. He didn’t say anything but smile. The entirety of the ride took forty-two minutes with twenty-two stops; they were able to sit down next to each other after the first stop. 
Their bodies were close—thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder. Luci took out her wired earphones—figuring they were going to be there for a while, why not listen to some music—handing Harry the left one as she put the right one in. She played Fleetwood Mac, Tame Impala, ABBA, Lorde, and Hozier—a few artists they’d bonded over—as they both swayed in their seats, making up some dance routine with their arms and shoulders. They laughed and ignored the weird looks of bystanders, who were trying to have a peaceful train ride to their destination, but Luci and Harry were too focused on each other to care. 
Once it was their stop, Luci put her headphones and phone in her purse before they got off and walked side by side one another. Harry had the urge to pull her close to his side, to hold her soft hand, but he was too shy to make a move. When they walked up the stairs to exit the station, their fingers brushed together—practically bumping into one another. Luci confidently made the move and linked their fingers together; Harry looked down and back up at her as he blushed, squeezing her hand lightly. 
“Is this okay?” She asked, looking up at him. 
“It’s perfect.” He meant it; the way her small hands fit so perfectly into his, as if he was protecting them. Holding her hand was comforting, and it surprised him at how comfortable he was to be making physical contact with her; but ever since he met Luci, he’s surprised himself quite a few times already. 
They finally reached their first date hotspot, and Harry assumed right as to where she was taking him. 
Three wide entryways painted in navy blue and orange had ‘Luna Park’ painted in orange at the top. Above the entryways were large flower-like and crescent moons that lit up during the nighttime, giving the boardwalk the most illuminating glow. The large Ferris wheel could not be missed as the carts swung and rattled back and forth. On top of the excitement of the amusement park, there were screams from people who were on the roller coasters, and the smell of fair food that they couldn’t wait to devour. 
Luci paid for their entrance admission, and Harry frowned, wanting to pay, but they both agreed that they could go half on the food, and games and rides. 
They felt like little kids who were at Disneyland, minus the famous castle and Main Street music, as they walked around the park to check it out as the wood beneath them creaked with every step while they hadn’t let go of each other’s hands. 
“Everything looks really fun,” Harry exclaimed.
“Right! Do you wanna play some games first or ride on some rides?” 
“How about we get the rides out of the way? You look very excited to go on them, and I have a feeling there’s no way you’re not going on them without me.” Harry assumed, quite accurately. 
Luci put her hand on her heart teasingly. “You know me too well.” Harry chuckled. “Okay, let’s go on some rides!” She dragged him to the admissions booth, and Harry paid for both of their passes for rides. 
They waited in line for the ‘Cyclone,’ which was the biggest rollercoaster besides the Wonder Wheel. Luci sensed Harry’s nerves as he kept looking up at the ride, and he couldn’t keep still. 
She squeezed his hand tightly. “Harry, you don’t have to go on the ride with me.” She was starting to feel concerned for him because his hands were becoming damp, which she didn’t care for, and he kept bouncing his leg everytime the line stopped moving. 
He raised his brows, and brushed away his nerves to the side but not very far. “No, no. It’s okay—I’ll be okay.” 
“Are you sure?” 
Pressing a kiss to the back of her hand, he nodded. “I’m sure. We’re here to have some fun, not be nervous, right?” 
“Yeah. But I’ll admit, I was nervous before we left,” she said, hoping to change the subject to distract him from the fast ride above them. 
“Why’s that?” He curled his lips into his mouth. 
“This is our first date, I want it to go well,” she said honestly. It had been a while since she’d been on a real date—the last one being in college—but to be nervous for a date was a feeling she wasn’t familiar with. 
“Think it’s going quite well, don’t you think?” He gave her a toothless grin, brows raised. Luci nodded, happy that he was always reassuring her and making her feel comfortable. “Plus, I was nervous too—still am, if I’m being honest.” 
He nodded his head as if his nerves were the most obvious thing. “Oh, yeah. I want this to go well too. But by the way we’ve been friends for months before this happened, I think we’ll be okay, Ci.” Her eyes slightly widened at the new nickname that she’d never heard; Harry instantly noticed her shock. “I-Is it okay if I call you that?” To be honest, he’s always wanted to call her some unique nickname that would only be for him. ‘Luci’ seemed to be the name everyone called her, ‘Ana’ was her brother’s name for her, so the last syllable in her name seemed to be free. 
“No one’s ever called me that.” And she thinks that’s extra special. “But yes, please call me that.” She approved, and he smiled. 
It was their turn to get onto the Cyclone, and Harry suddenly didn’t feel so nervous anymore as they were being safely strapped into their rollercoaster cart. The ride was quite high, looking over the blue water and Coney Island Beach; the view was quite gorgeous, even in the middle of a cold November day in New York. 
They screamed as the ride dropped; Luci held up one of her arms as the other held tightly on Harry’s hand as he grasped the metal bar, afraid to bravely put his arm up like his beautiful date. 
When the ride was finished, they had a rush of exhilaration, wanting to go on the other rides. So, they did; they laughed, screamed, and were the most carefree people they’d ever been in their entire lives because they brought it out of each other. 
After they filled their rollercoaster crave, they ate and talked. Individually, they were both worried about this part of the date where they had to talk because they’d been hanging out for so many months and getting to know each other that they thought coming up with conversation topics were going to be difficult. But it was natural for them; they didn’t put any pressure on themselves to speak every single minute of the date. Instead, they relished in the comfortable silence they seemed to form, not minding it one bit. 
The sky had turned into a cotton candy pink from a bright blue quite quickly. Luci wanted to watch the sunset, but was a bit sad that they hadn’t played the majority of the games; but Harry told her it was okay, and they would come back another time when the park reopened again during the Spring. 
Hand in hand, they walked to the beach that was just across the street from Luna Park. The bright lights from the park were becoming distant as they continued to walk further away from it. Since it was mid November, there weren’t that many people out because of the cold temperature—just the few people who were passing by along with others who decided to watch the sunset as well. 
“Tell me about your last relationship?” Luci suddenly asked; Harry looked at her amusingly. 
“Like now? In the middle of our date?” He teased, making her laugh. 
“I mean, if you want to. I was just curious.” 
Harry thought for a moment. “Hmm. My last serious relationship was over a year ago. We broke up right before I started teaching at the middle school.” 
“What happened?” She asked softly, not wanting to pry, but she was also curious. 
“We weren’t good for each other anymore. I guess life happened, and we turned into people we weren’t proud of. We grew apart; she was more in love with her career than she was in love with me. Couldn’t say I was the best boyfriend either,” he explained, not getting into too much detail. But he’d neglected her without even realizing it, causing his ex to occupy herself with work. “So, we broke up. And it felt like it was a sign from the universe that was holding me back from venturing out because I immediately got a job at the school when I had been putting off finding a proper teaching job.” He breathed out a chuckle, remembering the memory.
He’ll admit, his last relationship had hurt him quite a lot. He’d never felt such pain before, and it had made him quiet and reserved. But how it ended made him not seek out to find a relationship. For a while, he didn’t like the idea of love because it had only hurt you. But then he met Luci, and at first, he was hesitant to even be her friend because just at first glance, he was ruined, and he didn’t want to go through that process again; but here they are now. And maybe, he’ll tell her this, but for now, he doesn’t want to scare her off. 
“Do you still talk to her?” 
“Nope. Last I heard of her, she was engaged to this woman she met a few weeks after our breakup, but I have no clue if they’re still together.” He shrugged his shoulders. “What about you?” 
“My last relationship?” Harry nodded. “To be honest, I’ve never been in a serious one…like ever.” 
He raised his brows in shock. “Really?” 
“Yeah. The furthest I’ve gone that was close to a relationship was a friends-with-benefits towards the end of college, which didn’t end well.” Harry sensed her mood change a bit, so he didn’t pry on asking what happened in the past. The bad memories had filled her mind, making her frown, but she pushed those thoughts away, not wanting to think about them at the moment because the timing is unbelievable. “That’s that; I don't have any exciting or tea-spilling relationship stories.” 
For a moment, she didn’t want to jinx her luck, but she imagined what it would be like to be in a relationship with Harry—despite it only being their first date. Her mind took her to a fantasy that was so special and sweet because that was how she pictured what it would be like to be with him. 
They sat in silence as the sound of the waves crashing and the seagulls above them took over their hearing. It was nice and refreshing to sit side by side, taking in the beautiful scenery that the world provided. Sunsets had always made Luci feel a vast amount of gratitude towards the world and the people around her; the opportunities, the things that she got to see—they all wouldn’t have happened if the sun didn't go down, promising a new tomorrow. 
Suddenly, Harry stood up, brushing the sand that had gotten on his jeans. He reached out to Luci, who was still sitting down and looking up at him. 
“C’mon. Let’s walk,” he suggested. She grabbed his hand as he helped her up, and she patted away the soft sand that had stuck to her black jeans. 
They held hands as they walked the shore of Coney Island Beach, walking towards where the sun was departing from the world. Once the sky had turned into a purple and orange blended masterpiece, Harry stopped walking, facing Luci as he took a deep breath. 
“I’m trying…really hard to hold back.” He held her cold hands in his, lightly pushing and pulling her towards him. He’d been thinking about it for the entirety of their date, and he just wanted to pull her in and kiss her whenever.
Luci shook her head softly as she stopped swaying; her eyes flickered towards his mouth, glad she wasn’t the only one thinking the same thing. She dreamed of this—had been wanting to press her lips against his for quite some time 
“Don’t hold back. Please, don’t hold back.” Her tone and eyes were pleading for him to not refrain himself from the most magical feeling. Luci let go of his hands, wrapping them around his waist as if she was giving him permission to kiss her. 
He placed his hands on her shoulders, gently rubbing down to her elbows before he trailed them back up and to the sides of her neck and jaw. Placing a soft kiss to her forehead before placing his on Luci’s, he inhaled deeply, taking in the saltiness of the ocean next to them and the sweetness of her skin. 
Luci fluttered her eyes closed, and Harry took that opportunity to connect his lips with hers. They molded their lips together as if it were one, tasting one another for the first time. The feeling of their passionate kiss felt like the ocean had synchronized together, forming the most beautiful and largest wave for the most dedicated surfer; and when it crashed, it was powerful, breathtaking, and strong—like no other wave could top this one, no one could top this one of a kind kiss. 
Harry smiled into the kiss, making Luci smile and giggle as well. Her stomach fluttered, hugging him tighter to her as his thumbs gently caressed her soft skin. Nothing could top this feeling. 
Pulling back, Harry breathed out a giddy chuckle before placing a few more pecks on her lips as if he was dreaming the first time. Luci opened her eyes as did he; she looked into his and found an immense amount of adoration within him. 
“I like you…a lot.” 
She leaned her forehead against his chest, cheekily smiling and restricting herself from squealing before she looked back up at him. “I like you too, Harry.” 
Harry flashed her his smile, something that he couldn’t wipe off his face, not like he tried. Nowadays, he was smiling a lot more, and he was one hundred percent sure Luci was the cause of it. 
Kissing her forehead, Harry hugged her to his chest as they watched the sun go down. With her face pressed against his chest, she heard the erratic heartbeat that was pounded heavily; and in that moment, she knew exactly how that felt—to feel so much for one person that your heart could fall out—and she only hoped he could feel hers because it was pounding just the same. 
As they held each other tightly, they both knew that this was going to be something special. 
And they were all in for the ride.
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an exciting chapter! come talk to me about your thoughts, feelings, favorite moments and scenes! thank you for reading <3 next chapter will be up next saturday!
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cal-puddies · 4 years
is it warm enough for you inside me? || calum hood
this is 100% a joint effort with @kindahoping4forever​. So if you are lucky enough to live in the midwest of the US, then you know we had a random one day snow storm the other and I was talking to crystal about it. mind you i was drinking so i launched into the tropiest idea i could and this is what came out. Make sure you give her extra love too because she doesn’t realize how fucking good she is at writing.
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Cal had been your best friend for a while, you couldn’t exactly remember when you met, but you’d run into him and Ashton and he quite literally ran into you, knocking you on your ass and it’s all history from there. 
The two of you had decided a get away was in order, work stress for you and him being home from tour for too long, you both needed a break. 
And getting there was a disaster, Cal had mistaken AM flights for PM flights and booked because they were a good deal, and you didn’t actually see the tickets until last minute only to realize you needed to be up at 3 am and it had been midnight and you were tipsy and still not fully packed. 
Then the airline lost your bag. You had to wait in the airport for hours to get a rental because they were all out and you were 12 hours early.
To make matters worse, you still had to drive in a snowstorm over two hours to get to the cabin he’d rented. And you, of course, trip in the snow almost immediately. And it wasn’t light, fluffy snow, it was the super heavy, super wet stuff, and it of course soaked you through. 
So that brings you to now, tired and cold, with no extra clothes for the night except what Cal decides he can spare. It leaves you in his hoodie and your panties. The two of you sitting in front of the fire, making s’mores. 
He’s wearing the crotch hole jeans and telling  you about how he had to teach Luke about graham crackers. 
“You’re kind of being an asshole.” He mentions. 
“This isn’t exactly what I had in mind for a fun getaway. I haven’t slept in two days and I don’t know If I’m getting my bag back or I just have to wear the same clothes for the next four days.” You gripe. “And I’m fucking cold.” You groan. 
Cal nods in understanding. “I know I messed up the flights but you don’t have to take everything out on me.” He reminds you. 
You relax, because he’s right and you’d be equally as annoyed if he treated you like this. You head for the couch and throw a blanket over your lap. 
And not too long after that is when you propose the alcohol gets cracked open for the "scientific warmth", and when you cheers to your first drink, he calls a truce.
“Sorry for being a jerk, just everything that could, did go wrong” he murmurs, clinking glasses.
“Murphy’s law.” You mumble, agreeing. 
Downing your shot, you can't help but get one last jab in, "I can feel you getting likeable again already!" and then as it usually goes whenever one of you gets in a Mood, it's immediately as if nothing happened. 
You're laughing about the way you fell in the snow and doing impressions of the unhelpful airline employees who couldn't help with your bag situation.
And Cal notices you hogging the blanket on the couch, so he just climbs on next to you and helps himself, “you already got my hoodie so you gotta share.” 
“I’d share anything with you,” you mumble under your breath.
Which he doesn't hear because Cal is making a show of getting comfortable with you on the couch, “so cozy, so comfy,” and he pulls you against him for maximum comfort for you both.
And you lay there together for a while, talking about everything and nothing, his hands are slipping under the hoodie after the third drink because you are warm in his hoodie and his hands are cold.
You gasp at his touch but not entirely because of the temperature change. Calum hood could touch you 100000 times and you’d still never be ready for the full on butterfly feeling
He nonchalantly drums his fingers on your  bare skin because he's Cal and hasn't noticed how your breathing has changed, doesn’t notice you seem to hold your breath and you’re not laughing as much, because what if your stomach feels weird to him and he’s grossed out. 
You kind of panic and you know you need an out of this situation. So you end up exaggeratedly yawning, “think I’m gonna head to bed Cal, I’m exhausted.” You mumble. But you know you just need to put some space between you for even just a few minutes, you don't know how much longer you can pretend that your face is flushed from drinking. 
Cal agrees “yeah, we should get some rest so we can fight the airline for your fuckin bag,” so he’s behind you, rambling, and when you make it to the bedroom in your little cabin, you realize Calum must have booked one with only one bed. You stop short in the doorway.
He finally makes it to the door and bumps into you. He takes in the room and kind of laughs, “coulda sworn I asked for two.” He scratches the back of his neck. 
“It’s cool, I’ll sleep on the couch.” You shrug, turning to walk away, it’s too crowded in here now. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, you’ll freeze, we’ll share.” 
"Great" you sigh, and while he's gone back to the living room to make sure everything's locked up, you quickly rearrange the bedding to form a makeshift pillow wall down the middle of the bed,  so you have at least some hope of being able to rest. You rush to the bathroom to pull yourself together as you hear him coming back down the hall.
Cal thinks the pillow wall is ridiculous when and is rearranging the bed when you come back, he gives you this look like ‘what is wrong with you?’
“What?! My back hurts from tensing up and shivering; I just wanted some extra support.” 
“I can rub your back, and if you're still that cold, we should probably snuggle up skin to skin. You know, transfer body heat and all that.” He explains. 
You groan internally as he strips down, to his underwear and snuggles into the bed, “here I’ll get it warmed up for ya.” He smiles, and wow he’s looking so cute smiley and snugg in the bed, cheeks tinted pink from the alcohol. He makes a show of kicking his legs and rolling around to warm up the bed, and then looks at you, “c’mon! It’s warm, hoodie off.” 
“Calum.” You roll your eyes.
"Just tryna help, love," and next thing you know he's pouting with those plush lips and god, you really could not have made this a worse situation for yourself if you had tried. You fidget with the hem of the hoodie for a beat longer before you offer an exasperated "Fuck it" and tear it off and hurriedly slide under the covers.
“That’s my girl.” Calums grins, pulling you into him. He wraps his arm around you and starts absentmindedly rubbing your back, “isn’t this better? The bed is warm, we’re cuddled up together rather than having all those pillows to make sure we both stay cold?”
You roll your eyes to yourself at his ability to remain totally oblivious to the situation. It's so Calum. This isn't the first time your attraction to him has gotten the best of you but it's definitely the closest you've come to having to address it. Wrapped up in tattooed arms, bare chest pressed up against your back, this is the closest you've been to Calum, period. "You were right, 's great, Cal. Thanks" you say warmly but in a tone you hope makes it clear the conversation doesn't need to continue.
He stays quiet for a little bit, burying his face against the back of your neck. “Glad we decided to get away.” He murmurs, and you get goosebumps as his lips brush against the back of your neck. “Are you cold? Here, turn over, against me.” He says softly.
You can't think of a reason not to so you flip over as requested. He runs his hand vigorously up and down your arm, that he's decided entirely on his own needs warming. In a genuine but light tone, you ask, "How are you not tired? We got up so early and everything that went wrong... hell is literally freezing over right now. Why are you not sleeping?" 
Without even a beat of hesitation, he shrugs and answers simply, "Guess I'd rather talk to you."
You let out a little sigh. Cal was aloof. No idea what those words meant to you, no idea of the total effect he was having on you, and you’re not even sure he’d care if he did know and that was annoying enough.
You must still have a notable amount of liquid courage in you because you hear yourself press him, "Well. Let's talk then. Tell me something I don't know. And make it interesting, Hood."
And he decides to match your courage, “I think you’re pretty.” He murmurs, in case you don’t hear him and he can take it back.
You purse your lips in thought. Normally you're a big believer in the "go big or go home" mindset but the problem here is if this goes wrong, you can't go home because of the storm. His admission isn't much but coming from Cal, it's kind of a lot. Realizing you need to respond before either of you lose your nerve, you take a deep breath and move the slightest bit closer to him on the bed. "You got me drunk and naked during a blizzard just to tell me I'm pretty?"
Cal lets out a sigh of relief and grins at you, “best laid plans darlin... what did you wanna hear, about how I wanna kiss you, or suck your clit instead?” He decides to be brash right back.
You grin back at him while your mind is going a mile a minute. You search his eyes, trying to decide how much of this is him trying to get a reaction out of you, hoping this is for real and not just a game of chicken that flirty friends might play. You clear your throat and smirk, "Well. I guess I did say make it interesting, now didn't I?"
“Right, right.” He nods... “so you definitely wanted to hear about how I’d kiss down your body, paying attention to your neck and nipples because I know you like that. Maybe a couple hickies? Then your thighs would just be covered in marks...” he watches you shift, “should I go on?” He smirks
You love that smirk and you hate that smirk. That smirk that lets him get away with anything but also let's on that he knows he can get away with anything. You wish your breathing hadn't become so shallow as you lean in and say in a much lower voice than anticipated, "You know... I'm realizing I've never been a big fan of stories." You lightly drag your finger down his chest, stopping to trace over his many tattoos. "Always preferred 'show' over 'tell', you know?"
“I think I know that about you.” He pushes your hair off your shoulder and pulls you closer, pressing his lips to your neck, he feels your body tense for a moment as he presses another to your cheek. “This ok?” He checks.
You exhale loudly, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. You smile faintly at him, the flirty confidence you'd been hiding behind finally slipping. "Yes..." You answer, running your hand down his sweetly concerned face, enjoying the roughness of his stubbly cheeks. "More than ok. I've just... I've been wanting this." You hook your fingers under his chin and bring his face to yours, fitting your lips against his before he can respond to your confession.
Cal grins into the kiss; happy to have the permission. The kiss is needy, he’s nipping at your bottom lip, sucking it, and then he’s moving his lips back to your neck, pulling you against him, grabbing your ass to pull you closer. He pushes you over onto your back as he starts to kiss down your body.
Your fingers instantly thread thru his hair as you watch him move down the bed, pressing his lips to your skin any and everywhere he sees fit. You gasp as he palms over your right breast, loudly sucking a mark just below it. "You don't waste any time, do you, Cal?" You comment shakily, closing your eyes.
“Well... I’ve been wanting it, too.” He smirks at you. “So pretty.” His tongue pokes out, teasing your nipple. “Wondering how you taste, how you sound.”
You inadvertently let out a yelp when the chilly air of the room hits your skin dampened by his kisses at the exact moment he says the word "sound." You both chuckle warmly at the coincidence and for a second, you forget that this is not normal, that this is uncharted territory. You remember that it's just Cal. His mouth closing in on your other nipple yanks you out of your thoughts and you relax into the feeling, murmuring "That's nice, Cal" because you know he likes encouragement.
Cal kisses back up your body, pushing himself flush against you so you can feel that you’re getting him hard. He presses a couple sweet kisses to your cheeks before moving back down leaving open mouth kisses against your thighs, marks and nips decorating your skin
Cal hooks his fingers in your panties and gently pulls them off. He notices your breath catches as you feel him between your legs and he looks up at you, eyes meeting yours to check in once more. You bite your lip and nod. Satisfied with this exchange, he wraps his arms around your thighs, bringing you closer to him and his tongue darts out to lick a stripe down your center.
Cal hums against you as he slowly licks over your clit, “so worked up.” He grins at you. “Can you turn the lamp on? Wanna see you.”
You snort at his request but oblige him, making a big show out of extending your body up and over to reach the bedside table. "Not exactly the type of stretch I've been hoping for tonight, Hood," you tease.
He cocks an eyebrow, licking into you, staring you down. He presses his thumb to your clit, “you want stretch, darlin? I’m sure I can make that happen for you.”
He circles your clit with his thumb a few times before attaching his lips to it. He continues to eat you at a torturously slow pace and you groan, bucking your hips against his face, resulting in him murmuring an unintelligible protest against your pussy and reaching out to steady your wild hips.
“Acting like no ones touched you in months.” He teases. “Fuck, youre delicious.” He rests his head against your thigh and flicks his tongue over and over your clit, moaning. He flicks his eyes up to you to see your face
He sees your lips are moving but no words are coming out. He smiles to himself as he asks a question he feels he probably already knows the answer to, "You ready to cum for me, darlin?"
Your fingers tangle in his hair and he buries his face back against your core, licking, sucking, nipping on the super sensitive flesh, listening to your moans and rambling
He hears you find your voice just enough to get out a strained "Jesus, Cal" and then feels your body finally tense and relax beneath him. He laps at you a few more times before you're pushing him away. He presses a kiss to each of your inner thighs and then raises himself over you, to kiss you, tongue moving against yours with grace, offering you a taste of your arousal, taking away the breath you had barely just caught after your orgasm.
“Was it everything you’ve wanted?” He teases, against your mouth. He drops his hips against yours, needing you to feel him. You pull out the kiss and Cal immediately goes back to kissing your neck, “it was more than I thought, you sound better than I could have imagined. Better than I’ve thought about when jerking off.” He admits.
You press a small kiss to his shoulder and decide you can't get him close enough so you run your hands down his back, drawing him near, "Can't say I was disappointed." You roll your hips against his, eliciting the type of sharp groan you were hoping you'd receive. "But tell me, what else have you thought about?" You reach between you and find his hard cock between your bodies and give it a light squeeze thru his boxers.
“What haven’t I thought about?” He chuckles, gripping you and flipping you so you’re on top, “this has crossed my mind a lot. Bet you look so pretty when you’re riding cock.” He hums, “think about your lips wrapped around me.”
You lean over him and trail short wet kisses all over his chest, "Oh yeah? Reckon I'd look pretty good with your cock in my mouth?" You tease
“I’d be willing to bet on it.” He winks. “Should we find out? Or are you wanting more.”
You both grin at each other like fools as you work together to get his underwear off. You figure you've both waited long enough for this and waste no time licking up the sides of his cock before taking as much of it as you can into your mouth
“No what the fuck.” He breathes
You pull off of him as quickly as you took him in and chuckle, "Thought you said you thought about this a lot, is this not what you expected?" You smile at him playfully while you give his cock a few gentle strokes. You lean down to roll your tongue briskly over the head before wrapping your lips around it and gently begin to suck.
“No, this is perfect, baby, thank you.” He groans, wrapping his hand in your hair. He moans as you work his cock up and down, flicking your tongue over the tip before licking down his shaft to suck on his balls, drawing out a low groan. “Baby, want you on my cock, please.”
You react audibly to his words and lazily drag your lips across his cock and chest as you make your way back up his body. You lay next to him and he wraps a hand around your neck, pulling you to his lips, murmuring nonsense against them. You pull back and kiss along his jaw because you've always wanted to do that and now you can, "How do you want me?"
“Be a good girl and ride me for a little, yeah?” He asks. “Just wanna see you on top of me for a bit, and then maybe I can get it from behind.” He murmurs, holding your neck tight.
Just the thought of Cal bending you over like you've always imagined has you feeling weak and your eyes fluttering shut, "That... sounds like a fantastic plan." You peck at his lips a few times more and sit up, "So tell me, does a stud like you keep condoms with you at all times or are we going with the honor system here? I'm on the pill and like, I know you so I'm fine either way..."
He hmmms... “I didn’t assume to bring any... like don’t get me wrong, I would have thought too if I thought this was possible. But I can be a responsible adult and wait, as much as I don’t really want to…”
Of all of the unexpected events of the day, hands down the most surprising for Cal has to be seeing the wide smile that spreads across your face. Before he can ask you about it, you're capturing his lips in yours again, "Good boy," you beam and then bound off the bed into the living room. He's confused until he sees you rushing back into the bedroom, digging thru your purse. "You know, I've always wondered what your move would be in this situation, although I appreciate you not assuming anything," you triumphantly toss a shiny packet at him on the bed. He raises an eyebrow at you as you toss your bag aside and climb back on the bed. "Don't flatter yourself, Cal, it's not specifically for you, I just like to be prepared," you tease.
“Oh yeah? Just gonna fuck a random mountain man then?” He quips with a soft smile to let you know he’s joking.
"I didn't take you for a role playing guy, but if that's what you're into, I'm down"
“No no, if we're gonna do this, we’re gonna do this as ourselves. I don’t wanna pretend I wouldn’t have you if you weren’t you.” He admits. 
“Another point for Hood.” You grin. “Now, are you gonna put that condom on or do you need a hand?”
"I'm never gonna say no to you putting your hands on me," he taps the bed next to him, indicating you should come closer. He rubs over the top of your thigh as you tear open the wrapper and give his cock a few firm tugs before you roll the condom onto him.
Cal grabs for your hips, sitting up for a kiss and to guide you over him. He grabs his cock in one hand and slicks it through your folds. “Think you’re ready?” He checks, “it feels like you’re ready.“ he murmurs
"You have no idea how ready," you groan and begin to sink yourself down onto him.
Cal groans from the sudden delicious change of your body on top of him and you wrapping around him “can’t believe we’re finally doing this, you feel amazing.” He admits, laying back. “Show me how you like it gorgeous.” 
And you can’t help but love all the affection and terms of endearment he’s showering you with.
You take his hands from off your hips and place them on your tits. He takes the hint and begins playing with them and then you're rolling your hips, trying to find a rhythm that satisfies you both. "Fill me even better than I thought you would," you tell him.
“Oh? So you’ve been thinking about my dick?” Cal gets cocky, and he grins. “You can take it slow, I wanna enjoy you on top of me, I can rail you in a bit.”
Calum lands a hard smack to your ass.
You roll your eyes, partly at his smug demeanor and partly at how much it turns you on. "You want slow, Cal?" You lean back, bracing your hands on his legs. You raise your hips until his cock is nearly all the way out of you and then slowly lower yourself to take him all in again. You repeat this slow dance again and again and the way Cal is gripping your hips along with the soft curses slipping from him tells you the sensation -not to mention the sight- is driving him wild. "This more what you had in mind?"
“Exactly.” He confirms, slowly moving his hands across your skin, up over your breasts, tweaking your nipples, lightly holding your neck, and down back over your thighs, he might be in you but he wants to make sure you feel him all over your body. He bites his lip watching you, “feels so good, pretty girl.” He praises. “You let me know when you’re ready to switch.” He lets his thumb linger over your clit, pressing soft circles over it.
"Ah... that's so good, keep doing that." You moan contentedly and lean into his touch, bouncing on his cock just a little more aggressively. "Love this but honestly just about ready for you to wreck me"
“Happy to.” He guides you off of him by your hips, “let’s get ass in the air.” He directs. He watches you turn over and settle on your hands and knees, wiggling your ass. He can’t help himself as he leans in to slick his tongue through your folds another time, listening to your breath hitch at his unexpected action. “So good,” he murmurs as he kisses the back of your thigh and up to your lower back. “Nothing’s gonna beat the view of you on top of me, but...” he lines up and sinks in, “fuck you feel good.” He makes quick work of upping the rhythm since you’re already so wet for him.
He moves his hips against you, hands alternating between grabbing at your ass and holding on to your hips for leverage. You can't believe how good he feels from this angle and you want to tell him but all that comes out is a series of whines. He seems to get the message, though, since he responds with "Feelin good, pretty girl?" and a loud slap to your ass as he drives himself in deeper.
Your arms give as you drop your face to the bed, chanting and whining his name. “Gonna cum for me, pretty girl?” He teases, rubbing a hand over the newly smacked flesh, landing another one, he grins at your little yelp. “Taking it so well.” He groans. And then it’s just skin on skin and the moans filling the bedroom.
You can't help but move your hips back against him as you feel yourself nearing your end. "Fuck, gorgeous, get what you need," his encouragement sending you over the edge. He slows down, letting you ride out the orgasm at your own pace, groaning at your satisfied sounds and the feeling of you pulsing around him. Once he feels your body relax, he gently alters his rhythm once more, searching for his own release.
He grins, still watching you while chasing his orgasm, your body still moves for him, he’s watching the nothing fall out of your moving lips, your fingers curl into the sheets, it’s when you finally find your voice to say “cum for me cal” that he loses it, holding his hips tight against yours as he spills into the condom.
Cal stays buried in you for a few beats longer, hands absentmindedly rubbing over your ass as he catches his breath. He gives one last "Fuckin hell," under his breath as he eases himself out of you, you murmur in blissful agreement. You feel him affectionately run his hand down your spine and leave a small kiss on the back of your neck before the weight on the bed shifts as he gets up to dispose of the condom.
When he comes back, you exhaustedly cuddle against his chest. He kisses the top of your head and listens as you fall asleep. “Guess we’ll talk about us in the morning.” He whispers, kissing your head again. 
You’re both awoken by your ringing cell phone, cal is wrapped tightly around you, and you have to fight your way out of his arms to go answer it. 
His eyes are barely open as you climb back in bed with him, he scoops his arm around you and pulls you in. “My suitcase came in this morning, they are going to bring it here.” He grin. 
“That’s good, but I was liking you in my hoodie.” He murmurs, eyes closing again. 
“Know you wanna go back to sleep Cal, but, can we talk?” You ask and watch as he nods, “about last night… I want you to know that I hope it’s not just a one time thing.” 
“Could be a two time thing,” he murmurs, pushing his hand between your thighs and kissing your cheek, “are you thinking something else?” He checks, as you push against his chest. 
“I was thinking maybe like… we try… us.” You admit, “if you want to, no pressure.” You quickly sputter out. 
“Of course I want to.” He sighs. “Just wasn’t ever sure you wanted that.” 
“I do, I want that.” You kiss his nose, “so let’s try.”
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cherryeol04 · 4 years
Magical Hands (M)
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Genre: Smut Pairing: Felix x Reader Word Count: 3.1K Summary: All you wanted was a massage from your boyfriend. Instead, he decides to play with you.
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You came home rotating your shoulder despite the sharp stab of pain you felt every time you moved your neck in certain directions. After swallowing three different types of pills throughout the day, you were 100% sure that you had a pinched nerve. Somehow you did something that your shoulder and neck absolutely hated and now you were paying the price for it. But for the life of you, you couldn’t remember doing anything out of the ordinary.
Groaning deeply, you dropped your purse onto the kitchen counter as you headed for the pantry where you kept the over the counter medication, ready to pop 3 more pain relievers with a prayer that maybe this time they’ll work. You didn’t think they would, but what else could you do? What you really wanted was to feel the magical fingers that your boyfriend, Felix, possessed. He was a masseuse, both as a hobby and by trade and you had seen him in action plenty of times. You could practically hear the relieved grunts and groans of Chan every time he came over to get his weekly massage. It was absolutely the most erotic thing that you had witnessed between the two. And yet you had never thought of asking Felix for a massage before.
Granted, you’ve never had a massage period, so it was never a thought that crossed your mind. But right now, that’s all you wanted. A hard massage, a glass of wine and your bed. Sighing, you placed the bottle of pills back in the cabinet and closed it, resting your head against the cool wood. “Fu~ck.” You whined out loudly, closing your eyes as you debated on what to do. You weren’t sure if Felix was home yet from work and you didn’t want to bother him if he was with a client. But you were so sore and in pain. Maybe you should just drink some wine and call it a night? Hopefully, the alcohol will numb the pain enough for you to get some sleep.
Pushing off the cabinet, you headed for the fridge and pulled it open, looking through the several bottles of wine you had stored in there. White? Red? Or Pink? What were you in the absolute mood for? It honestly didn’t matter what you picked, you were such a lightweight with any sort of alcohol that you were gonna get drunk by the time you went to bed, but what mattered was the taste. You decided after a few moments that you were in the mood for something fruity and picked your favorite pink Moscato. Closing the door to the fridge, you rummaged around the kitchen, looking for a wine glass when you felt a hand slid over your right shoulder and you nearly dropped everything in your hands as the touch aggravated the pain while simultaneously scaring the shit out of you. “Ow.”
“Y/n, you alright?” Felix asked, removing his hand quickly. He wrapped his arm around your waist quickly as your knees buckled and you slumped back against his chest. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and you honestly just wanted to die. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“My shoulder.” You whimpered. “And neck. It’s so sore and nothing is helping.”
“So you figured you’d numb it away?” Felix asked as he glanced down at the wine in your grasp. He carefully took the bottle from your hand and sat it down on the kitchen counter, followed shortly by the glass.
“Felix, let me drink the pain away.” You all but pouted, your frown deepening as the only response you received was a kiss to your forehead.
“Come on baby, let’s go to bed. I’ll help ease that pain.” You smiled at him and nodded, letting Felix gently guide you back to the bedroom, ready for whatever it is he was going to do because any sort of relief would be worth it.
“Strip for me.” Looking back at him, you cocked your head at his demand, watching as he made his way to his bag in the corner of the room and started pulling out different massaging oils. Oh... so maybe you didn’t have to ask him for a massage after all. Humming lightly, you started stripping, careful with each movement so as not to make the pain any worse. Though you had a sneaky suspicion that the massage you were gonna receive might end up being a tad bit painful. You just hoped Felix would go easy on you.
Naked, you climbed onto the bed and sat there, watching as Felix brought his oils over. He paused, giving you a once over and smirking. It sent a shiver through you and you subconsciously lifted your arms to cover your exposed chest. He chuckled and shook his head. “I don’t know why you’re doing that.” He teased. “I’ve seen it all before.” His words didn’t help and you huffed as you clutched are your sides harder to keep yourself covered out of spite.
With another laugh, Felix climbed onto the bed behind you, dropping the bottles of oil next to you as he situated himself. "So tell me again, where is the pain?"
"Neck and shoulder. Like it starts at the base of my neck and just curves right down into my right shoulder. I've tried everything to get it to stop hurting and it won't go away." You whined, arms falling to your sides as you wait patiently for the other.
"Here?" Felix asked as he pressed his fingers along your neck and shoulder. The pain was almost instantaneous and you jolted to get away from his touch. "I'm sorry." he quickly apologized as you whined out, lowering your head as you tried to breathe through the pain until it subsided. Once it gradually dulled, you raised your head carefully and looked back at him.
"This is going to hurt, isn't it?" you asked softly. Felix flashed a sad smile and nodded. "Okay, just be gentle."
"I'll be as gentle as I possibly can." he assured you. Reaching over, he grabbed one of the bottles and opened it. The scent of Eucalyptus and Menthol filled the air and it reminded you of your favorite body wash, which coincidentally you also had as a candle that you burned every now and then. It calmed you, relieving whatever stress you had from the day and this oil was no different. Your muscles were already relaxing before anything was even done. Maybe you just needed to inhale the smell for half an hour or something? It couldn't hurt, but a part of you knew you needed the actual massage to release whatever tension your neck and shoulder might have. You could hear the light squelch as Felix rubbed the oil between his hands - warming it up - before gently placing them on both of your shoulders. He worked in unison, both hands gently caressing your skin to smooth the oil over it.
The oil itself gave off a cooling sensation for the briefest of moments before it gave way to a tingling sensation that wasn't all unpleasant as it warmed up. It was very nice and you let out a soft sigh of contentment as Felix worked over your muscles lightly. The pressure was never too much, and you could tell he was trying to be as careful as possible. Yet, you weren't at all surprised that he managed to hit a sore spot in his exploration. In fact, it was probably the sorest spot and most likely the area the was causing the radiating pain. You jerked and Felix's left hand gripped your shoulder to keep you in place. He pressed again, even lighter than last time, and yet you could still feel the pain as he rolled his thumb back and forth over the spot. "F-Felix." you choked out.
"You got a nasty knot right there." His left hand moved and started rubbing small circles over your lower back and left shoulder as he continued to focus on the spot on the left. Each touch sent electric sparks through your body and you just wanted to cry. And you did. The soft sound had Felix pausing and he retracted his hand almost instantly. "Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?"
It was a relief when the touches stopped, allowing your mind to clear as you focused briefly on your breathing. The pain dulled away and you heaved a heavy sigh - debating if you should continue this massage or not. It was more painful than you originally thought and you weren't entirely sure you would be able to handle the pain. "I-I don't know." you whispered. "It hurts a lot. But I feel like the massage will help. I just can't take the pain." you confessed. Silence enveloped you and you felt so disappointed in yourself for not being able to handle this. You felt weak and you hated it, especially since you were in front of your boyfriend. He must think so poorly of you now.
"Baby." Felix's voice was deep, yet soft and like a melody, you would always listen to over and over. His voice was one of the many reasons you fell in love with him. "I think I might have a solution to your problem." he said carefully and you turned your body to face him since turning your neck hurt even more now. "Do you trust me?"
"Of course." Felix's smile was absolutely beautiful. He was so pleased with your answer and how quickly you gave it. It was the truth - you trusted him with your life. The way his eyes crinkled and his nose scrunched up slightly was heartwarming. It only seemed to accentuate the gorgeous galaxy of freckles that adorned his face. It always amazed you how he could be so handsome and mature, yet cute and boyish at the same time. His duality was shocking, but you wouldn't have him any other way.
"Good, turn back around."
You hesitated for a moment before turning back around. You rolled your shoulders back to try and help relax yourself, but it only reminded you of the pain that was dully throbbing. You felt the bed shift as Felix grabbed another bottle and opened it. This time the scent of citrus filled the air and you felt like you had been transported to a tropical island. Those were always your favorite scents - the ones that reminded you of being on an island getaway. Nothing but the sun and the sea beckoning you. The familiar squelch of liquid filled your ears as Felix warmed the oil before placing his hand back against your shoulder and slowly started rubbing the sore knot. The pain wasn't as intense before, but it was there and you were very mindful of how Felix's fingers were working over the tender flesh.
It was strange, however, how the oil this time started off as warm and was increasingly getting hotter. It didn't get too hot where it burned you, but it was a pleasant heat, almost as if you had a heating pad on your shoulder or taking a nice relaxing hot bath. You knew warming oils existed, but you had never tried them before. This was interesting and you had to admit, you really liked it.
Felix's free hand wrapped around your waist suddenly, and he pulled you back against him. Your oily back was pressed against his chest and you were briefly worried that you were going to ruin his nice dress shirt, but when you tried to pull away you couldn't, his grip tightening around you. "Just relax." he whispered, a shiver running down your spine at how deep and husky his voice was. His left hand slowly crept lower, fingers walking across your stomach teasingly, making the muscles tense and spams at the wonderfully horribly feeling. You wanted to both laugh and moan at the touch and you absolutely hated it.
His fingers dipped down further and you bit your bottom lip as they grazed your folds, sliding almost effortlessly against them - leaving a tingling warm sensation in their wake. It was at that moment you realized that this had was also covered in the oil. For a terrifying moment you were worried about how the oil would interact with such a sensitive part of your body, but the more Felix touched you, the warmer the oil made you feel and not in a bad way.
Your body relaxed against him, your legs parting to give him better access to you. His hole hand moved and cupped your pussy, coating it liberally with the remaining oil on his hand. The heat started off slight, slowly growing in intensity that was nearly indescribable. It didn't hurt, but tingled in the best sort of way. It reminded you of the many times when you sat wrong and your pussy actually went numb. Strange but pleasurable. And when Felix shifted his hand back, two fingers slipping between your folds and rub against your clit, you couldn't stop the gasp that fell from your lips, thighs jerking at the sudden spark of pleasure swirling within your gut.
Felix chuckled and rubbed your clit again and you whined, letting your head fall back and eyes close as you basked in the pleasure the other was giving you. "Felix."  Titling his head, Felix pressed a gentle kiss to your neck, nipping lightly as his fingers continued to move, drawing little shapes and driving you absolutely mad with want and desire. Your thighs continued to tremble with the direct stimulation to your clit and it was starting to become too much for you. You reached down, gripping his wrist tightly, but making no move to stop him. You just needed him to know and realize. And he did, moving his fingers to rest just above the little nub to pressed and rub there. It wasn't as intense, but just as pleasurable and you found your hips lifting, trying to get more.
"God, please." you begged out, yet Felix made no move to give you anything more than his teasing touches. His lips found your ear, pressing light kisses to it, drawing your attention away from the mounting pleasure in you and you hated it. Hate that your brain betrayed your body so much, focusing on something that wasn't going to cause your immediate orgasm. Felix called it orgasm control, you called it just being plain mean.
"You like this baby? Being spread out for me, letting me play with your pretty pussy like this." You moaned, a shudder wracking your body as you wiggled your hips, rubbing yourself against his slowly moving fingers. "So desperate, what do you want?"
"M-more." you struggled to get out, breaths coming out in quick pants. Felix gave another chuckle and slipped his fingers back down over your clit, drawing figure eights against it that had your back arching. "Fuck Felix, please!"
"Tell me what you want, sweetheart."
"Your fingers." you whined out and jerked as he flicked his finger against the tip of your clit.
"You already have my fingers baby. Is this not enough?"
"Want them inside." It was a pathetic plea, and you hoped your boyfriend would take mercy on you. You had one hell of a day, gone through such pain and now all you wanted to do was get off. "Please Felix?"
Felix hummed lightly, pausing in his movements and you wanted to cry. You could feel your body slowly unwinding and you didn't want that. You had been so worked up - so close - and now it was waning. Felix gave a firm tap against your clit and whimpered with need. It seemed your boyfriend was willing to take pity on you as his fingers trailed down, pressing lightly against your dripping hole.  "You want this?"
"Yes." gasped out, hips rocking down in hopes of pushing those fingers inside you. You weren't sure if it actually worked or if Felix was just being kind. Regardless, he slipped his two fingers inside you, stretching you and felt like such a relief. Your hand squeezed around his wrist as you bit your bottom lip, deep moans leaving you as Felix moved his fingers. They pressed and rubbed against your walls, sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing through you. You felt full, but it still wasn't enough and you were about to voice your complaints when he curled his fingers upwards and pressed repeatedly.
"Oh Felix!" You cried out, hips bucking as you trembled against his body. You feel the sweat rolling down your thighs and hips as the pleasure intensified. His fingers alternated between pressing and rubbing against your g-spot, your high mounting faster than before. Your chest heaved with every pant, the coil of arousal tightening in your gut. You could feel it coming - so close to the edge. "Yes, gonna cum. Felix I'm going to cum." You whined out, a loud cry being pulled from you as Felix's thumb started rubbing your clit once more. Your walls tightened around his fingers, thighs closing tightly around his hand as you came - mouth open as heady whines fell from your lips.
As your spasms slowly eased up, your legs parted as you fell limp against him. He laughed and carefully removed his fingers from your sensitive core and wiped them against the covers of the bed. "That was so good." you whispered and Felix laughed again.
"Glad I could help baby." he cooed, running his fingers through your hair gently. "How does your shoulder feel?" he asked. You looked up at him confused for a moment. It dawned on you what you two had actually been doing - forgotten by your own need to cum - and you sat up. You rolled your shoulder, turned your head, and gasped.
"Oh my god! It doesn't hurt anymore!" You were shocked, because you certainly didn't think an orgasm would help with the pain. But then again, maybe Felix had been working your shoulder the whole time he was getting you off, you couldn't be sure. "Babe, you're fucking amazing!" Reaching out, you cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss. "God I love you." He laughed against your lips, returning the kiss before pulling back.
"I love you too babe. I'm glad my magical hands could help your pain."
"Me too." You smiled, letting out a soft sigh. "Now I'm ready for a nice shower and bed."
"Go shower and I'll clean up the mess."  Felix chuckled as he moved from behind you and grabbed his massaging oils to put them away. You watched him with a fond smile before getting up and making your way to the bathroom. Now that your pain was gone, all that was left was to get ready for bed and cuddle your wonderful boyfriend
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Tags:  @starryseung​​ @channiesmixtape​​ @lordseochangbin​​ @jisungsjheekies​​ @felixsanxchatbot​​
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Chapter 8
Let me know if you wanna get tagged when I post new chapters in “These Streets Are Made For Walking”. @sleepysnails.
Ao3 Link
It’s the next Wednesday when the Foster Bitch climbed the stairs up to Techno’s room. Knocking on the doorframe twice, she entered without waiting for an answer.
“Tommy hasn’t been to school all week, and the school called about unexcused absences.” She frowned at him. “You share a room with him, and don’t you drive him to school? Where is he?”
Techno threw his earbuds on his bedside table. “No idea Ma’am. I haven’t seen him since you sent him to pick me up from the station last Thursday. He woke up early and took the bus. I figured he was mad at me and at Tubbo’s. Dream’s been suspended for the incident, so I couldn’t exactly ask him.”
“Don’t you have his number?” she asked in an accusatory tone.
“Yes. But you confiscated his phone two weeks ago.”
“Oh.” She seemed to be taken aback for a second. “Shouldn’t you have Dream’s?”
“That’s for work. Like I said, I thought Tommy was at Tubbo’s. I didn’t think anything was wrong.”
“Mr. Richmon is in the kitchen.”
Ranboo’s dad. “Oh fuck.” Techno rolled out of his bed. He honestly would rather stay on his phone, but she was clearly offloading this on him, and Techno was going to make sure Tommy still had friends. Going to Ranboo’s was the best dinner Tommy ever gets. He doesn’t eat that much when he’s over, because he’ll just vomit it up, but the leftovers he takes back last the two of them a good week. Tommy may not want to be a bother and use up their resources, but Techno knows that he thinks of those leftovers as paying Techno back for everything he does.
Techno rushed down the stairs, jumping two at a time. The old stairs creaked as his feet hit their tops, the planks bending under his weight. In a moment of hesitation Techno stopped suddenly, sliding a little on his socks. He took a moment to collect himself, before making his way into the kitchen.
“Mr. Richmon,” greeted the Foster Bitch appearing next to him. “This is Techno, he’s probably the closest person to your son as Tommy hasn’t been around lately.”
“We’ve crossed paths,” Techno said, straightening his tee-shirt collar.
“Parent teacher interviews, was it?” Mr. Richmon asked, sending a little glare to the Foster Bitch and offering Techno his hand.
His grip was firm, but Techno’s was comparable. “What brings you here?”
“I haven’t seen my son since Friday.”
“I’ve been calling him in absent for a prolonged family issue, but I am well aware of the company he keeps.” Mr. Richmon kept his tone light, but the accusation is heard loud and clear as he pulls out a chair for himself.
Techno tips his head in understanding. “His friends aren’t that bad,” he defends. “But I understand your concern with Tubbo and Purpled’s brothers.”
Mr. Richmon gestures to Techno, “And Tommy’s.”
“I’m not Tommy’s brother. This is a group home. We aren’t related,” he dismissed immediately. “The other guys are blood though.”
Both the Foster Bitch and Mr. Richmon gave him weird looks at his comment.
Techno took them in stride. So what? He knows he’s lying to himself more than he’s trying to convince them. “I can ask Dream and Punz if they know anything,” Techno suggested. “I assume you don’t want to be seen with them?”
Mr. Richmon nodded. “Of course not. This place is dingy enough.”
The Foster Bitch looks affronted, but Techno shushed her with a look. “I’ll try to find your son, but might I recommend going to the police.”
“The less the police know the better,” Mr. Richmon said like it was a mantra of his.
Techno nodded, already trying to figure out how he was going to deal with this. He was the getaway driver who did his homework. Sure he knew a few things, but he didn’t have any street skills. He remembered the purple hoodie at the gas station; he might have wanted to stay oblivious, but he knew who he saw.
Techno and Mr. Richmon left the house at the same time. They got into their respective cars and they drove in opposite directions. Techno headed to Punz’s place--might as well check if they were there. Techno honestly doesn’t know why he had Punz’s key on his lanyard, but due to it he didn’t bother needing to knock.
“Techno’s here!” he shouted; can’t ever be too careful at the mercenary’s house. He doesn’t hear anything back, and since anyone who could possibly be here would shout back in greeting, he assumed that the place was empty. But it doesn’t hurt to check around.
The thing about Punz and his profession is that he had to keep tabs on his targets, and the way he practiced and kept his skills sharp was by keeping tabs on his close associates. Therefore, he normally knows when people plan to stop by.
Techno walked into the living room and found a sticky note on the family computer. “Initiation collateral. Alive,” he reads.
Techno moved the mouse and the screen opened up to an article on one of the dark web sites. “New Las Nevadas Member: Merc. Punz’s Baby Bro.” He quickly scrolled down to the cover photo: open white van doors with Purpled and Tommy grappling on the ground, Ranboo and Tubbo nowhere to be seen. “Shit.”
As he skims the article he pulls out his phone and calls Dream.
He picked up on the second ring. “Hello?”
“Tommy’s for sure not sleeping at your place is he?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.
“For sure? Is everything okay?”
“No. Is Tommy there?” Techno pressed.
“No, and Tubbo hasn’t checked in with me for a while.”
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Techno lifted his shoulder, trapping the phone there so that both of his hands were free. He scrolled back up to see the picture again, confirmation that it was, in fact, real. He let out an unsteady breath, and shook out his hands.
“Why? What happened?” Dream’s voice picked up anxiously. “Did you hear something?”
“Yeah. So did Punz.” Techno took a deep breath. “Did he tell you anything?”
“I haven’t spoken to Punz in about a month,” Dream said.
“Mr. Richmon came by the home asking for his son.”
“The kids aren’t at Ranboo’s?” Dream asked, concern hardening his tone.
“Nope. Purpled’s on the news. The way that you’re on the news.”
The line was silent. “Fuck.” The sound of something breaking echoed down the line. “That’s. Bad.”
“Hope its ransom.”
There was a rustle on Dream’s end of the line, as if he was moving something. “Fuck. I’ll look into it. What did Purp get into?”
“Las Nevadas.”
“Fuck. Purpled. Why? What did Mr. Richmon say?”
“That Ranboo was missing and that he came to me because you and Punz live in too much of a shithole for him to visit.”
“I don’t live in a shithole!”
“This place is dingy enough, were his exact words.”
It’s been a week. Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy were thrown into the same room. It’s objectively a nice room, but a prison is still a prison no matter how lavish the cell. The beds were really comfortable, but it was barren besides them.
They don’t see Purpled again, instead Fundy Soot is the one to bring them their three meals a day. You’d think that one could never get sick of pizza, but eventually--especially with the mood so sour--there comes a breaking point.
“Did someone order a meat-lovers?” The door opens and Fundy is inside the room with three cardboard plates, two slices on each. “Your dinner is here.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Tommy said digging into his slices.
“No, I don’t think I will.” Fundy smiles vindictively. Sue him, he hates babysitting duty. “Who’s gonna shut me up? Your brother?” he asks, looking at Tubbo. “That little amateur couldn’t do anything. Petty thieving is the highest form of sin you know?” Fundy said like he was reciting something.
“Shut the fuck up,” Tommy repeated, noticing how Tubbo froze.
“You too? What’s your brother going to do? He’s just the fucking getaway driver. He can’t help you. Big Brother Techno Blade isn’t as strong as you think he is, little Tommy.”
“Shut the fuck up!” Tommy shouted. “Techno may be friends with Dream, but he’s not doing that shit.”
“Didn’t you pick him up from the station? You’re lying to yourself. You know that Techno is in with Dream.”
“No he’s not! And don’t you have something better to do with your time? College or some shit?”
Fundy chuckled humourlessly. “The faster you eat, the faster I’m out of your room.”
Tommy glared and shoved a whole slice into his mouth.
“No one’s coming to save you,” he taunted.
“Shut up.”
“Don’t speak with your mouth full. We sent the ransom video,” he said moving onwards. “Instead Mr. Richmon hired Techno and Dream for free. Seems Daddy doesn’t care about his son enough to save you immediately.”
That’s the point that Tubbo broke. Tubbo could take a verbal bashing; Tommy would be pissed if he attacked on his behalf; but Ranboo? Ranboo was the most innocent here and didn’t need familial jabs.
Tubbo lurched from his bed and swung at Fundy Soot, sending him down to the floor. “Where the fuck is your big brother? He fucking failed you if you had to get dragged in the life style to survive.” Tubbo punched Fundy again after he was down. “Where is he huh? At least my brother managed to keep me out of this shit.”
Tommy rushes over to pull Tubbo back. “Shh. Shh. We can’t afford this. He's top dog here.”
Fundy laid on the floor, arms out and protecting his face.
“We’re done eating,” Tommy growls. “Get out.”
Ranboo, thoroughly shaken, picks up the plates and puts them in Fundy’s hands, standing in between the two groups so Fundy couldn’t retaliate. If any of them needed to come out of this looking pretty it’s him: the rich boy.
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Writers Block Ao3
“I just want to be there for you” 
Shikamaru x Reader 
You were sitting alone, observing the quiet early morning. The dew had freshly set and you found yourself smiling while you sat, legs stretched and crossed in front of you. It’s been forever since you’ve sat alone in silence. Normally you were being surrounded by so much going on at once in your work, so it was nice to have a day to yourself. Which quickly interfered with a hum of sorts. You couldn’t put your finger on the noise nor did you initially see anybody. 
Then there was a quiet hum. You looked around more actively now to try and figure out who was there. You didn’t see anyone. Which was off. Standing up you stretched and started to descend down from the mountain you were laying on when someone actually caught your eye. You had missed him while sitting down. The boy was alone and asleep. You didn’t know him, or at least you didn’t recognize him. You squinted a but before taking your glasses off to clean. He was slightly hidden by a dip in the ground. He had long hair and it was down. You could see a ponytail bump. He was playing with a lighter with his eyes closed. You could hear him sigh from a mile away. He just laid back down. He never even opened his eyes. It intrigued you, but you just kept walking. 
The boy knew you were there but he didn’t say anything. It felt too quiet to say anything about anything. Plus he didn’t want to scare you. He saw how peaceful you looked and he was just going to leave you alone. Plus he wasn’t in a very talkative mood, he rather existed in a quiet space with someone who didn’t force him to be okay when he wasn’t. You were cute, maybe he would see you again. 
Sure enough a few days later, as the sunset, he saw you again. Watching the sunset behind the forest. The sun painted you in a low amber color, not that you saw. Your head was in your knees, hair falling around your shoulders. He quietly walked up to you, sitting a few feet from you. Then he heard you quietly crying. He was surprised to hear someone crying out in the open. He wanted to say something but he wasn’t sure what. 
     “Uh, H- Hey. My name is Shikamaru. Are you- are you okay?” he asked looking at you. 
You sighed and whipped your tears. You looked up and he saw your face. Even though you had been crying for who knows how long before he saw you, you looked beautiful which was weird to say, even for him who didn’t know you. You looked up and recognized the hair at first. You put your glasses back on and now you knew who it was the boy from the other day. 
     “Oh, I’m (Y/N) hello.” 
You squint and look at him well for the first time. Oh, this was your boss's son. 
     “Oh, grace. Your my boss’s son..” you pinched your nose. “I’m so sorry.” 
Shikamaru looked at you and squinted. A look of realization washed over him. He didn’t recognize you at first but then it hit him. You were a few years older than him and you were his father’s new assistant. That’s why your name felt so familiar. He smirked a little. 
     “Oh right. I know you now! You’re my dad’s newest assistant. I’m sorry for the ringer my old man is about to put you through.” 
     “I actually don't mind it. It’s been insightful.” you smiled. 
     “Then why are you crying?” he asked, looking confused. 
     “We just met. I doubt you want to know,” you replied, rubbing your eye. 
Shikamaru tilted his head. Why did he care? She was a stranger to him. His dad knew her, not him but yet here he is, trying to console her. It was out of character for him. He would have never cared this much about someone he hardly knew. Then yet, here he was. Sitting at sunset, when he could be at home playing Shogi with his dad. Or spending time with his mom, reading, or learning little skills. He may have complained about how mundane it all is, but he enjoyed it. Never that he would ever actively admit it. But yet here he was, not wanting to leave someone crying. 
     “You’re right. Honestly. I don’t know you, but you shouldn’t be this miserable. Especially if it was my dad’s fault.” he moved closer to you. 
You snorted and looked at him. 
     “It wasn’t your dad Shikamaru. He actually sent me home early when he saw I couldn’t focus- just some personal life. And I know you’re going to say- don’t let personal life bleed into professional life. I just had a bad morning, my dad is sick and it’s taking a toll on my mom and me. She thinks I should stop working to help out. But work- work keeps me sane and someone needs to help them out.” you explained. 
Shikamaru listened. He watched you out the corner of his eye. You weren’t looking at him, you were looking out over the town. He took in your profile and smiled. He did something completely out of character for him. 
     “Want to come over to my house? For dinner maybe play a little shogi with me. I need someone new if my dad’s gonna keep working late.” he asked you. 
You blushed and looked at him. 
     “How forward of you.” 
He huffed and looked at you. You flashed him a smile and nodded. 
     “I would love to.” 
He stood up and offered you a hand to stand. You accepted it and let yourself be pulled to your feet into the start of a beautiful friendship. Dinner was lovely. His mom was a total sweetheart and understood where you were coming from about being stressed. She knew how hard it must be for you to be a provider. She offered you to stay here whenever you may need to getaway. She had such a soft smile that made you feel welcomed. 
     “Do you know how to play shogi?” Shikamaru asked. 
     “I’m rusty but I think I can figure it out,” you replied, helping his mom clear the table. 
Yoshino looked at her son. He rolled his eyes and waved her off like it was no big deal. What you didn’t know is that he hardly ever let other people play with him, not people he hardly knew especially not after Azuma’s death. It warmed her heart to see him connected to someone. She hasn’t seen someone like this since Choji. She watched him lead you through the hall as Shikaku walked in. 
     “Someone over?” he asked, kissing Yoshino on the head. 
     “Yeah. (y/n).” She replied cleaning dishes. 
     “Mhm. That’s going to be a good friendship. I feel it.” 
Yoshino smiled and nodded. 
Shikamaru and you played shogi for hours, not that either one of you really noticed. You lost nearly every game but you had fun all the same. His dad eventually knocked on the door frame. 
     “I know you two are practically adults, but I think it’s time (y/n) gets home, I need her for work in the morning. Walk her home Shikamaru.” 
He grumbled halfheartedly about how it was a drag. He got up and did it anyway. The two of you left the Nara home late into the night. The two of you made small talk on the way to the small family home you still lived in. 
     "I uh we should do this again. I haven’t made new friends since I started working for your dad.” 
Shikamaru huffed but didn’t disagree. He just nodded along and smiled. 
     “Be safe!” you called to him as he walked away. 
He smiled to himself as he walked away. He found himself thinking about you as he walked away. You were pretty sure, gorgeous even. But that isn’t what intrigued him about you, you were smart, rivaling smart. You had more drive than he did which made it rivaling but comforting. His cheeks grew hot when he thought about getting to know you better. He groaned and mumbled to himself. 
     “How troublesome.” 
It took a few days before the two of you met again. But it wasn’t in the first place you had met, it was walking into Hokage's office. 
     “Oh Shikamaru!” you smiled. “Nice to see you.” 
     “Good to see you too (Y/N).” he smiled holding the door open for you. 
Tsunade looked over you two. She explained that she needed all the people she could get to intel for the up-and-coming war. You two have to put together a team and go to the sand to converse with the Kazekage about what their plan is. 
The two of you continue to work closely with one another over months to come. Until you stopped coming to work. It concerned his dad. You were making so much progress helping to uncover different Akatsuki locations but that all stopped suddenly. He called his son to his office. Shikamaru walked in casually but Shikaku’s face looked concerned. 
     “Your friend hasn’t been to work in a week..” 
     “(Y/N)?” he asked. 
Shikaku nodded. Shikamaru nodded as well and backed out of the office. He needed to get out before he ran to where he hoped you were. He was taking a chance by going to the mountain to see if you were there. He hoped you were there, he wasn’t sure why he felt compelled to find you and make sure you were okay. To his relief, you were there but you weren’t okay. It was like the day he first talked to you. He quietly approached you and sat down with his back pressed to you looking at the sky. 
     “You don’t have to talk,” he said. 
You took a deep breath, it was wobbly, then you just started to sob again explaining your father has passed. That broke his heart. He moved to hug you against his chest. You were shaking from the ferocity of how you were crying. He pressed you harder against his chest. He let you cry until you were tired and slumped against him. He pressed his head to the back of your neck and then kissed the back of your head. 
     “(Y/N), I’m sorry about your father..” 
You hiccuped and nodded. 
     “I just want to be there for you. I-” 
You stopped him by hugging him. He froze but accepted your hug. You needed him more than his comfort. He just ran his hand up your back. You both stayed like that forever. He wanted to make things right for you and see you smile again. 
Oh gosh. He thinks. I think I might be in love with her. 
Well, today isn’t the day to tell you that. He brought you back to his house. He played shogi with you and then on a walk through the Nara forest. He took you to all his favorite places to try and distract you from what was going on. You were grateful. Grateful for the friendship you've made, grateful for the love you’ve grown to have for him, and everything that you’ve been able to have thanks to Shikamaru. You knew you’d fallen for him but today solidified everything for you. At the end of the night, you knew, but today wasn’t the day. Or any time soon for the matter. 
You decided to not tell him. You kept it all to yourself. For as long as you could. Throughout the wartime, because it wasn’t time for feelings. Even after you two kept working together. It was hard for you both, especially considering the loss of his own father. Months after the war, you found him, smoking on the mountain, just like it was when you lost your own father. You sat against his back. He never tensed up, it was almost like he knew you were going to find him. You repeated his actions from that day once he realized, he pushed away from you and pulled you to stand up. He dropped his cigarette and stomped it out. You had a look of shock on your face when he gently took your face in his hands before pressing a kiss to your lips. You gasped and pulled away. He didn’t look surprised, but more understanding. 
     “I’m sorry. I just- for so long I have been trying to figure it out.. And I can confirm. I do in fact love you.” 
You blushed and smiled. You took his hands in yours and pulled him to you. You hugged him tight before pulling away and finally kissing him back. He held onto you. He rarely let people in at this intimate a level, but you, you were different. After you guys pulled away he had a lopsided grin. 
    “Feelings can be troublesome, but for once. It doesn’t seem to be such a drag if it’s you. I want to let you in and be here for me. I’m going to need you.” 
You smiled tearing up and nodded. 
     “Of course. I just want to be there for you.” 
He laughed at his words being used in such a way that made him comforted. He was glad, if he had to fall for a friend that it was you. He could see himself living his life with you like he wanted and described. You were just happy he was going to let you in. 
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Diego Hargreeves x Powered reader (Platonic Klaus x reader)
Summary: You and Klaus get very drunk in the Academy and have an absolute ball until Diego comes to take you home.
-Reader is from What a Time to be Alive universe
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You’re with Klaus one night, he’s drunk as a skunk and high as a fucking kite all in one incredibly chaotic mixture. Diego’s off gallivanting around the city and you’re not in the mood for any late night crime fighting, so instead you’re chilling with Klaus in the Academy while Reginald is off on some business abroad, or at least that’s what Pogo told you. At the moment Klaus is talking to himself on the carpet as he stares wide eyed at a dream catcher on the far wall. You’re laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling, your mind swirling with random thoughts.
“Heyyy..uh...Y/N my favorite Vampire seductress. Hows ‘bout we tell each other a fun fact about ourselves.” He slurs drunkingly, his face a giant smile of bliss. You give him a hum of acknowledgment as you think for a second of what to say.
“Okay I’ll go first. I have a tattoo of a fish skeleton under my right boob.”
He bursts out laughing at the honest bluntness of your comment, “Cheers to our amazinggg tats my friend.” Quips Klaus as he takes another small swig of his liquor. You continue to stare up at the ceiling, your eyes following the dimly lit Christmas lights strung about the walls.
“Okay my turn. When I was 10, I challenged myself to see if I could steal one thing from everyone’s room in a week.”
“How’d that turn out for you?”
“Oh I was highly successful, until Pogo caught me sneaking around old Reggie’s office. Ya know now since I’ve thought about it...he probably saved my ass from some gory fate if Dad actually caught me.”
Klaus nods as he shifts himself around to face you, “So my dear, you got anything else that’s highly juicy drama? Come onnnn, you have to have had some wild nights with my bro for sure.” He says while wiggling his eyebrows, hoping for an answer. You roll yourself onto your stomach so as to better see him.
“None that are for your innocent ears, Klaus.”
“Oooohhh the scandal, you know what...I don’t wanna know. Oh hey Y/N have some of this shit it’s seriously sooo good.” Insists Klaus while raising up his almost empty bottle of whatever. You eye it curiously, it does smell appealing if you’re being honest, and there’s no one here to stop you.
“Yeah alright lets get fucked up, why not.” His face breaks out into a full Cheshire Cat smile as he eagerly hands you the bottle of alcohol. You grasp the glass bottle, flashing him a quick smirk before chugging the rest of it, much to Klaus’ surprised amusement.
“Yeahhh Y/N! We’re breakkin the ruulesss tonight.” He laughs while cheering you on. You finally set the bottle down as a do your best to hold in a watery burp, your face making a sour expression instead.
“Classy Y/N.”
“Thank you I’ll be here all night.”
Suddenly Klaus’ face shifts into a fake pout, as he sits on his carpet like a moody six year old, you smile at him as you tilt your head to the side.
“Whatcha thinking ‘bout Klaus.”
“We’re out of booze. This is not good.”
You can’t help yourself as a loud laugh bursts from your lips, the alcohols effects ever so slightly working their way into your bloodstream. He snaps his attention back to you, his face faining shock.
“This is a serious issue Y/N!”
“Exactly! We’re gonna have to go on a mission...to the downstairs bar...for..”
“For the good shit.”
“YES! You’re a genius, no wonder Diego keeps you around...you’re so smart Y/N..and he’s just so...stupid.” Drawls Klaus with an intoxicated giggle at the end.
You snort at the odd compliment of Klaus’ while getting up off of the bed, and setting the empty bottle onto the covers. You stand above Klaus as you reach your hand out for him to take, he gladly accepts your invitation for making more mischief as you easily pull him up, the both of you silently walking out the door and quietly tiptoeing down the vacant hallway. You’re in the lead as Klaus holds onto the bottom of your t-shirt in the darkness. He can’t see nearly as well as you can, so he smartly lets you handle your guys’ stealth mode adventure through the Academy’s eccentric hallways. You listen for any sounds of Pogo or Grace who may potentially cross paths with the two of you, and most likely ruin your fun.
The both of you ever-so-sneakily fumble up the stairs like giggly school girls doing something they shouldn’t be. Once you reach the top you sniff the air for any threats, nothing. Taking this as an obvious sign that everything’s all clear you make a break for the main living room, Klaus hot on your heels. Sprinting faster then you’ve ever seen him before, it’s honestly quit impressive.
You skid to an abrupt stop once you finally reach the back of the bar where all the most expensive and best tasting beverages are kept. Klaus quickly pushing past you to seek out his favorite bottle, you watch him grab one then two different kinds, insisting that they’re both equally as important and they shouldn’t be separated cause that would be a crime. You agree, looking through the vast collection as your skilled eyes finally lock onto your favorite drink. You pick it up eagerly, swiftly turning your body back around to face a visibly excited Klaus who’s practically shaking with adrenaline or maybe it’s whatever drugs he took, you’re not really sure.
“Y/N if you would do the honors.” He asks while handing you his bottle to open since you’re the stronger one here. You set your own bottle down onto the counter, taking his and twisting it with a satisfying pop sound as the cap releases. He practically yanks it out of your hands, giving you a peppy salute before taking a long swig. You leave him to it, opening up your own bottle and taking a hearty drink of your own. The two of you wipe your mouths as you both take a satisfied sigh of relief, enjoying how the alcohol is starting to slowly affect you.
“You know what we need to make this experience extra fantastic?”
“Blow my frickin mind.”
“Music!” Shouts Klaus as he races around the bar and bolts towards the stairs leading down to his room. With your bottle still in hand you hustle after him, practically sliding into his door when you make it to his room. He’s already ahead of the game as he fumbles around with his record player, putting a classic tune on that instantly has you jumping. The two of you practically scream sing the lyrics of the song currently blasting throughout the room and down the hallway. Both you jumping on his bed and dancing around the small area like bad little kids staying up past their bedtime.
You don’t remember how you got to the top floor of the Umbrella Academy but here you are. One fourth of a bottle full in your left hand and a red plastic lightsaber in your right. Klaus standing a couple feet away practically mirroring your own stance. He just looks a lot more fucked up then you are, as he drunkingly swings the saber around like a lunatic.
“But you were the CHOSEN one!”
“Die rebel scum!” Yelps Klaus as he swings his weapon towards you, he looks like an old man as he’s basically moving in slow motion for dramatics. You give him his moment as you lean into the lightsaber, pretending to get sliced in the most ridiculously dramatic way possible.
“Ugh I am...defeated...blah.”
“HA get fucked loser!” Laughs Klaus who starts to randomly dance around you in a sort of weird victory dance type thing. You raise your own lightsaber up into the air as you shout a loud battlecry.
“SIKE! The evil cannot defeat me....I am INVINCIBLE!” Klaus’ eyes widen as you give him a devilish grin, he suddenly flips you off and screams before hauling ass down the hallway.
“Come get me bitches!!!”
Downing most of your bottle you race after him with your saber swinging wildly in front of you, he turns a corner and then down another in a fruitless attempt at losing you. You suddenly catch him into a corner, stalking slowly over to him like a tigress to her prey, his eyes going wide. But without warning he haphazardly chucks his lightsaber at you, successfully smacking you across the head with it, catching you very off guard and giving him just enough time to book it down the hallway and down the stairs. You quickly recover, downing the rest of your bottle as you trade it for the extra lightsaber. Cackling to yourself like a crazed witch as you continue your hunt for Klaus.
You can hear him running around the Academy so you take a shortcut down another hallway, leading you right in front of him. He stops, eyeing you suspiciously as he gets into a kung foo looking posture.
“I have two lightsabers you dumb-buss. And I’m gonna kick your buns for that little getaway stunt you just pulled. Bitch.”
“Get hit by a car.” Whisper yells Klaus before abruptly turning around and racing down the hallway once again.
As you race around another corner you suddenly smack into the back of Klaus, knocking yourself backwards and onto the floor with a breathy grunt. “Klaus what the he..” Your eyes go wide when they land on an incredibly confused Pogo who’s eyes the two of you suspiciously. You quickly gather yourself as you bolt to your feet, doing a terrible job at hiding the lightsabers behind you in the process.
“Now what is all this ruckus about you two?”
“Oh, what did you hear something suspicious? Me and Y/N/N here were just...uh...checking the halls for any possible intruders.” Rambles Klaus, hands casually on his slender hips as he stares at Pogo with the chillest face possible.
“Yeah, don’t worry Pogo. No thieves in this Academy.” You nervously shrug, giving him a forced smile, though you’re pretty sure you look a bit demented. Pogo looks between the two of you knowing full well that your dumbasses are drunk and causing all kinds of mischief around the large estate. This is definitely not the first time this has happened and probably not the last, he shakes his head as he blinks, “Well then...that’s good to know...I’ll just be in my room reading if you two need anything. Goodnight.”
“Night Pogo.”
“Save travels in dreamland.” Snickers Klaus as you smack the back of his head.
Pogo gives the both of you a kind tight lipped smile before nodding and turning around to walk into his room. You watch as he disappears within, the great oaken door shutting with a small thud. Klaus abruptly swivels to face you, a cheeky grin stuck to his scruffy face, “That went pretty well...all things considered.”
“Guess what.”
“You’re a little bitch. And I have two lightsabers.” His eyes quickly widen in realization as he swats at your shoulder, laughing in delight as he practically gallops down the hallway.
“Stop running I might throw up!”
You sprint after him, Klaus leads you down more hallways and stairs until you catch him in the front room. Blocking him from escaping anywhere else into the Academy, unless he opened the front door and ran outside, but that’s highly unlikely considering it’s snowing out and he’s shoeless and without a shirt on except for a Hufflepuff scarf you bought him last year. Klaus fake growls at you while flailing his lanky arms around like pool noodles. You suddenly have the bright idea of jumping onto the wooden table, and without another thought you do just that.
It surprisingly holds you up, Klaus steps back as you swing your dual lightsabers around like a maniac, clearly enjoying yourself in this blissfully warm drunken state. Quickly thinking on the fly, or maybe its his ingrained hero training, Klaus grabs a spare umbrella hanging on the coat rack and swings it at you with a new theatrical passion.
“Don’t worry Y/N I’ll put you out of your misery!” Shouts Klaus as he swats your legs with the umbrella, you smack him on the arm as he yelps out in pain.
“I’ll put your grandma out of her misery!”
“I don’t even have a grandma you monster!”
“Neither do I!”
The front door swings open just as Klaus finishes his sentence and you loudly answering him back, as the both of you swing your weapons at each other once again. You and Klaus oblivious to whoever just walked inside, until the door shuts with a loud thud, causing the two of you to stop mid hit and look over to the individual standing by the front entrance, who’s looking a very hard mixture of concerned and not sure if he should ask. Your eyes instantly go wide as they land on Diego.
“She started it!” Points Klaus before smacking your legs with the umbrella and booking it down the hallway for about the hundredth time that night. You jump off the table, sprinting towards Klaus with a new found purpose, leaving a confused Diego in your wake. Klaus is fast but not fast enough as you slide past him and block his ass from seeking safety within his room. The two of you have an intense old western style stare down for a couple moments before he breaks the silence.
“I may be vurrryyy outs of it, but I think Diego is hurrr.” Slurs Klaus as he leans himself against the wall.
“Well he’s not allowed in our pillow fort then.”
“We don’t even have a pillow fort Y/N!”
“We gonna have one now! Let’s get inside!” You quickly whisper yell at him, before grabbing his hand and yanking him into his room, shutting the door right after. Forgetting to lock the door in the process. You and Klaus throw some chairs and blankets around, in a sad attempt at making a pillow fort. It looks like a goddamn pillow Godzilla came crashing through your plush city of Pillow Tokyo, but who cares at this point anyways. The two of you begin laughing like a pair of drunken sailors as Klaus hands you another one of his half filled bottles. You gladly accept with a lopsided smile while Klaus mumbles something to himself. A second later the door jiggles and opens a few inches before it gets stuck on a bunched up blanket.
“Y/N, Klaus what the hell are you two doing? And let me in.”
“What’s the password Diego?” Giggles you and Klaus as Diego let’s out a frustrated sigh.
“Incorrect. You’ve got two more guesses babe.” You playfully snap at him.
“Luther sucks?”
“Errrgggg, wrong again brother.” Quips Klaus, taking the bottle out of your hand to down some himself.
“Y/N is the best?” Tries Diego cautiously, hoping this will be the password. You bolt up from the floor as you lose your footing and catch yourself with a quick smack of your hands into the doorframe. Diego holds in a laugh as he gives you an amused smile, still finding you absolutely adorable even when visibly out of it and quit possibly drunk off your ass.
“DD, hellooowww.” You wiggle your eyebrows at him as you give him a sappy grin.
“Don’t let him in Y/N he didn’t guess the password. It’s Jesus...the passwords always Jesus.” Warns Klaus in the background. Diego raises his eyebrows at that as your face falls in disappointment.
“Dammit Klaus now he knows.” You turn round to hiss at him like an angry cat.
“Y/N I don’t really...uh..really feel good.” Mumbles Klaus as he leans himself back against a pile of pillows. You purse your lips into a tight frown, realizing in your own buzzed state that the fun is over and you’ll have to go home, but it’s cold outside. You look up at Diego as he stares back down at you, he’s not entirely sure if your about to cry or not, until your face abruptly lights up into a cheeky grin taking him off guard.
“Y/N. Don’t do it.” Is all he has time to say before you hastily slam the door in his face and turn around to get the high ground on Klaus’ bed. You’ve got an empty bottle in one hand as Diego shoves the door open eyeing you up like a wolf to his prey. You’d be more turned on by this if it wasn’t for the fact that you really don’t want to go home. He carefully walks in closer to you as Klaus watches in amusement, loudly cheering Diego on. You’re back presses against the back wall as you hold out your empty wine bottle in defense, “None of you bitches could handle me.”
“Y/N put the bottle down.”
“I’ve died of alcohol poisoning twice you can’t kill me!”
“I wish I could do that.” Adds Klaus with a laugh.
“That’s not something to be proud of.” Says Diego as his attention snaps back to you.
“I’ve done cocaine off of Brad Pitts ass cheeks.” You cackle as your face breaks out into another bright smile, Diego lets out an amused huff of air, really doing his best to keep a straight face at your intoxicated nonsense.
“Oh shit me too. Or maybe he was a stripper, ya know I don’t actually recall.”
“Jesus Christ you two.” Mutters Diego as he slowly gets closer to you, his legs now reaching the bed. He gives you a pleading look as he reaches his arm out for you to take.
“No TOUCHY. I have a boyfriend!” You shout back, as he quickly takes the opportunity to snatch your bottle out of your hand and toss it into the nearby destroyed pillow fort.
“Y/N I am your boyfriend. And we need to go home now. Please.” You give him a dirty look before rolling your eyes and walking into his open arms, not being able to resist from him any longer. He hugs you tight while gently setting your feet onto the carpeted floor.
“I’ll help you put your boots and coat on okay? Just sit on the bed please.” He sweetly asks, you oblige without so much as a pout. Letting him take care of you in the smallest of ways, once you’re finally all ready to go he takes your hands and pulls you up.
“See ya ‘round Klaus. Have fun, do crimes.” You wink while shooting him finger guns, he nods his head lifting up a lightsaber to salute you.
“May the forces of this broken umbrella be with you.” Replies Klaus, lifting up the umbrella to salute you again. Diego lets out an amused snort as he says goodbye to his brother and ushers you out the door. He holds your hand the whole time as he leads you throughout the Academy and all the way to the front door, where he opens it for you to walk through.
When you walk outside the air is calm and quiet, the world is cold and surrounded in a shimmering white blanket of fresh snow. A small silent parade of silver confetti falls lightly from the dark sky, landing on your flushed face as cool icy kisses touch your hot skin. It feels nice and has your head spinning as you wait on the sidewalk for Diego to finish locking the front gate. His steps are quiet in the snow as he links his arm with yours, startling you for a second before you relax back into his touch. The two of you walk peacefully through the snow covered sidewalk for about fifteen minutes before you decide to break the quiet.
“So hows’ err night ‘iego?” You slur while struggling to stay balanced, your head feels cloudy and the sparkly snow is messing with your perception due to you being drunk and all. He pulls you in closer while placing a quick kiss onto the top of your head. 
“I saved this old guy from getting robbed by some teenage punks, who clearly didn’t know what they were doing. It was too easy, but uh...that was about it. Pretty slow tonight actually.” You let out a satisfied hum in response.
“You’re like...so...hot.” You mumble while craning your neck to get a good view of his face. He looks down at you with an adoring smirk gracing his lips, his very very kissable lips. You can’t help yourself as you pull down on his jacket collar and crash your lips into his, its a sweet but brief embrace, as he pulls away first. You give him an annoyed pout while he smiles, shaking his head at you.
“We gotta make it home Y/N. I can already tell how bad your hangovers gonna be in the morning.”
You give him a what-the-fuck face, still pissed that he broke your kiss so soon and is now instructing you like a mother goose. You’re not having it one bit. In response you pull his hat down into his eyes and trip him into a snowbank, you watch in amusement as he disappears into the cold puffy whiteness. Only to come back into view with an angry grunt as he pulls himself to his feet, you’re absolutely losing your shit watching him struggle and get frustrated with you. By the time he’s removed the snow from his face, he stops his angry protests to watch you crying with laughter. His frustration and growing irritation slowly dissipating away as he sees how truly happy you are, it’s adorable to watch someone like you in such a rare drunkingly blissful state. He breaks out into a tired grin, thinking it best not to provoke you anymore as he abandons the idea of throwing a snowball at you. As this decision may not end very well for him.
“Come on you goofball lets get inside. Some of us can actually get frostbite.” Diego tells you while throwing a snow covered arm over your shoulder, your face breaks out into a crooked half smile as you lean into Diego’s warm side once again. Then without warning your stomach lurches with a nasty after taste of whatever you ate earlier touching your tongue. Instantly you break from his grasp, turning to the snowy street curb and abruptly puking onto the dazzling snow innocently minding its business below. Diego instantly rushes to hold your hair back as you loudly let it all out, your body feels like it’s on fire and your throat hurts as you continue to vomit a nasty mix of alcohol and chicken nuggets. Once done, you quickly wipe off your mouth of any lasting unwanted particles.
You spit in the snow, turning around to face a concerned Diego who looks at you worriedly with those big brown eyes of his. You give him a theatrical bow, before hanging your head down in exhaustion as you slowly shuffle past him.
“Oh shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“You were thinking it.”
98 notes · View notes
tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: “Romantic Rail Getaway” Zuo Ran Route, Day 4
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Translation Masterlist | Themis Event Masterlist
Zuo Ran Route: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5
Videos, where applicable, are hyperlinked on the headings in the post.
See under cut!
Part 1 – Waterbus Scenic Location – “Visiting James River”
After deciding we would report the random fee collection cases in Rumbaliya…
Zuo Ran and my itinerary had an additional sense of mission tacked on.
We recorded every cost during our trip and diligently inspected the amount indicated on each electronic receipt.
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MC: Sure enough, there’s an issue! Lawyer Zuo, look…
MC: On the bill for the waterbus we were just on, there’s an additional 30% service fee.
MC: There are also additional costs of unknown sources on the speedboat receipt.
Zuo Ran: And there are additional costs on the waterside restaurant receipt.
MC: If we didn’t check, we wouldn’t have known…
In fact, not only the receipts we received today had issues. Last night, Zuo Ran and I carefully checked the bills from the past few days…
On the first day of our trip, we had been charged with additional service fees. We simply had not noticed back then.
MC: I feel like these are sufficient to indicate problems.
Zuo Ran: Mhmm, I’ll look up the route to the police station…
We hadn’t finished talking when a furious voice cut Zuo Ran’s voice short.
???: You’re bullying others too much – I’m going to sue you!
A man whose hand was wrapped in bandages furiously walked out of the water bus station.
From time to time, he would point into the air and swear, seeming to be severely resentful of some people in the bus station.
However, no one came out of the bus station to respond to him…
Injured Visitor: Don’t hide in there without making a peep. I know you’re there!
Injured Visitor: I don’t care, you better give me an explanation!
Seeing him like this, I couldn’t help walking up and asking him.
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Issue Reason
MC: Hello, may I ask… what happened?
Injured Visitor: Hmph, I wanted to board the waterbus, but they wanted me to pay for tickets for two!
Injured Visitor: Don’t you think that group is just ridiculous?
MC: Eh? Yeah… that’s so weird, why did they want you to pay double the cost?
Injured Visitor: Because my left hand’s bone is fractured and I’m afraid of accidentally getting my arm bumped into, so I requested the staff to leave a seat empty on my right side.
Injured Visitor: I didn’t force them to give me an empty spot, I was just saying that it would be great if there was a bit more space…
Injured Visitor: But the staff told me that they could give me a single seat, but I had to make up for the cost!
Injured Visitor: They even said that this was their rule, and unless I bought an empty spot, they wouldn’t let me get on the bus!
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Injury Situation
MC: Is your injury… alright?
Injured Visitor: Oh, it’s fine. I accidentally fell and injured myself a few days before travelling. It’s already been several days, and it no longer really hurts.
Injured Visitor: The doctor says that it’s regrowing the bone right now, and I can’t jostle it that much.
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Bus Rules
Zuo Ran: I remember that… there aren’t rules of this sort when riding waterbuses.
Injured Visitor: Right? I also said, how could there be this sort of rule!
Injured Visitor: After, I told the staff that “I don’t need to pick a seat, I’ll just sit with the other riders.”
Injured Visitor: Who would’ve thought that the staff member would actually say “No can do, this will affect the other riders”!!
MC: (That being so, aren’t they deliberately forcing this visitor to buy another bus ticket?!)
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Issue Aftermath
MC: Then… what happened after?
Injured Visitor: What sort of “after” could it be? I straight-up stormed off the waterbus and ran to their office area, demanding they refund the ticket…
Injured Visitor: Hmph, their manager ended up telling me that tickets could not be refunded after sale!
Injured Visitor: Reason this out for me – I didn’t ride the bus… so why shouldn’t they refund me?!
MC: (Looks like, aside from random fee collection cases, Rumbaliya’s attractions have a lot of heartache-inducing problems.)
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MC: To be honest, we’ve also encountered some bad situations…
I gave a simple explanation of what we’d encountered for this injured visitor.
Injured Visitor: Ugh, so you two have also encountered these things.
Injured Visitor: Actually, same here. When I dined at Kelosi City a few days ago, the restaurant also charged me a lot in service fees.
Injured Visitor: That day I was in a decent mood, so I didn’t make a big deal out of it…
Injured Visitor: Who would’ve thought that they wanted to defraud me today over here! Hmph, I don’t want to endure it anymore!
Zuo Ran: Are you willing to come with us to the police station to account for your situation?
Injured Visitor: Sure, I’ve got to give them a few words and have them give me an explanation!
  Part 2 – James Bridge
 Part 3 – James Commerce District
 Part 4 – James Plaza – “Governance Program”
James Police Station
MC: The course of events is basically like so.
I gave a systematic, detailed account of the problems we’d encountered for these few days and handed the related evidence to the police officer.
After the police officer who received us finished listening, his brow wrinkled tightly.
Police Officer: I’m very sorry that you had to encounter these things. In the past, though we have received a few visitors’ complaints on the attractions’ price issues…
Police Officer: But as there were few of them, after we finished mediating on scene, we didn’t intervene too much.
Police Officer: Please don’t worry. We will definitely clear this up under pertinent regulations.
Police Officer: For the excess fees at restaurants and scenic locations, we will also supervise the return of those to you all from related persons.
MC: Thank you. It’s just that we hope that there will be a more thorough resolution for this…
I hadn’t finished speaking when that injured visitor started shouting angrily.
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Injured Visitor: Hey, so it ends like this?
Injured Visitor: Can’t you properly think up of a way to make sure those people will never defraud visitors again?!
Police Officer: Please don’t worry, please don’t worry, we will definitely bring out a governance program as soon as possible. It’s just…
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Zuo Ran: If I may be so presumptuous, is it that you’ve encountered a difficult issue?
Police Officer: Oh, that’s not it. It’s just that a definite implementation plan might require a stretch of time.
Police Officer: Although, please believe us – within the upcoming few months… we definitely will have the ability to completely eliminate the random fee collection cases in the scenic areas.
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Governance Plan
MC: May I ask… is it alright if you tell us about your governance plan?
Police Officer: Unfortunately, I cannot reveal too much, but I can guarantee…
Police Officer: After we will work with the police stations in all of Rumbaliya to spread rectification work and strictly handle the fee collection cases that already exist.
MC: (It sounds like they’ll probably draw up a very detailed governance plan…)
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Visitor Compensation
Zuo Ran: Then, how will the losses that have already been dealt to visitors before be dealt with?
Police Officer: Oh, please don’t worry.
Police Officer: With regards to this, we’ve already prepared a related reimbursement plan.
Police Officer: We will do all we can to guarantee the benefit of each visitor. After verification, we will have related scenic areas carry out compensation according to rules.
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Afterwards Handling
MC: I’m sorry, there’s something else I want to ask…
MC: After centralized regulation, do you have other plans to prevent cases of this sort from happening again?
Police Officer: Of course, we will partition out a group of colleagues to manage these affairs.
Police Officer: Also, we will have periodic checkups, as well as irregular spot checks to ensure that staff at scenic locations are cooperating with our work.
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MC: I hope it’s as you have said… that the fee collection cases can be held back in time.
Police Officer: It definitely will. Please believe in us.
Police Officer: When all of you visit again, you will definitely feel an obvious change.
 Part 5 – Romantic Greenhouse Park
 Part 6 – Tenderness in the Greenhouse
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James Greenhouse Park
Following James River to the end of a little lane, Zuo Ran and I entered a greenhouse park filled with blooming flowers and wandered in it.
Diverse and splendid flowers, green plants that were full of vitality – everything was filled with life… just like my mood now.
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MC: Awesome! Good thing Lawyer Zuo was there for the scenic spot fee collection issue to finally be resolved.
The evidence that Zuo Ran and I collected finally made the relevant people pay attention to the fee collection issue.
The staff repeatedly promised that they would definitely rectify this issue and work on reimbursements for visitors who had blindly suffered losses.
So far, the effort we had expended finally received its harvest in stages.
Zuo Ran: In fact, most of the credit goes to you for how smoothly this issue was resolved. I did not help much.
MC: You clearly helped a lot!
MC: Lawyer Zuo, you helped me organize the information, collect the visitors’ feedback, and helped me obstruct that unreasonable restaurant boss…
MC: If not for you, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to deal with this so well on my own.
Zuo Ran: You’ve already done very well, and good work deserves to be praised. Unless you want me to tell you…
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Zuo Ran: Do not be arrogant, and continue doing your best?
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MC: They’re all fine. Either way, it’s all praise, and I can accept it all.
Zuo Ran: Ah… I just can’t beat you.
Zuo Ran made a helpless expression, but his eyes revealed a deeper smile.
Zuo Ran: Seeing your mood improve, I can be at ease. For the past few days, you…
MC: Hm? Lawyer Zuo, my mood wasn’t as bad as you imagined.
I sat on a chair in the garden, enjoying the gentle sunlight that shone through the glass of the greenhouse.
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MC: We did encounter some troublesome things these past few days and I was indeed annoyed…
MC: But these things won’t affect my mood! I’m even full of confidence that these sorts of things aren’t problems at all.
Zuo Ran sat beside me, his shining eyes fixed on me, seeming to decipher the deep meaning in my words.
MC: Because we’re the best partners. I know that if we’re together, any difficult issues we encounter will be resolved smoothly.
Zuo Ran: You’re right, we are the best partners.
MC: I feel a lot more relaxed! We can finally continue our trip!
MC: In a moment, how about we go see a performance again? Hm… or we could stroll down the riverside?
MC: I saw on the guides that the sunset view at the side of James River is very beautiful. Let’s go take…
The two words “take photos” hadn’t left my mouth when I suddenly froze, and with a “buzz”, it seemed like something was resounding in my head…
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MC: Ah! I’m so screwed! I-I completely forgot about taking photos for Yao Yu!
For these few days, I kept feeling like I’d forgotten something, but I didn’t pay it much mind.
I’d completely forgotten about Yao Yu having me take photos!!
MC: I’m done for. Now I won’t be able to finish the task… in the next few days back, I’ll just cling onto Yao Yu’s legs and cry.
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Zuo Ran: …
MC: Lawyer Zuo… you’re even laughing at me!
Zuo Ran: I’m not laughing.
Zuo Ran said he wasn’t laughing, but a smile still sprung up in his eyes.
Zuo Ran: Don’t rush, we’ll go now to take a picture of the James River sunset.
Zuo Ran: Also… the train will arrive at Forenlo Palace tomorrow and there are lots of building landscapes there. You’ll definitely be able to take beautiful pictures.
MC: Starting from now, I’m going to take pictures seriously! Lawyer Zuo, you’ve got to supervise me!
Zuo Ran: Okay, I’ll supervise you.
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treatian · 3 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Magical Loopholes
Chapter 27: Finding Balance
Life was about finding Balance. Good thoughts and bad thoughts, junk food and healthy food, active and inactive, work and play, love and children…there was a balance to it all. Mr. Gold had never particularly worried too much about this balance. Living on his own with no family or friends, he'd always figured he could do whatever he wanted and there would be no repercussions. Rumpelstiltskin, on the other hand, needed balance in his life, especially after the Curse broke and he found himself living for not just a son but for a beautiful woman he was coming to love a little more every day.
He was failing at finding the balance between the two.
In the beginning, just after the Curse had broken and Belle had returned, she'd taken up the bulk of his time. It was natural, with Emma gone and August missing, there had been no clear path to his son. He assumed when they returned that finding his son would be easy, and so he'd invested into Belle, teaching her about the world, pondering what to do with her, and preparing for the day he might leave her behind to fetch Baelfire. They'd grown together in that time, developed a relationship, one that was emotional and physical and just about anything else it could be. They'd gotten into routines and habits. They took care of one another. He spent far too much time thinking about her at work, counting down the hours until he saw her again, and though he'd disliked it in the beginning, she always had a meal prepared when he walked in the door, and his home was cleaner than it had been in twenty-eight years. Life seemed perfect, at least until news about the town line struck, and now…
Now he was busy. The balance had shifted. He was more focused on Bae than he was on Belle. He took his meals with Belle, and he held her every night until she slept, but instead of staying by her side, he'd taken to getting up, kissing her forehead so that bad memories would keep her dreams sweet, and then retreating to the basement before sneaking back into bed in the early morning hours. He thought it was getting away with it, but tonight seemed to have disproved that theory. She might not have known that he left her in the middle of the night, might not have known just how distracted he was when they sat together on the back porch or after dinner, but he felt like she sensed it in some ways. He felt like what happened when he'd gotten home might have had something to do with it.
He needed to balance his life. He was neglecting her. He'd been spending too much time working on Bae, and he needed to find a way to shift some attention to Belle, to remind her that she was a priority to him. He wanted to do something special for her, truly special. Chocolates and flowers would be nice, but she'd be happy about it for all of one night before she grew restless again. He didn't want to promise her anything that he couldn't keep; he already felt guilty enough for tricking her into a "deal." A library had worked in the Enchanted Forest, but he doubted he could pull that off again.
A thought finally came to him in the early hours of the day. He needed balance. She needed to get out of the house. He needed to spend some more time with her to make up for what he'd taken in trying to find his son. She needed to be pampered and have space. He needed privacy, somewhere that he could be sure they would talk about Baelfire. She needed a place where she could be relaxed and listen to him without distraction.
He didn't need to take her across the town line to accomplish those things. He just needed to make some preparations and then take a few days off of work. So that morning, he kissed Belle and left for work as he always did, but didn't go to the shop.
Broken Curse or not, legally, he owned the town of Storybrooke. This meant he still owned the cabins in the woods people rented from him, including the one he used for himself. During the Curse, he had memories of Gold using it but now knew that the only thing he'd ever used if for had been to teach Moe French a lesson and make a deal with Sidney Glass. It was a bit dusty, but he cleaned it to perfection with a wave of his hand. He filled the drawers in the bedroom with clothes for himself and Belle, he made sure that the kitchen was stocked with food, and there was plenty of chopped wood outside. He stood on the dock and looked out over the lake to see many of the other cabins in the area. All were empty. That was what made this perfect.
In the middle of the broken Curse, no one was thinking about going to the lake for a getaway; they were all too busy finding family members and figuring out who the hell they were in this world. No one wanted to rent from the Dark One, at least not any more than they normally did. And that meant complete privacy. It was another weekend. It was an opportunity to bring Belle here, to let her hike, to stretch her legs, read outdoors, even go swimming if she wanted, though with the water this chilly, he doubted that would be a sound option. Although, as he stared at the fireplace and magically placed a blanket over the back of the couch, he acknowledged that a chill in her bones could provide opportunities for other, far more romantic things.
He added some finishing touches to it before he left; a new book by that author from this realm she'd loved in his castle, a spinning wheel in the corner for him, a couple of bottles of wine to help him loosen his tongue when the time came to talk about Baelfire. And then he left. Barely ten, and he returned home. A weekend with Belle, that thought excited him, even if the thought that he'd have to truly ignore Baelfire for the weekend depressed him. But this was the right thing to do. This would reset the balance, give her time Bae had taken. It was necessary.
She was worried when he pulled up to the house unexpectedly. He could see the panic on her face almost right away as she met him at the door.
"What's happened? What's wrong?" she demanded. He smiled, trying to settle her as he led her back into the house.
"I don't want to get your hopes up," he explained, suddenly feeling nervous. "We're not going into town, but there is somewhere I want to take you."
Her jaw dropped, her mouth opening and closing before a smile blossomed over her face, and she threw herself at him. He sighed as he returned the embrace, feeling her joy spring up around them. She was happy. This was a good idea. She was going to love it.
"When do we leave?" she asked, pulling away from him and revealing her smile and excitement again, the exact opposite of the mood she'd been in yesterday.
"Right now, if you're ready."
"I am! I mean…I think I am. Do I need anything?"
"Not a thing. Unless, of course, there is something that you wish to bring." She didn't hesitate when she shook her head. That was desperation to get out of the house, to go on an adventure. The news that they were leaving was enough. For now, he hoped that she liked the rest of it. "Come with me."
She beamed the entire way into the car, and as they drove, she spent the entire time looking out the windows. That was the first time that it really sank into him as to how long she'd been cooped up. It was only her second time in a car, her second time going anywhere. The last time they'd done this was the night he'd summoned the Wraith, and it had been dark. It seemed so long ago. Suddenly he found himself thinking that if it were him, he'd probably feel a bit contained too.
He watched her as best he could while he drove into the forest, watched her eyes sparkle with wonder, and then the joy that came from something familiar as they got closer to a place she didn't know existed. He had thought, before he'd left her that morning, that he could take her with him right then. He could have told her to pack a bag, told her his plans for their weekend. But he hadn't, and now he was happy for it. He didn't want this to seem forced or like it was a chore or a punishment. He wanted this. He wanted to watch her smile as she wondered. He wanted to surprise her. Oh, he hoped she'd be surprised. He hoped that it would be enough. He hoped she'd love it.
Suddenly it was his own heart that was pounding in anticipation as they turned down the dirt road that would bring them to the cabin. He observed her as they approached it slowly. There was curiosity on her face as she stared through the window at the cabin before he shut off the car engine, making it clear they'd arrived. He held his breath, waiting for her to react or say something. Finally, she smiled again as her eyes went wide, taking it in.
"Where are we?" Her voice was lyrical like she was laughing even when she wasn't.
"This is my cabin," he smiled.
Her eyes roamed over the building in front of her, not much different from a home that might have existed in the Enchanted Forest, though he doubted she'd ever experienced this kind of life. When Regina had first suggested she'd been kicked out of her home, before she'd told him that she was dead, this was exactly the type of home he'd thought she might enjoy. He hoped she'd enjoy it.
"Your cabin? Another house?" She looked sideways at him, and he nodded for her before turning back to it. "You live here too?"
"Well…not really," he admitted. "But it is mine. I made a deal a very long time ago with Regina for wealth and comfort in this world when she enacted the Curse. This became part of it."
And then it happened. As she listened to his tale and stared at it, a smile slowly broke over her face. "I hope she got something decent out of it."
He let go of the breath he'd been holding onto. She liked it. She was making jokes. That meant she was happy. He'd surprised her, and she was happy and excited about it. He'd done well.
"Come on. I'll show you around." She followed him out of the car as he reached for his keys. "The porch is covered and good for rainy days. You can drag a chair out and watch it pour while never getting wet. That's why the logs are kept there," he rambled as she looked it all over, and he unlocked the door. He couldn't tell if she was listening or not. When he'd turned to usher her inside, he found that she wasn't looking at him but at the forest around her. Happily?
Yes. Happily. When she turned back, he saw her smiling like she'd just been given the best gift he could have offered.
Inside, she inspected the cabin in a way that told him she wouldn't have listened even if he did talk, so instead, he just let her wander, let her look around. It was small, he knew that, smaller than his house. But he figured she'd find its size cozy. And small or not, it did have all the comforts of home. The living room was basic, but the kitchen was capable of producing gourmet meals and the bathtub…he felt himself fight to contain a blush as he realized for the first time in his life that the bathtub was big enough for two. That was finally something that mattered in his life.
"The kitchen is well stocked," he commented to get his mind from that. He imagined they would have lots of time here to be together in that way, but they were here so that they could talk so that he could tell her about Baelfire. Though he was amazed at how easily she could reduce him, a man who was hundreds of years old, to boyish nerves and fantasies. "The bedroom and bathroom are just through that door, and I think you'll find everything you'll need is already here. I know it's not much, but-"
"It's perfect," she stated quietly, with a smile that eased any fears and anxieties he'd had. They were going to have a great weekend here.
"You can do anything you like here," he explained. "No one knows we are here, and very few know where this place is or that I own it. You can go outside any time you wish, go anywhere you desire, although I must ask of you to remain somewhat close by as I cannot make promises that you won't come across a few hikers. There's even a lake if you feel so inclined to swim, although I doubt it's warm enough. Weather in Maine rarely gets warm enough even in the summertime…"
His throat tightened as she came closer to him and rested her hands over his own on his cane. She met his eyes, and he noticed that they were bright and shining. "You did this for me?"
Those words…the last time that she'd said that to him had been when he'd surprised her with her library. As he'd told her before, that hadn't been so much for her as it was for him, to ease him of the guilt of that awful trip he'd dragged her on. But this…this was for her. And it wasn't. It was for her to get a bit of freedom, some fresh air. But it was also for him. It was so that she could tell her about Baelfire.
This wasn't a trip for either of them. It was for both of them. Together. He'd surprised himself without even knowing it.
"I know it's not town," he muttered, fitting their fingers together. "And I know that I haven't been around as often as I should be; old habits are hard to break. I just…"
He was sorry. He was sorry for a lot of things. In their past and their present. He wanted to tell her. The words just didn't come.
"Rumple," she smiled. "It's perfect. Thank you, for…for all this."
"It's not forever," he reminded her. "It's only for the weekend, but after that, we can plan trips to come back if it makes you happy."
It would. He could tell just by her expression it would. He could tell by the way she wound her arms over his shoulders to hold him that she understood even what went unsaid and that all this made her very happy.
"You make me happy," she whispered in his ear. "That's all I need."
He sighed in relief as he rested his neck against her neck. So, it would be done. If this was how he found balance, then that was what he would do.
"So…what would you like to do first, my darling Belle?"
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
The Handsome Stranger
Summary: Escaping the daily grind for a mountain resort with your best friend was already exhilarating enough. You weren’t prepared for the handsome stranger you crossed paths with along the way to become more than that during your stay.
Pairing: Brian Kang x reader (ft. Day6)
Genre: strangers to lovers au / fluff
Warnings: none
Word count: 4949
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Tapping the steering wheel in beat to the music playing around your car, you shot your best friend Lana a smile as you both sang along to the song energetically. The morning sun was out, the promise of your weekend getaway being blessed with good weather. You were more than ready to escape the city into the mountains for the next three days over the long weekend. What more could you need than good company, the beautiful nature surrounding you and sunny weather?
Pulling to a stop at the intersection that would lead you onto the highway out of the city, your spirits were growing the closer your vehicle got to the city border. To leave the stress behind and mindfully get back in touch with yourself. It had been a long time since you had reached inside yourself to have a chat and you were already feeling more at ease knowing you didn’t have to go to work today like usual for a Friday.
“Y/N, I think those guys next to us are trying to get your attention,” Lana mentioned suddenly and you looked out of your window, winding it down when the passenger smiled at you graciously.
Oh boy, what a smile.
“Hey, I’m really sorry to do this but we are in the wrong lane. We want to go straight, all cool if we jump in front of you?”
Nodding, you smiled back. “Sure, go ahead.”
The attractive stranger grinned at you and the other members on board of the kombi van shouted in gratitude. The lights changed green and they moved in front of your car before you followed after them. Not only did they flash their hazard lights in a quick thanks, but the passenger also leaned around his open window and waved generously.
Well, you didn’t normally experience such kindness on the road and this only helped boost your feel-good mood.
And Lana’s teasing commentary. “He was totally making eyes at you.”
“Lana they just needed to get in front of us, that’s all,” you countered, feeling your heart beat a little faster than it should. “There were no eyes being made.”
“Uh-huh, well yours certainly soaked all of him in. I’ve never heard you sound so sweet when driving, ever.”
“Normally because all I’m faced with are assholes cutting me off around this city,” you told her, scrunching your nose up at her continued teasing. However, you couldn’t stop smiling and even you knew you were failing at convincing her otherwise. “I’m a nice person when others are.”
“Well, he seemed really nice for you to be the way you are now. I wonder if there will be guys like them at the mountain spa resort?”
Laughing, you shook your head. “Lana, we’re going to the mountains for some self-care and getting in touch with ourselves, not for boyfriend prospects.”
“Who says we can’t do both?” Lana retorted with a smirk, nudging you playfully now that you were up on the motorway. The kombi van was just up ahead and you eyed it apprehensively.
You had to admit, if you got another chance to meet the attractive stranger, you only hoped it wasn’t as brief as your first encounter.
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“Oh my god, Y/N, look!” Lana breathed, gripping onto your lower arm as she pointed. Shooting her a look to let go so you could navigate the parking lot of the resort, you glanced in the direction she was pointing at briefly.
There was the van.
You had lost it on your travels, having followed them for some time as the drive wound up into the mountains. Pulling off to stop for lunch, you had resigned yourself to the fact they were probably taking the summit pass to get to the other side where a lot of people would go this time of the year. There was a music festival next weekend and you assumed most would make a camping venture out of it, heading over the week before to set up and get the early bird perks.
As you found a parking space, you eyed the van with renewed hope. What were the odds of bumping into them here?
Lana echoed your thoughts. “I can’t believe they’re here!”
“Doesn’t mean anything,” you attempted to tell her and Lana rolled her eyes at you as she grabbed her luggage trunk from the back of the car. You placed a hand on your hip, cocking your head to the side. “What, it doesn’t!”
“You basically drooled over him.”
“I did not!”
“I’m saying this is a sign and you are going to listen to it, Y/N,” Lana announced, rolling her luggage towards the front entrance. You were quick to grab your things to follow Lana inside, checking into your room and marvelling over the view outside the large windows. You soon forgot all about any niggling signs and focused on taking in your first deep breath since leaving the city. This was exactly what you needed. To the left you could see the forest edge, greenery ascending all the way up the mountains. To the right was a rushing river that separated undulating hills and further forestry. And below you were the hot springs that had attracted you here in the first place.
Lana breathed in slowly. “Wow, you were right. This place is perfect.”
“Shall we go out to one of the pools before dinner to unwind from our travels?”
She nodded happily. “I put on my bathing suit before we left our lunch pit stop.”
It wasn’t long until you were submerged in tranquillity. The water temperature was just right, soothing any aches you had as the stress melted away from your body. You could spend all weekend in and out of these pools and you knew it would be worth the travel coming here.
“Wow, fancy meeting you here,” a voice announced and you snapped your eyes open, staring up into the face of one handsome man.
Specifically, your favourite stranger. You tried to remain calm, though it was a little difficult to do with Lana now not so subtlety pinching your lower arm.
“Oh, they’re the girls who let us in earlier, right?” another recognised, grinning at you both as he slung an arm to rest on the first guy. You realised he was the driver and the three others that stopped beside them were the ones in the back. There had been a time on the highway where you were both side by side and they had been hollering things out of the window, the tall, lanky one moving forward first.
“This pool open for more guests?”
Lana nodded in delight. “Please, it’s like we know you already.”
“You know, I got that feeling as well,” he enthused with a lazy grin, gesturing for the others to get in.
Somehow, you were now next to your handsome stranger and hopefully not as affected on the outside as you were feeling internally. The heat in the spring pool had definitely risen and you were worried that you might pass out if you didn’t start breathing properly.
He smiled that ever-charming smile at you a moment later. “Thanks for letting us in.”
“It was no problem, it’s not often people ask before they cut you off.”
He chuckled. “Technically we didn’t but I appreciate it all the same. I’m Brian.”
“And I’m Lana,” your best friend introduced. You soon learned that Sungjin had been driving, Jae was the one who had gotten in the pool first and Wonpil and Dowoon were the other two from the back seat. The conversation was natural, flowing from one topic to the other. You had been right that they were travelling for the music festival, but not for their reason behind it.
“You’re playing there?”
“Yeah, we’re kind of a band,” Jae mentioned with another lazy smile and Sungjin chuckled.
“We’re more than kind of a band, though we’re still making a name for ourselves.”
“Day-Six,” Lana repeated from their band name announcement and then grinned. “Did you recently play at the Saturday Band Jam?”
Wonpil gasped and nodded. “You know of us?”
“I was there! Your music is good! It’s a shame Y/N didn’t come with me that night,” she said, shooting you a pressing look. You smiled firmly.
“I don’t do crowds,” you muttered, feeling your cheeks heat up again. “I did hear your music was apparently good though.”
“None of this apparently, Y/N. We are good,” Brian insisted and you smiled lightly at his response. He was self-assured, and that only seemed to charm you further. “Maybe we could play for you sometime.”
“As in a private concert?” Lana asked, already nodding. “I’m so down for that.”
“Well then, how long are you both here for? We leave Sunday afternoon but could do something small tomorrow night, right guys?” Dowoon offered and you hesitated as the others all agreed unanimously. This was supposed to be your getting in touch with your inner feelings and becoming one with nature getaway. Nowhere in the itinerary had you planned for an impromptu performance. Then again, when you set out this morning, you hadn’t been expecting to meet any of them, let alone be soaking in a hot water pool together. Maybe there was something about their presence that you needed to accept into your stay.
Lana answered on your behalf. “We’ll definitely be keen, right Y/N?”
“Of course.”
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True to Lana’s form, early mornings weren’t her kind of thing. You knew she would use the free hours to sleep in and you left her to it after getting changed into your off-road sneakers and active clothing. Figuring you had about two hours to yourself before meeting Lana in the breakfast hall, you left her a note and pocketed your phone and card key before stepping out into the early morning. Following one of the set tracks into the forest, you checked the sign for the length before briskly picking up your pace, walking over the damp forest floor bed. It smelt incredible in here and you smiled to yourself.
This was what you had been dreaming of ever since you found the brochure to this place. You liked nature walks; it was the best kind of soulful exercise. You not only got the blood pumping, but you nurtured what laid deep down inside you. It connected you with your breathing, clearing away any niggling doubts you had as you spoke of your troubles to the trees around you.
“You know, I don’t think they can hear you.”
Turning to a side pathway, you saw Brian there and he lifted his hand in greeting. You pursed your lips together and continued on with your walk. “Who are you to say they can’t?”
“Ooh, a firm believer in this huh? I like it.”
“We need to stop meeting like this,” you mentioned as Brian fell into step at your side. You didn’t want to add on the reason why. Even in active clothing, he was too handsome for his own good.
Before sleeping last night, you had convinced yourself to not fall for his charms anymore. There was nothing worrisome about him as a person, Brian seemed kind, approachable and could talk about anything, that much you had learned. And he wasn’t just the type to only want to hear himself talk, he had encouraged you to converse with him in the dining hall last night, his expressions genuine as he listened to you. Something that was a rare treat from all the guys you had the displeasure of spending the majority of your working week with at the office.
But he was just someone you met whilst travelling. You had no idea where he called home, if he was even from your city. And after this weekend, he was travelling further whilst you were returning home. It was silly really, but you craved stability and the life of a musician seemed to be on the road.
Plus, you were certain he was just being friendly. And you were definitely getting ahead of yourself in thinking there could be anything more than that.
“Like this?” he repeated, raising his arms to the canopy above. “You mean, we’ve met more than once in a forest like this?”
You smiled, shaking your head a little. “I’ll start to think you might have an agenda.”
“Oh really?” he mused, grinning all too widely at you. “My early morning run through here just happened to coincide with your early morning walk. Though, perhaps knowing you were coming out here this morning, I had wondered if we would chance meeting like this. Seems like it was worth giving up the extra sleep.”
“So you did plan it,” you replied with a laugh and Brian sighed dramatically.
“Guilty as charged.” His smile eased and he glanced at you tentatively. “Maybe you don’t appreciate the company? I was almost going to head back to the resort, but then I heard you and thought I’d be a better sounding board than the trees.”
“I’ve never heard the trees be so chatty when I’m out among them.”
“I bet they don’t know what to say to help you with knowing whether you should go back to your job on Monday, though, Y/N.”
You flushed with colour. “You heard that?”
“Stressed a lot, huh?”
You nodded softly. “Just a bit.”
“Maybe you need to make some changes.”
“Brian, I’m not going to quit my job. Even if I voiced it, I’ll be at work on Monday. It’s just what I’m like.”
“I meant, you could try changing what is stressing you out at work so you can feel more at peace within the environment. Have you ever told your boss just how much he relies on you?”
There was no point being embarrassed now, he had clearly heard it all. Letting out a sigh as you approached a root growing over the path, you were surprised when Brian took your hand and helped you over it. When you were on the other side, he let you go and you almost reached back out for his hand. You liked the warmth, the way he guided you in that moment. Looking up at Brian, he held no qualms in staring back at you. You smiled. “No, I haven’t.”
“Well, I’m not all that sure what good the advice of a stranger is compared to that of the trees,” he started in jest and you rolled your eyes, inwardly rejoicing when he offered you his hand to get over more overgrown debris on the path. “But I think advocating for yourself little by little might just get you further respect.”
“Maybe I’ll try that.”
“You should,” he agreed and shared another smile with you. It was then that you realised you hadn’t let go of his hand and you fumbled with forming a sentence before he cut you off. “I bet the trees can’t hold your hand either. But don’t worry, I don’t mind doing so.”
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So, your plan of not allowing Brian any more free real estate up in your brain was a failure. After the walk, you had met up with the others for breakfast and then headed out towards the river this time, exploring together as a group. There was definitely more hand-holding, exchanging of smiles and you were certain your heart had begun swooning. Now he wasn’t your attractive stranger at all.
Instead, you were balancing on a fine line between friendship and wanting to kiss him. In fact, you had spent more than a considerable amount of your afternoon staring at his lips, and given how much he was talking, there had been some logical reason to it. However, you couldn’t deny that at some points you had no idea what he had been saying.
And he had been all too accommodating in repeating himself, the ghost of his smile alerting you that he knew why you hadn’t been listening as well.
You weren’t just with Brian though. You spent a lot of your time conversing with Sungjin over recipes you both enjoyed and Wonpil was the sweetest thing ever. You were close to wanting to adopt him and a couple of kittens just to watch them play together. Dowoon had led you all astray multiple times in his impromptu directions and Jae, aside from his dry commentary, well, he was the one you knew the least about.
Considering how wrapped up Lana was with him, you knew she would fill you in on all that you didn’t know tonight back in your room.
The trip out was eventually ended when Jae protested that he came to relax, not work out and wanted to head back to the springs to recharge. With a few photos exchanged of the group, both with and without you and Lana in them, you headed back, all discussing what to have for dinner after the soak in the pool.
You could see the resort up ahead and smiled over at Brian, who winked at you. “Thought you liked the trees?”
“I’ve been among them long enough,” you mused and he nodded at you, his smile captivating you.
And was, no doubt, the reason for why you proceeded to trip over a stone in the pathway, all but face-planting in the fallen fir on the trail. The fall was soft physically, but you were embarrassed. Sure, you were falling for Brian, but you had hoped to be more graceful about it.
“Y/N, are you okay?!” Wonpil cried as Brian helped you up, another set of hands now on your other side. You were mortified, wishing for the ground to have swallowed you up instead. Attempting to step off, you groaned, feeling the way your ankle immediately gave out. Now, you couldn’t even escape as you had planned to.
You cursed your previous resolve of letting Brian enter more of your thoughts than you wanted him to.
Surprisingly, he didn’t say anything now. He was focused on helping you get back, perhaps aware of just how frustrated you were with yourself. You didn’t dare look up at anyone, mumbling a thank you at your room’s door, allowing Lana to help you inside.
You refused to go out to the pool with her.
As you wallowed in your self-pity at how stupid you had been, you decided that you had lost focus once again all because of Brian’s charming smile.
Of course, you were mature enough to realise he wasn’t at fault at all. It wasn’t his problem that his eyes were like dark chocolate, addictive just as his smile was. Intentional flirting or not, it was you who hadn’t been watching.
You had been falling well before you met the ground.
You did go down for dinner, smiling weakly at questions over how you felt and then focusing on your meal quietly thereafter. You felt bad for shutting off from everyone, but that was what you did. You were processing, trying to figure out how to repair your image or at least last out the rest of your time here before going back to the city tomorrow. Away from this place, far from Day6 as they moved onto their music festival and hopefully back into a place where you didn’t feel so out of your depth.
Getting in touch with yourself had come with more risks than you originally believed it to.
After dinner, you went back to your room whilst the others headed to the games room. They had tried to convince you but you were in a poor mood. You just wanted to rest your swollen ankle and watch television quietly in your room.
Brian had other ideas. Getting up to the knock at the door, you found him standing there in his swimming trunks and a towel over his shoulder. He grinned at you. “Come on, I’ll give you ten minutes to change.”
“What, why?” you wondered and then shook your head immediately. “I’m not going swimming, Brian. My leg hurts.”
“I know it does so let me make it right. You have nine minutes now.”
Blinking up at him, you groaned before turning around and shutting the door. Reappearing in your bathing suit, Brian pulled himself off the wall and grinned. “Wow, you listened to me. I half-thought maybe you had gone back to bed.”
“I wish I had,” you mumbled, accepting his help as you hobbled down to the lobby. Instead of taking you outside to the pools, Brian turned to a small pathway that wound around to the back of the building. You were confused. “Where are we going?”
“I rented a private pool. They have ones that have qualities that promote healing.”
“What, you didn’t have to-”
“You were going to avoid me for the rest of the stay, weren’t you?” he stated as he stopped in front of a door, checking the key he held for the number. Slotting it into the lock, Brian then glanced over at you. “I’m sorry I made you fall.”
“It’s not your fault that I’m clumsy, Brian.”
“But I was trying to charm you,” he admitted as he unlocked the door, ushering you inside before shutting it.
“You were what now?”
Brian rubbed at the back of his neck and then gestured at the pool. “Do you need help getting in?”
Nodding, you waited for him to get in front of you, easing you into the pool. With the dim lighting and the fact that it was just the two of you in here, along with Brian’s admission, well, your heart and mind were both racing. It was awfully romantic in here, and the way you looked at him seemed to make him feel questioned.
“I promise, I was only worried about healing your leg. Though, it is really cosy in here, huh?”
“Are you this smooth with every girl you meet?” you asked and Brian shrugged.
“Have you pegged me down as a typical musician who has a girl in each place he goes?”
“No,” you refuted and his smile grew. “I don’t think you’re like that but you definitely know how to make a girl swoon.”
“I could say the same about you,” he commented and you arched an eyebrow at him, Brian laughing as he nodded. “What, do you think this is all one-sided? I did just admit to trying to charm you. I mean, I’ve followed you around all day. Surely, you knew by now that I was interested, even a little.”
“Interest is one thing,” you mentioned, looking at your swollen ankle through the water. You couldn’t tell what it was, but the water did seem to feel like it was helping. Turning your focus back to Brian, you smiled. “But I’m not someone who moves this fast.”
“Sharing a pool together is too fast?” he teased and you couldn’t hide your amusement. Brian nodded. “I’m not in for a weekend fling, Y/N. Rest assured, I want to see more of you.”
“You do?”
“Of course. When I get back from the music festival, how about we meet up? I could take you on an actual date, where the guys aren’t around and it’s just us.”
You smiled, lifting a hand to the space you were in. “I mean, isn’t that what this is right now?”
“Well,” Brian murmured, inching closer and slinging his arm onto the tiled wall behind you. “I guess, now that you point that out, we are kind of on a date, right?”
He leaned in, lips almost brushing against yours when you whispered, “I don’t kiss on the first date.”
“Do you kiss on second ones?” he whispered back and you grinned, unable to control how giddy you felt right now. “Do I have to wait for a third or-”
You leaned in and pecked his cheek, stunning Brian into silence. Which you were pretty sure was kind of a feat to do. He looked dazed and you couldn’t help but giggle at how adorable he was right now. The sound of your laughter brought him out of his reverie and he gaped at you.
“I thought you said you don’t kiss on first dates.”
“I was giving you an early gift. You can collect your first kiss on our second date.”
“I’m holding you to that,” he confirmed, and you smiled, nestling into his embrace.
You couldn’t even feel the pain in your ankle now. This pool definitely had healing qualities about it.
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Sunday morning arrived and you had possibly the best sleep this year. You didn’t want to admit it was because of how relaxed you felt before climbing into bed or the endearing dreams with Brian that followed you into your slumber, but you were feeling better than you had when you had set out on this journey.
And when you got up to go to the bathroom, you found that the swelling was at a bare minimum and your ankle didn’t even hurt to put weight through it anymore. That was some magical water you were in last night.
So, just as you had yesterday, you set off into the forest, taking the same pathway again. It was comfortable, even at your amble of a pace and you enjoyed soaking in the fresh air under the canopy of nature.
Today you didn’t speak to the trees. You simply smiled at them, enamoured by their size and grace. They stood tall and proud, and you found yourself mimicking this a little, confidence overwhelming you.
Or maybe that was from Brian.
The rest of the night in the pool had been spent talking over your lives, getting to know each other until you both couldn’t take the heat. You had returned to your room after, continuing with getting more acquainted. And whilst you had exuded a lot of control maintaining it was a kiss-free date, you naturally nestled against Brian on your bed at one point and you were sure his lips brushed over your hair then. You felt as if you had known him a whole lot longer than two days.
Which was why when you heard footsteps behind you, you broke out into a grin, not even needing to look to see who it was. “I just had a funny feeling I might catch you out here.”
“Well, you caught me,” you concluded as Brian fell into step at your side, not wasting any time in grabbing your hand. You shot him a look though you were all too pleased with his eagerness.
“I’m not letting you fall again today,” he told you as he held up your linked hands; though you could tell with the flush of colour to his cheeks, there was more behind it. You spent some of the walk in comfortable silence, looking up at him and then sighing. “Check out is at ten-thirty today. I realised you never got to play for us last night.”
“We were a little preoccupied,” he reminded and you nodded shyly. “Besides, we have time for that.”
“I guess we do,” you agreed, sharing another smile with him.
“So I was thinking just now,” he started, clearing his throat a little. “According to our rules last night, I believe this is our second date right now.”
“I was waiting for you to say that,” you admitted with a laugh, giving him an incredulous look. “What’s with you getting me in weird clothing items for dates? I don’t see how walking through a forest together seems like a prime date idea.”
“It is with you, who knows who you might end up talking to if I’m not here,” he humoured and you rolled your eyes, shunting him a little. Brian wasn’t ready for your action and lost his footing a little, stumbling on the track.
And since your hands were connected, you went with him. The tree behind you both stopped your fall this time, though you were acutely aware of how your hands were now braced against the bark of the tree, entrapping Brian in between your arms. He gave you a look before smirking. “Wow, Y/N, I didn’t know you moved so fast.”
“Are you okay?” you asked, ignoring his jest and Brian whined, reaching for his back. You lowered your arms so you could inspect his injury and it was enough for him to grab you and change places.
He pouted down at you. “Aren’t you going to kiss me better?”
“You sneak!” you exclaimed, shaking your head adamantly. “This isn’t a date.”
“Any time with you sure feels like one,” he admitted and you stopped gaping at him, your expression softening. Brian smiled. “Can’t I kiss you? Just once?”
“Well, we are alone,” you stated slowly, feeling your heartbeat increase.
“Except for all the trees,” he pointed out and you sighed heavily. “But that’s okay, they can watch on all they like.”
His lips met yours then, soft and slow, melding against yours tenderly. You were thankful that Brian had pressed you up against the trunk of the tree now, worrying that your legs would give way with how sweet this first kiss was. Letting your arms move up and behind his neck, you linked your hands and kissed him back, aching to taste more of him.
And then he pulled away, breathless yet smirking. “That’s all you get.”
“Wait a minute,” you said, trying to recollect your senses enough to string together a sentence. Instead, you whined, wanting more already.
But Brian shook his head, still smiling down at you. “I guess, you’ll just have to keep going out on dates with me to get to the full experience.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[DAY6 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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As an only child of one of the most famous painter in the world, Sander Driesen is also expected to be as big as his father. But life takes turn when he sees a Deaf florist boy whose silence could speak a thousand of meanings.
Disclaimer : if there’s any mistake or misintepretation of my Deaf character, PLEASE feel free to dm me to correct it❤️it means a lot to me. Thank you!❤️
“You know exactly what to do, right?”
I want to scream “NO!” to his face but I can’t. It’s always the same question for every single time I want to create something on the blank canvas. WHY does he have to think that I always know what to do, when in fact I don’t?! Unknowingly, I grip my pencil too hard.
“Yes, Dad. I know.” I say with gritted teeth and start to sketch.
My hand always slightly trembles whenever it touches the paper—scared and doubtful. But unfortunately my Dad and many people think that it’s my ‘signature’ move.
What the fuck is that, actually? Are they blind, oblivious or simply stupid?
At first, I’m not sure whether to sketch a silhoutte or a bouquet of flowers but then I remember the dream I had last night about an abandoned castle and the dancing trees which surrounds its ground; of course it’s weird but somehow I feel so entertain when I wake up and that even bring a tiny smile to my face; which is a very rare thing to happen for these past 4 years. So yeah, I’m going to sketch my dream instead.
“Sander, focus!”
“I’m already focused.”
Dad shakes his head, “you curved this line too hard,” he points to the twigs. ”Fix it.”
Trying hard not to roll my eyes at him, I do what I’m told. I’ve never been the kind of person who could remember the tiniest bit of their dream but weirdly enough, I can recall almost everything that happened last night. How I suddenly walked in this forest which grass were humming melodiously everytime I stepped on it, the wind was breezy and peaceful and the abandoned castle was not as scary as it sound. In fact, the interior was still as good as new but the hallway was the most attractive of all—it filled with many beautiful and famous paintings all around the world from van Gogh to Frida Kahlo. All I can think of is magical.
If only my life is just the same.
For almost 7 years now, I create something that hopefully could transport people’s imagination to somewhere else, almost like escapism from their own cages. Wish they could expand their views just by looking at my arts. Sadly, this little world—little happy bubble I create for another humans, I can’t even go there, not anymore. Day by day, I feel like a robot. Sure as hell my Dad isn’t the right person for me to talk to about my worries and stuff—he won’t understand, he doesn’t want to understand. He’s a famous oil-painter and his arts are frequently exhibited in the most popular art galleries in the world. He was taking a break for 2 years when Mum died; I was 3 that time. Funny, I never feel sad whenever I think of her. For me, she’s just a distant memory that I could never grasp.
My Dad’s voice startles me and my hand stops instantly.
“What now?” I genuinely ask.
“I think you should take a rest.”
Okay. This is weird.
“But I’m not tired.”
My Dad sighs. His brows furrows, “just do it, son. You can continue later. For now, rest.” And without saying another word, he walks out from the room and closes the door behind him while I just stand there.
I have no fucking idea why he suddenly acts like that. This is the first time since many years ago and I can’t help but feeling curious. Dad is never a warm person around me. All he cares about is to carve me to be someone just like him, to be the perfect artist, to be... everything he were and I used to be so supportive of his ideas, without questioning a single thing; like a good son should be. It all changed though.
For almost 3 years now, I constantly feel hollow and unsatisfy about my arts. Whatever I do to make it right, whenever I try to fix it, these feelings are still there; lingering, waiting for me to collapse at last. Know what? I almost relent. For whatever reason.
If I believe in miracle, maybe this is how it works because I’m still here and doing what I’m supposed to do. But right now, Dad’s right. I need a rest. Maybe even some sleep.
Our art room have a tiny bed in the corner and I sleep there more often that I did in my own room. I used to locked myself in this room for hours just to finish the new art I’m making and Dad never asked if I’m okay or not. Maybe it’s normal for him. The way artist should behave, I guess.
I plop myself on the bed while staring at the white ceiling, waiting for the sleep to take me away. It doesn’t take long for me to finally give in and once again, for so many nights, my heart screams “help...”
School isn’t that hard today. In fact, I enjoy what I learnt. Cubism isn’t my favorite style because it’s too... rigid? I don’t know how to describe it. But the new professor was very clear and creative about it and she made me not wanted to get out of the class and eat in the cafetaria instead. The class dismiss before I know it. Wow. That’s fast.
“Yo, Sandy!”
Without looking I already know who that is because there’s only one person in this world that would call me with the name SANDY and that is Hugo Mulligan; my only friend in the entire school since the day we met as the Freshmen.
“Not in the mood, Mulligan,” I mutter under my breath as I pack stuffs in my red duffel bag. “go away!”
He scoffs, “you’re no fun.”
“And since when Sander Driesen is a fun person to be with?” I retort.
“For once in my life, I agree with you.”
I roll my eyes and he laughs.
“Actually I want to ask you a favour. If you’re not busy today.”
“No. What’s that?”
“I need to go to the bakery and the flower shop.”
“What for?”
Hugo sighs, “today is Violet’s birthday. I told you many times before.”
Oh yeah. His girlfriend’s birthday. An exchanged student from Boston a year ago. Since Hugo met her, he literally never stops talking about how cute and pretty she is—the perfect girl for his dark world, he said, which I thought is bullshit because Hugo’s world is far from dark. I know because I met his family couple times and they’re all lovely, caring and hilarious. Dad as a lawyer, Mum as a chef and two incredibly beautiful male twins who’s not yet 3 years old—Hugo loves them all and it’s clearly seen. So yeah, no ‘dark’ for him at all.
“Earth to Driesen!”
I blink, “yeah, sure. I’ll come.”
“Your Dad is okay with it?”
“He’s in Florence and won’t be back until two days later. It’s fine.”
Hugo claps his hands like a little kid who just got a flashy new toy. A bit overreacted but I never really mind about it. Being friends with someone like him is tiring at some point because his energy seems to never put out but I gradually getting use to it.
“Cool! I’ll drive!”
I never really like to drive my own car. Dad often insists me to use it instead of taking a bus everyday to school and I tell him many times that I don’t want to; probably the only thing that I still hold on against my Dad and I have no regrets, at all.
When me and Hugo finally on the road, he talks about the dinner plan he’s been working on for this past week and my dumbass brain can’t think of anything so I just nod and say “that’s great” as a response. I’m glad he’s too happy about Violet to notices my reaction.
“.... I think it’ll be the perfect opportunity to ask her on a mini getaway for 2 weeks. What do you think?”
“I was thinking about Santorini or Lake Como. Which one do you think is more suitable for her?”
I nearly scoff but hold myself back, “you can take her to Sahara desert and she’s still gonna love you.”
Hugo smiles at my witty remarks, “guess you’re right.” And then he starts to sing loudly to The Weeknd.
We arrive at the bakery not long after. I remember this place is kinda new because it used to be an Italian restaurant. Strange how small detail could take space in your memory, even for an useless information like this.
Though I have to admit that their decoration and cakes are visually pleasing. I even intrigue to try their paris-brest.
“Take whatever you want, Sandy. It’s on me.” Hugo said as he waits in the queue and even gives a smirk when he catches me almost drooling.
“I’ll just take that paris-brest.”
“How many?”
Hugo nods, “sure. Take a seat and wait for me, would you? I won’t be long.”
But of course there isn’t any empty seat left because this place is full. So I go outside and wait there, a bit annoyed that I didn’t bring cigarette with me today.
I watch people passing by and mentally sketching their silhouttes to kill some time but the more I try to make it vivid, the more blur it is in my mind—so I give up. My hands trembles for an unknown reason but obviously not because of the spring breeze.
“I’m done. Let’s go!”
I follow Hugo back to his car and luckily my hands are alright now. The last thing I want Hugo to see was the tremble. I don’t want him to look at me weirdly or worse, concerned.
“Here’s your cake, Sandy.”
If I’m in the mood, I’ll smack his head with my bag for calling me that but today I have no energy.
“Thanks. Gonna eat these at home.”
“You can gobble ‘em up here if you want. I don’t mind.”
I smile, “I’ll save these guys for tonight. Best thing always come late.”
“If you say so,” then Hugo looks at his watch and mutters. “Shit.”
“I completely forgot that the flower shop will closed in 20 minutes! God, I’m so dumb!”
“Is it still far away?”
“About 10 minutes but not with THIS traffic.”
I examine the road and realise that there’s a car crash. The ambulance already there and one of the car is wrecked almost thoroughly. I hope there are no children involved. What a terrifying sight to see.
“Stop looking, Sander,” Hugo says, his tone is always serious whenever he calls me by my real name. “It’s no good.”
“I just hope they’re alright.”
Hugo doesn’t say anything but his hands on the wheel go rigid. I notice that immediately but doesn’t say anything. For more than 2 years we’ve been friends, this is the first time I witness him being like this.
“They’ll be alright. They have to.” His voice sounds icy cold but worries at the same time.
His sudden remark startles me, “I hope so too.”
After that, none of us talk to each other until his car stop near the flower shop. I think there’s nothing special or extravagant about this place, considering how Hugo loves being surrounded by something over the top sometimes. Well, maybe he does have layers that I don’t know yet—especially after what happened earlier.
“You stay?”
“I’ll go with you.”
Because it’s boring to wait alone again rather than curious of what’s inside, to be honest.
“I’m lucky the shop isn’t closed yet,” Hugo says with a shaky breath. “Violet would be pleased, right?”
I smile genuinely, “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, pal. Relax. She’ll love you no matter what.”
He gives me a nervous smile as a response.
When I enter the shop, I’m not surprised how simple but clean this place is. Lots of different scent from each flowers catches my nose almost instantly, all at once and I can’t help but sneezes twice.
“Excuse me.” I say while wiping my mouth with a handkerchief.
“Robbie, my man!”
Hugo half-shouting voice make me jump and I follow his gaze; it’s the shop clerk, a guy around my age with unruly brown hair and a pair of eyes like Bambi, wears a green sweatshirt which a little too big for him.
Did I just say ‘cute’ that loud?
“Huh? What did you say?”
“Cute,” I say a little too quickly. “The flowers. They’re cute.”
I force myself to past a glance to that brown-haired guy and he seems doesn’t catch what I just said about him. Thank God. Even though Hugo still looks at me with bemused expression. He’s the first person who knows that I’m a Pansexual and probably the only person in this world—and I’m not definitely not gonna come out to Dad anytime soon. There’s no use.
“Can we hurry? I’m hungry.” I try to change the subject.
It works. Hugo turns his head again to the cute guy and made some gestures I don’t understand.
Can it be... that guy...
“Robbie,” he mouths while doing all he can to communicates using sign languages. “My flowers for Violet, please.”
The guy named Robbie smile and nod then later went to the back to get Hugo’s order.
“Hugo, does he...”
“Deaf. Yes.”
“Robbie. That’s his real name?”
“No, it’s Robbe but I call him Robbie just like I love to call you Sandy.”
I roll my eyes to my brain, “fuck you, man. You can’t just changed someone else’s name.”
Hugo gives me a smirk, “I just did, Sandy.”
Before I can say anything, Robbe comes back with HUGE bouquet which consists with any kind of red flowers from rose to tulip. I almost sneeze again but successfully hold myself back.
“Don’t you dare sneeze on my precious bouquet, Driesen!”
“I wasn’t.” I retort but give him my most smug face.
“You’re funny.”
“Robbie said you’re funny.”
I look at Robbe and there’s a smile appeared on his face—deadass looking at me in the eyes too. Seems like this guy is very straight-forward and unapologetic.
“Uh... thanks, I guess?”
Robbe shrugs but still smiling. Then he writes something on a piece of paper and gives it to me : “would you like some flowers too? It’s on me.”
I look up, perplex and say, “why?”
He writes again : “because I think you need one :)”
This is interesting.
“Well, okay then. Thank you. What will you give to me?”
Why do I sound more flirty than curious? For God’s sake, he’s a stranger! STRANGER! And I dare to sound like THAT? The fuck is wrong with me?
Hugo snorts beside me. He’s clearly been enjoying himself. But again, I also laughed too hard when he told me the story about him been slipping and falling in front of everybody at his family’s business private party; so yeah, I guess I deserve that snort.
Robbe comes back from the back of the room holding a simple bouquet; there were two Eglantines, one Iris and three Larkspurs. I didn’t speak flowers so I’m not sure why he gives me those but when he hands it to me, I accept it wholeheartedly and say thank you. Robbe smiles and makes some sign that I’m sure it’s meant for “you’re welcome”.
My ears catch a girl’s voice entering the shop. She’s also around my age; with blue eyes, auburn hair and very pretty. Her eyes twinkled like the sun is shining on them.
“Afternoon, everybody,” she says cheerfully and then walks toward Robbe and pecks his lips. “Hey babe! Glad you made new friends.”
So he’s already have a girlfriend and that realisation stings me a little. And I DARED to ‘flirt’ with her boyfriend earlier!
But of course he is. I shouldn’t be surprised. Beside, they looks nice together.
Hugo nudges my arm, “you ready to go?”
I nod and and without saying another word again, I force myself to get out from there. Damn. I should say something to Robbe but I just can’t.
“You okay?”
“Fine. Can we go home now? I’m tired.”
Ever since I broke up with my ex around a year ago because she cheated, my heart always told me not to trust any kind of affection towards other people. I keep questioning myself what did I do wrong, about her and about us—and whenever I ask her about that, she says “it’s not you, it’s ME. I’m sorry. So sorry, Sander!” . But it only took a month for me to forgave her and know what? We’re friends now, even though she moves to another city with her new boyfriend. Sometimes life can be very strange. I thought she’s unforgivable but seem like I can’t hold grudges for too long—Hugo told me that it’s a bad thing but... I don’t know, part of me doesn’t agree with him for an unknown reason.
“He meant well, you know?”
My thoughts bursts like a bubble, “what?”
“Robbe,” Hugo mutters. “With those flowers.”
I look at my new given bouquet, “you know the meaning of these guys?”
“Well, I coincidentally understand the meaning of those,” Hugo says. “You see, my Mum often bring back Iris home to tell the whole house that good news is coming, Larkspur is my Dad’s favorite because it meant “lightness” and you’re gonna find a vase full of them in his study and the last one which is Eglantine is literally speaks for “I wound to heal” , it was my Grandma’s favorite because it reminded her of her childhood home. And that’s that.”
Now I understand why Robbe ‘said’ that I need some of his flowers but the most surprising part was he seems to understand what I feel just by a single glance.
But it can’t be, can it? It can be just a coincidence that he picks those flowers for me. Maybe they’re the most best-seller kinds there and he thought I might like them too.
And I do. I really, really do.
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bugaboowritings · 5 years
Don’t Call Me Bugaboo -
She’s not your Love-Bug
There this one post about how Marinette won’t let anyone call her ‘Bugaboo’ or any bug/cute nickname unless it was from Chat Noir or Adrien. So that inspired me to write this short mess a while back. As it seems cute since this fic does match my url. heheheh- enjoy. 
I think that I may write something more if the idea stay in my head. Like make Clairvoyance into a ‘real’ episode or fic.
   “Silly Bug! Don’t you know that you could get squashed playin’ like that!?”
   Ladybug ran to a harsh stop, her feet stinging with her rough landing. Feeling the extra momentum throw her off the balance if it wasn’t for the grip on her suit. Her breathes escaped hard and heavy out of her nose, trying to catch her breath. Pumping her lungs with fresh adrenaline and oxygen. Glaring at the Akuma through her midnight blue bangs. 
Gripping her yo-yo a little tighter.
“Speak for yourself, Clairvoyance.” 
“More like Clairvo-Annoyance, if you ask me.” Chat Noir mumbled, reaching the scene in time. His fangs sticking out of his lips, shooting a wink to the red heroine. As dumb the joke was, it was a signal of reassurance to calm his LB. Ignoring the disgusted expression from the villain. 
   With baton ready in hand, Chat Noir itching to play offense or if needed, support for his Lady against the Akuma’s tricks. Racking his brain for ways to make the new villain pay or a quick getaway in case the Akuma pulled another foul trick from their sleeves. With the power to the bent reality and see anything in view or out, Clairvoyance proved to be a ‘little’ tricky to sneak around. Being five steps ahead of them before the Miraculous Duo even took one. Driving Ladybug out of her comfort zone as she analyzed the new threat to Paris. 
Clairvoyance scowled at the leather-cat before swiping their glasses. 
  That’s when it clicked in LB’s head. 
  The corrupted butterfly must be in their glasses!
“I’ll make you eat your words, you dirty rat.” 
“Ouch.” Chat winced, rubbing his chest as if Clairvoyance’s words stung his big heart. Chat’s acid eyes fluttered before landing a bitter smile on his pink lips. 
“First off, I’m clearly a cat. I thought that was clear. Second,” He motioned his collar bell, flicking his claws out, “-You better be a purr-fect cook if you gonna make me eat my words.” 
“Might as well cook me and the Lady dinner if you’re offering.” 
Chat’s remakes fell flat once he saw Clairvoyance’s growl turn into a crafty grin. 
“I have plenty of tricks for you to pick from the menu!”
 With a swipe of their hand, black holes appeared on the ground. Quickly expanding to the whole floor, swallowing the solid ground into a void. 
The duo jumped before they could fall into the nothingness or a tunnel that lead to the unknown. Twirling and flipping out of harm’s way as Clairvoyance made more black holes appear with the swipe of their hand. The corners of their thin lips turned up into a sick grin on their periwinkle face the more Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped around, avoiding the danger than grew under their feet. The heroes pushing themselves off the leftover bits of the green grass, trying to reach the edges of the huge stadium or even better- the high bleachers. 
 Chat Noir hopped from piece to piece, feeling himself getting cocky. Opening his mouth to speak, only for a yelp to escape. His boot missed the step and fell back. Feeling the hum of the black hole on his back as he slipped closer and closer to the nothingness. A shot yelp brought Ladybug’s attention to the black cat. Pulling her arm back as her stomach squeezed in anxiousness, launching her yo-yo out to pull her partner out of the vacuum. 
Feeling his weight hang on the edge of her string, she tugged back. Fishing out a black cat into her arms. His hair ruffled and eyes widen once they both realized what had just happened.
“I guess your bad luck never fails.” Ladybug smirked. Not helping to pull her own joke to reassure her kitty. 
“You never fail to swoon me, Bugaboo.” Chat Noir sighs. Ladybug could have sworn that his thin pupils turned into little hearts as he grinned back at her. Her grip on her partner's waist tightened when she tossed her yo-yo up and over a steel beam. Hopefully strong enough to hold them as she pushed her feet from the ground running. 
 Our heroes swung up to the stadium bleaches, away from the black holes that ate away at the once-solid ground. 
Clairvoyance burst out in giggles as the Miraculous Duo struggled to regain their ground. Ladybug holding her yo-yo tightly as Chat Noir pulled out his baton from his back. 
“Woowwwww.” Clairvoyance rolled out their lips. Winking at the team before raising their hands to their glasses. Ready to spit out another obstacle. 
“You’re so slick, Bugaboo.” They chuckled, quickly swiping their hand out to motion another tear in reality, all in hopes to confuse the bug and cat team. Portals stretched out behind the villain, revealing another monster entering the stage floor. 
  “But that cleverness of yours can only last so long.”
Ladybug ground her teeth. Only to drop her frown when she noticed the red and black spots highlighting the ceiling and Chat Noir’s baton. 
Gaining her own smile that confused Clairvoyance but motivated Chat. 
“Don’t call me Bugaboo or I’ll make YOU eat your words.”
“Gross.” Marinette winced as she pulled her arm away. Pressing it against her chest to protect herself. Still feeling the tingle of their touch on her forearm. Causing her to recoil from the man before stepping back. Her heels already tapped the wooden floor, ready to leave and find another seat.
“Oh, don’t be like that, Love-Bug.” The fresh-cut college student cooed. Ready to move a little closer even as Marinette moved back. 
That name just felt wrong as it slipped from his lips and reached her ears. Touching her temples as if she could stop herself from hearing this ‘evil’ or erase it from her memory. 
This guy really wasn’t getting it. 
“Not your Love-Bug, creep,” Marinette said, again. Grabbing her purse before heading out. Deciding that it wasn’t worth getting harrassed to leave her doom room. Just when she thought she had enough of this guy’s behavior, he still dared to grab her by the arm and pull her near. 
Some people don’t know what ‘no’ means until they get a punch, square in the face. 
“Don’t call me Bugaboo.” Ladybug snarled. Snapping shut her yo-yo communicator before facing the monkey behind her. Telling him to knock it off and she slowly gets tired of his jokes. It annoyed her even more than usual since she was cold, ready to detransform, and go home. The weather didn’t help her mood, but Ladybug just pulled her hoodie over her head. 
Ignoring it for now. 
“-Not if you want to make it out of this patrol home safely,” she added, slipping her yo-yo back to her side. Lifting herself up after watching the ground for a moment. Sniffing the bits of cement from cheap construction nearby and smoke of something burning elsewhere. The yellow-lights flickered in the Parisian apartments below her and the wind blew around old trash that cluttered alleyways. There amid the calm and crowded city was Rena’s signal to go. 
Mayura was near. 
Meaning Hawk Moth was closer.
“That’s the call.” Ladybug murmured. Motioning her team of a snake, monkey, and turtle to follow the next step of her plan.
Positioning themselves for her go. Itching to get out there. On the edge from being a still statue to swift blur on the roofs of buildings. 
“Let’s go.” Ladybug being the first to run out before the rest followed suit. 
“Honestly, I think you are over-reacting-”
“Excuse you because it’s the exact opposite going on! You aren’t taking this project seriously.” Marinette huffed. Pulling her bag over her shoulder, which was filled to the papers and folder about the new upcoming line being launched with GUESS. 
“No, Calvin. I don’t want to hear it. We have deadlines and they are not being met. Do something before you force me too.” 
Marching out of the office before getting called out by the marketing team again. Pulling her in their office before Marinette could shake them off. 
“Marinette, hey! Baby-”
Marinette gave her co-worker a dull look, telling them to not push her buttons like they did every other day. Hoping that because she’s still a newbie in the company, she would this pass.  Marinette was growing tired of this and even more with the fact that they seem to see her as a small sister rather than a co-worker. Tugging on the pockets of her bright red coat that had no trouble catching attention. However, today Marinette didn’t want their eyes on her. 
Especially when today was one of those days.
 Where everything’s falling apart and she’s the only one that could manage to put things together. Scolding herself for coming to work early, she should have called in sick or walked the other direction- anything to stop this problem from being hers. Now it was too late to shoulder off this dilemma to someone else. EVEN WHEN THIS ISN’T HER DEPARTMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE!
“Don’t call me Baby, Lorraine. Not until I see those labels up and ready.” Marinette snapped. Leaving the office a quieter place than when she found it. 
“You are so annoying,” LB rolled her eyes as the group of heroes gathered around her. Being the shortest one out of many was a little intimidating, but as leader of the group of superheroes, she got the most respect. Never worry about being interrupted or talked over since whenever she spoke, the crowd hushed itself. Her plans weren’t brushed to the side nor was she. A nice change if you asked her. However, as the leader of this magical squad, she had to be on guard. With more members by her side meant that the danger was something bigger and scarier each time. So this was the first time she had her whole team with her without the stress of an Akuma or giant senti-monster looming over Pairs. It was the first time she could relax around them. 
So for Ladybug smiling like that made some people question what was going on. 
Did the Akuma get her already?
Is this a trap? 
Does she have a big announcement? 
Is she retiring? 
Could today be her birthday?
Chat Noir hopped off the brick wall and gracefully landed on all fours. Bouncing back up as he beams a nice cocky smile to his red ladybug. 
Chat tiles his head to the side, letting his blond locks fall to his face.
 “All in hopes for you to love me more, Bugaboo.” 
 The whole team cringed or pretended to, swooned, or rolled their eyes at that nickname. Others tried to call LB by that, only met with a confused look or a frown. All quickly learning that it was Chat Noir’s thing and Chat Noir was the only person LB would ever allow to call her by that. As tough and determined the Red Miraculous Leader, she had her weak spot -Chat Noir’s clever and sometimes cute nicknames.  
Waiting for an eye-roll from the bug, only to hear her giggle. 
 “Well, you got something right at least.” She smiled. Turning to her team and pretending not to notice the shock on his face before explaining why she called them here today.
“I have a meeting today, check over some of the marketing team’s ideas and then I’ll pick lunch on the way back. Do you need anything, Bugaboo?” The blond asked before adjusting the watch on his wrist. Quickly throwing his scarf around his neck and throwing his brown coat over his broad shoulders. 
“Just drive safe.” Marinette yawned. Tired and cold as the blanket around her chest wasn’t warming her fast enough. Waiting for her coffee machine to beep with her hot cup of caffeine. Envying the man in the doorway for having so much energy in the morning. 
“Always.” Adrien smiled, before kissing her forehead and walking out the door. 
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whereisvanderwood · 4 years
Thirty Day Trial
Along with the final sales of the Vanderwood Zine, we have been given permission to post our full contribution to the zine! I had the privilege to write a short story for the project which indulges my own personal love for coffee shop stories. Thank you to everyone who purchased the zine, and well done to everyone else who contributed! ^^
Anyone could miss it if they tried looking for it. Maybe that's why it was his favourite place; it was his getaway from his everyday life; his escape from the inescapable. Fitting for someone living such a life as he was.
Beyond the Devil's Ivy, draped over the wooden mantle of the footpath, was a glass door. Nothing special about it, but its simplicity was charming. His eyes searched the interior before his fingers curled around the handle. They searched for the familiar messy bun of brown hair bobbing up and down, sported with a new, colourful headscarf every time he visited. He always liked to guess before he saw it, wondering if he really was as good at profiling as his job demanded. Today, she wore mustard yellow.
He fiddled with something in his trademark leopard-print coat. His cheeks were soon dusted in a bright pink, and the thumping in his chest was amplified. Maybe this is a bad idea, he tried convincing himself. Swallowing the nerves, he reeled back his ambiguity, and finally opened the door.
Greenery was hung from multiple corners of the shop. Potted plants of a wide variety sat cozily on floating wooden shelves that stretched across the walls, contrasting beautifully against the birch. Ground coffee beans, mixed with the smell of fresh petrichor from cracked open windows, created a flowery, nut-smelling incense, and his muscles melted at the first whiff. The door's corner bell rung and staff members called out a welcome while they carried several trays of steaming coffee. The rest, meanwhile, paused as they recognised the old face.
"Nice to see you again, Vanderwood," they smiled and nodded, speaking his name with a tinge more gusto. This caught the attention of the one behind the coffee machine, the girl in the yellow headscarf. She stood on her tippy-toes and peered over the top.
"Same to you," he greeted back. His gaze caught the girl's, and she lowered herself out of sight. He thought it was an odd look she gave him, but thought not much of it while he took a seat in front of her at the bar.
He folded his arms atop the counter, watching her oddly glare at the milk jug under the steam wand. "Hey," he tried to get her attention.
She didn't respond.
"Uhh, hello?" he tried again, but still received the cold silence. "Remember me?"
The girl slammed the jug down on the bench, some milk splashing onto her cheek. She ignored it and poured the foam into the cup, showing a poor attempt at latte art. She then carelessly set the cup onto the saucer, wobbling enough to spill it over the plate, but she didn't seem to care as she took it to a gentleman sitting by the window, who gave the barista a disapproving shake. Vanderwood, thinking he'd seen her enough to know she always took the time to perfect the art of coffee-making with great precision, was taken aback at this sight. He'd never seen her like this before. He glanced at the other staff nearby, their attention caught at the girl's noisy behaviour, hoping for an explanation. They shrugged, only having known as much as he did as to why she was acting the way she was.
"MC, are you mad at me?" he tried a third time.
"Mm hm," she grumbled.
"What? Why?"
She ignored him again.
"I haven't even been here to do anything—"
Vanderwood cut himself off, slack-jawed as realisation dawned on him. He looked at nothing in particular while he thought before looking back to MC. Her eyes finally met his, but they were wide open with eyebrows raised, unimpressed. 'There you go; you figured it out,' her expression read.
"I'm sorry. There were things I had to do."
"Like what?" she quickly bit back.
What Vanderwood wanted to say, the truth he wanted to share with no consequence, was caught on his tongue. He was always telling himself that going to the same place, over and over, for too long was dangerous, and only a recipe for disappointment. For all he knew, the man MC served her coffee to, keeping his head low behind the newspaper he read, was an enemy informant. The other barista, young and hippy with oval optics, tall and muscular, could be a field agent in disguise. He knew better than anyone that looks were deceiving.
He awkwardly cleared his throat. "I got called into work."
"It was awfully good timing, if you ask me," MC argued.
"What the hell does that mean?" 
"You're going to tell me you don't remember an inkling of our last conversation?"
"Hey, come on. It was at least a few months ago."
"Not even the mood?"
Vanderwood, perturbed by her reactions, let his frustration slip. "It seems like the more you ask, the more upset you get. How many times do you want me to say I don't remember?"
She leaned down to the same height as he was, her face in her hands while her cheeks went rosy peach, and sighed in defeat. He sat there, addled. Yet, he couldn't help feeling a shred of enjoyment, undeterred by both sides being as agitated as they were. He couldn't let himself stay feeling that way, not for as long as it was her he was talking to. They hadn't spoken this way before—it was all small talk with some sugar-coated comments here and there up until then. This felt real. Authentic. He liked it.
Her eyes peered from between her fingers. "So, I have to spell it out to you, all over again."
"Seems to be the case,” he shrugged.
Clearly feeling awkward, MC tapped the bench, made some funny mouth noises, and groaned. It took some time before she bit the bullet and put words to her turning thoughts.
"What I was trying to say, before you left so quickly," she began, "was... maybe we could, I don't know, get to know each other."
"I thought we broke the ice ages ago. I know who's in your family, your hobbies, your favourite band—"
"No, I don't mean like that," she huffed. "I meant the other way."
Vanderwood wasn't proud of having 'analysed' MC's body language at their first meeting. It was a tactic used only to observe his enemies that allowed him to calculate the best method of dispatch; to turn their weaknesses against them. He felt as though it would betray the trust MC had naively, in his perception, placed in him. But in this case, he couldn't help but give in to temptation. He wanted to understand her.
He watched her eyes nervously shift to all corners of the room, saw how she bit her lower lip and tapped her fingers across the bartop, trying to uncover her intentions. At last, when he'd connected the dots, he realised he'd seen this language before in many of his foes' paired assignments, and was the exact Achilles’ heel he often exploited in many of his missions.
His hand shifted to cover half of his mouth when he finally caught on. "Oh... you mean 'that' way." His words were muffled.
"Yes, 'that' way," MC reiterated. "I know we've only known each other as the customer and the  barista for however long you've been coming by, but you seem like you would be a nice person to get to know and I, I don't know, I feel like I'm always lonely here when you're not around..."
Yes, I feel the same way! 
His heart cried out, but he did well to keep it concealed. He didn't realise his hand had reached into his pocket at her words, and balled it tightly into a fist, gripping onto the gift. He couldn't bring himself to take it out again. He understood what he'd be doing if he did.
I want to get to know you, too.
 "I don't think that's a good idea."
"What? Why not?" She stammered.
"You wouldn't want to stick around a guy like me. I made you wait for all those months and didn't even think to consider your feelings. You really want to 'get to know' a guy like that?"
MC looked down at her twiddling thumbs. "I... I realise now that you probably had a good reason for not coming by. A-And it's not really fair of me to expect you to when you have a busy life of your own. I'm sorry."
Vanderwood's fist slowly began to loosen. "No, I am. I shouldn't have kept coming. There are reasons why I never stay in one place for long."
"You sound like a man on the run," MC mused. "Sounds adventurous."
"Try 'dangerous'. My situation is... complicated."
"Isn't everyone's?"
"No, you don't understand, MC." He took a moment to look side to side, checking for any watchful eyes of customers. "I can't be close to anyone. No friends, family, colleagues, no one. Even if we were to... you know... it would never work." His voice fell flat, his words drifting away with the cafe ambience.
"How about this--" she began with a new spurt of confidence in her, "give me one month."
"What?" He raised his head. "For what?"
"To change your mind. For one month, I'll be ‘someone 'close' to you. And if you hate it, I won't bother you again. But you have to give it thirty days. That’s the deal."
Vanderwood unfolded his arms and placed his hands flat on the bar. "No. You don't know what you're getting yourself into."
 MC mimicked his actions. "You don't know what you're missing out on."
"I do, and I don't need it."
"But you know you want it."
"Stop goading me."
"Not until I win."
Vanderwood ran a hand through his hair. He grumbled something under his breath with his forehead on the counter, like he was throwing a tantrum. After some time passed, he was still in complete silence, leaving MC to wait anxiously.
Finally he spoke, lifting one finger above his head. "One month. That's it."
"I won't say I told you so when it all goes to hell... But if you want this to work, we have to do things my way, got it?" His face was stern, but there was a glimmer in his eye and a tug on his lips.
MC, on the other hand, was euphoric. The jitters of asking someone on a date returned to her all at once and her knees were a wobbling mess. Her heart was thumping wildly, but she did well to keep herself in check. She couldn't help but let a fist pump under the counter slide, though. 
"Then it's a date," she beamed.
"I guess, since we're doing this and all..." Vanderwood reached back into his pocket and pulls from it the leopard-print headscarf he'd been carrying with him for the past number of weeks, and sheepishly held it out to her. "I-I got you something. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to."
“You… got this for me?” She delicately plucked the fabric from his fingers. She looked it over, twirling it in her grasp, running her thumbs across the cotton as though it were delicate silk.
In the next moment, she undid her yellow headscarf, her hair falling elegantly onto her shoulders. Vanderwood had never seen her with her hair down before. He watched on as she effortlessly perfected her trademark hair-do with her new accessory. He suddenly felt the need to remove his heavy coat, the room suddenly a hot sauna.
"See? You can do this--you’re already getting your girlfriend a present,” she beamed.
“Easy on the girlfriend talk. It’ll take the first twenty-nine days to get used to hearing that.”
“Oh, I can fix that. You’re going to have the best thirty days of your life.”
Thank you @vandyzine for the opportunity to take part in this! It’s been great working with you all :)
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